Tag Archives: Codespaces

Bringing npm registry services to GitHub Codespaces

Post Syndicated from Di Hei original https://github.blog/2024-02-13-bringing-npm-registry-services-to-github-codespaces/

The npm engineering team recently transitioned to using GitHub Codespaces for local development for npm registry services. This shift to Codespaces has substantially reduced the friction of our inner development loop and boosted developer productivity. In this post, we would like to share our experiences and learnings from this transition, hoping this information may be useful to you.

What are npm registry services

npm registry services, the Node.js microservices that power the npm registry, are distributed across 30+ different repositories. Each microservice has its own repository and is containerized using Docker. With Codespaces, we develop npm registry services using Docker on Codespaces with Visual Studio Code.

Codespaces reduces the friction of inner dev loop

Prior to Codespaces, a significant hurdle in npm local development was the difficulty in testing code across multiple services. We lacked a straightforward way to run multiple registry services locally, instead relying on our staging environment for testing. For example, to verify a code change in one service that affected a user workflow involving five other services, we could only run that service locally and connect to the remaining five in the staging environment. Due to security reasons, access to our staging environment is only possible via a VPN, adding another layer of complexity to the code testing process.

Codespaces addressed this issue by simplifying the process of running multiple registry services locally. When working in a codespace we no longer need a VPN connection for the inner dev loop. This change spares the team from potential issues related to VPN connectivity, and significantly simplifies the process of getting started.

As developers, we often rely on breakpoints for debugging. Now, with all registry services running within a single workspace, we can debug code and hit breakpoints across multiple services in Visual Studio Code as if they were one service. This is a significant improvement over previous developer experience, where hitting breakpoints in the services within the staging environment was not possible.

Codespaces boosts developer productivity

Codespaces has made it easier for outside contributors to participate. For example, if a GitHub engineer outside of the npm team wishes to contribute, they can get started within minutes with Codespaces, as the development environment is pre-configured and ready to go. Previously, setting up the development environment and granting permissions to access the staging resources would take days and often resulted in partners from other teams like design simply not contributing.

Port forwarding gives us access to TCP ports running within a codespace. Automatic port forwarding in Codespaces allows us to access services from a browser on our local machine for testing and debugging.

The in browser Codespaces experience, powered by Visual Studio Code for the Web, offers the flexibility to work from any computer. This is particularly helpful when you are away from your primary work computer, but need to test a quick change. The Web-based Codespaces experience provides a zero-install experience running entirely in your browser.

Remember those times when you were bogged down with a local environment issue that was not only time-consuming to troubleshoot but also difficult to reproduce on other machines? With Codespaces, you can quickly spin up a new Codespaces instance within minutes for a fresh start. The best part? There’s no need to fix the issue; you can simply discard the old codespace.

Things we learned from our use of Codespaces

Codespaces has tons of features to save you time and automate processes. Here are a few tips we learned from our use of Codespaces.

The prebuild feature of Codespaces is an excellent way to speed up the creation of a new codespace by creating a snapshot of your devcontainer and caching all the cloned repositories that can be used at startup time for the codespace. Codespaces prebuilds enable you to select branches and leverage GitHub Actions for automatic updates of these prebuilds.

You can store account-specific development secrets, such as access tokens, in Codespaces on a per-repository basis, ensuring secure usage within Codespaces. Those secrets are available as environment variables in your environment.

Another tip is specific to the Visual Studio Code Dev Container. Consider utilizing the Dev Container’s lifecycle events (such as postCreateCommand in devcontainer.json) to automate the Codespaces setup as much as possible. Ultimately, it’s a balance between time saved through automation and time invested in building and maintaining it. However, automation typically results in greater time savings because everyone who uses the configuration benefits.

Another trick is to use GitHub dotfiles to personalize your Codespaces. Dotfiles are files and folders on Unix-like systems starting with . that control the configuration of applications and shells on your system. You can use GitHub dotfiles to set up your personalized settings in Codespaces.


The adoption of GitHub Codespaces has substantially improved the developer experience of working on npm registry services. It has not only reduced the development environment setup time from hours to minutes but also facilitated better debugging experiences. Furthermore, it provides time-saving features like prebuilds. We hope this blog post offers valuable insights into our use of Codespaces. For more information, please refer to Codespaces documentation.

Harness the power of Codespaces. Learn more or get started now.

The post Bringing npm registry services to GitHub Codespaces appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How GitHub’s Developer Experience team improved innerloop development

Post Syndicated from belaltaher8 original https://github.blog/2024-01-24-how-githubs-developer-experience-team-improved-innerloop-development/

Building confidence in new code before deploying is a crucial part of any good development loop. This is especially challenging when working in a distributed or microservice system with multiple teams operating on different services. This modular team structure gives rise to an important question: how can we provide teams with fast and reliable development cycles when testing and shipping requires them to test inside an ecosystem of other services? Optimizing the solution to this problem greatly improves engineering efficiency and can contribute to more successful outcomes for the organization as a whole.

This problem is one the Developer Experience (DX) team at GitHub grappled with again and again, ultimately delivering a solution we call “Hubber Codespace” (HCS). HCS is a tool that Hubbers (people who work at GitHub) can use to locally stand up the entire distributed GitHub ecosystem in any environment by simply querying an endpoint or adding a couple lines of configuration to their development containers.

In this post, we’ll tell you how we landed on the HCS solution to this common problem over some possible alternatives, and you’ll get a first-hand look at how GitHub’s developer-first mindset helped us deliver the best tool for Hubbers to ship code quickly and safely in our own distributed environment.

One big (un)-happy environment

To understand the problem we were trying to solve, we have to go back in time. There was a point at which GitHub was just a couple teams and a much simpler product. Back then, having a monorepo in which everyone iterated and built confidence in their changes made sense. Splitting responsibilities up across repositories would have added overhead that bogged down early Hubbers. Fast forward to today, and GitHub has grown into a big organization with hundreds of different teams. Now, the balancing act of evaluating between velocity vs. complexity can look very different.

Let’s consider these complexities a bit further. Different services can have entirely different sets of dependencies and even have dependencies on different versions of the same software (for example, one service requires Ruby 2.2 while another requires Ruby 2.4). In smaller collaborative settings, the engineers can easily reconcile these needs. But this complexity grows exponentially as more teams are introduced. Trying to provide a single environment in which these kinds of disparate services can run and interact in development becomes difficult to do. It can result in ad-hoc “hacks” in development loops like deleting a .ruby-version file depending on which service’s development loop you’re working through. These are the kinds of problems that you encounter when trying to work with a monorepo that contains the codebases for a set of disparate services.

So, we decided to design a new solution. Instead of bringing the developers to the ecosystem, what if we brought the ecosystem to the developers?

Enter HCS

This line of thinking led us to build HCS, a Docker-Compose project that does exactly that. In the post “How we build containerized services at GitHub using GitHub,” we detailed how we build containerized services that power microservices on the GitHub.com platform and many internal tools. Our task now was to take these containers and wire them up such that partner teams could spin up a full GitHub ecosystem on demand. This would allow them to test their changes in an integrated environment. Developers could see how their code behaves when introduced to GitHub’s distributed system, rather than only observing it in the isolated environment of the application being developed before deploying within the full system. In this way, developers could gain confidence that the services they were changing behaved correctly when interacting with their up and downstream dependencies.

When considering how to orchestrate all the required containers, a few solutions came to mind: Docker-Compose, an internal tool called Codespace-Compose that allows us to SSH tunnel between multiple codespaces, and Minikube. Any of these three solutions could solve the ecosystem problem and would have unique tradeoffs. Let’s look at some of those tradeoffs now.

Minikube offers a robust Kubernetes architecture, but we had concerns about the overall user experience. We ultimately decided against it as the issues we identified, such as networking complexity and long cycle times, could bog down development speed.

Codespace-Compose allows us to easily connect teams’ everyday development environments, but we reasoned that, since Codespace-Compose is an internal experiment without any SLA, we’d incur a maintenance cost on our own team by adopting this.

Docker-Compose seemed to fit our needs the best. It didn’t incur any additional maintenance burden since it’s publicly available and actively managed. It offers all the same benefits of Minikube without the long cycle time. Most importantly, using Docker in Docker in a codespace, which allows us to create docker containers on a host which is a docker container itself, is a well-paved path that has lots of prior art. Given all these considerations, we decided on orchestrating our containers using Docker-Compose.

After deciding on Docker-Compose as our orchestrator, the next steps were to figure out the interface. Docker-Compose already supplies end users with commands, but we wanted to optimize the UX around HCS. To do this, we built a user-friendly CLI in Golang with parallel versioning to HCS. This abstracted away all the complexity of using the two together. Simply download a specific release version for HCS, get the same version of the CLI binary, and you’re good to go!

