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Best practices to implement near-real-time analytics using Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion with Amazon MSK

Post Syndicated from Poulomi Dasgupta original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/best-practices-to-implement-near-real-time-analytics-using-amazon-redshift-streaming-ingestion-with-amazon-msk/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, scalable cloud data warehouse that accelerates your time to insights with fast, straightforward, and secure analytics at scale. Tens of thousands of customers rely on Amazon Redshift to analyze exabytes of data and run complex analytical queries, making it the most widely used cloud data warehouse. You can run and scale analytics in seconds on all your data, without having to manage your data warehouse infrastructure.

You can use the Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion capability to update your analytics databases in near-real time. Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion simplifies data pipelines by letting you create materialized views directly on top of data streams. With this capability in Amazon Redshift, you can use Structured Query Language (SQL) to connect to and directly ingest data from data streams, such as Amazon Kinesis Data Streams or Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) data streams, and pull data directly to Amazon Redshift.

In this post, we discuss the best practices to implement near-real-time analytics using Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion with Amazon MSK.

Overview of solution

We walk through an example pipeline to ingest data from an MSK topic into Amazon Redshift using Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion. We also show how to unnest JSON data using dot notation in Amazon Redshift. The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

The process flow consists of the following steps:

  1. Create a streaming materialized view in your Redshift cluster to consume live streaming data from the MSK topics.
  2. Use a stored procedure to implement change data capture (CDC) using the unique combination of Kafka Partition and Kafka Offset at the record level for the ingested MSK topic.
  3. Create a user-facing table in the Redshift cluster and use dot notation to unnest the JSON document from the streaming materialized view into data columns of the table. You can continuously load fresh data by calling the stored procedure at regular intervals.
  4. Establish connectivity between an Amazon QuickSight dashboard and Amazon Redshift to deliver visualization and insights.

As part of this post, we also discuss the following topics:

  • Steps to configure cross-account streaming ingestion from Amazon MSK to Amazon Redshift
  • Best practices to achieve optimized performance from streaming materialized views
  • Monitoring techniques to track failures in Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion


You must have the following:

Considerations while setting up your MSK topic

Keep in mind the following considerations when configuring your MSK topic:

  • Make sure that the name of your MSK topic is no longer than 128 characters.
  • As of this writing, MSK records containing compressed data can’t be directly queried in Amazon Redshift. Amazon Redshift doesn’t support any native decompression methods for client-side compressed data in an MSK topic.
  • Follow best practices while setting up your MSK cluster.
  • Review the streaming ingestion limitations for any other considerations.

Set up streaming ingestion

To set up streaming ingestion, complete the following steps:

  1. Set up the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and trust policy required for streaming ingestion. For instructions, refer to the Setting up IAM and performing streaming ingestion from Kafka.
  2. Make sure that data is flowing into your MSK topic using Amazon CloudWatch metrics (for example, BytesOutPerSec).
  3. Launch the query editor v2 from the Amazon Redshift console or use your preferred SQL client to connect to your Redshift cluster for the next steps. The following steps were run in query editor v2.
  4. Create an external schema to map to the MSK cluster. Replace your IAM role ARN and the MSK cluster ARN in the following statement:
    IAM_ROLE  'iam-role-arn' 
    AUTHENTICATION { none | iam }
    CLUSTER_ARN 'msk-cluster-arn';

  5. Optionally, if your topic names are case sensitive, you need to enable enable_case_sensitive_identifier to be able to access them in Amazon Redshift. To use case-sensitive identifiers, set enable_case_sensitive_identifier to true at either the session, user, or cluster level:

  6. Create a materialized view to consume the stream data from the MSK topic:
    SELECT kafka_partition, 
     JSON_PARSE(kafka_value) as Data
    FROM custschema."ORDERTOPIC"
    WHERE CAN_JSON_PARSE(kafka_value);

The metadata column kafka_value that arrives from Amazon MSK is stored in VARBYTE format in Amazon Redshift. For this post, you use the JSON_PARSE function to convert kafka_value to a SUPER data type. You also use the CAN_JSON_PARSE function in the filter condition to skip invalid JSON records and guard against errors due to JSON parsing failures. We discuss how to store the invalid data for future debugging later in this post.

  1. Refresh the streaming materialized view, which triggers Amazon Redshift to read from the MSK topic and load data into the materialized view:

You can also set your streaming materialized view to use auto refresh capabilities. This will automatically refresh your materialized view as data arrives in the stream. See CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW for instructions to create a materialized view with auto refresh.

Unnest the JSON document

The following is a sample of a JSON document that was ingested from the MSK topic to the Data column of SUPER type in the streaming materialized view Orders_Stream_MV:

   "CustomerName":"David Smith",

Use dot notation as shown in the following code to unnest your JSON payload:

    data."OrderID"::INT4 as OrderID
    ,data."ProductID"::VARCHAR(36) as ProductID
    ,data."ProductName"::VARCHAR(36) as ProductName
    ,data."CustomerID"::VARCHAR(36) as CustomerID
    ,data."CustomerName"::VARCHAR(36) as CustomerName
    ,data."Store_Name"::VARCHAR(36) as Store_Name
    ,data."OrderDate"::TIMESTAMPTZ as OrderDate
    ,data."Quatity"::INT4 as Quatity
    ,data."Price"::DOUBLE PRECISION as Price
    ,data."OrderStatus"::VARCHAR(36) as OrderStatus
FROM orders_stream_mv;

The following screenshot shows what the result looks like after unnesting.

If you have arrays in your JSON document, consider unnesting your data using PartiQL statements in Amazon Redshift. For more information, refer to the section Unnest the JSON document in the post Near-real-time analytics using Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon DynamoDB.

Incremental data load strategy

Complete the following steps to implement an incremental data load:

  1. Create a table called Orders in Amazon Redshift, which end-users will use for visualization and business analysis:
    CREATE TABLE public.Orders (
        orderid integer ENCODE az64,
        productid character varying(36) ENCODE lzo,
        productname character varying(36) ENCODE lzo,
        customerid character varying(36) ENCODE lzo,
        customername character varying(36) ENCODE lzo,
        store_name character varying(36) ENCODE lzo,
        orderdate timestamp with time zone ENCODE az64,
        quatity integer ENCODE az64,
        price double precision ENCODE raw,
        orderstatus character varying(36) ENCODE lzo

Next, you create a stored procedure called SP_Orders_Load to implement CDC from a streaming materialized view and load into the final Orders table. You use the combination of Kafka_Partition and Kafka_Offset available in the streaming materialized view as system columns to implement CDC. The combination of these two columns will always be unique within an MSK topic, which makes sure that none of the records are missed during the process. The stored procedure contains the following components:

  • To use case-sensitive identifiers, set enable_case_sensitive_identifier to true at either the session, user, or cluster level.
  • Refresh the streaming materialized view manually if auto refresh is not enabled.
  • Create an audit table called Orders_Streaming_Audit if it doesn’t exist to keep track of the last offset for a partition that was loaded into Orders table during the last run of the stored procedure.
  • Unnest and insert only new or changed data into a staging table called Orders_Staging_Table, reading from the streaming materialized view Orders_Stream_MV, where Kafka_Offset is greater than the last processed Kafka_Offset recorded in the audit table Orders_Streaming_Audit for the Kafka_Partition being processed.
  • When loading for the first time using this stored procedure, there will be no data in the Orders_Streaming_Audit table and all the data from Orders_Stream_MV will get loaded into the Orders table.
  • Insert only business-relevant columns to the user-facing Orders table, selecting from the staging table Orders_Staging_Table.
  • Insert the max Kafka_Offset for every loaded Kafka_Partition into the audit table Orders_Streaming_Audit

We have added the intermediate staging table Orders_Staging_Table in this solution to help with the debugging in case of unexpected failures and trackability. Skipping the staging step and directly loading into the final table from Orders_Stream_MV can provide lower latency depending on your use case.

  1. Create the stored procedure with the following code:
        AS $$
        --create an audit table if not exists to keep track of Max Offset per Partition that was loaded into Orders table  
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Orders_Streaming_Audit
        "kafka_partition" BIGINT,
        "kafka_offset" BIGINT
        SORTKEY("kafka_partition", "kafka_offset"); 
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Orders_Staging_Table;  
        --Insert only newly available data into staging table from streaming View based on the max offset for new/existing partitions
      --When loading for 1st time i.e. there is no data in Orders_Streaming_Audit table then all the data gets loaded from streaming View  
        CREATE TABLE Orders_Staging_Table as 
        data."OrderID"."N"::INT4 as OrderID
        ,data."ProductID"."S"::VARCHAR(36) as ProductID
        ,data."ProductName"."S"::VARCHAR(36) as ProductName
        ,data."CustomerID"."S"::VARCHAR(36) as CustomerID
        ,data."CustomerName"."S"::VARCHAR(36) as CustomerName
        ,data."Store_Name"."S"::VARCHAR(36) as Store_Name
        ,data."OrderDate"."S"::TIMESTAMPTZ as OrderDate
        ,data."Quatity"."N"::INT4 as Quatity
        ,data."Price"."N"::DOUBLE PRECISION as Price
        ,data."OrderStatus"."S"::VARCHAR(36) as OrderStatus
        , s."kafka_partition"::BIGINT , s."kafka_offset"::BIGINT
        FROM Orders_Stream_MV s
        LEFT JOIN (
        MAX("kafka_offset") AS "kafka_offset"
        FROM Orders_Streaming_Audit
        GROUP BY "kafka_partition"
        ) AS m
        ON nvl(s."kafka_partition",0) = nvl(m."kafka_partition",0)
        m."kafka_offset" IS NULL OR
        s."kafka_offset" > m."kafka_offset";
        --Insert only business relevant column to final table selecting from staging table
        Insert into Orders 
        FROM Orders_Staging_Table;
        --Insert the max kafka_offset for every loaded Kafka partitions into Audit table 
        INSERT INTO Orders_Streaming_Audit
        SELECT kafka_partition, MAX(kafka_offset)
        FROM Orders_Staging_Table
        GROUP BY kafka_partition;   
        $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

  2. Run the stored procedure to load data into the Orders table:
    call SP_Orders_Load();

  3. Validate data in the Orders table.

Establish cross-account streaming ingestion

If your MSK cluster belongs to a different account, complete the following steps to create IAM roles to set up cross-account streaming ingestion. Let’s assume the Redshift cluster is in account A and the MSK cluster is in account B, as shown in the following diagram.

Complete the following steps:

  1. In account B, create an IAM role called MyRedshiftMSKRole that allows Amazon Redshift (account A) to communicate with the MSK cluster (account B) named MyTestCluster. Depending on whether your MSK cluster uses IAM authentication or unauthenticated access to connect, you need to create an IAM role with one of the following policies:
    • An IAM policAmazonAmazon MSK using unauthenticated access:
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "RedshiftMSKPolicy",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*"

    • An IAM policy for Amazon MSK when using IAM authentication:
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "RedshiftMSKIAMpolicy",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": [
                  "Sid": "RedshiftMSKPolicy",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*"

The resource section in the preceding example gives access to all topics in the MyTestCluster MSK cluster. If you need to restrict the IAM role to specific topics, you need to replace the topic resource with a more restrictive resource policy.

  1. After you create the IAM role in account B, take note of the IAM role ARN (for example, arn:aws:iam::0123456789:role/MyRedshiftMSKRole).
  2. In account A, create a Redshift customizable IAM role called MyRedshiftRole, that Amazon Redshift will assume when connecting to Amazon MSK. The role should have a policy like the following, which allows the Amazon Redshift IAM Role in account A to assume the Amazon MSK role in account B:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "RedshiftMSKAssumePolicy",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
                "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789:role/MyRedshiftMSKRole"        

  3. Take note of the role ARN for the Amazon Redshift IAM role (for example, arn:aws:iam::9876543210:role/MyRedshiftRole).
  4. Go back to account B and add this role in the trust policy of the IAM role arn:aws:iam::0123456789:role/MyRedshiftMSKRole to allow account B to trust the IAM role from account A. The trust policy should look like the following code:
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
          "Principal": {
            "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::9876543210:role/MyRedshiftRole"

  5. Sign in to the Amazon Redshift console as account A.
  6. Launch the query editor v2 or your preferred SQL client and run the following statements to access the MSK topic in account B. To map to the MSK cluster, create an external schema using role chaining by specifying IAM role ARNs, separated by a comma without any spaces around it. The role attached to the Redshift cluster comes first in the chain.
    AUTHENTICATION { none | iam }
    CLUSTER_ARN 'msk-cluster-arn'; --replace with ARN of MSK cluster 

Performance considerations

Keep in mind the following performance considerations:

  • Keep the streaming materialized view simple and move transformations like unnesting, aggregation, and case expressions to a later step—for example, by creating another materialized view on top of the streaming materialized view.
  • Consider creating only one streaming materialized view in a single Redshift cluster or workgroup for a given MSK topic. Creation of multiple materialized views per MSK topic can slow down the ingestion performance because each materialized view becomes a consumer for that topic and shares the Amazon MSK bandwidth for that topic. Live streaming data in a streaming materialized view can be shared across multiple Redshift clusters or Redshift Serverless workgroups using data sharing.
  • While defining your streaming materialized view, avoid using Json_Extract_Path_Text to pre-shred data, because Json_extract_path_text operates on the data row by row, which significantly impacts ingestion throughput. It is preferable to land the data as is from the stream and then shred it later.
  • Where possible, consider skipping the sort key in the streaming materialized view to accelerate the ingestion speed. When a streaming materialized view has a sort key, a sort operation will occur with every batch of ingested data from the stream. Sorting has a performance overheard depending on the sort key data type, number of sort key columns, and amount of data ingested in each batch. This sorting step can increase the latency before the streaming data is available to query. You should weigh which is more important: latency on ingestion or latency on querying the data.
  • For optimized performance of the streaming materialized view and to reduce storage usage, occasionally purge data from the materialized view using delete, truncate, or alter table append.
  • If you need to ingest multiple MSK topics in parallel into Amazon Redshift, start with a smaller number of streaming materialized views and keep adding more materialized views to evaluate the overall ingestion performance within a cluster or workgroup.
  • Increasing the number of nodes in a Redshift provisioned cluster or the base RPU of a Redshift Serverless workgroup can help boost the ingestion performance of a streaming materialized view. For optimal performance, you should aim to have as many slices in your Redshift provisioned cluster as there are partitions in your MSK topic, or 8 RPU for every four partitions in your MSK topic.

Monitoring techniques

Records in the topic that exceed the size of the target materialized view column at the time of ingestion will be skipped. Records that are skipped by the materialized view refresh will be logged in the SYS_STREAM_SCAN_ERRORS system table.

Errors that occur when processing a record due to a calculation or a data type conversion or some other logic in the materialized view definition will result in the materialized view refresh failure until the offending record has expired from the topic. To avoid these types of issues, test the logic of your materialized view definition carefully; otherwise, land the records into the default VARBYTE column and process them later.

The following are available monitoring views:

  • SYS_MV_REFRESH_HISTORY – Use this view to gather information about the refresh history of your streaming materialized views. The results include the refresh type, such as manual or auto, and the status of the most recent refresh. The following query shows the refresh history for a streaming materialized view:
    select mv_name, refresh_type, status, duration  from SYS_MV_REFRESH_HISTORY where mv_name='mv_store_sales'

  • SYS_STREAM_SCAN_ERRORS – Use this view to check the reason why a record failed to load via streaming ingestion from an MSK topic. As of writing this post, when ingesting from Amazon MSK, this view only logs errors when the record is larger than the materialized view column size. This view will also show the unique identifier (offset) of the MSK record in the position column. The following query shows the error code and error reason when a record exceeded the maximum size limit:
    select mv_name, external_schema_name, stream_name, record_time, query_id, partition_id, "position", error_code, error_reason
    from SYS_STREAM_SCAN_ERRORS  where mv_name='test_mv' and external_schema_name ='streaming_schema'	;

  • SYS_STREAM_SCAN_STATES – Use this view to monitor the number of records scanned at a given record_time. This view also tracks the offset of the last record read in the batch. The following query shows topic data for a specific materialized view:
    select mv_name,external_schema_name,stream_name,sum(scanned_rows) total_records,
    sum(scanned_bytes) total_bytes 
    from SYS_STREAM_SCAN_STATES where mv_name='test_mv' and external_schema_name ='streaming_schema' group by 1,2,3;

  • SYS_QUERY_HISTORY – Use this view to check the overall metrics for a streaming materialized view refresh. This will also log errors in the error_message column for errors that don’t show up in SYS_STREAM_SCAN_ERRORS. The following query shows the error causing the refresh failure of a streaming materialized view:
    select  query_id, query_type, status, query_text, error_message from sys_query_history where status='failed' and start_time>='2024-02-03 03:18:00' order by start_time desc

Additional considerations for implementation

You have the choice to optionally generate a materialized view on top of a streaming materialized view, allowing you to unnest and precompute results for end-users. This approach eliminates the need to store the results in a final table using a stored procedure.

In this post, you use the CAN_JSON_PARSE function to guard against any errors to more successfully ingest data—in this case, the streaming records that can’t be parsed are skipped by Amazon Redshift. However, if you want to keep track of your error records, consider storing them in a column using the following SQL when creating the streaming materialized view:

JSON_PARSE(kafka_value) as Data 
case when CAN_JSON_PARSE(kafka_value) = true then json_parse(kafka_value) end Data,
case when CAN_JSON_PARSE(kafka_value) = false then kafka_value end Invalid_Data
FROM custschema."ORDERTOPIC";

You can also consider unloading data from the view SYS_STREAM_SCAN_ERRORS into an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and get alerts by sending a report via email using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications whenever a new S3 object is created.

Lastly, based on your data freshness requirement, you can use Amazon EventBridge to schedule the jobs in your data warehouse to call the aforementioned SP_Orders_Load stored procedure on a regular basis. EventBridge does this at fixed intervals, and you may need to have a mechanism (for example, an AWS Step Functions state machine) to monitor if the previous call to the procedure completed. For more information, refer to Creating an Amazon EventBridge rule that runs on a schedule. You can also refer to Accelerate orchestration of an ELT process using AWS Step Functions and Amazon Redshift Data API. Another option is to use Amazon Redshift query editor v2 to schedule the refresh. For details, refer to Scheduling a query with query editor v2.


In this post, we discussed best practices to implement near-real-time analytics using Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion with Amazon MSK. We showed you an example pipeline to ingest data from an MSK topic into Amazon Redshift using streaming ingestion. We also showed a reliable strategy to perform incremental streaming data load into Amazon Redshift using Kafka Partition and Kafka Offset. Additionally, we demonstrated the steps to configure cross-account streaming ingestion from Amazon MSK to Amazon Redshift and discussed performance considerations for optimized ingestion rate. Lastly, we discussed monitoring techniques to track failures in Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section.

About the Authors

Poulomi Dasgupta is a Senior Analytics Solutions Architect with AWS. She is passionate about helping customers build cloud-based analytics solutions to solve their business problems. Outside of work, she likes travelling and spending time with her family.

Adekunle Adedotun is a Sr. Database Engineer with Amazon Redshift service. He has been working on MPP databases for 6 years with a focus on performance tuning. He also provides guidance to the development team for new and existing service features.

Use AWS Glue ETL to perform merge, partition evolution, and schema evolution on Apache Iceberg

Post Syndicated from Satyanarayana Adimula original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-aws-glue-etl-to-perform-merge-partition-evolution-and-schema-evolution-on-apache-iceberg/

As enterprises collect increasing amounts of data from various sources, the structure and organization of that data often need to change over time to meet evolving analytical needs. However, altering schema and table partitions in traditional data lakes can be a disruptive and time-consuming task, requiring renaming or recreating entire tables and reprocessing large datasets. This hampers agility and time to insight.

Schema evolution enables adding, deleting, renaming, or modifying columns without needing to rewrite existing data. This is critical for fast-moving enterprises to augment data structures to support new use cases. For example, an ecommerce company may add new customer demographic attributes or order status flags to enrich analytics. Apache Iceberg manages these schema changes in a backward-compatible way through its innovative metadata table evolution architecture.

Similarly, partition evolution allows seamless adding, dropping, or splitting partitions. For instance, an ecommerce marketplace may initially partition order data by day. As orders accumulate, and querying by day becomes inefficient, they may split to day and customer ID partitions. Table partitioning organizes big datasets most efficiently for query performance. Iceberg gives enterprises the flexibility to incrementally adjust partitions rather than requiring tedious rebuild procedures. New partitions can be added in a fully compatible way without downtime or having to rewrite existing data files.

This post demonstrates how you can harness Iceberg, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to implement a transactional data lake supporting seamless evolution. By allowing for painless schema and partition adjustments as data insights evolve, you can benefit from the future-proof flexibility needed for business success.

Overview of solution

For our example use case, a fictional large ecommerce company processes thousands of orders each day. When orders are received, updated, cancelled, shipped, delivered, or returned, the changes are made in their on-premises system, and those changes need to be replicated to an S3 data lake so that data analysts can run queries through Amazon Athena. The changes can contain schema updates as well. Due to the security requirements of different organizations, they need to manage fine-grained access control for the analysts through Lake Formation.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The solution workflow includes the following key steps:

  1. Ingest data from on premises into a Dropzone location using a data ingestion pipeline.
  2. Merge the data from the Dropzone location into Iceberg using AWS Glue.
  3. Query the data using Athena.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Set up the infrastructure with AWS CloudFormation

To create your infrastructure with an AWS CloudFormation template, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as an administrator to your AWS account.
  2. Open the AWS CloudFormation console.
  3. Choose Launch Stack:
  4. For Stack name, enter a name (for this post, icebergdemo1).
  5. Choose Next.
  6. Provide information for the following parameters:
    1. DatalakeUserName
    2. DatalakeUserPassword
    3. DatabaseName
    4. TableName
    5. DatabaseLFTagKey
    6. DatabaseLFTagValue
    7. TableLFTagKey
    8. TableLFTagValue
  7. Choose Next.
  8. Choose Next again.
  9. In the Review section, review the values you entered.
  10. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names and choose Submit.

In a few minutes, the stack status will change to CREATE_COMPLETE.

You can go to the Outputs tab of the stack to see all the resources it has provisioned. The resources are prefixed with the stack name you provided (for this post, icebergdemo1).

Create an Iceberg table using Lambda and grant access using Lake Formation

To create an Iceberg table and grant access on it, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Resources tab of the CloudFormation stack icebergdemo1 and search for logical ID named LambdaFunctionIceberg.
  2. Choose the hyperlink of the associated physical ID.

You’re redirected to the Lambda function icebergdemo1-Lambda-Create-Iceberg-and-Grant-access.

  1. On the Configuration tab, choose Environment variables in the left pane.
  1. On the Code tab, you can inspect the function code.

The function uses the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) APIs to provision the resources. It assumes the provisioned data lake admin role to perform the following tasks:

  • Grant DATA_LOCATION_ACCESS access to the data lake admin role on the registered data lake location
  • Create Lake Formation Tags (LF-Tags)
  • Create a database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog using the AWS Glue create_database API
  • Assign LF-Tags to the database
  • Grant DESCRIBE access on the database using LF-Tags to the data lake IAM user and AWS Glue ETL IAM role
  • Create an Iceberg table using the AWS Glue create_table API:
response_create_table = glue_client.create_table(
DatabaseName= 'icebergdb1',
OpenTableFormatInput= { 
 'IcebergInput': { 
 'MetadataOperation': 'CREATE',
 'Version': '2'
    'Name': ‘ecomorders’,
    'StorageDescriptor': {
        'Columns': [
            {'Name': 'ordernum', 'Type': 'int'},
            {'Name': 'sku', 'Type': 'string'},
            {'Name': 'quantity','Type': 'int'},
            {'Name': 'category','Type': 'string'},
            {'Name': 'status','Type': 'string'},
            {'Name': 'shipping_id','Type': 'string'}
        'Location': 's3://icebergdemo1-s3bucketiceberg-vthvwwblrwe8/iceberg/'
    'TableType': 'EXTERNAL_TABLE'
  • Assign LF-Tags to the table
  • Grant DESCRIBE and SELECT on the Iceberg table LF-Tags for the data lake IAM user
  • Grant ALL, DESCRIBE, SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and ALTER access on the Iceberg table LF-Tags to the AWS Glue ETL IAM role
  1. On the Test tab, choose Test to run the function.

When the function is complete, you will see the message “Executing function: succeeded.”

Lake Formation helps you centrally manage, secure, and globally share data for analytics and machine learning. With Lake Formation, you can manage fine-grained access control for your data lake data on Amazon S3 and its metadata in the Data Catalog.

To add an Amazon S3 location as Iceberg storage in your data lake, register the location with Lake Formation. You can then use Lake Formation permissions for fine-grained access control to the Data Catalog objects that point to this location, and to the underlying data in the location.

The CloudFormation stack registered the data lake location.

Data location permissions in Lake Formation enable principals to create and alter Data Catalog resources that point to the designated registered Amazon S3 locations. Data location permissions work in addition to Lake Formation data permissions to secure information in your data lake.

Lake Formation tag-based access control (LF-TBAC) is an authorization strategy that defines permissions based on attributes. In Lake Formation, these attributes are called LF-Tags. You can attach LF-Tags to Data Catalog resources, Lake Formation principals, and table columns. You can assign and revoke permissions on Lake Formation resources using these LF-Tags. Lake Formation allows operations on those resources when the principal’s tag matches the resource tag.

Verify the Iceberg table from the Lake Formation console

To verify the Iceberg table, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Databases in the navigation pane.
  2. Open the details page for icebergdb1.

You can see the associated database LF-Tags.

  1. Choose Tables in the navigation pane.
  2. Open the details page for ecomorders.

In the Table details section, you can observe the following:

  • Table format shows as Apache Iceberg
  • Table management shows as Managed by Data Catalog
  • Location lists the data lake location of the Iceberg table

In the LF-Tags section, you can see the associated table LF-Tags.

In the Table details section, expand Advanced table properties to view the following:

  • metadata_location points to the location of the Iceberg table’s metadata file
  • table_type shows as ICEBERG

On the Schema tab, you can view the columns defined on the Iceberg table.

Integrate Iceberg with the AWS Glue Data Catalog and Amazon S3

Iceberg tracks individual data files in a table instead of directories. When there is an explicit commit on the table, Iceberg creates data files and adds them to the table. Iceberg maintains the table state in metadata files. Any change in table state creates a new metadata file that atomically replaces the older metadata. Metadata files track the table schema, partitioning configuration, and other properties.

Iceberg requires file systems that support the operations to be compatible with object stores like Amazon S3.

Iceberg creates snapshots for the table contents. Each snapshot is a complete set of data files in the table at a point in time. Data files in snapshots are stored in one or more manifest files that contain a row for each data file in the table, its partition data, and its metrics.

The following diagram illustrates this hierarchy.

When you create an Iceberg table, it creates the metadata folder first and a metadata file in the metadata folder. The data folder is created when you load data into the Iceberg table.

Contents of the Iceberg metadata file

The Iceberg metadata file contains a lot of information, including the following:

  • format-version –Version of the Iceberg table
  • Location – Amazon S3 location of the table
  • Schemas – Name and data type of all columns on the table
  • partition-specs – Partitioned columns
  • sort-orders – Sort order of columns
  • properties – Table properties
  • current-snapshot-id – Current snapshot
  • refs – Table references
  • snapshots – List of snapshots, each containing the following information:
    • sequence-number – Sequence number of snapshots in chronological order (the highest number represents the current snapshot, 1 for the first snapshot)
    • snapshot-id – Snapshot ID
    • timestamp-ms – Timestamp when the snapshot was committed
    • summary – Summary of changes committed
    • manifest-list – List of manifests; this file name starts with snap-< snapshot-id >
  • schema-id – Sequence number of the schema in chronological order (the highest number represents the current schema)
  • snapshot-log – List of snapshots in chronological order
  • metadata-log – List of metadata files in chronological order

The metadata file has all the historical changes to the table’s data and schema. Reviewing the contents on the metafile file directly can be a time-consuming task. Fortunately, you can query the Iceberg metadata using Athena.

Iceberg framework in AWS Glue

AWS Glue 4.0 supports Iceberg tables registered with Lake Formation. In the AWS Glue ETL jobs, you need the following code to enable the Iceberg framework:

from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.conf import SparkConf
aws_account_id = boto3.client('sts').get_caller_identity().get('Account')

args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ['JOB_NAME','warehouse_path']
# Set up configuration for AWS Glue to work with Apache Iceberg
conf = SparkConf()
conf.set("spark.sql.extensions", "org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions.IcebergSparkSessionExtensions")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog", "org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.warehouse", args['warehouse_path'])
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.catalog-impl", "org.apache.iceberg.aws.glue.GlueCatalog")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.io-impl", "org.apache.iceberg.aws.s3.S3FileIO")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.glue.lakeformation-enabled", "true")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.glue_catalog.glue.id", aws_account_id)

sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
spark = glueContext.spark_session

For read/write access to underlying data, in addition to Lake Formation permissions, the AWS Glue IAM role to run the AWS Glue ETL jobs was granted lakeformation: GetDataAccess IAM permission. With this permission, Lake Formation grants the request for temporary credentials to access the data.

The CloudFormation stack provisioned the four AWS Glue ETL jobs for you. The name of each job starts with your stack name (icebergdemo1). Complete the following steps to view the jobs:

  1. Log in as an administrator to your AWS account.
  2. On the AWS Glue console, choose ETL jobs in the navigation pane.
  3. Search for jobs with icebergdemo1 in the name.

Merge data from Dropzone into the Iceberg table

For our use case, the company ingests their ecommerce orders data daily from their on-premises location into an Amazon S3 Dropzone location. The CloudFormation stack loaded three files with sample orders for 3 days, as shown in the following figures. You see the data in the Dropzone location s3://icebergdemo1-s3bucketdropzone-kunftrcblhsk/data.

The AWS Glue ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL1-merge will run daily to merge the data into the Iceberg table. It has the following logic to add or update the data on Iceberg:

  • Create a Spark DataFrame from input data:
df = spark.read.format(dropzone_dataformat).option("header", True).load(dropzone_path)
df = df.withColumn("ordernum", df["ordernum"].cast(IntegerType())) \
    .withColumn("quantity", df["quantity"].cast(IntegerType()))
  • For a new order, add it to the table
  • If the table has a matching order, update the status and shipping_id:
stmt_merge = f"""
    MERGE INTO glue_catalog.{database_name}.{table_name} AS t
    USING input_table AS s 
    ON t.ordernum= s.ordernum
            THEN UPDATE SET 
                t.status = s.status,
                t.shipping_id = s.shipping_id

Complete the following steps to run the AWS Glue merge job:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose ETL jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL1-merge.
  3. On the Actions dropdown menu, choose Run with parameters.
  4. On the Run parameters page, go to Job parameters.
  5. For the --dropzone_path parameter, provide the S3 location of the input data (icebergdemo1-s3bucketdropzone-kunftrcblhsk/data/merge1).
  6. Run the job to add all the orders: 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1004.
  7. For the --dropzone_path parameter, change the S3 location to icebergdemo1-s3bucketdropzone-kunftrcblhsk/data/merge2.
  8. Run the job again to add orders 2001 and 2002, and update orders 1001, 1002, and 1003.
  9. For the --dropzone_path parameter, change the S3 location to icebergdemo1-s3bucketdropzone-kunftrcblhsk/data/merge3.
  10. Run the job again to add order 3001 and update orders 1001, 1003, 2001, and 2002.

Go to the data folder of table to see the data files written by Iceberg when you merged the data into the table using the Glue ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL1-merge.

Query Iceberg using Athena

The CloudFormation stack created the IAM user iceberguser1, which has read access on the Iceberg table using LF-Tags. To query Iceberg using Athena via this user, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as iceberguser1 to the AWS Management Console.
  2. On the Athena console, choose Workgroups in the navigation pane.
  3. Locate the workgroup that CloudFormation provisioned (icebergdemo1-workgroup)
  4. Verify Athena engine version 3.

The Athena engine version 3 supports Iceberg file formats, including Parquet, ORC, and Avro.

  1. Go to the Athena query editor.
  2. Choose the workgroup icebergdemo1-workgroup on the dropdown menu.
  3. For Database, choose icebergdb1. You will see the table ecomorders.
  4. Run the following query to see the data in the Iceberg table:
    SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders" ORDER BY ordernum ;

  5. Run the following query to see table’s current partitions:
    DESCRIBE icebergdb1.ecomorders ;

Partition-spec describes how table is partitioned. In this example, there are no partitioned fields because you didn’t define any partitions on the table.

Iceberg partition evolution

You may need to change your partition structure; for example, due to trend changes of common query patterns in downstream analytics. A change of partition structure for traditional tables is a significant operation that requires an entire data copy.

Iceberg makes this straightforward. When you change the partition structure on Iceberg, it doesn’t require you to rewrite the data files. The old data written with earlier partitions remains unchanged. New data is written using the new specifications in a new layout. Metadata for each of the partition versions is kept separately.

Let’s add the partition field category to the Iceberg table using the AWS Glue ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL2-partition-evolution:

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
    ADD PARTITION FIELD category ;

On the AWS Glue console, run the ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL2-partition-evolution. When the job is complete, you can query partitions using Athena.

DESCRIBE icebergdb1.ecomorders ;

SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders$partitions";

You can see the partition field category, but the partition values are null. There are no new data files in the data folder, because partition evolution is a metadata operation and doesn’t rewrite data files. When you add or update data, you will see the corresponding partition values populated.

Iceberg schema evolution

Iceberg supports in-place table evolution. You can evolve a table schema just like SQL. Iceberg schema updates are metadata changes, so no data files need to be rewritten to perform the schema evolution.

To explore the Iceberg schema evolution, run the ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL3-schema-evolution via the AWS Glue console. The job runs the following SparkSQL statements:

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
    ADD COLUMNS (shipping_carrier string) ;

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
    RENAME COLUMN shipping_id TO tracking_number ;

ALTER TABLE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
    ALTER COLUMN ordernum TYPE bigint ;

In the Athena query editor, run the following query:

SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders" ORDER BY ordernum asc ;

You can verify the schema changes to the Iceberg table:

  • A new column has been added called shipping_carrier
  • The column shipping_id has been renamed to tracking_number
  • The data type of the column ordernum has changed from int to bigint
    DESCRIBE icebergdb1.ecomorders;

Positional update

The data in tracking_number contains the shipping carrier concatenated with the tracking number. Let’s assume that we want to split this data in order to keep the shipping carrier in the shipping_carrier field and the tracking number in the tracking_number field.

On the AWS Glue console, run the ETL job icebergdemo1-GlueETL4-update-table. The job runs the following SparkSQL statement to update the table:

UPDATE glue_catalog.icebergdb1.ecomorders
SET shipping_carrier = substring(tracking_number,1,3),
    tracking_number = substring(tracking_number,4,50)
WHERE tracking_number != '' ;

Query the Iceberg table to verify the updated data on tracking_number and shipping_carrier.

SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders" ORDER BY ordernum ;

Now that the data has been updated on the table, you should see the partition values populated for category:

SELECT * FROM "icebergdb1"."ecomorders$partitions"
ORDER BY partition;

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, clean up the resources you created:

  1. On the Lambda console, open the details page for the function icebergdemo1-Lambda-Create-Iceberg-and-Grant-access.
  2. In the Environment variables section, choose the key Task_To_Perform and update the value to CLEANUP.
  3. Run the function, which drops the database, table, and their associated LF-Tags.
  4. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the stack icebergdemo1.


In this post, you created an Iceberg table using the AWS Glue API and used Lake Formation to control access on the Iceberg table in a transactional data lake. With AWS Glue ETL jobs, you merged data into the Iceberg table, and performed schema evolution and partition evolution without rewriting or recreating the Iceberg table. With Athena, you queried the Iceberg data and metadata.

Based on the concepts and demonstrations from this post, you can now build a transactional data lake in an enterprise using Iceberg, AWS Glue, Lake Formation, and Amazon S3.

About the Author

Satya Adimula is a Senior Data Architect at AWS based in Boston. With over two decades of experience in data and analytics, Satya helps organizations derive business insights from their data at scale.

Modern web application authentication and authorization with Amazon VPC Lattice

Post Syndicated from Nigel Brittain original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/modern-web-application-authentication-and-authorization-with-amazon-vpc-lattice/

When building API-based web applications in the cloud, there are two main types of communication flow in which identity is an integral consideration:

  • User-to-Service communication: Authenticate and authorize users to communicate with application services and APIs
  • Service-to-Service communication: Authenticate and authorize application services to talk to each other

To design an authentication and authorization solution for these flows, you need to add an extra dimension to each flow:

  • Authentication: What identity you will use and how it’s verified
  • Authorization: How to determine which identity can perform which task

In each flow, a user or a service must present some kind of credential to the application service so that it can determine whether the flow should be permitted. The credentials are often accompanied with other metadata that can then be used to make further access control decisions.

In this blog post, I show you two ways that you can use Amazon VPC Lattice to implement both communication flows. I also show you how to build a simple and clean architecture for securing your web applications with scalable authentication, providing authentication metadata to make coarse-grained access control decisions.

The example solution is based around a standard API-based application with multiple API components serving HTTP data over TLS. With this solution, I show that VPC Lattice can be used to deliver authentication and authorization features to an application without requiring application builders to create this logic themselves. In this solution, the example application doesn’t implement its own authentication or authorization, so you will use VPC Lattice and some additional proxying with Envoy, an open source, high performance, and highly configurable proxy product, to provide these features with minimal application change. The solution uses Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) as a container environment to run the API endpoints and OAuth proxy, however Amazon ECS and containers aren’t a prerequisite for VPC Lattice integration.

If your application already has client authentication, such as a web application using OpenID Connect (OIDC), you can still use the sample code to see how implementation of secure service-to-service flows can be implemented with VPC Lattice.

VPC Lattice configuration

VPC Lattice is an application networking service that connects, monitors, and secures communications between your services, helping to improve productivity so that your developers can focus on building features that matter to your business. You can define policies for network traffic management, access, and monitoring to connect compute services in a simplified and consistent way across instances, containers, and serverless applications.

For a web application, particularly those that are API based and comprised of multiple components, VPC Lattice is a great fit. With VPC Lattice, you can use native AWS identity features for credential distribution and access control, without the operational overhead that many application security solutions require.

This solution uses a single VPC Lattice service network, with each of the application components represented as individual services. VPC Lattice auth policies are AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy documents that you attach to service networks or services to control whether a specified principal has access to a group of services or specific service. In this solution we use an auth policy on the service network, as well as more granular policies on the services themselves.

User-to-service communication flow

For this example, the web application is constructed from multiple API endpoints. These are typical REST APIs, which provide API connectivity to various application components.

The most common method for securing REST APIs is by using OAuth2. OAuth2 allows a client (on behalf of a user) to interact with an authorization server and retrieve an access token. The access token is intended to be presented to a REST API and contains enough information to determine that the user identified in the access token has given their consent for the REST API to operate on their data on their behalf.

Access tokens use OAuth2 scopes to indicate user consent. Defining how OAuth2 scopes work is outside the scope of this post. You can learn about scopes in Permissions, Privileges, and Scopes in the AuthO blog.

VPC Lattice doesn’t support OAuth2 client or inspection functionality, however it can verify HTTP header contents. This means you can use header matching within a VPC Lattice service policy to grant access to a VPC Lattice service only if the correct header is included. By generating the header based on validation occurring prior to entering the service network, we can use context about the user at the service network or service to make access control decisions.

Figure 1: User-to-service flow

Figure 1: User-to-service flow

The solution uses Envoy, to terminate the HTTP request from an OAuth 2.0 client. This is shown in Figure 1: User-to-service flow.

Envoy (shown as (1) in Figure 2) can validate access tokens (presented as a JSON Web Token (JWT) embedded in an Authorization: Bearer header). If the access token can be validated, then the scopes from this token are unpacked (2) and placed into X-JWT-Scope-<scopename> headers, using a simple inline Lua script. The Envoy documentation provides examples of how to use inline Lua in Envoy. Figure 2 – JWT Scope to HTTP shows how this process works at a high level.

Figure 2: JWT Scope to HTTP headers

Figure 2: JWT Scope to HTTP headers

Following this, Envoy uses Signature Version 4 (SigV4) to sign the request (3) and pass it to the VPC Lattice service. SigV4 signing is a native Envoy capability, but it requires the underlying compute that Envoy is running on to have access to AWS credentials. When you use AWS compute, assigning a role to that compute verifies that the instance can provide credentials to processes running on that compute, in this case Envoy.

By adding an authorization policy that permits access only from Envoy (through validating the Envoy SigV4 signature) and only with the correct scopes provided in HTTP headers, you can effectively lock down a VPC Lattice service to specific verified users coming from Envoy who are presenting specific OAuth2 scopes in their bearer token.

To answer the original question of where the identity comes from, the identity is provided by the user when communicating with their identity provider (IdP). In addition to this, Envoy is presenting its own identity from its underlying compute to enter the VPC Lattice service network. From a configuration perspective this means your user-to-service communication flow doesn’t require understanding of the user, or the storage of user or machine credentials.

The sample code provided shows a full Envoy configuration for VPC Lattice, including SigV4 signing, access token validation, and extraction of JWT contents to headers. This reference architecture supports various clients including server-side web applications, thick Java clients, and even command line interface-based clients calling the APIs directly. I don’t cover OAuth clients in detail in this post, however the optional sample code allows you to use an OAuth client and flow to talk to the APIs through Envoy.

