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Using GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks, and best practices

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original https://github.blog/2024-03-25-how-to-use-github-copilot-in-your-ide-tips-tricks-and-best-practices/

AI has become an integral part of my workflow these days, and with the assistance of GitHub Copilot, I move a lot faster when I’m building a project. Having used AI tools to increase my productivity over the past year, I’ve realized that similar to learning how to use a new framework or library, we can enhance our efficiency with AI tools by learning how to best use them.

In this blog post, I’ll share some of the daily things I do to get the most out of GitHub Copilot. I hope these tips will help you become a more efficient and productive user of the AI assistant.

Need a refresher on how to use GitHub Copilot?Since GitHub Copilot continues to evolve in the IDE, CLI, and across GitHub.com, we put together a full guide on using GitHub Copilot with prompt tips and tricks. Get the guide >

Want to learn how best to leverage it in the IDE? Keep on reading. ⤵

Beyond code completion

To make full use of the power of GitHub Copilot, it’s important to understand its capabilities. GitHub Copilot is developing rapidly, and new features are being added all the time. It’s no longer just a code completion tool in your editor—it now includes a chat interface that you can use in your IDE, a command line tool via a GitHub CLI extension, a summary tool in your pull requests, a helper tool in your terminals, and much, much more.

In a recent blog post, I’ve listed some of the ways you didn’t know you could use GitHub Copilot. This will give you a great overview of how much the AI assistant can currently do.

But beyond interacting with GitHub Copilot, how do you help it give you better answers? Well, the answer to that needs a bit more context.

Context, context, context

If you understand Large Language Models ( LLMs), you will know that they are designed to make predictions based on the context provided. This means, the more contextually rich our input or prompt is, the better the prediction or output will be.

As such, learning to provide as much context as possible is key when interacting with GitHub Copilot, especially with the code completion feature. Unlike ChatGPT where you need to provide all the data to the model in the prompt window, by installing GitHub Copilot in your editor, the assistant is able to infer context from the code you’re working on. It then uses that context to provide code suggestions.

We already know this, but what else can we do to give it additional context?

I want to share a few essential tips with you to provide GitHub Copilot with more context in your editor to get the most relevant and useful code out of it:

1. Open your relevant files

Having your files open provides GitHub Copilot with context. When you have additional files open, it will help to inform the suggestion that is returned. Remember, if a file is closed, GitHub Copilot cannot see the file’s content in your editor, which means it cannot get the context from those closed files.

GitHub Copilot looks at the current open files in your editor to analyze the context, create a prompt that gets sent to the server, and return an appropriate suggestion.

Have a few files open in your editor to give GitHub Copilot a bigger picture of your project. You can also use #editor in the chat interface to provide GitHub Copilot with additional context on your currently opened files in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and Visual Studio.

Remember to close unneeded files when context switching or moving on to the next task.

2. Provide a top-level comment

Just as you would give a brief, high-level introduction to a coworker, a top-level comment in the file you’re working in can help GitHub Copilot understand the overall context of the pieces you will be creating—especially if you want your AI assistant to generate the boilerplate code for you to get going.

Be sure to include details about what you need and provide a good description so it has as much information as possible. This will help to guide GitHub Copilot to give better suggestions, and give it a goal on what to work on. Having examples, especially when processing data or manipulation strings, helps quite a bit.

index.js file with a comment at the top asking Copilot to create a HomePage Component following detailed guidelines: a H1 text with label, a text area with a button, and a server response displaying facts returned

3. Set Includes and references

It’s best to manually set the includes/imports or module references you need for your work, particularly if you’re working with a specific version of a package.

GitHub Copilot will make suggestions, but you know what dependencies you want to use. This can also help to let GitHub Copilot know what frameworks, libraries, and their versions you’d like it to use when crafting suggestions.

This can be helpful to jump start GitHub Copilot to a newer library version when it defaults to providing older code suggestions.

4. Meaningful names matter

The name of your variables and functions matter. If you have a function named foo or bar, GitHub Copilot will not be able to give you the best completion because it isn’t able to infer intent from the names.

Just as the function name fetchData() won’t mean much to a coworker (or you after a few months), fetchData() won’t mean much to GitHub Copilot either.

Implementing good coding practices will help you get the most value from GitHub Copilot. While GitHub Copilot helps you code and iterate faster, remember the old rule of programming still applies: garbage in, garbage out.

function named "fetchAirports" that gets data from the /airport route and returns json output of airports to demonstrate meaningful names.

5. Provide specific and well- scoped function comments

Commenting your code helps you get very specific, targeted suggestions.

A function name can only be so descriptive without being overly long, so function comments can help fill in details that GitHub Copilot might need to know. One of the neat features about GitHub Copilot is that it can determine the correct comment syntax that is typically used in your programming language for function / method comments and will help create them for you based on what the code does. Adding more detail to these as the first change you do then helps GitHub Copilot determine what you would like to do in code and how to interact with that function.

Remember: Single, specific, short comments help GitHub Copilot provide better context.

6. Provide sample code

Providing sample code to GitHub Copilot will help it determine what you’re looking for. This helps to ground the model and provide it with even more context.

It also helps GitHub Copilot generate suggestions that match the language and tasks you want to achieve, and return suggestions based on your current coding standards and practices. Unit tests provide one level of sample code at the individual function/method level, but you can also provide code examples in your project showing how to do things end to end. The cool thing about using GitHub Copilot long-term is that it nudges us to do a lot of the good coding practices we should’ve been doing all along.

Learn more about providing context to GitHub Copilot by watching this Youtube video:

Inline Chat with GitHub Copilot

Inline chat

Outside of providing enough context, there are some built-in features of GitHub Copilot that you may not be taking advantage of. Inline chat, for example, gives you an opportunity to almost chat with GitHub Copilot between your lines of code. By pressing CMD + I (CTRL + I on Windows) you’ll have Copilot right there to ask questions. This is a bit more convenient for quick fixes instead of opening up GitHub Copilot Chat’s side panel.

This experience provides you with code diffs inline, which is awesome. There are also special slash commands available like creating documentation with just the slash of a button!

inline chat in the VS Code editor with the /doc command in focus

Tips and tricks with GitHub Copilot Chat

GitHub Copilot Chat provides an experience in your editor where you can have a conversation with the AI assistant. You can improve this experience by using built-in features to make the most out of it.

8. Remove irrelevant requests

For example, did you know that you can delete a previously asked question in the chat interface to remove it from the indexed conversation? Especially if it is no longer relevant?

Copilot Chat interface with a mouse click hovered over a conversation and the X button to delete it.

Doing this will improve the flow of conversation and give GitHub Copilot only the necessary information needed to provide you with the best output.

9. Navigate through your conversation

Another tip I found is to use the up and down arrows to navigate through your conversation with GitHub Copilot Chat. I found myself scrolling through the chat interface to find that last question I asked, then discovered I can just use my keyboard arrows just like in the terminal!

10. Use the @workspace agent

If you’re using VS Code or Visual Studio, remember that agents are available to help you go even further. The @workspace agent for example, is aware of your entire workspace and can answer questions related to it. As such, it can provide even more context when trying to get a good output from GitHub Copilot.

11. Highlight relevant code

Another great tip when using GitHub Copilot Chat is to highlight relevant code in your files before asking it questions. This will help to give targeted suggestions and just provides the assistant with more context into what you need help with.

12. Organize your conversations with threads

You can have multiple ongoing conversations with GitHub Copilot Chat on different topics by isolating your conversations with threads. We’ve provided a convenient way for you to start new conversations (thread) by clicking the + sign on the chat interface.

copilot chat interface with a mouse click on the plus button to start a new thread or conversation

13. Slash Commands for common tasks

Slash commands are awesome, and there are quite a few of them. We have commands to help you explain code, fix code, create a new notebook, write tests, and many more. They are just shortcuts to common prompts that we’ve found to be particularly helpful in day-to-day development from our own internal usage.

Command Description Usage
/explain Get code explanations Open file with code or highlight code you want explained and type:

/explain what is the fetchPrediction method?

/fix Receive a proposed fix for the problems in the selected code Highlight problematic code and type:

/fix propose a fix for the problems in fetchAirports route

/tests Generate unit tests for selected code Open file with code or highlight code you want tests for and type:


/help Get help on using Copilot Chat Type:

/help what can you do?

/clear Clear current conversation Type:


/doc Add a documentation comment Highlight code and type:


You can also press CMD+I in your editor and type /doc/ inline

/generate Generate code to answer your question Type:

/generate code that validates a phone number

/optimize Analyze and improve running time of the selected code Highlight code and type:

/optimize fetchPrediction method

/clear Clear current chat Type:


/new Scaffold code for a new workspace Type:

/new create a new django app

/simplify Simplify the selected code Highlight code and type:


/feedback Provide feedback to the team Type:


See the following image for commands available in VS Code:

 slash commands in VS Code terminal. commands shown are listed in the table above

14. Attach relevant files for reference

In Visual Studio and VS Code, you can attach relevant files for GitHub Copilot Chat to reference by using #file. This scopes GitHub Copilot to a particular context in your code base and provides you with a much better outcome.

