All posts by Brendan Jenkins

Quickly go from Idea to PR with CodeCatalyst using Amazon Q

Post Syndicated from Brendan Jenkins original

Amazon Q feature development enables teams using Amazon CodeCatalyst to scale with AI to assist developers in completing everyday software development tasks. Developers can now go from an idea in an issue to a fully tested, merge-ready, running application code in a Pull Request (PR) with natural language inputs in a few clicks. Developers can also provide feedback to Amazon Q directly on the published pull request and ask it to generate a new revision. If the code change falls short of expectations, a new development environment can be created directly from the pull request, necessary adjustments can be made manually, a new revision published, and proceed with the merge upon approval.

In this blog, we will walk through a use case leveraging the Modern three-tier web application blueprint, and adding a feature to the web application. We’ll leverage Amazon Q feature development to quickly go from Idea to PR. We also suggest following the steps outlined below in this blog in your own application so you can gain a better understanding of how you can use this feature in your daily work.

Solution Overview

Amazon Q feature development is integrated into CodeCatalyst. Figure 1 details how users can assign Amazon Q an issue. When assigning the issue, users answer a few preliminary questions and Amazon Q outputs the proposed approach, where users can either approve or provide additional feedback to Amazon Q. Once approved, Amazon Q will generate a PR where users can review, revise, and merge the PR into the repository.

Figure 1: Amazon Q feature development workflow

Figure 1: Amazon Q feature development workflow


Although we will walk through a sample use case in this blog using a Blueprint from CodeCatalyst, after, we encourage you to try this with your own application so you can gain hands-on experience with utilizing this feature. If you are using CodeCatalyst for the first time, you’ll need:


Step 1: Creating the blueprint

In this blog, we’ll leverage the Modern three-tier web application blueprint to walk through a sample use case. This blueprint creates a Mythical Mysfits three-tier web application with modular presentation, application, and data layers.

Figure 2: Creating a new Modern three-tier application blueprint

Figure 2: Creating a new Modern three-tier application blueprint

First, within your space click “Create Project” and select the Modern three-tier web application CodeCatalyst Blueprint as shown above in Figure 2.

Enter a Project name and select: Lambda for the Compute Platform and Amplify Hosting for Frontend Hosting Options. Additionally, ensure your AWS account is selected along with creating a new IAM Role.

Once the project is finished creating, the application will deploy via a CodeCatalyst workflow, assuming the AWS account and IAM role were setup correctly. The deployed application will be similar to the Mythical Mysfits website.

Step 2: Create a new issue

The Product Manager (PM) has asked us to add a feature to the newly created application, which entails creating the ability to add new mythical creatures. The PM has provided a detailed description to get started.

In the Issues section of our new project, click Create Issue

For the Issue title, enter “Ability to add a new mythical creature” and for the Description enter “Users should be able to add a new mythical creature to the website. There should be a new Add button on the UI, when prompted should allow the user to fill in Name, Age, Description, Good/Evil, Lawful/Chaotic, Species, Profile Image URI and thumbnail Image URI for the new creature. When the user clicks save, the application should leverage the existing API in to save the new creature to the DynamoDB table.”

Furthermore, click Assign to Amazon Q as shown below in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Assigning a new issue to Amazon Q

Figure 3: Assigning a new issue to Amazon Q

Lastly, enable the Require Amazon Q to stop after each step and await review of its work. In this use case, we do not anticipate having any changes to our workflow files to support this new feature so we will leave the Allow Amazon Q to modify workflow files disabled as shown below in Figure 4. Click Create Issue and Amazon Q will get started.

Figure 4: Configurations for assigning Amazon Q

Figure 4: Configurations for assigning Amazon Q

Step 3: Review Amazon Qs Approach

After a few minutes, Amazon Q will generate its understanding of the project in the Background section as well as an Approach to make the changes for the issue you created as show in Figure 5 below

(**Note: The Background and Approach generated for you may be different than what is shown in Figure 5 below).

We have the option to proceed as is or can reply to the Approach via a Comment to provide feedback so Amazon Q can refine it to align better with the use case.

Figure 5: Reviewing Amazon Qs Background and Approach

Figure 5: Reviewing Amazon Qs Background and Approach

In the approach, we notice Amazon Q is suggesting it will create a new method to create and save the new item to the table, but we already have an existing method. We decide to leave feedback as show in Figure 6 letting Amazon Q know the existing method should be leveraged.

Figure 6: Provide feedback to Approach

Figure 6: Provide feedback to Approach

Amazon Q will now refine the approach based on the feedback provided. The refined approach generated by Amazon Q meets our requirements, including unit tests, so we decide to click Proceed as shown in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7: Confirm approach and click Proceed

Figure 7: Confirm approach and click Proceed

Now, Amazon Q will generate the code for implementation & create a PR with code changes that can be reviewed.

Step 4: Review the PR

Within our project, under Code on the left panel click on Pull requests. You should see the new PR created by Amazon Q.

The PR description contains the approach that Amazon Q took to generate the code. This is helpful to reviewers who want to gain a high-level understanding of the changes included in the PR before diving into the details. You will also be able to review all changes made to the code as shown below in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Changes within PR

Figure 8: Changes within PR

Step 5 (Optional): Provide feedback on PR

After reviewing the changes in the PR, I leave comments on a few items that can be improved. Notably, all fields on the new input form for creating a new creature should be required. After I complete leaving comments, I hit the Create Revision button. Amazon Q will take my comments, update the code accordingly and create a new revision of the PR as shown in Figure 9 below.

