All posts by Sara Verdi

Hard and soft skills for developers coding in the age of AI

Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original

As AI continues to shape the development landscape, developers are navigating a new frontier—not one that will make their careers obsolete, but one that will require their skills and instincts more than ever.

Sure, AI is revolutionizing software development, but that revolution ultimately starts and stops with developers. That’s because these tools need to have a pilot in control. While they can improve the time to code and ship, they can’t serve as a replacement for human oversight and coding abilities.

We recently conducted research into the evolving relationship between developers and AI tools and found that AI has the potential to alleviate the cognitive burden of complex tasks for developers. Instead of being used solely as a second pair of hands, AI tools can also be used more like a second brain, helping developers be more well-rounded and efficient.

In essence, AI can reduce mental strain so that developers can focus on anything from learning a new language to creating high-quality solutions for complex problems. So, if you’re sitting here wondering if you should learn how to code or how AI fits into your current coding career, we’re here to tell you what you need to know about your work in the age of AI.

A brief history of AI-powered techniques and tools

While the media buzz around generative AI is relatively new, AI coding tools have been around —in some form or another—much longer than you might expect. To get you up to speed, here’s a brief timeline of the AI-powered tools and techniques that have paved the way for the sophisticated coding tools we have today:

1950s: Autocoder was one of the earliest attempts at automatic coding. Developed in the 1950s by IBM, Autocoder translated symbolic language into machine code, streamlining programming tasks for early computers.

1958: LISP, one of the oldest high-level programming languages created by John McCarthy, introduced symbolic processing and recursive functions, laying the groundwork for AI programming. Its flexibility and expressive power made it a popular choice for AI research and development.

(defun factorial (n)
  (if (<= n 1)
      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

This function calculates the factorial of a non-negative integer ‘n’ in LISP. If ‘n’ is 0 or 1, the factorial is 1. Otherwise, it recursively multiplies ‘n’ by the factorial of n-1 until ‘n’ reaches 1.

1970: SHRDLU, developed by Terry Winograd at MIT, was an early natural language understanding program that could interpret and respond to commands in a restricted subset of English, and demonstrated the potential for AI to understand and generate human language.

SHRDLU, operating in a block world, aimed to understand and execute natural language instructions for manipulating virtual objects made of various shaped blocks.

SHRDLU, operating in a block world, aimed to understand and execute natural language instructions for manipulating virtual objects made of various shaped blocks.
[Source: Cryptlabs]

1980s: In the 1980s, code generators, such as The Last One, emerged as tools that could automatically generate code based on user specifications or predefined templates. While not strictly AI-powered in the modern sense, they laid the foundation for later advancements in code generation and automation.

“Personal Computer” magazine cover from 1982 that explored the program, The Last One.

“Personal Computer” magazine cover from 1982 that explored the program, The Last One.
[Source: David Tebbutts]

1990s: Neural network–based predictive models were increasingly applied to code-related tasks, such as predicting program behavior, detecting software defects, and analyzing code quality. These models leveraged the pattern recognition capabilities of neural networks to learn from code examples and make predictions.

2000s: Refactoring tools with AI capabilities began to emerge in the 2000s, offering automated assistance for restructuring and improving code without changing its external behavior. These tools used AI techniques to analyze code patterns, identify opportunities for refactoring, and suggest appropriate refactorings to developers.

These early AI-powered coding tools helped shape the evolution of software development and set the stage for today’s AI-driven coding assistance and automation tools, which continue to evolve seemingly every day.

Evolving beyond the IDE

Initially, AI tools were primarily confined to the integrated development environment (IDE), aiding developers in writing and refining code. But now, we’re starting to see AI touch every part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), which we’ve found can increase productivity, streamline collaboration, and accelerate innovation for engineering teams.

In a 2023 survey of 500 U.S.-based developers, 70% reported experiencing significant advantages in their work, while over 80% said these tools will foster greater collaboration within their teams. Additionally, our research revealed that developers, on average, complete tasks up to 55% faster when using AI coding tools.

Here’s a quick look at where modern AI-powered coding tools are and some of the technical benefits they provide today:

  • Code completion and suggestions. Tools like GitHub Copilot use large language models (LLMs) to analyze code context and generate suggestions to make coding more efficient. Developers can now experience a notable boost in productivity as AI can suggest entire lines of code based on the context and patterns learned from developers’ code repositories, rather than just the code in the editor. Copilot also leverages the vast amount of open-source code available on GitHub to enhance its understanding of various programming languages, frameworks, and libraries, to provide developers with valuable code suggestions.
  • Generative AI in your repositories. Developers can use tools like GitHub Copilot Chat to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of their code base in real time. With AI gathering context of legacy code and processes within your repositories, GitHub Copilot Enterprise can help maintain consistency and best practices across an organization’s codebase when suggesting solutions.
  • Natural language processing (NLP). AI has recently made great strides in understanding and generating code from natural language prompts. Think of tools like ChatGPT where developers can describe their intent in plain language, and the AI produces valuable outputs, such as executable code or explanations for that code functionality.
  • Enhanced debugging with AI. These tools can analyze code for potential errors, offering possible fixes by leveraging historical data and patterns to identify and address bugs more effectively.

