Tag Archives: Speed & Reliability

Building secure websites: a guide to Cloudflare Pages and Turnstile Plugin

Post Syndicated from Sally Lee original https://blog.cloudflare.com/guide-to-cloudflare-pages-and-turnstile-plugin

Balancing developer velocity and security against bots is a constant challenge. Deploying your changes as quickly and easily as possible is essential to stay ahead of your (or your customers’) needs and wants. Ensuring your website is safe from malicious bots — without degrading user experience with alien hieroglyphics to decipher just to prove that you are a human — is no small feat. With Pages and Turnstile, we’ll walk you through just how easy it is to have the best of both worlds!

Cloudflare Pages offer a seamless platform for deploying and scaling your websites with ease. You can get started right away with configuring your websites with a quick integration using your git provider, and get set up with unlimited requests, bandwidth, collaborators, and projects.

Cloudflare Turnstile is Cloudflare’s CAPTCHA alternative solution where your users don’t ever have to solve another puzzle to get to your website, no more stop lights and fire hydrants. You can protect your site without having to put your users through an annoying user experience. If you are already using another CAPTCHA service, we have made it easy for you to migrate over to Turnstile with minimal effort needed. Check out the Turnstile documentation to get started.

Alright, what are we building?

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through integrating Cloudflare Pages with Turnstile to secure your website against bots. You’ll learn how to deploy Pages, embed the Turnstile widget, validate the token on the server side, and monitor Turnstile analytics. Let’s build upon this tutorial from Cloudflare’s developer docs, which outlines how to create an HTML form with Pages and Functions. We’ll also show you how to secure it by integrating with Turnstile, complete with client-side rendering and server-side validation, using the Turnstile Pages Plugin!

Step 1: Deploy your Pages

On the Cloudflare Dashboard, select your account and go to Workers & Pages to create a new Pages application with your git provider. Choose the repository where you cloned the tutorial project or any other repository that you want to use for this walkthrough.

The Build settings for this project is simple:

  • Framework preset: None
  • Build command: npm install @cloudflare/pages-plugin-turnstile
  • Build output directory: public

Once you select “Save and Deploy”, all the magic happens under the hood and voilà! The form is already deployed.

Step 2: Embed Turnstile widget

Now, let’s navigate to Turnstile and add the newly created Pages site.

Here are the widget configuration options:

  • Domain: All you need to do is add the domain for the Pages application. In this example, it’s “pages-turnstile-demo.pages.dev”. For each deployment, Pages generates a deployment specific preview subdomain. Turnstile covers all subdomains automatically, so your Turnstile widget will work as expected even in your previews. This is covered more extensively in our Turnstile domain management documentation.
  • Widget Mode: There are three types of widget modes you can choose from.
  • Managed: This is the recommended option where Cloudflare will decide when further validation through the checkbox interaction is required to confirm whether the user is a human or a bot. This is the mode we will be using in this tutorial.
  • Non-interactive: This mode does not require the user to interact and check the box of the widget. It is a non-intrusive mode where the widget is still visible to users but requires no added step in the user experience.
  • Invisible: Invisible mode is where the widget is not visible at all to users and runs in the background of your website.
  • Pre-Clearance setting: With a clearance cookie issued by the Turnstile widget, you can configure your website to verify every single request or once within a session. To learn more about implementing pre-clearance, check out this blog post.

Once you create your widget, you will be given a sitekey and a secret key. The sitekey is public and used to invoke the Turnstile widget on your site. The secret key should be stored safely for security purposes.

Let’s embed the widget above the Submit button. Your index.html should look like this:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="utf8">
		<title>Cloudflare Pages | Form Demo</title>
		<meta name="theme-color" content="#d86300">
		<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
		<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
		<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="https://www.cloudflare.com/favicon-128.png">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="/index.css">
		<script src="https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/api.js?onload=_turnstileCb" defer></script>

			<h1>Demo: Form Submission</h1>

				<p>This is a demonstration of Cloudflare Pages with Turnstile.</p>
				<p>Pages deployed a <code>/public</code> directory, containing a HTML document (this webpage) and a <code>/functions</code> directory, which contains the Cloudflare Workers code for the API endpoint this <code>&lt;form&gt;</code> references.</p>
				<p><b>NOTE:</b> On form submission, the API endpoint responds with a JSON representation of the data. There is no JavaScript running in this example.</p>

			<form method="POST" action="/api/submit">
				<div class="input">
					<label for="name">Full Name</label>
					<input id="name" name="name" type="text" />

				<div class="input">
					<label for="email">Email Address</label>
					<input id="email" name="email" type="email" />

				<div class="input">
					<label for="referers">How did you hear about us?</label>
					<select id="referers" name="referers">
						<option hidden disabled selected value></option>
						<option value="Facebook">Facebook</option>
						<option value="Twitter">Twitter</option>
						<option value="Google">Google</option>
						<option value="Bing">Bing</option>
						<option value="Friends">Friends</option>

				<div class="checklist">
					<label>What are your favorite movies?</label>
							<input id="m1" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Space Jam" />
							<label for="m1">Space Jam</label>
							<input id="m2" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Little Rascals" />
							<label for="m2">Little Rascals</label>
							<input id="m3" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Frozen" />
							<label for="m3">Frozen</label>
							<input id="m4" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Home Alone" />
							<label for="m4">Home Alone</label>
				<div id="turnstile-widget" style="padding-top: 20px;"></div>
				<button type="submit">Submit</button>
	// This function is called when the Turnstile script is loaded and ready to be used.
	// The function name matches the "onload=..." parameter.
	function _turnstileCb() {
	    console.debug('_turnstileCb called');

	    turnstile.render('#turnstile-widget', {
	      theme: 'light',

You can embed the Turnstile widget implicitly or explicitly. In this tutorial, we will explicitly embed the widget by injecting the JavaScript tag and related code, then specifying the placement of the widget.

<script src="https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/api.js?onload=_turnstileCb" defer></script>
	function _turnstileCb() {
	    console.debug('_turnstileCb called');

	    turnstile.render('#turnstile-widget', {
	      theme: 'light',

Make sure that the div id you assign is the same as the id you specify in turnstile.render call. In this case, let’s use “turnstile-widget”. Once that’s done, you should see the widget show up on your site!

<div id="turnstile-widget" style="padding-top: 20px;"></div>

Step 3: Validate the token

Now that the Turnstile widget is rendered on the front end, let’s validate it on the server side and check out the Turnstile outcome. We need to make a call to the /siteverify API with the token in the submit function under ./functions/api/submit.js.

First, grab the token issued from Turnstile under cf-turnstile-response. Then, call the /siteverify API to ensure that the token is valid. In this tutorial, we’ll attach the Turnstile outcome to the response to verify everything is working well. You can decide on the expected behavior and where to direct the user based on the /siteverify response.

 * POST /api/submit

import turnstilePlugin from "@cloudflare/pages-plugin-turnstile";

// This is a demo secret key. In prod, we recommend you store
// your secret key(s) safely. 
const SECRET_KEY = '0x4AAAAAAASh4E5cwHGsTTePnwcPbnFru6Y';

export const onRequestPost = [
    	secret: SECRET_KEY,
    (async (context) => {
    	// Request has been validated as coming from a human
    	const formData = await context.request.formData()

    	var tmp, outcome = {};
	for (let [key, value] of formData) {
		tmp = outcome[key];
		if (tmp === undefined) {
			outcome[key] = value;
		} else {
			outcome[key] = [].concat(tmp, value);

	// Attach Turnstile outcome to the response
	outcome["turnstile_outcome"] = context.data.turnstile;

	let pretty = JSON.stringify(outcome, null, 2);

      	return new Response(pretty, {
      		headers: {
      			'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'

Since Turnstile accurately decided that the visitor was not a bot, the response for “success” is “true” and “interactive” is “false”. The “interactive” being “false” means that the checkbox was automatically checked by Cloudflare as the visitor was determined to be human. The user was seamlessly allowed access to the website without having to perform any additional actions. If the visitor looks suspicious, Turnstile will become interactive, requiring the visitor to actually click the checkbox to verify that they are not a bot. We used the managed mode in this tutorial but depending on your application logic, you can choose the widget mode that works best for you.

  "name": "Sally Lee",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "referers": "Facebook",
  "movies": "Space Jam",
  "cf-turnstile-response": "0._OHpi7JVN7Xz4abJHo9xnK9JNlxKljOp51vKTjoOi6NR4ru_4MLWgmxt1rf75VxRO4_aesvBvYj8bgGxPyEttR1K2qbUdOiONJUd5HzgYEaD_x8fPYVU6uZPUCdWpM4FTFcxPAnqhTGBVdYshMEycXCVBqqLVdwSvY7Me-VJoge7QOStLOtGgQ9FaY4NVQK782mpPfgVujriDAEl4s5HSuVXmoladQlhQEK21KkWtA1B6603wQjlLkog9WqQc0_3QMiBZzZVnFsvh_NLDtOXykOFK2cba1mLLcADIZyhAho0mtmVD6YJFPd-q9iQFRCMmT2Sz00IToXz8cXBGYluKtxjJrq7uXsRrI5pUUThKgGKoHCGTd_ufuLDjDCUE367h5DhJkeMD9UsvQgr1MhH3TPUKP9coLVQxFY89X9t8RAhnzCLNeCRvj2g-GNVs4-MUYPomd9NOcEmSpklYwCgLQ.jyBeKkV_MS2YkK0ZRjUkMg.6845886eb30b58f15de056eeca6afab8110e3123aeb1c0d1abef21c4dd4a54a1",
  "turnstile_outcome": {
    "success": true,
    "error-codes": [],
    "challenge_ts": "2024-02-28T22:52:30.009Z",
    "hostname": "pages-turnstile-demo.pages.dev",
    "action": "",
    "cdata": "",
    "metadata": {
      "interactive": false

Wrapping up

Now that we’ve set up Turnstile, we can head to Turnstile analytics in the Cloudflare Dashboard to monitor the solve rate and widget traffic. Visitor Solve Rate indicates the percentage of visitors who successfully completed the Turnstile widget. A sudden drop in the Visitor Solve Rate could indicate an increase in bot traffic, as bots may fail to complete the challenge presented by the widget. API Solve Rate measures the percentage of visitors who successfully validated their token against the /siteverify API. Similar to the Visitor Solve Rate, a significant drop in the API Solve Rate may indicate an increase in bot activity, as bots may fail to validate their tokens. Widget Traffic provides insights into the nature of the traffic hitting your website. A high number of challenges requiring interaction may suggest that bots are attempting to access your site, while a high number of unsolved challenges could indicate that the Turnstile widget is effectively blocking suspicious traffic.

And that’s it! We’ve walked you through how to easily secure your Pages with Turnstile. Pages and Turnstile are currently available for free for every Cloudflare user to get started right away. If you are looking for a seamless and speedy developer experience to get a secure website up and running, protected by Turnstile, head over to the Cloudflare Dashboard today!

Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone

Post Syndicated from Benedikt Wolters original http://blog.cloudflare.com/turnstile-ga/

Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone

Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone

For years, we’ve written that CAPTCHAs drive us crazy. Humans give up on CAPTCHA puzzles approximately 15% of the time and, maddeningly, CAPTCHAs are significantly easier for bots to solve than they are for humans. We’ve spent the past three and a half years working to build a better experience for humans that’s just as effective at stopping bots. As of this month, we’ve finished replacing every CAPTCHA issued by Cloudflare with Turnstile, our new CAPTCHA replacement (pictured below). Cloudflare will never issue another visual puzzle to anyone, for any reason.

Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone

Now that we’ve eliminated CAPTCHAs at Cloudflare, we want to make it easy for anyone to do the same, even if they don’t use other Cloudflare services. We’ve decoupled Turnstile from our platform so that any website operator on any platform can use it just by adding a few lines of code. We’re thrilled to announce that Turnstile is now generally available, and Turnstile’s ‘Managed’ mode is now completely free to everyone for unlimited use.

Easy on humans, hard on bots, private for everyone

Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone

There’s a lot that goes into Turnstile’s simple checkbox to ensure that it’s easy for everyone, preserves user privacy, and does its job stopping bots. Part of making challenges better for everyone means that everyone gets the same great experience, no matter what browser you’re using. Because we do not employ a visual puzzle, users with low vision or blindness get the same easy to use challenge flow as everyone else. It was particularly important for us to avoid falling back to audio CAPTCHAs to offer an experience accessible to everyone. Audio CAPTCHAs are often much worse than even visual CAPTCHAs for humans to solve, with only 31.2% of audio challenges resulting in a three-person agreement on what the correct solution actually is. The prevalence of free speech-to-text services has made it easy for bots to solve audio CAPTCHAs as well, with a recent study showing bots can accurately solve audio CAPTCHAs in over 85% of attempts.

We also created Turnstile to be privacy focused. Turnstile meets ePrivacy Directive, GDPR and CCPA compliance requirements, as well as the strict requirements of our own privacy commitments. In addition, Cloudflare's FedRAMP Moderate authorized package, "Cloudflare for Government" now includes Turnstile. We don’t rely on tracking user data, like what other websites someone has visited, to determine if a user is a human or robot. Our business is protecting websites, not selling ads, so operators can deploy Turnstile knowing that their users’ data is safe.

With all of our emphasis on how easy it is to pass a Turnstile challenge, you would be right to ask how it can stop a bot. If a bot can find all images with crosswalks in grainy photos faster than we can, surely it can check a box as well. Bots definitely can check a box, and they can even mimic the erratic path of human mouse movement while doing so. For Turnstile, the actual act of checking a box isn’t important, it’s the background data we’re analyzing while the box is checked that matters. We find and stop bots by running a series of in-browser tests, checking browser characteristics, native browser APIs, and asking the browser to pass lightweight tests (ex: proof-of-work tests, proof-of-space tests) to prove that it’s an actual browser. The current deployment of Turnstile checks billions of visitors every day, and we are able to identify browser abnormalities that bots exhibit while attempting to pass those tests.

For over one year, we used our Managed Challenge to rotate between CAPTCHAs and our own Turnstile challenge to compare our effectiveness. We found that even without asking users for any interactivity at all, Turnstile was just as effective as a CAPTCHA. Once we were sure that the results were effective at coping with the response from bot makers, we replaced the CAPTCHA challenge with our own checkbox solution. We present this extra test when we see potentially suspicious signals, and it helps us provide an even greater layer of security.

Turnstile is great for fighting fraud

Like all sites that offer services for free, Cloudflare sees our fair share of automated account signups, which can include “new account fraud,” where bad actors automate the creation of many different accounts to abuse our platform. To help combat this abuse, we’ve rolled out Turnstile’s invisible mode to protect our own signup page. This month, we’ve blocked over 1 million automated signup attempts using Turnstile, without a reported false positive or any change in our self-service billings that rely on this signup flow.  

Lessons from the Turnstile beta

Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone

Over the past twelve months, we’ve been grateful to see how many people are eager to try, then rely on, and integrate Turnstile into their web applications. It’s been rewarding to see the developer community embrace Turnstile as well. We list some of the community created Turnstile integrations here, including integrations with WordPress, Angular, Vue, and a Cloudflare recommended React library. We’ve listened to customer feedback, and added support for 17 new languages, new callbacks, and new error codes.

76,000+ users have signed up, but our biggest single test by far was the Eurovision final vote. Turnstile runs on challenge pages on over 25 million Cloudflare websites. Usually, that makes Cloudflare the far and away biggest Turnstile consumer, until the final Eurovision vote. During that one hour, challenge traffic from the Eurovision voting site outpaced the use of challenge pages on those 25 million sites combined! Turnstile handled the enormous spike in traffic without a hitch.

While a lot went well during the Turnstile beta, we also encountered some opportunities for us to learn. We were initially resistant to disclosing why a Turnstile challenge failed. After all, if bad actors know what we’re looking for, it becomes easier for bots to fool our challenges until we introduce new detections. However, during the Turnstile beta, we saw a few scenarios where legitimate users could not pass a challenge. These scenarios made it clear to us that we need to be transparent about why a challenge failed to help aid any individual who might modify their browser in a way that causes them to get caught by Turnstile. We now publish detailed client-side error codes to surface the reason why a challenge has failed. Two scenarios came up on several occasions that we didn’t expect:

First, we saw that desktop computers at least 10 years old frequently had expired motherboard batteries, and computers with bad motherboard batteries very often keep inaccurate time. This is because without the motherboard battery, a desktop computer’s clock will stop operating when the computer is off. Turnstile checks your computer’s system time to detect when a website operator has accidentally configured a challenge page to be cached, as caching a challenge page will cause it to become impassable. Unfortunately, this same check was unintentionally catching humans who just needed to update the time. When we see this issue, we now surface a clear error message to the end user to update their system time. We’d prefer to never have to surface an error in the first place, so we’re working to develop new ways to check for cached content that won’t impact real people.

Second, we find that a few privacy-focused users often ask their browsers to go beyond standard practices to preserve their anonymity. This includes changing their user-agent (something bots will do to evade detection as well), and preventing third-party scripts from executing entirely. Issues caused by this behavior can now be displayed clearly in a Turnstile widget, so those users can immediately understand the issue and make a conscientious choice about whether they want to allow their browser to pass a challenge.

Although we have some of the most sensitive, thoroughly built monitoring systems at Cloudflare, we did not catch either of these issues on our own. We needed to talk to users affected by the issue to help us understand what the problem was. Going forward, we want to make sure we always have that direct line of communication open. We’re rolling out a new feedback form in the Turnstile widget, to ensure any future corner cases are addressed quickly and with urgency.

Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone

Turnstile: GA and Free for Everyone

Announcing Turnstile’s General Availability means that Turnstile is now completely production ready, available for free for unlimited use via our visible widget in Managed mode. Turnstile Enterprise includes SaaS platform support and a visible mode without the Cloudflare logo. Self-serve customers can expect a pay-as-you-go option for advanced features to be available in early 2024. Users can continue to access Turnstile’s advanced features below our 1 million siteverify request limit, as has been the case during the beta. If you’ve been waiting to try Turnstile, head over to our signup page and create an account!

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections

Post Syndicated from Suleman Ahmad original http://blog.cloudflare.com/connection-coalescing-with-origin-frames-fewer-dns-queries-fewer-connections/

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections

This blog reports and summarizes the contents of a Cloudflare research paper which appeared at the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, that measures and prototypes connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames.

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections

Some readers might be surprised to hear that a single visit to a web page can cause a browser to make tens, sometimes even hundreds, of web connections. Take this very blog as an example. If it is your first visit to the Cloudflare blog, or it has been a while since your last visit, your browser will make multiple connections to render the page. The browser will make DNS queries to find IP addresses corresponding to blog.cloudflare.com and then subsequent requests to retrieve any necessary subresources on the web page needed to successfully render the complete page. How many? Looking below, at the time of writing, there are 32 different hostnames used to load the Cloudflare Blog. That means 32 DNS queries and at least 32 TCP (or QUIC) connections, unless the client is able to reuse (or coalesce) some of those connections.

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections

Each new web connection not only introduces additional load on a server's processing capabilities – potentially leading to scalability challenges during peak usage hours – but also exposes client metadata to the network, such as the plaintext hostnames being accessed by an individual. Such meta information can potentially reveal a user’s online activities and browsing behaviors to on-path network adversaries and eavesdroppers!

In this blog we’re going to take a closer look at “connection coalescing”. Since our initial look at IP-based coalescing in 2021, we have done further large-scale measurements and modeling across the Internet, to understand and predict if and where coalescing would work best. Since IP coalescing is difficult to manage at large scale, last year we implemented and experimented with a promising standard called the HTTP/2 ORIGIN Frame extension that we leveraged to coalesce connections to our edge without worrying about managing IP addresses.

All told, there are opportunities being missed by many large providers. We hope that this blog (and our publication at ACM IMC 2022 with full details) offers a first step that helps servers and clients take advantage of the ORIGIN Frame standard.

Setting the stage

At a high level, as a user navigates the web, the browser renders web pages by retrieving dependent subresources to construct the complete web page. This process bears a striking resemblance to the way physical products are assembled in a factory. In this sense, a modern web page can be considered like an assembly plant. It relies on a ‘supply chain’ of resources that are needed to produce the final product.

An assembly plant in the physical world can place a single order for different parts and get a single shipment from the supplier (similar to the kitting process for maximizing value and minimizing response time); no matter the manufacturer of those parts or where they are made — one ‘connection’ to the supplier is all that is needed. Any single truck from a supplier to an assembly plant can be filled with parts from multiple manufacturers.

The design of the web causes browsers to typically do the opposite in nature. To retrieve the images, JavaScript, and other resources on a web page (the parts), web clients (assembly plants) have to make at least one connection to every hostname (the manufacturers) defined in the HTML that is returned by the server (the supplier). It makes no difference if the connections to those hostnames go to the same server or not, for example they could go to a reverse proxy like Cloudflare. For each manufacturer a ‘new’ truck would be needed to transfer the materials to the assembly plant from the same supplier, or more formally, a new connection would need to be made to request a subresource from a hostname on the same web page.

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections
Without connection coalescing

The number of connections used to load a web page can be surprisingly high. It is also common for the subresources to need yet other sub-subresources, and so new connections emerge as a result of earlier ones. Remember, too, that HTTP connections to hostnames are often preceded by DNS queries! Connection coalescing allows us to use fewer connections, or ‘reuse’ the same set of trucks to carry parts from multiple manufacturers from a single supplier.

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections
With connection coalescing 

Connection coalescing in principle

Connection coalescing was introduced in HTTP/2, and carried over into HTTP/3. We’ve blogged about connection coalescing previously (for a detailed primer we encourage going over that blog). While the idea is simple, implementing it can present a number of engineering challenges. For example, recall from above that there are 32 hostnames (at the time of writing) to load the web page you are reading right now. Among the 32 hostnames are 16 unique domains (defined as “Effective TLD+1”). Can we create fewer connections or ‘coalesce’ existing connections for each unique domain? The answer is ‘Yes, but it depends’.

The exact number of connections to load the blog page is not at all obvious, and hard to know. There may be 32 hostnames attached to 16 domains but, counter-intuitively, this does not mean the answer to “how many unique connections?” is 16. The true answer could be as few as one connection if all the hostnames are reachable at a single server; or as many as 32 independent connections if a different and distinct server is needed to access each individual hostname.

Connection reuse comes in many forms, so it’s important to define “connection coalescing” in the HTTP space. For example, the reuse of an existing TCP or TLS connection to a hostname to make multiple requests for subresources from that same hostname is connection reuse, but not coalescing.

Coalescing occurs when an existing TLS channel for some hostname can be repurposed or used for connecting to a different hostname. For example, upon visiting blog.cloudflare.com, the HTML points to subresources at cdnjs.cloudflare.com. To reuse the same TLS connection for the subresources, it is necessary for both hostnames to appear together in the TLS certificate's “Server Alternative Name (SAN)” list, but this step alone is not sufficient to convince browsers to coalesce. After all, the cdnjs.cloudflare.com service may or may not be reachable at the same server as blog.cloudflare.com, despite being on the same certificate. So how can the browser know? Coalescing only works if servers set up the right conditions, but clients have to decide whether to coalesce or not – thus, browsers require a signal to coalesce beyond the SANs list on the certificate. Revisiting our analogy, the assembly plant may order a part from a manufacturer directly, not knowing that the supplier already has the same part in its warehouse.

There are two explicit signals a browser can use to decide whether connections can be coalesced: one is IP-based, the other ORIGIN Frame-based. The former requires the server operators to tightly bind DNS records to the HTTP resources available on the server. This is difficult to manage and deploy, and actually creates a risky dependency, because you have to place all the resources behind a specific set or a single IP address. The way IP addresses influence coalescing decisions varies among browsers, with some choosing to be more conservative and others more permissive. Alternatively, the HTTP ORIGIN Frame is an easier signal for the servers to orchestrate; it’s also flexible and has graceful failure with no interruption to service (for a specification compliant implementation).

A foundational difference between both these coalescing signals is: IP-based coalescing signals are implicit, even accidental, and force clients to infer coalescing possibilities that may exist, or not. None of this is surprising since IP addresses are designed to have no real relationship with names! In contrast, ORIGIN Frame is an explicit signal from servers to clients that coalescing is available no matter what DNS says for any particular hostname.

We have experimented with IP-based coalescing previously; for the purpose of this blog we will take a deeper look at ORIGIN Frame-based coalescing.

What is the ORIGIN Frame standard?

The ORIGIN Frame is an extension to the HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 specification, a special Frame sent on stream 0 or the control stream of the connection respectively. The Frame allows the servers to send an ‘origin-set’ to the clients on an existing established TLS connection, which includes hostnames that it is authorized for and will not incur any HTTP 421 errors. Hostnames in the origin-set MUST also appear in the certificate SAN list for the server, even if those hostnames are announced on different IP addresses via DNS.

Specifically, two different steps are required:

  1. Web servers must send a list enumerating the Origin Set (the hostnames that a given connection might be used for) in the ORIGIN Frame extension.
  2. The TLS certificate returned by the web server must cover the additional hostnames being returned in the ORIGIN Frame in the DNS names SAN entries.

At a high-level ORIGIN Frames are a supplement to the TLS certificate that operators can attach to say, “Psst! Hey, client, here are the names in the SANs that are available on this connection — you can coalesce!” Since the ORIGIN Frame is not part of the certificate itself, its contents can be made to change independently. No new certificate is required. There is also no dependency on IP addresses. For a coalesceable hostname, existing TCP/QUIC+TLS connections can be reused without requiring new connections or DNS queries.

Many websites today rely on content which is served by CDNs, like Cloudflare CDN service. The practice of using external CDN services offers websites the advantages of speed, reliability, and reduces the load of content served by their origin servers. When both the website, and the resources are served by the same CDN, despite being different hostnames, owned by different entities, it opens up some very interesting opportunities for CDN operators to allow connections to be reused and coalesced since they can control both the certificate management and connection requests for sending ORIGIN frames on behalf of the real origin server.

Unfortunately, there has been no way to turn the possibilities enabled by ORIGIN Frame into practice. To the best of our knowledge, until today, there has been no server implementation that supports ORIGIN Frames. Among browsers, only Firefox supports ORIGIN Frames. Since IP coalescing is challenging and ORIGIN Frame has no deployed support, is the engineering time and energy to better support coalescing worth the investment? We decided to find out with a large-scale Internet-wide measurement to understand the opportunities and predict the possibilities, and then implemented the ORIGIN Frame to experiment on production traffic.

