All posts by Nima Fotouhi

How to use AWS Secrets Manager and ABAC for enhanced secrets management in Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Nima Fotouhi original

In this post, we show you how to apply attribute-based access control (ABAC) while you store and manage your Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (Amazon EKS) workload secrets in AWS Secrets Manager, and then retrieve them by integrating Secrets Manager with Amazon EKS using External Secrets Operator to define more fine-grained and dynamic AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission policies for accessing secrets.

It’s common to manage numerous workloads in an EKS cluster, each necessitating access to a distinct set of secrets. You can verify adherence to the principle of least privilege by creating separate permission policies for each workload to restrict their access. To scale and reduce overhead, Amazon Web Services (AWS) recommends using ABAC to manage workloads’ access to secrets. ABAC helps reduce the number of permission policies needed to scale with your environment.

What is ABAC?

In IAM, a traditional authorization approach is known as role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC sets permissions based on a person’s job function, commonly known as IAM roles. To enforce RBAC in IAM, distinct policies for various job roles are created. As a best practice, only the minimum permissions required for a specific role are granted (principle of least privilege), which is achieved by specifying the resources that the role can access. A limitation of the RBAC model is its lack of flexibility. Whenever new resources are introduced, you must modify policies to permit access to the newly added resources.

Attribute-based access control (ABAC) is an approach to authorization that assigns permissions in accordance with attributes, which in the context of AWS are referred to as tags. You create and add tags to your IAM resources. You then create and configure ABAC policies to permit operations requested by a principal when there’s a match between the tags of the principal and the resource. When a principal uses temporary credentials to make a request, its associated tags come from session tags, incoming transitive sessions tags, and IAM tags. The principal’s IAM tags are persistent, but session tags, and incoming transitive session tags are temporary and set when the principal assumes an IAM role. Note that AWS tags are attached to AWS resources, whereas session tags are only valid for the current session and expire with the session.

How External Secrets Operator works

External Secrets Operator (ESO) is a Kubernetes operator that integrates external secret management systems including Secrets Manager with Kubernetes. ESO provides Kubernetes custom resources to extend Kubernetes and integrate it with Secrets Manager. It fetches secrets and makes them available to other Kubernetes resources by creating Kubernetes Secrets. At a basic level, you need to create an ESO SecretStore resource and one or more ESO ExternalSecret resources. The SecretStore resource specifies how to access the external secret management system (Secrets Manager) and allows you to define ABAC related properties (for example, session tags and transitive tags).

You declare what data (secret) to fetch and how the data should be transformed and saved as a Kubernetes Secret in the ExternalSecret resource. The following figure shows an overview of the process for creating Kubernetes Secrets. Later in this post, we review the steps in more detail.

Figure 1: ESO process

Figure 1: ESO process

How to use ESO for ABAC

Before creating any ESO resources, you must make sure that the operator has sufficient permissions to access Secrets Manager. ESO offers multiple ways to authenticate to AWS. For the purpose of this solution, you will use the controller’s pod identity. To implement this method, you configure the ESO service account to assume an IAM role for service accounts (IRSA), which is used by ESO to make requests to AWS.

To adhere to the principle of least privilege and verify that each Kubernetes workload can access only its designated secrets, you will use ABAC policies. As we mentioned, tags are the attributes used for ABAC in the context of AWS. For example, principal and secret tags can be compared to create ABAC policies to deny or allow access to secrets. Secret tags are static tags assigned to secrets symbolizing the workload consuming the secret. On the other hand, principal (requester) tags are dynamically modified, incorporating workload specific tags. The only viable option to dynamically modifying principal tags is to use session tags and incoming transitive session tags. However, as of this writing, there is no way to add session and transitive tags when assuming an IRSA. The workaround for this issue is role chaining and passing session tags when assuming downstream roles. ESO offers role chaining, meaning that you can refer to one or more IAM roles with access to Secrets Manager in the SecretStore resource definition, and ESO will chain them with its IRSA to access secrets. It also allows you to define session tags and transitive tags to be passed when ESO assumes the IAM roles with its primary IRSA. The ability to pass session tags allows you to implement ABAC and compare principal tags (including session tags) with secret tags every time ESO sends a request to Secrets Manager to fetch a secret. The following figure shows ESO authentication process with role chaining in one Kubernetes namespace.