To implement AI tools, developers need technical skills and soft skills

There are two different subsets of skills that can help developers as they begin to incorporate AI tools into their development workflows: technical skills and soft skills. Having both technical chops and people skills is super important for developers when they’re diving into AI projects—they need to know their technical skills to make those AI tools work to their advantage, but they also need to be able to work well with others, solve problems creatively, and understand the big picture to make sure the solutions they come up with actually hit the mark for the folks using them.

Let’s take a look at those technical skills first.

Getting technical

Prompt engineering

Prompt engineering involves crafting well-designed prompts or instructions that guide the behavior of AI models to produce desired outputs or responses. It can be pretty frustrating when AI-powered coding assistants don’t generate a valuable output, but that can often be quickly remedied by adjusting how you communicate with the AI. Here are some things to keep in mind when crafting natural language prompts:

  • Be clear and specific. Craft direct and contextually relevant prompts to guide AI models more effectively.
  • Experiment and iterate. Try out various prompt variations and iterate based on the outputs you receive.
  • Validate, validate, validate. Similar to how you would inspect code written by a colleague, it’s crucial to consistently evaluate, analyze, and verify code generated by AI algorithms.

Code reviews

AI is helpful, but it isn’t perfect. While LLMs are trained on large amounts of data, they don’t inherently understand programming concepts the way humans do. As a result, the code they generate may contain syntax errors, logic flaws, or other issues. That’s why developers need to rely on their coding competence and organizational knowledge to make sure that they aren’t pushing faulty code into production.

For a successful code review, you can start out by asking: does this code change accomplish what it is supposed to do? From there, you can take a look at this in-depth checklist of more things to keep in mind when reviewing AI-generated code suggestions.

Testing and security

With AI’s capabilities, developers can now generate and automate tests with ease, making their testing responsibilities less manual and more strategic. To ensure that the AI-generated tests cover critical functionality, edge cases, and potential vulnerabilities effectively, developers will need a strong foundational knowledge of programming skills, testing principles, and security best practices. This way, they’ll be able to interpret and analyze the generated tests effectively, identify potential limitations or biases in the generated tests, and augment with manual tests as necessary.

Here’s a few steps you can take to assess the quality and reliability of AI-generated tests:

  • Verify test assertions. Check if the assertions made by the AI-generated tests are verifiable and if they align with the expected behavior of the software.
  • Assess test completeness. Evaluate if the AI-generated tests cover all relevant scenarios and edge cases and identify any gaps or areas where additional testing may be required to achieve full coverage.
  • Identify limitations and biases. Consider factors such as data bias, algorithmic biases, and limitations of the AI model used for test generation.
  • Evaluate results. Investigate any test failures or anomalies to determine their root causes and implications for the software.

For those beginning their coding journey, check out the GitHub Learning Pathways to gain deeper insights into testing strategies and security best practices with GitHub Actions and GitHub Advanced Security.

You can also bolster your security skills with this new, open source Secure Code Game 🎮.

And now, the soft skills

As developers leverage AI to build what’s next, having soft skills—like the ability to communicate and collaborate well with colleagues—is becoming more important than ever.

Let’s take a more in-depth look at some soft skills that developers can focus on as they continue to adopt AI tools:

  • Communication. Communication skills are paramount to collaborating with team members and stakeholders to define project requirements, share insights, and address challenges. They’re also important as developers navigate prompt engineering. The best AI prompts are clear, direct, and well thought out—and communicating with fellow humans in the workplace isn’t much different.
Did you know that prompt engineering best practices just might help you build your communication skills with colleagues? Check out this thought piece from Harvard Business Review for more insights.
  • Problem solving. Developers may encounter complex challenges or unexpected issues when working with AI tools, and the ability to think creatively and adapt to changing circumstances is crucial for finding innovative solutions.
  • Adaptability. The rapid advancement of AI technology requires developers to be adaptable and willing to embrace new tools, methodologies, and frameworks. Plus, cultivating soft skills that promote a growth mindset allows individuals to consistently learn and stay updated as AI tools continue to evolve.
  • Ethical thinking. Ethical considerations are important in AI development, particularly regarding issues such as bias, fairness, transparency, and privacy. Integrity and ethical reasoning are essential for making responsible decisions that prioritize the well-being of users and society at large.
  • Empathy. Developers are often creating solutions and products for end users, and to create valuable user experiences, developers need to be able to really understand the user’s needs and preferences. While AI can help developers create these solutions faster, through things like code generation or suggestions, developers still need to be able to QA the code and ensure that these solutions still prioritize the well-being of diverse user groups.

Sharpening these soft skills can ultimately augment a developer’s technical expertise, as well as enable them to work more effectively with both their colleagues and AI tools.

Take this with you

As AI continues to evolve, it’s not just changing the landscape of software development; it’s also poised to revolutionize how developers learn and write code. AI isn’t replacing developers—it’s complementing their work, all while providing them with the opportunity to focus more on coding and building their skill sets, both technical and interpersonal.

If you’re interested in improving your skills along your AI-powered coding journey, check out these repositories to start building your own AI based projects. Or you can test out GitHub Copilot, which can help you learn new programming languages, provide coding suggestions, and ask important coding questions right in your terminal.