Experiment #1: What is the scale of required changes?

In February 2021, we collected data for 500K of the most popular websites on the Internet, using a modified Web Page Test on 100 virtual machines. An automated Chrome (v88) browser instance was launched for every visit to a web page to eliminate caching effects (because we wanted to understand coalescing, not caching). On successful completion of each session, Chrome developer tools were used to retrieve and write the page load data as an HTTP Archive format (HAR) file with a full timeline of events, as well as additional information about certificates and their validation. Additionally, we parsed the certificate chains for the root web page and new TLS connections triggered by subresource requests to (i) identify certificate issuers for the hostnames, (ii) inspect the presence of the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension, and (iii) validate that DNS names resolve to the IP address used. Further details about our methodology and results can be found in the technical paper.

The first step was to understand what resources are requested by web pages to successfully render the page contents, and where these resources were present on the Internet. Connection coalescing becomes possible when subresource domains are ideally co-located. We approximated the location of a domain by finding its corresponding autonomous system (AS). For example, the domain attached to cdnjs is reachable via AS 13335 in the BGP routing table, and that AS number belongs to Cloudflare. The figure below describes the percentage of web pages and the number of unique ASes needed to fully load a web page.

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections

Around 14% of the web pages need two ASes to fully load i.e. pages that have a dependency on one additional AS for subresources. More than 50% of the web pages need to contact no more than six ASes to obtain all the necessary subresources. This finding as shown in the plot above implies that a relatively small number of operators serve the sub-resource content necessary for a majority (~50%) of the websites, and any usage of ORIGIN Frames would need only a few changes to have its intended impact. The potential for connection coalescing can therefore be optimistically approximated to the number of unique ASes needed to retrieve all subresources in a web page. In practice however, this may be superseded by operational factors such as SLAs or helped by flexible mappings between sockets, names, and IP addresses which we worked on previously at Cloudflare.

We then tried to understand the impact of coalescing on connection metrics. The measured and ideal number of DNS queries and TLS connections needed to load a web page are summarized by their CDFs in the figure below.

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections

Through modeling and extensive analysis, we identify that connection coalescing through ORIGIN Frames could reduce the number of DNS and TLS connections made by browsers by over 60% at the median. We performed this modeling by identifying the number of times the clients requested DNS records, and combined them with the ideal ORIGIN Frames to serve.

Many multi-origin servers such as those operated by CDNs tend to reuse certificates and serve the same certificate with multiple DNS SAN entries. This allows the operators to manage fewer certificates through their creation and renewal cycles. While theoretically one can have millions of names in the certificate, creating such certificates is unreasonable and a challenge to manage effectively. By continuing to rely on existing certificates, our modeling measurements bring to light the volume of changes required to enable perfect coalescing, while presenting information about the scale of changes needed, as highlighted in the figure below.

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections

We identify that over 60% of the certificates served by websites do not need any modifications and could benefit from ORIGIN Frames, while with no more than 10 additions to the DNS SAN names in certificates we’re able to successfully coalesce connections to over 92% of the websites in our measurement. The most effective changes could be made by CDN providers by adding three or four of their most popular requested hostnames into each certificate.

Experiment #2: ORIGIN Frames in action

In order to validate our modeling expectations, we then took a more active approach in early 2022. Our next experiment focused on 5,000 websites that make extensive use of cdnjs.cloudflare.com as a subresource. By modifying our experimental TLS termination endpoint we deployed HTTP/2 ORIGIN Frame support as defined in the RFC standard. This involved changing the internal fork of net and http dependency modules of Golang which we have open sourced (see here, and here).

During the experiments, connecting to a website in the experiment set would return cdnjs.cloudflare.com in the ORIGIN frame, while the control set returned an arbitrary (unused) hostname. All existing edge certificates for the 5000 websites were also modified. For the experimental group, the corresponding certificates were renewed with cdnjs.cloudflare.com added to the SAN. To ensure integrity between control and experimental sets, control group domains certificates were also renewed with a valid and identical size third party domain used by none of the control domains. This is done to ensure that the relative size changes to the certificates is kept constant avoiding potential biases due to different certificate sizes. Our results were striking!

Connection coalescing with ORIGIN Frames: fewer DNS queries, fewer connections

Sampling 1% of the requests we received from Firefox to the websites in the experiment, we identified over 50% reduction in new TLS connections per second indicating a lesser number of cryptographic verification operations done by both the client and reduced server compute overheads. As expected there were no differences in the control set indicating the effectiveness of connection re-use as seen by the CDN or server operators.

Discussion and insights

While our modeling measurements indicated that we could anticipate some performance improvements, in practice it was not significantly better suggesting that ‘no-worse’ is the appropriate mental model regarding performance. The subtle interplay between resource object sizes, competing connections, and congestion control is subject to network conditions. Bottleneck-share capacity, for example, diminishes as fewer connections compete for bottleneck resources on network links. It would be interesting to revisit these measurements as more operators deploy support on their servers for ORIGIN Frames.

Apart from performance, one major benefit of ORIGIN frames is in terms of privacy. How? Well, each coalesced connection hides client metadata that is otherwise leaked from non-coalesced connections. Certain resources on a web page are loaded depending on how one is interacting with the website. This means for every new connection for retrieving some resource from the server, TLS plaintext metadata like SNI (in the absence of Encrypted Client Hello) and at least one plaintext DNS query, if transmitted over UDP or TCP on port 53, is exposed to the network. Coalescing connections helps remove the need for browsers to open new TLS connections, and the need to do extra DNS queries. This prevents metadata leakage from anyone listening on the network. ORIGIN Frames help minimize those signals from the network path, improving privacy by reducing the amount of cleartext information leaked on path to network eavesdroppers.

While the browsers benefit from reduced cryptographic computations needed to verify multiple certificates, a major advantage comes from the fact that it opens up very interesting future opportunities for resource scheduling at the endpoints (the browsers, and the origin servers) such as prioritization, or recent proposals like HTTP early hints to provide clients experiences where connections are not overloaded or competing for those resources. When coupled with CERTIFICATE Frames IETF draft, we can further eliminate the need for manual certificate modifications as a server can prove its authority of hostnames after connection establishment without any additional SAN entries on the website’s TLS certificate.

Conclusion and call to action

In summary, the current Internet ecosystem has a lot of opportunities for connection coalescing with only a few changes to certificates and their server infrastructure. Servers can significantly reduce the number of TLS handshakes by roughly 50%, while reducing the number of render blocking DNS queries by over 60%. Clients additionally reap these benefits in privacy by reducing cleartext DNS exposure to network on-lookers.

To help make this a reality we are currently planning to add support for both HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 ORIGIN Frames for our customers. We also encourage other operators that manage third party resources to adopt support of ORIGIN Frame to improve the Internet ecosystem.
Our paper submission was accepted to the ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2022 and is available for download. If you’d like to work on projects like this, where you get to see the rubber meet the road for new standards, visit our careers page!

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

Post Syndicated from Arielle Olache original http://blog.cloudflare.com/understand-the-impact-of-your-waiting-rooms-settings-with-waiting-room-analytics/

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

In January 2021, we gave you a behind-the-scenes look at how we built Waiting Room on Cloudflare’s Durable Objects. Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Waiting Room Analytics and tell you more about how we built this feature. Waiting Room Analytics offers insights into end-user experience and provides visualizations of your waiting room traffic. These new metrics enable you to make well-informed configuration decisions, ensuring an optimal end-user experience while protecting your site from overwhelming traffic spikes.

If you’ve ever bought tickets for a popular concert online you’ll likely have been put in a virtual queue. That’s what Waiting Room provides. It keeps your site up and running in the face of overwhelming traffic surges. Waiting Room sends excess visitors to a customizable virtual waiting room and admits them to your site as spots become available.

While customers have come to rely on the protection Waiting Room provides against traffic surges, they have faced challenges analyzing their waiting room’s performance and impact on end-user flow. Without feedback about waiting room traffic as it relates to waiting room settings, it was challenging to make Waiting Room configuration decisions.

Up until now, customers could only monitor their waiting room's status endpoint to get a general idea of waiting room traffic. This endpoint displays the current number of queued users, active users on the site, and the estimated wait time shown to the last user in line.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

The status endpoint is still a great tool for at a glance understanding of the near real-time status of a waiting room. However, there were many questions customers had about their waiting room that were either difficult or impossible to answer using the status endpoint, such as:

  • How long did visitors wait in the queue?
  • What was my peak number of visitors?
  • How long was the pre-queue for my online event?
  • How did changing my waiting room's settings impact wait times?

Today, Waiting Room is ready to answer those questions and more with the launch of Waiting Room Analytics, available in the Waiting Room dashboard to all Business and Enterprise plans! We will show you the new waiting room metrics available and review how these metrics can help you make informed decisions about your waiting room's settings. We'll also walk you through the unique challenge of how we built Waiting Room Analytics on our distributed network.

How Waiting Room settings impact traffic

Before covering the newly available Waiting Room metrics, let's review some key settings you configure when creating a waiting room. Understanding these settings is essential as they directly impact your waiting room's analytics, traffic, and user experience.

When configuring a waiting room, you will first define traffic limits to your site by setting two values–Total active users and New users per minute. Total active users is a target threshold for how many simultaneous users you want to allow on the pages covered by your waiting room. Waiting Room will kick in as traffic ramps up to keep active users near this limit. The other value which will control the volume of traffic allowed past your waiting room is New users per minute. This setting defines the target threshold for the maximum rate of user influx to your application. Waiting Room will kick in when the influx accelerates to keep this rate near your limits. Queuing occurs when traffic is at or near your New users per minute or Total active users target values.

The two other settings which will impact your traffic flow and user wait times are Session duration and session renewal. The session duration setting determines how long it takes for end-user sessions to expire, thereby freeing up spots on your site. If you enable session renewal, users can stay on your site as long as they want, provided they make a request once every session_duration minutes. If you disable session renewal, users' sessions will expire after the duration you set for session_duration has run out. After the session expires, the user will be issued a new waiting room cookie upon their next request. If there is active queueing, this user will be placed in the back of the queue. Otherwise, they can continue browsing for another session_duration minutes.

Let's walk through the new analytics available in the Waiting Room dashboard, which allows you to see how these settings can impact waiting room throughput, how many users get queued, and how long users wait to enter your site from the queue.

Waiting Room Analytics in the dash

To access metrics for a waiting room, navigate to the Waiting Room dashboard, where you can find pre-built visualizations of your waiting room traffic. The dashboard offers at-a-glance metrics for the peak waiting room traffic over the last 24 hours.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

To dig deeper and analyze up to 30 days of historical data, open your waiting room's analytics by selecting View more.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

Alternatively, we've made it easy to hone in on analytics for a past waiting room event (within the last 30 days). You can automatically open the analytics dashboard to a past event's exact start and end time, including the pre-queueing period by selecting the blue link in the events table.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

User insights

The first two metrics–Time in queue and Time on origin–provide insights into your end-users' experience and behavior.  The time in queue values help you understand how long queued users waited before accessing your site over the time period selected. The time on origin values shed light on end-user behavior by displaying an estimate of the range of time users spend on your site before leaving. If session renewal is disabled, this time will max out at session_duration and reflect the time at which users are issued a new waiting room cookie. For both metrics, we provide time for both the typical user, represented by a range of the 50th and 75th percentile of users, as well as for the top 5% of users who spend the longest in the queue or on your site.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

If session renewal is disabled, keeping an eye on Time on origin values is especially important. When sessions do not renew, once a user's session has expired, they are given a new waiting room cookie upon their next request. The user will be put at the back of the line if there is active queueing. Otherwise, they will continue browsing, but their session timer will start over and your analytics will never show a Time on origin greater than your configured session duration, even if individual users are on your site longer than the session duration. If session renewal is disabled and the typical time on origin is close to your configured session duration, this could be an indicator you may need to give your users more time to complete their journey before putting them back in line.

Analyze past waiting room traffic

Scrolling down the page, you will find visualizations of your user traffic compared to your waiting room's target thresholds for Total active users and New users per minute. These two settings determine when your waiting room will start queueing as traffic increases. The Total active users setting controls the number of concurrent users on your site, while the New users per minute threshold restricts the flow rate of users onto your site.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics
To zoom in on a time period, you can drag your cursor from the left to the right of the time period you are interested in and the other graphs, in addition to the insights will update to reflect this time period.

On the Active users graph, each bar represents the maximum number of queued users stacked on top of the maximum number of users on your site at that point in time. The example below shows how the waiting room kicked in at different times with respect to the active user threshold. The total length of the bar illustrates how many total users were either on the site or waiting to enter the site at that point in time, with a clear divide between those two values where the active user threshold kicked in. Hover over any bar to display a tooltip with the exact values for the period you are interested in.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics
Easily identify peak traffic and when waiting room started queuing to protect your site from a traffic surge.

Below the Active users chart is the New users per minute graph, which shows the rate of users entering your application per minute compared to your configured threshold. Make sure to review this graph to identify any surges in the rate of users to your application that may have caused queueing.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics
The New users per minute graph helps you identify peaks in the rate of users entering your site which triggered queueing.
Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics
This graph shows queued user and active user data from the same time period as the spike seen in New users per minute graph above. When analyzing your waiting room’s metrics, be sure to review both graphs to understand which Waiting Room traffic setting triggered queueing and to what extent.

Adjusting settings with Waiting Room Analytics

By leveraging the insights provided by the analytics dashboard, you can fine-tune your waiting room settings while ensuring a safe and seamless user experience. A common concern for customers is longer than desired wait times during high traffic periods. We will walk through some guidelines for evaluating peak traffic and settings’ adjustments that could be made.

Identify peak traffic. The first step is to identify when peak traffic occurred. To do so, zoom out to 30 days or some time period inclusive of a known high traffic event. Reviewing the graph, locate a period of time where traffic peaked and use your cursor to highlight from the left to right of the peak. This will zoom in to that time period, updating all other values on the analytics page.

Evaluate wait times. Now that you have honed in on the time period of peak traffic, review the Time in queue metric to analyze if the wait times during peak traffic were acceptable. If you determine that wait times were significantly longer than you had anticipated, consider the following options to reduce wait times for your next traffic peak.

Decrease session duration when session renewal is enabled. This is a safe option as it does not increase the allowed load to your site. By decreasing this duration, you decrease the amount of time it takes for spots to open up as users go idle. This is a good option if your customer journey is typically request heavy, such as a checkout flow. For other situations, such as video streaming or long-form content viewing, this may not be a good option as users may not make frequent requests even though they are not actually idle.

Disable session renewal.  This option also does not increase the allowed load to your site. Disabling session renewal means that users will have session_duration minutes to stay on the site before being put back in the queue. This option is popular for high demand events such as product drops, where customers want to give as many users as possible a fair chance to participate and avoid inventory hoarding. When disabling session renewal, review your waiting room’s analytics to determine an appropriate session duration to set.

The Time on origin values will give you an idea of how long users need before leaving your site. In the example below, the session duration is set to 10 minutes but even the users who spend the longest only spend around 5 minutes on the site. With the session renewal disabled, this customer could reduce wait times by decreasing the session duration to 5 minutes without disruption to most users, allowing for more users to get access.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

Adjust Total active users or New users per minute settings. Lastly, you can decrease wait times by increasing your waiting room’s traffic limits–Total active users or New users per minute. This is the most sure-fire way to reduce wait times but it also requires more consideration. Before increasing either limit, you will need to evaluate if it is safe to do so and make small, iterative adjustments to these limits, monitoring certain signals to ensure your origin is still able to handle the load. A few things to consider monitoring as you adjust settings are origin CPU usage and memory utilization, and increases in 5xx errors which can be reviewed in Cloudflare’s Web Analytics tab. Analyze historical traffic patterns during similar events or periods of high demand. If you observe that previous traffic surges were successfully managed without site instability or crashes, it provides a strong signal that you can consider increasing waiting room limits.

Utilize the Active user chart as well as the New users per minute chart to determine which limit is primarily responsible for triggering queuing so that you know which limit to adjust. After considering these signals and making adjustments to your waiting room’s traffic limits, closely monitor the impact of these changes using the waiting room analytics dashboard. Continuously assess the performance and stability of your site, keeping an eye on server metrics and user feedback.

How we built Waiting Room Analytics

At Cloudflare, we love to build on top of our own products. Waiting Room is built on Workers and Durable Objects. Workers have the ability to auto-scale based on the request rate. They are built using isolates enabling them to spin up hundreds or thousands of isolates within 5 milliseconds without much overhead. Every request that goes to an application behind a waiting room, goes to a Worker.

We optimized the way in which we track end users visiting the application while maintaining their position in the queue. Tracking every user individually would incur more overhead in terms of maintaining state, consuming more CPU & memory. Instead, we decided to divide the users into buckets based on the timestamp of the first request made by the end user. For example, all the users who visited a waiting room between 00:00:00 and 00:00:59 for the first time are assigned to the bucket 00:00:00. Every end user gets a unique encrypted cookie on the first request to the waiting room. The contents of the cookie keep getting updated based on the status of the users in the queue. Once the end user is accepted to the origin, we set the cookie expiry to session_duration minutes, which can be set in the dashboard, from the last request timestamp. In the cookie we track the timestamp of when the end user joined the queue which is used in the calculation of time waited in queue.

Collection of metrics in a distributed environment

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics

In a distributed environment, the challenge when building out analytics is to collect data from multiple nodes and aggregate them. Each worker running at every data center sees user requests and needs to report metrics based on those to another coordinating service at every data center. The data aggregation could have been done in two ways.

i) Writing data from every worker when a request is received
In this design, every worker that receives a request is responsible for reporting the metrics. This would enable us to write the raw data to our analytics pipeline. We would not have the overhead of aggregating the data before writing. This would mean that we would write data for every request, but Waiting Room configurations are minute based and every user is put into a bucket based on the timestamp of the first request. All our configurations are minute and user based and the data written from workers is not related to time or user.

ii) Using the existing aggregation pipeline
Waiting Room is designed in such a way that we do not track every request, instead we group users into buckets based on the first time we saw them. This is tracked in the cookie that is issued to the user when they make the first request. In the current system, the data reported by the workers is sent upstream to the data center coordinator which is responsible for aggregating the data seen from all the workers for that particular data center. This aggregated data is then further processed and sent upstream to the global Durable Object which aggregates the data from all the other data centers. This data is used for making decisions whether to queue the user or to send them to the origin.

We decided to use the existing pipeline that is used for Waiting Room routing for analytics. Data aggregated this way provides more value to customers as it matches the model we use for routing decisions. Therefore, customers can see directly how changing their settings affects waiting room behavior. Also, it is an optimization in terms of space. Instead of writing analytics data per request, we are writing a pre-processed and aggregated analytics log every minute. This way the data is much less noisy.

Understand the impact of your waiting room’s settings with Waiting Room Analytics
This diagram depicts that multiple workers from different locations receive requests and talk to the data center coordinators respectively which aggregate data and report the aggregated keys upstream to the Global Durable Object. The Global Durable Objects further aggregate all the keys received from the data center coordinators to compute a global aggregate key.


The metrics available via Cloudflare’s GraphQL API are a combination of configured values set by the customer when creating a waiting room and values that are computed based on traffic seen by a waiting room. Waiting Room aggregates data every minute for each metric based on the requests it sees. While some metrics like new users per minute, total active users are counts and can be pre-processed and aggregated with a simple summation, metrics like time on origin and total time waited in queue cannot simply be added together into a single metric.

For example, there could be users who waited in the queue for four minutes and there could be a new user who joined the queue two minutes ago. However, if we simply sum these two data points, it would not make sense because six minutes would be an incorrect representation of the total time waited in the queue. Therefore, to capture this value more accurately, we store the data in a histogram. This enables us to represent the typical case (50th percentile) and the approximate worst case (in this case 95th percentile) for that metric.

Intuitively, we decided to store time on origin and total time waited in queue into a histogram distribution so that we would be able to represent the data and calculate quantiles precisely. We used Hdr Histogram – A High Dynamic Range Histogram for recording the data in histograms. Hdr Histograms are scalable and we were able to record dynamic numbers of values with auto-resizing without inflating CPU, memory or introducing latency. The time to record a value in the Hdr Histograms range from 3-6 nanoseconds. Querying and recording values can be done in constant time. Two histogram data structures can simply be added together into a bigger histogram. Also, the histograms can be compressed and encoded/decoded into base64 strings. This enabled us to scalably pass the data structure within our internal services for further aggregation.

The memory footprint of hdr histograms is constant and depends on the size of the bucket, precision and range of the histogram. The size of the bucket we use is the default 32 bits bucket size. The precision of the histogram is set to include up to three significant digits. The histogram has a dynamic range of values enabled through the use of the auto-resize functionality. However, to ensure efficient data storage, a limit of 5,000 recorded points per minute has been imposed. Although this limit was chosen arbitrarily, it has proven to be adequate for storing data points transmitted from the workers to the Durable Objects on a minute-by-minute basis.

The requests to the website behind a Waiting Room go to a Cloudflare data center that is close to their location. Our workers from around the world record values in the histogram which is compressed and sent to the data center Durable Object periodically. The histograms from multiple workers are uncompressed and aggregated into a single histogram per data center. The resulting histogram is compressed and sent upstream to the Global Durable objects where the histograms from all data centers receiving traffic are uncompressed and aggregated. The resulting histogram is the final data structure which is used for statistical analysis. We directly query the aggregated histogram for the quantile values. The histogram objects were instantiated once at the start of the service, they were reset after every successful sync with the upstream service.

Writing data to the pipeline

The global Durable Object aggregates all the metrics, computes quantiles and sends the data to a worker which is responsible for analytics reporting. This worker reads data from Workers KV in order to get the Waiting Room configurations. All the metrics are aggregated into a single analytics message. These messages are written every minute to Clickhouse. We leveraged an internal version of Workers Analytics Engine in order to write the data. This allowed us to quickly write our logs to Clickhouse with minimum interactions with all the systems involved in the pipeline.

We write analytics events from the runtime in the form of blobs and doubles with a specific schema and the event data gets written to a Clickhouse cluster. We extract the data into a Clickhouse view and apply ABR to facilitate fast queries at any timescale. You can expand the time range to vary from 30 minutes to 30 days without any lag. ABR adaptively chooses the resolution of data based on the query. For example, it would choose a lower resolution for a long time range and vice versa. As of now, the analytics data is available in the Clickhouse table for 30 days, implying that you can not query data older than 30 days in the dashboard as well.


Waiting Room Analytics samples the data in order to effectively run large queries while providing consistent response times. Indexing the data on Waiting Room id has enabled us to run quicker and more efficient scans, however we still need to elegantly handle unbounded data. To tackle this we use Adaptive Bit Rate which enables us to write the data at multiple resolutions (100%, 10%, 1%…) and then read the best resolution of the data. The sample rate “adapts” based on how long the query takes to run. If the query takes too long to run in 100% resolution, the next resolution is picked and so on until the first successful result. However, since we pre-process and aggregate data before writing to the pipeline, we expect 100% resolution of data on reads for shorter periods of time (up to 7 days). For a longer time range, the data will be sampled.

Get Waiting Room Analytics via GraphQL API

Lastly, to make metrics available to customers and to the Waiting Room dashboard, we exposed the analytics data available in Clickhouse via GraphQL API.

If you prefer to build your own dashboards or systems based on waiting room traffic data, then Waiting Room Analytics via GraphQL API is for you. Build your own custom dashboards using the GraphQL framework and use a GraphQL client such as GraphiQL to run queries and explore the schema.

The Waiting Room Analytics dataset can be found under the Zones Viewer as waitingRoomAnalyticsAdaptive and waitingRoomAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups. You can filter the dataset per zone, waiting_room_id and the request time period, see the dataset schema under ZoneWaitingRoomAnalyticsAdaptive. You can order the data by ascending or descending order of the metric values.

You can explore the dimensions under waitingRoomAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups that can be used to group the data based on time, Waiting Room id and so on. The "max", “min”, “avg”, “sum” functions give the maximum, minimum, average and sum values of a metric aggregated over a time period. Additionally, there is a function called "avgWeighted" that calculates the weighted average of the metric. This approach is used for metrics stored in histograms, such as the time spent on the origin and total time waited. Instead of using a simple average, the weighted average is computed to provide a more accurate representation. This approach takes into account the distribution and significance of different data points, ensuring a more precise analysis and interpretation of the metric.

For example, to evaluate the weighted average for time spent on origin, the value of total active users is used as a weight. To better illustrate this concept, let’s consider an example. Imagine there is a website behind a Waiting Room and we want to evaluate the average time spent on the origin over a certain time period, let’s say an hour. During this hour, the number of active users on the website fluctuates. At some points, there may be more users actively browsing the site while at other times the number of active users might decrease. To calculate the weighted average for the time spent on the origin, we take into account the number of total active users at each instant in time. The rationale behind this is that the more users are actively using the website, the more representative their time spent on origin becomes in relation to the overall user activity.

By incorporating the total active users as weights in the calculation, we give more importance to the time spent on the origin during periods when there are more users actively engaging with the website. This provides a more accurate representation of the average time spent on the origin, accounting for variations in user activity throughout the designated time period.

The value of new users per minute is used as a weight to compute the weighted average for total time waited in queue. This is because when we talk about the total time weighted in the queue, the value of new users per minute for that instant in time takes importance as it signifies the number of users that joined the queue and certainly went into the origin.

You can apply these aggregation functions to the list of metrics exposed under each function. However, if you just want the logs per minute for a time period, rather than the breakdown of the time period (minute, fifteen minutes, hours), you can remove the datetime dimension from the query. For a list of sample queries to get you started, refer to our dev docs.

Below is a query to calculate the average, maximum and minimum of total active users, estimated wait time, total queued users and session duration every fifteen minutes. It also calculates the weighted average of time spent in queue and time spent on origin. The query is done on the zone level. The response is obtained in a JSON format.

