Tag Archives: data-engineering

Our First Netflix Data Engineering Summit

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/our-first-netflix-data-engineering-summit-f326b0589102

Holden Karau Elizabeth Stone Pedro Duarte Chris Stephens Pallavi Phadnis Lee Woodridge Mark Cho Guil Pires Sujay Jain Tristan Reid Senthilnathan Athinarayanan Bharath Mummadisetty Abhinaya Shetty Judit Lantos Amanuel Kahsay Dao Mi Mick Dreeling Chris Colburn and Agata Gryzbek


Earlier this summer Netflix held our first-ever Data Engineering Forum. Engineers from across the company came together to share best practices on everything from Data Processing Patterns to Building Reliable Data Pipelines. The result was a series of talks which we are now sharing with the rest of the Data Engineering community!

You can find each of the talks below with a short description of each, or you can go straight to the playlist on YouTube here.

The Talks

The Netflix Data Engineering Stack

Chris Stephens, Data Engineer, Content & Studio and Pedro Duarte, Software Engineer, Consolidated Logging walk engineers new to Netflix through the building blocks of the Netflix Data Engineering stack. Learn more about how batch and streaming data pipelines are built at Netflix.

Data Processing Patterns

Lee Woodridge and Pallavi Phadnis, Data Engineers at Netflix, talk about how you can apply different processing strategies for your batch pipelines by implementing generic abstractions to help scale, be more efficient, handle late-arriving data, and be more fault tolerant.

Streaming SQL on Data Mesh using Apache Flink

Mark Cho, Guil Pires and Sujay Jain, Engineers from the Netflix Data Platform talk about how a managed Streaming SQL using Apache Flink can help unlock new Stream Processing use cases at Netflix. You can read more about Data Mesh, Netflix’s next-generation stream processing platform, here

Building Reliable Data Pipelines

Holden Karau, OSS Engineer, Data Platform Engineering, talks about the importance of reliable data pipelines and how to build them covering tools from testing to validation and auditing. The talk uses Apache Spark as an example, but the concepts generalize regardless of your specific tools.

Knowledge Management — Leveraging Institutional Data

Tristan Reid, software engineer, shares experiences about the Knowledge Management project at Netflix, which seeks to leverage language modeling techniques and metadata from internal systems to improve the impact of the >100K memos that circulate within the company.

Psyberg, An Incremental ETL Framework Using Iceberg

Abhinaya Shetty and Bharath Mummadisetty, Data Engineers from Netflix’s Membership Data Engineering team, introduce Psyberg, an incremental ETL framework. Learn about how Psyberg leverages Iceberg metadata to handle late-arriving data, and improves data pipelines while simplifying on-call life!

Start/Stop/Continue for optimizing complex ETL jobs

Judit Lantos, Data Engineer, Member Experience Data Engineering, shares a case study to demonstrate an effective approach for optimizing complex ETL jobs.

Media Data for ML Studio Creative Production

In the last 2 decades, Netflix has revolutionized the way video content is consumed, however, there is significant work to be done in revolutionizing how movies and tv shows are made. In this video, Sr. Data Engineers Amanual Kahsay and Dao Mi showcase how data and insights are being utilized to accomplish such a vision.

We hope that our fellow members of the Data Engineering Community find these videos useful and engaging. Please follow our Netflix Data Twitter account for updates and notifications of future Data Engineering Summits!

Mick Dreeling, Chris Colburn

Our First Netflix Data Engineering Summit was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Ready-to-go sample data pipelines with Dataflow

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/ready-to-go-sample-data-pipelines-with-dataflow-17440a9e141d

by Jasmine Omeke, Obi-Ike Nwoke, Olek Gorajek


This post is for all data practitioners, who are interested in learning about bootstrapping, standardization and automation of batch data pipelines at Netflix.

You may remember Dataflow from the post we wrote last year titled Data pipeline asset management with Dataflow. That article was a deep dive into one of the more technical aspects of Dataflow and didn’t properly introduce this tool in the first place. This time we’ll try to give justice to the intro and then we will focus on one of the very first features Dataflow came with. That feature is called sample workflows, but before we start in let’s have a quick look at Dataflow in general.



