Tag Archives: Serverless Functions

And here’s another one: the Next.js Edge Runtime becomes the fourth full-stack framework supported by Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Greg Brimble original https://blog.cloudflare.com/next-on-pages/

And here's another one: the Next.js Edge Runtime becomes the fourth full-stack framework supported by Cloudflare Pages

And here's another one: the Next.js Edge Runtime becomes the fourth full-stack framework supported by Cloudflare Pages

You can now deploy Next.js applications which opt in to the Edge Runtime on Cloudflare Pages. Next.js is the fourth full-stack web framework that the Pages platform officially supports, and it is one of the most popular in the ‘Jamstack-y’ space.

Cloudflare Pages started its journey as a platform for static websites, but with last year’s addition of Pages Functions powered by Cloudflare Workers, the platform has progressed to support an even more diverse range of use cases. Pages Functions allows developers to sprinkle in small pieces of server-side code with its simple file-based routing, or, as we’ve seen with the adoption from other frameworks (namely SvelteKit, Remix and Qwik), Pages Functions can be used to power your entire full-stack app. The folks behind Remix previously talked about the advantages of adopting open standards, and we’ve seen this again with Next.js’ Edge Runtime.

Next.js’ Edge Runtime

Next.js’ Edge Runtime is an experimental mode that developers can opt into which results in a different type of application being built. Previously, Next.js applications which relied on server-side rendering (SSR) functionality had to be deployed on a Node.js server. Running a Node.js server has significant overhead, and our Cloudflare Workers platform was fundamentally built on a different technology, V8.

However, when Next.js introduced the Edge Runtime mode in June 2022, we saw the opportunity to bring this widely used framework to our platform. We’re very excited that this is being developed in coordination with the WinterCG standards to ensure interoperability across the various web platforms and to ensure that developers have the choice on where they run their business, without fearing any significant vendor lock-in.

It’s important to note that some existing Next.js apps built for Node.js won’t immediately work on Pages. If your application relies on any Node.js built-ins or long-running processes, then Pages may not support your app with today’s announcement as we’re working on expanding our support for Node.js.

However, we see the migration to the Edge Runtime as an effort that’s worthy of investment, to run your applications, well, on the edge! These applications are cheaper to run, respond faster to users and have the latest features that full-stack frameworks offer. We’re seeing increased interest in third-party npm packages and libraries that support standardized runtimes, and in combination with Cloudflare’s data products (e.g. KV, Durable Objects and D1), we’re confident that the edge is going to be the first place that people will want to deploy applications going forward.

Deploy your Next.js app to Cloudflare Pages

Let’s walk through an example, creating a new Next.js application that opts into this Edge Runtime and deploying it to Cloudflare Pages.

npx create-next-app@latest my-app

This will create a new Next.js app in the my-app folder. The default template comes with a traditional Node.js powered API route, so let’s update that to instead use the Edge Runtime.

// pages/api/hello.js

// Next.js Edge API Routes: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/edge-api-routes

export const config = {
  runtime: 'experimental-edge',

export default async function (req) {
  return new Response(
    JSON.stringify({ name: 'John Doe' }),
      status: 200,
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

Thanks to the Edge Runtime adopting the Web API standards, if you’ve ever written a Cloudflare Worker before, this might look familiar.

Next, we can update the global next.config.js configuration file to use the Edge Runtime. This will enable us to use the getServerSideProps() API and server-side render (SSR) our webpages.

// next.config.js

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  experimental: {
    runtime: 'experimental-edge',
  reactStrictMode: true,
  swcMinify: true,
module.exports = nextConfig

Finally, we’re ready to deploy the project. Publish it to a GitHub or GitLab repository, create a new Pages project, and select “Next.js” from the list of framework presets. This will configure your project to use the @cloudflare/next-on-pages CLI which builds and transforms your project into something we can deploy on Pages. Navigate to the project settings and add an environment variable, NODE_VERSION set to 14 or greater, as well as the following compatibility flags: streams_enable_constructors and transformstream_enable_standard_constructor. You should now be able to deploy your Next.js application. If you want to read more, you can find a detailed guide in our documentation.

