Tag Archives: GitHub Advanced Security

Fixing security vulnerabilities with AI

Post Syndicated from Tiferet Gazit original https://github.blog/2024-02-14-fixing-security-vulnerabilities-with-ai/

In November 2023, we announced the launch of code scanning autofix, leveraging AI to suggest fixes for security vulnerabilities in users’ codebases. This post describes how autofix works under the hood, as well as the evaluation framework we use for testing and iteration.

What is code scanning autofix?

GitHub code scanning analyzes the code in a repository to find security vulnerabilities and other errors. Scans can be triggered on a schedule or upon specified events, such as pushing to a branch or opening a pull request. When a problem is identified, an alert is presented to the user. Code scanning can be used with first- or third-party alerting tools, including open source and private tools. GitHub provides a first party alerting tool powered by CodeQL, our semantic code analysis engine, which allows querying of a codebase as though it were data. Our in-house security experts have developed a rich set of queries to detect security vulnerabilities across a host of popular languages and frameworks. Building on top of this detection capability, code scanning autofix takes security a step further, by suggesting AI-generated fixes for alerts. In its first iteration, autofix is enabled for CodeQL alerts detected in a pull request, beginning with JavaScript and TypeScript alerts. It explains the problem and its fix strategy in natural language, displays the suggested fix directly in the pull request page, and allows the developer to commit, dismiss, or edit the suggestion.

The basic idea behind autofix is simple: when a code analysis tool such as CodeQL detects a problem, we send the affected code and a description of the problem to a large language model (LLM), asking it to suggest code edits that will fix the problem without changing the functionality of the code. The following sections delve into some of the details and subtleties of constructing the LLM prompt, processing the model’s response, evaluating the quality of the feature, and serving it to our users.

The autofix prompt

At the core of our technology lies a request to an LLM, expressed through an LLM prompt. CodeQL static analysis detects a vulnerability, generating an alert that references the problematic code location as well as any other relevant locations. For example, for a SQL-injection vulnerability, the alert flags the location where tainted data is used to build a database query, and also includes one or more flow paths showing how untrusted data may reach this location without sanitization. We extract information from the alert to construct an LLM prompt consisting of:

  • General information about this type of vulnerability, typically including a general example of the vulnerability and how to fix it, extracted from the CodeQL query help.
  • The source-code location and content of the alert message.
  • Relevant code snippets from the locations all along the flow path and any code locations referenced in the alert message.
  • Specification of the response we expect.

We then ask the model to show us how to edit the code to fix the vulnerability.

We describe a strict format for the model output, to allow for automated processing. The model outputs Markdown consisting of the following sections:

  1. Detailed natural language instructions for fixing the vulnerability.
  2. A full specification of the needed code edits, following the format defined in the prompt.
  3. A list of dependencies that should be added to the project, if applicable. This is needed, for example, if the fix makes use of a third-party sanitization library on which the project does not already depend.

We surface the natural language explanation to users together with the code scanning alert, followed by a diff patch constructed from the code edits and added dependencies. Users can review the suggested fix, edit and adjust it if necessary, and apply it as a commit in their pull request.

Pre- and post-processing

If our goal were to produce a nice demo, this simple setup would suffice. Supporting real-world complexity and overcoming LLM limitations, however, requires a combination of careful prompt crafting and post-processing heuristics. A full description of our approach is beyond the scope of this post, but we outline some of the more impactful aspects below.

Selecting code to show the model

CodeQL alerts include location information for the alert and sometimes steps along the data flow path from the source to the sink. Sometimes additional source-code locations are referenced in the alert message. Any of these locations may require edits to fix the vulnerability. Further parts of the codebase, such as the test suite, may also need edits, but we focus on the most likely candidates due to prompt length constraints.

For each of these code locations, we use a set of heuristics to select a surrounding region that provides the needed context while minimizing lines of code, eliding less relevant parts as needed to achieve the target length. The region is designed to include the imports and definitions at the top of the file, as these often need to be augmented in the fix suggestion. When multiple locations from the CodeQL alert reside in the same file, we structure a combined code snippet that gives the needed context for all of them.

