All posts by Kedasha Kerr

Using GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks, and best practices

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original

AI has become an integral part of my workflow these days, and with the assistance of GitHub Copilot, I move a lot faster when I’m building a project. Having used AI tools to increase my productivity over the past year, I’ve realized that similar to learning how to use a new framework or library, we can enhance our efficiency with AI tools by learning how to best use them.

In this blog post, I’ll share some of the daily things I do to get the most out of GitHub Copilot. I hope these tips will help you become a more efficient and productive user of the AI assistant.

Need a refresher on how to use GitHub Copilot?Since GitHub Copilot continues to evolve in the IDE, CLI, and across, we put together a full guide on using GitHub Copilot with prompt tips and tricks. Get the guide >

Want to learn how best to leverage it in the IDE? Keep on reading. ⤵

Beyond code completion

To make full use of the power of GitHub Copilot, it’s important to understand its capabilities. GitHub Copilot is developing rapidly, and new features are being added all the time. It’s no longer just a code completion tool in your editor—it now includes a chat interface that you can use in your IDE, a command line tool via a GitHub CLI extension, a summary tool in your pull requests, a helper tool in your terminals, and much, much more.

In a recent blog post, I’ve listed some of the ways you didn’t know you could use GitHub Copilot. This will give you a great overview of how much the AI assistant can currently do.

But beyond interacting with GitHub Copilot, how do you help it give you better answers? Well, the answer to that needs a bit more context.

Context, context, context

If you understand Large Language Models ( LLMs), you will know that they are designed to make predictions based on the context provided. This means, the more contextually rich our input or prompt is, the better the prediction or output will be.

As such, learning to provide as much context as possible is key when interacting with GitHub Copilot, especially with the code completion feature. Unlike ChatGPT where you need to provide all the data to the model in the prompt window, by installing GitHub Copilot in your editor, the assistant is able to infer context from the code you’re working on. It then uses that context to provide code suggestions.

We already know this, but what else can we do to give it additional context?

I want to share a few essential tips with you to provide GitHub Copilot with more context in your editor to get the most relevant and useful code out of it:

1. Open your relevant files

Having your files open provides GitHub Copilot with context. When you have additional files open, it will help to inform the suggestion that is returned. Remember, if a file is closed, GitHub Copilot cannot see the file’s content in your editor, which means it cannot get the context from those closed files.

GitHub Copilot looks at the current open files in your editor to analyze the context, create a prompt that gets sent to the server, and return an appropriate suggestion.

Have a few files open in your editor to give GitHub Copilot a bigger picture of your project. You can also use #editor in the chat interface to provide GitHub Copilot with additional context on your currently opened files in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and Visual Studio.

Remember to close unneeded files when context switching or moving on to the next task.

2. Provide a top-level comment

Just as you would give a brief, high-level introduction to a coworker, a top-level comment in the file you’re working in can help GitHub Copilot understand the overall context of the pieces you will be creating—especially if you want your AI assistant to generate the boilerplate code for you to get going.

Be sure to include details about what you need and provide a good description so it has as much information as possible. This will help to guide GitHub Copilot to give better suggestions, and give it a goal on what to work on. Having examples, especially when processing data or manipulation strings, helps quite a bit.

index.js file with a comment at the top asking Copilot to create a HomePage Component following detailed guidelines: a H1 text with label, a text area with a button, and a server response displaying facts returned

3. Set Includes and references

It’s best to manually set the includes/imports or module references you need for your work, particularly if you’re working with a specific version of a package.

GitHub Copilot will make suggestions, but you know what dependencies you want to use. This can also help to let GitHub Copilot know what frameworks, libraries, and their versions you’d like it to use when crafting suggestions.

This can be helpful to jump start GitHub Copilot to a newer library version when it defaults to providing older code suggestions.

4. Meaningful names matter

The name of your variables and functions matter. If you have a function named foo or bar, GitHub Copilot will not be able to give you the best completion because it isn’t able to infer intent from the names.

Just as the function name fetchData() won’t mean much to a coworker (or you after a few months), fetchData() won’t mean much to GitHub Copilot either.

Implementing good coding practices will help you get the most value from GitHub Copilot. While GitHub Copilot helps you code and iterate faster, remember the old rule of programming still applies: garbage in, garbage out.

function named "fetchAirports" that gets data from the /airport route and returns json output of airports to demonstrate meaningful names.

5. Provide specific and well- scoped function comments

Commenting your code helps you get very specific, targeted suggestions.

A function name can only be so descriptive without being overly long, so function comments can help fill in details that GitHub Copilot might need to know. One of the neat features about GitHub Copilot is that it can determine the correct comment syntax that is typically used in your programming language for function / method comments and will help create them for you based on what the code does. Adding more detail to these as the first change you do then helps GitHub Copilot determine what you would like to do in code and how to interact with that function.

Remember: Single, specific, short comments help GitHub Copilot provide better context.

6. Provide sample code

Providing sample code to GitHub Copilot will help it determine what you’re looking for. This helps to ground the model and provide it with even more context.

It also helps GitHub Copilot generate suggestions that match the language and tasks you want to achieve, and return suggestions based on your current coding standards and practices. Unit tests provide one level of sample code at the individual function/method level, but you can also provide code examples in your project showing how to do things end to end. The cool thing about using GitHub Copilot long-term is that it nudges us to do a lot of the good coding practices we should’ve been doing all along.

Learn more about providing context to GitHub Copilot by watching this Youtube video:

Inline Chat with GitHub Copilot

Inline chat

Outside of providing enough context, there are some built-in features of GitHub Copilot that you may not be taking advantage of. Inline chat, for example, gives you an opportunity to almost chat with GitHub Copilot between your lines of code. By pressing CMD + I (CTRL + I on Windows) you’ll have Copilot right there to ask questions. This is a bit more convenient for quick fixes instead of opening up GitHub Copilot Chat’s side panel.

This experience provides you with code diffs inline, which is awesome. There are also special slash commands available like creating documentation with just the slash of a button!

inline chat in the VS Code editor with the /doc command in focus

Tips and tricks with GitHub Copilot Chat

GitHub Copilot Chat provides an experience in your editor where you can have a conversation with the AI assistant. You can improve this experience by using built-in features to make the most out of it.

8. Remove irrelevant requests

For example, did you know that you can delete a previously asked question in the chat interface to remove it from the indexed conversation? Especially if it is no longer relevant?

Copilot Chat interface with a mouse click hovered over a conversation and the X button to delete it.

Doing this will improve the flow of conversation and give GitHub Copilot only the necessary information needed to provide you with the best output.

9. Navigate through your conversation

Another tip I found is to use the up and down arrows to navigate through your conversation with GitHub Copilot Chat. I found myself scrolling through the chat interface to find that last question I asked, then discovered I can just use my keyboard arrows just like in the terminal!

