Tag Archives: Life Sciences

Introducing Amazon Omics – A Purpose-Built Service to Store, Query, and Analyze Genomic and Biological Data at Scale

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-amazon-omics-a-purpose-built-service-to-store-query-and-analyze-genomic-and-biological-data-at-scale/

You might learn in high school biology class that the human genome is composed of over three billion letters of code using adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) paired in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The human genome acts as the biological blueprint of every human cell. And that’s only the foundation for what makes us human.

Healthcare and life sciences organizations collect myriad types of biological data to improve patient care and drive scientific research. These organizations map an individual’s genetic predisposition to disease, identify new drug targets based on protein structure and function, profile tumors based on what genes are expressed in a specific cell, or investigate how gut bacteria can influence human health. Collectively, these studies are often known as “omics”.

AWS has helped healthcare and life sciences organizations accelerate the translation of this data into actionable insights for over a decade. Industry leaders such as as Ancestry, AstraZeneca, Illumina, DNAnexus, Genomics England, and GRAIL leverage AWS to accelerate time to discovery while concurrently reducing costs and enhancing security.

The scale these customers, and others, operate at continues to increase rapidly. When omics data across thousand or hundreds of thousands (or more!) of individuals are compared and analyzed, new insights for predicting disease and the efficacy of different drug treatments are possible.

However, this scale, which can be many petabytes of data, can add complexity. When I studied medical informatics in my Ph.D course, I experienced this complexity in data access, processing, and tooling. You need a way to store omics data that is cost-efficient and easy to access. You need to scale compute across millions of biological samples while preserving accuracy and reliability. You also need specialized tools to analyze genetic patterns across populations and train machine learning (ML) models to predict diseases.

Today I’m excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Omics, a purpose-built service to help bioinformaticians, researchers, and scientists store, query, and analyze genomic, transcriptomic, and other omics data and then generate insights from that data to improve health and advance scientific discoveries.

With just a few clicks in the Omics console, you can import and normalize petabytes of data into formats optimized for analysis. Amazon Omics provides scalable workflows and integrated tools for preparing and analyzing omics data and automatically provisions and scales the underlying cloud infrastructure. So, you can focus on advancing science and translate discoveries into diagnostics and therapies.

Amazon Omics has three primary components:

  • Omics-optimized object storage that helps customers store and share their data efficiently and at low cost.
  • Managed compute for bioinformatics workflows that allows customers to run the exact analysis they specify, without worrying about provisioning underlying infrastructure.
  • Optimized data stores for population-scale variant analysis.

Now let’s learn more about each component of Amazon Omics. Generally, it follows the steps to create a data store and import data files, such as genome sequencing raw data, set up a basic bioinformatics workflow, and analyze results using existing AWS analytics and ML services.

The Getting Started page in the Omics console contains tutorial examples using Amazon SageMaker notebooks with the Python SDK. I will demonstrate Amazon Omics features through an example using a human genome reference.

Omics Data Storage
The Omics data storage helps you store and share petabytes of omics data efficiently. You can create data stores and import sample data in the Omics console and also do the same job in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Let’s make a reference store and import a reference genome. This example uses Genome Reference Consortium Human Reference 38 (hg38), which is open access and available from the following Amazon S3 bucket: s3://broad-references/hg38/v0/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.

As prerequisites, you need to create Amazon S3 bucket in your preferred Region and the necessary IAM permissions to access S3 buckets. In the Omics console, you can easily create and select IAM role during the Omics storage setup.

Use the following AWS CLI command to create your reference store, copy the genome data to your S3 bucket, and import it data into your reference store.

// Create your reference store
$ aws omics create-reference-store --name "Reference Store"

// Import your reference data into your data store
$ aws s3 cp s3://broad-references/hg38/v0/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta,name=hg38 s3://channy-omics
$ aws omics start-reference-import-job --sources sourceFile=s3://channy-omics/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta,name=hg38 --reference-store-id 123456789 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::01234567890:role/OmicsImportRole

You can see the result in your console too.

Now you can create a sequence store. A sequence store is similar to an S3 bucket. Each object in a sequence store is known as a “read set”. A read set is an abstraction of a set of genomics file types:

  • FASTQ – A text-based file format that stores information about a base (sequence letter) from a sequencer and the corresponding quality information.
  • BAM – The compressed binary version of raw reads and their mapping to a reference genome.
  • CRAM – Similar to BAM, but uses the reference genome information to aid in compression.

Amazon Omics allows you to specify domain-specific metadata to your read sets you import. These are searchable and defined when you start a read set import job.

As an example, we will use the 1000 Genomes Project, a highly detailed catalogue of more than 80 million human genetic variants for more than 400 billions data points from over 2500 individuals. Let’s make a sequence store and then import genome sequence files into it.

// Create your sequence store 
$ aws omics create-sequence-store --name "MySequenceStore"

// Import your reference data into your data store
$ aws s3 cp s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/HG00146/sequence_read/SRR233106_1.filt.fastq.gz s3://channy-omics
$ aws s3 cp s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/HG00146/sequence_read/SRR233106_2.filt.fastq.gz s3://channy-omics

$ aws omics start-read-set-import-job --cli-input-json ‘
        "source1": "s3://channy-omics/SRR233106_1.filt.fastq.gz",
        "source2": "s3://channy-omics/SRR233106_2.filt.fastq.gz"

    "sourceFileType": "FASTQ",
    "subjectId": "mySubject2",
    "sampleId": "mySample2",
    "referenceArn": "arn:aws:omics:us-east-1:123456789012:referenceStore/123467890",
    "name": "HG00100"

You can see the result in your console again.