The result is a set of one or more code snippets, potentially from multiple source-code files, showing the model the parts of the project where edits are most likely to be needed, with line numbers added so as to allow reference to specific lines both in the model prompt and in the model response. To prevent fabrications, we explicitly constrain the model to make edits only to the code included in the prompt.

Adding dependencies

Some fixes require adding a new project dependency, such as a data sanitation library. To do so, we need to find the configuration file(s) that list project dependencies, determine whether the needed packages are already included, and if not make the needed additions. We could use an LLM for all these steps, but this would require showing the LLM the list of files in the codebase as well as the contents of the relevant ones. This would increase both the number of model calls and the number of prompt tokens. Instead, we simply ask the model to list external dependencies used in its fix. We implement language-specific heuristics to locate the relevant configuration file, parse it to determine whether the needed dependencies already exist, and if not add the needed edits to the diff patch we produce.

Specifying a format for code edits

We need a compact format for the model to specify code edits. The most obvious choice would be asking the model to output a standard diff patch directly. Unfortunately, experimentation shows that this approach exacerbates the model’s known difficulties with arithmetic, often yielding incorrect line number computations without enough code context to make heuristic corrections. We experimented with several alternatives, including defining a fixed set of line edit commands the model can use. The approach that yielded the best results in practice involves allowing the model to provide “before” and “after” code blocks, demonstrating the snippets that require changes (including some surrounding context lines) and the edits to be made.

Overcoming model errors

We employ a variety of post-processing heuristics to detect and correct small errors in the model output. For example, “before” code blocks might not exactly match the original source-code, and line numbers may be slightly off. We implement a fuzzy search to match the original code, overcoming and correcting errors in indentation, semicolons, code comments, and the like. We use a parser to check for syntax errors in the edited code. We also implement semantic checks such as name-resolution checks and type checks. If we detect errors we are unable to fix heuristically, we flag the suggested edit as (partially) incorrect. In cases where the model suggests new dependencies to add to the project, we verify that these packages exist in the ecosystem’s package registry and check for known security vulnerabilities or malicious packages.

Evaluation and iteration

To make iterative improvements to our prompts and heuristics while at the same time minimizing LLM compute costs, we need to evaluate fix suggestions at scale. In taking autofix from demo quality to production quality, we relied on an extensive automated test harness to enable fast evaluation and iteration.

The first component of the test harness is a data collection pipeline that processes open source repositories with code scanning alerts, collecting alerts that have test coverage for the alert location. For JavaScript / TypeScript, the first supported languages, we collected over 1,400 alerts with test coverage from 63 CodeQL queries.

The second component of the test harness is a GitHub Actions workflow that runs autofix on each alert in the evaluation set. After committing the generated fix in a fork, the workflow runs both CodeQL and the repository’s test suite to evaluate the validity of the fix. In particular, a fix is considered successful only if:

  • It removes the CodeQL alert.
  • It introduces no new CodeQL alerts.
  • It produces no syntax errors.
  • It does not change the outcome of any of the repository tests.

As we iterated on the prompt, the code edit format, and various post-processing heuristics, we made use of this test harness to ensure that our changes were improving our success rate. We coupled the automated evaluations with periodic manual triage, to focus our efforts on the most prevalent problems, as well as to validate the accuracy of the automated framework. This rigorous approach to data-driven development allowed us to triple our success rate while at the same time reducing LLM compute requirements by a factor of six.

Architecture, infrastructure, and user experience

Generating useful fixes is a first step, but surfacing them to our users requires further front- and back-end modifications. Designing for simplicity, we’ve built autofix on top of existing functionality wherever possible. The user experience enhances the code scanning pull request experience. Along with a code scanning alert, users can now see a suggested fix, which may include suggested changes in multiple files, optionally outside the scope of the pull request diff. A natural language explanation of the fix is also displayed. Users can commit the suggested fixes directly to the pull request, or edit the suggestions in their local IDE or in a GitHub Codespace.

The backend, too, is built on top of existing code scanning infrastructure, making it seamless for our users. Customers do not need to make any changes to their code scanning workflows to see fix suggestions for supported CodeQL queries.