Following is an example query to find the weighted averages of time on origin (50th percentile) and total time waited (90th percentile) for a certain period and aggregate this data over one hour.

 viewer {
   zones(filter: {zoneTag: "example-zone"}) {
     waitingRoomAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups(limit: 10, filter: {datetime_geq: "2023-03-15T04:00:00Z", datetime_leq: "2023-03-15T04:45:00Z", waitingRoomId: "example-waiting-room-id"}, orderBy: [datetimeHour_ASC]) {
       avgWeighted {
       dimensions {

Sample Response

  "data": {
    "viewer": {
      "zones": [
          "waitingRoomAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups": [
              "avgWeighted": {
                "timeOnOriginP50": 83.83,
                "totalTimeWaitedP90": 994.45
              "dimensions": {
                "datetimeHour": "2023-05-24T04:00:00Z"
  "errors": null

You can find more examples in our developer documentation.
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Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Post Syndicated from David Belson original http://blog.cloudflare.com/http3-usage-one-year-on/

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

In June 2022, after the publication of a set of HTTP-related Internet standards, including the RFC that formally defined HTTP/3, we published HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends. One year on, as the RFC reaches its first birthday, we thought it would be interesting to look back at how these trends have evolved over the last year.

Our previous post reviewed usage trends for HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 observed across Cloudflare’s network between May 2021 and May 2022, broken out by version and browser family, as well as for search engine indexing and social media bots. At the time, we found that browser-driven traffic was overwhelmingly using HTTP/2, although HTTP/3 usage was showing signs of growth. Search and social bots were mixed in terms of preference for HTTP/1.1 vs. HTTP/2, with little-to-no HTTP/3 usage seen.

Between May 2022 and May 2023, we found that HTTP/3 usage in browser-retrieved content continued to grow, but that search engine indexing and social media bots continued to effectively ignore the latest version of the web’s core protocol. (Having said that, the benefits of HTTP/3 are very user-centric, and arguably offer minimal benefits to bots designed to asynchronously crawl and index content. This may be a key reason that we see such low adoption across these automated user agents.) In addition, HTTP/3 usage across API traffic is still low, but doubled across the year. Support for HTTP/3 is on by default for zones using Cloudflare’s free tier of service, while paid customers have the option to activate support.

HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 use TCP as a transport layer and add security via TLS. HTTP/3 uses QUIC to provide both the transport layer and security. Due to the difference in transport layer, user agents usually require learning that an origin is accessible using HTTP/3 before they'll try it. One method of discovery is HTTP Alternative Services, where servers return an Alt-Svc response header containing a list of supported Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Identifiers (ALPN IDs). Another method is the HTTPS record type, where clients query the DNS to learn the supported ALPN IDs. The ALPN ID for HTTP/3 is "h3" but while the specification was in development and iteration, we added a suffix to identify the particular draft version e.g., "h3-29" identified draft 29. In order to maintain compatibility for a wide range of clients, Cloudflare advertised both "h3" and "h3-29". However, draft 29 was published close to three years ago and clients have caught up with support for the final RFC. As of late May 2023, Cloudflare no longer advertises h3-29 for zones that have HTTP/3 enabled, helping to save several bytes on each HTTP response or DNS record that would have included it. Because a browser and web server typically automatically negotiate the highest HTTP version available, HTTP/3 takes precedence over HTTP/2.

In the sections below, “likely automated” and “automated” traffic based on Cloudflare bot score has been filtered out for desktop and mobile browser analysis to restrict analysis to “likely human” traffic, but it is included for the search engine and social media bot analysis. In addition, references to HTTP requests or HTTP traffic below include requests made over both HTTP and HTTPS.

Overall request distribution by HTTP version

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Aggregating global web traffic to Cloudflare on a daily basis, we can observe usage trends for HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 across the surveyed one year period. The share of traffic over HTTP/1.1 declined from 8% to 7% between May and the end of September, but grew rapidly to over 11% through October. It stayed elevated into the new year and through January, dropping back down to 9% by May 2023. Interestingly, the weekday/weekend traffic pattern became more pronounced after the October increase, and remained for the subsequent six months. HTTP/2 request share saw nominal change over the year, beginning around 68% in May 2022, but then starting to decline slightly in June. After that, its share didn’t see a significant amount of change, ending the period just shy of 64%. No clear weekday/weekend pattern was visible for HTTP/2. Starting with just over 23% share in May 2022, the percentage of requests over HTTP/3 grew to just over 30% by August and into September, but dropped to around 26% by November. After some nominal loss and growth, it ended the surveyed time period at 28% share. (Note that this graph begins in late May due to data retention limitations encountered when generating the graph in early June.)

API request distribution by HTTP version

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Although API traffic makes up a significant amount of Cloudflare’s request volume, only a small fraction of those requests are made over HTTP/3. Approximately half of such requests are made over HTTP/1.1, with another third over HTTP/2. However, HTTP/3 usage for APIs grew from around 6% in May 2022 to over 12% by May 2023. HTTP/3’s smaller share of traffic is likely due in part to support for HTTP/3 in key tools like curl still being considered as “experimental”. Should this change in the future, with HTTP/3 gaining first-class support in such tools, we expect that this will accelerate growth in HTTP/3 usage, both for APIs and overall as well.

Mitigated request distribution by HTTP version

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

The analyses presented above consider all HTTP requests made to Cloudflare, but we also thought that it would be interesting to look at HTTP version usage by potentially malicious traffic, so we broke out just those requests that were mitigated by one of Cloudflare’s application security solutions. The graph above shows that the vast majority of mitigated requests are made over HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, with generally less than 5% made over HTTP/3. Mitigated requests appear to be most frequently made over HTTP/1.1, although HTTP/2 accounted for a larger share between early August and late November. These observations suggest that attackers don’t appear to be investing the effort to upgrade their tools to take advantage of the newest version of HTTP, finding the older versions of the protocol sufficient for their needs. (Note that this graph begins in late May 2022 due to data retention limitations encountered when generating the graph in early June 2023.)

HTTP/3 use by desktop browser

As we noted last year, support for HTTP/3 in the stable release channels of major browsers came in November 2020 for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and April 2021 for Mozilla Firefox. We also noted that in Apple Safari, HTTP/3 support needed to be enabled in the “Experimental Features” developer menu in production releases. However, in the most recent releases of Safari, it appears that this step is no longer necessary, and that HTTP/3 is now natively supported.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Looking at request shares by browser, Chrome started the period responsible for approximately 80% of HTTP/3 request volume, but the continued growth of Safari dropped it to around 74% by May 2023. A year ago, Safari represented less than 1% of HTTP/3 traffic on Cloudflare, but grew to nearly 7% by May 2023, likely as a result of support graduating from experimental to production.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Removing Chrome from the graph again makes trends across the other browsers more visible. As noted above, Safari experienced significant growth over the last year, while Edge saw a bump from just under 10% to just over 11% in June 2022. It stayed around that level through the new year, and then gradually dropped below 10% over the next several months. Firefox dropped slightly, from around 10% to just under 9%, while reported HTTP/3 traffic from Internet Explorer was near zero.

As we did in last year’s post, we also wanted to look at how the share of HTTP versions has changed over the last year across each of the leading browsers. The relative stability of HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 seen over the last year is in some contrast to the observations made in last year’s post, which saw some noticeable shifts during the May 2021 – May 2022 timeframe.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on
Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on
Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on
Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

In looking at request share by protocol version across the major desktop browser families, we see that across all of them, HTTP/1.1 share grows in late October. Further analysis indicates that this growth was due to significantly higher HTTP/1.1 request volume across several large customer zones, but it isn’t clear why this influx of traffic using an older version of HTTP occurred. It is clear that HTTP/2 remains the dominant protocol used for content requests by the major browsers, consistently accounting for 50-55% of request volume for Chrome and Edge, and ~60% for Firefox. However, for Safari, HTTP/2’s share dropped from nearly 95% in May 2022 to around 75% a year later, thanks to the growth in HTTP/3 usage.

HTTP/3 share on Safari grew from under 3% to nearly 18% over the course of the year, while its share on the other browsers was more consistent, with Chrome and Edge hovering around 40% and Firefox around 35%, and both showing pronounced weekday/weekend traffic patterns. (That pattern is arguably the most pronounced for Edge.) Such a pattern becomes more, yet still barely, evident with Safari in late 2022, although it tends to vary by less than a percent.

HTTP/3 usage by mobile browser

Mobile devices are responsible for over half of request volume to Cloudflare, with Chrome Mobile generating more than 25% of all requests, and Mobile Safari more than 10%. Given this, we decided to explore HTTP/3 usage across these two key mobile platforms.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on
Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Looking at Chrome Mobile and Chrome Mobile Webview (an embeddable version of Chrome that applications can use to display Web content), we find HTTP/1.1 usage to be minimal, topping out at under 5% of requests. HTTP/2 usage dropped from 60% to just under 55% between May and mid-September, but then bumped back up to near 60%, remaining essentially flat to slightly lower through the rest of the period. In a complementary fashion, HTTP/3 traffic increased from 37% to 45%, before falling just below 40% in mid-September, hovering there through May. The usage patterns ultimately look very similar to those seen with desktop Chrome, albeit without the latter’s clear weekday/weekend traffic pattern.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the usage patterns for Mobile Safari and Mobile Safari Webview closely mirror those seen with desktop Safari. HTTP/1.1 share increases in October, and HTTP/3 sees strong growth, from under 3% to nearly 18%.

Search indexing bots

Exploring usage of the various versions of HTTP by search engine crawlers/bots, we find that last year’s trend continues, and that there remains little-to-no usage of HTTP/3. (As mentioned above, this is somewhat expected, as HTTP/3 is optimized for browser use cases.) Graphs for Bing & Baidu here are trimmed to a period ending April 1, 2023 due to anomalous data during April that is being investigated.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

GoogleBot continues to rely primarily on HTTP/1.1, which generally comprises 55-60% of request volume. The balance is nearly all HTTP/2, although some nominal growth in HTTP/3 usage sees it peaking at just under 2% in March.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Through January 2023, around 85% of requests from Microsoft’s BingBot were made via HTTP/2, but dropped to closer to 80% in late January. The balance of the requests were made via HTTP/1.1, as HTTP/3 usage was negligible.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on
Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Looking at indexing bots from search engines based outside of the United States, Russia’s YandexBot appears to use HTTP/1.1 almost exclusively, with HTTP/2 usage generally around 1%, although there was a period of increased usage between late August and mid-November. It isn’t clear what ultimately caused this increase. There was no meaningful request volume seen over HTTP/3. The indexing bot used by Chinese search engine Baidu also appears to strongly prefer HTTP/1.1, generally used for over 85% of requests. However, the percentage of requests over HTTP/2 saw a number of spikes, briefly reaching over 60% on days in July, November, and December 2022, as well as January 2023, with several additional spikes in the 30% range. Again, it isn’t clear what caused this spiky behavior. HTTP/3 usage by BaiduBot is effectively non-existent as well.

Social media bots

Similar to Bing & Baidu above, the graphs below are also trimmed to a period ending April 1.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

Facebook’s use of HTTP/3 for site crawling and indexing over the last year remained near zero, similar to what we observed over the previous year. HTTP/1.1 started the period accounting for under 60% of requests, and except for a brief peak above it in late May, usage of HTTP/1.1 steadily declined over the course of the year, dropping to around 30% by April 2023. As such, use of HTTP/2 increased from just over 40% in May 2022 to over 70% in April 2023. Meta engineers confirmed that this shift away from HTTP/1.1 usage is an expected gradual change in their infrastructure's use of HTTP, and that they are slowly working towards removing HTTP/1.1 from their infrastructure entirely.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

In last year’s blog post, we noted that “TwitterBot clearly has a strong and consistent preference for HTTP/2, accounting for 75-80% of its requests, with the balance over HTTP/1.1.” This preference generally remained the case through early October, at which point HTTP/2 usage began a gradual decline to just above 60% by April 2023. It isn’t clear what drove the week-long HTTP/2 drop and HTTP/1.1 spike in late May 2022. And as we noted last year, TwitterBot’s use of HTTP/3 remains non-existent.

Examining HTTP/3 usage one year on

In contrast to Facebook’s and Twitter’s site crawling bots, HTTP/3 actually accounts for a noticeable, and growing, volume of requests made by LinkedIn’s bot, increasing from just under 1% in May 2022 to just over 10% in April 2023. We noted last year that LinkedIn’s use of HTTP/2 began to take off in March 2022, growing to approximately 5% of requests. Usage of this version gradually increased over this year’s surveyed period to 15%, although the growth was particularly erratic and spiky, as opposed to a smooth, consistent increase. HTTP/1.1 remained the dominant protocol used by LinkedIn’s bots, although its share dropped from around 95% in May 2022 to 75% in April 2023.


On the whole, we are excited to see that usage of HTTP/3 has generally increased for browser-based consumption of traffic, and recognize that there is opportunity for significant further growth if and when it starts to be used more actively for API interactions through production support in key tools like curl. And though disappointed to see that search engine and social media bot usage of HTTP/3 remains minimal to non-existent, we also recognize that the real-time benefits of using the newest version of the web’s foundational protocol may not be completely applicable for asynchronous automated content retrieval.

You can follow these and other trends in the “Adoption and Usage” section of Cloudflare Radar at https://radar.cloudflare.com/adoption-and-usage, as well as by following @CloudflareRadar on Twitter or https://cloudflare.social/@radar on Mastodon.

Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack

Post Syndicated from Omer Yoachimik original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-mitigates-record-breaking-71-million-request-per-second-ddos-attack/

Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack

Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack

This was a weekend of record-breaking DDoS attacks. Over the weekend, Cloudflare detected and mitigated dozens of hyper-volumetric DDoS attacks. The majority of attacks peaked in the ballpark of 50-70 million requests per second (rps) with the largest exceeding 71 million rps. This is the largest reported HTTP DDoS attack on record, more than 35% higher than the previous reported record of 46M rps in June 2022.

The attacks were HTTP/2-based and targeted websites protected by Cloudflare. They originated from over 30,000 IP addresses. Some of the attacked websites included a popular gaming provider, cryptocurrency companies, hosting providers, and cloud computing platforms. The attacks originated from numerous cloud providers, and we have been working with them to crack down on the botnet.

Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack
Record breaking attack: DDoS attack exceeding 71 million requests per second

Over the past year, we’ve seen more attacks originate from cloud computing providers. For this reason, we will be providing service providers that own their own autonomous system a free Botnet threat feed. The feed will provide service providers threat intelligence about their own IP space; attacks originating from within their autonomous system. Service providers that operate their own IP space can now sign up to the early access waiting list.

No. This campaign of attacks arrives less than two weeks after the Killnet DDoS campaign that targeted healthcare websites. Based on the methods and targets, we do not believe that these recent attacks are related to the healthcare campaign. Furthermore, yesterday was the US Super Bowl, and we also do not believe that this attack campaign is related to the game event.

What are DDoS attacks?

Distributed Denial of Service attacks are cyber attacks that aim to take down Internet properties and make them unavailable for users. These types of cyberattacks can be very efficient against unprotected websites and they can be very inexpensive for the attackers to execute.

An HTTP DDoS attack usually involves a flood of HTTP requests towards the target website. The attacker’s objective is to bombard the website with more requests than it can handle. Given a sufficiently high amount of requests, the website’s server will not be able to process all of the attack requests along with the legitimate user requests. Users will experience this as website-load delays, timeouts, and eventually not being able to connect to their desired websites at all.

Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack
Illustration of a DDoS attack

To make attacks larger and more complicated, attackers usually leverage a network of bots — a botnet. The attacker will orchestrate the botnet to bombard the victim’s websites with HTTP requests. A sufficiently large and powerful botnet can generate very large attacks as we’ve seen in this case.

However, building and operating botnets requires a lot of investment and expertise. What is the average Joe to do? Well, an average Joe that wants to launch a DDoS attack against a website doesn’t need to start from scratch. They can hire one of numerous DDoS-as-a-Service platforms for as little as $30 per month. The more you pay, the larger and longer of an attack you’re going to get.

Why DDoS attacks?

Over the years, it has become easier, cheaper, and more accessible for attackers and attackers-for-hire to launch DDoS attacks. But as easy as it has become for the attackers, we want to make sure that it is even easier – and free – for defenders of organizations of all sizes to protect themselves against DDoS attacks of all types.

Unlike Ransomware attacks, Ransom DDoS attacks don’t require an actual system intrusion or a foothold within the targeted network. Usually Ransomware attacks start once an employee naively clicks an email link that installs and propagates the malware. There’s no need for that with DDoS attacks. They are more like a hit-and-run attack. All a DDoS attacker needs to know is the website’s address and/or IP address.

Is there an increase in DDoS attacks?

Yes. The size, sophistication, and frequency of attacks has been increasing over the past months. In our latest DDoS threat report, we saw that the amount of HTTP DDoS attacks increased by 79% year-over-year. Furthermore, the amount of volumetric attacks exceeding 100 Gbps grew by 67% quarter-over-quarter (QoQ), and the number of attacks lasting more than three hours increased by 87% QoQ.

But it doesn’t end there. The audacity of attackers has been increasing as well. In our latest DDoS threat report, we saw that Ransom DDoS attacks steadily increased throughout the year. They peaked in November 2022 where one out of every four surveyed customers reported being subject to Ransom DDoS attacks or threats.

Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack
Distribution of Ransom DDoS attacks by month

Should I be worried about DDoS attacks?

Yes. If your website, server, or networks are not protected against volumetric DDoS attacks using a cloud service that provides automatic detection and mitigation, we really recommend that you consider it.

Cloudflare customers shouldn’t be worried, but should be aware and prepared. Below is a list of recommended steps to ensure your security posture is optimized.

What steps should I take to defend against DDoS attacks?

Cloudflare’s systems have been automatically detecting and mitigating these DDoS attacks.

Cloudflare offers many features and capabilities that you may already have access to but may not be using. So as extra precaution, we recommend taking advantage of these capabilities to improve and optimize your security posture:

  1. Ensure all DDoS Managed Rules are set to default settings (High sensitivity level and mitigation actions) for optimal DDoS activation.
  2. Cloudflare Enterprise customers that are subscribed to the Advanced DDoS Protection service should consider enabling Adaptive DDoS Protection, which mitigates attacks more intelligently based on your unique traffic patterns.
  3. Deploy firewall rules and rate limiting rules to enforce a combined positive and negative security model. Reduce the traffic allowed to your website based on your known usage.
  4. Ensure your origin is not exposed to the public Internet (i.e., only enable access to Cloudflare IP addresses). As an extra security precaution, we recommend contacting your hosting provider and requesting new origin server IPs if they have been targeted directly in the past.
  5. Customers with access to Managed IP Lists should consider leveraging those lists in firewall rules. Customers with Bot Management should consider leveraging the threat scores within the firewall rules.
  6. Enable caching as much as possible to reduce the strain on your origin servers, and when using Workers, avoid overwhelming your origin server with more subrequests than necessary.
  7. Enable DDoS alerting to improve your response time.

Preparing for the next DDoS wave

Defending against DDoS attacks is critical for organizations of all sizes. While attacks may be initiated by humans, they are executed by bots — and to play to win, you must fight bots with bots. Detection and mitigation must be automated as much as possible, because relying solely on humans to mitigate in real time puts defenders at a disadvantage. Cloudflare’s automated systems constantly detect and mitigate DDoS attacks for our customers, so they don’t have to. This automated approach, combined with our wide breadth of security capabilities, lets customers tailor the protection to their needs.

We’ve been providing unmetered and unlimited DDoS protection for free to all of our customers since 2017, when we pioneered the concept. Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better Internet. A better Internet is one that is more secure, faster, and reliable for everyone – even in the face of DDoS attacks.

Measuring network quality to better understand the end-user experience

Post Syndicated from David Tuber original https://blog.cloudflare.com/aim-database-for-internet-quality/

Measuring network quality to better understand the end-user experience

Measuring network quality to better understand the end-user experience

You’re visiting your family for the holidays and you connect to the WiFi, and then notice Netflix isn’t loading as fast as it normally does. You go to speed.cloudflare.com, fast.com, speedtest.net, or type “speed test” into Google Chrome to figure out if there is a problem with your Internet connection, and get something that looks like this:

Measuring network quality to better understand the end-user experience

If you want to see what that looks like for you, try it yourself here. But what do those numbers mean? How do those numbers relate to whether or not your Netflix isn’t loading or any of the other common use cases: playing games or audio/video chat with your friends and loved ones? Even network engineers find that speed tests are difficult to relate to the user experience of… using the Internet..

Amazingly, speed tests have barely changed in nearly two decades, even though the way we use the Internet has changed a lot. With so many more people on the Internet, the gaps between speed tests and the user’s experience of network quality are growing. The problem is so important that the Internet’s standards organization is paying attention, too.

From a high-level, there are three grand network test challenges:

  1. Finding ways to efficiently and accurately measure network quality, and convey to end-users if and how the quality affects their experience.
  2. When a problem is found, figuring out where the problem exists, be it the wireless connection, or one many cables and machines that make up the Internet.
  3. Understanding a single user’s test results in context of their neighbors’, or archiving the results to, for example, compare neighborhoods or know if the network is getting better or worse.

Cloudflare is excited to announce a new Aggregated Internet Measurement (AIM) initiative to help address all three challenges. AIM is a new and open format for displaying Internet quality in a way that makes sense to end users of the Internet, around use cases that demand specific types of Internet performance while still retaining all of the network data engineers need to troubleshoot problems on the Internet. We’re excited to partner with Measurement Lab on this project and store all of this data in a publicly available repository that you can access to analyze the data behind the scores you see on your speed test page.

What is a speed test?

A speed test is a point-in-time measurement of your Internet connection. When you connect to any speed test, it typically tries to fetch a large file (important for video streaming), performs a packet loss test (important for gaming), measures jitter (important for video/VoIP calls), and latency (important for all Internet use cases). The goal of this test is to measure your Internet connection’s ability to perform basic tasks.

There are some challenges with this approach that start with a simple observation: At the “network-layer” of the Internet that moves data and packets around, there are three and only three measures that can be directly observed. They are,

  • available bandwidth, sometimes known as “throughput;
  • packet loss, which has to happen but not too much; and
  • latency, often referred to as the round-trip time (RTT).

These three attributes are tightly interwoven. In particular, the portion of available bandwidth that a user actually achieves (throughput) is directly affected by loss and latency. Your computer uses loss and latency to decide when to send a packet, or not. Some loss and latency is expected, even needed! Too much of either, and bandwidth starts to fall.

These are simple numbers, but their relationship is far from simple. Think about all the ways to add two numbers to equal as much as one-hundred, x + y ≤ 100. If x and y are just right, then they add to one hundred. However, there are many combinations of x and y that do. Worse is that if either x or y or both are a little wrong, then they add to less than one-hundred. In this example, x and y are loss and latency, and 100 is the available bandwidth.

There are other forces at work, too, and these numbers do not tell the whole story. But they are the only numbers that are directly observable. Their meaning and the reasons they matter for diagnosis are important, so let’s discuss each one of those in order and how Aggregated Internet Measurement tries to solve each of these.

What do the numbers in a speed test mean?

Most speed tests will run and produce the numbers you saw above: bandwidth, latency, jitter, and packet loss. Let’s break down each of these numbers one by one to explain what they mean:


Bandwidth is the maximum throughput/capacity over a communication link. The common analogy used to define bandwidth is if your Internet connection is a highway, bandwidth is how many lanes the highway has and cars that fit on it. Bandwidth has often been called “speed” in the past because Internet Service Providers (ISPs) measure speed as the amount of time it takes to download a large file, and having more bandwidth on your connection can make that happen faster.

Packet loss

Packet loss is exactly what it sounds like: some packets are sent from a source to a destination, but the packets are not received by the destination. This can be very impactful for many applications, because if information is lost in transit en route to the receiver, it an e ifiult fr te recvr t udrsnd wt s bng snt (it can be difficult for the receiver to understand what is being sent).


Latency is the time it takes for a packet/message to travel from point A to point B. At its core, the Internet is composed of computers sending signals in the form of electrical signals or beams of light over cables to other computers. Latency has generally been defined as the time it takes for that electrical signal to go from one computer to another over a cable or fiber. Therefore, it follows that one way to reduce latency is to shrink the distance the signals need to travel to reach their destination.

There is a distinction in latency between idle latency and latency under load. This is because there are queues at routers and switches that store data packets when they arrive faster than they can be transmitted. Queuing is normal, by design, and keeps data flowing correctly. However, if the queues are too big, or when other applications behave very differently from yours, the connection can feel slower than it actually is. This event is called bufferbloat.

In our AIM test we look at idle latency to show you what your latency could be, but we also collect loaded latency, which is a better reflection of what your latency is during your day-to-day Internet experience.


Jitter is a special way of measuring latency. It is the variance in latency on your Internet connection. If jitter is high, it may take longer for some packets to arrive, which can impact Internet scenarios that require content to be delivered in real time, such as voice communication.

A good way to think about jitter is to think about a commute to work along some route or path. Latency, alone, asks “how far am I from the destination measured in time?” For example, the average journey on a train is 40 minutes. Instead of journey time, jitter asks, “how consistent is my travel time?” Thinking about the commute, a jitter of zero means the train always takes 40 minutes. However, if the jitter is 15 then, well, the commute becomes a lot more challenging because it could take anywhere from 25 to 55 minutes.

But even if we understand these numbers, for all that they might tell us what is happening, they are unable to tell us where something is happening.

Is Wi-Fi or my Internet connection the problem?

When you run a speed test, you’re not just connecting to your ISP, you’re also connecting to your local network which connects to your ISP. And your local network may have problems of its own. Take a speed test that has high packet loss and jitter: that generally means something on the network could be dropping packets. Normally, you would call your ISP, who will often say something like “get closer to your Wi-Fi access point or get an extender”.

This is important — Wi-Fi uses radio waves to transmit information, and materials like brick, plaster, and concrete can interfere with the signal and make it weaker the farther away you get from your access point. Mesh Wi-Fi appliances like Nest Wi-Fi and Eero periodically take speed tests from their main access point specifically to help detect issues like this. So having potential quick solutions for problems like high packet loss and jitter and giving that to users up front can help users better ascertain if the problem is related to their wireless connection setup.

While this is true for most issues that we see on the Internet, it often helps if network operators are able to look at this data in aggregate in addition to simply telling users to get closer to their access points. If your speed test went to a place where your network operator could see it and others in your area, network engineers may be able to proactively detect issues before users report them. This not only helps users, it helps network providers as well, because fielding calls and sending out technicians for issues due to user configuration are expensive in addition to being time-consuming.

This is one of the goals of AIM: to help solve the problem before anyone picks up a phone. End users can get a series of tips that will help them understand what their Internet connection can and can’t do and how they can improve it in an easy-to-read format, and network operators can get all the data they need to detect last mile issues before anyone picks up a phone, saving time and money. Let’s talk about how that can work with a real example.

