Tag Archives: Amazon CodeCatalyst

Quickly go from Idea to PR with CodeCatalyst using Amazon Q

Post Syndicated from Brendan Jenkins original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/quickly-go-from-idea-to-pr-with-codecatalyst-using-amazon-q/

Amazon Q feature development enables teams using Amazon CodeCatalyst to scale with AI to assist developers in completing everyday software development tasks. Developers can now go from an idea in an issue to a fully tested, merge-ready, running application code in a Pull Request (PR) with natural language inputs in a few clicks. Developers can also provide feedback to Amazon Q directly on the published pull request and ask it to generate a new revision. If the code change falls short of expectations, a new development environment can be created directly from the pull request, necessary adjustments can be made manually, a new revision published, and proceed with the merge upon approval.

In this blog, we will walk through a use case leveraging the Modern three-tier web application blueprint, and adding a feature to the web application. We’ll leverage Amazon Q feature development to quickly go from Idea to PR. We also suggest following the steps outlined below in this blog in your own application so you can gain a better understanding of how you can use this feature in your daily work.

Solution Overview

Amazon Q feature development is integrated into CodeCatalyst. Figure 1 details how users can assign Amazon Q an issue. When assigning the issue, users answer a few preliminary questions and Amazon Q outputs the proposed approach, where users can either approve or provide additional feedback to Amazon Q. Once approved, Amazon Q will generate a PR where users can review, revise, and merge the PR into the repository.

Figure 1: Amazon Q feature development workflow

Figure 1: Amazon Q feature development workflow


Although we will walk through a sample use case in this blog using a Blueprint from CodeCatalyst, after, we encourage you to try this with your own application so you can gain hands-on experience with utilizing this feature. If you are using CodeCatalyst for the first time, you’ll need:


Step 1: Creating the blueprint

In this blog, we’ll leverage the Modern three-tier web application blueprint to walk through a sample use case. This blueprint creates a Mythical Mysfits three-tier web application with modular presentation, application, and data layers.

Figure 2: Creating a new Modern three-tier application blueprint

Figure 2: Creating a new Modern three-tier application blueprint

First, within your space click “Create Project” and select the Modern three-tier web application CodeCatalyst Blueprint as shown above in Figure 2.

Enter a Project name and select: Lambda for the Compute Platform and Amplify Hosting for Frontend Hosting Options. Additionally, ensure your AWS account is selected along with creating a new IAM Role.

Once the project is finished creating, the application will deploy via a CodeCatalyst workflow, assuming the AWS account and IAM role were setup correctly. The deployed application will be similar to the Mythical Mysfits website.

Step 2: Create a new issue

The Product Manager (PM) has asked us to add a feature to the newly created application, which entails creating the ability to add new mythical creatures. The PM has provided a detailed description to get started.

In the Issues section of our new project, click Create Issue

For the Issue title, enter “Ability to add a new mythical creature” and for the Description enter “Users should be able to add a new mythical creature to the website. There should be a new Add button on the UI, when prompted should allow the user to fill in Name, Age, Description, Good/Evil, Lawful/Chaotic, Species, Profile Image URI and thumbnail Image URI for the new creature. When the user clicks save, the application should leverage the existing API in app.py to save the new creature to the DynamoDB table.”

Furthermore, click Assign to Amazon Q as shown below in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Assigning a new issue to Amazon Q

Figure 3: Assigning a new issue to Amazon Q

Lastly, enable the Require Amazon Q to stop after each step and await review of its work. In this use case, we do not anticipate having any changes to our workflow files to support this new feature so we will leave the Allow Amazon Q to modify workflow files disabled as shown below in Figure 4. Click Create Issue and Amazon Q will get started.

Figure 4: Configurations for assigning Amazon Q

Figure 4: Configurations for assigning Amazon Q

Step 3: Review Amazon Qs Approach

After a few minutes, Amazon Q will generate its understanding of the project in the Background section as well as an Approach to make the changes for the issue you created as show in Figure 5 below

(**Note: The Background and Approach generated for you may be different than what is shown in Figure 5 below).

We have the option to proceed as is or can reply to the Approach via a Comment to provide feedback so Amazon Q can refine it to align better with the use case.

Figure 5: Reviewing Amazon Qs Background and Approach

Figure 5: Reviewing Amazon Qs Background and Approach

In the approach, we notice Amazon Q is suggesting it will create a new method to create and save the new item to the table, but we already have an existing method. We decide to leave feedback as show in Figure 6 letting Amazon Q know the existing method should be leveraged.

Figure 6: Provide feedback to Approach

Figure 6: Provide feedback to Approach

Amazon Q will now refine the approach based on the feedback provided. The refined approach generated by Amazon Q meets our requirements, including unit tests, so we decide to click Proceed as shown in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7: Confirm approach and click Proceed

Figure 7: Confirm approach and click Proceed

Now, Amazon Q will generate the code for implementation & create a PR with code changes that can be reviewed.

Step 4: Review the PR

Within our project, under Code on the left panel click on Pull requests. You should see the new PR created by Amazon Q.

The PR description contains the approach that Amazon Q took to generate the code. This is helpful to reviewers who want to gain a high-level understanding of the changes included in the PR before diving into the details. You will also be able to review all changes made to the code as shown below in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Changes within PR

Figure 8: Changes within PR

Step 5 (Optional): Provide feedback on PR

After reviewing the changes in the PR, I leave comments on a few items that can be improved. Notably, all fields on the new input form for creating a new creature should be required. After I complete leaving comments, I hit the Create Revision button. Amazon Q will take my comments, update the code accordingly and create a new revision of the PR as shown in Figure 9 below.

Figure 9: PR Revision created

Figure 9: PR Revision created.

After reviewing the latest revision created by Amazon Q, I am happy with the changes and proceed with testing the changes directly from CodeCatalyst by utilizing Dev Environments. Once I have completed testing of the new feature and everything works as expected, we will let our peers review the PR to provide feedback and approve the pull request.

As part of following the steps in this blog post, if you upgraded your Space to Standard or Enterprise tier, please ensure you downgrade to the Free tier to avoid any unwanted additional charges. Additionally, delete the project and any associated resources deployed in the walkthrough.

Unassign Amazon Q from any issues no longer being worked on. If Amazon Q has finished its work on an issue or could not find a solution, make sure to unassign Amazon Q to avoid reaching the maximum quota for generative AI features. For more information, see Managing generative AI features and Pricing.

Best Practices for using Amazon Q Feature Development

You can follow a few best practices to ensure you experience the best results when using Amazon Q feature development:

  1. When describing your feature or issue, provide as much context as possible to get the best result from Amazon Q. Being too vague or unclear may not produce ideal results for your use case.
  2. Changes and new features should be as focused as possible. You will likely not experience the best results when making large and complex changes in a single issue. Instead, break the changes or feature up into smaller, more manageable issues where you will see better results.
  3. Leverage the feedback feature to practice giving input on approaches Amazon Q takes to ensure it gets to a similar outcome as highlighted in the blog.


In this post, you’ve seen how you can quickly go from Idea to PR using the Amazon Q Feature development capability in CodeCatalyst. You can leverage this new feature to start building new features in your applications. Check out Amazon CodeCatalyst feature development today.

About the authors

Brent Everman

Brent is a Senior Technical Account Manager with AWS, based out of Pittsburgh. He has over 17 years of experience working with enterprise and startup customers. He is passionate about improving the software development experience and specializes in AWS’ Next Generation Developer Experience services.

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan Jenkins is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) working with Enterprise AWS customers providing them with technical guidance and helping achieve their business goals. He has an area of specialization in DevOps and Machine Learning technology.

Fahim Sajjad

Fahim is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers transform their business by helping in designing their cloud solutions and offering technical guidance. Fahim graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a degree in Computer Science. He has deep interested in AI and Machine learning. Fahim enjoys reading about new advancements in technology and hiking.

Abdullah Khan

Abdullah is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He attended the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where he earned a degree in Information Systems. Abdullah currently helps customers design and implement solutions on the AWS Cloud. He has a strong interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning. In his spare time, Abdullah enjoys hiking and listening to podcasts.

Best practices for scaling AWS CDK adoption within your organization

Post Syndicated from David Hessler original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/best-practices-for-scaling-aws-cdk-adoption-within-your-organization/

Enterprises are constantly seeking ways to accelerate their journey to the cloud. Infrastructure as code (IaC) is crucial for automating and managing cloud resources efficiently. The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) lets you define your cloud infrastructure as code in your favorite programming language and deploy it using AWS CloudFormation. In this post, we will discuss strategies and best practices for accelerating CDK adoption within your organization. Our discussion begins after your organization has successfully completed a pilot. In this post, you will learn how to scale the lessons learned from the pilot project across your organization through platform engineering. You will learn how to reduce complexity through building reusable components, deploy with speed and safety via builder tooling, and accelerate project startup with an internal developer portal (IDP). We will conclude by discussing ways to participate in and benefit from the broader CDK community.

Before we dive in, let’s briefly discuss a new trend in technology: Platform Engineering. DevOps practices have helped IT organizations deliver software to customers more frequently and with higher quality. A recent evolution in DevOps is the introduction of platform engineering teams to build services, toolchains, and documentation to support workload teams. An important responsibility of the platform engineering team is governance of the software delivery process.

At Amazon, we have a long and storied history of leveraging platform engineering to accelerate deployments. This is why we are able to maintain 143 different compliance certifications and attestations while deploying 150 million times per year. Platform engineering increases productivity, reduces friction between ideas and implementation, and improves agility by accelerating the delivery of workloads via a secure, scalable, and reusable set of resources and components through self-service portals and developer tools. Platform Engineering is comprised of seven capabilities: Platform Architecture, Data Architecture, Platform Product Engineering, Data Engineering, Provisioning & Orchestration, Modern App Development and CI/CD. For more information on platform engineering visit the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework.

Establishing these capabilities takes several platform and workload teams working together. From an operating model standpoint, a workload team interacts with Platform Engineering in one of the three following ways (for more information, see Building a Cloud Operating Model):

Image describes a three different cloud operating models. The first model is a transitional model where Application Engineering and Application Operations teams both supported by Cloud Platform Engineering. The second model is strategic where Application Engineering and Cloud Platform Engineering equally own the responsibility. The third model is also strategic where Application Engineering and Cloud Platform Engineering jointly own responsibility but Application Engineering owns most of the responsibility.

Reduce Builder Complexity and Cognitive load with Reusable Components

So, how can the platform team incorporate CDK to accomplish their goals? One of the common objectives of the Platform Engineering team is to publish and curate reusable patterns called Constructs. Constructs provide a mechanism to create reusable, extensible, and common components that can be shared across multiple teams and projects.

Many customers write their own implementations for constructs to enforce security best practices such as encryption and specific AWS Identity and Access Management policies. For example, you might create a MyCompanyBucket that implements your organizations security requirements in place of the default Amazon S3 Bucket construct. This bucket configuration can be implemented and extended by multiple teams to ensure they are using components that are validated by your security and compliance teams.

For customers focused on data governance, CDK constructs can automatically add in best practices for recovery time objectives and recovery point objectives by ensuring backups and architecture meet an organization’s resilience policies. For advance customers looking to enforce data lifecycle policies, create uniform access controls, or emit required KPIs, CDK constructs can provide avenues to create safe and secure configuration by default. Applying CDK constructs to DataOps, customers can benefit from templated ETL pipelines that ensure data lineage metadata is maintained and data cleansing occurs.

Customers also build constructs for non-AWS resources. Teams can build Constructs for third-party builder tooling, observability systems, testing apparatuses and more. In this way, workload teams can codify AWS and non-AWS resources in one code base. There is a balance required when writing your own constructs between ensuring standardization and providing the freedom and flexibility of taking advantage of the growing ecosystems of CDK packages. Examples of this balance include AWS Solutions Constructs, as these are typically built upon standard constructs. Without extending standard constructs, the constructs you build will be harder for consumer to integrate with the larger CDK ecosystem since it uses standardize interfaces.

Construct Hub is a central destination for discovering and sharing cloud application design patterns and reference architectures defined for CDK, that are built and published by the AWS community. While AWS provides a public Construct Hub, enterprises can maintain their private Construct Hub inside their own AWS accounts (see construct-hub, the GitHub repository, or the CDK Workshop for more details). The primary objective in either case remains consistent: to provide shared libraries that can be readily utilized by different workload teams. This approach ensures enhanced consistency, reusability, and ultimately leads to cost reduction and faster development timelines.

One of the pitfalls customers often have with leveraging this approach is that Platform Engineering cannot keep up building reusable components to leverage the latest technology enhancements. This is where leveraging the lessons learned from a pilot really can help. A pilot team works with platform engineering to research and implement security best practices. Some customers have the platform engineering team act as approvers for new constructs in addition to authors of new constructs. In this model, a pilot team works to build construct(s) for a new technology. The platform engineers approve the new construct(s). Platform engineers ensure the pilot team meets required standards such as enforcing encryption at rest, encryption in transit, and least privilege. When approval occurs, the pilot team can publish the new construct(s) to Construct Hub. In this way, platform engineering can enable experimentation and innovation, rather than become a gatekeeper. Additionally, platform engineering teams can encourage and curate an inner-sourcing model for construct creation rather than being the sole creator of constructs.

Deploy Applications Using DevSecOps Best Practices

Application builders are most productive when their expertise is channeled towards writing code that directly addresses business challenges. While creating applications is a skill well within the grasp of many software developers, the complex task of deploying and operating these applications in line with organizational standards can be overwhelming, especially for those new to a team. This complexity often acts as a bottleneck, slowing down the experimentation process and delaying the realization of value from new application initiatives.

A solution to this challenge lies in automating the deployment pipeline and operational model. By employing thoroughly tested CDK (Cloud Development Kit) components that are shared across teams and validated through a robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) process, the burden on developers is significantly reduced. They no longer need to delve into the complexities of the organization’s deployment strategies, allowing them to concentrate on writing unique, innovative code. This approach not only streamlines the development process but also bridges the gap between development and operations, leading to more cohesive teams and faster, more efficient releases.

One key to high-quality software delivery is to have a proper Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process in place. You can see CDK Pipelines: Continuous delivery for AWS CDK applications for practical examples. This high-level construct, powered by AWS CodePipeline, comes in handy when you need to go beyond test deployments with the cdk deploy command and build automated pipelines for production deployments to multiple environments in different regions and/or accounts.

Whenever you commit your AWS CDK app’s source code into AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, or Amazon CodeCatalyst source repository, AWS CDK Pipelines automatically builds, tests, and deploys a new version of the application. This pipeline automatically reconfigures itself to deploy as the resources in stacks changes or the environments being deployed to change. For GitHub Actions users, see CDK Pipelines for GitHub Workflows.

A number of teams are extending these pipelines and adding their own stages to ensure deployed code meets the organization’s quality, security, risk, compliance and cloud financial management criteria. For best practices of what automation to put inside the pipeline, see the AWS Deployment Pipeline Reference Architecture. By creating fully functional pipelines, platform engineering teams can reduce the cognitive load place on development teams and increase the developer experience. This strategy has two implementations: QuickStart pipelines and golden pipelines.

In QuickStart pipelines, these pipelines are created as a construct in your Construct Hub and treated similar to the above discussion on reusable components. While these pipelines offer simplified interfaces and a reduction in cognitive load, workload teams remain in control of the pipeline and are free to modify it. As a result, quality gates such as security or compliance tooling can be disabled by workload teams and controls inside the pipeline aren’t provable. This is suboptimal for organizations looking to reduce costs of compliance and audit. As the number of versions of the construct grows, teams can have difficulty governing which versions are used to ensure teams consume.

In golden pipelines, the pipelines are created as constructs, but deployed via a centralized team. Workload teams cannot control or modify these pipelines, so quality gates such as security and compliance tooling cannot be disabled. These controls become provable to stakeholders in security, risk and compliance such as auditors. Removing permissions from workload teams comes with costs. With golden pipelines, platform engineering teams often spend a majority of their time troubleshooting workload teams’ deployments. With so much time spent on troubleshooting, teams have little time to introduce new tooling to raise the security and quality standard, improve environment setup and organizational consistency, or improve audit evidence and enforcement.

Two mechanisms can augment these strategies. Traditional change control boards (CCB) can provide provability in situations where gathering evidence and enforcement are difficult. CCBs can benefit from CDK constructs that integrate IT Service Management (ITSM) approvals and fleet management processes into the pipeline and account creation processes. Alternatively, there is an emerging story with Software Supply Chain Level Artifacts (SLSA). These artifacts can be used as digital proof. In the Kubernetes space, we see this pattern with tools like Tekton chains where attestations associated with OCI images and Kyverno is used for to enforcement the presence of attestations (see Protect the pipe! Secure CI/CD pipelines with a policy-based approach using Tekton and Kyverno for details).

Multi-account and cross-region deployment with CDK

DevOps best practices suggest multiple stages of deployment and testing before deploying to production. On top of that, AWS recommends a dedicated account for each stage to simplify resource isolation and access control. This multi-account strategy helps organizations make best use of AWS resources and provides fine-grain controls (see Recommended OUs and accounts).

Often, you will have a designated AWS account, where all CI/CD pipelines reside. A deployment is executed by these pipelines to publish to other AWS accounts, which may correspond to development, staging, or production stages. For more information about a cross-account strategy in reference to CI/CD pipelines on AWS, see Building a Secure Cross-Account Continuous Delivery Pipeline.

Automated Governance

Many enterprise customers leverage CDK to enforce security controls and policies and can prevent security issues before deployment with tooling to analyze code as part of the deployment pipeline. Using the industry standard tooling of cdk-nag, many teams check applications for best practices using a combination of available rule packs. We are also seeing enterprises build their own Aspects to enforce additional requirements such as tagging requirements to manage and organize their deployed resources.

Customers can create CDK synthesized CloudFormation and add additional checkpoints with CloudFormation Guard to verify the output using policy-as-code domain-specific language (DSL) rules. Platform Engineering teams can build the rules and workload team can consume rules and run CloudFormation Guard inside the pipeline. There is an official construct that supports makes it easy to add CloudFormation Guard checks to your application.

With AWS CDK, infrastructure is code. So, the standard tooling you already use to ensure quality and improve the builder experience should be used with CDK. If your organization has a code quality program, treat CDK applications no differently than web applications or microservices. Similarly, with Amazon CodeGuru Security and Amazon CodeWhisperer, builders can get actionable recommendations on how to improve both the security and quality on their CDK code as they would with any other type of application.

With Aspects, cdk-nag, and code quality tools, organizations can prevent security issues before they are deployed. However, it is also important to create controls that work after a deployment occurs. AWS CloudFormation Hooks allow customers to inspect resources prior to create, update, or delete CloudFormation Stacks or CDK Applications. With CloudFormation Hooks, Platform Engineering teams can provide warnings or prevent provisioning resources for non-compliant resources. These hooks can be created via CDK (see Build and Deploy CloudFormation Hooks using A CI/CD Pipeline for details).

Finally, you can deploy AWS Config’s conformance packs via CDK. These collections of rules you’re your organization insist on security standards at scale. If your organization wishes to build custom rules, teams can build reactive controls using higher level constructs for AWS Config Rules. While many of these patterns existed prior to CDK, CDK helps accelerate building and deploying cloud applications and controls by leveraging reusable components that are shared within the enterprise or by the community at large.

Operate the Application using Observability

The open-source community provides high-level construct libraries that expand basic monitoring capabilities for CDK applications. The cdk-monitoring-constructs project makes it easy to monitor CDK apps. Similarly, Cdk-wakeful takes that a step further, adding many additional services and provides easily configurable interfaces to automatically be notified by AWS System Manager Incident Manager, AWS Chatbot, or Amazon Simple Notification Service. By leveraging prebuilt solutions from the open-source community, you can focus on creating custom metrics and thresholds around your business logic. Platform Engineering teams can modify and extends 1open-source projects to help workload teams simplify their operations and emit health and status to centralized systems.

Accelerate New Project Startup with an Internal Developer Platform

An Internal Developer Platform (IDP) is built by platform engineering teams to build golden paths and enable developer self-service. These golden paths are expressed as a series of templates that the structure of a source control repository and files stored inside the repository. When the IDP uses these templates to create source code repositories, the resultant repository contains the following:

  • A getting-started tutorial (usually in a README.md)
  • Reference documentation
  • Skeleton source code
  • Dependency Management
  • CI/CD pipeline template
  • IaC template
  • Observability configuration

With CDK, the CI/CD pipeline, IaC template, and observability configuration can all be a part of a single CDK application.

Platform engineering teams build golden paths and expose them using tools like Backstage, Humanitec, or Port. When building golden paths, there are two common approaches to the underlying project structure. Some organizations choose the approach where their IaC code repository is separate from the application code. Others choose to include everything in one repository. There is a healthy tension between how much to place inside a golden path vs a reusable component. In both strategies, platform engineering teams can avoid code duplication by leveraging CDK. The approach your organization chooses will dictate how you organize your reusable components. Below, we will walk through both options and the implications on reusable constructs.

Option 1: Everything in one repository

In this approach, all the code is contained in one repository: infrastructure, application, configuration, and deployment. This approach enables builders to collaborate, build features, and innovate together quickly, which is why it is the recommended approach. For more details, refer to the Best practices documentation. For examples, see AWS Deployment Reference Architecture for Applications.