Diagram outlining the code scanning pull request workflow.

The user opens a pull request or pushes a commit. Code scanning runs as usual, as part of an actions workflow or workflow in a third-party CI system, uploading the results in the SARIF format to the code scanning API. The code scanning backend service checks whether the results are for a supported language. If so, it runs the fix generator as a CLI tool. The fix generator leverages the SARIF alert data, augmented with relevant pieces of source-code from the repository, to craft a prompt for the LLM. It calls the LLM via an authenticated API call to an internally-deployed API running LLMs on Azure. The LLM response is run through a filtering system which helps prevent certain classes of harmful responses. The fix generator then post-processes the LLM response to produce a fix suggestion. The code scanning backend stores the resulting suggestion, making it available for rendering alongside the alert in pull request views. Suggestions are cached for reuse where possible, reducing LLM compute requirements.

As with all GitHub products, we followed standard and internal security procedures, and put our architectural design through a rigorous security and privacy review process to safeguard our users. We also took precautions against AI-specific risks such as prompt injection attacks. While software security can never be fully guaranteed, we conducted red team testing to stress-test our model response filters and other safety mechanisms, assessing risks related to security, harmful content, and model bias.

Telemetry and monitoring

Before launching autofix, we wanted to ensure that we could monitor performance and measure its impact in the wild. We don’t collect the prompt or the model responses because these may contain private user code. Instead, we collect anonymized, aggregated telemetry on user interactions with suggested fixes, such as the percentage of alerts for which a fix suggestion was generated, the percentage of suggestions that were committed as-is to the branch, the percentage of suggestions that were applied through the GitHub CLI or Codespace, the percentage of suggestions that were dismissed, and the fix rate for alerts with suggestions versus alerts without. As we onboard more users onto the beta program, we’ll look at this telemetry to understand the usefulness of our suggestions.

Additionally, we’re monitoring the service for errors, such as overloading of the Azure model API or triggering of the filters that block harmful content. Before expanding autofix to unlimited public beta and eventually general availability, we want to ensure a consistent, stable user experience.

What’s next?

As we roll out the code scanning autofix beta to an increasing number of users, we’re collecting feedback, fixing papercuts, and monitoring metrics to ensure that our suggestions are in fact useful for security vulnerabilities in the wild. In parallel, we’re expanding autofix to more languages and use cases, and improving the user experience. If you want to join the public beta, sign up here. Keep an eye out for more updates soon!

Harness the power of CodeQL. Get started now.

The post Fixing security vulnerabilities with AI appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

3 benefits of migrating and consolidating your source code

Post Syndicated from Mark Paulsen original https://github.blog/2023-04-14-3-benefits-of-migrating-and-consolidating-your-source-code/

In a previous blog on consolidating your toolkit, we shared strategies to help you simplify your tech stack, which ultimately helps developers be more productive. In fact, developers are almost 60% more likely to feel equipped to do their job when they can easily find what they need.

But there are other benefits of consolidating and simplifying your toolkit that may be surprising–especially when migrating your source code and collaboration history to GitHub.

Today, we’ll explore three benefits that will support enterprises in a business climate where everyone is being asked to do more with less, as well as some resources to help get started on the migration journey.

1. Enable developer self-service culture

Some of the benefits enterprises can achieve with DevOps are improved productivity, security, and collaboration. Silos should be broken down and traditionally separated teams should be working in a cohesive and cloud native way.

Another benefit that DevOps enables, which is a key part of the Platform Engineering technology approach, is the ability for development teams to self-service workflows, processes, and controls which traditionally have either been manual, or tightly-coupled with other teams. A great example of this was covered in a previous blog where we described how to build consistent and shared IaC workflows. IaC workflows can be created by operations teams, if your enterprise separation of duties governance policies require this, but self-serviced when needed by development teams.

But this type of consistent, managed, and governable, self-service culture would not be possible if you have multiple source code management tools in your enterprise. If development teams have to spend time figuring out which tool has the source of truth for the workflow they need to execute, the benefits of DevOps and Platform Engineering quickly deteriorate.

