Tag Archives: InsightIDR

Demystifying XDR: How Curated Detections Filter Out the Noise

Post Syndicated from Jesse Mack original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/02/24/demystifying-xdr-how-curated-detections-filter-out-the-noise/

Demystifying XDR: How Curated Detections Filter Out the Noise

Extended detection and response (XDR) is, by nature, a forward-looking technology. By adding automation to human insight, XDR rethinks and redefines the work that has been traditionally ascribed to security information and event management (SIEM) and other well-defined, widely used tools within security teams. For now, XDR can work alongside SIEM — but eventually, it may replace SIEM, once some of XDR’s still-nascent use cases are fully realized.

But what about the pain points that security operations center (SOC) analysts already know so well and feel so acutely? How can XDR help alleviate those headaches right now and make analysts’ lives easier today?

Fighting false positives with XDR

One of the major pain points that Sam Adams, Rapid7’s VP for Detection and Response, brought to light in his recent conversation with Forrester Analyst Allie Mellen, is one that any SOC analyst is sure to know all too well: false positives. Not only does this create noise in the system, Sam pointed out, but it also generates unnecessary work and other downstream effects from the effort needed to untangle the web of confusion. To add to the frustration, you might have missed real alerts and precious opportunities to fight legitimate threats while you were spending time, energy, and money chasing down a false positive.

If, as Sam insisted, every alert is a burden, the burdens your team is bearing better be the ones that matter.

Allie offered a potential model for efficiency in the face of a noisy system: managed detection and response (MDR) providers.

“MDR providers are one of these groups that I get a lot of inspiration from when thinking about what an internal SOC should look like,” she said. While an in-house SOC might not lose money to the same extent an MDR vendor would when chasing down a false positive, they would certainly lose time — a precious resource among often-understaffed and thinly stretched security teams.

Demystifying XDR: How Curated Detections Filter Out the Noise

Got intel?

One of the things that MDR providers do well is threat intelligence — without the right intel feed, they’d be inundated with far too much noise. Sam noted that XDR and SIEM vendors like Rapid7 realize this, too — that’s why we acquired IntSights to deepen the threat intel capabilities of our security platform.

For Allie, the key is to operationalize threat intelligence to ensure it’s relevant to your unique detection and response needs.

“It is definitely not a good idea to just hook up a threat intel feed and hope for the best,” she said. The key is to keep up with the changing threat landscape and to stay ahead of bad actors rather than playing catch-up.

With XDR, curation is the cure

Of course, staying on top of shifting threat dynamics takes time — and it’s not as if analysts don’t already have enough on their plate. This is where XDR comes in. By bringing in a wide range of sources of telemetry, it helps SOC analysts bring together the many balls they’re juggling today so they can accomplish their tasks as effectively as possible.

Allie noted that curated detections have emerged as a key feature in XDR. If you can create detections that are as targeted as possible, this lowers the likelihood of false positives and reduces the amount of time security teams have to spend getting to the bottom of alerts that don’t turn out to be meaningful. Sam pointed out that one of the key ways to achieve this goal is to build detections that focus not on static indicators but on specific behaviors, which are less likely to change dramatically over time.

“Every piece of ransomware is going to try to delete the shadow copy on Windows,” he said, “so it doesn’t matter what the latest version of ransomware is out there – if it’s going to do these three things, we’re going to see it every time.”

Focusing on the patterns that matter in threats helps keep noise low and efficiency high. By putting targeted detections in security analysts’ hands, XDR can alleviate some of their stresses of false positives today and pave the way for the SOC to get even more honed-in in the future.

Want more XDR insights from our conversation with Allie? Check out the full talk.

Additional reading:

This CISO Isn’t Real, but His Problems Sure Are

Post Syndicated from Amy Hunt original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/02/22/this-ciso-isnt-real-but-his-problems-sure-are/

This CISO Isn’t Real, but His Problems Sure Are

In 2021, data breaches soared past 2020 levels. This year, it’s expected to be worse. The odds are stacked against this poor guy (and you) now – but a unified extended detection and response (XDR) and SIEM restacks them in your favor.

Take a few minutes to check out this CISO’s day, and you’ll see how.

Go to this resource-rich page for smart, fast information, and a few minutes of fun too. Don’t miss it.

This CISO Isn’t Real, but His Problems Sure Are

Still here on this page reading? Fine, let’s talk about you.

Most CISOs like adrenaline, but c’mon

Cybersecurity isn’t for the fragile foam flowers among us, people who require shade and soft breezes. A little chaos is fun. Adrenaline and cortisol? They give you heightened physical and mental capacity. But it becomes problematic when it doesn’t stop, when you don’t remember your last 40-hour week, or when weekends and holidays are wrecked.

Work-life balance programs are funny, right?

A lot of your co-workers may be happy, but life in the SOC is its own thing. CISOs average about two years in their jobs. And 40% admit job stress has affected their relationships with their partners and/or children.

Many of your peers agree: Unified SIEM and XDR changes everything

A whopping 88% of Rapid7 customers say their detection and response has improved since they started using InsightIDR. And 93% say our unified SIEM and XDR has helped them level up and advance security programs.

You have the power to change your day. See how this guy did.

Demystifying XDR: Where SIEM and XDR Collide

Post Syndicated from Jesse Mack original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/02/02/demystifying-xdr-where-siem-and-xdr-collide/

Demystifying XDR: Where SIEM and XDR Collide

Innovations solve longstanding problems in creative, impactful ways — but they also raise new questions, especially when they’re in the liminal space between being an emerging idea and a fully fledged, widely adopted reality. One of the still-unanswered questions about extended detection and response (XDR) is what its relationship is with security information and event management (SIEM), a more broadly understood and implemented product category that most security teams have already come to rely on.

When looking at the foundations of XDR, it seems like it could be a replacement for, or an alternative to, SIEM. But as Forrester analyst Allie Mellen noted in her recent conversation with Rapid7’s Sam Adams, VP for Detection and Response, the picture isn’t quite that simple.

“Some SIEM vendors are repositioning themselves as XDR,” Allie said, “kind of trying to latch onto that new buzzword.” She added, “The challenge with that is it’s very hard to see what they’re able to offer that’s actually differentiating from SIEM.”

Where SIEM stands today

To really understand how the rise of XDR is impacting SIEM and what relationship we should expect between the two product types, we first need to ask a key question: How are security operations center (SOC) teams actually using their SIEMs today?

At Forrester, Allie recently conducted a survey asking SOC teams this very question. While some have focused on the compliance use case as a main driver for SIEM adoption, Allie found that just wasn’t the case with her survey respondents. Overwhelmingly, security analysts are using their SIEMs for detection and response, making it the core tool within the SOC.

More than that, Allie’s survey actually found the old adage that security teams hate their SIEMs just isn’t true. The vast majority of analysts she surveyed love using their SIEMs (even if they wish it cost them less).

Demystifying XDR: Where SIEM and XDR Collide

Together, for now

With SIEM claiming such an integral role in the SOC, Allie acknowledged that we likely shouldn’t expect it to be simply replaced by XDR in the near term.

“For the time being, I definitely see XDR and SIEM living together in a very cohesive fashion,” she said.

She went on to suggest that maybe in 5 years or so, we’ll start to see XDR offerings that truly tackle all SIEM use cases and fully deliver on some capabilities that are only in the realm of possibility today. But until XDR can fully address compliance, for example, we’re likely to see it exist alongside and, ideally, in harmony with SIEM.

The XDR opportunity

So, what will that coexistence of SIEM and XDR look like? Sam suggested it might be the fulfillment of the original vision of SIEM solutions like InsightIDR: to make the security analyst superhuman by enabling them to be hyper-efficient at detecting and responding to threats. Allie echoed this sentiment, noting that XDR is all about elevating the role of the SOC analyst rather than automating their tasks away.

“I am not a big believer in the autonomous SOC or this idea that we’re going to take away all the humans from this process,” she said. “At the end of the day, it’s a human-to-human fight. The attackers are not automating themselves away, so it’s very unlikely that we’ll be able to create a product that can keep up with as many human beings as there are attacking us all the time.”

For Allie, the really exciting thing about XDR is its potential to humanize security operations. By reducing the amount of repetitive work analysts have to do, it frees them up to be truly creative and visionary in their threat detection efforts. This can also help improve retention rates among security pros as organizations scramble to fill the cybersecurity skills gap.

“It’s a lofty dream, a lofty vision,” Allie acknowledged, “but XDR is definitely pushing down that path.”

Want more XDR insights from our conversation with Allie? Check out the full talk.

Additional reading

2021 Cybersecurity Superlatives: An InsightIDR Year in Review

Post Syndicated from KJ McCann original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/01/31/2021-cybersecurity-superlatives-an-insightidr-year-in-review/

2021 Cybersecurity Superlatives: An InsightIDR Year in Review

We laughed, we cried, we added over 750 new detections. It’s been a rollercoaster of a year for everyone. So let’s have some fun with our 2021 year in review — shall we?

