All posts by Abdul Javid

Transforming transactions: Streamlining PCI compliance using AWS serverless architecture

Post Syndicated from Abdul Javid original

Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is critical for organizations that handle cardholder data. Achieving and maintaining PCI DSS compliance can be a complex and challenging endeavor. Serverless technology has transformed application development, offering agility, performance, cost, and security.

In this blog post, we examine the benefits of using AWS serverless services and highlight how you can use them to help align with your PCI DSS compliance responsibilities. You can remove additional undifferentiated compliance heavy lifting by building modern applications with abstracted AWS services. We review an example payment application and workflow that uses AWS serverless services and showcases the potential reduction in effort and responsibility that a serverless architecture could provide to help align with your compliance requirements. We present the review through the lens of a merchant that has an ecommerce website and include key topics such as access control, data encryption, monitoring, and auditing—all within the context of the example payment application. We don’t discuss additional service provider requirements from the PCI DSS in this post.

This example will help you navigate the intricate landscape of PCI DSS compliance. This can help you focus on building robust and secure payment solutions without getting lost in the complexities of compliance. This can also help reduce your compliance burden and empower you to develop your own secure, scalable applications. Join us in this journey as we explore how AWS serverless services can help you meet your PCI DSS compliance objectives.


This document is provided for the purposes of information only; it is not legal advice, and should not be relied on as legal advice. Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in this document. This document: (a) is for informational purposes only, (b) represents current AWS product offerings and practices, which are subject to change without notice, and (c) does not create any commitments or assurances from AWS and its affiliates, suppliers or licensors. AWS products or services are provided “as is” without warranties, representations, or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied. The responsibilities and liabilities of AWS to its customers are controlled by AWS agreements, and this document is not part of, nor does it modify, any agreement between AWS and its customers.

AWS encourages its customers to obtain appropriate advice on their implementation of privacy and data protection environments, and more generally, applicable laws and other obligations relevant to their business.

PCI DSS v4.0 and serverless

In April 2022, the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) updated the security payment standard to “address emerging threats and technologies and enable innovative methods to combat new threats.” Two of the high-level goals of these updates are enhancing validation methods and procedures and promoting security as a continuous process. Adopting serverless architectures can help meet some of the new and updated requirements in version 4.0, such as enhanced software and encryption inventories. If a customer has access to change a configuration, it’s the customer’s responsibility to verify that the configuration meets PCI DSS requirements. There are more than 20 PCI DSS requirements applicable to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). To fulfill these requirements, customer organizations must implement controls such as file integrity monitoring, operating system level access management, system logging, and asset inventories. Using AWS abstracted services in this scenario can remove undifferentiated heavy lifting from your environment. With abstracted AWS services, because there is no operating system to manage, AWS becomes responsible for maintaining consistent time settings for an abstracted service to meet Requirement 10.6. This will also shift your compliance focus more towards your application code and data.

This makes more of your PCI DSS responsibility addressable through the AWS PCI DSS Attestation of Compliance (AOC) and Responsibility Summary. This attestation package is available to AWS customers through AWS Artifact.

Reduction in compliance burden

You can use three common architectural patterns within AWS to design payment applications and meet PCI DSS requirements: infrastructure, containerized, and abstracted. We look into EC2 instance-based architecture (infrastructure or containerized patterns) and modernized architectures using serverless services (abstracted patterns). While both approaches can help align with PCI DSS requirements, there are notable differences in how they handle certain elements. EC2 instances provide more control and flexibility over the underlying infrastructure and operating system, assisting you in customizing security measures based on your organization’s operational and security requirements. However, this also means that you bear more responsibility for configuring and maintaining security controls applicable to the operating systems, such as network security controls, patching, file integrity monitoring, and vulnerability scanning.

On the other hand, serverless architectures similar to the preceding example can reduce much of the infrastructure management requirements. This can relieve you, the application owner or cloud service consumer, of the burden of configuring and securing those underlying virtual servers. This can streamline meeting certain PCI requirements, such as file integrity monitoring, patch management, and vulnerability management, because AWS handles these responsibilities.

Using serverless architecture on AWS can significantly reduce the PCI compliance burden. Approximately 43 percent of the overall PCI compliance requirements, encompassing both technical and non-technical tests, are addressed by the AWS PCI DSS Attestation of Compliance.

Customer responsible
AWS responsible

The following table provides an analysis of each PCI DSS requirement against the serverless architecture in Figure 1, which shows a sample payment application workflow. You must evaluate your own use and secure configuration of AWS workload and architectures for a successful audit.