CLI and release automation

Ensuring HCS is useful means ensuring a couple of things. One important goal is ease of use. Docker-Compose already offers an interface for end users, but considering some of the built in commands are long and use predictable options, we decided to wrap it in a custom Golang CLI. This abstracted many of the underlying details away, such as static file locations, formatting options, entrypoint commands, etc. to improve end-user experience. The code below shows this by juxtaposing the Docker-Compose commands with their equivalent HCS CLI command.

The following example compares the commands to start up the integrated environment provided by HCS.

# Start using Docker-Compose

docker compose --project-name hcs \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-actions.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-base.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-bg.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-core.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-volume.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-test.yml \
--file /workspaces/hubber-codespace-dist/docker-compose-hcs-vendor.yml \
--profile full up -d --remove-orphans

# Start using CLI

hcs start

This next example compares how to get a shell to run commands from inside the various containers in GitHub’s distributed ecosystem. This allows developers to modularly interact with and make ephemeral changes to the system.

# Run command from inside a container in the system using Docker-Compose

docker compose --project-name hcs exec bash

# Run from inside a container using CLI

hcs shell

This example compares how to check the status of the containers in the project so end-users can easily see the health of the entire system.

# Status using Docker-Compose

docker compose --project-name hcs ps --format json

# Status using CLI

hcs status

In addition to this easy-to-use and ergonomic CLI, we had to ensure that HCS runs an up-to-date version of the GitHub ecosystem. GitHub is made up of so many different moving pieces that testing new changes on code that’s even a couple days old would not be sufficient to build confidence. When iterating directly on the monorepo, this was a non-issue since folks just fetched the main branch. For HCS, this required us to build automation that cuts releases on a frequent cron schedule. A release of HCS is a software artifact containing the compiled Golang binary for HCS and its CLI that can be pulled using the gh CLI.

The diagram below illustrates how this process works.

This diagram shows the nightly release cycle of HCS. HCS's repository gets SHAs from the monorepo and other service repositories. Then it publishes a release with all the SHAs, the Docker-Compose configs, and the CLI binary.

End-user experience

Using HCS directly in your codespace

We’ve recently made efforts to push all development at GitHub onto GitHub Codespaces. A codespace is a custom development container, or devcontainer, based on a configuration file in a repository. A repository can have multiple codespaces associated with it as long as each has a unique configuration file. On top of the obvious benefits of having a reproducible environment on demand to develop and iterate in, devcontainers offer features. This abstraction allows developers to easily add software to their environments. HCS is also consumable this way. The code block below shows the couple lines needed to bring this entire ecosystem to a partner team’s preferred environment (that is, their codespace).

  "features": {
    "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/github-cli:1": {
      "version": "latest"
    //docker-in-docker required for hcs
    "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/docker-in-docker:2": {},
    // Include the hubber-codespace feature
    "ghcr.io/github/hubber-codespace/hcs:1": {},
    "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/go:1": {}

Now, teams can perform integration testing against the many other services in GitHub’s ecosystem from directly in the codespace where they were doing local development.

Release binary

Even with the push towards codespaces, not every context that requires an ecosystem will be a devcontainer. In light of this, we also gave end users the option to download the release directly from the GitHub API. The commands to do so can be seen below. With a couple simple commands, Hubbers now have everything they need to bring the entire GitHub ecosystem to whatever environment they want.

gh release download --repo github/hubber-codespace  -p hcs -D /tmp/

chmod +x /tmp/hcs

sudo mv /tmp/hcs /usr/local/bin

hcs init

hcs pull

hcs start


But don’t just take my word for it. Check out what our partner teams have had to say about HCS improving their development loop:

“HCS has improved our dev loop for [our service] by making it simple to test [it] against [the rest of GitHub’s ecosystem]. It’s turned what used to be a number of manual steps to clone our repository into the [monorepo environment] into two simple commands in our own codespace. This has made it much easier to validate our changes without having to deploy to a staging environment.”

“Given that we are a service operating outside GitHub but with a heavy reliance on the services running within GitHub, we’ve had to go through a lot of bells and whistles to ensure we can have a smooth development experience. In my four years working on [our service], HCS has been the most seamless experience in going from a blank devbox to breakpointing live running code for our service.”


Solving the ecosystem problem is always a balancing act. Luckily, thanks to GitHub’s push towards containerization, and tooling such as repository automation and publishing/consuming releases through the GitHub CLI, we were adequately equipped to develop a solution with HCS. Hubbers can now leverage a development loop that allows them to deploy with confidence, having tested their changes within GitHub’s complex multi-service system.

The post How GitHub’s Developer Experience team improved innerloop development appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Optimize your GitHub Codespaces costs with upgraded virtual machines

Post Syndicated from Craig Peters original https://github.blog/2023-08-31-how-github-reduces-costs-with-upgraded-codespaces/

Since we released GitHub Codespaces in 2021, we’ve made a number of updates aimed at improving usability, controlling cost, and more (for example, free usage for all, one click into templates, and concurrency policies). Now, GitHub has improved our developer experience and reduced usage costs at the same time by taking advantage of new virtual machines that provide all of our users twice the RAM, and approximately 10-30% improved CPU performance after adopting Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)-based hosts. These changes enable you to achieve the same (or better) machine performance for half the cost of the previous machine generation.

How this change helps you

In our previous VM generation, memory intensive workloads often had to overprovision CPUs just to get enough RAM in order to run, particularly when running multiple services. For professional developers this was particularly frustrating because of the increased complexity of their development environments, and their higher expectations for performance. Now, rather than having to choose between paying a premium for larger developer machines or sacrificing developer experience and productivity, you can get the best of both worlds.

For example, at GitHub we use our own software and services to build GitHub itself. GitHub uses Codespaces to build not only Codespaces, but the entire platform. GitHub has a large Ruby monolith that requires significant CPU and RAM to test, and also sets an extremely high bar for developer experience. In order to operate these environments while maximizing developer happiness, GitHub used the largest virtual machines available in Codespaces.

Once the new machine types were available, GitHub’s internal developer experience (DX) team started by moving a few dev teams with RAM-hungry workflows to machines with half the CPU count, but the same RAM, to test whether they would be sufficient. With very little effort, and nearly zero developer impact, testing showed that developers were just as successful on the smaller machines, and GitHub incurred half the cost. As additional teams tried moving the fewer-core machines, there was only one build process that turned out to be CPU architecture dependent. The fix was simple—to specify the CPU architecture so that QEMU could emulate appropriately. No other negative impacts were identified.

Due to the success of the initial trials, we quickly rolled out the changes to more teams. The result? Approximately 50% savings!

Figure 1: Codespaces cost for GitHub during the introduction of the AMD machines

Since we’ve rolled out the AMD machines for GitHub, we’ve seen no problems and had only happy users.

You can do the same in your organization by working with your development teams using GitHub Codespaces to test smaller machines on your existing development environments. All Codespaces virtual machines have been upgraded, so testing is as simple as having some developers try working in a smaller machine than they usually do. In most cases, no other configuration changes are necessary!

Once you have found the sweet spot for performance and experience, you can set a policy within your organization to restrict machine types, ensuring cost controls while providing environments that allow your developers to do their best work.

Save costs while empowering your developers

Now that these changes are in your hands, we invite you to see how much more you can get out of GitHub Codespaces by taking advantage of the improved processing power and increased headroom the RAM provides. As ever, please reach out to your account team, or participate in the GitHub Codespaces Community Discussions to provide us your feedback.

The post Optimize your GitHub Codespaces costs with upgraded virtual machines appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Unleashing GitHub Codespaces templates to ignite your development

Post Syndicated from Sneha Natekar original https://github.blog/2023-08-24-unleashing-github-codespaces-templates-to-ignite-your-development/

Ever found yourself struggling to set up a brand-new Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for a project? The overwhelming process of dealing with build errors, dependencies, and configurations can leave you feeling frustrated and short on time. Trust me, I’ve been there, too. As an avid developer, I understand the struggles and challenges firsthand.

That’s when I discovered GitHub Codespaces, and it’s a game-changer. GitHub Codespaces is a cloud-based coding environment for collaborative development accessible through a browser. Templates include specific configurations of tools, libraries, and settings within GitHub Codespaces, enabling developers to quickly create consistent coding environments for various projects without having to set up everything from scratch.

With customizable environments, streamlined workflows, and easy setup sharing, you can be more productive and focus on creating exceptional software.

With the rich offering of existing templates available at my disposal, I quickly realized there are many possibilities. As I was working on My Android app, I was looking for a template that would let me build My Android app. However, because there was no Android template, I decided to build my own.

Together, let’s conquer setup challenges and unlock a world of coding possibilities. With great power comes great coding!

