Tag Archives: Amazon EC2

Tracking the latest server images in Amazon EC2 Image Builder pipelines

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/tracking-the-latest-server-images-in-amazon-ec2-image-builder-pipelines/

This post courtesy of Anoop Rachamadugu, Cloud Architect at AWS

The Amazon EC2 Image Builder service helps users to build and maintain server images. The images created by EC2 Image Builder can be used with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and on-premises. Image Builder reduces the effort of keeping images up-to-date and secure by providing a graphical interface, built-in automation, and AWS-provided security settings. Customers have told us that they manage multiple server images and are looking for ways to track the latest server images created by the pipelines.

In this blog post, I walk through a solution that uses AWS Lambda and AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store. It tracks and updates the latest Amazon Machine Image (AMI) IDs every time an Image Builder pipeline is run. With Lambda, you pay only for what you use. You are charged based on the number of requests for your functions and the time it takes for your code to run. In this case, the Lambda function is invoked upon the completion of the image builder pipeline. Standard SSM parameters are available at no additional charge.

Users can reference the SSM parameters in automation scripts and AWS CloudFormation templates providing access to the latest AMI ID for your EC2 infrastructure. Consider the use case of updating Amazon Machine Image (AMI) IDs for the EC2 instances in your CloudFormation templates. Normally, you might map AMI IDs to specific instance types and Regions. Then to update these, you would manually change them in each of your templates. With the SSM parameter integration, your code remains untouched and a CloudFormation stack update operation automatically fetches the latest Parameter Store value.


This solution uses a Lambda function written in Python that subscribes to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic. The Lambda function and the SNS topic are deployed using AWS SAM CLI. Once deployed, the SNS topic must be configured in an existing Image Builder pipeline. This results in the Lambda function being invoked at the completion of the Image Builder pipeline.

When a Lambda function subscribes to an SNS topic, it is invoked with the payload of the published messages. The Lambda function receives the message payload as an input parameter. The Lambda function first checks the message payload to see if the image status is available. If the image state is available, it retrieves the AMI ID from the message payload and updates the SSM parameter.

EC2 Image builder architecture diagram

EC2 Image builder architecture diagram


To get started with this solution, the following is required:

Deploying the solution

The solution consists of two files, which can be downloaded from the amazon-ec2-image-builder GitHub repository.

  1. The Python file image-builder-lambda-update-ssm.py contains the code for the Lambda function. It first checks the SNS message payload to determine if the image is available. If it’s available, it extracts the AMI ID from the SNS message payload and updates the SSM parameter specified.The ‘ssm_parameter_name’ variable specifies the SSM parameter path where the AMI ID should be stored and updated. The Lambda function finishes by adding tags to the SSM parameter.
  2. The template.yaml file is an AWS SAM template. It deploys the Lambda function, SNS topic, and IAM role required for the Lambda function. I use Python 3.7 as the runtime and assign a memory of 256 MB for the Lambda function. The IAM policy gives the Lambda function permissions to retrieve and update SSM parameters. Deploy this application using the AWS SAM CLI guided deploy:
    sam deploy --guided

After deploying the application, note the ARN of the created SNS topic. Next, update the infrastructure settings of an existing Image Builder pipeline with this newly created SNS topic. This results in the Lambda function being invoked upon the completion of the image builder pipeline.

Configuration details

Configuration details

Verifying the solution

After the completion of the image builder pipeline, use the AWS CLI or check the AWS Management Console to verify the updated SSM parameter. To verify via AWS CLI, run the following commands to retrieve and list the tags attached to the SSM parameter:

aws ssm get-parameter --name ‘/ec2-imagebuilder/latest’
aws ssm list-tags-for-resource --resource-type "Parameter" --resource-id ‘/ec2-imagebuilder/latest’

To verify via the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Parameter Store under AWS Systems Manager. Search for the parameter /ec2-imagebuilder/latest:

AWS Systems Manager: Parameter Store

AWS Systems Manager: Parameter Store

Select the Tags tab to view the tags attached to the SSM parameter:

Image builder tags list

Image builder tags list

Referencing the SSM Parameter in CloudFormation templates

Users can reference the SSM parameters in automation scripts and AWS CloudFormation templates providing access to the latest AMI ID for your EC2 infrastructure. This sample code shows how to reference the SSM parameter in a CloudFormation template.

Parameters :
  LatestAmiId :
    Type : 'AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>'
    Default: ‘/ec2-imagebuilder/latest’

Resources :
  Instance :
    Type : 'AWS::EC2::Instance'
    Properties :
      ImageId : !Ref LatestAmiId


In this blog post, I demonstrate a solution that allows users to track and update the latest AMI ID created by the Image Builder pipelines. The Lambda function retrieves the AMI ID of the image created by a pipeline and update an AWS Systems Manager parameter. This Lambda function is triggered via an SNS topic configured in an Image Builder pipeline.

The solution is deployed using AWS SAM CLI. I also note how users can reference Systems Manager parameters in AWS CloudFormation templates providing access to the latest AMI ID for your EC2 infrastructure.

The amazon-ec2-image-builder-samples GitHub repository provides a number of examples for getting started with EC2 Image Builder. Image Builder can make it easier for you to build virtual machine (VM) images.

Snowflake: Running Millions of Simulation Tests with Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Keith Joelner original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/snowflake-running-millions-of-simulation-tests-with-amazon-eks/

This post was co-written with Brian Nutt, Senior Software Engineer and Kao Makino, Principal Performance Engineer, both at Snowflake.

Transactional databases are a key component of any production system. Maintaining data integrity while rows are read and written at a massive scale is a major technical challenge for these types of databases. To ensure their stability, it’s necessary to test many different scenarios and configurations. Simulating as many of these as possible allows engineers to quickly catch defects and build resilience. But the Holy Grail is to accomplish this at scale and within a timeframe that allows your developers to iterate quickly.

Snowflake has been using and advancing FoundationDB (FDB), an open-source, ACID-compliant, distributed key-value store since 2014. FDB, running on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) and Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS), has proven to be extremely reliable and is a key part of Snowflake’s cloud services layer architecture. To support its development process of creating high quality and stable software, Snowflake developed Project Joshua, an internal system that leverages Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, and AWS PrivateLink to run over one hundred thousand of validation and regression tests an hour.

About Snowflake

Snowflake is a single, integrated data platform delivered as a service. Built from the ground up for the cloud, Snowflake’s unique multi-cluster shared data architecture delivers the performance, scale, elasticity, and concurrency that today’s organizations require. It features storage, compute, and global services layers that are physically separated but logically integrated. Data workloads scale independently from one another, making it an ideal platform for data warehousing, data lakes, data engineering, data science, modern data sharing, and developing data applications.

Snowflake architecture

Developing a simulation-based testing and validation framework

Snowflake’s cloud services layer is composed of a collection of services that manage virtual warehouses, query optimization, and transactions. This layer relies on rich metadata stored in FDB.

Prior to the creation of the simulation framework, Project Joshua, FDB developers ran tests on their laptops and were limited by the number they could run. Additionally, there was a scheduled nightly job for running further tests.

Joshua at Snowflake

Amazon EKS as the foundation

Snowflake’s platform team decided to use Kubernetes to build Project Joshua. Their focus was on helping engineers run their workloads instead of spending cycles on the management of the control plane. They turned to Amazon EKS to achieve their scalability needs. This was a crucial success criterion for Project Joshua since at any point in time there could be hundreds of nodes running in the cluster. Snowflake utilizes the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler to dynamically scale worker nodes in minutes to support a tests-based queue of Joshua’s requests.

With the integration of Amazon EKS and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), Snowflake is able to control access to the required resources. For example: the database that serves Joshua’s test queues is external to the EKS cluster. By using the Amazon VPC CNI plugin, each pod receives an IP address in the VPC and Snowflake can control access to the test queue via security groups.

To achieve its desired performance, Snowflake created its own custom pod scaler, which responds quicker to changes than using a custom metric for pod scheduling.

  • The agent scaler is responsible for monitoring a test queue in the coordination database (which, coincidentally, is also FDB) to schedule Joshua agents. The agent scaler communicates directly with Amazon EKS using the Kubernetes API to schedule tests in parallel.
  • Joshua agents (one agent per pod) are responsible for pulling tests from the test queue, executing, and reporting results. Tests are run one at a time within the EKS Cluster until the test queue is drained.

Achieving scale and cost savings with Amazon EC2 Spot

A Spot Fleet is a collection—or fleet—of Amazon EC2 Spot instances that Joshua uses to make the infrastructure more reliable and cost effective. ​ Spot Fleet is used to reduce the cost of worker nodes by running a variety of instance types.

With Spot Fleet, Snowflake requests a combination of different instance types to help ensure that demand gets fulfilled. These options make Fleet more tolerant of surges in demand for instance types. If a surge occurs it will not significantly affect tasks since Joshua is agnostic to the type of instance and can fall back to a different instance type and still be available.

For reservations, Snowflake uses the capacity-optimized allocation strategy to automatically launch Spot Instances into the most available pools by looking at real-time capacity data and predicting which are the most available. This helps Snowflake quickly switch instances reserved to what is most available in the Spot market, instead of spending time contending for the cheapest instances, at the cost of a potentially higher price.

Overcoming hurdles

Snowflake’s usage of a public container registry posed a scalability challenge. When starting hundreds of worker nodes, each node needs to pull images from the public registry. This can lead to a potential rate limiting issue when all outbound traffic goes through a NAT gateway.

For example, consider 1,000 nodes pulling a 10 GB image. Each pull request requires each node to download the image across the public internet. Some issues that need to be addressed are latency, reliability, and increased costs due to the additional time to download an image for each test. Also, container registries can become unavailable or may rate-limit download requests. Lastly, images are pulled through public internet and other services in the cluster can experience pulling issues.

​For anything more than a minimal workload, a local container registry is needed. If an image is first pulled from the public registry and then pushed to a local registry (cache), it only needs to pull once from the public registry, then all worker nodes benefit from a local pull. That’s why Snowflake decided to replicate images to ECR, a fully managed docker container registry, providing a reliable local registry to store images. Additional benefits for the local registry are that it’s not exclusive to Joshua; all platform components required for Snowflake clusters can be cached in the local ECR Registry. For additional security and performance Snowflake uses AWS PrivateLink to keep all network traffic from ECR to the workers nodes within the AWS network. It also resolved rate-limiting issues from pulling images from a public registry with unauthenticated requests, unblocking other cluster nodes from pulling critical images for operation.


Project Joshua allows Snowflake to enable developers to test more scenarios without having to worry about the management of the infrastructure. ​ Snowflake’s engineers can schedule thousands of test simulations and configurations to catch bugs faster. FDB is a key component of ​the Snowflake stack and Project Joshua helps make FDB more stable and resilient. Additionally, Amazon EC2 Spot has provided non-trivial cost savings to Snowflake vs. running on-demand or buying reserved instances.

If you want to know more about how Snowflake built its high performance data warehouse as a Service on AWS, watch the This is My Architecture video below.

Majority of Alexa Now Running on Faster, More Cost-Effective Amazon EC2 Inf1 Instances

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/majority-of-alexa-now-running-on-faster-more-cost-effective-amazon-ec2-inf1-instances/

Today, we are announcing that the Amazon Alexa team has migrated the vast majority of their GPU-based machine learning inference workloads to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Inf1 instances, powered by AWS Inferentia. This resulted in 25% lower end-to-end latency, and 30% lower cost compared to GPU-based instances for Alexa’s text-to-speech workloads. The lower latency allows Alexa engineers to innovate with more complex algorithms and to improve the overall Alexa experience for our customers.

AWS built AWS Inferentia chips from the ground up to provide the lowest-cost machine learning (ML) inference in the cloud. They power the Inf1 instances that we launched at AWS re:Invent 2019. Inf1 instances provide up to 30% higher throughput and up to 45% lower cost per inference compared to GPU-based G4 instances, which were, before Inf1, the lowest-cost instances in the cloud for ML inference.

Alexa is Amazon’s cloud-based voice service that powers Amazon Echo devices and more than 140,000 models of smart speakers, lights, plugs, smart TVs, and cameras. Today customers have connected more than 100 million devices to Alexa. And every month, tens of millions of customers interact with Alexa to control their home devices (“Alexa, increase temperature in living room,” “Alexa, turn off bedroom’“), to listen to radios and music (“Alexa, start Maxi 80 on bathroom,” “Alexa, play Van Halen from Spotify“), to be informed (“Alexa, what is the news?” “Alexa, is it going to rain today?“), or to be educated, or entertained with 100,000+ Alexa Skills.

If you ask Alexa where she lives, she’ll tell you she is right here, but her head is in the cloud. Indeed, Alexa’s brain is deployed on AWS, where she benefits from the same agility, large-scale infrastructure, and global network we built for our customers.

How Alexa Works
When I’m in my living room and ask Alexa about the weather, I trigger a complex system. First, the on-device chip detects the wake word (Alexa). Once detected, the microphones record what I’m saying and stream the sound for analysis in the cloud. At a high level, there are two phases to analyze the sound of my voice. First, Alexa converts the sound to text. This is known as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Once the text is known, the second phase is to understand what I mean. This is Natural Language Understanding (NLU). The output of NLU is an Intent (what does the customer want) and associated parameters. In this example (“Alexa, what’s the weather today ?”), the intent might be “GetWeatherForecast” and the parameter can be my postcode, inferred from my profile.

This whole process uses Artificial Intelligence heavily to transform the sound of my voice to phonemes, phonemes to words, words to phrases, phrases to intents. Based on the NLU output, Alexa routes the intent to a service to fulfill it. The service might be internal to Alexa or external, like one of the skills activated on my Alexa account. The fulfillment service processes the intent and returns a response as a JSON document. The document contains the text of the response Alexa must say.

The last step of the process is to generate the voice of Alexa from the text. This is known as Text-To-Speech (TTS). As soon as the TTS starts to produce sound data, it is streamed back to my Amazon Echo device: “The weather today will be partly cloudy with highs of 16 degrees and lows of 8 degrees.” (I live in Europe, these are Celsius degrees 🙂 ). This Text-To-Speech process also heavily involves machine learning models to build a phrase that sounds natural in terms of pronunciations, rhythm, connection between words, intonation etc.

Alexa is one of the most popular hyperscale machine learning services in the world, with billions of inference requests every week. Of Alexa’s three main inference workloads (ASR, NLU, and TTS), TTS workloads initially ran on GPU-based instances. But the Alexa team decided to move to the Inf1 instances as fast as possible to improve the customer experience and reduce the service compute cost.

What is AWS Inferentia?
AWS Inferentia is a custom chip, built by AWS, to accelerate machine learning inference workloads and optimize their cost. Each AWS Inferentia chip contains four NeuronCores. Each NeuronCore implements a high-performance systolic array matrix multiply engine, which massively speeds up typical deep learning operations such as convolution and transformers. NeuronCores are also equipped with a large on-chip cache, which helps cut down on external memory accesses, dramatically reducing latency and increasing throughput.

AWS Inferentia can be used natively from popular machine-learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet, with AWS Neuron. AWS Neuron is a software development kit (SDK) for running machine learning inference using AWS Inferentia chips. It consists of a compiler, run-time, and profiling tools that enable you to run high-performance and low latency inference.

Who Else is Using Amazon EC2 Inf1?
In addition to Alexa, Amazon Rekognition is also adopting AWS Inferentia. Running models such as object classification on Inf1 instances resulted in 8x lower latency and doubled throughput compared to running these models on GPU instances.

Customers, from Fortune 500 companies to startups, are using Inf1 instances for machine learning inference. For example, Snap Inc.​ incorporates machine learning (ML) into many aspects of Snapchat, and exploring innovation in this field is a key priority for them. Once they heard about AWS Inferentia, they collaborated with AWS to adopt Inf1 instances to help with ML deployment, including around performance and cost. They started with their recommendation models inference, and are now looking forward to deploying more models on Inf1 instances in the future.

Conde Nast, one of the world’s leading media companies, saw a 72% reduction in cost of inference compared to GPU-based instances for its recommendation engine. And Anthem, one of the leading healthcare companies in the US, observed 2x higher throughput compared to GPU-based instances for its customer sentiment machine learning workload.

How to Get Started with Amazon EC2 Inf1
You can start using Inf1 instances today.

If you prefer to manage your own machine learning application development platforms, you can get started by either launching Inf1 instances with AWS Deep Learning AMIs, which include the Neuron SDK, or you can use Inf1 instances via Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service or Amazon ECS for containerized machine learning applications. To learn more about running containers on Inf1 instances, read this blog to get started on ECS and this blog to get started on EKS.

The easiest and quickest way to get started with Inf1 instances is via Amazon SageMaker, a fully managed service that enables developers to build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly.

Get started with Inf1 on Amazon SageMaker today.

— seb

PS: The team just released this video, check it out!

Integrating AWS Outposts with existing security zones

Post Syndicated from Shubha Kumbadakone original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/integrating-aws-outposts-with-existing-security-zones/

This post is contributed by Santiago Freitas and Matt Lehwess.

AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to your on-premises facility. This blog post explains how the resources created on an Outpost can be integrated with security zones of an existing infrastructure. Integrating Outposts with existing security zones is important for customers that segment their environment into multiple domains based on their security policy.