The last year was an exciting one for InsightIDR, Rapid7’s industry-leading extended detection and response (XDR) and SIEM solution. We used the past 12 months to continually invest in the product to help customers level up their security programs and achieve success in their desired outcomes. A major highlight for InsightIDR was being named as a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM for the second year in a row. We are honored to be recognized as one of the six 2021 Magic Quadrant Leaders — and in celebration, we’d like to announce a few awards ourselves for 2021, high-school-superlative style.

Presenting our 2021 superlatives (drum roll, please)…

Most likely to be overworked: Cybersecurity professionals

“We need more time!” exhausted cybersecurity specialists shout into the void. Luckily, we deployed our Insight Agent into the void, so we heard you. While we were in there, we also picked up the following alerts:

  • There aren’t enough people to do it all.
  • More than 3 out of 4 CISOs have 16 or more cybersecurity products, and 12% have 46 or more (my head is spinning).
  • It is getting more difficult to recruit and hire new professionals onto security teams.
  • The workload is growing, and teams are suffering from burnout.

We heard the problem — and took action with our products. Our product updates focused on the following:

  • Improved detection and response capabilities: We added strong detections with a more comprehensive view of threats.
  • Greater efficiency: We helped teams cut down the number of disparate tools and events they have to manage, providing automation and leveling up analysts by giving them embedded guidance and a common experience.
  • Improved scale and agility: When your organization evolves and grows, so do we.
  • Customization: Every environment is unique, and we want to make sure InsightIDR not only works well but works the way you want it.

All sounds good, right? Let’s keep going down the list to see how we continued to evolve our product to align these themes.

Most likely to (help you) succeed: MITRE ATT&CK mapping in InsightIDR

Red pill or blue pill… Psych! They are both the same pill. Welcome to the matrix — the MITRE ATT&CK matrix, that is.

As of Q4 2021, all of our Attacker Behavior Analytics (ABA) map to the ATT&CK framework in InsightIDR.

OK, great… so what does that mean for you?

MITRE ATT&CK matrix for detection rules: Within the Detection Rules tab, you now have a direct view into where you have coverage with Rapid7’s out-of-the-box detection library across common attacker tactics and techniques, and you can also quickly unlock more context and intelligence about detections.

Refreshed Investigation Management experience: Now, you can click into the new MITRE ATT&CK tab of the Evidence panel in Investigation to see descriptions of each tactic, technique, and sub-technique curated by MITRE. Then go directly to attack.mitre.org for more information.

Learn more about InsightIDR and the MITRE ATT&CK matrix.

Best glow-up: Our Investigation Management experience

A security analyst’s time is precious and limited. That’s why we upgraded our Investigation Management experience to help you manage, prioritize, and triage investigations faster. Make sure you check out the following:

  • A revamped user interface with expandable cards displaying investigation information
  • The ability to view, set, and update the priority, status, or disposition of an investigation
  • Filtering by the following fields: date range, assignee, status, priority level
  • That sweet MITRE integration we talked about earlier

Most sophisticated: Our customization capabilities

InsightIDR customers now have more customization and increased visibility for ABA detections. We’re continuing to make improvements and additions to our detections management experience.

  • Detection rules: Filter detection rules by threat group, rule behavior, and attributes for more visibility into your alerts and investigations.
  • Create exceptions to a detection rule: With exceptions for ABA alerts, you can filter out noise very precisely using data from the alert.
  • New detection rules management interface: With this new interface, you can see a priority field for each detection provided by InsightIDR with new actions available.
  • Customizable priorities for UBA detection rules and custom alerts: Associate a rule priority (Critical, High, Medium, or Low) for all UBA and custom alert detection rules.
  • A simplified way to create exceptions: We added a new section to detection rule details within “create exception” to better inform on which data to write exceptions against. So now, when you go to write exceptions, you have all the information you may need within one window.

Most likely to brighten up your day: Pre-built dashboards and enhanced search capabilities

InsightIDR’s Dashboard Library has a growing repository of pre-built dashboards to save you time and eliminate the need for you to build them from scratch. Our pre-built dashboards are accessible to all users. We added the following dashboards to provide you with immediate value, out of the box.

  • Compliance (PCI, HIPAA, ISO)
  • General Security (Firewall, Asset Authentication)
  • Security Tools (Okta, Palo Alto, Crowdstrike)
  • Enhanced Network Traffic Analysis
  • Cloud Security

Check out the whole dashboard library here.

Speaking of saving time, we continued to make investments in Log Search to make searching for actionable information faster and easier for customers. Spend less time searching and more time fighting off the bad guys. You’ve never seen Spiderman spend an hour searching an address in a phone book, have you?

Power couple: IntSights Threat Intelligence and Rapid7’s Insight Platform

This year Rapid7 acquired IntSights, a leading provider of external threat intelligence and remediation. Their flagship external threat intelligence product, Threat Command, is now part of our Rapid7 portfolio.

Threat Command allows any SecOps team, regardless of size or capability maturity, to expand identification and remediation across an ever-expanding attack surface, while automating threat mitigation.

IntSights is already leveling up threat intelligence at Rapid7 — and we are so excited for more synergies on the road ahead in 2022.

We know this romance is going to last. Congrats to the lovely couple!

Brightest future: Rapid7 customers

Our 2022 New Year’s resolution is to not just be your technology vendor but to be your strategic partner. Complacency is not in our vocabulary, so make sure you keep up to date with all of our upcoming releases as we continue to level up your InsightIDR experience with more capabilities, context, customization while keeping our intuitive user experience.

Our customers’ outcomes define our success, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We are looking forward to accelerating together.

Have a great year!

Additional reading


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The Great Resignation: 4 Ways Cybersecurity Can Win

Post Syndicated from Amy Hunt original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/01/24/the-great-resignation-4-ways-cybersecurity-can-win/

The Great Resignation: 4 Ways Cybersecurity Can Win

Pandemics change everything.

In the Middle Ages, the Black Death killed half of Europe’s population. It also killed off the feudal system of landowning lords exploiting laborer serfs. Rampant death caused an extreme labor shortage and forced the lords to pay wages. Eventually, serfs had bargaining power and escalating wages as aristocrats competed for people to work their lands.

Think we invented “The Great Resignation?” 14th-century peasants did.

Last year, more than 40 million Americans  quit their jobs. The trend raged across Europe. Workers in China went freelance. The Harvard Business Review reports resignations are highest in tech and healthcare, both seriously strained by the pandemic. Of course, cybersecurity has had a talent shortage for years now. As 2022 and back-to-office plans take shape, expect another tidal wave.

Here are four ideas about how to prepare for it and win.

1. You’ll do better if you label it The Great Rethinking

COVID-19’s daily specter of illness and death has spurred existential questions. “If life is so short, what am I doing? Is this all there is?”

Isolated with family every day, month after month, some of us have decided we’re happier than ever. Others are causing a big spike in divorce and the baby bust. Either way, people are confronting the quality of their relationships. Some friendships have made it into our small, carefully considered “safety pods,” and others haven’t.

As we rethink our most profound human connections, we’re surely going to rethink work and how we spend most of our waking hours.

2. Focus on our collective search for meaning

A mere 17% of us say jobs or careers are a source of meaning in life. But here, security professionals have a rare advantage.

Nearly all cybercrime is conducted by highly organized criminal gangs and adversarial nation states. They’ve breached power grids and pipelines, air traffic, nuclear installations, hospitals, and the food supply. Roughly 1 in 20 people a year suffer identity theft, which can produce damaging personal consequences that drag on and on. In December, hackers shut down city bus service in Honolulu and the Handi-Van, which people with disabilities count on to get around.

How many jobs can be defined simply and accurately as good vs evil? How many align everyday people with the aims of the FBI and the Department. of Justice? With lower-wage workers leading the Great Resignation last year, the focus has been on salary and raises. But don’t underestimate meaning.

3. Winners know silos equal stress and will get rid of them

Along with meaning and good pay, consider ways to make your security operations center (SOC) a better place to be. Consolidate your tools. Integrate systems. Extend your visibility. Improve signal-to-noise ratio. The collision of security information and event management (SIEM) and extended detection and response (XDR) protects you from a whole lot more than malicious attacks.

Remote work, hybrid work, and far-flung digital infrastructure are here to stay. So are attackers who’ve thrived in the last two years, shattering all records. If you’re among the 76% of security professionals who admit they really don’t understand XDR, know you’re not alone – but also know that XDR will soon separate winners from losers. Transforming your SOC with it will change what work is like for both you and your staff, and give you a competitive advantage.

4. You can take this message to the C-suite

Lower-wage workers started the trend, but CEO resignations are surging now (and it’s not just Jeff Bezos and Jack Dorsey). They’re employees, too, and the Great Rethinking has also arrived in their homes. Maybe COVID-19 meant they finally spent real time with their kids, and they’d like more of it, please. Maybe they’re exhausted from communicating on Zoom for the last two years. Maybe they think a new deal is in order for everyone.

As you make the case for XDR, consider your ability to give new, compelling context to your recommendations. XDR is the ideal collaboration between humans and machines, each doing what they do best. It reduces the chance executives will have to explain themselves on the evening news. It helps create work-life balance. Of course it makes sense.

