Tag Archives: post-quantum cryptography

Post-quantum hybrid SFTP file transfers using AWS Transfer Family

Post Syndicated from Panos Kampanakis original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/post-quantum-hybrid-sftp-file-transfers-using-aws-transfer-family/

Amazon Web Services (AWS) prioritizes security, privacy, and performance. Encryption is a vital part of privacy. To help provide long-term protection of encrypted data, AWS has been introducing quantum-resistant key exchange in common transport protocols used by AWS customers. In this blog post, we introduce post-quantum hybrid key exchange with Kyber, the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s chosen quantum-resistant key encapsulation algorithm, in the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. We explain why it’s important and show you how to use it with Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) file transfers in AWS Transfer Family, the AWS file transfer service.

Why use PQ-hybrid key establishment in SSH

Although not available today, a cryptanalytically relevant quantum computer (CRQC) could theoretically break the standard public key algorithms currently in use. Today’s network traffic could be recorded now and then decrypted in the future with a CRQC. This is known as harvest-now-decrypt-later.

With such concerns in mind, the U.S. Congress recently signed the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, and the White House issued National Security Memoranda (NSM-8, NSM-10) to prepare for a timely and equitable transition to quantum-resistant cryptography. The National Security Agency (NSA) also announced its quantum-resistant algorithm requirements and timelines in its CNSA 2.0 release. Many other governments like Canada, Germany, and France and organizations like ISO/IEC and IEEE have also been prioritizing preparations and experiments with quantum-resistant cryptography technologies.

AWS is migrating to post-quantum cryptography. AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS)AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), and AWS Secrets Manager TLS endpoints already include support for post-quantum hybrid (PQ-hybrid) key establishment with Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) and Kyber, NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) project’s chosen key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). Although PQ-hybrid TLS 1.3 key exchange has received a lot of attention, there has been limited work on SSH.

SSH is a protocol widely used by AWS customers for various tasks ranging from moving files between machines to managing Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Considering the importance of the SSH protocol, its ubiquitous use, and the data it transfers, we introduced PQ-hybrid key exchange with Kyber in it.

How PQ-hybrid key exchange works in Transfer Family SFTP

AWS just announced support for post-quantum key exchange in SFTP file transfers in AWS Transfer Family. Transfer Family securely scales business-to-business file transfers to AWS Storage services using SFTP and other protocols. SFTP is a secure version of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that runs over SSH. The post-quantum key exchange support of Transfer Family raises the security bar for data transfers over SFTP.

PQ-hybrid key establishment in SSH introduces post-quantum KEMs used in conjunction with classical key exchange. The client and server still do an ECDH key exchange. Additionally, the server encapsulates a post-quantum shared secret to the client’s post-quantum KEM public key, which is advertised in the client’s SSH key exchange message. This strategy combines the high assurance of a classical key exchange with the security of the proposed post-quantum key exchanges, to help ensure that the handshakes are protected as long as the ECDH or the post-quantum shared secret cannot be broken.

More specifically, the PQ-hybrid key exchange SFTP support in Transfer Family includes combining post-quantum Kyber-512, Kyber-768, and Kyber-1024, with ECDH over P256, P384, P521, or Curve25519 curves. The corresponding SSH key exchange methods — [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] — are specified in the PQ-hybrid SSH key exchange draft.

Why Kyber?

AWS is committed to supporting standardized interoperable algorithms, so we wanted to introduce Kyber to SSH. Kyber was chosen for standardization by NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) project. Some standards bodies are already integrating Kyber in various protocols.

We also wanted to encourage interoperability by adopting, making available, and submitting for standardization, a draft that combines Kyber with NIST-approved curves like P256 for SSH. To help enhance security for our customers, the AWS implementation of the PQ key exchange in SFTP and SSH follows that draft.


The new key exchange methods — [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] — are supported in two new security policies in Transfer Family. These might change as the draft evolves towards standardization or when NIST ratifies the Kyber algorithm.

