Tag Archives: Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Introducing instance maintenance policy for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Post Syndicated from Macey Neff original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-instance-maintenance-policy-for-amazon-ec2-auto-scaling/

This post is written by Ahmed Nada, Principal Solutions Architect, Flexible Compute and Kevin OConnor, Principal Product Manager, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers around the world trust Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to provision, scale, and manage Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) capacity for their workloads. Customers have come to rely on Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling instance refresh capabilities to drive deployments of new EC2 Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), change EC2 instance types, and make sure their code is up-to-date.

Currently, EC2 Auto Scaling uses a combination of ‘launch before terminate’ and ‘terminate and launch’ behaviors depending on the replacement cause. Customers have asked for more control over when new instances are launched, so they can minimize any potential disruptions created by replacing instances that are actively in use. This is why we’re excited to introduce instance maintenance policy for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, an enhancement that provides customers with greater control over the EC2 instance replacement processes to make sure instances are replaced in a way that aligns with performance priorities and operational efficiencies while minimizing Amazon EC2 costs.

This post dives into varying ways to configure an instance maintenance policy and gives you tools to use it in your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups.


AWS launched Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in 2009 with the goal of simplifying the process of managing Amazon EC2 capacity. Since then, we’ve continued to innovate with advanced features like predictive scaling, attribute-based instance selection, and warm pools.

A fundamental Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling capability is replacing instances based on instance health, due to Amazon EC2 Spot Instance interruptions, or in response to an instance refresh operation. The instance refresh capability allows you to maintain a fleet of healthy and high-performing EC2 instances in your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group. In some situations, it’s possible that terminating instances before launching a replacement can impact performance, or in the worst case, cause downtime for your applications. No matter what your requirements are, instance maintenance policy allows you to fine-tune the instance replacement process to match your specific needs.


Instance maintenance policy adds two new Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group settings: minimum healthy percentage (MinHealthyPercentage) and maximum healthy percentage (MaxHealthyPercentage). These values represent the percentage of the group’s desired capacity that must be in a healthy and running state during instance replacement. Values for MinHealthyPercentage can range from 0 to 100 percent and from 100 to 200 percent for MaxHealthyPercentage. These settings are applied to all events that lead to instance replacement, such as Health-check based replacement, Max Instance Lifetime, EC2 Spot Capacity Rebalancing, Availability Zone rebalancing, Instance Purchase Option Rebalancing, and Instance refresh. You can also override the group-level instance maintenance policy during instance refresh operations to meet specific deployment use cases.

Before launching instance maintenance policy, an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group would use the previously described behaviors when replacing instances. By setting the MinHealthyPercentage of the instance maintenance policy to 100% and the MaxHealthyPercentage to a value greater than 100%, the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group first launches replacement instances and waits for them to become available before terminating the instances being replaced.

Setting up instance maintenance policy

You can add an instance maintenance policy to new or existing Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDK, AWS CloudFormation, and Terraform.

When creating or editing Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups in the Console, you are presented with four options to define the replacement behavior of your instance maintenance policy. These options include the No policy option, which allows you to maintain the default instance replacement settings that the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling service uses today.

The GUI for the instance maintenance policy feature within the “Create Auto Scaling group” wizard.

Image 1: The GUI for the instance maintenance policy feature within the “Create Auto Scaling group” wizard.

Using instance maintenance policy to increase application availability

The Launch before terminating policy is the right selection when you want to favor availability of your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group capacity. This policy setting temporarily increases the group’s capacity by launching new instances during replacement operations. In the Amazon EC2 console, you select the Launch before terminating replacement behavior, and then set your desired MaxHealthyPercentage value to determine how many more instances should be launched during instance replacement.

For example, if you are managing a workload that requires optimal availability during instance replacements, choose the Launch before terminating policy type with a MinHealthyPercentage set to 100%. If you set your MaxHealthyPercentage to 150%, then Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches replacement instances before terminating instances to be replaced. You should see the desired capacity increase by 50%, exceeding the group maximum capacity during the operation to provide you with the needed availability. The chart in the following figure illustrates what an instance refresh operation would behave like with a Launch before terminating policy.

A graph simulating the instance replacement process with a policy configured to launch before terminating.

Figure 1: A graph simulating the instance replacement process with a policy configured to launch before terminating.

Overriding a group’s instance maintenance policy during instance refresh

Instance maintenance policy settings apply to all instance replacement operations, but they can be overridden at the start of a new instance refresh operation. Overriding instance maintenance policy is helpful in situations like a bad code deployment that needs replacing without downtime. You could configure an instance maintenance policy to bring an entirely new group’s worth of instances into service before terminating the instances with the problematic code. In this situation, you set the MaxHealthyPercentage to 200% for the instance refresh operation and the replacement happens in a single cycle to promptly address the bad code issue. Setting the MaxHealthyPercentage to 200% will allow the replacement settings to breach the Auto Scaling Group’s Max capacity value, but would be constrained by any account level quotas, so be sure to factor these into application of this feature. See the following figure for a visualization of how this operation would behave.

A graph simulating the instance replacement process with a policy configured to accelerate a new deployment.

Figure 2: A graph simulating the instance replacement process with a policy configured to accelerate a new deployment.

Controlling costs during replacements and deployments

The Terminate and launch policy option allows you to favor cost control during instance replacement. By configuring this policy type, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling terminates existing instances and then launches new instances during the replacement process. To set a Terminate and launch policy, you must specify a MinHealthyPercentage to establish how low the capacity can drop, and keep your MaxHealthyPercentage set to 100%. This configuration keeps the Auto Scaling group’s capacity at or below the desired capacity setting.

The following figure shows behavior with the MinHealthyPercentage set to 80%. During the instance replacement process, the Auto Scaling group first terminates 20% of the instances and immediately launches replacement instances, temporarily reducing the group’s healthy capacity to 80%. The group waits for the new instances to pass its configured health checks and complete warm up before it moves on to replacing the remaining batches of instances.

: A graph simulating the instance replacement process with a policy configured to terminate and launch.

Figure 3: A graph simulating the instance replacement process with a policy configured to terminate and launch.

Note that the difference between MinHealthyPercentage and MaxHealthyPercentage values impacts the speed of the instance replacement process. In the preceding figure, the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group replaces 20% of the instances in each cycle. The larger the gap between the MinHealthyPercentage and MaxHealthyPercentage, the faster the replacement process.

Using a custom policy for maximum flexibility

You can also choose to adopt a Custom behavior option, where you have the flexibility to set the MinHealthyPercentage and MinHealthyPercentage values to whatever you choose. Using this policy type allows you to fine-tune the replacement behavior and control the capacity of your instances within the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group to tailor the instance maintenance policy to meet your unique needs.

What about fractional replacement calculations?

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling always favors availability when performing instance replacements. When instance maintenance policy is configured, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling also prioritizes launching a new instance rather than going below the MinHealthyPercentage. For example, in an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group with a desired capacity of 10 instances and an instance maintenance policy with MinHealthyPercentage set to 99% and MaxHealthyPercentage set to 100%, your settings do not allow for a reduction in capacity of at least one instance. Therefore, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling biases toward launch before terminating and launches one new instance before terminating any instances that need replacing.

Configuring an instance maintenance policy is not mandatory. If you don’t configure your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups to use an instance maintenance policy, then there is no change in the behavior of your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups’ existing instance replacement process.

You can set a group-level instance maintenance policy through your CloudFormation or Terraform templates. Within your templates, you must set values for both the MinHealthyPercentage and MaxHealthyPercentage settings to determine the instance replacement behavior that aligns with the specific requirements of your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group.


In this post, we introduced the new instance maintenance policy feature for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, explored its capabilities, and provided examples of how to use this new feature. Instance maintenance policy settings apply to all instance replacement processes with the option to override the settings on a per instance refresh basis. By configuring instance maintenance policies, you can control the launch and lifecycle of instances in your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, increase application availability, reduce manual intervention, and improve cost control for your Amazon EC2 usage.

To learn more about the feature and how to get started, refer to the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

How to create custom health checks for your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Fleet

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/how-to-create-custom-health-checks-for-your-amazon-ec2-auto-scaling-fleet/

This blog post is written by Gaurav Verma, Cloud Infrastructure Architect, Professional Services AWS.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling helps you maintain application availability and lets you automatically add or remove Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances according to the conditions that you define. You can use dynamic and predictive scaling to scale-out and scale-in EC2 instances. Auto Scaling helps to maintain the self-healing Amazon EC2 environment for an application where Auto Scaling can use the status of Amazon EC2 health checks to determine if an instance is faulty and needs replacement. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling provides three types of health checks, which are discussed below.

EC2 Status check: AWS provides two types of health checks for EC2 instances: System status check and instance status check. System status checks monitor the AWS system on which an instance is running. If the problem is with underlying system, AWS will fix the problem. Instance status check monitors the software and network configuration of an instance. If the instance status check fails, then you can fix the problem by following the steps in the troubleshoot instances with failed status checks documentation.

Elastic Load Balancer Health Check: Auto Scaling groups are generally connected to Elastic Load Balancers (ELB). ELB provides the application-level health check by monitoring the endpoint (a webpage, or a health page in a web application) of an application. ELB health check monitors the application and marks the instance unhealthy if there is no response from an instance in the configured time.

Custom Health Check: You can use custom health checks to mark any instance as unhealthy if the instance fails for the check you define. Custom health checks can be used to implement various user requirements, such as the presence of instance tags added upon completion of a required workflow. The user data script is executed at instance boot time, and it can perform additional investigation into whether or not the user requirements are met before confirming that the instance is ready to accept load. For example, this approach could be used to confirm that the instance was successfully integrated with other parts of a complex application stack.

In some cases, a customer may add multiple checks either in the Amazon EC2 AMI or in the boot sequence to keep the instance secure and compliant. These checks can increase the boot time for the EC2 instance, and they can reboot the EC2 instance multiple times before an instance can be marked as compliant. Therefore, in some cases, an EC2 instance boot period can take forty to fifty minutes or longer.

If an EC2 instance isn’t marked as healthy within a defined time, Auto Scaling will mark an instance unhealthy, even though the instance wasn’t yet ready for evaluation. Custom health checks can help manage these situations. You can write the Amazon EC2 user data script to perform the custom health check and force Auto Scaling to wait until the instance is truly healthy (i.e., functional, secure, and compliant).

This blog describes a method to write a custom health check. We write an Amazon EC2 user data script to perform the custom health check and automate it for future EC2 instances in the Auto Scaling group. This script can wait for an instance to successfully complete the boot process and then mark the instance as healthy.


You must have an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for Amazon EC2 with an Auto Scaling policy, which has these two actions allowed for the Auto Scaling group:



Furthermore, we use the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks. Lifecycle hooks let you create a solutions that are aware of events in Auto Scaling instance lifecycle, and then perform a custom action on instances when the lifecycle event occurs. As mentioned previously, typically a custom health check is needed when determining the workload readiness of an instance would be longer than the usual boot time for an EC2 instance that Auto Scaling assumes. Therefore, we utilize lifecycle hooks to keep the checks running until the instance is marked healthy.

Create custom health check

Let’s look at an example where an instance can only be marked as healthy if the instance has a tag with the key “Compliance-Check” and value “Successful”. Until this tag is both (a) present and (b) carries the value “Successful”, the instance shouldn’t be marked as “InService”.

  1. Create the Auto Scaling launch template for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling. Name your Launch template “test”. In the additional configuration for user data, use this shell script as text.

The Following script will install the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to interact with the AWS tagging and Auto Scaling APIs. Then, the script will run the while loop until the instance has a tag with the key “Compliance-Check” and value “Successful”. Once the instance has a tag, it will mark the instance as healthy and the instance will move into the “InService” state.

curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
unzip awscliv2.zip
sudo ./aws/install
#get instance id

#Checking instance status
while true
readystatus=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $instance --filters "Name=tag: Compliance-Check,Values= Successful" |grep -i $instance)
if [[ $readystatus = *"InstanceId"* ]]; then
        echo $readystatus >> /home/ec2-user/user-script-output.txt
        aws autoscaling set-instance-health --instance-id $instance --health-status Healthy
        aws autoscaling complete-lifecycle-action --lifecycle-action-result CONTINUE --instance-id $instance --lifecycle-hook-name test --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg
	aws autoscaling set-instance-health --instance-id $instance --health-status Unhealthy
	sleep 5  

  1. Create an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group using the AWS CLI with the “test” launch template that you just created and a predefined lifecycle hook. First, create a JSON file “config.json” in a system where you will run the AWS command to create the Auto Scaling group.
    "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg",
    "LaunchTemplate": {"LaunchTemplateId": "lt-1234567890abcde12"} ,
    "MinSize": 2,
    "MaxSize": 4,
    "DesiredCapacity": 2,
    "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-12345678, subnet-90123456",
    "NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn": true,
    "LifecycleHookSpecificationList": [
            "LifecycleHookName": "test",
            "LifecycleTransition": "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING",
            "HeartbeatTimeout": 300,
            "DefaultResult": "ABANDON"
    "Tags": [
            "ResourceId": "my-asg",
            "ResourceType": "auto-scaling-group",
            "Key": "Compliance-Check",
            "Value": "UnSuccessful",
            "PropagateAtLaunch": true

To create the Auto Scaling group with the AWS CLI, you must run the following command at the same location where you saved the preceding JSON file. Make sure to replace the relevant subnets that you intend to use in the VPCZoneIdentifier.

>> aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group –cli-input-json file://config.json

This command will create the Auto Scaling group with a configuration defined in the JSON file. This Auto Scaling group should have two instances and a lifecycle hook called “test” with a 300 second wait period at the time of launch of an instance.


Now is the time to test the newly-created instances with a custom health check. Instances in Auto Scaling should be in the “Pending:Wait” stage, not the “InService” stage. Instances will be in this stage for approximately five minutes because we have a lifecycle hook time of 300 seconds in the config.json file.

If the workload readiness evaluation takes more than 300 seconds in your environment, then you can increase the lifecycle hook period to as long as 7200 seconds.