An example from real life

When you get a speed test result, the numbers you get can be confusing. This is because you may not understand how those numbers combine to impact your Internet experience. Let’s talk about a real life example and how that impacts you.

Say you work in a building with four offices and a main area that looks like this:

Measuring network quality to better understand the end-user experience

You have to make video calls to your clients all day, and you sit in the office the farthest away from the wireless access point. Your calls are dropping constantly, and you’re having an awful experience. When you run a speed test from your office, you see this result:

Metric Far away from access point Close to access point
Download Bandwidth 21.8 Mbps 25.7 Mbps
Upload Bandwidth 5.66 Mbps 5.26 Mbps
Unloaded Latency 19.6 ms 19.5 ms
Jitter 61.4 ms 37.9 ms
Packet Loss 7.7% 0%

How can you make sense of these? A network engineer would take a look at the high jitter and the packet loss and think “well this user probably needs to move closer to the router to get a better signal”. But you may take a look at these results and have no idea, and have to ask a network engineer for help, which could lead to a call to your ISP, wasting the time and money of everyone. But you shouldn’t have to consult a network engineer to figure out if you need to move your Wi-Fi access point, or if your ISP isn’t giving her a good experience.

Aggregated Internet Measurement assigns qualitative assessments to the numbers on your speed test to help you make sense of these numbers. We’ve created scenario-specific scores, which is a singular qualitative value that is calculated on a scenario level: we calculate different quality scores based on what you’re trying to do. To start, we’ve created three AIM scores: Streaming, Gaming, and WebChat/RTC. Those scores weigh each metric differently based on what Internet conditions are required for the application to run successfully.

The AIM scoring rubric assigns point values to your connection based on the tests. We’re releasing AIM with a “weighted score,” in which the point values are calculated based on what metrics matter the most in those scenarios. These point scores aren’t designed to be static, but to evolve based on what application developers, network operators, and the Internet community discover about how different performance characteristics affect application experience for each scenario — and it’s one more reason to post the data to M-Lab, so that the community can help design and converge on good scoring mechanisms.

Here is the full rubric and each of the point values associated with the metrics today:

Metric 0 points 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points 50 points
Loss Rate > 5% < 5% < 1%
Jitter > 20 ms < 20ms < 10ms
Unloaded latency > 100ms < 50ms < 20ms < 10ms
Download Throughput < 1Mbps < 10Mbps < 50Mbps < 100Mbps < 1000Mbps
Upload Throughput < 1Mbps < 10Mbps < 50Mbps < 100Mbps < 1000Mbps
Difference between loaded and unloaded latency > 50ms < 50ms < 20ms < 10ms

And here’s a quick overview of what values matter and how we calculate scores for each scenario:

  • Streaming: download bandwidth + unloaded latency + packet loss + (loaded latency – unloaded latency difference)
  • Gaming: packet loss + unloaded latency + (loaded latency – unloaded latency difference)
  • RTC/video: packet loss + jitter + unloaded latency + (loaded latency – unloaded latency difference)

To calculate each score, we take the point values from your speed test and calculate that out of the total possible points for that scenario. So based on the result, we can give your Internet connection a judgment for each scenario: Bad, Poor, Average, Good, and Great. For example, for Video calls, packet loss, jitter, unloaded latency, and the difference between loaded and unloaded latency matter when determining whether your Internet quality is good for video calls. We add together the point values derived from your speed test values, and we get a score that shows how far away from the perfect video call experience your Internet quality is. Based on your speed test, here are the AIM scores from your office far away from the access point:

Metric Result
Streaming Score 25/70 pts (Average)
Gaming Score 15/40 pts (Poor)
RTC Score 15/50 pts (Average)

So instead of saying “Your bandwidth is X and your jitter is Y”, we can say “Your Internet is okay for Netflix, but poor for gaming, and only average for Zoom”. In this case, moving the Wi-Fi access point to a more centralized location turned out to be the solution, and turned your AIM scores into this:

Metric Result
Streaming Score 45/70 pts (Good)
Gaming Score 35/40 pts (Great)
RTC Score 35/50 pts (Great)

You can even see these results on the Cloudflare speed test today as a Network Quality Score:

Measuring network quality to better understand the end-user experience

In this particular case, there was no call required to the ISP, and no network engineers were consulted. Simply moving the access point closer to the middle of the office improved the experience for everyone, and no one needed to pick up the phone, providing a more seamless experience for everyone.

AIM takes the metrics that network engineers care about, and it translates them into a more human-readable metric that’s based on the applications you are trying to use. Aggregated data is anonymously stored in a public repository (in compliance with our privacy policy), so that your ISP can actually look up speed tests in your metro area and that use your ISP and get the underlying data to help translate user complaints into something that is actionable by network engineers. Additionally, policymakers and researchers can examine the aggregate data to better understand what users in their communities are experiencing to help lobby for better Internet quality.

Working conditions

Here’s an interesting question: When you run a speed test, where are you connecting to, and what is the Internet like at the other end of the connection? One of the challenges that speed tests often face is that the servers you run your test against are not the same servers that run or protect your websites. Because of this, the network paths your speed test may take to the host on the other side may be vastly different, and may even be optimized to serve as many speed tests as possible. This means that your speed test is not actually testing the path that your traffic normally takes when it’s reaching the applications you normally use. The tests that you ran are measuring a network path, but it’s not the network path you use on a regular basis.

Speed tests should be run under real-world network conditions that reflect how people use the Internet, with multiple applications, browser tabs, and devices all competing for connectivity. This concept of measuring your Internet connection using application-facing tools and doing so while your network is being used as much as possible is called measuring under working conditions. Today, when speed tests run, they make entirely new connections to a website that is reserved for testing network performance. Unfortunately, day-to-day Internet usage isn’t done on new connections to dedicated speed test websites. This is actually by design for many Internet applications, which rely on reusing the same connection to a website to provide a better performing experience to the end-user by eliminating costly latency incurred by establishing encryption, exchanging of certificates, and more.

AIM is helping to solve this problem in several ways. The first is that we’ve implemented all of our tests the same way our applications would, and measure them under working conditions. We measure loaded latency to show you how your Internet connection behaves when you’re actually using it. You can see it on the speed test today:

Measuring network quality to better understand the end-user experience

The second is that we are collecting speed test results against endpoints that you use today. By measuring speed tests against Cloudflare and other sites, we are showing end user Internet quality against networks that are frequently used in your daily life, which gives a better idea of what actual working conditions are.

AIM database

We’re excited to announce that AIM data is publicly available today through a partnership with Measurement Lab (M-Lab), and end-users and network engineers alike can parse through network quality data across a variety of networks. M-Lab and Cloudflare will both be calculating AIM scores derived from their speed tests and putting them into a shared database so end-users and network operators alike can see Internet quality from as many points as possible across a multitude of different speed tests.

For just a sample of what we’re seeing, let’s take a look at a visual we’ve made using this data plotting scores from only Cloudflare data per scenario in Tokyo, Japan for the first week of October:

Measuring network quality to better understand the end-user experience

Based on this, you can see that out of the 5,814 speed tests run, 50.7% of those users had a good streaming quality, but 48.2% were only average. Gaming is hard in Tokyo as 39% of users had a poor gaming experience, but most users had a pretty average-to-decent RTC experience. Let’s take a look at how that compares to some of the other cities we see:

City Average Streaming Score Average Gaming Score Average RTC Score
Tokyo 31 13 16
New York 33 13 17
Mumbai 25 13 16
Dublin 32 14 18

Based on our data, we can see that most users do okay for video streaming except for Mumbai, which is a bit behind. Users generally have a pretty bad gaming experience due to high latency, but their RTC apps do slightly better, being generally average in all the locales.

Collaboration with M-Lab

M-Lab is an open, Internet measurement repository whose mission is to measure the Internet, save the data, and make it universally accessible and useful. In addition to providing free and open access to the AIM data for network operators, M-Lab will also be giving policymakers, academic researchers, journalists, digital inclusion advocates, and anyone who is interested access to the data they need to make important decisions that can help improve the Internet.

In addition to already being an established name in open sharing of Internet quality data to policymakers and academics, M-Lab already provides a “speed” test called Network Diagnostic Test (NDT) that is the same speed test you run when you type “speed test” into Google. By partnering with M-Lab, we are getting Aggregated Internet Measurement metrics from many more users. We want to partner with other speed tests as well to get the complete picture of how Internet quality is mapped across the world for as many users as possible. If you measure Internet performance today, we want you to join us to help show users what their Internet is really good for.

A bright future for Internet quality

We’re excited to put this data together to show Internet quality across a variety of tests and networks. We’re going to be analyzing this data and improving our scoring system, even open-sourcing it so that you can see how we are using speed test measurements to score Internet quality across a variety of different applications and even implement AIM yourself. Eventually we’re going to put our AIM scores in the speed test alongside all the tests you see today so that you can finally get a better understanding of what your Internet is good for.

If you’re running a speed test today, and you’re interested in partnering with us to help gather data on how users experience Internet quality, reach out to us and let’s work together to help make the Internet better.

Figuring out what your Internet is good for shouldn’t require you to become a networking expert; that’s what we’re here for. With AIM and our collaborators at MLab, we want to be able to tell you what your Internet can do and use that information to help make the Internet better for everyone.

Cloudflare is joining the AS112 project to help the Internet deal with misdirected DNS queries

Post Syndicated from Hunts Chen original https://blog.cloudflare.com/the-as112-project/

Cloudflare is joining the AS112 project to help the Internet deal with misdirected DNS queries

Cloudflare is joining the AS112 project to help the Internet deal with misdirected DNS queries

Today, we’re excited to announce that Cloudflare is participating in the AS112 project, becoming an operator of this community-operated, loosely-coordinated anycast deployment of DNS servers that primarily answer reverse DNS lookup queries that are misdirected and create significant, unwanted load on the Internet.

With the addition of Cloudflare global network, we can make huge improvements to the stability, reliability and performance of this distributed public service.

What is AS112 project

The AS112 project is a community effort to run an important network service intended to handle reverse DNS lookup queries for private-only use addresses that should never appear in the public DNS system. In the seven days leading up to publication of this blog post, for example, Cloudflare’s resolver received more than 98 billion of these queries — all of which have no useful answer in the Domain Name System.

Some history is useful for context. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are essential to network communication. Many networks make use of IPv4 addresses that are reserved for private use, and devices in the network are able to connect to the Internet with the use of network address translation (NAT), a process that maps one or more local private addresses to one or more global IP addresses and vice versa before transferring the information.

Your home Internet router most likely does this for you. You will likely find that, when at home, your computer has an IP address like That’s an example of a private use address that is fine to use at home, but can’t be used on the public Internet. Your home router translates it, through NAT, to an address your ISP assigned to your home and that can be used on the Internet.

Here are the reserved “private use” addresses designated in RFC 1918.

Address block Address range Number of addresses – 16,777,216 – 1,048,576 – 65,536

(Reserved private IPv4 network ranges)

Although the reserved addresses themselves are blocked from ever appearing on the public Internet, devices and programs in private environments may occasionally originate DNS queries corresponding to those addresses. These are called “reverse lookups” because they ask the DNS if there is a name associated with an address.

Reverse DNS lookup

A reverse DNS lookup is an opposite process of the more commonly used DNS lookup (which is used every day to translate a name like www.cloudflare.com to its corresponding IP address). It is a query to look up the domain name associated with a given IP address, in particular those addresses associated with routers and switches. For example, network administrators and researchers use reverse lookups to help understand paths being taken by data packets in the network, and it’s much easier to understand meaningful names than a meaningless number.

A reverse lookup is accomplished by querying DNS servers for a pointer record (PTR). PTR records store IP addresses with their segments reversed, and by appending “.in-addr.arpa” to the end. For example, the IP address will have the PTR record stored as In IPv6, PTR records are stored within the “.ip6.arpa” domain instead of “.in-addr.arpa.”. Below are some query examples using the dig command line tool.

# Lookup the domain name associated with IPv4 address
# “+short” option make it output the short form of answers only
$ dig @ PTR +short

# Or use the shortcut “-x” for reverse lookups
$ dig @ -x +short

# Lookup the domain name associated with IPv6 address 2606:4700:58::a29f:2c2e
$ dig @ PTR e.2.c.2.f.9.2.a. +short

# Or use the shortcut “-x” for reverse lookups
$ dig @ -x 2606:4700:58::a29f:2c2e +short  

The problem that private use addresses cause for DNS

The private use addresses concerned have only local significance and cannot be resolved by the public DNS. In other words, there is no way for the public DNS to provide a useful answer to a question that has no global meaning. It is therefore a good practice for network administrators to ensure that queries for private use addresses are answered locally. However, it is not uncommon for such queries to follow the normal delegation path in the public DNS instead of being answered within the network. That creates unnecessary load.

By definition of being private use, they have no ownership in the public sphere, so there are no authoritative DNS servers to answer the queries. At the very beginning, root servers respond to all these types of queries since they serve the IN-ADDR.ARPA zone.

Over time, due to the wide deployment of private use addresses and the continuing growth of the Internet, traffic on the IN-ADDR.ARPA DNS infrastructure grew and the load due to these junk queries started to cause some concern. Therefore, the idea of offloading IN-ADDR.ARPA queries related to private use addresses was proposed. Following that, the use of anycast for distributing authoritative DNS service for that idea was subsequently proposed at a private meeting of root server operators. And eventually the AS112 service was launched to provide an alternative target for the junk.

The AS112 project is born

To deal with this problem, the Internet community set up special DNS servers called “blackhole servers” as the authoritative name servers that respond to the reverse lookup of the private use address blocks,, and the link-local address block (which also has only local significance). Since the relevant zones are directly delegated to the blackhole servers, this approach has come to be known as Direct Delegation.

The first two blackhole servers set up by the project are: blackhole-1.iana.org and blackhole-2.iana.org.

Any server, including DNS name server, needs an IP address to be reachable. The IP address must also be associated with an Autonomous System Number (ASN) so that networks can recognize other networks and route data packets to the IP address destination. To solve this problem, a new authoritative DNS service would be created but, to make it work, the community would have to designate IP addresses for the servers and, to facilitate their availability, an AS number that network operators could use to reach (or provide) the new service.

The selected AS number (provided by American Registry for Internet Numbers) and namesake of the project, was 112. It was started by a small subset of root server operators, later grown to a group of volunteer name server operators that include many other organizations. They run anycasted instances of the blackhole servers that, together, form a distributed sink for the reverse DNS lookups for private network and link-local addresses sent to the public Internet.

A reverse DNS lookup for a private use address would see responses like in the example below, where the name server blackhole-1.iana.org is authoritative for it and says the name does not exist, represented in DNS responses by NXDOMAIN.

$ dig @blackhole-1.iana.org -x +nord

;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 23870
;; flags: qr aa; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096

168.192.in-addr.arpa.	10800	IN	SOA	168.192.in-addr.arpa. nobody.localhost. 42 86400 43200 604800 10800

At the beginning of the project, node operators set up the service in the direct delegation fashion (RFC 7534). However, adding delegations to this service requires all AS112 servers to be updated, which is difficult to ensure in a system that is only loosely-coordinated. An alternative approach using DNAME redirection was subsequently introduced by RFC 7535 to allow new zones to be added to the system without reconfiguring the blackhole servers.

Direct delegation

DNS zones are directly delegated to the blackhole servers in this approach.

RFC 7534 defines the static set of reverse lookup zones for which AS112 name servers should answer authoritatively. They are as follows:

  • 10.in-addr-arpa
  • 16.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 17.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 18.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 19.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 20.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 21.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 22.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 23.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 24.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 25.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 26.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 27.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 28.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 29.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 30.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 31.172.in-addr.arpa
  • 168.192.in-addr.arpa
  • 254.169.in-addr.arpa (corresponding to the IPv4 link-local address block)

Zone files for these zones are quite simple because essentially they are empty apart from the required  SOA and NS records. A template of the zone file is defined as:

  ; db.dd-empty
   ; Empty zone for direct delegation AS112 service.
   $TTL    1W
   @  IN  SOA  prisoner.iana.org. hostmaster.root-servers.org. (
                                  1         ; serial number
                                  1W      ; refresh
                                  1M      ; retry
                                  1W      ; expire
                                  1W )    ; negative caching TTL
          NS     blackhole-1.iana.org.
          NS     blackhole-2.iana.org.

IP addresses of the direct delegation name servers are covered by the single IPv4 prefix and the IPv6 prefix 2620:4f:8000::/48.

Name server IPv4 address IPv6 address
blackhole-1.iana.org 2620:4f:8000::6
blackhole-2.iana.org 2620:4f:8000::42

DNAME redirection

Firstly, what is DNAME? Introduced by RFC 6672, a DNAME record or Delegation Name Record creates an alias for an entire subtree of the domain name tree. In contrast, the CNAME record creates an alias for a single name and not its subdomains. For a received DNS query, the DNAME record instructs the name server to substitute all those appearing in the left hand (owner name) with the right hand (alias name). The substituted query name, like the CNAME, may live within the zone or may live outside the zone.

Like the CNAME record, the DNS lookup will continue by retrying the lookup with the substituted name. For example, if there are two DNS zone as follows:

# zone: example.com
www.example.com.	A
foo.example.com.	DNAME	example.net.

# zone: example.net
example.net.		A
bar.example.net.	A

The query resolution scenarios would look like this:

Query (Type + Name) Substitution Final result
A www.example.com (no DNAME, don’t apply)
DNAME foo.example.com (don’t apply to the owner name itself) example.net
A foo.example.com (don’t apply to the owner name itself) <NXDOMAIN>
A bar.foo.example.com bar.example.net

RFC 7535 specifies adding another special zone, empty.as112.arpa, to support DNAME redirection for AS112 nodes. When there are new zones to be added, there is no need for AS112 node operators to update their configuration: instead, the zones’ parents will set up DNAME records for the new domains with the target domain empty.as112.arpa. The redirection (which can be cached and reused) causes clients to send future queries to the blackhole server that is authoritative for the target zone.

Note that blackhole servers do not have to support DNAME records themselves, but they do need to configure the new zone to which root servers will redirect queries at. Considering there may be existing node operators that do not update their name server configuration for some reasons and in order to not cause interruption to the service, the zone was delegated to a new blackhole server instead – blackhole.as112.arpa.

This name server uses a new pair of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and 2001:4:112::1, so queries involving DNAME redirection will only land on those nodes operated by entities that also set up the new name server. Since it is not necessary for all AS112 participants to reconfigure their servers to serve empty.as112.arpa from this new server for this system to work, it is compatible with the loose coordination of the system as a whole.

The zone file for empty.as112.arpa is defined as:

   ; db.dr-empty
   ; Empty zone for DNAME redirection AS112 service.
   $TTL    1W
   @  IN  SOA  blackhole.as112.arpa. noc.dns.icann.org. (
                                  1         ; serial number
                                  1W      ; refresh
                                  1M      ; retry
                                  1W      ; expire
                                  1W )    ; negative caching TTL
          NS     blackhole.as112.arpa.

The addresses of the new DNAME redirection name server are covered by the single IPv4 prefix and the IPv6 prefix 2001:4:112::/48.

Name server IPv4 address IPv6 address
blackhole.as112.arpa 2001:4:112::1

Node identification

RFC 7534 recommends every AS112 node also to host the following metadata zones as well: hostname.as112.net and hostname.as112.arpa.

These zones only host TXT records and serve as identifiers for querying metadata information about an AS112 node. At Cloudflare nodes, the zone files look like this:

$ORIGIN hostname.as112.net.
$TTL    604800
@       IN  SOA     ns3.cloudflare.com. dns.cloudflare.com. (
                       1                ; serial number
                       604800           ; refresh
                       60               ; retry
                       604800           ; expire
                       604800 )         ; negative caching TTL
            NS      blackhole-1.iana.org.
            NS      blackhole-2.iana.org.
            TXT     "Cloudflare DNS, <DATA_CENTER_AIRPORT_CODE>"
            TXT     "See http://www.as112.net/ for more information."

$ORIGIN hostname.as112.arpa.
$TTL    604800
@       IN  SOA     ns3.cloudflare.com. dns.cloudflare.com. (
                       1                ; serial number
                       604800           ; refresh
                       60               ; retry
                       604800           ; expire
                       604800 )         ; negative caching TTL
            NS      blackhole.as112.arpa.
            TXT     "Cloudflare DNS, <DATA_CENTER_AIRPORT_CODE>"
            TXT     "See http://www.as112.net/ for more information."

Helping AS112 helps the Internet

As the AS112 project helps reduce the load on public DNS infrastructure, it plays a vital role in maintaining the stability and efficiency of the Internet. Being a part of this project aligns with Cloudflare’s mission to help build a better Internet.

Cloudflare is one of the fastest global anycast networks on the planet, and operates one of the largest, highly performant and reliable DNS services. We run authoritative DNS for millions of Internet properties globally. We also operate the privacy- and performance-focused public DNS resolver service. Given our network presence and scale of operations, we believe we can make a meaningful contribution to the AS112 project.

How we built it

We’ve publicly talked about the Cloudflare in-house built authoritative DNS server software, rrDNS, several times in the past, but haven’t talked much about the software we built to power the Cloudflare public resolver – This is an opportunity to shed some light on the technology we used to build, because this AS112 service is built on top of the same platform.

A platform for DNS workloads

Cloudflare is joining the AS112 project to help the Internet deal with misdirected DNS queries

We’ve created a platform to run DNS workloads. Today, it powers, for Families, Oblivious DNS over HTTPS (ODoH), Cloudflare WARP and Cloudflare Gateway.

The core part of the platform is a non-traditional DNS server, which has a built-in DNS recursive resolver and a forwarder to forward queries to other servers. It consists of four key modules:

  1. A highly efficient listener module that accepts connections for incoming requests.
  2. A query router module that decides how a query should be resolved.
  3. A conductor module that figures out the best way of exchanging DNS messages with upstream servers.
  4. A sandbox environment to host guest applications.

The DNS server itself doesn’t include any business logic, instead the guest applications run in the sandbox environment can implement concrete business logic such as request filtering, query processing, logging, attack mitigation, cache purging, etc.

The server is written in Rust and the sandbox environment is built on top of a WebAssembly runtime. The combination of Rust and WebAssembly allow us to implement high efficient connection handling, request filtering and query dispatching modules, while having the flexibility of implementing custom business logic in a safe and efficient manner.

The host exposes a set of APIs, called hostcalls, for the guest applications to accomplish a variety of tasks. You can think of them like syscalls on Linux. Here are few examples functions provided by the hostcalls:

  • Obtain the current UNIX timestamp
  • Lookup geolocation data of IP addresses
  • Spawn async tasks
  • Create local sockets
  • Forward DNS queries to designated servers
  • Register callback functions of the sandbox hooks
  • Read current request information, and write responses
  • Emit application logs, metric data points and tracing spans/events

The DNS request lifecycle is broken down into phases. A request phase is a point in processing at which sandboxed apps can be called to change the course of request resolution. And each guest application can register callbacks for each phase.

Cloudflare is joining the AS112 project to help the Internet deal with misdirected DNS queries

AS112 guest application

The AS112 service is built as a guest application written in Rust and compiled to WebAssembly. The zones listed in RFC 7534 and RFC 7535 are loaded as static zones in memory and indexed as a tree data structure. Incoming queries are answered locally by looking up entries in the zone tree.

A router setting in the app manifest is added to tell the host what kind of DNS queries should be processed by the guest application, and a fallback_action setting is added to declare the expected fallback behavior.

# Declare what kind of queries the app handles.
router = [
    # The app is responsible for all the AS112 IP prefixes.
    "dst in { 2001:4:112::/48 2620:4f:8000::/48 }",

# If the app fails to handle the query, servfail should be returned.
fallback_action = "fail"

The guest application, along with its manifest, is then compiled and deployed through a deployment pipeline that leverages Quicksilver to store and replicate the assets worldwide.

The guest application is now up and running, but how does the DNS query traffic destined to the new IP prefixes reach the DNS server? Do we have to restart the DNS server every time we add a new guest application? Of course there is no need. We use software we developed and deployed earlier, called Tubular. It allows us to change the addresses of a service on the fly. With the help of Tubular, incoming packets destined to the AS112 service IP prefixes are dispatched to the right DNS server process without the need to make any change or release of the DNS server itself.

Meanwhile, in order to make the misdirected DNS queries land on the Cloudflare network in the first place, we use BYOIP (Bringing Your Own IPs to Cloudflare), a Cloudflare product that can announce customer’s own IP prefixes in all our locations. The four AS112 IP prefixes are boarded onto the BYOIP system, and will be announced by it globally.


How can we ensure the service we set up does the right thing before we announce it to the public Internet? processes more than 13 billion of these misdirected queries every day, and it has logic in place to directly return NXDOMAIN for them locally, which is a recommended practice per RFC 7534.

However, we are able to use a dynamic rule to change how the misdirected queries are handled in Cloudflare testing locations. For example, a rule like following:

phase = post-cache and qtype in { PTR } and colo in { test1 test2 } and qname-suffix in { 10.in-addr.arpa 16.172.in-addr.arpa 17.172.in-addr.arpa 18.172.in-addr.arpa 19.172.in-addr.arpa 20.172.in-addr.arpa 21.172.in-addr.arpa 22.172.in-addr.arpa 23.172.in-addr.arpa 24.172.in-addr.arpa 25.172.in-addr.arpa 26.172.in-addr.arpa 27.172.in-addr.arpa 28.172.in-addr.arpa 29.172.in-addr.arpa 30.172.in-addr.arpa 31.172.in-addr.arpa 168.192.in-addr.arpa 254.169.in-addr.arpa } forward

The rule instructs that in data center test1 and test2, when the DNS query type is PTR, and the query name ends with those in the list, forward the query to server (one of the AS112 service IPs) on port 53.

Because we’ve provisioned the AS112 IP prefixes in the same node, the new AS112 service will receive the queries and respond to the resolver.

It’s worth mentioning that the above-mentioned dynamic rule that intercepts a query at the post-cache phase, and changes how the query gets processed, is executed by a guest application too, which is named override. This app loads all dynamic rules, parses the DSL texts and registers callback functions at phases declared by each rule. And when an incoming query matches the expressions, it executes the designated actions.

Public reports

We collect the following metrics to generate the public statistics that an AS112 operator is expected to share to the operator community:

  • Number of queries by query type
  • Number of queries by response code
  • Number of queries by protocol
  • Number of queries by IP versions
  • Number of queries with EDNS support
  • Number of queries with DNSSEC support
  • Number of queries by ASN/Data center

We’ll serve the public statistics page on the Cloudflare Radar website. We are still working on implementing the required backend API and frontend of the page – we’ll share the link to this page once it is available.