It’s common for customers to have different security zones within their infrastructure. For example, a customer might have a DMZ security zone where internet facing systems are located, an extra-net security zone where systems used to communicate with business partners are hosted, and an internal security zone where the systems accessible only by employees operate.

As illustrated in the following figure, customers often use firewalls and network ACLs to perform packet inspection and filtering for traffic that flows between security zones. Customers also usually use similar security controls for traffic flowing between different application tiers.



Example of firewall being used for security zone segmentation

Enabling connectivity from an Outposts VPC to your on-premises network

During your Outpost deployment, AWS works with you to establish connectivity to your local network. During this installation process, AWS creates an address pool based on an IP range you assign to the Outpost out of your local network’s IP ranges. This address pool is known as a customer-owned IP address pool or CoIP pool.

When resources running on Outposts (like an EC2 instance) need to communicate with existing on-premises systems, you must assign an Elastic IP address to them. This Elastic IP address comes from the CoIP pool. The resources in your local area network (LAN), including firewalls and network ACLs, see the Elastic IP address as the source IP of the packets sent from the resources running on Outposts. This Elastic IP address is also used as the destination IP for traffic from your on-premises systems to the instance on the Outpost.

How to enable connectivity from an Outposts VPC to your on-premises network

With a typical Outpost deployment, as shown in the following diagram, the following items are required to enable connectivity from the Outpost’s VPC to your on-premises network:

  1. VPC routing: Routes to your on-premises network in the route table of the VPC’s Outpost subnet.
  2. CoIP pool: Assigned by you, the customer, and created by AWS at time of install, for example, in the diagram. It’s used to allocate Elastic IP addresses that can then be associated with instances or other resources on the Outpost.
  3. Elastic IP address association: Customer configured, association of Elastic IP addresses from the CoIP pool with EC2 instances and other resources on the Outpost. For example, VPC IP from instance Y has Elastic IP address associated with it.
  4. Routing advertisement: The Outpost advertises the assigned CoIP range to the local devices within your on-premises network via Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). This is configured by AWS during installation and based on the CoIP pool IP range you provide.


AWS Outposts – typical network topology

Integrating Outposts with existing security zones

CoIP pools, and AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) are used to facilitate the integration of Outposts with your existing security zones. AWS RAM lets you share your resources with AWS account or through AWS Organizations.

When AWS deploys your Outposts, you can ask AWS to create multiple CoIP pools. Each CoIP pool is configured with an IP range assigned by you during initial installation. If after the initial installation you need AWS to create additional CoIP pools for an existing Outpost, you can open a case with AWS Support and request the creation of additional pools.

CoIP pools are owned initially by the AWS account that owns the Outpost. In a multi-account Outpost deployment, you can share your customer-owned IP pool(s) with other AWS accounts in your AWS Organization using AWS RAM.

VPCs that have subnets on the Outpost must be created in the same account that owns the Outpost. After creation of these subnets within the Outpost account, AWS RAM can then be used to share these subnets with other accounts or organizational units that are in the same organization from AWS Organizations.

After you’ve shared the CoIP pool with the account where you’d like to run your workloads, and you’ve shared an Outpost subnet with that same account, users of that account can deploy resources in the shared Outpost subnet. For the Outposts resources that must communicate with resources in your existing infrastructure, users can assign Elastic IP addresses from one or more of the shared CoIP pools to those Outposts resources.

Multiple CoIP pools and the ability to share them and Outpost subnets with a particular account, gives you granular control over the IP range used by Outpost resources requiring connectivity to your on-premises LAN.

The following figure illustrates the sharing of a subnet and CoIP pool from Account 1, which is the account where the Outpost was initially deployed, with Account 2. As the CoIP pool was shared with Account 2, the users in Account 2 are able to assign an Elastic IP address to the EC2 instance running within Account 2.

AWS Outposts and VPC Sharing

Creating an AWS RAM resource share

The following screenshots demonstrate how to use AWS RAM to share a CoIP pool and a subnet with another account in the same organization from AWS Organizations.

Step 1. Navigate to the AWS RAM service page within the AWS Management Console, and click Create Resource Share. This step is done within the AWS account that owns the Outpost.

Step 2. Next, give the share an appropriate name.

Step 3. Select one or more subnets you’d like to share with your application owner’s account. In this case, select a subnet that exists in your VPC on the Outpost.

Step 4. In this case, share the CoIP range. You can find that in the resources type list.

Step 5. Select the Customer-owned Ipv4Pool resource type, and then select the CoIP to be shared. Selecting the the CoIP adds it to the list of shared resources along with the subnet selected earlier.

Step 6. Add the account number for the account you’d like to share the Outposts subnet and CoIP pool with.

Step 7. Click Create Resource. After clicking the Create Resource share button, you should see the resource share listed and be in the state “active.”

Now that you’ve successfully shared the subnet and CoIP pool with your application account (that’s in the same organization), you can now go in to that account and allocate an Elastic IP address from the CoIP pool. You can then assign the Elastic IP address to an instance launched in the subnet previously shared, which is on the Outpost.

Allocating and associating the Elastic IP address from your CoIP pool

Step 1. From within the application account, allocate an Elastic IP address from the CoIP pool. This is done by navigating to the VPC console, then to Elastic IP addresses, and then click Allocate Elastic IP address.

Step 2. Select Customer owned pool of IPv4 addresses, select the CoIP pool that’s been shared with this account previously, then click Allocate. You can see this step in the following image.

Step 3. You can now see the new Elastic IP address that has been allocated from the shared CoIP pool. You can now associate that Elastic IP address with an instance in our shared subnet.

Note: When using the AWS Management Console to allocate an Elastic IP address, the ElasticIP address is automatically allocated from the CoIPpool. If you’re using the AWS CLI, you have the option to select a specific Elastic IP address from the CoIP pool by using the --customer-owned-ipv4-pool <value> option.

Step 4. You can now associate the Elastic IP address of type CoIP with an instance. Click Associate after selecting the instance that is running on your Outpost in the shared subnet. This step is represented in the following image.

Step 5 – Once the operation is complete, you can see the CoIP Elastic IP address in the Elastic IP address console, and that it’s assigned to the instance that’s running in your shared subnet.

The steps preceding demonstrated how to share the Outpost with other accounts through the use of AWS Resource Access Manager, subnet sharing, and CoIP sharing.

Use case

Let’s apply the capabilities described prior into a design. A customer is running a 3-tier web application and would like to host the web and application tiers on Outposts. The database tier is hosted on the existing infrastructure. The application’s user traffic comes from the internet, through an external firewall towards the web tier hosted on the Outpost. Traffic between web and application tiers is secured with security groups and remains within the Outpost. Application servers connect to the database servers via the existing internal firewalls. The customer uses independent external and internal firewalls.

During the Outposts installation, the customer asks AWS to create two CoIP pools. The first CoIP pool, referenced in the following image as CoIP Web, is assigned the IP range The second CoIP pool, referenced in the following image as CoIP App, is assigned the IP range The customer then creates two additional AWS accounts, one for the web tier and another for the app tier. Within the account that owns the Outpost, the customer creates two VPCs and within each of those VPCs a subnet is created.

The subnet with IP address is shared with the web tier account and the subnet with IP address is shared with the app tier account. The customer then configures VPC peering between the VPCs to enable communication between the web and app tiers. VPC peering configuration is performed within the account that owns the Outposts.

Note: With VPC peering traffic between the VPCs remains within the Outpost. However, data transfer charges for VPC peering applies. This use-case could also be built with the web tier and app tier using different subnets within the same VPC to save on data transfer costs over VPC peering.

The following image shows initial setup with two CoIP pools, two accounts, and two VPCs.


Initial setup with two CoIP pools, two accounts and two VPCs

After the initial setup the customer then shares each CoIP pool with the appropriate account using AWS RAM. The customer can then create their web and application servers within the respective accounts. As shown in the prior image, the web server is assigned IP address and the application server is assigned IP address Each IP address is part of their respective VPC IP range and are reachable only within the Outpost at this point.

To enable the integration of the web and application servers with the existing infrastructure, the customer assigns an Elastic IP address from the CoIP pool shared with each account to their respective Amazon EC2 instances.

With this configuration, the customer can integrate the web and application servers into the existing security zones. To integrate the web servers, path “A” in the following image, the customer creates a rule in their external firewall that allows communication from any source (internet) to Elastic IP address on port 443 (HTTPS) which has been assigned to the web server.

For the communication between the web and application servers, path “B” in the following image, the customer has configured VPC peering between the two VPCs and created the required security groups.

To integrate the application servers into the Internal Security Zone, path “C” in the following image, the customer has assigned Elastic IP address to the application server and has configured a rule on the Internal Firewall allowing the IP range that is assigned to the app CoIP pool to communicate with the database server.


End to end traffic flow from users to web tier and from app tier to database tier

In addition to setting up their Outposts as covered in the preceding details, to enable the communication between the Outposts hosted resources and the existing infrastructure you must create a custom route table and associate it with an Outpost subnet.


AWS Outposts extends AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to your on-premises facility. During deployment of your Outposts, AWS works with you to establish connectivity to your local network. This blog post builds upon this initial deployment of an Outpost to allow the Outpost’s resources to integrate into your existing security zones. The design is applicable for customers that segment their environment into multiple security zones.


Santiago Freitas is AWS Head of Technology for Central Eastern Europe (CEE), Middle East, North Africa (MENA), Sub Saharan Africa (SSA), Turkey (TUR), and Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States (RUS-CIS). Previously he was an AWS Global Solutions Architect for financial services. Before joining AWS, Santiago was a Distinguished Engineer at Cisco. He is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Matt is a Principal Developer Advocate for Amazon Web Services where he has spent the last 7 years working with AWS customers and partners, helping them to build best-in-class AWS networking solutions. He is co-author of the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Official Study Guide, as well as an Amazon Re:Invent speaker extraordinaire (5 years and counting!). His primary focus at AWS is to help evangelize AWS networking solutions and more recently, AWS Outposts.

Using shared memory for low-latency, intra-node communication in AWS Batch

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-shared-memory-for-low-latency-intra-node-communication-in-aws-batch/

This post is courtesy of Dario La Porta, Senior Consultant, HPC.

AWS Batch enables developers, scientists, and engineers to run hundreds of thousands of HPC jobs in AWS. By managing the provisioning of computing resources, this allows you to focus on your core business. Shared memory support is a new feature that can help improve overall performance.

This post explains the shared memory paradigm and how it can help you improve the performance of your single and multi-node applications. Performance gains can also help you to reduce the total runtime of your jobs and therefore reduce the overall cost.

The second part of the post shows you how to use shared memory in AWS Batch both in the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI. Finally, I show the performance gains that are made possible with shared memory usage by walking through a benchmarking analysis with OSU Micro-Benchmarks and GROMACS.

Shared memory paradigm

Advanced, compute-intensive workloads require high-performance hardware to use scalability to deliver results. The Amazon EC2 C5n instance type provides cost-efficient, high-performance hardware with a configurable number of cores.

HPC workloads use algorithms that require parallelization and a low latency communication between the different processes. The two main technologies used for the parallel communications are message-passing with distributed memory and shared memory.

Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a message-passing standard used for the communication in a parallel distributed environment. Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) enables your MPI applications to use low-latency, inter-node communication.

The shared memory paradigm allows multiple processors in the same system to communicate using a memory (RAM) portion that is shared between the processes. This method takes advantage of the high-speed memory bus.

Shared memory paradigm

MPI with intra-node shared memory communication

The two main MPI implementations, OpenMPI and Intel MPI, enable an intra-node shared memory communication in a distributed compute environment. When configured, you take advantage of the EFA libfabic implementation having consistent and reduced latency. This results in higher throughput than the TCP transport for the intra-node communication. From libfabric 1.9 onwards, the shared memory support has been directly added to the EFA provider. You no longer need to perform any modification to the OFI MTL.

MPI jobs in AWS Batch

AWS Batch enables the execution of MPI jobs using a multi-node configuration. First, a job definition is created that enables the execution of the job in multiple nodes. To learn how to create this definition, see Creating a Multi-node Parallel Job Definition.

To take advantage of the EFA capabilities, select a supported instance type and read Leveraging Elastic Fabric Adapter to run HPC and ML Workloads on AWS Batch. This post shows how to create the necessary resources in AWS Batch and run your first job with EFA.

Shared memory in AWS Batch

The new AWS Batch console interface enables you to configure the shared memory of the container inside the Job Definition. To see this, expand the Additional configuration in the Container properties section:

Container properties

The Linux parameters section contains the Shared memory size parameter in MB.

Linux parameters

You can set the same configuration in the AWS CLI by passing JSON parameters to the RegisterJobDefinition API:

"linuxParameters": {
    "sharedMemorySize": integer

When you run the job, it creates a shared memory area on each node that uses two or more processes. The shared memory area cannot be changed during the execution of the job. The size of the shared memory area is determined by the number of cores available in the node and the application requirements. For most jobs, a suggested initial value is 4096 MB.

Modern Linux kernels support a POSIX shared memory API. You can inspect the size of the container shared memory using the df -h /dev/shm command. The output can help you determine the shared memory space needed for your job.


The following section compares the different performance using shared memory with Intel MPI 2019 update 7 and EFA.

The instance type used for the benchmark is the c5n.18xlarge and, for the multi-node use case, a cluster placement group. This compares the performance increase from shared memory versus using pure EFA communication. The first benchmark focuses on the latency of the communication in a single node use case.

OSU Micro-Benchmarks is a suite of benchmarks for measuring and evaluating the performance of MPI operations. The specific test case used is the osu_latency, measuring the minimum, maximum and average latency of a ping-pong communication between a sender and a receiver. Specifically, this is where the message sender waits for the reply from the receiver. The benchmark uses a variety of data sizes to report the average one-way latency.

OSU benchmark results

The chart shows the latency in μs on the horizontal axis and packet size in bits on the vertical axis. The result shows a decrease in the communication latency using shared memory for the intra-node communication compared with using only EFA. The following chart shows the latency improvement:

Latency improvement graph

The next benchmark demonstrates how shared memory can also increase the performance in a multi-node configuration. The test application is GROMACS, a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics. The overall performance of the application is susceptible to communication latency variance.

Gromacs performance

The code for the test has been downloaded from the Unified European Applications Benchmark Suite. The specific use case is named lignocellulose-rf and it uses the Reaction field for electrostatics. The details and the download link can be found in the UEABS repository.

The benchmark uses one thread per core and the following mdrun parameters:

-maxh 0.50 -resethway -noconfout -nsteps 10000 -dlb yes -nstlist 100 -pin on

The compilation options and the parameters configuration are explained in the README file. The test is run on a c5n.18xlarge instance, instead of a GPU instance, to focus on measuring the performance improvement caused specifically by increasing the number of total cores of the simulation. The chart explains the performance gain (measure in ns/day) that are achieved by increasing the number of cores. This is possible by using the shared memory for the intra-node communication during the simulation instead of using only EFA networking.

The following chart illustrates a significant percentage performance improvement by using the shared memory:

Shared memory performance improvement


In this post, I show how the new shared memory support in AWS Batch is able to improve performance while decreasing the latency of the intra-node communication. This performance gain can also lower the cost of running jobs overall.

I show how to enable the usage of the shared memory in AWS Batch from the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI. I also highlight the performance gain from using shared memory with the high-speed memory bus of the c5n.18xlarge instance, using benchmarking analysis with OSU Micro-Benchmarks and GROMACS.

AWS Batch multi-node parallel jobs are now even more performant with EFA and shared memory configurations, enabling you to focus more on your applications and less on tuning. In addition, the Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) has a more consistent latency and higher throughput than the TCP transport for the inter-node communication.

To learn more about using this feature, visit the Getting Started guide.

Proactively manage the Spot Instance lifecycle using the new Capacity Rebalancing feature for EC2 Auto Scaling

Post Syndicated from Chad Schmutzer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/proactively-manage-spot-instance-lifecycle-using-the-new-capacity-rebalancing-feature-for-ec2-auto-scaling/

By Deepthi Chelupati and Chad Schmutzer

AWS now offers Capacity Rebalancing for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, a new feature for proactively managing the Amazon EC2 Spot Instance lifecycle in an Auto Scaling group. Capacity Rebalancing complements the capacity optimized allocation strategy (designed to help find the most optimal spare capacity) and the mixed instances policy (designed to enhance availability by deploying across multiple instance types running in multiple Availability Zones). Capacity Rebalancing increases the emphasis on availability by automatically attempting to replace Spot Instances in an Auto Scaling group before they are interrupted by Amazon EC2.

In order to proactively replace Spot Instances, Capacity Rebalancing leverages the new EC2 Instance rebalance recommendation, a signal that is sent when a Spot Instance is at elevated risk of interruption. The rebalance recommendation signal can arrive sooner than the existing two-minute Spot Instance interruption notice, providing an opportunity to proactively rebalance a workload to new or existing Spot Instances that are not at elevated risk of interruption.

Capacity Rebalancing for EC2 Auto Scaling provides a seamless and automated experience for maintaining desired capacity through the Spot Instance lifecycle. This includes monitoring for rebalance recommendations, attempting to proactively launch replacement capacity for existing Spot Instances when they are at elevated risk of interruption, detaching from Elastic Load Balancing if necessary, and running lifecycle hooks as configured. This post provides an overview of using Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling to manage your Spot Instance backed workloads, and dives into an example use case for taking advantage of Capacity Rebalancing in your environment.

