Tag Archives: How GitHub builds GitHub

How GitHub uses merge queue to ship hundreds of changes every day

Post Syndicated from Will Smythe original https://github.blog/2024-03-06-how-github-uses-merge-queue-to-ship-hundreds-of-changes-every-day/

At GitHub, we use merge queue to merge hundreds of pull requests every day. Developing this feature and rolling it out internally did not happen overnight, but the journey was worth it—both because of how it has transformed the way we deploy changes to production at scale, but also how it has helped improve the velocity of customers too. Let’s take a look at how this feature was developed and how you can use it, too.

Merge queue is generally available and is also now available on GitHub Enterprise Server! Find out more.

Why we needed merge queue

In 2020, engineers from across GitHub came together with a goal: improve the process for deploying and merging pull requests across the GitHub service, and specifically within our largest monorepo. This process was becoming overly complex to manage, required special GitHub-only logic in the codebase, and required developers to learn external tools, which meant the engineers developing for GitHub weren’t actually using GitHub in the same way as our customers.

To understand how we got to this point in 2020, it’s important to look even further back.

By 2016, nearly 1,000 pull requests were merging into our large monorepo every month. GitHub was growing both in the number of services deployed and in the number of changes shipping to those services. And because we deploy changes prior to merging them, we needed a more efficient way to group and deploy multiple pull requests at the same time. Our solution at this time was trains. A train was a special pull request that grouped together multiple pull requests (passengers) that would be tested, deployed, and eventually merged at the same time. A user (called a conductor) was responsible for handling most aspects of the process, such as starting a deployment of the train and handling conflicts that arose. Pipelines were added to help manage the rollout path. Both these systems (trains and pipelines) were only used on our largest monorepo and were implemented in our internal deployment system.

Trains helped improve velocity at first, but over time started to negatively impact developer satisfaction and increase the time to land a pull request. Our internal Developer Experience (DX) team regularly polls our developers to learn about pain points to help inform where to invest in improvements. These surveys consistently rated deployment as the most painful part of the developer’s daily experience, highlighting the complexity and friction involved with building and shepherding trains in particular. This qualitative data was backed by our quantitative metrics. These showed a steady increase in the time it took from pull request to shipped code.

Trains could also grow large, containing the changes of 15 pull requests. Large trains frequently “derailed” due to a deployment issue, conflicts, or the need for an engineer to remove their change. On painful occasions, developers could wait 8+ hours after joining a train for it to ship, only for it to be removed due to a conflict between two pull requests in the train.

Trains were also not used on every repository, meaning the developer experience varied significantly between different services. This led to confusion when engineers moved between services or contributed to services they didn’t own, which is fairly frequent due to our inner source model.

In short, our process was significantly impacting the productivity of our engineering teams—both in our large monorepo and service repositories.

Building a better solution for us and eventually for customers

By 2020, it was clear that our internal tools and processes for deploying and merging across our repositories were limiting our ability to land pull requests as often as we needed. Beyond just improving velocity, it became clear that our new solution needed to:

  1. Improve the developer experience of shipping. Engineers wanted to express two simple intents: “I want to ship this change” and “I want to shift to other work;” the system should handle the rest.
  2. Avoid having problematic pull requests impact everyone. Those causing conflicts or build failures should not impact all other pull requests waiting to merge. The throughput of the overall system should be favored over fairness to an individual pull request.
  3. Be consistent and as automated as possible across our services and repositories. Manual toil by engineers should be removed wherever possible.

The merge queue project began as part of an overall effort within GitHub to improve availability and remove friction that was preventing developers from shipping at the frequency and level of quality that was needed. Initially, it was only focused on providing a solution for us, but was built with the expectation that it would eventually be made available to customers.

By mid-2021, a few small, internal repositories started testing merge queue, but moving our large monorepo would not happen until the next year for a few reasons.

For one, we could not stop deploying for days or weeks in order to swap systems. At every stage of the project we had to have a working system to ship changes. At a maximum, we could block deployments for an hour or so to run a test or transition. GitHub is remote-first and we have engineers throughout the world, so there are quieter times but never a free pass to take the system offline.

Changing the way thousands of developers deploy and merge changes also requires lots of communication to ensure teams are able to maintain velocity throughout the transition. Training 1,000 engineers on a new system overnight is difficult, to say the least.

By rolling out changes to the process in phases (and sometimes testing and rolling back changes early in the morning before most developers started working) we were able to slowly transition our large monorepo and all of our repositories responsible for production services onto merge queue by 2023.

How we use merge queue today

Merge queue has become the single entry point for shipping code changes at GitHub. It was designed and tested at scale, shipping 30,000+ pull requests with their associated 4.5 million CI runs, for GitHub.com before merge queue was made generally available.

For GitHub and our “deploy the merge process,” merge queue dynamically forms groups of pull requests that are candidates for deployment, kicks off builds and tests via GitHub Actions, and ensures our main branch is never updated to a failing commit by enforcing branch protection rules. Pull requests in the queue that conflict with one another are automatically detected and removed, with the queue automatically re-forming groups as needed.

Because merge queue is integrated into the pull request workflow (and does not require knowledge of special ChatOps commands, or use of labels or special syntax in comments to manage state), our developer experience is also greatly improved. Developers can add their pull request to the queue and, if they spot an issue with their change, leave the queue with a single click.

We can now ship larger groups without the pitfalls and frictions of trains. Trains (our old system) previously limited our ability to deploy more than 15 changes at once, but now we can now safely deploy 30 or more if needed.

Every month, over 500 engineers merge 2,500 pull requests into our large monorepo with merge queue, more than double the volume from a few years ago. The average wait time to ship a change has also been reduced by 33%. And it’s not just numbers that have improved. On one of our periodic developer satisfaction surveys, an engineer called merge queue “one of the best quality-of-life improvements to shipping changes that I’ve seen a GitHub!” It’s not a stretch to say that merge queue has transformed the way GitHub deploys changes to production at scale.

How to get started

Merge queue is available to public repositories on GitHub.com owned by organizations and to all repositories on GitHub Enterprise (Cloud or Server).

To learn more about merge queue and how it can help velocity and developer satisfaction on your busiest repositories, see our blog post, GitHub merge queue is generally available.

Interested in joining GitHub? Check out our open positions or learn more about our platform.

The post How GitHub uses merge queue to ship hundreds of changes every day appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

GitHub’s Engineering Fundamentals program: How we deliver on availability, security, and accessibility

Post Syndicated from Deepthi Rao Coppisetty original https://github.blog/2024-02-08-githubs-engineering-fundamentals-program-how-we-deliver-on-availability-security-and-accessibility/

How do we ensure over 100 million users across the world have uninterrupted access to GitHub’s products and services on a platform that is always available, secure, and accessible? From our beginnings as a platform for open source to now also supporting 90% of the Fortune 100, that is the ongoing challenge we face and hold ourselves accountable for delivering across our engineering organization.

Establishing engineering governance

To meet the needs of our increased number of enterprise customers and our continuing innovation across the GitHub platform, we needed to address tech debt, improve reliability, and enhance observability of our engineering systems. This led to the birth of GitHub’s engineering governance program called the Fundamentals program. Our goal was to work cross-functionally to define, measure, and sustain engineering excellence with a vision to ensure our products and services are built right for all users.

What is the Fundamentals program?

In order for such a large-scale program to be successful, we needed to tackle not only the processes but also influence GitHub’s engineering culture. The Fundamentals program helps the company continue to build trust and lead the industry in engineering excellence, by ensuring that there is clear prioritization of the work needed in order for us to guarantee the success of our platform and the products that you love.

We do this via the lens of three program pillars, which help our organization understand the focus areas that we emphasize today:

  1. Accessibility (A11Y): Truly be the home for all developers
  2. Security: Serve as the most trustworthy platform for developers
  3. Availability: Always be available and on for developers

In order for this to be successful, we’ve relied on both grass-roots support from individual teams and strong and consistent sponsorship from our engineering leadership. In addition, it requires meaningful investment in the tools and processes to make it easy for engineers to measure progress against their goals. No one in this industry loves manual processes and here at GitHub we understand anything that is done more than once must be automated to the best of our ability.

How do we measure progress?

We use Fundamental Scorecards to measure progress against our Availability, Security, and Accessibility goals across the engineering organization. The scorecards are designed to let us know that a particular service or feature in GitHub has reached some expected level of performance against our standards. Scorecards align to the fundamentals pillars. For example, the secret scanning scorecard aligns to the Security pillar, Durable Ownership aligns to Availability, etc. These are iteratively evolved by enhancing or adding requirements to ensure our services are meeting our customer’s changing needs. We expect that some scorecards will eventually become concrete technical controls such that any deviation is treated as an incident and other automated safety and security measures may be taken, such as freezing deployments for a particular service until the issue is resolved.

Each service has a set of attributes that are captured and strictly maintained in a YAML file, such as a service tier (tier 0 to 3 based on criticality to business), quality of service (QoS values include critical, best effort, maintenance and so on based on the service tier), and service type that lives right in the service’s repo. In addition, this file also has the ownership information of the service, such as the sponsor, team name, and contact information. The Fundamental scorecards read the service’s YAML file and start monitoring the applicable services based on their attributes. If the service does not meet the requirements of the applicable Fundamental scorecard, an action item is generated with an SLA for effective resolution. A corresponding issue is automatically generated in the service’s repository to seamlessly tie into the developer’s workflow and meet them where they are to make it easy to find and resolve the unmet fundamental action items.

Through the successful implementation of the Fundamentals program, we have effectively managed several scorecards that align with our Availability, Security, and Accessibility goals, including:

  • Durable ownership: maintains ownership of software assets and ensures communication channels are defined. Adherence to this fundamental supports GitHub’s Availability and Security.
  • Code scanning: tracks security vulnerabilities in GitHub software and uses CodeQL to detect vulnerabilities during development. Adherence to this fundamental supports GitHub’s Security.
  • Secret scanning: tracks secrets in GitHub’s repositories to mitigate risks. Adherence to this fundamental supports GitHub’s Security.
  • Incident readiness: ensures services are configured to alert owners, determine incident cause, and guide on-call engineers. Adherence to this fundamental supports GitHub’s Availability.
  • Accessibility: ensures products and services follow our accessibility standards. Adherence to this fundamental enables developers with disabilities to build on GitHub.
An example secret scanning scorecard showing 100% compliance for having no secrets in the repository, push protection enabled, and secret scanning turned on.
Example secret scanning scorecard

A culture of accountability

As much emphasis as we put on Fundamentals, it’s not the only thing we do: we ship products, too!

