All posts by Brendan Irvine-Broque

Cloudflare named a leader in Forrester Edge Development Platforms Wave, Q4 2023

Post Syndicated from Brendan Irvine-Broque original

Forrester has recognized Cloudflare as a leader in The Forrester Wave™: Edge Development Platforms, Q4 2023 with the top score in the current offering category.

According to the report by Principal Analyst, Devin Dickerson, “Cloudflare’s edge development platform provides the building blocks enterprises need to create full stack distributed applications and enables developers to take advantage of a globally distributed network of compute, storage and programmable security without being experts on CAP theorem.“

Over one million developers are building applications using the Developer Platform products including Workers, Pages, R2, KV, Queues, Durable Objects, D1, Stream, Images, and more. Developers can easily deploy highly distributed, full-stack applications using Cloudflare’s full suite of compute, storage, and developer services.

Workers make Cloudflare’s network programmable

“ A key strength of the platform is the interoperability with Cloudflare’s programmable global CDN combined with a deployment model that leverages intelligent workload placement.”
The Forrester Wave™: Edge Development Platforms, Q4 2023

Workers run across Cloudflare’s global network, provide APIs to read from and write directly to the local cache, and expose context from Cloudflare’s CDN directly on the request object that a Worker receives.

This close integration with Cloudflare’s network allows developers to build, protect, and connect globally distributed applications, without deploying to specific regions. Smart Placement optimizes Workers to run in the location that yields the fastest overall performance, whether it’s the location closest to the data, or closest to the user. Hyperdrive automatically pools database connections, allowing Workers running all over the world to reuse them when querying PostgreSQL databases, avoiding the scaling challenges that make it hard to use traditional databases with a serverless architecture. Cron Triggers allow for up to 15 minutes of CPU time, allowing for compute intensive background work.

Cloudflare is beyond edge computing — it’s everywhere computing. We use our network to make your application perform best, shaped by real-world data and tailored to access patterns and programming paradigms.

Deploy distributed systems, without being a distributed systems expert

“ Reference customers consistently call out the ease of onboarding, which sees developers with no prior background delivering workloads across the globe in minutes, and production quality applications within a week. “
The Forrester Wave™: Edge Development Platforms, Q4 2023

Workers empower any developer to deploy globally distributed applications, without needing to become distributed systems experts or experts in configuring cloud infrastructure.

  • When you deploy a Worker, behind the scenes Cloudflare distributes it across the globe. But to you, it’s a single application that you can run and test locally, using the same open-source JavaScript runtime that your Workers run on in production.
  • When you deploy a Durable Object to coordinate real-time state, you’ve built a distributed application, but instead of having to learn RPC protocols and scale infrastructure, you’ve programmed the whole thing in JavaScript using web standard APIs that front-end developers know and rely on daily.
  • Enqueuing and processing batches of messages with Cloudflare Queues takes adding just a few more lines of JavaScript to an existing Worker.
  • When you create a web application with Cloudflare Pages, you’ve set up a complete continuous build and deployment pipeline with preview URLs, just by connecting to a GitHub repository.

Developers who previously only wrote front-end code are able to build the back end, and make their app real-time and reactive. Teams stuck waiting for infrastructure experts to provision resources are able to start prototyping today rather than next week. Writing and deploying a Worker is familiar and accessible, and this lets engineering teams move faster, with less overhead.

Why are teams able to get started so quickly?

  1. Workers use web standard APIs that front-end developers and anyone building web applications already use every day. Cloudflare was a founding member of the Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group (WinterCG) and is committed to interoperability across runtimes.
  2. The tools developers already use every day are native to our platform. We publish TypeScript types for all APIs, and support compiling TypeScript when authoring and deploying via the Wrangler CLI or via the code editor in the Cloudflare dashboard — which itself is powered by the popular VSCode editor.
  3. The open-source frameworks that developers prefer to build with are supported. A growing set of APIs from Node.js are available natively in the Workers runtime, allowing existing open source libraries to work on Workers. And increasingly, new open source projects that developers depend on are designed from day one to work across all WinterCG runtimes. Every day, more of the JavaScript ecosystem works on Workers.

