Tag Archives: Acquisitions

Cloudflare acquires Baselime to expand serverless application observability capabilities

Post Syndicated from Boris Tane original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-acquires-baselime-expands-observability-capabilities

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that Cloudflare has acquired Baselime.

The cloud is changing. Just a few years ago, serverless functions were revolutionary. Today, entire applications are built on serverless architectures, from compute to databases, storage, queues, etc. — with Cloudflare leading the way in making it easier than ever for developers to build, without having to think about their architecture. And while the adoption of serverless has made it simple for developers to run fast, it has also made one of the most difficult problems in software even harder: how the heck do you unravel the behavior of distributed systems?

When I started Baselime 2 years ago, our goal was simple: enable every developer to build, ship, and learn from their serverless applications such that they can resolve issues before they become problems.

Since then, we built an observability platform that enables developers to understand the behaviour of their cloud applications. It’s designed for high cardinality and dimensionality data, from logs to distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry. With this data, we automatically surface insights from your applications, and enable you to quickly detect, troubleshoot, and resolve issues in production.

In parallel, Cloudflare has been busy the past few years building the next frontier of cloud computing: the connectivity cloud. The team is building primitives that enable developers to build applications with a completely new set of paradigms, from Workers to D1, R2, Queues, KV, Durable Objects, AI, and all the other services available on the Cloudflare Developers Platform.

This synergy makes Cloudflare the perfect home for Baselime. Our core mission has always been to simplify and innovate around observability for the future of the cloud, and Cloudflare’s ecosystem offers the ideal ground to further this cause. With Cloudflare, we’re positioned to deeply integrate into a platform that tens of thousands of developers trust and use daily, enabling them to quickly build, ship, and troubleshoot applications. We believe that every Worker, Queue, KV, Durable Object, AI call, etc. should have built-in observability by default.

That’s why we’re incredibly excited about the potential of what we can build together and the impact it will have on developers around the world.

To give you a preview into what’s ahead, I wanted to dive deeper into the 3 core concepts we followed while building Baselime.

High Cardinality and Dimensionality

Cardinality and dimensionality are best described using examples. Imagine you’re playing a board game with a deck of cards. High cardinality is like playing a game where every card is a unique character, making it hard to remember or match them. And high dimensionality is like each card has tons of details like strength, speed, magic, aura, etc., making the game’s strategy complex because there’s so much to consider.

This also applies to the data your application emits. For example, when you log an HTTP request that makes database calls.

  • High cardinality means that your logs can have a unique userId or requestId (which can take millions of distinct values). Those are high cardinality fields.
  • High dimensionality means that your logs can have thousands of possible fields. You can record each HTTP header of your request and the details of each database call. Any log can be a key-value object with thousands of individual keys.

The ability to query on high cardinality and dimensionality fields is key to modern observability. You can surface all errors or requests for a specific user, compute the duration of each of those requests, and group by location. You can answer all of those questions with a single tool.


OpenTelemetry provides a common set of tools, APIs, SDKs, and standards for instrumenting applications. It is a game-changer for debugging and understanding cloud applications. You get to see the big picture: how fast your HTTP APIs are, which routes are experiencing the most errors, or which database queries are slowest. You can also get into the details by following the path of a single request or user across your entire application.

Baselime is OpenTelemetry native, and it is built from the ground up to leverage OpenTelemetry data. To support this, we built a set of OpenTelemetry SDKs compatible with several serverless runtimes.

Cloudflare is building the cloud of tomorrow and has developed workerd, a modern JavaScript runtime for Workers. With Cloudflare, we are considering embedding OpenTelemetry directly in the Workers’ runtime. That’s one more reason we’re excited to grow further at Cloudflare, enabling more developers to understand their applications, even in the most unconventional scenarios.

Developer Experience

Observability without action is just storage. I have seen too many developers pay for tools to store logs and metrics they never use, and the key reason is how opaque these tools are.

The crux of the issue in modern observability isn’t the technology itself, but rather the developer experience. Many tools are complex, with a significant learning curve. This friction reduces the speed at which developers can identify and resolve issues, ultimately affecting the reliability of their applications. Improving developer experience is key to unlocking the full potential of observability.

