Tag Archives: AWS Lake Formation

Use your corporate identities for analytics with Amazon EMR and AWS IAM Identity Center

Post Syndicated from Pradeep Misra original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-your-corporate-identities-for-analytics-with-amazon-emr-and-aws-iam-identity-center/

To enable your workforce users for analytics with fine-grained data access controls and audit data access, you might have to create multiple AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles with different data permissions and map the workforce users to one of those roles. Multiple users are often mapped to the same role where they need similar privileges to enable data access controls at the corporate user or group level and audit data access.

AWS IAM Identity Center enables centralized management of workforce user access to AWS accounts and applications using a local identity store or by connecting corporate directories via identity providers (IdPs). IAM Identity Center now supports trusted identity propagation, a streamlined experience for users who require access to data with AWS analytics services.

Amazon EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it straightforward for data scientists and data engineers to build data engineering and data science applications. With trusted identity propagation, data access management can be based on a user’s corporate identity and can be propagated seamlessly as they access data with single sign-on to build analytics applications with Amazon EMR (EMR Studio and Amazon EMR on EC2).

AWS Lake Formation allows data administrators to centrally govern, secure, and share data for analytics and machine learning (ML). With trusted identity propagation, data administrators can directly provide granular access to corporate users using their identity attributes and simplify the traceability of end-to-end data access across AWS services. Because access is managed based on a user’s corporate identity, they don’t need to use database local user credentials or assume an IAM role to access data.

In this post, we show how to bring your workforce identity to EMR Studio for analytics use cases, directly manage fine-grained permissions for the corporate users and groups using Lake Formation, and audit their data access.

Solution overview

For our use case, we want to enable a data analyst user named analyst1 to use their own enterprise credentials to query data they have been granted permissions to and audit their data access. We use Okta as the IdP for this demonstration. The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

This architecture is based on the following components:

  • Okta is responsible for maintaining the corporate user identities, related groups, and user authentication.
  • IAM Identity Center connects Okta users and centrally manages their access across AWS accounts and applications.
  • Lake Formation provides fine-grained access controls on data directly to corporate users using trusted identity propagation.
  • EMR Studio is an IDE for users to build and run applications. It allows users to log in directly with their corporate credentials without signing in to the AWS Management Console.
  • AWS Service Catalog provides a product template to create EMR clusters.
  • EMR cluster is integrated with IAM Identity Center using a security configuration.
  • AWS CloudTrail captures user data access activities.

The following are the high-level steps to implement the solution:

  1. Integrate Okta with IAM Identity Center.
  2. Set up Amazon EMR Studio.
  3. Create an IAM Identity Center enabled security configuration for EMR clusters.
  4. Create a Service Catalog product template to create the EMR clusters.
  5. Use Lake Formation to grant permissions to users to access data.
  6. Test the solution by accessing data with a corporate identity.
  7. Audit user data access.


You should have the following prerequisites:

Integrate Okta with IAM Identity Center

For more information about configuring Okta with IAM Identity Center, refer to Configure SAML and SCIM with Okta and IAM Identity Center.

For this setup, we have created two users, analyst1 and engineer1, and assigned them to the corresponding Okta application. You can validate the integration is working by navigating to the Users page on the IAM Identity Center console, as shown in the following screenshot. Both enterprise users from Okta are provisioned in IAM Identity Center.

The following exact users will not be listed in your account. You can either create similar users or use an existing user.

Each provisioned user in IAM Identity Center has a unique user ID. This ID does not originate from Okta; it’s created in IAM Identity Center to uniquely identify this user. With trusted identity propagation, this user ID will be propagated across services and also used for traceability purposes in CloudTrail. The following screenshot shows the IAM Identity Center user matching the provisioned Okta user analyst1.

Choose the link under AWS access portal URL and log in with the analyst1 Okta user credentials that are already assigned to this application.

If you are able to log in and see the landing page, then all your configurations up to this step are set correctly. You will not see any applications on this page yet.

Set up EMR Studio

In this step, we demonstrate the actions needed from the data lake administrator to set up EMR Studio enabled for trusted identity propagation and with IAM Identity Center integration. This allows users to directly access EMR Studio with their enterprise credentials.

Note: All Amazon S3 buckets (created after January 5, 2023) have encryption configured by default (Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3)), and all new objects that are uploaded to an S3 bucket are automatically encrypted at rest. To use a different type of encryption, to meet your security needs, please update the default encryption configuration for the bucket. See Protecting data for server-side encryption for further details.

  • On the Amazon EMR console, choose Studios in the navigation pane under EMR Studio.
  • Choose Create Studio.

  • For Setup options¸ select Custom.
  • For Studio name, enter a name (for this post, emr-studio-with-tip).
  • For S3 location for Workspace storage, select Select existing location and enter an existing S3 bucket (if you have one). Otherwise, select Create new bucket.

  • For Service role to let Studio access your AWS resources, choose View permissions details to get the trust and IAM policy information that is needed and create a role with those specific policies in IAM. In this case, we create a new role called emr_tip_role.

  • For Service role to let Studio access your AWS resources, choose the IAM role you created.
  • For Workspace name, enter a name (for this post, studio-workspace-with-tip).

  • For Authentication, select IAM Identity Center.
  • For User role¸ you can create a new role or choose an existing role. For this post, we choose the role we created (emr_tip_role).
  • To use the same role, add the following statement to the trust policy of the service role:
  "Version": "2008-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": "elasticmapreduce.amazonaws.com",
 "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/emr_tip_role"
      "Action": [
  • Select Enable trusted identity propagation to allow you to control and log user access across connected applications.

  • For Choose who can access your application, select All users and groups.

Later, we restrict access to resources using Lake Formation. However, there is an option here to restrict access to only assigned users and groups.

  • In the Networking and security section, you can provide optional details for your VPC, subnets, and security group settings.
  • Choose Create Studio.

  • On the Studios page of the Amazon EMR console, locate your Studio enabled with IAM Identity Center.
  • Copy the link for Studio Access URL.

  • Enter the URL into a web browser and log in using Okta credentials.

You should be able to successfully sign in to the EMR Studio console.

Create an AWS Identity Center enabled security configuration for EMR clusters

EMR security configurations allow you to configure data encryption, Kerberos authentication, and Amazon S3 authorization for the EMR File System (EMRFS) on the clusters. The security configuration is available to use and reuse when you create clusters.

To integrate Amazon EMR with IAM Identity Center, you need to first create an IAM role that authenticates with IAM Identity Center from the EMR cluster. Amazon EMR uses IAM credentials to relay the IAM Identity Center identity to downstream services such as Lake Formation. The IAM role should also have the respective permissions to invoke the downstream services.

  1. Create a role (for this post, called emr-idc-application) with the following trust and permission policy. The role referenced in the trust policy is the InstanceProfile role for EMR clusters. This allows the EC2 instance profile to assume this role and act as an identity broker on behalf of the federated users.
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AssumeRole",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxn:role/service-role/AmazonEMR-InstanceProfile-20240127T102444"
            "Action": [
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "IdCPermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "GlueandLakePermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "S3Permissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Next, you create certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR.

  • For this post, we use OpenSSL to generate a self-signed X.509 certificate with a 2048-bit RSA private key.

The key allows access to the issuer’s EMR cluster instances in the AWS Region being used. For a complete guide on creating and providing a certificate, refer to Providing certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR encryption.

  • Upload my-certs.zip to an S3 location that will be used to create the security configuration.

The EMR service role should have access to the S3 location. The key allows access to the issuer’s EMR cluster instances in the us-west-2 Region as specified by the *.us-west-2.compute.internal domain name as the common name. You can change this to the Region your cluster is in.

$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout privateKey.pem -out certificateChain.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj '/CN=*.us-west-2.compute.internal'
$ cp certificateChain.pem trustedCertificates.pem
$ zip -r -X my-certs.zip certificateChain.pem privateKey.pem trustedCertificates.pem
  • Create an EMR security configuration with IAM Identity Center enabled from the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) with the following code:
aws emr create-security-configuration --name "IdentityCenterConfiguration-with-lf-tip" --region "us-west-2" --endpoint-url https://elasticmapreduce.us-west-2.amazonaws.com --security-configuration '{
            "IdentityCenterInstanceARN": "arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-7907b0d7d77e3e0d",
            "IAMRoleForEMRIdentityCenterApplicationARN": "arn:aws:iam::1xxxxxxxxx0:role/emr-idc-application"
    "AuthorizationConfiguration": {
        "LakeFormationConfiguration": {
            "EnableLakeFormation": true
    "EncryptionConfiguration": {
        "EnableInTransitEncryption": true,
        "EnableAtRestEncryption": false,
        "InTransitEncryptionConfiguration": {
            "TLSCertificateConfiguration": {
                "CertificateProviderType": "PEM",
                "S3Object": "s3://<<Bucket Name>>/emr-transit-encry-certs/my-certs.zip"

You can view the security configuration on the Amazon EMR console.

Create a Service Catalog product template to create EMR clusters

EMR Studio with trusted identity propagation enabled can only work with clusters created from a template. Complete the following steps to create a product template in Service Catalog:

  • On the Service Catalog console, choose Portfolios under Administration in the navigation pane.
  • Choose Create portfolio.

  • Enter a name for your portfolio (for this post, EMR Clusters Template) and an optional description.
  • Choose Create.

  • On the Portfolios page, choose the portfolio you just created to view its details.

  • On the Products tab, choose Create product.

  • For Product type, select CloudFormation.
  • For Product name, enter a name (for this post, EMR-7.0.0).
  • Use the security configuration IdentityCenterConfiguration-with-lf-tip you created in previous steps with the appropriate Amazon EMR service roles.
  • Choose Create product.

The following is an example CloudFormation template. Update the account-specific values for SecurityConfiguration, JobFlowRole, ServiceRole, LogUri, Ec2KeyName, and Ec2SubnetId. We provide a sample Amazon EMR service role and trust policy in Appendix A at the end of this post.

    'Type': 'String'
    'Default': 'EMR_TIP_Cluster'
    'Type': 'String'
    'Default': 'emr-7.0.0'
    - 'emr-7.0.0'
    'Type': 'String'
    'Default': 'm5.xlarge'
    - 'm5.xlarge'
    - 'm5.2xlarge'
    'Type': 'AWS::EMR::Cluster'
      - 'Name': 'Spark'
      - 'Name': 'Livy'
      - 'Name': 'Hadoop'
      - 'Name': 'JupyterEnterpriseGateway'       
      'SecurityConfiguration': 'IdentityCenterConfiguration-with-lf-tip'
      'EbsRootVolumeSize': '20'
        'Ref': 'ClusterName'
      'JobFlowRole': <Instance Profile Role>
      'ServiceRole': <EMR Service Role>
        'Ref': 'EmrRelease'
      'VisibleToAllUsers': !!bool 'true'
        'Fn::Sub': <S3 LOG Path>
        "Ec2KeyName" : <Key Pair Name>
        'TerminationProtected': !!bool 'false'
        'Ec2SubnetId': <subnet-id>
          'InstanceCount': !!int '1'
            'Ref': 'ClusterInstanceType'
          'InstanceCount': !!int '2'
            'Ref': 'ClusterInstanceType'
          'Market': 'ON_DEMAND'
          'Name': 'Core'
      'Ref': 'EmrCluster'
    'Description': 'The ID of the  EMR cluster'
  'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': {}
'Rules': {}

Trusted identity propagation is supported from Amazon EMR 6.15 onwards. For Amazon EMR 6.15, add the following bootstrap action to the CloudFormation script:

- 'Name': 'spark-config'
'Path': 's3://emr-data-access-control-<aws-region>/customer-bootstrap-actions/idc-fix/replace-puppet.sh'

The portfolio now should have the EMR cluster creation product added.

  • Grant the EMR Studio role emr_tip_role access to the portfolio.

Grant Lake Formation permissions to users to access data

In this step, we enable Lake Formation integration with IAM Identity Center and grant permissions to the Identity Center user analyst1. If Lake Formation is not already enabled, refer to Getting started with Lake Formation.

To use Lake Formation with Amazon EMR, create a custom role to register S3 locations. You need to create a new custom role with Amazon S3 access and not use the default role AWSServiceRoleForLakeFormationDataAccess. Additionally, enable external data filtering in Lake Formation. For more details, refer to Enable Lake Formation with Amazon EMR.

Complete the following steps to manage access permissions in Lake Formation:

  • On the Lake Formation console, choose IAM Identity Center integration under Administration in the navigation pane.

Lake Formation will automatically specify the correct IAM Identity Center instance.

  • Choose Create.

You can now view the IAM Identity Center integration details.

For this post, we have a Marketing database and a customer table on which we grant access to our enterprise user analyst1. You can use an existing database and table in your account or create a new one. For more examples, refer to Tutorials.

The following screenshot shows the details of our customer table.

Complete the following steps to grant analyst1 permissions. For more information, refer to Granting table permissions using the named resource method.

  • On the Lake Formation console, choose Data lake permissions under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  • Choose Grant.

  • Select Named Data Catalog resources.
  • For Databases, choose your database (marketing).
  • For Tables, choose your table (customer).

  • For Table permissions, select Select and Describe.
  • For Data permissions, select All data access.
  • Choose Grant.

The following screenshot shows a summary of permissions that user analyst1 has. They have Select access on the table and Describe permissions on the databases.

Test the solution

To test the solution, we log in to EMR Studio as enterprise user analyst1, create a new Workspace, create an EMR cluster using a template, and use that cluster to perform an analysis. You could also use the Workspace that was created during the Studio setup. In this demonstration, we create a new Workspace.

You need additional permissions in the EMR Studio role to create and list Workspaces, use a template, and create EMR clusters. For more details, refer to Configure EMR Studio user permissions for Amazon EC2 or Amazon EKS. Appendix B at the end of this post contains a sample policy.

When the cluster is available, we attach the cluster to the Workspace and run queries on the customer table, which the user has access to.

User analyst1 is now able to run queries for business use cases using their corporate identity. To open a PySpark notebook, we choose PySpark under Notebook.

When the notebook is open, we run a Spark SQL query to list the databases:

show databases

In this case, we query the customer table in the marketing database. We should be able to access the data.

select * from marketing.customer

Audit data access

Lake Formation API actions are logged by CloudTrail. The GetDataAccess action is logged whenever a principal or integrated AWS service requests temporary credentials to access data in a data lake location that is registered with Lake Formation. With trusted identity propagation, CloudTrail also logs the IAM Identity Center user ID of the corporate identity who requested access to the data.

The following screenshot shows the details for the analyst1 user.

Choose View event to view the event logs.

The following is an example of the GetDataAccess event log. We can trace that user analyst1, Identity Center user ID c8c11390-00a1-706e-0c7a-bbcc5a1c9a7f, has accessed the customer table.

    "eventVersion": "1.09",
        "onBehalfOf": {
            "userId": "c8c11390-00a1-706e-0c7a-bbcc5a1c9a7f",
            "identityStoreArn": "arn:aws:identitystore::xxxxxxxxx:identitystore/d-XXXXXXXX"
    "eventTime": "2024-01-28T17:56:25Z",
    "eventSource": "lakeformation.amazonaws.com",
    "eventName": "GetDataAccess",
    "awsRegion": "us-west-2",
        "requestParameters": {
        "tableArn": "arn:aws:glue:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx:table/marketing/customer",
        "supportedPermissionTypes": [

Here is an end to end demonstration video of steps to follow for enabling trusted identity propagation to your analytics flow in Amazon EMR

Clean up

Clean up the following resources when you’re done using this solution:


In this post, we demonstrated how to set up and use trusted identity propagation using IAM Identity Center, EMR Studio, and Lake Formation for analytics. With trusted identity propagation, a user’s corporate identity is seamlessly propagated as they access data using single sign-on across AWS analytics services to build analytics applications. Data administrators can provide fine-grained data access directly to corporate users and groups and audit usage. To learn more, see Integrate Amazon EMR with AWS IAM Identity Center.

About the Authors

Pradeep Misra is a Principal Analytics Solutions Architect at AWS. He works across Amazon to architect and design modern distributed analytics and AI/ML platform solutions. He is passionate about solving customer challenges using data, analytics, and AI/ML. Outside of work, Pradeep likes exploring new places, trying new cuisines, and playing board games with his family. He also likes doing science experiments with his daughters.

Deepmala Agarwal works as an AWS Data Specialist Solutions Architect. She is passionate about helping customers build out scalable, distributed, and data-driven solutions on AWS. When not at work, Deepmala likes spending time with family, walking, listening to music, watching movies, and cooking!

Abhilash Nagilla is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), helping public sector customers on their cloud journey with a focus on AWS analytics services. Outside of work, Abhilash enjoys learning new technologies, watching movies, and visiting new places.

Appendix A

Sample Amazon EMR service role and trust policy:

Note: This is a sample service role. Fine grained access control is done using Lake Formation. Modify the permissions as per your enterprise guidance and to comply with your security team.

Trust policy:

    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "elasticmapreduce.amazonaws.com",
   "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/emr_tip_role"

            "Action": [

Permission Policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ResourcesToLaunchEC2",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "TagOnCreateTaggedEMRResources",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "ec2:CreateAction": [
            "Sid": "ListActionsForEC2Resources",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AutoScaling",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AutoScalingCloudWatch",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:*:*:alarm:*_EMR_Auto_Scaling"
            "Sid": "PassRoleForAutoScaling",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/EMR_AutoScaling_DefaultRole",
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": "application-autoscaling.amazonaws.com*"
            "Sid": "PassRoleForEC2",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxx:role/service-role/<Instance-Profile-Role>",
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": "ec2.amazonaws.com*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Action": [

Appendix B

Sample EMR Studio role policy:

Note: This is a sample service role. Fine grained access control is done using Lake Formation. Modify the permissions as per your enterprise guidance and to comply with your security team.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowEMRReadOnlyActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ENIActionsWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ENIAttributeAction",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "AllowEC2SecurityGroupActionsWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowDefaultEC2SecurityGroupsCreationWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowDefaultEC2SecurityGroupsCreationInVPCWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowAddingEMRTagsDuringDefaultSecurityGroupCreation",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:security-group/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true",
                    "ec2:CreateAction": "CreateSecurityGroup"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ENICreationWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ENICreationInSubnetAndSecurityGroupWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowAddingTagsDuringEC2ENICreation",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:network-interface/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "ec2:CreateAction": "CreateNetworkInterface"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ReadOnlyActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AllowSecretsManagerReadOnlyActionsWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:*:*:secret:*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowWorkspaceCollaboration",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "S3Access",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "EMRStudioWorkspaceAccess",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "AllowPassingServiceRoleForWorkspaceCreation",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:iam::*:role/<Studio Role>",
                "arn:aws:iam::*:role/<EMR Service Role>",
                "arn:aws:iam::*:role/<EMR Instance Profile Role>"
            "Effect": "Allow"
			"Sid": "Statement1",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [
				"arn:aws:iam::*:role/<EMR Instance Profile Role>"

Amazon DataZone announces integration with AWS Lake Formation hybrid access mode for the AWS Glue Data Catalog

Post Syndicated from Utkarsh Mittal original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-datazone-announces-integration-with-aws-lake-formation-hybrid-access-mode-for-the-aws-glue-data-catalog/

Last week, we announced the general availability of the integration between Amazon DataZone and AWS Lake Formation hybrid access mode. In this post, we share how this new feature helps you simplify the way you use Amazon DataZone to enable secure and governed sharing of your data in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. We also delve into how data producers can share their AWS Glue tables through Amazon DataZone without needing to register them in Lake Formation first.

Overview of the Amazon DataZone integration with Lake Formation hybrid access mode

Amazon DataZone is a fully managed data management service to catalog, discover, analyze, share, and govern data between data producers and consumers in your organization. With Amazon DataZone, data producers populate the business data catalog with data assets from data sources such as the AWS Glue Data Catalog and Amazon Redshift. They also enrich their assets with business context to make it straightforward for data consumers to understand. After the data is available in the catalog, data consumers such as analysts and data scientists can search and access this data by requesting subscriptions. When the request is approved, Amazon DataZone can automatically provision access to the data by managing permissions in Lake Formation or Amazon Redshift so that the data consumer can start querying the data using tools such as Amazon Athena or Amazon Redshift.

To manage the access to data in the AWS Glue Data Catalog, Amazon DataZone uses Lake Formation. Previously, if you wanted to use Amazon DataZone for managing access to your data in the AWS Glue Data Catalog, you had to onboard your data to Lake Formation first. Now, the integration of Amazon DataZone and Lake Formation hybrid access mode simplifies how you can get started with your Amazon DataZone journey by removing the need to onboard your data to Lake Formation first.

Lake Formation hybrid access mode allows you to start managing permissions on your AWS Glue databases and tables through Lake Formation, while continuing to maintain any existing AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions on these tables and databases. Lake Formation hybrid access mode supports two permission pathways to the same Data Catalog databases and tables:

  • In the first pathway, Lake Formation allows you to select specific principals (opt-in principals) and grant them Lake Formation permissions to access databases and tables by opting in
  • The second pathway allows all other principals (that are not added as opt-in principals) to access these resources through the IAM principal policies for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and AWS Glue actions

With the integration between Amazon DataZone and Lake Formation hybrid access mode, if you have tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog that are managed through IAM-based policies, you can publish these tables directly to Amazon DataZone, without registering them in Lake Formation. Amazon DataZone registers the location of these tables in Lake Formation using hybrid access mode, which allows managing permissions on AWS Glue tables through Lake Formation, while continuing to maintain any existing IAM permissions.

Amazon DataZone enables you to publish any type of asset in the business data catalog. For some of these assets, Amazon DataZone can automatically manage access grants. These assets are called managed assets, and include Lake Formation-managed Data Catalog tables and Amazon Redshift tables and views. Prior to this integration, you had to complete the following steps before Amazon DataZone could treat the published Data Catalog table as a managed asset:

  1. Identity the Amazon S3 location associated with Data Catalog table.
  2. Register the Amazon S3 location with Lake Formation in hybrid access mode using a role with appropriate permissions.
  3. Publish the table metadata to the Amazon DataZone business data catalog.

The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

With the Amazon DataZone’s integration with Lake Formation hybrid access mode, you can simply publish your AWS Glue tables to Amazon DataZone without having to worry about registering the Amazon S3 location or adding an opt-in principal in Lake Formation by delegating these steps to Amazon DataZone. The administrator of an AWS account can enable the data location registration setting under the DefaultDataLake blueprint on the Amazon DataZone console. Now, a data owner or publisher can publish their AWS Glue table (managed through IAM permissions) to Amazon DataZone without the extra setup steps. When a data consumer subscribes to this table, Amazon DataZone registers the Amazon S3 locations of the table in hybrid access mode, adds the data consumer’s IAM role as an opt-in principal, and grants access to the same IAM role by managing permissions on the table through Lake Formation. This makes sure that IAM permissions on the table can coexist with newly granted Lake Formation permissions, without disrupting any existing workflows. The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

Solution overview

To demonstrate this new capability, we use a sample customer scenario where the finance team wants to access data owned by the sales team for financial analysis and reporting. The sales team has a pipeline that creates a dataset containing valuable information about ticket sales, popular events, venues, and seasons. We call it the tickit dataset. The sales team stores this dataset in Amazon S3 and registers it in a database in the Data Catalog. The access to this table is currently managed through IAM-based permissions. However, the sales team wants to publish this table to Amazon DataZone to facilitate secure and governed data sharing with the finance team.

The steps to configure this solution are as follows:

  1. The Amazon DataZone administrator enables the data lake location registration setting in Amazon DataZone to automatically register the Amazon S3 location of the AWS Glue tables in Lake Formation hybrid access mode.
  2. After the hybrid access mode integration is enabled in Amazon DataZone, the finance team requests a subscription to the sales data asset. The asset shows up as a managed asset, which means Amazon DataZone can manage access to this asset even if the Amazon S3 location of this asset isn’t registered in Lake Formation.
  3. The sales team is notified of a subscription request raised by the finance team. They review and approve the access request. After the request is approved, Amazon DataZone fulfills the subscription request by managing permissions in the Lake Formation. It registers the Amazon S3 location of the subscribed table in Lake Formation hybrid mode.
  4. The finance team gains access to the sales dataset required for their financial reports. They can go to their DataZone environment and start running queries using Athena against their subscribed dataset.


To follow the steps in this post, you need an AWS account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one. In addition, you must have the following resources configured in your account:

  • An S3 bucket
  • An AWS Glue database and crawler
  • IAM roles for different personas and services
  • An Amazon DataZone domain and project
  • An Amazon DataZone environment profile and environment
  • An Amazon DataZone data source

If you don’t have these resources already configured, you can create them by deploying the following AWS CloudFormation stack:

  1. Choose Launch Stack to deploy a CloudFormation template.
  2. Complete the steps to deploy the template and leave all settings as default.
  3. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources, then choose Submit.

After the CloudFormation deployment is complete, you can log in to the Amazon DataZone portal and manually trigger a data source run. This pulls any new or modified metadata from the source and updates the associated assets in the inventory. This data source has been configured to automatically publish the data assets to the catalog.

  1. On the Amazon DataZone console, choose View domains.

You should be logged in using the same role that is used to deploy CloudFormation and verify that you are in the same AWS Region.

  1. Find the domain blog_dz_domain, then choose Open data portal.
  2. Choose Browse all projects and choose Sales producer project.
  3. On the Data tab, choose Data sources in the navigation pane.
  4. Locate and choose the data source that you want to run.

This opens the data source details page.

  1. Choose the options menu (three vertical dots) next to tickit_datasource and choose Run.

The data source status changes to Running as Amazon DataZone updates the asset metadata.

Enable hybrid mode integration in Amazon DataZone

In this step, the Amazon DataZone administrator goes through the process of enabling the Amazon DataZone integration with Lake Formation hybrid access mode. Complete the following steps:

  1. On a separate browser tab, open the Amazon DataZone console.

Verify that you are in the same Region where you deployed the CloudFormation template.

  1. Choose View domains.
  2. Choose the domain created by AWS CloudFormation, blog_dz_domain.
  3. Scroll down on the domain details page and choose the Blueprints tab.

A blueprint defines what AWS tools and services can be used with the data assets published in Amazon DataZone. The DefaultDataLake blueprint is enabled as part of the CloudFormation stack deployment. This blueprint enables you to create and query AWS Glue tables using Athena. For the steps to enable this in your own deployments, refer to Enable built-in blueprints in the AWS account that owns the Amazon DataZone domain.

  1. Choose the DefaultDataLake blueprint.
  2. On the Provisioning tab, choose Edit.
  3. Select Enable Amazon DataZone to register S3 locations using AWS Lake Formation hybrid access mode.

You have the option of excluding specific Amazon S3 locations if you don’t want Amazon DataZone to automatically register them to Lake Formation hybrid access mode.

  1. Choose Save changes.

Request access

In this step, you log in to Amazon DataZone as the finance team, search for the sales data asset, and subscribe to it. Complete the following steps:

  1. Return to your Amazon DataZone data portal browser tab.
  2. Switch to the finance consumer project by choosing the dropdown menu next to the project name and choosing Finance consumer project.

From this step onwards, you take on the persona of a finance user looking to subscribe to a data asset published in the previous step.

  1. In the search bar, search for and choose the sales data asset.
  2. Choose Subscribe.

The asset shows up as managed asset. This means that Amazon DataZone can grant access to this data asset to the finance team’s project by managing the permissions in Lake Formation.

  1. Enter a reason for the access request and choose Subscribe.

Approve access request

The sales team gets a notification that an access request from the finance team is submitted. To approve the request, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose the dropdown menu next to the project name and choose Sales producer project.

You now assume the persona of the sales team, who are the owners and stewards of the sales data assets.

  1. Choose the notification icon at the top-right corner of the DataZone portal.
  2. Choose the Subscription Request Created task.
  3. Grant access to the sales data asset to the finance team and choose Approve.

Analyze the data

The finance team has now been granted access to the sales data, and this dataset has been to their Amazon DataZone environment. They can access the environment and query the sales dataset with Athena, along with any other datasets they currently own. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the dropdown menu, choose Finance consumer project.

On the right pane of the project overview screen, you can find a list of active environments available for use.

  1. Choose the Amazon DataZone environment finance_dz_environment.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Data assets, choose Subscribed.
  3. Verify that your environment now has access to the sales data.

It may take a few minutes for the data asset to be automatically added to your environment.

  1. Choose the new tab icon for Query data.

A new tab opens with the Athena query editor.

  1. For Database, choose finance_consumer_db_tickitdb-<suffix>.

This database will contain your subscribed data assets.

  1. Generate a preview of the sales table by choosing the options menu (three vertical dots) and choosing Preview table.

Clean up

To clean up your resources, complete the following steps:

  1. Switch back to the administrator role you used to deploy the CloudFormation stack.
  2. On the Amazon DataZone console, delete the projects used in this post. This will delete most project-related objects like data assets and environments.
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the stack you deployed in the beginning of this post.
  4. On the Amazon S3 console, delete the S3 buckets containing the tickit dataset.
  5. On the Lake Formation console, delete the Lake Formation admins registered by Amazon DataZone.
  6. On the Lake Formation console, delete tables and databases created by Amazon DataZone.


In this post, we discussed how the integration between Amazon DataZone and Lake Formation hybrid access mode simplifies the process to start using Amazon DataZone for end-to-end governance of your data in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. This integration helps you bypass the manual steps of onboarding to Lake Formation before you can start using Amazon DataZone.

For more information on how to get started with Amazon DataZone, refer to the Getting started guide. Check out the YouTube playlist for some of the latest demos of Amazon DataZone and short descriptions of the capabilities available. For more information about Amazon DataZone, see How Amazon DataZone helps customers find value in oceans of data.

About the Authors

Utkarsh Mittal is a Senior Technical Product Manager for Amazon DataZone at AWS. He is passionate about building innovative products that simplify customers’ end-to-end analytics journeys. Outside of the tech world, Utkarsh loves to play music, with drums being his latest endeavor.

Praveen Kumar is a Principal Analytics Solution Architect at AWS with expertise in designing, building, and implementing modern data and analytics platforms using cloud-centered services. His areas of interests are serverless technology, modern cloud data warehouses, streaming, and generative AI applications.

Paul Villena is a Senior Analytics Solutions Architect in AWS with expertise in building modern data and analytics solutions to drive business value. He works with customers to help them harness the power of the cloud. His areas of interests are infrastructure as code, serverless technologies, and coding in Python

Use AWS Glue ETL to perform merge, partition evolution, and schema evolution on Apache Iceberg

Post Syndicated from Satyanarayana Adimula original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-aws-glue-etl-to-perform-merge-partition-evolution-and-schema-evolution-on-apache-iceberg/

As enterprises collect increasing amounts of data from various sources, the structure and organization of that data often need to change over time to meet evolving analytical needs. However, altering schema and table partitions in traditional data lakes can be a disruptive and time-consuming task, requiring renaming or recreating entire tables and reprocessing large datasets. This hampers agility and time to insight.

Schema evolution enables adding, deleting, renaming, or modifying columns without needing to rewrite existing data. This is critical for fast-moving enterprises to augment data structures to support new use cases. For example, an ecommerce company may add new customer demographic attributes or order status flags to enrich analytics. Apache Iceberg manages these schema changes in a backward-compatible way through its innovative metadata table evolution architecture.

Similarly, partition evolution allows seamless adding, dropping, or splitting partitions. For instance, an ecommerce marketplace may initially partition order data by day. As orders accumulate, and querying by day becomes inefficient, they may split to day and customer ID partitions. Table partitioning organizes big datasets most efficiently for query performance. Iceberg gives enterprises the flexibility to incrementally adjust partitions rather than requiring tedious rebuild procedures. New partitions can be added in a fully compatible way without downtime or having to rewrite existing data files.

This post demonstrates how you can harness Iceberg, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to implement a transactional data lake supporting seamless evolution. By allowing for painless schema and partition adjustments as data insights evolve, you can benefit from the future-proof flexibility needed for business success.

Overview of solution

For our example use case, a fictional large ecommerce company processes thousands of orders each day. When orders are received, updated, cancelled, shipped, delivered, or returned, the changes are made in their on-premises system, and those changes need to be replicated to an S3 data lake so that data analysts can run queries through Amazon Athena. The changes can contain schema updates as well. Due to the security requirements of different organizations, they need to manage fine-grained access control for the analysts through Lake Formation.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The solution workflow includes the following key steps:

  1. Ingest data from on premises into a Dropzone location using a data ingestion pipeline.
  2. Merge the data from the Dropzone location into Iceberg using AWS Glue.
  3. Query the data using Athena.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Set up the infrastructure with AWS CloudFormation

To create your infrastructure with an AWS CloudFormation template, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as an administrator to your AWS account.
  2. Open the AWS CloudFormation console.
  3. Choose Launch Stack:
  4. For Stack name, enter a name (for this post, icebergdemo1).
  5. Choose Next.
  6. Provide information for the following parameters:
    1. DatalakeUserName
    2. DatalakeUserPassword
    3. DatabaseName
    4. TableName
    5. DatabaseLFTagKey
    6. DatabaseLFTagValue
    7. TableLFTagKey
    8. TableLFTagValue
  7. Choose Next.
  8. Choose Next again.
  9. In the Review section, review the values you entered.
  10. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names and choose Submit.

In a few minutes, the stack status will change to CREATE_COMPLETE.

You can go to the Outputs tab of the stack to see all the resources it has provisioned. The resources are prefixed with the stack name you provided (for this post, icebergdemo1).

Create an Iceberg table using Lambda and grant access using Lake Formation

To create an Iceberg table and grant access on it, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Resources tab of the CloudFormation stack icebergdemo1 and search for logical ID named LambdaFunctionIceberg.
  2. Choose the hyperlink of the associated physical ID.

You’re redirected to the Lambda function icebergdemo1-Lambda-Create-Iceberg-and-Grant-access.

  1. On the Configuration tab, choose Environment variables in the left pane.
  1. On the Code tab, you can inspect the function code.

The function uses the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) APIs to provision the resources. It assumes the provisioned data lake admin role to perform the following tasks:

  • Grant DATA_LOCATION_ACCESS access to the data lake admin role on the registered data lake location
  • Create Lake Formation Tags (LF-Tags)
  • Create a database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog using the AWS Glue create_database API
  • Assign LF-Tags to the database
  • Grant DESCRIBE access on the database using LF-Tags to the data lake IAM user and AWS Glue ETL IAM role
  • Create an Iceberg table using the AWS Glue create_table API:
response_create_table = glue_client.create_table(
DatabaseName= 'icebergdb1',
OpenTableFormatInput= { 
 'IcebergInput': { 
 'MetadataOperation': 'CREATE',
 'Version': '2'
    'Name': ‘ecomorders’,
    'StorageDescriptor': {
        'Columns': [
            {'Name': 'ordernum', 'Type': 'int'},
            {'Name': 'sku', 'Type': 'string'},
            {'Name': 'quantity','Type': 'int'},
            {'Name': 'category','Type': 'string'},
            {'Name': 'status','Type': 'string'},
            {'Name': 'shipping_id','Type': 'string'}
        'Location': 's3://icebergdemo1-s3bucketiceberg-vthvwwblrwe8/iceberg/'
    'TableType': 'EXTERNAL_TABLE'
  • Assign LF-Tags to the table
  • Grant DESCRIBE and SELECT on the Iceberg table LF-Tags for the data lake IAM user
  • Grant ALL, DESCRIBE, SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and ALTER access on the Iceberg table LF-Tags to the AWS Glue ETL IAM role
  1. On the Test tab, choose Test to run the function.