Figure 9: PR Revision created

Figure 9: PR Revision created.

After reviewing the latest revision created by Amazon Q, I am happy with the changes and proceed with testing the changes directly from CodeCatalyst by utilizing Dev Environments. Once I have completed testing of the new feature and everything works as expected, we will let our peers review the PR to provide feedback and approve the pull request.

As part of following the steps in this blog post, if you upgraded your Space to Standard or Enterprise tier, please ensure you downgrade to the Free tier to avoid any unwanted additional charges. Additionally, delete the project and any associated resources deployed in the walkthrough.

Unassign Amazon Q from any issues no longer being worked on. If Amazon Q has finished its work on an issue or could not find a solution, make sure to unassign Amazon Q to avoid reaching the maximum quota for generative AI features. For more information, see Managing generative AI features and Pricing.

Best Practices for using Amazon Q Feature Development

You can follow a few best practices to ensure you experience the best results when using Amazon Q feature development:

  1. When describing your feature or issue, provide as much context as possible to get the best result from Amazon Q. Being too vague or unclear may not produce ideal results for your use case.
  2. Changes and new features should be as focused as possible. You will likely not experience the best results when making large and complex changes in a single issue. Instead, break the changes or feature up into smaller, more manageable issues where you will see better results.
  3. Leverage the feedback feature to practice giving input on approaches Amazon Q takes to ensure it gets to a similar outcome as highlighted in the blog.


In this post, you’ve seen how you can quickly go from Idea to PR using the Amazon Q Feature development capability in CodeCatalyst. You can leverage this new feature to start building new features in your applications. Check out Amazon CodeCatalyst feature development today.

About the authors

Brent Everman

Brent is a Senior Technical Account Manager with AWS, based out of Pittsburgh. He has over 17 years of experience working with enterprise and startup customers. He is passionate about improving the software development experience and specializes in AWS’ Next Generation Developer Experience services.

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan Jenkins is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) working with Enterprise AWS customers providing them with technical guidance and helping achieve their business goals. He has an area of specialization in DevOps and Machine Learning technology.

Fahim Sajjad

Fahim is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers transform their business by helping in designing their cloud solutions and offering technical guidance. Fahim graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a degree in Computer Science. He has deep interested in AI and Machine learning. Fahim enjoys reading about new advancements in technology and hiking.

Abdullah Khan

Abdullah is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He attended the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where he earned a degree in Information Systems. Abdullah currently helps customers design and implement solutions on the AWS Cloud. He has a strong interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning. In his spare time, Abdullah enjoys hiking and listening to podcasts.

Accelerate security automation using Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Brendan Jenkins original

In an ever-changing security landscape, teams must be able to quickly remediate security risks. Many organizations look for ways to automate the remediation of security findings that are currently handled manually. Amazon CodeWhisperer is an artificial intelligence (AI) coding companion that generates real-time, single-line or full-function code suggestions in your integrated development environment (IDE) to help you quickly build software. By using CodeWhisperer, security teams can expedite the process of writing security automation scripts for various types of findings that are aggregated in AWS Security Hub, a cloud security posture management (CSPM) service.

In this post, we present some of the current challenges with security automation and walk you through how to use CodeWhisperer, together with Amazon EventBridge and AWS Lambda, to automate the remediation of Security Hub findings. Before reading further, please read the AWS Responsible AI Policy.

Current challenges with security automation

Many approaches to security automation, including Lambda and AWS Systems Manager Automation, require software development skills. Furthermore, the process of manually writing code for remediation can be a time-consuming process for security professionals. To help overcome these challenges, CodeWhisperer serves as a force multiplier for qualified security professionals with development experience to quickly and effectively generate code to help remediate security findings.

Security professionals should still cultivate software development skills to implement robust solutions. Engineers should thoroughly review and validate any generated code, as manual oversight remains critical for security.

Solution overview

Figure 1 shows how the findings that Security Hub produces are ingested by EventBridge, which then invokes Lambda functions for processing. The Lambda code is generated with the help of CodeWhisperer.

Figure 1: Diagram of the solution

Security Hub integrates with EventBridge so you can automatically process findings with other services such as Lambda. To begin remediating the findings automatically, you can configure rules to determine where to send findings. This solution will do the following:

  1. Ingest an Amazon Security Hub finding into EventBridge.
  2. Use an EventBridge rule to invoke a Lambda function for processing.
  3. Use CodeWhisperer to generate the Lambda function code.

It is important to note that there are two types of automation for Security Hub finding remediation:

  • Partial automation, which is initiated when a human worker selects the Security Hub findings manually and applies the automated remediation workflow to the selected findings.
  • End-to-end automation, which means that when a finding is generated within Security Hub, this initiates an automated workflow to immediately remediate without human intervention.

Important: When you use end-to-end automation, we highly recommend that you thoroughly test the efficiency and impact of the workflow in a non-production environment first before moving forward with implementation in a production environment.


To follow along with this walkthrough, make sure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

Implement security automation

In this scenario, you have been tasked with making sure that versioning is enabled across all Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets in your AWS account. Additionally, you want to do this in a way that is programmatic and automated so that it can be reused in different AWS accounts in the future.