How it runs on Cloudflare Pages

Compatibility Dates and Compatibility Flags

Cloudflare Workers has solved the versioning problem by introducing compatibility dates and compatibility flags. While it has been in beta, Pages Functions has always defaulted to using the oldest version of the Workers runtime. We’ve now introduced controls to allow developers to set these dates and flags on their Pages projects environments.

And here's another one: the Next.js Edge Runtime becomes the fourth full-stack framework supported by Cloudflare Pages

By keeping this date recent, you are able to opt in to the latest features and bug fixes that the Cloudflare Workers runtime offers, but equally, you’re completely free to keep the date on whatever works for you today, and we’ll continue to support the functionality at that point in time, forever. We also allow you to set these dates for your production and preview environments independently which will let you test these changes out safely in a preview deployment before rolling it out in production.

We’ve been working on adding more support for the Streams API to the Workers Runtime, and some of this functionality is gated behind the flags we added to the project earlier. These flags are currently scheduled to graduate and become on-by-default on a future compatibility date, 2022-11-30.

The @cloudflare/next-on-pages CLI

Vercel introduced the Build Output API in July 2022 as a “zero configuration” directory structure which the Vercel platform inherently understands and can deploy. We’ve decided to hook into this same API as a way to build Next.js projects consistently that we can understand and deploy.

The open-source @cloudflare/next-on-pages CLI runs npx vercel build behind the scenes, which produces a .vercel/output directory. This directory conforms to the Build Output API, and of particular interest, contains a config.json, static folder and folder of functions. The @cloudflare/next-on-pages CLI then parses this config.json manifest, and combines all the functions into a single Pages Functions ‘advanced mode’ _worker.js.

At this point, the build is finished. Pages then automatically picks up this _worker.js and deploys it with Pages Functions atop the static directory.

Although currently just an implementation detail, we opted to use this Build Output API for a number of reasons. We’re also exploring other similar functionality natively on the Pages platform. We already have one “magical” directory, the functions directory which we use for the file-based routing of Pages Functions. It’s possible that we offer other fixed directory structures which would reduce the need for configuration of any projects using frameworks which adopt the API. Let us know in Discord if you have any thoughts or preferences on what you would like to see!

Additionally, if more full-stack frameworks do adopt Vercel’s Build Output API, we may have automatic support for them running on Pages with this CLI. We’ve only been experimenting with Next.js here so far (and SvelteKit, Remix and Qwik all have their own way of building their projects on Pages at the moment), but it’s possible that in the future we may converge on a standard approach which could be shared between frameworks and platforms. We’re excited to see how this might transpire. Again, let us know if you have thoughts!

Experimental webpack minification

As part of the compilation from .vercel/output/functions to an _worker.js, the @cloudflare/next-on-pages CLI can perform an experimental minification to give you more space for your application to run on Workers. Right now, most accounts are limited to a maximum script size of 1MB (although this can be raised in some circumstances—get in touch!). You can ordinarily fit quite a lot of code in this, but one thing notable about Next.js’ build process at the moment is that it creates webpack-compiled, fully-formed and fully-isolated functions scripts in each of the directories in .vercel/output/functions. This means that each function ends up looking something like this:

let _ENTRIES = {};
(() => {
  // webpackBootstrap

(self["webpackChunk_N_E"] = self["webpackChunk_N_E"] || []).push([100], {

  123: (() => {
    // webpack chunk #123
  234: (() => {
    // webpack chunk #234
  345: (() => {
    // webpack chunk #345

  // …lots of webpack chunks…

}, () => {
  // webpackRuntimeModules

export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    return _ENTRIES['some_function'].default.call(request);

The script contains everything that’s needed to deploy this function, and most of the logic exists in these webpack chunks, but that means that each function has a lot of code shared with its siblings. Quickly, you’ll reach the 1MB limit, if you naively deployed all these functions together.