Expanding into AI with GPUs, LLMs, and more

“Its superior vision refuses to limit the future footprint to the edge, and their purposeful approach to building out capabilities on the roadmap suggests that it will be increasingly well positioned to take on public cloud hyperscalers for workloads. “
The Forrester Wave™: Edge Development Platforms, Q4 2023

We are building a complete compute platform for production applications at scale. And as every company and every developer is now building or experimenting with AI, Cloudflare has made GPUs an integrated part of our developer platform. We’ve made it just as easy to get started with AI as we have to deliver a global workload. In mid-November, we hit our goal to have Workers AI Inference running in over 100 cities around the world, and by the end of the 2024 Workers AI will be running in nearly every city Cloudflare has a presence in.

Workers AI allows developers to build applications using the latest open-source AI models, without provisioning any infrastructure or paying for costly unused capacity. We’re extending this to support deploying models directly from Hugging Face to Workers AI, for an even wider set of AI models. And unlike provisioning a VM with a GPU in a specific data center, we’re building this such that we can treat our whole network as one giant compute resource, running models in the right place at the right time to serve developers’ needs.

Beyond model inference, we’re doubling down on supporting web standard APIs and making the WebGPU API available from within the Workers platform. While we’re proud to be recognized as a leading edge platform, we’re not just that —we are a platform for developing full-stack applications, even those that require compute power that just one year ago very few used or needed.

We’re excited to show you what’s next, including a new way to manage secrets across Cloudflare products, improved observability, and better tools for releasing changes. Every day we see more advanced applications built on our platform, and we’re committed to matching that with tools to serve the most mission-critical workloads — the same ones we use ourselves to build our products on our own platform.

Download the report here.

Announcing connect() — a new API for creating TCP sockets from Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Brendan Irvine-Broque original

Announcing connect() — a new API for creating TCP sockets from Cloudflare Workers

Announcing connect() — a new API for creating TCP sockets from Cloudflare Workers

Today, we are excited to announce a new API in Cloudflare Workers for creating outbound TCP sockets, making it possible to connect directly to any TCP-based service from Workers.

Standard protocols including SSH, MQTT, SMTP, FTP, and IRC are all built on top of TCP. Most importantly, nearly all applications need to connect to databases, and most databases speak TCP. And while Cloudflare D1 works seamlessly on Workers, and some hosted database providers allow connections over HTTP or WebSockets, the vast majority of databases, both relational (SQL) and document-oriented (NoSQL), require clients to connect by opening a direct TCP “socket”, an ongoing two-way connection that is used to send queries and receive data. Now, Workers provides an API for this, the first of many steps to come in allowing you to use any database or infrastructure you choose when building full-stack applications on Workers.

Database drivers, the client code used to connect to databases and execute queries, are already using this new API. pg, the most widely used JavaScript database driver for PostgreSQL, works on Cloudflare Workers today, with more database drivers to come.

The TCP Socket API is available today to everyone. Get started by reading the TCP Socket API docs, or connect directly to any PostgreSQL database from your Worker by following this guide.

First — what is a TCP Socket?

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a foundational networking protocol of the Internet. It is the underlying protocol that is used to make HTTP requests (prior to HTTP/3, which uses QUIC), to send email over SMTP, to query databases using database–specific protocols like MySQL, and many other application-layer protocols.

A TCP socket is a programming interface that represents a two-way communication connection between two applications that have both agreed to “speak” over TCP. One application (ex: a Cloudflare Worker) initiates an outbound TCP connection to another (ex: a database server) that is listening for inbound TCP connections. Connections are established by negotiating a three-way handshake, and after the handshake is complete, data can be sent bi-directionally.

Announcing connect() — a new API for creating TCP sockets from Cloudflare Workers

A socket is the programming interface for a single TCP connection — it has both a readable and writable “stream” of data, allowing applications to read and write data on an ongoing basis, as long as the connection remains open.

connect() — A simpler socket API

With Workers, we aim to support standard APIs that are supported across browsers and non-browser environments wherever possible, so that as many NPM packages as possible work on Workers without changes, and package authors don’t have to write runtime-specific code. But for TCP sockets, we faced a challenge — there was no clear shared standard across runtimes. Node.js provides the net and tls APIs, but Deno implements a different API — Deno.connect. And web browsers do not provide a raw TCP socket API, though a WICG proposal does exist, and it is different from both Node.js and Deno.