Dataflow is a command line utility built to improve experience and to streamline the data pipeline development at Netflix. Check out this high level Dataflow help command output below:

$ dataflow --help
Usage: dataflow [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

--docker-image TEXT Url of the docker image to run in.
--run-in-docker Run dataflow in a docker container.
-v, --verbose Enables verbose mode.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.

migration Manage schema migration.
mock Generate or validate mock datasets.
project Manage a Dataflow project.
sample Generate fully functional sample workflows.

As you can see Dataflow CLI is divided into four main subject areas (or commands). The most commonly used one is dataflow project, which helps folks in managing their data pipeline repositories through creation, testing, deployment and few other activities.

The dataflow migration command is a special feature, developed single handedly by Stephen Huenneke, to fully automate the communication and tracking of a data warehouse table changes. Thanks to the Netflix internal lineage system (built by Girish Lingappa) Dataflow migration can then help you identify downstream usage of the table in question. And finally it can help you craft a message to all the owners of these dependencies. After your migration has started Dataflow will also keep track of its progress and help you communicate with the downstream users.

Dataflow mock command is another standalone feature. It lets you create YAML formatted mock data files based on selected tables, columns and a few rows of data from the Netflix data warehouse. Its main purpose is to enable easy unit testing of your data pipelines, but it can technically be used in any other situations as a readable data format for small data sets.

All the above commands are very likely to be described in separate future blog posts, but right now let’s focus on the dataflow sample command.

Sample workflows

Dataflow sample workflows is a set of templates anyone can use to bootstrap their data pipeline project. And by “sample” we mean “an example”, like food samples in your local grocery store. One of the main reasons this feature exists is just like with food samples, to give you “a taste” of the production quality ETL code that you could encounter inside the Netflix data ecosystem.

All the code you get with the Dataflow sample workflows is fully functional, adjusted to your environment and isolated from other sample workflows that others generated. This pipeline is safe to run the moment it shows up in your directory. It will, not only, build a nice example aggregate table and fill it up with real data, but it will also present you with a complete set of recommended components:

  • clean DDL code,
  • proper table metadata settings,
  • transformation job (in a language of choice) wrapped in an optional WAP (Write, Audit, Publish) pattern,
  • sample set of data audits for the generated data,
  • and a fully functional unit test for your transformation logic.

And last, but not least, these sample workflows are being tested continuously as part of the Dataflow code change protocol, so you can be sure that what you get is working. This is one way to build trust with our internal user base.

Next, let’s have a look at the actual business logic of these sample workflows.

Business Logic

There are several variants of the sample workflow you can get from Dataflow, but all of them share the same business logic. This was a conscious decision in order to clearly illustrate the difference between various languages in which your ETL could be written in. Obviously not all tools are made with the same use case in mind, so we are planning to add more code samples for other (than classical batch ETL) data processing purposes, e.g. Machine Learning model building and scoring.

The example business logic we use in our template computes the top hundred movies/shows in every country where Netflix operates on a daily basis. This is not an actual production pipeline running at Netflix, because it is a highly simplified code but it serves well the purpose of illustrating a batch ETL job with various transformation stages. Let’s review the transformation steps below.

Step 1: on a daily basis, incrementally, sum up all viewing time of all movies and shows in every country

, country_code
, SUM(view_hours) AS view_hours
FROM some_db.source_table
WHERE playback_date = CURRENT_DATE
, country_code

Step 2: rank all titles from most watched to least in every county

, country_code
, view_hours
PARTITION BY country_code
ORDER BY view_hours DESC
) AS title_rank

Step 3: filter all titles to the top 100

, country_code
, view_hours
, title_rank
WHERE title_rank <= 100

Now, using the above simple 3-step transformation we will produce data that can be written to the following Iceberg table:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${TARGET_DB}.dataflow_sample_results (
title_id INT COMMENT "Title ID of the movie or show."
, country_code STRING COMMENT "Country code of the playback session."
, title_rank INT COMMENT "Rank of a given title in a given country."
, view_hours DOUBLE COMMENT "Total viewing hours of a given title in a given country."
"Example dataset brought to you by Dataflow. For more information on this
and other examples please visit the Dataflow documentation page."
date DATE COMMENT "Playback date."

