Development teams adopt DevOps practices to increase the speed and quality of their software delivery. The DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics provide a popular method to measure progress towards that outcome. Using four key metrics, senior leaders can assess the current state of team maturity and address areas of optimization.
This blog post shows you how to make use of DORA metrics for your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. We share a sample solution which allows you to bootstrap automatic metric collection in your AWS accounts.
Benefits of collecting DORA metrics
DORA metrics offer insights into your development teams’ performance and capacity by measuring qualitative aspects of deployment speed and stability. They also indicate the teams’ ability to adapt by measuring the average time to recover from failure. This helps product owners in defining work priorities, establishing transparency on team maturity, and developing a realistic workload schedule. The metrics are appropriate for communication with senior leadership. They help commit leadership support to resolve systemic issues inhibiting team satisfaction and user experience.
Use case
This solution is applicable to the following use case:
Development teams have a multi-account AWS setup including a tooling account where the CI/CD tools are hosted, and an operations account for log aggregation and visualization.
Developers use GitHub code repositories and AWS CodePipeline to promote code changes across application environment accounts.
Service impairment resulting from system change is logged as OpsItem in AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter.
Overview of solution
The four key DORA metrics
The ‘four keys’ measure team performance and ability to react to problems:
Deployment Frequency measures the frequency of successful change releases in your production environment.
Lead Time For Changes measures the average time for committed code to reach production.
Change Failure Rate measures how often changes in production lead to service incidents/failures, and is complementary to Mean Time Between Failure.
Mean Time To Recovery measures the average time from service interruption to full recovery.
The first two metrics focus on deployment speed, while the other two indicate deployment stability (Figure 1). We recommend organizations to set their own goals (that is, DORA metric targets) based on service criticality and customer needs. For a discussion of prior DORA benchmark data and what it reveals about the performance of development teams, consult How DORA Metrics Can Measure and Improve Performance.
For example, the Change Failure Rate focuses on changes that impair the production system. Limiting the calculation to tags (such as hotfixes) on pull requests would exclude issues related to the build process. It’s important to match system change records that lead to actual impairments in production. Limiting the calculation to the number of failed deployments from the deployment pipeline only considers deployments that didn’t reach production. We use AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter as the system of records for change-related outages, rather than relying solely on data from CI/CD tools.
Similarly, Mean Time To Recovery measures the duration from a service impairment in production to a successful pipeline run. We encourage teams to track both pipeline status and recovery time, as frequent pipeline failure can indicate insufficient local testing and potential pipeline engineering issues.
Gathering DORA events
Our metric calculation process runs in four steps:
In the tooling account, we send events from CodePipeline to the default event bus of Amazon EventBridge.
Events are forwarded to custom event buses which process them according to the defined metrics and any filters we may have set up.
The custom event buses call AWS Lambda functions which forward metric data to Amazon CloudWatch. CloudWatch gives us an aggregated view of each of the metrics. From Amazon CloudWatch, you can send the metrics to another designated dashboard like Amazon Managed Grafana.
As part of the data collection, the Lambda function will also query GitHub for the relevant commit to calculate the lead time for changes metric. It will query AWS Systems Manager for OpsItem data for change failure rate and mean time to recovery metrics. You can create OpsItems manually as part of your change management process or configure CloudWatch alarms to create OpsItems automatically.
Figure 2 visualizes these steps. This setup can be replicated to a group of accounts of one or multiple teams.
Figure 2. DORA metric setup for AWS CodePipeline deployments
Follow these steps to deploy the solution in your AWS accounts.
For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:
AWS accounts for tooling, operations, and application environments
Before you start deploying or working with this code base, there are a few configurations you need to complete in the file in the cdk/ directory. Open the file in your IDE and update the following constants:
TOOLING_ACCOUNT_ID & TOOLING_ACCOUNT_REGION: These represent the AWS account ID and AWS region for AWS CodePipeline (that is, your tooling account).
OPS_ACCOUNT_ID & OPS_ACCOUNT_REGION: These are for your operations account (used for centralized log aggregation and dashboard).
TOOLING_CROSS_ACCOUNT_LAMBDA_ROLE: The IAM Role for cross-account access that allows AWS Lambda to post metrics from your tooling account to your operations account/Amazon CloudWatch dashboard.
DEFAULT_MAIN_BRANCH: This is the default branch in your code repository that’s used to deploy to your production application environment. It is set to “main” by default, as we assumed feature-driven development (GitFlow) on the main branch; update if you use a different naming convention.
APP_PROD_STAGE_NAME: This is the name of your production stage and set to “DeployPROD” by default. It’s reserved for teams with trunk-based development.
Setting up the environment
To set up your environment on MacOS and Linux:
Create a virtual environment:
$ python3 -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment: On MacOS and Linux:
$ source .venv/bin/activate
Alternatively, to set up your environment on Windows:
Create a virtual environment:
% .venv\Scripts\activate.bat
Install the required Python packages:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):
Configure your user profile (for example, Ops for operations account, Tooling for tooling account). You can check user profile names in the credentials file.
Deploying the CloudFormation stacks
Switch directory
$ cd cdk
Bootstrap CDK
$ cdk bootstrap –-profile Ops
Synthesize the AWS CloudFormation template for this project:
$ cdk synth
To deploy a specific stack (see Figure 3 for an overview), specify the stack name and AWS account number(s) in the following command:
To launch the other stacks in the Operations account (including DoraOpsGitHubLogsStack, DoraOpsDeploymentFrequencyStack, DoraOpsLeadTimeForChangeStack, DoraOpsChangeFailureRateStack, DoraOpsMeanTimeToRestoreStack, DoraOpsMetricsDashboardStack):
$ cdk deploy DoraOps* --profile Ops
The following figure shows the resources you’ll launch with each CloudFormation stack. This includes six AWS CloudFormation stacks in operations account. The first stack sets up log integration for GitHub commit activity. Four stacks contain a Lambda function which creates one of the DORA metrics. The sixth stack creates the consolidated dashboard in Amazon CloudWatch.
Figure 3. Resources provisioned with this solution
Testing the deployment
To run the provided tests:
$ pytest
Understanding what you’ve built
Deployed resources in tooling account
The DoraToolingEventBridgeStack includes Amazon EventBridge rules with a target of the central event bus in the operations account, plus an AWS IAM role with cross-account access to put events in the operations account. The event pattern for invoking our EventBridge rules listens for deployment state changes in AWS CodePipeline:
"detail-type": ["CodePipeline Pipeline Execution State Change"],
"source": ["aws.codepipeline"]
Deployed resources in operations account
The Lambda function for Deployment Frequency tracks the number of successful deployments to production, and posts the metric data to Amazon CloudWatch. You can add a dimension with the repository name in Amazon CloudWatch to filter on particular repositories/teams.
The Lambda function for the Lead Time For Change metric calculates the duration from the first commit to successful deployment in production. This covers all factors contributing to lead time for changes, including code reviews, build, test, as well as the deployment itself.
The Lambda function for Change Failure Rate keeps track of the count of successful deployments and the count of system impairment records (OpsItems) in production. It publishes both as metrics to Amazon CloudWatch and the latter calculates the ratio, as shown in below example.
The Lambda function for Mean Time To Recovery keeps track of all deployments with status SUCCEEDED in production and whose repository branch name references an existing OpsItem ID. For every matching event, the function gets the creation time of the OpsItem record and posts the duration between OpsItem creation and successful re-deployment to the CloudWatch dashboard.
All Lambda functions publish metric data to Amazon CloudWatch using the PutMetricData API. The final calculation of the four keys is performed on the CloudWatch dashboard. The solution includes a simple CloudWatch dashboard so you can validate the end-to-end data flow and confirm that it has deployed successfully:
Cleaning up
Remember to delete example resources if you no longer need them to avoid incurring future costs.
Alternatively, go to the CloudFormation console in each AWS account, select the stacks related to DORA and click on Delete. Confirm that the status of all DORA stacks is DELETE_COMPLETE.
DORA metrics provide a popular method to measure the speed and stability of your deployments. The solution in this blog post helps you bootstrap automatic metric collection in your AWS accounts. The four keys help you gain consensus on team performance and provide data points to back improvement suggestions. We recommend using the solution to gain leadership support for systemic issues inhibiting team satisfaction and user experience. To learn more about developer productivity research, we encourage you to also review alternative frameworks including DevEx and SPACE.
Many customers use Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) for running their mission critical container-based applications on AWS. These customers are looking for safe deployment of application and infrastructure changes with minimal downtime, leveraging AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CloudFormation. AWS CloudFormation natively supports performing Blue/Green deployments on ECS using a CodeDeploy Blue/Green hook, but this feature comes with some additional considerations that are outlined here; one of them is the inability to use CloudFormation nested stacks, and another is the inability to update application and infrastructure changes in a single deployment. For these reasons, some customers may not be able to use the CloudFormation-based Blue/Green deployment capability for ECS. Additionally, some customers require more control over their Blue/Green deployment process and would therefore like CodeDeploy-based deployments to be performed outside of CloudFormation.
In this post, we will show you how to address these challenges by leveraging AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline to automate the configuration of CodeDeploy for performing Blue/Green deployments on ECS. We will also show how you can deploy both infrastructure and application changes through a single CodePipeline for your applications running on ECS.
The solution presented in this post is appropriate if you are using CloudFormation for your application infrastructure deployment. For AWS CDK applications, please refer to this post that walks through how you can enable Blue/Green deployments on ECS using CDK pipelines.
Reference Architecture
The diagram below shows a reference CICD pipeline for orchestrating a Blue/Green deployment for an ECS application. In this reference architecture, we assume that you are deploying both infrastructure and application changes through the same pipeline.
Figure 1: CICD Pipeline for performing Blue/Green deployment to an application running on ECS Fargate Cluster
The pipeline consists of the following stages:
Source: In the source stage, CodePipeline pulls the code from the source repository, such as AWS CodeCommit or GitHub, and stages the changes in S3.
Build: In the build stage, you use CodeBuild to package CloudFormation templates, perform static analysis for the application code as well as the application infrastructure templates, run unit tests, build the application code, and generate and publish the application container image to ECR. These steps can be performed using a series of CodeBuild steps as described in the reference pipeline above.
Deploy Infrastructure: In the deploy stage, you leverage CodePipeline’s CloudFormation deploy action to deploy or update the application infrastructure. In this stage, the entire application infrastructure is set up using CloudFormation nested stacks. This includes the components required to perform Blue/Green deployments on ECS using CodeDeploy, such as the ECS Cluster, ECS Service, Task definition, Application Load Balancer (ALB) listeners, target groups, CodeDeploy application, deployment group, and others.
Deploy Application: In the deploy application stage, you use the CodePipeline ECS-to-CodeDeploy action to deploy your application changes using CodeDeploy’s blue/green deployment capability. By leveraging CodeDeploy, you can automate the blue/green deployment workflow for your applications running on ECS, including testing of your application after deployment and automated rollbacks in case of failed deployments. CodeDeploy also offers different ways to switch traffic for your application during a blue/green deployment by supporting Linear, Canary, and All-at-once traffic shifting options. More information on CodeDeploy’s Blue/Green deployment workflow for ECS can be found here
Some considerations that you may need to account for when implementing the above reference pipeline
1. Creating the CodeDeploy deployment group using CloudFormation For performing Blue/Green deployments using CodeDeploy on ECS, CloudFormation currently does not support creating the CodeDeploy components directly as these components are created and managed by CloudFormation through the AWS::CodeDeploy::BlueGreen hook. To work around this, you can leverage a CloudFormation custom resource implemented through an AWS Lambda function, to create the CodeDeploy Deployment group with the required configuration. A reference implementation of a CloudFormation custom resource lambda can be found in our solution’s reference implementation here.
2. Generating the required code deploy artifacts (appspec.yml and taskdef.json) For leveraging the CodeDeployToECS action in CodePipeline, there are two input files (appspec.yml and taskdef.json) that are needed. These files/artifacts are used by CodePipeline to create a CodeDeploy deployment that performs Blue/Green deployment on your ECS cluster. The AppSpec file specifies an Amazon ECS task definition for the deployment, a container name and port mapping used to route traffic, and the Lambda functions that run after deployment lifecycle hooks. The container name must be a container in your Amazon ECS task definition. For more information on these, see Working with application revisions for CodeDeploy. The taskdef.json is used by CodePipeline to dynamically generate a new revision of the task definition with the updated application container image in ECR. This is an optional capability supported by the CodeDeployToECS action where it can automatically replace a place holder value (for example IMAGE1_NAME) for ImageUri in the taskdef.json with the Uri of the updated container Image. In the reference solution we do not use this capability as our taskdef.json contains the latest ImageUri that we plan to deploy. To create this taskdef.json, you can leverage CodeBuild to dynamically build the taskdef.json from the latest task definition ARN. Below are sample CodeBuild buildspec commands that creates the taskdef.json from ECS task definition
To generate the appspec.yml, you can leverage a python or shell script and a placeholder appspec.yml in your source repository to dynamically generate the updated appspec.yml file. For example, the below code snippet updates the placeholder values in an appspec.yml to generate an updated appspec.yml that is used in the deploy stage. In this example, we set the values of AfterAllowTestTraffic hook, the Container name, Container port values from task definition and Hooks Lambda ARN that is passed as input to the script.
In the above scenario, the existing task definition is used to build the appspec.yml. You can also specify one of more CodeDeploy lambda based hooks in the appspec.yml to perform variety of automated tests as part of your deployment.
3. Updates to the ECS task definition To perform Blue/Green deployments on your ECS cluster using CodeDeploy, the deployment controller on the ECS Service needs to be set to CodeDeploy. With this configuration, any time there is an update to the task definition on the ECS service (such as when building new application image), the update results in a failure. This essentially causes CloudFormation updates to the application infrastructure to fail when new application changes are deployed. To avoid this, you can implement a CloudFormation based custom resource that obtains the previous version of task definition. This prevents CloudFormation from updating the ECS Service with new task definition when the application container image is updated and ultimately from failing the stack update. Updates to ECS Services for new task revisions are performed using the CodeDeploy deployment as outlined in #2 above. Using this mechanism, you can update the application infrastructure along with changes to the application code using a single pipeline while also leveraging CodeDeploy Blue/Green deployment.
4. Passing configuration between different stages of the pipeline To create an automated pipeline that builds your infrastructure and performs a blue/green deployment for your application, you will need the ability to pass configuration between different stages of your pipeline. For example, when you want to create the taskdef.json and appspec.yml as mentioned in step #2, you need the ARN of the existing task definition and ARN of the CodeDeploy hook Lambda. These components are created in different stages within your pipeline. To facilitate this, you can leverage CodePipeline’s variables and namespaces. For example, in the CodePipeline stage below, we set the value of TASKDEF_ARN and HOOKS_LAMBDA_ARN environment variables by fetching those values from a different stage in the same pipeline where we create those components. An alternate option is to use AWS System Manager Parameter Store to store and retrieve that information. Additional information about CodePipeline’s variables and how to use them can be found in our documentation here.
As part of this post we have provided a reference solution that performs a Blue/Green deployment for a sample Java based application running on ECS Fargate using CodePipeline and CodeDeploy. The reference implementation provides CloudFormation templates to create the necessary CodeDeploy components, including custom resources for Blue/Green deployment on Amazon ECS, as well as the application infrastructure using nested stacks. The solution also provides a reference CodePipeline implementation that fully orchestrates the application build, test and blue/green deployment. In the solution we also demonstrate how you can orchestrate Blue/Green deployment using Linear, Canary, and All-at-once traffic shifting patterns. You can download the reference implementation from here. You can further customize this solution by building your own CodeDeploy lifecycle hooks and run additional configuration and validation tasks as per you application needs. We also recommend that you look at our Deployment Pipeline Reference Architecture (DPRA) and enhance your delivery pipelines by including additional stages and actions that meet your needs.
In this post we walked through how you can automate Blue/Green deployment of your ECS based application leveraging AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CloudFormation nested stacks. We reviewed what you need to consider for automating Blue/Green deployment for your application running on your ECS cluster using CodePipeline and CodeDeploy and how you can address those challenges with some scripting and CloudFormation Lambda based custom resource. We hope that this helps you in configuring Blue/Green deployments on your ECS based application using CodePipeline and CodeDeploy.
April has been packed with new releases! Last week continued that trend with many new releases supporting a variety of domains such as security, analytics, devops, and many more, as well as more exciting new capabilities within generative AI.
If you missed the AWS Summit London 2024, you can now watch the sessions on demand, including the keynote by Tanuja Randery, VP & Marketing Director, EMEA, and many of the break-out sessions which will continue to be released over the coming weeks.
Last week’s launches Here are some of the highlights that caught my attention this week:
Manual and automatic rollback from any stage in AWS CodePipeline – You can now rollback any stage, other than Source, to any previously known good state in if you use a V2 pipeline in AWS CodePipeline. You can configure automatic rollback which will use the source changes from the most recent successful pipeline execution in the case of failure, or you can initiate a manual rollback for any stage from the console, API or SDK and choose which pipeline execution you want to use for the rollback.
AWS CodeArtifact now supports RubyGems – Ruby community, rejoice, you can now store your gems in AWS CodeArtifact! You can integrate it with, and CodeArtifact will automatically fetch any gems requested by the client and store them locally in your CodeArtifact repository. That means that you can have a centralized place for both your first-party and public gems so developers can access their dependencies from a single source.
Create a repository in AWS CodeArtifact and choose “rubygems-store” to connect your repository to on the “Public upstream repositories” dropdown.
General Availability Many new services and capabilities became generally available this week.
Amazon Q in QuickSight– Amazon Q has brought generative BI to Amazon QuickSight giving you the ability to build beautiful dashboards automatically simply by using natural language and it’s now generally available. To get started, head to the Quicksight Pricing page to explore all options or start a 30-day free trial which allows up to 4 users per QuickSight account to use all the new generative AI features.
With the new generative AI features enabled by Amazon Q in Amazon QuickSight you can use natural language queries to build, sort and filter dashboards. (source: AWS Documentation)
Amazon Q Business (GA) and Amazon Q Apps (Preview)– Also generally available now is Amazon Q Business which we launched last year at AWS re:Invent 2023 with the ability to connect seamlessly with over 40 popular enterprise systems, including Microsoft 365, Salesforce, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Gmail, and so many more. This allows Amazon Q Business to know about your business so your employees can generate content, solve problems, and take actions that are specific to your business.
We have also launched support for custom plug-ins, so now you can create your own integrations with any third-party application.
With general availability of Amazon Q Business we have also launched the ability to create your own custom plugins to connect to any third-party API.
Another highlight of this release is the launch of Amazon Q Apps, which enables you to quickly generate an app from your conversation with Amazon Q Business, or by describing what you would like it to generate for you. All guardrails from Amazon Q Business apply, and it’s easy to share your apps with colleagues through an admin-managed library. Amazon Q Apps is in preview now.
Amazon Q Developer – you can use Q Developer to completely change your developer flow. It has all the capabilities of what was previously known as Amazon CodeWhisperer, such as Q&A, diagnosing common errors, generating code including tests, and many more. Now it has expanded, so you can use it to generate SQL, and build data integration pipelines using natural language. In preview, it can describe resources in your AWS account and help you retrieve and analyze cost data from AWS Cost Explorer.
For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the ‘What’s New with AWS?‘ page.
Other AWS news Here are some additional projects, blog posts, and news items that you might find interesting:
AWS open source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes about open source projects, tools, and events from the AWS Community.
Upcoming AWS events Check your calendars and sign up for upcoming AWS events:
AWS Summits – Join free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Register in your nearest city: Singapore (May 7), Seoul (May 16–17), Hong Kong (May 22), Milan (May 23), Stockholm (June 4), and Madrid (June 5).
AWS re:Inforce – Explore 2.5 days of immersive cloud security learning in the age of generative AI at AWS re:Inforce, June 10–12 in Pennsylvania.
AWS Community Days – Join community-led conferences that feature technical discussions, workshops, and hands-on labs led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world: Turkey (May 18), Midwest | Columbus (June 13), Sri Lanka (June 27), Cameroon (July 13), Nigeria (August 24), and New York (August 28).
