Tag Archives: Amazon EC2

New EC2 T4g Instances – Burstable Performance Powered by AWS Graviton2 – Try Them for Free

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-t4g-instances-burstable-performance-powered-by-aws-graviton2/

Two years ago Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) T3 instances were first made available, offering a very cost effective way to run general purpose workloads. While current T3 instances offer sufficient compute performance for many use cases, many customers have told us that they have additional workloads that would benefit from increased peak performance and lower cost.

Today, we are launching T4g instances, a new generation of low cost burstable instance type powered by AWS Graviton2, a processor custom built by AWS using 64-bit Arm Neoverse cores. Using T4g instances you can enjoy a performance benefit of up to 40% at a 20% lower cost in comparison to T3 instances, providing the best price/performance for a broader spectrum of workloads.

T4g instances are designed for applications that don’t use CPU at full power most of the time, using the same credit model as T3 instances with unlimited mode enabled by default. Examples of production workloads that require high CPU performance only during times of heavy data processing are web/application servers, small/medium data stores, and many microservices. Compared to previous generations, the performance of T4g instances makes it possible to migrate additional workloads such as caching servers, search engine indexing, and e-commerce platforms.

T4g instances are available in 7 sizes providing up to 5 Gbps of network and up to 2.7 Gbps of Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) performance:

Name vCPUs Baseline Performance/vCPU CPU Credits Earned/Hour Memory
t4g.nano 2 5% 6 0.5 GiB
t4g.micro 2 10% 12 1 GiB
t4g.small 2 20% 24 2 GiB
t4g.medium 2 20% 24 4 GiB
t4g.large 2 30% 36 8 GiB
t4g.xlarge 4 40% 96 16 GiB
t4g.2xlarge 8 40% 192 32 GiB

Free Trial
To make it easier to develop, test, and run your applications on T4g instances, all AWS customers are automatically enrolled in a free trial on the t4g.micro size. Starting September 2020 until December 31st 2020, you can run a t4g.micro instance and automatically get 750 free hours per month deducted from your bill, including any CPU credits during the free 750 hours of usage. The 750 hours are calculated in aggregate across all regions. For details on terms and conditions of the free trial, please refer to the EC2 FAQs.

During the free trial, have a look at this getting started guide on using the Arm-based AWS Graviton processors. There, you can find suggestions on how to build and optimize your applications, using different programming languages and operating systems, and on managing container-based workloads. Some of the tips are specific for the Graviton processor, but most of the content works generally for anyone using Arm to run their code.

Using T4g Instances
You can start an EC2 instance in different ways, for example using the EC2 console, the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, or AWS CloudFormation. For my first T4g instance, I use the AWS CLI:

$ aws ec2 run-instances \
  --instance-type t4g.micro \
  --image-id ami-09a67037138f86e67 \
  --security-groups MySecurityGroup \
  --key-name my-key-pair

The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) I am using is based on Amazon Linux 2. Other platforms are available, such as Ubuntu 18.04 or newer, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 and newer, and SUSE Enterprise Server 15 and newer. You can find additional AMIs in the AWS Marketplace, for example Fedora, Debian, NetBSD, CentOS, and NGINX Plus. For containerized applications, Amazon ECS and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service optimized AMIs are available as well.

The security group I selected gives me SSH access to the instance. I connect to the instance and do a general update:

$ sudo yum update -y

Since the kernel has been updated, I reboot the instance.

I’d like to set up this instance as a development environment. I can use it to build new applications, or to recompile my existing apps to the 64-bit Arm architecture. To install most development tools, such as Git, GCC, and Make, I use this group of packages:

$ sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"

AWS is working with several open source communities to drive improvements to the performance of software stacks running on AWS Graviton2. For example, you can see our contributions to PHP for Arm64 in this post.

Using the latest versions helps you obtain maximum performance from your Graviton2-based instances. The amazon-linux-extras command enables new versions for some of my favorite programming environments:

$ sudo amazon-linux-extras enable golang1.11 corretto8 php7.4 python3.8 ruby2.6

The output of the amazon-linux-extras command tells me which packages to install with yum:

$ yum clean metadata
$ sudo yum install -y golang java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto \
  php-cli php-pdo php-fpm php-json php-mysqlnd \
  python38 ruby ruby-irb rubygem-rake rubygem-json rubygems

Let’s check the versions of the tools that I just installed:

$ go version
go version go1.13.14 linux/arm64
$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_265"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 1.8.0_265-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 25.265-b01, mixed mode)
$ php -v
PHP 7.4.9 (cli) (built: Aug 21 2020 21:45:13) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
$ python3.8 -V
Python 3.8.5
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [aarch64-linux]

It looks like I am ready to go! Many more packages are available with yum, such as MariaDB and PostgreSQL. If you’re interested in databases, you might also want to try the preview of Amazon RDS powered by AWS Graviton2 processors.