The post Hard and soft skills for developers coding in the age of AI appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How we’re experimenting with LLMs to evolve GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original

Earlier this year, it seemed like every headline or dinner conversation was earmarked by the buzzwords “generative AI.” And while 2023 has been a benchmark year for the adoption of generative AI, it’s not entirely a new technology. Arguably, AI has been around since the ‘60s, but the AI as we know it today came to be with the invention of machine learning frameworks known as neural networks (you can read more about that here).

For the past few years at GitHub, we’ve been experimenting with generative AI models to create new, meaningful tools for developers—which is how GitHub Copilot was born. And since GitHub Copilot’s initial preview release in 2021, we’ve been thinking a lot about how generative AI can (and should) empower developers to be more productive at every stage of the software development lifecycle. That led us to our vision for the future of AI-powered software development with GitHub Copilot, which we covered in detail this year at GitHub Universe 2023.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the experiments we’ve conducted with generative AI models over the past few years, as well as take a behind-the-scenes look at some of our key learnings. We’ll also explore what going from a concept to a product looks like with a radically new technology.

Key pillars of experimentation with AI at GitHub

As developers increasingly use AI tools to improve overall productivity, we have four key pillars at GitHub that are guiding our work and how we experiment with AI. We want a developer’s AI experience to be:

  • Predictable. We want to create tools that guide developers towards their end goals but don’t suprise or overwhelm them.
  • Tolerable. As we’ve seen, AI models can be wrong. Users should be able to spot incorrect suggestions easily, and address them at a low cost to focus and productivity.
  • Steerable. When a response isn’t right or isn’t what a user is looking for, they should be able to steer the AI towards a solution. Otherwise, we’re optimistically banking on the models producing perfect answers.
  • Verifiable. Solutions must be easy to evaluate. The models are not perfect, but they can be very helpful tools if users verify their outputs.

Now that we have a baseline understanding of how we prioritize experimenting with AI, let’s take a look at the events that led to the conception of the latest evolution of GitHub Copilot.

Before GitHub Copilot’s evolution came GPT-4

Last year, researchers from GitHub Next, our R&D department focused on the future of software development, were given advanced access to OpenAI’s large language model (LLM) that would soon be released as GPT-4.

“At the time, no one had seen anything like this,” Idan Gazit, senior director of research for GitHub Next recalls. “It became a race to discover what the new models are capable of doing and what kinds of applications are possible tomorrow that were impossible yesterday.”

So, the GitHub Next team did what they do best: experiment. Over the course of several months, researchers from GitHub Next used the GPT-4 model to develop potential new tools and features that could be used across the GitHub platform. Once the team identified the projects that showed true value, the sprint to build began.

“In classic GitHub Next fashion, we sat down and spiked a bunch of ideas and saw what looked promising or exciting to us,” Gazit explains. “And then we doubled down on the things that we believed would bear fruit.”

In the time between receiving the model and the slated announcement of the model’s release in March 2023, the team had come up with several concepts and technical previews.

At the time, no one had seen anything like this. It became a race to discover what the new models are capable of doing and what kinds of applications are possible tomorrow that were impossible yesterday.

– Idan Gazit, Senior Director of Research // GitHub Next

As these projects came together, senior leadership at GitHub began to think about what these meant for the future of GitHub Copilot. Mario Rodriguez, VP of product management, says, “We knew we wanted to make an announcement of our own around the joint Microsoft and OpenAI announcement of GPT-4. At that time, GitHub Next had a set of investments that they were making that they thought were worthwhile for the announcement. Those investments were not production-ready—they were more future-focused.” He explains, “But that got us thinking, so we put pen to paper and came up with the ambition behind the latest evolution of GitHub Copilot.”

Thinking ahead 🤔

As teams at GitHub thought about evolving GitHub Copilot beyond a pair programmer in the IDE, they imagined a future where GitHub Copilot was:

  • Ubiquitous across every tool that developers use and integrated into every task that developers perform.
  • Conversational by default, so that natural language can be used to achieve anything.
  • Personalized to the context and knowledge of the individual, project, team, and community.

This thought exercise, in conjunction with GitHub Next’s work to conceptualize and create new tools that could revolutionize the developer workflow, crystallized what would make up the latest evolution of GitHub Copilot. And on March 22, 2023, the technical preview for what GitHub Copilot would evolve into was released to the world with GitHub Copilot Chat and the following technical previews created by GitHub Next:

So, what happened behind the scenes to come up with these previews? Let’s find out.

Experimenting with AI’s place in the developer experience

If you asked just about any developer what’s something that is specifically unique to GitHub, it would be pretty shocking if they didn’t say “pull requests.” Pull requests play a central role in the GitHub developer experience—they’re not only a point of collaboration, but a gateway for teams to view and approve any changes to code.

So when Andrew Rice, Don Syme, Devon Rifkin, Matt Rothenberg, Max Schaefer, Albert Ziegler, and Aqeel Siddiqui were given the GPT-4 model, they were tasked with the challenge of finding ways to incorporate AI into

“GitHub invented pull requests, so we started thinking, how could we add AI smarts around pull requests?” Rice says. “We tried a bunch of stuff—we prototyped automatic code suggestions for reviews, we had a sort of summarize mode, and a bunch of other things around test generation.” But as the deadline of March 22 approached, a few of these prototyped features weren’t working as desired, so Rice and team began focusing their attention and efforts solely on the summary feature.