PCI DSS 4.0 requirements Test cases Customer responsible AWS responsible N/A
Requirement 1: Install and maintain network security controls 35 13 22 0
Requirement 2: Apply secure configurations to all system components 27 16 11 0
Requirement 3: Protect stored account data 55 24 29 2
Requirement 4: Protect cardholder data with strong cryptography during transmission over open, public networks 12 7 5 0
Requirement 5: Protect all systems and networks from malicious software 25 4 21 0
Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and software 35 31 4 0
Requirement 7: Restrict access to system components and cardholder data by business need-to-know 22 19 3 0
Requirement 8: Identify users and authenticate access to system components 52 43 6 3
Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data 56 3 53 0
Requirement 10: Log and monitor all access to system components and cardholder data 38 17 19 2
Requirement 11: Test security of systems and networks regularly 51 22 23 6
Requirement 12: Support information security with organizational policies 56 44 2 10
Total 464 243 198 23
Percentage 52% 43% 5%

Note: The preceding table is based on the example reference architecture that follows. The actual extent of PCI DSS requirements reduction can vary significantly depending on your cardholder data environment (CDE) scope, implementation, and configurations.

Sample payment application and workflow

This example serverless payment application and workflow in Figure 1 consists of several interconnected steps, each using different AWS services. The steps are listed in the following text and include brief descriptions. They cover two use cases within this example application — consumers making a payment and a business analyst generating a report.

The example outlines a basic serverless payment application workflow using AWS serverless services. However, it’s important to note that the actual implementation and behavior of the workflow may vary based on specific configurations, dependencies, and external factors. The example serves as a general guide and may require adjustments to suit the unique requirements of your application or infrastructure.

Several factors, including but not limited to, AWS service configurations, network settings, security policies, and third-party integrations, can influence the behavior of the system. Before deploying a similar solution in a production environment, we recommend thoroughly reviewing and adapting the example to align with your specific use case and requirements.

Keep in mind that AWS services and features may evolve over time, and new updates or changes may impact the behavior of the components described in this example. Regularly consult the AWS documentation and ensure that your configurations adhere to best practices and compliance standards.

This example is intended to provide a starting point and should be considered as a reference rather than an exhaustive solution. Always conduct thorough testing and validation in your specific environment to ensure the desired functionality and security.

Figure 1: Serverless payment architecture and workflow

Figure 1: Serverless payment architecture and workflow

  • Use case 1: Consumers make a payment
    1. Consumers visit the e-commerce payment page to make a payment.
    2. The request is routed to the payment application’s domain using Amazon Route 53, which acts as a DNS service.
    3. The payment page is protected by AWS WAF to inspect the initial incoming request for any malicious patterns, web-based attacks (such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks), and unwanted bots.
    4. An HTTPS GET request (over TLS) is sent to the public target IP. Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN), acts as a front-end proxy and caches and fetches static content from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
    5. AWS WAF inspects the incoming request for any malicious patterns, if the request is blocked, the request doesn’t return static content from the S3 bucket.
    6. User authentication and authorization are handled by Amazon Cognito, providing a secure login and scalable customer identity and access management system (CIAM)
    7. AWS WAF processes the request to protect against web exploits, then Amazon API Gateway forwards it to the payment application API endpoint.
    8. API Gateway launches AWS Lambda functions to handle payment requests. AWS Step Functions state machine oversees the entire process, directing the running of multiple Lambda functions to communicate with the payment processor, initiate the payment transaction, and process the response.
    9. The cardholder data (CHD) is temporarily cached in Amazon DynamoDB for troubleshooting and retry attempts in the event of transaction failures.
    10. A Lambda function validates the transaction details and performs necessary checks against the data stored in DynamoDB. A web notification is sent to the consumer for any invalid data.
    11. A Lambda function calculates the transaction fees.
    12. A Lambda function authenticates the transaction and initiates the payment transaction with the third-party payment provider.
    13. A Lambda function is initiated when a payment transaction with the third-party payment provider is completed. It receives the transaction status from the provider and performs multiple actions.
    14. Consumers receive real-time notifications through a web browser and email. The notifications are initiated by a step function, such as order confirmations or payment receipts, and can be integrated with external payment processors through an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) web hook.
    15. A separate Lambda function clears the DynamoDB cache.
    16. The Lambda function makes entries into the Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) dead-letter queue for failed transactions to retry at a later time.
  • Use case 2: An admin or analyst generates the report for non-PCI data
    1. An admin accesses the web-based reporting dashboard using their browser to generate a report.
    2. The request is routed to AWS WAF to verify the source that initiated the request.
    3. An HTTPS GET request (over TLS) is sent to the public target IP. CloudFront fetches static content from an S3 bucket.
    4. AWS WAF inspects incoming requests for any malicious patterns, if the request is blocked, the request doesn’t return static content from the S3 bucket. The validated traffic is sent to Amazon S3 to retrieve the reporting page.
    5. The backend requests of the reporting page pass through AWS WAF again to provide protection against common web exploits before being forwarded to the reporting API endpoint through API Gateway.
    6. API Gateway launches a Lambda function for report generation. The Lambda function retrieves data from DynamoDB storage for the reporting mechanism.
    7. The AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) issues temporary credentials to the Lambda service in the non-PCI serverless account, allowing it to launch the Lambda function in the PCI serverless account. The Lambda function retrieves non-PCI data and writes it into DynamoDB.
    8. The Lambda function fetches the non-PCI data based on the report criteria from the DynamoDB table from the same account.