We call it the Fundamentals program because we also make sure that:

  1. We include Fundamentals in our strategic plans. This means our organization prioritizes this work and allocates resources to accomplish the fundamental goals we each quarter. We track the goals on a weekly basis and address the roadblocks.
  2. We surface and manage risks across all services to the leaders so they can actively address them before they materialize into actual problems.
  3. We provide support to teams as they work to mitigate fundamental action items.
  4. It’s clearly understood that all services, regardless of team, have a consistent set of requirements from Fundamentals.

Planning, managing, and executing fundamentals is a team affair, with a program management umbrella.

Designated Fundamentals champions and delegates help maintain scorecard compliance, and our regular check-ins with engineering leaders help us identify high-risk services and commit to actions that will bring them back into compliance. This includes:

  1. Executive sponsor. The executive sponsor is a senior leader who supports the program by providing resources, guidance, and strategic direction.
  2. Pillar sponsor. The pillar sponsor is an engineering leader who oversees the overarching focus of a given pillar across the organization as in Availability, Security, and Accessibility.
  3. Directly responsible individual (DRI). The DRI is an individual responsible for driving the program by collaborating across the organization to make the right decisions, determine the focus, and set the tempo of the program.
  4. Scorecard champion. The scorecard champion is an individual responsible for the maintenance of the scorecard. They add, update, and deprecate the scorecard requirements to keep the scorecard relevant.
  5. Service sponsors. The sponsor oversees the teams that maintain services and is accountable for the health of the service(s).
  6. Fundamentals delegate. The delegate is responsible for coordinating Fundamentals work with the service owners within their org, supporting the Sponsor to ensure the work is prioritized, and resources committed so that it gets completed.

Results-driven execution

Making the data readily available is a critical part of the puzzle. We created a Fundamentals dashboard that shows all the services with unmet scorecards sorted by service tier and type and filtered by service owners and teams. This makes it easier for our engineering leaders and delegates to monitor and take action towards Fundamental scorecards’ adherence within their orgs.

As a result:

  • Our services comply with durable ownership requirements. For example, the service must have an executive sponsor, a team, and a communication channel on Slack as part of the requirements.
  • We resolved active secret scanning alerts in repositories affiliated with the services in the GitHub organization. Some of the repositories were 15 years old and as a part of this effort we ensured that these repos are durably owned.
  • Business critical services are held to greater incident readiness standards that are constantly evolving to support our customers.
  • Service tiers are audited and accurately updated so that critical services are held to the highest standards.

Example layout and contents of Fundamentals dashboard

Tier 1 Services Out of Compliance [Count: 2]
Service Name Service Tier Unmet Scorecard Exec Sponsor Team
service_a 1 incident-readiness john_doe github/team_a
service_x 1 code-scanning jane_doe github/team_x

Continuous monitoring and iterative enhancement for long-term success

By setting standards for engineering excellence and providing pathways to meet through standards through culture and process, GitHub’s Fundamentals program has delivered business critical improvements within the engineering organization and, as a by-product, to the GitHub platform. This success was possible by setting the right organizational priorities and committing to them. We keep all levels of the organization engaged and involved. Most importantly, we celebrate the wins publicly, however small they may seem. Building the culture of collaboration, support, and true partnership has been key to sustaining the ongoing momentum of an organization-wide engineering governance program, and the scorecards that monitor the availability, security, and accessibility of our platform so you can consistently rely on us to achieve your goals.

Want to learn more about how we do engineering GitHub? Check out how we build containerized services, how we’ve scaled our CI to 15,000 jobs every hour using GitHub Actions larger runners, and how we communicate effectively across time zones, teams, and tools.

Interested in joining GitHub? Check out our open positions or learn more about our platform.

The post GitHub’s Engineering Fundamentals program: How we deliver on availability, security, and accessibility appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How GitHub’s Developer Experience team improved innerloop development

Post Syndicated from belaltaher8 original https://github.blog/2024-01-24-how-githubs-developer-experience-team-improved-innerloop-development/

Building confidence in new code before deploying is a crucial part of any good development loop. This is especially challenging when working in a distributed or microservice system with multiple teams operating on different services. This modular team structure gives rise to an important question: how can we provide teams with fast and reliable development cycles when testing and shipping requires them to test inside an ecosystem of other services? Optimizing the solution to this problem greatly improves engineering efficiency and can contribute to more successful outcomes for the organization as a whole.

This problem is one the Developer Experience (DX) team at GitHub grappled with again and again, ultimately delivering a solution we call “Hubber Codespace” (HCS). HCS is a tool that Hubbers (people who work at GitHub) can use to locally stand up the entire distributed GitHub ecosystem in any environment by simply querying an endpoint or adding a couple lines of configuration to their development containers.

In this post, we’ll tell you how we landed on the HCS solution to this common problem over some possible alternatives, and you’ll get a first-hand look at how GitHub’s developer-first mindset helped us deliver the best tool for Hubbers to ship code quickly and safely in our own distributed environment.

One big (un)-happy environment

To understand the problem we were trying to solve, we have to go back in time. There was a point at which GitHub was just a couple teams and a much simpler product. Back then, having a monorepo in which everyone iterated and built confidence in their changes made sense. Splitting responsibilities up across repositories would have added overhead that bogged down early Hubbers. Fast forward to today, and GitHub has grown into a big organization with hundreds of different teams. Now, the balancing act of evaluating between velocity vs. complexity can look very different.

Let’s consider these complexities a bit further. Different services can have entirely different sets of dependencies and even have dependencies on different versions of the same software (for example, one service requires Ruby 2.2 while another requires Ruby 2.4). In smaller collaborative settings, the engineers can easily reconcile these needs. But this complexity grows exponentially as more teams are introduced. Trying to provide a single environment in which these kinds of disparate services can run and interact in development becomes difficult to do. It can result in ad-hoc “hacks” in development loops like deleting a .ruby-version file depending on which service’s development loop you’re working through. These are the kinds of problems that you encounter when trying to work with a monorepo that contains the codebases for a set of disparate services.

So, we decided to design a new solution. Instead of bringing the developers to the ecosystem, what if we brought the ecosystem to the developers?

Enter HCS

This line of thinking led us to build HCS, a Docker-Compose project that does exactly that. In the post “How we build containerized services at GitHub using GitHub,” we detailed how we build containerized services that power microservices on the GitHub.com platform and many internal tools. Our task now was to take these containers and wire them up such that partner teams could spin up a full GitHub ecosystem on demand. This would allow them to test their changes in an integrated environment. Developers could see how their code behaves when introduced to GitHub’s distributed system, rather than only observing it in the isolated environment of the application being developed before deploying within the full system. In this way, developers could gain confidence that the services they were changing behaved correctly when interacting with their up and downstream dependencies.

When considering how to orchestrate all the required containers, a few solutions came to mind: Docker-Compose, an internal tool called Codespace-Compose that allows us to SSH tunnel between multiple codespaces, and Minikube. Any of these three solutions could solve the ecosystem problem and would have unique tradeoffs. Let’s look at some of those tradeoffs now.

Minikube offers a robust Kubernetes architecture, but we had concerns about the overall user experience. We ultimately decided against it as the issues we identified, such as networking complexity and long cycle times, could bog down development speed.

Codespace-Compose allows us to easily connect teams’ everyday development environments, but we reasoned that, since Codespace-Compose is an internal experiment without any SLA, we’d incur a maintenance cost on our own team by adopting this.

Docker-Compose seemed to fit our needs the best. It didn’t incur any additional maintenance burden since it’s publicly available and actively managed. It offers all the same benefits of Minikube without the long cycle time. Most importantly, using Docker in Docker in a codespace, which allows us to create docker containers on a host which is a docker container itself, is a well-paved path that has lots of prior art. Given all these considerations, we decided on orchestrating our containers using Docker-Compose.

After deciding on Docker-Compose as our orchestrator, the next steps were to figure out the interface. Docker-Compose already supplies end users with commands, but we wanted to optimize the UX around HCS. To do this, we built a user-friendly CLI in Golang with parallel versioning to HCS. This abstracted away all the complexity of using the two together. Simply download a specific release version for HCS, get the same version of the CLI binary, and you’re good to go!

CLI and release automation

Ensuring HCS is useful means ensuring a couple of things. One important goal is ease of use. Docker-Compose already offers an interface for end users, but considering some of the built in commands are long and use predictable options, we decided to wrap it in a custom Golang CLI. This abstracted many of the underlying details away, such as static file locations, formatting options, entrypoint commands, etc. to improve end-user experience. The code below shows this by juxtaposing the Docker-Compose commands with their equivalent HCS CLI command.

The following example compares the commands to start up the integrated environment provided by HCS.

# Start using Docker-Compose

docker compose --project-name hcs \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-actions.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-base.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-bg.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-core.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-volume.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-test.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-vendor.yml \
--profile full up -d --remove-orphans

# Start using CLI

hcs start

This next example compares how to get a shell to run commands from inside the various containers in GitHub’s distributed ecosystem. This allows developers to modularly interact with and make ephemeral changes to the system.

# Run command from inside a container in the system using Docker-Compose

docker compose --project-name hcs exec bash

# Run from inside a container using CLI

hcs shell

This example compares how to check the status of the containers in the project so end-users can easily see the health of the entire system.

# Status using Docker-Compose

docker compose --project-name hcs ps --format json

# Status using CLI

hcs status

In addition to this easy-to-use and ergonomic CLI, we had to ensure that HCS runs an up-to-date version of the GitHub ecosystem. GitHub is made up of so many different moving pieces that testing new changes on code that’s even a couple days old would not be sufficient to build confidence. When iterating directly on the monorepo, this was a non-issue since folks just fetched the main branch. For HCS, this required us to build automation that cuts releases on a frequent cron schedule. A release of HCS is a software artifact containing the compiled Golang binary for HCS and its CLI that can be pulled using the gh CLI.

The diagram below illustrates how this process works.

This diagram shows the nightly release cycle of HCS. HCS's repository gets SHAs from the monorepo and other service repositories. Then it publishes a release with all the SHAs, the Docker-Compose configs, and the CLI binary.

End-user experience

Using HCS directly in your codespace

We’ve recently made efforts to push all development at GitHub onto GitHub Codespaces. A codespace is a custom development container, or devcontainer, based on a configuration file in a repository. A repository can have multiple codespaces associated with it as long as each has a unique configuration file. On top of the obvious benefits of having a reproducible environment on demand to develop and iterate in, devcontainers offer features. This abstraction allows developers to easily add software to their environments. HCS is also consumable this way. The code block below shows the couple lines needed to bring this entire ecosystem to a partner team’s preferred environment (that is, their codespace).

  "features": {
    "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/github-cli:1": {
      "version": "latest"
    //docker-in-docker required for hcs
    "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/docker-in-docker:2": {},
    // Include the hubber-codespace feature
    "ghcr.io/github/hubber-codespace/hcs:1": {},
    "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/go:1": {}

Now, teams can perform integration testing against the many other services in GitHub’s ecosystem from directly in the codespace where they were doing local development.

