Tag Archives: architecture best practices

A modern approach to implementing the serverless Customer Data Platform

Post Syndicated from Larry Bell original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/a-modern-approach-to-implementing-the-serverless-customer-data-platform-cdp/

When building a Customer Data Platform (CDP), advertising and marketing Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) face a unique set of challenges. The ISV can help organizations with the heavy lifting required to build, secure, and maintain near real-time, high volume CDPs. However, architecting CDPs using traditional on-premises technologies can introduce multiple complexities and can limit deployment options. One strategy that may address these complexities is to use serverless technologies.

Serverless technologies feature automatic scaling, built-in high availability, and a pay-for-use billing model to increase agility, optimize costs, and reduce infrastructure management tasks such as capacity provisioning and patching. Using tools such as CloudFormation, each layer of the serverless CDP can be deployed on-demand in an independent manner to maximize portability and optimize performance.

A Software as a Service (SaaS) CDP usually has significantly more data in a multi-tenant environment than a single instance of a CDP. Clients of a SaaS solution need to continually expand across different channels, and often across many AWS Regions. In some cases, an ISV might have an existing infrastructure that was built before some of these modern capabilities and techniques were mature. Today, an ISV can build or even modernize an existing CDP and gain huge benefits from a serverless implementation.

This blog post explores how to use serverless technologies for the CDP. A modern, serverless CDP architecture can enable the ISV and the client companies to deliver in weeks instead of months, and provide a resilient infrastructure that supports agility and global deployment while maximizing operational efficiency and optimizing cost. This frees up technical resources to focus on differentiated product development instead of managing servers.

Serverless implementation of a CDP on AWS

A serverless architecture uses AWS services that don’t require the configuration of a server to provide an implementation. Serverless technology allows you to focus more time on rapidly building different components of the marketing CDP. The benefits of a CDP include the collection, aggregation, and organization of customer data sources. Implementing the CDP using serverless technology reduces the need to focus on managing infrastructure while reducing time to market, increasing agility, and resulting in cost optimization. Figure 1 is an architecture diagram that describes how various data sources can be prepared for consumption in the component based Customer Data Platform.

Marketing CDP reference on AWS

Figure 1. Marketing CDP reference on AWS

  1. Source systems of customer data include customer interactions, clickstreams and call center logs.
  2. Data from customer touchpoints is ingested into the marketing customer data platform (CDP) data lake using Amazon Kinesis, Amazon AppFlow, Amazon EKS and an Amazon API Gateway.
  3. Ingested data is sent – in its original, immutable format – to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Raw Zone bucket
  4. Raw data is then transformed into efficient data formats – such as Parquet or Avro – and moved to a Clean Zone Amazon S3 bucket.
  5. CDP processing and pipeline orchestration is conducted using purpose-built data processing components and transformation libraries through AWS Step Functions and then Amazon Personalize, AWS Lambda, and AWS Glue.
  6. Data in the Amazon S3 Curated Zone is now ready for post-CDP-processing consumption and is organized by subject areas, segments, and profiles.
  7. The analytics layer uses Amazon Redshift, Amazon QuickSight, Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Athena to natively integrate with the Curated Zone for analytics, dashboards, ad hoc reporting, and ML purposes.
  8. Customer data is then aggregated across platforms and published using customer APIs for consumption using Amazon DynamoDB and an Amazon API Gateway.
  9. Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Connect are used to activate multiple customer channels such as mobile push, voice, and email for targeted marketing communications.
  10. Using AWS Lake Formation, fine-grained access controls can be enforced on catalog tables, columns, and rows on the data lake.
  11. The resulting catalog in AWS Glue helps you manage both business and technical metadata, with versioning, at scale.

Serverless implementation for ingestion

There are several methods of ingesting customer data, both internal to a customer and from external sources. Serverless options for ingestion could provide benefits to an ISV like cost or agility but it depends upon the use case. Examining serverless options for ingestion should be part of any modernization effort. If the CDP needs to stream data sources and ingest that data in near-real time, the ISV can use Amazon Kinesis. If you want a more traditional extract, transform, and load (ETL) tool, AWS Glue offers a serverless option to generate code that can be customized. AWS Glue DataBrew offers a visual data preparation tool. For more advanced governance and control, you can use AWS Lake Formation. To ingest sources using an API, the Amazon API Gateway provides a serverless approach. If you need more control over the ingestion, the use of customized scripts in Amazon AppFlow or Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) can provide a solution.

