All posts by Ben Peven

Enabling parallel file systems in the cloud with Amazon EC2 (Part I: BeeGFS)

Post Syndicated from Ben Peven original

This post was authored by AWS Solutions Architects Ray Zaman, David Desroches, and Ameer Hakme.

In this blog series, you will discover how to build and manage your own Parallel Virtual File System (PVFS) on AWS. In this post you will learn how to deploy the popular open source parallel file system, BeeGFS, using AWS D3en and I3en EC2 instances. We will also provide a CloudFormation template to automate this BeeGFS deployment.

A PVFS is a type of distributed file system that distributes file data across multiple servers and provides concurrent data access to multiple execution tasks of an application. PVFS focuses on high-performance access to large datasets. It consists of a server process and a client library, which allows the file system to be mounted and used with standard utilities. PVFS on the Linux OS originated in the 1990’s and today several projects are available including Lustre, GlusterFS, and BeeGFS. Workloads such as shared storage for video transcoding and export, batch processing jobs, high frequency online transaction processing (OLTP) systems, and scratch storage for high performance computing (HPC) benefit from the high throughput and performance provided by PVFS.

Implementation of a PVFS can be complex and expensive. There are many variables you will want to take into account when designing a PVFS cluster including the number of nodes, node size (CPU, memory), cluster size, storage characteristics (size, performance), and network bandwidth. Due to the difficulty in estimating the correct configuration, systems procured for on-premises data centers are typically oversized, resulting in additional costs, and underutilized resources. In addition, the hardware procurement process is lengthy and the installation and maintenance of the hardware adds additional overhead.

AWS makes it easy to run and fully manage your parallel file systems by allowing you to choose from a variety of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. EC2 instances are available on-demand and allow you to scale your workload as needed. AWS storage-optimized EC2 instances offer up to 60 TB of NVMe SSD storage per instance and up to 336 TB of local HDD storage per instance. With storage-optimized instances, you can easily deploy PVFS to support workloads requiring high-performance access to large datasets. You can test and iterate on different instances to find the optimal size for your workloads.

D3en instances leverage 2nd-generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Cascade Lake) and provide a sustained all core frequency up to 3.1 GHz. These instances provide up to 336 TB of local HDD storage (which is the highest local storage capacity in EC2), up to 6.2 GiBps of disk throughput, and up to 75 Gbps of network bandwidth.

I3en instances are powered by 1st or 2nd generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable (Skylake or Cascade Lake) processors with 3.1 GHz sustained all-core turbo performance. These instances provide up to 60 TB of NVMe storage, up to 16 GB/s of sequential disk throughput, and up to 100 Gbps of network bandwidth.

BeeGFS, originally released by ThinkParQ in 2014, is an open source, software defined PVFS that runs on Linux. You can scale the size and performance of the BeeGFS file-system by configuring the number of servers and disks in the clusters up to thousands of nodes.

BeeGFS architecture

D3en instances offer HDD storage while I3en instances offer NVMe SSD storage. This diversity allows you to create tiers of storage based on performance requirements. In the example presented in this post you will use four D3en.8xlarge (32 vCPU, 128 GB, 16x14TB HDD, 50 Gbit) and two I3en.12xlarge (48 vCPU, 384 GB, 4 x 7.5-TB NVMe) instances to create two storage tiers. You may choose different sizes and quantities to meet your needs. The I3en instances, with SSD, will be configured as tier 1 and the D3en instances, with HDD, will be configured as tier 2. One disk from each instance will be formatted as ext4 and used for metadata while the remaining disks will be formatted as XFS and used for storage. You may choose to separate metadata and storage on different hosts for workloads where these must scale independently. The array will be configured RAID 0, since it will provide maximum performance. Software replication or other RAID types can be employed for higher durability.

BeeGFS architecture

Figure 1: BeeGFS architecture

You will deploy all instances within a single VPC in the same Availability Zone and subnet to minimize latency. Security groups must be configured to allow the following ports:

  • Management service (beegfs-mgmtd): 8008
  • Metadata service (beegfs-meta): 8005
  • Storage service (beegfs-storage): 8003
  • Client service (beegfs-client): 8004

You will use the Debian Quick Start Amazon Machine Image (AMI) as it supports BeeGFS. You can enable Amazon CloudWatch to capture metrics.

How to deploy the BeeGFS architecture

Follow the steps below to create the PVFS described above. For automated deployment, use the CloudFormation template located at AWS Samples.

  1. Use the AWS Management Console or CLI to deploy one D3en.8xlarge instance into a VPC as described above.
  2. Log in to the instance and update the system:
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt upgrade
  3. Install the XFS utilities and load the kernel module:
    • sudo apt-get -y install xfsprogs
    • sudo modprobe -v xfs

Format the first disk ext4 as it is used for metadata, the rest are formatted xfs. The disks will appear as “nvme???” which actually represent the HDD drives on the D3en instances.

4. View a listing of available disks:

    • sudo lsblk

5. Format hard disks:

    • sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1
    • sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/nvme1n1
    • Repeat this command for disks nvme2n1 through nvme15n1

6. Create file system mount points:

    • sudo mkdir /disk00
    • sudo mkdir /disk01
    • Repeat this command for disks disk02 through disk15

7. Mount the filesystems:

    • sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1 /disk00
    • sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1 /disk01
    • Repeat this command for disks disk02 through disk15

Repeat steps 1 through 7 on the remaining nodes. Remember to account for fewer disks for i3en.12xlarge instances or if you decide to use different instance sizes.

8. Add the BeeGFS Repo to each node:

    • sudo apt-get -y install gnupg
    • wget
    • sudo cp beegfs-deb10.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    • sudo wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
    • sudo apt update

9. Install BeeGFS management (node 1 only):

    • sudo apt-get -y install beegfs-mgmtd
    • sudo mkdir /beegfs-mgmt
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-mgmtd -p /beegfs-mgmt/beegfs/beegfs_mgmtd

10. Install BeeGFS metadata and storage (all nodes):

    • sudo apt-get -y install beegfs-meta beegfs-storage beegfs-meta beegfs-client beegfs-helperd beegfs-utils
    • # -s is unique ID based on node - change this!, -m is hostname of management server
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-meta -p /disk00/beegfs/beegfs_meta -s 1 -m ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
    • # Change -s to nodeID and -i to (nodeid)0(disk), -m is hostname of management server
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-storage -p /disk01/beegfs_storage -s 1 -i 101 -m ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-storage -p /disk02/beegfs_storage -s 1 -i 102 -m ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
    • Repeat this last command for the remaining disks disk03 through disk15

11. Start the services:

    • #Only on node1
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-mgmtd
    • #All servers
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-meta
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-storage

At this point, your BeeGFS cluster is running and ready for use by a client system. The client system requires BeeGFS client software in order to mount the cluster.