With the early version of Copilot for Pull Requests, a developer could submit their pull request and the AI model would generate a description and walkthrough of the code in the first comment to provide important context for the reviewer.

“We did an internal study of the feature with Hubbers and it didn’t go well,” Rice laughs. It wasn’t that the developers didn’t like what the feature was trying to achieve, it was the user experience, Rice believes, they were having challenges with. “The developers were concerned that the AI would be wrong. But there’s two things: you have the content the AI generates and then you have the way that it’s presented to the user and how it interacts with the workflow. At first, we focused a lot on the first bit, the AI-generated content, but it turned out that the second bit was far more crucial in getting this thing to fly,” he explains.

To work around this, Rice and team decided to pivot and use the same AI-generated content but frame it differently. “Instead of a comment, we put it as a suggestion to the developer that let them get a preview of what the description of their pull request could look like that they could then edit,” Rice says. “So, we moved it to a suggestion system, and all of a sudden the feedback changed to ‘wow, these are helpful suggestions.’ The content was exactly the same as before, it was just presented differently.”

Nobody’s perfect—not even AI

For Rice, the key takeaway during this process was the importance of how the AI output is presented to the developer, rather than the total accuracy of the suggestion. That doesn’t mean that it’s acceptable for the AI to be completely wrong, but it does mean that a developer’s demand for the quality of the suggestion sits on a spectrum—developers will view something as it fits within their workflow regardless of what is served to them. When the content was served as a suggestion that the developer had the authority to accept and edit, the typical attitude toward the feature changed.

Eddie Aftandilian, a principal researcher that headed up the development of another GitHub Copilot feature, shared some similar sentiments and takeaways throughout the process of building Copilot for Docs. In late 2022, Aftandilian and Johan Rosenkilde were examining embeddings and retrievals, and they prototyped a vector database for a different GitHub Copilot experiment. “This got us thinking, what if we could use this for retrievals of things other than just code,” Aftandilian remembers. “Once we got access to GPT-4, we realized we could use the retrieval engine to search a large corpus of documentation, and then compose those search results into a prompt that elicits better, more topical answers based on the documentation,” he explains.

“Since GitHub is all about developer tools, we thought, how can we make this into a useful developer tool?” Aftandilian says. Developers spend an enormous amount of time poring over docs to find solutions—and as Aftandilian plainly puts it, “No one really likes reading documentation!” He continues, “It also can be hard to get the right answer out of docs, too. So, it seemed like there was an opportunity here for something that could answer a developer’s question more directly and unblock them. It’s also an area of the development process that we felt was underexplored. We spend a lot of time searching around for answers, which can be a real pain point, and we thought we could do better with these new LLMs.”

Aftandilian, along with Devon Rifkin, Jake Donham, and Amelia Wattenberger, also deployed their early version of Copilot for Docs to Hubbers, extending GitHub Copilot’s reach to GitHub’s internal docs in addition to public documentation. But once the preview reached public testing, he got some interesting feedback about the quality of the AI outputs.

“One challenge we came across during the development process was that the models don’t always give the right answer or the right document,” Aftandilian says. “To address this, we built in the capability for our answers to provide references or links to other documentation. We found that when we deployed it, the feedback we received was that developers didn’t mind if the output wasn’t always perfectly correct if the linked references made it easier to evaluate what the AI produced. They were using Copilot for Docs as a search engine,” he says.

The UX needs to be tolerant of AI’s mistakes—you can’t assume that the AI will always be right.

– Eddie Aftandilian, Principal Researcher // GitHub Next

Another key learning for Aftandilian was that human feedback is the true gold standard for developing AI-based tools. “One of our conclusions was that you should ship something sooner rather than later to get real, human feedback to drive improvements,” he says.

And similar to Rice’s earlier point, user experience is also critical to the success of these AI-powered tools. “The UX needs to be tolerant of AI’s mistakes—you can’t assume that the AI will always be right,” Aftandilian says. “Initially we were focused on getting everything right, but we soon learned that the chat-like modality of Copilot for Docs makes the answers feel less authoritative and folks are more tolerant of the responses when they point the user in the right direction. The AI isn’t always perfect, but it’s a great start.”

Small but mighty

In October 2022, the entire GitHub Next team met up in Oxford, England to get together and discuss all of the projects that they were currently working on, as well as some exciting—and maybe even far-fetched—ideas.

“One of the things that I pitched at this crazy ideas session was a project that would use LLMs to help you figure out CLI commands,” Johan Rosenkilde, a principal researcher for GitHub Next, recalls. “I was thinking about something that could use natural language prompts to describe what you wanted to do in the command line, then some sort of GUI or interface pops up that helps you narrow down what you want to do.”

As Rosenkilde talked through his pitch, one of his colleagues, Matt Rothenberg, began writing an application that did almost exactly that. “By the time my talk ended, he asked if he could show me something, and my mind was just blown,” Rosenkilde laughs. That thirty-minute prototype was the genesis for what would become Copilot for CLI.

“What he had created clearly showed that there was something of value here, but it lacked maturity of course,” Rosenkilde says. “And so what we did was carve out time to refine this rough demo into something that we could deliver to developers,” he says. By the time March 2023 rolled around, they had a preview that brought the power of GitHub Copilot right to the CLI for developers to quickly ask for and receive their desired shell commands, including a breakdown that explains each part of the command—without ever needing to search the web for answers.