EC2 Auto Scaling and Spot Instances – a classic love story

First, let’s review what Spot Instances are and why EC2 Auto scaling provides an optimal platform to manage your Spot Instance backed workloads. This will help illustrate how Capacity Rebalancing can benefit these workloads.

Spot Instances are spare EC2 compute capacity in the AWS Cloud available for steep discounts off On-Demand prices. In exchange for the discount, Spot Instances come with a simple rule – they are interruptible and must be returned when EC2 needs the capacity back. Where does this spare capacity come from? Since AWS builds capacity for unpredictable demand at any given time (think all 350+ instance types across 77 Availability Zones and 24 Regions), there is often excess capacity. Rather than let that spare capacity sit idle and unused, it is made available to be purchased as Spot Instances.

As you can imagine, the location and amount of spare capacity available at any given moment is dynamic and continually changes in real time. This is why it is extremely important for Spot customers to only run workloads that are truly interruption tolerant. Additionally, Spot workloads should be flexible, meaning they can be shifted in real time to where the spare capacity currently is (or otherwise be paused until spare capacity is available again). In practice, being flexible means qualifying a workload to run on multiple EC2 instance types (think big: multiple families, sizes, and generations), and in multiple Availability Zones, at any given time.

This is where EC2 Auto Scaling comes in. EC2 Auto Scaling is designed to help you maintain application availability. It also allows you to automatically add or remove EC2 instances according to conditions you define. We’ve continued to innovate on behalf of our customers by adding new features to EC2 Auto Scaling to natively support flexible configurations for EC2 workloads. One of these innovations is the mixed instances policy (launched in 2018), which supports multiple instance types and purchase options in a single Auto Scaling group. Another innovation is the capacity optimized allocation strategy (launched in 2019), an allocation strategy designed to locate optimal spare capacity for Spot Instances backed workloads. These features are aimed at supporting flexible workload best practices, and reacting to the dynamic shifts in capacity automatically.

The next level – moving from reactive to proactive Spot Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling

The default behavior for EC2 Auto Scaling is to take a reactive approach to Spot Instance interruptions. This means that EC2 Auto Scaling attempts to replace an interrupted Spot Instance with another Spot Instance only after the instance has been shut down by EC2 and the health check fails. The reactive approach to interruptions works fine for many workloads. However, we have received feedback from customers requesting that EC2 Auto Scaling take a more proactive approach to handling Spot Instance interruptions.

Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling is the answer to this request. Capacity Rebalancing is designed to take a proactive approach in handling the dynamic nature of EC2 capacity. It does this by monitoring for the EC2 Instance rebalance recommendation signal in addition to the “final” two-minute Spot Instance interruption notice. When a rebalance recommendation signal is detected, it automatically attempts to get a head start in replacing Spot Instances with new Spot Instances before they are shut down. In addition to attempting to maintain desired capacity through interruptions by launching replacement Spot Instances, Capacity Rebalancing gives customers the opportunity to gracefully remove Spot Instances from an Auto Scaling group by taking Spot Instances through the normal shut down process, such as deregistering from a load balancer and running terminating lifecycle hooks.

Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling works best when combined with a few best practices. Let’s quickly review them:

  1. Be flexible. Capacity Rebalancing thrives on flexibility, and works best when using the EC2 Auto Scaling mixed instances policy and as many instance types and Availability Zones as possible. Remember to think big and qualify multiple families, sizes, and generations for your workload, and use all Availability Zones if possible.
  2. Use the capacity optimized allocation strategy. Capacity rebalance works optimally when combined with the capacity optimized allocation strategy and a flexible list of instance types and Availability Zones, because the goal is to find the optimal spare capacity to rebalance your workload on.
  3. Take advantage of termination lifecycle hooks (optional). Termination lifecycle hooks are powerful in case you need to perform any final tasks before shutdown.

Example tutorial – Web application workload

Now that you understand the best practices for taking advantage of Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Auto Scaling, let’s dive into the example workload. In this scenario, we have a web application powered by 75% Spot Instances and 25% On-Demand Instances in an Auto Scaling group, running behind an Application Load Balancer. We’d like to maintain availability, and have the Auto Scaling group automatically handle Spot Instance interruptions and rebalancing of capacity.

The Auto Scaling group configuration looks like this (note the best practices of instance type and Availability Zone flexibility combined with the capacity optimized allocation strategy in the mixed instances policy):

   "AutoScalingGroupName": "myAutoScalingGroup",
   "CapacityRebalance": true,
   "DesiredCapacity": 12,
   "MaxSize": 15,
   "MinSize": 12,
   "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
      "InstancesDistribution": {
         "OnDemandBaseCapacity": 0,
         "OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity": 25,
         "SpotAllocationStrategy": "capacity-optimized"
      "LaunchTemplate": {
         "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
            "LaunchTemplateName": "myLaunchTemplate",
            "Version": "$Default"
         "Overrides": [
               "InstanceType": "c5.large"
               "InstanceType": "c5a.large"
               "InstanceType": "m5.large"
               "InstanceType": "m5a.large"
               "InstanceType": "c4.large"
               "InstanceType": "m4.large"
               "InstanceType": "c3.large"
               "InstanceType": "m3.large"
   "TargetGroupARNs": [
   "VPCZoneIdentifier": "mySubnet1,mySubnet2,mySubnet3"

Next, create the Auto Scaling group as follows:

aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \
  --cli-input-json file://myAutoScalingGroup.json

We also use a lifecycle hook to download logs before an instance is shut down:

aws autoscaling put-lifecycle-hook \
  --lifecycle-hook-name myTerminatingHook \
  --auto-scaling-group-name myAutoScalingGroup \
  --lifecycle-transition autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING \
  --heartbeat-timeout 300

In this example scenario, let’s say that the above config results in nine Spot Instances and three On-Demand instances being deployed in the Auto Scaling group, three Spot Instances, and one On-Demand instance in each Availability Zone. With Capacity Rebalancing enabled, if any of the nine Spot Instances receive the EC2 Instance rebalance recommendation signal, EC2 Auto Scaling will automatically request a replacement Spot Instance according to the allocation strategy (capacity optimized), resulting in 10 running Spot Instances. When the new Spot Instance passes EC2 health checks, it is joined to the load balancer and placed into service. Upon placing the new Spot Instance in service, EC2 Auto Scaling then proceeds with the shutdown process for the Spot Instance that has received the rebalance recommendation signal. It detaches the instance from the load balancer, drains connections, and then carries out the terminating lifecycle hook. Once the terminating lifecycle hook is complete, EC2 Auto Scaling shuts down the instance, bringing capacity back to nine Spot Instances.


Consider using the new Capacity Rebalancing feature for EC2 Auto Scaling in your environment to proactively manage Spot Instance lifecycle. Capacity Rebalancing attempts to maintain workload availability by automatically rebalancing capacity as necessary, providing a seamless and hands-off experience for managing Spot Instance interruptions. Capacity Rebalancing works best when combined with instance type flexibility and the capacity optimized allocation strategy, and may be especially useful for workloads that can easily rebalance across shifting capacity, including:

  • Containerized workloads
  • Big data and analytics
  • Image and media rendering
  • Batch processing
  • Web applications

To learn more about Capacity Rebalancing for EC2 Auto Scaling, please visit the documentation.

To learn more about the new EC2 Instance rebalance recommendation, please visit the documentation.

Announcing Outposts and local gateway sharing for multi-account access

Post Syndicated from Shubha Kumbadakone original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/announcing-outposts-and-local-gateway-sharing-for-multi-account-access/

This post was contributed by James Devine, Sr. Outposts SA

AWS Outposts enables customers to run AWS services in their on-premises environments. With the release of Outposts and local gateway (LGW) sharing, customers can now configure multi-account access and sharing within an AWS Organization.

Prior to this release, an Outpost was only viable within a single AWS account. VPC sharing was the main way to enable multiple accounts to use Outposts capacity. With the release of Outposts and LGW sharing support, there is now additional functionality to enable multi-account access Outpost capacity within an AWS Organization.

Outposts and LGW sharing is facilitated through AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). It enables Outposts and LGWs to be shared with AWS accounts within the same AWS Organization. The account that orders Outposts is the owner account that can create resource shares. The accounts that have access to the share are called consumer accounts. Each consumer account can create its own VPCs with subnets that reside on the shared Outpost.

This post will discuss how to start using this new functionality and considerations to take into account.

Use cases

Per AWS best practices, customers typically deploy a number of AWS accounts. Utilizing multiple accounts allows for reduced blast radius and the ability to provide infrastructure isolation by line of business, environment type, and even down to individual workloads. Outposts sharing enables customers to extend their existing AWS account structures to seamlessly integrate with Outposts.

Getting started – creating a resource share

Before any resources can be shared, the first step is to configure an AWS Organization (if one does not already exist). Outposts resources can only be shared with accounts under the same AWS Organization. The Outposts can reside in any account under an organization. For centralized management of Outposts, it is recommend to create a dedicated account, or set of accounts, to host Outposts.

Once an organization is created with member AWS accounts, resources shares can then be created. It’s possible to place multiple resources into a resource share. To facilitate Outposts, LGW, and customer-owned IP (CoIP) sharing, a single resource share can be created that includes all three resources. Principals can then be added to the resource share. The principals can be both organizational units (OUs) and individual AWS account IDs within the AWS Organization. In this case, I’ve shared all three resources with a consumer account ID as a principal, as demonstrated in the following screenshot.

Screen shot of resource sharing.

Sharing an Outpost

After an Outposts is provisioned, the logical Outpost ID can be shared with any account under the AWS Organization. The consumer account then has access to provision resources on the Outposts, such as Amazon EBS volumes and Outposts subnets, as well as launching instances on the shared Outpost.

From the AWS Management Console in the consumer account, I can see the shared Outposts ID, its associated Availability Zone, and the owner account ID.

From the AWS Management Console in the consumer account, I can see the shared Outposts ID, its associated Availability Zone, and the owner account ID.

Once the Outposts ID is selected, I can use the Actions drop down menu to create Outposts subnets and EBS volumes. I can also select Launch instance to provision instances on the Outpost.

Once the Outposts ID is selected, I can use the Actions drop down menu to create Outposts subnets and EBS volumes. I can also select Launch instance to provision instances on the Outpost.

Sharing an LGW

Each consumer account can create their own Outposts subnets within their own VPCs. LGW sharing enables the consumer account to create routes an Outposts subnet route table that has a shared LGW as the destination. This enables Outposts subnets in the consumer account to have communication with the on-premises network through the shared LGW.

The consumer account view shared LGWs, as shown in the following screenshot.

The consumer account view shared LGWs, as shown in the following screenshot.

The consumer account can then select VPCs within the account to associate with the LGW route table. This enables routing to on-premises if a CoIP is assigned to an instance.

This enables routing to on-premises if a CoIP is assigned to an instance.


LGW and Outposts sharing is meant to enable sharing of resources between various accounts within a larger organizational structure. It is not suitable for multi-tenancy outside of an AWS Organization. Additional considerations around capacity planning, access, and local network connectivity should be taken into account.

Resources created in the consumer account are only visible from within the consumer account. The AWS account that owns the Outpost does not have the ability to view instances, EBS volumes, VPCs, subnets, or any other resource created within the consumer account. Since the consumer account is part of an AWS Organization, it is possible to use the default OrganizationAccountAccessRole role that is created by AWS Organizations. This allows for visibility and management of Outpost resources across the AWS Organization.

Capacity information is not shared with the consumer account. However, it is possible to use cross-account CloudWatch metric sharing. Outposts utilization metrics from the account that owns the Outpost can be shared with the consumer account. This allows the consumer account to see what capacity is available on the shared Outposts. I’ve configured the cross-account sharing, and from my consumer account I can see that there is ample c5.xlarge capacity on the shared Outposts.

I’ve configured the cross-account sharing, and from my consumer account I can see that there is ample c5.xlarge capacity on the shared Outposts.

If a principal (consumer account or organizational unit) no longer requires access to Outposts capacity, the resource share can be deleted through RAM in the primary Outposts account. It is important to note that this does not delete subnets, EBS volumes, instances, or other resources running on the shared Outposts. Proper cleanup of Outposts resources within the consumer account (EBS volumes, instances, subnets, etc.) should be planned for whenever removing principals from a resource share to ensure that the capacity is released.


In the blog post, I described the Outposts and LGW sharing capabilities and demonstrated how they can be used to enable multi-account sharing of an Outpost within an AWS Organization. These new capabilities unlock even more customer use cases and allow for stronger blast-radius and account isolation. It’s exciting to see continued functionality come to Outposts! You can start using LGW and Outposts sharing today. There’s no need to upgrade or modify your Outposts in any way to take advantage of this new and exciting functionality.

Architecting for Reliable Scalability

Post Syndicated from Marwan Al Shawi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/architecting-for-reliable-scalability/

Cloud solutions architects should ideally “build today with tomorrow in mind,” meaning their solutions need to cater to current scale requirements as well as the anticipated growth of the solution. This growth can be either the organic growth of a solution or it could be related to a merger and acquisition type of scenario, where its size is increased dramatically within a short period of time.

Still, when a solution scales, many architects experience added complexity to the overall architecture in terms of its manageability, performance, security, etc. By architecting your solution or application to scale reliably, you can avoid the introduction of additional complexity, degraded performance, or reduced security as a result of scaling.

Generally, a solution or service’s reliability is influenced by its up time, performance, security, manageability, etc. In order to achieve reliability in the context of scale, take into consideration the following primary design principals.


Modularity aims to break a complex component or solution into smaller parts that are less complicated and easier to scale, secure, and manage.

Monolithic architecture vs. modular architecture

Figure 1: Monolithic architecture vs. modular architecture

Modular design is commonly used in modern application developments. where an application’s software is constructed of multiple and loosely coupled building blocks (functions). These functions collectively integrate through pre-defined common interfaces or APIs to form the desired application functionality (commonly referred to as microservices architecture).


Scalable modular applications

Figure 2: Scalable modular applications

For more details about building highly scalable and reliable workloads using a microservices architecture, refer to Design Your Workload Service Architecture.

This design principle can also be applied to different components of the solution’s architecture. For example, when building a cloud solution on a single Amazon VPC, it may reach certain scaling limits and make it harder to introduce changes at scale due to the higher level of dependencies. This single complex VPC can be divided into multiple smaller and simpler VPCs. The architecture based on multiple VPCs can vary. For example, the VPCs can be divided based on a service or application building block, a specific function of the application, or on organizational functions like a VPC for various departments. This principle can also be leveraged at a regional level for very high scale global architectures. You can make the architecture modular at a global level by distributing the multiple VPCs across different AWS Regions to achieve global scale (facilitated by AWS Global Infrastructure).

In addition, modularity promotes separation of concerns by having well-defined boundaries among the different components of the architecture. As a result, each component can be managed, secured, and scaled independently. Also, it helps you avoid what is commonly known as “fate sharing,” where a vertically scaled server hosts a monolithic application, and any failure to this server will impact the entire application.

Horizontal scaling

Horizontal scaling, commonly referred to as scale-out, is the capability to automatically add systems/instances in a distributed manner in order to handle an increase in load. Examples of this increase in load could be the increase of number of sessions to a web application. With horizontal scaling, the load is distributed across multiple instances. By distributing these instances across Availability Zones, horizontal scaling not only increases performance, but also improves the overall reliability.

In order for the application to work seamlessly in a scale-out distributed manner, the application needs to be designed to support a stateless scaling model, where the application’s state information is stored and requested independently from the application’s instances. This makes the on-demand horizontal scaling easier to achieve and manage.

This principle can be complemented with a modularity design principle, in which the scaling model can be applied to certain component(s) or microservice(s) of the application stack. For example, only scale-out Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) front-end web instances that reside behind an Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) layer with auto-scaling groups. In contrast, this elastic horizontal scalability might be very difficult to achieve for a monolithic type of application.

Leverage the content delivery network

Leveraging Amazon CloudFront and its edge locations as part of the solution architecture can enable your application or service to scale rapidly and reliably at a global level, without adding any complexity to the solution. The integration of a CDN can take different forms depending on the solution use case.

For example, CloudFront played an important role to enable the scale required throughout Amazon Prime Day 2020 by serving up web and streamed content to a worldwide audience, which handled over 280 million HTTP requests per minute.

Go serverless where possible

As discussed earlier in this post, modular architectures based on microservices reduce the complexity of the individual component or microservice. At scale it may introduce a different type of complexity related to the number of these independent components (microservices). This is where serverless services can help to reduce such complexity reliably and at scale. With this design model you no longer have to provision, manually scale, maintain servers, operating systems, or runtimes to run your applications.

For example, you may consider using a microservices architecture to modernize an application at the same time to simplify the architecture at scale using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) with AWS Fargate.

Example of a serverless microservices architecture

Figure 3: Example of a serverless microservices architecture

In addition, an event-driven serverless capability like AWS Lambda is key in today’s modern scalable cloud solutions, as it handles running and scaling your code reliably and efficiently. See How to Design Your Serverless Apps for Massive Scale and 10 Things Serverless Architects Should Know for more information.