GOTO EDA Day London – Join us in London on May 14 to learn about event-driven architectures (EDA) for building highly scalable, fault tolerant, and extensible applications. This conference is organized by GOTO, AWS, and partners.
In this blog post, we will explore how to simplify Amazon EKS deployments with GitHub Actions and AWS CodeBuild. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, organizations are turning to DevOps practices to drive innovation and streamline their software development and infrastructure management processes. One key practice within DevOps is Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), which automates deployment activities to reduce the time it takes to release new software updates. AWS offers a suite of native tools to support CI/CD, but also allows for flexibility and customization through integration with third-party tools.
Throughout this post, you will learn how to use GitHub Actions to create a CI/CD workflow with AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline. You’ll leverage the capabilities of GitHub Actions from a vast selection of pre-written actions in the GitHub Marketplace to build and deploy a Python application to an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster.
GitHub Actions is a powerful feature on GitHub’s development platform that enables you to automate your software development workflows directly within your repository. With Actions, you can write individual tasks to build, test, package, release, or deploy your code, and then combine them into custom workflows to streamline your development process.
Solution Overview
This solution being proposed in this post uses several AWS developer tools to establish a CI/CD pipeline while ensuring a streamlined path from development to deployment:
AWS CodeBuild: A fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy.
AWS CodePipeline: A continuous delivery service that orchestrates the build, test, and deploy phases of your release process.
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS): A managed service that makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install and operate your own Kubernetes control plane.
AWS CloudFormation: AWS CloudFormation lets you model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources by treating infrastructure as code. You’ll use AWS CloudFormation to deploy certain baseline resources required to follow along.
Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR): A fully managed container registry that makes it easy for developers to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images.
The code’s journey from the developer’s workstation to the final user-facing application is a seamless relay across various AWS services with key build an deploy operations performed via GitHub Actions:
The developer commits the application’s code to the Source Code Repository. In this post we will leverage a repository created in AWS CodeCommit.
The commit to the Source Control Management (SCM) system triggers the AWS CodePipeline, which is the orchestration service that manages the CI/CD pipeline.
AWS CodePipeline proceeds to the Build stage, where AWS CodeBuild, integrated with GitHub Actions, builds the container image from the committed code.
Once the container image is successfully built, AWS CodeBuild, with GitHub Actions, pushes the image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) for storage and versioning.
An Approval Stage is included in the pipeline, which allows the developer to manually review and approve the build artifacts before they are deployed.
After receiving approval, AWS CodePipeline advances to the Deploy Stage, where GitHub Actions are used to run helm deployment commands.
Within this Deploy Stage, AWS CodeBuild uses GitHub Actions to install the Helm application on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), leveraging Helm charts for deployment.
The deployed application is now running on Amazon EKS and is accessible via the automatically provisioned Application Load Balancer.
If you choose to replicate the steps in this post, you will need the following items:
Utilities like awscli and eksctl require access to your AWS account. Please make sure you have the AWS CLI configured with credentials. For instructions on setting up the AWS CLI, refer to this documentation.
Deploy Baseline Resources
To get started you will first deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack that pre-creates some foundational developer resources such as a CodeCommit repository, CodeBuild projects, a CodePipeline pipeline that orchestrates the release of the application across multiple stages. If you’re interested to learn more about the resources being deployed, you can download the template and review its contents.
Additionally, to make use of GitHub Actions in AWS CodeBuild, it is required to authenticate your AWS CodeBuild project with GitHub using an access token – authentication with GitHub is required to ensure consistent access and avoid being rate-limited by GitHub.
First, let’s set up the environment variables required to configure the infrastructure:
In the commands above, replace cluster-name with your EKS cluster name, cluster-region with the AWS region of your EKS cluster, cluster-account with your AWS account ID (12-digit number), and github-pat with your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT).
Using the AWS CloudFormation template located here, deploy the stack using the AWS CLI:
When you use AWS CodeBuild / GitHub Actions to deploy your application onto Amazon EKS, you’ll need to allow-list the service role associated with the build project(s) by adding the IAM principal to access your Cluster’s aws-auth config-map or using EKS Access Entries (recommended). The CodeBuild service role has been pre-created in the previous step and the role ARN can be retrieved using the command below:
Next, you will create a simple python flask application and the associated helm charts required to deploy the application and commit them to source control repository in AWS CodeCommit. Begin by cloning the CodeCommit repository by following the steps below:
Configure your git client to use the AWS CLI CodeCommit credential helper. For UNIX based systems follow instructions here, and for Windows based systems follow instructions here.
Retrieve the repository HTTPS clone URL using the command below:
git clone $CODECOMMIT_CLONE_URL github-actions-demo && cd github-actions-demo
Create the Application
Now that you’ve set up all the required resources, you can begin building your application and its necessary deployment manifests.
Create the file, which serves as the hello world application using the command below:
cat << EOF >
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def demoapp():
return 'Hello from EKS! This application is built using Github Actions on AWS CodeBuild'
if __name__ == '__main__':,host='')
Create a Dockerfile in the same directory as the application using the command below:
cat << EOF > Dockerfile
RUN pip install Flask
RUN apk update && apk upgrade --no-cache
CMD [ "python3", "" ]
Initialize the HELM application
helm create demo-app
rm -rf demo-app/templates/*
Create the manifest files required for the deployment accordingly:
deployment.yaml – Contains the blueprint for deploying instances of the application. It includes the desired state and pod template which has the pod specifications like the container image to be used, ports etc.
service.yaml – Describes the service object in Kubernetes and specifies how to access the set of pods running the application. It acts as an internal load balancer to route traffic to pods based on the defined service type (like ClusterIP, NodePort, or LoadBalancer).
ingress.yaml – Defines the ingress rules for accessing the application from outside the Kubernetes cluster. This file maps HTTP and HTTPS routes to services within the cluster, allowing external traffic to reach the correct services.
values.yaml – This file provides the default configuration values for the Helm chart. This file is crucial for customizing the chart to fit different environments or deployment scenarios. The manifest below assumes that the default namespace is configured as the namespace selector for your Fargate profile.
Each phase in a buildspec can contain multiple steps and each step can run commands or run a GitHub Action. Each step runs in its own process and has access to the build filesystem. A step references a GitHub action by specifying the uses directive and optionally the with directive is used to pass arguments required by the action. Alternatively, a step can specify a series of commands using the run directive. It’s worth noting that, because steps run in their own process, changes to environment variables are not preserved between steps.
To pass environment variables between different steps of a build phase, you will need to assign the value to an existing or new environment variable and then writing this to the GITHUB_ENV environment file. Additionally, these environment variables can also be passed across multiple stage in CodePipeline by leveraging the exported variables directive.
Build Specification (Build Stage)
Here, you will create a file called buildspec-build.yml at the root of the repository – In the following buildspec, we leverage GitHub actions in AWS CodeBuild to build the container image and push the image to ECR. The actions used in this buildspec are:
aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials: Accessing AWS APIs requires the action to be authenticated using AWS credentials. By default, the permissions granted to the CodeBuild service role can be used to sign API actions executed during a build. However, when using a GitHub action in CodeBuild, the credentials from the CodeBuild service role need to be made available to subsequent actions (e.g., to log in to ECR, push the image). This action allows leveraging the CodeBuild service role credentials for subsequent actions.
In the buildspec above the variables IMAGE_REPO and IMAGE_TAG are set as exported-variables that will be used in the subsequent deploy stage.
Build Specification (Deploy Stage)
During the deploy stage, you will utilize AWS CodeBuild to deploy the helm manifests to EKS by leveraging the community provided bitovi/deploy-eks-helm action. Furthermore, the alexellis/arkade-get action is employed to install kubectl, which will be used later to describe the ingress controller and retrieve the application URL.
Create a file called buildspec-deploy.yml at the root of the repository as such:
Now check these files in to the remote repository by running the below commands
git add -A && git commit -m "Initial Commit"
git push --set-upstream origin main
Now, let’s verify the deployment of our application using the load balancer URL. Navigate to the CodePipeline console. The pipeline incorporates a manual approval stage and requires a pipeline operator to review and approve the release to deploy the application. Following this, the URL for the deployed application can be conveniently retrieved from the outputs of the pipeline execution.
Viewing the application
Click the execution ID. This should take you to a detailed overview of the most recent execution.
Figure 2 CodePipeline Console showing the pipeline (release) execution ID
Under the Timeline tab, select the ‘Build’ action for the ‘Deploy’ stage.
Figure 3 Navigating to the timeline view and reviewing the details for the deploy stage
Copy the application load balancer URL from the output variables.
Figure 4 Copy the APP_URL from the Output Variables for the Deploy action
Paste the URL into a browser of your choice and you should see the message below.
Figure 5 Preview of the application deployed on Amazon EKS
You can also review the logs for your build and see the GitHub action at work from the AWS CodeBuild console.
Clean up
To avoid incurring future charges, you should clean up the resources that you created:
Delete the application by executing helm, this will remove the ALB that was provisioned
helm uninstall demo-app
Delete the CloudFormation stack (github-actions-demo-base) by executing the below command
In this walkthrough, you have learned how to leverage the powerful combination of GitHub Actions and AWS CodeBuild to simplify and automate the deployment of a Python application on Amazon EKS. This approach not only streamlines your deployment process but also ensures that your application is built and deployed securely. You can extend this pipeline by incorporating additional stages such as testing and security scanning, depending on your project’s needs. Additionally, this solution can be used for other programming languages.
It’s an established practice for development teams to build deployment pipelines, with services such as AWS CodePipeline, to increase the quality of application and infrastructure releases through reliable, repeatable and consistent automation.
Automating the deployment process helps build quality into our products by introducing continuous integration to build and test code as early as possible, aiming to catch errors before they reach production, but with all the best will in the world, issues can be missed and not caught until after a production release has been initiated.
“Implement an automatic rollback strategy to enhance system reliability and minimize service disruptions. The strategy should be defined as a proactive measure in case of an operational event, which prioritizes customer impact mitigation even before identifying whether the new deployment is the cause of the issue.”
When release problems occur, pressure is put on teams to fix the issue quickly which can be time consuming and stressful. Is the issue related to code in the last change? Has the environment changed? Should we manually fix-forward by urgently fixing the code and re-releasing?
AWS CodePipeline recently added a stage level rollback feature that enables customers to recover from a failed pipeline quickly by processing the source revisions that previously successfully completed the failed stage.
In this blog post I will cover how the rollback feature can be enabled and walk through two scenarios to cover both automatic and manual rollbacks.
AWS CodePipeline
AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
Figure 1. AWS CodePipeline orchestration stages
CodePipeline has three core constructs:
Pipelines – A pipeline is a workflow construct that describes how software changes go through a release process. Each pipeline is made up of a series of stages.
Stages – A stage is a logical unit you can use to isolate an environment and to limit the number of concurrent changes in that environment. Each stage contains actions that are performed on the application artifacts.
Actions – An action is a set of operations performed on application code and configured so that the actions run in the pipeline at a specified point.
A pipeline execution is a set of changes released by a pipeline. Each pipeline execution is unique and has its own ID. An execution corresponds to a set of changes, such as a merged commit or a manual release of the latest commit.
Enable Automatic rollbacks
Automatic rollbacks can be enabled at the stage level within V2 type pipelines. When automatic rollbacks are enabled on a stage that has failed, CodePipeline will automatically select the source revisions from the most recent pipeline execution that successfully completed the stage and initiate the rollback.
Enabling automatic rollbacks can be set on V2 pipeline creation by selecting Configure automatic rollback on stage failure on a given stage, as per Figure 2 below.
Figure 2. Enable automatic rollback feature on pipeline creation
Automated rollbacks can be enabled for any stage, except the “Source” stage.
For existing V2 pipelines, Automatic rollbacks can also be toggled by editing a stage and toggling Configure automatic rollback on stage failure, see Figure 3 below.
Figure 3. Enable automatic rollback feature on an existing pipeline
Enabling automatic rollback on an existing pipeline will change the pipeline configuration which means pipeline executions before this step will not be considered an eligible pipeline execution. Only successful pipeline executions from this point onwards will be able to be considered for a rollback.
Ensure a V2 pipeline type is selected when creating the pipeline
When in the add deploy stage, select Configure automatic rollback on stage failure
Once the pipeline has been created, it should complete its first run within a few minutes.
Figure 4. Simple pipeline (S3 bucket)
Now I am going to simulate a deployment failure, and this is how:
Locate and un-zip either or depending on which server instances was selected when following the CodePipeline tutorial.
The pipeline will trigger again after the new archive is uploaded and after a few minutes the deployment will report a stage failure and trigger an automatic rollback on the “Deploy” stage.
It’s possible to observe the Rollback as it re-deploys the last successful pipeline execution, initially showing a status of “In-progress” as per Figure 5 below:
Figure 5. Rollback in-progress
A new pipeline execution ID can be seen in the stage with the source revisions from the previous successfully completed pipeline execution. After a few minutes the rollback will be marked as “Succeeded”:
Figure 6. Rollback Succeeded
Note that the rollback started a new Pipeline execution ID but it used the artifacts and variables from the prior successful pipeline execution.
With our production systems back in a healthy state, I can begin the investigations into why the deploy failed, the execution history, see Figure 7 below, shows the failed execution and allows the Execution ID to be inspected for more details on the failure.
Figure 7. Execution history showing the failed pipeline execution.
Note that the Trigger column also reports the FailedPipelineExecutionId, we can use the provided link to start investigating the failure.
Example 2 – Manual Rollbacks
There may be cases where the pipeline release was successful but it caused application errors such as errors in logs and infrastructure alarms. In these scenarios a manual rollback can be initiated via the Start rollback button.
Figure 8. Start rollback
When manually triggering a rollback, it is possible to select a specific Execution ID and Source revision to re-deploy:
Figure 9. Select Execution ID
Selecting Start rollback will create a new Pipeline execution in the stage with the selected source revisions.
Clean up
Instructions on how to clean up the resources created in this blog can be found in the last step of the tutorial used to create the pipeline: Step 7: Clean up resources.
The absence of a rollback strategy can lead to prolonged service disruptions and compatibility issues. Introducing an automatic rollback mechanism to stages within a release pipeline can reduce downtime, maintain system reliability and can help return to a stable state in the event of a fault. Having a rollback plan for deployments, without any disruption for our customers, is critical in making a service reliable. Explicitly testing for rollback safety eliminates the need to rely on manual analysis, which can be error-prone.
To learn more about CodePipeline rollbacks, visit
AWS CodePipeline is a managed continuous delivery service that automates your release pipelines for application and infrastructure updates. Today, CodePipeline adds triggers and new execution modes to support teams with various delivery strategies. These features give customers more choice in the pipelines they build.
In this post, I am going to show you how to use triggers and pipeline execution modes together to create three pipeline designs. These examples are requested by customers that practice branch-based development or manage multiple projects within a monorepo.
Pipeline #1: Create a GitFlow (multi-branch) release pipeline.
Pipeline #2: Run a pipeline on all pull requests (PRs).
Pipeline #3: Run a pipeline on a single folder within a monorepo.
As I walkthrough each of the pipelines you will learn more about these features and how to use them. After completing the blog, you can use triggers and execution modes to adapt these examples to your pipeline needs.
Pipeline #1 – Create a GitFlow (multi-branch) release pipeline
GitFlow is a development model that manages large projects with parallel development and releases using long-running branches. GitFlow uses two permanent branches, main and develop, along with supporting feature, release, and hotfix branches. Since I will cover triggering a pipeline from multiple branches, these concepts can be applied to simplify other multi-branch pipeline strategies such as GitHub flow.
I can create pipelines using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, AWS CloudFormation, or by writing code that calls the CodePipeline CreatePipeline API. In this blog, I will keep things simple by creating two pipelines, a release pipeline and a feature development pipeline. I start by navigating to the CodePipeline console and choosing Create pipeline.
In the first step, Pipeline settings, as per Figure 1 below, you will now see options for the newly added Execution modes – Queued and Parallel.
Figure 1. Example GitFlow release pipeline settings for Queued execution mode.
The execution mode of the pipeline determines the handling of multiple executions:
Superseded – an execution that started more recently can overtake one that began earlier. Before today, CodePipeline only supported Superseded execution mode.
Queued – the executions wait and do not overtake executions that have already started. Executions are processed one by one in the order that they are queued.
Parallel – the executions are independent of one another and do not wait for other executions to complete before starting.
The first pipeline, release pipeline, will trigger for main, develop, hotfix, and release branches. I select Queued, since I want to run every push to these branches in the order triggered by the pipeline. I make sure the Pipeline type chosen is V2 and I click Next.
Figure 2. Example source connection and repository.
In step two, Add source stage, I select my Source provider, Connection, Repository name, and Default branch. I need to use a source provider that uses a connection to my external code repository, in this example I’m using GitHub so I select Connect to GitHub. Connections authorize and establish configurations that associate a third-party provider such as GitHub with CodePipeline.
Now that I have my Source setup, I’m going to configure a Trigger. Triggers define the event type that starts the pipeline, such as a code push or pull request. I select the Specify filter from the Trigger types, since I want to add a filtered trigger.
For this pipeline, I select Push for the Event type. A push trigger starts a pipeline when a change is pushed to the source repository. The execution uses the files in the branch that is pushed to, the destination branch. Next, I select the Filter type of Branch. The branch filter type specifies the branches in GitHub connected repository that the trigger monitors in order to know when to start an execution.
There are two types of branch filters:
Include – the trigger will start a pipeline if the branch name matches the pattern.
Exclude – the trigger will NOT start a pipeline if the branch name matches the pattern.
Note: If Include and Exclude both have the same pattern, then the default is to exclude the pattern.
Branching patterns are entered in the glob format, detailed in Working with glob patterns in syntax, to specify the branch I want to trigger, I enter main,develop,hotfix/**,release/** in Include and I leave Exclude empty.
Figure 3. Example GitFlow release pipeline for push event type and branch filters.
I am done configuring the filters and I click Next.
To keep the focus of the blog on the pipeline and not the application, I will skip ahead to Create pipeline. If you are curious about by my application and build step, I followed the example in AWS CodeBuild adds support for AWS Lambda compute mode.
Next, I create the feature development pipeline. The feature development pipeline will trigger for feature branches. This time, I select the ParallelExecution mode, as developers should not be blocked by their peers working in other feature branches. I make sure the Pipeline type chosen is V2 and I click Next.
Figure 4. Example GitFlow feature pipeline settings for Queued execution mode.
In Step 2, the source provider and connection is setup the same as per the previous release pipeline, see Figure 2 above. Once the Source step is complete, I configure my Trigger with an Event type of Push, but this time I only enter feature/** for Include.
Figure 5. Example GitFlow feature pipeline for push event type and branch filters.
I am done configuring the filters and I skip forward to Create pipeline.
After the pipeline is finished creating, I can now see both of the pipelines I created – the release pipeline and the feature development pipeline.
Figure 6. Example GitFlow pipelines.
To verify my pipeline setup, I create and merge multiple code changes to feature branches and to the release branches – develop, release, and main. The Pipeline view now displays the executions that have been triggered by the matching branches. Note how these executions have been successfully added to the queue by the pipeline.
Figure 7. Example GitFlow release executions queued.
I have now implemented a GitFlow release pipeline. By using Branch filter types and Push event triggers, you can now extend this example to meet your branch-based development needs.
Pipeline #2 – Run a pipeline on all pull requests (PRs)
Before proceeding, I recommend you review the concepts covered in Pipeline #1, as you will build on that knowledge.
Triggering a pipeline on a pull request (PR) is a common continuous integration pattern to catch build and test failures before the PR is merged into the branch. A PR pipeline is often faster and lighter than the full release by limiting tests like security scans, validation tests, or performance tests to the changes in the PR rather than running them on every commit. Having a single pipeline triggered for all PRs allows reviewing and validating any proposed changes to the repository before merging.
