Tag Archives: observability

Building Netflix’s Distributed Tracing Infrastructure

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/building-netflixs-distributed-tracing-infrastructure-bb856c319304

by Maulik Pandey

Our Team — Kevin Lew, Narayanan Arunachalam, Elizabeth Carretto, Dustin Haffner, Andrei Ushakov, Seth Katz, Greg Burrell, Ram Vaithilingam, Mike Smith and Maulik Pandey

@Netflixhelps Why doesn’t Tiger King play on my phone?” — a Netflix member via Twitter

This is an example of a question our on-call engineers need to answer to help resolve a member issue — which is difficult when troubleshooting distributed systems. Investigating a video streaming failure consists of inspecting all aspects of a member account. In our previous blog post we introduced Edgar, our troubleshooting tool for streaming sessions. Now let’s look at how we designed the tracing infrastructure that powers Edgar.

Distributed Tracing: the missing context in troubleshooting services at scale

Prior to Edgar, our engineers had to sift through a mountain of metadata and logs pulled from various Netflix microservices in order to understand a specific streaming failure experienced by any of our members. Reconstructing a streaming session was a tedious and time consuming process that involved tracing all interactions (requests) between the Netflix app, our Content Delivery Network (CDN), and backend microservices. The process started with manual pull of member account information that was part of the session. The next step was to put all puzzle pieces together and hope the resulting picture would help resolve the member issue. We needed to increase engineering productivity via distributed request tracing.

If we had an ID for each streaming session then distributed tracing could easily reconstruct session failure by providing service topology, retry and error tags, and latency measurements for all service calls. We could also get contextual information about the streaming session by joining relevant traces with account metadata and service logs. This insight led us to build Edgar: a distributed tracing infrastructure and user experience.

Figure 1. Troubleshooting a session in Edgar

When we started building Edgar four years ago, there were very few open-source distributed tracing systems that satisfied our needs. Our tactical approach was to use Netflix-specific libraries for collecting traces from Java-based streaming services until open source tracer libraries matured. By 2017, open source projects like Open-Tracing and Open-Zipkin were mature enough for use in polyglot runtime environments at Netflix. We chose Open-Zipkin because it had better integrations with our Spring Boot based Java runtime environment. We use Mantis for processing the stream of collected traces, and we use Cassandra for storing traces. Our distributed tracing infrastructure is grouped into three sections: tracer library instrumentation, stream processing, and storage. Traces collected from various microservices are ingested in a stream processing manner into the data store. The following sections describe our journey in building these components.

Trace Instrumentation: how will it impact our service?

That is the first question our engineering teams asked us when integrating the tracer library. It is an important question because tracer libraries intercept all requests flowing through mission-critical streaming services. Safe integration and deployment of tracer libraries in our polyglot runtime environments was our top priority. We earned the trust of our engineers by developing empathy for their operational burden and by focusing on providing efficient tracer library integrations in runtime environments.

Distributed tracing relies on propagating context for local interprocess calls (IPC) and client calls to remote microservices for any arbitrary request. Passing the request context captures causal relationships between microservices during runtime. We adopted Open-Zipkin’s B3 HTTP header based context propagation mechanism. We ensure that context propagation headers are correctly passed between microservices across a variety of our “paved road” Java and Node runtime environments, which include both older environments with legacy codebases and newer environments such as Spring Boot. We execute the Freedom & Responsibility principle of our culture in supporting tracer libraries for environments like Python, NodeJS, and Ruby on Rails that are not part of the “paved road” developer experience. Our loosely coupled but highly aligned engineering teams have the freedom to choose an appropriate tracer library for their runtime environment and have the responsibility to ensure correct context propagation and integration of network call interceptors.

Our runtime environment integrations inject infrastructure tags like service name, auto-scaling group (ASG), and container instance identifiers. Edgar uses this infrastructure tagging schema to query and join traces with log data for troubleshooting streaming sessions. Additionally, it became easy to provide deep links to different monitoring and deployment systems in Edgar due to consistent tagging. With runtime environment integrations in place, we had to set an appropriate trace data sampling policy for building a troubleshooting experience.

