All posts by Andrey Biba

How to write a webhook for Zabbix

Post Syndicated from Andrey Biba original

As you know, a picture is worth a thousand words. Therefore, I would like to share the process of creating a webhook from scratch. In this article, we will walk through the creation process step by step – starting with studying the target service with which Zabbix will integrate and finishing with tests for sending events from Zabbix. Although it may seem complicated, writing your own integrations is not so difficult.


First, we need to decide what we want to see as a result of the webhook. In most cases, the services to which we will send events are divided into 2 types:

  • Messengers to which you can send messages. For example, Telegram, Slack, Discord, etc.
  • Service Desks where you can open, close, and update tickets. For example, Jira, Redmine, ServiceNow, etc.

In both cases, the principle of creating a webhook will not differ – the difference is only in the complexity of one type from the other.

In this article, I will describe the process of creating a webhook for messengers – and specifically for Line messenger.

After we have decided on the type, we need to find out whether this service supports the possibility of API requests and, if it does, what is required for this. Usually, all the services you want to integrate Zabbix with have somewhat detailed documentation about the API methods they support. By the way, Zabbix also has its own API, which is documented in detail.

After we are done studying the Line documentation, we find out that messages are sent using the POST method to the endpoint, using the Line bot token in the request header for authorization and passing a specially formatted JSON in the request body with the content of the message. Confused? No problem. Let’s take a closer look.

HTTP requests

The operation of the API is based on HTTP requests, which are executed with parameters provided by the developers of this API.

Several types of HTTP requests are used more often than others:

  • GET – is perhaps the most common one that all of us encounter on a daily basis. This request only involves getting data. For example, the browser used a GET request from the web server to fetch the article you are currently reading.
  • POST – is a request that sends data to a resource. This is exactly the case when we want to pass something to the service using API requests.
  • PUT – is much less common than the previous 2, but no less important. This query replaces the values in a resource.

These are not all HTTP request methods, but these three will suffice for a general introduction.

We are done with methods. Let’s move on to the endpoint.

An endpoint is a permanent address of a resource via which we transfer, receive, or change data. In this case, is the endpoint that accepts POST requests to send messages.

So, the method and the endpoint are defined. What’s next?

Generally, any HTTP request consists of:

  1. URL
  2. Method
  3. Headers
  4. Body
HTTP request structure

We have already dealt with the first two, but the headers and the request body remain.

Headers usually contain service information that allows you to process a request correctly. For example, the Content-Type: application/json header implies that our request body should be interpreted as a json object. Also, quite often, authorization information is passed in the headers. As in the case of Line, the Authorization: Bearer {channel access token} header contains the authorization token of the bot on behalf of which messages will be sent.

The request body usually contains the information we want to pass on to the service. In our case, this will be the subject and body of the event in Zabbix.

Checking the service API

The documentation is good, but it is necessary to check that everything we read works exactly how it is documented. It is not uncommon that a service can be developed faster than the documentation can keep up with it. So field testing never hurts. Excluding unexpected behavior will significantly reduce the time spent searching for problems.

I recommend using Postman to work with API requests – a handy tool that saves time. But for this article, we will use cURL due to its prevalence and ease of use.

I will not describe the process of creating the Line Bot API token because this is not directly related to the article. However, for those interested in this process, I will leave a link here.

As we have already found out, the request type will be POST, the access point URL is, and additional headers must be passed: Content-Type: application/json which specifies the type of data to be sent (in our case it is JSON) and Authorization: Bearer {token value}. And the messages themselves are in JSON format. For example, I used 2 messages – “Hello, world1” and “Hello, world2”. As a result, I got the following query:

After executing the request, we got the expected result of 2 messages that came to the messenger, which were in the request body.

Excellent! So half of the work has already been done: there is a ready-made request that works in manual mode and successfully sends messages to Line. The only thing left is to put the necessary information in the right places and automate the process using JS and Zabbix.

Integration with Zabbix

After successfully completing the tests, go to Zabbix, create a new notification method in the Administration section, select the webhook type, and name it Line.