Figure 2: ESO AWS authentication process with role chaining (single namespace)

Figure 2: ESO AWS authentication process with role chaining (single namespace)

Architecture overview

Let’s review implementing ABAC with a real-world example. When you have multiple workloads and services in your Amazon EKS cluster, each service is deployed in its own unique namespace, and service secrets are stored in Secrets Manager and tagged with a service name (key=service, value=service name). The following figure shows the required resources to implement ABAC with EKS and Secrets Manager.

Figure 3: Amazon EKS secrets management with ABAC

Figure 3: Amazon EKS secrets management with ABAC


Deploy the solution

Begin by installing ESO:

  1. From a terminal where you usually run your helm commands, run the following helm command to add an ESO helm repository.
    helm repo add external-secrets

  2. Install ESO using the following helm command in a terminal that has access to your target Amazon EKS cluster:
    helm install external-secrets \
       external-secrets/external-secrets \
        -n external-secrets \
        --create-namespace \
       --set installCRDs=true 

  3. To verify ESO installation, run the following command. Make sure you pass the same namespace as the one you used when installing ESO:
    kubectl get pods -n external-secrets

See the ESO Getting started documentation page for more information on other installation methods, installation options, and how to uninstall ESO.

Create an IAM role to access Secrets Manager secrets

You must create an IAM role with access to Secrets Manager secrets. Start by creating a customer managed policy to attach to your role. Your policy should allow reading secrets from Secrets Manager. The following example shows a policy that you can create for your role:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Effect": "Allow",k
			"Action": [
			"Resource": "*"
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": <KMS Key ARN>
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [ 
			"Resource": "*",
			"Condition": {
				"StringEquals": {
					"secretsmanager:ResourceTag/ekssecret": "${aws:PrincipalTag/ekssecret}"

Consider the following in this policy:

  • Secrets Manager uses an AWS managed key for Secrets Manager by default to encrypt your secrets. It’s recommended to specify another encryption key during secret creation and have separate keys for separate workloads. Modify the resource element of the second policy statement and replace <KMS Key ARN> with the KMS key ARNs used to encrypt your secrets. If you use the default key to encrypt your secrets, you can remove this statement.
  • The policy statement conditionally allows access to all secrets. The condition element permits access only when the value of the principal tag, identified by the key service, matches the value of the secret tag with the same key. You can include multiple conditions (in separate statements) to match multiple tags.

After you create your policy, follow the guide for Creating IAM roles to create your role, attaching the policy you created. Use the default value for your role’s trust relationship for now, you will update the trust relationship in the next step. Note the role’s ARN after creation.

Create an IAM role for the ESO service account

Use eksctl to create the IAM role for the ESO service account (IRSA). Before creating the role, you must create an IAM policy. ESO IRSA only needs permission to assume the Secrets Manager access role that you created in the previous step.

  1. Use the following example of an IAM policy that you can create. Replace <Secrets Manager Access Role ARN> with the ARN of the role you created in the previous step and follow creating a customer managed policy to create the policy. After creating the policy, note the policy ARN.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "<Secrets Manager Access Role ARN>"

  2. Next, run the following command to get the account name of the ESO service. You will see a list of service accounts, pick the one that has the same name as your helm release, in this example, the service account is external-secrets.
    kubectl get serviceaccounts -n external-secrets

  3. Next, create an IRSA and configure an ESO service account to assume the role. Run the following command to create a new role and associate it with the ESO service account. Replace the variables in brackets (<example>) with your specific information:
    eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name <ESO service account> \
    --namespace <ESO namespace> --cluster <cluster name> \
    --role-name <IRSA name> --override-existing-serviceaccounts \
    --attach-policy-arn <policy arn you created earlier> --approve

    You can validate the operation by following the steps listed in Configuring a Kubernetes service account to assume an IAM role. Note that you had to pass the ‑‑override-existing-serviceaccounts argument because the ESO service account was already created.