12. Deploy an m5n.2xlarge instance into the same subnet as the PVFS cluster.

13. Log in to the instance, install, and configure the client:

    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt upgrade
    • sudo apt-get -y install gnupg
    • #Need linux sources for client compilation
    • sudo apt-get -y install linux-source
    • sudo apt-get -y install linux-headers-4.19.0-14-all
    • wget
    • sudo cp beegfs-deb10.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    • sudo wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt-get -y install beegfs-client beegfs-helperd beegfs-utils
    • sudo /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-client -m ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XX # use the ip address of the management node
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-helperd
    • sudo systemctl start beegfs-client

14. Create the storage pools:

    • sudo beegfs-ctl --addstoragepool —desc="tier1" —targets=501,502,503,601,602,603
    • sudo beegfs-ctl --addstoragepool --desc="tier2" --targets=101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,
    • sudo beegfs-ctl --liststoragepools
    • Pool ID Pool Description                      Targets                 Buddy Groups
    • ======= ================== ============================ ============================
      • Default
      • tier1 501,502,503,601,602,603
      • tier2 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,
        • 108,109,110,111,112,113,114,
        • 115,201,202,203,204,205,206,
        • 207,208,209,210,211,212,213,
        • 214,215,301,302,303,304,305,
        • 306,307,308,309,310,311,312,
        • 313,314,315,401,402,403,404,
        • 405,406,407,408,409,410,411,
        • 412,413,414,415

15. Mount the pools to the file system:

    • sudo beegfs-ctl --setpattern --storagepoolid=2 /mnt/beegfs/tier1
    • sudo beegfs-ctl --setpattern --storagepoolid=3 /mnt/beegfs/tier2

The BeeGFS PVFS is now ready to be used by the client system.

How to test your new BeeGFS PVFS

BeeGFS provides StorageBench to evaluate the performance of BeeGFS on the storage targets. This benchmark measures the streaming throughput of the underlying file system and devices independent of the network performance. To simulate client I/O, this benchmark generates read/write locally on the servers without any client communication.

It is possible to benchmark specific targets or all targets together using the “servers” parameter. A “read” or “write” parameter sets the type pf test to perform. The “threads” parameter is set to the number of storage devices.

Try the following commands to test performance:

Write test (1x d3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --servers=1 --write --blocksize=512K —size=20G —threads=15

Write test (4x d3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --alltargets --write --blocksize=512K —size=20G —threads=15

Read test (4x d3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --servers=1,2,3,4 --read --blocksize=512K --size=20G --threads=15

Write test (1x i3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --servers=5 --write --blocksize=512K --size=20G --threads=3

Read test (2x i3en):

sudo beegfs-ctl --storagebench --servers=5,6 --read --blocksize=512K —size=20G —threads=3

StorageBench is a great way to test what the potential performance of a given environment looks like by reducing variables like network throughput and latency, but you may want to test in a more real-world fashion. For this, tools like ‘fio’ can generate mixed read/write workloads against files on the client BeeGFS mountpoint.

First, we need to define which directory goes to which Storage Pool (tier) by setting a pattern:

sudo beegfs-ctl --setpattern --storagepoolid=2 /mnt/beegfs/tier1 sudo beegfs-ctl --setpattern --storagepoolid=3 /mnt/beegfs/tier2

You can see how a file gets striped across the various disks in a pool by adding a file and running the command:

sudo beegfs-ctl —getentryinfo /mnt/beegfs/tier1/myfile.bin

Install fio:

sudo apt-get install -y fio

Now you can run a fio test against one of the tiers.  This example command runs eight threads running a 75/25 read/write workload against a 10-GB file:

sudo fio --numjobs=8 --randrepeat=1 --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --gtod_reduce=1 --name=test --filename=/mnt/beegfs/tier1/test --bs=512k --iodepth=64 --size=10G --readwrite=randrw --rwmixread=75

Cleaning up

To avoid ongoing charges for resources you created, you should:


In this blog post we demonstrated how to build and manage your own BeeGFS Parallel Virtual File System on AWS. In this example, you created two storage tiers using the I3en and D3en. The I3en was used as the first tier for SSD storage and the D3en was used as a second tier for HDD storage. By using two different tiers, you can optimize performance to meet your application requirements.

Amazon EC2 storage-optimized instances make it easy to deploy the BeeGFS Parallel Virtual File System. Using combinations of SSD and HDD storage available on the I3en and D3en instance types, you can achieve the capacity and performance needed to run the most demanding workloads. Read more about the D3en and I3en instances.

How to authenticate private container registries using AWS Batch

Post Syndicated from Ben Peven original

This post was contributed by Clayton Thomas, Solutions Architect, AWS WW Public Sector SLG Govtech.

Many AWS Batch users choose to store and consume their AWS Batch job container images on AWS using Amazon Elastic Container Registries (ECR). AWS Batch and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) natively support pulling from Amazon ECR without any extra steps required. For those users that choose to store their container images on other container registries or Docker Hub, often times they are not publicly exposed and require authentication to pull these images. Third-party repositories may throttle the number of requests, which impedes the ability to run workloads and self-managed repositories require heavy tuning to offer the scale that Amazon ECS provides. This makes Amazon ECS the preferred solution to run workloads on AWS Batch.

While Amazon ECS allows you to configure repositoryCredentials in task definitions containing private registry credentials, AWS Batch does not expose this option in AWS Batch job definitions. AWS Batch does not provide the ability to use private registries by default but you can allow that by configuring the Amazon ECS agent in a few steps.

This post shows how to configure an AWS Batch EC2 compute environment and the Amazon ECS agent to pull your private container images from private container registries. This gives you the flexibility to use your own private and public container registries with AWS Batch.


The solution uses AWS Secrets Manager to securely store your private container registry credentials, which are retrieved on startup of the AWS Batch compute environment. This ensures that your credentials are securely managed and accessed using IAM roles and are not persisted or stored in AWS Batch job definitions or EC2 user data. The Amazon ECS agent is then configured upon startup to pull these credentials from AWS Secrets Manager. Note that this solution only supports Amazon EC2 based AWS Batch compute environments, thus AWS Fargate cannot use this solution.