Is PQ-hybrid SSH key exchange aligned with cryptographic requirements like FIPS 140?

For customers that require FIPS compliance, Transfer Family provides FIPS cryptography in SSH by using the AWS-LC, open-source cryptographic library. The PQ-hybrid key exchange methods supported in the TransferSecurityPolicy-PQ-SSH-FIPS-Experimental-2023-04 policy in Transfer Family continue to meet FIPS requirements as described in SP 800-56Cr2 (section 2). BSI Germany and ANSSI France also recommend such PQ-hybrid key exchange methods.

How to test PQ SFTP with Transfer Family

To enable PQ-hybrid SFTP in Transfer Family, you need to enable one of the two security policies that support PQ-hybrid key exchange in your SFTP-enabled endpoint. You can choose the security policy when you create a new SFTP server endpoint in Transfer Family, as explained in the documentation; or by editing the Cryptographic algorithm options in an existing SFTP endpoint. The following figure shows an example of the AWS Management Console where you update the security policy.

Figure 1: Use the console to set the PQ-hybrid security policy in the Transfer Family endpoint

Figure 1: Use the console to set the PQ-hybrid security policy in the Transfer Family endpoint

The security policy names that support PQ key exchange in Transfer Family are TransferSecurityPolicy-PQ-SSH-Experimental-2023-04 and TransferSecurityPolicy-PQ-SSH-FIPS-Experimental-2023-04. For more details on Transfer Family policies, see Security policies for AWS Transfer Family.

After you choose the right PQ security policy in your SFTP Transfer Family endpoint, you can experiment with post-quantum SFTP in Transfer Family with an SFTP client that supports PQ-hybrid key exchange by following the guidance in the aforementioned draft specification. AWS tested and confirmed interoperability between the Transfer Family PQ-hybrid key exchange in SFTP and the SSH implementations of our collaborators on the NIST NCCOE Post-Quantum Migration project, namely OQS OpenSSH and wolfSSH.

OQS OpenSSH client

OQS OpenSSH is an open-source fork of OpenSSH that adds quantum-resistant cryptography to SSH by using liboqs. liboqs is an open-source C library that implements quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. OQS OpenSSH and liboqs are part of the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project.

To test PQ-hybrid key exchange in Transfer Family SFTP with OQS OpenSSH, you first need to build OQS OpenSSH, as explained in the project’s README. Then you can run the example SFTP client to connect to your AWS SFTP endpoint (for example, s-9999999999999999999.server.transfer.us-west-2.amazonaws.com) by using the PQ-hybrid key exchange methods, as shown in the following command. Make sure to replace <user_priv_key_PEM_file> with the SFTP user private key PEM-encoded file used for user authentication, and <username> with the username, and update the SFTP-enabled endpoint with the one that you created in Transfer Family.

./sftp -S ./ssh -v -o \
   KexAlgorithms=ecdh-nistp384-kyber-768r3-sha384-d00@openquantumsafe.org \
   -i <user_priv_key_PEM_file> \

wolfSSH client

wolfSSH is an SSHv2 client and server library that uses wolfCrypt for its cryptography. For more details and a link to download, see wolfSSL’s product licensing information

To test PQ-hybrid key exchange in Transfer Family SFTP with wolfSSH, you first need to build wolfSSH. When built with liboqs, the open-source library that implements post-quantum algorithms, wolfSSH automatically negotiates [email protected]. Run the example SFTP client to connect to your AWS SFTP server endpoint, as shown in the following command. Make sure to replace <user_priv_key_DER_file> with the SFTP user private key DER-encoded file used for user authentication, <user_public_key_PEM_file> with the corresponding SSH user public key PEM-formatted file, and <username> with the username. Also replace the s-9999999999999999999.server.transfer.us-west-2.amazonaws.com SFTP endpoint with the one that you created in Transfer Family.