Available Now
T4g instances are available today in US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo, Mumbai), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland).

You now have a broad choice of Graviton2-based instances to better optimize your workloads for cost and performance: low cost burstable general-purpose (T4g), general purpose (M6g), compute optimized (C6g) and memory optimized (R6g) instances. Local NVMe-based SSD storage options are also available.

You can use the free trial to develop new applications, or migrate your existing workloads to the AWS Graviton2 processor. Let me know how that goes!


How to configure an LDAPS endpoint for Simple AD

Post Syndicated from Marco Sommella original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-configure-ldaps-endpoint-for-simple-ad/

In this blog post, we show you how to configure an LDAPS (LDAP over SSL or TLS) encrypted endpoint for Simple AD so that you can extend Simple AD over untrusted networks. Our solution uses Network Load Balancer (NLB) as SSL/TLS termination. The data is then decrypted and sent to Simple AD. Network Load Balancer offers integrated certificate management, SSL/TLS termination, and the ability to use a scalable Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) backend to process decrypted traffic. Network Load Balancer also tightly integrates with Amazon Route 53, enabling you to use a custom domain for the LDAPS endpoint. To simplify testing and deployment, we have provided an AWS CloudFormation template to provision the network load balancer (NLB).

Simple AD, which is powered by Samba 4, supports basic Active Directory (AD) authentication features such as users, groups, and the ability to join domains. Simple AD also includes an integrated Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. LDAP is a standard application protocol for accessing and managing directory information. You can use the BIND operation from Simple AD to authenticate LDAP client sessions. This makes LDAP a common choice for centralized authentication and authorization for services such as Secure Shell (SSH), client-based virtual private networks (VPNs), and many other applications. Authentication, the process of confirming the identity of a principal, typically involves the transmission of highly sensitive information such as user names and passwords. To protect this information in transit over untrusted networks, companies often require encryption as part of their information security strategy.

This post assumes that you understand concepts such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and its components, including subnets, routing, internet and network address translation (NAT) gateways, DNS, and security groups. If needed, you should familiarize yourself with these concepts and review the solution overview and prerequisites in the next section before proceeding with the deployment.

Note: This solution is intended for use by clients who require only an LDAPS endpoint. If your requirements extend beyond this, you should consider accessing the Simple AD servers directly or by using AWS Directory Service for Microsoft AD.

Solution overview

The following description explains the Simple AD LDAPS environment. The AWS CloudFormation template creates the network-load-balancer object.

  1. The LDAP client sends an LDAPS request to the NLB on TCP port 636.
  2. The NLB terminates the SSL/TLS session and decrypts the traffic using a certificate. The NLB sends the decrypted LDAP traffic to Simple AD on TCP port 389.
  3. The Simple AD servers send an LDAP response to the NLB. The NLB encrypts the response and sends it to the client.

The following diagram illustrates how the solution works and shows the prerequisites (listed in the following section).

Figure 1: LDAPS with Simple AD Architecture

Figure 1: LDAPS with Simple AD Architecture

Note: Amazon VPC prevents third parties from intercepting traffic within the VPC. Because of this, the VPC protects the decrypted traffic between the NLB and Simple AD. The NLB encryption provides an additional layer of security for client connections and protects traffic coming from hosts outside the VPC.


  1. Our approach requires an Amazon VPC with one public and two private subnets. If you don’t have an Amazon VPC that meets that requirement, use the following instructions to set up a sample environment:
    1. Identify an AWS Region that supports Simple AD and network load balancing.
    2. Identify two Availability Zones in that Region to use with Simple AD. The Availability Zones are needed as parameters in the AWS CloudFormation template used later in this process.
    3. Create or choose an Amazon VPC in the region you chose.
    4. Enable DNS support within your VPC so you can use Route 53 to resolve the LDAPS endpoint.
    5. Create two private subnets, one per Availability Zone. The Simple AD servers use the subnets that you create.
    6. Create a public subnet in the same VPC.
    7. The LDAP service requires a DNS domain that resolves within your VPC and from your LDAP clients. If you don’t have an existing DNS domain, create a private hosted zone and associate it with your VPC. To avoid encryption protocol errors, you must ensure that the DNS domain name is consistent across your Route 53 zone and in the SSL/TLS certificate.
  2. Make sure you’ve completed the Simple AD prerequisites.
  3. You can use a certificate issued by your preferred certificate authority or a certificate issued by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). If you don’t have a certificate authority, you can create a self-signed certificate by following the instructions in section 2 (Create a certificate).

