Tag Archives: EC2 Fleet

Introducing the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy for EC2 Spot Instances

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-price-capacity-optimized-allocation-strategy-for-ec2-spot-instances/

This blog post is written by Jagdeep Phoolkumar, Senior Specialist Solution Architect, Flexible Compute and Peter Manastyrny, Senior Product Manager Tech, EC2 Core.

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances are unused Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) capacity in the AWS Cloud available at up to a 90% discount compared to On-Demand prices. One of the best practices for using EC2 Spot Instances is to be flexible across a wide range of instance types to increase the chances of getting the aggregate compute capacity. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and Amazon EC2 Fleet make it easy to configure a request with a flexible set of instance types, as well as use a Spot allocation strategy to determine how to fulfill Spot capacity from the Spot Instance pools that you provide in your request.

The existing allocation strategies available in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and Amazon EC2 Fleet are called “lowest-price” and “capacity-optimized”. The lowest-price allocation strategy allocates Spot Instance pools where the Spot price is currently the lowest. Customers told us that in some cases the lowest-price strategy picks the Spot Instance pools that are not optimized for capacity availability and results in more frequent Spot Instance interruptions. As an improvement over lowest-price allocation strategy, in August 2019 AWS launched the capacity-optimized allocation strategy for Spot Instances, which helps customers tap into the deepest Spot Instance pools by analyzing capacity metrics. Since then, customers have seen a significantly lower interruption rate with capacity-optimized strategy when compared to the lowest-price strategy. You can read more about these customer stories in the Capacity-Optimized Spot Instance Allocation in Action at Mobileye and Skyscanner blog post. The capacity-optimized allocation strategy strictly selects the deepest pools. Therefore, sometimes it can pick high-priced pools even when there are low-priced pools available with marginally less capacity. Customers have been telling us that, for an optimal experience, they would like an allocation strategy that balances the best trade-offs between lowest-price and capacity-optimized.

Today, we’re excited to share the new price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy that makes Spot Instance allocation decisions based on both the price and the capacity availability of Spot Instances. The price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy should be the first preference and the default allocation strategy for most Spot workloads.

This post illustrates how the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy selects Spot Instances in comparison with lowest-price and capacity-optimized. Furthermore, it discusses some common use cases of the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy.


The price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy makes Spot allocation decisions based on both capacity availability and Spot prices. In comparison to the lowest-price allocation strategy, the price-capacity-optimized strategy doesn’t always attempt to launch in the absolute lowest priced Spot Instance pool. Instead, price-capacity-optimized attempts to diversify as much as possible across the multiple low-priced pools with high capacity availability. As a result, the price-capacity-optimized strategy in most cases has a higher chance of getting Spot capacity and delivers lower interruption rates when compared to the lowest-price strategy. If you factor in the cost associated with retrying the interrupted requests, then the price-capacity-optimized strategy becomes even more attractive from a savings perspective over the lowest-price strategy.

We recommend the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy for workloads that require optimization of cost savings, Spot capacity availability, and interruption rates. For existing workloads using lowest-price strategy, we recommend price-capacity-optimized strategy as a replacement. The capacity-optimized allocation strategy is still suitable for workloads that either use similarly priced instances, or ones where the cost of interruption is so significant that any cost saving is inadequate in comparison to a marginal increase in interruptions.


In this section, we illustrate how the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy deploys Spot capacity when compared to the other two allocation strategies. The following example configuration shows how Spot capacity could be allocated in an Auto Scaling group using the different allocation strategies:

    "AutoScalingGroupName": "myasg ",
    "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
        "LaunchTemplate": {
            "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-abcde12345"
            "Overrides": [
                    "InstanceRequirements": {
                        "VCpuCount": {
                            "Min": 4,
                            "Max": 4
                        "MemoryMiB": {
                            "Min": 0,
                            "Max": 16384
                        "InstanceGenerations": [
                        "BurstablePerformance": "excluded",
                        "AcceleratorCount": {
                            "Max": 0
        "InstancesDistribution": {
            "OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity": 0,
            "SpotAllocationStrategy": "spot-allocation-strategy"
    "MinSize": 10,
    "MaxSize": 100,
    "DesiredCapacity": 60,
    "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-a12345a,subnet-b12345b,subnet-c12345c"

First, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling attempts to balance capacity evenly across Availability Zones (AZ). Next, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling applies the Spot allocation strategy using the 30+ instances selected by attribute-based instance type selection, in each Availability Zone. The results after testing different allocation strategies are as follows:

  • Price-capacity-optimized strategy diversifies over multiple low-priced Spot Instance pools that are optimized for capacity availability.
  • Capacity-optimize strategy identifies Spot Instance pools that are only optimized for capacity availability.
  • Lowest-price strategy by default allocates the two lowest priced Spot Instance pools that aren’t optimized for capacity availability

To find out how each allocation strategy fares regarding Spot savings and capacity, we compare ‘Cost of Auto Scaling group’ (number of instances x Spot price/hour for each type of instance) and ‘Spot interruptions rate’ (number of instances interrupted/number of instances launched) for each allocation strategy. We use fictional numbers for the purpose of this post. However, you can use the Cloud Intelligence Dashboards to find the actual Spot Saving, and the Amazon EC2 Spot interruption dashboard to log Spot Instance interruptions. The example results after a 30-day period are as follows:

Allocation strategy

Instance allocation

Cost of Auto Scaling group

Spot interruptions rate


40 c6i.xlarge

20 c5.xlarge

$4.80/hour 3%


60 c5.xlarge




30 c5a.xlarge

30 m5n.xlarge



As per the above table, with the price-capacity-optimized strategy, the cost of the Auto Scaling group is only 5 cents (1%) higher, whereas the rate of Spot interruptions is six times lower (3% vs 20%) than the lowest-price strategy. In summary, from this exercise you learn that the price-capacity-optimized strategy provides the optimal Spot experience that is the best of both the lowest-price and capacity-optimized allocation strategies.

Common use-cases of price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy

Earlier we mentioned that the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy is recommended for most Spot workloads. To elaborate further, in this section we explore some of these common workloads.

Stateless and fault-tolerant workloads

Stateless workloads that can complete ongoing requests within two minutes of a Spot interruption notice, and the fault-tolerant workloads that have a low cost of retries, are the best fit for the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy. This category has workloads such as stateless containerized applications, microservices, web applications, data and analytics jobs, and batch processing.

Workloads with a high cost of interruption

Workloads that have a high cost of interruption associated with an expensive cost of retries should implement checkpointing to lower the cost of interruptions. By using checkpointing, you make the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy a good fit for these workloads, as it allocates capacity from the low-priced Spot Instance pools that offer a low Spot interruptions rate. This category has workloads such as long Continuous Integration (CI), image and media rendering, Deep Learning, and High Performance Compute (HPC) workloads.


We recommend that customers use the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy as the default option. The price-capacity-optimized strategy helps Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups and Amazon EC2 Fleet provision target capacity with an optimal experience. Updating to the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy is as simple as updating a single parameter in an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group and Amazon EC2 Fleet.

To learn more about allocation strategies for Spot Instances, visit the Spot allocation strategies documentation page.

How to prepare your application to scale reliably with Amazon EC2

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/how-to-prepare-your-application-to-scale-reliably-with-amazon-ec2/

This blog post is written by, Gabriele Postorino, Senior Technical Account Manager, and Giorgio Bonfiglio, Principal Technical Account Manager

In this post, we’ll discuss how you can prepare for planned and unplanned scaling events with

Most of the challenges related to horizontal scaling can be mitigated by optimizing the architectural implementation and applying improvements in operational processes.

In the following sections, we’ll explore this in depth. Recommendations can be applied partially or fully – they come with different complexities, and each one will help you reduce the risk of facing insufficient capacity errors or scaling delays, as well as deliver enhancements in areas such as fault tolerance, elasticity, and cost optimization.

Architectural best practices

Instance capacity can be regarded as being divided into “pools” defined by AZ (such as us-east-1a), instance type (for example m5.xlarge), and tenancy. Combining the following two guidelines will widen the capacity pools available to scale out your fleets of instances. This will help you reduce costs, transparently recover from failures, and increase your application scalability.

Instance flexibility

Whether you’re migrating a new workload to the cloud, or tuning an existing workload, you’ll likely evaluate which compute configuration options are available and determine the right configuration for your application.