To do this, you will perform the following steps:

  1. Generate the remediation script with CodeWhisperer
  2. Create the Lambda function
  3. Integrate the Lambda function with Security Hub by using EventBridge
  4. Create a custom action in Security Hub
  5. Create an EventBridge rule to target the Lambda function
  6. Run the remediation

Generate a remediation script with CodeWhisperer

The first step is to use VS Code to create a script so that CodeWhisperer generates the code for your Lambda function in Python. You will use this Lambda function to remediate the Security Hub findings generated by the [S3.14] S3 buckets should use versioning control.

Note: The underlying model of CodeWhisperer is powered by generative AI, and the output of CodeWhisperer is nondeterministic. As such, the code recommended by the service can vary by user. By modifying the initial code comment to prompt CodeWhisperer for a response, customers can change the corresponding output to help meet their needs. Customers should subject all code generated by CodeWhisperer to typical testing and review protocols to verify that it is free of errors and is in line with applicable organizational security policies. To learn about best practices on prompt engineering with CodeWhisperer, see this AWS blog post.

To generate the remediation script

  1. Open a new VS Code window, and then open or create a new folder for your file to reside in.
  2. Create a Python file called as shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: New VS Code file created called

    Figure 2: New VS Code file created called

  3. Add the following imports to the Python file.
    import json
    import boto3

  4. Because you have the context added to your file, you can now prompt CodeWhisperer by using a natural language comment. In your file, below the import statements, enter the following comment and then press Enter.
    # Create lambda function that turns on versioning for an S3 bucket after the function is triggered from Amazon EventBridge

  5. Accept the first recommendation that CodeWhisperer provides by pressing Tab to use the Lambda function handler, as shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3: Generation of Lambda handler

    Figure 3: Generation of Lambda handler

  6. To get the recommendation for the function from CodeWhisperer, press Enter. Make sure that the recommendation you receive looks similar to the following. CodeWhisperer is nondeterministic, so its recommendations can vary.
    import json
    import boto3
    # Create lambda function that turns on versioning for an S3 bucket after function is triggered from Amazon EventBridge
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        s3 = boto3.client('s3')
        bucket = event['detail']['requestParameters']['bucketName']
        response = s3.put_bucket_versioning(
                'Status': 'Enabled'
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps('Versioning enabled for bucket ' + bucket)

  7. Take a moment to review the user actions and keyboard shortcut keys. Press Tab to accept the recommendation.
  8. You can change the function body to fit your use case. To get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket from the EventBridge event, replace the bucket variable with the following line:
    bucket = event['detail']['findings'][0]['Resources'][0]['Id']

  9. To prompt CodeWhisperer to extract the bucket name from the bucket ARN, use the following comment:
    # Take the S3 bucket name from the ARN of the S3 bucket

    Your function code should look similar to the following:

    import json
    import boto3
    # Create lambda function that turns on versioning for an S3 bucket after function is triggered from Amazon EventBridge
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        s3 = boto3.client('s3')
       bucket = event['detail']['findings'][0]['Resources'][0]['Id']
             # Take the S3 bucket name from the ARN of the S3 bucket
       bucket = bucket.split(':')[5]
        response = s3.put_bucket_versioning(
                'Status': 'Enabled'
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps('Versioning enabled for bucket ' + bucket)

  10. Create a .zip file for Find the file in your local file manager, right-click the file, and select compress/zip. You will use this .zip file in the next section of the post.

Create the Lambda function

The next step is to use the automation script that you generated to create the Lambda function that will enable versioning on applicable S3 buckets.

To create the Lambda function

  1. Open the AWS Lambda console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Functions, and then choose Create function.
  3. Select Author from Scratch and provide the following configurations for the function:
    1. For Function name, select sec_remediation_function.
    2. For Runtime, select Python 3.12.
    3. For Architecture, select x86_64.
    4. For Permissions, select Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions.
  4. Choose Create function.
  5. To upload your local code to Lambda, select Upload from and then .zip file, and then upload the file that you zipped.
  6. Verify that you created the Lambda function successfully. In the Code source section of Lambda, you should see the code from the automation script displayed in a new tab, as shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Source code that was successfully uploaded

    Figure 4: Source code that was successfully uploaded

  7. Choose the Code tab.
  8. Scroll down to the Runtime settings pane and choose Edit.
  9. For Handler, enter cw-blog-remediation.lambda_handler for your function handler, and then choose Save, as shown in Figure 5.
    Figure 5: Updated Lambda handler

    Figure 5: Updated Lambda handler

  10. For security purposes, and to follow the principle of least privilege, you should also add an inline policy to the Lambda function’s role to perform the tasks necessary to enable versioning on S3 buckets.
    1. In the Lambda console, navigate to the Configuration tab and then, in the left navigation pane, choose Permissions. Choose the Role name, as shown in Figure 6.
      Figure 6: Lambda role in the AWS console

      Figure 6: Lambda role in the AWS console

    2. In the Add permissions dropdown, select Create inline policy.
      Figure 7: Create inline policy

      Figure 7: Create inline policy

    3. Choose JSON, add the following policy to the policy editor, and then choose Next.
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": "s3:PutBucketVersioning",
                  "Resource": "*"

    4. Name the policy PutBucketVersioning and choose Create policy.

Create a custom action in Security Hub

In this step, you will create a custom action in Security Hub.

