All posts by J.D. Bean

Introducing the Security Design of the AWS Nitro System whitepaper

Post Syndicated from J.D. Bean original

AWS recently released a whitepaper on the Security Design of the AWS Nitro System. The Nitro System is a combination of purpose-built server designs, data processors, system management components, and specialized firmware that serves as the underlying virtualization technology that powers all Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances launched since early 2018. With the Nitro System, AWS undertook an effort to reimagine the architecture of virtualization to deliver security, isolation, performance, cost savings, and a pace of innovation that our customers require.

This whitepaper is a detailed design document on the inner workings of the AWS Nitro System, and how we use it to help secure your most critical workloads. This is the first time that AWS has provided such a detailed design document on the Nitro System and how it offers a no-operator access design and strong tenant isolation. The whitepaper describes the security design of the Nitro System in detail to help you evaluate Amazon EC2 for your sensitive workloads.

Three key components of the Nitro System are used to implement this design:

  • Purpose-built Nitro Cards – Hardware devices designed by AWS that provide overall system control and I/O virtualization that is independent of the main system board with its CPUs and memory.
  • Nitro Security Chip – Enables a secure boot process for the overall system based on a hardware root of trust, the ability to offer bare metal instances, and defense-in-depth that offers protection to the server from unauthorized modification of system firmware.
  • Nitro Hypervisor – A deliberately minimized and firmware-like hypervisor designed to provide strong resource isolation, and performance that is nearly indistinguishable from a bare metal server.

The whitepaper describes the fundamental architectural change introduced by the Nitro System compared to previous approaches to virtualization. It discusses the three key components of the Nitro System, and provides a demonstration of how these components work together by walking through what happens when a new Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume is added to a running EC2 instance. The whitepaper also discusses how the Nitro System is designed to eliminate the possibility of administrator access to an EC2 server, the overall passive communications design of the Nitro System, and the Nitro System change management process. Finally, the paper surveys important aspects of the EC2 system design that provide mitigations against potential side-channel issues that can arise in compute environments.

The whitepaper dives deep into each of these considerations, offering a detailed picture of the Nitro System security design. For more information about cloud security at AWS, contact us.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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J.D. Bean

J.D. is a Principal Security Architect for Amazon EC2 based out of New York City. His interests include security, privacy, and compliance. He is passionate about his work enabling AWS customers’ successful cloud journeys. J.D. holds a Bachelor of Arts from The George Washington University and a Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law.

Create a portable root CA using AWS CloudHSM and ACM Private CA

Post Syndicated from J.D. Bean original

With AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM Private CA) you can create private certificate authority (CA) hierarchies, including root and subordinate CAs, without the investment and maintenance costs of operating an on-premises CA.

In this post, I will explain how you can use ACM Private CA with AWS CloudHSM to operate a hybrid public key infrastructure (PKI) in which the root CA is in CloudHSM, and the subordinate CAs are in ACM Private CA. In this configuration your root CA is portable, meaning that it can be securely moved outside of the AWS Region in which it was created.

Important: This post assumes that you are familiar with the ideas of CA trust and hierarchy. The example in this post uses an advanced hybrid configuration for operating PKI.

The Challenge

The root CA private key of your CA hierarchy represents the anchor of trust for all CAs and end entities that use certificates from that hierarchy. A root CA private key generated by ACM Private CA cannot be exported or transferred to another party. You may require the flexibility to move control of your root CA in the future. Situations where you may want to move control of a root CA include cases such as a divestiture of a corporate division or a major corporate reorganization. In this post, I will describe one solution for a hybrid PKI architecture that allows you to take advantage of the availability of ACM Private CA for certificate issuance, while maintaining the flexibility offered by having direct control and portability of your root CA key. The solution I detail in this post uses CloudHSM to create a root CA key that is predominantly kept inactive, along with a signed subordinate CA that is created and managed online in ACM Private CA that you can use for regular issuing of further subordinate or end-entity certificates. In the next section, I show you how you can achieve this.