Service-to-service communication flow

In the service-to-service flow, you need a way to provide AWS credentials to your applications and configure them to use SigV4 to sign their HTTP requests to the destination VPC Lattice services. Your application components can have their own identities (IAM roles), which allows you to uniquely identify application components and make access control decisions based on the particular flow required. For example, application component 1 might need to communicate with application component 2, but not application component 3.

If you have full control of your application code and have a clean method for locating the destination services, then this might be something you can implement directly in your server code. This is the configuration that’s implemented in the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) solution that accompanies this blog post, the app1, app2, and app3 web servers are capable of making SigV4 signed requests to the VPC Lattice services they need to communicate with. The sample code demonstrates how to perform VPC Lattice SigV4 requests in node.js using the aws-crt node bindings. Figure 3 depicts the use of SigV4 authentication between services and VPC Lattice.

Figure 3: Service-to-service flow

Figure 3: Service-to-service flow

To answer the question of where the identity comes from in this flow, you use the native SigV4 signing support from VPC Lattice to validate the application identity. The credentials come from AWS STS, again through the native underlying compute environment. Providing credentials transparently to your applications is one of the biggest advantages of the VPC Lattice solution when comparing this to other types of application security solutions such as service meshes. This implementation requires no provisioning of credentials, no management of identity stores, and automatically rotates credentials as required. This means low overhead to deploy and maintain the security of this solution and benefits from the reliability and scalability of IAM and the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) — a very slick solution to securing service-to-service communication flows!

VPC Lattice policy configuration

VPC Lattice provides two levels of auth policy configuration — at the VPC Lattice service network and on individual VPC Lattice services. This allows your cloud operations and development teams to work independently of each other by removing the dependency on a single team to implement access controls. This model enables both agility and separation of duties. More information about VPC Lattice policy configuration can be found in Control access to services using auth policies.

Service network auth policy

This design uses a service network auth policy that permits access to the service network by specific IAM principals. This can be used as a guardrail to provide overall access control over the service network and underlying services. Removal of an individual service auth policy will still enforce the service network policy first, so you can have confidence that you can identify sources of network traffic into the service network and block traffic that doesn’t come from a previously defined AWS principal.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
                    "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ app2TaskRole",
                    "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ app3TaskRole",
                    "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ EnvoyFrontendTaskRole",
            "Action": "vpc-lattice-svcs:Invoke",
            "Resource": "*"

The preceding auth policy example grants permissions to any authenticated request that uses one of the IAM roles app1TaskRole, app2TaskRole, app3TaskRole or EnvoyFrontendTaskRole to make requests to the services attached to the service network. You will see in the next section how service auth policies can be used in conjunction with service network auth policies.

Service auth policies

Individual VPC Lattice services can have their own policies defined and implemented independently of the service network policy. This design uses a service policy to demonstrate both user-to-service and service-to-service access control.

    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "UserToService",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
                    "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ EnvoyFrontendTaskRole",
            "Action": "vpc-lattice-svcs:Invoke",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:service/svc-123456789/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "vpc-lattice-svcs:RequestHeader/x-jwt-scope-test.all": "true"
            "Sid": "ServiceToService",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
                    "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/ app2TaskRole"
            "Action": "vpc-lattice-svcs:Invoke",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:service/svc-123456789/*"

The preceding auth policy is an example that could be attached to the app1 VPC Lattice service. The policy contains two statements:

  • The first (labelled “Sid”: “UserToService”) provides user-to-service authorization and requires requiring the caller principal to be EnvoyFrontendTaskRole and the request headers to contain the header x-jwt-scope-test.all: true when calling the app1 VPC Lattice service.
  • The second (labelled “Sid”: “ServiceToService”) provides service-to-service authorization and requires the caller principal to be app2TaskRole when calling the app1 VPC Lattice service.

As with a standard IAM policy, there is an implicit deny, meaning no other principals will be permitted access.

The caller principals are identified by VPC Lattice through the SigV4 signing process. This means by using the identities provisioned to the underlying compute the network flow can be associated with a service identity, which can then be authorized by VPC Lattice service access policies.

Distributed development

This model of access control supports a distributed development and operational model. Because the service network auth policy is decoupled from the service auth policies, the service auth policies can be iterated upon by a development team without impacting the overall policy controls set by an operations team for the entire service network.

Solution overview

I’ve provided an aws-samples AWS CDK solution that you can deploy to implement the preceding design.

Figure 4: CDK deployable solution

Figure 4: CDK deployable solution

The AWS CDK solution deploys four Amazon ECS services, one for the frontend Envoy server for the client-to-service flow, and the remaining three for the backend application components. Figure 4 shows the solution when deployed with the internal domain parameter application.internal.

Backend application components are a simple node.js express server, which will print the contents of your request in JSON format and perform service-to-service calls.

A number of other infrastructure components are deployed to support the solution:

  • A VPC with associated subnets, NAT gateways and an internet gateway. Internet access is required for the solution to retrieve JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) details from your OAuth provider.
  • An Amazon Route53 hosted zone for handling traffic routing to the configured domain and VPC Lattice services.
  • An Amazon ECS cluster (two container hosts by default) to run the ECS tasks.
  • Four Application Load Balancers, one for frontend Envoy routing and one for each application component.
    • All application load balancers are internally facing.
    • Application component load balancers are configured to only accept traffic from the VPC Lattice managed prefix List.
    • The frontend Envoy load balancer is configured to accept traffic from any host.
  • Three VPC Lattice services and one VPC Lattice network.

The code for Envoy and the application components can be found in the lattice_soln/containers directory.

AWS CDK code for all other deployable infrastructure can be found in lattice_soln/lattice_soln_stack.py.


Before you begin, you must have the following prerequisites in place:

  • An AWS account to deploy solution resources into. AWS credentials should be available to the AWS CDK in the environment or configuration files for the CDK deploy to function.
  • Python 3.9.6 or higher
  • Docker or Finch for building containers. If using Finch, ensure the Finch executable is in your path and instruct the CDK to use it with the command export CDK_DOCKER=finch
  • Enable elastic network interface (ENI) trunking in your account to allow more containers to run in VPC networking mode:
    aws ecs put-account-setting-default \
          --name awsvpcTrunking \
          --value enabled

[Optional] OAuth provider configuration

This solution has been tested using Okta, however any OAuth compatible provider will work if it can issue access tokens and you can retrieve them from the command line.

The following instructions describe the configuration process for Okta using the Okta web UI. This allows you to use the device code flow to retrieve access tokens, which can then be validated by the Envoy frontend deployment.

Create a new app integration

  1. In the Okta web UI, select Applications and then choose Create App Integration.
  2. For Sign-in method, select OpenID Connect.
  3. For Application type, select Native Application.
  4. For Grant Type, select both Refresh Token and Device Authorization.
  5. Note the client ID for use in the device code flow.

Create a new API integration

  1. Still in the Okta web UI, select Security, and then choose API.
  2. Choose Add authorization server.
  3. Enter a name and audience. Note the audience for use during CDK installation, then choose Save.
  4. Select the authorization server you just created. Choose the Metadata URI link to open the metadata contents in a new tab or browser window. Note the jwks_uri and issuer fields for use during CDK installation.
  5. Return to the Okta web UI, select Scopes and then Add scope.
  6. For the scope name, enter test.all. Use the scope name for the display phrase and description. Leave User consent as implicit. Choose Save.
  7. Under Access Policies, choose Add New Access Policy.
  8. For Assign to, select The following clients and select the client you created above.
  9. Choose Add rule.
  10. In Rule name, enter a rule name, such as Allow test.all access
  11. Under If Grant Type Is uncheck all but Device Authorization. Under And Scopes Requested choose The following scopes. Select OIDC default scopes to add the default scopes to the scopes box, then also manually add the test.all scope you created above.

During the API Integration step, you should have collected the audience, JWKS URI, and issuer. These fields are used on the command line when installing the CDK project with OAuth support.

You can then use the process described in configure the smart device to retrieve an access token using the device code flow. Make sure you modify scope to include test.allscope=openid profile offline_access test.all — so your token matches the policy deployed by the solution.


You can download the deployable solution from GitHub.

Deploy without OAuth functionality

If you only want to deploy the solution with service-to-service flows, you can deploy with a CDK command similar to the following:

(.venv)$ cdk deploy -c app_domain=<application domain>

Deploy with OAuth functionality

To deploy the solution with OAuth functionality, you must provide the following parameters:

  • jwt_jwks: The URL for retrieving JWKS details from your OAuth provider. This would look something like https://dev-123456.okta.com/oauth2/ausa1234567/v1/keys
  • jwt_issuer: The issuer for your OAuth access tokens. This would look something like https://dev-123456.okta.com/oauth2/ausa1234567
  • jwt_audience: The audience configured for your OAuth protected APIs. This is a text string configured in your OAuth provider.
  • app_domain: The domain to be configured in Route53 for all URLs provided for this application. This domain is local to the VPC created for the solution. For example application.internal.

The solution can be deployed with a CDK command as follows:

$ cdk deploy -c enable_oauth=True -c jwt_jwks=<URL for retrieving JWKS details> \
-c jwt_issuer=<URL of the issuer for your OAuth access tokens> \
-c jwt_audience=<OAuth audience string> \
-c app_domain=<application domain>

Security model

For this solution, network access to the web application is secured through two main controls:

  • Entry into the service network requires SigV4 authentication, enforced by the service network policy. No other mechanisms are provided to allow access to the services, either through their load balancers or directly to the containers.
  • Service policies restrict access to either user- or service-based communication based on the identity of the caller and OAuth subject and scopes.

The Envoy configuration strips any x- headers coming from user clients and replaces them with x-jwt-subject and x-jwt-scope headers based on successful JWT validation. You are then able to match these x-jwt-* headers in VPC Lattice policy conditions.

Solution caveats

This solution implements TLS endpoints on VPC Lattice and Application Load Balancers. The container instances do not implement TLS in order to reduce cost for this example. As such, traffic is in cleartext between the Application Load Balancers and container instances, and can be implemented separately if required.

How to use the solution

Now for the interesting part! As part of solution deployment, you’ve deployed a number of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) hosts to act as the container environment. You can use these hosts to test some of the flows and you can use the AWS Systems Manager connect function from the AWS Management console to access the command line interface on any of the container hosts.

In these examples, I’ve configured the domain during the CDK installation as application.internal, which will be used for communicating with the application as a client. If you change this, adjust your command lines to match.

[Optional] For examples 3 and 4, you need an access token from your OAuth provider. In each of the examples, I’ve embedded the access token in the AT environment variable for brevity.

Example 1: Service-to-service calls (permitted)

For these first two examples, you must sign in to the container host and run a command in your container. This is because the VPC Lattice policies allow traffic from the containers. I’ve assigned IAM task roles to each container, which are used to uniquely identify them to VPC Lattice when making service-to-service calls.

To set up service-to service calls (permitted):

  1. Sign in to the Amazon ECS console. You should see at least three ECS services running.
    Figure 5: Cluster console

    Figure 5: Cluster console

  2. Select the app2 service LatticeSolnStack-app2service…, then select the Tasks tab.
    Under the Container Instances heading select the container instance that’s running the app2 service.
    Figure 6: Container instances

    Figure 6: Container instances

  3. You will see the instance ID listed at the top left of the page.
    Figure 7: Single container instance

    Figure 7: Single container instance

  4. Select the instance ID (this will open a new window) and choose Connect. Select the Session Manager tab and choose Connect again. This will open a shell to your container instance.

The policy statements permit app2 to call app1. By using the path app2/call-to-app1, you can force this call to occur.

Test this with the following commands:

sh-4.2$ sudo bash
# docker ps --filter "label=webserver=app2"
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                                                                                                                                           COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
<containerid>  111122223333.dkr.ecr.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/cdk-hnb659fds-container-assets-111122223333-ap-southeast-2:5b5d138c3abd6cfc4a90aee4474a03af305e2dae6bbbea70bcc30ffd068b8403   "sh /app/launch_expr…"   9 minutes ago   Up 9minutes             ecs-LatticeSolnStackapp2task4A06C2E4-22-app2-container-b68cb2ffd8e4e0819901
# docker exec -it <containerid> curl localhost:80/app2/call-to-app1

You should see the following output:

sh-4.2$ sudo bash
root@ip-10-0-152-46 bin]# docker ps --filter "label=webserver=app2"
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                                                                                                                                           COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
cd8420221dcb   111122223333.dkr.ecr.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/cdk-hnb659fds-container-assets-111122223333-ap-southeast-2:5b5d138c3abd6cfc4a90aee4474a03af305e2dae6bbbea70bcc30ffd068b8403   "sh /app/launch_expr…"   9 minutes ago   Up 9minutes             ecs-LatticeSolnStackapp2task4A06C2E4-22-app2-container-b68cb2ffd8e4e0819901
[root@ip-10-0-152-46 bin]# docker exec -it cd8420221dcb curl localhost:80/app2/call-to-app1
  "path": "/",
  "method": "GET",
  "body": "",
  "hostname": "app1.application.internal",
  "ip": "",
  "ips": [
  "protocol": "http",
  "webserver": "app1",
  "query": {},
  "xhr": false,
  "os": {
    "hostname": "ip-10-0-243-145.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal"
  "connection": {},
  "jwt_subject": "** No user identity present **",
  "headers": {
    "x-forwarded-for": ",",
    "x-forwarded-proto": "http",
    "x-forwarded-port": "80",
    "host": "app1.application.internal",
    "x-amzn-trace-id": "Root=1-65499327-274c2d6640d10af4711aab09",
    "x-amzn-lattice-identity": "Principal=arn:aws:sts::111122223333:assumed-role/LatticeSolnStack-app2TaskRoleA1BE533B-3K7AJnCr8kTj/ddaf2e517afb4d818178f9e0fef8f841; SessionName=ddaf2e517afb4d818178f9e0fef8f841; Type=AWS_IAM",
    "x-amzn-lattice-network": "SourceVpcArn=arn:aws:ec2:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:vpc/vpc-01e7a1c93b2ea405d",
    "x-amzn-lattice-target": "ServiceArn=arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:service/svc-0b4f63f746140f48e; ServiceNetworkArn=arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:servicenetwork/sn-0ae554a9bc634c4ec; TargetGroupArn=arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:targetgroup/tg-05644f55316d4869f",
    "x-amzn-source-vpc": "vpc-01e7a1c93b2ea405d"

Example 2: Service-to-service calls (denied)

The policy statements don’t permit app2 to call app3. You can simulate this in the same way and verify that the access isn’t permitted by VPC Lattice.

To set up service-to-service calls (denied)

You can change the curl command from Example 1 to test app2 calling app3.

# docker exec -it cd8420221dcb curl localhost:80/app2/call-to-app3
  "upstreamResponse": "AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::111122223333:assumed-role/LatticeSolnStack-app2TaskRoleA1BE533B-3K7AJnCr8kTj/ddaf2e517afb4d818178f9e0fef8f841 is not authorized to perform: vpc-lattice-svcs:Invoke on resource: arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:service/svc-08873e50553c375cd/ with an explicit deny in a service-based policy"

[Optional] Example 3: OAuth – Invalid access token

If you’ve deployed using OAuth functionality, you can test from the shell in Example 1 that you’re unable to access the frontend Envoy server (application.internal) without a valid access token, and that you’re also unable to access the backend VPC Lattice services (app1.application.internal, app2.application.internal, app3.application.internal) directly.

You can also verify that you cannot bypass the VPC Lattice service and connect to the load balancer or web server container directly.

sh-4.2$ curl -v https://application.internal
Jwt is missing

sh-4.2$ curl https://app1.application.internal
AccessDeniedException: User: anonymous is not authorized to perform: vpc-lattice-svcs:Invoke on resource: arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:service/svc-03edffc09406f7e58/ because no network-based policy allows the vpc-lattice-svcs:Invoke action

sh-4.2$ curl https://internal-Lattic-app1s-C6ovEZzwdTqb-1882558159.ap-southeast-2.elb.amazonaws.com

sh-4.2$ curl

[Optional] Example 4: Client access

If you’ve deployed using OAuth functionality, you can test from the shell in Example 1 to access the application with a valid access token. A client can reach each application component by using application.internal/<componentname>. For example, application.internal/app2. If no component name is specified, it will default to app1.

sh-4.2$ curl -v https://application.internal/app2 -H "Authorization: Bearer $AT"

  "path": "/app2",
  "method": "GET",
  "body": "",
  "hostname": "app2.applicatino.internal",
  "ip": "",
  "ips": [
  "protocol": "https",
  "webserver": "app2",
  "query": {},
  "xhr": false,
  "os": {
    "hostname": "ip-10-0-151-56.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal"
  "connection": {},
  "jwt_subject": "Call made from user identity [email protected]",
  "headers": {
    "x-forwarded-for": ",",
    "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
    "x-forwarded-port": "443",
    "host": "app2.applicatino.internal",
    "x-amzn-trace-id": "Root=1-65c431b7-1efd8282275397b44ac31d49",
    "user-agent": "curl/8.5.0",
    "accept": "*/*",
    "x-request-id": "7bfa509c-734e-496f-b8d4-df6e08384f2a",
    "x-jwt-subject": "[email protected]",
    "x-jwt-scope-profile": "true",
    "x-jwt-scope-offline_access": "true",
    "x-jwt-scope-openid": "true",
    "x-jwt-scope-test.all": "true",
    "x-envoy-expected-rq-timeout-ms": "15000",
    "x-amzn-lattice-identity": "Principal=arn:aws:sts::111122223333:assumed-role/LatticeSolnStack-EnvoyFrontendTaskRoleA297DB4D-OwD8arbEnYoP/827dc1716e3a49ad8da3fd1dd52af34c; PrincipalOrgID=o-123456; SessionName=827dc1716e3a49ad8da3fd1dd52af34c; Type=AWS_IAM",
    "x-amzn-lattice-network": "SourceVpcArn=arn:aws:ec2:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:vpc/vpc-0be57ee3f411a91c7",
    "x-amzn-lattice-target": "ServiceArn=arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:service/svc-024e7362a8617145c; ServiceNetworkArn=arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:servicenetwork/sn-0cbe1c113be4ae54a; TargetGroupArn=arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:targetgroup/tg-09caa566d66b2a35b",
    "x-amzn-source-vpc": "vpc-0be57ee3f411a91c7"

This will fail when attempting to connect to app3 using Envoy, as we’ve denied user to service calls on the VPC Lattice Service policy

sh-4.2$ https://application.internal/app3 -H "Authorization: Bearer $AT"

AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::111122223333:assumed-role/LatticeSolnStack-EnvoyFrontendTaskRoleA297DB4D-OwD8arbEnYoP/827dc1716e3a49ad8da3fd1dd52af34c is not authorized to perform: vpc-lattice-svcs:Invoke on resource: arn:aws:vpc-lattice:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:service/svc-06987d9ab4a1f815f/app3 with an explicit deny in a service-based policy


You’ve seen how you can use VPC Lattice to provide authentication and authorization to both user-to-service and service-to-service flows. I’ve shown you how to implement some novel and reusable solution components:

  • JWT authorization and translation of scopes to headers, integrating an external IdP into your solution for user authentication.
  • SigV4 signing from an Envoy proxy running in a container.
  • Service-to-service flows using SigV4 signing in node.js and container-based credentials.
  • Integration of VPC Lattice with ECS containers, using the CDK.

All of this is created almost entirely with managed AWS services, meaning you can focus more on security policy creation and validation and less on managing components such as service identities, service meshes, and other self-managed infrastructure.

Some ways you can extend upon this solution include:

  • Implementing different service policies taking into consideration different OAuth scopes for your user and client combinations
  • Implementing multiple issuers on Envoy to allow different OAuth providers to use the same infrastructure
  • Deploying the VPC Lattice services and ECS tasks independently of the service network, to allow your builders to manage task deployment themselves

I look forward to hearing about how you use this solution and VPC Lattice to secure your own applications!

Additional references

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Nigel Brittain

Nigel Brittain

Nigel is a Security, Risk, and Compliance consultant for AWS ProServe. He’s an identity nerd who enjoys solving tricky security and identity problems for some of our biggest customers in the Asia Pacific Region. He has two cavoodles, Rocky and Chai, who love to interrupt his work calls, and he also spends his free time carving cool things on his CNC machine.

Generate AI powered insights for Amazon Security Lake using Amazon SageMaker Studio and Amazon Bedrock

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Nguyen original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/generate-ai-powered-insights-for-amazon-security-lake-using-amazon-sagemaker-studio-and-amazon-bedrock/

In part 1, we discussed how to use Amazon SageMaker Studio to analyze time-series data in Amazon Security Lake to identify critical areas and prioritize efforts to help increase your security posture. Security Lake provides additional visibility into your environment by consolidating and normalizing security data from both AWS and non-AWS sources. Security teams can use Amazon Athena to query data in Security Lake to aid in a security event investigation or proactive threat analysis. Reducing the security team’s mean time to respond to or detect a security event can decrease your organization’s security vulnerabilities and risks, minimize data breaches, and reduce operational disruptions. Even if your security team is already familiar with AWS security logs and is using SQL queries to sift through data, determining appropriate log sources to review and crafting customized SQL queries can add time to an investigation. Furthermore, when security analysts conduct their analysis using SQL queries, the results are point-in-time and don’t automatically factor results from previous queries.

In this blog post, we show you how to extend the capabilities of SageMaker Studio by using Amazon Bedrock, a fully-managed generative artificial intelligence (AI) service natively offering high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies with a single API. By using Amazon Bedrock, security analysts can accelerate security investigations by using a natural language companion to automatically generate SQL queries, focus on relevant data sources within Security Lake, and use previous SQL query results to enhance the results from future queries. We walk through a threat analysis exercise to show how your security analysts can use natural language processing to answer questions such as which AWS account has the most AWS Security Hub findings, irregular network activity from AWS resources, or which AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals invoked highly suspicious activity. By identifying possible vulnerabilities or misconfigurations, you can minimize mean time to detect and pinpoint specific resources to assess overall impact. We also discuss methods to customize Amazon Bedrock integration with data from your Security Lake. While large language models (LLMs) are useful conversational partners, it’s important to note that LLM responses can include hallucinations, which might not reflect truth or reality. We discuss some mechanisms to validate LLM responses and mitigate hallucinations. This blog post is best suited for technologists who have an in-depth understanding of generative artificial intelligence concepts and the AWS services used in the example solution.

Solution overview

Figure 1 depicts the architecture of the sample solution.

Figure 1: Security Lake generative AI solution architecture

Figure 1: Security Lake generative AI solution architecture

Before you deploy the sample solution, complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Enable Security Lake in your organization in AWS Organizations and specify a delegated administrator account to manage the Security Lake configuration for all member accounts in your organization. Configure Security Lake with the appropriate log sources: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Flow Logs, AWS Security Hub, AWS CloudTrail, and Amazon Route53.
  2. Create subscriber query access from the source Security Lake AWS account to the subscriber AWS account.
  3. Accept a resource share request in the subscriber AWS account in AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM).
  4. Create a database link in AWS Lake Formation in the subscriber AWS account and grant access for the Athena tables in the Security Lake AWS account.
  5. Grant Claude v2 model access for Amazon Bedrock LLM Claude v2 in the AWS subscriber account where you will deploy the solution. If you try to use a model before you enable it in your AWS account, you will get an error message.

After you set up the prerequisites, the sample solution architecture provisions the following resources:

  1. A VPC is provisioned for SageMaker with an internet gateway, a NAT gateway, and VPC endpoints for all AWS services within the solution. An internet gateway or NAT gateway is required to install external open-source packages.
  2. A SageMaker Studio domain is created in VPCOnly mode with a single SageMaker user-profile that’s tied to an IAM role. As part of the SageMaker deployment, an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) is provisioned for the SageMaker domain.
  3. A dedicated IAM role is created to restrict access to create or access the SageMaker domain’s presigned URL from a specific Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for accessing the SageMaker notebook.
  4. An AWS CodeCommit repository containing Python notebooks used for the artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) workflow by the SageMaker user profile.
  5. An Athena workgroup is created for Security Lake queries with a S3 bucket for output location (access logging is configured for the output bucket).


Before deploying the sample solution and walking through this post, it’s important to understand the cost factors for the main AWS services being used. The cost will largely depend on the amount of data you interact with in Security Lake and the duration of running resources in SageMaker Studio.

  1. A SageMaker Studio domain is deployed and configured with default setting of a ml.t3.medium instance type. For a more detailed breakdown, see SageMaker Studio pricing. It’s important to shut down applications when they’re not in use because you’re billed for the number of hours an application is running. See the AWS samples repository for an automated shutdown extension.
  2. Amazon Bedrock on-demand pricing is based on the selected LLM and the number of input and output tokens. A token is comprised of a few characters and refers to the basic unit of text that a model learns to understand the user input and prompts. For a more detailed breakdown, see Amazon Bedrock pricing.
  3. The SQL queries generated by Amazon Bedrock are invoked using Athena. Athena cost is based on the amount of data scanned within Security Lake for that query. For a more detailed breakdown, see Athena pricing.

Deploy the sample solution

You can deploy the sample solution by using either the AWS Management Console or the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). For instructions and more information on using the AWS CDK, see Get Started with AWS CDK.

Option 1: Deploy using AWS CloudFormation using the console

Use the console to sign in to your subscriber AWS account and then choose the Launch Stack button to open the AWS CloudFormation console that’s pre-loaded with the template for this solution. It takes approximately 10 minutes for the CloudFormation stack to complete.

Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

Option 2: Deploy using AWS CDK

  1. Clone the Security Lake generative AI sample repository.
  2. Navigate to the project’s source folder (…/amazon-security-lake-generative-ai/source).
  3. Install project dependencies using the following commands:
    npm install -g aws-cdk-lib
    npm install

  4. On deployment, you must provide the following required parameters:
    • IAMroleassumptionforsagemakerpresignedurl – this is the existing IAM role you want to use to access the AWS console to create presigned URLs for SageMaker Studio domain.
    • securitylakeawsaccount – this is the AWS account ID where Security Lake is deployed.
  5. Run the following commands in your terminal while signed in to your subscriber AWS account. Replace <INSERT_AWS_ACCOUNT> with your account number and replace <INSERT_REGION> with the AWS Region that you want the solution deployed to.
    cdk bootstrap aws://<INSERT_AWS_ACCOUNT>/<INSERT_REGION>
    cdk deploy --parameters IAMroleassumptionforsagemakerpresignedurl=arn:aws:iam::<INSERT_AWS_ACCOUNT>:role/<INSERT_IAM_ROLE_NAME> --parameters securitylakeawsaccount=<INSERT_SECURITY_LAKE_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>

Post-deployment configuration steps

Now that you’ve deployed the solution, you must add permissions to allow SageMaker and Amazon Bedrock to interact with your Security Lake data.

Grant permission to the Security Lake database

  1. Copy the SageMaker user profile Amazon Resource Name (ARN)

  2. Go to the Lake Formation console.
  3. Select the amazon_security_lake_glue_db_<YOUR-REGION> database. For example, if your Security Lake is in us-east-1, the value would be amazon_security_lake_glue_db_us_east_1
  4. For Actions, select Grant.
  5. In Grant Data Permissions, select SAML Users and Groups.
  6. Paste the SageMaker user profile ARN from Step 1.
  7. In Database Permissions, select Describe, and then Grant.

Grant permission to Security Lake tables

You must repeat these steps for each source configured within Security Lake. For example, if you have four sources configured within Security Lake, you must grant permissions for the SageMaker user profile to four tables. If you have multiple sources that are in separate Regions and you don’t have a rollup Region configured in Security Lake, you must repeat the steps for each source in each Region.

The following example grants permissions to the Security Hub table within Security Lake. For more information about granting table permissions, see the AWS LakeFormation user-guide.

  1. Copy the SageMaker user-profile ARN arn:aws:iam:<account-id>:role/sagemaker-user-profile-for-security-lake.
  2. Go to the Lake Formation console.
  3. Select the amazon_security_lake_glue_db_<YOUR-REGION> database.
    For example, if your Security Lake database is in us-east-1 the value would be amazon_security_lake_glue_db_us_east_1
  4. Choose View Tables.
  5. Select the amazon_security_lake_table_<YOUR-REGION>_sh_findings_1_0 table.
    For example, if your Security Lake table is in us-east-1 the value would be amazon_security_lake_table_us_east_1_sh_findings_1_0

    Note: Each table must be granted access individually. Selecting All Tables won’t grant the access needed to query Security Lake.

  6. For Actions, select Grant.
  7. In Grant Data Permissions, select SAML Users and Groups.
  8. Paste the SageMaker user profile ARN from Step 1.
  9. In Table Permissions, select Describe, and then Grant.

Launch your SageMaker Studio application

Now that you’ve granted permissions for a SageMaker user profile, you can move on to launching the SageMaker application associated to that user profile.

  1. Navigate to the SageMaker Studio domain in the console.
  2. Select the SageMaker domain security-lake-gen-ai-<subscriber-account-id>.
  3. Select the SageMaker user profile sagemaker-user-profile-for-security-lake.
  4. For Launch, select Studio.
Figure 2: SageMaker Studio domain view

Figure 2: SageMaker Studio domain view

Clone the Python notebook

As part of the solution deployment, we’ve created a foundational Python notebook in CodeCommit to use within your SageMaker app.

  1. Navigate to CloudFormation in the console.
  2. In the Stacks section, select the SageMakerDomainStack.
  3. Select the Outputs tab.
  4. Copy the value for the SageMaker notebook generative AI repository URL. (For example: https://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/sagemaker_gen_ai_repo)
  5. Go back to your SageMaker app.
  6. In SageMaker Studio, in the left sidebar, choose the Git icon (a diamond with two branches), then choose Clone a Repository.
    Figure 3: SageMaker Studio clone repository option

    Figure 3: SageMaker Studio clone repository option

  7. Paste the CodeCommit repository link from Step 4 under the Git repository URL (git). After you paste the URL, select Clone “https://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/sagemaker_gen_ai_repo”, then select Clone.

Note: If you don’t select from the auto-populated list, SageMaker won’t be able to clone the repository and will return a message that the URL is invalid.

Figure 4: SageMaker Studio clone HTTPS repository URL

Figure 4: SageMaker Studio clone HTTPS repository URL

Configure your notebook to use generative AI

In the next section, we walk through how we configured the notebook and why we used specific LLMs, agents, tools, and additional configurations so you can extend and customize this solution to your use case.

The notebook we created uses the LangChain framework. LangChain is a framework for developing applications powered by language models and processes natural language inputs from the user, generates SQL queries, and runs those queries on your Security Lake data. For our use case, we’re using LangChain with Anthropic’s Claude 2 model on Amazon Bedrock.

Set up the notebook environment

  1. After you’re in the generative_ai_security_lake.ipynb notebook, you can set up your notebook environment. Keep the default settings and choose Select.
    Figure 5: SageMaker Studio notebook start-up configuration

    Figure 5: SageMaker Studio notebook start-up configuration

  2. Run the first cell to install the requirements listed in the requirements.txt file.

Connect to the Security Lake database using SQLAlchemy

The example solution uses a pre-populated Security Lake database with metadata in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. The inferred schema enables the LLM to generate SQL queries in response to the questions being asked.

LangChain uses SQLAlchemy, which is a Python SQL toolkit and object relational mapper, to access databases. To connect to a database, first import SQLAlchemy and create an engine object by specifying the following:

  • ATHENA REST API details

You can use the following configuration code to establish database connections and start querying.

import os
REGION_NAME = os.environ.get('REGION_NAME', 'us-east-1')
REGION_FMT = REGION_NAME.replace("-","_")

from langchain import SQLDatabase
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

#Amazon Security Lake Database
SCHEMA_NAME = f"amazon_security_lake_glue_db_{REGION_FMT}"

#S3 Staging location for Athena query output results and this will be created by deploying the Cloud Formation stack
S3_STAGING_DIR = f's3://athena-gen-ai-bucket-results-{ACCOUNT_ID}/output/'

engine_athena = create_engine(

athena_db = SQLDatabase(engine_athena)
db = athena_db

Initialize the LLM and Amazon Bedrock endpoint URL

Amazon Bedrock provides a list of Region-specific endpoints for making inference requests for models hosted in Amazon Bedrock. In this post, we’ve defined the model ID as Claude v2 and the Amazon Bedrock endpoint as us-east-1. You can change this to other LLMs and endpoints as needed for your use case.

Obtain a model ID from the AWS console

  1. Go to the Amazon Bedrock console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Foundation models, select Providers.
  3. Select the Anthropic tab from the top menu and then select Claude v2.
  4. In the model API request note the model ID value in the JSON payload.

Note: Alternatively, you can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to run the list-foundation-models command in a SageMaker notebook cell or a CLI terminal to the get the model ID. For AWS SDK, you can use the ListFoundationModels operation to retrieve information about base models for a specific provider.

Figure 6: Amazon Bedrock Claude v2 model ID

Figure 6: Amazon Bedrock Claude v2 model ID

Set the model parameters

After the LLM and Amazon Bedrock endpoints are configured, you can use the model_kwargs dictionary to set model parameters. Depending on your use case, you might use different parameters or values. In this example, the following values are already configured in the notebook and passed to the model.

  1. temperature: Set to 0. Temperature controls the degree of randomness in responses from the LLM. By adjusting the temperature, users can control the balance between having predictable, consistent responses (value closer to 0) compared to more creative, novel responses (value closer to 1).

    Note: Instead of using the temperature parameter, you can set top_p, which defines a cutoff based on the sum of probabilities of the potential choices. If you set Top P below 1.0, the model considers the most probable options and ignores less probable ones. According to Anthropic’s user guide, “you should either alter temperature or top_p, but not both.”

  2. top_k: Set to 0. While temperature controls the probability distribution of potential tokens, top_k limits the sample size for each subsequent token. For example, if top_k=50, the model selects from the 50 most probable tokens that could be next in a sequence. When you lower the top_k value, you remove the long tail of low probability tokens to select from in a sequence.
  3. max_tokens_to_sample: Set to 4096. For Anthropic models, the default is 256 and the max is 4096. This value denotes the absolute maximum number of tokens to predict before the generation stops. Anthropic models can stop before reaching this maximum.
Figure 7: Notebook configuration for Amazon Bedrock

Figure 7: Notebook configuration for Amazon Bedrock

Create and configure the LangChain agent

An agent uses a LLM and tools to reason and determine what actions to take and in which order. For this use case, we used a Conversational ReAct agent to remember conversational history and results to be used in a ReAct loop (Question → Thought → Action → Action Input → Observation ↔ repeat → Answer). This way, you don’t have to remember how to incorporate previous results in the subsequent question or query. Depending on your use case, you can configure a different type of agent.

Create a list of tools

Tools are functions used by an agent to interact with the available dataset. The agent’s tools are used by an action agent. We import both SQL and Python REPL tools:

  1. List the available log source tables in the Security Lake database
  2. Extract the schema and sample rows from the log source tables
  3. Create SQL queries to invoke in Athena
  4. Validate and rewrite the queries in case of syntax errors
  5. Invoke the query to get results from the appropriate log source tables
Figure 8: Notebook LangChain agent tools

Figure 8: Notebook LangChain agent tools

Here’s a breakdown for the tools used and the respective prompts:

  • QuerySQLDataBaseTool: This tool accepts detailed and correct SQL queries as input and returns results from the database. If the query is incorrect, you receive an error message. If there’s an error, rewrite and recheck the query, and try again. If you encounter an error such as Unknown column xxxx in field list, use the sql_db_schema to verify the correct table fields.
  • InfoSQLDatabaseTool: This tool accepts a comma-separated list of tables as input and returns the schema and sample rows for those tables. Verify that the tables exist by invoking the sql_db_list_tables first. The input format is: table1, table2, table3
  • ListSQLDatabaseTool: The input is an empty string, the output is a comma separated list of tables in the database
  • QuerySQLCheckerTool: Use this tool to check if your query is correct before running it. Always use this tool before running a query with sql_db_query
  • PythonREPLTool: A Python shell. Use this to run python commands. The input should be a valid python command. If you want to see the output of a value, you should print it out with print(…).

Note: If a native tool doesn’t meet your needs, you can create custom tools. Throughout our testing, we found some of the native tools provided most of what we needed but required minor tweaks for our use case. We changed the default behavior for the tools for use with Security Lake data.

Create an output parser

Output parsers are used to instruct the LLM to respond in the desired output format. Although the output parser is optional, it makes sure the LLM response is formatted in a way that can be quickly consumed and is actionable by the user.

Figure 9: LangChain output parser setting

Figure 9: LangChain output parser setting

Adding conversation buffer memory

To make things simpler for the user, previous results should be stored for use in subsequent queries by the Conversational ReAct agent. ConversationBufferMemory provides the capability to maintain state from past conversations and enables the user to ask follow-up questions in the same chat context. For example, if you asked an agent for a list of AWS accounts to focus on, you want your subsequent questions to focus on that same list of AWS accounts instead of writing the values down somewhere and keeping track of it in the next set of questions. There are many other types of memory that can be used to optimize your use cases.

Figure 10: LangChain conversation buffer memory setting

Figure 10: LangChain conversation buffer memory setting

Initialize the agent

At this point, all the appropriate configurations are set and it’s time to load an agent executor by providing a set of tools and a LLM.

  1. tools: List of tools the agent will have access to.
  2. llm: LLM the agent will use.
  3. agent: Agent type to use. If there is no value provided and agent_path is set, the agent used will default to AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION.
  4. agent_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the agent.
Figure 11: LangChain agent initialization

Figure 11: LangChain agent initialization

Note: For this post, we set verbose=True to view the agent’s intermediate ReAct steps, while answering questions. If you’re only interested in the output, set verbose=False.

You can also set return_direct=True to have the tool output returned to the user and closing the agent loop. Since we want to maintain the results of the query and used by the LLM, we left the default value of return_direct=False.

Provide instructions to the agent on using the tools

In addition to providing the agent with a list of tools, you would also give instructions to the agent on how and when to use these tools for your use case. This is optional but provides the agent with more context and can lead to better results.

Figure 12: LangChain agent instructions

Figure 12: LangChain agent instructions

Start your threat analysis journey with the generative AI-powered agent

Now that you’ve walked through the same set up process we used to create and initialize the agent, we can demonstrate how to analyze Security Lake data using natural language input questions that a security researcher might ask. The following examples focus on how you can use the solution to identify security vulnerabilities, risks, and threats and prioritize mitigating them. For this post, we’re using native AWS sources, but the agent can analyze any custom log sources configured in Security Lake. You can also use this solution to assist with investigations of possible security events in your environment.

For each of the questions that follow, you would enter the question in the free-form cell after it has run, similar to Figure 13.

Note: Because the field is free form, you can change the questions. Depending on the changes, you might see different results than are shown in this post. To end the conversation, enter exit and press the Enter key.

Figure 13: LangChain agent conversation input

Figure 13: LangChain agent conversation input

Question 1: What data sources are available in Security Lake?

In addition to the native AWS sources that Security Lake automatically ingests, your security team can incorporate additional custom log sources. It’s important to know what data is available to you to determine what and where to investigate. As shown in Figure 14, the Security Lake database contains the following log sources as tables:

If there are additional custom sources configured, they will also show up here. From here, you can focus on a smaller subset of AWS accounts that might have a larger number of security-related findings.

Figure 14: LangChain agent output for Security Lake tables

Figure 14: LangChain agent output for Security Lake tables

Question 2: What are the top five AWS accounts that have the most Security Hub findings?

Security Hub is a cloud security posture management service that not only aggregates findings from other AWS security services—such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Macie, AWS Firewall Manager, and Amazon Inspector—but also from a number of AWS partner security solutions. Additionally, Security Hub has its own security best practices checks to help identify any vulnerabilities within your AWS environment. Depending on your environment, this might be a good starting place to look for specific AWS accounts to focus on.

Figure 15: LangChain output for AWS accounts with Security Hub findings

Figure 15: LangChain output for AWS accounts with Security Hub findings

Question 3: Within those AWS accounts, were any of the following actions found in (CreateUser, AttachUserPolicy, CreateAccessKey, CreateLoginProfile, DeleteTrail, DeleteMembers, UpdateIPSet, AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress) in CloudTrail?

With the list of AWS accounts to look at narrowed down, you might be interested in mutable changes in your AWS account that you would deem suspicious. It’s important to note that every AWS environment is different, and some actions might be suspicious for one environment but normal in another. You can tailor this list to actions that shouldn’t happen in your environment. For example, if your organization normally doesn’t use IAM users, you can change the list to look at a list of actions for IAM, such as CreateAccessKey, CreateLoginProfile, CreateUser, UpdateAccessKey, UpdateLoginProfile, and UpdateUser.

By looking at the actions related to AWS CloudTrail (CreateUser, AttachUserPolicy, CreateAccessKey, CreateLoginProfile, DeleteTrail, DeleteMembers, UpdateIPSet, AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress), you can see which actions were taken in your environment and choose which to focus on. Because the agent has access to previous chat history and results, you can ask follow-up questions on the SQL results without having to specify the AWS account IDs or event names.

Figure 16: LangChain agent output for CloudTrail actions taken in AWS Organization

Figure 16: LangChain agent output for CloudTrail actions taken in AWS Organization

Question 4: Which IAM principals took those actions?

The previous question narrowed down the list to mutable actions that shouldn’t occur. The next logical step is to determine which IAM principals took those actions. This helps correlate an actor to the actions that are either unexpected or are reserved for only authorized principals. For example, if you have an IAM principal tied to a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, that could be less suspicious. Alternatively, if you see an IAM principal that you don’t recognize, you could focus on all actions taken by that IAM principal, including how it was provisioned in the first place.

