All posts by Zip Zieper

Email Journaling with SES Mail Manager

Post Syndicated from Zip Zieper original

Introduction to Journaling

Email journaling is the practice of preserving comprehensive records of all email communications within an organization. This approach stems from the need to maintain rigid, compliance-driven retention policies focused on auditing an entire organization’s email activities. Because journaled email messages are often required to satisfy on-demand audit and investigation requests, they must be readily searchable, making accessibility a key requirement. Reflecting legal and regulatory requirements, email journaling has historically required expensive, dedicated off-site storage and complex retrieval systems.

Amazon WorkMail is a managed business email service with flexible journaling capabilities that are configurable at both the individual mailbox and organization-wide level. With WorkMail, you can use custom rules to selectively preserve or redirect certain messages using granular journaling controls. This flexibility allows administrators to implement both traditional email journaling and configurations that you can customize to meet specific use cases.

Email journaling is used to capture and retain every email sent to and from an organization, primarily for compliance purposes. In contrast, email archiving is typically used to offload and store emails from an organization’s primary email system, often driven by inbox size limits and data backup or eDiscovery needs. While journaling focuses on preserving a consolidated record of communications separate from live mailboxes, archiving is a more selective process. Journaling is usually driven by regulatory, audit, and compliance requirements. As discussed in this blog post, you can use the Mail Manager archiving feature not only for selective email backup and optimization, but also to fulfill your email journaling requirements. You can learn more about email archiving with Mail Manager in this blog post.

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Mail Manager provides comprehensive tools that simplify managing large volumes of email communications within an organization. Mail Manager has a built-in archiving function which can be used as an inexpensive journaling solution for email systems like Amazon WorkMail. Mail Manager’s rules engine allows for the creation of rules that readily satisfy a wide range of email journaling requirements. Additionally, Mail Manager’s archiving capability supports multiple, concurrent archiving destinations that can be independently searched and exported on demand.

In this blog post, we discuss how Amazon WorkMail and Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Mail Manager make email journaling easier to set up and use, more cost-effective and versatile. We’ll walk the reader through setting up email journaling for an Amazon WorkMail organization that uses SES Mail Manager’s routing, processing, and archiving features.

SES Mail Manager as Journaling Destination for WorkMail

For our purposes, we’ll assume you’ve already set up WorkMail as your mailbox provider, but the process described below will work with the journaling features of most 3rd party email solutions. If you want to explore Amazon WorkMail, visit the getting started documentation here.

In the following sections, we’ll describe how to configure WorkMail journaling to send full email journals to SES Mail Manager’s archives. We’ll define different retention periods for each archive to demonstrate how this solution can be used to meet both short and long-term retention requirements. Finally, we’ll use the AWS SES Mail Manager console to search, export, and manage the email journals and archives.

In our examples, we’ll use Amazon Route 53 to create a new domain called ‘’ which we’ll configure to send all ‘’ emails to an SES Mail Manager Ingest endpoint. To begin, open the AWS Console, navigate to your WorkMail Organization’s settings, and click on the Journaling tab:

Organization settings Journaling tab

Organization settings Journaling tab

Click Edit, enable journaling, and provide a journaling email address (we’re using ‘[email protected]’) to receive journaled content. Provide a report email address, such as the admin email list, to receive journaling reports:

Provide a Journaling email address

Provide a Journaling email address

Open the AWS SES console in a new browser window, and navigate to Mail Manager’s Rule sets. Create a new rule set called ‘journaling-rule-demo’. Click Edit and create a new rule called “journal-all”, with an Archive action. Click the create an archive button and create an archive called ‘journaling-archive-demo’:

Create a new Rule Set called ‘Journaling-rule-demo’

Create a new Rule Set called ‘Journaling-rule-demo’

When creating Mail Manager archives, you have options to set the retention period from 3 months to permanent storage. You can also choose to encrypt your archived messages with your own KMS key. The configuration in our example is for permanent storage and shows the optional text field for using your own KMS key:

you can encrypt the archived messages with your own KMS key

you can encrypt the archived messages with your own KMS key

Traditional journaling calls for recording every email message to the journal, so for our ‘journal-all’ rule, we will not define filtering behaviors in the rule set. This will instruct Mail manager to send all emails for [email protected] to the journaling-archive-demo archive. It is worth noting that Mail Manager’s rule set can be configured to filter and independently process multiple recipient addresses. Consult the documentation to learn about other ways to customize Mail Manager for your use cases.

Next, create a new traffic policy, called journaling-traffic-demo, and configure it to reject any message not explicitly sent to the journaling destination address ([email protected]):

Create a new Traffic policy, called ‘Journaling-traffic-demo’

Create a new Traffic policy, called ‘Journaling-traffic-demo’

Create an open ingress endpoint called ‘journaling-demo-IG’, and select the ‘journaling-traffic-demo’ traffic policy and ‘journaling-rule-demo’ rule set:

Create an Open Ingress endpoint called ‘Journaling-demo-IG’,

Create an Open Ingress endpoint called ‘Journaling-demo-IG’,

After you press the create Ingest endpoint button, Mail Manager will create an Ingress endpoint and assign it a DNS A Record to be used in your DNS configurations to route email to Mail Manager:

Mail Manager Ingress endpoint DNS A Record to be used in your DNS configurations

Mail Manager Ingress endpoint DNS A Record to be used in your DNS configurations

From the General details page of the Ingress endpoint, copy the Ingress endpoint’s DNS A Record to your clipboard. Open a new browser window to your DNS provider’s MX configuration page (in our example below, we’re using AWS Route53). Edit the MX record for ‘’ by pasting the Ingress endpoint A record. This configuration will route email sent to any address ‘’ to the Mail Manager’s Ingress endpoint for processing by the Traffic policy and Rule set:

Using AWS Route53 to edit MX record for ‘’ to Ingress endpoint A record

Using AWS Route53 to edit MX record for ‘’ to Ingress endpoint A record

To test your new journaling configuration, send several emails to several email addresses in your WorkMail organization (or the alternative inbox provider you configured in the first step). WorkMail (or your alternative inbox provider) will send a full record of all emails to the journaling destination address ([email protected]).

Wait a few minutes after sending the emails above, then open the AWS Mail Manager console’s archiving controls and search for messages sent in the last 12 hours:

AWS Mail Manager console’s archiving controls

AWS Mail Manager console’s archiving controls

The example above shows a search for all messages received in the “last 12 hours”, with no other filters specified. The results show every message inserted into the archive in this timeframe. You’ll see one entry where the from address is different (from toby@tegwj@…). This is an example of mail that was sent directly to the journaling destination address ([email protected]). This works because our traffic policy and rule set configurations don’t include any filters.

A cost effective solution at scale

Using Mail Manager as a journaling solution gives you more direct control over your costs than typical journaling services. While most journaling services in the market today charge a fixed rate per journaled mailbox, Mail Manager pricing is comprised of a monthly fixed fee per ingestion endpoint and consumption pricing for basic message handling, and the amount of data archived.

For example, imagine your organization has 250 mailboxes, each handling 50 messages per day. On a monthly basis this amounts to 375,000 messages. If we assume each message is 40 kilobytes in size, your organization is generating roughly 15 gigabytes of email per month. As you can see from the table below, the total cost in month 1 is about $140, or $0.56/mailbox.

|Item |Unit Price |Volume |Subtotal/Mo |
|— |— |— |— |
|Ingress Endpoint |$50/mo |1 |$50 |
|Core message processing |$0.15/1000 msgs |375 |$56.25 |
|Archive insertion/indexing |$2/GB (one-time) |15 |$30 |
|Archive storage |$0.19/GB/mo |15 |$2.85 |
|Subtotal: | | |$139.10 |
| |Monthly price per mailbox |$0.56 |

If the proposed email rate in our assumptions stays constant, the Mail Manager archive will grow by 15 gigabytes each month. After 36 months, the total monthly storage cost increases to $102.60. This results in a total monthly spend in month 36 of $238.85, or $0.96/mailbox/month.


In this blog post, we’ve explored how Amazon WorkMail and Amazon SES Mail Manager can provide a cost-effective and accessible solution for email journaling. By leveraging the flexible journaling capabilities of WorkMail and the archiving features of SES Mail Manager, organizations can easily satisfy rigorous compliance requirements around email retention and accessibility.

The combination of WorkMail’s journaling controls and SES Mail Manager’s rule-based archiving allows you to tailor your journaling solution to your specific needs. Whether you require short-term retention for audits or long-term preservation for legal and regulatory purposes, SES Mail Manager’s flexible archiving options have you covered with predictable and transparent costs that scale with your organization’s email volume.

If you’re looking for a modern, scalable, and cost-effective solution for your email journaling needs, we encourage you to explore the capabilities of Amazon SES Mail Manager. Get started today by visiting the AWS documentation and begin streamlining your email compliance and retention processes.