10. Use the @workspace agent

If you’re using VS Code or Visual Studio, remember that agents are available to help you go even further. The @workspace agent for example, is aware of your entire workspace and can answer questions related to it. As such, it can provide even more context when trying to get a good output from GitHub Copilot.

11. Highlight relevant code

Another great tip when using GitHub Copilot Chat is to highlight relevant code in your files before asking it questions. This will help to give targeted suggestions and just provides the assistant with more context into what you need help with.

12. Organize your conversations with threads

You can have multiple ongoing conversations with GitHub Copilot Chat on different topics by isolating your conversations with threads. We’ve provided a convenient way for you to start new conversations (thread) by clicking the + sign on the chat interface.

copilot chat interface with a mouse click on the plus button to start a new thread or conversation

13. Slash Commands for common tasks

Slash commands are awesome, and there are quite a few of them. We have commands to help you explain code, fix code, create a new notebook, write tests, and many more. They are just shortcuts to common prompts that we’ve found to be particularly helpful in day-to-day development from our own internal usage.

Command Description Usage
/explain Get code explanations Open file with code or highlight code you want explained and type:

/explain what is the fetchPrediction method?

/fix Receive a proposed fix for the problems in the selected code Highlight problematic code and type:

/fix propose a fix for the problems in fetchAirports route

/tests Generate unit tests for selected code Open file with code or highlight code you want tests for and type:


/help Get help on using Copilot Chat Type:

/help what can you do?

/clear Clear current conversation Type:


/doc Add a documentation comment Highlight code and type:


You can also press CMD+I in your editor and type /doc/ inline

/generate Generate code to answer your question Type:

/generate code that validates a phone number

/optimize Analyze and improve running time of the selected code Highlight code and type:

/optimize fetchPrediction method

/clear Clear current chat Type:


/new Scaffold code for a new workspace Type:

/new create a new django app

/simplify Simplify the selected code Highlight code and type:


/feedback Provide feedback to the team Type:


See the following image for commands available in VS Code:

 slash commands in VS Code terminal. commands shown are listed in the table above

14. Attach relevant files for reference

In Visual Studio and VS Code, you can attach relevant files for GitHub Copilot Chat to reference by using #file. This scopes GitHub Copilot to a particular context in your code base and provides you with a much better outcome.

To reference a file, type # in the comment box, choose #file and you will see a popup where you can choose your file. You can also type in the comment box. See below for an example:

15. Start with GitHub Copilot Chat for faster debugging

These days whenever I need to debug some code, I turn to GitHub Copilot Chat first. Most recently, I was implementing a decision tree and performed a k-fold cross-validation. I kept getting the incorrect accuracy scores and couldn’t figure out why. I turned to GitHub Copilot Chat for some assistance and it turns out I wasn’t using my training data set (X_train, y_train), even though I thought I was:

I figured this out a lot faster than I would’ve with external resources. I want to encourage you to start with GitHub Copilot Chat in your editor to get debugging help faster instead of going to external resources first. Follow my example above by explaining the problem, pasting the problematic code, and asking for help. You can also highlight the problematic code in your editor and use the /fix command in the chat interface.

Be on the lookout for sparkles!

In VS Code, you can quickly get help from GitHub Copilot by looking out for “magic sparkles.” For example, in the commit comment section, clicking the magic sparkles will help you generate a commit message with the help of AI. You can also find magic sparkles inline in your editor as you’re working for a quick way to access GitHub Copilot inline chat.

Pressing them will use AI to help you fill out the data and more magic sparkles are being added where we find other places for GitHub Copilot to help in your day-to-day coding experience.

Know where your AI assistant shines

To get the best and most out of the tool, remember that context and prompt crafting is essential to keep in mind. Understanding where the tool shines best is also important. Some of the things GitHub Copilot is very good at include boilerplate code and scaffolding, writing unit tests, writing documentation, pattern matching, explaining uncommon or confusing syntax, cron jobs, and regex, and helping you remember things you’ve forgotten and debugging.

But never forget that you are in control, and GitHub Copilot is here as just that, your copilot. It is a tool that can help you write code faster, and it’s up to you to decide how to best use it.

It is not here to do your work for you or to write everything for you. It will guide you and nudge you in the right direction just as a coworker would if you asked them questions or for guidance on a particular issue.

I hope these tips and best practices were helpful. You can significantly improve your coding efficiency and output by properly leveraging GitHub Copilot. Learn more about how GitHub Copilot works by reading Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot and Customizing and fine-tuning LLMs: What you need to know.

Harness the power of GitHub Copilot. Learn more or get started now.

The post Using GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks, and best practices appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

10 unexpected ways to use GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original

Writing code is more than just writing code. There’s commit messages to write, CLI commands to execute, and obscure syntax to try to remember. While you’ve probably used GitHub Copilot to support your coding, did you know it can also support your other workloads?

GitHub Copilot is widely known for its ability to help developers write code in their IDE. Today, I want to show you how the AI assistant’s abilities can extend beyond just code generation. In this post, we’ll explore 10 use cases where GitHub Copilot can help reduce friction during your developer workflow. This includes pull requests, working from the command line, debugging CI/CD workflows, and much more!

Let’s get into it.

1. Run terminal commands from GitHub Copilot Chat

If you ever forget how to run a particular command when you’re working in your VS Code, GitHub Copilot Chat is here to help! With the new @terminal agent in VS Code, you can ask GitHub Copilot how to run a particular command. Once it generates a response, you can then click the “Insert into Terminal” button to run the suggested command.

Let me show you what I mean:

The @terminal agent in VS Code also has context about the integrated shell terminal, so it can help you even further.

2. Write pull request summaries (Copilot Enterprise feature only)

We’ve all been there where we made a sizable pull request with tons of files and hundreds of changes. But, sometimes, it can be hard to remember every little detail that we’ve implemented or changed.

Yet it’s an important part of collaborating with other engineers/developers on my team. After all, if I don’t give them a summary of my proposed changes, I’m not giving them the full context they need to provide an effective review. Thankfully, GitHub Copilot is now integrated into pull requests! This means, with the assistance of AI, you can generate a detailed pull request summary of the changes you made in your files.

Let’s look at how you can generate these summaries:

Now, isn’t that grand! All you have to do is go in and edit what was generated and you have a great, detailed explanation of all the changes you’ve made—with links to changed files!

Note: You will need a Copilot Enterprise plan (which requires GitHub Enterprise Cloud) to use PR summaries. Learn more about this enterprise feature by reading our documentation.

3. Generate commit messages

I came across this one recently while making changes in VS Code. GitHub Copilot can help you generate commit messages right in your IDE. If you click on the source control button, you’ll notice a sparkle in the message input box.