Figure 17: LangChain agent output for CloudTrail IAM principals that invoked events from the previous query

Figure 17: LangChain agent output for CloudTrail IAM principals that invoked events from the previous query

Question 5: Within those AWS accounts, were there any connections made to “”?

If you don’t find anything useful related to mutable changes to CloudTrail, you can pivot to see if there were any network connections established from a specific Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range. For example, if an organization primarily interacts with AWS resources within your AWS Organizations from your corporate-owned CIDR range, anything outside of that might be suspicious. Additionally, if you have threat lists or suspicious IP ranges, you can add them to the query to see if there are any network connections established from those ranges. The agent knows that the query is network related and to look in VPC flow logs and is focusing on only the AWS accounts from Question 2.

Figure 18: LangChain agent output for VPC flow log matches to specific CIDR

Figure 18: LangChain agent output for VPC flow log matches to specific CIDR

Question 6: As a security analyst, what other evidence or logs should I look for to determine if there are any indicators of compromise in my AWS environment?

If you haven’t found what you’re looking for and want some inspiration from the agent, you can ask the agent what other areas you should look at within your AWS environment. This might help you create a threat analysis thesis or use case as a starting point. You can also refer to the MITRE ATT&CK Cloud Matrix for more areas to focus on when setting up questions for your agent.

Figure 19: LangChain agent output for additional scenarios and questions to investigate

Figure 19: LangChain agent output for additional scenarios and questions to investigate

Based on the answers given, you can start a new investigation to identify possible vulnerabilities and threats:

  • Is there any unusual API activity in my organization that could be an indicator of compromise?
  • Have there been any AWS console logins that don’t match normal geographic patterns?
  • Have there been any spikes in network traffic for my AWS resources?

Agent running custom SQL queries

If you want to use a previously generated or customized SQL query, the agent can run the query as shown in Figure 20 that follows. In the previous questions, a SQL query is generated in the agent’s Action Input field. You can use that SQL query as a baseline, edit the SQL query manually to fit your use case, and then run the modified query through the agent. The modified query results are stored in memory and can be used for subsequent natural language questions to the agent. Even if your security analysts already have SQL experience, having the agent give a recommendation or template SQL query can shorten your investigation.

Figure 20: LangChain agent output for invoking custom SQL queries

Figure 20: LangChain agent output for invoking custom SQL queries

Agent assistance to automatically generate visualizations

You can get help from the agent to create visualizations by using the PythonREPL tool to generate code and plot SQL query results. As shown in Figure 21, you can ask the agent to get results from a SQL query and generate code to create a visualization based on those results. You can then take the generated code and put it into the next cell to create the visualization.

Figure 21: LangChain agent output to generate code to visualize SQL results in a plot

Figure 21: LangChain agent output to generate code to visualize SQL results in a plot

The agent returns example code after To plot the results. You can copy the code between ‘‘‘python and ’’’ and input that code in the next cell. After you run that cell, a visual based on the SQL results is created similar to Figure 22 that follows. This can be helpful to share the notebook output as part of an investigation to either create a custom detection to monitor or determine how a vulnerability can be mitigated.

Figure 22: Notebook Python code output from code generated by LangChain agent

Figure 22: Notebook Python code output from code generated by LangChain agent

Tailoring your agent to your data

As previously discussed, use cases and data vary between organizations. It’s important to understand the foundational components in terms of how you can configure and tailor the LLM, agents, tools, and configuration to your environment. The notebook in the solution was the result of experiments to determine and display what’s possible. Along the way, you might encounter challenges or issues depending on changes you make in the notebook or by adding additional data sources. Below are some tips to help you create and tailor the notebook to your use case.

  • If the agent pauses in the intermediate steps or asks for guidance to answer the original question, you can guide the agent with prompt engineering techniques, using commands such as execute or continue to move the process along.
  • If the agent is hallucinating or providing data that isn’t accurate, see Anthropic’s user guide for mechanisms to reduce hallucinations. An example of a hallucination would be the response having generic information such as an AWS account that is 1234567890 or the resulting count of a query being repeated for multiple rows.

    Note: You can also use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) in Amazon SageMaker to mitigate hallucinations.

SageMaker Studio and Amazon Bedrock provide native integration to use a variety of generative AI tools with your Security Lake data to help increase your organization’s security posture. Some other use cases you can try include:

  • Investigating impact and root cause for a suspected compromise of an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance from a GuardDuty finding.
  • Determining if network ACL or firewall changes in your environment affected the number of AWS resources communicating with public endpoints.
  • Checking if any S3 buckets with possibly confidential or sensitive data were accessed by non-authorized IAM principals.
  • Identify if an EC2 instance that might be compromised made any internal or external connections to other AWS resources and then if those resources were impacted.


This solution demonstrates how you can use the generative AI capabilities of Amazon Bedrock and natural language input in SageMaker Studio to analyze data in Security Lake and work towards reducing your organization’s risk and increase your security posture. The Python notebook is primarily meant to serve as a starting point to walk through an example scenario to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats.

Security Lake is continually working on integrating native AWS sources, but there are also custom data sources outside of AWS that you might want to import for your agent to analyze. We also showed you how we configured the notebook to use agents and LLMs, and how you can tune each component within a notebook to your specific use case.

By enabling your security team to analyze and interact with data in Security Lake using natural language input, you can reduce the amount of time needed to conduct an investigation by automatically identifying the appropriate data sources, generating and invoking SQL queries, and visualizing data from your investigation. This post focuses on Security Lake, which normalizes data into Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF), but as long as the database data schema is normalized, the solution can be applied to other data stores.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Generative AI on AWS re:Post or contact AWS Support.


Jonathan Nguyen

Jonathan is a Principal Security Architect at AWS. His background is in AWS security with a focus on threat detection and incident response. He helps enterprise customers develop a comprehensive AWS security strategy and deploy security solutions at scale, and trains customers on AWS security best practices.


Madhunika Reddy Mikkili

Madhunika is a Data and Machine Learning Engineer with the AWS Professional Services Shared Delivery Team. She is passionate about helping customers achieve their goals through the use of data and machine learning insights. Outside of work, she loves traveling and spending time with family and friends.

Harsh Asnani

Harsh Asnani

Harsh is a Machine Learning Engineer at AWS. His Background is in applied Data Science with a focus on operationalizing Machine Learning workloads in the cloud at scale.

Kartik Kannapur

Kartik Kannapur

Kartik is a Senior Data Scientist with AWS Professional Services. His background is in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. He works with enterprise customers, helping them use machine learning to solve their business problems.

Use IAM Roles Anywhere to help you improve security in on-premises container workloads

Post Syndicated from Ulrich Hinze original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-iam-roles-anywhere-to-help-you-improve-security-in-on-premises-container-workloads/

This blog post demonstrates how to help meet your security goals for a containerized process running outside of Amazon Web Services (AWS) as part of a hybrid cloud architecture. Managing credentials for such systems can be challenging, including when a workload needs to access cloud resources. IAM Roles Anywhere lets you exchange static AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user credentials with temporary security credentials in this scenario, reducing security risks while improving developer convenience.

In this blog post, we focus on these key areas to help you set up IAM Roles Anywhere in your own environment: determining whether an existing on-premises public key infrastructure (PKI) can be used with IAM Roles Anywhere, creating the necessary AWS resources, creating an IAM Roles Anywhere enabled Docker image, and using this image to issue AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands. In the end, you will be able to issue AWS CLI commands through a Docker container, using credentials from your own PKI.

The AWS Well-Architected Framework and AWS IAM best practices documentation recommend that you use temporary security credentials over static credentials wherever possible. For workloads running on AWS—such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, AWS Lambda functions, or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) pods—assigning and assuming IAM roles is a secure mechanism for distributing temporary credentials that can be used to authenticate against the AWS API. Before the release of IAM Roles Anywhere, developers had to use IAM users with long-lived, static credentials (access key IDs and secret access keys) to call the AWS API from outside of AWS. Now, by establishing trust between your on-premises PKI or AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) with IAM Roles Anywhere, you can also use IAM roles for workloads running outside of AWS.

This post provides a walkthrough for containerized environments. Containers make the setup for different environments and operating systems more uniform, making it simpler for you to follow the solution in this post and directly apply the learnings to your existing containerized setup. However, you can apply the same pattern to non-container environments.

At the end of this walkthrough, you will issue an AWS CLI command to list Amazon S3 buckets in an AWS account (aws s3 ls). This is a simplified mechanism to show that you have successfully authenticated to AWS using IAM Roles Anywhere. Typically, in applications that consume AWS functionality, you instead would use an AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) for the programming language of your application. You can apply the same concepts from this blog post to enable the AWS SDK to use IAM Roles Anywhere.


To follow along with this post, you must have these tools installed:

  • The latest version of the AWS CLI, to create IAM Roles Anywhere resources
  • jq, to extract specific information from AWS API responses
  • Docker, to create and run the container image
  • OpenSSL, to create cryptographic keys and certificates

Make sure that the principal used by the AWS CLI has enough permissions to perform the commands described in this blog post. For simplicity, you can apply the following least-privilege IAM policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "IAMRolesAnywhereBlog",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

This blog post assumes that you have configured a default AWS Region for the AWS CLI. If you have not, refer to the AWS CLI configuration documentation for different ways to configure the AWS Region.

Considerations for production use cases

To use IAM Roles Anywhere, you must establish trust with a private PKI. Certificates that are issued by this certificate authority (CA) are then used to sign CreateSession API requests. The API returns temporary AWS credentials: the access key ID, secret access key, and session key. For strong security, you should specify that the certificates are short-lived and the CA automatically rotates expiring certificates.

To simplify the setup for demonstration purposes, this post explains how to manually create a CA and certificate by using OpenSSL. For a production environment, this is not a suitable approach, because it ignores security concerns around the CA itself and excludes automatic certificate rotation or revocation capabilities. You need to use your existing PKI to provide short-lived and automatically rotated certificates in your production environment. This post shows how to validate whether your private CA and certificates meet IAM Roles Anywhere requirements.

If you don’t have an existing PKI that fulfils these requirements, you can consider using AWS Private Certificate Authority (Private CA) for a convenient way to help you with this process.

In order to use IAM Roles Anywhere in your container workload, it must have access to certificates that are issued by your private CA.

Solution overview

Figure 1 describes the relationship between the different resources created in this blog post.

Figure 1: IAM Roles Anywhere relationship between different components and resources

Figure 1: IAM Roles Anywhere relationship between different components and resources

To establish a trust relationship with the existing PKI, you will use its CA certificate to create an IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor. You will create an IAM role with permissions to list all buckets in the account. The IAM role’s trust policy states that it can be assumed only from IAM Roles Anywhere, narrowing down which exact end-entity certificate can be used to assume it. The IAM Roles Anywhere profile defines which IAM role can be assumed in a session.

The container that is authenticating with IAM Roles Anywhere needs to present a valid certificate issued by the PKI, as well as Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the trust anchor, profile, and role. The container finally uses the certificate’s private key to sign a CreateSession API call, returning temporary AWS credentials. These temporary credentials are then used to issue the aws s3 ls command, which lists all buckets in the account.

Create and verify the CA and certificate

To start, you can either use your own CA and certificate or, to follow along without your own CA, manually create a CA and certificate by using OpenSSL. Afterwards, you can verify that the CA and certificate comply with IAM Roles Anywhere requirements.

To create the CA and certificate

Note: Manually creating and signing RSA keys into X.509 certificates is not a suitable approach for production environments. This section is intended only for demonstration purposes.

  1. Create an OpenSSL config file called v3.ext, with the following content.
    [ req ]
    default_bits                    = 2048
    distinguished_name              = req_distinguished_name
    x509_extensions                 = v3_ca
    [ v3_cert ]
    basicConstraints                = critical, CA:FALSE
    keyUsage                        = critical, digitalSignature
    [ v3_ca ]
    subjectKeyIdentifier            = hash
    authorityKeyIdentifier          = keyid:always,issuer:always
    basicConstraints                = CA: true
    keyUsage                        = Certificate Sign
    [ req_distinguished_name ]
    countryName                     = Country Name (2 letter code)
    countryName_default             = US
    countryName_min                 = 2
    countryName_max                 = 2
    stateOrProvinceName             = State or Province Name (full name)
    stateOrProvinceName_default     = Washington
    localityName                    = Locality Name (eg, city)
    localityName_default            = Seattle

  2. Create the CA RSA private key ca-key.pem and choose a passphrase.
    openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca-key.pem 2048

  3. Create the CA X.509 certificate ca-cert.pem, keeping the default settings for all options.
    openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 1095 -config v3.ext -key ca-key.pem -out ca-cert.pem

    The CA certificate is valid for three years. For recommendations on certificate validity, refer to the AWS Private CA documentation.

  4. Create an RSA private key key.pem, choose a new passphrase, and create a certificate signing request (CSR) csr.pem for the container. For Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name), enter myContainer. Leave the rest of the options blank.
    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -days 1 -keyout key.pem -out csr.pem

  5. Use the CA private key, CA certificate, and CSR to issue an X.509 certificate cert.pem for the container.
    openssl x509 -req -days 1 -sha256 -set_serial 01 -in csr.pem -out cert.pem -CA ca-cert.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -extfile v3.ext -extensions v3_cert

To verify the CA and certificate

  1. Check whether your CA certificate satisfies IAM Roles Anywhere constraints.
    openssl x509 -text -noout -in ca-cert.pem

    The output should contain the following.

            Version: 3 (0x2)
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
            X509v3 extensions:
                X509v3 Basic Constraints:
                X509v3 Key Usage:
                    Certificate Sign

  2. Check whether your certificate satisfies IAM Roles Anywhere constraints.
    openssl x509 -text -noout -in cert.pem

    The output should contain the following.

            Version: 3 (0x2)
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
            X509v3 extensions:
                X509v3 Basic Constraints:
                X509v3 Key Usage:
                    Digital Signature

    Note that IAM Roles Anywhere also supports stronger encryption algorithms than SHA256.

Create IAM resources

After you verify that your PKI complies with IAM Roles Anywhere requirements, you’re ready to create IAM resources. Before you start, make sure you have configured the AWS CLI, including setting a default AWS Region.

To create the IAM role

  1. Create a file named policy.json that specifies a set of permissions that your container process needs. For this walkthrough, you will issue the simple AWS CLI command aws s3 ls, which needs the following permissions:
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "*"

  2. Create a file named trust-policy.json that contains the assume role policy for an IAM role by the service IAM Roles Anywhere. Note that this policy defines which certificate can assume the role. We define this based on the common name (CN) of the certificate, but you can explore other possibilities in the IAM Roles Anywhere documentation.
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
              "Service": "rolesanywhere.amazonaws.com"
          "Action": [
          "Condition": {
            "StringEquals": {
              "aws:PrincipalTag/x509Subject/CN": "myContainer"

  3. Create the IAM role named bucket-lister.
    aws iam create-role --role-name bucket-lister --assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json

    The response should be a JSON document that describes the role.

  4. Attach the IAM policy document that you created earlier.
    aws iam put-role-policy --role-name bucket-lister --policy-name list-buckets --policy-document file://policy.json

    This command returns without a response.

To enable authentication with IAM Roles Anywhere

  1. Establish trust between IAM Roles Anywhere and an on-premises PKI by making the CA certificate known to IAM Roles Anywhere using a trust anchor. Create an IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor from the CA certificate by using the following command:
    aws rolesanywhere create-trust-anchor --enabled --name myPrivateCA --source sourceData={x509CertificateData="$(cat ca-cert.pem)"},sourceType=CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE

    The response should be a JSON document that describes the trust anchor.

  2. Create an IAM Roles Anywhere profile. Make sure to replace <AWS_ACCOUNT ID> with your own information.
    aws rolesanywhere create-profile --enabled --name bucket-lister --role-arns "arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/bucket-lister"

    The response should be a JSON document that describes the profile.

Create the Docker image

The Docker image that you will create in this step enables you to issue commands with the AWS CLI that are authenticated by using IAM Roles Anywhere.

To create the Docker image

  1. Create a file named docker-entrypoint.sh that configures the AWS CLI to use the IAM Roles Anywhere signing helper.
    set -e
    openssl rsa -in $ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_LOCATION -passin env:ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_PASSPHRASE -out /tmp/key.pem > /dev/null 2>&1
    echo "[default]" > ~/.aws/config
    echo "  credential_process = aws_signing_helper credential-process \
        --certificate $ROLESANYWHERE_CERT_LOCATION \
        --private-key /tmp/key.pem \
        --trust-anchor-arn $ROLESANYWHERE_TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN \
        --profile-arn $ROLESANYWHERE_PROFILE_ARN \
        --role-arn $ROLESANYWHERE_ROLE_ARN" >> ~/.aws/config
    exec "$@"

  2. Create a file named Dockerfile. This contains a multi-stage build. The first stage builds the IAM Roles Anywhere signing helper. The second stage copies the compiled signing helper binary into the official AWS CLI Docker image and changes the container entry point to the script you created earlier.
    FROM ubuntu:22.04 AS signing-helper-builder
    WORKDIR /build
    RUN apt update && apt install -y git build-essential golang-go
    RUN git clone --branch v1.1.1 https://github.com/aws/rolesanywhere-credential-helper.git
    RUN go env -w GOPRIVATE=*
    RUN go version
    RUN cd rolesanywhere-credential-helper && go build -buildmode=pie -ldflags "-X main.Version=1.0.2 -linkmode=external -extldflags=-static -w -s" -trimpath -o build/bin/aws_signing_helper main.go
    FROM amazon/aws-cli:2.11.27
    COPY --from=signing-helper-builder /build/rolesanywhere-credential-helper/build/bin/aws_signing_helper /usr/bin/aws_signing_helper
    RUN yum install -y openssl shadow-utils
    COPY ./docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh
    RUN chmod +x /docker-entrypoint.sh
    RUN useradd user
    USER user
    RUN mkdir ~/.aws
    ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/docker-entrypoint.sh", "aws"]

    Note that the first build stage can remain the same for other use cases, such as for applications using an AWS SDK. Only the second stage would need to be adapted. Diving deeper into the technical details of the first build stage, note that building the credential helper from its source keeps the build independent of the processor architecture. The build process also statically packages dependencies that are not present in the official aws-cli Docker image. Depending on your use case, you may opt to download pre-built artifacts from the credential helper download page instead.

  3. Create the image as follows.
    docker build -t rolesanywhere .

Use the Docker image

To use the Docker image, use the following commands to run the created image manually. Make sure to replace <PRIVATE_KEY_PASSSPHRASE> with your own data.

profile_arn=$(aws rolesanywhere list-profiles  | jq -r '.profiles[] | select(.name=="bucket-lister") | .profileArn')
trust_anchor_arn=$(aws rolesanywhere list-trust-anchors | jq -r '.trustAnchors[] | select(.name=="myPrivateCA") | .trustAnchorArn')
role_arn=$(aws iam list-roles | jq -r '.Roles[] | select(.RoleName=="bucket-lister") | .Arn')

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/rolesanywhere -e ROLESANYWHERE_CERT_LOCATION=/rolesanywhere/cert.pem -e ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_LOCATION=/rolesanywhere/key.pem -e ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_PASSPHRASE=<PRIVATE_KEY_PASSSPHRASE> -e ROLESANYWHERE_TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN=$trust_anchor_arn -e ROLESANYWHERE_PROFILE_ARN=$profile_arn -e ROLESANYWHERE_ROLE_ARN=$role_arn rolesanywhere s3 ls

This command should return a list of buckets in your account.

Because we only granted permissions to list buckets, other commands that use this certificate, like the following, will fail with an UnauthorizedOperation error.

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/rolesanywhere -e ROLESANYWHERE_CERT_LOCATION=/rolesanywhere/cert.pem -e ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_LOCATION=/rolesanywhere/key.pem -e ROLESANYWHERE_KEY_PASSPHRASE=<PRIVATE_KEY_PASSSPHRASE> -e ROLESANYWHERE_TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN=$trust_anchor_arn -e ROLESANYWHERE_PROFILE_ARN=$profile_arn -e ROLESANYWHERE_ROLE_ARN=$role_arn rolesanywhere ec2 describe-instances --region us-east-1

Note that if you use a certificate that uses a different common name than myContainer, this command will instead return an AccessDeniedException error as it fails to assume the role bucket-lister.

To use the image in your own environment, consider the following:

  • How to provide the private key and certificate to your container. This depends on how and where your PKI provides certificates. As an example, consider a PKI that rotates certificate files in a host directory, which you can then mount as a directory to your container.
  • How to configure the environment variables. Some variables mentioned earlier, like ROLESANYWHERE_TRUST_ANCHOR_ARN, can be shared across containers, while ROLESANYWHERE_PROFILE_ARN and ROLESANYWHERE_ROLE_ARN should be scoped to a particular container.

Clean up

None of the resources created in this walkthrough incur additional AWS costs. But if you want to clean up AWS resources you created earlier, issue the following commands.

  • Delete the IAM policy from the IAM role.
    aws iam delete-role-policy --role-name bucket-lister --policy-name list-buckets

  • Delete the IAM role.
    aws iam delete-role --role-name bucket-lister

  • Delete the IAM Roles Anywhere profile.
    profile_id=$(aws rolesanywhere list-profiles | jq -r '.profiles[] | select(.name=="bucket-lister") | .profileId')
    aws rolesanywhere delete-profile --profile-id $profile_id

  • Delete the IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor.
    trust_anchor_id=$(aws rolesanywhere list-trust-anchors | jq -r '.trustAnchors[] | select(.name=="myPrivateCA") | .trustAnchorId')
    aws rolesanywhere delete-trust-anchor --trust-anchor-id $trust_anchor_id

  • Delete the key material you created earlier to avoid accidentally reusing it or storing it in version control.
    rm ca-key.pem ca-cert.pem key.pem csr.pem cert.pem

What’s next

After you reconfigure your on-premises containerized application to access AWS resources by using IAM Roles Anywhere, assess your other hybrid workloads running on-premises that have access to AWS resources. The technique we described in this post isn’t limited to containerized workloads. We encourage you to identify other places in your on-premises infrastructure that rely on static IAM credentials and gradually switch them to use IAM Roles Anywhere.


In this blog post, you learned how to use IAM Roles Anywhere to help you meet security goals in your on-premises containerized system. Improve your security posture by using temporary credentials instead of static credentials to authenticate against the AWS API. Use your existing private CA to make credentials short-lived and automatically rotate them.

For more information, check out the IAM Roles Anywhere documentation. The workshop Deep Dive on AWS IAM Roles Anywhere provides another walkthrough that isn’t specific to Docker containers. If you have any questions, you can start a new thread on AWS re:Post or reach out to AWS Support.

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Ulrich Hinze

Ulrich Hinze

Ulrich is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He partners with software companies to architect and implement cloud-based solutions on AWS. Before joining AWS, he worked for AWS customers and partners in software engineering, consulting, and architecture roles for over 8 years.

Alex Paramonov

Alex Paramonov

Alex is an AWS Solutions Architect for Independent Software Vendors in Germany, passionate about Serverless and how it can solve real world problems. Before joining AWS, he worked with large and medium software development companies as a Full-stack Software Engineer and consultant.

Use private key JWT authentication between Amazon Cognito user pools and an OIDC IdP

Post Syndicated from Martin Pagel original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-private-key-jwt-authentication-between-amazon-cognito-user-pools-and-an-oidc-idp/

With Amazon Cognito user pools, you can add user sign-up and sign-in features and control access to your web and mobile applications. You can enable your users who already have accounts with other identity providers (IdPs) to skip the sign-up step and sign in to your application by using an existing account through SAML 2.0 or OpenID Connect (OIDC). In this blog post, you will learn how to extend the authorization code grant between Cognito and an external OIDC IdP with private key JSON Web Token (JWT) client authentication.

For OIDC, Cognito uses the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow as defined by the IETF in RFC 6749 Section 1.3.1. This flow can be broken down into two steps: user authentication and token request. When a user needs to authenticate through an external IdP, the Cognito user pool forwards the user to the IdP’s login endpoint. After successful authentication, the IdP sends back a response that includes an authorization code, which concludes the authentication step. The Cognito user pool now uses this code, together with a client secret for client authentication, to retrieve a JWT from the IdP. The JWT consists of an access token and an identity token. Cognito ingests that JWT, creates or updates the user in the user pool, and returns a JWT it has created for the client’s session, to the client. You can find a more detailed description of this flow in the Amazon Cognito documentation.

Although this flow sufficiently secures the requests between Cognito and the IdP for most customers, those in the public sector, healthcare, and finance sometimes need to integrate with IdPs that enforce additional security measures as part of their security requirements. In the past, this has come up in conversations at AWS when our customers needed to integrate Cognito with, for example, the HelseID (healthcare sector, Norway), login.gov (public sector, USA), or GOV.UK One Login (public sector, UK) IdPs. Customers who are using Okta, PingFederate, or similar IdPs and want additional security measures as part of their internal security requirements, might also find adding further security requirements desirable as part of their own policies.

The most common additional requirement is to replace the client secret with an assertion that consists of a private key JWT as a means of client authentication during token requests. This method is defined through a combination of RFC 7521 and RFC 7523. Instead of a symmetric key (the client secret), this method uses an asymmetric key-pair to sign a JWT with a private key. The IdP can then verify the token request by validating the signature of that JWT using the corresponding public key. This helps to eliminate the exposure of the client secret with every request, thereby reducing the risk of request forgery, depending on the quality of the key material that was used and how access to the private key is secured. Additionally, the JWT has an expiry time, which further constrains the risk of replay attacks to a narrow time window.

A Cognito user pool does not natively support private key JWT client authentication when integrating with an external IdP. However, you can still integrate Cognito user pools with IdPs that support or require private key JWT authentication by using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda.

This blog post presents a high-level overview of how you can implement this solution. To learn more about the underlying code, how to configure the included services, and what the detailed request flow looks like, check out the Deploy a demo section later in this post. Keep in mind that this solution does not cover the request flow between your own application and a Cognito user pool, but only the communication between Cognito and the IdP.

Solution overview

Following the technical implementation details of the previously mentioned RFCs, the required request flow between a Cognito user pool and the external OIDC IdP can be broken down into four simplified steps, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Simplified UML diagram of the target implementation for using a private key JWT during the authorization code grant

Figure 1: Simplified UML diagram of the target implementation for using a private key JWT during the authorization code grant

In this example, we’re using the Cognito user pool hosted UI—because it already provides OAuth 2.0-aligned IdP integration—and extending it with the private key JWT. Figure 1 illustrates the following steps:

  1. The hosted UI forwards the user client to the /authorize endpoint of the external OIDC IdP with an HTTP GET request.
  2. After the user successfully logs into the IdP, the IdP‘s response includes an authorization code.
  3. The hosted UI sends this code in an HTTP POST request to the IdP’s /token endpoint. By default, the hosted UI also adds a client secret for client authentication. To align with the private key JWT authentication method, you need to replace the client secret with a client assertion and specify the client assertion type, as highlighted in the diagram and further described later.
  4. The IdP validates the client assertion by using a pre-shared public key.
  5. The IdP issues the user’s JWT, which Cognito ingests to create or update the user in the user pool.

As mentioned earlier, token requests between a Cognito user pool and an external IdP do not natively support the required client assertion. However, you can redirect the token requests to, for example, an Amazon API Gateway, which invokes a Lambda function to extend the request with the new parameters. Because you need to sign the client assertion with a private key, you also need a secure location to store this key. For this, you can use AWS Secrets Manager, which helps you to secure the key from unauthorized use. With the required flow and additional services in mind, you can create the following architecture.

Figure 2: Architecture diagram with Amazon API Gateway and Lambda to process token requests between Cognito and the OIDC identity provider

Figure 2: Architecture diagram with Amazon API Gateway and Lambda to process token requests between Cognito and the OIDC identity provider

Let’s have a closer look at the individual components and the request flow that are shown in Figure 2.

When adding an OIDC IdP to a Cognito user pool, you configure endpoints for Authorization, UserInfo, Jwks_uri, and Token. Because the private key is required only for the token request flow, you can configure resources to redirect and process requests, as follows (the step numbers correspond to the step numbering in Figure 2):

  1. Configure the endpoints for Authorization, UserInfo, and Jwks_Uri with the ones from the IdP.
  2. Create an API Gateway with a dedicated route for token requests (for example, /token) and add it as the Token endpoint in the IdP configuration in Cognito.
  3. Integrate this route with a Lambda function: When Cognito calls the API endpoint, it will automatically invoke the function.

Together with the original request parameters, which include the authorization code, this function does the following:

  1. Retrieves the private key from Secrets Manager.
  2. Creates and signs the client assertion.
  3. Makes the token request to the IdP token endpoint.
  4. Receives the response from the IdP.
  5. Returns the response to the Cognito IdP response endpoint.

The details of the function logic can be broken down into the following:

  • Decode the body of the original request—this includes the authorization code that was acquired during the authorize flow.
    import base64
    encoded_message = event["body"]
    decoded_message = base64.b64decode(encoded_message)
    decoded_message = decoded_message.decode("utf-8")

  • Retrieve the private key from Secrets Manager by using the GetSecretValue API or SDK equivalent or by using the AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension.
  • Create and sign the JWT.
    import jwt # third party library – requires a Lambda Layer
    import time
    instance = jwt.JWT()
    private_key_jwt = instance.encode({
        "iss": <Issuer. Contains IdP client ID>,
        "sub": <Subject. Contains IdP client ID>,
        "aud": <Audience. IdP token endpoint>,
        "iat": int(time.time()),
        "exp": int(time.time()) + 300
        optional_headers = {"kid": private_key_dict["kid"]}

  • Modify the original body and make the token request, including the original parameters for grant_type, code, and client_id, with added client_assertion_type and the client_assertion. (The following example HTTP request has line breaks and placeholders in angle brackets for better readability.)
    POST /token HTTP/1.1
      Scheme: https
      Host: your-idp.example.com
      Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        code=<the authorization code>&
        client_id=<IdP client ID>&
        client_assertion=<signed JWT>

  • Return the IdP’ s response.

Note that there is no client secret needed in this request. Instead, you add a client assertion type as urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer, and the client assertion with the signed JWT.

If the request is successful, the IdP’s response includes a JWT with the access token and identity token. On returning the response via the Lambda function, Cognito ingests the JWT and creates or updates the user in the user pool. It then responds to the original authorize request of the user client by sending its own authorization code, which can be exchanged for a Cognito issued JWT in your own application.

Deploy a demo

To deploy an example of this solution, see our GitHub repository. You will find the prerequisites and deployment steps there, as well as additional in-depth information.

Additional considerations

To further optimize this solution, you should consider checking the event details in the Lambda function before fully processing the requests. This way, you can, for example, check that all required parameters are present and valid. One option to do that, is to define a client secret when you create the IdP integration for the user pool. When Cognito sends the token request, it adds the client secret in the encoded body, so you can retrieve it and validate its value. If the validation fails, requests can be dropped early to improve exception handling and to prevent invalid requests from causing unnecessary function charges.

In this example, we used Secrets Manager to store the private key. You can explore other alternatives, like AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store or AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). To retrieve the key from the Parameter Store, you can use the SDK or the AWS Parameter and Secrets Lambda Extension. With AWS KMS, you can both create and store the private key as well as derive a public key through the service’s APIs, and you can also use the signing API to sign the JWT in the Lambda function.


By redirecting the IdP token endpoint in the Cognito user pool’s external OIDC IdP configuration to a route in an API Gateway, you can use Lambda functions to customize the request flow between Cognito and the IdP. In the example in this post, we showed how to change the client authentication mechanism during the token request from a client secret to a client assertion with a signed JWT (private key JWT). You can also apply the same proxy-like approach to customize the request flow even further—for example, by adding a Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE), for which you can find an example in the aws-samples GitHub repository.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on AWS re:Post for Amazon Cognito User Pools or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.

Martin Pagel

Martin Pagel

Martin is a Solutions Architect in Norway who specializes in security and compliance, with a focus on identity. Before joining AWS, he walked in the shoes of a systems administrator and engineer, designing and implementing the technical side of a wide variety of compliance controls at companies in automotive, fintech, and healthcare. Today, he helps our customers across the Nordic region to achieve their security and compliance objectives.

Implement fine-grained access control in Amazon SageMaker Studio and Amazon EMR using Apache Ranger and Microsoft Active Directory

Post Syndicated from Rahul Sarda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/implement-fine-grained-access-control-in-amazon-sagemaker-studio-and-amazon-emr-using-apache-ranger-and-microsoft-active-directory/

Amazon SageMaker Studio is a fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML) that enables data scientists and developers to perform every step of the ML workflow, from preparing data to building, training, tuning, and deploying models. SageMaker Studio comes with built-in integration with Amazon EMR, enabling data scientists to interactively prepare data at petabyte scale using frameworks such as Apache Spark, Hive, and Presto right from SageMaker Studio notebooks. With Amazon SageMaker, developers, data scientists, and SageMaker Studio users can access both raw data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and cataloged tabular data stored in a Hive metastore easily. SageMaker Studio’s support for Apache Ranger creates a simple mechanism for applying fine-grained access control to the raw and cataloged data with grant and revoke policies administered from a friendly web interface.

In this post, we show how you can authenticate into SageMaker Studio using an existing Active Directory (AD), with authorized access to both Amazon S3 and Hive cataloged data using AD entitlements via Apache Ranger integration and AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On). With this solution, you can manage access to multiple SageMaker environments and SageMaker Studio notebooks using a single set of credentials. Subsequently, Apache Spark jobs created from SageMaker Studio notebooks will access only the data and resources permitted by Apache Ranger policies attached to the AD credentials, inclusive of table and column-level access.

With this capability, multiple SageMaker Studio users can connect to the same EMR cluster, gaining access only to data granted to their user or group, with audit records captured and visible in Amazon CloudWatch. This multi-tenant environment is possible through user session isolation that prevents users from accessing datasets and cluster resources allocated to other users. Ultimately, organizations can provision fewer clusters, reduce administrative overhead, and increase cluster utilization, saving staff time and cloud costs.

Solution overview

We demonstrate this solution with an end-to-end use case using a sample ecommerce dataset. The dataset is available within provided AWS CloudFormation templates and consists of transactional ecommerce data (products, orders, customers) cataloged in a Hive metastore.

The solution utilizes two data analyst personas, Alex and Tina, each tasked with different analysis requiring fine-grained limitations on dataset access:

  • Tina, a data scientist on the marketing team, is tasked with building a model for customer lifetime value. Data access should only be permitted to non-sensitive customer, product, and orders data.
  • Alex, a data scientist on the sales team, is tasked to generate product demand forecast, requiring access to product and orders data. No customer data is required.

The following figure illustrates our desired fine-grained access.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The architecture is implemented as follows:

  • Microsoft Active Directory – Used to manage user authentication, select AWS application access, and user and group membership for Apache Ranger secured data authorization
  • Apache Ranger – Used to monitor and manage comprehensive data security across the Hadoop and Amazon EMR platform
  • Amazon EMR – Used to retrieve, prepare, and analyze data from the Hive metastore using Spark
  • SageMaker Studio – An integrated IDE with purpose-built tools to build AI/ML models.

The following sections walk through the setup of the architectural components for this solution using the CloudFormation stack.


Before you get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Create resources with AWS CloudFormation

To build the solution within your environment, use the provided CloudFormation templates to create the required AWS resources.

Note that running these CloudFormation templates and the following configuration steps will create AWS resources that may incur charges. Additionally, all the steps should be run in the same Region.

Template 1

This first template creates the following resources and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete:

  • A Multi-AZ, multi-subnet VPC infrastructure, with managed NAT gateways in the public subnet for each Availability Zone
  • S3 VPC endpoints and Elastic Network Interfaces
  • A Windows Active Directory domain controller using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) with cross-realm trust
  • A Linux Bastion host (Amazon EC2) in an auto scaling group

To deploy this template, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. On the Amazon EC2 console, create an EC2 key pair.
  3. Choose Launch Stack :
  4. Select the target Region
  5. Verify the stack name and provide the following parameters:
    1. The name of the key pair you created.
    2. Passwords for cross-realm trust, the Windows domain admin, LDAP bind, and default AD user. Be sure to record these passwords to use in future steps.
    3. Select a minimum of three Availability Zones based on the chosen Region.
  6. Review the remaining parameters. No changes are required for the solution, but you may change parameter values if desired.
  7. Choose Next and then choose Next again.
  8. Review the parameters.
  9. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names and I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND.
  10. Choose Submit.

Template 2

The second template creates the following resources and takes approximately 30–60 minutes to complete:

To deploy this template, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack :
  2. Select the target Region
  3. Verify the stack name and provide the following parameters:
    1. Key pair name (created earlier).
    2. LDAPHostPrivateIP address, which can be found in the output section of the Windows AD CloudFormation stack.
    3. Passwords for the Windows domain admin, cross-realm trust, AD domain user, and LDAP bind. Use the same passwords as you did for the first CloudFormation template.
    4. Passwords for the RDS for MySQL database and KDC admin. Record these passwords; they may be needed in future steps.
    5. Log directory for the EMR cluster.
    6. VPC (it contains the name of the CloudFormation stack)
    7. Subnet details (align the subnet name with the parameter name).
    8. Set AppsEMR to Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Livy, Hue, and Trino.
    9. Leave RangerAdminPassword as is.
  4. Review the remaining parameters. No changes are required beyond what is mentioned, but you may change parameter values if desired.
  5. Choose Next, then choose Next again.
  6. Review the parameters.
  7. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names and I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND.
  8. Choose Submit.

Integrate Active Directory with AWS accounts using IAM Identity Center

To enable users to sign in to SageMaker with Active Directory credentials, a connection between IAM Identity Center and Active Directory must be established.

To connect to Microsoft Active Directory, we set up AWS Directory Service using AD Connector.

  1. On the Directory Service console, choose Directories in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Set up directory.
  3. For Directory types, select AD Connector.
  4. Choose Next.
  5. For Directory size, select the appropriate size for AD Connector. For this post, we select Small.
  6. Choose Next.
  7. Choose the VPC and private subnets where the Windows AD domain controller resides.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. In the Active Directory information section, enter the following details (this information can be retrieved on the Outputs tab of the first CloudFormation template):
    1. For Directory DNS Name, enter awsemr.com.
    2. For Directory NetBIOS name, enter awsemr.
    3. For DNS IP addresses, enter the IPv4 private IP address from AD Controller.
    4. Enter the service account user name and password that you provided during stack creation.
  10. Choose Next.
  11. Review the settings and choose Create directory.

After the directory is created, you will see its status as Active on the Directory Services console.

Set up AWS Organizations

AWS Organizations supports IAM Identity Center in only one Region at a time. To enable IAM Identity Center in this Region, you must first delete the IAM Identity Center configuration if created in another Region. Do not delete an existing IAM Identity Center configuration unless you are sure it will not negatively impact existing workloads.

  1. Navigate to the IAM Identity Center console.
  2. If IAM Identity Center has not been activated previously, choose Enable. If an organization does not exist, an alert appears to create one.
  3. Choose Create AWS organization.
  4. Choose Settings in the navigation pane.
  5. On the Identity source tab, on the Actions menu, choose Change identity source.
  6. For Choose identity source, select Active Directory.
  7. Choose Next.
  8. For Existing Directories, choose AWSEMR.COM.
  9. Choose Next.
  10. To confirm the change, enter ACCEPT in the confirmation input box, then choose Change identity source. Upon completion, you will be redirected to Settings, where you receive the alert Configurable AD sync paused.
  11. Choose Resume sync.
  12. Choose Settings in the navigation pane.
  13. On the Identity source tab, on the Actions menu, choose Manage sync.
  14. Choose Add users and groups to specify the users and groups to sync from Active Directory to IAM Identity Center.
  15. On the Users tab, enter tina and choose Add.
  16. Enter alex and choose Add.
  17. Choose Submit.
  18. On the Groups tab, enter datascience and choose Add.
  19. Choose Submit.

After your users and groups are synced to IAM Identity Center, you can see them by choosing Users or Groups in the navigation pane on the IAM Identity Center console. When they’re available, you can assign them access to AWS accounts and cloud applications. The initial sync may take up to 5 minutes.

Set up a SageMaker domain using IAM Identity Center

To set up a SageMaker domain, complete the following steps:

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Domains in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create domain.
  3. Choose Standard setup, then choose Configure.
  4. For Domain Name, enter a unique name for your domain.
  5. For Authentication, choose AWS IAM Identity Center.
  6. Choose Create a new role for the default execution role.
  7. In the Create an IAM Role popup, choose Any S3 bucket.
  8. Choose Create role.
  9. Copy the role details to be used in next section for adding a policy for EMR cluster access.
  10. In the Network and storage section, specify the following:
    1. Choose the VPC that you created using the first CloudFormation template.
    2. Choose a private subnet in an Availability Zone supported by SageMaker.
    3. Use the default security group (sg-XXXX).
    4. Choose VPC only.

Note that there is a public domain called AWSEMR.COM that will conflict with the one created for this solution if Public internet only is selected.

  1. Leave all other options as default and choose Next.
  2. In the Studio settings section, accept the defaults and choose Next.
  3. In the RStudio settings section, accept the defaults and choose Next.
  4. In the Canvas setting section, accept the defaults and choose Submit.

Add a policy to provide SageMaker Studio access to the EMR cluster

Complete the following steps to give SageMaker Studio access to the EMR cluster:

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles in the navigation pane.
  2. Search and choose for the role you copied earlier (<AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>).
  3. On the Permissions tab, choose Add permissions and Attach policy.
  4. Search for and choose the policy AmazonEMRFullAccessPolicy_v2.
  5. Choose Add permissions.