Serverless storage implementation

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) provides a serverless, cost-effective solution for virtually unbounded amounts of storage and read-write bandwidth. As per the reference architecture, there are three purpose-specific zones:

  • A raw zone containing the original, immutable version of data
  • A trusted zone which can be used as a working area to combine, enhance and clean the data
  • A refined zone containing data ready for consumption by users and applications

This structure allows the improvement of customer data and profiles, and provides the ability to integrate various data sources and a structure that allows customer data to be recreated in a manner consistent with changing business rules.

Serverless cataloging implementation

The cataloging services provide a grouping of the elements contained in structured and unstructured data sources that is intuitive and easy to understand, similar to a single relational database. AWS Glue Data Catalog gives logical structure to the data lake by allowing users to define tables and columns on top of Amazon S3 data sets. This serverless solution integrates with other analytics tools to enable data discovery and consistent usage. Fine-grained governance and access can also be enforced by AWS Lake Formation.

Serverless processing

There are great choices for implementing processing, using serverless technologies. A CDP platform can package code and run on demand without servers using AWS Lambda or AWS Step Functions depending up the complexity of the processing pipeline. These services can enable complex processing on customer data and profiles. Amazon SageMaker is a great serverless choice for incorporating artificial Intelligence / machine learning into your processing stream. For processing using big data techniques Amazon EMR Serverless is a good serverless option.

Serverless implementation for consumption

Analytics for the CDP provides several serverless technologies that enable different types of insights. For interactive SQL queries that integrate with our serverless AWS Glue Catalog, there is Amazon Athena. Athena provides SQL access to various data source, and can also use federated query functionality to connect to third-party sources, even if that data is sitting on another cloud or in a vendor’s environment. Athena can also work as an interface (middleware) to other reporting solutions.

If performance is a concern, Amazon Redshift is fast, petabyte-scale data warehouse solution that has a serverless option and fully integrates with these solutions. For a data visualization tool that can be embedded in your application or work as a standalone portal, examine Amazon QuickSight.

To enable collaboration, many use cases can use Amazon API Gateway to securely publish and expose API endpoints for consuming applications. This allows data to be shared from a single source of truth to consumers that use customer data for their processes. Most customers want to activate their customer data through marketing or advertising campaigns. To activate marketing communication over voice, email, text, or in-app messaging, you can use a serverless service called Amazon Pinpoint. For an omnichannel contact center support, we recommend Amazon Connect, which uses AI/ML and the CDP data to analyze customer sentiment, implement chatbots, and authenticate voice callers.

Serverless implementation for governance

AWS Lake Formation simplifies the process of configuring and securing access to the CDP. It can help orchestrate processing and ingestion, as well as enforcing fine-grained access controls on data catalogs. Other services such as AWS Glue DataBrew or Amazon Macie can identify and help mitigate exposure of Personally identifiable information (PII). AWS Config enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources to automate the evaluation of recorded configurations against desired configurations.


This post described just some of the serverless solutions that are managed by AWS that allow you to build a modern, low-cost, data lake-centric CDP architecture in an accelerated manner. A decoupled, component-driven architecture lets you start small and quickly add new services to each independent component of the CDP. Use the Data Analytics Lens for guidance on designing, deploying, and architecting your analytics solution workloads in the AWS Cloud. Using this framework, you will learn the architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective systems in the cloud. Follow the links in this article to learn more about the services available in AWS that can help you build a serverless CDP.

Further reading

The AWS Customer Data Platform: overview and architecture

Post Syndicated from Larry Bell original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/aws-customer-data-platform-overview-and-architecture/

The deprecation of digital consumer identifiers, such as third-party cookies and mobile advertising IDs, and the rapid growth of data from expanding consumer touchpoints, has created challenges in identifying, managing, and reaching customers in digital channels. Organizations must rethink their strategies for collecting and storing customer data. Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) collect, aggregate, and organize customer data sources, and create individual centralized customer profiles to better manage and understand customers.

