All posts by Mrudhula Balasubramanyan

Coordinating large messages across accounts and Regions with Amazon SNS and SQS

Post Syndicated from Mrudhula Balasubramanyan original

Many organizations have applications distributed across various business units. Teams in these business units may develop their applications independent of each other to serve their individual business needs. Applications can reside in a single Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or be distributed across multiple accounts. Applications may be deployed to a single AWS Region or span multiple Regions.

Irrespective of how the applications are owned and operated, these applications need to communicate with each other. Within an organization, applications tend to be part of a larger system, therefore, communication and coordination among these individual applications is critical to overall operation.

There are a number of ways to enable coordination among component applications. It can be done either synchronously or asynchronously:

  • Synchronous communication uses a traditional request-response model, in which the applications exchange information in a tightly coupled fashion, introducing multiple points of potential failure.
  • Asynchronous communication uses an event-driven model, in which the applications exchange messages as events or state changes and are loosely coupled. Loose coupling allows applications to evolve independently of each other, increasing scalability and fault-tolerance in the overall system.

Event-driven architectures use a publisher-subscriber model, in which events are emitted by the publisher and consumed by one or more subscribers.

A key consideration when implementing an event-driven architecture is the size of the messages or events that are exchanged. How can you implement an event-driven architecture for large messages, beyond the default maximum of the services? How can you architect messaging and automation of applications across AWS accounts and Regions?

This blog presents architectures for enhancing event-driven models to exchange large messages. These architectures depict how to coordinate applications across AWS accounts and Regions.

Challenge with application coordination

A challenge with application coordination is exchanging large messages. For the purposes of this post, a large message is defined as an event payload between 256 KB and 2 GB. This stems from the fact that Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) currently have a maximum event payload size of 256 KB. To exchange messages larger than 256 KB, an intermediate data store must be used.

To exchange messages across AWS accounts and Regions, set up the publisher access policy to allow subscriber applications in other accounts and Regions. In the case of large messages, also set up a central data repository and provide access to subscribers.

Figure 1 depicts a basic schematic of applications distributed across accounts communicating asynchronously as part of a larger enterprise application.

Asynchronous communication across applications

Figure 1. Asynchronous communication across applications

Architecture overview

The overview covers two scenarios:

  1. Coordination of applications distributed across AWS accounts and deployed in the same Region
  2. Coordination of applications distributed across AWS accounts and deployed to different Regions

Coordination across accounts and single AWS Region

Figure 2 represents an event-driven architecture, in which applications are distributed across AWS Accounts A, B, and C. The applications are all deployed to the same AWS Region, us-east-1. A single Region simplifies the architecture, so you can focus on application coordination across AWS accounts.

Application coordination across accounts and single AWS Region

Figure 2. Application coordination across accounts and single AWS Region

The application in Account A (Application A) is implemented as an AWS Lambda function. This application communicates with the applications in Accounts B and C. The application in Account B is launched with AWS Step Functions (Application B), and the application in Account C runs on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Application C).

In this scenario, Applications B and C need information from upstream Application A. Application A publishes this information as an event, and Applications B and C subscribe to an SNS topic to receive the events. However, since they are in other accounts, you must define an access policy to control who can access the SNS topic. You can use sample Amazon SNS access policies to craft your own.

If the event payload is in the 256 KB to 2 GB range, you can use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as the intermediate data store for your payload. Application A uses the Amazon SNS Extended Client Library for Java to upload the payload to an S3 bucket and publish a message to an SNS topic, with a reference to the stored S3 object. The message containing the metadata must be within the SNS maximum message limit of 256 KB. Amazon EventBridge is used for routing events and handling authentication.

The subscriber Applications B and C need to de-reference and retrieve the payloads from Amazon S3. The SQS queue in Account B and Lambda function in Account C subscribe to the SNS topic in Account A. In Account B, a Lambda function is used to poll the SQS queue and read the message with the metadata. The Lambda function uses the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java to retrieve the S3 object referenced in the message.

The Lambda function in Account C uses the Payload Offloading Java Common Library for AWS to get the referenced S3 object.

Once the S3 object is retrieved, the Lambda functions in Accounts B and C process the data and pass on the information to downstream applications.

This architecture uses Amazon SQS and Lambda as subscribers because they provide libraries that support offloading large payloads to Amazon S3. However, you can use any Java-enabled endpoint, such as an HTTPS endpoint that uses Payload Offloading Java Common Library for AWS to de-reference the message content.

