All posts by Panos Kampanakis

Post-quantum hybrid SFTP file transfers using AWS Transfer Family

Post Syndicated from Panos Kampanakis original

Amazon Web Services (AWS) prioritizes security, privacy, and performance. Encryption is a vital part of privacy. To help provide long-term protection of encrypted data, AWS has been introducing quantum-resistant key exchange in common transport protocols used by AWS customers. In this blog post, we introduce post-quantum hybrid key exchange with Kyber, the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s chosen quantum-resistant key encapsulation algorithm, in the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. We explain why it’s important and show you how to use it with Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) file transfers in AWS Transfer Family, the AWS file transfer service.

Why use PQ-hybrid key establishment in SSH

Although not available today, a cryptanalytically relevant quantum computer (CRQC) could theoretically break the standard public key algorithms currently in use. Today’s network traffic could be recorded now and then decrypted in the future with a CRQC. This is known as harvest-now-decrypt-later.

With such concerns in mind, the U.S. Congress recently signed the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, and the White House issued National Security Memoranda (NSM-8, NSM-10) to prepare for a timely and equitable transition to quantum-resistant cryptography. The National Security Agency (NSA) also announced its quantum-resistant algorithm requirements and timelines in its CNSA 2.0 release. Many other governments like Canada, Germany, and France and organizations like ISO/IEC and IEEE have also been prioritizing preparations and experiments with quantum-resistant cryptography technologies.

AWS is migrating to post-quantum cryptography. AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS)AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), and AWS Secrets Manager TLS endpoints already include support for post-quantum hybrid (PQ-hybrid) key establishment with Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) and Kyber, NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) project’s chosen key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). Although PQ-hybrid TLS 1.3 key exchange has received a lot of attention, there has been limited work on SSH.

SSH is a protocol widely used by AWS customers for various tasks ranging from moving files between machines to managing Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Considering the importance of the SSH protocol, its ubiquitous use, and the data it transfers, we introduced PQ-hybrid key exchange with Kyber in it.

How PQ-hybrid key exchange works in Transfer Family SFTP

AWS just announced support for post-quantum key exchange in SFTP file transfers in AWS Transfer Family. Transfer Family securely scales business-to-business file transfers to AWS Storage services using SFTP and other protocols. SFTP is a secure version of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that runs over SSH. The post-quantum key exchange support of Transfer Family raises the security bar for data transfers over SFTP.

PQ-hybrid key establishment in SSH introduces post-quantum KEMs used in conjunction with classical key exchange. The client and server still do an ECDH key exchange. Additionally, the server encapsulates a post-quantum shared secret to the client’s post-quantum KEM public key, which is advertised in the client’s SSH key exchange message. This strategy combines the high assurance of a classical key exchange with the security of the proposed post-quantum key exchanges, to help ensure that the handshakes are protected as long as the ECDH or the post-quantum shared secret cannot be broken.

More specifically, the PQ-hybrid key exchange SFTP support in Transfer Family includes combining post-quantum Kyber-512, Kyber-768, and Kyber-1024, with ECDH over P256, P384, P521, or Curve25519 curves. The corresponding SSH key exchange methods — [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] — are specified in the PQ-hybrid SSH key exchange draft.

Why Kyber?

AWS is committed to supporting standardized interoperable algorithms, so we wanted to introduce Kyber to SSH. Kyber was chosen for standardization by NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) project. Some standards bodies are already integrating Kyber in various protocols.

We also wanted to encourage interoperability by adopting, making available, and submitting for standardization, a draft that combines Kyber with NIST-approved curves like P256 for SSH. To help enhance security for our customers, the AWS implementation of the PQ key exchange in SFTP and SSH follows that draft.


The new key exchange methods — [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] — are supported in two new security policies in Transfer Family. These might change as the draft evolves towards standardization or when NIST ratifies the Kyber algorithm.

Is PQ-hybrid SSH key exchange aligned with cryptographic requirements like FIPS 140?