Additional AWS security and governance services that would be implemented throughout the architecture are shown in Figure 1, Label-25. For example, Amazon CloudWatch monitors and alerts on all the Lambda functions within the environment.

Label-26 demonstrates frameworks that can be used to build the serverless applications.

Scoping and requirements

Now that we’ve established the reference architecture and workflow, lets delve into how it aligns with PCI DSS scope and requirements.

PCI scoping

Serverless services are inherently segmented by AWS, but they can be used within the context of an AWS account hierarchy to provide various levels of isolation as described in the reference architecture example.

Segregating PCI data and non-PCI data into separate AWS accounts can help in de-scoping non-PCI environments and reducing the complexity and audit requirements for components that don’t handle cardholder data.

PCI serverless production account

  • This AWS account is dedicated to handling PCI data and applications that directly process, transmit, or store cardholder data.
  • Services such as Amazon Cognito, DynamoDB, API Gateway, CloudFront, Amazon SNS, Amazon SES, Amazon SQS, and Step Functions are provisioned in this account to support the PCI data workflow.
  • Security controls, logging, monitoring, and access controls in this account are specifically designed to meet PCI DSS requirements.

Non-PCI serverless production account

  • This separate AWS account is used to host applications that don’t handle PCI data.
  • Since this account doesn’t handle cardholder data, the scope of PCI DSS compliance is reduced, simplifying the compliance process.

Note: You can use AWS Organizations to centrally manage multiple AWS accounts.

AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) is used to manage user access to each account and is integrated with your existing identify provider. This helps to ensure you’re meeting PCI requirements on identity, access control of card holder data, and environment.

Now, let’s look at the PCI DSS requirements that this architectural pattern can help address.

Requirement 1: Install and maintain network security controls

  • Network security controls are limited to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and application permissions because there is no customer controlled or defined network. VPC-centric requirements aren’t applicable because there is no VPC. The configuration settings for serverless services can be covered under Requirement 6 to for secure configuration standards. This supports compliance with Requirements 1.2 and 1.3.

Requirement 2: Apply secure configurations to all system components

  • AWS services are single function by default and exist with only the necessary functionality enabled for the functioning of that service. This supports compliance with much of Requirement 2.2.
  • Access to AWS services is considered non-console and only accessible through HTTPS through the service API. This supports compliance with Requirement 2.2.7.
  • The wireless requirements under Requirement 2.3 are not applicable, because wireless environments don’t exist in AWS environments.

Requirement 3: Protect stored account data

  • AWS is responsible for destruction of account data configured for deletion based on DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) values. This supports compliance with Requirement 3.2.
  • DynamoDB and Amazon S3 offer secure storage of account data, encryption by default in transit and at rest, and integration with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). This supports compliance with Requirements 3.5 and 4.2.
  • AWS is responsible for the generation, distribution, storage, rotation, destruction, and overall protection of encryption keys within AWS KMS. This supports compliance with Requirements 3.6 and 3.7.
  • Manual cleartext cryptographic keys aren’t available in this solution, Requirement 3.7.6 is not applicable.

Requirement 4: Protect cardholder data with strong cryptography during transmission over open, public networks

  • AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) integrates with API Gateway and enables the use of trusted certificates and HTTPS (TLS) for secure communication between clients and the API. This supports compliance with Requirement 4.2.
  • Requirement is not applicable because there are no wireless technologies in use in this solution. Customers are responsible for ensuring strong cryptography exists for authentication and transmission over other wireless networks they manage outside of AWS.
  • Requirement 4.2.2 is not applicable because no end-user technologies exist in this solution. Customers are responsible for ensuring the use of strong cryptography if primary account numbers (PAN) are sent through end-user messaging technologies in other environments.

Requirement 5: Protect a ll systems and networks from malicious software

  • There are no customer-managed compute resources in this example payment environment, Requirements 5.2 and 5.3 are the responsibility of AWS.

Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and software

  • Amazon Inspector now supports Lambda functions, adding continual, automated vulnerability assessments for serverless compute. This supports compliance with Requirement 6.2.
  • Amazon Inspector helps identify vulnerabilities and security weaknesses in the payment application’s code, dependencies, and configuration. This supports compliance with Requirement 6.3.
  • AWS WAF is designed to protect applications from common attacks, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and other web exploits. AWS WAF can filter and block malicious traffic before it reaches the application. This supports compliance with Requirement 6.4.2.

Requirement 7: Restrict access to system components and cardholder data by business need to know

  • IAM and Amazon Cognito allow for fine-grained role- and job-based permissions and access control. Customers can use these capabilities to configure access following the principles of least privilege and need-to-know. IAM and Cognito support the use of strong identification, authentication, authorization, and multi-factor authentication (MFA). This supports compliance with much of Requirement 7.

Requirement 8: Identify users and authenticate access to system components

  • IAM and Amazon Cognito also support compliance with much of Requirement 8.
  • Some of the controls in this requirement are usually met by the identity provider for internal access to the cardholder data environment (CDE).

Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data

  • AWS is responsible for the destruction of data in DynamoDB based on the customer configuration of content TTL values for Requirement 9.4.7. Customers are responsible for ensuring their database instance is configured for appropriate removal of data by enabling TTL on DDB attributes.
  • Requirement 9 is otherwise not applicable for this serverless example environment because there are no physical media, electronic media not already addressed under Requirement 3.2, or hard-copy materials with cardholder data. AWS is responsible for the physical infrastructure under the Shared Responsibility Model.

Requirement 10: Log and monitor all access to system components and cardholder data

  • AWS CloudTrail provides detailed logs of API activity for auditing and monitoring purposes. This supports compliance with Requirement 10.2 and contains all of the events and data elements listed.
  • CloudWatch can be used for monitoring and alerting on system events and performance metrics. This supports compliance with Requirement 10.4.
  • AWS Security Hub provides a comprehensive view of security alerts and compliance status, consolidating findings from various security services, which helps in ongoing security monitoring and testing. Customers must enable PCI DSS security standard, which supports compliance with Requirement 10.4.2.
  • AWS is responsible for maintaining accurate system time for AWS services. In this example, there are no compute resources for which customers can configure time. Requirement 10.6 is addressable through the AWS Attestation of Compliance and Responsibility Summary available in AWS Artifact.

Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and processes

  • Testing for rogue wireless activity within the AWS-based CDE is the responsibility of AWS. AWS is responsible for the management of the physical infrastructure under Requirement 11.2. Customers are still responsible for wireless testing for their environments outside of AWS, such as where administrative workstations exist.
  • AWS is responsible for internal vulnerability testing of AWS services, and supports compliance with Requirement 11.3.1.
  • Amazon GuardDuty, a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized access, providing continuous security monitoring. This supports the IDS requirements under Requirement 11.5.1, and covers the entire AWS-based CDE.
  • AWS Config allows customers to catalog, monitor and manage configuration changes for their AWS resources. This supports compliance with Requirement 11.5.2.
  • Customers can use AWS Config to monitor the configuration of the S3 bucket hosting the static website. This supports compliance with Requirement 11.6.1.

Requirement 12: Support information security with organizational policies and programs

  • Customers can download the AWS AOC and Responsibility Summary package from Artifact to support Requirement 12.8.5 and the identification of which PCI DSS requirements are managed by the third-party service provider (TSPS) and which by the customer.


Using AWS serverless services when developing your payment application can significantly help reduce the number of PCI DSS requirements you need to meet by yourself. By offloading infrastructure management to AWS and using serverless services such as Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Amazon S3, and others, you can benefit from built-in security features and help align with your PCI DSS compliance requirements.

Contact us to help design an architecture that works for your organization. AWS Security Assurance Services is a Payment Card Industry-Qualified Security Assessor company (PCI-QSAC) and HITRUST External Assessor firm. We are a team of industry-certified assessors who help you to achieve, maintain, and automate compliance in the cloud by tying together applicable audit standards to AWS service-specific features and functionality. We help you build on frameworks such as PCI DSS, HITRUST CSF, NIST, SOC 2, HIPAA, ISO 27001, GDPR, and CCPA.

More information on how to build applications using AWS serverless technologies can be found at Serverless on AWS.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

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Abdul Javid

Abdul Javid

Abdul is a Senior Security Assurance Consultant and PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor with AWS Security Assurance Services, and has more than 25 years of IT governance, operations, security, risk, and compliance experience. Abdul leverages his experience and knowledge to advise AWS customers with guidance and advice on their compliance journey. Abdul earned an M.S. in Computer Science from IIT, Chicago and holds various industry recognized sought after certifications in security and program and risk management from prominent organizations like AWS, HITRUST, ISACA, PMI, PCI DSS, and ISC2.

