Tag Archives: GitHub Issues

10 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Projects

Post Syndicated from Kedasha Kerr original https://github.blog/2023-08-28-10-things-you-didnt-know-you-could-do-with-github-projects/

GitHub Projects has been adopted by program managers, OSS maintainers, enterprises, and individual developers alike for its user-friendly design and efficiency. We all know that managing issues and pull requests in our repositories can be challenging.

To help you optimize your usage of GitHub Projects to plan and track your work from start to finish, I’ll be sharing 10 things you can do with GitHub Projects to make it easier to keep track of your issues and pull requests.

1. Manage your projects with the CLI

If you prefer to work from your terminals, we’ve made it more convenient for you to manage and automate your project workflows with the GitHub CLI project command. This essentially allows you to work more collaboratively with your team to keep your projects updated with your existing toolkit.

For example, if I wanted to add a draft issue to my project “Learning Ruby,” I would do this by first ensuring that I have the CLI installed and I’m authenticated with the project scope. Once authenticated, I need to find the number of the project I want to manage with the CLI. You can find the project number by looking at the project URL. For example, https://github.com/orgs/That-Lady-Dev/projects/4 the project number here is “4.” Now that we have the project number, we can use it to add a draft issue to the project! The command will look like this:

gh project item-create 4 --owner That-Lady-Dev --title "Test Adding Draft" --body "I added this draft issue with GitHub CLI"

When we run this, a new draft issue is added to the project:

updating the project from the terminal; seeing the new item added to the board live

You can do a lot more with the GitHub CLI and GitHub projects. Check out our documentation to see all the possibilities of interacting with your projects from the terminal.

2. Export your projects to TSV

If you ever need your project data, you can export your project view to a file, which can then be imported into Figjam, Google Sheets, Excel, or any other platform that supports TSV files.

Go to any view of your project and click the arrow next to the view name, then select Export view data. This will give you a TSV file that you can use.

export project view data as a TSV file

Though TSV offers much better formatting than a CSV file, you can ask GitHub Copilot Chat how to convert a TSV file to a CSV file, copy the code, run it, and get your new CSV document, if CSV is your jam.

GitHub Copilot Chat converts TSV to CSV with Python code

Here’s a quick gist of how I converted a TSV to a CSV with GitHub Copilot Chat!

3. Create reusable project templates

If you often find yourself recreating projects with similar content and structure, you can set a project as a template so you and others can use it as a base when creating new projects.

To set your project as a template, navigate to the project “Settings” page, and under the “Templates” section toggle on Make template.

 toggle templates on from the setting page showing a green button in the UI

This will turn the project into a template that can be used with the green Use this template button at the top of your project, or when creating a new project. Building a library of templates that can be reused across your organization can help you and your teams share best practices and inspiration when getting started with a project!

4. Make a copy of a project

In addition to making your project a template that can be reused, you can also make a one-time copy of an existing project that will contain the fields, views, any configured workflows, insights, and draft items from the original project!

To copy a project, navigate to the project you want to copy, click the three dots to open the menu, and select Make a copy. This will open up a dialog where you can set the Owner, name the project, and click whether you want draft issues copied over or not. Once that’s all set, your new project is ready to be used!

making a copy of the project and updating data

You can also do this with the CLI. The command will look like this:

gh project copy 1 --source-owner That-Lady-Dev --target-owner Demos-and-Donuts --title "copied project"

5. Automate your project with workflows

If you want an issue to be automatically added to a project or if you want to set the status of an issue to “completed” when it is closed, you can do this automatically with built-in project workflows!

Go to the menu and click “Workflows.” This will show you a list of default workflows you can enable on your projects. To automatically add an issue to your project from a repository, you can enable the “Auto-add to project” workflow. To automatically set the status of a closed issue to “complete,” you can enable the “item closed” workflow.

turning on built-in project workflows from the settings page

Explore more built-in workflows by reading our documentation where you can also learn how to automate your projects with GitHub Actions.

6. Add colors and description to custom fields

Custom fields help you organize and categorize items in your projects, with flexible field types including text, number, date, single select, and iteration. If you want to add a splash of color to your project or more details about a specific field, you can add colors and descriptions to your single select fields!