To reference a file, type # in the comment box, choose #file and you will see a popup where you can choose your file. You can also type #file_name.py in the comment box. See below for an example:

15. Start with GitHub Copilot Chat for faster debugging

These days whenever I need to debug some code, I turn to GitHub Copilot Chat first. Most recently, I was implementing a decision tree and performed a k-fold cross-validation. I kept getting the incorrect accuracy scores and couldn’t figure out why. I turned to GitHub Copilot Chat for some assistance and it turns out I wasn’t using my training data set (X_train, y_train), even though I thought I was:


I figured this out a lot faster than I would’ve with external resources. I want to encourage you to start with GitHub Copilot Chat in your editor to get debugging help faster instead of going to external resources first. Follow my example above by explaining the problem, pasting the problematic code, and asking for help. You can also highlight the problematic code in your editor and use the /fix command in the chat interface.

Be on the lookout for sparkles!

In VS Code, you can quickly get help from GitHub Copilot by looking out for “magic sparkles.” For example, in the commit comment section, clicking the magic sparkles will help you generate a commit message with the help of AI. You can also find magic sparkles inline in your editor as you’re working for a quick way to access GitHub Copilot inline chat.

Pressing them will use AI to help you fill out the data and more magic sparkles are being added where we find other places for GitHub Copilot to help in your day-to-day coding experience.

Know where your AI assistant shines

To get the best and most out of the tool, remember that context and prompt crafting is essential to keep in mind. Understanding where the tool shines best is also important. Some of the things GitHub Copilot is very good at include boilerplate code and scaffolding, writing unit tests, writing documentation, pattern matching, explaining uncommon or confusing syntax, cron jobs, and regex, and helping you remember things you’ve forgotten and debugging.

But never forget that you are in control, and GitHub Copilot is here as just that, your copilot. It is a tool that can help you write code faster, and it’s up to you to decide how to best use it.

It is not here to do your work for you or to write everything for you. It will guide you and nudge you in the right direction just as a coworker would if you asked them questions or for guidance on a particular issue.

I hope these tips and best practices were helpful. You can significantly improve your coding efficiency and output by properly leveraging GitHub Copilot. Learn more about how GitHub Copilot works by reading Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot and Customizing and fine-tuning LLMs: What you need to know.

Harness the power of GitHub Copilot. Learn more or get started now.

The post Using GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks, and best practices appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How to use GitHub Copilot: Prompts, tips, and use cases

Post Syndicated from Rizel Scarlett original https://github.blog/2023-06-20-how-to-write-better-prompts-for-github-copilot/

Leia este artigo em português

As ferramentas de programação de IA generativa estão transformando a maneira como as pessoas desenvolvedoras abordam as tarefas diárias de programação. Desde a documentação de nossas bases de código até a geração de testes de unidade, essas ferramentas estão ajudando a acelerar nossos fluxos de trabalho. No entanto, assim como acontece com qualquer tecnologia emergente, sempre há uma curva de aprendizado. Como resultado, as pessoas desenvolvedoras — tanto iniciantes quanto experientes — às vezes se sentem frustradas quando os assistentes de programação baseados em IA não geram o resultado desejado. (Familiar com isso?)

Por exemplo, ao pedir ao GitHub Copilot para desenhar uma casquinha de sorvete 🍦usando p5.js, uma biblioteca JavaScript para código criativo, continuamos recebendo sugestões irrelevantes ou, às vezes, nenhuma sugestão. Mas quando aprendemos mais sobre a maneira como o GitHub Copilot processa as informações, percebemos que precisávamos ajustar a maneira como nos comunicamos com elas.

Aqui está um exemplo do GitHub Copilot gerando uma solução irrelevante:

When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

Quando ajustamos nosso prompt, conseguimos gerar resultados mais precisos:

When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

Somos desenvolvedoras e entusiastas de IA. Eu, Rizel, usei o GitHub Copilot para criar uma extensão de navegador; jogo de pedra, papel e tesoura; e para enviar um Tweet. E eu, Michele, abri uma empresa de AI em 2021. Somos ambas Developer Advocates no GitHub e adoramos compartilhar nossas principais dicas para trabalhar com o GitHub Copilot.

Neste guia do GitHub Copilot, abordaremos:

  • O que exatamente é um prompt e o que é engenharia de prompt também (dica: depende se você está falando com uma pessoa desenvolvedora ou pesquisadora de machine learning)
  • Três práticas recomendadas e três dicas adicionais para criação imediata com o GitHub Copilot
  • Um exemplo em que você pode tentar solicitar ao GitHub Copilot para ajudá-lo a criar uma extensão de navegador

Progresso antes de perfeição

Mesmo com nossa experiência no uso de IA, reconhecemos que todes estão em uma fase de tentativa e erro com a tecnologia de IA generativa. Também conhecemos o desafio de fornecer dicas generalizadas de criação de prompts porque os modelos variam, assim como os problemas individuais nos quais as pessoas desenvolvedoras estão trabalhando. Este não é um guia definitivo. Em vez disso, estamos compartilhando o que aprendemos sobre criação de prompts para acelerar o aprendizado coletivo durante esta nova era de desenvolvimento de software.

O que é um prompt e o que é engenharia de prompt?

Depende de com quem você fala.

No contexto das ferramentas de programação de IA generativa, um prompt pode significar coisas diferentes, dependendo se você está perguntando a pessoas pesquisadoras de Machine Learning (ML) que estão construindo e ajustando essas ferramentas ou pessoas desenvolvedoras que as estão usando em seus IDEs.

Para este guia, definiremos os termos do ponto de vista de uma pessoa desenvolvedora que está usando uma ferramenta de programação AI generativa no IDE. Mas, para dar a você uma visão completa, também adicionamos as definições do pesquisador de ML abaixo em nosso gráfico.

Prompts Engenharia de Prompt Contexto
Pessoa Desenvolvedora Blocos de código, linhas individuais de código ou comentários em linguagem natural que uma pessoa desenvolvedora escreve para gerar uma sugestão específica do GitHub Copilot. Fornecer instruções ou comentários no IDE/strong> para gerar sugestões de código específicas. DDetalhes que são fornecidos por uma pessoa desenvolvedora para especificar a saída desejada de uma ferramenta de programação AI generativa.
Pessoa Pesquisadora de ML Compilação de código de IDE
e contexto
relevante (comentários IDE, código em arquivos abertos, etc.) que são continuamente gerados por algoritmos e enviados para o modelo de uma ferramenta de programação AI generativa
Criação de algoritmos que irão gerar prompts (compilações de código IDE e contexto) para um grande modelo de linguagem Detalhes (como dados de seus arquivos abertos e código que você escreveu antes e depois do cursor) que os algoritmos enviam para um modelo de linguagem grande (LLM) como informações adicionais sobre o código

3 melhores práticas para construção de prompt com GitHub Copilot

1. Defina o cenário com um objetivo de alto nível 🖼

Isso é mais útil se você tiver um arquivo em branco ou uma base de código vazia. Em outras palavras, se o GitHub Copilot não tiver contexto do que você deseja criar ou realizar, definir o cenário para a programação em par AI pode ser realmente útil. Isso ajuda a preparar o GitHub Copilot com uma descrição geral do que você deseja gerar – antes de entrar nos detalhes.

Ao solicitar o GitHub Copilot, pense no processo como uma conversa com alguém: como devo detalhar o problema para que possamos resolvê-lo juntes? Como eu abordaria a programação em par com essa pessoa?

Por exemplo, ao construir um editor de markdown em Next.jst, poderíamos escrever um comentário como este:

Crie um editor de markdown básico em Next.jcom as seguintes habilidades:
- Use react hooks
- Crie um estado para markdown com texto default "digite markdown aqui"
- Uma área de texto onde pessoas usuárias podem escrever markdown a
- Mostre uma demostração ao vivo do markdown enquando a pessoas digitaS
- Suporte para sintaxe básica de markdown como cabeçalhos, negrito, itálico
- Use React markdown npm package 
- O texto markdown e resultado em HTML devem ser salvos no estado do componente e atualizado em tempo real 

Isso solicitará que o GitHub Copilot gere o código a seguir e produza um editor de markdown muito simples, sem estilo, mas funcional, em menos de 30 segundos. Podemos usar o tempo restante para estilizar o componente:

We used this prompt to build a markdown editor in Next.jst using GitHub Copilot:
- Use react hooks
- Create state for markdown with default text

Observação: esse nível de detalhe ajuda a criar um resultado mais desejado, mas os resultados ainda podem ser não determinísticos. Por exemplo, no comentário, solicitamos ao GitHub Copilot que criasse um texto padrão que diz “digite markdown aqui”, mas, em vez disso, gerou “visualização de markdown” como as palavras padrão.

2. Faça sua pergunta simples e específica. Procure receber uma saída curta do GitHub Copilot.🗨

Depois de comunicar seu objetivo principal ao Copilot, articule a lógica e as etapas que ele precisa seguir para atingir esse objetivo. O GitHub Copilot entende melhor seu objetivo quando você detalha as coisas. (Imagine que você está escrevendo uma receita. Você dividiria o processo de cozimento em etapas discretas – não escreveria um parágrafo descrevendo o prato que deseja fazer.)

Deixe o GitHub Copilot gerar o código após cada etapa, em vez de pedir que ele gere vários códigos de uma só vez.

Aqui está um exemplo de nós fornecendo ao GitHub Copilot instruções passo a passo para reverter uma função:

We prompted GitHub Copilot to reverse a sentence by writing six prompts one at a time. This allowed GitHub Copilot to generate a suggestion for one prompt before moving onto the text. It also gave us the chance to tweak the suggested code before moving onto the next step. The six prompts we used were: First, let's make the first letter of the sentence lower case if it's not an 'I.' Next, let's split the sentence into an array of words. Then, let's take out the punctuation marks from the sentence. Now, let's remove the punctuation marks from the sentence. Let's reverse the sentence and join it back together. Finally, let's make the first letter of the sentence capital and add the punctuation marks.

