Tag Archives: OpenAI

How to build a GPT-3 App with Nextjs, React, and GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original https://github.blog/2023-07-25-how-to-build-a-gpt-3-app-with-nextjs-react-and-github-copilot/

At the beginning of the year, I started working out with a trainer who wanted me to start tracking my food, but I’ve always been super against tracking my meals because it just doesn’t work for me. Instead of tracking my meals however, I decided to build an application that automagically tells me the nutritional information of any recipe. But to do that I needed some pretty complex natural language parsing capabilities so I figured this would be a great opportunity for me to play around with OpenAI and get to use GitHub Copilot a little bit more to help me build the app quickly.

GitHub Copilot is a great example of a product that takes advantage of Large Language Models (LLM) to solve problems for people and improve their productivity. In this blog,I’ll take you through how I created my own application that finds the nutritional information for any recipe using OpenAI’s GPT-3.5-turbo model, GitHub Copilot, Next.js, React, and Material UI.

Let’s dig right into the tutorial.

1. Create a repository and install dependencies

To get started, let’s create a new repository from the GitHub Codespaces Next.js template to get up and running quickly. Go to this repository, and make a copy. To do so, click on the green “Use this template” button then select “Create a new repository” and name your repository whatever you like. I called mine “mealmetrics-copilot.”

Now, clone the repository to your local machine, and open up the repository in your preferred code editor. I’m using VS Code.

Open up your terminal and cd into the project so we can install a few needed dependencies. In your terminal run the following command:

npm i express openai dotenv @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons

Then, install the following as a dev dependency:

npm i --save-dev nodemon

Once everything installs successfully, we’re ready to start building the server, but first, let’s grab our api key from OpenAI.

2. Getting your OpenAI API key

Go to OpenAI’s developer login page and create a new account or sign in if you already have one. Once you’ve logged in, click your name in the upper right hand corner and select “view API keys.” Click the “Create a new secret key” button. From there you can name your apikey, click the green button to generate the key and then copy the apikey and save it in a secure location (such as a password manager).

Save your apikey in a .env file in vscode at the root of the project and add .env to the gitignore file.

3. Install GitHub Copilot extension

We’ll be using GitHub Copilot as our assistant to build this application. If you’re not familiar with GitHub Copilot, read this blog post to learn more.

In your code editor of choice, go to your extensions panel and search for GitHub Copilot—I’m using VSCode and this is what that looks like.

Click the install button then click the login button to authenticate your access. Once that’s done, you’ll be ready to get started and follow along!

4. Building the server

Now that we have our apikey, have installed dependencies, and have GitHub Copilot in our code editor, let’s dig into building the application!

The first thing we’re going to do is build a simple server with Express.js (if you prefer to use Fastify, NestJS, Koa or something else, feel free to use them!).

In the pages folder, create a folder called api and then a file called server.js. This is where we’ll add our prompting information for GitHub Copilot. Let’s add our first prompt as a comment in the server.js file that says the following:

Create a server with the following specifications:

1. import express and dotenv node modules
3. create the server with express and name it app
4. use port 8080 as default port
5. enable body parser to accept json data
6. state which port the server is listening to and log it to the console

Hit the enter key and GitHub Copilot will start generating suggestions to build the server. To accept the suggestions, hit the tab key. Take a look at this video to see what accepting suggestions look like.

We can update the package.json file to include the script devserver: "nodemon pages/api/server.js then run the command in our terminal using npm run devserver. You’ll see that the server has started!

After we build the simple server, let’s move on to making this a bit more complex by building the controller for our app.

Let’s create a new file in the api folder called generateInfo.js and add the following comment in the file:

Create a controller with the following specifications:

1. import the Configuration class and the OpenAIApi class from the openai npm module
2. create a new configuration object that includes the api key and uses the Configuration class from the openai module
3. create a new instance of the OpenAIApi class and pass in the configuration object
4. create an async function called generateInfo that accepts a request and response object as parameters
5. use try to make a request to the OpenAI completetion api and return the response
6. use catch to catch any errors and return the error include a message to the user
7. export the generateInfo function as a module

As you’ll notice, I’m being very explicit in my instructions to GitHub Copilot. One thing to always remember when working with LLMs is that the magic is in the prompt—the clearer you are in your instructions, the better the results you’ll get.