Release binary

Even with the push towards codespaces, not every context that requires an ecosystem will be a devcontainer. In light of this, we also gave end users the option to download the release directly from the GitHub API. The commands to do so can be seen below. With a couple simple commands, Hubbers now have everything they need to bring the entire GitHub ecosystem to whatever environment they want.

gh release download --repo github/hubber-codespace  -p hcs -D /tmp/

chmod +x /tmp/hcs

sudo mv /tmp/hcs /usr/local/bin

hcs init

hcs pull

hcs start


But don’t just take my word for it. Check out what our partner teams have had to say about HCS improving their development loop:

“HCS has improved our dev loop for [our service] by making it simple to test [it] against [the rest of GitHub’s ecosystem]. It’s turned what used to be a number of manual steps to clone our repository into the [monorepo environment] into two simple commands in our own codespace. This has made it much easier to validate our changes without having to deploy to a staging environment.”

“Given that we are a service operating outside GitHub but with a heavy reliance on the services running within GitHub, we’ve had to go through a lot of bells and whistles to ensure we can have a smooth development experience. In my four years working on [our service], HCS has been the most seamless experience in going from a blank devbox to breakpointing live running code for our service.”


Solving the ecosystem problem is always a balancing act. Luckily, thanks to GitHub’s push towards containerization, and tooling such as repository automation and publishing/consuming releases through the GitHub CLI, we were adequately equipped to develop a solution with HCS. Hubbers can now leverage a development loop that allows them to deploy with confidence, having tested their changes within GitHub’s complex multi-service system.

The post How GitHub’s Developer Experience team improved innerloop development appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How we organize and get things done with SERVICEOWNERS

Post Syndicated from Max Beizer original https://github.blog/2023-12-19-how-we-organize-and-get-things-done-with-serviceowners/

GitHub’s primary codebase is a large Ruby on Rails monolith with over 4.2 million lines of code across roughly 30,000 files. As the platform has grown over the years, we have come to realize that we need a new way to organize and think about the systems we run. Our traditional approach to organizing Hubbers and code has been through CODEOWNERS in combination with GitHub teams, organizations, issues, and repositories. However, as GitHub’s user base continues to grow, we have discovered we need a new layer of abstraction. This is where SERVICEOWNERS comes in.

Service-oriented architecture is not new, but we do not talk often about how large engineering teams organize around services–especially in a hybrid monolith/services architecture. GitHub engineering determined that we were missing a layer in between CODEOWNERS, how we group humans, and work to be done. Injecting a “service” layer between groups of functionality and the people maintaining them opens up a number of interesting possibilities.

One side-effect of adopting SERVICEOWNERS was realizing that the “ownership” model does not quite express how we work. Given our place in the open source ecosystem and what we value as a company, we thought the “maintainer” model more accurately describes the relationships between services and teams. So, no team “owns” anything, but instead they “maintain” various services.

Consistent, company-wide grouping

Achieving consistency in how we map running code–both within and without our monolith–to humans has had a number of positive outcomes. It promotes a shared lexicon, and, therefore, a shared understanding. The durability of services reduces the disruption of team reorganization. As priorities shift, services stay the same and require only minimal updates to yaml metadata to be accurate. Consistency in our service definitions also allows us to centralize information about the services we run into a service catalog. Our service catalog is the one-stop shop for up-to-date information on the services that power GitHub. Within the catalog, Hubbers of all stripes can find information on, for example, how a service is performing vis-a-vis an SLO. Each service in the service catalog also has a number of scorecards as part of our fundamentals program.

With clearly defined services collected in a service catalog, we can easily visualize the relationships between services. We can identify dependencies and map how information flows through the platform. All this information improves the onboarding experience for new engineers, too, as the relationships between services define the platform architecture—without having to rely on out-of-date docs or hand-waving to explain our architecture.

The service catalog also has the huge benefit of centralizing information about which teams maintain which services, how to reach an on-call engineer, and what expectations the service has set in terms of support SLAs. Clean lines of communication to maintainers of running services has been a huge help in reducing our incident remediation time. Incident commanders know how to contact on-call engineers because they can find it in the service catalog. All of this is only possible thanks to SERVICEOWNERS.

How it works

a diagram depicting the connections between the GitHub monolith, the service catalog, repositories, and teams.


A SERVICEOWNERS file lives next to the CODEOWNERS file within our monolith. Like a traditional CODEOWNERS file, SERVICEOWNERS consists of a series of glob patterns (for example, app/api/integration*), directory names (for example, config/access_control/) and filenames (for example, app/api/grants.rb) followed by a service name (for example :apps maps to the team github/apps). Our CI enforces rules like:

  • There can be no duplicate patterns/directories/files in SERVICEOWNERS.
  • All new files added to the github/github repository must have a service owner.
  • All patterns/directories/files must match at least one existing file.
  • Files matched by multiple glob patterns must be disambiguated by a file or directory definition.

The service-mappings.yaml file

A service-mappings file defines how services referenced in the SERVICEOWNERS file relate to services in the service catalog and GitHub teams. This configuration can define a service’s product manager, engineering manager, repository, and chat information. Service mappings can also define information about a service’s various classifications, such as its “tier” rating, with zero being critical to the GitHub platform and three being experimental/non-critical.

The serviceowners gem

We have developed a Ruby gem we integrate with our Rails app that combines data from the SERVICEOWNERS and service-mappings files to produce several types of output. The serviceowners gem generates our CODEOWNERS file. So, instead of manually updating CODEOWNERS, changing which team or teams maintain a service is a one-line YAML change. The serviceowners gem also has an executable which allows engineers to query information about the maintainer of a file or which files a service maintains.

Because it’s GitHub, there’s of course also a chat-op for that:

me: hubot serviceowners for test/jobs/do_the_thing_with_the_stuff_test.rb

hubot: The file test/jobs/do_the_thing_with_the_stuff_test.rb is part of the github/some_service service and is maintained by the cool-fun-team team who can be reached in #hijinx.

The ownership.yaml file

The above examples mostly focus on breaking up the monolith into services, but our service catalog can slurp up service information from any repository within the GitHub org that has an ownership.yaml file. Like the service-mappings file, ownership expresses version controlled values for various service metadata. This allows us to have the boundaries of a service span across multiple repositories; for example, the GitHub Desktop app can have a component service within the monolith while also having its own standalone artifact from a different repository. Another benefit of the ownership file is that it allows us to focus code changes to the monolith codebase primarily around functionality and not maintainership.


The combination of CODEOWNERS and SERVICEOWNERS has provided serious value for us at GitHub. The tooling we continue to build atop these primitives will serve to make maintaining services clearer and easier. That’s good news for the future of GitHub. It also pairs quite nicely with our open source identity and access management project, entitlements, too. If SERVICEOWNERS sounds like something your organization, open source or corporate alike, would benefit from, let us know on X at @github.

The post How we organize and get things done with SERVICEOWNERS appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How GitHub uses GitHub Actions and Actions larger runners to build and test GitHub.com

Post Syndicated from Max Wagner original https://github.blog/2023-09-26-how-github-uses-github-actions-and-actions-larger-runners-to-build-and-test-github-com/

The Developer Experience (DX) team at GitHub collaborated with a number of other teams to work on moving our continuous integration (CI) system to GitHub Actions to support the development and scaling demands of our engineering team. Our goal as a team is to enable our engineers to confidently and quickly ship software. To that end, we’ve worked on providing paved paths, a suite of automated tools and applications to streamline our development, runtime platforms, and deployments. Recently, we’ve been working to make our CI experience better by leveraging the newly released GitHub feature, Actions larger runners, to run our CI.

Read on to see how we run 15,000 CI jobs within an hour across 150,000 cores of compute!

Brief history of CI at GitHub

GitHub has invested in a variety of different CI systems throughout its history. With each system, our aim has been to enhance the development experience for both GitHub engineers writing and deploying code and for engineers maintaining the systems.

However, with past CI systems we faced challenges with scaling the system to meet the needs of our engineering team to provide both stable and ephemeral build environments. Neither of these challenges allowed us to provide the optimal developer experience.

Then, GitHub released GitHub Actions larger runners. This gave us an opportunity not only to transition to a fully featured CI system, but also to develop, experience, and utilize the systems we are creating for our customers and to drive feedback to help build the product. For the GitHub DX team, this transition was a great opportunity to move away from maintaining our past CI systems while delivering a superior developer experience.

What are larger runners?

Larger runners are GitHub Actions runners that are hosted by GitHub. They are managed virtual machines (VMs) with more RAM, CPU, and disk space than standard GitHub-hosted runners. There are a variety of different machine sizes offered for the runners as well as some additional features compared to the standard GitHub-hosted runners.

Larger runners are available to GitHub Team and GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers. Check out these docs to learn more about larger runners.

Why did we pick larger runners?

Autoscaling and managed

Coming from previous iterations of GitHub’s CI systems, we needed the ability to create CI machines on demand to meet the fast feedback cycles needed by GitHub engineers and to scale with the rate of change of the site.

With larger runners, we maintain the ability to autoscale our CI system because GitHub will automatically create multiple instances of a runner that scale up and down to match the job demands of our engineers. An added benefit is that the GitHub DX team no longer has to worry about the scaling of the runners since all of those complexities are handled by GitHub itself!

We wanted to share some raw numbers on our current peak utilization of larger runners:

  • Uses 4,500 concurrent 32-core runners
  • Runs 125,000 build minutes per hour
  • Queues and runs approximately 15,000 jobs within an hour
  • Allocates around 150,000 cores of compute

(Beta) Custom VM image support

GitHub Actions provides runners with a lot of tools already baked in, which is sufficient and convenient for a variety of projects across the company. However, for some complex production GitHub services, the prebuilt runners did not satisfy all our requirements.

To maintain an efficient and fast CI system, the DX team needed the ability to provide machines with all the tools needed to build those production services. We didn’t want to spend extra time installing tools or compiling projects during CI jobs.

We are currently building features into larger runners so they have the ability to be launched from a custom VM image, called custom images. While this feature is still in beta, using custom images is a huge benefit to GitHub’s CI lifecycle for a couple of reasons.

First, custom images allows GitHub to bundle all the required software and tools needed to build and test complex production bearing services. Anything that is unique to GitHub or one of our projects can be pre-installed on the image before a GitHub Actions workflow even starts.

Second, custom images enable GitHub to dramatically speed up our GitHub Actions workflows by acting as a bootstrapping cache for some projects. During custom image creation, we bundle a pre-built version of a project’s source code into the image. Subsequently, when the project starts a GitHub Actions workflow, it can utilize a cached version of its source code, and any other build artifacts, to speed up its build process.

The cached project source code on the custom VM image can quickly become out of date due to the rapid rate of development within GitHub. This, in turn, causes workflow durations to increase. The DX team worked with the GitHub Actions engineering team to create an API on GitHub to regularly update the custom image multiple times a day to keep the project source up to date.