3. De alguns exemplos para o GitHub Copilot. ✍

Aprender com exemplos não é útil apenas para humanos, mas também para seu programador Copilot. Por exemplo, queríamos extrair os nomes do array de dados abaixo e armazená-los em um novo array:

const data = [
    { name: 'John', age: 25 },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
    { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

Quando você não mostra um exemplo para o GitHub Copilot …

// Map por um array de arrays de objetos para transformar dados
const data = [
    { name: 'John', age: 25 },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
    { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

Isso gerou um uso incorreto do map:

const mappedData = data.map(x => [x.name](http://x.name/));


// Results: [undefined, undefined]

Em contraste, quando mostramos um exemplo …

// Map por um array de arrays de objetos
// Exemplo: Extraia nomes  array data
// Resultado desejado: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']
const data = [
  [{ name: 'John', age: 25 }, { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }],
  [{ name: 'Bob', age: 40 }]

Recebemos o resultado desejado.

const mappedData = data.flatMap(sublist => sublist.map(person => person.name));

// Results: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']

Leia mais sobre abordagens comuns para treinamento de IA, como aprendizado de disparo zero, disparo único e poucos disparos.

Três dicas adicionais para criação imediata com o GitHub Copilot

Aqui estão três dicas adicionais para ajudar a orientar sua conversa com o GitHub Copilot.

1. Experimente com seus prompts.

Assim como a conversa é mais uma arte do que uma ciência, o mesmo acontece com a criação imediata. Portanto, se você não receber o que deseja na primeira tentativa, reformule seu prompt seguindo as práticas recomendadas acima.

Por exemplo, o prompt abaixo é vago. Ele não fornece nenhum contexto ou limites para o GitHub Copilot gerar sugestões relevantes.

# Escreva algum código para grades.py

Repetimos o prompt para sermos mais específicos, mas ainda não obtivemos o resultado exato que procurávamos. Este é um bom lembrete de que adicionar especificidade ao seu prompt é mais difícil do que parece. É difícil saber, desde o início, quais detalhes você deve incluir sobre seu objetivo para gerar as sugestões mais úteis do GitHub Copilot. É por isso que encorajamos a experimentação.
A versão do prompt abaixo é mais específica que a anterior, mas não define claramente os requisitos de entrada e saída.

# Implemente uma função em grades.py para calcular a nota média

Experimentamos o prompt mais uma vez definindo limites e delineando o que queríamos que a função fizesse. Também reformulamos o comentário para que a função fosse mais clara (dando ao GitHub Copilot uma intenção clara de verificação).

Desta vez, obtivemos os resultados que procurávamos.

# Implemente a função calculate_average_grade em grades.py que recebe uma lista de notas como entrada e retorna a nota média como um número de ponto flutuante

2. Mantenha algumas abas abertas.

Não temos um número exato de abas que você deve manter abertas para ajudar o GitHub Copilot a contextualizar seu código, mas, com base em nossa experiência, descobrimos que uma ou duas são úteis.

O GitHub Copilot usa uma técnica chamada de abas vizinhas que permite que a ferramenta programadora em par AI contextualize seu código processando todos os arquivos abertos em seu IDE em vez de apenas um único arquivo em que você está trabalhando. No entanto, não é garantido que o GitHub Copilot considere todos os arquivos abertos como contexto necessário para o seu código.

3. Use boas práticas de programação.

Isso inclui fornecer nomes e funções de variáveis ​​descritivas e seguir estilos e padrões de codificação consistentes. Descobrimos que trabalhar com o GitHub Copilot nos encoraja a seguir boas práticas de programação que aprendemos ao longo de nossas carreiras.

Por exemplo, aqui usamos um nome de função descritivo e seguimos os padrões da base de código para alavancar casos de cobra.

def authenticate_user(username, password):

Como resultado, GitHub Copilot gera uma sugestão de código relevante:

def authenticate_user(username, password):
    # Code for authenticating the user
    if is_valid_user(username, password):
        return True
        return False

Compare isso com o exemplo abaixo, onde introduzimos um estilo de programação inconsistente e nomeamos mal nossa função.

def rndpwd(l):

Em vez de sugerir código, o GitHub Copilot gerou um comentário que dizia: “O código vai aqui”.

def rndpwd(l):
    # Code goes here

Fique esperto

Os LLMs por trás das ferramentas de programação de IA generativas são projetados para encontrar e extrapolar padrões de seus dados de treinamento, aplicar esses padrões à linguagem existente e, em seguida, produzir código que siga esses padrões. Dada a escala desses modelos, eles podem gerar uma sequência de código que ainda nem existe. Assim como você revisaria o código de um colega, você deve sempre avaliar, analisar e validar o código gerado por IA.

Um exemplo de prática 👩🏽‍💻

Tente solicitar ao GitHub Copilot para criar uma extensão de navegador.

Para começar, você precisará ter o GitHub Copilot instalado e aberto em seu IDE. Também temos acesso a uma prévia do bate-papo do GitHub Copilot, que é o que usamos quando tiver dúvidas sobre o nosso código. Se você não tem bate-papo no GitHub Copilot, inscreva-se na lista de espera. Até então, você pode emparelhar o GitHub Copilot com o ChatGPT.

Guias de criação de IA mais generativos (em inglês)


  • Um guia para iniciantes sobre engenharia de prompt com o GitHub Copilot
  • Engenharia de alerta para IA
  • Como o GitHub Copilot está melhorando a compreensão do seu código

  • Lee este articulo en español

    Las herramientas de codificación con IA generativa están transformando la forma en que los desarrolladores abordan las tareas de codificación diarias. Desde documentar nuestras bases de código hasta generar pruebas unitarias, estas herramientas están ayudando a acelerar nuestros flujos de trabajo. Sin embargo, como con cualquier tecnología emergente, siempre hay una curva de aprendizaje. Como resultado, los desarrolladores, tanto principiantes como experimentados, a veces se sienten frustrados cuando los asistentes de codificación impulsados por IA no generan el resultado que quieren. (¿Te suena familiar?)

    Por ejemplo, al pedirle a GitHub Copilot que dibuje un cono de helado 🍦 usando p5.js, una biblioteca de JavaScript para codificación creativa, seguimos recibiendo sugerencias irrelevantes, o a veces ninguna sugerencia en absoluto. Pero cuando aprendimos más sobre la forma en que GitHub Copilot procesa la información, nos dimos cuenta de que teníamos que ajustar la forma en que nos comunicábamos.

    Aquí hay un ejemplo de GitHub Copilot generando una solución irrelevante:

    When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

    Cuando ajustamos nuestra instrucción, pudimos generar resultados más precisos:

    When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

    Somos tanto desarrolladoras como entusiastas de la IA. Yo, Rizel, he utilizado GitHub Copilot para construir una extensión de navegador; un juego de piedra, papel o tijera; y para enviar un tweet. Y yo, Michelle, lancé una compañía de IA en 2016. Ambas somos DevRel en GitHub y nos encanta compartir nuestros mejores consejos para trabajar con GitHub Copilot.

    En esta guía para GitHub Copilot, cubriremos:

    • Qué es exactamente un “prompt” y qué es la ingeniería de prompts (pista: depende de si estás hablando con un desarrollador o con un investigador de aprendizaje automático)
    • Tres mejores prácticas y tres consejos adicionales para la creación de prompts con GitHub Copilot
    • Un ejemplo donde puedes probar a GitHub Copilot para que te ayude en la construcción de una extensión de navegador

    Progreso sobre perfección

    Incluso con nuestra experiencia usando IA, reconocemos que todos están en una fase de prueba y error con la tecnología de IA generativa. También conocemos el desafío de proporcionar consejos generales de elaboración de prompts porque los modelos varían, al igual que los problemas individuales en los que los desarrolladores están trabajando. Esta no es una guía definitiva. En su lugar, estamos compartiendo lo que hemos aprendido sobre la elaboración de prompts para acelerar el aprendizaje colectivo durante esta nueva era del desarrollo de software.

    ¿Qué es un “prompt” y qué es la ingeniería de prompt?

    Depende de con quién hables.

    En el contexto de las herramientas de codificación de IA generativa, un prompt puede significar diferentes cosas, dependiendo de si está preguntando a los investigadores de aprendizaje automático (ML) que están construyendo y ajustando estas herramientas, o a los desarrolladores que las están usando en sus IDE.

    Para esta guía, definiremos los términos desde el punto de vista de un desarrollador que utiliza una herramienta de codificación de IA generativa en el IDE. Pero para brindarle una imagen completa, también agregamos las definiciones de investigador de ML a continuación.

    Prompts Ingenieria de Prompt Contexto
    Desarrollador Bloques de código, líneas individuales de código, o comentarios en lenguaje natural que un desarrollador escribe para generar una sugerencia específica de GitHub Copilot. Proporcionar instrucciones o comentarios en el IDE para generar sugerencias de código específicas Detalles que proporciona un desarrollador para especificar la prompt deseada de una herramienta de codificación generativa de IA
    Investigador de ML Compilación de código de IDE y contexto relevante (comentarios de IDE, código en archivos abiertos, etc.) que se genera continuamente por algoritmos y se envíaal modelo de una herramienta de codificación generativa de IA Creación de algoritmos que generarán prompts (compilaciones de código de IDE y contexto) para un modelo de lenguaje de gran tamaño Detalles (como datos de tus archivos abiertos y código que has escrito antes y después del curso) que los algoritmos envían a un modelo de lenguaje de gran tamaño (LLM) como información adicional sobre el código

    3 mejores prácticas para la elaboración de prompts con GitHub Copilot

    1. Establecer el escenario con un objetivo de alto nivel. 🖼

    Esto es más útil si tienes un archivo en blanco o una base de código vacía. En otras palabras, si GitHub Copilot no tiene ningún contexto de lo que quieres construir o lograr, establecer el escenario para el programador par de IA puede ser realmente útil. Ayuda a preparar a GitHub Copilot con una descripción general de lo que quieres que genere, antes de que te sumerjas en los detalles.