For webhook integrations with external services, Zabbix uses the built-in JavaScript engine on Duktape. Parameters are passed to the script, which is used to build the logic of the webhook. As a result of the script, tags can be returned that will be assigned to the event. This is usually necessary in case of integration with service desks in order to be able to update the status of tickets.

Let’s take a closer look at the webhook setup interface.

The Media type section contains the general settings for the new media type:

  • Name – Name of the media type.
  • Type – The type of media type. There are 4 types: email, SMS, webhook, and script.
  • Parameters – This is a list of variables passed to the code. All necessary data can be passed through parameters: event id, event type, trigger severity, event source, etc. You can specify macros and text values in parameters. The parameters are passed as a JSON string, accessible through the built-in variable value.
  • Script – JS script describing the logic of the webhook.
  • Timeout – The time after which the script will be terminated.
  • Process tags   – If this option is enabled, the webhook will support generating tags for events sent using this hook.
  • Include event menu entry – This option makes the Menu Entry Name and Menu Entry URL fields available for use.
  • Menu entry name – The text displayed in the event dropdown menu for the Menu entry URL submitted using this hook.
  • Menu entry URL – A link to an external resource in the event menu.
  • Description – A text field that contains a description of the notification method.
  • Enabled – an Option that allows enabling or disabling the media type.

The Message templates section contains templates that are used by webhook to send alerts. Each template contains:

  • Message type – The event type to which the message will apply. For example, Problem – when the trigger fires and Problem recovery – when the problem is resolved.
  • Subject  – The headline of the message.
  • Message – A message template that contains useful information about the event. For example, event time, date, event name, host name, etc.

The Options section contains additional options:

  • Concurrent sessions – The number of concurrent sessions to send an alert.
  • Attempts – The number of retries in case of send failure.
  • Attempt interval  – The frequency of attempts to send an alert.

When writing your own webhook, you can take an existing one as a basis – Zabbix has more than thirty ready-made webhook solutions of varying complexity. All basic functions are usually repeated from hook to hook with little or no change at all, as are the parameters passed to them.

Let’s set the following parameters:

It is convenient to set parameter values with macros. A macro is a variable in Zabbix that contains a specific value. Macros allow you to optimize and automate your work. They can be used in various places, such as triggers, filters, alerts, and so on.

A little more about each macro separately in order to understand why each of them is needed:

  • {ALERT.SUBJECT} – The subject of the event message. This value is taken from the Subject field of the corresponding Message template type.
  • {ALERT.MESSAGE} – The event message body. This value is taken from the Message field of the corresponding Message template type.
  • {EVENT.ID} – The event id in Zabbix. Could be used for generating a link to an event
  • {EVENT.NSEVERITY} – The numerical definition of the event’s severity from 0-5. We will use this to change the message in case of different severity.
  • {EVENT.SOURCE} – The event source. Needed to handle events correctly. In most cases, we are interested in triggers; this corresponds to source value 0.
  • {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} – Returns 1 if it is an update event. For example, in case of acknowledge operations or a change in severity.
  • {EVENT.VALUE} – The event state. 0 for recovery and 1 for the problem.
  • {ALERT.SENDTO} – The field from the media type assigned to the user. It returns the ID of the user or group in the Line, where it will be necessary to send a message
  • {TRIGGER.DESCRIPTION} – A macro that will be expanded if the event source is a trigger. Returns the description of the trigger
  • {TRIGGER.ID} – The trigger ID. Required to generate a link to an event in Zabbix

Webhooks can use other macros if needed. A list of all macros can be viewed on the documentation page. Be careful – not all macros can be used in webhooks.

Writing the script

Before writing the script, let’s define the main points that the webhook will need to be able to perform:

  • the script should describe the logic for sending messages
  • handle possible errors
  • logging for debugging

I will not describe the entire code in order not to repeat the same type of blocks and concentrate only on important aspects.