What’s next?

We are going to announce the AS112 prefixes starting December 15, 2022.

After the service is launched, you can run a dig command to check if you are hitting an AS112 node operated by Cloudflare, like:

$ dig @blackhole-1.iana.org TXT hostname.as112.arpa +short

"Cloudflare DNS, SFO"
"See http://www.as112.net/ for more information."

Cloudflare Pages gets even faster with Early Hints

Post Syndicated from Greg Brimble original https://blog.cloudflare.com/early-hints-on-cloudflare-pages/

Cloudflare Pages gets even faster with Early Hints

Cloudflare Pages gets even faster with Early Hints

Last year, we demonstrated what we meant by “lightning fast”, showing Pages’ first-class performance in all parts of the world, and today, we’re thrilled to announce an integration that takes this commitment to speed even further – introducing Pages support for Early Hints! Early Hints allow you to unblock the loading of page critical resources, ahead of any slow-to-deliver HTML pages. Early Hints can be used to improve the loading experience for your visitors by significantly reducing key performance metrics such as the largest contentful paint (LCP).

What is Early Hints?

Early Hints is a new feature of the Internet which is supported in Chrome since version 103, and that Cloudflare made generally available for websites using our network. Early Hints supersedes Server Push as a mechanism to “hint” to a browser about critical resources on your page (e.g. fonts, CSS, and above-the-fold images). The browser can immediately start loading these resources before waiting for a full HTML response. This uses time that was otherwise previously wasted! Before Early Hints, no work could be started until the browser received the first byte of the response. Now, the browser can fill this time usefully when it was previously sat waiting. Early Hints can bring significant improvements to the performance of your website, particularly for metrics such as LCP.

How Early Hints works

Cloudflare caches any preload and preconnect type Link headers sent from your 200 OK response, and sends them early for any subsequent requests as a 103 Early Hints response.

In practical terms, an HTTP conversation now looks like this:


Host: example.com

Early Hints Response

103 Early Hints
Link: </styles.css>; rel=preload; as=style


200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Link: </styles.css>; rel=preload; as=style

<!-- ... -->

Early Hints on Cloudflare Pages

Websites hosted on Cloudflare Pages can particularly benefit from Early Hints. If you’re using Pages Functions to generate dynamic server-side rendered (SSR) pages, there’s a good chance that Early Hints will make a significant improvement on your website.

Performance Testing

We created a simple demonstration e-commerce website in order to evaluate the performance of Early Hints.

Cloudflare Pages gets even faster with Early Hints

This landing page has the price of each item, as well as a remaining stock counter. The page itself is just hand-crafted HTML and CSS, but these pricing and inventory values are being templated in live for every request with Pages Functions. To simulate loading from an external data-source (possibly backed by KV, Durable Objects, D1, or even an external API like Shopify) we’ve added a fixed delay before this data resolves. We include preload links in our response to some critical resources:

  • an external CSS stylesheet,
  • the image of the t-shirt,
  • the image of the cap,
  • and the image of the keycap.

The very first request makes a waterfall like you might expect. The first request is held blocked for a considerable amount of time while we resolve this pricing and inventory data. Once loaded, the browser parses the HTML, pulls out the external resources, and makes subsequent requests for their contents. The CSS and images extend the loading time considerably given their large dimensions and high quality. The largest contentful paint (LCP) occurs when the t-shirt image loads, and the document finishes once all requests are fulfilled.

Cloudflare Pages gets even faster with Early Hints

Subsequent requests are where things get interesting! These preload links are cached on Cloudflare’s global network, and are sent ahead of the document in a 103 Early Hints response. Now, the waterfall looks much different. The initial request goes out the same, but now, requests for the CSS and images slide much further left since they can be started as soon as the 103 response is delivered. The browser starts fetching those resources while waiting for the original request to finish server-side rendering. The LCP again occurs once the t-shirt image has loaded, but this time, it’s brought forward by 530ms because it started loading 752ms faster, and the document is fully loaded 562ms faster, again because the external resources could all start loading faster.

Cloudflare Pages gets even faster with Early Hints

The final four requests (highlighted in yellow) come back as 304 Not Modified responses using a If-None-Match header. By default, Cloudflare Pages requires the browser to confirm that all assets are fresh, and so, on the off chance that they were updated between the Early Hints response and when they come to being used, the browser is checking if they have changed. Since they haven’t, there’s no contentful body to download, and the response completes quickly. This can be avoided by setting a custom Cache-Control header on these assets using a _headers file. For example, you could cache these images for one minute with a rule like:

# _headers

  Cache-Control: max-age=60

We could take this performance audit further by exploring other features that Cloudflare offers, such as automatic CSS minification, Cloudflare Images, and Image Resizing.

We already serve Cloudflare Pages from one of the fastest networks in the world — Early Hints simply allows developers to take advantage of our global network even further.

Using Early Hints and Cloudflare Pages

The Early Hints feature on Cloudflare is currently restricted to caching Link headers in a webpage’s response. Typically, this would mean that Cloudflare Pages users would either need to use the _headers file, or Pages Functions to apply these headers. However, for your convenience, we’ve also added support to transform any <link> HTML elements you include in your body into Link headers. This allows you to directly control the Early Hints you send, straight from the same document where you reference these resources – no need to come out of HTML to take advantage of Early Hints.

For example, for the following HTML document, will generate an Early Hints response:

HTML Document

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="preload" as="style" href="/styles.css" />
    <!-- ... -->

Early Hints Response

103 Early Hints
Link: </styles.css>; rel=preload; as=style

As previously mentioned, Link headers can also be set with a _headers file if you prefer:

# _headers

  Link: </styles.css>; rel=preload; as=style

Early Hints (and the automatic HTML <link> parsing) has already been enabled automatically for all pages.dev domains. If you have any custom domains configured on your Pages project, make sure to enable Early Hints on that domain in the Cloudflare dashboard under the “Speed” tab. More information can be found in our documentation.

Additionally, in the future, we hope to support the Smart Early Hints features. Smart Early Hints will enable Cloudflare to automatically generate Early Hints, even when no Link header or <link> elements exist, by analyzing website traffic and inferring which resources are important for a given page. We’ll be sharing more about Smart Early Hints soon.

In the meantime, try out Early Hints on Pages today! Let us know how much of a loading improvement you see in our Discord server.

Automatic Signed Exchanges may dramatically boost your site visitor numbers

Post Syndicated from Joao Sousa Botto original https://blog.cloudflare.com/automatic-signed-exchanges-desktop-android/

Automatic Signed Exchanges may dramatically boost your site visitor numbers

Automatic Signed Exchanges may dramatically boost your site visitor numbers

It’s been about nine months since Cloudflare announced support for Signed Exchanges (SXG), a web platform specification to deterministically verify the cached version of a website and enable third parties such as search engines and news aggregators to serve it much faster than the origin ever could.

Giving Internet users fast load times, even on slow connections in remote parts of the globe, is to help build a better Internet (our mission!) and we couldn’t be more excited about the potential of SXG.
Signed Exchanges drive quite impressive benefits in terms of performance improvements. Google’s experiments have shown an average 300ms to 400ms reduction in Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) from SXG-enabled prefetches.  And speeding up your website usually results in a significant bounce rate reduction and improved SEO.

faster websites= better SEO and lower bounce rates

And if setting up and maintaining SXGs through the open source toolkit is a complex yet very valuable endeavor, with Cloudflare’s Automatic Signed Exchanges it becomes a no-brainer. Just enable it with one click and see for yourself.

Automatic Signed Exchanges may dramatically boost your site visitor numbers

Our own measurements

Now that Signed Exchanges have been available on Chromium for Android for several months we dove into the change in performance our customers have experienced in the real world.

We picked the 500 most visited sites that have Automatic Signed Exchanges enabled and saw that 425 of them (85%) saw an improvement in LCP, which is widely considered as the Core Web Vital with the most impact on SEO and where SXG should make the biggest difference.

Out of those same 500 Cloudflare sites 389 (78%) saw an improvement in First Contentful Paint (FCP) and a whopping 489 (98%) saw an improvement in Time to First Byte (TTFB). The TTFB improvement measured here is an interesting case since if the exchange has already been prefetched, when the user clicks on the link the resource is already in the client browser cache and the TTFB measurement becomes close to zero.

Overall, the median customer saw an improvement of over 20% across these metrics. Some customers saw improvements of up to 80%.

There were also a few customers that did not see an improvement, or saw a slight degradation of their metrics.

One of the main reasons for this is that SXG wasn’t compatible with server-side personalization (e.g., serving different HTML for logged-in users) until today. To solve that, today Google added ‘Dynamic SXG’, that selectively enables SXG for visits from cookieless users only (more details on the Google blog post here). Dynamic SXG are supported today – all you need to do is add a `Vary: Cookie’ annotation to the HTTP header of pages that contain server-side personalization.

Note: Signed Exchanges are compatible with client-side personalization (lazy-loading).

To see what the Core Web Vitals look like for your own users across the world we recommend a RUM solution such as our free and privacy-first Web Analytics.

Now available for Desktop and Android

Starting today, Signed Exchanges is also supported by Chromium-based desktop browsers, including Chrome, Edge and Opera.

If you enabled Automatic Signed Exchanges on your Cloudflare dashboard, no further action is needed – the supported desktop browsers will automatically start being served the SXG version of your site’s content. Google estimates that this release will, on average, double SXG’s coverage of your site’s visits, enabling improved loading and performance for more users.

And if you haven’t yet enabled it but are curious about the impact SXG will have on your site, Automatic Signed Exchanges is available through the Speed > Optimization link on your Cloudflare dashboard (more details here).

Automatic Signed Exchanges may dramatically boost your site visitor numbers

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Post Syndicated from Lucas Pardue original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-view-http3-usage/

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Today, a cluster of Internet standards were published that rationalize and modernize the definition of HTTP – the application protocol that underpins the web. This work includes updates to, and refactoring of, HTTP semantics, HTTP caching, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and the brand-new HTTP/3. Developing these specifications has been no mean feat and today marks the culmination of efforts far and wide, in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and beyond. We thought it would be interesting to celebrate the occasion by sharing some analysis of Cloudflare’s view of HTTP traffic over the last 12 months.

However, before we get into the traffic data, for quick reference, here are the new RFCs that you should make a note of and start using:

  • HTTP Semantics – RFC 9110
    • HTTP’s overall architecture, common terminology and shared protocol aspects such as request and response messages, methods, status codes, header and trailer fields, message content, representation data, content codings and much more. Obsoletes RFCs 2818, 7231, 7232, 7233, 7235, 7538, 7615, 7694, and portions of 7230.
  • HTTP Caching – RFC 9111
    • HTTP caches and related header fields to control the behavior of response caching. Obsoletes RFC 7234.
  • HTTP/1.1 – RFC 9112
    • A syntax, aka "wire format", of HTTP that uses a text-based format. Typically used over TCP and TLS. Obsolete portions of RFC 7230.
  • HTTP/2 – RFC 9113
    • A syntax of HTTP that uses a binary framing format, which provides streams to support concurrent requests and responses. Message fields can be compressed using HPACK. Typically used over TCP and TLS. Obsoletes RFCs 7540 and 8740.
  • HTTP/3 – RFC 9114
    • A syntax of HTTP that uses a binary framing format optimized for the QUIC transport protocol. Message fields can be compressed using QPACK.
  • QPACK – RFC 9204
    • A variation of HPACK field compression that is optimized for the QUIC transport protocol.

On May 28, 2021, we enabled QUIC version 1 and HTTP/3 for all Cloudflare customers, using the final “h3” identifier that matches RFC 9114. So although today’s publication is an occasion to celebrate, for us nothing much has changed, and it’s business as usual.

Support for HTTP/3 in the stable release channels of major browsers came in November 2020 for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge and April 2021 for Mozilla Firefox. In Apple Safari, HTTP/3 support currently needs to be enabled in the “Experimental Features” developer menu in production releases.

A browser and web server typically automatically negotiate the highest HTTP version available. Thus, HTTP/3 takes precedence over HTTP/2. We looked back over the last year to understand HTTP/3 usage trends across the Cloudflare network, as well as analyzing HTTP versions used by traffic from leading browser families (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari), major search engine indexing bots, and bots associated with some popular social media platforms. The graphs below are based on aggregate HTTP(S) traffic seen globally by the Cloudflare network, and include requests for website and application content across the Cloudflare customer base between May 7, 2021, and May 7, 2022. We used Cloudflare bot scores to restrict analysis to “likely human” traffic for the browsers, and to “likely automated” and “automated” for the search and social bots.

Traffic by HTTP version

Overall, HTTP/2 still comprises the majority of the request traffic for Cloudflare customer content, as clearly seen in the graph below. After remaining fairly consistent through 2021, HTTP/2 request volume increased by approximately 20% heading into 2022. HTTP/1.1 request traffic remained fairly flat over the year, aside from a slight drop in early December. And while HTTP/3 traffic initially trailed HTTP/1.1, it surpassed it in early July, growing steadily and  roughly doubling in twelve months.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

HTTP/3 traffic by browser

Digging into just HTTP/3 traffic, the graph below shows the trend in daily aggregate request volume over the last year for HTTP/3 requests made by the surveyed browser families. Google Chrome (orange line) is far and away the leading browser, with request volume far outpacing the others.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Below, we remove Chrome from the graph to allow us to more clearly see the trending across other browsers. Likely because it is also based on the Chromium engine, the trend for Microsoft Edge closely mirrors Chrome. As noted above, Mozilla Firefox first enabled production support in version 88 in April 2021, making it available by default by the end of May. The increased adoption of that updated version during the following month is clear in the graph as well, as HTTP/3 request volume from Firefox grew rapidly. HTTP/3 traffic from Apple Safari increased gradually through April, suggesting growth in the number of users enabling the experimental feature or running a Technology Preview version of the browser. However, Safari’s HTTP/3 traffic has subsequently dropped over the last couple of months. We are not aware of any specific reasons for this decline, but our most recent observations indicate HTTP/3 traffic is recovering.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Looking at the lines in the graph for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, a weekly cycle is clearly visible in the graph, suggesting greater usage of these browsers during the work week. This same pattern is absent from Safari usage.

Across the surveyed browsers, Chrome ultimately accounts for approximately 80% of the HTTP/3 requests seen by Cloudflare, as illustrated in the graphs below. Edge is responsible for around another 10%, with Firefox just under 10%, and Safari responsible for the balance.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends
HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

We also wanted to look at how the mix of HTTP versions has changed over the last year across each of the leading browsers. Although the percentages vary between browsers, it is interesting to note that the trends are very similar across Chrome, Firefox and Edge. (After Firefox turned on default HTTP/3 support in May 2021, of course.)  These trends are largely customer-driven – that is, they are likely due to changes in Cloudflare customer configurations.

Most notably we see an increase in HTTP/3 during the last week of September, and a decrease in HTTP/1.1 at the beginning of December. For Safari, the HTTP/1.1 drop in December is also visible, but the HTTP/3 increase in September is not. We expect that over time, once Safari supports HTTP/3 by default that its trends will become more similar to those seen for the other browsers.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends
HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends
HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends
HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Traffic by search indexing bot

Back in 2014, Google announced that it would start to consider HTTPS usage as a ranking signal as it indexed websites. However, it does not appear that Google, or any of the other major search engines, currently consider support for the latest versions of HTTP as a ranking signal. (At least not directly – the performance improvements associated with newer versions of HTTP could theoretically influence rankings.) Given that, we wanted to understand which versions of HTTP the indexing bots themselves were using.

Despite leading the charge around the development of QUIC, and integrating HTTP/3 support into the Chrome browser early on, it appears that on the indexing/crawling side, Google still has quite a long way to go. The graph below shows that requests from GoogleBot are still predominantly being made over HTTP/1.1, although use of HTTP/2 has grown over the last six months, gradually approaching HTTP/1.1 request volume. (A blog post from Google provides some potential insights into this shift.) Unfortunately, the volume of requests from GoogleBot over HTTP/3 has remained extremely limited over the last year.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Microsoft’s BingBot also fails to use HTTP/3 when indexing sites, with near-zero request volume. However, in contrast to GoogleBot, BingBot prefers to use HTTP/2, with a wide margin developing in mid-May 2021 and remaining consistent across the rest of the past year.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Traffic by social media bot

Major social media platforms use custom bots to retrieve metadata for shared content, improve language models for speech recognition technology, or otherwise index website content. We also surveyed the HTTP version preferences of the bots deployed by three of the leading social media platforms.

Although Facebook supports HTTP/3 on their main website (and presumably their mobile applications as well), their back-end FacebookBot crawler does not appear to support it. Over the last year, on the order of 60% of the requests from FacebookBot have been over HTTP/1.1, with the balance over HTTP/2. Heading into 2022, it appeared that HTTP/1.1 preference was trending lower, with request volume over the 25-year-old protocol dropping from near 80% to just under 50% during the fourth quarter. However, that trend was abruptly reversed, with HTTP/1.1 growing back to over 70% in early February. The reason for the reversal is unclear.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

Similar to FacebookBot, it appears TwitterBot’s use of HTTP/3 is, unfortunately, pretty much non-existent. However, TwitterBot clearly has a strong and consistent preference for HTTP/2, accounting for 75-80% of its requests, with the balance over HTTP/1.1.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends

In contrast, LinkedInBot has, over the last year, been firmly committed to making requests over HTTP/1.1, aside from the apparently brief anomalous usage of HTTP/2 last June. However, in mid-March, it appeared to tentatively start exploring the use of other HTTP versions, with around 5% of requests now being made over HTTP/2, and around 1% over HTTP/3, as seen in the upper right corner of the graph below.

HTTP RFCs have evolved: A Cloudflare view of HTTP usage trends


We’re happy that HTTP/3 has, at long last, been published as RFC 9114. More than that, we’re super pleased to see that regardless of the wait, browsers have steadily been enabling support for the protocol by default. This allows end users to seamlessly gain the advantages of HTTP/3 whenever it is available. On Cloudflare’s global network, we’ve seen continued growth in the share of traffic speaking HTTP/3, demonstrating continued interest from customers in enabling it for their sites and services. In contrast, we are disappointed to see bots from the major search and social platforms continuing to rely on aging versions of HTTP. We’d like to build a better understanding of how these platforms chose particular HTTP versions and welcome collaboration in exploring the advantages that HTTP/3, in particular, could provide.

Current statistics on HTTP/3 and QUIC adoption at a country and autonomous system (ASN) level can be found on Cloudflare Radar.

Running HTTP/3 and QUIC on the edge for everyone has allowed us to monitor a wide range of aspects related to interoperability and performance across the Internet. Stay tuned for future blog posts that explore some of the technical developments we’ve been making.

And this certainly isn’t the end of protocol innovation, as HTTP/3 and QUIC provide many exciting new opportunities. The IETF and wider community are already underway building new capabilities on top, such as MASQUE and WebTransport. Meanwhile, in the last year, the QUIC Working Group has adopted new work such as QUIC version 2, and the Multipath Extension to QUIC.

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

Post Syndicated from Lukasz Mierzwa original https://blog.cloudflare.com/monitoring-our-monitoring/

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules


Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

We use Prometheus as our core monitoring system. We’ve been heavy Prometheus users since 2017 when we migrated off our previous monitoring system which used a customized Nagios setup. Despite growing our infrastructure a lot, adding tons of new products and learning some hard lessons about operating Prometheus at scale, our original architecture of Prometheus (see Monitoring Cloudflare’s Planet-Scale Edge Network with Prometheus for an in depth walk through) remains virtually unchanged, proving that Prometheus is a solid foundation for building observability into your services.

One of the key responsibilities of Prometheus is to alert us when something goes wrong and in this blog post we’ll talk about how we make those alerts more reliable – and we’ll introduce an open source tool we’ve developed to help us with that, and share how you can use it too. If you’re not familiar with Prometheus you might want to start by watching this video to better understand the topic we’ll be covering here.

Prometheus works by collecting metrics from our services and storing those metrics inside its database, called TSDB. We can then query these metrics using Prometheus query language called PromQL using ad-hoc queries (for example to power Grafana dashboards) or via alerting or recording rules. A rule is basically a query that Prometheus will run for us in a loop, and when that query returns any results it will either be recorded as new metrics (with recording rules) or trigger alerts (with alerting rules).

Prometheus alerts

Since we’re talking about improving our alerting we’ll be focusing on alerting rules.

To create alerts we first need to have some metrics collected. For the purposes of this blog post let’s assume we’re working with http_requests_total metric, which is used on the examples page. Here are some examples of how our metrics will look:

http_requests_total{job="myserver", handler="/", method=”get”, status=”200”}
http_requests_total{job="myserver", handler="/", method=”get”, status=”500”}
http_requests_total{job="myserver", handler="/posts", method=”get”, status=”200”}
http_requests_total{job="myserver", handler="/posts", method=”get”, status=”500”}
http_requests_total{job="myserver", handler="/posts/new", method=”post”, status=”201”}
http_requests_total{job="myserver", handler="/posts/new", method=”post”, status=”401”}

Let’s say we want to alert if our HTTP server is returning errors to customers.

Since, all we need to do is check our metric that tracks how many responses with HTTP status code 500 there were, a simple alerting rule could like this:

- alert: Serving HTTP 500 errors
  expr: http_requests_total{status=”500”} > 0

This will alert us if we have any 500 errors served to our customers. Prometheus will run our query looking for a time series named http_requests_total that also has a status label with value “500”. Then it will filter all those matched time series and only return ones with value greater than zero.

If our alert rule returns any results a fire will be triggered, one for each returned result.

If our rule doesn’t return anything, meaning there are no matched time series, then alert will not trigger.

The whole flow from metric to alert is pretty simple here as we can see on the diagram below.

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

If we want to provide more information in the alert we can by setting additional labels and annotations, but alert and expr fields are all we need to get a working rule.

But the problem with the above rule is that our alert starts when we have our first error, and then it will never go away.

After all, our http_requests_total is a counter, so it gets incremented every time there’s a new request, which means that it will keep growing as we receive more requests. What this means for us is that our alert is really telling us “was there ever a 500 error?” and even if we fix the problem causing 500 errors we’ll keep getting this alert.

A better alert would be one that tells us if we’re serving errors right now.

For that we can use the rate() function to calculate the per second rate of errors.

Our modified alert would be:

- alert: Serving HTTP 500 errors
  expr: rate(http_requests_total{status=”500”}[2m]) > 0

The query above will calculate the rate of 500 errors in the last two minutes. If we start responding with errors to customers our alert will fire, but once errors stop so will this alert.

This is great because if the underlying issue is resolved the alert will resolve too.

We can improve our alert further by, for example, alerting on the percentage of errors, rather than absolute numbers, or even calculate error budget, but let’s stop here for now.

It’s all very simple, so what do we mean when we talk about improving the reliability of alerting? What could go wrong here?

Maybe a spot for a subheading here as you move on from the intro?

What could go wrong?

We can craft a valid YAML file with a rule definition that has a perfectly valid query that will simply not work how we expect it to work. Which, when it comes to alerting rules, might mean that the alert we rely upon to tell us when something is not working correctly will fail to alert us when it should. To better understand why that might happen let’s first explain how querying works in Prometheus.

Prometheus querying basics

There are two basic types of queries we can run against Prometheus. The first one is an instant query. It allows us to ask Prometheus for a point in time value of some time series. If we write our query as http_requests_total we’ll get all time series named http_requests_total along with the most recent value for each of them. We can further customize the query and filter results by adding label matchers, like http_requests_total{status=”500”}.

Let’s consider we have two instances of our server, green and red, each one is scraped (Prometheus collects metrics from it) every one minute (independently of each other).

This is what happens when we issue an instant query:

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

There’s obviously more to it as we can use functions and build complex queries that utilize multiple metrics in one expression. But for the purposes of this blog post we’ll stop here.

The important thing to know about instant queries is that they return the most recent value of a matched time series, and they will look back for up to five minutes (by default) into the past to find it. If the last value is older than five minutes then it’s considered stale and Prometheus won’t return it anymore.

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

The second type of query is a range query – it works similarly to instant queries, the difference is that instead of returning us the most recent value it gives us a list of values from the selected time range. That time range is always relative so instead of providing two timestamps we provide a range, like “20 minutes”. When we ask for a range query with a 20 minutes range it will return us all values collected for matching time series from 20 minutes ago until now.

An important distinction between those two types of queries is that range queries don’t have the same “look back for up to five minutes” behavior as instant queries. If Prometheus cannot find any values collected in the provided time range then it doesn’t return anything.

If we modify our example to request [3m] range query we should expect Prometheus to return three data points for each time series:

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

When queries don’t return anything

Knowing a bit more about how queries work in Prometheus we can go back to our alerting rules and spot a potential problem: queries that don’t return anything.

If our query doesn’t match any time series or if they’re considered stale then Prometheus will return an empty result. This might be because we’ve made a typo in the metric name or label filter, the metric we ask for is no longer being exported, or it was never there in the first place, or we’ve added some condition that wasn’t satisfied, like value of being non-zero in our http_requests_total{status=”500”} > 0 example.

Prometheus will not return any error in any of the scenarios above because none of them are really problems, it’s just how querying works. If you ask for something that doesn’t match your query then you get empty results. This means that there’s no distinction between “all systems are operational” and “you’ve made a typo in your query”. So if you’re not receiving any alerts from your service it’s either a sign that everything is working fine, or that you’ve made a typo, and you have no working monitoring at all, and it’s up to you to verify which one it is.

For example, we could be trying to query for http_requests_totals instead of http_requests_total (an extra “s” at the end) and although our query will look fine it won’t ever produce any alert.

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

Range queries can add another twist – they’re mostly used in Prometheus functions like rate(),  which we used in our example. This function will only work correctly if it receives a range query expression that returns at least two data points for each time series, after all it’s impossible to calculate rate from a single number.

Since the number of data points depends on the time range we passed to the range query, which we then pass to our rate() function, if we provide a time range that only contains a single value then rate won’t be able to calculate anything and once again we’ll return empty results.

The number of values collected in a given time range depends on the interval at which Prometheus collects all metrics, so to use rate() correctly you need to know how your Prometheus server is configured. You can read more about this here and here if you want to better understand how rate() works in Prometheus.