Add users and groups to access the domain

Complete the following steps to give users and groups access to the domain:

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Domains in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the domain you created earlier.
  3. On the Domain details page, choose Assign users and groups.
  4. On the Users tab, select the users tina and alex.
  5. On the Groups tab, select the group datascience.
  6. Choose Assign users and groups.

Configure Spark data access rights in Apache Ranger

Now that the AWS environment is set up, we configure Hive dataset security using Apache Ranger.

To start, collect the Apache Ranger URL details to access the Ranger admin console:

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, choose Resources in the navigation pane, then Instance (running).
  2. Choose the Ranger server EC2 instance and copy the private IP DNS name (IPv4 only).
    Next, connect to the Windows domain controller to use the connected VPC to access the Ranger admin console. This is done by logging in to the Windows server and launching a web browser.
  3. Install the Remote Desktop Services client on your computer to connect with Windows Server.
  4. Authorize inbound traffic from your computer to the Windows AD domain controller EC2 instance.
  5. On the Amazon EC2 console, choose Resources in the navigation pane, then Instance (running).
  6. Choose on the Windows Domain Controller (DC1) EC2 instance ID and copy the public IP DNS name (IPv4 only).
  7. Use Microsoft Remote Desktop to log in to the Windows domain controller:
    1. Computer – Use the public IP DNS name (IPv4 only).
    2. Username – Enter awsadmin.
    3. Password – Use the password you set during the first CloudFormation template setup.
  8. Disable the Enhanced Security Configuration for Internet Explorer.
  9. Launch Internet Explorer and navigate to the Ranger admin console using the private IP DNS name (IPv4 only) associated with the Ranger server noted earlier and port 6182 (for example, https://<RangerServer Private IP DNS name>:6182).
  10. Choose Continue to this website (not recommended) if you receive a security alert.
  11. Log in using the default user name and password. During the first logon, you should modify your password and store it securely.
  12. In the top Ranger banner, choose Settings and Users/Groups/Roles.
  13. Confirm Tina and Alex are listed as users with a User Source of External.
  14. Confirm the datascience group is listed as a group with Group Source of External.

If the Tina or Alex users aren’t listed, follow the Apache Ranger troubleshooting instructions in the appendix at the end of this post.

Dataset policies

The Apache Ranger access policy model consists of two major components: specification of the resources a policy is applied to, such as files and directories, databases, tables, and columns, services, and so on, and the specification of access conditions (permissions) for specific users and groups.

Configure your dataset policy with the following steps:

  1. On the Ranger admin console, choose the Ranger icon in the top banner to return to the main page.
  2. Choose the service name amazonemrspark inside AMAZON-EMR-SPARK.
  3. Choose Add New Policy and add a new policy with the following parameters:
    1. For Policy Name, enter Data Science Policy.
    2. For Database, enter staging and default.
    3. For EMR Spark Table, enter products and orders.
    4. For EMR Spark Column, enter *.
    5. In the Allow Conditions section, for Select User, enter tina and alex, and for Permissions, enter select and read.
  4. Choose Add.
    When using Internet Explorer & adding a new policy, you may receive the error SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'assign'. In this case, install and use an alternate browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
  5. Choose Add New Policy and add a new policy for tina:
    1. For Policy Name, enter Customer Demographics Policy.
    2. For Database, enter staging.
    3. For EMR Spark Table, enter Customers.
    4. For EMR Spark Column, choose customer_id, first_name, last_name, region, and state.
    5. In the Allow Conditions section, for Select User, enter Tina and for Permissions, enter select and read.
  6. Choose Add.

Configure Amazon S3 data access rights in Apache Ranger

Complete the following steps to configure Amazon S3 data access rights:

  1. On the Ranger admin console, choose the Ranger icon in the top banner to return to the main page.
  2. Choose the service name amazonemrs3 inside AMAZON-EMR-EMRFS.
  3. Choose Add New Policy and add a policy for the datascience group as follows:
    1. For Policy Name, enter Data Science S3 Policy.
    2. For S3 resource, enter the following:
      • aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/aws-blog-emr-ranger/data/staging/products
      • aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/aws-blog-emr-ranger/data/staging/orders
    3. In the Allow Conditions, section, for Select User, enter tina and alex, and for Permissions, enter GetObject and ListObjects.
  4. Choose Add.
  5. Choose Add New Policy and add a new policy for tina:
    1. For Policy Name, enter Customer Demographics S3 Policy.
    2. For S3 resource, enter aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/aws-blog-emr-ranger/data/staging/customers.
    3. In the Allow Conditions section, for Select User, enter Tina and for Permissions, enter GetObject and ListObjects.
  6. Choose Add.

Configure Amazon S3 user working folders

While working with data, users often require data storage for interim results. To provide each user with a private working directory, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Ranger admin console, choose Ranger icon in the top banner to return to the main page.
  2. Choose the service name amazonemrs3 inside AMAZON-EMR-EMRFS.
  3. Choose Add New Policy and add a policy for {USER} as follows:
    1. For Policy Name, enter User Directory S3 Policy.
    2. For S3 resource, enter <Bucket Name>/data/{USER} (use a bucket within the account).
    3. Enable Recursive.
    4. In the Allow Conditions, section, for Select User, enter {USER} and for Permissions, enter GetObject, ListObjects, PutObject, and DeleteObject.
  4. Choose Add.

Use the user access login URL

Users attempting to access shared AWS applications via IAM Identity Center need to first log in to the AWS environment with a custom link using their Active Directory user name and password. The link needed can be found on the IAM Identity Center console.

  1. On the IAM Identity Center console, choose Settings in the navigation pane.
  2. On the Identity source tab, locate the user login link under AWS access portal URL.

Test role-based data access

To review, data scientist Tina needs to build a customer lifetime value model, which requires access to orders, product, and non-sensitive customer data. Data scientist Alex only needs access to orders and product data to build a product demand model.

In this section, we test the data access levels for each role.

Data scientist Tina

Complete the following steps:

  1. Log in using the URL you located in the previous step.
  2. Enter Microsoft AD user [email protected] and your password.
  3. Choose the Amazon SageMaker Studio tile.
  4. In the SageMaker Studio UI, start a notebook:
    1. Choose File, New, and Notebook.
    2. For Image, choose SparkMagic.
    3. For Kernel, choose PySpark.
    4. For Instance Type, choose ml.t3.medium.
    5. Choose Select.
  5. When the notebook kernel starts, connect to the EMR cluster by running the following code:
    %load_ext sagemaker_studio_analytics_extension.magics
    %sm_analytics emr connect --cluster-id <EMR Cluster ID> --auth-type Kerberos --language python

The EMR cluster ID details can be found on the Outputs tab of the EMR cluster CloudFormation stack created with the second template.

  1. Enter Microsoft AD [email protected] and your password. (Note that [email protected] is case-sensitive.)
  2. Choose Connect.

Now we can test Tina’s data access.

  1. In a new cell, enter the following query and run the cell:
    show tables from staging

Returned data will indicate the table objects accessible to Tina.

  1. In a new cell, run the following:
    select * from staging.customers limit 5

Returned data will include columns Tina has been granted access.

Let’s test Tina’s access to customer data.

  1. In a new cell, run the following:
    select customer_id, education_level, first_name, last_name, marital_status, region, state from staging.customers limit 15

The preceding query will result in an Access Denied error due to the inclusion of sensitive data columns.

During ad hoc analysis and model building, it’s common for users to create temporary datasets that need to be persisted for a short period. Let’s test Tina’s ability to create a working dataset and store results in a private working directory.

  1. In a new cell, run the following:
    join_order_to_customer = spark.sql("select orders.*, first_name, last_name, region, state from staging.orders, staging.customers where orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id")

  2. Before running the following code, update the S3 path variable <bucket name> to correspond to an S3 location within your local account:
    join_order_to_customer.write.mode("overwrite").format("parquet").option("path", "s3://<bucket name>/data/tina/order_and_product/").save()

The preceding query writes the created dataset as Parquet files in the S3 bucket specified.

Data scientist: Alex

Complete the following steps:

  1. Log in using the URL you located in the previous step.
  2. Enter Microsoft AD user [email protected] and your password.
  3. Choose the Amazon SageMaker Studio tile.
  4. In the SageMaker Studio UI, start a notebook:
    1. Choose File, New, and Notebook.
    2. For Image, choose SparkMagic.
    3. For Kernel, choose PySpark.
    4. For Instance Type, choose ml.t3.medium.
    5. Choose Select.
  5. When the notebook kernel starts, connect to the EMR cluster by running the following code:
    %load_ext sagemaker_studio_analytics_extension.magics
    %sm_analytics emr connect --cluster-id <EMR Cluster ID> --auth-type Kerberos --language python

  6. Enter Microsoft AD [email protected] and your password (note that [email protected] is case-sensitive).
  7. Choose Connect. Now we can test Alex’s data access.
  8. In a new cell, enter the following query and run the cell:
    show tables from staging

    Returned data will indicate the table objects accessible to Alex. Note that the customers table is missing.

  9. In a new cell, run the following:
    select * from staging.orders limit 5

Returned data will include columns Alex has been granted access.

Let’s test Alex’s access to customer data.

  1. In a new cell, run the following:
    select * from staging.customers limit 5

The preceding query will result in an Access Denied error because Alex doesn’t have access to customers.

We can verify Ranger is responsible for the denial by looking at the CloudWatch logs.

Now that you can successfully access data, feel free to interactively explore, visualize, prepare, and model the data using the different user personas.

Clean up

When you’re finished experimenting with this solution, clean up your resources:

  1. Shut down and update SageMaker Studio and Studio apps. Ensure that all apps created as part of this post are deleted before deleting the stack.
  2. Change the identity source for IAM Identity Center back to Identity Center Directory.
  3. Delete the directory AWSEMR.COM from Directory Services.
  4. Empty the S3 buckets created by the CloudFormation stacks.
  5. Delete the stacks via the AWS CloudFormation console for the non-nested stacks starting in reverse order.


This post showed how you can implement fine-grained access control in SageMaker Studio and Amazon EMR using Apache Ranger and Microsoft Active Directory. We also demonstrated how multiple SageMaker Studio users can connect to the same EMR cluster and access different tables and columns using Apache Ranger, wherein each user is scoped with permissions matching their individual level of access to data. In addition, we demonstrated how the individual users can access separate S3 folders for storing their intermediate data. We detailed the steps required to set up the integration and provided CloudFormation templates to set up the base infrastructure from end to end.

To learn more about using Amazon EMR with SageMaker Studio, refer to Prepare Data using Amazon EMR. We encourage you to try out this new functionality, and connect with the Machine Learning & AI community if you have any questions or feedback!

Appendix: Apache Ranger troubleshooting

The sync between Active Directory and Apache Ranger is set for every 24 hours. To force a sync, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to the Apache Ranger server using SSH. This can be done using directly or Session Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, or through AWS Cloud9.
  2. Once connected, issue the following commands:
    sudo /usr/bin/ranger-usersync stop || true
    sudo /usr/bin/ranger-usersync start
    sudo chkconfig ranger-usersync on

  3. To confirm the sync, open the Ranger console as an admin.
  4. Choose Audit in the top banner.
  5. Choose the User Sync tab and confirm the event time.

About the Authors

Rahul Sarda is a Senior Analytics & ML Specialist at AWS. He is a seasoned leader with over 20 years of experience, who is passionate about helping customers build scalable data and analytics solutions to gain timely insights and make critical business decisions. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, stay healthy, running and road cycling.

Varun Rao Bhamidimarri is a Sr Manager, AWS Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect team. His focus is helping customers with adoption of cloud-enabled analytics solutions to meet their business requirements. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his wife and two kids, stay healthy, mediate and recently picked up gardening during the lockdown.

How to improve your security incident response processes with Jupyter notebooks

Post Syndicated from Tim Manik original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-improve-your-security-incident-response-processes-with-jupyter-notebooks/

Customers face a number of challenges to quickly and effectively respond to a security event. To start, it can be difficult to standardize how to respond to a partic­ular security event, such as an Amazon GuardDuty finding. Additionally, silos can form with reliance on one security analyst who is designated to perform certain tasks, such as investigate all GuardDuty findings. Jupyter notebooks can help you address these challenges by simplifying both standardization and collaboration.

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source, web-based application to run and document code. Although Jupyter notebooks are most frequently used for data science and machine learning, you can also use them to more efficiently and effectively investigate and respond to security events.

In this blog post, we will show you how to use Jupyter Notebook to investigate a security event. With this solution, you can automate the tasks of gathering data, presenting the data, and providing procedures and next steps for the findings.

Benefits of using Jupyter notebooks for security incident response

The following are some ways that you can use Jupyter notebooks for security incident response:

  • Develop readable code for analysts – Within a notebook, you can combine markdown text and code cells to improve readability. Analysts can read context around the code cell, run the code cell, and analyze the results within the notebook.
  • Standardize analysis and response – You can reuse notebooks after the initial creation. This makes it simpler for you to standardize your incident response processes for how to respond to a certain type of security event. Additionally, you can use notebooks to achieve repeatable responses. You can rerun an entire notebook or a specific cell.
  • Collaborate and share incident response knowledge – After you create a Jupyter notebook, you can share it with peers to more seamlessly collaborate and share knowledge, which helps reduce silos and reliance on certain analysts.
  • Iterate on your incident response playbooks – Developing a security incident response program involves continuous iteration. With Jupyter notebooks, you can start small and iterate on what you have developed. You can keep Jupyter notebooks under source code control by using services such as AWS CodeCommit. This allows you to approve and track changes to your notebooks.

Architecture overview

Figure 1: Architecture for incident response analysis

Figure 1: Architecture for incident response analysis

The architecture shown in Figure 1 consists of the foundational services required to analyze and contain security incidents on AWS. You create and access the playbooks through the Jupyter console that is hosted on Amazon SageMaker. Within the playbooks, you run several Amazon Athena queries against AWS CloudTrail logs hosted in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

Solution implementation

To deploy the solution, you will complete the following steps:

  1. Deploy a SageMaker notebook instance
  2. Create an Athena table for your CloudTrail trail
  3. Grant AWS Lake Formation access
  4. Access the Credential Compromise playbooks by using JupyterLab

Step 1: Deploy a SageMaker notebook instance

You will host your Jupyter notebooks on a SageMaker notebook instance. We chose to use SageMaker instead of running the notebooks locally because SageMaker provides flexible compute, seamless integration with CodeCommit and GitHub, temporary credentials through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, and lower latency for Athena queries.

You can deploy the SageMaker notebook instance by using the AWS CloudFormation template from our jupyter-notebook-for-incident-response GitHub repository. We recommend that you deploy SageMaker in your security tooling account or an equivalent.

The CloudFormation template deploys the following resources:

  • A SageMaker notebook instance to run the analysis notebooks. Because this is a proof of concept (POC), the deployed SageMaker instance is the smallest instance type available. However, within an enterprise environment, you will likely need a larger instance type.
  • An AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key to encrypt the SageMaker notebook instance and protect sensitive data.
  • An IAM role that grants the SageMaker notebook permissions to query CloudTrail, VPC Flow Logs, and other log sources.
  • An IAM role that allows access to the pre-signed URL of the SageMaker notebook from only an allowlisted IP range.
  • A VPC configured for SageMaker with an internet gateway, NAT gateway, and VPC endpoints to access required AWS services securely. The internet gateway and NAT gateway provide internet access to install external packages.
  • An S3 bucket to store results for your Athena log queries—you will reference the S3 bucket in the next step.

Step 2: Create an Athena table for your CloudTrail trail

The solution uses Athena to query CloudTrail logs, so you need to create an Athena table for CloudTrail.

There are two main ways to create an Athena table for CloudTrail:

For either of these methods to create an Athena table, you need to provide the URI of an S3 bucket. For this blog post, use the URI of the S3 bucket that the CloudFormation template created in Step 1. To find the URI of the S3 bucket, see the Output section of the CloudFormation stack.

Step 3: Grant AWS Lake Formation access

If you don’t use AWS Lake Formation in your AWS environment, skip to Step 4. Otherwise, continue with the following instructions. Lake Formation is how data access control for your Athena tables is managed.

To grant permission to the Security Log database

  1. Open the Lake Formation console.
  2. Select the database that you created in Step 2 for your security logs. If you used the Security Analytics Bootstrap, then the table name is either security_analysis or a custom name that you provided—you can find the name in the CloudFormation stack. If you created the Athena table by using the CloudTrail console, then the database is named default.
  3. From the Actions dropdown, select Grant.
  4. In Grant data permissions, select IAM users and roles.
  5. Find the IAM role used by the SageMaker Notebook instance.
  6. In Database permissions, select Describe and then Grant.

To grant permission to the Security Log CloudTrail table

  1. Open the Lake Formation console.
  2. Select the database that you created in Step 2.
  3. Choose View Tables.
  4. Select CloudTrail. If you created VPC flow log and DNS log tables, select those, too.
  5. From the Actions dropdown, select Grant.
  6. In Grant data permissions, select IAM users and roles.
  7. Find the IAM role used by the SageMaker notebook instance.
  8. In Table permissions, select Describe and then Grant.

Step 4: Access the Credential Compromise playbooks by using JupyterLab

The CloudFormation template clones the jupyter-notebook-for-incident-response GitHub repo into your Jupyter workspace.

You can access JupyterLab hosted on your SageMaker notebook instance by following the steps in the Access Notebook Instances documentation.

Your folder structure should match that shown in Figure 2. The parent folder should be jupyter-notebook-for-incident-response, and the child folders should be playbooks and cfn-templates.

Figure 2: Folder structure after GitHub repo is cloned to the environment

Figure 2: Folder structure after GitHub repo is cloned to the environment

Sample investigation of a spike in failed login attempts

In the following sections, you will use the Jupyter notebook that we created to investigate a scenario where failed login attempts have spiked. We designed this notebook to guide you through the process of gathering more information about the spike.

We discuss the important components of these notebooks so that you can use the framework to create your own playbooks. We encourage you to build on top of the playbook, and add additional queries and steps in the playbook to customize it for your organization’s specific business and security goals.

For this blog post, we will focus primarily on the analysis phase of incident response and walk you through how you can use Jupyter notebooks to help with this phase.

Before you get started with the following steps, open the credential-compromise-analysis.ipynb notebook in your JupyterLab environment.

How to import Python libraries and set environment variables

The notebooks require that you have the following Python libraries:

  • Boto3 – to interact with AWS services through API calls
  • Pandas – to visualize the data
  • PyAthena – to simplify the code to connect to Athena

To install the required Python libraries, in the Setup section of the notebook, under Load libraries, edit the variables in the two code cells as follows:

  • region – specify the AWS Region that you want your AWS API commands to run in (for example, us-east-1).
  • athena_bucket – specify the S3 bucket URI that is configured to store your Athena queries. You can find this information at Athena > Query Editor > Settings > Query result location.
  • db_name – specify the database used by Athena that contains your Athena table for CloudTrail.
Figure 3: Load the Python libraries in the notebook

Figure 3: Load the Python libraries in the notebook

This helps ensure that subsequent code cells that run are configured to run in your environment.

Run each code cell by choosing the cell and pressing SHIFT+ENTER or by choosing the play button (▶) in the toolbar at the top of the console.

How to set up the helper function for Athena

The Python query_results function, shown in the following figure, helps you query Athena tables. Run this code cell. You will use the query_results function later in the 2.0 IAM Investigation section of the notebook.

Figure 4: Code cell for the helper function to query with Athena

Figure 4: Code cell for the helper function to query with Athena

Credential Compromise Analysis Notebook

The credential-compromise-analysis.ipynb notebook includes several prebuilt queries to help you start your investigation of a potentially compromised credential. In this post, we discuss three of these queries:

  • The first query provides a broad view by retrieving the CloudTrail events related to authorization failures. By reviewing these results, you get baseline information about where users and roles are attempting to access resources or take actions without having the proper permissions.
  • The second query narrows the focus by identifying the top five IAM entities (such as users, roles, and identities) that are causing most of the authorization failures. Frequent failures from specific entities often indicate that their credentials are compromised.
  • The third query zooms in on one of the suspicious entities from the previous query. It retrieves API activity and events initiated by that entity across AWS services or resource. Analyzing actions performed by a suspicious entity can reveal if valid permissions are being misused or if the entity is systematically trying to access resources it doesn’t have access to.

Investigate authorization failures

The notebook has markdown cells that provide a description of the expected result of the query. The next cell contains the query statement. The final cell calls the query_result function to run your query by using Athena and display your results in tabular format.

In query 2.1, you query for specific error codes such as AccessDenied, and filter for anything that is an IAM entity by looking for useridentity.arn like ‘%iam%’. The notebook orders the entries by eventTime. If you want to look for specific IAM Identity Center entities, update the query to filter by useridentity.sessioncontext.sessionissuer.arn like ‘%sso.amazonaws.com%’.

This query retrieves a list of failed API calls to AWS services. From this list, you can gain additional insight into the context surrounding the spike in failed login attempts.

When you investigate denied API access requests, carefully examine details such as the user identity, timestamp, source IP address, and other metadata. This information helps you determine if the event is a legitimate threat or a false positive. Here are some specific questions to ask:

  • Does the IP address originate from within your network, or is it external? Internal addresses might be less concerning.
  • Is the access attempt occurring during normal working hours for that user? Requests outside of normal times might warrant more scrutiny.
  • What resources or changes is the user trying to access or make? Attempts to modify sensitive data or systems might indicate malicious intent.

By thoroughly evaluating the context around denied API calls, you can more accurately assess the risk they pose and whether you need to take further action. You can use the specifics in the logs to go beyond just the fact that access was denied, and learn the story of who, when, and why.

As shown in the following figure, the queries in the notebook use the following structure.

  1. Markdown cell to explain the purpose of the query (the query statement).
  2. Code cell to run the query and display the query results.

In the figure, the first code cell that runs stores the input for the query statement. After that finishes, the next code block displays the query results.

Figure 5: Run predefined Athena queries in JupyterLab

Figure 5: Run predefined Athena queries in JupyterLab

Figure 6 shows the output of the query that you ran in the 2.1 Investigation Authorization Failures section. It contains critical details for understanding the context around a denied API call:

  • The eventtime field shows the date and time that the request was completed.
  • The useridentity field reveals which IAM identity made a request.
  • The sourceipddress provides the IP address that the request was made from.
  • The useragent shows which client or app was used to make the call.
Figure 6: Results from the first investigative query

Figure 6: Results from the first investigative query

Figure 6 only shows a subset of the many details captured in CloudTrail logs. By scrolling to the right in the query output, you can view additional attributes that provide further context around the event. The CloudTrail record contents guide contains a comprehensive list of the fields included in the logs, along with descriptions of each attribute.

Often, you will need to search for more information to determine if remediation is necessary. For this reason, we have included additional queries to help you further examine the sequence of events leading up to the failed login attempt spike and after the spike occurred.

Triaging suspicious entities (Queries 2.2 and 2.3)

By running the second and third queries you can dig deeper into anomalous authorization failures. As shown in Figure 7, Query 2.2 provides the top five IAM entities with the most frequent access denials. This highlights the specific users, roles, and identities causing the most failures, which indicates potentially compromised credentials.

Query 2.3 takes the investigation further by isolating the activity from one suspicious entity. Retrieving the actions attempted by a single problematic user or role reveals useful context to determine if you need to revoke credentials. For example, is the entity probing resources that it shouldn’t have access to? Are there unusual API calls outside of normal hours? By scrutinizing an entity’s full history, you can make an informed decision on remediation.

Figure 7: Overview of queries 2.2 and 2.3

Figure 7: Overview of queries 2.2 and 2.3

You can use these two queries together to triage authorization failures: query 2 identifies high-risk entities, and query 3 gathers intelligence to drive your response. This progression from a macro view to a micro view is crucial for transforming signals into action.

Although log analysis relies on automation and queries to facilitate insights, human judgment is essential to interpret these signals and determine the appropriate response. You should discuss flagged events with stakeholders and resource owners to benefit from their domain expertise. You can export the results of your analysis by exporting your Jupyter notebook.

By collaborating with other people, you can gather contextual clues that might not be captured in the raw data. For example, an owner might confirm that a suspicious login time is expected for users in a certain time zone. By pairing automated detection with human perspectives, you can accurately assess risk and decide if credential revocation or other remediation is truly warranted. Uptime or downtime technical issues alone can’t dictate if remediation is necessary—the human element provides pivotal context.

Build your own queries

In addition to the existing queries, you can run your own queries and include them in your copy of the Credential-compromise-analysis.ipynb notebook. The AWS Security Analytics Bootstrap contains a library of common Athena queries for CloudTrail. We recommend that you review these queries before you start to build your own queries. The key takeaway is that these notebooks are highly customizable. You can use the Jupyter Notebook application to help meet the specific incident response requirements of your organization.

Contain compromised IAM entities

If the investigation reveals that a compromised IAM entity requires containment, follow these steps to revoke access:

  • For federated users, revoke their active AWS sessions according to the guidance in How to revoke federated users’ active AWS sessions. This uses IAM policies and AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs) to revoke access to assumed roles.
  • Avoid using long-lived IAM credentials such as access keys. Instead, use temporary credentials through IAM roles. However, if you detect a compromised access key, immediately rotate or deactivate it by following the guidance in What to Do If You Inadvertently Expose an AWS Access Key. Review the permissions granted to the compromised IAM entity and consider if these permissions should be reduced after access is restored. Overly permissive policies might have enabled broader access for the threat actor.

Going forward, implement least privilege access and monitor authorization activity to detect suspicious behavior. By quickly containing compromised entities and proactively improving IAM hygiene, you can minimize the adversaries’ access duration and prevent further unauthorized access.

Additional considerations

In addition to querying CloudTrail, you can use Athena to query other logs, such as VPC Flow Logs and Amazon Route 53 DNS logs. You can also use Amazon Security Lake, which is generally available, to automatically centralize security data from AWS environments, SaaS providers, on-premises environments, and cloud sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account. To better understand which logs to collect and analyze as part of your incident response process, see Logging strategies for security incident response.

We recommended that you understand the playbook implementation described in this blog post before you expand the scope of your incident response solution. The running of queries and automation of containment are two elements to consider as you think about the next steps to evolve your incident response processes.


In this blog post, we showed how you can use Jupyter notebooks to simplify and standardize your incident response processes. You reviewed how to respond to a potential credential compromise incident using a Jupyter notebook style playbook. You also saw how this helps reduce the time to resolution and standardize the analysis and response. Finally, we presented several artifacts and recommendations showing how you can tailor this solution to meet your organization’s specific security needs. You can use this framework to evolve your incident response process.

Further resources

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on AWS re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Tim Manik

Tim Manik

Tim is a Solutions Architect at AWS working with enterprise customers in North America. He specializes in cybersecurity and AI/ML. When he’s not working, you can find Tim exploring new hiking trails, swimming, or playing the guitar.

Daria Pshonkina

Daria Pshonkina

Daria is a Solutions Architect at AWS supporting enterprise customers that started their business journey in the cloud. Her specialization is in security. Outside of work, she enjoys outdoor activities, travelling, and spending quality time with friends and family.

Bryant Pickford

Bryant Pickford

Bryant is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect within the Prototyping Security team under the Worldwide Specialist Organization. He has experience in incident response, threat detection, and perimeter security. In his free time, he likes to DJ, make music, and skydive.

Resolve private DNS hostnames for Amazon MSK Connect

Post Syndicated from Amar Surjit original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/resolve-private-dns-hostnames-for-amazon-msk-connect/

Amazon MSK Connect is a feature of Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) that offers a fully managed Apache Kafka Connect environment on AWS. With MSK Connect, you can deploy fully managed connectors built for Kafka Connect that move data into or pull data from popular data stores like Amazon S3 and Amazon OpenSearch Service. With the introduction of the Private DNS support into MSK Connect, connectors are able to resolve private customer domain names, using their DNS servers configured in the customer VPC DHCP Options set. This post demonstrates a solution for resolving private DNS hostnames defined in a customer VPC for MSK Connect.

You may want to use private DNS hostname support for MSK Connect for multiple reasons. Before the private DNS resolution capability included with MSK Connect, it used the service VPC DNS resolver for DNS resolution. MSK Connect didn’t use the private DNS servers defined in the customer VPC DHCP option sets for DNS resolution. The connectors were only able to reference hostnames in the connector configuration or plugin that are publicly resolvable and couldn’t resolve private hostnames defined in either a private hosted zone or use DNS servers in another customer network.

Many customers ensure that their internal DNS applications are not publicly resolvable. For example, you might have a MySQL or PostgreSQL database and may not want the DNS name for your database to be publicly resolvable or accessible. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) or Amazon Aurora servers have DNS names that are publicly resolvable but not accessible. You can have multiple internal applications such as databases, data warehouses, or other systems where DNS names are not publicly resolvable.

With the recent launch of MSK Connect private DNS support, you can configure connectors to reference public or private domain names. Connectors use the DNS servers configured in your VPC’s DHCP option set to resolve domain names. You can now use MSK Connect to privately connect with databases, data warehouses, and other resources in your VPC to comply with your security needs.

If you have a MySQL or PostgreSQL database with private DNS, you can configure it on a custom DNS server and configure the VPC-specific DHCP option set to do the DNS resolution using the custom DNS server local to the VPC instead of using the service DNS resolution.

Solution overview

A customer can have different architecture options to set up their MSK Connect. For example, they can have Amazon MSK and MSK Connect are in the same VPC or source system in VPC1 and Amazon MSK and MSK Connect are in VPC2 or source system, Amazon MSK and MSK Connect are all in different VPCs.

The following setup uses two different VPCs, where the MySQL VPC hosts the MySQL database and the MSK VPC hosts Amazon MSK, MSK Connect, the DNS server, and various other components. You can extend this architecture to support other deployment topologies using appropriate AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions and connectivity options.

This post provides step-by-step instructions to set up MSK Connect where it will receive data from a source MySQL database with private DNS hostname in the MySQL VPC and send data to Amazon MSK using MSK Connect in another VPC. The following diagram illustrates the high-level architecture.

The setup instructions include the following key steps:

  1. Set up the VPCs, subnets, and other core infrastructure components.
  2. Install and configure the DNS server.
  3. Upload the data to the MySQL database.
  4. Deploy Amazon MSK and MSK Connect and consume the change data capture (CDC) records.


To follow the tutorial in this post, you need the following:

Create the required infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation

Before configuring the MSK Connect, we need to set up the VPCs, subnets, and other core infrastructure components. To set up resources in your AWS account, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack to launch the stack in a Region that supports Amazon MSK and MSK Connect.
  2. Specify the private key that you use to connect to the EC2 instances.
  3. Update the SSH location with your local IP address and keep the other values as default.
  4. Choose Next.
  5. Review the details on the final page and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  6. Choose Create stack and wait for the required resources to get created.

The CloudFormation template creates the following key resources in your account:

  • VPCs:
    • MSK VPC
    • MySQL VPC
  • Subnets in the MSK VPC:
    • Three private subnets for Amazon MSK
    • Private subnet for DNS server
    • Private subnet for MSKClient
    • Public subnet for bastion host
  • Subnets in the MySQL VPC:
    • Private subnet for MySQL database
    • Public subnet for bastion host
  • Internet gateway attached to the MySQL VPC and MSK VPC
  • NAT gateways attached to MySQL public subnet and MSK public subnet
  • Route tables to support the traffic flow between different subnets in a VPC and across VPCs
  • Peering connection between the MySQL VPC and MSK VPC
  • MySQL database and configurations
  • DNS server
  • MSK client with respective libraries

Please note, if you’re using VPC peering or AWS Transit Gateway with MSK Connect, don’t configure your connector for reaching the peered VPC resources with IPs in the CIDR ranges. For more information, refer to Connecting from connectors.

Configure the DNS server

Complete the following steps to configure the DNS server:

  1. Connect to the DNS server. There are three configuration files available on the DNS server under the /home/ec2-user folder:
    • named.conf
    • mysql.internal.zone
    • kafka.us-east-1.amazonaws.com.zone
  2. Run the following commands to install and configure your DNS server:
    sudo yum install bind bind-utils –y
    cp /home/ec2-user/named.conf /etc/named.conf
    chmod 644 /etc/named.conf
    cp mysql.internal.zone /var/named/mysql.internal.zone
    cp kafka.region.amazonaws.com.zone /var/named/kafka.region.amazonaws.com.zone

  3. Update /etc/named.conf.

For the allow-transfer attribute, update the DNS server internal IP address to allow-transfer

{ localhost; <DNS Server internal IP address>; };.

You can find the DNS server IP address on the CloudFormation template Outputs tab.

Note that the MSK cluster is still not set up at this stage. We need to update the Kafka broker DNS names and their respective internal IP addresses in the /var/named/kafka.region.amazonaws.com configuration file after setting up the MSK cluster later in this post. For instructions, refer to here.

Also note that these settings configure the DNS server for this post. In your own environment, you can configure the DNS server as per your needs.

  1. Restart the DNS service:
    sudo su
    service named restart

You should see the following message:

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart named.service

Your custom DNS server is up and running now.

Upload the data to the MySQL database

Typically, we can use an Amazon RDS for MySQL database, but for this post, we use custom MySQL database servers. The Amazon RDS DNS is publicly accessible and MSK Connect supports it, but it was not able to support databases or applications with private DNS in the past. With the latest private DNS hostnames feature launch, it can support applications’ private DNS as well, so we use a MySQL database on the EC2 instance.

This installation provides information about setting up the MySQL database on a single-node EC2 instance. This should not be used for your production setup. You should follow appropriate guidance for setting up and configuring MySQL in your account.

The MySQL database is already set up using the CloudFormation template and is ready to use now. To upload the data, complete the followings steps:

  1. SSH to the MySQL EC2 instance. For instructions, refer to Connect to your Linux instance. The data file salesdb.sql is already downloaded and available under the /home/ec2-user directory.
  2. Log in to mysqldb with the user name master.
  3. To access the password, navigate to AWS Systems Manager and Parameter Store tab. Select /Database/Credentials/master and click on View Details and copy the value for the key.
  4. Log in to MySQL using the following command:
    mysql -umaster -p<MySQLMasterUserPassword>

  5. Run the following commands to create the salesdb database and load the data to the table:
    use salesdb;
    source /home/ec2-user/salesdb.sql;

This will insert the records in various different tables in the salesdb database.

  1. Run show tables to see the following tables in the salesdb:
    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_salesdb |
    | CUSTOMER |
    | PRODUCT |
    | SUPPLIER |

Create a DHCP option set

DHCP option sets give you control over the following aspects of routing in your virtual network:

  • You can control the DNS servers, domain names, or Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers used by the devices in your VPC.
  • You can disable DNS resolution completely in your VPC.

To support private DNS, you can use an Amazon Route 53 private zone or your own custom DNS server. If you use a Route 53 private zone, the setup will work automatically and there is no need to make any changes to the default DHCP option set for the MSK VPC. For a custom DNS server, complete the following steps to set up a custom DHCP configuration using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and attach it to the MSK VPC.

There will be a default DHCP option set in your VPC attached to the Amazon provided DNS server. At this stage, the requests will go to Amazon’s provided DNS server for resolution. However, we create a new DHCP option set because we’re using a custom DNS server.

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose DHCP option set in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create DHCP option set.
  3. For DHCP option set name, enter MSKConnect_Private_DHCP_OptionSet.
  4. For Domain name, enter mysql.internal.
  5. For Domain name server, enter the DNS server IP address.
  6. Choose Create DHCP option set.
  7. Navigate to the MSK VPC and on the Actions menu, choose Edit VPC settings.
  8. Select the newly created DHCP option set and save it.
    The following screenshot shows the example configurations.
  9. On the Amazon EC2 console, navigate to privateDNS_bastion_host.
  10. Choose Instance state and Reboot instance.
  11. Wait a few minutes and then run nslookup from the bastion host; it should be able to resolve it using your local DNS server instead of Route 53:
nslookup local.mysql.internal

Now our base infrastructure setup is ready to move to the next stage. As part of our base infrastructure, we have set up the following key components successfully:

  • MSK and MySQL VPCs
  • Subnets
  • EC2 instances
  • VPC peering
  • Route tables
  • NAT gateways and internet gateways
  • DNS server and configuration
  • Appropriate security groups and NACLs
  • MySQL database with the required data

At this stage, the MySQL DB DNS name is resolvable using a custom DNS server instead of Route 53.

Set up the MSK cluster and MSK Connect

The next step is to deploy the MSK cluster and MSK Connect, which will fetch records from the salesdb and send it to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. In this section, we provide a walkthrough of replicating the MySQL database (salesdb) to Amazon MSK using Debezium, an open-source connector. The connector will monitor for any changes to the database and capture any changes to the tables.

With MSK Connect, you can run fully managed Apache Kafka Connect workloads on AWS. MSK Connect provisions the required resources and sets up the cluster. It continuously monitors the health and delivery state of connectors, patches and manages the underlying hardware, and auto scales connectors to match changes in throughput. As a result, you can focus your resources on building applications rather than managing infrastructure.

MSK Connect will make use of the custom DNS server in the VPC and it won’t be dependent on Route 53.

Create an MSK cluster configuration

Complete the following steps to create an MSK cluster:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Cluster configurations under MSK clusters in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create configuration.
  3. Name the configuration mskc-tutorial-cluster-configuration.
  4. Under Configuration properties, remove everything and add the line auto.create.topics.enable=true.
  5. Choose Create.

Create an MSK cluster and attach the configuration

In the next step, we attach this configuration to a cluster. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Clusters under MSK clusters in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create clusters and Custom create.
  3. For the cluster name, enter mkc-tutorial-cluster.
  4. Under General cluster properties, choose Provisioned for the cluster type and use the Apache Kafka default version 2.8.1.
  5. Use all the default options for the Brokers and Storage sections.
  6. Under Configurations, choose Custom configuration.
  7. Select mskc-tutorial-cluster-configuration with the appropriate revision and choose Next.
  8. Under Networking, choose the MSK VPC.
  9. Select the Availability Zones depending upon your Region, such as us-east1a, us-east1b, and us-east1c, and the respective private subnets MSK-Private-1, MSK-Private-2, and MSK-Private-3 if you are in the us-east-1 Region. Public access to these brokers should be off.
  10. Copy the security group ID from Chosen security groups.
  11. Choose Next.
  12. Under Access control methods, select IAM role-based authentication.
  13. In the Encryption section, under Between clients and brokers, TLS encryption will be selected by default.
  14. For Encrypt data at rest, select Use AWS managed key.
  15. Use the default options for Monitoring and select Basic monitoring.
  16. Select Deliver to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
  17. Under Log group, choose visit Amazon CloudWatch Logs console.
  18. Choose Create log group.
  19. Enter a log group name and choose Create.
  20. Return to the Monitoring and tags page and under Log groups, choose Choose log group
  21. Choose Next.
  22. Review the configurations and choose Create cluster. You’re redirected to the details page of the cluster.
  23. Under Security groups applied, note the security group ID to use in a later step.

Cluster creation can typically take 25–30 minutes. Its status changes to Active when it’s created successfully.

Update the /var/named/kafka.region.amazonaws.com zone file

Before you create the MSK connector, update the DNS server configurations with the MSK cluster details.

  1. To get the list of bootstrap server DNS and respective IP addresses, navigate to the cluster and choose View client information.
  2. Copy the bootstrap server information with IAM authentication type.
  3. You can identify the broker IP addresses using nslookup from your local machine and it will provide you the broker local IP address. Currently, your VPC points to the latest DHCP option set and your DNS server will not be able to resolve these DNS names from your VPC.
    nslookup <broker 1 DNS name>

Now you can log in to the DNS server and update the records for different brokers and respective IP addresses in the /var/named/kafka.region.amazonaws.com file.

  1. Upload the msk-access.pem file to BastionHostInstance from your local machine:
    scp -i "< your pem file>" Your pem file ec2-user@<BastionHostInstance IP address>:/home/ec2-user/

  2. Log in to the DNS server and open the /var/named/kafka.region.amazonaws.com file and update the following lines with the correct MSK broker DNS names and respective IP addresses:
    <b-1.<clustername>.******.c6> IN A <Internal IP Address - broker 1>
    <b-2.<clustername>.******.c6> IN A <Internal IP Address - broker 2>
    <b-3.<clustername>.******.c6> IN A <Internal IP Address - broker 3>

Note that you need to provide the broker DNS as mentioned earlier. Remove .kafka.<region id>.amazonaws.com from the broker DNS name.

  1. Restart the DNS service:
    sudo su
    service named restart

You should see the following message:

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart named.service

Your custom DNS server is up and running now and you should be able to resolve using broker DNS names using the internal DNS server.

Update the security group for connectivity between the MySQL database and MSK Connect

It’s important to have the appropriate connectivity in place between MSK Connect and the MySQL database. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, navigate to the MSK cluster and under Network settings, copy the security group.
  2. On the Amazon EC2 console, choose Security groups in the navigation pane.
  3. Edit the security group MySQL_SG and choose Add rule.
  4. Add a rule with MySQL/Aurora as the type and the MSK security group as the inbound resource for its source.
  5. Choose Save rules.