When the function is complete, you will see the message “Executing function: succeeded.”

Lake Formation helps you centrally manage, secure, and globally share data for analytics and machine learning. With Lake Formation, you can manage fine-grained access control for your data lake data on Amazon S3 and its metadata in the Data Catalog.

To add an Amazon S3 location as Iceberg storage in your data lake, register the location with Lake Formation. You can then use Lake Formation permissions for fine-grained access control to the Data Catalog objects that point to this location, and to the underlying data in the location.

The CloudFormation stack registered the data lake location.

Data location permissions in Lake Formation enable principals to create and alter Data Catalog resources that point to the designated registered Amazon S3 locations. Data location permissions work in addition to Lake Formation data permissions to secure information in your data lake.

Lake Formation tag-based access control (LF-TBAC) is an authorization strategy that defines permissions based on attributes. In Lake Formation, these attributes are called LF-Tags. You can attach LF-Tags to Data Catalog resources, Lake Formation principals, and table columns. You can assign and revoke permissions on Lake Formation resources using these LF-Tags. Lake Formation allows operations on those resources when the principal’s tag matches the resource tag.

Verify the Iceberg table from the Lake Formation console

To verify the Iceberg table, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Databases in the navigation pane.
  2. Open the details page for icebergdb1.

You can see the associated database LF-Tags.

  1. Choose Tables in the navigation pane.
  2. Open the details page for ecomorders.

In the Table details section, you can observe the following:

  • Table format shows as Apache Iceberg
  • Table management shows as Managed by Data Catalog
  • Location lists the data lake location of the Iceberg table

In the LF-Tags section, you can see the associated table LF-Tags.

In the Table details section, expand Advanced table properties to view the following:

  • metadata_location points to the location of the Iceberg table’s metadata file
  • table_type shows as ICEBERG

On the Schema tab, you can view the columns defined on the Iceberg table.

Integrate Iceberg with the AWS Glue Data Catalog and Amazon S3

Iceberg tracks individual data files in a table instead of directories. When there is an explicit commit on the table, Iceberg creates data files and adds them to the table. Iceberg maintains the table state in metadata files. Any change in table state creates a new metadata file that atomically replaces the older metadata. Metadata files track the table schema, partitioning configuration, and other properties.

Iceberg requires file systems that support the operations to be compatible with object stores like Amazon S3.

Iceberg creates snapshots for the table contents. Each snapshot is a complete set of data files in the table at a point in time. Data files in snapshots are stored in one or more manifest files that contain a row for each data file in the table, its partition data, and its metrics.

The following diagram illustrates this hierarchy.

When you create an Iceberg table, it creates the metadata folder first and a metadata file in the metadata folder. The data folder is created when you load data into the Iceberg table.

Contents of the Iceberg metadata file

The Iceberg metadata file contains a lot of information, including the following:

  • format-version –Version of the Iceberg table
  • Location – Amazon S3 location of the table
  • Schemas – Name and data type of all columns on the table
  • partition-specs – Partitioned columns
  • sort-orders – Sort order of columns
  • properties – Table properties
  • current-snapshot-id – Current snapshot
  • refs – Table references
  • snapshots – List of snapshots, each containing the following information:
    • sequence-number – Sequence number of snapshots in chronological order (the highest number represents the current snapshot, 1 for the first snapshot)
    • snapshot-id – Snapshot ID
    • timestamp-ms – Timestamp when the snapshot was committed
    • summary – Summary of changes committed
    • manifest-list – List of manifests; this file name starts with snap-< snapshot-id >
  • schema-id – Sequence number of the schema in chronological order (the highest number represents the current schema)
  • snapshot-log – List of snapshots in chronological order
  • metadata-log – List of metadata files in chronological order

The metadata file has all the historical changes to the table’s data and schema. Reviewing the contents on the metafile file directly can be a time-consuming task. Fortunately, you can query the Iceberg metadata using Athena.

Iceberg framework in AWS Glue

AWS Glue 4.0 supports Iceberg tables registered with Lake Formation. In the AWS Glue ETL jobs, you need the following code to enable the Iceberg framework:

from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.conf import SparkConf
aws_account_id = boto3.client('sts').get_caller_identity().get('Account')

args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ['JOB_NAME','warehouse_path']
# Set up configuration for AWS Glue to work with Apache Iceberg
conf = SparkConf()
conf.set("spark.sql.extensions", "org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions.IcebergSparkSessionExtensions")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog", "org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.warehouse", args['warehouse_path'])
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.catalog-impl", "org.apache.iceberg.aws.glue.GlueCatalog")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.io-impl", "org.apache.iceberg.aws.s3.S3FileIO")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.glue.lakeformation-enabled", "true")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.glue.id", aws_account_id)

sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
spark = glueContext.spark_session

For read/write access to underlying data, in addition to Lake Formation permissions, the AWS Glue IAM role to run the AWS Glue ETL jobs was granted lakeformation: GetDataAccess IAM permission. With this permission, Lake Formation grants the request for temporary credentials to access the data.

The CloudFormation stack provisioned the four AWS Glue ETL jobs for you. The name of each job starts with your stack name (icebergdemo1). Complete the following steps to view the jobs:

  1. Log in as an administrator to your AWS account.
  2. On the AWS Glue console, choose ETL jobs in the navigation pane.
  3. Search for jobs with icebergdemo1 in the name.

Merge data from Dropzone into the Iceberg table

For our use case, the company ingests their ecommerce orders data daily from their on-premises location into an Amazon S3 Dropzone location. The CloudFormation stack loaded three files with sample orders for 3 days, as shown in the following figures. You see the data in the Dropzone location s3://icebergdemo1-s3bucketdropzone-kunftrcblhsk/data.

The AWS Glue ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL1-merge will run daily to merge the data into the Iceberg table. It has the following logic to add or update the data on Iceberg:

  • Create a Spark DataFrame from input data:
df = spark.read.format(dropzone_dataformat).option("header", True).load(dropzone_path)
df = df.withColumn("ordernum", df["ordernum"].cast(IntegerType())) \
    .withColumn("quantity", df["quantity"].cast(IntegerType()))
  • For a new order, add it to the table
  • If the table has a matching order, update the status and shipping_id:
stmt_merge = f"""
    MERGE INTO glue_catalog.{database_name}.{table_name} AS t
    USING input_table AS s 
    ON t.ordernum= s.ordernum
            THEN UPDATE SET 
                t.status = s.status,
                t.shipping_id = s.shipping_id

Complete the following steps to run the AWS Glue merge job:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose ETL jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL1-merge.
  3. On the Actions dropdown menu, choose Run with parameters.
  4. On the Run parameters page, go to Job parameters.
  5. For the --dropzone_path parameter, provide the S3 location of the input data (icebergdemo1-s3bucketdropzone-kunftrcblhsk/data/merge1).
  6. Run the job to add all the orders: 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1004.
  7. For the --dropzone_path parameter, change the S3 location to icebergdemo1-s3bucketdropzone-kunftrcblhsk/data/merge2.
  8. Run the job again to add orders 2001 and 2002, and update orders 1001, 1002, and 1003.
  9. For the --dropzone_path parameter, change the S3 location to icebergdemo1-s3bucketdropzone-kunftrcblhsk/data/merge3.
  10. Run the job again to add order 3001 and update orders 1001, 1003, 2001, and 2002.

Go to the data folder of table to see the data files written by Iceberg when you merged the data into the table using the Glue ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL1-merge.

Query Iceberg using Athena

The CloudFormation stack created the IAM user iceberguser1, which has read access on the Iceberg table using LF-Tags. To query Iceberg using Athena via this user, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as iceberguser1 to the AWS Management Console.
  2. On the Athena console, choose Workgroups in the navigation pane.
  3. Locate the workgroup that CloudFormation provisioned (icebergdemo1-workgroup)
  4. Verify Athena engine version 3.

The Athena engine version 3 supports Iceberg file formats, including Parquet, ORC, and Avro.

  1. Go to the Athena query editor.
  2. Choose the workgroup icebergdemo1-workgroup on the dropdown menu.
  3. For Database, choose icebergdb1. You will see the table ecomorders.
  4. Run the following query to see the data in the Iceberg table:
    SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders" ORDER BY ordernum ;

  5. Run the following query to see table’s current partitions:
    DESCRIBE icebergdb1.ecomorders ;

Partition-spec describes how table is partitioned. In this example, there are no partitioned fields because you didn’t define any partitions on the table.

Iceberg partition evolution

You may need to change your partition structure; for example, due to trend changes of common query patterns in downstream analytics. A change of partition structure for traditional tables is a significant operation that requires an entire data copy.

Iceberg makes this straightforward. When you change the partition structure on Iceberg, it doesn’t require you to rewrite the data files. The old data written with earlier partitions remains unchanged. New data is written using the new specifications in a new layout. Metadata for each of the partition versions is kept separately.

Let’s add the partition field category to the Iceberg table using the AWS Glue ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL2-partition-evolution:

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
    ADD PARTITION FIELD category ;

On the AWS Glue console, run the ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL2-partition-evolution. When the job is complete, you can query partitions using Athena.

DESCRIBE icebergdb1.ecomorders ;

SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders$partitions";

You can see the partition field category, but the partition values are null. There are no new data files in the data folder, because partition evolution is a metadata operation and doesn’t rewrite data files. When you add or update data, you will see the corresponding partition values populated.

Iceberg schema evolution

Iceberg supports in-place table evolution. You can evolve a table schema just like SQL. Iceberg schema updates are metadata changes, so no data files need to be rewritten to perform the schema evolution.

To explore the Iceberg schema evolution, run the ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL3-schema-evolution via the AWS Glue console. The job runs the following SparkSQL statements:

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
    ADD COLUMNS (shipping_carrier string) ;

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
    RENAME COLUMN shipping_id TO tracking_number ;

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
    ALTER COLUMN ordernum TYPE bigint ;

In the Athena query editor, run the following query:

SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders" ORDER BY ordernum asc ;

You can verify the schema changes to the Iceberg table:

  • A new column has been added called shipping_carrier
  • The column shipping_id has been renamed to tracking_number
  • The data type of the column ordernum has changed from int to bigint
    DESCRIBE icebergdb1.ecomorders;

Positional update

The data in tracking_number contains the shipping carrier concatenated with the tracking number. Let’s assume that we want to split this data in order to keep the shipping carrier in the shipping_carrier field and the tracking number in the tracking_number field.

On the AWS Glue console, run the ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL4-update-table. The job runs the following SparkSQL statement to update the table:

UPDATE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
SET shipping_carrier = substring(tracking_number,1,3),
    tracking_number = substring(tracking_number,4,50)
WHERE tracking_number != '' ;

Query the Iceberg table to verify the updated data on tracking_number and shipping_carrier.

SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders" ORDER BY ordernum ;

Now that the data has been updated on the table, you should see the partition values populated for category:

SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders$partitions"
ORDER BY partition;

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, clean up the resources you created:

  1. On the Lambda console, open the details page for the function icebergdemo1-Lambda-Create-Iceberg-and-Grant-access.
  2. In the Environment variables section, choose the key Task_To_Perform and update the value to CLEANUP.
  3. Run the function, which drops the database, table, and their associated LF-Tags.
  4. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the stack icebergdemo1.


In this post, you created an Iceberg table using the AWS Glue API and used Lake Formation to control access on the Iceberg table in a transactional data lake. With AWS Glue ETL jobs, you merged data into the Iceberg table, and performed schema evolution and partition evolution without rewriting or recreating the Iceberg table. With Athena, you queried the Iceberg data and metadata.

Based on the concepts and demonstrations from this post, you can now build a transactional data lake in an enterprise using Iceberg, AWS Glue, Lake Formation, and Amazon S3.

About the Author

Satya Adimula is a Senior Data Architect at AWS based in Boston. With over two decades of experience in data and analytics, Satya helps organizations derive business insights from their data at scale.

How BMO improved data security with Amazon Redshift and AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Amy Tseng original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-bmo-improved-data-security-with-amazon-redshift-and-aws-lake-formation/

This post is cowritten with Amy Tseng, Jack Lin and Regis Chow from BMO.

BMO is the 8th largest bank in North America by assets. It provides personal and commercial banking, global markets, and investment banking services to 13 million customers. As they continue to implement their Digital First strategy for speed, scale and the elimination of complexity, they are always seeking ways to innovate, modernize and also streamline data access control in the Cloud. BMO has accumulated sensitive financial data and needed to build an analytic environment that was secure and performant. One of the bank’s key challenges related to strict cybersecurity requirements is to implement field level encryption for personally identifiable information (PII), Payment Card Industry (PCI), and data that is classified as high privacy risk (HPR). Data with this secured data classification is stored in encrypted form both in the data warehouse and in their data lake. Only users with required permissions are allowed to access data in clear text.

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that tens of thousands of customers use to manage analytics at scale. Amazon Redshift supports industry-leading security with built-in identity management and federation for single sign-on (SSO) along with multi-factor authentication. The Amazon Redshift Spectrum feature enables direct query of your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake, and many customers are using this to modernize their data platform.

AWS Lake Formation is a fully managed service that simplifies building, securing, and managing data lakes. It provides fine-grained access control, tagging (tag-based access control (TBAC)), and integration across analytical services. It enables simplifying the governance of data catalog objects and accessing secured data from services like Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

In this post, we share the solution using Amazon Redshift role based access control (RBAC) and AWS Lake Formation tag-based access control for federated users to query your data lake using Amazon Redshift Spectrum.


BMO had more than Petabyte(PB) of financial sensitive data classified as follows:

  1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  2. Payment Card Industry (PCI)
  3. High Privacy Risk (HPR)

The bank aims to store data in their Amazon Redshift data warehouse and Amazon S3 data lake. They have a large, diverse end user base across sales, marketing, credit risk, and other business lines and personas:

  1. Business analysts
  2. Data engineers
  3. Data scientists

Fine-grained access control needs to be applied to the data on both Amazon Redshift and data lake data accessed using Amazon Redshift Spectrum. The bank leverages AWS services like AWS Glue and Amazon SageMaker on this analytics platform. They also use an external identity provider (IdP) to manage their preferred user base and integrate it with these analytics tools. End users access this data using third-party SQL clients and business intelligence tools.

Solution overview

In this post, we’ll use synthetic data very similar to BMO data with data classified as PII, PCI, or HPR. Users and groups exists in External IdP. These users federate for single sign on to Amazon Redshift using native IdP federation. We’ll define the permissions using Redshift role based access control (RBAC) for the user roles. For users accessing the data in data lake using Amazon Redshift Spectrum, we’ll use Lake Formation policies for access control.

Technical Solution

To implement customer needs for securing different categories of data, it requires the definition of multiple AWS IAM roles, which requires knowledge in IAM policies and maintaining those when permission boundary changes.

In this post, we show how we simplified managing the data classification policies with minimum number of Amazon Redshift AWS IAM roles aligned by data classification, instead of permutations and combinations of roles by lines of business and data classifications. Other organizations (e.g., Financial Service Institute [FSI]) can benefit from the BMO’s implementation of data security and compliance.

As a part of this blog, the data will be uploaded into Amazon S3. Access to the data is controlled using policies defined using Redshift RBAC for corresponding Identity provider user groups and TAG Based access control will be implemented using AWS Lake Formation for data on S3.

Solution architecture

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture along with the detailed steps.

  1. IdP users with groups like lob_risk_public, Lob_risk_pci, hr_public, and hr_hpr are assigned in External IdP (Identity Provider).
  2. Each users is mapped to the Amazon Redshift local roles that are sent from IdP, and including aad:lob_risk_pci, aad:lob_risk_public, aad:hr_public, and aad:hr_hpr in Amazon Redshift. For example, User1 who is part of Lob_risk_public and hr_hpr will grant role usage accordingly.
  3. Attach iam_redshift_hpr, iam_redshift_pcipii, and iam_redshift_public AWS IAM roles to Amazon Redshift cluster.
  4. AWS Glue databases which are backed on s3 (e.g., lobrisk,lobmarket,hr and their respective tables) are referenced in Amazon Redshift. Using Amazon Redshift Spectrum, you can query these external tables and databases (e.g., external_lobrisk_pci, external_lobrisk_public, external_hr_public, and external_hr_hpr), which are created using AWS IAM roles iam_redshift_pcipii, iam_redshift_hpr, iam_redshift_public as shown in the solutions steps.
  5. AWS Lake Formation is used to control access to the external schemas and tables.
  6. Using AWS Lake Formation tags, we apply the fine-grained access control to these external tables for AWS IAM roles (e.g., iam_redshift_hpr, iam_redshift_pcipii, and iam_redshift_public).
  7. Finally, grant usage for these external schemas to their Amazon Redshift roles.


The following sections walk you through implementing the solution using synthetic data.

Download the data files and place your files into buckets

Amazon S3 serves as a scalable and durable data lake on AWS. Using Data Lake you can bring any open format data like CSV, JSON, PARQUET, or ORC into Amazon S3 and perform analytics on your data.

The solutions utilize CSV data files containing information classified as PCI, PII, HPR, or Public. You can download input files using the provided links below. Using the downloaded files upload into Amazon S3 by creating folder and files as shown in below screenshot by following the instruction here. The detail of each file is provided in the following list:

Register the files into AWS Glue Data Catalog using crawlers

The following instructions demonstrate how to register files downloaded into the AWS Glue Data Catalog using crawlers. We organize files into databases and tables using AWS Glue Data Catalog, as per the following steps. It is recommended to review the documentation to learn how to properly set up an AWS Glue Database. Crawlers can automate the process of registering our downloaded files into the catalog rather than doing it manually. You’ll create the following databases in the AWS Glue Data Catalog:

  • lobrisk
  • lobmarket
  • hr

Example steps to create an AWS Glue database for lobrisk data are as follows:

  • Go to the AWS Glue Console.
  • Next, select Databases under Data Catalog.
  • Choose Add database and enter the name of databases as lobrisk.
  • Select Create database, as shown in the following screenshot.

Repeat the steps for creating other database like lobmarket and hr.

An AWS Glue Crawler scans the above files and catalogs metadata about them into the AWS Glue Data Catalog. The Glue Data Catalog organizes this Amazon S3 data into tables and databases, assigning columns and data types so the data can be queried using SQL that Amazon Redshift Spectrum can understand. Please review the AWS Glue documentation about creating the Glue Crawler. Once AWS Glue crawler finished executing, you’ll see the following respective database and tables:

  • lobrisk
    • lob_risk_high_confidential_public
    • lob_risk_high_confidential
  • lobmarket
    • credit_card_transaction_pci
    • credit_card_transaction_pci_public
  • hr
    • customers_pii_hpr_public
    • customers_pii_hpr

Example steps to create an AWS Glue Crawler for lobrisk data are as follows:

  • Select Crawlers under Data Catalog in AWS Glue Console.
  • Next, choose Create crawler. Provide the crawler name as lobrisk_crawler and choose Next.

Make sure to select the data source as Amazon S3 and browse the Amazon S3 path to the lob_risk_high_confidential_public folder and choose an Amazon S3 data source.

  • Crawlers can crawl multiple folders in Amazon S3. Choose Add a data source and include path S3://<<Your Bucket >>/ lob_risk_high_confidential.

  • After adding another Amazon S3 folder, then choose Next.

  • Next, create a new IAM role in the Configuration security settings.
  • Choose Next.

  • Select the Target database as lobrisk. Choose Next.

  • Next, under Review, choose Create crawler.
  • Select Run Crawler. This creates two tables : lob_risk_high_confidential_public and lob_risk_high_confidential under database lobrisk.

Similarly, create an AWS Glue crawler for lobmarket and hr data using the above steps.

Create AWS IAM roles

Using AWS IAM, create the following IAM roles with Amazon Redshift, Amazon S3, AWS Glue, and AWS Lake Formation permissions.

You can create AWS IAM roles in this service using this link. Later, you can attach a managed policy to these IAM roles:

  • iam_redshift_pcipii (AWS IAM role attached to Amazon Redshift cluster)
    • AmazonRedshiftFullAccess
    • AmazonS3FullAccess
    • Add inline policy (Lakeformation-inline) for Lake Formation permission as follows:
         "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "RedshiftPolicyForLF",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*"

    • iam_redshift_hpr (AWS IAM role attached to Amazon Redshift cluster): Add the following managed:
      • AmazonRedshiftFullAccess
      • AmazonS3FullAccess
      • Add inline policy (Lakeformation-inline), which was created previously.
    • iam_redshift_public (AWS IAM role attached to Amazon Redshift cluster): Add the following managed policy:
      • AmazonRedshiftFullAccess
      • AmazonS3FullAccess
      • Add inline policy (Lakeformation-inline), which was created previously.
    • LF_admin (Lake Formation Administrator): Add the following managed policy:
      • AWSLakeFormationDataAdmin
      • AWSLakeFormationCrossAccountManager
      • AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess

Use Lake Formation tag-based access control (LF-TBAC) to access control the AWS Glue data catalog tables.

LF-TBAC is an authorization strategy that defines permissions based on attributes. Using LF_admin Lake Formation administrator, you can create LF-tags, as mentioned in the following details:

Key Value
Classification:HPR no, yes
Classification:PCI no, yes
Classification:PII no, yes
Classifications non-sensitive, sensitive

Follow the below instructions to create Lake Formation tags:

  • Log into Lake Formation Console (https://console.aws.amazon.com/lakeformation/) using LF-Admin AWS IAM role.
  • Go to LF-Tags and permissions in Permissions sections.
  • Select Add LF-Tag.

  • Create the remaining LF-Tags as directed in table earlier. Once created you find the LF-Tags as show below.

Assign LF-TAG to the AWS Glue catalog tables

Assigning Lake Formation tags to tables typically involves a structured approach. The Lake Formation Administrator can assign tags based on various criteria, such as data source, data type, business domain, data owner, or data quality. You have the ability to allocate LF-Tags to Data Catalog assets, including databases, tables, and columns, which enables you to manage resource access effectively. Access to these resources is restricted to principals who have been given corresponding LF-Tags (or those who have been granted access through the named resource approach).

Follow the instruction in the give link to assign  LF-TAGS to Glue Data Catalog Tables:

Glue Catalog Tables Key Value
customers_pii_hpr_public Classification non-sensitive
customers_pii_hpr Classification:HPR yes
credit_card_transaction_pci Classification:PCI yes
credit_card_transaction_pci_public Classifications non-sensitive
lob_risk_high_confidential_public Classifications non-sensitive
lob_risk_high_confidential Classification:PII yes

Follow the below instructions to assign a LF-Tag to Glue Tables from AWS Console as follows:

  • To access the databases in Lake Formation Console, go to the Data catalog section and choose Databases.
  • Select the lobrisk database and choose View Tables.
  • Select lob_risk_high_confidential table and edit the LF-Tags.
  • Assign the Classification:HPR as Assigned Keys and Values as Yes. Select Save.

  • Similarly, assign the Classification Key and Value as non-sensitive for the lob_risk_high_confidential_public table.

Follow the above instructions to assign tables to remaining tables for lobmarket and hr databases.

Grant permissions to resources using a LF-Tag expression grant to Redshift IAM Roles

Grant select, describe Lake Formation permission to LF-Tags and Redshift IAM role using Lake Formation Administrator in Lake formation console. To grant, please follow the documentation.

Use the following table to grant the corresponding IAM role to LF-tags:

IAM role LF-Tags Key LF-Tags Value Permission
iam_redshift_pcipii Classification:PII yes Describe, Select
. Classification:PCI yes .
iam_redshift_hpr Classification:HPR yes Describe, Select
iam_redshift_public Classifications non-sensitive Describe, Select

Follow the below instructions to grant permissions to LF-tags and IAM roles:

  • Choose Data lake permissions in Permissions section in the AWS Lake Formation Console.
  • Choose Grants. Select IAM users and roles in Principals.
  • In LF-tags or catalog resources select Key as Classifications and values as non-sensitive.

  • Next, select Table permissions as Select & Describe. Choose grants.

Follow the above instructions for remaining LF-Tags and their IAM roles, as shown in the previous table.

Map the IdP user groups to the Redshift roles

In Redshift, use Native IdP federation to map the IdP user groups to the Redshift roles. Use Query Editor V2.

create role aad:rs_lobrisk_pci_role;
create role aad:rs_lobrisk_public_role;
create role aad:rs_hr_hpr_role;
create role aad:rs_hr_public_role;
create role aad:rs_lobmarket_pci_role;
create role aad:rs_lobmarket_public_role;

Create External schemas

In Redshift, create External schemas using AWS IAM roles and using AWS Glue Catalog databases. External schema’s are created as per data classification using iam_role.

create external schema external_lobrisk_pci
from data catalog
database 'lobrisk'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::571750435036:role/iam_redshift_pcipii';

create external schema external_hr_hpr
from data catalog
database 'hr'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::571750435036:role/iam_redshift_hpr';

create external schema external_lobmarket_pci
from data catalog
database 'lobmarket'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::571750435036:role/iam_redshift_pcipii';

create external schema external_lobrisk_public
from data catalog
database 'lobrisk'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::571750435036:role/iam_redshift_public';

create external schema external_hr_public
from data catalog
database 'hr'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::571750435036:role/iam_redshift_public';

create external schema external_lobmarket_public
from data catalog
database 'lobmarket'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::571750435036:role/iam_redshift_public';

Verify list of tables

Verify list of tables in each external schema. Each schema lists only the tables Lake Formation has granted to IAM_ROLES used to create external schema. Below is the list of tables in Redshift query edit v2 output on top left hand side.

Grant usage on external schemas to different Redshift local Roles

In Redshift, grant usage on external schemas to different Redshift local Roles as follows:

grant usage on schema external_lobrisk_pci to role aad:rs_lobrisk_pci_role;
grant usage on schema external_lobrisk_public to role aad:rs_lobrisk_public_role;

grant usage on schema external_lobmarket_pci to role aad:rs_lobmarket_pci_role;
grant usage on schema external_lobmarket_public to role aad:rs_lobmarket_public_role;

grant usage on schema external_hr_hpr_pci to role aad:rs_hr_hpr_role;
grant usage on schema external_hr_public to role aad:rs_hr_public_role;

Verify access to external schema

Verify access to external schema using user from Lob Risk team. User lobrisk_pci_user federated into Amazon Redshift local role rs_lobrisk_pci_role. Role rs_lobrisk_pci_role only has access to external schema external_lobrisk_pci.

set session_authorization to creditrisk_pci_user;
select * from external_lobrisk_pci.lob_risk_high_confidential limit 10;

On querying table from external_lobmarket_pci schema, you’ll see that your permission is denied.

set session_authorization to lobrisk_pci_user;
select * from external_lobmarket_hpr.lob_card_transaction_pci;

BMO’s automated access provisioning

Working with the bank, we developed an access provisioning framework that allows the bank to create a central repository of users and what data they have access to. The policy file is stored in Amazon S3. When the file is updated, it is processed, messages are placed in Amazon SQS. AWS Lambda using Data API is used to apply access control to Amazon Redshift roles. Simultaneously, AWS Lambda is used to automate tag-based access control in AWS Lake Formation.

Benefits of adopting this model were:

  1. Created a scalable automation process to allow dynamically applying changing policies.
  2. Streamlined the user accesses on-boarding and processing with existing enterprise access management.
  3. Empowered each line of business to restrict access to sensitive data they own and protect customers data and privacy at enterprise level.
  4. Simplified the AWS IAM role management and maintenance by greatly reduced number of roles required.

With the recent release of Amazon Redshift integration with AWS Identity center which allows identity propagation across AWS service can be leveraged to simplify and scale this implementation.


In this post, we showed you how to implement robust access controls for sensitive customer data in Amazon Redshift, which were challenging when trying to define many distinct AWS IAM roles. The solution presented in this post demonstrates how organizations can meet data security and compliance needs with a consolidated approach—using a minimal set of AWS IAM roles organized by data classification rather than business lines.

By using Amazon Redshift’s native integration with External IdP and defining RBAC policies in both Redshift and AWS Lake Formation, granular access controls can be applied without creating an excessive number of distinct roles. This allows the benefits of role-based access while minimizing administrative overhead.

Other financial services institutions looking to secure customer data and meet compliance regulations can follow a similar consolidated RBAC approach. Careful policy definition, aligned to data sensitivity rather than business functions, can help reduce the proliferation of AWS IAM roles. This model balances security, compliance, and manageability for governance of sensitive data in Amazon Redshift and broader cloud data platforms.

In short, a centralized RBAC model based on data classification streamlines access management while still providing robust data security and compliance. This approach can benefit any organization managing sensitive customer information in the cloud.

About the Authors

Amy Tseng is a Managing Director of Data and Analytics(DnA) Integration at BMO. She is one of the AWS Data Hero. She has over 7 years of experiences in Data and Analytics Cloud migrations in AWS. Outside of work, Amy loves traveling and hiking.

Jack Lin is a Director of Engineering on the Data Platform at BMO. He has over 20 years of experience working in platform engineering and software engineering. Outside of work, Jack loves playing soccer, watching football games and traveling.

Regis Chow is a Director of DnA Integration at BMO. He has over 5 years of experience working in the cloud and enjoys solving problems through innovation in AWS. Outside of work, Regis loves all things outdoors, he is especially passionate about golf and lawn care.

Nishchai JM is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web services. He specializes in building Big-data applications and help customer to modernize their applications on Cloud. He thinks Data is new oil and spends most of his time in deriving insights out of the Data.

Harshida Patel is a Principal Solutions Architect, Analytics with AWS.

Raghu Kuppala is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect experienced working in the databases, data warehousing, and analytics space. Outside of work, he enjoys trying different cuisines and spending time with his family and friends.

Empowering data-driven excellence: How the Bluestone Data Platform embraced data mesh for success

Post Syndicated from Toney Thomas original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/empowering-data-driven-excellence-how-the-bluestone-data-platform-embraced-data-mesh-for-success/

This post is co-written with Toney Thomas and Ben Vengerovsky from Bluestone.

In the ever-evolving world of finance and lending, the need for real-time, reliable, and centralized data has become paramount. Bluestone, a leading financial institution, embarked on a transformative journey to modernize its data infrastructure and transition to a data-driven organization. In this post, we explore how Bluestone uses AWS services, notably the cloud data warehousing service Amazon Redshift, to implement a cutting-edge data mesh architecture, revolutionizing the way they manage, access, and utilize their data assets.

The challenge: Legacy to modernization

Bluestone was operating with a legacy SQL-based lending platform, as illustrated in the following diagram. To stay competitive and responsive to changing market dynamics, they decided to modernize their infrastructure. This modernization involved transitioning to a software as a service (SaaS) based loan origination and core lending platforms. Because these new systems produced vast amounts of data, the challenge of ensuring a single source of truth for all data consumers emerged.

Birth of the Bluestone Data Platform

To address the need for centralized, scalable, and governable data, Bluestone introduced the Bluestone Data Platform. This platform became the hub for all data-related activities across the organization. AWS played a pivotal role in bringing this vision to life.

The following are the key components of the Bluestone Data Platform:

  • Data mesh architecture – Bluestone adopted a data mesh architecture, a paradigm that distributes data ownership across different business units. Each data producer within the organization has its own data lake in Apache Hudi format, ensuring data sovereignty and autonomy.
  • Four-layered data lake and data warehouse architecture – The architecture comprises four layers, including the analytical layer, which houses purpose-built facts and dimension datasets that are hosted in Amazon Redshift. These datasets are pivotal for reporting and analytics use cases, powered by services like Amazon Redshift and tools like Power BI.
  • Machine learning analytics – Various business units, such as Servicing, Lending, Sales & Marketing, Finance, and Credit Risk, use machine learning analytics, which run on top of the dimensional model within the data lake and data warehouse. This enables data-driven decision-making across the organization.
  • Governance and self-service – The Bluestone Data Platform provides a governed, curated, and self-service avenue for all data use cases. AWS services like AWS Lake Formation in conjunction with Atlan help govern data access and policies.
  • Data quality framework – To ensure data reliability, they implemented a data quality framework. It continuously assesses data quality and syncs quality scores to the Atlan governance tool, instilling confidence in the data assets within the platform.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of their updated data platform.

AWS and third-party services

AWS played a pivotal and multifaceted role in empowering Bluestone’s Data Platform to thrive. The following AWS and third-party services were instrumental in shaping Bluestone’s journey toward becoming a data-driven organization:

  • Amazon Redshift – Bluestone harnessed the power of Amazon Redshift and its features like data sharing to create a centralized repository of data assets. This strategic move facilitated seamless data sharing and collaboration across diverse business units, paving the way for more informed and data-driven decision-making.
  • Lake Formation – Lake Formation emerged as a cornerstone in Bluestone’s data governance strategy. It played a critical role in enforcing data access controls and implementing data policies. With Lake Formation, Bluestone achieved protection of sensitive data and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Data quality monitoring – To maintain data reliability and accuracy, Bluestone deployed a robust data quality framework. AWS services were essential in this endeavor, because they complemented open source tools to establish an in-house data quality monitoring system. This system continuously assesses data quality, providing confidence in the reliability of the organization’s data assets.
  • Data governance tooling – Bluestone chose Atlan, available through AWS Marketplace, to implement comprehensive data governance tooling. This SaaS service played a pivotal role in onboarding multiple business teams and fostering a data-centric culture within Bluestone. It empowered teams to efficiently manage and govern data assets.
  • Orchestration using Amazon MWAA – Bluestone heavily relied on Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) to manage workflow orchestrations efficiently. This orchestration framework seamlessly integrated with various data quality rules, which were evaluated using Great Expectations operators within the Airflow environment.
  • AWS DMS – Bluestone used AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) to streamline the consolidation of legacy data into the data platform. This service facilitated the smooth transfer of data from legacy SQL Server warehouses to the data lake and data warehouse, providing data continuity and accessibility.
  • AWS Glue – Bluestone used the AWS Glue PySpark environment for implementing data extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes. It played a pivotal role in processing data originating from various source systems, providing data consistency and suitability for analytical use.
  • AWS Glue Data Catalog – Bluestone centralized their data management using the AWS Glue Data Catalog. This catalog served as the backbone for managing data assets within the Bluestone data estate, enhancing data discoverability and accessibility.
  • AWS CloudTrail – Bluestone implemented AWS CloudTrail to monitor and audit platform activities rigorously. This security-focused service provided essential visibility into platform actions, providing compliance and security in data operations.

AWS’s comprehensive suite of services has been integral in propelling the Bluestone Data Platform towards data-driven success. These services have not only enabled efficient data governance, quality assurance, and orchestration, but have also fostered a culture of data centricity within the organization, ultimately leading to better decision-making and competitive advantage. Bluestone’s journey showcases the power of AWS in transforming organizations into data-driven leaders in their respective industries.

Bluestone data architecture

Bluestone’s data architecture has undergone a dynamic transformation, transitioning from a lake house framework to a data mesh architecture. This evolution was driven by the organization’s need for data products with distributed ownership and the necessity for a centralized mechanism to govern and access these data products across various business units.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture and its use of AWS and third-party services.