Click on those sparkles and voilà, commit messages are generated on your behalf:

I thought this was a pretty nifty feature of GitHub Copilot in VS Code and Visual Studio.

4. Get help in the terminal with GitHub Copilot in the CLI

Another way to get help with terminal commands is to use GitHub Copilot in the CLI. This is an extension to GitHub CLI that helps you with general shell commands, Git commands, and gh cli commands.

GitHub Copilot in the CLI is a game-changer that is super useful for reminding you of commands, teaching you new commands or explaining random commands you come across online.

Learn how to get started with GitHub Copilot in the CLI by reading this post!

5. Talk to your repositories on (Copilot Enterprise feature only)

If you’ve ever gone to a new repository and have no idea what’s happening even though the README is there, you can now use GitHub Copilot Chat to explain the repository to you, right in Just click on the Copilot icon in the top right corner of the repository and ask whatever you want to know about that repository.

On you can ask Copilot general software related questions, questions about the context of your project, questions about a specific file, or specified lines of code within a file.

Note: You will need a Copilot Enterprise plan (which requires GitHub Enterprise Cloud) to use GitHub Copilot Chat in repositories on Learn more about this enterprise feature by reading our documentation.

6. Fix code inline

Did you know that in addition to asking for suggestions with comments, you can get help with your code inline? Just highlight the code you want to fix, right click, and select “Fix using Copilot.” Copilot will then provide you with a suggested fix for your code.

This is great to have for those small little fixes we sometimes need right in our current files.

7. Bulk close 1000+ GitHub Issues

My team and I had a use case where we needed to close over 1,600 invalid GitHub Issues submitted to one of our repositories. I created a custom GitHub Action that automatically closed all 1,600+ issues and implemented the solution with GitHub Copilot.

GitHub Copilot Chat helped me to create the GitHub Action, and also helped me implement the closeIssue() function very quickly by leveraging Octokit to grab all the issues that needed to be closed.

Example of a closeissues.js script generated by GitHub Copilot

You can read all about how I bulk closed 1000+ GitHub issues in this blog post, but just know that with GitHub Copilot Chat, we went from having 1,600+ open issues, to a measly 64 in a matter of minutes.

8. Generate documentation for your code

We all love documenting our code, but just in case some of us need a little help writing documentation, GitHub Copilot is here to help!

Regardless of your language, you can quickly generate documentation following language specific formats—Docstring for Python, JSDoc for Javascript or Javadoc for Java.

9. Get help with error messages in your terminal

Error messages can often be confusing. With GitHub Copilot in your IDE, you can now get help with error messages right in the terminal. Just highlight the error message, right click, and select “Explain with Copilot.” GitHub Copilot will then provide you with a description of the error and a suggested fix.

You can also bring error messages from your browser console into Copilot Chat so it can explain those messages to you as well with the /explain slash command.

10. Debug your GitHub Actions workflow

Whenever I have a speaking engagement, I like to create my slides using Slidev, an open source presentation slide builder for developers. I enjoy using it because I can create my slides in Markdown and still make them look splashy! Take a look at this one for example!

Anyway, there was a point in time where I had an issue with deploying my slides to GitHub Pages and I just couldn’t figure out what the issue was. So, of course, I turned to my trusty assistant—GitHub Copilot Chat that helped me debug my way through deploying my slides.

Conversation between GitHub Copilot Chat and developer to debug a GitHub Actions workflow

Read more about how I debugged my deployment workflow with GitHub Copilot Chat here.

GitHub Copilot goes beyond code completion

As you see above, GitHub Copilot extends far beyond your editor and code completion. It is truly evolving to be one of the best tools you can have in your developer toolkit. I’m still learning and discovering new ways to integrate GitHub Copilot into my daily workflow and I hope you give some of the above a chance!

Be sure to sign up for Github Copilot if you haven’t tried it out yet and stay up to date with all that’s happening by subscribing to our developer newsletter for more tips, technical guides, and best practices! You can also drop me a note on X if you have any questions, @itsthatladydev.

Until next time, happy coding!

The post 10 unexpected ways to use GitHub Copilot appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

10 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Projects

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original

GitHub Projects has been adopted by program managers, OSS maintainers, enterprises, and individual developers alike for its user-friendly design and efficiency. We all know that managing issues and pull requests in our repositories can be challenging.

To help you optimize your usage of GitHub Projects to plan and track your work from start to finish, I’ll be sharing 10 things you can do with GitHub Projects to make it easier to keep track of your issues and pull requests.

1. Manage your projects with the CLI

If you prefer to work from your terminals, we’ve made it more convenient for you to manage and automate your project workflows with the GitHub CLI project command. This essentially allows you to work more collaboratively with your team to keep your projects updated with your existing toolkit.

For example, if I wanted to add a draft issue to my project “Learning Ruby,” I would do this by first ensuring that I have the CLI installed and I’m authenticated with the project scope. Once authenticated, I need to find the number of the project I want to manage with the CLI. You can find the project number by looking at the project URL. For example, the project number here is “4.” Now that we have the project number, we can use it to add a draft issue to the project! The command will look like this:

gh project item-create 4 --owner That-Lady-Dev --title "Test Adding Draft" --body "I added this draft issue with GitHub CLI"

When we run this, a new draft issue is added to the project:

updating the project from the terminal; seeing the new item added to the board live

You can do a lot more with the GitHub CLI and GitHub projects. Check out our documentation to see all the possibilities of interacting with your projects from the terminal.

2. Export your projects to TSV

If you ever need your project data, you can export your project view to a file, which can then be imported into Figjam, Google Sheets, Excel, or any other platform that supports TSV files.

Go to any view of your project and click the arrow next to the view name, then select Export view data. This will give you a TSV file that you can use.

export project view data as a TSV file

Though TSV offers much better formatting than a CSV file, you can ask GitHub Copilot Chat how to convert a TSV file to a CSV file, copy the code, run it, and get your new CSV document, if CSV is your jam.

GitHub Copilot Chat converts TSV to CSV with Python code

Here’s a quick gist of how I converted a TSV to a CSV with GitHub Copilot Chat!

3. Create reusable project templates

If you often find yourself recreating projects with similar content and structure, you can set a project as a template so you and others can use it as a base when creating new projects.

To set your project as a template, navigate to the project “Settings” page, and under the “Templates” section toggle on Make template.

 toggle templates on from the setting page showing a green button in the UI

This will turn the project into a template that can be used with the green Use this template button at the top of your project, or when creating a new project. Building a library of templates that can be reused across your organization can help you and your teams share best practices and inspiration when getting started with a project!