  4. After you’ve validated the operation, run the following command to retrieve the IRSA ARN (replace <IRSA name> with the name you used in the previous step):
    aws iam get-role --role-name <IRSA name> --query Role.Arn

  5. Modify the trust relationship of the role you created previously and limit it to your newly created IRSA. The following should resemble your trust relationship. Replace <IRSA Arn> with the IRSA ARN returned in the previous step:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:root"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
                "Condition": {
                    "ArnEquals": {
                        "aws:PrincipalArn": "<IRSA Arn>"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "<IRSA Arn>"
                "Action": "sts:TagSession",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringLike": {
                        "aws:RequestTag/ekssecret": "*"

Note that you will be using session tags to implement ABAC. When using session tags, trust policies for all roles connected to the identity provider (IdP) passing the tags must have the sts:TagSession permission. For roles without this permission in the trust policy, the AssumeRole operation fails.

Moreover, the condition block of the second statement limits ESO’s ability to pass session tags with the key name ekssecret. We’re using this condition to verify that the ESO role can only create session tags used for accessing secrets manager, and doesn’t gain the ability to set principal tags that might be used for any other purpose. This way, you’re creating a namespace to help prevent further privilege escalations or escapes.

Create secrets in Secrets Manager

You can create two secrets in Secrets Manager and tag them.

  1. Follow the steps in Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret to create two secrets named service1_secret and service2_secret. Add the following tags to your secrets:
    • service1_secret:
      • key=ekssecret, value=service1
    • service2_secret:
      • key=ekssecret, value=service2
  2. Run the following command to verify both secrets are created and tagged properly:
    aws secretsmanager list-secrets --query 'SecretList[*].{Name:Name, Tags:Tags}'

Create ESO objects in your cluster

  1. Create two namespaces in your cluster:
    ❯ kubectl create ns service1-ns
    ❯ kubectl create ns service2-ns

Assume that service1-ns hosts service1 and service2-ns hosts service2. After creating the namespaces for your services, verify that each service is restricted to accessing secrets that are tagged with a specific key-value pair. In this example the key should be ekssecret and the value should match the name of the corresponding service. This means that service1 should only have access to service1_secret, while service2 should only have access to service2_secret. Next, declare session tags in SecretStore object definitions.

  1. Edit the following command snippet using the text editor of your choice and replace every instance of <Secrets Manager Access Role ARN> with the ARN of the IAM role you created earlier to access Secrets Manager secrets. Copy and paste the edited command in your terminal and run it to create a .yaml file in your working directory that contains the SecretStore definitions. Make sure to change the AWS Region to reflect the Region of your Secrets Manager.
    cat > secretstore.yml <<EOF
    kind: SecretStore
      name: aws-secretsmanager
      namespace: service1-ns
          service: SecretsManager
          role: <Secrets Manager Access Role ARN>
          region: us-west-2
            - key: ekssecret
              value: service1
    kind: SecretStore
      name: aws-secretsmanager
      namespace: service2-ns
          service: SecretsManager
          role: <Secrets Manager Access Role ARN>
          region: us-west-2
            - key: ekssecret
              value: service2

  2. Create SecretStore objects by running the following command:
    kubectl apply -f secretstore.yml

  3. Validate object creation by running the following command:
    kubectl describe -A

  4. Check the status and events section for each object and make sure the store is validated.
  5. Next, create two ExternalSecret objects requesting service1_secret and service2_secret. Copy and paste the following command in your terminal and run it. The command will create a .yaml file in your working directory that contains ExternalSecret definitions.
    cat > exrternalsecret.yml <<EOF
    kind: ExternalSecret
      name: service1-es1
      namespace: service1-ns
      refreshInterval: 1h
        name: aws-secretsmanager
        kind: SecretStore
        name: service1-ns-secret1
        creationPolicy: Owner
      - secretKey: service1_secret
          key: "service1_secret"
    kind: ExternalSecret
      name: service2-es2
      namespace: service2-ns
      refreshInterval: 1h
        name: aws-secretsmanager
        kind: SecretStore
        name: service1-ns-secret2
        creationPolicy: Owner
      - secretKey: service2_secret
          key: "service2_secret"