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) in the advertising and marketing industry vertical can aid many companies in achieving these goals. The ISVs can help organizations with the heavy lifting required to build, secure, govern, and maintain near real-time, high volume CDPs. However, building these types of vendor solutions, that support a large number of customers, data volumes, and use cases, is a complex undertaking with often unforeseen challenges.

This post examines the logical architecture of the CDP to provide guidance to help reduce complexity, increase agility, improve operational excellence, and optimize cost. Although the material can benefit advanced marketers evaluating building a CDP, the intent of this post is to provide guidance to those ISVs that are facing these challenges for multiple clients.

Marketing CDP logical architecture

The principal challenge of the CDP architecture is to integrate data from many disparate sources and types. Envision a data lake-centric approach based on a layered architecture where the sources of customer data flow through six logical layers: Ingestion; Processing; Storage; Unified Governance (and Security); Cataloging; and Consumption.

A layered, component-oriented architecture promotes separation of concerns, decoupling of tasks, and the flexibility required to build each component consistent with best practices. These components provide the agility necessary to quickly integrate new data sources and support new analytics or product capabilities. The components are depicted in the image below in the conceptual logical model of the marketing CDP and are then described in this post.

Figure 1: Marketing CDP logical architecture

Figure 1: Marketing CDP logical architecture

CDP components

Logical ingestion layer

The ingestion layer is responsible for collecting data across various customer touchpoints. It provides the ability to connect with internal and external data sources. It can ingest batch, near real-time, and real-time data into the storage layer. This layer aggregates data from multiple source systems and therefore elevates the marketing CDP as the primary repository of marketing and advertising data across an organization. Sources can include cloud or on-premise data sources, streaming data, file stores, third-party Software as a Service (SaaS) connectors and APIs. Separating this component into three layers reduces complexity while providing agility to the process.

Logical storage layer

A scalable, flexible, resilient, and reliable storage layer is critical to the value proposition of a marketing CDP. It consists of three distinct storage areas:

  • Raw Zone – Contains ingested data in its original, immutable format, which can be used to source additional attributes in the future. It can also be used to restore data in certain disaster recovery scenarios. This layer acts as an immutable record of what has happened/been observed historically so that we can use that immutable data to generate a source of fact.
  • Clean Zone – Contains the first transformation of raw data, including conversions to an efficient data format such as Parquet or Avro, as well as basic data quality validations. This layer also acts as an ad-hoc layer to develop answers to unknown question in reasonable time frames so that they can be migrated to the curated zone.
  • Curated Zone – Contains data, organized by subject area, that is ready for consumption by users and applications For a marketing CDP, this includes identity resolution, data enrichment, customer segmentation, and aggregation.

Automated data archival can be configured individually for each layer, and aligned to compliance requirements set by the organization. Access to these layers is controlled at a granular level to ensure a secure and collaborative data exchange and exploration.

Logical cataloging layer

The cataloging layer provides a centralized governance control, including mechanisms for data access control, versioning, and metadata exploration. It provides the ability to track the schema and the partitioning of datasets. This layer makes the datasets discoverable. The Governance capabilities of the Catalog ensure standardization for audit purposes.

Logical processing layer

This layer is responsible for transforming data into a consumable state by applying business rules for data validation, identity resolution, segmentation, normalization, profile aggregation, and machine learning (ML) processing. This layer comprises custom application logic. The compute resources for this layer are designed to scale independently from storage to handle large data volumes; support schema-on-read, support partitioned data and diverse data formats; and orchestrate event-based data processing pipelines.

Logical consumption layer

The consumption layer is responsible for providing scalable tools to gain insights from the vast amount of data in the marketing CDP.

  • Analytics layer – Enables consumption by all user personas through several purpose-built analytics tools that support analysis methods, including ad-hoc SQL queries, batch analytics, business intelligence (BI) dashboards and ML-based insights. Components in this layer should support schema-on-read, data partitioning, and a variety of formats.
  • Data collaboration layer – Consists of data clean rooms where organizations can aggregate customer data from different marketing channels or lines of business, and combine it with first-party data to gain insights while enforcing security, anonymization, and compliance controls.
  • Activation layer – This layer integrates customer profiles with the organization. It can also integrate with third-party SaaS providers in the advertising and marketing industry, and is capable of enriching data sets for consumption.

