All posts by Jonatan Selsing

How Novo Nordisk built distributed data governance and control at scale

Post Syndicated from Jonatan Selsing original

This is a guest post co-written with Jonatan Selsing and Moses Arthur from Novo Nordisk.

This is the second post of a three-part series detailing how Novo Nordisk, a large pharmaceutical enterprise, partnered with AWS Professional Services to build a scalable and secure data and analytics platform. The first post of this series describes the overall architecture and how Novo Nordisk built a decentralized data mesh architecture, including Amazon Athena as the data query engine. The third post will show how end-users can consume data from their tool of choice, without compromising data governance. This will include how to configure Okta, AWS Lake Formation, and a business intelligence tool to enable SAML-based federated use of Athena for an enterprise BI activity.

When building a scalable data architecture on AWS, giving autonomy and ownership to the data domains are crucial for the success of the platform. By providing the right mix of freedom and control to those people with the business domain knowledge, your business can maximize value from the data as quickly and effectively as possible. The challenge facing organizations, however, is how to provide the right balance between freedom and control. At the same time, data is a strategic asset that needs to be protected with the highest degree of rigor. How can organizations strike the right balance between freedom and control?

In this post, you will learn how to build decentralized governance with Lake Formation and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) using attribute-based access control (ABAC). We discuss some of the patterns we use, including Amazon Cognito identity pool federation using ABAC in permission policies, and Okta-based SAML federation with ABAC enforcement on role trust policies.

Solution overview

In the first post of this series, we explained how Novo Nordisk and AWS Professional Services built a modern data architecture based on data mesh tenets. This architecture enables data governance on distributed data domains, using an end-to-end solution to create data products and providing federated data access control. This post dives into three elements of the solution:

  • How IAM roles and Lake Formation are used to manage data access across data domains
  • How data access control is enforced at scale, using a group membership mapping with an ABAC pattern
  • How the system maintains state across the different layers, so that the ecosystem of trust is configured appropriately

From the end-user perspective, the objective of the mechanisms described in this post is to enable simplified data access from the different analytics services adopted by Novo Nordisk, such as those provided by software as a service (SaaS) vendors like Databricks, or self-hosted ones such as JupyterHub. At the same time, the platform must guarantee that any change in a dataset is immediately reflected at the service user interface. The following figure illustrates at a high level the expected behavior.

High-level data platform expected behavior

Following the layer nomenclature established in the first post, the services are created and managed in the consumption layer. The domain accounts are created and managed in the data management layer. Because changes can occur from both layers, continuous communication in both directions is required. The state information is kept in the virtualization layer along with the communication protocols. Additionally, at sign-in time, the services need information about data resources required to provide data access abstraction.

Managing data access

The data access control in this architecture is designed around the core principle that all access is encapsulated in isolated IAM role sessions. The layer pattern that we described in the first post ensures that the creation and curation of the IAM role policies involved can be delegated to the different data management ecosystems. Each data management platform integrated can use their own data access mechanisms, with the unique requirement that the data is accessed via specific IAM roles.

To illustrate the potential mechanisms that can be used by data management solutions, we show two examples of data access permission mechanisms used by two different data management solutions. Both systems utilize the same trust policies as described in the following sections, but have a completely different permission space.

Example 1: Identity-based ABAC policies

The first mechanism we discuss is an ABAC role that provides access to a home-like data storage area, where users can share within their departments and with the wider organization in a structure that mimics the organizational structure. Here, we don’t utilize the group names, but instead forward user attributes from the corporate Active Directory directly into the permission policy through claim overrides. We do this by having the corporate Active Directory as the identity provider (IdP) for the Amazon Cognito user pool and mapping the relevant IdP attributes to user pool attributes. Then, in the Amazon Cognito identity pool, we map the user pool attributes to session tags to use them for access control. Custom overrides can be included in the claim mapping, through the use of a pre token generation Lambda trigger. This way, claims from AD can be mapped to Amazon Cognito user pool attributes and then ultimately used in the Amazon Cognito identity pool to control IAM role permissions. The following is an example of an IAM policy with sessions tags:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "s3:prefix": [
            "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": "s3:GetObject*",
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"

This role is then embedded in the analytics layer (together with the data domain roles) and assumed on behalf of the user. This enables users to mix and match between data domains—as well as utilizing private and public data paths that aren’t necessarily tied to any data domain. For more examples of how ABAC can be used with permission policies, refer to How to scale your authorization needs by using attribute-based access control with S3.