To start I create a new pipeline, by clicking Create Pipeline. I change the Execution mode to Parallel. I choose Parallel because the development team will be working on multiple features at the same time and it is wasteful to wait for other executions to finish. I make sure the Pipeline type chosen is V2 and I click Next.
Figure 8. Example PR pipeline settings for Parallel execution mode.
As per the previous pipeline, the Source provider and connection is setup as show in Figure 2 above. Once the Source step is setup, I configure my Pull Request Trigger.
For this pipeline, I select Pull Request for the Event type. A pull request trigger starts a pipeline when a pull request is opened, updated, or closed in the source repository. The execution will use the files in the branch that the change is being pulled from, the source branch. Next, I select Pull request is created and New revision is made to pull request for Events for pull request. To match pull requests for all branches, I enter ** under Include for Branches and leave Exclude empty.
Figure 9. Example PR pipeline for pull request event type.
I will fast-forward to the Create pipeline, skipping the details of the build and deploy steps, similar to what I did in Pipeline #1.
Once the pipeline has finished creating, I open a few PRs in my GitHub repository as a test. Back in CodePipeline when I click on my pipeline, I notice the pipeline takes me straight to the Execution history view. The reason I’m redirected to the execution history is the pipeline execution mode is Parallel and all executions are independent. From this view, I see the Trigger column displaying details about each pull request that has triggered the pipeline.
Figure 10. Example PR pipeline with executions in parallel.
Note: To view an individual execution Pipeline, click the Execution ID.
I have now implemented a PR validation pipeline for all PRs across branches. By using Pull request event triggers and Branch filter types, you can now extend this example to meet your PR pipeline needs.
Pipeline #3 – Run a pipeline on a single folder within a monorepo
Before proceeding, I recommend you review the concepts covered in Pipeline #1, as you will build on that knowledge.
A monorepo is a software-development strategy where a single repository is used to contain the code for multiple projects. Running pipelines for each project contained in the monorepo on every commit can be inefficient, especially when each project requires different pipelines. For this pipeline example, I want to limit pipeline executions to only changes inside the infrastructure folder in the main branch. This can reduce cost, speed up deployments, and optimize resource usage.
To start, I create a new pipeline by clicking Create Pipeline. For this example, I keep the default Execution mode as Suspended, since I do not have any specific execution mode requirements. I make sure the Pipeline type chosen is V2 and I click Next.
As per the previous pipeline, the Source provider and connection is setup as per Figure 2 above. Once the Source step is complete, I configure my Trigger to focus on the infrastructure folder in the main branch.
For this pipeline, I select Push for the Event type. Next, I select the Filter type of Branch. To match pushes to only main, I enter main under Include for Branches and leave Exclude empty. Under File paths, for Include, I enter infrastructure/** and I leave Exclude empty. The file paths filter type specifies file path names in the source repository that the trigger monitors in order to know when to start an execution. Similar to branch filters, I can specify file path name patterns in glob format under Include and Exclude.
Figure 11. Example monorepo pipeline for push event type and file path filters.
I click Next, since I am done configuring the filters.
I will jump ahead to the Create pipeline, omitting the details of the build and deploy steps, like I did in Pipeline #1.
Once the pipeline has been created, I can test the pipeline Trigger in GitHub by making changes on the main branch inside and outside the infrastructure folder. To verify it is only invoking the pipelines inside the infrastructure folder, I open the History for the pipeline in CodePipeline. I confirm that only the changes I’m expecting are running.
Figure 12. Example monorepo pipeline with only infrastructure executions.
I have now selectively invoked a pipeline based on repository changes in a monorepo. By using File paths filter types, you can now extend this example to meet your monorepo release pipelines.
AWS CodePipeline’s new triggers and execution modes unlock new patterns for building pipelines on AWS. In this post, I discussed the new features and three popular pipeline patterns you can build. If you are creating GitFlow or your own multi-branch strategy, CodePipeline simplifies managing release pipelines for multi-branch models. Whether you are using File path filter types for monorepos or leveraging Parallel execution mode to unblock developers, CodePipeline accelerates the delivery of your software. Check out the AWS CodePipeline User Guide and hands-on tutorials to automate your delivery workflows today.
In this blog post, we delve into using Amazon Web Services (AWS) data protection services such as Amazon Secrets Manager,AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to help fortify both the security of the pipeline and security in the pipeline. We explore how these services contribute to the overall security of the DevOps pipeline infrastructure while enabling seamless integration of data protection measures. We also provide practical insights by demonstrating the implementation of these services within a DevOps pipeline for a three-tier WordPress web application deployed using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).
DevOps pipelines involve the continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of cloud infrastructure and applications, which can store and process sensitive data. The increasing adoption of DevOps pipelines for cloud infrastructure and application deployments has made the protection of sensitive data a critical priority for organizations.
Some examples of the types of sensitive data that must be protected in DevOps pipelines are:
Credentials: Usernames and passwords used to access cloud resources, databases, and applications.
Configuration files: Files that contain settings and configuration data for applications, databases, and other systems.
Certificates: TLS certificates used to encrypt communication between systems.
Secrets: Any other sensitive data used to access or authenticate with cloud resources, such as private keys, security tokens, or passwords for third-party services.
Unintended access or data disclosure can have serious consequences such as loss of productivity, legal liabilities, financial losses, and reputational damage. It’s crucial to prioritize data protection to help mitigate these risks effectively.
The concept of security of the pipeline encompasses implementing security measures to protect the entire DevOps pipeline—the infrastructure, tools, and processes—from potential security issues. While the concept of security in the pipeline focuses on incorporating security practices and controls directly into the development and deployment processes within the pipeline.
By using Secrets Manager, AWS KMS, and ACM, you can strengthen the security of your DevOps pipelines, safeguard sensitive data, and facilitate secure and compliant application deployments. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to establish a secure DevOps environment, providing the integrity of your pipeline infrastructure and protecting your organization’s sensitive data throughout the software delivery process.
Sample application architecture overview
WordPress was chosen as the use case for this DevOps pipeline implementation due to its popularity, open source nature, containerization support, and integration with AWS services. The sample architecture for the WordPress application in the AWS cloud uses the following services:
Amazon Route 53: A DNS web service that routes traffic to the correct AWS resource.
Amazon CloudFront: A global content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data and videos to users with low latency and high transfer speeds.
AWS WAF: A web application firewall that protects web applications from common web exploits.
AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS): A key management service that allows you to create and manage the encryption keys used to protect your data at rest.
AWS Secrets Manager: A service that provides the ability to rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials.
AWS CodePipeline: A fully managed continuous delivery service that helps to automate release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
AWS CodeBuild: A fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces ready-to-deploy software packages.
AWS CodeCommit: A secure, highly scalable, fully managed source-control service that hosts private Git repositories.
Before we explore the specifics of the sample application architecture in Figure 1, it’s important to clarify a few aspects of the diagram. While it displays only a single Availability Zone (AZ), please note that the application and infrastructure can be developed to be highly available across multiple AZs to improve fault tolerance. This means that even if one AZ is unavailable, the application remains operational in other AZs, providing uninterrupted service to users.
Figure 1: Sample application architecture
The flow of the data protection services in the post and depicted in Figure 1 can be summarized as follows:
First, we discuss securing your pipeline. You can use Secrets Manager to securely store sensitive information such as Amazon RDS credentials. We show you how to retrieve these secrets from Secrets Manager in your DevOps pipeline to access the database. By using Secrets Manager, you can protect critical credentials and help prevent unauthorized access, strengthening the security of your pipeline.
Next, we cover data encryption. With AWS KMS, you can encrypt sensitive data at rest. We explain how to encrypt data stored in Amazon RDS using AWS KMS encryption, making sure that it remains secure and protected from unauthorized access. By implementing KMS encryption, you add an extra layer of protection to your data and bolster the overall security of your pipeline.
Lastly, we discuss securing connections (data in transit) in your WordPress application. ACM is used to manage SSL/TLS certificates. We show you how to provision and manage SSL/TLS certificates using ACM and configure your Amazon EKS cluster to use these certificates for secure communication between users and the WordPress application. By using ACM, you can establish secure communication channels, providing data privacy and enhancing the security of your pipeline.
Note: The code samples in this post are only to demonstrate the key concepts. The actual code can be found on GitHub.
Securing sensitive data with Secrets Manager
In this sample application architecture, Secrets Manager is used to store and manage sensitive data. The AWS CloudFormation template provided sets up an Amazon RDS for MySQL instance and securely sets the master user password by retrieving it from Secrets Manager using KMS encryption.
Here’s how Secrets Manager is implemented in this sample application architecture:
Creating a Secrets Manager secret.
Create a Secrets Manager secret that includes the Amazon RDS database credentials using CloudFormation.
The secret is encrypted using an AWS KMS customer managed key.
The ManageMasterUserPassword: true line in the CloudFormation template indicates that the stack will manage the master user password for the Amazon RDS instance. To securely retrieve the password for the master user, the CloudFormation template uses the MasterUserSecret parameter, which retrieves the password from Secrets Manager. The KmsKeyId: !Ref RDSMySqlSecretEncryption line specifies the KMS key ID that will be used to encrypt the secret in Secrets Manager.
By setting the MasterUserSecret parameter to retrieve the password from Secrets Manager, the CloudFormation stack can securely retrieve and set the master user password for the Amazon RDS MySQL instance without exposing it in plain text. Additionally, specifying the KMS key ID for encryption adds another layer of security to the secret stored in Secrets Manager.
Retrieving secrets from Secrets Manager.
The secrets store CSI driver is a Kubernetes-native driver that provides a common interface for Secrets Store integration with Amazon EKS. The secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-aws is a specific provider that provides integration with the Secrets Manager.
To set up Amazon EKS, the first step is to create a SecretProviderClass, which specifies the secret ID of the Amazon RDS database. This SecretProviderClass is then used in the Kubernetes deployment object to deploy the WordPress application and dynamically retrieve the secrets from the secret manager during deployment. This process is entirely dynamic and verifies that no secrets are recorded anywhere. The SecretProviderClass is created on a specific app namespace, such as the wp namespace.
When using Secrets manager, be aware of the following best practices for managing and securing Secrets Manager secrets:
Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity policies to define who can perform specific actions on Secrets Manager secrets, such as reading, writing, or deleting them.
Secrets Manager resource policies can be used to manage access to secrets at a more granular level. This includes defining who has access to specific secrets based on attributes such as IP address, time of day, or authentication status.
Encrypt the Secrets Manager secret using an AWS KMS key.
Using CloudFormation templates to automate the creation and management of Secrets Manager secrets including rotation.
Use AWS CloudTrail to monitor access and changes to Secrets Manager secrets.
Use CloudFormation hooks to validate the Secrets Manager secret before and after deployment. If the secret fails validation, the deployment is rolled back.
Encrypting data with AWS KMS
Data encryption involves converting sensitive information into a coded form that can only be accessed with the appropriate decryption key. By implementing encryption measures throughout your pipeline, you make sure that even if unauthorized individuals gain access to the data, they won’t be able to understand its contents.
Here’s how data at rest encryption using AWS KMS is implemented in this sample application architecture:
Amazon RDS secret encryption
Encrypting secrets: An AWS KMS customer managed key is used to encrypt the secrets stored in Secrets Manager to ensure their confidentiality during the DevOps build process.
Enable encryption for an Amazon RDS instance using CloudFormation. Specify the KMS key ARN in the CloudFormation stack and RDS will use the specified KMS key to encrypt data at rest.
Sample code:
Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstanceProperties:
KmsKeyId: !Ref RDSMySqlDataEncryptionStorageEncrypted: trueRDSMySqlDataEncryption:Type: "AWS::KMS::Key"Properties:KeyPolicy:Id: rds-mysql-data-encryptionStatement:- Sid: Allow administration of the keyEffect: Allow"Action": ["kms:Create*","kms:Describe*","kms:Enable*","kms:List*","kms:Put*",...]- Sid: Allow use of the keyEffect: Allow"Action": ["kms:Decrypt","kms:GenerateDataKey","kms:DescribeKey"]
Kubernetes Pods storage
Use encrypted Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes to store configuration data. Create a managed encrypted Amazon EBS volume using the following code snippet, and then deploy a Kubernetes pod with the persistent volume claim (PVC) mounted as a volume.
Create a KMS key for Amazon ECR and use that key to encrypt the data at rest.
Automate the creation of encrypted ECR repositories and enable encryption at rest using a DevOps pipeline, use CodePipeline to automate the deployment of the CloudFormation stack.
Define the creation of encrypted Amazon ECR repositories as part of the pipeline.
AWS best practices for managing encryption keys in an AWS environment
To effectively manage encryption keys and verify the security of data at rest in an AWS environment, we recommend the following best practices:
Use separate AWS KMS customer managed KMS keys for data classifications to provide better control and management of keys.
Enforce separation of duties by assigning different roles and responsibilities for key management tasks, such as creating and rotating keys, setting key policies, or granting permissions. By segregating key management duties, you can reduce the risk of accidental or intentional key compromise and improve overall security.
Use CloudTrail to monitor AWS KMS API activity and detect potential security incidents.
Rotate KMS keys as required by your regulatory requirements.
Use CloudFormation hooks to validate KMS key policies to verify that they align with organizational and regulatory requirements.
Following these best practices and implementing encryption at rest for different services such as Amazon RDS, Kubernetes Pods storage, and Amazon ECR, will help ensure that data is encrypted at rest.
Securing communication with ACM
Secure communication is a critical requirement for modern environments and implementing it in a DevOps pipeline is crucial for verifying that the infrastructure is secure, consistent, and repeatable across different environments. In this WordPress application running on Amazon EKS, ACM is used to secure communication end-to-end. Here’s how to achieve this:
Provision TLS certificates with ACM using a DevOps pipeline
To provision TLS certificates with ACM in a DevOps pipeline, automate the creation and deployment of TLS certificates using ACM. Use AWS CloudFormation templates to create the certificates and deploy them as part of infrastructure as code. This verifies that the certificates are created and deployed consistently and securely across multiple environments.
Provisioning of ALB and integration of TLS certificate using AWS ALB Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
Use a DevOps pipeline to create and configure the TLS certificates and ALB. This verifies that the infrastructure is created consistently and securely across multiple environments.
To secure communication between CloudFront and the ALB, verify that the traffic from the client to CloudFront and from CloudFront to the ALB is encrypted using the TLS certificate.
To secure communication between the ALB and the Kubernetes Pods, use the Kubernetes ingress resource to terminate SSL/TLS connections at the ALB. The ALB sends the PROTO metadata http connection header to the WordPress web server. The web server checks the incoming traffic type (http or https) and enables the HTTPS connection only hereafter. This verifies that pod responses are sent back to ALB only over HTTPS.
Additionally, using the X-Forwarded-Proto header can help pass the original protocol information and help avoid issues with the $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] variable in WordPress.
To secure communication between the Kubernetes Pods in Amazon EKS and the Amazon RDS database, use SSL/TLS encryption on the database connection.
Configure an Amazon RDS MySQL instance with enhanced security settings to verify that only TLS-encrypted connections are allowed to the database. This is achieved by creating a DB parameter group with a parameter called require_secure_transport set to ‘1‘. The WordPress configuration file is also updated to enable SSL/TLS communication with the MySQL database. Then enable the TLS flag on the MySQL client and the Amazon RDS public certificate is passed to ensure that the connection is encrypted using the TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 protocol. The sample code that follows focuses on enhancing the security of the RDS MySQL instance by enforcing encrypted connections and configuring WordPress to use SSL/TLS for communication with the database.
Sample code:
Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup'Properties:
DBParameterGroupName: 'rds-tls-custom-mysql'Parameters:
require_secure_transport: '1'RDSMySQL:
Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstanceProperties:
DBName: 'wordpress'DBParameterGroupName: !Ref RDSDBParameterGroupwp-config-docker.php:
// Enable SSL/TLS between WordPress and MYSQL databasedefine('MYSQL_CLIENT_FLAGS', MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL);//This activates SSL modedefine('MYSQL_SSL_CA', '/usr/src/wordpress/amazon-global-bundle-rds.pem');
In this architecture, AWS WAF is enabled at CloudFront to protect the WordPress application from common web exploits. AWS WAF for CloudFront is recommended and use AWS managed WAF rules to verify that web applications are protected from common and the latest threats.
Here are some AWS best practices for securing communication with ACM:
Use SSL/TLS certificates: Encrypt data in transit between clients and servers. ACM makes it simple to create, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates across your infrastructure.
Use ACM-issued certificates: This verifies that your certificates are trusted by major browsers and that they are regularly renewed and replaced as needed.
Implement certificate revocation: Implement certificate revocation for SSL/TLS certificates that have been compromised or are no longer in use.
Implement strict transport security (HSTS): This helps protect against protocol downgrade attacks and verifies that SSL/TLS is used consistently across sessions.
Configure proper cipher suites: Configure your SSL/TLS connections to use only the strongest and most secure cipher suites.
Monitoring and auditing with CloudTrail
In this section, we discuss the significance of monitoring and auditing actions in your AWS account using CloudTrail. CloudTrail is a logging and tracking service that records the API activity in your AWS account, which is crucial for troubleshooting, compliance, and security purposes. Enabling CloudTrail in your AWS account and securely storing the logs in a durable location such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with encryption is highly recommended to help prevent unauthorized access. Monitoring and analyzing CloudTrail logs in real-time using CloudWatch Logs can help you quickly detect and respond to security incidents.
In a DevOps pipeline, you can use infrastructure-as-code tools such as CloudFormation, CodePipeline, and CodeBuild to create and manage CloudTrail consistently across different environments. You can create a CloudFormation stack with the CloudTrail configuration and use CodePipeline and CodeBuild to build and deploy the stack to different environments. CloudFormation hooks can validate the CloudTrail configuration to verify it aligns with your security requirements and policies.
It’s worth noting that the aspects discussed in the preceding paragraph might not apply if you’re using AWS Organizations and the CloudTrail Organization Trail feature. When using those services, the management of CloudTrail configurations across multiple accounts and environments is streamlined. This centralized approach simplifies the process of enforcing security policies and standards uniformly throughout the organization.
By following these best practices, you can effectively audit actions in your AWS environment, troubleshoot issues, and detect and respond to security incidents proactively.
Complete code for sample architecture for deployment
The complete code repository for the sample WordPress application architecture demonstrates how to implement data protection in a DevOps pipeline using various AWS services. The repository includes both infrastructure code and application code that covers all aspects of the sample architecture and implementation steps.
The infrastructure code consists of a set of CloudFormation templates that define the resources required to deploy the WordPress application in an AWS environment. This includes the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), subnets, security groups, Amazon EKS cluster, Amazon RDS instance, AWS KMS key, and Secrets Manager secret. It also defines the necessary security configurations such as encryption at rest for the RDS instance and encryption in transit for the EKS cluster.
The application code is a sample WordPress application that is containerized using Docker and deployed to the Amazon EKS cluster. It shows how to use the Application Load Balancer (ALB) to route traffic to the appropriate container in the EKS cluster, and how to use the Amazon RDS instance to store the application data. The code also demonstrates how to use AWS KMS to encrypt and decrypt data in the application, and how to use Secrets Manager to store and retrieve secrets. Additionally, the code showcases the use of ACM to provision SSL/TLS certificates for secure communication between the CloudFront and the ALB, thereby ensuring data in transit is encrypted, which is critical for data protection in a DevOps pipeline.
Strengthening the security and compliance of your application in the cloud environment requires automating data protection measures in your DevOps pipeline. This involves using AWS services such as Secrets Manager, AWS KMS, ACM, and AWS CloudFormation, along with following best practices.
By automating data protection mechanisms with AWS CloudFormation, you can efficiently create a secure pipeline that is reproducible, controlled, and audited. This helps maintain a consistent and reliable infrastructure.
Monitoring and auditing your DevOps pipeline with AWS CloudTrail is crucial for maintaining compliance and security. It allows you to track and analyze API activity, detect any potential security incidents, and respond promptly.
By implementing these best practices and using data protection mechanisms, you can establish a secure pipeline in the AWS cloud environment. This enhances the overall security and compliance of your application, providing a reliable and protected environment for your deployments.
If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.