To create the custom action

  1. Open the Security Hub console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Settings, and then choose Custom actions.
  3. Choose Create custom action.
  4. Provide the following information, as shown in Figure 8:
    • For Name, enter TurnOnS3Versioning.
    • For Description, enter Action that will turn on versioning for a specific S3 bucket.
    • For Custom action ID, enter TurnOnS3Versioning.
      Figure 8: Create a custom action in Security Hub

      Figure 8: Create a custom action in Security Hub

  5. Choose Create custom action.
  6. Make a note of the Custom action ARN. You will need this ARN when you create a rule to associate with the custom action in EventBridge.

Create an EventBridge rule to target the Lambda function

The next step is to create an EventBridge rule to capture the custom action. You will define an EventBridge rule that matches events (in this case, findings) from Security Hub that were forwarded by the custom action that you defined previously.

To create the EventBridge rule

  1. Navigate to the EventBridge console.
  2. On the right side, choose Create rule.
  3. On the Define rule detail page, give your rule a name and description that represents the rule’s purpose—for example, you could use the same name and description that you used for the custom action. Then choose Next.
  4. Scroll down to Event pattern, and then do the following:
    1. For Event source, make sure that AWS services is selected.
    2. For AWS service, select Security Hub.
    3. For Event type, select Security Hub Findings – Custom Action.
    4. Select Specific custom action ARN(s) and enter the ARN for the custom action that you created earlier.
    Figure 9: Specify the EventBridge event pattern for the Security Hub custom action workflow

    Figure 9: Specify the EventBridge event pattern for the Security Hub custom action workflow

    As you provide this information, the Event pattern updates.

  5. Choose Next.
  6. On the Select target(s) step, in the Select a target dropdown, select Lambda function. Then from the Function dropdown, select sec_remediation_function.
  7. Choose Next.
  8. On the Configure tags step, choose Next.
  9. On the Review and create step, choose Create rule.

Run the automation

Your automation is set up and you can now test the automation. This test covers a partial automation workflow, since you will manually select the finding and apply the remediation workflow to one or more selected findings.

Important: As we mentioned earlier, if you decide to make the automation end-to-end, you should assess the impact of the workflow in a non-production environment. Additionally, you may want to consider creating preventative controls if you want to minimize the risk of event occurrence across an entire environment.

To run the automation

  1. In the Security Hub console, on the Findings tab, add a filter by entering Title in the search box and selecting that filter. Select IS and enter S3 general purpose buckets should have versioning enabled (case sensitive). Choose Apply.
  2. In the filtered list, choose the Title of an active finding.
  3. Before you start the automation, check the current configuration of the S3 bucket to confirm that your automation works. Expand the Resources section of the finding.
  4. Under Resource ID, choose the link for the S3 bucket. This opens a new tab on the S3 console that shows only this S3 bucket.
  5. In your browser, go back to the Security Hub tab (don’t close the S3 tab—you will need to return to it), and on the left side, select this same finding, as shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10: Filter out Security Hub findings to list only S3 bucket-related findings

    Figure 10: Filter out Security Hub findings to list only S3 bucket-related findings

  6. In the Actions dropdown list, choose the name of your custom action.
    Figure 11: Choose the custom action that you created to start the remediation workflow

    Figure 11: Choose the custom action that you created to start the remediation workflow

  7. When you see a banner that displays Successfully started action…, go back to the S3 browser tab and refresh it. Verify that the S3 versioning configuration on the bucket has been enabled as shown in figure 12.
    Figure 12: Versioning successfully enabled

    Figure 12: Versioning successfully enabled


In this post, you learned how to use CodeWhisperer to produce AI-generated code for custom remediations for a security use case. We encourage you to experiment with CodeWhisperer to create Lambda functions that remediate other Security Hub findings that might exist in your account, such as the enforcement of lifecycle policies on S3 buckets with versioning enabled, or using automation to remove multiple unused Amazon EC2 elastic IP addresses. The ability to automatically set public S3 buckets to private is just one of many use cases where CodeWhisperer can generate code to help you remediate Security Hub findings.

To sum up, CodeWhisperer acts as a tool that can help boost the productivity of security experts who have coding abilities, assisting them to swiftly write code to address security issues. However, security specialists should continue building their software development capabilities to implement robust solutions. Engineers should carefully review and test any generated code, since human oversight is still vital for security.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan is a Solutions Architect at AWS who works with enterprise customers, providing them with technical guidance and helping them achieve their business goals. He specializes in DevOps and machine learning (ML) technology.

Chris Shea

Chris Shea

Chris is an AWS Solutions Architect serving enterprise customers in the PropTech and AdTech industry verticals, providing guidance and the tools that customers need for success. His areas of interest include AI for DevOps and AI/ML technology.

Tim Manik

Tim Manik

Tim is a Solutions Architect at AWS working with enterprise customers on migrations and modernizations. He specializes in cybersecurity and AI/ML and is passionate about bridging the gap between the two fields.

Angel Tolson

Angel Tolson

Angel is a Solutions Architect at AWS working with small to medium size businesses, providing them with technical guidance and helping them achieve their business goals. She is particularly interested in cloud operations and networking.

Best Practices for Prompt Engineering with Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Brendan Jenkins original

Generative AI coding tools are changing the way developers accomplish day-to-day development tasks. From generating functions to creating unit tests, these tools have helped customers accelerate software development. Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI-powered productivity tools for the IDE and command line that helps improve developer productivity by providing code recommendations based on developers’ natural language comments and surrounding code. With CodeWhisperer, developers can simply write a comment that outlines a specific task in plain English, such as “create a lambda function to upload a file to S3.”