This approach works best in teams that are “value-stream aligned.” Value-stream aligned teams have development and operations capabilities within the same team. These teams are organized around solving problems for customers rather than technical capabilities. Within the project, teams can organize around logical units such as application tier (API, database, etc.) or business capabilities (order management, product catalog, delivery services, etc.). In organizations that are value stream aligned, larger, highly conventionalized reusable components are better. An extreme example of this type of constructs is a single construct that contains all the code for an entire microservice. In these teams, the cognitive load focuses on the customer problem, so reducing the complexity of developing applications is critical to success.

Option 2: Separated application code pipeline

In this alternative approach, you can decouple your application code from your infrastructure by storing them in separate repositories and having separate pipelines. Separating the pipelines often leads to siloes and less collaboration between workload builders, who shift focus to developing features, and infrastructure engineers, who limit their efforts to building the infrastructure on which those applications run.

This approach works best in teams that are “matrixed.” A matrix organization is structured around technical capabilities (development, operations, security, business, etc.). In these cases, more modular constructs work better than constructs that are highly conventionalized. Experts from each organization can use CDK constructs as mechanisms to share their expertise across the entire organization. Examples of these types of constructs are monitoring, alerting, or security constructs prebuilt with hooks to plug in to centralized monitoring.

Building a Community of Practice with Platform Engineering

Scaling any new technology within a large organization requires the creation and enablement of a community that fosters collaboration, establishes best practices, and stays up to date with the changes in the ecosystem. In order to enable the creation of these communities of practice within your organization, AWS supports multiple public communities centered around the creation of content to educate and enable CDK users. Members of your organization’s community of practice can connect with other CDK development teams around the world through these public AWS supported communities.

Communities of Practice

A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people with shared interest who come together to learn, collaborate and develop expertise in a specific domain through informal interactions and knowledge sharing. Within your organization, establishing communities of practice around CDK has been proven to enable mentorship, problem solving, and reusable assets. To get started, your platform engineering team – the creators of reusable constructs and builder tooling with CDK – become early content creators for the community of practice. This establishes a feedback loop where CDK creators publicize their achievements via the CoP and consumers can ask questions and provide direct guidance to creators. Once the CoP has sustainably expanded by the initial group that established it, the CoP can start to add hack-a-thons or game days within your organization, which can bring innovation and solve organization-wide challenges. Fully mature communities of practices own curated wikis or databases of knowledge. They use mechanisms such as townhalls, office hours, newsletters, and chat channels to keep the community up to date. In this way, CDK expertise is diffused across the organization. At AWS, this diffusion of expertise has led to teams other than platform engineering becoming creators of reusable constructs. By expanding who can create reusable constructs, we are able to accelerate our own innovation.


There is a growing community that supports CDK, with many different platforms available providing content, code, examples and meetups. CDK is currently maintained by AWS with support from the community on AWS CDK GitHub page where you can contribute to the platform, raise issues, see the backlog and join discussions with active community members.

CDK.dev is the community driven hub around the CDK ecosystem. This site brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and educational content. It also provides links to join the community Slack platform.

CDK Patterns houses an open source collection of AWS Serverless architecture patterns built with CDK for developers to use. These patterns are sources via AWS Community Builders / AWS Heroes.

Finally, AWS re:Post provides a question-and-answer portal for the community to resolve.

The AWS Community Builders program offers technical resources, education, and networking opportunities to AWS technical enthusiasts and emerging thought leaders who are passionate about sharing knowledge and connecting with the technical community.

Communities of practice can leverage AWS public communities like cdk.dev to fill gaps in knowledge. Townhalls can benefit from speakers from AWS Heroes or community builders, frequent contributors to GitHub or re:Post, or speakers from CDK Day. Newsletters can aggregate and summarize the latest news from across all AWS channels. Once your community of practice establishes CDK competencies, this collaboration can also be bidirectional. For example, experts in your organization’s community can become AWS Heroes. Success stories can be shared via CDK Day, guest blog posts, and you might even speak at one of our major events such as AWS Summits, AWS re:Invent, AWS re:Inforce, or AWS re:Mars.

Final Thoughts

As we’ve said throughout this blog, with CDK, Infrastructure is code. This has enabled a paradigm shift in the infrastructure management space. Today, we see many customers such as Liberty Mutual, Scenario, Checkmarx, and Registers of Scotland establishing mature ecosystems using CDK. With an active open-source community, an AWS dev team for long term support, and multiple platforms for knowledge sharing, your builders can quickly learn, build, and innovate. Due to successful pilots, many organizations adopt CDK, become more agile, and innovate faster. This is exactly what happened at Amazon, where CDK is the first choice for building new services.

Organizations often scale and reduce complexity through platform engineering. These teams build higher level constructs by applying best practices, and provide CI/CD pipelines to accelerate deployments. Your deployment is safer using unit testing on your infrastructure as code and through robust security controls to provide guidance to builders at every stage: from author to operate.

Finally, establishing a community enables your organization to build its own mature ecosystem. Through both internal and open-source communities your builders can connect, discover, and grow.

Photo of David Hessler

David Hessler

Prior to joining AWS, David spent a decade serving as a principal technologist and establishing Platform Engineering and SRE teams for the United States government. Since joining AWS in 2020, David has spent his time helping customers accelerate deployment speed and safety for some of AWS’s largest commercial and public sector customers. Today, as a part of the DevSecOps team within Global Services Security, he is building the next generation of DevSecOps tooling for AWS customers.

Amritha Shetty

Amritha Shetty

Amritha is a Solutions architect at AWS. She works with public sector customers to help migrate and modernize in the cloud. She loves helping citizens get more from public sector institutions through rapid innovation in the cloud. She brings over twelve years of software design and development experience and passionate about helping customers implement the next-generation development experience.

Photo of Chris Scudder

Chris Scudder

Chris is a Senior Solutions Architect with the UK Public Sector team. His primary focus is helping Public Sector customers adopt cloud technologies for their workloads, helping them streamline their development and operational processes. He has a background in application development and has created multiple Industry Solutions for UK Local Government. He has an interesting in Machine Learning and delivers AWS DeepRacer events alongside his day-to-day role.

Photo of Kumar Karra

Kumar Karra

Kumar Karra is a Senior Field Solutions Architect for AWS Small and Medium Business Customers. He has a strong background in designing and developing applications for small consumer facing customers to large mission critical applications for enterprises. He specialized in NextGen Developer Experience tools and enjoys helping customer shorten their time to value by guiding them on strategies to implement fast, repeatable, testable, and scalable tools and architectures.

Blue/Green Deployments with Amazon ECS using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Hareesh Iyer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/blue-green-deployments-with-amazon-ecs-using-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is a modern software development service that empowers teams to deliver software on AWS easily and quickly. Amazon CodeCatalyst provides one place where you can plan, code, and build, test, and deploy your container applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools.

In this post, we will walk-through how you can configure Blue/Green and canary deployments for your container workloads within Amazon CodeCatalyst.


To follow along with the instructions, you’ll need:

  • An AWS account. If you don’t have one, you can create a new AWS account.
  • An Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) service using the Blue/Green deployment type. If you don’t have one, follow the Amazon ECS tutorial and complete steps 1-5.
  • An Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository named codecatalyst-ecs-image-repo. Follow the Amazon ECR user guide to create one.
  • An Amazon CodeCatalyst space, with an empty Amazon CodeCatalyst project named codecatalyst-ecs-project and an Amazon CodeCatalyst environment called codecatalyst-ecs-environment. Follow the Amazon CodeCatalyst tutorial to set these up.
  • Follow the Amazon CodeCatalyst user guide to associate your account to the environment.


Now that you have setup an Amazon ECS cluster and configured Amazon CodeCatalyst to perform deployments, you can configure Blue/Green deployment for your workload. Here are the high-level steps:

  • Collect details of the Amazon ECS environment that you created in the prerequisites step.
  • Add source files for the containerized application to Amazon CodeCatalyst.
  • Create Amazon CodeCatalyst Workflow.
  • Validate the setup.

Step 1: Collect details from your ECS service and Amazon CodeCatalyst role

In this step, you will collect information from your prerequisites that will be used in the Blue/Green Amazon CodeCatalyst configuration further down this post.

If you followed the prerequisites tutorial, below are AWS CLI commands to extract values that are used in this post. You can run this on your local workstation or with AWS CloudShell in the same region you created your Amazon ECS cluster.


ECSCLUSTERARN=$(aws ecs describe-clusters --clusters $ECSCLUSTER --query 'clusters[*].clusterArn' --output text)
ECSSERVICENAME=$(aws ecs describe-services --services $ECSSERVICE --cluster $ECSCLUSTER  --query 'services[*].serviceName' --output text)
TASKDEFARN=$(aws ecs describe-services --services $ECSSERVICE --cluster $ECSCLUSTER  --query 'services[*].taskDefinition' --output text)
TASKROLE=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition tutorial-task-def --query 'taskDefinition.executionRoleArn' --output text)
ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)

echo Account_ID value: $ACCOUNT
echo EcsRegionName value: $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
echo EcsClusterArn value: $ECSCLUSTERARN
echo EcsServiceName value: $ECSSERVICENAME
echo TaskDefinitionArn value: $TASKDEFARN
echo TaskExecutionRoleArn value: $TASKROLE

Note down the values of Account_ID, EcsRegionName, EcsClusterArn, EcsServiceName, TaskDefinitionArn and TaskExecutionRoleArn. You will need these values in later steps.

Step 2: Add Amazon IAM roles to Amazon CodeCatalyst

In this step, you will create a role called CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spacename to provide Amazon CodeCatalyst service permissions to build and deploy applications. This role is only recommended for use with development accounts and uses the AdministratorAccess AWS managed policy, giving it full access to create new policies and resources in this AWS account.

  • In Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to your space. Choose the Settings tab.
  • In the Navigation page, select AWS accounts. A list of account connections appears. Choose the account connection that represents the AWS account where you created your build and deploy roles.
  • Choose Manage roles from AWS management console.
  • The Add IAM role to Amazon CodeCatalyst space page appears. You might need to sign in to access the page.
  • Choose Create CodeCatalyst development administrator role in IAM. This option creates a service role that contains the permissions policy and trust policy for the development role.
  • Note down the role name. Choose Create development role.

Step 3: Create Amazon CodeCatalyst source repository

In this step, you will create a source repository in CodeCatalyst. This repository stores the tutorial’s source files, such as the task definition file.

  • In Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to your project.
  • In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
  • Choose Add repository, and then choose Create repository.
  •  In Repository name, enter:


  • Choose Create.

Step 4: Create Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev Environment

In this step, you will create a Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev environment to work on the sample application code and configuration in the codecatalyst-advanced-deployment repository. Learn more about Amazon CodeCatalyst dev environments in Amazon CodeCatalyst user guide.

  • In Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to your project.
  • In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
  • Choose the source repository for which you want to create a dev environment.
  • Choose Create Dev Environment.
  • Choose AWS Cloud9 from the drop-down menu.
  • In Create Dev Environment and open with AWS Cloud9 page (Figure 1), choose Create to create a Cloud9 development environment.

Create Dev Environment in Amazon CodeCatalyst

Figure 1: Create Dev Environment in Amazon CodeCatalyst

AWS Cloud9 IDE opens on a new browser tab. Stay in AWS Cloud9 window to continue with Step 5.

Step 5: Add Source files to Amazon CodeCatalyst source repository

In this step, you will add source files from a sample application from GitHub to Amazon CodeCatalyst repository. You will be using this application to configure and test blue-green deployments.

  • On the menu bar at the top of the AWS Cloud9 IDE, choose Window, New Terminal or use an existing terminal window.
  • Download the Github project as a zip file, un-compress it and move it to your project folder by running the below commands in the terminal.

cd codecatalyst-advanced-deployment
wget -O SampleApp.zip https://github.com/build-on-aws/automate-web-app-amazon-ecs-cdk-codecatalyst/zipball/main/
unzip SampleApp.zip
mv build-on-aws-automate-web-app-amazon-ecs-cdk-codecatalyst-*/SampleApp/* .
rm -rf build-on-aws-automate-web-app-amazon-ecs-cdk-codecatalyst-*
rm SampleApp.zip

  • Update the task definition file for the sample application. Open task.json in the current directory. Find and replace “<arn:aws:iam::<account_ID>:role/AppRole> with the value collected from step 1: <TaskExecutionRoleArn>.
  • Amazon CodeCatalyst works with AWS CodeDeploy to perform Blue/Green deployments on Amazon ECS. You will create an Application Specification file, which will be used by CodeDeploy to manage the deployment. Create a file named appspec.yaml inside the codecatalyst-advanced-deployment directory. Update the <TaskDefinitionArn> with value from Step 1.
version: 0.0
  - TargetService:
      Type: AWS::ECS::Service
        TaskDefinition: "<TaskDefinitionArn>"
          ContainerName: "MyContainer"
          ContainerPort: 80
        PlatformVersion: "LATEST"
  • Commit the changes to Amazon CodeCatalyst repository by following the below commands. Update <your_email> and <your_name> with your email and name.

git config user.email "<your_email>"
git config user.name "<your_name>"
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push

Step 6: Create Amazon CodeCatalyst Workflow

In this step, you will create the Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow which will automatically build your source code when changes are made. A workflow is an automated procedure that describes how to build, test, and deploy your code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. A workflow defines a series of steps, or actions, to take during a workflow run.

  • In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.
  • Choose Create workflow. Select codecatalyst-advanced-deployment from the Source repository dropdown.
  • Choose main in the branch. Select Create (Figure 2). The workflow definition file appears in the Amazon CodeCatalyst console’s YAML editor.
    Create workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst

    Figure 2: Create workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst

  • Update the workflow by replacing the contents in the YAML editor with the below. Replace <Account_ID> with your AWS account ID. Replace <EcsRegionName>, <EcsClusterArn>, <EcsServiceName> with values from Step 1. Replace <CodeCatalyst-Dev-Admin-Role> with the Role Name from Step 3.
Name: BuildAndDeployToECS
SchemaVersion: "1.0"

# Set automatic triggers on code push.
  - Type: Push
      - main

    Identifier: aws/build@v1
        - WorkflowSource
        - Name: region
          Value: <EcsRegionName>
        - Name: registry
          Value: <Account_ID>.dkr.ecr.<EcsRegionName>.amazonaws.com
        - Name: image
          Value: codecatalyst-ecs-image-repo
        Enabled: false
        - IMAGE
      Type: EC2
        - Role: <CodeCatalystPreviewDevelopmentAdministrator role>
          Name: "<Account_ID>"
      Name: codecatalyst-ecs-environment
        - Run: export account=`aws sts get-caller-identity --output text | awk '{ print $1 }'`
        - Run: aws ecr get-login-password --region ${region} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${registry}
        - Run: docker build -t appimage .
        - Run: docker tag appimage ${registry}/${image}:${WorkflowSource.CommitId}
        - Run: docker push --all-tags ${registry}/${image}
        - Run: export IMAGE=${registry}/${image}:${WorkflowSource.CommitId}
    Identifier: aws/ecs-render-task-definition@v1
      image: ${Build_application.IMAGE}
      container-name: MyContainer
      task-definition: task.json
        - Name: TaskDefinition
            - task-definition*
      - Build_application
        - WorkflowSource
    Identifier: aws/ecs-deploy@v1
      task-definition: /artifacts/DeploytoAmazonECS/TaskDefinition/${RenderAmazonECStaskdefinition.task-definition}
      service: <EcsServiceName>
      cluster: <EcsClusterArn>
      region: <EcsRegionName>
      codedeploy-appspec: appspec.yaml
      codedeploy-application: tutorial-bluegreen-app
      codedeploy-deployment-group: tutorial-bluegreen-dg
      codedeploy-deployment-description: "Blue-green deployment for sample app"
      Type: EC2
      Fleet: Linux.x86-64.Large
        - Role: <CodeCatalyst-Dev-Admin-Role>
        # Add account id within quotes. Eg: "12345678"
          Name: "<Account_ID>"
      Name: codecatalyst-ecs-environment
      - RenderAmazonECStaskdefinition
        - TaskDefinition
        - WorkflowSource

The workflow above does the following:

  • Whenever a code change is pushed to the repository, a Build action is triggered. The Build action builds a container image and pushes the image to the Amazon ECR repository created in Step 1.
  • Once the Build stage is complete, the Amazon ECS task definition is updated with the new ECR repository image.
  • The DeploytoECS action then deploys the new image to Amazon ECS using Blue/Green Approach.

To confirm everything was configured correctly, choose the Validate button. It should add a green banner with The workflow definition is valid at the top.

Select Commit to add the workflow to the repository (Figure 3)

Commit Workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst
Figure 3: Commit workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst

The workflow file is stored in a ~/.codecatalyst/workflows/ folder in the root of your source repository. The file can have a .yml or .yaml extension.

Let’s review our work, using the load balancer’s URL that you created during prerequisites, paste it into your browser. Your page should look similar to (Figure 4).

Sample Application (Blue Version)
Figure 4: Sample Application (Blue version)

Step 7: Validate the setup

To validate the setup, you will make a small change to the sample application.

  • Open Amazon CodeCatalyst dev environment that you created in Step 4.
  • Update your local copy of the repository. In the terminal run the command below.

git pull

  • In the terminal, navigate to /templates folder. Open index.html and search for “Las Vegas”. Replace the word with “New York”. Save the file.
  • Commit the change to the repository using the commands below.

git add .
git commit -m "Updating the city to New York"
git push

After the change is committed, the workflow should start running automatically. You can monitor of the workflow run in Amazon CodeCatalyst console (Figure 5)
Blue/Green Deployment Progress on Amazon CodeCatalyst

Figure 5: Blue/Green Deployment Progress on Amazon CodeCatalyst

You can also see the deployment status on the AWS CodeDeploy deployment page (Figure 6)

  • Going back to the AWS console.
  • In the upper left search bar, type in “CodeDeploy”.
  • In the left hand menu, select Deployments.

Blue/Green Deployment Progress on AWS CodeDeploy
Figure 6: Blue/Green Deployment Progress on AWS CodeDeploy

Let’s review our update, using the load balancer’s URL that you created during pre-requisites, paste it into your browser. Your page should look similar to (Figure 7).
Sample Application (Green version)

Figure 7: Sample Application (Green version)


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges.

  • Delete the Amazon ECS service and Amazon ECS cluster from AWS console.
  • Manually delete Amazon CodeCatalyst dev environment, source repository and project from your CodeCatalyst Space.
  • Delete the AWS CodeDeploy application through console or CLI.


In this post, we demonstrated how you can configure Blue/Green deployments for your container workloads using Amazon CodeCatalyst workflows. The same approach can be used to configure Canary deployments as well. Learn more about AWS CodeDeploy configuration for advanced container deployments in AWS CodeDeploy user guide.

William Cardoso

William Cardoso is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in South Florida area. He has 20+ years of experience in designing and developing enterprise systems. He leverages his real world experience in IT operations to work with AWS customers providing architectural and best practice recommendations for new and existing solutions. Outside of work, William enjoys woodworking, walking and cooking for friends and family.

Piyush Mattoo

Piyush Mattoo is a Solution Architect for enterprises at Amazon Web Services. He is a software technology leader with over 15 years of experience building scalable and distributed software systems that require a combination of broad T-shaped skills across multiple technologies. He has an educational background in Computer Science with a Masters degree in Computer and Information Science from University of Massachusetts. He is based out of Southern California and current interests include outdoor camping and nature walks.

Hareesh Iyer

Hareesh Iyer is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers build scalable, secure, resilient and cost-efficient architectures on AWS. He is passionate about cloud-native patterns, containers and microservices.

Improve developer productivity with generative-AI powered Amazon Q in Amazon CodeCatalyst (preview)

Post Syndicated from Irshad Buchh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/improve-developer-productivity-with-generative-ai-powered-amazon-q-in-amazon-codecatalyst-preview/

Today, I’m excited to introduce the preview of new generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities within Amazon CodeCatalyst that accelerate software delivery using Amazon Q.

Accelerate feature development – The feature development capability in Amazon Q can help you accelerate the implementation of software development tasks such as adding comments and READMEs, refining issue descriptions, generating small classes and unit tests, and updating CodeCatalyst workflows — tedious and undifferentiated tasks that take up developers’ time. Developers can go from an idea in an issue to fully tested, merge-ready, running code with only natural language inputs, in just a few clicks. AI does the heavy lifting of converting the human prompt to an actionable plan, summarizing source code repositories, generating code, unit tests, and workflows, and summarizing any changes in a pull request which is assigned back to the developer. You can also provide feedback to Amazon Q directly on the published pull request and ask it to generate a new revision. If the code change falls short of expectations, you can create a development environment directly from the pull request, make any necessary adjustments manually, publish a new revision, and proceed with the merge upon approval.

Example: make an API change in an existing application
In the navigation pane, I choose Issues and then I choose Create issue. I give the issue the title, Change the get_all_mysfits() API to return mysfits sorted by the Age attribute. I then assign this issue to Amazon Q and choose Create issue.


Amazon Q will automatically move the issue into the In progress state while it analyzes the issue title and description to formulate a potential solution approach. If there is already some discussion on the issue, it should be summarized in the description to help Q understand what needs to be done. As it works, Amazon Q will report on its progress by leaving comments on the issue at every stage. It will attempt to create a solution based on its understanding of the code already present in the repository and the approach it formulated. If Amazon Q is able to successfully generate a potential solution, it will create a branch and commit code to that branch. It will then create a pull request that will merge the changes into the default branch once approved. Once the pull request is published, Amazon Q will change the issue status to In Review so that you and your team know that the code is now ready for you to review.