Hit enter on your keyboard and then hit tab to accept the recommendations that GitHub Copilot provides. In the image below, you’ll notice that Copilot’s suggestions are gray.

Accept the suggestion by hitting tab on your keyboard and let’s do some cleaning up.

Remember, GitHub Copilot is our assistant, so we still need to ensure that the suggestions it provides meet our requirements.

Since we’re building a gpt-3 application, we’ll be using the completion API from OpenAI and the gpt-3.5-turbo model to generate nutritional information for us.

If you look at the suggestion above, we were provided with the davinci engine and parameters that are not needed for this project—we also need the messages parameter to send requests with the 3.5-turbo model.

We also want to add the recipe prompt, create a function called recipe that represents the recipe a user inputs and also update the completion object sent to OpenAI. The keys we’ll be using are max_tokens, prompt, model, temperature and n. Learn more about these parameters by reading OpenAI’s api docs.

Let’s also update the error message to include 401 just in case our api key is invalid. So, let’s make these updates.

1. Add recipe prompt

Create a new folder called data at the root of your project, then create a file called prompt.json. This will contain a part of the recipe prompt that we’ll send to OpenAI. Add the following script to the prompt.json file:

"recipePrompt": "I want you to act as a Nutrition Facts Generator. I will provide you with a recipe and your role is to generate nutrition facts for that recipe. You should use your knowledge of nutrition science, nutrition facts labels and other relevant information to generate nutritional information for the recipe. Add each nutrition fact to a new line. I want you to only reply with the nutrition fact. Do not provide any other information. My first request is: "

Then import the recipePrompt to the generateInfo.js file and update the main function to grab the recipe submitted by the user.

// add the prompt to the top of the file
const { recipePrompt } = require('../../data/recipe.json');

// update this function to include the recipe before the try
const generateInfo = async(req, res) => {
const { recipe } = req.body

2. Update the completion function and response

Now, let’s update the try to look a bit more like what we want.

model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages: [{ role: "user", content: `${recipePrompt}${recipe}` }],
max_tokens: 200,
temperature: 0,
n: 1,

And let’s also update the response that we receive.

const response = completion.data.choices[0].message.content;

return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: response,

3. Update the error message

Finally, let’s update the catch to have more explicit error messages.

catch (error) {
if (error.response.status === 401) {
return res.status(401).json({
error: "Please provide a valid API key.",
return res.status(500).json({
"An error occurred while generating recipe information. Please try again later.",

Once we’ve updated everything, our controller function should look like this:

const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai");
const { recipePrompt } = require("../../data/recipe.json");

const config = new Configuration({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

const openai = new OpenAIApi(config);

const generateInfo = async (req, res) => {
const { recipe } = req.body;

try {
const completion = await openai.createChatCompletion({
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages: [{ role: "user", content: `${recipePrompt}${recipe}` }],
max_tokens: 200,
temperature: 0,
n: 1,
const response = completion.data.choices[0].message.content;

return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: response,
} catch (error) {
if (error.response.status === 401) {
return res.status(401).json({
error: "Please provide a valid API key.",
return res.status(500).json({
"An error occurred while generating recipe information. Please try again later.",

module.exports = { generateInfo };

Now, let’s create the router and test this out in Postman. Create a new file called router.js and start typing to allow GitHub Copilot to assist you while typing.

As you can see, GitHub Copilot offered suggestions while I was typing and I hit the tab button to accept the suggestions. Add the newly created router to the server.js file and test the route in postman. Add the following to your server.js file.

app.use('/openai', require('./router'));

Now, let’s test the route in postman with a POST request—make sure your server is still running!