We also considered how a TCP socket API could be designed to maximize performance and ergonomics in a serverless environment. Most networking APIs were designed well before serverless emerged, with the assumption that the developer’s application is also the server, responsible for directly handling configuring TLS options and credentials.

With this backdrop, we reached out to the community, with a focus on maintainers of database drivers, ORMs and other libraries that create outbound TCP connections. Using this feedback, we’ve tried to incorporate the best elements of existing APIs and proposals, and intend to contribute back to future standards, as part of the Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group (WinterCG).

The API we landed on is a simple function, connect(), imported from the new cloudflare:sockets module, that returns an instance of a Socket. Here’s a simple example showing it used to connect to a Gopher server. Gopher was one of the Internet’s early protocols that relied on TCP/IP, and still works today:

import { connect } from 'cloudflare:sockets';

export default {
  async fetch(req: Request) {
    const gopherAddr = "";
    const url = new URL(req.url);

    try {
      const socket = connect(gopherAddr);

      const writer = socket.writable.getWriter()
      const encoder = new TextEncoder();
      const encoded = encoder.encode(url.pathname + "\r\n");
      await writer.write(encoded);

      return new Response(socket.readable, { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" } });
    } catch (error) {
      return new Response("Socket connection failed: " + error, { status: 500 });

We think this API design has many benefits that can be realized not just on Cloudflare, but in any serverless environment that adopts this design:

connect(address: SocketAddress | string, options?: SocketOptions): Socket

declare interface Socket {
  get readable(): ReadableStream;
  get writable(): WritableStream;
  get closed(): Promise<void>;
  close(): Promise<void>;
  startTls(): Socket;

declare interface SocketOptions {
  secureTransport?: string;
  allowHalfOpen: boolean;

declare interface SocketAddress {
  hostname: string;
  port: number;

Opportunistic TLS (StartTLS), without separate APIs

Opportunistic TLS, a pattern of creating an initial insecure connection, and then upgrading it to a secure one that uses TLS, remains common, particularly with database drivers. In Node.js, you must use the net API to create the initial connection, and then use the tls API to create a new, upgraded connection. In Deno, you pass the original socket to Deno.startTls(), which creates a new, upgraded connection.

Drawing on a previous W3C proposal for a TCP Socket API, we’ve simplified this by providing one API, that allows TLS to be enabled, allowed, or used when creating a socket, and exposes a simple method, startTls(), for upgrading a socket to use TLS.

// Create a new socket without TLS. secureTransport defaults to "off" if not specified.
const socket = connect("address:port", { secureTransport: "off" })

// Create a new socket, then upgrade it to use TLS.
// Once startTls() is called, only the newly created socket can be used.
const socket = connect("address:port", { secureTransport: "starttls" })
const secureSocket = socket.startTls();

// Create a new socket with TLS
const socket = connect("address:port", { secureTransport: "use" })

TLS configuration — a concern of host infrastructure, not application code

Existing APIs for creating TCP sockets treat TLS as a library that you interact with in your application code. The tls.createSecureContext() API from Node.js has a plethora of advanced configuration options that are mostly environment specific. If you use custom certificates when connecting to a particular service, you likely use a different set of credentials and options in production, staging and development. Managing direct file paths to credentials across environments and swapping out .env files in production build steps are common pain points.

Host infrastructure is best positioned to manage this on your behalf, and similar to Workers support for making subrequests using mTLS, TLS configuration and credentials for the socket API will be managed via Wrangler, and a connect() function provided via a capability binding. Currently, custom TLS credentials and configuration are not supported, but are coming soon.

Start writing data immediately, before the TLS handshake finishes

Because the connect() API synchronously returns a new socket, one can start writing to the socket immediately, without waiting for the TCP handshake to first complete. This means that once the handshake completes, data is already available to send immediately, and host platforms can make use of pipelining to optimize performance.

connect() API + DB drivers = Connect directly to databases

Many serverless databases already work on Workers, allowing clients to connect over HTTP or over WebSockets. But most databases don’t “speak” HTTP, including databases hosted on most cloud providers.