Stream Processing: to sample or not to sample trace data?

This was the most important question we considered when building our infrastructure because data sampling policy dictates the amount of traces that are recorded, transported, and stored. A lenient trace data sampling policy generates a large number of traces in each service container and can lead to degraded performance of streaming services as more CPU, memory, and network resources are consumed by the tracer library. An additional implication of a lenient sampling policy is the need for scalable stream processing and storage infrastructure fleets to handle increased data volume.

We knew that a heavily sampled trace dataset is not reliable for troubleshooting because there is no guarantee that the request you want is in the gathered samples. We needed a thoughtful approach for collecting all traces in the streaming microservices while keeping low operational complexity of running our infrastructure.

Most distributed tracing systems enforce sampling policy at the request ingestion point in a microservice call graph. We took a hybrid head-based sampling approach that allows for recording 100% of traces for a specific and configurable set of requests, while continuing to randomly sample traffic per the policy set at ingestion point. This flexibility allows tracer libraries to record 100% traces in our mission-critical streaming microservices while collecting minimal traces from auxiliary systems like offline batch data processing. Our engineering teams tuned their services for performance after factoring in increased resource utilization due to tracing. The next challenge was to stream large amounts of traces via a scalable data processing platform.

Mantis is our go-to platform for processing operational data at Netflix. We chose Mantis as our backbone to transport and process large volumes of trace data because we needed a backpressure-aware, scalable stream processing system. Our trace data collection agent transports traces to Mantis job cluster via the Mantis Publish library. We buffer spans for a time period in order to collect all spans for a trace in the first job. A second job taps the data feed from the first job, does tail sampling of data and writes traces to the storage system. This setup of chained Mantis jobs allows us to scale each data processing component independently. An additional advantage of using Mantis is the ability to perform real-time ad-hoc data exploration in Raven using the Mantis Query Language (MQL). However, having a scalable stream processing platform doesn’t help much if you can’t store data in a cost efficient manner.

Storage: don’t break the bank!

We started with Elasticsearch as our data store due to its flexible data model and querying capabilities. As we onboarded more streaming services, the trace data volume started increasing exponentially. The increased operational burden of scaling ElasticSearch clusters due to high data write rate became painful for us. The data read queries took an increasingly longer time to finish because ElasticSearch clusters were using heavy compute resources for creating indexes on ingested traces. The high data ingestion rate eventually degraded both read and write operations. We solved this by migrating to Cassandra as our data store for handling high data ingestion rates. Using simple lookup indices in Cassandra gives us the ability to maintain acceptable read latencies while doing heavy writes.

In theory, scaling up horizontally would allow us to handle higher write rates and retain larger amounts of data in Cassandra clusters. This implies that the cost of storing traces grows linearly to the amount of data being stored. We needed to ensure storage cost growth was sub-linear to the amount of data being stored. In pursuit of this goal, we outlined following storage optimization strategies:

  1. Use cheaper Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes instead of SSD instance stores in EC2.
  2. Employ better compression technique to reduce trace data size.
  3. Store only relevant and interesting traces by using simple rules-based filters.

We were adding new Cassandra nodes whenever the EC2 SSD instance stores of existing nodes reached maximum storage capacity. The use of a cheaper EBS Elastic volume instead of an SSD instance store was an attractive option because AWS allows dynamic increase in EBS volume size without re-provisioning the EC2 node. This allowed us to increase total storage capacity without adding a new Cassandra node to the existing cluster. In 2019 our stunning colleagues in the Cloud Database Engineering (CDE) team benchmarked EBS performance for our use case and migrated existing clusters to use EBS Elastic volumes. By optimizing the Time Window Compaction Strategy (TWCS) parameters, they reduced the disk write and merge operations of Cassandra SSTable files, thereby reducing the EBS I/O rate. This optimization helped us reduce the data replication network traffic amongst the cluster nodes because SSTable files were created less often than in our previous configuration. Additionally, by enabling Zstd block compression on Cassandra data files, the size of our trace data files was reduced by half. With these optimized Cassandra clusters in place, it now costs us 71% less to operate clusters and we could store 35x more data than our previous configuration.

