Tag Archives: AWS Batch

AWS Weekly Roundup — AWS Chips Taste Test, generative AI updates, Community Days, and more — April 1, 2024

Post Syndicated from Channy Yun original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-aws-chips-taste-test-generative-ai-updates-community-days-and-more-april-1-2024/

Today is April Fool’s Day. About 10 years ago, some tech companies would joke about an idea that was thought to be fun and unfeasible on April 1st, to the delight of readers. Jeff Barr has also posted seemingly far-fetched ideas on this blog in the past, and some of these have surprisingly come true! Here are examples:

Year Joke Reality
2010 Introducing QC2 – the Quantum Compute Cloud, a production-ready quantum computer to solve certain types of math and logic problems with breathtaking speed. In 2019, we launched Amazon Braket, a fully managed service that allows scientists, researchers, and developers to begin experimenting with computers from multiple quantum hardware providers in a single place.
2011 Announcing AWS $NAME, a scalable event service to find and automatically integrate with your systems on the cloud, on premises, and even your house and room. In 2019, we introduced Amazon EventBridge to make it easy for you to integrate your own AWS applications with third-party applications. If you use AWS IoT Events, you can monitor and respond to events at scale from your IoT devices at home.
2012 New Amazon EC2 Fresh Servers to deliver a fresh (physical) EC2 server in 15 minutes using atmospheric delivery and communucation from a fleet of satellites. In 2021, we launched AWS Outposts Server, 1U/2U physical servers with built-in AWS services. In 2023, Project Kuiper completed successful tests of an optical mesh network in low Earth orbit. Now, we only need to develop satellite warehouse and atmospheric re-entry technology to follow Amazon PrimeAir’s drone delivery.
2013 PC2 – The New Punched Card Cloud, a new mf (mainframe) instance family, Mainframe Machine Images (MMI), tape storage, and punched card interfaces for mainframe computers used from the 1970s to ’80s. In 2022, we launched AWS Mainframe Modernization to help you modernize your mainframe applications and deploy them to AWS fully managed runtime environments.

Jeff returns! This year, we have AWS “Chips” Taste Test for him to indulge in, drawing unique parallels between chip flavors and silicon innovations. He compared the taste of “Golden Nacho Cheese,” “Al Chili Lime,” and “BBQ Training Wheels” with AWS Graviton, AWS Inferentia, and AWS Trainium chips.

What’s your favorite? Watch a fun video in the LinkedIn and X post of AWS social media channels.

Last week’s launches
If we stay curious, keep learning, and insist on high standards, we will continue to see more ideas turn into reality. The same goes for the generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) world. Here are some launches that utilize generative AI technology this week.

Knowledge Bases for Amazon BedrockAnthropic’s Claude 3 Sonnet foundation model (FM) is now generally available on Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock to connect internal data sources for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock support metadata filtering, which improves retrieval accuracy by ensuring the documents are relevant to the query. You can narrow search results by specifying which documents to include or exclude from a query, resulting in more relevant responses generated by FMs such as Claude 3 Sonnet.

Finally, you can customize prompts and number of retrieval results in Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock. With custom prompts, you can tailor the prompt instructions by adding context, user input, or output indicator(s), for the model to generate responses that more closely match your use case needs. You can now control the amount of information needed to generate a final response by adjusting the number of retrieved passages. To learn more these new features, visit Knowledge bases for Amazon Bedrock in the AWS documentation.

Amazon Connect Contact Lens – At AWS re:Invent 2023, we previewed a generative AI capability to summarize long customer conversations into succinct, coherent, and context-rich contact summaries to help improve contact quality and agent performance. These generative AI–powered post-contact summaries are now available in Amazon Connect Contact Lens.

Amazon DataZone – At AWS re:Invent 2023, we also previewed a generative AI–based capability to generate comprehensive business data descriptions and context and include recommendations on analytical use cases. These generative AI–powered recommendations for descriptions are now available in Amazon DataZone.

There are also other important launches you shouldn’t miss:

A new Local Zone in Miami, Florida – AWS Local Zones are an AWS infrastructure deployment that places compute, storage, database, and other select services closer to large populations, industry, and IT centers where no AWS Region exists. You can now use a new Local Zone in Miami, Florida, to run applications that require single-digit millisecond latency, such as real-time gaming, hybrid migrations, and live video streaming. Enable the new Local Zone in Miami (use1-mia2-az1) from the Zones tab in the Amazon EC2 console settings to get started.

New Amazon EC2 C7gn metal instance – You can use AWS Graviton based new C7gn bare metal instances to run applications that benefit from deep performance analysis tools, specialized workloads that require direct access to bare metal infrastructure, legacy workloads not supported in virtual environments, and licensing-restricted business-critical applications. The EC2 C7gn metal size comes with 64 vCPUs and 128 GiB of memory.

AWS Batch multi-container jobs – You can use multi-container jobs in AWS Batch, making it easier and faster to run large-scale simulations in areas like autonomous vehicles and robotics. With the ability to run multiple containers per job, you get the advanced scaling, scheduling, and cost optimization offered by AWS Batch, and you can use modular containers representing different components like 3D environments, robot sensors, or monitoring sidecars.

Amazon Guardduty EC2 Runtime Monitoring – We are announcing the general availability of Amazon GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring to expand threat detection coverage for EC2 instances at runtime and complement the anomaly detection that GuardDuty already provides by continuously monitoring VPC Flow Logs, DNS query logs, and AWS CloudTrail management events. You now have visibility into on-host, OS-level activities and container-level context into detected threats.

GitLab support for AWS CodeBuild – You can now use GitLab and GitLab self-managed as the source provider for your CodeBuild projects. You can initiate builds from changes in source code hosted in your GitLab repositories. To get started with CodeBuild’s new source providers, visit the AWS CodeBuild User Guide.

Retroactive support for AWS cost allocation tags – You can enable AWS cost allocation tags retroactively for up to 12 months. Previously, when you activated resource tags for cost allocation purposes, the tags only took effect prospectively. Submit a backfill request, specifying the duration of time you want the cost allocation tags to be backfilled. Once the backfill is complete, the cost and usage data from prior months will be tagged with the current cost allocation tags.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates and news about generative AI that you might have missed:

Amazon and Anthropic’s AI investiment – Read the latest milestone in our strategic collaboration and investment with Anthropic. Now, Anthropic is using AWS as its primary cloud provider and will use AWS Trainium and Inferentia chips for mission-critical workloads, including safety research and future FM development. Earlier this month, we announced access to Anthropic’s most powerful FM, Claude 3, on Amazon Bedrock. We announced availability of Sonnet on March 4 and Haiku on March 13. To learn more, watch the video introducing Claude on Amazon Bedrock.

Virtual building assistant built on Amazon Bedrock – BrainBox AI announced the launch of ARIA (Artificial Responsive Intelligent Assistant) powered by Amazon Bedrock. ARIA is designed to enhance building efficiency by assimilating seamlessly into the day-to-day processes related to building management. To learn more, read the full customer story and watch the video on how to reduce a building’s CO2 footprint with ARIA.

Solar models available on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart – Upstage Solar is a large language model (LLM) 100 percent pre-trained with Amazon SageMaker that outperforms and uses its compact size and powerful track record to specialize in purpose training, making it versatile across languages, domains, and tasks. Now, Solar Mini is available on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. To learn more, watch how to deploy Solar models in SageMaker JumpStart.

AWS open source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open source newsletter in which he highlights new open source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community. Last week’s highlight was news that Linux Foundation launched Valkey community, an open source alternative to the Redis in-memory, NoSQL data store.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for upcoming AWS events:

AWS SummitAWS Summits – Join free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Register in your nearest city: Paris (April 3), Amsterdam (April 9), Sydney (April 10–11), London (April 24), Berlin (May 15–16), and Seoul (May 16–17), Hong Kong (May 22), Milan (May 23), Dubai (May 29), Stockholm (June 4), and Madrid (June 5).

AWS re:Inforce – Explore cloud security in the age of generative AI at AWS re:Inforce, June 10–12 in Pennsylvania for two-and-a-half days of immersive cloud security learning designed to help drive your business initiatives. Read the story from AWS Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Chris Betz about a bit of what you can expect at re:Inforce.

AWS Community Days – Join community-led conferences that feature technical discussions, workshops, and hands-on labs led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world: Mumbai (April 6), Poland (April 11), Bay Area (April 12), Kenya (April 20), and Turkey (May 18).

You can browse all upcoming AWS led in-person and virtual events and developer-focused events such as AWS DevDay.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Channy

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS.

Run large-scale simulations with AWS Batch multi-container jobs

Post Syndicated from Danilo Poccia original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/run-large-scale-simulations-with-aws-batch-multi-container-jobs/

Industries like automotive, robotics, and finance are increasingly implementing computational workloads like simulations, machine learning (ML) model training, and big data analytics to improve their products. For example, automakers rely on simulations to test autonomous driving features, robotics companies train ML algorithms to enhance robot perception capabilities, and financial firms run in-depth analyses to better manage risk, process transactions, and detect fraud.

Some of these workloads, including simulations, are especially complicated to run due to their diversity of components and intensive computational requirements. A driving simulation, for instance, involves generating 3D virtual environments, vehicle sensor data, vehicle dynamics controlling car behavior, and more. A robotics simulation might test hundreds of autonomous delivery robots interacting with each other and other systems in a massive warehouse environment.

AWS Batch is a fully managed service that can help you run batch workloads across a range of AWS compute offerings, including Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), AWS Fargate, and Amazon EC2 Spot or On-Demand Instances. Traditionally, AWS Batch only allowed single-container jobs and required extra steps to merge all components into a monolithic container. It also did not allow using separate “sidecar” containers, which are auxiliary containers that complement the main application by providing additional services like data logging. This additional effort required coordination across multiple teams, such as software development, IT operations, and quality assurance (QA), because any code change meant rebuilding the entire container.

Now, AWS Batch offers multi-container jobs, making it easier and faster to run large-scale simulations in areas like autonomous vehicles and robotics. These workloads are usually divided between the simulation itself and the system under test (also known as an agent) that interacts with the simulation. These two components are often developed and optimized by different teams. With the ability to run multiple containers per job, you get the advanced scaling, scheduling, and cost optimization offered by AWS Batch, and you can use modular containers representing different components like 3D environments, robot sensors, or monitoring sidecars. In fact, customers such as IPG Automotive, MORAI, and Robotec.ai are already using AWS Batch multi-container jobs to run their simulation software in the cloud.

Let’s see how this works in practice using a simplified example and have some fun trying to solve a maze.

Building a Simulation Running on Containers
In production, you will probably use existing simulation software. For this post, I built a simplified version of an agent/model simulation. If you’re not interested in code details, you can skip this section and go straight to how to configure AWS Batch.

For this simulation, the world to explore is a randomly generated 2D maze. The agent has the task to explore the maze to find a key and then reach the exit. In a way, it is a classic example of pathfinding problems with three locations.

Here’s a sample map of a maze where I highlighted the start (S), end (E), and key (K) locations.

Sample ASCII maze map.

The separation of agent and model into two separate containers allows different teams to work on each of them separately. Each team can focus on improving their own part, for example, to add details to the simulation or to find better strategies for how the agent explores the maze.

Here’s the code of the maze model (app.py). I used Python for both examples. The model exposes a REST API that the agent can use to move around the maze and know if it has found the key and reached the exit. The maze model uses Flask for the REST API.

import json
import random
from flask import Flask, request, Response

ready = False

# How map data is stored inside a maze
# with size (width x height) = (4 x 3)
#    012345678
# 0: +-+-+ +-+
# 1: | |   | |
# 2: +-+ +-+-+
# 3: | |   | |
# 4: +-+-+ +-+
# 5: | | | | |
# 6: +-+-+-+-+
# 7: Not used

class WrongDirection(Exception):

class Maze:
    UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT = 0, 1, 2, 3
    OPEN, WALL = 0, 1

    def distance(p1, p2):
        (x1, y1) = p1
        (x2, y2) = p2
        return abs(y2-y1) + abs(x2-x1)

    def random_dir():
        return random.randrange(4)

    def go_dir(x, y, d):
        if d == Maze.UP:
            return (x, y - 1)
        elif d == Maze.RIGHT:
            return (x + 1, y)
        elif d == Maze.DOWN:
            return (x, y + 1)
        elif d == Maze.LEFT:
            return (x - 1, y)
            raise WrongDirection(f"Direction: {d}")

    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height        

    def area(self):
        return self.width * self.height

    def min_lenght(self):
        return self.area() / 5

    def min_distance(self):
        return (self.width + self.height) / 5

    def get_pos_dir(self, x, y, d):
        if d == Maze.UP:
            return self.maze[y][2 * x + 1]
        elif d == Maze.RIGHT:
            return self.maze[y][2 * x + 2]
        elif d == Maze.DOWN:
            return self.maze[y + 1][2 * x + 1]
        elif d ==  Maze.LEFT:
            return self.maze[y][2 * x]
            raise WrongDirection(f"Direction: {d}")

    def set_pos_dir(self, x, y, d, v):
        if d == Maze.UP:
            self.maze[y][2 * x + 1] = v
        elif d == Maze.RIGHT:
            self.maze[y][2 * x + 2] = v
        elif d == Maze.DOWN:
            self.maze[y + 1][2 * x + 1] = v
        elif d ==  Maze.LEFT:
            self.maze[y][2 * x] = v
            WrongDirection(f"Direction: {d}  Value: {v}")

    def is_inside(self, x, y):
        return 0 <= y < self.height and 0 <= x < self.width

    def generate(self):
        self.maze = []
        # Close all borders
        for y in range(0, self.height + 1):
            self.maze.append([Maze.WALL] * (2 * self.width + 1))
        # Get a random starting point on one of the borders
        if random.random() < 0.5:
            sx = random.randrange(self.width)
            if random.random() < 0.5:
                sy = 0
                self.set_pos_dir(sx, sy, Maze.UP, Maze.OPEN)
                sy = self.height - 1
                self.set_pos_dir(sx, sy, Maze.DOWN, Maze.OPEN)
            sy = random.randrange(self.height)
            if random.random() < 0.5:
                sx = 0
                self.set_pos_dir(sx, sy, Maze.LEFT, Maze.OPEN)
                sx = self.width - 1
                self.set_pos_dir(sx, sy, Maze.RIGHT, Maze.OPEN)
        self.start = (sx, sy)
        been = [self.start]
        pos = -1
        solved = False
        generate_status = 0
        old_generate_status = 0                    
        while len(been) < self.area():
            (x, y) = been[pos]
            sd = Maze.random_dir()
            for nd in range(4):
                d = (sd + nd) % 4
                if self.get_pos_dir(x, y, d) != Maze.WALL:
                (nx, ny) = Maze.go_dir(x, y, d)
                if (nx, ny) in been:
                if self.is_inside(nx, ny):
                    self.set_pos_dir(x, y, d, Maze.OPEN)
                    been.append((nx, ny))
                    pos = -1
                    generate_status = len(been) / self.area()
                    if generate_status - old_generate_status > 0.1:
                        old_generate_status = generate_status
                        print(f"{generate_status * 100:.2f}%")
                elif solved or len(been) < self.min_lenght():
                    self.set_pos_dir(x, y, d, Maze.OPEN)
                    self.end = (x, y)
                    solved = True
                    pos = -1 - random.randrange(len(been))
                pos -= 1
                if pos < -len(been):
                    pos = -1
        self.key = None
        while(self.key == None):
            kx = random.randrange(self.width)
            ky = random.randrange(self.height)
            if (Maze.distance(self.start, (kx,ky)) > self.min_distance()
                and Maze.distance(self.end, (kx,ky)) > self.min_distance()):
                self.key = (kx, ky)

    def get_label(self, x, y):
        if (x, y) == self.start:
            c = 'S'
        elif (x, y) == self.end:
            c = 'E'
        elif (x, y) == self.key:
            c = 'K'
            c = ' '
        return c

    def map(self, moves=[]):
        map = ''
        for py in range(self.height * 2 + 1):
            row = ''
            for px in range(self.width * 2 + 1):
                x = int(px / 2)
                y = int(py / 2)
                if py % 2 == 0: #Even rows
                    if px % 2 == 0:
                        c = '+'
                        v = self.get_pos_dir(x, y, self.UP)
                        if v == Maze.OPEN:
                            c = ' '
                        elif v == Maze.WALL:
                            c = '-'
                else: # Odd rows
                    if px % 2 == 0:
                        v = self.get_pos_dir(x, y, self.LEFT)
                        if v == Maze.OPEN:
                            c = ' '
                        elif v == Maze.WALL:
                            c = '|'
                        c = self.get_label(x, y)
                        if c == ' ' and [x, y] in moves:
                            c = '*'
                row += c
            map += row + '\n'
        return map

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_maze():
    return "<p>Hello, Maze!</p>"

@app.route('/maze/map', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def maze_map():
    if not ready:
        return Response(status=503, retry_after=10)
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return '<pre>' + maze.map() + '</pre>'
        moves = request.get_json()
        return maze.map(moves)

def maze_start():
    if not ready:
        return Response(status=503, retry_after=10)
    start = { 'x': maze.start[0], 'y': maze.start[1] }
    return json.dumps(start)

def maze_size():
    if not ready:
        return Response(status=503, retry_after=10)
    size = { 'width': maze.width, 'height': maze.height }
    return json.dumps(size)

def maze_pos(y, x):
    if not ready:
        return Response(status=503, retry_after=10)
    pos = {
        'here': maze.get_label(x, y),
        'up': maze.get_pos_dir(x, y, Maze.UP),
        'down': maze.get_pos_dir(x, y, Maze.DOWN),
        'left': maze.get_pos_dir(x, y, Maze.LEFT),
        'right': maze.get_pos_dir(x, y, Maze.RIGHT),

    return json.dumps(pos)

WIDTH = 80
maze = Maze(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
ready = True

The only requirement for the maze model (in requirements.txt) is the Flask module.

To create a container image running the maze model, I use this Dockerfile.

FROM --platform=linux/amd64 public.ecr.aws/docker/library/python:3.12-alpine


COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt

COPY . .

CMD [ "python3", "-m" , "flask", "run", "--host=", "--port=5555"]

Here’s the code for the agent (agent.py). First, the agent asks the model for the size of the maze and the starting position. Then, it applies its own strategy to explore and solve the maze. In this implementation, the agent chooses its route at random, trying to avoid following the same path more than once.

import random
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry

HOST = ''
PORT = 5555

BASE_URL = f"http://{HOST}:{PORT}/maze"

UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT = 0, 1, 2, 3
OPEN, WALL = 0, 1

s = requests.Session()

retries = Retry(total=10,

s.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))

r = s.get(f"{BASE_URL}/size")
size = r.json()
print('SIZE', size)

r = s.get(f"{BASE_URL}/start")
start = r.json()
print('START', start)

y = start['y']
x = start['x']

found_key = False
been = set((x, y))
moves = [(x, y)]
moves_stack = [(x, y)]

while True:
    r = s.get(f"{BASE_URL}/pos/{y}/{x}")
    pos = r.json()
    if pos['here'] == 'K' and not found_key:
        print(f"({x}, {y}) key found")
        found_key = True
        been = set((x, y))
        moves_stack = [(x, y)]
    if pos['here'] == 'E' and found_key:
        print(f"({x}, {y}) exit")
    dirs = list(range(4))
    for d in dirs:
        nx, ny = x, y
        if d == UP and pos['up'] == 0:
            ny -= 1
        if d == RIGHT and pos['right'] == 0:
            nx += 1
        if d == DOWN and pos['down'] == 0:
            ny += 1
        if d == LEFT and pos['left'] == 0:
            nx -= 1 

        if nx < 0 or nx >= size['width'] or ny < 0 or ny >= size['height']:

        if (nx, ny) in been:

        x, y = nx, ny
        been.add((x, y))
        moves.append((x, y))
        moves_stack.append((x, y))
        if len(moves_stack) > 0:
            x, y = moves_stack.pop()
            print("No moves left")

print(f"Solution length: {len(moves)}")

r = s.post(f'{BASE_URL}/map', json=moves)



The only dependency of the agent (in requirements.txt) is the requests module.

This is the Dockerfile I use to create a container image for the agent.

FROM --platform=linux/amd64 public.ecr.aws/docker/library/python:3.12-alpine


COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt

COPY . .