When writing these input prompts to CodeWhisperer like the natural language comments, one important concept is prompt engineering. Prompt engineering is the process of refining interactions with large language models (LLMs) in order to better refine the output of the model. In this case, we want to refine our prompts provided to CodeWhisperer to produce better code output.

In this post, we’ll explore how to take advantage of CodeWhisperer’s capabilities through effective prompt engineering in Python. A well-crafted prompt lets you tap into the tool’s full potential to boost your productivity and help generate the correct code for your use case. We’ll cover prompt engineering best practices like writing clear, specific prompts and providing helpful context and examples. We’ll also discuss how to iteratively refine prompts to produce better results.

Prompt Engineering with CodeWhisperer

We will demonstrate the following best practices when it comes to prompt engineering with CodeWhisperer.

  • Keep your prompt specific and concise
  • Additional context in prompts
  • Utilizing multiple comments
  • Context taken from comments and code
  • Generating unit tests with cross file context
  • Prompts with cross file context


The following prerequisites are required to experiment locally:

CodeWhisperer User Actions

Reference the following user actions documentation for CodeWhisperer user actions according to your IDE. In this documentation, you will see how to accept a recommendation, cycle through recommendation options, reject a recommendation, and manually trigger CodeWhisperer.

Keep prompts specific & concise

In this section, we will cover keeping your prompt specific and concise. When crafting prompts for CodeWhisperer, conciseness while maintaining objectives in your prompt is important.  Overly complex prompts lead to poor results. A good prompt contains just enough information to convey the request clearly and concisely. For example, if you prompt CodeWhisperer “create a function that eliminates duplicates lines in a text file”. This is an example of a specific and concise prompt. On the other hand, a prompt such as “create a function to look for lines of code that are seen multiple times throughout the file and delete them” may be unclear and overly wordy. In summary, focused, straightforward prompts helps CodeWhisperer understand exactly what you want and provide better outputs.

In this example, we would like to write a function in Python that will open a CSV file and store the contents into a dictionary. We will use the following simple and concise prompt that will guide CodeWhisperer to generate recommendations. Please use the left/right arrow key to cycle through the various recommendations before you hit tab to accept the recommendation.

Example 1:

Sample comment:

#load the csv file content in a dictionary

Sample solution:

#load the csv file content in a dictionary
import csv
def csv_to_dict(csv_file):
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        return list(reader)

Simple and concise prompts are crucial in prompt engineering because they help CodeWhisperer understand the key information without confusion from extraneous details. Simplicity and brevity enable faster iteration and allow prompts to maximize impact within character limits.

Additional context in prompts

In this section, we will cover how additional context can aid in prompt engineering. While specific and concise prompts are crucial, some additional context can aid CodeWhisperer comprehension. Concrete examples also guide CodeWhisperer if it struggles to infer expectations from just a brief prompt.

In this example, we would like to add additional context to Example 1 where we stored the CSV file content into a dictionary. Now, we have additional requirements to store the csv file content in alphabetical order and return the list keys from the dictionary. Take a look at the sample prompt below. Judicious context helps CodeWhisperer to produce higher-quality, tailored results.

Example 2:

Sample comment:

#load the csv file content in a dictionary in alphabetical order and return the list of keys

Sample solution:

#load the csv file content in a dictionary in alphabetical order and return the list of keys
import csv
def csv_to_dict(file_name):
    def read_csv_file(file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'r') as csv_file:
        csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
        csv_dict = {}
        for row in csv_reader:
            csv_dict[row['name']] = row
            return csv_dict

Providing additional context through background details and examples can be beneficial when crafting prompts for CodeWhisperer, as long as the extra information adds useful clarity rather than obscuring the core request. The right balance of brevity and pointed contextual signals can help CodeWhisperer generate more tailored, high-quality results.

Utilizing multiple comments

In this section, we will cover how multiple comments can be a useful technique in prompt engineering. When used strategically, multiple comments allow prompt engineers to offer more context without sacrificing brevity or cluttering the prompt.

Say we would like to open a CSV file and return the list of lines in alphabetical order, remove duplicate lines, and insert a period at the end of each line from the CSV file. Take a look at the sample CodeWhisperer prompt below. Notice how you can break up multiple requirements into separate comments.

Example 3:

Sample comment:

#open a csv file and return a list of lines in alphabetical order
#Remove duplicate lines
#Insert a period at the end of each line

Sample solution:

#open a csv file and return a list of lines in alphabetical order
#Remove duplicate lines
#Insert a period at the end of each line
def open_csv(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        lines = list(set(lines))
        lines = sorted(lines)
        for i in range(len(lines)):
            lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip() + '.'
    return lines

Multiple comments allow prompt engineers to add extended context and guidance for CodeWhisperer while keeping prompts succinct.

Context taken from comments and code

In this section, we will cover how CodeWhisperer’s context goes beyond just your comment and also looks at the surrounding code, including other functions, imports, and more. This broader context helps guide CodeWhisperer towards implementing the use case you intend with your comment.

We will now see how additional code in our project affects the responses. This time around, we will import the Pandas library to see how it effects our recommendation as compared to the previous section.