We observed that Edgar users explored less than 1% of collected traces. This insight leads us to believe that we can reduce write pressure and retain more data in the storage system if we drop traces that users will not care about. We currently use a simple rule based filter in our Storage Mantis job that retains interesting traces for very rarely looked service call paths in Edgar. The filter qualifies a trace as an interesting data point by inspecting all buffered spans of a trace for warnings, errors, and retry tags. This tail-based sampling approach reduced the trace data volume by 20% without impacting user experience. There is an opportunity to use machine learning based classification techniques to further reduce trace data volume.

While we have made substantial progress, we are now at another inflection point in building our trace data storage system. Onboarding new user experiences on Edgar could require us to store 10x the amount of current data volume. As a result, we are currently experimenting with a tiered storage approach for a new data gateway. This data gateway provides a querying interface that abstracts the complexity of reading and writing data from tiered data stores. Additionally, the data gateway routes ingested data to the Cassandra cluster and transfers compacted data files from Cassandra cluster to S3. We plan to retain the last few hours worth of data in Cassandra clusters and keep the rest in S3 buckets for long term retention of traces.

Table 1. Timeline of Storage Optimizations

Secondary advantages

In addition to powering Edgar, trace data is used for the following use cases:

Application Health Monitoring

Trace data is a key signal used by Telltale in monitoring macro level application health at Netflix. Telltale uses the causal information from traces to infer microservice topology and correlate traces with time series data from Atlas. This approach paints a richer observability portrait of application health.

Resiliency Engineering

Our chaos engineering team uses traces to verify that failures are correctly injected while our engineers stress test their microservices via Failure Injection Testing (FIT) platform.

Regional Evacuation

The Demand Engineering team leverages tracing to improve the correctness of prescaling during regional evacuations. Traces provide visibility into the types of devices interacting with microservices such that changes in demand for these services can be better accounted for when an AWS region is evacuated.

Estimate infrastructure cost of running an A/B test

The Data Science and Product team factors in the costs of running A/B tests on microservices by analyzing traces that have relevant A/B test names as tags.

What’s next?

The scope and complexity of our software systems continue to increase as Netflix grows. We will focus on following areas for extending Edgar:

  • Provide a great developer experience for collecting traces across all runtime environments. With an easy way to to try out distributed tracing, we hope that more engineers instrument their services with traces and provide additional context for each request by tagging relevant metadata.
  • Enhance our analytics capability for querying trace data to enable power users at Netflix in building their own dashboards and systems for narrowly focused use cases.
  • Build abstractions that correlate data from metrics, logging, and tracing systems to provide additional contextual information for troubleshooting.

As we progress in building distributed tracing infrastructure, our engineers continue to rely on Edgar for troubleshooting streaming issues like “Why doesn’t Tiger King play on my phone?”. Our distributed tracing infrastructure helps in ensuring that Netflix members continue to enjoy a must-watch show like Tiger King!

We are looking for stunning colleagues to join us on this journey of building distributed tracing infrastructure. If you are passionate about Observability then come talk to us.

Building Netflix’s Distributed Tracing Infrastructure was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Why Deployment Requirements are Important When Making Architectural Choices

Post Syndicated from Yusuf Mayet original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/why-deployment-requirements-are-important-when-making-architectural-choices/


Too often, architects fall into the trap of thinking the architecture of an application is restricted to just the runtime part of the architecture. By doing this we focus on only a single customer (such as the application’s users and how they interact with the system) and we forget about other important customers like developers and DevOps teams. This means that requirements regarding deployment ease, deployment frequency, and observability are delegated to the back burner during design time and tacked on after the runtime architecture is built. This leads to increased costs and reduced ability to innovate.

In this post, I discuss the importance of key non-functional requirements, and how they can and should influence the target architecture at design time.