4. Make a copy of a project

In addition to making your project a template that can be reused, you can also make a one-time copy of an existing project that will contain the fields, views, any configured workflows, insights, and draft items from the original project!

To copy a project, navigate to the project you want to copy, click the three dots to open the menu, and select Make a copy. This will open up a dialog where you can set the Owner, name the project, and click whether you want draft issues copied over or not. Once that’s all set, your new project is ready to be used!

making a copy of the project and updating data

You can also do this with the CLI. The command will look like this:

gh project copy 1 --source-owner That-Lady-Dev --target-owner Demos-and-Donuts --title "copied project"

5. Automate your project with workflows

If you want an issue to be automatically added to a project or if you want to set the status of an issue to “completed” when it is closed, you can do this automatically with built-in project workflows!

Go to the menu and click “Workflows.” This will show you a list of default workflows you can enable on your projects. To automatically add an issue to your project from a repository, you can enable the “Auto-add to project” workflow. To automatically set the status of a closed issue to “complete,” you can enable the “item closed” workflow.

turning on built-in project workflows from the settings page

Explore more built-in workflows by reading our documentation where you can also learn how to automate your projects with GitHub Actions.

6. Add colors and description to custom fields

Custom fields help you organize and categorize items in your projects, with flexible field types including text, number, date, single select, and iteration. If you want to add a splash of color to your project or more details about a specific field, you can add colors and descriptions to your single select fields!

To add a color and a description to a new single select field, navigate to the project settings, and add a new field. From there, you can add options to the field where you can select colors and add a description so everyone on your team knows what those options in the field mean and how they can be used.

updating project settings with new fields and descriptions from the settings page

You can also update field descriptions and colors directly from the project view by selecting Edit details from the group or column menus.

updating colors and description fields from the main project view

7. Add Issues from any organization

If you’re an open source maintainer, or a developer with multiple clients, you may be working across multiple organizations at a time. This means you have multiple issues to keep track of and need a way to combine these issues in one cohesive manner.

This is where GitHub Projects come in! You can collate issues from any organization onto a single project.

For example, I’m a part of the That-Lady-Dev and the Demos-and-Donuts organizations. I have the issues I want to track on my project board from That-Lady-Dev, but I also want to add the issues I have from the other organization to the same board. I can do this in one of two ways—I can either copy the issue link from the Demos-and-Donuts organization and paste it into the project, or I can search for the Demos-and-Donuts organization and repository from the project using # and select the issues I want to add.

This is a lot to take in—take a look at the gif below.

pasting an issue url from another org onto the project and searching for an issue from another org to add to the project

You can also add an issue or pull request to a project with the CLI. The command will look like this:

gh project item-add 4 --owner That-Lady-Dev --url

8. Edit multiple items at once

Rather than spending time manually updating individual items, you can edit multiple items in one go with our bulk editing feature on GitHub Projects.

Let’s say you wanted to assign multiple issues to yourself. On the table layout, assign one issue and with the cell highlighted, and copy the contents of the cell. Select all the remaining items you want to be assigned and paste the copied contents. You just assigned yourself to multiple issues at once, and this can be undone at the click of a button or using keyboard commands as well.

This is demonstrated in the gif below.

bulk editing fields by assigning LadyKerr to thirteen field at the same time

You can also drag and drop multiple items on a project board to different columns.

dragging and dropping four board items to another column at the same time

9. Reorder fields

With a growing list of fields in your project, you’ll want to make sure your fields are organized and you see the most important ones up top. To change the order in how they appear on the side panel and on the issues page, you can rearrange the order of the fields from the project settings by dragging and dropping them in the “Custom fields” list.

putting status field at the top on settings page and showing on the project view that it is now the first field on the issue

10. See what you want to see with slice by

If you find yourself with multiple views and filters to see how items are spread among various teams, labels, or assignees, you can configure a slice field to break down and quickly toggle through your items. You can choose a Slice by field that will pull the field values into a panel on the left of your view, and clicking each value will adjust the items in the project view on the right. See the gif below for how this works.

slicing the project by content type, labels and assignees to demonstrate slice by feature

Try out slicing by different fields to unlock a new way to organize your items!

Bonus tip: Deep linking

Let’s say you want to send a specific issue from your project to a teammate. You can use the Copy link to project button to send them a direct link to that particular issue in the project without having them sift through to find the issue you mentioned. See what I mean in this gif.

using the copy project link to deep link items


And there you have it—10 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Projects. The team is continuing to work on more amazing features to make tracking your issues with pull requests as seamless and painless as possible. GitHub Projects is a powerful, flexible, and efficient way to keep track of your items while staying on top of your work.

Do let me know if you have any questions about GitHub Projects; I’m happy to jump in and assist.

The post 10 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Projects appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How to build a GPT-3 App with Nextjs, React, and GitHub Copilot

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original

At the beginning of the year, I started working out with a trainer who wanted me to start tracking my food, but I’ve always been super against tracking my meals because it just doesn’t work for me. Instead of tracking my meals however, I decided to build an application that automagically tells me the nutritional information of any recipe. But to do that I needed some pretty complex natural language parsing capabilities so I figured this would be a great opportunity for me to play around with OpenAI and get to use GitHub Copilot a little bit more to help me build the app quickly.

GitHub Copilot is a great example of a product that takes advantage of Large Language Models (LLM) to solve problems for people and improve their productivity. In this blog,I’ll take you through how I created my own application that finds the nutritional information for any recipe using OpenAI’s GPT-3.5-turbo model, GitHub Copilot, Next.js, React, and Material UI.

Let’s dig right into the tutorial.

1. Create a repository and install dependencies

To get started, let’s create a new repository from the GitHub Codespaces Next.js template to get up and running quickly. Go to this repository, and make a copy. To do so, click on the green “Use this template” button then select “Create a new repository” and name your repository whatever you like. I called mine “mealmetrics-copilot.”

Now, clone the repository to your local machine, and open up the repository in your preferred code editor. I’m using VS Code.

Open up your terminal and cd into the project so we can install a few needed dependencies. In your terminal run the following command:

npm i express openai dotenv @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons

Then, install the following as a dev dependency:

npm i --save-dev nodemon

Once everything installs successfully, we’re ready to start building the server, but first, let’s grab our api key from OpenAI.

2. Getting your OpenAI API key

Go to OpenAI’s developer login page and create a new account or sign in if you already have one. Once you’ve logged in, click your name in the upper right hand corner and select “view API keys.” Click the “Create a new secret key” button. From there you can name your apikey, click the green button to generate the key and then copy the apikey and save it in a secure location (such as a password manager).

Save your apikey in a .env file in vscode at the root of the project and add .env to the gitignore file.

3. Install GitHub Copilot extension

We’ll be using GitHub Copilot as our assistant to build this application. If you’re not familiar with GitHub Copilot, read this blog post to learn more.