To send messages, let’s write a function that will accept messages and params variables. We got the following function:

function sendMessage(messages, params) {
    // Declaring variables
    var response,
        request = new HttpRequest();

    // Adding the required headers to the request
    request.addHeader('Content-Type: application/json');
    request.addHeader('Authorization: Bearer ' + params.bot_token);

    // Forming the request that will send the message
    response ='', JSON.stringify({
        "to": params.send_to,
        "messages": messages

    // If the response is different from 200 (OK), return an error with the content of the response
    if (request.getStatus() !== 200) {
        throw "API request failed: " + response;

Of course, this is not a reference function, and depending on the requirements for the request may differ. There may be other required headers and a different request body. In some cases, it may be necessary to add an additional step to obtain authorization data through another API request.

In this case, the request to send a message returns an empty {} object, so it makes no sense to return it from the function. But for example, when sending a message to Telegram, an object with data about this message is returned. If you pass this data to tags, you can write logic that will change the already sent message – for example, in case of closing or updating the problem.

Now let’s describe a function that will accept webhook parameters and validate their values. In the example, we will not describe all the conditions because they are of the same type:

function validateParams(params) {
    // Checking that the bot_token parameter is a string and not empty
    if (typeof params.bot_token !== 'string' || params.bot_token.trim() === '') {
        throw 'Field "bot_token" cannot be empty';

    // Checking that the event_source parameter is only a number from 0-3
    if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {
        throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: "' + params.event_source + '".nMust be 0-3.';

    // If an event of type "Discovery" or "Autoregistration" set event_value 1, 
    // which means "Problem", and we will process these events same as problems
    if (params.event_source === '1' || params.event_source === '2') {
        params.event_value = '1';


    // Checking that trigger_id is a number and not equal to zero
    if (isNaN(params.trigger_id) && params.event_source === '0') {
        throw 'field "trigger_id" is not a number';

As you can see from the code, in most cases these are simple checks that allow you to avoid errors associated with the input data. Validation is necessary because there is no guarantee that the expected value will be in the parameter.

The main block of code is placed inside the try…catch block in order to correctly handle errors:

try {
    // Declaring the params variable and writing the webhook parameters to it
    var params = JSON.parse(value);

    // Calling the validation function and passing parameters to it for verification

    // If the event is a trigger and it is in the problem status, compose the message body
    if (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_value === '1') {
        var line_message = [
                "type": "text",
                "text": params.alert_subject + 'nn' +
                    params.alert_message + 'n' + params.trigger_description


    // Sending a composed message
    sendMessage(line_message, params);

    // Returning OK so that the webhook understands that the script has completed with OK status
    return 'OK';
catch (err) {
    // Adding a log function so in case of problems you can see the error in the Zabbix server console
    Zabbix.log(4, '[ Line Webhook ] Line notification failed : ' + err);

    // In case of an error, return it from the webhook
    throw 'Line notification failed : ' + err;

Here we assign parameter values to the params variable, then validate them using the validateParams() function, describe the main conditions for generating a message, and send this message to the messenger. At the same time, the try…catch block allows you to catch all errors, log them to Zabbix and return them in a readable form to the user in the web interface.

For writing webhooks in Zabbix, there is a guideline dedicated to this topic. Please read this information because it will help you write better code and avoid common mistakes.


After we’ve finished with the webhook script, it’s time to test how our code works. To do this, Zabbix provides a function to send test messages. Go to the AdministrationMedia types, find Line, and click on the Test button opposite it. In the window that appears, fill in all the fields with the necessary data and press the Test button. Check the messenger and see that the message came with the data we specified in the test.

Ready-made Line integration can be found in the Zabbix git repository and in all recent Zabbix instance builds.


Of course, everything in the article looks like I did it on the first attempt and did not encounter a single error or problem. Naturally, this is not the case in practice. Work with each new product includes Research & Development. How can you catch errors and, most importantly, understand the problem?

Well, as I wrote earlier – read the documentation and test all requests before writing code. At this stage, it is easiest to catch all the problems. The response to the HTTP request will explicitly describe the error. For example, if you make a mistake in the request body and send an object with incorrect values, the service will return the body with an error description and the response status 400 (Bad request).

