Tag Archives: GitHub Copilot

4 ways GitHub engineers use GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Holger Staudacher original https://github.blog/2024-04-09-4-ways-github-engineers-use-github-copilot/

Just recently, I was coding a new feature for GitHub Copilot Chat. My task was to enable the chat to recognize a user’s project dependencies, allowing it to provide magical answers when the user poses a question. While I could have easily listed the project dependencies and considered the task complete, I knew that to extract top-notch responses from these large language models, I needed to be careful to not overload the prompt to avoid confusing the model by providing too much context. This meant pre-processing the dependency list and selecting the most relevant ones to include in the chat prompt.

Creating machine-processable formats for the most prominent frameworks across various programming languages would have consumed days. It was during this time that I experienced one of those “Copilot moments.”

I simply queried the chat in my IDE:

Look at the data structure I have selected and create at least 10 examples that conform to the data structure. The data should cover the most prominent frameworks for the Go programming language.

Voilà, there it was my initial batch of machine-processable dependencies. Just 30 minutes later, I had amassed a comprehensive collection of significant dependencies for nearly all supported languages, complete with parameterized unit tests. Completing a task that would likely have taken days without GitHub Copilot, in just 30 minutes, was truly remarkable.

This led me to ponder: what other “Copilot moments” might my colleagues here at GitHub have experienced? Thus, here are a few ways we use GitHub Copilot at GitHub.

1. Semi-automating repetitive tasks

Semi-automating repetitive tasks is a topic that resonates with a colleague of mine from another team. He mentions that they are tasked with developing and maintaining several live services, many of which utilize protocol buffers for data communication. During maintenance, they often encounter a situation where they need to increment ID numbers in the protobuf definitions, as illustrated in the code snippet below:


google.protobuf.StringValue fetcher = 130

  [(opts.cts_opt)={src:"Properties" key:"fetcher"}];

google.protobuf.StringValue proxy_enabled = 131

  [(opts.cts_opt)={src:"Properties" key:"proxy_enabled"}];

google.protobuf.StringValue proxy_auth = 132

  [(opts.cts_opt)={src:"Properties" key:"proxy_auth"}];

He particularly appreciates having GitHub Copilot completions in the editor for these tasks. It serves as a significant time saver, eliminating the need to manually generate ID numbers. Instead, one can simply tab through the completion suggestions until the task is complete.

2. Avoid getting side tracked

Here’s another intriguing use case I heard about from a colleague. He needed to devise a regular expression to capture a Markdown code block and extract the language identifier. Fully immersed in his work, he preferred not to interrupt his flow by switching to chat, even though it could have provided a solution. Instead, he employed a creative approach by formalizing his task in a code comment:

// The string above contains a code block with a language identifier.
// Create a regexp that matches the code block and captures the language 
// Use tagged capture groups for the language and the code. 

This prompted GitHub Copilot to generate the regular expression as the subsequent statement in his editor:

const re = /```(?<lang>\w+)(?<code>[\s\S]+?)```/;

With the comment deleted, the task was swiftly accomplished!

Screenshot of GitHub engineer prompting GitHub Copilot, and GItHub Copilot returning a useful response

During a pleasant coffee chat, one of our support engineers shared an incident she experienced with a colleague last week. It was a Friday afternoon, and they were attempting to troubleshoot an issue for a specific customer. Eventually, they pinpointed the solution by creating various notes in VSCode. At GitHub, we prioritize remote collaboration. Thus, merely resolving the task wasn’t sufficient; it was also essential to inform our colleagues about the process to ensure the best possible experience for future customer requests. Consequently, even after completing this exhaustive task, they needed to document how they arrived at the solution.

She initiated GitHub Copilot Chat and simply typed something along the lines of, “Organize my notes, structure them, and compile the data in the editor into Markdown tables.” Within seconds, the task was completed, allowing them to commence their well-deserved weekend.

4. Exploring and learning

Enhancing and acquiring new skills are integral aspects of every engineer’s journey. John Berryman, a colleague of mine, undertook the challenge of leveraging GitHub Copilot to tackle a non-trivial coding task in a completely unfamiliar programming language. His goal was to delve into Rust, so on a Sunday, he embarked on this endeavor with the assistance of GitHub Copilot Chat. The task he set out to accomplish was to develop a program capable of converting any numerical input into its written English equivalent. While initially seeming straightforward, this task presented various complexities such as handling teen numbers, naming conventions for tens, placement of “and” in the output, and more.

Twenty-three minutes and nine seconds later, he successfully produced a functional version written in Rust, despite having no prior experience with the language. Notably, he documented his entire process, recording himself throughout the endeavor.

Berryman uses an older, experimental version of GitHub Copilot to write a program in Rust.

Your very own GitHub Copilot moment

I found it incredibly enlightening to discover how my fellow Hubbers utilize GitHub Copilot, and their innovative approaches inspired me to incorporate some of their ideas into my daily workflows. If you’re eager to explore GitHub Copilot firsthand, getting started is a breeze. Simply install it into your preferred editor and ask away.

The post 4 ways GitHub engineers use GitHub Copilot appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Using GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks, and best practices

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original https://github.blog/2024-03-25-how-to-use-github-copilot-in-your-ide-tips-tricks-and-best-practices/

AI has become an integral part of my workflow these days, and with the assistance of GitHub Copilot, I move a lot faster when I’m building a project. Having used AI tools to increase my productivity over the past year, I’ve realized that similar to learning how to use a new framework or library, we can enhance our efficiency with AI tools by learning how to best use them.

In this blog post, I’ll share some of the daily things I do to get the most out of GitHub Copilot. I hope these tips will help you become a more efficient and productive user of the AI assistant.

Need a refresher on how to use GitHub Copilot?Since GitHub Copilot continues to evolve in the IDE, CLI, and across GitHub.com, we put together a full guide on using GitHub Copilot with prompt tips and tricks. Get the guide >

Want to learn how best to leverage it in the IDE? Keep on reading. ⤵

Beyond code completion

To make full use of the power of GitHub Copilot, it’s important to understand its capabilities. GitHub Copilot is developing rapidly, and new features are being added all the time. It’s no longer just a code completion tool in your editor—it now includes a chat interface that you can use in your IDE, a command line tool via a GitHub CLI extension, a summary tool in your pull requests, a helper tool in your terminals, and much, much more.

In a recent blog post, I’ve listed some of the ways you didn’t know you could use GitHub Copilot. This will give you a great overview of how much the AI assistant can currently do.

But beyond interacting with GitHub Copilot, how do you help it give you better answers? Well, the answer to that needs a bit more context.

Context, context, context

If you understand Large Language Models ( LLMs), you will know that they are designed to make predictions based on the context provided. This means, the more contextually rich our input or prompt is, the better the prediction or output will be.

As such, learning to provide as much context as possible is key when interacting with GitHub Copilot, especially with the code completion feature. Unlike ChatGPT where you need to provide all the data to the model in the prompt window, by installing GitHub Copilot in your editor, the assistant is able to infer context from the code you’re working on. It then uses that context to provide code suggestions.

We already know this, but what else can we do to give it additional context?

I want to share a few essential tips with you to provide GitHub Copilot with more context in your editor to get the most relevant and useful code out of it:

1. Open your relevant files

Having your files open provides GitHub Copilot with context. When you have additional files open, it will help to inform the suggestion that is returned. Remember, if a file is closed, GitHub Copilot cannot see the file’s content in your editor, which means it cannot get the context from those closed files.

GitHub Copilot looks at the current open files in your editor to analyze the context, create a prompt that gets sent to the server, and return an appropriate suggestion.

Have a few files open in your editor to give GitHub Copilot a bigger picture of your project. You can also use #editor in the chat interface to provide GitHub Copilot with additional context on your currently opened files in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and Visual Studio.

Remember to close unneeded files when context switching or moving on to the next task.

2. Provide a top-level comment

Just as you would give a brief, high-level introduction to a coworker, a top-level comment in the file you’re working in can help GitHub Copilot understand the overall context of the pieces you will be creating—especially if you want your AI assistant to generate the boilerplate code for you to get going.

Be sure to include details about what you need and provide a good description so it has as much information as possible. This will help to guide GitHub Copilot to give better suggestions, and give it a goal on what to work on. Having examples, especially when processing data or manipulation strings, helps quite a bit.

index.js file with a comment at the top asking Copilot to create a HomePage Component following detailed guidelines: a H1 text with label, a text area with a button, and a server response displaying facts returned

3. Set Includes and references

It’s best to manually set the includes/imports or module references you need for your work, particularly if you’re working with a specific version of a package.

GitHub Copilot will make suggestions, but you know what dependencies you want to use. This can also help to let GitHub Copilot know what frameworks, libraries, and their versions you’d like it to use when crafting suggestions.

This can be helpful to jump start GitHub Copilot to a newer library version when it defaults to providing older code suggestions.

4. Meaningful names matter

The name of your variables and functions matter. If you have a function named foo or bar, GitHub Copilot will not be able to give you the best completion because it isn’t able to infer intent from the names.

Just as the function name fetchData() won’t mean much to a coworker (or you after a few months), fetchData() won’t mean much to GitHub Copilot either.

Implementing good coding practices will help you get the most value from GitHub Copilot. While GitHub Copilot helps you code and iterate faster, remember the old rule of programming still applies: garbage in, garbage out.

function named "fetchAirports" that gets data from the /airport route and returns json output of airports to demonstrate meaningful names.

5. Provide specific and well- scoped function comments

Commenting your code helps you get very specific, targeted suggestions.

A function name can only be so descriptive without being overly long, so function comments can help fill in details that GitHub Copilot might need to know. One of the neat features about GitHub Copilot is that it can determine the correct comment syntax that is typically used in your programming language for function / method comments and will help create them for you based on what the code does. Adding more detail to these as the first change you do then helps GitHub Copilot determine what you would like to do in code and how to interact with that function.

Remember: Single, specific, short comments help GitHub Copilot provide better context.

6. Provide sample code

Providing sample code to GitHub Copilot will help it determine what you’re looking for. This helps to ground the model and provide it with even more context.

It also helps GitHub Copilot generate suggestions that match the language and tasks you want to achieve, and return suggestions based on your current coding standards and practices. Unit tests provide one level of sample code at the individual function/method level, but you can also provide code examples in your project showing how to do things end to end. The cool thing about using GitHub Copilot long-term is that it nudges us to do a lot of the good coding practices we should’ve been doing all along.

Learn more about providing context to GitHub Copilot by watching this Youtube video:

Inline Chat with GitHub Copilot

Inline chat

Outside of providing enough context, there are some built-in features of GitHub Copilot that you may not be taking advantage of. Inline chat, for example, gives you an opportunity to almost chat with GitHub Copilot between your lines of code. By pressing CMD + I (CTRL + I on Windows) you’ll have Copilot right there to ask questions. This is a bit more convenient for quick fixes instead of opening up GitHub Copilot Chat’s side panel.

This experience provides you with code diffs inline, which is awesome. There are also special slash commands available like creating documentation with just the slash of a button!

inline chat in the VS Code editor with the /doc command in focus

Tips and tricks with GitHub Copilot Chat

GitHub Copilot Chat provides an experience in your editor where you can have a conversation with the AI assistant. You can improve this experience by using built-in features to make the most out of it.

8. Remove irrelevant requests

For example, did you know that you can delete a previously asked question in the chat interface to remove it from the indexed conversation? Especially if it is no longer relevant?

Copilot Chat interface with a mouse click hovered over a conversation and the X button to delete it.

Doing this will improve the flow of conversation and give GitHub Copilot only the necessary information needed to provide you with the best output.

9. Navigate through your conversation

Another tip I found is to use the up and down arrows to navigate through your conversation with GitHub Copilot Chat. I found myself scrolling through the chat interface to find that last question I asked, then discovered I can just use my keyboard arrows just like in the terminal!

10. Use the @workspace agent

If you’re using VS Code or Visual Studio, remember that agents are available to help you go even further. The @workspace agent for example, is aware of your entire workspace and can answer questions related to it. As such, it can provide even more context when trying to get a good output from GitHub Copilot.

11. Highlight relevant code

Another great tip when using GitHub Copilot Chat is to highlight relevant code in your files before asking it questions. This will help to give targeted suggestions and just provides the assistant with more context into what you need help with.

12. Organize your conversations with threads

You can have multiple ongoing conversations with GitHub Copilot Chat on different topics by isolating your conversations with threads. We’ve provided a convenient way for you to start new conversations (thread) by clicking the + sign on the chat interface.

copilot chat interface with a mouse click on the plus button to start a new thread or conversation

13. Slash Commands for common tasks

Slash commands are awesome, and there are quite a few of them. We have commands to help you explain code, fix code, create a new notebook, write tests, and many more. They are just shortcuts to common prompts that we’ve found to be particularly helpful in day-to-day development from our own internal usage.

Command Description Usage
/explain Get code explanations Open file with code or highlight code you want explained and type:

/explain what is the fetchPrediction method?

/fix Receive a proposed fix for the problems in the selected code Highlight problematic code and type:

/fix propose a fix for the problems in fetchAirports route

/tests Generate unit tests for selected code Open file with code or highlight code you want tests for and type:


/help Get help on using Copilot Chat Type:

/help what can you do?

/clear Clear current conversation Type:


/doc Add a documentation comment Highlight code and type:


You can also press CMD+I in your editor and type /doc/ inline

/generate Generate code to answer your question Type:

/generate code that validates a phone number

/optimize Analyze and improve running time of the selected code Highlight code and type:

/optimize fetchPrediction method

/clear Clear current chat Type:


/new Scaffold code for a new workspace Type:

/new create a new django app

/simplify Simplify the selected code Highlight code and type:


/feedback Provide feedback to the team Type:


See the following image for commands available in VS Code:

 slash commands in VS Code terminal. commands shown are listed in the table above

14. Attach relevant files for reference

In Visual Studio and VS Code, you can attach relevant files for GitHub Copilot Chat to reference by using #file. This scopes GitHub Copilot to a particular context in your code base and provides you with a much better outcome.

To reference a file, type # in the comment box, choose #file and you will see a popup where you can choose your file. You can also type #file_name.py in the comment box. See below for an example:

15. Start with GitHub Copilot Chat for faster debugging

These days whenever I need to debug some code, I turn to GitHub Copilot Chat first. Most recently, I was implementing a decision tree and performed a k-fold cross-validation. I kept getting the incorrect accuracy scores and couldn’t figure out why. I turned to GitHub Copilot Chat for some assistance and it turns out I wasn’t using my training data set (X_train, y_train), even though I thought I was:


I figured this out a lot faster than I would’ve with external resources. I want to encourage you to start with GitHub Copilot Chat in your editor to get debugging help faster instead of going to external resources first. Follow my example above by explaining the problem, pasting the problematic code, and asking for help. You can also highlight the problematic code in your editor and use the /fix command in the chat interface.

Be on the lookout for sparkles!

In VS Code, you can quickly get help from GitHub Copilot by looking out for “magic sparkles.” For example, in the commit comment section, clicking the magic sparkles will help you generate a commit message with the help of AI. You can also find magic sparkles inline in your editor as you’re working for a quick way to access GitHub Copilot inline chat.

Pressing them will use AI to help you fill out the data and more magic sparkles are being added where we find other places for GitHub Copilot to help in your day-to-day coding experience.

Know where your AI assistant shines

To get the best and most out of the tool, remember that context and prompt crafting is essential to keep in mind. Understanding where the tool shines best is also important. Some of the things GitHub Copilot is very good at include boilerplate code and scaffolding, writing unit tests, writing documentation, pattern matching, explaining uncommon or confusing syntax, cron jobs, and regex, and helping you remember things you’ve forgotten and debugging.

But never forget that you are in control, and GitHub Copilot is here as just that, your copilot. It is a tool that can help you write code faster, and it’s up to you to decide how to best use it.

It is not here to do your work for you or to write everything for you. It will guide you and nudge you in the right direction just as a coworker would if you asked them questions or for guidance on a particular issue.

I hope these tips and best practices were helpful. You can significantly improve your coding efficiency and output by properly leveraging GitHub Copilot. Learn more about how GitHub Copilot works by reading Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot and Customizing and fine-tuning LLMs: What you need to know.

Harness the power of GitHub Copilot. Learn more or get started now.

The post Using GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks, and best practices appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Hard and soft skills for developers coding in the age of AI

Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original https://github.blog/2024-03-07-hard-and-soft-skills-for-developers-coding-in-the-age-of-ai/

As AI continues to shape the development landscape, developers are navigating a new frontier—not one that will make their careers obsolete, but one that will require their skills and instincts more than ever.

Sure, AI is revolutionizing software development, but that revolution ultimately starts and stops with developers. That’s because these tools need to have a pilot in control. While they can improve the time to code and ship, they can’t serve as a replacement for human oversight and coding abilities.

We recently conducted research into the evolving relationship between developers and AI tools and found that AI has the potential to alleviate the cognitive burden of complex tasks for developers. Instead of being used solely as a second pair of hands, AI tools can also be used more like a second brain, helping developers be more well-rounded and efficient.

In essence, AI can reduce mental strain so that developers can focus on anything from learning a new language to creating high-quality solutions for complex problems. So, if you’re sitting here wondering if you should learn how to code or how AI fits into your current coding career, we’re here to tell you what you need to know about your work in the age of AI.

A brief history of AI-powered techniques and tools

While the media buzz around generative AI is relatively new, AI coding tools have been around —in some form or another—much longer than you might expect. To get you up to speed, here’s a brief timeline of the AI-powered tools and techniques that have paved the way for the sophisticated coding tools we have today:

1950s: Autocoder was one of the earliest attempts at automatic coding. Developed in the 1950s by IBM, Autocoder translated symbolic language into machine code, streamlining programming tasks for early computers.

1958: LISP, one of the oldest high-level programming languages created by John McCarthy, introduced symbolic processing and recursive functions, laying the groundwork for AI programming. Its flexibility and expressive power made it a popular choice for AI research and development.

(defun factorial (n)
(if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

This function calculates the factorial of a non-negative integer ‘n’ in LISP. If ‘n’ is 0 or 1, the factorial is 1. Otherwise, it recursively multiplies ‘n’ by the factorial of n-1 until ‘n’ reaches 1.

1970: SHRDLU, developed by Terry Winograd at MIT, was an early natural language understanding program that could interpret and respond to commands in a restricted subset of English, and demonstrated the potential for AI to understand and generate human language.

SHRDLU, operating in a block world, aimed to understand and execute natural language instructions for manipulating virtual objects made of various shaped blocks.

SHRDLU, operating in a block world, aimed to understand and execute natural language instructions for manipulating virtual objects made of various shaped blocks.
[Source: Cryptlabs]

1980s: In the 1980s, code generators, such as The Last One, emerged as tools that could automatically generate code based on user specifications or predefined templates. While not strictly AI-powered in the modern sense, they laid the foundation for later advancements in code generation and automation.

“Personal Computer” magazine cover from 1982 that explored the program, The Last One.

“Personal Computer” magazine cover from 1982 that explored the program, The Last One.
[Source: David Tebbutts]

1990s: Neural network–based predictive models were increasingly applied to code-related tasks, such as predicting program behavior, detecting software defects, and analyzing code quality. These models leveraged the pattern recognition capabilities of neural networks to learn from code examples and make predictions.

2000s: Refactoring tools with AI capabilities began to emerge in the 2000s, offering automated assistance for restructuring and improving code without changing its external behavior. These tools used AI techniques to analyze code patterns, identify opportunities for refactoring, and suggest appropriate refactorings to developers.

These early AI-powered coding tools helped shape the evolution of software development and set the stage for today’s AI-driven coding assistance and automation tools, which continue to evolve seemingly every day.

Evolving beyond the IDE

Initially, AI tools were primarily confined to the integrated development environment (IDE), aiding developers in writing and refining code. But now, we’re starting to see AI touch every part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), which we’ve found can increase productivity, streamline collaboration, and accelerate innovation for engineering teams.

In a 2023 survey of 500 U.S.-based developers, 70% reported experiencing significant advantages in their work, while over 80% said these tools will foster greater collaboration within their teams. Additionally, our research revealed that developers, on average, complete tasks up to 55% faster when using AI coding tools.

Here’s a quick look at where modern AI-powered coding tools are and some of the technical benefits they provide today:

  • Code completion and suggestions. Tools like GitHub Copilot use large language models (LLMs) to analyze code context and generate suggestions to make coding more efficient. Developers can now experience a notable boost in productivity as AI can suggest entire lines of code based on the context and patterns learned from developers’ code repositories, rather than just the code in the editor. Copilot also leverages the vast amount of open-source code available on GitHub to enhance its understanding of various programming languages, frameworks, and libraries, to provide developers with valuable code suggestions.
  • Generative AI in your repositories. Developers can use tools like GitHub Copilot Chat to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of their code base in real time. With AI gathering context of legacy code and processes within your repositories, GitHub Copilot Enterprise can help maintain consistency and best practices across an organization’s codebase when suggesting solutions.
  • Natural language processing (NLP). AI has recently made great strides in understanding and generating code from natural language prompts. Think of tools like ChatGPT where developers can describe their intent in plain language, and the AI produces valuable outputs, such as executable code or explanations for that code functionality.
  • Enhanced debugging with AI. These tools can analyze code for potential errors, offering possible fixes by leveraging historical data and patterns to identify and address bugs more effectively.

To implement AI tools, developers need technical skills and soft skills

There are two different subsets of skills that can help developers as they begin to incorporate AI tools into their development workflows: technical skills and soft skills. Having both technical chops and people skills is super important for developers when they’re diving into AI projects—they need to know their technical skills to make those AI tools work to their advantage, but they also need to be able to work well with others, solve problems creatively, and understand the big picture to make sure the solutions they come up with actually hit the mark for the folks using them.

Let’s take a look at those technical skills first.

Getting technical

Prompt engineering

Prompt engineering involves crafting well-designed prompts or instructions that guide the behavior of AI models to produce desired outputs or responses. It can be pretty frustrating when AI-powered coding assistants don’t generate a valuable output, but that can often be quickly remedied by adjusting how you communicate with the AI. Here are some things to keep in mind when crafting natural language prompts:

  • Be clear and specific. Craft direct and contextually relevant prompts to guide AI models more effectively.
  • Experiment and iterate. Try out various prompt variations and iterate based on the outputs you receive.
  • Validate, validate, validate. Similar to how you would inspect code written by a colleague, it’s crucial to consistently evaluate, analyze, and verify code generated by AI algorithms.

Code reviews

AI is helpful, but it isn’t perfect. While LLMs are trained on large amounts of data, they don’t inherently understand programming concepts the way humans do. As a result, the code they generate may contain syntax errors, logic flaws, or other issues. That’s why developers need to rely on their coding competence and organizational knowledge to make sure that they aren’t pushing faulty code into production.

For a successful code review, you can start out by asking: does this code change accomplish what it is supposed to do? From there, you can take a look at this in-depth checklist of more things to keep in mind when reviewing AI-generated code suggestions.

Testing and security

With AI’s capabilities, developers can now generate and automate tests with ease, making their testing responsibilities less manual and more strategic. To ensure that the AI-generated tests cover critical functionality, edge cases, and potential vulnerabilities effectively, developers will need a strong foundational knowledge of programming skills, testing principles, and security best practices. This way, they’ll be able to interpret and analyze the generated tests effectively, identify potential limitations or biases in the generated tests, and augment with manual tests as necessary.

Here’s a few steps you can take to assess the quality and reliability of AI-generated tests:

  • Verify test assertions. Check if the assertions made by the AI-generated tests are verifiable and if they align with the expected behavior of the software.
  • Assess test completeness. Evaluate if the AI-generated tests cover all relevant scenarios and edge cases and identify any gaps or areas where additional testing may be required to achieve full coverage.
  • Identify limitations and biases. Consider factors such as data bias, algorithmic biases, and limitations of the AI model used for test generation.
  • Evaluate results. Investigate any test failures or anomalies to determine their root causes and implications for the software.

For those beginning their coding journey, check out the GitHub Learning Pathways to gain deeper insights into testing strategies and security best practices with GitHub Actions and GitHub Advanced Security.
You can also bolster your security skills with this new, open source Secure Code Game 🎮.

And now, the soft skills

As developers leverage AI to build what’s next, having soft skills—like the ability to communicate and collaborate well with colleagues—is becoming more important than ever.

Let’s take a more in-depth look at some soft skills that developers can focus on as they continue to adopt AI tools:

  • Communication. Communication skills are paramount to collaborating with team members and stakeholders to define project requirements, share insights, and address challenges. They’re also important as developers navigate prompt engineering. The best AI prompts are clear, direct, and well thought out—and communicating with fellow humans in the workplace isn’t much different.
Did you know that prompt engineering best practices just might help you build your communication skills with colleagues? Check out this thought piece from Harvard Business Review for more insights.
  • Problem solving. Developers may encounter complex challenges or unexpected issues when working with AI tools, and the ability to think creatively and adapt to changing circumstances is crucial for finding innovative solutions.
  • Adaptability. The rapid advancement of AI technology requires developers to be adaptable and willing to embrace new tools, methodologies, and frameworks. Plus, cultivating soft skills that promote a growth mindset allows individuals to consistently learn and stay updated as AI tools continue to evolve.
  • Ethical thinking. Ethical considerations are important in AI development, particularly regarding issues such as bias, fairness, transparency, and privacy. Integrity and ethical reasoning are essential for making responsible decisions that prioritize the well-being of users and society at large.
  • Empathy. Developers are often creating solutions and products for end users, and to create valuable user experiences, developers need to be able to really understand the user’s needs and preferences. While AI can help developers create these solutions faster, through things like code generation or suggestions, developers still need to be able to QA the code and ensure that these solutions still prioritize the well-being of diverse user groups.

Sharpening these soft skills can ultimately augment a developer’s technical expertise, as well as enable them to work more effectively with both their colleagues and AI tools.

Take this with you

As AI continues to evolve, it’s not just changing the landscape of software development; it’s also poised to revolutionize how developers learn and write code. AI isn’t replacing developers—it’s complementing their work, all while providing them with the opportunity to focus more on coding and building their skill sets, both technical and interpersonal.

If you’re interested in improving your skills along your AI-powered coding journey, check out these repositories to start building your own AI based projects. Or you can test out GitHub Copilot, which can help you learn new programming languages, provide coding suggestions, and ask important coding questions right in your terminal.

The post Hard and soft skills for developers coding in the age of AI appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How AI code generation works

Post Syndicated from Jeimy Ruiz original https://github.blog/2024-02-22-how-ai-code-generation-works/

Generative AI coding tools are changing software production for enterprises. Not just for their code generation abilities—from vulnerability detection and facilitating comprehension of unfamiliar codebases, to streamlining documentation and pull request descriptions, they’re fundamentally reshaping how developers approach application infrastructure, deployment, and their own work experience.

We’re now witnessing a significant turning point. As AI models get better, refusing adoption would be like “asking an office worker to use a typewriter instead of a computer,” says Albert Ziegler, principal researcher and member of the GitHub Next research and development team.

