Tag Archives: Hyperdrive

Making state easy with D1 GA, Hyperdrive, Queues and Workers Analytics Engine updates

Post Syndicated from Rita Kozlov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/making-full-stack-easier-d1-ga-hyperdrive-queues

Making full-stack easier

Today might be April Fools, and while we like to have fun as much as anyone else, we like to use this day for serious announcements. In fact, as of today, there are over 2 million developers building on top of Cloudflare’s platform — that’s no joke!

To kick off this Developer Week, we’re flipping the big “production ready” switch on three products: D1, our serverless SQL database; Hyperdrive, which makes your existing databases feel like they’re distributed (and faster!); and Workers Analytics Engine, our time-series database.

We’ve been on a mission to allow developers to bring their entire stack to Cloudflare for some time, but what might an application built on Cloudflare look like?

The diagram itself shouldn’t look too different from the tools you’re already familiar with: you want a database for your core user data. Object storage for assets and user content. Maybe a queue for background tasks, like email or upload processing. A fast key-value store for runtime configuration. Maybe even a time-series database for aggregating user events and/or performance data. And that’s before we get to AI, which is increasingly becoming a core part of many applications in search, recommendation and/or image analysis tasks (at the very least!).

Yet, without having to think about it, this architecture runs on Region: Earth, which means it’s scalable, reliable and fast — all out of the box.

D1: Production Ready

Your core database is one of the most critical pieces of your infrastructure. It needs to be ultra-reliable. It can’t lose data. It needs to scale. And so we’ve been heads down over the last year getting the pieces into place to make sure D1 is production-ready, and we’re extremely excited to say that D1 — our global, serverless SQL database — is now Generally Available.

The GA for D1 lands some of the most asked-for features, including:

  • Support for 10GB databases — and 50,000 databases per account;
  • New data export capabilities; and
  • Enhanced query debugging (we call it “D1 Insights”) — that allows you to understand what queries are consuming the most time, cost, or that are just plain inefficient…  

… to empower developers to build production-ready applications with D1 to meet all their relational SQL needs. And importantly, in an era where the concept of a “free plan” or “hobby plan” is seemingly at risk, we have no intention of removing the free tier for D1 or reducing the 25 billion row reads included in the $5/mo Workers Paid plan:


Rows Read

Rows Written


Workers Paid

First 25 billion / month included

+ $0.001 / million rows

First 50 million / month included

+ $1.00 / million rows

First 5 GB included

+ $0.75 / GB-mo

Workers Free

5 million / day

100,000 / day

5 GB (total)

For those who’ve been following D1 since the start: this is the same pricing we announced at open beta

But things don’t just stop at GA: we have some major new features lined up for D1, including global read replication, even larger databases, more Time Travel capabilities that will allow you to branch your database, and new APIs for dynamically querying and/or creating new databases-on-the-fly from within a Worker.

D1’s read replication will automatically deploy read replicas as needed to get data closer to your users: and without you having to spin up, manage scaling, or run into consistency (replication lag) issues. Here’s a sneak preview of what D1’s upcoming Replication API looks like:

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env) {
    const {pathname} = new URL(request.url);
    let resp = null;
    let session = env.DB.withSession(token); // An optional commit token or mode

    // Handle requests within the session.
    if (pathname === "/api/orders/list") {
      // This statement is a read query, so it will work against any
      // replica that has a commit equal or later than `token`.
      const { results } = await session.prepare("SELECT * FROM Orders");
      resp = Response.json(results);
    } else if (pathname === "/api/orders/add") {
      order = await request.json();

      // This statement is a write query, so D1 will send the query to
      // the primary, which always has the latest commit token.
      await session.prepare("INSERT INTO Orders VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
        .bind(order.orderName, order.customer, order.value);

      // In order for the application to be correct, this SELECT
      // statement must see the results of the INSERT statement above.
      // D1's new Session API keeps track of commit tokens for queries
      // within the session and will ensure that we won't execute this
      // query until whatever replica we're using has seen the results
      // of the INSERT.
      const { results } = await session.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Orders")
      resp = Response.json(results);

    // Set the token so we can continue the session in another request.
    resp.headers.set("x-d1-token", session.latestCommitToken);
    return resp;

Importantly, we will give developers the ability to maintain session-based consistency, so that users still see their own changes reflected, whilst still benefiting from the performance and latency gains that replication can bring.