As you can infer from the above table structure we are going to load about 19,000 rows into this table on a daily basis. And they will look something like this:

 sql> SELECT * FROM foo.dataflow_sample_results 
WHERE date = 20220101 and country_code = 'US'
ORDER BY title_rank LIMIT 5;

title_id | country_code | title_rank | view_hours | date
11111111 | US | 1 | 123 | 20220101
44444444 | US | 2 | 111 | 20220101
33333333 | US | 3 | 98 | 20220101
55555555 | US | 4 | 55 | 20220101
22222222 | US | 5 | 11 | 20220101
(5 rows)

With the business logic out of the way, we can now start talking about the components, or the boiler-plate, of our sample workflows.


Let’s have a look at the most common workflow components that we use at Netflix. These components may not fit into every ETL use case, but are used often enough to be included in every template (or sample workflow). The workflow author, after all, has the final word on whether they want to use all of these patterns or keep only some. Either way they are here to start with, ready to go, if needed.

Workflow Definitions

Below you can see a typical file structure of a sample workflow package written in SparkSQL.

├── backfill.sch.yaml
├── daily.sch.yaml
├── main.sch.yaml
├── ddl
│ └── dataflow_sparksql_sample.sql
└── src
├── mocks
│ ├── dataflow_pyspark_sample.yaml
│ └── some_db.source_table.yaml
├── sparksql_write.sql
└── test_sparksql_write.py

Above bolded files define a series of steps (a.k.a. jobs) their cadence, dependencies, and the sequence in which they should be executed.

This is one way we can tie components together into a cohesive workflow. In every sample workflow package there are three workflow definition files that work together to provide flexible functionality. The sample workflow code assumes a daily execution pattern, but it is very easy to adjust them to run at different cadence. For the workflow orchestration we use Netflix homegrown Maestro scheduler.

The main workflow definition file holds the logic of a single run, in this case one day-worth of data. This logic consists of the following parts: DDL code, table metadata information, data transformation and a few audit steps. It’s designed to run for a single date, and meant to be called from the daily or backfill workflows. This main workflow can also be called manually during development with arbitrary run-time parameters to get a feel for the workflow in action.

The daily workflow executes the main one on a daily basis for the predefined number of previous days. This is sometimes necessary for the purpose of catching up on some late arriving data. This is where we define a trigger schedule, notifications schemes, and update the “high water mark” timestamps on our target table.

The backfill workflow executes the main for a specified range of days. This is useful for restating data, most often because of a transformation logic change, but sometimes as a response to upstream data updates.


Often, the first step in a data pipeline is to define the target table structure and column metadata via a DDL statement. We understand that some folks choose to have their output schema be an implicit result of the transform code itself, but the explicit statement of the output schema is not only useful for adding table (and column) level comments, but also serves as one way to validate the transform logic.

├── backfill.sch.yaml
├── daily.sch.yaml
├── main.sch.yaml
├── ddl
│ └── dataflow_sparksql_sample.sql
└── src
├── mocks
│ ├── dataflow_pyspark_sample.yaml
│ └── some_db.source_table.yaml
├── sparksql_write.sql
└── test_sparksql_write.py

Generally, we prefer to execute DDL commands as part of the workflow itself, instead of running outside of the schedule, because it simplifies the development process. See below example of hooking the table creation SQL file into the main workflow definition.

      - job:
id: ddl
type: Spark
script: $S3{./ddl/dataflow_sparksql_sample.sql}


The metadata step provides context on the output table itself as well as the data contained within. Attributes are set via Metacat, which is a Netflix internal metadata management platform. Below is an example of plugging that metadata step in the main workflow definition

     - job:
id: metadata
type: Metadata
owner: ${username}
- dataflow
- sample
lifetime: 123
date: pk
country_code: pk
rank: pk


The transformation step (or steps) can be executed in the developer’s language of choice. The example below is using SparkSQL.