./examples/sftpclient/wolfsftp -p 22 -u <username> \
      -i <user_priv_key_DER_file> -j <user_public_key_PEM_file> -h \

As we migrate to a quantum-resistant future, we expect that more SFTP and SSH clients will add support for PQ-hybrid key exchanges that are standardized for SSH.

How to confirm PQ-hybrid key exchange in SFTP

To confirm that PQ-hybrid key exchange was used in an SSH connection for SFTP to Transfer Family, check the client output and optionally use packet captures.

OQS OpenSSH client

The client output (omitting irrelevant information for brevity) should look similar to the following:

$./sftp -S ./ssh -v -o KexAlgorithms=ecdh-nistp384-kyber-768r3-sha384-d00@openquantumsafe.org -i panos_priv_key_PEM_file panos@s-9999999999999999999.server.transfer.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
OpenSSH_8.9-2022-01_p1, Open Quantum Safe 2022-08, OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022
debug1: Reading configuration data /home/lab/openssh/oqs-test/tmp/ssh_config
debug1: Authenticator provider $SSH_SK_PROVIDER did not resolve; disabling
debug1: Connecting to s-9999999999999999999.server.transfer.us-west-2.amazonaws.com [xx.yy.zz..12] port 22.
debug1: Connection established.
debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9-2022-01_
debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version AWS_SFTP_1.1
debug1: compat_banner: no match: AWS_SFTP_1.1
debug1: Authenticating to s-9999999999999999999.server.transfer.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:22 as 'panos'
debug1: load_hostkeys: fopen /home/lab/.ssh/known_hosts2: No such file or directory
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug1: kex: algorithm: [email protected]
debug1: kex: host key algorithm: ssh-ed25519
debug1: kex: server->client cipher: aes192-ctr MAC: [email protected] compression: none
debug1: kex: client->server cipher: aes192-ctr MAC: [email protected] compression: none
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY received
debug1: Server host key: ssh-ed25519 SHA256:BY3gNMHwTfjd4n2VuT4pTyLOk82zWZj4KEYEu7y4r/0
debug1: rekey out after 4294967296 blocks
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received
debug1: rekey in after 4294967296 blocks
Authenticated to AWS.Tranfer.PQ.SFTP.test-endpoint.aws.com ([xx.yy.zz..12]:22) using "publickey".s
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
Connected to s-9999999999999999999.server.transfer.us-west-2.amazonaws.com. sftp>

The output shows that client negotiation occurred using the PQ-hybrid [email protected] method and successfully established an SFTP session.

To view the negotiated PQ-hybrid key, you can use a packet capture in Wireshark or a similar network traffic analyzer. The key exchange method negotiation offered by the client should look similar to the following:

Figure 2: View the client proposed PQ-hybrid key exchange method in Wireshark

Figure 2: View the client proposed PQ-hybrid key exchange method in Wireshark

Figure 2 shows that the client is offering the PQ-hybrid key exchange method [email protected]. The Transfer Family SFTP server negotiates the same method, and the client offers a PQ-hybrid public key.

Figure 3: View the client P384 ECDH and Kyber-768 public keys

Figure 3: View the client P384 ECDH and Kyber-768 public keys

As shown in Figure 3, the client sent 1281 bytes for the PQ-hybrid public key. These are the ECDH P384 92-byte public key, the 1184-byte Kyber-768 public key, and 5 bytes of padding. The server response is of similar size and includes the 92-byte P384 public key and the 1088 Kyber-768 ciphertext.

wolfSSH client

The client output (omitting irrelevant information for brevity) should look similar to the following:

