Tag Archives: CDNJS

polyfill.io now available on cdnjs: reduce your supply chain risk

Post Syndicated from Sven Sauleau original https://blog.cloudflare.com/polyfill-io-now-available-on-cdnjs-reduce-your-supply-chain-risk

Polyfill.io is a popular JavaScript library that nullifies differences across old browser versions. These differences often take up substantial development time.

It does this by adding support for modern functions (via polyfilling), ultimately letting developers work against a uniform environment simplifying development. The tool is historically loaded by linking to the endpoint provided under the domain polyfill.io.

In the interest of providing developers with additional options to use polyfill, today we are launching an alternative endpoint under cdnjs. You can replace links to polyfill.io “as is” with our new endpoint. You will then rely on the same service and reputation that cdnjs has built over the years for your polyfill needs.

Our interest in creating an alternative endpoint was also sparked by some concerns raised by the community, and main contributors, following the transition of the domain polyfill.io to a new provider (Funnull).

The concerns are that any website embedding a link to the original polyfill.io domain, will now be relying on Funnull to maintain and secure the underlying project to avoid the risk of a supply chain attack. Such an attack would occur if the underlying third party is compromised or alters the code being served to end users in nefarious ways, causing, by consequence, all websites using the tool to be compromised.

Supply chain attacks, in the context of web applications, are a growing concern for security teams, and also led us to build a client side security product to detect and mitigate these attack vectors: Page Shield.

Irrespective of the scenario described above, this is a timely reminder of the complexities and risks tied to modern web applications. As maintainers and contributors of cdnjs, currently used by more than 12% of all sites, this reinforces our commitment to help keep the Internet safe.

polyfill.io on cdnjs

The full polyfill.io implementation has been deployed at the following URL:


The underlying bundle link is:

For minified: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/polyfill/v3/polyfill.min.js
For unminified: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/polyfill/v3/polyfill.js

Usage and deployment is intended to be identical to the original polyfill.io site. As a developer, you should be able to simply “replace” the old link with the new cdnjs-hosted link without observing any side effects, besides a possible improvement in performance and reliability.

If you don’t have access to the underlying website code, but your website is behind Cloudflare, replacing the links is even easier, as you can deploy a Cloudflare Worker to update the links for you:

export interface Env {}

export default {
    async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {

        const response = await fetch(request);

        if ((response.headers.get('content-type') || '').includes('text/html')) {
            const rewriter = new HTMLRewriter()
                .on('link', {
                    element(element) {
                        const rel = element.getAttribute('rel');
                        if (rel === 'preconnect') {
                            const href = new URL(element.getAttribute('href') || '', request.url);

                            if (href.hostname === 'polyfill.io') {
                                href.hostname = 'cdnjs.cloudflare.com';
                                element.setAttribute('href', href.toString());

                .on('script', {
                    element(element) {
                        if (element.hasAttribute('src')) {
                            const src = new URL(element.getAttribute('src') || '', request.url);
                            if (src.hostname === 'polyfill.io') {
                                src.hostname = 'cdnjs.cloudflare.com';
                                src.pathname = '/polyfill' + src.pathname;

                                element.setAttribute('src', src.toString());

            return rewriter.transform(response);
        } else {
            return response;

Instructions on how to deploy a worker can be found on our developer documentation.

You can also test the Worker on your website without deploying the worker. You can find instructions on how to do this in another blog post we wrote in the past.

Implemented with Rust on Cloudflare Workers

We were happy to discover that polyfill.io is a Rust project. As you might know, Rust has been a first class citizen on Cloudflare Workers from the start.

The polyfill.io service was hosted on Fastly and used their Rust library. We forked the project to add the compatibility for Cloudflare Workers, and plan to make the fork publicly accessible in the near future.