About the Authors

Toby Weir-Jones

Toby Weir-Jones

Toby is a Principal Product Manager for Amazon SES and WorkMail. He joined AWS in January 2021 and has significant experience in both business and consumer information security products and services. His focus on email solutions at SES is all about tackling a product that everyone uses and finding ways to bring innovation and improved performance to one of the most ubiquitous IT tools.



Zip is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, working with Amazon Pinpoint and Simple Email Service and WorkMail. Outside of work he enjoys time with his family, cooking, mountain biking, boating, learning and beach plogging.

Andy Wong

Andy Wong

Andy Wong is a Sr. Product Manager with the Amazon WorkMail team. He has 10 years of diverse experience in supporting enterprise customers and scaling start-up companies across different industries. Andy’s favorite activities outside of technology are soccer, tennis and free-diving.

Bruno Giorgini

Bruno Giorgini

Bruno Giorgini is a Senior Solutions Architect specializing in Pinpoint and SES. With over two decades of experience in the IT industry, Bruno has been dedicated to assisting customers of all sizes in achieving their objectives. When he is not crafting innovative solutions for clients, Bruno enjoys spending quality time with his wife and son, exploring the scenic hiking trails around the SF Bay Area.

How to use SES Mail Manager SMTP Relay action to deliver inbound email to Google Workspace and Microsoft 365

Post Syndicated from Zip Zieper original


Customers often ask us if the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) inbound capabilities they use with applications hosted on AWS infrastructure can also be used to process and automate employee email hosted on public services like Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. The answer has typically been “yes, but with some limitations”, as until now, SES inbound has been somewhat constrained by the fact that it didn’t support relaying messages for an existing domain. This limitation makes it very difficult to fully manage email flows across hybrid email environments.

Such conversations led the SES team to create Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Mail Manager which offers a set of capabilities that simplify managing large volumes of email communications within an organization. Mail Manager’s rules set conditions and actions can optimize routing for improved delivery and communication flow, both for incoming and outgoing emails. Mail Manager’s email security features can be augmented by optional add-ons from industry-leading, vetted third-party providers. Flexible archiving features help organizations meet stringent compliance and record-keeping requirements.

In this blog, we position Mail Manager as a central ingress gateway for a fictitious company,, that is based on real-world AWS customers. We discuss the customer challenges and explain how to configure Mail Manager’s SMTP Relay action to intercept, archive then deliver emails destined for employees’ Google Workspace hosted Gmail and Microsoft 365 hosted Exchange Online mailboxes. Similar mail flows can be used to process, automate and archive emails destined for their AWS hosted apps.

You can learn more about all of Mail Manager’s capabilities here.

Customer background and use case

Our fictitious company,, is an online retail business with multiple employee departments, including administration, marketing, sales and fulfillment. The company has acquired several smaller rivals that use both Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 to host their employee inboxes, and plan to consolidate all users onto the same domain ( such as [email protected] and [email protected]). They also host several applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that use Amazon SES’ inbound capability to receive emails using a subdomain *customer-support*, such as orders@*customer-support* and returns@*customer-support* is looking for a solution to unify all their email domain routing, security and archiving processes onto one centralized management system to simplify their email infrastructure. They want an approach that provides more flexibility to control which addresses and domains are used for apps and automation as well as employee mail. They also want to enhance email compliance and governance with a flexible solution for screening, processing and archiving inbound emails to both employees and applications, before delivering those emails to recipient inboxes on Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 and applications hosted on AWS.

The SES Mail Manger based central ingress and egress gateway architecture we propose will allow to manage their peer-to-peer and application-driven emails in one place, Amazon SES. It will simplify email security and management, and make it easy to unlock new cloud-enabled email use cases. The architecture can be modified to acommodate a wide variety of email infrastructure, including fully cloud hosted, on-premises, and hybrid mailbox hosting environments.

What is an Inbound SMTP Gateway?

An Inbound SMTP Gateway is an SMTP server that accepts inbound email via an Open Ingress Point, and then delivers those messages to another email environment’s inbound SMTP server. In the diagram below, Mail Manger is configured as an inbound SMTP Gateway:

Figure 1: Diagram of the inbound gateway mail flow to a mailbox hosting environment

Figure 1: Diagram of the inbound gateway mail flow to a mailbox hosting environment

“Inbound email” refers to email traffic flows where the originator of the message can be either a trusted (for example: the UK division of or an untrusted (for example: a customer or vendor) entity. To send an email, the originating email system looks up the recipient domain’s MX record in the global DNS system to determine the address for the recipient’s inbound mail server. Once a connection is established on port 25, the originating server delivers the email message using the SMTP protocol typically using STARTTLS for transport level encryption. Inbound messages are typically authenticated using the SPF, DKIM, and DMARC industry standard protocols, which help ensure the messages are coming from the legitimate sender’s domain.

An Inbound SMTP gateway can act on messages, for example to process and/or archive, before passing them along to the end recipient’s email server. To learn more about archiving emails in transit, visit this blog.

Configuring Mail Manager as an Inbound SMTP Gateway

Before we can configure Mail Manager as an Inbound Gateway for’s Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 hosted mailboxes, we need to “allow-list” Mail Manager in’s Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 settings. Allow-listing in this context refers to configuring the hosted mailbox environments such that Mail Manager is not identified as the source of messages, but rather as an SMTP relay.

This configuration is necessary because the messages being relayed through Mail Manager originate from both trusted and untrusted senders. This mail flow will contain both wanted and, potentially, unwanted messages. Mail Manager is the intermediary, not the source of potentially unwanted email passing through Mail Manager’s Open Ingress Point before being relayed to the destination mailbox environment.

If Mail Manager is not allow-listed, inbound email that is relayed thru Mail Manager’s Open Ingress Point will fail SPF checks because the IP addresses of the intermediary server are not authorized by the domain’s SPF policy. Since DMARC relies on SPF, messages from intermediary mail servers will fail the domain’s DMARC policy if they are not signed with a domain-aligned DKIM signature.

Mailbox hosting environments and their anti-spam algorithms rely on SPF, DKIM and DMARC for authenticating different inbound mail flow configurations before making an assessment about the message’s disposition. Properly authenticated messages, if not otherwise identified as unwanted by recipients and their security administrator, are delivered to Inboxes. Messages that are not authenticated are more likely to be treated as spam. Messages from intermediary servers can sometimes be mistaken as spoofed or unwanted messages.

By allow-listing the egress IP addresses of the Mail Manager servers,’s Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 hosting environments will be able to assess the correct SPF result when receiving inbound email from Mail Manager.

Note: Do not include Mail Manager’s IP addresses in the domain’s SPF policy, These IP addresses are shared by other Mail Manager customers so including them in the domain’s SPF policy can introduce a security risk.

Note: It is also possible to use DKIM and ARC for allow-listing mail streams, but Gmail and Exchange Online both support IP allow-listing.

Note:’s Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 hosting environments may still make a spam assessment about the messages under the context that Mail Manager is not the original sender, but this is not common.

Figure 2: Diagram of the SES Mail Manager architecture to accept inbound email via an open Ingress endpoint and configured with a Rule set condition to relay messages with the SMTP Relay action.

Figure 2: Diagram of the SES Mail Manager architecture to accept inbound email via an open Ingress endpoint and configured with a Rule set condition to relay messages with the SMTP Relay action.

In the diagram above, the interaction points are as follows:

1. Email senders look in DNS to discover the MX record for
2. The value of the domain’s MX record is the A record of the Mail Manager Ingress endpoint. The Ingress endpoint is configured as an ‘open’ Ingress endpoint so that it can receive inbound email without requiring SMTP Auth
3. The Ingress endpoint traffic policy is configured to allow and deny traffic
4. The Rule Set conditions determine which messages are to be relayed
5. The SMTP Relay action relays messages for recipients that are SES verified identities

Configuring Mail Manager as an Inbound SMTP Gateway


  • Access to the administrative console for’s Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 hosted mailboxes
  • Access to the DNS zone hosting the MX records for the’s domains

Step 1: Allow-list the regional Mail Manager IP addresses in’s Google Workspace and Microsoft 365, and create the Mail Manager relay action(s) in AWS SES console.

  • If you do not configure the allow-list’s Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 hosted, it may cause those mailbox providers to reject as spam or send to junk the emails replayed from your Mail Manager environment.

Step 1-a: Follow the instructions to allow-list Mail Manager to relay email to’s Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 environments.

Step1-b: Create an SMTP relay for your mailbox hosting environment

* See Creating an SMTP relay in the SES console

Figure 3: Screenshot of an SMTP Relay rule action configured for Microsoft 365 Exchange Online inbound receiving

Figure 3: Screenshot of an SMTP Relay rule action configured for Microsoft 365 Exchange Online inbound receiving

Figure 4: Screenshot of an SMTP Relay rule action configured for Google Workspaces Gmail inbound receiving

Figure 4: Screenshot of an SMTP Relay rule action configured for Google Workspaces Gmail inbound receiving

Because hosts email in both Google Workspace and Microsoft 365, we must create SMTP Relay actions for both.