$ ./examples/sftpclient/wolfsftp -p 22 -u panos -i panos_priv_key_DER_file -j panos_public_key_PEM_file -h s-9999999999999999999.server.transfer.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] SSH-2.0-wolfSSHv1.4.12
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = [email protected]
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = unknown
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DNL: name ID = diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] connect state: SERVER_KEXINIT_DONE
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] connect state: CLIENT_KEXDH_INIT_SENT
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] Decoding MSGID_KEXDH_REPLY
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] Entering DoKexDhReply()
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DKDR: Calling the public key check callback
Sample public key check callback
  public key = 0x24d011a
  public key size = 104
  ctx = s-9999999999999999999.server.transfer.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
2023-05-25 17:37:24 [DEBUG] DKDR: public key accepted
2023-05-25 17:37:26 [DEBUG] Entering wolfSSH_get_error()
2023-05-25 17:37:26 [DEBUG] Entering wolfSSH_get_error()
wolfSSH sftp>

The output shows that the client negotiated the PQ-hybrid [email protected] method and successfully established a quantum- resistant SFTP session. A packet capture of this session would be very similar to the previous one.


In this blog post, we introduced the importance of both migrating to post-quantum cryptography and adopting standardized algorithms and protocols. We also shared our approach for bringing PQ-hybrid key exchanges to SSH, and how to use this today using SFTP with Transfer Family. Additionally, AWS employees are collaborating with other cryptography experts on a draft for PQ-hybrid SSH key exchange, which is the draft specification that Transfer Family follows.

If you have questions about how to use Transfer Family PQ key exchange, start a new thread in the Transfer Family for SFTP forum. If you want to learn more about post-quantum cryptography with AWS, contact the post-quantum cryptography team.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Panos Kampanakis

Panos Kampanakis

Panos is a Principal Security Engineer in AWS Cryptography organization. He has extensive experience in cybersecurity, applied cryptography, security automation, and vulnerability management. He has co-authored cybersecurity publications, and participated in various security standards bodies to provide common interoperable protocols and languages for security information sharing, cryptography, and PKI. Currently, he works with engineers and industry standards partners to provide cryptographic implementations, protocols, and standards.

Torben Hansen

Torben Hansen

Torben is a cryptographer on the AWS Cryptography team. He is focused on developing and deploying cryptographic libraries. He also contributes to the design and analysis of cryptographic solutions across AWS.

Alex Volanis

Alex Volanis

Alex is a Software Development Engineer at AWS with a background in distributed systems, cryptography, authentication and build tools. Currently working with the AWS Transfer Family team to provide scalable, secure, and high performing data transfer solutions for internal and external customers. Passionate coder and problem solver, and occasionally a pretty good skier.

Gerardo Ravago

Gerardo Ravago

Gerardo is a Senior Software Development Engineer in the AWS Cryptography organization, where he contributes to post-quantum cryptography and the Amazon Corretto Crypto Provider. In prior AWS roles, he’s worked on Storage Gateway and DataSync. Though a software developer by day, he enjoys diving deep into food, art, culture, and history through travel on his off days.

AWS Security Profile – Cryptography Edition: Panos Kampanakis, Principal Security Engineer

Post Syndicated from Roger Park original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-security-profile-panos-kampanakis/

AWS Security Profile – Cryptography Edition: Panos Kampanakis, Principal Security Engineer

In the AWS Security Profile — Cryptography Edition series, we interview Amazon Web Services (AWS) thought leaders who help keep our customers safe and secure. This interview features Panos Kampanakis, Principal Security Engineer, AWS Cryptography. Panos shares thoughts on data protection, cloud security, post-quantum cryptography, and more.

What do you do in your current role and how long have you been at AWS?

I have been with AWS for two years. I started as a Technical Program Manager in AWS Cryptography, where I led some AWS Cryptography projects related to cryptographic libraries and FIPS, but I’m currently working as a Principal Security Engineer on a team that focuses on applied cryptography, research, and cryptographic software. I also participate in standardization efforts in the security space, especially in cryptographic applications. It’s a very active space that can consume as much time as you have to offer.

How did you get started in the data protection/ cryptography space? What about it piqued your interest?