CMD [ "python3", "agent.py"]

You can easily run this simplified version of a simulation locally, but the cloud allows you to run it at larger scale (for example, with a much bigger and more detailed maze) and to test multiple agents to find the best strategy to use. In a real-world scenario, the improvements to the agent would then be implemented into a physical device such as a self-driving car or a robot vacuum cleaner.

Running a simulation using multi-container jobs
To run a job with AWS Batch, I need to configure three resources:

  • The compute environment in which to run the job
  • The job queue in which to submit the job
  • The job definition describing how to run the job, including the container images to use

In the AWS Batch console, I choose Compute environments from the navigation pane and then Create. Now, I have the choice of using Fargate, Amazon EC2, or Amazon EKS. Fargate allows me to closely match the resource requirements that I specify in the job definitions. However, simulations usually require access to a large but static amount of resources and use GPUs to accelerate computations. For this reason, I select Amazon EC2.

Console screenshot.

I select the Managed orchestration type so that AWS Batch can scale and configure the EC2 instances for me. Then, I enter a name for the compute environment and select the service-linked role (that AWS Batch created for me previously) and the instance role that is used by the ECS container agent (running on the EC2 instances) to make calls to the AWS API on my behalf. I choose Next.

Console screenshot.

In the Instance configuration settings, I choose the size and type of the EC2 instances. For example, I can select instance types that have GPUs or use the Graviton processor. I do not have specific requirements and leave all the settings to their default values. For Network configuration, the console already selected my default VPC and the default security group. In the final step, I review all configurations and complete the creation of the compute environment.

Now, I choose Job queues from the navigation pane and then Create. Then, I select the same orchestration type I used for the compute environment (Amazon EC2). In the Job queue configuration, I enter a name for the job queue. In the Connected compute environments dropdown, I select the compute environment I just created and complete the creation of the queue.

Console screenshot.

I choose Job definitions from the navigation pane and then Create. As before, I select Amazon EC2 for the orchestration type.

To use more than one container, I disable the Use legacy containerProperties structure option and move to the next step. By default, the console creates a legacy single-container job definition if there’s already a legacy job definition in the account. That’s my case. For accounts without legacy job definitions, the console has this option disabled.

Console screenshot.

I enter a name for the job definition. Then, I have to think about which permissions this job requires. The container images I want to use for this job are stored in Amazon ECR private repositories. To allow AWS Batch to download these images to the compute environment, in the Task properties section, I select an Execution role that gives read-only access to the ECR repositories. I don’t need to configure a Task role because the simulation code is not calling AWS APIs. For example, if my code was uploading results to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, I could select here a role giving permissions to do so.

In the next step, I configure the two containers used by this job. The first one is the maze-model. I enter the name and the image location. Here, I can specify the resource requirements of the container in terms of vCPUs, memory, and GPUs. This is similar to configuring containers for an ECS task.

Console screenshot.

I add a second container for the agent and enter name, image location, and resource requirements as before. Because the agent needs to access the maze as soon as it starts, I use the Dependencies section to add a container dependency. I select maze-model for the container name and START as the condition. If I don’t add this dependency, the agent container can fail before the maze-model container is running and able to respond. Because both containers are flagged as essential in this job definition, the overall job would terminate with a failure.

Console screenshot.

I review all configurations and complete the job definition. Now, I can start a job.

In the Jobs section of the navigation pane, I submit a new job. I enter a name and select the job queue and the job definition I just created.

Console screenshot.

In the next steps, I don’t need to override any configuration and create the job. After a few minutes, the job has succeeded, and I have access to the logs of the two containers.

Console screenshot.

The agent solved the maze, and I can get all the details from the logs. Here’s the output of the job to see how the agent started, picked up the key, and then found the exit.

SIZE {'width': 80, 'height': 20}
START {'x': 0, 'y': 18}
(32, 2) key found
(79, 16) exit
Solution length: 437
[(0, 18), (1, 18), (0, 18), ..., (79, 14), (79, 15), (79, 16)]

In the map, the red asterisks (*) follow the path used by the agent between the start (S), key (K), and exit (E) locations.

ASCII-based map of the solved maze.

Increasing observability with a sidecar container
When running complex jobs using multiple components, it helps to have more visibility into what these components are doing. For example, if there is an error or a performance problem, this information can help you find where and what the issue is.

To instrument my application, I use AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry:

Using telemetry data collected in this way, I can set up dashboards (for example, using CloudWatch or Amazon Managed Grafana) and alarms (with CloudWatch or Prometheus) that help me better understand what is happening and reduce the time to solve an issue. More generally, a sidecar container can help integrate telemetry data from AWS Batch jobs with your monitoring and observability platforms.

Things to know
AWS Batch support for multi-container jobs is available today in the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and AWS SDKs in all AWS Regions where Batch is offered. For more information, see the AWS Services by Region list.

There is no additional cost for using multi-container jobs with AWS Batch. In fact, there is no additional charge for using AWS Batch. You only pay for the AWS resources you create to store and run your application, such as EC2 instances and Fargate containers. To optimize your costs, you can use Reserved Instances, Savings Plan, EC2 Spot Instances, and Fargate in your compute environments.

Using multi-container jobs accelerates development times by reducing job preparation efforts and eliminates the need for custom tooling to merge the work of multiple teams into a single container. It also simplifies DevOps by defining clear component responsibilities so that teams can quickly identify and fix issues in their own areas of expertise without distraction.

To learn more, see how to set up multi-container jobs in the AWS Batch User Guide.


AWS Week in Review – March 27, 2023

Post Syndicated from Marcia Villalba original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-week-in-review-march-27-2023/

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

In Finland, where I live, spring has arrived. The snow has melted, and the trees have grown their first buds. But I don’t get my hopes high, as usually around Easter we have what is called takatalvi. Takatalvi is a Finnish world that means that the winter returns unexpectedly in the spring.

Last Week’s Launches
Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week.

AWS SAM CLI – Now the sam sync command will compare your local Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template with your deployed AWS CloudFormation template and skip the deployment if there are no changes. For more information, check the latest version of the AWS SAM CLI.

IAM – AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) has launched two new global condition context keys. With these new condition keys, you can write service control policies (SCPs) or IAM policies that restrict the VPCs and private IP addresses from which your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance credentials can be used, without hard-coding VPC IDs or IP addresses in the policy. To learn more about this launch and how to get started, see How to use policies to restrict where EC2 instance credentials can be used from.

Amazon SNS – Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) now supports setting context-type request headers for HTTP/S notifications, such as application/json, application/xml, or text/plain. With this new feature, applications can receive their notifications in a more predictable format.

AWS Batch – AWS Batch now allows you to configure ephemeral storage up to 200GiB on AWS Fargate type jobs. With this launch, you no longer need to limit the size of your data sets or the size of the Docker images to run machine learning inference.

Application Load Balancer – Application Load Balancer (ALB) now supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.3, enabling you to optimize the performance of your application while keeping it secure. TLS 1.3 on ALB works by offloading encryption and decryption of TLS traffic from your application server to the load balancer.

Amazon IVS – Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) now supports combining videos from multiple hosts into the source of a live stream. For a demo, refer to Add multiple hosts to live streams with Amazon IVS.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some other updates and news that you may have missed:

I read the post Implementing an event-driven serverless story generation application with ChatGPT and DALL-E a few days ago, and since then I have been reading my child a lot of  AI-generated stories. In this post, David Boyne, explains step by step how you can create an event-driven serverless story generation application. This application produces a brand-new story every day at bedtime with images, which can be played in audio format.

Podcast Charlas Técnicas de AWS – If you understand Spanish, this podcast is for you. Podcast Charlas Técnicas is one of the official AWS podcasts in Spanish, and every other week there is a new episode. The podcast is meant for builders, and it shares stories about how customers have implemented and learned AWS services, how to architect applications, and how to use new services. You can listen to all the episodes directly from your favorite podcast app or at AWS Podcasts en español.

AWS open-source news and updates – The open source newsletter is curated by my colleague Ricardo Sueiras to bring you the latest open-source projects, posts, events, and more.

Upcoming AWS Events
Check your calendars and sign up for the AWS Summit closest to your city. AWS Summits are free events that bring the local community together, where you can learn about different AWS services.

Here are the ones coming up in the next months:

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Week in Review!

— Marcia

Genomics workflows, Part 5: automated benchmarking

Post Syndicated from Rostislav Markov original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/genomics-workflows-part-5-automated-benchmarking/

Launching and running genomics workflows can take hours and involves large pools of compute instances that process data at a petabyte scale. Benchmarking helps you evaluate workflow performance and discover faster and cheaper ways of running them.

In practice, performance evaluations happen irregularly because of the associated heavy lifting. In this blog post, we discuss how life-science research teams can automate evaluations.

Business Benefits

An automated benchmarking solution provides:

  • more accurate enterprise resource planning by performing historical analytics,
  • lower cost to the business by comparing performance on different resource types, and
  • cost transparency to the business by quantifying periodical chargeback.

We’ve used automated benchmarking to compare processing times on different services such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), AWS Batch, AWS ParallelCluster, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), and on-premises HPC clusters. Scientists, financiers, technical leaders, and other stakeholders can build reports and dashboards to compare consumption data by consumer, workflow type, and time period.

Design pattern

Our automated benchmarking solution measures performance on two dimensions:

  • Timing: measures the duration of a workflow launch on a specific dataset
  • Pricing: measures the associated cost

This solution can be extended to other performance metrics such as iterations per second or process/thread distribution across compute nodes.

Our requirements include the following:

  • Consistent measurement of timing based on workflow status (such as preparing, waiting, ready, running, failed, complete)
  • Extensible pricing models based on unit prices (the Amazon EC2 Spot price at a specific period of time compared to Amazon EC2 On-Demand pricing)
  • Scalable, cost-efficient, and flexible data store enabling historical benchmarking and estimations
  • Minimal infrastructure management overhead

We choose a serverless design pattern using AWS Step Functions orchestration, AWS Lambda for our application code, and Amazon DynamoDB to track workflow launch IDs and states (as described in Part 3). We assume that the genomics workflows run on AWS Batch with genomics data on Amazon FSx for Lustre (Part 1). AWS Step Functions allows us to break down processing into smaller steps and avoid monolithic application code. Our evaluation process runs in four steps:

  1. Monitor for completed workflow launches in the DynamoDB stream using an Amazon EventBridge pipe with a Step Functions workflow as target. This event-driven approach is more efficient than periodic polling and avoids custom code for parsing status and cost values in all records of the DynamoDB stream.
  2. Collect a list of all compute resources associated with the workflow launch. Design a Lambda function that queries the AWS Batch API (see Part 1) to describe compute environment parameters like the Amazon EC2 instance IDs and their details, such as processing times, instance family/size, and allocation strategy (for example, Spot Instances, Reserved Instances, On-Demand Instances).
  3. Calculate the cost of all consumed resources. We achieve this with another Lambda function, which calculates the total price based on unit prices from the AWS Price List Query API.
  4. Our state machine updates the total price in the DynamoDB table without the need for additional application code.

Figure 1 visualizes these steps.

Automated benchmarking of genomics workflows

Figure 1. Automated benchmarking of genomics workflows

Implementation considerations

AWS Step Functions orchestrates our benchmarking workflow reliably and makes our application code easy to maintain. Figure 2 summarizes the state machine transitions that we’ll describe.

AWS Step Functions state machine for automated benchmarking

Figure 2. AWS Step Functions state machine for automated benchmarking

Gather consumption details

Configure the DynamoDB stream view type to New image so that the entire item is passed through as it appears after it was changed. We set up an Amazon EventBridge pipe with event filtering and the DynamoDB stream as a source. Our event filter uses multiple matching on records with a status of COMPLETE, but no cost entry in order to avoid an infinite loop. Once our state machine has updated the DynamoDB item with the workflow price, the resulting record in the DynamoDB stream will not pass our event filter.

The syntax of our event filter is as follows:

  "dynamodb": {
    "NewImage": {
      "status": {
        "S": ["COMPLETE"]
      "totalCost": {
        "S": [{
          "exists": false

We use an input transformer to simplify follow-on parsing by removing unnecessary metadata from the event.

The consumed resources included in the stream record are the auto-scaling group ID for AWS Batch and the Amazon FSx for Lustre volume ID. We use the DescribeJobs API (describe_jobs in Boto3) to determine which compute resources were used. If the response is a list of EC2 instances, we then look up consumption information including start and end times using the ListJobs API (list_jobs in Boto3) for each compute node. We use describe_volumes with filters on the identified EC2 instances to obtain the size and type of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes.

Calculate prices

Another Lambda function obtains the associated unit prices of all consumed resources using the GetProducts request of AWS Price List Query API (get_products in Boto3) and then parsing the pricePerUnit value. For Spot Instances, we use describe_spot_price_history of the EC2 client in Boto3 and specify the time range and instance types for which we want to receive prices.

Calculate the price of workflow launches based on the following factors:

  • Number and size of EC2 instances in auto-scaling node groups
  • Size of EBS volumes and Amazon FSx for Lustre
  • Processing duration

Our Python-based Lambda function calculates the total, rounds it, and delivers the price breakdown in the following format:

total_cost: str, instance_cost: str, volume_cost: str, filesystem_cost: str

Lastly, we put the price breakdown to the DynamoDB table using UpdateItem directly from the Amazon States Language.

Note that AWS credits and enterprise discounts might not be reflected in the responses of the AWS Price List Query API unless applied to the particular AWS account. This is often considered best practice in light of least-privilege considerations.

In the past, we’ve also used AWS Cost Explorer instead of the AWS Price List API. AWS Cost Explorer data is updated at least once every 24 hours. You can denote the pending price status in the DynamoDB table item and use the Wait state to delay the calculation process.

The presented solution can be extended to other compute services such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). For Amazon EKS, events are enriched with the cluster ID from the DynamoDB table and the price calculation should also include control plane costs.


Life-science research teams use benchmarking to compare workflow performance and inform their architectural decisions. Such evaluations are effort-intensive and therefore done irregularly.

In this blog post, we showed how life-science research teams can automate benchmarking for their scientific workflows. The insights teams gain from automated benchmarking indicate continuous optimization opportunities, such as by adjusting compute node configuration. The evaluation data is also available on demand for other purposes including chargeback.

Stay tuned for our next post in which we show how to use historical benchmarking data for price estimations of future workflow launches.

Related information

Genomics workflows, Part 3: automated workflow manager

Post Syndicated from Rostislav Markov original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/genomics-workflows-part-3-automated-workflow-manager/

Genomics workflows are high-performance computing workloads. Life-science research teams make use of various genomics workflows. With each invocation, they specify custom sets of data and processing steps, and translate them into commands. Furthermore, team members stay to monitor progress and troubleshoot errors, which can be cumbersome, non-differentiated, administrative work.

In Part 3 of this series, we describe the architecture of a workflow manager that simplifies the administration of bioinformatics data pipelines. The workflow manager dynamically generates the launch commands based on user input and keeps track of the workflow status. This workflow manager can be adapted to many scientific workloads—effectively becoming a bring-your-own-workflow-manager for each project.

Use case

In Part 1, we demonstrated how life-science research teams can use Amazon Web Services to remove the heavy lifting of conducting genomic studies, and our design pattern was built on AWS Step Functions with AWS Batch. We mentioned that we’ve worked with life-science research teams to put failed job logs onto Amazon DynamoDB. Some teams prefer to use command-line interface tools, such as the AWS Command Line Interface; other interfaces, such as PyBDA with Apache Spark, or CWL experimental grammar in combination with the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) API, are also used when access to the AWS Management Console is prohibited. In our use case, scientists used the console to easily update table items, plus initiate retry via DynamoDB streams.

In this blog post, we extend this idea to a new frontend layer in our design pattern. This layer automates command generation and monitors the invocations of a variety of workflows—becoming a workflow manager. Life-science research teams use multiple workflows for different datasets and use cases, each with different syntax and commands. The workflow manager we create removes the administrative burden of formulating workflow-specific commands and tracking their launches.

Solution overview

We allow scientists to upload their requested workflow configuration as objects in Amazon S3. We use S3 Event Notifications on PUT requests to invoke an AWS Lambda function. The function parses the uploaded S3 object and registers the new launch request as a DynamoDB item using the PutItem operation. Each item corresponds with a distinct launch request, stored as key-value pair. Item values store the:

  • S3 data path containing genomic datasets
  • Workflow endpoint
  • Preferred compute service (optional)

Another Lambda function monitors for change data captures in the DynamoDB Stream (Figure 1). With each PutItem operation, the Lambda function prepares a workflow invocation, which includes translating the user input into the syntax and launch commands of the respective workflow.

In the case of Snakemake (discussed in Part 2), the function creates a Snakefile that declares processing steps and commands. The function spins up an AWS Fargate task that builds the computational tasks, distributes them with AWS Batch, and monitors for completion. An AWS Step Functions state machine orchestrates job processing, for example, initiated by Tibanna.

Amazon CloudWatch provides a consolidated overview of performance metrics, like time elapsed, failed jobs, and error types. We store log data, including status updates and errors, in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. A third Lambda function parses those logs and updates the status of each workflow launch request in the corresponding DynamoDB item (Figure 1).

Workflow manager for genomics workflows

Figure 1. Workflow manager for genomics workflows

Implementation considerations

In this section, we describe some of our past implementation considerations.

Register new workflow requests

DynamoDB items are key-value pairs. We use launch IDs as key, and the value includes the workflow type, compute engine, S3 data path, the S3 object path to the user-defined configuration file and workflow status. Our Lambda function parses the configuration file and generates all commands plus ancillary artifacts, such as Snakefiles.

Launch workflows

Launch requests are picked by a Lambda function from the DynamoDB stream. The function has the following required parameters:

  • Launch ID: unique identifier of each workflow launch request
  • Configuration file: the Amazon S3 path to the configuration sheet with launch details (in s3://bucket/object format)
  • Compute service (optional): our workflow manager allows to select a particular service on which to run computational tasks, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or AWS ParallelCluster with Slurm Workload Manager. The default is the pre-defined compute engine.

These points assume that the configuration sheet is already uploaded into an accessible location in an S3 bucket. This will issue a new Snakemake Fargate launch task. If either of the parameters is not provided or access fails, the workflow manager returns MissingRequiredParametersError.

Log workflow launches

Logs are written to CloudWatch Logs automatically. We write the location of the CloudWatch log group and log stream into the DynamoDB table. To send logs to Amazon CloudWatch, specify the awslogs driver in the Fargate task definition settings in your provisioning template.

Our Lambda function writes Fargate task launch logs from CloudWatch Logs to our DynamoDB table. For example, OutOfMemoryError can occur if the process utilizes more memory than the container is allocated.

AWS Batch job state logs are written to the following log group in CloudWatch Logs: /aws/batch/job. Our Lambda function writes status updates to the DynamoDB table. AWS Batch jobs may encounter errors, such as being stuck in RUNNABLE state.

Manage state transitions

We manage the status of each job in DynamoDB. Whenever a Fargate task changes state, it is picked up by a CloudWatch rule that references the Fargate compute cluster. This CloudWatch rule invokes a notifier Lambda function that updates the workflow status in DynamoDB.


In this blog post, we demonstrated how life-science research teams can simplify genomic analysis across an array of workflows. These workflows usually have their own command syntax and workflow management system, such as Snakemake. The presented workflow manager removes the administrative burden of preparing and formulating workflow launches, increasing reliability.

The pattern is broadly reusable with any scientific workflow and related high-performance computing systems. The workflow manager provides persistence to enable historical analysis and comparison, which enables us to automatically benchmark workflow launches for cost and performance.

Stay tuned for Part 4 of this series, in which we explore how to enable our workflows to process archival data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service Glacier storage classes.

Related information

Automated launch of genomics workflows

Post Syndicated from Rostislav Markov original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/automated-launch-of-genomics-workflows/

Genomics workflows are high-performance computing workloads. Traditionally, they run on-premises with a collection of scripts. Scientists run and manage these workflows manually, which slows down the product development lifecycle. Scientists spend time to administer workflows and handle errors on a day-to-day basis. They also lack sufficient compute capacity on-premises.

In this blog post, we demonstrate how life sciences companies can use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to remove the traditional heavy lifting associated with genomic studies. We use AWS Step Functions to orchestrate workflow steps, including error handling. With AWS Batch, we horizontally scale-out the analytic tasks for optimal performance. This allows genome scientists to focus on scientific discovery while AWS runs their workflows.