To add a color and a description to a new single select field, navigate to the project settings, and add a new field. From there, you can add options to the field where you can select colors and add a description so everyone on your team knows what those options in the field mean and how they can be used.

updating project settings with new fields and descriptions from the settings page

You can also update field descriptions and colors directly from the project view by selecting Edit details from the group or column menus.

updating colors and description fields from the main project view

7. Add Issues from any organization

If you’re an open source maintainer, or a developer with multiple clients, you may be working across multiple organizations at a time. This means you have multiple issues to keep track of and need a way to combine these issues in one cohesive manner.

This is where GitHub Projects come in! You can collate issues from any organization onto a single project.

For example, I’m a part of the That-Lady-Dev and the Demos-and-Donuts organizations. I have the issues I want to track on my project board from That-Lady-Dev, but I also want to add the issues I have from the other organization to the same board. I can do this in one of two ways—I can either copy the issue link from the Demos-and-Donuts organization and paste it into the project, or I can search for the Demos-and-Donuts organization and repository from the project using # and select the issues I want to add.

This is a lot to take in—take a look at the gif below.

pasting an issue url from another org onto the project and searching for an issue from another org to add to the project

You can also add an issue or pull request to a project with the CLI. The command will look like this:

gh project item-add 4 --owner That-Lady-Dev --url https://github.com/Demos-and-Donuts/video-to-gif-converter/issues/1

8. Edit multiple items at once

Rather than spending time manually updating individual items, you can edit multiple items in one go with our bulk editing feature on GitHub Projects.

Let’s say you wanted to assign multiple issues to yourself. On the table layout, assign one issue and with the cell highlighted, and copy the contents of the cell. Select all the remaining items you want to be assigned and paste the copied contents. You just assigned yourself to multiple issues at once, and this can be undone at the click of a button or using keyboard commands as well.

This is demonstrated in the gif below.

bulk editing fields by assigning LadyKerr to thirteen field at the same time

You can also drag and drop multiple items on a project board to different columns.

dragging and dropping four board items to another column at the same time

9. Reorder fields

With a growing list of fields in your project, you’ll want to make sure your fields are organized and you see the most important ones up top. To change the order in how they appear on the side panel and on the issues page, you can rearrange the order of the fields from the project settings by dragging and dropping them in the “Custom fields” list.

putting status field at the top on settings page and showing on the project view that it is now the first field on the issue

10. See what you want to see with slice by

If you find yourself with multiple views and filters to see how items are spread among various teams, labels, or assignees, you can configure a slice field to break down and quickly toggle through your items. You can choose a Slice by field that will pull the field values into a panel on the left of your view, and clicking each value will adjust the items in the project view on the right. See the gif below for how this works.

slicing the project by content type, labels and assignees to demonstrate slice by feature

Try out slicing by different fields to unlock a new way to organize your items!

Bonus tip: Deep linking

Let’s say you want to send a specific issue from your project to a teammate. You can use the Copy link to project button to send them a direct link to that particular issue in the project without having them sift through to find the issue you mentioned. See what I mean in this gif.

using the copy project link to deep link items


And there you have it—10 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Projects. The team is continuing to work on more amazing features to make tracking your issues with pull requests as seamless and painless as possible. GitHub Projects is a powerful, flexible, and efficient way to keep track of your items while staying on top of your work.

Do let me know if you have any questions about GitHub Projects; I’m happy to jump in and assist.

The post 10 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Projects appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

GitHub CLI project command is now generally available!

Post Syndicated from Ariel Deitcher original https://github.blog/2023-07-11-github-cli-project-command-is-now-generally-available/

Effective planning and tracking is essential for developer teams of all shapes and sizes. Last year, we announced the general availability of GitHub Projects, connecting your planning directly to the work your teams are doing in GitHub. Today, we’re making GitHub Projects faster and more powerful. The project command for the gh CLI is now generally available!

In this blog, we’ll take a look at how to get started with the new command, share some examples you can try on the command line and in GitHub Actions, and list the steps to upgrade from the archived gh-projects extension. Let’s take a look at how you can conveniently manage and collaborate on GitHub Projects from the command line.

The components of GitHub Projects

Let’s start by familiarizing ourselves with the key components of GitHub Projects. A project is made up of three components—the Project, Project field(s), and Project item(s).

A Project belongs to an owner (which can be either a user or an organization), and is identified by a project number. As an example, the GitHub public roadmap project is number 4247 in the github organization. We’ll use this project in some of our examples later on.