When reflecting on the process of taking this app from that original, scrappy version to a technical preview, Rosenkilde echoes Rice and Aftandilian in his appreciation for the subtlety of UX decisions.

“I’m a backend person: I’m heavy on theory and I like really difficult problems that cause me to think for weeks about a solution,” Rosenkilde says. “Matt was the UX guy, and he iterated extremely quickly through a lot of options. So much of the success of this application hinged on the UX, and that’s a lesson that I’ve taken with me. All that we do in GitHub Next, in the end, is think up tools that will add value to the user experience, so it’s crucial that we get the design right and that it fits in with what the AI model can do. As we know, the AI models aren’t perfect, but when they are imperfect, the cost to the user should be as low as possible,” Rosenkilde says.

That simple fact is what informs the explanation field that can be found in Copilot for CLI. “This actually wasn’t part of the original UI. As the product matured, we came up with the explanation field, but we had some difficulty with the LLM producing the structured type of explanations we sought. It’s very unnatural for a language model to produce something that looks like this, I had to hit it with a very large hammer,” he jokes. “We wanted it to be clearly structured, but if you just ask the AI to explain a shell command, it would feed you a long paragraph that is not readily scannable and might not include the details you want.”

Example of the explanation field in Copilot for CLI

Rosenkilde also felt that it was important to add the explanation field to help developers learn about shell scripts and double check that they have received the correct command. “It’s also a security feature because you can read in natural language whether the command will change files you didn’t expect to change,” he explains. This multifaceted explanation field is not only useful, it’s a testament to the UX of the application. “When you have such a small application, you want every feature to have multiple different uses so that you can package up a lot of complexity in something that visually is very simple.”

Where we’re headed 🚀

We’re focused on something great here: creating delightful AI experiences for everyone who interacts with the GitHub platform. And while we’re working on it, we invite you to be part of the process. You can get involved by joining the waitlists for our current previews and giving us your honest feedback on what you think and what you want to see going forward.

And if you’re not already using GitHub Copilot, give it a try with a free, 30-day trial for individual developers.

The post How we’re experimenting with LLMs to evolve GitHub Copilot appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Why Rust is the most admired language among developers

Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original

For the eighth year in a row, Rust has topped the chart as “the most desired programming language” in Stack Overflow’s annual developer survey. And with more than 80% of developers reporting that they’d like to use the language again next year, you have to wonder how a language created less than 20 years ago has stolen the hearts of developers around the world.

In this article, we’ll look at the history of Rust, what it’s commonly used for, why developers love it so much, and some resources to help you start learning one of the top fastest growing languages on GitHub.

So, what is the Rust programming language?

Rust’s print macro displaying the output “Hello, World!”

Originally intended to serve as a safer alternative to C and C++, Rust is a systems programming language that has gained significant popularity among developers thanks to its emphasis on safety, performance, and productivity. Rust is a statically typed language, so variable and expression types are determined and checked at compile time, which helps enhance memory safety and error detection, resulting in more reliable builds.

In 2006, the software developer, Graydon Hoare, started Rust as a personal project while he was working at Mozilla. According to an interview with MIT Technology Review, the inspiration for Rust came from a broken elevator in Hoare’s apartment building. The software for the lift operation system had crashed and Hoare understood that issues like this usually came from problems with how a program uses memory.

Quite often, the software for these types of devices is written in C or C++, but these languages require significant memory management, which can lead to errors that would cause the system to crash. So, Hoare set to work on figuring out how to create a programming language that could be both compact and memory bug-free.

He later showed the project to a manager—which led to Mozilla sponsoring it in 2009 as part of a longer-term effort to incorporate the language into the development of an experimental browser engine. In 2010, Mozilla Research officially announced the Rust project and released the source code to the public as an open-source project. After several years of development, Rust reached a stable and mature state—and in May 2015, Rust 1.0 was released. This milestone signaled that Rust was ready for production and provided a foundation for developers to build upon.

Since the 1.0 release, Rust has exploded in popularity and adoption, with top applications, such as Microsoft Windows, utilizing Rust to rewrite core libraries with its memory-safe code. Outside of the tech giants, Rust also has a vibrant community of developers, or “Rustaceans,” that are dedicated to making the Rust experience an active and collaborative one.

Ferris, an orange cartoon crustacean who is the unofficial mascot of Rust.

Meet Ferris, the unofficial mascot for Rust!

According to a recent survey by SlashData, there are roughly 2.8 million Rust developers worldwide in 2023, a number that has nearly tripled over the past two years. With plenty of active forums, documentation, and a supportive community for developers of all skill levels, it’s perhaps unsurprising that Rust keeps topping the most-desired language lists.

What makes Rust special?

So, what are some of Rust’s key features that make it so attractive to developers?

In simple terms, Rust solves some of developers’ most frustrating memory management problems commonly associated with C and C++, but that’s not its only shining capability. One of GitHub’s staff software engineers, Jason Orendorff, who co-authored a book on programming with Rust, said about the language:

“To me, what’s great about Rust is that it’s both fast AND reliable,” according to Orendorff. “It lets me write multi-headed programs that run on 16 cores and keep them readable, maintainable, and crash-free. It also lets me write very low-level algorithms requiring control over memory layout and pull in a crate that makes HTTPS requests super simple. It’s the combination of these features that makes Rust so unique.”