High-level diagram showing event flow

Figure 1: High-level diagram showing event flow

  1. AWS Batch uses an Amazon EC2 Compute Environment powered by Amazon ECS. This compute environment uses a custom EC2 Launch Template to configure the Amazon ECS agent to include credentials for pulling images from private registries.
  2. An EC2 User Data script is run upon EC2 instance startup that retrieves registry credentials from AWS Secrets Manager. The EC2 instance authenticates with AWS Secrets Manager using its configured IAM instance profile, which grants temporary IAM credentials.
  3. AWS Batch jobs can be submitted using private images that require authentication with configured credentials.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  1. An AWS account
  2. An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud with private and public subnets. If you do not have a VPC, this tutorial can be followed. The AWS Batch compute environment must have connectivity to the container registry.
  3. A container registry containing a private image. This example uses Docker Hub and assumes you have created a private repository
  4. Registry credentials and/or an access token to authenticate with the container registry or Docker Hub.
  5. A VPC Security Group allowing the AWS Batch compute environment egress connectivity to the container registry.

A CloudFormation template is provided to simplify setting up this example. The CloudFormation template and provided EC2 user data script can be viewed here on GitHub.

The CloudFormation template will create the following resources:

  1. Necessary IAM roles for AWS Batch
  2. AWS Secrets Manager secret containing container registry credentials
  3. AWS Batch managed compute environment and job queue
  4. EC2 Launch Configuration with user data script

Click the Launch Stack button to get started:

Launch Stack

Launch the CloudFormation stack

After clicking the Launch stack button above, click Next to be presented with the following screen:

Figure 2: CloudFormation stack parameters

Figure 2: CloudFormation stack parameters

Fill in the required parameters as follows:

  1. Stack Name: Give your stack a unique name.
  2. Password: Your container registry password or Docker Hub access token. Note that both user name and password are masked and will not appear in any CF logs or output. Additionally, they are securely stored in an AWS Secrets Manager secret created by CloudFormation.
  3. RegistryUrl: If not using Docker Hub, specify the URL of the private container registry.
  4. User name: Your container registry user name.
  5. SecurityGroupIDs: Select your previously created security group to assign to the example Batch compute environment.
  6. SubnetIDs: To assign to the example Batch compute environment, select one or more VPC subnet IDs.

After entering these parameters, you can click through next twice and create the stack, which will take a few minutes to complete. Note that you must acknowledge that the template creates IAM resources on the review page before submitting.

Finally, you will be presented with a list of created AWS resources once the stack deployment finishes as shown in Figure 3 if you would like to dig deeper.

Figure 3: CloudFormation created resources

Figure 3: CloudFormation created resources

User data script contained within launch template

AWS Batch allows you to customize the compute environment in a variety of ways such as specifying an EC2 key pair, custom AMI, or an EC2 user data script. This is done by specifying an EC2 launch template before creating the Batch compute environment. For more information on Batch launch template support, see here.

Let’s take a closer look at how the Amazon ECS agent is configured upon compute environment startup to use your registry credentials.

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="==MYBOUNDARY=="

Content-Type: text/cloud-config; charset="us-ascii"

- jq
- aws-cli

- /usr/bin/aws configure set region $(curl
- export SECRET_STRING=$(/usr/bin/aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id your_secrets_manager_secret_id | jq -r '.SecretString')
- export USERNAME=$(echo $SECRET_STRING | jq -r '.username')
- export PASSWORD=$(echo $SECRET_STRING | jq -r '.password')
- export REGISTRY_URL=$(echo $SECRET_STRING | jq -r '.registry_url')
- echo $PASSWORD | docker login --username $USERNAME --password-stdin $REGISTRY_URL
- export AUTH=$(cat ~/.docker/config.json | jq -c .auths)
- echo 'ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_TYPE=dockercfg' >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
- echo "ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA=$AUTH" >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config


This example script uses and installs a few tools including the AWS CLI and the open-source tool jq to retrieve and parse the previously created Secrets Manager secret. These packages are installed using the cloud-config user data type, which is part of the cloud-init packages functionality. If using the provided CloudFormation template, this script will be dynamically rendered to reference the created secret, but note that you must specify the correct Secrets Manager secret id if not using the template.

After performing a Docker login, the generated Auth JSON object is captured and passed to the Amazon ECS agent configuration to be used on AWS Batch jobs that require private images. For an explanation of Amazon ECS agent configuration options including available Amazon ECS engine Auth types, see here. This example script can be extended or customized to fit your needs but must adhere to requirements for Batch launch template user data scripts, including being in MIME multi-part archive format.

It’s worth noting that the AWS CLI automatically grabs temporary IAM credentials from the associated IAM instance profile the CloudFormation stack created in order to retrieve the Secret Manager secret values. This example assumes you created the AWS Secrets Manager secret with the default AWS managed KMS key for Secrets Manager. However, if you choose to encrypt your secret with a customer managed KMS key, make sure to specify kms:Decrypt IAM permissions for the Batch compute environment IAM role.

Submitting the AWS Batch job

Now let’s try an example Batch job that uses a private container image by creating a Batch job definition and submitting a Batch job:

  1. Open the AWS Batch console
  2. Navigate to the Job Definition page
  3. Click create
  4. Provide a unique Name for the job definition
  5. Select the EC2 platform
  6. Specify your private container image located in the Image field
  7. Click create

Figure 4: Batch job definition

Now you can submit an AWS Batch job that uses this job definition:

  1. Click on the Jobs page
  2. Click Submit New Job
  3. Provide a Name for the job
  4. Select the previously created job definition
  5. Select the Batch Job Queue created by the CloudFormation stack
  6. Click Submit
Submitting a new Batch job

Figure 5: Submitting a new Batch job

After submitting the AWS Batch job, it will take a few minutes for the AWS Batch Compute Environment to create resources for scheduling the job. Once that is done, you should see a SUCCEEDED status by viewing the job and filtering by AWS Batch job queue shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: AWS Batch job succeeded

Figure 6: AWS Batch job succeeded

Cleaning up

To clean up the example resources, click delete for the created CloudFormation stack in the CloudFormation Console.


In this blog, you deployed a customized AWS Batch managed compute environment that was configured to allow pulling private container images in a secure manner. As I’ve shown, AWS Batch gives you the flexibility to use both private and public container registries. I encourage you to continue to explore the many options available natively on AWS for hosting and pulling container images. Amazon ECR or the recently launched Amazon ECR public repositories (for a deeper dive, see this blog announcement) both provide a seamless experience for container workloads running on AWS.

Monitoring dashboard for AWS ParallelCluster

Post Syndicated from Ben Peven original

This post is contributed by Nicola Venuti, Sr. HPC Solutions Architect.

AWS ParallelCluster is an AWS-supported, open source cluster management tool that makes it easy to deploy and manage High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters on AWS. While AWS ParallelCluster includes many benefits for its users, it has not provided straightforward support for monitoring your workloads. In this post, I walk you through an add-on extension that you can use to help monitor your cloud resources with AWS ParallelCluster.