The hybrid ACM Private CA and CloudHSM solution

With AWS CloudHSM, you can create and use your own encryption keys that use FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated HSMs. CloudHSM offers you the flexibility to integrate with your applications by using standard APIs, such as PKCS#11. Most importantly for this solution is that CloudHSM offers a suite of standards-compliant SDKs for you to create, export, and import keys. This can make it easy for you to securely exchange your keys with other commercially-available HSMs, as long as your configurations allow it.”

By using AWS CloudHSM to store and perform cryptographic operations with root CA private key, and by using ACM Private CA to manage a first-level subordinate CA key, you maintain a fully cloud-based infrastructure while still retaining access to – and control over – your root CA key pairs. You can keep the key pair of the root in CloudHSM, where you have the ability to escrow the keys, and only generate and use subordinate CAs in ACM Private CA. Figure 1 shows the high-level architecture of this solution.

Figure 1: Architecture overview of portable root CA with AWS CloudHSM and ACM Private CA

Figure 1: Architecture overview of portable root CA with AWS CloudHSM and ACM Private CA

Note: The solution in this post creates the root CA and Subordinate CA 0a but does not demonstrate the steps to use Subordinate CA 0a to issue the remainder of the key hierarchy that is depicted in Figure 1.

This architecture relies on a root CA that you create and manage with AWS CloudHSM. The root CA is generally required for use in the following circumstances:

  1. When you create the PKI.
  2. When you need to replace a root CA.
  3. When you need to configure a certificate revocation list (CRL) or Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).

A single direct subordinate intermediate CA is created and managed with AWS ACM Private CA, which I will refer to as the primary subordinate CA, (Subordinate CA 0a in Figure 1). A certificate signing request (CSR) for this primary subordinate CA is then provided to the CloudHSM root CA, and the signed certificate and certificate chain is then imported to ACM Private CA. The primary subordinate CA in ACM Private CA is issued with the same validity duration as the CloudHSM root CA and in day-to-day practice plays the role of a root CA, acting as the single issuer of additional subordinate CAs. These second-level subordinate CAs (Subordinate CA 0b, Subordinate CA 1b, and Subordinate CA 2b in Figure 1) must be issued with a shorter validity period than the root CA or the primary subordinate CA, and may be used as typical subordinate CAs issuing end-entity certificates or further subordinate CAs as appropriate.

The root CA private key that is stored in CloudHSM can be exported to other commercially-available HSMs through a secure key export process if required, or can be taken offline. The CloudHSM cluster can be shut down, and the root CA private key can be securely retained in a CloudHSM backup. In the event that the root CA must be used, a CloudHSM cluster can be provisioned on demand, and the backup restored temporarily.


To follow this walkthrough, you need to have the following in place:


In this post, you will create an ACM Private CA subordinate CA that is chained to a root CA that is created and managed with AWS CloudHSM. The high-level steps are as follows:

  1. Create a root CA with AWS CloudHSM
  2. Create a subordinate CA in ACM Private CA
  3. Sign your subordinate CA with your root CA
  4. Import the signed subordinate CA certificate in ACM Private CA
  5. Remove any unused CloudHSM resources to reduce cost

To create a root CA with AWS CloudHSM

  1. To install the AWS CloudHSM dynamic engine for OpenSSL on Amazon Linux 2, open a terminal on your Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance and enter the following commands:
    sudo yum install -y ./cloudhsm-client-dyn-latest.el7.x86_64.rpm

  2. To set an environment variable that contains your CU credentials, enter the following command, replacing USER and PASSWORD with your own information:
    Export n3fips_password=USER:PASSWORD

  3. To generate a private key using the AWS CloudHSM dynamic engine for OpenSSL, enter the following command:
    openssl genrsa -engine cloudhsm -out Root_CA_FAKE_PEM.key

    Note: This process exports a fake PEM private key from the HSM and saves it to a file. This file contains a reference to the private key that is stored on the HSM; it doesn’t contain the actual private key. You can use this fake PEM private key file and the AWS CloudHSM engine for OpenSSL to perform CA operations using the referenced private key within the HSM.