Our @cloudflare/next-on-pages --experimental-minify CLI argument deals with this problem by analyzing webpack chunks which are re-used in multiple places in this .vercel/output/functions directory and extracts out that code to a common place. This allows our compiler (esbuild) to efficiently combine this code, without duplicating it in all of these places. This process is experimental for the time being, while we look to make this as efficient as possible, without introducing any bugs as a result. Please file an issue on GitHub if you notice any difference in behavior when using --experimental-minify.

What’s next?

Pages Functions has been in beta for almost a year, and we’re very excited to say that general availability is just around the corner. We’re polishing off the last of the remaining features which includes analytics, logging, and billing. In fact, for billing, we recently made the announcement of how you’ll be able to use the Workers Paid plan to remove the request limits of the Pages Functions beta from November 15.

Finally, we’re also looking at how we can bring Wasm support to Pages Functions which will unlock ever more use-cases for your full-stack applications. Stay tuned for more information on how we’ll be offering this soon.

Try creating a Next.js Edge Runtime application and deploying it to Cloudflare Pages with the example above or by following the guide in our documentation. Let us know if you have any questions or face any issues in Discord or on GitHub, and please report any quirks of the --experimental-minify argument. As always, we’re excited to see what you build!

Supporting Remix with full stack Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Greg Brimble original https://blog.cloudflare.com/remix-on-cloudflare-pages/

Supporting Remix with full stack Cloudflare Pages

Supporting Remix with full stack Cloudflare Pages

We announced the open beta of full stack Cloudflare Pages in November and have since seen widespread uptake from developers looking to add dynamic functionality to their applications. Today, we’re excited to announce Pages’ support for Remix applications, powered by our full stack platform.

The new kid on the block: Remix

Remix is a new framework that is focused on fully utilizing the power of the web. Like Cloudflare Workers, it uses modern JavaScript APIs, and it places emphasis on web fundamentals such as meaningful HTTP status codes, caching and optimizing for both usability and performance. One of the biggest features of Remix is its transportability: Remix provides a platform-agnostic interface and adapters allowing it to be deployed to a growing number of providers. Cloudflare Workers was available at Remix’s launch, but what makes Workers different in this case, is the native compatibility that Workers can offer.

One of the main inspirations for Remix was the way Cloudflare Workers uses native web APIs for handling HTTP requests and responses. It’s a brilliant decision because developers are able to reuse knowledge on the server that they gained building apps in the browser! Remix runs natively on Cloudflare Workers, and the results we’ve seen so far are fantastic. We are incredibly excited about the potential that Cloudflare Workers and Pages unlocks for building apps that run at the edge!
Michael Jackson, CEO at Remix

This native compatibility means that as you learn how to write applications in Remix, you’re also learning how to write Cloudflare Workers (and vice versa). But it also means better performance! Rather than having a Node.js process running on a server — which could be far away from your users, could be overwhelmed in the case of high traffic, and has to map between Node.js’ runtime and the modern Fetch API — you can deploy to Cloudflare’s network and requests will be routed to any one of our 250+ locations. This means better performance for your users, with 95% of the entire Internet-connected world lying within 50ms of a Cloudflare presence, and 80% of the Internet-connected world within 20ms.

Integrating with Cloudflare

More often than not, full stack applications need some place to store data. Cloudflare offers three all-encompassing options here:

  • KV, our high performance and globally replicated key-value datastore.
  • Durable Objects, our strongly consistent coordination primitive which can be restricted to a given jurisdiction.
  • R2 (coming soon!), our fast and reliable object storage.

Remix already tightly integrates with KV for session storage, and a Durable Objects integration is in progress. Additionally, Cloudflare’s other features, such as geolocating incoming requests, HTMLRewriter and our Cache API, are all available from within your Remix application.

Deploying to Cloudflare Pages

Cloudflare Pages was already capable of serving static assets from the Cloudflare edge, but now with November’s release of serverless functions powered by Cloudflare Workers, it has evolved into an entire platform perfectly suited for hosting full stack applications.

