All posts by Ed Summers

Prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to become your personal AI assistant for accessibility

Post Syndicated from Ed Summers original

Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on vast quantities of data. As a result, they have the capacity to generate a wide range of results. By default, the results from LLMs may not meet your expectations. So, how do you coax an LLM to generate results that are more aligned with your goals? You must use prompt engineering, which is a rapidly evolving art and science of constructing inputs, also known as prompts, that elicit the desired outputs.

For example, GitHub Copilot includes a sophisticated built-in prompt engineering facility that works behind the scenes. It uses contextual information from your code, comments, open tabs within your editor, and other sources to improve results. But wouldn’t it be great to optimize results and ask questions about coding by talking directly to the LLM?

That’s why we created GitHub Copilot Chat. GitHub Copilot Chat complements the code completion capabilities of GitHub Copilot by providing a chat interface directly within your favorite editor. GitHub Copilot Chat has access to all the context previously mentioned and you can also provide additional context directly via prompts within the chat window. Together, the functionalities make GitHub Copilot a personal AI assistant that can help you learn faster and write code that not only meets functional requirements, but also meets non-functional requirements that are table stakes for modern enterprise software such as security, scalability, and accessibility.

In this blog, we’ll focus specifically on the non-functional requirement of accessibility. We’ll provide a sample foundational prompt that can help you learn about accessibility directly within your editor and suggest code that is optimized for better accessibility. We’ll break down the sample prompt to understand its significance. Finally, we’ll share specific examples of accessibility-related questions and results that demonstrate the power of prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to deliver results that improve accessibility. When using GitHub Copilot Chat, we recommend that you think of yourself as a lead developer who is working with a more junior developer (GitHub Copilot Chat). As the lead developer, it is your responsibility to verify information that is provided by GitHub Copilot Chat and ensure it meets all of your requirements.

Foundational accessibility prompt

You can copy this prompt and paste it directly into GitHub Copilot Chat for Visual Studio Code:

“I need to learn about accessibility and need to write code that conforms with the WCAG 2.1 level A and AA success criteria defined at I want you to be my accessibility coach, a subject-matter expert that makes me think and account for all accessibility requirements and usability enhancements. When you answer questions about accessibility please use reputable sources such as,,, and When possible, please provide links and references for additional learning. When you suggest code please use semantic HTML, ensure it is operable using the keyboard, follow WCAG 2.1 sufficient techniques, and follow the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide and related design patterns. Do you understand these instructions?”

What does this do?

This prompt can serve as your baseline in your codebase, whether you are just starting a project or in the thick of an extensive project.

The prompt consists of:

  1. Providing solid context and background information to help narrow down the scope of solutions.
  2. Defining GitHub Copilot’s role and setting expectations about what feedback we are looking for.
  3. Being specific in the quality of answers we are looking to reference from reputable sources.
  4. Asking for additional resources and context to learn more and ensure the answers we receive are correct. This helps provide feedback to GitHub Copilot.
  5. Dictating one final set of requirements to even further refine the scope based on the resources we have provided.

Note: At any time you can ask GitHub Copilot if it’s still referencing the foundation prompt you provided and it will inform you of its scope.

Query input: Are you still using the instructions I provided?
GitHub Copilot response: Yes, I am still adhering to the instructions you provided. I will continue to assist you in learning about accessibility and writing code that conforms with the WCAG 2.1 level A and AA success criteria. I will use reputable sources for references and additional learning, and ensure that the code suggestions I provide use semantic HTML, are operable using the keyboard, follow WCAG 2.1 sufficient techniques, and follow the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide and related design patterns.

Examples after the setting the foundation prompt

Note: These prompts were submitted in a brand new workspace that contained no source code or files to reference. Repeating these prompts in your codebase may produce different results as GitHub Copilot can use context provided from open tabs and existing files in the codebase. In addition, please keep in mind that results from LLMs are non-deterministic.

Accessibility testing

Query input: How can I test for web accessibility?
GitHub Copilot response: There are several ways to test for web accessibility:

  1. Manual Testing: This involves navigating your website using only a keyboard, checking color contrast, and resizing text to 200% to ensure readability.
  2. Automated Testing: There are several tools available for automated accessibility testing. Some popular ones include:
    1. WAVE: A free web accessibility evaluation tool provided by WebAIM.
    2. Axe: An accessibility testing toolkit built on a library of accessibility rules.
    3. Lighthouse: An open source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.
  3. Screen Reader Testing: This involves testing your website using a screen reader tool. Some popular screen readers include NVDA, JAWS, and VoiceOver.
  4. User Testing: This involves testing your website with people with disabilities. This can provide valuable insights into how accessible your website is in practice.