In your code editor of choice, go to your extensions panel and search for GitHub Copilot—I’m using VSCode and this is what that looks like.

Click the install button then click the login button to authenticate your access. Once that’s done, you’ll be ready to get started and follow along!

4. Building the server

Now that we have our apikey, have installed dependencies, and have GitHub Copilot in our code editor, let’s dig into building the application!

The first thing we’re going to do is build a simple server with Express.js (if you prefer to use Fastify, NestJS, Koa or something else, feel free to use them!).

In the pages folder, create a folder called api and then a file called server.js. This is where we’ll add our prompting information for GitHub Copilot. Let’s add our first prompt as a comment in the server.js file that says the following:

Create a server with the following specifications:

1. import express and dotenv node modules
3. create the server with express and name it app
4. use port 8080 as default port
5. enable body parser to accept json data
6. state which port the server is listening to and log it to the console

Hit the enter key and GitHub Copilot will start generating suggestions to build the server. To accept the suggestions, hit the tab key. Take a look at this video to see what accepting suggestions look like.

We can update the package.json file to include the script devserver: "nodemon pages/api/server.js then run the command in our terminal using npm run devserver. You’ll see that the server has started!

After we build the simple server, let’s move on to making this a bit more complex by building the controller for our app.

Let’s create a new file in the api folder called generateInfo.js and add the following comment in the file:

Create a controller with the following specifications:

1. import the Configuration class and the OpenAIApi class from the openai npm module
2. create a new configuration object that includes the api key and uses the Configuration class from the openai module
3. create a new instance of the OpenAIApi class and pass in the configuration object
4. create an async function called generateInfo that accepts a request and response object as parameters
5. use try to make a request to the OpenAI completetion api and return the response
6. use catch to catch any errors and return the error include a message to the user
7. export the generateInfo function as a module

As you’ll notice, I’m being very explicit in my instructions to GitHub Copilot. One thing to always remember when working with LLMs is that the magic is in the prompt—the clearer you are in your instructions, the better the results you’ll get.

Hit enter on your keyboard and then hit tab to accept the recommendations that GitHub Copilot provides. In the image below, you’ll notice that Copilot’s suggestions are gray.

Accept the suggestion by hitting tab on your keyboard and let’s do some cleaning up.

Remember, GitHub Copilot is our assistant, so we still need to ensure that the suggestions it provides meet our requirements.

Since we’re building a gpt-3 application, we’ll be using the completion API from OpenAI and the gpt-3.5-turbo model to generate nutritional information for us.

If you look at the suggestion above, we were provided with the davinci engine and parameters that are not needed for this project—we also need the messages parameter to send requests with the 3.5-turbo model.

We also want to add the recipe prompt, create a function called recipe that represents the recipe a user inputs and also update the completion object sent to OpenAI. The keys we’ll be using are max_tokens, prompt, model, temperature and n. Learn more about these parameters by reading OpenAI’s api docs.

Let’s also update the error message to include 401 just in case our api key is invalid. So, let’s make these updates.

1. Add recipe prompt

Create a new folder called data at the root of your project, then create a file called prompt.json. This will contain a part of the recipe prompt that we’ll send to OpenAI. Add the following script to the prompt.json file:

"recipePrompt": "I want you to act as a Nutrition Facts Generator. I will provide you with a recipe and your role is to generate nutrition facts for that recipe. You should use your knowledge of nutrition science, nutrition facts labels and other relevant information to generate nutritional information for the recipe. Add each nutrition fact to a new line. I want you to only reply with the nutrition fact. Do not provide any other information. My first request is: "

Then import the recipePrompt to the generateInfo.js file and update the main function to grab the recipe submitted by the user.

// add the prompt to the top of the file
const { recipePrompt } = require('../../data/recipe.json');

// update this function to include the recipe before the try
const generateInfo = async(req, res) => {
const { recipe } = req.body

2. Update the completion function and response

Now, let’s update the try to look a bit more like what we want.

model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages: [{ role: "user", content: `${recipePrompt}${recipe}` }],
max_tokens: 200,
temperature: 0,
n: 1,

And let’s also update the response that we receive.

const response =[0].message.content;

return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: response,

3. Update the error message

Finally, let’s update the catch to have more explicit error messages.

catch (error) {
if (error.response.status === 401) {
return res.status(401).json({
error: "Please provide a valid API key.",
return res.status(500).json({
"An error occurred while generating recipe information. Please try again later.",

Once we’ve updated everything, our controller function should look like this:

const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai");
const { recipePrompt } = require("../../data/recipe.json");

const config = new Configuration({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

const openai = new OpenAIApi(config);

const generateInfo = async (req, res) => {
const { recipe } = req.body;

try {
const completion = await openai.createChatCompletion({
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages: [{ role: "user", content: `${recipePrompt}${recipe}` }],
max_tokens: 200,
temperature: 0,
n: 1,
const response =[0].message.content;

return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: response,
} catch (error) {
if (error.response.status === 401) {
return res.status(401).json({
error: "Please provide a valid API key.",
return res.status(500).json({
"An error occurred while generating recipe information. Please try again later.",

module.exports = { generateInfo };

Now, let’s create the router and test this out in Postman. Create a new file called router.js and start typing to allow GitHub Copilot to assist you while typing.

As you can see, GitHub Copilot offered suggestions while I was typing and I hit the tab button to accept the suggestions. Add the newly created router to the server.js file and test the route in postman. Add the following to your server.js file.

app.use('/openai', require('./router'));

Now, let’s test the route in postman with a POST request—make sure your server is still running!

Go to the URL below and add any recipe to the body of the request:

URL: http://localhost:8080/openai/generateinfo

"recipe": "1 cup of all purpose flour, sifted 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 Tablespoon granulated sugar 1/2 Tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature Approximately 1/3 cup water"

You should receive a successful response that looks like this:

"success": true,
"data": "\n\nCalories: 112 \nTotal Fat: 2.3g \nSaturated Fat: 1.3g \nTrans Fat: 0g \nCholesterol: 5.4mg \nSodium: 175.8mg \nTotal Carbohydrates: 21.6g \nDietary Fiber: 0.8g \nSugars: 6.5g \nProtein: 2.6g"

Here is the data that we submitted to OpenAI that generated that successful response:

data: '{"model":"text-davinci-003","prompt":"I want you to act as a Nutrition Facts Generator. I will provide you with a recipe and your role is to generate nutrition facts for that recipe. You should use your knowledge of nutrition science, nutrition facts labels and other relevant information to generate nutritional information for the recipe. Add each nutrition fact to a new line. I want you to only reply with the nutrition fact. Do not provide any other information. My first request is: 1 cup of all purpose flour, sifted 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 Tablespoon granulated sugar 1/2 Tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature Approximately 1/3 cup water","max_tokens":200,"temperature":0.5,"n":1}',

As you can see, both the prompt script and the recipe entered in the request body was sent to OpenAI, which generated the nutritional data for this Jamaican fried dumpling recipe.