If your workload is already running on EC2 instances, you might already be aware of the instance type that it runs best on. Let’s say that your application is RAM intensive, and you found that r6i.4xlarge instances are best suited for it.

However, relying on a single instance type might result in artificially limiting your ability to scale compute resources for your workload when needed. It’s always a good idea to explore how your workload behaves when running on other instance types: you might find that your application can serve double the number of requests served by one r6i.4xlarge instance when using one r6i.8xlarge instance or four r6i.2xlarge instances.

Furthermore, there’s no reason to limit your options to a single instance family, generation, or processor type. For example, m6a.8xlarge instances offer the same amount of RAM of r6i.4xlarge and might be used to run your application if needed.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling helps you make sure that you have the right number of EC2 instances available to handle the load for your application.

Auto Scaling groups can be configured to respond to scaling events by selecting the type of instance to launch among a list of instance types. You can statically populate the list in advance, as in the following screenshot,

The Instance type requirements section of the Auto Scaling Wizard instance launch options step is shown with the option “Manually add instance types” selected.

or dynamically define it by a set of instance attributes as shown in the subsequent screenshot:

The Instance type requirements section of the Auto Scaling Wizard instance launch options step is shown with the option “Specify instance attribute” selected.

For example, by setting the requirements to a minimum of 8 vCPUs, 64GiB of Memory, and a RAM/CPU ratio of 8 (just like r6i.2xlarge instances), up to 73 instance types can be included in the list of suitable instances. They will be selected for launch starting from the lowest priced instance types. If the request can’t be fulfilled in full by the lowest priced instance type, then additional instances will be launched from the second lowest instance type pool, and so on.

Instance distribution

Each AWS Region consists of multiple, isolated Availability Zones (AZ), interconnected with high-bandwidth, low-latency networking. Spreading a workload across AZs is a well-established resiliency best practice. It will make sure that your end users aren’t impacted in the case of a single AZ, data center, or rack failures, as each AZ has its own distinct instance capacity pools that you can leverage to scale your application fleets.

EC2 Auto Scaling can manage the optimal distribution of EC2 instances in a group across all AZs in a Region automatically, as well as deal with temporary failures transparently. To do so, it must be configured to use at least one subnet in each AZ. Then, it will attempt to distribute instances evenly across AZs and automatically cycle through AZs in case of temporary launch failures.

Diagram showing a VPC with subnets in 2 Availability Zones and an Autoscaling group managing groups of instances of different types

Operational best practices

The way that your workload is operated also impacts your ability to scale it when needed. Failure management and appropriate scaling techniques will help you maximize the availability of your environment.

Failure management

On-Demand capacity isn’t guaranteed to always be available. There might be short windows of time when AWS doesn’t have enough available On-Demand capacity to fulfill your specific request: as the availability of On-Demand capacity changes frequently, it’s important that your launch processes implement retry mechanisms.

Retries and fallbacks are managed automatically by EC2 Auto Scaling. But if you have a custom workflow to launch instances, it should be able to work with server error codes, in particular InsufficientInstanceCapacity or InternalError, by retrying the launch request. For a complete list of error codes for the EC2 API, please refer to our documentation.

Another option provided by EC2 is represented by EC2 Fleets. EC2 Fleet is a feature that helps to implement instance flexibility best practices. Instead of calling RunInstances with one instance type and retrying, EC2 Fleet in Instant mode considers all provided instance types, using a list of instances or Attribute Based Instance selection, and provisions capacity from the pools configured by the EC2 Fleet call where capacity was available.

Scaling technique

Launching EC2 instances as soon as you have an initial indication of increased load, in smaller batches and over a longer time span, helps increase your application performance and reliability while reducing costs and minimizing disruptions.

Two different scaling techniques that follow the increase in load are depicted. One scaling approach adds a large number of instances less frequently, while the second approach launches a smaller batch of instances more frequently. In the graph above, two different scaling techniques are depicted. Scaling approach #1 adds a large number of instances less frequently, while approach #2 launches a smaller batch of instances more frequently. Adopting the first approach risks your application not being able to sustain the increase in load in a timely manner. This will potentially cause an impact on end users and leave the operations team with little time to resolve.