In this post, we’ll dive into the inner workings of AI code generation, exploring how it functions, its capabilities and benefits, and how developers can use it to enhance their development experience while propelling your enterprise forward in today’s competitive landscape.

How to use AI to generate code

AI code generation refers to full or partial lines of code that are generated by machines instead of human developers. This emerging technology leverages advanced machine learning models, particularly large language models (LLMs), to understand and replicate the syntax, patterns, and paradigms found in human-generated code.

The AI models powering these tools, like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, are trained on natural language text and source code from publicly available sources that include a diverse range of code examples. This training enables them to understand the nuances of various programming languages, coding styles, and common practices. As a result, the AI can generate code suggestions that are syntactically correct and contextually relevant based on input from developers.

Favored by 55% of developers, our AI-powered pair programmer, GitHub Copilot, provides contextualized coding assistance based on your organization’s codebase across dozens of programming languages, and targets developers of all experience levels. With GitHub Copilot, developers can use AI to generate code in three ways:

1. Type code and AI can autocomplete the code

Autocompletions are the earliest version of AI code generation. John Berryman, a senior researcher of ML on the GitHub Copilot team, explains the user experience: “I’ll be writing code and taking a pause to think. While I’m doing that, the agent itself is also thinking, looking at surrounding code and content in neighboring tabs. Then it pops up on the screen as gray ‘ghost text’ that I can reject, partially accept, or fully accept and then, if necessary, modify.”

While every developer can reap the benefits of using AI coding tools, experienced programmers can often feel these gains even more so. “In many cases, especially for experienced programmers in a familiar environment, this suggestion speeds us up. I would have written the same thing. It’s just faster to hit ‘tab’ (thus accepting the suggestion) than it is to write out those 20 characters by myself,” says Johan Rosenkilde, principal researcher for GitHub Next.

Whether developers are new or highly skilled, they’ll often have to work in less familiar languages, and code completion suggestions using GitHub Copilot can lend a helping hand. “Using GitHub Copilot for code completion has really helped speed up my learning experience,” says Berryman. “I will often accept the suggestion because it’s something I wouldn’t have written on my own since I don’t know the syntax.”

Using an AI coding tool has become an invaluable skill in itself. Why? Because the more developers practice coding with these tools, the faster they’ll get at using them.

2. Explicit code comments codes using natural language to receive even better AI-generated code suggestions

For experienced developers in unfamiliar environments, tools like GitHub Copilot can even help jog their memories.

Let’s say a developer imports a new type of library they haven’t used before, or that they don’t remember. Maybe they’re looking to figure out the standard library function or the order of the argument. In these cases, it can be helpful to make GitHub Copilot more explicitly aware of where the developer wants to go by writing a comment.

“It’s quite likely that the developer might not remember the formula, but they can recognize the formula, and GitHub Copilot can remember it by being prompted,” says Rosenkilde. This is where natural language commentary comes into play: it can be a shortcut for explaining intent when the developer is struggling with the first few characters of code that they need.

If developers give specific names to their functions and variables, and write documentation, they can get better suggestions, too. That’s because GitHub Copilot can read the variable names and use them as an indicator for what that function should do.

Suddenly that changes how developers write code for the better, because code with good variable and function names are more maintainable. And oftentimes the main job of a programmer is to maintain code, not write it from scratch.

“When you push that code, someone is going to review it, and they will likely have a better time reviewing that code if it’s well named, if there’s even a hint of documentation in it, and so on,” says Rosenkilde. In this sense, the symbiotic relationship between the developer and the AI coding tool is not just beneficial for the developer, but for the entire team.

3. Chat directly with AI

With AI chatbots, code generation can be more interactive. GitHub Copilot Chat, for example, allows developers to interact with code by asking it to explain code, improve syntax, provide ideas, generate tests, and modify existing code—making it a versatile ally in managing coding tasks.

Rosenkilde uses the different functionalities of GitHub Copilot:

“When I want to do something and I can’t remember how to do it, I type the first few letters of it, and then I wait to see if Copilot can guess what I’m doing,” he says. “If that doesn’t work, maybe I delete those characters and I write a one liner in commentary and see whether Copilot can guess the next line. If that doesn’t work, then I go to Copilot Chat and explain in more detail what I want done.”

Typically, Copilot Chat returns with something much more verbose and complete than what you get from GitHub Copilot code completion. “Namely, it describes back to you what it is you want done and how it can be accomplished. It gives you code examples, and you can respond and say, oh, I see where you’re going. But actually I meant it like this instead,” says Rosenkilde.

But using AI chatbots doesn’t mean developers should be hands off. Mistakes in reasoning could lead the AI down a path of further mistakes if left unchecked. Berryman recommends that users should interact with the chat assistant in much the same way that you would when pair programming with a human. “Go back and forth with it. Tell the assistant about the task you are working on, ask it for ideas, have it help you write code, and critique and redirect the assistant’s work in order to keep it on the right track.”

The importance of code reviews

GitHub Copilot is designed to empower developers to execute their ideas. As long as there is some context for it to draw on, it will likely generate the type of code the developer wants. But this doesn’t replace code reviews between developers.

Code reviews play an important role in maintaining code quality and reliability in software projects, regardless of whether AI coding tools are involved. In fact, the earlier developers can spot bugs in the code development process, the cheaper it is by orders of magnitude.

Ordinary verification would be: does the code parse? Do the tests work? With AI code generation, Ziegler explains that developers should, “Scrutinize it in enough detail so that you can be sure the generated code is correct and bug-free. Because if you use tools like that in the wrong way and just accept everything, then the bugs that you introduce are going to cost you more time than you save.”

Rosenkilde adds, “A review with another human being is not the same as that, right? It’s a conversation between two developers about whether this change fits into the kind of software they’re building in this organization. GitHub Copilot doesn’t replace that.”

The advantages of using AI to generate code

When developer teams use AI coding tools across the software development cycle, they experience a host of benefits, including:

Faster development, more productivity

AI code generation can significantly speed up the development process by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. This means that developers can focus on high-level architecture and problem-solving. In fact, 88% of developers reported feeling more productive when using GitHub Copilot.

Rosenkilde reflects on his own experience with GitHub’s AI pair programmer: “95% of the time, Copilot brings me joy and makes my day a little bit easier. And this doesn’t change the code I would have written. It doesn’t change the way I would have written it. It doesn’t change the design of my code. All it does is it makes me faster at writing that same code.” And Rosenkilde isn’t alone: 60% of developers feel more fulfilled with their jobs when using GitHub Copilot.

Mental load alleviated

The benefits of faster development aren’t just about speed: they’re also about alleviating the mental effort that comes with completing tedious tasks. For example, when it comes to debugging, developers have to reverse engineer what went wrong. Detecting a bug can involve digging through an endless list of potential hiding places where it might be lurking, making it repetitive and tedious work.

Rosenkilde explains, “Sometimes when you’re debugging, you just have to resort to creating print statements that you can’t get around. Thankfully, Copilot is brilliant at print statements.”

A whopping 87% of developers reported spending less mental effort on repetitive tasks with the help of GitHub Copilot.

Less context switching

In software development, context switching is when developers move between different tasks, projects, or environments, which can disrupt their workflow and decrease productivity. They also often deal with the stress of juggling multiple tasks, remembering syntax details, and managing complex code structures.

With GitHub Copilot developers can bypass several levels of context switching, staying in their IDE instead of searching on Google or jumping into external documentation.

“When I’m writing natural language commentary,” says Rosenkilde, “GitHub Copilot code completion can help me. Or if I use Copilot Chat, it’s a conversation in the context that I’m in, and I don’t have to explain quite as much.”

Generating code with AI helps developers offload the responsibility of recalling every detail, allowing them to focus on higher-level thinking, problem-solving, and strategic planning.

Berryman adds, “With GitHub Copilot Chat, I don’t have to restate the problem because the code never leaves my trusted environment. And I get an answer immediately. If there is a misunderstanding or follow-up questions, they are easy to communicate with.”

What to look for in enterprise-ready AI code generation tools

Before you implement any AI into your workflow, you should always review and test tools thoroughly to make sure they’re a good fit for your organization. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind.


  • Regulatory compliance. Does the tool comply with relevant regulations in your industry?
  • Compliance certifications. Are there attestations that demonstrate the tool’s compliance with regulations?


  • Encryption. Is the data transmission and storage encrypted to protect sensitive information?
  • Access controls. Are you able to implement strong authentication measures and access controls to prevent unauthorized access?
  • Compliance with security standards. Is the tool compliant with industry standards?
  • Security audits. Does the tool undergo regular security audits and updates to address vulnerabilities?


  • Data handling. Are there clear policies for handling user data and does it adhere to privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, etc.?
  • Data anonymization. Does the tool support anonymization techniques to protect user privacy?


  • Role-based access control. Are you able to manage permissions based on user roles and responsibilities?
  • Granular permissions. Can you control access to different features and functionalities within the tool?
  • Opt-in/Opt-out mechanisms. Can users control the use of their data and opt out if needed?


  • Understand the pricing model. is it based on usage, number of users, features, or other metrics?
  • Look for transparency. Is the pricing structure clear with no hidden costs?
  • Scalability. Does the pricing scale with your usage and business growth?

Additionally, consider factors such as customer support, ease of integration with existing systems, performance, and user experience when evaluating AI coding tools. Lastly, it’s important to thoroughly assess how well the tool aligns with your organization’s specific requirements and priorities in each of these areas.

Visit the GitHub Copilot Trust Center to learn more around security, privacy, and other topics.

Can AI code generation be detected?

The short answer here is: maybe.

Let’s first give some context to the question. It’s never really the case that a whole code base is generated with AI, because large chunks of AI-generated code are very likely to be wrong. The standard code review process is a good way to avoid this, since large swaths of completely auto-generated code would stand out to a human developer as simply not working.

For smaller amounts of AI-generated code, there is no way at the moment to detect traces of AI in code with true confidence. There are offerings that purport to classify whether content has AI-generated text, but there are limited equivalents for code, since you’d need a dedicated model to do it. Ziegler explains, “Computer generated code is good enough that it doesn’t leave any particular traces and normally has no clear tells.”

At GitHub, the Copilot team makes use of a duplicate detection filter that detects exact duplicates in code. So, if you’re writing code and it’s an exact copy of something that exists elsewhere, then it’ll flag it.

Is AI code generation secure?

AI code generation is not any more insecure than human generated code. A combination of testing, manual code reviews, scanning, monitoring, and feedback loops can produce the same quality of code as your human-generated code.

When it comes to code generated by GitHub Copilot, developers can use tools like code scanning, which actively reviews your code for potential security issues in real-time and seamlessly integrates the findings into the developer workflow.

Ultimately, AI code generation will have vulnerabilities—but so does code written by human developers. As Ziegler explains, “It’s unclear whether computer generated code does particularly worse. So, the answer is not if you have GitHub Copilot, use a vulnerability checker. The answer is always use a vulnerability checker.”

Watch this video for more tips and words of advice around secure coding best practices with AI.

Empower your enterprise with AI code generation

While the benefits to using AI code generation tools can be significant, it’s important to note that human oversight remains crucial to ensure that the generated code aligns with project goals, coding standards, and business needs.

Tech leaders should embrace the use of AI code generation—not only to streamline development, but also to empower developer teams to collaborate, drive meaningful business outcomes, and deliver exceptional value to customers.

Ready to get started with the world’s most widely adopted AI developer tool? Learn more or get started now.

The post How AI code generation works appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

10 unexpected ways to use GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original https://github.blog/2024-01-22-10-unexpected-ways-to-use-github-copilot/

Writing code is more than just writing code. There’s commit messages to write, CLI commands to execute, and obscure syntax to try to remember. While you’ve probably used GitHub Copilot to support your coding, did you know it can also support your other workloads?

GitHub Copilot is widely known for its ability to help developers write code in their IDE. Today, I want to show you how the AI assistant’s abilities can extend beyond just code generation. In this post, we’ll explore 10 use cases where GitHub Copilot can help reduce friction during your developer workflow. This includes pull requests, working from the command line, debugging CI/CD workflows, and much more!

Let’s get into it.

1. Run terminal commands from GitHub Copilot Chat

If you ever forget how to run a particular command when you’re working in your VS Code, GitHub Copilot Chat is here to help! With the new @terminal agent in VS Code, you can ask GitHub Copilot how to run a particular command. Once it generates a response, you can then click the “Insert into Terminal” button to run the suggested command.

Let me show you what I mean:

The @terminal agent in VS Code also has context about the integrated shell terminal, so it can help you even further.

2. Write pull request summaries (Copilot Enterprise feature only)

We’ve all been there where we made a sizable pull request with tons of files and hundreds of changes. But, sometimes, it can be hard to remember every little detail that we’ve implemented or changed.

Yet it’s an important part of collaborating with other engineers/developers on my team. After all, if I don’t give them a summary of my proposed changes, I’m not giving them the full context they need to provide an effective review. Thankfully, GitHub Copilot is now integrated into pull requests! This means, with the assistance of AI, you can generate a detailed pull request summary of the changes you made in your files.

Let’s look at how you can generate these summaries:

Now, isn’t that grand! All you have to do is go in and edit what was generated and you have a great, detailed explanation of all the changes you’ve made—with links to changed files!

Note: You will need a Copilot Enterprise plan (which requires GitHub Enterprise Cloud) to use PR summaries. Learn more about this enterprise feature by reading our documentation.

3. Generate commit messages

I came across this one recently while making changes in VS Code. GitHub Copilot can help you generate commit messages right in your IDE. If you click on the source control button, you’ll notice a sparkle in the message input box.

Click on those sparkles and voilà, commit messages are generated on your behalf:

I thought this was a pretty nifty feature of GitHub Copilot in VS Code and Visual Studio.

4. Get help in the terminal with GitHub Copilot in the CLI

Another way to get help with terminal commands is to use GitHub Copilot in the CLI. This is an extension to GitHub CLI that helps you with general shell commands, Git commands, and gh cli commands.

GitHub Copilot in the CLI is a game-changer that is super useful for reminding you of commands, teaching you new commands or explaining random commands you come across online.

Learn how to get started with GitHub Copilot in the CLI by reading this post!

5. Talk to your repositories on GitHub.com (Copilot Enterprise feature only)

If you’ve ever gone to a new repository and have no idea what’s happening even though the README is there, you can now use GitHub Copilot Chat to explain the repository to you, right in GitHub.com. Just click on the Copilot icon in the top right corner of the repository and ask whatever you want to know about that repository.

On GitHub.com you can ask Copilot general software related questions, questions about the context of your project, questions about a specific file, or specified lines of code within a file.

Note: You will need a Copilot Enterprise plan (which requires GitHub Enterprise Cloud) to use GitHub Copilot Chat in repositories on GitHub.com. Learn more about this enterprise feature by reading our documentation.

6. Fix code inline

Did you know that in addition to asking for suggestions with comments, you can get help with your code inline? Just highlight the code you want to fix, right click, and select “Fix using Copilot.” Copilot will then provide you with a suggested fix for your code.

This is great to have for those small little fixes we sometimes need right in our current files.

7. Bulk close 1000+ GitHub Issues

My team and I had a use case where we needed to close over 1,600 invalid GitHub Issues submitted to one of our repositories. I created a custom GitHub Action that automatically closed all 1,600+ issues and implemented the solution with GitHub Copilot.

GitHub Copilot Chat helped me to create the GitHub Action, and also helped me implement the closeIssue() function very quickly by leveraging Octokit to grab all the issues that needed to be closed.

Example of a closeissues.js script generated by GitHub Copilot

You can read all about how I bulk closed 1000+ GitHub issues in this blog post, but just know that with GitHub Copilot Chat, we went from having 1,600+ open issues, to a measly 64 in a matter of minutes.

8. Generate documentation for your code

We all love documenting our code, but just in case some of us need a little help writing documentation, GitHub Copilot is here to help!

Regardless of your language, you can quickly generate documentation following language specific formats—Docstring for Python, JSDoc for Javascript or Javadoc for Java.

9. Get help with error messages in your terminal

Error messages can often be confusing. With GitHub Copilot in your IDE, you can now get help with error messages right in the terminal. Just highlight the error message, right click, and select “Explain with Copilot.” GitHub Copilot will then provide you with a description of the error and a suggested fix.

You can also bring error messages from your browser console into Copilot Chat so it can explain those messages to you as well with the /explain slash command.

10. Debug your GitHub Actions workflow

Whenever I have a speaking engagement, I like to create my slides using Slidev, an open source presentation slide builder for developers. I enjoy using it because I can create my slides in Markdown and still make them look splashy! Take a look at this one for example!

Anyway, there was a point in time where I had an issue with deploying my slides to GitHub Pages and I just couldn’t figure out what the issue was. So, of course, I turned to my trusty assistant—GitHub Copilot Chat that helped me debug my way through deploying my slides.

Conversation between GitHub Copilot Chat and developer to debug a GitHub Actions workflow

Read more about how I debugged my deployment workflow with GitHub Copilot Chat here.

GitHub Copilot goes beyond code completion

As you see above, GitHub Copilot extends far beyond your editor and code completion. It is truly evolving to be one of the best tools you can have in your developer toolkit. I’m still learning and discovering new ways to integrate GitHub Copilot into my daily workflow and I hope you give some of the above a chance!

Be sure to sign up for Github Copilot if you haven’t tried it out yet and stay up to date with all that’s happening by subscribing to our developer newsletter for more tips, technical guides, and best practices! You can also drop me a note on X if you have any questions, @itsthatladydev.

Until next time, happy coding!

The post 10 unexpected ways to use GitHub Copilot appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How we’re experimenting with LLMs to evolve GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original https://github.blog/2023-12-06-how-were-experimenting-with-llms-to-evolve-github-copilot/

Earlier this year, it seemed like every headline or dinner conversation was earmarked by the buzzwords “generative AI.” And while 2023 has been a benchmark year for the adoption of generative AI, it’s not entirely a new technology. Arguably, AI has been around since the ‘60s, but the AI as we know it today came to be with the invention of machine learning frameworks known as neural networks (you can read more about that here).

For the past few years at GitHub, we’ve been experimenting with generative AI models to create new, meaningful tools for developers—which is how GitHub Copilot was born. And since GitHub Copilot’s initial preview release in 2021, we’ve been thinking a lot about how generative AI can (and should) empower developers to be more productive at every stage of the software development lifecycle. That led us to our vision for the future of AI-powered software development with GitHub Copilot, which we covered in detail this year at GitHub Universe 2023.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the experiments we’ve conducted with generative AI models over the past few years, as well as take a behind-the-scenes look at some of our key learnings. We’ll also explore what going from a concept to a product looks like with a radically new technology.

Key pillars of experimentation with AI at GitHub

As developers increasingly use AI tools to improve overall productivity, we have four key pillars at GitHub that are guiding our work and how we experiment with AI. We want a developer’s AI experience to be:

  • Predictable. We want to create tools that guide developers towards their end goals but don’t suprise or overwhelm them.
  • Tolerable. As we’ve seen, AI models can be wrong. Users should be able to spot incorrect suggestions easily, and address them at a low cost to focus and productivity.
  • Steerable. When a response isn’t right or isn’t what a user is looking for, they should be able to steer the AI towards a solution. Otherwise, we’re optimistically banking on the models producing perfect answers.
  • Verifiable. Solutions must be easy to evaluate. The models are not perfect, but they can be very helpful tools if users verify their outputs.

Now that we have a baseline understanding of how we prioritize experimenting with AI, let’s take a look at the events that led to the conception of the latest evolution of GitHub Copilot.

Before GitHub Copilot’s evolution came GPT-4

Last year, researchers from GitHub Next, our R&D department focused on the future of software development, were given advanced access to OpenAI’s large language model (LLM) that would soon be released as GPT-4.

“At the time, no one had seen anything like this,” Idan Gazit, senior director of research for GitHub Next recalls. “It became a race to discover what the new models are capable of doing and what kinds of applications are possible tomorrow that were impossible yesterday.”

So, the GitHub Next team did what they do best: experiment. Over the course of several months, researchers from GitHub Next used the GPT-4 model to develop potential new tools and features that could be used across the GitHub platform. Once the team identified the projects that showed true value, the sprint to build began.

“In classic GitHub Next fashion, we sat down and spiked a bunch of ideas and saw what looked promising or exciting to us,” Gazit explains. “And then we doubled down on the things that we believed would bear fruit.”

In the time between receiving the model and the slated announcement of the model’s release in March 2023, the team had come up with several concepts and technical previews.

At the time, no one had seen anything like this. It became a race to discover what the new models are capable of doing and what kinds of applications are possible tomorrow that were impossible yesterday.

– Idan Gazit, Senior Director of Research // GitHub Next

As these projects came together, senior leadership at GitHub began to think about what these meant for the future of GitHub Copilot. Mario Rodriguez, VP of product management, says, “We knew we wanted to make an announcement of our own around the joint Microsoft and OpenAI announcement of GPT-4. At that time, GitHub Next had a set of investments that they were making that they thought were worthwhile for the announcement. Those investments were not production-ready—they were more future-focused.” He explains, “But that got us thinking, so we put pen to paper and came up with the ambition behind the latest evolution of GitHub Copilot.”

Thinking ahead 🤔

As teams at GitHub thought about evolving GitHub Copilot beyond a pair programmer in the IDE, they imagined a future where GitHub Copilot was:

  • Ubiquitous across every tool that developers use and integrated into every task that developers perform.
  • Conversational by default, so that natural language can be used to achieve anything.
  • Personalized to the context and knowledge of the individual, project, team, and community.

This thought exercise, in conjunction with GitHub Next’s work to conceptualize and create new tools that could revolutionize the developer workflow, crystallized what would make up the latest evolution of GitHub Copilot. And on March 22, 2023, the technical preview for what GitHub Copilot would evolve into was released to the world with GitHub Copilot Chat and the following technical previews created by GitHub Next:

So, what happened behind the scenes to come up with these previews? Let’s find out.

Experimenting with AI’s place in the developer experience

If you asked just about any developer what’s something that is specifically unique to GitHub, it would be pretty shocking if they didn’t say “pull requests.” Pull requests play a central role in the GitHub developer experience—they’re not only a point of collaboration, but a gateway for teams to view and approve any changes to code.

So when Andrew Rice, Don Syme, Devon Rifkin, Matt Rothenberg, Max Schaefer, Albert Ziegler, and Aqeel Siddiqui were given the GPT-4 model, they were tasked with the challenge of finding ways to incorporate AI into GitHub.com.

“GitHub invented pull requests, so we started thinking, how could we add AI smarts around pull requests?” Rice says. “We tried a bunch of stuff—we prototyped automatic code suggestions for reviews, we had a sort of summarize mode, and a bunch of other things around test generation.” But as the deadline of March 22 approached, a few of these prototyped features weren’t working as desired, so Rice and team began focusing their attention and efforts solely on the summary feature.

With the early version of Copilot for Pull Requests, a developer could submit their pull request and the AI model would generate a description and walkthrough of the code in the first comment to provide important context for the reviewer.

“We did an internal study of the feature with Hubbers and it didn’t go well,” Rice laughs. It wasn’t that the developers didn’t like what the feature was trying to achieve, it was the user experience, Rice believes, they were having challenges with. “The developers were concerned that the AI would be wrong. But there’s two things: you have the content the AI generates and then you have the way that it’s presented to the user and how it interacts with the workflow. At first, we focused a lot on the first bit, the AI-generated content, but it turned out that the second bit was far more crucial in getting this thing to fly,” he explains.

To work around this, Rice and team decided to pivot and use the same AI-generated content but frame it differently. “Instead of a comment, we put it as a suggestion to the developer that let them get a preview of what the description of their pull request could look like that they could then edit,” Rice says. “So, we moved it to a suggestion system, and all of a sudden the feedback changed to ‘wow, these are helpful suggestions.’ The content was exactly the same as before, it was just presented differently.”

Nobody’s perfect—not even AI

For Rice, the key takeaway during this process was the importance of how the AI output is presented to the developer, rather than the total accuracy of the suggestion. That doesn’t mean that it’s acceptable for the AI to be completely wrong, but it does mean that a developer’s demand for the quality of the suggestion sits on a spectrum—developers will view something as it fits within their workflow regardless of what is served to them. When the content was served as a suggestion that the developer had the authority to accept and edit, the typical attitude toward the feature changed.

Eddie Aftandilian, a principal researcher that headed up the development of another GitHub Copilot feature, shared some similar sentiments and takeaways throughout the process of building Copilot for Docs. In late 2022, Aftandilian and Johan Rosenkilde were examining embeddings and retrievals, and they prototyped a vector database for a different GitHub Copilot experiment. “This got us thinking, what if we could use this for retrievals of things other than just code,” Aftandilian remembers. “Once we got access to GPT-4, we realized we could use the retrieval engine to search a large corpus of documentation, and then compose those search results into a prompt that elicits better, more topical answers based on the documentation,” he explains.

“Since GitHub is all about developer tools, we thought, how can we make this into a useful developer tool?” Aftandilian says. Developers spend an enormous amount of time poring over docs to find solutions—and as Aftandilian plainly puts it, “No one really likes reading documentation!” He continues, “It also can be hard to get the right answer out of docs, too. So, it seemed like there was an opportunity here for something that could answer a developer’s question more directly and unblock them. It’s also an area of the development process that we felt was underexplored. We spend a lot of time searching around for answers, which can be a real pain point, and we thought we could do better with these new LLMs.”

Aftandilian, along with Devon Rifkin, Jake Donham, and Amelia Wattenberger, also deployed their early version of Copilot for Docs to Hubbers, extending GitHub Copilot’s reach to GitHub’s internal docs in addition to public documentation. But once the preview reached public testing, he got some interesting feedback about the quality of the AI outputs.

“One challenge we came across during the development process was that the models don’t always give the right answer or the right document,” Aftandilian says. “To address this, we built in the capability for our answers to provide references or links to other documentation. We found that when we deployed it, the feedback we received was that developers didn’t mind if the output wasn’t always perfectly correct if the linked references made it easier to evaluate what the AI produced. They were using Copilot for Docs as a search engine,” he says.

The UX needs to be tolerant of AI’s mistakes—you can’t assume that the AI will always be right.

– Eddie Aftandilian, Principal Researcher // GitHub Next

Another key learning for Aftandilian was that human feedback is the true gold standard for developing AI-based tools. “One of our conclusions was that you should ship something sooner rather than later to get real, human feedback to drive improvements,” he says.

And similar to Rice’s earlier point, user experience is also critical to the success of these AI-powered tools. “The UX needs to be tolerant of AI’s mistakes—you can’t assume that the AI will always be right,” Aftandilian says. “Initially we were focused on getting everything right, but we soon learned that the chat-like modality of Copilot for Docs makes the answers feel less authoritative and folks are more tolerant of the responses when they point the user in the right direction. The AI isn’t always perfect, but it’s a great start.”