Step 1: Customizing a GitHub Codespaces template and connecting to a repository

While you can find a number of templates for React, Django, and Ruby on Rails in the template library, I couldn’t find the one I needed for Android.

Fortunately, creating a custom template is a breeze! Just head to GitHub Codespaces and select the “Blank” template. Starting with a blank template opens a codespace that I can configure per my needs.

Screenshot showing the "Blank" template listing, with the description, "Start with a blank canvas or import any packages you need."

Clicking on “Use this template” launches a codespace in a separate tab within your browser.

Screenshot of the blank template opened in a browser tab.

My new codespace is called “vigilant potato” as you can see from the URL in the screenshot above. Your codespace will get its own unique, and maybe cute, name.

If you get distracted by something else, and need to come back to your codespace, you can access it from github.com/codespaces by looking for the “vigilant potato” among the list of codespaces—you might need to scroll down to find it if you have other codespaces.

Screenshot showing a list of codespaces owned by the logged-in user, include the recently created "vigilant potato."

Click on the three horizontal dots at the end of the row and select “Publish to a new repository.” This flow seamlessly lets you create a new repository and preserves your development environment and any code you might have added that belongs to your project.

Screenshot of the menu with the option "Publish to a new repository" selected.

Once your repository is created, you’ll be able to see it in your GitHub Settings > your repositories. Or, if you’d like to connect to an existing repository, you can do so through the terminal.

Step 2: Configuring your environment: devcontainer.json/Dockerfile

There are two ways to customize your environment in a template. The two ways: using either a devcontainer.json file or a Dockerfile. The devcontainer.json file focuses on configuring the development environment within Visual Studio Code, while a Dockerfile allows you to create a custom Docker image that forms the basis of the entire development environment. Both files are essential for defining and customizing the development environment to meet the specific requirements of your project.

For my Android development environment, I have to create a Dockerfile. To harness this power, I simply navigate to the root of my repository and create a new file called Dockerfile. You can define the base image, specify environment variables, copy files and directories, install dependencies, execute commands, expose ports, define the working directory, run services, and set the entrypoint or command. These instructions allow you to tailor the Docker image to include the necessary tools, configurations, and dependencies required for your project.

Watch the magic unfold as a tailored, fully-configured development environment materializes in the cloud. In an instant, you’ll be immersed in a seamless coding experience, equipped with all the necessary tools. Say goodbye to setup hassles and dive straight into your code. With a customized codespace template, you’ll have a portable development sanctuary that follows you everywhere. For my Android repository, I very easily followed these steps and a brand new codespace built from the blank template opened for my repository in a separate browser tab.

Screenshot of the codespace's Dockerfile.

Here are a few snippets from my Android Dockerfile to demonstrate its power.

Automating Android SDK installation

# Update package list and install packages required for Android app development
RUN apt-get update -yqq && \
apt-get install -y \
curl \
expect \
git \
make \
wget \
unzip \
vim \
openssh-client \
locales \
libarchive-tools && \
apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
localedef -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias en_US.UTF-8

In this example, I am using regular shell commands to install the Android SDK.

Setting environment variables

# Set environment variables used by the Android SDK
ENV ANDROID_SDK_HOME /opt/android-sdk-linux
ENV ANDROID_SDK_ROOT /opt/android-sdk-linux
ENV ANDROID_HOME /opt/android-sdk-linux
ENV ANDROID_SDK /opt/android-sdk-linux

This snippet showcases how the Dockerfile lets you set environment variables that are necessary for development.

This remarkable file guarantees a breeze for anyone cloning my repository, effortlessly setting up a standardized development environment. Say goodbye to manual setup hassles and welcome a seamless and efficient collaborative experience.


By embracing these steps, I’ve discovered that the entire process of creating and using GitHub Codespaces templates can be incredibly easy, enjoyable, and efficient. Leveraging the power of templates and devcontainer.json files means I never have to start from scratch again. What used to be a painstaking, day plus process of downloading and installing all of the Android SDK and Java components, setting the environment variables, getting the libraries, and maintaining their updates is no more through using my pre-configured Android template. I have created additional templates for work that are Java and Python development environments.

Remember, with great coding comes great responsibility,and a lot fewer debugging sessions! Happy coding, and may the bugs be ever in your favor!

If you’re also an Android developer, try out my template or explore the other templates GitHub offers and customize your own.

The post Unleashing GitHub Codespaces templates to ignite your development appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How to automate your dev environment with dev containers and GitHub Codespaces

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original https://github.blog/2023-03-06-how-to-automate-your-dev-environment-with-dev-containers-and-github-codespaces/

When I started my first role as a software engineer, I remember taking about four days to set up my local development environment. I had so many issues with missing dependencies, incorrect versions, and failed installations. When I finally finished setting up all the tools and software I needed to be a productive member of the team, I cloned one of our repositories to my machine, set up my environment variables, ran npm run dev and received so many errors because I forgot to install the dependencies (and read the README) or switch to the right node version. Ugh! I can’t tell you how many times this happened to me in my first year!

Back then, I wished I had a way that was streamlined—something I set up only once, that just worked every time I accessed the repository. Although I did learn how to automate my computer setup with a Brewfile, I wish I could just get to coding in a repository without thinking about configuration.

Gif from the animated show Spongebob Squarepants of a character picking up a computer as if to toss it away, saying "I'll show you automated."

When I think about how we work on projects in a repository, I realize that many of the processes we need to get started on that project can be automated with the help of dev containers, in this case, by using a devcontainer.json file and Codespaces.

Let’s take a look at how we can automate our dev environment by adding a dev container to this open source project—Tech is Hiring in GitHub Codespaces.

For a TLDR of this post, GitHub Codespaces enables you to start coding faster when coupled with dev containers. See image below for a summary of how:

Image of a table entitled "Start coding faster with Codespaces." The left column is labeled "Old Way" and the right column is labeled "New Way." The rest of this blog post will enumerate the items listed in the image.

Now, let’s get some definitions out of the way.

What is GitHub Codespaces?

GitHub Codespaces is a development environment in the cloud. It is hosted by GitHub in an isolated environment (Docker container) that runs on a virtual machine. If you’re not familiar with virtual machines or Docker containers, take a look at these videos: what is a virtual machine? and what are Docker containers?.

Currently, individual developers have 60 hours of free codespaces usage per month, so definitely take advantage of this awesomeness to build from anywhere.

What are dev containers?

Dev containers allow us to run our code in a preconfigured, isolated environment (container). It gives us the ability to predefine our dev environment in our repositories and use a consistent, reliable environment across the board without worrying about configuration files—since it’s all set up for us from the beginning with a devcontainer.json file.

What is the devcontainer.json file?

The devcontainer.json file is a document that defines how your project will build, display, and run. Simply put, it allows us to specify the behavior we want in our dev environment. For example, if we have a devcontainer.json file that includes installing the ESLint extension in VS Code, once we open up a workspace, ESLint will be automatically installed for us.

Automating your workflow with dev containers and GitHub Codespaces

To start using GitHub Codespaces, we don’t need to set up a devcontainer.json file. By default, GitHub Codespaces uses the universal dev container image, which caters to a vast array of languages and tools. This means, whenever you open up a new codespace without a devcontainer.json file your codespace will automagically load so you can code instantly. However, adding a devcontainer.json file gives us the ability to automate a lot of our dev environment workflows to our liking.

Okay, okay, that was a lot of chatter—let’s now get into what you really came here for!

Gif of the character Mary Poppins pinching shut the mouth of her talking umbrella handle and telling it, "The will be quite enough of that, thank you." She then opens the umbrella and floats away.

Using the open source project, Tech is Hiring, let’s walk through how we typically work with a repository using our local dev environment.

What work typically looks like

At first glance, we see that this project uses Nextjs, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, TypeScript, Storybook, Vite, Cypress, Axios, and Reactjs as some of its dependencies. We’d need to install all these dependencies to our local machine to get this project running.

  1. Let’s clone the repository, and cd into the project.

    Gif of the terminal output as the Tech is Hiring repository is cloned.

  2. Then, let’s install dependencies to get the project running locally.

    Gif showing terminal output as the necessary dependencies are installed.

  3. This project uses storybook, so let’s run both storybook and spin up the actual app locally.

    Gif of the user's desktop with a terminal app running commands.

The process is not so bad, but it took a bit of time. We also need to check to make sure we’re using the correct node version, check if we need any environment variables, and if there are any runtime errors to resolve. Thankfully, I didn’t encounter any errors while working on this, but it still took a bit of time.

Going faster with GitHub Codespaces and dev containers

Let’s make the process better by adding a devcontainer.json file to this project and opening it in GitHub Codespaces to see what happens.

We can either use the VS Code command palette to add a pre-existing dev container or we can write the configuration file ourselves (which we’ll do below).