Summarize a change – Pull request authors can save time by asking Amazon Q to summarize the change they are publishing for review. Today pull request authors have to write the description manually or they may choose not to write it at all. If the author does not provide a description, it makes it harder for reviewers to understand what changes are being made and why, delaying the review process and slowing down software delivery.

Pull request authors and reviewers can also save time by asking Amazon Q to summarize the comments left on the pull request. The summary is useful for the author because they can easily see common feedback themes. For the reviewers it is useful because they can quickly catch up on the conversation and feedback from themselves and other team members. The overall benefits are streamlined collaboration, accelerated review process, and faster software delivery.

Join the preview
Amazon Q is available in Amazon CodeCatalyst today for spaces in AWS Region US West (Oregon).

Learn more


Amazon CodeCatalyst introduces custom blueprints and a new enterprise tier

Post Syndicated from Irshad Buchh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-codecatalyst-introduces-custom-blueprints-and-a-new-enterprise-tier/

Today, I’m excited to introduce the new Amazon CodeCatalyst enterprise tier and custom blueprints.

Amazon CodeCatalyst enterprise tier is a new pricing tier that offers features like custom blueprints and project lifecycle management. The enterprise tier is $20/user per month, and each enterprise tier space gets 1,500 compute minutes, 160 Dev Environment hours, and 64GB of Dev Environment storage per paying user. You can use custom blueprints to define best practices for your application code, workflows, and infrastructure. You can publish these blueprints to your CodeCatalyst space, utilizing them for project creation or applying standards to existing projects.

Blueprints help you set up projects in minutes so you can get to work on code immediately. With just a few clicks, you can set up project files and configure built-in, fully integrated tools (for example, source repository, issue management, and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline) with best practices for your particular type of project. You can swap in popular tools like GitHub if needed, while maintaining the unified experience. You spend less time on building, integrating, or operating developer tools over the project’s lifetime.

With custom blueprints, you can define various elements of your CodeCatalyst project, like workflow definitions, infrastructure as code (IaC), and application code. When custom blueprints are updated, those changes are reflected in any project using the blueprint as a pull request update. This streamlined process reduces overhead in setting up your projects and ensures that best practices are consistently applied across your projects. As an admin, you can easily view details about which projects are using each blueprint in your CodeCatalyst space, giving you visibility into how standards are being applied across your projects.

Creating a custom blueprint in CodeCatalyst
I open the CodeCatalyst console and then I navigate to my space. On the Settings tab, I choose Blueprints on the left navigation pane, and then I select Create blueprint. At this point, I codify my best practices in this blueprint. When ready, I’ll publish it back to my space so my teams can use it to create projects.


After I publish my blueprint, I can view and manage it in my CodeCatalyst space in the Settings tab. In the left panel, I choose Blueprints. Then I select Space blueprints.


I select Create project > Space blueprints to create a CodeCatalyst project from my custom blueprint.



The Amazon CodeCatalyst enterprise tier is available in US West (Oregon) and Europe (Ireland) Regions, but you can deploy to any commercial Region. To learn more, visit the Amazon CodeCatalyst webpage.

Go build!

— Irshad

Your DevOps and Developer Productivity guide to re:Invent 2023

Post Syndicated from Anubhav Rao original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/your-devops-and-developer-productivity-guide-to-reinvent-2023/

Your DevOps and Developer Productivity guide to re:Invent 2023

ICYMI – AWS re:Invent is less than a week away! We can’t wait to join thousands of builders in person and virtually for another exciting event. Still need to save your spot? You can register here.

With so much planned for the DevOps and Developer Productivity (DOP) track at re:Invent, we’re highlighting the most exciting sessions for technology leaders and developers in this post. Sessions span intermediate (200) through expert (400) levels of content in a mix of interactive chalk talks, hands-on workshops, and lecture-style breakout sessions.

You will experience the future of efficient development at the DevOps and Developer Productivity track and get a chance to talk to AWS experts about exciting services, tools, and new AI capabilities that optimize and automate your software development lifecycle. Attendees will leave re:Invent with the latest strategies to accelerate development, use generative AI to improve developer productivity, and focus on high-value work and innovation.

How to reserve a seat in the sessions

Reserved seating is available for registered attendees to secure seats in the sessions of their choice. Reserve a seat by signing in to the attendee portal and navigating to Event, then Sessions.

Do not miss the Innovation Talk led by Vice President of AWS Generative Builders, Adam Seligman. In DOP225-INT Build without limits: The next-generation developer experience at AWS, Adam will provide updates on the latest developer tools and services, including generative AI-powered capabilities, low-code abstractions, cloud development, and operations. He’ll also welcome special guests to lead demos of key developer services and showcase how they integrate to increase productivity and innovation.

DevOps and Developer Productivity breakout sessions

What are breakout sessions?

AWS re:Invent breakout sessions are lecture-style and 60 minutes long. These sessions are delivered by AWS experts and typically reserve 10–15 minutes for Q&A at the end. Breakout sessions are recorded and made available on-demand after the event.

Level 200 — Intermediate

DOP201 | Best practices for Amazon CodeWhisperer Generative AI can create new content and ideas, including conversations, stories, images, videos, and music. Learning how to interact with generative AI effectively and proficiently is a skill worth developing. Join this session to learn about best practices for engaging with Amazon CodeWhisperer, which uses an underlying foundation model to radically improve developer productivity by generating code suggestions in real time.

DOP202 | Realizing the developer productivity benefits of Amazon CodeWhisperer Developers spend a significant amount of their time writing undifferentiated code. Amazon CodeWhisperer radically improves productivity by generating code suggestions in real time to alleviate this burden. In this session, learn how CodeWhisperer can “write” much of this undifferentiated code, allowing developers to focus on business logic and accelerate the pace of their innovation.

DOP205 | Accelerate development with Amazon CodeCatalyst In this session, explore the newest features in Amazon CodeCatalyst. Learn firsthand how these practical additions to CodeCatalyst can simplify application delivery, improve team collaboration, and speed up the software development lifecycle from concept to deployment.

DOP206 | AWS infrastructure as code: A year in review AWS provides services that help with the creation, deployment, and maintenance of application infrastructure in a programmatic, descriptive, and declarative way. These services help provide rigor, clarity, and reliability to application development. Join this session to learn about the new features and improvements for AWS infrastructure as code with AWS CloudFormation and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and how they can benefit your team.

DOP207 | Build and run it: Streamline DevOps with machine learning on AWS While organizations have improved how they deliver and operate software, development teams still run into issues when performing manual code reviews, looking for hard-to-find defects, and uncovering security-related problems. Developers have to keep up with multiple programming languages and frameworks, and their productivity can be impaired when they have to search online for code snippets. Additionally, they require expertise in observability to successfully operate the applications they build. In this session, learn how companies like Fidelity Investments use machine learning–powered tools like Amazon CodeWhisperer and Amazon DevOps Guru to boost application availability and write software faster and more reliably.

DOP208 | Continuous integration and delivery for AWS AWS provides one place where you can plan work, collaborate on code, build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. In this session, learn about how to create end-to-end CI/CD pipelines using infrastructure as code on AWS.

DOP209 | Governance and security with infrastructure as code In this session, learn how to use AWS CloudFormation and the AWS CDK to deploy cloud applications in regulated environments while enforcing security controls. Find out how to catch issues early with cdk-nag, validate your pipelines with cfn-guard, and protect your accounts from unintended changes with CloudFormation hooks.

DOP210 | Scale your application development with Amazon CodeCatalyst Amazon CodeCatalyst brings together everything you need to build, deploy, and collaborate on software into one integrated software development service. In this session, discover the ways that CodeCatalyst helps developers and teams build and ship code faster while spending more time doing the work they love.

DOP211 | Boost developer productivity with Amazon CodeWhisperer Generative AI is transforming the way that developers work. Writing code is already getting disrupted by tools like Amazon CodeWhisperer, which enhances developer productivity by providing real-time code completions based on natural language prompts. In this session, get insights into how to evaluate and measure productivity with the adoption of generative AI–powered tools. Learn from the AWS Disaster Recovery team who uses CodeWhisperer to solve complex engineering problems by gaining efficiency through longer productivity cycles and increasing velocity to market for ongoing fixes. Hear how integrating tools like CodeWhisperer into your workflows can boost productivity.

DOP212 | New AWS generative AI features and tools for developers Explore how generative AI coding tools are changing the way developers and companies build software. Generative AI–powered tools are boosting developer and business productivity by automating tasks, improving communication and collaboration, and providing insights that can inform better decision-making. In this session, see the newest AWS tools and features that make it easier for builders to solve problems with minimal technical expertise and that help technical teams boost productivity. Walk through how organizations like FINRA are exploring generative AI and beginning their journey using these tools to accelerate their pace of innovation.

DOP220 | Simplify building applications with AWS SDKs AWS SDKs play a vital role in using AWS services in your organization’s applications and services. In this session, learn about the current state and the future of AWS SDKs. Explore how they can simplify your developer experience and unlock new capabilities. Discover how SDKs are evolving, providing a consistent experience in multiple languages and empowering you to do more with high-level abstractions to make it easier to build on AWS. Learn how AWS SDKs are built using open source tools like Smithy, and how you can use these tools to build your own SDKs to serve your customers’ needs.

DevOps and Developer Productivity chalk talks

What are chalk talks?

Chalk Talks are highly interactive sessions with a small audience. Experts lead you through problems and solutions on a digital whiteboard as the discussion unfolds. Each begins with a short lecture (10–15 minutes) delivered by an AWS expert, followed by a 45- or 50-minute Q&A session with the audience.

Level 300 — Advanced

DOP306 | Streamline DevSecOps with a complete software development service Security is not just for application code—the automated software supply chains that build modern software can also be exploited by attackers. In this chalk talk, learn how you can use Amazon CodeCatalyst to incorporate security tests into every aspect of your software development lifecycle while maintaining a great developer experience. Discover how CodeCatalyst’s flexible actions-based CI/CD workflows streamline the process of adapting to security threats.

DOP309-R | AI for DevOps: Modernizing your DevOps operations with AWS As more organizations move to microservices architectures to scale their businesses, applications increasingly have become distributed, requiring the need for even greater visibility. IT operations professionals and developers need more automated practices to maintain application availability and reduce the time and effort required to detect, debug, and resolve operational issues. In this chalk talk, discover how you can use AWS services, including Amazon CodeWhisperer, Amazon CodeGuru and Amazon DevOps Guru, to start using AI for DevOps solutions to detect, diagnose, and remedy anomalous application behavior.

DOP310-R | Better together: GitHub Actions, Amazon CodeCatalyst, or AWS CodeBuild Learn how combining GitHub Actions with Amazon CodeCatalyst or AWS CodeBuild can maximize development efficiency. In this chalk talk, learn about the tradeoffs of using GitHub Actions runners hosted on Amazon EC2 or Amazon ECS with GitHub Actions hosted on CodeCatalyst or CodeBuild. Explore integration with other AWS services to enhance workflow automation. Join this talk to learn how GitHub Actions on AWS can take your development processes to the next level.

DOP311 | Building infrastructure as code with AWS CloudFormation AWS CloudFormation helps you manage your AWS infrastructure as code, increasing automation and supporting infrastructure-as-code best practices. In this chalk talk, learn the fundamentals of CloudFormation, including templates, stacks, change sets, and stack dependencies. See a demo of how to describe your AWS infrastructure in a template format and provision resources in an automated, repeatable way.

DOP312 | Creating custom constructs with AWS CDK Join this chalk talk to get answers to your questions about creating, publishing, and sharing your AWS CDK constructs publicly and privately. Learn about construct levels, how to test your constructs, how to discover and use constructs in your AWS CDK projects, and explore Construct Hub.

DOP313-R | Multi-account and multi-Region deployments at scale Many AWS customers are implementing multi-account strategies to more easily manage their cloud infrastructure and improve their security and compliance postures. In this chalk talk, learn about various options for deploying resources into multiple accounts and AWS Regions using AWS developer tools, including AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, and Amazon CodeCatalyst.

DOP314 | Simplifying cloud infrastructure creation with the AWS CDK The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open source software development framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation. In this chalk talk, get an introduction to the AWS CDK and see a demo of how it can simplify infrastructure creation. Through code examples and diagrams, see how the AWS CDK lets you use familiar programming languages for declarative infrastructure definition. Also learn how it provides higher-level abstractions and constructs over native CloudFormation.

DOP317 | Applying Amazon’s DevOps culture to your team In this chalk talk, learn how Amazon helps its developers rapidly release and iterate software while maintaining industry-leading standards on security, reliability, and performance. Learn about the culture of two-pizza teams and how to maintain a culture of DevOps in a large enterprise. Also, discover how you can help build such a culture at your own organization.

DOP318 | Testing for resilience with AWS Fault Injection Simulator As cloud-based systems grow in scale and complexity, there is increased need to test distributed systems for resiliency. AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) allows you to stress test your applications to understand failure modes and build more resilient services. Through code examples and diagrams, see how to set up and run fault injection experiments on AWS. By the end of this session, understand how FIS helps identify weaknesses and validate improvements to build more resilient cloud-based systems.

DOP319-R | Zero-downtime deployment strategies AWS services support a wealth of deployment options to meet your needs, ranging from in-place updates to blue/green deployment to continuous configuration with feature flags. In this chalk talk, hear about multiple options for deploying changes to Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, and AWS Lambda compute platforms using AWS CodeDeploy, AWS AppConfig, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), and Amazon CodeCatalyst.

DOP320 | Build a path to production with Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprints Amazon CodeCatalyst uses blueprints to configure your software projects in the service. Blueprints instruct CodeCatalyst on how to set up a code repository with working sample code, define cloud infrastructure, and run pre-configured CI/CD workflows for your project. In this session, learn how blueprints in CodeCatalyst can give developers a compliant software service they’ll want to use on AWS.

DOP321-R | Code faster with Amazon CodeWhisperer Traditionally, building applications requires developers to spend a lot of time manually writing code and trying to learn and keep up with new frameworks, SDKs, and libraries. In the last three years, AI models have grown exponentially in complexity and sophistication, enabling the creation of tools like Amazon CodeWhisperer that can generate code suggestions in real time based on a natural language description of the task. In this session, learn how CodeWhisperer can accelerate and enhance your software development with code generation, reference tracking, security scans, and more.

DOP324 | Accelerating application development with AWS client-side tools Did you know AWS has more than just services? There are dozens of AWS client-side tools and libraries designed to make developing quality applications easier. In this chalk talk, explore some of the tools available in your development workspace. Learn more about command line tooling (AWS CLI), libraries (AWS SDK), IDE integrations, and application frameworks that can accelerate your AWS application development. The audience helps set the agenda so there’s sure to be something for every builder.

DevOps and Developer Productivity workshops

What are workshops?

Workshops are two-hour interactive learning sessions where you work in small group teams to solve problems using AWS services. Each workshop starts with a short lecture (10–15 minutes) by the main speaker, and the rest of the time is spent working as a group.

Level 300 — Advanced

DOP301 | Boost your application availability with AIOps on AWS As applications become increasingly distributed and complex, developers and IT operations teams can benefit from more automated practices to maintain application availability and reduce the time and effort spent detecting, debugging, and resolving operational issues manually. In this workshop, learn how AWS AIOps solutions can help you make the shift toward more automation and proactive mechanisms so your IT team can innovate faster. The workshop includes use cases spanning multiple AWS services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon RDS, and Amazon EKS. Learn how you can reduce MTTR and quickly identify issues within your AWS infrastructure. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP302 | Build software faster with Amazon CodeCatalyst In this workshop, learn about creating continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines using Amazon CodeCatalyst. CodeCatalyst is a unified software development service on AWS that brings together everything teams need to plan, code, build, test, and deploy applications with continuous CI/CD tools. You can utilize AWS services and integrate AWS resources into your projects by connecting your AWS accounts. With all of the stages of an application’s lifecycle in one tool, you can deliver quality software quickly and confidently. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP303-R | Continuous integration and delivery on AWS In this workshop, learn to create end-to-end continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). Review the fundamental concepts of continuous integration, continuous deployment, and continuous delivery. Then, using TypeScript/Python, define an AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeCommit workflow. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP304 | Develop AWS CDK resources to deploy your applications on AWS In this workshop, learn how to build and deploy applications using infrastructure as code with AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). Create resources using AWS CDK and learn maintenance and operations tips. In addition, get an introduction to building your own constructs. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP305 | Develop AWS CloudFormation templates to manage your infrastructure In this workshop, learn how to develop and test AWS CloudFormation templates. Create CloudFormation templates to deploy and manage resources and learn about CloudFormation language features that allow you to reuse and extend templates for many scenarios. Explore testing tools that can help you validate your CloudFormation templates, including cfn-lint and CloudFormation Guard. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP307-R | Hands-on with Amazon CodeWhisperer In this workshop, learn how to build applications faster and more securely with Amazon CodeWhisperer. The workshop begins with several examples highlighting how CodeWhisperer incorporates your comments and existing code to produce results. Then dive into a series of challenges designed to improve your productivity using multiple languages and frameworks. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP308 | Enforcing development standards with Amazon CodeCatalyst In this workshop, learn how Amazon CodeCatalyst can accelerate the application development lifecycle within your organization. Discover how your cloud center of excellence (CCoE) can provide standardized code and workflows to help teams get started quickly and securely. In addition, learn how to update projects as organization standards evolve. You must bring your laptop to participate.

Level 400 — Expert

DOP401 | Get better at building AWS CDK constructs In this workshop, dive deep into how to design AWS CDK constructs, which are reusable and shareable cloud components that help you meet your organization’s security, compliance, and governance requirements. Learn how to build, test, and share constructs representing a single AWS resource, as well as how to create higher-level abstractions that include built-in defaults and allow you to provision multiple AWS resources. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DevOps and Developer Productivity builders’ sessions

What are builders’ sessions?

These 60-minute group sessions are led by an AWS expert and provide an interactive learning experience for building on AWS. Builders’ sessions are designed to create a hands-on experience where questions are encouraged.

Level 300 — Advanced

DOP322-R | Accelerate data science coding with Amazon CodeWhisperer Generative AI removes the heavy lifting that developers experience today by writing much of the undifferentiated code, allowing them to build faster. Helping developers code faster could be one of the most powerful uses of generative AI that we will see in the coming years—and this framework can also be applied to data science projects. In this builders’ session, explore how Amazon CodeWhisperer accelerates the completion of data science coding tasks with extensions for JupyterLab and Amazon SageMaker. Learn how to build data processing pipeline and machine learning models with the help of CodeWhisperer and accelerate data science experiments in Python. You must bring your laptop to participate.

Level 400 — Expert

DOP402-R | Manage dev environments at scale with Amazon CodeCatalyst Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev Environments are cloud-based environments that you can use to quickly work on the code stored in the source repositories of your project. They are automatically created with pre-installed dependencies and language-specific packages so you can work on a new or existing project right away. In this session, learn how to create secure, reproducible, and consistent environments for VS Code, AWS Cloud9, and JetBrains IDEs. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP403-R | Hands-on with Amazon CodeCatalyst: Automating security in CI/CD pipelines In this session, learn how to build a CI/CD pipeline with Amazon CodeCatalyst and add the necessary steps to secure your pipeline. Learn how to perform tasks such as secret scanning, software composition analysis (SCA), static application security testing (SAST), and generating a software bill of materials (SBOM). You must bring your laptop to participate.

DevOps and Developer Productivity lightning talks

What are lightning talks?

Lightning talks are short, 20-minute demos led from a stage.

DOP221 | Amazon CodeCatalyst in real time: Deploying to production in minutes In this follow-up demonstration to DOP210, see how you can use an Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprint to build a production-ready application that is set up for long-term success. See in real time how to create a project using a CodeCatalyst Dev Environment and deploy it to production using a CodeCatalyst workflow.

DevOps and Developer Productivity code talks

What are code talks?

Code talks are 60-minute, highly-interactive discussions featuring live coding. Attendees are encouraged to dig in and ask questions about the speaker’s approach.

DOP203 | The future of development on AWS This code talk includes a live demo and an open discussion about how builders can use the latest AWS developer tools and generative AI to build production-ready applications in minutes. Starting at an Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprint and using integrated AWS productivity and security capabilities, see a glimpse of what the future holds for developing on AWS.

DOP204 | Tips and tricks for coding with Amazon CodeWhisperer Generative AI tools that can generate code suggestions, such as Amazon CodeWhisperer, are growing rapidly in popularity. Join this code talk to learn how CodeWhisperer can accelerate and enhance your software development with code generation, reference tracking, security scans, and more. Learn best practices for prompt engineering, and get tips and tricks that can help you be more productive when building applications.

Want to stay connected?

Get the latest updates for DevOps and Developer Productivity by following us on Twitter and visiting the AWS devops blog.

AWS Weekly Roundup – EC2 DL2q instances, PartyRock, Amplify’s 6th birthday, and more – November 20, 2023

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-ec2-dl2q-instances-partyrock-amplifys-6th-birthday-and-more-november-20-2023/

Last week I saw an astonishing 160+ new service launches. There were so many updates that we decided to publish a weekly roundup again. This continues the same innovative pace of the previous week as we are getting closer to AWS re:Invent 2023.

Our News Blog team is also finalizing new blog posts for re:Invent to introduce awesome launches with service teams for your reading pleasure. Jeff Barr shared The Road to AWS re:Invent 2023 to explain our blogging journey and process. Please stay tuned in the next week!