Change the tag value for one instance from “UnSuccessful” to “Successful”. If you’ve changed the tag within the five minutes of instances creation, then the instance should be in the “InService” state and marked as healthy.

Change Compliance-Check value from "UnSuccessful" to "Successful".

This test is a simulation of the situation where the health check of an instance depends on the tag values, and the tag values are only updated if the instance passes all of the checks as per the organization standards. Here we change the tag value manually, but in a real use case scenario, this value would be changed by the booting process when instances are marked as compliant.

Another test case could be that an instance should be marked as healthy if it’s added to the configuration management database, but not before that. For these checks, you can use the API with the curl command and look for the desired result. An example to call an API is in the above script, where it calls the AWS API to get the instance ID.

In case your custom health check script needs more than 7200 seconds, you can use this command to increase the lifecycle hook time:

>> aws autoscaling record-lifecycle-action-heartbeat –lifecycle-hook-name <lh_
name> –auto-scaling-group-name <asg_name> –instance-id <instance_id>

This command will give you the extra time equal to the time that you have configured in the life cycle hook.


Once you successfully test the solution, to avoid ongoing charges for resources you created, you should delete the resources.

To delete the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group, run the following command:

aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg

To delete the launch template, run the following command:

aws ec2 delete-launch-template --launch-template-id lt-1234567890abcde12

Delete the role and policy as well if you no longer need it.


EC2 Auto Scaling custom health checks are useful when system or instance health is insufficient, and you want instances to be marked as healthy only after additional checks. Typically, because of these different checks, the Amazon EC2 boot period can be longer than usual, and this may impact the scale-out process when an application needs more resources.

You can start by exploring EC2 Auto Scaling warm pools for these environments. You can keep the healthy marked instances in the warm pool in the Stopped stage. Then, these instances can be brought into the main pool at the time of scale-out without spending time on the boot process and lengthy health check. If you enable scale-in protection, then these healthy instances can move back to the warm pool at the time of scale-in rather than being terminated altogether.

Adopt Recommendations and Monitor Predictive Scaling for Optimal Compute Capacity

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/evaluating-predictive-scaling-for-amazon-ec2-capacity-optimization/

This post is written by Ankur Sethi, Sr. Product Manager, EC2, and Kinnar Sen, Sr. Specialist Solution Architect, AWS Compute.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling helps customers optimize their Amazon EC2 capacity by dynamically responding to varying demand. Based on customer feedback, we enhanced the scaling experience with the launch of predictive scaling policies. Predictive scaling proactively adds EC2 instances to your Auto Scaling group in anticipation of demand spikes. This results in better availability and performance for your applications that have predictable demand patterns and long initialization times. We recently launched a couple of features designed to help you assess the value of predictive scaling – prescriptive recommendations on whether to use predictive scaling based on its potential availability and cost impact, and integration with Amazon CloudWatch to continuously monitor the accuracy of predictions. In this post, we discuss the features in detail and the steps that you can easily adopt to enjoy the benefits of predictive scaling.

Recap: Predictive Scaling

EC2 Auto Scaling helps customers maintain application availability by managing the capacity and health of the underlying cluster. Prior to predictive scaling, EC2 Auto Scaling offered dynamic scaling policies such as target tracking and step scaling. These dynamic scaling policies are configured with an Amazon CloudWatch metric that represents an application’s load. EC2 Auto Scaling constantly monitors this metric and responds according to your policies, thereby triggering the launch or termination of instances. Although it’s extremely effective and widely used, this model is reactive in nature, and for larger spikes, may lead to unfulfilled capacity momentarily as the cluster is scaling out. Customers mitigate this by adopting aggressive scale out and conservative scale in to manage the additional buffer of instances. However, sometimes applications take a long time to initialize or have a recurring pattern with a sudden spike of high demand. These can have an impact on the initial response of the system when it is scaling out. Customers asked for a proactive scaling mechanism that can scale capacity ahead of predictable spikes, and so we delivered predictive scaling.

Predictive scaling was launched to make the scaling action proactive as it anticipates the changes required in the compute demand and scales accordingly. The scaling action is determined by ensemble machine learning (ML) built with data from your Auto Scaling group’s scaling patterns, as well as billions of data points from our observations. Predictive scaling should be used for applications where demand changes rapidly but with a recurring pattern, instances require a long time to initialize, or where you’re manually invoking scheduled scaling for routine demand patterns. Predictive scaling not only forecasts capacity requirements based on historical usage, but also learns continuously, thereby making forecasts more accurate with time. Furthermore, predictive scaling policy is designed to only scale out and not scale in your Auto Scaling groups, eliminating the risk of ending with lesser capacity because of inexact predictions. You must use dynamic scaling policy, scheduled scaling, or your own custom mechanism for scale-ins. In case of exceptional demand spikes, this addition of dynamic scaling policy can also improve your application performance by bridging the gap between demand and predicted capacity.

What’s new with predictive scaling

Predictive scaling policies can be configured in a non-mutative ‘Forecast Only’ mode to evaluate the accuracy of forecasts. When you’re ready to start scaling, you can switch to the ‘Forecast and Scale’ mode. Now we prescriptively recommend whether your policy should be switched to ‘Forecast and Scale’ mode if it can potentially lead to better availability and lower costs, saving you the time and effort of doing such an evaluation manually. You can test different configurations by creating multiple predictive scaling policies in ‘Forecast Only’ mode, and choose the one that performs best in terms of availability and cost improvements.

Monitoring and observability are key elements of AWS Well Architected Framework. Now we also offer CloudWatch metrics for your predictive scaling policies so that that you can programmatically monitor your predictive scaling policy for demand pattern changes or prolonged periods of inaccurate predictions. This will enable you to monitor the key performance metrics and make it easier to adopt AWS Well-Architected best practices.

In the following sections, we deep dive into the details of these two features.

Recommendations for predictive scaling

Once you set up an Auto Scaling group with predictive scaling policy in Forecast Only mode as explained in this introduction to predictive scaling blog post , you can review the results of the forecast visually and adjust any parameters to more accurately reflect the behavior that you desire. Evaluating simply on the basis of visualization may not be very intuitive if the scaling patterns are erratic. Moreover, if you keep higher minimum capacities, then the graph may show a flat line for the actual capacity as your Auto Scaling group capacity is an outcome of existing scaling policy configurations and the minimum capacity that you configured. This makes it difficult to contemplate whether the lower capacity predicted by predictive scaling wouldn’t leave your Auto Scaling group under-scaled.

This new feature provides a prescriptive guidance to switch on predictive scaling in Forecast and Scale mode based on the factors of availability and cost savings. To determine the availability and cost savings, we compare the predictions against the actual capacity and the optimal, required capacity. This required capacity is inferred based on whether your instances were running at a higher or lower value than the target value for scaling metric that you defined as part of the predictive scaling policy configuration. For example, if an Auto Scaling group is running 10 instances at 20% CPU Utilization while the target defined in predictive scaling policy is 40%, then the instances are running under-utilized by 50% and the required capacity is assumed to be 5 instances (half of your current capacity). For an Auto Scaling group, based on the time range in which you’re interested (two weeks as default), we aggregate the cost saving and availability impact of predictive scaling. The availability impact measures for the amount of time that the actual metric value was higher than the target value that you defined to be optimal for each policy. Similarly, cost savings measures the aggregated savings based on the capacity utilization of the underlying Auto Scaling group for each defined policy. The final cost and availability will lead us to a recommendation based on:

  • If availability increases (or remains same) and cost reduces (or remains same), then switch on Forecast and Scale
  • If availability reduces, then disable predictive scaling
  • If availability increase comes at an increased cost, then the customer should take the call based on their cost-availability tradeoff threshold

This figure shows the console view of how the recommendations look like on the Auto Scaling console. For each policy we make prescriptive recommendation of whether to switch to Forecast And Scale mode along with whether doing so can lead to better availability and lower costFigure 1: Predictive Scaling Recommendations on EC2 Auto Scaling console

The preceding figure shows how the console reflects the recommendation for a predictive scaling policy. You get information on whether the policy can lead to higher availability and lower cost, which leads to a recommendation to switch to Forecast and Scale. To achieve this cost saving, you might have to lower your minimum capacity and aim for higher utilization in dynamic scaling policies.

To get the most value from this feature, we recommend that you create multiple predictive scaling policies in Forecast Only mode with different configurations, choosing different metrics and/or different target values. Target value is an important lever that changes how aggressive the capacity forecasts must be. A lower target value increases your capacity forecast resulting in better availability for your application. However, this also means more dollars to be spent on the Amazon EC2 cost. Similarly, a higher target value can leave you under-scaled while reactive scaling bridges the gap in just a few minutes. Separate estimates of cost and availability impact are provided for each of the predictive scaling policies. We recommend using a policy if either availability or cost are improved and the other variable improves or stays the same. As long as there is a predictable pattern, Auto Scaling enhanced with predictive scaling maintains high availability for your applications.

Continuous Monitoring of predictive scaling

Once you’re using a predictive scaling policy in Forecast and Scale mode based on the recommendation, you must monitor the predictive scaling policy for demand pattern changes or inaccurate predictions. We introduced two new CloudWatch Metrics for predictive scaling called ‘PredictiveScalingLoadForecast’ and ‘PredictiveScalingCapacityForecast’. Using CloudWatch mertic math feature, you can create a customized metric that measures the accuracy of predictions. For example, to monitor whether your policy is over or under-forecasting, you can publish separate metrics to measure the respective errors. In the following graphic, we show how the metric math expressions can be used to create a Mean Absolute Error for over-forecasting on the load forecasts. Because predictive scaling can only increase capacity, it is useful to alert when the policy is excessively over-forecasting to prevent unnecessary cost.This figure shows the CloudWatch graph of three metrics – the total CPU Utilization of the Auto Scaling group, the load forecast generated by predictive scaling, and the derived metric using metric math that measures error for over-forecastingFigure 2: Graphing an accuracy metric using metric math on CloudWatch

In the previous graph, the total CPU Utilization of the Auto Scaling group is represented by m1 metric in orange color while the predicted load by the policy is represented by m2 metric in green color. We used the following expression to get the ratio of over-forecasting error with respect to the actual value.

IF((m2-m1)>0, (m2-m1),0))/m1

Next, we will setup an alarm to automatically send notifications using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). You can create similar accuracy monitoring for capacity forecasts, but remember that once the policy is in Forecast and Scale mode, it already starts influencing the actual capacity. Hence, putting alarms on load forecast accuracy might be more intuitive as load is generally independent of the capacity of an Auto Scaling group.

This figure shows creation of alarm when 10 out of 12 data points breach 0.02 threshold for the accuracy metricFigure 3: Creating a CloudWatch Alarm on the accuracy metric

In the above screenshot, we have set an alarm that triggers when our custom accuracy metric goes above 0.02 (20%) for 10 out of last 12 data points which translates to 10 hours of the last 12 hours. We prefer to alarm on a greater number of data points so that we get notified only when predictive scaling is consistently giving inaccurate results.


With these new features, you can make a more informed decision about whether predictive scaling is right for you and which configuration makes the most sense. We recommend that you start off with Forecast Only mode and switch over to Forecast and Scale based on the recommendations. Once in Forecast and Scale mode, predictive scaling starts taking proactive scaling actions so that your instances are launched and ready to contribute to the workload in advance of the predicted demand. Then continuously monitor the forecast to maintain high availability and cost optimization of your applications. You can also use the new predictive scaling metrics and CloudWatch features, such as metric math, alarms, and notifications, to monitor and take actions when predictions are off by a set threshold for prolonged periods.

Simplifying Amazon EC2 instance type flexibility with new attribute-based instance type selection features

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/simplifying-amazon-ec2-instance-type-flexibility-with-new-attribute-based-instance-type-selection-features/

This blog is written by Rajesh Kesaraju, Sr. Solution Architect, EC2-Flexible Compute and Peter Manastyrny, Sr. Product Manager, EC2.

Today AWS is adding two new attributes for the attribute-based instance type selection (ABS) feature to make it even easier to create and manage instance type flexible configurations on Amazon EC2. The new network bandwidth attribute allows customers to request instances based on the network requirements of their workload. The new allowed instance types attribute is useful for workloads that have some instance type flexibility but still need more granular control over which instance types to run on.

The two new attributes are supported in EC2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASG), EC2 Fleet, Spot Fleet, and Spot Placement Score.

Before exploring the new attributes in detail, let us review the core ABS capability.

ABS refresher

ABS lets you express your instance type requirements as a set of attributes, such as vCPU, memory, and storage when provisioning EC2 instances with ASG, EC2 Fleet, or Spot Fleet. Your requirements are translated by ABS to all matching EC2 instance types, simplifying the creation and maintenance of instance type flexible configurations. ABS identifies the instance types based on attributes that you set in ASG, EC2 Fleet, or Spot Fleet configurations. When Amazon EC2 releases new instance types, ABS will automatically consider them for provisioning if they match the selected attributes, removing the need to update configurations to include new instance types.

ABS helps you to shift from an infrastructure-first to an application-first paradigm. ABS is ideal for workloads that need generic compute resources and do not necessarily require the hardware differentiation that the Amazon EC2 instance type portfolio delivers. By defining a set of compute attributes instead of specific instance types, you allow ABS to always consider the broadest and newest set of instance types that qualify for your workload. When you use EC2 Spot Instances to optimize your costs and save up to 90% compared to On-Demand prices, instance type diversification is the key to access the highest amount of Spot capacity. ABS provides an easy way to configure and maintain instance type flexible configurations to run fault-tolerant workloads on Spot Instances.

We recommend ABS as the default compute provisioning method for instance type flexible workloads including containerized apps, microservices, web applications, big data, and CI/CD.

Now, let us dive deep on the two new attributes: network bandwidth and allowed instance types.

How network bandwidth attribute for ABS works

Network bandwidth attribute allows customers with network-sensitive workloads to specify their network bandwidth requirements for compute infrastructure. Some of the workloads that depend on network bandwidth include video streaming, networking appliances (e.g., firewalls), and data processing workloads that require faster inter-node communication and high-volume data handling.