Use case

Workflow systems used for genomic analysis include Cromwell, Nextflow, and regenie. These high-performance computing systems share the following requirements:

  • Fast access to datasets at petabyte scale
  • Parallel task distribution, with horizontal compute scale-out
  • Data processing in batches following a specific sequence of data analysis steps, which vary by use case

We explore the use case of regenie. regenie is a common, open-source utility for whole-genome regression modelling of large genome-wide association studies (GWAS). GWAS compare DNA datasets of individuals with a specific trait or disease. The intent is to associate the identified trait/disease with DNA variants. Among other positive results, this helps identify at-risk patients, plus testing and prevention opportunities.

regenie is a C++ program that runs in two steps:

  1. The first step searches for variants associated with a specific trait in a dataset of individuals with the trait, in order to create a whole-genome regression model that captures the variance.
  2. The second step validates for association with the identified variants against a larger dataset, typically in the scale of petabytes, and launches a sequence of tasks run on data batches.

Solution overview

The entire regenie workflow and associated tasks of attaching and deleting file-share access to sample data, as well as spinning up compute instances for parallel computing, can be orchestrated with Step Functions. We use Amazon FSx for Lustre as a high-performance, transient file system providing file access to the datasets stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. AWS Batch allows us to programmatically spin up multiple Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances on which regenie can distribute parallel computing tasks. We do this with an AWS Lambda function that calculates the number of required batch jobs based on the requested size of samples per batch.

regenie is available as Docker image on GitHub. We push the image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry from which AWS Batch can pull it with the creation of new jobs at launch time. The Step Functions state machine is initiated by a Lambda function, with interactive user input. In the past, scientists have also directly interacted with the Step Functions API via the AWS Management Console or by running start-execution in the AWS Command Line Interface and passing a JSON file with the input parameters.

Amazon CloudWatch provides a consolidated overview of performance metrics, including elapsed time, failed jobs, and error types. You can keep logs of your failed jobs in Amazon CloudWatch Logs (Figure 1). You can set up filters to match specific error types, plus create subscriptions to deliver a real-time stream of your log events to Amazon Kinesis or AWS Lambda for further retry.

Solution overview for automating regenie workflows on AWS

Figure 1. Solution overview for automating regenie workflows on AWS

Alternatively, the Step Functions workflow triggers another Lambda function, which puts failed job logs to Amazon DynamoDB. In the past, we have used this to ease data access and manipulation via the AWS management console. Scientists updated table items and DynamoDB Streams initiated the retry.

Workflow automation

With each invocation, Step Functions initiates a new instance of the state machine. AWS documentation provides an overview of the API quotas. Step Functions allows the modeling of the entire workflow, including custom application error handling. Map state improves performance by parallelizing workflow branches.

The state machine initiates the build of the file system and, once it’s ready, creates a data repository association with the sample data stored on Amazon S3. It waits until the data repository association is complete and proceeds with the calculation of batch jobs, based on a user-defined number of samples to be processed per batch job (Figure 2). This is essential to determine the amount of compute instances required for data processing.

AWS Step Functions workflow for regenie: initialize file access

Figure 2. AWS Step Functions workflow for regenie: initialize file access

Next, the state machine builds the commands to launch the regenie steps, as requested by the user, and submit the jobs for AWS Batch (Figure 3). The workflow checks if a specific version of regenie was requested by the user, otherwise, it defaults to the version of regenie on the container.

Then, we build the commands to initiate the two regenie steps. Step 2 may need to run in multiple iterations on different datasets (more often than Step 1). This is also determined with user input at initiation of the workflow. With Step Functions, we create runner logic to build the set of commands dynamically. This pattern is applicable to other scientific workloads, as well.

AWS Step Functions workflow for regenie: prepare and submit jobs

Figure 3. AWS Step Functions workflow for regenie: prepare and submit jobs

Once jobs are submitted, the workflow proceeds (by default) with the initiation of Step 1 of regenie; if requested by the user, the workflow will proceed directly to step 2 (Figure 4).

Any errors during batch launch leading to the failure of a job are passed, in this case, to a Lambda function. We configure the Lambda function to write the failed job logs to Amazon DynamoDB or as S3 objects.

AWS Step Functions workflow for regenie: launch jobs

Figure 4. AWS Step Functions workflow for regenie: launch jobs

Finally, the Step Functions workflow checks for pending errors and confirms that all jobs have finished their initiation. Then, it deletes the file system and data repository association and ends the workflow instance (Figure 5).

AWS Step Functions workflow for regenie: complete error handling and delete file system

Figure 5. AWS Step Functions workflow for regenie: complete error handling and delete file system

As demonstrated, we can automate the entire process, from data access to verifying job completion and cleaning-up transient resources. This removes manual error handling and retry, plus reduces the overall cost of running regenie workflows. We also showed in Figure 3 that you can build commands dynamically for different scientific workloads.


In this blog post, we addressed a common pain point in the daily work of life sciences research teams. Traditionally, they had to run genomics workflows manually on limited compute capacity. Moving those workflows to AWS eliminates the heavy lifting of running scripts manually and expedites computational cycles. This allows research teams to stay focused on scientific discovery.

We recommend a thorough performance testing when setting up your genomics workflows. This includes determining the most suitable EC2 instance size. Some workflows, such as regenie, are single-threaded and benefit from horizontal scale-out of the number of instances but not from vertical scale-out of instance sizes.

Related information

AWS Batch for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Post Syndicated from Steve Roberts original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-batch-for-amazon-elastic-kubernetes-service/

Today I’m pleased to announce AWS Batch for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). AWS Batch for Amazon EKS is ideal for customers who no longer want to shoulder the burden of configuring, fine-tuning, and managing Kubernetes clusters and pods to use with their batch processing workflows. Furthermore, there is no charge for this service. You only pay for the resources that your batch jobs launch.

When I’ve previously considered Kubernetes, it appeared to be focused on the management and hosting of microservice workloads. I was therefore surprised to discover that Kubernetes is also used by some customers to run large-scale, compute-intensive batch workloads. The differences between batch and microservice workloads mean that using Kubernetes for batch processing can be difficult and requires you to invest significant time in custom configuration and management to fine-tune a suitable solution.

Microservice and batch workloads on Kubernetes
Before we look further at AWS Batch for Amazon EKS, let’s consider some of the important differences between batch and microservice workloads to help set some context on why running batch workloads on Kubernetes can be difficult:

  • Microservice workloads are assumed to start and not stop—we expect them to be continuously available. In contrast, batch workloads run to completion and then exit—regardless of success or failure.
  • The results from a batch workload might not be available for several minutes—and sometimes hours or even days. Microservice workloads are expected to respond to requests within milliseconds.
  • We usually deploy microservice workloads across several Availability Zones to ensure high availability. This isn’t a requirement for batch workloads. Although we might distribute a batch job to allow it to process different input data in a distributed analysis, we more typically want to prioritize fast and optimal access to resources the job needs within the Availability Zone in which it is running.
  • Microservice and batch workloads scale differently. For microservices, scaling is generally predictable and usually linear as load increases (or decreases). With batch workloads, you might first perform an initial, or infrequently repeated, proof-of-concept run to analyze performance and discover the correct tuning needed for a full production run. The difference in size between the two can be exponential. Furthermore, with batch workloads, we might scale to an extreme level for a run, then scale back to zero instances for long periods of time, sometimes months.

Although third-party frameworks can help with running batch workloads on Kubernetes, you can also roll your own. Whichever approach you take, significant gaps and challenges can remain in handling the undifferentiated heavy lifting of building, configuring, and maintaining custom batch solutions. Then you also need to consider the scheduling, placing, and scaling of batch workloads on Kubernetes in a cost-effective manner. So how does AWS Batch on Amazon EKS help?

AWS Batch for Amazon EKS
AWS Batch for Amazon EKS offers a fully managed service to run batch workloads using clusters hosted on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) with no need to install and manage complex, custom batch solutions to address the differences highlighted earlier. AWS Batch provides a scheduler that controls and runs high-volume batch jobs, together with an orchestration component that evaluates when, where, and how to place jobs submitted to a queue. There’s no need for you, as the user, to coordinate any of this work—you just submit a job request into the queue.

Job queueing, dependency tracking, retries, prioritization, compute resource provisioning for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Spot, and pod submission are all handled using a serverless queue. As a managed service, AWS Batch for Amazon EKS enables you to reduce your operational and management overhead and focus instead on your business requirements. It provides integration with other services such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Amazon EventBridge, and AWS Step Functions and allows you to take advantage of other partners and tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

When running batch jobs on Amazon EKS clusters, AWS Batch is the main entry point to submit workload requests. Based on the queued jobs, AWS Batch then launches worker nodes in your cluster to process the jobs. These nodes are kept separate in a distinct namespace from your other node groups in Amazon EKS. Similarly, nodes in other pods are isolated from those used with AWS Batch.

How it works
AWS Batch uses managed Amazon EKS clusters, which need to be registered with AWS Batch, and permissions set so that AWS Batch can launch and manage compute environments in those clusters to process jobs submitted to the queue. You can find instructions on how to launch a managed cluster that AWS Batch can use in this topic in the Amazon EKS User Guide. Instructions for configuring permissions can be found in the AWS Batch User Guide.

Once one or more clusters have been registered, and permissions set, users can submit jobs to the queue. When a job is submitted, the following actions take place to process the request:

  • On receiving a job request, the queue dispatches a request to the configured compute environment for resources. If an AWS Batch managed scaling group does not yet exist, one is created, and AWS Batch then starts launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances in the group. These new instances are added to the AWS Batch Kubernetes namespace of the cluster.
  • The Kubernetes scheduler places any configured DaemonSet on the node.
  • Once the node is ready, AWS Batch starts sending pod placement requests to your cluster, using labels and taints to make the placement choices for the pods, bypassing much of the logic of the k8s scheduler.
  • This process is repeated, scaling as needed across more EC2 instances in the scaling group until the maximum configured capacity is reached.
  • If the job queue has another compute environment defined, such as one configured to use Spot instances, it will launch additional nodes in that compute environment.
  • Once all work is complete, AWS Batch removes the nodes from the cluster, and terminates the instances.

These steps are illustrated in the animation below.

Animation showing the steps AWS Batch takes when processing a request using an Amazon EKS cluster

Start using your clusters with AWS Batch today
AWS Batch for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is available today. As I noted earlier, there is no charge for this service, and you pay only for the resources your jobs consume. To learn more, visit the Getting Started with Amazon EKS topic in the AWS Batch User Guide. There is also a self-guided workshop to help introduce you to AWS Batch on Amazon EKS.

— Steve

Deploying Local Gateway Ingress Routing on AWS Outposts

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/deploying-local-gateway-ingress-routing-on-aws-outposts/

This post is written by Leonardo Solano, Senior Hybrid Cloud Solution Architect and Chris Lunsford, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS Outposts.

AWS Outposts lets customers use the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security mechanisms, such as security groups and network access control lists, to control traffic flows for on-premises applications running on Outposts. Some customers, desiring additional security or consistency with on-premises systems, want the ability to inspect and filter incoming application traffic as it enters the Outpost. Ideally, they would like to deploy virtual appliances in front of the workloads running on Outposts.

Today, we are announcing a new feature called Outposts local lateway (LGW) ingress routing. This lets you create LGW inbound routes to redirect incoming traffic to an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Elastic Network Interface (ENI) associated with an EC2 instance running on Outposts rack. The traffic is redirected for inspection before it reaches the workloads running on Outposts rack. Moreover, it lets the EC2 virtual appliance inspect, filter, or optimize the traffic in a similar way as VPC ingress routing in the Region.

Use case

A common use case for this feature is deploying a customer-preferred third-party virtual network appliance. The appliance can inspect, modify, or monitor the incoming traffic for policy compliance and forward compliant traffic on to the workloads running on the Outpost. A typical virtual appliance could be a firewall, intrusion detection system (IDS), or intrusion prevention system (IPS). The features provided by the virtual appliances vary, and they may include deep packet inspection, traffic optimization, and flow monitoring. This new Outposts rack feature modifies the default behavior of the local gateway routing table (LGW-RTB), and it lets customers redirect traffic coming into an Outposts deployment to the virtual appliance.

 Local Gateway Ingress Routing on Outposts Architecture

The new behavior?

Now you can create static routes in the LGW-RTB that target a specific ENI on the Outpost as the next hop. These static routes are propagated toward the customer network through the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peering sessions with the Customer Networking Devices. The on-premises network will route traffic to the specified Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) prefixes, as defined in the static routes, toward the Outposts Network Devices.

 Local Gateway Routing Table

In the preceeding diagram, the static route has a longer prefix length than, and both routes will be propagated toward the customer network via BGP. The incoming traffic for the prefix will be directed toward the ENI eni-1234example0. The architecture looks like the following diagram, where the security virtual appliance is seated between the LGW and a set of EC2 instances in Outposts.

Local Gateway Advertised routes

As ingress traffic is routed through the virtual appliance for inspection and filtering, the destination addresses of packets arriving at the ENI of the virtual appliance won’t match its ENI’s private IP address (the packets are transiting the instance). By default, the ENI will drop the inbound traffic unless you disable source/destination checking on the virtual appliance instance ENI settings. The following screenshot shows how you can disable the EC2 instance source/destination checking in the AWS console.

(aka, source-destination-check.png) . EC2 source/destination Check

Considerations for LGW ingress routing

Consider the following requirements when preparing to deploy LGW ingress routing:

  • The ENIs used as the next-hop target must be deployed in an Outposts Subnet.
  • The subnets must belong to a VPC associated with the LGW-RTB.
  • Routes with the longest matches are prioritized. If there are two with the same destination CIDR, then static routes are preferred over propagated ones.

Working with Outposts LGW ingress routing

The following output shows what the LGW route table looks like before applying the ingress routing feature:

    "Routes": [
            "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
            "LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId": "lgw-vif-grp-XXX",
            "Type": "static",
            "State": "active",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": "lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:>AWS-REGION>:<account-id>:local-gateway-route-table/lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "OwnerId": "<account-id>"
            "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
            "CoipPoolId": "coip-pool-0000aaaabbbbcccc1111",
            "Type": "propagated",
            "State": "active",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": "lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:<AWS-REGION>:<account-id>:local-gateway-route-table/lgw-XXX",
            "OwnerId": "<account-id>"
            "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
            "CoipPoolId": "coip-pool-0000aaaabbbbcccc2222",
            "Type": "propagated",
            "State": "active",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": "lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:<AWS-REGION>:<account-id>:local-gateway-route-table/lgw-XXX",
            "OwnerId": "<account-id>"

The relevant change under an LGW-RTB before to add a local-gateway-route is the presence of the “propagated routes”. This represents the Outposts Subnets that can’t be deleted or modified with Next-Hop as specific ENIs present in Outposts. In the following section, we will cover how it will look after the creation of a local-gateway-route.

Configuring LGW ingress routing

To configure LGW ingress routing, you must provide the LGW route table ID, the ENI ID that will be utilized as a next-hop, and the destination CIDR block. Once you have identified those three parameters, you can configure LGW ingress routing via the This is shown in the following example, where the prefix is routed to an Outpost. If the route points to an ENI attached to an instance, then the route will show as active. If the route points to an ENI that isn’t attached to an EC2 instance, then the route will show a blackhole state.

$ aws ec2 create-local-gateway-route \
  --local-gateway-route-table-id <lgw-rtb-id> \
  --network-interface-id <eni-id> \
    "Route": {
        "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
        "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-id",
        "Type": "static",
        "State": "active",
        "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": "lgw-rtb-id",
        "LocalGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:<AWS-REGION>:<account-id>:local-gateway-route-table/<lgw-rtb-id>",
        "OwnerId": "<account-id>"

Once LGW ingress routing has been configured, the LGW will route traffic destined to the prefix to the target ENI. This must be present as part of the Outposts subnets. Note that the segment is part of the Outposts CIDR range of This belongs, in this case, to the Outposts customer-owned IP address (CoIP) CIDRs. When traffic follows a static route to an ENI, the packet destination address is preserved and isn’t translated to the private address of the ENI.

In this case, the new LGW-RTB will look like the following:

    "Routes": [
            "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
            "LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId": "lgw-vif-grp-XXX",
            "Type": "static",
            "State": "active",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": "lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:<AWS-REGION>:<account-id>:local-gateway-route-table/lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "OwnerId": "<account-id>"
            "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
            "CoipPoolId": "coip-pool-0000aaaabbbbcccc1111",
            "Type": "propagated",
            "State": "active",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": "lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:<AWS-REGION>:<account-id>:local-gateway-route-table/lgw-XXX",
            "OwnerId": "<account-id>"
            "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
            "CoipPoolId": "coip-pool-0000aaaabbbbcccc1111",
            "Type": "propagated",
            "State": "active",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": "lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:<AWS-REGION>:<account-id>:local-gateway-route-table/lgw-XXX",
            "OwnerId": "<account-id>"
            "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-XXX",
            "Type": "static",
            "State": "active",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": "lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "LocalGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:<AWS-REGION>:<account-id>:local-gateway-route-table/lgw-rtb-XXX",
            "OwnerId": "<account-id>"

In the AWS console, the LGW-RTB will show the new ingress routing route:

 (aka, LWG-RTB) Console Local Gateway Routing Table

Modifying LGW ingress routing

Utilize a similar AWS CLI command to the one that we used previously to create the LGW ingress routing route to modify existing routes. In this case, the command will be aws ec2 modify-local-gateway-route, and the arguments are the same as with the create command. Use this command when you want to shift inbound traffic from one EC2 instance to another – perhaps from an active to a standby network appliance while you perform required maintenance on the primary instance.

$ aws ec2 modify-local-gateway-route \
  --local-gateway-route-table-id <lgw-rtb-id> \
  --network-interface-id <new-eni-id> \
    "Route": {
        "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
        "NetworkInterfaceId": "new-eni-id",
        "Type": "static",
        "State": "active",
        "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": "lgw-rtb-id",
        "LocalGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:<AWS-REGION>:<account-id>:local-gateway-route-table/<lgw-rtb-id>",
        "OwnerId": "<account-id>"


AWS Outposts LGW ingress routing allows AWS customers and partners to deploy virtual appliances on Outposts rack and direct inbound traffic through those appliances. The virtual appliance can inspect, filter, and optimize the ingress traffic before forwarding it on to the workloads running on Outposts rack, creating fine-grained network and security policies for your workloads. To learn more about AWS Outposts rack, visit the product overview page.

Develop an Amazon Redshift ETL serverless framework using RSQL, AWS Batch, and AWS Step Functions

Post Syndicated from Lukasz Budnik original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/develop-an-amazon-redshift-etl-serverless-framework-using-rsql-aws-batch-and-aws-step-functions/

Amazon Redshift RSQL is a command-line client for interacting with Amazon Redshift clusters and databases. You can connect to an Amazon Redshift cluster, describe database objects, query data, and view query results in various output formats. You can use enhanced control flow commands to replace existing extract, transform, load (ETL) and automation scripts.

This post explains how you can create a fully serverless and cost-effective Amazon Redshift ETL orchestration framework. To achieve this, you can use Amazon Redshift RSQL and AWS services such as AWS Batch and AWS Step Functions.

Overview of solution

When you’re migrating from existing data warehouses to Amazon Redshift, your existing ETL processes are implemented as proprietary scripts. These scripts contain SQL statements and complex business logic such as if-then-else control flow logic, error reporting, and error handling. You can convert all these features to Amazon Redshift RSQL, which you can use to replace existing ETL and other automation scripts. To learn more about Amazon Redshift RSQL features, examples, and use cases, see Accelerate your data warehouse migration to Amazon Redshift – Part 4.

AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) can convert proprietary scripts to Amazon Redshift RSQL. AWS SCT can automatically convert Teradata BTEQ scripts to Amazon Redshift RSQL. To learn more how to use AWS SCT, see Converting Teradata BTEQ scripts to Amazon Redshift RSQL with AWS SCT.

The goal of the solution presented in this post is to run complex ETL jobs implemented in Amazon Redshift RSQL scripts in the AWS Cloud without having to manage any infrastructure. In addition to meeting functional requirements, this solution also provides full auditing and traceability of all ETL processes that you run.