Example 2: Lake Formation name-based access controls

In the data management solution named Novo Nordisk Enterprise Datahub (NNEDH), which we introduced in the first post, we use Lake Formation to enable standardized data access. The NNEDH datasets are registered in the Lake Formation Data Catalog as databases and tables, and permissions are granted using the named resource method. The following screenshot shows an example of these permissions.

Lakeformation named resource method for permissions management

In this approach, data access governance is delegated to Lake Formation. Every data domain in NNEDH has isolated permissions synthesized by NNEDH as the central governance management layer. This is a similar pattern to what is adopted for other domain-oriented data management solutions. Refer to Use an event-driven architecture to build a data mesh on AWS for an example of tag-based access control in Lake Formation.

These patterns don’t exclude implementations of peer-to-peer type data sharing mechanisms, such as those that can be achieved using AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM), where a single IAM role session can have permissions that span across accounts.

Delegating role access to the consumption later

The following figure illustrates the data access workflow from an external service.

Data access workflow from external service

The workflow steps are as follows:

  1. A user authenticates on an IdP used by the analytics tool that they are trying to access. A wide range of analytics tools are supported by Novo Nordisk platform, such as Databricks and JupyterHub, and the IdP can be either SAML or OIDC type depending on the capabilities of the third-party tool. In this example, an Okta SAML application is used to sign into a third-party analytics tool, and an IAM SAML IdP is configured in the data domain AWS account to federate with the external IdP. The third post of this series describes how to set up an Okta SAML application for IAM role federation on Athena.
  2. The SAML assertion obtained during the sign-in process is used to request temporary security credentials of an IAM role through the AssumeRole operation. In this example, the SAML assertion is used onAssumeRoleWithSAMLoperation. For OpenID Connect-compatible IdPs, the operationAssumeRoleWithWebIdentitymust be used with the JWT. The SAML attributes in the assertion or the claims in the token can be generated at sign-in time, to ensure that the group memberships are forwarded, for the ABAC policy pattern described in the following sections.
  3. The analytics tool, such as Databricks or JupyterHub, abstracts the usage of the IAM role session credentials in the tool itself, and data can be accessed directly according to the permissions of the IAM role assumed. This pattern is similar in nature to IAM passthrough as implemented by Databricks, but in Novo Nordisk it’s extended across all analytics services. In this example, the analytics tool accesses the data lake on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) through Athena queries.

As the data mesh pattern expands across domains covering more downstream services, we need a mechanism to keep IdPs and IAM role trusts continuously updated. We come back to this part later in the post, but first we explain how role access is managed at scale.

Attribute-based trust policies

In previous sections, we emphasized that this architecture relies on IAM roles for data access control. Each data management platform can implement its own data access control method using IAM roles, such as identity-based policies or Lake Formation access control. For data consumption, it’s crucial that these IAM roles are only assumable by users that are part of Active Directory groups with the appropriate entitlements to use the role. To implement this at scale, the IAM role’s trust policy uses ABAC.

When a user authenticates on the external IdP of the consumption layer, we add in the access token a claim derived from their Active Directory groups. This claim is propagated by theAssumeRoleoperation into the trust policy of the IAM role, where it is compared with the expected Active Directory group. Only users that belong to the expected groups can assume the role. This mechanism is illustrated in the following figure.

Architecture of the integration with the identity provider

Translating group membership to attributes

To enforce the group membership entitlement at the role assumption level, we need a way to compare the required group membership with the group memberships that a user comes with in their IAM role session. To achieve this, we use a form of ABAC, where we have a way to represent the sum of context-relevant group memberships in a single attribute. A single IAM role session tag value is limited to 256 characters. The corresponding limit for SAML assertions is 100,000 characters, so for systems where a very large number of either roles or group-type mappings are required, SAML can support a wider range of configurations.

In our case, we have opted for a compression algorithm that takes a group name and compresses it to a 4-character string hash. This means that, together with a group-separation character, we can fit 51 groups in a single attribute. This gets pushed down to approximately 20 groups for OIDC type role assumption due to the PackedPolicySize, but is higher for a SAML-based flow. This has shown to be sufficient for our case. There is a risk that two different groups could hash to the same character combination; however, we have checked that there are no collisions in the existing groups. To mitigate this risk going forward, we have introduced guardrails in multiples places. First, before adding new groups entitlements in the virtualization layer, we check if there’s a hash collision with any existing group. When a duplicated group is attempted to be added, our service team is notified and we can react accordingly. But as stated earlier, there is a low probability of clashes, so the flexibility this provides outweighs the overhead associated with managing clashes (we have not had any yet). We additionally enforce this at SAML assertion creation time as well, to ensure that there are no duplicated groups in the users group list, and in cases of duplication, we remove both entirely. This means malicious actors can at most limit the access of other users, but not gain unauthorized access.