You can learn more about how D1’s read replication works under the hood in our deep-dive post, and if you want to start building on D1 today, head to our developer docs to create your first database.

Hyperdrive: GA

We launched Hyperdrive into open beta last September during Birthday Week, and it’s now Generally Available — or in other words, battle-tested and production-ready.

If you’re not caught up on what Hyperdrive is, it’s designed to make the centralized databases you already have feel like they’re global. We use our global network to get faster routes to your database, keep connection pools primed, and cache your most frequently run queries as close to users as possible.

Importantly, Hyperdrive supports the most popular drivers and ORM (Object Relational Mapper) libraries out of the box, so you don’t have to re-learn or re-write your queries:

// Use the popular 'pg' driver? Easy. Hyperdrive just exposes a connection string
// to your Worker.
const client = new Client({ connectionString: env.HYPERDRIVE.connectionString });
await client.connect();

// Prefer using an ORM like Drizzle? Use it with Hyperdrive too.
// https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/get-started-postgresql#node-postgres
const client = new Client({ connectionString: env.HYPERDRIVE.connectionString });
await client.connect();
const db = drizzle(client);

But the work on Hyperdrive doesn’t stop just because it’s now “GA”. Over the next few months, we’ll be bringing support for the other most widely deployed database engine there is: MySQL. We’ll also be bringing support for connecting to databases inside private networks (including cloud VPC networks) via Cloudflare Tunnel and Magic WAN On top of that, we plan to bring more configurability around invalidation and caching strategies, so that you can make more fine-grained decisions around performance vs. data freshness.

As we thought about how we wanted to price Hyperdrive, we realized that it just didn’t seem right to charge for it. After all, the performance benefits from Hyperdrive are not only significant, but essential to connecting to traditional database engines. Without Hyperdrive, paying the latency overhead of 6+ round-trips to connect & query your database per request just isn’t right.

And so we’re happy to announce that for any developer on a Workers Paid plan, Hyperdrive is free. That includes both query caching and connection pooling, as well as the ability to create multiple Hyperdrives — to separate different applications, prod vs. staging, or to provide different configurations (cached vs. uncached, for example).


Price per query

Connection Pooling

Workers Paid



To get started with Hyperdrive, head over to the docs to learn how to connect your existing database and start querying it from your Workers.

Queues: Pull From Anywhere

The task queue is an increasingly critical part of building a modern, full-stack application, and this is what we had in mind when we originally announced the open beta of Queues. We’ve since been working on several major Queues features, and we’re launching two of them this week: pull-based consumers and new message delivery controls.

Any HTTP-speaking client can now pull messages from a queue: call the new /pull endpoint on a queue to request a batch of messages, and call the /ack endpoint to acknowledge each message (or batch of messages) as you successfully process them:

// Pull and acknowledge messages from a Queue using any HTTP client
$  curl "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${CF_ACCOUNT_ID}/queues/${QUEUE_ID}/messages/pull" -X POST --data '{"visibilityTimeout":10000,"batchSize":100}}' \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer ${QUEUES_TOKEN}" \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json"

// Ack the messages you processed successfully; mark others to be retried.
$ curl "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${CF_ACCOUNT_ID}/queues/${QUEUE_ID}/messages/ack" -X POST --data '{"acks":["lease-id-1", "lease-id-2"],"retries":["lease-id-100"]}' \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer ${QUEUES_TOKEN}" \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json"

A pull-based consumer can run anywhere, allowing you to run queue consumers alongside your existing legacy cloud infrastructure. Teams inside Cloudflare adopted this early on, with one use-case focused on writing device telemetry to a queue from our 310+ data centers and consuming within some of our back-of-house infrastructure running on Kubernetes. Importantly, our globally distributed queue infrastructure means that messages are retained within the queue until the consumer is ready to process them.

Queues also now supports delaying messages, both when sending to a queue, as well as when marking a message for retry. This can be useful to queue (pun intended) tasks for the future, as well apply a backoff mechanism if an upstream API or infrastructure has rate limits that require you to pace how quickly you are processing messages.