  4. To generate a CSR for your certificate using the AWS CloudHSM dynamic engine for OpenSSL, enter the following command:
    openssl req -engine cloudhsm -new -key Root_CA_FAKE_PEM.key -out Root_CA.csr

  5. When prompted, enter your values for Country Name, State or Province Name, Locality Name, Organization Name, Organizational Unit Name, and Common Name. For the purposes of this walkthrough, you can leave the other fields blank.

    Figure 2 shows an example result of running the command.

     Figure 2: An example certificate signing request for your private key using AWS CloudHSM dynamic engine for OpenSSL

    Figure 2: An example certificate signing request for your private key using AWS CloudHSM dynamic engine for OpenSSL

  6. To sign your root CA with its own private key using the AWS CloudHSM dynamic engine for OpenSSL, enter the following command:
    openssl x509 -engine cloudhsm -req -days 3650 -in Root_CA.csr -signkey Root_CA_FAKE_PEM.key -out Root_CA.crt

To create a subordinate CA in ACM Private CA

  1. To create a CA configuration file for your subordinate CA, open a terminal on your Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance and enter the following command. Replace each user input placeholder with your own information.
    cat ‘{
        "Organization":"Example Corp",
    }’ > ca_config.txt

  2. To create a sample subordinate CA, enter the following command:
    aws acm-pca create-certificate-authority --certificate-authority-configuration file://ca_config.txt --certificate-authority-type "SUBORDINATE" --tags Key=Name,Value=MyPrivateSubordinateCA

    Figure 3 shows a sample successful result of this command.

    Figure 3: A sample response from the acm-pca create-certificate-authority command.

    Figure 3: A sample response from the acm-pca create-certificate-authority command.

For more information about how to create a CA in ACM Private CA and additional configuration options, see Procedures for Creating a CA in the ACM Private CA User Guide, and the acm-pca create-certificate-authority command in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

To sign the subordinate CA with the root CA

  1. To retrieve the certificate signing request (CSR) for your subordinate CA, open a terminal on your Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance and enter the following command. Replace each user input placeholder with your own information.
    aws acm-pca get-certificate-authority-csr --certificate-authority-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:region:account:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 > IntermediateCA.csr

  2. For demonstration purposes, you can create a sample CA config file by entering the following command:
    cat > ext.conf << EOF
    subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
    authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer
    basicConstraints = critical, CA:true
    keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, cRLSign, keyCertSign

    When you are ready to implement the solution in this post, you will need to create a root CA configuration file for signing the CSR for your subordinate CA. Details of your X.509 infrastructure, and the CA hierarchy within it, are beyond the scope of this post.

  3. To sign the CSR for your subordinate CA using the sample minimalist CA application OpenSSL-CA, enter the following command:
    openssl x509 -engine cloudhsm -extfile ext.conf -req -in IntermediateCA.csr -CA Root_CA.crt -CAkey Root_CA_FAKE_PEM.key -CAcreateserial -days 3650 -sha256 -out IntermediateCA.crt

Importing your signed Subordinate CA Certificate

  1. To import the private CA certificate into ACM Private CA, open a terminal on your Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance and enter the following command. Replace each user input placeholder with your own information.
    aws acm-pca import-certificate-authority-certificate --certificate-authority-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:region:account:certificate-authority/1234678-1234-1234-123456789012 --certificate file://IntermediateCA.crt --certificate-chain file://Root_CA.crt

Shutting down CloudHSM resources

After you import your subordinate CA, it is available for use in ACM Private CA. You can configure the subordinate CA with the same validity period as the root CA, so that you can automate CA certificate management using and renewals using ACM without requiring regular access to the root CA. Typically you will create one or more intermediate issuing CAs with a shorter lifetime that chain up to the subordinate CA.