Now, let’s create the frontend of the application to display the info on the web.

5. Building the frontend app

We’ll be using React for the frontend. Delete all the code in the index.js file that currently exists in the project. Then, in a comment, instruct GitHub Copilot to build a simple text area.

Create a text area with the following specifications:
1. a H1 with the text "Find Nutrition Facts for any recipe"
2. a text area for users to upload recipe
3. a button for users to submit the entered recipe
4. a section at the bottom to display nutrition facts
5. Get the data from this link: http://localhost:8080/openai/generateinfo
6. Name the component RecipeInfo

GitHub Copilot quickly generated the code for us.

Let’s hit tab to accept the suggestion and run npm run dev in your terminal to see the app on the web. When you go to localhost:3000, you’ll see the following displayed on the web.

Admittedly, it’s not the most beautiful thing, but we were able to spin this up very quickly.

In less than one minute we completed a functional frontend mvp of our application with GitHub Copilot.

Let’s enter the recipe we have into the text box and see the response that we get back.

And we have our first error—which is not surprising since we didn’t validate the code that was provided. Let’s look into the console and see if we have any additional details.

Seems it’s a CORS issue—classic. Let’s ask GitHub Copilot how to resolve this.

Add the following questions as a comment anywhere in your file:

q: how do I resolve the CORS error?
q: how do I add Access-Control-Allow-Origin to the header?

The question and response should look something like this:

We can also ask GitHub Copilot Chat how to resolve CORS errors and it gives us a seamless response.

Let’s install the cors middleware and add it to the server.js file.

const cors = require("cors");

// Allow cross-origin requests (CORS)

Then, let’s update our router.js file.

router.options("/generateInfo", (req, res) => {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");

Now, let’s try fetching nutritional data again and see what happens.

And we have another error. Progress!

This time there’s no need to debug with GitHub Copilot since we’re being told that the data being returned is an object with the keys success and data. Let’s change the name of the response function to recipeInfo and update the nutrition state to receive

const recipeInfo = await response.json();

Let’s try sending the recipe again and hope for a successful response.


We just created a GPT-3 app in record time with GitHub Copilot, React, Next.js, and OpenAI. Now that we have the data that we need, let’s make the application more beautiful with Material UI.

6. Styling the app with Material UI

In this section, we’ll be using a GitHub Copilot X feature in technical preview for individuals and in public beta for organizationsCopilot Chat–to improve the appearance of our application. You must have GitHub Copilot access to be on the Copilot Chat’s waitlist which is currently open. Sign up today if you haven’t yet!

Let’s ask GitHub Copilot chat how we can implement material-ui into the application:

Let’s go ahead and implement the suggestions and see what happens, and also ask GitHub Copilot chat to implement a header for us.

After we implement the header, new text area and center the content, this is what the app is looking like.

Ok, we’re getting somewhere.

Let’s make a few more updates with the assistance of GitHub Copilot Chat. I’ve included the prompt/questions I asked:

  • Make the text area larger and implement Material UI
update the component to use material ui with the content centered and the buttoned positioned below the text area. use Grid from material ui and any other components needed.
  • Add the paper component from Material UI to elevate the look and feel of the app
add the Paper component from material ui to the text area highlighted
  • Add a second button that clears the text area + facts after a recipe is submitted
add a button to the app to clear the text in the textarea
  • Add a loader while waiting for the data to load
add a loader to the highlighted code that checks if the data is loading. If the data is loading, then display the text "Nutrition Facts" and loader, if there is an error, display the error message otherwise, display nothing
  • Add a theme with custom primary and secondary colors
how do I create a custom theme with material ui and where do I create the custom theme?
  • Prevent the text area from going over the paper component from Material UI
in the highlihghted code how do I prevent the text area line from going over the paper component?
  • Add a new component—footer
Create a footer component with the following specifications:
1. The footer must be fixed at the bottom of the page
2. Use the Paper component from Material UI
3. Use the Typography component from Material UI
3. The text must say "Made with ❤ by LadyKerr & GitHub Copilot" and "Powered by OpenAI"
4. The text "GitHub Copilot" must be a link to that opens in a new tab with alt text " GitHub Copilot"
5. The text "OpenAI" must be a link to that opens in a new tab with alt text "openai api"

Ask GitHub Copilot chat to make the changes above and, once it’s done, your application should be looking and functioning like this:

Now, let’s create a new component that splits each nutrition fact onto a new line. Create a new file called NutritionFacts.js in the components folder, and write the following as a comment so GitHub Copilot can get to work.

Create a component with the following specifications:
1. the component must split the received string data at /n/n or /n and return a Typography component for each string
2. the component must set a unique key for each Typography component
3. the component must return a div with the Typography components
4. the component must return null if the data is not a string
5. Name the component NutritionFacts
6. Use the Paper Component from Material UI
7. Add text above the data that says "Here are the nutrition facts for your recipe:"

From this prompt, GitHub Copilot generated the following code.

import React from "react";
import { Typography, Paper } from "@material-ui/core";

const NutritionFacts = ({ data }) => {
if (typeof data !== "string") {
return null;
const nutritionFacts = data.split(/\n\n|\n/);
return (

Here are the nutrition facts for your recipe:

{, index) => (

export default NutritionFacts;

Brilliant! Let’s import this component into our main index.js file and test the application to see if each fact was split on to a new line as expected.

And it did. Our app is functioning as expected.

Now, let’s move the code for the header into a new file in the components folder called Header.js. Once everything is updated, the final application looks like this and returns the nutritional data for any recipe.

So, there we have it!

We just built an application using GitHub Copilot, OpenAI, React, Next.js, and GitHub Copilot Chat. The next step would be to deploy the application on GitHub Pages and deploy your server on a service like Azure.

You can see the full code here—feel free to clone or fork the project and make it your own. This was a fun little project to build and I hope you learned something new and feel inspired to create your own GPT-3 app!

Learn more about prompting GitHub Copilot by reading How to use GitHub Copilot: Prompts, tips and use cases and A Developer’s Guide to Prompt Engineering and LLMs.

Until next time, happy coding!

CLI tricks every developer should know

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original

The CLI is a critical component of a developer’s toolkit—it’s a trusty sidekick that offers flexibility and control. You can tell it what to do by simply typing in a specific command, and it will execute those commands like moving files, running programs, or even starting up a server, immediately. That being said, the CLI can be daunting to beginners, especially when you’re not sure which commands to run (and who hasn’t turned to Google to find a command they need?).