Project fields belong to a Project and have a type such as Status, Assignee, or Number, while field values are set on an item. See understanding fields for more details.

Project items are one of type draft issue, issue, or pull request. An item of type draft issue belongs to a single Project, while items of type issue and pull request can be added to multiple projects.

These three components make up the subcommands of gh project, for example:

  • Project subcommands include: create, copy, list, and view.
  • Project field subcommands include: field-create, field-list , and field-delete.
  • Project item subcommands include: item-add, item-edit, item-archive, and item-list.

For the full list of project commands, check out the manual.

Permissions check

In order to get started with the new command, you’ll need to ensure you have the right permissions. The project command requires the project auth scope, which isn’t part of the default scopes of the gh auth token.

In your terminal, you can check your current scopes with this command:

$ gh auth status
✓ Logged in to github.com as mntlty (keyring)
✓ Git operations for github.com configured to use https protocol.
✓ Token: gho_************************************
✓ Token scopes: gist, read:org, repo, workflow

If you don’t see project in the list of token scopes, you can add it by following the interactive prompts from this command:

$ gh auth refresh -s project

In GitHub Actions, you must choose one of the options from the documentation to make a token with the project scope available.

Running project commands

Now that you have the permissions you need, let’s look at some examples of running project commands using my user and the GitHub public roadmap project, which you can adapt to your team’s use cases.

List the projects owned by the current user (note that no --owner flag is set):

$ gh project list
1 my first project open PVT_kwxxx
2 @mntlty's second project open PVT_kwxxx

Create a project owned by mntlty:

$ gh project create --owner mntlty --title 'my project'

View the GitHub public roadmap project:

$ gh project view --owner github 4247


GitHub public roadmap

## Description


## Visibility


## URL


## Item count


## Readme


## Field Name (Field Type)

Title (ProjectV2Field)

Assignees (ProjectV2Field)

Status (ProjectV2SingleSelectField)

Labels (ProjectV2Field)

Repository (ProjectV2Field)

Milestone (ProjectV2Field)

Linked pull requests (ProjectV2Field)

Reviewers (ProjectV2Field)

Tracks (ProjectV2Field)

Tracked by (ProjectV2Field)

List the items in the GitHub public roadmap project:

$ gh project item-list --owner github 4247

Issue Kotlin security analysis support in CodeQL code scanning
(public beta) 207 github/roadmap
Issue Swift security analysis support in CodeQL code scanning
(beta) 206 github/roadmap
Issue Fine-grained PATs (v2 PATs) - [Public Beta]
184 github/roadmap PVTI_lADNJr_NE13OAALQmw

Copy the GitHub public roadmap project structure to a new project owned by mntlty:

$ gh project copy 4247 --source-owner github --target-owner mntlty --title 'my roadmap'


Note that if you are using a TTY and do not pass a --owner flag or the project number argument to a command which requires those values, an interactive prompt will be shown from which you can select those values.

JSON format

Now, let’s look at how to format the command output in JSON, which displays more information for use in scripting, automation, and piping into other commands. Every project subcommand supports outputting to JSON format by setting the --format=json flag:

$ gh project view --owner github 4247 --format=json
{"number":4247,"url":"<https://github.com/orgs/github/projects/4247","shortDescription":"", "public":true,"closed":false,"title":"GitHub> public roadmap","id":"PVT_kwDNJr_NE10","readme":"","items":{"totalCount":208},"fields":{"totalCount":10},"owner":{"type":"Organization","login":"github"}}%

Combining JSON formatted output with a tool such as jq enables you to unlock even more capabilities. For example, you can create a list of the URLs from all of the Issues on the GitHub public roadmap project that have status “Future”:

$ gh project item-list --owner github 4247 --format=json | jq '.items[] |
select(.status=="Future" and .content.type == "Issue") | .content.url'


GitHub Actions

You can also level up your team’s usage of GitHub Projects with project commands in your GitHub Actions workflows to enhance automation, generate on demand reports, and react to events such as when a project item is modified. For example, you can create a workflow which is triggered by a workflow_dispatch event and will close all projects that are owned by mntlty and which have no items:


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_TOKEN }}
      - run: |
          gh project list --owner mntlty --format=json \
          | jq '.projects[] | select(.items.totalCount == 0) | .number' \
          | xargs -n1 gh project close --owner mntlty 

The latest version of gh is automatically available in the GitHub Actions environment. For more information on using GitHub Actions, see https://docs.github.com/en/actions.