If you have enabled OCSP or CRL for your CA, you will need to maintain your CloudHSM in an active state in order to access the root CA private key for these functions. However, if you have no immediate need to access the root CA you can safely remove the CloudHSM resources while preserving your AWS CloudHSM cluster’s users, policies, and keys in an CloudHSM cluster backup stored encrypted in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

To remove the CloudHSM resources

  1. (Optional) If you don’t know the ID of the cluster that contains the HSM that you are deleting, or your HSM IP address, open a terminal on your Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance and enter the describe-clusters command to find them.
  2. Enter the following command, replacing cluster ID with the ID of the cluster that contains the HSM that you are deleting, and replacing HSM IP address with your HSM IP address.
    aws cloudhsmv2 delete-hsm --cluster-id cluster ID --eni-ip HSM IP address

To disable expiration of your automatically generated CloudHSM backup

  1. (Optional) If you don’t know the value for your backup ID, open a terminal on your Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance and enter the describe-backups command to find it.
  2. Enter the following command, replacing backup ID with the ID of the backup for your cluster.
    aws cloudhsmv2 modify-backup-attributes --backup-id backup ID --never-expires

Later, when you do need to access your root CA private key in a CloudHSM, create a new HSM in the same cluster, and this action will restore the backup you previously created with the delete HSM operation.

Depending on your particular needs, you may also want to securely export a copy of the root CA private key to an offsite HSM by using key wrapping. You may need to do this to meet your requirements for managing the CA using another HSM or you may want to copy a cluster backup to a different AWS Region for disaster recovery purposes.


In this post, I explained an approach to establishing a PKI infrastructure using Amazon Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM Private CA) with portable root CA private keys created and managed with AWS CloudHSM. This approach allows you to meet specific requirements for root CA portability that cannot be met by ACM Private CA alone. Before adopting this approach in production, you should carefully consider whether a portable root CA is a requirement for your use case, and review the ACM Private CA guide for Planning a Private CA.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Certificate Manager forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


J.D. Bean

J.D. Bean is a Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect for AWS Strategic Accounts based out of New York City. His interests include security, privacy, and compliance. He is passionate about his work enabling AWS customers’ successful cloud journeys. J.D. holds a Bachelor of Arts from The George Washington University and a Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law.

Combining encryption and signing with AWS asymmetric keys

Post Syndicated from J.D. Bean original

In this post, I discuss how to use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to combine asymmetric digital signature and asymmetric encryption of the same data.

The addition of support for asymmetric keys in AWS KMS has exciting use cases for customers. The ability to create, manage, and use public and private key pairs with KMS enables you to perform digital signing operations using RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) keys. AWS KMS asymmetric keys can also be used to perform digital encryption operations using RSA keys. You can use these features together to digitally sign and encrypt the same data.

Another notable property of AWS KMS asymmetric keys is that they enable disconnected use cases. For example AWS KMS asymmetric keys can be used to cryptographically verify a digital signature client-side without the need for a network connection. AWS KMS asymmetric keys also enable scenarios where customers can use KMS to securely manage decryption of data that has been encrypted by a partner’s system that does not integrate with AWS APIs or have access to AWS account credentials. For the sake of simplicity, however, the example that I discuss in this post describes a connected use case where all cryptographic actions are performed server-side in AWS KMS using AWS credentials. The use of AWS KMS asymmetric keys throughout this post allows the overall approach to be adapted to disconnected and/or non-AWS-integrated use cases.


This post contains three basic steps.

  1. Create and configure AWS asymmetric customer master keys (CMK), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, and key policies.
  2. Use your asymmetric CMKs to encrypt and sign a sample message in the role of a sender.
  3. Use AWS KMS to decrypt and verify the message signature of the sample message archive you generated in the previous procedure using your asymmetric CMKs in the role of a receiver.


The commands I use in this tutorial were tested using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) version 2.50 on Amazon Linux 2. In order to run these commands in your in your own local environment ensure that you have first installed and updated the AWS CLI.

I assume you have at least one administrator identity available to you that has broad rights for creating roles, assuming roles, as well as creating, managing and using KMS keys. This can be a federated identity (for example, from your corporate identity provider or from a social identity), or it can be an AWS IAM user. Where no AWS identity is mentioned, I assume that you will be accessing the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI using this administrator identity.