Last week’s launches
Here are some of the launches that caught my attention last week:

Amazon EC2 DL2q instances – New DL2q instances are powered by Qualcomm AI 100 Standard accelerators and are the first to feature Qualcomm’s AI technology in the public cloud. With eight Qualcomm AI 100 Standard accelerators and 128 GiB of total accelerator memory, you can run popular generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications and extend to edge devices across smartphones, autonomous driving, personal compute, and extended reality headsets to develop and validate these AI workloads before deploying.

PartyRock for Amazon Bedrock – We introduced PartyRock, a fun and intuitive hands-on, generative AI app-building playground powered by Amazon Bedrock. You can experiment, learn all about prompt engineering, build mini-apps, and share them with your friends—all without writing any code or creating an AWS account.

You also can now access the Meta Llama 2 Chat 13B foundation model and Cohere Command Light, Embed English, and multilingual models for Amazon Bedrock.

AWS Amplify celebrates its sixth birthday – We announced six new launches; a new documentation site, support for Next.js 14 with our hosting and JavaScript library, added custom token providers and an automatic React Native social sign-in update to Amplify Auth, new ChangePassword and DeleteUser account settings components, and updated all Amplify UI packages to use new Amplify JavaScript v6. You can also use wildcard subdomains when using a custom domain with your Amplify application deployed to AWS Amplify Hosting.

Amplify docs site UI

Also check out other News Blog posts about major launches published in the past week:

Other AWS service launches
Here are some other bundled feature launches per AWS service:

Amazon Athena  – You can use a new cost-based optimizer (CBO) to enhance query performance based on table and column statistics, collected by AWS Glue Data Catalog and Athena JDBC 3.x driver, a new alternative that supports almost all authentication plugins. You can also use Amazon EMR Studio to develop and run interactive queries on Amazon Athena.

Amazon CloudWatch – You can use a new CloudWatch metric called EBS Stalled I/O Check to monitor the health of your Amazon EBS volumes, the regular expression for Amazon CloudWatch Logs Live Tail filter pattern syntax to search and match relevant log events, observability of SAP Sybase ASE database in CloudWatch Application Insights, and up to two stats commands in a Log Insights query to perform aggregations on the results.

Amazon CodeCatalyst – You can connect to a Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) from CodeCatalyst Workflows, provision infrastructure using Terraform within CodeCatalyst Workflows, access CodeCatalyst with your workforce identities configured in IAM Identity Center, and create teams made up of members of the CodeCatalyst space.

Amazon Connect – You can use a pre-built queue performance dashboard and Contact Lens conversational analytics dashboard to view and compare real-time and historical aggregated queue performance. You can use quick responses for chats, previously written formats such as typing in ‘/#greet’ to insert a personalized response, and scanning attachments to detect malware or other unwanted content.

AWS Glue – AWS Glue for Apache Spark added new six database connectors: Teradata, SAP HANA, Azure SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Vertica, and MongoDB, as well as the native connectivity to Amazon OpenSearch Service.

AWS Lambda – You can see single pane view of metrics, logs, and traces in the AWS Lambda console and advanced logging controls to natively capture logs in JSON structured format. You can view the SAM template on the Lambda console and export the function’s configuration to AWS Application Composer. AWS Lambda also supports Java 21 and NodeJS 20 versions built on the new Amazon Linux 2023 runtime.

AWS Local Zones in Dallas – You can enable the new Local Zone in Dallas, Texas, us-east-1-dfw-2a, with Amazon EC2 C6i, M6i, R6i, C6gn, and M6g instances and Amazon EBS volume types gp2, gp3, io1, sc1, and st1. You can also access Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, Application Load Balancer, and AWS Direct Connect in this new Local Zone to support a broad set of workloads at the edge.

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) – You can standardize access control to Kafka resources using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and build Kafka clients for Amazon MSK Serverless written in all programming languages. These are open source client helper libraries and code samples for popular languages, including Java, Python, Go, and JavaScript. Also, Amazon MSK now supports an enhanced version of Apache Kafka 3.6.0 that offers generally available Tiered Storage and automatically sends you storage capacity alerts when you are at risk of exhausting your storage.

Amazon OpenSearch Service Ingestion – You can migrate your data from Elasticsearch version 7.x clusters to the latest versions of Amazon OpenSearch Service and use persistent buffering to protect the durability of incoming data.

Amazon RDS –Amazon RDS for MySQL now supports creating active-active clusters using the Group Replication plugin, upgrading MySQL 5.7 snapshots to MySQL 8.0, and Innovation Release version of MySQL 8.1.

Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server extends point-in-time recovery support for up to 1,000 databases, supports Service Master Key Retention to use transparent data encryption (TDE), table- and column-level encryption, DBMail and linked servers, and use SQL Server Developer edition with the bring your own media (BYOM).

Additionally, Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys now supports minor version upgrades and system maintenance updates with typically less than one second of downtime when using Amazon RDS Proxy.

AWS Partner Central – You can use an improved user experience in AWS Partner Central to build and promote your offerings and the new Investments tab in the Partner Analytics Dashboard to gain actionable insights. You can now link accounts and associated users between Partner Central and AWS Marketplace and use an enhanced co-sell experience with APN Customer Engagements (ACE) manager.

Amazon QuickSight – You can programmatically manage user access and custom permissions support for roles to restrict QuickSight functionality to the QuickSight account for IAM Identity Center and Active Directory using APIs. You can also use shared restricted folders, a Contributor role and support for data source asset types in folders and the Custom Week Start feature, an addition designed to enhance the data analysis experience for customers across diverse industries and social contexts.

AWS Trusted Advisor – You can use new APIs to programmatically access Trusted Advisor best practices checks, recommendations, and prioritized recommendations and 37 new Amazon RDS checks that provide best practices guidance by analyzing DB instance configuration, usage, and performance data.

There’s a lot more launch news that I haven’t covered. See AWS What’s New for more details.

See you virtually in AWS re:Invent
AWS re:Invent 2023Next week we’ll hear the latest from AWS, learn from experts, and connect with the global cloud community in Las Vegas. If you come, check out the agenda, session catalog, and attendee guides before your departure.

If you’re not able to attend re:Invent in person this year, we’re offering the option to livestream our Keynotes and Innovation Talks. With the registration for online pass, you will have access to on-demand keynote, Innovation Talks, and selected breakout sessions after the event.


Using Amazon CodeCatalyst with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Post Syndicated from Brian Beach original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/using-amazon-codecatalyst-with-amazon-virtual-private-cloud/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst puts the tools you need all in one place. You can plan work, collaborate on code, and build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. You can also integrate AWS resources with your projects by connecting your AWS accounts to CodeCatalyst spaces.

CodeCatalyst recently announced support for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Amazon VPC is a logically isolated virtual network that you’ve defined. This virtual network closely resembles a traditional network that you’d operate in your own data center, with the benefits of using the scalable infrastructure of AWS. VPC connectivity from CodeCatalyst allows you to publish a package to an artifact repository in a private subnet, query an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) in a private subnet, deploy an update to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) in a private subnet, and much more. In this post I will show you how to deploy changes to an Amazon Aurora database in a private Subnet using CodeCatalyst.


CodeCatalyst now allows you to create a VPC connection associated with an AWS Account. A VPC connection is a CodeCatalyst resource which contains all of the configuration needed to access a VPC. Space administrators can add their own VPC connections in the Amazon CodeCatalyst console on behalf of space members. Once created, members of the space can use the VPC connection in their projects.

For this walkthrough, I have created a VPC in the us-west-2 region. My VPC has both a private and public subnet in each Availability Zone (AZ) . Next, I created a VPC connection in CodeCatalyst. In the following image, I have configured a VPC connection with a private subnet in each of the four AZs. In addition, I have added a security group that will be associated with resources that use this VPC connection allowing me to controls the traffic that is allowed to reach and leave the resources.

VPC connection details dialog showing the four private subnets and a security group.

Before we move on, let’s take a moment to discuss how CodeCatalyst VPC connections work. When CodeCatalyst creates a workflow, an elastic network interface (ENI) is added to your VPC as shown in the following image. Note that the image shows two subnets a single availability zone for simplicity. However, as discussed earlier, the VPC used in this walkthrough has eight subnets in four availability zones.

Architecture diagram showing an aurora database in a private subnet and a NAT gateway in a public subnet for internet access

CodeCatalyst can now use this ENI to access private resources in the VPC. For example, an Amazon Aurora database. It is important to note that the ENI does not have a public IP address. Therefore, I have provided a path to the internet. Internet connectivity allows CodeCatalyst to access the APIs as well as publicly available repositories such as GitHub, PyPI, NPM, Docker Hub, et cetera. In this example, I use a NAT gateway for internet access, but I will discuss advanced network topologies later in this post.

Using CodeCatalyst Workflows in a Private Subnet

With the VPC connection in place, I can also use the VPC connection in a workflow. Amazon CodeCatalyst workflows are continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines that enable you to easily build, test and deploy applications. CodeCatalyst Workflows help you reliably deliver high-quality application updates frequently, quickly and securely. CodeCatalyst allows you to quickly assemble and configure actions – including GitHub Actions – to compose workflows that automate your CI/CD pipeline, test reporting, and other manual processes. You can learn more about CodeCatalyst workflows in the CodeCatalyst User Guide.

As a database developer, my workflow often needs to update the schema of the Aurora database. For this walkthrough, I will use Liquibase to deploy a schema change to the Aurora PostgreSQL database. If you are not familiar with Liquibase, you can refer to my prior post on Running GitHub Actions in a private Subnet with AWS CodeBuild for an overview. CodeCatalyst allows you to use GitHub Actions alongside native CodeCatalyst actions in a CodeCatalyst workflow. I will use the Liquibase Update GitHub Action as shown in the following image.

Workflow diagram showing the Liquibase action

If I edit the Liquibase action, I can see the details of the configuration as shown in the following image. You will notice that I have selected the codecatalyst-blog-post VPC connection in the environment configuration. This will allow the Liquibase action to access private resources in my VPC including the Aurora database. Also notice how easy it is to incorporate a GitHub action in my workflow through the YAML configuration. Finally, notice that I can access CodeCatalyst secrets, such as the password, in my configuration.

Action configuration dialog showing the GitHub Action configuration

When I save the workflow and run it, you can see that the Liquibase action is able to successfully connect to the database. Note that in this example, there were no pending changes, so Liquibase reports “Database is up to date, no changesets to execute.”

##   _     _             _ _                      ##
##  | |   (_)           (_) |                     ##
##  | |    _  __ _ _   _ _| |__   __ _ ___  ___   ##
##  | |   | |/ _` | | | | | '_ \ / _` / __|/ _ \  ##
##  | |___| | (_| | |_| | | |_) | (_| \__ \  __/  ##
##  \_____/_|\__, |\__,_|_|_.__/ \__,_|___/\___|  ##
##              | |                               ##
##              |_|                               ##
##                                                ##
##  Get documentation at docs.liquibase.com       ##
##  Get certified courses at learn.liquibase.com  ##
##  Free schema change activity reports at        ##
##      https://hub.liquibase.com                 ##
##                                                ##
Starting Liquibase at 13:04:37 (version 4.21.1 #9070)
Liquibase Version: 4.21.1
Liquibase Open Source 4.21.1 by Liquibase
Database is up to date, no changesets to execute
Run:                          0
Previously run:               2
Filtered out:                 0
Total change sets:            2
Liquibase command 'update' was executed successfully.

Obviously, a database is just one possible example. There are many private resources that I may need to access as a developer. A few more examples include: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) shares, and Amazon ElastiCache clusters among many others.

Advanced VPC Topologies

At the beginning of this post, I introduced a simple VPC with public and private subnets, and a NAT gateway. However, CodeCatalyst will work with more complex VPC topologies that are common among enterprise customers. For example, imagine that my application is deployed across multiple regions for both improved availability and lower latency. However, I prefer to manage all of CodeCatalyst projects in a single region, us-west-2, close to the developers.

As a result, CodeCatalyst workflows all run in us-west-2. This does not mean that I can only deploy changes to the same region as the CodeCatalyst project. CodeCatalyst can use the full complement of VPC features. For example, in the following architecture, I am using VPC peering to allow CodeCatalyst to update an Aurora database in another region. The workflow is identical to the version I created previously, other than changing the Aurora endpoint, and possibly the username and password. Note that I still have an internet connection which I have omitted from this diagram for simplicity.

Architecture diagram showing two VPCs connected by a peering connection

Alternatively, I could use an AWS Transit Gateway (TGW) rather than a peering connection as shown in the following architecture. CodeCatalyst can use the TGW to update resources in another region. Furthermore, CodeCatalyst can leverage a VPN connection associated with the TGW to update resources hosted outside of AWS. For example, I could deploy a change to a database hosted in an on-prem datacenter. Note that I have omitted the internet connection from this diagram for simplicity.

Architecture diagram showing two VPCs connected by a TGW

These are just a few examples of the advanced networking topologies that you can use with CodeCatalyst. You can read more about planning your network topology in the Reliability Pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.


Amazon CodeCatalyst VPC connections allow you to access resources in a private subnet from your workflows. In this post, I configured a VPC connection to deploy schema changes using Liquibase. I also discussed some advanced network topologies that allow you to update resources in other regions. You can learn more about CodeCatalyst VPC connections in the CodeCatalyst User Guide

Build and deploy to Amazon EKS with Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Vineeth Nair original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/build-and-deploy-to-amazon-eks-with-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst puts all of the tools that development teams need in one place, allowing for a unified experience for collaborating on, building, and releasing software. You can also integrate AWS resources with your projects by connecting your AWS accounts to your CodeCatalyst space. By managing all of the stages and aspects of your application lifecycle in one tool, you can deliver software quickly and confidently.


Containerization has revolutionized the way we develop, deploy, and scale applications. With the rise of managed container services like Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), developers can leverage the power of Kubernetes without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. In this post, we will focus on how DevOps teams can use CodeCatalyst to build and deploy applications to EKS clusters.

CodeCatalyst offers a collection of pre-built actions that encapsulate common container-related tasks such as building and pushing a container image to an ECR and deploying a Kubernetes manifest. In this walkthrough, we will leverage two actions that can greatly simplify the container build and deployment process. We start by building a simple container image with the ‘Push to Amazon ECR’ action from CodeCatalyst labs. This action simplifies the process of building, tagging and pushing an image to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). We will also utilize the ‘Deploy to Kubernetes cluster’ action from AWS for pushing our Kubernetes manifests with our updated image.

Architecture diagram demonstrating how a developer uses Cloud9 and a repository to store code, then pushes the image to Amazon ECR and deploys it to Amazon EKS.
Figure 1: Architectural Diagram.


To follow along with the post, you will need the following items:


In this walkthrough, we will build a simple Nginx based application and push this to an ECR, we will then build and deploy this image to an EKS cluster. The emphasis of this post, will be on how to translate a fairly common pattern with microservices applications to a CodeCatalyst workflow. At the end of the post, our workflow will look like so:

The image shows how codecatalyst worflow configured. 1st stage is pusing the Image to Amazon ECR followed by Deploy to Amazon EKS
Figure 2: CodeCatalyst workflow.

Create the base workflow

To begin, we will create our workflow, in the CodeCatalyst project, Select CI/CD → Workflows → Create workflow:

Image shows how to create workflow which has Source repository and Branch to be selected from drop down option
Figure 3: Create workflow.

Leave the defaults for the Source Repository and Branch, select Create. We will have an empty workflow:

Image shows how an emapy workflow looks like. It doesn't have any sptes configured which need to be added in this file based on our requirement.
Figure 4: Empty workflow.

We can edit the workflow from within the CodeCatalyst console, or use a Dev Environment. We will create an initial commit of this workflow file, ignore any validation errors at this stage:

Image shows how to create a Dev environment. User need to provide a workflow name, commit message along with Repository name and Branch name.
Figure 5: Creating Dev environment.

Connect to CodeCatalyst Dev Environment

For this post, we will use an AWS Cloud9 Dev Environment. Our first step is to connect to the Dev environment. Select Code → Dev Environments. If you do not already a Dev Instance, you can create an instance by selecting Create Dev Environment.

Image shows how a Dev environment looks like. The environment we created in the previous step, will be listed here.
Figure 6: My Dev environment.

Create a CodeCatalyst secret

Prior to adding the code, we will add a CodeCatalyst secret that will be consumed by our workflow. Using CodeCatalyst secrets ensures that we do not store sensitive data in plaintext in our workflow file. To create the secrets in the CodeCatalyst console, browse to CICD -> Secrets. Select Create Secret with the following details:

The image shows how we can create a secret. We need to pass Name and Value along with option desctption to create a secret.
Figure 7: Adding secrets.

Name: eks_cluster_name

Value: <Your EKS Cluster name>

Connect to the CodeCatalyst Dev Environment

We already have a Dev Environment so we will select Resume Instance. A new browser tab opens for the IDE and will be available in less than a minute. Once the IDE is ready, we can go ahead and start creating the Dockerfile and Kubernetes manifest that make up our application

mkdir WebApp
cat <<EOF > WebApp/Dockerfile
FROM nginx
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl

The previous command block creates our Dockerfile, which we will build in our CodeCatalyst workflow from an Nginx base image and installs cURL. Next, we will add our Kubernetes manifest file to create a Kubernetes deployment and service for our application:

Create a directory called Manifests and a file inside the directory called demo-app.yaml. Update the file with code for deployment and Kubernetes Service.

The image shows the code structure of demo-app.yaml file
Figure 8: demo-app.yaml file.

The previous code block shows the Kubernetes manifest file for our deployment, along with a Kubernetes service. We modify the image value to include the URI for our ECR as this value is unique. Once we have created our Dockerfile and Kubernetes manifest, pull the latest changes to our repository, including our workflow file that we just created. In our environment, our repository is called eks-demo-app:

cd eks-demo-app && git pull

We can now edit this file in our IDE. In our example our workflow is Workflow_df84 , we will locate Workflow_df84.yaml in the .codecatalyst\workflows directory in our repository. From here we can double click on the file to launch in the IDE for editing:

Image shows empty workflow yaml file.
Figure 9: workflow file in yaml format.

Add the build steps to workflow

We can assign our workflow a name and configure the action for our build phase. The code outlined in the following diagram is our CodeCatalyst workflow definition

The image shows updated workflow file which has triggers and actions filled.
Figure 10: Workflow updated with build phase.

Kustomize starts from here

The image shows Kustomize steps added in the workflow file.
Figure 11: Workflow updated with Kustomize.

Deployment starts from here

The image shows deployment stage added in the workflow file.
Figure 12: Workflow updated with Deployment phase.

The workflow will now contain two CodeCatalyst actions – PushtoAmazonECR which builds and pushes our container image to the ECR. We have also added a dependent stage DeploytoKubernetesCluster which deploys our Kubernetes manifest.

To save our changes we select File -> Save, we can then commit these to our git repository by typing the following at the terminal:

git add . && git commit -m ‘adding workflow’ && git push

The previous command will commit and push our changes the CodeCatalyst source repository, as we have a branch trigger for main defined, this will trigger a run of the workflow. We can monitor the status of the workflow in the CodeCatalyst console by selecting CICD -> Workflows. Locate your workflow and click on Runs to view the status.

We will now have all two stages available, as depicted at the beginning of this walkthrough. We will now have a container image in our ECR along with the newly built image deployed to our EKS cluster.

Cleaning up

If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources that you have deployed to avoid further changes. First, delete the Amazon ECR repository and Amazon EKS cluster (along with associated IAM roles) using the AWS console. Second, delete the CodeCatalyst project by navigating to project settings and choosing to Delete Project.


In this post, we explained how teams can easily get started building, scanning, and deploying a microservice application to an EKS cluster using CodeCatalyst. We outlined the stages in our workflow that enabled us to achieve the end-to-end build and release cycle. We also demonstrated how to enhance the developer experience of integrating CodeCatalyst with our Cloud9 Dev Environment.

Call to Action

Learn more about CodeCatalyst here.

Vineeth Nair

Vineeth Nair is a DevOps Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Professional Services. He collaborates closely with AWS customers to support and accelerate their journeys to the cloud and within the cloud ecosystem by building performant, resilient, scalable, secure and cost efficient solutions.

Richard Merritt

Richard Merritt is a DevOps Consultant at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Professional Services. He works with AWS customers to accelerate their journeys to the cloud by providing scalable, secure and robust DevOps solutions.

Automate Lambda code signing with Amazon CodeCatalyst and AWS Signer

Post Syndicated from Vineeth Nair original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/automate-lambda-code-signing-with-amazon-codecatalyst-and-aws-signer/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst puts the tools you need all in one place. You can plan work, collaborate on code build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. You can also integrate AWS resources with your projects by connecting your AWS accounts to your CodeCatalyst space. By managing all of the stages and aspects of your application lifecycle in one tool, you can deliver software quickly and confidently.


In this post we will focus on how development teams can use Amazon CodeCatalyst with AWS Signer to fully manage the code signing process to ensure the trust and integrity of code assets. We will describe the process of building the AWS Lambda code using a CodeCatalyst workflow, we will then demonstrate the process of signing the code using a signer profile and deploying the signed code to our Lambda function.

In the Develop stage, the engineer commits the code to the Amazon CodeCatalyst repository using the Cloud 9 IDE. The CodeCatalyst workflow sends the index.py file from the repository and puts it into the S3 source bucket after compressing it. AWS Signer signs this content and pushes it to the S3 destination bucket. In the deploy stage, the signed zip file will be deployed into the AWS Lambda function.

Figure 1: Architecture Diagram.