In practice, this has reduced the bootstrapping time of our projects significantly. Without custom images, our workflows would take around 50 minutes from start to finish, versus the 12 minutes they take today. This is a game changer for our engineers.

We’re working on a way to offer this functionality at scale. If you are interested in custom images for your CI/CD workflows, please reach out to your account manager to learn more!

Important GitHub Actions features

There are thousands of projects at GitHub — from services that run production workloads to small tools that need to run CI to perform their daily operations. To make this a reality, GitHub leverages several important features in GitHub Actions that enable us to use the platform efficiently and securely across the company at scale.

Reusable workflows

One of the DX team’s driving goals is to pave paths for all repositories to run CI without introducing unnecessary repetition across repositories. Prior to GitHub Actions, we created single job configurations that could be used across multiple projects. In GitHub Actions, this was not as easy because any repository can define its own workflows. Reusable workflows to the rescue!

The reusable workflows feature in GitHub Actions provides a way to centrally manage a workflow in a repository that can be utilized by many other repositories in an organization. This was critical in our transition from our previous CI system to GitHub Actions. We were able to create several prebuilt workflows in a single repository, and many repositories could then use those workflows. This makes the process of adding CI to an existing or new project very much plug and play.

In our central repository hosting our reusable workflows, we can have workflows defined like:

        description: 'Which cibuild script to run.'
        type: string
        required: false
        default: "script/cibuild"
        required: true

    runs-on: gh-larger-runner-medium
    name: Simple Workflow Job
    timeout-minutes: 20
      - name: Checkout Project
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Run cibuild script
        run: |
          bash ${{ inputs.cibuild-script }}
        shell: bash

And in consuming repositories, they can simply utilize the reusable workflow, with just a few lines of code!

name: my-new-project

    uses: github/internal-actions/.github/workflows/default.yml@main
      cibuild-script: "script/cibuild-my-tests"
      service-api-key: ${{ secrets.SERVICE_API_KEY }}

Another great benefit of the reusable workflows feature is that the runner can be defined in the Reusable Workflow, meaning that we can guarantee all users of the workflow will run on our designated larger runner pool. Now, projects don’t need to worry about which runner they need to use!

(Beta) Reusing previous workflow outcomes

To optimize our developer experience, the DX team worked with our engineering team to create a feature for GitHub Actions that allows workflows to reuse the outcome of a previous workflow run where the outcomes would be the same.

In some cases, the file contents of a repository are exactly the same between workflow runs that run on different commits. That is, the Git tree IDs for the current commit is the same as the previous commit (there are no file differences). In these cases, we can bypass CI checks by reusing the previous workflow outcomes and allow engineers to not have to wait for CI to run again.

This feature saves GitHub engineers from running anywhere from 300 to 500 workflows runs a day!

Other challenges faced

Private service access

During some internal GitHub Actions workflow runs, the workflows need the ability to access some GitHub private services, within a GitHub virtual private cloud (VPC), over the network. These could be resources such as artifact storage, application metadata services, and other services that enable invocation of our test harness.

When we moved to larger runners, this requirement to access private services became a top-of-mind concern. In previous iterations of our CI infrastructure, these private services were accessible through other cloud and network configurations. However, larger runners are isolated from other production environments, meaning they cannot access our private services.

Like all companies, we need to focus on both the security of our platform as well as the developer experience. To satisfy these two requirements, GitHub developed a remote access solution that allows clients residing outside of our VPCs (larger runners) to securely access select private services.

This remote access solution works on the principle of minting an OIDC token in GitHub Actions, passing the OIDC token to a remote access gateway that authorizes the request by validating the OIDC token, and then proxying the request to the private service residing in a private network.

Flow diagram showing an OIDC token being mined in GitHub Actions, passed to a remote access gateway that authorizes the request by validating the OIDC token, and then proxying the request to the private service residing in a private network.

With this solution we are able to securely provide remote access from larger runners running GitHubActions to our private resources within our VPC.

GitHub has open sourced the basic scaffolding of this remote access gateway in the github/actions-oidc-gateway-example repository, so be sure to check it out!


GitHub Actions provides a robust and smooth developer experience for GitHub engineers working on GitHub.com. We have been able to accomplish this by using the power of GitHub Actions features, such as reusable workflows and reusable workflow outcomes, and by leveraging the scalability and manageability of the GitHub Actions larger runners. We have also used this effort to enhance the GitHub Actions product. To put it simply, GitHub runs on GitHub.

The post How GitHub uses GitHub Actions and Actions larger runners to build and test GitHub.com appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How to build an enterprise LLM application: Lessons from GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Shuyin Zhao original https://github.blog/2023-09-06-how-to-build-an-enterprise-llm-application-lessons-from-github-copilot/

If you want to build and scale an application using a large language model (LLM), this article’s for you.

It took us three years to develop GitHub Copilot before we officially launched it to the general public. To go from idea to production, we followed three stages—find it, nail it, scale it—loosely based on the “Nail It, Then Scale It” framework for entrepreneurial product development.

Here’s how it breaks down:

  • Find it: Identify an impactful problem space for your LLM application
  • Nail it: Create a smooth AI product experience
  • Scale it: Get your LLM application ready and useable for general availability (GA)

Let’s get started.

Find it: Isolate the problem you want to solve

Sometimes the hardest part about creating a solution is scoping down a problem space. The problem should be focused enough to quickly deliver impact, but also big enough that the right solution will wow users. Additionally, you want to find a problem where the use of an LLM is the right solution (and isn’t integrated to just drive product engagement).

  • Get clear on who you want to help. We saw that AI could drive efficiency, so we wanted to prioritize helping developers who were consistently crunched for time, enabling them to write code faster with less context switching.

  • Focus on a single problem, first. Rather than trying to address all developer problems with AI, we focused on one part of the software development lifecycle: coding functions in the IDE. At the time, most AI coding assistants could only complete a single line of code.

  • Balance product ambition with quality. While the GitHub Copilot team initially explored generating entire commits, the state of LLMs couldn’t support that function at a high enough quality at the time. Through additional testing, the team landed on code suggestions at the “whole function” level.

  • Meet people where they are. When it comes to designing products for developers, an LLM app should amplify an existing tool or integrate into an existing workflow. A mantra of the GitHub Copilot team was, “It’s a bug if you have to change the way you code when using GitHub Copilot.” In practice, this means enabling developers to receive code suggestions without changing how they work.

Nail it: Iterate to create a smooth AI product experience

Product development with emerging tech, like generative AI, is often more of a winding path and a linear journey because so much is unknown and rapid advancements in the field can quickly open new doors. Building quick iteration cycles into the product development process allows teams to fail and learn fast. At GitHub, the main mechanism for us to quickly iterate is an A/B experimental platform.

According to Idan Gazit, Senior Director of Research for GitHub Next, “We have to design apps not only for models whose outputs need evaluation by humans, but also for humans who are learning how to interact with AI.

  • Put yourself in users’ shoes. GitHub employees have a culture of putting themselves in the shoes of their end users by “dogfooding” products before—and after—they’re released. In practice, this meant the GitHub Copilot team stood up a simple web interface where it could tinker with foundation models and explore ways to leverage those models in their own developer workflows.

    We quickly found that a web interface was not the right canvas since it meant developers had to switch back and forth between their editor and the web browser. As a result, the team decided to focus on bringing GitHub Copilot to the IDE and making the AI capability modeless—or working in the background.

    The developers on our team also noticed they often referenced multiple open tabs in the IDE while coding. This insight led them to experiment with a technique called neighboring tabs, where GitHub Copilot processes multiple files open in a developer’s IDE instead of just the single one the developer is working on. Neighboring tabs helped to increase the acceptance rates of GitHub Copilot’s suggestions by 5%.

  • Evaluate your testing tools. As our experiment continued, we had to scale our internal testing tools to be more versatile and powerful. While we initially relied on our own tools for testing, we ultimately switched to the Microsoft Experimentation Platform to optimize functionality based on the feedback and interaction at scale.

  • Avoid the sunk cost fallacy. This is when you’re reluctant to abandon a course of action because you’ve heavily invested in it—even when it’s clear switching gears would be more beneficial.

    The GitHub and OpenAI teams initially believed every coding language would require its own fine-tuned AI model. But the field of generative AI was rapidly advancing, and our assumption turned out to be incorrect. In the end, OpenAI’s LLMs significantly improved and one model could handle a wide variety of coding languages and tasks.

  • Make a habit of revisiting old ideas. In a field that’s rapidly advancing, the functions that aren’t feasible with today’s LLMs might be possible with tomorrow’s.

    In the beginning, we explored a chat interface for developers to ask coding questions. However, in early testing, users had much higher expectations for the capabilities and quality of coding suggestions than GitHub Copilot could deliver at the time. As a result, we deprioritized the feature. But as customers became familiar with AI chatbot following the emergence of ChatGPT and LLMs continued to evolve, an iterative chat experience, like GitHub Copilot Chat, became possible.

Scale it: Optimize quality, usability, and responsible use of AI to get to GA

Early feedback and technical previews are key to driving product improvements and getting your application to GA. Below you’ll find the steps we took before launching the GitHub Copilot technical preview, how we managed the technical preview and optimized user feedback, and how we prepared our internal infrastructure to handle demand at scale.

Optimize quality and usability

  • Ensure consistent results. Because LMMs are probabilistic—meaning they don’t always produce the same, predictable outcomes—experimentation with them needs to be statistically based. One solution involves setting up a quality pipeline that addresses this unique challenge of building with LLMs.

    For instance, when the GitHub Copilot team first decided to provide whole function coding suggestions, we also had to ensure output predictability and consistency, where the same prompt and context would produce the same suggestions from the AI model.

    To achieve this, the team applied two strategies: changing the parameters to reduce the randomness of outputs and caching responses. Additionally, using cached responses instead of generating new responses to the same prompt not only reduced variability in suggestions, but it also improved performance.

  • Implement a waitlist for your technical preview. A waitlist allowed the GitHub Copilot team to manage questions, feedback, and comments—and ensure we could address them effectively. This approach also helped ensure we had a diverse set of early adopters across developers of varying experience levels to provide feedback.

  • Take advantage of real user feedback. In one example, developers shared that an update had negatively affected the quality of the model’s coding suggestions. In response, the GitHub Copilot team implemented a new guardrail metric—the percentage of suggestions that are multi-line vs. single line—and tuned the model to ensure customers continued to get high-quality suggestions.

    While the GitHub team actively dogfooded GitHub Copilot to understand what the experience was like for developers, we also benefited from developers outside GitHub adding diverse feedback across real-world use cases. The GitHub Copilot team engaged and interacted with technical preview users early, often, and on the users’ preferred platforms. This allowed us to actively respond to issues and feedback in real time.