For simplicity, I create the KMS keys in the same region as each other. You must specify an AWS Region when using the AWS CLI, either explicitly or by setting a default Region. Before beginning, you should select an AWS Region to work in such as US East (N. Virginia). If you have not configured the AWS CLI in your environment please review the Configuration basics section of the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide for instructions. You may revert this configuration once you have finished if you do not wish to continue using a default Region with your AWS CLI. Take note of your selected region. When working in the AWS Console, if you do not see resources, such as AWS KMS keys, that you expect you may want to confirm that you are viewing resources in your chosen Region. For more information on selecting your Region in the AWS Console see Choosing a Region in AWS Management Console Getting Started Guide.

Create and configure resources

In the first phase of this tutorial you create and configure two asymmetric AWS KMS CMKs, two AWS IAM roles, and configure the key policies for both of your KMS CMKs to grant permissions to the roles. Shown in the following figure.

Figure 1: Create keys, roles, and key policies

Figure 1: Create keys, roles, and key policies

Create asymmetric signing and encryption key pairs

In the first step, you create two asymmetric master keys (CMK). One is configured for signing and verifying digital signatures while the other is configured for encrypting and decrypting data.

Note: The CMKs configured for this post are examples. RSA and Elliptic curve CMKs key specs can differ in a variety of dimensions. The RSA or elliptic curve key spec that you choose might be determined by your security standards or the requirements of your task. Different CMK key specs are priced differently and are subject to different request quotas because they each have different performance profiles. In general, use RSA or ECC keys with the highest security level that is practical and affordable for your task. For more information on CMK configuration options, please review the How to choose your CMK configuration section of the KMS Developer Guide.

To create a CMK for encryption and decryption

  1. Use the KMS CreateKey API. Pass RSA_4096 for the CustomerMasterKeySpec parameter and ENCRYPT_DECRYPT for the KeyUsage parameter in the AWS CLI example command below in order to generate a RSA 4096 key pair for signature creation and verification using AWS KMS.
    aws kms create-key --customer-master-key-spec RSA_4096 \
        --key-usage ENCRYPT_DECRYPT \
        --description "Sample Digital Encryption Key Pair"

    Note: If successful, this command returns a KeyMetadata object. Take note of the KeyID value in this object.

  2. As a best practice, assign an alias for your key. Use the following command to assign an alias of sample-encrypt-decrypt-key to your newly created CMK (replace the target-key-id value of 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab with your KeyID). Mapping a human-readable alias to the KeyID will make it easier to identify, use, and manage.
    aws kms create-alias \
        --alias-name alias/sample-encrypt-decrypt-key \
        --target-key-id 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

To create a CMK for signature and verification

  1. Use the KMS CreateKey API. Pass ECC_NIST_P521 for the CustomerMasterKeySpec parameter and SIGN_VERIFY for the KeyUsage parameter in the AWS CLI example command below in order to generate an elliptic curve (ECC) key pair for signature creation and verification using AWS KMS.
    aws kms create-key --customer-master-key-spec \
        ECC_NIST_P521  \
        --key-usage SIGN_VERIFY \
        --description "Sample Digital Signature Key Pair"

    Note: If successful, this command returns a KeyMetadata object. Take note of the KeyID value.

  2. Use the following command to assign an alias of sample-sign-verify-key to your newly created CMK (replace the target-key-id value of 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab with your KeyID).
    aws kms create-alias \
        --alias-name alias/sample-sign-verify-key \
        --target-key-id 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

Create sender and receiver roles

For the next step of this tutorial, you create two AWS principals. Use the steps that follow to create two roles—a sender principal and a receiver principal. Later, you will grant permissions to perform private key operations (sign and decrypt) and public key operations (verify and encrypt) to these roles.

To create and configure the roles

  1. Navigate to the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Create role console dialogue that allows entities in a specified account to assume the role. Enter your Account ID and choose Next, as shown in the following figure.

    Note: If you don’t know you AWS account ID, please read Finding you AWS account ID in the AWS IAM User Guide for guidance on how to obtain this information.