And what about when things get back to normal? The history of diseases is they don’t really leave and we don’t really return to “normal.” Things change. We change. You can draw a straight line from the Black Death, to the idea of a middle class, then to the Renaissance. Here’s hoping.

Want more info on how XDR can help you meet today’s challenges?

Check out our resource center.

What’s New in InsightIDR: Q4 2021 in Review

Post Syndicated from Margaret Wei original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/01/06/whats-new-in-insightidr-q4-2021-in-review/

What's New in InsightIDR: Q4 2021 in Review

More context and customization around detections and investigations, expanded dashboard capabilities, and more.

This post offers a closer look at some of the recent releases in InsightIDR, our extended detection and response (XDR) solution, from Q4 2021. Over the past quarter, we delivered updates to help you make more informed decisions, accelerate your time to respond, and customize your detections and investigations. Here’s a rundown of the highlights.

More customization options for your detection rules

InsightIDR provides a highly curated detections library, vetted by the security and operations center (SOC) experts on our managed detection and response (MDR) team — but we know some teams may want the ability to fine tune these even further. In our Q3 wrap-up, we highlighted our new detection rules management experience. This quarter, we’ve made even more strides in leveling up our capabilities around detections to help you make more informed decisions and accelerate your time to respond.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q4 2021 in Review
Attacker Behavior Analytics Detection Rules viewed and sorted by rule priority

  • New detection rules management interface: With this new interface, you can see a priority field for each detection provided by InsightIDR with new actions available.
    • Change priority of detections and exceptions that are set to Creates Investigation as the Rule Action.
    • View and sort on priority from the main detection management screen.
    • More details on our detection rules experience can be found in our help docs, here.

  • Customizable priorities for UBA detection rules and custom alerts: Customers can now associate a rule priority (Critical, High, Medium, or Low) for all of their UBA and custom alert detection rules. The priority is subsequently applied to investigations created by a detection rule.
  • A simplified way to create exceptions: We added a new section to detection rule details within “create exception” to better inform on which data to write exceptions against. This will show up to the 5 most recent matches associated with that said detection rule — so now, when you go to write exceptions, you have all the information you may need all within one window.

MITRE ATT&CK Matrix for detection rules

This new view maps detection rules to MITRE tactics and techniques commonly used by attackers. The view lets you see where you have coverage with Rapid7’s out-of-the-box detection rules for common attacker use cases and dig into each rule to understand the nature of that detection.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q4 2021 in Review
MITRE ATT&CK Matrix within Detection Rules

Investigation Management reimagined

At Rapid7, we know how limited a security analyst’s time is, so we reconfigured our Investigation Management experience to help our users improve the speed and quality of their decision-making when it comes to investigations. Here’s what you can expect:

  • A revamped user interface with expandable cards displaying investigation information
  • The ability to view, set, and update the priority, status, or disposition of an investigation
  • Filtering by the following fields: date range, assignee, status, priority level
What's New in InsightIDR: Q4 2021 in Review
New investigations interface

We also introduced MITRE-driven insights in Investigations. Now, you can click into the new MITRE ATT&CK tab of the Evidence panel in Investigation to see descriptions of each tactic, technique, and sub-technique curated by MITRE and link out to attack.mitre.org for more information.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q4 2021 in Review
MITRE ATT&CK tab within Investigations Evidence panel

Rapid7’s ongoing emergent threat response to Log4Shell

Like the rest of the security community, we have been internally responding to the critical remote code execution vulnerability in Apache’s Log4j Java library (a.k.a. Log4Shell).

Through continuous collaboration and ongoing threat landscape monitoring, our Incident Response, Threat Intelligence and Detection Engineering, and MDR teams are working together to provide product coverage for the latest techniques being used by malicious actors. You can see updates on our InsightIDR and MDR detection coverage here and in-product.

Stay up to date with the latest on Log4Shell:

A continually expanding library of pre-built dashboards

InsightIDR’s Dashboard Library has a growing repository of pre-built dashboards to save you time and eliminate the need for you to build them from scratch. In Q4, we released 15 new pre-built dashboards covering:

  • Compliance (PCI, HIPAA, ISO)
  • General Security (Firewall, Asset Authentication)
  • Security Tools (Okta, Palo Alto, Crowdstrike)
  • Enhanced Network Traffic Analysis
  • Cloud Security
What's New in InsightIDR: Q4 2021 in Review
Dashboard Library in InsightIDR

Additional dashboard and reporting updates

  • Updates to dashboard filtering: Dashboard Filtering gives users the ability to further query LEQL statements and the data across all the cards in their dashboard. Customers can now populate the dashboard filter with Saved Queries from Log Search, as well as save a filter to a dashboard, eliminating the need to rebuild it every session.
  • Chart captions: We’ve added the ability for users to write plain text captions on charts to provide extra context about a visualization.
  • Multi-group-by queries and drill-in functionality: We’ve enabled Multi-group-by queries (already being used in Log search) so that customers can leverage these in their dashboards and create cards with layered data that they can drill in and out of.

Updates to Log Search and Event Sources

We recently introduced Rapid7 Resource Names (RRN), which are unique identifiers added to users, assets, and accounts in log search. An RRN serves as a unique identifier for platform resources at Rapid7. This unique identifier will stay consistent with the resource regardless of any number of names/labels associated with the resource.

In log search, an “R7_context” object has been added for log sets that have an attributed user, asset, account, or local accounts. Within the “R7_context” object, you will see any applicable RRNs appended. You can utilize the RRN as a search in log search or in the global search (which will link to users and accounts or assets and endpoints pages) to assist with more reliable searches for investigation processes.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q4 2021 in Review
New “r7_context” Rapid7 Resource Name (RRN) data in Log Search

Event source updates

  • Log Line Attribution for Palo Alto Firewall & VPN, Proofpoint TAP, Fortinet Fortigate: When setting up an event source you now have an option to leverage information directly present in source log lines, rather than relying solely on InsightIDR’s traditional attribution engine.
  • Cylance Protect Cloud event source: You can configure CylancePROTECT cloud to send detection events to InsightIDR to generate virus infection and third-party alerts.
  • InsightIDR Event Source listings available in the Rapid7 Extensions Hub: Easily access all InsightIDR event source related content in a centralized location.

Updates to Network Traffic Analysis capabilities

Insight Network Sensor optimized for 10Gbs+ deployments: We have introduced a range of performance upgrades that make high-speed traffic analysis more accessible using off-the-shelf hardware, so you’re able to gain east-west and north-south traffic visibility within physical, virtual and cloud based networks. If you want to take full advantage of these updates check out the updated sensor requirements here.

InsightIDR Asset Page Updates: We have introduced additional data elements and visuals to the Assets page. This delivers greater context for investigations and enables faster troubleshooting, as assets and user information is in one location. All customers have access to:

  • Top IDS events triggered by asset
  • Top DNS queries

For customers with Insight Network Sensors and ENTA, these additional elements are available:

  • Top Applications
  • Countries by Asset Location
  • Top Destination IP Addresses
What's New in InsightIDR: Q4 2021 in Review

Stay tuned!

As always, we’re continuing to work on exciting product enhancements and releases throughout the year. Keep an eye on our blog and release notes as we continue to highlight the latest in detection and response at Rapid7.

The End of the Cybersecurity Skills Crisis (Maybe?)

Post Syndicated from Amy Hunt original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/11/22/the-end-of-the-cybersecurity-skills-crisis-maybe/

The End of the Cybersecurity Skills Crisis (Maybe?)

In just 4 years, you can learn to be fluent in Mandarin.

In 2 years, NASA can get you through astronaut training.

But the cybersecurity skills gap? It’s dire and dead-stuck in its fifth straight year of zero progress.

Globally, 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs remain unfilled, and of those candidates who do apply for open jobs, only 25% are qualified. Industry news and conferences are full of hot takes about XDR and how it will change everything in, say, another 5 years. The question is, who has that kind of time?

And don’t count on artificial intelligence to save the day: While it will be used to combat attacks with something like a “digital immune system,” the bad guys will use AI to enable attacks, too. We’ll always need humans and machines to collaborate, each doing what they do best.

Why the answer can’t be (and isn’t) another 5 years away

You know digital transformation and cloud migration are straining traditional security tools. Most enterprises are cobbling together a (sort of) full picture, running an average of 45 different cybersecurity-related tools on their networks. Most have arduous deployments, long ramp-ups, and heavy configurations. When all that’s done, they’re still tracking multiple threat intelligence feeds, drowning in alerts, and processing them manually. (ISC)2 is piloting a new, entry-level cybersecurity certification for fresh talent. Can anyone really train for all that?

But right now, today, a number of Rapid7 customers are achieving XDR efficiency and outcomes with InsightIDR. It’s reducing workloads, simplifying operations, easing staffing requirements, and preventing burnout. (If you haven’t yet, take a look at InsightIDR’s origin story, and you’ll understand exactly how and why.)

XDR is here, helping analysts at every level operate like experts

InsightIDR – a cloud-native, SaaS-delivered, unified SIEM and XDR – gives you contextualized intelligence from the clear, deep, and dark web, along with expertly vetted detections and the guided automation teams need. It fundamentally changes data analysis, investigation, threat hunting, and response.