The network bandwidth attribute uses the same min/max format as other ABS attributes (e.g., vCPU count or memory) that assume a numeric value or range (e.g., min: ‘10’ or min: ‘15’; max: ‘40’). Note that setting the minimum network bandwidth does not guarantee that your instance will achieve that network bandwidth. ABS will identify instance types that support the specified minimum bandwidth, but the actual bandwidth of your instance might go below the specified minimum at times.

Two important things to remember when using the network bandwidth attribute are:

  • ABS will only take burst bandwidth values into account when evaluating maximum values. When evaluating minimum values, only the baseline bandwidth will be considered.
    • For example, if you specify the minimum bandwidth as 10 Gbps, instances that have burst bandwidth of “up to 10 Gbps” will not be considered, as their baseline bandwidth is lower than the minimum requested value (e.g., m5.4xlarge is burstable up to 10 Gbps with a baseline bandwidth of 5 Gbps).
    • Alternatively, c5n.2xlarge, which is burstable up to 25 Gbps with a baseline bandwidth of 10 Gbps will be considered because its baseline bandwidth meets the minimum requested value.
  • Our recommendation is to only set a value for maximum network bandwidth if you have specific requirements to restrict instances with higher bandwidth. That would help to ensure that ABS considers the broadest possible set of instance types to choose from.

Using the network bandwidth attribute in ASG

In this example, let us look at a high-performance computing (HPC) workload or similar network bandwidth sensitive workload that requires a high volume of inter-node communications. We use ABS to select instances that have at minimum 10 Gpbs of network bandwidth and at least 32 vCPUs and 64 GiB of memory.

To get started, you can create or update an ASG or EC2 Fleet set up with ABS configuration and specify the network bandwidth attribute.

The following example shows an ABS configuration with network bandwidth attribute set to a minimum of 10 Gbps. In this example, we do not set a maximum limit for network bandwidth. This is done to remain flexible and avoid restricting available instance type choices that meet our minimum network bandwidth requirement.

Create the following configuration file and name it: my_asg_network_bandwidth_configuration.json

    "AutoScalingGroupName": "network-bandwidth-based-instances-asg",
    "DesiredCapacityType": "units",
    "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
        "LaunchTemplate": {
            "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                "LaunchTemplateName": "LaunchTemplate-x86",
                "Version": "$Latest"
            "Overrides": [
                "InstanceRequirements": {
                    "VCpuCount": {"Min": 32},
                    "MemoryMiB": {"Min": 65536},
                    "NetworkBandwidthGbps": {"Min": 10} }
        "InstancesDistribution": {
            "OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity": 30,
            "SpotAllocationStrategy": "capacity-optimized"
    "MinSize": 1,
    "MaxSize": 10,
    "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-f76e208a, subnet-f76e208b, subnet-f76e208c"

Next, let us create an ASG using the following command:

my_asg_network_bandwidth_configuration.json file

aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group --cli-input-json file://my_asg_network_bandwidth_configuration.json

As a result, you have created an ASG that may include instance types m5.8xlarge, m5.12xlarge, m5.16xlarge, m5n.8xlarge, and c5.9xlarge, among others. The actual selection at the time of the request is made by capacity optimized Spot allocation strategy. If EC2 releases an instance type in the future that would satisfy the attributes provided in the request, that instance will also be automatically considered for provisioning.

Considered Instances (not an exhaustive list)

Instance Type        Network Bandwidth
m5.8xlarge             “10 Gbps”

m5.12xlarge           “12 Gbps”

m5.16xlarge           “20 Gbps”

m5n.8xlarge          “25 Gbps”

c5.9xlarge               “10 Gbps”

c5.12xlarge             “12 Gbps”

c5.18xlarge             “25 Gbps”

c5n.9xlarge            “50 Gbps”

c5n.18xlarge          “100 Gbps”

Now let us focus our attention on another new attribute – allowed instance types.

How allowed instance types attribute works in ABS

As discussed earlier, ABS lets us provision compute infrastructure based on our application requirements instead of selecting specific EC2 instance types. Although this infrastructure agnostic approach is suitable for many workloads, some workloads, while having some instance type flexibility, still need to limit the selection to specific instance families, and/or generations due to reasons like licensing or compliance requirements, application performance benchmarking, and others. Furthermore, customers have asked us to provide the ability to restrict the auto-consideration of newly released instances types in their ABS configurations to meet their specific hardware qualification requirements before considering them for their workload. To provide this functionality, we added a new allowed instance types attribute to ABS.

The allowed instance types attribute allows ABS customers to narrow down the list of instance types that ABS considers for selection to a specific list of instances, families, or generations. It takes a comma separated list of specific instance types, instance families, and wildcard (*) patterns. Please note, that it does not use the full regular expression syntax.

For example, consider container-based web application that can only run on any 5th generation instances from compute optimized (c), general purpose (m), or memory optimized (r) families. It can be specified as “AllowedInstanceTypes”: [“c5*”, “m5*”,”r5*”].

Another example could be to limit the ABS selection to only memory-optimized instances for big data Spark workloads. It can be specified as “AllowedInstanceTypes”: [“r6*”, “r5*”, “r4*”].

Note that you cannot use both the existing exclude instance types and the new allowed instance types attributes together, because it would lead to a validation error.

Using allowed instance types attribute in ASG

Let us look at the InstanceRequirements section of an ASG configuration file for a sample web application. The AllowedInstanceTypes attribute is configured as [“c5.*”, “m5.*”,”c4.*”, “m4.*”] which means that ABS will limit the instance type consideration set to any instance from 4th and 5th generation of c or m families. Additional attributes are defined to a minimum of 4 vCPUs and 16 GiB RAM and allow both Intel and AMD processors.

Create the following configuration file and name it: my_asg_allow_instance_types_configuration.json

    "AutoScalingGroupName": "allow-instance-types-based-instances-asg",
    "DesiredCapacityType": "units",
    "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
        "LaunchTemplate": {
            "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                "LaunchTemplateName": "LaunchTemplate-x86",
                "Version": "$Latest"
            "Overrides": [
                "InstanceRequirements": {
                    "VCpuCount": {"Min": 4},
                    "MemoryMiB": {"Min": 16384},
                    "CpuManufacturers": ["intel","amd"],
                    "AllowedInstanceTypes": ["c5.*", "m5.*","c4.*", "m4.*"] }
        "InstancesDistribution": {
            "OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity": 30,
            "SpotAllocationStrategy": "capacity-optimized"
    "MinSize": 1,
    "MaxSize": 10,
    "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-f76e208a, subnet-f76e208b, subnet-f76e208c"

As a result, you have created an ASG that may include instance types like m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge, c5.xlarge, and c5.2xlarge, among others. The actual selection at the time of the request is made by capacity optimized Spot allocation strategy. Please note that if EC2 will in the future release a new instance type which will satisfy the other attributes provided in the request, but will not be a member of 4th or 5th generation of m or c families specified in the allowed instance types attribute, the instance type will not be considered for provisioning.

Selected Instances (not an exhaustive list)











As you can see, ABS considers a broad set of instance types for provisioning, however they all meet the compute attributes that are required for your workload.


To delete both ASGs and terminate all the instances, execute the following commands:

aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name network-bandwidth-based-instances-asg --force-delete

aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name allow-instance-types-based-instances-asg --force-delete


In this post, we explored the two new ABS attributes – network bandwidth and allowed instance types. Customers can use these attributes to select instances based on network bandwidth and to limit the set of instances that ABS selects from. The two new attributes, as well as the existing set of ABS attributes enable you to save time on creating and maintaining instance type flexible configurations and make it even easier to express the compute requirements of your workload.

ABS represents the paradigm shift in the way that our customers interact with compute, making it easier than ever to request diversified compute resources at scale. We recommend ABS as a tool to help you identify and access the largest amount of EC2 compute capacity for your instance type flexible workloads.

How to prepare your application to scale reliably with Amazon EC2

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/how-to-prepare-your-application-to-scale-reliably-with-amazon-ec2/

This blog post is written by, Gabriele Postorino, Senior Technical Account Manager, and Giorgio Bonfiglio, Principal Technical Account Manager

In this post, we’ll discuss how you can prepare for planned and unplanned scaling events with

Most of the challenges related to horizontal scaling can be mitigated by optimizing the architectural implementation and applying improvements in operational processes.

In the following sections, we’ll explore this in depth. Recommendations can be applied partially or fully – they come with different complexities, and each one will help you reduce the risk of facing insufficient capacity errors or scaling delays, as well as deliver enhancements in areas such as fault tolerance, elasticity, and cost optimization.

Architectural best practices

Instance capacity can be regarded as being divided into “pools” defined by AZ (such as us-east-1a), instance type (for example m5.xlarge), and tenancy. Combining the following two guidelines will widen the capacity pools available to scale out your fleets of instances. This will help you reduce costs, transparently recover from failures, and increase your application scalability.

Instance flexibility

Whether you’re migrating a new workload to the cloud, or tuning an existing workload, you’ll likely evaluate which compute configuration options are available and determine the right configuration for your application.

If your workload is already running on EC2 instances, you might already be aware of the instance type that it runs best on. Let’s say that your application is RAM intensive, and you found that r6i.4xlarge instances are best suited for it.

However, relying on a single instance type might result in artificially limiting your ability to scale compute resources for your workload when needed. It’s always a good idea to explore how your workload behaves when running on other instance types: you might find that your application can serve double the number of requests served by one r6i.4xlarge instance when using one r6i.8xlarge instance or four r6i.2xlarge instances.

Furthermore, there’s no reason to limit your options to a single instance family, generation, or processor type. For example, m6a.8xlarge instances offer the same amount of RAM of r6i.4xlarge and might be used to run your application if needed.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling helps you make sure that you have the right number of EC2 instances available to handle the load for your application.

Auto Scaling groups can be configured to respond to scaling events by selecting the type of instance to launch among a list of instance types. You can statically populate the list in advance, as in the following screenshot,

The Instance type requirements section of the Auto Scaling Wizard instance launch options step is shown with the option “Manually add instance types” selected.

or dynamically define it by a set of instance attributes as shown in the subsequent screenshot:

The Instance type requirements section of the Auto Scaling Wizard instance launch options step is shown with the option “Specify instance attribute” selected.

For example, by setting the requirements to a minimum of 8 vCPUs, 64GiB of Memory, and a RAM/CPU ratio of 8 (just like r6i.2xlarge instances), up to 73 instance types can be included in the list of suitable instances. They will be selected for launch starting from the lowest priced instance types. If the request can’t be fulfilled in full by the lowest priced instance type, then additional instances will be launched from the second lowest instance type pool, and so on.

Instance distribution

Each AWS Region consists of multiple, isolated Availability Zones (AZ), interconnected with high-bandwidth, low-latency networking. Spreading a workload across AZs is a well-established resiliency best practice. It will make sure that your end users aren’t impacted in the case of a single AZ, data center, or rack failures, as each AZ has its own distinct instance capacity pools that you can leverage to scale your application fleets.

EC2 Auto Scaling can manage the optimal distribution of EC2 instances in a group across all AZs in a Region automatically, as well as deal with temporary failures transparently. To do so, it must be configured to use at least one subnet in each AZ. Then, it will attempt to distribute instances evenly across AZs and automatically cycle through AZs in case of temporary launch failures.

Diagram showing a VPC with subnets in 2 Availability Zones and an Autoscaling group managing groups of instances of different types

Operational best practices

The way that your workload is operated also impacts your ability to scale it when needed. Failure management and appropriate scaling techniques will help you maximize the availability of your environment.

Failure management

On-Demand capacity isn’t guaranteed to always be available. There might be short windows of time when AWS doesn’t have enough available On-Demand capacity to fulfill your specific request: as the availability of On-Demand capacity changes frequently, it’s important that your launch processes implement retry mechanisms.

Retries and fallbacks are managed automatically by EC2 Auto Scaling. But if you have a custom workflow to launch instances, it should be able to work with server error codes, in particular InsufficientInstanceCapacity or InternalError, by retrying the launch request. For a complete list of error codes for the EC2 API, please refer to our documentation.

Another option provided by EC2 is represented by EC2 Fleets. EC2 Fleet is a feature that helps to implement instance flexibility best practices. Instead of calling RunInstances with one instance type and retrying, EC2 Fleet in Instant mode considers all provided instance types, using a list of instances or Attribute Based Instance selection, and provisions capacity from the pools configured by the EC2 Fleet call where capacity was available.

Scaling technique

Launching EC2 instances as soon as you have an initial indication of increased load, in smaller batches and over a longer time span, helps increase your application performance and reliability while reducing costs and minimizing disruptions.

Two different scaling techniques that follow the increase in load are depicted. One scaling approach adds a large number of instances less frequently, while the second approach launches a smaller batch of instances more frequently. In the graph above, two different scaling techniques are depicted. Scaling approach #1 adds a large number of instances less frequently, while approach #2 launches a smaller batch of instances more frequently. Adopting the first approach risks your application not being able to sustain the increase in load in a timely manner. This will potentially cause an impact on end users and leave the operations team with little time to resolve.

Effective capacity planning

On-Demand Instances are best suited for applications with irregular, uninterruptible workloads. Interruptible workloads can avail of Spot Instances that pick from spare EC2 capacity. They cost less than On-Demand Instances but can be interrupted with a two-minute warning.

If your workload has a stable baseline utilization that hardly changes over time, then you can reserve capacity for your baseline usage of EC2 instances using open On-Demand Capacity Reservations and cover them with Savings Plans to get discounted rates with a one-year or three-year commitment, with the latter offering the bigger discounts.

Open On-Demand Capacity Reservations and Savings Plans aren’t tightly related to the EC2 instances that they cover at a certain point in time. Rather they shift to other usage, matching all of the parameters of the respective On-Demand Capacity Reservation or Savings Plan (e.g., Instance Type, Operating System, AZ, tenancy) in your account or across accounts for which you have sharing enabled. This lets you be dynamic even with your stable baseline. For example, during a rolling update or a blue/green deployment, On-Demand Capacity Reservations and Savings Plans will automatically cover any instances that match the respective criteria.