Let’s delve deeper into how this architecture shift has unfolded and what it entails:

  • The need for change – The catalyst for this transformation was the growing demand for discrete data products tailored to the unique requirements of each business unit within Bluestone. Because these business units generated their own data assets in their respective domains, the challenge lay in efficiently managing, governing, and accessing these diverse data stores. Bluestone recognized the need for a more structured and scalable approach.
  • Data products with distributed ownership – In response to this demand, Bluestone adopted a data mesh architecture, which allowed for the creation of distinct data products aligned with each business unit’s needs. Each of these data products exists independently, generating and curating data assets specific to its domain. These data products serve as individual data hubs, ensuring data autonomy and specialization.
  • Centralized catalog integration – To streamline the discovery and accessibility of the data assets that are dispersed across these data products, Bluestone introduced a centralized catalog. This catalog acts as a unified repository where all data products register their respective data assets. It serves as a critical component for data discovery and management.
  • Data governance tool integration – Ensuring data governance and lineage tracking across the organization was another pivotal consideration. Bluestone implemented a robust data governance tool that connects to the centralized catalog. This integration makes sure that the overarching lineage of data assets is comprehensively mapped and captured. Data governance processes are thereby enforced consistently, guaranteeing data quality and compliance.
  • Amazon Redshift data sharing for control and access – To facilitate controlled and secure access to data assets residing within individual data product Redshift instances, Bluestone used Amazon Redshift data sharing. This capability allows data assets to be exposed and shared selectively, providing granular control over access while maintaining data security and integrity.

In essence, Bluestone’s journey from a lake house to a data mesh architecture represents a strategic shift in data management and governance. This transformation empowers different business units to operate autonomously within their data domains while ensuring centralized control, governance, and accessibility. The integration of a centralized catalog and data governance tooling, coupled with the flexibility of Amazon Redshift data sharing, creates a harmonious ecosystem where data-driven decision-making thrives, ultimately contributing to Bluestone’s success in the ever-evolving financial landscape.


Bluestone’s journey from a legacy SQL-based system to a modern data mesh architecture on AWS has improved the way the organization interacts with data and positioned them as a data-driven powerhouse in the financial industry. By embracing AWS services, Bluestone has successfully achieved a centralized, scalable, and governable data platform that empowers its teams to make informed decisions, drive innovation, and stay ahead in the competitive landscape. This transformation serves as compelling proof that Amazon Redshift and AWS Cloud data sharing capabilities are a great pathway for organizations looking to embark on their own data-driven journeys with AWS.

About the Authors

Toney Thomas is a Data Architect and Data Engineering Lead at Bluestone, renowned for his role in envisioning and coining the company’s pioneering data strategy. With a strategic focus on harnessing the power of advanced technology to tackle intricate business challenges, Toney leads a dynamic team of Data Engineers, Reporting Engineers, Quality Assurance specialists, and Business Analysts at Bluestone. His leadership extends to driving the implementation of robust data governance frameworks across diverse organizational units. Under his guidance, Bluestone has achieved remarkable success, including the deployment of innovative platforms such as a fully governed data mesh business data system with embedded data quality mechanisms, aligning seamlessly with the organization’s commitment to data democratization and excellence.

Ben Vengerovsky is a Data Platform Product Manager at Bluestone. He is passionate about using cloud technology to revolutionize the company’s data infrastructure. With a background in mortgage lending and a deep understanding of AWS services, Ben specializes in designing scalable and efficient data solutions that drive business growth and enhance customer experiences. He thrives on collaborating with cross-functional teams to translate business requirements into innovative technical solutions that empower data-driven decision-making.

Rada Stanic is a Chief Technologist at Amazon Web Services, where she helps ANZ customers across different segments solve their business problems using AWS Cloud technologies. Her special areas of interest are data analytics, machine learning/AI, and application modernization.

Enhance data security and governance for Amazon Redshift Spectrum with VPC endpoints

Post Syndicated from Kanwar Bajwa original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enhance-data-security-and-governance-for-amazon-redshift-spectrum-with-vpc-endpoints/

Many customers are extending their data warehouse capabilities to their data lake with Amazon Redshift. They are looking to further enhance their security posture where they can enforce access policies on their data lakes based on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Furthermore, they are adopting security models that require access to the data lake through their private networks.

Amazon Redshift Spectrum enables you to run Amazon Redshift SQL queries on data stored in Amazon S3. Redshift Spectrum uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog as a Hive metastore. With a provisioned Redshift data warehouse, Redshift Spectrum compute capacity runs from separate dedicated Redshift servers owned by Amazon Redshift that are independent of your Redshift cluster. When enhanced VPC routing is enabled for your Redshift cluster, Redshift Spectrum connects from the Redshift VPC to an elastic network interface (ENI) in your VPC. Because it uses separate Redshift dedicated clusters, to force all traffic between Redshift and Amazon S3 through your VPC, you need to turn on enhanced VPC routing and create a specific network path between your Redshift data warehouse VPC and S3 data sources.

When using an Amazon Redshift Serverless instance, Redshift Spectrum uses the same compute capacity as your serverless workgroup compute capacity. To access your S3 data sources from Redshift Serverless without traffic leaving your VPC, you can use the enhanced VPC routing option without the need for any additional network configuration.

AWS Lake Formation offers a straightforward and centralized approach to access management for S3 data sources. Lake Formation allows organizations to manage access control for Amazon S3-based data lakes using familiar database concepts such as tables and columns, along with more advanced options such as row-level and cell-level security. Lake Formation uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog to provide access control for Amazon S3.

In this post, we demonstrate how to configure your network for Redshift Spectrum to use a Redshift provisioned cluster’s enhanced VPC routing to access Amazon S3 data through Lake Formation access control. You can set up this integration in a private network with no connectivity to the internet.

Solution overview

With this solution, network traffic is routed through your VPC by enabling Amazon Redshift enhanced VPC routing. This routing option prioritizes the VPC endpoint as the first route priority over an internet gateway, NAT instance, or NAT gateway. To prevent your Redshift cluster from communicating with resources outside of your VPC, it’s necessary to remove all other routing options. This ensures that all communication is routed through the VPC endpoints.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The solution consists of the following steps:

  1. Create a Redshift cluster in a private subnet network configuration:
    1. Enable enhanced VPC routing for your Redshift cluster.
    2. Modify the route table to ensure no connectivity to the public network.
  2. Create the following VPC endpoints for Redshift Spectrum connectivity:
    1. AWS Glue interface endpoint.
    2. Lake Formation interface endpoint.
    3. Amazon S3 gateway endpoint.
  3. Analyze Amazon Redshift connectivity and network routing:
    1. Verify network routes for Amazon Redshift in a private network.
    2. Verify network connectivity from the Redshift cluster to various VPC endpoints.
    3. Test connectivity using the Amazon Redshift query editor v2.

This integration uses VPC endpoints to establish a private connection from your Redshift data warehouse to Lake Formation, Amazon S3, and AWS Glue.


To set up this solution, You need basic familiarity with the AWS Management Console, an AWS account, and access to the following AWS services:

Additionally, you must have integrated Lake Formation with Amazon Redshift to access your S3 data lake in non-private network. For instructions, refer to Centralize governance for your data lake using AWS Lake Formation while enabling a modern data architecture with Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

Create a Redshift cluster in a private subnet network configuration.

The first step is to configure your Redshift cluster to only allow network traffic through your VPC and prevent any public routes. To accomplish this, you must enable enhanced VPC routing for your Redshift cluster. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to your cluster.
  2. Edit your network and security settings.
  3. For Enhanced VPC routing, select Turn on.
  4. Disable the Publicly accessible option.
  5. Choose Save changes and modify the cluster to apply the updates. You now have a Redshift cluster that can only communicate through the VPC. Now you can modify the route table to ensure no connectivity to the public network.
  6. On the Amazon Redshift console, make a note of the subnet group and identify the subnet associated with this subnet group.
  7. On the Amazon VPC console, identify the route table associated with this subnet and edit to remove the default route to the NAT gateway.

If you cluster is in a public subnet, you may have to remove the internet gateway route. If subnet is shared among other resources, it may impact their connectivity.

Your cluster is now in a private network and can’t communicate with any resources outside of your VPC.

Create VPC endpoints for Redshift Spectrum connectivity

After you configure your Redshift cluster to operate within a private network without external connectivity, you need to establish connectivity to the following services through VPC endpoints:

  • AWS Glue
  • Lake Formation
  • Amazon S3

Create an AWS Glue endpoint

To begin with, Redshift Spectrum connects to AWS Glue endpoints to retrieve information from the AWS Data Glue Catalog. To create a VPC endpoint for AWS Glue, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. For Name tag, enter an optional name.
  4. For Service category, select AWS services.
  5. In the Services section, search for and select your AWS Glue interface endpoint.
  6. Choose the appropriate VPC and subnets for your endpoint.
  7. Configure the security group settings and review your endpoint settings.
  8. Choose Create endpoint to complete the process.

After you create the AWS Glue VPC endpoint, Redshift Spectrum will be able to retrieve information from the AWS Glue Data Catalog within your VPC.

Create a Lake Formation endpoint

Repeat the same process to create a Lake Formation endpoint:

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. For Name tag, enter an optional name.
  4. For Service category, select AWS services.
  5. In the Services section, search for and select your Lake Formation interface endpoint.
  6. Choose the appropriate VPC and subnets for your endpoint.
  7. Configure the security group settings and review your endpoint settings.
  8. Choose Create endpoint.

You now have connectivity for Amazon Redshift to Lake Formation and AWS Glue, which allows you to retrieve the catalog and validate permissions on the data lake.

Create an Amazon S3 endpoint

The next step is to create a VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 to enable Redshift Spectrum to access data stored in Amazon S3 via VPC endpoints:

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. For Name tag, enter an optional name.
  4. For Service category, select AWS services.
  5. In the Services section, search for and select your Amazon S3 gateway endpoint.
  6. Choose the appropriate VPC and subnets for your endpoint.
  7. Configure the security group settings and review your endpoint settings.
  8. Choose Create endpoint.

With the creation of the VPC endpoint for Amazon S3, you have completed all necessary steps to ensure that your Redshift cluster can privately communicate with the required services via VPC endpoints within your VPC.

It’s important to ensure that the security groups attached to the VPC endpoints are properly configured, because an incorrect inbound rule can cause your connection to timeout. Verify that the security group inbound rules are correctly set up to allow necessary traffic to pass through the VPC endpoint.

Analyze traffic and network topology

You can use the following methods to verify the network paths from Amazon Redshift to other endpoints.

Verify network routes for Amazon Redshift in a private network

You can use an Amazon VPC resource map to visualize Amazon Redshift connectivity. The resource map shows the interconnections between resources within a VPC and the flow of traffic between subnets, NAT gateways, internet gateways, and gateway endpoints. As shown in the following screenshot, the highlighted subnet where the Redshift cluster is running doesn’t have connectivity to a NAT gateway or internet gateway. The route table associated with the subnet can reach out to Amazon S3 via VPC endpoint only.

Note that AWS Glue and Lake Formation endpoints are interface endpoints and not visible on a resource map.

Verify network connectivity from the Redshift cluster to various VPC endpoints

You can verify connectivity from your Redshift cluster subnet to all VPC endpoints using the Reachability Analyzer. The Reachability Analyzer is a configuration analysis tool that enables you to perform connectivity testing between a source resource and a destination resource in your VPCs. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to the Redshift cluster configuration page and note the internal IP address.
  2. On the Amazon EC2 console, search for your ENI by filtering by the IP address.
  3. Choose the ENI associated with your Redshift cluster and choose Run Reachability Analyzer.
  4. For Source type, choose Network interfaces.
  5. For Source, choose the Redshift ENI.
  6. For Destination type, choose VPC endpoints.
  7. For Destination, choose your VPC endpoint.
  8. Choose Create and analyze path.
  9. When analysis is complete, view the analysis to see reachability.

As shown in the following screenshot, the Redshift cluster has connectivity to the Lake Formation endpoint.

You can repeat these steps to verify network reachability for all other VPC endpoints.

Test connectivity by running a SQL query from the Amazon Redshift query editor v2

You can verify connectivity by running a SQL query with your Redshift Spectrum table using the Amazon Redshift query editor, as shown in the following screenshot.

Congratulations! You are able to successfully query from Redshift Spectrum tables from a provisioned cluster while enhanced VPC routing is enabled for traffic to stay within your AWS network.

Clean up

You should clean up the resources you created as part of this exercise to avoid unnecessary cost to your AWS account. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the endpoints you created and on the Actions menu, choose Delete VPC endpoints.
  3. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to your Redshift cluster.
  4. Edit the cluster network and security settings and select Turn off for Enhanced VPC routing.
  5. You can also delete your Amazon S3 data and Redshift cluster if you are not planning to use them further.


By moving your Redshift data warehouse to a private network setting and enabling enhanced VPC routing, you can enhance the security posture of your Redshift cluster by limiting access to only authorized networks.

We want to acknowledge our fellow AWS colleagues Harshida Patel, Fabricio Pinto, and Soumyajeet Patra for providing their insights with this blog post.

If you have any questions or suggestions, leave your feedback in the comments section. If you need further assistance with securing your S3 data lakes and Redshift data warehouses, contact your AWS account team.

Additional resources

About the Authors

Kanwar Bajwa is an Enterprise Support Lead at AWS who works with customers to optimize their use of AWS services and achieve their business objectives.

Swapna Bandla is a Senior Solutions Architect in the AWS Analytics Specialist SA Team. Swapna has a passion towards understanding customers data and analytics needs and empowering them to develop cloud-based well-architected solutions. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family.

Simplify access management with Amazon Redshift and AWS Lake Formation for users in an External Identity Provider

Post Syndicated from Harshida Patel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-access-management-with-amazon-redshift-and-aws-lake-formation-for-users-in-an-external-identity-provider/

Many organizations use identity providers (IdPs) to authenticate users, manage their attributes, and group memberships for secure, efficient, and centralized identity management. You might be modernizing your data architecture using Amazon Redshift to enable access to your data lake and data in your data warehouse, and are looking for a centralized and scalable way to define and manage the data access based on IdP identities. AWS Lake Formation makes it straightforward to centrally govern, secure, and globally share data for analytics and machine learning (ML). Currently, you may have to map user identities and groups to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, and data access permissions are defined at the IAM role level within Lake Formation. This setup is not efficient because setting up and maintaining IdP groups with IAM role mapping as new groups are created is time consuming and it makes it difficult to derive what data was accessed from which service at that time.

Amazon Redshift, Amazon QuickSight, and Lake Formation now integrate with the new trusted identity propagation capability in AWS IAM Identity Center to authenticate users seamlessly across services. In this post, we discuss two use cases to configure trusted identity propagation with Amazon Redshift and Lake Formation.

Solution overview

Trusted identity propagation provides a new authentication option for organizations that want to centralize data permissions management and authorize requests based on their IdP identity across service boundaries. With IAM Identity Center, you can configure an existing IdP to manage users and groups and use Lake Formation to define fine-grained access control permissions on catalog resources for these IdP identities. Amazon Redshift supports identity propagation when querying data with Amazon Redshift Spectrum and with Amazon Redshift Data Sharing, and you can use AWS CloudTrail to audit data access by IdP identities to help your organization meet their regulatory and compliance requirements.

With this new capability, users can connect to Amazon Redshift from QuickSight with a single sign-on experience and create direct query datasets. This is enabled by using IAM Identity Center as a shared identity source. With trusted identity propagation, when QuickSight assets like dashboards are shared with other users, the database permissions of each QuickSight user are applied by propagating their end-user identity from QuickSight to Amazon Redshift and enforcing their individual data permissions. Depending on the use case, the author can apply additional row-level and column-level security in QuickSight.

The following diagram illustrates an example of the solution architecture.

In this post, we walk through how to configure trusted identity propagation with Amazon Redshift and Lake Formation. We cover the following use cases:

  • Redshift Spectrum with Lake Formation
  • Redshift data sharing with Lake Formation


This walkthrough assumes you have set up a Lake Formation administrator role or a similar role to follow along with the instructions in this post. To learn more about setting up permissions for a data lake administrator, see Create a data lake administrator.

Additionally, you must create the following resources as detailed in Integrate Okta with Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 using AWS IAM Identity Center for seamless Single Sign-On:

  • An Okta account integrated with IAM Identity Center to sync users and groups
  • A Redshift managed application with IAM Identity Center
  • A Redshift source cluster with IAM Identity Center integration enabled
  • A Redshift target cluster with IAM Identity Center integration enabled (you can skip the section to set up Amazon Redshift role-based access)
  • Users and groups from IAM Identity Center assigned to the Redshift application
  • A permission set assigned to AWS accounts to enable Redshift Query Editor v2 access
  • Add the below permission to the IAM role used in Redshift managed application for integration with IAM Identity Center.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"

Use case 1: Redshift Spectrum with Lake Formation

This use case assumes you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console as an IAM administrator.
  2. Go to CloudShell or your AWS CLI and run the following AWS CLI command, providing your bucket name to copy the data:
aws s3 sync s3://redshift-demos/data/NY-Pub/ s3://<bucketname>/data/NY-Pub/

In this post, we use an AWS Glue crawler to create the external table ny_pub stored in Apache Parquet format in the Amazon S3 location s3://<bucketname>/data/NY-Pub/. In the next step, we create the solution resources using AWS CloudFormation to create a stack named CrawlS3Source-NYTaxiData in us-east-1.

  1. Download the .yml file or launch the CloudFormation stack.

The stack creates the following resources:

  • The crawler NYTaxiCrawler along with the new IAM role AWSGlueServiceRole-RedshiftAutoMount
  • The AWS Glue database automountdb

When the stack is complete, continue with the following steps to finish setting up your resources:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, under Data Catalog in the navigation pane, choose Crawlers.
  2. Open NYTaxiCrawler and choose Edit.
  1. Under Choose data sources and classifiers, choose Edit.
  1. For Data source, choose S3.
  2. For S3 path, enter s3://<bucketname>/data/NY-Pub/.
  3. Choose Update S3 data source.
  1. Choose Next and choose Update.
  2. Choose Run crawler.

After the crawler is complete, you can see a new table called ny_pub in the Data Catalog under the automountdb database.

After you create the resources, complete the steps in the next sections to set up Lake Formation permissions on the AWS Glue table ny_pub for the sales IdP group and access them via Redshift Spectrum.

Enable Lake Formation propagation for the Redshift managed application

Complete the following steps to enable Lake Formation propagation for the Redshift managed application created in Integrate Okta with Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 using AWS IAM Identity Center for seamless Single Sign-On:

  1. Log in to the console as admin.
  2. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose IAM Identity Center connection in the navigation pane.
  3. Select the managed application that starts with redshift-iad and choose Edit.
  1. Select Enable AWS Lake Formation access grants under Trusted identity propagation and save your changes.

Set up Lake Formation as an IAM Identity Center application

Complete the following steps to set up Lake Formation as an IAM Identity Center application:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Administration in the navigation pane, choose IAM Identity Center integration.
  1. Review the options and choose Submit to enable Lake Formation integration.

The integration status will update to Success.
Alternatively, you can run the following command:

aws lakeformation create-lake-formation-identity-center-configuration 
--cli-input-json '{"CatalogId": "<catalog_id>","InstanceArn": "<identitycenter_arn>"}'

Register the data with Lake Formation

In this section, we register the data with Lake Formation. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Administration in the navigation pane, choose Data lake locations.
  2. Choose Register location.
  3. For Amazon S3 path, enter the bucket where the table data resides (s3://<bucketname>/data/NY-Pub/).
  4. For IAM role, choose a Lake Formation user-defined role. For more information, refer to Requirements for roles used to register locations.
  5. For Permission mode, select Lake Formation.
  6. Choose Register location.

Next, verify that the IAMAllowedPrincipal group doesn’t have permission on the database.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select automountdb and on the Actions menu, choose View permissions.
  3. If IAMAllowedPrincipal is listed, select the principal and choose Revoke.
  4. Repeat these steps to verify permissions for the table ny_pub.

Grant the IAM Identity Center group permissions on the AWS Glue database and table

Complete the following steps to grant database permissions to the IAM Identity Center group:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database automountdb and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  3. Choose Grant database.
  4. Under Principals, select IAM Identity Center and choose Add.
  5. In the pop-up window, if this is the first time assigning users and groups, choose Get started.
  6. Enter the IAM Identity Center group in the search bar and choose the group.
  7. Choose Assign.
  8. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, automountdb is already selected for Databases.
  9. Select Describe for Database permissions.
  10. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.

Alternatively, you can run the following command:

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --cli-input-json '
    "Principal": {
        "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:identitystore:::group/<identitycenter_group_name>"
    "Resource": {
        "Database": {
            "Name": "automountdb"
    "Permissions": [

Next, you grant table permissions to the IAM Identity Center group.

  1. Under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database automountdb and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  3. Under Principals, select IAM Identity Center and choose Add.
  4. Enter the IAM Identity Center group in the search bar and choose the group.
  5. Choose Assign.
  6. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, automountdb is already selected for Databases.
  7. For Tables, choose ny_pub.
  8. Select Describe and Select for Table permissions.
  9. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.

Alternatively, you can run the following command:

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --cli-input-json '
    "Principal": {
        "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:identitystore:::group/<identitycenter_group_name>"
    "Resource": {
        "Table": {
            "DatabaseName": "automountdb",
            "Name": "ny_pub "
    "Permissions": [


Set up Redshift Spectrum table access for the IAM Identity Center group

Complete the following steps to set up Redshift Spectrum table access:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Redshift console using the admin role.
  2. Navigate to Query Editor v2.
  3. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the cluster and choose Create connection.
  4. Connect as the admin user and run the following commands to make the ny_pub data in the S3 data lake available to the sales group:
    create external schema if not exists nyc_external_schema from DATA CATALOG database 'automountdb' catalog_id '<accountid>'; 
    grant usage on schema nyc_external_schema to role "awsidc:awssso-sales"; 
    grant select on all tables in schema nyc_external_schema to role "awsidc:awssso- sales";

Validate Redshift Spectrum access as an IAM Identity Center user

Complete the following steps to validate access:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to Query Editor v2.
  2. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the cluster and choose Create connection
  3. Choose select IAM Identity Center option for Connect option. Provide Okta user name and password in the browser pop-up.
  4. Once connected as a federated user, run the following SQL commands to query the ny_pub data lake table:
select * from nyc_external_schema.ny_pub;

Use Case 2: Redshift data sharing with Lake Formation

This use case assumes you have IAM Identity Center integration with Amazon Redshift set up, with Lake Formation propagation enabled as per the instructions provided in the previous section.

Create a data share with objects and share it with the Data Catalog

Complete the following steps to create a data share:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Redshift console using the admin role.
  2. Navigate to Query Editor v2.
  3. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the Redshift source cluster and choose Create connection.
  4. Connect as admin user using Temporarily credentials using a database user name option and run the following SQL commands to create a data share:
    CREATE DATASHARE salesds; 
    ALTER DATASHARE salesds ADD SCHEMA sales_schema; 
    ALTER DATASHARE salesds ADD TABLE store_sales; 

  5. Authorize the data share by choosing Data shares in the navigation page and selecting the data share salesdb.
  6. Select the data share and choose Authorize.

Now you can register the data share in Lake Formation as an AWS Glue database.

  1. Sign in to the Lake Formation console as the data lake administrator IAM user or role.
  2. Under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Data sharing and view the Redshift data share invitations on the Configuration tab.
  3. Select the datashare salesds and choose Review Invitation.
  4. Once you review the details choose Accept.
  5. Provide a name for the AWS Glue database (for example, salesds) and choose Skip to Review and create.

After the AWS Glue database is created on the Redshift data share, you can view it under Shared databases.

Grant the IAM Identity Center user group permission on the AWS Glue database and table

Complete the following steps to grant database permissions to the IAM Identity Center group:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database salesds and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  3. Choose Grant database.
  4. Under Principals, select IAM Identity Center and choose Add.
  5. In the pop-up window, enter the IAM Identity Center group awssso in the search bar and choose the awssso-sales group.
  6. Choose Assign.
  7. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, salesds is already selected for Databases.
  8. Select Describe for Database permissions.
  9. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.

Next, grant table permissions to the IAM Identity Center group.

  1. Under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database salesds and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  3. Under Principals, select IAM Identity Center and choose Add.
  4. In the pop-up window, enter the IAM Identity Center group awssso in the search bar and choose the awssso-sales group.
  5. Choose Assign.
  6. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, salesds is already selected for Databases.
  7. For Tables, choose sales_schema.store_sales.
  8. Select Describe and Select for Table permissions.
  9. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.

Mount the external schema in the target Redshift cluster and enable access for the IAM Identity Center user

Complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Redshift console using the admin role.
  2. Navigate to Query Editor v2.
  3. Connect as an admin user and run the following SQL commands to mount the AWS Glue database customerds as an external schema and enable access to the sales group:
create external schema if not exists sales_datashare_schema from DATA CATALOG database salesds catalog_id '<accountid>';
create role "awsidc:awssso-sales"; # If the role was not already created 
grant usage on schema sales_datashare_schema to role "awsidc:awssso-sales";
grant select on all tables in schema sales_datashare_schema to role "awsidc:awssso- sales";

Access Redshift data shares as an IAM Identity Center user

Complete the following steps to access the data shares:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to Query Editor v2.
  2. Choose the options menu (three dots) next to the cluster and choose Create connection.
  3. Connect with IAM Identity Center and the provide IAM Identity Center user and password in the browser login.
  4. Run the following SQL commands to query the data lake table:
SELECT * FROM "dev"."sales_datashare_schema"."sales_schema.store_sales";

With Transitive Identity Propagation we can now audit user access to dataset from Lake Formation dashboard and service used for accessing the dataset providing complete trackability. For federated user Ethan whose Identity Center User ID is ‘459e10f6-a3d0-47ae-bc8d-a66f8b054014’ you can see the below event log.

"eventSource": "lakeformation.amazonaws.com",
    "eventName": "GetDataAccess",
    "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
    "sourceIPAddress": "redshift.amazonaws.com",
    "userAgent": "redshift.amazonaws.com",
    "requestParameters": {
        "tableArn": "arn:aws:glue:us-east-1:xxxx:table/automountdb/ny_pub",
        "durationSeconds": 3600,
        "auditContext": {
            "additionalAuditContext": "{\"invokedBy\":\"arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:xxxx:dbuser:redshift-consumer/awsidc:[email protected]\", \"transactionId\":\"961953\", \"queryId\":\"613842\", \"isConcurrencyScalingQuery\":\"false\"}"
        "cellLevelSecurityEnforced": true
    "responseElements": null,
    "additionalEventData": {
        "requesterService": "REDSHIFT",
        "LakeFormationTrustedCallerInvocation": "true",
        "lakeFormationPrincipal": "arn:aws:identitystore:::user/459e10f6-a3d0-47ae-bc8d-a66f8b054014",
        "lakeFormationRoleSessionName": "AWSLF-00-RE-726034267621-K7FUMxovuq"

Clean up

Complete the following steps to clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the data from the S3 bucket.
  2. Delete the Lake Formation application and the Redshift provisioned cluster that you created for testing.
  3. Sign in to the CloudFormation console as the IAM admin used for creating the CloudFormation stack, and delete the stack you created.


In this post, we covered how to simplify access management for analytics by propagating user identity across Amazon Redshift and Lake Formation using IAM Identity Center. We learned how to get started with trusted identity propagation by connecting to Amazon Redshift and Lake Formation. We also learned how to configure Redshift Spectrum and data sharing to support trusted identity propagation.

Learn more about IAM Identity Center with Amazon Redshift and AWS Lake Formation. Leave your questions and feedback in the comments section.

About the Authors

Harshida Patel is a Analytics Specialist Principal Solutions Architect, with AWS.

Srividya Parthasarathy is a Senior Big Data Architect on the AWS Lake Formation team. She enjoys building data mesh solutions and sharing them with the community.

Maneesh Sharma is a Senior Database Engineer at AWS with more than a decade of experience designing and implementing large-scale data warehouse and analytics solutions. He collaborates with various Amazon Redshift Partners and customers to drive better integration.

Poulomi Dasgupta is a Senior Analytics Solutions Architect with AWS. She is passionate about helping customers build cloud-based analytics solutions to solve their business problems. Outside of work, she likes travelling and spending time with her family.

Data masking and granular access control using Amazon Macie and AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Iris Ferreira original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/data-masking-and-granular-access-control-using-amazon-macie-and-aws-lake-formation/

Companies have been collecting user data to offer new products, recommend options more relevant to the user’s profile, or, in the case of financial institutions, to be able to facilitate access to higher credit lines or lower interest rates. However, personal data is sensitive as its use enables identification of the person using a specific system or application and in the wrong hands, this data might be used in unauthorized ways. Governments and organizations have created laws and regulations, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU, General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil, and technical guidance such as the Cloud Computing Implementation Guide published by the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS), that specify what constitutes sensitive data and how companies should manage it. A common requirement is to ensure that consent is obtained for collection and use of personal data and that any data collected is anonymized to protect consumers from data breach risks.

In this blog post, we walk you through a proposed architecture that implements data anonymization by using granular access controls according to well-defined rules. It covers a scenario where a user might not have read access to data, but an application does. A common use case for this scenario is a data scientist working with sensitive data to train machine learning models. The training algorithm would have access to the data, but the data scientist would not. This approach helps reduce the risk of data leakage while enabling innovation using data.


To implement the proposed solution, you must have an active AWS account and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to use the following services:

Note: If there’s a pre-existing Lake Formation configuration, there might be permission issues when testing this solution. We suggest that you test this solution on a development account that doesn’t yet have Lake Formation active. If you don’t have access to a development account, see more details about the permissions required on your role in the Lake Formation documentation.

You must give permission for AWS DMS to create the necessary resources, such as the EC2 instance where you will run DMS tasks. If you have ever worked with DMS, this permission should already exist. Otherwise, you can use CloudFormation to create the necessary roles to deploy the solution. To see if permission already exists, open the AWS Management Console and go to IAM, select Roles, and see if there is a role called dms-vpc-role. If not, you must create the role during deployment.

We use the Faker library to create dummy data consisting of the following tables:

  • Customer
  • Bank
  • Card

Solution overview

This architecture allows multiple data sources to send information to the data lake environment on AWS, where Amazon S3 is the central data store. After the data is stored in an S3 bucket, Macie analyzes the objects and identifies sensitive data using machine learning (ML) and pattern matching. AWS Glue then uses the information to run a workflow to anonymize the data.

Figure 1: Solution architecture for data ingestion and identification of PII

Figure 1: Solution architecture for data ingestion and identification of PII

We will describe two techniques used in the process: data masking and data encryption. After the workflow runs, the data is stored in a separate S3 bucket. This hierarchy of buckets is used to segregate access to data for different user personas.

Figure 1 depicts the solution architecture:

  1. The data source in the solution is an Amazon RDS database. Data can be stored in a database on an EC2 instance, in an on-premises server, or even deployed in a different cloud provider.
  2. AWS DMS uses full load, which allows data migration from the source (an Amazon RDS database) into the target S3 bucket — dcp-macie — as a one-time migration. New objects uploaded to the S3 bucket are automatically encrypted using server-side encryption (SSE-S3).
  3. A personally identifiable information (PII) detection pipeline is invoked after the new Amazon S3 objects are uploaded. Macie analyzes the objects and identifies values that are sensitive. Users can manually identify which fields and values within the files should be classified as sensitive or use the Macie automated sensitive data discovery capabilities.
  4. The sensitive values identified by Macie are sent to EventBridge, invoking Kinesis Data Firehose to store them in the dcp-glue S3 bucket. AWS Glue uses this data to know which fields to mask or encrypt using an encryption key stored in AWS KMS.
    1. Using EventBridge enables an event-based architecture. EventBridge is used as a bridge between Macie and Kinesis Data Firehose, integrating these services.
    2. Kinesis Data Firehose supports data buffering mitigating the risk of information loss when sent by Macie while reducing the overall cost of storing data in Amazon S3. It also allows data to be sent to other locations, such as Amazon Redshift or Splunk, making it available to be analyzed by other products.
  5. At the end of this step, Amazon S3 is invoked from a Lambda function that starts the AWS Glue workflow, which masks and encrypts the identified data.
    1. AWS Glue starts a crawler on the S3 bucket dcp-macie (a) and the bucket dcp-glue (b) to populate two tables, respectively, created as part of the AWS Glue service.
    2. After that, a Python script is run (c), querying the data in these tables. It uses this information to mask and encrypt the data and then store it in the prefixes dcp-masked (d) and dcp-encrypted (e) in the bucket dcp-athena.
    3. The last step in the workflow is to perform a crawler for each of these prefixes (f) and (g) by creating their respective tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  6. To enable fine-grained access to data, Lake Formation maps permissions to the tags you have configured. The implementation of this part is described further in this post.
  7. Athena can be used to query the data. Other tools, such as Amazon Redshift or Amazon Quicksight can also be used, as well as third-party tools.

If a user lacks permission to view sensitive data but needs to access it for machine learning model training purposes, AWS KMS can be used. The AWS KMS service manages the encryption keys that are used for data masking and to give access to the training algorithms. Users can see the masked data, but the algorithms can use the data in its original form to train the machine learning models.

This solution uses three personas:

secure-lf-admin: Data lake administrator. Responsible for configuring the data lake and assigning permissions to data administrators.
secure-lf-business-analyst: Business analyst. No access to certain confidential information.
secure-lf-data-scientist: Data scientist. No access to certain confidential information.

Solution implementation

To facilitate implementation, we created a CloudFormation template. The model and other artifacts produced can be found in this GitHub repository. You can use the CloudFormation dashboard to review the output of all the deployed features.

Choose the following Launch Stack button to deploy the CloudFormation template.

Select this image to open a link that starts building the CloudFormation stack

Deploy the CloudFormation template

To deploy the CloudFormation template and create the resources in your AWS account, follow the steps below.

  1. After signing in to the AWS account, deploy the CloudFormation template. On the Create stack window, choose Next.
    Figure 2: CloudFormation create stack screen

    Figure 2: CloudFormation create stack screen

  2. In the following section, enter a name for the stack. Enter a password in the TestUserPassword field for Lake Formation personas to use to sign in to the console. When finished filling in the fields, choose Next.
  3. On the next screen, review the selected options and choose Next.
  4. In the last section, review the information and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names. Choose Create Stack.
    Figure 3: List of parameters and values in the CloudFormation stack

    Figure 3: List of parameters and values in the CloudFormation stack

  5. Wait until the stack status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE.

The deployment process should take approximately 15 minutes to finish.

Run an AWS DMS task

To extract the data from the Amazon RDS instance, you must run an AWS DMS task. This makes the data available to Macie in an S3 bucket in Parquet format.

  1. Open the AWS DMS console.
  2. On the navigation bar, for the Migrate data option, select Database migration tasks.
  3. Select the task with the name rdstos3task.
  4. Choose Actions.
  5. Choose Restart/Resume. The loading process should take around 1 minute.

When the status changes to Load Complete, you will be able to see the migrated data in the target bucket (dcp-macie-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>) in the dataset folder. Within each prefix there will be a parquet file that follows the naming pattern: LOAD00000001.parquet. After this step, use Macie to scan the data for sensitive information in the files.

Run a classification job with Macie 

You must create a data classification job before you can evaluate the contents of the bucket. The job you create will run and evaluate the full contents of your S3 bucket to determine the files stored in the bucket contain PII. This job uses the managed identifiers available in Macie and a custom identifier.