Note: To prevent unauthorized direct connections to your Simple AD servers, you can modify the Simple AD security group on port 389 to block traffic from locations outside of the Simple AD VPC. You can find the security group in the Amazon EC2 console by creating a search filter for your Simple AD directory ID. It is also important to allow the Simple AD servers to communicate with each other as shown on Simple AD Prerequisites.

Solution deployment

This solution includes 5 main parts:

  1. Create a Simple AD directory.
  2. (Optional) Create a SSL/TLS certificate, if you don’t have already have one.
  3. Create the NLB by using the supplied AWS CloudFormation template.
  4. Create a Route 53 record.
  5. Test LDAPS access using an Amazon Linux 2 client.

1. Create a Simple AD directory

With the prerequisites completed, your first step is to create a Simple AD directory in your private VPC subnets.

To create a Simple AD directory:

  1. In the Directory Service console navigation pane, choose Directories and then choose Set up directory.
  2. Choose Simple AD.

    Figure 2: Select directory type

    Figure 2: Select directory type

  3. Provide the following information:
    1. Directory Size: The size of the directory. The options are Small or Large. Which you should choose depends on the anticipated size of your directory.
    2. Directory DNS: The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the directory, such as corp.example.com.

      Note: You will need the directory FQDN when you test your solution.

    3. NetBIOS name: The short name for the directory, such as corp.
    4. Administrator password: The password for the directory administrator. The directory creation process creates an administrator account with the user name Administrator and this password. Don’t lose this password, because it can’t be recovered. You also need this password for testing LDAPS access in a later step.
    5. Description: An optional description for the directory.
    Figure 3: Directory information

    Figure 3: Directory information

  4. Select the VPC and subnets, and then choose Next:
    • VPC: Use the dropdown list to select the VPC to install the directory in.
    • Subnets: Use the dropdown lists to select two private subnets for the directory servers. The two subnets must be in different Availability Zones. Make a note of the VPC and subnet IDs to use as input parameters for the AWS CloudFormation template. In the following example, the subnets are in the us-east-1a and us-east-1c Availability Zones.
    Figure 4: Choose VPC and subnets

    Figure 4: Choose VPC and subnets

  5. Review the directory information and make any necessary changes. When the information is correct, choose Create directory.

    Figure 5: Review and create the directory

    Figure 5: Review and create the directory

  6. It takes several minutes to create the directory. From the AWS Directory Service console, refresh the screen periodically and wait until the directory Status value changes to Active before continuing.
  7. When the status has changed to Active, choose your Simple AD directory and note the two IP addresses in the DNS address section. You will enter them in a later step when you run the AWS CloudFormation template.

Note: How to administer your Simple AD implementation is out of scope for this post. See the documentation to add users, groups, or instances to your directory. Also see the previous blog post, How to Manage Identities in Simple AD Directories.

2. Add a certificate

Now that you have a Simple AD directory, you need a SSL/TLS certificate. The certificate will be used with the NLB to secure the LDAPS endpoint. You then import the certificate into ACM, which is integrated with the NLB.

As mentioned earlier, you can use a certificate issued by your preferred certificate authority or a certificate issued by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).

(Optional) Create a self-signed certificate

If you don’t already have a certificate authority, you can use the following instructions to generate a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL.

Note: OpenSSL is a standard, open source library that supports a wide range of cryptographic functions, including the creation and signing of x509 certificates.

Use the command line interface to create a certificate:

  1. You must have a system with OpenSSL installed to complete this step. If you don’t have OpenSSL, you can install it on Amazon Linux by running the command sudo yum install openssl. If you don’t have access to an Amazon Linux instance you can create one with SSH access enabled to proceed with this step. Use the command line to run the command openssl version to see if you already have OpenSSL installed.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 ~]$ openssl version
    OpenSSL 1.0.1k-fips 8 Jan 2015

  2. Create a private key using the openssl genrsa command.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ openssl genrsa 2048 > privatekey.pem
    Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
    e is 65537 (0x10001)

  3. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) using the openssl req command. Provide the requested information for each field. The Common Name is the FQDN for your LDAPS endpoint (for example, ldap.corp.example.com). The Common Name must use the domain name you will later register in Route 53. You will encounter certificate errors if the names do not match.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ openssl req -new -key privatekey.pem -out server.csr
    You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request.