To get started with Remix and Cloudflare Pages today, run the following in your terminal, and select “Cloudflare Pages” when asked “Where do you want to deploy?”:

npx create-remix@latest

Then create a repository on GitHub or GitLab, git commit, and git push the newly created folder. Finally, navigate to Cloudflare Pages, select your repository, and select “Remix” from the dropdown of framework presets. Your new application will be available on your pages.dev subdomain, or you can connect it to any of your custom domains.

Your folder will have a functions/[[path]].ts file. This is the functions integration where we serve your Remix application on all paths of your website. The app folder is where the bulk of your Remix application’s logic is. With Pages’ support for rollbacks and preview deployments, you can safely test any changes to your application, and, with the wrangler 2.0 beta, testing locally is just a simple case of npm run dev.

The future of frameworks on Cloudflare Pages

Remix is the second framework to integrate natively with full stack Cloudflare Pages, following SvelteKit, which was available at launch. But this is just the beginning! We have a lot more in store for our integration with Remix and other frameworks. Stay tuned for improvements on  Pages’ build times and other areas of the developer experience, as well as new features to the platform.

Join our community!

If you are new to the Cloudflare Pages and Workers world, join our Discord server and show us what you’re building. Whether it’s a new full stack application on Remix or even a simple static site, we’d love to hear from you.

Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

Post Syndicated from Nevi Shah original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-pages-goes-full-stack/

Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

When we announced Cloudflare Pages as generally available in April, we promised you it was just the beginning. The journey of our platform started with support for static sites with small bits of dynamic functionality like setting redirects and custom headers. But we wanted to give even more power to you and your teams to begin building the unimaginable. We envisioned a future where your entire application — frontend, APIs, storage, data — could all be deployed with a single commit, easily testable in staging and requiring a single merge to deploy to production. So in the spirit of “Full Stack” Week, we’re bringing you the tools to do just that.

Welcome to the future, everyone. We’re thrilled to announce that Pages is now a Full Stack platform with help from But how?

It works the exact same way Pages always has: write your code, git push to your git provider (now supporting GitLab!) and we’ll deploy your entire site for you. The only difference is, it won’t just be your frontend but your backend too using Cloudflare Workers to help deploy serverless functions.

The integration you’ve been waiting for

Cloudflare Workers provides a serverless execution environment that allows you to create entirely new applications or augment existing ones without configuring or maintaining infrastructure. Before today, it was possible to connect Workers to a Pages project—installing Wrangler and manually deploying a Worker by writing your app in both Pages and Workers. But we didn’t just want “possible”, we wanted something that came as second nature to you so you wouldn’t have to think twice about adding dynamic functionality to your site.

How it works

By using your repo’s filesystem convention and exporting one or more function handlers, Pages can leverage Workers to deploy serverless functions on your behalf. To begin, simply add a ./functions directory in the root of your project, and inside a JavaScript or TypeScript file, export a function handler. For example, let’s say in your ./functions directory, you have a file, hello.js, containing:

// GET requests to /filename would return "Hello, world!"
export const onRequestGet = () => {
  return new Response("Hello, world!")
// POST requests to /filename with a JSON-encoded body would return "Hello, <name>!"
export const onRequestPost = async ({ request }) => {
  const { name } = await request.json()
  return new Response(`Hello, ${name}!`)

If you perform a git commit, it will trigger a new Pages build to deploy your dynamic site! During the build pipeline, Pages traverses your directory, mapping the filenames to URLs relative to your repo structure.

Under the hood, Pages generates Workers which include all your routing and functionality from the source.  Functions supports deeply-nested routes, wildcard matching, middleware for things like authentication and error-handling, and more! To demonstrate all of its bells and whistles, we’ve created a blog post to walk through an example full stack application.

Letting you do what you do best

As your site grows in complexity, with Pages’ new full stack functionality, your developer experience doesn’t have to. You can enjoy the workflow you know and love while unlocking even more depth to your site.