Example 4:

Sample Comment:

import pandas as pd
#open a csv file and return a list of lines in alphabetical order
#Insert a period at the end of each line
#Replace duplicate lines with a single line

Sample solution:

import pandas as pd
#open a csv file and return a list of lines in alphabetical order
#Insert a period at the end of each line
#Replace duplicate lines with a single line
def open_csv(filename):
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    df = df.sort_values(by='line')
    df = df.drop_duplicates(subset='line')
    df['line'] = df['line'] + '.'
    return df['line'].tolist()

By seeing Pandas imported, CodeWhisperer understands our intent is likely to leverage it in the solution. This allows it to provide a more relevant recommendation using Pandas functions like read_csv(), sort_values(), and drop_duplicates().

Overall, surrounding code context gives CodeWhisperer additional clues for the implementation you have in mind with your high-level instructions.

Prompts with cross file context

In the previous section, we saw how we were able to utilize the surrounding code that CodeWhisperer takes in as context to generate a function for our use case. In this section, we will use that same concept to generate unit tests for the function we’ve built utilizing CodeWhisperers cross file context capability. This section will demonstrate how we can use cross file context with our prompts for use cases like test driven development.

In this example, we will prompt CodeWhisperer to write a comment referencing the open_csv function in order to write unit tests. In this case, there will be a new python file in the project directory for unit testing. We will assume the file we have been working out of is “”, and the new file is “”. We will incorporate the following comments in “”.

Example 5:

Sample Comment in

#create unit tests for the open_csv function from file

Sample solution in

#create unit tests for the open_csv function from file
class TestOpenCsv(unittest.TestCase):
   def test_open_csv(self):
       self.assertEqual(open_csv('example4.csv'), ['a.', 'b.', 'c.'])
       self.assertEqual(open_csv('example4.csv'), ['a.', 'b.', 'c.', 'd.'])

Notice how CodeWhisperer is using context from one file to generate code recommendation in another file. By specifying the open_csv function within the comment of the “”, CodeWhisperer was able to analyze the function, understand its purpose and interface, and generate a set of basic unit tests to validate it. With our prompts, we were able to utilize CodeWhisperers cross file context to help us generate unit tests.

Chain of thought prompting

Chain of thought prompting is a prompt engineering technique that allows large language models (LLMs) to have more natural, contextual outputs by linking multiple prompts together to solve a complex problem. In regard to CodeWhisperer, we can use this technique to break a very complex coding task down into smaller steps, allowing CodeWhisperer to provide more accurate suggestions to the use case.

In this example, we will examine a code snippet generated by CodeWhisperer that contains multiple comments. Our intention is to prompt the user to input a filename, ensure it’s a csv and alphanumeric, then process it with the method. We will analyze the output using both the chain of thought approach and a single comment.

Example 6:

Chain of thought prompt approach:

Comment 1 – “Take a user’s input using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename”

import logging
# Take a users input using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename
filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to read: ")

Comment 2 – create a function that will take a filename as an input

import logging
# Take a users input using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename
filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to read: ")

#create a function that will take a filename as an input
def open_file(filename):

Comment 3 – validate the input using the isalnum() method and ensure the file ends in .csv then process the file using

import logging
# Take a users input using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename
filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to read: ")

#create a function that will take a filename as an input
def open_file(filename):
    #validate the input using the isalnum() method and ensure the file ends in .csv then process the file using 
    if filename.isalnum() and filename.endswith('.csv'):
        lines = open_csv(filename)
        return lines
        print('Invalid file name')
        return None

Single prompt approach:

import logging
Using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename and create a function 
that will validate the input using the isalnum() method and ensure the file ends in .csv then process 
the file accordingly. 
def validate_file(filename):
    if filename.isalnum() and filename.endswith('.csv'):
        return True
        return False

When analyzing these side-by-side, we see that with the chain of thought prompt approach, we used multiple comments to allow CodeWhisperer to implement all our requirements including the user input, input validation, .csv verification, and logging as we broke it down into steps for CodeWhisperer to implement. On the other hand, in the case where we had a single comment implementing multiple requirements, it didn’t take all the requirements into account for this slightly more complex problem.

In conclusion, chain of thought prompting allows large language models like CodeWhisperer to produce more accurate code pertaining to the use case by breaking down complex problems into logical steps. Guiding the model through comments and prompts helps it focus on each part of the task sequentially. This results in code that is more accurate to the desired functionality compared to a single broad prompt.


Effective prompt engineering is key to getting the most out of powerful AI coding assistants like Amazon CodeWhisperer. Following prompt best practices, we’ve covered like using clear language, providing context, and iteratively refining prompts can help CodeWhisperer generate high-quality code tailored to your specific needs. Analyzing all the code options CodeWhisperer provides you flexibility to select the optimal approach.

About the authors:

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan Jenkins is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) working with Enterprise AWS customers providing them with technical guidance and helping achieve their business goals. He has an area of specialization in DevOps and Machine Learning technology.

Riya Dani

Riya Dani is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), responsible for helping Enterprise customers on their journey in the cloud. She has a passion for learning and holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Virginia Tech in Computer Science with focus in Deep Learning. In her free time, she enjoys staying active and reading.

Deliver Operational Insights to Atlassian Opsgenie using DevOps Guru

Post Syndicated from Brendan Jenkins original

As organizations continue to grow and scale their applications, the need for teams to be able to quickly and autonomously detect anomalous operational behaviors becomes increasingly important. Amazon DevOps Guru offers a fully managed AIOps service that enables you to improve application availability and resolve operational issues quickly. DevOps Guru helps ease this process by leveraging machine learning (ML) powered recommendations to detect operational insights, identify the exhaustion of resources, and provide suggestions to remediate issues. Many organizations running business critical applications use different tools to be notified about anomalous events in real-time for the remediation of critical issues. Atlassian is a modern team collaboration and productivity software suite that helps teams organize, discuss, and complete shared work. You can deliver these insights in near-real time to DevOps teams by integrating DevOps Guru with Atlassian Opsgenie. Opsgenie is a modern incident management platform that receives alerts from your monitoring systems and custom applications and categorizes each alert based on importance and timing.