Secure by design

To avoid any major changes at a later stage to accommodate security requirements, it’s essential that security is taken into consideration as part of the initial solution design. For example, if the cloud project is new or small, and you don’t consider security properly at the initial stages, once the solution starts to scale, redesigning the entire cloud project from scratch to accommodate security best practices is usually not a simple option, which may lead to consider suboptimal security solutions that may impact the desired scale to be achieved. By leveraging CDN as part of the solution architecture (as discussed above), using Amazon CloudFront, you can minimize the impact of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks as well as perform application layer filtering at the edge. Also, when considering serverless services and the Shared Responsibility Model, from a security lens you can delegate a considerable part of the application stack to AWS so that you can focus on building applications. See The Shared Responsibility Model for AWS Lambda.

Design with security in mind by incorporating the necessary security services as part of the initial cloud solution. This will allow you to add more security capabilities and features as the solution grows, without the need to make major changes to the design.

Design for failure

The reliability of a service or solution in the cloud depends on multiple factors, the primary of which is resiliency. This design principle becomes even more critical at scale because the failure impact magnitude typically will be higher. Therefore, to achieve a reliable scalability, it is essential to design a resilient solution, capable of recovering from infrastructure or service disruptions. This principle involves designing the overall solution in such a way that even if one or more of its components fail, the solution is still be capable of providing an acceptable level of its expected function(s). See AWS Well-Architected Framework – Reliability Pillar for more information.


Designing for scale alone is not enough. Reliable scalability should be always the targeted architectural attribute. The design principles discussed in this blog act as the foundational pillars to support it, and ideally should be combined with adopting a DevOps model.

Amazon EC2 P4d instances deep dive

Post Syndicated from Neelay Thaker original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/amazon-ec2-p4d-instances-deep-dive/

This post is contributed by Amr Ragab, Senior Solutions Architect, Amazon EC2


AWS is excited to announce that the new Amazon EC2 P4d instances are now generally available. This instance type brings additional benefits with 2.5x higher deep learning performance; adding to the accelerated instances portfolio, new features, and technical breakthroughs that our customers can benefit from with this latest technology. This blog post details some of those key features and how to integrate them into your current workloads and architectures.


P4d instances

As you can see from the generalized block diagram above, the p4d comes with dual socket Intel Cascade Lake 8275CL processors totaling 96 vCPUs at 3.0 GHz with 1.1 TB of RAM and 8 TB of NVMe local storage. P4d also comes with 8 x 40 GB NVIDIA Tesla A100 GPUs with NVSwitch and 400 Gbps Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) enabled networking. This instance configuration represents the latest generation of computing for our customers spanning Machine Learning (ML), High Performance Computing (HPC), and analytics.

One of the improvements of the p4d is in the networking stack.  This new instance type has 400 Gbps with support for EFA and GPUDirect RDMA. Now, on AWS, you can take advantage of point-to-point GPU to GPU communication (across nodes), bypassing the CPU. Look out for additional blogs and webinars detailing use cases of GPUDirect and how this feature helps decrease latency and improve performance for certain workloads.

Let’s look at some new features and performance metrics for the P4d instances.


Local ephemeral NVMe storage
The p4d instance type comes with 8 TB of local NVMe storage. Each device has a maximum read/write throughput of 2.7 GB/s. To create a local namespace and staging area for input into the GPUs, you can create a local RAID 0 of all the drives. This results in aggregate read throughput of about 16 GB/s. The following table summarizes the I/O tests on the NVMe drives in this configuration.

FIO – Test Block Size Threads Bandwidth
1 Sequential Read 128k 96 16.4 GiB/s
2 Sequential Write 128k 96 8.2 GiB/s
3 Random Read 128k 96 16.3 GiB/s
4 Random Write 128k 96 8.1 GiB/s


Introduced with the p4d instance type is NVSwitch. Every GPU in the node is connected to each other in a full mesh topology up to 600 GB/s bidirectional bandwidth. ML frameworks and HPC applications that use NVIDIA communication collectives library (NCCL) can take full advantage of this all-to-all communication layer.

P4d GPU to GPU bandwidth

P3 GPU to GPU bandwidth

P4d uses a full mesh NVLink topology for optimized all-to-all communication, compared to the previous generation P3/P3dn instances, which have all-to-all communication across various data path domains (NUMA, PCIe switch, NVLink).  This new topology accessed via NCCL will improve performance for multiGPU workloads.
To make optimal use of the NVSwitch ensure that in your instance, all GPUs application boost clocks are set to its maximum values:

sudo nvidia-smi -ac 1215,1410

Multi-Instance GPU (MIG)

It’s now possible, at the user level, to have control of fractionating a GPU into multiple GPU slices, with each GPU slice isolated from each other. This enables multiple users to run different workloads on the same GPU without impacting performance. I walk you through an example implementation of MIG in the following steps:

With every newly launched instance, MIG is disabled. So, you must enable it with the following command:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-34-6:~# sudo nvidia-smi -mig 1 

Enabled MIG Mode for GPU 00000000:10:1C.0
You can get a list of supported MIG profiles.
Next, you can create seven slices, and create compute instances for each slice.
ubuntu@ip-172-31-34-6:~# sudo nvidia-smi mig -cgi 19,19,19,19,19,19,19 
Successfully created GPU instance ID 9 on GPU 0 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 19) 
Successfully created GPU instance ID 7 on GPU 0 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 19) 
Successfully created GPU instance ID 8 on GPU 0 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 19) 
Successfully created GPU instance ID 11 on GPU 0 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 19) 
Successfully created GPU instance ID 12 on GPU 0 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 19) 
Successfully created GPU instance ID 13 on GPU 0 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 19) 
Successfully created GPU instance ID 14 on GPU 0 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 19)
ubuntu@ip-172-31-34-6:~# nvidia-smi mig -cci -gi 7,8,9,11,12,13,14 
Successfully created compute instance ID 0 on GPU 0 GPU instance ID 7 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 0) 
Successfully created compute instance ID 0 on GPU 0 GPU instance ID 8 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 0) 
Successfully created compute instance ID 0 on GPU 0 GPU instance ID 9 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 0) 
Successfully created compute instance ID 0 on GPU 0 GPU instance ID 11 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 0) 
Successfully created compute instance ID 0 on GPU 0 GPU instance ID 12 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 0) 
Successfully created compute instance ID 0 on GPU 0 GPU instance ID 13 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 0) 
Successfully created compute instance ID 0 on GPU 0 GPU instance ID 14 using profile MIG 1g.5gb (ID 0)

You can split a GPU into a maximum of seven slices. To pass the GPU through into a docker container, you can specify the index pair at runtime:

docker run -it --gpus '"device=1:0"' nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:20.09-tf1-py3

With MIG, you can run multiple smaller workloads on the same GPU without compromising performance. We will follow up with additional blogs on this feature as we integrate it with additional AWS services.


For workloads optimized for multiGPU capabilities, we introduced GPUDirect over EFA fabric. This allows direct GPU-GPU communication across multiple p4d nodes for decreased latency and improved performance. Follow this user guide to get started with installing the EFA driver and setting up the environment. The code sample below can be used as a template to use GPUDirect RDMA over EFA.

/opt/amazon/openmpi/bin/mpirun \
     -n ${NUM_PROCS} -N ${NUM_PROCS_NODE} \
     -x RDMAV_FORK_SAFE=1 -x NCCL_DEBUG=info \
     --hostfile ${HOSTS_FILE} \
     --mca pml ^cm --mca btl tcp,self --mca btl_tcp_if_exclude lo,docker0 --bind-to none \
     $HOME/nccl-tests/build/all_reduce_perf -b 8 -e 4G -f 2 -g 1 -c 1 -n 100

Machine learning Optimizations

You can quickly get started with the all benefits mentioned earlier for the p4d by using our latest Deep Learning AMI (DLAMI). The DLAMI now comes with CUDA11 and the latest NVLink and cuDNN SDKs and drivers to take advantage of the p4d.

TensorFloat32 – TF32

TF32 is a new 19 bit precision datatype from NVIDIA introduced for the first time for the p4d.24xlarge instance. This datatype improves performance with little to no loss of training and validation accuracy for most mainstream models. We have more detailed benchmarks for individual algorithms. But, on the p4d.24xlarge you can achieve approximately a 2.5 fold increase compared to FP32 on the p3dn.24xlarge for mainstream deep learning models.

We have updated our machine learning models here to show examples (see the following chart) of popular algorithms our customers are using today including general DNNs and Bert.

DNN P3dn FP32 (imgs/sec) P3dn FP16 (imgs/sec) P4d Throughput TF32 (imgs/sec) P4d Throughput FP16 (imgs/sec) P4d over p3dn TF32/FP32 P4d over P3dn FP16
1 Resnet50 3057 7413 6841 15621 2.2 2.1
2 Resnet152 1145 2644 2823 5700 2.5 2.2
3 Inception3 2010 4969 4808 10433 2.4 2.1
4 Inception4 847 1778 2025 3811 2.4 2.1
5 VGG16 1202 2092 4532 7240 3.8 3.5
6 Alexnet 32198 50708 82192 133068 2.6 2.6
7 SSD300 1554 2918 3467 6016 2.2 2.1

BERT Large – Wikipedia/Books Corpus

GPUs Sequence Length Batch size / GPU: mixed precision, TF32 Gradient Accumulation: mixed precision, TF32 Throughput – mixed precision
1 1 128 64,64 1024,1024 372
2 4 128 64,64 256,256 1493
3 8 128 64,64 128,128 2936
4 1 512 16,8 2048,4096 77
5 4 512 16,8 512,1024 303
6 8 512 16,8 256,512 596

You can find other code examples at github.com/NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples.

If you want to builld your own AMI or extend an AMI maintained by your organization you can use the github repo, which provides Packer scripts to build AMIs for Amazon Linux 2 or Ubuntu 18.04 versions.


The stack includes the following components:

  • NVIDIA Driver 450.80.02
  • CUDA 11
  • NVIDIA Fabric Manager
  • cuDNN 8
  • NCCL 2.7.8
  • EFA latest driver
  • FSx kernel and client driver and utilities
  • Intel OneDNN
  • NVIDIA-runtime Docker


Get started with the new P4d instances with support on Amazon EKS, AWS Batch, and Amazon Sagemaker. We are excited to hear about what you develop and run with the new P4d instances. If you have any questions please reach out to your account team. Now, go power up your ML and HPC workloads with NVIDIA Tesla A100s and the P4d instances.

New – GPU-Equipped EC2 P4 Instances for Machine Learning & HPC

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-gpu-equipped-ec2-p4-instances-for-machine-learning-hpc/

The Amazon EC2 team has been providing our customers with GPU-equipped instances for nearly a decade. The first-generation Cluster GPU instances were launched in late 2010, followed by the G2 (2013), P2 (2016), P3 (2017), G3 (2017), P3dn (2018), and G4 (2019) instances. Each successive generation incorporates increasingly-capable GPUs, along with enough CPU power, memory, […]

AWS Nitro Enclaves – Isolated EC2 Environments to Process Confidential Data

Post Syndicated from Jeff Barr original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-nitro-enclaves-isolated-ec2-environments-to-process-confidential-data/

When I first told you about the AWS Nitro System, I said: The Nitro system is a rich collection of building blocks that can be assembled in many different ways, giving us the flexibility to design and rapidly deliver EC2 instance types with an ever-broadening selection of compute, storage, memory, and networking options. To date, […]

Mercado Libre: How to Block Malicious Traffic in a Dynamic Environment

Post Syndicated from Gaston Ansaldo original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/mercado-libre-how-to-block-malicious-traffic-in-a-dynamic-environment/

Blog post contributors: Pablo Garbossa and Federico Alliani of Mercado Libre


Mercado Libre (MELI) is the leading e-commerce and FinTech company in Latin America. We have a presence in 18 countries across Latin America, and our mission is to democratize commerce and payments to impact the development of the region.

We manage an ecosystem of more than 8,000 custom-built applications that process an average of 2.2 million requests per second. To support the demand, we run between 50,000 to 80,000 Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instances, and our infrastructure scales in and out according to the time of the day, thanks to the elasticity of the AWS cloud and its auto scaling features.

Mercado Libre

As a company, we expect our developers to devote their time and energy building the apps and features that our customers demand, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure that the apps are built upon. To achieve this separation of concerns, we built Fury, our platform as a service (PaaS) that provides an abstraction layer between our developers and the infrastructure. Each time a developer deploys a brand new application or a new version of an existing one, Fury takes care of creating all the required components such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group (ASG), and EC2) instances. Fury also manages a per-application Git repository, CI/CD pipeline with different deployment strategies, such like blue-green and rolling upgrades, and transparent application logs and metrics collection.

Fury- MELI PaaS

For those of us on the Cloud Security team, Fury represents an opportunity to enforce critical security controls across our stack in a way that’s transparent to our developers. For instance, we can dictate what Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) are vetted for use in production (such as those that align with the Center for Internet Security benchmarks). If needed, we can apply security patches across all of our fleet from a centralized location in a very scalable fashion.

But there are also other attack vectors that every organization that has a presence on the public internet is exposed to. The AWS recent Threat Landscape Report shows a 23% YoY increase in the total number of Denial of Service (DoS) events. It’s evident that organizations need to be prepared to quickly react under these circumstances.

The variety and the number of attacks are increasing, testing the resilience of all types of organizations. This is why we started working on a solution that allows us to contain application DoS attacks, and complements our perimeter security strategy, which is based on services such as AWS Shield and AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF). In this article, we will walk you through the solution we built to automatically detect and block these events.

The strategy we implemented for our solution, Network Behavior Anomaly Detection (NBAD), consists of four stages that we repeatedly execute:

  1. Analyze the execution context of our applications, like CPU and memory usage
  2. Learn their behavior
  3. Detect anomalies, gather relevant information and process it
  4. Respond automatically

Step 1: Establish a baseline for each application

End user traffic enters through different AWS CloudFront distributions that route to multiple Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs). Behind the ELBs, we operate a fleet of NGINX servers from where we connect back to the myriad of applications that our developers create via Fury.

MELI Architecture - nomaly detection project-step 1

Step 1: MELI Architecture – Anomaly detection project

We collect logs and metrics for each application that we ship to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Datadog. We then partition these logs using AWS Glue to make them available for consumption via Amazon Athena. On average, we send 3 terabytes (TB) of log files in parquet format to S3.

Based on this information, we developed processes that we complement with commercial solutions, such as Datadog’s Anomaly Detection, which allows us to learn the normal behavior or baseline of our applications and project expected adaptive growth thresholds for each one of them.

Anomaly detection

Step 2: Anomaly detection

When any of our apps receives a number of requests that fall outside the limits set by our anomaly detection algorithms, an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) event is emitted, which triggers a workflow in the Anomaly Analyzer, a custom-built component of this solution.

Upon receiving such an event, the Anomaly Analyzer starts composing the so-called event context. In parallel, the Data Extractor retrieves vital insights via Athena from the log files stored in S3.

The output of this process is used as the input for the data enrichment process. This is responsible for consulting different threat intelligence sources that are used to further augment the analysis and determine if the event is an actual incident or not.

At this point, we build the context that will allow us not only to have greater certainty in calculating the score, but it will also help us validate and act quicker. This context includes:

  • Application’s owner
  • Affected business metrics
  • Error handling statistics of our applications
  • Reputation of IP addresses and associated users
  • Use of unexpected URL parameters
  • Distribution by origin of the traffic that generated the event (cloud providers, geolocation, etc.)
  • Known behavior patterns of vulnerability discovery or exploitation
Step 2: MELI Architecture - Anomaly detection project

Step 2: MELI Architecture – Anomaly detection project

Step 3: Incident response

Once we reconstruct the context of the event, we calculate a score for each “suspicious actor” involved.

Step 3: MELI Architecture - Anomaly detection project

Step 3: MELI Architecture – Anomaly detection project

Based on these analysis results we carry out a series of verifications in order to rule out false positives. Finally, we execute different actions based on the following criteria:

Manual review

If the outcome of the automatic analysis results in a medium risk scoring, we activate a manual review process:

  1. We send a report to the application’s owners with a summary of the context. Based on their understanding of the business, they can activate the Incident Response Team (IRT) on-call and/or provide feedback that allows us to improve our automatic rules.
  2. In parallel, our threat analysis team receives and processes the event. They are equipped with tools that allow them to add IP addresses, user-agents, referrers, or regular expressions into Amazon WAF to carry out temporary blocking of “bad actors” in situations where the attack is in progress.

Automatic response

If the analysis results in a high risk score, an automatic containment process is triggered. The event is sent to our block API, which is responsible for adding a temporary rule designed to mitigate the attack in progress. Behind the scenes, our block API leverages AWS WAF to create IPSets. We reference these IPsets from our custom rule groups in our web ACLs, in order to block IPs that source the malicious traffic. We found many benefits in the new release of AWS WAF, like support for Amazon Managed Rules, larger capacity units per web ACL as well as an easier to use API.


By leveraging the AWS platform and its powerful APIs, and together with the AWS WAF service team and solutions architects, we were able to build an automated incident response solution that is able to identify and block malicious actors with minimal operator intervention. Since launching the solution, we have reduced YoY application downtime over 92% even when the time under attack increased over 10x. This has had a positive impact on our users and therefore, on our business.

Not only was our downtime drastically reduced, but we also cut the number of manual interventions during this type of incident by 65%.

We plan to iterate over this solution to further reduce false positives in our detection mechanisms as well as the time to respond to external threats.