Building on that, here’s a few more of its well-loved characteristics and features:

  • Concurrency. Rust has built-in support for concurrent programming through its ownership system which enforces strict rules for data access, and its borrowing model, which prevents data races by allowing controlled, simultaneous access. This ensures that multiple threads can work on shared data without introducing memory-related issues.
  • No garbage collection. Unlike some programming languages, Rust does not employ garbage collection. Instead, its ownership and borrowing rules manage memory, which helps empower developers to have precise control over memory allocation and deallocation for efficient resource management.

  • Cargo Package Manager. Rust’s built-in package manager, Cargo, streamlines project management, dependency tracking, and building, which helps contribute to efficient and organized development workflows. But this doesn’t make it clear just how bonkers the Cargo ecosystem is. According to Orendorff, “My team takes advantage of high-quality open source packages for hashing, serialization, multithreading, data structures, compression, and a lot more. These are performance-critical libraries. Without some of these, our project to rethink code search on GitHub wouldn’t have been possible.” And here’s a fun fact: Rust was actually the first systems programming language to have a standard package manager, and, as a result, the Rust ecosystem is incredibly robust.

  • Zero-cost abstractions. This feature allows developers to write high-level code abstractions and features without introducing any runtime performance overhead.

  • Pattern matching. This powerful language feature enables developers to concisely and effectively match complex data structures against specific patterns to extract and handle different cases or scenarios in a clean and readable manner.

  • Type inference. This feature allows Rust’s compiler to automatically detect an expression based on context while you code. “Many programming languages have some type inference,” Orendorff said. “C# and C++ have some, Rust has a little more, and languages like Haskell, Scala, and ML have even more.”

fn main() {
    break rust;

Run this code for an inside joke among Rust developers 😆

What is Rust commonly used for?

Thanks to its direct access to both hardware and memory, Rust is well suited for embedded systems and bare-metal development. And since it’s a general purpose language, it can also be used for a variety of applications.

Let’s explore a few key use cases:

Using Rust to build performance-critical backend systems

Performance-critical backend systems are software components or services that handle tasks that require high-speed processing, low-latency responses, and efficient resource utilization—and Rust’s performance, thread safety, and error handling make it an excellent choice for developing these types of systems. In fact, we use Rust to build some of these systems at GitHub. For example, the backend of our code search feature is written in Rust (and you can read more about the development of GitHub’s newest code search with Rust, too).

Using Rust to develop operating systems

Rust was originally created to solve an operating system issue (remember the elevator problem?)—so, unsurprisingly, it’s often used to build operating systems, kernels, device drivers, or other low-level components where control over memory and performance is crucial. Redox, a Unix-like operating system, was written in Rust, which contributes to its most crucial feature: its security. “Fuchsia is another example that was built at Google,” Orendorff said. “If you have a Google Nest smart speaker, it’s likely running Fuchsia.”

Rust for operating system-adjacent code

Rust is also well-suited for writing code that performs tasks that closely interact with the operating system. For example, the Codespaces team at GitHub is leveraging Rust to enhance the speed of starting up the virtual disk within GitHub Codespaces and optimize the utilization of Azure storage. Coursera also employs Rust in its online grading system, as it operates within Docker and needs a language that compiles to machine code with minimal dependencies.

Using Rust for web development

Rust is increasingly being used for web development—especially on the server side. The async programming model and performance characteristics of Rust make it fitting for building high-performance web servers, APIs, and backend services. Plus, there’s been an influx of web frameworks for Rust, like Rocket, that can help folks get started with writing secure web applications. The emergence of these frameworks underscores Rust’s position as a mature language, and also helps increase the support for folks looking to use Rust in front or backend work.

Using Rust for crypto and blockchain development

Rust’s speed, memory management, and security all contribute to its involvement with cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. For example, Polkadot, which is designed to enable the interoperability and interaction between multiple blockchains to share information and assets in a secure and decentralized manner, utilizes Rust to build its core infrastructure. Polkadot’s runtime logic, which governs the behavior and rules of the blockchain, is also written in Rust. Check out this repository, awesome-blockchain-rust, for some useful components for building your own blockchain applications with Rust.

Using Rust to build CLI tools

Rust’s compilation to efficient machine code and its expressive syntax make it a strong choice for building command line tools and applications. Plus, writing a command line app is a great way to learn and get comfortable with Rust. Take a look at this comprehensive guide on how to build your own CLI application with Rust in 15 minutes!

Learn how open source developers are making the command line more friendly—and more powerful.

Using Rust for embedded systems and IoT development

Rust’s minimal runtime and control over memory layout makes it incredibly useful for developing embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Its ability to prevent memory-related bugs, manage concurrency, and generate small, efficient binaries caters to IoT’s security, real-time, and efficiency needs.

Why developers love Rust

While its user base for Rust isn’t nearly as large as Java or Python, Rust continues to compete with the big hitters in most-admired lists across the internet. There’s even a full website composed of developer’s praises for Rust.

But why exactly is Rust so admired by developers? If you boil it down to just a handful of reasons why developers love Rust so much, they’d have to be the language’s speed, safety, and performance.