// Apply a delay to a message when sending it
await env.YOUR_QUEUE.send(msg, { delaySeconds: 3600 })

// Delay a message (or a batch of messages) when marking it for retry
for (const msg of batch.messages) {
	msg.retry({delaySeconds: 300})

We’ll also be bringing substantially increased per-queue throughput over the coming months on the path to getting Queues to GA. It’s important to us that Queues is extremely reliable: lost or dropped messages means that a user doesn’t get their order confirmation email, that password reset notification, and/or their uploads processed — each of those are user-impacting and hard to recover from.

Workers Analytics Engine

Workers Analytics Engine provides unlimited-cardinality analytics at scale, via a built-in API to write data points from Workers, and a SQL API to query that data.

Workers Analytics Engine is backed by the same ClickHouse-based system we have depended on for years at Cloudflare. We use it ourselves to observe the health of our own services, to capture product usage data for billing, and to answer questions about specific customers’ usage patterns. At least one data point is written to this system on nearly every request to Cloudflare’s network. Workers Analytics Engine lets you build your own custom analytics using this same infrastructure, while we manage the hard parts for you.

Since launching in beta, developers have started depending on Workers Analytics Engine for these same use cases and more, from large enterprises to open-source projects like Counterscale. Workers Analytics Engine has been operating at production scale with mission-critical workloads for years — but we hadn’t shared anything about pricing, until today.

We are keeping Workers Analytics Engine pricing simple, and based on two metrics:

  1. Data points written — every time you call writeDataPoint() in a Worker, this counts as one data point written. Every data point costs the same amount — unlike other platforms, there is no penalty for adding dimensions or cardinality, and no need to predict what the size and cost of a compressed data point might be.
  2. Read queries — every time you post to the Workers Analytics Engine SQL API, this counts as one read query. Every query costs the same amount — unlike other platforms, there is no penalty for query complexity, and no need to reason about the number of rows of data that will be read by each query.

Both the Workers Free and Workers Paid plans will include an allocation of data points written and read queries, with pricing for additional usage as follows:


Data points written

Read queries

Workers Paid

10 million included per month

+$0.25 per additional million

1 million included per month

+$1.00 per additional million

Workers Free

100,000 included per day

10,000 included per day

With this pricing, you can answer, “how much will Workers Analytics Engine cost me?” by counting the number of times you call a function in your Worker, and how many times you make a request to a HTTP API endpoint. Napkin math, rather than spreadsheet math.

This pricing will be made available to everyone in coming months. Between now and then, Workers Analytics Engine continues to be available at no cost. You can start writing data points from your Worker today — it takes just a few minutes and less than 10 lines of code to start capturing data. We’d love to hear what you think.

The week is just getting started

Tune in to what we have in store for you tomorrow on our second day of Developer Week. If you have questions or want to show off something cool you already built, please join our developer Discord.

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global

Post Syndicated from Matt Silverlock original http://blog.cloudflare.com/hyperdrive-making-regional-databases-feel-distributed/

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global

Hyperdrive makes accessing your existing databases from Cloudflare Workers, wherever they are running, hyper fast. You connect Hyperdrive to your database, change one line of code to connect through Hyperdrive, and voilà: connections and queries get faster (and spoiler: you can use it today).

In a nutshell, Hyperdrive uses our global network to speed up queries to your existing databases, whether they’re in a legacy cloud provider or with your favorite serverless database provider; dramatically reduces the latency incurred from repeatedly setting up new database connections; and caches the most popular read queries against your database, often avoiding the need to go back to your database at all.

Without Hyperdrive, that core database — the one with your user profiles, product inventory, or running your critical web app — sitting in the us-east1 region of a legacy cloud provider is going to be really slow to access for users in Paris, Singapore and Dubai and slower than it should be for users in Los Angeles or Vancouver. With each round trip taking up to 200ms, it’s easy to burn up to a second (or more!) on the multiple round-trips needed just to set up a connection, before you’ve even made the query for your data. Hyperdrive is designed to fix this.

To demonstrate Hyperdrive’s performance, we built a demo application that makes back-to-back queries against the same database: both with Hyperdrive and without Hyperdrive (directly). The app selects a database in a neighboring continent: if you’re in Europe, it selects a database in the US — an all-too-common experience for many European Internet users — and if you’re in Africa, it selects a database in Europe (and so on). It returns raw results from a straightforward SELECT query, with no carefully selected averages or cherry-picked metrics.