    Figure 2: Enter your account ID to begin creating a role in AWS IAM

    Figure 2: Enter your account ID to begin creating a role in AWS IAM

  2. Select Next through the next two screens.

    Note: By clicking next through these dialogues you do not attach an IAM permissions policy or a tag to this new role.

  3. On the final screen, enter a Role name of SenderRole and a Role description of your choice, as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 3: Create the sender role

    Figure 3: Create the sender role

  4. Choose Create role to finish creating the sender role.
  5. To create the receiver role, repeat the preceding role creation process. However, in step 3, substitute the name ReceiverRole for SenderRole.

Configure key policy permissions

Best practice is to adhere to the principle of least privilege and provide each AWS principal with the minimal permissions necessary to perform its tasks. The sender and receiver roles that you created in the previous step currently have no permissions in your account. For this scenario, the receiver principal must be granted permission to verify digital signatures and decrypt data in AWS KMS using your asymmetric CMKs and the sender principal must be granted permission to create digital signatures and encrypt data in KMS using your asymmetric CMKs.

To provide access control permissions for AWS KMS actions to your AWS principals, attach a key policy to each of your CMKs.

Modify the CMK key policy

For the sample-encrypt-decrypt-key CMK, grant the IAM role for the sender principal (SenderRole) kms:Encrypt permissions and the IAM role for the receiver principal (ReceiverRole) kms:Decrypt permissions in the CMK key policy.

To modify the CMK key policy (console)

  1. Navigate to the AWS KMS page in the AWS Console and select customer-managed keys.
  2. Select your sample-encrypt-decrypt-key CMK.
  3. In the key policy section, choose edit.
  4. To allow your receiver principal to use the CMK to decrypt data encrypted under that CMK, append the following statement to the key policy (replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own).
        "Sid": "Allow use of the CMK for decryption",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {"AWS":"arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ReceiverRole"},
        "Action": "kms:Decrypt",
        "Resource": "*"

  5. To allow your sender principal to use the CMK to encrypt data, append the following statement to the key policy (replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own):
        "Sid": "Allow use of the CMK for encryption",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {"AWS":"arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/SenderRole"},
        "Action": "kms:Encrypt",
        "Resource": "*"

  6. Choose Save changes.

Note: The kms:Encrypt permission is sufficient to permit the sender principal to encrypt small amounts of arbitrary data using your CMK directly.

Grant sign and verify permissions to the CMK key policy

For the sample-sign-verify-key CMK, grant the IAM role for the sender principal (SenderRole) kms:Sign permissions in the CMK key policy and the IAM role for the receiver principal (ReceiverRole) kms:Verify permissions in the CMK key policy.

To grant sign and verify permissions

  1. Using the same process as above, navigate to the key policy edit dialog for the sample-sign-verify-key CMK in the AWS console.
  2. To allow your sender principal to use the CMK to create digital signatures, append the following statement to the key policy (replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own).
        "Sid": "Allow use of the CMK for digital signing",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {"AWS":"arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/SenderRole"},
        "Action": "kms:Sign",
        "Resource": "*"

  3. To allow your receiver principal to use the CMK to verify signatures created by that CMK, append the following statement to the key policy (replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own):
        "Sid": "Allow use of the CMK for digital signature verification",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {"AWS":"arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ReceiverRole"},
        "Action": "kms:Verify",
        "Resource": "*"

  4. Choose Save changes.

Key permissions summary

When these key policy edits have been completed the sender principal:

  • Will have permissions to encrypt data using the sample-encrypt-decrypt-key CMK and generate digital signatures using the sample-sign-verify-key CMK.
  • Will not have permissions to decrypt or to verify signatures using the CMKs.

The receiver principal:

  • Will have permissions to decrypt data which has been encrypted using the sample-encrypt-decrypt-key CMK and to verify signatures created using the sample-sign-verify-key CMK.
  • Will not have permissions to encrypt or to generate signatures using the CMKs.
Figure 4: Summary of key policy permissions

Figure 4: Summary of key policy permissions

Signing and encrypting a sample message

So far, you’ve created two asymmetric CMKs, created a set of sender and receiver roles, and configured permissions for those roles in each of your CMK key policies. In the second phase of this tutorial, you assume the role of sender and use your asymmetric signature and verification CMK to sign a sample message. You then bundle the sample message and its corresponding digital signature together into an archive and use your encryption and decryption asymmetric CMK to encrypt the archive.