Ted Tanner

Ted Tanner

Ted is a Principal Assurance Consultant and PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor with AWS Security Assurance Services, and has more than 25 years of IT and security experience. He uses this experience to provide AWS customers with guidance on compliance and security, and on building and optimizing their cloud compliance programs. He is co-author of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) v3.2.1 on AWS Compliance Guide and the soon-to-be-released v4.0 edition.

Tristan Watty

Tristan Watty

Dr. Watty is a Senior Security Consultant within the Professional Services team of Amazon Web Services based in Queens, New York. He is a passionate Tech Enthusiast, Influencer, and Amazonian with 15+ years of professional and educational experience with a specialization in Security, Risk, and Compliance. His zeal lies in empowering customers to develop and put into action secure mechanisms that steer them towards achieving their security goals. Dr. Watty also created and hosts an AWS Security Show named “Security SideQuest!” that airs on the AWS Twitch Channel.

Padmakar Bhosale

Padmakar Bhosale

Padmakar is a Sr. Technical Account Manager with over 25 years of experience in the Financial, Banking, and Cloud Services. He provides AWS customers with guidance and advice on Payment Services, Core Banking Ecosystem, Credit Union Banking Technologies, Resiliency on AWS Cloud, AWS Accounts & Network levels PCI Segmentations, and Optimization of the Customer’s Cloud Journey experience on AWS Cloud.

A phased approach towards a complex HITRUST r2 validated assessment

Post Syndicated from Abdul Javid original

Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST) offers healthcare organizations a comprehensive and standardized approach to information security, privacy, and compliance. HITRUST Common Security Framework (HITRUST CSF) can be used by organizations to establish a robust security program, ensure patient data privacy, and assist with compliance with industry regulations. HITRUST CSF enhances security, streamlines compliance efforts, reduces risk, and contributes to overall security resiliency and the trustworthiness of healthcare entities in an increasingly challenging cybersecurity landscape.

While HITRUST primarily focuses on the healthcare industry, its framework and certification program are adaptable and applicable to other industries. The HITRUST CSF is a set of controls and requirements that organizations must comply with to achieve HITRUST certification. The HITRUST R2 assessment is the process by which organizations are evaluated against the requirements of the HITRUST CSF. During the assessment, an independent third party assessor examines the organization’s technical security controls, operational policies and procedures, and the implementation of all controls to determine if they meet the specified HITRUST requirements.

HITRUST r2 validated assessment certification is a comprehensive process that involves meeting numerous assessment requirements. The number of requirements can vary significantly, ranging from 500 to 2,000 depending on your environment’s risk factors and regulatory requirements. Attempting to address all of these requirements simultaneously especially when migrating systems to Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be overwhelming. By using a strategy of separating your compliance journey into environments and applications, you can streamline the process and achieve HITRUST compliance more efficiently and within a realistic timeframe.

In this blog post, we start by exploring the HITRUST domain structure, highlighting the security objective of each domain. We then show how you can use AWS configurable services to help meet these objectives.

Lastly, we present a simple and practical reference architecture with an AWS multi-account implementation that you can use as the foundation for hosting your AWS application, highlighting the phased approach for HITRUST compliance. Please note that this blog is intended to assist with using AWS services in a manner that supports an organization’s HITRUST compliance, but a HITRUST assessment is at an organizational level and involves controls that extend beyond the organization’s use of AWS.

HITRUST certification journey – Scope applications systems on AWS infrastructure:

The HITRUST controls needed for certification are structured within 19 HITRUST domains, covering a wide range of technical and administrative control requirements. To efficiently manage the scope of your certification assessment, start by focusing on the AWS landing zone, which serves as a critical foundational infrastructure component for running applications. When establishing the AWS landing zone, verify that it aligns with the AWS HITRUST security control requirements that are dependent on the scope of your assessment. Note that these 19 domains are a combination of technical controls and foundational administrative controls.

After you’ve set up a HITRUST compliant landing zone, you can begin evaluating your applications for HITRUST compliance as you migrate them to AWS. When you expand and migrate applications to the HITRUST-certified AWS landing zone assessed by your third party assessor, you can inherit the HITRUST controls required for application assessment directly from the landing zone. This simplifies and narrows the scope of your assessment activities.

Figure 1 that follows shows the two key phases and how a bottom-up phased approach can be structured with related HITRUST controls.