Effective capacity planning

On-Demand Instances are best suited for applications with irregular, uninterruptible workloads. Interruptible workloads can avail of Spot Instances that pick from spare EC2 capacity. They cost less than On-Demand Instances but can be interrupted with a two-minute warning.

If your workload has a stable baseline utilization that hardly changes over time, then you can reserve capacity for your baseline usage of EC2 instances using open On-Demand Capacity Reservations and cover them with Savings Plans to get discounted rates with a one-year or three-year commitment, with the latter offering the bigger discounts.

Open On-Demand Capacity Reservations and Savings Plans aren’t tightly related to the EC2 instances that they cover at a certain point in time. Rather they shift to other usage, matching all of the parameters of the respective On-Demand Capacity Reservation or Savings Plan (e.g., Instance Type, Operating System, AZ, tenancy) in your account or across accounts for which you have sharing enabled. This lets you be dynamic even with your stable baseline. For example, during a rolling update or a blue/green deployment, On-Demand Capacity Reservations and Savings Plans will automatically cover any instances that match the respective criteria.

ODCR Fleets

There are times when you can’t apply all of the recommended mitigating actions in anticipation of a planned event. In those cases, you might want to use On-Demand Capacity Reservation Fleets to reserve capacity in advance for additional peace of mind. Capacity reservation fleets let you define capacity requests across multiple instance types, up to a target capacity that you specify. They can be created and managed using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and the AWS APIs.

Key concepts of Capacity Reservation Fleets are the total target capacity and the instance type weight. The instance type weight expresses the number of capacity units that each instance of a specific instance type counts toward the total target capacity.

Let’s say your workload is memory-bound, you expect to need 1,6TiB of RAM, and you want to use r6i instances. You can create a Capacity Reservation Fleet for r6i instances defining weights for each instance type in the family based on the relative amount of memory that they have in an instance type specification json file.

        "InstanceType": "r6i.2xlarge",                       
        "Weight": 1,
        "EbsOptimized": true,           
        "Priority" : 3
        "InstanceType": "r6i.4xlarge",                        
        "Weight": 2,
        "EbsOptimized": true,            
        "Priority" : 2
        "InstanceType": "r6i.8xlarge",                        
        "Weight": 4,
        "EbsOptimized": true,            
        "Priority" : 1

Then, you want to use this specification to create a Capacity Reservation Fleet that takes care of the underlying Capacity Reservations needed to fulfill your request:

$ aws ec2 create-capacity-reservation-fleet \
--total-target-capacity 25 \
--allocation-strategy prioritized \
--instance-match-criteria open \
--tenancy default \
--end-date 2022-05-31T00:00:00.000Z \
--instance-type-specifications file://instanceTypeSpecification.json

In this example, I set the target capacity to 25, which is the number of r6i.2xlarge needed to get 1,6TiB of total memory across the fleet. As you might have noticed, Capacity Reservation Fleets can be created with an end date. They will automatically cancel themselves and the Capacity Reservations that they created when the end date is reached, so that you don’t need to.

AWS Infrastructure Event Management

Last but not least, our teams can offer the AWS Infrastructure Event Management (IEM) program. Part of select AWS Support offerings, the IEM program has been designed to help you with planning and executing events that impact your infrastructure on AWS. By requesting an IEM engagement, you will be supported by AWS experts during all of the phases of your event.Flow chart showing the steps and IEM is usually made of: 1. Event is planned 2. IEM is initiated 6-8 weeks in advance of the event 3. Infrastructure readiness is assessed and mitigations are applied 4. The event 5. Post-event reviewStarting from your business outcomes and success criteria, we’ll assess your infrastructure readiness for the event, evaluate risks, and recommend specific actions to mitigate them. The AWS experts will focus on your application architecture as a whole and dive deep into each of its components with your respective teams. They might also engage with other AWS teams to notify them of the upcoming event, and get specific prescriptive guidance when needed. During the event, AWS experts will have the context needed to help you resolve any issue that might arise as quickly as possible. The program is included in the Enterprise and Enterprise On-Ramp Support plans and is available to Business Support customers for an additional fee.