I always found cybersecurity fascinating. The idea of proactively focusing on security and enabling engineers to protect their assets against malicious activity was exciting. After working in organizations that deal with network security, application security, vulnerability management, and security information sharing, I found myself going back to what I did in graduate school: applied cryptography. 

Cryptography is a constantly evolving, fundamental area of security that requires breadth of technical knowledge and understanding of mathematics. It provides a challenging environment for those that like to constantly learn. Cryptography is so critical to the security and privacy of data and assets that it is top of mind for the private and public sector worldwide.

How do you explain your job to your non-tech friends?

I usually tell them that my work focuses on protecting digital assets, information, and the internet from malicious actors. With cybersecurity incidents constantly in the news, it’s an easy picture to paint. Some of my non-technical friends still joke that I work as a security guard!

What makes cryptography exciting to you?

Cryptography is fundamental to security. It’s critical for the protection of data and many other secure information use cases. It combines deep mathematical topics, data information, practical performance challenges that threaten deployments at scale, compliance with various requirements, and subtle potential security issues. It’s certainly a challenging space that keeps evolving. Post-quantum or privacy preserving cryptography are examples of areas that have gained a lot of attention recently and have been consistently growing.

Given the consistent evolution of security in general, this is an important and impactful space where you can work on challenging topics. Additionally, working in cryptography, you are surrounded by intelligent people who you can learn from.

AWS has invested in the migration to post-quantum cryptography by contributing to post-quantum key agreement and post-quantum signature schemes to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of customer data. What should customers do to prepare for post-quantum cryptography?

There are a few things that customers can do while waiting for the ratification of the new quantum-safe algorithms and their deployment. For example, you can inventory the use of asymmetric cryptography in your applications and software. Admittedly, this is not a simple task, but with proper subject matter expertise and instrumentation where necessary, you can identify where you’re using quantum-vulnerable algorithms in order to prioritize the uses. AWS is doing this exercise to have a prioritized plan for the upcoming migration.

You can also study and experiment with the potential impact of these new algorithms in critical use cases. There have been many studies on transport protocols like TLS, virtual private networks (VPNs), Secure Shell (SSH), and QUIC, but organizations might have unique uses that haven’t been accounted for yet. For example, a firm that specializes in document signing might require efficient signature methods with small size constraints, so deploying Dilithium, NIST’s preferred quantum-safe signature, could come at a cost. Evaluating its impact and performance implications would be important. If you write your own crypto software, you can also strive for algorithm agility, which would allow you to swap in new algorithms when they become available. 

More importantly, you should push your vendors, your hardware suppliers, the software and open-source community, and cloud providers to adjust and enable their solutions to become quantum-safe in the near future.

What’s been the most dramatic change you’ve seen in the data protection and post-quantum cryptography landscape?

The transition from typical cryptographic algorithms to ones that can operate on encrypted data is an important shift in the last decade. This is a field that’s still seeing great development. It’s interesting how the power of data has brought forward a whole new area of being able to operate on encrypted information so that we can benefit from the analytics. For more information on the work that AWS is doing in this space, see Cryptographic Computing.

In terms of post-quantum cryptography, it’s exciting to see how an important potential risk brought a community from academia, industry, and research together to collaborate and bring new schemes to life. It’s also interesting how existing cryptography has reached optimal efficiency levels that the new cryptographic primitives sometimes cannot meet, which pushes the industry to reconsider some of our uses. Sometimes the industry might overestimate the potential impact of quantum computing to technology, but I don’t believe we should disregard the effect of heavier algorithms on performance, our carbon footprint, energy consumption, and cost. We ought to aim for efficient solutions that don’t undermine security.

Where do you see post-quantum cryptography heading in the future?

Post-quantum cryptography has received a lot of attention, and a transition is about to start ramping up after we have ratified algorithms. Although it’s sometimes considered a Herculian effort, some use cases can transition smoothly.