Figure 1: HITRUST Phase 1 and Phase 2 high-level components

Figure 1: HITRUST Phase 1 and Phase 2 high-level components

The diagram illustrates:

  • An AWS landing zone environment as Phase 1 and its related HITRUST domain controls
  • An application system as Phase 2 and its related application system specific controls

HITRUST domain security objectives:

The HITRUST CSF based certification consists of 19 domains, which are broad categories that encompass various aspects of information security and privacy controls. These domains serve as a framework for your organization to assess and enhance its security posture. These domains cover a wide range of controls and practices related to information security, privacy, risk management, and compliance. Each domain consists of a set of control objectives and requirements that your organization must meet to achieve HITRUST certification.

The following table lists each domain, the key security objectives expected, and the AWS configurable services relevant to the security objectives. These are listed as a reference to give you an idea of the scope of each domain; the actual services and tools to meet specific HITRUST requirements will vary depending upon your scope and its HITRUST requirements.

Note: The information in this post is a general guideline and recommendation based on a phased approach for HITRUST r2 validated assessment. The examples are based on the information available at the time of publication and are not a full solution.

HITRUST domains, security objectives, and related AWS services

HITRUST domain Summary of key security objectives expected in HITRUST domains Related AWS configurable services
1. Information Protection Program
  • Implement information security management program.
  • Verify role suitability for employees, contractors, and third-party users.
  • Provide management guidance aligned with business goals and regulations.
  • Safeguard an organization’s information and assets.
  • Enhance awareness of information security among stakeholders.
AWS Artifact
AWS Service Catalog
AWS Config
Amazon Cybersecurity Awareness Training
2. Endpoint Protection
  • Protect information and software from unauthorized or malicious code.
  • Safeguard information in networks and the supporting network infrastructure
AWS Systems Manager
AWS Config
Amazon Inspector
AWS Shield
3. Portable Media Security
  • Ensure the protection of information assets, prevent unauthorized disclosure, alteration, deletion, or harm, and maintain uninterrupted business operations.
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS)
AWS CloudTrail
Amazon Macie
Amazon Cognito
Amazon Workspaces Family
4. Mobile Device Security
  • Ensure information security while using mobile computing devices and remote work facilities.
AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS)
AWS IoT Device Defender
AWS Snowball
AWS Config
5. Wireless Security
  • Ensure the safeguarding of information within networks and the security of the underlying network infrastructure.
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
6. Configuration Management
  • Ensure adherence to organizational security policies and standards for information systems.
  • Control system files, access, and program source code for security.
  • Document, maintain, and provide operating procedures to users.
  • Strictly control project and support environments for secure development of application system software and information.
AWS Config
AWS Trusted Advisor
Amazon CloudWatch
AWS Security Hub
Systems Manager
7. Vulnerability Management
  • Implement effective and repeatable technical vulnerability management to mitigate risks from exploited vulnerabilities.
  • Establish ownership and defined responsibilities for the protection of information assets within management.
  • Design controls in applications, including user-developed ones, to prevent errors, loss, unauthorized modification, or misuse of information. These controls should encompass input data validation, internal processing, and output data.
Amazon Inspector
Security Hub
8. Network Protection
  • Secure information across networks and network infrastructure.
  • Prevent unauthorized access to networked services.
  • Ensure unauthorized access prevention to information in application systems.
  • Implement controls within applications to prevent errors, loss, unauthorized modification, or misuse of information.
Amazon Route 53
AWS Control Tower
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)
AWS Transit Gateway
Network Load Balancer
AWS Direct Connect
AWS Site-to-Site VPN
AWS CloudFormation
9. Transmission Protection
  • Ensure robust protection of information within networks and their underlying infrastructure.
  • Facilitate secure information exchange both internally and externally, adhering to applicable laws and agreements.
  • Ensure the security of electronic commerce services and their use.
  • Employ cryptographic methods to ensure confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity of information.
  • Formulate cryptographic control policies and institute key management to bolster their implementation.
Systems Manager
10. Password Management
  • Register, track, and periodically validate authorized user accounts to prevent unauthorized access to information systems.
AWS Secrets Manager, Systems Manager Parameter Store, AWS KMS
11. Access Control
  • Monitor and log security events to detect unauthorized activities in compliance with legal requirements.
  • Prevent unauthorized access, compromise, or theft of information, assets, and user entry.
  • Safeguard against unauthorized access to networked services, operating systems, and application information.
  • Manage access rights and asset recovery for terminated or transferred personnel and contractors.
  • Ensure adherence to applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and security requirements throughout information systems’ lifecycle.
AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM)
Amazon GuardDuty
AWS Identity Center
12. Audit Logging & Monitoring
  • Comply with laws, regulations, contracts, and security mandates in information systems’ design, operation, use, and management.
  • Document, maintain, and share operating procedures with relevant users.
  • Monitor, record, and uncover unauthorized information processing in line with legal requirements.
AWS Control Tower
Amazon S3
AWS Config
Amazon VPC Flow logs
Amazon OpenSearch Service
13. Education, Training and Awareness
  • Secure information when using mobile devices and teleworking.
  • Make employees, contractors, and third-party users aware of security threats, and responsibilities and reduce human error.
  • Ensure information systems comply with laws, regulations, contracts, and security requirements.
  • Assign ownership and defined responsibilities for protecting information assets.
  • Protect information and software integrity from unauthorized code.
  • Securely exchange information within and outside the organization, following relevant laws and agreements.
  • Develop strategies to counteract business interruptions, protect critical processes, and resume them promptly after system failures or disasters.
Security Hub
Amazon Cybersecurity Awareness Training
Trusted Advisor
14. Third-Party Assurance
  • Safeguard information and assets by mitigating risks linked to external products or services.
  • Verify third-party service providers adhere to security requirements and maintain agreed upon service levels.
  • Enforce stringent controls over development, project, and support environments to ensure software and information security.
AWS Artifact
AWS Service Organization Controls (SOC) Reports
ISO27001 reports
15. Incident Management
  • Address security events and vulnerabilities promptly for timely correction.
  • Foster awareness among employees, contractors, and third-party users to reduce human errors.
  • Consistently manage information security incidents for effective response.
  • Handle security events to facilitate timely corrective measures.
AWS Incident Detection and Response
Security Hub
Amazon Inspector
AWS Config
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)
16. Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery
  • Maintain, protect, and make organizational information available.
  • Develop strategies and plans to prevent disruptions to business activities, safeguard critical processes from system failures or disasters, and ensure their prompt recovery.
AWS Backup & Restore
Amazon Aurora
CrossRegion replication
AWS Backup
Disaster Recovery: Pilot Light, Warm Standby, Multi Site Active-Active
17. Risk Management
  • Integrate security as a vital element within information systems.
  • Develop and implement a risk management program encompassing risk assessment, mitigation, and evaluation
Trusted Advisor
AWS Config Rules
18. Physical & Environmental Security
  • Secure the organization’s premises and information from unauthorized physical access, damage, and interference.
  • Prevent unauthorized access to networked services.
  • Safeguard assets, prevent loss, damage, theft, or compromise, and ensure uninterrupted organizational activities.
  • Protect information assets from unauthorized disclosure, modification, removal, or destruction, and prevent interruptions to business activities.
AWS Data Centers
Amazon CloudFront
AWS Regions and Global Infrastructure
19. Data Protection & Privacy
  • Ensure the security of the organization’s information and assets when using external products or services.
  • Ensure planning, operation, use, and control of information systems align with applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and security requirements.
Amazon S3
OpenSearch Service
AWS Artifact