We built Baselime to be an exploratory solution that surfaces insights to you rather than requiring you to dig for them. For example, we notify you in real time when errors are discovered in your application, based on your logs and traces. You can quickly search through all of your data with full-text search, or using our powerful query engine, which makes it easy to correlate logs and traces for increased visibility, or ask our AI debugging assistant for insights on the issue you’re investigating.

It is always possible to go from one insight to another, asking questions about the state of your app iteratively until you get to the root cause of the issue you are troubleshooting.

Cloudflare has always prioritised the developer experience of its developer platform, especially with Wrangler, and we are convinced it’s the right place to solve the developer experience problem of observability.

What’s next?

Over the next few months, we’ll work to bring the core of Baselime into the Cloudflare ecosystem, starting with OpenTelemetry, real-time error tracking, and all the developer experience capabilities that make a great observability solution. We will keep building and improving observability for applications deployed outside Cloudflare because we understand that observability should work across providers.

But we don’t want to stop there. We want to push the boundaries of what modern observability looks like. For instance, directly connecting to your codebase and correlating insights from your logs and traces to functions and classes in your codebase. We also want to enable more AI capabilities beyond our debugging assistant. We want to deeply integrate with your repositories such that you can go from an error in your logs and traces to a Pull Request in your codebase within minutes.

We also want to enable everyone building on top of Large Language Models to do all your LLM observability directly within Cloudflare, such that you can optimise your prompts, improve latencies and reduce error rates directly within your cloud provider. These are just a handful of capabilities we can now build with the support of the Cloudflare platform.


We are incredibly thankful to our community for its continued support, from day 0 to today. With your continuous feedback, you’ve helped us build something we’re incredibly proud of.

To all the developers currently using Baselime, you’ll be able to keep using the product and will receive ongoing support. Also, we are now making all the paid Baselime features completely free.

Baselime products remain available to sign up for while we work on integrating with the Cloudflare platform. We anticipate sunsetting the Baselime products towards the end of 2024 when you will be able to observe all of your applications within the Cloudflare dashboard. If you’re interested in staying up-to-date on our work with Cloudflare, we will release a signup link in the coming weeks!

We are looking forward to continuing to innovate with you.

Cloudflare acquires PartyKit to allow developers to build real-time multi-user applications

Post Syndicated from Sunil Pai original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-acquires-partykit

We’re thrilled to announce that PartyKit, an open source platform for deploying real-time, collaborative, multiplayer applications, is now a part of Cloudflare. This acquisition marks a significant milestone in our journey to redefine the boundaries of serverless computing, making it more dynamic, interactive, and, importantly, stateful.

Defining the future of serverless compute around state

Building real-time applications on the web have always been difficult. Not only is it a distributed systems problem, but you need to provision and manage infrastructure, databases, and other services to maintain state across multiple clients. This complexity has traditionally been a barrier to entry for many developers, especially those who are just starting out.

We announced Durable Objects in 2020 as a way of building synchronized real time experiences for the web. Unlike regular serverless functions that are ephemeral and stateless, Durable Objects are stateful, allowing developers to build applications that maintain state across requests. They also act as an ideal synchronization point for building real-time applications that need to maintain state across multiple clients. Combined with WebSockets, Durable Objects can be used to build a wide range of applications, from multiplayer games to collaborative drawing tools.

In 2022, PartyKit began as a project to further explore the capabilities of Durable Objects and make them more accessible to developers by exposing them through familiar components. In seconds, you could create a project that configured behavior for these objects, and deploy it to Cloudflare. By integrating with popular libraries such as Yjs (the gold standard in collaborative editing) and React, PartyKit made it possible for developers to build a wide range of use cases, from multiplayer games to collaborative drawing tools, into their applications.

Building experiences with real-time components was previously only accessible to multi-billion dollar companies, but new computing primitives like Durable Objects on the edge make this accessible to regular developers and teams. With PartyKit now under our roof, we’re doubling down on our commitment to this future — a future where serverless is stateful.

We’re excited to give you a preview into our shared vision for applications, and the use cases we’re excited to simplify together.