Create the MSK connector

To create your MSK connector, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Connectors under MSK Connect in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create connector.
  3. Select Create custom plugin.
  4. Download the MySQL connector plugin for the latest stable release from the Debezium site or download Debezium.zip.
  5. Upload the MySQL connector zip file to the S3 bucket.
  6. Copy the URL for the file, such as s3://<bucket name>/Debezium.zip.
  7. Return to the Choose custom plugin page and enter the S3 file path for S3 URI.
  8. For Custom plugin name, enter mysql-plugin.
  9. Choose Next.
  10. For Name, enter mysql-connector.
  11. For Description, enter a description of the connector.
  12. For Cluster type, choose MSK Cluster.
  13. Select the existing cluster from the list (for this post, mkc-tutorial-cluster).
  14. Specify the authentication type as IAM.
  15. Use the following values for Connector configuration:
    database.history.producer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
    database.history.consumer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
    database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers=b-3.xxxxx.yyyy.zz.kafka.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:9098,b-1.xxxxx.yyyy.zz.kafka.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:9098,b-2. xxxxx.yyyy.zz.kafka.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:9098

  16. Update the following connector configuration:

  17. For Capacity type, choose Provisioned.
  18. For MCU count per worker, enter 1.
  19. For Number of workers, enter 1.
  20. Select Use the MSK default configuration.
  21. In the Access Permissions section, on the Choose service role menu, choose MSK-Connect-PrivateDNS-MySQLConnector*, then choose Next.
  22. In the Security section, keep the default settings.
  23. In the Logs section, select Deliver to Amazon CloudWatch logs.
  24. Choose visit Amazon CloudWatch Logs console.
  25. Under Logs in the navigation pane, choose Log group.
  26. Choose Create log group.
  27. Enter the log group name, retention settings, and tags, then choose Create.
  28. Return to the connector creation page and choose Browse log group.
  29. Choose the AmazonMSKConnect log group, then choose Next.
  30. Review the configurations and choose Create connector.

Wait for the connector creation process to complete (about 10–15 minutes).

The MSK Connect connector is now up and running. You can log in to the MySQL database using your user ID and make a couple of record changes to the customer table record. MSK Connect will be able to receive CDC records and updates to the database will be available in the MSK <Customer> topic.

Consume messages from the MSK topic

To consume messages from the MSK topic, run the Kafka consumer on the MSK_Client EC2 instance available in the MSK VPC.

  1. SSH to the MSK_Client EC2 instance. The MSK_Client instance has the required Kafka client libraries, Amazon MSK IAM JAR file, client.properties file, and an instance profile attached to it, along with the appropriate IAM role using the CloudFormation template.
  2. Add the MSKClientSG security group as the source for the MSK security group with the following properties:
    • For Type, choose All Traffic.
    • For Source, choose Custom and MSK Security Group.

    Now you’re ready to consume data.

  3. To list the topics, run the following command:
    ./kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server <BootstrapServerString>

  4. To consume data from the salesdb-server.salesdb.CUSTOMER topic, use the following command:
    ./kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server <BootstrapServerString> --consumer.config client.properties --topic salesdb-server.salesdb.CUSTOMER --from-beginning

Run the Kafka consumer on your EC2 machine and you will be able to log messages similar to the following:

Struct{after=Struct{CUST_ID=1998.0,NAME=Customer Name 1998,MKTSEGMENT=Market Segment 3},source=Struct{version=1.9.5.Final,connector=mysql,name=salesdb-server,ts_ms=1678099992174,snapshot=true,db=salesdb,table=CUSTOMER,server_id=0,file=binlog.000001,pos=43298383,row=0},op=r,ts_ms=1678099992174}
Struct{after=Struct{CUST_ID=1999.0,NAME=Customer Name 1999,MKTSEGMENT=Market Segment 7},source=Struct{version=1.9.5.Final,connector=mysql,name=salesdb-server,ts_ms=1678099992174,snapshot=true,db=salesdb,table=CUSTOMER,server_id=0,file=binlog.000001,pos=43298383,row=0},op=r,ts_ms=1678099992174}
Struct{after=Struct{CUST_ID=2000.0,NAME=Customer Name 2000,MKTSEGMENT=Market Segment 9},source=Struct{version=1.9.5.Final,connector=mysql,name=salesdb-server,ts_ms=1678099992174,snapshot=last,db=salesdb,table=CUSTOMER,server_id=0,file=binlog.000001,pos=43298383,row=0},op=r,ts_ms=1678099992174}
Struct{before=Struct{CUST_ID=2000.0,NAME=Customer Name 2000,MKTSEGMENT=Market Segment 9},after=Struct{CUST_ID=2000.0,NAME=Customer Name 2000,MKTSEGMENT=Market Segment10},source=Struct{version=1.9.5.Final,connector=mysql,name=salesdb-server,ts_ms=1678100372000,db=salesdb,table=CUSTOMER,server_id=1,file=binlog.000001,pos=43298616,row=0,thread=67},op=u,ts_ms=1678100372612}

While testing the application, records with CUST_ID 1998, 1999, and 2000 were updated, and these records are available in the logs.

Clean up

It’s always a good practice to clean up all the resources created as part of this post to avoid any additional cost. To clean up your resources, delete the MSK Cluster, MSK Connect connection, EC2 instances, DNS server, bastion host, S3 bucket, VPC, subnets and CloudWatch logs.

Additionally, clean up all other AWS resources that you created using AWS CloudFormation. You can delete these resources on the AWS CloudFormation console by deleting the stack.


In this post, we discussed the process of setting up MSK Connect using a private DNS. This feature allows you to configure connectors to reference public or private domain names.

We are able to receive the initial load and CDC records from a MySQL database hosted in a separate VPC and its DNS is not accessible or resolvable externally. MSK Connect was able to connect to the MySQL database and consume the records using the MSK Connect private DNS feature. The custom DHCP option set was attached to the VPC, which ensured DNS resolution was performed using the local DNS server instead of Route 53.

With the MSK Connect private DNS support feature, you can make your databases, data warehouses, and systems like secret managers that work with your own VPC inaccessible to the internet and be able to overcome this limitation and comply with your corporate security posture.

To learn more and get started, refer to private DNS for MSK connect.

About the author

Amar is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon AWS in the UK. He works across power, utilities, manufacturing and automotive customers on strategic implementations, specializing in using AWS Streaming and advanced data analytics solutions, to drive optimal business outcomes.

Enhance your security posture by storing Amazon Redshift admin credentials without human intervention using AWS Secrets Manager integration

Post Syndicated from Tahir Aziz original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enhance-your-security-posture-by-storing-amazon-redshift-admin-credentials-without-human-intervention-using-aws-secrets-manager-integration/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. You can start with just a few hundred gigabytes of data and scale to a petabyte or more. Today, tens of thousands of AWS customers—from Fortune 500 companies, startups, and everything in between—use Amazon Redshift to run mission-critical business intelligence (BI) dashboards, analyze real-time streaming data, and run predictive analytics. With the constant increase in generated data, Amazon Redshift customers continue to achieve success in delivering better service to their end-users, improving their products, and running an efficient and effective business.

AWS Secrets Manager helps you manage, retrieve, and rotate database credentials, and natively supports storing database secrets for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility). We recommend you use Secrets Manager for storing Amazon Redshift user credentials because it allows you to configure safer secret rotation, customize fine-grained access control, and audit and monitor secrets centrally. You can natively use existing Secrets Manager secrets to access Amazon Redshift using the Amazon Redshift API and query editor.

Until now, you would have needed to configure your Amazon Redshift admin credentials in plaintext, or let Amazon Redshift generate credential for you. To store these credentials in Secrets Manager, you either needed to manually create a secret, or configure scripts with the credentials hardcoded or generated. Both options required a human to retrieve them. Amazon Redshift now allows you to create and store admin credentials automatically without a human needing to see the credentials. As part of this workflow, the admin credentials are configured to rotate every 30 days automatically. By reducing the need for humans to see the secret during configuration, you can increase the security posture of your Amazon Redshift data warehouse and improve the accuracy of your audit trails.

In this post, we show how to integrate Amazon Redshift admin credentials with Secrets Manager for both new and previously provisioned Redshift clusters and Amazon Redshift Serverless namespaces.


Complete the following prerequisites before starting:

  1. Have admin privileges to create and manage Redshift Serverless namespaces or Redshift clusters.
  2. Have admin privileges to create and manage secrets in Secrets Manager.
  3. Optionally, have a Redshift Serverless namespace or a Redshift cluster to enable Secrets Manager integration.
  4. Optionally, have different AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys for credentials encryption with Secrets Manager.
  5. Have access to Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2.

Set up a new cluster using Secrets Manager

In this section, we provide steps to configure either a Redshift provisioned cluster or a Redshift Serverless workgroup with Secrets Manager.

Create a Redshift provisioned cluster

To get started using Secrets Manager with a new Redshift provisioned cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Create cluster.
  2. Define the Cluster configuration and Sample data sections as needed.
  3. In the Database configurations section, specify your desired admin user name.
  4. To use Secrets Manager to automatically create and store your password, select Manage admin credentials in AWS Secrets Manager.
  5. You can also customize the encryption settings with your own AWS customer managed KMS key by creating a key or choosing an existing one. This is the key that is used to encrypt the secret in Secrets Manager. If you don’t select Customize encryption settings, an AWS managed key will be used as default.
  6. Provide the information in Cluster permissions and Additional configurations as appropriate and choose Create cluster.
  7. When the cluster is available, you can check the ARN of the secret containing the admin password on the Properties tab of the cluster in the Database configurations section.

Create a Redshift Serverless workgroup

To get started using Secrets Manager with Redshift Serverless, create a Redshift Serverless workgroup with the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift Serverless dashboard, choose Create workgroup.
  2. Define the Workgroup name, Capacity, and Network and security sections as appropriate and choose Next.
  3. Select Create a new namespace and provide a suitable name
  4. In the Database name and password section, select Customize admin user and credentials.
  5. Provide an admin user name.
  6. In the Admin password section, select Manage admin credentials in AWS Secrets Manager.
  7. You can also customize the encryption settings with your own AWS customer managed KMS key by creating a key or choosing an existing one. This is the key that is used to encrypt the secret in Secrets Manager. If you don’t select Customize encryption settings, an AWS managed key will be used as default.
  8. Provide the information in the Permissions and Encryption and security sections as appropriate and choose Next.
  9. Review the selected options and choose Create.
  10. When the status of the newly created workgroup and namespace is Available, choose the namespace.
  11. You can find the Secrets Manager ARN with admin credentials under General information.

Enable Secrets Manager for an existing Redshift cluster

In this section, we provide steps to enable Secrets Manager for an existing Redshift provisioned cluster or a Redshift Serverless namespace.

Configure an existing Redshift provisioned cluster

To enable Secrets Manager for an existing Redshift cluster, follow these steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose the cluster that you want to modify.
  2. On the Properties tab, choose Edit admin credentials.
  3. Select Manage admin credentials in AWS Secrets Manager.
  4. To use AWS KMS to encrypt the data, select Customize encryption options and either choose an existing KMS key or choose Create an AWS KMS key.
  5. Choose Save changes.
  6. When the cluster is available, you can check the ARN of the secret containing the admin password on the Properties tab of the cluster in the Database configurations section.

Configure an existing Redshift Serverless namespace

To enable Secrets Manager on an existing Amazon Redshift Serverless namespace, follow these steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift Serverless Dashboard, choose the namespace that you want to modify.
  2. On the Actions menu, choose Edit admin credentials.
  3. Select Customize admin user credentials.
  4. Select Manage admin credentials in AWS Secrets Manager.
  5. To use AWS KMS to encrypt the data, select Customize encryption settings and either choose an existing AWS KMS key or choose Create an AWS KMS key.
  6. Choose Save changes.
  7. When the namespace status is Available, you can see the Secrets Manager ARN under Admin password ARN in the General information section.

Manage secrets in Secrets Manager

To manage the admin credentials in Secrets Manager, follow these steps:

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose the secret that you want to modify.

Amazon Redshift creates the secret with rotation enabled by default and a rotation schedule of every 30 days.

  1. To view the admin credentials, choose Retrieve secret value.
  2. To change the secret rotation, choose Edit rotation.
  3. Define the new rotation frequency and choose Save.
  4. To rotate the secret immediately, choose Rotate secret immediately and choose Rotate.

Secrets Manager can be integrated with your application via the AWS SDK, which is available in Java, JavaScript, C#, Python3, Ruby, and Go. The supported language code snippet is available in the Sample code section.

  1. Choose the tab for your preferred language and use the code snippet provided in your application.

Restore a snapshot

New warehouses can be launched from both serverless and provisioned snapshots. You have the choice to configure the restored cluster to use Secrets Manager credentials, even if the source cluster didn’t use Secrets Manager, by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to either the Redshift snapshot dashboard for snapshots of provisioned clusters or the Redshift data backup dashboard for snapshots of serverless workgroups and choose the snapshot you’d like to restore from.
    On the provisioned snapshot dashboard, on the Restore snapshot menu, choose Restore to provisioned cluster or Restore to serverless namespace.

    On the serverless snapshot dashboard, on the Actions menu, under Restore serverless snapshot, choose Restore to provisioned cluster or Restore to serverless namespace.

    If you’re restoring to a serverless endpoint from either option, you will need to have the target serverless namespace configured in advance.
  1. If you’re restoring to a warehouse using a snapshot that doesn’t have Secrets Manager credentials configured, you can enable it in the Database configuration section of the snapshot restoration page by selecting Manage admin credentials in AWS Secrets Manager.
  2. You can also customize the encryption settings with your own AWS customer managed KMS key by creating a key or choosing an existing one. If you don’t select Customize encryption settings, an AWS managed key will be used as default.
  3. If the snapshot was taken from a cluster that was using Secrets Manager to manage its admin credentials and you’re restoring to a provisioned cluster, you can optionally choose to update the key used to encrypt credentials in Secrets Manager. Otherwise, if you’d like to use the same configuration as the source snapshot, you can choose the same key as before.
  4. After you configure all the necessary details, choose Restore cluster from snapshot/Save changes to launch your provisioned cluster, or choose Restore to write the snapshot data to the namespace.

Connect to Amazon Redshift via Query Editor v2 using Secrets Manager

To connect to Amazon Redshift using Query Editor v2, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose the cluster that you want to connect to.
  2. On the Properties tab, locate the admin user and admin password ARN.
  3. Make a note of the ARN to be used in the later steps.
  4. At the top of the cluster details page, on the Query data menu, choose Query in query editor v2.
  5. Locate the Redshift cluster or Redshift Serverless workgroup you want to connect to and choose the options menu (three dots) next to its name, then choose Create connection.
  6. In the connection window, select AWS Secrets Manager.
  7. For Secret, choose the appropriate secret for your cluster.
  8. Choose Create connection.

Note that access to the secrets can be controlled by AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions.

The connection should be established to your cluster now and you will be able to see the database objects in your cluster as well as run queries against your cluster


In this post, we demonstrated how the Secrets Manager integration with Amazon Redshift has simplified storing admin credentials. It’s a simple-to-use feature that is available immediately and automates the important task of maintaining admin credentials and rotating them for your Redshift data warehouse. Try it out today and leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions.

About the Authors

Tahir Aziz is an Analytics Solution Architect at AWS. He has worked with building data warehouses and big data solutions for over 15 years. He loves to help customers design end-to-end analytics solutions on AWS. Outside of work, he enjoys traveling and cooking.

Julia Beck is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. She supports customers in validating analytics solutions by architecting proof of concept workloads designed to meet their specific needs.

Ekta Ahuja is a Senior Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. She is passionate about helping customers build scalable and robust data and analytics solutions. Before AWS, she worked in several different data engineering and analytics roles. Outside of work, she enjoys baking, traveling, and board games.

Delegating permission set management and account assignment in AWS IAM Identity Center

Post Syndicated from Jake Barker original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/delegating-permission-set-management-and-account-assignment-in-aws-iam-identity-center/

In this blog post, we look at how you can use AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) to delegate the management of permission sets and account assignments. Delegating the day-to-day administration of user identities and entitlements allows teams to move faster and reduces the burden on your central identity administrators.

IAM Identity Center helps you securely create or connect your workforce identities and manage their access centrally across AWS accounts and applications. Identity Center requires accounts to be managed by AWS Organizations. Administration of Identity Center can be delegated to a member account (an account other than the management account). We recommend that you delegate Identity Center administration to limit who has access to the management account and use the management account only for tasks that require the management account.

Delegated administration is different from the delegation of permission sets and account assignments, which this blog covers. For more information on delegated administration, see Getting started with AWS IAM Identity Center delegated administration. The patterns in this blog post work whether Identity Center is delegated to a member account or remains in the management account.

Permission sets are used to define the level of access that users or groups have to an AWS account. Permission sets can contain AWS managed policies, customer managed policies, inline policies, and permissions boundaries.

Solution overview

As your organization grows, you might want to start delegating permissions management and account assignment to give your teams more autonomy and reduce the burden on your identity team. Alternatively, you might have different business units or customers, operating out of their own organizational units (OUs), that want more control over their own identity management.

In this scenario, an example organization has three developer teams: Red, Blue, and Yellow. Each of the teams operate out of its own OU. IAM Identity Center has been delegated from the management account to the Identity Account. Figure 1 shows the structure of the example organization.

Figure 1: The structure of the organization in the example scenario

Figure 1: The structure of the organization in the example scenario

The organization in this scenario has an existing collection of permission sets. They want to delegate the management of permission sets and account assignments away from their central identity management team.

  • The Red team wants to be able to assign the existing permission sets to accounts in its OU. This is an accounts-based model.
  • The Blue team wants to edit and use a single permission set and then assign that set to the team’s single account. This is a permission-based model.
  • The Yellow team wants to create, edit, and use a permission set tagged with Team: Yellow and then assign that set to all of the accounts in its OU. This is a tag-based model.

We’ll look at the permission sets needed for these three use cases.

Note: If you’re using the AWS Management Console, additional permissions are required.

Use case 1: Accounts-based model

In this use case, the Red team is given permission to assign existing permission sets to the three accounts in its OU. This will also include permissions to remove account assignments.

Using this model, an organization can create generic permission sets that can be assigned to its AWS accounts. It helps reduce complexity for the delegated administrators and verifies that they are using permission sets that follow the organization’s best practices. These permission sets restrict access based on services and features within those services, rather than specific resources.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [


In the preceding policy, the principal can assign existing permission sets to the three AWS accounts with the IDs 112233445566, 223344556677 and 334455667788. This includes administration permission sets, so carefully consider which accounts you allow the permission sets to be assigned to.

The arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-<sso-ins-id> is the IAM Identity Center instance ID ARN. It can be found using either the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) v2 with the list-instances API or the AWS Management Console.

Use the AWS CLI

Use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to run the following command:

aws sso-admin list-instances

You can also use AWS CloudShell to run the command.

Use the AWS Management Console

Use the Management Console to navigate to the IAM Identity Center in your AWS Region and then select Choose your identity source on the dashboard.

Figure 2: The IAM Identity Center instance ID ARN in the console

Figure 2: The IAM Identity Center instance ID ARN in the console

Use case 2: Permission-based model

For this example, the Blue team is given permission to edit one or more specific permission sets and then assign those permission sets to a single account. The following permissions allow the team to use managed and inline policies.

This model allows the delegated administrator to use fine-grained permissions on a specific AWS account. It’s useful when the team wants total control over the permissions in its AWS account, including the ability to create additional roles with administrative permissions. In these cases, the permissions are often better managed by the team that operates the account because it has a better understanding of the services and workloads.

Granting complete control over permissions can lead to unintended or undesired outcomes. Permission sets are still subject to IAM evaluation and authorization, which means that service control policies (SCPs) can be used to deny specific actions.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [

Here, the principal can edit the permission set arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/ps-1122334455667788 and assign it to the AWS account 445566778899. The editing rights include customer managed policies, AWS managed policies, and inline policies.

If you want to use the preceding policy, replace the missing and example resource values with your own IAM Identity Center instance ID and account numbers.

In the preceding policy, the arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/ps-1122334455667788 is the permission set ARN. You can find this ARN through the console, or by using the AWS CLI command to list all of the permission sets:

aws sso-admin list-permission-sets --instance-arn <instance arn from above>

This permission set can also be applied to multiple accounts—similar to the first use case—by adding additional account IDs to the list of resources. Likewise, additional permission sets can be added so that the user can edit multiple permission sets and assign them to a set of accounts.

Use case 3: Tag-based model

For this example, the Yellow team is given permission to create, edit, and use permission sets tagged with Team: Yellow. Then they can assign those tagged permission sets to all of their accounts.

This example can be used by an organization to allow a team to freely create and edit permission sets and then assign them to the team’s accounts. It uses tagging as a mechanism to control which permission sets can be created and edited. Permission sets without the correct tag cannot be altered.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/Team": "Yellow"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/Team": "Yellow"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "sso:TagResource",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/Team": "Yellow",
                    "aws:RequestTag/Team": "Yellow"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "InlinePolicy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "InlinePolicyABAC",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/Team": "Yellow"

In the preceding policy, the principal is allowed to create new permission sets only with the tag Team: Yellow, and assign only permission sets tagged with Team: Yellow to the AWS accounts with ID 556677889900, 667788990011, and 778899001122.

The principal can only edit the inline policies of the permission sets tagged with Team: Yellow and cannot change the tags of the permission sets that are already tagged for another team.

If you want to use this policy, replace the missing and example resource values with your own IAM Identity Center instance ID, tags, and account numbers.

Note: The policy above assumes that there are no additional statements applying to the principal. If you require additional allow statements, verify that the resulting policy doesn’t create a risk of privilege escalation. You can review Controlling access to AWS resources using tags for additional information.

This policy only allows the delegation of permission sets using inline policies. Customer managed policies are IAM policies that are deployed to and are unique to each AWS account. When you create a permission set with a customer managed policy, you must create an IAM policy with the same name and path in each AWS account where IAM Identity Center assigns the permission set. If the IAM policy doesn’t exist, Identity Center won’t make the account assignment. For more information on how to use customer managed policies with Identity Center, see How to use customer managed policies in AWS IAM Identity Center for advanced use cases.

You can extend the policy to allow the delegation of customer managed policies with these two statements:

    "Sid": "CustomerManagedPolicy",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [
    "Sid": "CustomerManagedABAC",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/*",
    "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
            "aws:ResourceTag/Team": "Yellow"

Note: Both statements are required, as only the resource type PermissionSet supports the condition key aws:ResourceTag/${TagKey}, and the actions listed require access to both the Instance and PermissionSet resource type. See Actions, resources, and condition keys for AWS IAM Identity Center for more information.

Best practices

Here are some best practices to consider when delegating management of permission sets and account assignments:

  • Assign permissions to edit specific permission sets. Allowing roles to edit every permission set could allow that role to edit their own permission set.
  • Only allow administrators to manage groups. Users with rights to edit group membership could add themselves to any group, including a group reserved for organization administrators.

If you’re using IAM Identity Center in a delegated account, you should also be aware of the best practices for delegated administration.


Organizations can empower teams by delegating the management of permission sets and account assignments in IAM Identity Center. Delegating these actions can allow teams to move faster and reduce the burden on the central identity management team.

The scenario and examples share delegation concepts that can be combined and scaled up within your organization. If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section. If you have questions, start a new thread on AWS Re:Post with the Identity Center tag.

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Jake Barker

Jake Barker

Jake is a Senior Security Consultant with AWS Professional Services. He loves making security accessible to customers and eating great pizza.

Roberto Migli

Roberto Migli

Roberto is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS. Roberto supports global financial services customers, focusing on security and identity and access management. In his free time he enjoys building electronics gadgets and spending time with his family.

Explore real-world use cases for Amazon CodeWhisperer powered by AWS Glue Studio notebooks

Post Syndicated from Ishan Gaur original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/explore-real-world-use-cases-for-amazon-codewhisperer-powered-by-aws-glue-studio-notebooks/

Many customers are interested in boosting productivity in their software development lifecycle by using generative AI. Recently, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon CodeWhisperer, an AI coding companion that uses foundational models under the hood to improve software developer productivity. With Amazon CodeWhisperer, you can quickly accept the top suggestion, view more suggestions, or continue writing your own code. This integration reduces the overall time spent in writing data integration and extract, transform, and load (ETL) logic. It also helps beginner-level programmers write their first lines of code. AWS Glue Studio notebooks allows you to author data integration jobs with a web-based serverless notebook interface.

In this post, we discuss real-world use cases for CodeWhisperer powered by AWS Glue Studio notebooks.

Solution overview

For this post, you use the CSV eSports Earnings dataset, available to download via Kaggle. The data is scraped from eSportsEarnings.com, which provides information on earnings of eSports players and teams. The objective is to perform transformations using an AWS Glue Studio notebook with CodeWhisperer recommendations and then write the data back to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in Parquet file format as well as to Amazon Redshift.


Our solution has the following prerequisites:

  1. Set up AWS Glue Studio.
  2. Configure an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to interact with CodeWhisperer. Attach the following policy to your IAM role that is attached to the AWS Glue Studio notebook:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [{
            "Sid": "CodeWhispererPermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

  3. Download the CSV eSports Earnings dataset and upload the CSV file highest_earning_players.csv to the S3 folder you will be using in this use case.

Create an AWS Glue Studio notebook

Let’s get started. Create a new AWS Glue Studio notebook job by completing the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Notebooks under ETL jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Select Jupyter Notebook and choose Create.
  3. For Job name, enter CodeWhisperer-s3toJDBC.

A new notebook will be created with the sample cells as shown in the following screenshot.

We use the second cell for now, so you can remove all the other cells.

  1. In the second cell, update the interactive session configuration by setting the following:
    1. Worker type to G.1X
    2. Number of workers to 3
    3. AWS Glue version to 4.0
  2. Moreover, import the DynamicFrame module and current_timestamp function as follows:
    from pyspark.sql.functions import current_timestamp
    from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame

After you make these changes, the notebook should be looking like the following screenshot.

Now, let’s ensure CodeWhisperer is working as intended. At the bottom right, you will find the CodeWhisperer option beside the Glue PySpark status, as shown in the following screenshot.

You can choose CodeWhisperer to view the options to use Auto-Suggestions.

Develop your code using CodeWhisperer in an AWS Glue Studio notebook

In this section, we show how to develop an AWS Glue notebook job for Amazon S3 as a data source and JDBC data sources as a target. For our use case, we need to ensure Auto-Suggestions are enabled. Write your recommendation using CodeWhisperer using the following steps:

  1. Write a comment in natural language (in English) to read Parquet files from your S3 bucket:
    # Read CSV files from S3

After you enter the preceding comment and press Enter, the CodeWhisperer button at the end of the page will show that it is running to write the recommendation. The output of the CodeWhisperer recommendation will appear in the next line and the code is chosen after you press Tab. You can learn more in User actions.

After you enter the preceding comment, CodeWhisperer will generate a code snippet that is similar to the following:

df = (spark.read.format("csv")
      .option("header", "true")
      .option("inferSchema", "true")

Note that you need to update the paths to match the S3 bucket you’re using instead of the CodeWhisperer-generated bucket.

From the preceding code snippet, CodeWhisperer used Spark DataFrames to read the CSV files.

  1. You can now try some rephrasing to get a suggestion with DynamicFrame functions:
# Read CSV file from S3 with the header format option using DynamicFrame"

Now CodeWhisperer will generate a code snippet that is close to the following:

dyF = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
        "paths": ["s3://<bucket>/<path>/highest_earning_players.csv"],
        "recurse": True,
        "withHeader": True,

Rephrasing the sentences written now has proved that after some modifications to the comments we wrote, we got the correct recommendation from CodeWhisperer.

  1. Next, use CodeWhisperer to print the schema of the preceding AWS Glue DynamicFrame by using the following comment:
    # Print the schema of the above DynamicFrame

CodeWhisperer will generate a code snippet that is close to the following:


We get the following output.

Now we use CodeWhisperer to create some transformation functions that can manipulate the AWS Glue DynamicFrame read earlier. We start by entering code in a new cell.

  1. First, test if CodeWhisperer can use the correct AWS Glue context functions like ResolveChoice:
    # Convert the "PlayerId" type from string to integer

CodeWhisperer has recommended a code snippet similar to the following:

dyF = dyF.resolveChoice(specs=[('PlayerId', 'cast:long')])

The preceding code snippet doesn’t accurately represent the comment that we entered.

  1. You can apply sentence paraphrasing and simplifying by providing the following three comments. Each one has different ask and we use the withColumn Spark Frame method, which is used in casting columns types:
    # Convert the DynamicFrame to spark data frame
    # Cast the 'PlayerId' column from string to Integer using WithColumn function
     # Convert the spark frame back to DynamicFrame and print the schema

CodeWhisperer will pick up the preceding commands and recommend the following code snippet in sequence:

df = dyF.toDF()
df = df.withColumn("PlayerId", df["PlayerId"].cast("integer"))
dyF = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "dyF")

The following output confirms the PlayerId column is changed from string to integer.

  1. Apply the same process to the resultant AWS Glue DynamicFrame for the TotalUSDPrize column by casting it from string to long using the withColumn Spark Frame functions by entering the following comments:
    # Convert the dynamicFrame to Spark Frame
    # Cast the "TotalUSDPrize" column from String to long
    # Convert the spark frame back to dynamic frame and print the schema

The recommended code snippet is similar to the following:

df = dyF.toDF()
df = df.withColumn("TotalUSDPrize", df["TotalUSDPrize"].cast("long"))
dyF = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "dyF")

The output schema of the preceding code snippet is as follows.

Now we will try to recommend a code snippet that reflects the average prize for each player according to their country code.

  1. To do so, start by getting the count of the player per each country:
    # Get the count of each country code

The recommended code snippet is similar to the following:

country_code_count = df.groupBy("CountryCode").count()

We get the following output.

  1. Join the main DataFrame with the country code count DataFrame and then add a new column calculating the average highest prize for each player according to their country code:
    # Convert the DynamicFrame (dyF) to dataframe (df)
    # Join the dataframe (df) with country_code_count dataframe with respect to CountryCode column
    # Convert the spark frame back to DynamicFrame and print the schema

The recommended code snippet is similar to the following:

df = dyF.toDF()
df = df.join(country_code_count, "CountryCode")
dyF = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "dyF")

The output of the schema now confirms the both DataFrames where correctly joined and the Count column is added to the main DataFrame.

  1. Get the code recommendation on the code snippet to calculate the average TotalUSDPrize for each country code and add it to a new column:
    # Get the sum of all the TotalUSDPrize column per countrycode
    # Rename the sum column to be "SumPrizePerCountry" in the newly generated dataframe

The recommended code snippet is similar to the following:

country_code_sum = df.groupBy("CountryCode").sum("TotalUSDPrize")
country_code_sum = country_code_sum.withColumnRenamed("sum(TotalUSDPrize)", "SumPrizePerCountry")

The output of the preceding code should look like the following.

  1. Join the country_code_sum DataFrame with the main DataFrame from earlier and get the average of the prizes per player per country:
    # Join the above dataframe with the main dataframe with respect to CountryCode
    # Get the average Total prize in USD per player per country and add it to a new column called "AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry"

The recommended code snippet is similar to the following:

df = df.join(country_code_sum, "CountryCode")
df = df.withColumn("AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry", df["SumPrizePerCountry"] / df["count"])
  1. The last part in the transformation phase is to sort the data by the highest average prize per player per country:
    # sort the above dataframe descendingly according to the highest Average Prize per player country
    # Show the top 5 rows

The recommended code snippet is similar to the following:

df = df.sort(df["AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry"].desc())

The first five rows will be similar to the following.

For the last step, we write the DynamicFrame to Amazon S3 and to Amazon Redshift.

  1. Write the DynamicFrame to Amazon S3 with the following code:
    # Convert the data frame to DynamicFrame
    # Write the DynamicFrame to S3 in glueparquet format

The CodeWhisperer recommendation is similar to the following code snippet:

dyF = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "dyF")

"path": "s3://<enter your own>/",
"partitionKeys": [],
format = "glueparquet",

We need to correct the code snippet generated after the recommendation because it doesn’t contain partition keys. As we pointed out, partitionkeys is empty, so we can have another code block suggestion to set partitionkey and then write it to the target Amazon S3 location. Also, according to the newest updates related to writing DynamicFrames to Amazon S3 using glueparquet, format = "glueparquet" is no longer used. Instead, you need to use the parquet type with useGlueParquetWriter enabled.

After the updates, our code looks similar to the following:

dyF = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "dyF")

"path": "s3://<enter your own>/",
format = "parquet",
 "useGlueParquetWriter": True,

Another option here would be to write the files to Amazon Redshift using a JDBC connection.

  1. First, enter the following command to check whether CodeWhisperer will understand the comment in one sentence and use the correct functions or not:
    # Write the DynamicFrame to Redshift
    # Select only the following 3 columns in the DynamicFrame to write to redshift: CountryCode, TotalUSDPrize, NameFirst, NameLast, AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountr

The output of the comment is similar to the following code snippet:

dyF = dyF.select_fields(["CountryCode", "TotalUSDPrize", "NameFirst","NameLast","AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry"])
        "url": "jdbc:redshift://omarglueblog.cjzxbkzmhwqm.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/omarglueblog",
        "user": "omarglueblog",
        "password": "omarglueblog",
        "dbtable": "highest_earning_players_redshift",
        "driver": "com.amazon.redshift.jdbc42.Driver",
        "preactions": "truncate table highest_earning_players_redshift",
        "redshiftTmpDir": "s3://awsgluetest/tmp/",
        "aws_iam_role": "0000000000000000000000000:role/glue-role",
     format = "redshift",

As we can see, CodeWhisperer correctly interpreted the comment by selecting only the specified columns to write to Amazon Redshift.

  1. Now, use CodeWhisperer to write the DynamicFrame to Amazon Redshift. We use the Preaction parameter to run a SQL query to select only certain columns to be written to Amazon Redshift:
    # Write the resultant DynamicFrame to Redshift 
    # using preaction that selects only the following columns: CountryCode, TotalUSDPrize, NameFirst, NameLast, AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry

The CodeWhisperer recommendation is similar to the following code snippet:

    frame = dyf,
    connection_type = "redshift",
    connection_options = {
        "url": "jdbc:redshift://awsgluetest.cjw8y5zdqmhz.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/dev",
        "user": "awsuser",
        "password": "awsuser",
        "dbtable": "players",
        "preactions": "SELECT CountryCode, TotalUSDPrize, NameFirst, NameLast, AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry FROM highest_earning_player",
        "redshiftTmpDir": "s3://awsgluetest/tmp/"
    format = "glueparquet",
    transformation_ctx = "write_dynamic_frame")

After checking the preceding code snippet, you can observe that there is a misplaced format, which you can remove. You can also add the iam_role as an input in connection_options. You can also notice that CodeWhisperer has automatically assumed the Redshift URL to have the same name as the S3 folder that we used. Therefore, you need to change the URL and the S3 temp directory bucket to reflect your own parameters and remove the password parameter. The final code snippet should be similar to the following:

"url": "jdbc:redshift://<enter your own>.cjwjn5pzxbhx.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/<enter your own>",
"user": "<enter your own>",
"dbtable": "<enter your own>",
"driver": "com.amazon.redshift.jdbc42.Driver",
"preactions": "SELECT CountryCode, TotalUSDPrize, NameFirst, NameLast, AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry FROM <enter your table>",
"redshiftTmpDir": "<enter your own>",
"aws_iam_role": "<enter your own>",

The following is the whole code and comment snippets:

%idle_timeout 2880
%glue_version 4.0
%worker_type G.1X
%number_of_workers 3

import sys
from awsglue.transforms import *
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job
from pyspark.sql.functions import current_timestamp
from awsglue.DynamicFrame import DynamicFrame

sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
spark = glueContext.spark_session
job = Job(glueContext)

# Read CSV files from S3
dyF = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
        "paths": ["s3://<bucket>/<path>/highest_earning_players.csv"],
        "recurse": True,
        "withHeader": True,
# Print the schema of the above DynamicFrame

# Convert the DynamicFrame to spark data frame
# Cast the 'PlayerId' column from string to Integer using WithColumn function
# Convert the spark frame back to DynamicFrame and print the schema
df = dyF.toDF()
df = df.withColumn("PlayerId", df["PlayerId"].cast("integer"))
dyF = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "dyF")

# Convert the dynamicFrame to Spark Frame
# Cast the "TotalUSDPrize" column from String to long
# Convert the spark frame back to dynamic frame and print the schema
df = dyF.toDF()
df = df.withColumn("TotalUSDPrize", df["TotalUSDPrize"].cast("long"))
dyF = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "dyF")

# Get the count of each country code
country_code_count = df.groupBy("CountryCode").count()

# Convert the DynamicFrame (dyF) to dataframe (df)
# Join the dataframe (df) with country_code_count dataframe with respect to CountryCode column
# Convert the spark frame back to DynamicFrame and print the schema
df = dyF.toDF()
df = df.join(country_code_count, "CountryCode")

# Get the sum of all the TotalUSDPrize column per countrycode
# Rename the sum column to be "SumPrizePerCountry"
country_code_sum = df.groupBy("CountryCode").sum("TotalUSDPrize")
country_code_sum = country_code_sum.withColumnRenamed("sum(TotalUSDPrize)", "SumPrizePerCountry")

# Join the above dataframe with the main dataframe with respect to CountryCode
# Get the average Total prize in USD per player per country and add it to a new column called "AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry"
df.join(country_code_sum, "CountryCode")
df = df.withColumn("AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry", df["SumPrizePerCountry"] / df["count"])

# sort the above dataframe descendingly according to the highest Average Prize per player country
# Show the top 5 rows
df = df.sort(df["AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry"].desc())

# Convert the data frame to DynamicFrame
# Write the DynamicFrame to S3 in glueparquet format
dyF = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "dyF")

"path": "s3://<enter your own>/",
format = "parquet",
 "useGlueParquetWriter": True,

# Write the resultant DynamicFrame to Redshift 
# using preaction that selects only the following columns: CountryCode, TotalUSDPrize, NameFirst, NameLast, AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry
"url": "jdbc:redshift://<enter your own>.cjwjn5pzxbhx.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439/<enter your own>",
"user": "<enter your own>",
"dbtable": "<enter your own>",
"driver": "com.amazon.redshift.jdbc42.Driver",
"preactions": "SELECT CountryCode, TotalUSDPrize, NameFirst, NameLast, AveragePrizePerPlayerPerCountry FROM <enter your table>",
"redshiftTmpDir": "<enter your own>",
"aws_iam_role": "<enter your own>",


In this post, we demonstrated a real-world use case on how AWS Glue Studio notebook integration with CodeWhisperer helps you build data integration jobs faster. You can start using the AWS Glue Studio notebook with CodeWhisperer to accelerate building your data integration jobs.

To learn more about using AWS Glue Studio notebooks and CodeWhisperer, check out the following video.

About the authors

Ishan Gaur works as Sr. Big Data Cloud Engineer ( ETL ) specialized in AWS Glue. He’s passionate about helping customers building out scalable distributed ETL workloads and analytics pipelines on AWS.

Omar Elkharbotly is a Glue SME who works as Big Data Cloud Support Engineer 2 (DIST). He is dedicated to assisting customers in resolving issues related to their ETL workloads and creating scalable data processing and analytics pipelines on AWS.

Multi-tenancy Apache Kafka clusters in Amazon MSK with IAM access control and Kafka Quotas – Part 1

Post Syndicated from Vikas Bajaj original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/multi-tenancy-apache-kafka-clusters-in-amazon-msk-with-iam-access-control-and-kafka-quotas-part-1/

With Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), you can build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data. To process streaming data, organizations either use multiple Kafka clusters based on their application groupings, usage scenarios, compliance requirements, and other factors, or a dedicated Kafka cluster for the entire organization. It doesn’t matter what pattern is used, Kafka clusters are typically multi-tenant, allowing multiple producer and consumer applications to consume and produce streaming data simultaneously.

With multi-tenant Kafka clusters, however, one of the challenges is to make sure that data consumer and producer applications don’t overuse cluster resources. There is a possibility that a few poorly behaved applications may overuse cluster resources, affecting the well-behaved applications as a result. Therefore, teams who manage multi-tenant Kafka clusters need a mechanism to prevent applications from overconsuming cluster resources in order to avoid issues. This is where Kafka quotas come into play. Kafka quotas control the amount of resources client applications can use within a Kafka cluster.

In Part 1 of this two-part series, we explain the concepts of how to enforce Kafka quotas in MSK multi-tenant Kafka clusters while using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) access control for authentication and authorization. In Part 2, we cover detailed implementation steps along with sample Kafka client applications.

Brief introduction to Kafka quotas

Kafka quotas control the amount of resources client applications can use within a Kafka cluster. It’s possible for the multi-tenant Kafka cluster to experience performance degradation or a complete outage due to resource constraints if one or more client applications produce or consume large volumes of data or generate requests at a very high rate for a continuous period of time, monopolizing Kafka cluster’s resources.

To prevent applications from overwhelming the cluster, Apache Kafka allows configuring quotas that determine how much traffic each client application produces and consumes per Kafka broker in a cluster. Kafka brokers throttle the client applications’ requests in accordance with their allocated quotas. Kafka quotas can be configured for specific users, or specific client IDs, or both. The client ID is a logical name defined in the application code that Kafka brokers use to identify which application sent messages. The user represents the authenticated user principal of a client application in a secure Kafka cluster with authentication enabled.

There are two types of quotas supported in Kafka:

  • Network bandwidth quotas – The byte-rate thresholds define how much data client applications can produce to and consume from each individual broker in a Kafka cluster measured in bytes per second.
  • Request rate quotas – This limits the percentage of time each individual broker spends processing client applications requests.

Depending on the business requirements, you can use either of these quota configurations. However, the use of network bandwidth quotas is common because it allows organizations to cap platform resources consumption according to the amount of data produced and consumed by applications per second.