Analytics Transformations
You can store variant data referring to a mutation, a difference between what the sequencer read at a position compared to the known reference and annotation data, known information about a location or variant in a genome, such as whether it may cause disease.

A variant store supports both variant call format files (VCF) where there is a called variant and gVCF inputs with records covering every position in a genome. An annotation store supports either a generic feature format (GFF3), tab-separated values (TSV), or VCF file. An annotation store can be mapped to the same coordinate system as variant stores during an import.

Once you’ve imported your data, you can now run queries like as followings which search for Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs), the most common type of genetic variation among people, on human chromosome 1.

FROM "myvariantstore"."myvariantstore"
    contigname = 'chr1'
    and cardinality(alternatealleles) = 1
    and length(alternatealleles[1]) = 1
    and length(referenceallele) = 1

You can see the output of this query:

#	sampleid	contigname	start	referenceallele	alternatealleles
1	NA20858	chr1	10096	T	[A]
2	NA19347	chr1	10096	T	[A]
3	NA19735	chr1	10096	T	[A]
4	NA20827	chr1	10102	T	[A]
5	HG04132	chr1	10102	T	[A]
6	HG01961	chr1	10102	T	[A]
7	HG02314	chr1	10102	T	[A]
8	HG02837	chr1	10102	T	[A]
9	HG01111	chr1	10102	T	[A]
10	NA19205	chr1	10108	A	[T] 

You can view, manage, and query those data by integrating with existing analytics engines such as Amazon Athena. These query results can be used to train ML models in Amazon SageMaker.

Bioinformatics Workflows
Amazon Omics allows you to perform bioinformatics workflow, such as variant calling or gene expression, analysis on AWS. These compute workloads are defined using workflow languages like  Workflow Description Language (WDL) and Nextflow, domain-specific languages that specify multiple compute tasks and their input and output dependencies.

You can define and execute a workflow using a few simple CLI commands. As an example, create a main.wdl file with the following WDL codes to create a simple WDL workflow with one task that creates a copy of a file.

version 1.0
workflow Test {
	input {
		File input_file
	call FileCopy {
			input_file = input_file,
	output {
		File output_file = FileCopy.output_file
task FileCopy {
	input {
		File input_file
	command {
		echo "copying ~{input_file}" >&2
		cat ~{input_file} > output
	output {
		File output_file = "output"

Then zip up your workflow and create your workflow with Amazon Omics using the AWS CLI:

$ zip my-wdl-workflow-zip main.wdl
$ aws omics create-workflow \
    --name MyWDLWorkflow \
    --description "My WDL Workflow" \
    --definition-zip file://my-wdl-workflow.zip \
    --parameter-template '{"input_file": "input test file to copy"}'

To run the workflow we just created, you can use the following command:

aws omics start-run \
  --workflow-id // id of the workflow we just created  \
  --role-arn // arn of the IAM role to run the workflow with  \
  --parameters '{"input_file": "s3://bucket/path/to/file"}' \
  --output-uri s3://bucket/path/to/results

Once the workflow completes, you could use these results in s3://bucket/path/to/results for downstream analyses in the Omics variant store.

You can execute a run, a single invocation of a workflow with a task and defined compute specifications. An individual run acts on your defined input data and produces an output. Runs also can have priorities associated with them, which allow specific runs to take execution precedence over other submitted and concurrent runs. For example, you can specify that a run that is high priority will be run before one that is lower priority.

You can optionally use a run group, a group of runs that you can set the max vCPU and max duration runs to help limit the compute resources used per run. This can help you partition users who may need access to different workflows to run on different data. It can also be used as a budget control/resource fairness mechanism by isolating users to specific run groups.

As you saw, Amazon Omics gives you a managed service with a couple of clicks and simple commands, and APIs in analyzing large-scale omic data, such as human genome samples so you can derive meaningful insights from this data, in hours rather than weeks. We also provide more tutorial SageMaker notebooks that you can use in Amazon SageMaker to help you get started.

In terms of data security, Amazon Omics helps ensure that your data remains secure and patient privacy is protected with customer-managed encryption keys, and HIPAA eligibility.

Customer and Partner Voices
Customers and partners in the healthcare and life science industry have shared how they are using Amazon Omics to accelerate scientific insights.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is the oldest hospital in the United States dedicated exclusively to pediatrics and strives to advance healthcare for children with the integration of excellent patient care and innovative research. AWS has worked with the CHOP Research Institute for many years as they’ve led the way in utilizing data and technology to solve challenging problems in child health.

“At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, we know that getting a comprehensive view of our patients is crucial to delivering the best possible care, based on the most innovative research. Combining multiple clinical modalities is foundational to achieving this. With Amazon Omics, we can expand our understanding of our patients’ health, all the way down to their DNA.” – Jeff Pennington, Associate Vice President & Chief Research Informatics Officer, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

G42 Healthcare enables AI-powered healthcare that uses data and emerging technologies to personalize preventative care.

“Amazon Omics allows G42 to accelerate a competitive and deployable end-to-end service with globally leading data governance. We’re able to leverage the extensive omics data management and bioinformatics solutions hosted globally on AWS, at our customers’ fingertips. Our collaboration with AWS is much more than data – it’s about value.” – Ashish Koshi, CEO, G42 Healthcare

C2i Genomics brings together researchers, physicians and patients to utilize ultra-sensitive whole-genome cancer detection to personalize medicine, reduce cancer treatment costs, and accelerate drug development.

