Tag Archives: B2Cloud

How to Run VFX Workflows in the Cloud

Post Syndicated from Molly Clancy original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/how-to-run-vfx-workflows-in-the-cloud/

An hour from Queens. An hour from Jersey. Two hours from Staten Island. That’s how long it would take Molecule VFX IT staff to travel from their homes to the closet in Manhattan that housed the team’s LTO device. All those hours, just to spend five minutes switching out one tape.

It was a huge waste of time, not to mention subway fares. The hassle of tape wasn’t the only reason Molecule decided to make their production workflows fully cloud-based, but the IT team certainly doesn’t mind skipping that trip these days.

Moving production entirely to the cloud allowed Molecule to unlock the value of their artists’ time as well as the IT staff to support them, and save money in the process. If your media team has been contemplating a fully cloud-based workflow, read on to learn how Molecule did it—including how they managed to maintain the ability to move data from the cloud back to tape on demand without maintaining on-premises tape infrastructure.

About Molecule VFX

Molecule VFX is a visual effects studio based in New York and Los Angeles that provides the elemental building blocks to tell a customer’s story. They have been servicing episodic television and feature films, like the Apple TV series, “Dickinson,” and the Hulu series, “Only Murders in the Building,” since 2005.

Molecule’s Case for the Cloud

Visual effects artists want to be able to hop into a new script, work on it, render it, review it, QC it, and call it done. Their work is the most valuable element of the business. Anything that gets in the way of that or slows down the workflow directly impacts the company’s success, and an on-premises system was doing exactly that.

  • With IT staff working from home, LTO maintenance tied them up for hours—time that could have been spent helping Molecule’s visual effects artists create.
  • Beyond tape, the team managed a whole system of machines, networks, and switches. Day-to-day issues could knock out the company’s ability to get work done for entire days.

They knew moving to the cloud would optimize staff time and mitigate those outages, but it didn’t happen overnight. Because much of their business already happens in the digital workspace, Molecule had been slowly moving to the cloud over the past few years. The shift to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated their transition.

Work from the Amazon Original Movie, “Bliss,” featuring Owen Wilson.

Strategies for Moving VFX Workflows to the Cloud

Molecule’s Full Stack Software Architect, Ben Zenker, explained their approach. Through the process, he identified a few key strategies that made the transition a success, including:

  • Taking a phased approach while deciding between hybrid and fully cloud-based workflows.
  • Reading the fine print when comparing providers.
  • Rolling their own solutions where possible.
  • Thoroughly testing workflows.
  • Repurposing on-premises infrastructure.

1. Take a Phased Approach

Early in the transition, the Molecule team was still using the tape system and an on-premises Isilon server for some workloads. Because they were still deciding if they were going to have a hybrid system or go fully cloud, they took an ad hoc approach to identifying what data was going to be in Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage and what production infrastructure was going to be in CoreWeave, a cloud compute partner that specializes in VFX workloads. Ben explained, “Once we decided definitively we wanted to be fully in the cloud, connecting CoreWeave and Backblaze was simple—if it was on CoreWeave, it was getting backed up in Backblaze B2 nightly.”

2. Read the Fine Print

The team planned to sync incremental backups to the cloud every night. That meant their data would change every day as staff deleted or updated files. They figured out early on that retention minimums were a non-starter. Some cloud providers charge for deleted data for 30, 60, or even 90 days, meaning Molecule would be forced to pay for storage on data they had deleted months ago. But not all cloud providers are transparent about their retention policies. Molecule took the time to track down these policies and compare costs.

“Backblaze was the only service that met our business requirements without a retention minimum.”
—Ben Zenker, Full Stack Software Architect, Molecule VFX

3. Roll Your Own Solutions Where Possible

The team creates a lot of their own web tools to interact with other technology, so it was a relatively easy lift to set up rclone commands to run syncs of their production data nightly to Backblaze B2. Using rclone, they also built a variable price reporting tool so that higher ups could easily price out different projects and catch potential problems like a runaway render.

“There are hundreds of options that you can pass into rclone, so configuring it involved some trial and error. Thankfully it’s open-source, and Backblaze has documentation. I made some small tweaks and additions to the tool myself to make it work better for us.”
—Ben Zenker, Full Stack Software Architect, Molecule VFX

4. Test and Test Again

In reflecting on the testing phase they went through, Ben acknowledges he could have been more liberal. He noted, “I went into it a little cautious because I didn’t want to end up incurring big charges for a test, but Backblaze has all sorts of safeguards in place. You can set price limits and caps, which was great for the testing period.”

5. Repurpose On-premises Infrastructure

The on-premises Isilon server and the physical tape system are no longer part of the active project workflow. They still utilized those devices to host some core services for a time—a firewall, authentication, and a VPN that some members used. In the end, they decided to fully retire all on-premises infrastructure, but repurposing the on-premises infrastructure allowed them to maximize its useful life.

But What If Clients Demand Tape?

While Molecule is more than happy to have modernized their workflows in the cloud, there are still some clients—and major clients at that—who require that contractors save final projects on tape for long-term storage. It no longer made sense to have staff trained on how to use the LTO system, so when a customer asked for a tape copy, they reached out to Backblaze for advice.

They needed a turnkey solution that they didn’t have to manage, and they definitely didn’t want to have to resort to reinvesting and managing tape hardware. Backblaze partner, TapeArk, fit the bill. TapeArk typically helps clients get data off of tape and into the cloud, but in this case they reversed the process. Molecule sent them a secure token to the exact piece of data they needed. TapeArk managed the download, put it on tape, and shipped it to the client.

If Molecule needs to send tape copies to clients in the future, they have an easy, hands-off solution and they don’t have to maintain an LTO system for infrequent use. Ben was grateful for the partnership and easy solution.

Work from the Apple TV series, “Dickinson,” featuring Hailee Steinfeld.

Cloud Workflows Free Up a Month of Time

Now that the staff no longer has to manage an LTO tape system, the team has recouped at least 30 payroll days a year that can be dedicated to supporting artists. Ben noted that with the workflows in the cloud, the nature of the IT workload has changed, and the team definitely appreciates having that time back to respond to changing demands.

Ready to move your VFX workflows to the cloud? Start testing today with 10GB of data storage free from Backblaze B2.

The post How to Run VFX Workflows in the Cloud appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

What’s the Diff: Full, Incremental, Differential, and Synthetic Full Backups

Post Syndicated from Kari Rivas original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/whats-the-diff-full-incremental-differential-and-synthetic-full-backups/

What's the Diff: Full, Incremental, Differential, Synthetic

If you made your way here to the Backblaze blog, you probably understand the value of backing up your data. Data disasters, like ransomware attacks, floods, and fires, can easily cost a business thousands of dollars in recovery expenses. But whether you’re an IT professional or a small or medium-sized business owner, what you may not realize is that knowing you need to back up is just the first step.

Next, you have to think about what kind of backup strategy you should have in place. Specifically, there are four different types of backups that you need to consider:

  • Full backups.
  • Incremental backups.
  • Synthetic full backups.
  • Differential backups.

Some of our integration tools, like MSP360 and Veeam, let you configure the type of backup you want to perform, so it’s important to understand the difference. Choosing the right backup type also means maximizing efficiency, as simply performing a full backup of your data on a daily basis would take up too much bandwidth and storage, resulting in unnecessary extra costs.

Not sure what kind of backup you need to do? In this post, learn the differences and when each should be used.

First Things First: Full Backups

A full backup is the very first backup you create of your data. You start with nothing—no backup—and then you make a complete copy of your data. It will probably take a while, because you’re starting from nothing, making this your longest backup job.

Full Backup Pros and Cons

You can see how it would be time-consuming to do a full backup each time, right? Who has time for that? In the time you’re taking to do a full backup each day, you could be balancing your bank account, reorganizing your closet, or let’s be honest here, playing Wordle (guilty). Plus, you would likely need a lot of extra bandwidth and storage to be able to run a full backup everyday.

However, full backups are also the best option for recovery, because they contain all the files you need. Because your full backup is a clone of your data, it’s super important to encrypt them. Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage stores the data you put in it. You can choose to upload only encrypted data or use a third-party integration to encrypt data before transmission to Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage. We also support server-side encryption (SSE) using the 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256), with multiple key management options. Don’t forget this essential step!

You should think about how often to do your full backups, given that they are the safest recovery option but also the most time-consuming and expensive to complete. Some people do full backups daily; some do them weekly; and some complete them monthly, or even less often. It all depends on your backup strategy plan and how you balance your needs for data security vs. your resources, like time, funds, etc. For example, in the image below, this person has decided to do their full backup on a Sunday. Their source data is copied exactly as-is into the cloud. This provides them the security of a 100% true copy of their data.

Click to expand.

TLDR Version:

  • ✅ 100% true copy of data.
  • ✅ Best for file restoration in terms of data fidelity.
  • ❌ Expensive.
  • ❌ Slow.

Now, Just the Changes: Incremental Backups

Once you have your full backup, you have a baseline for any subsequent backups. For reasons already explained, it’s probably not efficient for you to do a full backup each time. That’s where incremental backups come in.

Incremental backups copy the data that has changed or has been added since your last full backup and then, any newly changed or added data since the previous incremental backup. Now, there are two different types of incremental backups: file-level and block-level, but let’s keep things simple here and save that topic for a future blog post, shall we?

Let’s take a look at the image below. This person performs their full backups on Sundays and Wednesdays so that they always have a fairly recent complete copy of their data. Then, on the other days of the week, they perform incremental backups. (To be clear, we’re not recommending this cadence—it’s just for demonstration purposes.) Here’s a step-by-step overview of the process:

  • Sunday: A full backup is created.
  • Monday: After the full backup on Sunday, one file is changed (the purple triangle) and one new file is added (the red square). Both of these changes are uploaded to the backup repository in the cloud.
  • Tuesday: An additional new file is created (the second red square). This one piece of new data is sent to the cloud. You can see how incremental backups are backing up only new or changed data one piece at a time.
  • Wednesday: A new full backup is run, which creates a complete copy of the source data (including all your previously changed and added data) and stores that in the cloud. This starts the cycle of full backups to incremental backups over again.
Click to expand.

Note that there is another consideration here—whether you want your full backups to overwrite your existing backup repository or whether you would like to keep the previous versions of your files for extra security. Keeping an archive of your previous versions takes up more space (and therefore costs more) but it can be helpful to have an archive for some length of time (called your “retention period”). On the other hand, some backup providers charge retention minimums where they continue to bill you for data deleted before a certain time frame—make sure to read the terms and conditions carefully so you’re not stuck paying for deleted backups. Again, this all differs according to your data security needs. Some people keep archives going back a month. Some may keep an archive for a full year’s worth of previous versions. It’s all up to you.

Incremental Backup Pros and Cons

In a disaster recovery scenario, your restore will consist of your full backup and all of the incremental backups you’ve made. If you’ve made a lot of changes to your data since your last full backup, your restore could take some time, as it progresses through this “chain” of incremental changes. In other words, if you are only doing full backups monthly or less often and you add or change a lot of data in between, your recovery will take a long time because the restore will first process your last full backup and then each piece of incrementally changed or added data.

Another downside is that your recovery could be compromised by any missing or damaged files, which would break your “chain” of backups and would make recovery of those files impossible. For this reason (and because having a fairly recent full backup is always a good idea), it’s important to do full backups regularly so you have a “fresh” full copy of your data to work from.

Determining how often and when to do your full backups, as well as deciding how many previous versions of your backups you want to keep, is a strategic decision that should take into consideration your typical operating conditions, your risk factors, your budget, and your time. For instance, you could perform a full backup on Sundays and incremental backups Monday-Saturday. Or, you may not even perform full backups as often as that; it’s important to think about your data and how often it changes.

TLDR Version:

  • ✅ Takes up little space.
  • ✅ Cost-saving.
  • ❌ Slower recoveries.
  • ❌ Corrupted files compromise the backup.

A Better Way: Synthetic Full Backups

We’ve already talked about the need to perform regular full backups, even if (and especially if) you’re using incremental backups. We’ve also discussed how regular full backups can be time-consuming. Synthetic full backups may give you the best of all worlds. They make use of incremental backups to create a more efficient full backup experience.

In a synthetic full backup, your backup software takes your previous full backup and all the incremental backups you’ve created over a set period of time and combines them into a new full, synthesized backup. Your new synthetic backup contains the same data as an active full backup. The only difference is how the new backup is created. Instead of copying your source data to create a new, full backup, the synthetic full backup includes the unchanged data from the source plus all the incremental backups of changed data.

In the diagram below, our hypothetical Backblaze customer performed a full backup on Sunday and an incremental backup on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, their backup software performed a synthetic full backup by taking the previous backups from the backup repository and forging them into a new data set that is also a faithful copy of the source data. In other words, the synthetic full backup is completed in the cloud by merging the backups in the cloud, rather than referring to the source data.

Click to expand.

Synthetic Full Backup Pros and Cons

Synthetic full backups are much faster than normal, active full backups. And because they contain a 100% copy of your data, they serve as the starting point for any subsequent incremental backups, thus resetting your backup chain.

Your backup software may have an option in your settings that needs to be turned on to enable synthetic full backups, so be sure to check out your tool’s help resources to locate this option. You will also be able to define when that synthetic full backup should be created. Put some thought into this, considering when and how often your data gets changed. Because your synthetic full backup is based on the interim incremental backups, it’s still somewhat at risk of being corrupted if one of the incremental backups is damaged.

However, since synthetic backups are much faster to create, you can regularly create new synthetic full backups to reduce that risk. For instance, let’s say you create your first full backup on Sunday. Then, Monday-Saturday you create incremental backups of your changed data. On the next Sunday, your system creates a synthetic full backup by combining the unchanged data from the first full backup plus all of the incremental backups completed during the week.

Ultimately, synthetic full backups allow you to create full backups more often, without hogging up precious bandwidth or storage space. And, having a full backup of your data is always the best way to protect your business from a data disaster.

Some of Backblaze’s integration partners support synthetic full backups, including MSP360 and Veeam, so be sure to check your backup tool’s help articles to see if this option is available to you.

TLDR Version:

  • ✅ Less time-consuming.
  • ✅ Saves on storage costs.
  • ❌ Not as effective if lots of changes are made.
  • ❌ Still relies on incremental backups.

A Specialized Solution: Differential Backups

There’s another kind of backup to be aware of. Differential backups are popular for database applications like Microsoft SQL but not used frequently otherwise. Differential backups look at the last full backup only, and they collect the changes from the full backup. As you make changes to your original data set (the one in the full backup), your differential backup grows.

In our visual below, the full backup takes place on a Sunday. Each time the differential backup runs, it “looks back” to the full backup to see what has changed from the original source data. Again, changes can be modified files (like our purple triangle) or new files (like our red squares). It adds these changes to the backup repository in a cumulative way, which means differential backups can grow to be quite large.

Click to expand.

Differential Backup Pros and Cons

Like incremental backups, differential backups are much faster to perform than a full backup. To perform a recovery from a differential backup, you just need the full backup and the latest differential backup. So differential backup restores can be quite fast. But the overall differential backup can take up a large amount of storage space, as the changed files are uploaded to the backup repository until a new full backup is done. Hence, they don’t necessarily offer cost savings in the way of storage.

Lastly, differential backups are used so infrequently that they almost don’t merit mention here, but we wanted to include them to present a full picture of the different kinds of backups out there.

TLDR Version:

  • ✅ Good solution for database applications like SQL.
  • ✅ Faster recoveries.
  • ❌ Not cost-effective.
  • ❌ Requires regular full backups as a base.

As you can see, there is a lot to think about when developing your backup strategy. Backblaze is here to help and demystify the process. Learn more about our backup and archive solutions and get started with our free 10GB offer today.