About the authors

Pablo Garbossa is an Information Security Manager at Mercado Libre. His main duties include ensuring security in the software development life cycle and managing security in MELI’s cloud environment. Pablo is also an active member of the Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP) Buenos Aires chapter, a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software.

Federico Alliani is a Security Engineer on the Mercado Libre Monitoring team. Federico and his team are in charge of protecting the site against different types of attacks. He loves to dive deep into big architectures to drive performance, scale operational efficiency, and increase the speed of detection and response to security events.

How to automate incident response in the AWS Cloud for EC2 instances

Post Syndicated from Ben Eichorst original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-automate-incident-response-in-aws-cloud-for-ec2-instances/

One of the security epics core to the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) is a focus on incident response and preparedness to address unauthorized activity. Multiple methods exist in Amazon Web Services (AWS) for automating classic incident response techniques, and the AWS Security Incident Response Guide outlines many of these methods. This post demonstrates one specific method for instantaneous response and acquisition of infrastructure data from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances.

Incident response starts with detection, progresses to investigation, and then follows with remediation. This process is no different in AWS. AWS services such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Macie, and Amazon Inspector provide detection capabilities. Amazon Detective assists with investigation, including tracking and gathering information. Then, after your security organization decides to take action, pre-planned and pre-provisioned runbooks enable faster action towards a resolution. One principle outlined in the incident response whitepaper and the AWS Well-Architected Framework is the notion of pre-provisioning systems and policies to allow you to react quickly to an incident response event. The solution I present here provides a pre-provisioned architecture for an incident response system that you can use to respond to a suspect EC2 instance.

Infrastructure overview

The architecture that I outline in this blog post automates these standard actions on a suspect compute instance:

  1. Capture all the persistent disks.
  2. Capture the instance state at the time the incident response mechanism is started.
  3. Isolate the instance and protect against accidental instance termination.
  4. Perform operating system–level information gathering, such as memory captures and other parameters.
  5. Notify the administrator of these actions.

The solution in this blog post accomplishes these tasks through the following logical flow of AWS services, illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Infrastructure deployed by the accompanying AWS CloudFormation template and associated task flow when invoking the main API

Figure 1: Infrastructure deployed by the accompanying AWS CloudFormation template and associated task flow when invoking the main API

  1. A user or application calls an API with an EC2 instance ID to start data collection.
  2. Amazon API Gateway initiates the core logic of the process by instantiating an AWS Lambda function.
  3. The Lambda function performs the following data gathering steps before making any changes to the infrastructure:
    1. Save instance metadata to the SecResponse Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
    2. Save a snapshot of the instance console to the SecResponse S3 bucket.
    3. Initiate an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshot of all persistent block storage volumes.
  4. The Lambda function then modifies the infrastructure to continue gathering information, by doing the following steps:
    1. Set the Amazon EC2 termination protection flag on the instance.
    2. Remove any existing EC2 instance profile from the instance.
    3. If the instance is managed by AWS Systems Manager:
      1. Attach an EC2 instance profile with minimal privileges for operating system–level information gathering.
      2. Perform operating system–level information gathering actions through Systems Manager on the EC2 instance.
      3. Remove the instance profile after Systems Manager has completed its actions.
    4. Create a quarantine security group that lacks both ingress and egress rules.
    5. Move the instance into the created quarantine security group for isolation.
  5. Send an administrative notification through the configured Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.

Solution features

By using the mechanisms outlined in this post to codify your incident response runbooks, you can see the following benefits to your incident response plan.

Preparation for incident response before an incident occurs

Both the AWS CAF and Well-Architected Framework recommend that customers formulate known procedures for incident response, and test those runbooks before an incident. Testing these processes before an event occurs decreases the time it takes you to respond in a production environment. The sample infrastructure shown in this post demonstrates how you can standardize those procedures.

Consistent incident response artifact gathering

Codifying your processes into set code and infrastructure prepares you for the need to collect data, but also standardizes the collection process into a repeatable and auditable sequence of What information was collected when and how. This reduces the likelihood of missing data for future investigations.

Walkthrough: Deploying infrastructure and starting the process

To implement the solution outlined in this post, you first need to deploy the infrastructure, and then start the data collection process by issuing an API call.

The code example in this blog post requires that you provision an AWS CloudFormation stack, which creates an S3 bucket for storing your event artifacts and a serverless API that uses API Gateway and Lambda. You then execute a query against this API to take action on a target EC2 instance.

The infrastructure deployed by the AWS CloudFormation stack is a set of AWS components as depicted previously in Figure 1. The stack includes all the services and configurations to deploy the demo. It doesn’t include a target EC2 instance that you can use to test the mechanism used in this post.


The cost for this demo is minimal because the base infrastructure is completely serverless. With AWS, you only pay for the infrastructure that you use, so the single API call issued in this demo costs fractions of a cent. Artifact storage costs will incur S3 storage prices, and Amazon EC2 snapshots will be stored at their respective prices.

Deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack

In future posts and updates, we will show how to set up this security response mechanism inside a separate account designated for security, but for the purposes of this post, your demo stack must reside in the same AWS account as the target instance that you set up in the next section.

First, start by deploying the AWS CloudFormation template to provision the infrastructure.

To deploy this template in the us-east-1 region

  1. Choose the Launch Stack button to open the AWS CloudFormation console pre-loaded with the template:
    Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template
  2. (Optional) In the AWS CloudFormation console, on the Specify Details page, customize the stack name.
  3. For the LambdaS3BucketLocation and LambdaZipFileName fields, leave the default values for the purposes of this blog. Customizing this field allows you to customize this code example for your own purposes and store it in an S3 bucket of your choosing.
  4. Customize the S3BucketName field. This needs to be a globally unique S3 bucket name. This bucket is where gathered artifacts are stored for the demo in this blog. You must customize it beyond the default value for the template to instantiate properly.
  5. (Optional) Customize the SNSTopicName field. This name provides a meaningful label for the SNS topic that notifies the administrator of the actions that were performed.
  6. Choose Next to configure the stack options and leave all default settings in place.
  7. Choose Next to review and scroll to the bottom of the page. Select all three check boxes under the Capabilities and Transforms section, next to each of the three acknowledgements:
    • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
    • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
    • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND.
  8. Choose Create Stack.

Set up a target EC2 instance

In order to demonstrate the functionality of this mechanism, you need a target host. Provision any EC2 instance in your account to act as a target for the security response mechanism to act upon for information collection and quarantine. To optimize affordability and demonstrate full functionality, I recommend choosing a small instance size (for example, t2.nano) and optionally joining the instance into Systems Manager for the ability to later execute Run Command API queries. For more details on configuring Systems Manager, refer to the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Retrieve required information for system initiation

The entire security response mechanism triggers through an API call. To successfully initiate this call, you first need to gather the API URI and key information.

To find the API URI and key information

  1. Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console and choose the stack that you’ve instantiated.
  2. Choose the Outputs tab and save the value for the key APIBaseURI. This is the base URI for the API Gateway. It will resemble https://abcdefgh12.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com.
  3. Next, navigate to the API Gateway console and choose the API with the name SecurityResponse.
  4. Choose API Keys, and then choose the only key present.
  5. Next to the API key field, choose Show to reveal the key, and then save this value to a notepad for later use.

(Optional) Configure administrative notification through the created SNS topic

One aspect of this mechanism is that it sends notifications through SNS topics. You can optionally subscribe your email or another notification pipeline mechanism to the created SNS topic in order to receive notifications on actions taken by the system.

Initiate the security response mechanism

Note that, in this demo code, you’re using a simple API key for limiting access to API Gateway. In production applications, you would use an authentication mechanism such as Amazon Cognito to control access to your API.

To kick off the security response mechanism, initiate a REST API query against the API that was created in the AWS CloudFormation template. You first create this API call by using a curl command to be run from a Linux system.

To create the API initiation curl command

  1. Copy the following example curl command.
    curl -v -X POST -i -H "x-api-key: 012345ABCDefGHIjkLMS20tGRJ7othuyag" https://abcdefghi.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/DEMO/secresponse -d '{

  2. Replace the placeholder API key specified in the x-api-key HTTP header with your API key.
  3. Replace the example URI path with your API’s specific URI. To create the full URI, concatenate the base URI listed in the AWS CloudFormation output you gathered previously with the API call path, which is /DEMO/secresponse. This full URI for your specific API call should closely resemble this sample URI path: https://abcdefghi.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/DEMO/secresponse
  4. Replace the value associated with the key instance_id with the instance ID of the target EC2 instance you created.

Because this mechanism initiates through a simple API call, you can easily integrate it with existing workflow management systems. This allows for complex data collection and forensic procedures to be integrated with existing incident response workflows.

Review the gathered data

Note that the following items were uploaded as objects in the security response S3 bucket:

  1. A console screenshot, as shown in Figure 2.
  2. (If Systems Manager is configured) stdout information from the commands that were run on the host operating system.
  3. Instance metadata in JSON form.


Figure 2: Example outputs from a successful completion of this blog post's mechanism

Figure 2: Example outputs from a successful completion of this blog post’s mechanism

Additionally, if you load the Amazon EC2 console and scroll down to Elastic Block Store, you can see that EBS snapshots are present for all persistent disks as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Evidence of an EBS snapshot from a successful run

Figure 3: Evidence of an EBS snapshot from a successful run

You can also verify that the previously outlined security controls are in place by viewing the instance in the Amazon EC2 console. You should see the removal of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles from the target EC2 instances and that the instance has been placed into network isolation through a newly created quarantine security group.

Note that for the purposes of this demo, all information that you gathered is stored in the same AWS account as the workload. As a best practice, many AWS customers choose instead to store this information in an AWS account that’s specifically designated for incident response and analysis. A dedicated account provides clear isolation of function and restriction of access. Using AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs) and IAM permissions, your security team can limit access to adhere to security policy, legal guidance, and compliance regulations.

Clean up and delete artifacts

To clean up the artifacts from the solution in this post, first delete all information in your security response S3 bucket. Then delete the CloudFormation stack that was provisioned at the start of this process in order to clean up all remaining infrastructure.


Placing workloads in the AWS Cloud allows for pre-provisioned and explicitly defined incident response runbooks to be codified and quickly executed on suspect EC2 instances. This enables you to gather data in minutes that previously took hours or even days using manual processes.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Amazon EC2 forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Ben Eichorst

Ben is a Senior Solutions Architect, Security, Cryptography, and Identity Specialist for AWS. He works with AWS customers to efficiently implement globally scalable security programs while empowering development teams and reducing risk. He holds a BA from Northwestern University and an MBA from University of Colorado.

Field Notes: Migrating a Self-managed Kubernetes Cluster on Amazon EC2 to Amazon EKS

Post Syndicated from Ahmed Bham original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-migrating-a-self-managed-kubernetes-cluster-on-ec2-to-amazon-eks/

AWS customers from startups to enterprises have been successfully running Kubernetes clusters on Amazon EC2 instances since 2015, well before Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), was launched in 2018. As a fully managed Kubernetes service, Amazon EKS customers can run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain their own Kubernetes control plane. Since its launch, many existing and new customers are building and running their Kubernetes clusters on Amazon EKS.

At re:Invent 2019, AWS announced AWS Fargate for Amazon EKS, which is serverless compute for containers. Then, in January 2020, AWS announced a price reduction of Amazon EKS  by 50% to $0.10 per hour, per cluster. These developments, coupled with realization of management and cost overhead of Kubernetes control plane operations at scale, made more customers look into migrating their self-managed Kubernetes clusters to Amazon EKS.

The “how” of this migration is the focus of this blog.

Overview of Solution

For most customers migrating from self-managed Kubernetes clusters on Amazon EC2 to Amazon EKS can usually be accomplished with minimal or no downtime. However, for large clusters involving hundreds of nodes and thousands of pods, this requires more planning and testing, and it is recommended to engage AWS Support for guidance.

Kubernetes control plane


There are certain considerations to ensure a successful Amazon EKS migration and operational excellence.


  • Access Control
    • Amazon EKS uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to provide authentication to your Kubernetes cluster, but it still relies on native Kubernetes Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for authorization. It’s important to plan for the creation and governance of IAM users, roles, or groups, for Kubernetes cluster administration.
    • You can enable private access to the Kubernetes API server so that all communication between your nodes and the API server stays within your VPC. You can limit the IP addresses that can access your API server from the internet, or completely disable internet access to the API server.
  • IAM Role for Service Account
    • With IAM roles for service accounts on Amazon EKS clusters, you can associate an IAM role with a Kubernetes service account. This service account can then provide AWS permissions to the containers in any pod that uses that service account. With this feature, you no longer need to provide extended permissions to the node IAM role so that pods on that node can call AWS APIs.
  • Security groups for pods
    • Security groups for pods integrate Amazon EC2 security groups with Kubernetes pods. You can use Amazon EC2 security groups to define rules that allow inbound and outbound network traffic to and from pods. These pods are deployed to nodes running on many Amazon EC2 instance types.


  • Amazon EKS supports native VPC networking with the Amazon VPC Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin for Kubernetes. Using this plugin allows Kubernetes pods to have the same IP address inside the pod as they do on the VPC network.
  •  VPC CNI plugin uses IP addresses for the pods from the VPC CIDR ranges, and specifically from the subnet where the worker node is hosted. Therefore, customers must ensure the VPC and subnets that will host their Amazon EKS cluster have sufficient IP addresses available for the expected number of pods running at a time. Additionally, IP addresses are allocated to the Elastic Network Interface (ENI) attached to the EC2 instances.  The EC2 instance selection for the worker nodes should take into account the number of ENI attachments supported by the instance type.

Compute Options

Kubernetes Versions

  • Amazon EKS supports four major Kubernetes versions at a time,  which you can review in the available AWS documentation, along with a calendar for future Amazon EKS releases.
  • If you are currently running a non-supported Kubernetes cluster, or would like to migrate to a newer version on Amazon EKS, consider the following:
    1. Review release notes for specific Kubernetes version you want to migrate to, and make necessary updates to Kubernetes manifest files.
    2. Update your Kubernetes add-ons (CNI plugin, CoreDNS, Kube-Proxy) to compatible versions, as listed in the Updating an Amazon EKS Cluster guide.


  1. Create an IAM Role for the creator and/or administrator of the Amazon EKS cluster. Specify this role when creating the Amazon EKS cluster.
  2. If using an existing VPC and subnets to host Amazon EKS cluster:
    • You will need subnets in at least two Availability Zones
    • All public subnets should have the property MapPublicIpOnLaunch enabled (that is, Auto-assign public IPv4 address in the AWS Management Console) to host self-managed and managed node groups.

3. If your pods are currently accessing AWS resources, and if you would like to use IAM roles for service accounts, then:

    • Create service accounts in Kubernetes to be used by your pods.
    • Follow these steps to create IAM roles, and assign to service account created.
    • Update your pod manifest files to specify the newly created service account and role ARN annotation. Remove any existing code for storing or passing IAM credentials.

4. If you are planning to use AWS Fargate to run your pods, you need to create the appropriate Fargate Profile and pod execution role.

Application and Data Migration

  • For stateless workloads, apply your resource definitions (YAML or Helm) to the new cluster, and make sure everything works as expected. This includes the connection to resources external to the cluster.
  • For stateful workloads:
    1. You will need to carefully plan your migration to avoid data loss or unexpected downtime.
    2. If you are currently using shared persistent file storage based on Amazon EFS or Amazon FSx for Lustre, they can be mounted to Amazon EKS pods concurrently. Just make sure that pods don’t write to the same files concurrently.
    3. For pods using EBS volumes, and for other persistent storage types, you can use a Kubernetes backup and restore tool, Velero.

Traffic Migration

If you have an entire domain migration that you would like to smoothly migrate, you can take advantage of Amazon Route 53’s Weighted Routing (as shown in the following diagram). With Weighted Routing, you are able to have a progressive transition from your existing cluster to the new one with zero downtime by splitting the traffic at the DNS level.

Your customers are slowly being transferred to your new cluster as their cached TTL expires. The split could start with a small share of your customers, for example, 10% being pointed to the new Amazon EKS cluster and 90% still on the old one. As soon as traffic is confirmed to be working as expected on the new cluster, that percentage of clients pointed to the new one can be increased.



This implementation is flexible, it can be tied to Load Balancers, EC2 Instances, and even to external on-premises infrastructure.


In this blog post, we showed how to migrate your live-traffic serving self-hosted Kubernetes Cluster to Amazon EKS. Amazon EKS offers a cost-effective and highly available option for running Kubernetes clusters in the cloud. Since Amazon EKS is upstream Kubernetes compliant, you can migrate existing self-managed Kubernetes workloads to Amazon EKS, with multiple options to minimize or avoid service disruption. To create your first Amazon EKS cluster, visit Getting started with Amazon EKS.

Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers.



Introducing queued purchases for Savings Plans

Post Syndicated from Roshni Pary original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-queued-purchases-for-savings-plans/

This blog post is contributed by Idan Maizlits, Sr. Product Manager, Savings Plans

AWS now provides the ability for you to queue purchases of Savings Plans by specifying a time, up to 3 years in the future, to carry out those purchases. This blog reviews how you can queue purchases of Savings Plans.

In November 2019, AWS launched Savings Plans. This is a new flexible pricing model that allows you to save up to 72% on Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, and AWS Lambda in exchange for making a commitment to a consistent amount of compute usage measured in dollars per hour (for example $10/hour) for a 1- or 3-year term. Savings Plans is the easiest way to save money on compute usage while providing you the flexibility to use the compute options that best fits your needs as they change.