Figure 5: Creating a message signature and encrypting the message along with its signature

Figure 5: Creating a message signature and encrypting the message along with its signature

Note: The order of operations in this process is that the message is first signed and then the signature and the message are encrypted together. This order is intentional. When a message is signed and then encrypted, neither the contents nor the identity of the sender will be available to unauthorized 3rd parties. If the order of operations were reversed, however, and a message was first encrypted and then signed it could leak information about the sender’s identity to unauthorized 3rd parties. Moreover, when a message is encrypted and then signed, an unauthorized 3rd party with access to the files could discard the authentic signature created by the sender and replace it with a valid signature created by their own key. This creates the potential for a 3rd party to deceptively create the appearance that they are the legitimate sender of the message and exploit that misperception further.

Assume the sender role

Start by assuming the sender role. In order to successfully assume a role you must authenticate as an IAM principal which has permission to perform sts:AssumeRole. If the principal you are authenticated as lacks this permission you will not able to assume the sender role.

To assume the sender role

  1. Run the following command, but be sure to replace the account ID value of 111122223333 with your account ID:
    aws sts assume-role \
        --role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333::role/SenderRole \
        --role-session-name AWSCLI-Session

  2. The return value for this command provides an access key ID, secret key, and session token. Substitute them into their respective places in the following commands and execute:
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ExampleAccessKeyID1
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=ExampleSecretKey1
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=ExampleSessionToken1

  3. Confirm that you’ve successfully assumed the sender role by issuing:
    aws sts get-caller-identity

    Note: If the output of this command contains the text assumed-role/SenderRole, then you’ve successfully assumed the sender role.

Create a message

Now, create a sample message file called message.json.

To create a message

Run the following command to create a message with the following content:

echo "
    "message": "The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage", 
    "sender": "Sender Principal" 
" > ./message.json 

Create a digital signature

Creating and verifying a digital signature for the message provides confidence that the message contents haven’t been altered after being sent. This characteristic is known as integrity. Furthermore, when access to a signing key is scoped to a particular principal, creating and verifying a digital signature for the message provides confidence in the sender’s identity. This characteristic is known as authenticity. Finally, a high degree of confidence in both the integrity and authenticity of a message limits the plausible ability of a sender to fraudulently deny having signed a message. This characteristic is known a non-repudiation.

To create a digital signature

Run the following command to create a digital signature for message.json:

aws kms sign \
    --key-id alias/sample-sign-verify-key \
    --message-type RAW \
    --signing-algorithm ECDSA_SHA_512 \
    --message fileb://message.json \
    --output text \
    --query Signature | base64 --decode > message.sig

This generates an independent digital signature file, message.sig, for message.json. Any modification to the contents of message.json, such as changing the sender or message fields, will now cause signature validation of message.sig to fail for message.json.

Encrypt the message and signature

Even with the benefits of a digital signature, the message could still be viewed by any party with access to the file. In order to provide confidence that the message contents aren’t exposed to unauthorized parties, you can encrypt the message. This characteristic is known as confidentiality. In order to retain the benefits of your digital signature you can encrypt the message and corresponding signature together in a single package.

To encrypt the message and signature

  1. Combine your message and signature into an archive. For example, with the GNU Tar utility you can issue the following:
    tar -czvf message.tar.gz message.sig message.json

    This will create a new archive file named message.tar.gz containing both your message and message signature.

  2. Encrypt the archive using AWS KMS. To do so, issue the following command:
    aws kms encrypt \
        --key-id alias/sample-encrypt-decrypt-key \
        --encryption-algorithm RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 \
        --plaintext fileb://message.tar.gz \
        --output text \
        --query CiphertextBlob | base64 --decode > message.enc

    This will output a message.enc file containing an encrypted copy of the message.tar.gz archive.