The https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/polyfill/[...].js endpoints are also implemented in a Cloudflare Worker that wraps our Polyfill.io fork. The wrapper uses Cloudflare’s Rust API and looks like the following:

async fn main(req: Request, env: Env, ctx: Context) -> Result<Response> {
    let metrics = {...};

    let polyfill_store = get_d1(&req, &env)?;
    let polyfill_env = Arc::new(service::Env { polyfill_store, metrics });
    // Run the polyfill.io entrypoint
    let res = service::handle_request(req2, polyfill_env).await;

    let status_code = if let Ok(res) = &res {
    } else {

    ctx.wait_until(async move {
        if let Err(err) = metrics.report_metrics().await {
            console_error!("failed to report metrics: {err}");


The wrapper only sets up our internal metrics and logging tools, so we can monitor uptime and performance of the underlying logic while calling the Polyfill.io entrypoint.

Storage for the Polyfill files

All the polyfill files are stored in a key-value store powered by Cloudflare D1. This allows us to fetch as many polyfill files as we need with a single SQL query, as opposed to the original implementation doing one KV get() per file.

For performance, we have one Cloudflare D1 instance per region and the SQL queries are routed to the nearest database.

cdnjs for your JavaScript libraries

cdnjs is hosting over 6k JavaScript libraries as of today. We are looking for ways to improve the service and provide new content. We listen to community feedback and welcome suggestions on our community forum, or cdnjs on GitHub.

Page Shield is also available to all paid plans. Log in to turn it on with a single click to increase visibility and security for your third party assets.

Cloudflare’s Handling of an RCE Vulnerability in cdnjs

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Ganz original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflares-handling-of-an-rce-vulnerability-in-cdnjs/

Cloudflare's Handling of an RCE Vulnerability in cdnjs

Cloudflare's Handling of an RCE Vulnerability in cdnjs

cdnjs provides JavaScript, CSS, images, and fonts assets for websites to reference with more than 4,000 libraries available. By utilizing cdnjs, websites can load faster with less strain on one’s own origin server as files are served directly from Cloudflare’s edge. Recently, a blog post detailed a vulnerability in the way cdnjs’ backend automatically keeps the libraries up to date.

This vulnerability allowed the researcher to execute arbitrary code, granting the ability to modify assets. This blog post details how Cloudflare responded to this report, including the steps we took to block exploitation, investigate potential abuse, and remediate the vulnerability.

This vulnerability is not related to Cloudflare CDN. The cdnjs project is a platform that leverages Cloudflare’s services, but the vulnerability described below relates to cdnjs’ platform only. To be clear, no existing libraries were modified using this exploit. The researcher published a new package which demonstrated the vulnerability and our investigation concluded that the integrity of all assets hosted on cdnjs remained intact.

Disclosure Timeline

As outlined in RyotaK’s blog post, the incident began on 2021-04-06. At around 1100 GMT, RyotaK published a package to npm exploiting the vulnerability. At 1129 GMT, cdnjs processed this package, resulting in a leak of credentials. This triggered GitHub alerting which notified Cloudflare of the exposed secrets.

Cloudflare disabled the auto-update service and revoked all credentials within an hour. In the meantime, our security team received RyotaK’s remote code execution report through HackerOne. A new version of the auto-update tool which prevents exploitation of the vulnerability RyotaK reported was released within 24 hours.

Having taken action immediately to prevent exploitation, we then proceeded to redesign the auto-update pipeline. Work to completely redesign it was completed on 2021-06-03.

Blocking Exploitation

Before RyotaK reported the vulnerability via HackerOne, Cloudflare had already taken action. When GitHub notified us that credentials were leaked, one of our engineers took immediate action and revoked them all. Additionally, the GitHub token associated with this service was automatically revoked by GitHub.

The second step was to bring the vulnerable service offline to prevent further abuse while we investigated the incident. This prevented exploitation but also made it impossible for legitimate developers to publish updates to their libraries. We wanted to release a fixed version of the pipeline used for retrieving and hosting new library versions so that developers could continue to benefit from caching. However, we understood that a stopgap was not a long term fix, and we decided to review the entire current solution to identify a better design that would improve the overall security of cdnjs.