“In C2i Genomics, we empower our data scientists by providing them cloud-based computational solutions to run high-scale, customizable genomic pipelines, allowing them to focus on method development and clinical performance, while the company’s engineering teams are responsible for the operations, security and privacy aspects of the workloads. Amazon Omics allows researchers to use tools and languages from their own domain, and considerably reduces the engineering maintenance effort while taking care of cost and resource allocation considerations, which in turn reduce time-to-market and NRE costs of new features and algorithmic improvements.” – Ury Alon, VP Engineering, C2i Genomics

We are excited to work hand in hand with our AWS partners to build scalable, multi-modal solutions that enable the conversion of raw sequencing data into insights.

Lifebit builds enterprise data platforms for organizations with complex and sensitive biomedical datasets, empowering customers across the life sciences sector to transform how they use sensitive biomedical data.

“At Lifebit, we’re on a mission to connect the world’s biomedical data to obtain novel therapeutic insights. Our customers work with vast cohorts of linked genomic, multi-omics and clinical data – and these data volumes are expanding rapidly. With Amazon Omics they will have access to optimised analytics and storage for this large-scale data, allowing us to provide even more scalable bioinformatics solutions. Our customers will benefit from significantly lower cost per gigabase of data, essentially achieving hot storage performance at cold storage prices, removing cost as a barrier to generating insights from their population-scale biomedical data.” – Thorben Seeger, Chief Business Development Officer, Lifebit

To hear more customers and partner voices, see Amazon Omics Customers page.

Now Available
Amazon Omics is now available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) Regions.

To learn more, see the Amazon Omics page, Amazon Omics User Guide, Genomics on AWS, and Healthcare & Life Sciences on AWS. Give it a try, and please contact AWS genomics team and send feedback through your usual AWS support contacts.


AWS Week in Review – June 27, 2022

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-june-27-2022/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

It’s the beginning of a new week, and I’d like to start with a recap of the most significant AWS news from the previous 7 days. Last week was special because I had the privilege to be at the very first EMEA AWS Heroes Summit in Milan, Italy. It was a great opportunity of mutual learning as this community of experts shared their thoughts with AWS developer advocates, product managers, and technologists on topics such as containers, serverless, and machine learning.

Participants at the EMEA AWS Heroes Summit 2022

Last Week’s Launches
Here are the launches that got my attention last week:

Amazon Connect Cases (available in preview) – This new capability of Amazon Connect provides built-in case management for your contact center agents to create, collaborate on, and resolve customer issues. Learn more in this blog post that shows how to simplify case management in your contact center.

Many updates for Amazon RDS and Amazon AuroraAmazon RDS Custom for Oracle now supports Oracle database 12.2 and 18c, and Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with one primary and two readable standby database instances now supports M5d and R5d instances and is available in more Regions. There is also a Regional expansion for RDS Custom. Finally, PostgreSQL 14, a new major version, is now supported by Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition.

AWS WAF Captcha is now generally available – You can use AWS WAF Captcha to block unwanted bot traffic by requiring users to successfully complete challenges before their web requests are allowed to reach resources.

Private IP VPNs with AWS Site-to-Site VPN – You can now deploy AWS Site-to-Site VPN connections over AWS Direct Connect using private IP addresses. This way, you can encrypt traffic between on-premises networks and AWS via Direct Connect connections without the need for public IP addresses.

AWS Center for Quantum Networking – Research and development of quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize science and technology. To address fundamental scientific and engineering challenges and develop new hardware, software, and applications for quantum networks, we announced the AWS Center for Quantum Networking.

Simpler access to sustainability data, plus a global hackathon – The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative catalog of datasets is now searchable and discoverable through AWS Data Exchange. As part of a new collaboration with the International Research Centre in Artificial Intelligence, under the auspices of UNESCO, you can use the power of the cloud to help the world become sustainable by participating to the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative Global Hackathon.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
A couple of takeaways from the Amazon re:MARS conference:

Amazon CodeWhisperer (preview) – Amazon CodeWhisperer is a coding companion powered by machine learning with support for multiple IDEs and languages.

Synthetic data generation with Amazon SageMaker Ground TruthGenerate labeled synthetic image data that you can combine with real-world data to create more complete training datasets for your ML models.

Some other updates you might have missed:

AstraZeneca’s drug design program built using AWS wins innovation award – AstraZeneca received the BioIT World Innovative Practice Award at the 20th anniversary of the Bio-IT World Conference for its novel augmented drug design platform built on AWS. More in this blog post.

Large object storage strategies for Amazon DynamoDB – A blog post showing different options for handling large objects within DynamoDB and the benefits and disadvantages of each approach.

Amazon DevOps Guru for RDS under the hoodSome details of how DevOps Guru for RDS works, with a specific focus on its scalability, security, and availability.

AWS open-source news and updates – A newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo to bring you the latest open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
It’s AWS Summits season and here are some virtual and in-person events that might be close to you:

On June 30, the AWS User Group Ukraine is running an AWS Tech Conference to discuss digital transformation with AWS. Join to learn from many sessions including a fireside chat with Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO at Amazon.com.

That’s all from me for this week. Come back next Monday for another Week in Review!


Queue Integration with Third-party Services on AWS

Post Syndicated from Rostislav Markov original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/queue-integration-with-third-party-services-on-aws/

Commercial off-the-shelf software and third-party services can present an integration challenge in event-driven workflows when they do not natively support AWS APIs. This is even more impactful when a workflow is subject to unpredicted usage spikes, and you want to increase decoupling and fault tolerance. Given the third-party nature of services, polling an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue and having built-in AWS API handling logic may not be an immediate option.

In such cases, AWS Lambda helps out-task the Amazon SQS queue integration and AWS API handling to an additional layer. The success of this depends on how well exception handling is implemented across the different interacting services. In this blog post, we outline issues to consider when adopting this design pattern. We also share a reusable solution.