  1. Let’s first create a .devcontainer folder in the root of the project and a devcontainer.json file in the new folder.

    Creating a a `.devcontainer` folder in the root of the project and a `devcontainer.json` file in the new folder.

  2. Now, let’s automate installing dependencies, starting the dev server, opening a preview of our app on localhost:3000, and installing vscode extensions. Once we get everything configured, your json file should look like this:

      // image being used
       "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/universal:2",
      // set minimum cpu
       "hostRequirements": {
           "cpus": 4
       // install dependencies and start app
       "updateContentCommand": "npm install",
       "postAttachCommand": "npm run dev",
       // open app.tsx once container is built
       "customizations": {
           "codespaces": {
               "openFiles": [
           // install some vscode extensions
           "vscode": {
               "extensions": [
       // connect to remote server
       "forwardPorts": [3000],
       // give port a label and open a preview of the app
       "portsAttributes": {
          "3000": {
             "label": "Application",
             "onAutoForward": "openPreview"

    Sidenote: I’ve broken down the purpose of the properties in this file for you by adding comments before each. To learn more about each property, continue reading at container.dev. I also installed a few extensions that are not needed, but I wanted to show you that you could automate installing extensions, too!

  3. Let’s commit the file and merge it into the main branch, then open up the project in GitHub Codespaces.

    Committing a file, merging it to the main branch, and then opening GitHub Codespaces.

    When we open up the application in GitHub Codespaces, our dependencies will be installed, the server will start, and a preview will automatically open for us. If we needed environment variables to work on this repository, those would have already been configured for us as a repository secret on GitHub. We also didn’t need to install hefty node_modules to our machine.

I call this a win!

Comparing both ways

There’s plenty more that we can do with dev containers and GitHub Codespaces to automate our dev environment. But let’s summarize what we just did in GitHub Codespaces and with the help of dev containers:

  • We clicked the GitHub Codespaces button on the GitHub repository.
  • Everything was setup/installed for us (thanks json file!).
  • We got to work and started coding.

Now, isn’t that better?

Wrapping up

So, what’s the point of GitHub Codespaces and why should you care as a developer? Well, for one, you can automate most of the startup processes you need to access a repository. You can also do a lot more customizations to your dev environment with dev containers. Take a look at all the options you have—and watch out for my next blog post where I’ll go through the anatomy of a devcontainer.json file.

Secondly, you can code from anywhere. I hate it when I’m not able to access one of my side projects on a different machine because that one machine is configured perfectly to suit the project. With GitHub Codespaces, you can start coding at the click of a button and from any machine that supports a modern browser.

I encourage you to get started with GitHub Codespaces today and try adding a devcontainer.json file to one of your projects! I promise you won’t regret it.

Until next time, happy coding!

10 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Codespaces

Post Syndicated from Rizel Scarlett original https://github.blog/2023-02-28-10-things-you-didnt-know-you-could-do-with-github-codespaces/

Ever feel like you’re coding on a plane mid-flight? When I first learned to code about five years ago, my laptop was painstakingly slow, but I couldn’t afford a better one. That’s why I relied on browser-based IDEs like jsbin.com to run my code.

Now fast forward to today, where GitHub Codespaces provides a fully-fledged, browser-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on a virtual machine. This means you can code without draining your local machine’s resources. Cloud-powered development is a game-changer for folks with less powerful machines, but that barely scratches the surface of GitHub Codespaces’ versatility.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss a few ways that you can get the most out of GitHub Codespaces!

Generate AI images 🎨

You can run Stable Diffusion with GitHub Codespaces. Like DALL-E and Midjourney, Stable Diffusion is one of many machine-learning models using deep learning to convert text into art.

Stable Diffusion takes the following steps to convert text into art:

  • AI receives an image
  • AI adds noise to the image until the image becomes completely unrecognizable. (Noise is another way of saying pixelated dots.)
  • AI removes the noise until it produces a clear, high-quality image
  • AI learns from a database called LAION-Aesthetics. The database has image-text pairs to learn to convert text into images.

This entire process is resource-intensive! Experts recommend using a computer with a powerful graphics processing unit (GPU) to run data-heavy tasks like Stable Diffusion. However, not everyone has a computer with that type of computing power (including me), so instead, I use GitHub Codespaces.

Since your codespace is hosted on a virtual machine, you can set the machine type from 2-core to 32-core. You can request access to a GPU-powered codespace if you need a more powerful machine. This means a machine learning engineer can use an iPad or Chromebook to perform data-heavy deep learning computations via GitHub Codespaces.

Check out my DEV post and repository to learn more about how I generated art inside my codespace.

Below you can see the code and AI image that GitHub Codespaces helped me produce:

from torch import autocast # Change prompt for image here! prompt = "a cartoon black girl with cotton candy hair and a pink dress standing in front of a pink sky with cotton candy clouds" with autocast(device): image = pipe(prompt, height=768, width=768).images[0] image

Computer-generated drawing-style image of a Black woman wearing a pink t-shirt, standing in front of a green field and some trees, with a pink cloud floating above her in the blue sky.

Manage GitHub Codespaces from the command line 🧑‍💻

Back in the 2000s, I would inadvertently close my documents, or my computer would suddenly shut down, and my work would be lost forever. Fortunately, it’s 2023, and many editors protect against that, including GitHub Codespaces. If you close a codespace, it will save your work even if you forget to commit your changes.

However, if you’re done with a codespace because you pushed your code to a repository, you can feel free to delete it. GitHub Codespace management is important for the following reasons:

  • You don’t want to get confused with all your GitHub Codespaces and accidentally delete the wrong one.
  • By default, inactive GitHub Codespaces automatically delete every 30 days.

You can manage your GitHub Codespaces through the GitHub UI or GitHub CLI. The GitHub CLI allows you to do things like:

Create a codespace

gh codespace create -r OWNER/REPO_NAME [-b BRANCH]

List all your codespaces

gh codespace list

Delete a codespace:

gh codespace delete -c CODESPACE-NAME

Rename a codespace

gh codespace edit -c CODESPACE-NAME -d DISPLAY-NAME

Change the machine type of a codepace

gh codespace edit -m MACHINE-TYPE-NAME

This is not an exhaustive list of all ways you can manage GitHub Codespaces via the CLI. You learn more about managing your codespaces from the command line here!

Pair program with a teammate 👥

Pair programming when you’re working remotely is challenging. It’s harder to share your screen and your code when you’re not sitting next to your teammate. However, it’s worthwhile when it works because it helps both parties improve their communication and technical skills. Installing the Live Share extension and forward ports can make remote pair programming easier with GitHub Codespaces.

Share your forwarded ports

You can share the URL of your locally hosted web app and make it available to your teammates or collaborators. If you right-click on the port you’d like to share, you’ll see the option to switch the port visibility from “Private” to “Public.” If you copy the value in the local address and share it with necessary collaborators, they can view, test, and debug your locally hosted web app even though they’re in a different room than you.

Screenshot of how to share the URL of your locally hosted web app by setting its port to public.

Live Share

The Live Share extension allows you and your teammate(s) to type in the same project simultaneously. It highlights your teammate’s cursor versus your cursor, so you can easily identify who is typing, and it’s completely secure!

Screenshot of code in an editor showing sections highlighted and labeled with the names of users currently working on those lines.

Pair program with AI 🤖

Visual Studio Code’s marketplace offers a wide variety of extensions compatible with GitHub Codespaces, including GitHub Copilot. If you need to exchange ideas while you code, but there’s no one around, try installing the GitHub Copilot extension to pair program with AI. GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code completion tool that helps you write code faster by suggesting code snippets and completing code for you.

Beyond productivity through code completion, GitHub Copilot empowers developers of varied backgrounds. One of my favorite GitHub Copilot tools is “Hey, GitHub,” a hands-free, voice-activated AI programmer. Check out the video below to learn how “Hey, GitHub” improves the developer experience for folks with limited physical dexterity or visual impairments.

Learn about more use cases for GitHub Copilot here.

Gif demonstrating how Copilot can recommend lines of code.

Teach people to code 👩‍🏫

While educating people about coding via bootcamps, classrooms, meetups, and conferences, I’ve learned that teaching people how to code is hard. Sometimes in workshops, attendees spend most of the time trying to set up their environment so that they can follow along. However, teaching people to code or running a workshop in GitHub Codespaces creates a better experience for all participants. Instead of expecting beginner developers to understand how to clone repositories to work with a template, they can open up a codespace and work in a development environment you’ve configured. Now, you can have the peace of mind that everyone has the same environment as you and can easily follow along. This reduces tons of time, stress, and chaos.

We made GitHub Codespaces more accessible for teachers and students by offering 180 free hours of usage (equivalent to five assignments per month for a class of 50). Check out my tutorial on configuring GitHub Codespaces and leveraging extensions like CodeTour to run self-guided workshops.