Because this post uses an MSK cluster with IAM access control, we specifically discuss configuring network bandwidth quotas based on the applications’ client IDs and authenticated user principals.

Considerations for Kafka quotas

Keep the following in mind when working with Kafka quotas:

  • Enforcement level – Quotas are enforced at the broker level rather than at the cluster level. Suppose there are six brokers in a Kafka cluster and you specify a 12 MB/sec produce quota for a client ID and user. The producer application using the client ID and user can produce a max of 12MB/sec on each broker at the same time, for a total of max 72 MB/sec across all six brokers. However, if leadership for every partition of a topic resides on one broker, the same producer application can only produce a max of 12 MB/sec. Due to the fact that throttling occurs per broker, it’s essential to maintain an even balance of topics’ partitions leadership across all the brokers.
  • Throttling – When an application reaches its quota, it is throttled, not failed, meaning the broker doesn’t throw an exception. Clients who reach their quota on a broker will begin to have their requests throttled by the broker to prevent exceeding the quota. Instead of sending an error when a client exceeds a quota, the broker attempts to slow it down. Brokers calculate the amount of delay necessary to bring clients under quotas and delay responses accordingly. As a result of this approach, quota violations are transparent to clients, and clients don’t have to implement any special backoff or retry policies. However, when using an asynchronous producer and sending messages at a rate greater than the broker can accept due to quota, the messages will be queued in the client application memory first. The client will eventually run out of buffer space if the rate of sending messages continues to exceed the rate of accepting messages, causing the next Producer.send() call to be blocked. Producer.send() will eventually throw a TimeoutException if the timeout delay isn’t sufficient to allow the broker to catch up to the producer application.
  • Shared quotas – If more than one client application has the same client ID and user, the quota configured for the client ID and user will be shared among all those applications. Suppose you configure a produce quota of 5 MB/sec for the combination of client-id="marketing-producer-client" and user="marketing-app-user". In this case, all producer applications that have marketing-producer-client as a client ID and marketing-app-user as an authenticated user principal will share the 5 MB/sec produce quota, impacting each other’s throughput.
  • Produce throttling – The produce throttling behavior is exposed to producer clients via client metrics such as produce-throttle-time-avg and produce-throttle-time-max. If these are non-zero, it indicates that the destination brokers are slowing the producer down and the quotas configuration should be reviewed.
  • Consume throttling – The consume throttling behavior is exposed to consumer clients via client metrics such as fetch-throttle-time-avg and fetch-throttle-time-max. If these are non-zero, it indicates that the origin brokers are slowing the consumer down and the quotas configuration should be reviewed.

Note that client metrics are metrics exposed by clients connecting to Kafka clusters.

  • Quota configuration – It’s possible to configure Kafka quotas either statically through the Kafka configuration file or dynamically through kafka-config.sh or the Kafka Admin API. The dynamic configuration mechanism is much more convenient and manageable because it allows quotas for the new producer and consumer applications to be configured at any time without having to restart brokers. Even while application clients are producing or consuming data, dynamic configuration changes take effect in real time.
  • Configuration keys – With the kafka-config.sh command-line tool, you can set dynamic consume, produce, and request quotas using the following three configuration keys, respectively: consumer_byte_rate, producer_byte_rate, and request_percentage.

For more information about Kafka quotas, refer to Kafka documentation.

Enforce network bandwidth quotas with IAM access control

Following our understanding of Kafka quotas, let’s look at how to enforce them in an MSK cluster while using IAM access control for authentication and authorization. IAM access control in Amazon MSK eliminates the need for two separate mechanisms for authentication and authorization.

The following figure shows an MSK cluster that is configured to use IAM access control in the demo account. Each producer and consumer application has a quota that determines how much data they can produce or consume in bytes per second. For example, ProducerApp-1 has a produce quota of 1024 bytes/sec, and ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 each have a consume quota of 5120 and 1024 bytes/sec, respectively. It’s important to note that Kafka quotas are set on the Kafka cluster rather than in the client applications.

The preceding figure illustrates how Kafka client applications (ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2) access Topic-B in the MSK cluster by assuming write and read IAM roles. The workflow is as follows:

  • P1ProducerApp-1 (via its ProducerApp-1-Role IAM role) assumes the Topic-B-Write-Role IAM role to send messages to Topic-B in the MSK cluster.
  • P2 – With the Topic-B-Write-Role IAM role assumed, ProducerApp-1 begins sending messages to Topic-B.
  • C1ConsumerApp-1 (via its ConsumerApp-1-Role IAM role) and ConsumerApp-2 (via its ConsumerApp-2-Role IAM role) assume the Topic-B-Read-Role IAM role to read messages from Topic-B in the MSK cluster.
  • C2 – With the Topic-B-Read-Role IAM role assumed, ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 start consuming messages from Topic-B.

ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 are two separate consumer applications. They do not belong to the same consumer group.

Configuring client IDs and understanding authenticated user principal

As explained earlier, Kafka quotas can be configured for specific users, specific client IDs, or both. Let’s explore client ID and user concepts and configurations required for Kafka quota allocation.

Client ID

A client ID representing an application’s logical name can be configured within an application’s code. In Java applications, for example, you can set the producer’s and consumer’s client IDs using ProducerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG and ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG configurations, respectively. The following code snippet illustrates how ProducerApp-1 sets the client ID to this-is-me-producerapp-1 using ProducerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG:

Properties props = new Properties();


The user refers to an authenticated user principal of the client application in the Kafka cluster with authentication enabled. As shown in the solution architecture, producer and consumer applications assume the Topic-B-Write-Role and Topic-B-Read-Role IAM roles, respectively, to perform write and read operations on Topic-B. Therefore, their authenticated user principal will look like the following IAM identifier:

arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/<assumed Role Name>/<role session name>

For more information, refer to IAM identifiers.

The role session name is a string identifier that uniquely identifies a session when IAM principals, federated identities, or applications assume an IAM role. In our case, ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2 applications assume an IAM role using the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) SDK, and provide a role session name in the AWS STS SDK call. For example, if ProducerApp-1 assumes the Topic-B-Write-Role IAM role and uses this-is-producerapp-1-role-session as its role session name, its authenticated user principal will be as follows:

arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/Topic-B-Write-Role/this-is-producerapp-1-role-session

The following is an example code snippet from the ProducerApp-1 application using this-is-producerapp-1-role-session as the role session name while assuming the Topic-B-Write-Role IAM role using the AWS STS SDK:

StsClient stsClient = StsClient.builder().region(region).build();
AssumeRoleRequest roleRequest = AssumeRoleRequest.builder()
          .roleArn("<Topic-B-Write-Role ARN>")
          .roleSessionName("this-is-producerapp-1-role-session") //role-session-name string literal

Configure network bandwidth (produce and consume) quotas

The following commands configure the produce and consume quotas dynamically for client applications based on their client ID and authenticated user principal in the MSK cluster configured with IAM access control.

The following code configures the produce quota:

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <MSK cluster bootstrap servers IAM endpoint> \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --add-config "producer_byte_rate=<number of bytes per second>" \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ProducerApp client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name <ProducerApp user principal>

The producer_byes_rate refers to the number of messages, in bytes, that a producer client identified by client ID and user is allowed to produce to a single broker per second. The option --command-config points to config_iam.properties, which contains the properties required for IAM access control.

The following code configures the consume quota:

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <MSK cluster bootstrap servers IAM endpoint> \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --add-config "consumer_byte_rate=<number of bytes per second>" \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ConsumerApp client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name <ConsumerApp user principal>

The consumer_bytes_rate refers to the number of messages, in bytes, that a consumer client identified by client ID and user allowed to consume from a single broker per second.

Let’s look at some example quota configuration commands for ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2 client applications:

  • ProducerApp-1 produce quota configuration – Let’s assume ProducerApp-1 has this-is-me-producerapp-1 configured as the client ID in the application code and uses this-is-producerapp-1-role-session as the role session name when assuming the Topic-B-Write-Role IAM role. The following command sets the produce quota for ProducerApp-1 to 1024 bytes per second:
kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <MSK Cluster Bootstrap servers IAM endpoint> \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --add-config "producer_byte_rate=1024" \
--entity-type clients --entity-name this-is-me-producerapp-1 \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/Topic-B-Write-Role/this-is-producerapp-1-role-session
  • ConsumerApp-1 consume quota configuration – Let’s assume ConsumerApp-1 has this-is-me-consumerapp-1 configured as the client ID in the application code and uses this-is-consumerapp-1-role-session as the role session name when assuming the Topic-B-Read-Role IAM role. The following command sets the consume quota for ConsumerApp-1 to 5120 bytes per second:
kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <MSK Cluster Bootstrap servers IAM endpoint> \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --add-config "consumer_byte_rate=5120" \
--entity-type clients --entity-name this-is-me-consumerapp-1 \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/Topic-B-Read-Role/this-is-consumerapp-1-role-session

ConsumerApp-2 consume quota configuration
– Let’s assume ConsumerApp-2 has this-is-me-consumerapp-2 configured as the client ID in the application code and uses this-is-consumerapp-2-role-session as the role session name when assuming the Topic-B-Read-Role IAM role. The following command sets the consume quota for ConsumerApp-2 to 1024 bytes per second per broker:

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server <MSK Cluster Bootstrap servers IAM endpoint> \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --add-config "consumer_byte_rate=1024" \
--entity-type clients --entity-name this-is-me-consumerapp-2 \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/Topic-B-Read-Role/this-is-consumerapp-2-role-session

As a result of the preceding commands, the ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2 client applications will be throttled by the MSK cluster using IAM access control if they exceed their assigned produce and consume quotas, respectively.

Implement the solution

Part 2 of this series showcases the step-by-step detailed implementation of Kafka quotas configuration with IAM access control along with the sample producer and consumer client applications.


Kafka quotas offer teams the ability to set limits for producer and consumer applications. With Amazon MSK, Kafka quotas serve two important purposes: eliminating guesswork and preventing issues caused by poorly designed producer or consumer applications by limiting their quota, and allocating operational costs of a central streaming data platform across different cost centers and tenants (application and product teams).

In this post, we learned how to configure network bandwidth quotas within Amazon MSK while using IAM access control. We also covered some sample commands and code snippets to clarify how the client ID and authenticated principal are used when configuring quotas. Although we only demonstrated Kafka quotas using IAM access control, you can also configure them using other Amazon MSK-supported authentication mechanisms.

In Part 2 of this series, we demonstrate how to configure network bandwidth quotas with IAM access control in Amazon MSK and provide you with example producer and consumer applications so that you can see them in action.

Check out the following resources to learn more:

About the Author

Vikas Bajaj is a Senior Manager, Solutions Architects, Financial Services at Amazon Web Services. Having worked with financial services organizations and digital native customers, he advises financial services customers in Australia on technology decisions, architectures, and product roadmaps.

Multi-tenancy Apache Kafka clusters in Amazon MSK with IAM access control and Kafka quotas – Part 2

Post Syndicated from Vikas Bajaj original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/multi-tenancy-apache-kafka-clusters-in-amazon-msk-with-iam-access-control-and-kafka-quotas-part-2/

Kafka quotas are integral to multi-tenant Kafka clusters. They prevent Kafka cluster performance from being negatively affected by poorly behaved applications overconsuming cluster resources. Furthermore, they enable the central streaming data platform to be operated as a multi-tenant platform and used by downstream and upstream applications across multiple business lines. Kafka supports two types of quotas: network bandwidth quotas and request rate quotas. Network bandwidth quotas define byte-rate thresholds such as how much data client applications can produce to and consume from each individual broker in a Kafka cluster measured in bytes per second. Request rate quotas limit the percentage of time each individual broker spends processing client applications requests. Depending on your configuration, Kafka quotas can be set for specific users, specific client IDs, or both.

In Part 1 of this two-part series, we discussed the concepts of how to enforce Kafka quotas in Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) clusters while using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) access control.

In this post, we walk you through the step-by-step implementation of setting up Kafka quotas in an MSK cluster while using IAM access control and testing them through sample client applications.

Solution overview

The following figure, which we first introduced in Part 1, illustrates how Kafka client applications (ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2) access Topic-B in the MSK cluster by assuming write and read IAM roles. Each producer and consumer client application has a quota that determines how much data they can produce or consume in bytes/second. The ProducerApp-1 quota allows it to produce up to 1024 bytes/second per broker. Similarly, the ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 quotas allow them to consume 5120 and 1024 bytes/second per broker, respectively. The following is a brief explanation of the flow shown in the architecture diagram:

  • P1ProducerApp-1 (via its ProducerApp-1-Role IAM role) assumes the Topic-B-Write-Role IAM role to send messages to Topic-B
  • P2 – With the Topic-B-Write-Role IAM role assumed, ProducerApp-1 begins sending messages to Topic-B
  • C1ConsumerApp-1 (via its ConsumerApp-1-Role IAM role) and ConsumerApp-2 (via its ConsumerApp-2-Role IAM role) assume the Topic-B-Read-Role IAM role to read messages from Topic-B
  • C2 – With the Topic-B-Read-Role IAM role assumed, ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 start consuming messages from Topic-B

Note that this post uses the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS CloudFormation templates, and the AWS Management Console for provisioning and modifying AWS resources, and resources provisioned will be billed to your AWS account.

The high-level steps are as follows:

  1. Provision an MSK cluster with IAM access control and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances for client applications.
  2. Create Topic-B on the MSK cluster.
  3. Create IAM roles for the client applications to access Topic-B.
  4. Run the producer and consumer applications without setting quotas.
  5. Configure the produce and consume quotas for the client applications.
  6. Rerun the applications after setting the quotas.


It is recommended that you read Part 1 of this series before continuing. In order to get started, you need the following:

  • An AWS account that will be referred to as the demo account in this post, assuming that its account ID is 1111 1111 1111
  • Permissions to create, delete, and modify AWS resources in the demo account

Provision an MSK cluster with IAM access control and EC2 instances

This step involves provisioning an MSK cluster with IAM access control in a VPC in the demo account. Additionally, we create four EC2 instances to make configuration changes to the MSK cluster and host producer and consumer client applications.

Deploy CloudFormation stack

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to download the CloudFormation template files and sample client applications:
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-msk-kafka-quotas.git
  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Stacks in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create stack.
  3. For Prepare template, select Template is ready.
  4. For Template source, select Upload a template file.
  5. Upload the cfn-msk-stack-1.yaml file from amazon-msk-kafka-quotas/cfn-templates directory, then choose Next.
  6. For Stack name, enter MSKStack.
  7. Leave the parameters as default and choose Next.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the Configure stack options page and choose Next to continue.
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the Review page, select the check box I acknowledge that CloudFormation may create IAM resources, and choose Submit.

It will take approximately 30 minutes for the stack to complete. After the stack has been successfully created, the following resources will be created:

  • A VPC with three private subnets and one public subnet
  • An MSK cluster with three brokers with IAM access control enabled
  • An EC2 instance called MSKAdminInstance for modifying MSK cluster settings as well as creating and modifying AWS resources
  • EC2 instances for ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2, one for each client application
  • A separate IAM role for each EC2 instance that hosts the client application, as shown in the architecture diagram
  1. From the stack’s Outputs tab, note the MSKClusterArn value.

Create a topic on the MSK cluster

To create Topic-B on the MSK cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, navigate to your list of running EC2 instances.
  2. Select the MSKAdminInstance EC2 instance and choose Connect.
  3. On the Session Manager tab, choose Connect.
  4. Run the following commands on the new tab that opens in your browser:
sudo su - ec2-user

# Add Kafka binaries to the path
sed -i 's|HOME/bin|HOME/bin:~/kafka/bin|' .bash_profile

# Set your AWS region
aws configure set region <AWS Region>
  1. Set the environment variable to point to the MSK Cluster brokers IAM endpoint:
MSK_CLUSTER_ARN=<Use the value of MSKClusterArn that you noted earlier>
echo "export BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM=$(aws kafka get-bootstrap-brokers --cluster-arn $MSK_CLUSTER_ARN | jq -r .BootstrapBrokerStringSaslIam)" >> .bash_profile
source .bash_profile
  1. Take note of the value of BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM.
  2. Run the following Kafka CLI command to create Topic-B on the MSK cluster:
kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--create --topic Topic-B \
--partitions 3 --replication-factor 3 \
--command-config config_iam.properties

Because the MSK cluster is provisioned with IAM access control, the option --command-config points to config_iam.properties, which contains the properties required for IAM access control, created by the MSKStack CloudFormation stack.

The following warnings may appear when you run the Kafka CLI commands, but you may ignore them:

The configuration 'sasl.jaas.config' was supplied but isn't a known config. 
The configuration 'sasl.client.callback.handler.class' was supplied but isn't a known config.
  1. To verify that Topic-B has been created, list all the topics:
kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties --list

Create IAM roles for client applications to access Topic-B

This step involves creating Topic-B-Write-Role and Topic-B-Read-Role as shown in the architecture diagram. Topic-B-Write-Role enables write operations on Topic-B, and can be assumed by the ProducerApp-1 . In a similar way, the ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 can assume Topic-B-Read-Role to perform read operations on Topic-B. To perform read operations on Topic-B, ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 must also belong to the consumer groups specified during the MSKStack stack update in the subsequent step.

Create the roles with the following steps:

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Stacks in the navigation pane.
  2. Select MSKStack and choose Update.
  3. For Prepare template, select Replace current template.
  4. For Template source, select Upload a template file.
  5. Upload the cfn-msk-stack-2.yaml file from amazon-msk-kafka-quotas/cfn-templates directory, then choose Next.
  6. Provide the following additional stack parameters:
    • For Topic B ARN, enter the Topic-B ARN.

The ARN must be formatted as arn:aws:kafka:region:account-id:topic/msk-cluster-name/msk-cluster-uuid/Topic-B. Use the cluster name and cluster UUID from the MSK cluster ARN you noted earlier and provide your AWS Region. For more information, refer to the IAM access control for Amazon MSK.

    • For ConsumerApp-1 Consumer Group name, enter ConsumerApp-1 consumer group ARN.

It must be formatted as arn:aws:kafka:region:account-id:group/msk-cluster-name/msk-cluster-uuid/consumer-group-name

    • For ConsumerApp-2 Consumer Group name, enter ConsumerApp-2 consumer group ARN.

Use a similar format as the previous ARN.

  1. Choose Next to continue.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Configure stack options page and choose Next to continue.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Review page, select the check box I acknowledge that CloudFormation may create IAM resources, and choose Update stack.

It will take approximately 3 minutes for the stack to update. After the stack has been successfully updated, the following resources will be created:

  • Topic-B-Write-Role – An IAM role with permission to perform write operations on Topic-B. Its trust policy allows the ProducerApp-1-Role IAM role to assume it.
  • Topic-B-Read-Role – An IAM role with permission to perform read operations on Topic-B. Its trust policy allows the ConsumerApp-1-Role and ConsumerApp-2-Role IAM roles to assume it. Furthermore, ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 must also belong to the consumer groups you specified when updating the stack to perform read operations on Topic-B.
  1. From the stack’s Outputs tab, note the TopicBReadRoleARN and TopicBWriteRoleARN values.

Run the producer and consumer applications without setting quotas

Here, we run ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2 without setting their quotas. From the previous steps, you will need BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM value, Topic-B-Write-Role ARN, and Topic-B-Read-Role ARN. The source code of client applications and their packaged versions are available in the GitHub repository.

Run the ConsumerApp-1 application

To run the ConsumerApp-1 application, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, select the ConsumerApp-1 EC2 instance and choose Connect.
  2. On the Session Manager tab, choose Connect.
  3. Run the following commands on the new tab that opens in your browser:
sudo su - ec2-user

# Set your AWS region
aws configure set region <aws region>

# Set BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM variable to MSK cluster's IAM endpoint
BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM=<Use the value of BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM that you noted earlier> 

echo "export BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM=$(echo $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM)" >> .bash_profile

# Clone GitHub repository containing source code for client applications
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-msk-kafka-quotas.git

cd amazon-msk-kafka-quotas/uber-jars/
  1. Run the ConsumerApp-1 application to start consuming messages from Topic-B:
java -jar kafka-consumer.jar --bootstrap-servers $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--assume-role-arn <Topic-B-Read-Role-ARN> \
--topic-name <Topic-Name> \
--region <AWS Region> \
--consumer-group <ConsumerApp-1 consumer group name> \
--role-session-name <role session name for ConsumerApp-1 to use during STS assume role call> \
--client-id <ConsumerApp-1 client.id> \
--print-consumer-quota-metrics Y \
--cw-dimension-name <CloudWatch Metrics Dimension Name> \
--cw-dimension-value <CloudWatch Metrics Dimension Value> \
--cw-namespace <CloudWatch Metrics Namespace>

You can find the source code on GitHub for your reference. The command line parameter details are as follows:

  • –bootstrap-servers – MSK cluster bootstrap brokers IAM endpoint.
  • –assume-role-arnTopic-B-Read-Role IAM role ARN. Assuming this role, ConsumerApp-1 will read messages from the topic.
  • –region – Region you’re using.
  • –topic-name – Topic name from which ConsumerApp-1 will read messages. The default is Topic-B.
  • –consumer-group – Consumer group name for ConsumerApp-1, as specified during the stack update.
  • –role-session-name ConsumerApp-1 assumes the Topic-B-Read-Role using the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) SDK. ConsumerApp-1 will use this role session name when calling the assumeRole function.
  • –client-id – Client ID for ConsumerApp-1 .
  • –print-consumer-quota-metrics – Flag indicating whether client metrics should be printed on the terminal by ConsumerApp-1.
  • –cw-dimension-nameAmazon CloudWatch dimension name that will be used to publish client throttling metrics from ConsumerApp-1.
  • –cw-dimension-value – CloudWatch dimension value that will be used to publish client throttling metrics from ConsumerApp-1.
  • –cw-namespace – Namespace where ConsumerApp-1 will publish CloudWatch metrics in order to monitor throttling.
  1. If you’re satisfied with the rest of parameters, use the following command and change --assume-role-arn and --region as per your environment:
java -jar kafka-consumer.jar --bootstrap-servers $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--assume-role-arn arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/MSKStack-TopicBReadRole-xxxxxxxxxxx \
--topic-name Topic-B \
--region <AWS Region> \
--consumer-group consumerapp-1-cg \
--role-session-name consumerapp-1-role-session \
--client-id consumerapp-1-client-id \
--print-consumer-quota-metrics Y \
--cw-dimension-name ConsumerApp \
--cw-dimension-value ConsumerApp-1 \
--cw-namespace ConsumerApps

The fetch-throttle-time-avg and fetch-throttle-time-max client metrics should display 0.0, indicating no throttling is occurring for ConsumerApp-1. Remember that we haven’t set the consume quota for ConsumerApp-1 yet. Let it run for a while.

Run the ConsumerApp-2 application

To run the ConsumerApp-2 application, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, select the ConsumerApp-2 EC2 instance and choose Connect.
  2. On the Session Manager tab, choose Connect.
  3. Run the following commands on the new tab that opens in your browser:
sudo su - ec2-user

# Set your AWS region
aws configure set region <aws region>

# Set BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM variable to MSK cluster's IAM endpoint
BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM=<Use the value of BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM that you noted earlier> 

echo "export BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM=$(echo $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM)" >> .bash_profile

# Clone GitHub repository containing source code for client applications
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-msk-kafka-quotas.git

cd amazon-msk-kafka-quotas/uber-jars/
  1. Run the ConsumerApp-2 application to start consuming messages from Topic-B:
java -jar kafka-consumer.jar --bootstrap-servers $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--assume-role-arn <Topic-B-Read-Role-ARN> \
--topic-name <Topic-Name> \
--region <AWS Region> \
--consumer-group <ConsumerApp-2 consumer group name> \
--role-session-name <role session name for ConsumerApp-2 to use during STS assume role call> \
--client-id <ConsumerApp-2 client.id> \
--print-consumer-quota-metrics Y \
--cw-dimension-name <CloudWatch Metrics Dimension Name> \
--cw-dimension-value <CloudWatch Metrics Dimension Value> \
--cw-namespace <CloudWatch Metrics Namespace>

The code has similar command line parameters details as ConsumerApp-1 discussed previously, except for the following:

  • –consumer-group – Consumer group name for ConsumerApp-2, as specified during the stack update.
  • –role-session-name ConsumerApp-2 assumes the Topic-B-Read-Role using the AWS STS SDK. ConsumerApp-2 will use this role session name when calling the assumeRole function.
  • –client-id – Client ID for ConsumerApp-2 .
  1. If you’re satisfied with the rest of parameters, use the following command and change --assume-role-arn and --region as per your environment:
java -jar kafka-consumer.jar --bootstrap-servers $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--assume-role-arn arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/MSKStack-TopicBReadRole-xxxxxxxxxxx \
--topic-name Topic-B \
--region <AWS Region> \
--consumer-group consumerapp-2-cg \
--role-session-name consumerapp-2-role-session \
--client-id consumerapp-2-client-id \
--print-consumer-quota-metrics Y \
--cw-dimension-name ConsumerApp \
--cw-dimension-value ConsumerApp-2 \
--cw-namespace ConsumerApps

The fetch-throttle-time-avg and fetch-throttle-time-max client metrics should display 0.0, indicating no throttling is occurring for ConsumerApp-2. Remember that we haven’t set the consume quota for ConsumerApp-2 yet. Let it run for a while.

Run the ProducerApp-1 application

To run the ProducerApp-1 application, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, select the ProducerApp-1 EC2 instance and choose Connect.
  2. On the Session Manager tab, choose Connect.
  3. Run the following commands on the new tab that opens in your browser:
sudo su - ec2-user

# Set your AWS region
aws configure set region <aws region>

# Set BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM variable to MSK cluster's IAM endpoint
BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM=<Use the value of BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM that you noted earlier> 

echo "export BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM=$(echo $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM)" >> .bash_profile

# Clone GitHub repository containing source code for client applications
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-msk-kafka-quotas.git

cd amazon-msk-kafka-quotas/uber-jars/
  1. Run the ProducerApp-1 application to start sending messages to Topic-B:
java -jar kafka-producer.jar --bootstrap-servers $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--assume-role-arn <Topic-B-Write-Role-ARN> \
--topic-name <Topic-Name> \
--region <AWS Region> \
--num-messages <Number of events> \
--role-session-name <role session name for ProducerApp-1 to use during STS assume role call> \
--client-id <ProducerApp-1 client.id> \
--producer-type <Producer Type, options are sync or async> \
--print-producer-quota-metrics Y \
--cw-dimension-name <CloudWatch Metrics Dimension Name> \
--cw-dimension-value <CloudWatch Metrics Dimension Value> \
--cw-namespace <CloudWatch Metrics Namespace>

You can find the source code on GitHub for your reference. The command line parameter details are as follows:

  • –bootstrap-servers – MSK cluster bootstrap brokers IAM endpoint.
  • –assume-role-arnTopic-B-Write-Role IAM role ARN. Assuming this role, ProducerApp-1 will write messages to the topic.
  • –topic-nameProducerApp-1 will send messages to this topic. The default is Topic-B.
  • –region – AWS Region you’re using.
  • –num-messages – Number of messages the ProducerApp-1 application will send to the topic.
  • –role-session-name ProducerApp-1 assumes the Topic-B-Write-Role using the AWS STS SDK. ProducerApp-1 will use this role session name when calling the assumeRole function.
  • –client-id – Client ID of ProducerApp-1 .
  • –producer-typeProducerApp-1can be run either synchronously or asynchronously. Options are sync or async.
  • –print-producer-quota-metrics – Flag indicating whether the client metrics should be printed on the terminal by ProducerApp-1.
  • –cw-dimension-name – CloudWatch dimension name that will be used to publish client throttling metrics from ProducerApp-1.
  • –cw-dimension-value – CloudWatch dimension value that will be used to publish client throttling metrics from ProducerApp-1.
  • –cw-namespace – The namespace where ProducerApp-1 will publish CloudWatch metrics in order to monitor throttling.
  1. If you’re satisfied with the rest of parameters, use the following command and change --assume-role-arn and --region as per your environment. To run a synchronous Kafka producer, it uses the option --producer-type sync:
java -jar kafka-producer.jar --bootstrap-servers $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--assume-role-arn arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/MSKStack-TopicBWriteRole-xxxxxxxxxxxx \
--topic-name Topic-B \
--region <AWS Region> \
--num-messages 10000000 \
--role-session-name producerapp-1-role-session \
--client-id producerapp-1-client-id \
--producer-type sync \
--print-producer-quota-metrics Y \
--cw-dimension-name ProducerApp \
--cw-dimension-value ProducerApp-1 \
--cw-namespace ProducerApps

Alternatively, use --producer-type async to run an asynchronous producer. For more details, refer to Asynchronous send.

The produce-throttle-time-avg and produce-throttle-time-max client metrics should display 0.0, indicating no throttling is occurring for ProducerApp-1. Remember that we haven’t set the produce quota for ProducerApp-1 yet. Check that ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 can consume messages and notice they are not throttled. Stop the consumer and producer client applications by pressing Ctrl+C in their respective browser tabs.

Set produce and consume quotas for client applications

Now that we have run the producer and consumer applications without quotas, we set their quotas and rerun them.

Open the Sessions Manager terminal for the MSKAdminInstance EC2 instance as described earlier and run the following commands to find the default configuration of one of the brokers in the MSK cluster. MSK clusters are provisioned with the default Kafka quotas configuration.

# Describe Broker-1 default configurations
kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--entity-type brokers \
--entity-name 1 \
--all --describe > broker1_default_configurations.txt
cat broker1_default_configurations.txt | grep quota.consumer.default
cat broker1_default_configurations.txt | grep quota.producer.default

The following screenshot shows the Broker-1 default values for quota.consumer.default and quota.producer.default.

ProducerApp-1 quota configuration

Replace placeholders in all the commands in this section with values that correspond to your account.

According to the architecture diagram discussed earlier, set the ProducerApp-1 produce quota to 1024 bytes/second. For <ProducerApp-1 Client Id> and <ProducerApp-1 Role Session>, make sure you use the same values that you used while running ProducerApp-1 earlier (producerapp-1-client-id and producerapp-1-role-session, respectively):

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --add-config 'producer_byte_rate=1024' \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ProducerApp-1 Client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/MSKStack-TopicBWriteRole-xxxxxxxxxxx/<ProducerApp-1 Role Session>

Verify the ProducerApp-1 produce quota using the following command:

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--describe \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ProducerApp-1 Client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/MSKStack-TopicBWriteRole-xxxxxxxxxxx/<ProducerApp-1 Role Session>

You can remove the ProducerApp-1 produce quota by using the following command, but don’t run the command as we’ll test the quotas next.

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --delete-config producer_byte_rate \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ProducerApp-1 Client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/MSKStack-TopicBWriteRole-xxxxxxxxxxx/<ProducerApp-1 Role Session>

ConsumerApp-1 quota configuration

Replace placeholders in all the commands in this section with values that correspond to your account.

Let’s set a consume quota of 5120 bytes/second for ConsumerApp-1. For <ConsumerApp-1 Client Id> and <ConsumerApp-1 Role Session>, make sure you use the same values that you used while running ConsumerApp-1 earlier (consumerapp-1-client-id and consumerapp-1-role-session, respectively):

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --add-config 'consumer_byte_rate=5120' \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ConsumerApp-1 Client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/MSKStack-TopicBReadRole-xxxxxxxxxxx/<ConsumerApp-1 Role Session>

Verify the ConsumerApp-1 consume quota using the following command:

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--describe \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ConsumerApp-1 Client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/MSKStack-TopicBReadRole-xxxxxxxxxxx/<ConsumerApp-1 Role Session>

You can remove the ConsumerApp-1 consume quota, by using the following command, but don’t run the command as we’ll test the quotas next.

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --delete-config consumer_byte_rate \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ConsumerApp-1 Client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/MSKStack-TopicBReadRole-xxxxxxxxxxx/<ConsumerApp-1 Role Session>

ConsumerApp-2 quota configuration

Replace placeholders in all the commands in this section with values that correspond to your account.

Let’s set a consume quota of 1024 bytes/second for ConsumerApp-2. For <ConsumerApp-2 Client Id> and <ConsumerApp-2 Role Session>, make sure you use the same values that you used while running ConsumerApp-2 earlier (consumerapp-2-client-id and consumerapp-2-role-session, respectively):

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--alter --add-config 'consumer_byte_rate=1024' \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ConsumerApp-2 Client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/MSKStack-TopicBReadRole-xxxxxxxxxxx/<ConsumerApp-2 Role Session>

Verify the ConsumerApp-2 consume quota using the following command:

kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_BROKERS_IAM \
--command-config config_iam.properties \
--describe \
--entity-type clients --entity-name <ConsumerApp-2 Client Id> \
--entity-type users --entity-name arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/MSKStack-TopicBReadRole-xxxxxxxxxxx/<ConsumerApp-2 Role Session>

As with ConsumerApp-1, you can remove the ConsumerApp-2 consume quota using the same command with ConsumerApp-2 client and user details.

Rerun the producer and consumer applications after setting quotas

Let’s rerun the applications to verify the effect of the quotas.

Rerun ProducerApp-1

Rerun ProducerApp-1 in synchronous mode with the same command that you used earlier. The following screenshot illustrates that when ProducerApp-1 reaches its quota on any of the brokers, the produce-throttle-time-avg and produce-throttle-time-max client metrics value will be above 0.0. A value above 0.0 indicates that ProducerApp-1 is throttled. Allow ProducerApp-1 to run for a few seconds and then stop it by using Ctrl+C.

You can also test the effect of the produce quota by rerunning ProducerApp-1 again in asynchronous mode (--producer-type async). Similar to a synchronous run, the following screenshot illustrates that when ProducerApp-1 reaches its quota on any of the brokers, the produce-throttle-time-avg and produce-throttle-time-max client metrics value will be above 0.0. A value above 0.0 indicates that ProducerApp-1 is throttled. Allow asynchronous ProducerApp-1 to run for a while.

You will eventually see a TimeoutException stating org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring xxxxx record(s) for Topic-B-2:xxxxxxx ms has passed since batch creation

When using an asynchronous producer and sending messages at a rate greater than the broker can accept due to the quota, the messages will be queued in the client application memory first. The client will eventually run out of buffer space if the rate of sending messages continues to exceed the rate of accepting messages, causing the next Producer.send() call to be blocked. Producer.send() will eventually throw a TimeoutException if the timeout delay is not sufficient to allow the broker to catch up to the producer application. Stop ProducerApp-1 by using Ctrl+C.

Rerun ConsumerApp-1

Rerun ConsumerApp-1 with the same command that you used earlier. The following screenshot illustrates that when ConsumerApp-1 reaches its quota, the fetch-throttle-time-avg and fetch-throttle-time-max client metrics value will be above 0.0. A value above 0.0 indicates that ConsumerApp-1 is throttled.

Allow ConsumerApp-1 to run for a few seconds and then stop it by using Ctrl+C.

Rerun ConsumerApp-2

Rerun ConsumerApp-2 with the same command that you used earlier. Similarly, when ConsumerApp-2 reaches its quota, the fetch-throttle-time-avg and fetch-throttle-time-max client metrics value will be above 0.0. A value above 0.0 indicates that ConsumerApp-2 is throttled. Allow ConsumerApp-2 to run for a few seconds and then stop it by pressing Ctrl+C.

Client quota metrics in Amazon CloudWatch

In Part 1, we explained that client metrics are metrics exposed by clients connecting to Kafka clusters. Let’s examine the client metrics in CloudWatch.

  1. On the CloudWatch console, choose All metrics.
  2. Under Custom Namespaces, choose the namespace you provided while running the client applications.
  3. Choose the dimension name and select produce-throttle-time-max, produce-throttle-time-avg, fetch-throttle-time-max, and fetch-throttle-time-avg metrics for all the applications.

These metrics indicate throttling behavior for ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2 applications tested with the quota configurations in the previous section. The following screenshots indicate the throttling of ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2 based on network bandwidth quotas. ProducerApp-1, ConsumerApp-1, and ConsumerApp-2 applications feed their respective client metrics to CloudWatch. You can find the source code on GitHub for your reference.

Secure client ID and role session name

We discussed how to configure Kafka quotas using an application’s client ID and authenticated user principal. When a client application assumes an IAM role to access Kafka topics on a MSK cluster with IAM authentication enabled, its authenticated user principal is represented in the following format (for more information, refer to IAM identifiers):


It contains the role session name (in this case, producerapp-1-role-session) used in the client application while assuming an IAM role through the AWS STS SDK. The client application source code is available for your reference. The client ID is a logical name string (for example, producerapp-1-client-id) that is configured in the application code by the application team. Therefore, an application can impersonate another application if it obtains the client ID and role session name of the other application, and if it has permission to assume the same IAM role.

As shown in the architecture diagram, ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 are two separate client applications with their respective quota allocations. Because both have permission to assume the same IAM role (Topic-B-Read-Role) in the demo account, they are allowed to consume messages from Topic-B. Thus, MSK cluster brokers distinguish them based on their client IDs and users (which contain their respective role session name values). If ConsumerApp-2 somehow obtains the ConsumerApp-1 role session name and client ID, it can impersonate ConsumerApp-1 by specifying the ConsumerApp-1 role session name and client ID in the application code.

Let’s assume ConsumerApp-1 uses consumerapp-1-client-id and consumerapp-1-role-session as its client ID and role session name, respectively. Therefore, ConsumerApp-1's authenticated user principal will appear as follows when it assumes the Topic-B-Read-Role IAM role:

arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/Topic-B-Read-Role/consumerapp-1-role-session

Similarly, ConsumerApp-2 uses consumerapp-2-client-id and consumerapp-2-role-session as its client ID and role session name, respectively. Therefore, ConsumerApp-2's authenticated user principal will appear as follows when it assumes the Topic-B-Read-Role IAM role:

arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/Topic-B-Read-Role/consumerapp-2-role-session

If ConsumerApp-2 obtains ConsumerApp-1's client ID and role session name and specifies them in its application code, MSK cluster brokers will treat it as ConsumerApp-1 and view its client ID as consumerapp-1-client-id, and the authenticated user principal as follows:

arn:aws:sts::<AWS Account Id>:assumed-role/Topic-B-Read-Role/consumerapp-1-role-session

This allows ConsumerApp-2 to consume data from the MSK cluster at a maximum rate of 5120 bytes per second rather than 1024 bytes per second as per its original quota allocation. Consequently, ConsumerApp-1's throughput will be negatively impacted if ConsumerApp-2 runs concurrently.

Enhanced architecture

You can introduce AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) in the architecture to secure applications’ client IDs and role session names. To provide stronger governance, the applications’ client ID and role session name must be stored as encrypted secrets in the Secrets Manager. The IAM resource policies associated with encrypted secrets and a KMS customer managed key (CMK) will allow applications to access and decrypt only their respective client ID and role session name. In this way, applications will not be able to access each other’s client ID and role session name and impersonate one another. The following image shows the enhanced architecture.

The updated flow has the following stages:

  • P1ProducerApp-1 retrieves its client-id and role-session-name secrets from Secrets Manager
  • P2ProducerApp-1 configures the secret client-id as CLIENT_ID_CONFIG in the application code, and assumes Topic-B-Write-Role (via its ProducerApp-1-Role IAM role) by passing the secret role-session-name to the AWS STS SDK assumeRole function call
  • P3 – With the Topic-B-Write-Role IAM role assumed, ProducerApp-1 begins sending messages to Topic-B
  • C1 ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 retrieve their respective client-id and role-session-name secrets from Secrets Manager
  • C2ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 configure their respective secret client-id as CLIENT_ID_CONFIG in their application code, and assume Topic-B-Write-Role (via ConsumerApp-1-Role and ConsumerApp-2-Role IAM roles, respectively) by passing their secret role-session-name in the AWS STS SDK assumeRole function call
  • C3 – With the Topic-B-Read-Role IAM role assumed, ConsumerApp-1 and ConsumerApp-2 start consuming messages from Topic-B

Refer to the documentation for AWS Secrets Manager and AWS KMS to get a better understanding of how they fit into the architecture.

Clean up resources

Navigate to the CloudFormation console and delete the MSKStack stack. All resources created during this post will be deleted.


In this post, we covered detailed steps to configure Amazon MSK quotas and demonstrated their effect through sample client applications. In addition, we discussed how you can use client metrics to determine if a client application is throttled. We also highlighted a potential issue with plaintext client IDs and role session names. We recommend implementing Kafka quotas with Amazon MSK using Secrets Manager and AWS KMS as per the revised architecture diagram to ensure a zero-trust architecture.

If you have feedback or questions about this post, including the revised architecture, we’d be happy to hear from you. We hope you enjoyed reading this post.

About the Author

Vikas Bajaj is a Senior Manager, Solutions Architects, Financial Services at Amazon Web Services. With over two decades of experience in financial services and working with digital-native businesses, he advises customers on product design, technology roadmaps, and application architectures.

Ingest, transform, and deliver events published by Amazon Security Lake to Amazon OpenSearch Service

Post Syndicated from Kevin Fallis original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/ingest-transform-and-deliver-events-published-by-amazon-security-lake-to-amazon-opensearch-service/

With the recent introduction of Amazon Security Lake, it has never been simpler to access all your security-related data in one place. Whether it’s findings from AWS Security Hub, DNS query data from Amazon Route 53, network events such as VPC Flow Logs, or third-party integrations provided by partners such as Barracuda Email Protection, Cisco Firepower Management Center, or Okta identity logs, you now have a centralized environment in which you can correlate events and findings using a broad range of tools in the AWS and partner ecosystem.