    Al hacer prompts, GitHub Copilot, piensa en el proceso como si estuvieras teniendo una conversación con alguien: ¿Cómo debería desglosar el problema para que podamos resolverlo juntos? ¿Cómo abordaría la programación en pareja con esta persona?

    Por ejemplo, al construir un editor de markdown en Next.js, podríamos escribir un comentario como este:

    Crea un editor de markdown básico en Next.js con las siguientes características:
    - Utiliza hooks de React
    - Crea un estado para markdown con texto predeterminado "escribe markdown aquí"
    - Un área de texto donde los usuarios pueden escribir markdown
    - Muestra una vista previa en vivo del texto de markdown mientras escribo
    - Soporte para la sintaxis básica de markdown como encabezados, negrita, cursiva
    - Utiliza el paquete npm de React markdown
    - El texto de markdown y el HTML resultante deben guardarse en el estado del componente y actualizarse en tiempo real 

    Esto hará que GitHub Copilot genere el siguiente código y produzca un muy editor de rebajas simple, sin estilo pero funcional en menos de 30 segundos. Podemos usar el tiempo restante para diseñar el componente:

    We used this prompt to build a markdown editor in Next.jst using GitHub Copilot:
- Use react hooks
- Create state for markdown with default text

    Nota: Este nivel de detalle te ayuda a crear una prompt más deseada, pero los resultados aún pueden ser no deterministas. Por ejemplo, en el comentario, solicitamos a GitHub Copilot que cree un texto predeterminado que diga “escribe markdown aquí”, pero en cambio generó “vista previa de markdown” como las palabras predeterminadas.

    2. Haz tu solicitud simple y específica. Apunta a recibir una prompt corta de GitHub Copilot. 🗨

    Una vez que comunicas tu objetivo principal al programador par AI, articula la lógica y los pasos que debe seguir para alcanzar ese objetivo. GitHub Copilot comprende mejor tu objetivo cuando desglosas las cosas. (Imagina que estás escribiendo una receta. Desglosarías el proceso de cocción en pasos discretos, no escribirías un párrafo describiendo el plato que quieres hacer.)
    Deja que GitHub Copilot genere el código después de cada paso, en lugar de pedirle que genere un montón de código de una sola vez.
    Aquí tienes un ejemplo de cómo proporcionamos a GitHub Copilot instrucciones paso a paso para invertir una función:

    We prompted GitHub Copilot to reverse a sentence by writing six prompts one at a time. This allowed GitHub Copilot to generate a suggestion for one prompt before moving onto the text. It also gave us the chance to tweak the suggested code before moving onto the next step. The six prompts we used were: First, let's make the first letter of the sentence lower case if it's not an 'I.' Next, let's split the sentence into an array of words. Then, let's take out the punctuation marks from the sentence. Now, let's remove the punctuation marks from the sentence. Let's reverse the sentence and join it back together. Finally, let's make the first letter of the sentence capital and add the punctuation marks.

    3. Proporciona a GitHub Copilot uno o dos ejemplos. ✍

    Aprender de ejemplos no solo es útil para los humanos, sino también para tu programador par AI. Por ejemplo, queríamos extraer los nombres del siguiente arreglo de datos y almacenarlos en un nuevo arreglo:

    const data = [
        { name: 'John', age: 25 },
        { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
        { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

    Cuando no le mostramos un ejemplo a GitHub Copilot …

    // Mapee a través de una matriz de matrices de objetos para transformar datos
    const data = [
        { name: 'John', age: 25 },
        { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
        { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

    Generó un uso incorrecto del mapa:

    const mappedData = data.map(x => [x.name](http://x.name/));
    // Results: [undefined, undefined]

    Por el contrario, cuando proporcionamos un ejemplo…

    // Recorrer un array de arrays de objetos
    // Ejemplo: Extraer los nombres del array de datos
    // Resultado deseado: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']
    const data = [
      [{ name: 'John', age: 25 }, { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }],
      [{ name: 'Bob', age: 40 }]

    Recibimos nuestro resultado deseado.

    const mappedData = data.flatMap(sublist => sublist.map(person => person.name));
    // Results: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob'] 

    Lee más acerca de los enfoques comunes para el entrenamiento de IA, como el aprendizaje de zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot learning.

    Tres consejos adicionales para la elaboración de prompts con GitHub Copilot

    Aquí tienes tres consejos adicionales para ayudarte a guiar tu conversación con GitHub Copilot.

    1. Experimenta con tus prompts.

    Al igual que la conversación es más un arte que una ciencia, también lo es la elaboración de prompts. Así que, si no recibes lo que quieres en el primer intento, reformula tu prompts siguiendo las mejores prácticas mencionadas anteriormente.

    Por ejemplo, la prompts de abajo es vaga. No proporciona ningún contexto ni límites para que GitHub Copilot genere sugerencias relevantes.

    # Escribe algo de código para grades.py

    Iteramos en el prompt para ser más específicos, pero aún no obtuvimos el resultado exacto que estábamos buscando. Este es un buen recordatorio de que añadir especificidad a tu prompt es más difícil de lo que parece. Es difícil saber, desde el principio, qué detalles debes incluir sobre tu objetivo para generar las sugerencias más útiles de GitHub Copilot. Por eso animamos a la experimentación.

    La versión del promopt de abajo es más específica que la de arriba, pero no define claramente los requisitos de entrada y salida.

    # Implementar una función en grades.py para calcular la nota media

    Experimentamos una vez más con el promopt estableciendo límites y delineando lo que queríamos que hiciera la función. También reformulamos el comentario para que la función fuera más clara (dándole a GitHub Copilot una intención clara contra la que verificar).

    Esta vez, obtuvimos los resultados que estábamos buscando.

    # Implementa la función calculate_average_grade en grades.py que toma una lista de calificaciones como entrada y devuelve la calificación media como un número flotante.

    2. Mantén un par de pestañas relevantes abiertas.

    No tenemos un número exacto de pestañas que debas mantener abiertas para ayudar a GitHub Copilot a contextualizar tu código, pero en nuestra experiencia, hemos encontrado que una o dos es útil.

    GitHub Copilot utiliza una técnica llamada pestañas vecinas que permite al programador de pares de IA contextualizar su código procesando todos los archivos abiertos en su IDE en lugar de solo el archivo en el que está trabajando. Sin embargo, no se garantiza que GItHub Copilot considere todos los archivos abiertos como contexto necesario para su código.

    3. Utilice buenas prácticas de codificación.

    Eso incluye proporcionar nombres y funciones de variables descriptivas, y seguir estilos y patrones de codificación consistentes. Hemos descubierto que trabajar con GitHub Copilot nos anima a seguir las buenas prácticas de codificación que hemos aprendido a lo largo de nuestras carreras.

    Por ejemplo, aquí usamos un nombre de función descriptiva y seguimos los patrones de la base de código para aprovechar el caso de la serpiente.

    def authenticate_user(nombre de usuario, contraseña):

    Como resultado, GitHub Copilot generó una sugerencia de código relevante:

    def authenticate_user(nombre de usuario, contraseña):
        # Código para autenticar al usuario
        Si is_valid_user(nombre de usuario, contraseña):
            generate_session_token(nombre de usuario)
            return True
            return Falso

    Compare esto con el siguiente ejemplo, donde introdujimos un estilo de codificación inconsistente y mal nombramos nuestra función.

    def rndpwd(l):

    En lugar de sugerir código, GitHub Copilot generó un comentario que decía: “El código va aquí”.

    def rndpwd(l):
        # El código va aquí

    Mantente inteligente

    Los LLM detrás de las herramientas generativas de codificación de IA están diseñados para encontrar y extrapolar patrones de sus datos de entrenamiento, aplicar esos patrones al lenguaje existente y luego producir código que siga esos patrones. Dada la gran escala de estos modelos, podrían generar una secuencia de código que ni siquiera existe todavía. Al igual que revisaría el código de un colega, siempre debe evaluar, analizar y validar el código generado por IA.

    Un ejemplo 👩🏽 💻 de práctica

    Intenta pedirle a GitHub Copilot que cree una extensión del navegador.

    Para comenzar, deberás tener GitHub Copilot instalado y abierto en tu IDE. También tenemos acceso a una vista previa temprana del chat de GitHub Copilot, que es lo que hemos estado usando cuando tenemos preguntas sobre nuestro código. Si no tienes el chat de GitHub Copilot, regístrate en la lista de espera. Hasta entonces, puede emparejar GitHub Copilot con ChatGPT.

    Guías de elaboración de avisos de IA más generativas

  • Una guía para principiantes sobre ingeniería rápida con GitHub Copilot
  • Ingeniería rápida para IA
  • Cómo GitHub Copilot está mejorando en la comprensión de tu código

  • Generative AI coding tools are transforming the way developers approach daily coding tasks. From documenting our codebases to generating unit tests, these tools are helping to accelerate our workflows. However, just like with any emerging tech, there’s always a learning curve. As a result, developers—beginners and experienced alike— sometimes feel frustrated when AI-powered coding assistants don’t generate the output they want. (Feel familiar?)