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Cedar is an open-source language that you can use to authorize policies and make authorization decisions based on those policies. AWS security services including AWS Verified Access and Amazon Verified Permissions use Cedar to define policies. Cedar supports schema declaration for the structure of entity types in those policies and policy validation with that schema.
In this post, we show you how to use developer tools on AWS to implement a build pipeline that validates the Cedar policy files against a schema and runs a suite of tests to isolate the Cedar policy logic. As part of the walkthrough, you will introduce a subtle policy error that impacts permissions to observe how the pipeline tests catch the error. Detecting errors earlier in the development lifecycle is often referred to as shifting left. When you shift security left, you can help prevent undetected security issues during the application build phase.
This post extends a hypothetical photo sharing application from the Cedar policy language in action workshop. By using that app, users organize their photos into albums and share them with groups of users. Figure 1 shows the entities from the photo application.
Figure 1: Photo application entities
For the purpose of this post, the important requirements are that user JohnDoe has view access to the album JaneVacation, which contains two photos that user JaneDoe owns:
Photo sunset.jpg has a contest label (indicating that the role PhotoJudge has view access)
Photo nightclub.jpg has a private label (indicating that only the owner has access)
Cedar policies separate application permissions from the code that retrieves and displays photos. The following Cedar policy explicitly permits the principal of user JohnDoe to take the action viewPhoto on resources in the album JaneVacation.
permit (
principal == PhotoApp::User::"JohnDoe",
action == PhotoApp::Action::"viewPhoto",
resource in PhotoApp::Album::"JaneVacation"
The following Cedar policy forbids non-owners from accessing photos labeled as private, even if other policies permit access. In our example, this policy prevents John Doe from viewing the nightclub.jpg photo (denoted by an X in Figure 1).
forbid (
resource in PhotoApp::Application::"PhotoApp"
when { resource.labels.contains("private") }
unless { resource.owner == principal };
A Cedar authorization request asks the question: Can this principal take this action on this resource in this context? The request also includes attribute and parent information for the entities. If an authorization request is made with the following test data, against the Cedar policies and entity data described earlier, the authorization result should be DENY.
The project test suite uses this and other test data to validate the expected behaviors when policies are modified. An error intentionally introduced into the preceding forbid policy lets the first policy satisfy the request and ALLOW access. That unexpected test result compared to the requirements fails the build.
Developer tools on AWS
With AWS developer tools, you can host code and build, test, and deploy applications and infrastructure. AWS CodeCommit hosts the Cedar policies and a test suite, AWS CodeBuild runs the tests, and AWS CodePipeline automatically runs the CodeBuild job when a CodeCommit repository state change event occurs.
In the following steps, you will create a pipeline, commit policies and tests, run a passing build, and observe how a policy error during validation fails a test case.
To follow along with this walkthrough, make sure to complete the following prerequisites:
Before you commit this source code to a CodeCommit repository, run the test suite locally; this can help you shorten the feedback loop. To run the test suite locally, choose one of the following options:
Option 1: Install Rust and compile the Cedar CLI binary
Locally evaluate the buildspec.yml inside a CodeBuild container image by using the script from aws-codebuild-docker-images with the following parameters:
./ -i -a .codebuild
Project structure
The policystore directory contains one Cedar policy for each .cedar file. The Cedar schema is defined in the cedarschema.json file. A tests subdirectory contains a cedarentities.json file that represents the application data; its subdirectories (for example, album JaneVacation) represent the test suites. The test suite directories contain individual tests inside their ALLOW and DENY subdirectories, each with one or more JSON files that contain the authorization request that Cedar will evaluate against the policy set. A README file in the tests directory provides a summary of the test cases in the suite.
The script runs the Cedar CLI to perform a validate command for each .cedar file against the Cedar schema, outputting either PASS or ERROR. The script also performs an authorize command on each test file, outputting either PASS or FAIL depending on whether the results match the expected authorization decision.
Set up the CodePipeline
In this step, you use AWS CloudFormation to provision the services used in the pipeline.
To set up the pipeline
Navigate to the directory of the cloned repository.
cd cedar-policy-validation-pipeline
Create a new CloudFormation stack from the template.
Wait for the message Successfully created/updated stack.
Invoke CodePipeline
The next step is to commit the source code to a CodeCommit repository, and then configure and invoke CodePipeline.
To invoke CodePipeline
Add an additional Git remote named codecommit to the repository that you previously cloned. The following command points the Git remote to the CodeCommit repository that CloudFormation created. The CedarPolicyRepoCloneUrl stack output is the HTTPS clone URL. Replace it with CedarPolicyRepoCloneGRCUrl to use the HTTPS (GRC) clone URL when you connect to CodeCommit with git-remote-codecommit.
The build installs Rust in CodePipeline in your account and compiles the Cedar CLI. After approximately four minutes, the pipeline run status shows Succeeded.
Refactor some policies
This photo sharing application sample includes overlapping policies to simulate a refactoring workflow, where after changes are made, the test suite continues to pass. The DoePhotos.cedar and JaneVacation.cedarstatic policies are replaced by the logically equivalent viewPhoto.template.cedarpolicy template and two template-linked policies defined in cedartemplatelinks.json. After you delete the extra policies, the passing tests illustrate a successful refactor with the same expected application permissions.
To refactor policies
Delete DoePhotos.cedar and JaneVacation.cedar.
Commit the change to the repository.
git add .
git commit -m "Refactor some policies"
git push codecommit main
Check the pipeline progress. After about 20 seconds, the pipeline status shows Succeeded.
The second pipeline build runs quicker because the build specification is configured to cache a version of the Cedar CLI. Note that caching isn’t implemented in the local testing described in Option 2 of the local environment setup.
Break the build
After you confirm that you have a working pipeline that validates the Cedar policies, see what happens when you commit an invalid Cedar policy.
To break the build
Using a text editor, open the file policystore/Photo-labels-private.cedar.
In the when clause, change resource.labels to resource.label (removing the “s”). This policy syntax is valid, but no longer validates against the Cedar schema.
Commit the change to the repository.
git add .
git commit -m "Break the build"
git push codecommit main
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodePipeline console.
Wait for the Most recent execution field to show Failed.
Select the pipeline and choose View in CodeBuild.
Choose the Reports tab, and then choose the most recent report.
Review the report summary, which shows details such as the total number of Passed and Failed/Error test case totals, and the pass rate, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: CodeBuild test report summary
To get the error details, in the Details section, select the Test case called validate Photo-labels-private.cedar that has a Status of Error.
Figure 3: CodeBuild test report test cases
That single policy change resulted in two test cases that didn’t pass. The detailed error message shown in Figure 4 is the output from the Cedar CLI. When the policy was validated against the schema, Cedar found the invalid attribute label on the entity type PhotoApp::Photo. The Failed message of unexpected ALLOW occurred because the label attribute typo prevented the forbid policy from matching and producing a DENY result. Each of these tests helps you avoid deploying invalid policies.
Figure 4: CodeBuild test case error message
Clean up
To avoid ongoing costs and to clean up the resources that you deployed in your AWS account, complete the following steps:
To clean up the resources
Open the Amazon S3 console, select the bucket that begins with the phrase cedar-policy-validation-codepipelinebucket, and Empty the bucket.
Open the CloudFormation console, select the cedar-policy-validation stack, and then choose Delete.
Open the CodeBuild console, choose Build History, filter by cedar-policy-validation, select all results, and then choose Delete builds.
In this post, you learned how to use AWS developer tools to implement a pipeline that automatically validates and tests when Cedar policies are updated and committed to a source code repository. Using this approach, you can detect invalid policies and potential application permission errors earlier in the development lifecycle and before deployment.
AWS Signer is a fully managed code-signing service to help ensure the trust and integrity of your code. It helps you verify that the code comes from a trusted source and that an unauthorized party has not accessed it. AWS Signer manages code signing certificates and public and private keys, which can reduce the overhead of your public key infrastructure (PKI) management. It also provides a set of features to simplify lifecycle management of your keys and certificates so that you can focus on signing and verifying your code.
Containers and AWS Lambda functions are popular serverless compute solutions for applications built on the cloud. By using AWS Signer, you can verify that the software running in these workloads originates from a trusted source.
In this blog post, you will learn about the benefits of code signing for software security, governance, and compliance needs. Flexible continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) integration, management of signing identities, and native integration with other AWS services can help you simplify code security through automation.
Code signing is an important part of the software supply chain. It helps ensure that the code is unaltered and comes from an approved source.
To automate software development workflows, organizations often implement a CI/CD pipeline to push, test, and deploy code effectively. You can integrate code signing into the workflow to help prevent untrusted code from being deployed, as shown in Figure 1. Code signing in the pipeline can provide you with different types of information, depending on how you decide to use the functionality. For example, you can integrate code signing into the build stage to attest that the code was scanned for vulnerabilities, had its software bill of materials (SBOM) approved internally, and underwent unit and integration testing. You can also use code signing to verify who has pushed or published the code, such as a developer, team, or organization. You can verify each of these steps separately by including multiple signing stages in the pipeline. For more information on the value provided by container image signing, see Cryptographic Signing for Containers.
Figure 1: Security IN the pipeline
In the following section, we will walk you through a simple implementation of image signing and its verification for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) deployment. The signature attests that the container image went through the pipeline and came from a trusted source. You can use this process in more complex scenarios by adding multiple AWS CodeBuild code signing stages that make use of various AWS Signer signing profiles.
Services and tools
In this section, we discuss the various AWS services and third-party tools that you need for this solution.
CI/CD services
For the CI/CD pipeline, you will use the following AWS services:
AWS CodePipeline — a fully managed continuous delivery service that you can use to automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
AWS Signer — a fully managed code-signing service that you can use to help ensure the trust and integrity of your code.
AWS CodeBuild — A fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy.
Container services
You will use the following AWS services for containers for this walkthrough:
Amazon EKS — a managed Kubernetes service to run Kubernetes in the AWS Cloud and on-premises data centers.
Amazon ECR — a fully managed container registry for high-performance hosting, so that you can reliably deploy application images and artifacts anywhere.
Verification tools
The following are publicly available sign verification tools that we integrated into the pipeline for this post, but you could integrate other tools that meet your specific requirements.
Notation — A publicly available Notary project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). With contributions from AWS and others, Notary is an open standard and client implementation that allows for vendor-specific plugins for key management and other integrations. AWS Signer manages signing keys, key rotation, and PKI management for you, and is integrated with Notation through a curated plugin that provides a simple client-based workflow.
Kyverno — A publicly available policy engine that is designed for Kubernetes.
Solution overview
Figure 2: Solution architecture
Here’s how the solution works, as shown in Figure 2:
Developers push Dockerfiles and application code to CodeCommit. Each push to CodeCommit starts a pipeline hosted on CodePipeline.
CodeBuild packages the build, containerizes the application, and stores the image in the ECR registry.
CodeBuild retrieves a specific version of the image that was previously pushed to Amazon ECR. AWS Signer and Notation sign the image by using the signing profile established previously, as shown in more detail in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Signing images described
AWS Signer and Notation verify the signed image version and then deploy it to an Amazon EKS cluster.
If the image has not previously been signed correctly, the CodeBuild log displays an output similar to the following:
Error: signature verification failed: no signature is associated with "<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION><DIGEST>" , make sure the artifact was signed successfully
If there is a signature mismatch, the CodeBuild log displays an output similar to the following:
Error: signature verification failed for all the signatures associated with <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION><DIGEST>
Kyverno verifies the container image signature for use in the Amazon EKS cluster.
Figure 4 shows steps 4 and 5 in more detail.
Figure 4: Verification of image signature for Kubernetes
Before getting started, make sure that you have the following prerequisites in place:
A CodePipeline pipeline deployed with the CodeCommit repository as the code source and four CodeBuild stages: Build, ApplicationSigning, ApplicationDeployment, and VerifyContainerSign. The CI/CD pipeline should look like that in Figure 5.
The commands in the buildspec.yaml configuration file do the following:
Sign you in to Amazon ECR to work with the Docker images.
Reference the specific image that will be signed by using the commit hash (or another versioning strategy that your organization uses). This gets the digest.
Sign the container image by using the notation sign command. This command uses the container image digest, instead of the image tag.
Install the Notation CLI. In this example, you use the installer for Linux. For a list of installers for various operating systems, see the AWS Signer Developer Guide,
Sign the image by using the notation sign command.
Inspect the signed image to make sure that it was signed successfully by using the notation inspect command.
To verify the signed image, use the notation verify command. The output should look similar to the following:
Successfully verified signature for <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION><DIGEST>
(Optional) For troubleshooting, print the notation policy from the pipeline itself to check that it’s working as expected by running the notation policy show command:
notation policy show
For this, include the command in the pre_build phase after the notation version command in the buildspec.yaml configuration file.
After the notation policy show command runs, CodeBuild logs should display an output similar to the following:
To verify the image in Kubernetes, set up both Kyverno and the Kyverno-notation-AWS Signer in your EKS cluster. To get started with Kyverno and the Kyverno-notation-AWS Signer solution, see the installation instructions.
After you install Kyverno and Kyverno-notation-AWS Signer, verify that the controller is running—the STATUS should show Running:
$ kubectl get pods -n kyverno-notation-aws -w
kyverno-notation-aws-75b7ddbcfc-kxwjh 1/1 Running 0 6h58m
Configure the CodeBuild buildspec.yaml configuration file to verify that the images deployed in the cluster have been previously signed. You can use the following code to configure the buildspec.yaml file.
The commands in the buildspec.yaml configuration file do the following:
Set up the environment variables, such as the ECR repository URI and the Commit hash, to build the image tag. The kubectl tool will use this later to reference the container image that will be deployed with the Kubernetes objects.
Use kubectl to connect to the EKS cluster and insert the container image reference in the deployment.yaml file.
After the container is deployed, you can observe the kyverno-notation-aws controller and access its logs. You can check if the deployed image is signed. If the logs contain an error, stop the pipeline run with an error code, do a rollback to a previous version, or delete the deployment if you detect that the image isn’t signed.
Decommission the AWS resources
If you no longer need the resources that you provisioned for this post, complete the following steps to delete them.
Delete the IAM roles and policies that you used for the configuration of IAM roles for service accounts.
Revoke the AWS Signer signing profile that you created and used for the signing process by running the following command in the AWS CLI:
$ aws signer revoke-signing-profile
Delete signatures from the Amazon ECR repository. Make sure to replace <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID> and <AWS_REGION> with your own information.
# Use oras CLI, with Amazon ECR Docker Credential Helper, to delete signature
$ oras manifest delete <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>
Note: Using the ORAS project’s oras client, you can delete signatures and other reference type artifacts. It implements deletion by first removing the reference from an index, and then deleting the manifest.
In this post, you learned how to implement container image signing in a CI/CD pipeline by using AWS services such as CodePipeline, CodeBuild, Amazon ECR, and AWS Signer along with publicly available tools such as Notary and Kyverno. By implementing mandatory image signing in your pipelines, you can confirm that only validated and authorized container images are deployed to production. Automating the signing process and signature verification is vital to help securely deploy containers at scale. You also learned how to verify signed images both during deployment and at runtime in Kubernetes. This post provides valuable insights for anyone looking to add image signing capabilities to their CI/CD pipelines on AWS to provide supply chain security assurances. The combination of AWS managed services and publicly available tools provides a robust implementation.
If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.
Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.
Organizations are increasingly embracing a shift-left approach when it comes to security, actively integrating security considerations into their software development lifecycle (SDLC). This shift aligns seamlessly with modern software development practices such as DevSecOps and continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), making it a vital strategy in today’s rapidly evolving software development landscape. At its core, shift left promotes a security-as-code culture, where security becomes an integral part of the entire application lifecycle, starting from the initial design phase and extending all the way through to deployment. This proactive approach to security involves seamlessly integrating security measures into the CI/CD pipeline, enabling automated security testing and checks at every stage of development. Consequently, it accelerates the process of identifying and remediating security issues.
By identifying security vulnerabilities early in the development process, you can promptly address them, leading to significant reductions in the time and effort required for mitigation. Amazon Web Services (AWS) encourages this shift-left mindset, providing services that enable a seamless integration of security into your DevOps processes, fostering a more robust, secure, and efficient system. In this blog post we share how you can use Amazon CodeWhisperer, Amazon CodeGuru, and Amazon Inspector to automate and enhance code security.
CodeWhisperer is a versatile, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered code generation service that delivers real-time code recommendations. This innovative service plays a pivotal role in the shift-left strategy by automating the integration of crucial security best practices during the early stages of code development. CodeWhisperer is equipped to generate code in Python, Java, and JavaScript, effectively mitigating vulnerabilities outlined in the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10. It uses cryptographic libraries aligned with industry best practices, promoting robust security measures. Additionally, as you develop your code, CodeWhisperer scans for potential security vulnerabilities, offering actionable suggestions for remediation. This is achieved through generative AI, which creates code alternatives to replace identified vulnerable sections, enhancing the overall security posture of your applications.
Next, you can perform further vulnerability scanning of code repositories and supported integrated development environments (IDEs) with Amazon CodeGuru Security. CodeGuru Security is a static application security tool that uses machine learning to detect security policy violations and vulnerabilities. It provides recommendations for addressing security risks and generates metrics so you can track the security health of your applications. Examples of security vulnerabilities it can detect include resource leaks, hardcoded credentials, and cross-site scripting.
Finally, you can use Amazon Inspector to address vulnerabilities in workloads that are deployed. Amazon Inspector is a vulnerability management service that continually scans AWS workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. Amazon Inspector calculates a highly contextualized risk score for each finding by correlating common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) information with factors such as network access and exploitability. This score is used to prioritize the most critical vulnerabilities to improve remediation response efficiency. When started, it automatically discovers Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, container images residing in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), and AWS Lambda functions, at scale, and immediately starts assessing them for known vulnerabilities.
Figure 1: An architecture workflow of a developer’s code workflow
Amazon CodeWhisperer
CodeWhisperer is powered by a large language model (LLM) trained on billions of lines of code, including code owned by Amazon and open-source code. This makes it a highly effective AI coding companion that can generate real-time code suggestions in your IDE to help you quickly build secure software with prompts in natural language. CodeWhisperer can be used with four IDEs including AWS Toolkit for JetBrains, AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, AWS Lambda, and AWS Cloud9.
As you use CodeWhisperer it filters out code suggestions that include toxic phrases (profanity, hate speech, and so on) and suggestions that contain commonly known code structures that indicate bias. These filters help CodeWhisperer generate more inclusive and ethical code suggestions by proactively avoiding known problematic content. The goal is to make AI assistance more beneficial and safer for all developers.
CodeWhisperer can also scan your code to highlight and define security issues in real time. For example, using Python and JetBrains, if you write code that would write unencrypted AWS credentials to a log — a bad security practice — CodeWhisperer will raise an alert. Security scans operate at the project level, analyzing files within a user’s local project or workspace and then truncating them to create a payload for transmission to the server side.
Figure 2: CodeWhisperer performing a security scan in Visual Studio Code
Furthermore, the CodeWhisperer reference tracker detects whether a code suggestion might be similar to particular CodeWhisperer open source training data. The reference tracker can flag such suggestions with a repository URL and project license information or optionally filter them out. Using CodeWhisperer, you improve productivity while embracing the shift-left approach by implementing automated security best practices at one of the principal layers—code development.
CodeGuru Security
Amazon CodeGuru Security significantly bolsters code security by harnessing the power of machine learning to proactively pinpoint security policy violations and vulnerabilities. This intelligent tool conducts a thorough scan of your codebase and offers actionable recommendations to address identified issues. This approach verifies that potential security concerns are corrected early in the development lifecycle, contributing to an overall more robust application security posture.
CodeGuru Security relies on a set of security and code quality detectors crafted to identify security risks and policy violations. These detectors empower developers to spot and resolve potential issues efficiently.
CodeGuru Security allows manual scanning of existing code and automating integration with popular code repositories like GitHub and GitLab. It establishes an automated security check pipeline through either AWS CodePipeline or Bitbucket Pipeline. Moreover, CodeGuru Security integrates with Amazon Inspector Lambda code scanning, enabling automated code scans for your Lambda functions.