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global
We built a demo app that makes real queries to a PostgreSQL database, with and without Hyperdrive

Throughout internal testing, initial user reports and the multiple runs in our benchmark, Hyperdrive delivers a 17 – 25x performance improvement vs. going direct to the database for cached queries, and a 6 – 8x improvement for uncached queries and writes. The cached latency might not surprise you, but we think that being 6 – 8x faster on uncached queries changes “I can’t query a centralized database from Cloudflare Workers” to “where has this been all my life?!”. We’re also continuing to work on performance improvements: we’ve already identified additional latency savings, and we’ll be pushing those out in the coming weeks.

The best part? Developers with a Workers paid plan can start using the Hyperdrive open beta immediately: there are no waiting lists or special sign-up forms to navigate.

Hyperdrive? Never heard of it?

We’ve been working on Hyperdrive in secret for a short while: but allowing developers to connect to databases they already have — with their existing data, queries and tooling — has been something on our minds for quite some time.

In a modern distributed cloud environment like Workers, where compute is globally distributed (so it’s close to users) and functions are short-lived (so you’re billed no more than is needed), connecting to traditional databases has been both slow and unscalable. Slow because it takes upwards of seven round-trips (TCP handshake; TLS negotiation; then auth) to establish the connection, and unscalable because databases like PostgreSQL have a high resource cost per connection. Even just a couple of hundred connections to a database can consume non-negligible memory, separate from any memory needed for queries.

Our friends over at Neon (a popular serverless Postgres provider) wrote about this, and even released a WebSocket proxy and driver to reduce the connection overhead, but are still fighting uphill in the snow: even with a custom driver, we’re down to 4 round-trips, each still potentially taking 50-200 milliseconds or more. When those connections are long-lived, that’s OK — it might happen once every few hours at best. But when they’re scoped to an individual function invocation, and are only useful for a few milliseconds to minutes at best — your code spends more time waiting. It’s effectively another kind of cold start: having to initiate a fresh connection to your database before making a query means that using a traditional database in a distributed or serverless environment is (to put it lightly) really slow.

To combat this, Hyperdrive does two things.

First, it maintains a set of regional database connection pools across Cloudflare’s network, so a Cloudflare Worker avoids making a fresh connection to a database on every request. Instead, the Worker can establish a connection to Hyperdrive (fast!), with Hyperdrive maintaining a pool of ready-to-go connections back to the database. Since a database can be anywhere from 30ms to (often) 300ms away over a single round-trip (let alone the seven or more you need for a new connection), having a pool of available connections dramatically reduces the latency issue that short-lived connections would otherwise suffer.

Second, it understands the difference between read (non-mutating) and write (mutating) queries and transactions, and can automatically cache your most popular read queries: which represent over 80% of most queries made to databases in typical web applications. That product listing page that tens of thousands of users visit every hour; open jobs on a major careers site; or even queries for config data that changes occasionally; a tremendous amount of what is queried does not change often, and caching it closer to where the user is querying it from can dramatically speed up access to that data for the next ten thousand users. Write queries, which can’t be safely cached, still get to benefit from both Hyperdrive’s connection pooling and Cloudflare’s global network: being able to take the fastest routes across the Internet across our backbone cuts down latency there, too.

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global
Even if your database is on the other side of the country, 70ms x 6 round-trips is a lot of time for a user to be waiting for a query response.

Hyperdrive works not only with PostgreSQL databases — including Neon, Google Cloud SQL, AWS RDS, and Timescale, but also PostgreSQL-compatible databases like Materialize (a powerful stream-processing database), CockroachDB (a major distributed database), Google Cloud’s AlloyDB, and AWS Aurora Postgres.

We’re also working on bringing support for MySQL, including providers like PlanetScale, by the end of the year, with more database engines planned in the future.

The magic connection string

One of the major design goals for Hyperdrive was the need for developers to keep using their existing drivers, query builder and ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) libraries. It wouldn’t have mattered how fast Hyperdrive was if we required you to migrate away from your favorite ORM and/or rewrite hundreds (or more) lines of code & tests to benefit from Hyperdrive’s performance.