Go to the URL below and add any recipe to the body of the request:

URL: http://localhost:8080/openai/generateinfo

"recipe": "1 cup of all purpose flour, sifted 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 Tablespoon granulated sugar 1/2 Tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature Approximately 1/3 cup water"

You should receive a successful response that looks like this:

"success": true,
"data": "\n\nCalories: 112 \nTotal Fat: 2.3g \nSaturated Fat: 1.3g \nTrans Fat: 0g \nCholesterol: 5.4mg \nSodium: 175.8mg \nTotal Carbohydrates: 21.6g \nDietary Fiber: 0.8g \nSugars: 6.5g \nProtein: 2.6g"

Here is the data that we submitted to OpenAI that generated that successful response:

data: '{"model":"text-davinci-003","prompt":"I want you to act as a Nutrition Facts Generator. I will provide you with a recipe and your role is to generate nutrition facts for that recipe. You should use your knowledge of nutrition science, nutrition facts labels and other relevant information to generate nutritional information for the recipe. Add each nutrition fact to a new line. I want you to only reply with the nutrition fact. Do not provide any other information. My first request is: 1 cup of all purpose flour, sifted 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 Tablespoon granulated sugar 1/2 Tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature Approximately 1/3 cup water","max_tokens":200,"temperature":0.5,"n":1}',

As you can see, both the prompt script and the recipe entered in the request body was sent to OpenAI, which generated the nutritional data for this Jamaican fried dumpling recipe.

Now, let’s create the frontend of the application to display the info on the web.

5. Building the frontend app

We’ll be using React for the frontend. Delete all the code in the index.js file that currently exists in the project. Then, in a comment, instruct GitHub Copilot to build a simple text area.

Create a text area with the following specifications:
1. a H1 with the text "Find Nutrition Facts for any recipe"
2. a text area for users to upload recipe
3. a button for users to submit the entered recipe
4. a section at the bottom to display nutrition facts
5. Get the data from this link: http://localhost:8080/openai/generateinfo
6. Name the component RecipeInfo

GitHub Copilot quickly generated the code for us.

Let’s hit tab to accept the suggestion and run npm run dev in your terminal to see the app on the web. When you go to localhost:3000, you’ll see the following displayed on the web.

Admittedly, it’s not the most beautiful thing, but we were able to spin this up very quickly.

In less than one minute we completed a functional frontend mvp of our application with GitHub Copilot.

Let’s enter the recipe we have into the text box and see the response that we get back.

And we have our first error—which is not surprising since we didn’t validate the code that was provided. Let’s look into the console and see if we have any additional details.

Seems it’s a CORS issue—classic. Let’s ask GitHub Copilot how to resolve this.

Add the following questions as a comment anywhere in your file:

q: how do I resolve the CORS error?
q: how do I add Access-Control-Allow-Origin to the header?

The question and response should look something like this:

We can also ask GitHub Copilot Chat how to resolve CORS errors and it gives us a seamless response.

Let’s install the cors middleware and add it to the server.js file.

const cors = require("cors");

// Allow cross-origin requests (CORS)

Then, let’s update our router.js file.

router.options("/generateInfo", (req, res) => {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");

Now, let’s try fetching nutritional data again and see what happens.

And we have another error. Progress!

This time there’s no need to debug with GitHub Copilot since we’re being told that the data being returned is an object with the keys success and data. Let’s change the name of the response function to recipeInfo and update the nutrition state to receive recipeInfo.data.

const recipeInfo = await response.json();

Let’s try sending the recipe again and hope for a successful response.


We just created a GPT-3 app in record time with GitHub Copilot, React, Next.js, and OpenAI. Now that we have the data that we need, let’s make the application more beautiful with Material UI.

6. Styling the app with Material UI

In this section, we’ll be using a GitHub Copilot X feature in technical preview for individuals and in public beta for organizationsCopilot Chat–to improve the appearance of our application. You must have GitHub Copilot access to be on the Copilot Chat’s waitlist which is currently open. Sign up today if you haven’t yet!

Let’s ask GitHub Copilot chat how we can implement material-ui into the application:

Let’s go ahead and implement the suggestions and see what happens, and also ask GitHub Copilot chat to implement a header for us.

After we implement the header, new text area and center the content, this is what the app is looking like.

Ok, we’re getting somewhere.