Queueing Savings Plans allows you to plan ahead for future events. Say, you want to purchase a Savings Plan three months into the future to cover a new workload. Now, with the ability to queue plans in advance, you can easily schedule the purchase to be carried out at the exact time you expect your workload to go live. This helps you plan in advance by eliminating the need to make “just-in-time” purchases, and benefit from low prices on your future workloads from the get-go. With the ability to queue purchases, you can also enjoy uninterrupted Savings Plans coverage by scheduling renewals of your plans ahead of their expiry. This makes it even easier to save money on your overall AWS bill.

So how do queued purchases for Savings Plans work? Queued purchases are similar to regular purchases in all aspects but one – the start date. With a regular purchase, a plan goes active immediately whereas with a queued purchase, you select a date in the future for a plan to start. Up until the said future date, the Savings Plan remains in a queued state, and on the future date any upfront payments are charged and the plan goes active.

Now, let’s look at this in more detail with a couple of examples. I walk through three scenarios – a) queuing Savings Plans to cover future usage b) renewing expiring Savings Plans and c) deleting a queued Savings plan.

How do I queue a Savings Plan?

If you are planning ahead and would like to queue a Savings Plan to support future needs such as new workloads or expiring Reserved Instances, head to the Purchase Savings Plans page on the AWS Cost Management Console. Then, select the type of Savings Plan you would like to queue, including the term length, purchase commitment, and payment option.

Select the type of Savings Plan

Now, indicate the start date and time for this plan (this is the date/time at which your Savings Plan becomes active). The time you indicate is in UTC, but is also shown in your browser’s local time zone. If you are looking to replace an existing Reserved Instance, you can provide the start date and time to align with the expiration of your existing Reserved Instances. You can find the expiration time of your Reserved Instances on the EC2 Reserved Instances Console (this is in your local time zone, convert it to UTC when you queue a Savings Plan).

After you have selected the start time and date for the Savings Plan, click “Add to cart”. When you are ready to complete the purchase, click “Submit Order,” which completes the purchase.

Once you have submitted the order, the Savings Plans Inventory page lists the queued Savings Plan with a “Queued” status and that purchase will be carried out on the date and time provided.

How can I replace an expiring plan?

If you have already purchased a Savings Plan, queuing purchases allow you to renew that Savings Plan upon expiry for continuous coverage. All you have to do is head to the AWS Cost Management Console, go to the Savings Plans Inventory page, and select the Savings Plan you would like to renew. Then, click on Actions and select “Renew Savings Plan” as seen in the following image.

This action automatically queues a Savings Plan in the cart with the same configuration (as your original plan) to replace the expiring one. The start time for the plan automatically sets to one second after expiration of the old Savings Plan. All you have to do now is submit the order and you are good to go.

If you would like to renew multiple Savings Plans, select each one and click “Renew Savings Plan,” which adds them to the Cart. When you are done adding new Savings Plans, your cart lists all of the Savings Plans that you added to the order. When you are ready to submit the order, click “Submit order.

How can I delete a queued Savings Plan?

If you have queued Savings Plans that you no longer need to purchase, or need to modify, you can do so by visiting the console. Head to the AWS Cost Management Console, select the Savings Plans Inventory page, and then select the Savings Plan you would like to delete. By selecting the Savings Plan and clicking on Actions, as seen in the following image, you can delete the queued purchase if you need to make changes or if you no longer need the plan to be purchased. If you need the Savings Plan at a different commitment value, you can make a new queued purchase.


AWS Savings Plans allow you to save up to 72% of On-demand prices by committing to a 1- or 3- year term. Starting today, with the ability to queue purchases of Savings Plans, you can easily plan for your future needs or renew expiring Savings Plan ahead of time, all with just a few clicks. In this blog, I walked through various scenarios. As you can see, it’s even easier to save money with AWS Savings Plans by queuing your purchases to meet your future needs and continue benefiting from uninterrupted coverage.

Click here to learn more about queuing purchases of Savings Plans and visit the AWS Cost Management Console to get started.

Creating an EC2 instance in the AWS Wavelength Zone

Post Syndicated from Bala Thekkedath original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/creating-an-ec2-instance-in-the-aws-wavelength-zone/

Creating an EC2 instance in the AWS Wavelength Zone

This blog post is contributed by Saravanan Shanmugam, Lead Solution Architect, AWS Wavelength

AWS announced Wavelength at re:Invent 2019 in partnership with Verizon in US, SK Telecom in South Korea, KDDI in Japan, and Vodafone in UK and Europe. Following the re:Invent 2019 announcement, on August 6, 2020, AWS announced GA of one Wavelength Zone with Verizon in Boston connected to US East (N.Virginia) Region and one in San Francisco connected to the US West (Oregon) Region.

In this blog, I walk you through the steps required to create an Amazon EC2 instance in an AWS Wavelength Zone from the AWS Management console. We also address the questions asked by our customers regarding the different protocol traffic allowed into and out of a AWS Wavelength Zones.

Customers who want to access AWS Wavelength Zones and deploy their applications to the Wavelength Zone can sign up using this link. Customers that opted in to access the AWS Wavelength Zone can confirm the status on the EC2 console Account Attribute section as shown in the following image.

 Services and features

AWS Wavelength Zones are Availability Zones inside the Carrier Service Provider network closer to the Edge of the Mobile Network. Wavelength Zones bring the AWS core compute and storage services like Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS that can be used by other services like Amazon EKS and Amazon ECS. We look at Wavelength Zone(s) as a hub and spoke model, where developers can deploy latency sensitive, high-bandwidth applications at the Edge and non-latency sensitive and data persistent applications in the Region.

Wavelength Zones supports three Nitro based Amazon EC2 instance types t3 (t3.medium, t3.xlarge) r5 (r5.2xlarge) and g4 (g4dn.2xlarge) with EBS volume types gp2. Customers can also use Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS to deploy container applications at the Edge. Other AWS Services, like AWS CloudFormation templates, CloudWatch, IAM resources, and Organizations, continue to work as expected, providing you a consistent experience. You can also leverage the full suite of services like Amazon S3 in the parent Region over AWS’s private network backbone. Now that we have reviewed AWS wavelength, the services and features associated with it, let us talk about the steps to launch an EC2 instance in the AWS Wavelength zone.

Creating a Subnet in the Wavelength Zone

Once the Wavelength Zone is enabled for your AWS Account, you can extend your existing VPC from the parent Region to a Wavelength Zone by creating a new VPC subnet assigned to the AWS Wavelength Zone. Customers can also create a new VPC and then a Subnet to deploy their applications in the Wavelength zone. The following image shows the Subnet creation step, where you pick the Wavelength Zone as the Availability zone for the subnet

Carrier Gateway

We have introduced a new gateway type called Carrier Gateway, which allows you to route traffic from the Wavelength Zone subnet to the CSP network and to the Internet. Carrier Gateways are similar to the Internet gateway in the Region. Carrier Gateway is also responsible for NAT’ing the traffic from/to the Wavelength Zone subnets mapping it to the carrier ip address assigned to the instances.

Creating a Carrier Gateway

In the VPC console, you can now create Carrier Gateway and attach it to your VPC.

You select the VPC to which the Carrier Gateway must be attached. There is also option to select “Route subnet traffic to the Carrier Gateway” in the Carrier Gateway creation step. By selecting this option, you can pick the Wavelength subnets you want to default route to the Carrier Gateway. This option automatically deletes the existing route table to the subnets, creates a new route table, creates a default route entry, and attaches the new route table to the Subnets you selected. The following picture captures the necessary input required while creating a Carrier Gateway


Creating an EC2 instance in a Wavelength Zone with Private IP Address

Once a VPC subnet is created for the AWS Wavelength Zone, you can launch an EC2 instance with a Private address using the EC2 Launch Wizard. In the configure instance details step, you can select the Wavelength Zone Subnet that you created in the “Creating a Subnet” section.

Attach a IAM profile with SSM role included, which allows you to SSH into the console of the instance through SSM. This is a recommended practice for Wavelength Zone instances as there is no direct SSH access allowed from Public internet.

 Creating an EC2 instance in a Wavelength Zone with Carrier IP Address

The instances running in the Wavelength Zone subnets can obtain a Carrier IP address, which is allocated from a pool of IP addresses called Network Border group (NBG). To create an EC2 instance in the Wavelength Zone with a carrier routable IP address, you can use AWS CLI. You can use the following command to create EC2 instance in a Wavelength Zone subnet. Note the additional network interface (NIC) option “AssociateCarrierIpAddress: as part of the EC2 run instance command, as shown in the following command.

aws ec2 --region us-west-2 run-instances --network-interfaces '[{"DeviceIndex":0, "AssociateCarrierIpAddress": true, "SubnetId": "<subnet-0d3c2c317ac4a262a>"}]' --image-id <ami-0a07be880014c7b8e> --instance-type t3.medium --key-name <san-francisco-wavelength-sample-key>

 *To use “AssociateCarrierIpAddress” option in the ec2 run-instance command use the latest aws cli v2.

The carrier IP assigned to the EC2 instance can be obtained by running the following command.

 aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids <replace-with-your-instance-id> --region us-west-2

 Make necessary changes to the default security group that is attached to the EC2 instance after running the run-instance command to allow the necessary protocol traffic. If you allow ICMP traffic to your EC2 instance, you can test ICMP connectivity to your instance from the public internet.

The different protocols allowed in and out of the Wavelength Zone are captured in the following table.


TCP Connection FROM TCP Connection TO Result*
Region Zones WL Zones Allowed
Wavelength Zones Region Allowed
Wavelength Zones Internet Allowed
Internet (TCP SYN) WL Zones Blocked
Internet (TCP EST) WL Zones Allowed
Wavelength Zones UE (Radio) Allowed
UE(Radio) WL Zones Allowed


UDP Packets FROM UDP Packets TO Result*
Wavelength Zones WL Zones Allowed
Wavelength Zones Region Allowed
Wavelength Zones Internet Allowed
Internet WL Blocked
Wavelength Zones UE (Radio) Allowed
UE(Radio) WL Zones Allowed


Wavelength Zones WL Zones Allowed
Wavelength Zones Region Allowed
Wavelength Zones Internet Allowed
Internet WL Allowed
Wavelength Zones UE (Radio) Allowed
UE(Radio) WL Zones Allowed


We have covered how to create and run an EC2 instance in the AWS Wavelength Zone, the core foundation for application deployments. We will continue to publish blogs helping customers to create ECS and EKS clusters in the AWS Wavelength Zones and deploy container applications at the Mobile Carriers Edge. We are really looking forward to seeing what all you can do with them. AWS would love to get your advice on additional local services/features or other interesting use cases, so feel free to leave us your comments!


EFA-enabled C5n instances to scale Simcenter STAR-CCM+

Post Syndicated from Ben Peven original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/efa-enabled-c5n-instances-to-scale-simcenter-star-ccm/

This post was contributed by Dnyanesh Digraskar, Senior Partner SA, High Performance Computing; Linda Hedges, Principal SA, High Performance Computing

In this blog, we define and demonstrate the scalability metrics for a typical real-world application using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software from Siemens, Simcenter STAR-CCM+, running on a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This scenario demonstrates the scaling of an external aerodynamics CFD case with 97 million cells to over 4,000 cores of Amazon EC2 C5n.18xlarge instances using the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ software. We also discuss the effects of scaling on efficiency, simulation turn-around time, and total simulation costs. TLG Aerospace, a Seattle-based aerospace engineering services company, contributed the data used in this blog. For a detailed case study describing TLG Aerospace’s experience and the results they achieved, see the TLG Aerospace case study.

For HPC workloads that use multiple nodes, the cluster setup including the network is at the heart of scalability concerns. Some of the most common concerns from CFD or HPC engineers are “how well will my application scale on AWS?”, “how do I optimize the associated costs for best performance of my application on AWS?”, “what are the best practices in setting up an HPC cluster on AWS to reduce the simulation turn-around time and maintain high efficiency?” This post aims to answer these concerns by defining and explaining important scalability-related parameters by illustrating the results from the CFD case. For detailed HPC-specific information, see visit the High Performance Computing page and download the CFD whitepaper, Computational Fluid Dynamics on AWS.

CFD scaling on AWS


HPC applications, such as CFD, depend heavily on the applications’ ability to scale compute tasks efficiently in parallel across multiple compute resources. We often evaluate parallel performance by determining an application’s scale-up. Scale-up – a function of the number of processors used – is the time to complete a run on one processor, divided by the time to complete the same run on the number of processors used for the parallel run.

Scale-up formula

In addition to characterizing the scale-up of an application, scalability can be further characterized as “strong” or “weak”. Strong scaling offers a traditional view of application scaling, where a problem size is fixed and spread over an increasing number of processors. As more processors are added to the calculation, good strong scaling means that the time to complete the calculation decreases proportionally with increasing processor count. In comparison, weak scaling does not fix the problem size used in the evaluation, but purposely increases the problem size as the number of processors also increases. An application demonstrates good weak scaling when the time to complete the calculation remains constant as the ratio of compute effort to the number of processors is held constant. Weak scaling offers insight into how an application behaves with varying case size.

Figure 1, the following image, shows scale-up as a function of increasing processor count for the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ case data provided by TLG Aerospace. This is a demonstration of “strong” scalability. The blue line shows what ideal or perfect scalability looks like. The purple triangles show the actual scale-up for the case as a function of increasing processor count. The closeness of these two curves demonstrates excellent scaling to well over 3,000 processors for this mid-to-large-sized 97M cell case. This example was run on Amazon EC2 C5n.18xlarge Intel Skylake instances, 3.0 GHz, each providing 36 cores with Hyper-Threading disabled.

Figure 1. Strong scaling demonstrated for a 97M cell Simcenter STAR-CCM+ CFD calculation


Now that you understand the variation of scale-up with the number of processors, we discuss the relation of scale-up with number of grid cells per processor, which determines the efficiency of the parallel simulation. Efficiency is the scale-up divided by the number of processors used in the calculation. By plotting grid cells per processor, as in Figure 2, scaling estimates can be made for simulations with different grid sizes with Simcenter STAR-CCM+. The purple line in Figure 2 shows scale-up as a function of grid cells per processor. The vertical axis for scale-up is on the left-hand side of the graph as indicated by the purple arrow. The green line in Figure 2 shows efficiency as a function of grid cells per processor. The vertical axis for efficiency is on the right side of the graph and is indicated by the green arrow.

Figure 2. Scale-up and efficiency as a function of cells per processor.

Fewer grid cells per processor means reduced computational effort per processor. Maintaining efficiency while reducing cells per processor demonstrates the strong scalability of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ on AWS.

Efficiency remains at about 100% between approximately 700,000 cells per processor core and 60,000 cells per processor core. Efficiency starts to fall off at about 60,000 cells per core. An efficiency of at least 80% is maintained until 25,000 cells per core. Decreasing cells per core leads to decreased efficiency because the total computational effort per processor core is reduced. The goal of achieving more than 100% efficiency (here, at about 250,000 cells per core) is common in scaling studies, is case-specific, and often related to smaller effects such as timing variation and memory caching.

Turn-around time and cost

Case turn-around time and cost is what really matters to most HPC users. A plot of turn-around time versus CPU cost for this case is shown in Figure 3. As the number of cores increases, the total turn-around time decreases. But as the number of cores increases, the inefficiency also increases, which leads to increased costs. The cost, represented by solid blue curve, is based on the On-Demand price for the C5n.18xlarge, and only includes the computational costs. Small costs are also incurred for data storage. Minimum cost and turn-around time are achieved with approximately 60,000 cells per core.

Figure 3. Cost per run for: On-Demand pricing ($3.888 per hour for C5n.18xlarge in US-East-1) with and without the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ POD license cost as a function of turn-around time [Blue]; 3-yr all-upfront pricing ($1.475 per hour for C5n.18xlarge in US-East-1) [Green]

Many users choose a cell count per core count to achieve the lowest possible cost. Others may choose a cell count per core count to achieve the fastest turn-around time. If a run is desired in 1/3rd the time of the lowest price point, it can be achieved with approximately 25,000 cells per core.

Additional information about the test scenario

TLG Aerospace has used the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Power-On-Demand (POD) license for running the simulations for this case. POD license enables flexible On-Demand usage of the software on unlimited cores for a fixed price of $22 per hour. The total cost per run, which includes the computational cost, plus the POD license cost is represented in Figure 3 by the dashed blue curve. As POD license is charged per hour, the total cost per run increases for higher turn-around times. Note that many users run Simcenter STAR-CCM+ with fewer cells per core than this case. While this increases the compute cost, other concerns—such as license costs or schedules—can be overriding factors. However, many find the reduced turn-around time well worth the price of the additional instances.

AWS also offers Savings Plans, which are a flexible pricing model offering substantially lower price on EC2 instances compared to On-Demand prices for a committed usage of 1- or 3-year term. For example, the 3-year all-upfront pricing of C5n.18xlarge instance is 62% cheaper than the On-Demand pricing. The total cost per run using the 3-year all-upfront pricing model is illustrated in Figure 3 by solid green line. The 3-year all-upfront pricing plan offers a substantial reduction in price for running the simulations.