Seamlessly build

In the same way we’ve handled builds and deployments with your static sites — with a `git commit` and `git push` — we’ll deploy your functions for you automatically. As long as your directory follows the proper structure, Pages will identify and deploy your functions to our network with your site.

Define your bindings

While bringing your Workers to Pages, bindings are a big part of what makes your application a full stack application. We’re so excited to bring to Pages all the bindings you’ve previously used with regular Workers!

  • KV namespace: Our serverless and globally accessible key-value storage solution. Within Pages, you can integrate with any of the KV namespaces you set in your Workers dashboard for your Pages project.
  • Durable Object namespace: Our strongly consistent coordination primitive that makes connecting WebSockets, handling state and building entire applications a breeze. As with KV, you can set your namespaces within the Workers dashboard and choose from that list within the Pages interface.
  • R2 (coming soon!): Our S3-compatible Object Storage solution that’s slashing egress fees to zero.
  • Environment Variable: An injected value that can be accessed by your functions and is stored as plain-text. You can set your environment variables directly within the Pages interface for both your production and preview environments at build-time and run-time.
  • Secret (coming soon!): An encrypted environment variable, which cannot be viewed by wrangler or any dashboard interfaces. Secrets are a great home for sensitive data including passwords and API tokens.
Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

Preview deployments — now for your backend too

With the deployment of your serverless functions, you can still enjoy the ease of collaboration and testing like you did previously. Before you deploy to production, you can easily deploy your project to a preview environment to stage your changes. Even with your functions, Pages lets you keep a version history of every commit with a unique URL for each, making it easy to gather feedback whether it’s from a fellow developer, PM, designer or marketer! You can also enjoy the same infinite staging privileges that you did for static sites, with a consistent URL for the latest changes.

Develop and preview locally too

However, we realize that building and deploying with every small change just to stage your changes can be cumbersome at times if you’re iterating quickly. You can now develop full stack Pages applications with the latest release of our wrangler CLI. Backed by Miniflare, you can run your entire application locally with support for mocked secrets, environment variables, and KV (Durable Objects support coming soon!). Point wrangler at a directory of static assets, or seamlessly connect to your existing tools:

# Install wrangler v2 beta
npm install wrangler@beta

# Serve a folder of static assets
npx wrangler pages dev ./dist

# Or automatically proxy your existing tools
npx wrangler pages dev -- npx react-scripts start

This is just the beginning of Pages’ integrations with wrangler. Stay tuned as we continue to enhance your developer experience.

What else can you do?

Everything you can do with HTTP Workers today!

When deploying a Pages application with functions, Pages is compiling and deploying first class Workers on your behalf. This means there is zero functionality loss when deploying a Worker within your Pages application — instead, there are only new benefits to be gained!

Integrate with SvelteKit — out of the box!

SvelteKit is a web framework for building Svelte applications. It’s built and maintained by the Svelte team, which makes it the Svelte user’s go-to solution for all their application needs. Out of the box, SvelteKit allows users to build projects with complex API backends.

As of today, SvelteKit projects can attach and configure the @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare package. After doing this, the project can be added to Pages and is ready for its first deployment! With Pages, your SvelteKit project(s) can deploy with API endpoints and full server-side rendering support. Better yet, the entire project — including the API endpoints — can enjoy the benefits of preview deployments, too! This, even on its own, is a huge victory for advanced projects that were previously on the Workers adapter. Check out this example to see the SvelteKit adapter for Pages in action!

Use server-side rendering

You are now able to intercept any request that comes into your Pages project. This means that you can define Workers logic that will receive incoming URLs and, instead of serving static HTML, your Worker can render fresh HTML responses with dynamic data.

For example, an application with a product page can define a single product/[id].js file that will receive the id parameter, retrieve the product information from a Workers KV binding, and then generate an HTML response for that page. Compared to a static-site generator approach, this is more succinct and easier to maintain over time since you do not need to build a static HTML page per product at build-time… which may potentially be tens or even hundreds of thousands of pages!