Databases each have their own “wire protocol”, and open-source database “drivers” that speak this protocol, sending and receiving data over a TCP socket. Developers rely on these drivers in their own code, as do database ORMs. Our goal is to make sure that you can use the same drivers and ORMs you might use in other runtimes and on other platforms on Workers.

Try it now — connect to PostgreSQL from Workers

We’ve worked with the maintainers of pg, one of the most popular database drivers in the JavaScript ecosystem, used by ORMs including Sequelize and knex.js, to add support for connect().

You can try this right now. First, create a new Worker and install pg:

wrangler init
npm install --save pg

As of this writing, you’ll need to enable the node_compat option in wrangler.toml:


name = "my-worker"
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2023-05-15"
node_compat = true

In just 20 lines of TypeScript, you can create a connection to a Postgres database, execute a query, return results in the response, and close the connection:


import { Client } from "pg";

export interface Env {
  DB: string;

export default {
  async fetch(
    request: Request,
    env: Env,
    ctx: ExecutionContext
  ): Promise<Response> {
    const client = new Client(env.DB);
    await client.connect();
    const result = await client.query({
      text: "SELECT * from customers",
    const resp = Response.json(result.rows);
    // Close the database connection, but don't block returning the response
    return resp;

To test this in local development, use the --experimental-local flag (instead of –local), which uses the open-source Workers runtime, ensuring that what you see locally mirrors behavior in production:

wrangler dev --experimental-local

What’s next for connecting to databases from Workers?

This is only the beginning. We’re aiming for the two popular MySQL drivers, mysql and mysql2, to work on Workers soon, with more to follow. If you work on a database driver or ORM, we’d love to help make your library work on Workers.

If you’ve worked more closely with database scaling and performance, you might have noticed that in the example above, a new connection is created for every request. This is one of the biggest current challenges of connecting to databases from serverless functions, across all platforms. With typical client connection pooling, you maintain a local pool of database connections that remain open. This approach of storing a reference to a connection or connection pool in global scope will not work, and is a poor fit for serverless. Managing individual pools of client connections on a per-isolate basis creates other headaches — when and how should connections be terminated? How can you limit the total number of concurrent connections across many isolates and locations?

Instead, we’re already working on simpler approaches to connection pooling for the most popular databases. We see a path to a future where you don’t have to think about or manage client connection pooling on your own. We’re also working on a brand new approach to making your database reads lightning fast.

What’s next for sockets on Workers?

Supporting outbound TCP connections is only one half of the story — we plan to support inbound TCP and UDP connections, as well as new emerging application protocols based on QUIC, so that you can build applications beyond HTTP with Socket Workers.

Earlier today we also announced Smart Placement, which improves performance by placing any Worker that makes multiple HTTP requests to an origin run as close as possible to reduce round-trip time. We’re working on making this work with Workers that open TCP connections, so that if your Worker connects to a database in Virginia and makes many queries over a TCP connection, each query is lightning fast and comes from the nearest location on Cloudflare’s global network.

We also plan to support custom certificates and other TLS configuration options in the coming months — tell us what is a must-have in order to connect to the services you need to connect to from Workers.

Get started, and share your feedback

The TCP Socket API is available today to everyone. Get started by reading the TCP Socket API docs, or connect directly to any PostgreSQL database from your Worker by following this guide.

We want to hear your feedback, what you’d like to see next, and more about what you’re building. Join the Cloudflare Developers Discord.

Stream Live is now Generally Available

Post Syndicated from Brendan Irvine-Broque original

Stream Live is now Generally Available

Stream Live is now Generally Available

Today, we’re excited to announce that Stream Live is out of beta, available to everyone, and ready for production traffic at scale. Stream Live is a feature of Cloudflare Stream that allows developers to build live video features in websites and native apps.

Since its beta launch, developers have used Stream to broadcast live concerts from some of the world’s most popular artists directly to fans, build brand-new video creator platforms, operate a global 24/7 live OTT service, and more. While in beta, Stream has ingested millions of minutes of live video and delivered to viewers all over the world.

Bring your big live events, ambitious new video subscription service, or the next mobile video app with millions of users — we’re ready for it.

Streaming live video at scale is hard

Live video uses a massive amount of bandwidth. For example, a one-hour live stream at 1080p at 8Mbps is 3.6GB. At typical cloud provider egress prices, even a little egress can break the bank.