Enforcing audit functionality across sessions

As mentioned in the first post, on top of governance, there are strict requirements around auditability of data accesses. This means that for all data access requests, it must be possible to trace the specific user across services and retain this information. We achieve this by setting (and enforcing) a source identity for all role sessions and make sure to propagate enterprise identity to this attribute. We use a combination of Okta inline hooks and SAML session tags to achieve this. This means that the AWS CloudTrail logs for an IAM role session have the following information:

    "eventName": "AssumeRoleWithSAML",
    "requestParameters": {
        "SAMLAssertionlD": "id1111111111111111111111111",
        "roleSessionName": "[email protected]",
        "principalTags": {
            "nn-initials": "user",
            "department": "NNDepartment",
            "GroupHash": "xxxx",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "cost-center": "9999"
        "sourceIdentity": "[email protected]",
        "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/your-assumed-role",
        "principalArn": "arn:aws:iam,111111111111:saml-provider/your-saml-provider",

On the IAM role level, we can enforce the required attribute configuration with the following example trust policy. This is an example for a SAML-based app. We support the same patterns through OpenID Connect IdPs.

We now go through the elements of an IAM role trust policy, based on the following example:

    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Statement": {
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
            "Federated": [SAML_IdP_ARN]
        "Action": [
        "Condition": {
            "StringEquals": {
                "SAML:aud": ""
            "StringLike": {
                "sts:SourceIdentity": "*",
                "aws:RequestTag/GroupHash": ["*xxxx*"]
            "StringNotLike": {
                "sts:SourceIdentity": "*"

The policy contains the following details:

  • ThePrincipalstatement should point to the list of apps that are served through the consumption layer. These can be Azure app registrations, Okta apps, or Amazon Cognito app clients. This means that SAML assertions (in the case of SAML-based flows) minted from these applications can be used to run the operationAssumeRoleWithSamlif the remaining elements are also satisfied.
  • TheActionstatement includes the required permissions for theAssumeRolecall to succeed, including adding the contextual information to the role session.
  • In the first condition, the audience of the assertion needs to be targeting AWS.
  • In the second condition, there are twoStringLikerequirements:
    • A requirement on the source identity as the naming convention to follow at Novo Nordisk (users must come with enterprise identity, following our audit requirements).
    • Theaws:RequestTag/GroupHashneeds to bexxxx, which represents the hashed group name mentioned in the upper section.
  • Lastly, we enforce that sessions can’t be started without setting the source identity.

This policy enforces that all calls are from recognized services, include auditability, have the right target, and enforces that the user has the right group memberships.

Building a central overview of governance and trust

In this section, we discuss how Novo Nordisk keeps track of the relevant group-role relations and maps these at sign-in time.


In Novo Nordisk, all accesses are based on Active Directory group memberships. There is no user-based access. Because this pattern is so central, we have extended this access philosophy into our data accesses. As mentioned earlier, at sign-in time, the hooks need to be able to know which roles to assume for a given user, given this user’s group membership. We have modeled this data in Amazon DynamoDB, where just-in-time provisioning ensures that only the required user group memberships are available. By building our application around the use of groups, and by having the group propagation done by the application code, we avoid having to make a more general Active Directory integration, which would, for a company the size of Novo Nordisk, severely impact the application, simply due to the volume of users and groups.

The DynamoDB entitlement table contains all relevant information for all roles and services, including role ARNs and IdP ARNs. This means that when users log in to their analytics services, the sign-in hook can construct the required information for the Roles SAML attribute.

When new data domains are added to the data management layer, the data management layer needs to communicate both the role information and the group name that gives access to the role.

Single sign-on hub for analytics services

When scaling this permission model and data management pattern to a large enterprise such as Novo Nordisk, we ended up creating a large number of IAM roles distributed across different accounts. Then, a solution is required to map and provide access for end-users to the required IAM role. To simplify user access to multiple data sources and analytics tools, Novo Nordisk developed a single sign-on hub for analytics services. From the end-user perspective, this is a web interface that glues together different offerings in a unified system, making it a one-stop tool for data and analytics needs. When signing in to each of the analytical offerings, the authenticated sessions are forwarded, so users never have to reauthenticate.

