Tag Archives: serverless

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

Post Syndicated from Joshua Johnson original https://blog.cloudflare.com/improving-the-wrangler-startup-experience/

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

Today I’m excited to announce wrangler login, an easy way to get started with Wrangler! This summer for my internship on the Workers Developer Productivity team I was tasked with helping improve the Wrangler user experience. For those who don’t know, Workers is Cloudflare’s serverless platform which allows users to deploy their software directly to Cloudflare’s edge network.

This means you can write any behaviour on requests heading to your site or even run fully fledged applications directly on the edge. Wrangler is the open-source CLI tool used to manage your Workers and has a big focus on enabling a smooth developer experience.

When I first heard I was working on Wrangler, I was excited that I would be working on such a cool product but also a little nervous. This was the first time I would be writing Rust in a professional environment, the first time making meaningful open-source contributions, and on top of that the first time doing all of this remotely. But thanks to lots of guidance and support from my mentor and team, I was able to help make the Wrangler and Workers developer experience just a little bit better.

The Problem

The main improvement I focused on this summer was the experience when getting started with Wrangler. For many of the commands to publish and develop live Workers, the user first needs to authenticate with Cloudflare. This is mainly done through the wrangler config command which has the user go create an API token and paste it into Wrangler. Creating a token involves going to the Cloudflare dashboard, going to your profile, going to the API tokens page, selecting a token template, adding your zones and accounts, and finally creating the token. While this is a completely valid authentication flow, it’s not as easy as it could be.

It could be frustrating to users who have to leave Wrangler and then possibly get lost in the wrong dashboard page or use the wrong settings for their token. When a group of intern candidates were given the task of using Wrangler, most of them got stuck on this step! Many users might forgo using Workers altogether if this is the first thing they encounter when sitting down to develop. Instead we wanted an experience where users could use their Cloudflare login (ie. their username, password, and possible two-factor authentication) and immediately be ready to go.

No OAuth? No Problem

What we came up with was a way to create and transfer API Tokens for a user, similar to how Argo Tunnel does their login.

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

An overview of the process is shown above, which starts with Wrangler. When the user types wrangler login in their terminal, they will be prompted to open the Cloudflare dashboard in their browser. All dashboard pages require the user to sign in before loading and once the user is signed in, all actions taken by the dashboard page will use the authentication of that user.

This means we can make a dashboard page which automatically creates an API token configured to manage Workers. Then when the user loads this page, a properly configured API token will be created for that user. Our dashboard page will then hand off the token to EdgeWorker Config Service (EWC) which will temporarily store it. While this is all going on Wrangler will be polling EWC waiting for the token to appear and once it does, Wrangler will retrieve the token and authenticate the user. With this, we have a seamless way to authenticate a Cloudflare user.


One thing we had to be mindful of was security, these are users’ tokens after all. If someone was listening to network traffic and saw the request to the Cloudflare dashboard page, nothing would be stopping them from polling EWC themselves and stealing the token away from the user to wreak havoc on their Workers and zones. To solve this problem we used asymmetric RSA encryption. Asymmetric encryption lets us create two separate but mathematically connected keys. One is a private key which can encrypt and decrypt information and one is a public key which can only encrypt information.

Wrangler will generate a public-private key pair and pass off the public key to our dashboard page. Once the dashboard page is finished creating our token, EWC will then encrypt the token using the public key before storing. This means in the previous scenario where someone takes the token from our user, all they will have is an encrypted token they can’t use. The only way to decrypt it would be with the private key held by Wrangler.

Improving the Wrangler Startup Experience

In the end, this solution results in a smooth experience for Workers users. Now instead of rummaging through dashboard pages you can get started with Wrangler in only a few seconds, sometimes without having to leave the comfort of your own terminal.

Try out wrangler login in the 1.11.0 release of Wrangler and let us know how you like it. Also I would like to thank the Workers team for helping make this possible and giving me an awesome experience this summer! In order to implement this feature I had to touch different parts of Cloudflare like EWC and Stratus (Cloudflare’s front end monorepo) and work in areas unfamiliar to me such as frontend TypeScript and React. The responsiveness and encouragement I received helped get this feature created and helped make for a great summer!

Using serverless backends to iterate quickly on web apps – part 2

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-serverless-backends-to-iterate-quickly-on-web-apps-part-2/

This series is about building flexible solutions that can adapt as user requirements change. One of the challenges of building modern web applications is that requirements can change quickly. This is especially true for new applications that are finding their product-market fit. Many development teams start building a product with one set of requirements, and quickly find they must build a product with different features.

For both start-ups and enterprises, it’s often important to find a development methodology and architecture that allows flexibility. This is the surest way to keep up with feature requests in evolving products and innovate to delight your end-users. In this post, I show how to build sophisticated workflows using minimal custom code.

Part 1 introduces the Happy Path application that allows park visitors to share maps and photos with other users. In that post, I explain the functionality, how to deploy the application, and walk through the backend architecture.

The Happy Path application accepts photo uploads from users’ smartphones. The application architecture must support 100,000 monthly active users. These binary uploads are typically 3–9 MB in size and must be resized and optimized for efficient distribution.

Using a serverless approach, you can develop a robust low-code solution that can scale to handle millions of images. Additionally, the solution shown here is designed to handle complex changes that are introduced in subsequent versions of the software. The code and instructions for this application are available in the GitHub repo.

Architecture overview

After installing the backend in the previous post, the architecture looks like this:

In this design, the API, storage, and notification layers exist as one application, and the business logic layer is a separate application. These two applications are deployed using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates. This architecture uses Amazon EventBridge to pass events between the two applications.