To follow along with the post, you will need the following items:


During this tutorial, we will create a step-by-step guide to constructing a workflow utilizing CodeCatalyst. The objective is to employ the AWS Signer service to retrieve Python code from a specified source Amazon S3 bucket, compress and sign the code, and subsequently store it in a destination S3 bucket. Finally, we will utilize the signed code to deploy a secure Lambda function.

Create the base workflow

To begin we will create our workflow in the CodeCatalyst project.

Select CI/CD → Workflows → Create workflow:

Figure 2: Create workflow.

Leave the defaults for the Source Repository and Branch, select Create. We will have an empty workflow:

Figure 3: Empty workflow.

We can edit the workflow from the CodeCatalyst console, or use a Dev Environment. Initially, we will create an initial commit of this workflow file, ignore any validation errors at this stage:

In Commit workflow page, we can add the workflow file name, commit message. Repository name and Branch name can be selected from the drop-down option.
Figure 4: Commit workflow with workflow file name, message repository and branch name.

Connect to CodeCatalyst Dev Environment

We will use an AWS Cloud9 Dev Environment. Our first step is to connect to the dev environment.

Select Code → Dev Environments. If you do not already a Dev Instance you can create an instance by selecting Create Dev Environment.

My Dev Environment tab shows all Environment available.
Figure 5: Create Dev Environment.

We already have a Dev Environment, so will go ahead and select Resume Instance. A new browser tab opens for the IDE and will be available in less than one minute. Once the IDE is ready, we can go ahead and start building our workflow. First, open a terminal. You can then change into the source repository directory and pull the latest changes. In our example, our Git source repository name is lambda-signer

cd lambda-signer && git pull. We can now edit this file in our IDE.

Initially, we will create a basic Lambda code under artifacts directory:

mkdir artifacts
cat <<EOF > artifacts/index.py
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print('Testing Lambda Code Signing using Signer') 

The previous command block creates our index.py file which will go inside the AWS Lambda function. When we testing the Lambda Function, we should see message “Testing Lambda Code Signing using Signer” in the console log.

As a next step, we will create the CDK directory and initiate it:

mkdir cdk;
cd cdk && cdk init --language python cdk

The previous command will create a directory called ‘cdk’ and then initiate cdk inside this directory. As a result, we will see another directory named ‘cdk’. We then need to update files inside this directory as per the following screenshot.

Shows the cdk directory structure. Inside this directory, there is a file called app.py. Also there is a subdirectory called cdk. Inside this subdirectory, there are 2 files named cdk_stack.py and lambda_stack.py.
Figure 6: Repository file structure.

Update the content of the files as per the code following snippets:

(Note: Update your region name by replacing the placeholder <Region Name> )


import os
from constructs import Construct
from aws_cdk import (
    aws_lambda as lambda_,
    aws_signer as signer,
    aws_s3 as s3,
    Aws as aws,

class CdkStack(Stack):

    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)
         # Set the AWS region
        os.environ["AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"] = "<Region Name>"

        # Create the signer profile
        signer_profile_name = "my-signer-profile-" + aws.ACCOUNT_ID
        print(f"signer_profile_name: {signer_profile_name}")
        signing_profile = signer.SigningProfile(self, "SigningProfile",
            signing_profile_name='my-signer-profile' + aws.ACCOUNT_ID,

        self.code_signing_config = lambda_.CodeSigningConfig(self, "CodeSigningConfig",

        source_bucket_name = "source-signer-bucket-" + aws.ACCOUNT_ID
        source_bucket = s3.Bucket(self, "SourceBucket",

        destination_bucket_name = "dest-signer-bucket-" + aws.ACCOUNT_ID
        self.destination_bucket = s3.Bucket(self, "DestinationBucket",
        resolved_signing_profile_name = self.resolve(signing_profile.signing_profile_name)



from constructs import Construct
from aws_cdk import (
    aws_lambda as lambda_,
    aws_signer as signer,
    aws_s3 as s3,
    Aws as aws,

class LambdaStack(Stack):

    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str, dst_bucket:s3.Bucket,codesigning_config: lambda_.CodeSigningConfig, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)
         # Set the AWS region
        # Get the code from action inputs
        bucket_name = self.node.try_get_context("bucket_name")
        key = self.node.try_get_context("key")

        lambda_function = lambda_.Function(
            code=lambda_.Code.from_bucket(dst_bucket, key)


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import aws_cdk as cdk

from cdk.cdk_stack import CdkStack
from cdk.lambda_stack import LambdaStack

app = cdk.App()
signer_stack = CdkStack(app, "cdk")
lambda_stack = LambdaStack(app, "LambdaStack", dst_bucket=signer_stack.destination_bucket,codesigning_config=signer_stack.code_signing_config)


Finally, we will work on Workflow:

In our example, our workflow is Workflow_d892. We will locate Workflow_d892.yaml in the .codecatalyst\workflows directory in our repository.

Figure 7: Workflow yaml file.

Update workflow with remaining steps

We can assign our workflow a name and configure the action. We have five stages in this workflow:

  • CDKBootstrap: Prepare AWS Account for CDK deployment.
  • CreateSignerResources: Deploys Signer resources into AWS Account
  • ZipLambdaCode: Compresses the index.py file and store it in the source S3 bucket
  • SignCode: Sign the compressed python file and push it to the destination S3 bucket
  • Createlambda: Creates the Lambda Function using the signed code from destination S3 bucket.

Please insert the following values for your environment into the workflow file. The environment configuration will be as per the pre-requisite configuration for CodeCatalyst environment setup:

  • <Name of your Environment>: The Name of your CodeCatalyst environment
  • <AWS Account>: The AWS Account connection ID
  • <Role Name>: The CodeCatalyst role that is configured for the environment

(Note: Feel free to update the region configuration to meet your deployment requirements. Supported regions are listed here)

Name: Workflow_d892
SchemaVersion: "1.0"

# Optional - Set automatic triggers.
  - Type: Push
      - main

# Required - Define action configurations.
    # Identifies the action. Do not modify this value.
    Identifier: aws/[email protected]

    # Specifies the source and/or artifacts to pass to the action as input.
      # Optional
        - WorkflowSource # This specifies that the action requires this Workflow as a source

    # Required; You can use an environment, AWS account connection, and role to access AWS resources.
      Name: <Name of your Environment>
        - Name: <AWS Account>
          Role: <Role Name> # Defines the action's properties.
      # Required; type: string; description: AWS region to bootstrap
      Region: <Region Name>
    # Identifies the action. Do not modify this value.
    Identifier: aws/[email protected]
      - CDKBootstrap
      # Specifies the source and/or artifacts to pass to the action as input.
      # Optional
        - WorkflowSource # This specifies that the action requires this Workflow as a source

    # Required; You can use an environment, AWS account connection, and role to access AWS resources.
      Name: <Name of your Environment>
        - Name: <AWS Account>
          Role: <Role Name> 
      # Required; type: string; description: Name of the stack to deploy
      StackName: cdk
      CdkRootPath: cdk
      Region: <Region Name>
      CfnOutputVariables: '["signerprofile","dstbucket","srcbucket"]'
      Context: '{"key": "placeholder"}'
    Identifier: aws/build@v1
    - CreateSignerResources
        - WorkflowSource
      Name: <Name of your Environment>
        - Name: <AWS Account>
          Role: <Role Name> 
        - Run: sudo yum install zip -y
        - Run: cd artifacts && zip lambda-${WorkflowSource.CommitId}.zip index.py
        - Run: aws s3 cp lambda-${WorkflowSource.CommitId}.zip s3://${CreateSignerResources.srcbucket}/tobesigned/lambda-${WorkflowSource.CommitId}.zip
        - Run: S3VER=$(aws s3api list-object-versions --output text --bucket ${CreateSignerResources.srcbucket} --prefix 'tobesigned/lambda-${WorkflowSource.CommitId}.zip' --query 'Versions[*].VersionId')
      - S3VER
    Identifier: aws/build@v1
    - ZipLambdaCode
        - WorkflowSource
      Name: <Name of your Environment>
        - Name: AWS Account>
          Role: <Role Name> #
        - Run: export AWS_REGION=<Region Name>
        - Run: SIGNER_JOB=$(aws signer start-signing-job --source --output text --query 'jobId' 's3={bucketName=${CreateSignerResources.srcbucket},key=tobesigned/lambda-${WorkflowSource.CommitId}.zip,version=${ZipLambdaCode.S3VER}}' --destination 's3={bucketName=${CreateSignerResources.dstbucket},prefix=signed-}' --profile-name ${CreateSignerResources.signerprofile})
        - SIGNER_JOB
    # Identifies the action. Do not modify this value.
    Identifier: aws/[email protected]
      - SignCode
      # Specifies the source and/or artifacts to pass to the action as input.
      # Optional
        - WorkflowSource # This specifies that the action requires this Workflow as a source

    # Required; You can use an environment, AWS account connection, and role to access AWS resources.
      Name: <Name of your Environment>
        - Name: AWS Account>
          Role: <Role Name>
            # Defines the action's properties.
      # Required; type: string; description: Name of the stack to deploy
      StackName: LambdaStack
      CdkRootPath: cdk
      Region: <Region Name>
      Context: '{"key": "signed-${SignCode.SIGNER_JOB}.zip"}'

We can copy/paste this code into our workflow. To save our changes, we select File -> Save. We can then commit these to our git repository by typing the following at the terminal:

git add . && git commit -m ‘adding workflow’ && git push

The previous command will commit and push the changes that we have made to the CodeCatalyst source repository. As we have a branch trigger for main defined, this will trigger a run of the workflow. We can monitor the status of the workflow in the CodeCatalyst console by selecting CICD -> Workflows. Locate your workflow and click on Runs to view the status.

CodeCatalyst CICD pipeline stage starts with CDKBootstrap stage. Stage 2 is CreateSignerResources. Stage3 is ZipLambdaCode. Stage4 is SignCode and Final Stage is CreateLambda.
Figure 8: Successful workflow execution.

To validate that our newly created Lambda function is using AWS Signed code, we can open the AWS Console in our target region > Lambda > click on the sample-signer-function to inspect the properties.

When open the AWS Lambda function, code tab shows a text message “Your function has signed code and can’t be edited inline"
Figure 9: AWS Lambda function with signed code.

Under the Code Source configuration property, you should see an informational message advising that ‘Your function has signed cofde and can’t be edited inline’. This confirms that the Lambda function is successfully using signed code.

Cleaning up

If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources that you have deployed to avoid further chargers. In the AWS Console > CloudFormation, locate the LambdaStack, then select and click Delete to remove the stack. Complete the same steps for the CDK stack.


In this post, we explained how development teams can easily get started signing code with AWS Signer and deploying it to Lambda Functions using Amazon CodeCatalyst. We outlined the stages in our workflow that enabled us to achieve the end-to-end release cycle. We also demonstrated how to enhance the developer experience of integrating CodeCatalyst with our AWS Cloud9 Dev Environment and leveraging the power of AWS CDK to use familiar programming languages such as Python to define our infrastructure as code resources.

Richard Merritt

Richard Merritt is a DevOps Consultant at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Professional Services. He works with AWS customers to accelerate their journeys to the cloud by providing scalable, secure and robust DevOps solutions.

Vineeth Nair

Vineeth Nair is a DevOps Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Professional Services. He collaborates closely with AWS customers to support and accelerate their journeys to the cloud and within the cloud ecosystem by building performant, resilient, scalable, secure and cost efficient solutions.


Using Amazon CodeCatalyst Blueprints to Build and Deploy a Video-On-Demand Application to AWS

Post Syndicated from Aaron Grode original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/using-amazon-codecatalyst-blueprints-to-build-and-deploy-a-video-on-demand-application-to-aws/

In this blog post, we will walk you through how to create and launch new projects in minutes using Amazon CodeCatalyst Blueprints. Blueprints automatically generate source code and a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to deploy common patterns to your AWS account without requiring extensive programming knowledge. This functionality boosts productivity and lowers time to market for features. To illustrate how to use blueprints, we will walk through how to deploy a video-on-demand web service to your AWS account.

What is Amazon CodeCatalyst? It is an integrated DevOps service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst provides one place where you can plan work, collaborate on code, and build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. You can easily integrate AWS resources with your projects by connecting your AWS accounts to your CodeCatalyst space. With all of these stages and aspects of an application’s lifecycle in one tool, you can deliver software quickly and confidently.


To get started with Amazon CodeCatalyst, you need the following prerequisites. Please review them and ensure you have completed all steps before proceeding:

  1. Create an AWS Builder ID. An AWS Builder ID is a new personal profile for everyone who builds on AWS. It is used to access tools and services within AWS, such as Amazon CodeCatalyst.
  2. Join an Amazon CodeCatalyst space. To join a space, you will need to either:
    1. Create an Amazon CodeCatalyst space. If you are creating the space, you will need to specify an AWS account ID for billing and provisioning of resources. If you have not created an AWS account, follow the AWS documentation to create one.
    2. Accept an invitation to an existing space.
  3. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. Amazon CodeCatalyst will need an IAM role to have permissions to deploy the infrastructure to your AWS account. Follow the documentation for steps how to create an IAM role via the Amazon CodeCatalyst console.

Create the Amazon CodeCatalyst Project

Once all of the prerequisites have been met, you can log in to your Amazon CodeCatalyst space and create a project. Once you are logged in, navigate to your projects and select “Create project” (Figure 1).

Project screen with create project button selected

Figure 1: Project screen with create project button selected

Select Start with a blueprint option and enter into the Choose a blueprint input box, “Video”. Select the Video-on-demand web service blueprint. Choosing this blueprint will open a side panel describing what the blueprint provides and an architecture diagram (Figure 2).

Create project screen with video-on-demand project selected

Figure 2: Create project screen with video-on-demand project selected

After selecting Next, you will be prompted for a project name, an AWS account ID and an IAM role to be associated with the project. Project names must be unique within your space and must be within 3-63 characters. See the official documentation for project naming requirements for more information.

Your AWS account ID and IAM role that you created as part of prerequisites should be automatically populated for you (Figure 3). If they are not present, you need to ensure you have properly linked the account and created the IAM role.

Project configurations listed. Linked AWS account ID and IAM role present

Figure 3: Project configurations listed. Linked AWS account ID and IAM role present

For this specific blueprint, there are more configuration options listed below such as: code repository name, automatic triggers of pipeline, CloudFormation stack name, deployment region and more (Figure 4). Leave all fields under Template parameters, Additional configuration, Deployment Location, and S3 Bucket for AWS CloudFormation Template as their default values.

Additional project configurations listed

Figure 4: Additional project configurations. Leaving default is fine

Once you have finished editing the configuration, choose Create project in the lower right corner. Amazon CodeCatalyst generates your project space and repository.

Walkthrough of the Project Space

Your new code repository is the first item on the overview dashboard. Select View Repository or Source Repositories (Figure 5) to navigate to the code repository for this project. If the repository details are not present on the overview page, wait for approximately 10-15 seconds and refresh the page.

Project overview screen with view repository and source repositories selected

Figure 5: Project overview screen with view repository and source repositories selected

This blueprint provides you with a functioning video-on-demand solution; however, you can modify the code for your specific use case. Blueprints are a template and give users the freedom to add custom business logic.

Adding IAM Permissions

You should have created an IAM role for Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow to use during the prerequisites section. If you have not, please refer to the prerequisites section.

This specific solution provides an IAM Policy that you can attach to your IAM role such that sufficient IAM permissions are present to deploy the solution to your AWS account. The IAM Policy is within the README.md file. Within README.md, under the connections and permissions section, copy the IAM policy and create a new policy via the AWS console. Make sure to attach this IAM policy to your existing IAM role.

CI/CD Workflows

Start the CI/CD process to deploy the video-on-demand solution to your AWS account. Choose View all from the Overview page. This can also be found by selecting CI/CD from the side menu (Figure 6).

Overview page with View All button selected

Figure 6: Overview page with View All button selected

This blueprint comes with one, default workflow called build-and-deployOSS. To build and deploy this application to your AWS account, choose Run on the workflow page (Figure 7).

build-and-deployOSS workflow with Run button selected

Figure 7: build-and-deployOSS workflow with Run button selected

Select the Runs tab or the RunID from the dialog box to view the status of the deployment (Figure 8). This pipeline is building and deploying the full application and will need approximately 10 minutes to run.

build-and-deployOSS workflow with the RunID and Runs tab selected

Figure 8: build-and-deployOSS workflow with the RunID and Runs tab selected

Configure a custom workflow

You can configure custom pipelines within CodeCatalyst. To do this, navigate to the Workflows page within Amazon CodeCatalyst and select Create Workflow (Figure 9).

Workflow page with create workflow button selected

Figure 9: Create a custom workflow

Amazon CodeCatalyst offers a variety of drag and drop solutions to building pipelines using YAML and CloudFormation. For more information on configuring custom workflows within Amazon CodeCatalyst, view the getting started with custom workflows documentation.

Check in on your Workflow

After approximately 10 minutes, the build-and-deployOSS should be complete! The status of the run is listed under Run History (Figure 10).

Run history with the job status highlighted

Figure 10: Run history with the job status highlighted

To validate a successful deployment of the blueprint, login to the AWS Console and navigate to the CloudFormation service. If the status is listed as UPDATE_COMPLETE, then the blueprint has been deployed successfully!

AWS Console showing CloudFormation template successful run

Figure 11: AWS Console showing CloudFormation template successful run

Clean up Your Environment

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the infrastructure provisioned by the Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow. This can be done by deleting the CloudFormation stack. To do this, login to your AWS account and select the CloudFormation service. Select the stack with VideoOnDemand in the title and select the delete button. This will delete the entire stack.


While reading this blog, you learned how to use Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprints by deploying a video-on-demand web service to your AWS account. You used the automatically generated source code and a CI/CD pipeline to deploy the solution in minutes. Now, that you are more familiar with Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprints, you can use it to deliver software quickly and confidently.

To share any feedback on your experience with Amazon CodeCatalyst, please visit the Amazon CodeCatalyst feedback page.

Aliya Shaikh

Aliya Shaikh is an Associate Cloud Application Developer at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Professional Services. She has been with AWS for 10 months and has been focused on Serverless and cloud-native solutions. In her role, Aliya collaborates closely with AWS customers to support and accelerate their journeys to the cloud and within the cloud ecosystem by building performant, resilient, scalable, secure and cost efficient solutions.

Aaron Grode

Aaron Grode is an Associate Cloud Application Developer at Amazon Web Services. He specializes in microservices and serverless architectures. Aaron enjoys assisting customers with cloud migrations, ensuring their transition to the cloud is seamless and successful, while continually delivering innovative solutions.

Implementing GitFlow with Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Michael Ohde original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/implementing-gitflow-with-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is a unified software development service for building and delivering applications on AWS. With CodeCatalyst, you can implement your team’s preferred branching strategy. Whether you follow popular models like GitFlow or have your own approach, CodeCatalyst Workflows allow you to design your development process and deploy to multiple environments.


In a previous post in this series, Using Workflows to Build, Test, and Deploy with Amazon CodeCatalyst, we discussed creating a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline in CodeCatalyst and how you can continually deliver high-quality updates through the use of one workflow. I will build on these concepts by focusing on how you collaborate across your codebase by using multiple CodeCatalyst Workflows to model your team’s branching strategy.

Having a standardized process for managing changes to the codebase allows developers to collaborate predictably and focus on delivering software. Some popular branching models include GitFlow, GitHub flow, and trunk-based development.

  • GitFlow is designed to manage large projects with parallel development and releases, featuring multiple long-running branches.
  • GitHub flow is a lightweight, branch-based workflow that involves creating feature branches and merging changes into the main branch.
  • Trunk-based development is focused on keeping the main branch always stable and deployable. All changes are made directly to the main branch, and issues are identified and fixed using automated testing and deployment tools.

In this post, I am going to demonstrate how to implement GitFlow with CodeCatalyst. GitFlow uses two permanent branches, main and develop, with supporting branches. The prefix names of the supporting branches give the function they serve — feature, release, and hotfix. I will apply this strategy by separating these branches into production and integration, both with their own workflow and environment. The main branch will deploy to production and the develop branch plus the supporting branches will deploy to integration.

Implementing GitFlow with CodeCatalyst
Figure 1. Implementing GitFlow with CodeCatalyst.

Upon completing the walkthrough, you will have the ability to utilize these techniques to implement any of the popular models or even your own.


If you would like to follow along with the walkthrough, you will need to:


For this walkthrough, I am going use the Static Website blueprint with the default configuration. A CodeCatalyst blueprint creates new project with everything you need to get started. To try this out yourself, launch the blueprint by following the steps outlined in the Creating a project in Amazon CodeCatalyst.

Once the new project is launched, I navigate to CI/CD > Environments. I see one environment called production. This environment was setup when the project was created by the blueprint. I will now add my integration environment. To do this, I click the Create environment above the list of environments.

Initial environment list with only production.
Figure 2. Initial environment list with only production.

A CodeCatalyst environment is where code is deployed and are configured to be associated with your AWS account using AWS account connections. Multiple CodeCatalyst environments can be associated with a single AWS account, allowing you to have environments in CodeCatalyst for development, test, and staging associated with one AWS account.

In the next screen, I enter the environment name as integration, select Non-production for the environment type, provide a brief description of the environment, and select the connection of the AWS account I want to deploy to. To learn more about connecting AWS accounts review Working with AWS accounts in Amazon CodeCatalyst. I will make note of my connection Name and Role, as I will need it later in my workflow. After I have entered all the details for the integration environment, I click Create environment on the bottom of the form. When I navigate back to CI/CD > Environments I now see both environments listed.