There are several options for debugging in case of errors that may occur when writing a webhook script:

  • Focus on the errors displayed when the notification method is executed. For example, if you mistyped or set the wrong name of the function and variable.
  • Include logging in the code for displaying service information. For example, while you are in the script development stage, the result of the function can be logged using the Zabbix.log() function. Zabbix supports 6 debug levels (0-5), which can be set in this function. Usually, webhooks use level 4, which contains information for debugging.
  • Use the zabbix_js utility. You can transfer a file with a script and parameters to it. You can read more about it here.


I hope this article has helped you better understand how webhooks work in Zabbix and highlighted the basic steps for creating, diagnosing, and preparing to write your integration. The Zabbix community is constantly adding custom templates and media types. I expect that after reading this article, more people will be interested in creating their own webhooks and sharing them with the community. We appreciate any contribution to the development and expansion of the base of integration solutions.


Q: I don’t know JS, but I know other languages. Is native support of other languages planned in Zabbix, such as Python?

A: For now, there are no such plans.

Q: Are there any restrictions with writing a JS script for a webhook?

A: Yes, there are. The built-in Duktape engine is used to execute the code, and it does not have all the functionality that is available in the latest JS releases. Therefore, I recommend that you read the documentation of this engine and the built-in objects to learn more about the available methods.

Webhooks in Zabbix

Post Syndicated from Andrey Biba original

Zabbix is not only a flexible and versatile monitoring system but also a convenient tool for generating alerts and integrating with existing service desks. Among the various integration methods, webhooks have become the most popular. In this blog post, we will take a look at what are webhooks, how they can be used to integrate Zabbix with an external solution, and also take a look at some use case examples for webhook integrations.

What is a webhook?

Generally speaking, a webhook is a method of augmenting or altering the behavior of a web page or web application with custom callbacks. But to put it simply, a webhook is an automatic reaction to an event. If an event occurs (for example, a problem appears), then the webhook makes a call (via HTTP / HTTPS) to a third-party service to notify it about the event. Many existing solutions provide an API that allows you to interact with them via webhooks.

The webhook in Zabbix is implemented using JavaScript, so writing code does not require knowledge of a specific Zabbix syntax, and due to the prevalence of the JavaScript language, you can find many examples, tips, and guides on the Internet.

How does a webhook work?

Essentially, a webhook is code that makes a sequence of calls to achieve some result. In the case of Zabbix, a JavaScript code is executed that accesses the service API and transfers, updates, and retrieves data from there. For example, we need to open a ticket at the service desk and leave a comment on the ticket, which will contain information about the problem. For this we need:

  • Log in to the service and get a token
  • Make a request with the token to create a ticket
  • Create a comment on the newly created ticket using a token

In different services, the details may differ, but the general idea will be preserved from service to service.

How to use it?

Our integration team constantly communicates with the community and monitors the most popular services to develop official out-of-the-box integrations for them. At the moment, Zabbix provides a vast selection of out-of-the-box webhooks for the most popular services, and we review new ones and improve current ones every day.

In most cases, setting up a ready-made webhook comes down to 3-4 steps, which are described in the README file in the Zabbix repository. Usually, it is necessary to generate an API key in the service, set it in Zabbix, set the URL to the service endpoint URL, and specify a couple of parameters required for the webhook to work.

In addition to ready-made solutions, there is a Github community repository where custom templates and webhooks are laid out! If you are the author of a webhook or a template, please share it with the community by submitting it to this repository!

Example – Telegram webhook

The theory is good, but we are all interested in how it is implemented in practice. Let’s look at a Telegram webhook as an example. Now this messenger is very popular and it will be relevant to use it as an example.

First of all, let’s go to the Zabbix repository or navigate to the Zabbix website integrations section to read the setup instructions. In the repository, all templates and notification methods are located in the /templates folder, and for each of them, there is a README file with a detailed description.

From the Telegram side, we need to create a bot and get its token following the instructions and set it in the Token parameter.

After that, we create a user, set up a Telegram media type for this user, and in the “Send to” field we write the id of the user or group chat.

Voila! Your webhook is set up and ready to send notifications or event information!

As you may have noticed, the setup did not take much time and did not require deep knowledge. Naturally, for finer tuning, it is possible to edit the content of messages, the type of problems, intervals, and other parameters. But even without additional changes, notifications are already ready to go.