AWS and other industry peers and researchers have already evaluated some post-quantum migration strategies. With proper prioritization and focus, we can address some of the most important applications and gradually transition the rest. There might be some applications that will have no clear path to a post-quantum future, but most will. At AWS, we are committed to making the transitions necessary to protect our customer data against future threats.

What are you currently working on that you look forward to sharing with customers’?

I’m currently focused on bringing post-quantum algorithms to our customers’ cryptographic use cases. I’m looking into the challenges that this upcoming migration will bring and participating in standards and industry collaborations that will hopefully enable a simpler transition for everyone. 

I also engage on various topics with our cryptographic libraries teams (for example, AWS-LC and s2n-tls). We build these libraries with security and performance in mind, and they are used in software across AWS.

Additionally, I work with some AWS service teams to help enable compliance with various cryptographic requirements and regulations.

Is there something you wish customers would ask you about more often?

I wish customers asked more often about provable security and how to integrate such solutions in their software. This is a fascinating field that can prevent serious issues where cryptography can go wrong. It’s a complicated topic. I would like for customers to become more aware of the importance of provable security especially in open-source software before adopting it in their solutions. Using provably secure software that is designed for performance and compliance with crypto requirements is beneficial to everyone.

I also wish customers asked more about why AWS made certain choices when deploying new mechanisms. In areas of active research, it’s often simpler to experimentally build a proof-of-concept of a new mechanism and test and prove its performance in a controlled benchmark scenario. On the other hand, it’s usually not trivial to deploy new solutions at scale (especially given the size and technological breadth of AWS), to help ensure backwards compatibility, commit to supporting these solutions in the long run, and make sure they’re suitable for various uses. I wish I had more opportunities to go over with customers the effort that goes into vetting and deploying new mechanisms at scale.

You have frequently contributed to cybersecurity publications, what is your favorite recent article and why?

I’m excited about a vision paper that I co-authored with Tancrède Lepoint called Do we need to change some things? Open questions posed by the upcoming post-quantum migration to existing standards and deployments. We are presenting this paper at the Security Standardisation Research Conference 2023. The paper discussed some open questions posed by the upcoming post-quantum transition. It also proposed some standards updates and research topics on cryptographic issues that we haven’t addressed yet.

How about outside of work—any hobbies?

I used to play basketball when I was younger, but I no longer have time. I spend most of my time with my family and little toddlers who have infinite amounts of energy. When I find an opportunity, I like reading books and short stories or watching quality films.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Roger Park

Roger Park

Roger is a Senior Security Content Specialist at AWS Security focusing on data protection. He has worked in cybersecurity for almost ten years as a writer and content producer. In his spare time, he enjoys trying new cuisines, gardening, and collecting records.

Panos Kampanakis

Panos Kampanakis

Panos has extensive experience with cyber security, applied cryptography, security automation, and vulnerability management. In his professional career, he has trained and presented on various security topics at technical events for numerous years. He has co-authored cybersecurity publications and participated in various security standards bodies to provide common interoperable protocols and languages for security information sharing, cryptography, and PKI. Currently, he works with engineers and industry standards partners to provide cryptographically secure tools, protocols, and standards.

How to tune TLS for hybrid post-quantum cryptography with Kyber

Post Syndicated from Brian Jarvis original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-tune-tls-for-hybrid-post-quantum-cryptography-with-kyber/

We are excited to offer hybrid post-quantum TLS with Kyber for AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). In this blog post, we share the performance characteristics of our hybrid post-quantum Kyber implementation, show you how to configure a Maven project to use it, and discuss how to prepare your connection settings for Kyber post-quantum cryptography (PQC).

After five years of intensive research and cryptanalysis among partners from academia, the cryptographic community, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST has selected Kyber for post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) standardization. This marks the beginning of the next generation of public key encryption. In time, the classical key establishment algorithms we use today, like RSA and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), will be replaced by quantum-secure alternatives. At AWS Cryptography, we’ve been researching and analyzing the candidate KEMs through each round of the NIST selection process. We began supporting Kyber in round 2 and continue that support today.