Remember, no single tool or method can catch all accessibility issues, so a combination of methods is often the best approach.

For more information, you can refer to the following resources:


Query input: What are some best practices for creating accessible tables in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: Creating accessible tables in HTML involves several best practices:

  1. Use <th> for table headers: This helps screen readers identify headers. Also, use the scope attribute to specify whether the header is for a row or a column.
    <th scope="col">Header 1</th>
    <th scope="col">Header 2</th>
    <td>Data 1</td>
    <td>Data 2</td>
  2. Provide captions: Use the <caption> element to provide a brief overview of the table. This is especially helpful for people using screen readers.
    <caption>Overview of sales</caption>
    <!-- rest of the table -->

    Use <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot>: These elements help to group different sections of the table and can improve accessibility.

    <thead> <!-- header group -->
    <tbody> <!-- body group -->
    <tfoot> <!-- footer group -->
  3. Avoid complex tables: If possible, avoid using tables for complex data structures. If you must, use rowspan and colspan attributes carefully and provide additional information in cell content or with the title attribute.

  4. Ensure readability without styles: The table should be readable and make sense even when styles are turned off.
  5. Use aria-labelledby for complex tables: If a table has multiple levels of headers, use the aria-labelledby attribute to associate data cells with headers.

For more information, you can refer to the WebAIM guide on creating accessible tables.


Query input: What are some best practices for creating accessible forms in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: Creating accessible forms in HTML involves several best practices:

  1. Use <label> for form controls: Each form control should have a corresponding <label> element. This helps screen readers identify the purpose of the form control.
    <label for="name">Name:</label>
    <input id="name" name="name" type="text" />
  2. Group related form controls: Use the <fieldset> element to group related form controls and <legend> to provide a description for the group.
    <legend>Choose your favorite pet:</legend>
    <input type="radio" id="dog" name="pet">
    <label for="dog">Dog</label><br>
    <input type="radio" id="cat" name="pet">
    <label for="cat">Cat</label><br>
  3. Provide error messages and feedback: If the user makes an error, provide clear and specific feedback. Use the aria-describedby attribute to associate the form control with the error message.
    <input type="text" id="name" name="name" aria-describedby="nameError">
    <span id="nameError">Please enter your name.</span>
  4. Use correct input types: Use the correct input type for the form control (for example, email, number, date). This can provide the user with the appropriate keyboard on mobile devices.

  5. Make form controls keyboard accessible: Ensure that all form controls and buttons can be accessed and used with the keyboard.
  6. Use ARIA roles and properties when necessary: If a form control requires more complex interaction, use ARIA roles and properties to provide additional information to screen reader users.

For more information, you can refer to the WebAIM guide on creating accessible forms.

Keyboard support

Query input: What are some best practices for creating proper keyboard support in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: Creating proper keyboard support in HTML involves several best practices:

  1. Logical Tab Order: Ensure that the tab order of the page follows the visual flow of the content. This can be achieved by structuring your HTML in a logical order. Avoid using positive tabindex values as they can disrupt the natural tab order.
  2. Keyboard Focus Indication: It’s important that users can visually identify which element currently has keyboard focus. This can be achieved using CSS to style the :focus state of interactive elements.
    button:focus, a:focus {
    outline: 2px solid blue;
  3. Skip Links: Provide a mechanism to skip to main content or different sections of the page. This can be a link at the top of the page that becomes visible when it receives keyboard focus.
    <a href="#maincontent">Skip to main content</a>
  4. Accessible Interactive Elements: Ensure all interactive elements are accessible via keyboard. This includes links, buttons, form controls, and custom interactive widgets. Use semantic HTML elements whenever possible as they have built-in keyboard accessibility.

  5. Keyboard Support for Custom Widgets: If you’re creating custom interactive widgets (like a dropdown menu or modal dialog), you’ll need to provide additional keyboard support. This often involves handling keypress events for keys like Enter, Space, Escape, and the arrow keys. The WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide provides detailed guidance on how to add keyboard support to various types of widgets.
  6. Avoid Keyboard Traps: Ensure that keyboard users can navigate to and from all parts of the page. Avoid situations where keyboard focus can be trapped in a particular page element.