Notably, CodeGuru Security doesn’t just uncover security vulnerabilities; it also offers insights to optimize code efficiency. It identifies areas where code improvements can be made, enhancing both security and performance aspects within your applications.
Initiating CodeGuru Security is a straightforward process, accessible through the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDKs, and multiple integrations. This allows you to run code scans, review recommendations, and implement necessary updates, fostering a continuous improvement cycle that bolsters the security stance of your applications.
Use Amazon CodeGuru to scan code directly and in a pipeline
Use the following steps to create a scan in CodeGuru to scan code directly and to integrate CodeGuru with AWS CodePipeline.
Note: You must provide sample code to scan.
Scan code directly
Open the AWS Management Console using your organization management account and go to Amazon CodeGuru.
In the navigation pane, select Security and then select Scans.
Choose Create new scan to start your manual code scan.
Figure 3: Scans overview
On the Create Scan page:
Choose Choose file to upload your code.
Note: The file must be in .zip format and cannot exceed 5 GB.
Enter a unique name to identify your scan.
Choose Create scan.
Figure 4: Create scan
After you create the scan, the configured scan will automatically appear in the Scans table, where you see the Scan name, Status, Open findings, Date of last scan, and Revision number (you review these findings later in the Findings section of this post).
Figure 5: Scan update
Automated scan using AWS CodePipeline integration
Still in the CodeGuru console, in the navigation pane under Security, select Integrations. On the Integrations page, select Integration with AWS CodePipeline. This will allow you to have an automated security scan inside your CI/CD pipeline.
Figure 6: CodeGuru integrations
Next, choose Open template in CloudFormation to create a CodeBuild project to allow discovery of your repositories and run security scans.
Figure 7: CodeGuru and CodePipeline integration
The CloudFormation template is already entered. Select the acknowledge box, and then choose Create stack.
Figure 8: CloudFormation quick create stack
If you already have a pipeline integration, go to Step 2 and select CodePipeline console. If this is your first time using CodePipeline, this blog post explains how to integrate it with AWS CI/CD services.
Figure 9: Integrate with AWS CodePipeline
Choose Edit.
Figure 10: CodePipeline with CodeGuru integration
Choose Add stage.
Figure 11: Add Stage in CodePipeline
On the Edit action page:
Enter a stage name.
For the stage you just created, choose Add action group.
For Action provider, select CodeBuild.
For Input artifacts, select SourceArtifact.
For Project name, select CodeGuruSecurity.
Choose Done, and then choose Save.
Figure 12: Add action group
Test CodeGuru Security
You have now created a security check stage for your CI/CD pipeline. To test the pipeline, choose Release change.
Figure 13: CodePipeline with successful security scan
If your code was successfully scanned, you will see Succeeded in the Most recent execution column for your pipeline.
Figure 14: CodePipeline dashboard with successful security scan
To analyze the findings of your scan, select Findings under Security, and you will see the findings for the scans whether manually done or through integrations. Each finding will show the vulnerability, the scan it belongs to, the severity level, the status of an open case or closed case, the age, and the time of detection.
Figure 15: Findings inside CodeGuru security
To view a summary of the insights and findings from your scan, select Dashboard, under Security, and you will see high level summary of your findings overview and a vulnerability fix overview.
Figure 16:Findings inside CodeGuru dashboard
Amazon Inspector
Your journey with the shift-left model extends beyond code deployment. After scanning your code repositories and using tools like CodeWhisperer and CodeGuru Security to proactively reduce security risks before code commits to a repository, your code might still encounter potential vulnerabilities after being deployed to production. For instance, faulty software updates can introduce risks to your application. Continuous vigilance and monitoring after deployment are crucial.
This is where Amazon Inspector offers ongoing assessment throughout your resource lifecycle, automatically rescanning resources in response to changes. Amazon Inspector seamlessly complements the shift-left model by identifying vulnerabilities as your workload operates in a production environment.
Amazon Inspector continuously scans various components, including Amazon EC2, Lambda functions, and container workloads, seeking out software vulnerabilities and inadvertent network exposure. Its user-friendly features include enablement in a few clicks, continuous and automated scanning, and robust support for multi-account environments through AWS Organizations. After activation, it autonomously identifies workloads and presents real-time coverage details, consolidating findings across accounts and resources.
Distinguishing itself from traditional security scanning software, Amazon Inspector has minimal impact on your fleet’s performance. When vulnerabilities or open network paths are uncovered, it generates detailed findings, including comprehensive information about the vulnerability, the affected resource, and recommended remediation. When you address a finding appropriately, Amazon Inspector autonomously detects the remediation and closes the finding.
The findings you receive are prioritized according to a contextualized Inspector risk score, facilitating prompt analysis and allowing for automated remediation.
Additionally, Amazon Inspector provides robust management APIs for comprehensive programmatic access to the Amazon Inspector service and resources. You can also access detailed findings through Amazon EventBridge and seamlessly integrate them into AWS Security Hub for a comprehensive security overview.
Scan workloads with Amazon Inspector
Use the following examples to learn how to use Amazon Inspector to scan AWS workloads.
Open the Amazon Inspector console in your AWS Organizations management account. In the navigation pane, select Activate Inspector.
Under Delegated administrator, enter the account number for your desired account to grant it all the permissions required to manage Amazon Inspector for your organization. Consider using your Security Tooling account as delegated administrator for Amazon Inspector. Choose Delegate. Then, in the confirmation window, choose Delegate again. When you select a delegated administrator, Amazon Inspector is activated for that account. Now, choose Activate Inspector to activate the service in your management account.
Figure 17: Set the delegated administrator account ID for Amazon Inspector
You will see a green success message near the top of your browser window and the Amazon Inspector dashboard, showing a summary of data from the accounts.
Figure 18: Amazon Inspector dashboard after activation
Explore Amazon Inspector
From the Amazon Inspector console in your delegated administrator account, in the navigation pane, select Account management. Because you’re signed in as the delegated administrator, you can enable and disable Amazon Inspector in the other accounts that are part of your organization. You can also automatically enable Amazon Inspector for new member accounts.
In the navigation pane, select Findings. Using the contextualized Amazon Inspector risk score, these findings are sorted into several severity ratings.
The contextualized Amazon Inspector risk score is calculated by correlating CVE information with findings such as network access and exploitability.
This score is used to derive severity of a finding and prioritize the most critical findings to improve remediation response efficiency.
Figure 20: Findings in Amazon Inspector sorted by severity (default)
When you enable Amazon Inspector, it automatically discovers all of your Amazon EC2 and Amazon ECR resources. It scans these workloads to detect vulnerabilities that pose risks to the security of your compute workloads. After the initial scan, Amazon Inspector continues to monitor your environment. It automatically scans new resources and re-scans existing resources when changes are detected. As vulnerabilities are remediated or resources are removed from service, Amazon Inspector automatically updates the associated security findings.
In order to successfully scan EC2 instances, Amazon Inspector requires inventory collected by AWS Systems Manager and the Systems Manager agent. This is installed by default on many EC2 instances. If you find some instances aren’t being scanned by Amazon Inspector, this might be because they aren’t being managed by Systems Manager.
Select a findings title to see the associated report.
Each finding provides a description, severity rating, information about the affected resource, and additional details such as resource tags and how to remediate the reported vulnerability.
Amazon Inspector stores active findings until they are closed by remediation. Findings that are closed are displayed for 30 days.
Integrate CodeGuru Security with Amazon Inspector to scan Lambda functions
Amazon Inspector and CodeGuru Security work harmoniously together. CodeGuru Security is available through Amazon Inspector Lambda code scanning. After activating Lambda code scanning, you can configure automated code scans to be performed on your Lambda functions.
Use the following steps to configure Amazon CodeGuru Security with Amazon Inspector Lambda code scanning to evaluate Lambda functions.
Open the Amazon Inspector console and select Account management from the navigation pane.
Select the AWS account you want to activate Lambda code scanning in.
Figure 22: Activating AWS Lambda code scanning from the Amazon Inspector Account management console
Choose Activate and select AWS Lambda code scanning.
With Lambda code scanning activated, security findings for your Lambda function code will appear in the All findings section of Amazon Inspector.
Amazon Inspector plays a crucial role in maintaining the highest security standards for your resources. Whether you’re installing a new package on an EC2 instance, applying a software patch, or when a new CVE affecting a specific resource is disclosed, Amazon Inspector can assist with quick identification and remediation.
Incorporating security at every stage of the software development lifecycle is paramount and requires that security be a consideration from the outset. Shifting left enables security teams to reduce overall application security risks.
Using these AWS services — Amazon CodeWhisperer, Amazon CodeGuru and Amazon Inspector — not only aids in early risk identification and mitigation, it empowers your development and security teams, leading to more efficient and secure business outcomes.
Amazon EC2 – With multi-VPC ENI attachments, you can launch an instance with a primary elastic network interface (ENI) in one virtual private cloud (VPC) and attach a secondary ENI from another VPC. This helps maintain network-level segregation, but still allows specific workloads (like centralized appliances and databases) to communicate between them.
Amazon MemoryDB – Now supports Graviton3-based R7g nodes that deliver up to 28 percent increased throughput compared to R6g. These nodes also deliver higher networking bandwidth.
Other AWS news Here are a few posts from some of the other AWS and cloud blogs that I follow:
Upcoming AWS events Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events
AWS Community Days – Join a community-led conference run by AWS user group leaders in your region: Jaipur (November 4), Vadodara (November 4), Brasil (November 4), Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia on November 17-18), and Guatemala (November 18).
Customers often ask for help with implementing Blue/Green deployments to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) using AWS CodeDeploy. Their use cases usually involve cross-Region and cross-account deployment scenarios. These requirements are challenging enough on their own, but in addition to those, there are specific design decisions that need to be considered when using CodeDeploy. These include how to configure CodeDeploy, when and how to create CodeDeploy resources (such as Application and Deployment Group), and how to write code that can be used to deploy to any combination of account and Region.
Today, I will discuss those design decisions in detail and how to use CDK Pipelines to implement a self-mutating pipeline that deploys services to Amazon ECS in cross-account and cross-Region scenarios. At the end of this blog post, I also introduce a demo application, available in Java, that follows best practices for developing and deploying cloud infrastructure using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).
The Pipeline
CDK Pipelines is an opinionated construct library used for building pipelines with different deployment engines. It abstracts implementation details that developers or infrastructure engineers need to solve when implementing a cross-Region or cross-account pipeline. For example, in cross-Region scenarios, AWS CloudFormation needs artifacts to be replicated to the target Region. For that reason, AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys, an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, and policies need to be created for the secondary Region. This enables artifacts to be moved from one Region to another. In cross-account scenarios, CodeDeploy requires a cross-account role with access to the KMS key used to encrypt configuration files. This is the sort of detail that our customers want to avoid dealing with manually.
AWS CodeDeploy is a deployment service that automates application deployment across different scenarios. It deploys to Amazon EC2 instances, On-Premises instances, serverless Lambda functions, or Amazon ECS services. It integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM), to implement access control to deploy or re-deploy old versions of an application. In the Blue/Green deployment type, it is possible to automate the rollback of a deployment using Amazon CloudWatch Alarms.
CDK Pipelines was designed to automate AWS CloudFormation deployments. Using AWS CDK, these CloudFormation deployments may include deploying application software to instances or containers. However, some customers prefer using CodeDeploy to deploy application software. In this blog post, CDK Pipelines will deploy using CodeDeploy instead of CloudFormation.
Design Considerations
In this post, I’m considering the use of CDK Pipelines to implement different use cases for deploying a service to any combination of accounts (single-account & cross-account) and regions (single-Region & cross-Region) using CodeDeploy. More specifically, there are four problems that need to be solved:
CodeDeploy Configuration
The most popular options for implementing a Blue/Green deployment type using CodeDeploy are using CloudFormation Hooks or using a CodeDeploy construct. I decided to operate CodeDeploy using its configuration files. This is a flexible design that doesn’t rely on using custom resources, which is another technique customers have used to solve this problem. On each run, a pipeline pushes a container to a repository on Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and creates a tag. CodeDeploy needs that information to deploy the container.
I recommend creating a pipeline action to scan the AWS CDK cloud assembly and retrieve the repository and tag information. The same action can create the CodeDeploy configuration files. Three configuration files are required to configure CodeDeploy: appspec.yaml, taskdef.json and imageDetail.json. This pipeline action should be executed before the CodeDeploy deployment action. I recommend creating template files for appspec.yaml and taskdef.json. The following script can be used to implement the pipeline action:
# Action Configure AWS CodeDeploy
# It customizes the files template-appspec.yaml and template-taskdef.json to the environment
# Account = The target Account Id
# AppName = Name of the application
# StageName = Name of the stage
# Region = Name of the region (us-east-1, us-east-2)
# PipelineId = Id of the pipeline
# ServiceName = Name of the service. It will be used to define the role and the task definition name
# Primary output directory is codedeploy/. All the 3 files created (appspec.json, imageDetail.json and
# taskDef.json) will be located inside the codedeploy/ directory
repo_name=$(cat assembly*$PipelineId-$StageName/*.assets.json | jq -r '.dockerImages[] | .destinations[] | .repositoryName' | head -1)
tag_name=$(cat assembly*$PipelineId-$StageName/*.assets.json | jq -r '.dockerImages | to_entries[0].key')
echo ${repo_name}
echo ${tag_name}
printf '{"ImageURI":"%s"}' "$Account.dkr.ecr.$${repo_name}:${tag_name}" > codedeploy/imageDetail.json
sed 's#APPLICATION#'$AppName'#g' codedeploy/template-appspec.yaml > codedeploy/appspec.yaml
sed 's#APPLICATION#'$AppName'#g' codedeploy/template-taskdef.json | sed 's#TASK_EXEC_ROLE#arn:aws:iam::'$Account':role/'$ServiceName'#g' | sed 's#fargate-task-definition#'$ServiceName'#g' > codedeploy/taskdef.json
cat codedeploy/appspec.yaml
cat codedeploy/taskdef.json
cat codedeploy/imageDetail.json
Using a Toolchain
A good strategy is to encapsulate the pipeline inside a Toolchain to abstract how to deploy to different accounts and regions. This helps decoupling clients from the details such as how the pipeline is created, how CodeDeploy is configured, and how cross-account and cross-Region deployments are implemented. To create the pipeline, deploy a Toolchain stack. Out-of-the-box, it allows different environments to be added as needed. Depending on the requirements, the pipeline may be customized to reflect the different stages or waves that different components might require. For more information, please refer to our best practices on how to automate safe, hands-off deployments and its reference implementation.
In detail, the Toolchain stack follows the builder pattern used throughout the CDK for Java. This is a convenience that allows complex objects to be created using a single statement:
In the statement above, the continuous deployment pipeline is created in the TOOLCHAIN_ACCOUNT and TOOLCHAIN_REGION. It implements a stage that builds the source code and creates the Java archive (JAR) using Apache Maven. The pipeline then creates a Docker image containing the JAR file.
The UAT stage will deploy the service to the SERVICE_ACCOUNT and SERVICE_REGION using the deployment configuration CANARY_10_PERCENT_5_MINUTES. This means 10 percent of the traffic is shifted in the first increment and the remaining 90 percent is deployed 5 minutes later.
To create additional deployment stages, you need a stage name, a CodeDeploy deployment configuration and an environment where it should deploy the service. As mentioned, the pipeline is, by default, a self-mutating pipeline. For example, to add a Prod stage, update the code that creates the Toolchain object and submit this change to the code repository. The pipeline will run and update itself adding a Prod stage after the UAT stage. Next, I show in detail the statement used to add a new Prod stage. The new stage deploys to the same account and Region as in the UAT environment:
In the statement above, the Prod stage will deploy new versions of the service using a CodeDeploy deployment configurationCANARY_10_PERCENT_5_MINUTES. It means that 10 percent of traffic is shifted in the first increment of 5 minutes. Then, it shifts the rest of the traffic to the new version of the application. Please refer to Organizing Your AWS Environment Using Multiple Accounts whitepaper for best-practices on how to isolate and manage your business applications.
Some customers might find this approach interesting and decide to provide this as an abstraction to their application development teams. In this case, I advise creating a construct that builds such a pipeline. Using a construct would allow for further customization. Examples are stages that promote quality assurance or deploy the service in a disaster recovery scenario.
The implementation creates a stack for the toolchain and another stack for each deployment stage. As an example, consider a toolchain created with a single deployment stage named UAT. After running successfully, the DemoToolchain and DemoService-UAT stacks should be created as in the next image:
CodeDeploy Application and Deployment Group
CodeDeploy configuration requires an application and a deployment group. Depending on the use case, you need to create these in the same or in a different account from the toolchain (pipeline). The pipeline includes the CodeDeploy deployment action that performs the blue/green deployment. My recommendation is to create the CodeDeploy application and deployment group as part of the Service stack. This approach allows to align the lifecycle of CodeDeploy application and deployment group with the related Service stack instance.
CodePipeline allows to create a CodeDeploy deployment action that references a non-existing CodeDeploy application and deployment group. This allows us to implement the following approach:
Toolchain stack deploys the pipeline with CodeDeploy deployment action referencing a non-existing CodeDeploy application and deployment group
When the pipeline executes, it first deploys the Service stack that creates the related CodeDeploy application and deployment group
The next pipeline action executes the CodeDeploy deployment action. When the pipeline executes the CodeDeploy deployment action, the related CodeDeploy application and deployment will already exist.
Below is the pipeline code that references the (initially non-existing) CodeDeploy application and deployment group.
To make this work, you should use the same application name and deployment group name values when creating the CodeDeploy deployment action in the pipeline and when creating the CodeDeploy application and deployment group in the Service stack (where the Amazon ECS infrastructure is deployed). This approach is necessary to avoid a circular dependency error when trying to create the CodeDeploy application and deployment group inside the Service stack and reference these objects to configure the CodeDeploy deployment action inside the pipeline. Below is the code that uses Service stack construct ID to name the CodeDeploy application and deployment group. I set the Service stack construct ID to the same name I used when creating the CodeDeploy deployment action in the pipeline.
CDK Pipelines creates roles and permissions the pipeline uses to execute deployments in different scenarios of regions and accounts. When using CodeDeploy in cross-account scenarios, CDK Pipelines deploys a cross-account support stack that creates a pipeline action role for the CodeDeploy action. This cross-account support stack is defined in a JSON file that needs to be published to the AWS CDK assets bucket in the target account. If the pipeline has the self-mutation feature on (default), the UpdatePipeline stage will do a cdk deploy to deploy changes to the pipeline. In cross-account scenarios, this deployment also involves deploying/updating the cross-account support stack. For this, the SelfMutate action in UpdatePipeline stage needs to assume CDK file-publishing and a deploy roles in the remote account.
The IAM role associated with the AWS CodeBuild project that runs the UpdatePipeline stage does not have these permissions by default. CDK Pipelines cannot grant these permissions automatically, because the information about the permissions that the cross-account stack needs is only available after the AWS CDK app finishes synthesizing. At that point, the permissions that the pipeline has are already locked-in. Hence, for cross-account scenarios, the toolchain should extend the permissions of the pipeline’s UpdatePipeline stage to include the file-publishing and deploy roles.
In cross-account environments it is possible to manually add these permissions to the UpdatePipeline stage. To accomplish that, the Toolchain stack may be used to hide this sort of implementation detail. In the end, a method like the one below can be used to add these missing permissions. For each different mapping of stage and environment in the pipeline it validates if the target account is different than the account where the pipeline is deployed. When the criteria is met, it should grant permission to the UpdatePipeline stage to assume CDK bootstrap roles (tagged using key aws-cdk:bootstrap-role) in the target account (with the tag value as file-publishing or deploy). The example below shows how to add permissions to the UpdatePipeline stage:
Let’s consider a pipeline that has a single deployment stage, UAT. The UAT stage deploys a DemoService. For that, it requires four actions: DemoService-UAT (Prepare and Deploy), ConfigureBlueGreenDeploy and Deploy.