For customers that require FIPS compliance, Transfer Family provides FIPS cryptography in SSH by using the AWS-LC, open-source cryptographic library. The PQ-hybrid key exchange methods supported in the TransferSecurityPolicy-PQ-SSH-FIPS-Experimental-2023-04 policy in Transfer Family continue to meet FIPS requirements as described in SP 800-56Cr2 (section 2). BSI Germany and ANSSI France also recommend such PQ-hybrid key exchange methods.

How to test PQ SFTP with Transfer Family

To enable PQ-hybrid SFTP in Transfer Family, you need to enable one of the two security policies that support PQ-hybrid key exchange in your SFTP-enabled endpoint. You can choose the security policy when you create a new SFTP server endpoint in Transfer Family, as explained in the documentation; or by editing the Cryptographic algorithm options in an existing SFTP endpoint. The following figure shows an example of the AWS Management Console where you update the security policy.

Figure 1: Use the console to set the PQ-hybrid security policy in the Transfer Family endpoint

Figure 1: Use the console to set the PQ-hybrid security policy in the Transfer Family endpoint

The security policy names that support PQ key exchange in Transfer Family are TransferSecurityPolicy-PQ-SSH-Experimental-2023-04 and TransferSecurityPolicy-PQ-SSH-FIPS-Experimental-2023-04. For more details on Transfer Family policies, see Security policies for AWS Transfer Family.

After you choose the right PQ security policy in your SFTP Transfer Family endpoint, you can experiment with post-quantum SFTP in Transfer Family with an SFTP client that supports PQ-hybrid key exchange by following the guidance in the aforementioned draft specification. AWS tested and confirmed interoperability between the Transfer Family PQ-hybrid key exchange in SFTP and the SSH implementations of our collaborators on the NIST NCCOE Post-Quantum Migration project, namely OQS OpenSSH and wolfSSH.

OQS OpenSSH client

OQS OpenSSH is an open-source fork of OpenSSH that adds quantum-resistant cryptography to SSH by using liboqs. liboqs is an open-source C library that implements quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. OQS OpenSSH and liboqs are part of the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project.

To test PQ-hybrid key exchange in Transfer Family SFTP with OQS OpenSSH, you first need to build OQS OpenSSH, as explained in the project’s README. Then you can run the example SFTP client to connect to your AWS SFTP endpoint (for example, by using the PQ-hybrid key exchange methods, as shown in the following command. Make sure to replace <user_priv_key_PEM_file> with the SFTP user private key PEM-encoded file used for user authentication, and <username> with the username, and update the SFTP-enabled endpoint with the one that you created in Transfer Family.

./sftp -S ./ssh -v -o \ \
   -i <user_priv_key_PEM_file> \

wolfSSH client

wolfSSH is an SSHv2 client and server library that uses wolfCrypt for its cryptography. For more details and a link to download, see wolfSSL’s product licensing information

To test PQ-hybrid key exchange in Transfer Family SFTP with wolfSSH, you first need to build wolfSSH. When built with liboqs, the open-source library that implements post-quantum algorithms, wolfSSH automatically negotiates [email protected]. Run the example SFTP client to connect to your AWS SFTP server endpoint, as shown in the following command. Make sure to replace <user_priv_key_DER_file> with the SFTP user private key DER-encoded file used for user authentication, <user_public_key_PEM_file> with the corresponding SSH user public key PEM-formatted file, and <username> with the username. Also replace the SFTP endpoint with the one that you created in Transfer Family.

./examples/sftpclient/wolfsftp -p 22 -u <username> \
      -i <user_priv_key_DER_file> -j <user_public_key_PEM_file> -h \

As we migrate to a quantum-resistant future, we expect that more SFTP and SSH clients will add support for PQ-hybrid key exchanges that are standardized for SSH.

How to confirm PQ-hybrid key exchange in SFTP

To confirm that PQ-hybrid key exchange was used in an SSH connection for SFTP to Transfer Family, check the client output and optionally use packet captures.