Any sort of investigation requires access to logs and all components of our pipeline generate extensive logs that prove valuable for forensics efforts. Logs produced by the auto-update process are collected in a GitHub repository and sent to our logging pipeline. We also collect and retain logs from cdnjs’ Cloudflare account. Our security team began reviewing this information as soon as we received RyotaK’s initial report. Based on access logs, API token usage, and file modification metadata, we are confident that only RyotaK exploited this vulnerability during his research and only on test files. To rule out abuse, we reviewed the list of source IP addresses that accessed the Workers KV token prior to revoking it and only found one, which belongs to the cdnjs auto-update bot.

The cdnjs team also reviewed files that were pushed to the cdnjs/cdnjs GitHub repository around that time and found no evidence of any other abuse across cdnjs.

Remediating the Vulnerability

Around half of the libraries on cdnjs use npm to auto-update. The primary vector in this attack was the ability to craft a .tar.gz archive with a symbolic link and publish it to the npm registry. When our pipeline extracted the content it would follow symlinks and overwrite local files using the pipeline user privileges. There are two fundamental issues at play here: an attacker can perform path traversal on the host processing untrusted files, and the process handling the compressed file is overly privileged.

We addressed the path traversal issue by checking that the destination of each file in the tarball will be contained within the target directory that the update process has designated for that package. If the file’s full canonical path doesn’t begin with the destination directory’s full path, we log this as a warning and skip extracting that file. This works fairly well, but as noted in the comment above this check, if the compressed file uses UTF-8 encoding for filenames, this check may not properly canonicalize the path. If this canonicalization does not occur, the path may contain path traversal, even though it starts with the correct destination path.

To ensure that other vulnerabilities in cdnjs’ publication pipeline cannot be exploited, we configured an AppArmor profile for it. This limits the capabilities of the service, so even if an attacker successfully instructed the process to perform an action, the operating system (kernel / security feature) will not allow any action outside of what it is allowed to do.

For illustration, here’s an example:

/path/to/bin {
  /path/to/child ix,
  /tmp/ r,
  /tmp/cache** rw,

In this example, we only allow the binary (/path/to/bin) to:

  • access all networking
  • use all signals
  • execute /path/to/child (which will inherit the AppArmor profile)
  • read from /tmp
  • read+write under /tmp/cache.

Any attempt to access anything else will be denied. You can find the complete list of capabilities and more information on AppArmor’s manual page.

In the case of cdnjs’ autoupdate tool, we limit execution of applications to a very specific set, and we limit where files can be written.

Fixing the path traversal and implementing the AppArmor profile prevents similar issues from being exploited. However, having a single layer of defense wasn’t enough. We decided to completely redesign the auto-update process entirely to isolate each step, as well as each library it processes, thus preventing this entire class of attacks.

Redesigning the system

The main idea behind the redesign of the pipeline was to move away from the monolithic auto-update process. Instead, various operations are done using microservices or daemons which have well-defined scopes. Here’s an overview of the steps:

Cloudflare's Handling of an RCE Vulnerability in cdnjs

First, to detect new library versions, two daemons (for both npm and git based updates) are regularly running. Once a new version has been detected, the files will be downloaded as an archive and placed into the incoming storage bucket.

Writing a new version in the incoming bucket triggers a function that adds all the information we need to update the library. The function also generates a signed URL allowing for writing in the outgoing bucket, but only in a specific folder for a given library, reducing the blast radius. Finally, a message is placed into a queue to indicate that the new version of the given library is ready to be published.

A daemon listens for incoming messages and spawns an unprivileged Docker container to handle dangerous operations (archive extraction, minifications, and compression). After the sandbox exits, the daemon will use the signed URL to store the processed files in the outgoing storage bucket.

Finally, multiple daemons are triggered when the finalized package is written to the outgoing bucket. These daemons publish the assets to cdnjs.cloudflare.com and to the main cdnjs repository. The daemons also publish the version specific URL, cryptographic hash, and other information to Workers KV, cdnjs.com, and the API.

In this revised design, exploiting a similar vulnerability would happen in the sandbox (Docker container) context. The attacker would have access to container files, but nothing else. The container is minimal, ephemeral, has no secrets included, and is dedicated to a single library update, so it cannot affect other libraries’ files.