The following diagram shows the final architecture.

The deployment is fully automated using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and comprises of the following stacks:

  • EcrRepositoryStack – Creates a private Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository that hosts our Docker image with Amazon Redshift RSQL
  • RsqlDockerImageStack – Builds our Docker image asset and uploads it to the ECR repository
  • VpcStack – Creates a VPC with isolated subnets, creates an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) VPC endpoint gateway, as well as Amazon ECR, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon CloudWatch VPC endpoint interfaces
  • RedshiftStack – Creates an Amazon Redshift cluster, enables encryption, enforces encryption in-transit, enables auditing, and deploys the Amazon Redshift cluster in isolated subnets
  • BatchStack – Creates a compute environment (using AWS Fargate), job queue, and job definition (using our Docker image with RSQL)
  • S3Stack – Creates data, scripts, and logging buckets; enables encryption at-rest; enforces secure transfer; enables object versioning; and disables public access
  • SnsStack – Creates an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic and email subscription (email is passed as a parameter)
  • StepFunctionsStack – Creates a state machine to orchestrate serverless RSQL ETL jobs
  • SampleDataDeploymentStack – Deploys sample RSQL ETL scripts and sample TPC benchmark datasets


You should have the following prerequisites:

Deploy AWS CDK stacks

To deploy the serverless RSQL ETL framework solution, use the following code. Replace 123456789012 with your AWS account number, eu-west-1 with the AWS Region to which you want deploy the solution, and [email protected] with your email address to which ETL success and failure notifications are sent.

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-redshift-serverless-rsql-etl-framework
cd amazon-redshift-serverless-rsql-etl-framework
npm install
./cdk.sh 123456789012 eu-west-1 bootstrap
./cdk.sh 123456789012 eu-west-1 deploy --all --parameters SnsStack:EmailAddressSubscription=[email protected]

The whole process takes a few minutes. While AWS CDK creates all the stacks, you can continue reading this post.

Create the RSQL container image

AWS CDK creates an RSQL Docker image. This Docker image is the basic building block of our solution. All ETL processes run inside it. AWS CDK creates the Docker image locally using Docker Engine and then uploads it to the Amazon ECR repository.

The Docker image is based on an Amazon Linux 2 Docker image. It has the following tools installed: the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), unixODBC, Amazon Redshift ODBC driver, and Amazon Redshift RSQL. It also contains .odbc.ini file, which defines the etl profile, which is used to connect to the Amazon Redshift cluster. See the following code:

FROM amazonlinux:2


RUN yum install -y openssl gettext unixODBC awscli && \
yum clean all

RUN rpm -i \
https://s3.amazonaws.com/redshift-downloads/drivers/odbc/${AMAZON_REDSHIFT_ODBC_VERSION}/AmazonRedshiftODBC-64-bit-${AMAZON_REDSHIFT_ODBC_VERSION}-1.x86_64.rpm \

COPY .odbc.ini .odbc.ini
COPY fetch_and_run.sh /usr/local/bin/fetch_and_run.sh

ENV ODBCINI=.odbc.ini
ENV ODBCSYSINI=/opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/Setup
ENV AMAZONREDSHIFTODBCINI=/opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/lib/64/amazon.redshiftodbc.ini

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/fetch_and_run.sh"]

The following code example shows the .odbc.ini file. It defines an etl profile, which uses an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to get temporary cluster credentials to connect to Amazon Redshift. AWS CDK creates this role for us. Because of this, we don’t need to hard-code credentials in a Docker image. The Database, DbUser, and ClusterID parameters are set in AWS CDK. Also, AWS CDK replaces the Region parameter at runtime with the Region to which you deploy the stacks.



For more information about connecting to Amazon Redshift clusters with RSQL, see Connect to a cluster with Amazon Redshift RSQL.

Our Docker image implements a well-known fetch and run integration pattern. To learn more about this pattern, see Creating a Simple “Fetch & Run” AWS Batch Job. The Docker image fetches the ETL script from an external repository, and then runs it. AWS CDK passes the information about the ETL script to run to the Docker container at runtime as an AWS Batch job parameter. The job parameter is exposed to the container as an environment variable called BATCH_SCRIPT_LOCATION. Our job also expects two other environment variables: DATA_BUCKET_NAME, which is the name of the S3 data bucket, and COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN, which is the Amazon Redshift IAM role used for the COPY command to load the data into Amazon Redshift. All environment variables are set automatically by AWS CDK. The fetch_and_run.sh script is the entry point of the Docker container. See the following code:


# This script expects the following env variables to be set:
# BATCH_SCRIPT_LOCATION - full S3 path to RSQL script to run
# DATA_BUCKET_NAME - S3 bucket name with the data
# COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN - IAM role ARN that will be used to copy the data from S3 to Redshift


if [ -z "${BATCH_SCRIPT_LOCATION}" ] || [ -z "${DATA_BUCKET_NAME}" ] || [ -z "${COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN}" ]; then
    exit 1

# download script to a temp file

# execute script
# envsubst will replace ${COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN} and ${COPY_IAM_ROLE_ARN} placeholders with actual values
envsubst < ${TEMP_SCRIPT_FILE} | rsql -D etl

exit $?

Create AWS Batch resources

Next, AWS CDK creates the AWS Batch compute environment, job queue, and job definition. As a fully managed service, AWS Batch helps you run batch computing workloads of any scale. AWS CDK creates a Fargate serverless compute environment for us. The compute environment deploys inside the same VPC as the Amazon Redshift cluster, inside the isolated subnets. The job definition uses our Docker image with Amazon Redshift RSQL.

This step turns Amazon Redshift RSQL into a serverless service. You can build complex ETL workflows based on this generic job.

Create a Step Functions state machine

AWS CDK then moves to the deployment of the Step Functions state machine. Step Functions enables you to build complex workflows in a visual way directly in your browser. This service supports over 9,000 API actions from over 200 AWS services.

You can use Amazon States Language to create a state machine on the Step Functions console. The Amazon States Language is a JSON-based, structured language used to define your state machine. You can also build them programmatically using AWS CDK, as I have done for this post.

After AWS CDK finishes, a new state machine is created in your account called ServerlessRSQLETLFramework. To run it, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Step Functions console.
  2. Choose the function to open the details page.
  3. Choose Edit, and then choose Workflow Studio New.
    The following screenshot shows our state machine.
  4. Choose Cancel to leave Workflow Studio, then choose Cancel again to leave the edit mode.
    You will be brought back to the details page.
  5. Choose Start execution.
    A dialog box appears. By default, the Name parameter is set to a random identifier, and the Input parameter is set to a sample JSON document.
  6. Delete the Input parameter and choose Start execution to start the state machine.

The Graph view on the details page updates in real time. The state machine starts with a parallel state with two branches. In the left branch, the first job loads customer data into staging table, then the second job merges new and existing customer records. In the right branch, two smaller tables for regions and nations are loaded and then merged one after another. The parallel state waits until all branches are complete before moving to the vacuum-analyze state, which runs VACUUM and ANALYZE commands on Amazon Redshift. The sample state machine also implements the Amazon SNS Publish API actions to send notifications about success or failure.

From the Graph view, you can check the status of each state by choosing it. Every state that uses an external resource has a link to it on the Details tab. In our example, next to every AWS Batch Job state, you can see a link to the AWS Batch Job details page. Here, you can view the status, runtime, parameters, IAM roles, link to Amazon CloudWatch Logs with the logs produced by ETL scripts, and more.

Clean up

To avoid ongoing charges for the resources that you created, delete them. AWS CDK deletes all resources except data resources such as S3 buckets and Amazon ECR repositories.

  1. First, delete all AWS CDK stacks. In the following code, provide your own AWS account and AWS Region:
    ./cdk.sh 123456789012 eu-west-1 destroy --all

  2. On the Amazon S3 console, empty and delete buckets with names starting with:
    1. s3stack-rsqletldemodata
    2. s3stack-rsqletldemoscripts
    3. s3stack-rsqletldemologging
  3. Finally, on the Amazon ECR console, delete repositories with names starting with:
    1. ecrrepositorystack-amazonlinuxrsql
    2. cdk-container-assets

Next steps

Here are some ideas of additional enhancements that you can add to the described solution.

You can break large complex state machines into smaller building blocks by creating self-contained state machines. In our example, you could create state machines for every pair of copy and merge jobs. You could create three such state machines: Copy and Merge Customer, Copy and Merge Region, and Copy and Merge Nation, and then call them from the main state machine. For complex workflows, a different team can work on each sub-state machine in parallel. Also, this pattern promotes reuse of existing components, best practices, and security mechanisms.

You can use Amazon S3 Object Functions or Amazon S3 EventBridge notifications to start a state machine automatically after you upload a file to an S3 bucket. To learn more about Amazon S3 integration with Amazon EventBridge, see Use Amazon S3 Event Notifications with Amazon EventBridge. This way you can achieve a fully event-driven serverless ETL orchestration framework.


You can use Amazon Redshift RSQL, AWS Batch, and Step Functions to create modern, serverless, and cost-effective ETL workflows. There is no infrastructure to manage, and Amazon Redshift RSQL works as a serverless RSQL service. In this post, we demonstrated how to use this serverless RSQL service to build more complex ETL workflows with Step Functions.

Step Functions integrates natively with over 200 AWS services. This opens a new world of possibilities to AWS customers and partners, who can integrate their processes with other data, analytics, machine learning, and compute services such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Glue, Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service), Amazon SageMaker, AWS Lambda, and more. The additional advantage of Step Functions and AWS Batch is that you have full traceability and auditing out of the box. Step Functions shows Graph or Event views together with a complete history for all state machine runs.

In this post, I used RSQL automation scripts as the building blocks of ETL workflows. Using RSQL is a common integration pattern that we see for customers migrating from Teradata BTEQ scripts. However, if you have simple ETL or ELT processes that can be written as plain SQL, you can invoke the Amazon Redshift Data API directly from Step Functions. To learn more about this integration pattern, see ETL orchestration using the Amazon Redshift Data API and AWS Step Functions with AWS SDK integration.

About the author

Lukasz is a Principal Software Dev Engineer working in the AWS DMA team. Lukasz helps customers move their workloads to AWS and specializes in migrating data warehouses and data lakes to AWS. In his free time, Lukasz enjoys learning new human languages.

Orchestrating high performance computing with AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/orchestrating-high-performance-computing-with-aws-step-functions-and-aws-batch/

This post is written by Dan Fox, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect; Sabha Parameswaran, Senior Solutions Architect.

High performance computing (HPC) workloads address challenges in a wide variety of industries, including genomics, financial services, oil and gas, weather modeling, and semiconductor design. These workloads frequently have complex orchestration requirements that may include large datasets and hundreds or thousands of compute tasks.

AWS Step Functions is a workflow automation service that can simplify orchestrating other AWS services. AWS Batch is a fully managed batch processing service that can dynamically scale to address computationally intensive workloads. Together, these services can orchestrate and run demanding HPC workloads.

This blog post identifies three common challenges when creating HPC workloads. It describes some features with Step Functions and AWS Batch that can help to solve these challenges. It then shows a sample project that performs complex task orchestration using Step Functions and AWS Batch.

Reaching service quotas with polling iterations

It’s common for HPC workflows to require that a step comprising multiple jobs completes before advancing to the next step. In these cases, it’s typical for developers to implement iterative polling patterns to track job completions.

To handle task orchestration for a workload like this, you may choose to use Step Functions. Step Functions has a hard limit of 25,000 history events. A single state transition may contain multiple history events. For example, an entry to the state and an exit from the state count as two steps. A workflow that iteratively polls many long-running processes may run into limits with this service quota.

Step Functions addresses this by providing synchronization capabilities with several integrated services, including AWS Batch. For integrated services, Step Functions can wait for a task to complete before progressing to the next state. This feature, called “Run a Job (.sync)” in the documentation, returns a Success or Failure message only when the compute service task is complete, reducing the number of entries in the event history log. View the Step Functions documentation for a complete list of supported service integrations.

“Run a Job (.sync)” task pattern

Supporting parallel and dynamic tasks

HPC workloads may require a changing number of compute tasks from execution to execution. For example, the number of compute tasks required in a workflow may depend on the complexity or length of an input dataset. For performance reasons, you may desire for these tasks to run in parallel.

Step Functions supports faster data processing with a fixed number of parallel executions through the parallel state type. If a workload has an unknown number of branches, the map state type can run a set of parallel steps for each element of an input array. We refer to this pattern as dynamic parallelism.

Dynamic parallelism using the map state

Limits and flow control with dynamic tasks

The map state may limit concurrent iterations. When this occurs, some iterations do not begin until previous iterations have completed. The likelihood of this occurring increases when an input array has over 40 items. If your HPC workload benefits from increased concurrency, you may use nested workflows. Step Functions allows you to orchestrate more complex processes by composing modular, reusable workflows.

For example, a map state may invoke secondary, nested workflows, which also contain map states. By nesting Step Functions workflows, you can build larger, more complex workflows out of smaller, simpler workflows.

As your workflow grows in complexity, you may use the callback task, which is an additional flow control feature. Callback tasks provide a way to pause a workflow pending the return of a unique task token. A callback task passes this token to an integrated service and then stops. Once the integrated service has completed, it may return the task token to the Step Functions workflow with a SendTaskSuccess or SendTaskFailure call. Once the callback task receives the task token, the workflow proceeds to the next state.

View the documentation for a list of integrated services that support this pattern.

Nested workflows using callback with task token

A sample project with several orchestration patterns

This sample project demonstrates orchestration of HPC workloads using Step Functions, AWS Batch, and Lambda. The nesting in this project is three layers deep. The primary state machine runs the second layer nested state machines, which in turn run the third layer nested state machines.

The primary state machine demonstrates dynamic parallelism. It receives an input payload that contains an array of items used as input for its map step. Each dynamic map branch runs a nested secondary state machine.

The secondary state machine demonstrates several workflow patterns including a Lambda function with callback, a third layer nested state machine in sync mode, an AWS Batch job in sync mode, and a Lambda function calling AWS Batch with a callback. The tertiary state machine only notifies its parent with Success when called in sync mode.

Explore the ASL in this project to review the code for these patterns.

Sample project architecture

Deploy the sample application

The README of the Github project contains more detailed instructions, but you may also follow these steps.


  1. AWS Account: If you don’t have an AWS account, navigate to https://aws.amazon.com/ and choose Create an AWS Account.
  2. VPC: A valid existing VPC with subnets (for execution of AWS Batch jobs). Refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-getting-started.html for creating a VPC.
  3. AWS CLI: This project requires a local install of AWS CLI. Refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html for installing AWS CLI.
  4. Git CLI: This project requires a local install of Git CLI. Refer to https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
  5. AWS SAM CLI: This project requires a local install of AWS SAM CLI to build and deploy the sample application. Refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/latest/developerguide/serverless-sam-cli-install.html for instructions to install and use AWS SAM CLI.
  6. Python 3.8 and Docker: Required only if you plan for local development and testing with AWS SAM CLI.

Build and deploy in your account

Follow these steps to build this application locally and deploy it in your AWS account:

  1. Git clone the repository into a local folder.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-stepfunction-complex-orchestrator-app
    cd aws-stepfunction-complex-orchestrator-app
  2. Build the application using AWS SAM CLI.
    sam build
  3. Use AWS SAM deploy with the --guided flag.
    sam deploy --guided
    1. Parameter BatchScriptName (accept default: batch-notify-step-function.sh)
    2. Parameter VPCID (enter the id of your VPC)
    3. Parameter FargateSubnetAccessibility (choose Private or Public depending on subnet configuration)
    4. Parameter Subnets (enter ID for a single subnet)
    5. Parameter batchSleepDuration (accept default: 15)
    6. Accept all other defaults
  4. Note the name of the BucketName parameter in the Outputs of the deploy process. Save this S3 bucket name for the next step.
  5. Copy the batch script into the S3 bucket created in the prior step.
    aws s3 cp ./batch-script/batch-notify-step-function.sh s3://<S3-bucket-name>

Testing the sample application

Once the SAM CLI deploy is complete, navigate to Step Functions in the AWS Console.

  1. Note the three new state machines deployed to your account. Each state machine has a random suffix generated as part of the AWS SAM deploy process:
    1. ComplexOrchestratorStateMachine1-…
    2. SyncNestedStateMachine2-…
    3. CallbackNotifyStateMachine3-…
  2. Follow the link for the primary state machine: ComplexOrchestratorStateMachine1-…
  3. Choose Start execution.
  4. The sample payload for this state machine is located here: orchestrator-step-function-payload.json. This JSON document has 2 input elements within the entries array. Select and copy this JSON and paste it into the Input field in the console, overwriting the default value. This causes the map state to create and execute two nested state machines in parallel. You may modify this JSON to contain more elements to increase the number of parallel executions.
  5. View the “Execution event history” in the console for this execution. Under the Resource column, locate the links to the nested state machines. Select these links to follow their individual executions. You may also explore the links to Lambda, CloudWatch, and AWS Batch job.
  6. Navigate to AWS Batch in the console. Step Functions workflows are available to AWS Batch users within the AWS Batch console. Find the integration from the AWS Batch side navigation under “Related AWS services”. You can also read this blog post to learn more.
  7. Common troubleshooting. If the batch job fails or if the Step Functions workflow times out, make sure that you have correctly copied over the batch script into the S3 bucket as described in step 5 of the Build and Deploy in your account section of this post. Also make sure that the FargateSubnetAccessibility Parameter matches the configuration of your subnet (Public or Private).
  8. The state machine may take several minutes to complete. When successful, the Graph Inspector displays:Graph Inspector with Successful completion

Cleaning up

To clean up the deployment, run the following commands to delete the stack associated with the AWS SAM deployment:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <stack-name>


This blog post describes several challenges common to orchestrating HPC workloads. I describe how Step Functions with AWS Batch can solve many of these challenges. I provide a project that contains several sample patterns and show how to deploy and test this in your account.

For more information on serverless patterns, visit Serverless Land.

Managing and Securing AWS Outposts Instances using AWS Systems Manager, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon GuardDuty

Post Syndicated from sbbusser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/managing-and-securing-aws-outposts-instances-using-aws-systems-manager-amazon-inspector-and-amazon-guardduty/

This post is written by Sumeeth Siriyur, Specialist Solutions Architect.

AWS Outposts is a family of fully managed solutions that deliver AWS infrastructure and services to virtually any on-premises or edge location for a truly consistent hybrid experience. Outposts is ideal for workloads that need low latency access to on-premises applications or systems, local data processing, and secure storage of sensitive customer data that must remain anywhere without an AWS region, including inside company-controlled environments or a specific country.

A key feature of Outposts is that it offers the same AWS hardware infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to build and run your applications on-premises and “in AWS Regions”. Outposts is part of the cloud for a truly consistent hybrid experience. AWS compute, storage, database, and other services run locally on Outposts, and you can access the full range of AWS services available in the Region to build, manage, and scale your on-premises applications using familiar AWS services and tools.

Outposts comes in a variety of form factors, from 1U and 2U servers to 42U Outposts rack. This post focuses on the 42U form factor of Outposts.

This post demonstrates how to use some of the existing AWS services in the Region, such as AWS System Manager (SSM), Amazon Inspector, and Amazon GuardDuty to manage and secure your workload environment on Outposts rack. This is no different from how you use these services for workloads in the AWS Regions.

Solution overview

In this scenario, Outposts rack is locally installed in a customer premises. The service link connectivity to the AWS Region can be either via an AWS Direct Connect private virtual interface, a public virtual interface, or the public internet.

The local gateway (LGW) provides connectivity between the Outposts instances and the local on-premises network.

A virtual private cloud (VPC) spans all Availability Zones in its AWS Region. You can extend the VPC in the Region to the Outpost by adding an Outpost subnet. To add an Outpost subnet to a VPC, specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) – arn:aws:outposts:region:account-id – of the Outpost when you create the subnet. Outposts rack support multiple subnets. In this scenario, we have extended the VPC from the Region (us-west-2) to the Outpost.

To improve the security posture of the Outposts instance, you can configure AWS SSM to use an interface VPC endpoint in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). An interface VPC endpoint lets you connect to services powered by AWS PrivateLink, a technology that lets you privately access AWS SSM APIs by using private IP addresses. See the details in the following AWS SSM section for the VPC endpoints.