ODCR Fleets

There are times when you can’t apply all of the recommended mitigating actions in anticipation of a planned event. In those cases, you might want to use On-Demand Capacity Reservation Fleets to reserve capacity in advance for additional peace of mind. Capacity reservation fleets let you define capacity requests across multiple instance types, up to a target capacity that you specify. They can be created and managed using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and the AWS APIs.

Key concepts of Capacity Reservation Fleets are the total target capacity and the instance type weight. The instance type weight expresses the number of capacity units that each instance of a specific instance type counts toward the total target capacity.

Let’s say your workload is memory-bound, you expect to need 1,6TiB of RAM, and you want to use r6i instances. You can create a Capacity Reservation Fleet for r6i instances defining weights for each instance type in the family based on the relative amount of memory that they have in an instance type specification json file.

        "InstanceType": "r6i.2xlarge",                       
        "Weight": 1,
        "EbsOptimized": true,           
        "Priority" : 3
        "InstanceType": "r6i.4xlarge",                        
        "Weight": 2,
        "EbsOptimized": true,            
        "Priority" : 2
        "InstanceType": "r6i.8xlarge",                        
        "Weight": 4,
        "EbsOptimized": true,            
        "Priority" : 1

Then, you want to use this specification to create a Capacity Reservation Fleet that takes care of the underlying Capacity Reservations needed to fulfill your request:

$ aws ec2 create-capacity-reservation-fleet \
--total-target-capacity 25 \
--allocation-strategy prioritized \
--instance-match-criteria open \
--tenancy default \
--end-date 2022-05-31T00:00:00.000Z \
--instance-type-specifications file://instanceTypeSpecification.json

In this example, I set the target capacity to 25, which is the number of r6i.2xlarge needed to get 1,6TiB of total memory across the fleet. As you might have noticed, Capacity Reservation Fleets can be created with an end date. They will automatically cancel themselves and the Capacity Reservations that they created when the end date is reached, so that you don’t need to.

AWS Infrastructure Event Management

Last but not least, our teams can offer the AWS Infrastructure Event Management (IEM) program. Part of select AWS Support offerings, the IEM program has been designed to help you with planning and executing events that impact your infrastructure on AWS. By requesting an IEM engagement, you will be supported by AWS experts during all of the phases of your event.Flow chart showing the steps and IEM is usually made of: 1. Event is planned 2. IEM is initiated 6-8 weeks in advance of the event 3. Infrastructure readiness is assessed and mitigations are applied 4. The event 5. Post-event reviewStarting from your business outcomes and success criteria, we’ll assess your infrastructure readiness for the event, evaluate risks, and recommend specific actions to mitigate them. The AWS experts will focus on your application architecture as a whole and dive deep into each of its components with your respective teams. They might also engage with other AWS teams to notify them of the upcoming event, and get specific prescriptive guidance when needed. During the event, AWS experts will have the context needed to help you resolve any issue that might arise as quickly as possible. The program is included in the Enterprise and Enterprise On-Ramp Support plans and is available to Business Support customers for an additional fee.


Whether you’re planning for a big future event, or you want to make sure that your application can withstand unexpected increases in traffic, it’s important that you consider what we discussed in this article:

  • Use as many instance types as you can, don’t limit your workload to use a single instance type when it could also use a lot more types
  • Distribute your EC2 instances across all AZs in the Region
  • Expect failures: manage retries and fallback options
  • Make use of EC2 Autoscaling and EC2 Fleet whenever possible
  • Avoid scaling spikes: start scaling earlier, in smaller chunks, and more frequently
  • Reserve capacity only when you really need to

For further study, we recommend the Well-Architected Framework Reliability and Operational Excellence pillars as starting points. Moreover, if you have an event coming up, talk to your Technical Account Manager, your Account Team, or contact us to find out how we can help!

Implementing Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection using Terraform

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-attribute-based-instance-type-selection-using-terraform/

This blog post is written by Christian Melendez, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, Flexible Compute – EC2 Spot and Carlos Manzanedo Rueda, WW SA Leader, Flexible Compute – EC2 Spot.

In this blog post we will cover the release of Terraform support for Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection (ABS). ABS simplifies the configuration required to acquire compute capacity for Instance Flexible workloads. Terraform  is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool by HashiCorp. Hashicorp is an AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Technology Partner and member of the AWS DevOps Competency.


Amazon EC2 provides a wide selection of instance types optimized to fit different use cases. Instance types comprise varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity and give you the flexibility to choose the appropriate mix of resources for your applications.

Workloads such as continuous integration, analytics, microservices on containers, etc., can use multiple instance types. Customers have been telling us that simplifying the configuration of instance flexible workloads is important. For workloads that are instance flexible, AWS released ABS to express workload requirements as a set of instance attributes such as: vCPU, memory, type of processor, etc. ABS translates these requirements and selects all matching instance types that meet the criteria. To select which instance to launch, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Groups and EC2 Fleet chose instances based on the allocation strategy configured. Lowest-price allocation strategy is supported on both Amazon EC2 On-Demand Instances and Amazon EC2 Spot Instances. The recommendation for Spot Instances is to use capacity-optimized, which select the optimal instances that reduce the frequency of interruptions. ABS does also future-proof EC2 Auto Scaling Group and EC2 Fleet configurations: any new instance type we launch that matches the selected attributes, will be included in the list automatically. No need to update your EC2 Auto Scaling Group or EC2 Fleet configuration.

Following our commitment to open-source projects, AWS has added support for ABS in the AWS Terraform provider. You can use ABS for launch templates, EC2 Auto Scaling Group, and EC2 Fleet resources. The minimum required version of the AWS provider is v4.16.0.

Applying instance flexibility is key for running fault-tolerant, elastic, reliable, and cost optimized workloads. By selecting a diversified choice of instances that qualify for your workload, your application will be better prepared to avoid scenarios where lack of capacity on a specific instance type could be an issue. This applies both to On-Demand and Spot Instance-based workloads. For Spot Instances, applying diversification is key. Spot Instances are spare capacity that can be reclaimed by EC2 when it is required. ABS allows you to specify diversification in simple terms, allowing EC2 Auto Scaling Group and EC2 Fleet’s allocation strategy to replace reclaimed Spot Instances with instances from other pools where capacity is available.

Instance Requirement Attributes

To represent the instance requirements for your workload using ABS, there are a set of attributes you can use within the instance_requirements block. When using Terraform, the only two required attributes are memory_mib and vcpu_count. The rest of the attributes provide default values that adhere to Instance Flexible workloads best practices. For example, bare_metal attribute is by default excluded. You can see the full list of ABS attributes in the Terraform docs site.

Once ABS attributes are configured, ABS picks a list of instance types that match the criteria. This list is especially important when you’re using Spot Instances. One of Spot Instances best practices is to diversify the instance types which, in combination with the capacity-optimized allocation strategy, gives you access to the highest amount of Spot capacity pools. For On-Demand Instances, the instance types list is important as well. There might be scenarios where On-Demand Instance pools lack capacity. By applying instance flexibility using ABS, you can avoid the InsufficientInstanceCapacity error. And in combination with the lowest-price allocation strategy, you get the lowest price instance types from your diversified selection.

There are different places where we can specify ABS attributes. We can specify them at the launch templates level and declare a base mechanism to select instances. In most cases, the recommendation is to configure ABS attributes at the EC2 Auto Scaling Group and EC2 Fleet level. Let’s explore each of these options.

Configuring instance requirements within launch templates

Launch templates are instance configuration templates where you specify parameters like AMI ID, instance type, key pair, and security groups to launch instances. You can use ABS attributes in a launch template when you need to be prescriptive, and define sane defaults or guardrails for your workloads. This way, EC2 Auto Scaling Group or EC2 Fleet simply reference and use the launch template.

You should use ABS attributes in launch templates when you want to prevent users from overriding the resources specified by a launch template. Note that is still possible to override those requirements.

Let’s say that we have a Java application that requires a minimum of 4 vCPUs and 8 GiB of memory, and has been using the c5.xlarge instance type. After performance testing we’ve identified that runs better with current instance types generations. The following code snippet represents how to define these requirements in a Launch Template. To see the full list of attributes, visit the launch template doc site.

resource "aws_launch_template" "abs" {
  name_prefix = "abs"
  image_id    = data.aws_ami.abs.id

  instance_requirements {
    memory_mib {
      min = 8192
    vcpu_count {
      min = 4
    instance_generations = ["current"]

Note by using instance_requirements block in a LaunchTemplate, you’ll need to use the mixed_instances_policy block in the EC2 Auto Scaling Group.

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "on_demand" {
  availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
  max_size           = 1
  min_size           = 1
  mixed_instances_policy {
    launch_template {
      launch_template_specification {
        launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.abs.id

The EC2 Auto Scaling Group will use instance types that match the requirements in the launch template.

You can preview what are the instances that the EC2 Auto Scaling Group will select. The section “How to Preview Matching Instances without Launching Them” of the ABS blog post, describes how to preview the instances that will be selected.

Launching EC2 Spot Instances with EC2 Auto Scaling

Launch templates are very powerful. They allow you to decouple the attributes such as user_data from the actual instance management. They are idempotent and can be versioned which is key for rolling out changes in the configuration and applying EC2 Auto Scaling Group Instance Refresh.

Our recommendation is to define ABS attributes as overrides within the mixed_instances_policy block in EC2 Auto Scaling Groups. For most of the applications, we recommend using EC2 Auto Scaling Group to provision EC2 instances.

Let’s get back to our previous example. Now we want to be more prescriptive for the instance requirements our Java application uses.

Let’s assume that the Java application is memory intensive, requires a vCPU to Memory ratio of 4GB for every vCPU, and has been using the m5.large instance type. Additionally, it does not need hardware accelerators like GPUs, FPGAs, etc. Our application does also require a minimum of 2 vCPUs, and the range of memory has been reduced to 32GB to avoid large garbage collection scenarios. This time, we’d like to launch only Spot Instances. As mentioned earlier in this blog post, diversification is key for Spot. To improve the experience with Spot, let’s enable the capacity rebalance feature from the EC2 Auto Scaling Group to proactively replace instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted. The following code snippet represents the ABS attributes we need for the more prescriptive workload:

resource “aws_autoscaling_group” “spot” {
  availability_zones = [“us-east-1a”, “us-east-1b”, “us-east-1c”]
  desired_capacity   = 1
  max_size           = 1
  min_size           = 1
  capacity_rebalance = true

  mixed_instances_policy {
    instances_distribution {
      spot_allocation_strategy = "capacity-optimized"

    launch_template {
      launch_template_specification {
        launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.x86.id

      override {
        instance_requirements {
          memory_mib {
            min = 4096
            max = 32768

          vcpu_count {
            min = 2

          memory_gib_per_vcpu {
            min = 4
            max = 4

          accelerator_count {
            max = 0

Launching EC2 Spot Instances with EC2 Fleet

Another method we have to launch EC2 instances is the EC2 Fleet API. We recommend to use EC2 Fleet for workloads that need granular controls to provision capacity. For example, tight HPC workloads where instances must be close together (single Availability Zone and within the same placement group) and need similar instance types. EC2 Fleet is also used by capacity orchestrators such as Karpenter or Atlassian Escalator that implement tuned up and optimized logic to provision capacity.

Let’s say that this time the workload is a CPU bound workload and has been using the c5.9xlarge instance type. The workload can be retried and the application supports checkpointing, so it qualifies to use Spot Instances. Given we’ll be using Spot Instances, we would like to benefit from the capacity rebalance feature as we did before in the EC2 Auto Scaling Group example. The application requires very prescriptive ranges of vCPU and memory and we also need a minimum of 100 GB SSD local storage. While in most cases EC2 Auto Scaling Groups are appropriate solution to procure and maintain capacity, in this case we will use EC2 Fleet.

The following code snippet represents the ABS attributes we need for this workload:

resource "aws_ec2_fleet" "spot" {
  target_capacity_specification {
    default_target_capacity_type = "spot"
    total_target_capacity        = 5

  spot_options {
    allocation_strategy = "capacity-optimized"
    maintenance_strategies {
      capacity_rebalance {
        replacement_strategy = "launch"

  launch_template_config {
    launch_template_specification {
      launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.x86.id
      version            = aws_launch_template.x86.latest_version

    override {
      instance_requirements {
        memory_mib {
          min = 65536
          max = 73728

        vcpu_count {
          min = 32
          max = 36

        cpu_manufacturers   = ["intel"]
        local_storage       = "required"
        local_storage_types = ["ssd"]

        total_local_storage_gb {
          min = 100

Multi-Architecture workloads using Graviton and x86 with EC2 Auto Scaling Groups

Another recent feature from EC2 Auto Scaling Groups is that you can build multi-architecture workloads. EC2 Auto Scaling Group allows you to mix Graviton and x86 instance types in the same EC2 Auto Scaling Group. Unlike the x86_64 instances we have used so far, AWS Graviton processors are custom built by AWS using 64-bit Arm. You need to use different launch templates as each architecture needs to use a different AMI. This can be defined in within the override block.

In the example below, we use ABS to define different attributes depending on the CPU architecture. And what’s great about doing this is that we don’t need to exclude instance types. Instances will be launched with a compatible CPU architecture based on the AMI that you specify in our launch template.

Besides supporting mixing architectures, EC2 Auto Scaling Groups allows to combine purchase models. For our example, this time we’ll use a more complex scenario to showcase how powerful and feature rich EC2 Auto Scaling Group has become. The following code snippet applies many of the configurations we’ve seen before, but the key difference here is that we have two overrides. One is for Graviton instances, and another one for x86 instances.