To achieve this, we worked with the maintainers of popular open-source drivers — including node-postgres and Postgres.js — to help their libraries support Worker’s new TCP socket API, which is going through the standardization process, and we expect to see land in Node.js, Deno and Bun as well.

The humble database connection string is the shared language of database drivers, and typically takes on this format:

postgres://user:[email protected]:5432/postgres

The magic behind Hyperdrive is that you can start using it in your existing Workers applications, with your existing queries, just by swapping out your connection string for the one Hyperdrive generates instead.

Creating a Hyperdrive

With an existing database ready to go — in this example, we’ll use a Postgres database from Neon — it takes less than a minute to get Hyperdrive running (yes, we timed it).

If you don’t have an existing Cloudflare Workers project, you can quickly create one:

$ npm create cloudflare@latest
# Call the application "hyperdrive-demo"
# Choose "Hello World Worker" as your template

From here, we just need the database connection string for our database and a quick wrangler command-line invocation to have Hyperdrive connect to it.

# Using wrangler v3.8.0 or above
wrangler hyperdrive databases create a-faster-database --connection-string="postgres://user:[email protected]/neondb"

# This will return an ID: we'll use this in the next step

Add our Hyperdrive to the wrangler.toml configuration file for our Worker:

database_id = "cdb28782-0dfc-4aca-a445-a2c318fb26fd"

We can now write a Worker — or take an existing Worker script — and use Hyperdrive to speed up connections and queries to our existing database. We use node-postgres here, but we could just as easily use Drizzle ORM.

import { Client } from 'pg';

export interface Env {
	HYPERDRIVE: Hyperdrive;

export default {
	async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
		// Create a database client that connects to our database via Hyperdrive
		// Hyperdrive generates a unique connection string you can pass to
		// supported drivers, including node-postgres, Postgres.js, and the many
		// ORMs and query builders that use these drivers.
		const client = new Client({ connectionString: env.HYPERDRIVE.connectionString });

		try {
			// Connect to our database
			await client.connect();

			// A very simple test query
			let result = await client.query({ text: 'SELECT * FROM pg_tables' });

			// Return our result rows as JSON
			return Response.json({ result: result });
		} catch (e) {
			return Response.json({ error: JSON.stringify(e) }, { status: 500 });

The code above is intentionally simple, but hopefully you can see the magic: our database driver gets a connection string from Hyperdrive, and is none-the-wiser. It doesn’t need to know anything about Hyperdrive, we don’t have to toss out our favorite query builder library, and we can immediately realize the speed benefits when making queries.

Connections are automatically pooled and kept warm, our most popular queries are cached, and our entire application gets faster.

We’ve also built out guides for every major database provider to make it easy to get what you need from them (a connection string) into Hyperdrive.

Going fast can’t be cheap, right?

We think Hyperdrive is critical to accessing your existing databases when building on Cloudflare Workers: traditional databases were just never designed for a world where clients are globally distributed.

Hyperdrive’s connection pooling will always be free, for both database protocols we support today and new database protocols we add in the future. Just like DDoS protection and our global CDN, we think access to Hyperdrive’s core feature is too useful to hold back.

During the open beta, Hyperdrive itself will not incur any charges for usage, regardless of how you use it. We’ll be announcing more details on how Hyperdrive will be priced closer to GA (early in 2024), with plenty of notice.

Time to query

So where to from here for Hyperdrive?

We’re planning on bringing Hyperdrive to GA in early 2024 — and we’re focused on landing more controls over how we cache & automatically invalidate based on writes, detailed query and performance analytics (soon!), support for more database engines (including MySQL) as well as continuing to work on making it even faster.

We’re also working to enable private network connectivity via Magic WAN and Cloudflare Tunnel, so that you can connect to databases that aren’t (or can’t be) exposed to the public Internet.

To connect Hyperdrive to your existing database, visit our developer docs — it takes less than a minute to create a Hyperdrive and update existing code to use it. Join the #hyperdrive-beta channel in our Developer Discord to ask questions, surface bugs, and talk to our Product & Engineering teams directly.

Hyperdrive: making databases feel like they’re global