Common for all the services supported in the consumption layer is that we can run a piece of application code at sign-in time, allowing sign-in time permissions to be calculated. The hooks that achieve this functionality can, for instance, be run by Okta inline hooks. This means that each of the target analytics services can have custom code to translate relevant contextual information or provide other types of automations for the role forwarding.

The sign-in flow is demonstrated in the following figure.


The workflow steps are as follows:

  1. A user accesses an analytical service such as Databricks in the Novo Nordisk analytics hub.
  2. The service uses Okta as the SAML-based IdP.
  3. Okta invokes an AWS Lambda-based SAML assertion inline hook.
  4. The hook uses the entitlement database, converting application-relevant group memberships into role entitlements.
  5. Relevant contextual information is returned from the entitlement database.
  6. The Lambda-based hook adds new SAML attributes to the SAML assertion, including the hashed group memberships and other contextual information such as source identity.
  7. A modified SAML assertion is used to sign users in to the analytical service.
  8. The user can now use the analytical tool with active IAM role sessions.

Synchronizing role trust

The preceding section gives an overview of how federation works in this solution. Now we can go through how we ensure that all participating AWS environments and accounts are in sync with the latest configuration.

From the end-user perspective, the synchronization mechanism must ensure that every analytics service instantiated can access the data domains assigned to the groups that the user belongs to. Also, changes in data domains—such as granting data access to an Active Directory group—must be effective immediately to every analytics service.

Two event-based mechanisms are used to maintain all the layers synchronized, as detailed in this section.

Synchronize data access control on the data management layer with changes to services in the consumption layer

As describe in the previous section, the IAM roles used for data access are created and managed by the data management layer. These IAM roles have a trust policy providing federated access to the external IdPs used by the analytics tools of the consumption layer. It implies that for every new analytical service created with a different IDP, the IAM roles used for data access on data domains must be updated to trust this new IdP.

Using NNEDH as an example of a data management solution, the synchronization mechanism is demonstrated in the following figure.

Synchronization mechanism in a data management solution

Taking as an example a scenario where a new analytics service is created, the steps in this workflow are as follows:

  1. A user with access to the administration console of the consumption layer instantiates a new analytics service, such as JupyterHub.
  2. A job running on AWS Fargate creates the resources needed for this new analytics service, such as an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance for JupyterHub, and the IdP required, such as a new SAML IdP.
  3. When the IdP is created in the previous step, an event is added in an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic with its details, such as name and SAML metadata.
  4. In the NNEDH control plane, a Lambda job is triggered by new events on this SNS topic. This job creates the IAM IdP, if needed, and updates the trust policy of the required IAM roles in all the AWS accounts used as data domains, adding the trust on the IdP used by the new analytics service.

In this architecture, all the update steps are event-triggered and scalable. This means that users of new analytics services can access their datasets almost instantaneously when they are created. In the same way, when a service is removed, the federation to the IdP is automatically removed if not used by other services.

Propagate changes on data domains to analytics services

Changes to data domains, such as the creation of a new S3 bucket used as a dataset, or adding or removing data access to a group, must be reflected immediately on analytics services of the consumption layer. To accomplish it, a mechanism is used to synchronize the entitlement database with the relevant changes made in NNEDH. This flow is demonstrated in the following figure.

Changes propagation flow

Taking as an example a scenario where access to a specific dataset is granted to a new group, the steps in this workflow are as follows:

  1. Using the NNEDH admin console, a data owner approves a dataset sharing request that grants access on a dataset to an Active Directory group.
  2. In the AWS account of the related data domain, the dataset components such as the S3 bucket and Lake Formation are updated to provide data access to the new group. The cross-account data sharing in Lake Formation uses AWS RAM.
  3. An event is added in an SNS topic with the current details about this dataset, such as the location of the S3 bucket and the groups that currently have access to it.
  4. In the virtualization layer, the updated information from the data management layer is used to update the entitlement database in DynamoDB.

These steps make sure that changes on data domains are automatically and immediately reflected on the entitlement database, which is used to provide data access to all the analytics services of the consumption layer.


Many of these patterns rely on the analytical tool to support a clever use of IAM roles. When this is not the case, the platform teams themselves need to develop custom functionality at the host level to ensure that role accesses are correctly controlled. This, for example, includes writing custom authenticators for JupyterHub.


This post shows an approach to building a scalable and secure data and analytics platform. It showcases some of the mechanisms used at Novo Nordisk and how to strike the right balance between freedom and control. The architecture laid out in the first post in this series enables layer independence, and exposes some extremely useful primitives for data access and governance. We make heavy use of contextual attributes to modulate role permissions at the session level, which provide just-in-time permissions. These permissions are propagated at a scale, across data domains. The upside is that a lot of the complexity related to managing data access permission can be delegated to the relevant business groups, while enabling the end-user consumers of data to think as little as possible about data accesses and focus on providing value for the business use cases. In the case of Novo Nordisk, they can provide better outcomes for patients and acceleration innovation.