Coordination across accounts and multiple AWS Regions

Sometimes applications are spread across AWS Regions, leading to increased latency in coordination. For existing applications, it could take substantive effort to consolidate to a single Region. Hence, asynchronous coordination would be a good fit for this scenario. Figure 3 expands on the architecture presented earlier to include multiple AWS Regions.

Application coordination across accounts and multiple AWS Regions

Figure 3. Application coordination across accounts and multiple AWS Regions

The Lambda function in Account C is in the same Region as the upstream application in Account A, but the Lambda function in Account B is in a different Region. These functions must retrieve the payload from the S3 bucket in Account A.

To provide access, configure the AWS Lambda execution role with the appropriate permissions. Make sure that the S3 bucket policy allows access to the Lambda functions from Accounts B and C.


For variable message sizes, you can specify if payloads are always stored in Amazon S3 regardless of their size, which can help simplify the design.

If the application that publishes/subscribes large messages is implemented using the AWS Java SDK, it must be Java 8 or higher. Service-specific client libraries are also available in Python, C#, and Node.js.

An Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point can be an alternative to a centralized bucket for the payloads. It has not been explored in this post due to the asynchronous nature of cross-region replication.

In general, retrieval of data across Regions is slower than in the same Region. For faster retrieval, workloads should be run in the same AWS Region.


This post demonstrates how to use event-driven architectures for coordinating applications that need to exchange large messages across AWS accounts and Regions. The messaging and automation are enabled by the Payload Offloading Java Common Library for AWS and use Amazon S3 as the intermediate data store. These components can simplify the solution implementation and improve scalability, fault-tolerance, and performance of your applications.

Ready to get started? Explore SQS Large Message Handling.

Field Notes: Accelerate Research with Managed Jupyter on Amazon SageMaker

Post Syndicated from Mrudhula Balasubramanyan original

Research organizations across industry verticals have unique needs. These include facilitating stakeholder collaboration, setting up compute environments for experimentation, handling large datasets, and more. In essence, researchers want the freedom to focus on their research, without the undifferentiated heavy-lifting of managing their environments.

In this blog, I show you how to set up a managed Jupyter environment using custom tools used in Life Sciences research. I show you how to transform the developed artifacts into scripted components that can be integrated into research workflows. Although this solution uses Life Sciences as an example, it is broadly applicable to any vertical that needs customizable managed environments at scale.

Overview of solution

This solution has two parts. First, the System administrator of an organization’s IT department sets up a managed environment and provides researchers access to it. Second, the researchers access the environment and conduct interactive and scripted analysis.

This solution uses AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO), Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECR, and Amazon S3. These services are architected to build a custom environment, provision compute, conduct interactive analysis, and automate the launch of scripts.


The architecture and detailed walkthrough are presented from both an admin and researcher perspective.

Architecture from an admin perspective

Architecture from admin perspective


In order of tasks, the admin:

  1. authenticates into AWS account as an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user with admin privileges
  2. sets up AWS SSO and users who need access to Amazon SageMaker Studio
  3. creates a Studio domain
  4. assigns users and groups created in AWS SSO to the Studio domain
  5. creates a SageMaker notebook instance shown generically in the architecture as Amazon EC2
  6. launches a shell script provided later in this post to build and store custom Docker image in a private repository in Amazon ECR
  7. attaches the custom image to Studio domain that the researchers will later use as a custom Jupyter kernel inside Studio and as a container for the SageMaker processing job.

Architecture from a researcher perspective

Architecture from a researcher perspective

In order of tasks, the researcher:

  1. authenticates using AWS SSO
  2. SSO authenticates researcher to SageMaker Studio
  3. researcher performs interactive analysis using managed Jupyter notebooks with custom kernel, organizes the analysis into script(s), and launches a SageMaker processing job to execute the script in a managed environment
  4. the SageMaker processing job reads data from S3 bucket and writes data back to S3. The user can now retrieve and examine results from S3 using Jupyter notebook.


For this walkthrough, you should have:

  • An AWS account
  • Admin access to provision and delete AWS resources
  • Researchers’ information to add as SSO users: full name and email

Set up AWS SSO

To facilitate collaboration between researchers, internal and external to your organization, the admin uses AWS SSO to onboard to Studio.

For admins: follow these instructions to set up AWS SSO prior to creating the Studio domain.

Onboard to SageMaker Studio

Researchers can use just the functionality they need in Amazon SageMaker Studio. Studio provides managed Jupyter environments with sharable notebooks for interactive analysis, and managed environments for script execution.

When you onboard to Studio, a home directory is created for you on Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) which provides reliable, scalable storage for large datasets.