For more information, you can refer to the WebAIM guide on keyboard accessibility.


Query input: What are some best practices around using proper ARIA roles in HTML?
GitHub Copilot response: ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles can be used to improve accessibility, especially when creating complex interactive elements. Here are some best practices:

  1. Use Semantic HTML First: Before using ARIA, consider whether you can use semantic HTML elements. These elements have built-in accessibility features that often make ARIA unnecessary. For example, use a <button> element instead of a <div> with a role="button".
  2. Don’t Change Native Semantics: Avoid using ARIA to change the semantics of native HTML elements. For example, don’t use role="button" on a link (<a>). Instead, use a <button> element.
  3. Use Appropriate Roles: When you do need to use ARIA, ensure you’re using the appropriate role for the element. The ARIA roles model provides a list of roles and their intended use.
  4. Provide Required States and Properties: Some roles require additional ARIA states or properties. For example, a checkbox requires the aria-checked state.
    <div role="checkbox" aria-checked="false">Check me</div>
  5. Use aria-labelledby and aria-describedby: These attributes can be used to provide additional descriptive text for an element.
    <button aria-describedby="info">More Info</button>
    <div id="info">Clicking this button will open more information.</div>
  6. Test with Screen Readers: After adding ARIA roles, test your page with a screen reader to ensure it’s providing the intended information.

Remember, ARIA should be used as a last resort when semantic HTML isn’t sufficient. The WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide provides detailed guidance on how to use ARIA correctly.


Reviewing the questions we asked GitHub Copilot, it suggested a lot of good information for us to learn more about best accessibility and usability practices. A few responses may be open to interpretation, while other responses lack details or specificity. Some examples include:

  • <tfoot> is an HTML element that calls attention to a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table. Including <tfoot> can help ensure the proper understanding of a table. However, not all tables require such rows–therefore, <tfoot> is not mandatory to have a usable table if the data doesn’t require it.
  • The response for the question about forms stressed the importance of the <label> element, which can help identify different labels for their various inputs. However, that response didn’t include any description about adding “for” attributes with the same value as the <input>’s ID. The response did include “for” attributes in the code suggestion, but an explanation about proper use of the “for” attribute would have been helpful.
  • The response to our question about keyboard accessibility included an explanation about interactive controls and buttons that can be accessed and used with a keyboard. However, it did not include additional details that could benefit accessibility such as ensuring a logical tab order, testing tab order, or avoiding overriding default keyboard accessibility for semantic elements.

If you are ever unsure of a recommendation or wish to know more, ask GitHub Copilot more questions on those areas, ask to provide more references/links, and follow up on the documentation provided. As a developer, it is your responsibility to verify the information you receive, no matter the source.


In our exploration, GitHub Copilot Chat and a well-constructed foundational prompt come together to create a personal AI assistant for accessibility that can improve your understanding of accessibility. We invite you to try the sample prompt and work with a qualified accessibility expert to customize and improve it.

Limitations and considerations

While clever prompts can improve the accessibility of the results from GitHub Copilot Chat, it is not reasonable to expect generative AI tools to deliver perfect answers to your questions or generate code that fully conforms with accessibility standards. When working with GitHub Copilot Chat, we recommend that you think of yourself as a lead developer who is working with a more junior developer. As the lead developer, it is your responsibility to verify information that is provided by GitHub Copilot Chat and ensure it meets all of your requirements. We also recommend that you work with a qualified accessibility expert to review and test suggestions from GitHub Copilot. Finally, we recommend that you ensure that all GitHub Copilot Chat code suggestions go through proper code review, code security, and code quality channels to ensure they meet the standards of your team.

Learn more

The post Prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to become your personal AI assistant for accessibility appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

GitHub celebrates developers with disabilities on Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Post Syndicated from Ed Summers original

At GitHub, our favorite people are developers. We love to make them happy and productive, and today, on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we want to celebrate their achievements by sharing some great stories about a few developers with disabilities alongside news of recent accessibility improvements at GitHub that help them do the best work of their lives.

Amplifying the voices of disabled developers

People with disabilities frequently encounter biases that prevent their full and equal participation in all areas of life, including education and employment. That’s why GitHub and The ReadME Project are thrilled to provide a platform for disabled developers to showcase their contributions and counteract bias.