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "on_demand_spot" {
  availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
  desired_capacity   = 4
  max_size           = 10
  min_size           = 2
  capacity_rebalance = true

  mixed_instances_policy {
    instances_distribution {
      on_demand_base_capacity                  = 2
      on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = 0
      spot_allocation_strategy                 = "capacity-optimized"

    launch_template {
      launch_template_specification {
        launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.arm.id

      override {
        launch_template_specification {
          launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.arm.id

        instance_requirements {
          memory_mib {
            min = 16384
            max = 16384

          vcpu_count {
            max = 4

      override {
        launch_template_specification {
          launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.x86.id

        instance_requirements {
          memory_mib {
            min = 16384

          vcpu_count {
            min = 4

Multi-architecture workloads can also be applied to container orchestration. Thanks to the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Ama­zon ECR) support for multi-architecture container images, you can use manifests to push both container images, and Amazon ECR will pull the proper image based on the CPU architecture. We have a workshop for Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) where you can learn more about how to deploy a multi-architecture workload in Amazon EKS.


In this post you’ve learned how to configure ABS to launch instances using Auto Scaling Groups and EC2 Fleet. You’ve learned and how to mix CPU architectures along with purchase models in the same EC2 Auto Scaling Group using Terraform while simplifying the configuration.

Our commitment with open-source projects such as Terraform is to help customers implement AWS best practices in a larger ecosystem easily. ABS support allows customers to get access to compute capacity by simply specifying the resource requirement attributes of their workloads rather than the instance names.

ABS simplifies the configuration for instance flexible workloads and removes the need to list the instances that qualify for your workload. Instead, it simplifies the configuration and future proof for scenarios where AWS includes new instances that qualify for the workload. For Spot workloads where instance diversification is key, ABS simplifies the selection of instances and helps to increase the total number of pools. For more information, visit the ABS user guide and Terraform documentation for Auto Scaling Groups and EC2 Fleet.

Implementing Auto Scaling for EC2 Mac Instances

Post Syndicated from Rick Armstrong original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/implementing-autoscaling-for-ec2-mac-instances/

This post is written by: Josh Bonello, Senior DevOps Architect, AWS Professional Services; Wes Fabella, Senior DevOps Architect, AWS Professional Services

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. The introduction of Amazon EC2 Mac now enables macOS based workloads to run in the AWS Cloud. These EC2 instances require Dedicated Hosts usage. EC2 integrates natively with Amazon CloudWatch to provide monitoring and observability capabilities.

In order to best leverage EC2 for dynamic workloads, it is a best practice to use Auto Scaling whenever possible. This will allow your workload to scale to demand, while keeping a minimal footprint during low activity periods. With Auto Scaling, you don’t have to worry about provisioning more servers to handle peak traffic or paying for more than you need.

This post will discuss how to create an Auto Scaling Group for the mac1.metal instance type. We will produce an Auto Scaling Group, a Launch Template, a Host Resource Group, and a License Configuration. These resources will work together to produce the now expected behavior of standard instance types with Auto Scaling. At AWS Professional Services, we have implemented this architecture to allow the dynamic sizing of a compute fleet utilizing the mac1.metal instance type for a large customer. Depending on what should invoke the scaling mechanisms, this architecture can be easily adapted to integrate with other AWS services, such as Elastic Load Balancers (ELB). We will provide Terraform templates as part of the walkthrough. Please take special note of the costs associated with running three mac1.metal Dedicated Hosts for 24 hours.

How it works

First, we will begin in AWS License Manager and create a License Configuration. This License Configuration will be associated with an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), and can be associated with multiple AMIs. We will utilize this License Configuration as a parameter when we create a Host Resource Group. As part of defining the Launch Template, we will be referencing our Host Resource Group. Then, we will create an Auto Scaling Group based on the Launch Template.

Example flow of License Manager, AWS Auto Scaling, and EC2 Instances and their relationship to each other.

The License Configuration will control the software licensing parameters. Normally, License Configurations are used for software licensing controls. In our case, it is only a required element for a Host Resource Group, and it handles nothing significant in our solution.

The Host Resource Group will be responsible for allocating and deallocating the Dedicated Hosts for the Mac1 instance family. An available Dedicated Host is required to launch a mac1.metal EC2 instance.

The Launch Template will govern many aspects to our EC2 Instances, including AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Instance Profile, Security Groups, and Subnets. These will be similar to typical Auto Scaling Group expectations. Note that, in our solution, we will use Tenancy Host Resource Group as our compute source.

Finally, we will create an Auto Scaling Group based on our Launch Template. The Auto Scaling Group will be the controller to signal when to create new EC2 Instances, create new Dedicated Hosts, and similarly terminate EC2 Instances. Unutilized Dedicated Hosts will be tracked and terminated by the Host Resource Group.


Some limits exist for this solution. To deploy this solution, a Service Quota Increase must be submitted for mac1.metal Dedicated Hosts, as the default quota is 0. Deploying the solution without this increase will result in failures when provisioning the Dedicated Hosts for the mac1.metal instances.

While testing scale-in operations of the auto scaling group, you might find that Dedicated Hosts are in “Pending” state. Mac1 documentation says “When you stop or terminate a Mac instance, Amazon EC2 performs a scrubbing workflow on the underlying Dedicated Host to erase the internal SSD, to clear the persistent NVRAM variables. If the bridgeOS software does not need to be updated, the scrubbing workflow takes up to 50 minutes to complete. If the bridgeOS software needs to be updated, the scrubbing workflow can take up to 3 hours to complete.” The Dedicated Host cannot be reused for a new scale-out operation until this scrubbing is complete. If you attempt a scale-in and a scale-out operation during testing, you might find more Dedicated Hosts than EC2 instances for your ASG as a result.

Auto Scaling Group features like dynamic scaling, health checking, and instance refresh can also cause similar side effects as a result of terminating the EC2 instances. These side effects will subside after 24 hours when a mac1 dedicate host can be released.

Building the solution

This walkthrough will utilize a Terraform template to automate the infrastructure deployment required for this solution. The following prerequisites should be met prior to proceeding with this walkthrough:

Before proceeding, note that the AWS resources created as part of the walkthrough have costs associated with them. Delete any AWS resources created by the walkthrough that you do not intend to use. Take special note that at the time of writing, mac1.metal Dedicated Hosts require a 24 minimum allocation time to align with Apple macOS EULA, and that mac1.metal EC2 instances are not charged separately, only the underlying Dedicated Hosts are.

Step 1: Deploy Dedicated Hosts infrastructure

First, we will do one-time setup for AWS License Manager to have the required IAM Permissions through the AWS Management Console. If you have already used License Manager, this has already been done for you. Click on “create customer managed license”, check the box, and then click on “Grant Permissions.”

AWS License Manager IAM Permissions Grant

To deploy the infrastructure, we will utilize a Terraform template to automate every component setup. The code is available at https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-autoscaling-mac1metal-ec2-with-terraform. First, initialize your Terraform host. For this solution, utilize a local machine. For this walkthrough, we will assume the use of the us-west-2 (Oregon) AWS Region and the following links to help check resources will account for this.

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-dedicated-hosts init

Initializing Terraform host and showing an example of expected output.

Then, we will plan our Terraform deployment and verify what we will be building before deployment.

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-dedicated-hosts plan

In our case, we will expect a CloudFormation Stack and a Host Resource Group.

Planning Terraform template and showing an example of expected output.

Then, apply our Terraform deployment and verify via the AWS Management Console.

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-dedicated-hosts apply -auto-approve

Applying Terraform template and showing an example of expected output.

Check that the License Configuration has been made in License Manager with a name similar to MyRequiredLicense.

Example of License Manager License after Terraform Template is applied.

Check that the Host Resource Group has been made in the AWS Management Console. Ensure that the name is similar to mac1-host-resource-group-famous-anchovy.

Example of Cloudformation Stack that is created, with License Manager Host Resource Group name pictured.

Note the host resource group name in the HostResourceGroup “Physical ID” value for the next step.

Step 2: Deploy mac1.metal Auto Scaling Group

We will be taking similar steps as in Step 1 with a new component set.

Initialize your Terraform State:

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-ec2-mac init

Then, update the following values in terraform-aws-ec2-mac/my.tfvars:

vpc_id : Check the ID of a VPC in the account where you are deploying. You will always have a “default” VPC.

subnet_ids : Check the ID of one or many subnets in your VPC.

hint: use https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/home?region=us-west-2#subnets

security_group_ids : Check the ID of a Security Group in the account where you are deploying. You will always have a “default” SG.

host_resource_group_cfn_stack_name : Use the Host Resource Group Name value from the previous step.

Then, plan your deployment using the following:

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-ec2-mac plan -var-file="my.tfvars"

Once we’re ready to deploy, utilize Terraform to apply the following:

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-ec2-mac apply -var-file="my.tfvars" -auto-approve

Note, this will take three to five minutes to complete.

Step 3: Verify Deployment

Check our Auto Scaling Group in the AWS Management Console for a group named something like “ec2-native-xxxx”. Verify all attributes that we care about, including the underlying EC2.

Example of Autoscaling Group listing the EC2 Instances with mac1.metal instance type showing InService after Terraform Template is applied.

Check our Elastic Load Balancer in the AWS Management Console with a Tag key “Name” and the value of your Auto Scaling Group.

Check for the existence of our Dedicated Hosts in the AWS Management Console.

Step 4: Test Scaling Features

Now we have the entire infrastructure in place for an Auto Scaling Group to conduct normal activity. We will test with a scale-out behavior, then a scale-in behavior. We will force operations by updating the desired count of the Auto Scaling Group.

For scaling out, update the my.tfvars variable number_of_instances to three from two, and then apply our terraform template. We will expect to see one more EC2 instance for a total of three instances, with three Dedicated Hosts.

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-ec2-mac apply -var-file="my.tfvars" -auto-approve

Then, take the steps in Step 3: Verify Deployment in order to check for expected behavior.

For scaling in, update the my.tfvars variable number_of_instances to one from three, and then apply our terraform template. We will expect your Auto Scaling Group to reduce to one active EC2 instance and have three Dedicated Hosts remaining until they are capable of being released 24 hours later.

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-ec2-mac apply -var-file="my.tfvars" -auto-approve

Then, take the steps in Step 3: Verify Deployment in order to check for expected behavior.

Cleaning up

Complete the following steps in order to cleanup resources created by this exercise:

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-ec2-mac destroy -var-file="my.tfvars" -auto-approve

This will take 10 to 12 minutes. Then, wait 24 hours for the Dedicated Hosts to be capable of being released, and then destroy the next template. We recommend putting a reminder on your calendar to make sure that you don’t forget this step.

terraform -chdir=terraform-aws-dedicated-hosts destroy -auto-approve


In this post, we created an Auto Scaling Group using mac1.metal instance types. Scaling mechanisms will work as expected with standard EC2 instance types, and the management of Dedicated Hosts is automated. This enables the management of macOS based application workloads to be automated based on the Well Architected patterns. Furthermore, this automation allows for rapid reactions to surges of demand and reclamation of unused compute once the demand is cleared. Now you can augment this system to integrate with other AWS services, such as Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon Simple Cloud Storage (Amazon S3), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), and more.

Review the information available regarding CloudWatch custom metrics to discover possibilities for adding new ways for scaling your system. Now we would be eager to know what AWS solution you’re going to build with the content described by this blog post! To get started with EC2 Mac instances, please visit the product page.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling will no longer add support for new EC2 features to Launch Configurations

Post Syndicated from Pranaya Anshu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/amazon-ec2-auto-scaling-will-no-longer-add-support-for-new-ec2-features-to-launch-configurations/

This post is written by Scott Horsfield, Principal Solutions Architect, EC2 Scalability and Surabhi Agarwal, Sr. Product Manager, EC2.

In 2010, AWS released launch configurations as a way to define the parameters of instances launched by EC2 Auto Scaling groups. In 2017, AWS released launch templates, the successor of launch configurations, as a way to streamline and simplify the launch process for Auto Scaling, Spot Fleet, Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, and On-Demand Instances. Launch templates define the steps required to create an instance, by capturing instance parameters in a resource that can be used across multiple services. Launch configurations have continued to live alongside launch templates but haven’t benefitted from all of the features we’ve added to launch templates.

Today, AWS is recommending that customers using launch configurations migrate to launch templates. We will continue to support and maintain launch configurations, but we will not be adding any new features to them. We will focus on adding new EC2 features to launch templates only. You can continue using launch configurations, and AWS is committed to supporting applications you have already built using them, but in order for you to take advantage of our most recent and upcoming releases, a migration to launch templates is recommended. Additionally, we plan to no longer support new instance types with launch configurations by the end of 2022. Our goal is to have all customers moved over to launch templates by then.

Moving to launch templates is simple to accomplish and can be done easily today. In this blog, we provide more details on how you can transition from launch configurations to launch templates. If you are unable to transition to launch templates due to lack of tooling or specific functions, or have any concerns, please contact AWS Support.

Launch templates vs. launch configurations

Launch configurations have been a part of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Groups since 2010. Customers use launch configurations to define Auto Scaling group configurations that include AMI and instance type definition. In 2017, AWS released launch templates, which reduce the number of steps required to create an instance by capturing all launch parameters within one resource that can be used across multiple services. Since then, AWS has released many new features such as Mixed Instance Policies with Auto Scaling groups, Targeted Capacity Reservations, and unlimited mode for burstable performance instances that only work with launch templates.

Launch templates provide several key benefits to customers, when compared to launch configurations, that can improve the availability and optimization of the workloads you host in Auto Scaling groups and allow you to access the full set of EC2 features when launching instances in an Auto Scaling group.

Some of the key benefits of launch templates when used with Auto Scaling groups include:

How to determine where you are using launch configurations

Use the Launch Configuration Inventory Script to find all of the launch configurations in your account. You can use this script to generate an inventory of launch configurations across all regions in a single account or all accounts in your AWS Organization.

The script can be run with a variety of options for different levels of account access. You can learn more about these options in this GitHub post. In its simplest form it will use the default credentials profile to inventory launch configurations across all regions in a single account.

Screenshot of Launch Configuration Inventory script

Once the script has completed, you can view the generated inventory.csv file to get a sense of how many launch configurations may need to be converted to launch templates or deleted.

Screenshot of script

How to transition to launch templates today

If you’re ready to move to launch templates now, making the transition is simple and mostly automated through the AWS Management Console. For customers who do not use the AWS Management Console, most popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC), such as CloudFormation and Terraform, already support launch templates, as do the AWS CLI and SDKs.