Learn how CS50, Harvard’s largest class, uses GitHub Codespaces to teach students to code.

Learn a new framework 📝

When you’re learning to code, it’s easy to over-invest your time into following tutorials. Learning is often more effective when you balance tutorial consumption with building projects. GitHub Codespaces’ quickstart templates are a speedy and efficient way to learn a framework.

Quickstart templates include boilerplate code, forwarded ports, and a configured development container for some of the most common application frameworks, including Next.js, React.js, Django, Express, Ruby on Rails, Preact, Flask, and Jupyter Notebook. Templates provide developers with a sandbox to build, test, and debug applications in a codespace. It only takes one click to open a template and experiment with a new framework.

Experimenting with a framework in a codespace can help developers better understand a framework’s structure and functionalities, leading to better retention and mastery. For example, I’m not familiar with Jupyter Notebook, but I’ve used a Jupyter Notebook template in GitHub Codespaces. The boilerplate code helped me to experiment with and better understand the structure of a Jupyter Notebook. I even built a small project with it!

Check out this blog post and template, where we use GitHub Codespaces to guide developers through writing their first lines of React.

Screenshot showing a list of available codespace templates.

Store environment variables 🔐

In the past, I’ve had multiple moments where I’ve accidentally shared or mishandled my environment variables. Here are a few cringe-worthy moments where I’ve mishandled environment variables:

  • I’ve shown them to an audience during a live demo.
  • I’ve pushed them to GitHub.
  • I couldn’t figure out a great way to share the values with teammates.

To avoid these moments, I could’ve used GitHub Codespaces secrets. You can store API Keys, environment variables, and secret credentials in your GitHub Codespaces secrets for each of your GitHub Codespaces.

After you store them in your GitHub Codespaces secrets, you can refer to the environment variables in your code as: process.env.{SUPER_SECRET_API_KEY}.

Check out this tutorial for more information on securely storing your environment variables with GitHub Codespaces

Screenshot showing how to securely store your environment variables with GitHub Codespaces.

Onboard developers faster 🏃💨

Typically, software engineers are responsible for setting up their local environment when they join a team. Local environment setup can take a day or a week, depending on the quality of the documentation. Fortunately, organizations can automate the onboarding process using GitHub Codespaces to configure a custom environment. When a new engineer joins the team, they can open a codespace and skip the local environment setup because the required extensions, dependencies, and environment variables exist within the codespace.

In 2021, the GitHub Engineering Team migrated from our macOS model to GitHub Codespaces for the development of GitHub.com. After over 14 years, our repository accrued almost 13 GB on disk. It took approximately 45 minutes to clone, set up dependencies, and bootstrap our repository. After fully migrating to GitHub Codespaces, it only takes 10 seconds to launch GitHub.com in a preconfigured, reliable codespace.

However, you don’t have to take our word for it. Ketan Shah, Manager of Information Services at TELUS, a telecommunications company, attests, “GitHub shaves off entire days from the new employee onboarding process. New developers are up and running within minutes because everything is all in one place.”

Learn more about GitHub Codespaces can quickly onboard developers:

Conduct technical interviews 💼

Take-home projects, technical screens, and live coding are often painful, but necessary parts of the interview experience for software developers, but using GitHub Codespaces can help ease some of the difficulties. By providing candidates with a well-configured and reliable environment, interviewers can help reduce anxiety and improve performance. With GitHub Codespaces, candidates no longer have to worry about setting up their environment. Interviewers can use GitHub codespaces to provide real-time feedback and collaborate using built-in tools like Visual Studio Code Live Share. Furthermore, GitHub Codespaces offers a secure and isolated environment for the interview process, ensuring that sensitive information and data remain protected.

Learn how various engineering teams at GitHub use GitHub Codespaces to conduct interviews.

Code in the cloud with your preferred editor ☁

I love Visual Studio Code; it’s my primary editor. However, depending on your role and other factors, you might have a different preference. GitHub Codespaces supports the following editors, in addition to Visual Studio Code:

  • Jupyter Notebook
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • RubyMine
  • GoLand
  • PyCharm
  • PhpStorm
  • WebStorm

But, wait, there’s more!

GitHub Codespaces’ superpower is that you can code from any device and get a standardized environment as long as you have internet. However, it also includes features that make software development workflows easier. With 60 hours of free access per month for GitHub users and 90 hours per month for GitHub Pro users, there’s no reason not to try it out and experience its benefits for yourself. So why not give it a try today?

Exciting new GitHub features powering machine learning

Post Syndicated from Seth Juarez original https://github.blog/2022-11-22-exciting-new-github-features-powering-machine-learning/

I’m a huge fan of machine learning: as far as I’m concerned, it’s an exciting way of creating software that combines the ingenuity of developers with the intelligence (sometimes hidden) in our data. Naturally, I store all my code in GitHub – but most of my work primarily happens on either my beefy desktop or some large VM in the cloud.

So I think it goes without saying, the GitHub Universe announcements made me super excited about building machine learning projects directly on GitHub. With that in mind, I thought I would try it out using one of my existing machine learning repositories. Here’s what I found.

Jupyter Notebooks

Machine learning can be quite messy when it comes to the exploration phase. This process is made much easier by using Jupyter notebooks. With notebooks you can try several ideas with different data and model shapes quite easily. The challenge for me, however, has been twofold: it’s hard to have ideas away from my desk, and notebooks are notoriously difficult to manage when working with others (WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY NOTEBOOK?!?!?).

Screenshot of github.com tlaloc/notebooks/generate.ipynb

This improved rendering experience is amazing (and there’s a lovely dark mode too). In a recent pull-request I also noticed the following:

Pull request with side by side differences within cells

Not only can I see the cells that have been added, but I can also see side-by-side the code differences within the cells, as well as the literal outputs. I can see at a glance the code that has changed and the effect it produces thanks to NbDime running under the hood (shout out to the community for this awesome package).

Notebook Execution (and more)

While the rendering additions to GitHub are fantastic, there’s still the issue of executing the things in a reliable way when I’m away from my desk. Here’s a couple of gems we introduced at GitHub Universe to make these issues go away:

  1. GPUs for Codespaces
  2. Zero-config notebooks in Codespaces
  3. Edit your notebooks from VS Code, PyCharm, JupyterLab, on the web, or even using the CLI (powered by Codespaces)

I decided to try these things out for myself by opening an existing forecasting project that uses PyTorch to do time-series analysis. I dutifully created a new Codespace (but with options since I figured I would need to tell it to use a GPU).

Screenshot of Codespaces with options menu showing

Sure enough, there was a nice GPU option:

Screenshot - Create codespace for sethjuarez/tlaloc with GPU options showing

That was it! Codespaces found my requirements.txt file and went to work pip installing everything I needed.

Screenshot of terminal running pip install.

After a few minutes (PyTorch is big) I wanted to check if the GPU worked (spoiler alert below):

Screenshot of terminal

This is incredible! And, the notebook also worked exactly as it does when working locally:

Screenshot of notebook working locally

Again, this is in a browser! For kicks and giggles, I wanted to see if I could run the full blown model building process. For context, I believe notebooks are great for exploration but can become brittle when moving to repeatable processes. Eventually MLOps requires the movement of the salient code to their own scripts modules/scripts. In fact, it’s how I structure all my ML projects. If you sneak a peek above, you will see a notebooks folder and then a folder that contains the model training Python files. As an avid VSCode user I also set up a way to debug the model building process. So I crossed my fingers and started the debugging process:

screenshot of debugging process

I know this is a giant screenshot, but I wanted to show the full gravity of what is happening in the browser: I am debugging the build of a deep learning PyTorch model – with breakpoints and everything – on a GPU.

The last thing I wanted to show is the new JupyterLab feature enabled via the CLI or directly from the Codespaces page:

Screenshot of Codespaces with options open. Option to open in JupyterLab chosen

For some, JupyterLab is an indispensable part of their ML process – which is why it’s something we now support in its full glory:

Screenshot with code

What if you’re a JupyterLab user only and don’t want to use the “Open In…” menu every time? There’s a setting for that here:

Screenshot showing Editor preference options

And because there’s always that one person who likes to do machine learning only from the command line (you know who I’m talking about):

Machine learning from the command line

For good measure I wanted to show you that given it’s the same container, the GPU is still available.

Now, what if you want to just start up a notebook and try something? A File -> New Notebook experience is also available simply using this link: https://codespace.new/jupyter.


Like I said earlier, I’m a huge fan of machine learning and GitHub. The fact that we’re adding features to make the two better together is awesome. Now this might be a coincidence (I personally don’t think so), but the container name selected by Codespaces for this little exercise sums up how this all makes me feel: sethjuarez-glorious-winner (seriously, look at container url).