Whether you’re planning for a big future event, or you want to make sure that your application can withstand unexpected increases in traffic, it’s important that you consider what we discussed in this article:

  • Use as many instance types as you can, don’t limit your workload to use a single instance type when it could also use a lot more types
  • Distribute your EC2 instances across all AZs in the Region
  • Expect failures: manage retries and fallback options
  • Make use of EC2 Autoscaling and EC2 Fleet whenever possible
  • Avoid scaling spikes: start scaling earlier, in smaller chunks, and more frequently
  • Reserve capacity only when you really need to

For further study, we recommend the Well-Architected Framework Reliability and Operational Excellence pillars as starting points. Moreover, if you have an event coming up, talk to your Technical Account Manager, your Account Team, or contact us to find out how we can help!

Implementing Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection using Terraform

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-attribute-based-instance-type-selection-using-terraform/

This blog post is written by Christian Melendez, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, Flexible Compute – EC2 Spot and Carlos Manzanedo Rueda, WW SA Leader, Flexible Compute – EC2 Spot.

In this blog post we will cover the release of Terraform support for Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection (ABS). ABS simplifies the configuration required to acquire compute capacity for Instance Flexible workloads. Terraform  is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool by HashiCorp. Hashicorp is an AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Technology Partner and member of the AWS DevOps Competency.


Amazon EC2 provides a wide selection of instance types optimized to fit different use cases. Instance types comprise varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity and give you the flexibility to choose the appropriate mix of resources for your applications.

Workloads such as continuous integration, analytics, microservices on containers, etc., can use multiple instance types. Customers have been telling us that simplifying the configuration of instance flexible workloads is important. For workloads that are instance flexible, AWS released ABS to express workload requirements as a set of instance attributes such as: vCPU, memory, type of processor, etc. ABS translates these requirements and selects all matching instance types that meet the criteria. To select which instance to launch, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Groups and EC2 Fleet chose instances based on the allocation strategy configured. Lowest-price allocation strategy is supported on both Amazon EC2 On-Demand Instances and Amazon EC2 Spot Instances. The recommendation for Spot Instances is to use capacity-optimized, which select the optimal instances that reduce the frequency of interruptions. ABS does also future-proof EC2 Auto Scaling Group and EC2 Fleet configurations: any new instance type we launch that matches the selected attributes, will be included in the list automatically. No need to update your EC2 Auto Scaling Group or EC2 Fleet configuration.

Following our commitment to open-source projects, AWS has added support for ABS in the AWS Terraform provider. You can use ABS for launch templates, EC2 Auto Scaling Group, and EC2 Fleet resources. The minimum required version of the AWS provider is v4.16.0.

Applying instance flexibility is key for running fault-tolerant, elastic, reliable, and cost optimized workloads. By selecting a diversified choice of instances that qualify for your workload, your application will be better prepared to avoid scenarios where lack of capacity on a specific instance type could be an issue. This applies both to On-Demand and Spot Instance-based workloads. For Spot Instances, applying diversification is key. Spot Instances are spare capacity that can be reclaimed by EC2 when it is required. ABS allows you to specify diversification in simple terms, allowing EC2 Auto Scaling Group and EC2 Fleet’s allocation strategy to replace reclaimed Spot Instances with instances from other pools where capacity is available.

Instance Requirement Attributes

To represent the instance requirements for your workload using ABS, there are a set of attributes you can use within the instance_requirements block. When using Terraform, the only two required attributes are memory_mib and vcpu_count. The rest of the attributes provide default values that adhere to Instance Flexible workloads best practices. For example, bare_metal attribute is by default excluded. You can see the full list of ABS attributes in the Terraform docs site.

Once ABS attributes are configured, ABS picks a list of instance types that match the criteria. This list is especially important when you’re using Spot Instances. One of Spot Instances best practices is to diversify the instance types which, in combination with the capacity-optimized allocation strategy, gives you access to the highest amount of Spot capacity pools. For On-Demand Instances, the instance types list is important as well. There might be scenarios where On-Demand Instance pools lack capacity. By applying instance flexibility using ABS, you can avoid the InsufficientInstanceCapacity error. And in combination with the lowest-price allocation strategy, you get the lowest price instance types from your diversified selection.

There are different places where we can specify ABS attributes. We can specify them at the launch templates level and declare a base mechanism to select instances. In most cases, the recommendation is to configure ABS attributes at the EC2 Auto Scaling Group and EC2 Fleet level. Let’s explore each of these options.