Amazon Linux is optimized to run on AWS and offers excellent performance for running HPC applications. For the case presented here, the operating system used was Amazon Linux 2. While other Linux distributions are also performant, we strongly recommend that for Linux HPC applications, you use a current Linux kernel.

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) is a persistent, block-level storage device that is often used for cluster storage on AWS. A standard EBS General Purpose SSD (gp2) volume was used for this scenario. For other HPC applications that may require faster I/O to prevent data writes from being a bottleneck to turn-around speed, we recommend FSx for Lustre. FSx for Lustre seamlessly integrates with Amazon S3, allowing users for efficient data interaction with Amazon S3.

AWS customers can choose to run their applications on either threads or cores. With hyper-threading, a single CPU physical core appears as two logical CPUs to the operating system. For an application like Simcenter STAR-CCM+, excellent linear scaling can be seen when using either threads or cores, though we generally recommend disabling hyper-threading. Most HPC applications benefit from disabling hyper-threading, and therefore, it tends to be the preferred environment for running HPC workloads. For more information, see Well-Architected Framework HPC Lens.

Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA)

Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) is a network device that can be attached to Amazon EC2 instances to accelerate HPC applications by providing lower and consistent latency and higher throughput than the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) transport. C5n.18xlarge instances used for running Simcenter STAR-CCM+ for this case support EFA technology, which is generally recommended for best scaling.


This post demonstrates the scalability of a commercial CFD software Simcenter STAR-CCM+ for an external aerodynamics simulation performed on the Amazon EC2 C5n.18xlarge instances. The availability of EFA, a high-performing network device on these instances result in excellent scalability of the application. The case turn-around time and associated costs of running Simcenter STAR-CCM+ on AWS hardware are discussed. In general, excellent performance can be achieved on AWS for most HPC applications. In addition to low cost and quick turn-around time, important considerations for HPC also include throughput and availability. AWS offers high throughput, scalability, security, cost-savings, and high availability, decreasing a long queue time and reducing the case turn-around time.

How to delete user data in an AWS data lake

Post Syndicated from George Komninos original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-to-delete-user-data-in-an-aws-data-lake/

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an important aspect of today’s technology world, and processing data in compliance with GDPR is a necessity for those who implement solutions within the AWS public cloud. One article of GDPR is the “right to erasure” or “right to be forgotten” which may require you to implement a solution to delete specific users’ personal data.

In the context of the AWS big data and analytics ecosystem, every architecture, regardless of the problem it targets, uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as the core storage service. Despite its versatility and feature completeness, Amazon S3 doesn’t come with an out-of-the-box way to map a user identifier to S3 keys of objects that contain user’s data.

This post walks you through a framework that helps you purge individual user data within your organization’s AWS hosted data lake, and an analytics solution that uses different AWS storage layers, along with sample code targeting Amazon S3.

Reference architecture

To address the challenge of implementing a data purge framework, we reduced the problem to the straightforward use case of deleting a user’s data from a platform that uses AWS for its data pipeline. The following diagram illustrates this use case.

We’re introducing the idea of building and maintaining an index metastore that keeps track of the location of each user’s records and allows us locate to them efficiently, reducing the search space.

You can use the following architecture diagram to delete a specific user’s data within your organization’s AWS data lake.

For this initial version, we created three user flows that map each task to a fitting AWS service:

Flow 1: Real-time metastore update

The S3 ObjectCreated or ObjectDelete events trigger an AWS Lambda function that parses the object and performs an add/update/delete operation to keep the metadata index up to date. You can implement a simple workflow for any other storage layer, such as Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Amazon Aurora, or Amazon Elasticsearch Service (ES). We use Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL as the index metadata storage options, but our approach is flexible to any other technology.

Flow 2: Purge data

When a user asks for their data to be deleted, we trigger an AWS Step Functions state machine through Amazon CloudWatch to orchestrate the workflow. Its first step triggers a Lambda function that queries the metadata index to identify the storage layers that contain user records and generates a report that’s saved to an S3 report bucket. A Step Functions activity is created and picked up by a Lambda Node JS based worker that sends an email to the approver through Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) with approve and reject links.

The following diagram shows a graphical representation of the Step Function state machine as seen on the AWS Management Console.

The approver selects one of the two links, which then calls an Amazon API Gateway endpoint that invokes Step Functions to resume the workflow. If you choose the approve link, Step Functions triggers a Lambda function that takes the report stored in the bucket as input, deletes the objects or records from the storage layer, and updates the index metastore. When the purging job is complete, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) sends a success or fail email to the user.

The following diagram represents the Step Functions flow on the console if the purge flow completed successfully.

For the complete code base, see step-function-definition.json in the GitHub repo.

Flow 3: Batch metastore update

This flow refers to the use case of an existing data lake for which index metastore needs to be created. You can orchestrate the flow through AWS Step Functions, which takes historical data as input and updates metastore through a batch job. Our current implementation doesn’t include a sample script for this user flow.

Our framework

We now walk you through the two use cases we followed for our implementation:

  • You have multiple user records stored in each Amazon S3 file
  • A user has records stored in homogenous AWS storage layers

Within these two approaches, we demonstrate alternatives that you can use to store your index metastore.

Indexing by S3 URI and row number

For this use case, we use a free tier RDS Postgres instance to store our index. We created a simple table with the following code:

				userid TEXT,
				s3path TEXT,
				recordline INTEGER

You can index on user_id to optimize query performance. On object upload, for each row, you need to insert into the user_objects table a row that indicates the user ID, the URI of the target Amazon S3 object, and the row that corresponds to the record. For instance, when uploading the following JSON input, enter the following code:

{"user_id":"UgMW8bLE0QMJDCkQ1Ax5Mg","body ":"…"}

We insert the tuples into user_objects in the Amazon S3 location s3://gdpr-demo/year=2018/month=2/day=26/input.json. See the following code:

(“V34qejxNsCbcgD8C0HVk-Q”, “s3://gdpr-demo/year=2018/month=2/day=26/input.json”, 0)
(“ofKDkJKXSKZXu5xJNGiiBQ”, “s3://gdpr-demo/year=2018/month=2/day=26/input.json”, 1)
(“UgMW8bLE0QMJDCkQ1Ax5Mg”, “s3://gdpr-demo/year=2018/month=2/day=26/input.json”, 2)

You can implement the index update operation by using a Lambda function triggered on any Amazon S3 ObjectCreated event.

When we get a delete request from a user, we need to query our index to get some information about where we have stored the data to delete. See the following code:

SELECT s3path,
                FROM user_objects
                WHERE userid = ‘V34qejxNsCbcgD8C0HVk-Q’
                GROUP BY;

The preceding example SQL query returns rows like the following:

(“s3://gdpr-review/year=2015/month=12/day=21/review-part-0.json“, {2102,529})

The output indicates that lines 529 and 2102 of S3 object s3://gdpr-review/year=2015/month=12/day=21/review-part-0.json contain the requested user’s data and need to be purged. We then need to download the object, remove those rows, and overwrite the object. For a Python implementation of the Lambda function that implements this functionality, see deleteUserRecords.py in the GitHub repo.

Having the record line available allows you to perform the deletion efficiently in byte format. For implementation simplicity, we purge the rows by replacing the deleted rows with an empty JSON object. You pay a slight storage overhead, but you don’t need to update subsequent row metadata in your index, which would be costly. To eliminate empty JSON objects, we can implement an offline vacuum and index update process.

Indexing by file name and grouping by index key

For this use case, we created a DynamoDB table to store our index. We chose DynamoDB because of its ease of use and scalability; you can use its on-demand pricing model so you don’t need to guess how many capacity units you might need. When files are uploaded to the data lake, a Lambda function parses the file name (for example, 1001-.csv) to identify the user identifier and populates the DynamoDB metadata table. Userid is the partition key, and each different storage layer has its own attribute. For example, if user 1001 had data in Amazon S3 and Amazon RDS, their records look like the following code:

{"userid:": 1001, "s3":{"s3://path1", "s3://path2"}, "RDS":{"db1.table1.column1"}}

For a sample Python implementation of this functionality, see update-dynamo-metadata.py in the GitHub repo.

On delete request, we query the metastore table, which is DynamoDB, and generate a purge report that contains details on what storage layers contain user records, and storage layer specifics that can speed up locating the records. We store the purge report to Amazon S3. For a sample Lambda function that implements this logic, see generate-purge-report.py in the GitHub repo.

After the purging is approved, we use the report as input to delete the required resources. For a sample Lambda function implementation, see gdpr-purge-data.py in the GitHub repo.

Implementation and technology alternatives

We explored and evaluated multiple implementation options, all of which present tradeoffs, such as implementation simplicity, efficiency, critical data compliance, and feature completeness:

  • Scan every record of the data file to create an index – Whenever a file is uploaded, we iterate through its records and generate tuples (userid, s3Uri, row_number) that are then inserted to our metadata storing layer. On delete request, we fetch the metadata records for requested user IDs, download the corresponding S3 objects, perform the delete in place, and re-upload the updated objects, overwriting the existing object. This is the most flexible approach because it supports a single object to store multiple users’ data, which is a very common practice. The flexibility comes at a cost because it requires downloading and re-uploading the object, which introduces a network bottleneck in delete operations. User activity datasets such as customer product reviews are a good fit for this approach, because it’s unexpected to have multiple records for the same user within each partition (such as a date partition), and it’s preferable to combine multiple users’ activity in a single file. It’s similar to what was described in the section “Indexing by S3 URI and row number” and sample code is available in the GitHub repo.
  • Store metadata as file name prefix – Adding the user ID as the prefix of the uploaded object under the different partitions that are defined based on query pattern enables you to reduce the required search operations on delete request. The metadata handling utility finds the user ID from the file name and maintains the index accordingly. This approach is efficient in locating the resources to purge but assumes a single user per object, and requires you to store user IDs within the filename, which might require InfoSec considerations. Clickstream data, where you would expect to have multiple click events for a single customer on a single date partition during a session, is a good fit. We covered this approach in the section “Indexing by file name and grouping by index key” and you can download the codebase from the GitHub repo.
  • Use a metadata file – Along with uploading a new object, we also upload a metadata file that’s picked up by an indexing utility to create and maintain the index up to date. On delete request, we query the index, which points us to the records to purge. A good fit for this approach is a use case that already involves uploading a metadata file whenever a new object is uploaded, such as uploading multimedia data, along with their metadata. Otherwise, uploading a metadata file on every object upload might introduce too much of an overhead.
  • Use the tagging feature of AWS services – Whenever a new file is uploaded to Amazon S3, we use the Put Object Tagging Amazon S3 operation to add a key-value pair for the user identifier. Whenever there is a user data delete request, it fetches objects with that tag and deletes them. This option is straightforward to implement using the existing Amazon S3 API and can therefore be a very initial version of your implementation. However, it involves significant limitations. It assumes a 1:1 cardinality between Amazon S3 objects and users (each object only contains data for a single user), searching objects based on a tag is limited and inefficient, and storing user identifiers as tags might not be compliant with your organization’s InfoSec policy.
  • Use Apache Hudi – Apache Hudi is becoming a very popular option to perform record-level data deletion on Amazon S3. Its current version is restricted to Amazon EMR, and you can use it if you start to build your data lake from scratch, because you need to store your as Hudi datasets. Hudi is a very active project and additional features and integrations with more AWS services are expected.

The key implementation decision of our approach is separating the storage layer we use for our data and the one we use for our metadata. As a result, our design is versatile and can be plugged in any existing data pipeline. Similar to deciding what storage layer to use for your data, there are many factors to consider when deciding how to store your index:

  • Concurrency of requests – If you don’t expect too many simultaneous inserts, even something as simple as Amazon S3 could be a starting point for your index. However, if you get multiple concurrent writes for multiple users, you need to look into a service that copes better with transactions.
  • Existing team knowledge and infrastructure – In this post, we demonstrated using DynamoDB and RDS Postgres for storing and querying the metadata index. If your team has no experience with either of those but are comfortable with Amazon ES, Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility), or any other storage layer, use those. Furthermore, if you’re already running (and paying for) a MySQL database that’s not used to capacity, you could use that for your index for no additional cost.
  • Size of index – The volume of your metadata is orders of magnitude lower than your actual data. However, if your dataset grows significantly, you might need to consider going for a scalable, distributed storage solution rather than, for instance, a relational database management system.


GDPR has transformed best practices and introduced several extra technical challenges in designing and implementing a data lake. The reference architecture and scripts in this post may help you delete data in a manner that’s compliant with GDPR.

Let us know your feedback in the comments and how you implemented this solution in your organization, so that others can learn from it.


About the Authors

George Komninos is a Data Lab Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers convert their ideas to a production-ready data product. Before AWS, he spent 3 years at Alexa Information domain as a data engineer. Outside of work, George is a football fan and supports the greatest team in the world, Olympiacos Piraeus.





Sakti Mishra is a Data Lab Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers architect data analytics solutions, which gives them an accelerated path towards modernization initiatives. Outside of work, Sakti enjoys learning new technologies, watching movies, and travel.

New EC2 T4g Instances – Burstable Performance Powered by AWS Graviton2 – Try Them for Free

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-t4g-instances-burstable-performance-powered-by-aws-graviton2/

Two years ago Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) T3 instances were first made available, offering a very cost effective way to run general purpose workloads. While current T3 instances offer sufficient compute performance for many use cases, many customers have told us that they have additional workloads that would benefit from increased peak performance and lower cost.

Today, we are launching T4g instances, a new generation of low cost burstable instance type powered by AWS Graviton2, a processor custom built by AWS using 64-bit Arm Neoverse cores. Using T4g instances you can enjoy a performance benefit of up to 40% at a 20% lower cost in comparison to T3 instances, providing the best price/performance for a broader spectrum of workloads.

T4g instances are designed for applications that don’t use CPU at full power most of the time, using the same credit model as T3 instances with unlimited mode enabled by default. Examples of production workloads that require high CPU performance only during times of heavy data processing are web/application servers, small/medium data stores, and many microservices. Compared to previous generations, the performance of T4g instances makes it possible to migrate additional workloads such as caching servers, search engine indexing, and e-commerce platforms.

T4g instances are available in 7 sizes providing up to 5 Gbps of network and up to 2.7 Gbps of Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) performance:

Name vCPUs Baseline Performance/vCPU CPU Credits Earned/Hour Memory
t4g.nano 2 5% 6 0.5 GiB
t4g.micro 2 10% 12 1 GiB
t4g.small 2 20% 24 2 GiB
t4g.medium 2 20% 24 4 GiB
t4g.large 2 30% 36 8 GiB
t4g.xlarge 4 40% 96 16 GiB
t4g.2xlarge 8 40% 192 32 GiB

Free Trial
To make it easier to develop, test, and run your applications on T4g instances, all AWS customers are automatically enrolled in a free trial on the t4g.micro size. Starting September 2020 until December 31st 2020, you can run a t4g.micro instance and automatically get 750 free hours per month deducted from your bill, including any CPU credits during the free 750 hours of usage. The 750 hours are calculated in aggregate across all regions. For details on terms and conditions of the free trial, please refer to the EC2 FAQs.

During the free trial, have a look at this getting started guide on using the Arm-based AWS Graviton processors. There, you can find suggestions on how to build and optimize your applications, using different programming languages and operating systems, and on managing container-based workloads. Some of the tips are specific for the Graviton processor, but most of the content works generally for anyone using Arm to run their code.

Using T4g Instances
You can start an EC2 instance in different ways, for example using the EC2 console, the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, or AWS CloudFormation. For my first T4g instance, I use the AWS CLI:

$ aws ec2 run-instances \
  --instance-type t4g.micro \
  --image-id ami-09a67037138f86e67 \
  --security-groups MySecurityGroup \
  --key-name my-key-pair

The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) I am using is based on Amazon Linux 2. Other platforms are available, such as Ubuntu 18.04 or newer, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 and newer, and SUSE Enterprise Server 15 and newer. You can find additional AMIs in the AWS Marketplace, for example Fedora, Debian, NetBSD, CentOS, and NGINX Plus. For containerized applications, Amazon ECS and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service optimized AMIs are available as well.

The security group I selected gives me SSH access to the instance. I connect to the instance and do a general update:

$ sudo yum update -y

Since the kernel has been updated, I reboot the instance.

I’d like to set up this instance as a development environment. I can use it to build new applications, or to recompile my existing apps to the 64-bit Arm architecture. To install most development tools, such as Git, GCC, and Make, I use this group of packages:

$ sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"

AWS is working with several open source communities to drive improvements to the performance of software stacks running on AWS Graviton2. For example, you can see our contributions to PHP for Arm64 in this post.

Using the latest versions helps you obtain maximum performance from your Graviton2-based instances. The amazon-linux-extras command enables new versions for some of my favorite programming environments:

$ sudo amazon-linux-extras enable golang1.11 corretto8 php7.4 python3.8 ruby2.6

The output of the amazon-linux-extras command tells me which packages to install with yum:

$ yum clean metadata
$ sudo yum install -y golang java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto \
  php-cli php-pdo php-fpm php-json php-mysqlnd \
  python38 ruby ruby-irb rubygem-rake rubygem-json rubygems

Let’s check the versions of the tools that I just installed:

$ go version
go version go1.13.14 linux/arm64
$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_265"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 1.8.0_265-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 25.265-b01, mixed mode)
$ php -v
PHP 7.4.9 (cli) (built: Aug 21 2020 21:45:13) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
$ python3.8 -V
Python 3.8.5
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [aarch64-linux]

It looks like I am ready to go! Many more packages are available with yum, such as MariaDB and PostgreSQL. If you’re interested in databases, you might also want to try the preview of Amazon RDS powered by AWS Graviton2 processors.