Once AWS SSO has been setup, follow these steps to onboard to Studio via SSO. Note the Studio domain id (ex. d-2hxa6eb47hdc) and the IAM execution role (ex. AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-20201156T214222) in the Studio Summary section of Studio. You will be using these in the following sections.

Provision custom image

At the core of research is experimentation. This often requires setting up playgrounds with custom tools to test out ideas. Docker images are an effective[CE1] [BM2]  way to package those tools and dependencies and deploy them quickly. They also address another critical need for researchers – reproducibility.

To demonstrate this, I picked a Life Sciences research problem that requires custom Python packages to be installed and made available to a team of researchers as Jupyter kernels inside Studio.

For the custom Docker image, I picked a Python package called Pegasus. This is a tool used in genomics research for analyzing transcriptomes of millions of single cells, both interactively as well as in cloud-based analysis workflows.

In addition to Python, you can provision Jupyter kernels for languages such as R, Scala, Julia, in Studio using these Docker images.

Launch an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance

To build and push custom Docker images to ECR, you use an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance. Note that this is not part of SageMaker Studio and unrelated to Studio notebooks. It is a fully managed machine learning (ML) Amazon EC2 instance inside the SageMaker service that runs the Jupyter Notebook application, AWS CLI, and Docker.

  • Use these instructions to launch a SageMaker notebook instance.
  • Once the notebook instance is up and running, select the instance and navigate to the IAM role attached to it. This role comes with IAM policy ‘AmazonSageMakerFullAccess’ as a default. Your instance will need some additional permissions.
  • Create a new IAM policy using these instructions.
  • Copy the IAM policy below to paste into the JSON tab.
  • Fill in the values for <region-id> (ex. us-west-2), <AWS-account-id>, <studio-domain-id>, <studio-domain-iam-role>. Name the IAM policy ‘sagemaker-notebook-policy’ and attach it to the notebook instance role.
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "additionalpermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
  • Start a terminal session in the notebook instance.
  • Once you are done creating the Docker image and attaching to Studio in the next section, you will be shutting down the notebook instance.

Create private repository, build, and store custom image, attach to SageMaker Studio domain

This section has multiple steps, all of which are outlined in a single bash script.

  • First the script creates a private repository in Amazon ECR.
  • Next, the script builds a custom image, tags, and pushes to Amazon ECR repository. This custom image will serve two purposes: one as a custom Python Jupyter kernel used inside Studio, and two as a custom container for SageMaker processing.
  • To use as a custom kernel inside SageMaker Studio, the script creates a SageMaker image and attaches to the Studio domain.
  • Before you initiate the script, fill in the following information: your AWS account ID, Region (ex. us-east-1), Studio IAM execution role, and Studio domain id.
  • You must create four files: bash script, Dockerfile, and two configuration files.
  • Copy the following bash script to a file named ‘’ and fill in the required values.

# Pegasus python packages from Docker hub



executionrole=<fill-in-execution-role ex. AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-xxxxx>

domainid=<fill-in-Studio-domain-id ex. d-xxxxxxx>

if aws ecr describe-repositories | grep 'sagemaker-custom'
    echo 'repo already exists! Skipping creation'
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sagemaker-custom

aws ecr get-login-password --region $region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $accountid.dkr.ecr.$

docker build -t sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0 .

docker tag sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0 $accountid.dkr.ecr.$

docker push $accountid.dkr.ecr.$

if aws sagemaker list-images | grep 'pegasus-1'
    echo 'Image already exists! Skipping creation'
    aws sagemaker create-image --image-name pegasus-1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::$accountid:role/service-role/$executionrole
    aws sagemaker create-image-version --image-name pegasus-1 --base-image $accountid.dkr.ecr.$

if aws sagemaker list-app-image-configs | grep 'pegasus-1-config'
    echo 'Image config already exists! Skipping creation'
   aws sagemaker create-app-image-config --cli-input-json file://app-image-config-input.json

aws sagemaker update-domain --domain-id $domainid --cli-input-json file://default-user-settings.json

Copy the following to a file named ‘Dockerfile’.

FROM cumulusprod/pegasus-terra:1.0

USER root

Copy the following to a file named ‘app-image-config-input.json’.

    "AppImageConfigName": "pegasus-1-config",
    "KernelGatewayImageConfig": {
        "KernelSpecs": [
                "Name": "python3",
                "DisplayName": "Pegasus 1.0"
        "FileSystemConfig": {
            "MountPath": "/root",
            "DefaultUid": 0,
            "DefaultGid": 0

Copy the following to a file named ‘default-user-settings.json’.