Small but mighty

In October 2022, the entire GitHub Next team met up in Oxford, England to get together and discuss all of the projects that they were currently working on, as well as some exciting—and maybe even far-fetched—ideas.

“One of the things that I pitched at this crazy ideas session was a project that would use LLMs to help you figure out CLI commands,” Johan Rosenkilde, a principal researcher for GitHub Next, recalls. “I was thinking about something that could use natural language prompts to describe what you wanted to do in the command line, then some sort of GUI or interface pops up that helps you narrow down what you want to do.”

As Rosenkilde talked through his pitch, one of his colleagues, Matt Rothenberg, began writing an application that did almost exactly that. “By the time my talk ended, he asked if he could show me something, and my mind was just blown,” Rosenkilde laughs. That thirty-minute prototype was the genesis for what would become Copilot for CLI.

“What he had created clearly showed that there was something of value here, but it lacked maturity of course,” Rosenkilde says. “And so what we did was carve out time to refine this rough demo into something that we could deliver to developers,” he says. By the time March 2023 rolled around, they had a preview that brought the power of GitHub Copilot right to the CLI for developers to quickly ask for and receive their desired shell commands, including a breakdown that explains each part of the command—without ever needing to search the web for answers.

When reflecting on the process of taking this app from that original, scrappy version to a technical preview, Rosenkilde echoes Rice and Aftandilian in his appreciation for the subtlety of UX decisions.

“I’m a backend person: I’m heavy on theory and I like really difficult problems that cause me to think for weeks about a solution,” Rosenkilde says. “Matt was the UX guy, and he iterated extremely quickly through a lot of options. So much of the success of this application hinged on the UX, and that’s a lesson that I’ve taken with me. All that we do in GitHub Next, in the end, is think up tools that will add value to the user experience, so it’s crucial that we get the design right and that it fits in with what the AI model can do. As we know, the AI models aren’t perfect, but when they are imperfect, the cost to the user should be as low as possible,” Rosenkilde says.

That simple fact is what informs the explanation field that can be found in Copilot for CLI. “This actually wasn’t part of the original UI. As the product matured, we came up with the explanation field, but we had some difficulty with the LLM producing the structured type of explanations we sought. It’s very unnatural for a language model to produce something that looks like this, I had to hit it with a very large hammer,” he jokes. “We wanted it to be clearly structured, but if you just ask the AI to explain a shell command, it would feed you a long paragraph that is not readily scannable and might not include the details you want.”

Example of the explanation field in Copilot for CLI

Rosenkilde also felt that it was important to add the explanation field to help developers learn about shell scripts and double check that they have received the correct command. “It’s also a security feature because you can read in natural language whether the command will change files you didn’t expect to change,” he explains. This multifaceted explanation field is not only useful, it’s a testament to the UX of the application. “When you have such a small application, you want every feature to have multiple different uses so that you can package up a lot of complexity in something that visually is very simple.”

Where we’re headed 🚀

We’re focused on something great here: creating delightful AI experiences for everyone who interacts with the GitHub platform. And while we’re working on it, we invite you to be part of the process. You can get involved by joining the waitlists for our current previews and giving us your honest feedback on what you think and what you want to see going forward.

And if you’re not already using GitHub Copilot, give it a try with a free, 30-day trial for individual developers.

The post How we’re experimenting with LLMs to evolve GitHub Copilot appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Demystifying LLMs: How they can do things they weren’t trained to do

Post Syndicated from Jeimy Ruiz original https://github.blog/2023-10-27-demystifying-llms-how-they-can-do-things-they-werent-trained-to-do/

Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the way we interact with software by combining deep learning techniques with powerful computational resources.

While this technology is exciting, many are also concerned about how LLMs can generate false, outdated, or problematic information, and how they sometimes even hallucinate (generating information that doesn’t exist) so convincingly. Thankfully, we can immediately put one rumor to rest. According to Alireza Goudarzi, senior researcher of machine learning (ML) for GitHub Copilot: “LLMs are not trained to reason. They’re not trying to understand science, literature, code, or anything else. They’re simply trained to predict the next token in the text.”

Let’s dive into how LLMs come to do the unexpected, and why. This blog post will provide comprehensive insights into LLMs, including their training methods and ethical considerations. Our goal is to help you gain a better understanding of LLM capabilities and how they’ve learned to master language, seemingly, without reasoning.

What are large language models?

LLMs are AI systems that are trained on massive amounts of text data, allowing them to generate human-like responses and understand natural language in a way that traditional ML models can’t.

“These models use advanced techniques from the field of deep learning, which involves training deep neural networks with many layers to learn complex patterns and relationships,” explains John Berryman, a senior researcher of ML on the GitHub Copilot team.

What sets LLMs apart is their proficiency at generalizing and understanding context. They’re not limited to pre-defined rules or patterns, but instead learn from large amounts of data to develop their own understanding of language. This allows them to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses to a wide range of prompts and queries.

And while LLMs can be incredibly powerful and flexible tools because of this, the ML methods used to train them, and the quality—or limitations—of their training data, can also lead to occasional lapses in generating accurate, useful, and trustworthy information.

Deep learning

The advent of modern ML practices, such as deep learning, has been a game-changer when it comes to unlocking the potential of LLMs. Unlike the earliest language models that relied on predefined rules and patterns, deep learning allows these models to create natural language outputs in a more human-like way.

“The entire discipline of deep learning and neural networks—which underlies all of this—is ‘how simple can we make the rule and get as close to the behavior of a human brain as possible?’” says Goudarzi.

By using neural networks with many layers, deep learning enables LLMs to analyze and learn complex patterns and relationships in language data. This means that these models can generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses, even in the face of complex sentence structures, idiomatic expressions, and subtle nuances in language.

While the initial pre-training equips LLMs with a broad language understanding, fine-tuning is where they become versatile and adaptable. “When developers want these models to perform specific tasks, they provide task descriptions and examples (few-shot learning) or task descriptions alone (zero-shot learning). The model then fine-tunes its pre-trained weights based on this information,” says Goudarzi. This process helps it adapt to the specific task while retaining the knowledge it gained from its extensive pre-training.

But even with deep learning’s multiple layers and attention mechanisms enabling LLMs to generate human-like text, it can also lead to overgeneralization, where the model produces responses that may not be contextually accurate or up to date.

Why LLMs aren’t always right

There are several factors that shed light on why tools built on LLMs may be inaccurate at times, even while sounding quite convincing.

Limited knowledge and outdated information

LLMs often lack an understanding of the external world or real-time context. They rely solely on the text they’ve been trained on, and they don’t possess an inherent awareness of the world’s current state. “Typically this whole training process takes a long time, and it’s not uncommon for the training data to be two years out of date for any given LLM,” says Albert Ziegler, principal researcher and member of the GitHub Next research and development team.

This limitation means they may generate inaccurate information based on outdated assumptions, since they can’t verify facts or events in real-time. If there have been developments or changes in a particular field or topic after they have been trained, LLMs may not be aware of them and may provide outdated information. This is why it’s still important to fact check any responses you receive from an LLM, regardless of how fact-based it may seem.

Lack of context

One of the primary reasons LLMs sometimes provide incorrect information is the lack of context. These models rely heavily on the information given in the input text, and if the input is ambiguous or lacks detail, the model may make assumptions that can lead to inaccurate responses.

Training data biases and limitations

LLMs are exposed to massive unlabelled data sets of text during pre-training that are diverse and representative of the language the model should understand. Common sources of data include books, articles, websites—even social media posts!

Because of this, they may inadvertently produce responses that reflect these biases or incorrect information present in their training data. This is especially concerning when it comes to sensitive or controversial topics.

“Their biases tend to be worse. And that holds true for machine learning in general, not just for LLMs. What machine learning does is identify patterns, and things like stereotypes can turn into extremely convenient shorthands. They might be patterns that really exist, or in the case of LLMs, patterns that are based on human prejudices that are talked about or implicitly used,” says Ziegler.

If a model is trained on a dataset that contains biased or discriminatory language, it may generate responses that are also biased or discriminatory. This can have real-world implications, such as reinforcing harmful stereotypes or discriminatory practices.


LLMs don’t have the ability to assess the correctness of the information they generate. Given their deep learning, they often provide responses with a high degree of confidence, prioritizing generating text that appears sensible and flows smoothly—even when the information is incorrect!


LLMs can sometimes “hallucinate” information due to the way they generate text (via patterns and associations). Sometimes, when they’re faced with incomplete or ambiguous queries, they try to complete them by drawing on these patterns, sometimes generating information that isn’t accurate or factual. Ultimately, hallucinations are not supported by evidence or real-world data.

For example, imagine that you ask ChatGPT about a historical issue in the 20th century. Instead, it describes a meeting between two famous historical figures who never actually met!

In the context of GitHub Copilot, Ziegler explains that “the typical hallucinations we encounter are when GitHub Copilot starts talking about code that’s not even there. Our mitigation is to make it give enough context to every piece of code it talks about that we can check and verify that it actually exists.”

But the GitHub Copilot team is already thinking about how to use hallucinations to their advantage in a “top-down” approach to coding. Imagine that you’re tackling a backlog issue, and you’re looking for GitHub Copilot to give you suggestions. As Johan Rosenkilde, principal researcher for GitHub Next, explains, “ideally, you’d want it to come up with a sub-division of your complex problem delegated to nicely delineated helper functions, and come up with good names for those helpers. And after suggesting code that calls the (still non-existent) helpers, you’d want it to suggest the implementation of them too!”

This approach to hallucination would be like getting the blueprint and the building blocks to solve your coding challenges.

Ethical use and responsible advocacy of LLMs

It’s important to be aware of the ethical considerations that come along with using LLMs. That being said, while LLMs have the potential to generate false information, they’re not intentionally fabricating or deceiving. Instead, these arise from the model’s attempts to generate coherent and contextually relevant text based on the patterns and information it has learned from its training data.

The GitHub Copilot team has developed a few tools to help detect harmful content. Goudarzi says “First, we have a duplicate detection filter, which helps us detect matches between generated code and all open source code that we have access to, filtering such suggestions out. Another tool we use is called Responsible AI (RAI), and it’s a classifier that can filter out abusive words. Finally, we also separately filter out known unsafe patterns.”

Understanding the deep learning processes behind LLMs can help users grasp their limitations—as well as their positive impact. To navigate these effectively, it’s crucial to verify information from reliable sources, provide clear and specific input, and exercise critical thinking when interpreting LLM-generated responses.

As Berryman reminds us, “the engines themselves are amoral. Users can do whatever they want with them and that can run the gamut of moral to immoral, for sure. But by being conscious of these issues and actively working towards ethical practices, we can ensure that LLMs are used in a responsible and beneficial manner.”

Developers, researchers, and scientists continuously work to improve the accuracy and reliability of these models, making them increasingly valuable tools for the future. All of us can advocate for the responsible and ethical use of LLMs. That includes promoting transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of these models, as well as taking steps to mitigate biases and stereotypes in our own corners of the internet.

The post Demystifying LLMs: How they can do things they weren’t trained to do appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to become your personal AI assistant for accessibility

Post Syndicated from Ed Summers original https://github.blog/2023-10-09-prompting-github-copilot-chat-to-become-your-personal-ai-assistant-for-accessibility/

Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on vast quantities of data. As a result, they have the capacity to generate a wide range of results. By default, the results from LLMs may not meet your expectations. So, how do you coax an LLM to generate results that are more aligned with your goals? You must use prompt engineering, which is a rapidly evolving art and science of constructing inputs, also known as prompts, that elicit the desired outputs.

For example, GitHub Copilot includes a sophisticated built-in prompt engineering facility that works behind the scenes. It uses contextual information from your code, comments, open tabs within your editor, and other sources to improve results. But wouldn’t it be great to optimize results and ask questions about coding by talking directly to the LLM?

That’s why we created GitHub Copilot Chat. GitHub Copilot Chat complements the code completion capabilities of GitHub Copilot by providing a chat interface directly within your favorite editor. GitHub Copilot Chat has access to all the context previously mentioned and you can also provide additional context directly via prompts within the chat window. Together, the functionalities make GitHub Copilot a personal AI assistant that can help you learn faster and write code that not only meets functional requirements, but also meets non-functional requirements that are table stakes for modern enterprise software such as security, scalability, and accessibility.

In this blog, we’ll focus specifically on the non-functional requirement of accessibility. We’ll provide a sample foundational prompt that can help you learn about accessibility directly within your editor and suggest code that is optimized for better accessibility. We’ll break down the sample prompt to understand its significance. Finally, we’ll share specific examples of accessibility-related questions and results that demonstrate the power of prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to deliver results that improve accessibility. When using GitHub Copilot Chat, we recommend that you think of yourself as a lead developer who is working with a more junior developer (GitHub Copilot Chat). As the lead developer, it is your responsibility to verify information that is provided by GitHub Copilot Chat and ensure it meets all of your requirements.

Foundational accessibility prompt

You can copy this prompt and paste it directly into GitHub Copilot Chat for Visual Studio Code:

“I need to learn about accessibility and need to write code that conforms with the WCAG 2.1 level A and AA success criteria defined at https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/. I want you to be my accessibility coach, a subject-matter expert that makes me think and account for all accessibility requirements and usability enhancements. When you answer questions about accessibility please use reputable sources such as w3.org, webaim.org, developer.mozilla.org, and https://www.ibm.com/able/. When possible, please provide links and references for additional learning. When you suggest code please use semantic HTML, ensure it is operable using the keyboard, follow WCAG 2.1 sufficient techniques, and follow the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide and related design patterns. Do you understand these instructions?”

What does this do?

This prompt can serve as your baseline in your codebase, whether you are just starting a project or in the thick of an extensive project.

The prompt consists of:

  1. Providing solid context and background information to help narrow down the scope of solutions.
  2. Defining GitHub Copilot’s role and setting expectations about what feedback we are looking for.
  3. Being specific in the quality of answers we are looking to reference from reputable sources.
  4. Asking for additional resources and context to learn more and ensure the answers we receive are correct. This helps provide feedback to GitHub Copilot.
  5. Dictating one final set of requirements to even further refine the scope based on the resources we have provided.

Note: At any time you can ask GitHub Copilot if it’s still referencing the foundation prompt you provided and it will inform you of its scope.

Query input: Are you still using the instructions I provided?
GitHub Copilot response: Yes, I am still adhering to the instructions you provided. I will continue to assist you in learning about accessibility and writing code that conforms with the WCAG 2.1 level A and AA success criteria. I will use reputable sources for references and additional learning, and ensure that the code suggestions I provide use semantic HTML, are operable using the keyboard, follow WCAG 2.1 sufficient techniques, and follow the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide and related design patterns.

Examples after the setting the foundation prompt

Note: These prompts were submitted in a brand new workspace that contained no source code or files to reference. Repeating these prompts in your codebase may produce different results as GitHub Copilot can use context provided from open tabs and existing files in the codebase. In addition, please keep in mind that results from LLMs are non-deterministic.

Accessibility testing

Query input: How can I test for web accessibility?
GitHub Copilot response: There are several ways to test for web accessibility:

  1. Manual Testing: This involves navigating your website using only a keyboard, checking color contrast, and resizing text to 200% to ensure readability.
  2. Automated Testing: There are several tools available for automated accessibility testing. Some popular ones include:
    1. WAVE: A free web accessibility evaluation tool provided by WebAIM.
    2. Axe: An accessibility testing toolkit built on a library of accessibility rules.
    3. Lighthouse: An open source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.
  3. Screen Reader Testing: This involves testing your website using a screen reader tool. Some popular screen readers include NVDA, JAWS, and VoiceOver.
  4. User Testing: This involves testing your website with people with disabilities. This can provide valuable insights into how accessible your website is in practice.

Remember, no single tool or method can catch all accessibility issues, so a combination of methods is often the best approach.

For more information, you can refer to the following resources:


Query input: What are some best practices for creating accessible tables in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: Creating accessible tables in HTML involves several best practices:

  1. Use <th> for table headers: This helps screen readers identify headers. Also, use the scope attribute to specify whether the header is for a row or a column.
    <th scope="col">Header 1</th>
    <th scope="col">Header 2</th>
    <td>Data 1</td>
    <td>Data 2</td>
  2. Provide captions: Use the <caption> element to provide a brief overview of the table. This is especially helpful for people using screen readers.
    <caption>Overview of sales</caption>
    <!-- rest of the table -->

    Use <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot>: These elements help to group different sections of the table and can improve accessibility.

    <thead> <!-- header group -->
    <tbody> <!-- body group -->
    <tfoot> <!-- footer group -->
  3. Avoid complex tables: If possible, avoid using tables for complex data structures. If you must, use rowspan and colspan attributes carefully and provide additional information in cell content or with the title attribute.

  4. Ensure readability without styles: The table should be readable and make sense even when styles are turned off.
  5. Use aria-labelledby for complex tables: If a table has multiple levels of headers, use the aria-labelledby attribute to associate data cells with headers.

For more information, you can refer to the WebAIM guide on creating accessible tables.


Query input: What are some best practices for creating accessible forms in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: Creating accessible forms in HTML involves several best practices:

  1. Use <label> for form controls: Each form control should have a corresponding <label> element. This helps screen readers identify the purpose of the form control.
    <label for="name">Name:</label>
    <input id="name" name="name" type="text" />
  2. Group related form controls: Use the <fieldset> element to group related form controls and <legend> to provide a description for the group.
    <legend>Choose your favorite pet:</legend>
    <input type="radio" id="dog" name="pet">
    <label for="dog">Dog</label><br>
    <input type="radio" id="cat" name="pet">
    <label for="cat">Cat</label><br>
  3. Provide error messages and feedback: If the user makes an error, provide clear and specific feedback. Use the aria-describedby attribute to associate the form control with the error message.
    <input type="text" id="name" name="name" aria-describedby="nameError">
    <span id="nameError">Please enter your name.</span>
  4. Use correct input types: Use the correct input type for the form control (for example, email, number, date). This can provide the user with the appropriate keyboard on mobile devices.

  5. Make form controls keyboard accessible: Ensure that all form controls and buttons can be accessed and used with the keyboard.
  6. Use ARIA roles and properties when necessary: If a form control requires more complex interaction, use ARIA roles and properties to provide additional information to screen reader users.

For more information, you can refer to the WebAIM guide on creating accessible forms.

Keyboard support

Query input: What are some best practices for creating proper keyboard support in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: Creating proper keyboard support in HTML involves several best practices:

  1. Logical Tab Order: Ensure that the tab order of the page follows the visual flow of the content. This can be achieved by structuring your HTML in a logical order. Avoid using positive tabindex values as they can disrupt the natural tab order.
  2. Keyboard Focus Indication: It’s important that users can visually identify which element currently has keyboard focus. This can be achieved using CSS to style the :focus state of interactive elements.
    button:focus, a:focus {
    outline: 2px solid blue;
  3. Skip Links: Provide a mechanism to skip to main content or different sections of the page. This can be a link at the top of the page that becomes visible when it receives keyboard focus.
    <a href="#maincontent">Skip to main content</a>
  4. Accessible Interactive Elements: Ensure all interactive elements are accessible via keyboard. This includes links, buttons, form controls, and custom interactive widgets. Use semantic HTML elements whenever possible as they have built-in keyboard accessibility.

  5. Keyboard Support for Custom Widgets: If you’re creating custom interactive widgets (like a dropdown menu or modal dialog), you’ll need to provide additional keyboard support. This often involves handling keypress events for keys like Enter, Space, Escape, and the arrow keys. The WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide provides detailed guidance on how to add keyboard support to various types of widgets.
  6. Avoid Keyboard Traps: Ensure that keyboard users can navigate to and from all parts of the page. Avoid situations where keyboard focus can be trapped in a particular page element.

For more information, you can refer to the WebAIM guide on keyboard accessibility.


Query input: What are some best practices around using proper ARIA roles in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles can be used to improve accessibility, especially when creating complex interactive elements. Here are some best practices:

  1. Use Semantic HTML First: Before using ARIA, consider whether you can use semantic HTML elements. These elements have built-in accessibility features that often make ARIA unnecessary. For example, use a <button> element instead of a <div> with a role="button".
  2. Don’t Change Native Semantics: Avoid using ARIA to change the semantics of native HTML elements. For example, don’t use role="button" on a link (<a>). Instead, use a <button> element.
  3. Use Appropriate Roles: When you do need to use ARIA, ensure you’re using the appropriate role for the element. The ARIA roles model provides a list of roles and their intended use.
  4. Provide Required States and Properties: Some roles require additional ARIA states or properties. For example, a checkbox requires the aria-checked state.
    <div role="checkbox" aria-checked="false">Check me</div>
  5. Use aria-labelledby and aria-describedby: These attributes can be used to provide additional descriptive text for an element.
    <button aria-describedby="info">More Info</button>
    <div id="info">Clicking this button will open more information.</div>
  6. Test with Screen Readers: After adding ARIA roles, test your page with a screen reader to ensure it’s providing the intended information.

Remember, ARIA should be used as a last resort when semantic HTML isn’t sufficient. The WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide provides detailed guidance on how to use ARIA correctly.


Reviewing the questions we asked GitHub Copilot, it suggested a lot of good information for us to learn more about best accessibility and usability practices. A few responses may be open to interpretation, while other responses lack details or specificity. Some examples include:

  • <tfoot> is an HTML element that calls attention to a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table. Including <tfoot> can help ensure the proper understanding of a table. However, not all tables require such rows–therefore, <tfoot> is not mandatory to have a usable table if the data doesn’t require it.
  • The response for the question about forms stressed the importance of the <label> element, which can help identify different labels for their various inputs. However, that response didn’t include any description about adding “for” attributes with the same value as the <input>’s ID. The response did include “for” attributes in the code suggestion, but an explanation about proper use of the “for” attribute would have been helpful.
  • The response to our question about keyboard accessibility included an explanation about interactive controls and buttons that can be accessed and used with a keyboard. However, it did not include additional details that could benefit accessibility such as ensuring a logical tab order, testing tab order, or avoiding overriding default keyboard accessibility for semantic elements.

If you are ever unsure of a recommendation or wish to know more, ask GitHub Copilot more questions on those areas, ask to provide more references/links, and follow up on the documentation provided. As a developer, it is your responsibility to verify the information you receive, no matter the source.


In our exploration, GitHub Copilot Chat and a well-constructed foundational prompt come together to create a personal AI assistant for accessibility that can improve your understanding of accessibility. We invite you to try the sample prompt and work with a qualified accessibility expert to customize and improve it.

Limitations and considerations

While clever prompts can improve the accessibility of the results from GitHub Copilot Chat, it is not reasonable to expect generative AI tools to deliver perfect answers to your questions or generate code that fully conforms with accessibility standards. When working with GitHub Copilot Chat, we recommend that you think of yourself as a lead developer who is working with a more junior developer. As the lead developer, it is your responsibility to verify information that is provided by GitHub Copilot Chat and ensure it meets all of your requirements. We also recommend that you work with a qualified accessibility expert to review and test suggestions from GitHub Copilot. Finally, we recommend that you ensure that all GitHub Copilot Chat code suggestions go through proper code review, code security, and code quality channels to ensure they meet the standards of your team.

Learn more

The post Prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to become your personal AI assistant for accessibility appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How I used GitHub Copilot Chat to build a ReactJS gallery prototype

Post Syndicated from Senna Parsa original https://github.blog/2023-09-27-how-i-used-github-copilot-chat-to-build-a-reactjs-gallery-prototype/

Ever since we announced GitHub Copilot Chat in March this year, I’ve been thinking a lot about how it’s improving developer happiness and overall satisfaction while coding. Especially for junior developers looking to upskill, or those in the learning phase of diving into a new framework, GitHub Copilot Chat can be such a valuable tool to have in your back pocket.

ICYMI, all GitHub Copilot for Individuals users now have access to GitHub Copilot Chat beta!

The capabilities of GitHub Copilot Chat

With GitHub Copilot Chat, you can now interface with Copilot as a context-aware conversational assistant right in the IDE, allowing you to execute some of the most complex tasks with simple prompts. This goes beyond GitHub Copilot’s original capabilities, which focused on autocompletion and translating natural language comments into code. Now, developers can not only get code suggestions in-line, but they can ask Copilot questions directly, get explanations, offer prompts for code, and more, all while staying in the IDE—and in the flow.

Recently, I was preparing a conference talk and demo about ReactJS, and I had to think a bit about what kind of app I wanted to make with the help of Copilot Chat. Since photography is a hobby of mine, I decided to make a photo gallery of the tulip fields and flower shows around Amsterdam. In the end, I went through a couple different versions of this photo gallery with Copilot Chat. Using a probabilistic model, which is currently based on OpenAI’s GPT-3.5-turbo, it found the best suggestion for me based on how I prompted it, including the question I asked, the code I’d started writing, and other open tabs in my IDE.

Screenshot of GitHub Copilot Chat open in a code editor, on top of a screenshot of a React app in progress. User sennap has asked GitHub Copilot Chat, "Are there any libraries I could use to make this prettier?" Chat has responded with an example of how to use styled-components to style the gallery.

It had been a long time since I had used React, so it probably would’ve taken me a few days of searching and trial and error before coming up with something decent. But with Copilot Chat, each iteration of my photo gallery only took me about 20-30 minutes to go through.

Making prototypes and generating new code

What I most enjoyed about using Copilot Chat to create something new was discovering multiple ways I could implement my component. I didn’t have to leave my IDE and search for advice or a component to use because Copilot would suggest something in real time. If it offered me a suggestion that didn’t work out well, I could give it feedback on why that suggestion didn’t work, which enabled it to offer suggestions that better suited my needs.

Despite working in an unfamiliar framework, Copilot Chat enabled me to immediately start churning out my ideas, which was incredibly satisfying. It was empowering to discover that I can get something done so much faster than what I would have anticipated without any help.

This idea of looking for external help and examples to understand code has been part of the learning process since well before we had AI pair programming tools. I remember when I was first starting in my career and discovering all these new frameworks. I would spend hours, days, weeks doing tutorials and learning about different ways of implementing things. I would learn by copying and pasting things I saw on StackOverflow and seeing how they fit in with the rest of my code (or by chatting with my buddy that I shared a cubicle with at the time).

A lot of the time, these code snippets didn’t even work, but having something to start with really helped with the learning process and that excitement propelled me forward to the next step. This is exactly the magic I felt when using Copilot Chat—while being able to get a contextual suggestion that actually worked and helped me quickly progress to the next thing. Not to mention the amount of time and energy I saved by staying within the context of VS Code instead of searching through websites and other comments online (and avoiding some stress caused by the sentiment of some Stack Overflow comments).

GitHub Copilot Chat in action

When it came time to build my photo gallery, I used Copilot Chat to get suggestions for popular React libraries I could use. There were a few of them that I checked out in separate iterations of the gallery but styled components seems to be the easiest one for me to configure.

I wanted to include a modal as well, so I asked Copilot if the styled components library supported modals. I was really surprised that it knew exactly how to utilize the modal component of the library and how to pass the props in and handle the onClick functionality from the get-go.

