Tag Archives: Clientless

Clientless Web Isolation is now generally available

Post Syndicated from Tim Obezuk original https://blog.cloudflare.com/clientless-web-isolation-general-availability/

Clientless Web Isolation is now generally available

Clientless Web Isolation is now generally available

Today, we’re excited to announce that Clientless Web Isolation is generally available. A new on-ramp for Browser Isolation that natively integrates Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) with the zero-day, phishing and data-loss protection benefits of remote browsing for users on any device browsing any website, internal app or SaaS application. All without needing to install any software or configure any certificates on the endpoint device.

Cloudflare’s clientless web isolation simplifies connections to remote browsers through a hyperlink (e.g.: https://<your-auth-domain>.cloudflareaccess.com/browser). We explored use cases in detail in our beta announcement post, but here’s a quick refresher on the use cases that clientless isolated browsing enables:

Share secure browsing across the entire team on any device

Simply navigating to Clientless Web Isolation will land your user such as an analyst, or researcher in a remote browser, ready to securely conduct their research or investigation without exposing their public IP or device to potentially malicious code on the target website.

Clientless Web Isolation is now generally available

Suspicious hyperlinks and PDF documents from sensitive applications can be opened in a remote browser by rewriting the link with the clientless endpoint. For example:


This is powerful when integrated into a security incident monitoring tool, help desk or any tool where users are clicking unknown or untrusted hyperlinks.

Integrate Browser Isolation with a third-party secure web gateway

Browser Isolation can be integrated with a legacy secure web gateway through the use of a redirecting custom block page. Integrating Browser Isolation with your existing secure web gateway enables safe browsing without the support burden of micromanaging block lists.

See our developer documentation for example block pages.

Securely access sensitive data on BYOD devices endpoints

In an ideal world, users would always access sensitive data from corporate devices. Unfortunately it’s not possible or feasible: contractors, by definition, rely on non-corporate devices. Employees may not be able to take their device home, it is unavailable due to a disaster or travel to high risk areas without their managed machine.

Historically IT departments have worked around this by adopting legacy Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). This made sense a decade ago when most business applications were desktop applications. Today this architecture makes little sense when most business applications live in the browser. VDI is a tremendously expensive method to deliver BYOD support and still requires complex network administration to connect with DNS filtering and Secure Web Gateways.

All traffic from Browser Isolation to the Internet or an Access protected application is secured and inspected by the Secure Web Gateway out of the box. It only takes a few clicks to require Gateway device posture checks for users connecting over Clientless Web Isolation.

Get started

Clientless web isolation is available as a capability for all Cloudflare Zero Trust subscribers who have added Browser Isolation to their plan. If you are interested in learning more about use cases see the beta announcement post and our developer documentation.

Introducing Clientless Web Isolation

Post Syndicated from Tim Obezuk original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-clientless-web-isolation-beta/

Introducing Clientless Web Isolation

Introducing Clientless Web Isolation

Today, we’re excited to announce the beta for Cloudflare’s clientless web isolation. A new on-ramp for Browser Isolation that natively integrates Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) with the zero-day, phishing and data-loss protection benefits of remote browsing for users on any device browsing any website, internal app or SaaS application. All without needing to install any software or configure any certificates on the endpoint device.

Secure access for managed and unmanaged devices

In early 2021, Cloudflare announced the general availability of Browser Isolation, a fast and secure remote browser that natively integrates with Cloudflare’s Zero Trust platform. This platform — also known as Cloudflare for Teams — combines secure Internet access with our Secure Web Gateway solution (Gateway) and secure application access with a ZTNA solution (Access).

Typically, admins deploy Browser Isolation by rolling out Cloudflare’s device client on endpoints, so that Cloudflare can serve as a secure DNS and HTTPS Internet proxy. This model protects users and sensitive applications when the administrator manages their team’s devices. And for end users, the experience feels frictionless like a local browser: they are hardly aware that they are actually browsing on a secure machine running in a Cloudflare data center near them.

The end-to-end integration of Browser Isolation with secure Internet access makes it easy for administrators to deploy Browser Isolation across their teams without users being aware they’re actually browsing on a secure machine in a nearby Cloudflare data center. However, managing endpoint clients can add configuration overhead for users on unmanaged devices, or contractors on devices managed by third-party organizations.

Cloudflare’s clientless web isolation streamlines connections to remote browsers through a hyperlink (e.g.: https://<your-auth-domain>.cloudflareaccess.com/browser). Once users are authenticated through any of Cloudflare Access’s supported identity providers, the user’s browser uses HTML5 to establish a low-latency connection to a remote browser hosted in a nearby Cloudflare data center without installing any software. There are no servers to manage and scale, or regions to configure.

The simple act of clicking a link in an email, or website causes your browser to download and execute payloads of active web content which can exploit unknown zero-day threats and compromise an endpoint.

Cloudflare’s clientless web isolation can be initiated through a prefixed URL (e.g., https://<your-auth-domain>.cloudflareaccess.com/browser/https://www.example.com). Simply configuring your custom block page, email gateway, or ticketing tool to prefix high-risk links with Browser Isolation will automatically send high risk clicks to a remote browser, protecting the endpoint from any malicious code that may be present on the target link.

Introducing Clientless Web Isolation

Here at Cloudflare, we use Cloudflare’s products to protect Cloudflare, and in fact, use this clientless web isolation approach for our own security investigation activities. By prefixing high risk links with our auth domain, our security team is able to safely investigate potentially malicious websites and phishing sites.

No risky code ever reaches an employee device, and at the end of their investigation, the remote browser is terminated and reset to a known clean state for their next investigation.

Integrated Zero Trust access and remote browsing

The time when corporate data was only accessed from managed devices, inside controlled networks has long since passed. Enterprises relying on strict device posture controls to verify that application access only occurs from managed devices have had few tools to support contractor or BYOD workforces. Historically, administrators have worked around the issue by deploying costly, resource intensive Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments.

Moreover, when it comes to securing application access, Cloudflare Access excels in applying least-privilege, default-deny policies to web-based applications, without needing to install any client software on user devices.

Cloudflare’s clientless web isolation augments ZTNA use cases, allowing applications protected by Access and Gateway to leverage Browser Isolation’s data protection controls such as local printing control, clipboard and file upload / download restrictions to prevent sensitive data from transferring onto unmanaged devices.

Isolated links can easily be added to the Access app launcher as bookmarks allowing your team and contractors to easily access any site with one click.

Introducing Clientless Web Isolation

Finally, just because a remote browser reduces the impact of a compromise, doesn’t mean it should have unmanaged access to the Internet. All traffic from the remote browser to the target website is secured, inspected and logged by Cloudflare’s SWG solution (Gateway) ensuring that known threats are filtered through HTTP policies and anti-virus scanning.

Join the clientless web isolation beta

Clientless web isolation will be available as a capability to Cloudflare for Teams subscribers who have added Browser Isolation to their plan. We’ll be opening Cloudflare’s clientless web isolation for beta access soon. If you’re interested in participating, sign up here to be the first to hear from us.

We’re excited about the secure browsing and application access use cases for our clientless web isolation model. Now, teams of any size, can deliver seamless Zero Trust connectivity to unmanaged devices anywhere in the world.