Logical security and governance layer

The Security and Governance layer is responsible for providing mechanisms for access control, encryption, auditing, and data privacy. CDP platforms must securely organize and control the flow of customer event and attribute data. The CDP must manage data, regardless of ingestion method, to unify that data to unique customer profiles, centralizing audience segmentation, and forwarding data to your purpose-built data stores.

Privacy regulations, which often vary by region or country, make it necessary to focus on collecting only the vital data for your marketing efforts. The CDP must align to a standards-based security process. There must be procedures in place to audit data collection, follow least privilege data access, and avoid data silos.

A marketing CDP must include the following security and governance aspects:

  • Encryption at rest – Data must be persisted in encrypted format to protect it from unauthorized access.
  • Encryption in transit – To protect data in transit,  encryption protocols such as TLS and certificates to create a secure HTTPS connection to make API requests.
  • Key management – Keys must be managed securely because they grant access to data.
  • Secrets management – Secrets, such as application passwords and login credentials, must be protected from unintended access.
  • Fine-grained access controls – Control data access to only those users that have the right to see the data.
  • Data archival – Users need to take advantage of storage tiers and data lifecycle policies, which automatically move data to lower cost tiers over time, based on expected access patterns.
  • Auditing – It is critical to monitor and record all activity within the environment with the goal of being able to analyze activity down to individual API call level.
  • Data masking – It is important to allow users the ability to automatically detect and optionally mask, substitute, or encrypt/decrypt Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This helps outputs of the CDP to comply with such standards as HIPAA and GDPR.
  • Compliance programs – Compliance frameworks such as SOC2, GDPR, CCPA, and others can be attested by tying together governance-focused, audit-friendly service features with applicable compliance or audit standards.

Conclusion: Using the CDP to better manage customers

In this post, we reviewed a logical CDP data architecture that addresses several complexities at scale, using a decoupled, component-driven architecture. The Data Analytics Lens can provide further guidance when designing, deploying, and architecting analytics solution workloads. In addition, ISVs should consider a serverless model for implementation, which helps optimize cost and scalability while reducing the required maintenance on the system.

Why Deployment Requirements are Important When Making Architectural Choices

Post Syndicated from Yusuf Mayet original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/why-deployment-requirements-are-important-when-making-architectural-choices/


Too often, architects fall into the trap of thinking the architecture of an application is restricted to just the runtime part of the architecture. By doing this we focus on only a single customer (such as the application’s users and how they interact with the system) and we forget about other important customers like developers and DevOps teams. This means that requirements regarding deployment ease, deployment frequency, and observability are delegated to the back burner during design time and tacked on after the runtime architecture is built. This leads to increased costs and reduced ability to innovate.

In this post, I discuss the importance of key non-functional requirements, and how they can and should influence the target architecture at design time.

Architectural patterns

When building and designing new applications, we usually start by looking at the functional requirements, which will define the functionality and objective of the application. These are all the things that the users of the application expect, such as shopping online, searching for products, and ordering. We also consider aspects such as usability to ensure a great user experience (UX).

We then consider the non-functional requirements, the so-called “ilities,” which typically include requirements regarding scalability, availability, latency, etc. These are constraints around the functional requirements, like response times for placing orders or searching for products, which will define the expected latency of the system.

These requirements—both functional and non-functional together—dictate the architectural pattern we choose to build the application. These patterns include Multi-tierevent-driven architecturemicroservices, and others, and each one has benefits and limitations. For example, a microservices architecture allows for a system where services can be deployed and scaled independently, but this also introduces complexity around service discovery.

Aligning the architecture to technical users’ requirements

Amazon is a customer-obsessed organization, so it’s important for us to first identify who the main customers are at each point so that we can meet their needs. The customers of the functional requirements are the application users, so we need to ensure the application meets their needs. For the most part, we will ensure that the desired product features are supported by the architecture.