In the video, you may notice that it initially gives me a generic suggestion with some boilerplate examples of how to define a modal component and how to reference it from another file. I then asked it to iterate on that suggestion and give me something more specific to how I defined my gallery. This is important because the power of GitHub Copilot is really in the prompt that you provide it: the more fine-tuned the information, the more powerful its suggestions will be. For further reading, check out these prompt tips and tricks for leveraging GitHub Copilot effectively as well as this post on how we compose prompts at GitHub.

Testing out a UI change based on a natural language prompt

When I first tried rendering a modal, that close button was out of view on the top right corner of the screen. This isn’t too difficult to do if you’re regularly developing front-end. Full transparency: I would have needed to Google how to fix this since I just don’t remember how to and CSS is hard! I was shocked that just by asking Copilot Chat to center the “X” button in the modal, it gave me a better suggestion with some new CSS to add display properties to the button that adjust it to my intention. With Copilot Chat, I got the fix I needed without having to leave the IDE or break my flow.

Making accessibility improvements

I have a background in web accessibility and I knew there would be some improvements needed to make the modals interactive with proper focus handling. There are many facets to making a component accessible and it’s important to strategize early on. Best practices include working with accessibility linting tools, and also specialists that can help you balance constraints at the start of the design and development process.

Copilot Chat can be a great addition to those tools by pointing you in the right direction to fixing accessibility issues. In the case of my gallery, the images were not presenting themselves as interactive to keyboard or screen reader users (or, even visually, which goes to show that accessibility makes products better for everyone!). I asked Copilot Chat what it recommended for me to improve the interactivity of the images. The video below illustrates the suggestions it provided around using tabindex, aria attributes, and handling keydown events.

There are, of course, other accessibility considerations to be made here. At some point I decided to make each of the images button elements with a background image, since generally it’s better to use semantic HTML. I then carried on with the rest of my work to manage the focus correctly when opening and closing the modal, as well as making sure only the visible or focused content is presented to a screen reader.

Troubleshooting errors

I was also surprised by Copilot Chat’s ability to help me debug my project whenever I came across an error message. I’d just paste the error into the chat window and GitHub Copilot would offer an explanation for what went wrong and an alternative approach so I could fix the bug quickly and move on.

Writing tests

Knowing that GitHub Copilot can suggest bug fixes, I also wanted to see how it would suggest I write tests for my code. You can ask Copilot Chat for all sorts of test cases, as well as just what kind of testing framework would make the most sense for your application.

In another iteration of my gallery, I used GitHub Copilot to help me render a countdown to the next opening of Tulip season (I went with March 21, 2024, when the tulip festival starts). I decided to make use of the new Copilot Chat slash commands that make it simple to highlight a function and prompt it to help me create some test cases. It suggested using the React testing library for rendering, as well as some methods from Jest to simulate the passage of time and make sure the passing days are represented correctly. From there, I learned about the Jest framework’s Timer Mocks and best practices for testing for fake timers.

Without GitHub Copilot and this new chat feature, navigating a test framework and relying solely on their documentation would have taken even more time.

Summarizing my changes with GitHub Copilot for pull requests

Lastly, I used GitHub Copilot for pull requests to help summarize all the changes I made in a pull request. It gave me a summary of my changes, a walk through of each of the diffs relating to those changes, and even a poem about my application.

Screenshot of an open pull request, which was created by GitHub Copilot Chat, ready to be merged into the tulip gallery repository.

All of this is to show how Copilot Chat and GitHub Copilot for pull requests made the entire coding process much more enjoyable for me while working in an unfamiliar framework—from the initial idea phase to submitting a pull request.

Potential limitations and considerations

While the productivity increases for GitHub Copilot are amazing, there are valid concerns around the quality of code AI paired programming tools suggest and the danger of blindly trusting them. That’s why it’s important to remember that you, the developer, is ultimately the pilot. I think of using GitHub Copilot to be similar to pair programming with another developer: it helps me work faster, but I still need to verify the suggestions it’s giving me to ensure they meet my requirements.

While GitHub Copilot has numerous filters in place to avoid suggestions with vulnerabilities, it’s still important to review and test before deploying. As with any code you did not independently originate, you should ensure code suggestions go through proper code review, code security, and code quality channels to maintain the standards of your team.

The post How I used GitHub Copilot Chat to build a ReactJS gallery prototype appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How to build an enterprise LLM application: Lessons from GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Shuyin Zhao original https://github.blog/2023-09-06-how-to-build-an-enterprise-llm-application-lessons-from-github-copilot/

If you want to build and scale an application using a large language model (LLM), this article’s for you.

It took us three years to develop GitHub Copilot before we officially launched it to the general public. To go from idea to production, we followed three stages—find it, nail it, scale it—loosely based on the “Nail It, Then Scale It” framework for entrepreneurial product development.

Here’s how it breaks down:

  • Find it: Identify an impactful problem space for your LLM application
  • Nail it: Create a smooth AI product experience
  • Scale it: Get your LLM application ready and useable for general availability (GA)

Let’s get started.

Find it: Isolate the problem you want to solve

Sometimes the hardest part about creating a solution is scoping down a problem space. The problem should be focused enough to quickly deliver impact, but also big enough that the right solution will wow users. Additionally, you want to find a problem where the use of an LLM is the right solution (and isn’t integrated to just drive product engagement).

  • Get clear on who you want to help. We saw that AI could drive efficiency, so we wanted to prioritize helping developers who were consistently crunched for time, enabling them to write code faster with less context switching.

  • Focus on a single problem, first. Rather than trying to address all developer problems with AI, we focused on one part of the software development lifecycle: coding functions in the IDE. At the time, most AI coding assistants could only complete a single line of code.

  • Balance product ambition with quality. While the GitHub Copilot team initially explored generating entire commits, the state of LLMs couldn’t support that function at a high enough quality at the time. Through additional testing, the team landed on code suggestions at the “whole function” level.

  • Meet people where they are. When it comes to designing products for developers, an LLM app should amplify an existing tool or integrate into an existing workflow. A mantra of the GitHub Copilot team was, “It’s a bug if you have to change the way you code when using GitHub Copilot.” In practice, this means enabling developers to receive code suggestions without changing how they work.

Nail it: Iterate to create a smooth AI product experience

Product development with emerging tech, like generative AI, is often more of a winding path and a linear journey because so much is unknown and rapid advancements in the field can quickly open new doors. Building quick iteration cycles into the product development process allows teams to fail and learn fast. At GitHub, the main mechanism for us to quickly iterate is an A/B experimental platform.

According to Idan Gazit, Senior Director of Research for GitHub Next, “We have to design apps not only for models whose outputs need evaluation by humans, but also for humans who are learning how to interact with AI.

  • Put yourself in users’ shoes. GitHub employees have a culture of putting themselves in the shoes of their end users by “dogfooding” products before—and after—they’re released. In practice, this meant the GitHub Copilot team stood up a simple web interface where it could tinker with foundation models and explore ways to leverage those models in their own developer workflows.

    We quickly found that a web interface was not the right canvas since it meant developers had to switch back and forth between their editor and the web browser. As a result, the team decided to focus on bringing GitHub Copilot to the IDE and making the AI capability modeless—or working in the background.

    The developers on our team also noticed they often referenced multiple open tabs in the IDE while coding. This insight led them to experiment with a technique called neighboring tabs, where GitHub Copilot processes multiple files open in a developer’s IDE instead of just the single one the developer is working on. Neighboring tabs helped to increase the acceptance rates of GitHub Copilot’s suggestions by 5%.

  • Evaluate your testing tools. As our experiment continued, we had to scale our internal testing tools to be more versatile and powerful. While we initially relied on our own tools for testing, we ultimately switched to the Microsoft Experimentation Platform to optimize functionality based on the feedback and interaction at scale.

  • Avoid the sunk cost fallacy. This is when you’re reluctant to abandon a course of action because you’ve heavily invested in it—even when it’s clear switching gears would be more beneficial.

    The GitHub and OpenAI teams initially believed every coding language would require its own fine-tuned AI model. But the field of generative AI was rapidly advancing, and our assumption turned out to be incorrect. In the end, OpenAI’s LLMs significantly improved and one model could handle a wide variety of coding languages and tasks.

  • Make a habit of revisiting old ideas. In a field that’s rapidly advancing, the functions that aren’t feasible with today’s LLMs might be possible with tomorrow’s.

    In the beginning, we explored a chat interface for developers to ask coding questions. However, in early testing, users had much higher expectations for the capabilities and quality of coding suggestions than GitHub Copilot could deliver at the time. As a result, we deprioritized the feature. But as customers became familiar with AI chatbot following the emergence of ChatGPT and LLMs continued to evolve, an iterative chat experience, like GitHub Copilot Chat, became possible.

Scale it: Optimize quality, usability, and responsible use of AI to get to GA

Early feedback and technical previews are key to driving product improvements and getting your application to GA. Below you’ll find the steps we took before launching the GitHub Copilot technical preview, how we managed the technical preview and optimized user feedback, and how we prepared our internal infrastructure to handle demand at scale.

Optimize quality and usability

  • Ensure consistent results. Because LMMs are probabilistic—meaning they don’t always produce the same, predictable outcomes—experimentation with them needs to be statistically based. One solution involves setting up a quality pipeline that addresses this unique challenge of building with LLMs.

    For instance, when the GitHub Copilot team first decided to provide whole function coding suggestions, we also had to ensure output predictability and consistency, where the same prompt and context would produce the same suggestions from the AI model.

    To achieve this, the team applied two strategies: changing the parameters to reduce the randomness of outputs and caching responses. Additionally, using cached responses instead of generating new responses to the same prompt not only reduced variability in suggestions, but it also improved performance.

  • Implement a waitlist for your technical preview. A waitlist allowed the GitHub Copilot team to manage questions, feedback, and comments—and ensure we could address them effectively. This approach also helped ensure we had a diverse set of early adopters across developers of varying experience levels to provide feedback.

  • Take advantage of real user feedback. In one example, developers shared that an update had negatively affected the quality of the model’s coding suggestions. In response, the GitHub Copilot team implemented a new guardrail metric—the percentage of suggestions that are multi-line vs. single line—and tuned the model to ensure customers continued to get high-quality suggestions.

    While the GitHub team actively dogfooded GitHub Copilot to understand what the experience was like for developers, we also benefited from developers outside GitHub adding diverse feedback across real-world use cases. The GitHub Copilot team engaged and interacted with technical preview users early, often, and on the users’ preferred platforms. This allowed us to actively respond to issues and feedback in real time.

  • Commit to iterating as you scale. When GitHub Copilot became generally available, the team not only had to improve the product, but also its infrastructure. When we experimented with and quickly iterated GitHub Copilot, it worked directly with the OpenAI API. As the product grew, we scaled our use of Microsoft Azure’s infrastructure to ensure GitHub Copilot had the quality, reliability, and responsible guardrails of a large-scale, enterprise-grade product.

  • Define the product’s key performance metrics. To optimize GitHub Copilot, we used early developer feedback to identify the right performance metrics, such as code acceptance rate and, eventually, code retention rate (which measures how much of the original code suggestion is kept or edited by a developer).

  • Optimize costs. The team worked to optimize the costs of delivering GitHub Copilot suggestions while balancing developer impact. For instance, before we decided on using ghost text—the gray text that flashes one coding suggestion while you type—the tool would eagerly generate 10 suggestions and display them all at once. This incurred upfront compute costs for suggestions two through 10, when most people choose the first one. But it also created a user experience cost, because those 10 suggestions pulled developers out of their workflow and into an evaluation mindset. “It was like paying to calculate the results that appear on the second page of a search engine—and making that second page grab your attention—even though most folks end up using the top result,” Gazit says.

    Optimizing costs is an ongoing project, and we’re exploring new ideas to reduce costs while improving the user experience.

Optimize responsible use of AI

  • Prioritize security and trust. Feedback during GitHub Copilot’s technical preview reinforced the importance of suggesting code that is secure. In response, the team integrated code security capabilities to filter out suggestions that could contain security vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injections and hard coded credentials) and used natural language filters from Azure OpenAI Service to filter out offensive content.*

  • Allow your community to help you. At GitHub, we deeply valued our extensive developer community for feedback on our products and collaborating with them to improve our offerings. With GitHub Copilot, our developer community was critical to understanding the potential around AI—and some concerns, too.

    For instance, the developer community was concerned that GitHub Copilot suggestions might match public code. In response, the GitHub Copilot team created a filter to block suggestions matching public source code in GitHub public repositories that were longer than 150 characters.

    Based on community input, the GitHub Copilot team also developed a code reference tool that includes links to public code that may match GitHub Copilot suggestions, so developers can review potential matches (and relevant licensing information), and make informed choices.

Develop a go-to-market strategy

  • Launch your product with product evangelists. Before launching the technical preview of GitHub Copilot in 2021, the team presented the prototype to influential members of the software developer community and GitHub Stars. This allowed us to launch the technical preview with an existing base of support and extend the preview’s reach to a broader range of users.

  • Get your product in front of individual users before going after businesses. The team decided to first sell licenses directly to developers, who would clearly benefit from an AI coding assistant. We paired this approach with a free trial program and monthly pricing, based on user survey findings that individuals prefer a simple and predictable subscription. Gaining traction among individual users helped to build a foundation of support and drive adoption at the enterprise level.

Key takeaways

We’re still in the early days of generative AI, so we’re keeping close tabs on the demand and need for this new technology. While each company and product will need to define its own approach to building an LLM app, here are some key learnings from our product journey with GitHub Copilot:

  • Identify a focused problem and thoughtfully discern an AI’s use cases. This will ensure your app has greater impact and a faster time-to-market.

  • Integrate experimentation and tight feedback loops into the design process. This is especially critical when working with LLMs, where outputs are probabilistic and most end users are just learning how to interact with AI models.

  • As you scale, continue to leverage user feedback and prioritize user needs. Doing so will ensure that your product is built to deliver consistent results and real value.

If you’re looking for a problem to solve with an LLM app, check out our post on how companies are boosting productivity with generative AI. You can also take lessons from how GitHub used GitHub Actions to help an AI nonprofit, Ersilia, disseminate AI models to advance pharmaceutical research in low- and middle-income countries.

The post How to build an enterprise LLM application: Lessons from GitHub Copilot appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Why Rust is the most admired language among developers

Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original https://github.blog/2023-08-30-why-rust-is-the-most-admired-language-among-developers/

For the eighth year in a row, Rust has topped the chart as “the most desired programming language” in Stack Overflow’s annual developer survey. And with more than 80% of developers reporting that they’d like to use the language again next year, you have to wonder how a language created less than 20 years ago has stolen the hearts of developers around the world.

In this article, we’ll look at the history of Rust, what it’s commonly used for, why developers love it so much, and some resources to help you start learning one of the top fastest growing languages on GitHub.

So, what is the Rust programming language?

Rust’s print macro displaying the output “Hello, World!”

Originally intended to serve as a safer alternative to C and C++, Rust is a systems programming language that has gained significant popularity among developers thanks to its emphasis on safety, performance, and productivity. Rust is a statically typed language, so variable and expression types are determined and checked at compile time, which helps enhance memory safety and error detection, resulting in more reliable builds.

In 2006, the software developer, Graydon Hoare, started Rust as a personal project while he was working at Mozilla. According to an interview with MIT Technology Review, the inspiration for Rust came from a broken elevator in Hoare’s apartment building. The software for the lift operation system had crashed and Hoare understood that issues like this usually came from problems with how a program uses memory.

Quite often, the software for these types of devices is written in C or C++, but these languages require significant memory management, which can lead to errors that would cause the system to crash. So, Hoare set to work on figuring out how to create a programming language that could be both compact and memory bug-free.

He later showed the project to a manager—which led to Mozilla sponsoring it in 2009 as part of a longer-term effort to incorporate the language into the development of an experimental browser engine. In 2010, Mozilla Research officially announced the Rust project and released the source code to the public as an open-source project. After several years of development, Rust reached a stable and mature state—and in May 2015, Rust 1.0 was released. This milestone signaled that Rust was ready for production and provided a foundation for developers to build upon.

Since the 1.0 release, Rust has exploded in popularity and adoption, with top applications, such as Microsoft Windows, utilizing Rust to rewrite core libraries with its memory-safe code. Outside of the tech giants, Rust also has a vibrant community of developers, or “Rustaceans,” that are dedicated to making the Rust experience an active and collaborative one.

Ferris, an orange cartoon crustacean who is the unofficial mascot of Rust.

Meet Ferris, the unofficial mascot for Rust!

According to a recent survey by SlashData, there are roughly 2.8 million Rust developers worldwide in 2023, a number that has nearly tripled over the past two years. With plenty of active forums, documentation, and a supportive community for developers of all skill levels, it’s perhaps unsurprising that Rust keeps topping the most-desired language lists.

What makes Rust special?

So, what are some of Rust’s key features that make it so attractive to developers?

In simple terms, Rust solves some of developers’ most frustrating memory management problems commonly associated with C and C++, but that’s not its only shining capability. One of GitHub’s staff software engineers, Jason Orendorff, who co-authored a book on programming with Rust, said about the language:

“To me, what’s great about Rust is that it’s both fast AND reliable,” according to Orendorff. “It lets me write multi-headed programs that run on 16 cores and keep them readable, maintainable, and crash-free. It also lets me write very low-level algorithms requiring control over memory layout and pull in a crate that makes HTTPS requests super simple. It’s the combination of these features that makes Rust so unique.”

Building on that, here’s a few more of its well-loved characteristics and features:

  • Concurrency. Rust has built-in support for concurrent programming through its ownership system which enforces strict rules for data access, and its borrowing model, which prevents data races by allowing controlled, simultaneous access. This ensures that multiple threads can work on shared data without introducing memory-related issues.
  • No garbage collection. Unlike some programming languages, Rust does not employ garbage collection. Instead, its ownership and borrowing rules manage memory, which helps empower developers to have precise control over memory allocation and deallocation for efficient resource management.

  • Cargo Package Manager. Rust’s built-in package manager, Cargo, streamlines project management, dependency tracking, and building, which helps contribute to efficient and organized development workflows. But this doesn’t make it clear just how bonkers the Cargo ecosystem is. According to Orendorff, “My team takes advantage of high-quality open source packages for hashing, serialization, multithreading, data structures, compression, and a lot more. These are performance-critical libraries. Without some of these, our project to rethink code search on GitHub wouldn’t have been possible.” And here’s a fun fact: Rust was actually the first systems programming language to have a standard package manager, and, as a result, the Rust ecosystem is incredibly robust.

  • Zero-cost abstractions. This feature allows developers to write high-level code abstractions and features without introducing any runtime performance overhead.

  • Pattern matching. This powerful language feature enables developers to concisely and effectively match complex data structures against specific patterns to extract and handle different cases or scenarios in a clean and readable manner.

  • Type inference. This feature allows Rust’s compiler to automatically detect an expression based on context while you code. “Many programming languages have some type inference,” Orendorff said. “C# and C++ have some, Rust has a little more, and languages like Haskell, Scala, and ML have even more.”

fn main() {
    break rust;

Run this code for an inside joke among Rust developers 😆

What is Rust commonly used for?

Thanks to its direct access to both hardware and memory, Rust is well suited for embedded systems and bare-metal development. And since it’s a general purpose language, it can also be used for a variety of applications.

Let’s explore a few key use cases:

Using Rust to build performance-critical backend systems

Performance-critical backend systems are software components or services that handle tasks that require high-speed processing, low-latency responses, and efficient resource utilization—and Rust’s performance, thread safety, and error handling make it an excellent choice for developing these types of systems. In fact, we use Rust to build some of these systems at GitHub. For example, the backend of our code search feature is written in Rust (and you can read more about the development of GitHub’s newest code search with Rust, too).

Using Rust to develop operating systems

Rust was originally created to solve an operating system issue (remember the elevator problem?)—so, unsurprisingly, it’s often used to build operating systems, kernels, device drivers, or other low-level components where control over memory and performance is crucial. Redox, a Unix-like operating system, was written in Rust, which contributes to its most crucial feature: its security. “Fuchsia is another example that was built at Google,” Orendorff said. “If you have a Google Nest smart speaker, it’s likely running Fuchsia.”

Rust for operating system-adjacent code

Rust is also well-suited for writing code that performs tasks that closely interact with the operating system. For example, the Codespaces team at GitHub is leveraging Rust to enhance the speed of starting up the virtual disk within GitHub Codespaces and optimize the utilization of Azure storage. Coursera also employs Rust in its online grading system, as it operates within Docker and needs a language that compiles to machine code with minimal dependencies.

Using Rust for web development

Rust is increasingly being used for web development—especially on the server side. The async programming model and performance characteristics of Rust make it fitting for building high-performance web servers, APIs, and backend services. Plus, there’s been an influx of web frameworks for Rust, like Rocket, that can help folks get started with writing secure web applications. The emergence of these frameworks underscores Rust’s position as a mature language, and also helps increase the support for folks looking to use Rust in front or backend work.

Using Rust for crypto and blockchain development

Rust’s speed, memory management, and security all contribute to its involvement with cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. For example, Polkadot, which is designed to enable the interoperability and interaction between multiple blockchains to share information and assets in a secure and decentralized manner, utilizes Rust to build its core infrastructure. Polkadot’s runtime logic, which governs the behavior and rules of the blockchain, is also written in Rust. Check out this repository, awesome-blockchain-rust, for some useful components for building your own blockchain applications with Rust.

Using Rust to build CLI tools

Rust’s compilation to efficient machine code and its expressive syntax make it a strong choice for building command line tools and applications. Plus, writing a command line app is a great way to learn and get comfortable with Rust. Take a look at this comprehensive guide on how to build your own CLI application with Rust in 15 minutes!

Learn how open source developers are making the command line more friendly—and more powerful.

Using Rust for embedded systems and IoT development

Rust’s minimal runtime and control over memory layout makes it incredibly useful for developing embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Its ability to prevent memory-related bugs, manage concurrency, and generate small, efficient binaries caters to IoT’s security, real-time, and efficiency needs.

Why developers love Rust

While its user base for Rust isn’t nearly as large as Java or Python, Rust continues to compete with the big hitters in most-admired lists across the internet. There’s even a full website composed of developer’s praises for Rust.

But why exactly is Rust so admired by developers? If you boil it down to just a handful of reasons why developers love Rust so much, they’d have to be the language’s speed, safety, and performance.

Moreover, Rust is continuing to evolve and grow with new frameworks, tools, and resources. You can keep tabs on contributions to the language in the awesome-rust repository, which hosts an impressive list of Rust code and resources.

The bottom line: Admiring Rust isn’t just about adopting a language—it’s embracing a mindset that prioritizes innovation without compromising on the core tenets of stability and security.

How to get started with Rust

We know, there’s plenty of resources to sharpen your Rust skills peppered throughout this article—but we have another pro tip for you: take Rust for a test drive with GitHub Copilot. As your AI-powered pair programmer, GitHub Copilot can help you learn and refine the basics of Rust as you go with tailored code suggestions.

Here’s a developer advocate at GitHub experimenting with Rust for the first time with GitHub Copilot. And to all of our seasoned Rustaceans out there, what do you think? Was the suggestion correct?

If you’re ready to begin your coding journey with Rust, GitHub Copilot can jumpstart your progress—all without the need to study documentation for hours at a time.

The post Why Rust is the most admired language among developers appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Introducing code referencing for GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Ryan J. Salva original https://github.blog/2023-08-03-introducing-code-referencing-for-github-copilot/

Make more informed decisions about the code you use. In the rare case where a GitHub Copilot suggestion matches public code, this update will show a list of repositories where that code appears and their licenses. Sign up for the private beta today.

Over the course of the last year, GitHub Copilot, the world’s first at-scale AI pair programmer trained on billions of lines of public code, has attracted more than 1 million developers and helped over 27,000 organizations build faster and more productively. During that time, many developers told us they want to see when GitHub Copilot’s suggestions match public code.

Today, we’re announcing a private beta of GitHub Copilot with code referencing that includes an updated filter which detects and shows context of code suggestions matching public code on GitHub. When the filter is enabled, GitHub Copilot checks code suggestions with surrounding code of about 150 characters and compares it against an index of all the public code on GitHub.com. Matches—along with information about every repository in which they appear—are displayed right in the editor. Developers can now choose whether to block suggestions containing matching code, or allow those suggestions with information about matches.

Why? Some want to learn from others’ work, others may want to take a dependency rather than introduce new app logic, and still others want to give or receive credit for similar work. Whatever the reason, it’s nice to know when similar code is out there.

Let’s see how it works.

How GitHub Copilot code referencing works

With billions of files to index and a latency budget of only 10-20ms, it’s a miracle of engineering that this is even possible. Still, if there’s a match, a notification appears in the editor showing: (1) the matching code, (2) the repositories where that code appears, and (3) the license governing each repository.

Why code referencing matters

In our journey to create a code referencing tool, we discovered a few interesting things:

First, our previous research suggests that matches occur in less than one percent of GitHub Copilot suggestions. But that one percent isn’t evenly distributed across all use cases. In the context of an existing application with surrounding code, we almost never see a match. But in an empty or nearly empty file, we see matches far more often.

Suggestions are heavily biased toward the prompt so GitHub Copilot can provide suggestions tailor-made for your current task. That means, in an existing app with lots of context, you’ll get a suggestion customized for your code. But in an empty, or nearly empty file, there’s little to no context. So, you’re more likely to get a suggestion that matches public code.

We’ve also found that when suggestions match public code, those matches frequently appear in dozens, if not hundreds of repositories. In some ways, this isn’t surprising because the models that power GitHub Copilot are akin to giant probability machines. A code fragment that appears in many repositories is more likely to be a “pattern” detected by the model—similar to the patterns we see elsewhere in public code.

For example, research on Java projects finds that up to 11% of repositories may contain code that resembles solutions posted to Stack Overflow, and the vast majority of those snippets appear without attribution. Another study on Python found that many matches are too generic to trace to an original usage. A smaller-scale study found that Stack Overflow answers contain code from Android applications.

Finally, the repositories with matching code are often governed by multiple, sometimes conflicting licenses, which makes attributing a match to its source more challenging. By consulting a list of references, developers can now:

  • Determine whether, what, and who to attribute rather than having matches simply blocked from the outset.
  • Learn from other developers by studying their approaches to similar problems.
  • Take a dependency on an open source library to avoid new business logic.
  • Evaluate the context of code before accepting a matching suggestion.
  • Discover new projects and contribute upstream.

Building a better developer experience and community

This is just the beginning. As GitHub continues to innovate, we will always strive to help developers stay in the flow, build creatively, and maintain a transparent connection to the community. We’re excited for you to try GitHub Copilot with code referencing.

Happy coding.