  6. Run the following command to create objects:
    kubectl apply -f exrternalsecret.yml

  7. Verify the objects are created by running following command:
    kubectl get -A

  8. Each ExternalSecret object should create a Kubernetes secret in the same namespace it was created in. Kubernetes secrets are accessible to services in the same namespace. To demonstrate that both Service A and Service B has access to their secrets, run the following command.
    kubectl get secrets -A

You should see service1-ns-secret1 created in service1-ns namespace which is accessible to Service 1, and service1-ns-secret2 created in service2-ns which is accessible to Service2.

Try creating an ExternalSecrets object in service1-ns referencing service2_secret. Notice that your object shows SecretSyncedError status. This is the expected behavior, because ESO passes different session tags for ExternalSecret objects in each namespace, and when the tag where key is ekssecret doesn’t match the secret tag with the same key, the request will be rejected.

What about AWS Secrets and Configuration Provider (ASCP)?

Amazon offers a capability called AWS Secrets and Configuration Provider (ASCP), which allows applications to consume secrets directly from external stores, including Secrets Manager, without modifying the application code. ASCP is actively maintained by AWS, which makes sure that it remains up to date and aligned with the latest features introduced in Secrets Manager. See How to use AWS Secrets & Configuration Provider with your Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI driver to learn more about how to use ASCP to retrieve secrets from Secrets Manager.

Today, customers who use AWS Fargate with Amazon EKS can’t use the ASCP method due to the incompatibility of daemonsets on Fargate. Kubernetes also doesn’t provide a mechanism to add specific claims to JSON web tokens (JWT) used to assume IAM roles. Today, when using ASCP in Kubernetes, which assumes IAM roles through IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA), there’s a constraint in appending session tags during the IRSA assumption due to JWT claim restrictions, limiting the ability to implement ABAC.

With ESO, you can create Kubernetes Secrets and have your pods retrieve secrets from them instead of directly mounting secrets as volumes in your pods. ESO is also capable of using its controller pod’s IRSA to retrieve secrets, so you don’t need to set up IRSA for each pod. You can also role chain and specify secondary roles to be assumed by ESO IRSA and pass session tags to be used with ABAC policies. ESO’s role chaining and ABAC capabilities help decrease the number of IAM roles required for secrets retrieval. See Leverage AWS secrets stores from EKS Fargate with External Secrets Operator on the AWS Containers blog to learn how to use ESO on an EKS Fargate cluster to consume secrets stored in Secrets Manager.


In this blog post, we walked you through how to implement ABAC with Amazon EKS and Secrets Manager using External Secrets Operator. Implementing ABAC allows you to create a single IAM role for accessing Secrets Manager secrets while implementing granular permissions. ABAC also decreases your team’s overhead and reduces the risk of misconfigurations. With ABAC, you require fewer policies and don’t need to update existing policies to allow access to new services and workloads.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Nima Fotouhi

Nima Fotouhi

Nima is a Security Consultant at AWS. He’s a builder with a passion for infrastructure as code (IaC) and policy as code (PaC) and helps customers build secure infrastructure on AWS. In his spare time, he loves to hit the slopes and go snowboarding.

Sandeep Singh

Sandeep is a DevOps Consultant at AWS Professional Services. He focuses on helping customers in their journey to the cloud and within the cloud ecosystem by building performant, resilient, scalable, secure, and cost-efficient solutions.

How to create an AMI hardening pipeline and automate updates to your ECS instance fleet

Post Syndicated from Nima Fotouhi original

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a comprehensive managed container orchestrator that simplifies the deployment, maintenance, and scalability of container-based applications. With Amazon ECS, you can deploy your containerized application as a standalone task, or run a task as part of a service in your cluster. The Amazon ECS infrastructure for tasks includes Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances in the AWS Cloud, serverless (AWS Fargate) in the AWS Cloud, or on-premises virtual machines (VMs) or servers. You can enable auto-scaling for Amazon ECS capacity providers when using EC2 instances, allowing your infrastructure to dynamically adjust based on workload demands. You define the infrastructure type or the capacity providers where you deploy your tasks or services.