The post What’s the Diff: Full, Incremental, Differential, and Synthetic Full Backups appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

The SSD Edition: 2021 Drive Stats Review

Post Syndicated from original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/ssd-edition-2021-drive-stats-review/

Welcome to the first SSD edition of the Backblaze Drive Stats report. This edition will focus exclusively on our SSDs as opposed to our quarterly and annual Drive Stats reports which, until last year, focused exclusively on HDDs. Initially we expect to publish the SSD edition twice a year, although that could change depending on its value to our readers. We will continue to publish the HDD Drive Stats reports quarterly.


The SSDs in this report are all boot drives in our storage servers. In our early storage servers, we used HDDs exclusively for boot drives. We began using SSDs in this capacity in Q4 of 2018. Since that time, all new storage servers and any with failed HDD boot drives have had SSDs installed. Boot drives in our environment do much more than boot the storage servers, they also store log files and temporary files produced by the storage server. Each day a boot drive will read, write, and delete files depending on the activity of the storage server itself.


As of December 31, 2021, we were using 2,200 SSDs. As we share various tables and charts below, some of the numbers, particularly the annualized failure rate (AFR) will be very surprising to informed readers. For example, an AFR of 43.22% might catch your attention. We will explain these outliers as we go along. Most are due to the newness of a drive, but we’ll let you know.

As with the HDD reports, we have published the data we used to develop our SSD report. In fact, we have always published this data as it resides in the same files as the HDD data. Now for the bad news: The data does not currently include a drive type, SDD or HDD, so you’ll have to do your research by model number. Sorry. You’ll find the links to download the data files on our Drive Stats Test Data webpage. If you are just looking for SSD data, start with Q4 2018 and go forward.

If you are new to our Drive Stats reports, you might wonder why we collect and share this information. It starts with the fact that we have lots of data storage available, over two exabytes to date, for customers using the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage and Backblaze Computer Backup services. In doing that, we need to have a deep understanding of our environment, one aspect of which is how often drives, both HDDs and SSDs, fail. Starting about seven years ago we decided to share what we learned and shed some light on the previously opaque world of hard drive failure rates. It is only natural that we would be as transparent with SSDs. Read on.

Annual SSD Failure Rates for 2019, 2020, and 2021

At the end of 2021, there were 2,200 SSDs in our storage servers, having grown from zero in Q3 2018. We’ll start with looking at the AFR for the last three years, then dig into 2021 failure rates, and finally, take a look at the monthly AFR rates since 2019. We’ll explain each as we go.

The chart below shows the failure rates for 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Observations and Comments

  • The data for each year (2019, 2020, and 2021) is inclusive of the activity which occurred in that year.
  • There is an upward direction in the failure rate for 2021. We saw this when we compared our HDD and SSD boot drives in a previous post. When we get to the quarter-by-quarter chart later in this blog post, this trend, as such, will be much clearer.
  • Two drives have eye-popping failure rates—the Crucial model: CT250MX500SSD1 and the Seagate model: ZA2000CM10002. In both cases, the drive days and drive count (not shown) are very low. For the Crucial, there are only 20 drives which were installed in December 2021. For the Seagate, there were only four drives and one failed in early 2021. In both cases, the AFR is based on very little data, which leads to a very wide confidence interval, which we’ll see in the next section. We include these drives for completeness.
  • A drive day denotes one drive in operation for one day. Therefore, one drive in operation for 2021 would have 365 drive days. If a drive fails after 200 days, it will have 200 drive days and be marked as failed. For a given cohort of drives over a specified period of time, we compute the AFR as follows:
    AFR = (drive failures / (drive days / 365)) * 100
    This provides the annualized failure rate (AFR) over any period of time.

2021 Annual SSD Failure Rates

Let’s dig into 2021 and add a few more details. The table below is an expanded version of the annual 2021 section from the previous chart.

From the table, it should be clear that the Crucial and Seagate drives with the double-digit AFRs require a lot more data before passing any judgment on their reliability in our environment. This is evidenced by the extremely wide confidence interval for each drive. A respectable confidence interval is less than 1.0%, with 0.6% or less being optimal for us. Only the Seagate model: ZA250CM10002 meets the 1.0% percent criteria, although the Seagate model: ZA250CM10003 is very close.

Obviously, it takes time to build up enough data to be confident that the drive in question is performing at the expected level. In our case, we expect a 1% to 2% AFR. Anything less is great and anything more bears watching. One of the ways we “watch” is by tracking quarterly results, which we’ll explore next.

Quarterly SSD Failure Rates Over Time

There are two different ways we can look at the quarterly data: over discrete periods of time, e.g., a quarter or year; or cumulative over a period of time, e.g., all data since 2018. Data scoped to quarter by quarter can be volatile or spikey, but reacts quickly to change. Cumulative data shows longer term trends, but is less reactive to quick changes.

Below are graphs of both the quarter-by-quarter and cumulative-by-quarter data for our SSDs beginning in Q1 2019. First we’ll compare all SSDs, then we’ll dig into a few individual drives of interest.

The cumulative curve flows comfortably below our 2% AFR threshold of concern. If we had just followed the quarterly number, we might have considered the use of SSDs as boot drives to be problematic, as in multiple quarters the AFR was at or near 3%. That said, the more data the better, and as the SSDs age we’ll want to be even more on alert to see how long they last. We have plenty of data on that topic for HDDs, but we are still learning about SDDs.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at three of the older SSDs to see if there is anything interesting at this point.

Observations and Comments

  • For all of 2021, all three drives have had cumulative AFR rates below 1%.
  • This compares to the cumulative AFR for all SSD drives as of Q4 2021 which was 1.07% (from the previous chart).
  • Extending the comparison, the cumulative (lifetime) AFR for our hard drives was 1.40% as noted in our 2021 Drive Stats report. But, as we have noted in our comparison of HDDs and SSDs, the two groups (SSDs and HDDs) are not at the same point in their life cycles. As promised, we’ll continue to examine that dichotomy over the coming months.
  • The model (ZA250CM10002) represented by the red line seems to be following the classic bathtub failure curve, experiencing early failures before settling down to an AFR below 1%. On the other hand, the other two drives showed no signs of early drive failure and have only recently started failing. This type of failure pattern is similar to that demonstrated by our HDDs which no longer fit the bathtub curve model.

Experiments and Test Drives

If you decide to download the data and poke around, you’ll see a few anomalies related to the SSD models. We’d like to shed some light on these outliers before you start poking around. We’ve already covered the Crucial and Seagate drives that had higher than expected AFR numbers, but there are two other SSD models that don’t show up in this report, but do show up in the data. These are the Samsung 850 EVO 1TB and the HP SSD S700 250GB.

Why don’t they show up in this report? As with our drive stats review for our HDDs, we remove those drives we are using for testing purposes. Here are the details:

  • The Samsung SSDs were the first SSDs to be installed as boot drives. There were 10 drives that were installed to test out how SSDs would work as boot drives. Thumbs up! We had prior plans for these 10 drives in other servers and after about two weeks, the Samsung drives were swapped out with other SSDs and deployed for their original purpose. Their pioneering work was captured in the Drive Stats data for posterity.
  • The HP SSDs that were part of the testing of our internal data migration platform, i.e., moving data from smaller drives to larger drives. These drives showed up in the data in Q3 and Q4 of 2021. Any data related to these drives in Q3 or Q4 is not based on using these drives in our production environment.

What’s Next

We acknowledge that 2,200 SSDs is a relatively small number of drives on which to perform our analysis, and while this number does lead to wider than desired confidence intervals, we had to start somewhere. Of course, we will continue to add SSD boot drives to the study group, which will improve the fidelity of the data presented. In addition, we expect our readers will apply their usual skeptical lens to the data presented and help guide us towards making this report increasingly educational and useful.

We do have SSDs in other types of servers in our environment. For example, restore servers, utility servers, API servers, and so on. We are considering instrumenting the drives in some of those servers so that they can report their stats in a similar fashion as our boot drives. There are multiple considerations before we do that:

  1. We don’t impact the performance of the other servers.
  2. We recognize the workload of the drives in each of the other servers is most likely different. This means we could end up with multiple cohorts of SSD drives, each with different workloads, that may or may not be appropriate to group together for our analysis.
  3. We don’t want to impact the performance of our data center techs to do their job by adding additional or conflicting steps to the processes they use when maintaining those other servers.

The SSD Stats Data

The complete data set used to create the information used in this review is available on our Hard Drive Test Data page. As noted earlier, you’ll find SSD and HDD data in the same files and you’ll have to use the model number to distinguish one record from another. You can download and use this data for free for your own purpose. All we ask are three things: 1) you cite Backblaze as the source if you use the data, 2) you accept that you are solely responsible for how you use the data, and 3) you do not sell this data to anyone; it is free.
Good luck and let us know if you find anything interesting.

The post The SSD Edition: 2021 Drive Stats Review appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Building a Multiregion Origin Store With Backblaze B2 + Fastly Compute@Edge

Post Syndicated from Pat Patterson original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/building-a-multiregion-origin-store-with-backblaze-b2-fastly-computeedge/

Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage customers have long leveraged our partner Fastly’s Deliver@Edge CDN as an essential component of a modern, scalable web architecture. Complementing Deliver@Edge, Compute@Edge is a serverless computing environment built on the same caching platform to provide a general-purpose compute layer between the cloud and end users. Today, we’re excited to celebrate Fastly’s announcement of its Compute@Edge partner ecosystem.

Serverless computing is quickly gaining popularity among developers for its simplicity, agility, and functionality. In the serverless model, cloud providers allocate resources to applications on demand, managing the compute infrastructure on behalf of their customers. The term, “serverless,” is a little misleading: The servers are actually still there, but customers don’t have to get involved in their provisioning, configuration, maintenance, or scaling.

Fastly’s Compute@Edge represents the next generation of serverless computing—purpose-built for better performance, reduced latency, and enhanced visibility and security. Using Fastly’s tools, a developer can create an edge application, test it locally, then with one command, deploy it to the Compute@Edge platform. When a request for that application reaches any of Fastly’s global network of edge servers, the application is launched and running in microseconds and can instantly scale to tens of thousands of requests per second.

It’s difficult to overstate the power and flexibility this puts in your hands as a developer—your application can be running on every edge server, with access to every attribute of its incoming requests, assembling responses in any way you choose. For an idea of the possibilities, check out the Compute@Edge demos, in particular, the implementation of the video game classic, “Doom.”

We don’t have space in a single blog post to explore an edge application of that magnitude, but read on for a simple example of how you can combine Fastly’s Compute@Edge with Backblaze B2 to improve your website’s user experience, directing requests to the optimal origin store end point based on the user’s location.

The Case for a Multiregion Origin Store

Although the CDN caches resources to improve performance, if a requested resource is not present in the edge server cache, it must be fetched from the origin store. When the edge server is close to the origin store, the increase in latency is minimal. If, on the other hand, the edge server is on a different continent from the origin store, it can take significantly longer to retrieve uncached content. In most cases, this additional delay is hardly noticeable, but for websites with many resources that are frequently updated, it can add up to a sluggish experience for users. A solution is for the origin store to maintain multiple copies of a website’s content, each at an end point in a different region. This approach can dramatically reduce the penalty for cache misses, improving the user experience.

There is a problem here, though: How do we ensure that a given CDN edge server directs requests to the “best” end point? The answer: build an application that uses the edge server’s location to select the end point. I’ll explain how I did just that, creating a Fastly Compute@Edge application to proxy requests to Backblaze B2 buckets.

Creating an Application on Fastly Compute@Edge

The Fastly Compute@Edge developer documentation did a great job of walking me through creating a Compute@Edge application. As part of the process, I had to choose a starter kit—a simple working application targeting a specific use case. The Static Content starter kit was the ideal basis for my application—it demonstrates many useful techniques, such as generating an AWS V4 Signature and manipulating the request’s Host HTTP header to match the origin store.

The core of the application is just a few lines written in the Rust programming language:

fn main(mut req: Request) -> Result<Response, Error> {
// 1. Where is the application running?
let pop = get_pop(&req);

// 2. Choose the origin based on the edge server (pop) -
// default to US if there is no match on the pop
let origin = POP_ORIGIN.get(pop.as_str()).unwrap_or(&US_ORIGIN);

// 3. Remove the query string to improve cache hit ratio

// 4. Set the `Host` header to the bucket name + host rather than
// our Compute@Edge endpoint
let host = format!("{}.{}", origin.bucket_name, origin.endpoint);
req.set_header(header::HOST, &host);

// 5. Copy the modified client request to form the backend request
let mut bereq = req.clone_without_body();

// 6. Set the AWS V4 authentication headers
set_authentication_headers(&mut bereq, &origin);

// 7. Send the request to the backend and assign its response to `beresp`
let mut beresp = bereq.send(origin.backend_name)?;

// 8. Set a response header indicating the origin that we used
beresp.set_header("X-B2-Host", &host);

// 9. Return the response to the client
return Ok(beresp);

In step one, the get_pop function returns the three-letter abbreviation for the edge server, or point of presence (POP). For the purposes of testing, you can specify a POP as a query parameter in your HTTP request. For example, https://three.interesting.words.edgecompute.app/image.png?pop=AMS will simulate the application running on the Amsterdam POP. Next, in step two, the application looks up the POP in a mapping of POPs to Backblaze B2 end points. There are about a hundred Fastly POPs spread around the world; I simply took the list generated by running the Fastly command-line tool with the POPs argument, and assigned POPs to Backblaze B2 end points based on their location:

  • POPs in North America, South America, and Asia/Pacific map to the U.S. end point.
  • POPs in Europe and Africa map to the EU end point.

I won’t step through the rest of the logic in detail here—the comments in the code sample above cover the basics; feel free to examine the code in detail on GitHub if you’d like a closer look.

Serve Your Own Data From Multiple Backblaze B2 Regions

As you can see in the screenshot above, Fastly has implemented a Deploy to Fastly button. You can use this to create your own copy of the Backblaze B2 Compute@Edge demo application in just a couple of minutes. You’ll need to gather a few prerequisites before you start:

  • You must create Backblaze B2 accounts in both the U.S. and EU regions. If you have an existing account and you’re not sure which region it’s in, just take a look at the end point for one of your buckets. For example, this bucket is in the U.S. West region:

    To create your second account, go to the Sign Up page, and click the Region drop-down on the right under the big, red Sign Up button:

    Pick the region in which you don’t already have an account, and enter an email and password. Remember, your new account comes with 10GB of storage, free of charge, so there’s no need to enter your credit card details.

    Note: You’ll need to use a different email address from your existing account. If you don’t have a second email address, you can use the plus trick (officially known as sub-addressing) and reuse an existing email address. For example, if you used [email protected] for your existing B2 Cloud Storage account in the U.S. region, you can use [email protected] for your new EU account. Mail will be routed to the same inbox, and Backblaze B2 will be satisfied that it’s a different email address. This technique isn’t limited to Gmail, by the way, it works with many email providers.

  • Create a private bucket in each account, and use your tool of choice to copy the same data into each of them. Make a note of the end point for each bucket.
  • Create an application key with read access to each bucket.
  • Sign up for a free Fastly account if you don’t already have one. Right now, this includes free credits for Compute@Edge.
  • Sign up for a free GitHub account.
  • Go to the Backblaze B2/Fastly Compute@Edge Demo GitHub repository, click the Deploy to Fastly button, and follow the prompts. The repository will be forked to your GitHub account and then deployed to Fastly.
  • Important: There is one post-deploy step you must complete before your application will work! In your new GitHub repository, navigate to src/config.rs and hit the pencil icon near the top right to edit the file. Change the origin configuration in lines 18-31 to match your buckets and their end points. Alternatively, you can, of course, clone the repository to your local machine, edit it there, and push the changes back to GitHub.

Once you have your accounts and buckets created, it takes just a few minutes to deploy the application. Watch me walk through the process:

What Can You Do With Fastly’s Compute@Edge and Backblaze B2?

My simple demo application only scratches the surfaces of Compute@Edge. How could you combine Fastly’s edge computing platform with Backblaze B2 to create a new capability for your website? Check out Fastly’s collection of over 100 Compute@Edge code samples for inspiration. If you come up with something neat and share it on GitHub, let me know in the comments and I’ll round up a bundle of Backblaze-branded goodies, just for you!