Our Commitment to Security

Beyond maintaining a vulnerability disclosure program, we regularly perform internal security reviews and hire third-party firms to audit the software we develop. But it is through our vulnerability disclosure program that we receive some of the most interesting and creative reports. Each report has helped us improve the security of our services. In this case, we worked with RyotaK to not only address the vulnerability, but to also ensure that their blog post was detailed and accurate. We invite those that find a security issue in any of Cloudflare’s services to report it to us through HackerOne.

Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV

Post Syndicated from Tyler Caslin original https://blog.cloudflare.com/migrating-cdnjs-to-serverless-with-workers-kv/

Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV

Cloudflare powers cdnjs, an open-source project that accelerates websites by delivering popular JavaScript libraries and resources via Cloudflare’s network. Since our major update in December, we focused on remodelling cdnjs for scalability and resilience. Today, we are excited to announce how Cloudflare delivers cdnjs—a migration to a serverless infrastructure using Cloudflare Workers and its distributed key-value store Workers KV!

What is cdnjs and why do I care?

Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV

For those unfamiliar, cdnjs is an acronym describing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for JavaScript (JS). A CDN simply refers to a geographically distributed network of servers that provide Internet content, whether it is memes, cat videos, or HTML pages. In our case, the CDN refers to Cloudflare’s ever expanding network of over 200 globally distributed data centers.

And here’s why this is relevant to you: it makes page load times lightning-fast. Virtually every website you visit needs to fetch JS libraries in order to load, including this one. Let’s say you visit a Sydney-based website that contains a local file from jQuery, a popular library found in 76.2% of websites. If you are located in New York, you may notice a delay, as it can easily exceed 300ms to fetch the file—not to mention the time it takes for the round trips involved with the TLS handshake. However, if the website references jQuery using cdnjs.cloudflare.com, you can retrieve the file from the closest Cloudflare data center in Buffalo, reducing the latency to a blazing 20ms.

While cdnjs operates behind the scenes, it is used by over 11% of websites, making the Internet a much faster and more reliable place. In July, cdnjs served almost 190 billion requests—an enormous 3.46PB of data.

Where are the files stored?

Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV

While cdnjs speeds up the Internet, it certainly isn’t magic!

Historically, a number of load-balanced machines at one of Cloudflare’s core data centers would periodically pull cdnjs files from a backing store, acting as the origin for cdnjs.cloudflare.com. When a new file is requested, it is cached by Cloudflare, allowing it to be fetched quickly from any of our data centers.

The backing store is a catalogue of JS, CSS, and other web libraries in the form of an open-source GitHub repository. What this means is that anyone—including you—can contribute to it, subject to review and other processes.

However, until recently, these existing operations were very labor intensive and fragile.

This blog post will explain why we changed the infrastructure behind cdnjs to make it faster, more reliable, and easier to maintain. First, we will discuss how the community used to contribute to cdnjs, outlining the pains and concerns of the old system. Then, we will explore the benefits of migrating to Workers KV. After, we will dive into the new architecture, as well as upgrades to the website and cdnjs API. Finally, we will review the history of cdnjs, and where it is headed in the future.

If you think you know how to make a PR, think again

Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV

For the non-technical reader, a pull request (PR) is a request to merge changes you’ve made to a repository. Traditionally, if you wanted to include your JavaScript library in cdnjs, you would first create a PR on GitHub to cdnjs/cdnjs with a JSON file describing your package and additional files for any version you wished to include. Once your PR was approved by our old bot, manually reviewed, and then merged by a maintainer, your package would be integrated with cdnjs.

Sounds easy, right? You can just fork the repo, clone it, and copy paste a few files, no?

Exactly. Contributing was easy if you had several hours to burn, a case-sensitive file system, and a couple hundred gigabytes of free disk space to git clone the 300GB repo. If you were short on time—no problem, you could always use your advanced knowledge of git sparse-checkout to get the job done. Don’t know git? Just add one file at a time manually through GitHub’s UI.