Teams get curated detections out of the box, as well as a prescriptive approach to attacks. Expect automated response recommendations and prebuilt workflows for activities like containing threats on an endpoint, suspending user accounts, and integrating with ticketing systems like Jira and ServiceNow. Wizard guides help even the greenest analyst know where to go next.

InsightIDR also opens up end-to-end automation opportunities. You can automate common security tasks that reduce noise from alerts, directly contain threats such as malware or stolen credentials, integrate with ticketing and case management tools, and more.

Analysts handle anomalies quickly and well with intuitive search and query language, attribution of data to specific users, detailed correlation across events, and visualizations. InsightIDR lightens the workload and gives analysts a big jump start on the things that matter most.

A prediction

The day is coming (and who knows — it might be here) when cybersecurity job candidates will want to know exactly what technology they’ll be working with at your company. They’ll expect XDR. And they’ll have their own interview questions:

  • Are the more mundane, repetitive tasks automated yet?
  • Are you still tab-hopping, multi-tasking, and working distracted?
  • What’s your signal-to-noise ratio these days?
  • What’s the stress level like? Is it really a 40-hour week?

Millennials (ages 25-40) and Gen Z (recently in the job market and our future) are the most tech-savvy generations yet; Gen Z in particular is off the charts. Both put work-life balance above any other job characteristic — including pay and advancement opportunities. Techvalidate just asked InsightIDR customers if the platform ushered in better work-life balance. Almost 40% said yes.

The workplace is already trying to adjust, culturally and otherwise.

Both Millennials and Gen Z experience more anxiety and stress than older workers and their bosses. And while Millennials hope and angle for good work-life balance, Gen Z demands it rather assertively. They’ll ask for “mental health days” from time to time. No job gets to make their personal lives shambolic — it’s just not worth it. And the #1 source of job information they turn to? Your current and former employees.

If you have a band of stressed-out burnouts posting on Glassdoor, think about how that looks to a potential candidate. How you and your current staff are doing matters.

Here’s the thing — and forgive the rose-colored glasses

Cybersecurity is important, pioneering work that makes a difference. You protect companies, our economy, our country, and individual human beings. Security professionals do daily battle with criminal organizations, adversarial nation-states, and everyday duplicity. And it’s a job that didn’t even exist when most entry-level applicants were born.

Forrester analyst Allie Mellen believes in humanizing security operations, “taking away all the boring minutia we hate to do, and just leaving the really cool, creative stuff for us.” Mellen said, “XDR is definitely pushing down that path.” We think that’s an adventure anyone would line up for, as good as anything NASA has.

Start by downloading our eBook: “4 Ways XDR Levels Up Security Programs.”

InsightIDR Was XDR Before XDR Was Even a Thing: An Origin Story

Post Syndicated from Sam Adams original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/11/09/insightidr-was-xdr-before-xdr-was-even-a-thing-an-origin-story/

InsightIDR Was XDR Before XDR Was Even a Thing: An Origin Story

An origin story explains who you are and why. Spiderman has one. So do you.

Rapid7 began building InsightIDR in 2013. It was the year Yahoo’s epic data breach exposed the names, dates of birth, passwords, and security questions and answers of 3 billion users.

Back then, security professionals simply wanted data. If somebody could just ingest it all and send it, they’d take it from there. So the market focused on vast quantities of data — data first, most of it noisy and useless. Rapid7 went a different way: detections first.

We studied how the bad guys attacked networks and figured out what we needed to find them (with the help of our friends on the Metasploit project). Then we wrote and tested those detections, assembled a library, and enabled users to tune the detections to their environments. It sounds so easy now, in this short paragraph, but of course it wasn’t.

At last, in 2015, we sat down with industry analysts right before launch. Questions flew.

“You’re calling it InsightIDR? What does IDR stand for?”

Incident. Detection. Response.

And that’s when the tongue-lashing started. It went something like this: “Incident Detection and Response is a market category, not a product! You need 10 different products to actually do that! It’s too broad! You’re trying to do too much!”  

And then the coup de grace: “Your product name is stupid.”

InsightIDR got off to a gloomy and also awesome start

When you’re trying to be disruptive, the scariest thing is quiet indifference. Any big reaction is great, even if you get called wrong. So we thought maybe we were onto something.

At that time, modern workers were leaving more ways to find them online: LinkedIn, Facebook, Gmail. Attackers found them. We all became targets. There were 4 billion data records taken in 2016, nearly all because of stolen passwords or weak, guessable ones. Of course, intruders masquerading as employees were not caught by traditional monitoring. While it’s a fine idea to set password policy and train employees in security hygiene, we decided to study human nature rather than try to change it.  

At the heart of what we were doing was a new way of tracking activity, and condensing noisy data into meaningful events. With User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA), InsightIDR continuously baselines “normal” user behavior so it spots anomalies, risks, and ultimately malicious behavior fast, helping you break the attack chain.

But UEBA is only part of a detection and response platform. So we added traditional SIEM capabilities like our proprietary data lake technology (that has allowed us to avoid the ingestion-based pricing that plagues the market), file integrity monitoring and compliance dashboards and reports.

We also added some not-so-traditional capabilities like Attacker Behavior Analytics and Endpoint Detection and Response. EDR was ready for its own disruption. EDR vendors continue to be focused on agent data collection. But we decided years ago that detection engineering and curation — zeroing in on evil — is the way to do EDR.

Turns out InsightIDR wasn’t doing “too much” — it was doing XDR

In 2017, we added security orchestration and automation to the Insight platform. XDR is all about analyst efficiency and for that you need more and more automation. Next, our own Network Sensor and full SOAR capabilities took even more burden off analysts. The visibility triad was soon complete when we added network detection and response.

Some time the following year, the founder and CTO of Palo Alto Networks coined the acronym “XDR” to explain the “symphony” that great cybersecurity would require. (Hey, at least we had a name for it now.)

Then, in 2021, three things happened.

First, Rapid7 acquired Velociraptor, an open-source platform focused on endpoint monitoring, digital forensics, and incident response. (We’ve been committed to open source since 2009, when we acquired Metasploit, now the world’s most used penetration testing network with a community of collaborators 300,000 strong.)

Second, with perimeters so stretched they broke, we acquired IntSights. Customers now benefit from unrivaled internal and external threat intelligence, covering the clear, deep, and dark web. We’ll compare InsightIDR’s high-fidelity alerts and signal-to-noise ratio to anyone’s.

Third and finally, XDR became all the buzz. Seriously, not a day, a conference, or a trade pub goes by. The buzz includes debate about the exact definition of XDR, speculation that it’s more buzz than bona fide, and concern that XDR could move very quickly through the Gartner Hype Cycle straight to the “Trough of Disillusionment.”

InsightIDR gives you the freedom to focus on what matters most

In a recent survey of customers in the Rapid7 Voice program (a group that provides input as we develop new ideas) 42% said they’re using InsightIDR to achieve XDR outcomes right now. I listened to one say he’s always surprised at the buzz and debate at conferences: don’t you know you can already do this stuff? I do this stuff!

By the way, he’s working entirely alone, a one-man show for a NASDAQ-listed global company in the health sector (a pretty hot target these days). Can XDR help with the industry’s skills gap problem, now in its fifth year? That’s for another blog.

For now, please download our eBook: “4 Ways XDR Levels Up Security Programs.” It’s a speedy education that comes from long experience. Happy reading.

What’s New in InsightIDR: Q3 2021 in Review

Post Syndicated from Margaret Wei original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/10/05/whats-new-in-insightidr-q3-2021-in-review/

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2021 in Review

This post offers a closer look at some of the recent updates and releases in InsightIDR, our extended detection and response solution, from Q3 2021.

Welcome IntSights to the Rapid7 Insight Platform family!

As you may have seen in recent communications, Rapid7 acquired IntSights, a leading provider of external threat intelligence and remediation. We’re excited to introduce their flagship external threat intelligence product, Threat Command, as part of our Rapid7 portfolio. Threat Command allows any SecOps team, regardless of size or capability maturity, to expand identification and remediation across an ever-expanding attack surface, while automating threat mitigation.

New detection rule management experience

We’re excited to announce that InsightIDR customers now have more customization and increased visibility for Attacker Behavior Analytics (ABA) detections. We’re continuing to make improvements and additions to our detections management experience — here are the latest additions:

  • Detection rules — Filter detection rules by threat group, rule behavior, and attributes for more visibility into your alerts and investigations.
  • MITRE ATT&CK mapping — View and filter detections by specific MITRE ATT&CK framework tactics and techniques for more context to the alerts in your environment.
  • Create exceptions to a detection rule — In the past, IDR customers could only turn alerts on or off for notable events. Now, you can create an exception that allows you to filter out noise and turn off detections based on key value pairs.

See the latest detection management experience in the demo below:

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2021 in Review

526 new ABA detection rules added to IDR

We’ve also added 526 new ABA detection rules into InsightIDR to expand its coverage of Windows, Mac, and Linux suspicious process threats, covering a wide variety of techniques on the MITRE ATT&CK matrix. These detection rules can be tuned to your environment by creating exceptions and modifying the rule action to only receive the alerts you care about. Visit the Detection Library for actionable descriptions and recommendations.

