All posts by Jiwan Panjiker

Swiftly Search Metadata with an Amazon S3 Serverless Architecture

Post Syndicated from Jiwan Panjiker original

As you increase the number of objects in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), you’ll need the ability to search through them and quickly find the information you need.

In this blog post, we offer you a cost-effective solution that uses a serverless architecture to search through your metadata. Using a serverless architecture helps you reduce operational costs because you only pay for what you use.

Our solution is built with Amazon S3 event notifications, AWS Lambda, AWS Glue Catalog, and Amazon Athena. These services allow you to search thousands of objects in an S3 bucket by filenames, object metadata, and object keys. This solution maintains an index in an Apache Parquet file, which optimizes Athena queries to search Amazon S3 metadata. Using this approach makes it straightforward to run queries as needed without the need to ingest data or manage any servers.

Using Athena to search Amazon S3 objects

Amazon S3 stores and retrieves objects for a range of use cases, such as data lakes, websites, cloud-native applications, backups, archive, machine learning, and analytics. When you have an S3 bucket with thousands of files in it, how do you search for and find what you need? The object search box within the Amazon S3 user interface allows you to search by prefix, or you can search using Amazon S3 API’s LIST operation, which only returns 1,000 objects at a time.

A common solution to this issue is to build an external index and search for Amazon S3 objects using the external index. The Indexing Metadata in Amazon Elasticsearch Service Using AWS Lambda and Python and Building and Maintaining an Amazon S3 Metadata Index without Servers blog posts show you how to build this solution with Amazon OpenSearch Service or Amazon DynamoDB.

Our solution stores the external index in Amazon S3 and uses Athena to search the index. Athena makes it straightforward to search Amazon S3 objects without the need to manage servers or introduce another data repository. In the next section, we’ll talk about a few use cases where you can apply this solution.

Metadata search use cases

When your clients upload files to their S3 buckets, you’ll sometimes need to verify the files that were uploaded. You must validate whether you have received all the required information, including metadata such as customer identifier, category, received date, etc. The following examples will make use of this metadata:

  • Searching for a file from a specific date (or) date range
  • Finding all objects uploaded by a given customer identifier
  • Reviewing files for a particular category

The next sections outline how to build a serverless architecture to apply to use cases like these.

Building a serverless file metadata search on AWS

Let’s go through layers that are involved in our serverless architecture solution:

  1. Data ingestion: Set object metadata when objects are uploaded into Amazon S3. This layer uploads objects using the Amazon S3 console, AWS SDK, REST API, and AWS CLI.
  2. Data processing: Integrate Amazon S3 event notifications with Lambda to process S3 events. The AWS Data Wrangler library within Lambda will transform and build the metadata index file.
  3. Data catalog: Use AWS Glue Data Catalog as a central repository to store table definition and add/update business-relevant attributes of the metadata index. AWS Data Wrangler API creates the Apache Parquet files to maintain the AWS Glue Catalog.
  4. Metadata search: Define tables for your metadata and run queries using standard SQL with Athena to get started faster.

Reference architecture

Figure 1 illustrates our approach to implementing serverless file metadata search, which consists of the following steps:

  1. When you create new objects/files in an S3 bucket, the source bucket is configured with Amazon S3 Event Notification events (put, post, copy, etc.). Amazon S3 events provide the metadata information required for further processing and building the metadata index file on the destination bucket.
  2. The S3 event is sent to a Lambda function with necessary permissions on Amazon S3 using a resource-based policy. The Lambda function processes the event with metadata and converts it into an Apache Parquet file, which is then written into a target bucket. The AWS Data Wrangler API transforms and builds the metadata index file. The Lambda layer configures AWS Data Wrangler library for necessary transformations.
  3. AWS Data Wrangler also creates and stores metadata in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. DataFrames are then written into target S3 buckets in Apache Parquet format. The AWS Glue Data Catalog is then updated with necessary metadata. The following example code snippet writes into an example table with columns for year, month, and date for an S3 object.

wr.s3.to_parquet(df=df, path=path, dataset=True, mode="append", partition_cols=["year","month","date"],database="example_database", table="example_table")

  1. With the AWS Glue Data Catalog built, Athena will use AWS Glue crawlers to automatically infer schemas and partitions of the metadata search index. Athena makes it easy to run interactive SQL queries directly into Amazon S3 by using the schema-on-read approach.