Product overview

AWS ParallelCluster offers many benefits that hide the complexity of the underlying platform and processes. Some of these benefits include:

  • Automatic resource scaling
  • A batch scheduler
  • Easy cluster management that allows you to build and rebuild your infrastructure without the need for manual actions
  • Seamless migration to the cloud supporting a wide variety of operating systems.

While all of these benefits streamline processes for you, one crucial task for HPC stakeholders that customers have found challenging with AWS ParallelCluster is monitoring.

Resources in an HPC cluster like schedulers, instances, storage, and networking are important assets to monitor, especially when you pay for what you use. Organizing and displaying all these metrics becomes challenging as the scale of the infrastructure increases or changes over time which is the typical scenario in the Cloud.

Given these challenges, AWS wants to provide AWS ParallelCluster users with two additional benefits: 1/ facilitate the optimization of price performance and 2/ visualize and monitor the components of cost for their workloads.

The HPC Solution Architects team has created an AWS ParallelCluster add-on that is easy to use and customize. In this blog post, I demonstrate how Grafana – a platform for monitoring and observability – can run on AWS ParallelCluster to enable infrastructure monitoring.

AWS ParallelCluster integrated dashboard and Grafana add-on dashboards

Many customers want a tool that consolidates information coming from different AWS services and makes it easy to monitor the computing infrastructure created and managed by AWS ParallelCluster. The AWS ParallelCluster team – just like every other service team at AWS – is open and keen to listen from our customers.

This feedback helps us inform our product roadmap and build new, customer-focused features.

We recently released AWS ParallelCluster 2.10.0 based on customer feedback. Here are some key features have been released with it:

  • Support for the CentOS 8 Operating System: Customers can now choose CentOS 8 as their base operating system of choice to run their clustersfor both x86 and Arm architectures.
  • Support for P4d instances along with NVIDIA GPUDirect Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA).
  • FSx for Lustre enhancements (support for  FSx AutoImport and HDD-based support filesystem options)
  • And finally, a new CloudWatch Dashboards designed to help aggregating cluster information, metrics, and logging already available on CloudWatch.

The last of these features above, integrated CloudWatch Dashboards, are designed to help customers face the challenge of cluster monitoring mentioned above. In addition, the Grafana dashboards demonstrated later in this blog are a complementary add-on to this new, CloudWatch-based, dashboard. There are some key differences between the two, summarized in the table below.

The latter does not require any additional component or agent running on either the head or the compute nodes. It aggregates the metrics already pushed by AWS ParallelCluster on CloudWatch into a single dashboard. This translates into zero overhead for the cluster, but at the expense of less flexibility and expandability.

Instead, the Grafana-based dashboard offers additional flexibility and customizability and requires a few lightweight components installed on either the head or the compute nodes. Another key difference between the two monitoring dashboards is that the CloudWatch based one requires AWS credentials, IAM User and Roles configured and access to the AWS web-console, while the Grafana-based one has its-own built-in authentication and authorization system unrelated from the AWS account, end-users or HPC admins might not have permissions (or simply are not willing) to access the AWS Management Console in order to monitor their clusters.

CloudWatch based dashboard Grafana-based monitoring add-on
No additional component Grafana + Prometheus
No overhead Minimal overhead
Little to no expandability Support full customizability
Requires AWS credentials and IAM configured Custom credentials, no AWS access required
Custom user-interface

Grafana add-on dashboards on GitHub

There are many components of an HPC cluster to monitor. Moreover, the cluster is built on a system that is continuously evolving: AWS ParallelCluster and AWS services in general are updated and new features are released often. Because of this, we wanted to have a monitoring solution that is developed on flexible components, that can evolve rapidly. So, we released a Grafana add-on as an open-source project onto this GitHub repository.

Releasing it as an open-source project allows us to more easily and frequently release new updates and enhancements. It also enables users to customize and extend its functionalities by adding new dashboards, or extending the dashboards functionalities (like GPU monitoring or track EC2 Spot Instance interruptions).

At the moment, this new solution is composed of the following open-source components:

  • Grafana is an open-source platform for monitoring and observing. Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert, and understand your metrics. It also helps you create, explore, and share dashboards fostering a data-driven culture.
  • Prometheus is an open source project for systems and service monitoring from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.
  • The Prometheus Pushgateway is an open source tool that allows ephemeral and batch jobs to expose their metrics to Prometheus.
  • NGINX is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server.
  • Prometheus-Slurm-Exporter is a Prometheus collector and exporter for metrics extracted from the Slurm resource scheduling system.
  • Node_exporter is a Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics exposed by *NIX kernels, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors.

Note: while almost all components are under the Apache2 license, only Prometheus-Slurm-Exporter is licensed under GPLv3. You should be aware of this license and accept its terms before proceeding and installing this component.

The dashboards

I demonstrate a few different Grafana dashboards in this post. These dashboards are available for you in the AWS Samples GitHub repository. In addition, two dashboards – still under development – are proposed in beta. The first shows the cluster logs coming from Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The second one shows the costs associated to each AWS service utilized.

All these dashboards can be used as they are or customized as you need:

  • AWS ParallelCluster Summary – This is the main dashboard that shows general monitoring info and metrics for the whole cluster. It includes: Slurm metrics, compute related metrics, storage performance metrics, and network usage.

ParallelCluster dashboard

  • Master Node Details – This dashboard shows detailed metrics for the head node, including CPU, memory, network, and storage utilization.

Master node details

  • Compute Node List – This dashboard shows the list of the available compute nodes. Each entry is a link to a more detailed dashboard: the compute node details (see the following image).

Compute node list

  • Compute Node Details – Similar to the head node details, this dashboard shows detailed metrics for the compute nodes.
  • Cluster Logs – This dashboard (still under development) shows all the logs of your HPC cluster. The logs are pushed by AWS ParallelCluster to Amazon CloudWatch Logs and are reported here.

Cluster logs

  • Cluster Costs (also under development) – This dashboard shows the cost associated to AWS Service utilized by your cluster. It includes: EC2, Amazon EBS, FSx, Amazon S3, Amazon EFS. as well as an aggregation of all the costs of every single component.

Cluster costs

How to deploy it

You can simply use the post-install script that you can find in this GitHub repo as it is, or customize it as you need. For instance, you might want to change your Grafana password to something more secure and meaningful for you, or you might want to customize some dashboards by adding additional components to monitor.

#Load AWS Parallelcluster environment variables
. /etc/parallelcluster/cfnconfig
#get GitHub repo to clone and the installation script
monitoring_url=$(echo ${cfn_postinstall_args}| cut -d ',' -f 1 )
monitoring_dir_name=$(echo ${cfn_postinstall_args}| cut -d ',' -f 2 )
setup_command=$(echo ${cfn_postinstall_args}| cut -d ',' -f 3 )
case ${cfn_node_type} in
        wget ${monitoring_url} -O ${monitoring_tarball}
        mkdir -p ${monitoring_home}
        tar xvf ${monitoring_tarball} -C ${monitoring_home} --strip-components 1
#Execute the monitoring installation script
bash -x "${monitoring_home}/parallelcluster-setup/${setup_command}" >/tmp/monitoring-setup.log 2>&1
exit $?