MITRE ATT&CK details in investigations

In addition to our detections updates, we’ve made improvements to our investigations experience to provide deeper insight into an attacker’s position in the killchain and give context into the nature of an alert.

When performing an investigation in InsightIDR, detections will be mapped to a description of the associated MITRE tactics, techniques, and sub-techniques. You’ll also be prompted to visit attack.mitre.org to view context rich adversary behavior profiles with descriptions, mitigation strategies, and detection recommendations for each tactic, technique and sub-technique, developed by MITRE.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2021 in Review

Monitor event source health

We recently released new visual tools to help you easily view the health of your event source data. You now have extensive visibility into data transmission and parsing rates of your event source. This allows you to check if an event source is running as intended, quickly identify any issues or unusual activity, or visually compare data for each event source.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2021 in Review

New pre-built dashboards for HIPAA, ISO 27001, and more

We recently introduced a library of pre-built dashboards that make it easier than ever to get insight from your environment. Entire dashboards, created by our Rapid7 experts, can be set up in just a few clicks. Our dashboards cover a variety of topics, including key compliance frameworks like PCI, ISO 27001, and HIPAA; security tools like Zscaler and Okta; and more general dashboards covering Asset Authentication and Firewall activity.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2021 in Review

The Lost Bots vlog series

Rapid7’s latest vlog series, The Lost Bots, hosted by Detection and Response Practice Advisor and former CISO Jeffrey Gardner, offers a look into the latest and greatest in security. In each episode, Jeffrey talks with fellow industry experts about current events and trends in the security space, best practices, and lessons from our Rapid7 SOC team. Each episode is available on our blog, as well as our Rapid7 YouTube channel.

Rapid7 MDR named an IDC MarketScape Leader

We’re thrilled that Rapid7’s MDR was recognized as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Managed Detection and Response 2021 Vendor Assessment. This IDC MarketScape report shows an unbiased look at 15 MDR players in the US market, evaluating each on capabilities. We credit this recognition to customers like you who provide the critical feedback and guidance to improve our service — thank you!

What's New in InsightIDR: Q3 2021 in Review

Attack Surface Visibility, now in MDR Essentials

Our goal with Attack Surface Visibility — built exclusively for our MDR Essentials — is to help customers act proactively with a monthly snapshot of how exposed their attack surface looks to an opportunistic attacker. While this certainly is not a replacement for a true vulnerability management program, Attack Surface Visibility lets your team see obvious weak points that attackers may exploit and helps optimize your efforts with clear, prioritized actions to remediate risks and improve your security posture.

Stay tuned!

As always, we’re continuing to work on exciting product enhancements and releases throughout the year. Keep an eye on our blog and release notes as we continue to highlight the latest in detection and response at Rapid7.


Get the latest stories, expertise, and news about security today.

What’s New in InsightIDR: Q2 2021 in Review

Post Syndicated from Margaret Zonay original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/07/08/whats-new-in-insightidr-q2-2021-in-review/

What's New in InsightIDR: Q2 2021 in Review

This year, we’re focusing on providing customers with more extensibility and customization in InsightIDR — from adding new event sources to completely refreshing our Dashboard and Reporting experience, we’ve made some strides over the last few months.

This post offers a closer look at some of the recent updates and releases in InsightIDR, our SaaS SIEM, from Q2 2021.

Rapid7 Named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM for the Second Year in a Row

We are thrilled to announce that Rapid7 has been named a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM. As the detection and response market becomes more competitive, we are honored to be recognized as one of the six 2021 Magic Quadrant Leaders named in this report.

We credit this achievement to our deep partnership with customers and our uncompromising commitment to delivering a solution that is intuitive and easy to execute for our users. You can read the full report for free here.

New and Improved Dashboards and Reporting Experience

We’re so excited to announce the release of our updated Dashboards and Reporting experience in InsightIDR! We’ve made some big improvements to our Card Library and Card Builder (including the addition of new visualizations), as well as a more customizable Reporting experience.

Card Library and Builder updates:

  • Users can now set different time ranges or use different log sets across multiple queries
  • Cards can be created from log sets, so you won’t need to manually update your dashboards if new logs get added
  • More flexibility to create the visualizations that best capture the dynamics of your network with the new Stacked Area, Word Cloud, and Packed Bubble visualizations

Reporting updates:

  • New functionality where users can now set multiple different reporting schedules, as well as email reports to any address for easier sharing
What's New in InsightIDR: Q2 2021 in Review

InsightIDR’s intuitive new Dashboard interface, featuring the new Word Cloud visualization.

Rapid7 and Velociraptor Join Forces

In April, Rapid7 acquired Velociraptor, an open-source technology and community used for endpoint monitoring, digital forensics, and incident response. We are committed to helping the Velociraptor community grow and thrive, and also plan to embed the Velociraptor Project into the Rapid7 Insight Platform, allowing our customers to benefit from this amazing technology and community.

Open source projects like Velociraptor enable the greater security community to move the industry forward. We have a track record of investing in, contributing to, and building on open source projects, dating as far back as 12 years ago with Metasploit, and in more recent years with Recog and AttackerKB. Supporting and learning from these open-source projects helps Rapid7 innovate, strengthen our product and service offerings, and bring greater value to our customers.

See more on our Velociraptor acquisition and what it means for Rapid7 customers in our blog post here.

Multi-Theme Support in InsightIDR

We’re excited to announce the release of the new dark theme in InsightIDR! This new theme will increase contrast and legibility, as well as reduce eye strain for users engaging with the screen for longer periods of time. It also provides more accessible options to those with color vision deficiency, enabling all users to have an optimal experience with our UI.

You can easily toggle between light and dark themes based on your needs for the task at hand by updating your Visual Preference within Profile Settings.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q2 2021 in Review

Switch between light and dark themes in InsightIDR in Profile Settings.

SCADAfence + InsightIDR for Broader OT Coverage

Joint customers of InsightIDR and SCADAfence can now configure SCADAfence to create and forward alerts to InsightIDR via syslog to generate third-party alerts.

For InsightIDR customers leveraging Enhanced Network Traffic Analysis, this integration will provide a broader picture of device activity. If a SCADAfence alert fires, Network Sensor data can show customers that not only is this device on their network, but also which network applications it’s associated with, as well as connections coming to and from that device.

For information on configuration, see our help documentation here.

Custom Parsing Tool Introduces the New RegEx Editor

The new Regex Editor provides increased flexibility for customers to extract out fields and custom parse their logs by enabling them to write their own regular expression. Users can use the RegEx Editor from the start, or start out in guided mode and switch over at any time.

See details and step-by-step instructions on how to leverage the new RegEx Editor in our updated documentation here.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q2 2021 in Review

Extracting out fields with the new Regex Editor in InsightIDR.

Improvements for Better Visibility into the Health of Your Network Sensors

  • View the number of deployed network sensors in your environment and related errors from the Data Collection Health page.
  • Identify Network Sensor errors more easily within InsightIDR. Network Sensor errors are now rolled into the Data Collection Issues KPI on the InsightIDR Home page overview and in the Data Collection Health menu item in the top menu bar.

For more information on managing your Network Sensor, read our documentation.

What's New in InsightIDR: Q2 2021 in Review

Easily view Network Sensor health from the InsightIDR homepage via Data Collection Health.

Insight Agent Updates

Rapid7’s Threat Intelligence and Detection Engineering (TIDE) Team recently released a detection that identifies if Insight Agents are not properly sending data back to the InsightIDR Platform. For more information, see our help documentation here.

Stay Tuned for More!

As always, we’re continuing to work on exciting product enhancements and releases throughout the year. Keep an eye on our blog and release notes as we continue to highlight the latest in detection and response at Rapid7.

Once Again, Rapid7 Named a Leader in 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM

Post Syndicated from Meaghan Donlon original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/07/06/once-again-rapid7-named-a-leader-in-2021-gartner-magic-quadrant-for-siem/

Rapid7 is elated for InsightIDR to be recognized as a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM).

Once Again, Rapid7 Named a Leader in 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM

This is the second consecutive time our SaaS SIEM—InsightIDR—has been named a Leader in this report. Access the full complimentary report from us here.

The Gartner Magic Quadrant reports provide a matrix for evaluating technology vendors in a given space. The framework looks at vendors on two axes: completeness of vision and ability to execute. In the case of SIEM, “Gartner defines the security and information event management (SIEM) market by the customer’s need to analyze event data in real time for early detection of targeted attacks and data breaches, and to collect, store, investigate and report on log data for incident response, forensics and regulatory compliance.”

As the detection and response market becomes more competitive, and the demands and challenges of this space grow more complex, we are honored to be recognized as one of the 6 2021 Magic Quadrant Leaders named in this report. We believe we are recognized for our usability and customer experience, as these are areas we’ve invested heavily in and recognize as critical to the success of today’s detection and response programs.