I think you get the point. I know I certainly did when I naively spent 10 hours cloning the repo, only to discover that macOS is case-insensitive by default.

However, updating cdnjs was not only difficult for the contributors, but also the maintainers. Historically, the community was able to contribute version files directly, which could potentially be malicious. This created lots of work for maintainers, requiring them to inspect each file manually, diffing files against the official library source and running malware checks.
So how did packages update once they were in cdnjs? In the JSON file describing each package, there was an optional auto-update definition telling the bot where to look for new versions of the library. If present, when your package released a new version from npm or GitHub, the bot would download it, pushing the files to cdnjs/cdnjs and computed Subresource Integrity (SRI) hashes to cdnjs/SRIs. If the auto-update property was missing, it would be your responsibility to make manual PRs to update cdnjs with any future versions.

A wake-up call for cdnjs

Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV

In April, during maintenance at one of our core data centers, a technician accidentally disconnected the cables supplying all external connections to our other data centers, causing the data center to go offline for approximately four hours. This incident served as the first wake-up call for cdnjs, especially since the affected data center housed the primary cdnjs origin web servers. In this case, we did have a backup running on an external provider, but what really saved us was Cloudflare’s global cache, which minimized the impact of the outage as only uncached assets failed to load.

We started to think about how we can improve both the reliability and performance of how we serve cdnjs. We went straight to Cloudflare Workers, our own platform for developing on the edge. One powerful tool built into Workers is Workers KV—a low-latency, globally distributed key-value store optimized for high-read applications.

We put two and two together, realizing that instead of pulling the cdnjs/cdnjs repository and serving files from disk, we could cut the physical machines out entirely, distributing the data around the world and serving files straight from the edge. That way, cdnjs would be able to recover from any origin data center failure, while also increasing its scalability.

Workers KV to the rescue

Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV

At first glance, the decision to use Workers KV was a no-brainer. Since files in cdnjs never change but require frequent reads, Workers KV was a perfect fit.

However, as we planned our migration, we became concerned that with over 7 million assets in cdnjs, there would undoubtedly exist files that exceed Workers KV’s 10MiB value limit. After investigating, we discovered that several hundred cdnjs files were oversized, the majority being JavaScript Source Maps.

Then the idea hit us. We could store compressed versions of cdnjs files in Workers KV, not only solving our oversized file issue, but also optimizing how we serve files.

If you pay the Internet bill, you’ll know that bandwidth is expensive! For this reason, all modern browsers will try to fetch compressed web content whenever it is available. Similarly, within Cloudflare we often experiment with on-the-fly compression to reduce our bandwidth, always serving compressed content to the eyeball when it is accepted. As a result, we decided to compress all cdnjs files ahead of time, writing them to Workers KV with both optimal Brotli and gzip forms. That way, we could increase the compression level compared to on-the-fly compression as we no longer have the latency requirements.

This means we now serve cdnjs files faster and smaller!

A complete makeover for cdnjs

Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV

Today, if you want to include your JavaScript library in cdnjs, you first create a PR on GitHub to our new repository cdnjs/packages. The repo is easily cloneable at 50MB and consists of thousands of JSON files, each describing a cdnjs package and how it is auto-updated from npm or git. Once your file is validated by our automated CI—powered by a new bot—and merged by a maintainer, your package would be automatically enrolled in our auto-update service.

In the new system, security and maintainability are prioritized. For starters, cdnjs version files are created by our bot, minimizing the possibility of human error when merging a new version. While the JSON files in cdnjs/packages are added by error-prone humans, they are inspected by our bot before being approved by a maintainer. Each file is automatically validated against a JSON schema, as well as checked for popularity on npm or GitHub.

When the bot discovers a new release, it pushes Brotli and gzip-compressed versions of the files to a files namespace in Workers KV. With each entry, the bot writes some metadata in Workers KV for the ETag and Last-Modified HTTP headers. Similar to before, the bot also computes Subresource Integrity (SRI) hashes of the uncompressed files, but now pushes them instead to a SRIs namespace in Workers KV.