Would love to hear your thoughts on these and any other features you think would make machine learning and GitHub better together. In the meantime, get ready for the upcoming GPU SKU launch by signing up to be on waitlist. Until next time!

Prebuilding codespaces is generally available

Post Syndicated from Tanmayee Kamath original https://github.blog/2022-06-15-prebuilding-codespaces-is-generally-available/

Prebuilding codespaces is generally available 🎉

We’re excited to announce that the ability to prebuild codespaces is now generally available. As a quick recap, a prebuilt codespace serves as a “ready-to-go” template where your source code, editor extensions, project dependencies, commands, and configurations have already been downloaded, installed, and applied, so that you don’t have to wait for these tasks to finish each time you create a new codespace. This helps significantly speed up codespace creations–especially for complex or large codebases.

Codespaces prebuilds entered public beta earlier this year, and we received a ton of feedback around experiences you loved, as well as areas we could improve on. We’re excited to share those with you today.

How Vanta doubled its engineering team with Codespaces

With Codespaces prebuilds, Vanta was able to significantly reduce the time it takes for a developer to onboard. This was important, because Vanta’s Engineering Team doubled in size in the last few months. When a new developer joined the company, they would need to manually set up their dev environment; and once it was stable, it would diverge within weeks, often making testing difficult.

“Before Codespaces, the onboarding process was tedious. Instead of taking two days, now it only takes a minute for a developer to access a pristine, steady-state environment, thanks to prebuilds,” said Robbie Ostrow, Software Engineering Manager at Vanta. “Now, our dev environments are ephemeral, always updated and ready to go.”

Scheduled prebuilds to manage GitHub Actions usage

Repository admins can now decide how and when they want to update prebuild configurations based on their team’s needs. While creating or updating prebuilds for a given repository and branch, admins can choose from three available triggers to initiate a prebuild refresh:

  • Every push (default): Prebuild configurations are updated on every push made to the given branch. This ensures that new Codespaces always contain the latest configuration, including any recently added or updated dependencies.
  • On configuration change: Prebuild configurations are updated every time configuration files change. This ensures that the latest configuration changes appear in new Codespaces. The Actions workflow that generates the prebuild template will run less often, so this option will use fewer Actions minutes.
  • Scheduled: With this setting, you can have your prebuild configurations update on a custom schedule. This can help further reduce the consumption of Actions minutes.

With increased control, repository admins can make more nuanced trade-offs between “environment freshness” and Actions usage. For example, an admin working in a large organization may decide to update their prebuild configuration every hour rather than on every push to get the most economy and efficiency out of their Actions usage.

Failure notifications for efficient monitoring

Many of you shared with us the need to be notified when a prebuild workflow fails, primarily to be able to watch and fix issues if and when they arise. We heard you loud and clear and have added support for failure notifications within prebuilds. With this, repository admins can specify a set of individuals or teams to be informed via email in case a workflow associated with that prebuild configuration fails. This will enable team leads or developers in charge of managing prebuilds for their repository to stay up to date on any failures without having to manually monitor them. This will also enable them to make fixes faster, thus ensuring developers working on the project continue getting prebuilt codespaces.

To help with investigating failures, we’ve also added the ability to disable a prebuild configuration in the instance repository admins would like to temporarily pause the update of a prebuild template while fixing an underlying issue.

Improved ‘prebuild readiness’ indicators

Lastly, to help you identify prebuild-enabled machine types to avail fast creations, we have introduced a ‘prebuild in progress’ label in addition to the ‘prebuild ready’ label in cases where a prebuild template creation for a given branch is in progress.

Billing for prebuilds

With general availability, organizations will be billed for Actions minutes required to run prebuild associated workflows and storage of templates associated with each prebuild configuration for a given repository and region. As an admin, you can download the usage report for your organization to get a detailed view of prebuild-associated Actions and storage costs for your organization-owned repositories to help you manage usage.

Alongside enabling billing, we’ve also added a functionality to help manage prebuild-associated storage costs based on the valuable feedback that you shared with us.

Template retention to manage storage costs

Repository administrators can now specify the number of prebuild template versions to be retained with a default template retention setting of two. A default of two means that the codespace service will retain the latest and one previous prebuild template version by default, thus helping you save on storage for older versions.

How to get started

Prebuilds are generally available for the GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Team plans as of today.

As an organization or repository admin, you can head over to your repository’s settings page and create prebuild configurations under the “Codespaces” tab. As a developer, you can create a prebuilt codespace by heading over to a prebuild-enabled branch in your repository and selecting a machine type that has the “prebuild ready” label on it.

Here’s a link to the prebuilds documentation to help you get started!

Post general availability, we’ll continue working on functionalities to enable prebuilds on monorepos and multi-repository scenarios based on your feedback. If you have any feedback to help improve this experience, be sure to post it on our GitHub Discussions forum.

Codespaces for multi-repository and monorepo scenarios

Post Syndicated from Gabe Dominguez original https://github.blog/2022-04-20-codespaces-multi-repository-monorepo-scenarios/

Today, we’re releasing exciting improvements that will streamline your Codespaces experience when working with multi-repository projects and monorepos. Codespaces are instant cloud-powered development environments that aim at maximizing your productivity by eliminating set-up times regardless of the type, size, and complexity of your projects.

With our initial release, we wanted to address the most common type of projects hosted on GitHub: cloud-native applications housed in a singular repository. As organization adoption began to scale, we quickly realized we needed to support additional types of projects that required extensive workarounds. With this latest update, we’re excited to release improved support for multi-repository and monorepo projects.

Codespaces configuration for microservices

Many of you told us that you often work with a number of interwoven repositories for your projects. Maybe there is a billing service, an event service, an authorization service, and they’re all dependent on each other. When developing a feature that spans many of these services, you might want to clone and interact with each repository within your codespace.

With this scenario in mind, we have added the ability for users to configure which permissions their codespace should have on creation. This means that users will no longer have to set up a personal access token inside of their codespace to clone or create pull requests for other repositories.

repository permissions code

Even better, you can now specify these repository permissions in your devcontainer.json under the customizations.codespaces.repositories key so that every developer is prompted for the right set of permissions while working on the project.

In the future, we plan to make it even simpler to work with microservices in Codespaces by automatically cloning across multiple services and allowing you to configure how your environment is initialized to run each repository.

Codespaces configuration for monorepos

If you are part of a larger organization and have many teams working in one repository, you may have wished there was an easy way to have a different codespace configuration for each team. We heard you loud and clear and are happy to announce that Codespaces now supports multiple devcontainer.json files inside of your .devcontainer directory, as long as they follow the pattern of .devcontainer/${DIR}/devcontainer.json. If multiple configurations exist, users will be able to select their specific configuration at the time of codespace creation, allowing you to better customize your codespaces to fit the specific needs of your teams.

For example, imagine your docs team works primarily in a few directories and just needs a lightweight configuration to update Markdown files. You could have a devcontainer.json that looks like the following:

oncreatecommand script

This devcontainer.json runs an “onCreateCommand” script specific to setting up the environment for the Docs Team. The script in this scenario uses the permissions granted to “my_org/docs_linter” to pull in a linter repository, which is a useful tool when writing and editing documentation.

Advanced create

As we grow to handle more diverse project types and scenarios, we also want to ensure that we continue to provide the ease of environment creations through simple one-click experiences that don’t require you to spend undue time understanding various configuration options.

However, if you need more flexibility, we’ve created a new advanced create flow for Codespaces that allows you to select various options, such as branch, region, machine type, and dev container configuration while creating your codespace.

configure and create codespace screen
Create a new codespace creation flow

If you want to skip the advanced creation flow, you can easily just select “Create codespace on <branch name>,” and it will create a codespace with the default configuration.

How to get started?

We believe that these three new features will allow for larger organizations to have a smoother experience as they onboard and scale with Codespaces. Repository administrators can create multiple devcontainers, each with permission sets, setup scripts, and a codespace configuration specific for certain teams. And, developers will be able to select the ideal devcontainer, machine type, and region during codespace creation with the advanced creation flow as needed. There’s something for everyone with Codespaces!

Here are some helpful links to help you get started!

If you have any feedback to help improve this experience, be sure to post it on our discussions forum.

Codespaces for the largest repositories just got faster

Post Syndicated from Tanmayee Kamath original https://github.blog/2022-02-23-codespaces-largest-repositories-faster/

Today, the ability to prebuild codespaces is entering public beta. Prebuilding a codespace enables fast environment creation times, regardless of the size or complexity of your repositories. A prebuilt codespace will serve as a “ready-to-go” template where your source code, editor extensions, project dependencies, commands, and configurations have already been downloaded, installed, and applied so that you don’t have to wait for these tasks to finish each time you create a new codespace.