Available Now
T4g instances are available today in US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo, Mumbai), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland).

You now have a broad choice of Graviton2-based instances to better optimize your workloads for cost and performance: low cost burstable general-purpose (T4g), general purpose (M6g), compute optimized (C6g) and memory optimized (R6g) instances. Local NVMe-based SSD storage options are also available.

You can use the free trial to develop new applications, or migrate your existing workloads to the AWS Graviton2 processor. Let me know how that goes!


How to configure an LDAPS endpoint for Simple AD

Post Syndicated from Marco Sommella original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-configure-ldaps-endpoint-for-simple-ad/

In this blog post, we show you how to configure an LDAPS (LDAP over SSL or TLS) encrypted endpoint for Simple AD so that you can extend Simple AD over untrusted networks. Our solution uses Network Load Balancer (NLB) as SSL/TLS termination. The data is then decrypted and sent to Simple AD. Network Load Balancer offers integrated certificate management, SSL/TLS termination, and the ability to use a scalable Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) backend to process decrypted traffic. Network Load Balancer also tightly integrates with Amazon Route 53, enabling you to use a custom domain for the LDAPS endpoint. To simplify testing and deployment, we have provided an AWS CloudFormation template to provision the network load balancer (NLB).

Simple AD, which is powered by Samba 4, supports basic Active Directory (AD) authentication features such as users, groups, and the ability to join domains. Simple AD also includes an integrated Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. LDAP is a standard application protocol for accessing and managing directory information. You can use the BIND operation from Simple AD to authenticate LDAP client sessions. This makes LDAP a common choice for centralized authentication and authorization for services such as Secure Shell (SSH), client-based virtual private networks (VPNs), and many other applications. Authentication, the process of confirming the identity of a principal, typically involves the transmission of highly sensitive information such as user names and passwords. To protect this information in transit over untrusted networks, companies often require encryption as part of their information security strategy.

This post assumes that you understand concepts such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and its components, including subnets, routing, internet and network address translation (NAT) gateways, DNS, and security groups. If needed, you should familiarize yourself with these concepts and review the solution overview and prerequisites in the next section before proceeding with the deployment.

Note: This solution is intended for use by clients who require only an LDAPS endpoint. If your requirements extend beyond this, you should consider accessing the Simple AD servers directly or by using AWS Directory Service for Microsoft AD.

Solution overview

The following description explains the Simple AD LDAPS environment. The AWS CloudFormation template creates the network-load-balancer object.

  1. The LDAP client sends an LDAPS request to the NLB on TCP port 636.
  2. The NLB terminates the SSL/TLS session and decrypts the traffic using a certificate. The NLB sends the decrypted LDAP traffic to Simple AD on TCP port 389.
  3. The Simple AD servers send an LDAP response to the NLB. The NLB encrypts the response and sends it to the client.

The following diagram illustrates how the solution works and shows the prerequisites (listed in the following section).

Figure 1: LDAPS with Simple AD Architecture

Figure 1: LDAPS with Simple AD Architecture

Note: Amazon VPC prevents third parties from intercepting traffic within the VPC. Because of this, the VPC protects the decrypted traffic between the NLB and Simple AD. The NLB encryption provides an additional layer of security for client connections and protects traffic coming from hosts outside the VPC.


  1. Our approach requires an Amazon VPC with one public and two private subnets. If you don’t have an Amazon VPC that meets that requirement, use the following instructions to set up a sample environment:
    1. Identify an AWS Region that supports Simple AD and network load balancing.
    2. Identify two Availability Zones in that Region to use with Simple AD. The Availability Zones are needed as parameters in the AWS CloudFormation template used later in this process.
    3. Create or choose an Amazon VPC in the region you chose.
    4. Enable DNS support within your VPC so you can use Route 53 to resolve the LDAPS endpoint.
    5. Create two private subnets, one per Availability Zone. The Simple AD servers use the subnets that you create.
    6. Create a public subnet in the same VPC.
    7. The LDAP service requires a DNS domain that resolves within your VPC and from your LDAP clients. If you don’t have an existing DNS domain, create a private hosted zone and associate it with your VPC. To avoid encryption protocol errors, you must ensure that the DNS domain name is consistent across your Route 53 zone and in the SSL/TLS certificate.
  2. Make sure you’ve completed the Simple AD prerequisites.
  3. You can use a certificate issued by your preferred certificate authority or a certificate issued by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). If you don’t have a certificate authority, you can create a self-signed certificate by following the instructions in section 2 (Create a certificate).

Note: To prevent unauthorized direct connections to your Simple AD servers, you can modify the Simple AD security group on port 389 to block traffic from locations outside of the Simple AD VPC. You can find the security group in the Amazon EC2 console by creating a search filter for your Simple AD directory ID. It is also important to allow the Simple AD servers to communicate with each other as shown on Simple AD Prerequisites.

Solution deployment

This solution includes 5 main parts:

  1. Create a Simple AD directory.
  2. (Optional) Create a SSL/TLS certificate, if you don’t have already have one.
  3. Create the NLB by using the supplied AWS CloudFormation template.
  4. Create a Route 53 record.
  5. Test LDAPS access using an Amazon Linux 2 client.

1. Create a Simple AD directory

With the prerequisites completed, your first step is to create a Simple AD directory in your private VPC subnets.

To create a Simple AD directory:

  1. In the Directory Service console navigation pane, choose Directories and then choose Set up directory.
  2. Choose Simple AD.

    Figure 2: Select directory type

    Figure 2: Select directory type

  3. Provide the following information:
    1. Directory Size: The size of the directory. The options are Small or Large. Which you should choose depends on the anticipated size of your directory.
    2. Directory DNS: The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the directory, such as corp.example.com.

      Note: You will need the directory FQDN when you test your solution.

    3. NetBIOS name: The short name for the directory, such as corp.
    4. Administrator password: The password for the directory administrator. The directory creation process creates an administrator account with the user name Administrator and this password. Don’t lose this password, because it can’t be recovered. You also need this password for testing LDAPS access in a later step.
    5. Description: An optional description for the directory.
    Figure 3: Directory information

    Figure 3: Directory information

  4. Select the VPC and subnets, and then choose Next:
    • VPC: Use the dropdown list to select the VPC to install the directory in.
    • Subnets: Use the dropdown lists to select two private subnets for the directory servers. The two subnets must be in different Availability Zones. Make a note of the VPC and subnet IDs to use as input parameters for the AWS CloudFormation template. In the following example, the subnets are in the us-east-1a and us-east-1c Availability Zones.
    Figure 4: Choose VPC and subnets

    Figure 4: Choose VPC and subnets

  5. Review the directory information and make any necessary changes. When the information is correct, choose Create directory.

    Figure 5: Review and create the directory

    Figure 5: Review and create the directory

  6. It takes several minutes to create the directory. From the AWS Directory Service console, refresh the screen periodically and wait until the directory Status value changes to Active before continuing.
  7. When the status has changed to Active, choose your Simple AD directory and note the two IP addresses in the DNS address section. You will enter them in a later step when you run the AWS CloudFormation template.

Note: How to administer your Simple AD implementation is out of scope for this post. See the documentation to add users, groups, or instances to your directory. Also see the previous blog post, How to Manage Identities in Simple AD Directories.

2. Add a certificate

Now that you have a Simple AD directory, you need a SSL/TLS certificate. The certificate will be used with the NLB to secure the LDAPS endpoint. You then import the certificate into ACM, which is integrated with the NLB.

As mentioned earlier, you can use a certificate issued by your preferred certificate authority or a certificate issued by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).

(Optional) Create a self-signed certificate

If you don’t already have a certificate authority, you can use the following instructions to generate a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL.

Note: OpenSSL is a standard, open source library that supports a wide range of cryptographic functions, including the creation and signing of x509 certificates.

Use the command line interface to create a certificate:

  1. You must have a system with OpenSSL installed to complete this step. If you don’t have OpenSSL, you can install it on Amazon Linux by running the command sudo yum install openssl. If you don’t have access to an Amazon Linux instance you can create one with SSH access enabled to proceed with this step. Use the command line to run the command openssl version to see if you already have OpenSSL installed.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 ~]$ openssl version
    OpenSSL 1.0.1k-fips 8 Jan 2015

  2. Create a private key using the openssl genrsa command.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ openssl genrsa 2048 > privatekey.pem
    Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
    e is 65537 (0x10001)

  3. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) using the openssl req command. Provide the requested information for each field. The Common Name is the FQDN for your LDAPS endpoint (for example, ldap.corp.example.com). The Common Name must use the domain name you will later register in Route 53. You will encounter certificate errors if the names do not match.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ openssl req -new -key privatekey.pem -out server.csr
    You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request.

  4. Use the openssl x509 command to sign the certificate. The following example uses the private key from the previous step (privatekey.pem) and the signing request (server.csr) to create a public certificate named server.crt that is valid for 365 days. This certificate must be updated within 365 days to avoid disruption of LDAPS functionality.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey privatekey.pem -out server.crt
    Signature ok
    subject=/C=XX/L=Default City/O=Default Company Ltd/CN=ldap.corp.example.com
    Getting Private key

  5. You should see three files: privatekey.pem, server.crt, and server.csr.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ ls
    privatekey.pem server.crt server.csr

  6. Restrict access to the private key.
    [ec2-user@ip-10-21-32-162 tmp]$ chmod 600 privatekey.pem

Note: Keep the private key and public certificate to use later. You can discard the signing request, because you are using a self-signed certificate and not using a certificate authority. Always store the private key in a secure location, and avoid adding it to your source code.

Import a certificate

For this step, you can either use a certificate obtained from a certificate authority, or a self-signed certificate that you created using the optional procedure above.

  1. In the ACM console, choose Import a certificate.
  2. Using a Linux text editor, paste the contents of your certificate file (called server.crt if you followed the procedure above) file in the Certificate body box.
  3. Using a Linux text editor, paste the contents of your privatekey.pem file in the Certificate private key box. (For a self-signed certificate, you can leave the Certificate chain box blank.)
  4. Choose Review and import. Confirm the information and choose Import.
  5. Take note of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the imported certificate.

3. Create the NLB by using the supplied AWS CloudFormation template

Now that you have a Simple AD directory and SSL/TLS certificate, you’re ready to use the AWS CloudFormation template to create the NLB.

Create the NLB:

  1. Load the AWS CloudFormation template to deploy an internal NLB. After you load the template, provide the input parameters from the following table:

    Input parameter Input parameter description
    VPCId The target VPC for this solution. Must be the VPC where you deployed Simple AD and available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    SubnetId1 The Simple AD primary subnet. This information is available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    SubnetId2 The Simple AD secondary subnet. This information is available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    SimpleADPriIP The primary Simple AD Server IP. This information is available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    SimpleADSecIP The secondary Simple AD Server IP. This information is available in your Simple AD directory details page.
    LDAPSCertificateARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the SSL certificate. This information is available in the ACM console.
  2. Enter the input parameters and choose Next.
  3. On the Options page, accept the defaults and choose Next.
  4. On the Review page, confirm the details and choose Create. The stack will be created in approximately 5 minutes.
  5. Wait until the AWS Cloud formation stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE before starting the next procedure, Create a Route 53 record.
  6. Go to Outputs and note the FQDN of your new NLB. The FQDN is in the output variable named LDAPSURL.

    Note: You can find the parameters of your Simple AD on the directory details page by choosing your Simple AD in the Directory Service console.

4. Create a Route 53 record

The next step is to create a Route 53 record in your private hosted zone so that clients can resolve your LDAPS endpoint.

Note: Don’t start this procedure until the AWS CloudFormation stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE.

Create a Route 53 record:

  1. If you don’t have an existing DNS domain for use with LDAP, create a private hosted zone and associate it with your VPC. The hosted zone name should be consistent with your Simple AD (for example, corp.example.com).
  2. When the AWS CloudFormation stack is in CREATE_COMPLETE status, locate the value of the LDAPSURL on the Outputs tab of the stack. Copy this value for use in the next step.
  3. On the Route 53 console, choose Hosted Zones and then choose the zone you used for the Common Name value for your self-signed certificate. Choose Create Record Set and enter the following information:
    1. Name: A short name for the record set (remember that the FQDN has to match the Common Name of your certificate).
    2. Type: Leave as A – IPv4 address.
    3. Alias: Select Yes.
    4. Alias Target: Paste the value of the LDAPSURL from the Outputs tab of the stack.
  4. Leave the defaults for Routing Policy and Evaluate Target Health, and choose Create.
Figure 6: Create a Route 53 record

Figure 6: Create a Route 53 record

5. Test LDAPS access using an Amazon Linux 2 client

At this point, you’re ready to test your LDAPS endpoint from an Amazon Linux client.

Test LDAPS access:

  1. Create an Amazon Linux 2 instance with SSH access enabled to test the solution. Launch the instance on one of the public subnets in your VPC. Make sure the IP assigned to the instance is in the trusted IP range you specified in the security group associated with the Simple AD.
  2. Use SSH to sign in to the instance and complete the following steps to verify access.
    1. Install the openldap-clients package and any required dependencies:
      sudo yum install -y openldap-clients.

    2. Add the server.crt file to the /etc/openldap/certs/ directory so that the LDAPS client will trust your SSL/TLS certificate. You can download the file directly from the NLB the certificate and save it in the proper format, or copy the file using Secure Copy or create it using a text editor:
      openssl s_client -connect <LDAPSURL>:636 -showcerts </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > server.crt 

      Replace <LDAPSURL> with the FQDN of your NLB, the address can be found in the Outputs section of the stack created in CloudFormation.

    3. Edit the /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file to define the environment variables:
      • BASE: The Simple AD directory name.
      • URI: Your DNS alias.
      • TLS_CACERT: The path to your public certificate.
      • TLSCACertificateFile: The path to your self-signed certificate authority. If you used the instructions in section 2 (Create a certificate) to create a certificate, the path will be /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt.

      Here’s an example of the file:

      BASE dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com
      URI ldaps://ldap.corp.example.com
      TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/certs/server.crt
      TLSCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

  3. To test the solution, query the directory through the LDAPS endpoint, as shown in the following command. Replace corp.example.com with your domain name and use the Administrator password that you configured in step 3 of section 1 (Create a Simple AD directory).
    $ ldapsearch -D "[email protected]" -W sAMAccountName=Administrator

  4. The response will include the directory information in LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) for the administrator distinguished name (DN) from your Simple AD LDAP server.
    # extended LDIF
    # LDAPv3
    # base <dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com> (default) with scope subtree
    # filter: sAMAccountName=Administrator
    # requesting: ALL
    # Administrator, Users, corp.example.com
    dn: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: user
    description: Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
    instanceType: 4
    whenCreated: 20170721123204.0Z
    uSNCreated: 3223
    name: Administrator
    objectGUID:: l3h0HIiKO0a/ShL4yVK/vw==
    userAccountControl: 512

You can now use the LDAPS endpoint for directory operations and authentication within your environment. Here are a few resources to learn more about how to interact with an LDAPS endpoint:


If the ldapsearch command returns something like the following error, there are a few things you can do to help identify issues.

ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)
  1. You might be able to obtain additional error details by adding the -d1 debug flag to the ldapsearch command.
    $ ldapsearch -D "[email protected]" -W sAMAccountName=Administrator –d1

  2. Verify that the parameters in ldap.conf match your configured LDAPS URI endpoint and that all parameters can be resolved by DNS. You can use the following dig command, substituting your configured endpoint DNS name.
    $ dig ldap.corp.example.com

  3. Confirm that the client instance you’re connecting from is in the trusted IP range you specified in the security associated with your Simple AD directory.
  4. Confirm that the path to your public SSL/TLS certificate in ldap.conf as TLS_CAERT is correct. You configured this as part of step 2 in section 5 (Test LDAPS access using an Amazon Linux 2 client). You can check your SSL/TLS connection with the following command, replacing ldap.corp.example.com with the DNS name of your endpoint.
    $ echo -n | openssl s_client -connect ldap.corp.example.com:636

  5. Verify that the status of your Simple AD IPs is Healthy in the Amazon EC2 console.
    1. Open the EC2 console and choose Load Balancing and then Target Groups in the navigation pane.
    2. Choose your LDAPS target and then choose Targets.


You can use NLB to provide an LDAPS endpoint for Simple AD and transport sensitive authentication information over untrusted networks. You can explore using LDAPS to authenticate SSH users or integrate with other software solutions that support LDAP authentication. The AWS CloudFormation template for this solution is available on GitHub.

If you have comments about this post, submit them in the Comments section below. If you have questions about or issues implementing this solution, start a new thread on the AWS Directory Service forum or contact AWS Support.

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Marco Somella

Marco Sommella

Marco is a Cloud Support Engineer II in the Windows Team based in Dublin. He is a Subject Matter Expert on Directory Service and EC2 Windows. Marco has over 10 years experience as a Windows and Linux system administrator and is passionate about automation coding. He is actively involved in AWS Systems Manager public Automations released by AWS Support and AWS EC2.

Cameron Worrell

Cameron Worrell

Cameron is a Solutions Architect with a passion for security and enterprise transformation. He joined AWS in 2015.