Configuring instance requirements within launch templates

Launch templates are instance configuration templates where you specify parameters like AMI ID, instance type, key pair, and security groups to launch instances. You can use ABS attributes in a launch template when you need to be prescriptive, and define sane defaults or guardrails for your workloads. This way, EC2 Auto Scaling Group or EC2 Fleet simply reference and use the launch template.

You should use ABS attributes in launch templates when you want to prevent users from overriding the resources specified by a launch template. Note that is still possible to override those requirements.

Let’s say that we have a Java application that requires a minimum of 4 vCPUs and 8 GiB of memory, and has been using the c5.xlarge instance type. After performance testing we’ve identified that runs better with current instance types generations. The following code snippet represents how to define these requirements in a Launch Template. To see the full list of attributes, visit the launch template doc site.

resource "aws_launch_template" "abs" {
  name_prefix = "abs"
  image_id    = data.aws_ami.abs.id

  instance_requirements {
    memory_mib {
      min = 8192
    vcpu_count {
      min = 4
    instance_generations = ["current"]

Note by using instance_requirements block in a LaunchTemplate, you’ll need to use the mixed_instances_policy block in the EC2 Auto Scaling Group.

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "on_demand" {
  availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
  max_size           = 1
  min_size           = 1
  mixed_instances_policy {
    launch_template {
      launch_template_specification {
        launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.abs.id

The EC2 Auto Scaling Group will use instance types that match the requirements in the launch template.

You can preview what are the instances that the EC2 Auto Scaling Group will select. The section “How to Preview Matching Instances without Launching Them” of the ABS blog post, describes how to preview the instances that will be selected.

Launching EC2 Spot Instances with EC2 Auto Scaling

Launch templates are very powerful. They allow you to decouple the attributes such as user_data from the actual instance management. They are idempotent and can be versioned which is key for rolling out changes in the configuration and applying EC2 Auto Scaling Group Instance Refresh.

Our recommendation is to define ABS attributes as overrides within the mixed_instances_policy block in EC2 Auto Scaling Groups. For most of the applications, we recommend using EC2 Auto Scaling Group to provision EC2 instances.

Let’s get back to our previous example. Now we want to be more prescriptive for the instance requirements our Java application uses.

Let’s assume that the Java application is memory intensive, requires a vCPU to Memory ratio of 4GB for every vCPU, and has been using the m5.large instance type. Additionally, it does not need hardware accelerators like GPUs, FPGAs, etc. Our application does also require a minimum of 2 vCPUs, and the range of memory has been reduced to 32GB to avoid large garbage collection scenarios. This time, we’d like to launch only Spot Instances. As mentioned earlier in this blog post, diversification is key for Spot. To improve the experience with Spot, let’s enable the capacity rebalance feature from the EC2 Auto Scaling Group to proactively replace instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted. The following code snippet represents the ABS attributes we need for the more prescriptive workload:

resource “aws_autoscaling_group” “spot” {
  availability_zones = [“us-east-1a”, “us-east-1b”, “us-east-1c”]
  desired_capacity   = 1
  max_size           = 1
  min_size           = 1
  capacity_rebalance = true

  mixed_instances_policy {
    instances_distribution {
      spot_allocation_strategy = "capacity-optimized"

    launch_template {
      launch_template_specification {
        launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.x86.id

      override {
        instance_requirements {
          memory_mib {
            min = 4096
            max = 32768

          vcpu_count {
            min = 2

          memory_gib_per_vcpu {
            min = 4
            max = 4

          accelerator_count {
            max = 0

Launching EC2 Spot Instances with EC2 Fleet

Another method we have to launch EC2 instances is the EC2 Fleet API. We recommend to use EC2 Fleet for workloads that need granular controls to provision capacity. For example, tight HPC workloads where instances must be close together (single Availability Zone and within the same placement group) and need similar instance types. EC2 Fleet is also used by capacity orchestrators such as Karpenter or Atlassian Escalator that implement tuned up and optimized logic to provision capacity.