Architectural patterns

When building and designing new applications, we usually start by looking at the functional requirements, which will define the functionality and objective of the application. These are all the things that the users of the application expect, such as shopping online, searching for products, and ordering. We also consider aspects such as usability to ensure a great user experience (UX).

We then consider the non-functional requirements, the so-called “ilities,” which typically include requirements regarding scalability, availability, latency, etc. These are constraints around the functional requirements, like response times for placing orders or searching for products, which will define the expected latency of the system.

These requirements—both functional and non-functional together—dictate the architectural pattern we choose to build the application. These patterns include Multi-tierevent-driven architecturemicroservices, and others, and each one has benefits and limitations. For example, a microservices architecture allows for a system where services can be deployed and scaled independently, but this also introduces complexity around service discovery.

Aligning the architecture to technical users’ requirements

Amazon is a customer-obsessed organization, so it’s important for us to first identify who the main customers are at each point so that we can meet their needs. The customers of the functional requirements are the application users, so we need to ensure the application meets their needs. For the most part, we will ensure that the desired product features are supported by the architecture.

But who are the users of the architecture? Not the applications’ users—they don’t care if it’s monolithic or microservices based, as long as they can shop and search for products. The main customers of the architecture are the technical teams: the developers, architects, and operations teams that build and support the application. We need to work backwards from the customers’ needs (in this case the technical team), and make sure that the architecture meets their requirements. We have therefore identified three non-functional requirements that are important to consider when designing an architecture that can equally meet the needs of the technical users:

  1. Deployability: Flow and agility to consistently deploy new features
  2. Observability: feedback about the state of the application
  3. Disposability: throwing away resources and provision new ones quickly

Together these form part of the Developer Experience (DX), which is focused on providing developers with APIs, documentation, and other technologies to make it easy to understand and use. This will ensure that we design for Day 2 operations in mind.

Deployability: Flow

There are many reasons that organizations embark on digital transformation journeys, which usually involve moving to the cloud and adopting DevOps. According to Stephen Orban, GM of AWS Data Exchange, in his book Ahead in the Cloud, faster product development is often a key motivator, meaning the most important non-functional requirement is achieving flow, the speed at which you can consistently deploy new applications, respond to competitors, and test and roll out new features. As well, the architecture needs to be designed upfront to support deployability. If the architectural pattern is a monolithic application, this will hamper the developers’ ability to quickly roll out new features to production. So we need to choose and design the architecture to support easy and automated deployments. Results from years of research prove that leaders use DevOps to achieve high levels of throughput:

Graphic - Using DevOps to achieve high levels of throughput

Decisions on the pace and frequency of deployments will dictate whether to use rolling, blue/green, or canary deployment methodologies. This will then inform the architectural pattern chosen for the application.

Using AWS, in order to achieve flow of deployability, we will use services such as AWS CodePipelineAWS CodeBuildAWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodeStar.

Observability: feedback

Once you have achieved a rapid and repeatable flow of features into production, you need a constant feedback loop of logs and metrics in order to detect and avoid problems. Observability is a property of the architecture that will allow us to better understand the application across the delivery pipeline and into production. This requires that we design the architecture to ensure that health reports are generated to analyze and spot trends. This includes error rates and stats from each stage of the development process, how many commits were made, build duration, and frequency of deployments. This not only allows us to measure code characteristics such as test coverage, but also developer productivity.

On AWS, we can leverage Amazon CloudWatch to gather and search through logs and metrics, AWS X-Ray for tracing, and Amazon QuickSight as an analytics tool to measure CI/CD metrics.

Disposability: automation

In his book, Cloud Strategy: A Decision-based Approach to a Successful Cloud Journey, Gregor Hohpe, Enterprise Strategist at AWS, notes that cloud and automation add a new “-ility”: disposability, which is the ability to set up and dispose of new servers in an automated and pain-free manner. Having immutable, disposable infrastructure greatly enhances your ability to achieve high levels of deployability and flow, especially when used in a CI/CD pipeline, which can create new resources and kill off the old ones.