This blog post walks you through how to integrate Amazon DevOps Guru with Atlassian Opsgenie to
receive notifications for new operational insights detected by DevOps Guru with more flexibility and customization using Amazon EventBridge and AWS Lambda. The Lambda function will be used to demonstrate how to customize insights sent to Opsgenie.

Solution overview

Figure 1: Amazon EventBridge Integration with Opsgenie using AWS Lambda

Figure 1: Amazon EventBridge Integration with Opsgenie using AWS Lambda

Amazon DevOps Guru directly integrates with Amazon EventBridge to notify you of events relating to generated insights and updates to insights. To begin routing these notifications to Opsgenie, you can configure routing rules to determine where to send notifications. As outlined below, you can also use pre-defined DevOps Guru patterns to only send notifications or trigger actions that match that pattern. You can select any of the following pre-defined patterns to filter events to trigger actions in a supported AWS resource. Here are the following predefined patterns supported by DevOps Guru:

  • DevOps Guru New Insight Open
  • DevOps Guru New Anomaly Association
  • DevOps Guru Insight Severity Upgraded
  • DevOps Guru New Recommendation Created
  • DevOps Guru Insight Closed

By default, the patterns referenced above are enabled so we will leave all patterns operational in this implementation.  However, you do have flexibility to change which of these patterns to choose to send to Opsgenie. When EventBridge receives an event, the EventBridge rule matches incoming events and sends it to a target, such as AWS Lambda, to process and send the insight to Opsgenie.


The following prerequisites are required for this walkthrough:

Push Insights using Amazon EventBridge & AWS Lambda

In this tutorial, you will perform the following steps:

  1. Create an Opsgenie integration
  2. Launch the SAM template to deploy the solution
  3. Test the solution

Create an Opsgenie integration

In this step, you will navigate to Opsgenie to create the integration with DevOps Guru and to obtain the API key and team name within your account. These parameters will be used as inputs in a later section of this blog.

  1. Navigate to Teams, and take note of the team name you have as shown below, as you will need this parameter in a later section.
Figure 2: Opsgenie team names

Figure 2: Opsgenie team names

  1. Click on the team to proceed and navigate to Integrations on the left-hand pane. Click on Add Integration and select the Amazon DevOps Guru option.
Figure 3: Integration option for DevOps Guru

Figure 3: Integration option for DevOps Guru

  1. Now, scroll down and take note of the API Key for this integration and copy it to your notes as it will be needed in a later section. Click Save Integration at the bottom of the page to proceed.


 Figure 4: API Key for DevOps Guru Integration

Figure 4: API Key for DevOps Guru Integration

  1. Now, the Opsgenie integration has been created and we’ve obtained the API key and team name. The email of any team member will be used in the next section as well.

Review & launch the AWS SAM template to deploy the solution

In this step, you will review & launch the SAM template. The template will deploy an AWS Lambda function that is triggered by an Amazon EventBridge rule when Amazon DevOps Guru generates a new event. The Lambda function will retrieve the parameters obtained from the deployment and pushes the events to Opsgenie via an API.

Reviewing the template

Below is the SAM template that will be deployed in the next step. This template launches a few key components specified earlier in the blog. The Transform section of the template allows us takes an entire template written in the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) syntax and transforms and expands it into a compliant CloudFormation template. Under the Resources section this solution will deploy an AWS Lamba function using the Java runtime as well as an Amazon EventBridge Rule/Pattern. Another key aspect of the template are the Parameters. As shown below, the ApiKey, Email, and TeamName are parameters we will use for this CloudFormation template which will then be used as environment variables for our Lambda function to pass to OpsGenie.

Figure 5: Review of SAM Template

Figure 5: Review of SAM Template

Launching the Template

  1. Navigate to the directory of choice within a terminal and clone the GitHub repository with the following command:
  1. Change directories with the command below to navigate to the directory of the SAM template.
cd amazon-devops-guru-connector-opsgenie/OpsGenieServerlessTemplate
  1. From the CLI, use the AWS SAM to build and process your AWS SAM template file, application code, and any applicable language-specific files and dependencies.
sam build
  1. From the CLI, use the AWS SAM to deploy the AWS resources for the pattern as specified in the template.yml file.
sam deploy --guided
  1. You will now be prompted to enter the following information below. Use the information obtained from the previous section to enter the Parameter ApiKey, Parameter Email, and Parameter TeamName fields.
  •  Stack Name
  • AWS Region
  • Parameter ApiKey
  • Parameter Email
  • Parameter TeamName
  • Allow SAM CLI IAM Role Creation

Test the solution

  1. Follow this blog to enable DevOps Guru and generate an operational insight.
  2. When DevOps Guru detects a new insight, it will generate an event in EventBridge. EventBridge then triggers Lambda and sends the event to Opsgenie as shown below.
Figure 6: Event Published to Opsgenie with details such as the source, alert type, insight type, and a URL to the insight in the AWS console.