Is it difficult to write a webhook on your own?

Of course, creating a webhook requires certain skills.

First of all, knowledge of JavaScript is required. The language itself is not difficult and can be mastered relatively quickly. The Zabbix documentation site has a guideline for writing webhooks with recommendations and best practices.

Secondly, understanding how Zabbix works. This does not require an in-depth understanding of Zabbix and the ability to follow basic instructions will be enough. You can read more about setting up notification methods in the official documentation. It is important to properly configure the webhook itself, grant rights to users, and set up a notification action for the necessary triggers.

And thirdly, study the documentation of the service for which the webhook will be written. Although all APIs work on the same principle, they can differ greatly from each other in methods and request structure. It is also necessary to understand the service itself to understand how it works. It is difficult to write an integration if it is not clear how Zabbix should properly interact with the service being integrated.


Webhook is a modern and flexible way of integration that allows Zabbix to be a universal solution. Since the realities of our world imply a large number of different systems, and as a result – many people working together – webhooks are becoming an indispensable tool in notification automation. A properly written and configured webhook is an effective solution for flexible notifications.

In the next article, together we will learn the basic methods and requests that are needed to send alerts, receive updates and assign tags. For this purpose, we will completely inspect some webhook in close detail.


Q: We have a ready-made notification system built on scripts. Does it make sense to rewrite it to a webhook?

A: Certainly. Firstly, the webhook is executed natively in Zabbix, which will be much more productive than in an external script. Secondly, the webhook is much more flexible, more functional, and much easier to make changes to.


Q: We have a service for which we would like to write an integration, but we do not have qualified specialists who could do it. Is it possible to request such integration from Zabbix?

A: Yes, if you are a Zabbix partner, you can leave a request to create such integration.


The post Webhooks in Zabbix appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Tags in Zabbix 6.0 LTS – Usage, subfilters and guidelines

Post Syndicated from Andrey Biba original

Starting from Zabbix 5.4, item tags have completely replaced applications. This design decision has allowed us to implement many new usability improvements – from providing additional information and classification to the tagged entities, to defining action conditions and security permissions by referencing specific tags and their values. Let’s take a look at how tags are defined in the official Zabbix templates and some of the potential tag use cases when configuring actions and access permissions.

Tag usage in Zabbix 6.0

The outdated “applications” have been replaced by tags, which I wanted to talk about in more detail today.

The main difference between tags and applications is that tags are defined using a name and a value, which greatly expands their scope of usage. Now tags are used in items, triggers, hosts, services, user groups for permission configuration, actions, and more. I am sure that their scope will expand with each new release. 

Due to the structural difference between “applications” and tags, filtering tools had to be adapted. For example, in the “Latest data” section in Zabbix 6.0, sub-filters have been redesigned to support tags and provide granular filtering options. Grouping tags by name allowed to save space and made using sub-filters more intuitive.

To optimize the work with tags, we have developed several standards for different template elements. 


Now each template contains the mandatory class and target tags. Using these tags will allow distribution templates by class, such as application, database, network, etc., and by the target.


Mandatory component tag that describes whether the data element belongs to a particular system or type. If a metric belongs to several types at once, it is necessary to use several component tags to describe the relevant component assignment as best as possible. 

Custom tags are also allowed for low-level discovery data elements using LLD macros. 


The scope tag is assigned to the trigger based on the issue type. The general idea is to organize triggers into 5 groups: availability, performance, notification, security and capacity


For a host, the service tag is used, which defines a single service or multiple services running on this host. 

Example of tagging on a ClickHouse by HTTP template 

Let’s start with the tags of the template itself. It has class: database and target: clickhouse tags assigned to it. You shouldn’t assign too many tags on the template level, because each of these tags will be inherited by template elements, which can create unnecessary redundancy, and as a result, a “mess” of tags. 

Let’s take a look at a few metrics and triggers from this template.

The “ClickHouse: Check port availability” metric is assigned the component: health and component: network tags, as it contains information about the health of the service and the checks are performed over the network. Problems on this metric can be displayed to the group responsible for the network 

The “ClickHouse: Get information about dictionaries” metric has a tag component: dictionaries because it explicitly refers to dictionaries, and a tag component: raw, because it is a master metric, and dependent metrics get data from it.