OQS OpenSSH client

The client output (omitting irrelevant information for brevity) should look similar to the following:

$./sftp -S ./ssh -v -o -i panos_priv_key_PEM_file
OpenSSH_8.9-2022-01_p1, Open Quantum Safe 2022-08, OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022
debug1: Reading configuration data /home/lab/openssh/oqs-test/tmp/ssh_config
debug1: Authenticator provider $SSH_SK_PROVIDER did not resolve; disabling
debug1: Connecting to [xx.yy.zz..12] port 22.
debug1: Connection established.
debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9-2022-01_
debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version AWS_SFTP_1.1
debug1: compat_banner: no match: AWS_SFTP_1.1
debug1: Authenticating to as 'panos'
debug1: load_hostkeys: fopen /home/lab/.ssh/known_hosts2: No such file or directory
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug1: kex: algorithm: [email protected]
debug1: kex: host key algorithm: ssh-ed25519
debug1: kex: server->client cipher: aes192-ctr MAC: [email protected] compression: none
debug1: kex: client->server cipher: aes192-ctr MAC: [email protected] compression: none
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY received
debug1: Server host key: ssh-ed25519 SHA256:BY3gNMHwTfjd4n2VuT4pTyLOk82zWZj4KEYEu7y4r/0
debug1: rekey out after 4294967296 blocks
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received
debug1: rekey in after 4294967296 blocks
Authenticated to ([xx.yy.zz..12]:22) using "publickey".s
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
Connected to sftp>

The output shows that client negotiation occurred using the PQ-hybrid [email protected] method and successfully established an SFTP session.

To view the negotiated PQ-hybrid key, you can use a packet capture in Wireshark or a similar network traffic analyzer. The key exchange method negotiation offered by the client should look similar to the following:

Figure 2: View the client proposed PQ-hybrid key exchange method in Wireshark

Figure 2: View the client proposed PQ-hybrid key exchange method in Wireshark

Figure 2 shows that the client is offering the PQ-hybrid key exchange method [email protected]. The Transfer Family SFTP server negotiates the same method, and the client offers a PQ-hybrid public key.

Figure 3: View the client P384 ECDH and Kyber-768 public keys

Figure 3: View the client P384 ECDH and Kyber-768 public keys

As shown in Figure 3, the client sent 1281 bytes for the PQ-hybrid public key. These are the ECDH P384 92-byte public key, the 1184-byte Kyber-768 public key, and 5 bytes of padding. The server response is of similar size and includes the 92-byte P384 public key and the 1088 Kyber-768 ciphertext.

wolfSSH client

The client output (omitting irrelevant information for brevity) should look similar to the following:

$ ./examples/sftpclient/wolfsftp -p 22 -u panos -i panos_priv_key_DER_file -j panos_public_key_PEM_file -h
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] SSH-2.0-wolfSSHv1.4.12
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = [email protected]
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] connect state: SERVER_KEXINIT_DONE
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] connect state: CLIENT_KEXDH_INIT_SENT
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] Decoding MSGID_KEXDH_REPLY
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] Entering DoKexDhReply()
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DKDR: Calling the public key check callback
Sample public key check callback
  public key = 0x24d011a
  public key size = 104
  ctx =
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DKDR: public key accepted
2023-05-25 17:37:26 [DEBUG] Entering wolfSSH_get_error()
2023-05-25 17:37:26 [DEBUG] Entering wolfSSH_get_error()
wolfSSH sftp>

The output shows that the client negotiated the PQ-hybrid [email protected] method and successfully established a quantum- resistant SFTP session. A packet capture of this session would be very similar to the previous one.


In this blog post, we introduced the importance of both migrating to post-quantum cryptography and adopting standardized algorithms and protocols. We also shared our approach for bringing PQ-hybrid key exchanges to SSH, and how to use this today using SFTP with Transfer Family. Additionally, AWS employees are collaborating with other cryptography experts on a draft for PQ-hybrid SSH key exchange, which is the draft specification that Transfer Family follows.