Most importantly, to leverage any of the AWS services in the Region, Outposts rack relies on connectivity to the parent AWS Region. Outposts rack is not designed for disconnected operations or environments with limited to no connectivity. We recommend that you have highly-available networking connections back to your AWS Region. For an optimal experience and resiliency, AWS recommends that you use redundant connectivity of at least 500 Mbps (1 Gbps or higher) for the service link connection to the AWS Region.

An overview of the AWS Outposts setup and connectivity back to the region.

Outposts offers a consistent experience with the same hardware infrastructure, services, APIs, management, and operations on-premises as in the AWS Regions. Unlike other hybrid solutions that require different APIs, manual software updates, and purchase of third-party hardware and support, Outposts enables developers and IT operations teams to achieve the same pace of innovation across different environments.

In the first section, let’s see how we can use AWS SSM services for managing and operating Outposts instances.

Managing Outposts instances using AWS SSM

The Amazon Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) is installed and running on the Outposts instances.

SSM Agent is installed by default on Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2, Ubuntu Server16.04 and Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS based Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) AMIs. If SSM Agent isn’t preinstalled, then you must manually install the agent. Agent communication with SSM is via TCP port 443.

Linux: Manually install SSM Agent on EC2 instances for Linux

Windows: Manually install SSM Agent on EC2 instances for Windows Server

  1. Create an IAM instance profile for SSM

By default, SSM doesn’t have permission to perform actions on your instances. Grant access by using an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) instance profile. An instance profile is a container that passes IAM role information to an Amazon EC2 instance at launch. You can create an instance profile for SSM by attaching one or more IAM policies that define the necessary permissions to a new role or to a role that you already created. Make sure that you follow AWS best practices by having a least-privileges policy created.

  1. Create VPC endpoints for SSM.

a. amazonaws.us-west-2.ssm: The endpoint for the Systems Manager service.

b. amazonaws.us-west-2.ec2messages: Systems Manager uses this endpoint to make calls from the SSM Agent to the Systems Manager service.

c. amazonaws.us-west-2.ec2: If you’re using Systems Manager to create VSS-enabled snapshots, then you must make sure that you have an endpoint to the EC2 service. Without the EC2 endpoint defined, a call to enumerate attached Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) volumes fails, which causes the Systems Manager command to fail.

d. amazonaws.us-west-2.ssmmessages: This endpoint is for connecting to your instances with a secure data channel using Session Manager.

e. amazonaws.us-west-2.s3: Systems Manager uses this endpoint to update SSM agent, perform patch operation, and for uploading logs into Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets.

  1. Once the SSM agent has been installed and the necessary permission has been provided for the Systems Manager, log in to Systems Manager Console and navigate to Fleet Manager to discover the Outposts instances as shown in the following image.

Fleet Manager to discover the Outposts instances.

4. You can use compliance to scan the Outposts instances for patch compliance and configuration inconsistencies.

Compliance to scan the Outposts instances for patch compliance and configuration inconsistencies.

5. AWS Systems Manager Inventory provides visibility into your Outposts computing environment. You can use this inventory to collect metadata about the instances.

AWS SSM inventory to collect metadata about the instances.

6. With Session Manager, you can log into your Outposts instances. You can use either an interactive one-click browser-based shell, or the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) for Linux based EC2 instances. For Windows instances, you can connect using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). For better SEO, suggest replacing this with “Check out”, attach the link to “how to connect to Windows instances from the Fleet Manager console”, and delete can be found here. here.

Note that accessing the Outposts EC2 instances through SSH or RDP via the Region based Session Manager will have more latency via service link than accessing via the LGW.

Session Manager to connect to Outposts EC2 instances.

7. Patch Manager automated the process of patching the Outposts instances with both security-related and other types of updates. In the following you can see that one of the Outposts instances is scanned and updated with an operational update.

AWS SSM Patch Manager to patch the Outposts Instances.

Security at AWS is the highest priority. Security is a shared responsibility between AWS and customers. We offer the security tools and procedures to secure the Outposts instances as in the AWS region. By using AWS services, you can enhance your security posture on Outposts rack in these areas.

In the second section, let’s see how we can use Amazon Inspector running in the AWS Region to scan for vulnerabilities within the Outposts environment. Amazon Inspector uses the widely deployed SSM Agent to automatically scan for vulnerabilities on Outposts instances.

Scan Outposts instances for vulnerabilities using Amazon Inspector

Amazon Inspector is an automated vulnerability management service that continually scans AWS workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. Amazon Inspector automatically discovers all of the Outposts EC2 instances (installed with SSM Agent) and container images residing in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) that are identified for scanning. Then, it immediately starts scanning them for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure.

All workloads are continually rescanned when a new Common Vulnerabilities And Exposures (CVE) is published, or when there are changes in the workloads, such as installation of new software in an Outposts EC2 instance.

Amazon Inspector uses the widely deployed SSM Agent (deployed in the previous scenario) to collect the software inventory and configurations from your Outposts EC2 instances. Use the VPC interface endpoint – com.amazonaws.us-west-2.inspector2 – to privately access Amazon Inspector. The collected application inventory and configurations are used to assess workloads for vulnerabilities.

  1. The following Summary Dashboard provides information on how many Outposts EC2 instances and the container repositories are scanned and discovered.

Amazon Inspector Summary Console.

2. The findings by Vulnerability tab help to identify the most vulnerable Outposts EC2 instances in your environment. In the following, you can see Outposts instances with the following vulnerability highlighted.

a. Port range 0 to 65535 is reachable from an Internet Gateway

b. Port 22 is reachable from an Internet Gateway

Amazon Inspector Vulnerability console.

3. The findings by instance tab shows you all of the active findings for a Single Outposts instance in your environment. In the following, you can see that for this instance there are a total of 12 high and 19 medium findings based on the rules in the Common Vulnerabilities And Exposures (CVE) package.

Amazon Inspector Instances Console.

In the last section, let’s see how we can use GuardDuty to detect any threats within the Outposts environment.

Threat Detection service for your AWS accounts and Outposts workloads using Amazon GuardDuty

GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS accounts and workloads for malicious activities and delivers detailed security findings for visibility and remediation.

GuardDuty continuously monitors and analyses the Outposts instances and reports suspicious activities using the GuardDuty console. It gets this information from CloudTrail Management Events, VPC Flow Logs, and DNS logs.

In this scenario, GuardDuty has detected an SSH brute force attack against an Outposts instance.

Amazon GuardDuty threat detection console.

Costs associated with the scenario

  • Systems Manager: With AWS Systems Manager, you pay only for what you use on the priced feature. In this scenario, we have used the following features.
    1. Inventory – No additional charges
    2. Session Manager – No additional charges
    3. Patch Manager – No additional charges

*Note that there will be charges for the VPC endpoint created.

  • Amazon Inspector: Costs for Amazon Inspector are based on container images scanned to ECR and the EC2 instances being scanned.
    1. The average number of EC2 instances scanned per month in US-WEST-2 region is $1.258 per instance. In the above scenario, there are three instances within the Outposts at $1.258 = $3.774
  • Amazon GuardDuty: VPC Flow logs and CloudWatch logs are used for GuardDuty analysis. In this scenario, Only VPC Flow logs are considered.
    1. VPC Flow log is charged per GB/month. In US-WEST-2 region – the First 500 GB/month is $1 per GB. In the above scenario, there are three instances within the Outposts that would generate approximately 80 MB of data, which is still within the 500 GB limit.
  • Understand more about AWS Outposts rack pricing on our website.

Cleaning up

Please delete example resources if they are no longer needed to avoid incurring future costs.

  • Amazon Inspector: Disable Amazon Inspector from the Amazon Inspector Console.
  • Amazon GuardDuty: You can use the GuardDuty console to suspend or disable GuardDuty. You are not charged for using GuardDuty when the service is suspended.
  • Delete unused IAM policies


On-premises data centers traditionally use a variety of infrastructure, tools, and APIs. This disparate assortment of hardware and software solutions results in complexity. In turn, this leads to greater management costs, inability of staff to translate skills from one setting to another, and limits in innovation and knowledge-sharing between environments.

Using a common set of tools, services in the AWS Regions and on Outposts on premises allows you to have a consistent operation environment, thereby delivering a true hybrid cloud experience. Equally, by using the same tools to deploy and manage workloads in both environments, you can reduce operational overhead.

To get started with Outposts, see AWS Outposts Family. For more information about Outposts availability, see the Outposts rack FAQ.

How to Run Massively Scalable ADAS Simulation Workloads on CAEdge

Post Syndicated from Hendrik Schoeneberg original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/how-to-run-massively-scalable-adas-simulation-workloads-on-caedge/

This post was co-written by Hendrik Schoeneberg, Sr. Global Big Data Architect, The An Binh Nguyen, Product Owner for Cloud Simulation at Continental, Autonomous Mobility – Engineering Platform, Rumeshkrishnan Mohan, Global Big Data Architect, and Junjie Tang, Principal Consultant at AWS Professional Services.

AV/ADAS simulations processing large-scale field sensor data such as radar, lidar, and high-resolution video come with many challenges. Typically, the simulation workloads are spiky with occasional, but high compute demands, so the platform must scale up or down elastically to match the compute requirements. The platform must be flexible enough to integrate specialized ADAS simulation software, use distributed computing or HPC frameworks, and leverage GPU accelerated compute resources where needed.

Continental created the Continental Automotive Edge (CAEdge) Framework to address these challenges. It is a modular multi-tenant hardware and software framework that connects the vehicle to the cloud. You can learn more about this in Developing a Platform for Software-defined Vehicles with Continental Automotive Edge (CAEdge) and Developing a platform for software-defined vehicles (re:Invent session-AUT304).

In this blog post, we’ll illustrate how the CAEdge Framework orchestrates ADAS simulation workloads with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA). We’ll show how it delegates the high-performance workloads to AWS Batch for elastic, highly scalable, and customizable compute needs. We’ll showcase the “bring your own software-in-the-loop” (BYO-SIL) pattern, detailing how to leverage specialized and proprietary simulation software in your workflow. We’ll also demonstrate how to integrate the simulation platform with tenant data in the CAEdge framework. This orchestrate and delegate pattern has previously been introduced in Field Notes: Deploying Autonomous Driving and ADAS Workloads at Scale with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow and the Reference Architecture for Autonomous Driving Data Lake.

Solution overview for autonomous driving simulation

The following diagram shows a high-level overview of this solution.

Figure 1. Architecture diagram for autonomous driving simulation

Figure 1. Architecture diagram for autonomous driving simulation

It can be broken down into five major parts, illustrated in Figure 1.

  1. Simulation API: Amazon API Gateway (label 1) provides a REST API for authenticated users to schedule or monitor simulation. It runs on Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) using AWS Lambda (label 2).
  2. Simulation control plane: The simulation control plane (label 3) built on MWAA enables users to design and initiate workflows and integrate with AWS services.
  3. Scalable compute backend: We leverage the parallelization and elastic scalability capabilities of AWS Batch to distribute the workload (label 4). Additionally, we want to be able to run proprietary software components as part of the simulation workflows and use highly customizable Amazon EC2 compute environments. For example, we can use GPU acceleration or Graviton-based instances for workloads that must run on ARM, instead of x86 architectures.
  4. Autonomous Driving Data Lake (ADDL) integration: The simulations’ input and output data will be stored in a data lake (label 5) on Amazon S3. To provide efficient read and write access, data gets copied before each simulation run using RAID0 bundled ephemeral instance storage drives. After the simulation, results are written back to the data lake and are ready for reporting and analytics. We use AWS Lake Formation for metadata storage, data cataloging, and permission handling.
  5. Automated deployment: The solution architecture’s deployment is fully automated using a CI/CD pipeline in AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild (label 6). We can then perform automated testing and deployment to multiple target environments.

In this blog we will focus on the simulation control plane, scalable compute backend, and ADDL integration.

Simulation control plane

In a typical simulation, there are tasks like data movement (copying input data and persisting the results). These steps can require high levels of parallelization or GPU support. In addition, they can involve third-party or proprietary software, specialized runtime environments, or architectures like ARM. To facilitate all task requirements, we will delegate task initiation to the AWS services that best match the requirements. Correct sequence of tasks is achieved by an orchestration layer. Decoupling the simulation orchestration from task initiation follows the key design pattern to separate concerns. This enables the architecture to be adapted to specific requirements.

For the high-level task orchestration, we’ll introduce a simulation control plane built on MWAA. Modeling all simulation tasks in a directed acyclic graph (DAG), MWAA performs scheduling and task initiation in the correct sequence. It also handles the integration with AWS’ services. You can intuitively monitor and debug the progress of a simulation run across different services and networks. For the workflow within CAEdge, we’ll use AWS Batch to run simulations that are packaged as Docker containers.

Parameterizable workflows: Airflow supports parameterization of DAGs by providing a JSON object when triggering a DAG run that can be accessed at runtime. This enables us to create a simulation execution framework in which we model the simulation steps. It lets you specify the simulations’ parameters such as which Docker container to execute, runtime configuration, or input and output data locations, see Figures 2 and 3.

Figure 2. Specify simulations’ parameters in JSON

Figure 2. Specify simulations’ parameters in JSON

Figure 3. Read simulations’ parameters from JSON

Figure 3. Read simulations’ parameters from JSON

Scalable compute backend

Publishing the Docker image: To run a simulation, you must provide a Docker container in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). Manually push Docker images to ECR using the command line interface (CLI) or using CI/CD pipeline automation.

Choosing the compute option: Containers at AWS describes the services options for developers. Various factors can contribute to your decision-making. For the CAEdge platform, we want to run thousands of containers with fine-grained control over the underlying compute instance’s configuration. We also want to run containers in privileged mode, so AWS Batch on EC2 is a great match. Figure 4 outlines the compute backend’s architecture.

Figure 4. Compute backend architecture diagram

Figure 4. Compute backend architecture diagram

To run a Docker container on AWS Batch, we need three components: A job definition, a compute environment, and a job queue. The AWS Batch job definition specifies which job to run and how to run it. For example, we can define the Docker image to use, and specify the vCPU and memory configuration. The job definition will be submitted to a job queue, which in turn is linked to one or more compute environments. The compute environment specifies the compute configuration used to run a containerized workload, in addition to instance types and storage configurations. Creating a compute environment describes this more in detail. In the section ‘ADDL integration,’ we’ll describe how to select and configure the EC2 container instances to maximize network and disk I/O.

The AWS Batch array job feature can spin up thousands of independent, but similarly configured jobs. Instead of submitting a single job for each input file from the simulation control plane, we can instead submit a single array job. This provides the collection of input files as input. AWS Batch can spin up child jobs to process each entry of the collection in parallel, reducing operational overhead drastically.

With these components, we can now submit a job definition to a job queue from the simulation control plane, which will initiate on the corresponding compute environment.

ADDL integration

In the CAEdge platform, all simulation recordings and their metadata are stored and cataloged in the data lake. On average, single recordings are around 100 GB in size with simulation requests containing 100–300 recordings. A simulation request can therefore require 10–30 TB of data movement from S3 to the containers before the simulation starts. The containers’ performance will directly depend on I/O performance, as the input data is read and processed during execution. To provide the highest performance of data transfer and simulation workload, we need data storage options that maximize network and disk I/O throughput.

Choosing the storage option: For CAEdge’s simulation workloads, the storage solution acts as a temporary scratch space for the simulation containers’ input data. It should maximize I/O throughput. These requirements are met in the most cost-efficient way by choosing EC2 instances of the M5d family and their attached instance storage.

The M5d are general-purpose instances with NVMe-based SSDs, which are physically connected to the host server and provide block-level storage coupled to the lifetime of the instance. As described in the previous section, we configured AWS Batch to create compute environments using EC2’s M5d instances. While other storage options like Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) and Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) can scale to match even demanding throughput scenarios, the simulation benefits from a high-performance, temporary storage location that is directly attached to the host.

Bundling the volumes: M5d instances can have multiple NVMe drives attached, depending on their size and storage configuration. To provide a single stable storage location for the simulation containers, bundle all attached NVMe SSDs into a single RAID0 volume during the instance’s launch, using a modified user data script. With this, we can provide a fixed storage location that can be accessed from the simulation containers. Additionally, we are distributing I/O operations evenly across all disks in the RAID0 configuration, which improves the read and write performance.

KPIs used for measurement

The SIL factor tells you how long the simulation takes compared to the duration of the recorded data.

SIL factor example:

  • For a recording with 60 minutes of data and a simulation duration of 120 minutes, the resulting SIL factor is 120 / 60 = 2. The simulation runs twice as long as real time.
  • For a recording with 60 minutes of data and a simulation duration of 60 minutes, the resulting SIL factor is 60 / 60 = 1. The simulation runs in real time.

Similarly, the aggregated SIL factor tells you how long the simulation for multiple recordings takes compared to the duration of the recorded data. It also factors in the horizontal scaling capabilities.

Aggregated SIL factor example:

  • For 3 recordings with 60 minutes of data and an overall simulation duration of 120 minutes, the resulting SIL factor is 120 / 3 * 60 = 0.67. The overall simulation is a third faster than real time.

Performance results

The storage optimizations described in the ADDL integration KPI section preceding, led to an improvement of the overall simulation duration of 50%. To benchmark the overall simulation platform’s performance, we created a simulation run with 15 recordings. The simulation run completed successfully with an aggregated SIL factor of 0.363, or, alternatively put, the simulation was roughly three times faster than real time. During production use, the platform will handle simulation runs with an average of 100-300 recordings. For these runs, the aggregated SIL factor is expected to be even smaller, as more simulations can be processed in parallel.


In this post, we showed how to design a platform for ADAS simulation workloads using the Bring Your Own Software-In-the-Loop (BYO-SIL) concept. We covered the key components including simulation control plane, scalable compute backend, and ADDL integration based on Continental Automotive Edge (CAEdge). We discussed the key performance benefits due to horizontal scalability and how to choose an optimized storage integration pattern. This led to an improvement of the overall simulation duration of 50%.

Build a modern data architecture on AWS with Amazon AppFlow, AWS Lake Formation, and Amazon Redshift: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Dr. Yannick Misteli original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-2-build-a-modern-data-architecture-on-aws-with-amazon-appflow-aws-lake-formation-and-amazon-redshift/

In Part 1 of this post, we provided a solution to build the sourcing, orchestration, and transformation of data from multiple source systems, including Salesforce, SAP, and Oracle, into a managed modern data platform. Roche partnered with AWS Professional Services to build out this fully automated and scalable platform to provide the foundation for their machine learning goals. This post continues the data journey to include the steps undertaken to build an agile and extendable Amazon Redshift data warehouse platform using a DevOps approach.

The modern data platform ingests delta changes from all source data feeds once per night. The orchestration and transformations of the data is undertaken by dbt. dbt enables data analysts and engineers to write data transformation queries in a modular manner without having to maintain the run order manually. It compiles all code into raw SQL queries that run against the Amazon Redshift cluster. It also controls the dependency management within your queries and runs it in the correct order. dbt code is a combination of SQL and Jinja (a templating language); therefore, you can express logic such as if statements, loops, filters, and macros in your queries. dbt also contains automatic data validation job scheduling to measure the data quality of the data loaded. For more information about how to configure a dbt project within an AWS environment, see Automating deployment of Amazon Redshift ETL jobs with AWS CodeBuild, AWS Batch, and DBT.

Amazon Redshift was chosen as the data warehouse because of its ability to seamlessly access data stored in industry standard open formats within Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and rapidly ingest the required datasets into local, fast storage using well-understood SQL commands. Being able to develop extract, load, and transform (ELT) code pipelines in SQL was important for Roche to take advantage of the existing deep SQL skills of their data engineering teams.

A modern ELT platform requires a modern, agile, and highly performant data model. The solution in this post builds a data model using the Data Vault 2.0 standards. Data Vault has several compelling advantages for data-driven organizations:

  • It removes data silos by storing all your data in reusable source system independent data stores keyed on your business keys.
  • It’s a key driver for data integration at many levels, from multiple source systems, multiple local markets, multiple companies and affiliates, and more.
  • It reduces data duplication. Because data is centered around business keys, if more than one system sends the same data, then multiple data copies aren’t needed.
  • It holds all history from all sources; downstream you can access any data at any point in time.
  • You can load data without contention or in parallel, and in batch or real time.
  • The model can adapt to change with minimal impact. New business relationships can be made independently of the existing relationships
  • The model is well established in the industry and naturally drives templated and reusable code builds.