  1. Open the Macie Console, on the navigation bar, select Jobs.
  2. Choose Create job.
  3. Select the S3 bucket dcp-macie-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID> containing the output of the AWS DMS task. Choose Next to continue.
  4. On the Review Bucket page, verify the selected bucket is dcp-macie-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>, and then choose Next.
  5. In Refine the scope, create a new job with the following scope:
    1. Sensitive data Discovery options: One-time job (for demonstration purposes, this will be a single discovery job. For production environments, we recommend selecting the Scheduled job option, so Macie can analyze objects following a scheduled).
    2. Sampling Depth: 100 percent.
    3. Leave the other settings at their default values.
  6. On Managed data identifiers options, select All so Macie can use all managed data identifiers. This enables a set of built-in criteria to detect all identified types of sensitive data. Choose Next.
  7. On the Custom data identifiers option, select account_number, and then choose Next. With the custom identifier, you can create custom business logic to look for certain patterns in files stored in Amazon S3. In this example, the task generates a discovery job for files that contain data with the following regular expression format XYZ- followed by numbers, which is the default format of the false account_number generated in the dataset. The logic used for creating this custom data identifier is included in the CloudFormation template file.
  8. On the Select allow lists, choose Next to continue.
  9. Enter a name and description for the job.
  10. Choose Next to continue.
  11. On Review and create step, check the details of the job you created and choose Submit.
    Figure 4: List of Macie findings detected by the solution

    Figure 4: List of Macie findings detected by the solution

The amount of data being scanned directly influences how long the job takes to run. You can choose the Update button at the top of the screen, as shown in Figure 4, to see the updated status of the job. This job, based on the size of the test dataset, will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Run the AWS Glue data transformation pipeline

After the Macie job is finished, the discovery results are ingested into the bucket dcp-glue-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>, invoking the AWS Glue step of the workflow (dcp-Workflow), which should take approximately 11 minutes to complete.

To check the workflow progress:

  1. Open the AWS Glue console and on navigation bar, select Workflows (orchestration).
  2. Next, choose dcp-workflow.
  3. Next, select History to see the past runs of the dcp-workflow.

The AWS Glue job, which is launched as part of the workflow (dcp-workflow), reads the Macie findings to know the exact location of sensitive data. For example, in the customer table are name and birthdate. In the bank table are account_number, iban, and bban. And in the card table are card_number, card_expiration, and card_security_code. After this data is found, the job masks and encrypts the information.

Text encryption is done using an AWS KMS key. Here is the code snippet that provides this functionality:

def encrypt_rows(r):
    encrypted_entities = columns_to_be_masked_and_encrypted
        for entity in encrypted_entities:
            if entity in table_columns:
                encrypted_entity = get_kms_encryption(r[entity])
                r[entity + '_encrypted'] = encrypted_entity.decode("utf-8")
                del r[entity]
        print ("DEBUG:",sys.exc_info())
    return r

def get_kms_encryption(row):
    # Create a KMS client
    session = boto3.session.Session()
    client = session.client(service_name='kms',region_name=region_name)
        encryption_result = client.encrypt(KeyId=key_id, Plaintext=row)
        blob = encryption_result['CiphertextBlob']
        encrypted_row = base64.b64encode(blob)       
        return encrypted_row
        return 'Error on get_kms_encryption function'

If your application requires access to the unencrypted text, and because access to the AWS KMS encryption key exists, you can use the following excerpt example to access the information:


After performing all the above steps, the datasets are fully anonymized with tables created in Data Catalog and data stored in the respective S3 buckets. These are the buckets where fine-grained access controls are applied through Lake Formation:

  • Masked data — s3://dcp-athena-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>/masked/
  • Encrypted data — s3://dcp-athena-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>/encrypted/

Now that the tables are defined, you refine the permissions using Lake Formation.

Enable Lake Formation fine-grained access

After the data is processed and stored, you use Lake Formation to define and enforce fine-grained access permissions and provide secure access to data analysts and data scientists.

To enable fine-grained access, you first add a user (secure-lf-admin) to Lake Formation:

  1. In the Lake Formation console, clear Add myself and select Add other AWS users or roles.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select secure-lf-admin.
  3. Choose Get started.
    Figure 5: Lake Formation deployment process

    Figure 5: Lake Formation deployment process

Grant access to different personas

Before you grant permissions to different user personas, you must register Amazon S3 locations in Lake Formation so that the personas can access the data. All buckets have been created with the following pattern <prefix>-<bucket_name>-<aws_region>-<account_id>, where <prefix> matches the prefix you selected when you deployed the Cloudformation template and <aws_region> corresponds to the selected AWS Region (for example, ap-southeast-1), and <account_id> is the 12 numbers that match your AWS account (for example, 123456789012). For ease of reading, we left only the initial part of the bucket name in the following instructions.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, on the navigation bar, on the Register and ingest option, select Data Lake locations.
  2. Choose Register location.
  3. Select the dcp-glue bucket and choose Register Location.
  4. Repeat for the dcp-macie/dataset, dcp-athena/masked, and dcp-athena/encrypted prefixes.
    Figure 6: Amazon S3 locations registered in the solution

    Figure 6: Amazon S3 locations registered in the solution

You’re now ready to grant access to different users.

Granting per-user granular access

After successfully deploying the AWS services described in the CloudFormation template, you must configure access to resources that are part of the proposed solution.

Grant read-only accesses to all tables for secure-lf-admin

Before proceeding you must sign in as the secure-lf-admin user. To do this, sign out from the AWS console and sign in again using the secure-lf-admin credential and password that you set in the CloudFormation template.

Now that you’re signed in as the user who administers the data lake, you can grant read-only access to all tables in the dataset database to the secure-lf-admin user.

  1. In the Permissions section, select Data Lake permissions, and then choose Grant.
  2. Select IAM users and roles.
  3. Select the secure-lf-admin user.
  4. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, select Named data catalog resources.
  5. Select the database dataset.
  6. For Tables, select All tables.
  7. In the Table permissions section, select Alter and Super.
  8. Under Grantable permissions, select Alter and Super.
  9. Choose Grant.

You can confirm your user permissions on the Data Lake permissions page.

Create tags to grant access

Return to the Lake Formation console to define tag-based access control for users. You can assign policy tags to Data Catalog resources (databases, tables, and columns) to control access to this type of resources. Only users who receive the corresponding Lake Formation tag (and those who receive access with the resource method named) can access the resources.

  1. Open the Lake Formation console, then on the navigation bar, under Permissions, select LF-tags.
  2. Choose Add LF Tag. In the dialog box Add LF-tag, for Key, enter data, and for Values, enter mask. Choose Add, and then choose Add LF-Tag.
  3. Follow the same steps to add a second tag. For Key, enter segment, and for Values enter campaign.

Assign tags to users and databases

Now grant read-only access to the masked data to the secure-lf-data-scientist user.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, on the navigation bar, under Permissions, select Data Lake permissions
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Under IAM users and roles, select secure-lf-data-scientist as the user.
  4. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Resources matched by LF-Tags and choose add LF-Tag. For Key, enter data and for Values, enter mask.
    Figure 7: Creating resource tags for Lake Formation

    Figure 7: Creating resource tags for Lake Formation

  5. In the section Database permissions, in the Database permissions part and in Grantable permissions, select Describe.
  6. In the section Table permissions, in the Table permissions part and in Grantable permissions, select Select.
  7. Choose Grant.
    Figure 8: Database and table permissions granted

    Figure 8: Database and table permissions granted

To complete the process and give the secure-lf-data-scientist user access to the dataset_masked database, you must assign the tag you created to the database.

  1. On the navigation bar, under Data Catalog, select Databases.
  2. Select dataset_masked and select Actions. From the drop-down menu, select Edit LF-Tags.
  3. In the section Edit LF-Tags: dataset_masked, choose Assign new LF-Tag. For Key, enter data, and for Values, enter mask. Choose Save.

Grant read-only accesses to secure-lf-business-analyst

Now grant the secure-lf-business-analyst user read-only access to certain encrypted columns using column-based permissions.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, under Data Catalog, select Databases.
  2. Select the database dataset_encrypted and then select Actions. From the drop-down menu, choose Grant.
  3. Select IAM users and roles.
  4. Choose secure-lf-business-analyst.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources.
  6. In the Database permissions section, in the Database permissions section and in Grantable permissions, select Describe and Alter.
  7. Choose Grant.

Now give the secure-lf-business-analyst user access to the Customer table, except for the username column.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, under Data Catalog, select Databases.
  2. Select the database dataset_encrypted and then, choose View tables.
  3. From the Actions option in the drop-down menu, select Grant.
  4. Select IAM users and roles.
  5. Select secure-lf-business-analyst.
  6. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources part, select Named data catalog resources.
  7. In the Database section, leave the dataset_encrypted selected.
  8. In the tables section, select the customer table.
  9. In the Table permission section, in the Table permission section and in Grantable permissions, choose Select.
  10. In the Data Permissions section, select Column-based access.
  11. Select Include columns and select the idusername, mail, and gender columns, which are the data-less columns encrypted for the secure-lf-business-analyst user to have access to.
  12. Choose Grant.
    Figure 9: Granting access to secure-lf-business-analyst user in the Customer table

    Figure 9: Granting access to secure-lf-business-analyst user in the Customer table

Now give the secure-lf-business-analyst user access to the table Card, only for columns that do not contain PII information.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, under Data Catalog, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database dataset_encrypted and choose View tables.
  3. Select the table Card.
  4. In the Schema section, choose Edit schema.
  5. Select the cred_card_provider column, which is the column that has no PII data.
  6. Choose Edit tags.
  7. Choose Assign new LF-Tag.
  8. For Assigned keys, enter segment and for Values, enter mask.
    Figure 10: Editing tags in Lake Formation tables

    Figure 10: Editing tags in Lake Formation tables

  9. Choose Save, and then choose Save as new version.

In this step you add the segment tag in the column cred_card_provider to the card table. For the user secure-lf-business-analyst to have access, you need to configure this tag for the user.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, under Permissions, select Data Lake permissions.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Under IAM users and roles, select secure-lf-business-analyst as the user.
  4. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Resources matched by LF-Tags, and choose add LF-tag and for as Key enter segment and for Values, enter campaign.
    Figure 11: Configure tag-based access for user secure-lf-business-analyst

    Figure 11: Configure tag-based access for user secure-lf-business-analyst

  5. In the Database permissions section, in the Database permissions part and in Grantable permissions, select Describe from both options.
  6. In the Table permission section, in the Table permission part as well as in Grantable permissions, choose Select.
  7. Choose Grant.

The next step is to revoke Super access to the IAMAllowedPrincipals group.

The IAMAllowedPrincipals group includes all IAM users and roles that are allowed access to Data Catalog resources using IAM policies. The Super permission allows a principal to perform all operations supported by Lake Formation on the database or table on which it is granted. These settings provide access to Data Catalog resources and Amazon S3 locations controlled exclusively by IAM policies. Therefore, the individual permissions configured by Lake Formation are not considered, so you will remove the concessions already configured by the IAMAllowedPrincipals group, leaving only the Lake Formation settings.

  1. In the Databases menu, select the database dataset, and then select Actions. From the drop-down menu, select Revoke.
  2. In the Principals section, select IAM users and roles, and then select the IAMAllowedPrincipals group as the user.
  3. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, select Named data catalog resources.
  4. In the Database section, leave the dataset option selected.
  5. Under Tables, select the following tables: bank, card, and customer.
  6. In the Table permissions section, select Super.
  7. Choose Revoke.

Repeat the same steps for the dataset_encrypted and dataset_masked databases.

Figure 12: Revoke SUPER access to the IAMAllowedPrincipals group

Figure 12: Revoke SUPER access to the IAMAllowedPrincipals group

You can confirm all user permissions on the Data Permissions page.

Querying the data lake using Athena with different personas

To validate the permissions of different personas, you use Athena to query the Amazon S3 data lake.

Ensure the query result location has been created as part of the CloudFormation stack (secure-athena-query-<ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION>).

  1. Sign in to the Athena console with secure-lf-admin (use the password value for TestUserPassword from the CloudFormation stack) and verify that you are in the AWS Region used in the query result location.
  2. On the navigation bar, choose Query editor.
  3. Choose Setting to set up a query result location in Amazon S3, and then choose Browse S3 and select the bucket secure-athena-query-<ACCOUNT_ID>-<AWS_REGION>.
  4. Run a SELECT query on the dataset.
    SELECT * FROM "dataset"."bank" limit 10;

The secure-lf-admin user should see all tables in the dataset database and dcp. As for the banks dataset_encrypted and dataset_masked, the user should not have access to the tables.

Figure 13: Athena console with query results in clear text

Figure 13: Athena console with query results in clear text

Finally, validate the secure-lf-data-scientist permissions.

  1. Sign in to the Athena console with secure-lf-data-scientist (use the password value for TestUserPassword from the CloudFormation stack) and verify that you are in the correct Region.
  2. Run the following query:
    SELECT * FROM “dataset_masked”.”bank” limit 10;

The user secure-lf-data-scientist will only be able to view all the columns in the database dataset_masked.

Figure 14: Athena query results with masked data

Figure 14: Athena query results with masked data

Now, validate the secure-lf-business-analyst user permissions.

  1. Sign in to the Athena console as secure-lf-business-analyst (use the password value for TestUserPassword from the CloudFormation stack) and verify that you are in the correct Region.
  2. Run a SELECT query on the dataset.
    SELECT * FROM “dataset_encrypted”.”card” limit 10;

    Figure 15: Validating secure-lf-business-analyst user permissions to query data

    Figure 15: Validating secure-lf-business-analyst user permissions to query data

The user secure-lf-business-analyst should only be able to view the card and customer tables of the dataset_encrypted database. In the table card, you will only have access to the cred_card_provider column and in the table Customer, you will have access only in the username, mail, and sex columns, as previously configured in Lake Formation.

Cleaning up the environment

After testing the solution, remove the resources you created to avoid unnecessary expenses.

  1. Open the Amazon S3 console.
  2. Navigate to each of the following buckets and delete all the objects within:
    1. dcp-assets-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>
    2. dcp-athena-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>
    3. dcp-glue-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>
    4. dcp-macie-<AWS_REGION>-<ACCOUNT_ID>
  3. Open the CloudFormation console.
  4. Select the Stacks option from the navigation bar.
  5. Select the stack that you created in Deploy the CloudFormation Template.
  6. Choose Delete, and then choose Delete Stack in the pop-up window.
  7. If you also want to delete the bucket that was created, go to Amazon S3 and delete it from the console or by using the AWS CLI.
  8. To remove the settings made in Lake Formation, go to the Lake Formation dashboard, and remove the data lake locales and the Lake Formation administrator.


Now that the solution is implemented, you have an automated anonymization dataflow. This solution demonstrates how you can build a solution using AWS serverless solutions where you only pay for what you use and without worrying about infrastructure provisioning. In addition, this solution is customizable to meet other data protection requirements such as General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil, General Data Protection Regulation in Europe (GDPR), and the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) Cloud Computing Implementation Guide.

We used Macie to identify the sensitive data stored in Amazon S3 and AWS Glue to generate Macie reports to anonymize the sensitive data found. Finally, we used Lake Formation to implement fine-grained data access control to specific information and demonstrated how you can programmatically grant access to applications that need to work with unmasked data.

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Iris Ferreira

Iris Ferreira

Iris is a solutions architect at AWS, supporting clients in their innovation and digital transformation journeys in the cloud. In her free time, she enjoys going to the beach, traveling, hiking and always being in contact with nature.

Paulo Aragão

Paulo Aragão

Paulo is a Principal Solutions Architect and supports clients in the financial sector to tread the new world of DeFi, web3.0, Blockchain, dApps, and Smart Contracts. In addition, he has extensive experience in high performance computing (HPC) and machine learning. Passionate about music and diving, he devours books, plays World of Warcraft and New World, and cooks for friends.

Leo da Silva

Leo da Silva

Leo is a Principal Security Solutions Architect at AWS and uses his knowledge to help customers better use cloud services and technologies securely. Over the years, he had the opportunity to work in large, complex environments, designing, architecting, and implementing highly scalable and secure solutions to global companies. He is passionate about football, BBQ, and Jiu Jitsu — the Brazilian version of them all.

AWS Lake Formation 2023 year in review

Post Syndicated from Aarthi Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/aws-lake-formation-2023-year-in-review/

AWS Lake Formation and the AWS Glue Data Catalog form an integral part of a data governance solution for data lakes built on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with multiple AWS analytics services integrating with them. In 2022, we talked about the enhancements we had done to these services. We continue to listen to customer stories and work backwards to incorporate their thoughts in our products. In this post, we are happy to summarize the results of our hard work in 2023 to improve and simplify data governance for customers.

We announced our new features and capabilities during AWS re:Invent 2023, as is our custom every year. The following are re:Invent 2023 talks showcasing Lake Formation and Data Catalog capabilities:

We group the new capabilities into four categories:

  • Discover and secure
  • Connect with data sharing
  • Scale and optimize
  • Audit and monitor

Let’s dive deeper and discuss the new capabilities introduced in 2023.

Discover and secure

Using Lake Formation and the Data Catalog as the foundational building blocks, we launched Amazon DataZone in October 2023. DataZone is a data management service that makes it faster and more straightforward for you to catalog, discover, share, and govern data stored across AWS, on premises, and third-party sources. The publishing and subscription workflows of DataZone enhance collaboration between various roles in your organization and speed up the time to derive business insights from your data. You can enhance the technical metadata of the Data Catalog using AI-powered assistants into business metadata of DataZone, making it more easily discoverable. DataZone automatically manages the permissions of your shared data in the DataZone projects. To learn more about DataZone, refer to the User Guide. Bienvenue dans DataZone!

AWS Glue crawlers classify data to determine the format, schema, and associated properties of the raw data, group data into tables or partitions, and write metadata to the Data Catalog. In 2023, we released several updates to AWS Glue crawlers. We added the ability to bring your custom versions of JDBC drivers in crawlers to extract data schemas from your data sources and populate the Data Catalog. To optimize partition retrieval and improve query performance, we added the feature for crawlers to automatically add partition indexes for newly discovered tables. We also integrated crawlers with Lake Formation, supporting centralized permissions for in-account and cross-account crawling of S3 data lakes. These are some much sought-after improvements that simplify your metadata discovery using crawlers. Crawlers, salut!

We have also seen a tremendous rise in the usage of open table formats (OTFs) like Linux Foundation Delta Lake, Apache Iceberg, and Apache Hudi. To support these popular OTFs, we added support to natively crawl these three table formats into the Data Catalog. Furthermore, we worked with other AWS analytics services, such as Amazon EMR, to enable Lake Formation fine-grained permissions on all the three open table formats. We encourage you to explore which features of Lake Formation are supported for OTF tables. Bien intégré!

As the data sources and types increase over time, you are bound to have nested data types in your data lake sooner or later. To bring data governance to these datasets without flattening them, Lake Formation added support for fine-grained access controls on nested data types and columns. We also added support for Lake Formation fine-grained access controls while running Apache Hive jobs on Amazon EMR on EC2 and on Amazon EMR Studio. With Amazon EMR Serverless, fine-grained access control with Lake Formation is now available in preview. Connecté les points!

At AWS, we work very closely with our customers to understand their experience. We came to understand that onboarding to Lake Formation from AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) based permissions for Amazon S3 and the AWS Glue Data Catalog could be streamlined. We realized that your use cases need more flexibility in data governance. With the hybrid access mode in Lake Formation, we introduced selective addition of Lake Formation permissions for some users and databases, without interrupting other users and workloads. You can define a catalog table in hybrid mode and grant access to new users like data analysts and data scientists using Lake Formation while your production extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines continue to use their existing IAM-based permissions. Double victoire!

Let’s talk about identity management. You can use IAM principals, Amazon Quicksight users and groups, and external accounts and IAM principals in external accounts to grant access to Data Catalog resources in Lake Formation. What about your corporate identities? Do you need to create and maintain multiple IAM roles and map them to various corporate identities? You could see the IAM role that accessed the table, but how could you find out which user accessed it? To answer these questions, Lake Formation integrated with AWS IAM Identity Center and added the feature for trusted identity propagation. With this, you can grant fine-grained access permissions to the identities from your organization’s existing identity provider. Other AWS analytics services also support the user identity to be propagated. Your auditors can now see that the user [email protected], for example, had accessed the table managed by Lake Formation permissions using Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. Intégration facile!

Now you don’t have to worry about moving the data or copying the Data Catalog to another AWS Region to use the AWS services for data governance. We have expanded and made Lake Formation available in all Regions in 2023. Et voila!

Connect with data sharing

Lake Formation provides a straightforward way to share Data Catalog objects like databases and tables with internal and external users. This mechanism empowers organizations with quick and secure access to data and speeds up their business decision-making. Let’s review the new features and enhancements made in 2023 under this theme.

The AWS Glue Data Catalog is the central and foundational component of data governance for both Lake Formation and DataZone. In 2023, we extended the Data Catalog through federation to integrate with external Apache Hive metastores and Redshift datashares. We also made available the connector code, which you can customize to connect the Data Catalog with additional Apache Hive-compatible metastores. These integrations pave the way to get more metadata into the Data Catalog, and allow fine-grained access controls and sharing of these resources across AWS accounts effortlessly with Lake Formation permissions. We also added support to access the Data Catalog table of one Region from other Regions using cross-Region resource links. This enhancement simplifies many use cases to avoid metadata duplication.

With the AWS CloudTrail Lake federation feature, you can discover, analyze, join, and share CloudTrail Lake data with other data sources in Data Catalog. For CloudTrail Lake, fine-grained access controls and querying and visualizing capabilities are available through Athena.

We further extended the Data Catalog capabilities to support uniform views across your data lake. You can create views using different SQL dialects and query from Athena, Redshift Spectrum, and Amazon EMR. This allows you to maintain permissions at the view level and not share the individual tables. The Data Catalog views feature is available in preview, announced at re:Invent 2023.

Scale and optimize

As SQL queries get more complex with the data changes over time or has multiple joins, a cost-based optimizer (CBO) can drive optimizations in the query plan and lead to faster performance, based on statistics of the data in the tables. In 2023, we added support for column-level statistics for tables in the Data Catalog. Customers are already seeing query performance improvements in Athena and Redshift Spectrum, with table column statistics turned on. Suivez les chiffres!

Tag-based access control removes the need to update your policies every time a new resource is added to the data lake. Instead, data lake administrators create Lake Formation Tags (LF-Tags) to tag Data Catalog objects and grant access based on these LF-Tags to users and groups. In 2023, we added support for LF-Tag delegation, where data lake administrators can give permissions to data stewards and other users to manage LF-Tags without the need for administrator privileges. LF-Tag democratization!

Apache Iceberg format uses metadata to keep track of the data files that make up the table. Changes to tables, like inserts or updates, result in new data files being created. As the number of data files for a table grows, the queries using that table can become less efficient. To improve query performance on the Iceberg table, you need to reduce the number of data files by compacting the smaller change capture files into bigger files. Users typically create and run scripts to perform optimization of these Iceberg table files in their own servers or through AWS Glue ETL. To alleviate this complex maintenance of Iceberg tables, customers approached us for a better solution. We introduced the feature for automatic compaction of Apache Iceberg tables in the Data Catalog. After you turn on automatic compaction, the Data Catalog automatically manages the metadata of the table and gives you an always-optimized Amazon S3 layout for your Iceberg tables. To learn more, check out Optimizing Iceberg tables. Automatique!

Audit and monitor

Knowing who has access to what data is a critical component of data governance. Auditors need to validate that the right metadata and data permissions are set in Lake Formation and the Data Catalog. Data lake administrators have full access to permissions and metadata, and can grant access to the data itself. To provide auditors with an option to search and review metadata permissions without granting them access to make changes to permissions, we introduced the read-only administrator role in Lake Formation. This role allows you to audit the catalog metadata and Lake Formation permissions and LF-Tags while restricting it from making any changes to them.


We had an amazing 2023, developing product enhancements to help you simplify and enhance your data governance using Lake Formation and Data Catalog. We invite you to try these new features. The following is a list of our launch posts for reference:

We will continue to innovate on behalf of our customers in 2024. Please share your thoughts, use cases, and feedback for our product improvements in the comments section or through your AWS account teams. We wish you a happy and prosperous 2024. Bonne année!

About the authors

Aarthi Srinivasan is a Senior Big Data Architect with AWS Lake Formation. She likes building data lake solutions for AWS customers and partners. When not on the keyboard, she explores the latest science and technology trends and spends time with her family.

Leon Stigter is a Senior Technical Product Manager with AWS Lake Formation. Leon’s focus is on helping developers build data lakes faster, with seamless connectivity to analytical tools, to transform data into game-changing insights. Leon is interested in data and serverless technologies, and enjoys exploring different cities on his mission to taste cheesecake everywhere he goes.

Enforce fine-grained access control on Open Table Formats via Amazon EMR integrated with AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Raymond Lai original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enforce-fine-grained-access-control-on-open-table-formats-via-amazon-emr-integrated-with-aws-lake-formation/

With Amazon EMR 6.15, we launched AWS Lake Formation based fine-grained access controls (FGAC) on Open Table Formats (OTFs), including Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta lake. This allows you to simplify security and governance over transactional data lakes by providing access controls at table-, column-, and row-level permissions with your Apache Spark jobs. Many large enterprise companies seek to use their transactional data lake to gain insights and improve decision-making. You can build a lake house architecture using Amazon EMR integrated with Lake Formation for FGAC. This combination of services allows you to conduct data analysis on your transactional data lake while ensuring secure and controlled access.

The Amazon EMR record server component supports table-, column-, row-, cell-, and nested attribute-level data filtering functionality. It extends support to Hive, Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta lake formats for both reading (including time travel and incremental query) and write operations (on DML statements such as INSERT). Additionally, with version 6.15, Amazon EMR introduces access control protection for its application web interface such as on-cluster Spark History Server, Yarn Timeline Server, and Yarn Resource Manager UI.

In this post, we demonstrate how to implement FGAC on Apache Hudi tables using Amazon EMR integrated with Lake Formation.

Transaction data lake use case

Amazon EMR customers often use Open Table Formats to support their ACID transaction and time travel needs in a data lake. By preserving historical versions, data lake time travel provides benefits such as auditing and compliance, data recovery and rollback, reproducible analysis, and data exploration at different points in time.

Another popular transaction data lake use case is incremental query. Incremental query refers to a query strategy that focuses on processing and analyzing only the new or updated data within a data lake since the last query. The key idea behind incremental queries is to use metadata or change tracking mechanisms to identify the new or modified data since the last query. By identifying these changes, the query engine can optimize the query to process only the relevant data, significantly reducing the processing time and resource requirements.

Solution overview

In this post, we demonstrate how to implement FGAC on Apache Hudi tables using Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) integrated with Lake Formation. Apache Hudi is an open source transactional data lake framework that greatly simplifies incremental data processing and the development of data pipelines. This new FGAC feature supports all OTF. Besides demonstrating with Hudi here, we will follow up with other OTF tables with other blogs. We use notebooks in Amazon SageMaker Studio to read and write Hudi data via different user access permissions through an EMR cluster. This reflects real-world data access scenarios—for example, if an engineering user needs full data access to troubleshoot on a data platform, whereas data analysts may only need to access a subset of that data that doesn’t contain personally identifiable information (PII). Integrating with Lake Formation via the Amazon EMR runtime role further enables you to improve your data security posture and simplifies data control management for Amazon EMR workloads. This solution ensures a secure and controlled environment for data access, meeting the diverse needs and security requirements of different users and roles in an organization.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Solution architecture

We conduct a data ingestion process to upsert (update and insert) a Hudi dataset to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, and persist or update the table schema in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. With zero data movement, we can query the Hudi table governed by Lake Formation via various AWS services, such as Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and Amazon SageMaker.

When users submit a Spark job through any EMR cluster endpoints (EMR Steps, Livy, EMR Studio, and SageMaker), Lake Formation validates their privileges and instructs the EMR cluster to filter out sensitive data such as PII data.

This solution has three different types of users with different levels of permissions to access the Hudi data:

  • hudi-db-creator-role – This is used by the data lake administrator who has privileges to carry out DDL operations such as creating, modifying, and deleting database objects. They can define data filtering rules on Lake Formation for row-level and column-level data access control. These FGAC rules ensure that data lake is secured and fulfills the data privacy regulations required.
  • hudi-table-pii-role – This is used by engineering users. The engineering users are capable of carrying out time travel and incremental queries on both Copy-on-Write (CoW) and Merge-on-Read (MoR). They also have privilege to access PII data based on any timestamps.
  • hudi-table-non-pii-role – This is used by data analysts. Data analysts’ data access rights are governed by FGAC authorized rules controlled by data lake administrators. They do not have visibility on columns containing PII data like names and addresses. Additionally, they can’t access rows of data that don’t fulfill certain conditions. For example, the users only can access data rows that belong to their country.


You can download the three notebooks used in this post from the GitHub repo.

Before you deploy the solution, make sure you have the following:

Complete the following steps to set up your permissions:

  1. Log in to your AWS account with your admin IAM user.

Make sure you are in theus-east-1Region.

  1. Create a S3 bucket in the us-east-1 Region (for example,emr-fgac-hudi-us-east-1-<ACCOUNT ID>).

Next, we enable Lake Formation by changing the default permission model.

  1. Sign in to the Lake Formation console as the administrator user.
  2. Choose Data Catalog settings under Administration in the navigation pane.
  3. Under Default permissions for newly created databases and tables, deselect Use only IAM access control for new databases and Use only IAM access control for new tables in new databases.
  4. Choose Save.

Data Catalog settings

Alternatively, you need to revoke IAMAllowedPrincipals on resources (databases and tables) created if you started Lake Formation with the default option.

Finally, we create a key pair for Amazon EMR.

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, choose Key pairs in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create key pair.
  3. For Name, enter a name (for exampleemr-fgac-hudi-keypair).
  4. Choose Create key pair.

Create key pair

The generated key pair (for this post, emr-fgac-hudi-keypair.pem) will save to your local computer.

Next, we create an AWS Cloud9 interactive development environment (IDE).

  1. On the AWS Cloud9 console, choose Environments in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create environment.
  3. For Name¸ enter a name (for example,emr-fgac-hudi-env).
  4. Keep the other settings as default.

Cloud9 environment

  1. Choose Create.
  2. When the IDE is ready, choose Open to open it.

cloud9 environment

  1. In the AWS Cloud9 IDE, on the File menu, choose Upload Local Files.

Upload local file

  1. Upload the key pair file (emr-fgac-hudi-keypair.pem).
  2. Choose the plus sign and choose New Terminal.

new terminal

  1. In the terminal, input the following command lines:
#Create encryption certificates for EMR in transit encryption
openssl req -x509 \
-newkey rsa:1024 \
-keyout privateKey.pem \
-out certificateChain.pem \
-days 365 \
-nodes \
-subj '/C=US/ST=Washington/L=Seattle/O=MyOrg/OU=MyDept/CN=*.compute.internal'
cp certificateChain.pem trustedCertificates.pem

# Zip certificates
zip -r -X my-certs.zip certificateChain.pem privateKey.pem trustedCertificates.pem

# Upload the certificates zip file to S3 bucket
# Replace <ACCOUNT ID> with your AWS account ID
aws s3 cp ./my-certs.zip s3://emr-fgac-hudi-us-east-1-<ACCOUNT ID>/my-certs.zip

Note that the example code is a proof of concept for demonstration purposes only. For production systems, use a trusted certification authority (CA) to issue certificates. Refer to Providing certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR encryption for details.

Deploy the solution via AWS CloudFormation

We provide an AWS CloudFormation template that automatically sets up the following services and components:

  • An S3 bucket for the data lake. It contains the sample TPC-DS dataset.
  • An EMR cluster with security configuration and public DNS enabled.
  • EMR runtime IAM roles with Lake Formation fine-grained permissions:
    • <STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role – This role is used to create Apache Hudi database and tables.
    • <STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-pii-role – This role provides permission to query all columns of Hudi tables, including columns with PII.
    • <STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-non-pii-role – This role provides permission to query Hudi tables that have filtered out PII columns by Lake Formation.
  • SageMaker Studio execution roles that allow the users to assume their corresponding EMR runtime roles.
  • Networking resources such as VPC, subnets, and security groups.

Complete the following steps to deploy the resources:

  1. Choose Quick create stack to launch the CloudFormation stack.
  2. For Stack name, enter a stack name (for example,rsv2-emr-hudi-blog).
  3. For Ec2KeyPair, enter the name of your key pair.
  4. For IdleTimeout, enter an idle timeout for the EMR cluster to avoid paying for the cluster when it’s not being used.
  5. For InitS3Bucket, enter the S3 bucket name you created to save the Amazon EMR encryption certificate .zip file.
  6. For S3CertsZip, enter the S3 URI of the Amazon EMR encryption certificate .zip file.

CloudFormation template

  1. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  2. Choose Create stack.

The CloudFormation stack deployment takes around 10 minutes.

Set up Lake Formation for Amazon EMR integration

Complete the following steps to set up Lake Formation:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Application integration settings under Administration in the navigation pane.
  2. Select Allow external engines to filter data in Amazon S3 locations registered with Lake Formation.
  3. Choose Amazon EMR for Session tag values.
  4. Enter your AWS account ID for AWS account IDs.
  5. Choose Save.

LF - Application integration settings

  1. Choose Databases under Data Catalog in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create database.
  3. For Name, enter default.
  4. Choose Create database.

LF - create database

  1. Choose Data lake permissions under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Select IAM users and roles.
  4. Choose your IAM roles.
  5. For Databases, choose default.
  6. For Database permissions, select Describe.
  7. Choose Grant.

LF - Grant data permissions

Copy Hudi JAR file to Amazon EMR HDFS

To use Hudi with Jupyter notebooks, you need to complete the following steps for the EMR cluster, which includes copying a Hudi JAR file from the Amazon EMR local directory to its HDFS storage, so that you can configure a Spark session to use Hudi:

  1. Authorize inbound SSH traffic (port 22).
  2. Copy the value for Primary node public DNS (for example, ec2-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com) from the EMR cluster Summary section.

EMR cluster summary

  1. Go back to previous AWS Cloud9 terminal you used to create the EC2 key pair.
  2. Run the following command to SSH into the EMR primary node. Replace the placeholder with your EMR DNS hostname:
chmod 400 emr-fgac-hudi-keypair.pem
ssh -i emr-fgac-hudi-keypair.pem [email protected]
  1. Run the following command to copy the Hudi JAR file to HDFS:
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /apps/hudi/lib
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/lib/hudi/hudi-spark-bundle.jar /apps/hudi/lib/hudi-spark-bundle.jar

Create the Hudi database and tables in Lake Formation

Now we’re ready to create the Hudi database and tables with FGAC enabled by the EMR runtime role. The EMR runtime role is an IAM role that you can specify when you submit a job or query to an EMR cluster.

Grant database creator permission

First, let’s grant the Lake Formation database creator permission to<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role:

  1. Log in to your AWS account as an administrator.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, choose Administrative roles and tasks under Administration in the navigation pane.
  3. Confirm that your AWS login user has been added as a data lake administrator.
  4. In the Database creator section, choose Grant.
  5. For IAM users and roles, choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role.
  6. For Catalog permissions, select Create database.
  7. Choose Grant.

Register the data lake location

Next, let’s register the S3 data lake location in Lake Formation:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data lake locations under Administration in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Register location.
  3. For Amazon S3 path, Choose Browse and choose the data lake S3 bucket. (<STACK_NAME>s3bucket-XXXXXXX) created from the CloudFormation stack.
  4. For IAM role, choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role.
  5. For Permission mode, select Lake Formation.
  6. Choose Register location.