If you have questions about how to use Transfer Family PQ key exchange, start a new thread in the Transfer Family for SFTP forum. If you want to learn more about post-quantum cryptography with AWS, contact the post-quantum cryptography team.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Panos Kampanakis

Panos Kampanakis

Panos is a Principal Security Engineer in AWS Cryptography organization. He has extensive experience in cybersecurity, applied cryptography, security automation, and vulnerability management. He has co-authored cybersecurity publications, and participated in various security standards bodies to provide common interoperable protocols and languages for security information sharing, cryptography, and PKI. Currently, he works with engineers and industry standards partners to provide cryptographic implementations, protocols, and standards.

Torben Hansen

Torben Hansen

Torben is a cryptographer on the AWS Cryptography team. He is focused on developing and deploying cryptographic libraries. He also contributes to the design and analysis of cryptographic solutions across AWS.

Alex Volanis

Alex Volanis

Alex is a Software Development Engineer at AWS with a background in distributed systems, cryptography, authentication and build tools. Currently working with the AWS Transfer Family team to provide scalable, secure, and high performing data transfer solutions for internal and external customers. Passionate coder and problem solver, and occasionally a pretty good skier.

Gerardo Ravago

Gerardo Ravago

Gerardo is a Senior Software Development Engineer in the AWS Cryptography organization, where he contributes to post-quantum cryptography and the Amazon Corretto Crypto Provider. In prior AWS roles, he’s worked on Storage Gateway and DataSync. Though a software developer by day, he enjoys diving deep into food, art, culture, and history through travel on his off days.

Enable post-quantum key exchange in QUIC with the s2n-quic library

Post Syndicated from Panos Kampanakis original

At Amazon Web Services (AWS) we prioritize security, performance, and strong encryption in our cloud services. In order to be prepared for quantum computer advancements, we’ve been investigating the use of quantum-safe algorithms for key exchange in the TLS protocol. In this blog post, we’ll first bring you up to speed on what we’ve been doing on the TLS front. Then, we’ll focus on the QUIC transport protocol and show how you can enable and experiment with the newly released post-quantum (PQ) key exchange by using our s2n-quic library. The s2n-quic library is an open-source implementation of the QUIC protocol.

Why use PQ-hybrid key establishment in s2n-quic?

A large-scale quantum computer could break the current public key cryptography that is used to establish keys for secure communication connections. Although a large-scale quantum computer isn’t available today, traffic that is recorded now could be decrypted by one in the future. With such concerns in mind, the recent US Congress Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act and the White House National Security Memorandum set a goal of a timely and equitable transition of cryptographic systems to quantum-resistant cryptography.

At AWS, we are working to prepare for this future. Recently, AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) and AWS Secrets Manager TLS endpoints started supporting post-quantum hybrid (PQ-hybrid) key establishment in TLS connections with three of the post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) in the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) Project. The three post-quantum KEMs are Kyber (NIST’s Round 3 KEM selection), BIKE and SIKE (NIST’s Round 4 KEM candidates). All three of these AWS services’ support of post-quantum KEMs raises the security bar when making API requests to their endpoints over TLS.

PQ-hybrid key establishment in TLS is a feature that introduces post-quantum KEMs used in conjunction with classical Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange. The client and server still do an ECDH key exchange. Additionally, the server encapsulates a post-quantum shared secret to the client’s post-quantum KEM public key, which is advertised in the ClientHello message. This strategy combines the high assurance of a classical key exchange with the security of the proposed post-quantum key exchanges, to ensure that the handshakes are protected as long as the ECDH or the post-quantum shared secret cannot be broken.