How to build a GPT-3 App with Nextjs, React, and GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original https://github.blog/2023-07-25-how-to-build-a-gpt-3-app-with-nextjs-react-and-github-copilot/

At the beginning of the year, I started working out with a trainer who wanted me to start tracking my food, but I’ve always been super against tracking my meals because it just doesn’t work for me. Instead of tracking my meals however, I decided to build an application that automagically tells me the nutritional information of any recipe. But to do that I needed some pretty complex natural language parsing capabilities so I figured this would be a great opportunity for me to play around with OpenAI and get to use GitHub Copilot a little bit more to help me build the app quickly.

GitHub Copilot is a great example of a product that takes advantage of Large Language Models (LLM) to solve problems for people and improve their productivity. In this blog,I’ll take you through how I created my own application that finds the nutritional information for any recipe using OpenAI’s GPT-3.5-turbo model, GitHub Copilot, Next.js, React, and Material UI.

Let’s dig right into the tutorial.

1. Create a repository and install dependencies

To get started, let’s create a new repository from the GitHub Codespaces Next.js template to get up and running quickly. Go to this repository, and make a copy. To do so, click on the green “Use this template” button then select “Create a new repository” and name your repository whatever you like. I called mine “mealmetrics-copilot.”

Now, clone the repository to your local machine, and open up the repository in your preferred code editor. I’m using VS Code.

Open up your terminal and cd into the project so we can install a few needed dependencies. In your terminal run the following command:

npm i express openai dotenv @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons

Then, install the following as a dev dependency:

npm i --save-dev nodemon

Once everything installs successfully, we’re ready to start building the server, but first, let’s grab our api key from OpenAI.

2. Getting your OpenAI API key

Go to OpenAI’s developer login page and create a new account or sign in if you already have one. Once you’ve logged in, click your name in the upper right hand corner and select “view API keys.” Click the “Create a new secret key” button. From there you can name your apikey, click the green button to generate the key and then copy the apikey and save it in a secure location (such as a password manager).

Save your apikey in a .env file in vscode at the root of the project and add .env to the gitignore file.

3. Install GitHub Copilot extension

We’ll be using GitHub Copilot as our assistant to build this application. If you’re not familiar with GitHub Copilot, read this blog post to learn more.

In your code editor of choice, go to your extensions panel and search for GitHub Copilot—I’m using VSCode and this is what that looks like.

Click the install button then click the login button to authenticate your access. Once that’s done, you’ll be ready to get started and follow along!

4. Building the server

Now that we have our apikey, have installed dependencies, and have GitHub Copilot in our code editor, let’s dig into building the application!

The first thing we’re going to do is build a simple server with Express.js (if you prefer to use Fastify, NestJS, Koa or something else, feel free to use them!).

In the pages folder, create a folder called api and then a file called server.js. This is where we’ll add our prompting information for GitHub Copilot. Let’s add our first prompt as a comment in the server.js file that says the following:

Create a server with the following specifications:

1. import express and dotenv node modules
3. create the server with express and name it app
4. use port 8080 as default port
5. enable body parser to accept json data
6. state which port the server is listening to and log it to the console

Hit the enter key and GitHub Copilot will start generating suggestions to build the server. To accept the suggestions, hit the tab key. Take a look at this video to see what accepting suggestions look like.

We can update the package.json file to include the script devserver: "nodemon pages/api/server.js then run the command in our terminal using npm run devserver. You’ll see that the server has started!

After we build the simple server, let’s move on to making this a bit more complex by building the controller for our app.

Let’s create a new file in the api folder called generateInfo.js and add the following comment in the file:

Create a controller with the following specifications:

1. import the Configuration class and the OpenAIApi class from the openai npm module
2. create a new configuration object that includes the api key and uses the Configuration class from the openai module
3. create a new instance of the OpenAIApi class and pass in the configuration object
4. create an async function called generateInfo that accepts a request and response object as parameters
5. use try to make a request to the OpenAI completetion api and return the response
6. use catch to catch any errors and return the error include a message to the user
7. export the generateInfo function as a module

As you’ll notice, I’m being very explicit in my instructions to GitHub Copilot. One thing to always remember when working with LLMs is that the magic is in the prompt—the clearer you are in your instructions, the better the results you’ll get.

Hit enter on your keyboard and then hit tab to accept the recommendations that GitHub Copilot provides. In the image below, you’ll notice that Copilot’s suggestions are gray.

Accept the suggestion by hitting tab on your keyboard and let’s do some cleaning up.

Remember, GitHub Copilot is our assistant, so we still need to ensure that the suggestions it provides meet our requirements.

Since we’re building a gpt-3 application, we’ll be using the completion API from OpenAI and the gpt-3.5-turbo model to generate nutritional information for us.

If you look at the suggestion above, we were provided with the davinci engine and parameters that are not needed for this project—we also need the messages parameter to send requests with the 3.5-turbo model.

We also want to add the recipe prompt, create a function called recipe that represents the recipe a user inputs and also update the completion object sent to OpenAI. The keys we’ll be using are max_tokens, prompt, model, temperature and n. Learn more about these parameters by reading OpenAI’s api docs.

Let’s also update the error message to include 401 just in case our api key is invalid. So, let’s make these updates.

1. Add recipe prompt

Create a new folder called data at the root of your project, then create a file called prompt.json. This will contain a part of the recipe prompt that we’ll send to OpenAI. Add the following script to the prompt.json file:

"recipePrompt": "I want you to act as a Nutrition Facts Generator. I will provide you with a recipe and your role is to generate nutrition facts for that recipe. You should use your knowledge of nutrition science, nutrition facts labels and other relevant information to generate nutritional information for the recipe. Add each nutrition fact to a new line. I want you to only reply with the nutrition fact. Do not provide any other information. My first request is: "

Then import the recipePrompt to the generateInfo.js file and update the main function to grab the recipe submitted by the user.

// add the prompt to the top of the file
const { recipePrompt } = require('../../data/recipe.json');

// update this function to include the recipe before the try
const generateInfo = async(req, res) => {
const { recipe } = req.body

2. Update the completion function and response

Now, let’s update the try to look a bit more like what we want.

model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages: [{ role: "user", content: `${recipePrompt}${recipe}` }],
max_tokens: 200,
temperature: 0,
n: 1,

And let’s also update the response that we receive.

const response = completion.data.choices[0].message.content;

return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: response,

3. Update the error message

Finally, let’s update the catch to have more explicit error messages.

catch (error) {
if (error.response.status === 401) {
return res.status(401).json({
error: "Please provide a valid API key.",
return res.status(500).json({
"An error occurred while generating recipe information. Please try again later.",

Once we’ve updated everything, our controller function should look like this:

const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai");
const { recipePrompt } = require("../../data/recipe.json");

const config = new Configuration({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

const openai = new OpenAIApi(config);

const generateInfo = async (req, res) =&gt; {
const { recipe } = req.body;

try {
const completion = await openai.createChatCompletion({
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages: [{ role: "user", content: `${recipePrompt}${recipe}` }],
max_tokens: 200,
temperature: 0,
n: 1,
const response = completion.data.choices[0].message.content;

return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: response,
} catch (error) {
if (error.response.status === 401) {
return res.status(401).json({
error: "Please provide a valid API key.",
return res.status(500).json({
"An error occurred while generating recipe information. Please try again later.",

module.exports = { generateInfo };

Now, let’s create the router and test this out in Postman. Create a new file called router.js and start typing to allow GitHub Copilot to assist you while typing.

As you can see, GitHub Copilot offered suggestions while I was typing and I hit the tab button to accept the suggestions. Add the newly created router to the server.js file and test the route in postman. Add the following to your server.js file.

app.use('/openai', require('./router'));

Now, let’s test the route in postman with a POST request—make sure your server is still running!

Go to the URL below and add any recipe to the body of the request:

URL: http://localhost:8080/openai/generateinfo

"recipe": "1 cup of all purpose flour, sifted 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 Tablespoon granulated sugar 1/2 Tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature Approximately 1/3 cup water"

You should receive a successful response that looks like this:

"success": true,
"data": "\n\nCalories: 112 \nTotal Fat: 2.3g \nSaturated Fat: 1.3g \nTrans Fat: 0g \nCholesterol: 5.4mg \nSodium: 175.8mg \nTotal Carbohydrates: 21.6g \nDietary Fiber: 0.8g \nSugars: 6.5g \nProtein: 2.6g"

Here is the data that we submitted to OpenAI that generated that successful response:

data: '{"model":"text-davinci-003","prompt":"I want you to act as a Nutrition Facts Generator. I will provide you with a recipe and your role is to generate nutrition facts for that recipe. You should use your knowledge of nutrition science, nutrition facts labels and other relevant information to generate nutritional information for the recipe. Add each nutrition fact to a new line. I want you to only reply with the nutrition fact. Do not provide any other information. My first request is: 1 cup of all purpose flour, sifted 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 Tablespoon granulated sugar 1/2 Tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature Approximately 1/3 cup water","max_tokens":200,"temperature":0.5,"n":1}',

As you can see, both the prompt script and the recipe entered in the request body was sent to OpenAI, which generated the nutritional data for this Jamaican fried dumpling recipe.

Now, let’s create the frontend of the application to display the info on the web.

5. Building the frontend app

We’ll be using React for the frontend. Delete all the code in the index.js file that currently exists in the project. Then, in a comment, instruct GitHub Copilot to build a simple text area.

Create a text area with the following specifications:
1. a H1 with the text "Find Nutrition Facts for any recipe"
2. a text area for users to upload recipe
3. a button for users to submit the entered recipe
4. a section at the bottom to display nutrition facts
5. Get the data from this link: http://localhost:8080/openai/generateinfo
6. Name the component RecipeInfo

GitHub Copilot quickly generated the code for us.

Let’s hit tab to accept the suggestion and run npm run dev in your terminal to see the app on the web. When you go to localhost:3000, you’ll see the following displayed on the web.

Admittedly, it’s not the most beautiful thing, but we were able to spin this up very quickly.

In less than one minute we completed a functional frontend mvp of our application with GitHub Copilot.

Let’s enter the recipe we have into the text box and see the response that we get back.

And we have our first error—which is not surprising since we didn’t validate the code that was provided. Let’s look into the console and see if we have any additional details.

Seems it’s a CORS issue—classic. Let’s ask GitHub Copilot how to resolve this.

Add the following questions as a comment anywhere in your file:

q: how do I resolve the CORS error?
q: how do I add Access-Control-Allow-Origin to the header?

The question and response should look something like this:

We can also ask GitHub Copilot Chat how to resolve CORS errors and it gives us a seamless response.

Let’s install the cors middleware and add it to the server.js file.

const cors = require("cors");

// Allow cross-origin requests (CORS)

Then, let’s update our router.js file.

router.options("/generateInfo", (req, res) => {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");

Now, let’s try fetching nutritional data again and see what happens.

And we have another error. Progress!

This time there’s no need to debug with GitHub Copilot since we’re being told that the data being returned is an object with the keys success and data. Let’s change the name of the response function to recipeInfo and update the nutrition state to receive recipeInfo.data.

const recipeInfo = await response.json();

Let’s try sending the recipe again and hope for a successful response.


We just created a GPT-3 app in record time with GitHub Copilot, React, Next.js, and OpenAI. Now that we have the data that we need, let’s make the application more beautiful with Material UI.

6. Styling the app with Material UI

In this section, we’ll be using a GitHub Copilot X feature in technical preview for individuals and in public beta for organizationsCopilot Chat–to improve the appearance of our application. You must have GitHub Copilot access to be on the Copilot Chat’s waitlist which is currently open. Sign up today if you haven’t yet!

Let’s ask GitHub Copilot chat how we can implement material-ui into the application:

Let’s go ahead and implement the suggestions and see what happens, and also ask GitHub Copilot chat to implement a header for us.

After we implement the header, new text area and center the content, this is what the app is looking like.

Ok, we’re getting somewhere.

Let’s make a few more updates with the assistance of GitHub Copilot Chat. I’ve included the prompt/questions I asked:

  • Make the text area larger and implement Material UI
update the component to use material ui with the content centered and the buttoned positioned below the text area. use Grid from material ui and any other components needed.
  • Add the paper component from Material UI to elevate the look and feel of the app
add the Paper component from material ui to the text area highlighted
  • Add a second button that clears the text area + facts after a recipe is submitted
add a button to the app to clear the text in the textarea
  • Add a loader while waiting for the data to load
add a loader to the highlighted code that checks if the data is loading. If the data is loading, then display the text "Nutrition Facts" and loader, if there is an error, display the error message otherwise, display nothing
  • Add a theme with custom primary and secondary colors
how do I create a custom theme with material ui and where do I create the custom theme?
  • Prevent the text area from going over the paper component from Material UI
in the highlihghted code how do I prevent the text area line from going over the paper component?
  • Add a new component—footer
Create a footer component with the following specifications:
1. The footer must be fixed at the bottom of the page
2. Use the Paper component from Material UI
3. Use the Typography component from Material UI
3. The text must say "Made with ❤ by LadyKerr & GitHub Copilot" and "Powered by OpenAI"
4. The text "GitHub Copilot" must be a link to https://copilot.github.com/ that opens in a new tab with alt text " GitHub Copilot"
5. The text "OpenAI" must be a link to https://openai.com/ that opens in a new tab with alt text "openai api"

Ask GitHub Copilot chat to make the changes above and, once it’s done, your application should be looking and functioning like this:

Now, let’s create a new component that splits each nutrition fact onto a new line. Create a new file called NutritionFacts.js in the components folder, and write the following as a comment so GitHub Copilot can get to work.

Create a component with the following specifications:
1. the component must split the received string data at /n/n or /n and return a Typography component for each string
2. the component must set a unique key for each Typography component
3. the component must return a div with the Typography components
4. the component must return null if the data is not a string
5. Name the component NutritionFacts
6. Use the Paper Component from Material UI
7. Add text above the data that says "Here are the nutrition facts for your recipe:"

From this prompt, GitHub Copilot generated the following code.

import React from "react";
import { Typography, Paper } from "@material-ui/core";

const NutritionFacts = ({ data }) => {
if (typeof data !== "string") {
return null;
const nutritionFacts = data.split(/\n\n|\n/);
return (

Here are the nutrition facts for your recipe:

{nutritionFacts.map((fact, index) => (

export default NutritionFacts;

Brilliant! Let’s import this component into our main index.js file and test the application to see if each fact was split on to a new line as expected.

And it did. Our app is functioning as expected.

Now, let’s move the code for the header into a new file in the components folder called Header.js. Once everything is updated, the final application looks like this and returns the nutritional data for any recipe.

So, there we have it!

We just built an application using GitHub Copilot, OpenAI, React, Next.js, and GitHub Copilot Chat. The next step would be to deploy the application on GitHub Pages and deploy your server on a service like Azure.

You can see the full code here—feel free to clone or fork the project and make it your own. This was a fun little project to build and I hope you learned something new and feel inspired to create your own GPT-3 app!

Learn more about prompting GitHub Copilot by reading How to use GitHub Copilot: Prompts, tips and use cases and A Developer’s Guide to Prompt Engineering and LLMs.

Until next time, happy coding!

A developer’s guide to prompt engineering and LLMs

Post Syndicated from Albert Ziegler original https://github.blog/2023-07-17-prompt-engineering-guide-generative-ai-llms/

In a blog post authored back in 2011, Marc Andreessen warned that, “Software is eating the world.” Over a decade later, we are witnessing the emergence of a new type of technology that’s consuming the world with even greater voracity: generative artificial intelligence (AI). This innovative AI includes a unique class of large language models (LLM), derived from a decade of groundbreaking research, that are capable of out-performing humans at certain tasks. And you don’t have to have a PhD in machine learning to build with LLMs—developers are already building software with LLMs with basic HTTP requests and natural language prompts.

In this article, we’ll tell the story of GitHub’s work with LLMs to help other developers learn how to best make use of this technology. This post consists of two main sections: the first will describe at a high level how LLMs function and how to build LLM-based applications. The second will dig into an important example of an LLM-based application: GitHub Copilot code completions.

Others have done an impressive job of cataloging our work from the outside. Now, we’re excited to share some of the thought processes that have led to the ongoing success of GitHub Copilot.

Let’s jump in.

Everything you need to know about prompt engineering in 1600 tokens or less

You know when you’re tapping out a text message on your phone, and in the middle of the screen just above the keypad, there’s a button you can click to accept a suggested next word? That’s pretty much what an LLM is doing—but at scale.

A GIF show autocomplete functionalities in iOS.
An example of iMessage’s text prediction feature.

Instead of text on your phone, an LLM works to predict the next best group of letters, which are called “tokens.” And in the same way that you can keep tapping that middle button to complete your text message, the LLM completes a document by predicting the next word. It will continue to do that over and over, and it will only stop once it has reached a maximum threshold of tokens or once it has encountered a special token that signals “Stop! This is the end of the document.”

There’s an important difference, though. The language model in your phone is pretty simple—it’s basically saying, “Based only upon the last two words entered, what is the most likely next word?” In contrast, an LLM produces an output that’s more akin to being “based upon the full content of every document ever known to exist in the public domain, what is the most likely next token in your document?” By training such a large, well-architected model on an enormous dataset, an LLM can almost appear to have common sense such as understanding that a glass ball sitting on a table might roll off and shatter.

A screenshot of ChatGPT answering a question about the danger of setting a round glass ball on a small table.
Example of an LLM’s awareness or “common sense” due to its training.

But be warned: LLMs will also sometimes confidently produce information that isn’t real or true, which are typically called “hallucinations” or “fabulations.” LLMs can also appear to learn how to do things they weren’t initially trained to do. Historically, natural language models have been created for one-off tasks, like classifying the sentiment of a tweet, extracting the business entities from an email, or identifying similar documents, but now you can ask AI tools like ChatGPT to perform a task that it was never trained to do.

A screenshot of ChatGPT answering a prompt to create a chicken-based limerick.
John conversing with ChatGPT about serious things.

Building applications using LLMs

A document completion engine is a far cry from the amazing proliferation of LLM applications that are springing up every day, running the gamut from conversational search, writing assistants, automated IT support, and code completion tools, like GitHub Copilot. But how is it possible that all of these tools can come from what is effectively a document completion tool? The secret is any application that uses an LLM is actually mapping between two domains: the user domain and the document domain.

A graphic showing how LLMs work and the processes behind them to determine context before giving an answer.
Diagram of the user flow when communicating with an LLM, in this case, Dave’s user flow.

On the left is the user. His name is Dave, and he has a problem. It’s the day of his big World Cup watch party, and the Wi-Fi is out. If they don’t get it fixed soon, he’ll be the butt of his friends’ jokes for years. Dave calls his internet provider and gets an automated assistant. Ugh! But imagine that we are implementing the automated assistant as an LLM application. Can we help him?

The key here is to figure out how to convert from user domain into document domain. For one thing, we will need to transcribe the user’s speech into text. As soon as the automated support agent says “Please state the nature of your cable-related emergency,” Dave blurts out:

Oh it’s awful! It’s the World Cup finals. My TV was connected to my Wi-Fi, but I bumped the counter and the Wi-Fi box fell off and broke! Now, we can’t watch the game.

At this point, we have text, but it’s not of much use. Maybe you would imagine that this was part of a story and continue it, “I guess, I’ll call up my brother and see if we can watch the game with him.” An LLM with no context will similarly create the continuation of Dave’s story. So, let’s give the LLM some context and establish what type of document this is:

### ISP IT Support Transcript:

The following is a recorded conversation between an ISP customer, Dave Anderson, and Julia Jones, IT support expert. This transcript serves as an example of the excellent support provided by Comcrash to its customers.

*Dave: Oh it's awful! This is the big game day. My TV was connected to my Wi-Fi, but I bumped the counter and the Wi-Fi box fell off and broke! Now we can't watch the game.

Now, if you found this pseudo document on the ground, how would you complete it? Based on the extra context, you would see that Julia is an IT support expert, and apparently a really good one. You would expect the next words to be sage advice to help Dave with his problem. It doesn’t matter that Julia doesn’t exist, and this wasn’t a recorded conversation—what matters is that these extra words offer more context for what a completion might look like. An LLM does the same exact thing. After reading this partial document, it will do its best to complete Julia’s dialogue in a helpful manner.

But there’s more we can do to make the best document for the LLM. The LLM doesn’t know a whole lot about cable TV troubleshooting. (Well, it has read every manual and IT document ever published online, but stay with me here). Let’s assume that its knowledge is lacking in this particular domain. One thing we can do is search for extra content that might help Dave and place it into the document. Let’s assume that we have a complaints search engine that allows us to find documentation that has been helpful in similar situations in the past. Now, all we have to do is weave this information into our pseudo document in a natural place.

Continuing from above:

*Julia:(rifles around in her briefcase and pulls out the perfect documentation for Dave's request)
Common internet connectivity problems ...
<...here we insert 1 page of text that comes from search results against our customer support history database...>
(After reading the document, Julia makes the following recommendation)

Now, given this full body of text, the LLM is conditioned to make use of the implanted documentation, and in the context of “a helpful IT expert,” the model will generate a response. This reply takes into account the documentation as well as Dave’s specific request.

The last step is to move from the document domain into the user’s problem domain. For this example, that means just converting text to voice. And since this is effectively a chat application, we would go back and forth several times between the user and the document domain, making the transcript longer each time.

This, at the core of the example, is prompt engineering. In the example, we crafted a prompt with enough context for the AI to produce the best possible output, which in this case was providing Dave with helpful information to get his Wi-Fi up and running again. In the next section, we’ll take a look at how we at GitHub have refined our prompt engineering techniques for GitHub Copilot.

The art and science of prompt engineering

Converting between the user domain and document domain is the realm of prompt engineering—and since we’ve been working on GitHub Copilot for over two years, we’ve started to identify some patterns in the process.

These patterns have helped us formalize a pipeline, and we think it is an applicable template to help others better approach prompt engineering for their own applications. Now, we’ll demonstrate how this pipeline works by examining it in the context of GitHub Copilot, our AI pair programmer.

The prompt engineering pipeline for GitHub Copilot

From the very beginning, GitHub Copilot’s LLMs have been built on AI models from OpenAI that have continued to get better and better. But what hasn’t changed is the answer to the central question of prompt engineering: what kind of document is the model trying to complete?

The OpenAI models we use have been trained to complete code files on GitHub. Ignoring some filtering and stratification steps that don’t really change the prompt engineering game, this distribution is pretty much that of individual file contents according to the most recent commit to main at data collection time.

The document completion problem the LLM solves is about code, and GitHub Copilot’s task is all about completing code. But the two are very different.

Here are some examples:

  • Most files committed to main are finished. For one, they usually compile. Most of the time the user is typing, the code does not compile because of incompletions that will be fixed before a commit is pushed.
  • The user might even write their code in hierarchical order, method signatures first, then bodies rather than line by line or in a mixed style.
  • Writing code means jumping around. In particular, people’s edits often require them to jump up in the document and make a change there, for example, adding a parameter to a function. Strictly speaking, if Codex suggests using a function that has not been imported yet, no matter how much sense it might make, that’s a mistake. But as a GitHub Copilot suggestion, it would be useful.

The issue is that merely predicting the most likely continuation based on the text in front of the cursor to make a GitHub Copilot suggestion would be a wasted opportunity. That’s because it ignores an incredible wealth of context. We can use that context to guide the suggestion, like metadata, the code below the cursor, the content of imports, the rest of the repository, or issues, and create a strong prompt for the AI assistant.

Software development is a deeply interconnected, multimodal challenge, and the more of that complexity we can tame and present to the model, the better your completions are going to be.

Step 1: Gathering context

GitHub Copilot lives in the context of an IDE such as Visual Studio Code (VS Code), and it can use whatever it can get the IDE to tell it—only if the IDE is quick about it though. In an interactive environment like GitHub Copilot, every millisecond matters. GitHub Copilot promises to take care of the common coding tasks, and if it wants to do that, it needs to display its solution to the developer before they have started to write more code in their IDE. Our rough heuristics say that for every additional 10 milliseconds we take to come up with a suggestion, the chance it’ll arrive in time decreases by one percent.

So, what can we say quickly? Well, here’s an example. Consider this suggestion to a simple piece of Python:

A developer prompting GitHub Copilot to write a simple function in Python to compute Fibonacci numbers.

Wrong! Turns out the user actually wanted to write Ruby, like this:

A developer using GitHub Copilot to write a simple function to compute Fibonacci numbers in Ruby.

The two languages have similar enough syntax so that only a couple of lines can be ambiguous, especially when it’s toward the beginning of the file where much of what we encounter are boilerplate comments. But modern IDEs such as VS Code typically know what language the user is writing in. That makes language mix ups especially annoying to the user because they break the implicit expectation that “the computer should know” (after all, most IDEs highlight language syntax).

So, let’s put the language metadata into our pile of context we might want to include. In fact, let’s add the whole filename too. If it’s available, it usually implies the language through its extension, and additionally sets the tone for what to expect in that file—small, easy pieces of information that won’t turn the tide but are helpful to include.

On the other end of the spectrum, there’s the rest of the repository. Say you’ve got a file that defines an abstract class DataReader. And you have another that defines a subclass CsvReader. And you’re now writing a new file defining another subclass SqlReader. Chances are that to write the new file, you’ll want to check out both existing files as well because they communicate useful background into what you need to implement and how to do it. Typically, developers keep such files open in different tabs and switch to remind themselves of definitions, examples, similar patterns, or tests.

If the content of those two files is useful to you, chances are it would be useful to the AI as well. So, let’s add it as context! After all, the IDE knows what other files from the repository are open as tabs in the same window. The repository might have hundreds or even thousands of files, but only some will be open, and that is a strong hint that they might be useful to what they’re doing right now. Of course, “some” can mean a lot of things, so we don’t consider any more than the 20 most recent tabs.

Step 2: Snippeting

Irrelevant information in an LLM’s context decreases its accuracy. Additionally, source code tends to be long, so even a single file is not guaranteed to fit completely into an LLM’s context window (a problem that occurs roughly a fifth of the time). So, unless the user is very frugal about their tab usage, we simply cannot include all the tabs.

It’s important to be selective about what code to include from other files, so we cut files into (hopefully) natural, overlapping snippets that are no longer than 60 lines. Of course, we don’t want to actually include all overlapping snippets—that’s why we score them and take only the best. In this case, the “score” is meant to reflect relevance. To determine a snippet’s score, we use the Jaccard similarity, a stat that can be used to gauge the similarity or diversity of sample sets. (It’s also super fast to compute, which is great for reducing latency.)

Step 3: Dressing them up

Now we have some context we’d like to pass on to the model. But how? Codex and other models don’t offer an API where you can add other files, or where you can specify the document’s language and filename for that matter. They complete one single document. As mentioned above, you’ll need to inject your context into that document in a natural way.

The path and name might be easiest. Many files start with a preamble that gives some metadata, like author, project name, or filename. So, we’ll pretend this is happening here as well, and add a line at the very top that reads something like # filepath: foo/bar.py or // filepath: foo.bar.js, depending on comment syntax in the file’s language.