Paul Chiou, a developer who’s paralyzed from the neck down, is breaking new ground in the field of accessibility automation, while pursuing his Ph.D. Paul uses a computer with custom hardware and software he designed and built, and this lived experience gives him a unique insight into the needs of other people with disabilities. The barriers he encounters push him to innovate, both in his daily life and in his academic endeavors. Learn more about Paul and his creative solutions in this featured article and video profile.

Becky Tyler found her way to coding via gaming, but she games completely with her eyes, just like everything else she does on a computer, from painting to livestreaming to writing code. Her desire to play Minecraft led her down the path of open source software and collaboration, and now she’s studying computer science at the University of Dundee. Learn more about Becky in this featured article and video profile.

Dr. Annalu Waller leads the Augmentative and Alternative Communication Research Group at the University of Dundee. She’s also Becky’s professor. Becky calls her a “taskmaster,” but the profile of Annalu’s life shows how her lived experience informed her high expectations for her students—especially those with disabilities—and gave her a unique ability to absorb innovations and use them to benefit people with disabilities.

Anton Mirhorodchenko has difficulty speaking and typing with his hands, and speaks English as a second language. Anton has explored ways to use ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot to not only help him communicate and express his ideas, but also develop software from initial architecture all the way to code creation. Through creative collaboration with his AI teammates, Anton has become a force to be reckoned with, and he recently shared his insights in this guide on how to harness the power of generative AI for software development.

Removing barriers that block disabled developers

Success requires skills. That’s why equal access to education is a fundamental human right. The GitHub Global Campus team agrees. They are working to systematically find and remove barriers that might block future developers with disabilities.

npm is the default package manager for JavaScript and the largest software registry in the world. To empower every developer to contribute to and benefit from this amazing resource, the npm team recently completed an accessibility bug bash and removed hundreds of potential barriers. Way to go, npm team!

The team has also been hard at work on accessibility and they recently shipped several improvements:

Great accessibility starts with design, requiring an in-depth understanding of the needs of users with disabilities and their assistive technologies. The GitHub Design organization has been leaning into accessibility for years, and this blog post explores how it has built a culture of accessibility and shifted accessibility left in the GitHub development process.

When I think about the future of technology, I think about GitHub Copilot—an AI pair programmer that boosts developers’ productivity and breaks down barriers to software development. The GitHub Copilot team recently shipped accessibility improvements for keyboard-only and screen reader users.

GitHub Next, the team behind GitHub Copilot, also recently introduced GitHub Copilot Voice, an experiment currently in technical preview. GitHub Copilot Voice empowers developers to code completely hands-free using only their voice. That’s a huge win for developers who have difficulty typing with their hands. Sign up for the technical preview if you can benefit from this innovation.

Giving back to our community

As we work to empower all developers to build on GitHub, we regularly contribute back to the broader accessibility community that has been so generous to us. For example, all accessibility improvements in Primer are available for direct use by the community.

Our accessibility team includes multiple Hubbers with disabilities—including myself. GitHub continually improves the accessibility and inclusivity of the processes we use to communicate and collaborate. One recent example is the process we use for retrospectives. At the end of our most recent retrospective, I observed that, as a person with blindness, it was the most accessible and inclusive retrospective I have ever attended. That observation prompted the team to share the process we use for inclusive retrospectives so other teams can benefit from our learnings.

More broadly, Hubbers regularly give back to the causes we care about. During a recent social giving event, I invited Hubbers to support the Seeing Eye because that organization has made such a profound impact in my life as a person with blindness. Our goal was to raise $5,000 so we could name and support a Seeing Eye puppy that will eventually provide independence and self-confidence to a person with blindness. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of my coworkers when they donated more than $15,000! So, we now get to name three puppies and I’m delighted to introduce you to the first one. Meet Octo!

A German Shepard named Octo sits in green grass wearing a green scarf that says “The Seeing Eye Puppy Raising Program.” She is sitting tall in a backyard with a black fence and a red shed behind her.
Photo courtesy of The Seeing Eye

Looking ahead

GitHub CEO, Thomas Dohmke, frequently says, “GitHub thrives on developer happiness.” I would add that the GitHub accessibility program thrives on the happiness of developers with disabilities. Our success is measured by their contributions. Our job is to remove barriers from their path and celebrate their accomplishments. We’re delighted with our progress thus far, but we are just getting warmed up. Stay tuned for more great things to come! In the meantime, learn more about the GitHub accessibility program at