The proposed post-install script takes care of installing and configuring everything for you. Although a few additional parameters are needed in the AWS ParallelCluster configuration file: the post-install argument, additional IAM policies, custom security group, and a tag. You can find an AWS ParallelCluster template here.

Please note that, at the moment, the post install script has only been tested using Amazon Linux 2.

Add the following parameters to your AWS ParallelCluster configuration file, and then build up your cluster:

base_os = alinux2
post_install = s3://<my-bucket-name>/
post_install_args =,aws-parallelcluster-monitoring,
additional_iam_policies = arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchFullAccess,arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSPriceListServiceFullAccess,arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMFullAccess,arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCloudFormationReadOnlyAccess
tags = {"Grafana" : "true"}

Make sure that port 80 and port 443 of your head node are accessible from the internet or from your network. You can achieve this by creating the appropriate security group via AWS Management Console or via Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), see the following example:

aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name my-grafana-sg --description "Open Grafana dashboard ports" —vpc-id vpc-1a2b3c4d
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-12345 --protocol tcp --port 443 —cidr
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-12345 --protocol tcp --port 80 —cidr

There is more information on how to create your security groups here.

Finally, set the additional_sg parameter in the [VPC] section of your AWS ParallelCluster configuration file.

After your cluster is created, you can open a web-browser and connect to https://your_public_ip. You should see a landing page with links to the Prometheus database service and the Grafana dashboards.

Size your compute and head nodes

We looked into resource utilization of the components required for building this monitoring solution. In particular, the Prometheus node exporter installed in the compute nodes uses a small (almost negligible) number of CPU cycles, memory, and network.

Depending on the size of your cluster the components installed on the head node (see the list in the chapter “Solution components” of this blog) it might require additional CPU, memory and network capabilities. In particular, if you expect to run a large-scale cluster (hundreds of instances) because of the higher volume of network traffic due to the compute nodes continuously pushing metrics into the head node, we recommend you use an instance type bigger than what you planned.

We cannot advise you exactly how to size your head node because there are many factors that can influence resource utilization. The best recommendation we could give you is to use the Grafana dashboard itself to monitor the CPU, memory, disk, and most importantly, network utilization, and then resize your head node (or other components) accordingly.


This monitoring solution for AWS ParallelCluster is an add-on for your HPC Cluster on AWS and a complement to new features recently released in AWS ParallelCluster 2.10. This blog aimed to provide you with instructions and basic tooling that can be customized based on your needs and that can be adapted quickly as the underlying AWS services evolve.

We are open to hear from you, receive feedback, issues, and pull requests to extend its functionalities.

How to run 3D interactive applications with NICE DCV in AWS Batch

Post Syndicated from Ben Peven original

This post is contributed by Alberto Falzone, Consultant, HPC and Roberto Meda, Senior Consultant, HPC.

High Performance Computing (HPC) workflows across industry verticals such as Design and Engineering, Oil and Gas, and Life Sciences often require GPU-based 3D/OpenGL rendering. Setting up drivers and applications for these types of workflows can require significant effort.

Similar GPU intensive workloads, such as AI/ML, are heavily using containers to package software stacks and reduce the complexity of installing and setting up the required binaries and scripts to download and run a simple container image. This approach is rarely used in the visualization of previously mentioned pre- and post-processing steps due to the complexity of using a graphical user interface within a container.

This post describes how to reduce the complexity of installing and configuring a GPU accelerated application while maintaining performance by using NICE DCV. NICE DCV is a high-performance remote display protocol that provides customers with a secure way to deliver remote desktops and application streaming from any cloud or data center to any device, over varying network conditions.

With remote server-side graphical rendering, and optimized streaming technology over network, huge volume data can be analyzed easily without moving or downloading on client, saving on data transfer costs.

Services and solution overview

This post provides a step-by-step guide on how to build a container able to run accelerated graphical applications using NICE DCV, and setup AWS Batch to run it. Finally, I will showcase how to submit an AWS Batch job that will provision the compute environment (CE) that contains a set of managed or unmanaged compute resources that are used to run jobs, launch the application in a container, and how to connect to the application with NICE DCV.


Before reviewing the solution, below are the AWS services and products you will use to run your application:

  • AWS Batch (AWS Batch) plans, schedules, and runs batch workloads on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), dynamically provisioning the defined CE with Amazon EC2
  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is a fully managed Docker container registry that simplifies how developers store, manage, and deploy Docker container images. In this example, you use it to register the Docker image with all the required software stack that will be used from AWS Batch to submit batch jobs.
  • NICE DCV (NICE DCV) is a high-performance remote display protocol that delivers remote desktops and application streaming from any cloud or data center to any device, over varying network conditions. With NICE DCV and Amazon EC2, customers can run graphics-intensive applications remotely on G3/G4 EC2 instances, and stream the results to client machines not provided with a GPU.
  • AWS Secrets Manager (AWS Secrets Manager) helps you to securely encrypt, store, and retrieve credentials for your databases and other services. Instead of hardcoding credentials in your apps, you can make calls to Secrets Manager to retrieve your credentials whenever needed.
  • AWS Systems Manager (AWS Systems Manager) gives you visibility and control of your infrastructure on AWS, and provides a unified user interface so you can view operational data from multiple AWS services. It also allows you to automate operational tasks across your AWS resources. Here it is used to retrieve a public parameter.
  • Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) enables applications, end-users, and devices to instantly send and receive notifications from the cloud. You can send notifications by email to the user who has created a valid and verified subscription.


The goal of this solution is to run an interactive Linux desktop session in a single Amazon ECS container, with support for GPU rendering, and connect remotely through NICE DCV protocol. AWS Batch will dynamically provision EC2 instances, with or without GPU (e.g. G3/G4 instances).

Solution scheme

You will build and register the DCV Container image to be used for the DCV Desktop Sessions. In AWS Batch, we will set up a managed CE starting from the Amazon ECS GPU-optimized AMI, which comes with the NVIDIA drivers and Amazon ECS agent already installed. Also, you will use Amazon Secrets Manager to safely store user credentials and Amazon SNS to automatically notify the user that the interactive job is ready.


As a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) visualization application example you will use Paraview.