Sometimes the path isn’t known, like with new files that haven’t yet been saved. Even then, we could try to at least specify the language, provided the IDE is aware of it. For many languages, we have the opportunity to include shebang lines like #!/usr/bin/python or #!/usr/bin/node. That’s a neat trick that works pretty well at warding against mistaken language identity. But it’s also a bit dangerous since files with shebang lines are a biased subpopulation of all code. So, let’s do it for short files where the danger of mistaken language identity is high, and avoid it for larger or named files.

If comments work as a delivery system for tiny nuggets of information, like path or language, we can also make them work as delivery systems for the chunky deep dives that are 60 lines of related code.

Comments are versatile, and commented-out code exists all over GitHub. Let’s look at some of the most common examples:

  • Old code that doesn’t apply anymore
  • Deleted features
  • Earlier versions of current code
  • Example code specifically left there for documentation purposes
  • Code lifted from other parts of the codebase

Let’s take our inspiration from the last group of examples. Familiarity with groups (1) – (3) makes things a bit easier on the model, but our snippets aim to emulate groups (4) and (5):

# compare this snippet from utils/concatenate.py:

# def crazy_concat(a, b):

# return str(a) + str(b)[::-1]

Note that including the file name and path of the snippet source can be useful. And combined with the current file’s path, this might guide completions referencing imports.

Step 4: Prioritization

So far, we have grabbed many pieces of context from many sources: the text directly above the cursor, text below the cursor, text in other files, and metadata like language and file path.

In the vast majority of cases (around 95%), we have to make the tough choice of what we can or cannot include.

We make that choice by thinking of the items we might include as “wishes.” Each time we uncover a piece of context, like a commented out snippet from an open tab, we make a wish. Wishes come with some priority attached, for example, the shebang lines have rather low priorities. Snippets with a low similarity score are barely higher. In contrast, the lines directly above the cursor have maximum priority. Wishes also come with a desired position in the document. The shebang line needs to be the very first item, while the text directly above the cursor comes last—it should directly precede the LLM’s completion.

The fastest way of selecting which wishes to fill and which ones to discard is by sorting that wishlist by priority. Then, we can keep deleting the lowest priority wishes until what remains fits in the context window. We then sort again by the intended order in the document and paste everything together.

Step 5: The AI does its thing

Now that we’ve assembled an informative prompt, it’s time for the AI to come up with a useful completion. We have always faced a very delicate tradeoff here—GitHub Copilot needs to use a highly capable model because quality makes all the difference between a useful suggestion and a distraction. But at the same time, it needs to be a model capable of speed, because latency makes all the difference between a useful suggestion and not being able to provide a suggestion at all.

So, which AI should we choose to “do its thing” on the completion task: the fastest or the most accurate one? It’s hard to know in advance, so OpenAI developed a fleet of models in collaboration with GitHub. We put two different models in front of developers but found that people got the most mileage (in terms of accepted and retained completions) out of the much faster model. Since then, further optimizations have increased model speed significantly, so that the current version of GitHub Copilot is backed by an even more capable model.

Step 6: Now, over to you!

The generative AI produces a string, and if it’s not stopped, it keeps on producing and will keep going until it predicts the end of the file. That would waste time and compute resources, so you need to set up “stop” criteria.

The most common stop criterion is actually looking for the first line break. In many situations, it seems likely that a software developer wants the current line to be finished, but not more. But some of the most magical contributions by GitHub Copilot are when it suggests multiple lines of code all at once.

Multi-line completions feel natural when they’re about a single semantic unit, such as the body of a function, an if-branch, or a class. GitHub Copilot looks for cases where such a block is being started, either because the developer has just written the start, such as the header, if guard, or class declaration, or is currently writing the start. If the block body appears to be empty, it will attempt to make a suggestion for it, and only stop when the block appears to be done.

This is the point when the suggestion gets surfaced to the coder. And the rest, as they say, is ~~history~~ 10x development.

If you’re interested in learning more about prompt engineering in general and how you can refine your own techniques, check out our guide on getting started with GitHub Copilot.

How to use GitHub Copilot: Prompts, tips, and use cases

Post Syndicated from Rizel Scarlett original https://github.blog/2023-06-20-how-to-write-better-prompts-for-github-copilot/

Leia este artigo em português

As ferramentas de programação de IA generativa estão transformando a maneira como as pessoas desenvolvedoras abordam as tarefas diárias de programação. Desde a documentação de nossas bases de código até a geração de testes de unidade, essas ferramentas estão ajudando a acelerar nossos fluxos de trabalho. No entanto, assim como acontece com qualquer tecnologia emergente, sempre há uma curva de aprendizado. Como resultado, as pessoas desenvolvedoras — tanto iniciantes quanto experientes — às vezes se sentem frustradas quando os assistentes de programação baseados em IA não geram o resultado desejado. (Familiar com isso?)

Por exemplo, ao pedir ao GitHub Copilot para desenhar uma casquinha de sorvete 🍦usando p5.js, uma biblioteca JavaScript para código criativo, continuamos recebendo sugestões irrelevantes ou, às vezes, nenhuma sugestão. Mas quando aprendemos mais sobre a maneira como o GitHub Copilot processa as informações, percebemos que precisávamos ajustar a maneira como nos comunicamos com elas.

Aqui está um exemplo do GitHub Copilot gerando uma solução irrelevante:

When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

Quando ajustamos nosso prompt, conseguimos gerar resultados mais precisos:

When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

Somos desenvolvedoras e entusiastas de IA. Eu, Rizel, usei o GitHub Copilot para criar uma extensão de navegador; jogo de pedra, papel e tesoura; e para enviar um Tweet. E eu, Michele, abri uma empresa de AI em 2021. Somos ambas Developer Advocates no GitHub e adoramos compartilhar nossas principais dicas para trabalhar com o GitHub Copilot.

Neste guia do GitHub Copilot, abordaremos:

  • O que exatamente é um prompt e o que é engenharia de prompt também (dica: depende se você está falando com uma pessoa desenvolvedora ou pesquisadora de machine learning)
  • Três práticas recomendadas e três dicas adicionais para criação imediata com o GitHub Copilot
  • Um exemplo em que você pode tentar solicitar ao GitHub Copilot para ajudá-lo a criar uma extensão de navegador

Progresso antes de perfeição

Mesmo com nossa experiência no uso de IA, reconhecemos que todes estão em uma fase de tentativa e erro com a tecnologia de IA generativa. Também conhecemos o desafio de fornecer dicas generalizadas de criação de prompts porque os modelos variam, assim como os problemas individuais nos quais as pessoas desenvolvedoras estão trabalhando. Este não é um guia definitivo. Em vez disso, estamos compartilhando o que aprendemos sobre criação de prompts para acelerar o aprendizado coletivo durante esta nova era de desenvolvimento de software.

O que é um prompt e o que é engenharia de prompt?

Depende de com quem você fala.

No contexto das ferramentas de programação de IA generativa, um prompt pode significar coisas diferentes, dependendo se você está perguntando a pessoas pesquisadoras de Machine Learning (ML) que estão construindo e ajustando essas ferramentas ou pessoas desenvolvedoras que as estão usando em seus IDEs.

Para este guia, definiremos os termos do ponto de vista de uma pessoa desenvolvedora que está usando uma ferramenta de programação AI generativa no IDE. Mas, para dar a você uma visão completa, também adicionamos as definições do pesquisador de ML abaixo em nosso gráfico.

Prompts Engenharia de Prompt Contexto
Pessoa Desenvolvedora Blocos de código, linhas individuais de código ou comentários em linguagem natural que uma pessoa desenvolvedora escreve para gerar uma sugestão específica do GitHub Copilot. Fornecer instruções ou comentários no IDE/strong> para gerar sugestões de código específicas. DDetalhes que são fornecidos por uma pessoa desenvolvedora para especificar a saída desejada de uma ferramenta de programação AI generativa.
Pessoa Pesquisadora de ML Compilação de código de IDE
e contexto
relevante (comentários IDE, código em arquivos abertos, etc.) que são continuamente gerados por algoritmos e enviados para o modelo de uma ferramenta de programação AI generativa
Criação de algoritmos que irão gerar prompts (compilações de código IDE e contexto) para um grande modelo de linguagem Detalhes (como dados de seus arquivos abertos e código que você escreveu antes e depois do cursor) que os algoritmos enviam para um modelo de linguagem grande (LLM) como informações adicionais sobre o código

3 melhores práticas para construção de prompt com GitHub Copilot

1. Defina o cenário com um objetivo de alto nível 🖼

Isso é mais útil se você tiver um arquivo em branco ou uma base de código vazia. Em outras palavras, se o GitHub Copilot não tiver contexto do que você deseja criar ou realizar, definir o cenário para a programação em par AI pode ser realmente útil. Isso ajuda a preparar o GitHub Copilot com uma descrição geral do que você deseja gerar – antes de entrar nos detalhes.

Ao solicitar o GitHub Copilot, pense no processo como uma conversa com alguém: como devo detalhar o problema para que possamos resolvê-lo juntes? Como eu abordaria a programação em par com essa pessoa?

Por exemplo, ao construir um editor de markdown em Next.jst, poderíamos escrever um comentário como este:

Crie um editor de markdown básico em Next.jcom as seguintes habilidades:
- Use react hooks
- Crie um estado para markdown com texto default "digite markdown aqui"
- Uma área de texto onde pessoas usuárias podem escrever markdown a
- Mostre uma demostração ao vivo do markdown enquando a pessoas digitaS
- Suporte para sintaxe básica de markdown como cabeçalhos, negrito, itálico
- Use React markdown npm package 
- O texto markdown e resultado em HTML devem ser salvos no estado do componente e atualizado em tempo real 

Isso solicitará que o GitHub Copilot gere o código a seguir e produza um editor de markdown muito simples, sem estilo, mas funcional, em menos de 30 segundos. Podemos usar o tempo restante para estilizar o componente:

We used this prompt to build a markdown editor in Next.jst using GitHub Copilot:
- Use react hooks
- Create state for markdown with default text

Observação: esse nível de detalhe ajuda a criar um resultado mais desejado, mas os resultados ainda podem ser não determinísticos. Por exemplo, no comentário, solicitamos ao GitHub Copilot que criasse um texto padrão que diz “digite markdown aqui”, mas, em vez disso, gerou “visualização de markdown” como as palavras padrão.

2. Faça sua pergunta simples e específica. Procure receber uma saída curta do GitHub Copilot.🗨

Depois de comunicar seu objetivo principal ao Copilot, articule a lógica e as etapas que ele precisa seguir para atingir esse objetivo. O GitHub Copilot entende melhor seu objetivo quando você detalha as coisas. (Imagine que você está escrevendo uma receita. Você dividiria o processo de cozimento em etapas discretas – não escreveria um parágrafo descrevendo o prato que deseja fazer.)

Deixe o GitHub Copilot gerar o código após cada etapa, em vez de pedir que ele gere vários códigos de uma só vez.

Aqui está um exemplo de nós fornecendo ao GitHub Copilot instruções passo a passo para reverter uma função:

We prompted GitHub Copilot to reverse a sentence by writing six prompts one at a time. This allowed GitHub Copilot to generate a suggestion for one prompt before moving onto the text. It also gave us the chance to tweak the suggested code before moving onto the next step. The six prompts we used were: First, let's make the first letter of the sentence lower case if it's not an 'I.' Next, let's split the sentence into an array of words. Then, let's take out the punctuation marks from the sentence. Now, let's remove the punctuation marks from the sentence. Let's reverse the sentence and join it back together. Finally, let's make the first letter of the sentence capital and add the punctuation marks.

3. De alguns exemplos para o GitHub Copilot. ✍

Aprender com exemplos não é útil apenas para humanos, mas também para seu programador Copilot. Por exemplo, queríamos extrair os nomes do array de dados abaixo e armazená-los em um novo array:

const data = [
    { name: 'John', age: 25 },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
    { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

Quando você não mostra um exemplo para o GitHub Copilot …

// Map por um array de arrays de objetos para transformar dados
const data = [
    { name: 'John', age: 25 },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
    { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

Isso gerou um uso incorreto do map:

const mappedData = data.map(x => [x.name](http://x.name/));


// Results: [undefined, undefined]

Em contraste, quando mostramos um exemplo …

// Map por um array de arrays de objetos
// Exemplo: Extraia nomes  array data
// Resultado desejado: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']
const data = [
  [{ name: 'John', age: 25 }, { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }],
  [{ name: 'Bob', age: 40 }]

Recebemos o resultado desejado.

const mappedData = data.flatMap(sublist => sublist.map(person => person.name));

// Results: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']

Leia mais sobre abordagens comuns para treinamento de IA, como aprendizado de disparo zero, disparo único e poucos disparos.

Três dicas adicionais para criação imediata com o GitHub Copilot

Aqui estão três dicas adicionais para ajudar a orientar sua conversa com o GitHub Copilot.

1. Experimente com seus prompts.

Assim como a conversa é mais uma arte do que uma ciência, o mesmo acontece com a criação imediata. Portanto, se você não receber o que deseja na primeira tentativa, reformule seu prompt seguindo as práticas recomendadas acima.

Por exemplo, o prompt abaixo é vago. Ele não fornece nenhum contexto ou limites para o GitHub Copilot gerar sugestões relevantes.

# Escreva algum código para grades.py

Repetimos o prompt para sermos mais específicos, mas ainda não obtivemos o resultado exato que procurávamos. Este é um bom lembrete de que adicionar especificidade ao seu prompt é mais difícil do que parece. É difícil saber, desde o início, quais detalhes você deve incluir sobre seu objetivo para gerar as sugestões mais úteis do GitHub Copilot. É por isso que encorajamos a experimentação.
A versão do prompt abaixo é mais específica que a anterior, mas não define claramente os requisitos de entrada e saída.

# Implemente uma função em grades.py para calcular a nota média

Experimentamos o prompt mais uma vez definindo limites e delineando o que queríamos que a função fizesse. Também reformulamos o comentário para que a função fosse mais clara (dando ao GitHub Copilot uma intenção clara de verificação).

Desta vez, obtivemos os resultados que procurávamos.

# Implemente a função calculate_average_grade em grades.py que recebe uma lista de notas como entrada e retorna a nota média como um número de ponto flutuante

2. Mantenha algumas abas abertas.

Não temos um número exato de abas que você deve manter abertas para ajudar o GitHub Copilot a contextualizar seu código, mas, com base em nossa experiência, descobrimos que uma ou duas são úteis.

O GitHub Copilot usa uma técnica chamada de abas vizinhas que permite que a ferramenta programadora em par AI contextualize seu código processando todos os arquivos abertos em seu IDE em vez de apenas um único arquivo em que você está trabalhando. No entanto, não é garantido que o GitHub Copilot considere todos os arquivos abertos como contexto necessário para o seu código.

3. Use boas práticas de programação.

Isso inclui fornecer nomes e funções de variáveis ​​descritivas e seguir estilos e padrões de codificação consistentes. Descobrimos que trabalhar com o GitHub Copilot nos encoraja a seguir boas práticas de programação que aprendemos ao longo de nossas carreiras.

Por exemplo, aqui usamos um nome de função descritivo e seguimos os padrões da base de código para alavancar casos de cobra.

def authenticate_user(username, password):

Como resultado, GitHub Copilot gera uma sugestão de código relevante:

def authenticate_user(username, password):
    # Code for authenticating the user
    if is_valid_user(username, password):
        return True
        return False

Compare isso com o exemplo abaixo, onde introduzimos um estilo de programação inconsistente e nomeamos mal nossa função.

def rndpwd(l):

Em vez de sugerir código, o GitHub Copilot gerou um comentário que dizia: “O código vai aqui”.

def rndpwd(l):
    # Code goes here

Fique esperto

Os LLMs por trás das ferramentas de programação de IA generativas são projetados para encontrar e extrapolar padrões de seus dados de treinamento, aplicar esses padrões à linguagem existente e, em seguida, produzir código que siga esses padrões. Dada a escala desses modelos, eles podem gerar uma sequência de código que ainda nem existe. Assim como você revisaria o código de um colega, você deve sempre avaliar, analisar e validar o código gerado por IA.

Um exemplo de prática 👩🏽‍💻

Tente solicitar ao GitHub Copilot para criar uma extensão de navegador.

Para começar, você precisará ter o GitHub Copilot instalado e aberto em seu IDE. Também temos acesso a uma prévia do bate-papo do GitHub Copilot, que é o que usamos quando tiver dúvidas sobre o nosso código. Se você não tem bate-papo no GitHub Copilot, inscreva-se na lista de espera. Até então, você pode emparelhar o GitHub Copilot com o ChatGPT.

Guias de criação de IA mais generativos (em inglês)


  • Um guia para iniciantes sobre engenharia de prompt com o GitHub Copilot
  • Engenharia de alerta para IA
  • Como o GitHub Copilot está melhorando a compreensão do seu código

  • Lee este articulo en español

    Las herramientas de codificación con IA generativa están transformando la forma en que los desarrolladores abordan las tareas de codificación diarias. Desde documentar nuestras bases de código hasta generar pruebas unitarias, estas herramientas están ayudando a acelerar nuestros flujos de trabajo. Sin embargo, como con cualquier tecnología emergente, siempre hay una curva de aprendizaje. Como resultado, los desarrolladores, tanto principiantes como experimentados, a veces se sienten frustrados cuando los asistentes de codificación impulsados por IA no generan el resultado que quieren. (¿Te suena familiar?)

    Por ejemplo, al pedirle a GitHub Copilot que dibuje un cono de helado 🍦 usando p5.js, una biblioteca de JavaScript para codificación creativa, seguimos recibiendo sugerencias irrelevantes, o a veces ninguna sugerencia en absoluto. Pero cuando aprendimos más sobre la forma en que GitHub Copilot procesa la información, nos dimos cuenta de que teníamos que ajustar la forma en que nos comunicábamos.

    Aquí hay un ejemplo de GitHub Copilot generando una solución irrelevante:

    When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

    Cuando ajustamos nuestra instrucción, pudimos generar resultados más precisos:

    When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

    Somos tanto desarrolladoras como entusiastas de la IA. Yo, Rizel, he utilizado GitHub Copilot para construir una extensión de navegador; un juego de piedra, papel o tijera; y para enviar un tweet. Y yo, Michelle, lancé una compañía de IA en 2016. Ambas somos DevRel en GitHub y nos encanta compartir nuestros mejores consejos para trabajar con GitHub Copilot.

    En esta guía para GitHub Copilot, cubriremos:

    • Qué es exactamente un “prompt” y qué es la ingeniería de prompts (pista: depende de si estás hablando con un desarrollador o con un investigador de aprendizaje automático)
    • Tres mejores prácticas y tres consejos adicionales para la creación de prompts con GitHub Copilot
    • Un ejemplo donde puedes probar a GitHub Copilot para que te ayude en la construcción de una extensión de navegador

    Progreso sobre perfección

    Incluso con nuestra experiencia usando IA, reconocemos que todos están en una fase de prueba y error con la tecnología de IA generativa. También conocemos el desafío de proporcionar consejos generales de elaboración de prompts porque los modelos varían, al igual que los problemas individuales en los que los desarrolladores están trabajando. Esta no es una guía definitiva. En su lugar, estamos compartiendo lo que hemos aprendido sobre la elaboración de prompts para acelerar el aprendizaje colectivo durante esta nueva era del desarrollo de software.

    ¿Qué es un “prompt” y qué es la ingeniería de prompt?

    Depende de con quién hables.

    En el contexto de las herramientas de codificación de IA generativa, un prompt puede significar diferentes cosas, dependiendo de si está preguntando a los investigadores de aprendizaje automático (ML) que están construyendo y ajustando estas herramientas, o a los desarrolladores que las están usando en sus IDE.

    Para esta guía, definiremos los términos desde el punto de vista de un desarrollador que utiliza una herramienta de codificación de IA generativa en el IDE. Pero para brindarle una imagen completa, también agregamos las definiciones de investigador de ML a continuación.

    Prompts Ingenieria de Prompt Contexto
    Desarrollador Bloques de código, líneas individuales de código, o comentarios en lenguaje natural que un desarrollador escribe para generar una sugerencia específica de GitHub Copilot. Proporcionar instrucciones o comentarios en el IDE para generar sugerencias de código específicas Detalles que proporciona un desarrollador para especificar la prompt deseada de una herramienta de codificación generativa de IA
    Investigador de ML Compilación de código de IDE y contexto relevante (comentarios de IDE, código en archivos abiertos, etc.) que se genera continuamente por algoritmos y se envíaal modelo de una herramienta de codificación generativa de IA Creación de algoritmos que generarán prompts (compilaciones de código de IDE y contexto) para un modelo de lenguaje de gran tamaño Detalles (como datos de tus archivos abiertos y código que has escrito antes y después del curso) que los algoritmos envían a un modelo de lenguaje de gran tamaño (LLM) como información adicional sobre el código

    3 mejores prácticas para la elaboración de prompts con GitHub Copilot

    1. Establecer el escenario con un objetivo de alto nivel. 🖼

    Esto es más útil si tienes un archivo en blanco o una base de código vacía. En otras palabras, si GitHub Copilot no tiene ningún contexto de lo que quieres construir o lograr, establecer el escenario para el programador par de IA puede ser realmente útil. Ayuda a preparar a GitHub Copilot con una descripción general de lo que quieres que genere, antes de que te sumerjas en los detalles.

    Al hacer prompts, GitHub Copilot, piensa en el proceso como si estuvieras teniendo una conversación con alguien: ¿Cómo debería desglosar el problema para que podamos resolverlo juntos? ¿Cómo abordaría la programación en pareja con esta persona?

    Por ejemplo, al construir un editor de markdown en Next.js, podríamos escribir un comentario como este:

    Crea un editor de markdown básico en Next.js con las siguientes características:
    - Utiliza hooks de React
    - Crea un estado para markdown con texto predeterminado "escribe markdown aquí"
    - Un área de texto donde los usuarios pueden escribir markdown
    - Muestra una vista previa en vivo del texto de markdown mientras escribo
    - Soporte para la sintaxis básica de markdown como encabezados, negrita, cursiva
    - Utiliza el paquete npm de React markdown
    - El texto de markdown y el HTML resultante deben guardarse en el estado del componente y actualizarse en tiempo real 

    Esto hará que GitHub Copilot genere el siguiente código y produzca un muy editor de rebajas simple, sin estilo pero funcional en menos de 30 segundos. Podemos usar el tiempo restante para diseñar el componente:

    We used this prompt to build a markdown editor in Next.jst using GitHub Copilot:
- Use react hooks
- Create state for markdown with default text

    Nota: Este nivel de detalle te ayuda a crear una prompt más deseada, pero los resultados aún pueden ser no deterministas. Por ejemplo, en el comentario, solicitamos a GitHub Copilot que cree un texto predeterminado que diga “escribe markdown aquí”, pero en cambio generó “vista previa de markdown” como las palabras predeterminadas.

    2. Haz tu solicitud simple y específica. Apunta a recibir una prompt corta de GitHub Copilot. 🗨

    Una vez que comunicas tu objetivo principal al programador par AI, articula la lógica y los pasos que debe seguir para alcanzar ese objetivo. GitHub Copilot comprende mejor tu objetivo cuando desglosas las cosas. (Imagina que estás escribiendo una receta. Desglosarías el proceso de cocción en pasos discretos, no escribirías un párrafo describiendo el plato que quieres hacer.)
    Deja que GitHub Copilot genere el código después de cada paso, en lugar de pedirle que genere un montón de código de una sola vez.
    Aquí tienes un ejemplo de cómo proporcionamos a GitHub Copilot instrucciones paso a paso para invertir una función:

    We prompted GitHub Copilot to reverse a sentence by writing six prompts one at a time. This allowed GitHub Copilot to generate a suggestion for one prompt before moving onto the text. It also gave us the chance to tweak the suggested code before moving onto the next step. The six prompts we used were: First, let's make the first letter of the sentence lower case if it's not an 'I.' Next, let's split the sentence into an array of words. Then, let's take out the punctuation marks from the sentence. Now, let's remove the punctuation marks from the sentence. Let's reverse the sentence and join it back together. Finally, let's make the first letter of the sentence capital and add the punctuation marks.

    3. Proporciona a GitHub Copilot uno o dos ejemplos. ✍

    Aprender de ejemplos no solo es útil para los humanos, sino también para tu programador par AI. Por ejemplo, queríamos extraer los nombres del siguiente arreglo de datos y almacenarlos en un nuevo arreglo:

    const data = [
        { name: 'John', age: 25 },
        { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
        { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

    Cuando no le mostramos un ejemplo a GitHub Copilot …

    // Mapee a través de una matriz de matrices de objetos para transformar datos
    const data = [
        { name: 'John', age: 25 },
        { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
        { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

    Generó un uso incorrecto del mapa:

    const mappedData = data.map(x => [x.name](http://x.name/));
    // Results: [undefined, undefined]

    Por el contrario, cuando proporcionamos un ejemplo…

    // Recorrer un array de arrays de objetos
    // Ejemplo: Extraer los nombres del array de datos
    // Resultado deseado: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']
    const data = [
      [{ name: 'John', age: 25 }, { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }],
      [{ name: 'Bob', age: 40 }]

    Recibimos nuestro resultado deseado.

    const mappedData = data.flatMap(sublist => sublist.map(person => person.name));
    // Results: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob'] 

    Lee más acerca de los enfoques comunes para el entrenamiento de IA, como el aprendizaje de zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot learning.

    Tres consejos adicionales para la elaboración de prompts con GitHub Copilot

    Aquí tienes tres consejos adicionales para ayudarte a guiar tu conversación con GitHub Copilot.

    1. Experimenta con tus prompts.

    Al igual que la conversación es más un arte que una ciencia, también lo es la elaboración de prompts. Así que, si no recibes lo que quieres en el primer intento, reformula tu prompts siguiendo las mejores prácticas mencionadas anteriormente.

    Por ejemplo, la prompts de abajo es vaga. No proporciona ningún contexto ni límites para que GitHub Copilot genere sugerencias relevantes.

    # Escribe algo de código para grades.py

    Iteramos en el prompt para ser más específicos, pero aún no obtuvimos el resultado exacto que estábamos buscando. Este es un buen recordatorio de que añadir especificidad a tu prompt es más difícil de lo que parece. Es difícil saber, desde el principio, qué detalles debes incluir sobre tu objetivo para generar las sugerencias más útiles de GitHub Copilot. Por eso animamos a la experimentación.

    La versión del promopt de abajo es más específica que la de arriba, pero no define claramente los requisitos de entrada y salida.

    # Implementar una función en grades.py para calcular la nota media

    Experimentamos una vez más con el promopt estableciendo límites y delineando lo que queríamos que hiciera la función. También reformulamos el comentario para que la función fuera más clara (dándole a GitHub Copilot una intención clara contra la que verificar).

    Esta vez, obtuvimos los resultados que estábamos buscando.

    # Implementa la función calculate_average_grade en grades.py que toma una lista de calificaciones como entrada y devuelve la calificación media como un número flotante.