  • Commit to iterating as you scale. When GitHub Copilot became generally available, the team not only had to improve the product, but also its infrastructure. When we experimented with and quickly iterated GitHub Copilot, it worked directly with the OpenAI API. As the product grew, we scaled our use of Microsoft Azure’s infrastructure to ensure GitHub Copilot had the quality, reliability, and responsible guardrails of a large-scale, enterprise-grade product.

  • Define the product’s key performance metrics. To optimize GitHub Copilot, we used early developer feedback to identify the right performance metrics, such as code acceptance rate and, eventually, code retention rate (which measures how much of the original code suggestion is kept or edited by a developer).

  • Optimize costs. The team worked to optimize the costs of delivering GitHub Copilot suggestions while balancing developer impact. For instance, before we decided on using ghost text—the gray text that flashes one coding suggestion while you type—the tool would eagerly generate 10 suggestions and display them all at once. This incurred upfront compute costs for suggestions two through 10, when most people choose the first one. But it also created a user experience cost, because those 10 suggestions pulled developers out of their workflow and into an evaluation mindset. “It was like paying to calculate the results that appear on the second page of a search engine—and making that second page grab your attention—even though most folks end up using the top result,” Gazit says.

    Optimizing costs is an ongoing project, and we’re exploring new ideas to reduce costs while improving the user experience.

Optimize responsible use of AI

  • Prioritize security and trust. Feedback during GitHub Copilot’s technical preview reinforced the importance of suggesting code that is secure. In response, the team integrated code security capabilities to filter out suggestions that could contain security vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injections and hard coded credentials) and used natural language filters from Azure OpenAI Service to filter out offensive content.*

  • Allow your community to help you. At GitHub, we deeply valued our extensive developer community for feedback on our products and collaborating with them to improve our offerings. With GitHub Copilot, our developer community was critical to understanding the potential around AI—and some concerns, too.

    For instance, the developer community was concerned that GitHub Copilot suggestions might match public code. In response, the GitHub Copilot team created a filter to block suggestions matching public source code in GitHub public repositories that were longer than 150 characters.

    Based on community input, the GitHub Copilot team also developed a code reference tool that includes links to public code that may match GitHub Copilot suggestions, so developers can review potential matches (and relevant licensing information), and make informed choices.

Develop a go-to-market strategy

  • Launch your product with product evangelists. Before launching the technical preview of GitHub Copilot in 2021, the team presented the prototype to influential members of the software developer community and GitHub Stars. This allowed us to launch the technical preview with an existing base of support and extend the preview’s reach to a broader range of users.

  • Get your product in front of individual users before going after businesses. The team decided to first sell licenses directly to developers, who would clearly benefit from an AI coding assistant. We paired this approach with a free trial program and monthly pricing, based on user survey findings that individuals prefer a simple and predictable subscription. Gaining traction among individual users helped to build a foundation of support and drive adoption at the enterprise level.

Key takeaways

We’re still in the early days of generative AI, so we’re keeping close tabs on the demand and need for this new technology. While each company and product will need to define its own approach to building an LLM app, here are some key learnings from our product journey with GitHub Copilot:

  • Identify a focused problem and thoughtfully discern an AI’s use cases. This will ensure your app has greater impact and a faster time-to-market.

  • Integrate experimentation and tight feedback loops into the design process. This is especially critical when working with LLMs, where outputs are probabilistic and most end users are just learning how to interact with AI models.

  • As you scale, continue to leverage user feedback and prioritize user needs. Doing so will ensure that your product is built to deliver consistent results and real value.

If you’re looking for a problem to solve with an LLM app, check out our post on how companies are boosting productivity with generative AI. You can also take lessons from how GitHub used GitHub Actions to help an AI nonprofit, Ersilia, disseminate AI models to advance pharmaceutical research in low- and middle-income countries.

The post How to build an enterprise LLM application: Lessons from GitHub Copilot appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Optimize your GitHub Codespaces costs with upgraded virtual machines

Post Syndicated from Craig Peters original https://github.blog/2023-08-31-how-github-reduces-costs-with-upgraded-codespaces/

Since we released GitHub Codespaces in 2021, we’ve made a number of updates aimed at improving usability, controlling cost, and more (for example, free usage for all, one click into templates, and concurrency policies). Now, GitHub has improved our developer experience and reduced usage costs at the same time by taking advantage of new virtual machines that provide all of our users twice the RAM, and approximately 10-30% improved CPU performance after adopting Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)-based hosts. These changes enable you to achieve the same (or better) machine performance for half the cost of the previous machine generation.

How this change helps you

In our previous VM generation, memory intensive workloads often had to overprovision CPUs just to get enough RAM in order to run, particularly when running multiple services. For professional developers this was particularly frustrating because of the increased complexity of their development environments, and their higher expectations for performance. Now, rather than having to choose between paying a premium for larger developer machines or sacrificing developer experience and productivity, you can get the best of both worlds.

For example, at GitHub we use our own software and services to build GitHub itself. GitHub uses Codespaces to build not only Codespaces, but the entire platform. GitHub has a large Ruby monolith that requires significant CPU and RAM to test, and also sets an extremely high bar for developer experience. In order to operate these environments while maximizing developer happiness, GitHub used the largest virtual machines available in Codespaces.

Once the new machine types were available, GitHub’s internal developer experience (DX) team started by moving a few dev teams with RAM-hungry workflows to machines with half the CPU count, but the same RAM, to test whether they would be sufficient. With very little effort, and nearly zero developer impact, testing showed that developers were just as successful on the smaller machines, and GitHub incurred half the cost. As additional teams tried moving the fewer-core machines, there was only one build process that turned out to be CPU architecture dependent. The fix was simple—to specify the CPU architecture so that QEMU could emulate appropriately. No other negative impacts were identified.

Due to the success of the initial trials, we quickly rolled out the changes to more teams. The result? Approximately 50% savings!

Figure 1: Codespaces cost for GitHub during the introduction of the AMD machines

Since we’ve rolled out the AMD machines for GitHub, we’ve seen no problems and had only happy users.

You can do the same in your organization by working with your development teams using GitHub Codespaces to test smaller machines on your existing development environments. All Codespaces virtual machines have been upgraded, so testing is as simple as having some developers try working in a smaller machine than they usually do. In most cases, no other configuration changes are necessary!

Once you have found the sweet spot for performance and experience, you can set a policy within your organization to restrict machine types, ensuring cost controls while providing environments that allow your developers to do their best work.

Save costs while empowering your developers

Now that these changes are in your hands, we invite you to see how much more you can get out of GitHub Codespaces by taking advantage of the improved processing power and increased headroom the RAM provides. As ever, please reach out to your account team, or participate in the GitHub Codespaces Community Discussions to provide us your feedback.

The post Optimize your GitHub Codespaces costs with upgraded virtual machines appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How we build containerized services at GitHub using GitHub

Post Syndicated from MV Karan original https://github.blog/2023-08-02-how-we-build-containerized-services-at-github-using-github/

The developer experience engineering team at GitHub works on creating safe, delightful, and inclusive solutions for GitHub engineers to efficiently code, ship, and operate software–setting an example for the world on how to build software with GitHub. To achieve this we provide our developers with a paved path–a comprehensive suite of automated tools and applications to streamline our runtime platforms, deployment, and hosting that helps power some of the microservices on the GitHub.com platform and many internal tools. Let’s take a deeper look at how one of our main paved paths works.

Our development ecosystem

GitHub’s main paved path covers everything that’s needed for running software–creating, deploying, scaling, debugging, and running applications. It is an ecosystem of tools like Kubernetes, Docker, load balancers, and many custom apps that work together to create a cohesive experience for our engineers. It isn’t just infrastructure and isn’t just Kubernetes. Kubernetes is our base layer, and the paved path is a mix of conventions, tools, and settings built on top of it.

The kind of services that we typically run using the paved path include web apps, computation pipelines, batch processors, and monitoring systems.

Kubernetes, which is the base layer of the paved path, runs in a multi-cluster, multi-region topology.

Benefits of the paved path

There are hundreds of services at GitHub–from a small internal tool to an external API supporting production workloads. For a variety of reasons, it would be inefficient to spin up virtual machines for each service.

  • Planning and capacity usage across all services wouldn’t be efficient. We would encounter significant overhead in managing both physical and Kubernetes infrastructure on an ongoing basis.
  • Teams would need to build deep expertise in managing their own Kubernetes clusters and would have less time to focus on their application’s unique needs.
  • We would have less central visibility of applications.
  • Security and compliance would be difficult to standardize and enforce.

With the paved path based on Kubernetes and other runtime apps, we’re instead able to:

  • Plan capacity centrally and only for the Kubernetes nodes, so we can optimally use capacity across nodes, as small workloads and large workloads coexist on the same machines.
  • Scale rapidly thanks to central capacity planning.
  • Easily manage configuration and deployments across services in one central control plane.
  • Consistently provide insights into app and deployment performance for individual services.

Onboarding a service

Onboarding a service with the code living in its own repository has been made easy with our ChatOps command service, called Hubot, and GitHub Apps. Service owners can easily generate some basic scaffolding needed to deploy the service by running a command like:

hubot gh-platform app scaffold monalisa-app

A custom GitHub App installed on the service’s GitHub repository will then automatically generate a pull request to add the necessary configurations, which includes:

  • A deployment.yaml file that defines the service’s deployment environments.
  • Kubernetes manifests that define Deployment and Service objects for deploying the service.
  • A Debian Dockerfile that runs a trivial web server to start off with, which will be used by the Kubernetes manifests.
  • Setting up CI builds as GitHub Checks that build the Docker images on every push, and store in a container registry ready for deployment.

Each service that is onboarded to the paved path has its unique Kubernetes namespace that is defined by <app-name>-<environment> and generally has a staging and production environment. This helps separate the workloads of multiple services, and also multiple environments for the same service since each environment gets its own Kubernetes namespace.

Deploying a service

At GitHub, we deploy branches and perform deployments through Hubot ChatOps commands. To deploy a branch named bug-fixes in the monalisa-app repository to the staging environment, a developer would run a ChatOps command like:

hubot deploy monalisa-app/bug-fixes to staging

This triggers a deployment that fetches the Docker image associated with the latest commit in the bug-fixes branch, updates the Kubernetes manifests, and applies those manifests to the clusters in the runtime platform relevant to that environment.

Typically, the Docker image would be deployed to multiple Kubernetes clusters across multiple geographical sites in a region that forms a part of the runtime platform.

To automate pull request merges into the busiest branches and orchestrate the rollout across environments we’re also using merge queue and deployment pipelines, which our engineers can observe and interact with during their deployment.