After decapsulating the secret, the client and server have an ECDH and a post-quantum shared secret, which they concatenate and use to derive the symmetric keys that are used in the Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data (AEAD) cipher in TLS. These symmetric keys used by the AEAD cipher for data encryption will be secure against a quantum computer, which means that the TLS communication is secure against a quantum computer. The AWS implementation of TLS is s2n-tls, a streamlined open source implementation of TLS. The s2n-tls implementation already supports PQ-hybrid key exchange with ECDH and three NIST PQC Project KEMs (Kyber, BIKE, and SIKE) for TLS 1.2 and 1.3. The use of KEMs for TLS 1.2 is described in the draft-campagna-tls-bike-sike-hybrid IETF draft, and the use of KEMs for TLS 1.3 is described in the draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design IETF draft.

Note: The Kyber, BIKE, and SIKE implementations follow the algorithm specifications described in NIST PQ Project Round 3, which are expected to be updated as standardization proceeds.

How PQ-hybrid key exchange works in s2n-quic

AWS recently announced s2n-quic, an open-source Rust implementation of the QUIC protocol. QUIC is an encrypted transport protocol that is designed for performance and is the foundation of HTTP/3. For tunnel establishment, QUIC uses TLS 1.3 carried over QUIC transport. To alleviate the harvest-now-decrypt-later concerns for customers that use s2n-quic, in the next section we show you how to enable PQ-hybrid key establishment in s2n-quic. AWS services and software that use s2n-quic will automatically inherit the ability to support quantum-safe key exchanges in the future when post-quantum algorithms are standardized and are officially supported in s2n-quic.

The s2n-quic implementation is written in the Rust programming language. It can use either s2n-tls (the TLS library for AWS) or rustls (the TLS library in Rust) to perform the TLS handshake. If you build s2n-quic with s2n-tls, then s2n-quic inherits the post-quantum support that is offered in s2n-tls. In turn, s2n-tls is built over other crypto libraries such as the AWS libcrypto (AWS-LC) or alternatively OpenSSL crypto library (libcrypto). AWS-LC is a general-purpose cryptographic library that is maintained by AWS, which will incorporate standardized post-quantum algorithms. Therefore, building s2n-tls with AWS-LC will provide s2n-tls with the post-quantum cryptographic algorithms for use in s2n-quic.

Such a model allows for AWS services and software that use s2n-quic to automatically inherit the standardized post-quantum options as they are implemented in s2n-tls and its underlying crypto libraries. There will be no need to tweak s2n-quic to support post-quantum TLS 1.3 handshakes. The whole stack of protocol implementations is architected in an agile manner without duplication of work.

In the following section, we show you how to run an experimental PQ build of s2n-quic that supports PQ-hybrid key exchange.

Test PQ-hybrid key establishment in s2n-quic

The public s2n-quic GitHub repository includes an example that demonstrates how to build the library with PQ-hybrid key exchange support, along with a server and client to test. The PQ-hybrid key exchange feature test requires CMake in Linux or macOS. The experiments below were run in an Amazon Linux 2 instance with rustc, Cargo, Clang, and CMake installed. Connections that you establish with this experimental build of s2n-quic will support PQ-hybrid key exchange.

To test PQ-hybrid key establishment

  1. Clone s2n-quic by using the following commands:

    git clone
    cd s2n-quic

  2. Run the example post-quantum s2n-quic client and server in the post-quantum directory to confirm that they negotiate a PQ-hybrid key by using the following commands:

    cd examples/post-quantum
    cargo run –bin pq_server
    cargo run –bin pq_client

    Note: Although these examples with the PQ-hybrid feature experimental build of s2n-quic are self-contained, if you want to manually change and build s2n-quic and s2n-tls to enable PQ-hybrid key exchange, you have to update the default_tls13 policy in s2n-tls to point to security_policy_pq_tls_1_0_2021_05_26 in tls/s2n_security_policies.c. Then you rebuild s2n-tls and override the location that s2n-quic links to by setting the S2N_TLS_DIR, S2N_TLS_LIB_DIR, and S2N_TLS_INCLUDE_DIR environment variables at build time.