    For example, when asking GitHub Copilot to draw an ice cream cone 🍦using p5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding, we kept receiving irrelevant suggestions—or sometimes no suggestions at all. But when we learned more about the way that GitHub Copilot processes information, we realized that we had to adjust the way we communicated with it.

    Here’s an example of GitHub Copilot generating an irrelevant solution:

    When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

    When we adjusted our prompt, we were able to generate more accurate results:

    When we wrote this prompt to GitHub Copilot,

    We’re both developers and AI enthusiasts ourselves. I, Rizel, have used GitHub Copilot to build a browser extension, rock, paper, scissors game, and to send a Tweet. And I, Michelle, launched an AI company in 2016. We’re both developer advocates at GitHub and love to share our top tips for working with GitHub Copilot.

    In this guide for GitHub Copilot, we’ll cover:

    Progress over perfection

    Even with our experience using AI, we recognize that everyone is in a trial and error phase with generative AI technology. We also know the challenge of providing generalized prompt-crafting tips because models vary, as do the individual problems that developers are working on. This isn’t an end-all, be-all guide. Instead, we’re sharing what we’ve learned about prompt crafting to accelerate collective learning during this new age of software development.

    What’s a prompt and what is prompt engineering?

    It depends on who you talk to.

    In the context of generative AI coding tools, a prompt can mean different things, depending on whether you’re asking machine learning (ML) researchers who are building and fine-tuning these tools, or developers who are using them in their IDEs.

    For this guide, we’ll define the terms from the point of view of a developer who’s using a generative AI coding tool in the IDE. But to give you the full picture, we also added the ML researcher definitions below in our chart.

    Prompts Prompt engineering Context
    Developer Code blocks, individual lines of code, or natural language comments a developer writes to generate a specific suggestion from GitHub Copilot Providing instructions or comments in the IDE to generate specific coding suggestions Details that are provided by a developer to specify the desired output from a generative AI coding tool
    ML researcher Compilation of IDE code and relevant context (IDE comments, code in open files, etc.) that is continuously generated by algorithms and sent to the model of a generative AI coding tool Creating algorithms that will generate prompts (compilations of IDE code and context) for a large language model Details (like data from your open files and code you’ve written before and after the cursor) that algorithms send to a large language model (LLM) as additional information about the code

    3 best practices for prompt crafting with GitHub Copilot

    1. Set the stage with a high-level goal. 🖼

    This is most helpful if you have a blank file or empty codebase. In other words, if GitHub Copilot has zero context of what you want to build or accomplish, setting the stage for the AI pair programmer can be really useful. It helps to prime GitHub Copilot with a big picture description of what you want it to generate—before you jump in with the details.

    When prompting GitHub Copilot, think of the process as having a conversation with someone: How should I break down the problem so we can solve it together? How would I approach pair programming with this person?

    For example, when building a markdown editor in Next.jst, we could write a comment like this

    Create a basic markdown editor in Next.js with the following features:
    - Use react hooks
    - Create state for markdown with default text "type markdown here"
    - A text area where users can write markdown 
    - Show a live preview of the markdown text as I type
    - Support for basic markdown syntax like headers, bold, italics 
    - Use React markdown npm package 
    - The markdown text and resulting HTML should be saved in the component's state and updated in real time 

    This will prompt GitHub Copilot to generate the following code and produce a very simple, unstyled but functional markdown editor in less than 30 seconds. We can use the remaining time to style the component:

    We used this prompt to build a markdown editor in Next.jst using GitHub Copilot:
- Use react hooks
- Create state for markdown with default text

    Note: this level of detail helps you to create a more desired output, but the results may still be non-deterministic. For example, in the comment, we prompted GitHub Copilot to create default text that says “type markdown here” but instead it generated “markdown preview” as the default words.

    2. Make your ask simple and specific. Aim to receive a short output from GitHub Copilot. 🗨

    Once you communicate your main goal to the AI pair programmer, articulate the logic and steps it needs to follow for achieving that goal. GitHub Copilot better understands your goal when you break things down. (Imagine you’re writing a recipe. You’d break the cooking process down into discrete steps–not write a paragraph describing the dish you want to make.)

    Let GitHub Copilot generate the code after each step, rather than asking it to generate a bunch of code all at once.

    Here’s an example of us providing GitHub Copilot with step-by-step instructions for reversing a function:

    We prompted GitHub Copilot to reverse a sentence by writing six prompts one at a time. This allowed GitHub Copilot to generate a suggestion for one prompt before moving onto the text. It also gave us the chance to tweak the suggested code before moving onto the next step. The six prompts we used were: First, let's make the first letter of the sentence lower case if it's not an 'I.' Next, let's split the sentence into an array of words. Then, let's take out the punctuation marks from the sentence. Now, let's remove the punctuation marks from the sentence. Let's reverse the sentence and join it back together. Finally, let's make the first letter of the sentence capital and add the punctuation marks.

    3. Give GitHub Copilot an example or two. ✍

    Learning from examples is not only useful for humans, but also for your AI pair programmer. For instance, we wanted to extract the names from the array of data below and store it in a new array:

    const data = [
        { name: 'John', age: 25 },
        { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
        { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }

    When we didn’t show GitHub Copilot an example …

    // Map through an array of arrays of objects to transform data
    const data = [
        { name: 'John', age: 25 },
        { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }
        { name: 'Bob', age: 40 }
    const mappedData = data.map(x => [x.name](http://x.name/));
    // Results: [undefined, undefined]

    It generated an incorrect usage of map:

    const mappedData = data.map(x => [x.name](http://x.name/));
    // Results: [undefined, undefined]

    By contrast, when we did provide an example …

    // Map through an array of arrays of objects
    // Example: Extract names from the data array
    // Desired outcome: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']
    const data = [
      [{ name: 'John', age: 25 }, { name: 'Jane', age: 30 }],
      [{ name: 'Bob', age: 40 }]
    const mappedData = data.flatMap(sublist => sublist.map(person => person.name));

    We received our desired outcome.

    const mappedData = data.flatMap(sublist => sublist.map(person => person.name));
    // Results: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']

    Read more about common approaches to AI training, such as zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot learning.

    Three additional tips for prompt crafting with GitHub Copilot

    Here are three additional tips to help guide your conversation with GitHub Copilot.

    1. Experiment with your prompts.

    Just how conversation is more of an art than a science, so is prompt crafting. So, if you don’t receive what you want on the first try, recraft your prompt by following the best practices above.

    For example, the prompt below is vague. It doesn’t provide any context or boundaries for GitHub Copilot to generate relevant suggestions.

    # Write some code for grades.py  

    We iterated on the prompt to be more specific, but we still didn’t get the exact result we were looking for. This is a good reminder that adding specificity to your prompt is harder than it sounds. It’s difficult to know, from the start, which details you should include about your goal to generate the most useful suggestions from GitHub Copilot. That’s why we encourage experimentation.

    The version of the prompt below is more specific than the one above, but it doesn’t clearly define the input and output requirements.

    # Implement a function in grades.py to calculate the average grade

    We experimented with the prompt once more by setting boundaries and outlining what we wanted the function to do. We also rephrased the comment so the function was more clear (giving GitHub Copilot a clear intention to verify against).

    This time, we got the results we were looking for.

    # Implement the function calculate_average_grade in grades.py that takes a list of grades as input and returns the average grade as a floating-point number

    2. Keep a couple of relevant tabs open.

    We don’t have an exact number of tabs that you should keep open to help GitHub Copilot contextualize your code, but from our experience, we’ve found that one or two is helpful.

    GitHub Copilot uses a technique called neighboring tabs that allows the AI pair programmer to contextualize your code by processing all of the files open in your IDE instead of just the single file you’re working on. However, it’s not guaranteed that GItHub Copilot will deem all open files as necessary context for your code.

    3. Use good coding practices.

    That includes providing descriptive variable names and functions, and following consistent coding styles and patterns. We’ve found that working with GitHub Copilot encourages us to follow good coding practices we’ve learned throughout our careers.

    For example, here we used a descriptive function name and followed the codebase’s patterns of leveraging snake case.

    def authenticate_user(username, password):

    As a result, GitHub Copilot generated a relevant code suggestion:

    def authenticate_user(username, password):
        # Code for authenticating the user
        if is_valid_user(username, password):
            return True
            return False

    Compare this to the example below, where we introduced an inconsistent coding style and poorly named our function.

    def rndpwd(l):

    Instead of suggesting code, GitHub Copilot generated a comment that said, “Code goes here.”

    def rndpwd(l):
        # Code goes here

    Stay smart

    The LLMs behind generative AI coding tools are designed to find and extrapolate patterns from their training data, apply those patterns to existing language, and then produce code that follows those patterns. Given the sheer scale of these models, they might generate a code sequence that doesn’t even exist yet. Just as you would review a colleague’s code, you should always assess, analyze, and validate AI-generated code.

    A practice example 👩🏽‍💻

    Try your hand at prompting GitHub Copilot to build a browser extension.

    To get started, you’ll need to have GitHub Copilot installed and open in your IDE. We also have access to an early preview of GitHub Copilot chat, which is what we’ve been using when we have questions about our code. If you don’t have GitHub Copilot chat, sign up for the waitlist. Until then you can pair GitHub Copilot with ChatGPT.