You can choose EC2 instances as the computing resources for your ECS cluster, which allows you to control your cluster’s underlying infrastructure, including the size of EC2 instances, the instance operating system, and extra security controls required by a compliance framework. AWS recommends that you use Amazon ECS-optimized Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), which are set up with the requirements and recommendations to efficiently run your container workloads on Amazon Linux instances. We recommend that you refresh your container instances fleet with the latest ECS-optimized AMIs to include the latest bug fixes and feature updates. However, managing and updating your container instance fleet might become complex as your Amazon ECS workload grows.

In this blog post, I will show you how to create a workflow to enhance Amazon ECS-optimized AMIs by using the CIS Docker Benchmark and automatically updating your EC2 instances in your ECS cluster with the newly created AMIs.

Overview of CIS Docker Benchmark

The CIS Docker Benchmark provides prescriptive guidance for establishing a secure configuration posture for a Docker container engine, container host, container images and build files. The CIS Docker Benchmark has seven sections about Docker and container security:

  1. Host configuration
  2. Docker daemon configuration
  3. Docker daemon configuration files
  4. Container images and build file configuration
  5. Container runtime configuration
  6. Docker security operations
  7. Docker swarm configuration

The solution described in this post covers sections 1, 2, and 3 of the CIS Docker Benchmark, including security recommendations to prepare the host machine used for Amazon ECS workloads, securing the behavior of the Docker daemon (server), and securing Docker-related files and directory permissions and ownerships. However, the solution doesn’t implement all of the controls listed in these three sections. For a complete list of controls implemented, see the solution’s repository.

Solution overview

EC2 Image Builder is a fully managed AWS service, designed to simplify the process of creating, handling, and implementing server images that are custom, secure, and consistently updated. For this solution, you will deploy an EC2 Image Builder pipeline to apply the CIS Docker Benchmarks to an Amazon ECS-optimized AMI and use the created AMI to refresh the Amazon ECS instance fleet. This solution is customizable, so you can select the security controls to harden your base AMI. You can also specify cluster tags during CloudFormation template deployment; these tags will filter the ECS clusters that you have included in the Amazon EC2 instance refresh process. I’ve provided an AWS CloudFormation template that you can use to provision the necessary resources.

Figure 1: Amazon ECS instance refresh workflow

Figure 1: Amazon ECS instance refresh workflow

As shown in Figure 1, the solution involves the following steps:

  1. EC2 Image Builder
    1. The AMI image pipeline downloads the ansible playbook from the S3 bucket, and runs it against the base image.
    2. The pipeline publishes the hardened AMI.
    3. The pipeline validates the benchmarks applied to the base image and publishes the results to a test results S3 bucket. It also invokes Amazon Inspector to run a vulnerability scan on the published image.
  2. State machine initiation
    1. When the AMI is successfully published, the pipeline publishes a message to the AMI status SNS topic. The SNS topic invokes the State machine initiation Lambda function.
    2. The State machine initiation Lambda function extracts the image ID of the published AMI and uses it as the input to initiate the state machine.
  3. State machine
    1. The first state gathers information related to Amazon ECS clusters, including the capacity providers for the EC2 auto scaling group. It creates a new launch template version with the hardened AMI image ID for the EC2 auto scaling group.
    2. The second state uses the new launch template to initiate an instance refresh for the EC2 auto scaling group.
  4. Instance refresh status update
    1. The instance refresh rule selects the auto scaling group instance refresh events (failure, success, and cancellation events) and sends them to the Instance refresh status SNS topic.
    2. The Instance refresh status SNS topic sends an email on the instance refresh status to subscribers.
  5. Image update reminder
    1. A weekly scheduled rule invokes the Image update reminder Lambda function.
    2. The Image update reminder Lambda function retrieves the value for LatestECSOptimizedAMI from the CloudFormation template, and extracts the last modified date of the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI used as the base image in the EC2 Image Builder pipeline. It compares the last modified date of the AMI with the creation date of the latest AMI published by the pipeline. If a new base image is available, it publishes a message to the image update reminder SNS topic.
    3. The Image update reminder SNS topic sends a message to subscribers notifying them of a new base image. You need to create a new version of your image recipe to update it with the new AMI.