    2. Mantén un par de pestañas relevantes abiertas.

    No tenemos un número exacto de pestañas que debas mantener abiertas para ayudar a GitHub Copilot a contextualizar tu código, pero en nuestra experiencia, hemos encontrado que una o dos es útil.

    GitHub Copilot utiliza una técnica llamada pestañas vecinas que permite al programador de pares de IA contextualizar su código procesando todos los archivos abiertos en su IDE en lugar de solo el archivo en el que está trabajando. Sin embargo, no se garantiza que GItHub Copilot considere todos los archivos abiertos como contexto necesario para su código.

    3. Utilice buenas prácticas de codificación.

    Eso incluye proporcionar nombres y funciones de variables descriptivas, y seguir estilos y patrones de codificación consistentes. Hemos descubierto que trabajar con GitHub Copilot nos anima a seguir las buenas prácticas de codificación que hemos aprendido a lo largo de nuestras carreras.

    Por ejemplo, aquí usamos un nombre de función descriptiva y seguimos los patrones de la base de código para aprovechar el caso de la serpiente.

    def authenticate_user(nombre de usuario, contraseña):

    Como resultado, GitHub Copilot generó una sugerencia de código relevante:

    def authenticate_user(nombre de usuario, contraseña):
        # Código para autenticar al usuario
        Si is_valid_user(nombre de usuario, contraseña):
            generate_session_token(nombre de usuario)
            return True
            return Falso

    Compare esto con el siguiente ejemplo, donde introdujimos un estilo de codificación inconsistente y mal nombramos nuestra función.

    def rndpwd(l):

    En lugar de sugerir código, GitHub Copilot generó un comentario que decía: “El código va aquí”.

    def rndpwd(l):
        # El código va aquí

    Mantente inteligente

    Los LLM detrás de las herramientas generativas de codificación de IA están diseñados para encontrar y extrapolar patrones de sus datos de entrenamiento, aplicar esos patrones al lenguaje existente y luego producir código que siga esos patrones. Dada la gran escala de estos modelos, podrían generar una secuencia de código que ni siquiera existe todavía. Al igual que revisaría el código de un colega, siempre debe evaluar, analizar y validar el código generado por IA.

    Un ejemplo 👩🏽 💻 de práctica

    Intenta pedirle a GitHub Copilot que cree una extensión del navegador.

    Para comenzar, deberás tener GitHub Copilot instalado y abierto en tu IDE. También tenemos acceso a una vista previa temprana del chat de GitHub Copilot, que es lo que hemos estado usando cuando tenemos preguntas sobre nuestro código. Si no tienes el chat de GitHub Copilot, regístrate en la lista de espera. Hasta entonces, puede emparejar GitHub Copilot con ChatGPT.

    Guías de elaboración de avisos de IA más generativas

  • Una guía para principiantes sobre ingeniería rápida con GitHub Copilot
  • Ingeniería rápida para IA
  • Cómo GitHub Copilot está mejorando en la comprensión de tu código

  • Generative AI coding tools are transforming the way developers approach daily coding tasks. From documenting our codebases to generating unit tests, these tools are helping to accelerate our workflows. However, just like with any emerging tech, there’s always a learning curve. As a result, developers—beginners and experienced alike— sometimes feel frustrated when AI-powered coding assistants don’t generate the output they want. (Feel familiar?)

    For example, when asking GitHub Copilot to draw an ice cream cone 🍦using p5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding, we kept receiving irrelevant suggestions—or sometimes no suggestions at all. But when we learned more about the way that GitHub Copilot processes information, we realized that we had to adjust the way we communicated with it.

    Here’s an example of GitHub Copilot generating an irrelevant solution:

    When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

    When we adjusted our prompt, we were able to generate more accurate results:

    When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

    We’re both developers and AI enthusiasts ourselves. I, Rizel, have used GitHub Copilot to build a browser extension, rock, paper, scissors game, and to send a Tweet. And I, Michelle, launched an AI company in 2016. We’re both developer advocates at GitHub and love to share our top tips for working with GitHub Copilot.

    In this guide for GitHub Copilot, we’ll cover:

    Progress over perfection

    Even with our experience using AI, we recognize that everyone is in a trial and error phase with generative AI technology. We also know the challenge of providing generalized prompt-crafting tips because models vary, as do the individual problems that developers are working on. This isn’t an end-all, be-all guide. Instead, we’re sharing what we’ve learned about prompt crafting to accelerate collective learning during this new age of software development.

    What’s a prompt and what is prompt engineering?

    It depends on who you talk to.

    In the context of generative AI coding tools, a prompt can mean different things, depending on whether you’re asking machine learning (ML) researchers who are building and fine-tuning these tools, or developers who are using them in their IDEs.

    For this guide, we’ll define the terms from the point of view of a developer who’s using a generative AI coding tool in the IDE. But to give you the full picture, we also added the ML researcher definitions below in our chart.

    Prompts Prompt engineering Context
    Developer Code blocks, individual lines of code, or natural language comments a developer writes to generate a specific suggestion from GitHub Copilot Providing instructions or comments in the IDE to generate specific coding suggestions Details that are provided by a developer to specify the desired output from a generative AI coding tool
    ML researcher Compilation of IDE code and relevant context (IDE comments, code in open files, etc.) that is continuously generated by algorithms and sent to the model of a generative AI coding tool Creating algorithms that will generate prompts (compilations of IDE code and context) for a large language model Details (like data from your open files and code you’ve written before and after the cursor) that algorithms send to a large language model (LLM) as additional information about the code

    3 best practices for prompt crafting with GitHub Copilot

    1. Set the stage with a high-level goal. 🖼

    This is most helpful if you have a blank file or empty codebase. In other words, if GitHub Copilot has zero context of what you want to build or accomplish, setting the stage for the AI pair programmer can be really useful. It helps to prime GitHub Copilot with a big picture description of what you want it to generate—before you jump in with the details.

    When prompting GitHub Copilot, think of the process as having a conversation with someone: How should I break down the problem so we can solve it together? How would I approach pair programming with this person?

    For example, when building a markdown editor in Next.jst, we could write a comment like this

    Create a basic markdown editor in Next.js with the following features:
    - Use react hooks
    - Create state for markdown with default text "type markdown here"
    - A text area where users can write markdown 
    - Show a live preview of the markdown text as I type
    - Support for basic markdown syntax like headers, bold, italics 
    - Use React markdown npm package 
    - The markdown text and resulting HTML should be saved in the component's state and updated in real time 

    This will prompt GitHub Copilot to generate the following code and produce a very simple, unstyled but functional markdown editor in less than 30 seconds. We can use the remaining time to style the component:

    We used this prompt to build a markdown editor in Next.jst using GitHub Copilot:
- Use react hooks
- Create state for markdown with default text

    Note: this level of detail helps you to create a more desired output, but the results may still be non-deterministic. For example, in the comment, we prompted GitHub Copilot to create default text that says “type markdown here” but instead it generated “markdown preview” as the default words.

    2. Make your ask simple and specific. Aim to receive a short output from GitHub Copilot. 🗨

    Once you communicate your main goal to the AI pair programmer, articulate the logic and steps it needs to follow for achieving that goal. GitHub Copilot better understands your goal when you break things down. (Imagine you’re writing a recipe. You’d break the cooking process down into discrete steps–not write a paragraph describing the dish you want to make.)

    Let GitHub Copilot generate the code after each step, rather than asking it to generate a bunch of code all at once.

    Here’s an example of us providing GitHub Copilot with step-by-step instructions for reversing a function:

    We prompted GitHub Copilot to reverse a sentence by writing six prompts one at a time. This allowed GitHub Copilot to generate a suggestion for one prompt before moving onto the text. It also gave us the chance to tweak the suggested code before moving onto the next step. The six prompts we used were: First, let's make the first letter of the sentence lower case if it's not an 'I.' Next, let's split the sentence into an array of words. Then, let's take out the punctuation marks from the sentence. Now, let's remove the punctuation marks from the sentence. Let's reverse the sentence and join it back together. Finally, let's make the first letter of the sentence capital and add the punctuation marks.

    3. Give GitHub Copilot an example or two. ✍

    Learning from examples is not only useful for humans, but also for your AI pair programmer. For instance, we wanted to extract the names from the array of data below and store it in a new array:

    const data = [
        { name: 'John', age: 25 },
        { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
        { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

    When we didn’t show GitHub Copilot an example …

    // Map through an array of arrays of objects to transform data
    const data = [
        { name: 'John', age: 25 },
        { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
        { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }
    const mappedData = data.map(x => [x.name](http://x.name/));
    // Results: [undefined, undefined]

    It generated an incorrect usage of map:

    const mappedData = data.map(x => [x.name](http://x.name/));
    // Results: [undefined, undefined]

    By contrast, when we did provide an example …

    // Map through an array of arrays of objects
    // Example: Extract names from the data array
    // Desired outcome: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']
    const data = [
      [{ name: 'John', age: 25 }, { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }],
      [{ name: 'Bob', age: 40 }]
    const mappedData = data.flatMap(sublist => sublist.map(person => person.name));

    We received our desired outcome.

    const mappedData = data.flatMap(sublist => sublist.map(person => person.name));
    // Results: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']

    Read more about common approaches to AI training, such as zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot learning.

    Three additional tips for prompt crafting with GitHub Copilot

    Here are three additional tips to help guide your conversation with GitHub Copilot.

    1. Experiment with your prompts.

    Just how conversation is more of an art than a science, so is prompt crafting. So, if you don’t receive what you want on the first try, recraft your prompt by following the best practices above.

    For example, the prompt below is vague. It doesn’t provide any context or boundaries for GitHub Copilot to generate relevant suggestions.

    # Write some code for grades.py  

    We iterated on the prompt to be more specific, but we still didn’t get the exact result we were looking for. This is a good reminder that adding specificity to your prompt is harder than it sounds. It’s difficult to know, from the start, which details you should include about your goal to generate the most useful suggestions from GitHub Copilot. That’s why we encourage experimentation.

    The version of the prompt below is more specific than the one above, but it doesn’t clearly define the input and output requirements.

    # Implement a function in grades.py to calculate the average grade

    We experimented with the prompt once more by setting boundaries and outlining what we wanted the function to do. We also rephrased the comment so the function was more clear (giving GitHub Copilot a clear intention to verify against).

    This time, we got the results we were looking for.

    # Implement the function calculate_average_grade in grades.py that takes a list of grades as input and returns the average grade as a floating-point number

    2. Keep a couple of relevant tabs open.

    We don’t have an exact number of tabs that you should keep open to help GitHub Copilot contextualize your code, but from our experience, we’ve found that one or two is helpful.

    GitHub Copilot uses a technique called neighboring tabs that allows the AI pair programmer to contextualize your code by processing all of the files open in your IDE instead of just the single file you’re working on. However, it’s not guaranteed that GItHub Copilot will deem all open files as necessary context for your code.

    3. Use good coding practices.

    That includes providing descriptive variable names and functions, and following consistent coding styles and patterns. We’ve found that working with GitHub Copilot encourages us to follow good coding practices we’ve learned throughout our careers.

    For example, here we used a descriptive function name and followed the codebase’s patterns of leveraging snake case.

    def authenticate_user(username, password):

    As a result, GitHub Copilot generated a relevant code suggestion:

    def authenticate_user(username, password):
        # Code for authenticating the user
        if is_valid_user(username, password):
            return True
            return False

    Compare this to the example below, where we introduced an inconsistent coding style and poorly named our function.

    def rndpwd(l):

    Instead of suggesting code, GitHub Copilot generated a comment that said, “Code goes here.”

    def rndpwd(l):
        # Code goes here

    Stay smart

    The LLMs behind generative AI coding tools are designed to find and extrapolate patterns from their training data, apply those patterns to existing language, and then produce code that follows those patterns. Given the sheer scale of these models, they might generate a code sequence that doesn’t even exist yet. Just as you would review a colleague’s code, you should always assess, analyze, and validate AI-generated code.

    A practice example 👩🏽‍💻

    Try your hand at prompting GitHub Copilot to build a browser extension.

    To get started, you’ll need to have GitHub Copilot installed and open in your IDE. We also have access to an early preview of GitHub Copilot chat, which is what we’ve been using when we have questions about our code. If you don’t have GitHub Copilot chat, sign up for the waitlist. Until then you can pair GitHub Copilot with ChatGPT.

    More generative AI prompt crafting guides

    Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot

    Post Syndicated from Sara Verdi original https://github.blog/2023-05-17-inside-github-working-with-the-llms-behind-github-copilot/

    The first time that engineers at GitHub worked with one of OpenAI’s large language models (LLM), they were equal parts excited and astonished. Alireza Goudarzi, a senior researcher of machine learning at GitHub recounts, “As a theoretical AI researcher, my job has been to take apart deep learning models to make sense of them and how they learn, but this was the first time that a model truly astonished me.” Though the emergent behavior of the model was somewhat surprising, it was obviously powerful. Powerful enough, in fact, to lead to the creation of GitHub Copilot.

    Due to the growing interest in LLMs and generative AI models, we decided to speak to the researchers and engineers at GitHub who helped build the early versions of GitHub Copilot and talk through what it was like to work with different LLMs from OpenAI, and how model improvements have helped evolve GitHub Copilot to where it is today—and beyond.

    A brief history of GitHub Copilot

    In June 2020, OpenAI released GPT-3, an LLM that sparked intrigue in developer communities and beyond. Over at GitHub, this got the wheels turning for a project our engineers had only talked about before: code generation.

    “Every six months or so, someone would ask in our meetings, ‘Should we think about general purpose code generation,’ but the answer was always ‘No, it’s too difficult, the current models just can’t do it,’” says Albert Ziegler, a principal machine learning engineer and member of the GitHub Next research and development team.

    But GPT-3 changed all that—suddenly the model was good enough to begin considering how a code generation tool might work.

    “OpenAI gave us the API to play around with,” Ziegler says. “We assessed it by giving it coding-like tasks and evaluated it in two different forms.”

    For the first form of evaluation, the GitHub Next team crowdsourced self-contained problems to help test the model. “The reason we don’t do this anymore is because the models just got too good,” Ziegler laughs.

    In the beginning, the model could solve about half of the problems it was posed with, but soon enough, it was solving upwards of 90 percent of the problems.

    This original testing method sparked the first ideas for how to harness the power of this model, and they began to conceptualize an AI-powered chatbot for developers to ask coding questions and receive immediate, runnable code snippets. “We built a prototype, but it turned out there was a better modality for this technology available,” Ziegler says. “We thought, ‘Let’s try to put this in the IDE.’”

    “The moment we did that and saw how well it worked, the whole static question-and-answer modality was forgotten,” he says. “This new approach was interactive and it was useful in almost every situation.”

    And with that, the development of GitHub Copilot began.

    Exploring model improvements

    To keep this project moving forward, GitHub returned to OpenAI to make sure that they could stay on track with the latest models. “The first model that OpenAI gave us was a Python-only model,” Ziegler remembers. “Next we were delivered a JavaScript model and a multilingual model, and it turned out that the Javascript model had particular problems that the multilingual model did not. It actually came as a surprise to us that the multilingual model could perform so well. But each time, the models were just getting better and better, which was really exciting for GitHub Copilot’s progress.”

    In 2021, OpenAI released the multilingual Codex model, which was built in partnership with GitHub. This model was an offshoot of GPT-3, so its original capability was generating natural language in response to text prompts. But what set the Codex model apart was that it was trained on billions of lines of public code—so that, in addition to natural language outputs, it also produced code suggestions.

    This model was open for use via an API that businesses could build on, and while this breakthrough was huge for GitHub Copilot, the team needed to work on internal model improvements to ensure that it was as accurate as possible for end users.

    As the GitHub Copilot product was prepared for launch as a technical preview, the team split off into further functional teams, and the Model Improvements team became responsible for monitoring and improving GitHub Copilot’s quality through communicating with the underlying LLM. This team also set out to work on improving completion for users. Completion refers to when users accept and keep GitHub Copilot suggestions in their code, and there are several different levers that the Model Improvements team works on to increase completion, including prompt crafting and fine tuning.

    An example of completion in action with GitHub Copilot
    An example of completion in action with GitHub Copilot.

    Prompt crafting

    When working with LLMs, you have to be very specific and intentional with your inputs to receive your desired output, and prompt crafting explores the art behind communicating these requests to get the optimal completion from the model.

    “In very simple terms, the LLM is, at its core, just a document completion model. For training it was given partial documents and it learned how to complete them one token at a time. Therefore, the art of prompt crafting is really all about creating a ‘pseudo-document’ that will lead the model to a completion that benefits the customer,” John Berryman, a senior researcher of machine learning on the Model Improvements team explains. Since LLMs are trained on partial document completion, then if the partial document is code, then this completion capability lends itself well to code completion, which is, in its base form, exactly what GitHub Copilot does.

    To better understand how the model could be applied to code completion, the team would provide the model with a file and evaluate the code completions it returned.

    “Sometimes the results are ok, sometimes they are quite good, and sometimes the results seem almost magical,” Berryman says. “The secret is that we don’t just have to provide the model with the original file that the GitHub Copilot user is currently editing; instead we look for additional pieces of context inside the IDE that can hint the model towards better completions.”

    He continues, “There have been several changes that helped get GitHub Copilot where it is today, but one of my favorite tricks was when we pulled similar texts in from the user’s neighboring editor tabs. That was a huge lift in our acceptance rate and characters retained.”

    Generative AI and LLMs are incredibly fascinating, but Berryman still seems to be most excited about the benefit that the users are seeing from the research and engineering efforts.

    “The idea here is to make sure that we make developers more productive, but the way we do that is where things start to get interesting: we can make the user more productive by incorporating the way they think about code into the algorithm itself,” Berryman says. “Where the developer might flip back and forth between tabs to reference code, we just can do that for them, and the completion is exactly what it would be if the user had taken all of the time to look that information up.”


    Fine-tuning is a technique used in AI to adapt and improve a pre-trained model for a specific task or domain. The process involves taking a pre-trained model that has been trained on a large dataset and training it on a smaller, more specific dataset that is relevant to a particular use case. This enables the model to learn and adapt to the nuances of the new data, thus improving its performance on the specific task.

    These larger, more sophisticated LLMs can sometimes produce outputs that aren’t necessarily helpful because it’s hard to statistically define what constitutes a “good” response. It’s also incredibly difficult to train a model like Codex that contains upwards of 170 billion parameters.

    “Basically, we’re training the underlying Codex model on a user’s specific codebase to provide more focused, customized completions,” Goudarzi adds.

    “Our greatest challenge right now is to consider why the user rejects or accepts a suggestion,” Goudarzi adds. “We have to consider what context, or information, that we served to the model caused the model to output something that was either helpful or not helpful. There’s no way for us to really troubleshoot in the typical engineering way, but what we can do is figure out how to ask the right questions to get the output we desire.”

    Read more about how GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your code to provide a more customized coding experience here.

    GitHub Copilot—then and now

    As the models from OpenAI got stronger—and as we identified more areas to build on top of those LLMs in house—GitHub Copilot has improved and gained new capabilities with chat functionality, voice-assisted development, and more via GitHub Copilot X on the horizon.

    Johan Rosenkilde, a staff researcher on the GitHub Next team remembers, “When we received the latest model drops from OpenAI in the past, the improvements were good, but they couldn’t really be felt by the end user. When the third iteration of Codex dropped, you could feel it, especially when you were working with programming languages that are not one of the top five languages,” Rosenkilde says.

    He continues, “I happened to be working on a programming competition with some friends on the weekend that model version was released, and we were programming with F#. In the first 24 hours, we evidently had the old model for GitHub Copilot, but then BOOM! Magic happened,” he laughs. “There was an incredibly noticeable difference.”

    In the beginning, GitHub Copilot also had the tendency to suggest lines of code in a completely different programming language, which created a poor developer experience (for somewhat obvious reasons).

    “You could be working in a C# project, then all of the sudden at the top of a new file, it would suggest Python code,” Rosenkilde explains. So, the team added a headline to the prompt which listed the language you were working in. “Now this had no impact when you were deep down in the file because Copilot could understand which language you were in. But at the top of the file, there could be some ambiguity, and those early models just defaulted to the top popular languages.”

    About a month following that improvement, the team discovered that it was much more powerful to put the path of the file at the top of the document.

    A diagram of the file path improvement
    A diagram of the file path improvement.

    “The end of the file name would give away the language in most cases, and in fact the file name could provide crucial, additional information,” Rosenkilde says. “For example, the file might be named ‘connectiondatabase.py.’ Well that file is most likely about databases or connections, so you might want to import an SQL library, and that file was written in Python. So, that not only solved the language problem, but it also improved the quality and user experience by a surprising margin because GitHub Copilot could now suggest boilerplate code.”

    After a few more months of work, and several iterations, the team was able to create a component that lifted code from other files, which is a capability that had been talked about since the genesis of GitHub Copilot. Rosenkilde recalls, “this never really amounted to anything more than conversations or a draft pull request because it was so abstract. But then, Albert Ziegler built this component that looked at other files you have open in the IDE at that moment in time and scanned through those files for similar text to what’s in your current cursor. This was a huge boost in code acceptance because suddenly, GitHub Copilot knew about other files.”

    What’s next for GitHub Copilot

    After working with generative AI models and LLMs over the past three years, we’ve seen their transformative value up close. As the industry continues to find new uses for generative AI, we’re working to continue building new developer experiences. And in March 2023, GitHub announced the future of Copilot, GitHub Copilot X, our vision for an AI-powered developer experience. GitHub Copilot X aims to bring AI beyond the IDE to more components of the overall platform, such as docs and pull requests. LLMs are changing the ways that we interact with technology and how we work, and ideas like GitHub Copilot X are just an example of what these models, along with some dedicated training techniques, are capable of.

    How GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your code

    Post Syndicated from Johan Rosenkilde original https://github.blog/2023-05-17-how-github-copilot-is-getting-better-at-understanding-your-code/

    To make working with GitHub Copilot feel like a meeting of the minds between developers and the pair programmer, GitHub’s machine learning experts have been busy researching, developing, and testing new capabilities—and many are focused on improving the AI pair programmer’s contextual understanding. That’s because good communication is key to pair programming, and inferring context is critical to making good communication happen.

    To pull back the curtain, we asked GitHub’s researchers and engineers about the work they’re doing to help GitHub Copilot improve its contextual understanding. Here’s what we discovered.

    From OpenAI’s Codex model to GitHub Copilot

    When OpenAI released GPT-3 in June 2020, GitHub knew developers would benefit from a product that leveraged the model specifically for coding. So, we gave input to OpenAI as it built Codex, a descendant of GPT-3 and the LLM that would power GitHub Copilot. The pair programmer launched as a technical preview in June 2021 and became generally available in June 2022 as the world’s first at-scale generative AI coding tool.

    To ensure that the model has the best information to make the best predictions with speed, GitHub’s machine learning (ML) researchers have done a lot of work called prompt engineering (which we’ll explain in more detail below) so that the model provides contextually relevant responses with low latency.

    Though GitHub’s always experimenting with new models as they come out, Codex was the first really powerful generative AI model that was available, said David Slater, a ML engineer at GitHub. “The hands-on experience we gained from iterating on model and prompt improvements was invaluable.”

    All that experimentation resulted in a pair programmer that, ultimately, frees up a developer’s time to focus on more fulfilling work. The tool is often a huge help even for starting new projects or files from scratch because it scaffolds a starting point that developers can adapt and tweak as desired, said Alice Li, a ML researcher at GitHub.

    I still find myself impressed and even surprised by what GitHub Copilot can do, even after having worked on it for some time now.

    – Alice Li, ML researcher at GitHub

    Why context matters

    Developers use details from pull requests, a folder in a project, open issues, and more to contextualize their code. When it comes to a generative AI coding tool, we need to teach that tool what information to use to do the same.

    Transformer LLMs are good at connecting the dots and big-picture thinking. Generative AI coding tools are made possible by large language models (LLMs). These models are sets of algorithms trained on large amounts of code and human language. Today’s state-of-the-art LLMs are transformers, which makes them adept at making connections between text in a user’s input and the output that the model has already generated. This is why today’s generative AI tools are providing responses that are more contextually relevant than previous AI models.

    But they need to be told what information is relevant to your code. Right now, transformers that are fast enough to power GitHub Copilot can process about 6,000 characters at a time. While that’s been enough to advance and accelerate tasks like code completion and code change summarization, the limited amount of characters means that not all of a developer’s code can be used as context.

    So, our challenge is to figure out not only what data to feed the model, but also how to best order and enter it to get the best suggestions for the developer.

    Learn more about LLMs, generative AI coding tools, and how they’re changing the way developers work.

    How GitHub Copilot understands your code

    It all comes down to prompts, which are compilations of IDE code and relevant context that’s fed to the model. Prompts are generated by algorithms in the background, at any point in your coding. That’s why GitHub Copilot will generate coding suggestions whether you’re currently writing or just finished a comment, or in the middle of some gnarly code.

    • Here’s how a prompt is created: a series of algorithms first select relevant code snippets or comments from your current file and other sources (which we’ll dive into below). These snippets and comments are then prioritized, filtered, and assembled into the final prompt.

    GitHub Copilot’s contextual understanding has continuously matured over time. The first version was only able to consider the file you were working on in your IDE to be contextually relevant. But we knew context went beyond that. Now, just a year later, we’re experimenting with algorithms that will consider your entire codebase to generate customized suggestions.

    Let’s look at how we got here:

    • Prompt engineering is the delicate art of creating a prompt so that the model makes the most useful prediction for the user. The prompt tells LLMs, including GitHub Copilot, what data, and in what order, to process in order to contextualize your code. Most of this work takes place in what’s called a prompt library, which is where our in-house ML experts work with algorithms to extract and prioritize a variety of sources of information about the developer’s context, creating the prompt that’ll be processed by the GitHub Copilot model.

    • Neighboring tabs is what we call the technique that allows GitHub Copilot to process all of the files open in a developer’s IDE instead of just the single one the developer is working on. By opening all files relevant to their project, developers automatically invoke GitHub Copilot to comb through all of the data and find matching pieces of code between their open files and the code around their cursor—and add those matches to the prompt.

    When developing neighboring tabs, the GitHub Next team and in-house ML researchers did A/B tests to figure out the best parameters for identifying matches between code in your IDE and code in your open tabs. They found that setting a very low bar for when to include a match actually made for the best coding suggestions.

    By including every little bit of context, neighboring tabs helped to relatively increase user acceptance of GitHub Copilot’s suggestions by 5%**.

    Even if there was no perfect match—or even a very good one—picking the best match we found and including that as context for the model was better than including nothing at all.

    – Albert Ziegler, principal ML engineer at GitHub
    • The Fill-In-the-Middle (FIM) paradigm widened the context aperture even more. Prior to FIM, only the code before your cursor would be put into the prompt—ignoring the code after your cursor. (At GitHub, we refer to code before the cursor as the prefix and after the cursor as the suffix.) With FIM, we can tell the model which part of the prompt is the prefix, and which part is the suffix.