Let’s make a few more updates with the assistance of GitHub Copilot Chat. I’ve included the prompt/questions I asked:

  • Make the text area larger and implement Material UI
update the component to use material ui with the content centered and the buttoned positioned below the text area. use Grid from material ui and any other components needed.
  • Add the paper component from Material UI to elevate the look and feel of the app
add the Paper component from material ui to the text area highlighted
  • Add a second button that clears the text area + facts after a recipe is submitted
add a button to the app to clear the text in the textarea
  • Add a loader while waiting for the data to load
add a loader to the highlighted code that checks if the data is loading. If the data is loading, then display the text "Nutrition Facts" and loader, if there is an error, display the error message otherwise, display nothing
  • Add a theme with custom primary and secondary colors
how do I create a custom theme with material ui and where do I create the custom theme?
  • Prevent the text area from going over the paper component from Material UI
in the highlihghted code how do I prevent the text area line from going over the paper component?
  • Add a new component—footer
Create a footer component with the following specifications:
1. The footer must be fixed at the bottom of the page
2. Use the Paper component from Material UI
3. Use the Typography component from Material UI
3. The text must say "Made with ❤ by LadyKerr & GitHub Copilot" and "Powered by OpenAI"
4. The text "GitHub Copilot" must be a link to https://copilot.github.com/ that opens in a new tab with alt text " GitHub Copilot"
5. The text "OpenAI" must be a link to https://openai.com/ that opens in a new tab with alt text "openai api"

Ask GitHub Copilot chat to make the changes above and, once it’s done, your application should be looking and functioning like this:

Now, let’s create a new component that splits each nutrition fact onto a new line. Create a new file called NutritionFacts.js in the components folder, and write the following as a comment so GitHub Copilot can get to work.

Create a component with the following specifications:
1. the component must split the received string data at /n/n or /n and return a Typography component for each string
2. the component must set a unique key for each Typography component
3. the component must return a div with the Typography components
4. the component must return null if the data is not a string
5. Name the component NutritionFacts
6. Use the Paper Component from Material UI
7. Add text above the data that says "Here are the nutrition facts for your recipe:"

From this prompt, GitHub Copilot generated the following code.

import React from "react";
import { Typography, Paper } from "@material-ui/core";

const NutritionFacts = ({ data }) => {
if (typeof data !== "string") {
return null;
const nutritionFacts = data.split(/\n\n|\n/);
return (

Here are the nutrition facts for your recipe:

{nutritionFacts.map((fact, index) => (

export default NutritionFacts;

Brilliant! Let’s import this component into our main index.js file and test the application to see if each fact was split on to a new line as expected.

And it did. Our app is functioning as expected.

Now, let’s move the code for the header into a new file in the components folder called Header.js. Once everything is updated, the final application looks like this and returns the nutritional data for any recipe.

So, there we have it!

We just built an application using GitHub Copilot, OpenAI, React, Next.js, and GitHub Copilot Chat. The next step would be to deploy the application on GitHub Pages and deploy your server on a service like Azure.

You can see the full code here—feel free to clone or fork the project and make it your own. This was a fun little project to build and I hope you learned something new and feel inspired to create your own GPT-3 app!

Learn more about prompting GitHub Copilot by reading How to use GitHub Copilot: Prompts, tips and use cases and A Developer’s Guide to Prompt Engineering and LLMs.

Until next time, happy coding!

Introducing Cursor: the Cloudflare AI Assistant

Post Syndicated from Ricky Robinett original http://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cursor-the-ai-assistant-for-docs/

Introducing Cursor: the Cloudflare AI Assistant

Introducing Cursor: the Cloudflare AI Assistant

Today we’re excited to be launching Cursor – our experimental AI assistant, trained to answer questions about Cloudflare’s Developer Platform. This is just the first step in our journey to help developers build in the fastest way possible using AI, so we wanted to take the opportunity to share our vision for a generative developer experience.

Whenever a new, disruptive technology comes along, it’s not instantly clear what the native way to interact with that technology will be.

However, if you’ve played around with Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, it’s easy to get the feeling that this is something that’s going to change the way we work. The question is: how? While this technology already feels super powerful, today, we’re still in the relatively early days of it.

While Developer Week is all about meeting developers where they are, this is one of the things that’s going to change just that — where developers are, and how they build code. We’re already seeing the beginnings of how the way developers write code is changing, and adapting to them. We wanted to share with you how we’re thinking about it, what’s on the horizon, and some of the large bets to come.