"This Product has surpassed expectations" – Security Analyst, Energies and Utlities ★★★★★

Thank you

First and foremost, we want to thank our Rapid7 InsightIDR customers and partners for being on this journey with us. Your ongoing feedback, partnership, and trust have fueled our innovation and uncompromising commitment to delivering sophisticated security outcomes that are accessible to all.

Access the full 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant report here.

Accelerated change escalates challenges around modern detection and response

The last year has brought a swell of change for many organizations, including rapid cloud adoption, increased use of web applications, a significant shift to remote working, and new threats brought on by attackers exploiting circumstances around the pandemic. While these challenges weren’t new, their increased urgency highlighted cracks in an already fragile security ecosystem:

  • Increased cybersecurity demands widened the already growing skills gap
  • Uptime trumped security, often leaving SecOps professionals scrambling to keep up
  • The combination of these stresses drove many teams to a breaking point with alert fatigue

These market dynamics prompted a lot of Security Operations Center (SOC) teams to reevaluate current processes and systems, and push for change.

Rapid7 InsightIDR helps teams focus on what matters most to drive effective threat detection and response across modern IT environments

Our approach to detection and response has always been directed by what we hear from customers. This includes industry engagement and insights gathered through Rapid7’s research and open source communities, our firsthand experience with Rapid7 MDR (Managed Detection and Response) and services engagements, and of course, direct customer feedback. These collective learnings have enabled us to deeply understand the challenges facing SOC teams today, and pushed us to develop innovative solutions to anticipate and address their needs.

Rapid7 InsightIDR is not another log-aggregation-focused SIEM that sits on the shelf, or one that leaves the difficult and tedious work for security analysts to figure out on their own. Rather, our focus has always been to provide immediate, actionable insights and alerts that teams can feel confident responding to so they can extinguish threats quickly. With Rapid7 InsightIDR, security analysts are no longer fighting just to keep up. They’re empowered to scale and transform their security programs, however and wherever their environments evolve.

We are thrilled about this recognition, but like everything in cybersecurity, what’s most exciting is what happens next. We are committed to continually raising the bar and making it easier for SOC teams to accelerate their detection and response programs, while removing the distractions and noise that get in the way. Thank you again to our customers and partners for joining this journey with us. And stay tuned for more updates ahead soon!

"InsightIDR is my favorite SIEM because the preloaded detections for attacker tactics and techniques. The threat community within the platform is always providing new detections for IOCs. The team is always pleasant to work with, and I love all the feature updates we received this year!" – Information Security Engineer ★★★★★

Access the full 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant report here.

This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Rapid7.

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Gartner Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Kelly Kavanagh, Toby Bussa, John Collins, 29 June 2021.

Automated remediation level 2: Best practices

Post Syndicated from Aaron Wells original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/06/22/automated-remediation-level-2-best-practices/

A low-impact workaround

Automated remediation level 2: Best practices

When it comes to automating remediation, the second level we’ll discuss takes a bit of additional planning. This is so that users will see little to no impact in the account fundamentals automation process.  

This framework aligns with the Center for Internet Security Amazon Web Services (CIS AWS) benchmark, which helps security organizations assess and improve processes by providing a set of unbiased industry best practices. Again, planning is the key here to calibrate automation properly and maintain hygiene of your cloud security. In this second level, let’s take a look at 3 housekeeping best practices that can have a tremendous impact when it comes to automating remediation.

Organize the unused

Security groups act as a sort of traffic control checkpoint. Specifically, AWS Launch Wizard will automatically create security groups that define inbound traffic. If you’re not careful, many of these groups could go unused and subsequently become vulnerabilities. Think of it this way: if a security group isn’t attached to an instance, why would you leave it hanging around, especially if it can be exploited?

This is why it’s a good idea to perform regular maintenance of these groups. If Launch Wizard is automatically provisioning resources, then the “why” of it all should be understood by all key players  so that automation doesn’t create chaos and continues to work for you.

Delete the defaults

You should control and calibrate the rules that best suit the organization and its workflows. As such, a tip from your friendly team at Rapid7 for good housekeeping is to delete default rules for default security groups. In AWS, for example, if you don’t specify a group alignment for an instance, it’ll be assigned to the default security group. A default security group has an inbound default rule and an outbound default rule.

  • The inbound default rule opens the gates to inbound traffic from all instances aligned with a default security group.
  • The outbound default rule grants permission to all outbound traffic from any instance aligned with the same default security group.  

Ensuring you have maximum control and visibility over that inbound and outbound traffic is just good hygiene, and will put checks on the process of creating default instances and any rules associated with them.

Protect AMI privacy

Ensuring the privacy status of an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is also good hygiene. Essentially, setting an AMI to private enables individual access—so you and only you can use it—or you can assign access privileges to a specific list. This crucial step continues the best practice of closing your monitoring and cloud-security loops to fit the needs of your organization.

Stay in best-practice mode

If it seems like these 3 routines and rhythms are fundamentals of configuring automated remediation, that’s because they are. The thing is—and here’s another mention of the word—constant calibration is key in configuration processes. When there are so many details to lock into place, that’s when automation and its lasting benefits begin to make all the sense.  

With that, we’re ready for a deep-dive into the third of 4 Levels of Automated Remediation.  You can also read the previous entry in this series here.

Level 3: Governance and hygiene

Read now

How to Combat Alert Fatigue With Cloud-Based SIEM Tools

Post Syndicated from Margaret Zonay original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/02/22/how-to-combat-alert-fatigue-with-cloud-based-siem-tools/

How to Combat Alert Fatigue With Cloud-Based SIEM Tools

Today’s security teams are facing more complexity than ever before. IT environments are changing and expanding rapidly, resulting in proliferating data as organizations adopt more tools to stay on top of their sprawling environments. And with an abundance of tools comes an abundance of alerts, leading to the inevitable alert fatigue for security operations teams. Research completed by Enterprise Strategy Group determined 40% of organizations use 10 to 25 separate security tools, and 30% use 26 to 50. That means thousands (or tens of thousands!) of alerts daily, depending on the organization’s size.

Fortunately, there’s a way to get the visibility your team needs and streamline alerts: leveraging a cloud-based SIEM. Here are a few key ways a cloud-based SIEM can help combat alert fatigue to accelerate threat detection and response.

Access all of your critical security data in one place

Traditional SIEMs focus primarily on log management and are centered around compliance instead of giving you a full picture of your network. The rigidity of these outdated solutions is the opposite of what today’s agile teams need. A cloud SIEM can unify diverse data sets across on-premises, remote, and cloud environments, to provide security operations teams with the holistic visibility they need in one place, eliminating the need to jump in and out of multiple tools (and the thousands of alerts that they produce).

With modern cloud SIEMs like Rapid7’s InsightIDR, you can collect more than just logs from across your environment and ingest data including user activity, cloud, endpoints, and network traffic—all into a single solution. With your data in one place, cloud SIEMs deliver meaningful context and prioritization to help you avoid an abundance of alerts.

Cut through the noise to detect attacks early in the attack chain

By analyzing all of your data together, a cloud SIEM uses machine learning to better recognize patterns in your environment to understand what’s normal and what’s a potential threat. The result? More fine-tuned detections so your team is only alerted when there are real signs of a threat.

Instead of bogging you down with false positives, cloud SIEMs provide contextual, actionable alerts. InsightIDR offers customers high-quality, out-of-the-box alerts created and curated by our expert analysts based on real threats—so you can stop attacks early in the attack chain instead of sifting through a mountain of data and worthless alerts.

Accelerate response with automation

With automation, you can reduce alert fatigue and further improve your SOC’s efficiency. By leveraging a cloud SIEM that has built-in automation, or has the ability to integrate with a security orchestration and automation (SOAR) tool, your SOC can offload a significant amount of their workload and free up analysts to focus on what matters most, all while still improving security posture.

A cloud SIEM with expert-driven detections and built-in automation enables security teams to respond to and remediate attacks in a fraction of the time, instead of manually investigating thousands of alerts. InsightIDR integrates seamlessly with InsightConnect, Rapid7’s security orchestration and automation response (SOAR) tool, to reduce alert fatigue, automate containment, and improve investigation handling.

With holistic network visibility and advanced analysis, cloud-based SIEM tools provide teams with high context alerts and correlation to fight alert fatigue and accelerate incident detection and response. Learn more about how InsightIDR can help eliminate alert fatigue and more by checking out our outcomes pages.


Get the latest stories, expertise, and news about security today.

Monitor Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Data With InsightIDR

Post Syndicated from Margaret Zonay original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/02/16/monitor-google-cloud-platform-gcp-data-with-insightidr/

Monitor Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Data With InsightIDR

InsightIDR was built in the cloud to support dynamic and rapidly changing environments—including remote workers, hybrid cloud and on-premises architectures, and fully cloud environments. Today, more and more organizations are adopting multi-cloud or hybrid environments, creating increasingly more dispersed security environments. According to the 2020 IDG Cloud Computing Survey, 92% of organization’s IT environments are at least somewhat cloud today, and more than half use multiple public clouds.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is one of the top cloud providers in 2021, and is trusted by leading companies across industries to help monitor their multi-cloud or hybrid environments. With a wide reach—GCP is available in over 200 countries and territories—it’s no wonder why.