  4. Use the openssl x509 command to sign the certificate. The following example uses the private key from the previous step (privatekey.pem) and the signing request (server.csr) to create a public certificate named server.crt that is valid for 365 days. This certificate must be updated within 365 days to avoid disruption of LDAPS functionality.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey privatekey.pem -out server.crt
    Signature ok
    subject=/C=XX/L=Default City/O=Default Company Ltd/CN=ldap.corp.example.com
    Getting Private key

  5. You should see three files: privatekey.pem, server.crt, and server.csr.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ ls
    privatekey.pem server.crt server.csr

  6. Restrict access to the private key.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ chmod 600 privatekey.pem

Note: Keep the private key and public certificate to use later. You can discard the signing request, because you are using a self-signed certificate and not using a certificate authority. Always store the private key in a secure location, and avoid adding it to your source code.

Import a certificate

For this step, you can either use a certificate obtained from a certificate authority, or a self-signed certificate that you created using the optional procedure above.

  1. In the ACM console, choose Import a certificate.
  2. Using a Linux text editor, paste the contents of your certificate file (called server.crt if you followed the procedure above) file in the Certificate body box.
  3. Using a Linux text editor, paste the contents of your privatekey.pem file in the Certificate private key box. (For a self-signed certificate, you can leave the Certificate chain box blank.)
  4. Choose Review and import. Confirm the information and choose Import.
  5. Take note of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the imported certificate.

3. Create the NLB by using the supplied AWS CloudFormation template

Now that you have a Simple AD directory and SSL/TLS certificate, you’re ready to use the AWS CloudFormation template to create the NLB.

Create the NLB:

  1. Load the AWS CloudFormation template to deploy an internal NLB. After you load the template, provide the input parameters from the following table:

    Input parameter Input parameter description
    VPCId The target VPC for this solution. Must be the VPC where you deployed Simple AD and available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    SubnetId1 The Simple AD primary subnet. This information is available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    SubnetId2 The Simple AD secondary subnet. This information is available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    SimpleADPriIP The primary Simple AD Server IP. This information is available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    SimpleADSecIP The secondary Simple AD Server IP. This information is available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    LDAPSCertificateARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the SSL certificate. This information is available in the ACM console.
  2. Enter the input parameters and choose Next.
  3. On the Options page, accept the defaults and choose Next.
  4. On the Review page, confirm the details and choose Create. The stack will be created in approximately 5 minutes.
  5. Wait until the AWS Cloud formation stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE before starting the next procedure, Create a Route 53 record.
  6. Go to Outputs and note the FQDN of your new NLB. The FQDN is in the output variable named LDAPSURL.

    Note: You can find the parameters of your Simple AD on the directory details page by choosing your Simple AD in the Directory Service console.

4. Create a Route 53 record

The next step is to create a Route 53 record in your private hosted zone so that clients can resolve your LDAPS endpoint.

Note: Don’t start this procedure until the AWS CloudFormation stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE.

Create a Route 53 record:

  1. If you don’t have an existing DNS domain for use with LDAP, create a private hosted zone and associate it with your VPC. The hosted zone name should be consistent with your Simple AD (for example, corp.example.com).
  2. When the AWS CloudFormation stack is in CREATE_COMPLETE status, locate the value of the LDAPSURL on the Outputs tab of the stack. Copy this value for use in the next step.
  3. On the Route 53 console, choose Hosted Zones and then choose the zone you used for the Common Name value for your self-signed certificate. Choose Create Record Set and enter the following information:
    1. Name: A short name for the record set (remember that the FQDN has to match the Common Name of your certificate).
    2. Type: Leave as A – IPv4 address.
    3. Alias: Select Yes.
    4. Alias Target: Paste the value of the LDAPSURL from the Outputs tab of the stack.
  4. Leave the defaults for Routing Policy and Evaluate Target Health, and choose Create.
Figure 6: Create a Route 53 record

Figure 6: Create a Route 53 record

5. Test LDAPS access using an Amazon Linux 2 client

At this point, you’re ready to test your LDAPS endpoint from an Amazon Linux client.

Test LDAPS access:

  1. Create an Amazon Linux 2 instance with SSH access enabled to test the solution. Launch the instance on one of the public subnets in your VPC. Make sure the IP assigned to the instance is in the trusted IP range you specified in the security group associated with the Simple AD.
  2. Use SSH to sign in to the instance and complete the following steps to verify access.
    1. Install the openldap-clients package and any required dependencies:
      sudo yum install -y openldap-clients.