This blog post goes through the following steps:

  1. Prepare required components
    • Launch temporary EC2 instance to build a DCV container image
    • Store user’s credentials and notification data
    • Create required roles
  2. Build DCV container image
  3. Create a repository on Amazon ECR
    • Push the DCV container image
  4. Configure AWS Batch
    • Create a managed CE
    • Create a related job queue
    • Create its Job Definition
  5. Submit a batch job
  6. Connect to the interactive desktop session using NICE DCV
    • Run the Paraview application to visualize results of a job simulation


  • An Amazon Linux 2 instance as a Docker host, launched from the latest Amazon ECS GPU-optimized AMI
  • In order to connect to desktop sessions, inbound DCV port must be opened (by default DCV port is 8443)
  • AWS account credentials with the necessary access permissions
  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed and configured with the same AWS credentials
  • To easily install third-party/open source required software, assume that the Docker host has outbound internet access allowed

Step 1. Required components

In this step you’ll create a temporary EC2 instance dedicated to a Docker image, and create the IAM policies required for the next steps. Next create the secrets in AWS Secrets Manager service to store sensible data like credentials and SNS topic ARN, and apply and verify the required system settings.

1.1 Launch the temporary EC2 instance for Docker image building

Launch the EC2 instance that becomes your Docker host from the Amazon ECS GPU-optimized AMI. Retrieve its AMI ID. For cost saving, you can use one of t3* family instance type for this stage (e.g. t3.medium).

1.2 Store user credentials and notification data

As an example of avoiding hardcoded credentials or keys into scripts used in next stages, we’ll use AWS Secrets Manager to safely store final user’s OS credentials and other sensible data.

  • In the AWS Management Console select Secrets Manager, create a new secret, select type Other type of secrets, and specify key pair. Store the user login name as a key, e.g.: user001, and the password as value, then name the secret as Run_DCV_in_Batch, or alternatively you can use the commands. Note xxxxxxxxxx is your chosen password.

aws secretsmanager  create-secret --secret-id Run_DCV_in_Batch
aws secretsmanager put-secret-value --secret-id Run_DCV_in_Batch --secret-string '{"user001":"xxxxxxxxxx"}'

  • Create an SNS Topic to send email notifications to the user when a DCV session is ready for connection:
  • In the AWS Management Console select Secrets Manager service to create a new secret named DCV_Session_Ready_Notification, with type other type of secrets and key pair values. Store the string sns_topic_arn as a key and the SNS Topic ARN as value:

aws secretsmanager  create-secret --secret-id DCV_Session_Ready_Notification
aws secretsmanager put-secret-value --secret-id DCV_Session_Ready_Notification --secret-string '{"sns_topic_arn":"<put here your SNS Topic ARN>"}'

1.3 Create required role and policy

To simplify, define a single role named dcv-ecs-batch-role gathering all the necessary policies. This role will be associated to the EC2 instance that launches from an AWS Batch job submission, so it is included inside the CE definition later.

To allow DCV sessions, push images into Amazon ECR and AWS Batch operations, create the role and include the following AWS managed and custom policies:

  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
  • AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role
  • SecretsManagerReadWrite
  • AmazonSNSFullAccess
  • AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy

To reach the NICE DCV licenses stored in Amazon S3 (see licensing the NICE DCV server for more details), define a custom policy named DCVLicensePolicy (the following policy is for eu-west-1 Region, you might also use us-east-1):

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "*"

create role

Note: If needed, you can add additional policies to allow the copy data from/to S3 bucket.

Update the Trust relationships of the same role in order to allow the Amazon ECS tasks execution and use this role from the AWS Batch Job definition as well:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Trusted relationships and Trusted entities

1.4 Create required Security Group

In the AWS Management Console, access EC2, and create a Security Group, named dcv-sg, that is open to DCV sessions and DCV clients by enabling tcp port 8443 in Inbound.

Step 2. DCV container image

Now you will build a container that provides OpenGL acceleration via NICE DCV. You’ll write the Dockerfile starting from Amazon Linux 2 base image, and add DCV with its related requirements.

2.1 Define the Dockerfile

The base software packages in the Dockerfile will contain: NVIDIA libraries, X server and GNOME desktop and some external scripts to manage the DCV service startup and email notification for the user.

Starting from the base image just pulled, our Dockerfile does install all required (and optional) system tools and libraries, desktop manager packages, manage the Prerequisites for Linux NICE DCV Servers , Install the NICE DCV Server on Linux and Paraview application for 2D/3D data visualization.

The final contents of the Dockerfile is available here; in the same repository, you can also find scripts that manage the DCV service system script, the notification message sent to the User, the creation of local User at startup and the run script for the DCV container.

2.2 Build Dockerfile

Install required tools both to unpack archives and perform command on AWS:

sudo yum install -y unzip awscli

Download the Git archive within the EC2 instance, and unpack on a temporary directory:

curl -s -L -o - | tar zxvf -

From inside the folder containing aws-batch-using-nice-dcv.dockerfile, let’s build the Docker image:

docker build -t dcv -f aws-batch-using-nice-dcv.dockerfile .

The first time it takes a while since it has to download and install all the required packages and related dependencies. After the command completes, check it has been built and tagged correctly with the command:

docker images

Step 3. Amazon ECR configuration

In this step, you’ll push/archive our newly built DCV container AMI into Amazon ECR. Having this image in Amazon ECR allows you to use it inside Amazon ECS and AWS Batch.

3.1 Push DCV image into Amazon ECR repository

Set a desired name for your new repository, e.g. dcv, and push your latest dcv image into it. The push procedure is described in Amazon ECR by selecting your repository, and clicking on the top-right button View push commands.

Install the required tool to manage content in JSON format:

sudo yum install -y jq

Amazon ECR push commands to run include:

  • Login command to authenticate your Docker client to Amazon ECS registry. Using the AWS CLI:

AWS_REGION="$(curl -s | jq -r .region)"
eval $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region "${AWS_REGION}") Note: If you receive an “Unknown options: –no-include-email” error when using the AWS CLI, ensure that you have the latest version installed. Learn more.

  • Create the repository:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=dcv —region "${AWS_REGION}"DCV_REPOSITORY=$(aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names=dcv --region "${AWS_REGION}"| jq -r '.repositories[0].repositoryUri')

  • Tag the image to push the image to the Amazon ECR repository:

docker build -t "${DCV_REPOSITORY}:$(date +%F)" -f aws-batch-using-nice-dcv.dockerfile .

  • Push command:

docker push "${DCV_REPOSITORY}:$(date +%F)"

Step 4. AWS Batch configuration

The final step is to set up AWS Batch to manage your DCV containers. The link to all previous steps is the use of our DCV container image inside the AWS Batch CE.

4.1 Compute environment

Create an AWS Batch CE using othe newly created AMI.