The post Building a Multiregion Origin Store With Backblaze B2 + Fastly Compute@Edge appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Explore the Backblaze S3 Compatible API With Our New Postman Collection

Post Syndicated from Pat Patterson original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/explore-the-backblaze-s3-compatible-api-with-our-new-postman-collection/

Postman is a platform for building and using APIs. API providers such as Backblaze can use Postman to build API documentation and provide a live environment for developers to experiment with those APIs. Today, you can interact with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage via our new Postman Collection for the Backblaze S3 Compatible API.

Using the Backblaze S3 Compatible API

The Backblaze S3 Compatible API implements the most commonly used S3 operations, allowing applications to integrate with Backblaze B2 in exactly the same way they do with Amazon S3. Many of our Alliance Partners have used the S3 Compatible API in integrating their products and services with Backblaze B2. Often, integration is as simple as allowing the user to specify a custom endpoint, for example, https://s3.us-west-001.backblazeb2.com, alongside their API credentials in the S3 settings, and verifying that the application works as expected with Backblaze B2.

The Backblaze B2 Native API, introduced alongside Backblaze B2 back in 2015, provides a low-level interface to B2 Cloud Storage. We generally recommend that developers use the S3 Compatible API when writing new applications and integrations, as it is supported by a wider range of SDKs and libraries, and many developers already have experience with Amazon S3. You can use the Backblaze B2 web console or the B2 Native API to access functionality, such as application key management and lifecycle rules, that is not covered by the S3 Compatible API.
Our post on the B2 Native and S3 Compatible APIs provides a more detailed comparison.

Most applications and scripts use one of the AWS SDKs or the S3 commands in the AWS CLI to access Backblaze B2. All of the SDKs, and the CLI, allow you to override the default Amazon S3 endpoint in favor of Backblaze B2. Sometimes, though, you might want to interact directly with Backblaze B2 via the S3 Compatible API, perhaps in debugging an issue, or just to better understand how the service works.

Exploring the Backblaze S3 Compatible API in Postman

Our new Backblaze S3 Compatible API Documentation page is the definitive reference for developers wishing to access Backblaze B2 directly via the S3 Compatible API.

In addition to reading the documentation, you can click the Run in Postman button on the top right of the page, log in to the Postman website or desktop app (creating a Postman account is free), and interact with the API.

Integrate With Backblaze B2

Whether you are backing up, archiving data, or serving content via the web, Backblaze B2 is an easy to use and, at a quarter of the cost of Amazon S3, cost-effective cloud object storage solution. If you’re not already using Backblaze B2, sign up now and try it out—your first 10GB of storage is free!

The post Explore the Backblaze S3 Compatible API With Our New Postman Collection appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

What Is Private Cloud Storage?

Post Syndicated from Molly Clancy original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/what-is-private-cloud-storage/

No matter what business you’re in, you’re in the data business. Your files are the backbone of your entire operation and losing access to them would be a disaster. As such, it’s perfectly understandable if you’re a little protective of these all-important 1s and 0s. As you begin your search for a data storage solution, understanding some cloud basics can help you make the best decision, and one option that may cross your desk is the private cloud.

What Is the Private Cloud?

A private cloud is essentially storage dedicated solely to your organization, but accessible from anywhere. While you can outsource the physical infrastructure of this private cloud to a data center, you do have the option to keep it on-premises. It is a costlier solution than typical public cloud storage, but the trade-off is a higher level of security and control over your data.

Refresher: What Is the Public Cloud?

By contrast, a public cloud storage service would be open to many different organizations or tenants. In a public cloud, tenants share the same physical hardware resources as other tenants, and their individual instances are virtually separated so that one tenant can’t access another’s data. Public clouds typically don’t involve on-premises hardware as everything is managed by the public cloud provider in a data center.

Public and Private Clouds: By the Numbers

In 2020, spending on cloud services grew significantly: Public cloud spending reached $14 billion, and private cloud spending reached $5 billion, according to an IDC study. IDC also found that “on-premises private clouds” make up nearly two-thirds (i.e., 64%) of private cloud spending.

According to the Flexera 2021 State of the Cloud Report, 97% of respondents used a public cloud and 80% of respondents used a private cloud. As you can see, there is plenty of overlap. Using a public cloud versus a private cloud is not an either/or decision—78% of respondents use both public and private clouds in a hybrid cloud solution.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Clouds

Both the private cloud and the public cloud have their advantages. Benefits of the public cloud include low cost and a higher adoption rate than the private cloud. Therefore, a public cloud can be cheaper to run and it can be easier to find employees who know how to use the public cloud. The high adoption rate also means it is easier to find third-party consultants and experts to provide help when you need it. On the other hand, a private cloud offers advantages such as faster access to data when using on-premises infrastructure and more control over security.

Private Cloud: Use Cases

To better understand how private cloud services can be beneficial, let’s take a closer look at use cases. There are a few reasons organizations are investing time and resources into private cloud deployments:

  • Regulatory compliance. Some industries face high demand for security. For example, financial services and health care organizations frequently handle highly sensitive data. As a result, these organizations may find that the greater security safeguards available through a private cloud may be a good fit. Further, Gartner points out that the U.S. government is starting to increase its adoption of private cloud services. If your organization operates in a highly regulated industry with significant IT security or privacy protection requirements, using a private cloud may make sense. Finally, government contractors may be expected to use the private cloud to give their government clients extra peace of mind regarding security.
  • Meeting high-performance requirements. In some situations, a private cloud may provide access to faster IT services. For instance, an on-premises private cloud may serve data to local users much faster than a private cloud located thousands of miles away. A large organization that needs to work with large volumes of data like video files and big data analytics may find private cloud services a good fit. If a company sees a competitive opportunity in speed (e.g., high-frequency trading in financial services), then a private cloud could be an attractive option.
  • Specific hardware requirements. In a public cloud environment, the end user generally has limited input regarding specific hardware. By contrast, a company willing to pay for a private cloud service will have more control over specific hardware investments.

Public vs. Private: Why Not Both?

Using both private and public clouds simultaneously is called a hybrid cloud solution, and it may be the best way to balance your security needs against your budget constraints to optimize your storage infrastructure. You can use an on-premises private cloud for sensitive files or larger files that will be accessed on a daily basis, while maintaining public cloud storage space for archives or files that need to be accessed remotely by outside vendors or clients. The reduced cost of public cloud storage gives you greater flexibility in tweaking your private vs. public cloud needs to fit your budget.

Managing a Private Cloud Effectively

Using private cloud data storage services has the potential to offer greater security. If your cloud portfolio includes the private cloud, use the following tips to get the most from those services.

  • Manage the scalability limitations of the private cloud. In contrast to a public cloud service, you may find it more difficult or time-consuming to scale up and scale down private cloud services. This challenge can be mitigated in a few ways. For instance, you could pursue a hybrid cloud approach using the private cloud for smaller amounts of highly sensitive data and put the bulk of your corporate data in a public cloud.
  • Enhance your cost management process. A private cloud service comes with higher up-front costs and maintenance costs. And, in a public cloud, your costs can vary based on the amount of storage you’re using at any given time. With a private cloud, once you’ve made that capital expenditure, whether on-premises or off, the capacity is already paid for. However, it requires very accurate assessments of future needs to predict any further spending on capacity. If you run out of space, you’re facing another capital investment.
  • Managing maintenance risk. Compared to a public cloud deployment, private cloud storage can be relatively complex to manage. If upkeep slips, you may start to suffer increasing security risks and lost performance.
  • Challenge customization requests. The ability to customize a private cloud is a double-edged sword. The flexibility is attractive for departments with unusual requirements. On the other hand, each private cloud customization request may involve additional fees and security complexities. Therefore, it may be wise to challenge requests for cloud customization and see if business users can achieve their goals with minimal customization.

Are You Using a Private Cloud?

We’re all in the data business, but nobody knows your business like you. Ultimately, the decision to balance data security against financial concerns will come down to your individual needs and budgetary realities. But for those files that require an extra layer of security, whether it’s for regulatory or operational reasons, a private cloud solution gives you control over your data that is worth the added expense.

Are you using a public cloud, a private cloud, or both? Let us know in the comments.

The post What Is Private Cloud Storage? appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Ransomware Takeaways From Q4 2021

Post Syndicated from Jeremy Milk original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/ransomware-takeaways-from-q4-2021/

Ransomware commanded attention from both the media and governments like never before in 2021. It was an unprecedented year of major breaches, astronomical ransom demands, and attacks on businesses of all sizes. And much of what stood out to us towards the end of the year was the seemingly heightened regulatory response to previous quarters’ developments.

New regulations are hopeful signs that people are taking the ransomware threat more seriously, but they’re not enough to stop ransomware operators just yet. If you’re in charge of managing company data, knowing the latest in ransomware developments can help guide the choices and actions you take to protect company assets. Here are five key takeaways based on what we saw over Q4 2021.

This post is a part of our ongoing series on ransomware. Take a look at our other posts for more information on how businesses can defend themselves against a ransomware attack, and more.

➔ Download The Complete Guide to Ransomware E-book

1. U.S. State Department Sweetened the Deal for Reporting Cybercrime.

In Q4, we learned that the U.S. State Department put $10 million bounties on two specific ransomware groups—DarkSide and Sodinokibi—as well as $5 million bounties on their affiliates. This follows a statement issued earlier in 2021 that offered $10 million bounties for information on any person who engages in cybercrime. The bounties have proven effective in the past, with the department paying out more than $200 million since 1984 to individuals who provided intelligence that helped address threats to U.S. security.

2. Cyber Insurers Are Taking a More Conservative Stance.

The rise in attacks in 2021 led to a rise in companies seeking out cyber insurance coverage if they hadn’t already, and subsequently, a rise in claims against cyber insurance policies. The cyber insurance dynamics are evolving in response, and companies may need to think about coverage differently. Lloyds of London, for example, will no longer cover losses stemming from nation-state-affiliated criminals, cyber warfare, and “retaliatory” cyber activity. Whether or not ransomware gangs will be fully accepted as nation-state attackers is still up for debate, but the truth is that the cybersecurity community understands that some big name groups are definitely operating in league with their particular locale’s government branches.

3. Governments Named Names.

Also in November, the Ukrainian Security Service disclosed the names and positions of five members of a major cybercrime syndicate. The disclosure revealed the members’ links to the Crimean branch of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). They furthermore released recorded telephone conversations where the members discussed attacks and griped about their FSB salaries. According to the Ukrainian Security Service, the group has heavily targeted the Ukrainian government in more than 5,000 cyberattacks. Despite these efforts to dox major players, the group has continued their attacks as tensions between Russia and Ukraine continue to escalate.

4. Sanctions Tightened Ransomware’s Vice Grip.

In October, a ransomware group linked to a sanctioned entity—Evil Corp—posted information allegedly stolen from the National Rifle Association (NRA). While the NRA has not confirmed the attack, if true, it would potentially put them between a rock and a hard place. If they pay the attackers, they could face penalties from the U.S. government.

The sanctions are also changing the behavior of ransomware groups. Sanctioned groups are less likely to be successful in getting victims to pay. One way they get around this is by creating subsidiary brands or spinoff entities that, to an unknowing victim, seem to be unaffiliated with the sanctioned entity. When victims are unaware of affiliations between groups, they’re more likely to pay ransoms and less likely to disclose attacks to the authorities. However, pleading innocence may not be enough for victims to avoid consequences should the attacks be discovered by authorities.

5. Players in the Ransomware Economy Came Under Fire.

The ransomware economy is a murky web of actors that includes entities beyond just the ransomware operators themselves. In December, researchers linked 15+ ransomware-related crypto exchanges to a single prestigious skyscraper in Moscow—the tallest in the city, in fact. The findings provide more fuel for security experts to argue that Russian authorities give ransomware gangs a wide berth.

What This Means for You

While Q4 saw increased scrutiny on some ransomware operations, stopping ransomware is like a game of Whac-A-Mole. When one group gets exposed or dissolved, the operators and resources just reemerge as a new brand. Ransomware isn’t going away anytime soon, and the stakes for companies who fall victim are only higher with new sanctions. All this makes investing in ransomware protection all the more necessary.

The post Ransomware Takeaways From Q4 2021 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Free Image Hosting With Cloudflare Transform Rules and Backblaze B2

Post Syndicated from Pat Patterson original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/free-image-hosting-with-cloudflare-transform-rules-and-backblaze-b2/

Before I dive into using Cloudflare Transform Rules to implement image hosting on Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage, I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself. I’m Pat Patterson, recently hired by Backblaze as chief developer evangelist. I’ve been working with technology and technical communities for close to two decades, at companies such as Sun Microsystems and Salesforce. I’ll be creating and delivering technical content for you, our Backblaze B2 community, and advocating on your behalf within Backblaze. Feel free to follow my journey and reach out to me via Twitter or LinkedIn.

Cloudflare Transform Rules

Now, on with the show! Cloudflare Transform Rules give you access to HTTP traffic at the CDN edge server, allowing you to manipulate the URI path, query string, and HTTP headers of incoming requests and outgoing responses. Where Cloudflare Workers allows you to write JavaScript code that executes in the same environment, Transform Rules give you much of the same power without the semi-colons and curly braces.

Let’s look at a specific use case: implementing image hosting on top of a cloud object store. Backblaze power user James Ross wrote an excellent blog post back in August 2019, long before the introduction of Transform Rules, explaining how to do this with Cloudflare Workers and Backblaze B2. We’ll see how much of James’ solution we can recreate with Transform Rules, without writing any code. We’ll also discover how the combination of Cloudflare and Backblaze allows you to create your own, personal 10GB image hosting site for free.

Implementing Image Hosting on a Cloud Object Store

James’ requirements were simple:

  • Serve image files from a custom domain, such as files.example.com, rather than the cloud storage provider’s domain.
  • Remove the bucket name, and any other extraneous information, from the URL.
  • Remove extraneous headers, such as the object ID, from the HTTP response.
  • Improve caching (both browser and edge cache) for images.
  • Add basic CORS headers to allow embedding of images on external sites.

I’ll work through each of these requirements in this blog post, and wrap up by explaining why Backblaze B2 might be a better long term provider for this and many other cloud object storage use cases than other cloud object stores.

It’s worth noting that nothing here is Backblaze B2-specific—the user’s browser is requesting objects from a B2 Cloud Storage public bucket via their URLs, just as it would with any other cloud object store. The techniques are exactly the same on Amazon S3, for example.


You’ll need accounts with both Cloudflare and Backblaze. You can get started for free with both:

You’ll also need your own DNS domain, which I’ll call example.com in this article, on which you can create subdomains such as files.example.com. If you’ve read this far, you likely already have at least one. Otherwise, you can register a new domain at Cloudflare for a few dollars a year, or your local equivalent.

Create a Bucket for Your Images

If you already have a B2 Cloud Storage bucket you want to use for your image store, you can skip this section. Note: It doesn’t matter whether you created the bucket and its objects via the B2 Native API, the Backblaze S3 Compatible API, or any other mechanism—your objects are accessible to Cloudflare via their friendly URLs.

Log in to Backblaze, and click Buckets on the left under B2 Cloud Storage, then Create a Bucket. You will need to give your bucket a unique name, and make it public. Leave the other settings with their default values.

Note that the bucket name must be globally unique within Backblaze B2, so you can’t just call it something like “myfiles.” You’ll hide the bucket name from public view, so you can call it literally anything, as long as there isn’t already a Backblaze B2 bucket with that name.

Finally, click Upload/Download and upload a test file to your new bucket.

Click the file to see its details, including its various URLs.

In the next step, you’ll rewrite requests that use your custom subdomain, for example, https://files.example.com/smiley.png, to the friendly URL of the form, https://f004.backblazeb2.com/file/metadaddy-public/smiley.png.

Make a note of the hostname in the friendly URL. As you can see in the previous paragraph, mine is f004.backblazeb2.com.