Step 2: In SES console, verify’s email domain, which is

SES needs to prove that owns the domain of each of the recipient addresses before it will begin relaying inbound email. If you cannot verify ownership of the recipient email destinations, SES will not relay messages.

Follow the instructions to verify’s SES domain identity for the recipient email addresses within’s Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 environments. (*note that subdomains such as inherit verification from the parent domain*).

Figure 5: Screenshot of a successfully verified domain in the SES console.

Figure 5: Screenshot of a successfully verified domain in the SES console.

Step 3: Configure Mail Manager with an Open Ingress Point and Rule Set Action to relay inbound email to the mailbox hosting environment.

Step 3-a: See Create a Traffic Policy to accept inbound email from the internet.

  • Default action: Allow
    (Optional) Add Policy statements, depending on your requirements. Choose the action to be taken when the filter conditions are met: Deny

    • While does not want to apply additional security via the SMTP Relay gateway, Mail Manager supports both native capabilities and optional add-on subscriptions to 3rd party tools from vetted industry leaders such as Spamhaus and Abusix.
Figure 6: Screenshot of a traffic policy for accepting all email from the internet

Figure 6: Screenshot of a traffic policy for accepting all email from the internet

Step 3-b: Follow the instructions for creating rule sets and rules in the SES console.

  • Select the SMTP Relay that you created in Step 1-b and enable the **Preserve Mail From** option.
    • The ‘Preserve Mail From’ setting is necessary so that the mailbox provider can be configured to make the correct assessment of the message’s SPF policy evaluation, assuming that the allow-list configuration Step 1 is complete.
  • Add any conditions and exceptions for each rule, depending on your needs.
    • You may want to create a condition for the SMTP Relay rule so that only messages destined for recipients within your domain are relayed to the appropriate SMTP Relay action, and choose a different action for the recipients who are not hosted in your environment, such as the Archive action.
    • If you have both Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 configured as SMTP Relay destinations, you may combine the SMTP Relay actions in a single rule if the conditions are the same, or create them as separate rules if the conditions need to be different
Figure 7: A Mail Manager rule configured with an SMTP Relay action for Google Workspaces and another SMTP Relay actions for Microsoft 365

Figure 7: A Mail Manager rule configured with an SMTP Relay action for Google Workspaces and another SMTP Relay actions for Microsoft 365

Step 3-c: Follow the documentation for Creating an Ingress Point.

The Mail Manager Ingress point needs to be ‘Open“ for this use case because internet mail senders need to connect to port 25 and send without SMTP authentication for inbound mail flows.

  • Type: Open
    Traffic policy: Choose the traffic policy that you created step 3-a
    Rule set: Choose the rule set that you created in step 3-b

After saving the ingress endpoint settings, you should see something similar in the console.

Figure 8: Screenshot of an ‘open’ Mail Manager Ingress endpoint configured with a rule set and traffic policy

Figure 8: Screenshot of an ‘open’ Mail Manager Ingress endpoint configured with a rule set and traffic policy

Step 4. Verify your configuration and change your domain’s MX record

Once you have finished configuring Mail Manager with an Inbound Gateway configuration you will have:

  • An Open ingress point that does not require authentication and has an open traffic policy to allow messages from the internet.
  • A Rule set with SMTP Relay actions that will relay inbound messages to Google Workspace and/or Microsoft 365.

Step 4-a: Test your configuration

  • Ingress point: You can test that the Ingress endpoint receives email by using an SMTP capable client application, such as “openssl s_client” from a host that allows for outbound port 25 connections to the A Record of your Open Ingress Point (many ISPs and cloud infrastructure providers block port 25 by default to stop the proliferation of spam on the internet). If you get a “250 OK” response from the SMTP transaction, the Ingress point is configured correctly.
  • Rule set: You can test your Rule set by sending a message to your Ingress endpoint that has a recipient destination that is both a verified domain, and a domain that is hosted by your mailbox environment. You may want to add the Archive and/or Save to S3 rule actions to occur prior to SMTP Relay. This enables you to view message headers and diagnose issues that may occur during the SMTP relay to the mailbox hosting environments.
  • Final delivery: You can test the entire mail flow by looking at the received messages in your mailbox hosting environment.
    • How to look at received messages in a mailbox hosting environment
      • Google Workspace – From within the Gmail interface, find the message and open the message menu options.
      • Figure 9: Screenshot of Gmail’s interface for selecting message options
      • Choose “Show original”.
      • Screenshot of Gmail’s “Original message” summary showing SPF and DKIM passing and aligned with, which was the source of the original message
      • Screenshot of the Gmail ‘Show original“ message headers. The Mail From address (also appears as the Return-path header, and envelope-from value in other headers) is preserved within the domain, and Gmail’s assessment of SPF correctly attributed the message as originating from even though the message was relayed through Since the 209.x.x.x address is in the SPF policy for, the message passes SPF due to the allow-list configuration
      • (The Screenshot above shows the Gmail ‘Show original“ message headers. The Mail From address (also appears as the Return-path header, and envelope-from value in other headers) is preserved within the domain, and Gmail’s assessment of SPF correctly attributed the message as originating from even though the message was relayed through Since the 209.x.x.x address is in the SPF policy for, the message passes SPF due to the allow-list configuration)
      • Microsoft 365 – From within the Outlook on the Web interface, find the message and open the message menu options.
      • Screenshot of Outlook on the Web’s interface for selecting message options
      • Choose “View message details”. You will see the message headers similar to the Gmail example above.

Step 4-b: Change the MX record for your domain.

Note: We recommend using a new subdomain so that you can test this mail flow configuration for a period of time prior to changing the MX record for the primary domain that is actively being used by end users and applications.

Once you have finished testing, you can change the MX record for the domain. The value of the MX record should be the **A Record** of the Open Ingress point along with the priority value.

Figure 13: A screenshot of an MX record configured in Amazon Route 53

Figure 13: A screenshot of an MX record configured in Amazon Route 53


In this blog post, we’ve explored how to leverage SES Mail Manager’s SMTP Relay action to simplify the handling of inbound email for organizations that use a mix of email hosting environments, specifically Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. By configuring Mail Manager as an inbound SMTP gateway, our fictitious customer, was able to centralize the management of their email flows, enhance security through features like traffic policies and rule sets, and ensure compliance through flexible archiving.

The key steps involved setting up allow-listing in the Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 environments, creating SMTP relay configurations in Mail Manager, and updating domain’s MX record to point to the Mail Manager ingress endpoint. This allowed to seamlessly route inbound emails destined for both their cloud-hosted employee mailboxes and on-premises applications, processing and archiving the messages before final delivery.

The flexibility of Mail Manager’s SMTP Relay action makes it a powerful tool for organizations looking to unify their email infrastructure, especially in hybrid environments. By acting as a centralized ingress and egress gateway, Mail Manager can help streamline email management, improve security, and unlock new cloud-enabled email use cases. As email continues to be a critical communication channel, solutions like Mail Manager will become increasingly important for businesses looking to maximize the value of their email ecosystem.

Please visit AWS Re:Post to ask and find answers to questions about SES Mail Manager. Talk with your AWS account team if you are interested in exploring Mail Manager in more depth.

Additional blogs related to Mail Manager:

About the Authors

Jesse Thompson
Jesse Thompson is an Email Deliverability Manager with the Amazon Simple Email Service team. His background is in enterprise development and operations, with a focus on email abuse mitigation and encouragement of authenticity practices with open standard protocols. Jesse’s favorite activity outside of technology is recreational curling.
Alexey Kurbatsky

Alexey Kurbatsky

Alexey is a Senior Software Development Engineer at AWS, specializing in building distributed and scalable services. Outside of work, he enjoys exploring nature thru hiking as well as playing guitar.



Zip is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, working with Amazon Pinpoint and Simple Email Service and WorkMail. Outside of work he enjoys time with his family, cooking, mountain biking, boating, learning and beach plogging.

Email Archiving with Mail Manager: Why To Archive In Transit vs At The Mailbox

Post Syndicated from Zip Zieper original

When designing Amazon Simple Email Service’s (SES) Mail Manager, we often heard from customers about the “PST-file problem” inherent with user-side mailbox-based archiving. This occurs when, for a variety of reasons, end users decide to archive their emails to local PST files or other local storage. These PST files are fragile and easily corrupted. Furthermore, they are subject to the backup practices of individual workstations. Lastly, PST files are readily are portable and can be easily copied and moved outside the visibility of the email system and your IT and IP controls.

We developed Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Mail Manager archiving features in response to this problem, and based on additional customer feedback: the need for consistent email retention behaviors, for all email. Customers also wanted the flexibility to determine which messages to archive, where to put them, and how long to retain those messages.