To perform this transition, you will need to ensure that your user has the required permissions.

Here are some examples to get you started.

AWS Management Console

  1. Open the EC2 Launch Configuration console. You must sign in if you are not already authenticated.
  2. From the Launch Configuration console, click on the Copy to launch template button and select Copy all.
    1. Alternatively, you can select individual launch configurations, and use the Copy selected option to selectively copy certain launch configurations.copy to launch template screenshot
  1. Review the list of templates and click on the Copy button when you’re ready to proceed.3. Review the list of templates and click on the Copy button when you’re ready to proceed.
  1. Once the copy process has completed, you can close the wizard.

4. Once the copy process has completed, you can close the wizard.

  1. Navigate to the EC2 Launch Template console to view your newly created launch templates.5. Navigate to the EC2 Launch Template console to view your newly created launch templates.
  1. Your launch templates are now ready to replace launch configurations in your Auto Scaling group configuration. Navigate to the Auto Scaling group console, select your Auto Scaling group, and click on the Edit.

. Navigate to the Auto Scaling group console, select your Auto Scaling group, and click on the Edit button.

  1. Next, scroll down to the Launch configuration section, and click Switch to launch template.7. Next, scroll down to the Launch configuration section, and click Switch to launch template.
  1. Select your newly created Launch template, review and confirm your configuration, and when ready scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Update button.when ready scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Update button.
  2. Now that you’ve migrated your launch configurations to launch templates you can prevent users from creating new launch configurations by updating their IAM permissions to deny the autoscaling:CreateLaunchConfiguration action.

Instances launched by this Auto Scaling group continue to run and are not automatically be replaced by making this change. Any instance launched after making this change uses the launch template for its configuration. As your Auto Scaling group scales up and down, the older instances are replaced. If you’d like to force an update, you can use Instance Refresh to ensure that all instances are running the same launch template and version.

CloudFormation and Terraform

If you use CloudFormation to create and manage your infrastructure, you should use the AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate resource to create launch templates. After adding a launch template resource to your CloudFormation stack template file update your Auto Scaling group resource definition by adding a LaunchTemplate property and removing the existing LaunchConfigurationName property. We have several examples available to help you get started.

Using launch templates with Terraform is a similar process. Update your template file to include a aws_launch_template resource and then update your aws_autoscaling_group resources to reference the launch template.

In addition to making these changes, you may also want to consider adding a MixedInstancesPolicy to your Auto Scaling group. A MixedInstancesPolicy allows you to configure your Auto Scaling group with multiple instance types and purchase options. This helps improve the availability and optimization of your applications. Some examples of these benefits include using Spot Instances and On-Demand Instances within the same Auto Scaling group, combining CPU architectures such as Intel, AMD, and ARM (Graviton2), and having multiple instance types configured in case of a temporary capacity issue.

You can generate and configure example templates for CloudFormation and Terraform in the AWS Management Console.


If you’re using the AWS CLI to create and manage your Auto Scaling groups, these examples will show you how to accomplish common tasks when using launch templates.


AWS SDKs already include APIs for creating launch templates. If you’re using one of our SDKs to create and configure your Auto Scaling groups, you can find more information in the SDK documentation for your language of choice.

Next steps

We’re excited to help you take advantage of the latest EC2 features by making the transition to launch templates as seamless as possible. As we make this transition together, we’re here to help and will continue to communicate our plans and timelines for this transition. If you are unable to transition to launch templates due to lack of tooling or functionalities or have any concerns, please contact AWS Support. Also, stay tuned for more information on tools to help make this transition easier for you.

Introducing Native Support for Predictive Scaling with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Post Syndicated from Emma White original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-native-support-for-predictive-scaling-with-amazon-ec2-auto-scaling/

This post is written by Scott Horsfield, Principal Solutions Architect, EC2 Scalability and Ankur Sethi, Sr. Product Manager, EC2

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling allows customers to realize the elasticity benefits of AWS by automatically launching and shutting down instances to match application demand. Today, we are excited to tell you about predictive scaling. It is a new EC2 Auto Scaling policy that predicts demand surges, and proactively increases capacity ahead of time, resulting in higher availability. With predictive scaling, you can avoid the need to overprovision capacity, resulting in lower Amazon EC2 costs. Predictive scaling has been available through AWS Auto Scaling plans since 2018 but you can now use it directly as an EC2 Auto Scaling group configuration alongside your other scaling policies. In this blog post, we give you an overview of predictive scaling and illustrate a scenario that this feature helps you with. We also walk you through the steps to configure a predictive scaling policy for an EC2 Auto Scaling group.

Product Overview

EC2 Auto Scaling offers a suite of dynamic scaling policies including target trackingsimple scaling and step scaling. Scaling policies are customer-defined guidelines for when to add or remove instances in an Auto Scaling group based on the value of a certain Amazon CloudWatch metric that represents an application’s load. EC2 Auto Scaling constantly monitors the metric and reacts according to customer-defined policies to trigger the launch of additional number of instances.

Given the inherently reactive nature of dynamic scaling policies, you may find it useful to use predictive scaling in addition to dynamic scaling when:

  • Your application demand changes rapidly but with a recurring pattern. For example, weekly increases in capacity requirement as business resumes after weekends.
  • Your application instances require a long time to initialize.

Now, you can easily configure predictive scaling alongside your existing dynamic scaling policies to increase capacity in advance of a predicted demand increase. You no longer have to overprovision your Auto Scaling group or spend time manually configuring scheduled scaling for routine demand patterns. Predictive scaling uses machine learning to predict capacity requirements based on historical usage and continuously learns on new data to make forecasts more accurate.

A primer on EC2 Auto Scaling capacity parameters

When you launch an Auto Scaling group, you define the minimum, maximum, and desired capacity, expressed as number of EC2 instances. Minimum and maximum capacity are the customer-defined lower and upper boundaries of the Auto Scaling group. Desired capacity is the actual capacity of an Auto Scaling group and is constantly calibrated by EC2 Auto Scaling. With predictive scaling, AWS is introducing a new parameter called predicted capacity.

Every day, predictive scaling forecasts the hourly capacity needed for each of the next 48 hours. Then, at the beginning of each hour, the predicted capacity value is set to the forecasted capacity needed for that hour. At any point of time, three scenarios play out for your Auto Scaling group when using predictive scaling:

  • If actual capacity is lower than predicted capacity, EC2 Auto Scaling scales out your Auto Scaling group so that its desired capacity is equal to the predicted capacity.
  • If actual capacity is already higher than predicted capacity, EC2 Auto Scaling does not scale-in your Auto Scaling group.
  • If the predicted capacity is outside the range of minimum and maximum capacity that you defined, EC2 Auto Scaling does not violate those limits.

Note that predictive scaling policy is not designed for use on its own because it does not trigger scale-in events. It only triggers scale-out events in anticipation of predicted demand. Therefore, you should use predictive scaling with another dynamic scaling policy, either provided by AWS or your own custom scaling automation. Dynamic scaling scales in capacity when it’s no longer needed. Each policy determines its capacity value independently, and the desired capacity is set to the higher value. This ensures that your application scales out when real-time demand is higher than predicted demand.

Predictive scaling policies operate in two modes: Forecast Only or Forecast And Scale. Forecast Only mode allows you to validate that predictive scaling accurately anticipates your routine hourly demand. This is a great way to get started with predictive scaling without impacting your current scaling behavior. Also, you can create multiple policies in Forecast Only mode to compare different configurations, such as forecasting on different metrics. Once you verify the predictions, a simple update is required to switch to Forecast And Scale mode for the policy configuration that is best-suited for your Auto Scaling group. Now that you have an understanding of this new feature, let’s walk through the steps to set it up.

Getting started with Predictive Scaling

In this section, we walk you through steps to add a predictive scaling policy to an Auto Scaling group. But first, let’s look at how dynamic scaling reacts when the demand increases rapidly. To illustrate, we created a load simulation that you can use to follow along by deploying this example AWS CloudFormation Stack in your account. This example deploys two Auto Scaling groups. The first Auto Scaling group is used to run a sample application and is configured with an Application Load Balancer (ALB). The second Auto Scaling group is for generating recurring requests to the application running on the first Auto Scaling group through the ALB. For this example, we have applied a target tracking policy to maintain CPU utilization at 25% to automatically scale the first Auto Scaling group running the application.

The following graph illustrates how dynamic scaling adjusts capacity (blue line) with changing load (red line). We are interested in the ALB Response Time metric (green line).  It represents the time an application takes to process and respond to the incoming requests from the ALB. It is a good representation of the latency observed by the end users of the application. Therefore, any spike observed in this metric (green line) results in bad user experience.

Huge spike in response time when demand changes rapidly

As you can see, there are recurring periods of increased requests (red line) of different ramp-up velocity. For example, from 16:00 to 18:00 UTC, before stabilizing, the load increase is relatively more gradual than what is observed for 08:00 to 10:00 UTC time range. The ALB Response Time metric (green line) remains low for the former period of gradual ramp-up. However, for the latter steep ramp-up, while auto scaling is adding the required number of instances (blue line), we observe a spike in the response time. Let’s zoom in to have a better look at the response time metric.

ALB request count vs request time

In the preceding graph, we see the response time spikes to as high as 35 seconds for the first 5 minutes of the hour before dropping down to subsecond level. Because dynamic scaling is reactive in nature, it failed to keep up with the steep demand change observed here. This may be acceptable for applications that are not sensitive to these latencies. But for others, predictive scaling helps you better manage such scenarios, by setting the baseline capacity proactively at the beginning of the hour.

We’ll now walk you through the steps to configure a predictive scaling policy. Note that, predictive scaling requires at least 24 hours of historical load data to generate forecasts. If you are using the preceding example, allow it to run for 24 hours for the load data to be generated.

Configure Predictive Scaling policy in Forecast Only mode

First, configure your Auto Scaling group with a predictive scaling policy in Forecast Only mode so that you can review the results of the forecast and adjust any parameters to more accurately reflect the behavior you desire.

To do so, create a scaling configuration file where you define the metrics, target value, and the predictive scaling mode for your policy. The following example produces forecasts based on CPU Utilization, with each instance handling 25% of the average hourly CPU utilization for the Auto Scaling group. You can further customize these policies based on the needs of your workload.

cat <<EoF > predictive-scaling-policy-cpu.json
    "MetricSpecifications": [
            "TargetValue": 25,
            "PredefinedMetricPairSpecification": {
                "PredefinedMetricType": "ASGCPUUtilization"
    "Mode": "ForecastAndScale"

Once you have created the configuration file, you can run the following command to add the predictive scaling policy to your Auto Scaling group.

aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy \
    --auto-scaling-group-name "Example Application Auto Scaling Group" \
    --policy-name "CPUUtilizationpolicy" \
    --policy-type "PredictiveScaling" \
    --predictive-scaling-configuration file://predictive-scaling-policy-cpu.json

Reviewing Predictive Scaling forecasts

With the scaling policy in place, and 24 hours of historical load data, you can now use predictive scaling forecasts API to review the forecasted load and forecasted capacity for the Auto Scaling group. You can also use the console to review forecasts by navigating to the Amazon EC2 console, clicking Auto Scaling Groups, selecting the Auto Scaling group that you configured with predictive scaling, and viewing the predictive scaling policy located under the Automatic Scaling section of the Auto Scaling group details view. In the policy details, a chart represents the LoadForecast and CapacityForecast, showing what is forecasted for the next 48 hours, in addition to previous forecasts and actual average instance counts. The following screenshot demonstrates the forecasts for the policy just applied to the Auto Scaling group. The orange line represents the actual values, blue line represents the historic forecast, while the green line represents the forecast for next 2 days.

historic forecast and future forecasts

The upper graph shows that the load forecast against the actual load observed. Since the scaling policy based its forecasts on Auto Scaling group CPU Utilization, the load forecast reflects the total forecasted CPU load your Auto Scaling group must handle hourly. The lower graph shows the corresponding capacity forecast against the actual. As you can see, the forecast gets more accurate with time. Predictive scaling constantly learns about the pattern and improves the forecast accuracy as it gets more data points to forecast on.

For this example, the predictive scaling policy calculates capacity such that instances in an Auto Scaling group consume 25% of the CPU load on average for each hour. Predictive scaling also provides three other predefined metric configurations to help you quickly set up forecasts on metrics other than CPU. You can create multiple predictive scaling policies in Forecast Only mode based on different metrics and target value to determine which scaling policy is the best match for your workload. This helps you compare the behavior of the predictive scaling policy for existing workloads without impacting your current configuration. The current forecasts seem fairly accurate, so we will stick with the same configurations.

Configure scaling policies in forecast and scale mode

When you are ready to allow predictive scaling to automatically adjust your Auto Scaling group’s hourly capacity, you can easily update one of the scaling policies to allow Forecast And Scale directly on the console. Else, to switch modes, create a new predictive scaling policy configuration file with the “Mode” set to “ForecastAndScale”. You can do this with the following command:

cat <<EoF > predictive-scaling-policy-cpu.json
    "MetricSpecifications": [
            "TargetValue": 25,
            "PredefinedMetricPairSpecification": {
                "PredefinedMetricType": "ASGCPUUtilization"
    "Mode": "ForecastAndScale"

Using the configuration file generated, run the following command to update the CPU Predictive Scaling policy.

aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy \
    --auto-scaling-group-name "Example Application Auto Scaling Group" \
    --policy-name "CPUUtilizationpolicy" \
    --policy-type "PredictiveScaling" \
    --predictive-scaling-configuration file://predictive-scaling-policy-cpu.json

With this updated scaling policy in place, the Auto Scaling group’s predicted capacity will now change hourly based on the predictive scaling forecasts. The predicted capacity, which acts as the baseline for an hour, will be launched at the beginning of the hour itself. You may configure to further advance the launch time according to the time an instance takes to get provisioned and warmed-up.