  • Log into the AWS Management Console, select AWS Batch, select ‘get started’, and skip the wizard on next page.
  • Choose Compute Environments on the left, and click on Create Environment.
  • Specify all your desired settings, e.g.:
      • Managed type
      • Name: DCV-GPU-CE
      • Service role: AWSBatchServiceRole
      • Instance role: dcv-ecs-batch-role
  • Since you want OpenGL acceleration, choose an instance type with GPU (e.g. g4dn.xlarge).
  • Choose an allocation strategy. In this example I choose BEST_FIT_PROGRESSIVE
  • Assign the security group dcv-sg, created previously at step 1.4 that keeps DCV port 8443 open.
  • Add a Nametag with the value e.g. “DCV-GPU-Batch-Instance”; to assign it to the EC2 instances started by AWS Batch automatically, so you can recognize it if needed.

4.2 Job Queue

Time to create a Job Queue for DCV with your preferred settings.

  • Select Job Queues from the left menu, then select Create queue (naming, for instance, e.g. DCV-GPU-Queue)
  • Specify a required Priority integer value.
  • Associate to this queue the CE you defined in the previous step (e.g. DCV-GPU-CE).

4.3 Job Definition

Now, we create a Job Definition by selecting the related item in the left menu, and select Create. 

We’ll use, listed per section:

  • Job Definition name (e.g. DCV-GPU-JD)
  • Execution timeout to 1h: 3600
  • Parameter section:
    • Add the Parameter named command with value: --network=host
      • Note: This parameter is required and equivalent to specify the same option to the docker run.Learn more.
  • Environment section:
    • Job role: dcv-ecs-batch-role
    • Container image: Use the ECR repository previously created, e.g. If you don’t remember the Amazon ECR image URI, just return to Amazon ECR -> Repository -> Images.
    • vCPUs: 8
      • Note: Value equal to the vCPUs of the chosen instance type (in this example: gdn4.2xlarge), having one job per node to avoid conflicts on usage of TCP ports required by NICE DCV daemons.
    • Memory (MiB): 2048
  • Security section:
    • Check Privileged
    • Set user root (run as root)
  • Environment Variables section:
    • DISPLAY: 0

Note: Amazon ECS provides a GPU-optimized AMI that comes ready with pre-configured NVIDIA kernel drivers and a Docker GPU runtime, learn more; the variables above make available the required graphic device(s) inside the container.

4.4 Create and submit a Job

We can finally, create an AWS Batch job, by selecting Batch → Jobs → Submit Job.
Let’s specify the job queue and job definition defined in the previous steps. Leave the command filed as pre-filled from job definition.

Running DCV job on AWS Batch

4.5 Connect to sessions

Once the job is in RUNNING state, go to the AWS Batch dashboard, you can get the IP address/DNS in several ways as noted in How do I get the ID or IP address of an Amazon EC2 instance for an AWS Batch job. For example, assuming the tag Name set on CE is DCV-GPU-Batch-Instance:

aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=instance-state-name,Values=running Name=tag:Name,Values="DCV-GPU-Batch-Instance" --query "Reservations[].Instances[].{id: InstanceId, tm: LaunchTime, ip: PublicIpAddress}" | jq -r 'sort_by(.tm) | reverse | .[0]' | jq -r .ip

Note: It could be required to add the EC2 policy to the list of instances in the IAM role. If the AWS SNS Topic is properly configured, as mentioned in subsection 1.2, you receive the notification email message with the URL link to connect to the interactive graphical DCV session.

Email from SNS

Finally, connect to it:

  • https://<ip address>:8443

Note: You might need to wait for the host to report as running on EC2 in AWS Management Console.

Below is a NICE DCV session running inside a container using the web browser, or equivalently the NICE DCV native client as well, running Paraview visualization application. It shows the basic elbow results coming from an external OpenFoam simulation, which data has been previously copied over from an S3 bucket; and the dcvgltest as well:

DCV Client connected to a running session


Once you’ve finished running the application, avoid incurring future charges by navigating to the AWS Batch console and terminate the job, set CE parameter Minimum vCPUs and Desired vCPUs equal to 0. Also, navigate to Amazon EC2 and stop the temporary EC2 instance used to build the Docker image.

For a full cleanup of all of the configurations and resources used, delete: the job definition, the job queue and the CE (AWS Batch), the Docker image and ECR Repository (Amazon ECR), the role dcv-ecs-batch-role (Amazon IAM), the security group dcv-sg (Amazon EC2), the Topic DCV_Session_Ready_Notification (AWS SNS), and the secret Run_DCV_in_Batch (Amazon Secrets Manager).


This blog post demonstrates how AWS Batch enables innovative approaches to run HPC workflows including not only batch jobs, but also pre-/post-analysis steps done through interactive graphical OpenGL/3D applications.

You are now ready to start interactive applications with AWS Batch and NICE DCV on G-series instance types with dedicated 3D hardware. This allows you to take advantage of graphical remote rendering on optimized infrastructure without moving data to save costs.

EFA-enabled C5n instances to scale Simcenter STAR-CCM+

Post Syndicated from Ben Peven original

This post was contributed by Dnyanesh Digraskar, Senior Partner SA, High Performance Computing; Linda Hedges, Principal SA, High Performance Computing

In this blog, we define and demonstrate the scalability metrics for a typical real-world application using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software from Siemens, Simcenter STAR-CCM+, running on a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This scenario demonstrates the scaling of an external aerodynamics CFD case with 97 million cells to over 4,000 cores of Amazon EC2 C5n.18xlarge instances using the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ software. We also discuss the effects of scaling on efficiency, simulation turn-around time, and total simulation costs. TLG Aerospace, a Seattle-based aerospace engineering services company, contributed the data used in this blog. For a detailed case study describing TLG Aerospace’s experience and the results they achieved, see the TLG Aerospace case study.

For HPC workloads that use multiple nodes, the cluster setup including the network is at the heart of scalability concerns. Some of the most common concerns from CFD or HPC engineers are “how well will my application scale on AWS?”, “how do I optimize the associated costs for best performance of my application on AWS?”, “what are the best practices in setting up an HPC cluster on AWS to reduce the simulation turn-around time and maintain high efficiency?” This post aims to answer these concerns by defining and explaining important scalability-related parameters by illustrating the results from the CFD case. For detailed HPC-specific information, see visit the High Performance Computing page and download the CFD whitepaper, Computational Fluid Dynamics on AWS.

CFD scaling on AWS


HPC applications, such as CFD, depend heavily on the applications’ ability to scale compute tasks efficiently in parallel across multiple compute resources. We often evaluate parallel performance by determining an application’s scale-up. Scale-up – a function of the number of processors used – is the time to complete a run on one processor, divided by the time to complete the same run on the number of processors used for the parallel run.