In this blog, we’ve compiled some important tricks and commands that every developer should know from GitHub’s own engineers. By mastering these basic techniques, developers can become more efficient at working with the command line and gain a deeper understanding of how the underlying operating system and programs work.

Components of the CLI

The CLI has two main components: the shell and the command. The shell is the interface that allows the user to enter commands and commands are the instructions that tell the computer what to do. Shells also provide a way to customize and extend the behavior of the CLI. With a shell, users can create their own scripts and aliases to automate tasks or simplify complex commands, and they can customize the behavior of the shell itself using configuration files. For this blog post, all of the examples are for Bash since it’s the most widely used shell. And if you’re using Windows, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is available if you’d like to use a Bash terminal.

To learn more about shells, you can check out our shell documentation here.

Keyboard shortcuts in the CLI

One of the easiest ways to improve your productivity on the command line is to learn some keyboard shortcuts. Below, you’ll find popular shortcuts that can save you time and effort on navigating and executing demands.

CTRL + C: Cancel the current command

CTRL + A: Move the cursor to the beginning of the line

CTRL + E: Move the cursor to the end of the line

CTRL + L: Clear the terminal screen

CTRL + _: Undo the last edit

CTRL-D: Exit shell session

TAB:Auto-complete commands, file names, and paths

CLI command history shortcuts

The command history allows you to quickly access and reuse previously executed commands rather than retype or search for the whole command. Here are a few to try out for yourself:

history n: Type this in the terminal to access the history

!!: Execute the last command

CTRL + R: Reverse search for a previously executed command

CTRL + P: Move to the previous command in the history

CTRL + N: Move to the next command in the history

CTRL + G: Abort search

Perform operations on multiple files with wildcards

Wildcards are characters that take the place of one or more other characters, and they’re used to increase the efficiency and flexibility of searches. They come in handy when you want to perform an operation on multiple files or directories that have similar names or patterns, and can save you a lot of time and effort by allowing you to specify patterns rather than list each individual file. There are three types of command wildcards:

?: Matches a single character. For example, if you type d?g, it will match anything that begins with a “d” and ends with an “g.”

*: Matches any number of characters. If you search s*n, it will match anything between “s” and “n” no matter how many characters are between the first and last letter.

[]: Matches only the characters enclosed within the square brackets.

Combine commands with pipes

A pipe (represented by the symbol |) connects the output of the command on the left side of the symbol to the input of the command on the right side. This allows users to create more complex and powerful commands by combining simpler commands together.

Here’s an example of how it’s used in a command:

ls -la | grep test | sort | uniq | wc -l: The final output of this command would be the number of files and directories in the current directory whose name contains the string “test.”

When you pipe all of these commands together, you are essentially:

  • Listing all files and directories in the current directory in long format
  • Searching for all lines that contain the string “test”
  • Sorting those lines alphabetically
  • Removing any duplicate lines
  • Counting the number of remaining lines

Note: grep is a useful CLI tool to search for matching patterns in a file. We’ll explore some more helpful CLI tools later on in this article.

Command substitution

Command substitution is a feature that allows you to execute a command with a different command. This helps you create more complex and dynamic commands by using the output of one command as an argument for another.

There are two different syntaxes for command substitution:

$(command) or `command`

Here’s a simple example:

$ echo "the date is $(date)": This will display the current date and time in a sentence.

Learning the CLI commands and tricks that work for you takes time and practice. But you’ll soon find that using the command line becomes second nature, and you’ll be able to accomplish more complex tasks with ease.

Now that we’ve covered some basics, you can begin to experiment with different options and parameters for your commands to see what they do. And stay curious! There are tons of great resources out there, like tldr or Explainshell, to help you learn new commands or shortcuts. And speaking of resources, let’s take a look at some helpful CLI tools to help you optimize the command line—and have some fun with it.

CLI tools to know

Command line tools are scripts, programs, or libraries created to solve problems that developers might encounter while coding. While these tools are largely focused on improving productivity, there are also CLI tools that can entertain you while you’re in the terminal (check out football-cli or spotify-tui for reference).

Here are a few CLI tools that we recommend.

grep or ack

grep is a command-line utility that allows users to search for specific patterns in text files. Users can search for a specific word, phrase, or regular expression, and output the matching lines. ack is designed to be a faster alternative to the traditional grep command. Some prefer ack over grep because it can automatically exclude files that are not typically used for programming, such as binary files or backup files.


jq is a lightweight and powerful command-line JSON processor that allows developers to parse, filter, and transform JSON data using a range of query and manipulation functions. With jq, developers can easily extract specific data from large JSON files, format JSON output, and even convert between JSON and other data formats.


Though ImageMagick has been around since the ‘90s, this tool remains the gold standard for all things image-related. It supports a wide range of image formats and can help simplify resizing, cropping, rotating, and applying filters and effects. One of the most powerful features of ImageMagick is its ability to automate batch processing of images, which is particularly useful for web developers and designers who need to resize or convert large numbers of images at once.


howdoi provides answers to your programming questions directly in the terminal. This command-line tool is particularly useful since you don’t have to leave the CLI or open your web browser to get immediate access to programming knowledge.


Taskwarrior manages your to-do list right from the command line. It also includes a variety of reports and filters that allow you to view your tasks in different ways, like by project, due date, or priority.

GitHub CLI

GitHub CLI provides a streamlined and efficient way to manage GitHub projects and workflows directly from the command line. You can perform a range of tasks, like managing pull requests, viewing and responding to issues and comments, and reviewing code changes. You can also use it to access GitHub Actions and other features on GitHub without exiting your terminal.

The bottom line: ​​The CLI is a powerful tool for developers—especially if you prefer the keyboard over GUI interfaces. Learning how to use it and incorporating it into your daily workflow will help you become more productive and efficient, and getting familiar with these tips and tricks is a great way to start your CLI journey.

Additional resources for CLI

As you move further along in your developing journey, you’ll encounter different projects and pain points, which means that the commands and CLI tools you find useful might change and shift. There are so many diverse and useful CLI applications out there, and the repository awesome-cli-apps lists a bunch of excellent tools that are used and loved by developers around the world.

What’s next for CLI

We’ll be launching a technical preview of GitHub Copilot for CLI, which translates natural language prompts into terminal commands to help you find the exact command you need for the task at hand. Click here to get on the waitlist and try it out for yourself.

How to automate your dev environment with dev containers and GitHub Codespaces

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original

When I started my first role as a software engineer, I remember taking about four days to set up my local development environment. I had so many issues with missing dependencies, incorrect versions, and failed installations. When I finally finished setting up all the tools and software I needed to be a productive member of the team, I cloned one of our repositories to my machine, set up my environment variables, ran npm run dev and received so many errors because I forgot to install the dependencies (and read the README) or switch to the right node version. Ugh! I can’t tell you how many times this happened to me in my first year!