Upgrading from the gh-projects extension

Now that the project command is officially part of the CLI, the gh-projects extension repository has been archived. If you’re currently using the extension, you don’t need to change anything. You can continue installing and using the gh-projects extension; however, it won’t receive any future enhancements. Fortunately, it’s very simple to make the transition from the gh-project extension to the project command:

  • Upgrade to the latest version of gh.
  • Replace flags for --user and --org with --owner in project commands. owner is the login of the project owner, which is either a user or an organization.
  • Replace gh projects with gh project.

To avoid confusion, I also recommend removing the extension by running the following command:

$ gh ext remove gh-projects

Thank you to the community, @mislav, @samcoe, and @vilmibm for providing invaluable feedback and support on gh-projects!

Get started with GitHub CLI project command today

If you’re interested in learning more or giving us feedback, check out these links:

Upgrade to the latest version of the gh CLI to level up your usage of GitHub Projects!

How the Grafana Alerting team scales their issue management with GitHub Projects

Post Syndicated from Mario Rodriguez original https://github.blog/2023-03-15-how-the-grafana-alerting-team-scales-their-issue-management-with-github-projects/

At GitHub you’ve heard us talk about how we are using GitHub Projects and GitHub Actions to plan and track our work and now we’ve asked one of our customers, Grafana Labs, to share how their teams are approaching work in a new way. Whether they are managing open source requests, operational tasks, or escalations, the Grafana Labs Alerting team uses GitHub Projects to manage all these issues efficiently.

Headshot photograph of Armand Grillet, a white male with short brownish hair and a short beard wearing round tortoise shell glasses. Let’s hear more from Armand Grillet, Senior Engineering Manager at Grafana Labs, including how his teams use tasklists to break work into manageable tasks, use a common set of labels to filter tasks, create multiple views on a single project to meet the needs of different teams and stakeholders, and use automation to enable engineers to stay focused on the code.

Grafana is a leading open source platform for monitoring and observability, which is why the Grafana Labs GitHub organization is the center of our engineering efforts with nearly 1,000 repositories, including eight having more than 2,000 stars. In addition to this open source work, Grafana Labs engineers also work on the Grafana Cloud observability platform and its customers’ escalations.

As the manager of the Grafana Alerting and service-level objectives (SLOs) backend teams at Grafana Labs it was essential to have one project board that benefited our multiple stakeholders: team members, other employees, as well as the open source community. Our GitHub Project has offered us the opportunity to do just that. You can even make a copy of our board and adapt it for your own project needs, using the ‘make a copy’ functionality.

One view for each team, assembled around task lists

Our four teams each have a view in the Grafana Alerting project: “Backend”,”Front-end”,”UX”,and “Docs”.

Grafana Alerting has contributors working across four teams: backend, front-end, UX, and docs. Each of these contributor types has their own view in our project. The field options (thus the columns) are the same for each of these views:

  • Inbox—not reviewed yet
  • Waiting for input—open source issues that need more details
  • Backlog—reviewed, priority depending on the milestone set
  • In progress
  • In review
  • Done

These columns (custom fields) are intentionally generic. They can work for all teams, no matter whether the issue has been written by someone in the community or by someone internally. We use project filters based on labels, such as “area/frontend” to allow issues to be automatically added to the correct views once they are added to our project.

Big issues that we work on over a quarter use tasklists to breakdown the main pieces of work.
Big issues that we work on over a quarter use tasklists to breakdown the main pieces of work.
Note: Tasklists are currently in private beta; you can sign your organization up for access on the GitHub Feature Preview portal

For bigger issues, we make use of the GitHub tasklist feature to break down the work into tasks. We use labels to filter the tasks to be included in the relevant team’s view. This creates views that provide two different, but useful, kinds of information. For example, for the docs team:

  • Smaller issues with only the label “type/docs” are items the docs team needs to work on.
  • Bigger issues containing task lists with the label “type/docs” along with labels for additional areas (for example, “area/frontend”) are issues with a dependency on the docs team, but the item is not owned by “docs.” For these bigger issues, if the status is “in progress” someone in the docs team should start checking how they can help.