Scale-up formula

In addition to characterizing the scale-up of an application, scalability can be further characterized as “strong” or “weak”. Strong scaling offers a traditional view of application scaling, where a problem size is fixed and spread over an increasing number of processors. As more processors are added to the calculation, good strong scaling means that the time to complete the calculation decreases proportionally with increasing processor count. In comparison, weak scaling does not fix the problem size used in the evaluation, but purposely increases the problem size as the number of processors also increases. An application demonstrates good weak scaling when the time to complete the calculation remains constant as the ratio of compute effort to the number of processors is held constant. Weak scaling offers insight into how an application behaves with varying case size.

Figure 1, the following image, shows scale-up as a function of increasing processor count for the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ case data provided by TLG Aerospace. This is a demonstration of “strong” scalability. The blue line shows what ideal or perfect scalability looks like. The purple triangles show the actual scale-up for the case as a function of increasing processor count. The closeness of these two curves demonstrates excellent scaling to well over 3,000 processors for this mid-to-large-sized 97M cell case. This example was run on Amazon EC2 C5n.18xlarge Intel Skylake instances, 3.0 GHz, each providing 36 cores with Hyper-Threading disabled.

Figure 1. Strong scaling demonstrated for a 97M cell Simcenter STAR-CCM+ CFD calculation


Now that you understand the variation of scale-up with the number of processors, we discuss the relation of scale-up with number of grid cells per processor, which determines the efficiency of the parallel simulation. Efficiency is the scale-up divided by the number of processors used in the calculation. By plotting grid cells per processor, as in Figure 2, scaling estimates can be made for simulations with different grid sizes with Simcenter STAR-CCM+. The purple line in Figure 2 shows scale-up as a function of grid cells per processor. The vertical axis for scale-up is on the left-hand side of the graph as indicated by the purple arrow. The green line in Figure 2 shows efficiency as a function of grid cells per processor. The vertical axis for efficiency is on the right side of the graph and is indicated by the green arrow.

Figure 2. Scale-up and efficiency as a function of cells per processor.

Fewer grid cells per processor means reduced computational effort per processor. Maintaining efficiency while reducing cells per processor demonstrates the strong scalability of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ on AWS.

Efficiency remains at about 100% between approximately 700,000 cells per processor core and 60,000 cells per processor core. Efficiency starts to fall off at about 60,000 cells per core. An efficiency of at least 80% is maintained until 25,000 cells per core. Decreasing cells per core leads to decreased efficiency because the total computational effort per processor core is reduced. The goal of achieving more than 100% efficiency (here, at about 250,000 cells per core) is common in scaling studies, is case-specific, and often related to smaller effects such as timing variation and memory caching.

Turn-around time and cost

Case turn-around time and cost is what really matters to most HPC users. A plot of turn-around time versus CPU cost for this case is shown in Figure 3. As the number of cores increases, the total turn-around time decreases. But as the number of cores increases, the inefficiency also increases, which leads to increased costs. The cost, represented by solid blue curve, is based on the On-Demand price for the C5n.18xlarge, and only includes the computational costs. Small costs are also incurred for data storage. Minimum cost and turn-around time are achieved with approximately 60,000 cells per core.

Figure 3. Cost per run for: On-Demand pricing ($3.888 per hour for C5n.18xlarge in US-East-1) with and without the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ POD license cost as a function of turn-around time [Blue]; 3-yr all-upfront pricing ($1.475 per hour for C5n.18xlarge in US-East-1) [Green]

Many users choose a cell count per core count to achieve the lowest possible cost. Others may choose a cell count per core count to achieve the fastest turn-around time. If a run is desired in 1/3rd the time of the lowest price point, it can be achieved with approximately 25,000 cells per core.

Additional information about the test scenario

TLG Aerospace has used the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Power-On-Demand (POD) license for running the simulations for this case. POD license enables flexible On-Demand usage of the software on unlimited cores for a fixed price of $22 per hour. The total cost per run, which includes the computational cost, plus the POD license cost is represented in Figure 3 by the dashed blue curve. As POD license is charged per hour, the total cost per run increases for higher turn-around times. Note that many users run Simcenter STAR-CCM+ with fewer cells per core than this case. While this increases the compute cost, other concerns—such as license costs or schedules—can be overriding factors. However, many find the reduced turn-around time well worth the price of the additional instances.

AWS also offers Savings Plans, which are a flexible pricing model offering substantially lower price on EC2 instances compared to On-Demand prices for a committed usage of 1- or 3-year term. For example, the 3-year all-upfront pricing of C5n.18xlarge instance is 62% cheaper than the On-Demand pricing. The total cost per run using the 3-year all-upfront pricing model is illustrated in Figure 3 by solid green line. The 3-year all-upfront pricing plan offers a substantial reduction in price for running the simulations.

Amazon Linux is optimized to run on AWS and offers excellent performance for running HPC applications. For the case presented here, the operating system used was Amazon Linux 2. While other Linux distributions are also performant, we strongly recommend that for Linux HPC applications, you use a current Linux kernel.

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) is a persistent, block-level storage device that is often used for cluster storage on AWS. A standard EBS General Purpose SSD (gp2) volume was used for this scenario. For other HPC applications that may require faster I/O to prevent data writes from being a bottleneck to turn-around speed, we recommend FSx for Lustre. FSx for Lustre seamlessly integrates with Amazon S3, allowing users for efficient data interaction with Amazon S3.

AWS customers can choose to run their applications on either threads or cores. With hyper-threading, a single CPU physical core appears as two logical CPUs to the operating system. For an application like Simcenter STAR-CCM+, excellent linear scaling can be seen when using either threads or cores, though we generally recommend disabling hyper-threading. Most HPC applications benefit from disabling hyper-threading, and therefore, it tends to be the preferred environment for running HPC workloads. For more information, see Well-Architected Framework HPC Lens.

Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA)

Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) is a network device that can be attached to Amazon EC2 instances to accelerate HPC applications by providing lower and consistent latency and higher throughput than the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) transport. C5n.18xlarge instances used for running Simcenter STAR-CCM+ for this case support EFA technology, which is generally recommended for best scaling.


This post demonstrates the scalability of a commercial CFD software Simcenter STAR-CCM+ for an external aerodynamics simulation performed on the Amazon EC2 C5n.18xlarge instances. The availability of EFA, a high-performing network device on these instances result in excellent scalability of the application. The case turn-around time and associated costs of running Simcenter STAR-CCM+ on AWS hardware are discussed. In general, excellent performance can be achieved on AWS for most HPC applications. In addition to low cost and quick turn-around time, important considerations for HPC also include throughput and availability. AWS offers high throughput, scalability, security, cost-savings, and high availability, decreasing a long queue time and reducing the case turn-around time.