Security Lake automatically centralizes security data from cloud, on-premises, and custom sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account. With Security Lake, you can get a more complete understanding of your security data across your entire organization. You can also improve the protection of your workloads, applications, and data. Security Lake has adopted the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF), an open standard. With OCSF support, the service can normalize and combine security data from AWS and a broad range of enterprise security data sources.

When it comes to near-real-time analysis of data as it arrives in Security Lake and responding to security events your company cares about, Amazon OpenSearch Service provides the necessary tooling to help you make sense of the data found in Security Lake.

OpenSearch Service is a fully managed and scalable log analytics framework that is used by customers to ingest, store, and visualize data. Customers use OpenSearch Service for a diverse set of data workloads, including healthcare data, financial transactions information, application performance data, observability data, and much more. Additionally, customers use the managed service for its ingest performance, scalability, low query latency, and ability to analyze large datasets.

This post shows you how to ingest, transform, and deliver Security Lake data to OpenSearch Service for use by your SecOps teams. We also walk you through how to use a series of prebuilt visualizations to view events across multiple AWS data sources provided by Security Lake.

Understanding the event data found in Security Lake

Security Lake stores the normalized OCSF security events in Apache Parquet format—an optimized columnar data storage format with efficient data compression and enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk. Parquet format is a foundational format in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem and is integrated into AWS services such as Amazon Redshift Spectrum, AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, and Amazon EMR. It’s a portable columnar format, future proofed to support additional encodings as technology develops, and it has library support across a broad set of languages like Python, Java, and Go. And the best part is that Apache Parquet is open source!

The intent of OCSF is to provide a common language for data scientists and analysts that work with threat detection and investigation. With a diverse set of sources, you can build a complete view of your security posture on AWS using Security Lake and OpenSearch Service.

Understanding the event architecture for Security Lake

Security Lake provides a subscriber framework to provide access to the data stored in Amazon S3. Services such as Amazon Athena and Amazon SageMaker use query access. The solution, in this post, uses data access to respond to events generated by Security Lake.

When you subscribe for data access, events arrive via Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). Each SQS event contains a notification object that has a “pointer” via data used to create a URL to the Parquet object on Amazon S3. Your subscriber processes the event, parses the data found in the object, and transforms it to whatever format makes sense for your implementation.

The solution we provide in this post uses a subscriber for data access. Let’s drill down into what the implementation looks like so that you understand how it works.

Solution overview

The high-level architecture for integrating Security Lake with OpenSearch Service is as follows.

The workflow contains the following steps:

  1. Security Lake persists Parquet formatted data into an S3 bucket as determined by the administrator of Security Lake.
  2. A notification is placed in Amazon SQS that describes the key to get access to the object.
  3. Java code in an AWS Lambda function reads the SQS notification and prepares to read the object described in the notification.
  4. Java code uses Hadoop, Parquet, and Avro libraries to retrieve the object from Amazon S3 and transform the records in the Parquet object into JSON documents for indexing in your OpenSearch Service domain.
  5. The documents are gathered and then sent to your OpenSearch Service domain, where index templates map the structure into a schema optimized for Security Lake logs in OCSF format.

Steps 1–2 are managed by Security Lake; steps 3–5 are managed by the customer. The shaded components are your responsibility. The subscriber implementation for this solution uses Lambda and OpenSearch Service, and these resources are managed by you.

If you are evaluating this as solution for your business, remember that Lambda has a 15-minute maximum execution time at the time of this writing. Security Lake can produce up to 256MB object sizes and this solution may not be effective for your company’s needs at large scale. Various levers in Lambda have impacts on the cost of the solution for log delivery. Make cost conscious decisions when evaluating sample solutions. This implementation using Lambda is suitable for smaller companies where to volume of logs for CloudTrail and VPC flow logs are more suitable for a Lambda based approach where the cost to transform and deliver logs to Amazon OpenSearch Service are more budget friendly.

Now that you have some context, let’s start building the implementation for OpenSearch Service!


Creation of Security Lake for your AWS accounts is a prerequisite for building this solution. Security Lake integrates with an AWS Organizations account to enable the offering for selected accounts in the organization. For a single AWS account that doesn’t use Organizations, you can enable Security Lake without the need for Organizations. You must have administrative access to perform these operations. For multiple accounts, it’s suggested that you delegate the Security Lake activities to another account in your organization. For more information about enabling Security Lake in your accounts, review Getting started.

Additionally, you may need to take the provided template and adjust it to your specific environment. The sample solution relies on access to a public S3 bucket hosted for this blog so egress rules and permissions modifications may be required if you use S3 endpoints.

This solution assumes that you’re using a domain deployed in a VPC. Additionally, it assumes that you have fine-grained access controls enabled on the domain to prevent unauthorized access to data you store as part of the integration with Security Lake. VPC-deployed domains are privately routable and have no access to the public internet by design. If you want to access your domain in a more public setting, you need to create a NGINX proxy to broker a request between public and private settings.

The remaining sections in this post are focused on how to create the integration with OpenSearch Service.

Create the subscriber

To create your subscriber, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Security Lake console, choose Subscribers in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create subscriber.
  3. Under Subscriber details, enter a meaningful name and description.
  4. Under Log and event sources, specify what the subscriber is authorized to ingest. For this post, we select All log and event sources.
  5. For Data access method, select S3.
  6. Under Subscriber credentials, provide the account ID and an external ID for which AWS account you want to provide access.
  7. For Notification details, select SQS queue.
  8. Choose Create when you are finished filling in the form.

It will take a minute or so to initialize the subscriber framework, such as the SQS integration and the permission generated so that you can access the data from another AWS account. When the status changes from Creating to Created, you have access to the subscriber endpoint on Amazon SQS.

  1. Save the following values found in the subscriber Details section:
    1. AWS role ID
    2. External ID
    3. Subscription endpoint

Use AWS CloudFormation to provision Lambda integration between the two services

An AWS CloudFormation template takes care of a large portion of the setup for the integration. It creates the necessary components to read the data from Security Lake, transform it into JSON, and then index it into your OpenSearch Service domain. The template also provides the necessary AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles for integration, the tooling to create an S3 bucket for the Java JAR file used in the solution by Lambda, and a small Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance to facilitate the provisioning of templates in your OpenSearch Service domain.

To deploy your resources, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, create a new stack.
  2. For Prepare template, select Template is ready.
  3. Specify your template source as Amazon S3 URL.

You can either save the template to your local drive or copy the link for use on the AWS CloudFormation console. In this example, we use the template URL that points to a template stored on Amazon S3. You can either use the URL on Amazon S3 or install it from your device.

  1. Choose Next.
  2. Enter a name for your stack. For this post, we name the stack blog-lambda. Start populating your parameters based on the values you copied from Security Lake and OpenSearch Service. Ensure that the endpoint for the OpenSearch domain has a forward slash / at the end of the URL that you copy from OpenSearch Service.
  3. Populate the parameters with values you have saved or copied from OpenSearch Service and Security Lake, then choose Next.
  4. Select Preserve successfully provisioned resources to preserve the resources in case the stack roles back so you can debug the issues.
  5. Scroll to bottom of page and choose Next.
  6. On the summary page, select the check box that acknowledges IAM resources will be created and used in this template.
  7. Choose Submit.

The stack will take a few minutes to deploy.

  1. After the stack has deployed, navigate to the Outputs tab for the stack you created.
  2. Save the CommandProxyInstanceID for executing scripts and save the two role ARNs to use in the role mappings step.

You need to associate the IAM roles for the tooling instance and the Lambda function with OpenSearch Service security roles so that the processes can work with the cluster and the resources within.

Provision role mappings for integrations with OpenSearch Service

With the template-generated IAM roles, you need to map the roles using role mapping to the predefined all_access role in your OpenSearch Service cluster. You should evaluate your specific use of any roles and ensure they are aligned with your company’s requirements.

  1. In OpenSearch Dashboards, choose Security in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Roles in the navigation pane and look up the all_access role.
  3. On the role details page, on the Mapped users tab, choose Manage mapping.
  4. Add the two IAM roles found in the outputs of the CloudFormation template, then choose Map.

Provision the index templates used for OCSF format in OpenSearch Service

Index templates have been provided as part of the initial setup. These templates are crucial to the format of the data so that ingestion is efficient and tuned for aggregations and visualizations. Data that comes from Security Lake is transformed into a JSON format, and this format is based directly on the OCSF standard.

For example, each OCSF category has a common Base Event class that contains multiple objects that represent details like the cloud provider in a Cloud object, enrichment data using an Enrichment object that has a common structure across events but can have different values based on the event, and even more complex structures that have inner objects, which themselves have more inner objects such as the Metadata object, still part of the Base Event class. The Base Event class is the foundation for all categories in OCSF and helps you with the effort of correlating events written into Security Lake and analyzed in OpenSearch.

OpenSearch is technically schema-less. You don’t have to define a schema up front. The OpenSearch engine will try to guess the data types and the mappings found in the data coming from Security Lake. This is known as dynamic mapping. The OpenSearch engine also provides you with the option to predefine the data you are indexing. This is known as explicit mapping. Using explicit mappings to identifying your data source types and how they are stored at time of ingestion is key to getting high volume ingest performance for time-centric data indexed at heavy load.

In summary, the mapping templates use composable templates. In this construct, the solution establishes an efficient schema for the OCSF standard and gives you the capability to correlate events and specialize on specific categories in the OCSF standard.

You load the templates using the tools proxy created by your CloudFormation template.

  1. On the stack’s Outputs tab, find the parameter CommandProxyInstanceID.

We use that value to find the instance in AWS Systems Manager.

  1. On the Systems Manager console, choose Fleet manager in the navigation pane.
  2. Locate and select your managed node.
  3. On the Node actions menu, choose Start terminal session.
  4. When you’re connected to the instance, run the following commands:
    . /usr/share/es-scripts/es-commands.sh | grep -o '{\"acknowledged\":true}' | wc -l

You should see a final result of 42 occurrences of {“acknowledged”:true}, which demonstrates the commands being sent were successful. Ignore the warnings you see for migration. The warnings don’t affect the scripts and as of this writing can’t be muted.

  1. Navigate to Dev Tools in OpenSearch Dashboards and run the following command:
    GET _cat/templates

This confirms that the scripts were successful.

Install index patterns, visualizations, and dashboards for the solution

For this solution, we prepackaged a few visualizations so that you can make sense of your data. Download the visualizations to your local desktop, then complete the following steps:

  1. In OpenSearch Dashboards, navigate to Stack Management and Saved Objects.
  2. Choose Import.
  3. Choose the file from your local device, select your import options, and choose Import.

You will see numerous objects that you imported. You can use the visualizations after you start importing data.

Enable the Lambda function to start processing events into OpenSearch Service

The final step is to go into the configuration of the Lambda function and enable the triggers so that the data can be read from the subscriber framework in Security Lake. The trigger is currently disabled; you need to enable it and save the config. You will notice the function is throttled, which is by design. You need to have templates in the OpenSearch cluster so that the data indexes in the desired format.

  1. On the Lambda console, navigate to your function.
  2. On the Configurations tab, in the Triggers section, select your SQS trigger and choose Edit.
  3. Select Activate trigger and save the setting.
  4. Choose Edit concurrency.
  5. Configure your concurrency and choose Save.

Enable the function by setting the concurrency setting to 1. You can adjust the setting as needed for your environment.

You can review the Amazon CloudWatch logs on the CloudWatch console to confirm the function is working.

You should see startup messages and other event information that indicates logs are being processed. The provided JAR file is set for information level logging and if needed, to debug any concerns, there is a verbose debug version of the JAR file you can use. Your JAR file options are:

If you choose to deploy the debug version, the verbosity of the code will show some error-level details in the Hadoop libraries. To be clear, Hadoop code will display lots of exceptions in debug mode because it tests environment settings and looks for things that aren’t provisioned in your Lambda environment, like a Hadoop metrics collector. Most of these startup errors are not fatal and can be ignored.

Visualize the data

Now that you have data flowing into OpenSearch Service from Security Lake via Lambda, it’s time to put those imported visualizations to work. In OpenSearch Dashboards, navigate to the Dashboards page.

You will see four primary dashboards aligned around the OCSF category for which they support. The four supported visualization categories are for DNS activity, security findings, network activity, and AWS CloudTrail using the Cloud API.

Security findings

The findings dashboard is a series of high-level summary information that you use for visual inspection of AWS Security Hub findings in a time window specified by you in the dashboard filters. Many of the encapsulated visualizations give “filter on click” capabilities so you can narrow your discoveries. The following screenshot shows an example.

The Finding Velocity visualization shows findings over time based on severity. The Finding Severity visualization shows which “findings” have passed or failed, and the Findings table visualization is a tabular view with actual counts. Your goal is to be near zero in all the categories except informational findings.

Network activity

The network traffic dashboard provides an overview for all your accounts in the organization that are enabled for Security Lake. The following example is monitoring 260 AWS accounts, and this dashboard summarizes the top accounts with network activities. Aggregate traffic, top accounts generating traffic and top accounts with the most activity are found in the first section of the visualizations.

Additionally, the top accounts are summarized by allow and deny actions for connections. In the visualization below, there are fields that you can drill down into other visualizations. Some of these visualizations have links to third party website that may or may not be allowed in your company. You can edit the links in the Saved objects in the Stack Management plugin.

For drill downs, you can drill down by choosing the account ID to get a summary by account. The list of egress and ingress traffic within a single AWS account is sorted by the volume of bytes transferred between any given two IP addresses.

Finally, if you choose the IP addresses, you’ll be redirected to Project Honey Pot, where you can see if the IP address is a threat or not.

DNS activity

The DNS activity dashboard shows you the requestors for DNS queries in your AWS accounts. Again, this is a summary view of all the events in a time window.

The first visualization in the dashboard shows DNS activity in aggregate across the top five active accounts. Of the 260 accounts in this example, four are active. The next visualization breaks the resolves down by the requesting service or host, and the final visualization breaks out the requestors by account, VPC ID, and instance ID for those queries run by your solutions.

API Activity

The final dashboard gives an overview of API activity via CloudTrail across all your accounts. It summarizes things like API call velocity, operations by service, top operations, and other summary information.

If we look at the first visualization in the dashboard, you get an idea of which services are receiving the most requests. You sometimes need to understand where to focus the majority of your threat discovery efforts based on which services may be consumed differently over time. Next, there are heat maps that break down API activity by region and service and you get an idea of what type of API calls are most prevalent in your accounts you are monitoring.

As you scroll down on the form, more details present themselves such as top five services with API activity and the top API operations for the organization you are monitoring.


Security Lake integration with OpenSearch Service is easy to achieve by following the steps outlined in this post. Security Lake data is transformed from Parquet to JSON, making it readable and simple to query. Enable your SecOps teams to identify and investigate potential security threats by analyzing Security Lake data in OpenSearch Service. The provided visualizations and dashboards can help to navigate the data, identify trends and rapidly detect any potential security issues in your organization.

As next steps, we recommend to use the above framework and associated templates that provide you with easy steps to visualize your Security Lake data using OpenSearch Service.

In a series of follow-up posts, we will review the source code and walkthrough published examples of the Lambda ingestion framework in the AWS Samples GitHub repo. The framework can be modified for use in containers to help address companies that have longer processing times for large files published in Security Lake. Additionally, we will discuss how to detect and respond to security events using example implementations that use OpenSearch plugins such as Security Analytics, Alerting, and the Anomaly Detection available in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

About the authors

Kevin Fallis (@AWSCodeWarrior) is an Principal AWS Specialist Search Solutions Architect. His passion at AWS is to help customers leverage the correct mix of AWS services to achieve success for their business goals. His after-work activities include family, DIY projects, carpentry, playing drums, and all things music.

Jimish Shah is a Senior Product Manager at AWS with 15+ years of experience bringing products to market in log analytics, cybersecurity, and IP video streaming. He’s passionate about launching products that offer delightful customer experiences, and solve complex customer problems. In his free time, he enjoys exploring cafes, hiking, and taking long walks

Ross Warren is a Senior Product SA at AWS for Amazon Security Lake based in Northern Virginia. Prior to his work at AWS, Ross’ areas of focus included cyber threat hunting and security operations. When he is not talking about AWS he likes to spend time with his family, bake bread, make sawdust and enjoy time outside.

Best practices for running production workloads using Amazon MSK tiered storage

Post Syndicated from Nagarjuna Koduru original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/best-practices-for-running-production-workloads-using-amazon-msk-tiered-storage/

In the second post of the series, we discussed some core concepts of the Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) tiered storage feature and explained how read and write operations work in a tiered storage enabled cluster.

This post focuses on how to properly size your MSK tiered storage cluster, which metrics to monitor, and the best practices to consider when running a production workload.

Sizing a tiered storage cluster

Sizing and capacity planning are critical aspects of designing and operating a distributed system. It involves estimating the resources required to handle the expected workload and ensure the system can scale and perform efficiently. In the context of a distributed system like Kafka, sizing involves determining the number of brokers, the number of partitions, and the amount of storage and memory required for each broker. Capacity planning involves estimating the expected workload, including the number of producers, consumers, and the throughput requirements.

Let’s assume a scenario where the producers are evenly balancing the load between brokers, brokers host the same number of partitions, there are enough partitions to ingest the throughput, and consumers consume directly from the tip of the stream. The brokers are receiving the same load and doing the same work. We therefore just focus on Broker1 in the following diagram of a data flow within a cluster.

Theoretical sustained throughput with tiered storage

We derive the following formula for the theoretical sustained throughput limit tcluster given the infrastructure characteristics of a specific cluster with tiered storage enabled on all topics:

max(tcluster) <= min {

max(tstorage) * #brokers/(r + 1 + #non_tip_local_consumer_groups),
max(tNetworkAttachedStorage) * #brokers/(r + 1 + #non_tip_local_consumer_groups),
max(tEC2network) * #brokers/(#tip_consumer_groups + r + #remote_consumer_groups)


This formula contains the following values:

  • tCluster – Total ingress produce throughput sent to the cluster
  • tStorage – Storage volume throughput supported
  • tNetworkAttachedStorage – Network attached storage to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance network throughput
  • tEC2network – EC2 instance network bandwidth
  • non_tip_local_consumer_groups – Number of consumer groups reading from network attached storage at ingress rate
  • tip_consumer_groups – Number of consumer groups reading from page cache at ingress rate
  • remote_consumer_groups – Number of consumer groups reading from remote tier at ingress rate
  • r – Replication factor of the Kafka topic

Note that in the first post , we didn’t differentiate between different types of consumer groups. With tiered storage, some consumer groups might be consuming from remote. These remote consumers might ultimately catch up and start reading from local storage and finally catch up to the tip. Therefore, we model these three different consumer groups in the equation to account for their impact on infrastructure usage. In the following sections, we provide derivations of this equation.

Derivation of throughput limit from network attached storage bottleneck

Because Amazon MSK uses network attached storage for local storage, both network attached storage throughput and bandwidth should be accounted for. Total throughput bandwidth requirement is a combination of ingress and egress from the network attached storage backend. The ingress throughput of the storage backend depends on the data that producers are sending directly to the broker plus the replication traffic the broker is receiving from its peers. With tiered storage, Amazon MSK also uses network attached storage to read and upload rolled segments to the remote tier. This doesn’t come from the page cache and needs to be accounted for at the rate of ingress. Any non-tip consumers at ingress rate also consume network attached storage throughput and are accounted for in the equation. Therefore, max throughput is bounded by network attached storage based on the following equation:

max(tcluster) <= min {

max(tstorage) * #brokers/(r + 1 + #non_tip_local_consumer_groups),
max(tNetworkAttachedStorage) * #brokers/(r + 1 + #non_tip_local_consumer_groups)


Derivation of throughput limit from EC2 network bottleneck

Unlike network attached storage, the network is full duplex, meaning that if the EC2 instance supports X MB/s network, it supports X MB/s in and X MB/s out. The network throughput requirement depends on the data that producers are sending directly to the broker plus the replication traffic the broker is receiving from its peers. It also includes the replication traffic out and consumers traffic out from this broker. With tiered storage, we need to reserve additional ingress rate for uploads to the remote tier and support reads from the remote tier for consumer groups reading from remote offset. Both of these add to the network out requirements, which is bounded by the following equation:

max(tcluster) <= min {

max(tEC2network) * #brokers/(#tip_consumer_groups + r + #remote_consumer_groups)


Combining the second and third equations provides the first formula, which determines the max throughput bound based on broker infrastructure limits.

How to apply this formula to size your cluster

With this formula, you can calculate the upper bound for throughput you can achieve for your workloads. In practice, the workloads may be bottlenecked by other broker resources like CPU, memory, and disk, so it’s important to do load tests. To simplify your sizing estimate, you can use the MSK Sizing and Pricing spreadsheet (for more information, refer to Best Practices).

Let’s consider a workload where your ingress and egress rates are 20MB/s, with a replication factor of 3, and you want to retain data in your Kafka cluster for 7 days. This workload requires 6x m5.large brokers, with 34.6 TB local storage, which will cost $6,034.00 monthly (estimated). But if you use tiered storage for the same workload with local retention of 4 hours and overall data retention of 7 days, it requires 3x m5.large brokers, with 0.8 TB local storage and 12 TB of tiered storage, which will cost $1,958.00 monthly(estimated). If you want to read all the historic data one time, it will cost $17.00 ($0.0015 per GB retrieval cost). In this example with tiered storage, you save around 67.6% of your overall cost.

We recommend planning for Availability Zone redundancy in production workloads considering the broker safety factor in the calculation, which is 1 in this example. We also recommend running performance tests to ensure CPU is less than 70% on your brokers at the target throughput derived based on this formula or Excel calculation. In addition, you should also use the per-broker partition limit in your calculation to account for other bottlenecks based on the partition count.

The following figure shows an example of Amazon MSK sizing.

Monitoring and continuous optimization for a tiered storage enabled cluster

In previous sections, we emphasized the importance of determining the correct initial cluster size. However, it’s essential to recognize that sizing efforts shouldn’t cease after the initial setup. Continual monitoring and evaluation of your workload are necessary to ensure that the broker size remains appropriate. Amazon MSK offers metric monitoring and alarm capabilities to provide visibility into cluster performance. In the post Best practices for right-sizing your Apache Kafka clusters to optimize performance and cost, we discussed key metrics to focus on. In this post, we delve deeper into additional metrics related to tiered storage and other optimization considerations for a tiered storage enabled cluster:

  • TotalTierBytesLag indicates the total number of bytes of the data that is eligible for tiering on the broker and hasn’t been transferred to the tiered storage yet. This metric shows the efficiency of upstream data transfer. As the lag increases, the amount of data that hasn’t yet persisted in the tiered storage increases. The impact is the network attached storage disk may fill up, which you should monitor. You should also monitor this metric and generate an alarm if the lag is continuously growing and you see increased network attached storage usage. If the tiering lag is too high, you can reduce ingress traffic to allow the tiered storage to catch up.
  • Although tiered storage provides on-demand, virtually unlimited storage capacity without provisioning any additional resources, you should still do proper capacity planning for your local storage, configure alerts for KafkaDataLogsDiskUsed metrics, and have a buffer on network attached storage capacity planning. Monitor this metric and generate an alarm if the metric reaches or exceeds 60%. For a tiered storage enabled topic, configure local retention accordingly to reduce network attached storage usage.
  • The theoretical max ingress we can achieve on an MSK cluster with tiered storage is 20–25% lower than a non-tiered storage enabled cluster due to additional network attached storage bandwidth required to transparently move data from the local to the remote tier. Plan for the capacity (brokers, storage, gp2 vs. gp3) using the formula we discussed to derive max ingress for your cluster based on the number of consumer groups and load test your workloads to identify the sustained throughput limit. Exercising excess ingress to the cluster or egress from the remote tier above the planned capacity can impact your tip produce or consume traffic.
  • The gp3 volume type offers SSD-performance at a 20% lower cost per GB than gp2 volumes. Furthermore, by decoupling storage performance from capacity, you can easily provision higher IOPS and throughput without the need to provision additional block storage capacity. Therefore, we recommend using gp3 for a tiered storage enabled cluster by specifying provisioned throughput for larger instance types.
  • If you specified a custom cluster configuration, check the num.replica.fetchers, num.io.threads, and num.network.threads configuration parameters on your cluster. We recommend leaving it as the default Amazon MSK configuration unless you have specific use case.

This is only the most relevant guidance related to tiered storage. For further guidance on monitoring and best practices of your cluster, refer to Best practices.


You should now have a solid understanding of how Amazon MSK tiered storage works and the best practices to consider for your production workload when utilizing this cost-effective storage tier. With tiered storage, we remove the compute and storage coupling, which can benefit workloads that need larger disk capacity and are underutilizing compute just to provision storage.

We are eager to learn about your current approach in building real-time data streaming applications. If you’re starting your journey with Amazon MSK tiered storage, we suggest following the comprehensive Getting Started guide available in Tiered storage. This guide provides detailed instructions and practical steps to help you gain hands-on experience and effectively take advantage of the benefits of tiered storage for your streaming applications.

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section.

About the authors

Nagarjuna Koduru is a Principal Engineer in AWS, currently working for AWS Managed Streaming For Kafka (MSK). He led the teams that built MSK Serverless and MSK Tiered storage products. He previously led the team in Amazon JustWalkOut (JWO) that is responsible for realtime tracking of shopper locations in the store. He played pivotal role in scaling the stateful stream processing infrastructure to support larger store formats and reducing the overall cost of the system. He has keen interest in stream processing, messaging and distributed storage infrastructure.

Masudur Rahaman Sayem is a Streaming Data Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers globally to design and build data streaming architectures to solve real-world business problems. He specializes in optimizing solutions that use streaming data services and NoSQL. Sayem is very passionate about distributed computing.

Deep dive on Amazon MSK tiered storage

Post Syndicated from Nagarjuna Koduru original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/deep-dive-on-amazon-msk-tiered-storage/

In the first post of the series, we described some core concepts of Apache Kafka cluster sizing, the best practices for optimizing the performance, and the cost of your Kafka workload.

This post explains how the underlying infrastructure affects Kafka performance when you use Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) tiered storage. We delve deep into the core components of Amazon MSK tiered storage and address questions such as: How does read and write work in a tiered storage-enabled cluster?

In the subsequent post, we’ll discuss the latency impact, recommended metrics to monitor, and conclude with guidance on key considerations in a production tiered storage-enabled cluster.

How Amazon MSK tiered storage works

To understand the internal architecture of Amazon MSK tiered storage, let’s first discuss some fundamentals of Kafka topics, partitions, and how read and write works.

A logical stream of data in Kafka is referred to as a topic. A topic is broken down into partitions, which are physical entities used to distribute load across multiple server instances (brokers) that serve reads and writes.

A partition––also designated as topic-partition as it’s relative to a given topic––can be replicated, which means there are several copies of the data in the group of brokers forming a cluster. Each copy is called a replica or a log. One of these replicas, called the leader, serves as the reference. It’s where the ingress traffic is accepted for the topic-partition.

A log is an append-only sequence of log segments. Log segments contain Kafka data records, which are added to the end of the log or the active segment.

Log segments are stored as regular files. On the file system, Kafka identifies the file of a log segment by putting the offset of the first data record it contains in its file name. The offset of a record is simply a monotonic index assigned to a record by Kafka when it’s appended to the log. The segment files of a log are stored in a directory dedicated to the associated topic-partition.

When Kafka reads data from an arbitrary offset, it first looks up the segment that contains that offset from the segment file name, then the specific record location inside that file using an offset index. Offset indexes are materialized on a dedicated file stored with segment files in the topic-partition directory. There is also timeindex to seek by timestamp.

For every partition, Kafka also stores a journal of leadership changes in a file called leader-epoch-checkpoint. This file contains mapping of leader epoch to startOffset of the epoch. Whenever a new leader is elected for a partition by the Kafka controller, this data is updated and propagated to all brokers. A leader epoch is a 32-bit, monotonically increasing number representing continuous period of leadership of a single partition. It’s marked on all the Kafka records. The following code is the local storage layout of topic cars and partition 0 containing two segments (0, 35):

$ ls /kafka-cluster/broker-1/data/cars-0/


Kafka manages the lifecycle of these segment files. It creates a new one when a new segment needs to be created, for instance, if the current segment reaches its configured max size. It deletes one when the target retention period of the data it contains is reached, or the total maximal size of the log is reached. Data is deleted from the tail of the logs and corresponds to the oldest data of the append-only log of the topic-partition.

KIP-405 or tiered storage in Apache Kafka

The ability to tier data, in other words, transfer data (log, index, timeindex, and leader-epoch-checkpoint) from a local file system to another storage system based on time and size-based retention policies, is a feature built in Apache Kafka as part of KIP-405.

The KIP-405 isn’t in official Kafka version yet. Amazon MSK internally implemented tiered storage functionality on top of official Kafka version 2.8.2. Amazon MSK exposes this functionality on AWS specific 2.8.2.tiered Kafka version. With this feature, you can separate retention settings for local and remote retention. Data in the local tier is retained until the data gets copied to the remote tier even after the local retention expires. Data in the remote tier is retained until the remote retention expires. KIP-405 proposes a pluggable architecture allowing you to plugin custom remote storage and metadata storage backends. The following diagram illustrates the broker three key components.

The components are as follows:

  • RemoteLogManager (RLM) – A new component corresponding to LogManager for the local tier. It delegates copy, fetch, and delete of completed and non-active partition segments to a pluggable RemoteStorageManager implementation and maintains respective remote log segment metadata through pluggable RemoteLogMetadataManager implementation.
  • RemoteStorageManager (RSM) – A pluggable interface that provides the lifecycle of remote log segments.
  • RemoteLogMetadataManager (RLMM) – A pluggable interface that provides the lifecycle of metadata about remote log segments.

How data is moved to the remote tier for a tiered storage-enabled topic

In a tiered storage-enabled topic, each completed segment for a topic-partition triggers the leader of the partition to copy the data to the remote storage tier. The completed log segment is removed from the local disks when Amazon MSK finishes moving that log segment to the remote tier and after it meets the local retention policy. This frees up local storage space.

Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario: you have a topic with one partition. Prior to enabling tiered storage for this topic, there are three log segments. One of the segments is active and receiving data, and the other two segments are complete.

After you enable tiered storage for this topic with two days of local retention and five days of overall retention, Amazon MSK copies log segment 1 and 2 to tiered storage. Amazon MSK also retains the primary storage copy of segments 1 and 2. The active segment 3 isn’t eligible to copy over to tiered storage yet. In this timeline, none of the retention settings are applied yet for any of the messages in segment 1 and segment 2.

After 2 days, the primary retention settings take effect for the segment 1 and segment 2 that Amazon MSK copied to the tiered storage. Segments 1 and 2 now expire from the local storage. Active segment 3 is neither eligible for expiration nor eligible to copy over to tiered storage yet because it’s an active segment.

After 5 days, overall retention settings take effect, and Amazon MSK clears log segments 1 and 2 from tiered storage. Segment 3 is neither eligible for expiration nor eligible to copy over to tiered storage yet because it’s active.

That’s how the data lifecycle works on a tiered storage-enabled cluster.

Amazon MSK immediately starts moving data to tiered storage as soon as a segment is closed. The local disks are freed up when Amazon MSK finishes moving that log segment to remote tier and after it meets the local retention policy.

How read works in a tiered storage-enabled topic

For any read request, ReplicaManager tries to process the request by sending it to ReadFromLocalLog. And if the process returns offset out of range exception, it delegates the read call to RemoteLogManager to read from tiered storage. On the read path, the RemoteStorageManager starts fetching the data in chunks from remote storage, which means that for the first few bytes, your consumer experiences higher latency, but as the system starts buffering the segment locally, your consumer experiences latency similar to reading from local storage. One of the advantages of this approach is that the data is served instantly from the local buffer if there are multiple consumers reading from the same segment.

If your consumer is configured to read from the closest replica, there might be a possibility that the consumer from a different consumer group reads the same remote segment using a different broker. In that case, they experience the same latency behavior we described previously.


In this post, we discussed the core components of the Amazon MSK tiered storage feature and explained how the data lifecycle works in a cluster enabled with tiered storage. Stay tuned for our upcoming post, in which we delve into the best practices for sizing and running a tiered storage-enabled cluster in production.

We would love to hear how you’re building your real-time data streaming applications today. If you’re just getting started with Amazon MSK tiered storage, we recommend getting hands-on with the guidelines available in the tiered storage documentation.

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section.

About the authors

Nagarjuna Koduru is a Principal Engineer in AWS, currently working for AWS Managed Streaming For Kafka (MSK). He led the teams that built MSK Serverless and MSK Tiered storage products. He previously led the team in Amazon JustWalkOut (JWO) that is responsible for realtime tracking of shopper locations in the store. He played pivotal role in scaling the stateful stream processing infrastructure to support larger store formats and reducing the overall cost of the system. He has keen interest in stream processing, messaging and distributed storage infrastructure.

Masudur Rahaman Sayem is a Streaming Data Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers globally to design and build data streaming architectures to solve real-world business problems. He specializes in optimizing solutions that use streaming data services and NoSQL. Sayem is very passionate about distributed computing.

Migrate from Google BigQuery to Amazon Redshift using AWS Glue and Custom Auto Loader Framework

Post Syndicated from Tahir Aziz original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/migrate-from-google-bigquery-to-amazon-redshift-using-aws-glue-and-custom-auto-loader-framework/

Amazon Redshift is a widely used, fully managed, petabyte-scale cloud data warehouse. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data every day to power their analytic workloads. Customers are looking for tools that make it easier to migrate from other data warehouses, such as Google BigQuery, to Amazon Redshift to take advantage of the service price-performance, ease of use, security, and reliability.

In this post, we show you how to use AWS native services to accelerate your migration from Google BigQuery to Amazon Redshift. We use AWS Glue, a fully managed, serverless, ETL (extract, transform, and load) service, and the Google BigQuery Connector for AWS Glue (for more information, refer to Migrating data from Google BigQuery to Amazon S3 using AWS Glue custom connectors). We also add automation and flexibility to simplify migration of multiple tables to Amazon Redshift using the Custom Auto Loader Framework.

Solution overview

The solution provides a scalable and managed data migration workflow to migrate data from Google BigQuery to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and then from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift. This pre-built solution scales to load data in parallel using input parameters.

The following architecture diagram shows how the solution works. It starts with setting up the migration configuration to connect to Google BigQuery, then converts the database schemas, and finally migrates the data to Amazon Redshift.

Architecture diagram showing how the solution works. It starts with setting-up the migration configuration to connect to Google BigQuery, then convert the database schemas, and finally migrate the data to Amazon Redshift.

The workflow contains the following steps:

  1. A configuration file is uploaded to an S3 bucket you have chosen for this solution. This JSON file contains the migration metadata, namely the following:
    • A list of Google BigQuery projects and datasets.
    • A list of all tables to be migrated for each project and dataset pair.
  2. An Amazon EventBridge rule triggers an AWS Step Functions state machine to start migrating the tables.
  3. The Step Functions state machine iterates on the tables to be migrated and runs an AWS Glue Python shell job to extract the metadata from Google BigQuery and store it in an Amazon DynamoDB table used for tracking the tables’ migration status.
  4. The state machine iterates on the metadata from this DynamoDB table to run the table migration in parallel, based on the maximum number of migration jobs without incurring limits or quotas on Google BigQuery. It performs the following steps:
    • Runs the AWS Glue migration job for each table in parallel.
    • Tracks the run status in the DynamoDB table.
    • After the tables have been migrated, checks for errors and exits.
  5. The data exported from Google BigQuery is saved to Amazon S3. We use Amazon S3 (even though AWS Glue jobs can write directly to Amazon Redshift tables) for a few specific reasons:
    • We can decouple the data migration and the data load steps.
    • It offers more control on the load steps, with the ability to reload the data or pause the process.
    • It provides fine-grained monitoring of the Amazon Redshift load status.
  6. The Custom Auto Loader Framework automatically creates schemas and tables in the target database and continuously loads data from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift.

A few additional points to note:

  • If you have already created the target schema and tables in the Amazon Redshift database, you can configure the Custom Auto Loader Framework to not automatically detect and convert the schema.
  • If you want more control over converting the Google BigQuery schema, you can use the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT). For more information, refer to Migrate Google BigQuery to Amazon Redshift using AWS Schema Conversion tool (SCT).
  • As of this writing, neither the AWS SCT nor Custom Auto Loader Framework support the conversion of nested data types (record, array and struct). Amazon Redshift supports semistructured data using the Super data type, so if your table uses such complex data types, then you need to create the target tables manually.

To deploy the solution, there are two main steps:

  1. Deploy the solution stack using AWS CloudFormation.
  2. Deploy and configure Custom Auto Loader Framework to load files from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following:

In this example, we named the file bq-mig-config.json

    1. Configure your Google account.
    2. Create an IAM role for AWS Glue (and note down the name of the IAM role).
    3. Subscribe to and activate the Google BigQuery Connector for AWS Glue.

Deploy the solution using AWS CloudFormation

To deploy the solution stack using AWS CloudFormation, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack:

This template provisions the AWS resources in the us-east-1 Region. If you want to deploy to a different Region, download the template bigquery-cft.yaml and launch it manually: on the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Create stack with new resources and upload the template file you downloaded.

The list of provisioned resources is as follows:

    • An EventBridge rule to start the Step Functions state machine on the upload of the configuration file.
    • A Step Functions state machine that runs the migration logic. The following diagram illustrates the state machine.
      Diagram representing the state machine deployed by the solution stack.
    • An AWS Glue Python shell job used to extract the metadata from Google BigQuery. The metadata will be stored in an DynamoDB table, with a calculated attribute to prioritize the migration job. By default, the connector creates one partition per 400 MB in the table being read (before filtering). As of this writing, the Google BigQuery Storage API has a maximum quota for parallel read streams, so we set the limit for worker nodes for tables larger than 400 GB. We also calculate the max number of jobs that can run in parallel based on those values.
    • An AWS Glue ETL job used to extract the data from each Google BigQuery table and saves it in Amazon S3 in Parquet format.
    • A DynamoDB table (bq_to_s3_tracking) used to store the metadata for each table to be migrated (size of the table, S3 path used to store the migrated data, and the number of workers needed to migrate the table).
    • A DynamoDB table (bq_to_s3_maxstreams) used to store the maximum number of streams per state machine run. This helps us minimize job failures due to limits or quotas. Use the Cloud Formation template to customize the name of the DynamoDB table. The prefix for the DynamoDB table is bq_to_s3.
    • The IAM roles needed by the state machine and AWS Glue jobs.
  1. Choose Next.

Screen caption showing the AWS Cloudformation Create stack page.

  1. For Stack name, enter a name.
  2. For Parameters, enter the parameters listed in the following table, then choose Create.
CloudFormation Template Parameter Allowed Values Description
InputBucketName S3 bucket name

The S3 bucket where the AWS Glue job stores the migrated data.

The data will be actually stored in a folder named s3-redshift-loader-source, which is used by the Custom Auto Loader Framework.

InputConnectionName AWS Glue connection name, the default is glue-bq-connector-24 The name of the AWS Glue connection that is created using the Google BigQuery connector.
InputDynamoDBTablePrefix DynamoDB table name prefix, the default is bq_to_s3 The prefix that will be used when naming the two DynamoDB tables created by the solution.
InputGlueETLJob AWS Glue ETL job name, the default is bq-migration-ETL The name you want to give to the AWS Glue ETL job. The actual script is saved in the S3 path specified in the parameter InputGlueS3Path.
InputGlueMetaJob AWS Glue Python shell job name, the default is bq-get-metadata The name you want to give to AWS Glue Python shell job. The actual script is saved in the S3 path specified in the parameter InputGlueS3Path.
InputGlueS3Path S3 path, the default is s3://aws-glue-scripts-${AWS::Account}-${AWS::Region}/admin/ This is the S3 path in which the stack will copy the scripts for AWS Glue jobs. Remember to replace: ${AWS::Account} with the actual AWS account ID and ${AWS::Region} with the Region you plan to use, or provide your own bucket and prefix in a complete path.
InputMaxParallelism Number of parallel migration jobs to run, the default is 30 The maximum number of tables you want to migrate concurrently.
InputBQSecret AWS Secrets Manager secret name The name of the AWS Secrets Manager secret in which you stored the Google BigQuery credential.
InputBQProjectName Google BigQuery project name The name of your project in Google BigQuery in which you want to store temporary tables; you will need write permissions on the project.

Step Functions state machine name, the default is


The name of the Step Functions state machine.
SourceS3BucketName S3 bucket name, the default is aws-blogs-artifacts-public

The S3 bucket where the artifacts for this post are stored.

Do not change the default.

Deploy and configure the Custom Auto Loader Framework to load files from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift

The Custom Auto Loader Framework utility makes data ingestion to Amazon Redshift simpler and automatically loads data files from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift. The files are mapped to the respective tables by simply dropping files into preconfigured locations on Amazon S3. For more details about the architecture and internal workflow, refer to Custom Auto Loader Framework.

To set up the Custom Auto Loader Framework, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack to deploy the CloudFormation stack in the us-east-1 Region:

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Next.
  2. Provide the following parameters to help ensure the successful creation of resources. Make sure you have collected these values beforehand.
Parameter Name Allowed Values Description
CopyCommandSchedule cron(0/5 * ? * * *) The EventBridge rules KickoffFileProcessingSchedule and QueueRSProcessingSchedule are triggered based on this schedule. The default is 5 minutes.
DatabaseName dev The Amazon Redshift database name.
DatabaseSchemaName public The Amazon Redshift schema name.
DatabaseUserName demo The Amazon Redshift user name who has access to run COPY commands on the Amazon Redshift database and schema.
RedshiftClusterIdentifier democluster The Amazon Redshift cluster name.
RedshiftIAMRoleARN arn:aws:iam::7000000000:role/RedshiftDemoRole The Amazon Redshift cluster attached role, which has access to the S3 bucket. This role is used in COPY commands.
SourceS3Bucket Your-bucket-name The S3 bucket where data is located. Use the same bucket you used to store the migrated data as indicated in the previous stack.
CopyCommandOptions delimiter '|' gzip

Provide the additional COPY command data format parameters as follows:

delimiter '|' dateformat 'auto' TIMEFORMAT 'auto'

InitiateSchemaDetection Yes The setting to dynamically detect the schema prior to file upload.