Back then, I wished I had a way that was streamlined—something I set up only once, that just worked every time I accessed the repository. Although I did learn how to automate my computer setup with a Brewfile, I wish I could just get to coding in a repository without thinking about configuration.

Gif from the animated show Spongebob Squarepants of a character picking up a computer as if to toss it away, saying "I'll show you automated."

When I think about how we work on projects in a repository, I realize that many of the processes we need to get started on that project can be automated with the help of dev containers, in this case, by using a devcontainer.json file and Codespaces.

Let’s take a look at how we can automate our dev environment by adding a dev container to this open source project—Tech is Hiring in GitHub Codespaces.

For a TLDR of this post, GitHub Codespaces enables you to start coding faster when coupled with dev containers. See image below for a summary of how:

Image of a table entitled "Start coding faster with Codespaces." The left column is labeled "Old Way" and the right column is labeled "New Way." The rest of this blog post will enumerate the items listed in the image.

Now, let’s get some definitions out of the way.

What is GitHub Codespaces?

GitHub Codespaces is a development environment in the cloud. It is hosted by GitHub in an isolated environment (Docker container) that runs on a virtual machine. If you’re not familiar with virtual machines or Docker containers, take a look at these videos: what is a virtual machine? and what are Docker containers?.

Currently, individual developers have 60 hours of free codespaces usage per month, so definitely take advantage of this awesomeness to build from anywhere.

What are dev containers?

Dev containers allow us to run our code in a preconfigured, isolated environment (container). It gives us the ability to predefine our dev environment in our repositories and use a consistent, reliable environment across the board without worrying about configuration files—since it’s all set up for us from the beginning with a devcontainer.json file.

What is the devcontainer.json file?

The devcontainer.json file is a document that defines how your project will build, display, and run. Simply put, it allows us to specify the behavior we want in our dev environment. For example, if we have a devcontainer.json file that includes installing the ESLint extension in VS Code, once we open up a workspace, ESLint will be automatically installed for us.

Automating your workflow with dev containers and GitHub Codespaces

To start using GitHub Codespaces, we don’t need to set up a devcontainer.json file. By default, GitHub Codespaces uses the universal dev container image, which caters to a vast array of languages and tools. This means, whenever you open up a new codespace without a devcontainer.json file your codespace will automagically load so you can code instantly. However, adding a devcontainer.json file gives us the ability to automate a lot of our dev environment workflows to our liking.

Okay, okay, that was a lot of chatter—let’s now get into what you really came here for!

Gif of the character Mary Poppins pinching shut the mouth of her talking umbrella handle and telling it, "The will be quite enough of that, thank you." She then opens the umbrella and floats away.

Using the open source project, Tech is Hiring, let’s walk through how we typically work with a repository using our local dev environment.

What work typically looks like

At first glance, we see that this project uses Nextjs, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, TypeScript, Storybook, Vite, Cypress, Axios, and Reactjs as some of its dependencies. We’d need to install all these dependencies to our local machine to get this project running.

  1. Let’s clone the repository, and cd into the project.

    Gif of the terminal output as the Tech is Hiring repository is cloned.

  2. Then, let’s install dependencies to get the project running locally.

    Gif showing terminal output as the necessary dependencies are installed.

  3. This project uses storybook, so let’s run both storybook and spin up the actual app locally.

    Gif of the user's desktop with a terminal app running commands.

The process is not so bad, but it took a bit of time. We also need to check to make sure we’re using the correct node version, check if we need any environment variables, and if there are any runtime errors to resolve. Thankfully, I didn’t encounter any errors while working on this, but it still took a bit of time.

Going faster with GitHub Codespaces and dev containers

Let’s make the process better by adding a devcontainer.json file to this project and opening it in GitHub Codespaces to see what happens.

We can either use the VS Code command palette to add a pre-existing dev container or we can write the configuration file ourselves (which we’ll do below).

  1. Let’s first create a .devcontainer folder in the root of the project and a devcontainer.json file in the new folder.

    Creating a a `.devcontainer` folder in the root of the project and a `devcontainer.json` file in the new folder.

  2. Now, let’s automate installing dependencies, starting the dev server, opening a preview of our app on localhost:3000, and installing vscode extensions. Once we get everything configured, your json file should look like this:

      // image being used
       "image": "",
      // set minimum cpu
       "hostRequirements": {
           "cpus": 4
       // install dependencies and start app
       "updateContentCommand": "npm install",
       "postAttachCommand": "npm run dev",
       // open app.tsx once container is built
       "customizations": {
           "codespaces": {
               "openFiles": [
           // install some vscode extensions
           "vscode": {
               "extensions": [
       // connect to remote server
       "forwardPorts": [3000],
       // give port a label and open a preview of the app
       "portsAttributes": {
          "3000": {
             "label": "Application",
             "onAutoForward": "openPreview"

    Sidenote: I’ve broken down the purpose of the properties in this file for you by adding comments before each. To learn more about each property, continue reading at I also installed a few extensions that are not needed, but I wanted to show you that you could automate installing extensions, too!

  3. Let’s commit the file and merge it into the main branch, then open up the project in GitHub Codespaces.

    Committing a file, merging it to the main branch, and then opening GitHub Codespaces.

    When we open up the application in GitHub Codespaces, our dependencies will be installed, the server will start, and a preview will automatically open for us. If we needed environment variables to work on this repository, those would have already been configured for us as a repository secret on GitHub. We also didn’t need to install hefty node_modules to our machine.

I call this a win!

Comparing both ways

There’s plenty more that we can do with dev containers and GitHub Codespaces to automate our dev environment. But let’s summarize what we just did in GitHub Codespaces and with the help of dev containers:

  • We clicked the GitHub Codespaces button on the GitHub repository.
  • Everything was setup/installed for us (thanks json file!).
  • We got to work and started coding.

Now, isn’t that better?

Wrapping up

So, what’s the point of GitHub Codespaces and why should you care as a developer? Well, for one, you can automate most of the startup processes you need to access a repository. You can also do a lot more customizations to your dev environment with dev containers. Take a look at all the options you have—and watch out for my next blog post where I’ll go through the anatomy of a devcontainer.json file.

Secondly, you can code from anywhere. I hate it when I’m not able to access one of my side projects on a different machine because that one machine is configured perfectly to suit the project. With GitHub Codespaces, you can start coding at the click of a button and from any machine that supports a modern browser.

I encourage you to get started with GitHub Codespaces today and try adding a devcontainer.json file to one of your projects! I promise you won’t regret it.

Until next time, happy coding!