For example if we collect our metrics every one minute then a range query http_requests_total[1m] will be able to find only one data point. Here’s a reminder of how this looks:

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

Since, as we mentioned before, we can only calculate rate() if we have at least two data points, calling rate(http_requests_total[1m]) will never return anything and so our alerts will never work.

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

There are more potential problems we can run into when writing Prometheus queries, for example any operations between two metrics will only work if both have the same set of labels, you can read about this here. But for now we’ll stop here, listing all the gotchas could take a while. The point to remember is simple: if your alerting query doesn’t return anything then it might be that everything is ok and there’s no need to alert, but it might also be that you’ve mistyped your metrics name, your label filter cannot match anything, your metric disappeared from Prometheus, you are using too small time range for your range queries etc.

Renaming metrics can be dangerous

We’ve been running Prometheus for a few years now and during that time we’ve grown our collection of alerting rules a lot. Plus we keep adding new products or modifying existing ones, which often includes adding and removing metrics, or modifying existing metrics, which may include renaming them or changing what labels are present on these metrics.

A lot of metrics come from metrics exporters maintained by the Prometheus community, like node_exporter, which we use to gather some operating system metrics from all of our servers. Those exporters also undergo changes which might mean that some metrics are deprecated and removed, or simply renamed.

A problem we’ve run into a few times is that sometimes our alerting rules wouldn’t be updated after such a change, for example when we upgraded node_exporter across our fleet. Or the addition of a new label on some metrics would suddenly cause Prometheus to no longer return anything for some of the alerting queries we have, making such an alerting rule no longer useful.

It’s worth noting that Prometheus does have a way of unit testing rules, but since it works on mocked data it’s mostly useful to validate the logic of a query. Unit testing won’t tell us if, for example, a metric we rely on suddenly disappeared from Prometheus.

Chaining rules

When writing alerting rules we try to limit alert fatigue by ensuring that, among many things, alerts are only generated when there’s an action needed, they clearly describe the problem that needs addressing, they have a link to a runbook and a dashboard, and finally that we aggregate them as much as possible. This means that a lot of the alerts we have won’t trigger for each individual instance of a service that’s affected, but rather once per data center or even globally.

For example, we might alert if the rate of HTTP errors in a datacenter is above 1% of all requests. To do that we first need to calculate the overall rate of errors across all instances of our server. For that we would use a recording rule:

- record: job:http_requests_total:rate2m
  expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

- record: job:http_requests_status500:rate2m
  expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total{status=”500”}[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

First rule will tell Prometheus to calculate per second rate of all requests and sum it across all instances of our server. Second rule does the same but only sums time series with status labels equal to “500”. Both rules will produce new metrics named after the value of the record field.

Now we can modify our alert rule to use those new metrics we’re generating with our recording rules:

- alert: Serving HTTP 500 errors
  expr: job:http_requests_status500:rate2m / job:http_requests_total:rate2m > 0.01

If we have a data center wide problem then we will raise just one alert, rather than one per instance of our server, which can be a great quality of life improvement for our on-call engineers.

But at the same time we’ve added two new rules that we need to maintain and ensure they produce results. To make things more complicated we could have recording rules producing metrics based on other recording rules, and then we have even more rules that we need to ensure are working correctly.

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

What if all those rules in our chain are maintained by different teams? What if the rule in the middle of the chain suddenly gets renamed because that’s needed by one of the teams? Problems like that can easily crop up now and then if your environment is sufficiently complex, and when they do, they’re not always obvious, after all the only sign that something stopped working is, well, silence – your alerts no longer trigger. If you’re lucky you’re plotting your metrics on a dashboard somewhere and hopefully someone will notice if they become empty, but it’s risky to rely on this.

We definitely felt that we needed something better than hope.

Introducing pint: a Prometheus rule linter

To avoid running into such problems in the future we’ve decided to write a tool that would help us do a better job of testing our alerting rules against live Prometheus servers, so we can spot missing metrics or typos easier. We also wanted to allow new engineers, who might not necessarily have all the in-depth knowledge of how Prometheus works, to be able to write rules with confidence without having to get feedback from more experienced team members.

Since we believe that such a tool will have value for the entire Prometheus community we’ve open-sourced it, and it’s available for anyone to use – say hello to pint!

You can find sources on github, there’s also online documentation that should help you get started.

Pint works in 3 different ways:

  • You can run it against a file(s) with Prometheus rules
  • It can run as a part of your CI pipeline
  • Or you can deploy it as a side-car to all your Prometheus servers

It doesn’t require any configuration to run, but in most cases it will provide the most value if you create a configuration file for it and define some Prometheus servers it should use to validate all rules against. Running without any configured Prometheus servers will limit it to static analysis of all the rules, which can identify a range of problems, but won’t tell you if your rules are trying to query non-existent metrics.

First mode is where pint reads a file (or a directory containing multiple files), parses it, does all the basic syntax checks and then runs a series of checks for all Prometheus rules in those files.

Second mode is optimized for validating git based pull requests. Instead of testing all rules from all files pint will only test rules that were modified and report only problems affecting modified lines.

Third mode is where pint runs as a daemon and tests all rules on a regular basis. If it detects any problem it will expose those problems as metrics. You can then collect those metrics using Prometheus and alert on them as you would for any other problems. This way you can basically use Prometheus to monitor itself.

What kind of checks can it run for us and what kind of problems can it detect?

All the checks are documented here, along with some tips on how to deal with any detected problems. Let’s cover the most important ones briefly.

As mentioned above the main motivation was to catch rules that try to query metrics that are missing or when the query was simply mistyped. To do that pint will run each query from every alerting and recording rule to see if it returns any result, if it doesn’t then it will break down this query to identify all individual metrics and check for the existence of each of them. If any of them is missing or if the query tries to filter using labels that aren’t present on any time series for a given metric then it will report that back to us.

So if someone tries to add a new alerting rule with http_requests_totals typo in it, pint will detect that when running CI checks on the pull request and stop it from being merged. Which takes care of validating rules as they are being added to our configuration management system.

Monitoring our monitoring: how we validate our Prometheus alert rules

Another useful check will try to estimate the number of times a given alerting rule would trigger an alert. Which is useful when raising a pull request that’s adding new alerting rules – nobody wants to be flooded with alerts from a rule that’s too sensitive so having this information on a pull request allows us to spot rules that could lead to alert fatigue.

Similarly, another check will provide information on how many new time series a recording rule adds to Prometheus. In our setup a single unique time series uses, on average, 4KiB of memory. So if a recording rule generates 10 thousand new time series it will increase Prometheus server memory usage by 10000*4KiB=40MiB. 40 megabytes might not sound like but our peak time series usage in the last year was around 30 million time series in a single Prometheus server, so we pay attention to anything that’s might add a substantial amount of new time series, which pint helps us to notice before such rule gets added to Prometheus.

On top of all the Prometheus query checks, pint allows us also to ensure that all the alerting rules comply with some policies we’ve set for ourselves. For example, we require everyone to write a runbook for their alerts and link to it in the alerting rule using annotations.

We also require all alerts to have priority labels, so that high priority alerts are generating pages for responsible teams, while low priority ones are only routed to karma dashboard or create tickets using jiralert. It’s easy to forget about one of these required fields and that’s not something which can be enforced using unit testing, but pint allows us to do that with a few configuration lines.

With pint running on all stages of our Prometheus rule life cycle, from initial pull request to monitoring rules deployed in our many data centers, we can rely on our Prometheus alerting rules to always work and notify us of any incident, large or small.

GitHub: https://github.com/cloudflare/pint

Putting it all together

Let’s see how we can use pint to validate our rules as we work on them.

We can begin by creating a file called “rules.yml” and adding both recording rules there.

The goal is to write new rules that we want to add to Prometheus, but before we actually add those, we want pint to validate it all for us.

- name: Demo recording rules
  - record: job:http_requests_total:rate2m
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

  - record: job:http_requests_status500:rate2m
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total{status="500"}[2m]) without(method, status, instance)

Next we’ll download the latest version of pint from GitHub and run check our rules.

$ pint lint rules.yml 
level=info msg="File parsed" path=rules.yml rules=2
rules.yml:8: syntax error: unclosed left parenthesis (promql/syntax)
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total{status="500"}[2m]) without(method, status, instance)

level=info msg="Problems found" Fatal=1
level=fatal msg="Execution completed with error(s)" error="problems found"

Whoops, we have “sum(rate(…)” and so we’re missing one of the closing brackets. Let’s fix that and try again.

- name: Demo recording rules
  - record: job:http_requests_total:rate2m
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

  - record: job:http_requests_status500:rate2m
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total{status="500"}[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

$ pint lint rules.yml 
level=info msg="File parsed" path=rules.yml rules=2

Our rule now passes the most basic checks, so we know it’s valid. But to know if it works with a real Prometheus server we need to tell pint how to talk to Prometheus. For that we’ll need a config file that defines a Prometheus server we test our rule against, it should be the same server we’re planning to deploy our rule to. Here we’ll be using a test instance running on localhost. Let’s create a “pint.hcl” file and define our Prometheus server there:

prometheus "prom1" {
  uri     = "http://localhost:9090"
  timeout = "1m"

Now we can re-run our check using this configuration file:

$ pint -c pint.hcl lint rules.yml 
level=info msg="Loading configuration file" path=pint.hcl
level=info msg="File parsed" path=rules.yml rules=2
rules.yml:5: prometheus "prom1" at http://localhost:9090 didn't have any series for "http_requests_total" metric in the last 1w (promql/series)
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

rules.yml:8: prometheus "prom1" at http://localhost:9090 didn't have any series for "http_requests_total" metric in the last 1w (promql/series)
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total{status="500"}[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

level=info msg="Problems found" Bug=2
level=fatal msg="Execution completed with error(s)" error="problems found"

Yikes! It’s a test Prometheus instance, and we forgot to collect any metrics from it.

Let’s fix that by starting our server locally on port 8080 and configuring Prometheus to collect metrics from it:

  - job_name: webserver
      - targets: ['localhost:8080’]

Let’ re-run our checks once more:

$ pint -c pint.hcl lint rules.yml 
level=info msg="Loading configuration file" path=pint.hcl
level=info msg="File parsed" path=rules.yml rules=2

This time everything works!

Now let’s add our alerting rule to our file, so it now looks like this:

- name: Demo recording rules
  - record: job:http_requests_total:rate2m
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

  - record: job:http_requests_status500:rate2m
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total{status="500"}[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

- name: Demo alerting rules
  - alert: Serving HTTP 500 errors
    expr: job:http_requests_status500:rate2m / job:http_requests_total:rate2m > 0.01

And let’s re-run pint once again:

$ pint -c pint.hcl lint rules.yml 
level=info msg="Loading configuration file" path=pint.hcl
level=info msg="File parsed" path=rules.yml rules=3
rules.yml:13: prometheus "prom1" at http://localhost:9090 didn't have any series for "job:http_requests_status500:rate2m" metric in the last 1w but found recording rule that generates it, skipping further checks (promql/series)
    expr: job:http_requests_status500:rate2m / job:http_requests_total:rate2m > 0.01

rules.yml:13: prometheus "prom1" at http://localhost:9090 didn't have any series for "job:http_requests_total:rate2m" metric in the last 1w but found recording rule that generates it, skipping further checks (promql/series)
    expr: job:http_requests_status500:rate2m / job:http_requests_total:rate2m > 0.01

level=info msg="Problems found" Information=2

It all works according to pint, and so we now can safely deploy our new rules file to Prometheus.

Notice that pint recognised that both metrics used in our alert come from recording rules, which aren’t yet added to Prometheus, so there’s no point querying Prometheus to verify if they exist there.

Now what happens if we deploy a new version of our server that renames the “status” label to something else, like “code”?

$ pint -c pint.hcl lint rules.yml 
level=info msg="Loading configuration file" path=pint.hcl
level=info msg="File parsed" path=rules.yml rules=3
rules.yml:8: prometheus "prom1" at http://localhost:9090 has "http_requests_total" metric but there are no series with "status" label in the last 1w (promql/series)
    expr: sum(rate(http_requests_total{status="500"}[2m])) without(method, status, instance)

rules.yml:13: prometheus "prom1" at http://localhost:9090 didn't have any series for "job:http_requests_status500:rate2m" metric in the last 1w but found recording rule that generates it, skipping further checks (promql/series)
    expr: job:http_requests_status500:rate2m / job:http_requests_total:rate2m > 0.01

level=info msg="Problems found" Bug=1 Information=1
level=fatal msg="Execution completed with error(s)" error="problems found"

Luckily pint will notice this and report it, so we can adopt our rule to match the new name.

But what if that happens after we deploy our rule? For that we can use the “pint watch” command that runs pint as a daemon periodically checking all rules.

Please note that validating all metrics used in a query will eventually produce some false positives. In our example metrics with status=”500” label might not be exported by our server until there’s at least one request ending in HTTP 500 error.

The promql/series check responsible for validating presence of all metrics has some documentation on how to deal with this problem. In most cases you’ll want to add a comment that instructs pint to ignore some missing metrics entirely or stop checking label values (only check if there’s “status” label present, without checking if there are time series with status=”500”).


Prometheus metrics don’t follow any strict schema, whatever services expose will be collected. At the same time a lot of problems with queries hide behind empty results, which makes noticing these problems non-trivial.

We use pint to find such problems and report them to engineers, so that our global network is always monitored correctly, and we have confidence that lack of alerts proves how reliable our infrastructure is.

Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers

Post Syndicated from Yasir Jamal original https://blog.cloudflare.com/debugging-hardware-performance-on-gen-x-servers/

Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers

Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers

In Cloudflare’s global network, every server runs the whole software stack. Therefore, it’s critical that every server performs to its maximum potential capacity. In order to provide us better flexibility from a supply chain perspective, we buy server hardware from multiple vendors with the exact same configuration. However, after the deployment of our Gen X AMD EPYC Zen 2 (Rome) servers, we noticed that servers from one vendor (which we’ll call SKU-B) were consistently performing 5-10% worse than servers from second vendor (which we’ll call SKU-A).

The graph below shows the performance discrepancy between the two SKUs in terms of percentage difference. The performance is gauged on the metric of requests per second, and this data is an average of observations captured over 24 hours.

Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers
Machines before implementing performance improvements. The average RPS for SKU-B is approximately 10% below SKU-A.

Compute performance via DGEMM

The initial debugging efforts centered around the compute performance. We ran AMD’s DGEMM high performance computing tool to determine if CPU performance was the cause. DGEMM is designed to measure the sustained floating-point computation rate of a single server. Specifically, the code measures the floating point rate of execution of a real matrix–matrix multiplication with double precision. We ran a modified version of DGEMM equipped with specific AMD libraries to support the EPYC processor instruction set.

The DGEMM test brought out a few points related to the processor’s Thermal Design Power (TDP). TDP refers to the maximum power that a processor can draw for a thermally significant period while running a software application. The underperforming servers were only drawing 215 to 220 watts of power when fully stressed, whereas the max supported TDP on the processors is 240 watts. Additionally, their floating-point computation rate was ~100 gigaflops (GFLOPS) behind the better performing servers.

Screenshot from the DGEMM run of a good system:

Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers

Screenshot from an underperforming system:

Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers

To debug the issue, we first tried disabling idle power saving mode (also known as C-states) in the CPU BIOS configuration. The servers reported expected GFLOPS numbers and achieved max TDP. Believing that this could have been the root cause, the servers were moved back into the production test environment for data collection.

However, the performance delta was still there.

Further debugging

We started the debugging process all over again by comparing the BIOS settings logs of both SKU-A and SKU-B. Once this debugging option was exhausted, the focus shifted to the network interface. We ran the open source network interface tool iPerf to check if there were any bottlenecks — no issues were observed either.

During this activity, we noticed that the BIOS of both SKUs were not using the AMD Preferred I/O functionality, which allows devices on a single PCIe bus to obtain improved DMA write performance. We enabled the Preferred I/O option on SKU-B and tested the change in production. Unfortunately, there were no performance gains. After the focus on network activity, the team started looking into memory configuration and operating speed.

AMD HSMP tool & Infinity Fabric diagnosis

The Gen X systems are configured with DDR4 memory modules that can support a maximum of 2933 megatransfers per second (MT/s). With the BIOS configuration for memory clock Frequency set to Auto, the 2933 MT/s automatically configures the memory clock frequency to 1467 MHz. Double Data Rate (DDR) technology allows for the memory signal to be sampled twice per clock cycle: once on the rising edge and once on the falling edge of the clock signal. Because of this, the reported memory speed rate is twice the true memory clock frequency. Memory bandwidth was validated to be working quite well by running a Stream benchmark test.

Running out of debugging options, we reached out to AMD for assistance and were provided a debug tool called HSMP that lets users access the Host System Management Port. This tool provides a wide variety of processor management options, such as reading and changing processor TDP limits, reading processor and memory temperatures, and reading memory and processor clock frequencies. When we ran the HSMP tool, we discovered that the memory was being clocked at a different rate from AMD’s Infinity Fabric system — the architecture which connects the memory to the processor core. As shown below, the memory clock frequency was set to 1467 MHz while the Infinity Fabric clock frequency was set to 1333 MHz.

Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers

Ideally, the two clock frequencies need to be equal for optimized workloads sensitive to latency and throughput. Below is a snapshot for an SKU-A server where both memory and Infinity Fabric frequencies are equal.

Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers

Improved Performance

Since the Infinity Fabric clock setting was not exposed as a tunable parameter in the BIOS, we asked the vendor to provide a new BIOS that set the frequency to 1467 MHz during compile time. Once we deployed the new BIOS on the underperforming systems in production, we saw that all servers started performing to their expected levels. Below is a snapshot of the same set of systems with data captured and averaged over a 24 hours window on the same day of the week as the previous dataset. Now, the requests per second performance of SKU-B equals and in some cases exceeds the performance of SKU-A!

Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers
Internet Requests Per Second (RPS) for four SKU-A machines and four SKU-B machines after implementing the BIOS fix on SKU-B. The RPS of SKU-B now equals the RPS of SKU-A.

Hello, I am Yasir Jamal. I recently joined Cloudflare as a Hardware Engineer with the goal of helping provide a better Internet to everyone. If you share the same interest, come join us!

Part 1: Rethinking Cache Purge, Fast and Scalable Global Cache Invalidation

Post Syndicated from Alex Krivit original https://blog.cloudflare.com/part1-coreless-purge/

Part 1: Rethinking Cache Purge, Fast and Scalable Global Cache Invalidation

Part 1: Rethinking Cache Purge, Fast and Scalable Global Cache Invalidation

There is a famous quote attributed to a Netscape engineer: “There are only two difficult problems in computer science: cache invalidation and naming things.” While naming things does oddly take up an inordinate amount of time, cache invalidation shouldn’t.

In the past we’ve written about Cloudflare’s incredibly fast response times, whether content is cached on our global network or not. If content is cached, it can be served from a Cloudflare cache server, which are distributed across the globe and are generally a lot closer in physical proximity to the visitor. This saves the visitor’s request from needing to go all the way back to an origin server for a response. But what happens when a webmaster updates something on their origin and would like these caches to be updated as well? This is where cache “purging” (also known as “invalidation”) comes in.

Customers thinking about setting up a CDN and caching infrastructure consider questions like:

  • How do different caching invalidation/purge mechanisms compare?
  • How many times a day/hour/minute do I expect to purge content?
  • How quickly can the cache be purged when needed?

This blog will discuss why invalidating cached assets is hard, what Cloudflare has done to make it easy (because we care about your experience as a developer), and the engineering work we’re putting in this year to make the performance and scalability of our purge services the best in the industry.

What makes purging difficult also makes it useful

(i) Scale
The first thing that complicates cache invalidation is doing it at scale. With data centers in over 270 cities around the globe, our most popular users’ assets can be replicated at every corner of our network. This also means that a purge request needs to be distributed to all data centers where that content is cached. When a data center receives a purge request, it needs to locate the cached content to ensure that subsequent visitor requests for that content are not served stale/outdated data. Requests for the purged content should be forwarded to the origin for a fresh copy, which is then re-cached on its way back to the user.

This process repeats for every data center in Cloudflare’s fleet. And due to Cloudflare’s massive network, maintaining this consistency when certain data centers may be unreachable or go offline, is what makes purging at scale difficult.

Making sure that every data center gets the purge command and remains up-to-date with its content logs is only part of the problem. Getting the purge request to data centers quickly so that content is updated uniformly is the next reason why cache invalidation is hard.  

(ii) Speed
When purging an asset, race conditions abound. Requests for an asset can happen at any time, and may not follow a pattern of predictability. Content can also change unpredictably. Therefore, when content changes and a purge request is sent, it must be distributed across the globe quickly. If purging an individual asset, say an image, takes too long, some visitors will be served the new version, while others are served outdated content. This data inconsistency degrades user experience, and can lead to confusion as to which version is the “right” version. Websites can sometimes even break in their entirety due to this purge latency (e.g. by upgrading versions of a non-backwards compatible JavaScript library).

Purging at speed is also difficult when combined with Cloudflare’s massive global footprint. For example, if a purge request is traveling at the speed of light between Tokyo and Cape Town (both cities where Cloudflare has data centers), just the transit alone (no authorization of the purge request or execution) would take over 180ms on average based on submarine cable placement. Purging a smaller network footprint may reduce these speed concerns while making purge times appear faster, but does so at the expense of worse performance for customers who want to make sure that their cached content is fast for everyone.

(iii) Scope
The final thing that makes purge difficult is making sure that only the unneeded web assets are invalidated. Maintaining a cache is important for egress cost savings and response speed. Webmasters’ origins could be knocked over by a thundering herd of requests, if they choose to purge all content needlessly. It’s a delicate balance of purging just enough: too much can result in both monetary and downtime costs, and too little will result in visitors receiving outdated content.

At Cloudflare, what to invalidate in a data center is often dictated by the type of purge. Purge everything, as you could probably guess, purges all cached content associated with a website. Purge by prefix purges content based on a URL prefix. Purge by hostname can invalidate content based on a hostname. Purge by URL or single file purge focuses on purging specified URLs. Finally, Purge by tag purges assets that are marked with Cache-Tag headers. These markers offer webmasters flexibility in grouping assets together. When a purge request for a tag comes into a data center, all assets marked with that tag will be invalidated.

With that overview in mind, the remainder of this blog will focus on putting each element of invalidation together to benchmark the performance of Cloudflare’s purge pipeline and provide context for what performance means in the real-world. We’ll be reviewing how fast Cloudflare can invalidate cached content across the world. This will provide a baseline analysis for how quick our purge systems are presently, which we will use to show how much we will improve by the time we launch our new purge system later this year.

How does purge work currently?

Part 1: Rethinking Cache Purge, Fast and Scalable Global Cache Invalidation

In general, purge takes the following route through Cloudflare’s data centers.

  • A purge request is initiated via the API or UI. This request specifies how our data centers should identify the assets to be purged. This can be accomplished via cache-tag header(s), URL(s), entire hostnames, and much more.
  • The request is received by any Cloudflare data center and is identified to be a purge request. It is then routed to a Cloudflare core data center (a set of a few data centers responsible for network management activities).
  • When a core data center receives it, the request is processed by a number of internal services that (for example) make sure the request is being sent from an account with the appropriate authorization to purge the asset. Following this, the request gets fanned out globally to all Cloudflare data centers using our distribution service.
  • When received by a data center, the purge request is processed and all assets with the matching identification criteria are either located and removed, or marked as stale. These stale assets are not served in response to requests and are instead re-pulled from the origin.
  • After being pulled from the origin, the response is written to cache again, replacing the purged version.

Now let’s look at this process in practice. Below we describe Cloudflare’s purge benchmarking that uses real-world performance data from our purge pipeline.

Benchmarking purge performance design

In order to understand how performant Cloudflare’s purge system is, we measured the time it took from sending the purge request to the moment that the purge is complete and the asset is no longer served from cache.  

In general, the process of measuring purge speeds involves: (i) ensuring that a particular piece of content is cached, (ii) sending the command to invalidate the cache, (iii) simultaneously checking our internal system logs for how the purge request is routed through our infrastructure, and (iv) measuring when the asset is removed from cache (first miss).

This process measures how quickly cache is invalidated from the perspective of an average user.

  • Clock starts
    As noted above, in this experiment we’re using sampled RUM data from our purge systems. The goal of this experiment is to benchmark current data for how long it can take to purge an asset on Cloudflare across different regions. Once the asset was cached in a region on Cloudflare, we identify when a purge request is received for that asset. At that same instant, the clock started for this experiment. We include in this time any retrys that we needed to make (due to data centers missing the initial purge request) to ensure that the purge was done consistently across our network. The clock continues as the request transits our purge pipeline  (data center > core > fanout > purge from all data centers).  
  • Clock stops
    What caused the clock to stop was the purged asset being removed from cache, meaning that the data center is no longer serving the asset from cache to visitor’s requests. Our internal logging measures the precise moment that the cache content has been removed or expired and from that data we were able to determine the following benchmarks for our purge types in various regions.  


We’ve divided our benchmarks in two ways: by purge type and by region.

We singled out Purge by URL because it identifies a single target asset to be purged. While that asset can be stored in multiple locations, the amount of data to be purged is strictly defined.

We’ve combined all other types of purge (everything, tag, prefix, hostname) together because the amount of data to be removed is highly variable. Purging a whole website or by assets identified with cache tags could mean we need to find and remove a multitude of content from many different data centers in our network.

Secondly, we have segmented our benchmark measurements by regions and specifically we confined the benchmarks to specific data center servers in the region because we were concerned about clock skews between different data centers. This is the reason why we limited the test to the same cache servers so that even if there was skew, they’d all be skewed in the same way.  

We took the latency from the representative data centers in each of the following regions and the global latency. Data centers were not evenly distributed in each region, but in total represent about 90 different cities around the world:  

  • Africa
  • Asia Pacific Region (APAC)
  • Eastern Europe (EEUR)
  • Eastern North America (ENAM)
  • Oceania
  • South America (SA)
  • Western Europe (WEUR)
  • Western North America (WNAM)

The global latency numbers represent the purge data from all Cloudflare data centers in over 270 cities globally. In the results below, global latency numbers may be larger than the regional numbers because it represents all of our data centers instead of only a regional portion so outliers and retries might have an outsized effect.

Below are the results for how quickly our current purge pipeline was able to invalidate content by purge type and region. All times are represented in seconds and divided into P50, P75, and P99 quantiles. Meaning for “P50” that 50% of the purges were at the indicated latency or faster.  