At AWS, we can achieve disposability with serverless using AWS Lambda, or with containers running on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), or using AWS Auto Scaling with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

Three different views of the architecture

Once we have designed an architecture that caters for deployability, observability, and disposability, it exposes three lenses across which we can view the architecture:

3 views of the architecture

  1. Build lens: the focus of this part of the architecture is on achieving deployability, with the objective to give the developers an easy-to-use, automated platform that builds, tests, and pushes their code into the different environments, in a repeatable way. Developers can push code changes more reliably and frequently, and the operations team can see greater stability because environments have standard configurations and rollback procedures are automated
  2. Runtime lens: the focus is on the users of the application and on maximizing their experience by making the application responsive and highly available.
  3. Operate lens: the focus is on achieving observability for the DevOps teams, allowing them to have complete visibility into each part of the architecture.


When building and designing new applications, the functional requirements (such as UX) are usually the primary drivers for choosing and defining the architecture to support those requirements. In this post I have discussed how DX characteristics like deployability, observability, and disposability are not just operational concerns that get tacked on after the architecture is chosen. Rather, they should be as important as the functional requirements when choosing the architectural pattern. This ensures that the architecture can support the needs of both the developers and users, increasing quality and our ability to innovate.

Edgar: Solving Mysteries Faster with Observability

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/edgar-solving-mysteries-faster-with-observability-e1a76302c71f

Edgar helps Netflix teams troubleshoot distributed systems efficiently with the help of a summarized presentation of request tracing, logs, analysis, and metadata.

by Elizabeth Carretto

Everyone loves Unsolved Mysteries. There’s always someone who seems like the surefire culprit. There’s a clear motive, the perfect opportunity, and an incriminating footprint left behind. Yet, this is Unsolved Mysteries! It’s never that simple. Whether it’s a cryptic note behind the TV or a mysterious phone call from an unknown number at a critical moment, the pieces rarely fit together perfectly. As mystery lovers, we want to answer the age-old question of whodunit; we want to understand what really happened.

For engineers, instead of whodunit, the question is often “what failed and why?” When a problem occurs, we put on our detective hats and start our mystery-solving process by gathering evidence. The more complex a system, the more places to look for clues. An engineer can find herself digging through logs, poring over traces, and staring at dozens of dashboards.

All of these sources make it challenging to know where to begin and add to the time spent figuring out what went wrong. While this abundance of dashboards and information is by no means unique to Netflix, it certainly holds true within our microservices architecture. Each microservice may be easy to understand and debug individually, but what about when combined into a request that hits tens or hundreds of microservices? Searching for key evidence becomes like digging for a needle in a group of haystacks.

Example call graph in Edgar

In some cases, the question we’re answering is, “What’s happening right now??” and every second without resolution can carry a heavy cost. We want to resolve the problem as quickly as possible so our members can resume enjoying their favorite movies and shows. For teams building observability tools, the question is: how do we make understanding a system’s behavior fast and digestible? Quick to parse, and easy to pinpoint where something went wrong even if you aren’t deeply familiar with the inner workings and intricacies of that system? At Netflix, we’ve answered that question with a suite of observability tools. In an earlier blog post, we discussed Telltale, our health monitoring system. Telltale tells us when an application is unhealthy, but sometimes we need more fine-grained insight. We need to know why a specific request is failing and where. We built Edgar to ease this burden, by empowering our users to troubleshoot distributed systems efficiently with the help of a summarized presentation of request tracing, logs, analysis, and metadata.

What is Edgar?

Edgar is a self-service tool for troubleshooting distributed systems, built on a foundation of request tracing, with additional context layered on top. With request tracing and additional data from logs, events, metadata, and analysis, Edgar is able to show the flow of a request through our distributed system — what services were hit by a call, what information was passed from one service to the next, what happened inside that service, how long did it take, and what status was emitted — and highlight where an issue may have occurred. If you’re familiar with platforms like Zipkin or OpenTelemetry, this likely sounds familiar. But, there are a few substantial differences in how Edgar approaches its data and its users.