Securing our services

For any company, the security of the platform itself, along with services running within it, is critical. In addition to our engineering-wide practices, such as requiring two-person reviews on every pull request, we also have Security and Platform teams automating security measures, such as:

  • Pre-built Docker images to be used as base images for the Dockerfiles. These base images contain only the necessary packages/dependencies with security updates, a set of installed software that is auditable and curated according to shared needs.
  • Build-time and periodic scanning of all packages and running container images, for any vulnerabilities or dependencies needing a patch, powered by our own products for software supply chain security like Dependabot.
  • Build time and periodic scanning of GitHub repositories of services for exposed secrets and vulnerabilities, using GitHub’s native security features for advanced security like code scanning and secret scanning.
  • Multiple authentication and authorization mechanisms that allow only the relevant individuals to directly access underlying Kubernetes resources.
  • Comprehensive telemetry for threat detection.
  • Services running in the platform are by default accessible only within GitHub’s internal networks and not exposed on the public internet.
  • Branch protection policies are enforced on all production repositories. These policies prevent merging a pull request until designated automated tests pass and the change has been reviewed by a different developer from the one who proposed the change.

Another key aspect of security for an application is how secrets like keys and tokens are managed. At GitHub, we use a centralized secret store to manage secrets. Each service and each environment within the service has its own vault to store secrets. These secrets are then injected into the relevant pods in Kubernetes, which are then exposed to the containers.

The deployment flow, from merge to rollout

The whole deployment process would look something like this:

  1. A GitHub engineer merges a pull request to a branch in a repository. In the above example, it is the bug-fixes branch in the monalisa-app repository. This repository would also contain the Kubernetes manifest template files for deploying the application.
  2. The pull request merge triggers relevant CI workflows. One of them is a build of the Docker image, which builds the container image based on the Dockerfile specified in the repository, and pushes the image to an internal artifact registry.
  3. Once all the CI workflows have completed successfully, the engineer initiates a deployment by running a ChatOps command like hubot deploy monalisa-app/bug-fixes to staging. This triggers a deployment to our environments such as Staging.
  4. The build systems fetch the Kubernetes manifest files from the repository branch, replaces the latest image to be deployed from the artifact registry, injects app secrets from the secret store, and runs some custom operations. At the end of this stage, a ready-to-deploy Kubernetes manifest is available.
  5. Our deployment systems then apply the Kubernetes manifest to relevant clusters and monitor the rollout status of new changes.


GitHub’s internal paved path helps developers at GitHub focus on building services and delivering value to our users, with minimal focus on the infrastructure. We accomplish this by providing a streamlined path to our GitHub engineers that uses the power of containers and Kubernetes; scalable security, authentication, and authorization mechanisms; and the GitHub.com platform itself.

Want to try some of these for yourself? Learn more about all of GitHub’s features on github.com/features. If you have adopted any of our practices for your own development, give us a shout on Twitter!

Scaling merge-ort across GitHub

Post Syndicated from Matt Cooper original https://github.blog/2023-07-27-scaling-merge-ort-across-github/

At GitHub, we perform a lot of merges and rebases in the background. For example, when you’re ready to merge your pull request, we already have the resulting merge assembled. Speeding up merge and rebase performance saves both user-visible time and backend resources. Git has recently learned some new tricks which we’re using at scale across GitHub. This post walks through what’s changed and how the experience has improved.

Our requirements for a merge strategy

There are a few non-negotiable parts of any merge strategy we want to employ:

  • It has to be fast. At GitHub’s scale, even a small slowdown is multiplied by the millions of activities going on in repositories we host each day.
  • It has to be correct. For merge strategies, what’s “correct” is occasionally a matter of debate. In those cases, we try to match what users expect (which is often whatever the Git command line does).
  • It can’t check out the repository. There are both scalability and security implications to having a working directory, so we simply don’t.

Previously, we used libgit2 to tick these boxes: it was faster than Git’s default merge strategy and it didn’t require a working directory. On the correctness front, we either performed the merge or reported a merge conflict and halted. However, because of additional code related to merge base selection, sometimes a user’s local Git could easily merge what our implementation could not. This led to a steady stream of support tickets asking why the GitHub web UI couldn’t merge two files when the local command line could. We weren’t meeting those users’ expectations, so from their perspective, we weren’t correct.

A new strategy emerges

Two years ago, Git learned a new merge strategy, merge-ort. As the author details on the mailing list, merge-ort is fast, correct, and addresses many shortcomings of the older default strategy. Even better, unlike merge-recursive, it doesn’t need a working directory. merge-ort is much faster even than our optimized, libgit2-based strategy. What’s more, merge-ort has since become Git’s default. That meant our strategy would fall even further behind on correctness.

It was clear that GitHub needed to upgrade to merge-ort. We split this effort into two parts: first deploy merge-ort for merges, then deploy it for rebases.

merge-ort for merges

Last September, we announced that we’re using merge-ort for merge commits. We used Scientist to run both code paths in production so we can compare timing, correctness, etc. without risking much. The customer still gets the result of the old code path, while the GitHub feature team gets to compare and contrast the behavior of the new code path. Our process was:

  1. Create and enable a Scientist experiment with the new code path.
  2. Roll it out to a fraction of traffic. In our case, we started with some GitHub-internal repositories first before moving to a percentage-based rollout across all of production.
  3. Measure gains, check correctness, and fix bugs iteratively.

We saw dramatic speedups across the board, especially on large, heavily-trafficked repositories. For our own github/github monolith, we saw a 10x speedup in both the average and P99 case. Across the entire experiment, our P50 saw the same 10x speedup and P99 case got nearly a 5x boost.

Chart showing experimental candidate versus control at P50. The candidate implementation fairly consistently stays below 0.1 seconds.

Chart showing experimental candidate versus control at P99. The candidate implementation follows the same spiky pattern as the control, but its peaks are much lower.

Dashboard widgets showing P50 average times for experimental candidate versus control. The control averages 71.07 milliseconds while the candidate averages 7.74 milliseconds.

Dashboard widgets showing P99 average times for experimental candidate versus control. The control averages 1.63 seconds while the candidate averages 329.82 milliseconds.

merge-ort for rebases

Like merges, we also do a huge number of rebases. Customers may choose rebase workflows in their pull requests. We also perform test rebases and other “behind the scenes” operations, so we also brought merge-ort to rebases.

This time around, we powered rebases using a new Git subcommand: git-replay. git replay was written by the original author of merge-ort, Elijah Newren (a prolific Git contributor). With this tool, we could perform rebases using merge-ort and without needing a worktree. Once again, the path was pretty similar:

  1. Merge git-replay into our fork of Git. (We were running the experiment with Git 2.39, which didn’t include the git-replay feature.)
  2. Before shipping, leverage our test suite to detect discrepancies between the old and the new implementations.
  3. Write automation to flush out bugs by performing test rebases of all open pull requests in github/github and comparing the results.
  4. Set up a Scientist experiment to measure the performance delta between libgit2-powered rebases and monitor for unexpected mismatches in behavior.
  5. Measure gains, check correctness, and fix bugs iteratively.

Once again, we were amazed at the results. The following is a great anecdote from testing, as relayed by @wincent (one of the GitHub engineers on this project):

Another way to think of this is in terms of resource usage. We ran the experiment over 730k times. In that interval, our computers spent 2.56 hours performing rebases with libgit2, but under 10 minutes doing the same work with merge-ort. And this was running the experiment for 0.5% of actors. Extrapolating those numbers out to 100%, if we had done all rebases during that interval with merge-ort, it would have taken us 2,000 minutes, or about 33 hours. That same work done with libgit2 would have taken 512 hours!

What’s next

While we’ve covered the most common uses, this is not the end of the story for merge-ort at GitHub. There are still other places in which we can leverage its superpowers to bring better performance, greater accuracy, and improved availability. Squashing and reverting are on our radar for the future, as well as considering what new product features it could unlock down the road.


Many thanks to all the GitHub folks who worked on these two projects. Also, GitHub continues to be grateful for the hundreds of volunteer contributors to the Git open source project, including Elijah Newren for designing, implementing, and continually improving merge-ort.

Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original https://github.blog/2023-05-17-inside-github-working-with-the-llms-behind-github-copilot/

The first time that engineers at GitHub worked with one of OpenAI’s large language models (LLM), they were equal parts excited and astonished. Alireza Goudarzi, a senior researcher of machine learning at GitHub recounts, “As a theoretical AI researcher, my job has been to take apart deep learning models to make sense of them and how they learn, but this was the first time that a model truly astonished me.” Though the emergent behavior of the model was somewhat surprising, it was obviously powerful. Powerful enough, in fact, to lead to the creation of GitHub Copilot.

Due to the growing interest in LLMs and generative AI models, we decided to speak to the researchers and engineers at GitHub who helped build the early versions of GitHub Copilot and talk through what it was like to work with different LLMs from OpenAI, and how model improvements have helped evolve GitHub Copilot to where it is today—and beyond.

A brief history of GitHub Copilot

In June 2020, OpenAI released GPT-3, an LLM that sparked intrigue in developer communities and beyond. Over at GitHub, this got the wheels turning for a project our engineers had only talked about before: code generation.

“Every six months or so, someone would ask in our meetings, ‘Should we think about general purpose code generation,’ but the answer was always ‘No, it’s too difficult, the current models just can’t do it,’” says Albert Ziegler, a principal machine learning engineer and member of the GitHub Next research and development team.

But GPT-3 changed all that—suddenly the model was good enough to begin considering how a code generation tool might work.

“OpenAI gave us the API to play around with,” Ziegler says. “We assessed it by giving it coding-like tasks and evaluated it in two different forms.”

For the first form of evaluation, the GitHub Next team crowdsourced self-contained problems to help test the model. “The reason we don’t do this anymore is because the models just got too good,” Ziegler laughs.

In the beginning, the model could solve about half of the problems it was posed with, but soon enough, it was solving upwards of 90 percent of the problems.

This original testing method sparked the first ideas for how to harness the power of this model, and they began to conceptualize an AI-powered chatbot for developers to ask coding questions and receive immediate, runnable code snippets. “We built a prototype, but it turned out there was a better modality for this technology available,” Ziegler says. “We thought, ‘Let’s try to put this in the IDE.’”

“The moment we did that and saw how well it worked, the whole static question-and-answer modality was forgotten,” he says. “This new approach was interactive and it was useful in almost every situation.”

And with that, the development of GitHub Copilot began.

Exploring model improvements

To keep this project moving forward, GitHub returned to OpenAI to make sure that they could stay on track with the latest models. “The first model that OpenAI gave us was a Python-only model,” Ziegler remembers. “Next we were delivered a JavaScript model and a multilingual model, and it turned out that the Javascript model had particular problems that the multilingual model did not. It actually came as a surprise to us that the multilingual model could perform so well. But each time, the models were just getting better and better, which was really exciting for GitHub Copilot’s progress.”