The following diagram illustrates the high-level overview of the architecture:

Amazon Redshift has several methods for ingesting data from Amazon S3 into the data warehouse cluster. For this modern data platform, we use a combination of the following methods:

  • We use Amazon Redshift Spectrum to read data directly from Amazon S3. This allows the project to rapidly load, store, and use external datasets. Amazon Redshift allows the creation of external schemas and external tables to facilitate data being accessed using standard SQL statements.
  • Some feeds are persisted in a staging schema within Amazon Redshift, for example larger data volumes and datasets that are used multiple times in subsequent ELT processing. dbt handles the orchestration and loading of this data in an incremental manner to cater to daily delta changes.

Within Amazon Redshift, the Data Vault 2.0 data model is split into three separate areas:

  • Raw Data Vault within a schema called raw_dv
  • Business Data Vault within a schema called business_dv
  • Multiple Data Marts, each with their own schema

Raw Data Vault

Business keys are central to the success of any Data Vault project, and we created hubs within Amazon Redshift as follows:

 user_pk          VARCHAR(32)   			 
,user_bk          VARCHAR(50)   			 
,load_dts         TIMESTAMP  	 
,load_source_dts  TIMESTAMP  	 
,bookmark_dts     TIMESTAMP  	 
,source_system_cd VARCHAR(10)   				 

Keep in mind the following:

  • The business keys from one or more source feeds are written to the reusable _bk column; compound business keys should be concatenated together with a common separator between each element.
  • The primary key is stored in the _pk column and is a hashed value of the _bk column. In this case, MD5 is the hashing algorithm used.
  • Load_Dts is the date and time of the insertion of this row.
  • Hubs hold reference data, which is typically smaller in volume than transactional data, so you should choose a distribution style of ALL for the most performant joining to other tables at runtime.

Because Data Vault is built on a common reusable notation, the dbt code is parameterized for each target. The Roche engineers built a Yaml-driven code framework to parameterize the logic for the build of each target table, enabling rapid build and testing of new feeds. For example, the preceding user hub contains parameters to identify source columns for the business key, source to target mappings, and physicalization choices for the Amazon Redshift target:

name: h_user
    type: hub
    materialized: incremental
    schema: raw_dv
    dist: all
    pk_name: user_pk
      name: user_bk
      type: varchar(50)
      - name: co_rems_invitee
        schema: re_rems_core
          - dwh_source_country_cd
          - employee_user_id
          - source: "'REMS'"
            alias: source_system_cd
            type: varchar(10)
        load_source_dts: glue_dts
        bookmark_dts: bookmark_dts        
      - name: co_rems_event_users
        schema: re_rems_core
          - dwh_source_country_cd
          - user_name
          - source: "'REMS'"
            alias: source_system_cd
            type: varchar(10)
        load_source_dts: glue_dts
        bookmark_dts: bookmark_dts        
      - name: user
        alias: user_by_id
        schema: roche_salesforce_we_prod
          - id
          - source: "'SFDC_WE'"
            alias: source_system_cd
            type: varchar(10)
        load_source_dts: to_date(appflow_date_str,'YYYYMMDD')
        bookmark_dts: to_date(systemmodstamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24.mi.ss')
        where: id > 0 and id <> '' and usertype = 'Standard'
      - name: activity_g__c
        schema: roche_salesforce_we_prod
          - ownerid
          - source: "'SFDC_WE'"
            alias: source_system_cd
            type: varchar(10)
        load_source_dts: to_date(appflow_date_str,'YYYYMMDD')
        bookmark_dts: to_date(systemmodstamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24.mi.ss')        
      - name: user_territory_g__c
        schema: roche_salesforce_we_prod
          - user_ref_g__c
          - source: "'SFDC_WE'"
            alias: source_system_cd
            type: varchar(10)
        load_source_dts: to_date(appflow_date_str,'YYYYMMDD')
        bookmark_dts: to_date(systemmodstamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24.mi.ss')

On reading the YAML configuration, dbt outputs the following, which is run against the Amazon Redshift cluster:

{# Script generated by dbt model generator #}

	  "materialized": "incremental",
	  "schema": "raw_dv",
	  "dist": "all",
	  "unique_key": "user_pk",
	  "insert_only": {}

with co_rems_invitee as (

		{{ hash(['dwh_source_country_cd', 'employee_user_id'], 'user_pk') }},
		cast({{ compound_key(['dwh_source_country_cd', 'employee_user_id']) }} as varchar(50)) as user_bk,
		{{ dbt_utils.current_timestamp() }} as load_dts,
		glue_dts as load_source_dts,
		bookmark_dts as bookmark_dts,
		cast('REMS' as varchar(10)) as source_system_cd
		{{ source('re_rems_core', 'co_rems_invitee') }}
		dwh_source_country_cd is not null 
		and employee_user_id is not null

		{% if is_incremental() %}
			and glue_dts > (select coalesce(max(load_source_dts), to_date('20000101', 'yyyymmdd', true)) from {{ this }})
		{% endif %}

co_rems_event_users as (

		{{ hash(['dwh_source_country_cd', 'user_name'], 'user_pk') }},
		cast({{ compound_key(['dwh_source_country_cd', 'user_name']) }} as varchar(50)) as user_bk,
		{{ dbt_utils.current_timestamp() }} as load_dts,
		glue_dts as load_source_dts,
		bookmark_dts as bookmark_dts,
		cast('REMS' as varchar(10)) as source_system_cd
		{{ source('re_rems_core', 'co_rems_event_users') }}
		dwh_source_country_cd is not null 
		and user_name is not null

		{% if is_incremental() %}
			and glue_dts > (select coalesce(max(load_source_dts), to_date('20000101', 'yyyymmdd', true)) from {{ this }})
		{% endif %}

all_sources as (

	select * from co_rems_invitee
	select * from co_rems_event_users

unique_key as (

		row_number() over(partition by user_pk order by bookmark_dts desc) as rn,

	rn = 1

dbt also has the capability to add reusable macros to allow common tasks to be automated. The following example shows the construction of the business key with appropriate separators (the macro is called compound_key):

{% macro single_key(field) %}
  {# Takes an input field value and returns a trimmed version of it. #}
  NVL(NULLIF(TRIM(CAST({{ field }} AS VARCHAR)), ''), '@@')
{% endmacro %}

{% macro compound_key(field_list,sort=none) %}
  {# Takes an input field list and concatenates it into a single column value.
     NOTE: Depending on the sort parameter [True/False] the input field
     list has to be passed in a correct order if the sort parameter
     is set to False (default option) or the list will be sorted 
     if You will set up the sort parameter value to True #}
  {% if sort %}
    {% set final_field_list = field_list|sort %}
  {%- else -%}
    {%- set final_field_list = field_list -%}
  {%- endif -%}        
  {% for f in final_field_list %}
    {{ single_key(f) }}
    {% if not loop.last %} || '^^' || {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro hash(columns=none, alias=none, algorithm=none) %}
    {# Applies a Redshift supported hash function to the input string 
       or list of strings. #}

    {# If single column to hash #}
    {% if columns is string %}
        {% set column_str = single_key(columns) %}
        {{ redshift__hash(column_str, alias, algorithm) }}
    {# Else a list of columns to hash #}
    {% elif columns is iterable %}        
        {% set column_str = compound_key(columns) %}
        {{ redshift__hash(column_str, alias, algorithm) }}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro redshift__hash(column_str, alias, algorithm) %}
    {# Applies a Redshift supported hash function to the input string. #}

    {# If the algorithm is none the default project configuration for hash function will be used. #}
    {% if algorithm == none or algorithm not in ['MD5', 'SHA', 'SHA1', 'SHA2', 'FNV_HASH'] %}
        {# Using MD5 if the project variable is not defined. #}
        {% set algorithm = var('project_hash_algorithm', 'MD5') %}
    {% endif %}

    {# Select hashing algorithm #}
    {% if algorithm == 'FNV_HASH' %}
        CAST(FNV_HASH({{ column_str }}) AS BIGINT) AS {{ alias }}
    {% elif algorithm == 'MD5' %}
        CAST(MD5({{ column_str }}) AS VARCHAR(32)) AS {{ alias }}
    {% elif algorithm == 'SHA' or algorithm == 'SHA1' %}
        CAST(SHA({{ column_str }}) AS VARCHAR(40)) AS {{ alias }}
    {% elif algorithm == 'SHA2' %}
        CAST(SHA2({{ column_str }}, 256) AS VARCHAR(256)) AS {{ alias }}
    {% endif %}

{% endmacro %}

Historized reference data about each business key is stored in satellites. The primary key of each satellite is a compound key consisting of the _pk column of the parent hub and the Load_Dts. See the following code:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS raw_dv.s_user_reine2
 user_pk             VARCHAR(32)   			 
,load_dts            TIMESTAMP    	 
,hash_diff           VARCHAR(32)   			 
,load_source_dts     TIMESTAMP  	 
,bookmark_dts        TIMESTAMP    	 
,source_system_cd    VARCHAR(10)				 
,is_deleted          VARCHAR(1)   				 
,invitee_type        VARCHAR(10)   			 
,first_name          VARCHAR(50)   			 
,last_name           VARCHAR(10)   			 

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS raw_dv.s_user_couser
 user_pk                VARCHAR(32)   			 
,load_dts               TIMESTAMP  	 
,hash_diff              VARCHAR(32)   			 
,load_source_dts        TIMESTAMP  	 
,bookmark_dts           TIMESTAMP  	 
,source_system_cd       VARCHAR(10)   			 
,name                   VARCHAR(150)   			 
,username               VARCHAR(80)   			 
,firstname              VARCHAR(40)   			 
,lastname               VARCHAR(80)   			 
,alias                  VARCHAR(8)   				 
,community_nickname     VARCHAR(30)   			 
,federation_identifier  VARCHAR(50)   			 
,is_active              VARCHAR(10)   			 
,email                  VARCHAR(130)   			 
,profile_name           VARCHAR(80)   			 

Keep in mind the following:

  • The feed name is saved as part of the satellite name. This allows the loading of reference data from either multiple feeds within the same source system or from multiple source systems.
  • Satellites are insert only; new reference data is loaded as a new row with an appropriate Load_Dts.
  • The HASH_DIFF column is a hashed concatenation of all the descriptive columns within the satellite. The dbt code uses it to decide whether reference data has changed and a new row is to be inserted.
  • Unless the data volumes within a satellite become very large (millions of rows), you should choose a distribution choice of ALL to enable the most performant joins at runtime. For larger volumes of data, choose a distribution style of AUTO to take advantage of Amazon Redshift automatic table optimization, which chooses the most optimum distribution style and sort key based on the downstream usage of these tables.

Transactional data is stored in a combination of link and link satellite tables. These tables hold the business keys that contribute to the transaction being undertaken as well as optional measures describing the transaction.

Previously, we showed the build of the user hub and two of its satellites. In the following link table, the user hub foreign key is one of several hub keys in the compound key:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS raw_dv.l_activity_visit
 activity_visit_pk         VARCHAR(32)   			 
,activity_pk               VARCHAR(32)   			 
,activity_type_pk          VARCHAR(32)   			
,hco_pk                    VARCHAR(32)   			
,address_pk                VARCHAR(32)   			
,user_pk                   VARCHAR(32)   			
,hcp_pk                    VARCHAR(32)   			
,brand_pk                  VARCHAR(32)   			
,activity_attendee_pk      VARCHAR(32)   			
,activity_discussion_pk    VARCHAR(32)				
,load_dts                  TIMESTAMP  	
,load_source_dts           TIMESTAMP  				
,bookmark_dts              TIMESTAMP  				
,source_system_cd          VARCHAR(10)   				
DISTKEY (activity_visit_pk)
SORTKEY (activity_visit_pk);

Keep in mind the following:

  • The foreign keys back to each hub are a hash value of the business keys, giving a 1:1 join with the _pk column of each hub.
  • The primary key of this link table is a hash value of all of the hub foreign keys.
  • The primary key gives direct access to the optional link satellite that holds further historized data about this transaction. The definition of the link satellites is almost identical to satellites; instead of the _pk from the hub being part of the compound key, the _pk of the link is used.
  • Because data volumes are typically larger for links and link satellites than hubs or satellites, you can again choose AUTO distribution style to let Amazon Redshift choose the optimum physical table distribution choice. If you do choose a distribution style, then choose KEY on the _pk column for both the distribution style and sort key on both the link and any link satellites. This improves downstream query performance by co-locating the datasets on the same slice within the compute nodes and enables MERGE JOINS at run time for optimum performance.

In addition to the dbt code to build all the preceding targets in the Amazon Redshift schemas, the product contains a powerful testing tool that makes assertions on the underlying data contents. The platform continuously tests the results of each data load.

Tests are specified using a YAML file called schema.yml. For example, taking the territory satellite (s_territory), we can see automated testing for conditions, including ensuring the primary key is populated, its parent key is present in the territory hub (h_territory), and the compound key of this satellite is unique:

As shown in the following screenshot, the tests are clearly labeled as PASS or FAILED for quick identification of data quality issues.

Business Data Vault

The Business Data Vault is a vital element of any Data Vault model. This is the place where business rules, KPI calculations, performance denormalizations, and roll-up aggregations take place. Business rules can change over time, but the raw data does not, which is why the contents of the Raw Data Vault should never be modified.

The type of objects created in the Business Data Vault schema include the following:

  • Type 2 denormalization based on either the latest load date timestamp or a business-supplied effective date timestamp. These objects are ideal as the base for a type 2 dimension view within a data mart.
  • Latest row filtering based on either the latest load date timestamp or a business-supplied effective date timestamp. These objects are ideal as the base for a type 1 dimension within a data mart.
  • For hubs with multiple independently loaded satellites, point-in-time (PIT) tables are created with the snapshot date set to one time per day.
  • Where the data access requirements span multiple links and link satellites, bridge tables are created with the snapshot date set to one time per day.

In the following diagram, we show an example of user reference data from two source systems being loaded into separate satellite targets.

In this example, we show User reference data from two source systems being loaded into separate Satellite targets

Keep in mind the following:

  • You should create a separate schema for the Business Data Vault objects
  • You can build several object types in the Business Data Vault:
    • PIT and bridge targets are typically either tables or materialized views can be used for data that incrementally changes due to the auto refresh capabilities
    • The type 2 and latest row selections from an underlying satellite are typically views because of the lower data volumes typically found in reference datasets
  • Because the Raw Data Vault tables are insert only, to determine a timeline of changes, create a view similar to the following:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW business_dv.ref_user_type2 AS
  s.load_dts from_dts,
  DATEADD(second,-1,COALESCE(LEAD(s.load_dts) OVER (PARTITION BY s.user_pk ORDER BY s.load_dts),'2200-01-01 00:00:00')) AS to_dts
  FROM raw_dv.s_user_reine2 s
  INNER JOIN raw_dv.h_user h ON h.user_pk = s.user_pk

Data Marts

The work undertaken in the Business Data Vault means that views can be developed within the Data Marts to directly access the data without having to physicalize the results into another schema. These views may apply filters to the Business Vault objects, for example to filter only for data from specific countries, or the views may choose a KPI that has been calculated in the Business Vault that is only useful within this one data mart.


In this post, we detailed how you can use dbt and Amazon Redshift for continuous build and validation of a Data Vault model that stores all data from multiple sources in a source-independent manner while offering flexibility and choice of subsequent business transformations and calculations.

Special thanks go to Roche colleagues Bartlomiej Zalewski, Wojciech Kostka, Michalina Mastalerz, Kamil Piotrowski, Igor Tkaczyk, Andrzej Dziabowski, Joao Antunes, Krzysztof Slowinski, Krzysztof Romanowski, Patryk Szczesnowicz, Jakub Lanski, and Chun Wei Chan for their project delivery and support with this post.

About the Authors

Dr. Yannick Misteli, Roche – Dr. Yannick Misteli is leading cloud platform and ML engineering teams in global product strategy (GPS) at Roche. He is passionate about infrastructure and operationalizing data-driven solutions, and he has broad experience in driving business value creation through data analytics.

Simon Dimaline, AWS – Simon Dimaline has specialised in data warehousing and data modelling for more than 20 years. He currently works for the Data & Analytics team within AWS Professional Services, accelerating customers’ adoption of AWS analytics services.

Matt Noyce, AWS – Matt Noyce is a Senior Cloud Application Architect in Professional Services at Amazon Web Services. He works with customers to architect, design, automate, and build solutions on AWS for their business needs.

Chema Artal Banon, AWS – Chema Artal Banon is a Security Consultant at AWS Professional Services and he works with AWS’s customers to design, build, and optimize their security to drive business. He specializes in helping companies accelerate their journey to the AWS Cloud in the most secure manner possible by helping customers build the confidence and technical capability.

Monitoring delay of AWS Batch jobs in transit before execution

Post Syndicated from Emma White original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/monitoring-delay-of-aws-batch-jobs-in-transit-before-execution/

This post is written by Nikhil Anand, Solutions Architect 

AWS Batch enables developers, scientists, and engineers to easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch processing jobs on AWS. With AWS Batch you no longer have to install and manage batch computing software or server clusters used to run your jobs. This lets you focus on analyzing results and solving problems, not managing infrastructure. When you use AWS Batch, in the job lifetime, a job goes through several states. When creating a compute environment to run the Batch jobs and submit Batch jobs, a settings misconfiguration could cause the job to get stuck in a transit state. This means the job will not proceed to the desired RUNNING state – a common issue faced by most customers.

If your compute environment contains compute resources, but your jobs don’t progress beyond the RUNNABLE state, then something is preventing the jobs from being placed on a compute resource. There are various reasons why a job could remain in the RUNNABLE state. The usual call to action is referring the troubleshooting documentation in order to fix the issue. Similarly, if your job is dependent on another job, then the job would stay in the PENDING state.

However, if you have scheduled actions to be completed with Batch jobs, or if you do not have any mechanism monitoring the jobs, then your jobs might stay in any of the transit states if left unattended. You may end up continuing forward, unaware that your job has yet to run. Eventually, when you see the jobs not progressing beyond the RUNNABLE or PENDING state, you miss the task that the job was expected to do in the given timeframe. This can result in additional time and effort troubleshooting the stuck job.

To prevent this accidental avoidance or lack of in-transit job monitoring, this post provides a monitoring solution for jobs in transit (from the SUBMITTED to the RUNNING state) in AWS Batch.

You can configure a threshold monitoring duration for your jobs so that if a job stays in SUBMITTED/PENDING/RUNNABLE longer than that, then you get a notification. For example, you might have a job that you would want to proceed to the RUNNING state in approximately 15 minutes since the job submission. Sometimes a slight misconfiguration can cause the job to get stuck in RUNNABLE indefinitely. In that case, you can set a threshold of 15 minutes. Or, suppose you have a job that is dependent on the other job that is stuck in processing. In these situations, once the specified duration is crossed, you are notified about your job staying in transit beyond your defined threshold status.

The solution is deployed by using AWS CloudFormation.

Overview of solution

The solution creates an Amazon CloudWatch Events rule that triggers an AWS Lambda function on a schedule. Then, the Lambda function checks every job in transit for more than ‘X’ seconds on all compute environments since the job submission. Specify your own value for ‘X’ when you launch the AWS CloudFormation stack. The solution consists of the following components created via CloudFormation:

  • An Amazon CloudWatch event rule to monitor the submitted jobs in Batch using the target Lambda function
  • An AWS Lambda function with the logic to monitor the submitted jobs and trigger Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications
  • A Lambda execution AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role
  • An Amazon SNS topic to be subscribed by end users in order to be notified about the submitted jobs

The solution components and workflow.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:


To provision the necessary solution components, use this CloudFormation template. 

  1. While launching the CloudFormation stack, you will be asked to input the following information in addition to the CloudFormation stack name:
    1. The upper threshold (in seconds) for the jobs to stay in the transit state
    2. The evaluation period after which the Lambda runs periodically
    3. The email ID to get notifications after the job stays in the transit state for the defined threshold value.

pecify parameter values during CloudFormation stack launch

  1. Once the stack is created, the following resources will be provisioned – SNS topic, CloudWatch Events rule, Lambda function, Lambda invoke permissions, and Lambda execution role. View it in the ‘Resources’ tab of your CloudFormation stack.