Live video must be encoded on-the-fly, in real-time. People expect to be able to watch live video on their phone, while connected to mobile networks with less bandwidth, higher latency and frequently interrupted connections. To support this, live video must be re-encoded in real-time into multiple resolutions, allowing someone’s phone to drop to a lower resolution and continue playback. This can be complex (Which bitrates? Which codecs? How many?) and costly: running a fleet of virtual machines doesn’t come cheap.

Ingest location matters — Live streaming protocols like RTMPS send video over TCP. If a single packet is dropped or lost, the entire connection is brought to a halt while the packet is found and re-transmitted. This is known as “head of line blocking”. The further away the broadcaster is from the ingest server, the more network hops, and the more likely packets will be dropped or lost, ultimately resulting in latency and buffering for viewers.

Delivery location matters — Live video must be cached and served from points of presence as close to viewers as possible. The longer the network round trips, the more likely videos will buffer or drop to a lower quality.

Broadcasting protocols are in flux — The most widely used protocol for streaming live video, RTMPS, has been abandoned since 2012, and dates back to the era of Flash video in the early 2000s. A new emerging standard, SRT, is not yet supported everywhere. And WebRTC has only recently evolved into an option for high definition one-to-many broadcasting at scale.

The old way to solve this has been to stitch together separate cloud services from different vendors. One vendor provides excellent content delivery, but no encoding. Another provides APIs or hardware to encode, but leaves you to fend for yourself and build your own storage layer. As a developer, you have to learn, manage and write a layer of glue code around the esoteric details of video streaming protocols, codecs, encoding settings and delivery pipelines.

Stream Live is now Generally Available

We built Stream Live to make streaming live video easy, like adding an <img> tag to a website. Live video is now a fundamental building block of Internet content, and we think any developer should have the tools to add it to their website or native app.

With Stream, you or your users stream live video directly to Cloudflare, and Cloudflare delivers video directly to your viewers. You never have to manage internal encoding, storage, or delivery systems — it’s just live video in and live video out.

Our network, our hardware = a solution only Cloudflare can provide

We’re not the only ones building APIs for live video — but we are the only ones with our own global network and hardware that we control and optimize for video. That lets us do things that others can’t, like sub-second glass-to-glass latency using RTMPS and SRT playback at scale.

Newer video codecs require specialized hardware encoders, and while others are beholden to the hardware limitations of public cloud providers, we’re already hard at work installing the latest encoding hardware in our own racks, so that you can deliver high resolution video with even less bandwidth. Our goal is to make what is otherwise only available to video giants available directly to you — stay tuned for some exciting updates on this next week.

Most providers limit how many destinations you can restream or simulcast to. Because we operate our own network, we’ve never even worried about this, and let you restream to as many destinations as you need.

Operating our own network lets us price Stream based on minutes of video delivered — unlike others, we don’t pay someone else for bandwidth and then pass along their costs to you at a markup. The status quo of charging for bandwidth or per-GB storage penalizes you for delivering or storing high resolution content. If you ask why a few times, most of the time you’ll discover that others are pushing their own cost structures on to you.

Encoding video is compute-intensive, delivering video is bandwidth intensive, and location matters when ingesting live video. When you use Stream, you don’t need to worry about optimizing performance, finding a CDN, and/or tweaking configuration endlessly. Stream takes care of this for you.

Free your live video from the business models of big platforms

Nearly every business uses live video, whether to engage with customers, broadcast events or monetize live content. But few have the specialized engineering resources to deliver live video at scale on their own, and wire together multiple low level cloud services. To date, many of the largest content creators have been forced to depend on a shortlist of social media apps and streaming services to deliver live content at scale.

Unlike the status quo, who force you to put your live video in their apps and services and fit their business models, Stream gives you full control of your live video, on your website or app, on any device, at scale, without pushing your users to someone else’s service.

Free encoding. Free ingestion. Free analytics. Simple per-minute pricing.

Others Stream
Encoding $ per minute Free
Ingestion $ per GB Free
Analytics Separate product Free
Live recordings Minutes or hours later Instant
Storage $ per GB per minute stored
Delivery $ per GB per minute delivered

Other platforms charge for ingestion and encoding. Many even force you to consider where you’re streaming to and from, the bitrate and frames per second of your video, and even which of their datacenters you’re using.