Let’s say that this time the workload is a CPU bound workload and has been using the c5.9xlarge instance type. The workload can be retried and the application supports checkpointing, so it qualifies to use Spot Instances. Given we’ll be using Spot Instances, we would like to benefit from the capacity rebalance feature as we did before in the EC2 Auto Scaling Group example. The application requires very prescriptive ranges of vCPU and memory and we also need a minimum of 100 GB SSD local storage. While in most cases EC2 Auto Scaling Groups are appropriate solution to procure and maintain capacity, in this case we will use EC2 Fleet.

The following code snippet represents the ABS attributes we need for this workload:

resource "aws_ec2_fleet" "spot" {
  target_capacity_specification {
    default_target_capacity_type = "spot"
    total_target_capacity        = 5

  spot_options {
    allocation_strategy = "capacity-optimized"
    maintenance_strategies {
      capacity_rebalance {
        replacement_strategy = "launch"

  launch_template_config {
    launch_template_specification {
      launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.x86.id
      version            = aws_launch_template.x86.latest_version

    override {
      instance_requirements {
        memory_mib {
          min = 65536
          max = 73728

        vcpu_count {
          min = 32
          max = 36

        cpu_manufacturers   = ["intel"]
        local_storage       = "required"
        local_storage_types = ["ssd"]

        total_local_storage_gb {
          min = 100

Multi-Architecture workloads using Graviton and x86 with EC2 Auto Scaling Groups

Another recent feature from EC2 Auto Scaling Groups is that you can build multi-architecture workloads. EC2 Auto Scaling Group allows you to mix Graviton and x86 instance types in the same EC2 Auto Scaling Group. Unlike the x86_64 instances we have used so far, AWS Graviton processors are custom built by AWS using 64-bit Arm. You need to use different launch templates as each architecture needs to use a different AMI. This can be defined in within the override block.

In the example below, we use ABS to define different attributes depending on the CPU architecture. And what’s great about doing this is that we don’t need to exclude instance types. Instances will be launched with a compatible CPU architecture based on the AMI that you specify in our launch template.

Besides supporting mixing architectures, EC2 Auto Scaling Groups allows to combine purchase models. For our example, this time we’ll use a more complex scenario to showcase how powerful and feature rich EC2 Auto Scaling Group has become. The following code snippet applies many of the configurations we’ve seen before, but the key difference here is that we have two overrides. One is for Graviton instances, and another one for x86 instances.

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "on_demand_spot" {
  availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
  desired_capacity   = 4
  max_size           = 10
  min_size           = 2
  capacity_rebalance = true

  mixed_instances_policy {
    instances_distribution {
      on_demand_base_capacity                  = 2
      on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = 0
      spot_allocation_strategy                 = "capacity-optimized"

    launch_template {
      launch_template_specification {
        launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.arm.id

      override {
        launch_template_specification {
          launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.arm.id

        instance_requirements {
          memory_mib {
            min = 16384
            max = 16384

          vcpu_count {
            max = 4

      override {
        launch_template_specification {
          launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.x86.id

        instance_requirements {
          memory_mib {
            min = 16384

          vcpu_count {
            min = 4

Multi-architecture workloads can also be applied to container orchestration. Thanks to the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Ama­zon ECR) support for multi-architecture container images, you can use manifests to push both container images, and Amazon ECR will pull the proper image based on the CPU architecture. We have a workshop for Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) where you can learn more about how to deploy a multi-architecture workload in Amazon EKS.


In this post you’ve learned how to configure ABS to launch instances using Auto Scaling Groups and EC2 Fleet. You’ve learned and how to mix CPU architectures along with purchase models in the same EC2 Auto Scaling Group using Terraform while simplifying the configuration.

Our commitment with open-source projects such as Terraform is to help customers implement AWS best practices in a larger ecosystem easily. ABS support allows customers to get access to compute capacity by simply specifying the resource requirement attributes of their workloads rather than the instance names.

ABS simplifies the configuration for instance flexible workloads and removes the need to list the instances that qualify for your workload. Instead, it simplifies the configuration and future proof for scenarios where AWS includes new instances that qualify for the workload. For Spot workloads where instance diversification is key, ABS simplifies the selection of instances and helps to increase the total number of pools. For more information, visit the ABS user guide and Terraform documentation for Auto Scaling Groups and EC2 Fleet.