  3. To confirm the PQ-hybrid key establishment, you capture the QUIC negotiation by using the following tcpdump command:

    sudo tcpdump -i lo port 4433 -w test.pcap

  4. Open the capture by using a packet capture visualization application. First you look at the ClientHello message, as shown in the capture in Figure 1 taken from Wireshark.
    Figure 1: pq_client ClientHello in QUIC

    Figure 1: pq_client ClientHello in QUIC

    In the QUIC CRYPTO frame, you can see the TLS 1.3 cipher suites, and that the TLS version is 1.3 while the supported key exchange groups are classical ECDH (with identifiers 0x0017, 0x0018, 0x001d) and 0x2f39, 0x2f3a, 0x2f37…. 0x2f1f. The 0x2f… groups are the agreed upon identifiers (not standardized yet) for PQ-hybrid key exchange. You also see the PQ-hybrid X25519+Kyber512 (with identifier 12089 or 0x2f39) key share that is offered by the client. That key share includes 32 bytes for the Curve25519 ephemeral ECDH client public key, 800 bytes for the ephemeral Kyber512 public key, and 4 bytes for the identifier and the key share length.

    Note: The post-quantum KEMs implementations at the time of this writing follow the NIST Round 3 Kyber, BIKE, and SIKE specifications. We expect these specifications to change as the NIST PQC Project proceeds with standardization. Post-quantum support in s2n-tls and s2n-quic will be experimental until NIST has selected and published standardized algorithms and identifiers. Pushing the change to the main branch now would mean that s2n-quic clients would be sending a PQ-hybrid key share that won’t be used until the servers on the internet start supporting it. The actual algorithms and their identifiers will still be integrated in future releases of s2n-tls and AWS-LC. Therefore, s2n-quic will still be able to negotiate the NIST and IETF standardized options. Meanwhile, we will continue to experiment with post-quantum QUIC and its potential challenges.

  5. Next, take a look at the server-negotiated keys in the ServerHello message, as shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: pq_server ServerHello in QUIC

    Figure 2: pq_server ServerHello in QUIC

You can again see the TLS 1.3 cipher suite, the TLS version being 1.3, and the picked PQ-hybrid X25519+Kyber512 key share. The key share includes 4 bytes for the identifier and the key share length, 32 bytes for the Curve25519 ephemeral ECDH server public key, and 768 bytes for the Kyber512 ciphertext that encapsulates a post-quantum shared secret to the client’s ephemeral Kyber512 public key (included in its ClientHello message).

The rest of the handshake completes successfully by deriving symmetric keys from the X25519 and Kyber512 post-quantum shared secrets (as defined in the draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design IETF draft) and encrypting the rest of the messages with Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) by using these symmetric keys over QUIC.


Now you can benchmark the post-quantum QUIC client and server by using netbench, a transport protocol benchmarking tool that is available in the s2n-quic repository.

To benchmark the post-quantum QUIC client and server

  1. Go in the netbench directory and build it with the correct flags for the experimental post-quantum QUIC examples, by using the following commands:

    cd s2n-quic/netbench
    RUSTFLAGS=”–cfg s2n_quic_unstable –cfg s2n_quic_enable_pq_tls” cargo build –release

  2. Generate the netbench scenario by using the following commands:

    ./target/release/netbench-scenarios –request_response.connections 10000 –request_response.request_size 1 –request_response.response_size 1

    In this example, you’re trying to create 10,000 sequential QUIC connections. The scenario opens a connection, sends a single byte, receives a single byte, closes it, and repeats 10,000 times.

  3. Run the server by using the following command:

    ./target/release/netbench-driver-s2n-quic-server target/netbench/request_response.json

  4. Run the client by using the following command:

    SERVER_0=localhost:4433 ./target/release/netbench-driver-s2n-quic-client target/netbench/request_response.json

    The drivers read the request_response.json to run the scenario. Then the driver is wrapped in a collector that outputs statistics to another JSON file. At the end of all of the 10,000 runs, the cli feature is used to generate the report.