Figure 6: Event Published to Opsgenie with details such as the source, alert type, insight type, and a URL to the insight in the AWS console.enecccdgruicnuelinbbbigebgtfcgdjknrjnjfglclt

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources.

  1. Delete resources deployed from this blog.
  2. From the command line, use AWS SAM to delete the serverless application along with its dependencies.
sam delete

Customizing Insights published using Amazon EventBridge & AWS Lambda

The foundation of the DevOps Guru and Opsgenie integration is based on Amazon EventBridge and AWS Lambda which allows you the flexibility to implement several customizations. An example of this would be the ability to generate an Opsgenie alert when a DevOps Guru insight severity is high. Another example would be the ability to forward appropriate notifications to the AIOps team when there is a serverless-related resource issue or forwarding a database-related resource issue to your DBA team. This section will walk you through how these customizations can be done.

EventBridge customization

EventBridge rules can be used to select specific events by using event patterns. As detailed below, you can trigger the lambda function only if a new insight is opened and the severity is high. The advantage of this kind of customization is that the Lambda function will only be invoked when needed.

  "source": [
  "detail-type": [
    "DevOps Guru New Insight Open"
  "detail": {
    "insightSeverity": [

Applying EventBridge customization

  1. Open the file template.yaml reviewed in the previous section and implement the changes as highlighted below under the Events section within resources (original file on the left, changes on the right hand side).
Figure 7: CloudFormation template file changed so that the EventBridge rule is only triggered when the alert type is "DevOps Guru New Insight Open" and insightSeverity is “high”.

Figure 7: CloudFormation template file changed so that the EventBridge rule is only triggered when the alert type is “DevOps Guru New Insight Open” and insightSeverity is “high”.

  1. Save the changes and use the following command to apply the changes
sam deploy --template-file template.yaml
  1. Accept the changeset deployment

Determining the Ops team based on the resource type

Another customization would be to change the Lambda code to route and control how alerts will be managed.  Let’s say you want to get your DBA team involved whenever DevOps Guru raises an insight related to an Amazon RDS resource. You can change the AlertType Java class as follows:

  1. To begin this customization of the Lambda code, the following changes need to be made within the file:
  • At the beginning of the file, the standard java.util.List and java.util.ArrayList packages were imported
  • Line 60: created a list of CloudWatch metrics namespaces
  • Line 74: Assigned the dataIdentifiers JsonNode to the variable dataIdentifiersNode
  • Line 75: Assigned the namespace JsonNode to a variable namespaceNode
  • Line 77: Added the namespace to the list for each DevOps Insight which is always raised as an EventBridge event with the structure detail►anomalies►0►sourceDetails►0►dataIdentifiers►namespace
  • Line 88: Assigned the default responder team to the variable defaultResponderTeam
  • Line 89: Created the list of responders and assigned it to the variable respondersTeam
  • Line 92: Check if there is at least one AWS/RDS namespace
  • Line 93: Assigned the DBAOps_Team to the variable dbaopsTeam
  • Line 93: Included the DBAOps_Team team as part of the responders list
  • Line 97: Set the OpsGenie request teams to be the responders list
Figure 8: java.util.List and java.util.ArrayList packages were imported

Figure 8: java.util.List and java.util.ArrayList packages were imported


Figure 9: AlertType Java class customized to include DBAOps_Team for RDS-related DevOps Guru insights.

Figure 9: AlertType Java class customized to include DBAOps_Team for RDS-related DevOps Guru insights.


  1. You then need to generate the jar file by using the mvn clean package command.
  • The function needs to be updated with:
    • FUNCTION_NAME=$(aws lambda
      list-functions –query ‘Functions[?contains(FunctionName, `DevOps-Guru`) ==
      `true`].FunctionName’ –output text)
    • aws lambda update-function-code –region
      us-east-1 –function-name $FUNCTION_NAME –zip-file fileb://target/Functions-1.0.jar
  1. As result, the DBAOps_Team will be assigned to the Opsgenie alert in the case a DevOps Guru Insight is related to RDS.
Figure 10: Opsgenie alert assigned to both DBAOps_Team and AIOps_Team.

Figure 10: Opsgenie alert assigned to both DBAOps_Team and AIOps_Team.


In this post, you learned how Amazon DevOps Guru integrates with Amazon EventBridge and publishes insights to Opsgenie using AWS Lambda. By creating an Opsgenie integration with DevOps Guru, you can now leverage Opsgenie strengths, incident management, team communication, and collaboration when responding to an insight. All of the insight data can be viewed and addressed in Opsgenie’s Incident Command Center (ICC).  By customizing the data sent to Opsgenie via Lambda, you can empower your organization even more by fine tuning and displaying the most relevant data thus decreasing the MTTR (mean time to resolve) of the responding operations team.

About the authors:

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan Jenkins is a solutions architect working with Enterprise AWS customers providing them with technical guidance and helping achieve their business goals. He has an area of interest around DevOps and Machine Learning technology. He enjoys building solutions for customers whenever he can in his spare time.

Pablo Silva

Pablo Silva is a Sr. DevOps consultant that guide customers in their decisions on technology strategy, business model, operating model, technical architecture, and investments.

He holds a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and has more than 10 years of experience with telecommunication and financial companies.

Joseph Simon

Joseph Simon is a solutions architect working with mid to large Enterprise AWS customers. He has been in technology for 13 years with 5 of those centered around DevOps. He has a passion for Cloud, DevOps and Automation and in his spare time, likes to travel and spend time with his family.