Design pattern for third-party integration with SQS

With this design pattern, one or more services (producers) asynchronously invoke other third-party downstream consumer services. They publish messages to an Amazon SQS queue, which acts as buffer for requests. Producers provide all commands and other parameters required for consumer service execution with the message.

As messages are written to the queue, the queue is configured to invoke a message broker (implemented as AWS Lambda) for each message. AWS Lambda can interact natively with target AWS services such as Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). It can also be configured to use an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) interface endpoint to establish a connection to VPC resources without traversing the internet. The message broker assigns the tasks to consumer services by invoking the RunTask API of Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate (see Figure 1.)

Figure 1. On-premises and AWS queue integration for third-party services using AWS Lambda

Figure 1. On-premises and AWS queue integration for third-party services using AWS Lambda

The message broker asynchronously invokes the API in ‘fire-and-forget’ mode. Therefore, error handling must be built in to respond to API invocation errors. In an event-driven scenario, an error will be invoked if you asynchronously call the third-party service hundreds or thousands of times and reach Service Quotas. This is a potential issue with RunTask API actions, or a large volume of concurrent tasks running on AWS Fargate. Two mechanisms can help implement troubleshooting API request errors.

  1. API retries with exponential backoff. The message broker retries for a number of times with configurable sleep intervals and exponential backoff in-between. This enforces progressively longer waits between retries for consecutive error responses. If the RunTask API fails to process the request and initiate the third-party service, the message remains in the queue for a subsequent retry. The AWS General Reference provides further guidance.
  2. API error handling. Error handling and consequent logging should be implemented at every step. Since there are several services working together in tandem, crucial debugging information from errors may be lost. Additionally, error handling also provides opportunity to define automated corrective actions or notifications on event occurrence. The message broker can publish failure notifications including the root cause to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic.

SNS topic subscription can be configured via different protocols. You can email a distribution group for active monitoring and processing of errors. If persistence is required for messages that failed to process, error handling can be associated directly with SQS by configuring a dead letter queue.

Reference implementation for third-party integration with SQS

We implemented the design pattern in Figure 1, with Broad Institute’s Cell Painting application workflow. This is for morphological profiling from microscopy cell images running on Amazon EC2. It interacts with CellProfiler version 3.0 cell image analysis software as the downstream consumer hosted on ECS/Fargate. Every invocation of CellProfiler required approximately 1,500 tasks for a single processing step.

Resource constraints determined the rate of scale-out. In this case, it was for an Amazon ECS task creation. Address space for Amazon ECS subnets should be large enough to prevent running out of available IPs within your VPC. If Amazon ECS Service Quotas provide further constraints, a quota increase can be requested.

Exceptions must be handled both when validating and initiating requests. As part of the validation workflow, exceptions are captured as follows, also shown in Figure 2.

1. Invalid arguments exception. The message broker validates that the SQS message contains all the needed information to initiate the ECS task. This information includes subnets, security groups and container names required to start the ECS task, and else raises exception.

2. Retry limit exception. On each iteration, the message broker will evaluate whether the SQS retry limit has been reached, before invoking the RunTask API. It will then exit, by sending failure notification to SNS when the retry limit is reached.

Figure 2. Exception handling flow during request validation

Figure 2. Exception handling flow during request validation

As part of the initiation workflow, exceptions are handled as follows, shown in Figure 3:

1. ECS/Fargate API and concurrent execution limitations. The message broker catches API exceptions when calling the API RunTask operation. These exceptions can include:

    • When the call to the launch tasks exceeds the maximum allowed API request limit for your AWS account
    • When failing to retrieve security group information
    • When you have reached the limit on the number of tasks you can run concurrently

With each of the preceding exceptions, the broker will increase the retry count.

2. Networking and IP space limitations. Network interface timeouts received after initiating the ECS task set off an Amazon CloudWatch Events rule, causing the message broker to re-initiate the ECS task.

Figure 3. Exception handling flow during request initiation

Figure 3. Exception handling flow during request initiation

While we specifically address downstream consumer services running on ECS/Fargate, this solution can be adjusted for third-party services running on Amazon EC2 or EKS. With EC2, the message broker must be adjusted to interact with the RunInstances API, and include troubleshooting API request errors. Integration with downstream consumers on Amazon EKS requires that the AWS Lambda function is associated via the IAM role with a Kubernetes service account. A Python client for Kubernetes can be used to simplify interaction with the Kubernetes REST API and AWS Lambda would invoke the run API.


This pattern is useful when queue polling is not an immediate option. This is typical with event-driven workflows involving third-party services and vendor applications subject to unpredictable, intermittent load spikes. Exception handling is essential for these types of workflows. Offloading AWS API handling to a separate layer orchestrated by AWS Lambda can improve the resiliency of such third-party services on AWS. This pattern represents an incremental optimization until the third party provides native SQS integration. It can be achieved with the initial move to AWS, for example as part of the V1 AWS design strategy for third-party services.

Some limitations should be acknowledged. While the pattern enables graceful failure, it does not prevent the overloading of the ECS RunTask API. By invoking Amazon ECS RunTask API in ‘fire-and-forget’ mode, it does not monitor service execution once a task was successfully invoked. Therefore, it should be adopted when direct queue polling is not an option. In our example, Broad Institute’s CellProfiler application enabled direct queue polling with its subsequent product version of Distributed CellProfiler.

Further reading

The referenced deployment with consumer services on Amazon ECS can be accessed via AWSLabs.

Architecture Monthly Magazine: Genomics

Post Syndicated from Jane Scolieri original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/architecture-monthly-magazine-genomics/

The field of genomics has made huge strides in the last 20 years.