Figure 3 shows the performance results for X25519, X25519+Kyber512, X25519+BIKE-1, and X25519+SIKEp434 key exchange. All connections used an ECDSA P256 server certificate for authentication.

Figure 3: PQ-hybrid key exchange impact on QUIC connection rates

Figure 3: PQ-hybrid key exchange impact on QUIC connection rates

The x-axis is time in seconds. The y-axis is the number of times send is called—which, for 1 byte per connection, practically means that the diagram shows the connection establishment rate (per second). The absolute performance numbers in these benchmarks are not important, because the results could change based on the netbench scenario parameters. The performance difference between PQ-hybrid key exchange algorithms is what this graph is highlighting.

You can see that the classical X25519 achieves higher connection rates, because it is the most efficient option (that offers no post-quantum protection). The performance of Kyber is competitive and achieves 8% fewer connections per second when used with X25519 in a PQ-hybrid key exchange. BIKE-1 is relatively efficient, but adds some extra latency and introduces two frames for the ClientHello, which leads to 37% fewer connections per second. SIKEp434, although it offers much smaller public keys and ciphertexts, is orders of magnitude slower, which means it offers 95% fewer connections per second. These results match previous results we have shared before and other research works, where the most efficient signature algorithms ended up with higher connection rates and lower connection failure probabilities due to overload.


In this post, we showed how you can use s2n-quic in conjunction with s2n-tls to enable QUIC connections to negotiate encryption keys in a quantum-resistant manner. If you’re interested in learning more about s2n-quic, join us at AWS re:Inforce in July for the breakout session entitled NIS304: Using s2n-quic: Bringing QUIC, the secure transport protocol, to AWS.

As always, if you’re interested in using or contributing to s2n-quic, the source code and documentation are publicly available under the terms of the Apache Software License 2.0 from our s2n-quic GitHub repository. If you package or distribute s2n-quic or s2n-tls, or use it as part of a large multi-user service, you might be eligible for pre-notification of security issues. Contact [email protected] for more information. If you discover a potential security issue in s2n-quic or s2n-tls, we ask that you notify AWS Security by using our vulnerability reporting page.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Panos Kampanakis

Panos Kampanakis

Panos has extensive experience with cyber security, applied cryptography, security automation, and vulnerability management. In his professional career, he has trained and presented on various security topics at technical events for numerous years. He has co-authored cybersecurity publications and participated in various security standards bodies to provide common interoperable protocols and languages for security information sharing, cryptography, and PKI. Currently, he works with engineers and industry standards partners to provide cryptographically secure tools, protocols, and standards.

Cameron Bytheway

Cameron Bytheway

Cameron is a Software Development Engineer at AWS, based in Salt Lake City, Utah. He leads and contributes to the s2n libraries of AWS, and enjoys using testing, fuzzing, simulations, and statical analysis to improve correctness of programs.

Introducing s2n-quic, a new open-source QUIC protocol implementation in Rust

Post Syndicated from Panos Kampanakis original

At Amazon Web Services (AWS), security, high performance, and strong encryption for everyone are top priorities for all our services. With these priorities in mind, less than a year after QUIC ratification in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), we are introducing support for the QUIC protocol which can boost performance for web applications that currently use Transport Layer Security (TLS) over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). We are pleased to announce the availability of s2n-quic, an open-source Rust implementation of the QUIC protocol added to our set of AWS encryption open-source libraries.

What is QUIC?

QUIC is an encrypted transport protocol designed for performance and is the foundation of HTTP/3. It is specified in a set of IETF standards ratified in May 2021. QUIC protects its UDP datagrams by using encryption and authentication keys established in a TLS 1.3 handshake carried over QUIC transport. It is designed to improve upon TCP by providing improved first-byte latency and handling of multiple streams, and solving issues such as head-of-line blocking, mobility, and data loss detection. This enables web applications to perform faster, especially over poor networks. Other potential uses include latency-sensitive connections and UDP connections currently using DTLS, which now can run faster.