Successful creation of the CloudFormation stack

  1. After the stack is created, the email ID you entered in step III above will receive an email from Amazon SNS in order to confirm the Amazon SNS subscription.

Subscription confirmation email that you receive on the specified email ID.

Click Confirm subscription in the email.

Subscription confirmed.

  1. Based on the customer’s inputs during stack launch, a Lambda function will be periodically invoked to look out for Batch jobs stuck in the RUNNABLE state for the defined threshold.
  2. An Amazon SNS notification is sent out at the evaluation periods with the job IDs of the jobs that have stayed stuck in the RUNNABLE state.

Verifying the solution

Launch your monitoring solution by using the CloudFormation template. Once the stack creation is complete, I get an email to subscribe to the SNS topic. Then, I subscribe to the SNS topic.

Click to launch Stack. 

Submit a job in AWS Batch by using console, CLI, or SDK. To test the solution, submit a job, Job1, to a job queue associated with a compute environment with no public subnets. Compute resources require access in order to communicate with the Amazon ECS service endpoint. This can be done through an interface VPC endpoint or your compute resources having public IP addresses. Since the compute environment was configured to only have a private subnet, Job1 will not proceed from the RUNNABLE state. Similarly, submit another job, Job2, and during submission add a dependency of Job1 on Job2. Therefore, Job2 will not proceed from the PENDING state. Thus, creating a sample space wherein two jobs will be stuck in transit.

AWS Batch jobs submitted and in transit.

Based on the CloudFormation template inputs, you will get notified on the subscribed Email ID when the job stays in transit for more than ‘X’ seconds (the input provided during stack launch).

otification received for the jobs that stayed in transit longer than expected.


The Lambda function uses the ListJobs API call. The maximum number of results is returned by ListJobs in paginated output. Therefore, if you are submitting many jobs, then you must modify the Lambda function to fetch more results from the initial response of the call by using the nextToken response element. Use this nextToken element and iterate through in a loop to keep fetching the paginated results until there are no further nextToken elements present.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources. You can delete the CloudFormation stack that will clean up every resource that it provisioned for the monitoring solution.


This solution lets you detect AWS Batch jobs that remain in the transit state longer than expected. It provides you with an efficient way to monitor your Batch jobs. If the jobs stay in the RUNNABLE/PENDING/SUBMITTED state for a significant amount of time, then it is indicative of potential misconfiguration with either the compute environment setup, or with the job parameters that were passed during the job submission. An early notification around the issue can help you troubleshoot the misconfigurations early on and take subsequent actions.

If you have multiple jobs that remain in the RUNNABLE state and you realize that they will not proceed further to the RUNNING state due to a misconfiguration, then you can shut down all RUNNABLE jobs by using a simple bash script.

For additional references regarding troubleshooting RUNNABLE jobs in AWS Batch, refer to the suggested Knowledge Center article and the troubleshooting documentation.

Deep learning image vector embeddings at scale using AWS Batch and CDK

Post Syndicated from Filip Saina original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deep-learning-image-vector-embeddings-at-scale-using-aws-batch-and-cdk/

Applying various transformations to images at scale is an easily parallelized and scaled task. As a Computer Vision research team at Amazon, we occasionally find that the amount of image data we are dealing with can’t be effectively computed on a single machine, but also isn’t large enough to justify running a large and potentially costly AWS Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) job. This is when we can utilize AWS Batch as our main computing environment, as well as Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to provision the necessary infrastructure in order to solve our task.

In Computer Vision, we often need to represent images in a more concise and uniform way. Working with standard image files would be challenging, as they can vary in resolution or are otherwise too large in terms of dimensionality to be provided directly to our models. For that reason, the common practice for deep learning approaches is to translate high-dimensional information representations, such as images, into vectors that encode most (if not all) information present in them — in other words, to create vector embeddings.

This post will demonstrate how we utilize the AWS Batch platform to solve a common task in many Computer Vision projects — calculating vector embeddings from a set of images so as to allow for scaling.

 Architecture Overview

Diagram explained in post.

Figure 1: High-level architectural diagram explaining the major solution components.

As seen in Figure 1, AWS Batch will pull the docker image containing our code onto provisioned hosts and start the docker containers. Our sample code, referenced in this post, will then read the resources from S3, conduct the vectorization, and write the results as entries in the DynamoDB Table.

In order to run our image vectorization task, we will utilize the following AWS cloud components:

  • Amazon ECR — Elastic Container Registry is a Docker image repository from which our batch instances will pull the job images;
  • S3 — Amazon Simple Storage Service will act as our image source from which our batch jobs will read the image;
  • Amazon DynamoDB — NoSQL database in which we will write the resulting vectors and other metadata;
  • AWS Lambda — Serverless compute environment which will conduct some pre-processing and, ultimately, trigger the batch job execution; and
  • AWS Batch — Scalable computing environment powering our models as embarrassingly parallel tasks running as AWS Batch jobs.

To translate an image to a vector, we can utilize a pre-trained model architecture, such as AlexNet, ResNet, VGG, or more recent ones, like ResNeXt and Vision Transformers. These model architectures are available in most of the popular deep learning frameworks, and they can be further modified and extended depending on our project requirements. For this post, we will utilize a pre-trained ResNet18 model from MxNet. We will output an intermediate layer of the model, which will result in a 512 dimensional representation, or, in other words, a 512 dimensional vector embedding.

Deployment using Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

In recent years, the idea of provisioning cloud infrastructure components using popular programming languages was popularized under the term of infrastructure as code (IaC). Instead of writing a file in the YAML/JSON/XML format, which would define every cloud component we want to provision, we might want to define those components trough a popular programming language.

As part of this post, we will demonstrate how easy it is to provision infrastructure on AWS cloud by using Cloud Development Kit (CDK). The CDK code included in the exercise is written in Python and defines all of the relevant exercise components.

Hands-on exercise

1. Deploying the infrastructure with AWS CDK

For this exercise, we have provided a sample batch job project that is available on Github (link). By using that code, you should have every component required to do this exercise, so make sure that you have the source on your machine. The root of your sample project local copy should contain the following files:

batch_job_cdk - CDK stack code of this batch job project
src_batch_job - source code for performing the image vectorization
src_lambda - source code for the lambda function which will trigger the batch job execution
app.py - entry point for the CDK tool
cdk.json - config file specifying the entry point for CDK
requirements.txt - list of python dependencies for CDK 
  1. Make sure you have installed and correctly configured the AWS CLI and AWS CDK in your environment. Refer to the CDK documentation for more information, as well as the CDK getting started guide.
  2. Set the CDK_DEPLOY_ACCOUNT and CDK_DEPLOY_REGION environmental variables, as described in the project README.md.
  3. Go to the sample project root and install the CDK python dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Install and configure Docker in your environment.
  5. If you have multiple AWS CLI profiles, utilize the --profile option to specify which profile to use for deployment. Otherwise, simply run cdk deploy and deploy the infrastructure to your AWS account set in step 1.

NOTE: Before deploying, make sure that you are familiar with the restrictions and limitations of the AWS services we are using in this post. For example, if you choose to set an S3 bucket name in the CDK Bucket construct, you must avoid naming conflicts that might cause deployment errors.

The CDK tool will now trigger our docker image build, provision the necessary AWS infrastructure (i.e., S3 Bucket, DynamoDB table, roles and permissions), and, upon completion, upload the docker image to a newly created repository on Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

2. Upload data to S3

Console explained in post.

Figure 2: S3 console window with uploaded images to the `images` directory.

After CDK has successfully finished deploying, head to the S3 console screen and upload images you want to process to a path in the S3 bucket. For this exercise, we’ve added every image to the `images` directory, as seen in Figure 2.

For larger datasets, utilize the AWS CLI tool to sync your local directory with the S3 bucket. In that case, consider enabling the ‘Transfer acceleration’ option of your S3 bucket for faster data transfers. However, this will incur an additional fee.

3. Trigger batch job execution

Once CDK has completed provisioning our infrastructure and we’ve uploaded the image data we want to process, open the newly created AWS Lambda in the AWS console screen in order to trigger the batch job execution.

To do this, create a test event with the following JSON body:

"Paths": [

The JSON body that we provide as input to the AWS Lambda function defines a list of paths to directories in the S3 buckets containing images. Having the ability to dynamically provide paths to directories with images in S3, lets us combine multiple data sources into a single AWS Batch job execution. Furthermore, if we decide in the future to put an API Gateway in front of the Lambda, you could pass every parameter of the batch job with a simple HTTP method call.

In this example, we specified just one path to the `images` directory in the S3 bucket, which we populated with images in the previous step.

Console screen explained in post.

Figure 3: AWS Lambda console screen of the function that triggers batch job execution. Modify the batch size by modifying the `image_batch_limit` variable. The value of this variable will depend on your particular use-case, computation type, image sizes, as well as processing time requirements.

The python code will list every path under the images S3 path, batch them into batches of desired size, and finally save the paths to batches as txt files under tmp S3 path. Each path to a txt files in S3 will be passed as an input to a batch jobs.

Select the newly created event, and then trigger the Lambda function execution. The AWS Lambda function will submit the AWS Batch jobs to the provisioned AWS Batch compute environment.

Batch job explained in post.

Figure 4: Screenshot of a running AWS Batch job that creates feature vectors from images and stores them to DynamoDB.

Once the AWS Lambda execution finishes its execution, we can monitor the AWS Batch jobs being processed on the AWS console screen, as seen in Figure 4. Wait until every job has finished successfully.

4. View results in DynamoDB

Image vectorization results.

Figure 5: Image vectorization results stored for each image as a entry in the DynamoDB table.

Once every batch job is successfully finished, go to the DynamoDB AWS cloud console and see the feature vectors stored as strings obtained from the numpy tostring method, as well as other data we stored in the table.

When you are ready to access the vectors in one of your projects, utilize the code snippet provided here:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np
import boto3

def vector_from(item):
    item : DynamoDB response item object
    vector = np.frombuffer(item['Vector'].value, dtype=item['DataType'])
    assert len(vector) == item['Dimension']
    return vector

def vectors_from_dydb(dynamodb, table_name, image_ids):
    dynamodb : DynamoDB client
    table_name : Name of the DynamoDB table
    image_ids : List of id's to query the DynamoDB table for

    response = dynamodb.batch_get_item(
        RequestItems={table_name: {'Keys': [{'ImageId': val} for val in image_ids]}},

    query_vectors =  [vector_from(item) for item in response['Responses'][table_name]]
    query_image_ids =  [item['ImageId'] for item in response['Responses'][table_name]]

    return zip(query_vectors, query_image_ids)
def process_entry(vector, image_id):
    NOTE - Add your code here.

def main():
    Reads vectors from the batch job DynamoDB table containing the vectorization results.
    dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='eu-central-1')
    table_name = 'aws-blog-batch-job-image-transform-dynamodb-table'

    image_ids = ['B000KT6OK6', 'B000KTC6X0', 'B000KTC6XK', 'B001B4THHG']

    for vector, image_id in vectors_from_dydb(dynamodb, table_name, image_ids):
        process_entry(vector, image_id)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This code snippet will utilize the boto3 client to access the results stored in the DynamoDB table. Make sure to update the code variables, as well as to modify this implementation to one that fits your use-case.

5. Tear down the infrastructure using CDK

To finish off the exercise, we will tear down the infrastructure that we have provisioned. Since we are using CDK, this is very simple — go to the project root directory and run:

cdk destroy

After a confirmation prompt, the infrastructure tear-down should be underway. If you want to follow the process in more detail, then go to the CloudFormation console view and monitor the process from there.

NOTE: The S3 Bucket, ECR image, and DynamoDB table resource will not be deleted, since the current CDK code defaults to RETAIN behavior in order to prevent the deletion of data we stored there. Once you are sure that you don’t need them, remove those remaining resources manually or modify the CDK code for desired behavior.


In this post we solved an embarrassingly parallel job of creating vector embeddings from images using AWS batch. We provisioned the infrastructure using Python CDK, uploaded sample images, submitted AWS batch job for execution, read the results from the DynamoDB table, and, finally, destroyed the AWS cloud resources we’ve provisioned at the beginning.

AWS Batch serves as a good compute environment for various jobs. For this one in particular, we can scale the processing to more compute resources with minimal or no modifications to our deep learning models and supporting code. On the other hand, it lets us potentially reduce costs by utilizing smaller compute resources and longer execution times.

The code serves as a good point for beginning to experiment more with AWS batch in a Deep Leaning/Machine Learning setup. You could extend it to utilize EC2 instances with GPUs instead of CPUs, utilize Spot instances instead of on-demand ones, utilize AWS Step Functions to automate process orchestration, utilize Amazon SQS as a mechanism to distribute the workload, as well as move the lambda job submission to another compute resource, or pretty much tailor your project for anything else you might need AWS Batch to do.

And that brings us to the conclusion of this post. Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions. Also, if you enjoyed reading this post, make sure to share it with your friends and colleagues!

About the author

Filip Saina

Filip is a Software Development Engineer at Amazon working in a Computer Vision team. He works with researchers and engineers across Amazon to develop and deploy Computer Vision algorithms and ML models into production systems. Besides day-to-day coding, his responsibilities also include architecting and implementing distributed systems in AWS cloud for scalable ML applications.

Visualizing AWS Step Functions workflows from the AWS Batch console

Post Syndicated from Eric Johnson original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/visualizing-aws-step-functions-workflows-from-the-aws-batch-console/

This post written by Dhiraj Mahapatro, Senior Specialist SA, Serverless.

AWS Step Functions is a low-code visual workflow service used to orchestrate AWS services, automate business processes, and build serverless applications. Step Functions workflows manage failures, retries, parallelization, service integrations, and observability so builders can focus on business logic.

AWS Batch is one of the service integrations that are available for Step Functions. AWS Batch enables users to more easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS. AWS Batch dynamically provisions the optimal quantity and compute resource classifications based on the volume and specific resource requirements of the batch jobs submitted. AWS Batch plans, schedules, and runs batch computing workloads across the full range of AWS compute services and features, such as AWS FargateAmazon EC2, and spot instances.

Now, Step Functions is available to AWS Batch users through the AWS Batch console. This feature enables AWS Batch users to augment compute options and have additional orchestration capabilities to manage their batch jobs.

This blog walks through Step Functions integration in AWS Batch console and shows how AWS Batch users can efficiently use Step Functions workflow orchestrators in batch workloads. A sample application also highlights the use of AWS Lambda as a compute option for AWS Batch.

Introducing workflow orchestration in AWS Batch console

Today, AWS users use AWS Batch for high performance computing, post-trade analytics, fraud surveillance, screening, DNA sequencing, and more. AWS Batch minimizes human error, increases speed and accuracy, and reduces costs with automation so that users can refocus on evolving the business.

In addition to using compute-intensive tasks, users sometimes need Lambda for simpler, less intense processing. Users also want to combine the two in a single business process that is scalable and repeatable.

Workflow orchestration (powered by Step Functions) in AWS Batch console allows orchestration of batch jobs with Step Functions state machine:

Workflow orchestration in Batch console

Workflow orchestration in Batch console

Using batch-related patterns from Step Functions

Error handling

Step Functions natively handles errors and retries of its workflows. Users rely on this native error handling mechanism to focus on building business logic.

Workflow orchestration in AWS Batch console provides common batch-related patterns that are present in Step Functions. Handling errors while submitting batch jobs in Step Functions is one of them.

Getting started with orchestration in Batch

Getting started with orchestration in Batch

  1. Choose Get Started from Handle complex errors.
  2. From the pop-up, choose Start from a template and choose Continue.

A new browser tab opens with Step Functions Workflow Studio. The Workflow Studio designer has a workflow pattern template pre-created. Diving deeper into the workflow highlights that the Step Functions workflow submits a batch job and then handles success and error scenarios by sending Amazon SNS notifications, respectively.

Alternatively, choosing Deploy a sample project from the Get Started pop-up deploys a sample Step Functions workflow.

Deploying a sample project

Deploying a sample project

This option allows creating a state machine from scratch, reviewing the workflow definition, deploying an AWS CloudFormation stack, and running the workflow in Step Functions console.

Deploy and run from console

Deploy and run from console

Once deployed, the state machine is visible in the Step Functions console as:

Viewing the state machine in the AWS Step Functions console

Viewing the state machine in the AWS Step Functions console

Select the BatchJobNotificationStateMachine to land on the details page:

View the state machine's details

View the state machine’s details

The CloudFormation template has already provisioned the required batch job in AWS Batch and the SNS topic for success and failure notification.

To see the Step Functions workflow in action, use Start execution. Keep the optional name and input as is and choose Start execution:

Run the Step Function

Run the Step Function

The state machine completes the tasks successfully by Submitting Batch Job using AWS Batch and Notifying Success using the SNS topic:

The successful results in the console

The successful results in the console

The state machine used the AWS Batch Submit Job task. The Workflow orchestration in AWS Batch console now highlights this newly created Step Functions state machine:

The state machine is listed in the Batch console

The state machine is listed in the Batch console

Therefore, any state machine that uses this task in Step Functions for this account is listed here as a state machine that orchestrates batch jobs.

Combine Batch and Lambda

Another pattern to use in Step Functions is the combination of Lambda and batch job.

Select Get Started from Combine Batch and Lambda pop-up followed by Start from a template and Continue. This takes the user to Step Functions Workflow studio with the following pattern. The Lambda task generates input for the subsequent batch job task. Submit Batch Job task takes the input and submits the batch job:

Combining AWS Lambda with AWS Step Functions

Combining AWS Lambda with AWS Step Functions

Step Functions enables AWS Batch users to combine Batch and Lambda functions to optimize compute spend while using the power of the different compute choices.

Fan out to multiple Batch jobs

In addition to error handling and combining Lambda with AWS Batch jobs, a user can fan out multiple batch jobs using Step Functions’ map state. Map state in Step Functions provides dynamic parallelism.

With dynamic parallelism, a user can submit multiple batch jobs based on a collection of batch job input data. With visibility to each iteration’s input and output, users can easily navigate and troubleshoot in case of failure.

Easily navigate and troubleshoot in case of failure

Easily navigate and troubleshoot in case of failure

AWS Batch users are not limited to the previous three patterns shown in Workflow orchestration in the AWS Batch console. AWS Batch users can start from scratch and build Step Functions state machine by navigating to the bottom right and using Create state machine:

Create a state machine from the Step Functions console

Create a state machine from the Step Functions console

Create State Machine in AWS Batch console opens a new tab with Step Functions console’s Create state machine page.

Design a workflow visually

Design a workflow visually

Refer building a state machine AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio for additional details.

Deploying the application

The sample application shows fan out to multiple batch jobs pattern. Before deploying the application, you need:

To deploy:

  1. From a terminal window, clone the GitHub repo:
    git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/serverless-batch-job-workflow.git
  2. Change directory:
    cd ./serverless-batch-job-workflow
  3. Download and install dependencies:
    sam build
  4. Deploy the application to your AWS account:
    sam deploy --guided

To run the application using the AWS CLI, replace the state machine ARN from the output of deployment steps:

aws stepfunctions start-execution \
    --state-machine-arn <StepFunctionArnHere> \
    --region <RegionWhereApplicationDeployed> \
    --input "{}"

Step Functions is not limited to AWS Batch’s Submit Job API action

In September 2021, Step Functions announced integration support for 200 AWS Services to enable easier workflow automation. With this announcement, Step Functions is not limited to integrate with AWS Batch’s SubmitJob API but also can integrate with any AWS Batch SDK API today.

Step Functions can automate the lifecycle of an AWS Batch job, starting from creating a compute environment, creating job queues, registering job definitions, submitting a job, and finally cleaning up.

Other AWS service integrations

Step Functions support for 200 AWS Services equates integration with more than 9,000 API actions across these services. AWS Batch tasks in Step Functions can evolve by integrating with available services in the workflow for their pre- and post-processing needs.

For example, batch job input data sanitization can be done inside Lambda and that gets pushed to an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon S3 as an object for auditability purposes.

Similarly, Amazon SNS, Amazon Pinpoint, or Amazon SES can notify once AWS Batch job task is complete.

There are multiple ways to decorate around an AWS Batch job task. Refer to AWS SDK service integrations and optimized integrations for Step Functions for additional details.