Moreover, Rust is continuing to evolve and grow with new frameworks, tools, and resources. You can keep tabs on contributions to the language in the awesome-rust repository, which hosts an impressive list of Rust code and resources.

The bottom line: Admiring Rust isn’t just about adopting a language—it’s embracing a mindset that prioritizes innovation without compromising on the core tenets of stability and security.

How to get started with Rust

We know, there’s plenty of resources to sharpen your Rust skills peppered throughout this article—but we have another pro tip for you: take Rust for a test drive with GitHub Copilot. As your AI-powered pair programmer, GitHub Copilot can help you learn and refine the basics of Rust as you go with tailored code suggestions.

Here’s a developer advocate at GitHub experimenting with Rust for the first time with GitHub Copilot. And to all of our seasoned Rustaceans out there, what do you think? Was the suggestion correct?

If you’re ready to begin your coding journey with Rust, GitHub Copilot can jumpstart your progress—all without the need to study documentation for hours at a time.

The post Why Rust is the most admired language among developers appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original

The first time that engineers at GitHub worked with one of OpenAI’s large language models (LLM), they were equal parts excited and astonished. Alireza Goudarzi, a senior researcher of machine learning at GitHub recounts, “As a theoretical AI researcher, my job has been to take apart deep learning models to make sense of them and how they learn, but this was the first time that a model truly astonished me.” Though the emergent behavior of the model was somewhat surprising, it was obviously powerful. Powerful enough, in fact, to lead to the creation of GitHub Copilot.

Due to the growing interest in LLMs and generative AI models, we decided to speak to the researchers and engineers at GitHub who helped build the early versions of GitHub Copilot and talk through what it was like to work with different LLMs from OpenAI, and how model improvements have helped evolve GitHub Copilot to where it is today—and beyond.

A brief history of GitHub Copilot

In June 2020, OpenAI released GPT-3, an LLM that sparked intrigue in developer communities and beyond. Over at GitHub, this got the wheels turning for a project our engineers had only talked about before: code generation.

“Every six months or so, someone would ask in our meetings, ‘Should we think about general purpose code generation,’ but the answer was always ‘No, it’s too difficult, the current models just can’t do it,’” says Albert Ziegler, a principal machine learning engineer and member of the GitHub Next research and development team.

But GPT-3 changed all that—suddenly the model was good enough to begin considering how a code generation tool might work.

“OpenAI gave us the API to play around with,” Ziegler says. “We assessed it by giving it coding-like tasks and evaluated it in two different forms.”

For the first form of evaluation, the GitHub Next team crowdsourced self-contained problems to help test the model. “The reason we don’t do this anymore is because the models just got too good,” Ziegler laughs.

In the beginning, the model could solve about half of the problems it was posed with, but soon enough, it was solving upwards of 90 percent of the problems.

This original testing method sparked the first ideas for how to harness the power of this model, and they began to conceptualize an AI-powered chatbot for developers to ask coding questions and receive immediate, runnable code snippets. “We built a prototype, but it turned out there was a better modality for this technology available,” Ziegler says. “We thought, ‘Let’s try to put this in the IDE.’”

“The moment we did that and saw how well it worked, the whole static question-and-answer modality was forgotten,” he says. “This new approach was interactive and it was useful in almost every situation.”

And with that, the development of GitHub Copilot began.

Exploring model improvements

To keep this project moving forward, GitHub returned to OpenAI to make sure that they could stay on track with the latest models. “The first model that OpenAI gave us was a Python-only model,” Ziegler remembers. “Next we were delivered a JavaScript model and a multilingual model, and it turned out that the Javascript model had particular problems that the multilingual model did not. It actually came as a surprise to us that the multilingual model could perform so well. But each time, the models were just getting better and better, which was really exciting for GitHub Copilot’s progress.”

In 2021, OpenAI released the multilingual Codex model, which was built in partnership with GitHub. This model was an offshoot of GPT-3, so its original capability was generating natural language in response to text prompts. But what set the Codex model apart was that it was trained on billions of lines of public code—so that, in addition to natural language outputs, it also produced code suggestions.

This model was open for use via an API that businesses could build on, and while this breakthrough was huge for GitHub Copilot, the team needed to work on internal model improvements to ensure that it was as accurate as possible for end users.

As the GitHub Copilot product was prepared for launch as a technical preview, the team split off into further functional teams, and the Model Improvements team became responsible for monitoring and improving GitHub Copilot’s quality through communicating with the underlying LLM. This team also set out to work on improving completion for users. Completion refers to when users accept and keep GitHub Copilot suggestions in their code, and there are several different levers that the Model Improvements team works on to increase completion, including prompt crafting and fine tuning.

An example of completion in action with GitHub Copilot
An example of completion in action with GitHub Copilot.

Prompt crafting

When working with LLMs, you have to be very specific and intentional with your inputs to receive your desired output, and prompt crafting explores the art behind communicating these requests to get the optimal completion from the model.

“In very simple terms, the LLM is, at its core, just a document completion model. For training it was given partial documents and it learned how to complete them one token at a time. Therefore, the art of prompt crafting is really all about creating a ‘pseudo-document’ that will lead the model to a completion that benefits the customer,” John Berryman, a senior researcher of machine learning on the Model Improvements team explains. Since LLMs are trained on partial document completion, then if the partial document is code, then this completion capability lends itself well to code completion, which is, in its base form, exactly what GitHub Copilot does.