The next post in this series describes how end-users can consume data from their analytics tool of choice, aligned with the data access controls detailed in this post.

About the Authors

Jonatan Selsing is former research scientist with a PhD in astrophysics that has turned to the cloud. He is currently the Lead Cloud Engineer at Novo Nordisk, where he enables data and analytics workloads at scale. With an emphasis on reducing the total cost of ownership of cloud-based workloads, while giving full benefit of the advantages of cloud, he designs, builds, and maintains solutions that enable research for future medicines.

Hassen Riahi is a Sr. Data Architect at AWS Professional Services. He holds a PhD in Mathematics & Computer Science on large-scale data management. He works with AWS customers on building data-driven solutions.

Alessandro Fior is a Sr. Data Architect at AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about designing and building modern and scalable data platforms that accelerate companies to extract value from their data.

Moses Arthur comes from a mathematics and computational research background and holds a PhD in Computational Intelligence specialized in Graph Mining. He is currently a Cloud Product Engineer at Novo Nordisk, building GxP-compliant enterprise data lakes and analytics platforms for Novo Nordisk global factories producing digitalized medical products.

Anwar RizalAnwar Rizal is a Senior Machine Learning consultant based in Paris. He works with AWS customers to develop data and AI solutions to sustainably grow their business.

Kumari RamarKumari Ramar is an Agile certified and PMP certified Senior Engagement Manager at AWS Professional Services. She delivers data and AI/ML solutions that speed up cross-system analytics and machine learning models, which enable enterprises to make data-driven decisions and drive new innovations.

How Novo Nordisk built a modern data architecture on AWS

Post Syndicated from Jonatan Selsing original

Novo Nordisk is a leading global pharmaceutical company, responsible for producing life-saving medicines that reach more than 34 million patients each day. They do this following their triple bottom line—that they must strive to be environmentally sustainable, socially sustainable, and financially sustainable. The combination of using AWS and data supports all these targets.

Data is pervasive throughout the entire value chain of Novo Nordisk. From foundational research, manufacturing lines, sales and marketing, clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, through patient-facing data-driven applications. Therefore, getting the foundation around how data is stored, safeguarded, and used in a way that provides the most value is one of the central drivers of improved business outcomes.

Together with AWS Professional Services, we’re building a data and analytics solution using a modern data architecture. The collaboration between Novo Nordisk and AWS Professional Services is a strategic and long-term close engagement, where developers from both organizations have worked together closely for years. The data and analytics environments are built around of the core tenets of the data mesh—decentralized domain ownership of data, data as a product, self-service data infrastructure, and federated computational governance. This enables the users of the environment to work with data in the way that drives the best business outcomes. We have combined this with elements from evolutionary architectures that will allow us to adapt different functionalities as AWS continuously develops new services and capabilities.

In this series of posts, you will learn how Novo Nordisk and AWS Professional Services built a data and analytics ecosystem to speed up innovation at petabyte scale:

  • In this first post, you will learn how the overall design has enabled the individual components to come together in a modular way. We dive deep into how we built a data management solution based on the data mesh architecture.
  • The second post discusses how we built a trust network between the systems that comprise the entire solution. We show how we use event-driven architectures, coupled with the use of attribute-based access controls, to ensure permission boundaries are respected at scale.
  • In the third post, we show how end-users can consume data from their tool of choice, without compromising data governance. This includes how to configure Okta, AWS Lake Formation, and Microsoft Power BI to enable SAML-based federated use of Amazon Athena for an enterprise business intelligence (BI) activity.

Pharma-compliant environment

As a pharmaceutical industry, GxP compliance is a mandate for Novo Nordisk. GxP is a general abbreviation for the “Good x Practice” quality guidelines and regulations defined by regulators such as European Medicines Agency, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and others. These guidelines are designed to ensure that medicinal products are safe and effective for their intended use. In the context of a data environment, GxP compliance involves implementing integrity controls for data used to in decision making and processes and is used to guide how change management processes are implemented to continuously ensure compliance over time.

Because this data environment supports teams across the whole organization, each individual data owner must retain accountability on their data. Features were designed to provide data owners autonomy and transparency when managing their data, enabling them to take this responsibility. This includes the capability to handle personally identifiable information (PII) data and other sensitive workloads. To provide traceability on the environment, audit capabilities were added, which we describe more in this post.