To further provide support and monitoring capabilities for our customers, we recently added Google Cloud Platform (GCP) as an event source in InsightIDR. With this new integration, you’ll be able to collect user ingress events, administrative activity, and log data generated by GCP to monitor running instances and account activity within InsightIDR. You can also send firewall events to generate firewall alerts in InsightIDR, and threat detection logs to generate third-party alerts.

This new integration allows you to collect GCP data alongside your other security data in InsightIDR for expert alerting and more streamlined analysis of data across your environment.

Find Google Cloud threats fast with InsightIDR

Once you add GCP support, InsightIDR will be able to see users logging in to Google Cloud as ingress events as if they were connecting to the corporate network via VPN, allowing teams to:

  • Detect when ingress activity is coming from an untrusted source, such as a threat IP or an unusual foreign country.
  • Detect when users are logging into your corporate network and/or your Google Cloud environment from multiple countries at the same time, which should be impossible and is an indicator of a compromised account.
  • Detect when a user that has been disabled in your corporate network successfully authenticates to your Google Cloud environment, which may indicate a terminated employee has not had their access revoked from GCP and is now connected to the GCP environment.

For details on how to configure and leverage the GCP event source, check out our help docs.

Looking for more cloud coverage? Learn how InsightIDR covers both Azure and AWS cloud environments.


Get the latest stories, expertise, and news about security today.

Finding Results at the Intersection of Security and Engineering

Post Syndicated from Chaim Mazal original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/01/25/finding-results-at-the-intersection-of-security-and-engineering/

Finding Results at the Intersection of Security and Engineering

As vice president and head of global security at ActiveCampaign, I’m fortunate to be able to draw on a multitude of experiences and successes in my career. I started in general network security, where I was involved in pen testing and security research. I worked at several multibillion-dollar SaaS organizations—including three of the largest startups in Chicago—building out end-to-end application security programs, secure software-development lifecycles, and comprehensive security platforms.

From a solution-focused standpoint, I’ve learned that collaborating with teams to build a security culture is way more effective than simply identifying and assigning tasks.

Our “team up” approach

At ActiveCampaign, security is a full-fledged member of the technology organization. We adopt an engineering-first approach, eschewing traditional “just-throw-it-over-the-wall” actions. So, we certainly consider ourselves to be more than simply an advisory or compliance team. I’m proud of the fact that we roll up our sleeves and are right there with other parts of the tech organization, leading innovation and helping maintain compliance and deployment. The earlier you can build security into the process, the better (and the more money you’ll eventually save). We never want DevOps to feel like they need to complete tasks in a vacuum—instead, we’re partners.  

This extends to how we secure and deploy our cloud-based fleet. We don’t feel that we need to constantly maintain assets—rather, we look at them holistically and integrate solutions across the quarter. To achieve this view, we rely on Rapid7 solutions like InsightIDR dashboards. They help us to see whether anything has gone outside of our established parameters, serving as a continuous validation that procedures within our cloud-based policies are working without variance. They act as a last line of defense, if you will. So, when alerts for cloud-based tools do come in, security teams can draft project plans to help alleviate risk, create guardrails to deploy assets across environments, and then partner up to get it all done. This is an untraditional approach, but one where we’ve seen a ton of success in strengthening partnerships across the organization.

What we’ve achieved

During my time at ActiveCampaign, our approach has yielded what I believe are strong results and achievements. In this industry, we all have similar challenges, so it demands tailored solutions. There’s risk in convincing stakeholders to continually integrate new processes in the hope that it will all pay off at some future date. But this team believed in that work. So, here are just a few of our successes:

  • The security team has ramped up to a hands-on role in the development of templates, solutions, and real-time cloud-based policy. This has helped to enable our DevOps and engineering orgs to take a more efficient, security-first approach.
  • We now have the ability to execute one-click deployments across 90% of our fleet through automations and managed instances.
  • You can’t fix what you don’t have visibility into, so we put in the effort to get to a place where we have full uniform deployments of logging and security tooling across our fleet.
  • For greater transparency, we created parity across different asset types. This meant developing multiple classifications as well as asset-based safeguards and controls. From there, we had a clearer understanding of organizational limitations that enabled us to collaborate efficiently across teams to resolve issues.
  • We can take steps to get to a future state, even if something doesn’t work today. As such, we’ve become extremely flexible at developing stop-gap measures while simultaneously working on long-term paths to upgrade or resolve issues.

Some key tips and takeaways

I don’t believe there is any one perfect path, and no doubt your path will be different than ours here at ActiveCampaign. In my view, it’s about leveraging teamwork and partnerships to achieve your DevSecOps goals. That being said, let’s discuss a few learnings that might be helpful.  

  • If you have to do something more than once, see if there is a way to automate that process going forward. Being more efficient doesn’t cost a thing.
  • Convincing stakeholders and potential partners that the security org is more than, well, a security org, can go a long way in gaining support from decision-makers beyond or above your teams. Security can be an engineering partner that helps to power profit and value.
  • Get to your future state by proactively creating project plans that add insight into or address current investment limitations on your security team(s).
  • When it comes to partnering, there is also the other side of the proverbial coin. And that is not to assume everyone will have the same enthusiasm to work together across orgs. So, the takeaway here would be to communicate that DevSecOps is a shared responsibility, and not meant to be an inefficient detractor from a mission statement. In this way, everyone’s path to that shared responsibility will be different, but always remember that partnering—especially earlier in the process—is meant to create efficiencies.

The future state

Security, in its ideal form, is something for which we’ll always strive. At ActiveCampaign, we try to continuously make strides toward that “engineering org” situation. Time and again with efforts to align security to the customer value, I’m happy to see stakeholders—from the C-suite to board members—ultimately start to see how customers benefit. Then, it gets easier to obtain additional support so that we can get to that future state of protection, production, and value.    

I love highlighting efforts like those of our security product-engineering team. They’re building authentication features like SSO and MFA into our platform, on behalf of customers. When we can translate more security initiatives into operational and customer value, I get excited about the future of our industry and what we can do to protect and accelerate the pace of business.

InsightIDR: 2020 Highlights and What’s Ahead in 2021

Post Syndicated from Margaret Zonay original https://blog.rapid7.com/2021/01/19/insightidr-2020-highlights-and-whats-ahead-in-2021/

InsightIDR: 2020 Highlights and What’s Ahead in 2021

As we kick off 2021 here at Rapid7, we wanted to take a minute to reflect on 2020, highlight some key InsightIDR product investments we don’t want you to miss, and take a look ahead at where our team sees detection and response going this year.

Rapid7 detection and response 2020 highlights

Whenever we engage with customers or industry professionals, one theme that we hear on repeat is complexity. It can often feel like the cards are stacked against security teams as environments sprawl and security needs outpace the number of experienced professionals we have to address them. This dynamic was further amplified by the pandemic over the past year. Our focus over the past 12 months has been on enabling teams to work smarter, get the most out of our software and services, and accelerate their security maturity as efficiently as possible. Here are some highlights from our journey over 2020:

In 2020, we made continuous enhancements to our Log Search feature to make it more efficient and customizable to customers’ needs. Now, you can:

InsightIDR: 2020 Highlights and What’s Ahead in 2021
LEQL Multi-groupby in InsightIDR

For a look at the most up-to-date list of Log Search capabilities, check out our help documentation here.

Greater visibility across the attack surface with Network Traffic Analysis

With Rapid7’s lightweight Insight Network Sensor, customers can monitor, capture, and assess end-to-end network traffic across their physical and virtual environments (including AWS environments) with curated IDS alerts, plus DNS and DHCP data. For maximum visibility, customers can add on the network flow data module to further investigations, deepen forensic activities, and enable custom rule creation.

The real-time visibility provided by InsightIDR’s Network Traffic Analysis has been especially helpful for organizations working remotely over the past year. Many customers are building custom InsightIDR dashboards to improve real-time monitoring of activity within their networks and at the edge to maintain optimal security as teams work from home.

InsightIDR: 2020 Highlights and What’s Ahead in 2021

Learn about how to leverage NTA and more by checking out our top Network Traffic blogs of 2020:

Complete endpoint visibility with Enhanced Endpoint Telemetry

InsightIDR’s latest add-on module, enhanced endpoint telemetry (EET), brings the enhanced endpoint data that’s currently used by Rapid7’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Services team in almost all of their investigations into InsightIDR.

Get a full picture of endpoint activity, create custom detections, and see the full scope of an attack with EET’s process start activity data in Log Search. These logs give visibility into all endpoint activity to tell a story around what triggered a particular detection and to help inform remediation efforts. As remote working has increased for many organizations, so has the number of remote endpoints security teams have to monitor—the level of detail provided by EET helps teams detect and proactively hunt for custom threats across their expanding environments.

InsightIDR: 2020 Highlights and What’s Ahead in 2021
Enhanced Endpoint Telemetry dashboard card in InsightIDR

Learn more about the benefits of EET in our blog post and how to get started in our help documentation.