  • While Edgar is built on top of request tracing, it also uses the traces as the thread to tie additional context together. Deriving meaningful value from trace data alone can be challenging, as Cindy Sridharan articulated in this blog post. In addition to trace data, Edgar pulls in additional context from logs, events, and metadata, sifting through them to determine valuable and relevant information, so that Edgar can visually highlight where an error occurred and provide detailed context.
  • Edgar captures 100% of interesting traces, as opposed to sampling a small fixed percentage of traffic. This difference has substantial technological implications, from the classification of what’s interesting to transport to cost-effective storage (keep an eye out for later Netflix Tech Blog posts addressing these topics).
  • Edgar provides a powerful and consumable user experience to both engineers and non-engineers alike. If you embrace the cost and complexity of storing vast amounts of traces, you want to get the most value out of that cost. With Edgar, we’ve found that we can leverage that value by curating an experience for additional teams such as customer service operations, and we have embraced the challenge of building a product that makes trace data easy to access, easy to grok, and easy to gain insight by several user personas.

Tracing as a foundation

Logs, metrics, and traces are the three pillars of observability. Metrics communicate what’s happening on a macro scale, traces illustrate the ecosystem of an isolated request, and the logs provide a detail-rich snapshot into what happened within a service. These pillars have immense value and it is no surprise that the industry has invested heavily in building impressive dashboards and tooling around each. The downside is that we have so many dashboards. In one request hitting just ten services, there might be ten different analytics dashboards and ten different log stores. However, a request has its own unique trace identifier, which is a common thread tying all the pieces of this request together. The trace ID is typically generated at the first service that receives the request and then passed along from service to service as a header value. This makes the trace a great starting point to unify this data in a centralized location.

A trace is a set of segments representing each step of a single request throughout a system. Distributed tracing is the process of generating, transporting, storing, and retrieving traces in a distributed system. As a request flows between services, each distinct unit of work is documented as a span. A trace is made up of many spans, which are grouped together using a trace ID to form a single, end-to-end umbrella. A span:

  • Represents a unit of work, such as a network call from one service to another (a client/server relationship) or a purely internal action (e.g., starting and finishing a method).
  • Relates to other spans through a parent/child relationship.
  • Contains a set of key value pairs called tags, where service owners can attach helpful values such as urls, version numbers, regions, corresponding IDs, and errors. Tags can be associated with errors or warnings, which Edgar can display visually on a graph representation of the request.
  • Has a start time and an end time. Thanks to these timestamps, a user can quickly see how long the operation took.

The trace (along with its underlying spans) allows us to graphically represent the request chronologically.

Sample timeline view of a trace, based on Jaegar UI’s timeline view

Adding context to traces

With distributed tracing alone, Edgar is able to draw the path of a request as it flows through various systems. This centralized view is extremely helpful to determine which services were hit and when, but it lacks nuance. A tag might indicate there was an error but doesn’t fully answer the question of what happened. Adding logs to the picture can help a great deal. With logs, a user can see what the service itself had to say about what went wrong. If a data fetcher fails, the log can tell you what query it was running and what exact IDs or fields led to the failure. That alone might give an engineer the knowledge she needs to reproduce the issue. In Edgar, we parse the logs looking for error or warning values. We add these errors and warnings to our UI, highlighting them in our call graph and clearly associating them with a given service, to make it easy for users to view any errors we uncovered.

Example view of errors associated with a service, including an error parsed from a log

With the trace and additional context from logs illustrating the issue, one of the next questions may be how does this individual trace fit into the overall health and behavior of each service. Is this an anomaly or are we dealing with a pattern? To help answer this question, Edgar pulls in anomaly detection from a partner application, Telltale. Telltale provides Edgar with latency benchmarks that indicate if the individual trace’s latency is abnormal for this given service. A trace alone could tell you that a service took 500ms to respond, but it takes in-depth knowledge of a particular service’s typical behavior to make a determination if this response time is an outlier. Telltale’s anomaly analysis looks at historic behavior and can evaluate whether the latency experienced by this trace is anomalous. With this knowledge, Edgar can then visually warn that something happened in a service that caused its latency to fall outside of normal bounds.