Genomics organizations and researchers are rising to the many challenges we face today, and seeking improved methods for future needs. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides an array of services that can help the genomics industry with securely handling and interpreting genomics data, assisting with regulatory compliance, and supporting complex research workloads. In this issue, we have case studies from Lifebit and Fred Hutch, blogs on genomic sequencing and the Registry of Open Data, and some reference architecture and solutions to support your work.

We include videos from the Smithsonian, AstraZeneca, Genomic Discoveries, AMP lab, Illumina, and the University of Sydney.

We hope you’ll find this edition of Architecture Monthly useful. We’d like to thank Kelli Jonakin, PhD, Global Head of Life Sciences & Genomics Marketing, AWS, as well as our Experts, Ryan Ulaszek, Worldwide Tech Leader – Genomics, and Lisa McFerrin, Worldwide Tech Leader – Bioinformatics, for their contribution.

Please give us your feedback! Include your comments on the Amazon Kindle page. You can view past issues and reach out to [email protected] anytime with your questions and comments.

In this month’s Genomics issue:

  • Ask an Expert: Ryan Ulaszek & Lisa McFerrin
  • Executive Brief: Genomics on AWS: Accelerating scientific discoveries and powering business agility
  • Case Study: Fred Hutch Microbiome Researchers Use AWS to Perform Seven Years of Compute Time in Seven Days
  • Quick Start: For rapid deployment
  • Blog: NIH’s Sequence Read Archive, the world’s largest genome sequence repository: Openly accessible on AWS
  • Solutions: Genomics Secondary Analysis Using AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch
  • Reference Architecture: Genomics data transfer, analytics, and machine learning reference architecture
  • Case Study: Lifebit Powers Collaborative Research Environment for Genomics England on AWS
  • Quick Start: Illumina DRAGEN on AWS
  • Executive Brief: Genomic data security and compliance on the AWS Cloud
  • Solutions: Genomics Tertiary Analysis and Data Lakes Using AWS Glue and Amazon Athena
  • Reference Architecture: Genomics report pipeline reference architecture
  • Blog: Broad Institute gnomAD data now accessible on the Registry of Open Data on AWS
  • Quick Start: Workflow orchestration for genomics analysis on AWS
  • Solutions: Genomics Tertiary Analysis and Machine Learning Using Amazon SageMaker
  • Reference Architecture: Research data lake ingestion pipeline reference architecture
  • Videos:
    • The Smithsonian Institution Improves Genome Annotation for Biodiverse Species Using the AWS Cloud
    • AstraZeneca Genomics on AWS: A Journey from Petabytes to New Medicines
    • Accelerate Genomic Discoveries on AWS
    • UC Berkeley AMP Lab Genomics Project on AWS – Customer Success Story
    • Helix Uses Illumina’s BaseSpace Sequence Hub on AWS to Build Their Personal Genomics Platform
    • University of Sydney Accelerate Genomics Research with AWS and Ronin

Download the Magazine

How to access the magazine

View and download past issues as PDFs on the AWS Architecture Monthly webpage.
Readers in the US, UK, Germany, and France can subscribe to the Kindle version of the magazine at Kindle Newsstand.
Visit Flipboard, a personalized mobile magazine app that you can also read on your computer.
We hope you’re enjoying Architecture Monthly, and we’d like to hear from you—leave us a star rating and comment on the Amazon Kindle Newsstand page or contact us anytime at [email protected].

Using AppStream 2.0 to Deliver PACS and Image Analysis in Clinical Trials

Post Syndicated from Chris Fuller original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/using-appstream-2-0-to-deliver-pacs-and-image-analysis-in-clinical-trials/

Hospitals and clinical trial sites manage sensitive patient data. They are often required to grant remote access to custom Windows-based applications for patient record review and medical image analysis. This typically requires providing physicians and staff with remote access to on-premises workstations over VPN, with some flavor of remote desktop software. This can be both costly and inefficient, since it requires licensing custom 3rd party remote access tools, configuring network access for each researcher, and training individuals at each site for every trial. In combination with other AWS services, Amazon AppStream 2.0 can be used to build better workflows. Applications delivered via AppStream 2.0 can be used to review patient data, such as medical images, videos, and patient records. At the same time, this approach offers greater protection of patient data, without the cost and complexity of a remote desktop solution. In this blog, we will present a high-level architecture and several example use cases for leveraging AppStream 2.0 for medical image analysis.

Background – managing patient data security

Picture archiving and communications systems (PACS) and vendor neutral archives (VNAs) are used extensively for storing and managing medical images and related metadata. These systems are critical for sharing images among modern medical teams collaborating on patient care. Furthermore, researchers and clinicians can access images from PACS and view them at a workstation in an office or clinic setting.

While data sharing is critical for healthcare and research workflows, HIPAA-covered entities are responsible for protecting patient’s personally identifiable information (PII) as protected health information (PHI). As such, HIPAA-covered entities are bound to protect any information about a patient’s healthcare, health status, and payment history for services.

Data sovereignty leads to further complications. Clinical trials play an essential role in vouching for the safety and efficacy of medical products and innovations. The increasing transparency in clinical trial data makes sharing this information among researchers, clinicians, patients, and trial subjects possible. However, this also makes it a challenge to maintain stakeholder’s control over their data. With laws like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the emphasis on data localization, data sovereignty is interpreted based on the location of the data. Further, regulations like 21 CFR Part 11 impose strict guidelines on data protection, authentication, and validation for any FDA-regulated entity or use case.

If you are a healthcare organization or software provider, you understand the struggle to innovate and drive change, while maintaining your security and compliance posture for your applications. Your end users (physicians, radiologists, researchers, and remote operators) require IT environments that are easily accessible and can automatically scale globally on demand.