The DemoService-UAT.Deploy action will create the ECS resources and the CodeDeploy application and deployment group. The ConfigureBlueGreenDeploy action will read the AWS CDK cloud assembly. It uses the configuration files to identify the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository and the container image tag pushed. The pipeline will send this information to the Deploy action. The Deploy action starts the deployment using CodeDeploy.
Solution Overview
As a convenience, I created an application, written in Java, that solves all these challenges and can be used as an example. The application deployment follows the same 5 steps for all deployment scenarios of account and Region, and this includes the scenarios represented in the following design:
In this post, I identified, explained and solved challenges associated with the creation of a pipeline that deploys a service to Amazon ECS using CodeDeploy in different combinations of accounts and regions. I also introduced a demo application that implements these recommendations. The sample code can be extended to implement more elaborate scenarios. These scenarios might include automated testing, automated deployment rollbacks, or disaster recovery. I wish you success in your transformative journey.
In a few days, I will board a plane towards the south. My tour around Latin America starts. But I won’t be alone in this adventure, you can find some other News Blog authors, like Jeff or Seb, speaking at AWS Community Days and local events in Peru, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. If you see us, come and say hi. We would love to meet you.
Last Week’s Launches Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week.
AWS AppSync now supports JavaScript for all resolvers in GraphQL APIs – Last year, we announced that AppSync now supports JavaScript pipeline resolvers. And starting last week, developers can use JavaScript to write unit resolvers, pipeline resolvers, and AppSync functions that are run on the AppSync Javascript runtime.
AWS CodePipeline now supports GitLab – Now you can use your source repository to build, test, and deploy code changes using AWS CodePipeline, in addition to other providers like AWS CodeCommit, Bitbucket,, and GitHub Enterprise Server.
New instance types: Amazon EC2 M7a and Amazon EC2 Hpc7a – The new Amazon EC2 M7a is a general purpose instance type powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC processor. In the announcement blog, you can find all the specifics for this instance type. The new Amazon EC2 Hpc7a instances are also powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors. These instance types are optimized for high performance computing and Channy Yun wrote a blog post describing the different characteristics of the Amazon EC2 Hpc7a instance type.
AWS DeepRacer Educator Playbooks – Last week we introduced the AWS DeepRacer educator playblooks, these are a tool for educators to integrate foundational machine learning (ML) curriculum and labs into their classrooms. Educators can use these playbooks to easily upskill students in the basics of ML with autonomous vehicles.
The Official AWS Podcast – Listen each week for updates on the latest AWS news and deep dives into exciting use cases. There are also official AWS podcasts in several languages. Check out the ones in French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
AWS Open-Source News and Updates – This is a newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo to bring you the latest open source projects, posts, events, and more.
Upcoming AWS Events Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:
JoinAWS Hybrid Cloud & Edge Day to learn how to deploy your applications in the everywhere cloud
AWS Global Summits – The 2023 AWS Summits season is almost ending with the last two in-person events in Mexico City (August 30) and Johannesburg (September 26).
AWS re:Invent (November 27–December 1) – But don’t worry because re:Invent season is coming closer. Join us to hear the latest from AWS, learn from experts, and connect with the global cloud community. Registration is now open.
AWS Community Days – Join a community-led conference run by AWS user group leaders in your region:Taiwan (August 26), Aotearoa (September 6), Lebanon (September 9), Munich (September 14), Argentina (September 16), Spain (September 23), and Chile (September 30). Check all the upcoming AWS Community Days here.
CDK Day (September 29) – A community-led fully virtual event with tracks in English and in Spanish about CDK and related projects. Learn more in the website.
That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!
A deployment pipeline typically comprises several stages such as dev, test, and prod, which ensure that changes undergo testing before reaching the production environment. To improve the reliability and stability of release processes, DevOps teams must review Infrastructure as Code (IaC) changes before applying them in production. As a result, implementing a mechanism for notification and manual approval that grants stakeholders improved access to changes in their release pipelines has become a popular practice for DevOps teams.
Notifications keep development teams and stakeholders informed in real-time about updates and changes to deployment status within release pipelines. Manual approvals establish thresholds for transitioning a change from one stage to the next in the pipeline. They also act as a guardrail to mitigate risks arising from errors and rework because of faulty deployments.
Please note that manual approvals, as described in this post, are not a replacement for the use of automation. Instead, they complement automated checks within the release pipeline.
In this blog post, we describe how to set up notifications and add a manual approval stage to AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) Pipeline.
CDK Pipeline
CDK Pipelines is a construct library for painless continuous delivery of CDK applications. CDK Pipelines can automatically build, test, and deploy changes to CDK resources. CDK Pipelines are self-mutating which means as application stages or stacks are added, the pipeline automatically reconfigures itself to deploy those new stages or stacks. Pipelines need only be manually deployed once, afterwards, the pipeline keeps itself up to date from the source code repository by pulling the changes pushed to the repository.
Adding notifications to a pipeline provides visibility to changes made to the environment by utilizing the NotificationRule construct. You can also use this rule to notify pipeline users of important changes, such as when a pipeline starts execution. Notification rules specify both the events and the targets, such as Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic or AWS Chatbot clients configured for Slack which represents the nominated recipients of the notifications. An SNS topic is a logical access point that acts as a communication channel while Chatbot is an AWS service that enables DevOps and software development teams to use messaging program chat rooms to monitor and respond to operational events.
Manual Approval
In a CDK pipeline, you can incorporate an approval action at a specific stage, where the pipeline should pause, allowing a team member or designated reviewer to manually approve or reject the action. When an approval action is ready for review, a notification is sent out to alert the relevant parties. This combination of notifications and approvals ensures timely and efficient decision-making regarding crucial actions within the pipeline.
Solution Overview
The solution explains a simple web service that is comprised of an AWS Lambda function that returns a static web page served by Amazon API Gateway. Since Continuous Deployment and Continuous Integration (CI/CD) are important components to most web projects, the team implements a CDK Pipeline for their web project.
There are two important stages in this CDK pipeline; the Pre-production stage for testing and the Production stage, which contains the end product for users.
The flow of the CI/CD process to update the website starts when a developer pushes a change to the repository using their Integrated Development Environment (IDE). An Amazon CloudWatch event triggers the CDK Pipeline. Once the changes reach the pre-production stage for testing, the CI/CD process halts. This is because a manual approval gate is between the pre-production and production stages. So, it becomes a stakeholder’s responsibility to review the changes in the pre-production stage before approving them for production. The pipeline includes an SNS notification that notifies the stakeholder whenever the pipeline requires manual approval.
After approving the changes, the CI/CD process proceeds to the production stage and the updated version of the website becomes available to the end user. If the approver rejects the changes, the process ends at the pre-production stage with no impact to the end user.
The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.
Figure 1. This image shows the CDK pipeline process in our solution and how applications or updates are deployed using AWS Lambda Function to end users.
For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:
A basic understanding of CDK and CDK Pipelines. Please go through the Python Workshop on to follow along with the code examples and get hands-on learning about CDK and related concepts.
Since the pipeline stack is being modified, there may be a need to run cdk deploy locally again.
NOTE: The CDK Pipeline code structure used in the CDK workshop can be found here: Pipeline stack Code.
Add notification to the pipeline
In this tutorial, perform the following steps:
Add the import statements for AWS CodeStar notifications and SNS to the import section of the pipeline stack py
import aws_cdk.aws_codestarnotifications as notifications
import aws_cdk.pipelines as pipelines
import aws_cdk.aws_sns as sns
import aws_cdk.aws_sns_subscriptions as subs
Ensure the pipeline is built by calling the ‘build pipeline’ function.
Create an SNS topic.
topic = sns.Topic(self, "MyTopic1")
Add a subscription to the topic. This specifies where the notifications are sent (Add the stakeholders’ email here).
Assign the source the value pipeline.pipeline The first pipeline is the name of the CDK pipeline(variable) and the .pipeline is to show it is a pipeline(function).
Define the events to be monitored. Specify notifications for when the pipeline starts, when it fails, when the execution succeeds, and finally when manual approval is needed.
Add the ManualApprovalStep import to the aws_cdk.pipelines import statement.
from aws_cdk.pipelines import (
Add the ManualApprovalStep to the production stage. The code must be added to the add_stage() function.
prod = WorkshopPipelineStage(self, "Prod")
prod_stage = pipeline.add_stage(prod,
pre = [ManualApprovalStep('PromoteToProduction')])
When a stage is added to a pipeline, you can specify the pre and post steps, which are arbitrary steps that run before or after the contents of the stage. You can use them to add validations like manual or automated gates to the pipeline. It is recommended to put manual approval gates in the set of pre steps, and automated approval gates in the set of post steps. So, the manual approval action is added as a pre step that runs after the pre-production stage and before the production stage .
The final version of the becomes:
from constructs import Construct
import aws_cdk as cdk
import aws_cdk.aws_codestarnotifications as notifications
import aws_cdk.aws_sns as sns
import aws_cdk.aws_sns_subscriptions as subs
from aws_cdk import (
aws_codecommit as codecommit,
aws_codepipeline as codepipeline,
pipelines as pipelines,
aws_codepipeline_actions as cpactions,
from aws_cdk.pipelines import (
class WorkshopPipelineStack(cdk.Stack):
def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs)
# Creates a CodeCommit repository called 'WorkshopRepo'
repo = codecommit.Repository(
self, "WorkshopRepo", repository_name="WorkshopRepo",
#Create the Cdk pipeline
pipeline = pipelines.CodePipeline(
input=pipelines.CodePipelineSource.code_commit(repo, "main"),
"npm install -g aws-cdk", # Installs the cdk cli on Codebuild
"pip install -r requirements.txt", # Instructs Codebuild to install required packages
"npx cdk synth",
# Create the Pre-Prod Stage and its API endpoint
deploy = WorkshopPipelineStage(self, "Pre-Prod")
deploy_stage = pipeline.add_stage(deploy)
"ENDPOINT_URL": deploy.hc_viewer_url
commands=["curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL"],
"ENDPOINT_URL": deploy.hc_endpoint
"curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL",
"curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL/hello",
"curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL/test",
# Create the Prod Stage with the Manual Approval Step
prod = WorkshopPipelineStage(self, "Prod")
prod_stage = pipeline.add_stage(prod,
pre = [ManualApprovalStep('PromoteToProduction')])
"ENDPOINT_URL": prod.hc_viewer_url
commands=["curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL"],
"ENDPOINT_URL": prod.hc_endpoint
"curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL",
"curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL/hello",
"curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL/test",
# Create The SNS Notification for the Pipeline
topic = sns.Topic(self, "MyTopic")
topic.add_subscription(subs.EmailSubscription("[email protected]"))
rule = notifications.NotificationRule(self, "NotificationRule",
source = pipeline.pipeline,
events = ["codepipeline-pipeline-pipeline-execution-started", "codepipeline-pipeline-pipeline-execution-failed", "codepipeline-pipeline-manual-approval-needed", "codepipeline-pipeline-manual-approval-succeeded"],
When a commit is made with git commit -am "Add manual Approval" and changes are pushed with git push, the pipeline automatically self-mutates to add the new approval stage.
Now when the developer pushes changes to update the build environment or the end user application, the pipeline execution stops at the point where the approval action was added. The pipeline won’t resume unless a manual approval action is taken.
Figure 2. This image shows the pipeline with the added Manual Approval action.
Since there is a notification rule that includes the approval action, an email notification is sent with the pipeline information and approval status to the stakeholder(s) subscribed to the SNS topic.
Figure 3. This image shows the SNS email notification sent when the pipeline starts.
After pushing the updates to the pipeline, the reviewer or stakeholder can use the AWS Management Console to access the pipeline to approve or deny changes based on their assessment of these changes. This process helps eliminate any potential issues or errors and ensures only changes deemed relevant are made.
Figure 4. This image shows the review action that gives the stakeholder the ability to approve or reject any changes.
If a reviewer rejects the action, or if no approval response is received within seven days of the pipeline stopping for the review action, the pipeline status is “Failed.”
Figure 5. This image depicts when a stakeholder rejects the action.
If a reviewer approves the changes, the pipeline continues its execution.
Figure 6. This image depicts when a stakeholder approves the action.
It is important to consider any potential drawbacks before integrating a manual approval process into a CDK pipeline. one such consideration is its implementation may delay the delivery of updates to end users. An example of this is business hours limitation. The pipeline process might be constrained by the availability of stakeholders during business hours. This can result in delays if changes are made outside regular working hours and require approval when stakeholders are not immediately accessible.
Clean up
To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources. Use cdk destroy via the command line to delete the created stack.
Adding notifications and manual approval to CDK Pipelines provides better visibility and control over the changes made to the pipeline environment. These features ideally complement the existing automated checks to ensure that all updates are reviewed before deployment. This reduces the risk of potential issues arising from bugs or errors. The ability to approve or deny changes through the AWS Management Console makes the review process simple and straightforward. Additionally, SNS notifications keep stakeholders updated on the status of the pipeline, ensuring a smooth and seamless deployment process.
The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is a popular open source toolkit that allows developers to create their cloud infrastructure using high level programming languages. AWS CDK comes bundled with a construct called CDK Pipelines that makes it easy to set up continuous integration, delivery, and deployment with AWS CodePipeline. The CDK Pipelines construct does all the heavy lifting, such as setting up appropriate AWS IAM roles for deployment across regions and accounts, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets to store build artifacts, and an AWS CodeBuild project to build, test, and deploy the app. The pipeline deploys a given CDK application as one or more AWS CloudFormation stacks.
With CloudFormation stacks, there is the possibility that someone can manually change the configuration of stack resources outside the purview of CloudFormation and the pipeline that deploys the stack. This causes the deployed resources to be inconsistent with the intent in the application, which is referred to as “drift”, a situation that can make the application’s behavior unpredictable. For example, when troubleshooting an application, if the application has drifted in production, it is difficult to reproduce the same behavior in a development environment. In other cases, it may introduce security vulnerabilities in the application. For example, an AWS EC2 SecurityGroup that was originally deployed to allow ingress traffic from a specific IP address might potentially be opened up to allow traffic from all IP addresses.
CloudFormation offers a drift detection feature for stacks and stack resources to detect configuration changes that are made outside of CloudFormation. The stack/resource is considered as drifted if its configuration does not match the expected configuration defined in the CloudFormation template and by extension the CDK code that synthesized it.
In this blog post you will see how CloudFormation drift detection can be integrated as a pre-deployment validation step in CDK Pipelines using an event driven approach.
Amazon EventBridge is a serverless AWS service that offers an agile mechanism for the developers to spin up loosely coupled, event driven applications at scale. EventBridge supports routing of events between services via an event bus. EventBridge out of the box supports a default event bus for each account which receives events from AWS services. Last year, CloudFormation added a new feature that enables event notifications for changes made to CloudFormation-based stacks and resources. These notifications are accessible through Amazon EventBridge, allowing users to monitor and react to changes in their CloudFormation infrastructure using event-driven workflows. Our solution leverages the drift detection events that are now supported by EventBridge. The following architecture diagram depicts the flow of events involved in successfully performing drift detection in CDK Pipelines.
Architecture diagram
The user starts the pipeline by checking code into an AWS CodeCommit repo, which acts as the pipeline source. We have configured drift detection in the pipeline as a custom step backed by a lambda function. When the drift detection step invokes the provider lambda function, it first starts the drift detection on the CloudFormation stack Demo Stack and then saves the drift_detection_id along with pipeline_job_id in a DynamoDB table. In the meantime, the pipeline waits for a response on the status of drift detection.
The EventBridge rules are set up to capture the drift detection state change events for Demo Stack that are received by the default event bus. The callback lambda is registered as the intended target for the rules. When drift detection completes, it triggers the EventBridge rule which in turn invokes the callback lambda function with stack status as either DRIFTED or IN SYNC. The callback lambda function pulls the pipeline_job_id from DynamoDB and sends the appropriate status back to the pipeline, thus propelling the pipeline out of the wait state. If the stack is in the IN SYNC status, the callback lambda sends a success status and the pipeline continues with the deployment. If the stack is in the DRIFTED status, callback lambda sends failure status back to the pipeline and the pipeline run ends up in failure.
Solution Deep Dive
The solution deploys two stacks as shown in the above architecture diagram
CDK Pipelines stack
Pre-requisite stack
The CDK Pipelines stack defines a pipeline with a CodeCommit source and drift detection step integrated into it. The pre-requisite stack deploys following resources that are required by the CDK Pipelines stack.
A Lambda function that implements drift detection step
A DynamoDB table that holds drift_detection_id and pipeline_job_id
An Event bridge rule to capture “CloudFormation Drift Detection Status Change” event
A callback lambda function that evaluates status of drift detection and sends status back to the pipeline by looking up the data captured in DynamoDB.
The pre-requisites stack is deployed first, followed by the CDK Pipelines stack.
Defining drift detection step
CDK Pipelines offers a mechanism to define your own step that requires custom implementation. A step corresponds to a custom action in CodePipeline such as invoke lambda function. It can exist as a pre or post deployment action in a given stage of the pipeline. For example, your organization’s policies may require its CI/CD pipelines to run a security vulnerability scan as a prerequisite before deployment. You can build this as a custom step in your CDK Pipelines. In this post, you will use the same mechanism for adding the drift detection step in the pipeline.
You start by defining a class called DriftDetectionStep that extends Step and implements ICodePipelineActionFactory as shown in the following code snippet. The constructor accepts 3 parameters stackName, account, region as inputs. When the pipeline runs the step, it invokes the drift detection lambda function with these parameters wrapped inside userParameters variable. The function produceAction() adds the action to invoke drift detection lambda function to the pipeline stage.
Please note that the solution uses an SSM parameter to inject the lambda function ARN into the pipeline stack. So, we deploy the provider lambda function as part of pre-requisites stack before the pipeline stack and publish its ARN to the SSM parameter. The CDK code to deploy pre-requisites stack can be found here.
export class DriftDetectionStep
extends Step
implements pipelines.ICodePipelineActionFactory
private readonly stackName: string,
private readonly account: string,
private readonly region: string
) {
public produceAction(
stage: codepipeline.IStage,
options: ProduceActionOptions
): CodePipelineActionFactoryResult {
// Define the configuraton for the action that is added to the pipeline.
new cpactions.LambdaInvokeAction({
actionName: options.actionName,
runOrder: options.runOrder,
lambda: lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(
// These are the parameters passed to the drift detection step implementaton provider lambda
userParameters: {
stackName: this.stackName,
account: this.account,
region: this.region,
return {
runOrdersConsumed: 1,
Configuring drift detection step in CDK Pipelines
Here you will see how to integrate the previously defined drift detection step into CDK Pipelines. The pipeline has a stage called DemoStage as shown in the following code snippet. During the construction of DemoStage, we declare drift detection as the pre-deployment step. This makes sure that the pipeline always does the drift detection check prior to deployment.
Please note that for every stack defined in the stage; we add a dedicated step to perform drift detection by instantiating the class DriftDetectionStep detailed in the prior section. Thus, this solution scales with the number of stacks defined per stage.
Here you will go through the deployment steps for the solution and see drift detection in action.
Deploy the pre-requisites stack
Clone the repo from the GitHub location here. Navigate to the cloned folder and run script You can find detailed instructions in
Deploy the CDK Pipelines stack
Clone the repo from the GitHub location here. Navigate to the cloned folder and run script This deploys a pipeline with an empty CodeCommit repo as the source. The pipeline run ends up in failure, as shown below, because of the empty CodeCommit repo.
Next, check in the code from the cloned repo into the CodeCommit source repo. You can find detailed instructions on that in This triggers the pipeline and pipeline finishes successfully, as shown below.
The pipeline deploys two stacks DemoStackA and DemoStackB. Each of these stacks creates an S3 bucket.
Demonstrate drift detection
Locate the S3 bucket created by DemoStackA under resources, navigate to the S3 bucket and modify the tag aws-cdk:auto-delete-objects from true to false as shown below
Now, go to the pipeline and trigger a new execution by clicking on Release Change
The pipeline run will now end in failure at the pre-deployment drift detection step.