How is AI changing developer experience?

If there’s one big thing we can learn from the exploding success of ChatGPT, it’s the importance of pairing technology with the right interface. GPT-3 — the technology powering ChatGPT has been around for some years now, but the masses didn’t come until ChatGPT made it accessible to the masses.

Since the primary customers of our platform are developers, it’s on us to find the right interfaces to help developers move fast on our platform, and we believe AI can unlock unprecedented developer productivity. And we’re still in the beginning of that journey.

Wave 1: AI generated content

One of the things ChatGPT is exceptionally good at is generating new content and articles. If you’re a bootstrapped developer relations team, the first day playing around with ChatGPT may have felt like you struck the jackpot of productivity. With a simple inquiry, ChatGPT can generate in a few seconds a tutorial that would have otherwise taken hours if not days to write out.

This content still needs to be tested — do the code examples work? Does the order make sense? While it might not get everything right, it’s a massive productivity boost, allowing a small team to multiply their content output.

In terms of developer experience, examples and tutorials are crucial for developers, especially as they start out with a new technology, or seek validation on a path they’re exploring.

However, with AI generated content, it’s always going to be limited to well, how much of it you generated. To compare it to the newspaper, this content is still one size fits all. If as a developer you stray ever so slightly off the beaten path (choose a different framework than the one tutorial suggests, or a different database), you’re still left to put the pieces together, navigating tens of open tabs in order to stitch together your application.

If this content is already being generated by AI, however, why not just go straight to the source, and allow developers to generate their own, personal guides?

Wave 2: Q&A assistants

Since developers love to try out new technologies, it’s no surprise that developers are going to be some of the early adopters for technology such as ChatGPT. Many developers are already starting to build applications alongside their trusted bard, ChatGPT.

Rather than using generated content, why not just go straight to the source, and ask ChatGPT to generate something that’s tailored specifically for you?

There’s one tiny problem: the information is not always up to date. Which is why plugins are going to become a super important way to interact.

But what about someone who’s already on Cloudflare’s docs? Here, you want a native experience where someone can ask questions and receive answers. Similarly, if you have a question, why spend time searching the docs, if you can just ask and receive an answer?

Wave 3: generative experiences

In the examples above, you were still relying on switching back and forth between a dedicated AI interface and the problem at hand. In one tab you’re asking questions, while in another, you’re implementing the answers.

But taking things another step further, what if AI just met you where you were? In terms of developer experience, we’re already starting to see this in the authoring phase. Tools like GitHub Copilot help developers generate boilerplate code and tests, allowing developers to focus on more complex tasks like designing architecture and algorithms.

Sometimes, however, the first iteration AI comes up with might not match what you, the developer had in mind, which is why we’re starting to experiment with a flow-based generative approach, where you can ask AI to generate several versions, and build out your design with the one that matches your expectations the most.

The possibilities are endless, enabling developers to start applications from prompts rather than pre-generated templates.

We’re excited for all the possibilities AI will unlock to make developers more productive than ever, and we’d love to hear from you how AI is changing the way you change applications.

We’re also excited to share our first steps into the realm of AI driven developer experience with the release of our first two ChatGPT plugins, and by welcoming a new member of our team —Cursor, our docs AI assistant.

Our first milestone to AI driven UX: AI Assisted Docs

As the first step towards using AI to streamline our developer experience, we’re excited to introduce a new addition to our documentation to help you get answers as quickly as possible.

How to use Cursor

Here’s a sample exchange with Cursor:

Introducing Cursor: the Cloudflare AI Assistant

You’ll notice that when you ask a question, it will respond with two pieces of information: a text based response answering your questions, and links to relevant pages in our documentation that can help you go further.

Here’s what happens when we ask “What video formats does Stream support?”.

If you were looking through our examples you may not immediately realize that this specific example uses both Workers and R2.

In its current state, you can think of it as your assistant to help you learn about our products and navigate our documentation in a conversational way. We’re labeling Cursor as experimental because this is the very beginning stages of what we feel like a Cloudflare AI assistant could do to help developers. It is helpful, but not perfect. To deal with its lack of perfection, we took an approach of having it do fewer things better. You’ll find there are many things it isn’t good at today.