Sample latency analysis

Edgar should reduce burden, not add to it

Presenting all of this data in one interface reduces the footwork of an engineer to uncover each source. However, discovery is only part of the path to resolution. With all the evidence presented and summarized by Edgar, an engineer may know what went wrong and where it went wrong. This is a huge step towards resolution, but not yet cause for celebration. The root cause may have been identified, but who owns the service in question? Many times, finding the right point of contact would require a jump into Slack or a company directory, which costs more time. In Edgar, we have integrated with our services to provide that information in-app alongside the details of a trace. For any service configured with an owner and support channel, Edgar provides a link to a service’s contact email and their Slack channel, smoothing the hand-off from one party to the next. If an engineer does need to pass an issue along to another team or person, Edgar’s request detail page contains all the context — the trace, logs, analysis — and is easily shareable, eliminating the need to write a detailed description or provide a cascade of links to communicate the issue.

Edgar’s request detail page

A key aspect of Edgar’s mission is to minimize the burden on both users and service owners. With all of its data sources, the sheer quantity of data could become overwhelming. It is essential for Edgar to maintain a prioritized interface, built to highlight errors and abnormalities to the user and assist users in taking the next step towards resolution. As our UI grows, it’s important to be discerning and judicious in how we handle new data sources, weaving them into our existing errors and warnings models to minimize disruption and to facilitate speedy understanding. We lean heavily on focus groups and user feedback to ensure a tight feedback loop so that Edgar can continue to meet our users’ needs as their services and use cases evolve.

As services evolve, they might change their log format or use new tags to indicate errors. We built an admin page to give our service owners that configurability and to decouple our product from in-depth service knowledge. Service owners can configure the essential details of their log stores, such as where their logs are located and what fields they use for trace IDs and span IDs. Knowing their trace and span IDs is what enables Edgar to correlate the traces and logs. Beyond that though, what are the idiosyncrasies of their logs? Some fields may be irrelevant or deprecated, and teams would like to hide them by default. Alternatively, some fields contain the most important information, and by promoting them in the Edgar UI, they are able to view these fields more quickly. This self-service configuration helps reduce the burden on service owners.

Initial log configuration in Edgar

Leveraging Edgar

In order for users to turn to Edgar in a situation when time is of the essence, users need to be able to trust Edgar. In particular, they need to be able to count on Edgar having data about their issue. Many approaches to distributed tracing involve setting a sample rate, such as 5%, and then only tracing that percentage of request traffic. Instead of sampling a fixed percentage, Edgar’s mission is to capture 100% of interesting requests. As a result, when an error happens, Edgar’s users can be confident they will be able to find it. That’s key to positioning Edgar as a reliable source. Edgar’s approach makes a commitment to have data about a given issue.

In addition to storing trace data for all requests, Edgar implemented a feature to collect additional details on-demand at a user’s discretion for a given criteria. With this fine-grained level of tracing turned on, Edgar captures request and response payloads as well as headers for requests matching the user’s criteria. This adds clarity to exactly what data is being passed from service to service through a request’s path. While this level of granularity is unsustainable for all request traffic, it is a robust tool in targeted use cases, especially for errors that prove challenging to reproduce.

As you can imagine, this comes with very real storage costs. While the Edgar team has done its best to manage these costs effectively and to optimize our storage, the cost is not insignificant. One way to strengthen our return on investment is by being a key tool throughout the software development lifecycle. Edgar is a crucial tool for operating and maintaining a production service, where reducing the time to recovery has direct customer impact. Engineers also rely on our tool throughout development and testing, and they use the Edgar request page to communicate issues across teams.