Environment list with integration and production.
Figure 3. Environment list with integration and production.

Now that I have my production and integration environment, I want to setup my workflows to deploy my branches into each separate environment. Next, I navigate to CI/CD > Workflows. Just like with the environments, there is already a workflow setup by the blueprint created called OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy. In order to review the workflow, I select Edit under the Actions menu.

OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow Actions menu.
Figure 4. OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow Actions menu.

By reviewing the workflow YAML, I see the OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow is triggered by the main branch and deploys to production. Below I have highlighted the parts of the YAML that define each of these. The Triggers in the definition determine when a workflow run should start and Environment where code is deployed to.

Name: OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy
  - Type: PUSH
      - main
      Name: production
        - Name: ****
          Role: ****

Since this confirms the production workflow is already done, I will copy this YAML and use it to create my integration workflow. After copying the entire OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy YAML to my clipboard (not just the highlights above), I navigate back to CI/CD > Workflows and click Create Workflow. Then in the Create workflow dialog window click Create.

Create workflow dialog window.
Figure 5. Create workflow dialog window.

Inside the workflow YAML editor, I replace all the existing content by pasting the OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy YAML from my clipboard. The first thing I edit in the YAML is the name of the workflow. I do this by finding the property called Name and replacing OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy to OnIntegrationPushBuildTestAndDeploy.

Next, I want to change the triggers to the develop branch and match the supporting branches by their prefixes. Triggers allow you to specify multiple branches and you can use regex to define your branch names to match multiple branches. To explore triggers further read Working with triggers.

  - Type: PUSH
      - develop
      - "feature/.*"
      - "release/.*"
      - "hotfix/.*"

After my triggers are updated, I need to update the Environment property with my integration environment. I replace both the Name and the Connections properties with the correct values for my integration environment. I use the Name and Role from the integration environment connection I made note of earlier. For additional details about environments in workflows review Working with environments.

      Name: integration
        - Name: ****
          Role: ****

Before finishing the integration workflow, I have highlighted the use of ${WorkflowSource.BranchName} in the Deploy action. The workflow uses the BranchName variable to prevent different branch deployments from overwriting one another. This is important to verify as all integration branches use the same environment. The WorkflowSource action outputs both CommitId and BranchName to workflow variables automatically. To learn more about variables in workflows review Working with variables.

      AmplifyBranchName: ${WorkflowSource.BranchName}

I have included the complete sample OnIntegrationPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow below. It is the developer’s responsibility to delete resources their branches create even after merging and deleting branches as there is no automated cleanup.

Entire sample integration workflow.
Figure 6. Entire sample integration workflow.

After I have validated the syntax of my workflow by clicking Validate, I then click Commit. Confirm this action by clicking Commit in the Commit workflow modal window.

Commit workflow dialog window.
Figure 7. Commit workflow dialog window.

Immediately after committing the workflow, I can see the new OnIntegrationPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow in my list of workflows. I see that the workflow shows the “Workflow is inactive”. This is expected as I am looking at the main branch and the trigger is not invoked from main.

Now that I have finished the implementation details of GitFlow, I am now going to create the permanent develop branch and a feature branch to test my integration workflow. To add a new branch, I go to Code > Source repositories > static-website-content, select Create branch under the More menu.

Source repository Actions menu.
Figure 8. Source repository Actions menu.

Enter develop as my branch name, create the branch from main, and then click Create.

Create the develop branch from main.
Figure 9. Create the develop branch from main.

I now add a feature branch by navigating back to the create branch screen. This time, I enter feature/gitflow-demo as my branch name, create the branch from develop, and then click Create.

Create a feature branch from develop.
Figure 10. Create a feature branch from develop.

To confirm that I have successfully implemented GitFlow, I need to verify that the feature branch workflow is running. I return to CI/CD > Workflows, select feature/gitflow-demo from the branch dropdown, and see the integration workflow is running.

Feature branch running integration workflow.
Figure 11. Feature branch running integration workflow.

To complete my testing of my implementation of GitFlow, I wait for the workflow to succeed. Then I view the newly deployed branch by navigating to the workflow and clicking on the View app link located on the last workflow action.

Lastly, now that GitFlow is implemented and tested, I will step through getting the feature branch to production. After I make my code changes to the feature branch, I create a pull request to merge feature/gitflow-demo into develop. Note that pull requests were covered in the prior post in this series. When merging the pull request select Delete the source branch after merging this pull request, as the feature branch is not a permanent branch.

Deleting the feature branch when merging.
Figure 12. Deleting the feature branch when merging.

Now that my changes are in the develop branch, I create a release branch. I navigate back to the create branch screen. This time I enter release/v1 as my branch name, create the branch from develop, and then click Create.

Create the release branch from main.
Figure 13. Create the release branch from main.

I am ready to release to production, so I create a pull request to merge release/v1 into main. The release branch is not a permanent branch, so it can also be deleted on merge. When the pull request is merged to main, the OnPushBuildTestAndDeploy workflow runs. After the workflow finishes running, I can verify my changes are in production.


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the two stacks that deployed using the AWS CloudFormation console in the AWS account(s) you associated when you launched the blueprint and configured the new environment. These stacks will have names like static-web-XXXXX. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project.


In this post, you learned how to use triggers and environments in multiple workflows to implement GitFlow with Amazon CodeCatalyst. By consuming variables inside workflows, I was able to further customize my deployment design. Using these concepts, you can now implement your team’s branching strategy with CodeCatalyst. Learn more about Amazon CodeCatalyst and get started today!

Michael Ohde

Michael Ohde is a Senior Solutions Architect from Long Beach, CA. As a Product Acceleration Solution Architect at AWS, he currently assists Independent Software Vendor (ISVs) in the GovTech and EdTech sectors, by building modern applications using practices like serverless, DevOps, and AI/ML.

Deploy serverless applications in a multicloud environment using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Deepak Kovvuri original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-serverless-applications-in-a-multicloud-environment-using-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst puts the tools you need all in one place. You can plan work, collaborate on code, and build, test, and deploy applications by leveraging CodeCatalyst Workflows.


In the first post of the blog series, we showed you how organizations can deploy workloads to instances, and virtual machines (VMs), across hybrid and multicloud environment. The second post of the series covered deploying containerized application in a multicloud environment. Finally, in this post, we explore how organizations can deploy modern, cloud-native, serverless application across multiple cloud platforms. Figure 1 shows the solution which we walk through in the post.

Figure 1 – Architecture diagram

The post walks through how to develop, deploy and test a HTTP RESTful API to Azure Functions using Amazon CodeCatalyst. The solution covers the following steps:

  • Set up CodeCatalyst development environment and develop your application using the Serverless Framework.
  • Build a CodeCatalyst workflow to test and then deploy to Azure Functions using GitHub Actions in Amazon CodeCatalyst.

An Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow is an automated procedure that describes how to build, test, and deploy your code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. You can use GitHub Actions alongside native CodeCatalyst actions in a CodeCatalyst workflow.



In this post, we will create a hello world RESTful API using the Serverless Framework. As we progress through the solution, we will focus on building a CodeCatalyst workflow that deploys and tests the functionality of the application. At the end of the post, the workflow will look similar to the one shown in Figure 2.

 CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Figure 2 – CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Environment Setup

Before we start developing the application, we need to setup a CodeCatalyst project and then link a code repository to the project. The code repository can be CodeCatalyst Repo or GitHub. In this scenario, we’ve used GitHub repository. By the time we develop the solution, the repository should look as shown below.

Files in solution's GitHub repository

Figure 3 – Files in GitHub repository

In Amazon CodeCatalyst, there’s an option to create Dev Environments, which can used to work on the code stored in the source repositories of a project. In the post, we create a Dev Environment, and associate it with the source repository created above and work off it. But you may choose not to use a Dev Environment, and can run the following commands, and commit to the repository. The /projects directory of a Dev Environment stores the files that are pulled from the source repository. In the dev environment, install the Serverless Framework using this command:

npm install -g serverless

and then initialize a serverless project in the source repository folder:

├── README.md
├── host.json
├── package.json
├── serverless.yml
└── src
    └── handlers
        ├── goodbye.js
        └── hello.js

We can push the code to the CodeCatalyst project using git. Now, that we have the code in CodeCatalyst, we can turn our focus to building the workflow using the CodeCatalyst console.

CI/CD Setup in CodeCatalyst

Configure access to the Azure Environment

We’ll use the GitHub action for Serverless to create and manage Azure Function. For the action to be able to access the Azure environment, it requires credentials associated with a Service Principal passed to the action as environment variables.

Service Principals in Azure are identified by the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, SUBSCRIPTION_ID, and TENANT_ID properties. Storing these values in plaintext anywhere in your repository should be avoided because anyone with access to the repository which contains the secret can see them. Similarly, these values shouldn’t be used directly in any workflow definitions because they will be visible as files in your repository. With CodeCatalyst, we can protect these values by storing them as secrets within the project, and then reference the secret in the CI\CD workflow.

We can create a secret by choosing Secrets (1) under CI\CD and then selecting ‘Create Secret’ (2) as shown in Figure 4. Now, we can key in the secret name and value of each of the identifiers described above.

Figure 4 – CodeCatalyst Secrets

Building the workflow

To create a new workflow, select CI/CD from navigation on the left and then select Workflows (1). Then, select Create workflow (2), leave the default options, and select Create (3) as shown in Figure 5.

Create CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Figure 5 – Create CI/CD workflow

If the workflow editor opens in YAML mode, select Visual to open the visual designer. Now, we can start adding actions to the workflow.

Configure the Deploy action

We’ll begin by adding a GitHub action for deploying to Azure. Select “+ Actions” to open the actions list and choose GitHub from the dropdown menu. Find the Build action and click “+” to add a new GitHub action to the workflow.

Next, configure the GitHub action from the configurations tab by adding the following snippet to the GitHub Actions YAML property:

- name: Deploy to Azure Functions
  uses: serverless/[email protected]
    args: -c "serverless plugin install --name serverless-azure-functions && serverless deploy"
    entrypoint: /bin/sh

The above workflow configuration makes use of Serverless GitHub Action that wraps the Serverless Framework to run serverless commands. The action is configured to package and deploy the source code to Azure Functions using the serverless deploy command.

Please note how we were able to pass the secrets to GitHub action by referencing the secret identifiers in the above configuration.

Configure the Test action

Similar to the previous step, we add another GitHub action which will use the serverless framework’s serverless invoke command to test the API deployed on to Azure Functions.

- name: Test Function
  uses: serverless/[email protected]
    args: |
      -c "serverless plugin install --name serverless-azure-functions && \
          serverless invoke -f hello -d '{\"name\": \"CodeCatalyst\"}' && \
          serverless invoke -f goodbye -d '{\"name\": \"CodeCatalyst\"}'"
    entrypoint: /bin/sh

The workflow is now ready and can be validated by choosing ‘Validate’ and then saved to the repository by choosing ‘Commit’. The workflow should automatically kick-off after commit and the application is automatically deployed to Azure Functions.

The functionality of the API can now be verified from the logs of the test action of the workflow as shown in Figure 6.

Test action in CodeCatalyst CI/CD workfl

Figure 6 – CI/CD workflow Test action


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the Azure Function App (usually prefixed ‘sls’) using the Azure console. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project. There’s no cost associated with the CodeCatalyst project and you can continue using it.


In summary, this post highlighted how Amazon CodeCatalyst can help organizations deploy cloud-native, serverless workload into multi-cloud environment. The post also walked through the solution detailing the process of setting up Amazon CodeCatalyst to deploy a serverless application to Azure Functions by leveraging GitHub Actions. Though we showed an application deployment to Azure Functions, you can follow a similar process and leverage CodeCatalyst to deploy any type of application to almost any cloud platform. Learn more and get started with your Amazon CodeCatalyst journey!

We would love to hear your thoughts, and experiences, on deploying serverless applications to multiple cloud platforms. Reach out to us if you’ve any questions, or provide your feedback in the comments section.

About Authors

Picture of Deepak

Deepak Kovvuri

Deepak Kovvuri is a Senior Solutions Architect at supporting Enterprise Customers at AWS in the US East area. He has over 6 years of experience in helping customers architecting a DevOps strategy for their cloud workloads. Deepak specializes in CI/CD, Systems Administration, Infrastructure as Code and Container Services. He holds an Masters in Computer Engineering from University of Illinois at Chicago.

Picture of Amandeep

Amandeep Bajwa

Amandeep Bajwa is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS supporting Financial Services enterprises. He helps organizations achieve their business outcomes by identifying the appropriate cloud transformation strategy based on industry trends, and organizational priorities. Some of the areas Amandeep consults on are cloud migration, cloud strategy (including hybrid & multicloud), digital transformation, data & analytics, and technology in general.

Picture of Brian

Brian Beach

Brian Beach has over 20 years of experience as a Developer and Architect. He is currently a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He holds a Computer Engineering degree from NYU Poly and an MBA from Rutgers Business School. He is the author of “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services” from Apress. He is a regular author and has spoken at numerous events. Brian lives in North Carolina with his wife and three kids.

Picture of Pawan

Pawan Shrivastava

Pawan Shrivastava is a Partner Solution Architect at AWS in the WWPS team. He focusses on working with partners to provide technical guidance on AWS, collaborate with them to understand their technical requirements, and designing solutions to meet their specific needs. Pawan is passionate about DevOps, automation and CI CD pipelines. He enjoys watching MMA, playing cricket and working out in the Gym.

Deploy container applications in a multicloud environment using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Pawan Shrivastava original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-container-applications-in-a-multicloud-environment-using-amazon-codecatalyst/

In the previous post of this blog series, we saw how organizations can deploy workloads to virtual machines (VMs) in a hybrid and multicloud environment. This post shows how organizations can address the requirement of deploying containers, and containerized applications to hybrid and multicloud platforms using Amazon CodeCatalyst. CodeCatalyst is an integrated DevOps service which enables development teams to collaborate on code, and build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools.

One prominent scenario where multicloud container deployment is useful is when organizations want to leverage AWS’ broadest and deepest set of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities by developing and training AI/ML models in AWS using Amazon SageMaker, and deploying the model package to a Kubernetes platform on other cloud platforms, such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for inference. As shown in this workshop for operationalizing the machine learning pipeline, we can train an AI/ML model, push it to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) as an image, and later deploy the model as a container application.

Scenario description

The solution described in the post covers the following steps:

  • Setup Amazon CodeCatalyst environment.
  • Create a Dockerfile along with a manifest for the application, and a repository in Amazon ECR.
  • Create an Azure service principal which has permissions to deploy resources to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and store the credentials securely in Amazon CodeCatalyst secret.
  • Create a CodeCatalyst workflow to build, test, and deploy the containerized application to AKS cluster using Github Actions.

The architecture diagram for the scenario is shown in Figure 1.

Solution architecture diagram

Figure 1 – Solution Architecture

Solution Walkthrough

This section shows how to set up the environment, and deploy a HTML application to an AKS cluster.

Setup Amazon ECR and GitHub code repository

Create a new Amazon ECR and a code repository. In this case we’re using GitHub as the repository but you can create a source repository in CodeCatalyst or you can choose to link an existing source repository hosted by another service if that service is supported by an installed extension. Then follow the application and Docker image creation steps outlined in Step 1 in the environment creation process in exposing Multiple Applications on Amazon EKS. Create a file named manifest.yaml as shown, and map the “image” parameter to the URL of the Amazon ECR repository created above.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: multicloud-container-deployment-app
    app: multicloud-container-deployment-app
      app: multicloud-container-deployment-app
  replicas: 2
        app: multicloud-container-deployment-app
        "beta.kubernetes.io/os": linux
      - name: ecs-web-page-container
        image: <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/<my_repository>
        imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 80
            memory: "100Mi"
            cpu: "200m"
          - name: ecrsecret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: multicloud-container-deployment-service
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    app: multicloud-container-deployment-app

Push the files to Github code repository. The multicloud-container-app github repository should look similar to Figure 2 below

Files in multicloud container app github repository 

Figure 2 – Files in Github repository

Configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster to pull private images from ECR repository

Pull the docker images from a private ECR repository to your AKS cluster by running the following command. This setup is required during the azure/k8s-deploy Github Actions in the CI/CD workflow. Authenticate Docker to an Amazon ECR registry with get-login-password by using aws ecr get-login-password. Run the following command in a shell where AWS CLI is configured, and is used to connect to the AKS cluster. This creates a secret called ecrsecret, which is used to pull an image from the private ECR repository.

kubectl create secret docker-registry ecrsecret\
 --docker-password= $(aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2)

Provide ECR URI in the variable “–docker-server =”.

CodeCatalyst setup

Follow these steps to set up CodeCatalyst environment:

Configure access to the AKS cluster

In this solution, we use three GitHub Actions – azure/login, azure/aks-set-context and azure/k8s-deploy – to login, set the AKS cluster, and deploy the manifest file to the AKS cluster respectively. For the Github Actions to access the Azure environment, they require credentials associated with an Azure Service Principal.

Service Principals in Azure are identified by the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, SUBSCRIPTION_ID, and TENANT_ID properties. Create the Service principal by running the following command in the azure cloud shell:

az ad sp create-for-rbac \
    --name "ghActionHTMLapplication" \
    --scope /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP> \
    --role Contributor \

The command generates a JSON output (shown in Figure 3), which is stored in CodeCatalyst secret called AZURE_CREDENTIALS. This credential is used by azure/login Github Actions.

JSON output stored in AZURE-CREDENTIALS secret

Figure 3 – JSON output

Configure secrets inside CodeCatalyst Project

Create three secrets CLUSTER_NAME (Name of AKS cluster), RESOURCE_GROUP(Name of Azure resource group) and AZURE_CREDENTIALS(described in the previous step) as described in the working with secret document. The secrets are shown in Figure 4.

Secrets in CodeCatalyst

Figure 4 – CodeCatalyst Secrets

CodeCatalyst CI/CD Workflow

To create a new CodeCatalyst workflow, select CI/CD from the navigation on the left and select Workflows (1). Then, select Create workflow (2), leave the default options, and select Create (3) as shown in Figure 5.

Create CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Figure 5 – Create CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflow

Add “Push to Amazon ECR” Action

Add the Push to Amazon ECR action, and configure the environment where you created the ECR repository as shown in Figure 6. Refer to adding an action to learn how to add CodeCatalyst action.

Create ‘Push to ECR’ CodeCatalyst Action

Figure 6 – Create ‘Push to ECR’ Action

Select the Configuration tab and specify the configurations as shown in Figure7.

Configure ‘Push to ECR’ CodeCatalyst Action

Figure 7 – Configure ‘Push to ECR’ Action

Configure the Deploy action

1. Add a GitHub action for deploying to AKS as shown in Figure 8.

Github action to deploy to AKS

Figure 8 – Github action to deploy to AKS

2. Configure the GitHub action from the configurations tab by adding the following snippet to the GitHub Actions YAML property:

- name: Install Azure CLI
  run: pip install azure-cli
- name: Azure login
  id: login
  uses: azure/[email protected]
    creds: ${Secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS}
- name: Set AKS context
  id: set-context
  uses: azure/aks-set-context@v3
    resource-group: ${Secrets.RESOURCE_GROUP}
    cluster-name: ${Secrets.CLUSTER_NAME}
- name: Setup kubectl
  id: install-kubectl
  uses: azure/setup-kubectl@v3
- name: Deploy to AKS
  id: deploy-aks
  uses: Azure/k8s-deploy@v4
    namespace: default
    manifests: manifest.yaml
    pull-images: true

Github action configuration for deploying application to AKS

Figure 9 – Github action configuration

3. The workflow is now ready and can be validated by choosing ‘Validate’ and then saved to the repository by choosing ‘Commit’.
We have implemented an automated CI/CD workflow that builds the container image of the application (refer Figure 10), pushes the image to ECR, and deploys the application to AKS cluster. This CI/CD workflow is triggered as application code is pushed to the repository.

Automated CI/CD workflow

Figure 10 – Automated CI/CD workflow

Test the deployment

When the HTML application runs, Kubernetes exposes the application using a public facing load balancer. To find the external IP of the load balancer, connect to the AKS cluster and run the following command:

kubectl get service multicloud-container-deployment-service

The output of the above command should look like the image in Figure 11.

Output of kubectl get service command

Figure 11 – Output of kubectl get service

Paste the External IP into a browser to see the running HTML application as shown in Figure 12.

HTML application running successfully in AKS

Figure 12 – Application running in AKS


If you have been following along with the workflow described in the post, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the Amazon ECR repository using the AWS console. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project. There’s no cost associated with the CodeCatalyst project and you can continue using it. Finally, if you deployed the application on a new AKS cluster, delete the cluster from the Azure console. In case you deployed the application to an existing AKS cluster, run the following commands to delete the application resources.

kubectl delete deployment multicloud-container-deployment-app
kubectl delete services multicloud-container-deployment-service


In summary, this post showed how Amazon CodeCatalyst can help organizations deploy containerized workloads in a hybrid and multicloud environment. It demonstrated in detail how to set up and configure Amazon CodeCatalyst to deploy a containerized application to Azure Kubernetes Service, leveraging a CodeCatalyst workflow, and GitHub Actions. Learn more and get started with your Amazon CodeCatalyst journey!

If you have any questions or feedback, leave them in the comments section.