Please follow the steps below to clean up all the stacks.
Navigate to S3 console and empty the buckets created by stacks DemoStackA and DemoStackB.
Navigate to the CloudFormation console and delete stacks DemoStackA and DemoStackB, since deleting CDK Pipelines stack does not delete the application stacks that the pipeline deploys.
Delete the CDK Pipelines stack cdk-drift-detect-demo-pipeline
Delete the pre-requisites stack cdk-drift-detect-demo-drift-detection-prereq
In this post, I showed how to add a custom implementation step in CDK Pipelines. I also used that mechanism to integrate a drift detection check as a pre-deployment step. This allows us to validate the integrity of a CloudFormation Stack before its deployment. Since the validation is integrated into the pipeline, it is easier to manage the solution in one place as part of the overarching pipeline. Give the solution a try, and then see if you can incorporate it into your organization’s delivery pipelines.
About the author:
Damodar Shenvi Wagle is a Senior Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services. His areas of expertise include architecting serverless solutions, CI/CD, and automation.
Load testing is a foundational pillar of building resilient applications. Today, load testing practices across many organizations are often based on desktop tools, where someone must manually run the performance tests and validate the results before a software release can be promoted to production. This leads to increased time to market for new features and products. Load testing applications in automated CI/CD pipelines provides the following benefits:
Early and automated feedback on performance thresholds based on clearly defined benchmarks.
Consistent and reliable load testing process for every feature release.
Reduced overall time to market due to eliminated manual load testing effort.
Improved overall resiliency of the production environment.
The ability to rapidly identify and document bottlenecks and scaling limits of the production environment.
The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. AWS CDK Pipelines is a construct library module for continuous delivery of AWS CDK applications, powered by AWS CodePipeline. AWS CDK Pipelines can automatically build, test, and deploy the new version of your CDK app whenever the new source code is checked in.
Distributed Load Testing is an AWS Solution that automates software applications testing at scale to help you identify potential performance issues before their release. It creates and simulates thousands of users generating transactional records at a constant pace without the need to provision servers or instances.
To deploy and test this solution, you will need:
AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI): This tutorial assumes that you have configured the AWS CLI on your workstation. Alternatively, you can use also use AWS CloudShell.
AWS CDK V2: This tutorial assumes that you have installed AWS CDK V2 on your workstation or in the CloudShell environment.
Solution Overview
In this solution, we create a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CDK Pipelines and use it to deploy a sample RESTful CDK application in two environments; development and production. We load test the application using AWS Distributed Load Testing Solution in the development environment. Based on the load test result, we either fail the pipeline or proceed to production deployment. You may consider running the load test in a dedicated testing environment that mimics the production environment.
For demonstration purposes, we use the following metrics to validate the load test results.
Average Response Time – the average response time, in seconds, for all the requests generated by the test. In this blog post we define the threshold for average response time to 1 second.
Error Count – the total number of errors. In this blog post, we define the threshold for for total number of errors to 1.
For your application, you may consider using additional metrics from the Distributed Load Testing solution documentation to validate your load test.
The AWS Lambda (Lambda) function in the architecture contains a 500 millisecond sleep statement to add latency to the API response.
Typescript code for starting the load test and validating the test results. This code is executed in the ‘Load Test’ step of the ‘Development Deployment’ stage. It starts a load test against the sample restful application endpoint and waits for the test to finish. For demonstration purposes, the load test is started with the following parameters:
Concurrency: 1
Task Count: 1
Ramp up time: 0 secs
Hold for: 30 sec
End point to test: endpoint for the sample RESTful application.
For the purposes of this blog, we deploy the CI/CD pipeline, the RESTful application and the AWS Distributed Load Testing solution into the same AWS account. In your environment, you may consider deploying these stacks into separate AWS accounts based on your security and governance requirements.
To deploy the solution components
Follow the instructions in the the AWS Distributed Load Testing solution Automated Deployment guide to deploy the solution. Note down the value of the CloudFormation output parameter ‘DLTApiEndpoint’. We will need this in the next steps. Proceed to the next step once you are able to login to the User Interface of the solution.
Deploy the CloudFormation stack for the CI/CD pipeline. This step will also commit the AWS CDK code for the sample RESTful application stack and start the application deployment.
cd pipeline && cdk bootstrap && cdk deploy --require-approval never
Follow the below steps to view the load test results:
Open the AWS CodePipeline console.
Click on the pipeline named “blog-pipeline”.
Observe that one of the stages (named ‘LoadTest’) in the CI/CD pipeline (that was provisioned by the CloudFormation stack in the previous step) executes a load test against the application Development environment.
Click on the details of the ‘LoadTest’ step to view the test results. Notice that the load test succeeded.
Change the response time threshold
In this step, we will modify the response time threshold from 1 second to 200 milliseconds in order to introduce a load test failure. Remember from the steps earlier that the Lambda function code has a 500 millisecond sleep statement to add latency to the API response time.
From the AWS Console and then go to CodeCommit. The source for the pipeline is a CodeCommit repository named “blog-repo”.
Click on the “blog-repo” repository, and then browse to the “pipeline” folder. Click on file ‘loadTestEnvVariables.json’ and then ‘Edit’.
Set the response time threshold to 200 milliseconds by changing attribute ‘AVG_RT_THRESHOLD’ value to ‘.2’. Click on the commit button. This will start will start the CI/CD pipeline.
Go to CodePipeline from the AWS console and click on the ‘blog-pipeline’.
Observe the ‘LoadTest’ step in ‘Development-Deploy’ stage will fail in about five minutes, and the pipeline will not proceed to the ‘Production-Deploy’ stage.
Click on the details of the ‘LoadTest’ step to view the test results. Notice that the load test failed.
Log into the Distributed Load Testing Service console. You will see two tests named ‘sampleScenario’. Click on each of them to see the test result details.
Delete the CloudFormation stack that deployed the sample application.
From the AWS Console, go to CloudFormation and delete the stacks ‘Production-Deploy-Application’ and ‘Development-Deploy-Application’.
Delete the CI/CD pipeline.
cd pipeline && cdk destroy
Delete the Distributed Load Testing Service CloudFormation stack.
From CloudFormation console, delete the stack for Distributed Load Testing service that you created earlier.
In the post above, we demonstrated how to automatically load test your applications in a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CDK Pipelines and AWS Distributed Load Testing solution. We defined the performance bench marks for our application as configuration. We then used these benchmarks to automatically validate the application performance prior to production deployment. Based on the load test results, we either proceeded to production deployment or failed the pipeline.
DevOps has revolutionized software development and operations by fostering collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement. By bringing together development and operations teams, organizations can accelerate software delivery, enhance reliability, and achieve faster time-to-market.
In this blog post, we will explore the best practices and architectural considerations for implementing DevOps with Amazon Web Services (AWS), enabling you to build efficient and scalable systems that align with DevOps principles. The Let’s Architect! team wants to share useful resources that help you to optimize your software development and operations.
Distributed systems are adopted from enterprises more frequently now. When an organization wants to leverage distributed systems’ characteristics, it requires a mindset and approach shift, akin to a new model for software development lifecycle.
In this re:Invent 2021 video, Emily Freeman, now Head of Community Engagement at AWS, shares with us the insights gained in the trenches when adapting a new software development lifecycle that will help your organization thrive using distributed systems.
Designing effective DevOps workflows is necessary for achieving seamless collaboration between development and operations teams. The Amazon Builders’ Library offers a wealth of guidance on designing DevOps workflows that promote efficiency, scalability, and reliability. From continuous integration and deployment strategies to configuration management and observability, this resource covers various aspects of DevOps workflow design. By following the best practices outlined in the Builders’ Library, you can create robust and scalable DevOps workflows that facilitate rapid software delivery and smooth operations.
Cloud fitness functions provide a powerful mechanism for driving evolutionary architecture within your DevOps practices. By defining and measuring architectural fitness goals, you can continuously improve and evolve your systems over time.
This AWS Architecture Blog post delves into how AWS services, like AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, and Amazon CloudWatch can be leveraged to implement cloud fitness functions effectively. By integrating these services into your DevOps workflows, you can establish an architecture that evolves in alignment with changing business needs: improving system resilience, scalability, and maintainability.
Achieving consistent deployments across multiple regions is a common challenge. This AWS DevOps Blog post demonstrates how to use Terraform, AWS CodePipeline, and infrastructure-as-code principles to automate Multi-Region deployments effectively. By adopting this approach, you can demonstrate the consistent infrastructure and application deployments, improving the scalability, reliability, and availability of your DevOps practices.
The post also provides practical examples and step-by-step instructions for implementing Multi-Region deployments with Terraform and AWS services, enabling you to leverage the power of infrastructure-as-code to streamline DevOps workflows.
As organizations embrace cloud computing as part of “cloud first” strategy, and migrate to the cloud, some of the enterprises end up in a multicloud environment. We see that enterprise customers get the best experience, performance and cost structure when they choose a primary cloud provider. However, for a variety of reasons, some organizations end up operating in a multicloud environment. For example, in case of mergers & acquisitions, an organization may acquire an entity which runs on a different cloud platform, resulting in the organization operating in a multicloud environment. Another example is in the case where an ISV (Independent Software Vendor) provides services to customers operating on different cloud providers. One more example is the scenario where an organization needs to adhere to data residency and data sovereignty requirements, and ends up with workloads deployed to multiple cloud platforms across locations. Thus, the organization ends up running in a multicloud environment.
In the scenarios described above, one of the challenges organizations face operating such a complex environment is managing release process (building, testing, and deploying applications at scale) across multiple cloud platforms. If an organization’s primary cloud provider is AWS, they may want to continue using AWS developer tools to deploy workloads in other cloud platforms. Organizations facing such scenarios can leverage AWS services to develop their end-to-end CI/CD and release process instead of developing a release pipeline for each platform, which is complex, and not sustainable in the long run.
In this post we show how organizations can continue using AWS developer tools in a hybrid and multicloud environment. We walk the audience through a scenario where we deploy an application to VMs running on-premises and Azure, showcasing AWS’ hybrid and multicloud DevOps capabilities.
Solution and scenario overview
In this post we’re demonstrating the following steps:
Setup a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline, and show how it’s run when application code is updated, and checked into the code repository (GitHub).
Check out application code from the code repository, and use an IDE (Visual Studio Code) to make changes, and check-in the code to the code repository.
Check in the modified application code to automatically run the release process built using AWS CodePipeline. It makes use of AWS CodeBuild to retrieve the latest version of code from code repository, compile it, build the deployment package, and test the application.
Deploy the updated application to VMs across on-premises, and Azure using AWS CodeDeploy.
The high-level solution is shown below. This post does not show all of the possible combinations and integrations available to build the CI/CD pipeline. As an example, you can integrate the pipeline with your existing tools for test and build such as Selenium, Jenkins, SonarQube etc.
This post focuses on deploying application in a multicloud environment, and how AWS Developer Tools can support virtually any scenario or use case specific to your organization. We will be deploying a sample application from this AWS tutorial to an on-premises server, and an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). In future posts in this series, we will cover how you can deploy any type of workload using AWS tools, including containers, and serverless applications.
CI/CD pipeline setup
This section describes instructions for setting up a multicloud CI/CD pipeline.
Note: A key point to note is that the CI/CD pipeline setup, and related sub-sections in this post, are a one-time activity, and you’ll not need to perform these steps every time an application is deployed or modified.
You will use this repository to deploy your code across environments.
Configure AWS CodePipeline
Follow the steps outlined below to setup and configure CodePipeline to orchestrate the CI/CD pipeline of our application.
Navigate to CodePipeline in the AWS console and click on ‘Create pipeline’
Give your pipeline a name (eg: MyWebApp-CICD) and allow CodePipeline to create a service role on your behalf.
For the source stage, select GitHub (v2) as your source provide and click on the Connect to GitHub button to give CodePipeline access to your git repository.
Create a new GitHub connection and click on the Install a new App button to install the AWS Connector in your GitHub account.
Back in the CodePipeline console select the repository and branch you would like to build and deploy.
Now we create the build stage; Select AWS CodeBuild as the build provider.
Click on the ‘Create project’ button to create the project for your build stage, and give your project a name.
Select Ubuntu as the operating system for your managed image, chose the standard runtime and select the ‘aws/codebuild/standard’ image with the latest version.
In the Buildspec section select “Insert build commands” and click on switch to editor. Enter the following yaml code as your build commands:
version: 0.2
- echo "This is a dummy build command"
- "*/*"
Note: you can also integrate build commands to your git repository by using a buildspec yaml file. More information can be found at Build specification reference for CodeBuild.
Leave all other options as default and click on ‘Continue to CodePipeline’
Back in the CodePipeline console your Project name will automatically be filled in. You can now continue to the next step.
Click the “Skip deploy stage” button; We will create this in the next section.
Review your changes and click “Create pipeline”. Your newly created pipeline will now build for the first time!
Configure AWS CodeDeploy on Azure and on-premises VMs
Now that we have built our application, we want to deploy it to both the environments – Azure, and on-premises. In the “Install CodeDeploy agent” section we’ve already installed the CodeDeploy agent. As a one-time step we now have to give the CodeDeploy agents access to the AWS environment. You can leverage AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles Anywhere in combination with the code-deploy-session-helper to give access to the AWS resources needed. The IAM Role should at least have the AWSCodeDeployFullAccess AWS managed policy and Read only access to the CodePipeline S3 bucket in your account (called codepipeline-<region>-<account-id>) .
Configure your CodeDeploy agent as described in the user guide. Ensure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is installed on your VM and execute the following command to register the instance with CodeDeploy.
You should now see both instances registered in the “CodeDeploy > On-premises instances” panel. You can now deploy application to your Azure VM and on premises VMs!
Configure AWS CodeDeploy to deploy WebApp
Follow the steps mentioned below to modify the CI/CD pipeline to deploy the application to Azure, and on-premises environments.
Create an IAM role named CodeDeployServiceRole and select CodeDeploy > CodeDeploy as your use case. IAM will automatically select the right policy for you. CodeDeploy will use this role to manage the deployments of your application.
In the AWS console navigate to CodeDeploy > Applications. Click on “Create application”.
Give your application a name and choose “EC2/On-premises” as the compute platform.
Configure the instances we want to deploy to. In the detail view of your application click on “Create deployment group”.
Give your deployment group a name and select the CodeDeployServiceRole.
In the environment configuration section choose On-premises Instances.
Configure the Application, MyWebApp key value pair.
Disable load balancing and leave all other options default.
Click on create deployment group. You should now see your newly created deployment group.
We can now edit our pipeline to deploy to the newly created deployment group.
Navigate to your previously created Pipeline in the CodePipeline section and click edit. Add the deploy stage by clicking on Add stage and name it Deploy. Aftewards click Add action.
Name your action and choose CodeDeploy as your action provider.
Select “BuildArtifact” as your input artifact and select your newly created application and deployment group.
Click on Done and on Save in your pipeline to confirm the changes. You have now added the deploy step to your pipeline!
This completes the on-time devops pipeline setup, and you will not need to repeat the process.
Automated DevOps pipeline in action
This section demonstrates how the devops pipeline operates end-to-end, and automatically deploys application to Azure VM, and on-premises server when the application code changes.
Click on Release Change to deploy your application for the first time. The release change button manually triggers CodePipeline to update your code. In the next section we will make changes to the repository which triggers the pipeline automatically.
During the “Source” stage your pipeline fetches the latest version from github.
During the “Build” stage your pipeline uses CodeBuild to build your application and generate the deployment artifacts for your pipeline. It uses the buildspec.yml file to determine the build steps.
During the “Deploy” stage your pipeline uses CodeDeploy to deploy the build artifacts to the configured Deployment group – Azure VM and on-premises VM. Navigate to the url of your application to see the results of the deployment process.
Update application code in IDE
You can modify the application code using your favorite IDE. In this example we will change the background color and a paragraph of the sample application.
Once you’ve modified the code, save the updated file followed by pushing the code to the code repository.
git add .
git commit -m "I made changes to the index.html file "
git push
DevOps pipeline (CodePipeline) – compile, build, and test
Once the code is updated, and pushed to GitHub, the DevOps pipeline (CodePipeline) automatically compiles, builds and tests the modified application. You can navigate to your pipeline (CodePipeline) in the AWS Console, and should see the pipeline running (or has recently completed). CodePipeline automatically executes the Build and Deploy steps. In this case we’re not adding any complex logic, but based on your organization’s requirements you can add any build step, or integrate with other tools.
Deployment process using CodeDeploy
In this section, we describe how the modified application is deployed to the Azure, and on-premises VMs.
Open your pipeline in the CodePipeline console, and click on the “AWS CodeDeploy” link in the Deploy step to navigate to your deployment group. Open the “Deployments” tab.
Click on the first deployment in the Application deployment history section. This will show the details of your latest deployment.
In the “Deployment lifecycle events” section click on one of the “View events” links. This shows you the lifecycle steps executed by CodeDeploy and will display the error log output if any of the steps have failed.
Navigate back to your application. You should now see your changes in the application. You’ve successfully set up a multicloud DevOps pipeline!
In summary, the post demonstrated how AWS DevOps tools and services can help organizations build a single release pipeline to deploy applications and workloads in a hybrid and multicloud environment. The post also showed how to set up CI/CD pipeline to deploy applications to AWS, on-premises, and Azure VMs.
If you have any questions or feedback, leave them in the comments section.
In this blog post, we will explore the process of creating a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for a .NET AWS Lambda function using the CDK Pipelines. We will cover all the necessary steps to automate the deployment of the .NET Lambda function, including setting up the development environment, creating the pipeline with AWS CDK, configuring the pipeline stages, and publishing the test reports. Additionally, we will show how to promote the deployment from a lower environment to a higher environment with manual approval.
AWS CDK makes it easy to deploy a stack that provisions your infrastructure to AWS from your workstation by simply running cdk deploy. This is useful when you are doing initial development and testing. However, in most real-world scenarios, there are multiple environments, such as development, testing, staging, and production. It may not be the best approach to deploy your CDK application in all these environments using cdk deploy. Deployment to these environments should happen through more reliable, automated pipelines. CDK Pipelines makes it easy to set up a continuous deployment pipeline for your CDK applications, powered by AWS CodePipeline.
The AWS CDK Developer Guide’s Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) using CDK Pipelines page shows you how you can use CDK Pipelines to deploy a Node.js based Lambda function. However, .NET based Lambda functions are different from Node.js or Python based Lambda functions in that .NET code first needs to be compiled to create a deployment package. As a result, we decided to write this blog as a step-by-step guide to assist our .NET customers with deploying their Lambda functions utilizing CDK Pipelines.
In this post, we dive deeper into creating a real-world pipeline that runs build and unit tests, and deploys a .NET Lambda function to one or multiple environments.
CDK Pipelines is a construct library that allows you to provision a CodePipeline pipeline. The pipeline created by CDK pipelines is self-mutating. This means, you need to run cdk deploy one time to get the pipeline started. After that, the pipeline automatically updates itself if you add new application stages or stacks in the source code.
The following diagram captures the architecture of the CI/CD pipeline created with CDK Pipelines. Let’s explore this architecture at a high level before diving deeper into the details.
Figure 1: Reference architecture diagram
The solution creates a CodePipeline with a AWS CodeCommit repo as the source (CodePipeline Source Stage). When code is checked into CodeCommit, the pipeline is automatically triggered and retrieves the code from the CodeCommit repository branch to proceed to the Build stage.
Build stage compiles the CDK application code and generates the cloud assembly.
Update Pipeline stage updates the pipeline (if necessary).
Publish Assets stage uploads the CDK assets to Amazon S3.
After Publish Assets is complete, the pipeline deploys the Lambda function to both the development and production environments. For added control, the architecture includes a manual approval step for releases that target the production environment.
Before you use AWS CDK to deploy CDK Pipelines, you must bootstrap the AWS environments where you want to deploy the Lambda function. An environment is the target AWS account and Region into which the stack is intended to be deployed.