    2. Add the server.crt file to the /etc/openldap/certs/ directory so that the LDAPS client will trust your SSL/TLS certificate. You can download the file directly from the NLB the certificate and save it in the proper format, or copy the file using Secure Copy or create it using a text editor:
      openssl s_client -connect <LDAPSURL>:636 -showcerts </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > server.crt 

      Replace <LDAPSURL> with the FQDN of your NLB, the address can be found in the Outputs section of the stack created in CloudFormation.

    3. Edit the /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file to define the environment variables:
      • BASE: The Simple AD directory name.
      • URI: Your DNS alias.
      • TLS_CACERT: The path to your public certificate.
      • TLSCACertificateFile: The path to your self-signed certificate authority. If you used the instructions in section 2 (Create a certificate) to create a certificate, the path will be /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt.

      Here’s an example of the file:

      BASE dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com
      URI ldaps://ldap.corp.example.com
      TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/certs/server.crt
      TLSCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

  3. To test the solution, query the directory through the LDAPS endpoint, as shown in the following command. Replace corp.example.com with your domain name and use the Administrator password that you configured in step 3 of section 1 (Create a Simple AD directory).
    $ ldapsearch -D "[email protected]" -W sAMAccountName=Administrator

  4. The response will include the directory information in LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) for the administrator distinguished name (DN) from your Simple AD LDAP server.
    # extended LDIF
    # LDAPv3
    # base <dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com> (default) with scope subtree
    # filter: sAMAccountName=Administrator
    # requesting: ALL
    # Administrator, Users, corp.example.com
    dn: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: user
    description: Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
    instanceType: 4
    whenCreated: 20170721123204.0Z
    uSNCreated: 3223
    name: Administrator
    objectGUID:: l3h0HIiKO0a/ShL4yVK/vw==
    userAccountControl: 512

You can now use the LDAPS endpoint for directory operations and authentication within your environment. Here are a few resources to learn more about how to interact with an LDAPS endpoint:


If the ldapsearch command returns something like the following error, there are a few things you can do to help identify issues.

ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)
  1. You might be able to obtain additional error details by adding the -d1 debug flag to the ldapsearch command.
    $ ldapsearch -D "[email protected]" -W sAMAccountName=Administrator –d1

  2. Verify that the parameters in ldap.conf match your configured LDAPS URI endpoint and that all parameters can be resolved by DNS. You can use the following dig command, substituting your configured endpoint DNS name.
    $ dig ldap.corp.example.com

  3. Confirm that the client instance you’re connecting from is in the trusted IP range you specified in the security associated with your Simple AD directory.
  4. Confirm that the path to your public SSL/TLS certificate in ldap.conf as TLS_CAERT is correct. You configured this as part of step 2 in section 5 (Test LDAPS access using an Amazon Linux 2 client). You can check your SSL/TLS connection with the following command, replacing ldap.corp.example.com with the DNS name of your endpoint.
    $ echo -n | openssl s_client -connect ldap.corp.example.com:636

  5. Verify that the status of your Simple AD IPs is Healthy in the Amazon EC2 console.
    1. Open the EC2 console and choose Load Balancing and then Target Groups in the navigation pane.
    2. Choose your LDAPS target and then choose Targets.


You can use NLB to provide an LDAPS endpoint for Simple AD and transport sensitive authentication information over untrusted networks. You can explore using LDAPS to authenticate SSH users or integrate with other software solutions that support LDAP authentication. The AWS CloudFormation template for this solution is available on GitHub.

If you have comments about this post, submit them in the Comments section below. If you have questions about or issues implementing this solution, start a new thread on the AWS Directory Service forum or contact AWS Support.

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Marco Somella

Marco Sommella

Marco is a Cloud Support Engineer II in the Windows Team based in Dublin. He is a Subject Matter Expert on Directory Service and EC2 Windows. Marco has over 10 years experience as a Windows and Linux system administrator and is passionate about automation coding. He is actively involved in AWS Systems Manager public Automations released by AWS Support and AWS EC2.

Cameron Worrell

Cameron Worrell

Cameron is a Solutions Architect with a passion for security and enterprise transformation. He joined AWS in 2015.

Field Notes: Deploying UiPath RPA Software on AWS

Post Syndicated from Yuchen Lin original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-deploying-uipath-rpa-software-on-aws/

Running UiPath RPA software on AWS leverages the elasticity of the AWS Cloud, to set up, operate, and scale robotic process automation. It provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity, and scales the robots to meet your business workload. This reduces the need for administration tasks, such as hardware provisioning, environment setup, and backups. It frees you to focus on business process optimization by automating more processes.