Getting to public beta

Our primary goal with Codespaces is to provide a one-click onboarding solution that enables developers to get started on a project quickly without performing any manual setup. However, because a codespace needs to clone your repository and (optionally) build a custom Dockerfile, install project dependencies and editor extensions, initialize scripts, and so on in order to bootstrap the development environment, there can be significant variability in the startup times that developers actually experience. A lot of this depends on the repository size and the complexity of a configuration.

As some of you might be aware, migrating to Codespaces transformed how we develop at GitHub.

Prebuilds were a huge part of how we meaningfully reduced the time-to-bootstrap in Codespaces for our core GitHub.com codebase. With that, our next mission was to replicate this success and enable the experience for our customers. Over the past few months, we ran a private preview for prebuilds with approximately 50 organizations. Overall, we received positive feedback on the ability of prebuilds to improve productivity for teams working on complex projects. At the same time, we also received a ton of valuable feedback around the configuration and management of prebuilds, and we’re excited to share those improvements with you today:

  • You can now identify and quickly get started with a fast create experience by selecting machine types that have a “prebuild ready” tag.
  • A seamless configuration experience helps repository admins easily set up and manage prebuild configurations for different branches and regions.
  • To reduce the burden on repository admins around managing Action version updates for each prebuilt branch, we introduced support for GitHub Actions workflows that will be managed by the Codespaces service.
  • Prebuild configurations are now built on GitHub Actions virtual machines. This enables faster prebuild template creations for each push made to your repository, and also provides repository admins with access to a rich set of logs to help with efficient debugging in case failures occur.

Our goal is to keep iterating on this experience based on the feedback captured during public beta and to continue our mission of enabling a seamless developer onboarding experience.

So how do prebuilds work?

During public beta, repository admins will be able to create prebuild configurations for specific branches and region(s) in their repository.

Screenshot of UI showing prebuild configuration options for a branch

Prebuild configurations will automatically trigger an associated GitHub Actions workflow, managed by the Codespaces service, that will take care of prebuilding the devcontainer configuration and any subsequent commits for that branch. Associated prebuild templates will be stored in blob storage for each of the selected regions.

Screenshot of Actions workflow for Codespaces prebuild

Each workflow will provide a rich set of logs to help with debugging in case failures occur.

Screenshot of workflow logs

Every time you request a prebuilt codespace, the service will fetch a prebuilt template and attach it to an existing virtual machine, thus significantly reducing your codespace creation time. To request changes to the prebuild configuration for your branch as per your needs, you can always update its associated devcontainer configuration with a pull request, specifically using the onCreateCommand or updateContentCommand lifecycle scripts.

Screenshot of "prebuild ready" machine options

How to get started

Prebuilds are available to try in public beta for all organizations that are a part of GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Team plans. As an organization or repository admin, you can head over to your repository’s settings page and create prebuild configurations under the “Codespaces” tab. As a developer, you can create a prebuilt codespace by heading over to a prebuild-enabled branch in your repository and selecting a machine type that has the “prebuild ready” label on it.

Here’s a link to the prebuilds documentation to help you get started!

If you have any feedback to help improve this experience, be sure to post it on our discussions forum.

Technical interviews via Codespaces

Post Syndicated from Ian Olsen original https://github.blog/2021-12-16-technical-interviews-via-codespaces/

Technical interviews are the worst. Getting meaningful signal from candidates without wasting their time is notoriously hard. Thankfully, the industry has come a long way from brainteaser-style questions and interviews requiring candidates to balance a binary tree with dry erase markers in front of a group of strangers. There are more valuable ways to spend time today, and in this post, I’ll share how our team at GitHub adopted Codespaces to streamline the interview process.

Technical interviews: looking back

My team at GitHub found itself in hiring mode in early 2021. Most of the work we do is in Rails, and we opted to leverage an existing exercise for our technical screen. We asked candidates to make some API improvements to a simple Rails application. It’s been around for many years and has had most of its sharp edges sanded smooth. There is some CI magic to get us started in evaluating a new submission. We perform a manual evaluation using a rubric that is far from perfect but at least well-understood. So we deployed it and started looking through the submissions, a task we expected to be routine.

Despite all the deliberately straightforward decisions to this point, we had some surprises right away. It turned out this exercise hadn’t been touched in a couple of years and was running outdated versions of Ruby and Rails. For some candidates, the experienced engineers already writing Rails apps for a living, this wasn’t much of an obstacle. But a significant number of candidates were bogged down just getting their local development environment up and running. A team looking only for senior engineers might even do something like this deliberately, but that wasn’t true for my team. The goal of the exercise was to mirror the job, and this wasn’t it. Flailing for half your alotted time on environment set-up issues tells us virtually nothing about how successful candidates would be at the technical work we do.

Enter Codespaces

We immediately did the obvious work of updating Ruby, Rails, and all of the app’s dependencies. This was necessary but felt insufficient. How could we prevent a future team from making the same mistake? How could we help other growing teams (or even future us) fall into the proverbial pit of success? It was around this time that the Codespaces Computer Club started gaining traction internally. I don’t tend to be the first person to jump into a newfangled cloud-based dev environment. Many years have gone into this .vimrc and I like it just how it is, thank you very much. Don’t move my cheese, particuarly not to The Cloud. But even I had to admit that Codespaces is an excellent tool, aimed squarely at solving these kinds of problems, and we gave it a look.

So what is Codespaces? In short: a cloud-based development environment. Built atop Visual Studio Code’s Remote Containers, Codespaces allow you to spin up a remote development environment directly from a GitHub repository. The Visual Studio Code web interface is instantly available, as is Visual Studio Code on the desktop. Dotfiles and ssh are supported, so the terminal-oriented folks (🖐) need not abandon their precious .vimrc!

Screenshot of UI to launch a new codespace

The containerized development environmentment is perfectly predictable, frozen in time like Han Solo in Carbonite. We can prebuild all of the dependencies, and they remain at that version for as long as the codespace configuration is unchanged. This removes an entire class of meaningless problems from the candidate’s experience. Experienced developers who have a finely tuned local environment can still use it; enabling Codespaces has no impact on the ability to do it locally. Clone the repository and do your thing. But the experience of being quickly dropped into a development environment that’s perfectly tuned for the task at hand is pretty cool!
codespace ready

Returning signal

Dropping the candidate into a finely honed environment, suited to the task at hand, has myriad benefits. It eliminates the random starting point, leveling the playing field for candidates of varying backgrounds all over the world. No assumptions need be made about the hardware or software they have access to. With internet access and a browser, you have everything you need!

The advantages extend to pairing exercises, too. There’s good reason for a candidate to have anxiety pairing in an interviewing context. Perhaps the best way to fray nerves is to start with a broken dev environment. Maybe the candidate is using a work machine, and the app they maintain at work is on an older version of Rails. Maybe this is a personal machine, but their bird watching hobby yields terabytes of video and bundle install just ran out of disk space. Even if it’s a quick fix, a nervous candidate isn’t performing at the level they would in their normal work. Working in a codespace lets us virtually eliminate this pitfall and focus on the pairing task, yielding higher signal about the skills we really intend to measure.

This has turned out to be a terrific improvement in our hiring process, appreciated by both candidates and interviewers. Visual Studio Code has great tooling for adding Codespaces support to an existing project, and you can probably have something that works in a single afternoon. Check it out!

GitHub’s Engineering Team has moved to Codespaces

Post Syndicated from Cory Wilkerson original https://github.blog/2021-08-11-githubs-engineering-team-moved-codespaces/

Today, GitHub is making Codespaces available to Team and Enterprise Cloud plans on github.com. Codespaces provides software teams a faster, more collaborative development environment in the cloud. Read more on our Codespaces page.

The GitHub.com codebase is almost 14 years old. When the first commit for GitHub.com was pushed, Rails was only two years old. AWS was one. Azure and GCP did not yet exist. This might not be long in COBOL time, but in internet time it’s quite a lot.

Over those 14 years, the core repository powering GitHub.com (github/github) has seen over a million commits. The vast majority of those commits come from developers building and testing on macOS.

A classic commit message for a classic commit

But our development platform is evolving. Over the past months, we’ve left our macOS model behind and moved to Codespaces for the majority of GitHub.com development. This has been a fundamental shift for our day-to-day development flow. As a result, the Codespaces product is stronger and we’re well-positioned for the future of GitHub.com development.

The status quo

Over the years, we’ve invested significant time and effort in making local development work well out of the box. Our scripts-to-rule-them-all approach has presented a familiar interface to engineers for some time now—new hires could clone github/github, run setup and bootstrap scripts, and have a local instance of GitHub.com running in a half-day’s time. In most cases things just worked, and when they didn’t, our bootstrap script would open a GitHub issue connecting the new hire with internal support. Our #friction Slack channel—staffed by helpful, kind engineers—could debug nearly any system configuration under the sun.