To better understand how the model could be applied to code completion, the team would provide the model with a file and evaluate the code completions it returned.

“Sometimes the results are ok, sometimes they are quite good, and sometimes the results seem almost magical,” Berryman says. “The secret is that we don’t just have to provide the model with the original file that the GitHub Copilot user is currently editing; instead we look for additional pieces of context inside the IDE that can hint the model towards better completions.”

He continues, “There have been several changes that helped get GitHub Copilot where it is today, but one of my favorite tricks was when we pulled similar texts in from the user’s neighboring editor tabs. That was a huge lift in our acceptance rate and characters retained.”

Generative AI and LLMs are incredibly fascinating, but Berryman still seems to be most excited about the benefit that the users are seeing from the research and engineering efforts.

“The idea here is to make sure that we make developers more productive, but the way we do that is where things start to get interesting: we can make the user more productive by incorporating the way they think about code into the algorithm itself,” Berryman says. “Where the developer might flip back and forth between tabs to reference code, we just can do that for them, and the completion is exactly what it would be if the user had taken all of the time to look that information up.”


Fine-tuning is a technique used in AI to adapt and improve a pre-trained model for a specific task or domain. The process involves taking a pre-trained model that has been trained on a large dataset and training it on a smaller, more specific dataset that is relevant to a particular use case. This enables the model to learn and adapt to the nuances of the new data, thus improving its performance on the specific task.

These larger, more sophisticated LLMs can sometimes produce outputs that aren’t necessarily helpful because it’s hard to statistically define what constitutes a “good” response. It’s also incredibly difficult to train a model like Codex that contains upwards of 170 billion parameters.

“Basically, we’re training the underlying Codex model on a user’s specific codebase to provide more focused, customized completions,” Goudarzi adds.

“Our greatest challenge right now is to consider why the user rejects or accepts a suggestion,” Goudarzi adds. “We have to consider what context, or information, that we served to the model caused the model to output something that was either helpful or not helpful. There’s no way for us to really troubleshoot in the typical engineering way, but what we can do is figure out how to ask the right questions to get the output we desire.”

Read more about how GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your code to provide a more customized coding experience here.

GitHub Copilot—then and now

As the models from OpenAI got stronger—and as we identified more areas to build on top of those LLMs in house—GitHub Copilot has improved and gained new capabilities with chat functionality, voice-assisted development, and more via GitHub Copilot X on the horizon.

Johan Rosenkilde, a staff researcher on the GitHub Next team remembers, “When we received the latest model drops from OpenAI in the past, the improvements were good, but they couldn’t really be felt by the end user. When the third iteration of Codex dropped, you could feel it, especially when you were working with programming languages that are not one of the top five languages,” Rosenkilde says.

He continues, “I happened to be working on a programming competition with some friends on the weekend that model version was released, and we were programming with F#. In the first 24 hours, we evidently had the old model for GitHub Copilot, but then BOOM! Magic happened,” he laughs. “There was an incredibly noticeable difference.”

In the beginning, GitHub Copilot also had the tendency to suggest lines of code in a completely different programming language, which created a poor developer experience (for somewhat obvious reasons).

“You could be working in a C# project, then all of the sudden at the top of a new file, it would suggest Python code,” Rosenkilde explains. So, the team added a headline to the prompt which listed the language you were working in. “Now this had no impact when you were deep down in the file because Copilot could understand which language you were in. But at the top of the file, there could be some ambiguity, and those early models just defaulted to the top popular languages.”

About a month following that improvement, the team discovered that it was much more powerful to put the path of the file at the top of the document.

A diagram of the file path improvement
A diagram of the file path improvement.

“The end of the file name would give away the language in most cases, and in fact the file name could provide crucial, additional information,” Rosenkilde says. “For example, the file might be named ‘’ Well that file is most likely about databases or connections, so you might want to import an SQL library, and that file was written in Python. So, that not only solved the language problem, but it also improved the quality and user experience by a surprising margin because GitHub Copilot could now suggest boilerplate code.”

After a few more months of work, and several iterations, the team was able to create a component that lifted code from other files, which is a capability that had been talked about since the genesis of GitHub Copilot. Rosenkilde recalls, “this never really amounted to anything more than conversations or a draft pull request because it was so abstract. But then, Albert Ziegler built this component that looked at other files you have open in the IDE at that moment in time and scanned through those files for similar text to what’s in your current cursor. This was a huge boost in code acceptance because suddenly, GitHub Copilot knew about other files.”

What’s next for GitHub Copilot

After working with generative AI models and LLMs over the past three years, we’ve seen their transformative value up close. As the industry continues to find new uses for generative AI, we’re working to continue building new developer experiences. And in March 2023, GitHub announced the future of Copilot, GitHub Copilot X, our vision for an AI-powered developer experience. GitHub Copilot X aims to bring AI beyond the IDE to more components of the overall platform, such as docs and pull requests. LLMs are changing the ways that we interact with technology and how we work, and ideas like GitHub Copilot X are just an example of what these models, along with some dedicated training techniques, are capable of.