Create a DNS Subdomain for Your Image Host

You will need to activate your domain (example.com, rather than files.example.com) in your Cloudflare account, if you have not already done so.

Now, in the Cloudflare dashboard, create your subdomain by adding a DNS CNAME record pointing to the bucket hostname you made a note of earlier.

I created files.superpat.com, which points to my bucket’s hostname, f004.backblazeb2.com.

If you test this right now by going to your test file’s URL in your custom subdomain, for example, https://files.example.com/file/my-unique-bucket-name/smiley.png, after a few seconds you will see a 522 “connection timed out” error from Cloudflare:

This is because, by default, Cloudflare accesses the upstream server via plain HTTP, rather than HTTPS. Backblaze only supports secure HTTPS connections, so the HTTP request fails. To remedy this, in the SSL/TLS section of the Cloudflare dashboard, change the encryption mode from “Flexible” to “Full (strict),” so that Cloudflare connects to Backblaze via HTTPS, and requires a CA-issued certificate.

Now you should be able to access your test file in your custom subdomain via a URL of the form https://files.example.com/file/my-unique-bucket-name/smiley.png. The next task is to create the first Transform Rule to remove /file/my-unique-bucket-name from the URL.

Rewrite the URL Path on Incoming Requests

There are three varieties of Cloudflare Transform Rules:

  • URL Rewrite Rules: Rewrite the URL path and query string of an HTTP request.
  • HTTP Request Header Modification Rules: Set the value of an HTTP request header or remove a request header.
  • HTTP Response Header Modification Rules: Set the value of an HTTP response header or remove a response header.

Click Rules on the left of the Cloudflare dashboard, then Transform Rules. You’ll see that the Cloudflare free plan includes 10 Transform Rules—plenty for our purposes. Click Create Transform Rule, then Rewrite URL.

It’s useful to pause for a moment and think about what we need to ask Cloudflare to do. Users will be requesting URLs of the form https://files.example.com/smiley.png, and we want the request to Backblaze B2 to be like https://f004.backblazeb2.com/file/metadaddy-public/smiley.png. We’ve already taken care of the domain part of the URL, so it becomes clear that all we need to do is prefix the outgoing URL with /file/<bucket name>.

Give your rule a descriptive name such as “Add file and bucket name.”

There is an opportunity to set a condition that incoming requests must match to fire the trigger. In James’ article, he tested that the path did not already begin with the /file/<bucket name> prefix, so that you can refer to a file with either the short or long URL.

At first glance, the Cloudflare dashboard doesn’t offer “does not start with” as an operator.

However, clicking Edit expression reveals a more powerful way of specifying the condition:

The Cloudflare Rules language allows us to express our condition precisely:

Moving on, Cloudflare offers static and dynamic options for rewriting the path. A static rewrite would apply the same value to the URL path of every request. This use case requires a dynamic rewrite, where, for each request, Cloudflare evaluates the value as an expression which yields the path.

Your expression would prepend the existing path with /file/<bucket name>, like this:

Save the Transform Rule, and try to access your test file again, this time without the /file/<bucket name> prefix in the URL path, for example: https://files.example.com/smiley.png.

You should see your test file, as expected:

Great! Now, let’s take a look at those HTTP headers in the response.

Remove HTTP Headers From the Response

You could use Chrome Developer Tools to view the response headers, but I prefer the curl command line tool. I used the --head argument to show the HTTP headers without the response body, since my terminal would not be happy with binary image data!

Note: I’ve removed some extraneous headers from this and subsequent HTTP responses for clarity and length.

% curl --head https://files.superpat.com/smiley.png
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:26:10 GMT
content-type: image/png
content-length: 23889
x-bz-file-name: smiley.png
x-bz-file-id: 4_zf1f51fb913357c4f74ed0c1b_f1163cc3f37a60613_d20220119_m204457_c004_v0402000_t0044
x-bz-content-sha1: 3cea1118fbaab607a7afd930480670970b278586
x-bz-upload-timestamp: 1642625097000
x-bz-info-src_last_modified_millis: 1642192830529
cache-control: max-age=14400
cf-cache-status: MISS
last-modified: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:26:10 GMT

Our goal is to remove all the x-bz headers. Create a Modify Response Header rule and set its name to something like “Remove Backbaze B2 Headers.” We want this rule to apply to all traffic, so the match expression is simple:

Unfortunately there isn’t a way to tell Cloudflare to remove all the headers that are prefixed x-bz, so we just have to list them all:

Save the rule, and request your test file again. You should see fewer headers:

% curl --head https://files.superpat.com/smiley.png
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:57:01 GMT
content-type: image/png
content-length: 23889
x-bz-info-src_last_modified_millis: 1642192830529
cache-control: max-age=14400
cf-cache-status: HIT
age: 1851
last-modified: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:26:10 GMT

Note: As you can see, for some reason Cloudflare does not remove the x-bz-info-src_last_modified_millis header. I’ve reported this to Cloudflare as a bug.

Optimize Cache Efficiency via the ETag and Cache-Control HTTP Headers

We can follow James’ lead in making caching more efficient by leveraging the ETag header. As explained in the MDN Web Docs for ETag:

The ETag (or entity tag) HTTP response header is an identifier for a specific version of a resource. It lets caches be more efficient and save bandwidth, as a web server does not need to resend a full response if the content was not changed.

Essentially, a cache can just request the HTTP headers for a resource and only proceed to fetch the resource body if the ETag has changed.

James constructed the ETag by using one of x-bz-content-sha1, x-bz-info-src_last_modified_millis, or x-bz-file-id, in that order. If none of those headers are set, then neither is ETag. It’s not possible to express this level of complexity in a Transform Rule, but we can apply a little lateral thinking to the problem. We can easily concatenate the three headers to create a result that will change when any one or more of them changes:


Note that it’s possible for there to be multiple values of a given HTTP header, so http.response.headers["<header-name>"] is an array. http.response.headers["<header-name>"][0] yields the first, and in most cases only, element of the array.

Edit the Transform Rule you just created, update its name to something like “Remove Backblaze B2 Headers, set ETag,” and add a header with a dynamic value:

Don’t worry about the ordering; Cloudflare will reorder the operations so that “set” occurs before “remove.” Also, if none of those headers are present in the response, resulting in an empty value for the ETag header, Cloudflare will not set that header at all. Exactly the behavior we need!

Another test shows the result. Note that HTTP headers are not case-sensitive, so etag has just the same meaning as ETag:

% curl --head https://files.superpat.com/smiley.png
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 02:01:19 GMT
content-type: image/png
content-length: 23889
x-bz-info-src_last_modified_millis: 1642192830529
cache-control: max-age=14400
cf-cache-status: HIT
age: 2198
last-modified: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:24:41 GMT
etag: 3cea1118fbaab607a7afd930480670970b27858616421928305294_zf1f51fb913357c4f74ed0c1b_f1163cc3f37a60613_d20220119_m204457_c004_v0402000_t0044

The other cache-related header is Cache-Control, which tells the browser how to cache the resource. As you can see in the above responses, Cloudflare sets Cache-Control to a max-age of 14400 seconds, or four hours.

James’ code, on the other hand, sets Cache-Control according to whether or not the request to B2 Cloud Storage is successful. For an HTTP status code of 200, Cache-Control is set to public, max-age=31536000, instructing the browser to cache the response for 31,536,000 seconds; in other words, a year. For any other HTTP status, Cache-Control is set to public, max-age=300, so the browser only caches the response for five minutes. In both cases, the public directive indicates that the response can be cached in a shared cache, even if the request contained an Authorization header field.

Note: We’re effectively assuming that once created, files on the image host are immutable. This is often true for this use case, but you should think carefully about cache policy when you build your own solutions.

At present, Cloudflare Transform Rules do not give access to the HTTP status code, but, again, we can satisfy the requirement with a little thought and investigation. As mentioned above, for successful operations, Cloudflare sets Cache-Control to max-age=14400, or four hours. For failed operations, for example, requesting a non-existent object, Cloudflare passes back the Cache-Control header from Backblaze B2 of max-age=0, no-cache, no-store. With this information, it’s straightforward to construct a Transform Rule to increase max-age from 14400 to 31536000 for the successful case:

Again, we need to use [0] to select the first matching HTTP header. Notice that this rule uses a static value for the header—it’s the same for every matching response.

We’ll leave the header as it’s set by B2 Cloud Storage for failure cases, though it would be just as easy to override it.

Another test shows the results of our efforts:

% curl --head https://files.superpat.com/smiley.png
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 02:31:38 GMT
content-type: image/png
content-length: 23889
x-bz-info-src_last_modified_millis: 1642192830529
cache-control: public, max-age=31536000
cf-cache-status: HIT
age: 4017
last-modified: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:24:41 GMT
etag: 3cea1118fbaab607a7afd930480670970b27858616421928305294_zf1f51fb913357c4f74ed0c1b_f1163cc3f37a60613_d20220119_m204457_c004_v0402000_t0044

Checking the failure case—notice that there is no ETag header, since B2 Cloud Storage did not return any x-bz headers:

% curl --head https://files.superpat.com/badname.png
HTTP/2 404
date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 02:32:35 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
content-length: 94
cache-control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
cf-cache-status: BYPASS

Success! Browsers and caches will aggressively cache responses, reducing the burden on Cloudflare and Backblaze B2.

Set a CORS Header for Image Files

We’re almost done! Our final requirement is to set a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) header for images so that they can be manipulated in web pages from any domain on the web.

The Transform Rule must match a range of file extensions, and set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP response header to allow any webpage to access resources:

Upload a text file and run a final couple of tests to see the results. First, the image:

% curl --head https://files.superpat.com/smiley.png
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 02:50:52 GMT
content-type: image/png
content-length: 23889
x-bz-info-src_last_modified_millis: 1642192830529
cache-control: public, max-age=31536000
cf-cache-status: HIT
age: 4459
last-modified: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:36:33 GMT
etag: 3cea1118fbaab607a7afd930480670970b27858616421928305294_zf1f51fb913357c4f74ed0c1b_f1163cc3f37a60613_d20220119_m204457_c004_v0402000_t0044
access-control-allow-origin: *

The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is present, as expected.

Finally, the text file, without an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. You can use the --include argument rather than --head to see the file content as well as the headers:

% curl --include https://files.superpat.com/hello.txt
HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 02:48:51 GMT
content-type: text/plain
content-length: 14
accept-ranges: bytes
x-bz-info-src_last_modified_millis: 1642646740075
cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC
etag: 60fde9c2310b0d4cad4dab8d126b04387efba28916426467400754_zf1f51fb913357c4f74ed0c1b_f1092902424a40504_d20220120_m024635_c004_v0402003_t0000

Hello, World!


The most frequent issue I encountered while getting all this working was mixing up request and response when referencing HTTP headers. If things are not working as expected, double check that you don’t have http.response.headers["<header-name>"] where you need http.request.headers["<header-name>"] or vice versa.

Can I Really Do This Free of Charge?

Backblaze B2 pricing is very simple:

  • The first 10GB of storage is free of charge.
  • Above 10GB, we charge $0.005/GB/month, around a quarter of the cost of other leading cloud object stores (cough, S3, cough).
  • Storage cost is calculated hourly, with no minimum retention requirement, and billed monthly.
Downloaded Data
  • The first 1GB of data downloaded each day is free.
  • Above 1GB, we charge $0.01/GB, but…
  • Downloads through our CDN and compute partners, of which Cloudflare is one, are free.
  • Each download operation counts as one class B transaction.
  • The first 2,500 class B transactions each day are free.
  • Beyond 2,500 class B transactions, they are charged at a rate of $0.004 per 10,000.
No Surprise Bills
  • If you already signed up for Backblaze B2, you might have noticed that you didn’t have to provide a credit card number. Your 10GB of free storage never expires, and there is no chance of you unexpectedly incurring any charges.

By serving your images via Cloudflare’s global CDN and optimizing your cache configuration as described above, you will incur no download costs from B2 Cloud Storage, and likely stay well within the 2,500 free download operations per day. Similarly, Cloudflare’s free plan does not require a credit card for activation, and there are no data or transaction limits.

Sign up for Backblaze B2 today, deploy your own personal image host, explore our off-the-shelf integrations, and consider what you can create with an affordable, S3-compatible cloud object storage platform.

The post Free Image Hosting With Cloudflare Transform Rules and Backblaze B2 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Cloud Performance and When It Matters

Post Syndicated from Amrit Singh original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/cloud-performance-and-when-it-matters/

If you run an application that’s bandwidth intensive like media streaming, game hosting, or an e-commerce platform, performance is probably top of mind. You need to be able to deliver content to your users fast and without errors in order to keep them happy. But, what specific performance metrics matter for your use case?

As it turns out, you might think you need a Porsche when what you really need and want to transport your data with is a trusty, reliable (Still speedy!) Volvo.

In this post, we’re taking a closer look at performance metrics and when they matter as well as some strategies that can impact performance, including range requests, prefetching, and others. When you’re assessing a cloud solution for application development, taking these factors into consideration can help you make the best decision for your business.

Performance Metrics: Time to First Byte

Time to first byte (TTFB) is the time between a page request and when the page receives the first byte of information from the server. In other words, TTFB is measured by how long it takes between the start of the request and the start of the response, including DNS lookup and establishing the connection using a TCP handshake and SSL handshake if you’ve made the request over HTTPS.

TTFB identifies pages that load slowly due to server-side calculations that could instead benefit from client-side scripting. It’s often used to assess search rankings by displaying websites that respond to a request faster and appear more usable before other websites.

TTFB is a useful metric, but it doesn’t tell the whole story every time and shouldn’t be the only metric used to make decisions when it comes to choosing a cloud storage solution. For example, when David Liu, Founder and CEO of Musify, a music streaming app, approached his search for a new cloud storage provider, he had a specific TTFB benchmark in mind. He thought he absolutely needed to meet this benchmark in order for his new storage solution to work for his use case, however, upon further testing, he found that his initial benchmark was more aggressive than he actually needed. The performance he got by utilizing Cloudflare in front of his origin store in Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage more than met his needs and served his users well.

Optimizing Cloud Storage Performance

TTFB is the dominant method of measuring performance, but TTFB can be impacted by any number of factors—your location, your connection, the data being sent, etc. As such, there are ways to improve TTFB, including using a content delivery network (CDN) on top of origin storage, range requests, and prefetching.

Performance and Content Delivery Networks

A CDN helps speed content delivery by storing content at the edge, meaning faster load times and reduced latency. For high-bandwidth use cases, a CDN can optimize media delivery.

Companies like Kanopy, a media streaming service; Big Cartel, an e-commerce platform; and CloudSpot, a professional photo gallery platform, use a CDN between their origin storage in Backblaze B2 and their end users to great effect. Kanopy offers a library of 25,000+ titles to 45 million patrons worldwide. Latency and poor performance is not an option. “Video needs to have a quick startup time,” Kanopy’s Lead Video Software Engineer, Pierre-Antoine Tible said. “With Backblaze over [our CDN] Cloudflare, we didn’t have any issues.”

For Big Cartel, hosting one million customer sites likewise demands high-speed performance. Big Cartel’s Technical Director, Lee Jensen, noted, “We had no problems with the content served from Backblaze B2. The time to serve files in our 99th percentile, including fully rendering content, was under one second, and that’s our worst case scenario.” The time to serve files in their 75th percentile was under just 200 to 300 milliseconds, and that’s when content needs to be pulled from origin storage in Backblaze B2 when it’s not already cached in their CDN Fastly’s edge servers.

“We had no problems with the content served from Backblaze B2. The time to serve files in our 99th percentile, including fully rendering content, was under one second, and that’s our worst case scenario.”
—Lee Jensen, Technical Director, Big Cartel

Range Requests and Performance

HTTP range requests allow sending only a portion of an HTTP message from a server to a client. Partial requests are useful for large media or downloading files with pause and resume functions, and they’re common for developers who like to concatenate files and store them as big files. For example, if a user wants to skip to a clip of a full video or a specific frame in a video, using range requests means the application doesn’t have to serve the whole file.