Serverless S3 metadata search

Figure 1. Serverless S3 metadata search

Athena charges based on the amount of data scanned for the query. The data being in columnar format and data partitioning will save costs as well as improve performance. Figure 2 provides a sample metadata query result from Athena.

Athena sample metadata query results

Figure 2. Athena sample metadata query results


This blog post shows you how to create a robust metadata index using serverless components. This solution allows you to search files in an S3 bucket by filenames, metadata, and keys.

We showed you how to set up Amazon S3 Event Notifications, Lambda, AWS Glue Catalog, and Athena. You can use this approach to maintain an index in an Apache Parquet file, store it in Amazon S3, and use Athena queries to search S3 metadata.

Our solution requires minimal administration effort. It does not require administration and maintenance of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, DynamoDB tables, or Amazon OpenSearch Service clusters. Amazon S3 provides scalable storage, high durability, and availability at a low cost. Plus, this solution does not require in-depth knowledge of AWS services. When not in use, it will only incur cost for Amazon S3 and possibly for AWS Glue Data Catalog storage. When needed, this solution will scale out effortlessly.

Ready to get started? Read more and get started on building Amazon S3 Serverless file metadata search:

How Banks Can Use AWS to Meet Compliance

Post Syndicated from Jiwan Panjiker original

Since the 2008 financial crisis, banking supervisory institutions such as the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) have strengthened regulations. There is now increased oversight over the financial services industry. For banks, making the necessary changes to comply with these rules is a challenging, multi-year effort.

Basel IV, a massive update to existing rules, is due for implementation in January 2023. Basel IV standardizes the approach to calculating credit risk, increases the impact of risk-weighted assets (RWAs) and emphasizes data transparency.

Given the complexity of data, modeling, and numerous assumptions that have to be made, compliance under Basel IV implementation will be challenging. Standardization omits nuances unique to your business, which can drive up costs, but violating guidelines will result in steep penalties.

This post will address these challenges by outlining a mechanism that facilitates a healthy, data-driven dialogue between banks and regulators to better achieve compliance objectives. The reference architecture will focus on enabling fast, iterative releases with the help of serverless AWS services.

There are four key actions to take in order to support this mechanism:

  1. Automate data management
  2. Establish a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline
  3. Enable fast, point-in-time audit replays
  4. Set up proactive monitoring and notifications

Automate data management

Due to frequent merger activity, banks are typically comprised of a web of integrated systems and siloed business units, making it difficult to consolidate data. Under Basel IV guidelines, auditors want banks to provide detailed data in a presentable way.

You can tackle this first challenge by establishing a data pipeline as shown in Figure 1. Take inventory of each data source as it is incorporated into the pipeline. Identify the critical internal and external data sources that will be used to populate the initial landing area. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a great choice for this.

Figure 1. Data pipeline that cleans, processes, and segments data

Figure 1. Data pipeline that cleans, processes, and segments data

Amazon S3 is a highly available, durable service that is a popular data lake solution. S3 offers WORM storage capabilities like S3 Glacier Vault and S3 Object Lock to protect the integrity of your archived data in accordance with U.S. SEC and FINRA rules.

Basel IV regulations also require banks to use many attributes to develop accurate credit risk models. The attributes can be a mix of datasets such as financial statements, internal balanced scorecards, macro-economic data, and credit ratings. The risk models themselves can also be segmented by portfolio types, industry segments, asset types and much more.

You can split data into different domains and designate data owners with separate S3 buckets. Credit risk model developers, analyst, and data scientists can then use the structure of the S3 buckets to pull together relevant datasets. They can then store the outputs into S3 buckets.

To support fast, automated data retrieval, store object metadata in a highly scalable, and queryable database. You can set up Amazon S3 so that an event can initiate a function to populate Amazon DynamoDB. Developers can use AWS Lambda to write these functions using popular languages like Python.

With AWS Glue, you can automate Extract/Load/Transform (ETL) processes to clean and move data to the different S3 buckets. AWS Glue can also support data operations by automatically cataloging your various data sources.