To make the feature applicable to the widest set of use cases, we designed Mail Manager to be able to archive any email traversing the SES service, not just those that have already been delivered to a user’s mailbox. This added flexibility ensures organizations can maintain a complete record of exactly those email communications they wish to preserve. Rather than require external tools to search and export Mail Manager’s archives, we built these functions directly into the SES console.

In fact, the entire Media Manager archiving solution is fully managed by SES within the customer’s Mail Manager account, reducing the operational overhead traditionally associated with email archiving and compliance.

Figure 1 - Mail Manager Archiving

Figure 1 – Mail Manager Archiving

At the core of the SES Mail Manager archiving solution is the ability to capture and retain any message, regardless of its source or destination, as it flows through the service’s rules engine. This design approach ensures that every email message traversing Mail Manager can be subject to archiving and retention policies, rather than requiring organizations to manage different systems and tools for mail flowing through mail servers, internal relays and other email infrastructure. The result is a unified, comprehensive compliance solution that provides visibility and control over an organization’s email archiving.

SES also published a detailed overview of the Archiving feature, which is available here: Archiving and sending to final SMTP server.

Archiving on its own isn’t an innovation; it’s an email primitive – an essential capability that can be used to enable other, more complex solutions. Historically, retention of email was configured as a function of your on-premises mail server, where your mailboxes themselves were resident. Personally-authored emails were considered the high-value material to retain, and adding archiving as a function of mailbox configurations was the simplest approach.

In practice, we find that the mail captured at the mailbox server, or end user’s inbox, represents only a fraction of of the mail a typical enterprise generates. As organizations grow, the number of applications generating Application To Person (A2P) messages tends to increase dramatically. Similarly, as corporate environments become more complex, SaaS-based solutions that are external to the primary email infrastructure often use email to update employees along with workflow-management systems. Much of that mail eludes archiving as it bypasses individual user mailboxes.

The SES strategy for archiving is to capture mail from anywhere, to anywhere, as long as it transits an ingress endpoint as part of your Mail Manager configuration. You have two choices: you can write those messages directly to an S3 bucket you control, and then ingest it into any other tool you like. Alternately, you can send messages into a managed archive within Mail Manager, and gain access to search, export, and configurable retention features. By default, SES configures retention for 6 months, but it’s adjustable up to permanent retention for customers who require it.

Mail Manager’s archiving feature captures any message which matches your rule, or all messages traversing any ingress endpoint. You can choose to write all messages to or from your senior leadership team into one archive, or you can organize by other envelope metadata. The rules operate the same way whether the message is A2P or Person to Person (P2P), ensuring uniform policies and retention options.

With Mail Manager’s managed archives, you pay for each gigabyte ingested, indexed, and available for search, and a separate storage fee for each gigabyte retained every month. Note that the storage fee includes both the raw content of the messages, and the size of the computed index required for search and export functions.

For messages you write to your S3 buckets, you also have the option to invoke an S3 trigger action that calls an Amazon Lambda to drive various automatation workflows. Regulated industries might want to write all messages to S3 to leverage S3’s glacier storage option for very long-term storage.

You can even split your workload between Mail Manager’s managed archive, for emails you are likely to need readily discoverable, and the Write to S3 option, for content which you don’t expect to ever need to search with granularity, but still needs to be archived to “check the box” for your retention policy. In fact, AWS encourages such a builder-oriented approach, because it rewards thoughtful decisions and resource utilization, and conforms to the broad goal of consumption-based pricing, which Mail Manager embraces fully at every step.

Figure 2 - Rule Set with conditions for archiving

Figure 2 – Rule Set with conditions for archivingMail Manager provides a more comprehensive, resilient archiving approach that increases both the overall scope of mail that can be captured, and the fidelity of the archived data. You don’t need any special adapters or plugins to capture mail from any source. All email that comes through your Mail Manager Ingress Endpoint can be archived.

Figure 3 - Create archive

Figure 3 – Create archive

Why not try Mail Manager today and experience the benefits of a centralized, scalable email archiving solution? You’ll pay only for the data you ingest and retain each month, without the fragility and visibility issues of user-managed archives. Visit the SES website to start your free trial of Mail Manager and take control of your organization’s critical email records. To start with Mail Manager, visit, click on Mail Manager, and set up your first workload today.

If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to us via the SES Forums or in the comments section of this blog post. We’re here to help you navigate the evolving email landscape and unlock the full potential of your Amazon SES investment.

About the Authors

Toby Weir-Jones

Toby Weir-Jones

Toby is a Principal Product Manager for Amazon SES and WorkMail. He joined AWS in January 2021 and has significant experience in both business and consumer information security products and services. His focus on email solutions at SES is all about tackling a product that everyone uses and finding ways to bring innovation and improved performance to one of the most ubiquitous IT tools.

Brett Ezell

Brett Ezell

Brett is an Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. As a Navy veteran, he joined AWS in 2020 through an AWS technical military apprenticeship program. When he isn’t deep diving into solutions for customer challenges, Brett spends his time collecting vinyl, attending live music, and training at the gym. An admitted comic book nerd, he feeds his addiction every Wednesday by combing through his local shop for new books.



Zip is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, working with Amazon Pinpoint and Simple Email Service and WorkMail. Outside of work he enjoys time with his family, cooking, mountain biking, boating, learning and beach plogging.

How to enable one-click unsubscribe email with Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Zip Zieper original

Amazon Pinpoint customers who use campaigns, journeys, or the SendMesages API to send more than 5,000 marketing email messages per day are considered “bulk senders”. If your organization meets this criteria, you are now subject to new requirements that were recently established by Google, Yahoo and other large ISPs/ESPs. These providers have mandated these requirements to help protect their user’s inboxes. Detailed information about these requirements is provided in the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) bulk sender updates blog post.

Per these new requirements, Pinpoint customers that send marketing email messages in bulk must meet all of these criteria:

  • Fully authenticate their email sending domains with SPF, DKIM and DMARC. See this blog.
  • Provide a clearly visible unsubscribe link in the body &/or footer of each message.
  • Enable the “List-Unsubscribe” and “List-Unsubscribe-Post” one-click unsubscribe (the subbect of this blog post). You can learn more about these headers and how they are used in SES in this related blog post.
  • Honor all unsubscribe POST requests within 48 hours, after which time you shouldn’t be sending emails to the now unsubscribed end-user.
  • Actively monitor spam complaint rates, and take the steps needed to ensure these rates remain below acceptable levels as defined by the ESPs.

This blog post provides Pinpoint customers with the steps necessary to enable the one-click unsubscribe button via email headers for “List-Unsubscribe” and “List-Unsubscribe-Post” as defined by RFC 2369 and RFC 8058.

Unsubscribe Process Overview

Pinpoint now supports the inclusion of the “List-Unsubscribe” and “List-Unsubscribe-Post” email headers that enable compatible email client apps to render a one-click unsubscribe button when displaying emails from a subscription list. When you include these headers in the emails you send by Pinpoint, those end-users who want to unsubscribe from your emails can do so by simply clicking the unsubscribe button in their email app (see image). Once pressed, the unsubscribe button fires off a POST request to the URL you have defined in the “List-Unsubscribe” header.

You, the Pinpoint customer, are responsible for defining the “List-Unsubscribe” and “List-Unsubscribe-Post” headers, as well as supplying the system or process invoked by the “List-Unsubscribe” and “List-Unsubscribe-Post” email headers. Your system or process must, when activated by the unsubscribe action, update that end-user’s preferences accordingly so that within 48 hours, any end-user who unsubscribes will no longer receive unwanted emails.

If you only use Pinpoint’s campaigns and journeys, you may elect to use the Pinpoint endpoint’s OptOut attribute to store the user’s unsubscribe preferences. Possible values for OptOut are: ALL, the user has opted out and doesn’t want to receive any messages; and, NONE, the user hasn’t opted out and wants to receive all messages. It is important to note, however, that the SendMessages API ignores the Pinpoint endpoint’s OptOut attribute.

If you do not currently offer your recipients the option to unsubscribe to unwanted emails, you will need to develop & deploy a system or process to receive end-user unsubscribe requests to be in compliance with these new requirements. An example solution with sample code to processes email opt-out requests for Pinpoint can be found here. You can read more about this example in this blog post.

REQUIRED: Update the SES IAM role used by Pinpoint

Because Pinpoint uses SES resources for sending email messages, when using campaigns or journeys you must now create (or update) an IAM Orchestration sending role to grant Pinpoint service access to your SES resources. This allows Pinpoint to send emails via SES. To add or update the IAM role, follow the steps outlined in the Pinpoint documentation.

Note – If you are sending emails directly via the SendMesage, API you do not need an IAM Orchestration sending role, but you must have permissions for ses:SendEmail and ses:SendRawEmail.