To follow along with this walkthrough, make sure that you have the following prerequisites in place:


To deploy the solution, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Download or clone the repository

The first step is to download or clone the solution’s repository.

To download the repository

  1. Go to the main page of the repository on GitHub.
  2. Choose Code, and then choose Download ZIP.

To clone the repository

  1. Make sure that you have Git installed.
  2. Run the following command in your terminal:

git clone

Step 2: Create an S3 bucket

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. An S3 bucket is a container for objects stored on Amazon S3. For this walkthrough, you need to create an S3 bucket and copy the content of the ansible folder to your newly created bucket. Make a note of your S3 bucket name because you will need it in the next step.

Step 3: Create the CloudFormation stack

In this step, you deploy the solution’s resources by creating a CloudFormation stack using the provided CloudFormation template. Sign in to your account and choose an AWS Region where you want to create the stack. Make sure that the Region you choose supports the services used by this solution. To create the stack, follow the steps in Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console. Note that you need to provide values for the parameters defined in the template to deploy the stack. The following table lists the parameters that you need to provide.

Parameter Description
AnsiblePlaybookArguments ansible-playbook command arguments
AnsiblePlaybookBucket S3 bucket name containing ansible playbook
CloudFormationUpdaterEventBridgeRuleState Amazon EventBridge rule that invokes the Lambda function that checks for a new version of the EC2 Image Builder parent image
ClusterTags Tags in JSON format to filter the ECS clusters that you want to update
ComponentName Name of the EC2 Image Builder component
DistributionConfigurationName Name of the EC2 Image Builder distribution configuration
EnableImageScanning Choose whether or not to enable Amazon Inspector image scanning
ImagePipelineName Name of the EC2 Image Builder pipeline
InfrastructureConfigurationName Name of the EC2 Image Builder infrastructure configuration
InstanceType EC2 Image Builder infrastructure configuration EC2 instance type
LatestECSOptimizedAMI ECS-optimized AMI parameter name; for more info, see Retrieving Amazon ECS-optimized AMI metadata
libDockerVolumeSize Container partition size in gigabytes (GB)
libDockerVolumeType Container partition volume type
RecipeName Name of the EC2 Image Builder recipe
RootVolumeSize AMI root partition volume size in GB
RootVolumeType AMI root partition volume type

Step 4: Set up Amazon SNS topic subscribers

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a web service that coordinates and manages the delivery or sending of messages to subscribing endpoints or clients. An Amazon SNS topic is a logical access point that acts as a communication channel.

The solution in this post creates three Amazon SNS topics to keep you informed of each step of the process. The following is a list of the topics that the solution creates and their purpose.

  • AMI status topic – a message is published to this topic upon successful creation of an AMI.
  • Image update reminder topic – a message is published to this topic if a newer version of the base Amazon ECS-optimized AMI is published by AWS.
  • Instance refresh status topic – a message is published to this topic each time that an ECS cluster capacity provider gets an instance fleet refresh.

You need to manually modify the subscriptions for each topic to receive messages published to that topic.

To modify the subscriptions for the topics created by the CloudFormation template

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SNS console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Subscriptions.
  3. On the Subscriptions page, choose Create subscription.
  4. On the Create subscription page, in the Details section, do the following:
    • For Topic ARN, choose the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of one of the topics that the CloudFormation topic created.
    • For Protocol, choose Email.
    • For Endpoint, enter the endpoint value. In our example, this is an email address, such as the email address of a distribution list.
    • Choose Create subscription.
  5. Repeat the preceding steps for the other two topics.