Taking on a structured approach will simplify data governance and transparency as the business continues to grow and operate.

Establish a CI/CD pipeline

Adopt tools that machine learning teams can use to build a streamlined CI/CD solution as demonstrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. An end-to-end machine learning development and deployment pipeline

Figure 2. An end-to-end machine learning development and deployment pipeline

Using tightly integrated AWS services, your teams can minimize time spent managing tools and deployment processes, and instead, focus on tuning the models and analyzing the results.

Amazon SageMaker brings together a powerful set of machine learning capabilities on the AWS Cloud. It helps data scientists and engineers build insightful models. Figure 2 depicts the high-level architecture and shows how Amazon SageMaker Pipelines helps teams orchestrate the automation and deployment processes.

The core of the pipeline uses a set of AWS deployment services so that your teams can collaborate and review effectively. With AWS CodeCommit, your teams can set up git-based repository to store and version models for data processing, training, and evaluation. The repository can also store code and configuration files using AWS CloudFormation for deployment. You can use AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild to create and update a model endpoint based on the approved/reviewed changes.

Any updates detected in the AWS CodeCommit repository initiate a deployment whenever a new model version is added to the Model Registry. Amazon S3 can be used to store generated model artifacts, historical data, and models.

Enable fast, point-in-time audit replays

Figure 3. Containers offer a lightweight, powerful solution to run audits using historical assets

Figure 3. Containers offer a lightweight, powerful solution to run audits using historical assets

One of the main themes of Basel IV is transparency. Figure 3 illustrates a solution to build trust with regulators by allowing them to verify and understand modeling activity.

A lightweight application is hosted in AWS Fargate and enables auditors to re-run Basel credit risk models under specified conditions. With AWS Fargate, you don’t need to manually manage instances or container orchestration. Configure the CPU or memory specifications at the task level and set guidelines around scalability for your service. Your tasks then scale up and down automatically, based on demand, and will optimize cost efficiency and availability.

Figure 3 shows the following:

  1. The application takes inputs such as date, release version, and model type.
  2. It then queries DynamoDB with this information.
  3. The query will return the data necessary to retrieve model artifacts from previous CI/CD deployments and relevant datasets from historical S3 buckets.
  4. Using this information, it can spin up as many containers as needed to run the model.
  5. It then stores the outputs in a separate S3 bucket.
  6. Auditors will have a detailed trace of all the attributes, assumptions, and data that went into the modeling effort. To streamline this process, the app can also compare the outputs of the historical runs to the recent replay and highlight any significant deviations.

Though internal models will be de-emphasized under Basel IV, banks will continue to run internal models as a benchmark against the broader standards. Schedule AWS Fargate tasks to run these models regularly to capitalize on highly performant compute services while minimizing costs.

Set up proactive monitoring and notifications

Figure 4. Scheduled jobs can send out notifications using Amazon SNS when certain thresholds are breached

Figure 4. Scheduled jobs can send out notifications using Amazon SNS when certain thresholds are breached

The last principle is based around establishing an early warning system, enabling banks to take on a more proactive role in maintaining compliance.

With automated monitoring and notifications, banks will be able to respond quickly to potential concerns. For instance, there can be a daily scheduled job that launches containers and runs the models against the latest data. If any thresholds are breached, alerts can be sent out via SMS or email. Operational teams can be subscribed to certain message topics using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). They can then respond before actual compliance issues emerge.


With a Well-Architected approach, AWS helps you control your data, deploy new features, and embrace a serverless approach. This frees you to innovate quickly and address regulatory challenges.

You can iterate with new AWS services and bring machine learning to bear on various streams of data to identify high impact pools of value. You can get a clearer picture of the data to make it easier to identify areas where you can reduce RWAs. Using Amazon S3, you can turn on AWS analytics services such as Amazon QuickSight and Amazon Athena to visualize the data. You’ll be able to fulfill reporting requirements such as those found in regulatory studies like CCAR, DFAST, CECL, and IFRS9.

For more information about establishing a data pipeline, read Lake House Formation Architecture. It is a powerful pattern that combines a few concepts that will help bring your data together cohesively. To set up a robust CI/CD pipeline, explore the AWS Serverless CI/CD Reference Architecture.