Add easy unsubscribe email headers:

The steps you need to take to enable one-click unsubscribe in your Pinpoint emails depends on how you send emails, and whether or not you use templates, as shown below:

Decision tree for adding headers

Use SendMessages with the AWS SDK or CLI

Using the AWS CLI: add headers for the “List-Unsubscribe” and “List-Unsubscribe-post” as shown in the example below:

aws pinpoint send-messages \
--region us-east-1 \
--application-id ce796be37f32f178af652b26eexample \
--message-request '{
    "Addresses": {
        "[email protected]": {"ChannelType": "EMAIL"},
    "MessageConfiguration": {
        "EmailMessage": {
            "SimpleEmail": {
                "Subject": {"Data":"URL with easy unsubscribe headers", "Charset":"UTF-8"},
                "TextPart": {"Data":"with headers list-unsubscribe and list-unsubscribe-post.\n\nUnsubscribe: <>", "Charset":"UTF-8"},
                "HtmlPart": {"Data":"<html><body>with headers list-unsubscribe and list-unsubscribe-post<br><br><a ses:tags=\"unsubscribeLinkTag:optout\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></body></html>", "Charset":"UTF-8"},
                "Headers": [
                    {"Name":"List-Unsubscribe", "Value":"<>, <mailto: [email protected]?subject=TopicUnsubscribe>"},
                    {"Name":"List-Unsubscribe-Post", "Value":"List-Unsubscribe=One-Click"}

Send an email message

Below is an example using the SendMessages API from the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) that includes the List-Unsubscribe headers. This example assumes that you’ve already installed and updated the SDK for Python (Boto3) to the latest version available. For more information, see Quickstart in the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.

import logging  # Logging library to log messages
import boto3  # AWS SDK for Python
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError  # Exception handling for boto3
import hashlib  # Library to generate unique hashes

# Configure logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Define constants
REGION = 'us-east-1'

def send_email_message(
    Sends an email message with HTML and plain text versions.

    :param pinpoint_client: A Boto3 Pinpoint client.
    :param project_id: The Amazon Pinpoint project ID to use when you send this message.
    :param sender: The "From" address. This address must be verified in
                   Amazon Pinpoint in the AWS Region you're using to send email.
    :param to_addresses: The list of addresses on the "To" line. If your Amazon Pinpoint account
                         is in the sandbox, these addresses must be verified.
    :param subject: The subject line of the email.
    :param html_message: The HTML content of the email.
    :param text_message: The plain text content of the email.
    :return: A dict of to_addresses and their message IDs.
        # Create a dictionary of addresses with unique unsubscribe URLs
        # The addresses are encoded using the SHA256 hashing algorithm from the hashlib library
        # to create a unique and obfuscated unsubscribe URL for each recipient. This ensures
        # that the unsubscribe link is specific to each individual recipient, preventing
        # potential abuse or unauthorized unsubscribes. The hashed value is appended to the
        # base unsubscribe URL, allowing the email service to identify the intended recipient
        # when the unsubscribe link is clicked, while also protecting the recipient's personal
        # email address from being directly exposed in the URL.
        addresses = {
            address: {
                "ChannelType": "EMAIL",
                "Substitutions": {
                    "unsubscribeURL": [f"{hashlib.sha256(address.encode()).hexdigest()}"],
            for address in to_addresses
        # Send email using Amazon Pinpoint
        response = pinpoint_client.send_messages(
                "Addresses": addresses,
                "MessageConfiguration": {
                    "EmailMessage": {
                        "FromAddress": sender,
                        "SimpleEmail": {
                            "Subject": {"Charset": CHARSET, "Data": subject},
                            "HtmlPart": {"Charset": CHARSET, "Data": html_message},
                            "TextPart": {"Charset": CHARSET, "Data": text_message},
                            "Headers": [
                                {"Name": "List-Unsubscribe", "Value": "{{unsubscribeURL}}"},
                                {"Name": "List-Unsubscribe-Post", "Value": "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click"}
    except ClientError as e:
        # Log exception if sending email fails
        logger.exception("Couldn't send email: %s", e)
        # Return a dictionary of addresses and their respective message IDs
        return {
            address: message["MessageId"] 
        for address, message in response["MessageResponse"]["Result"].items()

def main():
    # Sample data for sending email
    project_id = "ce796be37f32f178af652b26eexample"  # Amazon Pinpoint project ID
    sender = "[email protected]"  # Verified sender email address
    to_addresses = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"]  # Recipient email addresses
    subject = "Amazon Pinpoint Unsubscribe Headers Test (SDK for Python (Boto3))"  # Email subject
    text_message = """Amazon Pinpoint Test (SDK for Python)
    This email was sent with Amazon Pinpoint using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).
    For more information, see
                """  # Plain text message
    html_message = """<html>
      <h1>Amazon Pinpoint Test (SDK for Python (Boto3)</h1>
      <p>This email was sent with
        <a href=''>Amazon Pinpoint</a> using the
        <a href=''>
          AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)</a>.</p>
                """  # HTML message

    # Create a Pinpoint client
    pinpoint_client = boto3.client("pinpoint", region_name=REGION)

    print("Sending email.")
    # Send email and print message IDs
        message_ids = send_email_message(
        print(f"Message sent! Message IDs: {message_ids}")
    except ClientError as e:
        print(f"Failed to send messages: {e}")

# Entry point of the script
if __name__ == "__main__":
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)  # Set logging level to INFO

Send an email message with an existing email template.

If you use message templates to send email messages via AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), you can add the headers for List-Unsubscribe and List-Unsubscribe-post into the template, and then fill those variables with unique values per recipient, as shown in the code example below. First, you would create the template via the UI and add the Headers in the new fields as shown in the image below.

Or you can create the template, with headers, via the AWS CLI:

aws pinpoint create-email-template --template-name MyEmailTemplate \
--email-template-request '{
    "Subject": "Amazon Pinpoint Unsubscribe Headers Test using email template",
    "TextPart": "Hello, welcome to our service. We are glad to have you with us. If you wish to unsubscribe, click here: {{unsubscribeURL}}",
    "HtmlPart": "<html><body><h1>Hello, welcome to our service</h1><p>We are glad to have you with us.</p><p>If you wish to unsubscribe, click <a href=\"{{unsubscribeURL}}\">here</a>.</p></body></html>",
    "DefaultSubstitutions": "{\"unsubscribeURL\": \"\"}",
    "Headers": [
            {"Name": "List-Unsubscribe","Value": "{{unsubscribeURL}}"},
            {"Name": "List-Unsubscribe-Post","Value": "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click"}

In this next example, we are including the use of a secret Hash key. By using this format, the unsubscribe URL will include the Pinpoint project ID and a hashed value of the email address combined with the secret key. This provides a more secure and customized unsubscribe experience for the recipients.

import logging  # Logging library to log messages
import boto3  # AWS SDK for Python
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError  # Exception handling for boto3
import hashlib  # Library to generate unique hashes

# Configure logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Define constants
REGION = 'us-east-1'
HASH_SECRET_KEY = "my_secret_key"  # Replace with your secret key

def send_templated_email_message(
    Sends an email message with HTML and plain text versions.

    :param pinpoint_client: A Boto3 Pinpoint client.
    :param project_id: The Amazon Pinpoint project ID to use when you send this message.
    :param sender: The "From" address. This address must be verified in
                   Amazon Pinpoint in the AWS Region you're using to send email.
    :param to_addresses: The list of addresses on the "To" line. If your Amazon Pinpoint account
                         is in the sandbox, these addresses must be verified.
    :param template_name: The name of the email template to use when sending the message.
    :param template_version: The version number of the message template.

    :return: A dict of to_addresses and their message IDs.
        # Create a dictionary of addresses with unique unsubscribe URLs
        # The addresses are encoded using the SHA256 hashing algorithm from the hashlib library
        # to create a unique and obfuscated unsubscribe URL for each recipient. This ensures
        # that the unsubscribe link is specific to each individual recipient, preventing
        # potential abuse or unauthorized unsubscribes. The hashed value is appended to the
        # base unsubscribe URL, allowing the email service to identify the intended recipient
        # when the unsubscribe link is clicked, while also protecting the recipient's personal
        # email address from being directly exposed in the URL.
        addresses = {
            address: {
                "ChannelType": "EMAIL",
                "Substitutions": {
                    "unsubscribeURL": [
                        f"{project_id}&h={hashlib.sha256((address + HASH_SECRET_KEY).encode()).hexdigest()}"
            for address in to_addresses
        # Send templated email using Amazon Pinpoint
        response = pinpoint_client.send_messages(
                "Addresses": addresses,
                "MessageConfiguration": {"EmailMessage": {"FromAddress": sender}},
                "TemplateConfiguration": {
                    "EmailTemplate": {
                        "Name": template_name,
                        "Version": template_version,
    except ClientError as e:
        # Log exception if sending email fails
        logger.exception("Couldn't send email: %s", e)
        # Return a dictionary of addresses and their respective message IDs
        return {
            address: message["MessageId"] 
        for address, message in response["MessageResponse"]["Result"].items()

def main():
    # Sample data for sending email
    project_id = "ce796be37f32f178af652b26eexample"  # Amazon Pinpoint project ID
    sender = "[email protected]"  # Verified sender email address
    to_addresses = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"]  # Recipient email addresses
    template_name = "MyEmailTemplate"
    template_version = "1"

    # Create a Pinpoint client
    pinpoint_client = boto3.client("pinpoint", region_name=REGION)
    print("Sending email.")
    # Send email and print message IDs
        message_ids = send_templated_email_message(
        print(f"Message sent! Message IDs: {message_ids}"),
    except ClientError as e:
        print(f"Failed to send messages: {e}")
# Entry point of the script
if __name__ == "__main__":
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)  # Set logging level to INFO

Pinpoint Campaigns via API (runtime).