Already have a Worker? We’ve got you!

If you already have a single Worker and want to bring it right on over to Pages to reap the developer experience benefits of our platform, our announcement today also enables you to do precisely that. Your build can generate an ES module Worker called _worker.js in the output directory of your project, perform your git commands to deploy, and we’ll take care of the rest! This can be especially advantageous to you if you’re a framework author or have a more complex use case that doesn’t follow our provided file structure.

Try it at no cost — for a limited time only

We’re thrilled to be releasing our open beta today for everyone to try at no additional cost to your Cloudflare plan. While we will still have limits in place, we are using this open beta period to learn more about how you and your teams are deploying functions with your Pages projects. For the time being, we encourage you to lean into your creativity and build out that site you’ve been thinking about for a long time — without the worry of getting billed.

In just a few short months, when we announce General Availability, you can expect our billing to reflect that of the Workers Bundled plan — after all, these are just Workers under the hood!

Coming up…

As we’re only announcing this release as an open beta, we have some really exciting things planned for the coming weeks and months. We want to improve on the quick and easy Pages developer experience that you’re already familiar with by adding support for integrated logging and more analytics for your deployed functions.

Beyond that, we’ll be expanding our first-class support for the next generation of frontend frameworks. As we’ve shown with SvelteKit, Pages’ ability to seamlessly deploy both static and dynamic code together enables unbeatable end-user performance & developer ease, and we’re excited to unlock that for more people. Fans of similar frameworks & technologies, such as NextJS, NuxtJS, React Server Components, Remix, Hydrogen, etc., stay tuned to this blog for more announcements. Or better yet, come join us and help make it happen!

Additionally, as we’ve done with SvelteKit, we’re looking to include more first-class integration with existing frameworks, so Pages can become the primary home for your preferred frameworks of choice. Work is underway on making NextJS, NuxtJS, React Server Components, Shopify Hydrogen and more integrate seamlessly as you develop your full stack apps.

Finally, we’re working to speed up those build times, so you can focus on pushing changes and iterating quickly — without the wait!

Getting started

To get started head over to our Pages docs and check out our demo blog to learn more about how to deploy serverless functions to Pages using Cloudflare Workers.

Of course, what we love most is seeing what you build! Pop into our Discord and show us how you’re using Pages to build your full stack apps.

Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

Post Syndicated from Greg Brimble original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-full-stack-with-pages/

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

We were so excited to announce support for full stack applications in Cloudflare Pages that we knew we had to show it off in a big way. We’ve built a sample image-sharing platform to demonstrate how you can add serverless functions right from within Pages with help from Cloudflare Workers. With just one new file to your project, you can add dynamic rendering, interact with other APIs, and persist data with KV and Durable Objects. The possibilities for full-stack applications, in combination with Pages’ quick development cycles and unlimited preview environments, gives you the power to create almost any application.

Today, we’re walking through our example image-sharing platform. We want to be able to share pictures with friends while still also keeping some images private. We’ll build a JSON API with Functions (storing data on KV and Durable Objects), integrate with Cloudflare Images and Cloudflare Access, and use React for our front end.

If you’re wanting to dive right into the good stuff, our demo instance is published here, and the code is on GitHub, but stick around for a more gentle approach.

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

Building serverless functions with Cloudflare Pages

File-based routing

If you’re not already familiar, Cloudflare Pages connects with your git provider (GitHub and GitLab), and automates the deployment of your static site to Cloudflare’s network. Functions lets you enhance these apps by sprinkling in dynamic data. If you haven’t already, you can sign up here.

In our project, let’s create a new function:

// ./functions/time.js

export const onRequest = () => {
  return new Response(new Date().toISOString())

git commit-ing and pushing this file should trigger a build and deployment of your first Pages function. Any requests for /time will be served by this function, and all other requests will fall-back to the static assets of your project. Placing Functions files in directories works as you’d expect: ./functions/api/time.js would be available at /api/time and ./functions/some_directory/index.js would be available at /some_directory.