The metrics from the low-level discovery “Replicas” rule contain the component: replication, database: {#DB}, and table: {#TABLE} tags. LLD metrics allow custom tags as they allow the use of low-level discovery macros for grouping flexibility. 


Trigger “ClickHouse: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}” with scope: notice tag implies a simple notification that does not contain critical information related to system unavailability and performance. At the same time, trigger “ClickHouse: Port {$CLICKHOUSE. PORT} is unavailable” means the system is unavailable and has the tag scope: availability. 


How to use tags?

As I wrote earlier, right now we are using tags for the majority of Zabbix components, so they become a functional and flexible tool for managing monitoring. One of the latest such implementations is Services – now they can also have tags assigned to them. 

Of course, one of the most obvious use cases is the logical grouping of some elements. This allows filtering triggers and metrics by given parameters.

The next use case is also of significant importance – it’s the extension of the rights management functionality. With the help of tags, it is possible to add a layer of granularity so a Zabbix user can view problems for a particular service. For example, we need to provide access to Nginx servers that are in the Webservers group. To do this, just add the read permissions for the Webservers group in the Permissions section of a User group and select the Webservers group in the Tag Filter section and add the service: nginx tag. You can find more information about user groups on our official Zabbix documentation page.

Using tags in permissions

Let’s look at the use of rights with a practical example. Suppose there are 3 user groups: 

  • Hardware team – a team of administrators that is responsible for hardware 
  • Network team – a team of administrators that is responsible for the network and network hardware
  • Software team – a team of administrators that is responsible for software 

For each group assign the following permissions: 

  • for the Hardware team, set the read permissions for the Hardware group
    • In the tag filters, set the tag and tag value to scope: availability in the tag filter because we want the team to see only availability problems.
  • for the Network team, set the read permissions for the Database, Hardware, Linux servers, Network groups
    • In the tag filters for the Database, Hardware and Linux servers set the tag and tag value to component: network in the tag filter, because for these groups it is necessary to see only problems related to the network.
    • in the tag filters for the Network host group, we have to set “All tags” since we’re interested in seeing all of the problems related to hosts in this host group.
  • for the Software team, set the read permissions for the Databases and Linux servers groups
    • In the tag filters set, the tag and tag value to class: software for each group to see events exclusively related to software. 

With this configuration, each user group will see only those problems that fall under the respective permissions and tag filters. 

Remember, that  a Super admin user will see all of the problems created in Zabbix

While users belonging to User roles of type Administrator or User will see a restricted set of problems based on their permissions:

  • Users from the Hardware team group will only see problems for hosts from the Hardware group and triggers with the tag scope: availability.

  • A user who is in the Network team will see all problems with the component: network tag and all triggers for the Network host group.

  • And users of the Software team only have access to problems with the class: software tag.

Using tags in actions

And of course the use of tags in actions. Pretty often required to set up quite complex conditions which may become confusing and hard to maintain. Tags, as a universal tool, add another entity that you can use when creating actions.

For example, if we want to send notifications about network availability problems with a severity greater than Warning to network administrators, we can specify the following conditions for our action:

  • value of tag class equals network
  • value of tag scope equals availability
  • Trigger severity is greater than or equal to Warning


Q: Are tags a full-featured replacement for “applications” or are there any downsides? 

A: Of course, they not only replace the functional “applications” but also extend the functionality of using tags in various aspects of Zabbix. 


Q: Is the current implementation of tags finalized or is there more to come?

A: No, we are working every day to improve the experience gained from using Zabbix, and tags in particular, so we are listening to the opinion of the community and adapting the functionality for the best result. If you have any ideas or comments, please use the official Zabbix forum and the Zabbix support portal to share them with us!


Q: Is there a document describing the best practice approach of using tags?

A: Yes, there is a guideline section on the documentation site that contains recommendations for best tags usage in Zabbix.

The post Tags in Zabbix 6.0 LTS – Usage, subfilters and guidelines appeared first on Zabbix Blog.