In 2021, OpenAI released the multilingual Codex model, which was built in partnership with GitHub. This model was an offshoot of GPT-3, so its original capability was generating natural language in response to text prompts. But what set the Codex model apart was that it was trained on billions of lines of public code—so that, in addition to natural language outputs, it also produced code suggestions.

This model was open for use via an API that businesses could build on, and while this breakthrough was huge for GitHub Copilot, the team needed to work on internal model improvements to ensure that it was as accurate as possible for end users.

As the GitHub Copilot product was prepared for launch as a technical preview, the team split off into further functional teams, and the Model Improvements team became responsible for monitoring and improving GitHub Copilot’s quality through communicating with the underlying LLM. This team also set out to work on improving completion for users. Completion refers to when users accept and keep GitHub Copilot suggestions in their code, and there are several different levers that the Model Improvements team works on to increase completion, including prompt crafting and fine tuning.

An example of completion in action with GitHub Copilot
An example of completion in action with GitHub Copilot.

Prompt crafting

When working with LLMs, you have to be very specific and intentional with your inputs to receive your desired output, and prompt crafting explores the art behind communicating these requests to get the optimal completion from the model.

“In very simple terms, the LLM is, at its core, just a document completion model. For training it was given partial documents and it learned how to complete them one token at a time. Therefore, the art of prompt crafting is really all about creating a ‘pseudo-document’ that will lead the model to a completion that benefits the customer,” John Berryman, a senior researcher of machine learning on the Model Improvements team explains. Since LLMs are trained on partial document completion, then if the partial document is code, then this completion capability lends itself well to code completion, which is, in its base form, exactly what GitHub Copilot does.

To better understand how the model could be applied to code completion, the team would provide the model with a file and evaluate the code completions it returned.

“Sometimes the results are ok, sometimes they are quite good, and sometimes the results seem almost magical,” Berryman says. “The secret is that we don’t just have to provide the model with the original file that the GitHub Copilot user is currently editing; instead we look for additional pieces of context inside the IDE that can hint the model towards better completions.”

He continues, “There have been several changes that helped get GitHub Copilot where it is today, but one of my favorite tricks was when we pulled similar texts in from the user’s neighboring editor tabs. That was a huge lift in our acceptance rate and characters retained.”

Generative AI and LLMs are incredibly fascinating, but Berryman still seems to be most excited about the benefit that the users are seeing from the research and engineering efforts.

“The idea here is to make sure that we make developers more productive, but the way we do that is where things start to get interesting: we can make the user more productive by incorporating the way they think about code into the algorithm itself,” Berryman says. “Where the developer might flip back and forth between tabs to reference code, we just can do that for them, and the completion is exactly what it would be if the user had taken all of the time to look that information up.”


Fine-tuning is a technique used in AI to adapt and improve a pre-trained model for a specific task or domain. The process involves taking a pre-trained model that has been trained on a large dataset and training it on a smaller, more specific dataset that is relevant to a particular use case. This enables the model to learn and adapt to the nuances of the new data, thus improving its performance on the specific task.

These larger, more sophisticated LLMs can sometimes produce outputs that aren’t necessarily helpful because it’s hard to statistically define what constitutes a “good” response. It’s also incredibly difficult to train a model like Codex that contains upwards of 170 billion parameters.

“Basically, we’re training the underlying Codex model on a user’s specific codebase to provide more focused, customized completions,” Goudarzi adds.

“Our greatest challenge right now is to consider why the user rejects or accepts a suggestion,” Goudarzi adds. “We have to consider what context, or information, that we served to the model caused the model to output something that was either helpful or not helpful. There’s no way for us to really troubleshoot in the typical engineering way, but what we can do is figure out how to ask the right questions to get the output we desire.”

Read more about how GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your code to provide a more customized coding experience here.

GitHub Copilot—then and now

As the models from OpenAI got stronger—and as we identified more areas to build on top of those LLMs in house—GitHub Copilot has improved and gained new capabilities with chat functionality, voice-assisted development, and more via GitHub Copilot X on the horizon.

Johan Rosenkilde, a staff researcher on the GitHub Next team remembers, “When we received the latest model drops from OpenAI in the past, the improvements were good, but they couldn’t really be felt by the end user. When the third iteration of Codex dropped, you could feel it, especially when you were working with programming languages that are not one of the top five languages,” Rosenkilde says.

He continues, “I happened to be working on a programming competition with some friends on the weekend that model version was released, and we were programming with F#. In the first 24 hours, we evidently had the old model for GitHub Copilot, but then BOOM! Magic happened,” he laughs. “There was an incredibly noticeable difference.”

In the beginning, GitHub Copilot also had the tendency to suggest lines of code in a completely different programming language, which created a poor developer experience (for somewhat obvious reasons).

“You could be working in a C# project, then all of the sudden at the top of a new file, it would suggest Python code,” Rosenkilde explains. So, the team added a headline to the prompt which listed the language you were working in. “Now this had no impact when you were deep down in the file because Copilot could understand which language you were in. But at the top of the file, there could be some ambiguity, and those early models just defaulted to the top popular languages.”

About a month following that improvement, the team discovered that it was much more powerful to put the path of the file at the top of the document.

A diagram of the file path improvement
A diagram of the file path improvement.

“The end of the file name would give away the language in most cases, and in fact the file name could provide crucial, additional information,” Rosenkilde says. “For example, the file might be named ‘connectiondatabase.py.’ Well that file is most likely about databases or connections, so you might want to import an SQL library, and that file was written in Python. So, that not only solved the language problem, but it also improved the quality and user experience by a surprising margin because GitHub Copilot could now suggest boilerplate code.”

After a few more months of work, and several iterations, the team was able to create a component that lifted code from other files, which is a capability that had been talked about since the genesis of GitHub Copilot. Rosenkilde recalls, “this never really amounted to anything more than conversations or a draft pull request because it was so abstract. But then, Albert Ziegler built this component that looked at other files you have open in the IDE at that moment in time and scanned through those files for similar text to what’s in your current cursor. This was a huge boost in code acceptance because suddenly, GitHub Copilot knew about other files.”

What’s next for GitHub Copilot

After working with generative AI models and LLMs over the past three years, we’ve seen their transformative value up close. As the industry continues to find new uses for generative AI, we’re working to continue building new developer experiences. And in March 2023, GitHub announced the future of Copilot, GitHub Copilot X, our vision for an AI-powered developer experience. GitHub Copilot X aims to bring AI beyond the IDE to more components of the overall platform, such as docs and pull requests. LLMs are changing the ways that we interact with technology and how we work, and ideas like GitHub Copilot X are just an example of what these models, along with some dedicated training techniques, are capable of.

How GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your code

Post Syndicated from Johan Rosenkilde original https://github.blog/2023-05-17-how-github-copilot-is-getting-better-at-understanding-your-code/

To make working with GitHub Copilot feel like a meeting of the minds between developers and the pair programmer, GitHub’s machine learning experts have been busy researching, developing, and testing new capabilities—and many are focused on improving the AI pair programmer’s contextual understanding. That’s because good communication is key to pair programming, and inferring context is critical to making good communication happen.

To pull back the curtain, we asked GitHub’s researchers and engineers about the work they’re doing to help GitHub Copilot improve its contextual understanding. Here’s what we discovered.

From OpenAI’s Codex model to GitHub Copilot

When OpenAI released GPT-3 in June 2020, GitHub knew developers would benefit from a product that leveraged the model specifically for coding. So, we gave input to OpenAI as it built Codex, a descendant of GPT-3 and the LLM that would power GitHub Copilot. The pair programmer launched as a technical preview in June 2021 and became generally available in June 2022 as the world’s first at-scale generative AI coding tool.

To ensure that the model has the best information to make the best predictions with speed, GitHub’s machine learning (ML) researchers have done a lot of work called prompt engineering (which we’ll explain in more detail below) so that the model provides contextually relevant responses with low latency.

Though GitHub’s always experimenting with new models as they come out, Codex was the first really powerful generative AI model that was available, said David Slater, a ML engineer at GitHub. “The hands-on experience we gained from iterating on model and prompt improvements was invaluable.”

All that experimentation resulted in a pair programmer that, ultimately, frees up a developer’s time to focus on more fulfilling work. The tool is often a huge help even for starting new projects or files from scratch because it scaffolds a starting point that developers can adapt and tweak as desired, said Alice Li, a ML researcher at GitHub.

I still find myself impressed and even surprised by what GitHub Copilot can do, even after having worked on it for some time now.

– Alice Li, ML researcher at GitHub

Why context matters

Developers use details from pull requests, a folder in a project, open issues, and more to contextualize their code. When it comes to a generative AI coding tool, we need to teach that tool what information to use to do the same.

Transformer LLMs are good at connecting the dots and big-picture thinking. Generative AI coding tools are made possible by large language models (LLMs). These models are sets of algorithms trained on large amounts of code and human language. Today’s state-of-the-art LLMs are transformers, which makes them adept at making connections between text in a user’s input and the output that the model has already generated. This is why today’s generative AI tools are providing responses that are more contextually relevant than previous AI models.

But they need to be told what information is relevant to your code. Right now, transformers that are fast enough to power GitHub Copilot can process about 6,000 characters at a time. While that’s been enough to advance and accelerate tasks like code completion and code change summarization, the limited amount of characters means that not all of a developer’s code can be used as context.

So, our challenge is to figure out not only what data to feed the model, but also how to best order and enter it to get the best suggestions for the developer.

Learn more about LLMs, generative AI coding tools, and how they’re changing the way developers work.

How GitHub Copilot understands your code

It all comes down to prompts, which are compilations of IDE code and relevant context that’s fed to the model. Prompts are generated by algorithms in the background, at any point in your coding. That’s why GitHub Copilot will generate coding suggestions whether you’re currently writing or just finished a comment, or in the middle of some gnarly code.

  • Here’s how a prompt is created: a series of algorithms first select relevant code snippets or comments from your current file and other sources (which we’ll dive into below). These snippets and comments are then prioritized, filtered, and assembled into the final prompt.

GitHub Copilot’s contextual understanding has continuously matured over time. The first version was only able to consider the file you were working on in your IDE to be contextually relevant. But we knew context went beyond that. Now, just a year later, we’re experimenting with algorithms that will consider your entire codebase to generate customized suggestions.

Let’s look at how we got here:

  • Prompt engineering is the delicate art of creating a prompt so that the model makes the most useful prediction for the user. The prompt tells LLMs, including GitHub Copilot, what data, and in what order, to process in order to contextualize your code. Most of this work takes place in what’s called a prompt library, which is where our in-house ML experts work with algorithms to extract and prioritize a variety of sources of information about the developer’s context, creating the prompt that’ll be processed by the GitHub Copilot model.