Decrypting and verifying a sample message

Now that you’ve created, signed, and encrypted a message, let’s change gears and see what working with this message.enc file is like from the perspective of a receiving party. In the final phase of this tutorial you assume the role of receiver and use your asymmetric CMKs to decrypt the encrypted message archive and verify the digital signature that you created. Finally, you will view your message. The process is shown in the following figure.

Figure 6: Decrypting a message archive and verifying the message signature

Figure 6: Decrypting a message archive and verifying the message signature

Assume the receiver role

Assume the receiver role so that you can simulate receiving a signed and encrypted message. As before, in order to assume the receiver role you must authenticate as an IAM principal which has permission to perform sts:AssumeRole. If the principal you are authenticated as lacks this permission you will not able to assume the receiver role.

To assume the receiver role

  1. Copy the message.enc file to a new directory to create a clean working space and navigate there in a terminal session.
  2. Assume your receiver role. To do so, execute the following command, replacing the account ID value of 111122223333 with your own:
    aws sts assume-role \
    	--role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333::role/ReceiverRole \
    	--role-session-name AWSCLI-Session

  3. The return value for this command provides an access key ID, secret key, and session token. Substitute them into their respective places in the following commands and execute:
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ExampleAccessKeyID1
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=ExampleSecretKey1
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=ExampleSessionToken1

  4. Confirm that you have successfully assumed the receiver role by issuing:
    aws sts get-caller-identity

If the output of this command contains the text assumed-role/ReceiverRole then you have successfully assumed the receiver role.

Decrypt the encrypted message archive in AWS KMS

Decrypt the encrypted message archive to access the plaintext of the message and message signature files.

To decrypt the encrypted message archive

  1. Issue the following command:
    aws kms decrypt \
        --key-id alias/sample-encrypt-decrypt-key \
        --ciphertext-blob fileb://EncryptedMessage \
        --encryption-algorithm RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 \
        --output text \
        --query Plaintext | base64 --decode > message.tar.gz

  2. This will create an unencrypted message.tar.gz file that you can unpack with:
    tar -xvfz message.tar.gz

This, in turn, will expand the archive contents message.sig and message.json in your working directory.

Verify the message signature

To verify the signature on the message issue the following command:

aws kms verify \
    --key-id alias/sample-sign-verify-key \
    --message-type RAW \
    --message fileb://message.json \
    --signing-algorithm ECDSA_SHA_512 \
    --signature fileb://message.sig

In the response you should see that SignatureValid is marked true indicating that the signature has been verified using the specified sample-sign-verify-key that you granted the sender principal permission to generate signatures with.

View the message

Finally, open message.json and view the file’s contents by issuing the following command:

less message.json

You will see that the contents of the file have not been modified and still read:

    "message": "The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage", 
    "sender": "Sender Principal" 

Note: Be careful to avoid making any changes to the contents of this file. Even a minor modification of the message contents will compromise the integrity of the message and cause future attempts at signature validation using your message.sig file to fail.


In this tutorial, you signed and encrypted data using two AWS KMS asymmetric CMKs and later decrypted and verified your signature using those CMKs.

You first created two asymmetric CMKs in AWS KMS, one for creating and verifying digital signatures and the other for encrypting and decrypting data. You then configured key policy permissions for your sender and receiver principals. Acting as your sender principal, you digitally signed a message in AWS KMS, added the message and signature to an archive and then encrypted that archive in AWS KMS. Next you assumed your receiver role and decrypted the archive in AWS KMS, viewed your message, and verified its signature in AWS KMS.

To learn more about the asymmetric keys feature of AWS KMS, please read the AWS KMS Developer Guide. If you have questions about the asymmetric keys feature, please start a new thread on the AWS KMS forum. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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J.D. Bean

J.D. is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS working with public sector organizations and financial institutions based out of New York City. His interests include security, privacy, and compliance. He is passionate about his work enabling AWS customers’ successful cloud journeys. J.D. holds a Bachelor of Arts from The George Washington University and a Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law.