SOC automation with InsightIDR and InsightConnect

Automation is critical for accelerating and streamlining incident response, especially as the threat landscape continues to evolve in 2021 and beyond. This is why we have built-in automation powered by InsightConnect, Rapid7’s Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) tool, at the heart of InsightIDR. SOC automation with InsightIDR and InsightConnect allows customers to auto-enrich alerts, customize alerting and escalation pathways, and auto-contain threats.

InsightIDR: 2020 Highlights and What’s Ahead in 2021
Comparing SecOps practices before and after automation is implemented using Rapid7’s SOAR solution, InsightConnect

In 2020, we furthered the integration between InsightIDR and InsightConnect—in addition to kicking off workflows from User Behavior Analytics (UBA) alerts, joint customers can now trigger custom workflows to automatically initiate predefined actions each time a Custom Alert is triggered in InsightIDR.

Learn more about the benefits of leveraging SIEM and SOAR by checking out the blogs below:

MDR Elite “Active Response” for end-to-end detection and response

Only Rapid7 MDR with Active Response can reduce attacker dwell time and save your team time and money with unrivaled response capabilities on both endpoint and user threats. Whether it’s a suspicious authentication while you’re buried in other security initiatives or an attacker executing malicious documents at 3 a.m., you can be confident that Rapid7 MDR is watching and responding to attacks in your environment.

With MDR Elite with Active Response, our team of SOC experts provide 24×7 end-to-end detection and response to immediately limit an attacker’s ability to execute, giving you and your team peace of mind that Rapid7 will take action to protect your business and return the time normally spent investigating and responding to threats back to your analysts.

2020 Rapid7 detection and response achievements

At Rapid7, we’re grateful to have received multiple recognitions from analysts and customers alike for our Detection and Response portfolio throughout 2020, including:

We’re so thankful to our customers for your continued partnership and feedback throughout the years. As we move into 2021, we’re excited to continue to invest in driving effective and efficient detection and response for teams.

What’s ahead in 2021

As we move forward in 2021, it’s clear that things aren’t going to jump back to “normal” anytime soon. Many companies continue to work remotely, increasing the already present need for security tools that can keep teams safe and secure.

In 2020, a big theme for InsightIDR was giving teams advanced visibility into their environments. What’s ahead in 2021? More capabilities that help security teams do their jobs faster and more effectively.

Sam Adams, VP of Engineering for Detection and Response at Rapid7 reflected, “In 2020, InsightIDR added a breadth of new ways to detect attacks in your environment, from endpoint to network to cloud. In 2021, we want to add depth to all of these capabilities, by allowing our customers fine-grained tuning and customization of our analytics engine and an even more robust set of tools to investigate alerts faster than ever before.”

When speaking about the detection and response landscape overall, Jeffrey Gardner, a former healthcare company Information Security Officer and recently appointed Practice Advisor for Detection and Response at Rapid7, said, “I think the broader detection industry is at this place where there’s an overabundance of data—security professionals have this feeling of ‘I need these log sources and I want this telemetry collected,’ but most solutions don’t make it easy to pull actionable intelligence from this data. I call out ‘actionable’ because most of the products provide a lot of intel but really leave the ‘what should I do next?’ completely up to the end user without guidance.”

InsightIDR targets this specific issue by providing teams with visibility across their entire environment while simultaneously enabling action from within the solution with curated built-in expertise through out-of-the-box detections, pre-built automation, and high-context investigation and response tools.

When speaking about projected 2021 cybersecurity trends, Bob Rudis, Chief Data Scientist at Rapid7, noted, “We can be fairly certain ransomware tactics and techniques will continue to be commoditized and industrialized, and criminals will continue to exploit organizations that are strapped for resources and distracted by attempting to survive in these chaotic times.”

To stay ahead of these new attacker tactics and techniques, visibility into logs, network traffic, and endpoint data will be crucial. These data sources contain the strongest and earliest indicators of potential compromise (as well as form the three pillars of Gartner’s SOC Visibility Triad). Having all of this critical data in a single solution like InsightIDR will help teams work more efficiently and effectively, as well as stay on top of potential new threats and tactics.

Stay tuned for more in 2021

See more of Rapid7’s 2021 cybersecurity predictions in our recent blog post here, and keep an eye on our blog and release notes as we continue to highlight the latest in detection and response at Rapid7 throughout the year.

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What’s New in InsightIDR: Q4 2020 in Review

Post Syndicated from Margaret Zonay original https://blog.rapid7.com/2020/12/18/whats-new-in-insightidr-q4-2020-in-review/

What’s New in InsightIDR: Q4 2020 in Review

Throughout the year, we’ve provided roundups of what’s new in InsightIDR, our cloud-based SIEM tool (see the H1 recap post, and our most recent Q3 2020 recap post). As we near the end of 2020, we wanted to offer a closer look at some of the recent updates and releases in InsightIDR from Q4 2020.

Complete endpoint visibility with enhanced endpoint telemetry (EET)

With the addition of the enhanced endpoint telemetry (EET) add-on module, InsightIDR customers now have the ability to access all process start activity data (aka any events captured when an application, service, or other process starts on an endpoint) in InsightIDR’s log search. This data provides a full picture of endpoint activity, enabling customers to create custom detections, see the full scope of an attack, and effectively detect and respond to incidents. Read more about this new add-on in our blog here, and see our on-demand demo below.

Network Traffic Analysis: Insight Network Sensor for AWS now in general availability

In our last quarterly recap, we introduced our early access period for the Insight Network Sensor for AWS, and today we’re excited to announce its general availability. Now, all InsightIDR customers can deploy a network sensor on their AWS Virtual Private Cloud and configure it to communicate with InsightIDR. This new sensor generates the same data outputs as the existing Insight Network Sensor, and its ability to deploy in AWS cloud environments opens up a whole new way for customers to gain insight into what is happening within their cloud estates. For more details, check out the requirements here.

What’s New in InsightIDR: Q4 2020 in Review

New Attacker Behavior Analytics (ABA) threats

Our threat intelligence and detection engineering (TIDE) team and SOC experts are constantly updating our detections as they discover new threats. Most recently, our team added 86 new Attacker Behavior Analytics (ABA) threats within InsightIDR. Each of these threats is a collection of three rules looking for one of 38,535 specific Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) known to be associated with a malicious actor’s various aliases.  

In total, we have 258 new rules, or three for each type of threat. The new rule types for each threat are as follows:

  • Suspicious DNS Request – <Malicious Actor Name> Related Domain Observed
  • Suspicious Web Request – <Malicious Actor Name> Related Domain Observed
  • Suspicious Process – <Malicious Actor Name> Related Binary Executed

New InsightIDR detections for activity related to recent SolarWinds Orion attack: The Rapid7 Threat Detection & Response team has compared publicly available indicators against our existing detections, deployed new detections, and updated our existing detection rules as needed. We also published in-product queries so that customers can quickly determine whether activity related to the breaches has occurred within their environment. Rapid7 is closely monitoring the situation, and will continue to update our detections and guidance as more information becomes available. See our recent blog post for additional details.

Custom Parser editing

InsightIDR customers leveraging our Custom Parsing Tool can now edit fields in their pre-existing parsers. With this new addition, you can update the parser name, extract additional fields, and edit existing extracted fields. For detailed information on our Custom Parsing Tool capabilities, check out our help documentation here.

What’s New in InsightIDR: Q4 2020 in Review

Record user-driven and automated activity with Audit Logging

Available to all InsightIDR customers, our new Audit Logging service is now in Open Preview. Audit logging enables you to track user driven and automated activity in InsightIDR and across Rapid7’s Insight Platform, so you can investigate who did what, when. Audit Logging will also help you fulfill compliance requirements if these details are requested by an external auditor. Learn more about the Audit Logging Open Preview in our help docs here, and see step-by-step instructions for how to turn it on here.

What’s New in InsightIDR: Q4 2020 in Review

New event source integrations: Cybereason, Sophos Intercept X, and DivvyCloud by Rapid7

With our recent event source integrations with Cybereason and Sophos Intercept X, InsightIDR customers can spend less time jumping in and out of multiple endpoint protection tools and more time focusing on investigating and remediating attacks within InsightIDR.

  • Cybereason: Cybereason’s Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) platform detects events that signal malicious operations (Malops), which can now be fed as an event source to InsightIDR. With this new integration, every time an alert fires in Cybereason, it will get relayed to InsightIDR. Read more in our recent blog post here.
  • Sophos Intercept X: Sophos Intercept X is an endpoint protection tool used to detect malware and viruses in your environment. InsightIDR features a Sophos Intercept X event source that you can configure to parse alert types as Virus Alert events. Check out our help documentation here.
  • DivvyCloud: This past spring, Rapid7 acquired DivvyCloud, a leader in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) that provides real-time analysis and automated remediation for cloud and container technologies. Now, we’re excited to announce a custom log integration where cloud events from DivvyCloud can be sent to InsightIDR for analysis, investigations, reporting, and more. Check out our help documentation here.

Stay tuned for more!

As always, we’re continuing to work on exciting product enhancements and releases throughout the year. Keep an eye on our blog and release notes as we continue to highlight the latest in detection and response at Rapid7.

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