As a manager of the backend team and project lead for Grafana Alerting, this workflow gives me peace of mind. Even if our docs team members miss some meetings, the Docs view in our project is always accurate, because engineers maintain the status of issues.

The four team views, combined with our “Epics” view (the first view in our board) that lists our big issues for an entire quarter, allow everyone to see our progress on Grafana Alerting. GitHub users who are part of the Grafana Labs organization can see all issues, whereas Github users within our community can only see issues in public repositories. As most of our issues live in the Grafana public repository this allows us to be transparent by default.

Whilst we use a private repository for issues relating to our operational work, we use the same labels in all our alerting-related repositories so that we can use project filters easily. Having common labels in many repositories creates an incentive to have the same labels in other repositories, especially new ones, even if they do not relate to alerting. This growing commonality makes searching for issues across multiple repositories easier, which is particularly useful for our product managers.

Custom fields to create tailored views

A valuable feature of GitHub Projects is the ability to have different columns (custom fields) per view. This allows us to view not only smaller issues but also larger issues covering an entire quarter. Our team also handles engineering escalations that are worked at a faster pace compared to normal issues.

As a team, our three custom fields are:

  • Status: the default field for all issues except escalations (as mentioned above).
  • Quarter: used for bigger issues that include tasklists.
  • Escalation: used to capture more granular status of each escalation.

With these custom fields, we can have custom views, such as our epic view, which gives us a birds-eye view of our quarterly goals, and our escalations view, which lets us review the state of escalations that need engineering work.

The escalations view uses the escalation status custom field with special values such as “Waiting for release.”

Thanks to the adaptability of GitHub Projects, we finally have one ‘source-of-truth’ to reference normal issues, big issues, and escalations.

Enhancing projects with GitHub Actions

For escalations, which are urgent to solve, we also use GitHub Actions to notify us on Slack or use Grafana OnCall if this is a high priority escalation.

Combining GitHub Projects and GitHub Actions offers endless possibilities. Actions like github/issue-labeler allow us to have repositories shared by different teams with issues labeled automatically depending on keywords used in an issue. These labels are then used by other actions to add the issue to the right view or to send notifications to external systems. Opening the project and seeing that new relevant issues have been added automatically, ready for triage, feels like magic.

An issue labeled “alerting” and “prio/3” has been created by support in “grafana/support-escalations.” This adds the issue to the right project and notifies the current on-call on Slack via GitHub Actions.

We often have escalations related to features requested by customers. Being able to link to an escalation in an open source issue allows engineers and product managers to prioritize together on one platform while keeping this information confidential from GitHub users outside our organization.

These automations have been important in terms of engineers’ motivation and our productivity. For example, the Grafana Alerting team receives around five issues from support regarding escalations per week. During the last quarter of 2022, at any given time, the team had on average only four open escalations due to the automation motivating engineers to prioritize this work. This is a significant reduction from the average of 20 open escalations at any given time prior to our shift to GitHub Projects and GitHub Actions.

Flow chart showing the origins and routes that an item can take on its way to ending up in a GitHub project.
Combining GitHub Projects and GitHub Actions allows us to route feedback from various sources through the most relevant repos and then onto a single project.

GitHub Projects at scale

Since we started using GitHub Projects, our team has been growing. An important moment for me in our scaling was the creation of a new project for the team working on SLOs. Originally, this team had no escalations and a small number of engineers. We were able to easily make a copy of the ‘Alerting’ project, changing the filters to accommodate the new team’s repositories, too. The important question was whether the workflows we had for a big team would be too much for such a new team. The answer was yes, there were too many views, creating unnecessary overhead, but it was very easy to reduce the number of views to adapt to the new team’s needs. Using the existing project as a starting point for the SLO team enabled us to get a new project up and running fast.

After a year of using GitHub Projects, we have seen its ability to handle our different types of issues and to adapt to the needs of our various teams at Grafana Labs. We find GitHub Projects to be a flexible planning and tracking solution that enables engineers to stay focussed on code and gives issues more visibility. GitHub Projects keeps the burden for contributors low whilst still providing the views managers need to understand and plan team efforts. GitHub Projects is the only tool the Grafana Alerting team needs to do project planning.