    More generative AI prompt crafting guides

    How I used GitHub Copilot to build a browser extension

    Post Syndicated from Rizel Scarlett original https://github.blog/2023-05-12-how-i-used-github-copilot-to-build-a-browser-extension/

    For the first time ever, I built a browser extension and did it with the help of GitHub Copilot. Here’s how.

    I’ve built a rock, paper, scissors game with GitHub Copilot but never a browser extension. As a developer advocate at GitHub, I decided to put GitHub Copilot to the test, including its upcoming chat feature, and see if it could help me write an extension for Google Chrome to clear my cache.

    I’m going to be honest: it wasn’t as straightforward as I expected it to be. I had a lot of questions throughout the build and had to learn new information.

    But at the end of the day, I gained experience with learning an entirely new skill with a generative AI coding tool and pair programming with GitHub Copilot—and with other developers on Twitch 👥.

    I wanted to create steps that anyone—even those without developer experience—could easily replicate when building this extension, or any other extension. But I also wanted to share my new takeaways after a night of pair programming with GitHub Copilot and human developers.

    So, below you’ll find two sections:

    Let’s jump in.

    How to build a Chrome extension with GitHub Copilot

    To get started, you’ll need to have GitHub Copilot installed and open in your IDE. I also have access to an early preview of GitHub Copilot chat, which is what I used when I had a question. If you don’t have GitHub Copilot chat, sign up for the waitlist, and pair GitHub Copilot with ChatGPT for now.

    1. 🧑🏾‍💻 Using the chat window, I asked GitHub Copilot, “How do I create a Chrome extension? What should the file structure look like?”

    💻 GitHub Copilot gave me general steps for creating an extension—from designing the folder structure to running the project locally in Chrome.

    Screenshot of the char window where the user asked GitHub Copilot "How do I build a browser extension? What should the file structure look like?" GitHub Copilot provided some instructions in response."

    Then, it shared an example of a Chrome extension file structure.

    Copilot response showing an example structure for a simple Chrome extension.

    To save you some time, here’s a chart that briefly defines the purpose of these files:

    manifest.json 🧾 Metadata about your extension, like the name and version, and permissions. Manifest as a proper noun is the name of the Google Chrome API. The latest is V3.
    popup.js 🖼 When users click on your extension icon in their Chrome toolbar, a pop-up window will appear. This file is what determines the behavior of that pop-up and contains code for handling user interactions with the pop-up window.
    popup.html and style.css 🎨 These files make up the visual of your pop-up window. popup.html is the interface, including layout, structure, and content. style.css determines the way the HTML file should be displayed in the browser, including font, text color, background, etc.

    2. Create the manifest.json 🧾

    🧑🏾‍💻 Inside a folder in my IDE, I created a file called manifest.json. In manifest.json,

    I described my desired file:

    Manifest for Chrome extension that clears browser cache.
    manifest_version: 3
    Permissions for the extension are: storage, tabs, browsingData

    I pressed enter and invoked suggestions from GitHub Copilot by typing a curly brace.

    💻 Inside the curly brace, GitHub Copilot suggested the manifest. I deleted the lines describing my desired manifest.json, and the final file looked like this:

       "name": "Clear Cache",
       "version": "1.0",
       "manifest_version": 3,
       "description": "Clears browser cache",
       "permissions": [
       "action": {
           "default_popup": "popup.html"
       "background": {
           "service_worker": "background.js"

    3. Create a service worker, which is a file called background.js 🔧

    This wasn’t a file that was recommended from my chat with GitHub Copilot. I learned that it was a necessary file from a developer who tuned into my livestream 👥. The background.js is what gives your extension the ability to run in the background, perform tasks, and respond to user events outside of the extension’s pop-up window (like network requests and data storage).

    🧑🏾‍💻 In my background.js file, I wrote a comment describing my desired service worker:

    Service Worker for Google Chrome Extension 
    Handles when extension is installed
    Handles when message is received

    Then, I wrote a comment for the first function, which prompted a suggestion from GitHub Copilot, and then wrote another comment to describe the second function.

    💻 The final file looked like this:

    Service Worker for Google Chrome Extension
    Handles when extension is installed
    Handles when message is received
    // console.log when extension is installed
    chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() {
       console.log("Extension installed");
    // send response when message is received and console.log when message is received
    chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
       console.log("Message received");
       sendResponse("Message received");

    4. Create the popup.html file 🖼

    🧑🏾‍💻 In the popup.html file, I wrote a comment describing how I wanted my pop-up window to appear. This window is the one users will see when they click on the extension icon.

       HTML for Chrome extension that clears browser cache.
       Connect to javascript file called popup.js and CSS file called style.css
       Will render the following buttons with id's:
       - "All History"
       - "Past Month"
       - "Past Week"
       - "Past Day"
       - "Past Hour"
       - "Past Minute"
       Will render an empty paragraph with id "lastCleared"

    💻 GitHub Copilot suggested the following:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
           <meta charset="utf-8">
           <title>Clear Cache</title>
           <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
           <h1>Clear Cache</h1>
           <button id="allHistory">All History</button>
           <button id="pastMonth">Past Month</button>
           <button id="pastWeek">Past Week</button>
           <button id="pastDay">Past Day</button>
           <button id="pastHour">Past Hour</button>
           <button id="pastMinute">Past Minute</button>
           <p id="lastCleared"></p>
           <script src="popup.js"></script>

    5. Test the browser extension

    I decided to test the modifications before incorporating additional styles or interactivity. I prefer making incremental changes and conducting manual tests in between because it simplifies the debugging process.

    🧑🏾‍💻 Navigate to chrome://extensions/ in your Chrome browser. Turn on developer mode. Press “Load unpacked.” Upload the folder that holds your Chrome extension. Once loaded, you should be able to test your extension. Here’s what mine looked like:

    Screenshot of the Chrome extension offering options to "Clear Cache."

    6. Create a popup.js file to add interactivity

    🧑🏾‍💻 Inside this file, write a comment that will act as pseudocode for you but as a prompt for GitHub Copilot.

    Pseudocode isn’t code, but a method of conceptualizing and communicating ideas to plan and design programs before writing the actual code. Programmers can concentrate on algorithmic logic without worrying about syntactic details of a particular programming language—and communicate ideas to other developers regardless of coding experience.

    Here’s the pseudocode I used:

    This program is a Chrome Extension that clears browser cache.
    Handle on button click:
    - button with id "allHistory" that clears all cache history
    - button with id "pastMonth" that clears cache history from the past month
    - button with id "pastWeek" that clears cache history from the past week
    - button with id "pastDay" that clears cache history from the past day
    - button with id "pastHour" that clears cache history from the past hour
    - button with id "pastMinute" that clears cache history from the past minute
    Create function that
    - converts dates and times into human-readable format
    - adds "Successfully cleared cache" with date and time in a paragraph with id "lastCleared"

    Then, write the series of comments below, but write them one at a time to allow GitHub Copilot to generate a code suggestion after each one. The final popup.js looked like this:

    This program is a Chrome Extension that clears browser cache.
    Handle on button click:
    - button with id "allHistory" that clears all cache history
    - button with id "pastMonth" that clears cache history from the past month
    - button with id "pastWeek" that clears cache history from the past week
    - button with id "pastDay" that clears cache history from the past day
    - button with id "pastHour" that clears cache history from the past hour
    - button with id "pastMinute" that clears cache history from the past minute
    Create function that
    - converts dates and times into human-readable format
    - adds "Successfully cleared cache" with date and time in a paragraph with id "lastCleared"
    // convert date and time into human-readable format
    function convertDate(date) {
       let date = new Date(date);
       var options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' };
       return date.toLocaleDateString("en-US", options);
    // add successfully cleared cache into paragraph with id "lastCleared"
    function addCleared() {
       var p = document.getElementById("lastCleared");
       let date = new Date();
       p.innerHTML = "Successfully cleared cache " + convertDate(date);
    // clear all cache history
    document.getElementById("allHistory").addEventListener("click", function() {
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": 0 }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past month
    document.getElementById("pastMonth").addEventListener("click", function() {
       let date = new Date();
       date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 1);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past week
    document.getElementById("pastWeek").addEventListener("click", function() {
       let date = new Date();
       date.setDate(date.getDate() - 7);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past day
    document.getElementById("pastDay").addEventListener("click", function() {
       let date = new Date();
       date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past hour
    document.getElementById("pastHour").addEventListener("click", function() {
      let date = new Date();
       date.setHours(date.getHours() - 1);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {
    // clear cache history from the past minute
    document.getElementById("pastMinute").addEventListener("click", function() {
      let date = new Date();
       date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - 1);
       chrome.browsingData.removeCache({ "since": date.getTime() }, function() {

    🧑🏾‍💻 GitHub Copilot actually generated the var keyword, which is outdated. So I changed that keyword to let.

    7. Create the last file in your folder: style.css

    🧑🏾‍💻 Write a comment that describes the style you want for your extension. Then, type “body” and continue tabbing until GitHub Copilot suggests all the styles.