    Even if you’re creating something from scratch and have a skeleton of a file, we know that coding isn’t linear or sequential. So, while you bounce around your file, FIM helps GitHub Copilot offer better coding suggestions for the part in your file where your cursor is located, or the code that’s supposed to come between the prefix and suffix.

    Based on A/B testing, FIM gave a 10% relative boost in performance, meaning developers accepted 10% more of the completions that were shown to them. And thanks to optimal use of caching, neighboring tabs and FIM work in the background without any added latency.

    System diagram focused on model quality efforts. The diagram starts on the left with inputs from open tabs, data from editor, and vector database, which feed into a prompt library. (We are continuously working on improvements to provide better context from available sources in the prompt.) This then goes into the prompt, which is fed through a contextual filter model and a GPT model. (We are continuously working on new and improved model engines optimized for GitHub Copilot.) This model provides completions to fill in the middle of the prompt prefix and suffix. From the models, n completions are generated, and less than or equal to n completions are shown.

    Improving semantic understanding

    Today, we’re experimenting with vector databases that could create a customized coding experience for developers working in private repositories or with proprietary code. Generative AI coding tools use something called embeddings to retrieve information from a vector database.

    • What’s a vector database? It’s a database that indexes high-dimensional vectors.

    • What’s a high-dimensional vector? They’re mathematical representations of objects, and because these vectors can model objects in a number of dimensions, they can capture complexities of that object. When used properly to represent pieces of code, they may represent both the semantics and even intention of the code—not just the syntax.

    • What’s an embedding? In the context of coding and LLMs, an embedding is the representation of a piece of code as a high-dimensional vector. Because of the “knowledge” the LLM has of both programming and natural language, it’s able to capture both the syntax and semantics of the code in the vector.

    Here’s how they’d all work together:

    • Algorithms would create embeddings for all snippets in the repository (potentially billions of them), and keep them stored in the vector database.
    • Then, as you’re coding, algorithms would embed the snippets in your IDE.
    • Algorithms would then make approximate matches—also, in real time—between the embeddings that are created for your IDE snippets and the embeddings already stored in the vector database. The vector database is what allows algorithms to quickly search for approximate matches (not just exact ones) on the vectors it stores, even if it’s storing billions of embedded code snippets.

    Developers are familiar with retrieving data with hashcodes, which typically look for exact character by character matches, explained Alireza Goudarzi, senior ML researcher at GitHub. “But embeddings—because they arise from LLMs that were trained on a vast amount of data—develop a sense of semantic closeness between code snippets and natural language prompts.”

    Read the three sentences below and identify which two are the most semantically similar.

    • Sentence A: The king moved and captured the pawn.
    • Sentence B: The king was crowned in Westminster Abbey.
    • Sentence C: Both white rooks were still in the game.

    The answer is sentences A and C because both are about chess. While sentences A and B are syntactically, or structurally similar because both have a king as the subject, they’re semantically different because “king” is used in different contexts.

    Here’s how each of those statements could translate to Python. Note the syntactic similarity between snippets A and B despite their semantic difference, and the semantic similarity between snippets A and C despite their syntactic difference.

    Snippet A:

    if king.location() == pawn.location():
        board.captures_piece(king, pawn)

    Snippet B:

    if king.location() == "Westminster Abbey":

    Snippet C:

    if len([ r for r in board.pieces("white") if r.type == "rook" ]) == 2:
        return True

    As mentioned above, we’re still experimenting with retrieval algorithms. We’re designing the feature with enterprise customers in mind, specifically those who are looking for a customized coding experience with private repositories and would explicitly opt in to use the feature.

    Take this with you

    Last year, we conducted quantitative research on GitHub Copilot and found that developers code up to 55% faster while using the pair programmer. This means developers feel more productive, complete repetitive tasks more quickly, and can focus more on satisfying work. But our work won’t stop there.

    The GitHub product and R&D teams, including GitHub Next, have been collaborating with Microsoft Azure AI-Platform to continue bringing improvements to GitHub Copilot’s contextual understanding. So much of the work that helps GitHub Copilot contextualize your code happens behind the scenes. While you write and edit your code, GitHub Copilot is responding to your writing and edits in real time by generating prompts–or, in other words, prioritizing and sending relevant information to the model based on your actions in your IDE—to keep giving you the best coding suggestions.

    Learn more

    How I used GitHub Copilot to build a browser extension

    Post Syndicated from Rizel Scarlett original https://github.blog/2023-05-12-how-i-used-github-copilot-to-build-a-browser-extension/

    For the first time ever, I built a browser extension and did it with the help of GitHub Copilot. Here’s how.

    I’ve built a rock, paper, scissors game with GitHub Copilot but never a browser extension. As a developer advocate at GitHub, I decided to put GitHub Copilot to the test, including its upcoming chat feature, and see if it could help me write an extension for Google Chrome to clear my cache.

    I’m going to be honest: it wasn’t as straightforward as I expected it to be. I had a lot of questions throughout the build and had to learn new information.

    But at the end of the day, I gained experience with learning an entirely new skill with a generative AI coding tool and pair programming with GitHub Copilot—and with other developers on Twitch 👥.

    I wanted to create steps that anyone—even those without developer experience—could easily replicate when building this extension, or any other extension. But I also wanted to share my new takeaways after a night of pair programming with GitHub Copilot and human developers.

    So, below you’ll find two sections:

    Let’s jump in.

    How to build a Chrome extension with GitHub Copilot

    To get started, you’ll need to have GitHub Copilot installed and open in your IDE. I also have access to an early preview of GitHub Copilot chat, which is what I used when I had a question. If you don’t have GitHub Copilot chat, sign up for the waitlist, and pair GitHub Copilot with ChatGPT for now.

    1. 🧑🏾‍💻 Using the chat window, I asked GitHub Copilot, “How do I create a Chrome extension? What should the file structure look like?”

    💻 GitHub Copilot gave me general steps for creating an extension—from designing the folder structure to running the project locally in Chrome.

    Screenshot of the char window where the user asked GitHub Copilot "How do I build a browser extension? What should the file structure look like?" GitHub Copilot provided some instructions in response."

    Then, it shared an example of a Chrome extension file structure.

    Copilot response showing an example structure for a simple Chrome extension.

    To save you some time, here’s a chart that briefly defines the purpose of these files:

    manifest.json 🧾 Metadata about your extension, like the name and version, and permissions. Manifest as a proper noun is the name of the Google Chrome API. The latest is V3.
    popup.js 🖼 When users click on your extension icon in their Chrome toolbar, a pop-up window will appear. This file is what determines the behavior of that pop-up and contains code for handling user interactions with the pop-up window.
    popup.html and style.css 🎨 These files make up the visual of your pop-up window. popup.html is the interface, including layout, structure, and content. style.css determines the way the HTML file should be displayed in the browser, including font, text color, background, etc.

    2. Create the manifest.json 🧾

    🧑🏾‍💻 Inside a folder in my IDE, I created a file called manifest.json. In manifest.json,

    I described my desired file:

    Manifest for Chrome extension that clears browser cache.
    manifest_version: 3
    Permissions for the extension are: storage, tabs, browsingData

    I pressed enter and invoked suggestions from GitHub Copilot by typing a curly brace.

    💻 Inside the curly brace, GitHub Copilot suggested the manifest. I deleted the lines describing my desired manifest.json, and the final file looked like this:

       "name": "Clear Cache",
       "version": "1.0",
       "manifest_version": 3,
       "description": "Clears browser cache",
       "permissions": [
       "action": {
           "default_popup": "popup.html"
       "background": {
           "service_worker": "background.js"

    3. Create a service worker, which is a file called background.js 🔧

    This wasn’t a file that was recommended from my chat with GitHub Copilot. I learned that it was a necessary file from a developer who tuned into my livestream 👥. The background.js is what gives your extension the ability to run in the background, perform tasks, and respond to user events outside of the extension’s pop-up window (like network requests and data storage).

    🧑🏾‍💻 In my background.js file, I wrote a comment describing my desired service worker:

    Service Worker for Google Chrome Extension 
    Handles when extension is installed
    Handles when message is received

    Then, I wrote a comment for the first function, which prompted a suggestion from GitHub Copilot, and then wrote another comment to describe the second function.

    💻 The final file looked like this:

    Service Worker for Google Chrome Extension
    Handles when extension is installed
    Handles when message is received
    // console.log when extension is installed
    chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() {
       console.log("Extension installed");
    // send response when message is received and console.log when message is received
    chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
       console.log("Message received");
       sendResponse("Message received");

    4. Create the popup.html file 🖼

    🧑🏾‍💻 In the popup.html file, I wrote a comment describing how I wanted my pop-up window to appear. This window is the one users will see when they click on the extension icon.

       HTML for Chrome extension that clears browser cache.
       Connect to javascript file called popup.js and CSS file called style.css
       Will render the following buttons with id's:
       - "All History"
       - "Past Month"
       - "Past Week"
       - "Past Day"
       - "Past Hour"
       - "Past Minute"
       Will render an empty paragraph with id "lastCleared"

    💻 GitHub Copilot suggested the following:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
           <meta charset="utf-8">
           <title>Clear Cache</title>
           <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
           <h1>Clear Cache</h1>
           <button id="allHistory">All History</button>
           <button id="pastMonth">Past Month</button>
           <button id="pastWeek">Past Week</button>
           <button id="pastDay">Past Day</button>
           <button id="pastHour">Past Hour</button>
           <button id="pastMinute">Past Minute</button>
           <p id="lastCleared"></p>
           <script src="popup.js"></script>

    5. Test the browser extension

    I decided to test the modifications before incorporating additional styles or interactivity. I prefer making incremental changes and conducting manual tests in between because it simplifies the debugging process.

    🧑🏾‍💻 Navigate to chrome://extensions/ in your Chrome browser. Turn on developer mode. Press “Load unpacked.” Upload the folder that holds your Chrome extension. Once loaded, you should be able to test your extension. Here’s what mine looked like:

    Screenshot of the Chrome extension offering options to "Clear Cache."

    6. Create a popup.js file to add interactivity

    🧑🏾‍💻 Inside this file, write a comment that will act as pseudocode for you but as a prompt for GitHub Copilot.

    Pseudocode isn’t code, but a method of conceptualizing and communicating ideas to plan and design programs before writing the actual code. Programmers can concentrate on algorithmic logic without worrying about syntactic details of a particular programming language—and communicate ideas to other developers regardless of coding experience.

    Here’s the pseudocode I used:

    This program is a Chrome Extension that clears browser cache.
    Handle on button click:
    - button with id "allHistory" that clears all cache history
    - button with id "pastMonth" that clears cache history from the past month
    - button with id "pastWeek" that clears cache history from the past week
    - button with id "pastDay" that clears cache history from the past day
    - button with id "pastHour" that clears cache history from the past hour
    - button with id "pastMinute" that clears cache history from the past minute
    Create function that
    - converts dates and times into human-readable format
    - adds "Successfully cleared cache" with date and time in a paragraph with id "lastCleared"

    Then, write the series of comments below, but write them one at a time to allow GitHub Copilot to generate a code suggestion after each one. The final popup.js looked like this:

    This program is a Chrome Extension that clears browser cache.
    Handle on button click:
    - button with id "allHistory" that clears all cache history
    - button with id "pastMonth" that clears cache history from the past month
    - button with id "pastWeek" that clears cache history from the past week
    - button with id "pastDay" that clears cache history from the past day
    - button with id "pastHour" that clears cache history from the past hour
    - button with id "pastMinute" that clears cache history from the past minute
    Create function that
    - converts dates and times into human-readable format
    - adds "Successfully cleared cache" with date and time in a paragraph with id "lastCleared"
    // convert date and time into human-readable format
    function convertDate(date) {
       let date = new Date(date);
       var options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' };
       return date.toLocaleDateString("en-US", options);
    // add successfully cleared cache into paragraph with id "lastCleared"
    function addCleared() {
       var p = document.getElementById("lastCleared");
       let date = new Date();
       p.innerHTML = "Successfully cleared cache " + convertDate(date);
    // clear all cache history
    document.getElementById("allHistory").addEventListener("click", function() {
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": 0 }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past month
    document.getElementById("pastMonth").addEventListener("click", function() {
       let date = new Date();
       date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 1);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past week
    document.getElementById("pastWeek").addEventListener("click", function() {
       let date = new Date();
       date.setDate(date.getDate() - 7);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past day
    document.getElementById("pastDay").addEventListener("click", function() {
       let date = new Date();
       date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past hour
    document.getElementById("pastHour").addEventListener("click", function() {
      let date = new Date();
       date.setHours(date.getHours() - 1);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past minute
    document.getElementById("pastMinute").addEventListener("click", function() {
      let date = new Date();
       date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - 1);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {

    🧑🏾‍💻 GitHub Copilot actually generated the var keyword, which is outdated. So I changed that keyword to let.

    7. Create the last file in your folder: style.css

    🧑🏾‍💻 Write a comment that describes the style you want for your extension. Then, type “body” and continue tabbing until GitHub Copilot suggests all the styles.

    My final style.css looked like this:

    /* Style the Chrome extension's popup to be wider and taller
    Use accessible friendly colors and fonts
    Make h1 elements legible
    Highlight when buttons are hovered over
    Highlight when buttons are clicked
    Align buttons in a column and center them but space them out evenly
    Make paragraph bold and legible
    body {
       background-color: #f1f1f1;
       font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
       font-size: 16px;
       color: #333;
       width: 400px;
       height: 400px;
    h1 {
       font-size: 24px;
       color: #333;
       text-align: center;
    button {
       background-color: #4CAF50;
       color: white;
       padding: 15px 32px;
       text-align: center;
       text-decoration: none;
       display: inline-block;
       font-size: 16px;
       margin: 4px 2px;
       cursor: pointer;
       border-radius: 8px;
    button:hover {
       background-color: #45a049;
    button:active {
       background-color: #3e8e41;
    p {
       font-weight: bold;
       font-size: 18px;
       color: #333;
    For detailed, step-by-step instructions, check out my Chrome extension with GitHub Copilot repo.

    Three important lessons about learning and pair programming in the age of AI

    1. Generative AI reduces the fear of making mistakes. It can be daunting to learn a new language or framework, or start a new project. The fear of not knowing where to start—or making a mistake that could take hours to debug—can be a significant barrier to getting started. I’ve been a developer for over three years, but streaming while coding makes me nervous. I sometimes focus more on people watching me code and forget the actual logic. When I conversed with GitHub Copilot, I gained reassurance that I was going in the right direction and that helped me to stay motivated and confident during the stream.

    2. Generative AI makes it easier to learn about new subjects, but it doesn’t replace the work of learning. GitHub Copilot didn’t magically write an entire Chrome extension for me. I had to experiment with different prompts, and ask questions to GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, Google, and developers on my livestream. To put it in perspective, it took me about 1.5 hours to do steps 1 to 5 while streaming.

      But if I hadn’t used GitHub Copilot, I would’ve had to write all this code by scratch or look it up in piecemeal searches. With the AI-generated code suggestions, I was able to jump right into review and troubleshooting, so a lot of my time and energy was focused on understanding how the code worked. I still had to put in the effort to learn an entirely new skill, but I was analyzing and evaluating code more often than I was trying to learn and then remember it.

    3. Generative AI coding tools made it easier for me to collaborate with other developers. Developers who tuned into the livestream could understand my thought process because I had to tell GitHub Copilot what I wanted it to do. By clearly communicating my intentions with the AI pair programmer, I ended up communicating them more clearly with developers on my livestream, too. That made it easy for people tuning in to become my virtual pair programmers during my livestream.

    Overall, working with GitHub Copilot made my thought process and workflow more transparent. Like I said earlier, it was actually a developer on my livestream who recommended a service worker file after noticing that GitHub Copilot didn’t include it in its suggested file structure. Once I confirmed in a chat conversation with GitHub Copilot and a Google search that I needed a service worker, I used GitHub Copilot to help me write one.

    Take this with you

    GitHub Copilot made me more confident with learning something new and collaborating with other developers. As I said before, live coding can be nerve-wracking. (I even get nervous even when I’m just pair programming with a coworker!) But GitHub Copilot’s real-time code suggestions and corrections created a safety net, allowing me to code more confidently—and quickly— in front of a live audience. Also, because I had to clearly communicate my intentions with the AI pair programmer, I was also communicating clearly with the developers who tuned into my livestream. This made it easy to virtually collaborate with them.

    The real-time interaction with GitHub Copilot and the other developers helped with catching errors, learning coding suggestions, and reinforcing my own understanding and knowledge. The result was a high-quality codebase for a browser extension.

    This project is a testament to the collaborative power of human-AI interaction. The experience underscored how GitHub Copilot can be a powerful tool in boosting confidence, facilitating learning, and fostering collaboration among developers.

    More resources

    How companies are boosting productivity with generative AI

    Post Syndicated from Chris Reddington original https://github.blog/2023-05-09-how-companies-are-boosting-productivity-with-generative-ai/

    Is your company using generative AI yet?

    While it’s still in its infancy, generative AI coding tools are already changing the way developers and companies build software. Generative AI can boost developer and business productivity by automating tasks, improving communication and collaboration, and providing insights that can inform better decision-making.

    In this post, we’ll explore the full story of how companies are adopting generative AI to ship software faster, including:

    Want to explore the world of generative AI for developers? 🌎

    Check out our generative AI guide to learn what it is, how it works, and what it means for developers everywhere.

    Get the guide >

    What is generative AI?

    Generative AI refers to a class of artificial intelligence (AI) systems designed to create new content similar to what humans produce. These systems are trained on large datasets of content that include text, images, audio, music, or code.

    Generative AI is an extension of traditional machine learning, which trains models to predict or classify data based on existing patterns. But instead of simply predicting the outcome, generative AI models are designed to identify underlying patterns and structures of the data, and then use that knowledge to quickly generate new content. However, the main difference between the two is one of magnitude and the size of the prediction or generation. Machine learning typically predicts the next word. Generative AI can generate the next paragraph.

    AI-generated image from Shutterstack of a developer using a generative AI tool to code faster.
    AI-generated image from Shutterstack of a developer using a generative AI tool to code faster.

    Generative AI tools have attracted particular interest in the business world. From marketing to software development, organizational leaders are increasingly curious about the benefits of the new generative AI applications and products.

    “I do think that all companies will adopt generative AI tools in the near future, at least indirectly,” said Albert Ziegler, principal machine learning engineer at GitHub. “The bakery around the corner might have a logo that the designer made using a generative transformer. The neighbor selling knitted socks might have asked Bing where to buy a certain kind of wool. My taxi driver might do their taxes with a certain Excel plugin. This adoption will only increase over time.”

    What are some business uses of generative AI tools? 💡

    • Software development: generative AI tools can assist engineers with building, editing, and testing code.
    • Content creation: writers can use generative AI tools to help personalize product descriptions and write ad copy.
    • Design creation: from generating layouts to assisting with graphics, generative AI design tools can help designers create entirely new designs.
    • Video creation: generative AI tools can help videographers with building, editing, or enhancing videos and images.
    • Language translation: translators can use generative AI tools to create communications in different languages.
    • Personalization: generative AI tools can assist businesses with personalizing products and services to meet the needs of individual customers.
    • Operations: from supply chain management to pricing, generative AI tools can help operations professionals drive efficiency.

    How generative AI coding tools are changing the developer experience

    Generative AI has big implications for developers, as the tools can enable them to code and ship software faster.

    How is generative AI affecting software development?⚡

    Check out our guide to learn what generative AI coding tools are, what developers are using them for, and how they’re impacting the future of development.

    Get the guide >

    Similar to how spell check and other automation tools can help writers build content more efficiently, generative AI coding tools can help developers produce cleaner work—and the models powering these tools are getting better by the month. Tools such as GitHub Copilot, for instance, can be used in many parts of the software development lifecycle, including in IDEs, code reviews, and testing.

    The science backs this up. In 2022, we conducted research into how our generative AI tool, GitHub Copilot, helps developers. Here’s what we found:

    Source: Research: quantifying GitHub Copilot’s impact on developer productivity and happiness

    GitHub Copilot is only continuing to improve. When the tool was first launched for individuals in June 2022, more than 27% of developers’ code was generated by GitHub Copilot, on average. Today, that number is 46% across all programming languages—and in Java, that jumps to 61%.

    How can generative AI tools help you build software? 🚀

    These tools can help:

    • Write boilerplate code for various programming languages and frameworks.
    • Find information in documentation to understand what the code does.
    • Identify security vulnerabilities and implement fixes.
    • Streamline code reviews before merging new or edited code.

    Explore GitHub’s vision for embedding generative AI into every aspect of the developer workflow.

    Using generative AI responsibly 🙏

    Like all technologies, responsibility and ethics are important with generative AI.

    In February 2023, a group of 10 companies including OpenAI, Adobe, the BBC, and others agreed upon a new set of recommendations on how to use generative AI content in a responsible way.

    The recommendations were put together by the Partnership on AI (PAI), an AI research nonprofit, in consultation with more than 50 organizations. The guidelines call for creators and distributors of generative AI to be transparent about what the technology can and can’t do and disclose when users might be interacting with this type of content (by using watermarks, disclaimers, or traceable elements in an AI model’s training data).

    Is generative AI accurate? 🔑

    Businesses should be aware that while generative AI tools can speed up the creation of content, they should not be solely relied upon as a source of truth. A recent study suggests that people can identify whether AI-generated content is real or fake only 50% of the time. Here at GitHub, we named our generative AI tool “GitHub Copilot” to signify just this—the tool can help, but at the end of the day, it’s just a copilot. The developer needs to take responsibility for ensuring that the finished code is accurate and complete.

    How companies are using generative AI

    Even as generative AI models and tools continue to rapidly advance, businesses are already exploring how to incorporate these into their day-to-day operations.

    This is particularly true for software development teams.

    “Going forward, tech companies that don’t adopt generative AI tools will have a significant productivity disadvantage,” Ziegler said. “Given how much faster this technology can help developers build, organizations that don’t adopt these tools or create their own will have a harder time in the marketplace.”

    3 primary generative AI business models for organizations 📈

    Enterprises all over the world are using generative AI tools to transform how work gets done. Three of the business models organizations use include:

    • Model as a Service (MaaS): Companies access generative AI models through the cloud and use them to create new content. OpenAI employs this model, which licenses its GPT-3 AI model, the platform behind ChatGPT. This option offers low-risk, low-cost access to generative AI, with limited upfront investment and high flexibility.
    • Built-in apps: Companies build new—or existing—apps on top of generative AI models to create new experiences. GitHub Copilot uses this model, which relies on Codex to analyze the context of the code to provide intelligent suggestions on how to complete it. This option offers high customization and specialized solutions with scalability.
    • Vertical integration: Vertical integration leverages existing systems to enhance the offerings. For instance, companies may use generative AI models to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions about prices or improve the accuracy of their services.

    Duolingo, one of the largest language-learning apps in the world, is one company that recently adopted generative AI capabilities. They chose GitHub’s generative AI tool, GitHub Copilot, to help their developers write and ship code faster, while improving test coverage. Duolingo’s CTO Severin Hacker said GitHub Copilot delivered immediate benefits to the team, enabling them to code quickly and deliver their best work.

    ”[The tool] stops you from getting distracted when you’re doing deep work that requires a lot of your brain power,” Hacker noted. “You spend less time on routine work and more time on the hard stuff. With GitHub Copilot, our developers stay in the flow state and keep momentum instead of clawing through code libraries or documentation.”

    After adopting GitHub Copilot and the GitHub platform, Duolingo saw a:

    • 25% increase in developer speed for those who are new to working with a specific repository
    • 10% increase in developer speed for those who are familiar with the respective codebase
    • 67% decrease in median code review turnaround time

    “I don’t know of anything available today that’s remotely close to what we can get with GitHub Copilot,” Hacker said.

    Looking forward

    Generative AI is changing the world of software development. And it’s just getting started. The technology is quickly improving and more use cases are being identified across the software development lifecycle. With the announcement of GitHub Copilot X, our vision for the future of AI-powered software development, we’re committed to installing AI capabilities into every step of the developer workflow. There’s no better time to get started with generative AI at your company.

    Web Summit Rio 2023: Building an app in 18 minutes with GitHub Copilot X

    Post Syndicated from Thomas Dohmke original https://github.blog/2023-05-05-web-summit-rio-2023-building-an-app-in-18-minutes-with-github-copilot-x/

    Missed GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke’s Web Summit Rio 2023 talk? Read his remarks and get caught up on everything GitHub Copilot X.

    Hello, Rio! I’m Thomas, and I’m a developer. I’ve been looking forward to this for some time, about a year. When I first planned this talk, I wanted to talk about the future of artificial intelligence and applications. But then I thought, why not show you the full power live on stage. Build something with code.

    I’ve been a developer my entire adult life. I’ve been coding since 1989. But as CEO, I haven’t been able to light up my contribution graph in a while. Like all of you, like every developer, my energy, my creativity every day is finite. And all the distractions of life—from the personal to the professional—from morning to night, gradually zaps my creative energy.

    When I wake up, I’m at my most creative and sometimes I have a big, light bulb idea. But as soon as the coffee is poured, the distractions start. Slack messages and emails flood in. I have to review a document before a customer presentation. And then I hear my kids yell as their football flew over the fence. And, of course, they want me to go over to our neighbors’ and get it.

    Then…I sit back down, I am in wall-to-wall meetings. And by the time the sun comes down, that idea I had in the morning—it’s gone! It’s midnight and I can’t even keep my eyes open. To be honest, in all this, I usually don’t even want to get started because the perception of having to do all the mundane tasks, all the boilerplate work that comes with coding, stops me in my tracks. And I know this is true for so many developers.

    The point is: boilerplate sucks! All busywork in life, but especially repetitive work is a barrier between us and what we want to achieve. Every day, building endless boilerplate prevents developers from creating a new idea that will change the world. But with AI, these barriers are about to be shattered.

    You’ve likely seen the memes about the 10x developer. It’s a common internet joke—people have claimed the 10x developer many times. With GitHub Copilot and now Copilot X, it’s time for us to redefine this! It isn’t that developers need to strive to be 10x, it’s that every developer deserves to be made 10 times more productive. With AI at every step, we will truly create without captivity. With AI at every step, we will realize the 10x developer.

    Imagine: 10 days of work, done in one day. 10 hours of work, done in one hour. 10 minutes of work, done with a single prompt command. This will allow us to amplify our truest self-expression. It will help a new generation of developers learn and build as fast as their minds. And because of this, we’ll emerge into a new spring of digital creativity, where every light bulb idea we have when we open our eyes for the day can be fully realized no matter what life throws at us.

    During my presentation, I built a snake game in 15 minutes.

    This morning I woke up, and I wanted to build something. I wanted to build my own snake game, originally created back in 1976. It’s a classic. So, 15 minutes are left on my timer. And I’m going to build this snake game. Let’s bring up Copilot X and get going!

    See how you can 10x your developer superpowers. Discover GitHub Copilot X.