This blog post guides you in deploying UiPath robotic processing automation (RPA) software on AWS. RPA software uses the user interface to capture data and manipulate applications just like humans do. It runs as a software robot to interpret, and trigger responses, as well as communicate with other systems to perform a variety of repetitive tasks.

UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform provides the full automation lifecycle including discover, build, manage, run, engage, and measure with different products. This blog post focuses on the Platform’s core products: build with UiPath Studio, manage with UiPath Orchestrator and run with UiPath Robots.

About UiPath software

UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform’s core products are:

UiPath Studio and UiPath Robot are individual products, you can deploy each on a standalone machine.

UiPath Orchestrator contains Web Servers, SQL Server and Indexer Server (Elasticsearch), you can use Single Machine deployment, or Multi-Node deployment, depends on the workload capacity and availability requirements.

For information on UiPath platform offerings, review UiPath platform products.

UiPath on AWS

You can deploy all UiPath products on AWS.

  • UiPath Studio is needed for automation design jobs and runs on single machine. You deploy it with Amazon EC2.
  • UiPath Robots are needed for automation tasks, runs on a single machine, and scales with the business workload. You deploy it with Amazon EC2 and scale with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.
  • UiPath Orchestrator is needed for automation administration jobs and contains three logical components that run on multiple machines. You deploy Web Server with Amazon EC2, SQL Server with Amazon RDS, and Indexer Server with Amazon Elasticsearch Service. For Multi-Node deployment, you deploy High Availability Add-On with Amazon EC2.

The architecture of UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform on AWS looks like the following diagram:

Figure 1 - UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform on AWS

Figure 1 – UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform on AWS

By deploying the UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform on AWS, you can set up, operate, and scale workloads. This controls the infrastructure cost to meet process automation workloads.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account
  • AWS resources
  • UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform software
  • Basic knowledge of Amazon EC2, EC2 Auto Scaling, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
  • Basic knowledge to set up Windows Server, IIS, SQL Server, Elasticsearch.
  • Basic knowledge of Redis Enterprise to set up High Availability Add-on.
  • Basic knowledge of UiPath Studio, UiPath Robot, UiPath Orchestrator.

Deployment Steps

Deploy UiPath Studio
UiPath Studio deploys on a single machine. Amazon EC2 instances provide secure and resizable compute capacity in the cloud, and the ability to launch applications when needed without upfront commitments.

  1. Download the UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform. UiPath Studio is integrated in the installation package.
  2. Launch an EC2 instance with a Windows OS-based Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that meets the UiPath Studio hardware requirements and software requirements.
  3. Install the UiPath Studio software. For UiPath Studio installation steps, review the UiPath Studio Guide.

Optionally, you can save the installation and pre-configuration work completed for UiPath Studio as a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Then, you can launch more UiPath Studio instances from this AMI. For details, visit Launch an EC2 instance from a custom AMI tutorial.

UiPath Robot Deployment

Each UiPath Robot deploys one single machine with Amazon EC2. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling helps you add or remove Robots to meet automation workload changes in demand.

  1. Download the UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform. The UiPath Robot is integrated in the installation package.
  2. Launch an EC2 instance with a Windows OS based Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that meets the UiPath Robot hardware requirements and software requirements.
  3. Install the business application (Microsoft Office, SAP, etc.) required for your business processes. Alternatively, select the business application AMI from the AWS Marketplace.
  4. Install the UiPath Robot software. For UiPath Robot installation steps, review Installing the Robot.

Optionally, you can save the installation and pre-configuration work completed for UiPath Robot as a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Then you can create Launch templates with instance configuration information. With launch template, you can create Auto Scaling groups from launch templates and scale the Robots.

Scale the Robots’ Capacity

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups help you use scaling policies to scale compute capacity based on resource use. By monitoring the process queue and creating a customized scaling policy, the UiPath Robot can automatically scale based on the workload. For details, review Scaling the size of your Auto Scaling group.

Use the Robot Logs

UiPath Robot generates multiple diagnostic and execution logs. Amazon CloudWatch provides the log collection, storage, and analysis, and enables the complete visibility of the Robots and automation tasks. For CloudWatch agent setup on Robot, review Quick Start: Enable Your Amazon EC2 Instances Running Windows Server to Send logs to CloudWatch Logs.

Monitor the Automation Jobs

UiPath Robot uses the user interface to capture data and manipulate applications. When UiPath Robot runs, it is important to capture processing screens for troubleshooting and auditing usage. This screen capture activity can be integrated with process in conjunction with UiPath Studio.