LF - Register location

Grant data location permission

Next, we need to grant<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-rolethe data location permission:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data locations under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. For IAM users and roles, choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role.
  4. For Storage locations, enter the S3 bucket (<STACK_NAME>-s3bucket-XXXXXXX).
  5. Choose Grant.

LF - Grant permissions

Connect to the EMR cluster

Now, let’s use a Jupyter notebook in SageMaker Studio to connect to the EMR cluster with the database creator EMR runtime role:

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Domains in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the domain<STACK-NAME>-Studio-EMR-LF-Hudi.
  3. On the Launch menu next to the user profile<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator, choose Studio.

SM - Domain details

  1. Download the notebook rsv2-hudi-db-creator-notebook.
  2. Choose the upload icon.

SM Studio - Upload

  1. Choose the downloaded Jupyter notebook and choose Open.
  2. Open the uploaded notebook.
  3. For Image, choose SparkMagic.
  4. For Kernel, choose PySpark.
  5. Leave the other configurations as default and choose Select.

SM Studio - Change environment

  1. Choose Cluster to connect to the EMR cluster.

SM Studio - connect EMR cluster

  1. Choose the EMR on EC2 cluster (<STACK-NAME>-EMR-Cluster) created with the CloudFormation stack.
  2. Choose Connect.
  3. For EMR execution role, choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role.
  4. Choose Connect.

Create database and tables

Now you can follow the steps in the notebook to create the Hudi database and tables. The major steps are as follows:

  1. When you start the notebook, configure“spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog.lf.managed":"true"to inform Spark that spark_catalog is protected by Lake Formation.
  2. Create Hudi tables using the following Spark SQL.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql}(
    c_customer_id string,
    c_birth_country string,
    c_customer_sk integer,
    c_email_address string,
    c_first_name string,
    c_last_name string,
    ts bigint
) USING hudi
LOCATION '${cow_table_location_sql}'
  type = 'cow',
  primaryKey = '${hudi_primary_key}',
  preCombineField = '${hudi_pre_combined_field}'
PARTITIONED BY (${hudi_partitioin_field});

  1. Insert data from the source table to the Hudi tables.
INSERT OVERWRITE ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql}
    c_customer_id ,  
    unix_timestamp(current_timestamp()) AS ts,
FROM ${src_df_view}
WHERE c_birth_country = 'HONG KONG' OR c_birth_country = 'CHINA' 
LIMIT 1000
  1. Insert data again into the Hudi tables.
INSERT INTO ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql}
    c_customer_id ,  
    unix_timestamp(current_timestamp()) AS ts,
FROM ${insert_into_view}

Query the Hudi tables via Lake Formation with FGAC

After you create the Hudi database and tables, you’re ready to query the tables using fine-grained access control with Lake Formation. We have created two types of Hudi tables: Copy-On-Write (COW) and Merge-On-Read (MOR). The COW table stores data in a columnar format (Parquet), and each update creates a new version of files during a write. This means that for every update, Hudi rewrites the entire file, which can be more resource-intensive but provides faster read performance. MOR, on the other hand, is introduced for cases where COW may not be optimal, particularly for write- or change-heavy workloads. In a MOR table, each time there is an update, Hudi writes only the row for the changed record, which reduces cost and enables low-latency writes. However, the read performance might be slower compared to COW tables.

Grant table access permission

We use the IAM role<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-pii-roleto query Hudi COW and MOR containing PII columns. We first grant the table access permission via Lake Formation:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data lake permissions under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-pii-rolefor IAM users and roles.
  4. Choose thersv2_blog_hudi_db_1database for Databases.
  5. For Tables, choose the four Hudi tables you created in the Jupyter notebook.

LF - Grant data permissions

  1. For Table permissions, select Select.
  2. Choose Grant.

LF - table permissions

Query PII columns

Now you’re ready to run the notebook to query the Hudi tables. Let’s follow similar steps to the previous section to run the notebook in SageMaker Studio:

  1. On the SageMaker console, navigate to the<STACK-NAME>-Studio-EMR-LF-Hudidomain.
  2. On the Launch menu next to the<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-readeruser profile, choose Studio.
  3. Upload the downloaded notebook rsv2-hudi-table-pii-reader-notebook.
  4. Open the uploaded notebook.
  5. Repeat the notebook setup steps and connect to the same EMR cluster, but use the role<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-pii-role.

In the current stage, FGAC-enabled EMR cluster needs to query Hudi’s commit time column for performing incremental queries and time travel. It does not support Spark’s “timestamp as of” syntax and Spark.read(). We are actively working on incorporating support for both actions in future Amazon EMR releases with FGAC enabled.

You can now follow the steps in the notebook. The following are some highlighted steps:

  1. Run a snapshot query.
SELECT c_birth_country, count(*) FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql} GROUP BY c_birth_country;
  1. Run an incremental query.
incremental_df = spark.sql(f"""
SELECT * FROM {HUDI_CATALOG}.{HUDI_DATABASE}.{COW_TABLE_NAME_SQL} WHERE _hoodie_commit_time >= {commit_ts[-1]}

FROM incremental_view
GROUP BY c_birth_country;
  1. Run a time travel query.
    c_birth_country, COUNT(*) as count
FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql}
WHERE _hoodie_commit_time IN
    SELECT DISTINCT _hoodie_commit_time FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql} ORDER BY _hoodie_commit_time LIMIT 1 
GROUP BY c_birth_country
  1. Run MOR read-optimized and real-time table queries.
            WHEN c_email_address = 'UNKNOWN' THEN 'UNKNOWN'
            ELSE 'NOT_UNKNOWN'
        END AS email_label
    FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${mor_table_name_sql}_ro
    WHERE c_birth_country = 'HONG KONG'
) a
GROUP BY a.email_label;
FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${mor_table_name_sql}_ro
    c_birth_country = 'INDIA' OR c_first_name = 'MASKED'

Query the Hudi tables with column-level and row-level data filters

We use the IAM role<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-non-pii-roleto query Hudi tables. This role is not allowed to query any columns containing PII. We use the Lake Formation column-level and row-level data filters to implement fine-grained access control:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data filters under Data Catalog in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create new filter.
  3. For Data filter name, entercustomer-pii-filter.
  4. Choosersv2_blog_hudi_db_1for Target database.
  5. Choosersv2_blog_hudi_mor_sql_dl_customer_1for Target table.
  6. Select Exclude columns and choose thec_customer_id,c_email_address, andc_last_namecolumns.
  7. Enterc_birth_country != 'HONG KONG'for Row filter expression.
  8. Choose Create filter.

LF - create data filter

  1. Choose Data lake permissions under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-non-pii-rolefor IAM users and roles.
  4. Choosersv2_blog_hudi_db_1for Databases.
  5. Choosersv2_blog_hudi_mor_sql_dl_tpc_customer_1for Tables.
  6. Choosecustomer-pii-filterfor Data filters.
  7. For Data filter permissions, select Select.
  8. Choose Grant.

LF - Grant data permissions

Let’s follow similar steps to run the notebook in SageMaker Studio:

  1. On the SageMaker console, navigate to the domainStudio-EMR-LF-Hudi.
  2. On the Launch menu for thehudi-table-readeruser profile, choose Studio.
  3. Upload the downloaded notebook rsv2-hudi-table-non-pii-reader-notebook and choose Open.
  4. Repeat the notebook setup steps and connect to the same EMR cluster, but select the role<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-non-pii-role.

You can now follow the steps in the notebook. From the query results, you can see that FGAC via the Lake Formation data filter has been applied. The role can’t see the PII columnsc_customer_id,c_last_name, andc_email_address. Also, the rows fromHONG KONGhave been filtered.

filtered query result

Clean up

After you’re done experimenting with the solution, we recommend cleaning up resources with the following steps to avoid unexpected costs:

  1. Shut down the SageMaker Studio apps for the user profiles.

The EMR cluster will be automatically deleted after the idle timeout value.

  1. Delete the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) volume created for the domain.
  2. Empty the S3 buckets created by the CloudFormation stack.
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the stack.


In this post, we used Apachi Hudi, one type of OTF tables, to demonstrate this new feature to enforce fine-grained access control on Amazon EMR. You can define granular permissions in Lake Formation for OTF tables and apply them via Spark SQL queries on EMR clusters. You also can use transactional data lake features such as running snapshot queries, incremental queries, time travel, and DML query. Please note that this new feature covers all OTF tables.

This feature is launched starting from Amazon EMR release 6.15 in all Regions where Amazon EMR is available. With the Amazon EMR integration with Lake Formation, you can confidently manage and process big data, unlocking insights and facilitating informed decision-making while upholding data security and governance.

To learn more, refer to Enable Lake Formation with Amazon EMR and feel free to contact your AWS Solutions Architects, who can be of assistance alongside your data journey.

About the Author

Raymond LaiRaymond Lai is a Senior Solutions Architect who specializes in catering to the needs of large enterprise customers. His expertise lies in assisting customers with migrating intricate enterprise systems and databases to AWS, constructing enterprise data warehousing and data lake platforms. Raymond excels in identifying and designing solutions for AI/ML use cases, and he has a particular focus on AWS Serverless solutions and Event Driven Architecture design.

Bin Wang, PhD, is a Senior Analytic Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, boasting over 12 years of experience in the ML industry, with a particular focus on advertising. He possesses expertise in natural language processing (NLP), recommender systems, diverse ML algorithms, and ML operations. He is deeply passionate about applying ML/DL and big data techniques to solve real-world problems.

Aditya Shah is a Software Development Engineer at AWS. He is interested in Databases and Data warehouse engines and has worked on performance optimisations, security compliance and ACID compliance for engines like Apache Hive and Apache Spark.

Melody Yang is a Senior Big Data Solution Architect for Amazon EMR at AWS. She is an experienced analytics leader working with AWS customers to provide best practice guidance and technical advice in order to assist their success in data transformation. Her areas of interests are open-source frameworks and automation, data engineering and DataOps.

Enhance query performance using AWS Glue Data Catalog column-level statistics

Post Syndicated from Sandeep Adwankar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enhance-query-performance-using-aws-glue-data-catalog-column-level-statistics/

Today, we’re making available a new capability of AWS Glue Data Catalog that allows generating column-level statistics for AWS Glue tables. These statistics are now integrated with the cost-based optimizers (CBO) of Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum, resulting in improved query performance and potential cost savings.

Data lakes are designed for storing vast amounts of raw, unstructured, or semi-structured data at a low cost, and organizations share those datasets across multiple departments and teams. The queries on these large datasets read vast amounts of data and can perform complex join operations on multiple datasets. When talking with our customers, we learned that one the challenging aspect of data lake performance is how to optimize these analytics queries to execute faster.

The data lake performance optimization is especially important for queries with multiple joins and that is where cost-based optimizers helps the most. In order for CBO to work, column statistics need to be collected and updated based on changes in the data. We’re launching capability of generating column-level statistics such as number of distinct, number of nulls, max, and min on files such as Parquet, ORC, JSON, Amazon ION, CSV, XML on AWS Glue tables. With this launch, customers now have integrated end-to-end experience where statistics on Glue tables are collected and stored in the AWS Glue Catalog, and made available to analytics services for improved query planning and execution.

Using these statistics, cost-based optimizers improves query run plans and boosts the performance of queries run in Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. For example, CBO can use column statistics such as number of distinct values and number of nulls to improve row prediction. Row prediction is the number of rows from a table that will be returned by a certain step during the query planning stage. The more accurate the row predictions are, the more efficient query execution steps are. This leads to faster query execution and potentially reduced cost. Some of the specific optimizations that CBO can employ include join reordering and push-down of aggregations based on the statistics available for each table and column.

For customers using data mesh with AWS Lake Formation permissions, tables from different data producers are cataloged in the centralized governance accounts. As they generate statistics on tables on centralized catalog and share those tables with consumers, queries on those tables in consumer accounts will see query performance improvements automatically. In this post, we’ll demonstrate the capability of AWS Glue Data Catalog to generate column statistics for our sample tables.

Solution overview

To demonstrate the effectiveness of this capability, we employ the industry-standard TPC-DS 3 TB dataset stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) public bucket. We’ll compare the query performance before and after generating column statistics for the tables, by running queries in Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. We are providing queries that we used in this post and we encourage to try out your own queries following workflow as illustrated in the following details.

The workflow consists of the following high level steps:

  1. Cataloging the Amazon S3 Bucket: Utilize AWS Glue Crawler to crawl the designated Amazon S3 bucket, extracting metadata, and seamlessly storing it in the AWS Glue data catalog. We’ll query these tables using Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum.
  2. Generating column statistics: Employ the enhanced capabilities of AWS Glue Data Catalog to generate comprehensive column statistics for the crawled data, thereby providing valuable insights into the dataset.
  3. Querying with Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum: Evaluate the impact of column statistics on query performance by utilizing Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum to execute queries on the dataset.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.


To implement the solution, we complete the following steps:

  1. Set up resources with AWS CloudFormation.
  2. Run AWS Glue Crawler on Public Amazon S3 bucket to list the 3TB TPC-DS dataset.
  3. Run queries on Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift and note down query duration
  4. Generate statistics for AWS Glue Data Catalog tables
  5. Run queries on Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift and compare query duration with previous run
  6. Optional: Schedule AWS Glue column statistics jobs using AWS Lambda and the Amazon EventBridge Scheduler

Set up resources with AWS CloudFormation

This post includes an AWS CloudFormation template for a quick setup. You can review and customize it to suit your needs. The template generates the following resources:

  • An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), public subnet, private subnets and route tables.
  • An Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup and namespace.
  • An AWS Glue crawler to crawl the public Amazon S3 bucket and create a table for the Glue Data Catalog for TPC-DS dataset
  • AWS Glue catalog databases and tables
  • An Amazon S3 bucket to store athena result.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) users and policies.
  • AWS Lambda and Amazon Event Bridge scheduler to schedule the AWS Glue Column statistics

To launch the AWS CloudFormation stack, complete the following steps:

Note: The AWS Glue data catalog tables are generated using the public bucket s3://blogpost-sparkoneks-us-east-1/blog/BLOG_TPCDS-TEST-3T-partitioned/, hosted in the us-east-1 region. If you intend to deploy this AWS CloudFormation template in a different region, it is necessary to either copy the data to the corresponding region or share the data within your deployed region for it to be accessible from Amazon Redshift.

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console as AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) administrator.
  2. Choose Launch Stack to deploy a AWS CloudFormation template.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. On the next page, keep all the option as default or make appropriate changes based on your requirement choose Next.
  5. Review the details on the final page and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  6. Choose Create.

This stack can take around 10 minutes to complete, after which you can view the deployed stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.

Run the AWS Glue Crawlers created by the AWS CloudFormation stack

To run your crawlers, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console to AWS Glue Console, choose Crawlers under Data Catalog in the navigation pane.
  2. Locate and run two crawlers tpcdsdb-without-stats and tpcdsdb-with-stats. It may take few mins to complete.

Once the crawler completes successfully, it would create two identical databases tpcdsdbnostats and tpcdsdbwithstats. The tables in tpcdsdbnostats will have No Stats and we’ll use them as reference. We generate statistics on tables in tpcdsdbwithstats. Please verify that you have those two databases and underlying tables from the AWS Glue Console. The tpcdsdbnostats database will look like below. At this time there are no statistics generated on these tables.

Run provided query using Amazon Athena on no-stats tables

To run your query in Amazon Athena on tables without statistics, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the athena queries from here.
  2. On the Amazon Athena Console, choose the provided query one at a time for tables in database tpcdsdbnostats.
  3. Run the query and note down the Run time for each query.

Run provided query using Amazon Redshift Spectrum on no-stats tables

To run your query in Amazon Redshift, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the Amazon Redshift queries from here.
  2. On the Redshift query editor v2, execute the Redshift Query for tables without stats section from downloaded query.
  3. Run the query and note down the query execution of each query.

Generate statistics on AWS Glue Catalog tables

To generate statistics on AWS Glue Catalog tables, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the AWS Glue Console and choose the databases under Data Catalog.
  2. Click on tpcdsdbwithstats database and it will list all the available tables.
  3. Select any of these tables (e.g., call_center).
  4. Go to Column statistics – new tab and choose Generate statistics.
  5. Keep the default option. Under Choose columns keep Table (All columns) and Under Row sampling options Keep All rows, Under IAM role choose AWSGluestats-blog and select Generate statistics.

You’ll be able to see status of the statistics generation run as shown in the following illustration:

After generate statistics on AWS Glue Catalog tables, you should be able to see detailed column statistics for that table:

Reiterate steps 2–5 to generate statistics for all necessary tables, such as catalog_sales, catalog_returns, warehouse, item, date_dim, store_sales, customer, customer_address, web_sales, time_dim, ship_mode, web_site, web_returns. Alternatively, you can follow the “Schedule AWS Glue Statistics Runs” section near the end of this blog to generate statistics for all tables. Once done, assess query performance for each query.

Run provided query using Athena Console on stats tables

  1. On the Amazon Athena console, execute the Athena Query for tables with stats section from downloaded query.
  2. Run and note down the query execution of each query.

In our sample run of the queries on the tables, we observed the query execution time as per the below table. We saw clear improvement in the query performance, ranging from 13 to 55%.

Athena query time improvement

TPC-DS 3T Queries without glue stats (sec) with glue stats (sec) performance improvement (%)
Query 2 33.62 15.17 55%
Query 4 132.11 72.94 45%
Query 14 134.77 91.48 32%
Query 28 55.99 39.36 30%
Query 38 29.32 25.58 13%

Run the provided query using Amazon Redshift Spectrum on statistics tables

  1. On the Amazon Redshift query editor v2, execute the Redshift Query for tables with stats section from downloaded query.
  2. Run the query and note down the query execution of each query.

In our sample run of the queries on the tables, we observed the query execution time as per the below table. We saw clear improvement in the query performance, ranging from 13 to 89%.

Amazon Redshift Spectrum query time improvement

TPC-DS 3T Queries without glue stats (sec) with glue stats (sec) performance improvement (%)
Query 40 124.156 13.12 89%
Query 60 29.52 16.97 42%
Query 66 18.914 16.39 13%
Query 95 308.806 200 35%
Query 99 20.064 16 20%

Schedule AWS Glue statistics Runs

In this segment of the post, we’ll guide you through the steps of scheduling AWS Glue column statistics runs using AWS Lambda and the Amazon EventBridge Scheduler. To streamline this process, a AWS Lambda function and an Amazon EventBridge scheduler were created as part of the CloudFormation stack deployment.

  1. AWS Lambda function setup:

To begin, we utilize an AWS Lambda function to trigger the execution of the AWS Glue column statistics job. The AWS Lambda function invokes the start_column_statistics_task_run API through the boto3 (AWS SDK for Python) library. This sets the groundwork for automating the column statistics update.

Let’s explore the AWS Lambda function:

    • Go to the AWS Glue Lambda Console.
    • Select Functions and locate the GlueTableStatisticsFunctionv1.
    • For a clearer understanding of the AWS Lambda function, we recommend reviewing the code in the Code section and examining the environment variables under Configuration.
  1. Amazon EventBridge scheduler configuration

The next step involves scheduling the AWS Lambda function invocation using the Amazon EventBridge Scheduler. The scheduler is configured to trigger the AWS Lambda function daily at a specific time – in this case, 08:00 PM. This ensures that the AWS Glue column statistics job runs on a regular and predictable basis.

Now, let’s explore how you can update the schedule:

Cleaning up

To avoid unwanted charges to your AWS account, delete the AWS resources:

  1. Sign into the AWS CloudFormation console as the AWS IAM administrator used for creating the AWS CloudFormation stack.
  2. Delete the AWS CloudFormation stack you created.


In this post, we showed you how you can use AWS Glue Data Catalog to generate column-level statistics for AWS Glue tables. These statistics are now integrated with cost-based optimizer from Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum, resulting in improved query performance and potential costs savings. Refer to Docs for support for Glue Catalog Statistics across various AWS analytical services.

If you have questions or suggestions, submit them in the comments section.

About the Authors

Sandeep Adwankar is a Senior Technical Product Manager at AWS. Based in the California Bay Area, he works with customers around the globe to translate business and technical requirements into products that enable customers to improve how they manage, secure, and access data.

Navnit Shukla serves as an AWS Specialist Solution Architect with a focus on Analytics. He possesses a strong enthusiasm for assisting clients in discovering valuable insights from their data. Through his expertise, he constructs innovative solutions that empower businesses to arrive at informed, data-driven choices. Notably, Navnit Shukla is the accomplished author of the book titled Data Wrangling on AWS. He can be reached via LinkedIn.

Decentralize LF-tag management with AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Ramkumar Nottath original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/decentralize-lf-tag-management-with-aws-lake-formation/

In today’s data-driven world, organizations face unprecedented challenges in managing and extracting valuable insights from their ever-expanding data ecosystems. As the number of data assets and users grow, the traditional approaches to data management and governance are no longer sufficient. Customers are now building more advanced architectures to decentralize permissions management to allow for individual groups of users to build and manage their own data products, without being slowed down by a central governance team. One of the core features of AWS Lake Formation is the delegation of permissions on a subset of resources such as databases, tables, and columns in AWS Glue Data Catalog to data stewards, empowering them make decisions regarding who should get access to their resources and helping you decentralize the permissions management of your data lakes. Lake Formation has added a new capability that further allows data stewards to create and manage their own Lake Formation tags (LF-tags). Lake Formation tag-based access control (LF-TBAC) is an authorization strategy that defines permissions based on attributes. In Lake Formation, these attributes are called LF-Tags. LF-TBAC is the recommended method to use to grant Lake Formation permissions when there is a large number of Data Catalog resources. LF-TBAC is more scalable than the named resource method and requires less permission management overhead.

In this post, we go through the process of delegating the LF-tag creation, management, and granting of permissions to a data steward.

Lake Formation serves as the foundation for these advanced architectures by simplifying security management and governance for users at scale across AWS analytics. Lake Formation is designed to address these challenges by providing secure sharing between AWS accounts and tag-based access control to be able scale permissions. By assigning tags to data assets based on their characteristics and properties, organizations can implement access control policies tailored to specific data attributes. This ensures that only authorized individuals or teams can access and work with the data relevant to their domain. For example, it allows customers to tag data assets as “Confidential” and grant access to that LF-Tag to only those users who should have access to confidential data. Tag-based access control not only enhances data security and privacy, but also promotes efficient collaboration and knowledge sharing.

The need for producer autonomy and decentralized tag creation and delegation in data governance is paramount, regardless of the architecture chosen, whether it be a single account, hub and spoke, or data mesh with central governance. Relying solely on centralized tag creation and governance can create bottlenecks, hinder agility, and stifle innovation. By granting producers and data stewards the autonomy to create and manage tags relevant to their specific domains, organizations can foster a sense of ownership and accountability among producer teams. This decentralized approach allows you to adapt and respond quickly to changing requirements. This methodology helps organizations strike a balance between central governance and producer ownership, leading to improved governance, enhanced data quality, and data democratization.

Lake Formation announced the tag delegation feature to address this. With this feature, a Lake Formation admin can now provide permission to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles to create tags, associate them, and manage the tag expressions.

Solution overview

In this post, we examine an example organization that has a central data lake that is being used by multiple groups. We have two personas: the Lake Formation administrator LFAdmin, who manages the data lake and onboards different groups, and the data steward LFDataSteward-Sales, who owns and manages resources for the Sales group within the organization. The goal is to grant permission to the data steward to be able to use LF-Tags to perform permission grants for the resources that they own. In addition, the organization has a set of common LF-Tags called Confidentiality and Department, which the data steward will be able to use.

The following diagram illustrates the workflow to implement the solution.

The following are the high-level steps:

  1. Grant permissions to create LF-Tags to a user who is not a Lake Formation administrator (the LFDataSteward-Sales IAM role).
  2. Grant permissions to associate an organization’s common LF-Tags to the LFDataSteward-Sales role.
  3. Create new LF-Tags using the LFDataSteward-Sales role.
  4. Associate the new and common LF-Tags to resources using the LFDataSteward-Sales role.
  5. Grant permissions to other users using the LFDataSteward-Sales role.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following:

  • An AWS account.
  • Knowledge of using Lake Formation and enabling Lake Formation to manage permissions to a set of tables.
  • An IAM role that is a Lake Formation administrator. For this post, we name ours LFAdmin.
  • Two LF-Tags created by the LFAdmin:
    • Key Confidentiality with values PII and Public.
    • Key Department with values Sales and Marketing.
  • An IAM role that is a data steward within an organization. For this post, we name ours LFDataSteward-Sales.
  • The data steward should have ‘Super’ access to at least one database. In this post, the data steward has access to three databases: sales-ml-data, sales-processed-data, and sales-raw-data.
  • An IAM role to serve as a user that the data steward will grant permissions to using LF-Tags. For this post, we name ours LFAnalysts-MLScientist.

Grant permission to the data steward to be able to create LF-Tags

Complete the following steps to grant LFDataSteward-Sales the ability to create LF-Tags:

  1. As the LFAdmin role, open the Lake Formation console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose LF-Tags and permissions under Permissions.

Under LF-Tags, because you are logged in as LFAdmin, you can see all the tags that have been created within the account. You can see the Confidentiality LF-Tag as well as the Department LF-Tag and the possible values for each tag.

  1. On the LF-Tag creators tab, choose Add LF-Tag creators.

  1. For IAM users and roles, enter the LFDataSteward-Sales IAM role.
  2. For Permission, select Create LF-Tag.
  3. If you want this data steward to be able to grant Create LF-Tag permissions to other users, select Create LF-Tag under Grantable permission.
  4. Choose Add.

The LFDataSteward-Sales IAM role now has permissions to create their own LF-Tags.

Grant permission to the data steward to use common LF-Tags

We now want to give permission to the data steward to tag using the Confidentiality and Department tags. Complete the following steps:

  1. As the LFAdmin role, open the Lake Formation console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose LF-Tags and permissions under Permissions.
  3. On the LF-Tag permissions tab, choose Grant permissions.

  1. Select LF-Tag key-value permission for Permission type.

The LF-Tag permission option grants the ability to modify or drop an LF-Tag, which doesn’t apply in this use case.

  1. Select IAM users and roles and enter the LFDataSteward-Sales IAM role.

  1. Provide the Confidentiality LF-Tag and all its values, and the Department LF-Tag with only the Sales value.
  2. Select Describe, Associate, and Grant with LF-Tag expression under Permissions.
  3. Choose Grant permissions.

This gave the LFDataSteward-Sales role the ability to tag resources using the Confidentiality tag and all its values as well as the Department tag with only the Sales value.

Create new LF-Tags using the data steward role

This step demonstrates how the LFDataSteward-Sales role can now create their own LF-Tags.

  1. As the LFDataSteward-Sales role, open the Lake Formation console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose LF-Tags and permissions under Permissions.

The LF-Tags section only shows the Confidentiality tag and Department tag with only the Sales value. As the data steward, we want to create our own LF-Tags to make permissioning easier.

  1. Choose Add LF-Tag.

  1. For Key, enter Sales-Subgroups.
  2. For Values¸ enter DataScientists, DataEngineers, and MachineLearningEngineers.
  3. Choose Add LF-Tag.

As the LF-Tag creator, the data steward has full permissions on the tags that they created. You will be able to see all the tags that the data steward has access to.

Associate LF-Tags to resources as the data steward

We now associate resources to the LF-Tags that we just created so that Machine Learning Engineers can have access to the sales-ml-data resource.

  1. As the LFDataSteward-Sales role, open the Lake Formation console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select sales-ml-data and on the Actions menu, choose Edit LF-Tags.

  1. Add the following LF-Tags and values:
    1. Key Sales-Subgroups with value MachineLearningEngineers.
    2. Key Department with value analytics.
    3. Key Confidentiality with value Public.
  2. Choose Save.

Grant permissions using LF-Tags as the data steward

To grant permissions using LF-Tags, complete the following steps:

  1. As the LFDataSteward-Sales role, open the Lake Formation console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Data lake permissions under Permissions.
  3. Choose Grant.
  4. Select IAM users and roles and enter the IAM principal to grant permission to (for this example, the Sales-MLScientist role).

  1. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Resources matched by LF-Tags.
  2. Enter the following tag expressions:
    1. For the Department LF-Tag, set the Sales value.
    2. For the Sales-Subgroups LF-Tag, set the MachineLearningEngineers value.
    3. For the Confidentiality LF-Tag, set the Public value.

Because this is a machine learning (ML) and data science user, we want to give full permissions so that they can manage databases and create tables.

  1. For Database permissions, select Super, and for Table permissions, select Super.

  1. Choose Grant.

We now see the permissions granted to the LF-Tag expression.

Verify permissions granted to the user

To verify permissions using Amazon Athena, navigate to the Athena console as the Sales-MLScientist role. We can observe that the Sales-MLScientist role now has access to the sales-ml-data database and all the tables. In this case, there is only one table, sales-report.

Clean up

To clean up your resources, delete the following:

  • IAM roles that you may have created for the purposes of this post
  • Any LF-Tags that you created


In this post, we discussed the benefits of decentralized tag management and how the new Lake Formation feature helps implement this. By granting permission to producer teams’ data stewards to manage tags, organizations empower them to use their domain knowledge and capture the nuances of their data effectively. Furthermore, granting permission to data stewards enables them to take ownership of the tagging process, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

The post illustrated the various steps involved in decentralized Lake Formation tag management, such as granting permission to data stewards to create LF-Tags and use common LF-Tags. We also demonstrated how the data steward can create their own LF-Tags, associate the tags to resources, and grant permissions using tags.

We encourage you to explore the new decentralized Lake Formation tag management feature. For more details, see Lake Formation tag-based access control.

About the Authors

Ramkumar Nottath is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS focusing on Analytics services. He enjoys working with various customers to help them build scalable, reliable big data and analytics solutions. His interests extend to various technologies such as analytics, data warehousing, streaming, data governance, and machine learning. He loves spending time with his family and friends.

Mert Hocanin is a Principal Big Data Architect at AWS within the AWS Lake Formation Product team. He has been with Amazon for over 10 years, and enjoys helping customers build their data lakes with a focus on governance on a wide variety of services. When he isn’t helping customers build data lakes, he spends his time with his family and traveling.

AWS Glue Data Catalog now supports automatic compaction of Apache Iceberg tables

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-glue-data-catalog-now-supports-automatic-compaction-of-apache-iceberg-tables/

Today, we’re making available a new capability of AWS Glue Data Catalog to allow automatic compaction of transactional tables in the Apache Iceberg format. This allows you to keep your transactional data lake tables always performant.

Data lakes were initially designed primarily for storing vast amounts of raw, unstructured, or semi structured data at a low cost, and they were commonly associated with big data and analytics use cases. Over time, the number of possible use cases for data lakes has evolved as organizations have recognized the potential to use data lakes for more than just reporting, requiring the inclusion of transactional capabilities to ensure data consistency.

Data lakes also play a pivotal role in data quality, governance, and compliance, particularly as data lakes store increasing volumes of critical business data, which often requires updates or deletion. Data-driven organizations also need to keep their back end analytics systems in near real-time sync with customer applications. This scenario requires transactional capabilities on your data lake to support concurrent writes and reads without data integrity compromise. Finally, data lakes now serve as integration points, necessitating transactions for safe and reliable data movement between various sources.

To support transactional semantics on data lake tables, organizations adopted an open table format (OTF), such as Apache Iceberg. Adopting OTF formats comes with its own set of challenges: transforming existing data lake tables from Parquet or Avro formats to an OTF format, managing a large number of small files as each transaction generates a new file on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), or managing object and meta-data versioning at scale, just to name a few. Organizations are typically building and managing their own data pipelines to address these challenges, leading to additional undifferentiated work on infrastructure. You need to write code, deploy Spark clusters to run your code, scale the cluster, manage errors, and so on.

When talking with our customers, we learned that the most challenging aspect is the compaction of individual small files produced by each transactional write on tables into a few large files. Large files are faster to read and scan, making your analytics jobs and queries faster to execute. Compaction optimizes the table storage with larger-sized files. It changes the storage for the table from a large number of small files to a small number of larger files. It reduces metadata overhead, lowers network round trips to S3, and improves performance. When you use engines that charge for the compute, the performance improvement is also beneficial to the cost of usage as the queries require less compute capacity to run.

But building custom pipelines to compact and optimize Iceberg tables is time-consuming and expensive. You have to manage the planning, provision infrastructure, and schedule and monitor the compaction jobs. This is why we launch automatic compaction today.

Let’s see how it works
To show you how to enable and monitor automatic compaction on Iceberg tables, I start from the AWS Lake Formation page or the AWS Glue page of the AWS Management Console. I have an existing database with tables in the Iceberg format. I execute transactions on this table over the course of a couple of days, and the table starts to fragment into small files on the underlying S3 bucket.

List of Iceberg table on Lake Formation console

I select the table on which I want to enable compaction, and then I select Enable compaction.

View details of a table in lake formation

An IAM role is required to pass permissions to the Lake Formation service to access my AWS Glue tables, S3 buckets, and CloudWatch log streams. Either I choose to create a new IAM role, or I select an existing one. Your existing role must have lakeformation:GetDataAccess and glue:UpdateTable permissions on the table. The role also needs logs:CreateLogGroup, logs:CreateLogStream, logs:PutLogEvents, to “arn:aws:logs:*:your_account_id:log-group:/aws-lakeformation-acceleration/compaction/logs:*“. The role trusted permission service name must be set to glue.amazonaws.com.

Then, I select Turn on compaction. Et voilà! Compaction is automatic; there is nothing to manage on your side.

The service starts to measure the table’s rate of change. As Iceberg tables can have multiple partitions, the service calculates this change rate for each partition and schedules managed jobs to compact the partitions where this rate of change breaches a threshold value.

When the table accumulates a high number of changes, you will be able to view the Compaction history under the Optimization tab in the console.

Lake formation compaction history in the console

You can also monitor the whole process either by observing the number of files on your S3 bucket (use the NumberOfObjects metric) or one of the two new Lake Formation metrics: numberOfBytesCompacted or numberOfFilesCompacted.

Iceberg table compaction metrics in the cloudwatch console

In addition to the AWS console, there are six new APIs that expose this new capability:CreateTableOptimizer, BatchGetTableOptimizer , UpdateTableOptimizer, DeleteTableOptimizer, GetTableOptimizer, and ListTableOptimizerRuns. These APIs are available in the AWS SDKs and AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). As usual, don’t forget to update the SDK or the CLI to their latest versions to get access to these new APIs.

Things to know
As we launched this new capability today, there are a couple of additional points I’d like to share with you:

This new capability is available starting today in all AWS Regions where AWS Glue Data Catalog is available.

The pricing metric is the data processing unit (DPU), a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. There is a charge per DPU/hours metered by second, with a minimum of one minute.

Now it’s time to decommission your existing compaction data pipeline and switch to this new, entirely managed capability today.

— seb

Use IAM runtime roles with Amazon EMR Studio Workspaces and AWS Lake Formation for cross-account fine-grained access control

Post Syndicated from Ashley Zhou original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-iam-runtime-roles-with-amazon-emr-studio-workspaces-and-aws-lake-formation-for-cross-account-fine-grained-access-control/

Amazon EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it straightforward for data scientists and data engineers to develop, visualize, and debug data engineering and data science applications written in R, Python, Scala, and PySpark. EMR Studio provides fully managed Jupyter notebooks and tools such as Spark UI and YARN Timeline Server via EMR Studio Workspaces. You can attach an EMR Studio Workspace to an EMR cluster, and use the compute power of the EMR cluster and run data science jobs on the cluster. Data is often stored in data lakes managed by AWS Lake Formation, enabling you to apply fine-grained access control through a simple grant or revoke mechanism.