    My final style.css looked like this:

    /* Style the Chrome extension's popup to be wider and taller
    Use accessible friendly colors and fonts
    Make h1 elements legible
    Highlight when buttons are hovered over
    Highlight when buttons are clicked
    Align buttons in a column and center them but space them out evenly
    Make paragraph bold and legible
    body {
       background-color: #f1f1f1;
       font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
       font-size: 16px;
       color: #333;
       width: 400px;
       height: 400px;
    h1 {
       font-size: 24px;
       color: #333;
       text-align: center;
    button {
       background-color: #4CAF50;
       color: white;
       padding: 15px 32px;
       text-align: center;
       text-decoration: none;
       display: inline-block;
       font-size: 16px;
       margin: 4px 2px;
       cursor: pointer;
       border-radius: 8px;
    button:hover {
       background-color: #45a049;
    button:active {
       background-color: #3e8e41;
    p {
       font-weight: bold;
       font-size: 18px;
       color: #333;
    For detailed, step-by-step instructions, check out my Chrome extension with GitHub Copilot repo.

    Three important lessons about learning and pair programming in the age of AI

    1. Generative AI reduces the fear of making mistakes. It can be daunting to learn a new language or framework, or start a new project. The fear of not knowing where to start—or making a mistake that could take hours to debug—can be a significant barrier to getting started. I’ve been a developer for over three years, but streaming while coding makes me nervous. I sometimes focus more on people watching me code and forget the actual logic. When I conversed with GitHub Copilot, I gained reassurance that I was going in the right direction and that helped me to stay motivated and confident during the stream.

    2. Generative AI makes it easier to learn about new subjects, but it doesn’t replace the work of learning. GitHub Copilot didn’t magically write an entire Chrome extension for me. I had to experiment with different prompts, and ask questions to GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, Google, and developers on my livestream. To put it in perspective, it took me about 1.5 hours to do steps 1 to 5 while streaming.

      But if I hadn’t used GitHub Copilot, I would’ve had to write all this code by scratch or look it up in piecemeal searches. With the AI-generated code suggestions, I was able to jump right into review and troubleshooting, so a lot of my time and energy was focused on understanding how the code worked. I still had to put in the effort to learn an entirely new skill, but I was analyzing and evaluating code more often than I was trying to learn and then remember it.

    3. Generative AI coding tools made it easier for me to collaborate with other developers. Developers who tuned into the livestream could understand my thought process because I had to tell GitHub Copilot what I wanted it to do. By clearly communicating my intentions with the AI pair programmer, I ended up communicating them more clearly with developers on my livestream, too. That made it easy for people tuning in to become my virtual pair programmers during my livestream.

    Overall, working with GitHub Copilot made my thought process and workflow more transparent. Like I said earlier, it was actually a developer on my livestream who recommended a service worker file after noticing that GitHub Copilot didn’t include it in its suggested file structure. Once I confirmed in a chat conversation with GitHub Copilot and a Google search that I needed a service worker, I used GitHub Copilot to help me write one.

    Take this with you

    GitHub Copilot made me more confident with learning something new and collaborating with other developers. As I said before, live coding can be nerve-wracking. (I even get nervous even when I’m just pair programming with a coworker!) But GitHub Copilot’s real-time code suggestions and corrections created a safety net, allowing me to code more confidently—and quickly— in front of a live audience. Also, because I had to clearly communicate my intentions with the AI pair programmer, I was also communicating clearly with the developers who tuned into my livestream. This made it easy to virtually collaborate with them.

    The real-time interaction with GitHub Copilot and the other developers helped with catching errors, learning coding suggestions, and reinforcing my own understanding and knowledge. The result was a high-quality codebase for a browser extension.

    This project is a testament to the collaborative power of human-AI interaction. The experience underscored how GitHub Copilot can be a powerful tool in boosting confidence, facilitating learning, and fostering collaboration among developers.

    More resources

    Build a semantic search engine for tabular columns with Transformers and Amazon OpenSearch Service

    Post Syndicated from Kachi Odoemene original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-a-semantic-search-engine-for-tabular-columns-with-transformers-and-amazon-opensearch-service/

    Finding similar columns in a data lake has important applications in data cleaning and annotation, schema matching, data discovery, and analytics across multiple data sources. The inability to accurately find and analyze data from disparate sources represents a potential efficiency killer for everyone from data scientists, medical researchers, academics, to financial and government analysts.

    Conventional solutions involve lexical keyword search or regular expression matching, which are susceptible to data quality issues such as absent column names or different column naming conventions across diverse datasets (for example, zip_code, zcode, postalcode).

    In this post, we demonstrate a solution for searching for similar columns based on column name, column content, or both. The solution uses approximate nearest neighbors algorithms available in Amazon OpenSearch Service to search for semantically similar columns. To facilitate the search, we create features representations (embeddings) for individual columns in the data lake using pre-trained Transformer models from the sentence-transformers library in Amazon SageMaker. Finally, to interact with and visualize results from our solution, we build an interactive Streamlit web application running on AWS Fargate.

    We include a code tutorial for you to deploy the resources to run the solution on sample data or your own data.

    Solution overview

    The following architecture diagram illustrates the two-stage workflow for finding semantically similar columns. The first stage runs an AWS Step Functions workflow that creates embeddings from tabular columns and builds the OpenSearch Service search index. The second stage, or the online inference stage, runs a Streamlit application through Fargate. The web application collects input search queries and retrieves from the OpenSearch Service index the approximate k-most-similar columns to the query.

    Solution architecture

    Figure 1. Solution architecture

    The automated workflow proceeds in the following steps:

    1. The user uploads tabular datasets into an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, which invokes an AWS Lambda function that initiates the Step Functions workflow.
    2. The workflow begins with an AWS Glue job that converts the CSV files into Apache Parquet data format.
    3. A SageMaker Processing job creates embeddings for each column using pre-trained models or custom column embedding models. The SageMaker Processing job saves the column embeddings for each table in Amazon S3.
    4. A Lambda function creates the OpenSearch Service domain and cluster to index the column embeddings produced in the previous step.
    5. Finally, an interactive Streamlit web application is deployed with Fargate. The web application provides an interface for the user to input queries to search the OpenSearch Service domain for similar columns.

    You can download the code tutorial from GitHub to try this solution on sample data or your own data. Instructions on the how to deploy the required resources for this tutorial are available on Github.


    To implement this solution, you need the following:

    • An AWS account.
    • Basic familiarity with AWS services such as the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), Lambda, OpenSearch Service, and SageMaker Processing.
    • A tabular dataset to create the search index. You can bring your own tabular data or download the sample datasets on GitHub.

    Build a search index

    The first stage builds the column search engine index. The following figure illustrates the Step Functions workflow that runs this stage.

    Step functions workflow

    Figure 2 – Step functions workflow – multiple embedding models


    In this post, we build a search index to include over 400 columns from over 25 tabular datasets. The datasets originate from the following public sources:

    For the the full list of the tables included in the index, see the code tutorial on GitHub.

    You can bring your own tabular dataset to augment the sample data or build your own search index. We include two Lambda functions that initiate the Step Functions workflow to build the search index for individual CSV files or a batch of CSV files, respectively.

    Transform CSV to Parquet

    Raw CSV files are converted to Parquet data format with AWS Glue. Parquet is a column-oriented format file format preferred in big data analytics that provides efficient compression and encoding. In our experiments, the Parquet data format offered significant reduction in storage size compared to raw CSV files. We also used Parquet as a common data format to convert other data formats (for example JSON and NDJSON) because it supports advanced nested data structures.

    Create tabular column embeddings

    To extract embeddings for individual table columns in the sample tabular datasets in this post, we use the following pre-trained models from the sentence-transformers library. For additional models, see Pretrained Models.

    Model name Dimension Size (MB)
    all-MiniLM-L6-v2 384 80
    all-distilroberta-v1 768 290
    average_word_embeddings_glove.6B.300d 300 420

    The SageMaker Processing job runs create_embeddings.py(code) for a single model. For extracting embeddings from multiple models, the workflow runs parallel SageMaker Processing jobs as shown in the Step Functions workflow. We use the model to create two sets of embeddings:

    • column_name_embeddings – Embeddings of column names (headers)
    • column_content_embeddings – Average embedding of all the rows in the column

    For more information about the column embedding process, see the code tutorial on GitHub.

    An alternative to the SageMaker Processing step is to create a SageMaker batch transform to get column embeddings on large datasets. This would require deploying the model to a SageMaker endpoint. For more information, see Use Batch Transform.

    Index embeddings with OpenSearch Service

    In the final step of this stage, a Lambda function adds the column embeddings to a OpenSearch Service approximate k-Nearest-Neighbor (kNN) search index. Each model is assigned its own search index. For more information about the approximate kNN search index parameters, see k-NN.

    Online inference and semantic search with a web app

    The second stage of the workflow runs a Streamlit web application where you can provide inputs and search for semantically similar columns indexed in OpenSearch Service. The application layer uses an Application Load Balancer, Fargate, and Lambda. The application infrastructure is automatically deployed as part of the solution.

    The application allows you to provide an input and search for semantically similar column names, column content, or both. Additionally, you can select the embedding model and number of nearest neighbors to return from the search. The application receives inputs, embeds the input with the specified model, and uses kNN search in OpenSearch Service to search indexed column embeddings and find the most similar columns to the given input. The search results displayed include the table names, column names, and similarity scores for the columns identified, as well as the locations of the data in Amazon S3 for further exploration.

    The following figure shows an example of the web application. In this example, we searched for columns in our data lake that have similar Column Names (payload type) to district (payload). The application used all-MiniLM-L6-v2 as the embedding model and returned 10 (k) nearest neighbors from our OpenSearch Service index.

    The application returned transit_district, city, borough, and location as the four most similar columns based on the data indexed in OpenSearch Service. This example demonstrates the ability of the search approach to identify semantically similar columns across datasets.