Amazon S3 provides cost-effective storage for retaining all Robot logs and processing screen captures. Amazon S3 Object Lifecycle Management automates the transition between different storage classes, and helps you manage the screenshots so that they are stored cost effectively throughout their lifecycle. For lifecycle policy creation, review How Do I Create a Lifecycle Policy for an S3 Bucket?.

UiPath Orchestrator Deployment

Deployment Components
UiPath Orchestrator Server Platform has many logical components, grouped in three layers:

  • presentation layer
  • web service layer
  • persistence layer

The presentation layer and web service layer are built into one ASP.NET website. The persistence layer contains SQL Server and Elasticsearch. There are three deployment components to be set up:

  • web application
  • SQL Server
  • Elasticsearch

The Web Server, SQL Server, and Elasticsearch Server require multiple different environments. Review the hardware requirements and software requirements for more details.

Note: set up the Web Server, SQL Server, Elasticsearch Server environments before running the UiPath Enterprise Platform installation wizard.

Set up Web Server with Amazon EC2

UiPath Orchestrator Web Server deploys on Windows Server with IIS 7.5 or later. For details, review the software requirements.

AWS provides various AMIs for Windows Server that can help you set up the environment required for the Web Server.

The Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Base AMI includes most prerequisites for installation except some features of Web Server (IIS) to be enabled. For configuration steps, review Server Roles and Features.

The Web Server should be put in correct subnet (Public or Private) and have proper security group (HTTPS visits) according to the business requirements. Review Allow user to connect EC2 on HTTP or HTTPS.

Set up SQL Server with Amazon RDS

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) provides you with a managed database service. With a few clicks, you can set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the AWS Cloud.

Amazon RDS support SQL Server Engine. For UiPath Orchestrator, both Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition are supported. For details, review software requirements.

Amazon RDS can be set up in multiple Available Zones to meet requirements for high availability.

UiPath Orchestrator can connect to the created Amazon RDS database with SQL Server Authentication.

Set up Elasticsearch Server with Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES)

Amazon ES is a fully managed service for you to deploy, secure, and operate Elasticsearch at scale with generally zero down time.

Elasticsearch Service provides a managed ELS stack, with no upfront costs or usage requirements, and without the operational overhead.

All messages logged by UiPath Robots are sent through the Logging REST endpoint to the Indexer Server where they are indexed for future utilization.

Install UiPath Orchestrator on the Web Server

After Web Server, SQL Server, Elasticsearch Server environment are ready, download the UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform, and install it on the Web Server.

The UiPath Enterprise Platform installation wizard guides you in configuring and setting up each environment, including connecting to SQL Server and configuring the Elasticsearch API URL.

After you complete setup, the UiPath Orchestrator Portal is available for you to visit and manage processes, jobs, and robots.

The UiPath Orchestrator dashboard appears like in the following screenshot:

Figure UiPath Orchestrator Portal

Figure 2- UiPath Orchestrator Portal

Set up Orchestrator High Availability Architecture

One Orchestrator can handle many robots in a typical configuration, but any product running on a single server is vulnerable to failure if something happens to that server.

The High Availability add-on (HAA) enables you to add a second Orchestrator server to your environment that is generally fully synchronized with the first server.

To set up multi-node deployment, launch Amazon EC2 instances with a Linux OS-based Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that meets the HAA hardware and software requirements. Follow the installation guide to set up HAA.

Elastic Load Balancing automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets. Network Load Balancer should be set up to allow Robots to communicate with multi-node Orchestrators.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete all the resources.


In this post, I showed you how to deploy the UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform on AWS to further optimize and automate your business processes. AWS Managed Services like Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, and Amazon Elasticsearch Service help you set up the environment with high availability. This reduces the maintenance effort of backend services, as well as scaling Orchestrator capabilities. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling helps you add or remove robots to meet automation workload changes in demand.

Learn more about how to integrate UiPath with AWS services, check out The UiPath and AWS partnership.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.

Seamlessly Join a Linux Instance to AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory

Post Syndicated from Martin Beeby original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/seamlessly-join-a-linux-instance-to-aws-directory-service-for-microsoft-active-directory/

Many customers I speak to use Active Directory to manage centralized user authentication and authorization for a variety of applications and services. For these customers, Active Directory is a critical piece of their IT Jigsaws.

At AWS, we offer the AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory that provides our customers with a highly available and resilient Active Directory service that is built on actual Microsoft Active Directory. AWS manages the infrastructure required to run Active Directory and handles all of the patching and software updates needed. It’s fully managed, so for example, if a domain controller fails, our monitoring will automatically detect and replace that failed controller.