Step 5: Run the pipeline

The EC2 Image Builder pipeline that the solution creates consists of an image recipe with one component, an infrastructure configuration, and a distribution configuration. I’ve set up the image recipe to create an AMI, select a base image, choose components, and define block device mapping. There’s only one component where building and testing steps are defined. For the building step, the solution creates a separate partition for /var/lib/docker and mounts it to a dedicated device specified in the image recipe. It then applies the CIS Docker Benchmark ansible playbook and cleans up the unnecessary files and folders. In the test step, the solution runs Amazon inspector, a continuous assessment service that scans your AWS workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure, and Docker Bench for Security. Optionally, you can create your own components and associate them with the image recipe to make further modifications on the base image.

You will need to manually run the pipeline by using either the AWS Management Console or AWC CLI.

To run the pipeline (console)

  1. Open the EC2 Image Builder console.
  2. From the pipeline details page, choose the name of your pipeline.
  3. From the Actions menu at the top of the page, select Run pipeline.

To run the pipeline (AWS CLI)

  1. Make sure that you have properly configured your AWS CLI.
  2. Run the following command. Replace <pipeline region> with your own information.

aws imagebuilder list-image-pipelines –region <pipeline region>

  1. From the list of pipelines, find the pipeline named ECSAnsiblePipeline and note the pipeline ARN, which you will use in the next step.
  2. Run the pipeline. Make sure to replace <pipeline arn> and <region> with your own information.

aws imagebuilder start-image-pipeline-execution –image-pipeline-arn <pipeline arn> –region <region>

The following is a process overview of the image hardening and instance refresh:

  1. Image hardening – when you start the pipeline, EC2 Image Builder creates the required infrastructure to build your AMI, applies the ansible playbook (CIS Docker Benchmark) to the base AMI, and publishes the hardened AMI. A message is published to the AMI status topic as well.
  2. Image testing – after publishing the AMI, EC2 Image Builder scans the newly created AMI with Amazon Inspector and reports the findings back. It also runs Docker Bench for Security to verify the changes that the ansible playbook made to the base AMI and publishes the results to an S3 bucket.
  3. State machine initiation – after a new AMI is successfully published, the AMI status topic invokes the State machine initiation Lambda function. The Lambda function invokes the instance refresh state machine and passes on the AMI info.
  4. Instance refresh – the instance refresh state machine has two steps:
    1. Gather cluster information – a Lambda function gathers information regarding EC2 capacity providers and their associated auto scaling groups. For each auto scaling group, it creates a new launch template and includes the hardened AMI information. When you create the CloudFormation stack, if you pass a tag or a list of tags, only clusters with matching tags are processed in this step.
    2. Auto scaling group instance refresh – the state machine uses the output of the first Lambda function (first state) and starts instance refresh for auto scaling groups in parallel (second state). An EventBridge rule publishes a message to the Instance refresh status topic upon successful refresh of each auto scaling group.

This solution also creates an EventBridge rule that is invoked weekly. This rule invokes the Image update reminder Lambda function, and notifies you if a new version of your base AMI has been published by AWS so that you can run the pipeline and update your hardened AMI.


In this blog post, you learned how to create a workflow to harden Amazon ECS-optimized AMIs by using the CIS Docker Benchmark and to automate the refresh of EC2 instances in your ECS clusters. This automated workflow has several advantages. First, it helps ensure a consistent and standardized process for image hardening, reducing potential human errors and inconsistencies. By automating the entire process, you can apply security and compliance standards across your instances. Second, the tight integration with AWS Step Functions enables smooth, orchestrated updates to the ECS cluster instances, enhancing the reliability and predictability of deployments. This automation also reduces manual intervention, helping you achieve time savings so that your teams can focus on more value-driven tasks. Moreover, this systematic approach helps to enhance the security posture of your Amazon ECS workloads because you can address vulnerabilities rapidly and systematically, helping to keep the environment resilient against potential threats.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Nima Fotouhi

Nima Fotouhi

Nima is a Security Consultant at AWS. He’s a builder with a passion for infrastructure as code (IaC) and policy as code (PaC) and helps customers build secure infrastructure on AWS. In his spare time, he loves to hit the slopes and go snowboarding.