Purge By URL

P50 P75 P99
AFRICA 0.95s 1.94s 6.42s
APAC 0.91s 1.87s 6.34s
EEUR 0.84s 1.66s 6.30s
ENAM 0.85s 1.71s 6.27s
OCEANIA 0.95s 1.96s 6.40s
SA 0.91s 1.86s 6.33s
WEUR 0.84s 1.68s 6.30s
WNAM 0.87s 1.74s 6.25s
GLOBAL 1.31s 1.80s 6.35s

Purge Everything, by Tag, by Prefix, by Hostname

P50 P75 P99
AFRICA 1.42s 1.93s 4.24s
APAC 1.30s 2.00s 5.11s
EEUR 1.24s 1.77s 4.07s
ENAM 1.08s 1.62s 3.92s
OCEANIA 1.16s 1.70s 4.01s
SA 1.25s 1.79s 4.106s
WEUR 1.19s 1.73s 4.04s
WNAM 0.9995s 1.53s 3.83s
GLOBAL 1.57s 2.32s 5.97s

A general note about these benchmarks — the data represented here was taken from over 48 hours (two days) of RUM purge latency data in May 2022. If you are interested in how quickly your content can be invalidated on Cloudflare, we suggest you test our platform with your website.

Those numbers are good and much faster than most of our competitors. Even in the worst case, we see the time from when you tell us to purge an item to when it is removed globally is less than seven seconds. In most cases, it’s less than a second. That’s great for most applications, but we want to be even faster. Our goal is to get cache purge to as close as theoretically possible to the speed of light limit for a network our size, which is 200ms.

Intriguingly, LEO satellite networks may be able to provide even lower global latency than fiber optics because of the straightness of the paths between satellites that use laser links. We’ve done calculations of latency between LEO satellites that suggest that there are situations in which going to space will be the fastest path between two points on Earth. We’ll let you know if we end up using laser-space-purge.

Just as we have with network performance, we are going to relentlessly measure our cache performance as well as the cache performance of our competitors. We won’t be satisfied until we verifiably are the fastest everywhere. To do that, we’ve built a new cache purge architecture which we’re confident will make us the fastest cache purge in the industry.

Our new architecture

Through the end of 2022, we will continue this blog series incrementally showing how we will become the fastest, most-scalable purge system in the industry. We will continue to update you with how our purge system is developing  and benchmark our data along the way.

Getting there will involve rearchitecting and optimizing our purge service, which hasn’t received a systematic redesign in over a decade. We’re excited to do our development in the open, and bring you along on our journey.

So what do we plan on updating?

Introducing Coreless Purge

The first version of our cache purge system was designed on top of a set of central core services including authorization, authentication, request distribution, and filtering among other features that made it a high-reliability service. These core components had ultimately become a bottleneck in terms of scale and performance as our network continues to expand globally. While most of our purge dependencies have been containerized, the message queue used was still running on bare metals, which led to increased operational overhead when our system needed to scale.

Last summer, we built a proof of concept for a completely decentralized cache invalidation system using in-house tech – Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects. Using Durable Objects as a queuing mechanism gives us the flexibility to scale horizontally by adding more Durable Objects as needed and can reduce time to purge with quick regional fanouts of purge requests.

In the new purge system we’re ripping out the reliance on core data centers and moving all that functionality to every data center, we’re calling it coreless purge.

Part 1: Rethinking Cache Purge, Fast and Scalable Global Cache Invalidation

Here’s a general overview of how coreless purge will work:

  • A purge request will be initiated via the API or UI. This request will specify how we should identify the assets to be purged.
  • The request will be routed to the nearest Cloudflare data center where it is identified to be a purge request and be passed to a Worker that will perform several of the key functions that currently occur in the core (like authorization, filtering, etc).
  • From there, the Worker will pass the purge request to a Durable Object in the data center. The Durable Object will queue all the requests and broadcast them to every data center when they are ready to be processed.
  • When the Durable Object broadcasts the purge request to every data center, another Worker will pass the request to the service in the data center that will invalidate the content in cache (executes the purge).

We believe this re-architecture of our system built by stringing together multiple services from the Workers platform will help improve both the speed and scalability of the purge requests we will be able to handle.


We’re going to spend a lot of time building and optimizing purge because, if there’s one thing we learned here today, it’s that cache invalidation is a difficult problem but those are exactly the types of problems that get us out of bed in the morning.

If you want to help us optimize our purge pipeline, we’re hiring.

Introducing Cache Reserve: massively extending Cloudflare’s cache

Post Syndicated from Alex Krivit original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cache-reserve/

Introducing Cache Reserve: massively extending Cloudflare’s cache

Introducing Cache Reserve: massively extending Cloudflare’s cache

One hundred percent. 100%. One-zero-zero. That’s the cache ratio we’re all chasing. Having a high cache ratio means that more of a website’s content is served from a Cloudflare data center close to where a visitor is requesting the website. Serving content from Cloudflare’s cache means it loads faster for visitors, saves website operators money on egress fees from origins, and provides multiple layers of resiliency and protection to make sure that content is always available to be served.

Today, I’m delighted to announce a massive extension of the benefits of caching with Cache Reserve: a new way to persistently serve all static content from Cloudflare’s global cache. By using Cache Reserve, customers can see higher cache hit ratios and lower egress bills.

Why is getting a 100% cache ratio difficult?

Every second, Cloudflare serves tens-of-millions of requests from our cache which equates to multiple terabytes-per-second of cached data being delivered to website visitors around the world. With this massive scale, we must ensure that the most requested content is cached in the areas where it is most popular. Otherwise, visitors might wait too long for content to be delivered from farther away and our network would be running inefficiently. If cache storage in a certain region is full, our network avoids imposing these inefficiencies on our customers by evicting less-popular content from the data center and replacing it with more-requested content.

This works well for the majority of use cases, but all customers have long tail content that is rarely requested and may be evicted from cache. This can be a cause of concern for customers, as this unpopular content can be a major cost driver if it is evicted repeatedly and needs to be served from an origin. This concern can be especially significant for customers with massive content libraries. So how can we make sure to keep this less popular content in cache to shield the customer from origin egress?

Cache Reserve removes customer content from this popularity contest and ensures that even if the specific content hasn’t been requested in months, it can still be served from Cloudflare’s cache – avoiding the need to pull it from the origin and saving the customer money on egress. Cache Reserve helps get customers closer to that 100% cache ratio and helps serve all of their content from our global CDN, forever.  

Why is cache eviction needed?

Most content served from our cache starts its journey from an origin server – where content is hosted. In order to be admitted to Cloudflare’s cache the content sent from the origin must meet certain eligibility criteria that ensures it can be reused to respond to other requests for a website (content that doesn’t change based on who is visiting the site).

After content is admitted to cache, the next question to consider is how long it should remain in cache. Since cache ratios are calculated by taking the number of requests for content and identifying the portion that are answered from a cache server instead of an origin server, ensuring content remains cached in an area it is highly requested is paramount to achieving a high cache ratio.

Introducing Cache Reserve: massively extending Cloudflare’s cache

Some CDNs use a pay-to-play model that allows customers to pay more money to ensure content is cached in certain areas for some length of time. At Cloudflare, we don’t charge customers based on where or for how long something is cached. This means that we have to use signals other than a customer’s willingness to pay to make sure that the right content is cached for the right amount of time and in the right areas.

Where to cache a piece of content is pretty straightforward (where it’s being requested), how long content should remain in cache can be highly variable.

Beyond headers like cache-control or cdn-cache-control, which help determine how long a customer wants something to be served from cache, the other element that CDNs must consider is whether they need to evict content early to optimize storage of more popular assets. We do eviction based on an algorithm called “least recently used” or LRU. This means that the least-requested content can be evicted from cache first to make space for more popular content when storage space is full.

This caching strategy requires keeping track of a lot of information about when requests come in and constantly updating the cache to make sure that the hottest content is kept in cache and the least popular content is evicted. This works well and is fair for the wide-array of customers our CDN supports.

However, if a customer has a large library of content that might go through cycles of popularity and which they’d like to serve from cache regardless, then LRU might mean additional origin egress as assets that are requested sparingly over a long time frame are pulled more from the origin.    

That’s where Cache Reserve comes in. Cache Reserve is not an alternative to our popularity-based cache but a complement to it. By backstopping all cacheable content in Cache Reserve customers don’t have to worry about cache eviction or ephemerality any longer.    

Cache Reserve

Cache Reserve is a large, persistent data store that is implemented on top of R2. By pushing a single button in the dashboard, all of your website’s cacheable content will be written to Cache Reserve. In the same way that Tiered Cache builds a hierarchy of caches between your visitors and your origin, Cache Reserve serves as the ultimate upper-tier cache that will reserve storage space for your assets for as long as you want. This ensures that your content is always served from cache, shielding your origin from unneeded egress fees, and improving response performance.

How Does Cache Reserve Work?

Introducing Cache Reserve: massively extending Cloudflare’s cache

Cache Reserve sits between our edge data centers and your origin and provides guaranteed SLAs for how long your content can remain in cache.

As content is pulled from the origin, it will be written to Cache Reserve, followed by upper-tier data centers, and lower-tier data centers until it reaches the client to fulfill the request. Subsequent requests for the same content will not need to go all the way back to the origin for the response and can, instead, be served from a cache closer to the visitor. Improving both performance and costs of serving the assets. As content gets evicted from lower-tiers and upper-tiers, it will be backstopped by Cache Reserve.

Cache Reserve voids the request-based eviction that’s implemented in LRU and ensures that assets will remain in cache as long as they are needed. Cache Reserve extends the benefits of Tiered Cache by reducing the number of times Cloudflare’s network needs to ask an origin for content we should have in cache, while simultaneously limiting the number of connections and requests that our data centers need to open to your origin to ask for missing content. Using Cache Reserve with tiered cache helps collapse the number of requests that result from multiple concurrent cache misses from lower-tiers for the same content.

As an example, let’s assume a cold request for example.com, something our network has never seen before. If a client request comes into the closest lower-tier data center and it is a miss, that lower-tier is mapped to an upper-tier data center. When the lower-tier asks the upper-tier for the content and it is also a miss, the upper-tier will ask Cache Reserve for the content. Now, being the ultimate upper-tier, it will be the only data center that can ask the origin for content if it is not stored on our network. This will help limit the origin resources you need to devote to serving this content as once it’s written to Cache Reserve, your origin doesn’t need to fan out the content to any other part of Cloudflare’s network.

When your content does need updating, Cache Reserve will respect cache-control headers and purge requests. This means that if you want to control how long something remains fresh in Cache Reserve, before Cloudflare goes back to your origin to revalidate the content, set it as a cache-control header and it will be respected without risk of early eviction. Or if you want to update content on the fly, you can send a purge request which will be respected in both Cloudflare’s cache and in Cache Reserve.

How do you use Cache Reserve?

Currently, Cache Reserve is in closed beta, meaning that it’s available to anyone who wants to sign up but we will be slowly rolling it out to customers over the coming weeks to make sure that we are quickly triaging edge cases and making fundamental improvements before we make it generally available to everyone.

To sign up for the Cache Reserve beta:

  • Simply go to the Caching tile in the dashboard.
  • Navigate to the Cache Reserve page and push the sign up button.
Introducing Cache Reserve: massively extending Cloudflare’s cache

The Cache Reserve Plan will mimic the low cost of R2. Storage will be \$0.015 per GB per month and operations will be \$0.36 per million reads, and \$4.50 per million writes. For more information about pricing, please refer to the R2 page to get a general idea (Cache Reserve pricing page will be out soon).  

Try it out!

Cache Reserve holds tremendous promise to increase cache hit ratios — which will improve the economics of running any website while speeding up visitors’ experiences. We’re excited to begin letting people use Cache Reserve soon. Be sure to check out the beta and let us know what you think.

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

Post Syndicated from Omer Yoachimik original https://blog.cloudflare.com/15m-rps-ddos-attack/

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

Earlier this month, Cloudflare’s systems automatically detected and mitigated a 15.3 million request-per-second (rps) DDoS attack — one of the largest HTTPS DDoS attacks on record.

While this isn’t the largest application-layer attack we’ve seen, it is the largest we’ve seen over HTTPS. HTTPS DDoS attacks are more expensive in terms of required computational resources because of the higher cost of establishing a secure TLS encrypted connection. Therefore it costs the attacker more to launch the attack, and for the victim to mitigate it. We’ve seen very large attacks in the past over (unencrypted) HTTP, but this attack stands out because of the resources it required at its scale.

The attack, lasting less than 15 seconds, targeted a Cloudflare customer on the Professional (Pro) plan operating a crypto launchpad. Crypto launchpads are used to surface Decentralized Finance projects to potential investors. The attack was launched by a botnet that we’ve been observing — we’ve already seen large attacks as high as 10M rps matching the same attack fingerprint.

Cloudflare customers are protected against this botnet and do not need to take any action.

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

The attack

What’s interesting is that the attack mostly came from data centers. We’re seeing a big move from residential network Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to cloud compute ISPs.

This attack was launched from a botnet of approximately 6,000 unique bots. It originated from 112 countries around the world. Almost 15% of the attack traffic originated from Indonesia, followed by Russia, Brazil, India, Colombia, and the United States.

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

Within those countries, the attack originated from over 1,300 different networks. The top networks included the German provider Hetzner Online GmbH (Autonomous System Number 24940), Azteca Comunicaciones Colombia (ASN 262186), OVH in France (ASN 16276), as well as other cloud providers.

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

How this attack was automatically detected and mitigated

To defend organizations against DDoS attacks, we built and operate software-defined systems that run autonomously. They automatically detect and mitigate DDoS attacks across our entire network — and just as in this case, the attack was automatically detected and mitigated without any human intervention.

Our system starts by sampling traffic asynchronously; it then analyzes the samples and applies mitigations when needed.


Initially, traffic is routed through the Internet via BGP Anycast to the nearest Cloudflare data centers that are located in over 250 cities around the world. Once the traffic reaches our data center, our DDoS systems sample it asynchronously allowing for out-of-path analysis of traffic without introducing latency penalties.

Analysis and mitigation

The analysis is done using data streaming algorithms. HTTP request samples are compared to conditional fingerprints, and multiple real-time signatures are created based on dynamic masking of various request fields and metadata. Each time another request matches one of the signatures, a counter is increased. When the activation threshold is reached for a given signature, a mitigation rule is compiled and pushed inline. The mitigation rule includes the real-time signature and the mitigation action, e.g. block.

Cloudflare customers can also customize the settings of the DDoS protection systems by tweaking the HTTP DDoS Managed Rules.

You can read more about our autonomous DDoS protection systems and how they work in our deep-dive technical blog post.

Helping build a better Internet

At Cloudflare, everything we do is guided by our mission to help build a better Internet. The DDoS team’s vision is derived from this mission: our goal is to make the impact of DDoS attacks a thing of the past. The level of protection that we offer is unmetered and unlimited — It is not bounded by the size of the attack, the number of the attacks, or the duration of the attacks. This is especially important these days because as we’ve recently seen, attacks are getting larger and more frequent.

Not using Cloudflare yet? Start now with our Free and Pro plans to protect your websites, or contact us for comprehensive DDoS protection for your entire network using Magic Transit.

From 0 to 20 billion – How We Built Crawler Hints

Post Syndicated from Matt Boyle original https://blog.cloudflare.com/from-0-to-20-billion-how-we-built-crawler-hints/

From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

In July 2021, as part of Impact Innovation Week, we announced our intention to launch Crawler Hints as a means to reduce the environmental impact of web searches. We spent the weeks following the announcement hard at work, and in October 2021, we announced General Availability for the first iteration of the product. This post explains how we built it, some of the interesting engineering problems we had to solve, and shares some metrics on how it’s going so far.

Before We Begin…

Search indexers crawl sites periodically to check for new content. Algorithms vary by search provider, but are often based on either a regular interval or cadence of past updates, and these crawls are often not aligned with real world content changes. This naive crawling approach may harm customer page rank and also works to the detriment of search engines with respect to their operational costs and environmental impact. To make the Internet greener and more energy efficient, the goal of Crawler Hints is to help search indexers make more informed decisions on when content has changed, saving valuable compute cycles/bandwidth and having a net positive environmental impact.

Cloudflare is in an advantageous position to help inform crawlers of content changes, as we are often the “front line” of the interface between site visitors and the origin server where the content updates take place. This grants us knowledge of some key data points like headers, content hashes, and site purges among others. For customers who have opted in to Crawler Hints, we leverage this data to generate a “content freshness score” using an ensemble of active and passive signals from our customer base and request flow. To help with efficiency, Crawler Hints helps to improve SEO for websites behind Cloudflare, improves relevance for search engine users, and improves origin responsiveness by reducing bot traffic to our customers’ origin servers.

A high level design of the system we built looks as follows:

From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

In this blog we will dig into each aspect of it in more detail.

Keeping Things Fresh

Cloudflare has a large global network spanning 250 cities.  A popular use case for Cloudflare is to use our CDN product to cache your website’s assets so that users accessing your site can benefit from lightning fast response times. You can read more about how Cloudflare manages our cache here. The important thing to call out for the purpose of this post is that the cache is Data Center local. A cache hit in London might be a cache miss in San Francisco unless you have opted-in to tiered-caching, but that is beyond the scope of this post.

For Crawler Hints to work, we make use of a number of signals available at request time to make an informed decision on the “freshness” of content. For our first iteration of Crawler Hints, we used a cache miss from Cloudflare’s cache as a starting basis. Although a naive signal on its own, getting the data pipelines in place to forward cache miss data from our global network to our control plane meant we would have everything in place to iterate on and improve the signal processing quickly going forward. To do this, we leveraged some existing services from our data team that takes request data , marshalls it into Cap’n Proto format, and forwards it to a message bus (we use apache Kafka). These messages include the URLs of the resources that have met the signal criteria, along with some additional metadata for analytics/future improvement.

From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

The amount of traffic our global network receives is substantial. We serve over 28 million HTTP requests per second on average, with more than 35 million HTTP requests per second at peak. Typically, Cloudflare teams sample this data to enable products such as being alerted when you are under attack. For Crawler Hints, every cache miss is important. Therefore, 100% of all cache misses for opted-in sites were sent for further processing, and we’ll discuss more on opt-in later.

Redis as a Distributed Buffer

With messages buffered in Kafka, we can now begin the work of aggregation and deduplication. We wrote a consumer service that we call an ingestor. The ingestor reads the data from Kafka. The ingestor performs validation to ensure proper sanitization and data integrity and passes this data onto the next stage of the system. We run the ingestor as part of a Kafka consumer group, allowing us to scale our consumer count up to the partition size as throughput increases.

We ultimately want to deliver a set of “fresh” content to our search partners on a dynamic interval. For example, we might want to send a batch of 10,000 URLs every two minutes. There are, however, a couple of important things to call out though:

  • There should be no duplicate resources in each batch.
  • We should strike a balance in our size and frequency such that overall request size isn’t too large, but big enough to remove some pressure on the receiving API by not sending too many requests at once.

For the deduplication, the simplest thing to do would be to have an in-memory map in our service to track resources between a pre-specified interval. A naive implementation in Go might look something like this.

From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

The problem with this approach is we have little resilience. If the service was to crash, we would lose all the data for our current batch. Furthermore, if we were to run multiple instances of our services, they would all have a different “view” of which resources they had seen before and therefore we would not be deduplicating.To mitigate this issue, we decided to use a specialist caching service. There are a number of distributed caches that would fit the bill, but we chose Redis given our team’s familiarity with operating it at scale.

Redis is well known as a Key Value(KV) store often used for caching things,optionally with a specified Time To Live(TTL). Perhaps slightly less obvious is its value as a distributed buffer, housing ephemeral data with periodic flush/tear-downs. For Crawler Hints, we leveraged both these traits via a multi-generational, multi-cluster setup to achieve a highly available rolling aggregation service.

Two standalone Redis clusters were spun up. For each generation of request data, one cluster would be designated as the active primary. The validated records would be inserted as keys on the primary, serving the dual purpose of buffering while also deduplicating since Redis keys are unique. Separately, a downstream service (more on this later!) would periodically issue the command for these inserters to switch from the active primary (cluster A) to the inactive cluster (cluster B). Cluster A could then be flushed with records being batch read in a size of our choosing.

From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

Buffering for Dispatch

At this point, we have clean, batched data. Things are looking good! However, there’s one small hiccup in the plan: we’re reading these batches from Redis at some set interval. What if it takes longer to dispatch than the interval itself? What if the search partner API is having issues?

We need a way to ensure the durability of the batch URLs and reduce the impact of any dispatch issues. To do this, we revisit an old friend from earlier: Kafka. The batches that get read from Redis are then fed into a Kafka topic. We wrote a Kafka consumer that we call the “dispatcher service” which runs within a consumer group to enable us to scale it if necessary just like the ingestor. The dispatcher reads from the Kafka topic and sends a batch of resources to each of our API partners.

Launching in tandem with Cloudflare, Crawler Hints was a joint venture between a few early adopters in the search engine space to provide a means for sites to inform indexers of content changes called IndexNow. You can read more about this launch here. IndexNow is a large part of what makes Crawler Hints possible. As part of its manifest, it provides a common API spec to publish resources that should be re-indexed. The standardized API makes abstracting the communication layer quite simple for the partners that support it. “Pushing” these signals to our search engine partners is a big step away from the inefficient “Pull” based model that is used today (you can read more about that here). We launched with Yandex and Bing as Search Engine Partners.

To ensure we can add more partners in the future, we defined an interface which we call a “Hinter”.

From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

We then satisfy this interface for each partner that we work with. We return a custom error from the Hinter service that is of type *indexers.Error. The definition of which is:

From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

This allows us to “bubble up” information about which indexer has failed and increment metrics and retry only those calls to indexers which have failed.

This all culminates together with the following in our service layer:

From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

Simple, performant, maintainable, AND easy to add more partners in the future.

Rolling out Crawler Hints

At Cloudflare, we often release things that haven’t been done before at scale. This project is a great example of that. Trying to gauge how many users would be interested in this product and what the uptake might be like on day one, day ten, and day one thousand is close to impossible. As engineers responsible for running this system, it is essential we build in checks and balances so that the system does not become overwhelmed and responds appropriately. For this particular project, there are three different types of “protection” we put in place. These are:

  • Customer opt-in
  • Monitoring & Alerts
  • System resilience via “self-healing”

Customer opt-in

Cloudflare takes any changes that can impact customer traffic flow seriously. Considering Crawler Hints has the potential to change how sites are seen externally (even if in this instance the site’s viewers are robots!) and can impact things like SEO and bandwidth usage, asking customers to opt-in is a sensible default. By asking customers to opt-in to the service, we can start to get an understanding of our system’s capacity and look for bottle necks and how to remove them. To do this, we make extensive use of Prometheus, Grafana, and Kibana.

Monitoring & Alerting

We do our best to make our systems as “self-healing” and easy to run as possible, but as they say, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” We therefore invest a lot of time creating ways to track the health and performance of our system and creating automated alerts when things fall outside of expected bounds.

Below is a small sample of the Grafana dashboard we created for this project. As you can see, we can track customer enablement and the rate of hint dispatch in real time. The bottom two panels show the throughput of our Kafka clusters by partition. Even just these four metrics give us a lot of insight into how things are going, but we also track (as well as other things):

  • Lag on Kafka by partition (how far behind real time we are)
  • Bad messages received from Kafka
  • Amount of URLs processed per “run”
  • Response code per index partner over time
  • Response time of partner API over time
  • Health of the Redis clusters (how much memory is used, frequency of commands we are using received by the cluster)
  • Memory, CPU usage, and pods available against configured limits/requests
From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints

It seems a lot to track, but this information is invaluable to us, and we use it to generate alerts that notify the on-call engineer if a threshold is breached. For example, we have an alert that would escalate to an engineer if our Redis cluster approached 80% capacity. For some thresholds we specify, we may want the system to “self-heal.” In this instance, we would want an engineer to investigate as this is outside the bounds of “normal,” and it might be that something is not working as expected. An alternative reason that we might receive alerts is that our product has increased in popularity beyond our expectations, and we simply need to increase the memory limit. This requires context and is therefore best left to a human to make this decision.

System Resilience via “self-healing”

We do everything we can to not disturb on-call engineers, and therefore, we try to make the system as “self-healing” as possible. We also don’t want to have too much extra resource running as it can be expensive and use limited capacity that another  Cloudflare service might need more – it’s a trade off.  To do this, we make use of a few patterns and tools common in every distributed engineer’s toolbelt. Firstly, we deploy on Kubernetes. This enables us to make use of great features like Horizontal Pod Autoscaling. When any of our pods reach ~80% memory usage, a new pod is created which will pick up some of the slack up to a predefined limit.

Secondly, by using a message bus, we get a lot of control over the amount of “work” our services have to do in a given time frame. In general, a message bus is “pull” based. If we want more work, we ask for it. If we want less work, we pull less. This holds for the most part, but with a system where being close to real time is important, it is essential that we monitor the “lag” of the topic, or how far we are behind real time. If we are too far behind, we may want to introduce more partitions or consumers.

Finally, networks fail. We therefore add retry policies to all HTTP calls we make before reporting them a failure. For example, if we were to receive a 500 (Internal Server Error) from one of our partner APIs, we would retry up to five times using an exponential backoff strategy before reporting a failure.

Data from the first couple of months

Since the release of Crawler Hints on October 18, 2021 until December 15, 2021, Crawler Hints has processed over twenty five billion crawl signals, has been opted-in to by more than 81,000 customers, and has handled roughly 18,000 requests per second. It’s been an exciting project to be a part of, and we are just getting started.

What’s Next?

We will continue to work with our partners to improve the standard even further and continue to improve the signaling on our side to ensure the most valuable information is being pushed on behalf of our customers in a timely manner.

If you’re interested in building scalable services and solving interesting technical problems, we are hiring engineers on our team in Austin, Lisbon, and London.

Crawler Hints Update: Cloudflare Supports IndexNow and Announces General Availability

Post Syndicated from Alex Krivit original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-now-supports-indexnow/

Crawler Hints Update: Cloudflare Supports IndexNow and Announces General Availability

Crawler Hints Update: Cloudflare Supports IndexNow and Announces General Availability

In the midst of the hottest summer on record, Cloudflare held its first ever Impact Week. We announced a variety of products and initiatives that aim to make the Internet and our planet a better place, with a focus on environmental, social, and governance projects. Today, we’re excited to share an update on Crawler Hints, an initiative announced during Impact Week. Crawler Hints is a service that improves the operating efficiency of the approximately 45% of Internet traffic that comes from web crawlers and bots.