About Authors

Picture of Pawan

Pawan Shrivastava

Pawan Shrivastava is a Partner Solution Architect at AWS in the WWPS team. He focusses on working with partners to provide technical guidance on AWS, collaborate with them to understand their technical requirements, and designing solutions to meet their specific needs. Pawan is passionate about DevOps, automation and CI CD pipelines. He enjoys watching MMA, playing cricket and working out in the gym.

Picture of Brent

Brent Van Wynsberge

Brent Van Wynsberge is a Solutions Architect at AWS supporting enterprise customers. He accelerates the cloud adoption journey for organizations by aligning technical objectives to business outcomes and strategic goals, and defining them where needed. Brent is an IoT enthusiast, specifically in the application of IoT in manufacturing, he is also interested in DevOps, data analytics and containers.

Picture of Amandeep

Amandeep Bajwa

Amandeep Bajwa is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS supporting Financial Services enterprises. He helps organizations achieve their business outcomes by identifying the appropriate cloud transformation strategy based on industry trends, and organizational priorities. Some of the areas Amandeep consults on are cloud migration, cloud strategy (including hybrid & multicloud), digital transformation, data & analytics, and technology in general.

Picture of Brian

Brian Beach

Brian Beach has over 20 years of experience as a Developer and Architect. He is currently a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He holds a Computer Engineering degree from NYU Poly and an MBA from Rutgers Business School. He is the author of “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services” from Apress. He is a regular author and has spoken at numerous events. Brian lives in North Carolina with his wife and three kids.

AWS Week in Review – April 24, 2023: Amazon CodeCatalyst, Amazon S3 on Snowball Edge, and More…

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-april-24-2023-amazon-codecatalyst-amazon-s3-on-snowball-edge-and-more/

As always, there’s plenty to share this week: Amazon CodeCatalyst is now generally available, Amazon S3 is now available on Snowball Edge devices, version 1.0.0 of AWS Amplify Flutter is here, and a lot more. Let’s dive in!

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some of the launches that caught my eye this past week:

Amazon CodeCatalyst – First announced at re:Invent in preview form (Announcing Amazon CodeCatalyst, a Unified Software Development Service), this unified software development and delivery service is now generally available. As Steve notes in the post that he wrote for the preview, “Amazon CodeCatalyst enables software development teams to quickly and easily plan, develop, collaborate on, build, and deliver applications on AWS, reducing friction throughout the development lifecycle.” During the preview we added the ability to use AWS Graviton2 for CI/CD workflows and deployment environments, along with other new features, as detailed in the What’s New.

Amazon S3 on Snowball Edge – You have had the power to create S3 buckets on AWS Snow Family devices for a couple of years, and to PUT and GET object. With this new launch you can, as Channy says, “…use an expanded set of Amazon S3 APIs to easily build applications on AWS and deploy them on Snowball Edge Compute Optimized devices.” This launch allows you to manage the storage using AWS OpsHub, and to address multiple Denied, Disrupted, Intermittent, and Limited Impact (DDIL) use cases. To learn more, read Amazon S3 Compatible Storage on AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized Devices Now Generally Available.

Amazon Redshift Updates – We announced multiple updates to Amazon Redshift including the MERGE SQL command so that you can combine a series of DML statements into a single statement, dynamic data masking to simplify the process of protecting sensitive data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse, and centralized access control for data sharing with AWS Lake Formation.

AWS Amplify – You can now build cross-platform Flutter apps that target iOS, Android, Web, and desktop using a single codebase and with a consistent user experience. To learn more and to see how to get started, read Amplify Flutter announces general availability for web and desktop support. In addition to the GA, we also announced that AWS Amplify supports Push Notifications for Android, Swift, React Native, and Flutter apps.

X in Y – We made existing services available in additional regions and locations:

For a full list of AWS announcements, take a look at the What’s New at AWS page and consider subscribing to the page’s RSS feed. If you want even more detail, you can Subscribe to AWS Daily Feature Updates via Amazon SNS.

Interesting Blog Posts

Other AWS Blogs – Here are some fresh posts from a few of the other AWS Blogs:

AWS Open Source – My colleague Ricardo writes a weekly newsletter to highlight new open source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Read edition 154 to learn more.

AWS Graviton Weekly – Marcos Ortiz writes a weekly newsletter to highlight the latest developments in AWS custom silicon. Read AWS Graviton weekly #33 to see what’s up.

Upcoming Events
Here are some upcoming live and online events that may be of interest to you:

AWS Community Day Turkey will take place in Istanbul on May 6, and I will be there to deliver the keynote. Get your tickets and I will see you there!

AWS Summits are coming to Berlin (May 4), Washington, DC (June 7 and 8), London (June 7), and Toronto (June 14). These events are free but I highly recommend that you register ahead of time.

.NET Enterprise Developer Day EMEA is a free one-day virtual conference on April 25; register now.

AWS Developer Innovation Day is also virtual, and takes place on April 26 (read Discover Building without Limits at AWS Developer Innovation Day for more info). I’ll be watching all day and sharing a live recap at the end; learn more and see you there.

And that’s all for today!


Multi-Architecture Container Builds with CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/multi-architecture-container-builds-with-codecatalyst/

AWS Graviton Processors are designed by AWS to deliver the best price performance for your cloud workloads running in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Amazon CodeCatalyst recently added support to run workflow actions using on-demand or pre-provisioned compute powered by AWS Graviton processors. Customers can now access high performance AWS Graviton processors to build artifacts for Arm, or improve their price performance. In this post I will show you how to create a multi-architecture docker image using CodeCatalyst that can run on both amd64 and arm64 processors.


Container images only run on a system with the same CPU architecture for which they were targeted. For example, an amd64 image runs on Intel and AMD processors, while an arm64 image runs on AWS Graviton. Note that amd64 and x86_64 are often used interchangeable, and I have chosen to use amd64 in this post. Rather than maintaining multiple repositories for each image type, you can combine variants for multiple architectures in the same repository. In addition, you can create a manifest describing which image to use for each architecture. This is known as multi-architecture, or multi-platform images.

Let us look at an example to further understand multi-arch images. In this screenshot from Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), I have created two images for a simple hello-world application. One image is tagged latest-amd64 for AMD architectures and one tagged latest-arm64 for ARM architectures.

In addition, I have created an Image Index tagged latest. The image index is a map describing which image to use for each architecture. This allows my users to simply pull hello-world:latest and the index will identify the correct image based on the target platform. The image index contains the following manifest.

  "schemaVersion": 2, 
  "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json", 
  "manifests": [ 
	  "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json", 
	  "size": 1573, 
	  "digest": "sha256:eccb6dd2c2dbfc9...", 
	  "platform": { 
	    "architecture": "amd64", 
		"os": "linux" 
	  "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json", 
	  "size": 1573, 
	  "digest": "sha256:c64812837fbd43...", 
	  "platform": { 
	    "architecture": "arm64", 
		"os": "linux" 

Now that I have explained what a multi-arch image is, I will explain how to create one in a CodeCatalyst workflow. A CodeCatalyst workflow is an automated procedure that describes how to build, test, and deploy your code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. A workflow defines a series of steps, or actions, to take during a workflow run. Let’s get started.


If you would like to follow along with this walkthrough, you will need:


In this walkthrough I will create a simple application using an Apache HTTP Server serving a static hello world page. The workload is inconsequential. I will focus on the process of building the container image using a CodeCatalyst workflow. The Workflow will build two container images, one for amd64 and one for arm64. The two build tasks will run in parallel on different compute architectures. When both builds are complete, the workflow will build the docker manifest. At the end of this post, my workflow will look like this.

Note that docker also offers a plugin called buildx that will allow you to build a multi-architecture image with a single command. In a real-world application, the workflow would also build the source code, run unit tests, etc. on each architecture. The sample application used in this post is so simple that there is no need to build and test the source code. Let’s examine the sample application now.

Sample Application

Initially the empty repository will only have a README.md file. By the end of this post, my repository will look like this.

I’ll begin by creating the file named index.html. I used the Create file button in CodeCatalyst console shown previously. My index.html file has the following content:

        <title>Hello World!</title>
        <h1>Hello World!</h1>
        <p>Hello from a multi-architecture container created in CodeCatalyst.</p>

I’ll also create a Dockerfile that contains two commands. The first command instructs Docker to build a new image from the Apache HTTP Server Project image called httpd. It is important to note that the httpd image already supports multiple architectures including amd64 and arm64. When creating a multi-architecture image, the base image must also support these architectures. The second command simply copies the index.html file above into the new image. My Dockerfile file has the following content.

FROM httpd
COPY ./index.html /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/

With the source code for my sample application complete, I can turn my attention to the workflow.

CI/CD Workflow

To create a new workflow, select CI/CD from navigation on the left and then select Workflows (1). Then, select Create workflow (2), leave the default options, and select Create (3).

If the workflow editor opens in YAML mode, select Visual to open the visual designer. Now, I can start adding actions to the workflow.

Build Action for the AMD64 Variant

I’ll begin by adding a build action for the amd64 container. Select “+ Actions” to open the actions list. Find the Build action and click “+” to add a new build action to the workflow.

On the Inputs tab, create three variable named AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, IMAGE_REPO_NAME, and IMAGE_TAG. Set the first two values equal to the region and **** name of your Amazon ECR repository**.** Set the third to latest-amd64. For example:

Now select the Configuration tab and rename the action docker_build_amd64. Select the Environment, AWS account connection, and Role for the associated AWS account where you created the Amazon ECR repository. For example:

Then, copy and paste the following code into the Shell commands. This code will build the image using the Dockerfile you created previously. Then, it logs into Amazon ECR, and finally, pushes the new image to ECR.

- Run: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=`aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text` 
- Run: docker build -t $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG . 
- Run: aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com 
- Run: docker push $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG

If you switch back to the YAML view, you can see that the designer has added the following action to the workflow definition.

    Identifier: aws/build@v1
      Type: EC2
        - WorkflowSource
        - Name: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
          Value: us-west-2
        - Name: IMAGE_REPO_NAME
          Value: hello-world
        - Name: IMAGE_TAG
          Value: latest-amd64
      Name: demo
        - Role: CodeCatalystPreviewDevelopmentAdministrator
          Name: development
        - Run: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=`aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text`
        - Run: docker build -t $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG .
        - Run: aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com
        - Run: docker push $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG

With the amd64 image complete, you can move on to the arm64 image.

Build Action for the ARM64 Variant

Add a second build action named docker_build_arm64 for the arm64 container. The configuration is nearly identical to the previous action with two minor changes. First, on the Inputs tab, I set the IMAGE_TAG to latest-arm64.

Second, on the Configuration tab, change the compute fleet to Linux.Arm64.Large. That is all you need to do to run your action on AWS Graviton. For example:

The Shell commands are identical to the arm64 build action. In addition, don’t forget to select the Environment, AWS account connection, and Role on the configuration tab. The complete configuration for the second action looks like this:

    Identifier: aws/build@v1
      Type: EC2
      Fleet: Linux.Arm64.Large
        - WorkflowSource
        - Name: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
          Value: us-west-2
        - Name: IMAGE_REPO_NAME
          Value: hello-world
        - Name: IMAGE_TAG
          Value: latest-arm64
      Name: demo
        - Role: CodeCatalystPreviewDevelopmentAdministrator
          Name: development
        - Run: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=`aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text`
        - Run: docker build -t $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG .
        - Run: aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com
        - Run: docker push $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG

Now that you have a build action for the amd64 and arm64 images, you simply need to create a manifest file describing which image to use for each architecture.

Build Action for the Manifest

The final step in the workflow is to create the Docker manifest. Create a third build action named docker_manifest. You want this action to wait for the prior two actions to complete. Therefore, select the prior two actions from the Depends on drop down, like this:

Also configure four variables. AWS_DEFAULT_REGION and IMAGE_REPO_NAME are identical to the prior actions. In addition, IMAGE_TAG_AMD64 and IMAGE_TAG_ARM64 include the tags you created in the prior actions.

On the configuration tab, select the Environment, AWS account connection, and Role as you did in the prior actions. Then, copy and paste the following Shell commands.

- Run: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=`aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text`
- Run: aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com
- Run: docker manifest annotate --arch amd64 $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG_AMD64
- Run: docker manifest annotate --arch arm64 $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG_ARM64
- Run: docker manifest push $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME

The shell commands create a manifest and then annotate it with the correct image for both amd64 and arm64. The final action looks like this.

    Identifier: aws/build@v1
      - docker_build_arm64
      - docker_build_amd64
      Type: EC2
        - WorkflowSource
        - Name: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
          Value: us-west-2
        - Name: IMAGE_REPO_NAME
          Value: hello-world
        - Name: IMAGE_TAG_AMD64
          Value: latest-amd64
        - Name: IMAGE_TAG_ARM64
          Value: latest-arm64
      Name: demo
        - Role: CodeCatalystPreviewDevelopmentAdministrator
          Name: development
        - Run: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=`aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output
        - Run: aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS
            --password-stdin $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com
        - Run: docker manifest create
        - Run: docker manifest annotate --arch amd64
        - Run: docker manifest annotate --arch arm64
        - Run: docker manifest push

I now have a complete CI/CD workflow that creates a container images for both amd64 and arm64. When I commit the changes, CodeCatalyst will execute my workflow, build the images, and push to ECR.


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the Amazon ECR repository using the AWS console. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project.


AWS Graviton processors are custom-built by AWS to deliver the best price performance for cloud workloads. In this post I explained how to configure CodeCatalyst workflow actions to run on AWS Graviton. I used CodeCatalyst to create a workflow that builds a multi-architecture container image that can run on both amd64 and arm64 architectures. Get started building your multi-arch containers in Amazon CodeCatalyst today! You can read more about CodeCatalyst workflows in the documentation.

Enabling DevSecOps with Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Imtranur Rahman original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/enabling-devsecops-with-amazon-codecatalyst/

DevSecOps is the practice of integrating security testing at every stage of the software development process. Amazon CodeCatalyst includes tools that encourage collaboration between developers, security specialists, and operations teams to build software that is both efficient and secure. DevSecOps brings cultural transformation that makes security a shared responsibility for everyone who is building the software.


In a prior post in this series, Maintaining Code Quality with Amazon CodeCatalyst Reports, I discussed how developers can quickly configure test cases, run unit tests, set up code coverage, and generate reports using CodeCatalyst’s workflow actions. This was done through the lens of Maxine, the main character of Gene Kim’s The Unicorn Project. In the story, Maxine meets Purna – the QA and Release Manager and Shannon – a Security Engineer. Everyone has the same common goal to integrate security into every stage of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) to ensure secure code deployments. The issue Maxine faces is that security testing is not automated and the separation of responsibilities by role leads to project stagnation.

In this post, I will focus on how DevSecOps teams can use Amazon CodeCatalyst to easily integrate and automate security using CodeCatalyst workflows. I’ll start by checking for vulnerabilities using OWASP dependency checker and Mend SCA. Then, I’ll conduct Static Analysis (SA) of source code using Pylint. I will also outline how DevSecOps teams can influence the outcome of a build by defining success criteria for Software Composition Analysis (SCA) and Static Analysis actions in the workflow. Last, I’ll show you how to gain insights from CodeCatalyst reports and surface potential issues to development teams through CodeCatalyst Issues for faster remediation.


If you would like to follow along with this walkthrough, you will need to:


To follow along, you can re-use a project you created previously, or you can refer to a previous post that walks through creating a project using the Modern Three-tier Web Application blueprint. Blueprints provide sample code and CI/CD workflows to help you get started easily across different combinations of programming languages and architectures. The back-end code for this project is written in Python and the front-end code is written in JavaScript.

Modern Three-tier Web Application architecture including a presentation, application and data layer

Figure 1. Modern Three-tier Web Application architecture including a presentation, application and data layer

Once the project is deployed, CodeCatalyst opens the project overview. Select CI/CD → Workflows → ApplicationDeploymentPipeline to view the current workflow.

Six step Workflow described in the prior paragraph

Figure 2. ApplicationDeploymentPipeline

Modern applications use a wide array of open-source dependencies to speed up feature development, but sometimes these dependencies have unknown exploits within them. As a DevSecOps engineer, I can easily edit this workflow to scan for those vulnerable dependencies to ensure I’m delivering secure code.

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Software composition analysis (SCA) is a practice in the fields of Information technology and software engineering for analyzing custom-built software applications to detect embedded open-source software and analyzes whether they are up-to-date, contain security flaws, or have licensing requirements. For this walkthrough, I’ll highlight two SCA methods:

Note that developers can replace either of these with a tool of their choice so long as that tool outputs an SCA report format supported by CodeCatalyst.

Software Composition Analysis using OWASP Dependency Checker

To get started, I select Edit at the top-right of the workflows tab. By default, CodeCatalyst opens the YAML tab. I change to the Visual tab to visually edit the workflow and add a CodeCatalyst Action by selecting “+Actions” (1) and then “+” (2). Next select the Configuration (3) tab and edit the Action Name (4). Make sure to select the check mark after you’re done.

New action configuration showing steps to add a build action

Figure 3. New Action Initial Configuration

Scroll down in the Configuration tab to Shell commands. Here, copy and paste the following command snippets that runs when action is invoked.

#Set Source Repo Directory to variable
- Run: sourceRepositoryDirectory=$(pwd)
#Install Node Dependencies
- Run: cd web &amp;&amp; npm install
#Install known vulnerable dependency (This is for Demonstrative Purposes Only)
- Run: npm install [email protected]
#Go to parent directory and download OWASP dependency-check CLI tool
- Run: cd .. && wget https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/releases/download/v8.1.2/dependency-check-8.1.2-release.zip
#Unzip file - Run: unzip dependency-check-8.1.2-release.zip
#Navigate to dependency-check script location
- Run: cd dependency-check/bin
#Execute dependency-check shell script. Outputs in SARIF format
- Run: ./dependency-check.sh --scan $sourceRepositoryDirectory/web -o $sourceRepositoryDirectory/web/vulnerabilities -f SARIF --disableYarnAudit

These commands will install the node dependencies, download the OWASP dependency-check tool, and run it to generate findings in a SARIF file. Note the third command, which installs a module with known vulnerabilities (This is for demonstrative purposes only).

On the Outputs (1) tab, I change the Report prefix (2) to owasp-frontend. Then I set the Success criteria (3) for Vulnerabilities to 0 – Critical (4). This configuration will stop the workflow if any critical vulnerabilities are found.

Report configuration showing SCA configuration

Figure 4: owasp-dependecy-check-frontend

It is a best practice to scan for vulnerable dependencies before deploying resources so I’ll set my owasp-dependency-check-frontend action as the first step in the workflow. Otherwise, I might accidentally deploy vulnerable code. To do this, I select the Build (1) action group and set the Depends on (2) dropdown to my owasp-dependency-check-frontend action. Now, my action will run before any resources are built and deployed to my AWS environment. To save my changes and run the workflow, I select Commit (3) and provide a commit message.

Setting OWASP as the First Action

Figure 5: Setting OWASP as the First Workflow Action

Amazon CodeCatalyst shows me the state of the workflow run in real-time. After the workflow completes, I see that the action has entered a failed state. If I were a QA Manager like Purna from the Unicorn Project, I would want to see why the action failed. On the lefthand navigation bar, I select the Reports owasp-frontend-web/vulnerabilities/dependency-check-report.sarif for more details.

SCA report showing 1 critical and 7 medium findings

Figure 6: SCA Report Overview

This report view provides metadata such as the workflow name, run ID, action name, repository, and the commit ID. I can also see the report status, a bar graph of vulnerabilities grouped by severity, the number of libraries scanned, and a Findings panel. I had set the success criteria for this report to 0 – Critical so it failed because 1 Critical vulnerability was found. If I select a specific finding ID, I can learn more about that specific finding and even view it on the National Vulnerability Database website.

Dialog showing CVE details for the critical vulnerability

Figure 7: Critical Vulnerability CVE Finding

Now I can raise this issue with the development team through the Issues board on the left-hand navigation panel. See this previous post to learn more about how teams can collaborate in CodeCatalyst.

Note: Let’s remove [email protected] install from owasp-dependency-check-frontend action’s list of commands to allow the workflow to proceed and finish successfully.

Software Composition Analysis using Mend

Mend, formerly known as WhiteSource, is an application security company built to secure today’s digital world. Mend secures all aspects of software, providing automated remediation, prevention, and protection from problem to solution versus only detection and suggested fixes. Find more information about Mend here.

Mend Software Composition Analysis (SCA) can be run as an action within Amazon CodeCatalyst CI/CD workflows, making it easy for developers to perform open-source software vulnerability detection when building and deploying their software projects. This makes it easier for development teams to quickly build and deliver secure applications on AWS.

Getting started with CodeCatalyst and Mend is very easy. After logging in to my Mend Account, I need to create a new Mend Product named Amazon-CodeCatalyst and a Project named mythical-misfits.

Next, I navigate back to my existing workflow in CodeCatalyst and add a new action. However, this time I’ll select the Mend SCA action.

Adding the Mend action

Figure 8: Mend Action

All I need to do now is go to the Configuration tab and set the following values:

  • Mend Project Name: mythical-misfits
  • Mend Product Name: Amazon-CodeCatalyst
  • Mend License Key: You can get the License Key from your Mend account in the CI/CD Integration section. You can get more information from here.

Mend Action Configuration

Figure 9: Mend Action Configuration

Then I commit the changes and return to Mend.

Mend console showing analysis of the Mythical Mysfits app

Figure 10: Mend Console

After successful execution, Mend will automatically update and show a report similar to the screenshot above. It contains useful information about this project like vulnerabilities, licenses, policy violations, etc. To learn more about the various capabilities of Mend SCA, see the documentation here.