But who are the users of the architecture? Not the applications’ users—they don’t care if it’s monolithic or microservices based, as long as they can shop and search for products. The main customers of the architecture are the technical teams: the developers, architects, and operations teams that build and support the application. We need to work backwards from the customers’ needs (in this case the technical team), and make sure that the architecture meets their requirements. We have therefore identified three non-functional requirements that are important to consider when designing an architecture that can equally meet the needs of the technical users:

  1. Deployability: Flow and agility to consistently deploy new features
  2. Observability: feedback about the state of the application
  3. Disposability: throwing away resources and provision new ones quickly

Together these form part of the Developer Experience (DX), which is focused on providing developers with APIs, documentation, and other technologies to make it easy to understand and use. This will ensure that we design for Day 2 operations in mind.

Deployability: Flow

There are many reasons that organizations embark on digital transformation journeys, which usually involve moving to the cloud and adopting DevOps. According to Stephen Orban, GM of AWS Data Exchange, in his book Ahead in the Cloud, faster product development is often a key motivator, meaning the most important non-functional requirement is achieving flow, the speed at which you can consistently deploy new applications, respond to competitors, and test and roll out new features. As well, the architecture needs to be designed upfront to support deployability. If the architectural pattern is a monolithic application, this will hamper the developers’ ability to quickly roll out new features to production. So we need to choose and design the architecture to support easy and automated deployments. Results from years of research prove that leaders use DevOps to achieve high levels of throughput:

Graphic - Using DevOps to achieve high levels of throughput

Decisions on the pace and frequency of deployments will dictate whether to use rolling, blue/green, or canary deployment methodologies. This will then inform the architectural pattern chosen for the application.

Using AWS, in order to achieve flow of deployability, we will use services such as AWS CodePipelineAWS CodeBuildAWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodeStar.

Observability: feedback

Once you have achieved a rapid and repeatable flow of features into production, you need a constant feedback loop of logs and metrics in order to detect and avoid problems. Observability is a property of the architecture that will allow us to better understand the application across the delivery pipeline and into production. This requires that we design the architecture to ensure that health reports are generated to analyze and spot trends. This includes error rates and stats from each stage of the development process, how many commits were made, build duration, and frequency of deployments. This not only allows us to measure code characteristics such as test coverage, but also developer productivity.

On AWS, we can leverage Amazon CloudWatch to gather and search through logs and metrics, AWS X-Ray for tracing, and Amazon QuickSight as an analytics tool to measure CI/CD metrics.

Disposability: automation

In his book, Cloud Strategy: A Decision-based Approach to a Successful Cloud Journey, Gregor Hohpe, Enterprise Strategist at AWS, notes that cloud and automation add a new “-ility”: disposability, which is the ability to set up and dispose of new servers in an automated and pain-free manner. Having immutable, disposable infrastructure greatly enhances your ability to achieve high levels of deployability and flow, especially when used in a CI/CD pipeline, which can create new resources and kill off the old ones.

At AWS, we can achieve disposability with serverless using AWS Lambda, or with containers running on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), or using AWS Auto Scaling with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

Three different views of the architecture

Once we have designed an architecture that caters for deployability, observability, and disposability, it exposes three lenses across which we can view the architecture:

3 views of the architecture

  1. Build lens: the focus of this part of the architecture is on achieving deployability, with the objective to give the developers an easy-to-use, automated platform that builds, tests, and pushes their code into the different environments, in a repeatable way. Developers can push code changes more reliably and frequently, and the operations team can see greater stability because environments have standard configurations and rollback procedures are automated
  2. Runtime lens: the focus is on the users of the application and on maximizing their experience by making the application responsive and highly available.
  3. Operate lens: the focus is on achieving observability for the DevOps teams, allowing them to have complete visibility into each part of the architecture.


When building and designing new applications, the functional requirements (such as UX) are usually the primary drivers for choosing and defining the architecture to support those requirements. In this post I have discussed how DX characteristics like deployability, observability, and disposability are not just operational concerns that get tacked on after the architecture is chosen. Rather, they should be as important as the functional requirements when choosing the architectural pattern. This ensures that the architecture can support the needs of both the developers and users, increasing quality and our ability to innovate.