Renaming s2n

AWS has long supported open-source encryption libraries; in 2015 we introduced s2n as a TLS library. The name s2n is short for signal to noise, and is a nod to the almost magical act of encryption—disguising meaningful signals, like your critical data, as seemingly random noise.

Now that AWS introduces our new QUIC open-source library, we are renaming s2n to s2n-tls. s2n-tls is an efficient TLS library built over other crypto libraries like OpenSSL libcrypto or AWS libcrypto (AWS-LC). AWS-LC is a general-purpose cryptographic library maintained by AWS which originated from the Google project BoringSSL. The s2n family of AWS encryption open-source libraries now consists of s2n-tls, s2n-quic, and s2n-bignum. s2n-bignum is a collection of bignum arithmetic routines maintained by AWS designed for crypto applications.

s2n-quic details

Similar to s2n-tls, s2n-quic is designed to be small and fast, with simplicity as a priority. It is written in Rust, so it reaps some of its benefits such as performance, thread and memory-safety. s2n-quic depends either on s2n-tls or rustls for the TLS 1.3 handshake.

The main advantages of s2n-quic are:

  • Simple API. For example, a QUIC echo server-example can be built with just a few API calls.
  • Highly configurable. s2n-quic is configured with code through providers that allow an application to granularly control functionality. You can see an example of the server’s simple config in the QUIC echo server-example.
  • Extensive testing. Fuzzing (libFuzzer, American Fuzzy Fop (AFL), and honggfuzz), corpus replay unit testing of derived corpus files, testing of concrete and symbolic execution engines with bolero, and extensive integration and unit testing are used to validate the correctness of our implementation.
  • Thorough interoperability testing for every code change. There are multiple public QUIC implementations; s2n-quic is continuously tested to interoperate with many of them.
  • Verified correctness, post-quantum hybrid key exchange, and maturity for the TLS handshake when built with s2n-tls.
  • Thorough compliance coverage tracking of normative language in relevant standards.

Some important features in s2n-quic that can improve performance and connection management include CUBIC congestion controller support, packet pacing, Generic Segmentation Offload (GSO) support, Path MTU Discovery, and unique connection identifiers detached from the address.

AWS is continuing to invest in encryption optimization techniques, UDP performance improvement technologies, and formal code verification with the AWS Automated Reasoning Group to further enhance the library.

Like s2n-tls, which has already been introduced in various AWS services, AWS services that need to make use of the benefits of QUIC will begin integrating s2n-quic. QUIC is a standardized protocol which, when introduced in a service like web content delivery, can improve user experience or application performance. AWS still plans to continue support for existing protocols like TLS, so existing applications will remain interoperable. Amazon CloudFront is scheduled to be the first AWS service to integrate s2n-quic with its support for HTTP/3 in 2022.


If you are interested in using or contributing to s2n-quic source code or documentation, they are publicly available under the terms of the Apache Software License 2.0 from our s2n-quic GitHub repository.

If you package or distribute s2n-quic or s2n-tls, or use it as part of a large multi-user service, you may be eligible for pre-notification of security issues. Please contact [email protected].

If you discover a potential security issue in s2n-quic or s2n-tls, we ask that you notify AWS Security by using our vulnerability reporting page.

Stay tuned for more topics on s2n-quic like quantum-resistance, performance analyses, uses, and other technical details.

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Panos Kampanakis

Panos has extensive experience on cybersecurity, applied cryptography, security automation, and vulnerability management. He has trained and presented on various security topics at technical events for numerous years, and also co-authored Cisco Press books, papers, standards, and research publications. He has participated in various security standards bodies to provide common interoperable protocols and languages for security information sharing, cryptography, and PKI. In his current role, Panos works with engineers and industry standards partners to provide cryptographically secure tools, protocols, and standards.