Crawler Hints achieves this efficiency improvement by ensuring that crawlers get information about what they’ve crawled previously and if it makes sense to crawl a website again.

Today we are excited to announce two updates for Crawler Hints:

  1. The first: Crawler Hints now supports IndexNow, a new protocol that allows websites to notify search engines whenever content on their website content is created, updated, or deleted. By collaborating with Microsoft and Yandex, Cloudflare can help improve the efficiency of their search engine infrastructure, customer origin servers, and the Internet at large.
  2. The second: Crawler Hints is now generally available to all Cloudflare customers for free. Customers can benefit from these more efficient crawls with a single button click. If you want to enable Crawler Hints, you can do so in the Cache Tab of the Dashboard.

What problem does Crawler Hints solve?

Crawlers help make the Internet work. Crawlers are automated services that travel the Internet looking for… well, whatever they are programmed to look for. To power experiences that rely on indexing content from across the web, search engines and similar services operate massive networks of bots that crawl the Internet to identify the content most relevant to a user query. But because content on the web is always changing, and there is no central clearinghouse for when these changes happen on websites, search engine crawlers have a Sisyphean task. They must continuously wander the Internet, making guesses on how frequently they should check a given site for updates to its content.

Companies that run search engines have worked hard to make the process as efficient as possible, pushing the state-of-the-art for crawl cadence and infrastructure efficiency. But there remains one clear area of waste: excessive crawl.

At Cloudflare, we see traffic from all the major search crawlers, and have spent the last year studying how often these bots revisit a page that hasn’t changed since they last saw it. Every one of these visits is a waste. And, unfortunately, our observation suggests that 53% of this crawler traffic is wasted.

With Crawler Hints, we expect to make this task a bit more tractable by providing an additional heuristic to the people who run these crawlers. This will allow them to know when content has been changed or added to a site instead of relying on preferences or previous changes that might not reflect the true change cadence for a site. Crawler Hints aims to increase the proportion of relevant crawls and limit crawls that don’t find fresh content, improving customer experience and reducing the need for repeated crawls.

Cloudflare sits in a unique position on the Internet to help give crawlers hints about when they should recrawl a site. Don’t knock on a website’s door every 30 seconds to see if anything is new when Cloudflare can proactively tell your crawler when it’s the best time to index new or changed content. That’s Crawler Hints in a nutshell!

If you want to learn more about Crawler Hints, see the original blog.

What is IndexNow?

IndexNow is a standard that was written by Microsoft and Yandex search engines. The standard aims to provide an efficient manner of signaling to search engines and other crawlers for when they should crawl content. Cloudflare’s Crawler Hints now supports IndexNow.

​​In its simplest form, IndexNow is a simple ping so that search engines know that a URL and its content has been added, updated, or deleted, allowing search engines to quickly reflect this change in their search results.

By enabling Crawler Hints on your website, with the simple click of a button, Cloudflare will take care of signaling to these search engines when your content has changed via the IndexNow protocol. You don’t need to do anything else!  

What does this mean for search engine operators? With Crawler Hints you’ll receive a near real-time, pushed feed of change events of Cloudflare websites (that have opted in). This, in turn, will dramatically improve not just the quality of your results, but also the energy efficiency of running your bots.

Collaborating with Industry leaders

Cloudflare is in a unique position to have a sizable portion of the Internet proxied behind us. As a result, we are able to see trends in the way bots access web resources. That visibility allows us to be proactive about signaling which crawls are required vs. not. We are excited to work with partners to make these insights useful to our customers. Search engines are key constituents in this equation. We are happy to collaborate and share this vision of a more efficient Internet with Microsoft Bing, and Yandex. We have been testing our interaction via IndexNow with Bing and Yandex for months with some early successes.  

This is just the beginning. Crawler Hints is a continuous process that will require working with more and more partners to improve Internet efficiency more generally. While this may take time and participation from other key parts of the industry, we are open to collaborate with any interested participant who relies on crawling to power user experiences.

“The cache data from CDNs is a really valuable signal for content freshness. Cloudflare, as one of the top CDNs, is key in the adoption of IndexNow to become an industry-wide standard with a large portion of the internet actually using it. Cloudflare has built a really easy 1-click button for their users to start using it right away. Cloudflare’s mission of helping build a better Internet resonates well with why I started IndexNow i.e. to build a more efficient and effective Search.”
Fabrice Canel, Principal Program Manager

Crawler Hints Update: Cloudflare Supports IndexNow and Announces General Availability

“Yandex is excited to join IndexNow as part of our long-term focus on sustainability. We have been working with the Cloudflare team in early testing to incorporate their caching signals in our crawling mechanism via the IndexNow API. The results are great so far.”
Maxim Zagrebin, Head of Yandex Search

Crawler Hints Update: Cloudflare Supports IndexNow and Announces General Availability

“DuckDuckGo is supportive of anything that makes search more environmentally friendly and better for end users without harming privacy. We’re looking forward to working with Cloudflare on this proposal.”
Gabriel Weinberg, CEO and Founder

Crawler Hints Update: Cloudflare Supports IndexNow and Announces General Availability

How do Cloudflare customers benefit?

Crawler Hints doesn’t just benefit search engines. For our customers and origin owners, Crawler Hints will ensure that search engines and other bot-powered experiences will always have the freshest version of your content, translating into happier users and ultimately influencing search rankings. Crawler Hints will also mean less traffic hitting your origin, improving resource consumption. Moreover, your site performance will be improved as well: your human customers will not be competing with bots!

And for Internet users? When you interact with bot-fed experiences — which we all do every day, whether we realize it or not, like search engines or pricing tools — these will now deliver more useful results from crawled data, because Cloudflare has signaled to the owners of the bots the moment they need to update their results.

How can I enable Crawler Hints for my website?

Crawler Hints is free to use for all Cloudflare customers and promises to revolutionize web efficiency. If you’d like to see how Crawler Hints can benefit how your website is indexed by the worlds biggest search engines, please feel free to opt-into the service:

  1. Sign in to your Cloudflare Account.
  2. In the dashboard, navigate to the Cache tab.
  3. Click on the Configuration section.
  4. Locate the Crawler Hints sign up card and enable. It’s that easy.
Crawler Hints Update: Cloudflare Supports IndexNow and Announces General Availability

Once you’ve enabled it, we will begin sending hints to search engines about when they should crawl particular parts of your website. Crawler Hints holds tremendous promise to improve the efficiency of the Internet.

What’s next?

We’re thrilled to collaborate with industry leaders Microsoft Bing, and Yandex to bring IndexNow to Crawler Hints, and to bring Crawler Hints to a wide audience in general availability. We look forward to working with additional companies who run crawlers to help make this process more efficient for the whole Internet.

“Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement

Post Syndicated from Vasilis Giotsas original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cdn-latency-passive-measurement/

“Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement

“Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement

Something that comes up a lot at Cloudflare is how well our network and systems are performing. Like many service providers, we need to be engaged in a constant process of introspection to evaluate aspects of Cloudflare’s service with respect to customers, within our own network and systems and, as was the case in a recent blog post, the clients (such as web browsers). Many of these questions are obvious, but answering them is decisive in opening paths to new and improved services. The important point here is that it’s relatively straightforward to monitor and assess aspects of our service we can see or measure directly.

However, for certain aspects of our performance we may not have access to the necessary data, for a number of reasons. For instance, the data sources may be outside our network perimeter, or we may avoid collecting certain measurements that would violate the privacy of end users. In particular, the questions below are important to gain a better understanding of our performance, but harder to answer due to limitations in data availability:

  • How much better (or worse!) are we doing compared to other service providers (CDNs) by being in certain locations?
  • Can we know “a priori” and rank where data centers will have the greatest improvement and know which locations might deteriorate service?

The last question is particularly important because it requires the predictive power of synthesising available network measurements to model and infer network features that cannot be directly observed. For such predictions to be informative and meaningful, it’s critical to distill our measurements in a way that illuminates the interdependence of network structure, content distribution practices and routing policies, and their impact on network performance.

Active measurements are inadequate or unavailable

Measuring and comparing the performance of Content Distribution Networks (CDN) is critical in terms of understanding the level of service offered to end users, detecting and debugging network issues, and planning the deployment of new network locations. Measuring our own existing infrastructure is relatively straightforward, for example, by collecting DNS and HTTP request statistics received at each one of our data centers.

But what if we want to understand and evaluate the performance of other networks? Understandably, such data is not shared among networks due to privacy and business concerns. An alternative to data sharing is direct observation with what are called “active measurements.” An example of active measurement is when a measuring tape is used to determine the size of a room — one must take an action to perform the measurement.

Active measurements from Cloudflare data centers to other CDNs, however, don’t say much about the client experience. The only way to actively measure CDNs is by probing from third-party points of view, namely some type of end-client or globally distributed measurement platform. For example, ping probes might be launched from RIPE Atlas clients to many CDNs; alternatively, we might rely on data obtained from Real User Measurements (RUM) services that embed JavaScript requests into various services and pages around the world.

Active measurements are extremely valuable, and we heavily rely on them to collect a wide range of performance metrics. However, active measurements are not always reliable. Consider ping probes from RIPE Atlas. A collection of direct pings is most assuredly accurate. The weakness is that the distribution of its probes is heavily concentrated in Europe and North America, and it offers very sparse coverage of Autonomous Systems (ASes) in other regions (Asia, Africa, South America). Additionally the distribution of RIPE Atlas probes to ASes does not reflect the distribution of users to ASes, instead university networks and hosting providers or enterprises are overrepresented in the probes population.

Similarly, data from third party Real User Measurements (RUM) services have weaknesses too. RUM platforms compare CDNs by embedding JavaScript request probes in websites visited by users all over the world. This sounds great, except the data cannot be validated by outside parties, which is an important aspect of measurement. For example, consider the following chart that shows Cloudfront’s median Round-Trip Time (RTT) in Greece as measured by the two leading RUM platforms, Cedexis and Perfops. While both platforms follow the same measurement method, their results for the same time period and the same networks differ considerably. If the two sets of measurements for the same thing differ, then neither can be relied upon.

“Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement
Comparison of Real User Measurements (RUM) from two leading RUM providers, Cedexis and Perfops. While both RUM datasets were collected during the same period for the same location, there is a pronounced disparity between the two measurements which highlights the sensitivity of RUM data on specific deployment details.

Ultimately, active measurements are always limited to and by the things that they directly see. Simply relying on existing measurements does not in and of itself translate to predictive models that help assess the potential impact of infrastructure and policy changes on performance. However, when the biases of active measurements are well understood, they can do two things really well: inform our understanding, and help validate models of our understanding of the world — and we’re going to showcase both as we develop a mechanism for evaluating CDN latencies passively.

Predicting CDNs’ RTTs with Passive Network Measurements

So, how might we measure without active probes? We’ve devised a method to understand latency across CDNs by using our own RTT measurements. In particular, we can use these measurements as a proxy for estimating the latency between clients and other CDNs. With this technique, we can understand latency to locations where CDNs have deployed their infrastructure, as well as show performance improvements in locations where one CDN exists but others do not. Importantly, we have validated the assumptions shown below through a large-scale traceroute and ping measurement campaign, and we’ve designed this technique so that it can be reproduced by others. After all, independent validation is important across measurement communities.

Step 1. Predicting Anycast Catchments

The first step in RTT inference is to predict the anycast catchments, namely predict the set of data centers that will be used by an IP. To this end, we compile the network footprint of each CDN provider whose performance we want to predict, which allows us to predict the CDN location where a request from a particular client AS will arrive. In particular, we collect the following data:

  • List of ISPs that host off-net server caches of CDNs using the methodology and code developed in Gigis et al. paper.
  • List of on-net city-level data centers according to PeeringDB, the network maps in the websites of each individual CDN, and IP geolocation measurements.
  • List of Internet eXchange Points (IXPs) where each CDN is connected, in conjunction with the other ASes that are also members of the same IXPs, from IXP databases such as PeeringDB, the Euro-IX IXP-DB, and Packet Clearing House.
  • List of CDN interconnections to other ASes extracted from BGP data collected from RouteViews and RIPE RIS.

The figure below shows the IXP connections for nine CDNs, according to the above-mentioned datasets. Cloudflare is present in 258 IXPs, which is 56 IXPs more than Google, the second CDN in the list.

“Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement
Heatmap of IXP connections per country for 9 major service providers, according to data from PeeringDB, Euro-IX and Packet Clearing House (PCH) for October 2021.

With the above data, we can compute the possible paths between a client AS and the CDN’s data centers and infer the Anycast Catchments using techniques similar to the recent papers by Zhang et al. and Sermpezis and Kotronis, which predict paths by reproducing the Internet inter-domain routing policies. For CDNs that use BGP-based Anycast, we can predict which data center will receive a request based on the possible routing paths between the client and the CDN.  For CDNs that rely on DNS-based redirection, we don’t make an inference yet, but we first predict the latency to each data center, and we select the path with the lowest latency assuming that CDN operators manage to offer the path with the smallest latency.

The challenge in predicting paths emanates from the incomplete knowledge of the varying routing policies implemented by individual ASes, which are either hosting web clients (for instance an ISP or an enterprise network), or are along the path between the CDN and the client’s network. However, in our prediction problem, we can already partition the IP address space to Anycast Catchment regions (as proposed by Schomp and Al-Dalky) based on our extensive data center footprint, which allows us to reverse engineer the routing decisions of client ASes that are visible to Cloudflare. That’s a lot to unpack, so let’s go through an example.


First, assume that an ISP has two potential paths to a CDN: one over a transit provider and one through a direct peering connection over an IXP, and each path terminates at a different data center, as shown in the figure below. In the example below, routing through a transit AS incurs a cost, while IXP peering links do not incur transit exchange costs. Therefore, we would predict that the client ISP would use the path to data center 2 through the IXP.

“Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement
A client ISP may have paths to multiple data centers of a CDN. The prediction of which data center will eventually be used by the client, the so-called anycast catchment, combines both topological and routing policy data.

Step 2. Predicting CDN Path Latencies

The next step is to estimate the RTT between the client AS and the corresponding CDN location. To this end, we utilize passive RTT measurements from Cloudflare’s own infrastructure. For each of our data centers, we calculate the median TCP RTT for each IP /24 subnet that sends us HTTP requests. We then assume that a request from a given IP subnet to a data center that is common between Cloudflare and another CDN will have a comparable RTT (our approach focuses on the performance of the anycast network and omits host software differences). This assumption is generally true, because the distance between two endpoints is the dominant factor in determining latency. Note that the median RTT is selected to represent client performance. In contrast, the minimum RTT is an indication of closeness to clients (not expected performance). Our approach on estimating latencies is similar to the work of Madhyastha et al. who combined the median RTT of existing measurements with a path prediction technique informed by network topologies to infer end-to-end latencies that cannot be measured directly. While this work reported an accuracy of 65% for arbitrary ASes, we focus on CDNs which, on average, have much smaller paths (most clients are within 1 AS hop) making the path prediction problem significantly easier (as noted by Chiu et al. and Singh and Gill). Also note that for the purposes of RTT estimation, it’s important to predict which CDN data center the request from a client IP will use, not the actual hops along the path.


Assume that for a certain IP subnet used by AS3379 (a Greek ISP), the following table shows the median RTT for each Cloudflare data center that receives HTTP requests from that subnet. Note that while requests from an IP typically land at the nearest data center (Athens in that case), some requests may arrive at different data centers due to traffic load management and different service tiers.

Data Center Athens Sofia Milan Frankfurt Amsterdam
Median RTT 22 ms 42 ms 43 ms 70 ms 75 ms

Assume that another CDN B does not have data centers or cache servers in Athens and Sofia, but only in Milan, Frankfurt, and Amsterdam. Based on the topology and colocation data of CDN B, we will predict the anycast catchments, and we find that for AS3379 the data center in Frankfurt will be used. In that case, we will use the corresponding latency as an estimate of the median latency between CDN B and the given prefix.

The above methodology works well because Cloudflare’s global network allows us to collect network measurements between 63,832 ASes (virtually every AS which hosts clients), and 300 cities in 115 different countries where Cloudflare infrastructure is deployed, allowing us to cover the vast majority of regions where other CDNs have deployed infrastructure.

Step 3. Validation

To validate the above measurement, we run a global campaign of traceroute and ping measurements from 9,990 Atlas probes in 161 different countries (see the interactive map for real-time data on the geographical distribution of probes).

“Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement
Geographical distribution of the RIPE Atlas probes used for the validation of our predictions

For each CDN as a measurement target, we selected a destination hostname that is anycasted from all locations, and we selected the DNS resolution to run on each measurement probe so that the returned IP corresponds to the probe’s nearest location.

After the measurements were completed, we first evaluated the Anycast Catchment prediction, namely the prediction of which CDN data center will be used by each RIPE Atlas probe. To this end, we geolocated the destination IPs of each completed traceroute measurement against the predicted data center. Nearly 90% of our predicted data centers agreed with the measured data centers.

We also validated our RTT predictions. The figure below shows the absolute difference between the measured RTT and the predicted RTT in milliseconds, across all data centers. More than 50% of the predictions have an RTT difference of 3 ms or less, while almost 95% of the predictions have an RTT difference of at most 10 ms.

“Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement
Histogram of the absolute difference in milliseconds between the predicted RTT and the RTT measured through the RIPE Atlas measurement campaign.


We applied our methodology on nine major CDNs, including Cloudflare, in September 2021. As shown in the boxplot below, Cloudflare exhibits the lowest median RTT across all observed clients, with a median RTT close to 10 ms.

“Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement
Boxplot of the global RTT distributions for each of the 9 networks we considered in our experiments. We anonymize the rest of the networks since the focus on this measurement is not to provide a ranking of content providers but to contextualize the performance of Cloudflare’s network compared to other comparable networks. 

Limitations of measurement methodology

Because our approach relies on estimating latency, it is not possible to obtain millisecond-accurate measurements. However, such measurements are essentially infeasible even when using real user measurements because the network conditions are highly dynamic, meaning that measured RTT may differ significantly between different measurements.

Secondly, our approach obviously cannot be used to monitor network hygiene in real time and detect performance issues that may often lie outside Cloudflare’s network. Instead, our approach is useful for understanding the expected performance of our network topology and connectivity, and we can test what-if scenarios to predict the impact on performance that different events may have (e.g. deployment of a new data center, interruption of connectivity to an ISP or IXP).

Finally, while Cloudflare has the most extensive coverage of data centers and IXPs compared to other CDNs, there are certain countries where Cloudflare does not have a data center in contrast to other CDNs. In some other countries, Cloudflare is present to a partner data center but not in a carrier-neutral data center which may restrict the number of direct peering links between Cloudflare’s and other regional ISPs. In such countries, client IPs may be routed to a data center outside the country because the BGP decision process typically prioritizes cost over proximity. Therefore, for about 7% of the client /24 IP prefixes, we do not have a measured RTT between a data center in the same country as the IP. We are working to alleviate this with traceroute measurements and will report back later.

Looking Ahead

The ability to predict and compare the performance of different CDN networks allows us to evaluate the impact of different peering and data center strategies, as well as identify shortcomings in our Anycast Catchments and traffic engineering policies. Our ongoing work focuses on measuring and quantifying the impact of peering on IXPs on end-to-end latencies, as well as identifying cases of local Internet ecosystems where an open peering policy may lead to latency increases. This work will eventually enable us to optimize our infrastructure placement and control-plane policies to the specific topological properties of different regions and minimize latency for end users.

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-pages-is-lightning-fast/

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

When we announced Cloudflare Pages in April, our goal wasn’t to bring just any web development tool to the table. As a front-end developer, it’s your responsibility to bring the ideas of your marketing, product and engineering teams to life by crafting a beautifully engaging experience for every customer. With all the hard work that goes into the development process — turning mock-ups to code, getting input from your team, staging and testing changes — you want the best performance possible for your site to showcase your work and optimize your customers’ experience.

Cloudflare Pages is the most secure and most scalable Jamstack platform to build and deploy your sites on the edge. But how is Pages so fast?

It comes down to three key reasons:

  • Pages is built on one of the fastest networks in the world, putting us within 50 ms of 95% of the world’s Internet-connected population. Delivering Pages from this network is the basis of our speed.
  • Cloudflare helps define and implement next generation standards, like QUIC + HTTP/3 and Early Hints, that push Pages performance to the next level.
  • Pages has a killer developer experience that makes it easy to build the fastest websites on the planet.

Pages is delivered from one of the fastest networks in the world

After all the sweat, finger cramps, and facepalms you’ve managed to survive through development, the last thing you need is poor performance and load times for your site. This not only drives off frustrated customers, but if the site is a storefront, it can also have revenue implications.

We’ve got you covered! With Cloudflare’s extensive network, consisting of 250+ cities, your Pages site is deployed directly to the edge in seconds. With even more optimizations to our network routing, your customers are routed to the best data center, ensuring optimal loading and performance globally.

How does our performance compare?

Optimized routing, a giant CDN network, support for the latest standards, more performance enhancements — these all sound great! But let’s put them to the ultimate test: benchmarking. How do our Pages sites’ performance compare to those of our competitors?

The TTFB test

We deployed the same static site on Pages and on two other popular deployment platforms for comparison. We understand that benchmark tools like Google Lighthouse may introduce some geographic bias; performing a benchmarking analysis from San Francisco and hitting a local data center doesn’t tell us much about performance on a global scale. We wanted to create a simulation to run tests from different locations to give us a globally accurate representation. Using a tool called Catchpoint, we executed our test from 35 different cities around the world to measure the Time to First Byte (TTFB) for different providers. To give as accurate a reading as possible, we ran our test up to eight times, and averaged the result per city and per provider.

Around the world in 80ms

It’s common to see good performance in regions like the US and Europe, but at Cloudflare, we think even more globally. Cloudflare’s network allows you to reach a myriad of regions around the world without any additional effort or cost. Everytime our map grows, your global reach does too.

In our TTFB comparison, Cloudflare Pages is leading the race to your customers against two leading providers.

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

Pages gets early access to the latest, greatest, and fastest standards and network protocols

But it’s not just our network. We are proud of both driving and adopting the latest web standards. Our mission has always been to help build a better Internet, and collaborating on the latest standards is an essential part of that goal, especially when thinking about your Pages sites.

TLS 1.3: As the new encryption protocol, TLS 1.3 sets out to improve both speed and security for Internet users everywhere. With 1.3, during the course of that infamous “TLS handshake” you hear so much about, only one round trip, or back and forth communication, is required instead of two, thus shortening the process by milliseconds. A huge step forward for web security and performance, TLS 1.3 is available to all Pages users with no additional action required — let the client and server handle it all.

IPv6: Today it’s extremely common for every person to have more than one Internet connected device, making the shift to IPv6 extremely crucial, now more than ever. Not only is IPv6 the answer to the “no more addresses” issue, but is also another added layer for performance and security with its ability to handle packets more efficiently, getting faster and faster as adoption of the standard increases.

QUIC & HTTP/3: The new internet transport protocol, QUIC & HTTP/3, team up to enable faster, reliable and more secure connections for your customers to web endpoints like your Pages site. QUIC, a transport layer protocol, aims to reduce connection and transport latency and avoid congestion and runs underneath HTTP/3. Enabled by default on every pages.dev domain, QUIC & HTTP/3 work in tandem to provide improved performance and security so long as the client complies.

With support for the latest standards like HTTP/3 and IPv6, as we work on support for dynamic frameworks, we will be able to offer response streaming, a feature other platforms don’t provide.

“Pages gives us more confidence than other providers, making it easier to migrate our app over and build new products that can easily scale with growing traffic.” David Simpson, COO at Designed.org

But we know that speed doesn’t just matter from a user perspective. It also matters from a developer perspective, too — and we’ve worked to make that just as great an experience.

A developer experience that we’d want to have

Generally speaking, performance of anything on the web is only as fast as the weakest link. A fast network, or support for the latest standards, doesn’t mean very much if we make it hard for a developer to do their job, or to optimize their code. So we knew the developer experience had to be a priority, too.

Fast for your users. Fast for you, too.

We set out to simplify every step of your developer experience by looking for ways to integrate into your existing publishing workflow. With Pages’ full git integration, grab your repo, tell us your framework and go! Collaborate with all members of your team — developers, PMs, marketers — quickly and efficiently with a protected preview URL per deployment to speed up the turnaround time for feedback. A simple Git commit and git push, and we’ll have your site up and running in seconds, and ready for you to share with your team or your customers.

Of course, even with lightning fast set-up and collaboration, we realize there’s more to the productivity of you and your team. From the time we launched Pages, we’ve been working on making our build times faster every day. Today, Pages builds are 3x faster than they were when we first launched the platform, but we’re not done yet. We’re aiming to have the fastest build times, so you can focus on what you do best — code, test, deploy, repeat — minus any wait.

Performance tuning, built in

In May of last year, Google announced a new program — Web Core Vitals — to provide unified guidance on how to measure the quality of a website, and to identify areas of improvement for developers, business owners, and marketers to deliver a better user experience. There are three key metrics as part of the program:

  • Largest Contentful Paint: measures loading performance
  • First Input Delay: measure interactivity
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: measures visual stability

Fast-forward a year to 2021, Google officially announced that performance on these metrics will now be incorporated into Google Search results.

Performance is becoming an ever important aspect of the success of any site on the web.

We recognize this, and it’s part of why we’re so relentlessly focused on making sites hosted on Pages so fast. But you don’t need to just take our word for it. In addition to providing you with stellar performance across the globe, our Web Analytics tool is available to Pages customers with one click — so you can track your site’s Web Core Vitals and understand specific areas of improvement. As an example, here’s the Web Analytics on our very own Cloudflare Docs site.

Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast

We’re big believers in dogfooding — running our Docs site on Pages, and then using our Web Analytics to identify areas of improvement. It’s a big part of the Cloudflare ethos, and it’s how we can be confident in recommending our products to you.

What’s Next

With the increasing momentum behind the Jamstack movement, it’s a great time to be in the field. With Pages, you can rest easy knowing you’re taken care of every step of the way. We are so excited about the future of Cloudflare Pages — integrating with Cloudflare Workers, supporting monorepos, enabling more sources of repo integration — and how it brings a fresh perspective on how you build and deploy your sites on the web.

Check our docs to get started on Cloudflare Pages today!