A cryptographically relevant quantum computer that is capable of breaking RSA and ECC does not yet exist. However, we are offering hybrid post-quantum TLS with Kyber today so that customers can see how the performance differences of PQC affect their workloads. We also believe that the use of PQC raises the already-high security bar for connecting to AWS KMS and ACM, making this feature attractive for customers with long-term confidentiality needs.

Performance of hybrid post-quantum TLS with Kyber

Hybrid post-quantum TLS incurs a latency and bandwidth overhead compared to classical crypto alone. To quantify this overhead, we measured how long S2N-TLS takes to negotiate hybrid post-quantum (ECDHE + Kyber) key establishment compared to ECDHE alone. We performed the tests with the Linux perf subsystem on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) c6i.4xlarge instance in the US East (Northern Virginia) AWS Region, and we initiated 2,000 TLS connections to a test server running in the US West (Oregon) Region, to include typical internet latencies.

Figure 1 shows the latencies of a TLS handshake that uses classical ECDHE and hybrid post-quantum (ECDHE + Kyber) key establishment. The columns are separated to illustrate the CPU time spent by the client and server compared to the time spent sending data over the network.

Figure 1: Latency of classical compared to hybrid post-quantum TLS handshake

Figure 1: Latency of classical compared to hybrid post-quantum TLS handshake

Figure 2 shows the bytes sent and received during the TLS handshake, as measured by the client, for both classical ECDHE and hybrid post-quantum (ECDHE + Kyber) key establishment.

Figure 2: Bandwidth of classical compared to hybrid post-quantum TLS handshake

Figure 2: Bandwidth of classical compared to hybrid post-quantum TLS handshake

This data shows that the overhead for using hybrid post-quantum key establishment is 0.25 ms on the client, 0.23 ms on the server, and an additional 2,356 bytes on the wire. Intra-Region tests would result in lower network latency. Your latencies also might vary depending on network conditions, CPU performance, server load, and other variables.

The results show that the performance of Kyber is strong; the additional latency is one of the top contenders among the NIST PQC candidates that we analyzed in a previous blog post. In fact, the performance of these ciphers has improved during our latest test, because x86-64 assembly-optimized versions of these ciphers are now available for use.

Configure a Maven project for hybrid post-quantum TLS

In this section, we provide a Maven configuration and code example that will show you how to get started using our assembly-optimized, hybrid post-quantum TLS configuration with Kyber.

To configure a Maven project for hybrid post-quantum TLS

  1. Get the preview release of the AWS Common Runtime HTTP client for the AWS SDK for Java 2.x. Your Maven dependency configuration should specify version 2.17.69-PREVIEW or newer, as shown in the following code sample.

  2. Configure the desired cipher suite in your code’s initialization. The following code sample configures an AWS KMS client to use the latest hybrid post-quantum cipher suite.
    // Check platform support
        throw new RuntimeException(“Hybrid post-quantum cipher suites are not supported.”);
    // Configure HTTP client   
    SdkAsyncHttpClient awsCrtHttpClient = AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient.builder()
    // Create the AWS KMS async client
    KmsAsyncClient kmsAsync = KmsAsyncClient.builder()

With that, all calls made with your AWS KMS client will use hybrid post-quantum TLS. You can use the latest hybrid post-quantum cipher suite with ACM by following the preceding example but using an AcmAsyncClient instead.

Tune connection settings for hybrid post-quantum TLS

Although hybrid post-quantum TLS has some latency and bandwidth overhead on the initial handshake, that cost is amortized over the duration of the TLS session, and you can fine-tune your connection settings to help further reduce the cost. In this section, you learn three ways to reduce the impact of hybrid PQC on your TLS connections: connection pooling, connection timeouts, and TLS session resumption.

Connection pooling

Connection pools manage the number of active connections to a server. They allow a connection to be reused without closing and reopening it, which amortizes the cost of connection establishment over time. Part of a connection’s setup time is the TLS handshake, so you can use connection pools to help reduce the impact of an increase in handshake latency.