Run GitHub.com locally (eventually) with this one command!

Yet for all our efforts, local development remained brittle. Any number of seemingly innocuous changes could render a local environment useless and, worse still, require hours of valuable development time to recover. Mysterious breakage was so common and catastrophic that we’d codified an option for our bootstrap script: --nuke-from-orbit. When invoked, the script deletes as much as it responsibly can in an attempt to restore the local environment to a known good state.

And of course, this is a classic story that anyone in the software engineering profession will instantly recognize. Local development environments are fragile. And even when functioning perfectly, a single-context, bespoke local development environment felt increasingly out of step with the instant-on, access-from-anywhere world in which we now operate.

Collaborating on multiple branches across multiple projects was painful. We’d often find ourselves staring down a 45-minute bootstrap when a branch introduced new dependencies, shipped schema changes, or branched from a different SHA. Given how quickly our codebase changes (we’re deploying hundreds of changes per day), this was a regular source of engineering friction.

And we weren’t the only ones to take notice—in building Codespaces, we engaged with several best-in-class engineering organizations who had built Codespaces-like platforms to solve these same types of problems. At any significant scale, removing this type of productivity loss becomes a very clear productivity opportunity, very quickly.

This single log message will cause any GitHub engineer to break out in a cold sweat

Development infrastructure

In the infrastructure world, industry best practices have continued to position servers as a commodity. The idea is that no single server is unique, indispensable, or irreplaceable. Any piece could be taken out and replaced by a comparable piece without fanfare. If a server goes down, that’s ok! Tear it down and replace it with another one.

Our local development environments, however, are each unique, with their own special quirks. As a consequence, they require near constant vigilance to maintain. The next git pull or bootstrap can degrade your environment quickly, requiring an expensive context shift to a recovery effort when you’d rather be building software. There’s no convention of a warm laptop standing by.

But there’s a lot to be said for treating development environments as our own—they’re the context in which we spend the majority of our day! We tweak and tune our workbench in service of productivity but also as an expression of ourselves.

With Codespaces, we saw an opportunity to treat our dev environments much like we do infrastructure—a commodity we can churn—but still maintain the ability to curate our workbench. Visual Studio Code extensions, settings sync, and dotfiles repos bring our environment to our compute. In this context, a broken workbench is a minor inconvenience—now we can provision a new codespace at a known good state and get back to work.

Adopting Codespaces

Migrating to Codespaces addressed the shortcomings in our existing developer environments, motivated us to push the product further, and provided leverage to improve our overall development experience.

And while our migration story has a happy ending, the first stages of our transition were… challenging. The GitHub.com repository is almost 13 GB on disk; simply cloning the repository takes 20 minutes. Combined with dependency setup, bootstrapping a GitHub.com codespace would take upwards of 45 minutes. And once we had a repository successfully mounted into a codespace, the application wouldn’t run.

Those 14 years of macOS-centric assumptions baked into our bootstrapping process were going to have to be undone.

Working through these challenges brought out the best of GitHub. Contributors came from across the company to help us revisit past decisions, question long-held assumptions, and work at the source-level to decouple GitHub development from macOS. Finally, we could (albeit very slowly) provision working GitHub.com codespaces on Linux hosts, connect from Visual Studio Code, and ship some work. Now we had to figure out how to make the thing hum.

45 minutes to 5 minutes

Our goal with Codespaces is to embrace a model where development environments are provisioned on-demand for the task at hand (roughly a 1:1 mapping between branches and codespaces.) To support task-based workflows, we need to get as close to instant-on as possible. 45 minutes wasn’t going to meet our task-based bar, but we could see low-hanging fruit, ripe with potential optimizations.

Up first: changing how Codespaces cloned github/github. Instead of performing a full clone when provisioned, Codespaces would now execute a shallow clone and then, after a codespace was created with the most recent commits, unshallow repository history in the background. Doing so reduced clone time from 20 minutes to 90 seconds.

Our next opportunity: caching the network of software and services that support GitHub.com, inclusive of traditional Gemfile-based dependencies as well as services written in C, Go, and a custom build of Ruby. The solution was a GitHub Action that would run nightly, clone the repository, bootstrap dependencies, and build and push a Docker image of the result. The published image was then used as the base image in github/github’s devcontainer—config-as-code for Codespaces environments. Our codespaces would now be created at 95%+ bootstrapped.

These two changes, along with a handful of app and service level optimizations, took GitHub.com codespace creation time from 45 minutes to five minutes. But five minutes is still quite a distance from “instant-on.” Well-known studies have shown people can sustain roughly ten seconds of wait time before falling out of flow. So while we’d made tremendous strides, we still had a way to go.

5 minutes to 10 seconds

While five minutes represented a significant improvement, these changes involved tradeoffs and hinted at a more general product need.

Our shallow clone approach—useful for quickly launching into Codespaces—still required that we pay the cost of a full clone at some point. Unshallowing post-create generated load with distracting side effects. Any large, complex project would face a similar class of problems during which cloning and bootstrapping created contention for available resources.

What if we could clone and bootstrap the repository ahead of time so that by the time an engineer asked for a codespace we’d already done most of the work?

Enter prebuilds: pools of codespaces, fully cloned and bootstrapped, waiting to be connected with a developer who wants to get to work. The engineering investment we’ve made in prebuilds has returned its value many times over: we can now create reliable, preconfigured codespaces, primed and ready for GitHub.com development in 10 seconds.

New hires can go from zero to a functioning development environment in less time than it takes to install Slack. Engineers can spin off new codespaces for parallel workstreams with no overhead. When an environment falls apart—maybe it’s too far behind, or the test data broke something—our engineers can quickly create a new environment and move on with their day.

Increased leverage

The switch to Codespaces solved some very real problems for us: it eliminated the fragility and single-track model of local development environments, but it also gave us a powerful new point of leverage for improving GitHub’s developer experience.

We now have a wedge for performing additional setup and optimization work that we’d never consider in local environments, where the cost of these optimizations (in both time and patience) is too high. For instance, with prebuilds we now prime our language server cache and gem documentation, run pending database migrations, and enable both GitHub.com and GitHub Enterprise development modes—a task that would typically require yet another loop through bootstrap and setup.

With Codespaces, we can upgrade every engineer’s machine specs with a single configuration change. In the early stages of our Codespaces migration, we used 8 core, 16 GB RAM VMs. Those machines were sufficient, but GitHub.com runs a network of different services and will gladly consume every core and nibble of RAM we’re willing to provide. So we moved to 32 core, 64 GB RAM VMs. By changing a single line of configuration, we upgraded every engineer’s machine.

Instant upgrade—ship config and bypass the global supply chain bottleneck

Codespaces has also started to steal business from our internal “review lab” platform—a production-like environment where we preview changes with internal collaborators. Before Codespaces, GitHub engineers would need to commit and deploy to a review lab instance (which often required peer review) in order to share their work with colleagues. Friction. Now we ctrl+click, grab a preview URL, and send it on to a colleague. No commit, no push, no review, no deploy — just a live look at port 80 on my codespace.

Command line

Visual Studio Code is great. It’s the primary tool GitHub.com engineers use to interface with codespaces. But asking our Vim and Emacs users to commit to a graphical editor is less great. If Codespaces was our future, we had to bring everyone along.

Happily, we could support our shell-based colleagues through a simple update to our prebuilt image which initializes sshd with our GitHub public keys, opens port 22, and forwards the port out of the codespace.

From there, GitHub engineers can run Vim, Emacs, or even ed if they so desire.

This has worked exceedingly well! And, much like how Docker image caching led to prebuilds, the obvious next step is taking what we’ve done for the GitHub.com codespace and making it a first-class experience for every codespace.


Change is hard, doubly so when it comes to development environments. Thankfully, GitHub engineers are curious and kind—and quickly becoming Codespaces superfans.

I used codespaces yesterday while my dev environment was a little broken and I finished the entire features on codespaces before my dev env was done building lol

My friends, I’m here to tell you I was a Codespaces skeptic before this started and now I am not. This is the way.

I really was more productive with respect to the Rails part of my work this week than I think I ever have been before. Everything was just so fast and reliable.

Whomever has worked on getting codespaces up and running, you enabled me to have an awesome first week!

I do solemnly swear that never again will my CPU have to compile ruby from source.

Codespaces are now the default development environment for GitHub.com. That #friction Slack channel that we mentioned earlier to help debug local development environment problems? We’re planning to archive it.

We’re onboarding more services and more engineers throughout GitHub every day, and we’re discovering new stories about the value Codespaces can generate along the way. But at the core of each story, you’ll discover a consistent theme that resonates with every engineer: I found a better tool, I’m more productive now, and I’m not going back.