Manually connecting a machine to Active Directory is a thankless task; you have to connect to the computer, make a series of manual changes, and then perform a reboot. While none of this is particularly challenging, it does take time, and if you have several machines that you want to onboard, then this task quickly becomes a time sink.

Today the team is unveiling a new feature which will enable a Linux EC2 instance, as it is launched, to connect to AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory seamlessly. This complements the existing feature that allows Windows EC2 instances to seamlessly domain join as they are launched. This capability will enable customers to move faster and improves the experience for Administrators.

Now you can have both your Windows and Linux EC2 instances seamlessly connect to AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory. The directory can be in your own account or shared with you from another account, the only caveat being that both the instance and the directory must be in the same region.

To show you how the process works, let’s take an existing AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory and work through the steps required to have a Linux EC2 instance seamlessly join that directory.

Create and Store AD Credentials
To seamlessly join a Linux machine to my AWS Managed Active Directory Domain, I will need an account that has permissions to join instances into the domain. While members of the AWS Delegated Administrators have sufficient privileges to join machines to the domain, I have created a service account that has the minimum privileges required. Our documentation explains how you go about creating this sort of service account.

The seamless domain join feature needs to know the credentials of my active directory service account. To achieve this, I need to create a secret using AWS Secrets Manager with specifically named secret keys, which the seamless domain feature will use to join instances to the directory.

In the AWS Secrets Manager console I click on the Store a new secret button, on the next screen, when asked to Select a secret type, I choose the option named Other type of secrets. I can now add two secret key/values. The first is called awsSeamlessDomainUsername, and in the value textbox, I enter the username for my Active Directory service account. The Second key is called awsSeamlessDomainPassword, and here I enter the password for my service account.

Since this is a demo, I chose to use the DefaultEncryptionKey for the secret, but you might decide to use your own key.

After clicking next, I am asked to give the secret a name. I add the following name, replacing d-xxxxxxxxx with my directory ID.


The domain join will fail if you mistype this name or if you have any leading or ending spaces.

I take note down the Secret ARN as I will need it when I create my IAM Policy.

Create The Required IAM Policy and Role
Now I need to create an IAM policy that gives permission to read my seamless-domain-join secret.

I sign in to the IAM console and choose Policies. In the content pane, I select Create policy. I switch over to the JSON tab and copy the text from the following JSON policy document, replacing the Secrets Manager ARN with the one I noted down earlier.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

On the Review page, I name the policy SeamlessDomainJoin-Secret-Readonly then choose Create policy to save my work.

Now I need to create an IAM Role that will use this policy (and a few others). In the IAM Console, I choose Roles, and then in the content pane, choose to Create role. Under Select type of trusted entity, I select AWS service and then select EC2 as a use case and click Next:Permissions.

I attach the following policies to my Role: AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore, AmazonSSMDirectoryServiceAccess, and SeamlessDomainJoin-Secret-Readonly.

I click through to the Review screen where it asks for a Role name, I call the role EC2DomainJoin, but it could be called whatever you like. I then create the role by pressing the button at the bottom right of the screen.

Create an Amazon Machine Image
When I launch a Linux Instance later I will need to pick a Linux Amazon Machine Image (AMI) as a template. Currently, the default Linux AMIs do not contain the version of AWS Systems Manager agent (SSM agent) that this new seamless domain feature needs. Therefore I am going to have to create an AMI with an updated SSM agent. To do this, I first create a new Linux Instance in my account and then connect to it using my SSH client. I then follow the documentation to update the SSM agent to 2.3.1644.0 or newer. Once the instance has finished updating I am then able to create a new AMI based on this instance using the following documentation.

I now have a new AMI which I can use in the next step. In the future, the base AMIs will be updated to use the newer SSM agent, and then we can skip this section. If you are interested to know what version of the SSM agent an instance is using this documentation explains how you can check.

Seamless Join
To start, I need to create a Linux instance, and so I head over to the EC2 console and choose Launch Instance.

Next, I pick a Linux Amazon Machine Image (AMI). I select the AMI which I created earlier.

When configuring the instance, I am careful to choose the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud that contains my directory. Using the drop-down labeled Domain join directory I am able to select the directory that I want this instance to join.

In the IAM role, I select the EC2DomainJoin role that I created earlier.

When I launch this instance, it will seamlessly join my directory. Once the instance comes online, I can confirm everything is working correctly by using SSH to connect to the instance using the administrator credentials of my AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory.

This new feature is available from today, and we look forward to hearing your feedback about this new capability.

Happy Joining

— Martin