How we’re using projects to build projects

Post Syndicated from Jed Verity original https://github.blog/2022-05-16-how-were-using-projects-to-build-projects/

At GitHub, we use GitHub to build our own products, whether that be moving our entire Engineering team over to Codespaces for the majority of GitHub.com development, or utilizing GitHub Actions to coordinate our GitHub Mobile releases. And while GitHub Issues has been a part of the GitHub experience since the early days and is an integral part of how we work together as Hubbers internally, the addition of powerful project planning has given us more opportunities to test out some of our most exciting products.

In this post, I’m going to share how we’ve been utilizing the new projects experience across our team (from an engineer like myself all the way to our VPs and team leads). We love working so closely with developers to ship requested features and updates (all of which roll up into the Changelogs you see), and using the new projects helps us stay consistent in our shipping cadence.

How we think about shipping

Our core team consists of members of the product, engineering, design, and user research teams. We recognize that good ideas can come from anywhere. Our process is designed to inspire, surface, and implement those ideas, whether they come from users, individual contributors, managers, directors, or VPs. To get the proper alignment for this group, we’ve agreed on a few guiding principles that drive what our roadmap will look like:

💭 The pitch: When it comes to what we’re going to work on (outside of the big pieces of work on our roadmap) people within our team can pitch ideas in our team’s repository for upcoming cycles (which we define as 6-8 weeks of work, inclusive of planning, engineering work, and an unstructured passion project week); these can be features, fixes, or even maintenance work. Every pitch must clearly state the problem it’s solving and why it’s important for us to prioritize. Some features that have come from this process include live updates, burn up charts for insights, and more. Note: these are all the changes you see as a developer, but we also have a lot of pitches come in from my fellow engineers focused around the developer experience. For example, a couple successful pitches have included reducing our CI time to 10 minutes, and streamlining our release process by switching to a ring deployment model and adding ChatOps.

💡 In addition to using issues to propose and converse on pitches from the team, we use the new projects experience to track and manage all the pitches from the team so we can see them in an all-up table or board view.

✂ Keep it small: We knew for ourselves, and for developers, that we didn’t want to lock them into a specific planning methodology and over-complicate a team’s planning and tracking process. For us, we wanted to plan shorter cycles for our team to increase our tempo and focus, so we opted for six-week cycles to break up and build features. Check out how we recommend getting started with this approach in a recent blog post.

📬 Ship to learn: Similar to how we ship a lot of our products, we knew developers and customers were going to be heavily intertwined with each and every ship, giving us immediate feedback in both the private and public beta. Their feedback both influenced what we built and then how we iterated and continued to better the experience once something did ship. While there are so many people to thank, we’re extremely grateful for all our customers along the way for being our partners in building GitHub Issues into the place for developers to project plan.

How we used projects to do it

We love that the product we’re building doesn’t tool a specific project management methodology, but equips users with powerful primitives that they can compose into their preferred experiences and workflows. This allows for many people (not just us engineers) involved in building and developing products at GitHub (team leads, marketing, design, sales, etc.) the ability to use the product in a way that makes sense for them.

With the above principles in mind, once a pitch has been agreed upon to move forward on building, that pitch issue becomes a tracking issue in a project table or board that we convert into pieces of work that fit into an upcoming cycle. A great example of this was when we updated the GitHub Issues icons to lessen confusion among developers. This came in as a pitch from a designer on the team, and was soon accepted and moved into epic planning in which the team responsible began to track the individual pieces of work needed to make this happen.

IC approach

Let’s start with how my fellow engineers, individual contributors and I use projects for day-to-day development within cycles. From our perspective on any given day, we’re hyper-focused on tackling what issues and pull requests are assigned to us (fun fact: we recently added the assignee:me filter to make this even easier) in a given cycle, so we work from more individually scoped project tables or boards that stem from the larger epic and iteration tracking. Because of this, we can easily zoom out from our individual tasks to see how our work fits into a given cycle, and then even zoom out more into how it fits into larger initiatives.

💡 In addition to scoping more specifically a given table or board, engineers across our organization utilize a personal project table or board to track all the things specific to themselves like what issues are assigned to them—even work not connected to a given cycle, like open source work.