    Web application user interface

    Figure 3: Web application user interface

    Clean up

    To delete the resources created by the AWS CDK in this tutorial, run the following command:

    cdk destroy --all


    In this post, we presented an end-to-end workflow for building a semantic search engine for tabular columns.

    Get started today on your own data with our code tutorial available on GitHub. If you’d like help accelerating your use of ML in your products and processes, please contact the Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab.

    About the Authors

    Kachi Odoemene is an Applied Scientist at AWS AI. He builds AI/ML solutions to solve business problems for AWS customers.

    Taylor McNally is a Deep Learning Architect at Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab. He helps customers from various industries build solutions leveraging AI/ML on AWS. He enjoys a good cup of coffee, the outdoors, and time with his family and energetic dog.

    Austin Welch is a Data Scientist in the Amazon ML Solutions Lab. He develops custom deep learning models to help AWS public sector customers accelerate their AI and cloud adoption. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and jiu-jitsu.

    Using serverless backends to iterate quickly on web apps – part 3

    Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-serverless-backends-to-iterate-quickly-on-web-apps-part-3/

    This series is about building flexible backends for web applications. The example is Happy Path, a web app that allows park visitors to upload and share maps and photos, to help replace printed materials.

    In part 1, I show how the application works and walk through the backend architecture. In part 2, you deploy a basic image-processing workflow. To do this, you use an AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template to create an AWS Step Functions state machine.

    In this post, I show how to deploy progressively more complex workflow functionality while using minimal code. This solution in this web app is designed for 100,000 monthly active users. Using this approach, you can introduce more sophisticated workflows without affecting the existing backend application.

    The code and instructions for this application are available in the GitHub repo.

    Introducing image moderation

    In the first version, users could upload any images to parks on the map. One of the most important feature requests is to enable moderation, to prevent inappropriate images from appearing on the app. To handle a large number of uploaded images, using human moderation would be slow and labor-intensive.

    In this section, you use Amazon ML services to automate analyzing the images for unsafe content. Amazon Rekognition provides an API to detect if an image contains moderation labels. These labels are categorized into different types of unsafe content that would not be appropriate for this app.

    Version 2 of the workflow uses this API to automate the process of checking images. To install version 2:

    1. From a terminal window, delete the v1 workflow stack:
      aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name happy-path-workflow-v1
    2. Change directory to the version 2 AWS SAM template in the repo:
      cd .\workflows\templates\v2
    3. Build and deploy the solution:
      sam build
      sam deploy --guided
    4. The deploy process prompts you for several parameters. Enter happy-path-workflow-v2 as the Stack Name. The other values are the outputs from the backend deployment process, detailed in the repo’s README. Enter these to complete the deployment.

    From VS Code, open the v2 state machine in the repo from workflows/statemachines/v2.asl.json. Choose the Render graph option in the CodeLens to see the workflow visualization.

    Serverless workflow visualization

    This new workflow introduces a Moderator step. This invokes a Moderator Lambda function that uses the Amazon Rekognition API. If this API identifies any unsafe content labels, it returns these as part of the function output.

    The next step in the workflow is a Moderation result choice state. This evaluates the output of the previous function – if the image passes moderation, the process continues to the Resizer function. If it fails, execution moves to the RecordFailState step.

    Step Functions integrates directly with some AWS services so that you can call and pass parameters into the APIs of those services. The RecordFailState uses an Amazon DynamoDB service integration to write the workflow failure to the application table, using the arn:aws:states:::dynamodb:updateItem resource.

    Testing the workflow

    To test moderation, I use an unsafe image with suggestive content. This is an image that is not considered appropriate for this application. To test the deployed v2 workflow:

    1. Open the frontend application at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
    2. Select a park location, choose Show Details, and then choose Upload images.
    3. Select an unsafe image to upload.
    4. Navigate to the Step Functions console. This shows the v2StateMachine with one successful execution:State machine result
    5. Select the state machine, and choose the execution to display more information. Scroll down to the Visual workflow panel.Visual workflow panel

    This shows that the moderation failed and the path continued to log the failed state in the database. If you open the Output resource, this displays more details about why the image is considered unsafe.

    Checking the image size and file type

    The upload component in the frontend application limits file selection to JPG images but there is no check to reject images that are too small. It’s prudent to check and enforce image types and sizes on the backend API in addition to the frontend. This is because it’s possible to upload images via the API without using the frontend.

    The next version of the workflow enforces image sizes and file types. To install version 3:

    1. From a terminal window, delete the v2 workflow stack:
      aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name happy-path-workflow-v2
    2. Change directory to the version 3 AWS SAM template in the repo:
      cd .\workflows\templates\v3
    3. Build and deploy the solution:
      sam build
      sam deploy --guided
    4. The deploy process prompts you for several parameters. Enter happy-path-workflow-v3 as the Stack Name. The other values are the outputs from the backend deployment process, detailed in the repo’s README. Enter these to complete the deployment.

    From VS Code, open the v3 state machine in the repo from workflows/statemachines/v3.asl.json. Choose the Render graph option in the CodeLens to see the workflow visualization.

    v3 state machine

    This workflow changes the starting point of the execution, introducing a Check Dimensions step. This invokes a Lambda function that checks the size and types of the Amazon S3 object using the image-size npm package. This function uses environment variables provided by the AWS SAM template to compare against a minimum size and allowed type array.

    The output is evaluated by the Dimension Result choice state. If the image is larger than the minimum size allowed, execution continues to the Moderator function as before. If not, it passes to the RecordFailState step to log the result in the database.

    Testing the workflow

    To test, I use an image that’s narrower than the mixPixels value. To test the deployed v3 workflow:

    1. Open the frontend application at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
    2. Select a park location, choose Show Details, and then choose Upload images.
    3. Select an image with a width smaller than 800 pixels. After a few seconds, a rejection message appears:"Image is too small" message
    4. Navigate to the Step Functions console. This shows the v3StateMachine with one successful execution. Choose the execution to show more detail.Execution output

    The execution shows that the Check Dimension step added the image dimensions to the event object. Next, the Dimensions Result choice state rejected the image, and logged the result at the RecordFailState step. The application’s DynamoDB table now contains details about the failed upload:

    DynamoDB item details

    Pivoting the application to a new concept

    Until this point, the Happy Path web application is designed to help park visitors share maps and photos. This is the development team’s original idea behind the app. During the product-market fit stage of development, it’s common for applications to pivot substantially from the original idea. For startups, it can be critical to have the agility to modify solutions quickly to meet the needs of customers.

    In this scenario, the original idea has been less successful than predicted, and park visitors are not adopting the app as expected. However, the business development team has identified a new opportunity. Restaurants would like an app that allows customers to upload menus and food photos. How can the development team create a new proof-of-concept app for restaurant customers to test this idea?

    In this version, you modify the application to work for restaurants. While features continue to be added to the parks workflow, it now supports business logic specifically for the restaurant app.

    To create the v4 workflow and update the frontend:

    1. From a terminal window, delete the v3 workflow stack:
      aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name happy-path-workflow-v3
    2. Change directory to the version 4 AWS SAM template in the repo:
      cd .\workflows\templates\v4
    3. Build and deploy the solution:
      sam build
      sam deploy --guided
    4. The deploy process prompts you for several parameters. Enter happy-path-workflow-v4 as the Stack Name. The other values are the outputs from the backend deployment process, detailed in the repo’s README. Enter these to complete the deployment.
    5. Open frontend/src/main.js and update the businessType variable on line 63. Set this value to ‘restaurant’.Change config to restaurants
    6. Start the local development server:
      npm run serve
    7. Open the application at http://localhost:8080. This now shows restaurants in the local area instead of parks.

    In the Step Functions console, select the v4StateMachine to see the latest workflow, then open the Definition tab to see the visualization:

    Workflow definition

    This workflow starts with steps that apply to both parks and restaurants – checking the image dimensions. Next, it determines the place type from the placeId record in DynamoDB. Depending on place type, it now follows a different execution path:

    • Parks continue to run the automated moderator process, then resizer and publish the result.
    • Restaurants now use Amazon Rekognition to determine the labels in the image. Any photos containing people are rejected. Next, the workflow continues to the resizer and publish process.
    • Other business types go to the RecordFailState step since they are not supported.

    Testing the workflow

    To test the deployed v4 workflow:

    1. Open the frontend application at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
    2. Select a restaurant, choose Show Details, and then choose Upload images.
    3. Select an image from the test photos dataset. After a few seconds, you see a message confirming the photo has been added.
    4. Next, select an image that contains one or more people. The new restaurant workflow rejects this type of photo:"Image rejected" message
    5. In the Step Functions console, select the last execution for the v4StateMachine to see how the Check for people step rejected the image:v4 workflow

    If other business types are added later to the application, you can extend the Step Functions workflow accordingly. The cost of Step Functions is based on the number of transitions in a workflow, not the number of total steps. This means you can branch by business type in the Happy Path application. This doesn’t affect the overall cost of running an execution, if the total transitions are the same per execution.


    Previously in this series, you deploy a simple workflow for processing image uploads in the Happy Path web application. In this post, you add progressively more complex functionality by deploying new versions of workflows.

    The first iteration introduces image moderation using Amazon Rekognition, providing the ability to automate the evaluation of unsafe content. Next, the workflow is modified to check image size and file type. This allows you to reject any images that are too small or do not meet the type requirements. Finally, I show how to expand the logic further to accept other business types with their own custom workflows.

    To learn more about building serverless web applications, see the Ask Around Me series.