├── backfill.sch.yaml
├── daily.sch.yaml
├── main.sch.yaml
├── ddl
│ └── dataflow_sparksql_sample.sql
└── src
├── mocks
│ ├── dataflow_pyspark_sample.yaml
│ └── some_db.source_table.yaml
├── sparksql_write.sql
└── test_sparksql_write.py

Optionally, this step can use the Write-Audit-Publish pattern to ensure that data is correct before it is made available to the rest of the company. See example below:

      - template:
id: wap
type: wap
- job:
id: write
type: Spark
script: $S3{./src/sparksql_write.sql}


Audit steps can be defined to verify data quality. If a “blocking” audit fails, the job will halt and the write step is not committed, so invalid data will not be exposed to users. This step is optional and configurable, see a partial example of an audit from the main workflow below.

- function: columns_should_not_have_nulls
blocking: true
table: ${TARGET_TABLE}
- title_id

High-Water-Mark Timestamp

A successful write will typically be followed by a metadata call to set the valid time (or high-water mark) of a dataset. This allows other processes, consuming our table, to be notified and start their processing. See an example high water mark job from the main workflow definition.

      - job:
id: hwm
type: HWM
hwm_datetime: ${EXECUTION_DATE}
hwm_timezone: ${EXECUTION_TIMEZONE}

Unit Tests

Unit test artifacts are also generated as part of the sample workflow structure. They consist of data mocks, the actual test code, and a simple execution harness depending on the workflow language. See the bolded file below.

├── backfill.sch.yaml
├── daily.sch.yaml
├── main.sch.yaml
├── ddl
│ └── dataflow_sparksql_sample.sql
└── src
├── mocks
│ ├── dataflow_pyspark_sample.yaml
│ └── some_db.source_table.yaml
├── sparksql_write.sql
└── test_sparksql_write.py

These unit tests are intended to test one “unit” of data transform in isolation. They can be run during development to quickly capture code typos and syntax issues, or during automated testing/deployment phase, to make sure that code changes have not broken any tests.

We want unit tests to run quickly so that we can have continuous feedback and fast iterations during the development cycle. Running code against a production database can be slow, especially with the overhead required for distributed data processing systems like Apache Spark. Mocks allow you to run tests locally against a small sample of “real” data to validate your transformation code functionality.


Over time, the extraction of data from Netflix’s source systems has grown to encompass a wider range of end-users, such as engineers, data scientists, analysts, marketers, and other stakeholders. Focusing on convenience, Dataflow allows for these differing personas to go about their work seamlessly. A large number of our data users employ SparkSQL, pyspark, and Scala. A small but growing contingency of data scientists and analytics engineers use R, backed by the Sparklyr interface or other data processing tools, like Metaflow.

With an understanding that the data landscape and the technologies employed by end-users are not homogenous, Dataflow creates a malleable path toward. It solidifies different recipes or repeatable templates for data extraction. Within this section, we’ll preview a few methods, starting with sparkSQL and python’s manner of creating data pipelines with dataflow. Then we’ll segue into the Scala and R use cases.

To begin, after installing Dataflow, a user can run the following command to understand how to get started.

$ dataflow sample workflow --help                                                         
Dataflow (0.6.16)

Usage: dataflow sample workflow [OPTIONS] RECIPE [TARGET_PATH]

Create a sample workflow based on selected RECIPE and land it in the
specified TARGET_PATH.

Currently supported workflow RECIPEs are: spark-sql, pyspark,
scala and sparklyr.

- if not specified, current directory is assumed
- points to a directory, it will be used as the target location

--source-path TEXT Source path of the sample workflows.
--workflow-shortname TEXT Workflow short name.
--workflow-id TEXT Workflow ID.
--skip-info Skip the info about the workflow sample.
--help Show this message and exit.

Once again, let’s assume we have a directory called stranger-data in which the user creates workflow templates in all four languages that Dataflow offers. To better illustrate how to generate the sample workflows using Dataflow, let’s look at the full command one would use to create one of these workflows, e.g:

$ cd stranger-data
$ dataflow sample workflow spark-sql ./sparksql-workflow

By repeating the above command for each type of transformation language we can arrive at the following directory structure

├── pyspark-workflow
│ ├── main.sch.yaml
│ ├── daily.sch.yaml
│ ├── backfill.sch.yaml
│ ├── ddl
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── src
│ │ └── ...
│ └── tox.ini
├── scala-workflow
│ ├── build.gradle
│ └── ...
├── sparklyR-workflow
│ └── ...
└── sparksql-workflow
└── ...