Making state for serverless easy

Unlike conventional approaches that rely on external databases to maintain state, thereby complicating scalability and increasing costs, PartyKit leverages Cloudflare’s Durable Objects to offer a seamless model where stateful serverless functions can operate as if they were running on a single machine, maintaining state across requests. This innovation not only simplifies development but also opens up a broader range of use cases, including real-time computing, collaborative editing, and multiplayer gaming, by allowing thousands of these “machines” to be spun up globally, each maintaining its own state. PartyKit aims to be a complement to traditional serverless computing, providing a more intuitive and efficient method for developing applications that require stateful behavior, thereby marking the “next evolution” of serverless computing.

Simplifying WebSockets for Real-Time Interaction

WebSockets have revolutionized how we think about bidirectional communication on the web. Yet, the challenge has always been about scaling these interactions to millions without a hitch. Cloudflare Workers step in as the hero, providing a serverless framework that makes real-time applications like chat services, multiplayer games, and collaborative tools not just possible but scalable and efficient.

Powering Games and Multiplayer Applications Without Limits

Imagine building multiplayer platforms where the game never lags, the collaboration is seamless, and video conferences are crystal clear. Cloudflare’s Durable Objects morph the stateless serverless landscape into a realm where persistent connections thrive. PartyKit’s integration into this ecosystem means developers now have a powerhouse toolkit to bring ambitious multiplayer visions to life, without the traditional overheads.

This is especially critical in gaming — there are few areas where low-latency and real-time interaction matter more. Every millisecond, every lag, every delay defines the entire experience. With PartyKit’s capabilities integrated into Cloudflare, developers will be able to leverage our combined technologies to create gaming experiences that are not just about playing but living the game, thanks to scalable, immersive, and interactive platforms.

The toolkit for building Local-First applications

The Internet is great, and increasingly always available, but there are still a few situations where we are forced to disconnect — whether on a plane, a train, or a beach.

The premise of local-first applications is that work doesn’t stop when the Internet does. Wherever you left off in your doc, you can keep working on it, assuming the state will be restored when you come back online. By storing data on the client and syncing when back online, these applications offer resilience and responsiveness that’s unmatched. Cloudflare’s vision, enhanced by PartyKit’s technology, aims to make local-first not just an option but the standard for application development.

What’s next for PartyKit users?

Users can expect their existing projects to continue working as expected. We will be adding more features to the platform, including the ability to create and use PartyKit projects inside existing Workers and Pages projects. There will be no extra charges to use PartyKit for commercial purposes, other than the standard usage charges for Cloudflare Workers and other services. Further, we’re going to expand the roadmap to begin working on integrations with popular frameworks and libraries, such as React, Vue, and Angular. We’re deeply committed to executing on the PartyKit vision and roadmap, and we’re excited to see what you build with it.

The Beginning of a New Chapter

The acquisition of PartyKit by Cloudflare isn’t just a milestone for our two teams; it’s a leap forward for developers everywhere. Together, we’re not just building tools; we’re crafting the foundation for the next generation of Internet applications. The future of serverless is stateful, and with PartyKit’s expertise now part of our arsenal, we’re more ready than ever to make that future a reality.

Welcome to the Cloudflare team, PartyKit. Look forward to building something remarkable together.

Why we are acquiring Area 1

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original https://blog.cloudflare.com/why-we-are-acquiring-area-1/

Why we are acquiring Area 1

This post is also available in Français and Español.

Why we are acquiring Area 1

Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better Internet. We’ve invested heavily in building the world’s most powerful cloud network to deliver a faster, safer and more reliable Internet for our users. Today, we’re taking a big step towards enhancing our ability to secure our customers.

Earlier today we announced that Cloudflare has agreed to acquire Area 1 Security. Area 1’s team has built exceptional cloud-native technology to protect businesses from email-based security threats. Cloudflare will integrate Area 1’s technology with our global network to give customers the most complete Zero Trust security platform available.

Why Email Security?

Back at the turn of the century I was involved in the fight against email spam. At the time, before the mass use of cloud-based email, spam was a real scourge. Clogging users’ inboxes, taking excruciatingly long to download, and running up people’s Internet bills. The fight against spam involved two things, one technical and one architectural.