To illustrate this, we wrote a test application that generates approximately 200 transactions per second to a test server. We varied the maximum concurrency setting of the HTTP client and measured the latency of the test request. In the AWS CRT HTTP client, this is the maxConcurrency setting. If the connection pool doesn’t have an idle connection available, the request latency includes establishing a new connection. Using Wireshark, we captured the network traffic to observe the number of TLS handshakes that took place over the duration of the application. Figure 3 shows the request latency and number of TLS handshakes as the maxConcurrency setting is increased.

Figure 3: Median request latency and number of TLS handshakes as concurrency pool size increases

Figure 3: Median request latency and number of TLS handshakes as concurrency pool size increases

The biggest latency benefit occurred with a maxConcurrency value greater than 1. Beyond that, the latencies were past the point of diminishing returns. For all maxConcurrency values of 10 and below, additional TLS handshakes took place within the connections, but they didn’t have much impact on median latency. These inflection points will depend on your application’s request volume. The takeaway is that connection pooling allows connections to be reused, thereby spreading the cost of any increased TLS negotiation time over many requests.

More detail about using the maxConcurrency option can be found in the AWS SDK for Java API Reference.

Connection timeouts

Connection timeouts work in conjunction with connection pooling. Even if you use a connection pool, there is a limit to how long idle connections stay open before the pool closes them. You can adjust this time limit to save on connection establishment overhead.

A nice way to visualize this setting is to imagine bursty traffic patterns. Despite tuning the connection pool concurrency, your connections keep closing because the burst period is longer than the idle time limit. By increasing the maximum idle time, you can reuse these connections despite bursty behavior.

To simulate the impact of connection timeouts, we wrote a test application that starts 10 threads, each of which activate at the same time on a periodic schedule every 5 seconds for a minute. We set maxConcurrency to 10 to allow each thread to have its own connection. We set connectionMaxIdleTime of the AWS CRT HTTP client to 1 second for the first test; and to 10 seconds for the second test.

When the maximum idle time was 1 second, the connections for all 10 threads closed during the time between each burst. As a result, 100 total connections were formed over the life of the test, causing a median request latency of 20.3 ms. When we changed the maximum idle time to 10 seconds, the 10 initial connections were reused by each subsequent burst, reducing the median request latency to 5.9 ms.

By setting the connectionMaxIdleTime appropriately for your application, you can reduce connection establishment overhead, including TLS negotiation time, to help achieve time savings throughout the life of your application.

More detail about using the connectionMaxIdleTime option can be found in the AWS SDK for Java API Reference.

TLS session resumption

TLS session resumption allows a client and server to bypass the key agreement that is normally performed to arrive at a new shared secret. Instead, communication quickly resumes by using a shared secret that was previously negotiated, or one that was derived from a previous secret (the implementation details depend on the version of TLS in use). This feature requires that both the client and server support it, but if available, TLS session resumption allows the TLS handshake time and bandwidth increases associated with hybrid PQ to be amortized over the life of multiple connections.


As you learned in this post, hybrid post-quantum TLS with Kyber is available for AWS KMS and ACM. This new cipher suite raises the security bar and allows you to prepare your workloads for post-quantum cryptography. Hybrid key agreement has some additional overhead compared to classical ECDHE, but you can mitigate these increases by tuning your connection settings, including connection pooling, connection timeouts, and TLS session resumption. Begin using hybrid key agreement today with AWS KMS and ACM.

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Brian Jarvis

Brian Jarvis

Brian is a Senior Software Engineer at AWS Cryptography. His interests are in post-quantum cryptography and cryptographic hardware. Previously, Brian worked in AWS Security, developing internal services used throughout the company. Brian holds a Bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt University and a Master’s degree from George Mason University in Computer Engineering. He plans to finish his PhD “some day”.