Solution overview

The full solution is a sprawling landscape of independent services that work together to enable data and analytics with a decentralized data governance model at petabyte scale. Schematically, it can be represented as in the following figure.

Novo Nordisk Modern Data Architecture on AWS

The architecture is split into three independent layers: data management, virtualization, and consumption. The end-user sits in the consumption layer and works with their tool of choice. It’s meant to abstract as much of the AWS-native resources to application primitives. The consumption layer is integrated into the virtualization layer, which abstracts the access to data. The purpose of the virtualization layer is to translate between data consumption and data management solutions. The access to data is managed by what we refer to as data management solutions. We discuss one of our versatile data management solutions later in this post. Each layer in this architecture is independent of each other and instead only relies on well-defined interfaces.

Central to this architecture is that access is encapsulated in an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role session. The data management layer focuses on providing the IAM role with the right permissions and governance, the virtualization layer provides access to the role, and the consumption layer abstracts the use of the roles in the tools of choice.

Technical architecture

Each of the three layers in the overall architecture has a distinct responsibility, but no singular implementation. Think of them as abstract classes. They can be implemented in concrete classes, and in our case they rely on foundational AWS services and capabilities. Let’s go through each of the three layers.

Data management layer

The data management layer is responsible for providing access to and governance of data. As illustrated in the following diagram, a minimal construct in the data management layer is the combination of an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and an IAM role that gives access to the S3 bucket. This construct can be expanded to include granular permission with Lake Formation, auditing with AWS CloudTrail, and security response capabilities from AWS Security Hub. The following diagram also shows that a single data management solution has no singular span. It can cross many AWS accounts and be comprised of any number of IAM role combinations.Data Mamangement Architecture

We have purposely not illustrated the trust policy of these roles in this figure, because those are a collaborative responsibility between the virtualization layer and the data management layer. We go into detail of how that works in the next post in this series. Data engineering professionals often interface directly with the data management layer, where they curate and prepare data for consumption.

Virtualization layer

The purpose of the virtualization layer is to keep track of who can do what. It doesn’t have any capabilities in itself, but translates the requirements from the data management ecosystems to the consumption layers and vice versa. It enables end-users on the consumption layer to access and manipulate data on one or more data management ecosystems, according to their permissions. This layer abstracts from end-users the technical details on data access, such as permission model, role assumptions, and storage location. It owns the interfaces to the other layers and enforces the logic of the abstraction. In the context of hexagonal architectures (see Developing evolutionary architecture with AWS Lambda), the interface layer plays the role of the domain logic, ports, and adapters. The other two layers are actors. The data management layer communicates the state of the layer to the virtualization layer and conversely receives information about the service landscape to trust. The virtualization layer architecture is shown in the following diagram.

Virtualization Layer Architecture

Consumption layer

The consumption layer is where the end-users of the data products are sitting. This can be data scientists, business intelligence analysts, or any third party that generates value from consuming the data. It’s important for this type of architecture that the consumption layer has a hook-based sign-in flow, where the authorization into the application can be modified at sign-in time. This is to translate the AWS-specific requirement into the target applications. After the session in the client-side application has successfully been started, it’s up to the application itself to instrument for data layer abstraction, because this will be application specific. And this is an additional important decoupling, where some responsibility is pushed to the decentralized units. Many modern software as a service (SaaS) applications support these built-in mechanisms, such as Databricks or Domino Data Lab, whereas more traditional client-side applications like RStudio Server have more limited native support for this. In the case where native support is missing, a translation down to the OS user session can be done to enable the abstraction. The consumption layer is shown schematically in the following diagram.

Consumption Layer Architecture

When using the consumption layer as intended, the users don’t know that the virtualization layer exists. The following diagram illustrates the data access patterns.

Data Access Patterns


One of the main advantages of adopting the hexagonal architecture pattern, and delegating both the consuming layer and the data management layer to primary and secondary actors, means that they can be changed or replaced as new functionalities are released that require new solutions. This gives a hub-and-spoke type pattern, where many different types of producer/consumer type systems can be connected and work simultaneously in union. An example of this is that the current solution running in Novo Nordisk supports multiple, simultaneous data management solutions and are exposed in a homogenous way in the consuming layer. This includes both a data lake, the data mesh solution presented in this post, and several independent data management solutions. And these are exposed to multiple types of consuming applications, from custom managed, self-hosted applications, to SaaS offerings.