The network of professionals involved in image management and review is widely distributed, yet applications for review and analysis are still largely desktop-based. This means that a common use case for the healthcare industry is to use desktop applications from anywhere. Let’s use the following example to look more closely into a use case where AppStream 2.0 is helpful.

Data flow through the image management architecture

In this use case, the hospital’s on-premises systems are connected to the AWS Cloud using a private network connection, such as AWS Direct Connect, or an AWS Site-to-Site VPN. The images and files generated from the PACS server and the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) server are placed on an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Amazon S3 is an object storage service that offers scalability, availability, security, and performance. All of the images and files are read from a secure S3 bucket, accessible only by the PACS. They are then de-identified and written back to a separate bucket accessible by other systems for review.

In our workflow, text-based PII is extracted from the images using Amazon Comprehend Medical. Amazon Rekognition helps to identify and detect “burned-in” PHI data (text that is actually part of the image). In addition, Amazon Rekognition can assist with entity identification within images. For example, in a batch of thousands of shoulder MRIs, Amazon Rekognition can identify a knee. Amazon SageMaker is an end-to-end machine learning platform that enables trial administrators and data management teams to prepare training data. It can also be used to build machine learning models quickly with pre-built algorithms.  With Amazon SageMaker notebooks, the resulting de-identified image and text are written to the S3 bucket, and can then be used by the desktop applications.

AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed application streaming service that provides users with instant access to desktop applications from anywhere, regardless of what device is being used for access. An AppStream 2.0 image builder is used to install, add, and test your applications, and then create a software image or package. The software image contains applications that you can stream to your users. Default Windows and application settings allow your users to get started with their applications quickly. A fleet consists of fleet instances (also known as streaming instances) that run the software image that you specify. A stack consists of an associated fleet, user access policies, and storage configurations. A streaming instance (also known as a fleet instance) is an Amazon EC2 instance that is made available to a single user for application streaming.

Secure user interactions for image analysis and review

We’ve covered secure storage and anonymization of the image data that’s managed by the PACS, with images residing in Amazon S3. The next challenge is to provide secure, role-based access to those images for review by physicians, radiologists, or researchers. However, many of the applications used for image review and annotation are proprietary desktop applications that only run on specific operating systems. Traditionally, reviewers access these applications via remote desktop sessions to an on-premises workstation. This creates cost, management, network security, and data privacy concerns for the application hosts. Using Amazon AppStream 2.0, we can provide secure access to these proprietary applications in the cloud.

Authentication and access to the applications is as follows:

  • When end users sign in with the provided AppStream 2.0 URL, they are authenticated against Active Directory.
  • After the users are authenticated, the browser receives a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) assertion as an authentication response from Amazon Cognito, which controls access to AWS resources.
  • The response is then posted by the browser to the AWS sign-in SAML endpoint. Temporary security credentials are issued after the assertion and the embedded attributes are validated.
  • The temporary credentials are then used to create the sign-in URL.
  • The user is redirected to the AppStream 2.0 streaming session and is granted access permissions based on the role assigned to them. After this, they can log into the AppStream 2.0 instance and access their applications.

The application configurations are stored as persistent data using Amazon FSx, which can provide every user a unique storage drive within AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions. A user will have permissions to access only their directory. The drive is automatically mounted at the start of a streaming session. Files added or updated to the drive are automatically persisted between streaming sessions.

Figure 1. Architecture for managing, anonymizing, and analyzing medical image data

Figure 1. Architecture for managing, anonymizing, and analyzing medical image data


In our high-level use case, we reviewed how a combination of AWS services can be used to increase efficiency and reduce cost. While managing and reviewing patient data using custom applications such as PACS or image viewers, AWS services also provide an improved end user experience. This architecture provides a scalable, reliable, and secure foundation to develop your solution, leveraging the image analysis applications you already use. Your applications are available through a standard web browser, and you can manage users, access, and data with existing Active Directory group memberships and credentials.

AppStream 2.0 manages the AWS resources required to host and run your applications, scales automatically, and provides access to users on demand. AWS services can be managed using configuration as code best practices through AWS CloudFormation. CloudFormation lets you define text-based templates used to spin up cloud architectures. In a more complex setup, AWS Glue, Amazon CloudWatch, and AWS CloudTrail configured with a centralized logging account can be added to achieve 21 CFR Part 11 and GxP compliance.

For additional information, check out the following resources or contact your AWS account manager.

Field Notes: Accelerate Research with Managed Jupyter on Amazon SageMaker

Post Syndicated from Mrudhula Balasubramanyan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-accelerate-research-with-managed-jupyter-on-amazon-sagemaker/

Research organizations across industry verticals have unique needs. These include facilitating stakeholder collaboration, setting up compute environments for experimentation, handling large datasets, and more. In essence, researchers want the freedom to focus on their research, without the undifferentiated heavy-lifting of managing their environments.

In this blog, I show you how to set up a managed Jupyter environment using custom tools used in Life Sciences research. I show you how to transform the developed artifacts into scripted components that can be integrated into research workflows. Although this solution uses Life Sciences as an example, it is broadly applicable to any vertical that needs customizable managed environments at scale.

Overview of solution

This solution has two parts. First, the System administrator of an organization’s IT department sets up a managed environment and provides researchers access to it. Second, the researchers access the environment and conduct interactive and scripted analysis.

This solution uses AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO), Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECR, and Amazon S3. These services are architected to build a custom environment, provision compute, conduct interactive analysis, and automate the launch of scripts.


The architecture and detailed walkthrough are presented from both an admin and researcher perspective.