With Stream, encoding and ingestion are free. Other platforms charge for delivery based on bandwidth, penalizing you for delivering high quality video to your viewers. If you stream at a high resolution, you pay more.

With Stream, you don’t pay a penalty for delivering high resolution video. Stream’s pricing is simple — minutes of video delivered and stored. Because you pay per minute, not per gigabyte, you can stream at the ideal resolution for your viewers without worrying about bandwidth costs.

Other platforms charge separately for analytics, requiring you to buy another product to get metrics about your live streams.

With Stream, analytics are free. Stream provides an API and Dashboard for both server-side and client-side analytics, that can be queried on a per-video, per-creator, per-country basis, and more. You can use analytics to identify which creators in your app have the most viewed live streams, inform how much to bill your customers for their own usage, identify where content is going viral, and more.

Other platforms tack on live recordings or DVR mode as a separate add-on feature, and recordings only become available minutes or even hours after a live stream ends.

With Stream, live recordings are a built-in feature, made available instantly after a live stream ends. Once a live stream is available, it works just like any other video uploaded to Stream, letting you seamlessly use the same APIs for managing both pre-recorded and live content.

Build live video into your website or app in minutes

Stream Live is now Generally Available

Cloudflare Stream enables you or your users to go live using the same protocols and tools that broadcasters big and small use to go live to YouTube or Twitch, but gives you full control over access and presentation of live streams.

Step 1: Create a live input

Create a new live input from the Stream Dashboard or use use the Stream API:


curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>" \
-d "{"recording": { "mode": "automatic" } }" \<YOUR_CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID>/stream/live_inputs


"result": {
"rtmps": {
"url": "rtmps://",

Step 2: Use the RTMPS key with any live broadcasting software, or in your own native app

Copy the RTMPS URL and key, and use them with your live streaming application. We recommend using Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) to get started, but any RTMPS or SRT compatible software should be able to interoperate with Stream Live.

Enter the Stream RTMPS URL and the Stream Key from Step 1:

Stream Live is now Generally Available

Step 3: Preview your live stream in the Cloudflare Dashboard

In the Stream Dashboard, within seconds of going live, you will see a preview of what your viewers will see, along with the real-time connection status of your live stream.

Stream Live is now Generally Available

Step 4: Add live video playback to your website or app

Stream your video using our Stream Player embed code, or use any video player that supports HLS or DASH — live streams can be played in both websites or native iOS and Android apps.

For example, on iOS, all you need to do is provide AVPlayer with the URL to the HLS manifest for your live input, which you can find via the API or in the Stream Dashboard.

import SwiftUI
import AVKit

struct MyView: View {
    // Change the url to the Cloudflare Stream HLS manifest URL
    private let player = AVPlayer(url: URL(string: "")!)

    var body: some View {
        VideoPlayer(player: player)
            .onAppear() {

struct MyView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

To run a complete example app in XCode, follow this guide in the Stream Developer docs.

Companies are building whole new video platforms on top of Stream

Developers want control, but most don’t have time to become video experts. And even video experts building innovative new platforms don’t want to manage live streaming infrastructure.

Switcher Studio’s whole business is live video — their iOS app allows creators and businesses to produce their own branded, multi camera live streams. Switcher uses Stream as an essential part of their live streaming infrastructure. In their own words:

“Since 2014, Switcher has helped creators connect to audiences with livestreams. Now, our users create over 100,000 streams per month. As we grew, we needed a scalable content delivery solution. Cloudflare offers secure, fast delivery, and even allowed us to offer new features, like multistreaming. Trusting Cloudflare Stream lets our team focus on the live production tools that make Switcher unique.”

While Stream Live has been in beta, we’ve worked with many customers like Switcher, where live video isn’t just one product feature, it is the core of their product. Even as experts in live video, they choose to use Stream, so that they can focus on the unique value they create for their customers, leaving the infrastructure of ingesting, encoding, recording and delivering live video to Cloudflare.

Start building live video into your website or app today

It takes just a few minutes to sign up and start your first live stream, using the Cloudflare Dashboard, with no code required to get started, but APIs for when you’re ready to start building your own live video features. Give it a try — we’re ready for you, no matter the size of your audience.