There is no better place to migrate the core of your self-service culture to than GitHub–which is the home to 100 million developers and counting. Your source code management tool should be an enabler for developer productivity and happiness or else they will be reluctant to use it. And if they don’t use it, you won’t have a self-service culture within your enterprise.

2. Save time and money during audits

The latest Forrester report on the economic impact of GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Advanced Security, determined a 75% improvement in time spent managing tools and code infrastructure. But one of the potentially surprising benefits is related to implementing DevOps and cloud native processes that would both help developers and auditors save time and money.

If your tech stack includes multiple source code tools, and other development tools which may not be integrated our have overlapping capabilities, each time your security, compliance, and audit teams need to review the source of truth for your delivery artifacts, you will need to gather artifacts and setup walkthroughs for each of the tools. This can lead to days and even weeks of lost time and money on simply preparing and executing audits–taking your delivery teams away from creating business value.

Working with GitHub customers, Forrester identified and quantified key benefits of investing in GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Advanced Security. The corresponding GitHub Ent ROI Estimate Calculator includes factors for time saving on IT Audit preparations related to the number of non-development security or audit staff involved in software development. This itself can lead to hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars of time savings.

What is not factored into the calculator is the potential time savings for development teams who have a single source of truth for their code and collaboration history. A simplified and centrally auditable tech stack with a single developer-friendly core source code management platform will enable consistent productivity even during traditionally time-consuming audit and compliance reviews–for both developers and non-developers.

3. Keep up with innovation

If you are using another source code platform besides GitHub, or if GitHub is one of several tools that are providing the overlapping functionality, some of your teams may be missing out on the amazing innovations that have been happening lately.

Generative AI is enabling some amazing capabilities and GitHub is at the forefront with our AI pair-programmer, GitHub Copilot. The improvements to developer productivity are truly amazing and continue to improve.

A graphic showing how many developers and companies have already used GitHub Copilot and how it's helping improve productivity and happiness.
A graphic showing how many developers and companies have already used GitHub Copilot and how it’s helping improve productivity and happiness.

GitHub continues to innovate with the news about GitHub Copilot X, which is not only adopting OpenAI’s new GPT-4 model, but introducing chat and voice for GitHub Copilot, and bringing GitHub Copilot to pull requests, the command line, and docs to answer questions on your projects.

Innovations like this need to be rolled-out in a controlled and governable manner within many enterprises. But if your techstack is overly complex and you have several source code management tools, the roll-out may take a long time or may be stalled while security and compliance reviews take place.

However, if your development core is GitHub, security and compliance reviews can happen once, on a centrally managed platform that is well understood and secure. And you’ll be front row for all of the amazing new innovations that GitHub will be releasing down the road.

Get started today

If you are planning on migrating your source code and collaboration history to GitHub and have questions, thankfully, many other enterprises have done this already with great success and there are resources to help you through the process.

Visit our GitHub Enterprise Importer documentation for details on supported migration paths, guides for different migration sources, and more.

If you want to learn more about how GitHub can benefit your business, while increasing developer velocity and collaboration, see how GitHub Enterprise can help.

Sharing security expertise through CodeQL packs (Part I)

Post Syndicated from Andrew Eisenberg original https://github.blog/2022-04-19-sharing-security-expertise-through-codeql-packs-part-i/

Congratulations! You’ve discovered a security bug in your own code before anyone has exploited it. It’s a big relief. You’ve created a CodeQL query to find other places where this happens and ensure this will never happen again, and you’ve deployed your new query to be run on every pull request in your repo to prevent similar mistakes from ever being made again.

What’s the best way to share this knowledge with the community to help protect the open source ecosystem by making sure that the same vulnerability is never introduced into anyone’s codebase, ever?

The short answer: produce a CodeQL pack containing your queries, and publish them to GitHub. CodeQL packaging is a beta feature in the CodeQL ecosystem. With CodeQL packaging, your expertise is documented, concise, executable, and easily shareable.

This is the first post of a two-part series on CodeQL packaging. In this post, we show how to use CodeQL packs to share security expertise. In the next post, we will discuss some of our implementation and design decisions.