Architecture from an admin perspective

Architecture from admin perspective


In order of tasks, the admin:

  1. authenticates into AWS account as an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user with admin privileges
  2. sets up AWS SSO and users who need access to Amazon SageMaker Studio
  3. creates a Studio domain
  4. assigns users and groups created in AWS SSO to the Studio domain
  5. creates a SageMaker notebook instance shown generically in the architecture as Amazon EC2
  6. launches a shell script provided later in this post to build and store custom Docker image in a private repository in Amazon ECR
  7. attaches the custom image to Studio domain that the researchers will later use as a custom Jupyter kernel inside Studio and as a container for the SageMaker processing job.

Architecture from a researcher perspective

Architecture from a researcher perspective

In order of tasks, the researcher:

  1. authenticates using AWS SSO
  2. SSO authenticates researcher to SageMaker Studio
  3. researcher performs interactive analysis using managed Jupyter notebooks with custom kernel, organizes the analysis into script(s), and launches a SageMaker processing job to execute the script in a managed environment
  4. the SageMaker processing job reads data from S3 bucket and writes data back to S3. The user can now retrieve and examine results from S3 using Jupyter notebook.


For this walkthrough, you should have:

  • An AWS account
  • Admin access to provision and delete AWS resources
  • Researchers’ information to add as SSO users: full name and email

Set up AWS SSO

To facilitate collaboration between researchers, internal and external to your organization, the admin uses AWS SSO to onboard to Studio.

For admins: follow these instructions to set up AWS SSO prior to creating the Studio domain.

Onboard to SageMaker Studio

Researchers can use just the functionality they need in Amazon SageMaker Studio. Studio provides managed Jupyter environments with sharable notebooks for interactive analysis, and managed environments for script execution.

When you onboard to Studio, a home directory is created for you on Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) which provides reliable, scalable storage for large datasets.

Once AWS SSO has been setup, follow these steps to onboard to Studio via SSO. Note the Studio domain id (ex. d-2hxa6eb47hdc) and the IAM execution role (ex. AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-20201156T214222) in the Studio Summary section of Studio. You will be using these in the following sections.

Provision custom image

At the core of research is experimentation. This often requires setting up playgrounds with custom tools to test out ideas. Docker images are an effective[CE1] [BM2]  way to package those tools and dependencies and deploy them quickly. They also address another critical need for researchers – reproducibility.

To demonstrate this, I picked a Life Sciences research problem that requires custom Python packages to be installed and made available to a team of researchers as Jupyter kernels inside Studio.

For the custom Docker image, I picked a Python package called Pegasus. This is a tool used in genomics research for analyzing transcriptomes of millions of single cells, both interactively as well as in cloud-based analysis workflows.

In addition to Python, you can provision Jupyter kernels for languages such as R, Scala, Julia, in Studio using these Docker images.

Launch an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance

To build and push custom Docker images to ECR, you use an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance. Note that this is not part of SageMaker Studio and unrelated to Studio notebooks. It is a fully managed machine learning (ML) Amazon EC2 instance inside the SageMaker service that runs the Jupyter Notebook application, AWS CLI, and Docker.

  • Use these instructions to launch a SageMaker notebook instance.
  • Once the notebook instance is up and running, select the instance and navigate to the IAM role attached to it. This role comes with IAM policy ‘AmazonSageMakerFullAccess’ as a default. Your instance will need some additional permissions.
  • Create a new IAM policy using these instructions.
  • Copy the IAM policy below to paste into the JSON tab.
  • Fill in the values for <region-id> (ex. us-west-2), <AWS-account-id>, <studio-domain-id>, <studio-domain-iam-role>. Name the IAM policy ‘sagemaker-notebook-policy’ and attach it to the notebook instance role.
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "additionalpermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
  • Start a terminal session in the notebook instance.
  • Once you are done creating the Docker image and attaching to Studio in the next section, you will be shutting down the notebook instance.

Create private repository, build, and store custom image, attach to SageMaker Studio domain

This section has multiple steps, all of which are outlined in a single bash script.

  • First the script creates a private repository in Amazon ECR.
  • Next, the script builds a custom image, tags, and pushes to Amazon ECR repository. This custom image will serve two purposes: one as a custom Python Jupyter kernel used inside Studio, and two as a custom container for SageMaker processing.
  • To use as a custom kernel inside SageMaker Studio, the script creates a SageMaker image and attaches to the Studio domain.
  • Before you initiate the script, fill in the following information: your AWS account ID, Region (ex. us-east-1), Studio IAM execution role, and Studio domain id.
  • You must create four files: bash script, Dockerfile, and two configuration files.
  • Copy the following bash script to a file named ‘pegasus-docker-images.sh’ and fill in the required values.

# Pegasus python packages from Docker hub



executionrole=<fill-in-execution-role ex. AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-xxxxx>

domainid=<fill-in-Studio-domain-id ex. d-xxxxxxx>

if aws ecr describe-repositories | grep 'sagemaker-custom'
    echo 'repo already exists! Skipping creation'
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sagemaker-custom

aws ecr get-login-password --region $region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $accountid.dkr.ecr.$region.amazonaws.com

docker build -t sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0 .

docker tag sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0 $accountid.dkr.ecr.$region.amazonaws.com/sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0

docker push $accountid.dkr.ecr.$region.amazonaws.com/sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0

if aws sagemaker list-images | grep 'pegasus-1'
    echo 'Image already exists! Skipping creation'
    aws sagemaker create-image --image-name pegasus-1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::$accountid:role/service-role/$executionrole
    aws sagemaker create-image-version --image-name pegasus-1 --base-image $accountid.dkr.ecr.$region.amazonaws.com/sagemaker-custom:pegasus-1.0

if aws sagemaker list-app-image-configs | grep 'pegasus-1-config'
    echo 'Image config already exists! Skipping creation'
   aws sagemaker create-app-image-config --cli-input-json file://app-image-config-input.json

aws sagemaker update-domain --domain-id $domainid --cli-input-json file://default-user-settings.json

Copy the following to a file named ‘Dockerfile’.