Technically, we figured out how to use machine-learning to successfully differentiate between spam and genuine. And fairly quickly email migrated to being largely cloud-based. But together these changes didn’t kill spam, but they relegated to a box filled with junk that rarely needs to get looked at.

What spam didn’t do, although for a while it looked like it might, was kill email. In fact, email remains incredibly important. And because of its importance it’s a massive vector for threats against businesses and individuals.

And whilst individuals largely moved to cloud-based email many companies still have on-premise email servers. And, much like anything else in the cybersecurity world, email needs best-in-class protection, not just what’s built in with the email provider being used.

When Cloudflare was in its infancy we considered dealing with the email-borne threat problem but opted to concentrate on building defences for networks and the web. Over time, we’ve vastly expanded our protection and our customers are using us to protect the entirety of their Internet-facing world.

Whilst we can protect a mail server from DDoS, for example, using Magic Transit, that’s just one potential way in which email gets attacked. And far more insidious are emails sent into organizations containing scams, malware and other threats. Just as Cloudflare protects applications that use HTTP, we need to protect email at the application and content level.

If you read the press, few weeks go by without reading a news story about how an organization had significant data compromised because an employee fell for a phishing email.

Cyberthreats are entering businesses via email. Area 1 estimates that more than 90% of cyber security damages are the result of just one thing: phishing. Let’s be clear, email is the biggest exposure for any business.

Existing email security solutions aren’t quite cutting it. Historically, companies have addressed email threats by layering legacy box-based products. And layering they are, as around 1 in 7 Fortune 1000 companies use two or more email security solutions1. If you know Cloudflare, you know legacy boxes are not our thing. As businesses continue to move to the cloud, so does email. Gartner estimates 71% of companies use cloud or hybrid cloud email, with Google’s G Suite and Microsoft’s Office 365 being the most common solutions2. While these companies offer built-in protection capabilities for their email products, many companies do not believe they adequately protect users (more on our own experience with these shortfalls later).

Why we are acquiring Area 1

Trying before buying  

Email security is something that has been on our mind for some time.

Last year we rolled out Email Security DNS Wizard, our first email security product. It was designed as a tool to tackle email spoofing and phishing and improve the deliverability of millions of emails. This was just the first step on our email security journey. Bringing Area 1 onboard is the next, and much larger, step in that journey.

As a security company, we are constantly being attacked. We have been using Area 1 for some time to protect our employees from these attackers.

In early 2020, our security team saw an uptick in employee-reported phishing attempts. Our cloud-based email provider had strong spam filtering, but fell short at blocking malicious threats and other advanced attacks. Additionally, our provider only offered controls to cover their native web application, and did not provide sufficient controls to protect their iOS app and alternate methods of accessing email. Clearly, we needed to layer an email security solution on top of their built-in protection capabilities (more on layering later…).

The team looked for four main things in a vendor: the ability to scan email attachments, the ability to analyze suspected malicious links, business email compromise protection, and strong APIs into cloud-native email providers. After testing many vendors, Area 1 became the clear choice to protect our employees. We implemented Area 1’s solution in early 2020, and the results have been fantastic. With Area 1, we’ve been able to proactively identify phishing campaigns and take action against them before they cause damage. We saw a significant and prolonged drop in phishing emails. Not only that, the Area 1 service had little to no impact on email productivity, which means there were minimal false positives distracting our security team.

In fact, Area 1’s technology was so effective at launch, that our CEO reached out to our Chief Security Officer to inquire if our email security was broken. Our CEO hadn’t seen any phishing attempts reported by our employees for many weeks, a rare occurrence. It turns out our employees weren’t reporting any phishing attempts, because Area 1 was catching all phishing attempts before they reached our employee’s inboxes.

The reason Area 1 is able to do a better job than other providers out there is twofold. First, they have built a significant data platform that is able to identify patterns in emails. Where does an email come from? What does it look like? What IP does it come from? Area 1 has been in the email security space for nine years, and they have amassed an incredibly valuable trove of threat intelligence data. In addition, they have used this data to train state-of-the-art machine learning models to act preemptively against threats.

Layers (Email Security + Zero Trust)

Offering a cloud-based email security product makes sense on its own, but our vision for joining Area 1’s technology to Cloudflare is much larger. We are convinced that adding email security to our existing Zero Trust security platform will result in the best protection for our customers.

Why we are acquiring Area 1

Just as Cloudflare had put Area 1 in front of our existing email solution, many companies put two or more layered email protection products together. But layering is hard. Different products have different configuration mechanisms (some might use a UI, others an API, others might not support Terraform etc.), different reporting mechanisms, and incompatibilities that have to be worked around.

SMTP, the underlying email protocol, has been around since 1982 and in the intervening 40 years a lot of protocols have grown around SMTP to make it secure, add spoof protection, verify senders, and more. Getting layered email security products to work well with all those add-on protocols is hard.

And email doesn’t stand alone. The user’s email address is often the same thing as their company log in. It makes sense to bring Zero Trust and email security together.

Why we are acquiring Area 1

As we’ve discussed, email is a major vector for attacks, but it is not the only one. Email security is just one layer of an enterprise defense system. Most businesses have multiple layers of security to protect their employees and their assets. These defense layers reduce the risk that a system gets penetrated by an attacker. Now imagine all these layers were purpose-built to work with each other seamlessly, built into the same software stack, offered by a single vendor and available to you in 250+ locations around the world.

Imagine a world where you can turn on email security to protect you against phishing, but if for some reason an attacker were to get through to an employee’s inbox, you can create a rule to open any unrecognized link in an isolated remote browser with no text input allowed and scan all email attachments for known malware. That is the power of what we hope to achieve by adding Area 1’s technology onto Cloudflare’s Zero Trust security platform.

Bringing email and Zero Trust together opens up a world of possibilities in protecting email and the enterprise.

Shared Intelligence

At Cloudflare, we’re fans of closely knit products that deliver more value together than they do apart. We refer to that internally as 1+1=3. Incorporating Area 1 into our Zero Trust platform will deliver significant value to our customers, but protecting email is just the start.

Area 1 has spent years training their machine learning models with email data to deliver world-class security. Joining email threat data and Cloudflare’s threat data from our global network will give us incredible power to deliver improved security capabilities for our customers across our products.

Why we are acquiring Area 1

Shared vision

Together with the Area 1 team, we will continue to help build the world’s most robust cloud network and Zero Trust security platform.

On a final note, what struck us most about Area 1 is their shared vision for building a better (and more secure) Internet. Their team is smart, transparent, and curious, all traits we value tremendously at Cloudflare. We are convinced that together our teams can deliver tremendous value to our customers.

If you are interested in upcoming email security products, please register your interest here. You can learn more about the acquisition here or in Area 1’s blog.

The acquisition is expected to close early in the second quarter of 2022 and is subject to customary closing conditions. Until the transaction closes, Cloudflare and Area 1 Security remain separate and independent companies.

Why we are acquiring Area 1


1Piper Sandler 1Q2021 Email Security Survey: Market Share
2Gartner, Market Guide for Email Security, 8 September 2020

Cloudflare acquires Vectrix to expand Zero Trust SaaS security

Post Syndicated from Corey Mahan original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-acquires-vectrix-to-expand-zero-trust-saas-security/

Cloudflare acquires Vectrix to expand Zero Trust SaaS security

Cloudflare acquires Vectrix to expand Zero Trust SaaS security

We are excited to share that Vectrix has been acquired by Cloudflare!

Vectrix helps IT and security teams detect security issues across their SaaS applications. We look at both data and users in SaaS apps to alert teams to issues ranging from unauthorized user access and file exposure to misconfigurations and shadow IT.

We built Vectrix to solve a problem that terrified us as security engineers ourselves: how do we know if the SaaS apps we use have the right controls in place? Is our company data protected? SaaS tools make it easy to work with data and collaborate across organizations of any size, but that also makes them vulnerable.

The growing SaaS security problem

The past two years have accelerated SaaS adoption much faster than any of us could have imagined and without much input on how to secure this new business stack.

Google Workspace for collaboration. Microsoft Teams for communication. Workday for HR. Salesforce for customer relationship management. The list goes on.

With this new reliance on SaaS, IT and security teams are faced with a new set of problems like files and folders being made public on the Internet, external users joining private chat channels, or an employee downloading all customer data from customer relationship tools.

The challenge of securing users and data across even a handful of applications, each with its own set of security risks and a unique way of protecting it, is overwhelming for most IT and security teams. Where should they begin?

One platform, many solutions

Enter the API-driven Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB). We think about an API-driven CASB as a solution that can scan, detect, and continuously monitor for security issues across organization-approved, IT-managed SaaS apps like Microsoft 365, ServiceNow, Zoom, or Okta.

CASB solutions help teams with:

  • Data security – ensuring the wrong file or folder is not shared publicly in Dropbox.
  • User activity – alerting to suspicious user permissions changing in Workday at 2:00 AM.
  • Misconfigurations – keeping Zoom Recordings from becoming publicly accessible.
  • Compliance – tracking and reporting who modified Bitbucket branch permissions.
  • Shadow IT – detecting users that signed up for an unapproved app with their work email.

Securing SaaS applications starts with visibility into what users and data reside in a service, and then understanding how they’re used. From there, protective and preventive measures, within the SaaS application and on the network, can be used to ensure data stays safe.

It’s not always the extremely complex things either. A really good example of this came from an early Vectrix customer who asked if we could detect public Google Calendars for them. They recently had an issue where someone on the team had shared their calendar which contained several sensitive meeting links and passcodes. They would have saved themselves a headache if they could have detected this prior, and even better, been able to correct it in a few clicks.

In this SaaS age something as innocent as a calendar invite can introduce risks that IT and security teams now have to think about. This is why we’re excited to grow further at Cloudflare, helping more teams stay one step ahead.

Cloudflare acquires Vectrix to expand Zero Trust SaaS security

Ridiculously easy setup

A core component of an API-first approach is the access system, which powers integrations via an OAuth 2.0 or vendor marketplace app to authorize secure API access into SaaS services. This means the API-driven CASB works out of band, or not in the direct network path, and won’t cause any network slowdowns or require any network configuration changes.

In just a few clicks, you can securely integrate with SaaS apps from anywhere—no agents, no installs, no downloads.

Over a cup of coffee an IT or security system administrator can connect their company’s critical SaaS apps and start getting visibility into data and user activity right away. In fact, we usually see no more than 15 minutes pass from creating an account to the first findings being reported.

Cloudflare acquires Vectrix to expand Zero Trust SaaS security

The more, the merrier

By integrating with more and more organization-approved SaaS application patterns that may otherwise not be visible start to emerge.

For example, being alerted that Sam attempted to disable two-factor authentication in multiple SaaS applications may indicate a need for more security awareness training. Or being able to detect numerous users granting sensitive account permissions to an unapproved third-party app could indicate a possible phishing attempt.

The more integrations you protect the better your overall SaaS security becomes.

Better together in Zero Trust

The entire Vectrix team has joined Cloudflare and will be integrating API-driven CASB functionality into the Cloudflare Zero Trust platform, launching later this year.

This means an already impressive set of growing products like Access (ZTNA), Gateway (SWG), and Browser Isolation, will be getting even better, together. Even more exciting though, is that using all of these services will be a seamless experience, managed from a unified Zero Trust platform and dashboard.

A few examples of what we’re looking forward to growing together are:

  • Shadow IT: use Gateway to detect all your SaaS apps in use, block those that are unapproved, and use CASB to ensure your data stays safe in sanctioned ones.
  • Secure access: use Access to ensure only users who match your device policies will be allowed into SaaS apps and CASB to ensure the SaaS app stays configured only for your approved authentication method.
  • Data control: use Browser Isolation’s input controls to prevent users from copy/pasting or printing data and CASB to ensure the data isn’t modified to be shared publicly from within the SaaS app itself for total control.

What’s next?

Vectrix will be integrated into the Cloudflare Zero Trust platform to extend the security of Cloudflare’s global network to the data stored in SaaS applications from a single control plane.

If you’d like early beta access, please click here to join the waitlist. We will send invites out in the sign-up order we received them. You can learn more about the acquisition here.