If you send emails using Pinpoint campaigns via the API call (runtime), you can add the headers as described below:

   "Body": "string", 
   "Title": "string", 
   "HtmlBody": "string", 
    "FromAddress": "string",
   "Headers": [
            "Name": "string", 
            "Value": "string"

Pinpoint Campaigns & Journeys via AWS Console.

The Pinpoint console enables you to create (or update) your email templates to add support for up to 15 different headers, including the “List-Unsubscribe” and “List-Unsubscribe-Post” headers. Simply open , or create a new, template in the Pinpoint console, scroll to the bottom of the visual message editor, expand the Headers option, and insert the header names and values. Note that if you only use the console UI to send your Campaigns and Journeys, you can store the encoded List-Unsubscribe URL as an attribute in the endpoint, then use that attribute as the value as shown below:


In this blog, we provide Pinpoint customers with the information and guidance needed to enable a one-click unsubscribe link in their recipients’ compatible email apps via “List-Unsubscribe” and “List-Unsubscribe-Post” email headers. Following this guidance, in conjunction with properly authenticating your email sending domains and monitoring / keeping spam complaints below prescribed thresholds will help ensure high rates of Pinpoint email deliverability.

We welcome your comments on this post below. For additional information, refer to these resources, or contact your AWS account team.

About the Authors



Zip is an Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. Outside of work he enjoys time with his family, cooking, mountain biking and plogging.

Darren Roback

Darren Roback

Darren is a Senior Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services based in St. Louis, Missouri. He has a background in Security and Compliance, Serverless Event-Driven Architecture, and Enterprise Architecture. At AWS, Darren partners with customers to help them solve business challenges with AWS technology. Outside of work, Darren enjoys spending time in his shop working on woodworking projects.

Bruno Giorgini

Bruno Giorgini

Bruno Giorgini is a Senior Solutions Architect specializing in Pinpoint and SES. With over two decades of experience in the IT industry, Bruno has been dedicated to assisting customers of all sizes in achieving their objectives. When he is not crafting innovative solutions for clients, Bruno enjoys spending quality time with his wife and son, exploring the scenic hiking trails around the SF Bay Area.

An introduction to Amazon WorkMail Audit Logging

Post Syndicated from Zip Zieper original

Amazon WorkMail’s new audit logging capability equips email system administrators with powerful visibility into mailbox activities and system events across their organization. As announced in our recent “What’s New” post, this feature enables the comprehensive capture and delivery of critical email data, empowering administrators to monitor, analyze, and maintain compliance.

With audit logging, WorkMail records a wide range of events, including metadata about messages sent, received, and failed login attempts, and configuration changes. Administrators have the option to deliver these audit logs to their preferred AWS services, such as Amazon Simple Storage System (S3) for long-term storage, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose for real-time data streaming, or Amazon CloudWatch Logs for centralized log management. Additionally, standard CloudWatch metrics on audit logs provide deep insights into the usage and health of WorkMail mailboxes within the organization.

By leveraging Amazon WorkMail’s audit logging capabilities, enterprises have the ability to strengthen their security posture, fulfill regulatory requirements, and gain critical visibility into the email activities that underpin their daily operations. This post will explore the technical details and practical use cases of this powerful new feature.

In this blog, you will learn how to configure your WorkMail organization to send email audit logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, and Amazon Data Firehose . We’ll also provide examples that show how to monitor access to your Amazon WorkMail Organization’s mailboxes by querying the logs via CloudWatch Log Insights.

Email security

Imagine you are the email administrator for a biotech company, and you’ve received a report about spam complaints coming from your company’s email system. When you investigate, you learn these complaints point to unauthorized emails originating from several of your company’s mailboxes. One or more of your company’s email accounts may have been compromised by a hacker. You’ll need to determine the specific mailboxes involved, understand who has access to those mailboxes, and how the mailboxes have been accessed. This will be useful in identifying mailboxes with multiple failed logins or unfamiliar IP access, which can indicate unauthorized attempts or hacking. To identify the cause of the security breach, you require access to detailed audit logs and familiar tools to analyze extensive log data and locate the root of your issues.

Amazon WorkMail Audit Logging

Amazon WorkMail is a secure, managed business email service that hosts millions of mailboxes globally. WorkMail features robust audit logging capabilities, equipping IT administrators and security experts with in-depth analysis of mailbox usage patterns. Audit logging provides detailed insights into user activities within WorkMail. Organizations can detect potential security vulnerabilities by utilizing audit logs. These logs document user logins, access permissions, and other critical activities. WorkMail audit logging facilitates compliance with various regulatory requirements, providing a clear audit trail of data privacy and security. WorkMail’s audit logs are crucial for maintaining the integrity, confidentiality, and reliability of your organization’s email system.

Understanding WorkMail Audit Logging

Amazon WorkMail’s audit logging feature provides you with the data you need to have a thorough understanding of your email mailbox activities. By sending detailed logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, and Amazon Data Firehose, administrators can identify mailbox access issues, track access by IP addresses, and review mailbox data movements or deletions using familiar tools. It is also possible to configure multiple destinations for each log to meet the needs of a variety of use cases, including compliance archiving.

WorkMail offers four audit logs:

  • ACCESS CONTROL LOGS – These logs record evaluations of access control rules, noting whether access to the endpoint was granted or denied in accordance with the configured rules;
  • AUTHENTICATION LOGS – These logs capture details of login activities, chronicling both successful and failed authentication attempts;
  • AVAILABILITY PROVIDER LOGS – These logs document the use of the Availability Providers feature, tracking its operational status and interactions feature;
  • MAILBOX ACCESS LOGS – Logs in this category record each attempt to access mailboxes within the WorkMail Organization, providing a detailed account of credential and protocol access patterns.

Once audit logging is enabled, alerts can be configured to warn of authentication or access anomalies that surpass predetermined thresholds. JSON formatting allows for advanced processing and analysis of audit logs by third party tools. Audit logging stores all interactions with the exception of web mail client authentication metrics.

WorkMail audit logging in action

Below are two examples that show how WorkMail’s audit logging can be used to investigate unauthorized login attempts, and diagnose a misconfigured email client. In both examples, we’ll use WorkMail’s Mailbox Access Control Logs and query the mailbox access control logs in CloudWatch Log Insights.

In our first example, we’re looking for unsuccessful login attempts in a target timeframe. In CloudWatch Log Insights we run this query:

fields user, source_ip, protocol, auth_successful, auth_failed_reason | filter auth_successful = 0

CloudWatch Log Insights returns all records in the timeframe, providing auth_succesful = 0 (false) and auth_failed_reason = Invalid username or password. We also see the source_ip, which we may decide to block in a WorkMail access control rule, or any other network security system.

Log - unsuccessful Login Attempt

Mailbox Access Control Log – an unsuccessful login attempt

In this next example, consider a WorkMail organization that has elected to block the IMAP protocol using a WorkMail access control rule (below):

WorkMail Access Control Rule blocking IMAP

WorkMail Access Control Rule – block IMAP protocol

Because some email clients use IMAP by default, occasionally new users in this example organization are denied access to email due to an incorrectly configured email client. Using WorkMail’s mailbox access control logs in CloudWatch Log Insights we run this query:

fields user_id, source_ip, protocol, rule_id, access_granted | filter access_granted = 0

And we see the user’s attempt to access their email inbox via IMAP has been denied by the access control rule_id (below):

WorkMail Access Control logs - IMAP blocked by access rule

WorkMail Access Control logs – IMAP blocked by access rule


Amazon WorkMail’s audit logging feature offers comprehensive view of your organization’s email activities. Four different logs provide visibility into access controls, authentication attempts, interactions with external systems, and mailbox activities. It provides flexible log delivery through native integration with AWS services and tools. Enabling WorkMail’s audit logging capabilities helps administrators meet compliance requirements and enhances the overall security and reliability of their email system.