The following screenshot shows an example of our parameters.

Screen capture showing the stack detailes page with the input parameters filled with example values

  1. Choose Create.
  2. Monitor the progress of the Stack creation and wait until it is complete.
  3. To verify the Custom Auto Loader Framework configuration, log in to the Amazon S3 console and navigate to the S3 bucket you provided as a value to the SourceS3Bucket parameter.

You should see a new directory called s3-redshift-loader-source is created.

Screen caption of the Amazon S3 console showing the folder you should be able to see in your S3 bucket.

Test the solution

To test the solution, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the configuration file based on the prerequisites. You can also download the demo file.
  2. To set up the S3 bucket, on the Amazon S3 console, navigate to the folder bq-mig-config in the bucket you provided in the stack.
  3. Upload the config file into it.
  4. To enable EventBridge notifications to the bucket, open the bucket on the console and on the Properties tab, locate Event notifications.
  5. In the Amazon EventBridge section, choose Edit.
  6. Select On, then choose Save changes.

  1. On AWS Step Function console, monitor the run of the state machine.
  2. Monitor the status of the loads in Amazon Redshift. For instructions, refer to Viewing Current Loads.
  3. Open the Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 and query your data.

Pricing considerations

You might have egress charges for migrating data out of Google BigQuery into Amazon S3. Review and calculate the cost for moving your data on your Google cloud billing console. As of this writing, AWS Glue 3.0 or later charges $0.44 per DPU-hour, billed per second, with a 1-minute minimum for Spark ETL jobs. For more information, see AWS Glue Pricing. With auto scaling enabled, AWS Glue automatically adds and removes workers from the cluster depending on the parallelism at each stage or microbatch of the job run.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the CloudFormation solution stack.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation Custom Auto Loader Framework stack.


In this post, we demonstrated how to build a scalable and automated data pipeline to migrate your data from Google BigQuery to Amazon Redshift. We also highlighted how the Custom Auto Loader framework can automate the schema detection, create tables for your S3 files, and continuously load the files into your Amazon Redshift warehouse. With this approach, you can automate the migration of entire projects (even multiple projects at the time) in Google BigQuery to Amazon Redshift. This helps improve data migration times into Amazon Redshift significantly through the automatic table migration parallelization.

The auto-copy feature in Amazon Redshift simplifies automatic data loading from Amazon S3 with a simple SQL command, users can easily automate data ingestion from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift using the Amazon Redshift auto-copy preview feature

For more information about the performance of the Google BigQuery Connector for AWS Glue, refer to Migrate terabytes of data quickly from Google Cloud to Amazon S3 with AWS Glue Connector for Google BigQuery and learn how to migrate a large amount of data (1.9 TB) into Amazon S3 quickly (about 8 minutes).

To learn more about AWS Glue ETL jobs, see Simplify data pipelines with AWS Glue automatic code generation and workflows and Making ETL easier with AWS Glue Studio.

About the Authors

Tahir Aziz is an Analytics Solution Architect at AWS. He has worked with building data warehouses and big data solutions for over 13 years. He loves to help customers design end-to-end analytics solutions on AWS. Outside of work, he enjoys traveling and cooking.

Ritesh Kumar Sinha is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect based out of San Francisco. He has helped customers build scalable data warehousing and big data solutions for over 16 years. He loves to design and build efficient end-to-end solutions on AWS. In his spare time, he loves reading, walking, and doing yoga.

Fabrizio Napolitano is a Principal Specialist Solutions Architect for DB and Analytics. He has worked in the analytics space for the last 20 years, and has recently and quite by surprise become a Hockey Dad after moving to Canada.

Manjula Nagineni is a Senior Solutions Architect with AWS based in New York. She works with major financial service institutions, architecting and modernizing their large-scale applications while adopting AWS Cloud services. She is passionate about designing big data workloads cloud-natively. She has over 20 years of IT experience in software development, analytics, and architecture across multiple domains such as finance, retail, and telecom.

Sohaib Katariwala is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He has over 12 years of experience helping organizations derive insights from their data.

Build event-driven data pipelines using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes and Amazon EMR on EKS

Post Syndicated from Victor Gu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-event-driven-data-pipelines-using-aws-controllers-for-kubernetes-and-amazon-emr-on-eks/

An event-driven architecture is a software design pattern in which decoupled applications can asynchronously publish and subscribe to events via an event broker. By promoting loose coupling between components of a system, an event-driven architecture leads to greater agility and can enable components in the system to scale independently and fail without impacting other services. AWS has many services to build solutions with an event-driven architecture, such as Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), and AWS Lambda.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is becoming a popular choice among AWS customers to host long-running analytics and AI or machine learning (ML) workloads. By containerizing your data processing tasks, you can simply deploy them into Amazon EKS as Kubernetes jobs and use Kubernetes to manage underlying computing compute resources. For big data processing, which requires distributed computing, you can use Spark on Amazon EKS. Amazon EMR on EKS, a managed Spark framework on Amazon EKS, enables you to run Spark jobs with benefits of scalability, portability, extensibility, and speed. With EMR on EKS, the Spark jobs run using the Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark, which increases the performance of your Spark jobs so that they run faster and cost less than open-source Apache Spark.

Data processes require a workflow management to schedule jobs and manage dependencies between jobs, and require monitoring to ensure that the transformed data is always accurate and up to date. One popular orchestration tool for managing workflows is Apache Airflow, which can be installed in Amazon EKS. Alternatively, you can use the AWS-managed version, Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA). Another option is to use AWS Step Functions, which is a serverless workflow service that integrates with EMR on EKS and EventBridge to build event-driven workflows.

In this post, we demonstrate how to build an event-driven data pipeline using AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) and EMR on EKS. We use ACK to provision and configure serverless AWS resources, such as EventBridge and Step Functions. Triggered by an EventBridge rule, Step Functions orchestrates jobs running in EMR on EKS. With ACK, you can use the Kubernetes API and configuration language to create and configure AWS resources the same way you create and configure a Kubernetes data processing job. Because most of the managed services are serverless, you can build and manage your entire data pipeline using the Kubernetes API with tools such as kubectl.

Solution overview

ACK lets you define and use AWS service resources directly from Kubernetes, using the Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM). The ACK project contains a series of service controllers, one for each AWS service API. With ACK, developers can stay in their familiar Kubernetes environment and take advantage of AWS services for their application-supporting infrastructure. In the post Microservices development using AWS controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) and Amazon EKS blueprints, we show how to use ACK for microservices development.

In this post, we show how to build an event-driven data pipeline using ACK controllers for EMR on EKS, Step Functions, EventBridge, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). We provision an EKS cluster with ACK controllers using Terraform modules. We create the data pipeline with the following steps:

  1. Create the emr-data-team-a namespace and bind it with the virtual cluster my-ack-vc in Amazon EMR by using the ACK controller.
  2. Use the ACK controller for Amazon S3 to create an S3 bucket. Upload the sample Spark scripts and sample data to the S3 bucket.
  3. Use the ACK controller for Step Functions to create a Step Functions state machine as an EventBridge rule target based on Kubernetes resources defined in YAML manifests.
  4. Use the ACK controller for EventBridge to create an EventBridge rule for pattern matching and target routing.

The pipeline is triggered when a new script is uploaded. An S3 upload notification is sent to EventBridge and, if it matches the specified rule pattern, triggers the Step Functions state machine. Step Functions calls the EMR virtual cluster to run the Spark job, and all the Spark executors and driver are provisioned inside the emr-data-team-a namespace. The output is saved back to the S3 bucket, and the developer can check the result on the Amazon EMR console.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.


Ensure that you have the following tools installed locally:

Deploy the solution infrastructure

Because each ACK service controller requires different AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles for managing AWS resources, it’s better to use an automation tool to install the required service controllers. For this post, we use Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform and the AWS EKS ACK Addons Terraform module to provision the following components:

  • A new VPC with three private subnets and three public subnets
  • An internet gateway for the public subnets and a NAT Gateway for the private subnets
  • An EKS cluster control plane with one managed node group
  • Amazon EKS-managed add-ons: VPC_CNI, CoreDNS, and Kube_Proxy
  • ACK controllers for EMR on EKS, Step Functions, EventBridge, and Amazon S3
  • IAM execution roles for EMR on EKS, Step Functions, and EventBridge

Let’s start by cloning the GitHub repo to your local desktop. The module eks_ack_addons in addon.tf is for installing ACK controllers. ACK controllers are installed by using helm charts in the Amazon ECR public galley. See the following code:

cd examples/usecases/event-driven-pipeline
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve #defaults to us-west-2

The following screenshot shows an example of our output. emr_on_eks_role_arn is the ARN of the IAM role created for Amazon EMR running Spark jobs in the emr-data-team-a namespace in Amazon EKS. stepfunction_role_arn is the ARN of the IAM execution role for the Step Functions state machine. eventbridge_role_arn is the ARN of the IAM execution role for the EventBridge rule.

The following command updates kubeconfig on your local machine and allows you to interact with your EKS cluster using kubectl to validate the deployment:

aws eks --region $region update-kubeconfig --name event-driven-pipeline-demo

Test your access to the EKS cluster by listing the nodes:

kubectl get nodes
# Output should look like below
NAME                                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
ip-10-1-10-64.us-west-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
ip-10-1-10-65.us-west-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
ip-10-1-10-7.us-west-2.compute.internal     Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
ip-10-1-10-73.us-west-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
ip-10-1-11-96.us-west-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8
ip-10-1-12-197.us-west-2.compute.internal   Ready    <none>   19h     v1.24.9-eks-49d8fe8

Now we’re ready to set up the event-driven pipeline.

Create an EMR virtual cluster

Let’s start by creating a virtual cluster in Amazon EMR and link it with a Kubernetes namespace in EKS. By doing that, the virtual cluster will use the linked namespace in Amazon EKS for running Spark workloads. We use the file emr-virtualcluster.yaml. See the following code:

apiVersion: emrcontainers.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualCluster
  name: my-ack-vc
  name: my-ack-vc
    id: event-driven-pipeline-demo  # your eks cluster name
    type_: EKS
        namespace: emr-data-team-a # namespace binding with EMR virtual cluster

Let’s apply the manifest by using the following kubectl command:

kubectl apply -f ack-yamls/emr-virtualcluster.yaml

You can navigate to the Virtual clusters page on the Amazon EMR console to see the cluster record.

Create an S3 bucket and upload data

Next, let’s create a S3 bucket for storing Spark pod templates and sample data. We use the s3.yaml file. See the following code:

apiVersion: s3.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
kind: Bucket
  name: sparkjob-demo-bucket
  name: sparkjob-demo-bucket

kubectl apply -f ack-yamls/s3.yaml

If you don’t see the bucket, you can check the log from the ACK S3 controller pod for details. The error is mostly caused if a bucket with the same name already exists. You need to change the bucket name in s3.yaml as well as in eventbridge.yaml and sfn.yaml. You also need to update upload-inputdata.sh and upload-spark-scripts.sh with the new bucket name.

Run the following command to upload the input data and pod templates:

bash spark-scripts-data/upload-inputdata.sh

The sparkjob-demo-bucket S3 bucket is created with two folders: input and scripts.

Create a Step Functions state machine

The next step is to create a Step Functions state machine that calls the EMR virtual cluster to run a Spark job, which is a sample Python script to process the New York City Taxi Records dataset. You need to define the Spark script location and pod templates for the Spark driver and executor in the StateMachine object .yaml file. Let’s make the following changes (highlighted) in sfn.yaml first:

  • Replace the value for roleARN with stepfunctions_role_arn
  • Replace the value for ExecutionRoleArn with emr_on_eks_role_arn
  • Replace the value for VirtualClusterId with your virtual cluster ID
  • Optionally, replace sparkjob-demo-bucket with your bucket name

See the following code:

apiVersion: sfn.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
kind: StateMachine
  name: run-spark-job-ack
  name: run-spark-job-ack
  roleARN: "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxx:role/event-driven-pipeline-demo-sfn-execution-role"   # replace with your stepfunctions_role_arn
  - key: owner
    value: sfn-ack
  definition: |
      "Comment": "A description of my state machine",
      "StartAt": "input-output-s3",
      "States": {
        "input-output-s3": {
          "Type": "Task",
          "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::emr-containers:startJobRun.sync",
          "Parameters": {
            "VirtualClusterId": "f0u3vt3y4q2r1ot11m7v809y6",  
            "ExecutionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxx:role/event-driven-pipeline-demo-emr-eks-data-team-a",
            "ReleaseLabel": "emr-6.7.0-latest",
            "JobDriver": {
              "SparkSubmitJobDriver": {
                "EntryPoint": "s3://sparkjob-demo-bucket/scripts/pyspark-taxi-trip.py",
                "EntryPointArguments": [
                "SparkSubmitParameters": "--conf spark.executor.instances=10"
            "ConfigurationOverrides": {
              "ApplicationConfiguration": [
                 "Classification": "spark-defaults",
                "Properties": {
                  "spark.driver.memory": "10g",
                  "spark.executor.memory": "10g",
                  "spark.local.dir" : "/data1,/data2"

You can get your virtual cluster ID from the Amazon EMR console or with the following command:

kubectl get virtualcluster -o jsonpath={.items..status.id}
# result:
f0u3vt3y4q2r1ot11m7v809y6  # VirtualClusterId

Then apply the manifest to create the Step Functions state machine:

kubectl apply -f ack-yamls/sfn.yaml

Create an EventBridge rule

The last step is to create an EventBridge rule, which is used as an event broker to receive event notifications from Amazon S3. Whenever a new file, such as a new Spark script, is created in the S3 bucket, the EventBridge rule will evaluate (filter) the event and invoke the Step Functions state machine if it matches the specified rule pattern, triggering the configured Spark job.

Let’s use the following command to get the ARN of the Step Functions state machine we created earlier:

kubectl get StateMachine -o jsonpath={.items..status.ackResourceMetadata.arn}
# result
arn: arn:aws:states:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx:stateMachine:run-spark-job-ack # sfn_arn

Then, update eventbridge.yaml with the following values:

  • Under targets, replace the value for roleARN with eventbridge_role_arn

Under targets, replace arn with your sfn_arn

  • Optionally, in eventPattern, replace sparkjob-demo-bucket with your bucket name

See the following code:

apiVersion: eventbridge.services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
kind: Rule
  name: eb-rule-ack
  name: eb-rule-ack
  description: "ACK EventBridge Filter Rule to sfn using event bus reference"
  eventPattern: | 
      "source": ["aws.s3"],
      "detail-type": ["Object Created"],
      "detail": {
        "bucket": {
          "name": ["sparkjob-demo-bucket"]    
        "object": {
          "key": [{
            "prefix": "scripts/"
    - arn: arn:aws:states:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx:stateMachine:run-spark-job-ack # replace with your sfn arn
      id: sfn-run-spark-job-target
      roleARN: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxx:role/event-driven-pipeline-demo-eb-execution-role # replace your eventbridge_role_arn
        maximumRetryAttempts: 0 # no retries
    - key:owner
      value: eb-ack

By applying the EventBridge configuration file, an EventBridge rule is created to monitor the folder scripts in the S3 bucket sparkjob-demo-bucket:

kubectl apply -f ack-yamls/eventbridge.yaml

For simplicity, the dead-letter queue is not set and maximum retry attempts is set to 0. For production usage, set them based on your requirements. For more information, refer to Event retry policy and using dead-letter queues.

Test the data pipeline

To test the data pipeline, we trigger it by uploading a Spark script to the S3 bucket scripts folder using the following command:

bash spark-scripts-data/upload-spark-scripts.sh

The upload event triggers the EventBridge rule and then calls the Step Functions state machine. You can go to the State machines page on the Step Functions console and choose the job run-spark-job-ack to monitor its status.

For the Spark job details, on the Amazon EMR console, choose Virtual clusters in the navigation pane, and then choose my-ack-vc. You can review all the job run history for this virtual cluster. If you choose Spark UI in any row, you’re redirected the Spark history server for more Spark driver and executor logs.

Clean up

To clean up the resources created in the post, use the following code:

aws s3 rm s3://sparkjob-demo-bucket --recursive # clean up data in S3
kubectl delete -f ack-yamls/. #Delete aws resources created by ACK
terraform destroy -target="module.eks_blueprints_kubernetes_addons" -target="module.eks_ack_addons" -auto-approve -var region=$region
terraform destroy -target="module.eks_blueprints" -auto-approve -var region=$region
terraform destroy -auto-approve -var region=$regionterraform destroy -auto-approve -var region=$region


This post showed how to build an event-driven data pipeline purely with native Kubernetes API and tooling. The pipeline uses EMR on EKS as compute and uses serverless AWS resources Amazon S3, EventBridge, and Step Functions as storage and orchestration in an event-driven architecture. With EventBridge, AWS and custom events can be ingested, filtered, transformed, and reliably delivered (routed) to more than 20 AWS services and public APIs (webhooks), using human-readable configuration instead of writing undifferentiated code. EventBridge helps you decouple applications and achieve more efficient organizations using event-driven architectures, and has quickly become the event bus of choice for AWS customers for many use cases, such as auditing and monitoring, application integration, and IT automation.

By using ACK controllers to create and configure different AWS services, developers can perform all data plane operations without leaving the Kubernetes platform. Also, developers only need to maintain the EKS cluster because all the other components are serverless.

As a next step, clone the GitHub repository to your local machine and test the data pipeline in your own AWS account. You can modify the code in this post and customize it for your own needs by using different EventBridge rules or adding more steps in Step Functions.

About the authors

Victor Gu is a Containers and Serverless Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers to design microservices and cloud native solutions using Amazon EKS/ECS and AWS serverless services. His specialties are Kubernetes, Spark on Kubernetes, MLOps and DevOps.

Michael Gasch is a Senior Product Manager for AWS EventBridge, driving innovations in event-driven architectures. Prior to AWS, Michael was a Staff Engineer at the VMware Office of the CTO, working on open-source projects, such as Kubernetes and Knative, and related distributed systems research.

Peter Dalbhanjan is a Solutions Architect for AWS based in Herndon, VA. Peter has a keen interest in evangelizing AWS solutions and has written multiple blog posts that focus on simplifying complex use cases. At AWS, Peter helps with designing and architecting variety of customer workloads.

Implement slowly changing dimensions in a data lake using AWS Glue and Delta

Post Syndicated from Nith Govindasivan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/implement-slowly-changing-dimensions-in-a-data-lake-using-aws-glue-and-delta/

In a data warehouse, a dimension is a structure that categorizes facts and measures in order to enable users to answer business questions. To illustrate an example, in a typical sales domain, customer, time or product are dimensions and sales transactions is a fact. Attributes within the dimension can change over time—a customer can change their address, an employee can move from a contractor position to a full-time position, or a product can have multiple revisions to it. A slowly changing dimension (SCD) is a data warehousing concept that contains relatively static data that can change slowly over a period of time. There are three major types of SCDs maintained in data warehousing: Type 1 (no history), Type 2 (full history), and Type 3 (limited history). Change data capture (CDC) is a characteristic of a database that provides an ability to identify the data that changed between two database loads, so that an action can be performed on the changed data.

As organizations across the globe are modernizing their data platforms with data lakes on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), handling SCDs in data lakes can be challenging. It becomes even more challenging when source systems don’t provide a mechanism to identify the changed data for processing within the data lake and makes the data processing highly complex if the data source happens to be semi-structured instead of a database. The key objective while handling Type 2 SCDs is to define the start and end dates to the dataset accurately to track the changes within the data lake, because this provides the point-in-time reporting capability for the consuming applications.

In this post, we focus on demonstrating how to identify the changed data for a semi-structured source (JSON) and capture the full historical data changes (SCD Type 2) and store them in an S3 data lake, using AWS Glue and open data lake format Delta.io. This implementation supports the following use cases:

  • Track Type 2 SCDs with start and end dates to identify the current and full historical records and a flag to identify the deleted records in the data lake (logical deletes)
  • Use consumption tools such as Amazon Athena to query historical records seamlessly

Solution overview

This post demonstrates the solution with an end-to-end use case using a sample employee dataset. The dataset represents employee details such as ID, name, address, phone number, contractor or not, and more. To demonstrate the SCD implementation, consider the following assumptions:

  • The data engineering team receives daily files that are full snapshots of records and don’t contain any mechanism to identify source record changes
  • The team is tasked with implementing SCD Type 2 functionality for identifying new, updated, and deleted records from the source, and to preserve the historical changes in the data lake
  • Because the source systems don’t provide the CDC capability, a mechanism needs to be developed to identify the new, updated, and deleted records and persist them in the data lake layer

The architecture is implemented as follows:

  • Source systems ingest files in the S3 landing bucket (this step is mimicked by generating the sample records using the provided AWS Lambda function into the landing bucket)
  • An AWS Glue job (Delta job) picks the source data file and processes the changed data from the previous file load (new inserts, updates to the existing records, and deleted records from the source) into the S3 data lake (processed layer bucket)
  • The architecture uses the open data lake format (Delta), and builds the S3 data lake as a Delta Lake, which is mutable, because the new changes can be updated, new inserts can be appended, and source deletions can be identified accurately and marked with a delete_flag value
  • An AWS Glue crawler catalogs the data, which can be queried by Athena

The following diagram illustrates our architecture.


Before you get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Deploy the solution

For this solution, we provide a CloudFormation template that sets up the services included in the architecture, to enable repeatable deployments. This template creates the following resources:

  • Two S3 buckets: a landing bucket for storing sample employee data and a processed layer bucket for the mutable data lake (Delta Lake)
  • A Lambda function to generate sample records
  • An AWS Glue extract, transform, and load (ETL) job to process the source data from the landing bucket to the processed bucket

To deploy the solution, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack to launch the CloudFormation stack:

  1. Enter a stack name.
  2. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  3. Choose Create stack.

After the CloudFormation stack deployment is complete, navigate to AWS CloudFormation console to note the following resources on the Outputs tab:

  • Data lake resources – The S3 buckets scd-blog-landing-xxxx and scd-blog-processed-xxxx (referred to as scd-blog-landing and scd-blog-processed in the subsequent sections in this post)
  • Sample records generator Lambda functionSampleDataGenaratorLambda-<CloudFormation Stack Name> (referred to as SampleDataGeneratorLambda)
  • AWS Glue Data Catalog databasedeltalake_xxxxxx (referred to as deltalake)
  • AWS Glue Delta job<CloudFormation-Stack-Name>-src-to-processed (referred to as src-to-processed)

Note that deploying the CloudFormation stack in your account incurs AWS usage charges.

Test SCD Type 2 implementation

With the infrastructure in place, you’re ready to test out the overall solution design and query historical records from the employee dataset. This post is designed to be implemented for a real customer use case, where you get full snapshot data on a daily basis. We test the following aspects of SCD implementation:

  • Run an AWS Glue job for the initial load
  • Simulate a scenario where there are no changes to the source
  • Simulate insert, update, and delete scenarios by adding new records, and modifying and deleting existing records
  • Simulate a scenario where the deleted record comes back as a new insert

Generate a sample employee dataset

To test the solution, and before you can start your initial data ingestion, the data source needs to be identified. To simplify that step, a Lambda function has been deployed in the CloudFormation stack you just deployed.

Open the function and configure a test event, with the default hello-world template event JSON as seen in the following screenshot. Provide an event name without any changes to the template and save the test event.

Choose Test to invoke a test event, which invokes the Lambda function to generate the sample records.

When the Lambda function completes its invocation, you will be able to see the following sample employee dataset in the landing bucket.

Run the AWS Glue job

Confirm if you see the employee dataset in the path s3://scd-blog-landing/dataset/employee/. You can download the dataset and open it in a code editor such as VS Code. The following is an example of the dataset:

{"emp_id":1,"first_name":"Melissa","last_name":"Parks","Address":"19892 Williamson Causeway Suite 737\nKarenborough, IN 11372","phone_number":"001-372-612-0684","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":2,"first_name":"Laura","last_name":"Delgado","Address":"93922 Rachel Parkways Suite 717\nKaylaville, GA 87563","phone_number":"001-759-461-3454x80784","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":3,"first_name":"Luis","last_name":"Barnes","Address":"32386 Rojas Springs\nDicksonchester, DE 05474","phone_number":"127-420-4928","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":4,"first_name":"Jonathan","last_name":"Wilson","Address":"682 Pace Springs Apt. 011\nNew Wendy, GA 34212","phone_number":"761.925.0827","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":5,"first_name":"Kelly","last_name":"Gomez","Address":"4780 Johnson Tunnel\nMichaelland, WI 22423","phone_number":"+1-303-418-4571","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":6,"first_name":"Robert","last_name":"Smith","Address":"04171 Mitchell Springs Suite 748\nNorth Juliaview, CT 87333","phone_number":"261-155-3071x3915","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":7,"first_name":"Glenn","last_name":"Martinez","Address":"4913 Robert Views\nWest Lisa, ND 75950","phone_number":"001-638-239-7320x4801","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":8,"first_name":"Teresa","last_name":"Estrada","Address":"339 Scott Valley\nGonzalesfort, PA 18212","phone_number":"435-600-3162","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":9,"first_name":"Karen","last_name":"Spencer","Address":"7284 Coleman Club Apt. 813\nAndersonville, AS 86504","phone_number":"484-909-3127","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":10,"first_name":"Daniel","last_name":"Foley","Address":"621 Sarah Lock Apt. 537\nJessicaton, NH 95446","phone_number":"457-716-2354x4945","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":11,"first_name":"Amy","last_name":"Stevens","Address":"94661 Young Lodge Suite 189\nCynthiamouth, PR 01996","phone_number":"241.375.7901x6915","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":12,"first_name":"Nicholas","last_name":"Aguirre","Address":"7474 Joyce Meadows\nLake Billy, WA 40750","phone_number":"495.259.9738","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":13,"first_name":"John","last_name":"Valdez","Address":"686 Brian Forges Suite 229\nSullivanbury, MN 25872","phone_number":"+1-488-011-0464x95255","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":14,"first_name":"Michael","last_name":"West","Address":"293 Jones Squares Apt. 997\nNorth Amandabury, TN 03955","phone_number":"146.133.9890","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":15,"first_name":"Perry","last_name":"Mcguire","Address":"2126 Joshua Forks Apt. 050\nPort Angela, MD 25551","phone_number":"001-862-800-3814","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":16,"first_name":"James","last_name":"Munoz","Address":"74019 Banks Estates\nEast Nicolefort, GU 45886","phone_number":"6532485982","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":17,"first_name":"Todd","last_name":"Barton","Address":"2795 Kelly Shoal Apt. 500\nWest Lindsaytown, TN 55404","phone_number":"079-583-6386","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":18,"first_name":"Christopher","last_name":"Noble","Address":"Unit 7816 Box 9004\nDPO AE 29282","phone_number":"215-060-7721","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":19,"first_name":"Sandy","last_name":"Hunter","Address":"7251 Sarah Creek\nWest Jasmine, CO 54252","phone_number":"8759007374","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":20,"first_name":"Jennifer","last_name":"Ballard","Address":"77628 Owens Key Apt. 659\nPort Victorstad, IN 02469","phone_number":"+1-137-420-7831x43286","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":21,"first_name":"David","last_name":"Morris","Address":"192 Leslie Groves Apt. 930\nWest Dylan, NY 04000","phone_number":"990.804.0382x305","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":22,"first_name":"Paula","last_name":"Jones","Address":"045 Johnson Viaduct Apt. 732\nNorrisstad, AL 12416","phone_number":"+1-193-919-7527x2207","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":23,"first_name":"Lisa","last_name":"Thompson","Address":"1295 Judy Ports Suite 049\nHowardstad, PA 11905","phone_number":"(623)577-5982x33215","isContractor":true}
{"emp_id":24,"first_name":"Vickie","last_name":"Johnson","Address":"5247 Jennifer Run Suite 297\nGlenberg, NC 88615","phone_number":"708-367-4447x9366","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":25,"first_name":"John","last_name":"Hamilton","Address":"5899 Barnes Plain\nHarrisville, NC 43970","phone_number":"341-467-5286x20961","isContractor":false}

Download the dataset and keep it ready, because you will modify the dataset for future use cases to simulate the inserts, updates, and deletes. The sample dataset generated for you will be entirely different than what you see in the preceding example.

To run the job, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the job src-to-processed.
  3. On the Runs tab, choose Run.

When the AWS Glue job is run for the first time, the job reads the employee dataset from the landing bucket path and ingests the data to the processed bucket as a Delta table.

When the job is complete, you can create a crawler to see the initial data load. The following screenshot shows the database available on the Databases page.

  1. Choose Crawlers in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create crawler.

  1. Name your crawler delta-lake-crawler, then choose Next.

  1. Select Not yet for data already mapped to AWS Glue tables.
  2. Choose Add a data source.

  1. On the Data source drop-down menu, choose Delta Lake.
  2. Enter the path to the Delta table.
  3. Select Create Native tables.
  4. Choose Add a Delta Lake data source.

  1. Choose Next.

  1. Choose the role that was created by the CloudFormation template, then choose Next.

  1. Choose the database that was created by the CloudFormation template, then choose Next.

  1. Choose Create crawler.

  1. Select your crawler and choose Run.

Query the data

After the crawler is complete, you can see the table it created.

To query the data, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose the employee table and on the Actions menu, choose View data.

You’re redirected to the Athena console. If you don’t have the latest Athena engine, create a new Athena workgroup with the latest Athena engine.

  1. Under Administration in the navigation pane, choose Workgroups.

  1. Choose Create workgroup.

  1. Provide a name for the workgroup, such as DeltaWorkgroup.
  2. Select Athena SQL as the engine, and choose Athena engine version 3 for Query engine version.

  1. Choose Create workgroup.

  1. After you create the workgroup, select the workgroup (DeltaWorkgroup) on the drop-down menu in the Athena query editor.

  1. Run the following query on the employee table:
SELECT * FROM "deltalake_2438fbd0"."employee";

Note: Update the correct database name from the CloudFormation outputs before running the above query.

You can observe that the employee table has 25 records. The following screenshot shows the total employee records with some sample records.

The Delta table is stored with an emp_key, which is unique to each and every change and is used to track the changes. The emp_key is created for every insert, update, and delete, and can be used to find all the changes pertaining to a single emp_id.

The emp_key is created using the SHA256 hashing algorithm, as shown in the following code:

df.withColumn("emp_key", sha2(concat_ws("||", col("emp_id"), col("first_name"), col("last_name"), col("Address"),
            col("phone_number"), col("isContractor")), 256))

Perform inserts, updates, and deletes

Before making changes to the dataset, let’s run the same job one more time. Assuming that the current load from the source is the same as the initial load with no changes, the AWS Glue job shouldn’t make any changes to the dataset. After the job is complete, run the previous Select query in the Athena query editor and confirm that there are still 25 active records with the following values:

  • All 25 records with the column isCurrent=true
  • All 25 records with the column end_date=Null
  • All 25 records with the column delete_flag=false

After you confirm the previous job run with these values, let’s modify our initial dataset with the following changes:

  1. Change the isContractor flag to false (change it to true if your dataset already shows false) for emp_id=12.
  2. Delete the entire row where emp_id=8 (make sure to save the record in a text editor, because we use this record in another use case).
  3. Copy the row for emp_id=25 and insert a new row. Change the emp_id to be 26, and make sure to change the values for other columns as well.

After we make these changes, the employee source dataset looks like the following code (for readability, we have only included the changed records as described in the preceding three steps):

{"emp_id":12,"first_name":"Nicholas","last_name":"Aguirre","Address":"7474 Joyce Meadows\nLake Billy, WA 40750","phone_number":"495.259.9738","isContractor":false}
{"emp_id":26,"first_name":"John-copied","last_name":"Hamilton-copied","Address":"6000 Barnes Plain\nHarrisville-city, NC 5000","phone_number":"444-467-5286x20961","isContractor":true}
  1. Now, upload the changed fake_emp_data.json file to the same source prefix.

  1. After you upload the changed employee dataset to Amazon S3, navigate to the AWS Glue console and run the job.
  2. When the job is complete, run the following query in the Athena query editor and confirm that there are 27 records in total with the following values:
SELECT * FROM "deltalake_2438fbd0"."employee";

Note: Update the correct database name from the CloudFormation output before running the above query.

  1. Run another query in the Athena query editor and confirm that there are 4 records returned with the following values:
SELECT * FROM "AwsDataCatalog"."deltalake_2438fbd0"."employee" where emp_id in (8, 12, 26)
order by emp_id;

Note: Update the correct database name from the CloudFormation output before running the above query.

You will see two records for emp_id=12:

  • One emp_id=12 record with the following values (for the record that was ingested as part of the initial load):
    • emp_key=44cebb094ef289670e2c9325d5f3e4ca18fdd53850b7ccd98d18c7a57cb6d4b4
    • isCurrent=false
    • delete_flag=false
    • end_date=’2023-03-02’
  • A second emp_id=12 record with the following values (for the record that was ingested as part of the change to the source):
    • emp_key=b60547d769e8757c3ebf9f5a1002d472dbebebc366bfbc119227220fb3a3b108
    • isCurrent=true
    • delete_flag=false
    • end_date=Null (or empty string)

The record for emp_id=8 that was deleted in the source as part of this run will still exist but with the following changes to the values:

  • isCurrent=false
  • end_date=’2023-03-02’
  • delete_flag=true

The new employee record will be inserted with the following values:

  • emp_id=26
  • isCurrent=true
  • end_date=NULL (or empty string)
  • delete_flag=false

Note that the emp_key values in your actual table may be different than what is provided here as an example.

  1. For the deletes, we check for the emp_id from the base table along with the new source file and inner join the emp_key.
  2. If the condition evaluates to true, we then check if the employee base table emp_key equals the new updates emp_key, and get the current, undeleted record (isCurrent=true and delete_flag=false).
  3. We merge the delete changes from the new file with the base table for all the matching delete condition rows and update the following:
    1. isCurrent=false
    2. delete_flag=true
    3. end_date=current_date

See the following code:

delete_join_cond = "employee.emp_id=employeeUpdates.emp_id and employee.emp_key = employeeUpdates.emp_key"
delete_cond = "employee.emp_key == employeeUpdates.emp_key and employee.isCurrent = true and employeeUpdates.delete_flag = true"

        .merge(union_updates_dels.alias("employeeUpdates"), delete_join_cond)\
        .whenMatchedUpdate(condition=delete_cond, set={"isCurrent": "false",
                                                        "end_date": current_date(),
                                                        "delete_flag": "true"}).execute()
  1. For both the updates and the inserts, we check for the condition if the base table employee.emp_id is equal to the new changes.emp_id and the employee.emp_key is equal to new changes.emp_key, while only retrieving the current records.
  2. If this condition evaluates to true, we then get the current record (isCurrent=true and delete_flag=false).
  3. We merge the changes by updating the following:
    1. If the second condition evaluates to true:
      1. isCurrent=false
      2. end_date=current_date
    2. Or we insert the entire row as follows if the second condition evaluates to false:
      1. emp_id=new record’s emp_key
      2. emp_key=new record’s emp_key
      3. first_name=new record’s first_name
      4. last_name=new record’s last_name
      5. address=new record’s address
      6. phone_number=new record’s phone_number
      7. isContractor=new record’s isContractor
      8. start_date=current_date
      9. end_date=NULL (or empty string)
      10. isCurrent=true
      11. delete_flag=false

See the following code:

upsert_cond = "employee.emp_id=employeeUpdates.emp_id and employee.emp_key = employeeUpdates.emp_key and employee.isCurrent = true"
upsert_update_cond = "employee.isCurrent = true and employeeUpdates.delete_flag = false"

base_tbl.alias("employee").merge(union_updates_dels.alias("employeeUpdates"), upsert_cond)\
    .whenMatchedUpdate(condition=upsert_update_cond, set={"isCurrent": "false",
                                                            "end_date": current_date()
                                                            }) \
        "isCurrent": "true",
        "emp_id": "employeeUpdates.emp_id",
        "first_name": "employeeUpdates.first_name",
        "last_name": "employeeUpdates.last_name",
        "Address": "employeeUpdates.Address",
        "phone_number": "employeeUpdates.phone_number",
        "isContractor": "employeeUpdates.isContractor",
        "emp_key": "employeeUpdates.emp_key",
        "start_date": current_date(),
        "delete_flag":  "employeeUpdates.delete_flag",
        "end_date": "null"

As a last step, let’s bring back the deleted record from the previous change to the source dataset and see how it is reinserted into the employee table in the data lake and observe how the complete history is maintained.

Let’s modify our changed dataset from the previous step and make the following changes.

  1. Add the deleted emp_id=8 back to the dataset.

After making these changes, my employee source dataset looks like the following code (for readability, we have only included the added record as described in the preceding step):

{"emp_id":8,"first_name":"Teresa","last_name":"Estrada","Address":"339 Scott Valley\nGonzalesfort, PA 18212","phone_number":"435-600-3162","isContractor":false}

  1. Upload the changed employee dataset file to the same source prefix.
  2. After you upload the changed fake_emp_data.json dataset to Amazon S3, navigate to the AWS Glue console and run the job again.
  3. When the job is complete, run the following query in the Athena query editor and confirm that there are 28 records in total with the following values:
SELECT * FROM "deltalake_2438fbd0"."employee";

Note: Update the correct database name from the CloudFormation output before running the above query.

  1. Run the following query and confirm there are 5 records:
SELECT * FROM "AwsDataCatalog"."deltalake_2438fbd0"."employee" where emp_id in (8, 12, 26)
order by emp_id;

Note: Update the correct database name from the CloudFormation output before running the above query.

You will see two records for emp_id=8:

  • One emp_id=8 record with the following values (the old record that was deleted):
    • emp_key=536ba1ba5961da07863c6d19b7481310e64b58b4c02a89c30c0137a535dbf94d
    • isCurrent=false
    • deleted_flag=true
    • end_date=’2023-03-02
  • Another emp_id=8 record with the following values (the new record that was inserted in the last run):
    • emp_key=536ba1ba5961da07863c6d19b7481310e64b58b4c02a89c30c0137a535dbf94d
    • isCurrent=true
    • deleted_flag=false
    • end_date=NULL (or empty string)

The emp_key values in your actual table may be different than what is provided here as an example. Also note that because this is a same deleted record that was reinserted in the subsequent load without any changes, there will be no change to the emp_key.

End-user sample queries

The following are some sample end-user queries to demonstrate how the employee change data history can be traversed for reporting:

  • Query 1 – Retrieve a list of all the employees who left the organization in the current month (for example, March 2023).
SELECT * FROM "deltalake_2438fbd0"."employee" where delete_flag=true and date_format(CAST(end_date AS date),'%Y/%m') ='2023/03'

Note: Update the correct database name from the CloudFormation output before running the above query.

The preceding query would return two employee records who left the organization.

  • Query 2 – Retrieve a list of new employees who joined the organization in the current month (for example, March 2023).
SELECT * FROM "deltalake_2438fbd0"."employee" where date_format(start_date,'%Y/%m') ='2023/03' and iscurrent=true

Note: Update the correct database name from the CloudFormation output before running the above query.

The preceding query would return 23 active employee records who joined the organization.

  • Query 3 – Find the history of any given employee in the organization (in this case employee 18).
SELECT * FROM "deltalake_2438fbd0"."employee" where emp_id=18

Note: Update the correct database name from the CloudFormation output before running the above query.

In the preceding query, we can observe that employee 18 had two changes to their employee records before they left the organization.

Note that the data results provided in this example are different than what you will see in your specific records based on the sample data generated by the Lambda function.

Clean up

When you have finished experimenting with this solution, clean up your resources, to prevent AWS charges from being incurred:

  1. Empty the S3 buckets.
  2. Delete the stack from the AWS CloudFormation console.


In this post, we demonstrated how to identify the changed data for a semi-structured data source and preserve the historical changes (SCD Type 2) on an S3 Delta Lake, when source systems are unable to provide the change data capture capability, with AWS Glue. You can further extend this solution to enable downstream applications to build additional customizations from CDC data captured in the data lake.

Additionally, you can extend this solution as part of an orchestration using AWS Step Functions or other commonly used orchestrators your organization is familiar with. You can also extend this solution by adding partitions where appropriate. You can also maintain the delta table by compacting the small files.

About the authors

Nith Govindasivan, is a Data Lake Architect with AWS Professional Services, where he helps onboarding customers on their modern data architecture journey through implementing Big Data & Analytics solutions. Outside of work, Nith is an avid Cricket fan, watching almost any cricket during his spare time and enjoys long drives, and traveling internationally.

Vijay Velpula is a Data Architect with AWS Professional Services. He helps customers implement Big Data and Analytics Solutions. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with family, traveling, hiking and biking.

Sriharsh Adari is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), where he helps customers work backwards from business outcomes to develop innovative solutions on AWS. Over the years, he has helped multiple customers on data platform transformations across industry verticals. His core area of expertise include Technology Strategy, Data Analytics, and Data Science. In his spare time, he enjoys playing sports, binge-watching TV shows, and playing Tabla.