We’re happy to introduce runtime roles for EMR Studio Workspaces. You can now define a runtime role and assign it to an EMR cluster when attaching an EMR Studio Workspace. The jobs on the EMR cluster will use this runtime role to access AWS resources. After configuring a runtime role, you can also use Lake Formation and apply fine-grained data access control for the jobs submitted by the EMR Studio Workspace.

Previously, when attaching EMR Studio Workspaces to EMR clusters, all Workspaces had to use the same AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role—namely, the cluster’s Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance profile. Therefore, all Workspaces attached to the same EMR cluster had the same data access. To control access to data sources, each EMR Studio Workspace had to use a different EMR cluster, and multiple EMR instance profiles were needed.

Starting with the release of Amazon EMR 6.11, you can now choose a runtime role when attaching an EMR Studio Workspace to an EMR cluster. This runtime role scopes down access at the Workspace level. Your Apache Livy and Apache Spark jobs that run from the EMR Studio Workspaces will have permission to access only the data and resources permitted by policies attached to the runtime role. Also, when data is accessed from data lakes managed with Lake Formation, you can enforce fine-grained data access control using Lake Formation permissions. This helps you reduce operational overhead.

In this post, we demonstrate how to configure runtime roles for EMR Studio Workspaces and attach a Workspace to an EMR cluster with runtime roles. Because large enterprises typically use multiple AWS accounts, and many of those accounts might need access to a data lake managed by a single AWS account, our example uses two AWS accounts. We explain how to control access to EMR Studio runtime roles, manage data access across accounts in a data lake via Lake Formation, and enforce table-level and column-level permissions to the EMR runtime roles.

Solution overview

To demonstrate fine-grained access control, we create a sample AWS Glue database named company and manage the database permission in Lake Formation. The database consists of two separate tables:

  • employees – This table stores information about the company’s employees, including employee ID, name, department, and salary
  • products – This table stores information about the products sold by the company, including product ID, name, category, and price

To demonstrate data access control, we consider the following data users:

  • Alice, a data scientist in the sales team – She should have read-only access to all columns in the products table and selected columns, including uID, name, and department in the employees table
  • Bob, a data scientist in the human resources team – He should have read-only access to all columns in employees table and should not have access to the products table

To demonstrate cross-account data sharing, we consider two accounts:

  • Data producer account – We refer to this account as 123456789012 in this post. This account manages the raw data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and writes data to the data lake. The company database and tables should be in this account.
  • Data consumer account – We refer to this account as 111122223333 in this post. This account is accessed directly by the users for data analysis and doesn’t have write access to the data. This account should be accessible by Alice and Bob.

The architecture is implemented as follows:

  • The data producer account manages a data lake. Raw data is stored in S3 buckets and catalogued in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  • Lake Formation in the data producer account governs the data access via the Data Catalog, and provides cross-account data sharing with the data consumer account.
  • Lake Formation in the data consumer account governs cross-account access to the data lake on table level and fine-grained Lake Formation permissions. For more information, refer to Methods for fine-grained access control.
  • EMR Studio Workspaces in the data consumer account use runtime roles when running jobs on an EMR cluster.
  • The EMR cluster connects to Glue Data Catalog in the data consumer account and queries the data from the data lake through cross-account data sharing.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

In the following sections, we go through the steps to share data across accounts via Lake Formation, run an EMR Studio Workspace with runtime roles, and demonstrate fine-grained access control.


You should have the following prerequisites:

Create the infrastructure in the data producer account

Complete the following steps to create the infrastructure resources:

  1. Log in to the data producer AWS account (123456789012).
  2. Choose Launch Stack to deploy a CloudFormation template to create the necessary resources.
  3. For DataLakeBucketSuffix, enter the suffix for the S3 bucket used by the data lake. The whole S3 bucket name to be created will be {AwsAccoundId}-{AwsRegion}-{DataLakeBucketSuffix}.
  4. After the CloudFormation stack is created, navigate to the Outputs tab of the stack and capture the value of DataLakeS3Bucket to use in the next step.

Create data files and upload them to Amazon S3 in the data producer account

Configure your AWS CLI to use the IAM identity with permission to upload to DataLakeS3BucketName in the data producer AWS account (123456789012), or you can sign in to CloudShell using the AWS Management Console. Complete the following steps:

  1. On your local machine, move to a directory of your choice with the cd command, for example, cd ~.
  2. Run the script with chmod 744 create_sample_data.sh && ./create_sample_data.sh <DataLakeS3BucketName>.

The script will create a subdirectory tmp in your current working directory, create the test data in CSV files, and upload the files to the DataLakeS3BucketName S3 bucket.

Set up Lake Formation in the data producer account

In this section, we walk through the steps to set up Lake Formation in the data producer account.

Set up Lake Formation cross-account data sharing version settings

Lake Formation supports multiple data sharing versions. For this post, we use version 3. To learn more about the differences between data sharing versions, refer to Updating cross-account data sharing version settings. To change the data sharing version, see To enable the new version.

Register the Amazon S3 location as the data lake location

When you register an Amazon S3 location with Lake Formation, you specify an IAM role with read/write permissions on that location. After registering, when EMR clusters request access to this Amazon S3 location, Lake Formation will supply temporary credentials of the provided role to access the data. We already created the role LakeFormationCompanyDatabaseDataAccessRole for this purpose in the previous step. To register the Amazon S3 location as the data lake location, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account (123456789012).
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Data lake locations under Administration.
  3. Choose Register location.
  4. For Amazon S3 path, enter s3://<DataLakeS3BucketName>/company-database.
  5. For IAM role, enter LakeFormationCompanyDatabaseDataAccessRole.
  6. For Permission mode, select Lake Formation.
  7. Choose Register location.

Register data location

Revoke permissions granted to IAMAllowedPrincipals

The IAMAllowedPrincipals group includes any IAM users and roles that are allowed access to your Data Catalog resources by your IAM policies. To enforce the Lake Formation model, we need to revoke permission from IAMAllowedPrincipals using the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Data lake permissions under Permissions.
  3. Filter permissions by Database = company and Principle=IAMAllowedPrinciples.
  4. Select all the permissions given to the principal IAMAllowedPrincipals and choose Revoke.

Revoke permissions granted to IAMAllowedPrincipals

Set up application integration settings

To enforce permissions for the EMR cluster, you need to register a session tag value with Lake Formation. Lake Formation uses this session tag to authorize callers and provide access to the data lake. We register Amazon EMR as the session tag value. This value will be referenced in the security configuration when creating the EMR cluster.

Set up the session tag using the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account.
  2. Choose Application integration settings under Administration in the navigation pane.
  3. Select Allow external engines to filter data in Amazon S3 locations registered with Lake Formation.
  4. For Session tag values, enter Amazon EMR.
  5. For AWS account IDs, enter the data consumer AWS account ID (111122223333).
  6. Choose Save.

Set up application integration settings in data producer account

Share the database and tables to the data consumer account

We now grant permissions to the data consumer AWS account, including grantable permissions. This allows the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account to control access to the data within the account.

Grant database permissions to the data consumer account

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the database company, and on the Actions menu, under Permissions, choose Grant.
  4. In the Principles section, select External accounts and enter the data consumer AWS account (111122223333).
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, choose company for Databases.
  6. In the Database permissions section, select Describe for both Database permissions and Grantable permissions.

This allows the data lake administrator in the data consumer account to describe the database and grant describe permissions to other principals in the data consumer account.

  1. Choose Grant.

Grant database permissions to the data consumer account

Grant table permissions to the data consumer account

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Tables.
  3. Select the products table, which belongs to the company database, and on the Actions menu, under Permissions, choose Grant.
  4. In the Principles section, select External accounts and enter in the data consumer AWS account (111122223333).
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources and specify the following:
    1. For Databases, choose company.
    2. For Tables, choose products and employees.
  6. In the Table permissions section, choose Select and Describe for both Table permissions and Grantable permissions.

This allows the data lake administrator in the data consumer account to select and describe the tables, and grant select and describe table permissions to other principals in the data consumer account.

  1. In the Data permissions section, select All data access.
  2. Choose Grant.

Grant table permissions to the data consumer account
Now we have finished setting up the data producer account.

Set up the infrastructure in the data consumer account

Complete the following steps to create the infrastructure resources:

  1. Log in to the data consumer account (111122223333).
  2. Choose Launch stack to deploy a CloudFormation template to create the necessary resources.
    Launch Stack
  3. For Release Label, enter the Amazon EMR release label to use, which can only be emr-6.11 or up.
  4. For InstanceType, choose the instance type for EMR cluster, such as r4.4xlarge.
  5. For EMRS3BucketNameSuffix, enter the S3 bucket suffix to store EMR cluster logs and EMR notebook files. The full S3 bucket name to be created will be {AWSAccoundId}-{AWSRegion}-{EMRS3BucketNameSuffix}.
  6. For S3PathToInTransitCertificate, enter the S3 path for the .zip file that contains the .pem files used for in-transit encryption.

For instructions on creating the .zip file that contains the .pem files and uploading them to your S3 bucket, refer to Providing certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR encryption.

  1. After the CloudFormation stack is created, navigate to the Outputs tab of the stack.
  2. Capture the value of EMRStudioLink to use to sign in to EMR Studio.

Accept the resource share in the data consumer account

To access shared resources, you must accept the invitation first.

  1. Open the AWS RAM console of the data consumer account with the IAM identity that has AWS RAM access.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Resource shares under Shared with me.

You should see two pending resource shares from the data producer account.

  1. Accept both resource shares.

You should see the company database, employees table, and products table in the Data Catalog.

Set up Lake Formation in the data consumer account

In this section, we walk through the steps to set up Lake Formation in the data consumer account.

Set up application integration settings

Similar to the setup in the data producer account, you need register Amazon EMR as a session tag. This value is referenced in the security configuration when creating the EMR cluster in the CloudFormation stack.

To do that, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account (111122223333).
  2. Choose Application integration settings under Administration in the navigation pane.
  3. Select Allow external engines to filter data in Amazon S3 locations registered with Lake Formation.
  4. For Session tag values, enter Amazon EMR.
  5. For AWS account IDs, enter the data consumer AWS account ID (111122223333).
  6. Choose Save.

Set up application integration settings in data consumer account

Grant describe permissions to runtime roles on the default database

If you don’t have a default database in Lake Formation, or your default database already has permissions to grant to IAMAllowedPrinciples, you can skip this step.

Amazon EMR will check on the default database by default. If you already have a default database in your Lake Formation, grant the describe permission to the runtime roles on the default database by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator user in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the default database, verify that the owner account ID is the data consumer account (111122223333), and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles.
  5. For IAM users and roles, choose sales-runtime-role and human-resource-runtime-role.
  6. For LF-Tags or catalog resources, select Named data catalog resources and choose default for Databases.
  7. In the Database permissions section, for Database permissions, choose Describe.
  8. Choose Grant.

Grant describe permissions to runtime roles on the default database

Create a resource link for the shared database

To access the database and table resources that were shared by the data producer AWS account, you need to create a resource link in the data consumer AWS account. A resource link is a Data Catalog object that is a link to a local or shared database or table. After you create a resource link to a database or table, you can use the resource link name wherever you would use the database or table name. In this step, you grant permission on the resource links to the runtime role principles. The runtime roles will then access the data in shared databases and underlying tables through the resource link.

To create a resource link, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the company database, verify that the owner account ID is the data producer account (123456789012), and on the Actions menu, choose Create Resource links.
  4. For Resource link name, enter the name of the resource link (for example, company-shared).
  5. For Shared database’s region, choose the Region of the company database.
  6. For Shared database, choose the company database.
  7. For Shared database’s owner ID, enter the account ID of the data producer account (123456789012).
  8. Choose Create.

Create a resource link for the shared database

Grant permissions on the resource link to the runtime role principle

Grant permissions on the resource link to sales-runtime-role and human-resource-runtime-role using the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the resource link (company-shared) and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles, and choose sales-runtime-role and human-resource-runtime-role.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, for Databases, choose company-shared.
  6. In the Resource link permissions section, select Describe.

This allows the runtime roles to describe the resource link. We don’t make any selections for grantable permissions because runtime roles shouldn’t be able to grant permissions to other principles.

  1. Choose Grant.

Grant permissions on the resource link to the runtime role principle

Grant permission on the tables to the runtime role principle

You need to grant permissions on the tables to sales-runtime-role and human-resource-runtime-role to allow data access:

  • Human-resource-runtime-role should have describe and select permissions on all columns in the employees table, and no permissions on the products table.
  • Sales-runtime-role should have select permissions on the columns uid, name, and department in the employees table, and describe and select permissions on all columns in the products table.

Grant permission on the employees table to human-resource-runtime-role

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the resource link (company-shared) and on the Actions menu, choose Grant on Target.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles, then choose human-resource-runtime-role.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources and specify the following:
    1. For Databases, choose company.
    2. For Tables¸ choose employees.
  6. In the Table permissions section, for Table permissions, select Describe and Select.
  7. In the Data permissions section, select All data access.
  8. Choose Grant.

Grant permission on the employees table to human-resource-runtime-role

Grant permission on the employees table to sales-runtime-role

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the resource link (company-shared) and on the Actions menu, choose Grant on Target.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles, then choose sales-runtime-role.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources and specify the following:
    1. For Databases, choose company.
    2. For Tables, choose employees.
  6. In the Table permissions section, for Table permissions, select Select.
  7. In the Data permissions section, select Column-based access.
  8. Select Include columns and choose the uid, name, and department columns.
  9. Choose Grant.

 Grant permission on the employees table to sales-runtime-role

Grant permission on the products table to sales-runtime-role

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the resource link (company-shared) and on the Actions menu, choose Grant on Target.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles, then choose sales-runtime-role.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources and specify the following:
    1. For Databases, choose company.
    2. For Tables, choose products.
  6. In the Table permissions section, for Table permissions, select Select and Describe.
  7. In the Data permissions section, select All data access.
  8. Choose Grant.

Grant permission on the products table to sales-runtime-role

Log in to EMR Studio and use the EMR Studio Workspace

Switch your role to alice-role or bob-role on the console using different web browsers to test access. Open the EMRStudioLink URL from the CloudFormation stack output to sign in to the EMR Studio with each role, then complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Workspaces in the navigation pane and choose Create Workspace.
  2. Enter a name and a description for the Workspace.
  3. Choose Create Workspace.

A new tab containing JupyterLab will open automatically when the Workspace is ready. Enable pop-ups in your browser if necessary.

  1. Chose the Compute icon in the navigation pane to attach the EMR Studio Workspace with a compute engine.
  2. Select EMR cluster on EC2 for Compute type.
  3. Choose the EMR cluster ID you created with AWS CloudFormation.
  4. For Runtime role, choose sales-runtime-role if signed in as alice-role. Choose human-resource-runtime-role if signed in as bob-role.
  5. Choose Attach.

attach EMR Studio Workspace to cluster

Run code in the EMR Studio Workspace and verify data access

Run the following code in the EMR Studio Workspace with a PySpark kernel after signing in with alice-role or bob-role:

%%sql -o result -n -1
select * from `company-shared`.products limit 5;

%%sql -o result -n -1
select * from `company-shared`.employees limit 5;

You should see different results when using different roles.

According to our data access configuration in Lake Formation, Alice will have full data access for the products table. She can view all the columns except for salary in the employees table.

Alice (sales) query result

For Bob, according to our data access configuration in Lake Formation, he will have full data access to the employees table, but he has no access to the products table.

Bob (human resource) query result

Clean up

When you’re finished experimenting with this solution, clean up your resources:

  1. Stop and delete the EMR Studio Workspaces created in the data consumer AWS account.
  2. Delete all the content in the S3 bucket EMRS3Bucket in the data consumer AWS account.
  3. Delete the CloudFormation stack in the data consumer AWS account.
  4. Delete all the content in the S3 bucket DataLakeS3Bucket in the data producer AWS account.
  5. Delete the CloudFormation stack in the data producer AWS account.


This post showed how you can use runtime roles to connect to an EMR Studio Workspace with Amazon EMR to apply cross-account fine-grained data access control with Lake Formation. We also demonstrated how multiple EMR Studio users can connect to the same EMR cluster, each using a runtime role scoped with permissions matching their individual level of access to data.

To learn more about using EMR Studio Workspaces with Lake Formation, refer to Run an EMR Studio Workspace with a runtime role. We encourage you to try out this new functionality, and connect with the us if you have any questions or feedback!

About the Authors

Ashley Zhou is a Software Development Engineer at AWS. She is interested in data analytics and distributed systems.

Srividya Parthasarathy is a Senior Big Data Architect on the AWS Lake Formation team. She enjoys building analytics and data mesh solutions on AWS and sharing them with the community.

How to share security telemetry per OU using Amazon Security Lake and AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Chris Lamont-Smith original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-share-security-telemetry-per-ou-using-amazon-security-lake-and-aws-lake-formation/

This is the final part of a three-part series on visualizing security data using Amazon Security Lake and Amazon QuickSight. In part 1, Aggregating, searching, and visualizing log data from distributed sources with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight, you learned how you can visualize metrics and logs centrally with QuickSight and AWS Lake Formation irrespective of the service or tool generating them. In part 2, How to visualize Amazon Security Lake findings with Amazon QuickSight (LINK NOT LIVE YET), you learned how to integrate Amazon Athena with Security Lake and create visualizations with QuickSight of the data and events captured by Security Lake.

For companies where security administration and ownership are distributed across a single organization in AWS Organizations, it’s important to have a mechanism for securely sharing and visualizing security data. This can be achieved by enriching data within Security Lake with organizational unit (OU) structure and account tags and using AWS Lake Formation to securely share data across your organization on a per-OU basis. Users can then analyze and visualize security data of only those AWS accounts in the OU that they have been granted access to. Enriching the data enables users to effectively filter information using business-specific criteria, minimizing distractions and enabling them to concentrate on key priorities.

Distributed security ownership

It’s not unusual to find security ownership distributed across an organization in AWS Organizations. Take for example a parent company with legal entities operating under it, which are responsible for the security posture of the AWS accounts within their lines of business. Not only is each entity accountable for managing and reporting on security within its area, it must not be able to view the security data of other entities within the same organization.

In this post, we discuss a common example of distributing dashboards on a per-OU basis for visualizing security posture measured by the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices (FSBP) standard as part of AWS Security Hub. In this post, you learn how to use a simple tool published on AWS Samples to extract OU and account tags from your organization and automatically create row-level security policies to share Security Lake data to AWS accounts you specify. At the end, you will have an aggregated dataset of Security Hub findings enriched with AWS account metadata that you can use as a basis for building QuickSight dashboards.

Although this post focuses on sharing Security Hub data through Security Lake, the same steps can be performed to share any data—including Security Hub findings in Amazon S3—according to OU. You need to ensure any tables you want to share contain an AWS account ID column and that the tables are managed by Lake Formation.


This solution assumes you have:

  • Followed the previous posts in this series and understand how Security Lake, Lake Formation, and QuickSight work together.
  • Enabled Security Lake across your organization and have set up a delegated administrator account.
  • Configured Security Hub across your organization and have enabled the AWS FSBP standard.

Example organization

AnyCorp Inc, a fictional organization, wants to provide security compliance dashboards to its two subsidiaries, ExampleCorpEast and ExampleCorpWest, so that each only has access to data for their respective companies.

Each subsidiary has an OU under AnyCorp’s organization as well as multiple nested OUs for each line of business they operate. ExampleCorpEast and ExampleCorpWest have their own security teams and each operates a security tooling AWS account and uses QuickSight for visibility of security compliance data. AnyCorp has implemented Security Lake to centralize the collection and availability of security data across their organization and has enabled Security Hub and the AWS FSBP standard across every AWS account.

Figure 1 – Overview of AnyCorp Inc OU structure and AWS accounts

Figure 1: Overview of AnyCorp Inc OU structure and AWS accounts

Note: Although this post describes a fictional OU structure to demonstrate the grouping and distribution of security data, you can substitute your specific OU and AWS account details and achieve the same results.

Logical architecture

Figure 2 – Logical overview of solution components

Figure 2: Logical overview of solution components

The solution includes the following core components:

  • An AWS Lambda function is deployed into the Security Lake delegated administrator account (Account A) and extracts AWS account metadata for grouping Security Lake data and manages secure sharing through Lake Formation.
  • Lake Formation implements row-level security using data filters to restrict access to Security Lake data to only records from AWS accounts in a particular OU. Lake Formation also manages the grants that allow consumer AWS accounts access to the filtered data.
  • An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket is used to store metadata tables that the solution uses. Apache Iceberg tables are used to allow record-level updates in S3.
  • QuickSight is configured within each data consumer AWS account (Account B) and is used to visualize the data for the AWS accounts within an OU.

Deploy the solution

You can deploy the solution through either the AWS Management Console or the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

To deploy the solution using the AWS Management Console, follow these steps:

  1. Download the CloudFormation template.
  2. In your Amazon Security Lake delegated administrator account (Account A), navigate to create a new AWS CloudFormation stack.
  3. Under Specify a template, choose Upload a template file and upload the file downloaded in the previous step. Then choose Next.
  4. Enter RowLevelSecurityLakeStack as the stack name.

    The table names used by Security Lake include AWS Region identifiers that you might need to change depending on the Region you’re using Security Lake in. Edit the following parameters if required and then choose Next.

    • MetadataDatabase: the name you want to give the metadata database.
      • Default: aws_account_metadata_db
    • SecurityLakeDB: the Security Lake database as registered by Security Lake.
      • Default: amazon_security_lake_glue_db_ap_southeast_2
    • SecurityLakeTable: the Security Lake table you want to share.
      • Default: amazon_security_lake_table_ap_southeast_2_sh_findings_1_0
  5. On the Configure stack options screen, leave all other values as default and choose Next.
  6. On the next screen, navigate to the bottom of the page and select the checkbox next to I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources. Choose Submit.

The solution takes about 5 minutes to deploy.

To deploy the solution using the AWS CDK, follow these steps:

  1. Download the code from the row-level-security-lake GitHub repository, where you can also contribute to the sample code. The CDK initializes your environment and uploads the Lambda assets to Amazon S3. Then, deploy the solution to your account.
  2. For a CDK deployment, you can edit the same Region identifier parameters discussed in the CloudFormation deployment option by editing the cdk.context.json file and changing the metadata_database, security_lake_db, and security_lake_table values if required.
  3. While you’re authenticated in the Security Lake delegated administrator account, you can bootstrap the account and deploy the solution by running the following commands:
  4. cdk bootstrap
    cdk deploy

Configuring the solution in the Security Lake delegated administrator account

After the solution has been successfully deployed, you can review the OUs discovered within your organization and specify which consumer AWS accounts (Account B) you want to share OU data with.

To specify AWS accounts to share OU security data with, follow these steps:

  1. While in the Security Lake delegated administrator account (Account A), go to the Lake Formation console.
  2. To view and update the metadata discovered by the Lambda function, you first must grant yourself access to the tables where it’s stored. Select the radio button for aws_account_metadata_db. Then, under the Action dropdown menu, select Grant.
  3. Figure 3: Creating a grant for your IAM role

    Figure 3: Creating a grant for your IAM role

  4. On the Grant data permissions page, under Principals, select the IAM users and roles dropdown and select the IAM role that you are currently logged in as.
  5. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, select the Tables dropdown and select All tables.
  6. Figure 4: Choosing All Tables for the grant

    Figure 4: Choosing All Tables for the grant

  7. Under Table permissions, select Select, Insert, and Alter. These permissions let you view and update the data in the tables.
  8. Leave all other options as default and choose Grant.
  9. Now go to the AWS Athena console.
  10. Note: To use Athena for queries you must configure an S3 bucket to store query results. If this is the first time Athena is being used in your account, you will receive a message saying that you need to configure an S3 bucket. To do this, select the Edit settings button in the blue information notice and follow the instructions.

  11. On the left side, select aws_account_metadata_db> as the Database. You will see aws_account_metadata and ou_groups >as tables within the database.
  12. Figure 5: List of tables under the aws_accounts_metadata_db database

    Figure 5: List of tables under the aws_accounts_metadata_db database

  13. To view the OUs available within your organization, paste the following query into the Athena query editor window and choose Run.
  14. SELECT * FROM "aws_account_metadata_db"."ou_groups"

  15. Next, you must specify an AWS account you want to share an OU’s data with. Run the following SQL query in Athena and replace <AWS account Id> and <OU to assign> with values from your organization:
  16. UPDATE "aws_account_metadata_db"."ou_groups"
    SET consumer_aws_account_id = '<AWS account Id>'
    WHERE ou = '<OU to assign>' 

    In the example organization, all ExampleCorpWest security data is shared with AWS account 123456789012 (Account B) using the following SQL query:

    UPDATE "aws_account_metadata_db"."ou_groups"
    SET consumer_aws_account_id = '123456789012'
    WHERE ou = 'OU=root,OU=ExampleCorpWest'

    Note: You must specify the full OU path beginning with OU=root.

  17. Repeat this process for each OU you want to assign different AWS accounts to.
  18. Note: You can only assign one AWS account ID to each OU group

  19. You can confirm that changes have been applied by running the Athena query from Step 3 again.
  20. SELECT * FROM "aws_account_metadata_db"."ou_groups"

You should see the AWS account ID you specified next to your OU.

Figure 6 – Consumer AWS account listed against ExampleCorpWest OU

Figure 6: Consumer AWS account listed against ExampleCorpWest OU

Invoke the Lambda function manually

By default, the Lambda function is scheduled to run hourly to monitor for changes to AWS account metadata and to update Lake Formation sharing permissions (grants) if needed. To perform the remaining steps in this post without having to wait for the hourly run, you must manually invoke the Lambda function.

To invoke the Lambda function manually, follow these steps:

  1. Open the AWS Lambda console.
  2. Select the RowLevelSecurityLakeStack-* Lambda function.
  3. Under Code source, choose Test.
  4. The Lambda function doesn’t take any parameters. Enter rl-sec-lake-test as the Event name and leave all other options as the default. Choose Save.
  5. Choose Test again. The Lambda function will take approximately 5 minutes to complete in an environment with less than 100 AWS accounts.

After the Lambda function has finished, you can review the data cell filters and grants that have been created in Lake Formation to securely share Security Lake data with your consumer AWS account (Account B).

To review the data filters and grants, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console.
  2. In the navigation pane, select Data filters under Data catalog to see a list of data cells filters that have been created for each OU that you assigned a consumer AWS account to. One filter is created per table. Each consumer AWS account is granted restricted access to the aws_account_metadata table and the aggregated Security Lake table.
  3. Figure 7 – Viewing data filters in Lake Formation

    Figure 7: Viewing data filters in Lake Formation

  4. Select one of the filters in the list and choose Edit. Edit data filter displays information about the filter such as the database and table it’s applied to, as well as the Row filter expression that enforces row-level security to only return rows where the AWS account ID is in the OU it applies to. Choose Cancel to close the window.
  5. Figure 8 – Details of a data filter showing row filter expression

    Figure 8: Details of a data filter showing row filter expression

  6. To see how the filters are used to grant restricted access to your tables, select Data lake permission under Permissions from navigation pane. In the search bar under Data permissions, enter the AWS account ID for your consumer AWS account (Account B) and press Enter. You will see a list of all the grants applied to that AWS account. Scroll to the right to see a column titled Resource that lists the names of the data cell filters you saw in the previous step.
  7. Figure 9 – Grants to the data consumer account for data filters

    Figure 9: Grants to the data consumer account for data filters

You can now move on to setting up the consumer AWS account.

Configuring QuickSight in the consumer AWS account (Account B)

Now that you’ve configured everything in the Security Lake delegated administrator account (Account A), you can configure QuickSight in the consumer account (Account B).

To confirm you can access shared tables, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your consumer AWS account (also known  as Account B).
  2. Follow the same steps as outlined in this previous post (NEEDS 2ND POST IN SERIES LINK WHEN LIVE) to accept the AWS Resource Access Manager invitation, create a new database, and create resource links for the aws_account_metadata and amazon_security_lake_table_<region>_sh_findings_1_0 tables that have been shared with your consumer AWS account. Make sure you create resource links for both tables shared with the account. When done, return to this post and continue with step 3.
  3. [Optional] After the resource links have been created, test that you’re able to query the data by selecting the radio button next to the aws_account_metadata resource link, select Actions, and then select View data under Table. This takes you to the Athena query editor where you can now run queries on the shared tables.
  4. Figure 10 – Selecting View data in Lake Formation to open Athena

    Figure 10: Selecting View data in Lake Formation to open Athena

    Note: To use Athena for queries you must configure an S3 bucket to store query results. If this is the first time using Athena in your account, you will receive a message saying that you need to configure an S3 bucket. To do this, choose Edit settings in the blue information notice and follow the instructions.

  5. In the Editor configuration, select AwsDataCatalog from the Data source options. The Database should be the database you created in the previous steps, for example security_lake_visualization. After selecting the database, copy the SQL query that follows and paste it into your Athena query editor, and choose Run. You will only see rows of account information from the OU you previously shared.
  6. SELECT * FROM "security_lake_visualization"."aws_account_metadata"

  7. Next, to enrich your Security Lake data with the AWS account metadata you need to create an Athena View that will join the datasets and filter the results to only return findings from the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices Standard. You can do this by copying the below query and running it in the Athena query editor.
  8. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "security_hub_fsbps_joined_view" AS 
      security_hub AS (
       SELECT *
       WHERE (metadata.product.feature.uid LIKE 'aws-foundational-security-best-practices%')
    , security_hub.*
    INNER JOIN "security_lake_visualization"."aws_account_metadata" amm ON (security_hub.cloud.account_uid = amm.id))

The SQL above performs a subquery to find only those findings in the Security Lake table that are from the AWS FSBP standard and then joins those rows with the aws_account_metadata table based on the AWS account ID. You can see it has created a new view listed under Views containing enriched security data that you can import as a dataset in QuickSight.

Figure 11 – Additional view added to the security_lake_visualization database

Figure 11: Additional view added to the security_lake_visualization database

Configuring QuickSight

To perform the initial steps to set up QuickSight in the consumer AWS account, you can follow the steps listed in the second post in this series. You must also provide the following grants to your QuickSight user:

Type Resource Permissions
GRANT security_hub_fsbps_joined_view SELECT
GRANT aws_metadata_db (resource link) DESCRIBE
GRANT amazon_security_lake_table_<region>_sh_findings_1_0 (resource link) DESCRIBE
GRANT ON TARGET aws_metadata_db (resource link) SELECT
GRANT ON TARGET amazon_security_lake_table_<region>_sh_findings_1_0 (resource link) SELECT

To create a new dataset in QuickSight, follow these steps:

  1. After your QuickSight user has the necessary permissions, open the QuickSight console and verify that you’re in same Region where Lake Formation is sharing the data.
  2. Add your data by choosing Datasets from the navigation pane and then selecting New dataset. To create a new dataset from new data sources, select Athena.
  3. Enter a data source name, for example security_lake_visualization, leave the Athena workgroup as [ primary ]. Then choose Create data source.
  4. The next step is to select the tables to build your dashboards. On the Choose your table prompt, for Catalog, select AwsDataCatalog. For Database, select the database you created in the previous steps, for example security_lake_visualization. For Table, select the security_hub_fsbps_joined_view you created previously and choose Edit/Preview data.
  5. Figure 12: Choosing the joined dataset in QuickSight

    Figure 12 – Choosing the joined dataset in QuickSight

  6. You will be taken to a screen where you can preview the data in your dataset.
  7. Figure 13: Previewing data in QuickSight

    Figure 13: Previewing data in QuickSight

  8. After you confirm you’re able to preview the data from the view, select the SPICE radio button in the bottom left of the screen and then choose PUBLISH & VISUALIZE.
  9. You can now create analyses and dashboards from Security Hub AWS FSBP standard findings per OU and filter data based on business dimensions available to you through OU structure and account tags.
  10. Figure 14 – QuickSight dashboard showing only ExampleCorpWest OU data and incorporating business dimensions

    Figure 14: QuickSight dashboard showing only ExampleCorpWest OU data and incorporating business dimensions

Clean up the resources

To clean up the resources that you created for this example:

  1. Sign in to the Security Lake delegated admin account and delete the CloudFormation stack by either:
    • Using the CloudFormation console to delete the stack, or
    • Using the AWS CDK to run cdk destroy in your terminal. Follow the instructions and enter y when prompted to delete the stack.
  2. Remove any data filters you created by navigating to data filters within Lake Formation, selecting each one and choosing Delete.


In this final post of the series on visualizing Security Lake data with QuickSight, we introduced you to using a tool—available from AWS Samples—to extract OU structure and account metadata from your organization and use it to securely share Security Lake data on a per-OU basis across your organization. You learned how to enrich Security Lake data with account metadata and use it to create row-level security controls in Lake Formation. You were then able to address a common example of distributing security posture measured by the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard as part of AWS Security Hub.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Chris Lamont-Smith

Chris Lamont-Smith

Chris is a Senior Security Consultant working in the Security, Risk and Compliance team for AWS ProServe based out of Perth, Australia. He enjoys working in the area where security and data analytics intersect, and is passionate about helping customers gain actionable insights from their security data. When Chris isn’t working, he is out camping or off-roading with his family in the Australian bush.

Automated data governance with AWS Glue Data Quality, sensitive data detection, and AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Shoukat Ghouse original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/automated-data-governance-with-aws-glue-data-quality-sensitive-data-detection-and-aws-lake-formation/

Data governance is the process of ensuring the integrity, availability, usability, and security of an organization’s data. Due to the volume, velocity, and variety of data being ingested in data lakes, it can get challenging to develop and maintain policies and procedures to ensure data governance at scale for your data lake. Data confidentiality and data quality are the two essential themes for data governance. Data confidentiality refers to the protection and control of sensitive and private information to prevent unauthorized access, especially when dealing with personally identifiable information (PII). Data quality focuses on maintaining accurate, reliable, and consistent data across the organization. Poor data quality can lead to erroneous decisions, inefficient operations, and compromised business performance.

Companies need to ensure data confidentiality is maintained throughout the data pipeline and that high-quality data is available to consumers in a timely manner. A lot of this effort is manual, where data owners and data stewards define and apply the policies statically up front for each dataset in the lake. This gets tedious and delays the data adoption across the enterprise.

In this post, we showcase how to use AWS Glue with AWS Glue Data Quality, sensitive data detection transforms, and AWS Lake Formation tag-based access control to automate data governance.

Solution overview

Let’s consider a fictional company, OkTank. OkTank has multiple ingestion pipelines that populate multiple tables in the data lake. OkTank wants to ensure the data lake is governed with data quality rules and access policies in place at all times.

Multiple personas consume data from the data lake, such as business leaders, data scientists, data analysts, and data engineers. For each set of users, a different level of governance is needed. For example, business leaders need top-quality and highly accurate data, data scientists cannot see PII data and need data within an acceptable quality range for their model training, and data engineers can see all data except PII.

Currently, these requirements are hard-coded and managed manually for each set of users. OkTank wants to scale this and is looking for ways to control governance in an automated way. Primarily, they are looking for the following features:

  • When new data and tables get added to the data lake, the governance policies (data quality checks and access controls) get automatically applied for them. Unless the data is certified to be consumed, it shouldn’t be accessible to the end-users. For example, they want to ensure basic data quality checks are applied on all new tables and provide access to the data based on the data quality score.
  • Due to changes in source data, the existing data profile of data lake tables may drift. It’s required to ensure the governance is met as defined. For example, the system should automatically mark columns as sensitive if sensitive data is detected in a column that was earlier marked as public and was available publicly for users. The system should hide the column from unauthorized users accordingly.