EM approach

If we pull back to engineering managers overseeing those smaller cycles, they’re focused on kicking off an accepted pitch’s work, breaking it first into cycles and then into smaller iterations in which they can assign out work. A given cycle’s table or board view allows the managers to have a whole look at all members of their team and look specifically at things that are important to them, like all the pull requests that are open and quickly seeing which engineers are assigned, what pull requests have been merged, deployed, etc.

💡 Check out what this looks like in our team board.

Team lead approach

Now, if we put ourselves in the shoes of our team leads and Directors/VPs, we see that they’re using the new projects experience to primarily get the full picture of where product and feature development currently sit. They told me the main team roadmap and backlog is where they can get questions answered like:

  • Which projects do we have in flight in which product area right now?
  • Who’s the key decision maker for this project?
  • Which engineers are working on which projects?
  • Which projects are at risk and need help (progress/status)?

What’s great about this is that they can quickly glance at what’s in motion and then click into any cycles or status to get more context on open issues, pull requests, and how everything is connected.

💡 Outside of being able to check in on what’s being worked on and where the organization’s current focus is, our leads have found additional use cases that may not be applicable for an engineer like me. They use private projects for more sensitive tasks, like managing our team’s hiring, tracking upcoming start dates, making sure they’re staying on top of career development, organizational change management, and more.


This is how we as the planning and tracking team at GitHub are using the very product we’re building for you to build the new projects experience. There are many other teams across GitHub that utilize the new project tables and boards, but we hope this gives you a little bit of inspiration about how to think about project planning on GitHub and how to optimize for all the stakeholders involved in building and shipping products.

What’s great about project planning on GitHub is that our focus on powerful primitives approach to project management means that there is an unlimited amount of flexibility for you and your team to play around with, and likely many, many ways we haven’t even thought about how to use the product. So, please let us know how you’re using it and how we can improve the experience!

GitHub Artifact Exporter open source release

Post Syndicated from Jason Macgowan original https://github.blog/2021-05-18-github-artifact-exporter-open-source-release/

GitHub is the home for software development teams and is the place where they collaborate and build. For larger organizations, you might have a dedicated reporting team that wants to export this activity at a granular level, so it can be modified and presented for audits. GitHub provides a powerful API for accessing this data programmatically, but we know that may not be the perfect solution for the many people involved in a given organization. In fact, a common request we’ve seen is for the ability to download issues and other repository data as a CSV file. Sometimes, you just want a spreadsheet!

So, we built the GitHub Artifact Exporter to help reporting teams get the data they need without requiring them to know how to interact with the GitHub API.

What data can you export from GitHub?

GitHub Artifact Exporter provides a CLI and a simple GUI for exporting GitHub Issues and related comments based on a date range, and it supports GitHub’s full search syntax, allowing you to filter results based on your search parameters

The CLI also supports exporting:

  • Commits
  • Milestones, including associated Issues
  • Projects, including associated issues
  • Pull requests, including comments
  • Releases

Exporter format

Both the CLI and GUI support two formats for data exports, JSON and CSV.


Newline delimited JSON can be used to process each line.

Screenshot of JSON data export using GitHub Artifact Exporter


CSV provides a comma-delimited export where each line represents an issue and a single comment.

Screenshot of comma-delimited CSV data export using GitHub Artifact Exporter

Using the GUI

When you open the GUI, you’re greeted with the screen below. You’ll need to fill in a personal access token, the owner of the repository, and the name of the repository itself.

The owner of the repository will either be your personal account name or your organization name. The name of the repository will be the URL slug that you see in the URL bar. The GitHub Artifact Exporter’s Owner and Repository would be “github” and “github-artifact-exporter” respectively.

Next, input a search string to filter the issues in your repository, select whether you want CSV or JSON output, and hit export! You’ll be prompted with a dialogue allowing you to choose the location to save the file.

Screenshot of GUI for GitHub Artifact Exporter, showing the fields described above.

Using the CLI

The CLI can be used to generate the same JSON and CSV data as the GUI, in addition to implementing a handful of other search types. See the usage portion of the README for full details.

For example, to get all the pull requests in your repository, this command could be used:
github-artifact-exporter.exe repo:pulls --owner github --repo github-artifact-exporter --token $GITHUB_TOKEN --format JSON.

Try it out!

We hope that this tool helps your team export your data in an easier fashion. To get started, check out the prerequisites then download the GitHub Artifact Exporter. We would love any suggestions or feedback in the repository.