In this post, you deploy the Lambda function into a development environment and, optionally, a production environment. This requires bootstrapping both environments. However, deployment to a production environment is optional; you can skip bootstrapping that environment for the time being, as we will cover that later.
This is one-time activity per environment for each environment to which you want to deploy CDK applications. To bootstrap the development environment, run the below command, substituting in the AWS account ID for your dev account, the region you will use for your dev environment, and the locally-configured AWS CLI profile you wish to use for that account. See the documentation for additional details.
‐‐profile specifies the AWS CLI credential profile that will be used to bootstrap the environment. If not specified, default profile will be used. The profile should have sufficient permissions to provision the resources for the AWS CDK during bootstrap process.
‐‐cloudformation-execution-policies specifies the ARNs of managed policies that should be attached to the deployment role assumed by AWS CloudFormation during deployment of your stacks.
For this post, you will use CodeCommit to store your source code. First, create a git repository named dotnet-lambda-cdk-pipeline in CodeCommit by following these steps in the CodeCommit documentation.
After you have created the repository, generate git credentials to access the repository from your local machine if you don’t already have them. Follow the steps below to generate git credentials.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console.
Next. open the user details page, choose the Security Credentials tab, and in HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit, choose Generate.
Download credentials to download this information as a .CSV file.
Clone the recently created repository to your workstation, then cd into dotnet-lambda-cdk-pipeline directory.
cd dotnet-lambda-cdk-pipeline
Alternatively, you can use git-remote-codecommit to clone the repository with git clone codecommit::<REGION>://<PROFILE>@<REPOSITORY-NAME> command, replacing the placeholders with their original values. Using git-remote-codecommit does not require you to create additional IAM users to manage git credentials. To learn more, refer AWS CodeCommit with git-remote-codecommit documentation page.
Initialize the CDK project
From the command prompt, inside the dotnet-lambda-cdk-pipeline directory, initialize a AWS CDK project by running the following command.
cdk init app --language csharp
Open the generated C# solution in Visual Studio, right-click the DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline project and select Properties. Set the Target framework to .NET 6.
Create a CDK stack to provision the CodePipeline
Your CDK Pipelines application includes at least two stacks: one that represents the pipeline itself, and one or more stacks that represent the application(s) deployed via the pipeline. In this step, you create the first stack that deploys a CodePipeline pipeline in your AWS account.
From Visual Studio, open the solution by opening the .sln solution file (in the src/ folder). Once the solution has loaded, open the DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack.cs file, and replace its contents with the following code. Note that the filename, namespace and class name all assume you named your Git repository as shown earlier.
Note: be sure to replace “<CODECOMMIT-REPOSITORY-NAME>” in the code below with the name of your CodeCommit repository (in this blog post, we have used dotnet-lambda-cdk-pipeline).
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeCommit;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;
using Amazon.CDK.Pipelines;
using Constructs;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline
public class DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack : Stack
internal DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
var repository = Repository.FromRepositoryName(this, "repository", "<CODECOMMIT-REPOSITORY-NAME>");
// This construct creates a pipeline with 3 stages: Source, Build, and UpdatePipeline
var pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, "pipeline", new CodePipelineProps
PipelineName = "LambdaPipeline",
SelfMutation = true,
// Synth represents a build step that produces the CDK Cloud Assembly.
// The primary output of this step needs to be the cdk.out directory generated by the cdk synth command.
Synth = new CodeBuildStep("Synth", new CodeBuildStepProps
// The files downloaded from the repository will be placed in the working directory when the script is executed
Input = CodePipelineSource.CodeCommit(repository, "master"),
// Commands to run to generate CDK Cloud Assembly
Commands = new string[] { "npm install -g aws-cdk", "cdk synth" },
// Build environment configuration
BuildEnvironment = new BuildEnvironment
BuildImage = LinuxBuildImage.AMAZON_LINUX_2_4,
ComputeType = ComputeType.MEDIUM,
// Specify true to get a privileged container inside the build environment image
Privileged = true
In the preceding code, you use CodeBuildStep instead of ShellStep, since ShellStep doesn’t provide a property to specify BuildEnvironment. We need to specify the build environment in order to set privileged mode, which allows access to the Docker daemon in order to build container images in the build environment. This is necessary to use the CDK’s bundling feature, which is explained in later in this blog post.
Open the file src/DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline/Program.cs, and edit its contents to reflect the below. Be sure to replace the placeholders with your AWS account ID and region for your dev environment.
using Amazon.CDK;
namespace DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline
sealed class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var app = new App();
new DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack(app, "DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack", new StackProps
Env = new Amazon.CDK.Environment
Account = "<DEV-ACCOUNT-ID>",
Region = "<DEV-REGION>"
Note: Instead of committing the account ID and region to source control, you can set environment variables on the CodeBuild agent and use them; see Environments in the AWS CDK documentation for more information. Because the CodeBuild agent is also configured in your CDK code, you can use the BuildEnvironmentVariableType property to store environment variables in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store or AWS Secrets Manager.
After you make the code changes, build the solution to ensure there are no build issues. Next, commit and push all the changes you just made. Run the following commands (or alternatively use Visual Studio’s built-in Git functionality to commit and push your changes):
Then navigate to the root directory of repository where your cdk.json file is present, and run the cdk deploy command to deploy the initial version of CodePipeline. Note that the deployment can take several minutes.
The pipeline created by CDK Pipelines is self-mutating. This means you only need to run cdk deploy one time to get the pipeline started. After that, the pipeline automatically updates itself if you add new CDK applications or stages in the source code.
After the deployment has finished, a CodePipeline is created and automatically runs. The pipeline includes three stages as shown below.
Source – It fetches the source of your AWS CDK app from your CodeCommit repository and triggers the pipeline every time you push new commits to it.
Build – This stage compiles your code (if necessary) and performs a cdk synth. The output of that step is a cloud assembly.
UpdatePipeline – This stage runs cdk deploy command on the cloud assembly generated in previous stage. It modifies the pipeline if necessary. For example, if you update your code to add a new deployment stage to the pipeline to your application, the pipeline is automatically updated to reflect the changes you made.
Figure 2: Initial CDK pipeline stages
Define a CodePipeline stage to deploy .NET Lambda function
In this step, you create a stack containing a simple Lambda function and place that stack in a stage. Then you add the stage to the pipeline so it can be deployed.
To create a Lambda project, do the following:
In Visual Studio, right-click on the solution, choose Add, then choose New Project.
In the New Project dialog box, choose the AWS Lambda Project (.NET Core – C#) template, and then choose OK or Next.
For Project Name, enter SampleLambda, and then choose Create.
From the Select Blueprint dialog, choose Empty Function, then choose Finish.
Next, create a new file in the CDK project at src/DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline/SampleLambdaStack.cs to define your application stack containing a Lambda function. Update the file with the following contents (adjust the namespace as necessary):
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda;
using Constructs;
using AssetOptions = Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3.Assets.AssetOptions;
namespace DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline
class SampleLambdaStack: Stack
public SampleLambdaStack(Construct scope, string id, StackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
// Commands executed in a AWS CDK pipeline to build, package, and extract a .NET function.
var buildCommands = new[]
"cd /asset-input",
"export PATH=\"$PATH:/tmp/DOTNET_CLI_HOME/.dotnet/tools\"",
"dotnet build",
"dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools",
"dotnet lambda package -o",
"unzip -o -d /asset-output"
new Function(this, "LambdaFunction", new FunctionProps
Runtime = Runtime.DOTNET_6,
Handler = "SampleLambda::SampleLambda.Function::FunctionHandler",
// Asset path should point to the folder where .csproj file is present.
// Also, this path should be relative to cdk.json file.
Code = Code.FromAsset("./src/SampleLambda", new AssetOptions
Bundling = new BundlingOptions
Image = Runtime.DOTNET_6.BundlingImage,
Command = new[]
"bash", "-c", string.Join(" && ", buildCommands)
Building inside a Docker container
The preceding code uses bundling feature to build the Lambda function inside a docker container. Bundling starts a new docker container, copies the Lambda source code inside /asset-input directory of the container, runs the specified commands that write the package files under /asset-output directory. The files in /asset-output are copied as assets to the stack’s cloud assembly directory. In a later stage, these files are zipped and uploaded to S3 as the CDK asset.
Building Lambda functions inside Docker containers is preferable than building them locally because it reduces the host machine’s dependencies, resulting in greater consistency and reliability in your build process.
Bundling requires the creation of a docker container on your build machine. For this purpose, the privileged: true setting on the build machine has already been configured.
Adding development stage
Create a new file in the CDK project at src/DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline/DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStage.cs to hold your stage. This class will create the development stage for your pipeline.
using Amazon.CDK;
using Constructs;
namespace DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline
public class DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStage : Stage
internal DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStage(Construct scope, string id, IStageProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
Stack lambdaStack = new SampleLambdaStack(this, "LambdaStack");
Edit src/DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline/DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack.cs to add the stage to your pipeline. Add the bolded line from the code below to your file.
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.Pipelines;
namespace DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline
public class DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack : Stack
internal DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
var repository = Repository.FromRepositoryName(this, "repository", "dotnet-lambda-cdk-application");
// This construct creates a pipeline with 3 stages: Source, Build, and UpdatePipeline
var pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, "pipeline", new CodePipelineProps
PipelineName = "LambdaPipeline",
var devStage = pipeline.AddStage(new DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStage(this, "Development"));
Next, build the solution, then commit and push the changes to the CodeCommit repo. This will trigger the CodePipeline to start.
When the pipeline runs, UpdatePipeline stage detects the changes and updates the pipeline based on the code it finds there. After the UpdatePipeline stage completes, pipeline is updated with additional stages.
Let’s observe the changes:
An Assets stage has been added. This stage uploads all the assets you are using in your app to Amazon S3 (the S3 bucket created during bootstrapping) so that they could be used by other deployment stages later in the pipeline. For example, the CloudFormation template used by the development stage, includes reference to these assets, which is why assets are first moved to S3 and then referenced in later stages.
A Development stage with two actions has been added. The first action is to create the change set, and the second is to execute it.
Figure 3: CDK pipeline with development stage to deploy .NET Lambda function
After the Deploy stage has completed, you can find the newly-deployed Lambda function by visiting the Lambda console, selecting “Functions” from the left menu, and filtering the functions list with “LambdaStack”. Note the runtime is .NET.
Right click on the solution, choose Add, then choose New Project.
In the New Project dialog box, choose the xUnit Test Project template, and then choose OK or Next.
For Project Name, enter SampleLambda.Tests, and then choose Create or Next. Depending on your version of Visual Studio, you may be prompted to select the version of .NET to use. Choose .NET 6.0 (Long Term Support), then choose Create.
Right click on SampleLambda.Tests project, choose Add, then choose Project Reference. Select SampleLambda project, and then choose OK.
Next, edit the src/SampleLambda.Tests/UnitTest1.cs file to add a unit test. You can use the code below, which verifies that the Lambda function returns the input string as upper case.
using Xunit;
namespace SampleLambda.Tests
public class UnitTest1
public void TestSuccess()
var lambda = new SampleLambda.Function();
var result = lambda.FunctionHandler("test string", context: null);
Assert.Equal("TEST STRING", result);
You can add pre-deployment or post-deployment actions to the stage by calling its AddPre() or AddPost() method. To execute above test cases, we will use a pre-deployment action.
To add a pre-deployment action, we will edit the src/DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline/DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack.cs file in the CDK project, after we add code to generate test reports.
To run the unit test(s) and publish the test report in CodeBuild, we will construct a BuildSpec for our CodeBuild project. We also provide IAM policy statements to be attached to the CodeBuild service role granting it permissions to run the tests and create reports. Update the file by adding the new code (starting with “// Add this code for test reports”) below the devStage declaration you added earlier:
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.Pipelines;
namespace DotnetLambdaCdkPipeline
public class DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack : Stack
internal DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
// ...
// ...
// ...
var devStage = pipeline.AddStage(new DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStage(this, "Development"));
// Add this code for test reports
var reportGroup = new ReportGroup(this, "TestReports", new ReportGroupProps
ReportGroupName = "TestReports"
// Policy statements for CodeBuild Project Role
var policyProps = new PolicyStatementProps()
Actions = new string[] {
Effect = Effect.ALLOW,
Resources = new string[] { reportGroup.ReportGroupArn }
// PartialBuildSpec in AWS CDK for C# can be created using Dictionary
var reports = new Dictionary<string, object>()
"reports", new Dictionary<string, object>()
reportGroup.ReportGroupArn, new Dictionary<string,object>()
{ "file-format", "VisualStudioTrx" },
{ "files", "**/*" },
{ "base-directory", "./testresults" }
// End of new code block
Finally, add the CodeBuildStep as a pre-deployment action to the development stage with necessary CodeBuildStepProps to set up reports. Add this after the new code you added above.
devStage.AddPre(new Step[]
new CodeBuildStep("Unit Test", new CodeBuildStepProps
Commands= new string[]
"dotnet test -c Release ./src/SampleLambda.Tests/SampleLambda.Tests.csproj --logger trx --results-directory ./testresults",
PrimaryOutputDirectory = "./testresults",
PartialBuildSpec= BuildSpec.FromObject(reports),
RolePolicyStatements = new PolicyStatement[] { new PolicyStatement(policyProps) },
BuildEnvironment = new BuildEnvironment
BuildImage = LinuxBuildImage.AMAZON_LINUX_2_4,
ComputeType = ComputeType.MEDIUM
Build the solution, then commit and push the changes to the repository. Pushing the changes triggers the pipeline, runs the test cases, and publishes the report to the CodeBuild console. To view the report, after the pipeline has completed, navigate to TestReports in CodeBuild’s Report Groups as shown below.
Figure 4: Test report in CodeBuild report group
Deploying to production environment with manual approval
CDK Pipelines makes it very easy to deploy additional stages with different accounts. You have to bootstrap the accounts and Regions you want to deploy to, and they must have a trust relationship added to the pipeline account.
To bootstrap an additional production environment into which AWS CDK applications will be deployed by the pipeline, run the below command, substituting in the AWS account ID for your production account, the region you will use for your production environment, the AWS CLI profile to use with the prod account, and the AWS account ID where the pipeline is already deployed (the account you bootstrapped at the start of this blog).
The --trust option indicates which other account should have permissions to deploy AWS CDK applications into this environment. For this option, specify the pipeline’s AWS account ID.
Use below code to add a new stage for production deployment with manual approval. Add this code below the “devStage.AddPre(...)” code block you added in the previous section, and remember to replace the placeholders with your AWS account ID and region for your prod environment.
var prodStage = pipeline.AddStage(new DotnetLambdaCdkPipelineStage(this, "Production", new StageProps
Env = new Environment
Account = "<PROD-ACCOUNT-ID>",
Region = "<PROD-REGION>"
}), new AddStageOpts
Pre = new[] { new ManualApprovalStep("PromoteToProd") }
To support deploying CDK applications to another account, the artifact buckets must be encrypted, so add a CrossAccountKeys property to the CodePipeline near the top of the pipeline stack file, and set the value to true (see the line in bold in the code snippet below). This creates a KMS key for the artifact bucket, allowing cross-account deployments.
var pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, "pipeline", new CodePipelineProps
PipelineName = "LambdaPipeline",
SelfMutation = true,
CrossAccountKeys = true,EnableKeyRotation = true, //Enable KMS key rotation for the generated KMS keys
// ...
After you commit and push the changes to the repository, a new manual approval step called PromoteToProd is added to the Production stage of the pipeline. The pipeline pauses at this step and awaits manual approval as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 5: Pipeline waiting for manual review
When you click the Review button, you are presented with the following dialog. From here, you can choose to approve or reject and add comments if needed.
Figure 6: Manual review approval dialog
Once you approve, the pipeline resumes, executes the remaining steps and completes the deployment to production environment.
Figure 7: Successful deployment to production environment
Clean up
To avoid incurring future charges, log into the AWS console of the different accounts you used, go to the AWS CloudFormation console of the Region(s) where you chose to deploy, select and click Delete on the stacks created for this activity. Alternatively, you can delete the CloudFormation Stack(s) using cdk destroy command. It will not delete the CDKToolkit stack that the bootstrap command created. If you want to delete that as well, you can do it from the AWS Console.
In this post, you learned how to use CDK Pipelines for automating the deployment process of .NET Lambda functions. An intuitive and flexible architecture makes it easy to set up a CI/CD pipeline that covers the entire application lifecycle, from build and test to deployment. With CDK Pipelines, you can streamline your development workflow, reduce errors, and ensure consistent and reliable deployments. For more information on CDK Pipelines and all the ways it can be used, see the CDK Pipelines reference documentation.
Today, we are launching a new reference architecture and a set of reference implementations for enterprise-grade deployment pipelines. A deployment pipeline automates the building, testing, and deploying of applications or infrastructures into your AWS environments. When you deploy your workloads to the cloud, having deployment pipelines is key to gaining agility and lowering time to market.
When I talk with you at conferences or on social media, I frequently hear that our documentation and tutorials are good resources to get started with a new service or a new concept. However, when you want to scale your usage or when you have complex or enterprise-grade use cases, you often lack resources to dive deeper.
We used the best practices and lessons learned at Amazon and with hundreds of customer projects to create this deployment pipeline reference architecture and implementations. They go well beyond the typical “Hello World” example: They document how to architect and how to implement complex deployment pipelines with multiple environments, multiple AWS accounts, multiple Regions, manual approval, automated testing, automated code analysis, etc. When you want to increase the speed at which you deliver software to your customers through DevOps and continuous delivery, this new reference architecture shows you how to combine AWS services to work together. They document the mandatory and optional components of the architecture.
Having an architecture document and diagram is great, but having an implementation is even better. Each pipeline type in the reference architecture has at least one reference implementation. One of the reference implementations uses an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) application to deploy the reference architecture on your accounts. It is a good starting point to study or customize the reference architecture to fit your specific requirements.
Let’s Deploy a Reference Implementation The new deployment pipeline reference architecture demonstrates how to build a pipeline to deploy a Java containerized application and a database. It comes with two reference implementations. We are working on additional pipeline types to deploy Amazon EC2 AMIs, manage a fleet of accounts, and manage dynamic configuration for your applications.
The sample application is developed with SpringBoot. It runs on top of Corretto, the Amazon-provided distribution of the OpenJDK. The application is packaged with the CDK and is deployed on AWS Fargate. But the application is not important here; you can substitute your own application. The important parts are the infrastructure components and the pipeline to deploy an application. For this pipeline type, we provide two reference implementations. One deploys the application using Amazon CodeCatalyst, the new service that we announced at re:Invent 2022, and one uses AWS CodePipeline. This is the one I choose to deploy for this blog post.
The pipeline starts building the applications with AWS CodeBuild. It runs the unit tests and also runs Amazon CodeGuru to review code quality and security. Finally, it runs Trivy to detect additional security concerns, such as known vulnerabilities in the application dependencies. When the build is successful, the pipeline deploys the application in three environments: beta, gamma, and production. It deploys the application in the beta environment in a single Region. The pipeline runs end-to-end tests in the beta environment. All the tests must succeed before the deployment continues to the gamma environment. The gamma environment uses two Regions to host the application. After deployment in the gamma environment, the deployment into production is subject to manual approval. Finally, the pipeline deploys the application in the production environment in six Regions, with three waves of deployments made of two Regions each.
I need four AWS accounts to deploy this reference implementation: one to deploy the pipeline and tooling and one for each environment (beta, gamma, and production). At a high level, there are two deployment steps: first, I bootstrap the CDK for all four accounts, and then I create the pipeline itself in the toolchain account. You must plan for 2-3 hours of your time to prepare your accounts, create the pipeline, and go through a first deployment.
Once the pipeline is created, it builds, tests, and deploys the sample application from its source in AWS CodeCommit. You can commit and push changes to the application source code and see it going through the pipeline steps again.
Available Now The deployment pipeline reference architecture and its reference implementations are available today, free of charge. If you decide to deploy a reference implementation, we will charge you for the resources it creates on your accounts. You can use the provided AWS CDK code and the detailed instructions to deploy this pipeline on your AWS accounts. Try them today!
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