Modeling a vulnerability in CodeQL

CodeQL’s customizability makes it great for detecting vulnerabilities in your code. Let’s use the Exec call vulnerable to binary planting query as an example. This query was developed by our team in response to discovering a real vulnerability in one of our open source repositories.

The purpose of this query is to detect executables that are potentially vulnerable to Windows binary planting, an exploit where an attacker could inject a malicious executable into a pull request. This query is meant to be evaluated on JavaScript code that is run inside of a GitHub Action. It matches all arguments to calls to the ToolRunner (a GitHub Action API) where the argument has not been sanitized (that is, ensured to be safe) by having been wrapped in a call to safeWhich. The implementation details of this query are not relevant to this post, but you can explore this query and other domain-specific queries like it in the repository.

This query is currently protecting us on every pull request, but in its current form, it is not easily available for others to use. Even though this vulnerability is relatively difficult to attack, the surface area is large, and it could affect any GitHub Action running on Windows in public repositories that accept pull requests. You could write a stern blog post on the dangers of invoking unqualified Windows executables in untrusted pull requests (maybe you’re even reading such a post right now!), but your impact will be much higher if you could share the query to help anyone find the bug in their code. This is where CodeQL packaging comes in. Using CodeQL packaging, not only can developers easily learn about the binary planting pattern, but they can also automatically apply the pattern to find the bug in their own code.

Sharing queries through CodeQL packs

If you think that your query is general purpose and applicable to all repositories in all situations, then it is best to contribute it to our open source CodeQL query repository (and collect a bounty in the process!). That way, your query will be run on every pull request on every repository that has GitHub code scanning enabled.

However, many (if not most) queries are domain specific and not applicable to all repositories. For example, this particular binary planting query is only applicable to GitHub Actions implemented in JavaScript. The best way to share such queries query is by creating a CodeQL pack and publishing it to the CodeQL package registry to make it available to the world. Once published, CodeQL packs are easily shared with others and executed in their CI/CD pipeline.

There are two kinds of CodeQL packs:

  • Query packs, which contain a set of pre-compiled queries that can be easily evaluated on a CodeQL database.
  • Library packs, which contain CodeQL libraries (*.qll files), but do not contain any runnable queries. Library packs are meant to be used as building blocks to produce other query packs or library packs.

In the rest of this post, we will show you how to create, share, and consume a CodeQL query pack. Library packs will be introduced in a future blog post.

To create a CodeQL pack, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve installed and set up the CodeQL CLI. You can follow the instructions here.

The next step is to create a qlpack.yml file. This file declares the CodeQL pack and information about it. Any *.ql files in the same directory (or sub-directory) as a qlpack.yml file are considered part of the package. In this case, you can place binary-planting.ql next to the qlpack.yml file.

Here is the qlpack.yml from our example:

name: aeisenberg/codeql-actions-queries
version: 1.0.1
 codeql/javascript-all: ~0.0.10

All CodeQL packs must have a name property. If they are going to be published to the CodeQL registry, then they must have a scope as part of the name. The scope is the part of the package name before the slash (in this example: aeisenberg). It should be the username or organization on github.com that will own this package. Anyone publishing a package must have the proper privileges to do so for that scope. The name part of the package name must be unique within the scope. Additionally, a version, following standard semver rules, is required for publishing.

The dependencies block lists all of the dependencies of this package and their compatible version ranges. Each dependency is referenced as the scope/name of a CodeQL library pack, and each library pack may in turn depend on other library packs declared in their qlpack.yml files. Each query pack must (transitively) depend on exactly one of the core language packs (for example, JavaScript, C#, Ruby, etc.), which determines the language your query can analyze.

In this query pack, the standard JavaScript libraries, codeql/javascript-all, is the only dependency and the semver range ~0.0.10 means any version >= 0.0.10 and < 0.1.0 suffices.

With the qlpack.yml defined, you can now install all of your declared dependencies. Run the codeql pack install command in the root directory of the CodeQL pack:

$ codeql pack install
Dependencies resolved. Installing packages...
Install location: /Users/andrew.eisenberg/.codeql/packages
Installed fresh codeql/[email protected]

After making any changes to the query, you can then publish the query to the GitHub registry. You do this by running the codeql pack publish command in the root of the CodeQL pack.