How we built Cursor

Under the hood, Cursor is powered by Workers, Durable Objects, OpenAI, and the Cloudflare developer docs. It uses the same backend that we’re using to power our ChatGPT Docs plugin, and you can read about that here.

It uses the “Search-Ask” method, stay tuned for more details on how you can build your own.

A sneak peek into the future

We’re already thinking about the future, we wanted to give you a small preview of what we think this might look like here:

With this type of interface, developers could use a UI to have an AI generate code and developers then link that code together visually. Whether that’s with other code generated by the AI or code they’ve written themselves. We’ll be continuing to explore interfaces that we hope to help you all build more efficiently and can’t wait to get these new interfaces in your hands.

We need your help

Our hope is to quickly update and iterate on how Cursor works as developers around the world use it. As you’re using it to explore our documentation, join us on Discord to let us know your experience.

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Post Syndicated from Ricky Robinett original http://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-chatgpt-plugins/

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT plugins in alpha we knew that it opened the door for new possibilities for both Cloudflare users and developers building on Cloudflare. After the launch, our team quickly went to work seeing what we could build, and today we’re very excited to share with you two new Cloudflare ChatGPT plugins – the Cloudflare Radar plugin and the Cloudflare Docs plugin.

The Cloudflare Radar plugin allows you to talk to ChatGPT about real-time Internet patterns powered by Cloudflare Radar.

The Cloudflare Docs plugin allows developers to use ChatGPT to help them write and build Cloudflare applications with the most up-to-date information from our documentation. It also serves as an open source example of how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Cloudflare Workers.

Let’s do a deeper dive into how each of these plugins work and how we built them.

Cloudflare Radar ChatGPT plugin

When ChatGPT introduced plugins, one of their use cases was retrieving real-time data from third-party applications and their APIs and letting users ask relevant questions using natural language.

Cloudflare Radar has lots of data about how people use the Internet, a well-documented public API, an OpenAPI specification, and it’s entirely built on top of Workers, which gives us lots of flexibility for improvements and extensibility. We had all the building blocks to create a ChatGPT plugin quickly. So, that's what we did.

We added an OpenAI manifest endpoint which describes what the plugin does, some branding assets, and an enriched OpenAPI schema to tell ChatGPT how to use our data APIs. The longest part of our work was fine-tuning the schema with good descriptions (written in natural language, obviously) and examples of how to query our endpoints.

Amusingly, the descriptions ended up much improved by the need to explain the API endpoints to ChatGPT. An interesting side effect is that this benefits us humans also.

    "/api/v1/http/summary/ip_version": {
        "get": {
            "operationId": "get_SummaryIPVersion",
            "parameters": [
                    "description": "Date range from today minus the number of days or weeks specified in this parameter, if not provided always send 14d in this parameter.",
                    "required": true,
                    "schema": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "example": "14d",
                        "enum": ["14d","1d","2d","7d","28d","12w","24w","52w"]
                    "name": "dateRange",
                    "in": "query"

Luckily, itty-router-openapi, an easy and compact OpenAPI 3 schema generator and validator for Cloudflare Workers that we built and open-sourced when we launched Radar 2.0, made it really easy for us to add the missing parts.

import { OpenAPIRouter } from '@cloudflare/itty-router-openapi'

const router = OpenAPIRouter({
  aiPlugin: {
    name_for_human: 'Cloudflare Radar API',
    name_for_model: 'cloudflare_radar',
    description_for_human: "Get data insights from Cloudflare's point of view.",
      "Plugin for retrieving the data based on Cloudflare Radar's data. Use it whenever a user asks something that might be related to Internet usage, eg. outages, Internet traffic, or Cloudflare Radar's data in particular.",
    contact_email: '[email protected]',
    legal_info_url: 'https://www.cloudflare.com/website-terms/',
    logo_url: 'https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/5969/5969044.png',

We incorporated our changes into itty-router-openapi, and now it supports the OpenAI manifest and route, and a few other options that make it possible for anyone to build their own ChatGPT plugin on top of Workers too.

The Cloudflare Radar ChatGPT is available to non-free ChatGPT users or anyone on OpenAI’s plugin's waitlist. To use it, simply open ChatGPT, go to the Plugin store and install Cloudflare Radar.