Data management ecosystem

To scale the usage of the data and increase the freedom, Novo Nordisk, jointly with AWS Professional Services, built a data management and governance environment, named Novo Nordisk Enterprise DataHub (NNEDH). NNEDH implements a decentralized distributed data architecture, and data management capabilities such as an enterprise business data catalog and data sharing workflow. NNEDH is an example of a data management ecosystem in the conceptual framework introduced earlier.

Decentralized architecture: From a centralized data lake to a distributed architecture

Novo Nordisk’s centralized data lake consists of 2.3 PB of data from more than 30 business data domains worldwide serving over 2000+ internal users throughout the value chain. It has been running successfully for several years. It is one of the data management ecosystems currently supported.

Within the centralized data architecture, data from each data domain is copied, stored, and processed in one central location: a central data lake hosted in one data storage. This pattern has challenges at scale because it retains the data ownership with the central team. At scale, this model slows down the journey toward a data-driven organization, because ownership of the data isn’t sufficiently anchored with the professionals closest to the domain.

The monolithic data lake architecture is shown in the following diagram.Monolithic Data Lake Architecture

Within the decentralized distributed data architecture, the data from each domain is kept within the domain on its own data storage and compute account. In this case, the data is kept close to domain experts, because they’re the ones who know their own data best and are ultimately the owner of any data products built around their data. They often work closely with business analysts to build the data product and therefore know what good data means to consumers of their data products. In this case, the data responsibility is also decentralized, where each domain has its own data owner, putting the accountability onto the true owners of the data. Nevertheless, this model might not work at small scale, for example an organization with only one business unit and tens of users, because it would introduce more overhead on the IT team to manage the organization data. It better suits large organizations, or small and medium ones that would like to grow and scale.

The Novo Nordisk data mesh architecture is shown in the following diagram.

Novo Nordisk Data Mesh Architecture

Data domains and data assets

To enable the scalability of data domains across the organization, it’s mandatory to have a standard permission model and data access pattern. This standard must not be too restrictive in such a way that it may be a blocker for specific use cases, but it should be standardized in such a way to use the same interface between the data management and virtualization layers.

The data domains on NNEDH are implemented by a construct called an environment. An environment is composed of at least one AWS account and one AWS Region. It’s a workplace where data domain teams can work and collaborate to build data products. It links the NNEDH control plane to the AWS accounts where the data and compute of the domain reside. The data access permissions are also defined at the environment level, managed by the owner of the data domain. The environments have three main components: a data management and governance layer, data assets, and optional blueprints for data processing.

For data management and governance, the data domains rely on Lake Formation, AWS Glue, and CloudTrail. The deployment method and setup of these components is standardized across data domains. This way, the NNEDH control plane can provide connectivity and management to data domains in a standardized way.

The data assets of each domain residing in an environment are organized in a dataset, which is a collection of related data used for building a data product. It includes technical metadata such as data format, size, and creation time, and business metadata such as the producer, data classification, and business definition. A data product can use one or several datasets. It is implemented through managed S3 buckets and the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Data processing can be implemented in different ways. NNEDH provides blueprints for data pipelines with predefined connectivity to data assets to speed up the delivery of data products. Data domain users have the freedom to use any other compute capability on their domain, for example using AWS services not predefined on the blueprints or accessing the datasets from other analytics tools implemented in the consumption layer, as mentioned earlier in this post.

Data domain personas and roles

On NNEDH, the permission levels on data domains are managed through predefined personas, for example data owner, data stewards, developers, and readers. Each persona is associated with an IAM role that has a predefined permission level. These permissions are based on the typical needs of users on these roles. Nevertheless, to give more flexibility to data domains, these permissions can be customized and extended as needed.

The permissions associated with each persona are related only to actions allowed on the AWS account of the data domain. For the accountability on data assets, the data access to the assets is managed by specific resource policies instead of IAM roles. Only the owner of each dataset, or data stewards delegated by the owner, can grant or revoke data access.

On the dataset level, a required persona is the data owner. Typically, they work closely with one or many data stewards as data products managers. The data steward is the data subject matter expert of the data product domain, responsible for interpreting collected data and metadata to derive deep business insights and build the product. The data steward bridges between business users and technical teams on each data domain.

Enterprise business data catalog

To enable freedom and make the organization data assets discoverable, a web-based portal data catalog is implemented. It indexes in a single repository metadata from datasets built on data domains, breaking data silos across the organization. The data catalog enables data search and discovery across different domains, as well as automation and governance on data sharing.