Because the Backblaze B2 vault architecture separates files into shards, you get the same performance whether you call the whole file or just part of the file in a range request. Rather than wasting time learning how to optimize performance on a new platform or adjusting your code to comply with frustrating limitations, developers moving over to Backblaze B2 can utilize existing code they’re already invested in.

Prefetching and Performance

Prefetching is a way to “queue up” data before it’s actually required. This improves latency if that data is subsequently requested. When you’re using a CDN in front of your origin storage, this means the user queues up data/files/content in the CDN before someone asks for it.

Video streaming service, Kanopy, uses prefetching with popular videos they expect will see high demand in certain regions. This would violate some cloud storage providers’ terms of service because they egress out more than they store. Because Kanopy gets free egress between their origin store in Backblaze B2 and their CDN Cloudflare, the initial download cost for prefetching is $0. (Backblaze also has partnerships with other CDN providers like Fastly and bunny.net to offer zero egress.) The partnership means Kanopy doesn’t have to worry about running up egress charges, and they’re empowered to use prefetching to optimize their infrastructure.

Other Metrics to Consider When Assessing Cloud Performance

In addition to TTFB, there are a number of other metrics to consider when it comes to assessing cloud performance, including availability, the provider’s service level agreements (SLAs), and durability.

Availability measures the percentage of time the data is available to be accessed. All data occasionally becomes unavailable due to regular operating procedures like system maintenance. But, obviously data availability is very important when you’re serving content around the globe 24/7. Backblaze B2, for example, commits to a 99.9% uptime with no cold delays. Commitments like uptime are usually outlined in a cloud provider’s SLA—an agreement that lists the performance metrics the cloud provider agrees to provide.

Durability measures how healthy your data is. Object storage providers express data durability as an annual percentage in nines, as in two nines before the decimal point and as many nines as warranted after the decimal point. For example, 11 nines of durability is expressed as 99.999999999%. What this means is that the storage vendor is promising that your data will remain intact while it is under their care without losing any more than 0.000000001% of your data in a year (in the case of 11 nines annual durability).

Ready to Get Started?

Understanding the different performance metrics that might impact your data can help when you’re evaluating cloud storage providers. Ready to get started with Backblaze B2? We offer the first 10GB free.

The post Cloud Performance and When It Matters appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

How to Build the Right Tech Stack for Your MSP

Post Syndicated from Kari Rivas original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/how-to-build-the-right-tech-stack-for-your-msp/

As a managed service provider (MSP) or IT consultant, your bottom line depends on having the right tools at the right prices to maintain your margins while still providing the resources and functionality your clients need. And you’ve likely seen the resources and functionality your clients need changing over the past few years towards an increased focus on cybersecurity and disaster recovery.

More and more companies are hiring remotely, which means increased security risks, ransomware attacks on small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have increased, and severe natural disasters are threatening on-premises office technology. Having the right tech stack for your MSP demonstrates to current and potential clients that they can trust you to safeguard their valuable data and systems against the threats of today and tomorrow.

Level up your value proposition with insights on building a competitive “right-sized” tech stack at our upcoming webinar, “The Essential MSP Tech Stack,” on Tuesday, February 15th at 1 p.m. CST/2 p.m. EST.

➔ Sign Up for the Webinar

Read on to get a preview of what will be covered during the webinar.

The Top Considerations for an Essential MSP Tech Stack

SMBs outsource their IT to MSPs and consultants because they don’t have the time, knowledge, or resources to shop around for the right tech solution for themselves. They may not even know what criteria they should be using to evaluate solutions, and this can lead to them shopping around among MSPs based on price alone.

Sourcing solutions with a lower cost to you means you can price your services more competitively and better attract customers. But pricing is just one of the considerations you should make when purchasing software. Have you also thought about scalability, and whether your tech stack can grow with you as your client base grows? Or what kinds of support options your software provider has available?

Pricing is important, yes, but there are several other factors by which you should judge your tech stack options, including features, automation options, and integrations, which will be covered in more detail during the webinar.

Right-sizing Your MSP Tech Stack

To develop your MSP offering, you’ll also want to think about what MSP services are most in demand in your area and what solutions you can offer the most efficiently and cost-effectively. It’s not “essential” to offer everything. The right tech stack is the one that brings you the most clients at the greatest profitability.

You may even want to do some research on the other MSPs in your geographic area. Is there something you can offer that they do not? Play to your strengths—what technical areas do you know the best?

As you start to develop your offering, consider the following areas of managed IT services and how they might help you attract clients:

Backup and Cloud Storage for MSPs

When it comes to managed backup and cloud storage, Backblaze and our partner, MSP360, have you covered. Backblaze provides easy and affordable server and workstation backup, and our integration with MSP360 provides a seamless experience to back up standalone and multiple servers to Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage.

MSPs and IT organizations with multiple servers can manage all of their machines from one, centralized, web-based admin console. Backblaze B2 backups are “set it and forget it” after the initial setup. Data is kept in hot storage and available immediately when needed. And B2 Cloud Storage is extremely affordable at $5/TB per month without any additional fees or tiered pricing structure.

Our integration with MSP360 includes advanced backup protection features like flexible scheduling, compression, encryption, and ransomware protection. We’ve even made it super easy to get started on your own. Just use our online onboarding tool to create both Backblaze B2 and MSP360 accounts at the same time.

Bundling MSP Services to Streamline the Purchase Decision

Consider bundling your services to make it easier for clients to buy from you and understand how you’ll help protect their business. For instance, the joint solution from MSP360 and Backblaze can be bundled as part of a disaster recovery, backup, and storage package. You could also create tiers of services, like a “bronze” level disaster recovery, backup, and storage package; a “silver” level package that includes all of the above plus monitoring, tech management, and installation services; and a “gold” level package that functions essentially like fully outsourced IT.

Non-IT Tools for the MSP Tech Stack

Finally, as you build your MSP, don’t forget that your tech stack may need to include non-IT tools as well. You’ll need a way to oversee business accounting and your books, a way to manage your client relationships, leads, and sales, plus software to manage employees, payroll, and other aspects of general business management.

Ready to Upgrade Your Tech Stack?

Having the right tech stack isn’t a matter of checking all the boxes on a list of software. It’s a strategic decision about what your potential clients will most value, what you’re best equipped to offer, and how you can make a profit. Instead of trying to meet every possible need, ensure that you have the “right-sized” tech stack to service the types of clients you represent without paying extra for bloated software that may go unused. You can often have a healthier business by specializing in just a few areas and attracting the right types of clients, rather than trying to cater to everyone.

Want to learn more? Join our webinar on Tuesday, February 15th at 1 p.m. CST/2 p.m. EST to learn more about how to build the tech stack for your MSP.

The post How to Build the Right Tech Stack for Your MSP appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Backblaze Drive Stats for 2021

Post Syndicated from original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backblaze-drive-stats-for-2021/

In 2021, Backblaze added 40,460 hard drives and as of December 31, 2021, we had 206,928 drives under management. Of that number, there were 3,760 boot drives and 203,168 data drives. This report will focus on our data drives. We will review the hard drive failure rates for 2021, compare those rates to previous years, and present the lifetime failure statistics for all the hard drive models active in our data center as of the end of 2021. Along the way, we share our observations and insights on the data presented and, as always, we look forward to you doing the same in the comments section at the end of the post.

2021 Hard Drive Failure Rates

At the end of 2021, Backblaze was monitoring 203,168 hard drives used to store data. For our evaluation, we removed 409 drives from consideration which were used for either testing purposes or drive models for which we did not have at least 60 drives. This leaves us with 202,759 hard drives to analyze for this report.

Observations and Notes

The Old Guy Rules: For 2021, the 6TB Seagate (model: ST6000DX000) had the lowest failure rate of any drive model, clocking in with an annualized failure rate (AFR) of 0.11%. This is even more impressive when you consider that this 6TB drive model is the oldest in the fleet with an average age of 80.4 months. The number of drives, 886, and 2021 drive days, 323,390, are on the lower side, but after nearly seven years in operation, these drives are thumbing their nose at the tail end of the bathtub curve.

The Kids Are Alright: Two drive models are new for 2021 and both are performing well. The 16TB WDC drive cohort (model: WUH721816ALE6L0) has an average age of 5.06 months and an AFR of 0.14%. While the 16TB Toshiba drive cohort (model: MG08ACA16TE) has an average age of 3.57 months and an AFR of 0.91%. In both cases, the number of drive days is on the lower side, but these two drive models are off to a good start.

AFR, What Does That Mean?

AFR stands for annualized failure rate. This is different from an annual failure rate in which the number of drives is the same for each model (cohort) throughout the annual period. In our environment, drives are added and leave throughout the year. For example, a new drive installed in Q4 might contribute just 43 days, while a drive that failed in July might contribute 186 days, while drives in continuous operation for the year could contribute 365 days each. We count the number of drive days each drive contributes throughout the period and annualize the total using this formula:

AFR = (drive failures / (drive days / 365)) * 100

The Patient Is Stable: Last quarter, we reported on the state of our 14TB Seagate drives (model: ST14000NM0138) provisioned in Dell storage servers. They were failing at a higher than expected rate and everyone—Backblaze, Seagate, and Dell—wanted to know why. The failed drives were examined by fault analysis specialists and in late Q3 it was decided as a first step to upgrade the firmware for that cohort of drives still in service. The results were that the quarterly failure rate dropped from 6.29% in Q3 to 4.66% in Q4, stabilizing the rapid rise in failures we’d seen in Q2 and Q3. The 19 drives that failed in Q4 were shipped off for further analysis. We’ll continue to follow this process over the coming quarters.

The AFR for 2021 for all drive models was 1.01%, which was slightly higher than the 0.93% we reported for 2020. The next section will compare the data from the last three years.

Comparing Drive Stats for 2019, 2020, and 2021

The chart below compares the AFR for each of the last three years. The data for each year is inclusive of that year only and for the active drive models present at the end of each year.

Digging a little deeper, we can aggregate the different drive models by manufacturer to see how failure rates per manufacturer have fared over the last three years.

Note that for the WDC data, a blank value means we did not have any countable WDC drives in our data center in that quarter.

Trends for 2021

The AFR Stayed Low in 2021: In 2021, the AFR for all drives was 1.01%. This was slightly higher than 2020 at 0.93%, but a good sign that the drop in 2020 from 1.83% in 2019 was not an anomaly. What’s behind the 1.01% for 2021? Large drives, as seen below:

The AFR for larger drives, defined here as 12TB, 14TB, and 16TB drives, are all below the 2021 AFR of 1.01% for all drives. The larger drives make up 69% of the total drive population, but more importantly, they total 66% of the drive days total, while only producing 57% of the drive failures.

The larger drives are also the newer drives, which tend to fail less versus older drives. In fact, the oldest large drive has an average age 33 months, while the youngest “small” (4TB, 6TB, 8TB, and 10TB) drive has an average age of 44.9 months.

In summary, the lower AFR for the larger drives is a major influence in keeping the overall AFR for 2021 low.

Drive Model Diversity Continues: In 2021, we added two new drive models to our farm with no models retired. We now have a total of 24 different drive models in operation. That’s up from a low point of 14 in 2019 and 22 in 2020. The chart below for “Backblaze Quarterly Hard Drive Population Percentage by Manufacturer” examines the changing complexion of our drive farm as we look at the number of models from each manufacturer we used over the past six years.

When we first started, we often mixed and matched drive models, mostly out of financial necessity—we bought what we could afford. As we grew, we bought and deployed drives in larger lots and drive homogeneity settled in. Over the past few years, we have gotten more comfortable with mixing and matching again, enabled by our Backblaze Vault architecture. A Vault is composed of sixty tomes, with each tome being 20 drives. We make each tome the same drive model, but each of the tomes within a vault can have different drive models, and even different drive sizes. This allows us to be less reliant on any particular drive model, so the more drive models the better.

Drive Vendor Diversity Continues, Too: When looking at the chart above for “Backblaze Hard Drive Population by Model Count per Manufacturer Over Time,” you might guess that we have increased the percentage of Seagate drives over the last couple of years. Let’s see if that’s true.

It appears the opposite is true, we have lowered the percentage of Seagate drives in our data centers, even though we have added additional Seagate models.

Why is it important to diversify across multiple manufacturers? Flexibility, just like increasing the number of models. Having relationships with all the primary hard drive vendors gives us the opportunity to get the resources we need in a timely fashion. The fact that we can utilize any one of several different models from these vendors adds to that flexibility.

Lifetime Hard Drive Stats

The chart below shows the lifetime annualized failure rates of all the drive models in production as of December 31, 2021.

Observations and Caveats

The lifetime AFR for all the drives listed above is 1.4% and continues to go down year over year. At the end of 2020, the AFR was 1.54% and at the end of 2019, the AFR stood at 1.62%.

When looking at the chart above, several of the drives have a fairly wide confidence interval (>0.5). In these cases, we do not really have enough information about the drive’s performance to be reasonably confident (>95%) in the AFR listed. This is typically the case with lower drive counts or newer drives.

Looking for SSD Numbers?

We’ll be covering our annual failure rates for our SSD drives in a separate post in the next few weeks. We realized that combining the analysis of our data drives and our boot drives in one post was confusing. Stay tuned.

The Hard Drive Stats Data

The complete data set used to create the information used in this review is available on our Hard Drive Test Data page. You can download and use this data for free for your own purpose. All we ask are three things: 1) you cite Backblaze as the source if you use the data, 2) you accept that you are solely responsible for how you use the data, and 3) you do not sell this data to anyone; it is free.

If you just want the summarized data used to create the tables and charts in this blog post, you can download the ZIP file containing the CSV files for each chart.

Good luck and let us know if you find anything interesting.

The post Backblaze Drive Stats for 2021 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Hybrid Cloud and Modern Workflows for Media Teams

Post Syndicated from Amanda Fesunoff original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/hybrid-cloud-and-modern-workflows-for-media-teams/

By any metric, the demands on media workflows are growing at an unprecedented rate. A Coughlin Associates Report of media and entertainment professionals predicts that overall cloud storage capacity for media and entertainment is expected to grow over 13.8 times between 2020 and 2026 (101.1EB to 140EB). It also predicts that, by the next decade, total video captured for a high-end digital production could be hundreds of petabytes, approaching one exabyte.

Businesses in the media and entertainment industry—from creative teams to production houses to agencies—must manage larger and larger stores of data and streamline production workflows that interact with those stores of data. Optimizing data-heavy workflows provides you with time and cost savings you can reinvest to prioritize the creative work that drives your business.

In today’s post, we’ll examine the trends shaping the media storage landscape, walk through each step of the media workflow, and provide strategies and tactics for reducing friction at each step along the way. Read on to learn how to modernize your media workflow to meet today’s data-heavy demands.

➔ Download Our Media Workflows E-book

Media Technology Trends and Impacts on Media Workflows

Technology is driving changes in media workflows. The media landscape of today looks very different than it did even a few short years ago. If you’re responsible for managing data and workflows for a creative team, understanding the broad trends in the media landscape can help you prepare to optimize your workflows and future-proof your data infrastructure. Here are a few key trends we see driving change across the media storage landscape.

Trend 1: Increased Demand for VR and Higher Resolution 4K and 8K Video Is Driving Workflow Modernization

While VR has been somewhat slow to build steam, demand for VR experiences has grown as the technology evolved. The industry as a whole is growing at a fast pace, with the global VR market size projected to increase from less than $5 billion in 2021 to more than $12 billion by 2024. Today, demands for stereoscopic VR, and VR in general, have increased storage requirements as data sets grow exponentially. Similarly, higher resolution demands more from media workflows, including more storage space, greater standards for compression, and higher performance hardware. All of these files also need to be constantly available and secure. As such, media workflows increasingly value scalable storage, as having to wait for additional storage may cause delays in project momentum/delivery.

Trend 2: Archiving and Content Preservation Needs Are Driving Storage Growth

While the need to digitally convert data from traditional film and tape has slowed, the enormous demand for digital storage for archived content continues to grow. According to the Coughlin Report, more than 174 exabytes of new digital storage will be used for archiving and content conversion and preservation by 2024.

Just as your storage needs for active projects continues to grow as file sizes continue to expand, expect to invest in storage for archival purposes as production continues apace. Furthermore, if you have content conversion or preservation needs, plan for storage needs to house digital copies. The plus side of this surge in archival and preservation demand is that the storage market will continue to be competitive, giving you plenty of choices at competitive rates.

Trend 3: Cloud Adoption Is Playing an Important Role in Enabling Collaboration Across Teams and Geographies

A study by Mesa of nearly 700 decision-makers and managers from media and entertainment companies found that they expect that 50% of their workforce will continue to work remotely. Accessing resources remotely used to be a challenge mired by latency issues, restrictions on file size, and subpar collaboration tools, but cloud adoption has eased these issues and will continue to do so as companies increasingly embrace long-term remote collaboration.

As you think about future-proofing your architecture, one factor to consider is cost, but also designing an architecture that enables your existing workflows to function remotely. A cloud storage provider with predictable pricing can address cost considerations and make cloud adoption even more of a no-brainer. And media workflows can adopt cloud-native solutions or integrate existing on-premises infrastructure with the cloud without additional hardware purchasing and maintenance. The result is that time and money that would have been spent on hardware can be reinvested into adopting new technology, meeting customers’ needs, and differentiating from competitors.

Steps in the Modern Media Workflow

With an understanding of these overarching trends, media and entertainment professionals can evaluate and analyze their workflow to meet future demands. To illustrate that, we’ll walk through an example cloud storage setup within a media workflow, including:

  1. Ingest to Local Storage.
  2. Video Editing Software.
  3. Media Asset Managers.
  4. Archive.
  5. Backup.
  6. Transcoding Software.
  7. Content Delivery.
  8. Cloud Storage.

Ingest to Local Storage

Creatives doing work in progress need high performance, local access storage such as NAS, SANs, etc. These are often backed up to cloud storage to have an off-site version of the current projects. Some examples include Synology and QNAP NAS devices as well as the OWC Jellyfish system. With Synology, you can use their Cloud Sync application to sync your files directly to your cloud bucket. Synology also offers many built-in integrations to various cloud providers. For QNAP, you can use QNAP Hybrid Backup Sync to archive or back up your content to your cloud account. OWC Jellyfish is optimized for video production workflows, and the Jellyfish lineup is embraced by video production teams for on-prem storage.

Video Editing Software

Video editing software is used to edit, modify, generate, or manipulate a video or movie file. Backblaze has a number of tools we support depending on your workflow. Adobe Premiere Pro and Avid Media Composer are two examples of film and video editing software. They are used to create videos, television shows, films, and commercials.

Media Asset Managers

A media asset manager, or MAM, is software used to add metadata, manage content, store media in a hybrid cloud, and share media. Examples of MAMs include iconik, eMAM, EditShare, and Archiware. You can store your media files directly to the cloud from these and other media asset managers, enabling monetization and quicker content delivery of older content.


An archive often consists of completed projects and infrequently-used assets that are stored away to keep primary production storage capacities under control. Examples of archive tools include LTO tape, external hard drives, servers, and cloud providers.


A backup is often used with new projects where raw media files are ingested into their systems and then backed up in case of accidental deletion so that they can be easily restored. Examples include LTO tape, external hard drives, servers, and cloud providers.

Transcoding Software

Transcoding software converts encoded digital files into an alternative digital format so that it can be viewed on the widest possible range of devices.

Content Delivery

Content delivery networks (CDNs) enable easy distribution of your content to customers. Examples include Fastly and Cloudflare. CDNs store content on edge servers closer to end users, speeding performance and reducing latency.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is integrated with all of the above tools, making it easy to store high resolution, native files for backup, active archives, primary storage, and origin stores. The media workflow tools have easy access to the stored content in the cloud via their user interface. Storing content in the cloud allows teams to easily collaborate, share, reuse, and distribute content. Cloud storage is also emerging as the storage of choice for workflows that use cloud-based MAMs.

illustration of a NAS device and cloud storage

The Benefits of Using a Hybrid Cloud Model for Media Workflows

Because media teams need both fast access and scalable storage, many adopt a hybrid cloud storage strategy. A hybrid cloud strategy combines a private cloud with a public cloud. For most media teams, the private cloud is typically hosted on on-premises infrastructure, but can be hosted by a third party. The key difference between a private and public cloud is that the infrastructure, hardware, and software for a private cloud are maintained on a private network used exclusively by your business or organization.

In a hybrid cloud workflow, media teams have fast, on-premises storage for active projects combined with the scalability of a public cloud to accommodate the large amounts of data media teams generate. Looking specifically at the cloud storage functions above, it is important to keep your local storage lean and mean so that it is fast and operating at peak performance for your creative team. This achieves two things. First, you don’t have to invest more in local storage which can be expensive and time consuming to maintain. And second, you can offload older projects to the cloud while maintaining easy accessibility.

According to a survey of IT decision makers who adopted a hybrid cloud approach: 26% of them said faster innovation was the most important benefit their business gained. 25% said it allowed them to have faster responses to their customers. 22% said it provided their business with better collaboration. Benefits of a hybrid cloud approach for media teams include:

  1. Affordability: Cloud storage can be lower cost versus expanding your own physical infrastructure.
  2. Accessibility: A hybrid cloud provides increased collaboration for a remote workforce.
  3. Scalability: Cloud scalability provides ease and control with scaling up or down.
  4. Innovation: Media teams have an increased ability to quickly test and launch new products or projects, when not bogged down by physical infrastructure.
  5. Data Protection & Security: Media teams benefit from reduced downtime and can bounce back quicker from events, failures, or disasters.
  6. Flexibility: Hybrid solutions allow media teams to maintain control of sensitive or frequently used data on-premises while providing the flexibility to scale in the cloud.

Want to learn more about hybrid clouds? Download our free e-book, “Optimizing Media Workflows in the Cloud,” today.

The post Hybrid Cloud and Modern Workflows for Media Teams appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Backup Solutions for Dentist Offices

Post Syndicated from Molly Clancy original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backup-solutions-for-dentist-offices/

On top of providing excellent care to patients, dental practices today are tasked with the care of ever more complex IT solutions. Complying with regulations like HIPAA, protecting patient health records, and managing stores of data from X-rays to insurance information are among the demands that dental practices have to meet.

Whether you outsource these tasks to a managed service provider (MSP) or you manage your data infrastructure in house with network attached storage (NAS) or other hardware, understanding backup best practices and the different options available to help you manage your practice’s data is important for your continued success.

Keeping your data safe and accessible doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. In this post, learn more about records retention for dental offices and how you can implement some simple strategies to keep data safe and protected, including 3-2-1 backups, common NAS devices, and insight from an MSP that specializes in IT services specifical for dental practices.

How Long Should a Dental Office Keep Records?

When thinking about backup and data storage solutions for your dental practice, it helps to first have a good understanding of the records retention requirements for dental offices. The best way to understand how long a dental office should keep records is to check with your state board of dentistry. Regulations on records retention vary by state and by patient type.

Retaining records for at least five to seven years is good practice, but some states will require longer retention periods of up to 10 years. Specific types of patients, including minors, may have different retention periods.

Regardless of your state regulations, records must be kept for five years for patients who receive Medicare or Medicaid. If your state regulations are less than five years, plan to retain records longer for these patients.

Finally, it’s good practice to keep all records for patients with whom you’re involved in any kind of legal dispute until the dispute is settled.

What Is the HIPAA Regulation for Storage of Dental Records?

HIPAA does not govern how long medical or dental records must be retained, but it does govern how long HIPAA-related documentation must be retained. Any HIPAA-related documentation, including things like policies, procedures, authorization forms, etc., must be retained for six years according to guidance in HIPAA policy § 164.316(b)(2)(i) on time limits. Some states may have longer or shorter retention periods. If shorter, HIPAA supersedes state regulations.

How Long Does a Dental Office Need to Keep Insurance EOBs?

Explanations of benefits or EOBs are documents from insurance providers that explain the amounts insurance will pay for services. Retention periods for these documents vary by state as well, so check with your state dental board to see how long you should keep them. Additionally, insurance providers may stipulate how long records must be kept. As a general rule of thumb, the longer retention period supersedes others. The best advice—err on the side of caution and keep records for the longest retention period required by either state or federal law. Fortunately, cloud storage provides you with a simple, affordable way to ensure your retention periods meet or exceed requirements.

3-2-1 Backup Strategy

Understanding how long you need to keep records is the first step in structuring your dental practice’s backup plan. The second is understanding what a good backup strategy looks like. The 3-2-1 backup strategy is a tried and true method for protecting data. It means keeping at least three copies of your data on two different media (i.e. devices) with at least one off-site, generally in the cloud. For a dental practice, we can use a simple X-ray file as an example. That file should live on two different devices on-premises, let’s say a machine reserved for storing X-rays which backs up to a NAS device. That’s two copies. If you then back your NAS device up to cloud storage, that’s your third, off-site copy.

The Benefits of Backing Up Your Dental Practice

Why do you need that many copies, you might ask. There are some tried and true benefits that make a strong case for using a 3-2-1 strategy rather than hoping for the best with fewer copies of your data.

  1. Fast access to files. When you accidentally delete a file, you can restore it quickly from either your on-site or cloud backup. And if you need a file while you’re away from your desk, you can simply log in to your cloud backup and access it immediately.
  2. Quick recoveries from computer crashes. Keeping one copy on-site means you can quickly restore files if one of your machines crashes. You can start up another computer and get immediate access, or you can restore all of the files to a replacement computer.
  3. Reliable recoveries from damage and disaster. Floods, fires, and other disasters do happen. With a copy off-site, your data is one less thing you have to worry about in that unfortunate event. You can access your files remotely if needed and restore them completely when you are able.
  4. Safe recoveries from ransomware attacks. After hearing about so many major ransomware attacks in the news this past year, you might be surprised to know that most attacks are carried out on small to medium-sized businesses. Keeping an off-site copy in the cloud, especially if you take advantage of features like Object Lock, can better prepare you to recover from a ransomware attack.
  5. Compliance with regulatory requirements. As mentioned above, dental practices are subject to retention regulations. Using a cloud backup solution that offers AES encryption helps your practice achieve compliance.

Using NAS for Dental Practices

NAS is essentially a computer connected to a network that provides file-based data storage services to other devices on the network. The primary strength of NAS is how simple it is to set up and deploy.

NAS is frequently the next step up for a small business that is using external hard drives or direct attached storage, which can be especially vulnerable to drive failure. Moving up to NAS offers businesses like dental practices a number of benefits, including:

  • The ability to share files locally and remotely.
  • 24/7 file availability.
  • Data redundancy.
  • Integrations with cloud storage that provides a location for necessary automatic data backups.

If you’re interested in upgrading to NAS, check out our Complete NAS Guide for advice on provisioning the right NAS for your needs and getting the most out of it after you buy it.

➔ Download Our Complete NAS Guide

Hybrid Cloud Strategy for Dental Practices: NAS + Cloud Storage

Most NAS devices come with cloud storage integrations that enable businesses to adopt a hybrid cloud strategy for their data. A hybrid cloud strategy uses a private cloud and public cloud in combination. To expand on that a bit, a hybrid cloud refers to a cloud environment made up of a mixture of typically on-premises, private cloud resources combined with third-party public cloud resources that use some kind of orchestration between them. In this case, your NAS device serves as the on-premises private cloud, as it’s dedicated to only you or your organization, and then you connect it to the public cloud.

Some cloud providers are already integrated with NAS systems. (Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage is integrated with NAS systems from Synology and QNAP, for example.) Check if your preferred NAS system is already integrated with a cloud storage provider to ensure setting up cloud backup, storage, and sync is as easy as possible.

Your NAS should come with a built-in backup manager, like Hyper Backup from Synology or Hybrid Backup Sync from QNAP. Once you download and install the appropriate backup manager app, you can configure it to send backups to your preferred cloud provider. You can also fine-tune the behavior of the backup jobs, including what gets backed up and how often.

Now, you can send backups to the cloud as a third, off-site backup and use your cloud instance to access files anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Using an MSP for Dental Practices

Many dental practices choose to outsource some or all IT services to an MSP. Making the decision of whether or not to hire an MSP will depend on your individual circumstances and comfort level. Either way, coming to the conversation with an understanding of your backup needs and the cloud backup landscape can help.

Nate Smith, Technical Project Manager at DTC, is responsible for backing up 6,000+ endpoints on 500+ servers at more than 450 dental and doctor’s offices in the mid-Atlantic region. He explained that, due to the sheer number of objects most dentists need to restore (e.g., hundreds of thousands of X-rays), the cost of certain cloud providers can be prohibitive. “If you need something and you need it fast, Amazon Glacier will hit you hard,” he said, referring to the service’s warming fees and retrieval costs.

When seeking out an MSP, make sure to ask about the cloud provider they’re using and how they charge for storage and data transfer. And if you’re not using an MSP, compare costs from different cloud providers to make sure you’re getting the most for your investment in backing up your data.

Cloud Storage and Your Dental Practice

Whether you’re managing your data infrastructure in house with NAS or other hardware, or you’re planning to outsource your IT needs to an MSP, cloud storage should be part of your backup strategy. To recap, having a third copy of your data off-site in the cloud gives you a number of benefits, including:

  • Fast access to your files.
  • Quick recoveries from computer crashes.
  • Reliable recoveries from natural disasters and theft.
  • Protection from ransomware.
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements.

Have questions about choosing a cloud storage provider to back up your dental practice? Let us know in the comments. Ready to get started? Click here to get your first 10GB free with Backblaze B2.

The post Backup Solutions for Dentist Offices appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Recent QNAP and Synology Security Alerts: How to Protect Your NAS

Post Syndicated from Jeremy Milk original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/recent-qnap-and-synology-security-alerts-how-to-protect-your-nas/

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated since it was originally published on January 18, 2022 to reflect the most recent security alerts from NAS manufacturers.

If you use a NAS device for your business or home network, chances are one of the likely reasons you invested in NAS in the first place was to achieve a greater level of data redundancy and protection. You’re deliberate about the care and protection of your data. Unfortunately, ransomware operators have been ramping up attacks on NAS devices over the past year, especially in the past few weeks, which could mean you’re facing more risk.

Integrated Backblaze partners QNAP and Synology have smartly issued alerts and offered new guidance to help users better protect their data from these attacks. QNAP’s recent alerts urged users to take immediate action to ensure the security of their devices.

Since many of you use Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage to back up or build from your NAS devices, this post outlines the recent alerts, the nature of the attacks, and the steps you can take to protect your data.

Recent Alerts

How Cybercriminals Attack Your NAS

Attackers will typically exploit known vulnerabilities and may use brute force attacks where they try passwords until they gain access so they can plant ransomware software on NAS devices. In August of 2021, Palo Alto Networks, a security research firm, identified a variant of eCh0raix ransomware that targets Synology and QNAP NAS devices.

QNAP’s January 7 alert didn’t specify the ransomware strain involved in the attacks they’re seeing, but if they’re not using eCh0raix, they’re likely using something similar.

QNAP’s January 26 alert identified a new type of ransomware named DeadBolt. DeadBolt has been widely targeting all NAS exposed to the internet without any protection and encrypting users’ data for Bitcoin ransom.

What You Can Do

Even conscientious NAS users may occasionally miss the latest security updates and patches, leaving devices vulnerable. And cybercriminals exploit these vulnerabilities.

Here are a few immediate steps you can take to protect your data:

  1. Sign up for security alerts from your device manufacturer, and apply the latest security patches as soon as possible. For the latest security updates, check the QNAP Security Advisories page and Synology Product Security Advisory page regularly.
  2. Use best practices when it comes to passwords to make brute-force attacks more of a challenge for attackers, including changing passwords regularly and using complex passwords.
  3. Prevent network attacks by limiting device connections to a hard-coded list of IP addresses.

QNAP-specific Prevention

QNAP issued specific instructions on both January 7 and January 26 urging all users to disconnect their devices from the internet immediately. They recommend the following steps:

First, check whether your NAS is exposed to the internet. Open the Security Counselor on your QNAP NAS. Your NAS is exposed to the internet and at high risk if it shows the system administration service can be directly accessible from an external IP address via the following protocols: HTTP on the dashboard.

Source: QNAP.

Note: QNAP recommended users check here to know which ports are exposed to the internet.

If your NAS is exposed to the internet, QNAP recommends the following steps:

  1. Disable the port forwarding function of the router.
  2. Go to the management interface of your router, check the virtual server, NAT, or port forwarding settings, and disable the port forwarding setting of the NAS management service port (port 8080 and 433 by default).

    Source: QNAP.
  3. Disable the UPnP function of the QNAP NAS.
  4. Go to myQNAPcloud on the QTS menu, click Auto Router Configuration, and deselect Enable UPnP Port forwarding.

    Source: QNAP.

Synology-recommended Prevention

Synology provides users with a number of resources to help them increase the security of their NAS devices. To keep your Synology data secured, check out their knowledge base article on how to add extra security to your NAS or their blog post outlining “10 Security Tips to Keep Your Data Safe.”

Following security best practices, they recommend using complex passwords, setting expiration dates for passwords, and being very cautious with public ports. They also recommend enabling Security Advisor. Security Advisor is a built-in DiskStation Manager (DSM) app that scans your Synology NAS, checks your DSM settings, and gives you advice on how to address security weaknesses.

Protect Your Data With NAS Backups

Keeping your device up to date on security patches and updates and closely monitoring alerts from your device manufacturer will go a long way toward protecting your data. For the latest security updates, check the QNAP Security Advisories page and Synology Product Security Advisory page regularly. However, if you are operating without a backup, you’re at risk of data loss. Data recovery is much easier with a backup copy of your data saved in cloud storage.

Your vigilance plus a strong backup system could make all the difference in the event of a ransomware attack. Learn more by downloading our Complete Guide to Ransomware.

The post Recent QNAP and Synology Security Alerts: How to Protect Your NAS appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Let’s Be Honest—Retention Minimums Are Delete Penalties

Post Syndicated from Jeremy Milk original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/lets-be-honest-retention-minimums-are-delete-penalties/

People often think of “retention” as a good thing when it comes to cloud and object storage—after all, the point of storing data is to retain it. But retention’s only a good thing when you actually want to retain data—that nuance is sometimes hidden from people, and yes, I say hidden intentionally.

A number of cloud storage providers from big to small are doing their best to hide the darker side of retention—retention minimums. They loudly promote attractive storage tier rates while making little mention of their data retention minimums that allow them to charge those rates for as many as 90 or 180 days after bytes uploaded have been deleted.

We don’t believe in charging you for data you deleted. Today, we’re explaining more about what that means for you, and highlighting some real-world stories of discovering these hidden fees.

Our Stance on Retention Minimums aka Delete Penalties

First, let’s call retention minimums what they really are: delete penalties. We stand against delete penalties. We don’t charge them. We see them as the enemy of every use case in which data is intentionally replaced or deprecated in hours, days, or weeks instead of months. Delete penalties go against agility and flexibility. We also think it’s despicable when a vendor shouts about how they don’t charge fees for things like data egress, while quietly padding their topline with hidden retention penalties.

At Backblaze, our pricing has nothing to hide. When you delete data, you stop paying for it within the hour. End of story.

Retention Minimums: The Fine Print or the Finer Print

Obviously, cloud providers aren’t going to advertise that they charge you for deleted data, but some are more transparent than others. AWS with its S3 Glacier services, for example, at least acknowledges these products are meant primarily for longer term storage. They disclose minimum retention details in the footnotes on their pricing page—the information is less prominent, but to their credit, it’s disclosed on the page. It may seem unusual for us to praise AWS, but by comparison, they’re actually a lesser evil in this regard.

Others? Let’s just say you really need a magnifying glass to dig through the fine print. Their minimum retention requirements are buried deep in their terms of service or FAQs. Unless you have an eagle eye and/or click through many pages of their website, you’re left to find out just how much you’re paying for deleted data when you get your bill. What’s more, the disappointment and disillusionment from budget surprises like that can turn people off from the many gains they can derive from leveraging cloud storage.

Delete Penalties in the Wild: Testimonials

Here’s what we’ve heard from folks who experienced delete penalties for themselves…

“Initially, I was worried about egress, so I went with [name redacted]. But I was misled. My egress was nominal. Meanwhile, I found that one-third or more of my bill was for backup I had deleted. That’s not how I want to do business.”
—MSP Leader

“I looked at an up-and-coming provider called [name redacted] because their whole thing is they’ve got great prices. I soured on them when I realized that they don’t really tell you that they bill you for a minimum of 90 days of object duration. There’s little I need to store for 90 days for my application. All of my cursory research seemed okay, and the pricing calculator on the pricing page made no mention of any of this. I’m not a fan of using a vendor that buries something that important.”
—Brian, Software Developer

“We got burned by [name redacted] with regard to their deletion and how we do our backups. I deleted data off their system, and they’re billing me for data they’re not storing? And what’s more, they’re irritated by the fact that their hard drives had to delete data? I don’t understand that level of…I’m not even going to say the word, but it’s just stupid.”
—Joe Valentine, Software Engineer II, Webjogger

Delete the Delete Penalties

To be sure, compared to the high costs of on-premises infrastructure, cloud storage delete penalties may go unnoticed or be characterized as a cost of saving money. But that’s exactly what companies who levy these penalties want you to think. Don’t let them misrepresent their true costs or mislead you. It’s not right. It’s not aligned with their messaging. It’s not what you deserve. And it’s not going to support your business growth especially when fees add up fast for many terabytes and petabytes.

It’s time to delete the delete penalties. Full stop.

If you’ve been hit with unexpected penalties after deleting data, share your experience below with the broader community or reach out to us to learn more about how you can eliminate them.

The post Let’s Be Honest—Retention Minimums Are Delete Penalties appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Announcing Kubernetes Backup and Ransomware Protection via Kasten and Backblaze

Post Syndicated from Natasha Rabinov original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/announcing-kubernetes-backup-and-ransomware-protection-via-kasten-and-backblaze/

According to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s annual survey, Kubernetes use in production has increased 300% since 2016 to 83% of respondents. There’s no doubt that a fundamental shift has taken place over the past few years—applications are being deployed in container environments and those deployments are being managed by Kubernetes.

But customers that are deploying Kubernetes environments need a new tool to protect all of that data. Purpose-built for Kubernetes, Kasten by Veeam is that tool.

Now, through a new partnership, joint Kasten and Backblaze customers will be able to name Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage as a storage destination where they can store and protect copies of their applications affordably.

This partnership enables developers to:

  • Back up and restore production stateful Kubernetes applications.
  • Safeguard application data from ransomware encryption with Object Lock for immutability.
  • Support regulatory compliance and corporate disaster recovery mandates.

“Kubernetes containers are the standard for many organizations building, deploying, and scaling applications with portability and efficiency. Backblaze and Kasten together offer a compelling solution to support these organizations’ business continuity needs with set-and-forget-it ease and cost effectiveness.”
—Nilay Patel, VP of Sales and Partnerships, Backblaze

The joint solution is fully scalable at enterprise grade. What’s more, organizations only pay for storage used, with no data retention penalties for deleting past backups.

About Kasten

Owned by Veeam, Kasten is an award-winning market leader in Kubernetes backup. Their product was built natively for containers, and the software-only solution runs directly on your cluster within its own namespace.

Together, Kasten and Backblaze provide a simple, seamless integration for shared customers, focusing on ease of use.

“Backup and protection are paramount in a world in which data is everything and cyberattacks continue to rise. The Backblaze-Kasten partnership offers the application protection and disaster recovery support companies seek, with flexibility and freedom to choose their preferred storage partner.”
—Gaurav Rishi, VP of Product, Kasten by Veeam

How to Get Started With Backblaze B2 + Kasten

After creating your Backblaze B2 account, check out our Quickstart Guide for Kasten K10 and Backblaze B2 to create a Kasten namespace in your cluster and configure Backblaze B2 as a storage destination.

Customers can test the Kasten solution for free with clusters made up of 10 nodes or less. And Backblaze covers the first 10GB stored.

Data Protection That Scales With You

Kubernetes was built to provide scalability, giving businesses the flexibility to manage and optimize resources. Through this partnership, customers now have storage that matches that flexibility in Backblaze B2. With Backblaze, customers are able to scale their application backups as their applications scale.

Interested in learning more? Join us for a webinar on February 2, 2022 at 10 a.m. PST to discover how to add seamless ransomware protection to your Kubernetes environments—stay tuned for more details and a link to register. Or, if you are ready to future-proof your application, click here to get started today.

The post Announcing Kubernetes Backup and Ransomware Protection via Kasten and Backblaze appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Five Ways to Use Object Lock Immutability

Post Syndicated from Molly Clancy original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/five-ways-to-use-object-lock-immutability/

If you want to understand how Object Lock immutability works, think of a valuable necklace sitting behind a window. If someone really wants that necklace, they will find a way to break that window. Reinforce the glass, add a silent alarm, none of it will change the fact that thieves can find a way.

With Object Lock immutability, there is no window. Instead, picture a fully realistic holographic representation of the necklace. You can still see your necklace, you can still enjoy its sparkle, but nothing anyone does to that hologram can alter the actual physical necklace.

Object Lock immutability works in a similar fashion, at least metaphorically speaking. (Object Lock doesn’t create a facsimile, per se, but it does protect objects from being manipulated, copied, encrypted, changed, or deleted for as long as the lock is set.) And it protects something far more valuable than some trinket: It protects your data.

In this post, learn about five different ways you can use Object Lock as well as some tips for using Object Lock effectively.

What Is Object Lock Immutability?

In functional programming, immutability is a characteristic of an object whose state cannot be changed after it has been created. Conversely, mutable objects are variable. But what does all that mean when it comes to Object Lock? By creating a model in which an individual object (i.e., a unit of data that contains all of the bytes that constitute what you would typically think of as a “file”) remains static and unchangeable, Object Lock immutability prevents important files from being deleted, corrupted, or otherwise damaged. Your files can, however, be freely accessed, giving you free rein to view important documents. This Write Once, Read Many (WORM) model is the cornerstone of Object Lock immutability.

Those of us above a certain age may recall the days when data was regularly transferred via floppy disc. Back in those dark days of dial-up, there was a simple plastic switch on each floppy disc that marked the disc as read-only or read-and-write. If the switch was flipped, the data on the disc could be read or transferred at will, but it was a one-way street. You were unable to alter the original data stored on the disc.

Object Lock Immutability serves the same function as that plastic switch, only it operates entirely within the code of your storage software. You can view, share, and open files at will. But the contents of that file cannot be changed.

Object Lock Immutability Use Cases

With the right approach, Object Lock immutability can be used to solve a few problems, including:

  • Aiding recovery from ransomware attacks.
  • Migrating from an LTO tape system.
  • Supporting records retention requirements.
  • Protecting your company during lawsuits.
  • Enhancing version control during software development.

Aid Recovery From Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks are a major challenge for many businesses. In our research on the true cost of ransomware, we found that the cost of these incidents can exceed $1 million! That’s the bad news.

The good news is advanced planning can make it easier to recover from attacks. Specifically, preserving data backups with Object Lock is a helpful way to speed up your recovery from ransomware attacks. For example, you might decide to make daily backups of your most critical files and retain those backups for three months. In this case, you would have plenty of options for how to recover from an attack.

To achieve consistent security protection, we recommend integrating Object Lock into your IT security policy. For further guidance on how to do this, see our post, “How to Add Object Lock to Your IT Security Policy.”

Migrating From an LTO Tape System

Until recently, the most common way to protect data from being overwritten, corrupted, or deleted was by creating an “air gap” by way of LTO tapes. Under this system, sensitive files would be backed up to a tape and then physically removed from the drive. This created an effective shield of literal, physical air around the data by removing it entirely from your network, but it came at a cost.

Tape systems require an up-front investment and require ongoing maintenance, management, and eventual replacement. With Object Lock immutability as part of your cloud backup solution, the entire process of creating an air gap happens virtually, saving time and money while accomplishing the same goal. You can calculate the savings between cloud storage and tape yourself.

Support Records Retention Requirements

Your company probably has a variety of records retention requirements to fulfill. For example, the finance department likely has to retain records in case you are audited by tax authorities. In addition, your contracts with customers may expect you to retain records for a specific project for a set period. Once you determine which records need to be retained, Object Lock can preserve the records so they cannot be modified or deleted for the required duration. Object Lock means accidental deletion of records is much less likely.

Protect the Company’s Interests During Lawsuits

Lawsuits and disputes are a fact of life in today’s environment, but there are steps you can take to reduce the impact and expense associated with them.

By applying Object Lock, your company will be better able to navigate the challenges of a lawsuit. You can focus on the substance of the dispute rather than spending endless hours answering questions about your data integrity.

Enhance Version Control During Software Development

New versions of files are created on a nearly constant basis during software development projects. Some software projects release new versions every day or every week. With many different software versions on your plate, there is a risk your team might get disorganized. Now, imagine if a new release of your software ends up having a serious security or performance flaw. In that case, rolling back to the previous version may save a tremendous amount of time and energy.

By using Object Lock on previous versions of your software, you can have confidence in your ability to access previous versions. For companies that produce custom software for clients, enhancing version control through Object Lock may be helpful for other reasons. In the event of a problem, a client might ask for access to earlier versions of the software. Preserving earlier versions of your software development with Object Lock makes it easier to respond to such requests.

Tips for Using Object Lock Immutability Effectively

As with any technology, achieving optimal results from Object Lock requires a thoughtful, guided approach. From a technical standpoint, there is no limit to how much data you can protect with Object Lock. However, excessive use of Object Lock may consume a significant amount of your data storage resources, negating any time and cost savings you’ve achieved.

Altering the amount of time an object is placed in Object Lock is just one way to ensure you’re getting the most out of this technology. Others include:

  • Reviewing Older Object Lock Files: You might find that you rarely need to access Object Lock-protected data that is older than six months. Obviously, this amount of time will vary greatly depending on your needs, but it’s important to make sure you’re not spending resources protecting files that don’t need the extra protection. Depending on what you find, you may want to adjust guidance to employees accordingly.
  • Ensuring Consistency: To achieve more consistent usage of Object Lock immutability, start by clarifying your expectations in a company policy. This could be as simple as a checklist document explaining when and how to use Object Lock or an appendix to your IT security policy. In addition, ask managers to periodically review (e.g., every six months) how Object Lock is used in their departments and provide feedback to employees as needed.

As a concept, Object Lock immutability is fairly easy to understand and even easier to use in protecting your vital data from incursion, corruption or deletion. Beyond simply protecting valuable data from cyber threats, it can create a clear timeline in case of litigation or simplify complicated development projects. By understanding how this tool works and how best to use it, you can secure your data, increase your efficiency, and improve the operation of your cloud storage.

The post Five Ways to Use Object Lock Immutability appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

What Is the Public Cloud?

Post Syndicated from Molly Clancy original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/what-is-the-public-cloud/

The wonderful thing about technology is that it’s always changing. This, of course, is also the frustrating thing about technology. We think we understand it, or at least have a basic grasp of it, and then the rules get completely rewritten. What seemed simple and straightforward is suddenly a morass of technical terms and jargon. Such is the case with cloud concepts.

If you’re looking for a data storage solution, it’s sometimes helpful to revisit the fundamentals to ensure you find the solution that works best for you. Today, we’re sharing a few helpful guidelines to cut through any confusion around the public cloud, including how it’s different from a private cloud, when it makes sense to use one or both, and how to go about choosing a cloud provider.

What Is the Public Cloud?

Essentially, public cloud storage operates like a self-storage unit, only one that holds your personal files instead of old lamps that you’re sure you’re going to donate or part with in a garage sale someday. The difference being (apart, obviously, from cloud storage being virtual) that cloud storage lets you pay as you go, so you only pay for the amount of storage you need.

In researching public cloud storage, you may come across other data storage terms such as “private cloud” and “on-premises.” We’ll briefly define these terms to help you navigate the options available to you.

  • Private cloud. As the name implies, a private cloud is similar to a public cloud, but specifically designed for a single user or business. Think of a private cloud like one of those restaurant booths that’s permanently reserved for a VIP—no other customer can use that space. As a result, private cloud services can be more expensive than public clouds. Private clouds are typically, but not always, on-premises. Some companies choose to outsource their private cloud infrastructure to a data center, but the key defining factor is that the servers and network are dedicated to one company or “tenant” rather than shared with other tenants as in a public cloud.
  • On-premises data storage. Before cloud services were created, many organizations stored their data in corporate data centers built on location or “on-premises.” Since these facilities are owned and controlled by the company that built them, they offer a very high level of security. On-premises data storage is also sometimes referred to as a private cloud, but private clouds don’t necessarily have to be on-premises anymore—they can be anywhere as long as they’re dedicated to one tenant.

There are several advantages to using a public cloud service for data storage. You generally only pay for the storage you use. Unlike an on-premises data center, there are usually no significant up-front costs to purchase hardware and plan for ongoing administration. In addition, a public cloud data storage solution does not take up physical space in your office.

Private Cloud vs. Public Cloud: When Does It Make Sense to Use Them?

To help you decide between public vs. private cloud data storage, let’s recap the critical differences first. A public cloud service is usually open to any customer, while a private cloud is dedicated to select users. In addition, a private cloud service is usually operated on-premises.

There are three significant differences between private cloud and public cloud.

  • Tenancy. A private cloud is dedicated to one tenant whereas a public cloud is open to many tenants. In a public cloud, tenants share the same physical hardware resources as other tenants, and their individual instances are virtually separated so that one tenant can’t access another’s data.
  • Approach to security. A private cloud is dedicated exclusively to your needs. You own and manage it. As such, you have more control over the physical security of your servers as well as your private networks. In a public cloud, you trust the provider to handle some of the security for you.
  • Affordability. A public cloud service is defined to achieve mass economies of scale in order to offer affordable prices. A private cloud requires up-front investment in hardware and networking equipment and ongoing maintenance and upgrade costs.

Ultimately, it comes down to the solution that best fits your company’s needs for privacy and security balanced against your budgetary constraints. The benefit of a private cloud is more important in some industries than others. For example, in instances where there might be national security concerns—like national defense or government contractors—or a greater need for privacy like healthcare or financial services, a firm may opt to use a private cloud service located on-site for certain sensitive data.

Sometimes, however, your needs will extend beyond simply using either a private or a public cloud service. When that happens, you need a hybrid cloud.

Hybrid Cloud: When Does It Make Sense to Use Both?

As we noted, depending on your data storage needs and industry, you may decide to use a mix of public cloud and private cloud providers, otherwise known as a hybrid cloud. For example, in data-heavy industries like media and entertainment, a hybrid cloud approach offers a powerful solution. Using a hybrid solution means staff have fast access to large files for day-to-day work on a private, on-premises cloud, combined with scalable, affordable storage in a public cloud for archives and remote collaboration. Similarly, in industries that handle sensitive data, a private cloud could be used to have more control over security, while less sensitive data could be stored in a more affordable public cloud.

Using a combination of public cloud and private cloud data storage gives you the best of both worlds. Private, on-premises storage provides greater ease of access to files and enhanced security, but with the financial trade-off of fixed costs for maintenance and IT assistance. Public storage is more affordable and makes sharing files with outside vendors, subcontractors, and clients simpler.

How to Compare Public Cloud Providers

If you’ve decided a public cloud or a hybrid cloud approach is right for you, your next step is choosing a cloud provider as your trusted partner. As you evaluate different cloud providers, it is helpful to use some standard criteria to measure each provider. Use the following points of comparison to inform your selection process.

  • Ease of use. As with most technology, the more customization you need, the less user-friendly your cloud storage is generally going to be. The end goal of cloud storage is to make your life easier, and if you’re having to stack new skill sets just to make it work, then you’ve officially moved beyond “easy.”
  • Customer support. The insufferable thing about tech headaches is that they have no respect for your schedule. As such, it’s important to check the support package offered by the provider. How easy is it to reach an actual person, not a bot or autoresponder? Will they be able to respond to issues that may arise from your particular setup? The wrong answer could be costly.
  • Data egress. Check the costs and speed of data egress if and when you need to pull all of your data out from the cloud provider. You don’t want to feel locked into a cloud provider because they charge high data transfer fees.
  • Pricing tiers. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to cloud storage, so make sure you’re not throwing money out the window. Or, into the cloud. Double check that you won’t get locked into a price structure that charges for storage you don’t need. Keep an eye out for things like minimum retention requirements where you’re essentially charged for deleted data for a period of time after you delete it.
  • Security. Lost or compromised data goes far beyond a mere inconvenience. In the worst-case scenario, it can represent a serious security breach and possible legal issue. Some cloud providers offer more security features than others. For example, check if the provider offers Object Lock, a feature that prevents data from being modified, copied, encrypted, changed, or deleted during a set period of time. If a bad actor somehow got access to your account, they wouldn’t be able to tamper with your data. (Even you can’t modify it before the lock period ends!)

Assess Public Cloud Storage for Your Organization

Cloud computing has had a transformative impact on the way we do business. Between the cost savings and the flexibility it gives us in handling our data, it can play a tremendous role in your company’s growth. Now that you’ve learned the basics of public cloud data storage and how it can potentially impact your business, you can make a more informed decision about how you set up your infrastructure and manage your company’s important data.

Are you using a private cloud, a public cloud, or some combination of the two? Let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear how it’s going.

The post What Is the Public Cloud? appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Getting the Most Out of Your NAS

Post Syndicated from Molly Clancy original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/getting-the-most-out-of-your-nas/

Who has the original copy of that report on their machine? Which hard drive has the footage from that shoot a few years ago? Are those photos from our vacation on the laptop, the external hard drive, or the sync service? If you’ve ever asked yourself a question like these, you have felt the pain of digital scatter. In today’s world, with as many devices as we use, it’s almost unavoidable.

Almost. When you start to feel the pain of digital scatter, either at work or at home, take it as a sign that it’s time to look into upgrading your data storage systems. One of the best ways to do that is investing in a NAS device.

As you start exploring more sophisticated data storage options than juggling external drives or managing sync services, understanding what you can do with a NAS system can help your decision making. This post explains what NAS is and all the different ways you can use NAS to supercharge your business or home office setup.

What Is NAS?

Network attached storage, or NAS, is a computer connected to a network that provides file-based data storage services to other devices on the network. It’s primarily used to expand storage capacity and enable file sharing across an organization or across devices in a home.

The primary strength of NAS is how simple it is to set up and deploy. NAS volumes appear to the user as network mounted volumes. The files to be served are typically contained on one or more hard drives in the system, often arranged in a RAID scheme. Generally, the more drive bays available within the NAS, the larger and more flexible storage options you have. The device itself is a network node—much like computers and other TCP/IP devices, all of which maintain their own IP address—and the NAS file service uses the Ethernet network to send and receive files.

NAS devices offer an easy way for multiple users in diverse locations to access data, which is valuable when users are collaborating on projects or sharing information. NAS provides good access controls and security to support collaboration, while also enabling someone who is not an IT professional to administer and manage access to the data via an onboard web server. It also offers good fundamental data resiliency through the use of redundant data structures—often RAID—making multiple drives appear like a single, large volume that can tolerate failure of a few of its individual drives.

How Does RAID Work?
A redundant array of independent disks, or RAID, combines multiple hard drives into one or more storage volumes. RAID distributes data and parity (drive recovery information) across the drives in different ways, and each layout provides different degrees of data protection.

Getting the Most Out of Your NAS: NAS Use Cases

The first two NAS use cases are fairly straightforward. They are exactly what NAS was built for:

  1. File storage and file sharing: NAS is ideal for centralizing data storage for your home or business and making files available to multiple users. The primary benefits of a NAS system are the added storage capacity and file sharing compared to relying on workstations and hard drives.
  2. Local backups and data protection: NAS can serve as a storage repository for local backups of machines on your network. Most NAS systems have built-in software where you can configure automatic backups, including what you back up and when. Furthermore, the RAID configuration in a NAS system ensures that the data you store can survive the failure of one or more of its hard drives. Hard drives fail. NAS helps to make that statement of fact less scary.

But that’s not all NAS can do. With large storage capacity and a whole host of add-ons, NAS offers a lot of versatility. Here are a few additional use cases that you can take advantage of.

Host Business Applications on NAS

Small to medium-sized businesses find NAS useful for running shared business applications like customer relationship management software, human resources management software, messaging, and even office suites. Compared to expensive, server-based versions of these applications, companies can install and run open-source versions quickly and easily on NAS. Some NAS devices may have these features built in or available on a proprietary app store.

Create a Private Cloud With NAS

Most NAS devices give you the ability to access your data over the public internet in addition to accessing it through your private network, essentially functioning as a cloud service. If a NAS device manufacturer doesn’t already have a cloud application built in, there are a number of open-source cloud applications like Nextcloud or ownCloud.

Use NAS to Run Virtual Machines

Virtualization software providers, like VMware, support running their products on NAS. With proper configuration, including potentially adding RAM to your device, you can easily spin up virtual machines using NAS.

Develop and Test Applications on NAS

Many NAS devices offer developer packages, including apps for different programming languages and tools like Docker and Git Server. With these add-ons, you can turn your NAS into your own private lab for developing and testing applications before moving them to a server for production.

Use NAS as a File Server

Although a NAS device is usually not designed to be a general-purpose server (it’s underpowered compared to a file server and comes with less robust access management capabilities), NAS vendors and third parties are increasingly offering other software to provide server-like functionality. For home use or for a small team, higher-end NAS devices can function as a file server.

Manage Security Cameras on NAS

Apps like Synology’s Surveillance Station allow you to set up a security camera system yourself using IP cameras rather than paying for a more expensive enterprise or home system. With a large storage capacity, NAS is perfect for storing large amounts of video footage.

Stream Media With NAS

NAS is a great place to store large media files, and apps like Plex allow you to stream directly to a device or smart TV in your home or business. You can consolidate video or audio files from your devices into one place and stream them anywhere.

Ready to Get Started With NAS?

Understanding the many use cases can help you see where NAS might fit into your business or make file sharing at home easier. There are many ways to make your NAS device work for you and ensure you get the most out of it in the process.

Do you have more questions about shopping for or buying a NAS? Check out our Complete NAS Guide. It provides comprehensive information on NAS and what it can do for your business, how to evaluate and purchase a NAS system, and how to deploy your NAS.

The post Getting the Most Out of Your NAS appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

2021 and Beyond: Backblaze’s Predictions for the Coming Year

Post Syndicated from Jeremy Milk original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/2021-and-beyond-backblazes-predictions-for-the-coming-year/

The cloud computing industry had a big year in 2021. But the past year also saw significant challenges—supply chain shortages, continued shifts in work life, continued natural disasters, and disruptive ransomware attacks, not to mention an ongoing global pandemic.

As we close out 2021 and look forward to the new year, we asked our team to weigh in on their predictions for trends we’ll see in 2022 in the cloud computing industry. Here are our collective thoughts.

The Trends That 2022 Will Bring

1. Security Will Never Be Easier to Justify

Ransomware threats soared in 2021, making big headlines throughout the year. As we finished the year with the internet-wide Log4j vulnerability becoming exposed, the argument for investing in data security has never been easier to make, and the whole C-suite is likely to be involved. Companies will invest more in stronger protections against ransomware including shoring up backup practices and implementing features like Object Lock to protect data. While companies may have relied upon cyber insurance in the past to cover ransom payments rather than investing in proactive data protection, we think added pressure from government agencies will make this option less of a fallback (while also helping IT leaders to justify more robust measures).

2. Enhanced Security May Not Be a Choice

The U.S. government has already started to signal that it’s expecting companies to do more to protect their data from ransomware exposure. In 2022, expect it to tighten the screws all the more with greater enforcement of Treasury, TSA, and other requirements. We predict that at least one U.S. company that makes a big ransomware payment will find itself squarely in the crosshairs of the U.S. government for not doing enough to protect itself and then going too far against the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control in facilitating payment to known bad actors outside the U.S.

3. Relying on One Cloud Provider Will No Longer Cut It

Companies that currently rely on a single diversified cloud provider will increasingly look to independent providers to achieve data redundancy. After recent AWS outages that exposed single points of failure, this has never been clearer. Backing up data that resides in the cloud will become more of a priority. The move to a more diversified cloud deployment will lead to more organizations considering flipping to an independent cloud provider as their primary data store with one of the traditional diversified providers serving as a backup destination. Of course, a multi-cloud deployment won’t solve everything and could create more complexity if your primary cloud isn’t dialed in before racing to add a second.

4. HAMR/MAMR Drops

Hard disk drive manufacturers have all made announcements about capacity increases for the coming year, getting ever closer to 30TB drives. At the 5th Annual Virtual Wells Fargo TMT Summit Conference, Western Digital CEO David Goeckeler indicated that 30TB hard drives are within reach with its ePMR and OptiNAND technology as well as a 10-platter HDD (up from the existing nine-platter 20TB drive). Goeckeler referred to the development as “That staircase to take you to 30TB and then get you on the HAMR [heat assisted magnetic recording] curve.”

Likewise, SDK announced the development of microwave assisted magnetic recording (MAMR) technology this year to support development of a 30TB drive. Seagate, too, continues to pursue development of HAMR technology, announcing development of a second-gen HAMR drive that could reach 30TB. The technology has been on the cusp of commercialization for a number of years—in fact, we wrongly predicted we would start seeing HAMR/MAMR drives in 2019. Let’s try again—2022 will be the year that HAMR and/or MAMR drives will hit the mainstream and will end up in our data centers as well. We do think 30TB drives built on any technology are at least a couple of years away, but it’s time for HAMR and MAMR to meet the data storage requirements of the future.

5. Supply Chain Traffic Jams Will Continue

Supply chains across all industries are experiencing massive limitations while demand continues to increase. Even when the kinks in the hose get worked out, transportation logistics will still choke supply at points. This is exacerbated by the pandemic, but we think it will be an ongoing issue as more organizations rely on supply for growth and business continuity.

In 2022, companies will accelerate the swing from what had been smart just-in-time supply chain management minimizing inventory to smart just-in-case supply chain management minimizing service and sales disruptions.

6. Microservices Will Kill Egress Fees

Better API-connected solutions will allow companies to avoid vendor lock-in and create flexible microservices-based applications while meeting their cloud-related needs (storage, compute, CDN, etc.). Companies will require lower egress fees to be able to move their data freely without breaking the bank. As independent cloud providers work together to minimize or completely eliminate egress fees, we predict that in 2022, smart companies will demand better from the likes of Amazon, Google, and Microsoft—lower egress, multi-cloud options, and vendor independence. Imagine the incremental innovation when companies need not sweat downloading and distributing their own data!

7. A Push for Interoperability

Unstructured data continues to grow unabated driven by our increasingly connected world. Some estimate it comprises 80% to 90% of the world’s data, and today it lives in multiple places—multiple clouds, on-premises data centers, and on the edge. Companies that want to extract the most value out of this data won’t stand for cloud providers who put up walls around their ecosystems. Data must easily flow between environments such that where the data lives becomes an afterthought. Savvy businesses will want to leverage providers interchangeably based on the best fit for their workloads, and those with open ecosystems will be favored for their flexibility.

What Do You Think the New Year Will Bring?

With another year upon us, we’re wondering… What are your predictions for 2022? Let us know in the comments.

Wishing you a happy and hopeful New Year!

The post 2021 and Beyond: Backblaze’s Predictions for the Coming Year appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.