Important considerations

Workflow orchestrations in the AWS Batch console only show Step Functions state machines that use AWS Batch’s Submit Job task. Step Functions state machines do not show in the AWS Batch console when:

  1. A state machine uses any other AWS SDK Batch API integration task
  2. AWS Batch’s SubmitJob API is invoked inside a Lambda function task using an AWS SDK client (like Boto3 or Node.js or Java)


The sample application provisions AWS Batch (the job definition, job queue, and ECS compute environment inside a VPC). It also creates subnets, route tables, and an internet gateway. Clean up the stack after testing the application to avoid the ongoing cost of running these services.

To delete the sample application stack, use the latest version of AWS SAM CLI and run:

sam delete


To learn more on AWS Batch, read the Orchestrating Batch jobs section in the Batch developer guide.

To get started, open the workflow orchestration page in the Batch console. Select Orchestrate Batch jobs with Step Functions Workflows to deploy a sample project, if you are new to Step Functions.

This feature is available in all Regions where both Step Functions and AWS Batch are available. View the AWS Regions table for details.

To learn more on Step Functions patterns, visit Serverless Land.

How to authenticate private container registries using AWS Batch

Post Syndicated from Ben Peven original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/how-to-authenticate-private-container-registries-using-aws-batch/

This post was contributed by Clayton Thomas, Solutions Architect, AWS WW Public Sector SLG Govtech.

Many AWS Batch users choose to store and consume their AWS Batch job container images on AWS using Amazon Elastic Container Registries (ECR). AWS Batch and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) natively support pulling from Amazon ECR without any extra steps required. For those users that choose to store their container images on other container registries or Docker Hub, often times they are not publicly exposed and require authentication to pull these images. Third-party repositories may throttle the number of requests, which impedes the ability to run workloads and self-managed repositories require heavy tuning to offer the scale that Amazon ECS provides. This makes Amazon ECS the preferred solution to run workloads on AWS Batch.

While Amazon ECS allows you to configure repositoryCredentials in task definitions containing private registry credentials, AWS Batch does not expose this option in AWS Batch job definitions. AWS Batch does not provide the ability to use private registries by default but you can allow that by configuring the Amazon ECS agent in a few steps.

This post shows how to configure an AWS Batch EC2 compute environment and the Amazon ECS agent to pull your private container images from private container registries. This gives you the flexibility to use your own private and public container registries with AWS Batch.


The solution uses AWS Secrets Manager to securely store your private container registry credentials, which are retrieved on startup of the AWS Batch compute environment. This ensures that your credentials are securely managed and accessed using IAM roles and are not persisted or stored in AWS Batch job definitions or EC2 user data. The Amazon ECS agent is then configured upon startup to pull these credentials from AWS Secrets Manager. Note that this solution only supports Amazon EC2 based AWS Batch compute environments, thus AWS Fargate cannot use this solution.

High-level diagram showing event flow

Figure 1: High-level diagram showing event flow

  1. AWS Batch uses an Amazon EC2 Compute Environment powered by Amazon ECS. This compute environment uses a custom EC2 Launch Template to configure the Amazon ECS agent to include credentials for pulling images from private registries.
  2. An EC2 User Data script is run upon EC2 instance startup that retrieves registry credentials from AWS Secrets Manager. The EC2 instance authenticates with AWS Secrets Manager using its configured IAM instance profile, which grants temporary IAM credentials.
  3. AWS Batch jobs can be submitted using private images that require authentication with configured credentials.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

  1. An AWS account
  2. An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud with private and public subnets. If you do not have a VPC, this tutorial can be followed. The AWS Batch compute environment must have connectivity to the container registry.
  3. A container registry containing a private image. This example uses Docker Hub and assumes you have created a private repository
  4. Registry credentials and/or an access token to authenticate with the container registry or Docker Hub.
  5. A VPC Security Group allowing the AWS Batch compute environment egress connectivity to the container registry.

A CloudFormation template is provided to simplify setting up this example. The CloudFormation template and provided EC2 user data script can be viewed here on GitHub.

The CloudFormation template will create the following resources:

  1. Necessary IAM roles for AWS Batch
  2. AWS Secrets Manager secret containing container registry credentials
  3. AWS Batch managed compute environment and job queue
  4. EC2 Launch Configuration with user data script

Click the Launch Stack button to get started:

Launch Stack

Launch the CloudFormation stack

After clicking the Launch stack button above, click Next to be presented with the following screen:

Figure 2: CloudFormation stack parameters

Figure 2: CloudFormation stack parameters

Fill in the required parameters as follows:

  1. Stack Name: Give your stack a unique name.
  2. Password: Your container registry password or Docker Hub access token. Note that both user name and password are masked and will not appear in any CF logs or output. Additionally, they are securely stored in an AWS Secrets Manager secret created by CloudFormation.
  3. RegistryUrl: If not using Docker Hub, specify the URL of the private container registry.
  4. User name: Your container registry user name.
  5. SecurityGroupIDs: Select your previously created security group to assign to the example Batch compute environment.
  6. SubnetIDs: To assign to the example Batch compute environment, select one or more VPC subnet IDs.

After entering these parameters, you can click through next twice and create the stack, which will take a few minutes to complete. Note that you must acknowledge that the template creates IAM resources on the review page before submitting.

Finally, you will be presented with a list of created AWS resources once the stack deployment finishes as shown in Figure 3 if you would like to dig deeper.

Figure 3: CloudFormation created resources

Figure 3: CloudFormation created resources

User data script contained within launch template

AWS Batch allows you to customize the compute environment in a variety of ways such as specifying an EC2 key pair, custom AMI, or an EC2 user data script. This is done by specifying an EC2 launch template before creating the Batch compute environment. For more information on Batch launch template support, see here.

Let’s take a closer look at how the Amazon ECS agent is configured upon compute environment startup to use your registry credentials.

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="==MYBOUNDARY=="

Content-Type: text/cloud-config; charset="us-ascii"

- jq
- aws-cli

- /usr/bin/aws configure set region $(curl
- export SECRET_STRING=$(/usr/bin/aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id your_secrets_manager_secret_id | jq -r '.SecretString')
- export USERNAME=$(echo $SECRET_STRING | jq -r '.username')
- export PASSWORD=$(echo $SECRET_STRING | jq -r '.password')
- export REGISTRY_URL=$(echo $SECRET_STRING | jq -r '.registry_url')
- echo $PASSWORD | docker login --username $USERNAME --password-stdin $REGISTRY_URL
- export AUTH=$(cat ~/.docker/config.json | jq -c .auths)
- echo 'ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_TYPE=dockercfg' >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
- echo "ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA=$AUTH" >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config


This example script uses and installs a few tools including the AWS CLI and the open-source tool jq to retrieve and parse the previously created Secrets Manager secret. These packages are installed using the cloud-config user data type, which is part of the cloud-init packages functionality. If using the provided CloudFormation template, this script will be dynamically rendered to reference the created secret, but note that you must specify the correct Secrets Manager secret id if not using the template.

After performing a Docker login, the generated Auth JSON object is captured and passed to the Amazon ECS agent configuration to be used on AWS Batch jobs that require private images. For an explanation of Amazon ECS agent configuration options including available Amazon ECS engine Auth types, see here. This example script can be extended or customized to fit your needs but must adhere to requirements for Batch launch template user data scripts, including being in MIME multi-part archive format.

It’s worth noting that the AWS CLI automatically grabs temporary IAM credentials from the associated IAM instance profile the CloudFormation stack created in order to retrieve the Secret Manager secret values. This example assumes you created the AWS Secrets Manager secret with the default AWS managed KMS key for Secrets Manager. However, if you choose to encrypt your secret with a customer managed KMS key, make sure to specify kms:Decrypt IAM permissions for the Batch compute environment IAM role.

Submitting the AWS Batch job

Now let’s try an example Batch job that uses a private container image by creating a Batch job definition and submitting a Batch job:

  1. Open the AWS Batch console
  2. Navigate to the Job Definition page
  3. Click create
  4. Provide a unique Name for the job definition
  5. Select the EC2 platform
  6. Specify your private container image located in the Image field
  7. Click create

Figure 4: Batch job definition

Now you can submit an AWS Batch job that uses this job definition:

  1. Click on the Jobs page
  2. Click Submit New Job
  3. Provide a Name for the job
  4. Select the previously created job definition
  5. Select the Batch Job Queue created by the CloudFormation stack
  6. Click Submit
Submitting a new Batch job

Figure 5: Submitting a new Batch job

After submitting the AWS Batch job, it will take a few minutes for the AWS Batch Compute Environment to create resources for scheduling the job. Once that is done, you should see a SUCCEEDED status by viewing the job and filtering by AWS Batch job queue shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: AWS Batch job succeeded

Figure 6: AWS Batch job succeeded

Cleaning up

To clean up the example resources, click delete for the created CloudFormation stack in the CloudFormation Console.


In this blog, you deployed a customized AWS Batch managed compute environment that was configured to allow pulling private container images in a secure manner. As I’ve shown, AWS Batch gives you the flexibility to use both private and public container registries. I encourage you to continue to explore the many options available natively on AWS for hosting and pulling container images. Amazon ECR or the recently launched Amazon ECR public repositories (for a deeper dive, see this blog announcement) both provide a seamless experience for container workloads running on AWS.

New – Fully Serverless Batch Computing with AWS Batch Support for AWS Fargate

Post Syndicated from Harunobu Kameda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-fully-serverless-batch-computing-with-aws-batch-support-for-aws-fargate/

We launched AWS Batch on December 2016 as a fully managed batch computing service that enables developers, scientists and engineers to easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS. With AWS Batch, you no longer need to install and manage batch computing software or server clusters to run your jobs. AWS Batch is designed to remove the heavy lifting of batch workload management by creating compute environments, managing queues, and launching the appropriate compute resources to run your jobs quickly and efficiently.

Today, we are happy to introduce the ability to specify AWS Fargate as a computing resource for AWS Batch jobs. AWS Fargate is a serverless computing engine for containers that eliminates the need to provision and manage your own servers. With this enhancement, customers will now have a way to run their jobs on serverless computing resources: Simply submit your analysis, ML inference, map reduce analysis, and other batch workloads, and let Batch and Fargate handle the rest.

Basic Concept
Customers running batch workloads in the cloud have a variety of orchestration needs: for example, workloads need to be queued, submitted to a compute resource, given priorities, dependencies and retries need to be handled, compute needs to be scalable and available, and users need to account for utilization and resource management. While AWS Batch simplifies all the queuing, scheduling, and lifecycle management for customers, and even provisions and manages compute in the customer account, customers are looking for even more simplicity where they can get up and running in minutes. Time spent on image maintenance, right-sizing of compute, and monitoring is time not spent on applications. These customer needs have led us to develop Fargate integration, which we are pleased to announce today.

How It Works
Simply specify Fargate or Fargate Spot as the resource type in Batch and submit a Fargate job definition, and customers can now take advantage of the benefits of serverless computing without the need for image patching, isolation of VM boundaries, and calculation of the correct size.

To start, access the AWS Management Console of AWS Batch. Select Compute environments and Create.Getting startWe now have 2 new options for Provisioning model: Fargate and Fargate Spot.

Selecting FargateWith Fargate or Fargate Spot, you don’t need to worry about Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon Machine Images. Just set Fargate or Fargate Spot, your subnets, and the maximum total vCPU of the jobs running in the compute environment, and you have a ready-to-go Fargate computing environment. With Fargate Spot, you can take advantage of up to 70% discount for your fault-tolerant, time-flexible jobs.

vCPU fro FargateSelect Create compute environment. Then, Batch will create your Fargate-based compute environment.

Created Computing environment

Next step is to create the Job Queue, which is where your jobs live when waiting to be run. Then, Connect that to your Fargate compute environment.

After you finished setting up the job queue, next step is to create Job definitions for your Fargate jobs. Select Job definitions from the left pane, and click the Create button.

Setting up job definitionOnce you’ve selected Fargate for the job definition, you are now ready to submit your job. Batch will handle queueing, submission, and job lifecycle for you! You can access Job definitions by clicking Job definitions in the left pane. After selecting Job Definition, click Submit new job.

Submitting JobYou need to select the Job queue previously set up for your Fargate compute environment.

Submitting new job

You can now submit your new job by pressing the Submit button at the bottom.

Follow the steps below to set up your Fargate-based compute environment using the AWS CLI.

1. Creating Compute Environment

aws batch create-compute-environment --cli-input-json file://below_sample.json

    "computeEnvironmentName": "FargateComputeEnvironment",
    "type": "MANAGED",
    "state": "ENABLED",
    "computeResources": {
        "type": "FARGATE", # or FARGATE_SPOT
        "maxvCpus": 40,
        "subnets": [
        "securityGroupIds": ["sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"],
        "tags": {
            "KeyName": "fargate"
"serviceRole": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/service-role/AWSBatchServiceRole"

2.Creating Job Queue

aws batch create-job-queue --cli-input-json file://below_job_queue.json

  "jobQueueName": "FargateJobQueue",
  "state": "ENABLED",
  "priority": 1,
  "computeEnvironmentOrder": [
      "order": 1,
      "computeEnvironment": "FargateComputeEnvironment"

3.Creating and Registering Job Definitions
aws batch-fargate register-job-definition --cli-input-json file://below_job_definition.json

    "jobDefinitionName": "FargateJobDefinition",
    "type": "container",
    "propagateTags": true,
     "containerProperties": {
        "image": "xxxxxxxxxxxx.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/test:latest",
        "networkConfiguration": {
            "assignPublicIp": "ENABLED"
        "fargatePlatformConfiguration": {
            "platformVersion": "LATEST"
        "resourceRequirements": [
                "value": "0.25",
                "type": "VCPU"
                "value": "512",
                "type": "MEMORY"
        "jobRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole",
        "logConfiguration": {
            "logDriver": "awslogs",
            "options": {
            "awslogs-group": "/ecs/sleepenv",
            "awslogs-region": "us-east-1",
            "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs"
   "platformCapabilities": [
    "tags": {
    "Service": "Batch",
    "Name": "JobDefinitionTag",
    "Expected": "MergeTag"

You can also use other container image registries like Docker Hub in addition to Amazon Elastic Container Registry.

4.Submitting Job
aws batch submit-job --job-name faragteJob --job-queue FargateJobQueue --job-definition FargateJobDefinition

Generally Available Today
AWS Batch support for AWS Fargate is generally available today for all AWS Regions where AWS Batch and AWS Fargate are available. Please visit the AWS Batch page and technical documentation for more details.

– Kame

Using shared memory for low-latency, intra-node communication in AWS Batch

Post Syndicated from James Beswick original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-shared-memory-for-low-latency-intra-node-communication-in-aws-batch/

This post is courtesy of Dario La Porta, Senior Consultant, HPC.

AWS Batch enables developers, scientists, and engineers to run hundreds of thousands of HPC jobs in AWS. By managing the provisioning of computing resources, this allows you to focus on your core business. Shared memory support is a new feature that can help improve overall performance.

This post explains the shared memory paradigm and how it can help you improve the performance of your single and multi-node applications. Performance gains can also help you to reduce the total runtime of your jobs and therefore reduce the overall cost.

The second part of the post shows you how to use shared memory in AWS Batch both in the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI. Finally, I show the performance gains that are made possible with shared memory usage by walking through a benchmarking analysis with OSU Micro-Benchmarks and GROMACS.

Shared memory paradigm

Advanced, compute-intensive workloads require high-performance hardware to use scalability to deliver results. The Amazon EC2 C5n instance type provides cost-efficient, high-performance hardware with a configurable number of cores.

HPC workloads use algorithms that require parallelization and a low latency communication between the different processes. The two main technologies used for the parallel communications are message-passing with distributed memory and shared memory.

Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a message-passing standard used for the communication in a parallel distributed environment. Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) enables your MPI applications to use low-latency, inter-node communication.

The shared memory paradigm allows multiple processors in the same system to communicate using a memory (RAM) portion that is shared between the processes. This method takes advantage of the high-speed memory bus.

Shared memory paradigm

MPI with intra-node shared memory communication

The two main MPI implementations, OpenMPI and Intel MPI, enable an intra-node shared memory communication in a distributed compute environment. When configured, you take advantage of the EFA libfabic implementation having consistent and reduced latency. This results in higher throughput than the TCP transport for the intra-node communication. From libfabric 1.9 onwards, the shared memory support has been directly added to the EFA provider. You no longer need to perform any modification to the OFI MTL.

MPI jobs in AWS Batch

AWS Batch enables the execution of MPI jobs using a multi-node configuration. First, a job definition is created that enables the execution of the job in multiple nodes. To learn how to create this definition, see Creating a Multi-node Parallel Job Definition.

To take advantage of the EFA capabilities, select a supported instance type and read Leveraging Elastic Fabric Adapter to run HPC and ML Workloads on AWS Batch. This post shows how to create the necessary resources in AWS Batch and run your first job with EFA.

Shared memory in AWS Batch

The new AWS Batch console interface enables you to configure the shared memory of the container inside the Job Definition. To see this, expand the Additional configuration in the Container properties section:

Container properties

The Linux parameters section contains the Shared memory size parameter in MB.

Linux parameters

You can set the same configuration in the AWS CLI by passing JSON parameters to the RegisterJobDefinition API:

"linuxParameters": {
    "sharedMemorySize": integer

When you run the job, it creates a shared memory area on each node that uses two or more processes. The shared memory area cannot be changed during the execution of the job. The size of the shared memory area is determined by the number of cores available in the node and the application requirements. For most jobs, a suggested initial value is 4096 MB.

Modern Linux kernels support a POSIX shared memory API. You can inspect the size of the container shared memory using the df -h /dev/shm command. The output can help you determine the shared memory space needed for your job.


The following section compares the different performance using shared memory with Intel MPI 2019 update 7 and EFA.

The instance type used for the benchmark is the c5n.18xlarge and, for the multi-node use case, a cluster placement group. This compares the performance increase from shared memory versus using pure EFA communication. The first benchmark focuses on the latency of the communication in a single node use case.

OSU Micro-Benchmarks is a suite of benchmarks for measuring and evaluating the performance of MPI operations. The specific test case used is the osu_latency, measuring the minimum, maximum and average latency of a ping-pong communication between a sender and a receiver. Specifically, this is where the message sender waits for the reply from the receiver. The benchmark uses a variety of data sizes to report the average one-way latency.

OSU benchmark results

The chart shows the latency in μs on the horizontal axis and packet size in bits on the vertical axis. The result shows a decrease in the communication latency using shared memory for the intra-node communication compared with using only EFA. The following chart shows the latency improvement:

Latency improvement graph

The next benchmark demonstrates how shared memory can also increase the performance in a multi-node configuration. The test application is GROMACS, a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics. The overall performance of the application is susceptible to communication latency variance.

Gromacs performance

The code for the test has been downloaded from the Unified European Applications Benchmark Suite. The specific use case is named lignocellulose-rf and it uses the Reaction field for electrostatics. The details and the download link can be found in the UEABS repository.

The benchmark uses one thread per core and the following mdrun parameters:

-maxh 0.50 -resethway -noconfout -nsteps 10000 -dlb yes -nstlist 100 -pin on

The compilation options and the parameters configuration are explained in the README file. The test is run on a c5n.18xlarge instance, instead of a GPU instance, to focus on measuring the performance improvement caused specifically by increasing the number of total cores of the simulation. The chart explains the performance gain (measure in ns/day) that are achieved by increasing the number of cores. This is possible by using the shared memory for the intra-node communication during the simulation instead of using only EFA networking.

The following chart illustrates a significant percentage performance improvement by using the shared memory:

Shared memory performance improvement


In this post, I show how the new shared memory support in AWS Batch is able to improve performance while decreasing the latency of the intra-node communication. This performance gain can also lower the cost of running jobs overall.

I show how to enable the usage of the shared memory in AWS Batch from the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI. I also highlight the performance gain from using shared memory with the high-speed memory bus of the c5n.18xlarge instance, using benchmarking analysis with OSU Micro-Benchmarks and GROMACS.

AWS Batch multi-node parallel jobs are now even more performant with EFA and shared memory configurations, enabling you to focus more on your applications and less on tuning. In addition, the Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) has a more consistent latency and higher throughput than the TCP transport for the inter-node communication.

To learn more about using this feature, visit the Getting Started guide.