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Once installed, you can talk to it and ask questions about our data using natural language.

When you add plugins to your account, ChatGPT will prioritize using their data based on what the language model understands from the human-readable descriptions found in the manifest and Open API schema. If ChatGPT doesn't think your prompt can benefit from what the plugin provides, then it falls back to its standard capabilities.

Another interesting thing about plugins is that they extend ChatGPT's limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021 and can provide fresh insights based on recent data.

Here are a few examples to get you started:

"What is the percentage distribution of traffic per TLS protocol version?"

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

"What's the HTTP protocol version distribution in Portugal?"

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Now that ChatGPT has context, you can add some variants, like switching the country and the date range.

“How about the US in the last six months?”

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

You can also combine multiple topics (ChatGPT will make multiple API calls behind the scenes and combine the results in the best possible way).

“How do HTTP protocol versions compare with TLS protocol versions?”

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

Out of ideas? Ask it “What can I ask the Radar plugin?”, or “Give me a random insight”.

Be creative, too; it understands a lot about our data, and we keep improving it. You can also add date or country filters using natural language in your prompts.

Cloudflare Docs ChatGPT plugin

The Cloudflare Docs plugin is a ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin that lets you access the most up-to-date knowledge from our developer documentation using ChatGPT. This means if you’re using ChatGPT to assist you with building on Cloudflare that the answers you’re getting or code that’s being generated will be informed by current best practices and information located within our docs. You can set up and run the Cloudflare Docs ChatGPT Plugin by following the read me in the example repo.

Query Cloudflare Radar and our docs using ChatGPT plugins

The plugin was built entirely on Workers and uses KV as a vector store. It can also keep its index up-to-date using Cron Triggers, Queues and Durable Objects.

The plugin is a Worker that responds to POST requests from ChatGPT to a /query endpoint. When a query comes in, the Worker converts the query text into an embedding vector via the OpenAI embeddings API and uses this to find, and return, the most relevant document snippets from Cloudflare’s developer documentation.

The way this is achieved is by first converting every document in Cloudflare’s developer documentation on GitHub into embedding vectors (again using OpenAI’s API) and storing them in KV. This storage format allows you to find semantically similar content by doing a similarity search (we use cosine similarity), where two pieces of text that are similar in meaning will result in the two embedding vectors having a high similarity score. Cloudflare’s entire developer documentation compresses to under 5MB when converted to embedding vectors, so fetching these from KV is very quick. We’ve also explored building larger vector stores on Workers, as can be seen in this demo of 1 million vectors stored on Durable Object storage. We’ll be releasing more open source libraries to support these vector store use cases in the near future.

So ChatGPT will query the plugin when it believes the user’s question is related to Cloudflare’s developer tools, and the plugin will return a list of up-to-date information snippets directly from our documentation. ChatGPT can then decide how to use these snippets to best answer the user’s question.

The plugin also includes a “Scheduler” Worker that can periodically refresh the documentation embedding vectors, so that the information is always up-to-date. This is advantageous because ChatGPT’s own knowledge has a cutoff of September 2021 – so it’s not aware of changes in documentation, or new Cloudflare products.

The Scheduler Worker is triggered by a Cron Trigger, on a schedule you can set (eg, hourly), where it will check which content has changed since it last ran via GitHub’s API. It then sends these document paths in messages to a Queue to be processed. Workers will batch process these messages – for each message, the content is fetched from GitHub, and then turned into embedding vectors via OpenAI’s API. A Durable Object is used to coordinate all the Queue processing so that when all the batches have finished processing, the resulting embedding vectors can be combined and stored in KV, ready for querying by the plugin.

This is a great example of how Workers can be used not only for front-facing HTTP APIs, but also for scheduled batch-processing use cases.

Let us know what you think

We are in a time when technology is constantly changing and evolving, so as you experiment with these new plugins please let us know what you think. What do you like? What could be better? Since ChatGPT plugins are in alpha, changes to the plugins user interface or performance (i.e. latency) may occur. If you build your own plugin, we’d love to see it and if it’s open source you can submit a pull request on our example repo. You can always find us hanging out in our developer discord.