To learn more about audit logging on Amazon WorkMail, you may comment on this post (below), view the WorkMail documentation, or reach out to your AWS account team.

To learn more about Amazon WorkMail, or to create a no-cost 30-day test organization, see Amazon WorkMail.

About the Authors


Luis Miguel Flores dos Santos

Miguel is a Solutions Architect at AWS, boasting over a decade of expertise in solution architecture, encompassing both on-premises and cloud solutions. His focus lies on resilience, performance, and automation. Currently, he is delving into serverless computing. In his leisure time, he enjoys reading, riding motorcycles, and spending quality time with family and friends.

Andy Wong

Andy Wong

Andy Wong is a Sr. Product Manager with the Amazon WorkMail team. He has 10 years of diverse experience in supporting enterprise customers and scaling start-up companies across different industries. Andy’s favorite activities outside of technology are soccer, tennis and free-diving.



Zip is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, working with Amazon Pinpoint and Simple Email Service and WorkMail. Outside of work he enjoys time with his family, cooking, mountain biking, boating, learning and beach plogging.

Upgrade Your Email Tech Stack with Amazon SESv2 API

Post Syndicated from Zip Zieper original

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cloud-based email sending service that helps businesses and developers send marketing and transactional emails. We introduced the SESv1 API in 2011 to provide developers with basic email sending capabilities through Amazon SES using HTTPS. In 2020, we introduced the redesigned Amazon SESv2 API, with new and updated features that make it easier and more efficient for developers to send email at scale.

This post will compare Amazon SESv1 API and Amazon SESv2 API and explain the advantages of transitioning your application code to the SESv2 API. We’ll also provide examples using the AWS Command-Line Interface (AWS CLI) that show the benefits of transitioning to the SESv2 API.

Amazon SESv1 API

The SESv1 API is a relatively simple API that provides basic functionality for sending and receiving emails. For over a decade, thousands of SES customers have used the SESv1 API to send billions of emails. Our customers’ developers routinely use the SESv1 APIs to verify email addresses, create rules, send emails, and customize bounce and complaint notifications. Our customers’ needs have become more advanced as the global email ecosystem has developed and matured. Unsurprisingly, we’ve received customer feedback requesting enhancements and new functionality within SES. To better support an expanding array of use cases and stay at the forefront of innovation, we developed the SESv2 APIs.

While the SESv1 API will continue to be supported, AWS is focused on advancing functionality through the SESv2 API. As new email sending capabilities are introduced, they will only be available through SESv2 API. Migrating to the SESv2 API provides customers with access to these, and future, optimizations and enhancements. Therefore, we encourage SES customers to consider the information in this blog, review their existing codebase, and migrate to SESv2 API in a timely manner.

Amazon SESv2 API

Released in 2020, the SESv2 API and SDK enable customers to build highly scalable and customized email applications with an expanded set of lightweight and easy to use API actions. Leveraging insights from current SES customers, the SESv2 API includes several new actions related to list and subscription management, the creation and management of dedicated IP pools, and updates to unsubscribe that address recent industry requirements.

One example of new functionality in SESv2 API is programmatic support for the SES Virtual Delivery Manager. Previously only addressable via the AWS console, VDM helps customers improve sending reputation and deliverability. SESv2 API includes vdmAttributes such as VdmEnabled and DashboardAttributes as well as vdmOptions. DashboardOptions and GaurdianOptions.

To improve developer efficiency and make the SESv2 API easier to use, we merged several SESv1 APIs into single commands. For example, in the SESv1 API you must make separate calls for createConfigurationSet, setReputationMetrics, setSendingEnabled, setTrackingOptions, and setDeliveryOption. In the SESv2 API, however, developers make a single call to createConfigurationSet and they can include trackingOptions, reputationOptions, sendingOptions, deliveryOptions. This can result in more concise code (see below).


Another example of SESv2 API command consolidation is the GetIdentity action, which is a composite of SESv1 API’s GetIdentityVerificationAttributes, GetIdentityNotificationAttributes, GetCustomMailFromAttributes, GetDKIMAttributes, and GetIdentityPolicies. See SESv2 documentation for more details.

Why migrate to Amazon SESv2 API?

The SESv2 API offers an enhanced experience compared to the original SESv1 API. Compared to the SESv1 API, the SESv2 API provides a more modern interface and flexible options that make building scalable, high-volume email applications easier and more efficient. SESv2 enables rich email capabilities like template management, list subscription handling, and deliverability reporting. It provides developers with a more powerful and customizable set of tools with improved security measures to build and optimize inbox placement and reputation management. Taken as a whole, the SESv2 APIs provide an even stronger foundation for sending critical communications and campaign email messages effectively at a scale.

Migrating your applications to SESv2 API will benefit your email marketing and communication capabilities with:

  1. New and Enhanced Features: Amazon SESv2 API includes new actions as well as enhancements that provide better functionality and improved email management. By moving to the latest version, you’ll be able to optimize your email sending process. A few examples include:
    • Increase the maximum message size (including attachments) from 10Mb (SESv1) to 40Mb (SESv2) for both sending and receiving.
    • Access key actions for the SES Virtual Deliverability Manager (VDM) which provides insights into your sending and delivery data. VDM provides near-realtime advice on how to fix the issues that are negatively affecting your delivery success rate and reputation.
    • Meet Google & Yahoo’s June 2024 unsubscribe requirements with the SES v2 SendEmail action. For more information, see the “What’s New blog”
  2. Future-proof Your Application: Avoid potential compatibility issues and disruptions by keeping your application up-to-date with the latest version of the Amazon SESv2 API via the AWS SDK.
  3. Improve Usability and Developer Experience: Amazon SESv2 API is designed to be more user-friendly and consistent with other AWS services. It is a more intuitive API with better error handling, making it easier to develop, maintain, and troubleshoot your email sending applications.

Migrating to the latest SESv2 API and SDK positions customers for success in creating reliable and scalable email services for their businesses.

What does migration to the SESv2 API entail?

While SESv2 API builds on the v1 API, the v2 API actions don’t universally map exactly to the v1 API actions. Current SES customers that intend to migrate to SESv2 API will need to identify the SESv1 API actions in their code and plan to refactor for v2. When planning the migration, it is essential to consider several important considerations:

  1. Customers with applications that receive email using SESv1 API’s CreateReceiptFilter, CreateReceiptRule or CreateReceiptRuleSet actions must continue using the SESv1 API client for these actions. SESv1 and SESv2 can be used in the same application, where needed.
  2. We recommend all customers follow the security best practice of “least privilege” with their IAM policies. As such, customers may need to review and update their policies to include the new and modified API actions introduced in SESv2 before migrating. Taking the time to properly configure permissions ensures a seamless transition while maintaining a securely optimized level of access. See documentation.

Below is an example of an IAM policy with a user with limited allow privileges related to several SESv1 Identity actions only:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

When updating to SESv2, you need to update this user’s permissions with the SESv2 actions shown below:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Examples of SESv1 vs. SESv2 APIs

Let’s look at a three examples that compare the SESv1 API with the SESv2 API.


When listing identities in SESv1 list API, you need to specify type which requires multiple calls to API to list all resources:

aws ses list-identities --identity-type Domain
    "Identities": [
aws ses list-identities --identity-type EmailAddress
    "Identities": [
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]"

With SESv2, you can simply call a single API. Additionally, SESv2 also provides extended feedback:

aws sesv2 list-email-identities
    "EmailIdentities": [
            "IdentityType": "DOMAIN",
            "IdentityName": "",
            "SendingEnabled": false,
            "VerificationStatus": "FAILED"
            "IdentityType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
            "IdentityName": "[email protected]",
            "SendingEnabled": true,
            "VerificationStatus": "SUCCESS"
            "IdentityType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
            "IdentityName": "[email protected]",
            "SendingEnabled": false,
            "VerificationStatus": "FAILED"
            "IdentityType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
            "IdentityName": "[email protected]",
            "SendingEnabled": true,
            "VerificationStatus": "SUCCESS"


With SESv1, creating email addresses or domains requires calling two different APIs:

aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address [email protected]
aws ses verify-domain-dkim --domain
    "DkimTokens": [

With SESv2, we build an abstraction so you can call a single API. Additionally, SESv2 provides more detailed responses and feedback:

aws sesv2 create-email-identity --email-identity [email protected]
    "IdentityType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
    "VerifiedForSendingStatus": false
aws sesv2 create-email-identity --email-identity
    "IdentityType": "DOMAIN",
    "VerifiedForSendingStatus": false,
    "DkimAttributes": {
        "SigningEnabled": true,
        "Status": "NOT_STARTED",
        "Tokens": [
        "SigningAttributesOrigin": "AWS_SES",
        "NextSigningKeyLength": "RSA_2048_BIT",
        "CurrentSigningKeyLength": "RSA_2048_BIT",
        "LastKeyGenerationTimestamp": "2024-02-23T15:01:53.849000+00:00"


When calling delete- with SESv1, SES returns 200 (or no response), even if the identity was previously deleted or doesn’t exist:

 aws ses delete-identity --identity

SESv2 provides better error handling and responses when calling the delete API:

aws sesv2 delete-email-identity --email-identity

An error occurred (NotFoundException) when calling the DeleteEmailIdentity operation: Email identity does not exist.