    "DefaultUserSettings": {
        "KernelGatewayAppSettings": { 
           "CustomImages": [ 
                 "ImageName": "pegasus-1",
                 "ImageVersionNumber": 1,
                 "AppImageConfigName": "pegasus-1-config"

Launch ‘’ in the directory with all four files, in the terminal of the notebook instance. If the script ran successfully, you should see the custom image attached to the Studio domain.

Amazon SageMaker dashboard


Perform interactive analysis

You can now launch the Pegasus Python kernel inside SageMaker . If this is your first time using Studio, you can get a quick tour of its UI.

For interactive analysis, you can use publicly available notebooks in Pegasus tutorial from this GitHub repository. Review the license before proceeding.

To clone the repository in Studio, open a system terminal using these instructions. Initiate $ git clone

  • In the directory ‘pegasus’, select ‘notebooks’ and open ‘pegasus_analysis.ipynb’.
  • For kernel choose ‘Pegasus 1.0 (pegasus-1/1)’.
  • You can now run through the notebook and examine the output generated. Feel free to work through the other notebooks for deeper analysis.

Pagasus tutorial

At any point during experimentation, you can share your analysis along with results with your colleagues using these steps. The snapshot that you create also captures the notebook configuration such as instance type and kernel, to ensure reproducibility.

Formalize analysis and execute scripts

Once you are done with interactive analysis, you can consolidate your analysis into a script to launch in a managed environment. This is an important step, if you want to later incorporate this script as a component into a research workflow and automate it.

Copy the following script to a file named ‘’.

BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2018, Broad Institute
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
  list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
  this software without specific prior written permission.



import pandas as pd
import pegasus as pg

if __name__ == "__main__":
    BASE_DIR = "/opt/ml/processing"
    data = pg.read_input(f"{BASE_DIR}/input/")
    pg.qc_metrics(data, percent_mito=10)
    df_qc = pg.get_filter_stats(data)
    pd.DataFrame(df_qc).to_csv(f"{BASE_DIR}/output/qc_metrics.csv", header=True, index=False)

The Jupyter notebook following provides an example of launching a processing job using the script in SageMaker.

  • Create a notebook in SageMaker Studio in the same directory as the script.
  • Copy the following code to the notebook and name it ‘sagemaker_pegasus_processing.ipynb’.
  • Select ‘Python 3 (Data Science)’ as the kernel.
  • Launch the cells.
import boto3
import sagemaker
from sagemaker import get_execution_role
from sagemaker.processing import ScriptProcessor, ProcessingInput, ProcessingOutput
region = boto3.Session().region_name
sagemaker_session = sagemaker.session.Session()
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
bucket = sagemaker_session.default_bucket()

prefix = 'pegasus'

account_id = boto3.client('sts').get_caller_identity().get('Account')
ecr_repository = 'research-custom'
tag = ':pegasus-1.0'

uri_suffix = ''
if region in ['cn-north-1', 'cn-northwest-1']:
    uri_suffix = ''
processing_repository_uri = '{}.dkr.ecr.{}.{}/{}'.format(account_id, region, uri_suffix, ecr_repository + tag)

script_processor = ScriptProcessor(command=['python3'],

local_path = ""

s3 = boto3.resource("s3")

base_uri = f"s3://{bucket}/{prefix}"
input_data_uri = sagemaker.s3.S3Uploader.upload(

code_uri = sagemaker.s3.S3Uploader.upload(
                      inputs=[ProcessingInput(source=input_data_uri, destination='/opt/ml/processing/input'),],
                      outputs=[ProcessingOutput(source="/opt/ml/processing/output", destination=f"{base_uri}/output")]
script_processor_job_description =[-1].describe()

output_path = f"{base_uri}/output"

The ‘output_path’ is the S3 prefix where you will find the results from SageMaker processing. This will be printed as the last line after execution. You can examine the results either directly in S3 or by copying the results back to your home directory in Studio.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, shut down the SageMaker notebook instance. Detach image from the Studio domain, delete image in Amazon ECR, and delete data in Amazon S3.


In this blog, I showed you how to set up and use a unified research environment using Amazon SageMaker. Although the example pertained to Life Sciences, the architecture and the framework presented are generally applicable to any research space. They strive to address the broader research challenges of custom tooling, reproducibility, large datasets, and price predictability.

As a logical next step, take the scripted components and incorporate them into research workflows and automate them. You can use SageMaker Pipelines to incorporate machine learning into your workflows and operationalize them.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.