Then, when a new file is requested from cdnjs.cloudflare.com, a Cloudflare Worker will inspect the client’s Accept-Encoding header, fetching either the Brotli or gzip-compressed version with its ETag and Last-Modified metadata from Workers KV. As the compressed file travels back through Cloudflare, it is cached for future requests and uncompressed on-the-fly if needed.

At the moment, there are still a handful of files exceeding Workers KV’s size limit. Consequently, if the Cloudflare Worker fails to retrieve a file from Workers KV, it is fetched from the origin backed by the original git repo. In the coming months, we plan on gradually removing this infrastructure.

Scaling the website and API

Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV

Besides the core cdnjs infrastructure, many of its other components received upgrades as well!

On the cdnjs project’s homepage, you will be greeted by a slick new beta website built by Matt. Constructed with Vue and Nuxt, the beta website is powered entirely by the cdnjs API. As a result, it is always up-to-date with the latest package information and requires low resource usage to serve the site—which runs completely on the client-side after the first page load—helping us scale with cdnjs’s never-ending growth.

In fact, the cdnjs API also strengthened its scalability, benefitting from a serverless architecture close to the one we have seen with cdnjs and Workers KV.

Before migrating to Workers KV, the cdnjs API relied on a regularly scheduled process that involved generating about 300MB of metadata. The cdnjs API’s backend would then fetch this enormous “package.min.js” file into memory and use it to operate the API. If you are curious, the file is still being hosted here, but be warned—it may lag your browser! Similarly, file SRIs were pushed to cdnjs/SRIs, which was cloned by the API locally to serve SRI responses.

After all cdnjs files (within the permitted size limit) were moved to Workers KV, these legacy processes became unsustainable, requiring millions of reads and an unreasonable amount of time. Therefore, we decided to upload all metadata found into Workers KV. We split the metadata into four namespaces—one for package-level metadata, one for version-specific metadata, one containing aggregated metadata, and one for file SRIs.

Similar to cdnjs’s serverless design, a Cloudflare Worker sits on top of metadata.speedcdnjs.com, serving data from Workers KV using several public endpoints. Currently, the cdnjs API is fully integrated with these endpoints, which provide an elegant solution as cdnjs continues to scale.

Transparency and the future of cdnjs

Since its birth in January 2011, cdnjs has always been deeply rooted in transparency, deriving its strength from the community. Even when cdnjs exploded in size and its founders Ryan Kirkman and Thomas Davis teamed up with us in June 2011, the project remained entirely open-source on GitHub.

As the years passed, it became harder for the founders to stay active, heavily depending on the community for support. With a nearly nonexistent budget and little access to the repository, core cdnjs maintainers were challenged every day to keep the project alive.

Last year, this led us to contact the founders, who were happy to have our assistance with the project. With Cloudflare’s increased role, cdnjs is as stable as ever, with active members from both Cloudflare and the community.

However, as we remove our reliance on the legacy system and store files in Workers KV, there are concerns that cdnjs will become proprietary. Don’t worry, we are working hard to ensure that cdnjs remains as transparent and open-source as possible. To help the community audit updates to Workers KV, there is a new repository, cdnjs/logs, which is used by the bot to log all Workers KV-related events. Furthermore, anyone can validate the integrity of cdnjs files by fetching SRIs from the cdnjs API.


Overall, this past year has been a turbulent time for cdnjs, but all of its shortcomings have acted as red flags to help us build a better system. Most recently, we have mitigated the risks of depending on physical machines at a single location, migrating cdnjs to a serverless infrastructure where its files are stored in Workers KV.

Today, cdnjs is in good hands, and is not going away anytime soon. Shout out especially to the maintainers Sven and Matt for creating tons of momentum with the project, working on everything from scaling cdnjs to editing this post.

Moving forward, we are committed to making cdnjs as transparent as possible. As we continue to improve cdnjs, we will release more blog posts to keep the community up to date. If you are interested, please subscribe to our blog. After all, it is the community that makes cdnjs possible! A special thanks to our active GitHub contributors and members of the cdnjs Community Forum for sticking with us!