In the business logic layer:

  1. The workflow starts when events are received from EventBridge. Each time a new object is uploaded by an end-user, the PUT event in the Amazon S3 Upload bucket triggers this process.
  2. After the workflow is completed successfully, processed images are stored in the Distribution bucket. Related metadata for the object is also stored in the application’s Amazon DynamoDB table.

By separating the architecture into two independent applications, you can replace the business logic layer as needed. Providing that the workflow accepts incoming events and then stores processed images in the S3 bucket and DynamoDB table, the workflow logic becomes interchangeable. Using the pattern, this workflow can be upgraded to handle new functionality.

Introducing AWS Step Functions for workflow management

One of the challenges in building distributed applications is coordinating components. These systems are composed of separate services, which makes orchestrating workflows more difficult than working with a single monolithic application. As business logic grows more complex, if you attempt to manage this in custom code, it can become quickly convoluted. This is especially true if it handles retries and error handling logic, and it can be hard to test and maintain.

AWS Step Functions is designed to coordinate and manage these workflows in distributed serverless applications. To do this, you create state machine diagrams using Amazon States Language (ASL). Step Functions renders a visualization of your state machine, which makes it simpler to see the flow of data from one service to another.

Each state machine consists of a series of steps. Each step takes an input and produces an output. Using ASL, you define how this data progresses through the state machine. The flow from step to step is called a transition. All state machines transition from a Start state towards an End state.

The Step Functions service manages the state of individual executions. The service also supports versioning, which makes it easier to modify state machines in production systems. Executions continue to use the version of a state machine when they were started, so it’s possible to have active executions on multiple versions.

For developers using VS Code, the AWS Toolkit extension provides support for writing state machines using ASL. It also renders visualizations of those workflows. Combined with AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) templates, this provides a powerful way to deploy and maintain applications based on Step Functions. I refer to this IDE and AWS SAM in this walkthrough.

Version 1: Image resizing

The Happy Path application uses Step Functions to manage the image-processing part of the backend. The first version of this workflow resizes the uploaded image.

To see this workflow:

  1. In VS Code, open the workflows/statemachines folder in the Explorer panel.
  2. Choose the v1.asl.sjon file.v1 state machine
  3. Choose the Render graph option in the CodeLens. This opens the workflow visualization.CodeLens - Render graph

In this basic workflow, the state machine starts at the Resizer step, then progresses to the Publish step before ending:

  • In the top-level attributes in the definition, StartsAt sets the Resizer step as the first action.
  • The Resizer step is defined as a task with an ARN of a Lambda function. The Next attribute determines that the Publish step is next.
  • In the Publish step, this task defines a Lambda function using an ARN reference. It sets the input payload as the entire JSON payload. This step is set as the End of the workflow.

Deploying the Step Functions workflow

To deploy the state machine:

  1. In the terminal window, change directory to the workflows/templates/v1 folder in the repo.
  2. Execute these commands to build and deploy the AWS SAM template:
    sam build
    sam deploy –guided
  3. The deploy process prompts you for several parameters. Enter happy-path-workflow-v1 as the Stack Name. The other values are the outputs from the backend deployment process, detailed in the repo’s README. Enter these to complete the deployment.
  4. SAM deployment output

Testing and inspecting the deployed workflow

Now the workflow is deployed, you perform an integration test directly from the frontend application.

To test the deployed v1 workflow:

  1. Open the frontend application at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  2. Select a park location, choose Show Details, and then choose Upload images.
  3. Select an image from the sample photo dataset.
  4. After a few seconds, you see a pop-up message confirming that the image has been added:Upload confirmation message
  5. Select the same park location again, and the information window now shows the uploaded image:Happy Path - park with image data

To see how the workflow processed this image:

  1. Navigate to the Steps Functions console.
  2. Here you see the v1StateMachine with one execution in the Succeeded column.Successful execution view
  3. Choose the state machine to display more information about the start and end time.State machine detail
  4. Select the execution ID in the Executions panel to open details of this single instance of the workflow.

This view shows important information that’s useful for understanding and debugging an execution. Under Input, you see the event passed into Step Functions by EventBridge:

Event detail from EventBridge

This contains detail about the S3 object event, such as the bucket name and key, together with the placeId, which identifies the location on the map. Under Output, you see the final result from the state machine, shows a successful StatusCode (200) and other metadata:

Event output from the state machine

Using AWS SAM to define and deploy Step Functions state machines

The AWS SAM template defines both the state machine, the trigger for executions, and the permissions needed for Step Functions to execute. The AWS SAM resource for a Step Functions definition is AWS::Serverless::StateMachine.

Definition permissions in state machines

In this example:

  • DefinitionUri refers to an external ASL definition, instead of embedding the JSON in the AWS SAM template directly.
  • DefinitionSubstitutions allow you to use tokens in the ASL definition that refer to resources created in the AWS SAM template. For example, the token ${ResizerFunctionArn} refers to the ARN of the resizer Lambda function.
  • Events define how the state machine is invoked. Here it defines an EventBridge rule. If an event matches this source and detail-type, it triggers an execution.
  • Policies: the Step Functions service must have permission to invoke the services that perform tasks in the state machine. AWS SAM policy templates provide a convenient shorthand for common execution policies, such as invoking a Lambda function.

This workflow application is separate from the main backend template. As more functionality is added to the workflow, you deploy the subsequent AWS SAM templates in the same way.


Using AWS SAM, you can specify serverless resources, configure permissions, and define substitutions for the ASL template. You can deploy a standalone Step Functions-based application using the AWS SAM CLI, separately from other parts of your application. This makes it easier to decouple and maintain larger applications. You can visualize these workflows directly in the VS Code IDE in addition to the AWS Management Console.

In part 3, I show how to build progressively more complex workflows and how to deploy these in-place without affecting the other parts of the application.

To learn more about building serverless web applications, see the Ask Around Me series.