For the purpose of this post, the following governance policies are defined:

  • No PII data should exist in tables or columns tagged as public.
  • If  a column has any PII data, the column should be marked as sensitive. The table should then also be marked sensitive.
  • The following data quality rules should be applied on all tables:
    • All tables should have a minimum set of columns: data_key, data_load_date, and data_location.
    • data_key is a key column and should meet key requirements of being unique and complete.
    • data_location should match with locations defined in a separate reference (base) table.
    • The data_load_date column should be complete.
  • User access to tables is controlled as per the following table.
User Description Can Access Sensitive Tables Can Access Sensitive Columns Min Data Quality Threshold Needed to consume Data
Category 1 Yes Yes 100%
Category 2 Yes No 50%
Category 3 No No 0%

In this post, we use AWS Glue Data Quality and sensitive data detection features. We also use Lake Formation tag-based access control to manage access at scale.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The governance requirements highlighted in the previous table are translated to the following Lake Formation LF-Tags.

IAM User LF-Tag: tbl_class LF-Tag: col_class LF-Tag: dq_tag
Category 1 sensitive, public sensitive, public DQ100
Category 2 sensitive, public public DQ100,DQ90,DQ50_80,DQ80_90
Category 3 public public DQ90, DQ100, DQ_LT_50, DQ50_80, DQ80_90

This post uses AWS Step Functions to orchestrate the governance jobs, but you can use any other orchestration tool of choice. To simulate data ingestion, we manually place the files in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. In this post, we trigger the Step Functions state machine manually for ease of understanding. In practice, you can integrate or invoke the jobs as part of a data ingestion pipeline, via event triggers like AWS Glue crawler or Amazon S3 events, or schedule them as needed.

In this post, we use an AWS Glue database named oktank_autogov_temp and a target table named customer on which we apply the governance rules. We use AWS CloudFormation to provision the resources. AWS CloudFormation lets you model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources by treating infrastructure as code.


Complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Identify an AWS Region in which you want to create the resources and ensure you use the same Region throughout the setup and verifications.
  2. Have a Lake Formation administrator role to run the CloudFormation template and grant permissions.

Sign in to the Lake Formation console and add yourself as a Lake Formation data lake administrator if you aren’t already an admin. If you are setting up Lake Formation for the first time in your Region, then you can do this in the following pop-up window that appears up when you connect to the Lake Formation console and select the desired Region.

Otherwise, you can add data lake administrators by choosing Administrative roles and tasks in the navigation pane on the Lake Formation console and choosing Add administrators. Then select Data lake administrator, identity your users and roles, and choose Confirm.

Deploy the CloudFormation stack

Run the provided CloudFormation stack to create the solution resources.

You need to provide a unique bucket name and specify passwords for the three users reflecting three different user personas (Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3) that we use for this post.

The stack provisions an S3 bucket to store the dummy data, AWS Glue scripts, results of sensitive data detection, and Amazon Athena query results in their respective folders.

The stack copies the AWS Glue scripts into the scripts folder and creates two AWS Glue jobs Data-Quality-PII-Checker_Job and LF-Tag-Handler_Job pointing to the corresponding scripts.

The AWS Glue job Data-Quality-PII-Checker_Job applies the data quality rules and publishes the results. It also checks for sensitive data in the columns. In this post, we check for the PERSON_NAME and EMAIL data types. If any columns with sensitive data are detected, it persists the sensitive data detection results to the S3 bucket.

AWS Glue Data Quality uses Data Quality Definition Language (DQDL) to author the data quality rules.

The data quality requirements as defined earlier in this post are written as the following DQDL in the script:

Rules = [
ReferentialIntegrity "data_location" "reference.data_location" = 1.0,
IsPrimaryKey "data_key",
ColumnExists "data_load_date",
IsComplete "data_load_date

The following screenshot shows a sample result from the job after it runs. You can see this after you trigger the Step Functions workflow in subsequent steps. To check the results, on the AWS Glue console, choose ETL jobs and choose the job called Data-Quality-PII-Checker_Job. Then navigate to the Data quality tab to view the results.

The AWS Glue jobLF-Tag-Handler_Job fetches the data quality metrics published by Data-Quality-PII-Checker_Job. It checks the status of the DataQuality_PIIColumns result. It gets the list of sensitive column names from the sensitive data detection file created in the Data-Quality-PII-Checker_Job and tags the columns as sensitive. The rest of the columns are tagged as public. It also tags the table assensitive if sensitive columns are detected. The table is marked as public if no sensitive columns are detected.

The job also checks the data quality score for the DataQuality_BasicChecks result set. It maps the data quality score into tags as shown in the following table and applies the corresponding tag on the table.

Data Quality Score Data Quality Tag
100% DQ100
90-100% DQ90
80-90% DQ80_90
50-80% DQ50_80
Less than 50% DQ_LT_50

The CloudFormation stack copies some mock data to the data folder and registers this location under AWS Lake Formation Data lake locations so Lake Formation can govern access on the location using service-linked role for Lake Formation.

The customer subfolder contains the initial customer dataset for the table customer. The base subfolder contains the base dataset, which we use to check referential integrity as part of the data quality checks. The column data_location in the customer table should match with locations defined in this base table.

The stack also copies some additional mock data to the bucket under the data-v1 folder. We use this data to simulate data quality issues.

It also creates the following resources:

  • An AWS Glue database called oktank_autogov_temp and two tables under the database:
    • customer – This is our target table on which we will be governing the access based on data quality rules and PII checks.
    • base – This is the base table that has the reference data. One of the data quality rules checks that the customer data always adheres to locations present in the base table.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles:
    • DataLakeUser_Category1 – The data lake user corresponding to the Category 1 user. This user should be able to access sensitive data but needs 100% accurate data.
    • DataLakeUser_Category2 – The data lake user corresponding to the Category 2 user. This user should not be able to access sensitive columns in the table. It needs more than 50% accurate data.
    • DataLakeUser_Category3 – The data lake user corresponding to the Category 3 user. This user should not be able to access tables containing sensitive data. Data quality can be 0%.
    • GlueServiceDQRole – The role for the data quality and sensitive data detection job.
    • GlueServiceLFTaggerRole – The role for the LF-Tags handler job for applying the tags to the table.
    • StepFunctionRole – The Step Functions role for triggering the AWS Glue jobs.
  • Lake Formation LF-Tags keys and values:
    • tbl_classsensitive, public
    • dq_classDQ100, DQ90, DQ80_90, DQ50_80, DQ_LT_50
    • col_classsensitive, public
  • A Step Functions state machine named AutoGovMachine that you use to trigger the runs for the AWS Glue jobs to check data quality and update the LF-Tags.
  • Athena workgroups named auto_gov_blog_workgroup_temporary_user1, auto_gov_blog_workgroup_temporary_user2, and auto_gov_blog_workgroup_temporary_user3. These workgroups point to different Athena query result locations for each user. Each user is granted access to the corresponding query result location only. This ensures a specific user doesn’t access the query results of other users. You should switch to a specific workgroup to run queries in Athena as part of the test for the specific user.

The CloudFormation stack generates the following outputs. Take note of the values of the IAM users to use in subsequent steps.

Grant permissions

After you launch the CloudFormation stack, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Permissions choose Data lake permissions in the navigation pane.
  2. Search for the database oktank_autogov_temp and table customer.
  3. If IAMAllowedPrincipals access if present, select it choose Revoke.

  1. Choose Revoke again to revoke the permissions.

Category 1 users can access all data except if the data quality score of the table is below 100%. Therefore, we grant the user the necessary permissions.

  1. Under Permissions in the navigation pane, choose Data lake permissions.
  2. Search for database oktank_autogov_temp and table customer.
  3. Choose Grant
  4. Select IAM users and roles and choose the value for UserCategory1 from your CloudFormation stack output.
  5. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, choose Add LF-Tag key-value pair.
  6. Add the following key-value pairs:
    1. For the col_class key, add the values public and sensitive.
    2. For the tbl_class key, add the values public and sensitive.
    3. For the dq_tag key, add the value DQ100.

  1. For Table permissions, select Select.
  2. Choose Grant.

Category 2 users can’t access sensitive columns. They can access tables with a data quality score above 50%.

  1. Repeat the preceding steps to grant the appropriate permissions in Lake Formation to UserCategory2:
    1. For the col_class key, add the value public.
    2. For the tbl_class key, add the values public and sensitive.
    3. For the dq_tag key, add the values DQ50_80, DQ80_90, DQ90, and DQ100.

  1. For Table permissions, select Select.
  2. Choose Grant.

Category 3 users can’t access tables that contain any sensitive columns. Such tables are marked as sensitive by the system. They can access tables with any data quality score.

  1. Repeat the preceding steps to grant the appropriate permissions in Lake Formation to UserCategory3:
    1. For the col_class key, add the value public.
    2. For the tbl_class key, add the value public.
    3. For the dq_tag key, add the values DQ_LT_50, DQ50_80, DQ80_90, DQ90, and DQ100.

  1. For Table permissions, select Select.
  2. Choose Grant.

You can verify the LF-Tag permissions assigned in Lake Formation by navigating to the Data lake permissions page and searching for the Resource type LF-Tag expression.

Test the solution

Now we can test the workflow. We test three different use cases in this post. You will notice how the permissions to the tables change based on the values of LF-Tags applied to the customer table and the columns of the table. We use Athena to query the tables.

Use case 1

In this first use case, a new table was created on the lake and new data was ingested to the table. The data file cust_feedback_v0.csv was copied to the data/customer location in the S3 bucket. This simulates new data ingestion on a new table called customer.

Lake Formation doesn’t allow any users to access this table currently. To test this scenario, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Athena console with the UserCategory1 user.
  2. Switch the workgroup to auto_gov_blog_workgroup_temporary_user1 in the Athena query editor.
  3. Choose Acknowledge to accept the workgroup settings.

  1. Run the following query in the query editor:
select * from "oktank_autogov_temp"."customer" limit 10

  1. On the Step Functions console, run the AutoGovMachine state machine.
  2. In the Input – optional section, use the following JSON and replace the BucketName value with the bucket name you used for the CloudFormation stack earlier (for this post, we use auto-gov-blog):
  "Comment": "Auto Governance with AWS Glue and AWS LakeFormation",
  "BucketName": "<Replace with your bucket name>"

The state machine triggers the AWS Glue jobs to check data quality on the table and apply the corresponding LF-Tags.

  1. You can check the LF-Tags applied on the table and the columns. To do so, when the state machine is complete, sign in to Lake Formation with the admin role used earlier to grant permissions.
  2. Navigate to the table customer under the oktank_autogov_temp database and choose Edit LF-Tags to validate the tags applied on the table.

You can also validate that columns customer_email and customer_name are tagged as sensitive for the col_class LF-Tag.

  1. To check this, choose Edit Schema for the customer table.
  2. Select the two columns and choose Edit LF-Tags.

You can check the tags on these columns.

The rest of the columns are tagged as public.

  1. Sign in to the Athena console with UserCategory1 and run the same query again:
select * from "oktank_autogov_temp"."customer" limit 10

This time, the user is able to see the data. This is because the LF-Tag permissions we applied earlier are in effect.

  1. Sign in as UserCategory2 user to verify permissions.
  2. Switch to workgroup auto_gov_blog_workgroup_temporary_user2 in Athena.

This user can access the table but can only see public columns. Therefore, the user shouldn’t be able to see the customer_email and customer_phone columns because these columns contain sensitive data as identified by the system.

  1. Run the same query again:
select * from "oktank_autogov_temp"."customer" limit 10

  1. Sign in to Athena and verify the permissions for DataLakeUser_Category3.
  2. Switch to workgroup auto_gov_blog_workgroup_temporary_user3 in Athena.

This user can’t access the table because the table is marked as sensitive due to the presence of sensitive data columns in the table.

  1. Run the same query again:
select * from "oktank_autogov_temp"."customer" limit 10

Use case 2

Let’s ingest some new data on the table.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon S3 console with the admin role used earlier to grant permissions.
  2. Copy the file cust_feedback_v1.csv from the data-v1 folder in the S3 bucket to the data/customer folder in the S3 bucket using the default options.

This new data file has data quality issues because the column data_location breaks referential integrity with the base table. This data also introduces some sensitive data in column comment1. This column was earlier marked as public because it didn’t have any sensitive data.

The following screenshot shows what the customer folder should look like now.

  1. Run the AutoGovMachine state machine again and use the same JSON as the StartExecution input you used earlier:
  "Comment": "Auto Governance with AWS Glue and AWS LakeFormation",
  "BucketName": "<Replace with your bucket name>"

The job classifies column comment1 as sensitive on the customer table. It also updates the dq_tag value on the table because the data quality has changed due to the breaking referential integrity check.

You can verify the new tag values via the Lake Formation console as described earlier. The dq_tag value was DQ100. The value is changed to DQ50_80, reflecting the data quality score for the table.

Also, earlier the value for the col_class tag for the comment1 column was public. The value is now changed to sensitive because sensitive data is detected in this column.

Category 2 users shouldn’t be able to access sensitive columns in the table.

  1. Sign in with UserCategory2 to Athena and rerun the earlier query:
select * from "oktank_autogov_temp"."customer" limit 10

The column comment1 is now not available for UserCategory2 as expected. The access permissions are handled automatically.

Also, because the data quality score goes down below 100%, this new dataset is now not available for the Category1 user. This user should have access to data only when the score is 100% as per our defined rules.

  1. Sign in with UserCategory1 to Athena and rerun the earlier query:
select * from "oktank_autogov_temp"."customer" limit 10

You will see the user is not able to access the table now. The access permissions are handled automatically.

Use case 3

Let’s fix the invalid data and remove the data quality issue.

  1. Delete the cust_feedback_v1.csv file from the data/customer Amazon S3 location.
  2. Copy the file cust_feedback_v1_fixed.csv from the data-v1 folder in the S3 bucket to the data/customer S3 location. This data file fixes the data quality issues.
  3. Rerun the AutoGovMachine state machine.

When the state machine is complete, the data quality score goes up to 100% again and the tag on the table gets updated accordingly. You can verify the new tag as shown earlier via the Lake Formation console.

The Category1 user can access the table again.

Clean up

To avoid incurring further charges, delete the CloudFormation stack to delete the resources provisioned as part of this post.


This post covered AWS Glue Data Quality and sensitive detection features and Lake Formation LF-Tag based access control. We explored how you can combine these features and use them to build a scalable automated data governance capability on your data lake. We explored how user permissions changed when data was initially ingested to the table and when data drift was observed as part of subsequent ingestions.

For further reading, refer to the following resources:

About the Author

Shoukat Ghouse is a Senior Big Data Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers around the world build robust, efficient and scalable data platforms on AWS leveraging AWS analytics services like AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, Amazon Athena and Amazon EMR.

Using AWS AppSync and AWS Lake Formation to access a secure data lake through a GraphQL API

Post Syndicated from Rana Dutt original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/using-aws-appsync-and-aws-lake-formation-to-access-a-secure-data-lake-through-a-graphql-api/

Data lakes have been gaining popularity for storing vast amounts of data from diverse sources in a scalable and cost-effective way. As the number of data consumers grows, data lake administrators often need to implement fine-grained access controls for different user profiles. They might need to restrict access to certain tables or columns depending on the type of user making the request. Also, businesses sometimes want to make data available to external applications but aren’t sure how to do so securely. To address these challenges, organizations can turn to GraphQL and AWS Lake Formation.

GraphQL provides a powerful, secure, and flexible way to query and retrieve data. AWS AppSync is a service for creating GraphQL APIs that can query multiple databases, microservices, and APIs from one unified GraphQL endpoint.

Data lake administrators can use Lake Formation to govern access to data lakes. Lake Formation offers fine-grained access controls for managing user and group permissions at the table, column, and cell level. It can therefore ensure data security and compliance. Additionally, this Lake Formation integrates with other AWS services, such as Amazon Athena, making it ideal for querying data lakes through APIs.

In this post, we demonstrate how to build an application that can extract data from a data lake through a GraphQL API and deliver the results to different types of users based on their specific data access privileges. The example application described in this post was built by AWS Partner NETSOL Technologies.

Solution overview

Our solution uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to store the data, AWS Glue Data Catalog to house the schema of the data, and Lake Formation to provide governance over the AWS Glue Data Catalog objects by implementing role-based access. We also use Amazon EventBridge to capture events in our data lake and launch downstream processes. The solution architecture is shown in the following diagram.

Appsync and LakeFormation Arch itecture diagram

Figure 1 – Solution architecture

The following is a step by step description of the solution:

  1. The data lake is created in an S3 bucket registered with Lake Formation. Whenever new data arrives, an EventBridge rule is invoked.
  2. The EventBridge rule runs an AWS Lambda function to start an AWS Glue crawler to discover new data and update any schema changes so that the latest data can be queried.
    Note: AWS Glue crawlers can also be launched directly from Amazon S3 events, as described in this blog post.
  3. AWS Amplify allows users to sign in using Amazon Cognito as an identity provider. Cognito authenticates the user’s credentials and returns access tokens.
  4. Authenticated users invoke an AWS AppSync GraphQL API through Amplify, fetching data from the data lake. A Lambda function is run to handle the request.
  5. The Lambda function retrieves the user details from Cognito and assumes the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role associated with the requesting user’s Cognito user group.
  6. The Lambda function then runs an Athena query against the data lake tables and returns the results to AWS AppSync, which then returns the results to the user.


To deploy this solution, you must first do the following:

git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/aws-appsync-with-lake-formation.git
cd aws-appsync-with-lake-formation

Prepare Lake Formation permissions

Sign in to the LakeFormation console and add yourself as an administrator. If you’re signing in to Lake Formation for the first time, you can do this by selecting Add myself on the Welcome to Lake Formation screen and choosing Get started as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – Add yourself as the Lake Formation administrator

Otherwise, you can choose Administrative roles and tasks in the left navigation bar and choose Manage Administrators to add yourself. You should see your IAM username under Data lake administrators with Full access when done.

Select Data catalog settings in the left navigation bar and make sure the two IAM access control boxes are not selected, as shown in Figure 3. You want Lake Formation, not IAM, to control access to new databases.

Lake Formation data catalog settings

Figure 3 – Lake Formation data catalog settings

Deploy the solution

To create the solution in your AWS environment, launch the following AWS CloudFormation stack:  Launch Cloudformation Stack

The following resources will be launched through the CloudFormation template:

  • Amazon VPC and networking components (subnets, security groups, and NAT gateway)
  • IAM roles
  • Lake Formation encapsulating S3 bucket, AWS Glue crawler, and AWS Glue database
  • Lambda functions
  • Cognito user pool
  • AWS AppSync GraphQL API
  • EventBridge rules

After the required resources have been deployed from the CloudFormation stack, you must create two Lambda functions and upload the dataset to Amazon S3. Lake Formation will govern the data lake that is stored in the S3 bucket.

Create the Lambda functions

Whenever a new file is placed in the designated S3 bucket, an EventBridge rule is invoked, which launches a Lambda function to initiate the AWS Glue crawler. The crawler updates the AWS Glue Data Catalog to reflect any changes to the schema.

When the application makes a query for data through the GraphQL API, a request handler Lambda function is invoked to process the query and return the results.

To create these two Lambda functions, proceed as follows.

  1. Sign in to the Lambda console.
  2. Select the request handler Lambda function named dl-dev-crawlerLambdaFunction.
  3. Find the crawler Lambda function file in your lambdas/crawler-lambda folder in the git repo that you cloned to your local machine.
  4. Copy and paste the code in that file to the Code section of the dl-dev-crawlerLambdaFunction in your Lambda console. Then choose Deploy to deploy the function.
Copy and paste code into the Lambda function

Figure 4 – Copy and paste code into the Lambda function

  1. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the request handler function named dl-dev-requestHandlerLambdaFunction using the code in lambdas/request-handler-lambda.

Create a layer for the request handler Lambda

You now must upload some additional library code needed by the request handler Lambda function.

  1. Select Layers in the left menu and choose Create layer.
  2. Enter a name such as appsync-lambda-layer.
  3. Download this package layer ZIP file to your local machine.
  4. Upload the ZIP file using the Upload button on the Create layer page.
  5. Choose Python 3.7 as the runtime for the layer.
  6. Choose Create.
  7. Select Functions on the left menu and select the dl-dev-requestHandler Lambda function.
  8. Scroll down to the Layers section and choose Add a layer.
  9. Select the Custom layers option and then select the layer you created above.
  10. Click Add.

Upload the data to Amazon S3

Navigate to the root directory of the cloned git repository and run the following commands to upload the sample dataset. Replace the bucket_name placeholder with the S3 bucket provisioned using the CloudFormation template. You can get the bucket name from the CloudFormation console by going to the Outputs tab with key datalakes3bucketName as shown in image below.

Figure 5 – S3 bucket name shown in CloudFormation Outputs tab

Figure 5 – S3 bucket name shown in CloudFormation Outputs tab

Enter the following commands in your project folder in your local machine to upload the dataset to the S3 bucket.

cd dataset
aws s3 cp . s3://bucket_name/ --recursive

Now let’s take a look at the deployed artifacts.

Data lake

The S3 bucket holds sample data for two entities: companies and their respective owners. The bucket is registered with Lake Formation, as shown in Figure 6. This enables Lake Formation to create and manage data catalogs and manage permissions on the data.

Figure 6 – Lake Formation console showing data lake location

Figure 6 – Lake Formation console showing data lake location

A database is created to hold the schema of data present in Amazon S3. An AWS Glue crawler is used to update any change in schema in the S3 bucket. This crawler is granted permission to CREATE, ALTER, and DROP tables in the database using Lake Formation.

Apply data lake access controls

Two IAM roles are created, dl-us-east-1-developer and dl-us-east-1-business-analyst, each assigned to a different Cognito user group. Each role is assigned different authorizations through Lake Formation. The Developer role gains access to every column in the data lake, while the Business Analyst role is only granted access to the non-personally identifiable information (PII) columns.

Lake Formation console data lake permissions assigned to group roles

Figure 7 –Lake Formation console data lake permissions assigned to group roles

GraphQL schema

The GraphQL API is viewable from the AWS AppSync console. The Companies type includes several attributes describing the owners of the companies.

Schema for GraphQL API

Figure 8 – Schema for GraphQL API

The data source for the GraphQL API is a Lambda function, which handles the requests.

– AWS AppSync data source mapped to Lambda function

Figure 9 – AWS AppSync data source mapped to Lambda function

Handling the GraphQL API requests

The GraphQL API request handler Lambda function retrieves the Cognito user pool ID from the environment variables. Using the boto3 library, you create a Cognito client and use the get_group method to obtain the IAM role associated to the Cognito user group.

You use a helper function in the Lambda function to obtain the role.

def get_cognito_group_role(group_name):
    response = cognito_idp_client.get_group(
    role_arn = response.get('Group').get('RoleArn')
    return role_arn

Using the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) through a boto3 client, you can assume the IAM role and obtain the temporary credentials you need to run the Athena query.

def get_temp_creds(role_arn):
    response = sts_client.assume_role(
    return response['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'],
response['Credentials']['SecretAccessKey'],  response['Credentials']['SessionToken']

We pass the temporary credentials as parameters when creating our Boto3 Amazon Athena client.

athena_client = boto3.client('athena', aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, aws_session_token=session_token)

The client and query are passed into our Athena query helper function which executes the query and returns a query id. With the query id, we are able to read the results from S3 and bundle it as a Python dictionary to be returned in the response.

def get_query_result(s3_client, output_location):
    bucket, object_key_path = get_bucket_and_path(output_location)
    response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=object_key_path)
    status = response.get("ResponseMetadata", {}).get("HTTPStatusCode")
    result = []
    if status == 200:
        print(f"Successful S3 get_object response. Status - {status}")
        df = pandas.read_csv(response.get("Body"))
        df = df.fillna('')
        result = df.to_dict('records')
        print(f"Unsuccessful S3 get_object response. Status - {status}")
    return result

Enabling client-side access to the data lake

On the client side, AWS Amplify is configured with an Amazon Cognito user pool for authentication. We’ll navigate to the Amazon Cognito console to view the user pool and groups that were created.

Figure 10 –Amazon Cognito User pools

Figure 10 –Amazon Cognito User pools

For our sample application we have two groups in our user pool:

  • dl-dev-businessAnalystUserGroup – Business analysts with limited permissions.
  • dl-dev-developerUserGroup – Developers with full permissions.

If you explore these groups, you’ll see an IAM role associated to each. This is the IAM role that is assigned to the user when they authenticate. Athena assumes this role when querying the data lake.

If you view the permissions for this IAM role, you’ll notice that it doesn’t include access controls below the table level. You need the additional layer of governance provided by Lake Formation to add fine-grained access control.

After the user is verified and authenticated by Cognito, Amplify uses access tokens to invoke the AWS AppSync GraphQL API and fetch the data. Based on the user’s group, a Lambda function assumes the corresponding Cognito user group role. Using the assumed role, an Athena query is run and the result returned to the user.

Create test users

Create two users, one for dev and one for business analyst, and add them to user groups.

  1. Navigate to Cognito and select the user pool, dl-dev-cognitoUserPool, that’s created.
  2. Choose Create user and provide the details to create a new business analyst user. The username can be biz-analyst. Leave the email address blank, and enter a password.
  3. Select the Users tab and select the user you just created.
  4. Add this user to the business analyst group by choosing the Add user to group button.
  5. Follow the same steps to create another user with the username developer and add the user to the developers group.

Test the solution

To test your solution, launch the React application on your local machine.

  1. In the cloned project directory, navigate to the react-app directory.
  2. Install the project dependencies.
npm install
  1. Install the Amplify CLI:
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
  1. Create a new file called .env by running the following commands. Then use a text editor to update the environment variable values in the file.
echo export REACT_APP_APPSYNC_URL=Your AppSync endpoint URL > .env
echo export REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID=Your Cognito app client ID >> .env
echo export REACT_APP_USER_POOL_ID=Your Cognito user pool ID >> .env

Use the Outputs tab of your CloudFormation console stack to get the required values from the keys as follows:

REACT_APP_APPSYNC_URL appsyncApiEndpoint
REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID cognitoUserPoolClientId
  1. Add the preceding variables to your environment.
source .env
  1. Generate the code needed to interact with the API using Amplify CodeGen. In the Outputs tab of your Cloudformation console, find your AWS Appsync API ID next to the appsyncApiId key.
amplify add codegen --apiId <appsyncApiId>

Accept all the default options for the above command by pressing Enter at each prompt.

  1. Start the application.
npm start

You can confirm that the application is running by visiting http://localhost:3000 and signing in as the developer user you created earlier.

Now that you have the application running, let’s take a look at how each role is served from the companies endpoint.

First, sign is as the developer role, which has access to all the fields, and make the API request to the companies endpoint. Note which fields you have access to.

The results for developer role

Figure 11 –The results for developer role

Now, sign in as the business analyst user and make the request to the same endpoint and compare the included fields.

The results for Business Analyst role

Figure 12 –The results for Business Analyst role

The First Name and Last Name columns of the companies list is excluded in the business analyst view even though you made the request to the same endpoint. This demonstrates the power of using one unified GraphQL endpoint together with multiple Cognito user group IAM roles mapped to Lake Formation permissions to manage role-based access to your data.

Cleaning up

After you’re done testing the solution, clean up the following resources to avoid incurring future charges:

  1. Empty the S3 buckets created by the CloudFormation template.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack to remove the S3 buckets and other resources.


In this post, we showed you how to securely serve data in a data lake to authenticated users of a React application based on their role-based access privileges. To accomplish this, you used GraphQL APIs in AWS AppSync, fine-grained access controls from Lake Formation, and Cognito for authenticating users by group and mapping them to IAM roles. You also used Athena to query the data.

For related reading on this topic, see Visualizing big data with AWS AppSync, Amazon Athena, and AWS Amplify and Design a data mesh architecture using AWS Lake Formation and AWS Glue.

Will you implement this approach for serving data from your data lake? Let us know in the comments!

About the Authors

Rana Dutt is a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He has a background in architecting scalable software platforms for financial services, healthcare, and telecom companies, and is passionate about helping customers build on AWS.

Ranjith Rayaprolu is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS working with customers in the Pacific Northwest. He helps customers design and operate Well-Architected solutions in AWS that address their business problems and accelerate the adoption of AWS services. He focuses on AWS security and networking technologies to develop solutions in the cloud across different industry verticals. Ranjith lives in the Seattle area and loves outdoor activities.

Justin Leto is a Sr. Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services with specialization in databases, big data analytics, and machine learning. His passion is helping customers achieve better cloud adoption. In his spare time, he enjoys offshore sailing and playing jazz piano. He lives in New York City with his wife and baby daughter.

Introducing hybrid access mode for AWS Glue Data Catalog to secure access using AWS Lake Formation and IAM and Amazon S3 policies

Post Syndicated from Aarthi Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/introducing-hybrid-access-mode-for-aws-glue-data-catalog-to-secure-access-using-aws-lake-formation-and-iam-and-amazon-s3-policies/

AWS Lake Formation helps you centrally govern, secure, and globally share data for analytics and machine learning. With Lake Formation, you can manage access control for your data lake data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and its metadata in AWS Glue Data Catalog in one place with familiar database-style features. You can use fine-grained data access control to verify that the right users have access to the right data down to the cell level of tables. Lake Formation also makes it simpler to share data internally across your organization and externally. Further, Lake Formation integrates with AWS analytics services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Amazon EMR, and AWS Glue ETL for Apache Spark. These services allow querying Lake Formation managed tables, thus helping you extract business insights from the data quickly and securely.

Before the introduction of Lake Formation and its database-style permissions for data lakes, you had to manage access to your data in the data lake and its metadata separately through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and S3 bucket policies. With an IAM and Amazon S3 access control mechanism, which is more complex and less granular compared to Lake Formation, you need more time to migrate to Lake Formation because a given database or table in the data lake could have its access controlled by either IAM and S3 policies or Lake Formation policies, but not both. Also, various use cases operate on the data lakes. Migrating all use cases from one permissions model to another in a single step without disruption was challenging for operations teams.

To ease the transition of data lake permissions from an IAM and S3 model to Lake Formation, we’re introducing a hybrid access mode for AWS Glue Data Catalog. Please refer to the What’s New and documentation. This feature lets you secure and access the cataloged data using both Lake Formation permissions and IAM and S3 permissions. Hybrid access mode allows data administrators to onboard Lake Formation permissions selectively and incrementally, focusing on one data lake use case at a time. For example, say you have an existing extract, transform and load (ETL) data pipeline that uses the IAM and S3 policies to manage data access. Now you want to allow your data analysts to explore or query the same data using Amazon Athena. You can grant access to the data analysts using Lake Formation permissions, to include fine-grained controls as needed, without changing access for your ETL data pipelines.

Hybrid access mode allows both permission models to exist for the same database and tables, providing greater flexibility in how you manage user access. While this feature opens two doors for a Data Catalog resource, an IAM user or role can access the resource using only one of the two permissions. After Lake Formation permission is enabled for an IAM principal, authorization is completely managed by Lake Formation and existing IAM and S3 policies are ignored. AWS CloudTrail logs provide the complete details of the Data Catalog resource access in Lake Formation logs and S3 access logs.

In this blog post, we walk you through the instructions to onboard Lake Formation permissions in hybrid access mode for selected users while the database is already accessible to other users through IAM and S3 permissions. We will review the instructions to set-up hybrid access mode within an AWS account and between two accounts.

Scenario 1 – Hybrid access mode within an AWS account

In this scenario, we walk you through the steps to start adding users with Lake Formation permissions for a database in Data Catalog that’s accessed using IAM and S3 policy permissions. For our illustration, we use two personas:  Data-Engineer, who has coarse grained permissions using an IAM policy and an S3 bucket policy to run an AWS Glue ETL job and Data-Analyst, whom we will onboard with fine grained Lake Formation permissions to query the database using Amazon Athena.

Scenario 1 is depicted in the diagram shown below, where the Data-Engineer role accesses the database hybridsalesdb using IAM and S3 permissions while Data-Analyst role will access the database using Lake Formation permissions.


To set up Lake Formation and IAM and S3 permissions for a Data Catalog database with Hybrid access mode, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account that isn’t used for production applications.
  • Lake Formation already set up in the account and a Lake Formation administrator role or a similar role to follow along with the instructions in this post. For example, we’re using a data lake administrator role called LF-Admin. To learn more about setting up permissions for a data lake administrator role, see Create a data lake administrator.
  • A sample database in the Data Catalog with a few tables. For example, our sample database is called hybridsalesdb and has a set of eight tables, as shown in the following screenshot. You can use any of your datasets to follow along.

Personas and their IAM policy setup

There are two personas that are IAM roles in the account: Data-Engineer and Data-Analyst. Their IAM policies and access are described as follows.

The following IAM policy on the Data-Engineer role allows access to the database and table metadata in the Data Catalog.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
                "glue: Get*"
            "Resource": [

The following IAM policy on the Data-Engineer role grants data access to the underlying Amazon S3 location of the database and tables.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowDataLakeBucket",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

The Data-Engineer also has access to the AWS Glue console using the AWS managed policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess and regressive iam:Passrole to run an AWS Glue ETL script as below.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
           "Sid": "PassRolePermissions",
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": [
               " iam:PassRole" ],
           "Resource": [  

The following policy is also added to the trust policy of the Data-Engineer role to allow AWS Glue to assume the role to run the ETL script on behalf of the role.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "glue.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

See AWS Glue studio set up for additional permissions required to run an AWS Glue ETL script.

The Data-Analyst role has the data lake basic user permissions as described in Assign permissions to Lake Formation users.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*"

Additionally, the Data-Analyst has permissions to write Athena query results to an S3 bucket that isn’t managed by Lake Formation and Athena console full access using the AWS managed policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonAthenaFullAccess.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Set up Lake Formation permissions for Data-Analyst

Complete the following steps to configure your data location in Amazon S3 with Lake Formation in hybrid access mode and grant access to the Data-Analyst role.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as a Lake Formation administrator role.
  2. Go to Lake Formation.
  3. Select Data lake locations from the left navigation bar under Administration.
  4. Select Register location and provide the Amazon S3 location of your database and tables. Provide an IAM role that has access to the data in the S3 location. For more details see Requirements for roles used to register locations.
  5. Select the Hybrid access mode under Permission mode and choose Register location.
  6. Select Data lake locations under Administration from the left navigation bar. Review that the registered location shows as Hybrid access mode for Permission mode.
  7. Select Databases from Catalog on the left navigation bar. Choose hybridsalesdb. You will select the database that has the data in the S3 location that you registered in the preceding step. From the Actions drop down menu, select Grant.
  8. Select Data-Analyst for IAM users and roles. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, select Named Data Catalog resources and select hybridsalesdb for Databases.
  9. Under Database permissions, select Describe. Under Hybrid access mode, select the checkbox Make Lake Formation permissions effective immediately. Choose Grant.
  10. Again, select Databases from Catalog on the left navigation bar. Choose hybridsalesdb. Select Grant from the Actions drop down menu.
  11. On the Grant window, select Data-Analyst for IAM users and roles. Under LF-Tags or catalog resources, choose Named Data Catalog resources and select hybridsalesdb for Databases.
  12. Under Tables, select the three tables named hybridcustomer, hybridproduct, and hybridsales_order from the drop down.
  13. Under Table permissions, select Select and Describe permissions for the tables.
  14. Select the checkbox under Hybrid access mode to make the Lake Formation permissions effective immediately.
  15. Choose Grant.
  16. Review the granted permissions by selecting the Data lake permissions under Permissions on the left navigation bar. Filter Data permissions by Principal = Data-Analyst.
  17. On the left navigation bar, select Hybrid access mode. Verify that the opted in Data-Analyst shows up for the hybridsalesdb database and the three tables.
  18. Sign out from the console as the Lake Formation administrator role.