By providing our tool to multiple sets of users, we are able to leverage our cost more efficiently. Edgar has become not just a tool for engineers, but rather a tool for anyone who needs to troubleshoot a service at Netflix. In Edgar’s early days, as we strove to build valuable abstractions on top of trace data, the Edgar team first targeted streaming video use cases. We built a curated experience for streaming video, grouping requests into playback sessions, marked by starting and stopping playback for a given asset. We found this experience was powerful for customer service operations as well as engineering teams. Our team listened to customer service operations to understand which common issues caused an undue amount of support pain so that we could summarize these issues in our UI. This empowers customer service operations, as well as engineers, to quickly understand member issues with minimal digging. By logically grouping traces and summarizing the behavior at a higher level, trace data becomes extremely useful in answering questions like why a member didn’t receive 4k video for a certain title or why a member couldn’t watch certain content.

An example error viewing a playback session in Edgar

Extending Edgar for Studio

As the studio side of Netflix grew, we realized that our movie and show production support would benefit from a similar aggregation of user activity. Our movie and show production support might need to answer why someone from the production crew can’t log in or access their materials for a particular project. As we worked to serve this new user group, we sought to understand what issues our production support needed to answer most frequently and then tied together various data sources to answer those questions in Edgar.

The Edgar team built out an experience to meet this need, building another abstraction with trace data; this time, the focus was on troubleshooting production-related use cases and applications, rather than a streaming video session. Edgar provides our production support the ability to search for a given contractor, vendor, or member of production staff by their name or email. After finding the individual, Edgar reaches into numerous log stores for their user ID, and then pulls together their login history, role access change log, and recent traces emitted from production-related applications. Edgar scans through this data for errors and warnings and then presents those errors right at the front. Perhaps a vendor tried to login with the wrong password too many times, or they were assigned an incorrect role on a production. In this new domain, Edgar is solving the same multi-dashboarded problem by tying together information and pointing its users to the next step of resolution.

An example error for a production-related user

What Edgar is and is not

Edgar’s goal is not to be the be-all, end-all of tools or to be the One Tool to Rule Them All. Rather, our goal is to act as a concierge of troubleshooting — Edgar should quickly be able to guide users to an understanding of an issue, as well usher them to the next location, where they can remedy the problem. Let’s say a production vendor is unable to access materials for their production due to an incorrect role/permissions assignment, and this production vendor reaches out to support for assistance troubleshooting. When a support user searches for this vendor, Edgar should be able to indicate that this vendor recently had a role change and summarize what this role change is. Instead of being assigned to Dead To Me Season 2, they were assigned to Season 1! In this case, Edgar’s goal is to help a support user come to this conclusion and direct them quickly to the role management tool where this can be rectified, not to own the full circle of resolution.

Usage at Netflix

While Edgar was created around Netflix’s core streaming video use-case, it has since evolved to cover a wide array of applications. While Netflix streaming video is used by millions of members, some applications using Edgar may measure their volume in requests per minute, rather than requests per second, and may only have tens or hundreds of users rather than millions. While we started with a curated approach to solve a pain point for engineers and support working on streaming video, we found that this pain point is scale agnostic. Getting to the bottom of a problem is costly for all engineers, whether they are building a budget forecasting application used heavily by 30 people or a SVOD application used by millions.

Today, many applications and services at Netflix, covering a wide array of type and scale, publish trace data that is accessible in Edgar, and teams ranging from service owners to customer service operations rely on Edgar’s insights. From streaming to studio, Edgar leverages its wealth of knowledge to speed up troubleshooting across applications with the same fundamental approach of summarizing request tracing, logs, analysis, and metadata.

As you settle into your couch to watch a new episode of Unsolved Mysteries, you may still find yourself with more questions than answers. Why did the victim leave his house so abruptly? How did the suspect disappear into thin air? Hang on, how many people saw that UFO?? Unfortunately, Edgar can’t help you there (trust me, we’re disappointed too). But, if your relaxing evening is interrupted by a production outage, Edgar will be behind the scenes, helping Netflix engineers solve the mystery at hand.

Keeping services up and running allows Netflix to share stories with our members around the globe. Underneath every outage and failure, there is a story to tell, and powerful observability tooling is needed to tell it. If you are passionate about observability then come talk to us.

Edgar: Solving Mysteries Faster with Observability was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.