Impact of Switching-On Predictive Scaling

Now that we have switched to ForecastAndScale mode and predictive scaling is actively scaling the Auto Scaling group, let’s revisit the ALB Request Time metric for the Auto Scaling group.

no latency spikes after applying predictive scaling

As you can see in the preceding screenshot, prior to the steep demand (8:00 – 10:00 UTC), 40 instances (blue line) have been added in a single step by predictive scaling. The dynamic scaling policy continues to add the remaining 9 instances required for the increasing demand. Because of the combined effect of both scaling policies, we no longer observe the spike in the response time metric (green line). Let’s zoom into the specific time frame to get a better look.

applying predictive scaling in forecast and scale mode

Throughout, the response time remains less than 0.02 seconds compared to reaching as high as 35 seconds earlier when we were only using dynamic scaling. By launching the instances ahead of steep demand change, predictive scaling has improved the end users’ experience. You do not need to resort to overprovisioning or do manual interventions to scale out your Auto Scaling groups ahead of such demand patterns. As long as there is predictable pattern, auto scaling enhanced with predictive scaling maintains high availability for your applications.

If you are using the example stack, do not forget to clean up after you are done testing the feature by deleting the stack.


Predictive scaling, when combined with dynamic scaling, help you ensure that your EC2 Auto Scaling group workloads have the required capacity to handle predicted and real-time load. You can allow predictive scaling on existing Auto Scaling groups in Forecast Only mode to gain visibility of the predicted capacity without actually taking any scaling actions. You can refine and tune your predictive scaling policies by choosing one of the four predefined metrics and adjusting its target value as necessary. Once completed, you can switch to Forecast And Scale mode to proactively scale your Auto Scaling group capacity based on predicted demand. By using predictive scaling and dynamic scaling together, your Auto Scaling group will have the capacity it needs to meet demand, which can improve your application’s responsiveness and reduce your EC2 costs. To learn more about the feature, refer the EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

Supporting AWS Graviton2 and x86 instance types in the same Auto Scaling group

Post Syndicated from Emma White original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/supporting-aws-graviton2-and-x86-instance-types-in-the-same-auto-scaling-group/

This post is written by Tyler Lynch, Sr. Solutions Architect – EdTech, and Praneeth Tekula, Technical Account Manager.

As customers seek performance improvements and to cost optimize their workloads, they are evaluating and adopting AWS Graviton2 based instances. This post provides instructions on how to configure your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group (ASG) to use both Graviton2 and x86 based Amazon EC2 Instances in the same Auto Scaling group with different AMIs. This allows you to introduce Graviton2 based instances as part of a multiple instance type strategy.

For example, a customer may want to use the same Auto Scaling group definition across multiple Regions, but an instance type might not available in that region yet. Implementing instance and architecture diversity allow those Auto Scaling group definitions to be portable.

Solution Overview

The Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling console currently doesn’t support the selection of multiple launch templates, so I use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) throughout this post. First, you create your launch templates that specify AMIs for use on x86 and arm64 based instances. Then you create your Auto Scaling group using a mixed instance policy with instance level overrides to specify the launch template to use for that instance.

Finally, you extend the launch templates to use architecture-specific EC2 user data to download architecture-specific binaries. Putting it all together, here are the high-level steps to follow:

  1. Create the launch templates:
    1. Launch template for x86– Creates a launch template for x86 instances, specifying the AMI but not the instance sizes.
    2. Launch template for arm64– Creates a launch template for arm64 instances, specifying the AMI but not the instance sizes.
  2. Create the Auto Scaling group that references the launch templates in a mixed instance policy override.
  3. Create a sample Node.js application.
  4. Create the architecture-specific user data scripts.
  5. Modify the launch templates to use architecture-specific user data scripts.


The prerequisites for this solution are as follows:

  • The AWS CLI installed locally. I use AWS CLI version 2 for this post.
    • For AWS CLI v2, you must use 2.1.3+
    • For AWS CLI v1, you must use 1.18.182+
  • The correct AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM) role permissions for your account allowing for the creation and execution of the launch templates, Auto Scaling groups, and launching EC2 instances.
  • A source control service such as AWS CodeCommit or GitHub that your user data script can interact with to git clone the Hello World Node.js application.
  • The source code repository initialized and cloned locally.

Create the Launch Templates

You start with creating the launch template for x86 instances, and then the launch template for arm64 instances. These are simple launch templates where you only specify the AMI for Amazon Linux 2 in US-EAST-1 (architecture dependent). You use the AWS CLI cli-input-json feature to make things more readable and repeatable.

You first must add the lt-x86-cli-input.json file to your local working for reference by the AWS CLI.

  1. In your preferred text editor, add a new file, and copy paste the following JSON into the file.

    "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-x86",
    "VersionDescription": "LaunchTemplate for x86 instance types using Amazon Linux 2 x86 AMI in US-EAST-1",
    "LaunchTemplateData": {
        "ImageId": "ami-04bf6dcdc9ab498ca"
  1. Save the file in your local working directory and name it lt-x86-cli-input.json.

Now, add the lt-arm64-cli-input.json file into your local working directory.

  1. In a text editor, add a new file, and copy paste the following JSON into the file.

    "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
    "VersionDescription": "LaunchTemplate for Graviton2 instance types using Amazon Linux 2 Arm64 AMI in US-EAST-1",
    "LaunchTemplateData": {
        "ImageId": "ami-09e7aedfda734b173"
  1. Save the file in your local working directory and name it lt-arm64-cli-input.json.

Now that your CLI input files are ready, create your launch templates using the CLI.

From your terminal, run the following commands:

aws ec2 create-launch-template \
            --cli-input-json file://./lt-x86-cli-input.json \
            --region us-east-1

aws ec2 create-launch-template \
            --cli-input-json file://./lt-arm64-cli-input.json \
            --region us-east-1

After you run each command, you should see the command output similar to this:

	"LaunchTemplate": {
		"LaunchTemplateId": "lt-07ab8c76f8e021b0c",
		"LaunchTemplateName": "lt-x86",
		"CreateTime": "2020-11-20T16:08:08+00:00",
		"CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::111111111111:assumed-role/Admin/myusername",
		"DefaultVersionNumber": 1,
		"LatestVersionNumber": 1

	"LaunchTemplate": {
		"LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0c65656a2c75c0f76",
		"LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
		"CreateTime": "2020-11-20T16:08:37+00:00",
		"CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::111111111111:assumed-role/Admin/myusername",
		"DefaultVersionNumber": 1,
		"LatestVersionNumber": 1

Create the Auto Scaling Group

Moving on to creating your Auto Scaling group, start with creating another JSON file to use the cli-input-json feature. Then, create the Auto Scaling group via the CLI.

I want to call special attention to the LaunchTemplateSpecification under the MixedInstancePolicy Overrides property. This Auto Scaling group is being created with a default launch template, the one you created for arm64 based instances. You override that at the instance level for x86 instances.

Now, add the asg-mixed-arch-cli-input.json file into your local working directory.

  1. In a text editor, add a new file, and copy paste the following JSON into the file.
  2. You need to change the subnet IDs specified in the VPCZoneIdentifier to your own subnet IDs.

    "AutoScalingGroupName": "asg-mixed-arch",
    "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
        "LaunchTemplate": {
            "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
                "Version": "$Default"
            "Overrides": [
                    "InstanceType": "t4g.micro"
                    "InstanceType": "t3.micro",
                    "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                        "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-x86",
                        "Version": "$Default"
                    "InstanceType": "t3a.micro",
                    "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                        "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-x86",
                        "Version": "$Default"
    "MinSize": 1,
    "MaxSize": 5,
    "DesiredCapacity": 3,
    "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-e92485b6, subnet-07fe637b44fd23c31, subnet-828622e4, subnet-9bd6a2d6"
  1. Save the file in your local working directory and name it asg-mixed-arch-cli-input.json.

Now that your CLI input file is ready, create your Auto Scaling group using the CLI.

  1. From your terminal, run the following command:

aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \
            --cli-input-json file://./asg-mixed-arch-cli-input.json \
            --region us-east-1

After you run the command, there isn’t any immediate output. Describe the Auto Scaling group to review the configuration.

  1. From your terminal, run the following command:

aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \
            --auto-scaling-group-names asg-mixed-arch \
            --region us-east-1

Let’s evaluate the output. I removed some of the output for brevity. It shows that you have an Auto Scaling group with a mixed instance policy, which specifies a default launch template named lt-arm64. In the Overrides property, you can see the instances types that you specified and the values that define the lt-x86 launch template to be used for specific instance types (t3.micro, t3a.micro).

    "AutoScalingGroups": [
            "AutoScalingGroupName": "asg-mixed-arch",
            "AutoScalingGroupARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-1:111111111111:autoScalingGroup:a1a1a1a1-a1a1-a1a1-a1a1-a1a1a1a1a1a1:autoScalingGroupName/asg-mixed-arch",
            "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
                "LaunchTemplate": {
                    "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                        "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0cc7dae79a397d663",
                        "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
                        "Version": "$Default"
                    "Overrides": [
                            "InstanceType": "t4g.micro"
                            "InstanceType": "t3.micro",
                            "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                                "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-04b525bfbde0dcebb",
                                "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-x86",
                                "Version": "$Default"
                            "InstanceType": "t3a.micro",
                            "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                                "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-04b525bfbde0dcebb",
                                "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-x86",
                                "Version": "$Default"
            "Instances": [
                    "InstanceId": "i-00377a23630a5e107",
                    "InstanceType": "t4g.micro",
                    "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1b",
                    "LifecycleState": "InService",
                    "HealthStatus": "Healthy",
                    "LaunchTemplate": {
                        "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0cc7dae79a397d663",
                        "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
                        "Version": "1"
                    "ProtectedFromScaleIn": false
                    "InstanceId": "i-07c2d4f875f1f457e",
                    "InstanceType": "t4g.micro",
                    "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
                    "LifecycleState": "InService",
                    "HealthStatus": "Healthy",
                    "LaunchTemplate": {
                        "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0cc7dae79a397d663",
                        "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
                        "Version": "1"
                    "ProtectedFromScaleIn": false
                    "InstanceId": "i-09e61e95cdf705ade",
                    "InstanceType": "t4g.micro",
                    "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1c",
                    "LifecycleState": "InService",
                    "HealthStatus": "Healthy",
                    "LaunchTemplate": {
                        "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0cc7dae79a397d663",
                        "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
                        "Version": "1"
                    "ProtectedFromScaleIn": false

Create Hello World Node.js App

Now that you have created the launch templates and the Auto Scaling group you are ready to create the “hello world” application that self-reports the processor architecture. You work in the local directory that is cloned from your source repository as specified in the prerequisites. This doesn’t have to be the local working directory where you are creating architecture-specific files.

  1. In a text editor, add a new file with the following Node.js code:

// Hello World sample app.
const http = require('http');

const port = 3000;

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  res.statusCode = 200;
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
  res.end(`Hello World. This processor architecture is ${process.arch}`);

server.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server running on processor architecture ${process.arch}`);
  1. Save the file in the root of your source repository and name it app.js.
  2. Commit the changes to Git and push the changes to your source repository. See the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "Adding Node.js sample application."
git push

Create user data scripts

Moving on to your creating architecture-specific user data scripts that will define the version of Node.js and the distribution that matches the processor architecture. It will download and extract the binary and add the binary path to the environment PATH. Then it will clone the Hello World app, and then run that app with the binary of Node.js that was installed.

Now, you must add the ud-x86-cli-input.txt file to your local working directory.

  1. In your text editor, add a new file, and copy paste the following text into the file.
  2. Update the git clone command to use the repo URL where you created the Hello World app previously.
  3. Update the cd command to use the repo name.

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install git -y
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/$VERSION/node-$VERSION-$DISTRO.tar.xz
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/nodejs
sudo tar -xJvf node-$VERSION-$DISTRO.tar.xz -C /usr/local/lib/nodejs 
export PATH=/usr/local/lib/nodejs/node-$VERSION-$DISTRO/bin:$PATH
git clone https://github.com/<<githubuser>>/<<repo>>.git
cd <<repo>>
node app.js
  1. Save the file in your local working directory and name it ud-x86-cli-input.txt.

Now, add the ud-arm64-cli-input.txt file into your local working directory.

  1. In a text editor, add a new file, and copy paste the following text into the file.
  2. Update the git clone command to use the repo URL where you created the Hello World app previously.
  3. Update the cd command to use the repo name.

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install git -y
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/$VERSION/node-$VERSION-$DISTRO.tar.xz
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/nodejs
sudo tar -xJvf node-$VERSION-$DISTRO.tar.xz -C /usr/local/lib/nodejs 
export PATH=/usr/local/lib/nodejs/node-$VERSION-$DISTRO/bin:$PATH
git clone https://github.com/<<githubuser>>/<<repo>>.git
cd <<repo>>
node app.js
  1. Save the file in your local working directory and name it ud-arm64-cli-input.txt.

Now that your user data scripts are ready, you need to base64 encode them as the AWS CLI does not perform base64-encoding of the user data for you.

  • On a Linux computer, from your terminal use the base64 command to encode the user data scripts.

base64 ud-x86-cli-input.txt > ud-x86-cli-input-base64.txt
base64 ud-arm64-cli-input.txt > ud-arm64-cli-input-base64.txt
  • On a Windows computer, from your command line use the certutil command to encode the user data. Before you can use this file with the AWS CLI, you must remove the first (BEGIN CERTIFICATE) and last (END CERTIFICATE) lines.

certutil -encode ud-x86-cli-input.txt ud-x86-cli-input-base64.txt
certutil -encode ud-arm64-cli-input.txt ud-arm64-cli-input-base64.txt
notepad ud-x86-cli-input-base64.txt
notepad ud-arm64-cli-input-base64.txt

Modify the Launch Templates

Now, you modify the launch templates to use architecture-specific user data scripts.

Please note that the contents of your ud-x86-cli-input-base64.txt and ud-arm64-cli-input-base64.txt files are different from the samples here because you referenced your own GitHub repository. These base64 encoded user data scripts below will not work as is, they contain placeholder references for the git clone and cd commands.

Next, update the lt-x86-cli-input.json file to include your base64 encoded user data script for x86 based instances.

  1. In your preferred text editor, open the ud-x86-cli-input-base64.txt file.
  2. Open the lt-x86-cli-input.json file, and add in the text from the ud-x86-cli-input-base64.txt file into the UserData property of the LaunchTemplateData object. It should look similar to this:

    "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-x86",
    "VersionDescription": "LaunchTemplate for x86 instance types using Amazon Linux 2 x86 AMI in US-EAST-1",
    "LaunchTemplateData": {
        "ImageId": "ami-04bf6dcdc9ab498ca",
        "UserData": "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"
  1. Save the file.

Next, update the lt-arm64-cli-input.json file to include your base64 encoded user data script for arm64 based instances.

  1. In your text editor, open the ud-arm64-cli-input-base64.txt file.
  2. Open the lt-arm64-cli-input.json file, and add in the text from the ud-arm64-cli-input-base64.txt file into the UserData property of the LaunchTemplateData It should look similar to this:

    "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
    "VersionDescription": "LaunchTemplate for Graviton2 instance types using Amazon Linux 2 Arm64 AMI in US-EAST-1",
    "LaunchTemplateData": {
        "ImageId": "ami-09e7aedfda734b173",
        "UserData": "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"
  1. Save the file.

Now, your CLI input files are ready. Next, create a new version of your launch templates and then set the newest version as the default.

From your terminal, run the following commands:

aws ec2 create-launch-template-version \
            --cli-input-json file://./lt-x86-cli-input.json \
            --region us-east-1

aws ec2 create-launch-template-version \
            --cli-input-json file://./lt-arm64-cli-input.json \
            --region us-east-1

aws ec2 modify-launch-template \
            --launch-template-name lt-x86 \
            --default-version 2
aws ec2 modify-launch-template \
            --launch-template-name lt-arm64 \
            --default-version 2

After you run each command, you should see the command output similar to this:

    "LaunchTemplate": {
        "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-08ff3d03d4cf0038d",
        "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-x86",
        "CreateTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::111111111111:assumed-role/Admin/myusername",
        "DefaultVersionNumber": 2,
        "LatestVersionNumber": 2

    "LaunchTemplate": {
        "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0c5e1eb862a02f8e0",
        "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
        "CreateTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::111111111111:assumed-role/Admin/myusername",
        "DefaultVersionNumber": 2,
        "LatestVersionNumber": 2

Now, refresh the instances in the Auto Scaling group so that the newest version of the launch template is used.

From your terminal, run the following command:

aws autoscaling start-instance-refresh \
            --auto-scaling-group-name asg-mixed-arch

Verify Instances

The sample Node.js application self reports the process architecture in two ways: when the application is started, and when the application receives a HTTP request on port 3000. Retrieve the last five lines of the instance console output via the AWS CLI.

First, you need to get an instance ID from the autoscaling group.

  1. From your terminal, run the following commands:

aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \
            --auto-scaling-group-name asg-mixed-arch \
            --region us-east-1
  1. Evaluate the output. I removed some of the output for brevity. You need to use the InstanceID from the output.

    "AutoScalingGroups": [
            "AutoScalingGroupName": "asg-mixed-arch",
            "AutoScalingGroupARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-1:111111111111:autoScalingGroup:a1a1a1a1-a1a1-a1a1-a1a1-a1a1a1a1a1a1:autoScalingGroupName/asg-mixed-arch",
            "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
            "Instances": [
                    "InstanceId": "i-0eeadb140405cc09b",
                    "InstanceType": "t4g.micro",
                    "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
                    "LifecycleState": "InService",
                    "HealthStatus": "Healthy",
                    "LaunchTemplate": {
                        "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0c5e1eb862a02f8e0",
                        "LaunchTemplateName": "lt-arm64",
                        "Version": "2"
                    "ProtectedFromScaleIn": false

Now, retrieve the last five lines of console output from the instance.

From your terminal, run the following command:

aws ec2 get-console-output –instance-id d i-0eeadb140405cc09b \
            --output text | tail -n 5

Evaluate the output, you should see Server running on processor architecture arm64. This confirms that you have successfully utilized an architecture-specific user data script.

[  58.798184] cloud-init[1257]: node-v14.15.3-linux-arm64/share/systemtap/tapset/node.stp
[  58.798293] cloud-init[1257]: node-v14.15.3-linux-arm64/LICENSE
[  58.798402] cloud-init[1257]: Cloning into 'node-helloworld'...
[  58.798510] cloud-init[1257]: Server running on processor architecture arm64

Cleaning Up

Delete the Auto Scaling group and use the force-delete option. The force-delete option specifies that the group is to be deleted along with all instances associated with the group, without waiting for all instances to be terminated.

aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group \
            --auto-scaling-group-name asg-mixed-arch --force-delete \
            --region us-east-1

Now, delete your launch templates.

aws ec2 delete-launch-template --launch-template-name lt-x86
aws ec2 delete-launch-template --launch-template-name lt-arm64


You walked through creating and using architecture-specific user data scripts that were processor architecture-specific. This same method could be applied to fleets where you have different configurations needed for different instance types. Variability such as disk sizes, networking configurations, placement groups, and tagging can now be accomplished in the same Auto Scaling group.

Proactively manage the Spot Instance lifecycle using the new Capacity Rebalancing feature for EC2 Auto Scaling

Post Syndicated from Chad Schmutzer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/proactively-manage-spot-instance-lifecycle-using-the-new-capacity-rebalancing-feature-for-ec2-auto-scaling/

By Deepthi Chelupati and Chad Schmutzer

AWS now offers Capacity Rebalancing for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, a new feature for proactively managing the Amazon EC2 Spot Instance lifecycle in an Auto Scaling group. Capacity Rebalancing complements the capacity optimized allocation strategy (designed to help find the most optimal spare capacity) and the mixed instances policy (designed to enhance availability by deploying across multiple instance types running in multiple Availability Zones). Capacity Rebalancing increases the emphasis on availability by automatically attempting to replace Spot Instances in an Auto Scaling group before they are interrupted by Amazon EC2.

In order to proactively replace Spot Instances, Capacity Rebalancing leverages the new EC2 Instance rebalance recommendation, a signal that is sent when a Spot Instance is at elevated risk of interruption. The rebalance recommendation signal can arrive sooner than the existing two-minute Spot Instance interruption notice, providing an opportunity to proactively rebalance a workload to new or existing Spot Instances that are not at elevated risk of interruption.

Capacity Rebalancing for EC2 Auto Scaling provides a seamless and automated experience for maintaining desired capacity through the Spot Instance lifecycle. This includes monitoring for rebalance recommendations, attempting to proactively launch replacement capacity for existing Spot Instances when they are at elevated risk of interruption, detaching from Elastic Load Balancing if necessary, and running lifecycle hooks as configured. This post provides an overview of using Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling to manage your Spot Instance backed workloads, and dives into an example use case for taking advantage of Capacity Rebalancing in your environment.

EC2 Auto Scaling and Spot Instances – a classic love story

First, let’s review what Spot Instances are and why EC2 Auto scaling provides an optimal platform to manage your Spot Instance backed workloads. This will help illustrate how Capacity Rebalancing can benefit these workloads.

Spot Instances are spare EC2 compute capacity in the AWS Cloud available for steep discounts off On-Demand prices. In exchange for the discount, Spot Instances come with a simple rule – they are interruptible and must be returned when EC2 needs the capacity back. Where does this spare capacity come from? Since AWS builds capacity for unpredictable demand at any given time (think all 350+ instance types across 77 Availability Zones and 24 Regions), there is often excess capacity. Rather than let that spare capacity sit idle and unused, it is made available to be purchased as Spot Instances.

As you can imagine, the location and amount of spare capacity available at any given moment is dynamic and continually changes in real time. This is why it is extremely important for Spot customers to only run workloads that are truly interruption tolerant. Additionally, Spot workloads should be flexible, meaning they can be shifted in real time to where the spare capacity currently is (or otherwise be paused until spare capacity is available again). In practice, being flexible means qualifying a workload to run on multiple EC2 instance types (think big: multiple families, sizes, and generations), and in multiple Availability Zones, at any given time.

This is where EC2 Auto Scaling comes in. EC2 Auto Scaling is designed to help you maintain application availability. It also allows you to automatically add or remove EC2 instances according to conditions you define. We’ve continued to innovate on behalf of our customers by adding new features to EC2 Auto Scaling to natively support flexible configurations for EC2 workloads. One of these innovations is the mixed instances policy (launched in 2018), which supports multiple instance types and purchase options in a single Auto Scaling group. Another innovation is the capacity optimized allocation strategy (launched in 2019), an allocation strategy designed to locate optimal spare capacity for Spot Instances backed workloads. These features are aimed at supporting flexible workload best practices, and reacting to the dynamic shifts in capacity automatically.

The next level – moving from reactive to proactive Spot Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling

The default behavior for EC2 Auto Scaling is to take a reactive approach to Spot Instance interruptions. This means that EC2 Auto Scaling attempts to replace an interrupted Spot Instance with another Spot Instance only after the instance has been shut down by EC2 and the health check fails. The reactive approach to interruptions works fine for many workloads. However, we have received feedback from customers requesting that EC2 Auto Scaling take a more proactive approach to handling Spot Instance interruptions.

Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling is the answer to this request. Capacity Rebalancing is designed to take a proactive approach in handling the dynamic nature of EC2 capacity. It does this by monitoring for the EC2 Instance rebalance recommendation signal in addition to the “final” two-minute Spot Instance interruption notice. When a rebalance recommendation signal is detected, it automatically attempts to get a head start in replacing Spot Instances with new Spot Instances before they are shut down. In addition to attempting to maintain desired capacity through interruptions by launching replacement Spot Instances, Capacity Rebalancing gives customers the opportunity to gracefully remove Spot Instances from an Auto Scaling group by taking Spot Instances through the normal shut down process, such as deregistering from a load balancer and running terminating lifecycle hooks.

Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling works best when combined with a few best practices. Let’s quickly review them:

  1. Be flexible. Capacity Rebalancing thrives on flexibility, and works best when using the EC2 Auto Scaling mixed instances policy and as many instance types and Availability Zones as possible. Remember to think big and qualify multiple families, sizes, and generations for your workload, and use all Availability Zones if possible.
  2. Use the capacity optimized allocation strategy. Capacity rebalance works optimally when combined with the capacity optimized allocation strategy and a flexible list of instance types and Availability Zones, because the goal is to find the optimal spare capacity to rebalance your workload on.
  3. Take advantage of termination lifecycle hooks (optional). Termination lifecycle hooks are powerful in case you need to perform any final tasks before shutdown.

Example tutorial – Web application workload

Now that you understand the best practices for taking advantage of Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling, let’s dive into the example workload. In this scenario, we have a web application powered by 75% Spot Instances and 25% On-Demand Instances in an Auto Scaling group, running behind an Application Load Balancer. We’d like to maintain availability, and have the Auto Scaling group automatically handle Spot Instance interruptions and rebalancing of capacity.

The Auto Scaling group configuration looks like this (note the best practices of instance type and Availability Zone flexibility combined with the capacity optimized allocation strategy in the mixed instances policy):

   "AutoScalingGroupName": "myAutoScalingGroup",
   "CapacityRebalance": true,
   "DesiredCapacity": 12,
   "MaxSize": 15,
   "MinSize": 12,
   "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
      "InstancesDistribution": {
         "OnDemandBaseCapacity": 0,
         "OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity": 25,
         "SpotAllocationStrategy": "capacity-optimized"
      "LaunchTemplate": {
         "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
            "LaunchTemplateName": "myLaunchTemplate",
            "Version": "$Default"
         "Overrides": [
               "InstanceType": "c5.large"
               "InstanceType": "c5a.large"
               "InstanceType": "m5.large"
               "InstanceType": "m5a.large"
               "InstanceType": "c4.large"
               "InstanceType": "m4.large"
               "InstanceType": "c3.large"
               "InstanceType": "m3.large"
   "TargetGroupARNs": [
   "VPCZoneIdentifier": "mySubnet1,mySubnet2,mySubnet3"

Next, create the Auto Scaling group as follows:

aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \
  --cli-input-json file://myAutoScalingGroup.json

We also use a lifecycle hook to download logs before an instance is shut down:

aws autoscaling put-lifecycle-hook \
  --lifecycle-hook-name myTerminatingHook \
  --auto-scaling-group-name myAutoScalingGroup \
  --lifecycle-transition autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING \
  --heartbeat-timeout 300

In this example scenario, let’s say that the above config results in nine Spot Instances and three On-Demand instances being deployed in the Auto Scaling group, three Spot Instances, and one On-Demand instance in each Availability Zone. With Capacity Rebalancing enabled, if any of the nine Spot Instances receive the EC2 Instance rebalance recommendation signal, EC2 Auto Scaling will automatically request a replacement Spot Instance according to the allocation strategy (capacity optimized), resulting in 10 running Spot Instances. When the new Spot Instance passes EC2 health checks, it is joined to the load balancer and placed into service. Upon placing the new Spot Instance in service, EC2 Auto Scaling then proceeds with the shutdown process for the Spot Instance that has received the rebalance recommendation signal. It detaches the instance from the load balancer, drains connections, and then carries out the terminating lifecycle hook. Once the terminating lifecycle hook is complete, EC2 Auto Scaling shuts down the instance, bringing capacity back to nine Spot Instances.


Consider using the new Capacity Rebalancing feature for EC2 Auto Scaling in your environment to proactively manage Spot Instance lifecycle. Capacity Rebalancing attempts to maintain workload availability by automatically rebalancing capacity as necessary, providing a seamless and hands-off experience for managing Spot Instance interruptions. Capacity Rebalancing works best when combined with instance type flexibility and the capacity optimized allocation strategy, and may be especially useful for workloads that can easily rebalance across shifting capacity, including:

  • Containerized workloads
  • Big data and analytics
  • Image and media rendering
  • Batch processing
  • Web applications

To learn more about Capacity Rebalancing for EC2 Auto Scaling, please visit the documentation.

To learn more about the new EC2 Instance rebalance recommendation, please visit the documentation.