We also support TypeScript (./functions/time.ts would work just the same), as well as parameterized files:

  • ./functions/todos/[id].js with single square brackets will match all requests like /todos/123;
  • and ./functions/todos/[[path]].js with double square brackets, will match requests for any number of path segments (e.g. /todos/123/subtasks).

We declare a PagesFunction type in the @cloudflare/workers-types library which you can use to type-check your Functions.

Dynamic data

So, returning to our image-sharing app, let’s assume we already have some images uploaded, and we want to display them on the homepage. We’ll need an endpoint which will return a list of these images, which the front-end can call:

// ./functions/api/images.ts

export const jsonResponse = (value: any, init: ResponseInit = {}) =>
  new Response(JSON.stringify(value), {
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", ...init.headers },

const generatePreviewURL = ({
}: {
  previewURLBase: string;
  imagesKey: string;
  isPrivate: boolean;
}) => {
  // If isPrivate, generates a signed URL for the 'preview' variant
  // Else, returns the 'blurred' variant URL which never requires signed URLs
  // https://developers.cloudflare.com/images/cloudflare-images/serve-images/serve-private-images-using-signed-url-tokens

  return "SIGNED_URL";

export const onRequestGet: PagesFunction<{
  IMAGES: KVNamespace;
}> = async ({ env }) => {
  const { imagesKey } = (await env.IMAGES.get("setup", "json")) as Setup;

  const kvImagesList = await env.IMAGES.list<ImageMetadata>({
    prefix: `image:uploaded:`,

  const images = kvImagesList.keys
    .map((kvImage) => {
      try {
        const { id, previewURLBase, name, alt, uploaded, isPrivate } =
          kvImage.metadata as ImageMetadata;

        const previewURL = generatePreviewURL({

        return {
      } catch {
        return undefined;
    .filter((image) => image !== undefined);

  return jsonResponse({ images });

Eagle-eyed readers will notice we’re exporting onRequestGet which lets us only respond to GET requests.

We’re also using a KV namespace (accessed with env.IMAGES) to store information about images that have been uploaded. To create a binding in your Pages project, navigate to the “Settings” tab.

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages

Interfacing with other APIs

Cloudflare Images is an inexpensive, high-performance, and featureful service for hosting and transforming images. You can create multiple variants to render your images in different ways and control access with signed URLs. We’ll add a function to interface with this service’s API and upload incoming files to Cloudflare Images:

// ./functions/api/admin/upload.ts

export const onRequestPost: PagesFunction<{
  IMAGES: KVNamespace;
}> = async ({ request, env }) => {
  const { apiToken, accountId } = (await env.IMAGES.get(
  )) as Setup;

  // Prepare the Cloudflare Images API request body
  const formData = await request.formData();
  formData.set("requireSignedURLs", "true");
  const alt = formData.get("alt") as string;
  const isPrivate = formData.get("isPrivate") === "on";

  // Upload the image to Cloudflare Images
  const response = await fetch(
      method: "POST",
      body: formData,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${apiToken}`,

  // Store the image metadata in KV
  const {
    result: {
      filename: name,
      variants: [url],
  } = await response.json<{
    result: {
      id: string;
      filename: string;
      uploaded: string;
      requireSignedURLs: boolean;
      variants: string[];

  const metadata: ImageMetadata = {
    previewURLBase: url.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"),

  await env.IMAGES.put(
    "Values stored in metadata.",
    { metadata }
  await env.IMAGES.put(`image:${id}`, JSON.stringify(metadata));

  return jsonResponse(true);

Persisting data

We’re already using KV to store information that is read often but rarely written to. What about features that require a bit more synchronicity?

Let’s add a download counter to each of our images. We can create a highres variant in Cloudflare Images, and increment the counter every time a user requests a link. This requires a bit more setup, but unlocking the power of Durable Objects in your projects is absolutely worth it.