Here is the output of the command:

$ codeql pack publish
Running on packs: aeisenberg/codeql-actions-queries.
Bundling and then publishing qlpack located at '/Users/andrew.eisenberg/git-repos/codeql-actions-queries'.
Bundled qlpack created at '/var/folders/41/kxmfbgxj40dd2l_x63x9fw7c0000gn/T/codeql-docker17755193287422157173/.Docker Package Manager/codeql-actions-queries.1.0.1.tgz'.
Packaging> Package 'aeisenberg/codeql-actions-queries' will be published to registry 'https://ghcr.io/v2/' as 'aeisenberg/codeql-actions-queries'.
Packaging> Package 'aeisenberg/[email protected]' will be published locally to /Users/andrew.eisenberg/.codeql/packages/aeisenberg/codeql-actions-queries/1.0.1
Publish successful.

You have successfully published your first CodeQL pack! It is now available in the registry on GitHub.com for anyone else to run using the CodeQL CLI. You can view your newly-published package on github.com:

CodeQL pack on github.com

At the time of this writing, packages are initially uploaded as private packages. If you want to make it public, you must explicitly change the permissions. To do this, go to the package page, click on package settings, then scroll down to the Danger Zone:

Danger Zone!

And click Change visibility.

Running queries from CodeQL packs using the CodeQL CLI

Running the queries in a CodeQL pack is simple using the CodeQL CLI. If you already have a database created, just call the codeql database analyze command with the --download option, passing a reference to the package you want to use in your analysis:

$ codeql database analyze --format=sarif-latest --output=out.sarif --download my-db aeisenberg/codeql-actions-queries@^1.0.1

The --download option asks CodeQL to download any CodeQL packs that aren’t already available. The ^1.0,0 is optional and specifies that you want to run the latest version of the package that is compatible with ^1.0.1. If no version range is specified, then the latest version is always used. You can also pass a list of packages to evaluate. The CodeQL CLI will download and cache each specified package and then run all queries in their default query suite.

To run a subset of queries in a pack, add a : and a path after it:


Everything after the : is interpreted as a path relative to the root of the pack, and you can specify a single query, a query directory, or a query suite (.qls file).

Evaluating CodeQL packs from code scanning

Run the queries from your CodeQL pack in GitHub code scanning is easy! In your code scanning workflow, in the github/codeql-action/init step, add packs entry to list the packs you want to run:

- uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
      - aeisenberg/[email protected]
    languages: javascript

Note that specifying a path after a colon is not yet supported in the codeql-action, so using this approach, you can only run the default query suite of a pack in this manner.


We’ve shown how easy it is to share your CodeQL queries with the world using two CLI commands: the first resolves and retrieves your dependencies and the second compiles, bundles, and publishes your package.

To recap:

Publishing a CodeQL query pack consists of:

  1. Create the qlpack.yml file.
  2. Run codeql pack install to download dependencies.
  3. Write and test your queries.
  4. Run codeql pack publish to share your package in GHCR.

Using a CodeQL query pack from GHCR on the command line consists of:

  1. codeql database analyze --download path/to/my-db aeisenberg/[email protected]

Using a CodeQL query pack from GHCR in code-scanning consists of:

  1. Adding a config-file input to the github/codeql-action/init action
  2. Adding a packs block in the config file

The CodeQL Team has already published all of our standard queries as query packs, and all of our core libraries as library packs. Any pack named {*}-queries is a query pack and contains queries that can be used to scan your code. Any pack named {*}-all is a library pack and contains CodeQL libraries (*.qll files) that can be used as the building blocks for your queries. When you are creating your own query packs, you should be adding as a dependency the library pack for the language that your query will scan.

If you are interested in understanding more about how we’ve implemented packaging and some of our design decisions, please check out our second post in this series. Also, if you are interested in learning more or contributing to CodeQL, get involved with the Security Lab.

Sharing your security expertise has never been easier!