The business data catalog implements data governance processes within the organization. It ensures the data ownership—someone in the organization is responsible for the data origin, definition, business attributes, relationships, and dependencies.

The central construct of a business data catalog is a dataset. It’s the search unit within the business catalog, having both technical and business metadata. To collect technical metadata from structured data, it relies on AWS Glue crawlers to recognize and extract data structures from the most popular data formats, including CSV, JSON, Avro, and Apache Parquet. It provides information such as data type, creation date, and format. The metadata can be enriched by business users by adding a description of the business context, tags, and data classification.

The dataset definition and related metadata are stored in an Amazon Aurora Serverless database and Amazon OpenSearch Service, enabling you to run textual queries on the data catalog.

Data sharing

NNEDH implements a data sharing workflow, enabling peer-to-peer data sharing across AWS accounts using Lake Formation. The workflow is as follows:

  1. A data consumer requests access to the dataset.
  2. The data owner grants access by approving the access request. They can delegate the approval of access requests to the data steward.
  3. Upon the approval of an access request, a new permission is added to the specific dataset in Lake Formation of the producer account.

The data sharing workflow is shown schematically in the following figure.

Data Sharing Workflow

Security and audit

The data in the Novo Nordisk data mesh lies in AWS accounts owned by Novo Nordisk business accounts. The configuration and the states of the data mesh are stored in Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). The Novo Nordisk security architecture is shown in the following figure.

Novo Nordisk Distributed Security and Audit Architecture

Access and edits to the data in NNEDH needs to be logged for audit purposes. We need to be able to tell who modified data, when the modification happened, and what modifications were applied. In addition, we need to be able to answer why the modification was allowed by that person at that time.

To meet these requirements, we use the following components:

  • CloudTrail to log API calls. We specifically enable CloudTrail data event logging for S3 buckets and objects. By activating the logging, we can trace back any modification to any files in the data lake to the person who made the modification. We enforce usage of source identity for IAM role sessions to ensure user traceability.
  • We use Amazon RDS to store the configuration of the data mesh. We log queries against the RDS database. Together with CloudTrail, this log allows us to answer the question of why a modification to a file in Amazon S3 at a specific time by a specific person is possible.
  • Amazon CloudWatch to log activities across the mesh.

In addition to those logging mechanisms, the S3 buckets are created using the following properties:

  • The bucket is encrypted using server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) and customer managed keys
  • Amazon S3 versioning is activated by default

Access to the data in NNEDH is controlled at the group level instead of individual users. The group corresponds to the group defined in the Novo Nordisk directory group. To keep track of the person who modified the data in the data lakes, we use the source identity mechanism explained in the post How to relate IAM role activity to corporate identity.


In this post, we showed how Novo Nordisk built a modern data architecture to speed up the delivery of data-driven use cases. It includes a distributed data architecture, to scale the usage to petabyte scale for over 2,000 internal users throughout the value chain, as well as a distributed security and audit architecture handling data accountability and traceability on the environment to meet their compliance requirements.

The next post in this series describes the implementation of distributed data governance and control at scale of Novo Nordisk’s modern data architecture.

About the Authors

Jonatan Selsing is former research scientist with a PhD in astrophysics that has turned to the cloud. He is currently the Lead Cloud Engineer at Novo Nordisk, where he enables data and analytics workloads at scale. With an emphasis on reducing the total cost of ownership of cloud-based workloads, while giving full benefit of the advantages of cloud, he designs, builds, and maintains solutions that enable research for future medicines.

Hassen Riahi is a Sr. Data Architect at AWS Professional Services. He holds a PhD in Mathematics & Computer Science on large-scale data management. He works with AWS customers on building data-driven solutions.

Anwar Rizal is a Senior Machine Learning consultant based in Paris. He works with AWS customers to develop data and AI solutions to sustainably grow their business.

Moses Arthur comes from a mathematics and computational research background and holds a PhD in Computational Intelligence specialized in Graph Mining. He is currently a Cloud Product Engineer at Novo Nordisk building GxP-compliant enterprise data lakes and analytics platforms for Novo Nordisk global factories producing digitalized medical products.

Alessandro FiorAlessandro Fior is a Sr. Data Architect at AWS Professional Services. With over 10 years of experience delivering data and analytics solutions, he is passionate about designing and building modern and scalable data platforms that accelerate companies to get value from their data.

Kumari RamarKumari Ramar is an Agile certified and PMP certified Senior Engagement Manager at AWS Professional Services. She delivers data and AI/ML solutions that speed up cross-system analytics and machine learning models, which enable enterprises to make data-driven decisions and drive new innovations.