Hands-on with SESv1 API vs. SESv2 API

Below are a few examples you can use to explore the differences between SESv1 API and the SESv2 API. To complete these exercises, you’ll need:

  1. AWS Account (setup) with enough permission to interact with the SES service via the CLI
  2. Upgrade to the latest version of the AWS CLI (aws-cli/2.15.27 or greater)
  3. SES enabled, configured and properly sending emails
  4. A recipient email address with which you can check inbound messages (if you’re in the SES Sandbox, this email must be verified email identity). In the following examples, replace [email protected] with the verified email identity.
  5. Your preferred IDE with AWS credentials and necessary permissions (you can also use AWS CloudShell)

Open the AWS CLI (or AWS CloudShell) and:

  1. Create a test directory called v1-v2-test.
  2. Create the following (8) files in the v1-v2-test directory:

destination.json (replace [email protected] with the verified email identity):

    "ToAddresses": ["[email protected]"] 


   "Subject": {
       "Data": "SESv1 API email sent using the AWS CLI",
       "Charset": "UTF-8"
   "Body": {
       "Text": {
           "Data": "This is the message body from SESv1 API in text format.",
           "Charset": "UTF-8"
       "Html": {
           "Data": "This message body from SESv1 API, it contains HTML formatting. For example - you can include links: <a class=\"ulink\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Amazon SES Developer Guide</a>.",
           "Charset": "UTF-8"

ses-v1-raw-message.json (replace [email protected] with the verified email identity):

     "Data": "From: [email protected]\nTo: [email protected]\nSubject: Test email sent using the SESv1 API and the AWS CLI \nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\nThis is the message body from the SESv1 API SendRawEmail.\n\n"

ses-v1-template.json (replace [email protected] with the verified email identity):

  "Source":"SES Developer<[email protected]>",
  "Template": "my-template",
  "Destination": {
    "ToAddresses": [ "[email protected]"
  "TemplateData": "{ \"name\":\"SESv1 Developer\", \"favoriteanimal\": \"alligator\" }"

my-template.json (replace [email protected] with the verified email identity):

  "Template": {
    "TemplateName": "my-template",
    "SubjectPart": "Greetings SES Developer, {{name}}!",
    "HtmlPart": "<h1>Hello {{name}},</h1><p>Your favorite animal is {{favoriteanimal}}.</p>",
    "TextPart": "Dear {{name}},\r\nYour favorite animal is {{favoriteanimal}}."

ses-v2-simple.json (replace [email protected] with the verified email identity):

    "FromEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "Destination": {
        "ToAddresses": [
            "[email protected]"
    "Content": {
        "Simple": {
            "Subject": {
                "Data": "SESv2 API email sent using the AWS CLI",
                "Charset": "utf-8"
            "Body": {
                "Text": {
                    "Data": "SESv2 API email sent using the AWS CLI",
                    "Charset": "utf-8"
            "Headers": [
                    "Name": "List-Unsubscribe",
                    "Value": "insert-list-unsubscribe-here"
                    "Name": "List-Unsubscribe-Post",
                    "Value": "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click"

ses-v2-raw.json (replace [email protected] with the verified email identity):

     "FromEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
     "Destination": {
            "ToAddresses": [
                       "[email protected]"
      "Content": {
             "Raw": {
                     "Data": "Subject: Test email sent using SESv2 API via the AWS CLI \nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\nThis is the message body from SendEmail Raw Content SESv2.\n\n"

ses-v2-tempate.json (replace [email protected] with the verified email identity):

     "FromEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
     "Destination": {
       "ToAddresses": [
         "[email protected]"
     "Content": {
        "Template": {
          "TemplateName": "my-template",
          "TemplateData": "{ \"name\":\"SESv2 Developer\",\"favoriteanimal\":\"Dog\" }",
          "Headers": [
                   "Name": "List-Unsubscribe",
                   "Value": "insert-list-unsubscribe-here"
                   "Name": "List-Unsubscribe-Post",
                   "Value": "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click"

Perform the following commands using the SESv1 API:

send-email (simple):

aws ses send-email --from [email protected] --destination file://destination.json --message file://ses-v1-message.json 
  • The response will return a valid MessageID (signaling the action was successful). An email will be received by the verified email identity.
    "MessageId": "0100018dc7649400-Xx1x0000x-bcec-483a-b97c-123a4567890d-xxxxx"


  • In the CLI, run:
aws ses send-raw-email  --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out --raw-message file://ses-v1-raw-message.json 
  • The response will return a valid MessageID (signaling the action was successful). An email will be received by the verified email identity.
   "MessageId": "0200018dc7649400-Xx1x1234x-bcec-483a-b97c-123a4567890d-

send templated mail:

  • In the CLI, run the following to create the template:
aws ses create-template  --cli-input-json file://my-template.json
  • In the CLI, run:

aws ses send-templated-email --cli-input-json file://ses-v1-template.json

  • The response will return a valid MessageID (signaling the action was successful). An email will be received by the verified email identity.
    "MessageId": "0000018dc7649400-Xx1x1234x-bcec-483a-b97c-123a4567890d-xxxxx"

Perform similar commands using the SESv2 API:

As mentioned above, customers who are using least privilege permissions with SESv1 API must first update their IAM policies before running the SESv2 API examples below. See documentation for more info.

As you can see from the .json files we created for SES v2 API (above), you can modify or remove sections from the .json files, based on the type of email content (simple, raw or templated) you want to send.

Please ensure you are using the latest version of the AWS CLI (aws-cli/2.15.27 or greater).

Send simple email

  • In the CLI, run:
aws sesv2 send-email --cli-input-json file://ses-v2-simple.json
  • The response will return a valid MessageID (signaling the action was successful). An email will be received by the verified email identity
    "MessageId": "0100018dc83ba7e0-7b3149d7-3616-49c2-92b6-00e7d574f567-000000"

Send raw email (note – if the only reason is to set custom headers, you don’t need to send raw email)

  • In the CLI, run:
aws sesv2 send-email --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out --cli-input-json file://ses-v2-raw.json
  • The response will return a valid MessageID (signaling the action was successful). An email will be received by the verified email identity.
    "MessageId": "0100018dc877bde5-fdff0df3-838e-4f51-8582-a05237daecc7-000000"

Send templated email

  • In the CLI, run:
aws sesv2 send-email --cli-input-json file://ses-v2-tempate.json
  • The response will return a valid MessageID (signaling the action was successful). An email will be received by the verified email identity.
    "MessageId": "0100018dc87fe72c-f2c547a1-2325-4be4-bf78-b91d6648cd12-000000"

Migrating your application code to SESv2 API

As you can see from the examples above, SESv2 API shares much of its syntax and actions with the SESv1 API. As a result, most customers have found they can readily evaluate, identify and migrate their application code base in a relatively short period of time. However, it’s important to note that while the process is generally straightforward, there may be some nuances and differences to consider depending on your specific use case and programming language.

Regardless of the language, you’ll need anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks to:

  • Update your code to use SESv2 Client and change API signature and request parameters
  • Update permissions / policies to reflect SESv2 API requirements
  • Test your migrated code to ensure that it functions correctly with the SESv2 API
  • Stage, test
  • Deploy


As we’ve described in this post, Amazon SES customers that migrate to the SESv2 API will benefit from updated capabilities, a more user-friendly and intuitive API, better error handling and improved deliverability controls. The SESv2 API also provide for compliance with the industry’s upcoming unsubscribe header requirements, more flexible subscription-list management, and support for larger attachments. Taken collectively, these improvements make it even easier for customers to develop, maintain, and troubleshoot their email sending applications with Amazon Simple Email Service. For these, and future reasons, we recommend SES customers migrate their existing applications to the SESv2 API immediately.

For more information regarding the SESv2 APIs, comment on this post, reach out to your AWS account team, or consult the AWS SESv2 API documentation:

About the Authors



Zip is an Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. Outside of work he enjoys time with his family, cooking, mountain biking and plogging.


Vinay Ujjini

Vinay is an Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service Worldwide Principal Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He has been solving customer’s omni-channel challenges for over 15 years. He is an avid sports enthusiast and in his spare time, enjoys playing tennis and cricket.


Dmitrijs Lobanovskis

Dmitrijs is a Software Engineer for Amazon Simple Email service. When not working, he enjoys traveling, hiking and going to the gym.