Note: You can use AWS HITRUST-certified services to support your HITRUST compliance requirements. Use of these services in their default state doesn’t automatically ensure HITRUST certifiability. You must demonstrate compliance through formal formulation of policies, procedures, and implementation tailored to your scope, which involves configuring and customizing AWS HITRUST certified services to align precisely with HITRUST requirements within your scope and involves implementation of controls outside of the scope of the use of AWS services (such as appropriate organization-wide policies and procedures).

HITRUST phased approach – Reference architecture:

Figure 2 shows the recommended HITRUST Phase 1 and Phase 2 accounts and components within a landing zone.

Figure 2: HITRUST Phases 1 and 2 architecture including accounts and components

Figure 2: HITRUST Phases 1 and 2 architecture including accounts and components

The reference architecture shown in Figure 2 illustrates:

  • A high-level structure of AWS accounts arranged in HITRUST Phase 1 and Phase 2
  • The accounts in HITRUST Phase 1 include:
    • Management account: The management account in the AWS landing zone is the primary account responsible for governing and managing the entire AWS environment.
    • Security account: The security account is dedicated to security and compliance functions, providing a centralized location for security-related tools and monitoring.
    • Central logging account: This account is designed for centralized logging and storage of logs from all other accounts, aiding in security analysis and troubleshooting.
    • Central audit: The central audit account is used for compliance monitoring, logging audit events, and verifying adherence to security standards.
    • DevOps account: DevOps accounts are used for software development and deployment, enabling continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) processes.
    • Networking account: Networking accounts focus on network management, configuration, and monitoring to support reliable connectivity within the AWS environment.
    • DevSecOps account: DevSecOps accounts combine development, security, and operations to embed security practices throughout the software development lifecycle.
    • Shared services account: Shared services accounts host common resources, such as IAM services, that are shared across other accounts for centralized management.