Earlier we talked about the business logic of these sample workflows and we showed the Spark SQL version of that example data transformation. Now let’s discuss different approaches to writing the data in other languages.


This partial pySpark code below will have the same functionality as the SparkSQL example above, but it utilizes Spark dataframes Python interface.

def main(args, spark):

source_table_df = spark.table(f"{some_db}.{source_table})

viewing_by_title_country = (
source_table_df.select("title_id", "country_code",
.filter(col("date") == date)
.filter("title_id IS NOT NULL AND view_hours > 0")
.groupBy("title_id", "country_code")

window = Window.partitionBy(

ranked_viewing_by_title_country = viewing_by_title_country.withColumn(
"title_rank", rank().over(window)

col("title_rank") <= 100
"date", lit(int(date))
target_table, overwrite=True


Scala is another Dataflow supported recipe that offers the same business logic in a sample workflow out of the box.

package com.netflix.spark

object ExampleApp {
import spark.implicits._

def readSourceTable(sourceDb: String, dataDate: String): DataFrame =
.filter($"playback_start_date" === dataDate)

def viewingByTitleCountry(sourceTableDF: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
.select($"title_id", $"country_code", $"view_hours")
.filter($"view_hours" > 0)
.groupBy($"title_id", $"country_code")

def addTitleRank(viewingDF: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
"title_rank", F.rank().over(

def writeViewing(viewingDF: DataFrame, targetTable: String, dataDate: String): Unit = {
.select($"title_id", $"country_code", $"title_rank", $"view_hours")
.filter($"title_rank" <= 100)
.withColumn("date", F.lit(dataDate.toInt))

def main():
sourceTableDF = readSourceTable("some_db", "source_table", 20200101)
viewingDf = viewingByTitleCountry(sourceTableDF)
titleRankedDf = addTitleRank(viewingDF)

R / sparklyR

As Netflix has a growing cohort of R users, R is the latest recipe available in Dataflow.



main <- function(args, spark) {
title_df <- tbl(spark, g("{some_db}.{source_table}"))

title_activity_by_country <- title_df |>
filter(title_date == date) |>
filter(!is.null(title_id) & event_count > 0) |>
select(title_id, country_code, event_type) |>
group_by(title_id, country_code) |>
summarize(event_count = sum(event_type, na.rm = TRUE))

ranked_title_activity_by_country <- title_activity_by_country |>
group_by(country_code) |>
mutate(title_rank = rank(desc(event_count)))

top_25_title_by_country <- ranked_title_activity_by_country |>
ungroup() |>
filter(title_rank <= 25) |>
mutate(date = as.integer(date)) |>

top_25_title_by_country |>
sdf_repartition(partitions = 1) |>
spark_insert_table(target_table, mode = "overwrite")
main(args = args, spark = spark)


As you can see we try to make Netflix data engineering life easier by offering paved paths and suggestions on how to structure their code, while trying to keep the variety of options wide enough so they can pick and choose what works best for them in any particular case.

Having a well-defined set of defaults for data pipeline creation across Netflix makes onboarding easier, provides standardization and centralization best practices. Let’s review them below.


Ramping up on a new team or a business vertical always takes some effort, especially in a “highly aligned, loosely coupled” culture. Having a well-documented starting point removes some of the struggle that comes with starting from scratch and considerably speeds up the first iteration of the development cycle.


Standardization makes life easier for new team members as well as those already familiar with the domain and tech stack.

Some transfer of work between people or teams is inevitable. Having standardized layout and patterns removes friction from this exchange. Also, code reviews and suggestions are easier to manage when working from a similar baseline.

Standardization also makes project layout more intuitive and minimizes risk of human error as the codebase evolves.

Centralized Best Practices

Data infrastructure evolves continually. Having easy access to a centralized set of good defaults is critical to ensure that best practices evolve along with the technology, and that users are aware of what’s the latest on the tech-stack menu.

Even better, Dataflow offers executable best practices, which present these concepts in the context of an actual use case. Instead of reading documentation, you can initialize a “real” project, change it as needed, and iterate from there.


Special thanks to Daniel Watson, Jim Hester, