Tag Archives: Analytics

Amazon EMR supports Apache Hive ACID transactions

Post Syndicated from Suthan Phillips original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-emr-supports-apache-hive-acid-transactions/

Apache Hive is an open-source data warehouse package that runs on top of an Apache Hadoop cluster. You can use Hive for batch processing and large-scale data analysis. Hive uses Hive Query Language (HiveQL), which is similar to SQL.

ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) properties make sure that the transactions in a database are atomic, consistent, isolated, and reliable.

Amazon EMR 6.1.0 adds support for Hive ACID transactions so it complies with the ACID properties of a database. With this feature, you can run INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE operations in Hive managed tables with data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This is a key feature for use cases like streaming ingestion, data restatement, bulk updates using MERGE, and slowly changing dimensions.

This post demonstrates how to enable Hive ACID transactions in Amazon EMR, how to create a Hive transactional table, how it can achieve atomic and isolated operations, and the concepts, best practices, and limitations of using Hive ACID in Amazon EMR.

Enabling Hive ACID in Amazon EMR

To enable Hive ACID as the default for all Hive managed tables in an EMR 6.1.0 cluster, use the following hive-site configuration:

      "classification": "hive-site",
      "properties": {
         "hive.support.concurrency": "true",
         "hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode": "nonstrict",
         "hive.txn.manager": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager"

For the complete list of configuration parameters related to Hive ACID and descriptions of the preceding parameters, see Hive Transactions.

Hive ACID use case

In this section, we explain the Hive ACID transactions with a straightforward use case in Amazon EMR.

Enter the following Hive command in the master node of an EMR cluster (6.1.0 release) and replace <s3-bucket-name> with the bucket name in your account:

hive --hivevar location=<s3-bucket-name> -f s3://aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/hive-acid-blog/hive_acid_example.hql 

After Hive ACID is enabled on an Amazon EMR cluster, you can run the CREATE TABLE DDLs for Hive transaction tables.

To define a Hive table as transactional, set the table property transactional=true.

The following CREATE TABLE DDL is used in the script that creates a Hive transaction table acid_tbl:

CREATE TABLE acid_tbl (key INT, value STRING, action STRING)
LOCATION 's3://${hivevar:location}/acid_tbl' 
TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true');

This script generates three partitions in the provided Amazon S3 path. See the following screenshot.

The first partition, trans_date=2020-08-01, has the data generated as a result of sample INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE statements. We use the second and third partitions when explaining minor and major compactions later in this post.

ACID is achieved in Apache Hive using three types of files: base, delta, and delete_delta. Edits are written in delta and delete_delta files.

The base file is created by the Insert Overwrite Table query or as the result of major compaction over a partition, where all the files are consolidated into a single base_<write id> file, where the write ID is allocated by the Hive transaction manager for every write. This helps achieve isolation of Hive write queries and enables them to run in parallel.

The INSERT operation creates a new delta_<write id>_<write id> directory.

The DELETE operation creates a new delete_delta_<write id>_<write id> directory.

To support deletes, a unique row__id is added to each row on writes. When a DELETE statement runs, the corresponding row__id gets added to the delete_delta_<write id>_<write id> directory, which should be ignored on reads. See the following screenshot.

The UPDATE operation creates a new delta_<write id>_<write id> directory and a delete<write id>_<write id> directory.

The following screenshot shows the second partition in Amazon S3, trans_date=2020-08-02.

A Hive transaction provides snapshot isolation for reads. When an application or query reads the transaction table, it opens all the files of a partition/bucket and returns the records from the last transaction committed.

Hive compactions

With the previously mentioned logic for Hive writes on a transactional table, many small delta and delete_delta files are created, which could adversely impact read performance over time because each read over a particular partition has to open all the files (including delete_delta) to eliminate the deleted rows.

This brings the need for a compaction logic for Hive transactions. In the following sections, we use the same use case to explain minor and major compactions in Hive.

Minor compaction

A minor compaction merges all the delta and delete_delta files within a partition or bucket to a single delta_<start write id>_<end write id> and delete_delta_<start write id>_<end write id> file.

We can trigger the minor compaction manually for the second partition (trans_date=2020-08-02) in Amazon S3 with the following code:

ALTER TABLE acid_tbl PARTITION (trans_date='2020-08-02') COMPACT 'minor';

If you check the same second partition in Amazon S3, after a minor compaction, it looks like the following screenshot.

You can see all the delta and delete_delta files from write ID 0000005–0000009 merged to single delta and delete_delta files, respectively.

Major compaction

A major compaction merges the base, delta, and delete_delta files within a partition or bucket to a single base_<latest write id>. Here the deleted data gets cleaned.

A major compaction is automatically triggered in the third partition (trans_date='2020-08-03') because the default Amazon EMR compaction threshold is met, as described in the next section. See the following screenshot.

To check the progress of compactions, enter the following command:

hive> show compactions;

The following screenshot shows the output.

Compaction in Amazon EMR

Compaction is enabled by default in Amazon EMR 6.1.0. The following property determines the number of concurrent compaction tasks:

  • hive.compactor.worker.threads – Number of worker threads to run in the instance. The default is 1 or vCores/8, whichever is greater.

Automatic compaction is triggered in Amazon EMR 6.1.0 based on the following configuration parameters:

  • hive.compactor.check.interval – Time period in seconds to check if any partition requires compaction. The default is 300 seconds.
  • hive.compactor.delta.num.threshold – Triggers minor compaction when the total number of delta files is greater than this value. The default is 10.
  • hive.compactor.delta.pct.threshold – Triggers major compaction when the total size of delta files is greater than this percentage size of base file. The default is 0.1, or 10%.

Best practices

The following are some best practices when using this feature:

  • Use an external Hive metastore for Hive ACID tables – Our customers use EMR clusters for compute purposes and Amazon S3 as storage for cost-optimization. With this architecture, you can stop the EMR cluster when the Hive jobs are complete. However, if you use a local Hive metastore, the metadata is lost upon stopping the cluster, and the corresponding data in Amazon S3 becomes unusable. To persist the metastore, we strongly recommend using an external Hive metastore like an Amazon RDS for MySQL instance or Amazon Aurora. Also, if you need multiple EMR clusters running ACID transactions (read or write) on the same Hive table, you need to use an external Hive metastore.
  • Use ORC format – Use ORC format to get full ACID support for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE statements.
  • Partition your data – This technique helps improve performance for large datasets.
  • Enable an EMRFS consistent view if using Amazon S3 as storage – Because you have frequent movement of files in Amazon S3, we recommend using an EMRFS consistent view to mitigate the issues related to the eventual consistency nature of Amazon S3.
  • Use Hive authorization – Because Hive transactional tables are Hive managed tables, to prevent users from deleting data in Amazon S3, we suggest implementing Hive authorization with required privileges for each user.


Keep in mind the following limitations of this feature:

  • The AWS Glue Data Catalog doesn’t support Hive ACID transactions.
  • Hive external tables don’t support Hive ACID transactions.
  • Bucketing is optional in Hive 3, but in Amazon EMR 6.1.0 (as of this writing), if the table is partitioned, it needs to be bucketed. You can mitigate this issue in Amazon EMR 6.1.0 using the following bootstrap action:
    --bootstrap-actions '[{"Path":"s3://aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/hive-acid-blog/make_bucketing_optional_for_hive_acid_EMR_6_1.sh","Name":"Set bucketing as optional for Hive ACID"}]'


This post introduced the Hive ACID feature in EMR 6.1.0 clusters, explained how it works and its concepts with a straightforward use case, described the default behavior of Hive ACID on Amazon EMR, and offered some best practices. Stay tuned for additional updates on new features and further improvements in Apache Hive on Amazon EMR.

About the Authors

Suthan Phillips is a big data architect at AWS. He works with customers to provide them architectural guidance and helps them achieve performance enhancements for complex applications on Amazon EMR. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking and exploring the Pacific Northwest.





Chao Gao is a Software Development Engineer at Amazon EMR. He mainly works on Apache Hive project at EMR, and has some in-depth knowledge of distributed database and database internals. In his spare time, he enjoys making roadtrips, visiting all the national parks and traveling around the world.

Zoopla drives KPIs with centralized data using Fivetran ELT for Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Steven Collings original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/zoopla-drives-kpis-with-centralized-data-using-fivetran-elt-for-amazon-redshift/

This is a guest post by Steven Collings, Senior Data Consultant at Zoopla

Zoopla is a property website that enables users to find residential or commercial property to buy or rent in the UK and overseas. Since acquiring Property Software Group and Expert Agent, we also offer a backend software that agents can use to build their businesses. Amidst the growth and acquisitions, we needed a way to bring together data from disparate systems to drive key performance indicators (KPIs) for all the Salesforce and NetSuite data we store in Amazon Redshift.

Building a flexible and scalable data warehouse with Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse solution that makes it simple and cost-effective to efficiently analyze all of your data using your existing business intelligence tools. We have used Amazon Redshift as our data warehouse for more than 5 years and have developed deep knowledge of the AWS analytics stack. Amazon Redshift has always performed well for us and integrates with other services we rely on, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), AWS Glue, and Microsoft Power BI, among others. Importantly, Amazon Redshift has evolved along with our needs. For example, we adopted Amazon Redshift Spectrum to query data directly in our Amazon S3 data lake so that we can scale efficiently from a cost and performance perspective, and easily combine data in the warehouse and the lake. In general, we’re pleased that AWS has continuously allowed us to scale and move forward.

Complicated custom scripts and disparate data

We had custom-built scripts pulling the data into Amazon Redshift from different places, including NetSuite and Salesforce. These were built by different people, often in different languages, and not documented. Each script required maintenance to keep up with changes to source systems and APIs. We wanted a solution to help us integrate data more quickly and efficiently, using less developer time.

In addition to custom scripts, we were using native connectors from Power BI to shortcut data straight into reports. We were integrating data too high up in the stack to be able to reuse it in the ways that we wanted to. A proliferation of Power BI models was causing data to become siloed, and we ended up with a series of point solutions. We wanted our data centralized in our Amazon Redshift data warehouse so we could ensure its quality, join it together, and create enterprise data models.

We recognized that feeding the data directly into Power BI wasn’t scalable. Power BI has a key role in our data stack for dashboarding and self-service analytics, and we wanted to keep our use of the tool squarely in its sweet spot. We didn’t want to push every piece of fine-grained data into Power BI just so we could use it for a deep-dive analysis. Not only would this approach be expensive, it also had performance implications and reduced the freedom of our analyst community to use the best tool for the job. It made more sense to have that data in Amazon Redshift (as our existing data warehouse solution), a platform that is well suited for running fine-grained, large-scale analyses using whichever tool best suits the use case.

Fivetran for automated data pipelines

We selected Fivetran to ingest the data. Fivetran replicates data from applications, databases, events, and files into Amazon Redshift. Fivetran connectors deploy in minutes, require zero maintenance, and automatically adjust to source changes so our data team can stop worrying about engineering and focus on driving insights. With Fivetran bringing data into Amazon Redshift, we have increased data quality and can easily integrate new datasets.

Freeing up engineering resources

Due to competing priorities for data engineering resources, my team faced a reduced level of support. With Fivetran, we could push ahead and make progress while working with fewer resources. We enabled existing members of the BI team to perform data integration tasks that previously required engineering effort (such as importing new sources, modifying existing sources, implementing data cleansing, and shaping logic) and freed up our data engineers to apply their skill set to value add activities beyond maintaining data pipelines.

We estimate that Fivetran currently does the work of up to one full-time engineer, and we expect that number to increase. We’re interested in adding more sources that aren’t being integrated at the moment (such as campaign performance or customer helpdesk), which will increase the number of engineering hours that Fivetran saves us.

Building out comprehensive KPIs

One of the biggest drivers for bringing on Fivetran was a project that required centralizing NetSuite and Salesforce data for a large KPI project. We had a custom-built Salesforce connector but we didn’t have the skill set on the team to maintain it, and we didn’t want to spend development resources when we could buy it off the shelf.

The project entailed building a KPI overview for the senior leadership team. The weekly dashboard monitors about 40 different KPIs and metrics across Sales, Product, Marketing, Financials, HR, and other departments. It’s constantly available to the senior leadership team and allows them to understand overall business performance and also drill down into areas of concern that require further investigation and analysis. A streamlined version of the dashboard is displayed on screens around the office so that everyone feels informed and connected to our mission.

While some of these KPIs were already available, they were spread around different systems, lived in different reports, or were never even surfaced. If they were attainable, the process was often manual and prone to errors. This has been the key deliverable. It was always in our mind that we didn’t want to build a point solution. We wanted to ensure that all the data we were landing could be leveraged for other purposes, and we wanted to make this data available in a self-service capacity. By providing faster, simpler access to data, we enable quicker, more informed decision-making and open up the next wave of questions as people understand what is possible.


By centralizing data into the existing Amazon Redshift data warehouse, using Fivetran to automate data ingestion, and building dashboards with Power BI we’ve created a consistent and efficient analytics process. It’s saved our team time, and made sure we’re able to continue to deliver valuable insight to our stakeholders.

Learn more about Zoopla, Fivetran and Amazon Redshift.

About the Author

Steven Collings is a Data Consultant (formerly Head of Data) at Zoopla, with 15 years experience of data storage, ETL, data modelling, and reporting & visualisation techniques and technologies.

Fast and predictable performance with serverless compilation using Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Kiran Chinta original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/fast-and-predictable-performance-with-serverless-compilation-using-amazon-redshift/

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence (BI) tools. Customers tell us that they want extremely fast query response times so they can make equally fast decisions.

This post presents the recently launched, massively scalable serverless compilation capability for Amazon Redshift, which can now concurrently compile query segments with additional compute resources at no extra cost. We also share how our customers have enjoyed faster performance (in several cases, twice as fast) because of this new capability.

Amazon Redshift query compilation

When a query is sent to Amazon Redshift, the query processing engine parses it into multiple segments and compiles these segments to produce optimized object files that are processed during query execution. When similar or same queries are sent to Amazon Redshift, the corresponding segments are present in the cluster code compilation cache. Query segments that use already compiled code in the cache run faster because there’s no overhead of query compilation.

You can also accelerate your workloads of one-time and first-time queries, which don’t have query segments compiled in the cache. Depending on the query’s complexity, Amazon Redshift usually compiles those queries within seconds. However, some mission-critical workloads require even faster response time. This is where the massively scalable serverless compilation capability in Amazon Redshift makes a big difference.

Amazon Redshift serverless query compilation

Amazon Redshift breaks down a query into a set of segments, and each segment is a set of operations, such as SCAN or BUILD HASH TABLE. With the launch of the massively scalable serverless compilation capability, Amazon Redshift can now compile the query segments faster and in parallel because the compilation isn’t limited by the specific cluster being used and its available CPU and memory resources.

The Amazon Redshift compilation capability is managed with an external resource that your Amazon Redshift cluster uses based on your workload. During query processing, Amazon Redshift generates query segments and sends the segments that aren’t present in the cluster’s local cache to the external compilation farm to be compiled with massive parallelism. At the time of running the query, the segments are quickly fetched from the compilation service and saved in the cluster’s local cache for future processing. This makes sure that one-time and first-time queries are processed with high performance in a transparent way, without any additional cost.

Design and usage

The massively scalable serverless compilation capabilities benefit you whenever you need query compilation, especially with complex and highly concurrent workloads. The following are some specific use cases where this capability helps:

  • Dashboard applications that require fast query performance experience lower query compilation time, leading to improved user experience.
  • Dynamic one-time queries with new query segments that aren’t present in the code cache can be processed faster.
  • Scheduled ETL or reporting jobs with a strict SLA benefit from lower query compilation times.
  • Highly complex and concurrent workloads run with high performance without impacting the overall cluster performance.
  • Clusters that are resized, upgraded, or paused and resumed use the external code cache. No warmup is needed.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the Amazon Redshift serverless compilation.

Compilation improvements

Although the serverless compilation has already been improving query performance significantly since its launch, the Amazon Redshift team is working to further improve its effectiveness and performance. More recently, we announced an unlimited cache size to store compiled objects and increase cache hits across the Amazon Redshift fleet from 99.60% to 99.95%.

The following graph shows the percent cache hit that’s improved beyond the local cache over the releases.

Faster performance

During a standard maintenance window, an Amazon Redshift patch flushes the compilation cache. Before we launched the new compilation capabilities, your cluster’s performance was impacted after being patched during maintenance periods. Now, that performance impact is almost unnoticeable with this feature.

Many Amazon Redshift customers are benefiting from these performance improvements and saving time and cost for their Amazon Redshift environments. In this section, we share the stories of two organizations.


Aptos is the largest provider of enterprise software focused exclusively on retail. They use Amazon Redshift to power the analytics solution for retail clients. Jonathan Strohl, a cloud engineer on the Aptos team, shared this anecdote with us:

“Prior to last week’s Redshift maintenance, we sent our clients the typical notification letting them know to expect performance delays the following morning due to the object cache being flushed during the maintenance. However, the morning after the maintenance, a couple of our clients emailed back asking whether the maintenance had actually occurred, because there had been no noticeable delay. The performance delays they had previously noticed were now eliminated due to the serverless compilation recently released by Amazon Redshift. This is the best result we could have hoped for—our clients were unable to tell that a cache-flushing maintenance had even occurred!”


Manthan delivers BI, analytics, and artificial intelligence solutions to more than 200 leading retailers across 22 countries. Vijay Chidambaram, Head of Cloud Engineering at Manthan, shared the following with us:

“The normal ETL runtimes are around 90–100 minutes. The ETL runtime would go to around 290 minutes post an upgrade without the serverless compilation feature. That value has come down to about 150 minutes, which is a 2X improvement. Across the clusters, there is no increase in the ETL wall clock runtime compared to normal runtimes on day two and beyond.”


Intentwise is an Amazon Advertising optimization platform that empowers brands, sellers, and agencies with insights, automation, and expertise. They use Amazon Redshift to power the analytics for their SaaS offering. Raghavendra, a Software Architect at Intentwise, shared the following with us:

“The new serverless compilation feature improves the query compilation time by 3x. This makes Amazon Redshift an even more powerful data warehouse for our analytical platform because it continues to innovate to offer better performance and lower costs, all with no efforts on our end.”


This post explained how the massively scalable serverless compilation capability for Amazon Redshift works and gave examples of the benefits you can expect from the performance improvements. The capability is free and automatically enabled on all new and existing Amazon Redshift clusters.

For more information about Amazon Redshift query planning and workflow, see Query planning and execution workflow. For more information about improving query performance, see Factors affecting query performance.

About the Authors

Kiran Chinta is a Senior Software Development Engineer at Amazon Redshift. He has been working on distributed databases for over 13 years and has focused on high availability, disaster recovery, SQL language features and performance features for on-prem and cloud databases. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and playing various sports.





Naresh Chainani is a Senior Software Development Manager at Amazon Redshift. He leads Query Processing, Query Performance, Distributed Systems and Workload Management with a strong team. Naresh is passionate about building high-performance databases to enable customers to gain timely insights and make critical business decisions. In his spare time, Naresh enjoys reading and playing tennis.





Maor Kleider is a product and database engineering leader for Amazon Redshift. Maor is passionate about collaborating with customers and partners, learning about their unique big data use cases and making their experience even better. In his spare time, Maor enjoys traveling and exploring new restaurants with his family.





Quan Li is a Senior Database Engineer at Amazon Redshift. His focus is enabling customers to deliver maximum business value. Quan is passionate about optimizing high performance analytical databases. During his spare time, he enjoys traveling and experiencing different types of cuisines with his family.

Power data analytics, monitoring, and search use cases with the Open Distro for Elasticsearch SQL Engine on Amazon ES

Post Syndicated from Viraj Phanse original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/power-data-analytics-monitoring-and-search-use-cases-with-the-open-distro-for-elasticsearch-sql-engine-on-amazon-es/

Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) is a popular choice for log analytics, search, real-time application monitoring, clickstream analysis, and more. One commonality among these use cases is the need to write and run queries to obtain search results at lightning speed. However, doing so requires expertise in the JSON-based Elasticsearch query domain-specific language (Query DSL). Although Query DSL is powerful, it has a steep learning curve, and wasn’t designed as a human interface to easily create one-time queries and explore user data.

To solve this problem, we provided the Open Distro for Elasticsearch SQL Engine on Amazon ES, which we have been expanding since the initial release. The Structured Query Language (SQL) engine is powered by Open Distro for Elasticsearch, an Apache 2.0 licensed distribution of Elasticsearch. For more information about the Open Distro project, see Open Distro for Elasticsearch. For more information about the SQL engine capabilities, see SQL.

As part of this continued investment, we’re happy to announce new capabilities, including a Kibana-based SQL Workbench and a new SQL CLI that makes it even easier for Amazon ES users to use the Open Distro for Elasticsearch SQL Engine to work with their data.

SQL is the de facto standard for data and analytics and one of the most popular languages among data engineers and data analysts. Introducing SQL in Amazon ES allows you to manifest search results in a tabular format with documents represented as rows, fields as columns, and indexes as table names, respectively, in the WHERE clause. This acts as a straightforward and declarative way to represent complex DSL queries in a readable format. The newly added tools can act as a powerful yet simplified way to extract and analyze data, and can support complex analytics use cases.

Features overview

The following is a brief overview of the features of Open Distro for Elasticsearch SQL Engine on Amazon ES:

  • Query tools
    • SQL Workbench – A comprehensive and integrated visual tool to run on-demand SQL queries, translate SQL into its REST equivalent, and view and save results as text, JSON, JDBC, or CSV. The following screenshot shows a query on the SQL Workbench page.

  • SQL CLI – An interactive, standalone command line tool to run on-demand SQL queries, translate SQL into its REST equivalent, and view and save results as text, JSON, JDBC, or CSV. For following screenshot shows a query on the CLI.

  • Connectors and drivers
    • ODBC driver – The Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver enables connecting with business intelligence (BI) applications such as Tableau and exporting data to CSV and JSON.
    • JDBC driver – The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver also allows you to connect with BI applications such as Tableau and export data to CSV and JSON.
  • Query support
    • Basic queries – You can use the SELECT clause, along with FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, and LIMIT to search and aggregate data.
    • Complex queries – You can perform complex queries such as subquery, join, and union on more than one Elasticsearch index.
    • Metadata queries – You can query basic metadata about Elasticsearch indexes using the SHOW and DESCRIBE commands.
  • Delete support
    • Delete – You can delete all the documents or documents that satisfy predicates in the WHERE clause from search results. However, it doesn’t delete documents from the actual Elasticsearch index.
  • JSON and full-text search support
    • JSON – Support for JSON by following PartiQL specification, a SQL-compatible query language, lets you query semi-structured and nested data for any data format.
    • Full-text search support – Full-text search on millions of documents is possible by letting you specify the full range of search options using SQL commands such as match and score.
  • Functions and operator support
    • Functions and operators – Support for string functions and operators, numeric functions and operators, and date-time functions is possible by enabling fielddata in the document mapping.
  • Settings
    • Settings – You can view, configure, and modify settings to control the behavior of SQL without needing to restart or bounce the Elasticsearch cluster.
  • Interfaces
    • Endpoints – The explain endpoint allows translating SQL into Query DSL, and the cursor helps obtain a paginated response for the SQL query result.
  • Monitoring
    • Monitoring – You can obtain node-level statistics by using the stats endpoint.
  • Request and response protocols


Open Distro for Elasticsearch SQL Engine on Amazon ES provides a comprehensive, flexible, and user-friendly set of features to obtain search results from Amazon ES in a declarative manner using SQL. For more information about querying with SQL, see SQL Support for Amazon Elasticsearch Service.


About the Author

Viraj Phanse (@vrphanse) is a product management leader at Amazon Web Services for Search Services/Analytics. Prior to AWS, he was in product management/strategy and go-to-market leadership roles at Oracle, Aerospike, INSZoom and Persistent Systems. He is a Fellow and Selection Committee member at Berkeley Angel Network, and a Big Data Advisory Board Member at San Francisco State University. He has completed his M.S. in Computer Science from UCLA and MBA from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.



How Aruba Networks built a cost analysis solution using AWS Glue, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Siddharth Thacker original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-aruba-networks-built-a-cost-analysis-solution-using-aws-glue-amazon-redshift-and-amazon-quicksight/

This is a guest post co-written by Siddharth Thacker and Swatishree Sahu from Aruba Networks.

Aruba Networks is a Silicon Valley company based in Santa Clara that was founded in 2002 by Keerti Melkote and Pankaj Manglik. Aruba is the industry leader in wired, wireless, and network security solutions. Hewlett-Packard acquired Aruba in 2015, making it a wireless networking subsidiary with a wide range of next-generation network access solutions.

Aruba Networks provides cloud-based platform called Aruba Central for network management and AI Ops. Aruba cloud platform supports thousands of workloads to support customer facing production environment and also a separate development platform for Aruba engineering.

The motivation to build the solution presented in this post was to understand the unit economics of the AWS resources used by multiple product lines across different organization pillars. Aruba wanted a faster, effective, and reliable way to analyze cost and usage data and visualize that into a dashboard. This solution has helped Aruba in multiple ways, including:

  • Visibility into costs – Multiple Aruba teams can now analyze the cost of their application via data surfaced with this solution
  • Cost optimization – The solution helps teams identify new cost-optimization opportunities by making them aware of the higher-cost resources with low utilization so they can optimize accordingly
  • Cost management – The Cloud DevOps organization, the group who built this solution, can effectively plan at the application level and have a direct positive impact on gross margins
  • Cost savings – With daily cost data available, engineers can see the monetary impact of right-sizing compute and other AWS resources almost immediately
  • Big picture as well as granular – Users can visualize cost data from the top down and track cost at a business level and a specific resource level

Overview of the solution

This post describes how Aruba Networks automated the solution, from generating the AWS Cost & Usage Report (AWS CUR) to its final visualization on Amazon QuickSight. In this solution, they start by configuring the CUR on their primary payer account, which publishes the billing reports to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. Then they use an AWS Glue crawler to define and catalog the CUR data. As the new CUR data is delivered daily, the data catalog is updated, and the data is loaded into an Amazon Redshift database using Amazon Redshift Spectrum and SQL. The reporting and visualization layer is built using QuickSight. Finally, the entire pipeline is automated by using AWS Data Pipeline.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Aruba prefers the AWS CUR Report to AWS Cost Explorer because AWS Cost Explorer provides usage information at a high level, and not enough granularity for detailed operations, such as data transfer cost. AWS CUR provides the most detailed information available about your AWS costs and usage at an hourly granularity. This allows the Aruba team to drill down the costs by the hour or day, product or product resource, or custom tags, enabling them to achieve their goals.

Aruba implemented the solution with the following steps:

  1. Set up the CUR delivery to a primary S3 bucket from the billing dashboard.
  2. Use Amazon S3 replication to copy the primary payer S3 bucket to the analytics bucket. Having a separate analytics account helps prevent direct access to the primary account.
  3. Create and schedule the crawler to crawl the CUR data. This is required to make the metadata available in the Data Catalog and update it quickly when new data arrives.
  4. Create respective Amazon Redshift schema and tables.
  5. Orchestrate an ETL flow to load data to Amazon Redshift using Data Pipeline.
  6. Create and publish dashboards using QuickSight for executives and stakeholders.

Insights generated

The Aruba DevOps team built various reports that provide the cost classifications on AWS services, weekly cost by applications, cost by product, infrastructure, resource type, and much more using the detailed CUR data as shown by the following screenshot.

For example, using the following screenshot, Aruba can conveniently figure out that compute cost is the biggest contributor compared to other costs. To reduce the cost, they can consider using various cost-optimization methods like buying reserved instances, savings plans, or Spot Instances wherever applicable.

Similarly, the following screenshot highlights the cost doubled compared to the first week of April. This helps Aruba to identify anomalies quickly and make informed decisions.

Setting up the CUR delivery

For instructions on setting up a CUR, see Creating Cost and Usage Reports.

To reduce complexity in the workflow, Aruba chose to create resources in the same region with hourly granularity, mainly to see metrics more frequently.

To lower the storage costs for data files and maximize the effectiveness of querying data with serverless technologies like Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and Amazon S3 data lake, save the CUR in Parquet format. The following screenshot shows the configuration for delivery options.

The following table shows some example CUR data.

bill_payer_account_id line_item_usage_account_id line_item_usage_start_date line_item_usage_end_date line_item_product_code line_item_usage_type line_item_operation
123456789 111222333444 00:00.0 00:00.0 AmazonEC2 USW2-EBS:VolumeP-IOPS.piops CreateVolume-P-IOPS
123456789 111222333444 00:00.0 00:00.0 AmazonEC2 USW2-APN1-AWS-In-Bytes LoadBalancing-PublicIP-In
123456789 111222333444 00:00.0 00:00.0 AmazonEC2 USW2-DataProcessing-Bytes LoadBalancing
123456789 111222333444 00:00.0 00:00.0 AmazonEC2 USW2-EBS:SnapshotUsage CreateSnapshot
123456789 555666777888 00:00.0 00:00.0 AmazonEC2 USW2-EBS:SnapshotUsage CreateSnapshot
123456789 555666777888 00:00.0 00:00.0 AmazonEC2 USW2-EBS:SnapshotUsage CreateSnapshot
123456789 555666777888 00:00.0 00:00.0 AmazonEC2 USW2-DataTransfer-Regional-Bytes InterZone-In
123456789 555666777888 00:00.0 00:00.0 AmazonS3 USW2-Requests-Tier2 ReadLocation
123456789 555666777888 00:00.0 00:00.0 AmazonEC2 USW2-DataTransfer-Regional-Bytes InterZone-In

Replicating the CUR data to your analytics account

For security purposes, other teams aren’t allowed to access the primary (payer) account, and therefore can’t access CUR data generated from that account. Aruba replicated the data to their analytics account and build the cost analysis solution there. Other teams can access the cost data without getting access permission for the primary account. The data is replicated across accounts by adding an Amazon S3 replication rule in the bucket. For more information, see Adding a replication rule when the destination bucket is in a different AWS account.

Cataloging the data with a crawler and scheduling it to run daily

Because AWS delivers all daily reports in a report date range report-prefix/report-name/yyyymmdd-yyyymmdd folder, Aruba uses AWS Glue crawlers to crawl through the data and update the catalog.

AWS Glue is a fully managed ETL service that makes it easy to prepare and load the data for analytics. Once the AWS Glue is pointed to the data stored on AWS, it discovers the data and stores the associated metadata (such as table definition and schema) in the Data Catalog. After the data is cataloged, the data is immediately searchable, queryable, and available for ETL. For more information, see Populating the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

The following screenshot shows the crawler created on Amazon S3 location of the CUR data.

The following code is an example table definition populated by the crawler.:

  `identity_line_item_id` string, 
  `identity_time_interval` string, 
  `bill_invoice_id` string, 
  `resource_tags_user_infra_role` string)

  `year` string, 
  `month` string )

ROW FORMAT SERDE  'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe'
STORED AS INPUTFORMAT   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetInputFormat' 
OUTPUTFORMAT   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetOutputFormat'

Transforming and loading using Amazon Redshift

Next in the analytics service, Aruba chose Amazon Redshift over Athena. Aruba has a use case to integrate cost data together with other tables already present in Amazon Redshift and hence using the same service makes it easy to integrate with their existing data. To further filter and transform data at the same time, and simplify the multi-step ETL, Aruba chose Amazon Redshift Spectrum. It helps to efficiently query and load CUR data from Amazon S3. For more information, see Getting started with Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

Use the following query to create an external schema and map it to the AWS Glue database created earlier in the Data Catalog:

--Choose a schema name of your choice, cur_redshift_external_schema name is just an example--
 create external schema cur_redshift_spectrum_external_schema from data catalog database 
 'aruba_curr_db' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxx:role/redshiftclusterrole' 
 create external database if not exists;

The table created in the Data Catalog appears under the Amazon Redshift Spectrum schema. The schema, table, and records created can be verified with the following SQL code:

SELECT Count(*) 
FROM   cur_redshift_spectrum_external_schema.<TABLE>; 

--Query the right partition, year=2020 and month=2 is used an example
SELECT Count(*) 
FROM   cur_redshift_spectrum_external_schema.<TABLE> 
WHERE  year=2020 
AND    month=2;

Next, transform and load the data into the Amazon Redshift table. Aruba started by creating an Amazon Redshift table to contain the data. The following SQL code can be used to create the production table with the desired columns:

CREATE TABLE redshift_schema.redshift_table 
     usage_start_date TIMESTAMP, 
     usage_end_date   TIMESTAMP, 
     service_region   VARCHAR (256), 
     service_az       VARCHAR (256), 
     aws_resource_id  VARCHAR (256), 
     usage_amount     FLOAT (17), 
     charge_currency  VARCHAR (256), 
     aws_product_name VARCHAR (256), 
     instance_family  VARCHAR (256), 
     instance_type    VARCHAR (256), 
     unblended_cost   FLOAT (17), 
     usage_cost       FLOAT (17)

CUR is dynamic in nature, which means that some columns may appear or disappear with each update. When creating the table, we take static columns only. For more information, see Line item details.

Next, insert and update to ingest the data from Amazon S3 to the Amazon Redshift table. Each CUR update is cumulative, which means that each version of the CUR includes all the line items and information from the previous version.

The reports generated throughout the month are estimated and subject to change during the rest of the month. AWS finalizes the report at the end of each month. Finalized reports have the calculations for the blended and unblended costs, and cover all the usage for the month. For this use case, Aruba updates the last 45 days of data to make sure the finalized cost is captured. The below sample query can be used to verify the updated data:

-- Create Table Statement
 INSERT INTO redshift_schema.redshift_table
             Usage_Cost ) 
 SELECT line_item_usage_start_date, 
       case when line_item_type='Usage' then line_item_unblended_cost
            else 0
            end as usage_cost 
 FROM   cur_redshift_external_schema.cur_parquet_parquet
 WHERE  line_item_usage_start_date >= date_add('day', -45, getdate()) 
       AND line_item_usage_start_date < date_add('day', 1, getdate()); 

Using Data Pipeline to orchestrate the ETL workflow

To automate this ETL workflow, Aruba chose Data Pipeline. Data Pipeline helps to reliably process and move data between different AWS compute and storage services, as well as on-premises data sources. With Data Pipeline, Aruba can regularly access their data where it’s stored, transform and process it at scale, and efficiently transfer the results to AWS services such as Amazon S3, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon EMR. Although the detailed steps of setting up this pipeline are out of scope for this blog, there is a sample workflow definition JSON file, which can be imported after making the necessary changes.

Data Pipeline workflow

The following screenshot shows the multi-step ETL workflow using Data Pipeline. Data Pipeline is used to run the INSERT query daily, which inserts and updates the latest CUR data into our Amazon Redshift table from the external table.

In order to copy data to Amazon Redshift,  RedshiftDataNode and RedshiftCopyActivity can be used, and then scheduled to run periodically.

Sharing metrics and creating visuals with QuickSight

To share the cost and usage with other teams, Aruba choose QuickSight using Amazon Redshift as the data source. QuickSight is a native AWS service that seamlessly integrates with other AWS services such as Amazon Redshift, Athena, Amazon S3, and many other data sources.

As a fully managed service, QuickSight lets Aruba to easily create and publish interactive dashboards that include ML Insights. In addition to building powerful visualizations, QuickSight provides data preparation tools that makes it easy to filter and transform the data into the exact needed dataset. As a cloud-native service, dashboards can be accessed from any device and embedded into applications and portals, allowing other teams to monitor their resource usage easily. For more information about creating a dataset, see Creating a Dataset from a Database. Quicksight Visuals can then be created from this dataset.

The following screenshot shows a visual comparison of device cost and count to help find the cost per device. This visual helped Aruba quickly identify the cost per device increase in April and take necessary actions.

Similarly, the following visualization helped Aruba identify an increase in data transfer cost and helped them decide to invest in rearchitecting their application.

The following visualization classifies the cost spend per resource.


In this post, we discussed how Aruba Networks was able to successfully achieve the following:

  • Generate CUR and use AWS Glue to define data, catalog the data, and update the metadata
  • Use Amazon Redshift Spectrum to transform and load the data to Amazon Redshift tables
  • Query, visualize, and share the data stored using QuickSight
  • Automate and orchestrate the entire solution using Data Pipeline

Aruba use this solution to automatically generate a daily cost report and share it with their stakeholders, including executives and cloud operations team.


About the Authors

Siddharth Thacker works in Business & Finance Strategy in Cloud Software division at Aruba Networks. Siddharth has Master’s in Finance with experience in industries like banking, investment management, cloud software and focuses on business analytics, margin improvement and strategic partnerships at Aruba. In his spare time, he likes exploring outdoors and participate in team sports.

Swatishree Sahu is a Technical Data Analyst at Aruba Networks. She has lived and worked in India for 7 years as an SME for SOA-based integration tools before coming to US to pursue her master’s in Business Analytics from UT Dallas. Breaking down and analyzing data is her passion. She is a Star Wars geek, and in her free time, she loves gardening, painting, and traveling.

Ritesh Chaman is a Technical Account Manager at Amazon Web Services. With 10 years of experience in the IT industry, Ritesh has a strong background in Data Analytics, Data Management, and Big Data systems. In his spare time, he loves cooking (spicy Indian food), watching sci-fi movies, and playing sports.




Kunal Ghosh is a Solutions Architect at AWS. His passion is to build efficient and effective solutions on the cloud, especially involving Analytics, AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning. Besides family time, he likes reading and watching movies, and is a foodie.

Build a self-service environment for each line of business using Amazon EMR and AWS Service Catalog

Post Syndicated from Tanzir Musabbir original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-a-self-service-environment-for-each-line-of-business-using-amazon-emr-and-aws-service-catalog/

Enterprises often want to centralize governance and compliance requirements, and provide a common set of policies on how Amazon EMR instances should be set up. You can use AWS Service Catalog to centrally manage commonly deployed Amazon EMR cluster configurations, and this helps you achieve consistent governance and meet your compliance requirements, while at the same time enabling your end users to quickly deploy only the approved EMR cluster configurations on a self-service basis.

In this post, we will demonstrate how enterprise administrators can use AWS Service Catalog to create and manage catalogs, that data engineers and data scientists use to quickly discover and deploy clusters using a self-service environment. With AWS Service Catalog you can control which EMR release versions are available, cluster configuration, and permission access by individual, group, department, or cost center.

The following are a few key AWS Service Catalog concepts:

  • An AWS Service Catalog product is a blueprint for building the AWS resources that you want available for deployment. You create your products by importing AWS CloudFormation templates.
  • A portfolio is a collection of products. With AWS Service Catalog, you can create a customized portfolio for each type of user in your organization and selectively grant access to the appropriate portfolio.
  • A provisioned product is a collection of resources that result from instantiating an AWS CloudFormation

Use cases

You can use AWS Service Catalog to provide Amazon EMR as a self-serve Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) platform at scale while hiding all the security and network configurations from end users.

As an administrator in AWS Service Catalog, you can create one or more Service Catalog products that define different configurations to be used for EMR clusters. In those Service Catalog products, you can define the security and network configurations to be used for the EMR cluster, you can define auto-scaling rules, instance configurations, different purchase options, or you can preconfigure EMR to run different EMR Step jobs. On the other hand, as a user in Service Catalog, you can browse through different EMR templates through Service Catalog products and provision the product based on your requirement. By following this approach, you can make your EMR usage self-serviceable, reduce the EMR learning curve for your users, and ensure adherence to security standards and best practices.

The following image illustrates how the interactions look between Amazon EMR administrators and end-users when using AWS Service Catalog to provision EMR clusters.

The use cases in this post have three AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users with different access permissions:

  • emr-admin: This user is the administrator and has access to all the resources. This user creates EMR clusters for their end-users based on their requirements.
  • emr-data-engineer: The data engineer uses Spark and Hive most of the time. They run different ETL scripts on Hive and Spark to process, transform, and enrich their datasets.
  • emr-data-analyst: This user is very familiar with SQL and mostly uses Hue to submit queries to Hive.

You can solve several Amazon EMR operational use cases using AWS Service Catalog. The following sections discuss three different use cases. Later in this post, you walk through each of the use cases with a solution.

Use case 1: Ensuring least privilege and appropriate access

The administrator wants to enforce a few organizational standards. The first one is no default EMR_EC2_ROLE for any EMR cluster. Instead, the administrator wants to have a role that has limited access to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and assigns that role automatically every time an EMR cluster is launched. Second, end-users sometimes forget to add appropriate tags to their resources. Because of that, often times it is hard for the administrator to identify their resources and allocate cost appropriately. So, the administrator wants to have a mechanism that assigns tags to EMR clusters automatically when they launch.

Use case 2: Providing Amazon EMR as a self-serve ETL platform with Spark and Hive

Data engineers use Spark and Hive applications, and they prefer to have a platform where they just submit their jobs without spending time creating the cluster. They also want to try out different Amazon EMR versions to see how their jobs run on different Spark or Hive versions. They don’t want to spend time learning AWS or Amazon EMR. Additionally, the administrator doesn’t want to give full Amazon EMR access to all users.

Use case 3: Automatically scaling the Hive cluster for analysts

Data analysts have strong SQL backgrounds, so they typically use Hue to submit their Hive queries. They run queries against a large dataset, so they want to have an EMR cluster that can scale when needed. They also don’t have access to the Amazon EMR console and don’t know how to configure automatic scaling for Amazon EMR.

Solution overview

Service Catalog, self-serve your Amazon EMR users, enforce best practices and compliance, and speed up the adoption process.

At a high level, the solution includes the following steps:

  1. Configuring the AWS environment to run this solution.
  2. Creating a CloudFormation template.
  3. Setting up AWS Service Catalog products and portfolios.
  4. Managing access to AWS Service Catalog and provisioning products.
  5. Demonstrating the self-service Amazon EMR platform for users.
  6. Enforcing best practices and compliance through AWS Service Catalog.
  7. Executing ETL workloads on Amazon EMR using AWS Service Catalog.
  8. Optionally, setting up AWS Service Catalog and launching Amazon EMR products through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

The following section looks at the CloudFormation template, which you use to set up the AWS environment to run this solution.

Setting up the AWS environment

To set up this solution, you need to create a few AWS resources. The CloudFormation template provided in this post creates all the required AWS resources. This template requires you to pass the following parameters during the launch:

  • A password for your test users.
  • An Amazon Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) key pair.
  • The latest AMI ID for the EC2 helper instance. This instance configures the environment and sets up the required files and templates for this solution.

This template is designed only to show how you can use Amazon EMR with AWS Service Catalog. This setup isn’t intended for production use without modification.

To launch the CloudFormation stack, choose Launch Stack:

Launching this stack creates several AWS resources. The following resources shown in the AWS CloudFormation output are the ones you need in the next step:

Key Description
ConsoleLoginURL URL you use to switch between multiple users
EMRSCBlogBucket Name of the S3 bucket to store blog-related files
UserPassword Password to use for all the test users
DataAdminUsername IAM user name for the administrator user
DataEngineerUsername IAM user name for the data engineer user
DataAnalystUsername IAM user name for the data analyst user
HiveScriptURL Amazon S3 path for the Hive script
HiveETLInputParameter Path for the Hive input parameter
HiveETLOutputParameter Path for the Hive output parameter
SparkScriptURL Amazon S3 path for the Spark script
SparkETLInputParameter Path for the Spark input parameter
SparkETLOutputParameter Path for the Spark output parameter

When the CloudFormation template is complete, record the outputs listed on the Outputs tab on the AWS CloudFormation console. See the following screenshot.

(Optional) Configuring the AWS CLI

The AWS CLI is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. In the optional step, you use the AWS CLI to create AWS Service Catalog products and portfolios. Installation of AWS CLI isn’t required for this solution. For instructions on configuring the AWS CLI in your environment, see Configuring the AWS CLI.

Provisioning EMR clusters through AWS Service Catalog

You can create AWS Service Catalog products from the existing CloudFormation template and use those products to provision a variety of EMR clusters. You can create an EMR cluster and consume the cluster’s services without having access to the cluster, which improves the Amazon EMR adoption process.

The following CloudFormation template creates an EMR cluster. This template takes two parameters:

  • Cluster size – You select how many core nodes you want to have in the EMR cluster
  • Compute type – Based on the compute type you choose; the template selects the respective EC2 instance type

As an account administrator, you can define the internal configuration for the EMR cluster. End users are not required to know all the security groups, subnet ID, key pair, and other information. They also don’t need to access the EMR cluster or spend time setting up your cluster. As an administrator, you define a template for the cluster; enforce all the compliance, versions, applications, automatic scaling rules through the CloudFormation template, and expose this template as a product through AWS Service Catalog.

The following section walks you through the solution for each use case.

Use cases walkthrough

The CloudFormation template already configured AWS Service Catalog portfolios and products. You can review these on the AWS Service Catalog console.

  1. Use the ConsoleLoginURL from the AWS CloudFormation console Outputs tab and sign in as an emr-admin user.
  2. On the AWS Service Catalog console, you can see two portfolios for engineers and analysts. In each of those portfolios, you can see two products.

The Data Analysts Stack contains products for the analyst and is assigned to the user emr-data-analyst. The Data Engineering Stack contains products for engineers and is assigned to the emr-data-engineer user. Upon logging in, they can see their respective products and portfolios.

Use case 1: Ensuring least privilege and appropriate access

The cluster administrator creates the least privilege IAM role for their users and associated that role through the Service Catalog product. Similarly, the administrator also assigns appropriate tags for each product. When data engineers or analysts launch an EMR cluster using any of their assigned products, the cluster has the least privilege access and resources are tagged automatically. To confirm this access is in place, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as either emr-data-engineer user or emr-data-analyst user.

Your console looks slightly different because the end-user does not manage the products, they just use the product to launch the clusters or execute jobs on the cluster.

  1. Choose Default EMR and provision this product by choosing Launch Product.
  2. For the name of the provisioned product, enter SampleEMR.

The next screen shows a list of allowed parameters your administrator thinks you may need.

  1. Leave all parameters as default.
  2. For the cluster name, enter Sample EMR.
  3. Review all the information and launch the product.

It takes few minutes to spin up the cluster. When the cluster is ready, the status changes to Succeeded. The provision product page also shows you a list of outputs your product owner wants you to see. For example, using output values, your product owner can share Master DNS Address, Resource Manager URL, and Hue URL as shown in the following figure.

To verify if this launched EMR cluster has the expected IAM role and tags, sign in as emr-admin user and go to the AWS EMR Console to review the service role for EC2 instances and tags.

Use case 2: Providing Amazon EMR as a self-serve ETL platform with Spark and Hive

For this use case, data engineers have two different ETL scripts:

  • A Spark script that reads Amazon reviews stored in Amazon S3 and converts them into Parquet before writing back to Amazon S3
  • A Hive script that reads Amazon reviews data from Amazon S3 and finds out the top toys based on customer ratings.

The administrator creates a product to self-serve these users; the product defines the job type and the job parameters. End users selects the job type and passes script, input and output locations.

  1. Sign in as emr-data-engineer.
  2. Select the EMR ETL Engine product.
  3. Choose Launch.

The next page shows if the product has multiple versions. Because the engineer wants to try out two different Amazon EMR versions, the administrator provided both options through the product version. You can launch the EMR cluster with the required version by selecting your preferred product version.

  1. Enter the name of the product.
  2. For this post, select EMR 5.29.0.
  3. Choose Next.

  1. For JobType, choose Spark.
  2. For JobArtifacts, enter the following value (you can get these values from the AWS CloudFormation output):
s3://blog-emr-sc-<account-id>/scripts/spark_converter.py s3://amazon-reviews-pds/tsv/amazon_reviews_us_Toys_v1_00.tsv.gz s3://blog-emr-sc-<account-id>/spark/
  1. Choose Next.

Based on your configuration, an EMR cluster launches. When the cluster is ready, the Spark job runs.

  1. In a different browser, sign in as emr-admin using the ConsoleLoginURL (from the AWS CloudFormation output).

You can see the cluster status, job status, and output path from the Amazon EMR console.

Now, go to Amazon S3 console to check the output path:

The Parquet files are written inside the Spark folder.

  1. To test the Hive job, go back to the first browser where you already signed in as emr-data-engineer.
  2. Choose Provisioned products list.
  3. Choose the product options menu (right-click) and choose Update provisioned product.

  1. On the next page, you can select a different version or the same version.
  2. In the Parameters section, choose Hive.
  3. In the JobArtifacts field, enter the following Hive parameters:
s3://blog-emr-sc-<account-id>/scripts/hive_converter.sql -d INPUT=s3://amazon-reviews-pds/tsv/ -d OUTPUT=s3://blog-emr-sc-<account-id>/hive/
  1. Choose Update.

If you select the same version, AWS Service Catalog compares the old provisioned product with the updated product and only runs the portion that you changed. For this post, I chose the same Amazon EMR version and only updated the job type and parameters. You can see that the same EMR cluster is still there, but on the Steps tab, a new step is executed for Hive.

  1. On the Amazon S3 console using the second browser, verify that a new folder hive is created with data that represents top toys based on Amazon reviews.

To recap, you saw how to use AWS Service Catalog to provide a product to run your ETL jobs. Your data engineers can focus on their ETL scripts and your platform can self-serve them to run their ETL jobs on the EMR cluster.

Use case 3: Automatically scaling the Hive cluster for data analysts

To automatically scale the Hive cluster for data analysts, complete the following steps:

  1. Using the console login URL from the AWS CloudFormation output, and sign in as emr-data-analyst and go to AWS Service Catalog console.

You can see a different set of products for this user.

For this use case, your data analysts want to have an automatically scaling EMR cluster with Hive application. The administrator set up the Auto-scaling EMR product with preconfigured rules.

  1. Choose Auto-scaling EMR.
  2. Enter a provisioned product name.
  3. Select Hive Auto-scaling.
  4. Choose Next.
  5. In the Parameters section, leave the options at their default and enter a cluster name.
  6. Launch the product.

The product owner also provided a client URL (for example, Hue URL) through the product output so business analysts can connect to it.

  1. Sign in as emr-admin and validate if this new cluster is configured with the expected automatic scaling rules.
  2. On the Amazon EMR console, choose the cluster.

You can see the configuration on the Hardware tab.

In this use case, you learned how to use AWS Service Catalog to provide business analyst users a preconfigured, automatically scaled EMR cluster.

(Optional) Setting up AWS Service Catalog for Amazon EMR using AWS CLI

In the previous section, I demonstrated the solution using the AWS Service Catalog console. In the following section, I will show you how you use AWS Service Catalog using the AWS CLI. You can create AWS Service Catalog products and portfolios, assign IAM principals, and launch products.

  1. Create a portfolio named CLI – Stack for the user emr-admin. See the following command:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog create-portfolio --display-name "CLI - Stack" --provider-name "@emr-admin" --description "Sample stack for pre-defined EMR clusters"

You receive a JSON output.

  1. Record the portfolio id port-xxxxxxxx from the output to use later.

The emr-admin user is the provider for this portfolio. The user is created with power user access, so the user can see the full-service catalog console and can manage products and portfolios.

You can associate this portfolio with multiple users. By assigning them to a portfolio, they can use the portfolio, browse through its products, and provision new products. For this use case, you associate a portfolio to emr-admin and the AWS CLI user name (the name of the user that you used to configure your AWS CLI). Make sure to update the portfolio and AWS account ID.

  1. Enter the following code:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog associate-principal-with-portfolio --portfolio-id port-xxxxxxxxxx --principal-type IAM --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::xxxxx:user/emr-admin

aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog associate-principal-with-portfolio --portfolio-id port-xxxxxxxxxx --principal-type IAM --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::xxxxx:user/<aws-cli-user-name>
  1. To verify the portfolio to the user’s association, enter the following command with the portfolio ID:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog list-principals-for-portfolio --portfolio-id port-xxxxxxxxx

It will list out the associated principals for the above portfolio as shown in this following figure:

The CloudFormation template already copied the Amazon EMR template into your Amazon S3 account at the path s3://blog-emr-sc-<account-id>/products.

  1. To create the product CLI - Sample EMR using that template from Amazon S3, enter the following command:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog create-product --name "CLI - Sample EMR" --owner "@emr-admin" --description "Sample EMR cluster with default" --product-type CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE --provisioning-artifact-parameters '{"Name": "Initial revision", "Description": "", "Info":{"LoadTemplateFromURL":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/blog-emr-sc-<account-id>/products/sample-cluster.template"},"Type":"CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE"}'

  1. Record the product ID and provision ID from the JSON output.

You now have a product and a portfolio. A portfolio can have one to many products, and each product can have multiple versions.

  1. To assign the CLI -Sample EMR product to the portfolio you created in Step 1, enter the following command:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog associate-product-with-portfolio --product-id prod-xxxxxx --portfolio-id port-xxxxxx

A launch constraint specifies the IAM role that AWS Service Catalog assumes when an end-user launches a product. With a launch constraint, you can control end-user access to your AWS resources and limit usage.

The CloudFormation template already created the role Blog-SCLaunchRole; create a launch constraint using that IAM role. Use the portfolio and product IDs that you collected from the previous step and your AWS account ID.

  1. To create the launch constraint, enter the following command:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog create-constraint --type LAUNCH --portfolio-id port-xxxxxx --product-id prod-xxxxxx --parameters '{"RoleArn" : "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/Blog-SCLaunchRole"}'

  1. Record the launch constraint ID to use later.

You now have an AWS Service Catalog product that you can use to provision an EMR cluster. The CloudFormation template that you used to create the CLI - Sample EMR product takes three parameters (ClusterName, ComputeRequirements, ClusterSize).

  1. To pass those three parameters as a key value pair, enter the following command (use the product ID and provision ID that you recorded earlier):
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog provision-product --product-id prod-xxxxxx --provisioning-artifact-id pa-xxxxx --provisioned-product-name cli-emr --provisioning-parameters Key=ClusterName,Value=cli-emr-cluster Key=ComputeRequirements,Value=CPU Key=ClusterSize,Value=2

  1. Check the provisioned product’s status by using the provisioned product ID:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog describe-provisioned-product --id pp-xxxxx

To recap, in this section you learned how to use AWS Service Catalog CLI to configure AWS Service Catalog products and portfolios, and how to provision an EMR cluster through AWS Service Catalog product.

Cleaning up

To clean up the resources you created, complete the following steps:

  1. Terminate the product that you provisioned in the previous step:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog terminate-provisioned-product --provisioned-product-id pp-xxxxx
  1. Disassociate the product CLI – Sample EMR from the portfolio CLI – Stack:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog disassociate-product-from-portfolio --product-id prod-xxxxx --portfolio-id port-xxxxx
  1. Disassociate IAM principals from the portfolio CLI – Stack:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog disassociate-principal-from-portfolio --portfolio-id port-xxxxx --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:user/emr-admin

aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog disassociate-principal-from-portfolio --portfolio-id port-xxxxx --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:user/<aws-cli-user-name> 
  1. Delete the launch constraint created in the previous step:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog delete-constraint --id cons-xxxxx
  1. Delete the product CLI – Sample EMR:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog delete-product --id prod-xxxxx
  1. Delete the portfolio CLI – Stack:
aws --region us-east-1 servicecatalog delete-portfolio --id port-xxxxx

Cleaning up additional resources

You must also clean up the resources you created with the CloudFormation template.

  1. On the AWS Service Catalog console, choose Provisioned products list.
  2. Terminate each product that you provisioned for these use cases.
  3. Check each of the users and their provisioned products to make sure they’re terminated.
  4. On the Amazon S3 console, empty the bucket blog-emr-sc-<account-id>.
  5. If you are using the AWS CLI, delete the objects in the blog-emr-sc-<account-id> bucket with the following command (make sure you’re running this command on the correct bucket):
aws S3 s3://blog-emr-sc-<account-id> --recursive
  1. If you ran the optional AWS CLI section, make sure you follow the cleanup process mentioned in that section.
  2. On the AWS CloudFormation console or AWS CLI, delete the stack named Blog-EMR-Service-Catalog.

Next steps

To enhance this solution, you can explore the following options:

  • In this post, I enforced resource tagging through AWS CloudFormation. You can also use the AWS Service Catalog TagOptions library to provide a consistent taxonomy and tagging of AWS Service Catalog resources. During a product launch (provisioning), AWS Service Catalog aggregates the associated portfolio and product TagOptions and applies them to the provisioned product.
  • This solution demonstrates the usage of launch constraints and how you can provide limited access to your AWS resources to your users. You can also use template constraints to manage parameters. Template constraints make sure that end-users only have options that you allow them when launching products. This can help you maintain your organization’s compliance requirements.
  • You can integrate AWS Budgets with AWS Service Catalog. By associating AWS Budgets with your products and portfolios, you can track your usage and service costs. You can set a custom budget for each of the portfolios and trigger alerts when your costs exceed your threshold.


In this post, I showed you how you can simplify your Amazon EMR provisional process using the AWS Service Catalog, how to make Amazon EMR a self-service platform for your end-users, and how you can enforce best practices and compliance to your EMR clusters. You also walked through three different use cases and implemented solutions with AWS Service Catalog. Give this solution a try and share your experience with us!


About the Author

Tanzir Musabbir is a Data & Analytics Architect with AWS. At AWS, he works with our customers to provide them architectural guidance for running analytics solutions on Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena & AWS Glue. Tanzir is a big Real Madrid fan and he loves to travel in his free time.

Top 10 performance tuning techniques for Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Matt Scaer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/top-10-performance-tuning-techniques-for-amazon-redshift/

Customers use Amazon Redshift for everything from accelerating existing database environments, to ingesting weblogs for big data analytics. Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale, massively parallel data warehouse that offers simple operations and high performance. Amazon Redshift provides an open standard JDBC/ODBC driver interface, which allows you to connect your existing business intelligence (BI) tools and reuse existing analytics queries.

Amazon Redshift can run any type of data model, from a production transaction system third-normal-form model to star and snowflake schemas, data vault, or simple flat tables.

This post takes you through the most common performance-related opportunities when adopting Amazon Redshift and gives you concrete guidance on how to optimize each one.

What’s new

This post refreshes the Top 10 post from early 2019. We’re pleased to share the advances we’ve made since then, and want to highlight a few key points.

Query throughput is more important than query concurrency.

Configuring concurrency, like memory management, can be relegated to Amazon Redshift’s internal ML models through Automatic WLM with Query Priorities. On production clusters across the fleet, we see the automated process assigning a much higher number of active statements for certain workloads, while a lower number for other types of use-cases. This is done to maximize throughput, a measure of how much work the Amazon Redshift cluster can do over a period of time. Examples are 300 queries a minute, or 1,500 SQL statements an hour. It’s recommended to focus on increasing throughput over concurrency, because throughput is the metric with much more direct impact on the cluster’s users.

In addition to the optimized Automatic WLM settings to maximize throughput, the concurrency scaling functionality in Amazon Redshift extends the throughput capability of the cluster to up to 10 times greater than what’s delivered with the original cluster. The tenfold increase is a current soft limit, you can reach out to your account team to increase it.

Investing in the Amazon Redshift driver.

AWS now recommends the Amazon Redshift JDBC or ODBC driver for improved performance. Each driver has optional configurations to further tune it for higher or lower number of statements, with either fewer or greater row counts in the result set.

Ease of use by automating all the common DBA tasks.

In 2018, the SET DW “backronym” summarized the key considerations to drive performance (sort key, encoding, table maintenance, distribution, and workload management). Since then, Amazon Redshift has added automation to inform 100% of SET DW, absorbed table maintenance into the service’s (and no longer the user’s) responsibility, and enhanced out-of-the-box performance with smarter default settings. Amazon Redshift Advisor continuously monitors the cluster for additional optimization opportunities, even if the mission of a table changes over time. AWS publishes the benchmark used to quantify Amazon Redshift performance, so anyone can reproduce the results.

Scaling compute separately from storage with RA3 nodes and Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

Although the convenient cluster building blocks of the Dense Compute and Dense Storage nodes continue to be available, you now have a variety of tools to further scale compute and storage separately. Amazon Redshift Managed Storage (the RA3 node family) allows for focusing on using the right amount of compute, without worrying about sizing for storage. Concurrency scaling lets you specify entire additional clusters of compute to be applied dynamically as-needed. Amazon Redshift Spectrum uses the functionally-infinite capacity of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to support an on-demand compute layer up to 10 times the power of the main cluster, and is now bolstered with materialized view support.

Pause and resume feature to optimize cost of environments

All Amazon Redshift clusters can use the pause and resume feature. For clusters created using On Demand, the per-second grain billing is stopped when the cluster is paused. Reserved Instance clusters can use the pause and resume feature to define access times or freeze a dataset at a point in time.

Tip #1: Precomputing results with Amazon Redshift materializes views

Materialized views can significantly boost query performance for repeated and predictable analytical workloads such as dash-boarding, queries from BI tools, and extract, load, transform (ELT) data processing. Data engineers can easily create and maintain efficient data-processing pipelines with materialized views while seamlessly extending the performance benefits to data analysts and BI tools.

Materialized views are especially useful for queries that are predictable and repeated over and over. Instead of performing resource-intensive queries on large tables, applications can query the pre-computed data stored in the materialized view.

When the data in the base tables changes, you refresh the materialized view by issuing the Amazon Redshift SQL statement “refresh materialized view“. After issuing a refresh statement, your materialized view contains the same data as a regular view. Refreshes can be incremental or full refreshes (recompute). When possible, Amazon Redshift incrementally refreshes data that changed in the base tables since the materialized view was last refreshed.

To demonstrate how it works, we can create an example schema to store sales information, each sale transaction and details about the store where the sales took place.

To view the total amount of sales per city, we create a materialized view with the create materialized view SQL statement (city_sales) joining records from two tables and aggregating sales amount (sum(sales.amount)) per city (group by city):

  SELECT st.city, SUM(sa.amount) as total_sales
  FROM sales sa, store st
  WHERE sa.store_id = st.id
  GROUP BY st.city

Now we can query the materialized view just like a regular view or table and issue statements like “SELECT city, total_sales FROM city_sales” to get the following results. The join between the two tables and the aggregate (sum and group by) are already computed, resulting in significantly less data to scan.

When the data in the underlying base tables changes, the materialized view doesn’t automatically reflect those changes. You can refresh the data stored in the materialized view on demand with the latest changes from the base tables using the SQL refresh materialized view command. For example, see the following code:

!-- let's add a row in the sales base table

INSERT INTO sales (id, item, store_id, customer_id, amount) 
VALUES(8, 'Gaming PC Super ProXXL', 1, 1, 3000);

SELECT city, total_sales FROM city_sales WHERE city = 'Paris'

|city |total_sales|
|Paris|        690|

!-- the new sale is not taken into account !!
-- let's refresh the materialized view

SELECT city, total_sales FROM city_sales WHERE city = 'Paris'

|city |total_sales|
|Paris|       3690|

!-- now the view has the latest sales data

The full code for this use case is available as a very simple demo is available as a gist in GitHub.

You can also extend the benefits of materialized views to external data in your Amazon S3 data lake and federated data sources. With materialized views, you can easily store and manage the pre-computed results of a SELECT statement referencing both external tables and Amazon Redshift tables. Subsequent queries referencing the materialized views run much faster because they use the pre-computed results stored in Amazon Redshift, instead of accessing the external tables. This also helps you reduce the associated costs of repeatedly accessing the external data sources, because you can only access them when you explicitly refresh the materialized views.

Tip #2: Handling bursts of workload with concurrency scaling and elastic resize

The legacy, on-premises model requires you to estimate what the system will need 3-4 years in the future to make sure you’re leasing enough horsepower at the time of purchase. But the ability to resize a cluster allows for right-sizing your resources as you go. Amazon Redshift extends this ability with elastic resize and concurrency scaling.

Elastic resize lets you quickly increase or decrease the number of compute nodes, doubling or halving the original cluster’s node count, or even change the node type. You can expand the cluster to provide additional processing power to accommodate an expected increase in workload, such as Black Friday for internet shopping, or a championship game for a team’s web business. Choose classic resize when you’re resizing to a configuration that isn’t available through elastic resize. Classic resize is slower but allows you to change the node type or expand beyond the doubling or halving size limitations of an elastic resize. 

Elastic resize completes in minutes and doesn’t require a cluster restart. For anticipated workload spikes that occur on a predictable schedule, you can automate the resize operation using the elastic resize scheduler feature on the Amazon Redshift console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or API.

Concurrency scaling allows your Amazon Redshift cluster to add capacity dynamically in response to the workload arriving at the cluster.

By default, concurrency scaling is disabled, and you can enable it for any workload management (WLM) queue to scale to a virtually unlimited number of concurrent queries, with consistently fast query performance. You can control the maximum number of concurrency scaling clusters allowed by setting the “max_concurrency_scaling_clusters” parameter value from 1 (default) to 10 (contact support to raise this soft limit). The free billing credits provided for concurrency scaling is often enough and the majority of customers using this feature don’t end up paying extra for it. For more information about the concurrency scaling billing model see Concurrency Scaling pricing.

You can monitor and control the concurrency scaling usage and cost by creating daily, weekly, or monthly usage limits and instruct Amazon Redshift to automatically take action (such as logging, alerting or disabling further usage) if those limits are reached. For more information, see Managing usage limits in Amazon Redshift.

Together, these options open up new ways to right-size the platform to meet demand. Before these options, you needed to size your WLM queue, or even an entire Amazon Redshift cluster, beforehand in anticipation of upcoming peaks.

Tip #3: Using the Amazon Redshift Advisor to minimize administrative work

Amazon Redshift Advisor offers recommendations specific to your Amazon Redshift cluster to help you improve its performance and decrease operating costs.

Advisor bases its recommendations on observations regarding performance statistics or operations data. Advisor develops observations by running tests on your clusters to determine if a test value is within a specified range. If the test result is outside of that range, Advisor generates an observation for your cluster. At the same time, Advisor creates a recommendation about how to bring the observed value back into the best-practice range. Advisor only displays recommendations that can have a significant impact on performance and operations. When Advisor determines that a recommendation has been addressed, it removes it from your recommendation list. In this section, we share some examples of Advisor recommendations:

Distribution key recommendation

Advisor analyzes your cluster’s workload to identify the most appropriate distribution key for the tables that can significantly benefit from a KEY distribution style. Advisor provides ALTER TABLE statements that alter the DISTSTYLE and DISTKEY of a table based on its analysis. To realize a significant performance benefit, make sure to implement all SQL statements within a recommendation group.

The following screenshot shows recommendations regarding distribution keys.

If you don’t see a recommendation, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the current distribution styles are the most appropriate. Advisor doesn’t provide recommendations when there isn’t enough data or the expected benefit of redistribution is small.

Sort key recommendation

Sorting a table on an appropriate sort key can accelerate query performance, especially queries with range-restricted predicates, by requiring fewer table blocks to be read from disk.

Advisor analyzes your cluster’s workload over several days to identify a beneficial sort key for your tables. See the following screenshot.

If you don’t see a recommendation for a table, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the current configuration is the best. Advisor doesn’t provide recommendations when there isn’t enough data or the expected benefit of sorting is small.

Table compression recommendation

Amazon Redshift is optimized to reduce your storage footprint and improve query performance by using compression encodings. When you don’t use compression, data consumes additional space and requires additional disk I/O. Applying compression to large uncompressed columns can have a big impact on your cluster.

The compression analysis in Advisor tracks uncompressed storage allocated to permanent user tables. It reviews storage metadata associated with large uncompressed columns that aren’t sort key columns.

The following screenshot shows an example of table compression recommendation.

Table statistics recommendation

Maintaining current statistics helps complex queries run in the shortest possible time. The Advisor analysis tracks tables whose statistics are out-of-date or missing. It reviews table access metadata associated with complex queries. If tables that are frequently accessed with complex patterns are missing statistics, Amazon Redshift Advisor creates a critical recommendation to run ANALYZE. If tables that are frequently accessed with complex patterns have out-of-date statistics, Advisor creates a suggested recommendation to run ANALYZE.

The following screenshot shows a table statistics recommendation.

Tip #4: Using Auto WLM with priorities to increase throughput

Auto WLM simplifies workload management and maximizes query throughput by using ML to dynamically manage memory and concurrency, which ensures optimal utilization of the cluster resources

Amazon Redshift runs queries using the queuing system (WLM). You can define up to eight queues to separate workloads from each other.

Amazon Redshift Advisor automatically analyzes the current WLM usage and can make recommendations to get more throughput from your cluster. Periodically reviewing the suggestions from Advisor helps you get the best performance.

Query priorities is a feature of Auto WLM that lets you assign priority ranks to different user groups or query groups, to ensure that higher priority workloads get more resources for consistent query performance, even during busy times. It is a good practice to set up query monitoring rules (QMR) to monitor and manage resource intensive or runaway queries. QMR also enables you to dynamically change a query’s priority based on its runtime performance and metrics-based rules you define.

For more information on migrating from manual to automatic WLM with query priorities, see Modifying the WLM configuration.

It’s recommended to take advantage of Amazon Redshift’s short query acceleration (SQA). SQA uses ML to run short-running jobs in their own queue. This keeps small jobs processing, rather than waiting behind longer-running SQL statements. SQA is enabled by default in the default parameter group and for all new parameter groups. You can enable and disable SQA via a check box on the Amazon Redshift console, or by using the Amazon Redshift CLI.

If you enable concurrency scaling, Amazon Redshift can automatically and quickly provision additional clusters should your workload begin to back up. This is an important consideration when deciding the cluster’s WLM configuration.

A common pattern is to optimize the WLM configuration to run most SQL statements without the assistance of supplemental memory, reserving additional processing power for short jobs. Some queueing is acceptable because additional clusters spin up if your needs suddenly expand. To enable concurrency scaling on a WLM queue, set the concurrency scaling mode value to AUTO. You can best inform your decisions by reviewing the concurrency scaling billing model. You can also monitor and control the concurrency scaling usage and cost by using the Amazon Redshift usage limit feature.

In some cases, unless you enable concurrency scaling for the queue, the user or query’s assigned queue may be busy, and you must wait for a queue slot to open. During this time, the system isn’t running the query at all. If this becomes a frequent problem, you may have to increase concurrency.

First, determine if any queries are queuing, using the queuing_queries.sql admin script. Review the maximum concurrency that your cluster needed in the past with wlm_apex.sql, or get an hour-by-hour historical analysis with wlm_apex_hourly.sql. Keep in mind that increasing concurrency allows more queries to run, but each query gets a smaller share of the memory. You may find that by increasing concurrency, some queries must use temporary disk storage to complete, which is also sub-optimal.

Tip #5: Taking advantage of Amazon Redshift data lake integration

Amazon Redshift is tightly integrated with other AWS-native services such as Amazon S3 which let’s the Amazon Redshift cluster interact with the data lake in several useful ways.

Amazon Redshift Spectrum lets you query data directly from files on Amazon S3 through an independent, elastically sized compute layer. Use these patterns independently or apply them together to offload work to the Amazon Redshift Spectrum compute layer, quickly create a transformed or aggregated dataset, or eliminate entire steps in a traditional ETL process.

  • Use the Amazon Redshift Spectrum compute layer to offload workloads from the main cluster, and apply more processing power to the specific SQL statement. Amazon Redshift Spectrum automatically assigns compute power up to approximately 10 times the processing power of the main cluster. This may be an effective way to quickly process large transform or aggregate jobs.
  • Skip the load in an ELT process and run the transform directly against data on Amazon S3. You can run transform logic against partitioned, columnar data on Amazon S3 with an INSERT … SELECT statement. It’s easier than going through the extra work of loading a staging dataset, joining it to other tables, and running a transform against it.
  • Use Amazon Redshift Spectrum to run queries as the data lands in Amazon S3, rather than adding a step to load the data onto the main cluster. This allows for real-time analytics.
  • Land the output of a staging or transformation cluster on Amazon S3 in a partitioned, columnar format. The main or reporting cluster can either query from that Amazon S3 dataset directly or load it via an INSERT … SELECT statement.

Within Amazon Redshift itself, you can export the data into the data lake with the UNLOAD command, or by writing to external tables. Both options export SQL statement output to Amazon S3 in a massively parallel fashion. You can do the following:

  • Using familiar CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT and INSERT INTO SQL commands, create and populate external tables on Amazon S3 for subsequent use by Amazon Redshift or other services participating in the data lake without the need to manually maintain partitions. Materialized views can also cover external tables, further enhancing the accessibility and utility of the data lake.
  • Using the UNLOAD command, Amazon Redshift can export SQL statement output to Amazon S3 in a massively parallel fashion. This technique greatly improves the export performance and lessens the impact of running the data through the leader node. You can compress the exported data on its way off the Amazon Redshift cluster. As the size of the output grows, so does the benefit of using this feature. For writing columnar data to the data lake, UNLOAD can write partition-aware Parquet data.

Tip #6: Improving the efficiency of temporary tables

Amazon Redshift provides temporary tables, which act like normal tables but have a lifetime of a single SQL session. The proper use of temporary tables can significantly improve performance of some ETL operations. Unlike regular permanent tables, data changes made to temporary tables don’t trigger automatic incremental backups to Amazon S3, and they don’t require synchronous block mirroring to store a redundant copy of data on a different compute node. Due to these reasons, data ingestion on temporary tables involves reduced overhead and performs much faster. For transient storage needs like staging tables, temporary tables are ideal.

You can create temporary tables using the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE syntax, or by issuing a SELECT … INTO #TEMP_TABLE query. The CREATE TABLE statement gives you complete control over the definition of the temporary table. The SELECT … INTO and C(T)TAS commands use the input data to determine column names, sizes and data types, and use default storage properties. Consider default storage properties carefully, because they may cause problems. By default, for temporary tables, Amazon Redshift applies EVEN table distribution with no column encoding (such as RAW compression) for all columns. This data structure is sub-optimal for many types of queries.

If you employ the SELECT…INTO syntax, you can’t set the column encoding, column distribution, or sort keys. The CREATE TABLE AS (CTAS) syntax instead lets you specify a distribution style and sort keys, and Amazon Redshift automatically applies LZO encoding for everything other than sort keys, Booleans, reals, and doubles. You can exert additional control by using the CREATE TABLE syntax rather than CTAS.

If you create temporary tables, remember to convert all SELECT…INTO syntax into the CREATE statement. This ensures that your temporary tables have column encodings and don’t cause distribution errors within your workflow. For example, you may want to convert a statement using this syntax:

SELECT column_a, column_b INTO #my_temp_table FROM my_table;

You need to analyze the temporary table for optimal column encoding:

Master=# analyze compression #my_temp_table;
Table | Column | Encoding
#my_temp_table | columb_a | lzo
#my_temp_table | columb_b | bytedict
(2 rows)

You can then convert the SELECT INTO a statement to the following:


column_a varchar(128) encode lzo,
column_b char(4) encode bytedict)
distkey (column_a) -- Assuming you intend to join this table on column_a
sortkey (column_b) -- Assuming you are sorting or grouping by column_b

INSERT INTO my_temp_table SELECT column_a, column_b FROM my_table;


If you create a temporary staging table by using a CREATE TABLE LIKE statement, the staging table inherits the distribution key, sort keys, and column encodings from the parent target table. In this case, merge operations that join the staging and target tables on the same distribution key performs faster because the joining rows are collocated. To verify that the query uses a collocated join, run the query with EXPLAIN and check for DS_DIST_NONE on all the joins.

You may also want to analyze statistics on the temporary table, especially when you use it as a join table for subsequent queries. See the following code:

ANALYZE my_temp_table;

With this trick, you retain the functionality of temporary tables but control data placement on the cluster through distribution key assignment. You also take advantage of the columnar nature of Amazon Redshift by using column encoding.

Tip #7: Using QMR and Amazon CloudWatch metrics to drive additional performance improvements

In addition to the Amazon Redshift Advisor recommendations, you can get performance insights through other channels.

The Amazon Redshift cluster continuously and automatically collects query monitoring rules metrics, whether you institute any rules on the cluster or not. This convenient mechanism lets you view attributes like the following:

  • The CPU time for a SQL statement (query_cpu_time)
  • The amount of temporary space a job might ‘spill to disk’ (query_temp_blocks_to_disk)
  • The ratio of the highest number of blocks read over the average (io_skew)

It also makes Amazon Redshift Spectrum metrics available, such as the number of Amazon Redshift Spectrum rows and MBs scanned by a query (spectrum_scan_row_count and spectrum_scan_size_mb, respectively). The Amazon Redshift system view SVL_QUERY_METRICS_SUMMARY shows the maximum values of metrics for completed queries, and STL_QUERY_METRICS and STV_QUERY_METRICS carry the information at 1-second intervals for the completed and running queries respectively.

The Amazon Redshift CloudWatch metrics are data points for use with Amazon CloudWatch monitoring. These can be cluster-wide metrics, such as health status or read/write, IOPS, latency, or throughput. It also offers compute node–level data, such as network transmit/receive throughput and read/write latency. At the WLM queue grain, there are the number of queries completed per second, queue length, and others. CloudWatch facilitates monitoring concurrency scaling usage with the metrics ConcurrencyScalingSeconds and ConcurrencyScalingActiveClusters.

It’s recommended to consider the CloudWatch metrics (and the existing notification infrastructure built around them) before investing time in creating something new. Similarly, the QMR metrics cover most metric use cases and likely eliminate the need to write custom metrics.

Tip #8: Federated queries connect the OLAP, OLTP and data lake worlds

The new Federated Query feature in Amazon Redshift allows you to run analytics directly against live data residing on your OLTP source system databases and Amazon S3 data lake, without the overhead of performing ETL and ingesting source data into Amazon Redshift tables. This feature gives you a convenient and efficient option for providing realtime data visibility on operational reports, as an alternative to micro-ETL batch ingestion of realtime data into the data warehouse. By combining historical trend data from the data warehouse with live developing trends from the source systems, you can gather valuable insights to drive real-time business decision making.

For example, consider sales data residing in three different data stores:

  • Live sales order data stored on an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database (represented as “ext_postgres” in the following external schema)
  • Historical sales data warehoused in a local Amazon Redshift database (represented as “local_dwh”)
  • Archived, “cold” sales data older than 5 years stored on Amazon S3 (represented as “ext_spectrum”)

We can create a late binding view in Amazon Redshift that allows you to merge and query data from all three sources. See the following code:

CREATE VIEW store_sales_integrated AS 
SELECT * FROM ext_postgres.store_sales_live 
SELECT * FROM local_dwh.store_sales_current 
SELECT ss_sold_date_sk, ss_sold_time_sk, ss_item_sk, ss_customer_sk, ss_cdemo_sk, 
ss_hdemo_sk, ss_addr_sk, ss_store_sk, ss_promo_sk, ss_ticket_number, ss_quantity, 
ss_wholesale_cost, ss_list_price, ss_sales_price, ss_ext_discount_amt, 
ss_ext_sales_price, ss_ext_wholesale_cost, ss_ext_list_price, ss_ext_tax, 
ss_coupon_amt, ss_net_paid, ss_net_paid_inc_tax, ss_net_profit 
FROM ext_spectrum.store_sales_historical 

Currently, direct federated querying is supported for data stored in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL databases, with support for other major RDS engines coming soon. You can also use the federated query feature to simplify the ETL and data-ingestion process. Instead of staging data on Amazon S3, and performing a COPY operation, federated queries allow you to ingest data directly into an Amazon Redshift table in one step, as part of a federated CTAS/INSERT SQL query.

For example, the following code shows an upsert/merge operation in which the COPY operation from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift is replaced with a federated query sourced directly from PostgreSQL:


CREATE TEMP TABLE staging (LIKE ods.store_sales);

-- replace the following COPY from S3: 
   /*COPY staging FROM 's3://yourETLbucket/daily_store_sales/' 
   IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/<s3_reader_role>' 
-- with this federated query to load staging data directly from PostgreSQL source
INSERT INTO staging SELECT * FROM pg.store_sales p
    WHERE p.last_updated_date > (SELECT MAX(last_updated_date) FROM ods.store_sales);

DELETE FROM ods.store_sales USING staging s WHERE ods.store_sales.id = s.id;

INSERT INTO ods.store_sales SELECT * FROM staging;

DROP TABLE staging;


For more information about setting up the preceding federated queries, see Build a Simplified ETL and Live Data Query Solution using Redshift Federated Query. For additional tips and best practices on federated queries, see Best practices for Amazon Redshift Federated Query.

Tip #9: Maintaining efficient data loads

Amazon Redshift best practices suggest using the COPY command to perform data loads of file-based data. Single-row INSERTs are an anti-pattern. The COPY operation uses all the compute nodes in your cluster to load data in parallel, from sources such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EMR HDFS file systems, or any SSH connection.

When performing data loads, compress the data files whenever possible. For row-oriented (CSV) data, Amazon Redshift supports both GZIP and LZO compression. It’s more efficient to load a large number of small files than one large one, and the ideal file count is a multiple of the cluster’s total slice count. Columnar data, such as Parquet and ORC, is also supported. You can achieve best performance when the compressed files are between 1MB-1GB each.

The number of slices per node depends on the cluster’s node size (and potentially elastic resize history). By ensuring an equal number of files per slice, you know that the COPY command evenly uses cluster resources and complete as quickly as possible. Query for the cluster’s current slice count with SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_slices FROM stv_slices;.

Another script in the amazon-redshift-utils GitHub repo, CopyPerformance, calculates statistics for each load. Amazon Redshift Advisor also warns of missing compression or too few files based on the number of slices (see the following screenshot):

Conducting COPY operations efficiently reduces the time to results for downstream users, and minimizes the cluster resources utilized to perform the load.

Tip #10: Using the latest Amazon Redshift drivers from AWS

Because Amazon Redshift is based on PostgreSQL, we previously recommended using JDBC4 PostgreSQL driver version 8.4.703 and psql ODBC version 9.x drivers. If you’re currently using those drivers, we recommend moving to the new Amazon Redshift–specific drivers. For more information about drivers and configuring connections, see JDBC and ODBC drivers for Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.

While rarely necessary, the Amazon Redshift drivers do permit some parameter tuning that may be useful in some circumstances. Downstream third-party applications often have their own best practices for driver tuning that may lead to additional performance gains.

For JDBC, consider the following:

  • To avoid client-side out-of-memory errors when retrieving large data sets using JDBC, you can enable your client to fetch data in batches by setting the JDBC fetch size parameter or BlockingRowsMode.
  • Amazon Redshift doesn’t recognize the JDBC maxRows parameter. Instead, specify a LIMIT clause to restrict the result set. You can also use an OFFSET clause to skip to a specific starting point in the result set.

For ODBC, consider the following:

  • A cursor is enabled on the cluster’s leader node when useDelareFecth is enabled. The cursor fetches up to fetchsize/cursorsize and then waits to fetch more rows when the application request more rows.
  • The CURSOR command is an explicit directive that the application uses to manipulate cursor behavior on the leader node. Unlike the JDBC driver, the ODBC driver doesn’t have a BlockingRowsMode mechanism.

It’s recommended that you do not undertake driver tuning unless you have a clear need. AWS Support is available to help on this topic as well.


Amazon Redshift is a powerful, fully managed data warehouse that can offer increased performance and lower cost in the cloud. As Amazon Redshift grows based on the feedback from its tens of thousands of active customers world-wide, it continues to become easier to use and extend its price-for-performance value proposition. Staying abreast of these improvements can help you get more value (with less effort) from this core AWS service.

We hope you learned a great deal about making the most of your Amazon Redshift account with the resources in this post.

If you have questions or suggestions, please leave a comment.


About the Authors

Matt Scaer is a Principal Data Warehousing Specialist Solution Architect, with over 20 years of data warehousing experience, with 11+ years at both AWS and Amazon.com.






Manish Vazirani is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services.







Tarun Chaudhary is an Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS.

Configure and optimize performance of Amazon Athena federation with Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Harsha Tadiparthi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/configure-and-optimize-performance-of-amazon-athena-federation-with-amazon-redshift/

This post provides guidance on how to configure Amazon Athena federation with AWS Lambda and Amazon Redshift, while addressing performance considerations to ensure proper use.

If you use data lakes in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and use Amazon Redshift as your data warehouse, you may want to integrate the two for a lake house approach. Lake House is the ability to integrate Data Lake and Data warehouse seamlessly. When you need to query your data lake from your Amazon Redshift Data warehouse, you can use Amazon Redshift Spectrum, which works great in unifying your data lake and data warehouse. However, when you use Athena in the data lake and need to access data in Amazon Redshift for the following two scenarios which are commonly seen, there is no easy approach:

  • Team A has a data lake in Amazon S3 and uses Athena. They need access to the data in an Amazon Redshift cluster owned by Team B.
  • Analysts using Athena to query their data lake for analytics need agility and flexibility to access data in an Amazon Redshift data warehouse without moving the data to Amazon S3 Data Lake.

In these scenarios, Athena federation with Amazon Redshift allows you to seamlessly access the data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse without having to wait to unload the data to the Amazon S3 data lake, which removes the overhead in managing such jobs.

In this post, you walk through a step-by-step configuration to set up Athena federation using Lambda to access data in Amazon Redshift. You also see a performance benchmark analysis of interactive and ad hoc TPC-DS queries, and learn some key performance considerations and best practices when using federation.

Solution overview

Data federation is the capability to integrate data in another data store using a single interface. The following diagram depicts how Athena federation works by using Lambda to integrate with a federated data source.

Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only for the queries that you run. Simply point to your data in Amazon S3, define the schema, and start querying using standard SQL.

Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You can run code for virtually any type of application with zero administration and only pay for when the code is running.

Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale data warehouse designed from the ground up, natively for the cloud. Amazon Redshift is the most popular and fastest cloud data warehouse. It’s integrated with your data lake, offers performance up to three times faster than any other data warehouse, and costs up to 75% less than any other cloud data warehouse.

The following diagram depicts all the data source connectors available as of this writing in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

The AWS Serverless Application Repository is a managed repository for serverless applications. It enables you to store and share reusable applications, and easily assemble and deploy serverless architectures in powerful new ways.

You can also create a custom connector for sources that aren’t in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.


Before you get started, create a secret for the Amazon Redshift login ID and password using AWS Secrets Manager.

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Secrets.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. Choose credentials for your Amazon Redshift cluster, and set your user name and password.
  4. Choose the cluster you want to use.
  5. For Secret name, enter a name for your secret. Use the prefix AthenaJDBCFederation so it’s easy to find.
  6. Leave the remaining fields at their defaults and choose Next.
  7. Complete your secret creation.

Setting up your S3 bucket

On the Amazon S3 console, create a new S3 bucket and subfolder for Lambda to use. For this post, use the name myworkspace0009/athenafederation.

Configuring Athena federation with Amazon Redshift

To configure Athena federation with Amazon Redshift, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Serverless Application Repository, choose Available applications.
  2. In the search field, enter athena federation.

  1. Choose
  2. In the Application settings section, provide the following details:
  3. Application nameAthenaRedshiftConnector
  4. SecretNamePrefixAthenaJdbcFederation
  5. SpillBucketmyworkspace0009/athenafederation
  6. JDBCConnectorConfigRedshift://jdbc:Redshift://<YourAmazon Redshift1Hostname>:5439/<DBName>?user=sample2&password=sample2
  7. DisableSpillEncyption – False
  8. LambdaFunctionNamerstpcds30
  9. SecurityGroupID – Security group ID where Amazon Redshift is deployed
  10. SpillPrefix – Leave default
  11. Subnetids – Use the subnets where Amazon Redshift is running with comma separation
  12. Select the I acknowledge check box.
  13. Choose Deploy.

In the next steps, you configure an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoint for Amazon S3 to allow Lambda to write federated query results to Amazon S3.

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. Choose the VPC for your endpoint.

  1. Make any necessary security changes as per your security requirements.

  1. Choose Create endpoint.

Running federated queries with Athena

To start running federated queries, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Athena console, choose Workgroups.
  2. If you don’t see a workgroup called AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality, create one.

When this feature becomes generally available, you won’t need to use this workgroup name.

  1. Run your queries, using lambda:rstpcds30 to run against tables in Amazon Redshift.

Athena query performance comparison

Several customers have asked us for performance insights and prescriptive guidance on how queries in Athena compare against federated queries and how to use them. In this section, we use a TPC-DS 3 TB standard dataset and a select few queries that fall in the category of ad hoc and interactive. The comparison of their performance should give you an idea of what to expect when running federated queries against Amazon Redshift.

For the following tests, we used a 3 TB TPC-DS dataset in Amazon S3 data lake with Parquet compressed, partitioned and served by Athena, and the same 3 TB TPC-DS dataset on Amazon Redshift cluster running four RA3.4XL nodes.

The following table summarizes the dataset sizes:

Dataset Table Size (Records)
store_sales 8.6 billion
customer 30 million
customer_address 15 million
customer_demographics 1.92 million
item 360,000
date_dim 73,000
store 1,350

We ran the following four tests:

  • T1 – Queries ran in Athena without federation. All table data is in Amazon S3.
  • T2 – Queries ran in Athena with federation to Amazon Redshift. All table data is in Amazon S3, except the store_sales fact table in Amazon Redshift.
  • T3 – Queries ran in Athena with federation to Amazon Redshift. All tables and data are in Redshift.
  • T4 – Queries ran in Amazon Redshift without federation. All tables and data are in Redshift.

The following graph represents the performance of some of the ad hoc and interactive TPC-DS queries.

In the preceding graph, all T3 queries timed out at 900 seconds, depicted by the pink reference line, due to the Lambda 900-second timeout limit. This is due to overhead from store_sales fact data that needed to be transferred back to Athena.

The following graph removes T3 from the visualization, which gives better visibility when comparing the other tests.

Notice the query performance between T1 and T2 that completed in almost the same time while T4 queries ran significantly faster.

Amazon Redshift beats the performance of Athena in providing extremely low latency and should be the tool of choice if you’re looking for very low SLAs for analytics queries that Athena can’t achieve.

The following graph shows the data scanned in Amazon S3 for T1 and T2, which outlines why there isn’t much difference in query performance when compared to federated queries.

For the T2 federated queries, a small amount of dimension data is filtered in Amazon Redshift and brought back to Athena, instead of scanning the entire dimension tables. This is a typical nature for several ad hoc and interactive queries.

The performance of these TPC-DS queries between T1 and T2 is comparable because very little data is transferred back to Athena. You can see a similar behavior in several ad hoc and interactive query use cases because they use limited dimensions and scan a small subset of dimension data. Due to the 900-second timeout for the Lambda instances that connect to Amazon Redshift, it’s advised to minimize the amount of data the query brings back. Although Athena uses multiple Lambda instances in parallel to run your federated query, it’s also important to make sure the Amazon Redshift WLM queue has enough slots to process it, thereby not leading to queue wait time. For example, in some of the preceding queries, 20 Lambda executions were connecting to Amazon Redshift concurrently.

Key performance best practice considerations

When considering Athena federation with Amazon Redshift, you could take into account the following best practices:

  • Athena federation works great for queries with predicate filtering because the predicates are pushed down to Amazon Redshift. Use filter and limited-range scans in your queries to avoid full table scans.
  • If your SQL query requires returning a large volume of data from Amazon Redshift to Athena (which could lead to query timeouts or slow performance), unload the large tables in your query from Redshift to your Amazon S3 data lake.
  • Star schema is a commonly used data model in Amazon Redshift. In the star schema model, unload your large fact tables into your data lake and leave the dimension tables in Amazon Redshift. If large dimension tables are contributing to slow performance or query timeouts, unload those tables to your data lake.
  • When you run federated queries, Athena spins up multiple Lambda functions, which causes a spike in database connections. It’s important to monitor the Amazon Redshift WLM queue slots to ensure there is no queuing. Additionally, you can use concurrency scaling on your Amazon Redshift cluster to benefit from concurrent connections to queue up.


In this post, you learned how to configure and use Athena federation with Amazon Redshift using Lambda. Now you don’t need to wait for all the data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse to be unloaded to Amazon S3 and maintained on a day-to-day basis to run your queries. You can use the best practice considerations outlined in the post to minimize the data transferred from Amazon Redshift for better performance. When queries are well written for federation, the performance penalties are negligible, as observed in the TPC-DS benchmark queries in this post. Happy query federating!


About the Author

Harsha Tadiparthi is a Specialist Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS Analytics. He enjoys solving complex customer problems in Databases and Analytics and delivering successful outcomes. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, watch movies, and travel whenever possible.



Automate dataset monitoring in Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Ginni Malik original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/automate-dataset-monitoring-in-amazon-quicksight/

Amazon QuickSight is an analytics service that you can use to create datasets, perform one-time analyses, and build visualizations and dashboards. In an enterprise deployment of QuickSight, you can have multiple dashboards, and each dashboard can have multiple visualizations based on multiple datasets. This can quickly become a management overhead to view all the datasets’ status with their latest refresh timestamp.

This post demonstrates how to visualize datasets associated with all the dashboards in your account, with their latest refresh status and refresh time.

Solution overview

The following screenshot illustrates the architecture of the solution.

The architecture includes the following steps:

  1. You create the datasets and tag them via an AWS Lambda
  2. A second function gets the refresh status from the tagged datasets.
  3. The function stores the refresh status in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
  4. You query the refresh status in Amazon Athena.
  5. You visualize the refresh status in QuickSight.

A QuickSight deployment can have multiple dashboards and each dashboard can have multiple datasets associated with it. You can end up having hundreds of datasets. It’s difficult to know if all the underlying datasets are refreshing as required unless you check them manually. However, QuickSight sends email notifications to the dataset owner on its dataset refresh failure. This solution provides a holistic view of all datasets’ refreshes.

The aim is to create a dashboard that monitors the refresh of the existing datasets and provides refresh status for the datasets.

To implement the solution, you must create the following:

  • A Lambda execution role for QuickSight.
  • A scheduled Lambda function to tag the datasets.
  • A scheduled Lambda function to get the last refresh status of the datasets and store it in Amazon S3.
  • An external table in Athena on top of the S3 bucket.
  • A QuickSight dashboard using Athena as the data source, which provides the datasets’ last refresh status.

This post assumes that you have existing analyses and dashboards with numerous datasets.

Creating a Lambda execution role for QuickSight

Your first step is to create a Lambda execution role that allows you to perform tagging and create QuickSight analysis, datasets, and data sources. The role should be able to describe and update them. The following code is an example role policy (replace the bucket name with the bucket for storing the QuickSight ingestion results):

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:PutObject",
            "Resource": [

Creating a scheduled Lambda function to tag the datasets

The next step is to identify all the datasets required for your dashboard and tag them. It’s easier to do this right after you create the dataset. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the QuickSight console, choose Manage data.

  1. Choose your dataset and choose Edit dataset.

  1. Record the dataset ID from the URL (data-sets/<dataset ID>/prepare).

Alternatively, you can use a Lambda function to find the dataset name and ID. See the following code (replace the AwsAccountID with your ID):

import boto3
client = boto3.client('quicksight')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    for r in response['DataSetSummaries']:
        print (dataset_info['name']+':'+dataset_info['id'])

The function provides all the datasets in your account. Make sure to record the dataset IDs specific to your dashboard.

  1. Create your Lambda function.
  2. Tag the datasets per your individual dashboards. See the following code (use the target dashboard name and ID to create the tagging key, and replace the dataset_ids and account number with your own):
import boto3
client = boto3.client('quicksight')
acct_id = '123456678788'
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    for i in dataset_ids:
        response = client.tag_resource(
                    'Key' : 'DashboardName',
                    'Value' : 'QuickSight_refresh_status_demo'

You can do this for all your dashboards. The only limitation is you can only tag one dataset to one dashboard name key pair.

If you tag the datasets with a wrong key, you can remove them using an untag call and replace the ResourceArn with the specific dataset ARN. See the following code:

     response = client.untag_resource(

Creating a Lambda function to get the last refresh status

The next step is to configure a Lambda function that gets the last refresh status of the tagged datasets and loads it into Amazon S3. You use resourcegroupstaggingapi to get back all the resources with a particular key. For this post, the key is the DashboardName. From the response of the ResourceTagMappingList, you filter out the dataset ID and dataset ARN. You also get the data source ARN and name for each dataset associated with the particular key value. Finally, you list the ingestions for all the datasets and classify them as one of the following:

  • Failed – The last refresh failed.
  • Did not run within last 24 hours – No ingestion ID in the last 24 hours (the time is configurable). You explicitly use this status even if the previous run before the last 24 hours succeeded or failed. This makes sure the datasets adhere to a certain refresh schedule. For this post, you want the datasets to refresh one time a day.
  • Error – No ingestion ID for more than 90 days.

See the following code (replace the placeholder text with your specific values):

import json
import boto3
import csv
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import timezone
import jmespath

glue = boto3.client('glue')
s3= boto3.client('s3')
client = boto3.client('resourcegroupstaggingapi')
client1 = boto3.client('quicksight')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
            'Key': 'DashboardName',
            'Values': [
                            #add dashboard name

    response = client.get_resources(
    # Get the response back for each of the above listed Key Values
    resources = response['ResourceTagMappingList']
    for resource in resources:
        # For each of the above dataset , describe the dataset to get the data source
        response = client1.describe_data_set(

        datasourcearn = jmespath.search('DataSet.PhysicalTableMap.*.*.DataSourceArn',response)
        datasourcearnid= str(datasourcearn[0]).split('/')
        response = client1.describe_data_source(
        resource_tags = resource['Tags']
        for tag in resource_tags:

                if tag['Key'] == 'DashboardName':
                    data['dashboard_name'] = tag['Value']

        response1= client1.list_ingestions(
            MaxResults=1  # To get the latest ingestion, if you want history you can change this number

        if response1.get('Ingestions'):
            for i in response1['Ingestions']:
                    response = client1.describe_ingestion(DataSetId=data['dataset_id'],IngestionId=data['IngestionId'],AwsAccountId=AwsAccountId)

                    if  response:
                        if ((datetime.utcnow() - response['Ingestion']['CreatedTime'].replace(tzinfo=None)).total_seconds()) >= (24*60*60):  #Check the refresh status within last 24 hours, you can change this per your requirement
                            data['Status']='Did not run within last 24 hrs'
                except ClientError as e:
                    data['Time']='Failed, Check if dataset is being used'



    for data in items:

        row.append(data['dashboard_name'] +','+data['DatasetName']+','+data['Status']+','+data['Time']+','+data['DataSourceName'])
    values = '\n'.join(str(v) for v in row)

    response = s3.put_object(

The last status run is now stored in a .csv file in the specific bucket mentioned in the Lambda function (see the following screenshot).

You can also schedule your function to run at a certain frequency, depending on when you want to check the status.

Creating an external table in Athena on top of Amazon S3

Now you can create an external Athena table on top of the .csv file you stored in Amazon S3 and query it. Use the following table definition for reference (replace the location with the location of your S3 bucket):

( `DashboardName` string, 
 `DatasetName` string, 
 `Status` string, 
 `LastRefershTime` string, 
 `DataSourceName` string ) 
 ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES 
 ( "separatorChar" = "," )
 LOCATION 's3://bucketname/quicksight-dashboard-metada/' 
 TBLPROPERTIES ( "skip.header.line.count"="1")

You can get the latest status of the dataset refreshes by querying the table with SQL in Athena.

Creating a QuickSight dashboard using Athena as the data source

To visualize this data and share it with others, build a dashboard on top of the data in QuickSight. The following screenshot shows the listed dashboards.

You first create a dataset for the Athena table.

  1. On the QuickSight console, choose Manage data.
  2. Choose Create dataset.

You use Athena as the source for your dataset. If you don’t have an existing Athena data source, you can create a new one. For instructions, see Creating a Data Source.

  1. Choose the table you just created.

  1. Select Import to SPICE for quicker analysis.

Depending on the size of your dataset and expected latency, you can choose Directly query your data instead. If you use SPICE, remember to add a refresh schedule for the dataset.

  1. Create an analysis from the dataset.

For this post, choose a table visual type and drag all the columns to the Value field well.

You can create the visualization as in the following screenshot, with conditional formatting to highlight failed and successful loads.

  1. To publish the dashboard, choose Share on the application bar of the analysis.
  2. Choose Publish dashboard.

  1. For Publish new dashboard as, enter a name for your dashboard.

You can now share the dashboard with end-users.


In this post, we described how to create a QuickSight dashboard that can track the last refresh status of all the datasets in your account. The dashboard provides a single pane view of the status of all the datasets and avoids the manual effort of opening and checking each individual dataset.


About the authors

Ginni Malik is an Associate Cloud Developer with AWS.






Rohan Jamadagni is a Solutions Architect with AWS.