FROM cumulusprod/pegasus-terra:1.0

USER root

Copy the following to a file named ‘app-image-config-input.json’.

    "AppImageConfigName": "pegasus-1-config",
    "KernelGatewayImageConfig": {
        "KernelSpecs": [
                "Name": "python3",
                "DisplayName": "Pegasus 1.0"
        "FileSystemConfig": {
            "MountPath": "/root",
            "DefaultUid": 0,
            "DefaultGid": 0

Copy the following to a file named ‘default-user-settings.json’.

    "DefaultUserSettings": {
        "KernelGatewayAppSettings": { 
           "CustomImages": [ 
                 "ImageName": "pegasus-1",
                 "ImageVersionNumber": 1,
                 "AppImageConfigName": "pegasus-1-config"

Launch ‘pegasus-docker-images.sh’ in the directory with all four files, in the terminal of the notebook instance. If the script ran successfully, you should see the custom image attached to the Studio domain.

Amazon SageMaker dashboard


Perform interactive analysis

You can now launch the Pegasus Python kernel inside SageMaker . If this is your first time using Studio, you can get a quick tour of its UI.

For interactive analysis, you can use publicly available notebooks in Pegasus tutorial from this GitHub repository. Review the license before proceeding.

To clone the repository in Studio, open a system terminal using these instructions. Initiate $ git clone https://github.com/klarman-cell-observatory/pegasus

  • In the directory ‘pegasus’, select ‘notebooks’ and open ‘pegasus_analysis.ipynb’.
  • For kernel choose ‘Pegasus 1.0 (pegasus-1/1)’.
  • You can now run through the notebook and examine the output generated. Feel free to work through the other notebooks for deeper analysis.

Pagasus tutorial

At any point during experimentation, you can share your analysis along with results with your colleagues using these steps. The snapshot that you create also captures the notebook configuration such as instance type and kernel, to ensure reproducibility.

Formalize analysis and execute scripts

Once you are done with interactive analysis, you can consolidate your analysis into a script to launch in a managed environment. This is an important step, if you want to later incorporate this script as a component into a research workflow and automate it.

Copy the following script to a file named ‘pegasus_script.py’.

BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2018, Broad Institute
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
  list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
  this software without specific prior written permission.



import pandas as pd
import pegasus as pg

if __name__ == "__main__":
    BASE_DIR = "/opt/ml/processing"
    data = pg.read_input(f"{BASE_DIR}/input/MantonBM_nonmix_subset.zarr.zip")
    pg.qc_metrics(data, percent_mito=10)
    df_qc = pg.get_filter_stats(data)
    pd.DataFrame(df_qc).to_csv(f"{BASE_DIR}/output/qc_metrics.csv", header=True, index=False)

The Jupyter notebook following provides an example of launching a processing job using the script in SageMaker.

  • Create a notebook in SageMaker Studio in the same directory as the script.
  • Copy the following code to the notebook and name it ‘sagemaker_pegasus_processing.ipynb’.
  • Select ‘Python 3 (Data Science)’ as the kernel.
  • Launch the cells.
import boto3
import sagemaker
from sagemaker import get_execution_role
from sagemaker.processing import ScriptProcessor, ProcessingInput, ProcessingOutput
region = boto3.Session().region_name
sagemaker_session = sagemaker.session.Session()
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
bucket = sagemaker_session.default_bucket()

prefix = 'pegasus'

account_id = boto3.client('sts').get_caller_identity().get('Account')
ecr_repository = 'research-custom'
tag = ':pegasus-1.0'

uri_suffix = 'amazonaws.com'
if region in ['cn-north-1', 'cn-northwest-1']:
    uri_suffix = 'amazonaws.com.cn'
processing_repository_uri = '{}.dkr.ecr.{}.{}/{}'.format(account_id, region, uri_suffix, ecr_repository + tag)

script_processor = ScriptProcessor(command=['python3'],
!wget https://storage.googleapis.com/terra-featured-workspaces/Cumulus/MantonBM_nonmix_subset.zarr.zip

local_path = "MantonBM_nonmix_subset.zarr.zip"

s3 = boto3.resource("s3")

base_uri = f"s3://{bucket}/{prefix}"
input_data_uri = sagemaker.s3.S3Uploader.upload(

code_uri = sagemaker.s3.S3Uploader.upload(

                      inputs=[ProcessingInput(source=input_data_uri, destination='/opt/ml/processing/input'),],
                      outputs=[ProcessingOutput(source="/opt/ml/processing/output", destination=f"{base_uri}/output")]
script_processor_job_description = script_processor.jobs[-1].describe()

output_path = f"{base_uri}/output"

The ‘output_path’ is the S3 prefix where you will find the results from SageMaker processing. This will be printed as the last line after execution. You can examine the results either directly in S3 or by copying the results back to your home directory in Studio.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, shut down the SageMaker notebook instance. Detach image from the Studio domain, delete image in Amazon ECR, and delete data in Amazon S3.


In this blog, I showed you how to set up and use a unified research environment using Amazon SageMaker. Although the example pertained to Life Sciences, the architecture and the framework presented are generally applicable to any research space. They strive to address the broader research challenges of custom tooling, reproducibility, large datasets, and price predictability.

As a logical next step, take the scripted components and incorporate them into research workflows and automate them. You can use SageMaker Pipelines to incorporate machine learning into your workflows and operationalize them.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.