The account group for HITRUST Phase 2 includes:

  • Tenant A – sample application workloads
  • Tenant B – sample application workloads

HITRUST Phase 1 – HITRUST foundational landing zone assessment phase:

In this phase you define the scope of assessment, including the specific AWS landing zone components and configurations that must be HITRUST compliant. The primary focus here is to evaluate the foundational infrastructure’s compliance with HITRUST controls. This involves a comprehensive review of policies and procedures, and implementation of all requirements within the landing zone scope. Assessing this phase separately enables you to verify that your foundational infrastructure adheres to HITRUST controls. Some of the policies, procedures, and configurations that are HITRUST assessed in this phase can be inherited across multiple applications’ assessments in later phases. Assessing this infrastructure once and then inheriting these controls for applications can be more efficient than assessing each application individually.

By establishing a secure and compliant foundation at the start, you can plan application assessments in later phases, making it simpler for subsequent applications to adhere to HITRUST requirements. This can streamline the compliance process and reduce the overall time and effort required. By assessing the landing zone separately, you can identify and address compliance gaps or issues in your foundational infrastructure, reducing the risk of non-compliance for the applications built upon it. Use the following high-level technical approach for this phase of assessment.

  1. Build your AWS landing zone with HITRUST controls. See Building a landing zone for more information.
  2. Use AWS and configure services according to the HITRUST requirements that are applicable to your infrastructure scope.
  3. The HITRUST on AWS Quick Start guide is a reference for building HITRUST with one account. You can use the guide as a starting point to build a multi account architecture.

HITRUST Phase 2 – HITRUST application assessment phase:

During this phase, you examine your AWS workload application accounts to conduct HITRUST assessments for application systems that are running within the AWS landing zone. You have the option to inherit environment-related controls that have been certified as HITRUST compliant within the landing zone in the previous phase.

The following key steps are recommended in this phase:

  1. Readiness assessment for application scope: Conduct a thorough readiness assessment focused on the application scope, and define boundaries with scoped applications (AWS workload accounts).
  2. HITRUST application controls: Gather specific HITRUST requirements for application scope by creating a HITRUST object for the application scope.
  3. Scoped requirements analysis: Analyze requirements and use requirements that can be inherited from Phase 1 of the infrastructure assessment.
  4. Gap analysis: Work with subject matter experts to conduct a gap analysis, and develop policies, procedures, and implementations for application specific controls.
  5. Remediation: Remediate the gaps identified during the gap analysis activity.
  6. Formal r2 assessment: Work with a third-party assessor to initiate a formal r2 validated assessment with HITRUST.


By breaking the compliance process into distinct phases, you can concentrate your resources on specific areas and prioritize essential assets accordingly. This approach supports a focused strategy, systematically addressing critical controls, and helping you to fulfill compliance requirements in a scalable manner. Obtaining the initial certification for the infrastructure and platform layers establishes a robust foundational architecture for subsequent phases, which involve application systems.

Earning certification at each phase provides tangible evidence of progress in your compliance journey. This achievement instills confidence in both internal and external stakeholders, affirming your organization’s commitment to security and compliance.

For guidance on achieving, maintaining, and automating compliance in the cloud, reach out to AWS Security Assurance Services (AWS SAS) or your account team. AWS SAS is a PCI QSAC and HITRUST External Assessor that can help by tying together applicable audit standards to AWS service-specific features and functionality. They can help you build on frameworks such as PCI DSS, HITRUST CSF, NIST, SOC 2, HIPAA, ISO 27001, GDPR, and CCPA.

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Abdul Javid

Abdul Javid

Abdul is a Senior Security Assurance Consultant and PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor with AWS Security Assurance Services, and has more than 25 years of IT governance, operations, security, risk, and compliance experience. Abdul leverages his experience and knowledge to advise AWS customers with guidance and advice on their compliance journey. Abdul earned an M.S. in Computer Science from IIT, Chicago and holds various industry recognized sought after certifications in security and program and risk management from prominent organizations like AWS, HITRUST, ISACA, PMI, PCI DSS, and ISC2.

Cate Ciccolone

Cate Ciccolone

Cate is a Senior Security Consultant for Amazon Web Services (AWS) where she provides technical and advisory consulting services to global healthcare organizations to help them secure their regulated workloads, minimize risk, and meet compliance goals. Her experience spans cybersecurity engineering, healthcare compliance, electronic health record architecture, and clinical application security. Cate is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect and holds several certifications including EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (E|CIH) and HITRUST Certified Practitioner (CCSFP).