  • Neighboring tabs is what we call the technique that allows GitHub Copilot to process all of the files open in a developer’s IDE instead of just the single one the developer is working on. By opening all files relevant to their project, developers automatically invoke GitHub Copilot to comb through all of the data and find matching pieces of code between their open files and the code around their cursor—and add those matches to the prompt.

When developing neighboring tabs, the GitHub Next team and in-house ML researchers did A/B tests to figure out the best parameters for identifying matches between code in your IDE and code in your open tabs. They found that setting a very low bar for when to include a match actually made for the best coding suggestions.

By including every little bit of context, neighboring tabs helped to relatively increase user acceptance of GitHub Copilot’s suggestions by 5%**.

Even if there was no perfect match—or even a very good one—picking the best match we found and including that as context for the model was better than including nothing at all.

– Albert Ziegler, principal ML engineer at GitHub
  • The Fill-In-the-Middle (FIM) paradigm widened the context aperture even more. Prior to FIM, only the code before your cursor would be put into the prompt—ignoring the code after your cursor. (At GitHub, we refer to code before the cursor as the prefix and after the cursor as the suffix.) With FIM, we can tell the model which part of the prompt is the prefix, and which part is the suffix.

Even if you’re creating something from scratch and have a skeleton of a file, we know that coding isn’t linear or sequential. So, while you bounce around your file, FIM helps GitHub Copilot offer better coding suggestions for the part in your file where your cursor is located, or the code that’s supposed to come between the prefix and suffix.

Based on A/B testing, FIM gave a 10% relative boost in performance, meaning developers accepted 10% more of the completions that were shown to them. And thanks to optimal use of caching, neighboring tabs and FIM work in the background without any added latency.

System diagram focused on model quality efforts. The diagram starts on the left with inputs from open tabs, data from editor, and vector database, which feed into a prompt library. (We are continuously working on improvements to provide better context from available sources in the prompt.) This then goes into the prompt, which is fed through a contextual filter model and a GPT model. (We are continuously working on new and improved model engines optimized for GitHub Copilot.) This model provides completions to fill in the middle of the prompt prefix and suffix. From the models, n completions are generated, and less than or equal to n completions are shown.

Improving semantic understanding

Today, we’re experimenting with vector databases that could create a customized coding experience for developers working in private repositories or with proprietary code. Generative AI coding tools use something called embeddings to retrieve information from a vector database.

  • What’s a vector database? It’s a database that indexes high-dimensional vectors.

  • What’s a high-dimensional vector? They’re mathematical representations of objects, and because these vectors can model objects in a number of dimensions, they can capture complexities of that object. When used properly to represent pieces of code, they may represent both the semantics and even intention of the code—not just the syntax.

  • What’s an embedding? In the context of coding and LLMs, an embedding is the representation of a piece of code as a high-dimensional vector. Because of the “knowledge” the LLM has of both programming and natural language, it’s able to capture both the syntax and semantics of the code in the vector.

Here’s how they’d all work together:

  • Algorithms would create embeddings for all snippets in the repository (potentially billions of them), and keep them stored in the vector database.
  • Then, as you’re coding, algorithms would embed the snippets in your IDE.
  • Algorithms would then make approximate matches—also, in real time—between the embeddings that are created for your IDE snippets and the embeddings already stored in the vector database. The vector database is what allows algorithms to quickly search for approximate matches (not just exact ones) on the vectors it stores, even if it’s storing billions of embedded code snippets.

Developers are familiar with retrieving data with hashcodes, which typically look for exact character by character matches, explained Alireza Goudarzi, senior ML researcher at GitHub. “But embeddings—because they arise from LLMs that were trained on a vast amount of data—develop a sense of semantic closeness between code snippets and natural language prompts.”

Read the three sentences below and identify which two are the most semantically similar.

  • Sentence A: The king moved and captured the pawn.
  • Sentence B: The king was crowned in Westminster Abbey.
  • Sentence C: Both white rooks were still in the game.

The answer is sentences A and C because both are about chess. While sentences A and B are syntactically, or structurally similar because both have a king as the subject, they’re semantically different because “king” is used in different contexts.

Here’s how each of those statements could translate to Python. Note the syntactic similarity between snippets A and B despite their semantic difference, and the semantic similarity between snippets A and C despite their syntactic difference.

Snippet A:

if king.location() == pawn.location():
    board.captures_piece(king, pawn)

Snippet B:

if king.location() == "Westminster Abbey":

Snippet C:

if len([ r for r in board.pieces("white") if r.type == "rook" ]) == 2:
    return True

As mentioned above, we’re still experimenting with retrieval algorithms. We’re designing the feature with enterprise customers in mind, specifically those who are looking for a customized coding experience with private repositories and would explicitly opt in to use the feature.

Take this with you

Last year, we conducted quantitative research on GitHub Copilot and found that developers code up to 55% faster while using the pair programmer. This means developers feel more productive, complete repetitive tasks more quickly, and can focus more on satisfying work. But our work won’t stop there.

The GitHub product and R&D teams, including GitHub Next, have been collaborating with Microsoft Azure AI-Platform to continue bringing improvements to GitHub Copilot’s contextual understanding. So much of the work that helps GitHub Copilot contextualize your code happens behind the scenes. While you write and edit your code, GitHub Copilot is responding to your writing and edits in real time by generating prompts–or, in other words, prioritizing and sending relevant information to the model based on your actions in your IDE—to keep giving you the best coding suggestions.

Learn more

How we use GitHub to be more productive, collaborative, and secure

Post Syndicated from Mike Hanley original https://github.blog/2022-12-20-how-we-use-github-to-be-more-productive-collaborative-and-secure/

It’s that time of year where we’re all looking back at what we’ve accomplished and thinking ahead to goals and plans for the calendar year to come. As part of GitHub Universe, I shared some numbers that provided a window into the work our engineering and security teams drive each day on behalf of our community, customers, and Hubbers. As someone who loves data, it’s not just fun to see how we operate GitHub at scale, but it’s also rewarding to see how this work contributes to our vision to be the home for all developers–which includes our own engineering and security teams.

Over the course of the past year1, GitHub staff made millions of commits across all of our internal repositories. That’s a ton of branches, pull requests, Issues, and more. We processed billions of API requests daily. And we ran tens of thousands of production deployments across the internal apps that power GitHub’s services. If you do the math, that’s hundreds of deploys per day.

GitHub is big. But the reality is, no matter your size, your scale, or your stage, we’re all dealing with the same questions. Those questions boil down to how to optimize for productivity, collaboration, and, of course, security.

It’s a running joke internally that you have to type “GitHub” three times to get to the monolith. So, let’s take a look at how we at GitHub (1) use GitHub (2) to build the GitHub (3) you rely on.


GitHub’s cloud-powered experiences, namely Codespaces and GitHub Copilot, have been two of the biggest game changers for us in the past few years.


It’s no secret that local development hasn’t evolved much in the past decade. The github/github repository, where much of what you experience on GitHub.com lives, is fairly large and took several minutes to clone even on a good network connection. Combine this with setting up dependencies and getting your environment the way you like it, spinning up a local environment used to take 45 minutes to go from checkout to a built local developer environment.

But now, with Codespaces, a few clicks and less than 60 seconds later, you’re in a working development environment that’s running on faster hardware than the MacBook I use daily.

Heating my home office in the chilly Midwest with my laptop doing a local build was nice, but it’s a thing of the past. Moving to Codespaces last year has truly impacted our day-to-day developer experience, and we’re not looking back.

GitHub Copilot

We’ve been using GitHub Copilot for more than a year internally, and it still feels like magic to me every day. We recently published a study that looked at GitHub Copilot performance across two groups of developers–one that used GitHub Copilot and one that didn’t. To no one’s surprise, the group that used GitHub Copilot was able to complete the same task 55% faster than the group that didn’t have GitHub Copilot.

Getting the job done faster is great, but the data also provided incredible insight into developer satisfaction. Almost three-quarters of the developers surveyed said that GitHub Copilot helped them stay in the flow and spend more time focusing on the fun parts of their jobs. When was the last time you adopted an experience that made you love your job more? It’s an incredible example of putting developers first that has completely changed how we build here at GitHub.


At GitHub, we’re remote-first and we have highly distributed teams, so we prioritize discoverability and how we keep teams up-to-date across our work. That’s where tools like Issues and projects come into play. They allow us to plan, track, and collaborate in a centralized place that’s right next to the code we’re working on.

Incorporating projects across our security team has made it easier for us to not only track our work, but also to help people understand how their work fits into the company’s broader mission and supports our customers.

Projects gives us a big picture view of our work, but what about the more tactical discovery of a file, function, or new feature another team is building? When you’re working on a massive 15-year-old codebase (looking at you, GitHub), sometimes you need to find code that was written well before you even joined the company, and that can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

So, we’ve adopted the new code search and code view, which has helped our developers quickly find what they need without losing velocity. This improved discoverability, along with the enhanced organization offered by Issues and projects, has had huge implications for our teams in terms of how we’ve been able to collaborate across groups.

Shifting security left

Like we saw when we looked at local development environments, the security industry still struggles with the same issues that have plagued us for more than a decade. Exposed credentials, as an example, are still the root cause for more than half of all data breaches today2. Phishing is still the best, and cheapest, way for an adversary to get into organizations and wreak havoc. And we’re still pleading with organizations to implement multi-factor authentication to keep the most basic techniques from bad actors at bay.

It’s time to build security into everything we do across the developer lifecycle.

The software supply chain starts with the developer. Normalizing the use of strong authentication is one of the most important ways that we at GitHub, the home of open source, can help defend the entire ecosystem against supply chain attacks. We enforce multi-factor authentication with security keys for our internal developers, and we’re requiring that every developer who contributes software on GitHub.com enable 2FA by the end of next year. The closer we can bring our security and engineering teams together, the better the outcomes and security experiences we can create together.

Another way we do that is by scaling the knowledge of our security teams with tools like CodeQL to create checks that are deployed for all our developers, protecting all our users. And because the CodeQL queries are open source, the vulnerability patterns shared by security teams at GitHub or by our customers end up as CodeQL queries that are then available for everyone. This acts like a global force multiplier for security knowledge in the developer and security communities.

Security shouldn’t be gatekeeping your teams from shipping. It should be the process that enables them to ship quickly–remember our hundreds of production deployments per day?–and with confidence.

Big, small, or in-between

As you see, GitHub has the same priorities as any other development team out there.

It doesn’t matter if you’re processing billions of API requests a day, like we are, or if you’re just starting on that next idea that will be launched into the world.

These are just a few ways over the course of the last year that we’ve used GitHub to build our own platform securely and improve our own developer experiences, not only to be more productive, collaborative, and secure, but to be creative, to be happier, and to build the best work of our lives.

To learn more about how we use GitHub to build GitHub, and to see demos of the features highlighted here, take a look at this talk from GitHub Universe 2022.


  1. Data collected January-October 2022 
  2. Verizon DBIR