Validating Lake Formation permissions for Data-Analyst

  1. Sign in to the console as Data-Analyst.
  2. Go to the Athena console. If you’re using Athena for the first time, set up the query results location to your S3 bucket as described in Specifying a query result location.
  3. Run preview queries on the table from the Athena query editor.

Validating IAM and S3 permissions for Data-Engineer

  1. Sign out as Data-Analyst and sign back in to the console as Data-Engineer.
  2. Open the AWS Glue console and select ETL jobs from the left navigation bar.
  3. Under Create job, select Spark script editor. Choose Create.
  4. Download and open the sample script provided here.
  5. Copy and paste the script into your studio script editor as a new job.
  6. Edit the catalog_id, database, and table_name to suit your sample.
  7. Save and Run your AWS Glue ETL script by providing the IAM role of Data-Engineer to run the job.
  8. After the ETL script succeeds, you can select the output logs link from the Runs tab of the ETL script.
  9. Review the table’s schema, top 20 rows, and the total number of rows and columns from the AWS CloudWatch logs.

Thus, you can add Lake Formation permissions to a new role to access a Data Catalog database without interfering with another role that is accessing the same database through IAM and S3 permissions.

Scenario 2 – Hybrid access mode set up between two AWS accounts

This is a cross-account sharing scenario where a data producer shares a database and its tables to a consumer account. The producer provides full database access for an AWS Glue ETL workload on the consumer account. At the same time, the producer shares a few tables of the same database to the consumer account using Lake Formation. We walk you through how you can use hybrid access mode to support both access methods.


  • Cross-account sharing of a database or table location that’s registered in hybrid access mode requires the producer or the grantor account to be in version 4 of cross-account sharing in the catalog setting to grant permissions on the hybrid access mode resource. When moving from version 3 to version 4 of cross-account sharing, existing Lake Formation permissions aren’t affected for database and table locations that are already registered with Lake Formation (Lake Formation mode). For new data set location registration in hybrid access mode and new Lake Formation permissions on this catalog resource, you will need version 4 of cross-account sharing.
  • The consumer or recipient account can use other versions of cross-account sharing. If your accounts are using version 1 or version 2 of cross-account sharing and if you want to upgrade, follow Updating cross-account data sharing version settings to first upgrade the catalog setting of cross-account sharing to version 3, before upgrading to version 4.

The producer account set up is similar to that of scenario 1 and we discuss the extra steps for scenario 2 in the following section.

Set up in producer account A

The consumer Data-Engineer role is granted Amazon S3 data access using the producer’s S3 bucket policy and Data Catalog access using the producer’s Data Catalog resource policy.

The S3 bucket policy in the producer account follows:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
        "Sid": "data engineer role permissions",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
            "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<consumer-account-id>:role/Data-Engineer"
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [

The Data Catalog resource policy in the producer account is shown below. You also need the glue:ShareResource IAM permission for AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) to enable cross-account sharing.

"Version" : "2012-10-17",
"Statement" : [
    "Effect" : "Allow",
    "Principal" : {
        "AWS" : "arn:aws:iam::<consumer-account-id>:role/Data-Engineer"
    "Action" : "glue:Get*",
    "Resource" : [
        "Effect" : "Allow",
        "Principal" : {
        "Service" : "ram.amazonaws.com"
        "Action" : "glue:ShareResource",
        "Resource" : [

Setting the cross-account version and registering the S3 bucket

  1. Sign in to the Lake Formation console as an IAM administrator role or a role with IAM permissions to the PutDataLakeSettings() API. Choose the AWS Region where you have your sample data set in an S3 bucket and its corresponding database and tables in the Data Catalog.
  2. Select Data catalog settings from the left navigation bar under Administration. Select Version 4 from the dropdown menu for Cross account version settings. Choose Save.
    Note: If there are any other accounts in your environment that share catalog resources to your producer account through Lake Formation, upgrading the sharing version might impact them. See <title of documentation page> for more information.
  3. Sign out as IAM administrator and sign back in to the Lake Formation console as a Lake Formation administrator role.
  4. Select Data lake locations from the left navigation bar under Administration.
  5. Select Register location and provide the S3 location of your database and tables.
  6. Provide an IAM role that has access to the data in the S3 location. For more details about this role requirement, see Requirements for roles used to register locations.
  7. Choose the Hybrid access mode under Permission mode, and then choose Register location.
  8. Select Data lake locations under Administration from the left navigation bar. Confirm that the registered location shows as Hybrid access mode for Permission mode.

Granting cross-account permissions

The steps to share the database hybridsalesdb to the consumer account are similar to the steps to set up scenario 1.

  1. In the Lake Formation console, select Databases from Catalog on the left navigation bar. Choose hybridsalesdb. Select your database that has the data in the S3 location that you registered previously. From the Actions drop down menu, select Grant.
  2. Select External accounts under Principals and provide the consumer account ID. Select Named catalog resources under LF-Tags or catalog resources. Choose hybridsalesdb for Databases.
  3. Select Describe for Database permissions and for Grantable permissions.
  4. Under Hybrid access mode, select the checkbox for Make Lake Formation permissions effective immediately. Choose Grant.

Note: Selecting the checkbox opts-in the consumer account Lake Formation administrator roles to use Lake Formation permissions without interrupting access to the consumer account’s IAM and S3 access for the same database.

  1. Repeat step 2 up to database selection to grant permission to the consumer account ID for table level permission. Select any three tables from the drop-down menu for table level permission under Tables.
  2. Select Select under Table permissions and Grantable permissions. Select the checkbox for Make Lake Formation permissions effective immediately under Hybrid access mode. Choose Grant.
  3. Select the Data lake permissions  on the left navigation bar. Verify the granted permissions to the consumer account.
  4. Select the Hybrid access mode on the left navigation bar. Verify the opted-in resources and principal.

You have now enabled cross-account sharing using Lake Formation permissions without revoking access to the IAMAllowedPrincipal virtual group.

Set up in consumer account B

In scenario 2, the Data-Analyst and Data-Engineer roles are created in the consumer account similar to scenario 1, but these roles access the database and tables shared from the producer account.

In addition to arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess and arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchFullAccess, the  Data-Engineer role also has permissions to create and run an Apache Spark job in AWS Glue Studio.

Data-Engineer has the following IAM policy that grants access to the producer account’s S3 bucket, which is registered with Lake Formation in hybrid access mode.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowDataLakeBucket",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Data-Engineer has the following IAM policy that grants access to the consumer account’s entire Data Catalog and producer account’s database hybridsalesdb and its tables.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

The Data-Analyst has the same IAM policies similar to scenario 1, granting basic data lake user permissions. For additional details, see Assign permissions to Lake Formation users.

Accepting AWS RAM invites

  1. Sign in to the Lake Formation console as a Lake Formation administrator role.
  2. Open the AWS RAM console. Select Resource shares from Shared with me on the left navigation bar. You should see two invites from the producer account, one for database level share and one for table level share.
  3. Select each invite, review the producer account ID, and choose Accept resource share.

Granting Lake Formation permissions to Data-Analyst

  1. Open the Lake Formation console. As a Lake Formation administrator, you should see the shared database and tables from the consumer account.
  2. Select Databases from the Data catalog on the left navigation bar. Select the radio button on the database hybridsalesdb and select Create resource link from the Actions drop down menu.
  3. Enter rl_hybridsalesdb as the name for the resource link and leave the rest of the selections as they are. Choose Create.
  4. Select the radio button for rl_hybridsalesdb. Select Grant from the Actions drop down menu.
  5. Grant Describe permissions on the resource link to Data-Analyst.
  6. Again, select the radio button on rl_hybridsalesdb from the Databases under Catalog in the left navigation bar. Select Grant on target from the Actions drop down menu.
  7. Select Data-Analyst for IAM users and roles, keep the already selected database hybridsalesdb.
  8. Select Describe under Database permissions. Select the checkbox for Make Lake Formation permissions effective immediately under Hybrid access mode. Choose Grant.
  9. Select the radio button on rl_hybridsalesdb from Databases under Catalog in the left navigation bar. Select Grant on target from the Actions drop down menu.
  10. Select Data-Analyst for IAM users and roles. Select All tables of the database hybridsalesdb. Select Select under Table permissions.
  11. Select the checkbox for Make Lake Formation permissions effective immediately under Hybrid access mode.
  12. View and verify the permissions granted to Data-Analyst from the Data lake permissions tab on the left navigation bar.
  13. Sign out as Lake Formation administrator role.

Validate Lake Formation permissions as Data-Analyst

  1. Sign back in to the console as Data-Analyst.
  2. Open the Athena console. If you’re using Athena for the first time, set up the query results location to your S3 bucket as described in Specifying a query result location.
    • In the Query Editor page, under Data, select AWSDataDatalog for Data source.  For Tables, select the three dots next to any of the table names. Select Preview Table to run the query.
  3. Sign out as Data-Analyst.

Validate IAM and S3 permissions for Data-Engineer

  1. Sign back in to the console as Data-Engineer.
  2. Using the same steps as scenario 1, verify IAM and S3 access by running the AWS Glue ETL script in AWS Glue Studio.

You’ve added Lake Formation permissions to a new role Data-Analyst, without interrupting existing IAM and S3 access to Data-Engineer for a cross-account sharing use-case.

Clean up

If you’ve used sample datasets from your S3 for this blog post, we recommend removing relevant Lake Formation permissions on your database for the Data-Analyst role and cross-account grants. You can also remove the hybrid access mode opt-in and remove the S3 bucket registration from Lake Formation. After removing all Lake Formation permissions from both the producer and consumer accounts, you can delete the Data-Analyst and Data-Engineer IAM roles.


Currently, only a Lake Formation administrator role can opt in other users to use Lake Formation permissions for a resource, since opting in user access using either Lake Formation or IAM and S3 permissions is an administrative task requiring full knowledge of your organizational data access setup. Further, you can grant permissions and opt in at the same time using only the named-resource method and not LF-Tags. If you’re using LF-Tags to grant permissions, we recommend you use the Hybrid access mode option on the left navigation bar to opt in (or the equivalent CreateLakeFormationOptin() API using the AWS SDK or AWS CLI) as a subsequent step after granting permissions.


In this blog post, we went through the steps to set up hybrid access mode for Data Catalog. You learned how to onboard users selectively to the Lake Formation permissions model. The users who had access through IAM and S3 permissions continued to have their access without interruptions. You can use Lake Formation to add fine-grained access to Data Catalog tables to enable your business analysts to query using Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum, while your data scientists can explore the same data using Amazon Sagemaker. Data engineers can continue to use their IAM and S3 permissions on the same data to run workloads using Amazon EMR and AWS Glue. Hybrid access mode for the Data Catalog enables a variety of analytical use-cases for your data without data duplication.

To get started, see the documentation for hybrid access mode. We encourage you to check out the feature and share your feedback in the comments section. We look forward to hearing from you.

About the authors

Aarthi Srinivasan is a Senior Big Data Architect with AWS Lake Formation. She likes building data lake solutions for AWS customers and partners. When not on the keyboard, she explores the latest science and technology trends and spends time with her family.

Configure cross-Region table access with the AWS Glue Catalog and AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Aarthi Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/configure-cross-region-table-access-with-the-aws-glue-catalog-and-aws-lake-formation/

Today’s modern data lakes span multiple accounts, AWS Regions, and lines of business in organizations. Companies also have employees and do business across multiple geographic regions and even around the world. It’s important that their data solution gives them the ability to share and access data securely and safely across Regions.

The AWS Glue Data Catalog and AWS Lake Formation recently announced support for cross-Region table access. This feature lets users query AWS Glue databases and tables in one Region from another Region using resource links, without copying the metadata in the Data Catalog or the data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). A resource link is a Data Catalog object that is a link to a database or table.

The AWS Glue Data Catalog is a centralized repository of technical metadata that holds the information about your datasets in AWS, and can be queried using AWS analytics services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and AWS Glue for Apache Spark. The Data Catalog is localized to every Region in an AWS account, requiring users to replicate the metadata and the source data in S3 buckets for cross-Region queries. With the newly launched feature for cross-Region table access, you can create a resource link in any Region pointing to a database or table of the source Region. With the resource link in the local Region, you can query the source Region’s tables from Athena, Amazon EMR, and AWS Glue ETL in the local Region.

You can use the cross-Region table access feature of the Data Catalog in combination with the permissions management and cross-account sharing capability of Lake Formation. Lake Formation is a fully managed service that makes it easy to build, secure, and manage data lakes. By using cross-Region access support for Data Catalog, together with governance provided by Lake Formation, organizations can discover and access data across Regions without spending time making copies. Some businesses might have restrictions to run their compute in certain Regions. Organizations that need to share their Data Catalog with businesses that have such restrictions can now create and share cross-Region resource links.

In this post, we walk you through configuring cross-Region database and table access in two scenarios. In the first scenario, we go through an example where a customer wants to access an AWS Glue database in Region A from Region B in the same account. In scenario two, we demonstrate cross-account and cross-Region access where a customer wants to share a database in Region A across accounts and access it from Region B of the recipient account.

Scenario 1: Same account use case

In this scenario, we walk you through the steps required to share a Data Catalog database from one Region to another Region within the same AWS account. For our illustrations, we have a sample dataset in an S3 bucket in the us-east-2 Region and have used an AWS Glue crawler to crawl and catalog the dataset into a database in the Data Catalog of the us-east-2 Region. We share this dataset to the us-west-2 Region. You can use any of your datasets to follow along. The following diagram illustrates the architecture for cross-Region sharing within the same AWS account.


To set up cross-Region sharing of a Data Catalog database for scenario 1, we recommend the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account that is not used for production use cases.
  • Lake Formation set up already in the account and a Lake Formation administrator role or a similar role to follow along with the instructions in this post. For example, we are using a data lake administrator role called LF-Admin. The LF-Admin role also has the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission iam:PassRole on the AWS Glue crawler role. To learn more about setting up permissions for a data lake administrator, see Create a data lake administrator.
  • A sample database in the Data Catalog with a few tables. For example, our sample database is called salesdb_useast2 and has a set of eight tables, as shown in the following screenshot.

Set up permissions for us-east-2

Complete the following steps to configure permissions in the us-east-2 Region:

  1. Log in to the Lake Formation console and choose the Region where your database resides. In our example, it is us-east-2 Region.
  2. Grant SELECT and DESCRIBE permissions to the LF-Admin role on all tables of the database salesdb_useast2.
  3. You can confirm if permissions are working by querying the database and tables as the data lake administrator role from Athena.

Set up permissions for us-west-2

Complete the following steps to configure permissions in the us-west-2 Region:

  1. Choose the us-west-2 Region on the Lake Formation console.
  2. Add LF-Admin as a data lake administrator and grant Create database permission to LF-Admin.
  3. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, select Databases.
  4. Choose Create database and select Resource link.
  5. Enter rl_salesdb_from_useast2 as the name for the resource link.
  6. For Shared database’s region, choose US East (Ohio).
  7. For Shared database, choose salesdb_useast2.
  8. Choose Create.

This creates a database resource link in us-west-2 pointing to the database in us-east-2.

You will notice the Shared resource owner region column populate as us-east-2 for the resource link details on the Databases page.

Because the LF-Admin role created the resource link rl_salesdb_from_useast2, the role has implicit permissions on the resource link. LF-Admin already has permissions to query the table in the us-east-2 Region. There is no need to add a Grant on target permission for LF-Admin. If you are granting permission to another user or role, you need to grant Describe permissions on the resource link rl_salesdb_from_useast2.

  1. Query the database using the resource link in Athena as LF-Admin.

In the preceding steps, we saw how to create a resource link in us-west-2 for a Data Catalog database in us-east-2. You can also create a resource link to the source database in any additional Region where the Data Catalog is available. You can run extract, transform, and load (ETL) scripts in Amazon EMR and AWS Glue by providing the additional Region parameter when referring to the database and table. See the API documentation for GetTable() and GetDatabase() for additional details.

Also, Data Catalog permissions for the database, tables, and resource links and the underlying Amazon S3 data permissions can be managed by IAM policies and S3 bucket policies instead of Lake Formation permissions. For more information, see Identity and access management for AWS Glue.

Scenario 2: Cross-account use case

In this scenario, we walk you through the steps required to share a Data Catalog database from one Region to another Region between two accounts: a producer account and a consumer account. To show an advanced use case, we host the source dataset in us-east-2 of account A and crawl it using an AWS Glue crawler in the Data Catalog in us-east-1. The data lake administrator in account A then shares the database and tables to account B using Lake Formation permissions. The data lake administrator in account B accepts the share in us-east-1 and creates resource links to query the tables from eu-west-1. The following diagram illustrates the architecture for cross-Region sharing between producer account A and consumer account B.


To set up cross-Region sharing of a Data Catalog database for scenario 2, we recommend the following prerequisites:

  • Two AWS accounts that are not used for production use cases
  • Lake Formation administrator roles in both accounts
  • Lake Formation set up in both accounts with cross-account sharing version 3. For more details, refer documentation.
  • A sample database in the Data Catalog with a few tables

For our example, we continue to use the same dataset and the data lake administrator role LF-Admin for scenario 2.

Set up account A for cross-Region sharing

To set up account A, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as the data lake administrator role.
  2. Register the S3 bucket in Lake Formation in us-east-1 with an IAM role that has access to the S3 bucket. See registering your S3 location for instructions.
  3. Set up and run an AWS Glue crawler to catalog the data in the us-east-2 S3 bucket to the Data Catalog database useast2data_salesdb in us-east-1. Refer to AWS Glue crawlers support cross-account crawling to support data mesh architecture for instructions.

The database, as shown in the following screenshot, has a set of eight tables.

  1. Grant SELECT and DESCRIBE along with grantable permissions on all tables of the database to account B.

  2. Grant DESCRIBE with grantable permissions on the database.
  3. Verify the granted permissions on the Data permissions page.
  4. Log out of account A.

Set up account B for cross-Region sharing

To set up account B, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in as the data lake administrator on the Lake Formation console in us-east-1.

In our example, we have created the data lake administrator role LF-Admin, similar to previous administrator roles in account A and scenario 1.

  1. On the AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) console, review and accept the AWS RAM invites corresponding to the shared database and tables from account A.

The LF-Admin role can see the shared database useast2data_salesdb from the producer account. LF-Admin has access to the database and tables and so doesn’t need additional permissions on the shared database.

  1. You can grant DESCRIBE on the database and SELECT on All_Tables permissions to any additional IAM principals from the us-east-1 Region on this shared database.
  2. Open the Lake Formation console in eu-west-1 (or any Region where you have Lake Formation and Athena already set up).
  3. Choose Create database and create a resource link named rl_useast1db_crossaccount, pointing to the us-east-1 database useast2data_salesdb.

You can choose any Region on the Shared database’s region drop-down menu and choose the databases from those Regions.

Because we’re using the data lake administrator role LF-Admin, we can see all databases from all Regions in the consumer account’s Data Catalog. A data lake user with restricted permissions will be able to see only those databases for which they have permissions to.

  1. Because LF-Admin created the resource link, this role has permissions to use the resource link rl_useast1db_crossaccount. For additional IAM principals, grant DESCRIBE permissions on the database resource link rl_useast1db_crossaccount.
  2. You can now query the database and tables from Athena.


Cross-Region queries involve Amazon S3 data transfer by the analytics services, such as Athena, Amazon EMR, and AWS Glue ETL. As a result, cross-Region queries can be slower and will incur higher transfer costs compared to queries in the same Region. Some analytics services such as AWS Glue jobs and Amazon EMR may require internet access when accessing cross-Region data from Amazon S3, depending on your VPC set up. Refer to Considerations and limitations for more considerations.


In this post, you saw examples of how to set up cross-Region resource links for a database in the same account and across two accounts. You also saw how to use cross-Region resource links to query in Athena. You can share selected tables from a database instead of sharing an entire database. With cross-Region sharing, you can create a resource link for the table using the Create table option.

There are two key things to remember when using the cross-Region table access feature:

  • Grant permissions on the source database or table from its source Region.
  • Grant permissions on the resource link from the Region it was created in.

That is, the original shared database or table is always available in the source Region, and resource links are created and shared in their local Region.

To get started, see Accessing tables across Regions. Share your comments on the post or contact your AWS account team for more details.

About the author

Aarthi Srinivasan is a Senior Big Data Architect with AWS Lake Formation. She likes building data lake solutions for AWS customers and partners. When not on the keyboard, she explores the latest science and technology trends and spends time with her family.

Five actionable steps to GDPR compliance (Right to be forgotten) with Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Kishore Tata original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/five-actionable-steps-to-gdpr-compliance-right-to-be-forgotten-with-amazon-redshift/

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) right to be forgotten, also known as the right to erasure, gives individuals the right to request the deletion of their personally identifiable information (PII) data held by organizations. This means that individuals can ask companies to erase their personal data from their systems and any third parties with whom the data was shared. Organizations must comply with these requests provided that there are no legitimate grounds for retaining the personal data, such as legal obligations or contractual requirements.

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. It is designed for analyzing large volumes of data and performing complex queries on structured and semi-structured data. Many customers are looking for best practices to keep their Amazon Redshift analytics environment compliant and have an ability to respond to GDPR right to forgotten requests.

In this post, we discuss challenges associated with implementation and architectural patterns and actionable best practices for organizations to respond to the right to be forgotten request requirements of the GDPR for data stored in Amazon Redshift.

Who does GDPR apply to?

The GDPR applies to all organizations established in the EU and to organizations, whether or not established in the EU, that process the personal data of EU individuals in connection with either the offering of goods or services to data subjects in the EU or the monitoring of behavior that takes place within the EU.

The following are key terms we use when discussing the GDPR:

  • Data subject – An identifiable living person and resident in the EU or UK, on whom personal data is held by a business or organization or service provider
  • Processor – The entity that processes the data on the instructions of the controller (for example, AWS)
  • Controller – The entity that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data (for example, an AWS customer)
  • Personal data – Information relating to an identified or identifiable person, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers

Implementing the right to be forgotten can include the following challenges:

  • Data identification – One of the main challenges is identifying all instances of personal data across various systems, databases, and backups. Organizations need to have a clear understanding of where personal data is being stored and how it is processed to effectively fulfill the deletion requests.
  • Data dependencies – Personal data can be interconnected and intertwined with other data systems, making it challenging to remove specific data without impacting the integrity of functionality of other systems or processes. It requires careful analysis to identify data dependencies and mitigate any potential risks or disruptions.
  • Data replication and backups – Personal data can exist in multiple copies due to data replication and backups. Ensuring the complete removal of data from all these copies and backups can be challenging. Organizations need to establish processes to track and manage data copies effectively.
  • Legal obligations and exemptions – The right to be forgotten is not absolute and may be subject to legal obligations or exemptions. Organizations need to carefully assess requests, considering factors such as legal requirements, legitimate interests, freedom of expression, or public interest to determine if the request can be fulfilled or if any exceptions apply.
  • Data archiving and retention – Organizations may have legal or regulatory requirements to retain certain data for a specific period. Balancing the right to be forgotten with the obligation to retain data can be a challenge. Clear policies and procedures need to be established to manage data retention and deletion appropriately.

Architecture patterns

Organizations are generally required to respond to right to be forgotten requests within 30 days from when the individual submits a request. This deadline can be extended by a maximum of 2 months taking into account the complexity and the number of the requests, provided that the data subject has been informed about the reasons for the delay within 1 month of the receipt of the request.

The following sections discuss a few commonly referenced architecture patterns, best practices, and options supported by Amazon Redshift to support your data subject’s GDPR right to be forgotten request in your organization.

Actionable Steps

Data management and governance

Addressing the challenges mentioned requires a combination of technical, operational, and legal measures. Organizations need to develop robust data governance practices, establish clear procedures for handling deletion requests, and maintain ongoing compliance with GDPR regulations.

Large organizations usually have multiple Redshift environments, databases, and tables spread across multiple Regions and accounts. To successfully respond to a data subject’s requests, organizations should have a clear strategy to determine how data is forgotten, flagged, anonymized, or deleted, and they should have clear guidelines in place for data audits.

Data mapping involves identifying and documenting the flow of personal data in an organization. It helps organizations understand how personal data moves through their systems, where it is stored, and how it is processed. By creating visual representations of data flows, organizations can gain a clear understanding of the lifecycle of personal data and identify potential vulnerabilities or compliance gaps.

Note that putting a comprehensive data strategy in place is not in scope for this post.

Audit tracking

Organizations must maintain proper documentation and audit trails of the deletion process to demonstrate compliance with GDPR requirements. A typical audit control framework should record the data subject requests (who is the data subject, when was it requested, what data, approver, due date, scheduled ETL process if any, and so on). This will help with your audit requests and provide the ability to roll back in case of accidental deletions observed during the QA process. It’s important to maintain the list of users and systems who may get impacted during this process to ensure effective communication.

Data discovery and findability

Findability is an important step of the process. Organizations need to have mechanisms to find the data under consideration in an efficient and quick manner for timely response. The following are some patterns and best practices you can employ to find the data in Amazon Redshift.


Consider tagging your Amazon Redshift resources to quickly identify which clusters and snapshots contain the PII data, the owners, the data retention policy, and so on. Tags provide metadata about resources at a glance. Redshift resources, such as namespaces, workgroups, snapshots, and clusters can be tagged. For more information about tagging, refer to Tagging resources in Amazon Redshift.

Naming conventions

As a part of the modeling strategy, name the database objects (databases, schemas, tables, columns) with an indicator that they contain PII so that they can be queried using system tables (for example, make a list of the tables and columns where PII data is involved). Identifying the list of tables and users or the systems that have access to them will help streamline the communication process. The following sample SQL can help you find the databases, schemas, and tables with a name that contains PII:

pg_catalog.pg_namespace.nspname AS schema_name,
pg_catalog.pg_class.relname AS table_name,
pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attname AS column_name,
pg_catalog.pg_database.datname AS database_name
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON pg_catalog.pg_namespace.oid = pg_catalog.pg_class.relnamespace
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ON pg_catalog.pg_class.oid = pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attrelid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database ON pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attnum > 0
pg_catalog.pg_attribute.attname LIKE '%PII%';

SELECT datname
FROM pg_database
WHERE datname LIKE '%PII%';

SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE column_name LIKE '%PII%'

Separate PII and non-PII

Whenever possible, keep the sensitive data in a separate table, database, or schema. Isolating the data in a separate database may not always be possible. However, you can separate the non-PII columns in a separate table, for example, Customer_NonPII and Customer_PII, and then join them with an unintelligent key. This helps identify the tables that contain non-PII columns. This approach is straightforward to implement and keeps non-PII data intact, which can be useful for analysis purposes. The following figure shows an example of these tables.

PII-Non PII Example Tables

Flag columns

In the preceding tables, rows in bold are marked with Forgotten_flag=Yes. You can maintain a Forgotten_flag as a column with the default value as No and update this value to Yes whenever a request to be forgotten is received. Also, as a best practice from HIPAA, do a batch deletion once in a month. The downstream and upstream systems need to respect this flag and include this in their processing. This helps identify the rows that need to be deleted. For our example, we can use the following code:

Delete from Customer_PII where forgotten_flag=“Yes”

Use Master data management system

Organizations that maintain a master data management system maintain a golden record for a customer, which acts as a single version of truth from multiple disparate systems. These systems also contain crosswalks with several peripheral systems that contain the natural key of the customer and golden record. This technique helps find customer records and related tables. The following is a representative example of a crosswalk table in a master data management system.

Example of a MDM Records

Use AWS Lake Formation

Some organizations have use cases where you can share the data across multiple departments and business units and use Amazon Redshift data sharing. We can use AWS Lake Formation tags to tag the database objects and columns and define fine-grained access controls on who can have the access to use data. Organizations can have a dedicated resource with access to all tagged resources. With Lake Formation, you can centrally define and enforce database-, table-, column-, and row-level access permissions of Redshift data shares and restrict user access to objects within a data share.

By sharing data through Lake Formation, you can define permissions in Lake Formation and apply those permissions to data shares and their objects. For example, if you have a table containing employee information, you can use column-level filters to help prevent employees who don’t work in the HR department from seeing sensitive information. Refer to AWS Lake Formation-managed Redshift shares for more details on the implementation.

Use Amazon DataZone

Amazon DataZone introduces a business metadata catalog. Business metadata provides information authored or used by businesses and gives context to organizational data. Data discovery is a key task that business metadata can support. Data discovery uses centrally defined corporate ontologies and taxonomies to classify data sources and allows you to find relevant data objects. You can add business metadata in Amazon DataZone to support data discovery.

Data erasure

By using the approaches we’ve discussed, you can find the clusters, databases, tables, columns, snapshots that contain the data to be deleted. The following are some methods and best practices for data erasure.

Restricted backup

In some use cases, you may have to keep data backed up to align with government regulations for a certain period of time. It’s a good idea to take the backup of the data objects before deletion and keep it for an agreed-upon retention time. You can use AWS Backup to take automatic or manual backups. AWS Backup allows you to define a central backup policy to manage the data protection of your applications. For more information, refer to New – Amazon Redshift Support in AWS Backup.

Physical deletes

After we find the tables that contain the data, we can delete the data using the following code (using the flagging technique discussed earlier):

Delete from Customer_PII where forgotten_flag=“Yes”

It’s a good practice to delete data at a specified schedule, such as once every 25–30 days, so that it is simpler to maintain the state of the database.

Logical deletes

You may need to keep data in a separate environment for audit purposes. You can employ Amazon Redshift row access policies and conditional dynamic masking policies to filter and anonymize the data.

You can use row access policies on Forgotten_flag=No on the tables that contain PII data so that the designated users can only see the necessary data. Refer to Achieve fine-grained data security with row-level access control in Amazon Redshift for more information about how to implement row access policies.

You can use conditional dynamic data masking policies so that designated users can see the redacted data. With dynamic data masking (DDM) in Amazon Redshift, organizations can help protect sensitive data in your data warehouse. You can manipulate how Amazon Redshift shows sensitive data to the user at query time without transforming it in the database. You control access to data through masking policies that apply custom obfuscation rules to a given user or role. That way, you can respond to changing privacy requirements without altering the underlying data or editing SQL queries.

Dynamic data masking policies hide, obfuscate, or pseudonymize data that matches a given format. When attached to a table, the masking expression is applied to one or more of its columns. You can further modify masking policies to only apply them to certain users or user-defined roles that you can create with role-based access control (RBAC). Additionally, you can apply DDM on the cell level by using conditional columns when creating your masking policy.

Organizations can use conditional dynamic data masking to redact sensitive columns (for example, names) where the forgotten flag column value is TRUE, and the other columns display the full values.

Backup and restore

Data from Redshift clusters can be transferred, exported, or copied to different AWS services or outside of the cloud. Organizations should have an effective governance process to detect and remove data to align with the GDPR compliance requirement. However, this is beyond the scope of this post.

Amazon Redshift offers backups and snapshots of the data. After deleting the PII data, organizations should also purge the data from their backups. To do so, you need to restore the snapshot to a new cluster, remove the data, and take a fresh backup. The following figure illustrates this workflow.

It’s good practice to keep the retention period at 29 days (if applicable) so that the backups are cleared after 30 days. Organizations can also set the backup schedule to a certain date (for example, the first of every month).

Backup and Restore


It’s important to communicate to the users and processes who may be impacted by this deletion. The following query helps identify the list of users and groups who have access to the affected tables:

nspname AS schema_name,
relname AS table_name,
attname AS column_name,
usename AS user_name,
groname AS group_name
FROM pg_namespace
JOIN pg_class ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
JOIN pg_attribute ON pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_group ON pg_attribute.attacl::text LIKE '%' || groname || '%'
LEFT JOIN pg_user ON pg_attribute.attacl::text LIKE '%' || usename || '%'
pg_attribute.attname LIKE '%PII%'
AND (usename IS NOT NULL OR groname IS NOT NULL);

Security controls

Maintaining security is of great importance in GDPR compliance. By implementing robust security measures, organizations can help protect personal data from unauthorized access, breaches, and misuse, thereby helping maintain the privacy rights of individuals. Security plays a crucial role in upholding the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data. AWS offers a comprehensive suite of services and features that can support GDPR compliance and enhance security measures.

The GDPR does not change the AWS shared responsibility model, which continues to be relevant for customers. The shared responsibility model is a useful approach to illustrate the different responsibilities of AWS (as a data processor or subprocessor) and customers (as either data controllers or data processors) under the GDPR.

Under the shared responsibility model, AWS is responsible for securing the underlying infrastructure that supports AWS services (“Security of the Cloud”), and customers, acting either as data controllers or data processors, are responsible for personal data they upload to AWS services (“Security in the Cloud”).

AWS offers a GDPR-compliant AWS Data Processing Addendum (AWS DPA), which enables you to comply with GDPR contractual obligations. The AWS DPA is incorporated into the AWS Service Terms.

Article 32 of the GDPR requires that organizations must “…implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including …the pseudonymization and encryption of personal data[…].” In addition, organizations must “safeguard against the unauthorized disclosure of or access to personal data.” Refer to the Navigating GDPR Compliance on AWS whitepaper for more details.


In this post, we delved into the significance of GDPR and its impact on safeguarding privacy rights. We discussed five commonly followed best practices that organizations can reference for responding to GDPR right to be forgotten requests for data that resides in Redshift clusters. We also highlighted that the GDPR does not change the AWS shared responsibility model.

We encourage you to take charge of your data privacy today. Prioritizing GPDR compliance and data privacy will not only strengthen trust, but also build customer loyalty and safeguard personal information in digital era. If you need assistance or guidance, reach out to an AWS representative. AWS has teams of Enterprise Support Representatives, Professional Services Consultants, and other staff to help with GDPR questions. You can contact us with questions. To learn more about GDPR compliance when using AWS services, refer to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Center. To learn more about the right to be forgotten, refer to Right to Erasure.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is not a legal advice. It is intended to showcase commonly followed best practices. It is crucial to consult with your organization’s privacy officer or legal counsel and determine appropriate solutions.

About the Authors

YaduKishore ProfileYadukishore Tatavarthi  is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect supporting Healthcare and life science customers at Amazon Web Services. He has been helping the customers over the last 20 years in building the enterprise data strategies, advising customers on cloud implementations, migrations, reference architecture creation, data modeling best practices, data lake/warehouses architecture, and other technical processes.

Sudhir GuptaSudhir Gupta is a Principal Partner Solutions Architect, Analytics Specialist at AWS with over 18 years of experience in Databases and Analytics. He helps AWS partners and customers design, implement, and migrate large-scale data & analytics (D&A) workloads. As a trusted advisor to partners, he enables partners globally on AWS D&A services, builds solutions/accelerators, and leads go-to-market initiatives

Deepak SinghDeepak Singh is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services with 20+ years of experience in Data & AIA. He enjoys working with AWS partners and customers on building scalable analytical solutions for their business outcomes. When not at work, he loves spending time with family or exploring new technologies in analytics and AI space.