We’ll need to create and publish the Durable Object class capable of maintaining this download count:

// ./durable_objects/downloadCounter.js

export class DownloadCounter {
  constructor(state) {
    this.state = state;
    // `blockConcurrencyWhile()` ensures no requests are delivered until initialization completes.
    this.state.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
      let stored = await this.state.storage.get("value");
      this.value = stored || 0;

  async fetch(request) {
    const url = new URL(request.url);
    let currentValue = this.value;

    if (url.pathname === "/increment") {
      currentValue = ++this.value;
      await this.state.storage.put("value", currentValue);

    return jsonResponse(currentValue);


If you need to execute some code (such as authentication or logging) before you run your function, Pages offers easy-to-use middleware which can be applied at any level in your file-based routing. By creating a _middleware.ts file in a directory, we know to first run this file, and then execute your function when next() is called.

In our application, we want to prevent unauthorized users from uploading images (/api/admin/upload) or deleting images (/api/admin/delete). Cloudflare Access lets us apply role-based access control to all or part of our application, and you only need a single file to integrate it into our serverless functions. We create  ./functions/api/admin/_middleware.ts which will apply to all incoming requests at /api/admin/*:

// ./functions/api/admin/_middleware.ts

const validateJWT = async (jwtAssertion: string | null, aud: string) => {
  // If the JWT is valid, return the JWT payload
  // Else, return false
  // https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/identity/users/validating-json

  return jwtPayload;

const cloudflareAccessMiddleware: PagesFunction<{ IMAGES: KVNamespace }> =
  async ({ request, env, next, data }) => {
    const { aud } = (await env.IMAGES.get("setup", "json")) as Setup;

    const jwtPayload = await validateJWT(

    if (jwtPayload === false)
      return new Response("Access denied.", { status: 403 });

    // We could also use the data object to pass information between middlewares
    data.user = jwtPayload.email;

    return await next();

export const onRequest = [cloudflareAccessMiddleware];

Middleware is a powerful tool at your disposal allowing you to easily protect parts of your application with Cloudflare Access, or quickly integrate with observability and error logging platforms such as Honeycomb and Sentry.

Integrating as Jamstack

The “Jam” of “Jamstack” stands for JavaScript, API and Markup. Cloudflare Pages previously provided the ‘J’ and ‘M’, and with Workers in the middle, you can truly go full-stack Jamstack.

We’ve built the front end of this image sharing platform with Create React App as an approachable example, but Cloudflare Pages natively integrates with an ever-growing number of frameworks (currently 23), and you can always configure your own entirely custom build command.

Your front end simply needs to make a call to the Functions we’ve already configured, and render out that data. We’re using SWR to simplify things, but you could do this with entirely vanilla JavaScript fetch-es, if that’s your preference.

// ./src/components/ImageGrid.tsx

export const ImageGrid = () => {
  const { data, error } = useSWR<{ images: Image[] }>("/api/images");

  if (error || data === undefined) {
    return <div>An unexpected error has occurred when fetching the list of images. Please try again.</div>;

  return (
      {data.images.map((image) => (
        <ImageCard image={image} key={image.id} />


Local development

No matter how fast it is, iterating on a project like this can be painful if you have to push up every change in order to test how it works. We’ve released a first-class integration with wrangler for local development of Pages projects, including full support for Functions, Workers, secrets, environment variables and KV. Durable Objects support is coming soon.

Install from npm:

npm install wrangler@beta

and either serve a folder of static assets, or proxy your existing tooling:

# Serve a directory
npx wrangler pages dev ./public

# or integrate with your other tools
npx wrangler pages dev -- npx react-scripts start

Go forth, and build!

If you like puppies, we’ve deployed our image-sharing application here, and if you like code, that’s over on GitHub. Feel free to fork and deploy it yourself! There’s a five-minute setup wizard, and you’ll need Cloudflare Images, Access, Workers, and Durable Objects.

We are so excited about the future of the Pages platform, and we want to hear what you’re building! Show off your full-stack applications in the #what-i-built channel, or get assistance in the #pages-help channel on our Discord server.

Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages