Tag Archives: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Refine unused access using IAM Access Analyzer recommendations

Post Syndicated from Stéphanie Mbappe original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/refine-unused-access-using-iam-access-analyzer-recommendations/

As a security team lead, your goal is to manage security for your organization at scale and ensure that your team follows AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) security best practices, such as the principle of least privilege. As your developers build on AWS, you need visibility across your organization to make sure that teams are working with only the required privileges. Now, AWS Identity and Access Management Analyzer offers prescriptive recommendations with actionable guidance that you can share with your developers to quickly refine unused access.

In this post, we show you how to use IAM Access Analyzer recommendations to refine unused access. To do this, we start by focusing on the recommendations to refine unused permissions and show you how to generate the recommendations and the actions you can take. For example, we show you how to filter unused permissions findings, generate recommendations, and remediate issues. Now, with IAM Access Analyzer, you can include step-by-step recommendations to help developers refine unused permissions quickly.

Unused access recommendations

IAM Access Analyzer continuously analyzes your accounts to identify unused access and consolidates findings in a centralized dashboard. The dashboard helps review findings and prioritize accounts based on the volume of findings. The findings highlight unused IAM roles and unused access keys and passwords for IAM users. For active IAM roles and users, the findings provide visibility into unused services and actions. You can learn more about unused access analysis through the IAM Access Analyzer documentation.

For unused IAM roles, access keys, and passwords, IAM Access Analyzer provides quick links in the console to help you delete them. You can use the quick links to act on the recommendations or use export to share the details with the AWS account owner. For overly permissive IAM roles and users, IAM Access Analyzer provides policy recommendations with actionable steps that guide you to refine unused permissions. The recommended policies retain resource and condition context from existing policies, helping you update your policies iteratively.

Throughout this post, we use an IAM role in an AWS account and configure the permissions by doing the following:

  1. Attaching the AWS managed policy AmazonBedrockReadOnly.
  2. Attaching the AWS managed policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess.
  3. Embedding an inline policy with the permissions described in the following code and named InlinePolicyListLambda.

Content of inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "InlinePolicyLambda",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "NotIpAddress": {
                    "aws:SourceIp": ""

We use an inline policy to demonstrate that IAM Access Analyzer unused access recommendations are applicable for that use case. The recommendations are also applicable when using AWS managed policies and customer managed policies.

In your AWS account, after you have configured an unused access analyzer, you can select an IAM role that you have used recently and see if there are unused access permissions findings and recommendations.


Before you get started, you must create an unused access analyzer for your organization or account. Follow the instructions in IAM Access Analyzer simplifies inspection of unused access in your organization to create an unused access analyzer.

Generate recommendations for unused permissions

In this post we explore three options for generating recommendations for IAM Access Analyzer unused permissions findings: the console, AWS CLI, and AWS API.

Generate recommendations for unused permissions using the console

After you have created an unused access analyzer as described in the prerequisites, wait a few minutes to see the analysis results. Then use the AWS Management Console to view the proposed recommendations for the unused permissions.

To list unused permissions findings

  1. Go to the IAM console and under Access Analyzer, choose Unused access from the navigation pane.
  2. Search for active findings with the type Unused permissions in the search box.
    1. Select Active from the Status drop-down list.
    2. In the search box, select Findings type under Properties.
    3. Select Equals as Operators.
    4. Select Findings Type = Unused permissions.
    5. This list shows the active findings for IAM resources with unused permissions.

    Figure 1: Filter on unused permissions in the IAM console

    Figure 1: Filter on unused permissions in the IAM console

  3. Select a finding to learn more about the unused permissions granted to a given role or user.

To obtain recommendations for unused permissions

  1. On the findings detail page, you will see a list of the unused permissions under Unused permissions.
  2. Following that, there is a new section called Recommendations. The Recommendations section presents two steps to remediate the finding:
    1. Review the existing permissions on the resource.
    2. Create new policies with the suggested refined permissions and detach the existing policies.

    Figure 2: Recommendations section

    Figure 2: Recommendations section

  3. The generation of recommendations is on-demand and is done in the background when you’re using the console. The message Analysis in progress indicates that recommendations are being generated. The recommendations exclude the unused actions from the recommended policies.
  4. When an IAM principal, such as an IAM role or user, has multiple permissions policies attached, an analysis of unused permissions is made for each of permissions policies:
    • If no permissions have been used, the recommended action is to detach the existing permissions policy.
    • If some permissions have been used, only the used permissions are kept in the recommended policy, helping you apply the principle of least privilege.
  5. The recommendations are presented for each existing policy in the column Recommended policy. In this example, the existing policies are:
    • AmazonBedrockReadOnly
    • AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
    • InlinePolicyListLambda

    And the recommended policies are:

    • None
    • AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended
    • InlinePolicyListLambda-recommended

    Figure 3: Recommended policies

    Figure 3: Recommended policies

  6. There is no recommended policy for AmazonBedrockReadOnly because the recommended action is to detach it. When hovering over None, the following message is displayed: There are no recommended policies to create for the existing permissions policy.
  7. AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and InlinePolicyListLambda and their associated recommended policy can be previewed by choosing Preview policy.

To preview a recommended policy

IAM Access Analyzer has proposed two recommended policies based on the unused actions.

  1. To preview each recommended policy, choose Preview policy for that policy to see a comparison between the existing and recommended permissions.
    1. Choose Preview policy for AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended.
      1. The existing policy has been analyzed and the broad permissions—s3:Get* and s3:List*—have been scoped down to detailed permissions in the recommended policy.
      2. The permissions s3:Describe*, s3-object-lambda:Get*, and s3-object-lambda:List* can be removed because they weren’t used.

      Figure 4: Preview of the recommended policy for AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess

      Figure 4: Preview of the recommended policy for AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess

    2. Choose Preview policy for InlinePolicyListLambda-recommended to see a comparison between the existing inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda and its recommended version.
      1. The existing permissions, lambda:ListFunctions and lambda:ListLayers, are kept in the recommended policy, as well as the existing condition.
      2. The permissions in lambda:ListAliases and lambda:ListFunctionUrlConfigs can be removed because they weren’t used.
      Figure 5: Preview the recommended policy for the existing inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda

      Figure 5: Preview the recommended policy for the existing inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda

To download the recommended policies file

  1. Choose Download JSON to download the suggested recommendations locally.

    Figure 6: Download the recommended policies

    Figure 6: Download the recommended policies

  2. A .zip file that contains the recommended policies in JSON format will be downloaded.

    Figure 7: Downloaded recommended policies as JSON files

    Figure 7: Downloaded recommended policies as JSON files

  3. The content of the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended-1-2024-07-22T20/08/44.793Z.json file the same as the recommended policy shown in Figure 4.

Generate recommendations for unused permissions using AWS CLI

In this section, you will see how to generate recommendations for unused permissions using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

To list unused permissions findings

  1. Use the following code to refine the results by filtering on the type UnusedPermission and selecting only the active findings. Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your unused access analyzer and use it to replace the ARN in the following code:
    aws accessanalyzer list-findings-v2 \
      --analyzer-arn "arn:aws:access-analyzer:<region>:<123456789012>:analyzer/<analyzer_name>" \
      --region <region> \
      --filter '{"findingType": {"eq": ["UnusedPermission"]}, "status": {"eq": ["ACTIVE"]}}'

  2. You will obtain results similar to the following.
        "findings": [
                "analyzedAt": "2024-05-29T07:25:34+00:00",
                "createdAt": "2024-05-23T19:20:59+00:00",
                "id": "0fa3f5a1-bd92-4193-8ca4-aba12cd91370",
                "resource": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/demoIAMUser",
                "resourceType": "AWS::IAM::User",
                "resourceOwnerAccount": "123456789012",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "updatedAt": "2024-05-29T07:25:35+00:00",
                "findingType": "UnusedPermission"
                "analyzedAt": "2024-05-29T07:25:34+00:00",
                "createdAt": "2024-05-23T19:20:59+00:00",
                "id": "1e952245-bcf3-48ad-a708-afa460df794b",
                "resource": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/demoIAMRole",
                "resourceType": "AWS::IAM::Role",
                "resourceOwnerAccount": "123456789012",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "updatedAt": "2024-05-29T07:25:37+00:00",
                "findingType": "UnusedPermission"

To generate unused permissions finding recommendations

After you have a list of findings for unused permissions, you can generate finding recommendations.

  1. Run the following, replacing the analyzer ARN and the finding ID to generate the suggested recommendations.
    aws accessanalyzer generate-finding-recommendation \
      --analyzer-arn "arn:aws:access-analyzer:<region>:<123456789012>:analyzer/<analyzer_name>" \
      --region <region> \
      --id "ab123456-bcd0-78ab-a012-afa460df794b"

  2. You will get an empty response if your command ran successfully. The process is running in the background.

To obtain the generated recommendations

After the recommendations are generated, you need to make a separate API call to view the recommendations details.

  1. The following command returns the recommended remediation.
    aws accessanalyzer get-finding-recommendation \
      --analyzer-arn "arn:aws:access-analyzer:<region>:<123456789012>:analyzer/<analyzer_name>" \
      --region <region> \
      --id "ab123456-bcd0-78ab-a012-afa460df794b"

  2. This command provides the following results. For more information about the meaning and structure of the recommendations, see Anatomy of a recommendation later in this post.

    Note: The recommendations consider AWS managed policies, customer managed policies, and inline policies. The IAM conditions in the initial policy are maintained in the recommendations if the actions they’re related to are used.

    The remediations suggested are to do the following:

    1. Detach AmazonBedrockReadOnly policy because it is unused: DETACH_POLICY
    2. Create a new recommended policy with scoped down permissions from the managed policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess: CREATE_POLICY
    3. Detach AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess: DETACH_POLICY
    4. Embed a new recommended policy with scoped down permissions from the inline policy: CREATE_POLICY
    5. Delete the inline policy.
        "recommendedSteps": [
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "policyUpdatedAt": "2023-12-06T15:48:19+00:00",
                    "recommendedAction": "DETACH_POLICY",
                    "existingPolicyId": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonBedrockReadOnly"
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "policyUpdatedAt": "2023-08-10T21:31:39+00:00",
                    "recommendedAction": "CREATE_POLICY",
                    "recommendedPolicy": "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Action\":[\"s3:GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration\",\"s3:GetBucketOwnershipControls\",\"s3:GetBucketTagging\",\"s3:GetBucketVersioning\",\"s3:GetJobTagging\",\"s3:GetObject\",\"s3:GetObjectAcl\",\"s3:GetObjectLegalHold\",\"s3:GetObjectRetention\",\"s3:GetObjectTagging\",\"s3:GetObjectTorrent\",\"s3:GetObjectVersion*\",\"s3:GetStorage*\",\"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\"s3:ListBucket\",\"s3:ListBucketVersions\",\"s3:ListMultipartUploadParts\",\"s3:ListStorageLensGroups\",\"s3:ListTagsForResource\"],\"Resource\":\"*\"}]}",
                    "existingPolicyId": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess"
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "policyUpdatedAt": "2023-08-10T21:31:39+00:00",
                    "recommendedAction": "DETACH_POLICY",
                    "existingPolicyId": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess"
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "recommendedAction": "CREATE_POLICY",
                    "recommendedPolicy": "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"InlinePolicyLambda\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Action\":[\"lambda:ListFunctions\",\"lambda:ListLayers\"],\"Resource\":\"*\",\"Condition\":{\"NotIpAddress\":{\"aws:SourceIp\":\"\"}}}]}",
                    "existingPolicyId": "InlinePolicyListLambda"
                "unusedPermissionsRecommendedStep": {
                    "recommendedAction": "DETACH_POLICY",
                    "existingPolicyId": "InlinePolicyListLambda"
        "status": "SUCCEEDED",
        "error": null,
        "completedAt": "2024-07-22T20:40:58.413698+00:00",
        "recommendationType": "UNUSED_PERMISSION_RECOMMENDATION",
        "resourceArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IAMRole_IA2_Blog_EC2Role",
        "startedAt": "2024-07-22T20:40:54+00:00"

Generate recommendations for unused permissions using EventBridge and AWS API

We have described how to use AWS CLI and the console to find unused permissions findings and to generate recommendations.

In this section, we show you how to use an Amazon EventBridge rule to find the active unused permissions findings from IAM Access Analyzer. Then we show you how to generate recommendations using two IAM Access Analyzer APIs to generate the finding recommendations and get the finding recommendations.

To create an EventBridge rule to detect unused permissions findings

Create an EventBridge rule to detect new unused permissions findings from IAM Access Analyzer.

  1. Go to the Amazon EventBridge console.
  2. Choose Rules, and then choose Create rule.
  3. Enter a name for your rule. Leave the Event bus value as the default.
  4. Under Rule type, select Rule with an event pattern.
  5. In the Event Source section, select AWS events or EventBridge partner events.
  6. For Creation method, select Use pattern form.
  7. Under Event pattern:
    1. For Event source, select AWS services.
    2. For AWS service, select Access Analyzer.
    3. For Event type, select Unused Access Finding for IAM entities.

    Note: There is no event for generated recommendations, only for unused access findings.

    Figure 8: Listing unused permissions by filtering events using an EventBridge rule

    Figure 8: Listing unused permissions by filtering events using an EventBridge rule

  8. Configure the Event pattern by changing the default values to the following:
    1. resources: Enter the ARN of your unused access analyzer.
    2. status: ACTIVE indicates that you are only looking for active findings.
    3. findingType: UnusedPermission.
  9. You can select a target Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to be notified of new active findings for a specific analyzer for unused permissions.

To generate recommendations for unused permissions using the IAM Access Analyzer API

The findings are generated on-demand. For that purpose, IAM Access Analyzer API GenerateFindingRecommendation can be called with two parameters: the ARN of the analyzer and the finding ID.

  1. You can use AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python(boto3) for the API call.
  2. Run the call as follows:
    ia2_client = boto3.client('accessanalyzer')
    response = ia2_client.generate_finding_recommendation(

To obtain the finding recommendations

  1. After the recommendations are generated, they can be obtained by calling the API GetFindingRecommendation with the same parameters: the ARN of the analyzer and the finding ID.
  2. Use AWS SDK for Python (boto3) for the API call as follows:
    ia2_client = boto3.client('accessanalyzer')
    response = ia2_client.get_finding_recommendation(

Remediate based on the generated recommendations

The recommendations are generated as actionable guidance that you can follow. They propose new IAM policies that exclude the unused actions, helping you rightsize your permissions.

Anatomy of a recommendation

The recommendations are usually presented in the following way:

  • Date and time: startedAt, completedAt. Respectively when the API call was made and when the analysis was completed and the results were provided.
  • Resource ARN: The ARN of the resource being analyzed.
  • Recommended steps: The recommended steps, such as creating a new policy based on the actions used and detaching the existing policy.
  • Status: The status of retrieving the finding recommendation. The status values include SUCCEEDED, FAILED, and IN_PROGRESS.

For more information about the structure of recommendations, see the output section of get-finding-recommendation.

Recommended policy review

You must review the recommended policy. The recommended actions depend on the original policy. The original policy will be one of the following:

  • An AWS managed policy: You need to create a new IAM policy using recommendedPolicy. Attach this newly created policy to your IAM role. Then detach the former policy.
  • A customer managed policy or an inline policy: Review the policy, verify its scope, consider how often it’s attached to other principals (customer managed policy only), and when you are confident to proceed, use the recommended policy to create a new policy and detach the former policy.

Use cases to consider when reviewing recommendations

During your review process, keep in mind that the unused actions are determined based on the time defined in your tracking period. The following are some use cases you might have where a necessary role or action might be identified as unused (this is not an exhaustive list of use cases). It’s important to review the recommendations based on your business needs. You can also archive some findings related to the use cases such as the ones that follow:

  • Backup activities: If your tracking period is 28 days and you have a specific role for your backup activities running at the end of each month, you might discover that after 29 days some of the permissions for that backup role are identified as unused.
  • IAM permissions associated to an infrastructure as code deployment pipeline: You should also consider the permissions associated to specific IAM roles such an IAM for infrastructure as code (IaC) deployment pipeline. Your pipeline can be used to deploy Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets based on your internal guidelines. After deployment is complete, the pipeline permissions can become unused after your tracking period, but removing those unused permissions can prevent you from updating your S3 buckets configuration or from deleting it.
  • IAM roles associated with disaster recovery activities: While it’s recommended to have a disaster recovery plan, the IAM roles used to perform those activities might be flagged by IAM Access Analyzer for having unused permissions or being unused roles.

To apply the suggested recommendations

Of the three original policies attached to IAMRole_IA2_Blog_EC2Role, AmazonBedrockReadOnly can be detached and AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and InlinePolicyListLambda can be refined.

  1. Detach AmazonBedrockReadOnly

    No permissions are used in this policy, and the recommended action is to detach it from your IAM role. To detach it, you can use the IAM console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS API.

  2. Create a new policy called AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended and detach AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess.

    The unused access analyzer has identified unused permissions in the managed policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and proposed a new policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended that contains only the used actions. This is a step towards least privilege because the unused actions can be removed by using the recommended policy.

    1. Create a new IAM policy named AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess-recommended that contains only the following recommended policy or one based on the downloaded JSON file.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

    2. Detach the managed policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess.
  3. Embed a new inline policy InlinePolicyListLambda-recommended and delete InlinePolicyListLambda. This inline policy lists AWS Lambda aliases, functions, layers, and function URLs only when coming from a specific source IP address.
    1. Embed the recommended inline policy.

      The recommended policy follows. You can embed an inline policy for the IAM role using the console, AWS CLI, or the AWS API PutRolePolicy.

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
            "Sid": "InlinePolicyLambda",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
              "NotIpAddress": {
                "aws:SourceIp": ""

    2. Delete the inline policy.
  4. After updating the policies based on the Recommended policy proposed, the finding Status will change from Active to Resolved.

    Figure 9: The finding is resolved

    Figure 9: The finding is resolved


There is no additional pricing for using the prescriptive recommendations after you have enabled unused access findings.


As a developer writing policies, you can use the actionable guidance provided in recommendations to continually rightsize your policies to include only the roles and actions you need. You can export the recommendations through the console or set up automated workflows to notify your developers about new IAM Access Analyzer findings.

This new IAM Access Analyzer unused access recommendations feature streamlines the process towards least privilege by selecting the permissions that are used and retaining the resource and condition context from existing policies. It saves an impressive amount of time by the actions used by your principals and guiding you to refine them.

By using the IAM Access Analyzer findings and access recommendations, you can quickly see how to refine the permissions granted. We have shown in this blog post how to generate prescriptive recommendations with actionable guidance for unused permissions using AWS CLI, API calls, and the console.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

P. Stéphanie Mbappe

P. Stéphanie Mbappe
Stéphanie is a Security Consultant with Amazon Web Services. She delights in assisting her customers at any step of their security journey. Stéphanie enjoys learning, designing new solutions, and sharing her knowledge with others.

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh
Mathangi is the product manager for AWS Identity and Access Management. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Using Amazon Detective for IAM investigations

Post Syndicated from Ahmed Adekunle original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/using-amazon-detective-for-iam-investigations/

Uncovering  AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles potentially involved in a security event can be a complex task, requiring security analysts to gather and analyze data from various sources, and determine the full scope of affected resources.

Amazon Detective includes Detective Investigation, a feature that you can use to investigate IAM users and roles to help you determine if a resource is involved in a security event and obtain an in-depth analysis. It automatically analyzes resources in your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment using machine learning and threat intelligence to identify potential indicators of compromise (IoCs) or suspicious activity. This allows analysts to identify patterns and identify which resources are impacted by security events, offering a proactive approach to threat identification and mitigation. Detective Investigation can help determine if IAM entities have potentially been compromised or involved in known tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) from the MITRE ATT&CK framework, a well adopted framework for security and threat detection. MITRE TTPs are the terms used to describe the behaviors, processes, actions, and strategies used by threat actors engaged in cyberattacks.

In this post, I show you how to use Detective Investigation and how to interpret and use the information provided from an IAM investigation.


The following are the prerequisites to follow along with this post:

Use Detective Investigation to investigate IAM users and roles

To get started with an investigation, sign in to the console. The walkthrough uses three scenarios:

  1. Automated investigations
  2. Investigator persona
  3. Threat hunter persona

In addition to Detective, some of these scenarios also use Amazon GuardDuty, which is an intelligent threat detection service.

Scenario 1: Automated investigations

Automatic investigations are available in Detective. Detective only displays investigation information when you’re running an investigation. You can use the Detective console to see the number of IAM roles and users that were impacted by security events over a set period. In addition to the console, you can use the StartInvestigation API to initiate a remediation workflow or collect information about IAM entities involved or AWS resources compromised.

The Detective summary dashboard, shown in Figure 1, automatically shows you the number of critical investigations, high investigations, and the number of IAM roles and users found in suspicious activities over a period of time. Detective Investigation uses machine learning models and threat intelligence to surface only the most critical issues, allowing you to focus on high-level investigations. It automatically analyzes resources in your AWS environment to identify potential indicators of compromise or suspicious activity.

To get to the dashboard using the Detective console, choose Summary from the navigation pane.

Figure 1: AWS roles and users impacted by a security event

Figure 1: AWS roles and users impacted by a security event

Note: If you don’t have automatic investigations listed in Detective, the View active investigations link won’t display any information. To run a manual investigation, follow the steps in Running a Detective Investigation using the console or API.

If you have an active automatic investigation, choose View active investigations on the Summary dashboard to go to the Investigations page (shown in Figure 2), which shows potential security events identified by Detective. You can select a specific investigation to view additional details in the investigations report summary.

Figure 2: Active investigations that are related to IAM entities

Figure 2: Active investigations that are related to IAM entities

Select a report ID to view its details. Figure 3 shows the details of the selected event under Indicators of compromise along with the AWS role that was involved, period of time, role name, and the recommended mitigation action. The indicators of compromise list includes observed tactics from the MITRE ATT&CK framework, flagged IP addresses involved in potential compromise (if any), impossible travel under the indicators, and the finding group. You can continue your investigation by selecting and reviewing the details of each item from the list of indicators of compromise.

Figure 3: Summary of the selected investigation

Figure 3: Summary of the selected investigation

Figure 4 shows the lower portion of the selected investigation. Detective maps the investigations to TTPs from the MITRE ATT&CK framework. TTPs are classified according to their severity. The console shows the techniques and actions used. When selecting a specific TTP, you can see the details in the right pane. In this example, the valid cloud credential has IP addresses involved in 34 successful API call attempts.

Figure 4: TTP mappings

Figure 4: TTP mappings

Scenario 2: Investigator persona

For this scenario, you have triaged the resources associated with a GuardDuty finding informing you that an IAM user or role has been identified in an anomalous behavior. You need to investigate and analyze the impact this security issue might have had on other resources and ensure that nothing else needs to be remediated.

The example for this use case starts by going to the GuardDuty console and choosing Findings from the navigation pane, selecting a GuardDuty IAM finding, and then choosing the Investigate with Detective link.

Figure 5: List of findings in GuardDuty

Figure 5: List of findings in GuardDuty

Let’s now investigate an IAM user associated with the GuardDuty finding. As shown in Figure 6, you have multiple options for pivoting to Detective, such as the GuardDuty finding itself, the AWS account, the role session, and the internal and external IP addresses.

Figure 6: Options for pivoting to Detective

Figure 6: Options for pivoting to Detective

From the list of Detective options, you can choose Role session, which will help you investigate the IAM role session that was in use when the GuardDuty finding was created. Figure 7 shows the IAM role session page.

Before moving on to the next section, you would scroll down to Resources affected in the GuardDuty finding details panel on the right side of the screen and take note of the Principal ID.

Figure 7: IAM role session page in Detective

Figure 7: IAM role session page in Detective

A role session consists of an instantiation of an IAM role and the associated set of short-term credentials. A role session involves the following:

When investigating a role session, consider the following questions:

  • How long has the role been active?
  • Is the role routinely used?
  • Has activity changed over that use?
  • Was the role assumed by multiple users?
  • Was it assumed by a large number of users? A narrowly used role session might guide your investigation differently from a role session with overlapping use.

You can use the principal ID to get more in-depth details using the Detective search function. Figure 8 shows the search results of an IAM role’s details. To use the search function, choose Search from the navigation pane, select Role session as the type, and enter an exact identifier or identifier with wildcard characters to search for. Note that the search is case sensitive.

When you select the assumed role link, additional information about the IAM role will be displayed, helping to verify if the role has been involved in suspicious activities.

Figure 8: Results of an IAM role details search

Figure 8: Results of an IAM role details search

Figure 9 shows other findings related to the role. This information is displayed by choosing the Assumed Role link in the search results.

Now you should see a new screen with information specific to the role entity that you selected. Look through the role information and gather evidence that would be important to you if you were investigating this security issue.

Were there other findings associated to the role? Was there newly observed activity during this time in terms of new behavior? Were there resource interaction associated with the role? What permissions did this role have?

Figure 9: Other findings related to the role

Figure 9: Other findings related to the role

In this scenario, you used Detective to investigate an IAM role session. The information that you have gathered about the security findings will help give you a better understanding of other resources that need to be remediated, how to remediate, permissions that need to be scoped down, and root cause analysis insight to include in your action reports.

Scenario 3: Threat hunter persona

Another use case is to aid in threat hunting (searching) activities. In this scenario, suspicious activity has been detected in your organization and you need to find out what resources (that is, what IAM entities) have been communicating with a command-and-control IP address. You can check from the Detective summary page for roles and users with the highest API call volume, which automatically lists the IAM roles and users that were impacted by security events over a set time scope, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Roles and users with the highest API call volume

Figure 10: Roles and users with the highest API call volume

From the list of Principal (role or user) options, choose the user or role that you find interesting based on the data presented. Things to consider when choosing the role or user to examine:

  • Is there a role with a large amount of failed API calls?
  • Is there a role with an unusual data trend?

After choosing a role from the DetectiveSummary page, you’re taken to the role overview page. Scroll down to the Overall API call volume section to view the overall volume of API calls issued by the resource during the scope time. Detective presents this information to you in a graphical interface without the need to create complex queries.

Figure 11: Graph showing API call volume

Figure 11: Graph showing API call volume

In the Overall API call volume, choose the display details for time scope button at the bottom of the section to search through the observed IP addresses, API method by service, and resource.

Figure 12: <strong>Overall API call volume</strong> during the specified scope time” width=”780″ class=”size-full wp-image-35810″ style=”border: 1px solid #bebebe”></p>
<p id=Figure 12: Overall API call volume during the specified scope time

To see the details for a specific IP address, use the Overall API call volume panel to search through different locations and to determine where the failed API calls came from. Select an IP address to get more granular details (as shown in Figure 13). When looking through this information, think about what this might tell you in your own environment.

  • Do you know who normally uses this role?
  • What is this role used for?
  • Should this role be making calls from various geolocations?
Figure 13: Granular details for the selected IP address

Figure 13: Granular details for the selected IP address

In this scenario, you used Detective to review potentially suspicious activity in your environment related to information assumed to be malicious. If adversaries have assumed the same role with different session names, this gives you more information about how this IAM role was used. If you find information related to the suspicious resources in question, you should conduct a formal search according to your internal incident response playbooks.


In this blog post, I walked you through how to investigate IAM entities (IAM users or rules) using Amazon Detective. You saw different scenarios on how to investigate IAM entities involved in a security event. You also learned about the Detective investigations for IAM feature, which you can use to automatically investigate IAM entities for indicators of compromise (IOCs), helping security analysts determine whether IAM entities have potentially been compromised or involved in known TTPs from the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

There’s no additional charge for this capability, and it’s available today for existing and new Detective customers in AWS Regions that support Detective. If you don’t currently use Detective, you can start a free 30-day trial. For more information about Detective investigations, see Detective Investigation.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Ahmed Adekunle
Ahmed Adekunle

Ahmed is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect focused on detection and response services at AWS. Before AWS, his background was in business process management and AWS tech consulting, helping customers use cloud technology to transform their business. Outside of work, Ahmed enjoys playing soccer, supporting less privileged activities, traveling, and eating spicy food, specifically African cuisine.

Cloud infrastructure entitlement management in AWS

Post Syndicated from Mathangi Ramesh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/cloud-infrastructure-entitlement-management-in-aws/

Customers use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to securely build, deploy, and scale their applications. As your organization grows, you want to streamline permissions management towards least privilege for your identities and resources. At AWS, we see two customer personas working towards least privilege permissions: security teams and developers. Security teams want to centrally inspect permissions across their organizations to identify and remediate access-related risks, such as excessive permissions, anomalous access to resources or compliance of identities. Developers want policy verification tools that help them set effective permissions and maintain least privilege as they build their applications.

Customers are increasingly turning to cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) solutions to guide their permissions management strategies. CIEM solutions are designed to identify, manage, and mitigate risks associated with access privileges granted to identities and resources in cloud environments. While the specific pillars of CIEM vary, four fundamental capabilities are widely recognized: rightsizing permissions, detecting anomalies, visualization, and compliance reporting. AWS provides these capabilities through services such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer, Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Detective, AWS Audit Manager, and AWS Security Hub. I explore these services in this blog post.

Rightsizing permissions

Customers primarily explore CIEM solutions to rightsize their existing permissions by identifying and remediating identities with excessive permissions that pose potential security risks. In AWS, IAM Access Analyzer is a powerful tool designed to assist you in achieving this goal. IAM Access Analyzer guides you to set, verify, and refine permissions.

After IAM Access Analyzer is set up, it continuously monitors AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles within your organization and offers granular visibility into overly permissive identities. This empowers your security team to centrally review and identify instances of unused access, enabling them to take proactive measures to refine access and mitigate risks.

While most CIEM solutions prioritize tools for security teams, it’s essential to also help developers make sure that their policies adhere to security best practices before deployment. IAM Access Analyzer provides developers with policy validation and custom policy checks to make sure their policies are functional and secure. Now, they can use policy recommendations to refine unused access, making sure that identities have only the permissions required for their intended functions.

Anomaly detection

Security teams use anomaly detection capabilities to identify unexpected events, observations, or activities that deviate from the baseline behavior of an identity. In AWS, Amazon GuardDuty supports anomaly detection in an identity’s usage patterns, such as unusual sign-in attempts, unauthorized access attempts, or suspicious API calls made using compromised credentials.

By using machine learning and threat intelligence, GuardDuty can establish baselines for normal behavior and flag deviations that might indicate potential threats or compromised identities. When establishing CIEM capabilities, your security team can use GuardDuty to identify threat and anomalous behavior pertaining to their identities.


With visualization, you have two goals. The first is to centrally inspect the security posture of identities, and the second is to comprehensively understand how identities are connected to various resources within your AWS environment. IAM Access Analyzer provides a dashboard to centrally review identities. The dashboard helps security teams gain visibility into the effective use of permissions at scale and identify top accounts that need attention. By reviewing the dashboard, you can pinpoint areas that need focus by analyzing accounts with the highest number of findings and the most commonly occurring issues such as unused roles.

Amazon Detective helps you to visually review individual identities in AWS. When GuardDuty identifies a threat, Detective generates a visual representation of identities and their relationships with resources, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, or AWS Lambda functions. This graphical view provides a clear understanding of the access patterns associated with each identity. Detective visualizes access patterns, highlighting unusual or anomalous activities related to identities. This can include unauthorized access attempts, suspicious API calls, or unexpected resource interactions. You can depend on Detective to generate a visual representation of the relationship between identities and resources.

Compliance reporting

Security teams work with auditors to assess whether identities, resources, and permissions adhere to the organization’s compliance requirements. AWS Audit Manager automates evidence collection to help you meet compliance reporting and audit needs. These automated evidence packages include reporting on identities. Specifically, you can use Audit Manager to analyze IAM policies and roles to identify potential misconfigurations, excessive permissions, or deviations from best practices.

Audit Manager provides detailed compliance reports that highlight non-compliant identities or access controls, allowing your auditors and security teams to take corrective actions and support ongoing adherence to regulatory and organizational standards. In addition to monitoring and reporting, Audit Manager offers guidance to remediate certain types of non-compliant identities or access controls, reducing the burden on security teams and supporting timely resolution of identified issues.

Single pane of glass

While customers appreciate the diverse capabilities AWS offers across various services, they also seek a unified and consolidated view that brings together data from these different sources. AWS Security Hub addresses this need by providing a single pane of glass that enables you to gain a holistic understanding of your security posture. Security Hub acts as a centralized hub, consuming findings from multiple AWS services and presenting a comprehensive view of how identities are being managed and used across the organization.


CIEM solutions are designed to identify, manage, and mitigate risks associated with access privileges granted to identities and resources in cloud environments. The AWS services mentioned in this post can help you achieve your CIEM goals. If you want to explore CIEM capabilities in AWS, use the services mentioned in this post or see the following resources.


If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh
Mathangi is the Principal Product Manager for AWS IAM Access Analyzer. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Federated access to Amazon Athena using AWS IAM Identity Center

Post Syndicated from Ajay Rawat original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/federated-access-to-amazon-athena-using-aws-iam-identity-center/

Managing Amazon Athena through identity federation allows you to manage authentication and authorization procedures centrally. Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service that provides a simplified and flexible way to analyze petabytes of data.

In this blog post, we show you how you can use the Athena JDBC driver (which includes a browser Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) plugin) to connect to Athena from third-party SQL client tools, which helps you quickly implement identity federation capabilities and multi-factor authentication (MFA). This enables automation and enforcement of data access policies across your organization.

You can use AWS IAM Identity Center to federate access to users to AWS accounts. IAM Identity Center integrates with AWS Organizations to manage access to the AWS accounts under your organization. In this post, you will learn how you can integrate the Athena browser-based SAML plugin to add single sign-on (SSO) and MFA capability with your federation identity provider (IdP).


To implement this solution, you must have the follow prerequisites:

Note: Lake Formation only supports a single role in the SAML assertion. Multiple roles cannot be used.

Solution overview

Figure 1: Solution architecture

Figure 1: Solution architecture

To implement the solution, complete the steps shown in Figure 1:

  1. An IAM Identity Center administrator configures two custom SAML applications.
  2. An IAM Identity Center administrator configures the attribute mappings and custom attribute mappings for each SAML application and then grants users or groups access to the SAML applications.
  3. An IAM administrator sets up an IAM IdP and uploads corresponding metadata document for each SAML application in their AWS account.
  4. An IAM administrator sets up two IAM roles (sensitive and non-sensitive) and permissions in their AWS account.
  5. A Lake Formation administrator grants two IAM role permissions to the corresponding database and tables.

The solution workflow consists of the following high-level steps as shown in Figure 1:

  1. A user initiates a connection through SQL client.
  2. The SQL client redirects the user to the AWS access portal URL, which is configured in the JDBC client tool for the user authentication.
  3. The user enters workforce identity credentials (username and password). Then selects Sign in.
  4. The AWS access portal verifies the user’s identity. IAM Identity Center redirects the request to the Identity Center authentication service to validate the user’s credentials.
  5. If MFA is enabled for the user, then they are prompted to authenticate their MFA device.
    1. MFA is initiated.
    2. The user enters or approves the MFA details.
    3. The user’s MFA is successfully completed.
  6. The user selects an application.
    1. After successful authentication, the user will be signed in to the AWS access portal. Under the applications tab, they can view available assigned applications.
    2. The user selects a SAML application.
  7. IAM Identity Center redirects the request to the Identity Center authentication service to validate the user’s access to a SAML application.
  8. The user uses the client to run a SQL query.
  9. The client makes a call to Athena to retrieve the table and associated metadata from the Data Catalog.
  10. Athena requests access to the data from Lake Formation.
  11. Lake Formation invokes the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS).
    1. Lake Formation invokes AWS STS. Lake Formation obtains temporary AWS credentials with permissions of the defined IAM role (sensitive or non-sensitive) associated with the data lake location.
    2. Lake Formation returns temporary credentials to Athena.
  12. Athena uses the temporary credentials to retrieve data objects from Amazon S3.
  13. The Athena engine successfully runs the query and returns the results to the client.

Solution walkthrough

The walkthrough includes eight sections that will guide you through the process of configuring an identity provider and SAML applications, defining roles, managing access to those roles using Lake Formation, and setting up third party SQL clients such as SQL Workbench to connect to your data store and query your data through Athena.

Step 1: Federate onboarding

Federating onboarding is done using a customer managed application. The steps occur within the IAM Identity Center account. As part of federated onboarding, you need to create Identity Center groups. Groups are a collection of people who have the same security rights and permissions. You can create groups and add users to the groups. Create one Identity Center group for sensitive data and another for non-sensitive data to provide distinct access to different classes of data sets. You can assign access to Identity Center applications to a user or group.

To federate onboarding:

  1. Open the AWS Management Console using the IAM Identity Center account and go to IAM Identity Center. Select Applications from the navigation pane and then choose Add Application.

    Figure 2: Add an IAM Identity Center application

    Figure 2: Add an IAM Identity Center application

  2. Select I have an application I want to set up set up, select SAML 2.0 application type, and then choose Next.

    Figure 3: IAM Identity Center application types

    Figure 3: IAM Identity Center application types

  3. Under configure application, enter an application Display name (such as Athena Sensitive Application) and Description. Leave the application properties empty.
  4. To download the SAML metadata file, go to the IAM Identity Center metadata section and choose Download. You will need to have this file available in step 4 when configuring a SAML IdP.
  5. Under the Application properties, add the following:
    1. Enter http://localhost:7890/athena/ as the Application ACS URL.
    2. Enter urn:amazon:webservices as the Application SAML audience.
  6. Choose Submit.
  7. Select Application and then select your application name under Customer managed.
  8. Choose Action, and then select Edit attribute mappings.

    Figure 4: Configuring SAML application attribute mappings

    Figure 4: Configuring SAML application attribute mappings

  9. Update attributes as listed in the following table:

    Attribute Map Format
    Subject ${user:email} emailAddress
    ${user:email} unspecified
    <Athena IAM Role Name from Target Account (e.g. Sensitive-IAM-Role or Non-Sensitive-IAM-Role)>, <saml- IdP ARN>

    For example:


  10. Choose Assign users and groups to assign groups to the Custom SAML 2.0 applications.

    Figure 5: Assigning user and groups to SAML application

    Figure 5: Assigning user and groups to SAML application

  11. Repeat steps 2 through 9 for the non-sensitive data group using Athena Non-Sensitive Application as the application display name.

Step 2: Create a SAML IdP

You must create a SAML IdP that points to the federated service. Before you can create a SAML IdP, you must obtain the SAML metadata document from the federated service’s onboarding section. This involves uploading some metadata about the federated service and naming the new provider.

To create an IdP:

  1. From the IAM console, choose Identity providers, then choose Create Provider.

    Figure 6: Create IAM IdPs

    Figure 6: Create IAM IdPs

  2. Select SAML as the configure provider type.
  3. Enter your provider name, for example FederateDemo, for a testing IdP.
  4. From Metadata document, choose File, and browse to where you saved the Federate metadata file from step 4 of Federate onboarding.
  5. Verify the configuration and choose Add provider.
  6. Write down the IdPs Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Step 3: Create IAM roles and policies

For this step, create two IAM roles (sensitive-iam-role and non-sensitive-iam-role), along with custom identity-based policies and a trust policy for both IAM roles. The trust policy defines which principals can assume the role and under which conditions. Additionally, you must create custom identity-based policies for both IAM roles. These policies can be attached to an IAM role to specify the actions that the principal can perform on the specified resources.

To create IAM roles:

  1. Using the data lake administrator account, go to the IAM console
  2. In the navigation pane of the console, select Roles, and then choose Create role.
  3. Select Custom trust policy as the type. Paste the following custom trust policy for the role. Replace the federated ARN(<account-id>) with the ARN of the IdP from step 6 of Create a SAML IdP (<idp-federation-name>).
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "SamlTrustPolicy",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
            "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:saml-provider/<idp-federation-name>"
          "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML",
          "Condition": {
            "StringEquals": {
              "saml:aud": [

  4. Choose Next.
  5. Enter sensitive-iam-role as the custom role name.
  6. Review the role and then choose Create role.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 and enter non-sensitive-iam-role at step 4.

To create IAM policies:

  1. From the data lake administrator account, select IAM, and then choose Policies.
  2. Choose Create Policy. The following are the custom policies for sensitive-iam-role and non-sensitive-iam-role.
  3. Insert the following policy and update the S3 bucket name (<3-bucket-name>), AWS Region (<region>) account ID (<account-id>), CloudWatch alarm name (<AlarmName>), Athena workgroup name (sensitive or non-sensitive) (<WorkGroupName>), KMS key alias name (<KMS-key-alias-name>), and organization ID (<aws-PrincipalOrgID>).
      "Statement": [
          "Action": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Resource": "*",
          "Sid": "LakeformationAccess"
          "Action": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Resource": [
          "Sid": "S3Access"
          "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Resource": "*",
          "Sid": "AthenaS3ListAllBucket"
          "Action": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Resource": [
          "Sid": "CloudWatchLogs"
          "Action": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Resource": [
          "Sid": "AthenaAllow"
          "Action": [
          "Condition": {
            "ForAnyValue:StringLike": {
              "kms:ResourceAliases": "<KMS-key-alias-name>"
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Resource": "*",
          "Sid": "kms"
          "Action": "*",
          "Condition": {
            "StringNotEquals": {
              "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "<aws-PrincipalOrgID>"
          "Effect": "Deny",
          "Resource": "*",
          "Sid": "denyRule"
      "Version": "2012-10-17"

  4. Update the custom policy to add the corresponding Athena workgroup ARN for the sensitive and non-sensitive IAM roles.

    Note: See the documentation for information about AWS global condition context keys.

  5. Choose Create policy to save your new policy. Create one policy for the sensitive IAM role and another for the non-sensitive IAM role.

Step 4: Attach identity-based policies to IAM roles

You can add and remove permissions for an IAM user, group, or role by attaching and detaching IAM policies to that identity. Policies define the permissions that determine what actions an identity can perform on which AWS resources. Attaching a policy grants the associated permissions.

To attach IAM policies to an IAM role:

  1. Attach the custom policy to the corresponding IAM roles.
  2. Referring back to step 9 of the Federate onboarding for the IAM Identity Center custom application, update the attribute mappings ARNs for both the IAM roles and the SAML IdPs. Perform this step for both the sensitive and non-sensitive custom applications.

Step 5. Grant permissions to IAM roles

A data lake administrator has the broad ability to grant a principal (including themselves) permissions on Data Catalog resources. This includes the ability to manage access controls and permissions for the data lake. When you grant Lake Formation permissions on a specific Data Catalog table, you can also include data filtering specifications. This allows you to further restrict access to certain data within the table, limiting what users can see in their query results based on those filtering rules.

To grant permissions to IAM roles:

In the Lake Formation console, under Permissions in the navigation pane, select Data Lake permissions, and then choose Grant.

To grant Database permissions to IAM roles:

  1. Under Principals, select the IAM role name (for example, Sensitive-IAM-Role).
  2. Under Named Data Catalog resources, go to Databases and select a database (for example, demo).

    Figure 7: Select an IAM role and database

    Figure 7: Select an IAM role and database

  3. Under Database permissions, select Describe and then choose Grant.

    Figure 8: Grant database permissions to an IAM role

    Figure 8: Grant database permissions to an IAM role

To grant Tables permissions to IAM roles:

  1. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
  2. Under Tables – optional, choose a table name (for example, demo2).

    Figure 9: Select tables within a database to grant access

    Figure 9: Select tables within a database to grant access

  3. Select the desired Table Permissions (for example, select and describe), and then choose Grant.

    Figure 10: Grant access to tables within the database

    Figure 10: Grant access to tables within the database

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 6 to grant access for the respective database and tables for the non-sensitive IAM role.

Step 6: Client-side setup using JDBC

You can use a JDBC connection to connect Athena and SQL client applications (for example, PyCharm or SQL Workbench) to enable analytics and reporting on the data that Athena returns from Amazon S3 databases. To use the Athena JDBC driver, you must specify the driver class from the JAR file. Additionally, you must pass in some parameters to change the authentication mechanism so the athena-sts-auth libraries are used:

  • aws credentials provider class – Specifies which provider to use, for example, BrowserSaml.
  • S3 output location – Where in S3 the Athena service can write its output. For example, s3://path/to/query/bucket/.

To set up PyCharm

  1. Install Athena JDBC 3.x driver from Athena JDBC 3.x driver.
    1. In the left navigation pane, select JDBC 3.x and then Getting started. Select Uber jar to download a .jar file, which contains the driver and its dependencies.

    Figure 11: Download Athena JDBC jar

    Figure 11: Download Athena JDBC jar

  2. Open PyCharm and create a new project.
    1. Enter a Name for your project
    2. Select the desired project Location
    3. Choose Create

    Figure 12: Create a new project in PyCharm

    Figure 12: Create a new project in PyCharm

  3. Configure Data Source and drivers. Select Data Source, and then choose the plus sign or New to configure new data sources and drivers.

    Figure 13: Add database source properties

    Figure 13: Add database source properties

  4. Configure the Athena driver by selecting the Drivers tab, and then choose the plus sign to add a new driver.

    Figure 14: Add database drivers

    Figure 14: Add database drivers

  5. Under Driver Files, upload the custom JAR file that you downloaded in the Step 1. Select the Athena class dropdown. Enter the driver’s name (for example Athena JDBC Driver). Then choose Apply.

    Figure 15: Add database driver files

    Figure 15: Add database driver files

  6. Configure a new data source. Choose the plus sign and select your driver’s name from the driver dropdown.
  7. Enter the data source name (for example, Athena Demo). For the authentication method, select User & Password.

    Figure 16: Create a project data source profile

    Figure 16: Create a project data source profile

  8. Select the SSH/SSL tab and select Use SSL. Verify that the Use truststore options for IDE, JAVA, and system are all selected.

    Figure 17: Enable data source profile SSL

    Figure 17: Enable data source profile SSL

  9. Select the Options tab and then select Single Session Mode.

    Figure 18: Configure single session mode in PyCharm

    Figure 18: Configure single session mode in PyCharm

  10. Select the General tab and enter the JDBC and SSO URL. The following is a sample JDBC URL based on the SAML application:

    1. Choose Apply.
    2. Choose Test Connection. This will open a browser and take you to the IAM Identity Center console. Select the account and role that you want to connect with.

    Figure 19: Test the data source connection

    Figure 19: Test the data source connection

  11. After the connection is successful, select the Schemas tab and select All databases and All schemas.

    Figure 20: Select data source databases and schemas

    Figure 20: Select data source databases and schemas

  12. Run a sample test query: SELECT <table-names> FROM <database-name> limit 10;
  13. Verify that the credentials and permissions are working as expected.

To set up SQL Workbench

  1. Open SQL Workbench.
  2. Configure an Athena driver by selecting File and then Manage Drivers.
  3. Enter the Athena JDBC Driver as the name and set the library to browse the path for the location where you downloaded the driver. Enter com.amazonaws.athena.jdbc.AthenaDriver as the Classname.
  4. Enter the following URL, replacing <us-east-1> with your desired Region and <name-of-the-WorkGroup> with your workgroup name.

    Choose OK.

  5. Run a test query, replacing <table-names> and <database-name> with your table and database names:
    SELECT <table-names> FROM <database-name> limit 10;

  6. Verify that the credentials and permissions are working as expected.


In this post, we covered how to use JDBC drivers to connect to Athena from third-party SQL client tools. You learned how to configure IAM Identity Center applications, defining an IAM IdP, IAM roles, and policies. You also learned how to grant permissions to IAM roles using Lake Formation to create distinct access to different classes of data sets and connect to Athena through an SQL client tool (such as PyCharm). This same setup can also work with other supported identity sources such as IAM Identity Centerself-managed or on-premises Active Directory, or an external IdP.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Ajay Rawat

Ajay Rawat
Ajay is a Senior Security Consultant, focusing on AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), data protection, incident response, and operationalizing AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk. Ajay is a technology enthusiast and enjoys working with customers to solve their technical challenges and to improve their security posture in the cloud.

Mihir Borkar

Mihir Borkar
Mihir is an AWS Data Architect who excels at simplifying customer challenges with innovative cloud data solutions. Specializing in AWS Lake Formation and AWS Glue, he designs scalable data lakes and analytics platforms, demonstrating expertise in crafting efficient solutions within the AWS Cloud.

Strategies for achieving least privilege at scale – Part 2

Post Syndicated from Joshua Du Lac original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/strategies-for-achieving-least-privilege-at-scale-part-2/

In this post, we continue with our recommendations for achieving least privilege at scale with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). In Part 1 of this two-part series, we described the first five of nine strategies for implementing least privilege in IAM at scale. We also looked at a few mental models that can assist you to scale your approach. In this post, Part 2, we’ll continue to look at the remaining four strategies and related mental models for scaling least privilege across your organization.

6. Empower developers to author application policies

If you’re the only developer working in your cloud environment, then you naturally write your own IAM policies. However, a common trend we’ve seen within organizations that are scaling up their cloud usage is that a centralized security, identity, or cloud team administrator will step in to help developers write customized IAM policies on behalf of the development teams. This may be due to variety of reasons, including unfamiliarity with the policy language or a fear of creating potential security risk by granting excess privileges. Centralized creation of IAM policies might work well for a while, but as the team or business grows, this practice often becomes a bottleneck, as indicated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Bottleneck in a centralized policy authoring process

Figure 1: Bottleneck in a centralized policy authoring process

This mental model is known as the theory of constraints. With this model in mind, you should be keen to search for constraints, or bottlenecks, faced by your team or organization, identify the root cause, and solve for the constraint. That might sound obvious, but when you’re moving at a fast pace, the constraint might not appear until agility is already impaired. As your organization grows, a process that worked years ago might no longer be effective today.

A software developer generally understands the intent of the applications they build, and to some extent the permissions required. At the same time, the centralized cloud, identity, or security teams tend to feel they are the experts at safely authoring policies, but lack a deep knowledge of the application’s code. The goal here is to enable developers to write the policies in order to mitigate bottlenecks.

The question is, how do you equip developers with the right tools and skills to confidently and safely create the required policies for their applications? A simple way to start is by investing in training. AWS offers a variety of formal training options and ramp-up guides that can help your team gain a deeper understanding of AWS services, including IAM. However, even self-hosting a small hackathon or workshop session in your organization can drive improved outcomes. Consider the following four workshops as simple options for self-hosting a learning series with your teams.

As a next step, you can help your teams along the way by setting up processes that foster collaboration and improve quality. For example, peer reviews are highly recommended, and we’ll cover this later. Additionally, administrators can use AWS native tools such as permissions boundaries and IAM Access Analyzer policy generation to help your developers begin to author their own policies more safely.

Let’s look at permissions boundaries first. An IAM permissions boundary should generally be used to delegate the responsibility of policy creation to your development team. You can set up the developer’s IAM role so that they can create new roles only if the new role has a specific permissions boundary attached to it, and that permissions boundary allows you (as an administrator) to set the maximum permissions that can be granted by the developer. This restriction is implemented by a condition on the developer’s identity-based policy, requiring that specific actions—such as iam:CreateRole or iam:CreatePolicy—are allowed only if a specified permissions boundary is attached.

In this way, when a developer creates an IAM role or policy to grant an application some set of required permissions, they are required to add the specified permissions boundary that will “bound” the maximum permissions available to that application. So even if the policy that the developer creates—such as for their AWS Lambda function—is not sufficiently fine-grained, the permissions boundary helps the organization’s cloud administrators make sure that the Lambda function’s policy is not greater than a maximum set of predefined permissions. So with permissions boundaries, your development team can be allowed to create new roles and policies (with constraints) without administrators creating a manual bottleneck.

Another tool developers can use is IAM Access Analyzer policy generation. IAM Access Analyzer reviews your CloudTrail logs and autogenerates an IAM policy based on your access activity over a specified time range. This greatly simplifies the process of writing granular IAM policies that allow end users access to AWS services.

A classic use case for IAM Access Analyzer policy generation is to generate an IAM policy within the test environment. This provides a good starting point to help identify the needed permissions and refine your policy for the production environment. For example, IAM Access Analyzer can’t identify the production resources used, so it adds resource placeholders for you to modify and add the specific Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) your application team needs. However, not every policy needs to be customized, and the next strategy will focus on reusing some policies.

7. Maintain well-written policies

Strategies seven and eight focus on processes. The first process we’ll focus on is to maintain well-written policies. To begin, not every policy needs to be a work of art. There is some wisdom in reusing well-written policies across your accounts, because that can be an effective way to scale permissions management. There are three steps to approach this task:

  1. Identify your use cases
  2. Create policy templates
  3. Maintain repositories of policy templates

For example, if you were new to AWS and using a new account, we would recommend that you use AWS managed policies as a reference to get started. However, the permissions in these policies might not fit how you intend to use the cloud as time progresses. Eventually, you would want to identify the repetitive or common use cases in your own accounts and create common policies or templates for those situations.

When creating templates, you must understand who or what the template is for. One thing to note here is that the developer’s needs tend to be different from the application’s needs. When a developer is working with resources in your accounts, they often need to create or delete resources—for example, creating and deleting Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets for the application to use.

Conversely, a software application generally needs to read or write data—in this example, to read and write objects to the S3 bucket that was created by the developer. Notice that the developer’s permissions needs (to create the bucket) are different than the application’s needs (reading objects in the bucket). Because these are different access patterns, you’ll need to create different policy templates tailored to the different use cases and entities.

Figure 2 highlights this issue further. Out of the set of all possible AWS services and API actions, there are a set of permissions that are relevant for your developers (or more likely, their DevOps build and delivery tools) and there’s a set of permissions that are relevant for the software applications that they are building. Those two sets may have some overlap, but they are not identical.

Figure 2: Visualizing intersecting sets of permissions by use case

Figure 2: Visualizing intersecting sets of permissions by use case

When discussing policy reuse, you’re likely already thinking about common policies in your accounts, such as default federation permissions for team members or automation that runs routine security audits across multiple accounts in your organization. Many of these policies could be considered default policies that are common across your accounts and generally do not vary. Likewise, permissions boundary policies (which we discussed earlier) can have commonality across accounts with low amounts of variation. There’s value in reusing both of these sets of policies. However, reusing policies too broadly could cause challenges if variation is needed—to make a change to a “reusable policy,” you would have to modify every instance of that policy, even if it’s only needed by one application.

You might find that you have relatively common resource policies that multiple teams need (such as an S3 bucket policy), but with slight variations. This is where you might find it useful to create a repeatable template that abides by your organization’s security policies, and make it available for your teams to copy. We call it a template here, because the teams might need to change a few elements, such as the Principals that they authorize to access the resource. The policies for the applications (such as the policy a developer creates to attach to an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance role) are generally more bespoke or customized and might not be appropriate in a template.

Figure 3 illustrates that some policies have low amounts of variation while others are more bespoke.

Figure 3: Identifying bespoke versus common policy types

Figure 3: Identifying bespoke versus common policy types

Regardless of whether you choose to reuse a policy or turn it into a template, an important step is to store these reusable policies and templates securely in a repository (in this case, AWS CodeCommit). Many customers use infrastructure-as-code modules to make it simple for development teams to input their customizations and generate IAM policies that fit their security policies in a programmatic way. Some customers document these policies and templates directly in the repository while others use internal wikis accompanied with other relevant information. You’ll need to decide which process works best for your organization. Whatever mechanism you choose, make it accessible and searchable by your teams.

8. Peer review and validate policies

We mentioned in Part 1 that least privilege is a journey and having a feedback loop is a critical part. You can implement feedback through human review, or you can automate the review and validate the findings. This is equally as important for the core default policies as it is for the customized, bespoke policies.

Let’s start with some automated tools you can use. One great tool that we recommend is using AWS IAM Access Analyzer policy validation and custom policy checks. Policy validation helps you while you’re authoring your policy to set secure and functional policies. The feature is available through APIs and the AWS Management Console. IAM Access Analyzer validates your policy against IAM policy grammar and AWS best practices. You can view policy validation check findings that include security warnings, errors, general warnings, and suggestions for your policy.

Let’s review some of the finding categories.

Finding type Description
Security Includes warnings if your policy allows access that AWS considers a security risk because the access is overly permissive.
Errors Includes errors if your policy includes lines that prevent the policy from functioning.
Warning Includes warnings if your policy doesn’t conform to best practices, but the issues are not security risks.
Suggestions Includes suggestions if AWS recommends improvements that don’t impact the permissions of the policy.

Custom policy checks are a new IAM Access Analyzer capability that helps security teams accurately and proactively identify critical permissions in their policies. You can use this to check against a reference policy (that is, determine if an updated policy grants new access compared to an existing version of the policy) or check against a list of IAM actions (that is, verify that specific IAM actions are not allowed by your policy). Custom policy checks use automated reasoning, a form of static analysis, to provide a higher level of security assurance in the cloud.

One technique that can help you with both peer reviews and automation is the use of infrastructure-as-code. By this, we mean you can write and deploy your IAM policies as AWS CloudFormation templates (CFTs) or AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) applications. You can use a software version control system with your templates so that you know exactly what changes were made, and then test and deploy your default policies across multiple accounts, such as by using AWS CloudFormation StackSets.

In Figure 4, you’ll see a typical development workflow. This is a simplified version of a CI/CD pipeline with three stages: a commit stage, a validation stage, and a deploy stage. In the diagram, the developer’s code (including IAM policies) is checked across multiple steps.

Figure 4: A pipeline with a policy validation step

Figure 4: A pipeline with a policy validation step

In the commit stage, if your developers are authoring policies, you can quickly incorporate peer reviews at the time they commit to the source code, and this creates some accountability within a team to author least privilege policies. Additionally, you can use automation by introducing IAM Access Analyzer policy validation in a validation stage, so that the work can only proceed if there are no security findings detected. To learn more about how to deploy this architecture in your accounts, see this blog post. For a Terraform version of this process, we encourage you to check out this GitHub repository.

9. Remove excess privileges over time

Our final strategy focuses on existing permissions and how to remove excess privileges over time. You can determine which privileges are excessive by analyzing the data on which permissions are granted and determining what’s used and what’s not used. Even if you’re developing new policies, you might later discover that some permissions that you enabled were unused, and you can remove that access later. This means that you don’t have to be 100% perfect when you create a policy today, but can rather improve your policies over time. To help with this, we’ll quickly review three recommendations:

  1. Restrict unused permissions by using service control policies (SCPs)
  2. Remove unused identities
  3. Remove unused services and actions from policies

First, as discussed in Part 1 of this series, SCPs are a broad guardrail type of control that can deny permissions across your AWS Organizations organization, a set of your AWS accounts, or a single account. You can start by identifying services that are not used by your teams, despite being allowed by these SCPs. You might also want to identify services that your organization doesn’t intend to use. In those cases, you might consider restricting that access, so that you retain access only to the services that are actually required in your accounts. If you’re interested in doing this, we’d recommend that you review the Refining permissions in AWS using last accessed information topic in the IAM documentation to get started.

Second, you can focus your attention more narrowly to identify unused IAM roles, unused access keys for IAM users, and unused passwords for IAM users either at an account-specific level or the organization-wide level. To do this, you can use IAM Access Analyzer’s Unused Access Analyzer capability.

Third, the same Unused Access Analyzer capability also enables you to go a step further to identify permissions that are granted but not actually used, with the goal of removing unused permissions. IAM Access Analyzer creates findings for the unused permissions. If the granted access is required and intentional, then you can archive the finding and create an archive rule to automatically archive similar findings. However, if the granted access is not required, you can modify or remove the policy that grants the unintended access. The following screenshot shows an example of the dashboard for IAM Access Analyzer’s unused access findings.

Figure 5: Screenshot of IAM Access Analyzer dashboard

Figure 5: Screenshot of IAM Access Analyzer dashboard

When we talk to customers, we often hear that the principle of least privilege is great in principle, but they would rather focus on having just enough privilege. One mental model that’s relevant here is the 80/20 rule (also known as the Pareto principle), which states that 80% of your outcome comes from 20% of your input (or effort). The flip side is that the remaining 20% of outcome will require 80% of the effort—which means that there are diminishing returns for additional effort. Figure 6 shows how the Pareto principle relates to the concept of least privilege, on a scale from maximum privilege to perfect least privilege.

Figure 6: Applying the Pareto principle (80/20 rule) to the concept of least privilege

Figure 6: Applying the Pareto principle (80/20 rule) to the concept of least privilege

The application of the 80/20 rule to permissions management—such as refining existing permissions—is to identify what your acceptable risk threshold is and to recognize that as you perform additional effort to eliminate that risk, you might produce only diminishing returns. However, in pursuit of least privilege, you’ll still want to work toward that remaining 20%, while being pragmatic about the remainder of the effort.

Remember that least privilege is a journey. Two ways to be pragmatic along this journey are to use feedback loops as you refine your permissions, and to prioritize. For example, focus on what is sensitive to your accounts and your team. Restrict access to production identities first before moving to environments with less risk, such as development or testing. Prioritize reviewing permissions for roles or resources that enable external, cross-account access before moving to the roles that are used in less sensitive areas. Then move on to the next priority for your organization.


Thank you for taking the time to read this two-part series. In these two blog posts, we described nine strategies for implementing least privilege in IAM at scale. Across these nine strategies, we introduced some mental models, tools, and capabilities that can assist you to scale your approach. Let’s consider some of the key takeaways that you can use in your journey of setting, verifying, and refining permissions.

Cloud administrators and developers will set permissions, and can use identity-based policies or resource-based policies to grant access. Administrators can also use multiple accounts as boundaries, and set additional guardrails by using service control policies, permissions boundaries, block public access, VPC endpoint policies, and data perimeters. When cloud administrators or developers create new policies, they can use IAM Access Analyzer’s policy generation capability to generate new policies to grant permissions.

Cloud administrators and developers will then verify permissions. For this task, they can use both IAM Access Analyzer’s policy validation and peer review to determine if the permissions that were set have issues or security risks. These tools can be leveraged in a CI/CD pipeline too, before the permissions are set. IAM Access Analyzer’s custom policy checks can be used to detect nonconformant updates to policies.

To both verify existing permissions and refine permissions over time, cloud administrators and developers can use IAM Access Analyzer’s external access analyzers to identify resources that were shared with external entities. They can also use either IAM Access Advisor’s last accessed information or IAM Access Analyzer’s unused access analyzer to find unused access. In short, if you’re looking for a next step to streamline your journey toward least privilege, be sure to check out IAM Access Analyzer.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Author photo

Josh Du Lac
Josh leads Security & Networking Solutions Architecture at AWS. He and his team advise hundreds of startup, enterprise, and global organizations how to accelerate their journey to the cloud while improving their security along the way. Josh holds a Masters in Cybersecurity and an MBA. Outside of work, Josh enjoys searching for the best tacos in Texas and practicing his handstands.

Emeka Enekwizu

Emeka Enekwizu
Emeka is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He is dedicated to assisting customers through every phase of their cloud adoption and enjoys unpacking security concepts into practical nuggets. Emeka holds CISSP and CCSP certifications and loves playing soccer in his spare time.

Strategies for achieving least privilege at scale – Part 1

Post Syndicated from Joshua Du Lac original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/strategies-for-achieving-least-privilege-at-scale-part-1/

Least privilege is an important security topic for Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers. In previous blog posts, we’ve provided tactical advice on how to write least privilege policies, which we would encourage you to review. You might feel comfortable writing a few least privilege policies for yourself, but to scale this up to thousands of developers or hundreds of AWS accounts requires strategy to minimize the total effort needed across an organization.

At re:Inforce 2022, we recommended nine strategies for achieving least privilege at scale. Although the strategies we recommend remain the same, this blog series serves as an update, with a deeper discussion of some of the strategies. In this series, we focus only on AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), not application or infrastructure identities. We’ll review least privilege in AWS, then dive into each of the nine strategies, and finally review some key takeaways. This blog post, Part 1, covers the first five strategies, while Part 2 of the series covers the remaining four.

Overview of least privilege

The principle of least privilege refers to the concept that you should grant users and systems the narrowest set of privileges needed to complete required tasks. This is the ideal, but it’s not so simple when change is constant—your staff or users change, systems change, and new technologies become available. AWS is continually adding new services or features, and individuals on your team might want to adopt them. If the policies assigned to those users were perfectly least privilege, then you would need to update permissions constantly as the users ask for more or different access. For many, applying the narrowest set of permissions could be too restrictive. The irony is that perfect least privilege can cause maximum effort.

We want to find a more pragmatic approach. To start, you should first recognize that there is some tension between two competing goals—between things you don’t want and things you do want, as indicated in Figure 1. For example, you don’t want expensive resources created, but you do want freedom for your builders to choose their own resources.

Figure 1: Tension between two competing goals

Figure 1: Tension between two competing goals

There’s a natural tension between competing goals when you’re thinking about least privilege, and you have a number of controls that you can adjust to securely enable agility. I’ve spoken with hundreds of customers about this topic, and many focus primarily on writing near-perfect permission policies assigned to their builders or machines, attempting to brute force their way to least privilege.

However, that approach isn’t very effective. So where should you start? To answer this, we’re going to break this question down into three components: strategies, tools, and mental models. The first two may be clear to you, but you might be wondering, “What is a mental model”? Mental models help us conceptualize something complex as something relatively simpler, though naturally this leaves some information out of the simpler model.


Teams generally differ based on the size of the organization. We recognize that each customer is unique, and that customer needs vary across enterprises, government agencies, startups, and so on. If you feel the following example descriptions don’t apply to you today, or that your organization is too small for this many teams to co-exist, then keep in mind that the scenarios might be more applicable in the future as your organization continues to grow. Before we can consider least privilege, let’s consider some common scenarios.

Customers who operate in the cloud tend to have teams that fall into one of two categories: decentralized and centralized. Decentralized teams might be developers or groups of developers, operators, or contractors working in your cloud environment. Centralized teams often consist of administrators. Examples include a cloud environment team, an infrastructure team, the security team, the network team, or the identity team.


To achieve least privilege in an organization effectively, teams must collaborate. Let’s consider three common scenarios:

  1. Creating default roles and policies (for teams and monitoring)
  2. Creating roles and policies for applications
  3. Verifying and refining existing permissions

The first scenario focuses on the baseline set of roles and permissions that are necessary to start using AWS. Centralized teams (such as a cloud environmentteam or identity and access management team) commonly create these initial default roles and policies that you deploy by using your account factory, IAM Identity Center, or through AWS Control Tower. These default permissions typically enable federation for builders or enable some automation, such as tools for monitoring or deployments.

The second scenario is to create roles and policies for applications. After foundational access and permissions are established, the next step is for your builders to use the cloud to build. Decentralized teams (software developers, operators, or contractors) use the roles and policies from the first scenario to then create systems, software, or applications that need their own permissions to perform useful functions. These teams often need to create new roles and policies for their software to interact with databases, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queues, and other resources.

Lastly, the third scenario is to verify and refine existing permissions, a task that both sets of teams should be responsible for.


At AWS, we often say that least privilege is a journey, because change is a constant. Your builders may change, systems may change, you may swap which services you use, and the services you use may add new features that your teams want to adopt, in order to enable faster or more efficient ways of working. Therefore, what you consider least privilege today may be considered insufficient by your users tomorrow.

This journey is made up of a lifecycle of setting, verifying, and refining permissions. Cloud administrators and developers will set permissions, they will then verify permissions, and then they refine those permissions over time, and the cycle repeats as illustrated in Figure 2. This produces feedback loops of continuous improvement, which add up to the journey to least privilege.

Figure 2: Least privilege is a journey

Figure 2: Least privilege is a journey

Strategies for implementing least privilege

The following sections will dive into nine strategies for implementing least privilege at scale:

Part 1 (this post):

  1. (Plan) Begin with coarse-grained controls
  2. (Plan) Use accounts as strong boundaries around resources
  3. (Plan) Prioritize short-term credentials
  4. (Policy) Enforce broad security invariants
  5. (Policy) Identify the right tool for the job

Part 2:

  1. (Policy) Empower developers to author application policies
  2. (Process) Maintain well-written policies
  3. (Process) Peer-review and validate policies
  4. (Process) Remove excess privileges over time

To provide some logical structure, the strategies can be grouped into three categories—plan, policy, and process. Plan is where you consider your goals and the outcomes that you want to achieve and then design your cloud environment to simplify those outcomes. Policy focuses on the fact that you will need to implement some of those goals in either the IAM policy language or as code (such as infrastructure-as-code). The Process category will look at an iterative approach to continuous improvement. Let’s begin.

1. Begin with coarse-grained controls

Most systems have relationships, and these relationships can be visualized. For example, AWS accounts relationships can be visualized as a hierarchy, with an organization’s management account and groups of AWS accounts within that hierarchy, and principals and policies within those accounts, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Icicle diagram representing an account hierarchy

Figure 3: Icicle diagram representing an account hierarchy

When discussing least privilege, it’s tempting to put excessive focus on the policies at the bottom of the hierarchy, but you should reverse that thinking if you want to implement least privilege at scale. Instead, this strategy focuses on coarse-grained controls, which refer to a top-level, broader set of controls. Examples of these broad controls include multi-account strategy, service control policies, blocking public access, and data perimeters.

Before you implement coarse-grained controls, you must consider which controls will achieve the outcomes you desire. After the relevant coarse-grained controls are in place, you can tailor the permissions down the hierarchy by using more fine-grained controls along the way. The next strategy reviews the first coarse-grained control we recommend.

2. Use accounts as strong boundaries around resources

Although you can start with a single AWS account, we encourage customers to adopt a multi-account strategy. As customers continue to use the cloud, they often need explicit security boundaries, the ability to control limits, and billing separation. The isolation designed into an AWS account can help you meet these needs.

Customers can group individual accounts into different assortments (organizational units) by using AWS Organizations. Some customers might choose to align this grouping by environment (for example: Dev, Pre-Production, Test, Production) or by business units, cost center, or some other option. You can choose how you want to construct your organization, and AWS has provided prescriptive guidance to assist customers when they adopt a multi-account strategy.

Similarly, you can use this approach for grouping security controls. As you layer in preventative or detective controls, you can choose which groups of accounts to apply them to. When you think of how to group these accounts, consider where you want to apply your security controls that could affect permissions.

AWS accounts give you strong boundaries between accounts (and the entities that exist in those accounts). As shown in Figure 4, by default these principals and resources cannot cross their account boundary (represented by the red dotted line on the left).

Figure 4: Account hierarchy and account boundaries

Figure 4: Account hierarchy and account boundaries

In order for these accounts to communicate with each other, you need to explicitly enable access by adding narrow permissions. For use cases such as cross-account resource sharing, or cross-VPC networking, or cross-account role assumptions, you would need to explicitly enable the required access by creating the necessary permissions. Then you could review those permissions by using IAM Access Analyzer.

One type of analyzer within IAM Access Analyzer, external access, helps you identify resources (such as S3 buckets, IAM roles, SQS queues, and more) in your organization or accounts that are shared with an external entity. This helps you identify if there’s potential for unintended access that could be a security risk to your organization. Although you could use IAM Access Analyzer (external access) with a single account, we recommend using it at the organization level. You can configure an access analyzer for your entire organization by setting the organization as the zone of trust, to identify access allowed from outside your organization.

To get started, you create the analyzer and it begins analyzing permissions. The analysis may produce findings, which you can review for intended and unintended access. You can archive the intended access findings, but you’ll want to act quickly on the unintended access to mitigate security risks.

In summary, you should use accounts as strong boundaries around resources, and use IAM Access Analyzer to help validate your assumptions and find unintended access permissions in an automated way across the account boundaries.

3. Prioritize short-term credentials

When it comes to access control, shorter is better. Compared to long-term access keys or passwords that could be stored in plaintext or mistakenly shared, a short-term credential is requested dynamically by using strong identities. Because the credentials are being requested dynamically, they are temporary and automatically expire. Therefore, you don’t have to explicitly revoke or rotate the credentials, nor embed them within your application.

In the context of IAM, when we’re discussing short-term credentials, we’re effectively talking about IAM roles. We can split the applicable use cases of short-term credentials into two categories—short-term credentials for builders and short-term credentials for applications.

Builders (human users) typically interact with the AWS Cloud in one of two ways; either through the AWS Management Console or programmatically through the AWS CLI. For console access, you can use direct federation from your identity provider to individual AWS accounts or something more centralized through IAM Identity Center. For programmatic builder access, you can get short-term credentials into your AWS account through IAM Identity Center using the AWS CLI.

Applications created by builders need their own permissions, too. Typically, when we consider short-term credentials for applications, we’re thinking of capabilities such as IAM roles for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), IAM roles for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) tasks, or AWS Lambda execution roles. You can also use IAM Roles Anywhere to obtain temporary security credentials for workloads and applications that run outside of AWS. Use cases that require cross-account access can also use IAM roles for granting short-term credentials.

However, organizations might still have long-term secrets, like database credentials, that need to be stored somewhere. You can store these secrets with AWS Secrets Manager, which will encrypt the secret by using an AWS KMS encryption key. Further, you can configure automatic rotation of that secret to help reduce the risk of those long-term secrets.

4. Enforce broad security invariants

Security invariants are essentially conditions that should always be true. For example, let’s assume an organization has identified some core security conditions that they want enforced:

  1. Block access for the AWS account root user
  2. Disable access to unused AWS Regions
  3. Prevent the disabling of AWS logging and monitoring services (AWS CloudTrail or Amazon CloudWatch)

You can enable these conditions by using service control policies (SCPs) at the organization level for groups of accounts using an organizational unit (OU), or for individual member accounts.

Notice these words—block, disable, and prevent. If you’re considering these actions in the context of all users or all principals except for the administrators, that’s where you’ll begin to implement broad security invariants, generally by using service control policies. However, a common challenge for customers is identifying what conditions to apply and the scope. This depends on what services you use, the size of your organization, the number of teams you have, and how your organization uses the AWS Cloud.

Some actions have inherently greater risk, while others may have nominal risk or are more easily reversible. One mental model that has helped customers to consider these issues is an XY graph, as illustrated in the example in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Using an XY graph for analyzing potential risk versus frequency of use

Figure 5: Using an XY graph for analyzing potential risk versus frequency of use

The X-axis in this graph represents the potential risk associated with using a service functionality within a particular account or environment, while the Y-axis represents the frequency of use of that service functionality. In this representative example, the top-left part of the graph covers actions that occur frequently and are relatively safe—for example, read-only actions.

The functionality in the bottom-right section is where you want to focus your time. Consider this for yourself—if you were to create a similar graph for your environment—what are the actions you would consider to be high-risk, with an expected low or rare usage within your environment? For example, if you enable CloudTrail for logging, you want to make sure that someone doesn’t invoke the CloudTrail StopLogging API operation or delete the CloudTrail logs. Another high-risk, low-usage example could include restricting AWS Direct Connect or network configuration changes to only your network administrators.

Over time, you can use the mental model of the XY graph to decide when to use preventative guardrails for actions that should never happen, versus conditional or alternative guardrails for situational use cases. You could also move from preventative to detective security controls, while accounting for factors such as the user persona and the environment type (production, development, or testing). Finally, you could consider doing this exercise broadly at the service level before thinking of it in a more fine-grained way, feature-by-feature.

However, not all controls need to be custom to your organization. To get started quickly, here are some examples of documented SCPs as well as AWS Control Tower guardrail references. You can adopt those or tailor them to fit your environment as needed.

5. Identify the right tools for the job

You can think of IAM as a toolbox that offers many tools that provide different types of value. We can group these tools into two broad categories: guardrails and grants.

Guardrails are the set of tools that help you restrict or deny access to your accounts. At a high level, they help you figure out the boundary for the set of permissions that you want to retain. SCPs are a great example of guardrails, because they enable you to restrict the scope of actions that principals in your account or your organization can take. Permissions boundaries are another great example, because they enable you to safely delegate the creation of new principals (roles or users) and permissions by setting maximum permissions on the new identity.

Although guardrails help you restrict access, they don’t inherently grant any permissions. To grant permissions, you use either an identity-based policy or resource-based policy. Identity policies are attached to principals (roles or users), while resource-based policies are applied to specific resources, such as an S3 bucket.

A common question is how to decide when to use an identity policy versus a resource policy to grant permissions. IAM, in a nutshell, seeks to answer the question: who can access what? Can you spot the nuance in the following policy examples?

Policies attached to principals

      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "x",
      "Resource": "y",
      "Condition": "z"

Policies attached to resources

      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": "w",
      "Action": "x",
      "Resource": "y",
      "Condition": "z"

You likely noticed the difference here is that with identity-based (principal) policies, the principal is implicit (that is, the principal of the policy is the entity to which the policy is applied), while in a resource-based policy, the principal must be explicit (that is, the principal has to be specified in the policy). A resource-based policy can enable cross-account access to resources (or even make a resource effectively public), but the identity-based policies likewise need to allow the access to that cross-account resource. Identity-based policies with sufficient permissions can then access resources that are “shared.” In essence, both the principal and the resource need to be granted sufficient permissions.

When thinking about grants, you can address the “who” angle by focusing on the identity-based policies, or the “what” angle by focusing on resource-based policies. For additional reading on this topic, see this blog post. For information about how guardrails and grants are evaluated, review the policy evaluation logic documentation.

Lastly, if you’d like a detailed walkthrough on choosing the right tool for the job, we encourage you to read the IAM policy types: How and when to use them blog post.


This blog post walked through the first five (of nine) strategies for achieving least privilege at scale. For the remaining four strategies, see Part 2 of this series.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Author photo

Josh Du Lac
Josh leads Security & Networking Solutions Architecture at AWS. He and his team advise hundreds of startup, enterprise, and global organizations how to accelerate their journey to the cloud while improving their security along the way. Josh holds a Masters in Cybersecurity and an MBA. Outside of work, Josh enjoys searching for the best tacos in Texas and practicing his handstands.

Emeka Enekwizu

Emeka Enekwizu
Emeka is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He is dedicated to assisting customers through every phase of their cloud adoption and enjoys unpacking security concepts into practical nuggets. Emeka holds CISSP and CCSP certifications and loves playing soccer in his spare time.

AWS Weekly Roundup: Amazon S3 Access Grants, AWS Lambda, European Sovereign Cloud Region, and more (July 8, 2024).

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-amazon-s3-access-grants-aws-lambda-european-sovereign-cloud-region-and-more-july-8-2024/

I counted only 21 AWS news since last Monday, most of them being Regional expansions of existing services and capabilities. I hope you enjoyed a relatively quiet week, because this one will be busier.

This week, we’re welcoming our customers and partners at the Jacob Javits Convention Center for the AWS Summit New York on Wednesday, July 10. I can tell you there is a stream of announcements coming, if I judge by the number of AWS News Blog posts ready to be published.

I am writing these lines just before packing my bag to attend the AWS Community Day in Douala, Cameroon next Saturday. I can’t wait to meet our customers and partners, students, and the whole AWS community there.

But for now, let’s look at last week’s new announcements.

Last week’s launches
Here are the launches that got my attention.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Access Grants now integrate with Amazon SageMaker and open souce Python frameworksAmazon S3 Access Grants maps identities in directories such as Active Directory or AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals, to datasets in S3. The integration with Amazon SageMaker Studio for machine learning (ML) helps you map identities to your machine learning (ML) datasets in S3. The integration with the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) plugin replaces any custom code required to manage data permissions, so you can use S3 Access Grants in open source Python frameworks such as Django, TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, and more.

AWS Lambda introduces new controls to make it easier to search, filter, and aggregate Lambda function logsYou can now capture your Lambda logs in JSON structured format without bringing your own logging libraries. You can also control the log level (for example, ERROR, DEBUG, or INFO) of your Lambda logs without making any code changes. Lastly, you can choose the Amazon CloudWatch log group to which Lambda sends your logs.

Amazon DataZone introduces fine-grained access controlAmazon DataZone has introduced fine-grained access control, providing data owners granular control over their data at row and column levels. You use Amazon DataZone to catalog, discover, analyze, share, and govern data at scale across organizational boundaries with governance and access controls. Data owners can now restrict access to specific records of data instead of granting access to an entire dataset.

AWS Direct Connect proposes native 400 Gbps dedicated connections at select locationsAWS Direct Connect provides private, high-bandwidth connectivity between AWS and your data center, office, or colocation facility. Native 400 Gbps connections provide higher bandwidth without the operational overhead of managing multiple 100 Gbps connections in a link aggregation group. The increased capacity delivered by 400 Gbps connections is particularly beneficial to applications that transfer large-scale datasets, such as for ML and large language model (LLM) training or advanced driver assistance systems for autonomous vehicles.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS news
Here are some additional news items that you might find interesting:

The list of services available at launch in the upcoming AWS Europe Sovereign Cloud Region is available – we shared the list of AWS services that will be initially available at launch in the new AWS European Sovereign Cloud Region. The list has no surprises. Services for security, networking, storage, computing, containers, artificial intelligence (AI), and serverless will be available at launch. We are building the AWS European Sovereign Cloud to offer public sector organizations and customers in highly regulated industries further choice to help them meet their unique digital sovereignty requirements, as well as stringent data residency, operational autonomy, and resiliency requirements. This is an investment of 7.8 billion euros (approximately $8.46 billion). The new Region will be available by the end of 2025.

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and sign up for upcoming AWS events:

AWS Summits – Join free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. To learn more about future AWS Summit events, visit the AWS Summit page. Register in your nearest city: New York (July 10), Bogotá (July 18), and Taipei (July 23–24).

AWS Community Days – Join community-led conferences that feature technical discussions, workshops, and hands-on labs led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world. Upcoming AWS Community Days are in Cameroon (July 13), Aotearoa (August 15), and Nigeria (August 24).

Browse all upcoming AWS led in-person and virtual events and developer-focused events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— seb

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Best practices working with self-hosted GitHub Action runners at scale on AWS

Post Syndicated from Shilpa Sharma original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/best-practices-working-with-self-hosted-github-action-runners-at-scale-on-aws/


GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous deployment platform that enables the automation of build, test and deployment activities for your workload. GitHub Self-Hosted Runners provide a flexible and customizable option to run your GitHub Action pipelines. These runners allow you to run your builds on your own infrastructure, giving you control over the environment in which your code is built, tested, and deployed. This reduces your security risk and costs, and gives you the ability to use specific tools and technologies that may not be available in GitHub hosted runners. In this blog, I explore security, performance and cost best practices to take into consideration when deploying GitHub Self-Hosted Runners to your AWS environment.

Best Practices

Understand your security responsibilities

GitHub Self-hosted runners, by design, execute code defined within a GitHub repository, either through the workflow scripts or through the repository build process. You must understand that the security of your AWS runner execution environments are dependent upon the security of your GitHub implementation. Whilst a complete overview of GitHub security is outside the scope of this blog, I recommended that before you begin integrating your GitHub environment with your AWS environment, you review and understand at least the following GitHub security configurations.

  • Federate your GitHub users, and manage the lifecycle of identities through a directory.
  • Limit administrative privileges of GitHub repositories, and restrict who is able to administer permissions, write to repositories, modify repository configurations or install GitHub Apps.
  • Limit control over GitHub Actions runner registration and group settings
  • Limit control over GitHub workflows, and follow GitHub’s recommendations on using third-party actions
  • Do not allow public repositories access to self-hosted runners

Reduce security risk with short-lived AWS credentials

Make use of short-lived credentials wherever you can. They expire by default within 1 hour, and you do not need to rotate or explicitly revoke them. Short lived credentials are created by the AWS Security Token Service (STS). If you use federation to access your AWS account, assume roles, or use Amazon EC2 instance profiles and Amazon ECS task roles, you are using STS already!

In almost all cases, you do not need long-lived AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) credentials (access keys) even for services that do not “run” on AWS – you can extend IAM roles to workloads outside of AWS without requiring you to manage long-term credentials. With GitHub Actions, we suggest you use OpenID Connect (OIDC). OIDC is a decentralized authentication protocol that is natively supported by STS using sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, GitHub and many other providers. With OIDC, you can create least-privilege IAM roles tied to individual GitHub repositories and their respective actions. GitHub Actions exposes an OIDC provider to each action run that you can utilize for this purpose.

Short lived AWS credentials with GitHub self-hosted runners

Short lived AWS credentials with GitHub self-hosted runners

If you have many repositories that you wish to grant an individual role to, you may run into a hard limit of the number of IAM roles in a single account. While I advocate solving this problem with a multi-account strategy, you can alternatively scale this approach by:

  • using attribute based access control (ABAC) to match claims in the GitHub token (such as repository name, branch, or team) to the AWS resource tags.
  • using role based access control (RBAC) by logically grouping the repositories in GitHub into Teams or applications to create fewer subset of roles.
  • use an identity broker pattern to vend credentials dynamically based on the identity provided to the GitHub workflow.

Use Ephemeral Runners

Configure your GitHub Action runners to run in “ephemeral” mode, which creates (and destroys) individual short-lived compute environments per job on demand. The short environment lifespan and per-build isolation reduces the risk of data leakage , even in multi-tenanted continuous integration environments, as each build job remains isolated from others on the underlying host.

As each job runs on a new environment created on demand, there is no need for a job to wait for an idle runner, simplifying auto-scaling. With the ability to scale runners on demand, you do not need to worry about turning build infrastructure off when it is not needed (for example out of office hours), giving you a cost-efficient setup. To optimize the setup further, consider allowing developers to tag workflows with instance type tags and launch specific instance types that are optimal for respective workflows.

There are a few considerations to take into account when using ephemeral runners:

  • A job will remain queued until the runner EC2 instance has launched and is ready. This can take up to 2 minutes to complete. To speed up this process, consider using an optimized AMI with all prerequisites installed.
  • Since each job is launched on a fresh runner, utilizing caching on the runner is not possible. For example, Docker images and libraries will always be pulled from source.

Use Runner Groups to isolate your runners based on security requirements

By using ephemeral runners in a single GitHub runner group, you are creating a pool of resources in the same AWS account that are used by all repositories sharing this runner group. Your organizational security requirements may dictate that your execution environments must be isolated further, such as by repository or by environment (such as dev, test, prod).

Runner groups allow you to define the runners that will execute your workflows on a repository-by-repository basis. Creating multiple runner groups not only allow you to provide different types of compute environments, but allow you to place your workflow executions in locations within AWS that are isolated from each other. For example, you may choose to locate your development workflows in one runner group and test workflows in another, with each ephemeral runner group being deployed to a different AWS account.

Runners by definition execute code on behalf of your GitHub users. At a minimum, I recommend that your ephemeral runner groups are contained within their own AWS account and that this AWS account has minimal access to other organizational resources. When access to organizational resources is required, this can be given on a repository-by-repository basis through IAM role assumption with OIDC, and these roles can be given least-privilege access to the resources they require.

Optimize runner start up time using Amazon EC2 warm-pools

Ephemeral runners provide strong build isolation, simplicity and security. Since the runners are launched on demand, the job will be required to wait for the runner to launch and register itself with GitHub. While this usually happens in under 2 minutes, this wait time might not be acceptable in some scenarios.

We can use a warm pool of pre-registered ephemeral runners to reduce the wait time. These runners will listen to the incoming GitHub workflow events actively and as soon as an incoming workflow event is queued, it is picked up readily by the warm pool of registered EC2 runners.

While there can be multiple strategies to manage the warm pool, I recommend the following strategy which uses AWS Lambda for scaling up and scaling down the ephemeral runners:

GitHub self-hosted runners warm pool flow

GitHub self-hosted runners warm pool flow

A GitHub workflow event is created on a trigger like push of code in a master repository or a merge of pull request. This event triggers a Lambda function via webhook and Amazon API Gateway endpoint. The Lambda function helps in validating the GitHub workflow event payload and log events for observability & building metrics. It can be used optionally to replenish the warm pool. There are separate backend Lambda functions to launch, scale up and scale down the warm pool of EC2 instances. The EC2 instances or runners are registered with GitHub at the time of launch. The registered runners listens for incoming GitHub work flow events using GitHub’s internal job queue and as soon as workflow events are triggered, its assigned by GitHub to one of the runners in warm pool for job execution. The runner is automatically de-registered once the job completes. A job can be a build, or deploy request as defined in your GitHub workflow.

With warm pool in place, it is expected to help reduce wait time by 70-80%.


  • Increased complexity as there is a possibility of over provisioning runners. This will depend on how long a runner EC2 instance requires to launch and reach a ready state and how frequently the scale up Lambda is configured to run. For example, if the scale up Lambda runs every 1 minute and the EC2 runner requires 2 minutes to launch, then the scale up Lambda will launch 2 instances. The mitigation is to use Auto scaling groups to manage the EC2 warm pool and desired capacity with predictive scaling policies tying back to incoming GitHub workflow events i.e. build job requests.
  • This strategy may have to be revised when supporting Windows or Mac based runners given the spin up times can vary.

Use an optimized AMI to speed up the launch of GitHub self-hosted runners

Amazon Machine Images (AMI) provide a pre-configured, optimized image that can be used to launch the runner EC2 instance. By using AMIs, you will be able to reduce the launch time of a new runner since dependencies and tools are already installed. Consistency across builds is guaranteed due to all instances running the same version of dependencies and tools. Runners will benefit from increased stability and security compliance as images are tested and approved before being distributed for use as runner instances.

When building an AMI for use as a GitHub self-hosted runner the following considerations need to be made:

  • Choosing the right OS base image for the builds. This will depend on your tech stack and toolset.
  • Install the GitHub runner app as part of the image. Ensure automatic runner updates are enabled to reduce the overhead of managing running versions. In case a specific runner version must be used you can disable automatic runner updates to avoid untested changes. Keep in mind, if disabled, a runner will need to be updated manually within 30 days of a new version becoming available.
  • Install build tools and dependencies from trusted sources.
  • Ensure runner logs are captured and forwarded to your security information and event management (SIEM) of choice.
  • The runner requires internet connectivity to access GitHub. This may require configuring proxy settings on the instance depending on your networking setup.
  • Configure any artifact repositories the runner requires. This includes sources and authentication.
  • Automate the creation of the AMI using tools such as EC2 Image Builder to achieve consistency.

Use Spot instances to save costs

The cost associated with scaling up the runners as well as maintaining a hot pool can be minimized using Spot Instances, which can result in savings up to 90% compared to On-Demand prices. However, there could be requirements where we can have longer running builds or batch jobs that cannot tolerate the spot instance terminating on 2 minutes notice. So, having a mixed pool of instances will be a good option where such jobs should be routed to on-demand EC2 instances and the rest on the Spot instances to cater for diverse build needs. This can be done by assigning labels to the runner during launch /registration. In that case, the on-demand instances will be launched and we can a savings plan in place to get cost benefits.

Record runner metrics using Amazon CloudWatch for Observability

It is vital for the observability of the overall platform to generate metrics for the EC2 based GitHub self-hosted runners. Examples of the GitHub runners metrics can be: the number of GitHub workflow events queued or completed in a minute, or number of EC2 runners up and available in the warm pool etc.

We can log the triggered workflow events and runner logs in Amazon CloudWatch and then use CloudWatch embedded metrics to collect metrics such as number of workflow events queued, in progress and completed. Using elements like “started_at” and “completed_at” timings which are part of workflow event payload we can calculate build wait time.

As an example, below is the sample incoming GitHub workflow event logged in Amazon Cloud Watch Logs

<p> </p><p><code>{</code></p><p><code>"hostname": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",</code></p><p><code>"requestId": "aafddsd55-fgcf555",</code></p><p><code>"date": "2022-10-11T05:50:35.816Z",</code></p><p><code>"logLevel": "info",</code></p><p><code>"logLevelId": 3,</code></p><p><code>"filePath": "index.js",</code></p><p><code>"fullFilePath": "/var/task/index.js",</code></p><p><code>"fileNa<a class="ab-item" href="https://aws-blogs-prod.amazon.com/devops/" aria-haspopup="true">AWS DevOps Blog</a>me": "index.js",</code></p><p><code>"lineNumber": 83889,</code></p><p><code>"columnNumber": 12,</code></p><p><code>"isConstructor": false,</code></p><p><code>"functionName": "handle",</code></p><p><code>"argumentsArray": [</code></p><p><code>"Processing Github event",</code></p><p><code>"{\"event\":\"workflow_job\",\"repository\":\"testorg-poc/github-actions-test-repo\",\"action\":\"queued\",\"name\":\"jobname-buildanddeploy\",\"status\":\"queued\",\"started_at\":\"2022-10-11T05:50:33Z\",\"completed_at\":null,\"conclusion\":null}"</code></p><p><code>]</code></p><p><code>}</code></p>

In order to use the logged elements of above log into metrics by capturing \”status\”:\”queued\”,\”repository\”:\”testorg-poc/github-actions-test-repo\c, \”name\”:\”jobname-buildanddeploy\” ,and workflow \”event\” , one can build embedded metrics in the application code or AWS metrics Lambda using any of the cloud watch metrics client library Creating logs in embedded metric format using the client libraries – Amazon CloudWatch based on the language of your choice listed.c

Essentially what one of those libraries will do under the hood is map elements from Log event into dimension fields so cloud watch can then read and generate a metric using that.

console.log(<br />      JSON.stringify({<br />        message: '[Embedded Metric]', // Identifier for metric logs in CW logs<br />        build_event_metric: 1, // Metric Name and value<br />        status: `${status}`, // Dimension name and value<br />        eventName: `${eventName}`,<br />        repository: `${repository}`,<br />        name: `${name}`,<br />        <br />        _aws: {<br />          Timestamp: Date.now(),<br />          CloudWatchMetrics: [<br />            {<br />              Namespace: `demo_2`,<br />              Dimensions: [['status','eventName','repository','name']],<br />              Metrics: [<br />                {<br />                  Name: 'build_event_metric',<br />                  Unit: 'Count',<br />                },<br />              ],<br />            },<br />          ],<br />        },<br />      })<br />    );

A sample architecture:

Consumption of GitHub webhook events

Consumption of GitHub webhook events

The cloud watch metrics can be published to your dashboards or forwarded to any external tool based on requirements. Once we have metrics, CloudWatch alarms and notifications can be configured to manage pool exhaustion.


In this blog post, we outlined several best practices covering security, scalability and cost efficiency when using GitHub Actions with EC2 self-hosted runners on AWS. We covered how using short-lived credentials combined with ephemeral runners will reduce security and build contamination risks. We also showed how runners can be optimized for faster startup and job execution AMIs and warm EC2 pools. Last but not least, cost efficiencies can be maximized by using Spot instances for runners in the right scenarios.


AWS Weekly Roundup: Passkey MFA, Malware Protection on Amazon S3, and more (June 17, 2024)

Post Syndicated from Veliswa Boya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-passkey-mfa-malware-protection-on-amazon-s3-and-more-june-17-2024/

Last week, my alma mater Standard Bank Group (SBG) hosted a Software Engineering Conference and invited me to be one of the keynote speakers. SBG has presence throughout Africa and this hybrid conference was attended by almost 2,000 engineers from across the continent. It was amazing to reconnect with long-time friends and former colleagues, and to make new friends.

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week.

Passkey multi-factor authentication (MFA) for root and IAM users – We’ve added passkeys to the list of supported multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your root and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users, to give you the convenience of use and easy recoverability. A passkey is a pair of cryptographic keys generated on your client device when you register for a service or a website. Passkeys can be used to replace passwords. However, for this initial release, we choose to use passkeys as a second factor authentication, in addition to your password.

Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon S3 – At AWS re:Inforce 2024 this past week, we announced general availability of Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This is an expansion of GuardDuty Malware Protection to detect malicious file uploads to selected S3 buckets. Benefits include the ability to fully manage malware detection without managing compute infrastructure, and coverage summary for all protected buckets in your organization, to name a few. Read more in the post published last week detailing Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon S3.

IAM Access Analyzer Update – More goodness out of AWS re:Inforce 2024 last week! We announced an IAM Access Analyzer Update, which allows you to extend custom policy checks and also includes a guided revocation. This gives you guidance that you can share with your developers so that they can revoke unneeded permissions. My colleague Jeff Barr writes about it in more detail in this post.

Other AWS news
AWS open source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open source newsletter in which he highlights new open source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community.

The .Net developer community remains close to our hearts here at AWS. I’m inspired by my colleagues Brandon Minnick and Francois Bouteruche who support this community, resulting in the AWS and the Azure engineering teams working together to create delightful .NET developer experiences. At the recently held NDC Oslo, which is part of the NDC Conferences hosted around the world, VP of Azure Developer Experience, Scott Hunter, talked about this collaboration during his keynote. Make sure to catch the keynote on the NDC Conferences YouTube Channel as soon as it’s published.

Upcoming AWS events
AWS Summits – These are free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Whether you’re in the Americas, Asia Pacific & Japan, or EMEA region, learn here about future AWS Summit events happening in your area.

AWS Community Days – Join an AWS Community Day event just like the one I mentioned at the beginning of this post to participate in technical discussions, workshops, and hands-on labs led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from your area. If you’re in Sri Lanka, there’s an event happening in your area next week.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events here.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

– Veliswa

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS.

AWS adds passkey multi-factor authentication (MFA) for root and IAM users

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-adds-passkey-multi-factor-authentication-mfa-for-root-and-iam-users/

Security is our top priority at Amazon Web Services (AWS), and today, we’re launching two capabilities to help you strengthen the security posture of your AWS accounts:

MFA is one of the simplest and most effective ways to enhance account security, offering an additional layer of protection to help prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access to systems or data.

MFA with passkey for your root and IAM users
Passkey is a general term used for the credentials created for FIDO2 authentication.

A passkey is a pair of cryptographic keys generated on your client device when you register for a service or a website. The key pair is bound to the web service domain and unique for each one.

The public part of the key is sent to the service and stored on their end. The private part of the key is either stored in a secured device, such as a security key, or securely shared across your devices connected to your user account when you use cloud services, such as iCloud Keychain, Google accounts, or a password manager such as 1Password.

Typically, the access to the private part of the key is protected by a PIN code or a biometric authentication, such as Apple Face ID or Touch ID or Microsoft Hello, depending on your devices.

When I try to authenticate on a service protected with passkeys, the service sends a challenge to my browser. The browser then requests my device sign the challenge with my private key. This triggers a PIN or biometric authentication to access the secured storage where the private key is stored. The browser returns the signature to the service. When the signature is valid, it confirms I own the private key that matches the public key stored on the service, and the authentication succeeds.

You can read more about this process and the various standards at work (FIDO2, CTAP, WebAuthn) in the post I wrote when AWS launched support for passkeys in AWS IAM Identity Center back in November 2020.

Passkeys can be used to replace passwords. However, for this initial release, we choose to use passkeys as a second factor authentication, in addition to your password. The password is something you know, and the passkey is something you have.

Passkeys are more resistant to phishing attacks than passwords. First, it’s much harder to gain access to a private key protected by your fingerprint, face, or a PIN code. Second, passkeys are bound to a specific web domain, reducing the scope in case of unintentional disclosure.

As an end user, you will benefit from the convenience of use and easy recoverability. You can use the built-in authenticators in your phones and laptops to unlock a cryptographically secured credential to your AWS sign-in experience. And when using a cloud service to store the passkey (such as iCloud keychain, Google accounts, or 1Password), the passkey can be accessed from any of your devices connected to your passkey provider account. This helps you to recover your passkey in the unfortunate case of losing a device.

How to enable passkey MFA for an IAM user
To enable passkey MFA, I navigate to the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) section of the console. I select a user, and I scroll down the page to the Multi-factor authentication (MFA) section. Then, I select Assign MFA device.

Note that to help you increase resilience and account recovery, you can have multiple MFA devices enabled for a user.

Enable MFA in AM console

On the next page, I enter an MFA device name, and I select Passkey or security key. Then, I select next.

enable MFA : select passkey

When using a password manager application that supports passkeys, it will pop up and ask if you want to generate and store a passkey using that application. Otherwise, your browser will present you with a couple of options. The exact layout of the screen depends on the operating system (macOS or Windows) and the browser you use. Here is the screen I see on macOS with a Chromium-based browser.

Enable passkey : choose method

The rest of the experience depends on your selection. iCloud Keychain will prompt you for a Touch ID to generate and store the passkey.

In the context of this demo, I want to show you how to bootstrap the passkey on another device, such as a phone. I therefore select Use a phone, tablet, or security key instead. The browser presents me with a QR code. Then, I use my phone to scan the QR code. The phone authenticates me with Face ID and generates and stores the passkey.

Passkey : scan a QR code

This QR code-based flow allows a passkey from one device to be used to sign in on another device (a phone and my laptop in my demo). It is defined by the FIDO specification and known as cross device authentication (CDA).

When everything goes well, the passkey is now registered with the IAM user.

Enable passkey : success

Note that we don’t recommend using IAM users to authenticate human beings to the AWS console. We recommend configuring single sign-on (SSO) with AWS IAM Identity Center instead.

What’s the sign-in experience?
Once MFA is enabled and configured with a passkey, I try to sign in to my account.

The user experience differs based on the operating system, browser, and device you use.

For example, on macOS with iCloud Keychain enabled, the system prompts me for a touch on the Touch ID key. For this demo, I registered the passkey on my phone using CDA. Therefore, the system asks me to scan a QR code with my phone. Once scanned, the phone authenticates me with Face ID to unlock the passkey, and the AWS console terminates the sign-in procedure.

Authenticate with MFA and passkey

Enforcing MFA for root users
The second announcement today is that we have started to enforce the use of MFA for the root user on some AWS accounts. This change was announced last year in a blog post from Stephen Schmidt, Chief Security Officer at Amazon.

To quote Stephen:

Verifying that the most privileged users in AWS are protected with MFA is just the latest step in our commitment to continuously enhance the security posture of AWS customers.

We started with your most sensitive account: your management account for AWS Organizations. The deployment of the policy is progressive, with just a few thousand accounts at a time. Over the coming months, we will progressively deploy the MFA enforcement policy on root users for the majority of the AWS accounts.

When you don’t have MFA enabled on your root user account, and your account is updated, a new message will pop up when you sign in, asking you to enable MFA. You will have a grace period, after which the MFA becomes mandatory.

Enable MFA on root account

You can start to use passkeys for multi-factor authentication today in all AWS Regions, except in China.

We’re enforcing the use of multi-factor authentication in all AWS Regions, except for the two regions in China (Beijing, Ningxia) and for AWS GovCloud (US), because the AWS accounts in these Regions have no root user.

Now go activate passkey MFA for your root user in your accounts.

— seb

Integrate Tableau and Okta with Amazon Redshift using AWS IAM Identity Center

Post Syndicated from Debu Panda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/integrate-tableau-and-okta-with-amazon-redshift-using-aws-iam-identity-center/

This blog post is co-written with Sid Wray and Jake Koskela from Salesforce, and Adiascar Cisneros from Tableau. 

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable cloud data warehouse built to serve workloads at any scale. With Amazon Redshift as your data warehouse, you can run complex queries using sophisticated query optimization to quickly deliver results to Tableau, which offers a comprehensive set of capabilities and connectivity options for analysts to efficiently prepare, discover, and share insights across the enterprise. For customers who want to integrate Amazon Redshift with Tableau using single sign-on capabilities, we introduced AWS IAM Identity Center integration to seamlessly implement authentication and authorization.

IAM Identity Center provides capabilities to manage single sign-on access to AWS accounts and applications from a single location. Redshift now integrates with IAM Identity Center, and supports trusted identity propagation, making it possible to integrate with third-party identity providers (IdP) such as Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD), Okta, Ping, and OneLogin. This integration positions Amazon Redshift as an IAM Identity Center-managed application, enabling you to use database role-based access control on your data warehouse for enhanced security. Role-based access control allows you to apply fine grained access control using row level, column level, and dynamic data masking in your data warehouse.

AWS and Tableau have collaborated to enable single sign-on support for accessing Amazon Redshift from Tableau. Tableau now supports single sign-on capabilities with Amazon Redshift connector to simplify the authentication and authorization. The Tableau Desktop 2024.1 and Tableau Server 2023.3.4 releases support trusted identity propagation with IAM Identity Center. This allows users to seamlessly access Amazon Redshift data within Tableau using their external IdP credentials without needing to specify AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles in Tableau. This single sign-on integration is available for Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, and Tableau Prep.

In this post, we outline a comprehensive guide for setting up single sign-on to Amazon Redshift using integration with IAM Identity Center and Okta as the IdP. By following this guide, you’ll learn how to enable seamless single sign-on authentication to Amazon Redshift data sources directly from within Tableau Desktop, streamlining your analytics workflows and enhancing security.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the Tableau SSO integration with Amazon RedShift, IAM Identity Center, and Okta.

Figure 1: Solution overview for Tableau integration with Amazon Redshift using IAM Identity Center and Okta

The solution depicted in Figure 1 includes the following steps:

  1. The user configures Tableau to access Redshift using IAM Identity Center authentication
  2. On a user sign-in attempt, Tableau initiates a browser-based OAuth flow and redirects the user to the Okta login page to enter the login credentials.
  3. On successful authentication, Okta issues an authentication token (id and access token) to Tableau
  4. Redshift driver then makes a call to Redshift-enabled IAM Identity Center application and forwards the access token.
  5. Redshift passes the token to Identity Center and requests an access token.
  6. Identity Center verifies/validates the token using the OIDC discovery connection to the trusted token issuer and returns an Identity Center generated access token for the same user. In Figure 1, Trusted Token Issuer (TTI) is the Okta server that Identity Center trusts to provide tokens that third-party applications like Tableau uses to call AWS services.
  7. Redshift then uses the token to obtain the user and group membership information from IAM Identity Center.
  8. Tableau user will be able to connect with Amazon Redshift and access data based on the user and group membership returned from IAM Identity Center.


Before you begin implementing the solution, make sure that you have the following in place:


In this walkthrough, you build the solution with following steps:

  • Set up the Okta OIDC application
  • Set up the Okta authorization server
  • Set up the Okta claims
  • Setup the Okta access policies and rules
  • Setup trusted token issuer in AWS IAM Identity Center
  • Setup client connections and trusted token issuers
  • Setup the Tableau OAuth config files for Okta
  • Install the Tableau OAuth config file for Tableau Desktop
  • Setup the Tableau OAuth config file for Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud
  • Federate to Amazon Redshift from Tableau Desktop
  • Federate to Amazon Redshift from Tableau Server

Set up the Okta OIDC application

To create an OIDC web app in Okta, you can follow the instructions in this video, or use the following steps to create the wep app in Okta admin console:

Note: The Tableau Desktop redirect URLs should always use localhost. The examples below also use localhost for the Tableau Server hostname for ease of testing in a test environment. For this setup, you should also access the server at localhost in the browser. If you decide to use localhost for early testing, you will also need to configure the gateway to accept localhost using this tsm command:

 tsm configuration set -k gateway.public.host -v localhost

In a production environment, or Tableau Cloud, you should use the full hostname that your users will access Tableau on the web, along with https. If you already have an environment with https configured, you may skip the localhost configuration and use the full hostname from the start.

  1. Sign in to your Okta organization as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. On the admin console, under Applications in the navigation pane, choose Applications.
  3. Choose Create App Integration.
  4. Select OIDC – OpenID Connect as the Sign-in method and Web Application as the Application type.
  5. Choose Next.
  6. In General Settings:
    1. App integration name: Enter a name for your app integration. For example, Tableau_Redshift_App.
    2. Grant type: Select Authorization Code and Refresh Token.
    3. Sign-in redirect URIs: The sign-in redirect URI is where Okta sends the authentication response and ID token for the sign-in request. The URIs must be absolute URIs. Choose Add URl and along with the default URl, add the following URIs.
      • http://localhost:55556/Callback
      • http://localhost:55557/Callback
      • http://localhost:55558/Callback
      • http://localhost/auth/add_oauth_token
    4. Sign-out redirect URIs: keep the default value as http://localhost:8080.
    5. Skip the Trusted Origins section and for Assignments, select Skip group assignment for now.
    6. Choose Save.
Figure 2: OIDC application

Figure 2: OIDC application

  1. In the General Settings section, choose Edit and select Require PKCE as additional verification under Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). This option indicates if a PKCE code challenge is required to verify client requests.
  2. Choose Save.
Figure 3: OIDC App Overview

Figure 3: OIDC App Overview

  1. Select the Assignments tab and then choose Assign to Groups. In this example, we’re assigning awssso-finance and awssso-sales.
  2. Choose Done.

Figure 4: OIDC application group assignments

For more information on creating an OIDC app, see Create OIDC app integrations.

Set up the Okta authorization server

Okta allows you to create multiple custom authorization servers that you can use to protect your own resource servers. Within each authorization server you can define your own OAuth 2.0 scopes, claims, and access policies. If you have an Okta Developer Edition account, you already have a custom authorization server created for you called default.

For this blog post, we use the default custom authorization server. If your application has requirements such as requiring more scopes, customizing rules for when to grant scopes, or you need more authorization servers with different scopes and claims, then you can follow this guide.

Figure 5: Authorization server

Set up the Okta claims

Tokens contain claims that are statements about the subject (for example: name, role, or email address). For this example, we use the default custom claim sub. Follow this guide to create claims.

Figure 6: Create claims

Setup the Okta access policies and rules

Access policies are containers for rules. Each access policy applies to a particular OpenID Connect application. The rules that the policy contains define different access and refresh token lifetimes depending on the nature of the token request. In this example, you create a simple policy for all clients as shown in Figure 7 that follows. Follow this guide to create access policies and rules.

Figure 7: Create access policies

Rules for access policies define token lifetimes for a given combination of grant type, user, and scope. They’re evaluated in priority order and after a matching rule is found, no other rules are evaluated. If no matching rule is found, then the authorization request fails. This example uses the role depicted in Figure 8 that follows. Follow this guide to create rules for your use case.

Figure 8: Access policy rules

Setup trusted token issuer in AWS IAM Identity Center

At this point, you switch to setting up the AWS configuration, starting by adding a trusted token issuer (TTI), which makes it possible to exchange tokens. This involves connecting IAM Identity Center to the Open ID Connect (OIDC) discovery URL of the external OAuth authorization server and defining an attribute-based mapping between the user from the external OAuth authorization server and a corresponding user in Identity Center. In this step, you create a TTI in the centralized management account. To create a TTI:

  1. Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to IAM Identity Center, and then to the Settings page.
  2. Select the Authentication tab and under Trusted token issuers, choose Create trusted token issuer.
  3. On the Set up an external IdP to issue trusted tokens page, under Trusted token issuer details, do the following:
    • For Issuer URL, enter the OIDC discovery URL of the external IdP that will issue tokens for trusted identity propagation. The administrator of the external IdP can provide this URL (for example, https://prod-1234567.okta.com/oauth2/default).

To get the issuer URL from Okta, sign in as an admin to Okta and navigate to Security and then to API and choose default under the Authorization Servers tab and copy the Issuer URL

Figure 9: Authorization server issuer

  1. For Trusted token issuer name, enter a name to identify this trusted token issuer in IAM Identity Center and in the application console.
  2. Under Map attributes, do the following:
    • For Identity provider attribute, select an attribute from the list to map to an attribute in the IAM Identity Center identity store.
    • For IAM Identity Center attribute, select the corresponding attribute for the attribute mapping.
  3. Under Tags (optional), choose Add new tag, enter a value for Key and optionally for Value. Choose Create trusted token issuer. For information about tags, see Tagging AWS IAM Identity Center resources.

This example uses Subject (sub) as the Identity provider attribute to map with Email from the IAM identity Center attribute. Figure 10 that follows shows the set up for TTI.

Figure 10: Create Trusted Token Issuer

Setup client connections and trusted token issuers

In this step, the Amazon Redshift applications that exchange externally generated tokens must be configured to use the TTI you created in the previous step. Also, the audience claim (or aud claim) from Okta must be specified. In this example, you are configuring the Amazon Redshift application in the member account where the Amazon Redshift cluster or serverless instance exists.

  1. Select IAM Identity Center connection from Amazon Redshift console menu.

Figure 11: Amazon Redshift IAM Identity Center connection

  1. Select the Amazon Redshift application that you created as part of the prerequisites.
  2. Select the Client connections tab and choose Edit.
  3. Choose Yes under Configure client connections that use third-party IdPs.
  4. Select the checkbox for Trusted token issuer which you have created in the previous section.
  5. Enter the aud claim value under section Configure selected trusted token issuers. For example, okta_tableau_audience.

To get the audience value from Okta, sign in as an admin to Okta and navigate to Security and then to API and choose default under the Authorization Servers tab and copy the Audience value.

Figure 12: Authorization server audience

Note: The audience claim value must exactly match with IdP audience value otherwise your OIDC connection with third part application like Tableau will fail.

  1. Choose Save.

Figure 13: Adding Audience Claim for Trusted Token Issuer

Setup the Tableau OAuth config files for Okta

At this point, your IAM Identity Center, Amazon Redshift, and Okta configuration are complete. Next, you need to configure Tableau.

To integrate Tableau with Amazon Redshift using IAM Identity Center, you need to use a custom XML. In this step, you use the following XML and replace the values starting with the $ sign and highlighted in bold. The rest of the values can be kept as they are, or you can modify them based on your use case. For detailed information on each of the elements in the XML file, see the Tableau documentation on GitHub.

Note: The XML file will be used for all the Tableau products including Tableau Desktop, Server, and Cloud.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

The following is an example XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Install the Tableau OAuth config file for Tableau Desktop

After the configuration XML file is created, it must be copied to a location to be used by Amazon Redshift Connector from Tableau Desktop. Save the file from the previous step as .xml and save it under Documents\My Tableau Repository\OAuthConfigs.

Note: Currently this integration isn’t supported in macOS because the Redshift ODBC 2.X driver isn’t supported yet for MAC. It will be supported soon.

Setup the Tableau OAuth config file for Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud

To integrate with Amazon Redshift using IAM Identity Center authentication, you must install the Tableau OAuth config file in Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud

  1. Sign in to the Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud using admin credentials.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Go to OAuth Clients Registry and select Add OAuth Client
  4. Choose following settings:
    • Connection Type: Amazon Redshift
    • OAuth Provider: Custom_IdP
    • Client ID: Enter your IdP client ID value
    • Client Secret: Enter your client secret value
    • Redirect URL: Enter http://localhost/auth/add_oauth_token. This example uses localhost for testing in a local environment. You should use the full hostname with https.
    • Choose OAuth Config File. Select the XML file that you configured in the previous section.
    • Select Add OAuth Client and choose Save.

Figure 14: Create an OAuth connection in Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud

Federate to Amazon Redshift from Tableau Desktop

Now you’re ready to connect to Amazon Redshift from Tableau through federated sign-in using IAM Identity Center authentication. In this step, you create a Tableau Desktop report and publish it to Tableau Server.

  1. Open Tableau Desktop.
  2. Select Amazon Redshift Connector and enter the following values:
    1. Server: Enter the name of the server that hosts the database and the name of the database you want to connect to.
    2. Port: Enter 5439.
    3. Database: Enter your database name. This example uses dev.
    4. Authentication: Select OAuth.
    5. Federation Type: Select Identity Center.
    6. Identity Center Namespace: You can leave this value blank.
    7. OAuth Provider: This value should automatically be pulled from your configured XML. It will be the value from the element oauthConfigId.
    8. Select Require SSL.
    9. Choose Sign in.

Figure 15: Tableau Desktop OAuth connection

  1. Enter your IdP credentials in the browser pop-up window.

Figure 16: Okta Login Page

  1. When authentication is successful, you will see the message shown in Figure 17 that follows.

Figure 17: Successful authentication using Tableau

Congratulations! You’re signed in using IAM Identity Center integration with Amazon Redshift and are ready to explore and analyze your data using Tableau Desktop.

Figure 18: Successfully connected using Tableau Desktop

Figure 19 is a screenshot from the Amazon Redshift system table (sys_query_history) showing that user Ethan from Okta is accessing the sales report.

Figure 19: User audit in sys_query_history

After signing in, you can create your own Tableau Report on the desktop version and publish it to your Tableau Server. For this example, we created and published a report named SalesReport.

Federate to Amazon Redshift from Tableau Server

After you have published the report from Tableau Desktop to Tableau Server, sign in as a non-admin user and view the published report (SalesReport in this example) using IAM Identity Center authentication.

  1. Sign in to the Tableau Server site as a non-admin user.
  2. Navigate to Explore and go to the folder where your published report is stored.
  3. Select the report and choose Sign In.

Figure 20: Tableau Server Sign In

  1. To authenticate, enter your non-admin Okta credentials in the browser pop-up.

Figure 21: Okta Login Page

  1. After your authentication is successful, you can access the report.

Figure 22: Tableau report

Clean up

Complete the following steps to clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the IdP applications that you have created to integrate with IAM Identity Center.
  2. Delete the IAM Identity Center configuration.
  3. Delete the Amazon Redshift application and the Amazon Redshift provisioned cluster or serverless instance that you created for testing.
  4. Delete the IAM role and IAM policy that you created for IAM Identity Center and Amazon Redshift integration.
  5. Delete the permission set from IAM Identity Center that you created for Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 in the management account.


This post covered streamlining access management for data analytics by using Tableau’s capability to support single sign-on based on the OAuth 2.0 OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol. The solution enables federated user authentication, where user identities from an external IdP are trusted and propagated to Amazon Redshift. You walked through the steps to configure Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server to integrate seamlessly with Amazon Redshift using IAM Identity Center for single sign-on. By harnessing this integration of a third party IdP with IAM Identity Center, users can securely access Amazon Redshift data sources within Tableau without managing separate database credentials.

Listed below are key resources to learn more about Amazon Redshift integration with IAM Identity Center

About the Authors

Debu-PandaDebu Panda is a Senior Manager, Product Management at AWS. He is an industry leader in analytics, application platform, and database technologies, and has more than 25 years of experience in the IT world.

Sid Wray is a Senior Product Manager at Salesforce based in the Pacific Northwest with nearly 20 years of experience in Digital Advertising, Data Analytics, Connectivity Integration and Identity and Access Management. He currently focuses on supporting ISV partners for Salesforce Data Cloud.

Adiascar Cisneros is a Tableau Senior Product Manager based in Atlanta, GA. He focuses on the integration of the Tableau Platform with AWS services to amplify the value users get from our products and accelerate their journey to valuable, actionable insights. His background includes analytics, infrastructure, network security, and migrations.

Jade Koskela is a Principal Software Engineer at Salesforce. He has over a decade of experience building Tableau with a focus on areas including data connectivity, authentication, and identity federation.

Harshida Patel is a Principal Solutions Architect, Analytics with AWS.

Maneesh Sharma is a Senior Database Engineer at AWS with more than a decade of experience designing and implementing large-scale data warehouse and analytics solutions. He collaborates with various Amazon Redshift Partners and customers to drive better integration.

Ravi Bhattiprolu is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He collaborates with strategic independent software vendor (ISV) partners like Salesforce and Tableau to design and deliver innovative, well-architected cloud products, integrations, and solutions to help joint AWS customers achieve their business goals.

Investigating lateral movements with Amazon Detective investigation and Security Lake integration

Post Syndicated from Yue Zhu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/investigating-lateral-movements-with-amazon-detective-investigation-and-security-lake-integration/

According to the MITRE ATT&CK framework, lateral movement consists of techniques that threat actors use to enter and control remote systems on a network. In Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments, threat actors equipped with illegitimately obtained credentials could potentially use APIs to interact with infrastructures and services directly, and they might even be able to use APIs to evade defenses and gain direct access to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. To help customers secure their AWS environments, AWS offers several security services, such as Amazon GuardDuty, a threat detection service that monitors for malicious activity and anomalous behavior, and Amazon Detective, an investigation service that helps you investigate, and respond to, security events in your AWS environment.

After the service is turned on, Amazon Detective automatically collects logs from your AWS environment to help you analyze and investigate security events in-depth. At re:Invent 2023, Detective released Detective Investigations, a one-click investigation feature that automatically investigates AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles for indicators of compromise (IoC), and Security Lake integration, which enables customers to retrieve log data from Amazon Security Lake to use as original evidence for deeper analysis with access to more detailed parameters.

In this post, you will learn about the use cases behind these features, how to run an investigation using the Detective Investigation feature, and how to interpret the contents of investigation reports. In addition, you will also learn how to use the Security Lake integration to retrieve raw logs to get more details of the impacted resources.

Triage a suspicious activity

As a security analyst, one of the common workflows in your daily job is to respond to suspicious activities raised by security event detection systems. The process might start when you get a ticket about a GuardDuty finding in your daily operations queue, alerting you that suspicious or malicious activity has been detected in your environment. To view more details of the finding, one of the options is to use the GuardDuty console.

In the GuardDuty console, you will find more details about the finding, such as the account and AWS resources that are in scope, the activity that caused the finding, the IP address that caused the finding and information about its possible geographic location, and times of the first and last occurrences of the event. To triage the finding, you might need more information to help you determine if it is a false positive.

Every GuardDuty finding has a link labeled Investigate with Detective in the details pane. This link allows you to pivot to the Detective console based on aspects of the finding you are investigating to their respective entity profiles. The finding Recon:IAMUser/MaliciousIPCaller.Custom that’s shown in Figure 1 results from an API call made by an IP address that’s on the custom threat list, and GuardDuty observed it made API calls that were commonly used in reconnaissance activity, which commonly occurs prior to attempts at compromise. To investigate this finding, because it involves an IAM role, you can select the Role session link and it will take you to the role session’s profile in the Detective console.

Figure 1: Example finding in the GuardDuty console, with Investigate with Detective pop-up window

Figure 1: Example finding in the GuardDuty console, with Investigate with Detective pop-up window

Within the AWS Role session profile page, you will find security findings from GuardDuty and AWS Security Hub that are associated with the AWS role session, API calls the AWS role session made, and most importantly, new behaviors. Behaviors that deviate from expectations can be used as indicators of compromises to give you more information to determine if the AWS resource might be compromised. Detective highlights new behaviors first observed during the scope time of the events related to the finding that weren’t observed during the Detective baseline time window of 45 days.

If you switch to the New behavior tab within the AWS role session profile, you will find the Newly observed geolocations panel (Figure 2). This panel highlights geolocations of IP addresses where API calls were made from that weren’t observed in the baseline profile. Detective determines the location of requests using MaxMind GeoIP databases based on the IP address that was used to issue requests.

Figure 2: Detective’s Newly observed geolocations panel

Figure 2: Detective’s Newly observed geolocations panel

If you choose Details on the right side of each row, the row will expand and provide details of the API calls made from the same locations from different AWS resources, and you can drill down and get to the API calls made by the AWS resource from a specific geolocation (Figure 3). When analyzing these newly observed geolocations, a question you might consider is why this specific AWS role session made API calls from Bellevue, US. You’re pretty sure that your company doesn’t have a satellite office there, nor do your coworkers who have access to this role work from there. You also reviewed the AWS CloudTrail management events of this AWS role session, and you found some unusual API calls for services such as IAM.

Figure 3: Detective’s Newly observed geolocations panel expanded on details

Figure 3: Detective’s Newly observed geolocations panel expanded on details

You decide that you need to investigate further, because this role session’s anomalous behavior from a new geolocation is sufficiently unexpected, and it made unusual API calls that you would like to know the purpose of. You want to gather anomalous behaviors and high-risk API methods that can be used by threat actors to make impacts. Because you’re investigating an AWS role session rather than investigating a single role session, you decide you want to know what happened in other role sessions associated with the AWS role in case threat actors spread their activities across multiple sessions. To help you examine multiple role sessions automatically with additional analytics and threat intelligence, Detective introduced the Detective Investigation feature at re:Invent 2023.

Run an IAM investigation

Amazon Detective Investigation uses machine learning (ML) models and AWS threat intelligence to automatically analyze resources in your AWS environment to identify potential security events. It identifies tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used in a potential security event. The MITRE ATT&CK framework is used to classify the TTPs. You can use this feature to help you speed up the investigation and identify indicators of compromise and other TTPs quickly.

To continue with your investigation, you should investigate the role and its usage history as a whole to cover all involved role sessions at once. This addresses the potential case where threat actors assumed the same role under different session names. In the AWS role session profile page that’s shown in Figure 4, you can quickly identify and pivot to the corresponding AWS role profile page under the Assumed role field.

Figure 4: Detective’s AWS role session profile page

Figure 4: Detective’s AWS role session profile page

After you pivot to the AWS role profile page (Figure 5), you can run the automated investigations by choosing Run investigation.

Figure 5: Role profile page, from which an investigation can be run

Figure 5: Role profile page, from which an investigation can be run

The first thing to do in a new investigation is to choose the time scope you want to run the investigation for. Then, choose Confirm (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Setting investigation scope time

Figure 6: Setting investigation scope time

Next, you will be directed to the Investigations page (Figure 7), where you will be able to see the status of your investigation. Once the investigation is done, you can choose the hyperlinked investigation ID to access the investigation report.

Figure 7: Investigations page, with new report

Figure 7: Investigations page, with new report

Another way to run an investigation is to choose Investigations on the left menu panel in the Detective console, and then choose Run investigation. You will then be taken to the page where you will specify the AWS role Amazon Resource Number (ARN) you’re investigating, and the scope time (Figure 8). Then you can choose Run investigation to commence an investigation.

Figure 8: Configuring a new investigation from scratch rather than from an existing finding

Figure 8: Configuring a new investigation from scratch rather than from an existing finding

Detective also offers StartInvestigation and GetInvestigation APIs for running Detective Investigations and retrieving investigation reports programmatically.

Interpret the investigation report

The investigation report (Figure 9) includes information on anomalous behaviors, potential TTP mappings of observed CloudTrail events, and indicators of compromises of the resource (in this example, an IAM principal) that was investigated.

At the top of the report, you will find a severity level computed based on the observed behaviors during the scope window, as well as a summary statement to give you a quick understanding of what was found. In Figure 9, the AWS role that was investigated engaged in the following unusual behaviors:

  • Seven tactics showing that the API calls made by this AWS role were mapped to seven tactics of the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
  • Eleven cases of impossible travel representing API calls made from two geolocations that are too far apart for the same user to have physically travelled between them to make the calls from both, within the time span involved.
  • Zero flagged IP addresses. Detective would flag IP addresses that are considered suspicious according to its threat intelligence sources.
  • Two new Autonomous System Organizations (ASOs) which are entities with assigned Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) as used in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing.
  • Nine new user agents were used to make API calls that weren’t observed in the 45 days prior to the events being investigated.

These indicators of compromise represent unusual behaviors that have either not been observed before in the AWS account involved or that are intrinsically considered high risk. The following summary panel includes the report that shows a detailed breakdown of the investigation results.

Unusual activities are important factors that you should look for during investigations, and sudden behavior change can be a sign of compromise. When you’re investigating an AWS role that can be assumed by different users from different AWS Regions, you are likely to need to examine activity at the granularity of the specific AWS role session that made the APIs calls. Within the report, you can do this by choosing the hyperlinked role name in the summary panel, and it will take you to the AWS role profile page.

Figure 9: Investigation report summary page

Figure 9: Investigation report summary page

Further down on the investigation report is the TTP Mapping from CloudTrail Management Events panel. Detective Investigations maps CloudTrail events to the MITRE ATT&CK framework to help you understand how an API can be used by threat actors. For each mapped API, you can see the tactics, techniques, and procedures it can be used for. In Figure 10, at the top there is a summary of TTPs with different severity levels. At the bottom is a breakdown of potential TTP mappings of observed CloudTrail management events during the investigation scope time.

When you select one of the cards, a side panel appears on the right to give you more details about the APIs. It includes information such as the IP address that made the API call, the details of the TTP the API call was mapped to, and if the API call succeeded or failed. This information can help you understand how these APIs can potentially be used by threat actors to modify your environment, and whether or not the API call succeeded tells you if it might have affected the security of your AWS resources. In the example that’s shown in Figure 10, the IAM role successfully made API calls that are mapped to Lateral Movement in the ATT&CK framework.

Figure 10: Investigation report page with event ATT CK mapping

Figure 10: Investigation report page with event ATT CK mapping

The report also includes additional indicators of compromise (Figure 11). You can find these if you select the Indicators tab next to Overview. Within this tab, you can find the indicators identified during the scope time, and if you select one indicator, details for that indicator will appear on the right. In the example in Figure 11, the IAM role made API calls with a user agent that wasn’t used by this IAM role or other IAM principals in this account, and indicators like this one show sudden behavior change of your IAM principal. You should review them and identify the ones that aren’t expected. To learn more about indicators of compromise in Detective Investigation, see the Amazon Detective User Guide.

Figure 11: Indicators of compromise identified during scope time

Figure 11: Indicators of compromise identified during scope time

At this point, you’ve analyzed the new and unusual behaviors the IAM role made and learned that the IAM role made API calls using new user agents and from new ASOs. In addition, you went through the API calls that were mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. Among the TTPs, there were three API calls that are classified as lateral movements. These should attract attention for the following reasons: first, the purpose of these API calls is to gain access to the EC2 instance involved; and second, ec2-instance-connect:SendSSHPublicKey was run successfully.

Based on the procedure description in the report, this API would grant threat actors temporary SSH access to the target EC2 instance. To gather original evidence, examine the raw logs stored in Security Lake. Security Lake is a fully managed security data lake service that automatically centralizes security data from AWS environments, SaaS providers, on-premises sources, and other sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account.

Retrieve raw logs

You can use Security Lake integration to retrieve raw logs from your Security Lake tables within the Detective console as original evidence. If you haven’t enabled the integration yet, you can follow the Integration with Amazon Security Lake guide to enable it. In the context of the example investigation earlier, these logs include details of which EC2 instance was associated with the ec2-instance-connect:SendSSHPublicKey API call. Within the AWS role profile page investigated earlier, if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will find the Overall API call volume panel (Figure 12). You can search for the specific API call using the Service and API method filters. Next, choose the magnifier icon, which will initiate a Security Lake query to retrieve the raw logs of the specific CloudTrail event.

Figure 12: Finding the CloudTrail record for a specific API call held in Security Lake

Figure 12: Finding the CloudTrail record for a specific API call held in Security Lake

You can identify the target EC2 instance the API was issued against from the query results (Figure 13). To determine whether threat actors actually made an SSH connection to the target EC2 instance as a result of the API call, you should examine the EC2 instance’s profile page:

Figure 13: Reviewing a CloudTrail log record from Security Lake

Figure 13: Reviewing a CloudTrail log record from Security Lake

From the profile page of the EC2 instance in the Detective console, you can go to the Overall VPC flow volume panel and filter the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) flow logs using the attributes related to the threat actor identified as having made the SSH API call. In Figure 14, you can see the IP address that tried to connect to 22/tcp, which is the SSH port of the target instance. It’s common for threat actors to change their IP address in an attempt to evade detection, and you can remove the IP address filter to see inbound connections to port 22/tcp of your EC2 instance.

Figure 14: Examining SSH connections to the target instance in the Detective profile page

Figure 14: Examining SSH connections to the target instance in the Detective profile page

Iterate the investigation

At this point, you’ve made progress with the help of Detective Investigations and Security Lake integration. You started with a GuardDuty finding, and you got to the point where you were able to identify some of the intent of the threat actors and uncover the specific EC2 instance they were targeting. Your investigation shouldn’t stop here because you’ve successfully identified the EC2 instance, which is the next target to investigate.

You can reuse this whole workflow by starting with the EC2 instance’s New behavior panel, run Detective Investigations on the IAM role attached to the EC2 instance and other IAM principals you think are worth taking a closer look at, then use the Security Lake integration to gather raw logs of the APIs made by the EC2 instance to identify the specific actions taken and their potential consequences.


In this post, you’ve seen how you can use the Amazon Detective Investigation feature to investigate IAM user and role activity and use the Security Lake integration to determine the specific EC2 instances a threat actor appeared to be targeting.

The Detective Investigation feature is automatically enabled for both existing and new customers in AWS Regions that support Detective where Detective has been activated. The Security Lake integration feature can be enabled in your Detective console. If you don’t currently use Detective, you can start a free 30-day trial. For more information on Detective Investigation and Security Lake integration, see Investigating IAM resources using Detective investigations and Security Lake integration.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Yue Zhu

Yue Zhu

Yue is a security engineer at AWS. Before AWS, he worked as a security engineer focused on threat detection, incident response, vulnerability management, and security tooling development. Outside of work, Yue enjoys reading, cooking, and cycling.

Detecting and remediating inactive user accounts with Amazon Cognito

Post Syndicated from Harun Abdi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/detecting-and-remediating-inactive-user-accounts-with-amazon-cognito/

For businesses, particularly those in highly regulated industries, managing user accounts isn’t just a matter of security but also a compliance necessity. In sectors such as finance, healthcare, and government, where regulations often mandate strict control over user access, disabling stale user accounts is a key compliance activity. In this post, we show you a solution that uses serverless technologies to track and disable inactive user accounts. While this process is particularly relevant for those in regulated industries, it can also be beneficial for other organizations looking to maintain a clean and secure user base.

The solution focuses on identifying inactive user accounts in Amazon Cognito and automatically disabling them. Disabling a user account in Cognito effectively restricts the user’s access to applications and services linked with the Amazon Cognito user pool. After their account is disabled, the user cannot sign in, access tokens are revoked for their account and they are unable to perform API operations that require user authentication. However, the user’s data and profile within the Cognito user pool remain intact. If necessary, the account can be re-enabled, allowing the user to regain access and functionality.

While the solution focuses on the example of a single Amazon Cognito user pool in a single account, you also learn considerations for multi-user pool and multi-account strategies.

Solution overview

In this section, you learn how to configure an AWS Lambda function that captures the latest sign-in records of users authenticated by Amazon Cognito and write this data to an Amazon DynamoDB table. A time-to-live (TTL) indicator is set on each of these records based on the user inactivity threshold parameter defined when deploying the solution. This TTL represents the maximum period a user can go without signing in before their account is disabled. As these items reach their TTL expiry in DynamoDB, a second Lambda function is invoked to process the expired items and disable the corresponding user accounts in Cognito. For example, if the user inactivity threshold is configured to be 7 days, the accounts of users who don’t sign in within 7 days of their last sign-in will be disabled. Figure 1 shows an overview of the process.

Note: This solution functions as a background process and doesn’t disable user accounts in real time. This is because DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) is designed for efficiency and to remain within the constraints of the Amazon Cognito quotas. Set your users’ and administrators’ expectations accordingly, acknowledging that there might be a delay in the reflection of changes and updates.

Figure 1: Architecture diagram for tracking user activity and disabling inactive Amazon Cognito users

Figure 1: Architecture diagram for tracking user activity and disabling inactive Amazon Cognito users

As shown in Figure 1, this process involves the following steps:

  1. An application user signs in by authenticating to Amazon Cognito.
  2. Upon successful user authentication, Cognito initiates a post authentication Lambda trigger invoking the PostAuthProcessorLambda function.
  3. The PostAuthProcessorLambda function puts an item in the LatestPostAuthRecordsDDB DynamoDB table with the following attributes:
    1. sub: A unique identifier for the authenticated user within the Amazon Cognito user pool.
    2. timestamp: The time of the user’s latest sign-in, formatted in UTC ISO standard.
    3. username: The authenticated user’s Cognito username.
    4. userpool_id: The identifier of the user pool to which the user authenticated.
    5. ttl: The TTL value, in seconds, after which a user’s inactivity will initiate account deactivation.
  4. Items in the LatestPostAuthRecordsDDB DynamoDB table are automatically purged upon reaching their TTL expiry, launching events in DynamoDB Streams.
  5. DynamoDB Streams events are filtered to allow invocation of the DDBStreamProcessorLambda function only for TTL deleted items.
  6. The DDBStreamProcessorLambda function runs to disable the corresponding user accounts in Cognito.

Implementation details

In this section, you’re guided through deploying the solution, demonstrating how to integrate it with your existing Amazon Cognito user pool and exploring the solution in more detail.

Note: This solution begins tracking user activity from the moment of its deployment. It can’t retroactively track or manage user activities that occurred prior to its implementation. To make sure the solution disables currently inactive users in the first TTL period after deploying the solution, you should do a one-time preload of those users into the DynamoDB table. If this isn’t done, the currently inactive users won’t be detected because users are detected as they sign in. For the same reason, users who create accounts but never sign in won’t be detected either. To detect user accounts that sign up but never sign in, implement a post confirmation Lambda trigger to invoke a Lambda function that processes user sign-up records and writes them to the DynamoDB table.


Before deploying this solution, you must have the following prerequisites in place:

  • An existing Amazon Cognito user pool. This user pool is the foundation upon which the solution operates. If you don’t have a Cognito user pool set up, you must create one before proceeding. See Creating a user pool.
  • The ability to launch a CloudFormation template. The second prerequisite is the capability to launch an AWS CloudFormation template in your AWS environment. The template provisions the necessary AWS services, including Lambda functions, a DynamoDB table, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that are integral to the solution. The template simplifies the deployment process, allowing you to set up the entire solution with minimal manual configuration. You must have the necessary permissions in your AWS account to launch CloudFormation stacks and provision these services.

To deploy the solution

  1. Choose the following Launch Stack button to deploy the solution’s CloudFormation template:

    Launch Stack

    The solution deploys in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1) by default. To deploy the solution in a different Region, use the Region selector in the console navigation bar and make sure that the services required for this walkthrough are supported in your newly selected Region. For service availability by Region, see AWS Services by Region.

  2. On the Quick Create Stack screen, do the following:
    1. Specify the stack details.
      1. Stack name: The stack name is an identifier that helps you find a particular stack from a list of stacks. A stack name can contain only alphanumeric characters (case sensitive) and hyphens. It must start with an alphabetic character and can’t be longer than 128 characters.
      2. CognitoUserPoolARNs: A comma-separated list of Amazon Cognito user pool Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to monitor for inactive users.
      3. UserInactiveThresholdDays: Time (in days) that the user account is allowed to be inactive before it’s disabled.
    2. Scroll to the bottom, and in the Capabilities section, select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
    3. Choose Create Stack.

Integrate with your existing user pool

With the CloudFormation template deployed, you can set up Lambda triggers in your existing user pool. This is a key step for tracking user activity.

Note: This walkthrough is using the new AWS Management Console experience. Alternatively, These steps could also be done using CloudFormation.

To integrate with your existing user pool

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Cognito console and select your user pool.
  2. Navigate to User pool properties.
  3. Under Lambda triggers, choose Add Lambda trigger. Select the Authentication radio button, then add a Post authentication trigger and assign the PostAuthProcessorLambda function.

Note: Amazon Cognito allows you to set up one Lambda trigger per event. If you already have a configured post authentication Lambda trigger, you can refactor the existing Lambda function, adding new features directly to minimize the cold starts associated with invoking additional functions (for more information, see Anti-patterns in Lambda-based applications). Keep in mind that when Cognito calls your Lambda function, the function must respond within 5 seconds. If it doesn’t and if the call can be retried, Cognito retries the call. After three unsuccessful attempts, the function times out. You can’t change this 5-second timeout value.

Figure 2: Add a post-authentication Lambda trigger and assign a Lambda function

Figure 2: Add a post-authentication Lambda trigger and assign a Lambda function

When you add a Lambda trigger in the Amazon Cognito console, Cognito adds a resource-based policy to your function that permits your user pool to invoke the function. When you create a Lambda trigger outside of the Cognito console, including a cross-account function, you must add permissions to the resource-based policy of the Lambda function. Your added permissions must allow Cognito to invoke the function on behalf of your user pool. You can add permissions from the Lambda console or use the Lambda AddPermission API operation. To configure this in CloudFormation, you can use the AWS::Lambda::Permission resource.

Explore the solution

The solution should now be operational. It’s configured to begin monitoring user sign-in activities and automatically disable inactive user accounts according to the user inactivity threshold. Use the following procedures to test the solution:

Note: When testing the solution, you can set the UserInactiveThresholdDays CloudFormation parameter to 0. This minimizes the time it takes for user accounts to be disabled.

Step 1: User authentication

  1. Create a user account (if one doesn’t exist) in the Amazon Cognito user pool integrated with the solution.
  2. Authenticate to the Cognito user pool integrated with the solution.
    Figure 3: Example user signing in to the Amazon Cognito hosted UI

    Figure 3: Example user signing in to the Amazon Cognito hosted UI

Step 2: Verify the sign-in record in DynamoDB

Confirm the sign-in record was successfully put in the LatestPostAuthRecordsDDB DynamoDB table.

  1. Navigate to the DynamoDB console.
  2. Select the LatestPostAuthRecordsDDB table.
  3. Select Explore Table Items.
  4. Locate the sign-in record associated with your user.
Figure 4: Locating the sign-in record associated with the signed-in user

Figure 4: Locating the sign-in record associated with the signed-in user

Step 3: Confirm user deactivation in Amazon Cognito

After the TTL expires, validate that the user account is disabled in Amazon Cognito.

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Cognito console.
  2. Select the relevant Cognito user pool.
  3. Under Users, select the specific user.
  4. Verify the Account status in the User information section.
Figure 5: Screenshot of the user that signed in with their account status set to disabled

Figure 5: Screenshot of the user that signed in with their account status set to disabled

Note: TTL typically deletes expired items within a few days. Depending on the size and activity level of a table, the actual delete operation of an expired item can vary. TTL deletes items on a best effort basis, and deletion might take longer in some cases.

The user’s account is now disabled. A disabled user account can’t be used to sign in, but still appears in the responses to GetUser and ListUsers API requests.

Design considerations

In this section, you dive deeper into the key components of this solution.

DynamoDB schema configuration:

The DynamoDB schema has the Amazon Cognito sub attribute as the partition key. The Cognito sub is a globally unique user identifier within Cognito user pools that cannot be changed. This configuration ensures each user has a single entry in the table, even if the solution is configured to track multiple user pools. See Other considerations for more about tracking multiple user pools.

Using DynamoDB Streams and Lambda to disable TTL deleted users

This solution uses DynamoDB TTL and DynamoDB Streams alongside Lambda to process user sign-in records. The TTL feature automatically deletes items past their expiration time without write throughput consumption. The deleted items are captured by DynamoDB Streams and processed using Lambda. You also apply event filtering within the Lambda event source mapping, ensuring that the DDBStreamProcessorLambda function is invoked exclusively for TTL-deleted items (see the following code example for the JSON filter pattern). This approach reduces invocations of the Lambda functions, simplifies code, and reduces overall cost.

    "Filters": [
            "Pattern": { "userIdentity": { "type": ["Service"], "principalId": ["dynamodb.amazonaws.com"] } }

Handling API quotas:

The DDBStreamProcessorLambda function is configured to comply with the AdminDisableUser API’s quota limits. It processes messages in batches of 25, with a parallelization factor of 1. This makes sure that the solution remains within the nonadjustable 25 requests per second (RPS) limit for AdminDisableUser, avoiding potential API throttling. For more details on these limits, see Quotas in Amazon Cognito.

Dead-letter queues:

Throughout the architecture, dead-letter queues (DLQs) are used to handle message processing failures gracefully. They make sure that unprocessed records aren’t lost but instead are queued for further inspection and retry.

Other considerations

The following considerations are important for scaling the solution in complex environments and maintaining its integrity. The ability to scale and manage the increased complexity is crucial for successful adoption of the solution.

Multi-user pool and multi-account deployment

While this solution discussed a single Amazon Cognito user pool in a single AWS account, this solution can also function in environments with multiple user pools. This involves deploying the solution and integrating with each user pool as described in Integrating with your existing user pool. Because of the AdminDisableUser API’s quota limit for the maximum volume of requests in one AWS Region in one AWS account, consider deploying the solution separately in each Region in each AWS account to stay within the API limits.

Efficient processing with Amazon SQS:

Consider using Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) to add a queue between the PostAuthProcessorLambda function and the LatestPostAuthRecordsDDB DynamoDB table to optimize processing. This approach decouples user sign-in actions from DynamoDB writes, and allows for batching writes to DynamoDB, reducing the number of write requests.

Clean up

Avoid unwanted charges by cleaning up the resources you’ve created. To decommission the solution, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the Lambda trigger from the Amazon Cognito user pool:
    1. Navigate to the Amazon Cognito console.
    2. Select the user pool you have been working with.
    3. Go to the Triggers section within the user pool settings.
    4. Manually remove the association of the Lambda function with the user pool events.
  2. Remove the CloudFormation stack:
    1. Open the CloudFormation console.
    2. Locate and select the CloudFormation stack that was used to deploy the solution.
    3. Delete the stack.
    4. CloudFormation will automatically remove the resources created by this stack, including Lambda functions, Amazon SQS queues, and DynamoDB tables.


In this post, we walked you through a solution to identify and disable stale user accounts based on periods of inactivity. While the example focuses on a single Amazon Cognito user pool, the approach can be adapted for more complex environments with multiple user pools across multiple accounts. For examples of Amazon Cognito architectures, see the AWS Architecture Blog.

Proper planning is essential for seamless integration with your existing infrastructure. Carefully consider factors such as your security environment, compliance needs, and user pool configurations. You can modify this solution to suit your specific use case.

Maintaining clean and active user pools is an ongoing journey. Continue monitoring your systems, optimizing configurations, and keeping up-to-date on new features. Combined with well-architected preventive measures, automated user management systems provide strong defenses for your applications and data.

For further reading, see the AWS Well-Architected Security Pillar and more posts like this one on the AWS Security Blog.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon Cognito re:Post forum or contact AWS Support.

Harun Abdi

Harun Abdi

Harun is a Startup Solutions Architect based in Toronto, Canada. Harun loves working with customers across different sectors, supporting them to architect reliable and scalable solutions. In his spare time, he enjoys playing soccer and spending time with friends and family.

Dylan Souvage

Dylan Souvage

Dylan is a Partner Solutions Architect based in Austin, Texas. Dylan loves working with customers to understand their business needs and enable them in their cloud journey. In his spare time, he enjoys going out in nature and going on long road trips.

How to use Regional AWS STS endpoints

Post Syndicated from Darius Januskis original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-use-regional-aws-sts-endpoints/

This blog post provides recommendations that you can use to help improve resiliency in the unlikely event of disrupted availability of the global (now legacy) AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) endpoint. Although the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint https://sts.amazonaws.com is highly available, it’s hosted in a single AWS Region—US East (N. Virginia)—and like other endpoints, it doesn’t provide automatic failover to endpoints in other Regions. In this post I will show you how to use Regional AWS STS endpoints in your configurations to improve the performance and resiliency of your workloads.

For authentication, it’s best to use temporary credentials instead of long-term credentials to help reduce risks, such as inadvertent disclosure, sharing, or theft of credentials. With AWS STS, trusted users can request temporary, limited-privilege credentials to access AWS resources.

Temporary credentials include an access key pair and a session token. The access key pair consists of an access key ID and a secret key. AWS STS generates temporary security credentials dynamically and provides them to the user when requested, which eliminates the need for long-term storage. Temporary security credentials have a limited lifetime so you don’t have to manage or rotate them.

To get these credentials, you can use several different methods:

Figure 1: Methods to request credentials from AWS STS

Figure 1: Methods to request credentials from AWS STS

Global (legacy) and Regional AWS STS endpoints

To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. An endpoint is the URL of the entry point for AWS STS.

AWS STS provides Regional endpoints in every Region. AWS initially built AWS STS with a global endpoint (now legacy) https://sts.amazonaws.com, which is hosted in the US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1). Regional AWS STS endpoints are activated by default for Regions that are enabled by default in your AWS account. For example, https://sts.us-east-2.amazonaws.com is the US East (Ohio) Regional endpoint. By default, AWS services use Regional AWS STS endpoints. For example, IAM Roles Anywhere uses the Regional STS endpoint that corresponds to the trust anchor. For a complete list of AWS STS endpoints for each Region, see AWS Security Token Service endpoints and quotas. You can’t activate an AWS STS endpoint in a Region that is disabled. For more information on which AWS STS endpoints are activated by default and which endpoints you can activate or deactivate, see Regions and endpoints.

As noted previously, the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint https://sts.amazonaws.com is hosted in a single Region — US East (N. Virginia) — and like other endpoints, it doesn’t provide automatic failover to endpoints in other Regions. If your workloads on AWS or outside of AWS are configured to use the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint https://sts.amazonaws.com, you introduce a dependency on a single Region: US East (N. Virginia). In the unlikely event that the endpoint becomes unavailable in that Region or connectivity between your resources and that Region is lost, your workloads won’t be able to use AWS STS to retrieve temporary credentials, which poses an availability risk to your workloads.

AWS recommends that you use Regional AWS STS endpoints (https://sts.<region-name>.amazonaws.com) instead of the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint.

In addition to improved resiliency, Regional endpoints have other benefits:

  • Isolation and containment — By making requests to an AWS STS endpoint in the same Region as your workloads, you can minimize cross-Region dependencies and align the scope of your resources with the scope of your temporary security credentials to help address availability and security concerns. For example, if your workloads are running in the US East (Ohio) Region, you can target the Regional AWS STS endpoint in the US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2) to remove dependencies on other Regions.
  • Performance — By making your AWS STS requests to an endpoint that is closer to your services and applications, you can access AWS STS with lower latency and shorter response times.

Figure 2 illustrates the process for using an AWS principal to assume an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role through the AWS STS AssumeRole API, which returns a set of temporary security credentials:

Figure 2: Assume an IAM role by using an API call to a Regional AWS STS endpoint

Figure 2: Assume an IAM role by using an API call to a Regional AWS STS endpoint

Calls to AWS STS within the same Region

You should configure your workloads within a specific Region to use only the Regional AWS STS endpoint for that Region. By using a Regional endpoint, you can use AWS STS in the same Region as your workloads, removing cross-Region dependency. For example, workloads in the US East (Ohio) Region should use only the Regional endpoint https://sts.us-east-2.amazonaws.com to call AWS STS. If a Regional AWS STS endpoint becomes unreachable, your workloads shouldn’t call AWS STS endpoints outside of the operating Region. If your workload has a multi-Region resiliency requirement, your other active or standby Region should use a Regional AWS STS endpoint for that Region and should be deployed such that the application can function despite a Regional failure. You should direct STS traffic to the STS endpoint within the same Region, isolated and independent from other Regions, and remove dependencies on the global (legacy) endpoint.

Calls to AWS STS from outside AWS

You should configure your workloads outside of AWS to call the appropriate Regional AWS STS endpoints that offer the lowest latency to your workload located outside of AWS. If your workload has a multi-Region resiliency requirement, build failover logic for AWS STS calls to other Regions in the event that Regional AWS STS endpoints become unreachable. Temporary security credentials obtained from Regional AWS STS endpoints are valid globally for the default session duration or duration that you specify.

How to configure Regional AWS STS endpoints for your tools and SDKs

I recommend that you use the latest major versions of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) or AWS SDK to call AWS STS APIs.


By default, the AWS CLI version 2 sends AWS STS API requests to the Regional AWS STS endpoint for the currently configured Region. If you are using AWS CLI v2, you don’t need to make additional changes.

By default, the AWS CLI v1 sends AWS STS requests to the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint. To check the version of the AWS CLI that you are using, run the following command: $ aws –version.

When you run AWS CLI commands, the AWS CLI looks for credential configuration in a specific order—first in shell environment variables and then in the local AWS configuration file (~/.aws/config).


AWS SDKs are available for a variety of programming languages and environments. Since July 2022, major new versions of the AWS SDK default to Regional AWS STS endpoints and use the endpoint corresponding to the currently configured Region. If you use a major version of the AWS SDK that was released after July 2022, you don’t need to make additional changes.

An AWS SDK looks at various configuration locations until it finds credential configuration values. For example, the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) adheres to the following lookup order when it searches through sources for configuration values:

  1. A configuration object created and passed as the AWS configuration parameter when creating a client
  2. Environment variables
  3. The AWS configuration file ~/.aws/config

If you still use AWS CLI v1, or your AWS SDK version doesn’t default to a Regional AWS STS endpoint, you have the following options to set the Regional AWS STS endpoint:

Option 1 — Use a shared AWS configuration file setting

The configuration file is located at ~/.aws/config on Linux or macOS, and at C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\config on Windows. To use the Regional endpoint, add the sts_regional_endpoints parameter.

The following example shows how you can set the value for the Regional AWS STS endpoint in the US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2), by using the default profile in the AWS configuration file:

region = us-east-2
sts_regional_endpoints = regional

The valid values for the AWS STS endpoint parameter (sts_regional_endpoints) are:

  • legacy (default) — Uses the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint, sts.amazonaws.com.
  • regional — Uses the AWS STS endpoint for the currently configured Region.

Note: Since July 2022, major new versions of the AWS SDK default to Regional AWS STS endpoints and use the endpoint corresponding to the currently configured Region. If you are using AWS CLI v1, you must use version 1.16.266 or later to use the AWS STS endpoint parameter.

You can use the --debug option with the AWS CLI command to receive the debug log and validate which AWS STS endpoint was used.

$ aws sts get-caller-identity \
$ --region us-east-2 \
$ --debug

If you search for UseGlobalEndpoint in your debug log, you’ll find that the UseGlobalEndpoint parameter is set to False, and you’ll see the Regional endpoint provider fully qualified domain name (FQDN) when the Regional AWS STS endpoint is configured in a shared AWS configuration file or environment variables:

2023-09-11 18:51:11,300 – MainThread – botocore.regions – DEBUG – Calling endpoint provider with parameters: {'Region': 'us-east-2', 'UseDualStack': False, 'UseFIPS': False, 'UseGlobalEndpoint': False}
2023-09-11 18:51:11,300 – MainThread – botocore.regions – DEBUG – Endpoint provider result: https://sts.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

For a list of AWS SDKs that support shared AWS configuration file settings for Regional AWS STS endpoints, see Compatibility with AWS SDKS.

Option 2 — Use environment variables

Environment variables provide another way to specify configuration options. They are global and affect calls to AWS services. Most SDKs support environment variables. When you set the environment variable, the SDK uses that value until the end of your shell session or until you set the variable to a different value. To make the variables persist across future sessions, set them in your shell’s startup script.

The following example shows how you can set the value for the Regional AWS STS endpoint in the US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2) by using environment variables:

Linux or macOS

$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-2

You can run the command $ (echo $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION; echo $AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS) to validate the variables. The output should look similar to the following:



C:\> set AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-2

The following example shows how you can configure an STS client with the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to use a Regional AWS STS endpoint by setting the environment variable:

import boto3
import os
os.environ["AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"] = "us-east-2"
os.environ["AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS"] = "regional"

You can use the metadata attribute sts_client.meta.endpoint_url to inspect and validate how an STS client is configured. The output should look similar to the following:

>>> sts_client = boto3.client("sts")
>>> sts_client.meta.endpoint_url

For a list of AWS SDKs that support environment variable settings for Regional AWS STS endpoints, see Compatibility with AWS SDKs.

Option 3 — Construct an endpoint URL

You can also manually construct an endpoint URL for a specific Regional AWS STS endpoint.

The following example shows how you can configure the STS client with AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to use a Regional AWS STS endpoint by setting a specific endpoint URL:

import boto3
sts_client = boto3.client('sts', region_name='us-east-2', endpoint_url='https://sts.us-east-2.amazonaws.com')

Use a VPC endpoint with AWS STS

You can create a private connection to AWS STS from the resources that you deployed in your Amazon VPCs. AWS STS integrates with AWS PrivateLink by using interface VPC endpoints. The network traffic on AWS PrivateLink stays on the global AWS network backbone and doesn’t traverse the public internet. When you configure a VPC endpoint for AWS STS, the traffic for the Regional AWS STS endpoint traverses to that endpoint.

By default, the DNS in your VPC will update the entry for the Regional AWS STS endpoint to resolve to the private IP address of the VPC endpoint for AWS STS in your VPC. The following output from an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance shows the DNS name for the AWS STS endpoint resolving to the private IP address of the VPC endpoint for AWS STS:

[ec2-user@ip-10-120-136-166 ~]$ nslookup sts.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:   sts.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

After you create an interface VPC endpoint for AWS STS in your Region, set the value for the respective Regional AWS STS endpoint by using environment variables to access AWS STS in the same Region.

The output of the following log shows that an AWS STS call was made to the Regional AWS STS endpoint:


content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8

Log AWS STS requests

You can use AWS CloudTrail events to get information about the request and endpoint that was used for AWS STS. This information can help you identify AWS STS request patterns and validate if you are still using the global (legacy) STS endpoint.

An event in CloudTrail is the record of an activity in an AWS account. CloudTrail events provide a history of both API and non-API account activity made through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command line tools, and other AWS services.

Log locations

  • Requests to Regional AWS STS endpoints sts.<region-name>.amazonaws.com are logged in CloudTrail within their respective Region.
  • Requests to the global (legacy) STS endpoint sts.amazonaws.com are logged within the US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1).

Log fields

  • Requests to Regional AWS STS endpoints and global endpoint are logged in the tlsDetails field in CloudTrail. You can use this field to determine if the request was made to a Regional or global (legacy) endpoint.
  • Requests made from a VPC endpoint are logged in the vpcEndpointId field in CloudTrail.

The following example shows a CloudTrail event for an STS request to a Regional AWS STS endpoint with a VPC endpoint.

"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"managementEvent": true,
"recipientAccountId": "123456789012",
"vpcEndpointId": "vpce-021345abcdef6789",
"eventCategory": "Management",
"tlsDetails": {
    "tlsVersion": "TLSv1.2",
    "cipherSuite": "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256",
    "clientProvidedHostHeader": "sts.us-east-2.amazonaws.com"

The following example shows a CloudTrail event for an STS request to the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint.

"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"managementEvent": true,
"recipientAccountId": "123456789012",
"eventCategory": "Management",
"tlsDetails": {
    "tlsVersion": "TLSv1.2",
    "cipherSuite": "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256",
    "clientProvidedHostHeader": "sts.amazonaws.com"

To interactively search and analyze your AWS STS log data, use AWS CloudWatch Logs Insights or Amazon Athena.

CloudWatch Logs Insights

The following example shows how to run a CloudWatch Logs Insights query to look for API calls made to the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint. Before you can query CloudTrail events, you must configure a CloudTrail trail to send events to CloudWatch Logs.

filter eventSource="sts.amazonaws.com" and tlsDetails.clientProvidedHostHeader="sts.amazonaws.com"
| fields eventTime, recipientAccountId, eventName, tlsDetails.clientProvidedHostHeader, sourceIPAddress, userIdentity.arn, @message
| sort eventTime desc

The query output shows event details for an AWS STS call made to the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint https://sts.amazonaws.com.

Figure 3: Use a CloudWatch Log Insights query to look for STS API calls

Figure 3: Use a CloudWatch Log Insights query to look for STS API calls

Amazon Athena

The following example shows how to query CloudTrail events with Amazon Athena and search for API calls made to the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint.

FROM "cloudtrail_logs"
    eventsource = 'sts.amazonaws.com' AND
    tlsdetails.clientProvidedHostHeader = 'sts.amazonaws.com'
ORDER BY eventtime DESC

The query output shows STS calls made to the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint https://sts.amazonaws.com.

Figure 4: Use Athena to search for STS API calls and identify STS endpoints

Figure 4: Use Athena to search for STS API calls and identify STS endpoints


In this post, you learned how to use Regional AWS STS endpoints to help improve resiliency, reduce latency, and increase session token usage for the operating Regions in your AWS environment.

AWS recommends that you check the configuration and usage of AWS STS endpoints in your environment, validate AWS STS activity in your CloudTrail logs, and confirm that Regional AWS STS endpoints are used.

If you have questions, post them in the Security Identity and Compliance re:Post topic or reach out to AWS Support.

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Darius Januskis

Darius is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS helping global financial services customers in their journey to the cloud. He is a passionate technology enthusiast who enjoys working with customers and helping them build well-architected solutions. His core interests include security, DevOps, automation, and serverless technologies.

Best practices for managing Terraform State files in AWS CI/CD Pipeline

Post Syndicated from Arun Kumar Selvaraj original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/best-practices-for-managing-terraform-state-files-in-aws-ci-cd-pipeline/


Today customers want to reduce manual operations for deploying and maintaining their infrastructure. The recommended method to deploy and manage infrastructure on AWS is to follow Infrastructure-As-Code (IaC) model using tools like AWS CloudFormation, AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) or Terraform.

One of the critical components in terraform is managing the state file which keeps track of your configuration and resources. When you run terraform in an AWS CI/CD pipeline the state file has to be stored in a secured, common path to which the pipeline has access to. You need a mechanism to lock it when multiple developers in the team want to access it at the same time.

In this blog post, we will explain how to manage terraform state files in AWS, best practices on configuring them in AWS and an example of how you can manage it efficiently in your Continuous Integration pipeline in AWS when used with AWS Developer Tools such as AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild. This blog post assumes you have a basic knowledge of terraform, AWS Developer Tools and AWS CI/CD pipeline. Let’s dive in!

Challenges with handling state files

By default, the state file is stored locally where terraform runs, which is not a problem if you are a single developer working on the deployment. However if not, it is not ideal to store state files locally as you may run into following problems:

  • When working in teams or collaborative environments, multiple people need access to the state file
  • Data in the state file is stored in plain text which may contain secrets or sensitive information
  • Local files can get lost, corrupted, or deleted

Best practices for handling state files

The recommended practice for managing state files is to use terraform’s built-in support for remote backends. These are:

Remote backend on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3): You can configure terraform to store state files in an Amazon S3 bucket which provides a durable and scalable storage solution. Storing on Amazon S3 also enables collaboration that allows you to share state file with others.

Remote backend on Amazon S3 with Amazon DynamoDB: In addition to using an Amazon S3 bucket for managing the files, you can use an Amazon DynamoDB table to lock the state file. This will allow only one person to modify a particular state file at any given time. It will help to avoid conflicts and enable safe concurrent access to the state file.

There are other options available as well such as remote backend on terraform cloud and third party backends. Ultimately, the best method for managing terraform state files on AWS will depend on your specific requirements.

When deploying terraform on AWS, the preferred choice of managing state is using Amazon S3 with Amazon DynamoDB.

AWS configurations for managing state files

  1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket using terraform. Implement security measures for Amazon S3 bucket by creating an AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) policy or Amazon S3 Bucket Policy. Thus you can restrict access, configure object versioning for data protection and recovery, and enable AES256 encryption with SSE-KMS for encryption control.
  1. Next create an Amazon DynamoDB table using terraform with Primary key set to LockID. You can also set any additional configuration options such as read/write capacity units. Once the table is created, you will configure the terraform backend to use it for state locking by specifying the table name in the terraform block of your configuration.
  1. For a single AWS account with multiple environments and projects, you can use a single Amazon S3 bucket. If you have multiple applications in multiple environments across multiple AWS accounts, you can create one Amazon S3 bucket for each account. In that Amazon S3 bucket, you can create appropriate folders for each environment, storing project state files with specific prefixes.

Now that you know how to handle terraform state files on AWS, let’s look at an example of how you can configure them in a Continuous Integration pipeline in AWS.


Architecture on how to use terraform in an AWS CI pipeline

Figure 1: Example architecture on how to use terraform in an AWS CI pipeline

This diagram outlines the workflow implemented in this blog:

  1. The AWS CodeCommit repository contains the application code
  2. The AWS CodeBuild job contains the buildspec files and references the source code in AWS CodeCommit
  3. The AWS Lambda function contains the application code created after running terraform apply
  4. Amazon S3 contains the state file created after running terraform apply. Amazon DynamoDB locks the state file present in Amazon S3



Before you begin, you must complete the following prerequisites:

Setting up the environment

  1. You need an AWS access key ID and secret access key to configure AWS CLI. To learn more about configuring the AWS CLI, follow these instructions.
  2. Clone the repo for complete example: git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/manage-terraform-statefiles-in-aws-pipeline
  3. After cloning, you could see the following folder structure:
AWS CodeCommit repository structure

Figure 2: AWS CodeCommit repository structure

Let’s break down the terraform code into 2 parts – one for preparing the infrastructure and another for preparing the application.

Preparing the Infrastructure

  1. The main.tf file is the core component that does below:
      • It creates an Amazon S3 bucket to store the state file. We configure bucket ACL, bucket versioning and encryption so that the state file is secure.
      • It creates an Amazon DynamoDB table which will be used to lock the state file.
      • It creates two AWS CodeBuild projects, one for ‘terraform plan’ and another for ‘terraform apply’.

    Note – It also has the code block (commented out by default) to create AWS Lambda which you will use at a later stage.

  1. AWS CodeBuild projects should be able to access Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS CodeCommit and AWS Lambda. So, the AWS IAM role with appropriate permissions required to access these resources are created via iam.tf file.
  1. Next you will find two buildspec files named buildspec-plan.yaml and buildspec-apply.yaml that will execute terraform commands – terraform plan and terraform apply respectively.
  1. Modify AWS region in the provider.tf file.
  1. Update Amazon S3 bucket name, Amazon DynamoDB table name, AWS CodeBuild compute types, AWS Lambda role and policy names to required values using variable.tf file. You can also use this file to easily customize parameters for different environments.

With this, the infrastructure setup is complete.

You can use your local terminal and execute below commands in the same order to deploy the above-mentioned resources in your AWS account.

terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply

Once the apply is successful and all the above resources have been successfully deployed in your AWS account, proceed with deploying your application. 

Preparing the Application

  1. In the cloned repository, use the backend.tf file to create your own Amazon S3 backend to store the state file. By default, it will have below values. You can override them with your required values.
bucket = "tfbackend-bucket" 
key    = "terraform.tfstate" 
region = "eu-central-1"
  1. The repository has sample python code stored in main.py that returns a simple message when invoked.
  1. In the main.tf file, you can find the below block of code to create and deploy the Lambda function that uses the main.py code (uncomment these code blocks).
data "archive_file" "lambda_archive_file" {

resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda" {
  1. Now you can deploy the application using AWS CodeBuild instead of running terraform commands locally which is the whole point and advantage of using AWS CodeBuild.
  1. Run the two AWS CodeBuild projects to execute terraform plan and terraform apply again.
  1. Once successful, you can verify your deployment by testing the code in AWS Lambda. To test a lambda function (console):
    • Open AWS Lambda console and select your function “tf-codebuild”
    • In the navigation pane, in Code section, click Test to create a test event
    • Provide your required name, for example “test-lambda”
    • Accept default values and click Save
    • Click Test again to trigger your test event “test-lambda”

It should return the sample message you provided in your main.py file. In the default case, it will display “Hello from AWS Lambda !” message as shown below.

Sample Amazon Lambda function response

Figure 3: Sample Amazon Lambda function response

  1. To verify your state file, go to Amazon S3 console and select the backend bucket created (tfbackend-bucket). It will contain your state file.
Amazon S3 bucket with terraform state file

Figure 4: Amazon S3 bucket with terraform state file

  1. Open Amazon DynamoDB console and check your table tfstate-lock and it will have an entry with LockID.
Amazon DynamoDB table with LockID

Figure 5: Amazon DynamoDB table with LockID

Thus, you have securely stored and locked your terraform state file using terraform backend in a Continuous Integration pipeline.


To delete all the resources created as part of the repository, run the below command from your terminal.

terraform destroy


In this blog post, we explored the fundamentals of terraform state files, discussed best practices for their secure storage within AWS environments and also mechanisms for locking these files to prevent unauthorized team access. And finally, we showed you an example of how efficiently you can manage them in a Continuous Integration pipeline in AWS.

You can apply the same methodology to manage state files in a Continuous Delivery pipeline in AWS. For more information, see CI/CD pipeline on AWS, Terraform backends types, Purpose of terraform state.

Arun Kumar Selvaraj

Arun Kumar Selvaraj is a Cloud Infrastructure Architect with AWS Professional Services. He loves building world class capability that provides thought leadership, operating standards and platform to deliver accelerated migration and development paths for his customers. His interests include Migration, CCoE, IaC, Python, DevOps, Containers and Networking.

Manasi Bhutada

Manasi Bhutada is an ISV Solutions Architect based in the Netherlands. She helps customers design and implement well architected solutions in AWS that address their business problems. She is passionate about data analytics and networking. Beyond work she enjoys experimenting with food, playing pickleball, and diving into fun board games.

How to enforce creation of roles in a specific path: Use IAM role naming in hierarchy models

Post Syndicated from Varun Sharma original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-enforce-creation-of-roles-in-a-specific-path-use-iam-role-naming-in-hierarchy-models/

An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role is an IAM identity that you create in your AWS account that has specific permissions. An IAM role is similar to an IAM user because it’s an AWS identity with permission policies that determine what the identity can and cannot do on AWS. However, as outlined in security best practices in IAM, AWS recommends that you use IAM roles instead of IAM users. An IAM user is uniquely associated with one person, while a role is intended to be assumable by anyone who needs it. An IAM role doesn’t have standard long-term credentials such as a password or access keys associated with it. Instead, when you assume a role, it provides you with temporary security credentials for your role session that are only valid for certain period of time.

This blog post explores the effective implementation of security controls within IAM roles, placing a specific focus on the IAM role’s path feature. By organizing IAM roles hierarchically using paths, you can address key challenges and achieve practical solutions to enhance IAM role management.

Benefits of using IAM paths

A fundamental benefit of using paths is the establishment of a clear and organized organizational structure. By using paths, you can handle diverse use cases while creating a well-defined framework for organizing roles on AWS. This organizational clarity can help you navigate complex IAM setups and establish a cohesive structure that’s aligned with your organizational needs.

Furthermore, by enforcing a specific structure, you can gain precise control over the scope of permissions assigned to roles, helping to reduce the risk of accidental assignment of overly permissive policies. By assisting in preventing inadvertent policy misconfigurations and assisting in coordinating permissions with the planned organizational structure, this proactive solution improves security. This approach is highly effective when you consistently apply established naming conventions to paths, role names, and policies. Enforcing a uniform approach to role naming enhances the standardization and efficiency of IAM role management. This practice fosters smooth collaboration and reduces the risk of naming conflicts.

Path example

In IAM, a role path is a way to organize and group IAM roles within your AWS account. You specify the role path as part of the role’s Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

As an example, imagine that you have a group of IAM roles related to development teams, and you want to organize them under a path. You might structure it like this:

Role name: Dev App1 admin
Role path: /D1/app1/admin/
Full ARN: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/D1/app1/admin/DevApp1admin

Role name: Dev App2 admin
Role path: /D2/app2/admin/
Full ARN: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/D2/app2/admin/DevApp2admin

In this example, the IAM roles DevApp1admin and DevApp2admin are organized under two different development team paths: D1/app1/admin and D2/app2/admin, respectively. The role path provides a way to group roles logically, making it simpler to manage and understand their purpose within the context of your organization.

Solution overview

Figure 1: Sample architecture

Figure 1: Sample architecture

The sample architecture in Figure 1 shows how you can separate and categorize the enterprise roles and development team roles into a hierarchy model by using a path in an IAM role. Using this hierarchy model, you can enable several security controls at the level of the service control policy (SCP), IAM policy, permissions boundary, or the pipeline. I recommend that you avoid incorporating business unit names in paths because they could change over time.

Here is what the IAM role path looks like as an ARN:


In this example, in the resource name, /EnT/iam/adm/ is the role path, and IAMAdmin is the role name.

You can now use the role path as part of a policy, such as the following:


In this example, in the resource name, /EnT/iam/adm/ is the role path, and * indicates any IAM role inside this path.

Walkthrough of examples for preventative controls

Now let’s walk through some example use cases and SCPs for a preventative control that you can use based on the path of an IAM role.

PassRole preventative control example

The following SCP denies passing a role for enterprise roles, except for roles that are part of the IAM admin hierarchy within the overall enterprise hierarchy.

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "DenyEnTPassRole",
			"Effect": "Deny",
			"Action": "iam:PassRole",
			"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/EnT/*",
			"Condition": {
				"ArnNotLike": {
					"aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/EnT/fed/iam/*"

With just a couple of statements in the SCP, this preventative control helps provide protection to your high-privilege roles for enterprise roles, regardless of the role’s name or current status.

This example uses the following paths:

  • /EnT/ — enterprise roles (roles owned by the central teams, such as cloud center of excellence, central security, and networking teams)
  • /fed/ — federated roles, which have interactive access
  • /iam/ — roles that are allowed to perform IAM actions, such as CreateRole, AttachPolicy, or DeleteRole

IAM actions preventative control example

The following SCP restricts IAM actions, including CreateRole, DeleteRole, AttachRolePolicy, and DetachRolePolicy, on the enterprise path.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "DenyIAMActionsonEnTRoles",
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/EnT/*",
            "Condition": {
                "ArnNotLike": {
                    "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/EnT/fed/iam/*"

This preventative control denies an IAM role that is outside of the enterprise hierarchy from performing the actions CreateRole, DeleteRole, DetachRolePolicy, and AttachRolePolicy in this hierarchy. Every IAM role will be denied those API actions except the one with the path as arn:aws:iam::*:role/EnT/fed/iam/*

The example uses the following paths:

  • /EnT/ — enterprise roles (roles owned by the central teams, such as cloud center of excellence, central security, or network automation teams)
  • /fed/ — federated roles, which have interactive access
  • /iam/ — roles that are allowed to perform IAM actions (in this case, CreateRole, DeteleRole, DetachRolePolicy, and AttachRolePolicy)

IAM policies preventative control example

The following SCP policy denies attaching certain high-privilege AWS managed policies such as AdministratorAccess outside of certain IAM admin roles. This is especially important in an environment where business units have self-service capabilities.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "RolePolicyAttachment",
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Action": "iam:AttachRolePolicy",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/EnT/fed/iam/*",
            "Condition": {
                "ArnNotLike": {
                    "iam:PolicyARN": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"

AssumeRole preventative control example

The following SCP doesn’t allow non-production roles to assume a role in production accounts. Make sure to replace <Your production OU ID> and <your org ID> with your own information.

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "DenyAssumeRole",
			"Effect": "Deny",
			"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
			"Resource": "*",
			"Condition": {
				"StringLike": {
					"aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/np/*"
				"ForAnyValue:StringLike": {
					"aws:ResourceOrgPaths": "<your org ID>/r-xxxx/<Your production OU ID>/*"

This example uses the /np/ path, which specifies non-production roles. The SCP denies non-production IAM roles from assuming a role in the production organizational unit (OU) (in our example, this is represented by <your org ID>/r-xxxx/<Your production OU ID>/*”). Depending on the structure of your organization, the ResourceOrgPaths will have one of the following formats:

  • “o-a1b2c3d4e5/*”
  • “o-a1b2c3d4e5/r-ab12/ou-ab12-11111111/*”
  • “o-a1b2c3d4e5/r-ab12/ou-ab12-11111111/ou-ab12-22222222/”

Walkthrough of examples for monitoring IAM roles (detective control)

Now let’s walk through two examples of detective controls.

AssumeRole in CloudTrail Lake

The following is an example of a detective control to monitor IAM roles in AWS CloudTrail Lake.

    userIdentity.arn as "Username", eventTime, eventSource, eventName, sourceIPAddress, errorCode, errorMessage
    <Event data store ID>
    userIdentity.arn IS NOT NULL
    AND eventName = 'AssumeRole'
    AND userIdentity.arn LIKE '%/np/%'
    AND errorCode = 'AccessDenied'
    AND eventTime > '2023-07-01 14:00:00'
    AND eventTime < '2023-11-08 18:00:00';

This query lists out AssumeRole events for non-production roles in the organization for AccessDenied errors. The output is stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket from CloudTrail Lake, from which the csv file can be downloaded. The following shows some example output:

arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/np/test,2023-12-09 10:35:45.000,iam.amazonaws.com,AssumeRole,,AccessDenied,User: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/np/test is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/hello because no identity-based policy allows the sts:AssumeRole action

You can modify the query to audit production roles as well.

CreateRole in CloudTrail Lake

Another example of a CloudTrail Lake query for a detective control is as follows:

    userIdentity.arn as "Username", eventTime, eventSource, eventName, sourceIPAddress, errorCode, errorMessage
    <Event data store ID>
    userIdentity.arn IS NOT NULL
    AND eventName = 'CreateRole'
    AND userIdentity.arn LIKE '%/EnT/fed/iam/%'
    AND eventTime > '2023-07-01 14:00:00'
    AND eventTime < '2023-11-08 18:00:00';

This query lists out CreateRole events for roles in the /EnT/fed/iam/ hierarchy. The following are some example outputs:


arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/EnT/fed/iam/security/test,2023-12-09 16:31:11.000,iam.amazonaws.com,CreateRole,,AccessDenied,User: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/EnT/fed/iam/security/test is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EnT/fed/iam/security because no identity-based policy allows the iam:CreateRole action

arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/EnT/fed/iam/security/test,2023-12-09 16:33:10.000,iam.amazonaws.com,CreateRole,,AccessDenied,User: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/EnT/fed/iam/security/test is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EnT/fed/iam/security because no identity-based policy allows the iam:CreateRole action

Because these roles can create additional enterprise roles, you should audit roles created in this hierarchy.

Important considerations

When you implement specific paths for IAM roles, make sure to consider the following:

  • The path of an IAM role is part of the ARN. After you define the ARN, you can’t change it later. Therefore, just like the name of the role, consider what the path should be during the early discussions of design.
  • IAM roles can’t have the same name, even on different paths.
  • When you switch roles through the console, you need to include the path because it’s part of the role’s ARN.
  • The path of an IAM role can’t exceed 512 characters. For more information, see IAM and AWS STS quotas.
  • The role name can’t exceed 64 characters. If you intend to use a role with the Switch Role feature in the AWS Management Console, then the combined path and role name can’t exceed 64 characters.
  • When you create a role through the console, you can’t set an IAM role path. To set a path for the role, you need to use automation, such as AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands or SDKs. For example, you might use an AWS CloudFormation template or a script that interacts with AWS APIs to create the role with the desired path.


By adopting the path strategy, you can structure IAM roles within a hierarchical model, facilitating the implementation of security controls on a scalable level. You can make these controls effective for IAM roles by applying them to a path rather than specific roles, which sets this approach apart.

This strategy can help you elevate your overall security posture within IAM, offering a forward-looking solution for enterprises. By establishing a scalable IAM hierarchy, you can help your organization navigate dynamic changes through a robust identity management structure. A well-crafted hierarchy reduces operational overhead by providing a versatile framework that makes it simpler to add or modify roles and policies. This scalability can help streamline the administration of IAM and help your organization manage access control in evolving environments.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Varun Sharma

Varun Sharma

Varun is an AWS Cloud Security Engineer who wears his security cape proudly. With a knack for unravelling the mysteries of Amazon Cognito and IAM, Varun is a go-to subject matter expert for these services. When he’s not busy securing the cloud, you’ll find him in the world of security penetration testing. And when the pixels are at rest, Varun switches gears to capture the beauty of nature through the lens of his camera.

IAM Access Analyzer simplifies inspection of unused access in your organization

Post Syndicated from Achraf Moussadek-Kabdani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/iam-access-analyzer-simplifies-inspection-of-unused-access-in-your-organization/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer offers tools that help you set, verify, and refine permissions. You can use IAM Access Analyzer external access findings to continuously monitor your AWS Organizations organization and Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts for public and cross-account access to your resources, and verify that only intended external access is granted. Now, you can use IAM Access Analyzer unused access findings to identify unused access granted to IAM roles and users in your organization.

If you lead a security team, your goal is to manage security for your organization at scale and make sure that your team follows best practices, such as the principle of least privilege. When your developers build on AWS, they create IAM roles for applications and team members to interact with AWS services and resources. They might start with broad permissions while they explore AWS services for their use cases. To identify unused access, you can review the IAM last accessed information for a given IAM role or user and refine permissions gradually. If your company has a multi-account strategy, your roles and policies are created in multiple accounts. You then need visibility across your organization to make sure that teams are working with just the required access.

Now, IAM Access Analyzer simplifies inspection of unused access by reporting unused access findings across your IAM roles and users. IAM Access Analyzer continuously analyzes the accounts in your organization to identify unused access and creates a centralized dashboard with findings. From a delegated administrator account for IAM Access Analyzer, you can use the dashboard to review unused access findings across your organization and prioritize the accounts to inspect based on the volume and type of findings. The findings highlight unused roles, unused access keys for IAM users, and unused passwords for IAM users. For active IAM users and roles, the findings provide visibility into unused services and actions. With the IAM Access Analyzer integration with Amazon EventBridge and AWS Security Hub, you can automate and scale rightsizing of permissions by using event-driven workflows.

In this post, we’ll show you how to set up and use IAM Access Analyzer to identify and review unused access in your organization.

Generate unused access findings

To generate unused access findings, you need to create an analyzer. An analyzer is an IAM Access Analyzer resource that continuously monitors your accounts or organization for a given finding type. You can create an analyzer for the following findings:

An analyzer for unused access findings is a new analyzer that continuously monitors roles and users, looking for permissions that are granted but not actually used. This analyzer is different from an analyzer for external access findings; you need to create a new analyzer for unused access findings even if you already have an analyzer for external access findings.

You can centrally view unused access findings across your accounts by creating an analyzer at the organization level. If you operate a standalone account, you can get unused access findings by creating an analyzer at the account level. This post focuses on the organization-level analyzer setup and management by a central team.


IAM Access Analyzer charges for unused access findings based on the number of IAM roles and users analyzed per analyzer per month. You can still use IAM Access Analyzer external access findings at no additional cost. For more details on pricing, see IAM Access Analyzer pricing.

Create an analyzer for unused access findings

To enable unused access findings for your organization, you need to create your analyzer by using the IAM Access Analyzer console or APIs in your management account or a delegated administrator account. A delegated administrator is a member account of the organization that you can delegate with administrator access for IAM Access Analyzer. A best practice is to use your management account only for tasks that require the management account and use a delegated administrator for other tasks. For steps on how to add a delegated administrator for IAM Access Analyzer, see Delegated administrator for IAM Access Analyzer.

To create an analyzer for unused access findings (console)

  1. From the delegated administrator account, open the IAM Access Analyzer console, and in the left navigation pane, select Analyzer settings.
  2. Choose Create analyzer.
  3. On the Create analyzer page, do the following, as shown in Figure 1:
    1. For Findings type, select Unused access analysis.
    2. Provide a Name for the analyzer.
    3. Select a Tracking period. The tracking period is the threshold beyond which IAM Access Analyzer considers access to be unused. For example, if you select a tracking period of 90 days, IAM Access Analyzer highlights the roles that haven’t been used in the last 90 days.
    4. Set your Selected accounts. For this example, we select Current organization to review unused access across the organization.
    5. Select Create.
    Figure 1: Create analyzer page

    Figure 1: Create analyzer page

Now that you’ve created the analyzer, IAM Access Analyzer starts reporting findings for unused access across the IAM users and roles in your organization. IAM Access Analyzer will periodically scan your IAM roles and users to update unused access findings. Additionally, if one of your roles, users or policies is updated or deleted, IAM Access Analyzer automatically updates existing findings or creates new ones. IAM Access Analyzer uses a service-linked role to review last accessed information for all roles, user access keys, and user passwords in your organization. For active IAM roles and users, IAM Access Analyzer uses IAM service and action last accessed information to identify unused permissions.

Note: Although IAM Access Analyzer is a regional service (that is, you enable it for a specific AWS Region), unused access findings are linked to IAM resources that are global (that is, not tied to a Region). To avoid duplicate findings and costs, enable your analyzer for unused access in the single Region where you want to review and operate findings.

IAM Access Analyzer findings dashboard

Your analyzer aggregates findings from across your organization and presents them on a dashboard. The dashboard aggregates, in the selected Region, findings for both external access and unused access—although this post focuses on unused access findings only. You can use the dashboard for unused access findings to centrally review the breakdown of findings by account or finding types to identify areas to prioritize for your inspection (for example, sensitive accounts, type of findings, type of environment, or confidence in refinement).

Unused access findings dashboard – Findings overview

Review the findings overview to identify the total findings for your organization and the breakdown by finding type. Figure 2 shows an example of an organization with 100 active findings. The finding type Unused access keys is present in each of the accounts, with the most findings for unused access. To move toward least privilege and to avoid long-term credentials, the security team should clean up the unused access keys.

Figure 2: Unused access finding dashboard

Figure 2: Unused access finding dashboard

Unused access findings dashboard – Accounts with most findings

Review the dashboard to identify the accounts with the highest number of findings and the distribution per finding type. In Figure 2, the Audit account has the highest number of findings and might need attention. The account has five unused access keys and six roles with unused permissions. The security team should prioritize this account based on volume of findings and review the findings associated with the account.

Review unused access findings

In this section, we’ll show you how to review findings. We’ll share two examples of unused access findings, including unused access key findings and unused permissions findings.

Finding example: unused access keys

As shown previously in Figure 2, the IAM Access Analyzer dashboard showed that accounts with the most findings were primarily associated with unused access keys. Let’s review a finding linked to unused access keys.

To review the finding for unused access keys

  1. Open the IAM Access Analyzer console, and in the left navigation pane, select Unused access.
  2. Select your analyzer to view the unused access findings.
  3. In the search dropdown list, select the property Findings type, the Equals operator, and the value Unused access key to get only Findings type = Unused access key, as shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3: List of unused access findings

    Figure 3: List of unused access findings

  4. Select one of the findings to get a view of the available access keys for an IAM user, their status, creation date, and last used date. Figure 4 shows an example in which one of the access keys has never been used, and the other was used 137 days ago.
    Figure 4: Finding example - Unused IAM user access keys

    Figure 4: Finding example – Unused IAM user access keys

From here, you can investigate further with the development teams to identify whether the access keys are still needed. If they aren’t needed, you should delete the access keys.

Finding example: unused permissions

Another goal that your security team might have is to make sure that the IAM roles and users across your organization are following the principle of least privilege. Let’s walk through an example with findings associated with unused permissions.

To review findings for unused permissions

  1. On the list of unused access findings, apply the filter on Findings type = Unused permissions.
  2. Select a finding, as shown in Figure 5. In this example, the IAM role has 148 unused actions on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and has not used a service action for 200 days. Similarly, the role has unused actions for other services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and Amazon DynamoDB.
    Figure 5: Finding example - Unused permissions

    Figure 5: Finding example – Unused permissions

The security team now has a view of the unused actions for this role and can investigate with the development teams to check if those permissions are still required.

The development team can then refine the permissions granted to the role to remove the unused permissions.

Unused access findings notify you about unused permissions for all service-level permissions and for 200 services at the action-level. For the list of supported actions, see IAM action last accessed information services and actions.

Take actions on findings

IAM Access Analyzer categorizes findings as active, resolved, and archived. In this section, we’ll show you how you can act on your findings.

Resolve findings

You can resolve unused access findings by deleting unused IAM roles, IAM users, IAM user credentials, or permissions. After you’ve completed this, IAM Access Analyzer automatically resolves the findings on your behalf.

To speed up the process of removing unused permissions, you can use IAM Access Analyzer policy generation to generate a fine-grained IAM policy based on your access analysis. For more information, see the blog post Use IAM Access Analyzer to generate IAM policies based on access activity found in your organization trail.

Archive findings

You can suppress a finding by archiving it, which moves the finding from the Active tab to the Archived tab in the IAM Access Analyzer console. To archive a finding, open the IAM Access Analyzer console, select a Finding ID, and in the Next steps section, select Archive, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Archive finding in the AWS management console

Figure 6: Archive finding in the AWS management console

You can automate this process by creating archive rules that archive findings based on their attributes. An archive rule is linked to an analyzer, which means that you can have archive rules exclusively for unused access findings.

To illustrate this point, imagine that you have a subset of IAM roles that you don’t expect to use in your tracking period. For example, you might have an IAM role that is used exclusively for break glass access during your disaster recovery processes—you shouldn’t need to use this role frequently, so you can expect some unused access findings. For this example, let’s call the role DisasterRecoveryRole. You can create an archive rule to automatically archive unused access findings associated with roles named DisasterRecoveryRole, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Example of an archive rule

Figure 7: Example of an archive rule


IAM Access Analyzer exports findings to both Amazon EventBridge and AWS Security Hub. Security Hub also forwards events to EventBridge.

Using an EventBridge rule, you can match the incoming events associated with IAM Access Analyzer unused access findings and send them to targets for processing. For example, you can notify the account owners so that they can investigate and remediate unused IAM roles, user credentials, or permissions.

For more information, see Monitoring AWS Identity and Access Management Access Analyzer with Amazon EventBridge.


With IAM Access Analyzer, you can centrally identify, review, and refine unused access across your organization. As summarized in Figure 8, you can use the dashboard to review findings and prioritize which accounts to review based on the volume of findings. The findings highlight unused roles, unused access keys for IAM users, and unused passwords for IAM users. For active IAM roles and users, the findings provide visibility into unused services and actions. By reviewing and refining unused access, you can improve your security posture and get closer to the principle of least privilege at scale.

Figure 8: Process to address unused access findings

Figure 8: Process to address unused access findings

The new IAM Access Analyzer unused access findings and dashboard are available in AWS Regions, excluding the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and AWS China Regions. To learn more about how to use IAM Access Analyzer to detect unused accesses, see the IAM Access Analyzer documentation.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Achraf Moussadek-Kabdani

Achraf Moussadek-Kabdani

Achraf is a Senior Security Specialist at AWS. He works with global financial services customers to assess and improve their security posture. He is both a builder and advisor, supporting his customers to meet their security objectives while making security a business enabler.


Yevgeniy Ilyin

Yevgeniy is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He has over 20 years of experience working at all levels of software development and solutions architecture and has used programming languages from COBOL and Assembler to .NET, Java, and Python. He develops and code clouds native solutions with a focus on big data, analytics, and data engineering.

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi Ramesh

Mathangi is the product manager for IAM. She enjoys talking to customers and working with data to solve problems. Outside of work, Mathangi is a fitness enthusiast and a Bharatanatyam dancer. She holds an MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

How to improve cross-account access for SaaS applications accessing customer accounts

Post Syndicated from Ashwin Phadke original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-improve-cross-account-access-for-saas-applications-accessing-customer-accounts/

Several independent software vendors (ISVs) and software as a service (SaaS) providers need to access their customers’ Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts, especially if the SaaS product accesses data from customer environments. SaaS providers have adopted multiple variations of this third-party access scenario. In some cases, the providers ask the customer for an access key and a secret key, which is not recommended because these are long-term user credentials and require processes to be built for periodic rotation. However, in most cases, the provider has an integration guide with specific details on creating a cross-account AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.

In all these scenarios, as a SaaS vendor, you should add the necessary protections to your SaaS implementation. At AWS, security is the top priority and we recommend that customers follow best practices and incorporate security in their product design. In this blog post intended for SaaS providers, I describe three ways to improve your cross-account access implementation for your products.

Why is this important?

As a security specialist, I’ve worked with multiple ISV customers on improving the security of their products, specifically on this third-party cross-account access scenario. Consumers of your SaaS products don’t want to give more access permissions than are necessary for the product’s proper functioning. At the same time, you should maintain and provide a secure SaaS product to protect your customers’ and your own AWS accounts from unauthorized access or privilege escalations.

Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario with a simple SaaS implementation where a customer is planning to use a SaaS product. In Figure 1, you can see that the SaaS product has multiple different components performing separate functions, for example, a SaaS product with separate components performing compute analysis, storage analysis, and log analysis. The SaaS provider asks the customer to provide IAM user credentials and uses those in their product to access customer resources. Let’s look at three techniques for improving the cross-account access for this scenario. Each technique builds on the previous one, so you could adopt an incremental approach to implement these techniques.

Figure 1: SaaS architecture using customer IAM user credentials

Figure 1: SaaS architecture using customer IAM user credentials

Technique 1 – Using IAM roles and an external ID

As stated previously, IAM user credentials are long-term, so customers would need to implement processes to rotate these periodically and share them with the ISV.

As a better option, SaaS product components can use IAM roles, which provide short-term credentials to the component assuming the role. These credentials need to be refreshed depending on the role’s session duration setting (the default is 1 hour) to continue accessing the resources. IAM roles also provide an advantage for auditing purposes because each time an IAM principal assumes a role, a new session is created, and this can be used to identify and audit activity for separate sessions.

When using IAM roles for third-party access, an important consideration is the confused deputy problem, where an unauthorized entity could coerce the product components into performing an action against another customers’ resources. To mitigate this problem, a highly recommended approach is to use the external ID parameter when assuming roles in customers’ accounts. It’s important and recommended that you generate these external ID parameters to make sure they’re unique for each of your customers, for example, using a customer ID or similar attribute. For external ID character restrictions, see the IAM quotas page. Your customers will use this external ID in their IAM role’s trust policy, and your product components will pass this as a parameter in all AssumeRole API calls to customer environments. An example of the trust policy principal and condition blocks for the role to be assumed in the customer’s account follows:

    "Principal": {"AWS": "<SaaS Provider’s AWS account ID>"},
    "Condition": {"StringEquals": {"sts:ExternalId": "<Unique ID Assigned by SaaS Provider>"}}
Figure 2: SaaS architecture using an IAM role and external ID

Figure 2: SaaS architecture using an IAM role and external ID

Technique 2 – Using least-privilege IAM policies and role chaining

As an IAM best practice, we recommend that an IAM role should only have the minimum set of permissions as required to perform its functions. When your customers create an IAM role in Technique 1, they might inadvertently provide more permissions than necessary to use your product. The role could have permissions associated with multiple AWS services and might become overly permissive. If you provide granular permissions for separate AWS services, you might reach the policy size quota or policies per role quota. See IAM quotas for more information. That’s why, in addition to Technique 1, we recommend that each component have a separate IAM role in the customer’s account with only the minimum permissions required for its functions.

As a part of your integration guide to the customer, you should ask them to create appropriate IAM policies for these IAM roles. There needs to be a clear separation of duties and least privilege access for the product components. For example, an account-monitoring SaaS provider might use a separate IAM role for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) monitoring and another one for AWS CloudTrail monitoring. Your components will also use separate IAM roles in your own AWS account. However, you might want to provide a single integration IAM role to customers to establish the trust relationship with each component role in their account. In effect, you will be using the concept of role chaining to access your customer’s accounts. The auditing mechanisms on the customer’s end will only display the integration IAM role sessions.

When using role chaining, you must be aware of certain caveats and limitations. Your components will each have separate roles: Role A, which will assume the integration role (Role B), and then use the Role B credentials to assume the customer role (Role C) in customer’s accounts. You need to properly define the correct permissions for each of these roles, because the permissions of the previous role aren’t passed while assuming the role. Optionally, you can pass an IAM policy document known as a session policy as a parameter while assuming the role, and the effective permissions will be a logical intersection of the passed policy and the attached permissions for the role. To learn more about these session policies, see session policies.

Another consideration of using role chaining is that it limits your AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or AWS API role session duration to a maximum of one hour. This means that you must track the sessions and perform credential refresh actions every hour to continue accessing the resources.

Figure 3: SaaS architecture with role chaining

Figure 3: SaaS architecture with role chaining

Technique 3 – Using role tags and session tags for attribute-based access control

When you create your IAM roles for role chaining, you define which entity can assume the role. You will need to add each component-specific IAM role to the integration role’s trust relationship. As the number of components within your product increases, you might reach the maximum length of the role trust policy. See IAM quotas for more information.

That’s why, in addition to the above two techniques, we recommend using attribute-based access control (ABAC), which is an authorization strategy that defines permissions based on tag attributes. You should tag all the component IAM roles with role tags and use these role tags as conditions in the trust policy for the integration role as shown in the following example. Optionally, you could also include instructions in the product integration guide for tagging customers’ IAM roles with certain role tags and modify the IAM policy of the integration role to allow it to assume only roles with those role tags. This helps in reducing IAM policy length and minimizing the risk of reaching the IAM quota.

"Condition": {
     "StringEquals": {"iam:ResourceTag/<Product>": "<ExampleSaaSProduct>"}

Another consideration for improving the auditing and traceability for your product is IAM role session tags. These could be helpful if you use CloudTrail log events for alerting on specific role sessions. If your SaaS product also operates on CloudTrail logs, you could use these session tags to identify the different sessions from your product. As opposed to role tags, which are tags attached to an IAM role, session tags are key-value pair attributes that you pass when you assume an IAM role. These can be used to identify a session and further control or restrict access to resources based on the tags. Session tags can also be used along with role chaining. When you use session tags with role chaining, you can set the keys as transitive to make sure that you pass them to subsequent sessions. CloudTrail log events for these role sessions will contain the session tags, transitive tags, and role (also called principal) tags.


In this post, we discussed three incremental techniques that build on each other and are important for SaaS providers to improve security and access control while implementing cross-account access to their customers. As a SaaS provider, it’s important to verify that your product adheres to security best practices. When you improve security for your product, you’re also improving security for your customers.

To see more tutorials about cross-account access concepts, visit the AWS documentation on IAM Roles, ABAC, and session tags.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Identity and Access Management re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Ashwin Phadke

Ashwin Phadke

Ashwin is a Sr. Solutions Architect, working with large enterprises and ISV customers to build highly available, scalable, and secure applications, and to help them successfully navigate through their cloud journey. He is passionate about information security and enjoys working on creative solutions for customers’ security challenges.

Optimize AWS administration with IAM paths

Post Syndicated from David Rowe original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/optimize-aws-administration-with-iam-paths/

As organizations expand their Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment and migrate workloads to the cloud, they find themselves dealing with many AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies. These roles and policies multiply because IAM fills a crucial role in securing and controlling access to AWS resources. Imagine you have a team creating an application. You create an IAM role to grant them access to the necessary AWS resources, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, Amazon Key Management Service (Amazon KMS) keys, and Amazon Elastic File Service (Amazon EFS) shares. With additional workloads and new data access patterns, the number of IAM roles and policies naturally increases. With the growing complexity of resources and data access patterns, it becomes crucial to streamline access and simplify the management of IAM policies and roles

In this blog post, we illustrate how you can use IAM paths to organize IAM policies and roles and provide examples you can use as a foundation for your own use cases.

How to use paths with your IAM roles and policies

When you create a role or policy, you create it with a default path. In IAM, the default path for resources is “/”. Instead of using a default path, you can create and use paths and nested paths as a structure to manage IAM resources. The following example shows an IAM role named S3Access in the path developer:


Service-linked roles are created in a reserved path /aws-service-role/. The following is an example of a service-linked role path.


The following example is of an IAM policy named S3ReadOnlyAccess in the path security:


Why use IAM paths with roles and policies?

By using IAM paths with roles and policies, you can create groupings and design a logical separation to simplify management. You can use these groupings to grant access to teams, delegate permissions, and control what roles can be passed to AWS services. In the following sections, we illustrate how to use IAM paths to create groupings of roles and policies by referencing a fictional company and its expansion of AWS resources.

First, to create roles and policies with a path, you use the IAM API or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to run aws cli create-role.

The following is an example of an AWS CLI command that creates a role in an IAM path.

aws iam create-role --role-name <ROLE-NAME> --assume-role-policy-document file://assume-role-doc.json --path <PATH>

Replace <ROLE-NAME> and <PATH> in the command with your role name and role path respectively. Use a trust policy for the trust document that matches your use case. An example trust policy that allows Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to assume this role on your behalf is below:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Principal": {
                "Service": [

The following is an example of an AWS CLI command that creates a policy in an IAM path.

aws iam create-policy --policy-name <POLICY-NAME> --path <PATH> --policy-document file://policy.json

IAM paths sample implementation

Let’s assume you’re a cloud platform architect at AnyCompany, a startup that’s planning to expand its AWS environment. By the end of the year, AnyCompany is going to expand from one team of developers to multiple teams, all of which require access to AWS. You want to design a scalable way to manage IAM roles and policies to simplify the administrative process to give permissions to each team’s roles. To do that, you create groupings of roles and policies based on teams.

Organize IAM roles with paths

AnyCompany decided to create the following roles based on teams.

Team name Role name IAM path Has access to
Security universal-security-readonly /security/ All resources
Team A database administrators DBA-role-A /teamA/ TeamA’s databases
Team B database administrators DBA-role-B /teamB/ TeamB’s databases

The following are example Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the roles listed above. In this example, you define IAM paths to create a grouping based on team names.

  1. arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/security/universal-security-readonly-role
  2. arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/teamA/DBA-role-A
  3. arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/teamB/DBA-role-B

Note: Role names must be unique within your AWS account regardless of their IAM paths. You cannot have two roles named DBA-role, even if they’re in separate paths.

Organize IAM policies with paths

After you’ve created roles in IAM paths, you will create policies to provide permissions to these roles. The same path structure that was defined in the IAM roles is used for the IAM policies. The following is an example of how to create a policy with an IAM path. After you create the policy, you can attach the policy to a role using the attach-role-policy command.

aws iam create-policy --policy-name <POLICY-NAME> --policy-document file://policy-doc.json --path <PATH>
  1. arn:aws:iam::444455556666:policy/security/universal-security-readonly-policy
  2. arn:aws:iam::444455556666:policy/teamA/DBA-policy-A
  3. arn:aws:iam::444455556666:policy/teamB/DBA-policy-B

Grant access to groupings of IAM roles with resource-based policies

Now that you’ve created roles and policies in paths, you can more readily define which groups of principals can access a resource. In this deny statement example, you allow only the roles in the IAM path /teamA/ to act on your bucket, and you deny access to all other IAM principals. Rather than use individual roles to deny access to the bucket, which would require you to list every role, you can deny access to an entire group of principals by path. If you create a new role in your AWS account in the specified path, you don’t need to modify the policy to include them. The path-based deny statement will apply automatically.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": "s3:*",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Resource": [
      "Principal": "*",
"Condition": {
        "ArnNotLike": {
          "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/teamA/*"

Delegate access with IAM paths

IAM paths can also enable teams to more safely create IAM roles and policies and allow teams to only use the roles and policies contained by the paths. Paths can help prevent teams from privilege escalation by denying the use of roles that don’t belong to their team.

Continuing the example above, AnyCompany established a process that allows each team to create their own IAM roles and policies, providing they’re in a specified IAM path. For example, AnyCompany allows team A to create IAM roles and policies for team A in the path /teamA/:

  1. arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/teamA/<role-name>
  2. arn:aws:iam::444455556666:policy/teamA/<policy-name>

Using IAM paths, AnyCompany can allow team A to more safely create and manage their own IAM roles and policies and safely pass those roles to AWS services using the iam:PassRole permission.

At AnyCompany, four IAM policies using IAM paths allow teams to more safely create and manage their own IAM roles and policies. Following recommended best practices, AnyCompany uses infrastructure as code (IaC) for all IAM role and policy creation. The four path-based policies that follow will be attached to each team’s CI/CD pipeline role, which has permissions to create roles. The following example focuses on team A, and how these policies enable them to self-manage their IAM credentials.

  1. Create a role in the path and modify inline policies on the role: This policy allows three actions: iam:CreateRole, iam:PutRolePolicy, and iam:DeleteRolePolicy. When this policy is attached to a principal, that principal is allowed to create roles in the IAM path /teamA/ and add and delete inline policies on roles in that IAM path.
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/teamA/*"

  2. Add and remove managed policies: The second policy example allows two actions: iam:AttachRolePolicy and iam:DetachRolePolicy. This policy allows a principal to attach and detach managed policies in the /teamA/ path to roles that are created in the /teamA/ path.
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/teamA/*",
            "Condition": {
                "ArnLike": {
                    "iam:PolicyARN": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:policy/teamA/*"

  3. Delete roles, tag and untag roles, read roles: The third policy allows a principal to delete roles, tag and untag roles, and retrieve information about roles that are created in the /teamA/ path.
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/teamA/*"

  4. Policy management in IAM path: The final policy example allows access to create, modify, get, and delete policies that are created in the /teamA/ path. This includes creating, deleting, and tagging policies.
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:policy/teamA/*"

Safely pass roles with IAM paths and iam:PassRole

To pass a role to an AWS service, a principal must have the iam:PassRole permission. IAM paths are the recommended option to restrict which roles a principal can pass when granted the iam:PassRole permission. IAM paths help verify principals can only pass specific roles or groupings of roles to an AWS service.

At AnyCompany, the security team wants to allow team A to add IAM roles to an instance profile and attach it to Amazon EC2 instances, but only if the roles are in the /teamA/ path. The IAM action that allows team A to provide the role to the instance is iam:PassRole. The security team doesn’t want team A to be able to pass other roles in the account, such as an administrator role.

The policy that follows allows passing of a role that was created in the /teamA/ path and does not allow the passing of other roles such as an administrator role.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": "iam:PassRole",
        "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/teamA/*"

How to create preventative guardrails for sensitive IAM paths

You can use service control policies (SCP) to restrict access to sensitive roles and policies within specific IAM paths. You can use an SCP to prevent the modification of sensitive roles and policies that are created in a defined path.

You will see the IAM path under the resource and condition portion of the statement. Only the role named IAMAdministrator created in the /security/ path can create or modify roles in the security path. This SCP allows you to delegate IAM role and policy management to developers with confidence that they won’t be able to create, modify, or delete any roles or policies in the security path.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
	    "Sid": "RestrictIAMWithPathManagement",
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:iam::*:role/security/* "
            "Condition": {
                "ArnNotLike": {
                    "aws:PrincipalARN": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:role/security/IAMAdministrator"

This next example shows you how you can safely exempt IAM roles created in the security path from specific controls in your organization. The policy denies all roles except the roles created in the /security/ IAM path to close member accounts.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "PreventCloseAccount",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": "organizations:CloseAccount",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "ArnNotLikeIfExists": {
          "aws:PrincipalArn": [

Additional considerations when using IAM paths

You should be aware of some additional considerations when you start using IAM paths.

  1. Paths are immutable for IAM roles and policies. To change a path, you must delete the IAM resource and recreate the IAM resource in the alternative path. Deleting roles or instance profiles has step-by-step instructions to delete an IAM resource.
  2. You can only create IAM paths using AWS API or command line tools. You cannot create IAM paths with the AWS console.
  3. IAM paths aren’t added to the uniqueness of the role name. Role names must be unique within your account without the path taken into consideration.
  4. AWS reserves several paths including /aws-service-role/ and you cannot create roles in this path.


IAM paths provide a powerful mechanism for effectively grouping IAM resources. Path-based groupings can streamline access management across AWS services. In this post, you learned how to use paths with IAM principals to create structured access with IAM roles, how to delegate and segregate access within an account, and safely pass roles using iam:PassRole. These techniques can empower you to fine-tune your AWS access management and help improve security while streamlining operational workflows.

You can use the following references to help extend your knowledge of IAM paths. This post references the processes outlined in the user guides and blog post, and sources the IAM policies from the GitHub repositories.

  1. AWS Organizations User Guide, SCP General Examples
  2. AWS-Samples Service-control-policy-examples GitHub Repository
  3. AWS Security Blog: IAM Policy types: How and when to use them
  4. AWS-Samples how-and-when-to-use-aws-iam-policy-blog-samples GitHub Repository

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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David Rowe

David Rowe

As a Senior Solutions Architect, David unites diverse global teams to drive cloud transformation through strategies and intuitive identity solutions. He creates consensus, guiding teams to adopt emerging technologies. He thrives on bringing together cross-functional perspectives to transform vision into reality in dynamic industries.

Use IAM Roles Anywhere to help you improve security in on-premises container workloads

Post Syndicated from Ulrich Hinze original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-iam-roles-anywhere-to-help-you-improve-security-in-on-premises-container-workloads/

This blog post demonstrates how to help meet your security goals for a containerized process running outside of Amazon Web Services (AWS) as part of a hybrid cloud architecture. Managing credentials for such systems can be challenging, including when a workload needs to access cloud resources. IAM Roles Anywhere lets you exchange static AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user credentials with temporary security credentials in this scenario, reducing security risks while improving developer convenience.

In this blog post, we focus on these key areas to help you set up IAM Roles Anywhere in your own environment: determining whether an existing on-premises public key infrastructure (PKI) can be used with IAM Roles Anywhere, creating the necessary AWS resources, creating an IAM Roles Anywhere enabled Docker image, and using this image to issue AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands. In the end, you will be able to issue AWS CLI commands through a Docker container, using credentials from your own PKI.

The AWS Well-Architected Framework and AWS IAM best practices documentation recommend that you use temporary security credentials over static credentials wherever possible. For workloads running on AWS—such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, AWS Lambda functions, or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) pods—assigning and assuming IAM roles is a secure mechanism for distributing temporary credentials that can be used to authenticate against the AWS API. Before the release of IAM Roles Anywhere, developers had to use IAM users with long-lived, static credentials (access key IDs and secret access keys) to call the AWS API from outside of AWS. Now, by establishing trust between your on-premises PKI or AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) with IAM Roles Anywhere, you can also use IAM roles for workloads running outside of AWS.

This post provides a walkthrough for containerized environments. Containers make the setup for different environments and operating systems more uniform, making it simpler for you to follow the solution in this post and directly apply the learnings to your existing containerized setup. However, you can apply the same pattern to non-container environments.

At the end of this walkthrough, you will issue an AWS CLI command to list Amazon S3 buckets in an AWS account (aws s3 ls). This is a simplified mechanism to show that you have successfully authenticated to AWS using IAM Roles Anywhere. Typically, in applications that consume AWS functionality, you instead would use an AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) for the programming language of your application. You can apply the same concepts from this blog post to enable the AWS SDK to use IAM Roles Anywhere.


To follow along with this post, you must have these tools installed:

  • The latest version of the AWS CLI, to create IAM Roles Anywhere resources
  • jq, to extract specific information from AWS API responses
  • Docker, to create and run the container image
  • OpenSSL, to create cryptographic keys and certificates

Make sure that the principal used by the AWS CLI has enough permissions to perform the commands described in this blog post. For simplicity, you can apply the following least-privilege IAM policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "IAMRolesAnywhereBlog",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

This blog post assumes that you have configured a default AWS Region for the AWS CLI. If you have not, refer to the AWS CLI configuration documentation for different ways to configure the AWS Region.

Considerations for production use cases

To use IAM Roles Anywhere, you must establish trust with a private PKI. Certificates that are issued by this certificate authority (CA) are then used to sign CreateSession API requests. The API returns temporary AWS credentials: the access key ID, secret access key, and session key. For strong security, you should specify that the certificates are short-lived and the CA automatically rotates expiring certificates.

To simplify the setup for demonstration purposes, this post explains how to manually create a CA and certificate by using OpenSSL. For a production environment, this is not a suitable approach, because it ignores security concerns around the CA itself and excludes automatic certificate rotation or revocation capabilities. You need to use your existing PKI to provide short-lived and automatically rotated certificates in your production environment. This post shows how to validate whether your private CA and certificates meet IAM Roles Anywhere requirements.

If you don’t have an existing PKI that fulfils these requirements, you can consider using AWS Private Certificate Authority (Private CA) for a convenient way to help you with this process.

In order to use IAM Roles Anywhere in your container workload, it must have access to certificates that are issued by your private CA.

Solution overview

Figure 1 describes the relationship between the different resources created in this blog post.

Figure 1: IAM Roles Anywhere relationship between different components and resources

Figure 1: IAM Roles Anywhere relationship between different components and resources

To establish a trust relationship with the existing PKI, you will use its CA certificate to create an IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor. You will create an IAM role with permissions to list all buckets in the account. The IAM role’s trust policy states that it can be assumed only from IAM Roles Anywhere, narrowing down which exact end-entity certificate can be used to assume it. The IAM Roles Anywhere profile defines which IAM role can be assumed in a session.

The container that is authenticating with IAM Roles Anywhere needs to present a valid certificate issued by the PKI, as well as Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the trust anchor, profile, and role. The container finally uses the certificate’s private key to sign a CreateSession API call, returning temporary AWS credentials. These temporary credentials are then used to issue the aws s3 ls command, which lists all buckets in the account.

Create and verify the CA and certificate

To start, you can either use your own CA and certificate or, to follow along without your own CA, manually create a CA and certificate by using OpenSSL. Afterwards, you can verify that the CA and certificate comply with IAM Roles Anywhere requirements.

To create the CA and certificate

Note: Manually creating and signing RSA keys into X.509 certificates is not a suitable approach for production environments. This section is intended only for demonstration purposes.

  1. Create an OpenSSL config file called v3.ext, with the following content.
    [ req ]
    default_bits                    = 2048
    distinguished_name              = req_distinguished_name
    x509_extensions                 = v3_ca
    [ v3_cert ]
    basicConstraints                = critical, CA:FALSE
    keyUsage                        = critical, digitalSignature
    [ v3_ca ]
    subjectKeyIdentifier            = hash
    authorityKeyIdentifier          = keyid:always,issuer:always
    basicConstraints                = CA: true
    keyUsage                        = Certificate Sign
    [ req_distinguished_name ]
    countryName                     = Country Name (2 letter code)
    countryName_default             = US
    countryName_min                 = 2
    countryName_max                 = 2
    stateOrProvinceName             = State or Province Name (full name)
    stateOrProvinceName_default     = Washington
    localityName                    = Locality Name (eg, city)
    localityName_default            = Seattle

  2. Create the CA RSA private key ca-key.pem and choose a passphrase.
    openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca-key.pem 2048

  3. Create the CA X.509 certificate ca-cert.pem, keeping the default settings for all options.
    openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 1095 -config v3.ext -key ca-key.pem -out ca-cert.pem

    The CA certificate is valid for three years. For recommendations on certificate validity, refer to the AWS Private CA documentation.

  4. Create an RSA private key key.pem, choose a new passphrase, and create a certificate signing request (CSR) csr.pem for the container. For Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name), enter myContainer. Leave the rest of the options blank.
    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -days 1 -keyout key.pem -out csr.pem

  5. Use the CA private key, CA certificate, and CSR to issue an X.509 certificate cert.pem for the container.
    openssl x509 -req -days 1 -sha256 -set_serial 01 -in csr.pem -out cert.pem -CA ca-cert.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -extfile v3.ext -extensions v3_cert

To verify the CA and certificate

  1. Check whether your CA certificate satisfies IAM Roles Anywhere constraints.
    openssl x509 -text -noout -in ca-cert.pem

    The output should contain the following.

            Version: 3 (0x2)
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
            X509v3 extensions:
                X509v3 Basic Constraints:
                X509v3 Key Usage:
                    Certificate Sign

  2. Check whether your certificate satisfies IAM Roles Anywhere constraints.
    openssl x509 -text -noout -in cert.pem

    The output should contain the following.

            Version: 3 (0x2)
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
            X509v3 extensions:
                X509v3 Basic Constraints:
                X509v3 Key Usage:
                    Digital Signature

    Note that IAM Roles Anywhere also supports stronger encryption algorithms than SHA256.

Create IAM resources

After you verify that your PKI complies with IAM Roles Anywhere requirements, you’re ready to create IAM resources. Before you start, make sure you have configured the AWS CLI, including setting a default AWS Region.

To create the IAM role

  1. Create a file named policy.json that specifies a set of permissions that your container process needs. For this walkthrough, you will issue the simple AWS CLI command aws s3 ls, which needs the following permissions:
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "*"

  2. Create a file named trust-policy.json that contains the assume role policy for an IAM role by the service IAM Roles Anywhere. Note that this policy defines which certificate can assume the role. We define this based on the common name (CN) of the certificate, but you can explore other possibilities in the IAM Roles Anywhere documentation.
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
              "Service": "rolesanywhere.amazonaws.com"
          "Action": [
          "Condition": {
            "StringEquals": {
              "aws:PrincipalTag/x509Subject/CN": "myContainer"

  3. Create the IAM role named bucket-lister.
    aws iam create-role --role-name bucket-lister --assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json

    The response should be a JSON document that describes the role.

  4. Attach the IAM policy document that you created earlier.
    aws iam put-role-policy --role-name bucket-lister --policy-name list-buckets --policy-document file://policy.json

    This command returns without a response.

To enable authentication with IAM Roles Anywhere

  1. Establish trust between IAM Roles Anywhere and an on-premises PKI by making the CA certificate known to IAM Roles Anywhere using a trust anchor. Create an IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor from the CA certificate by using the following command:
    aws rolesanywhere create-trust-anchor --enabled --name myPrivateCA --source sourceData={x509CertificateData="$(cat ca-cert.pem)"},sourceType=CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE

    The response should be a JSON document that describes the trust anchor.

  2. Create an IAM Roles Anywhere profile. Make sure to replace <AWS_ACCOUNT ID> with your own information.
    aws rolesanywhere create-profile --enabled --name bucket-lister --role-arns "arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/bucket-lister"

    The response should be a JSON document that describes the profile.

Create the Docker image

The Docker image that you will create in this step enables you to issue commands with the AWS CLI that are authenticated by using IAM Roles Anywhere.

To create the Docker image

  1. Create a file named docker-entrypoint.sh that configures the AWS CLI to use the IAM Roles Anywhere signing helper.
    set -e
    openssl rsa -in $ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_LOCATION -passin env:ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_PASSPHRASE -out /tmp/key.pem > /dev/null 2>&1
    echo "[default]" > ~/.aws/config
    echo "  credential_process = aws_signing_helper credential-process \
        --certificate $ROLESANYWHERE_CERT_LOCATION \
        --private-key /tmp/key.pem \
        --trust-anchor-arn $ROLESANYWHERE_TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN \
        --profile-arn $ROLESANYWHERE_PROFILE_ARN \
        --role-arn $ROLESANYWHERE_ROLE_ARN" >> ~/.aws/config
    exec "$@"

  2. Create a file named Dockerfile. This contains a multi-stage build. The first stage builds the IAM Roles Anywhere signing helper. The second stage copies the compiled signing helper binary into the official AWS CLI Docker image and changes the container entry point to the script you created earlier.
    FROM ubuntu:22.04 AS signing-helper-builder
    WORKDIR /build
    RUN apt update && apt install -y git build-essential golang-go
    RUN git clone --branch v1.1.1 https://github.com/aws/rolesanywhere-credential-helper.git
    RUN go env -w GOPRIVATE=*
    RUN go version
    RUN cd rolesanywhere-credential-helper && go build -buildmode=pie -ldflags "-X main.Version=1.0.2 -linkmode=external -extldflags=-static -w -s" -trimpath -o build/bin/aws_signing_helper main.go
    FROM amazon/aws-cli:2.11.27
    COPY --from=signing-helper-builder /build/rolesanywhere-credential-helper/build/bin/aws_signing_helper /usr/bin/aws_signing_helper
    RUN yum install -y openssl shadow-utils
    COPY ./docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh
    RUN chmod +x /docker-entrypoint.sh
    RUN useradd user
    USER user
    RUN mkdir ~/.aws
    ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/docker-entrypoint.sh", "aws"]

    Note that the first build stage can remain the same for other use cases, such as for applications using an AWS SDK. Only the second stage would need to be adapted. Diving deeper into the technical details of the first build stage, note that building the credential helper from its source keeps the build independent of the processor architecture. The build process also statically packages dependencies that are not present in the official aws-cli Docker image. Depending on your use case, you may opt to download pre-built artifacts from the credential helper download page instead.

  3. Create the image as follows.
    docker build -t rolesanywhere .

Use the Docker image

To use the Docker image, use the following commands to run the created image manually. Make sure to replace <PRIVATE_KEY_PASSSPHRASE> with your own data.

profile_arn=$(aws rolesanywhere list-profiles  | jq -r '.profiles[] | select(.name=="bucket-lister") | .profileArn')
trust_anchor_arn=$(aws rolesanywhere list-trust-anchors | jq -r '.trustAnchors[] | select(.name=="myPrivateCA") | .trustAnchorArn')
role_arn=$(aws iam list-roles | jq -r '.Roles[] | select(.RoleName=="bucket-lister") | .Arn')

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/rolesanywhere -e ROLESANYWHERE_CERT_LOCATION=/rolesanywhere/cert.pem -e ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_LOCATION=/rolesanywhere/key.pem -e ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_PASSPHRASE=<PRIVATE_KEY_PASSSPHRASE> -e ROLESANYWHERE_TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN=$trust_anchor_arn -e ROLESANYWHERE_PROFILE_ARN=$profile_arn -e ROLESANYWHERE_ROLE_ARN=$role_arn rolesanywhere s3 ls

This command should return a list of buckets in your account.

Because we only granted permissions to list buckets, other commands that use this certificate, like the following, will fail with an UnauthorizedOperation error.

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/rolesanywhere -e ROLESANYWHERE_CERT_LOCATION=/rolesanywhere/cert.pem -e ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_LOCATION=/rolesanywhere/key.pem -e ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_PASSPHRASE=<PRIVATE_KEY_PASSSPHRASE> -e ROLESANYWHERE_TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN=$trust_anchor_arn -e ROLESANYWHERE_PROFILE_ARN=$profile_arn -e ROLESANYWHERE_ROLE_ARN=$role_arn rolesanywhere ec2 describe-instances --region us-east-1

Note that if you use a certificate that uses a different common name than myContainer, this command will instead return an AccessDeniedException error as it fails to assume the role bucket-lister.

To use the image in your own environment, consider the following:

  • How to provide the private key and certificate to your container. This depends on how and where your PKI provides certificates. As an example, consider a PKI that rotates certificate files in a host directory, which you can then mount as a directory to your container.
  • How to configure the environment variables. Some variables mentioned earlier, like ROLESANYWHERE_TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN, can be shared across containers, while ROLESANYWHERE_PROFILE_ARN and ROLESANYWHERE_ROLE_ARN should be scoped to a particular container.

Clean up

None of the resources created in this walkthrough incur additional AWS costs. But if you want to clean up AWS resources you created earlier, issue the following commands.

  • Delete the IAM policy from the IAM role.
    aws iam delete-role-policy --role-name bucket-lister --policy-name list-buckets

  • Delete the IAM role.
    aws iam delete-role --role-name bucket-lister

  • Delete the IAM Roles Anywhere profile.
    profile_id=$(aws rolesanywhere list-profiles | jq -r '.profiles[] | select(.name=="bucket-lister") | .profileId')
    aws rolesanywhere delete-profile --profile-id $profile_id

  • Delete the IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor.
    trust_anchor_id=$(aws rolesanywhere list-trust-anchors | jq -r '.trustAnchors[] | select(.name=="myPrivateCA") | .trustAnchorId')
    aws rolesanywhere delete-trust-anchor --trust-anchor-id $trust_anchor_id

  • Delete the key material you created earlier to avoid accidentally reusing it or storing it in version control.
    rm ca-key.pem ca-cert.pem key.pem csr.pem cert.pem

What’s next

After you reconfigure your on-premises containerized application to access AWS resources by using IAM Roles Anywhere, assess your other hybrid workloads running on-premises that have access to AWS resources. The technique we described in this post isn’t limited to containerized workloads. We encourage you to identify other places in your on-premises infrastructure that rely on static IAM credentials and gradually switch them to use IAM Roles Anywhere.


In this blog post, you learned how to use IAM Roles Anywhere to help you meet security goals in your on-premises containerized system. Improve your security posture by using temporary credentials instead of static credentials to authenticate against the AWS API. Use your existing private CA to make credentials short-lived and automatically rotate them.

For more information, check out the IAM Roles Anywhere documentation. The workshop Deep Dive on AWS IAM Roles Anywhere provides another walkthrough that isn’t specific to Docker containers. If you have any questions, you can start a new thread on AWS re:Post or reach out to AWS Support.

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Ulrich Hinze

Ulrich Hinze

Ulrich is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He partners with software companies to architect and implement cloud-based solutions on AWS. Before joining AWS, he worked for AWS customers and partners in software engineering, consulting, and architecture roles for over 8 years.

Alex Paramonov

Alex Paramonov

Alex is an AWS Solutions Architect for Independent Software Vendors in Germany, passionate about Serverless and how it can solve real world problems. Before joining AWS, he worked with large and medium software development companies as a Full-stack Software Engineer and consultant.