Static Analysis (SA)

Static analysis, also called static code analysis, is a method of debugging that is done by examining the code without executing the program. The process provides an understanding of the code structure and can help ensure that the code adheres to industry standards. Static analysis is used in software engineering by software development and quality assurance teams.

Currently, my workflow does not do static analysis. As a DevSecOps engineer, I can add this as a step to the workflow. For this walkthrough, I’ll create an action that uses Pylint to scan my Python source code for Static Analysis. Note that you can also use other static analysis tools or a GitHub Action like SuperLinter, as covered in this previous post.

Static Analysis using Pylint

After navigating back to CI/CD → Workflows → ApplicationDeploymentPipeline and selecting Edit, I create a new test action. I change the action name to pylint and set the Configuration tab to run the following shell commands:

- Run: pip install pylint 
- Run: pylint $PWD --recursive=y --output-format=json:pylint-report.json --exit-zero

On the Outputs tab, I change the Report prefix to pylint. Then I set the Success criteria for Static analysis as shown in the figure below:

Report configuration tab showing static analysis configuration

Figure 11: Static Analysis Report Configuration

Being that Static Analysis is typically run before any execution, the pylint or OWASP action should be the very first action in the workflow. For the sake of this blog we will use pylint. I select the OWASP or Mend actions I created before, set the Depends on dropdown to my pylint action, and commit the changes. Once the workflow finishes, I can go to Reports > pylint-pylint-report.json for more details.

Static analysis report showing 7 high findings

Figure 12: Pylint Static Analysis Report

The Report status is Failed because more than 1 high-severity or above bug was detected. On the Results tab I can view each finding in greater detail, including the severity, type of finding, message from the linter, and which specific line the error originates from.


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the two stacks that AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) deployed using the AWS CloudFormation console in the AWS account you associated when you launched the blueprint. These stacks will have names like mysfitsXXXXXWebStack and mysfitsXXXXXAppStack. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project.


In this post, I demonstrated how DevSecOps teams can easily integrate security into Amazon CodeCatalyst workflows to automate security testing by checking for vulnerabilities using OWASP dependency checker or Mend through Software Composition Analysis (SCA) of dependencies. I also outlined how DevSecOps teams can configure Static Analysis (SA) reports and use success criteria to influence the outcome of a workflow action.

Imtranur Rahman

Imtranur Rahman is an experienced Sr. Solutions Architect in WWPS team with 14+ years of experience. Imtranur works with large AWS Global SI partners and helps them build their cloud strategy and broad adoption of Amazon’s cloud computing platform.Imtranur specializes in Containers, Dev/SecOps, GitOps, microservices based applications, hybrid application solutions, application modernization and loves innovating on behalf of his customers. He is highly customer obsessed and takes pride in providing the best solutions through his extensive expertise.

Wasay Mabood

Wasay is a Partner Solutions Architect based out of New York. He works primarily with AWS Partners on migration, training, and compliance efforts but also dabbles in web development. When he’s not working with customers, he enjoys window-shopping, lounging around at home, and experimenting with new ideas.

Managing Dev Environments with Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Ryan Bachman original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/managing-dev-environments-with-amazon-codecatalyst/

An Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev Environment is a cloud-based development environment that you can use in CodeCatalyst to quickly work on the code stored in the source repositories of your project. The project tools and application libraries included in your Dev Environment are defined by a devfile in the source repository of your project.


In the previous CodeCatalyst post, Team Collaboration with Amazon CodeCatalyst, I focused on CodeCatalyst’s collaboration capabilities and how that related to The Unicorn Project’s main protaganist. At the beginning of Chapter 2, Maxine is struggling to configure her development environment. She is two days into her new job and still cannot build the application code. She has identified over 100 dependencies she is missing. The documentation is out of date and nobody seems to know where the dependencies are stored. I can sympathize with Maxine. In this post, I will focus on managing development environments to show how CodeCatalyst removes the burden of managing workload specific configurations and produces reliable on-demand development environments.


If you would like to follow along with this walkthrough, you will need to:

Have an AWS Builder ID for signing in to CodeCatalyst.

Belong to a space and have the space administrator role assigned to you in that space. For more information, see Creating a space in CodeCatalystManaging members of your space, and Space administrator role.

Have an AWS account associated with your space and have the IAM role in that account. For more information about the role and role policy, see Creating a CodeCatalyst service role.


As with the previous posts in our CodeCatalyst series, I am going to use the Modern Three-tier Web Application blueprint.  Blueprints provide sample code and CI/CD workflows to help make getting started easier across different combinations of programming languages and architectures. To follow along, you can re-use a project you created previously, or you can refer to a previous post that walks through creating a project using the blueprint.

One of the most difficult aspects of my time spent as a developer was finding ways to quickly contribute to a new project. Whenever I found myself working on a new project, getting to the point where I could meaningfully contribute to a project’s code base was always more difficult than writing the actual code. A major contributor to this inefficiency, was the lack of process managing my local development environment. I will be exploring how CodeCatalyst can help solve this challenge.  For this walkthrough, I want to add a new test that will allow local testing of Amazon DynamoDB. To achieve this, I will use a CodeCatalyst dev environment.

CodeCatalyst Dev Environments are managed cloud-based development environments that you can use to access and modify code stored in a source repository. You can launch a project specific dev environment that will automate check-out of your project’s repo or you can launch an empty environment to use for accessing third-party source providers.  You can learn more about CodeCatalyst Dev Environments in the CodeCatalyst User Guide.

CodeCatalyst user interface showing Create Dev Environment

Figure 1. Creating a new Dev Environment

To begin, I navigate to the Dev Environments page under the Code section of the navigaiton menu.  I then use the Create Dev Environment to launch my environment.  For this post, I am using the AWS Cloud9 IDE, but you can follow along with the IDE you are most comfortable using.  In the next screen, I select Work in New Branch and assign local_testing for the new branch name, and I am branching from main.  I leave the remaining default options and Create.

Create Dev Environment user interface with work in a new branch selected

Figure 2. Dev Environment Create Options

After waiting less than a minute, my IDE is ready in a new tab and I am ready to begin work.  The first thing I see in my dev environment is an information window asking me if I want to navigate to the Dev Environment Settings.  Because I need to enable local testing of Dynamodb, not only for myself, but other developers that will collaborate on this project, I need to update the project’s devfile.  I select to navigate to the settings tab because I know that contains information on the project’s devfile and allows me to access the file to edit.

AWS Toolkit prompting to Open Dev Environment Settings.

Figure 3. Toolkit Welcome Banner

Devfiles allow you to model a Dev Environment’s configuration and dependencies so that you can re-produce consisent Dev Environments and reduce the manual effort in setting up future environments.  The tools and application libraries included in your Dev Environment are defined by the devfile in the source repository of your project.  Since this project was created from a blueprint, there is one provided.  For blank projects, a default CodeCatalyst devfile is created when you first launch an environment.  To learn more about the devfile, see https://devfile.io.

In the settings tab, I find a link to the devfile that is configured.  When I click the edit button, a new file tab launches and I can now make changes.  I first add an env section to the container that hosts our dev environment.  By adding an environment variable and value, anytime a new dev environment is created from this project’s repository, that value will be included.  Next, I add a second container to the dev environment that will run DynamoDB locally.  I can do this by adding a new container component.  I use Amazon’s verified DynamoDB docker image for my environment. Attaching additional images allow you to extend the dev environment and include tools or services that can be made available locally.  My updates are highlighted in the green sections below.

Devfile.yaml with environment variable and DynamoDB container added

Figure 4. Example Devfile

I save my changes and navigate back to the Dev Environment Settings tab. I notice that my changes were automatically detected and I am prompted to restart my development environment for the changes to take effect.  Modifications to the devfile requires a restart. You can restart a dev environment using the toolkit, or from the CodeCatalyst UI.

AWS Toolkit prompt asking to restart the dev environment

Figure 5. Dev Environment Settings

After waiting a few seconds for my dev environment to restart, I am ready to write my test.  I use the IDE’s file explorer, expand the repo’s ./tests/unit folder, and create a new file named test_dynamodb.py.  Using the IS_LOCAL environment variable I configured in the devfile, I can include a conditional in my test that sets the endpoint that Amazon’s python SDK ( Boto3 ) will use to connect to the Dynamodb service.  This way, I can run tests locally before pushing my changes and still have tests complete successfully in my project’s workflow.  My full test file is included below.

Python unit test with local code added

Figure 6. Dynamodb test file

Now that I have completed my changes to the dev environment using the devfile and added a test, I am ready to run my test locally to verify.  I will use pytest to ensure the tests are passing before pushing any changes.  From the repo’s root folder, I run the command pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.  Once my dependencies are installed, I then issue the command pytest -k unit.  All tests pass as I expect.

Result of the pytest shown at the command line

Figure 7. Pytest test results

Rather than manually installing my development dependencies in each environment, I could also use the devfile to include commands and automate the execution of those commands during the dev environment lifecycle events.  You can refer to the links for commands and events for more information.

Finally, I am ready to push my changes back to my CodeCatalyst source repository.  I use the git extension of Cloud9 to review my changes.  After reviewing my changes are what I expect, I use the git extension to stage, commit, and push the new test file and the modified devfile so other collaborators can adopt the improvements I made.

Figure 8.  Changes reviewed in CodeCatalyst Cloud9 git extension.

Figure 8.  Changes reviewed in CodeCatalyst Cloud9 git extension.


If you have been following along with this workflow, you  should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur  charges. First, delete the two stacks that CDK deployed using the AWS CloudFormation console in the AWS account you associated when you launched the blueprint. These stacks will have names like mysfitsXXXXXWebStack and mysfitsXXXXXAppStack. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project.


In this post, you learned how CodeCatalyst provides configurable on-demand dev environments.  You also learned how devfiles help you define a consistent experience for developing within a CodeCatalyst project.  Please follow our DevOps blog channel as I continue to explore how CodeCatalyst solve Maxine’s and other builders’ challenges.

About the author:

Ryan Bachman

Ryan Bachman is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, and specializes in working with customers to improve their DevOps practices. Ryan has over 20 years of professional experience as a technologist, and has held roles in many different domains to include development, networking architecture, and technical product management. He is passionate about automation and helping customers increase software development productivity.

Team Collaboration with Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/team-collaboration-with-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst enables teams to collaborate on features, tasks, bugs, and any other work involved when building software. CodeCatalyst was announced at re:Invent 2022 and is currently in preview.


In a prior post in this series, Using Workflows to Build, Test, and Deploy with Amazon CodeCatalyst, I discussed reading The Unicorn Project, by Gene Kim, and how the main character, Maxine, struggles with a complicated software development lifecycle (SLDC) after joining a new team. Some of the challenges she encounters include:

  • Continually delivering high-quality updates is complicated and slow
  • Collaborating efficiently with others is challenging
  • Managing application environments is increasingly complex
  • Setting up a new project is a time-consuming chore

In this post, I will focus on the second bullet, and how CodeCatalyst helps you collaborate from anywhere with anyone.


If you would like to follow along with this walkthrough, you will need to:


Similar to the prior post, I am going to use the Modern Three-tier Web Application blueprint in this walkthrough. A CodeCatalyst blueprint provides a template for a new project. If you would like to follow along, you can launch the blueprint as described in Creating a project in Amazon CodeCatalyst.  This will deploy the Mythical Mysfits sample application shown in the following image.

The Mythical Mysfits user interface showing header and three Mysfits

Figure 1. The Mythical Mysfits user interface showing header and three Mysfits

For this Walkthrough, let us assume that I need to make a simple change to the application. The legal department would like to add a footer that includes the text “© 2023 Demo Organization.” I will create an issue in CodeCatalyst to track this work and use CodeCatalyst to track the change throughout the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

CodeCatalyst organizes projects into Spaces. A space represents your company, department, or group; and contains projects, members, and the associated cloud resources you create in CodeCatalyst. In this walkthrough, my Space currently includes two members, Brian Beach and Panna Shetty, as shown in the following screenshot.  Note that both users are administrators, but CodeCatalyst supports multiple roles. You can read more about roles in members of your space.

The space members configuration page showing two users

Figure 2. The space members configuration page showing two users

To begin, Brian creates a new issue to track the request from legal. He assigns the issue to Panna, but leaves it in the backlog for now. Note that CodeCatalyst supports multiple metadata fields to organize your work. This issue is not impacting users and is relatively simple to fix. Therefore, Brian has categorized it as low priority and estimated the effort as extra small (XS). Brian has also added a label, so all the requests from legal can be tracked together. Note that these metadata fields are customizable. You can read more in configuring issue settings.

Create issue dialog box with name, description and metadata

Figure 3. Create issue dialog box with name, description and metadata

CodeCatalyst supports rich markdown in the description field. You can read about this in Markdown tips and tricks. In the following screenshot, Brian types “@app.vue” which brings up an inline search for people, issues, and code to help Panna find the relevant bit of code that needs changing later.

Create issue dialog box with type-ahead overlay

Figure 4. Create issue dialog box with type-ahead overlay

When Panna is ready to begin work on the new feature, she moves the issue from the “Backlog“ to ”In progress.“ CodeCatalyst allows users to manage their work using a Kanban style board. Panna can simply drag-and-drop issues on the board to move the issue from one state to another. Given the small team, Brian and Panna use a single board. However, CodeCatalyst allows you to create multiple views filtered by the metadata fields discussed earlier. For example, you might create a label called Sprint-001, and use that to create a board for the sprint.

Kanban board showing to do, in progress and in review columns

Figure 5. Kanban board showing to do, in progress and in review columns

Panna creates a new branch for the change called feature_add_copyright and uses the link in the issue description to navigate to the source code repository. This change is so simple that she decides to edit the file in the browser and commits the change. Note that for more complex changes, CodeCatalyst supports Dev Environments. The next post in this series will be dedicated to Dev Environments. For now, you just need to know that a Dev Environment is a cloud-based development environment that you can use to quickly work on the code stored in the source repositories of your project.

Editor with new lines highlighted

Figure 6. Editor with new lines highlighted

Panna also creates a pull request to merge the feature branch in to the main branch. She identifies Brian as a required reviewer. Panna then moves the issue to the “In review” column on the Kanban board so the rest of the team can track the progress. Once Brian reviews the change, he approves and merges the pull request.

Pull request details with title, description, and reviewed assigned

Figure 7. Pull request details with title, description, and reviewed assigned

When the pull request is merged, a workflow is configured to run automatically on code changes to build, test, and deploy the change. Note that Workflows were covered in the prior post in this series. Once the workflow is complete, Panna is notified in the team’s Slack channel. You can read more about notifications in working with notifications in CodeCatalyst. She verifies the change in production and moves the issue to the done column on the Kanban board.

Kanban board showing in progress, in review, and done columns

Figure 8. Kanban board showing in progress, in review, and done columns

Once the deployment completes, you will see the footer added at the bottom of the page.

Figure 9. The Mythical Mysfits user interface showing footer and three Mysfits

At this point the issue is complete and you have seen how this small team collaborated to progress through the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC).


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the two stacks that CDK deployed using the AWS CloudFormation console in the AWS account you associated when you launched the blueprint. These stacks will have names like mysfitsXXXXXWebStack and mysfitsXXXXXAppStack. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project.


In this post, you learned how CodeCatalyst can help you rapidly collaborate with other developers. I used issues to track feature and bugs, assigned code reviews, and managed pull requests. In future posts I will continue to discuss how CodeCatalyst can address the rest of the challenges Maxine encountered in The Unicorn Project.

About the authors:

Brian Beach

Brian Beach has over 20 years of experience as a Developer and Architect. He is currently a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He holds a Computer Engineering degree from NYU Poly and an MBA from Rutgers Business School. He is the author of “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services” from Apress. He is a regular author and has spoken at numerous events. Brian lives in North Carolina with his wife and three kids.

Panna Shetty

Panna Shetty is a Sr. Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services (AWS), working with public sector customers. She enjoys helping customers architect and build scalable and
reliable modern applications using cloud-native technologies.

How Contino improved collaboration with Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Chetan Makvana original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-contino-improved-collaboration-with-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is a modern software development service that empowers teams to deliver software on AWS easily and quickly. CodeCatalyst provides one place where you can plan, code, and build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. It also helps streamlined team collaboration. Developers on modern software teams are usually distributed, work independently, and use disparate tools. Often, ad hoc collaboration is necessary to resolve problems. Today, developers are forced to do this across many tools, which distract developers from their primary task—adding business critical features and enhancing their quality and completeness.

In this post, we explain how Contino uses CodeCatalyst to on-board their engineering team onto new projects, eliminates the overhead of managing disparate tools, and streamlines collaboration among different stakeholders.

The Problem

Contino helps customers migrate their applications to the cloud, and then improves their architecture by taking full advantage of cloud-native features to improve agility, performance, and scalability. This usually involves the build out of a central landing zone platform. A landing zone is a set of standard building blocks that allows customers to automatically create accounts, infrastructure and environments that are pre-configured in line with security policies, compliance guidelines and cloud native best practices. Some features are common to most landing zones, for example creating secure container images, AMIs, and environment setup boilerplate. In order to provide maximum value to the customers, Contino develops in-house versions of such features, incorporating AWS best practices, and later rolls out to the customer’s environment with some customization. Contino’s technical consultants, who are not currently assigned to customer work, collectively known as ‘Squad 0’ work on these features. Squad 0 builds the foundation for the work that will be re-used by other squads that work directly with Contino’s customers. As the technical consultants are typically on Squad 0 for a short period, it is critical that they can be productive in this short time, without spending too much time getting set up.

To build these foundational services, Contino was looking for something more integrated that would allow them to quickly setup development environments, enable collaboration between Squad 0 members, invite other squads to validate foundations services usage for their respective customers, and provide access to different AWS accounts and git repos centrally from one place. Historically, Contino has used disparate tools to achieve this, which meant having to grant/revoke access to the various AWS accounts individually on a continual basis. With these disparate tools, granting access to the tools needed for squads to be productive was non-trivial.

The Solution

It was at this point Contino participated in the private beta for CodeCatalyst prior to the public preview. CodeCatalyst has allowed Contino to move to a structure, as shown in Figure 1 below. A Project Manager at Contino creates a different project for each foundational service and invites Squad 0 members to join the relevant project. With CodeCatalyst, Squad 0 technical consultants use features like CI/CD, source repositories, and issue trackers to build foundational services. This helps eliminate the overhead of managing and integrating developer tools and provides more time to focus on developing code. Once Squad 0 is ready with the foundational services, they invite customer squads using their email address to validate the readiness of the project for use with their customers. Finally, members of Squad 0 use Cloud 9 Dev Environments from within CodeCatalyst to rapidly create consistent cloud development environments, without manual configuration, so they can work on new or multiple projects simultaneously, without conflict.

With CodeCatalyst, Squad 0 technical consultants use features like CI/CD, source repositories, and issue trackers to build foundational services. This helps eliminate the overhead of managing and integrating developer tools and provides more time to focus on developing code.

Figure 1: CodeCatalyst with multiple account connections

Contino uses CI/CD to conduct multi-account deployments. Contino typically does one of two types of deployments: 1. Traditional sequential application deployment that is promoted from one environment to another, for example dev -> test -> prod, and 2. Parallel deployment, for example, a security control that is required to be deployed out into multiple AWS accounts at the same time. CodeCatalyst solves this problem by making it easier to construct workflows using a workflow definition file that can deploy either sequentially or in parallel to multiple AWS accounts. Figure 2 shows parallel deployment.

CodeCatalyst provides a feature to add CI/CD pipeline for Dev, Test and Production accounts

Figure 2: CI/CD with CodeCatalyst

The Value

CodeCatalyst has reduced the time it takes for members of Squad 0 to complete the necessary on-boarding to work on foundational services from 1.5 days to about 1 hour. These tasks include setting up connections to source repositories, setting up development environments, configuring IAM roles and trust relationships, etc. With support for integrated tools and better collaboration, CodeCatalyst minimized overhead for ad hoc collaboration. Squad 0 could spend more time on writing code to build foundation services. This has led to tasks being completed, on average, 20% faster. This increased productivity led to increased value delivered to Contino’s customers. As Squad 0 is more productive, more foundation services are available for other squads to reuse for their respective customers. Now, Contino’s teams on the ground working directly with customers can re-use these services with some customization for the specific needs of the customer.


Amazon CodeCatalyst brings together everything software development teams need to plan, code, build, test, and deploy applications on AWS into a streamlined, integrated experience. With CodeCatalyst, developers can spend more time developing application features and less time setting up project tools, creating and managing CI/CD pipelines, provisioning and configuring various development environments or coordinating with team members. With CodeCatalyst, the Contino engineers can improve productivity and focus on rapidly developing application code which captures business value for their customers.

About the authors:

Mark Faiers

Mark Faiers started out as a software engineer and later transitioned into DevOps, and Cloud. He has worked across numerous technology stacks and industries, including Healthcare, FinTech, and Logistics. Mark is currently working as an AWS consultant to some of the biggest Financial and Insurance firms in the U.K., as well as running the AWS Practice at Contino. He is especially passionate about serverless, and sustainability.

Chetan Makvana

Chetan Makvana is a senior solutions architect working with global systems integrators at AWS. He works with AWS partners and customers to provide them with architectural guidance for building scalable architecture and execute strategies to drive adoption of AWS services. He is a technology enthusiast and a builder with a core area of interest on serverless and DevOps. Outside of work, he enjoys binge-watching, traveling and music.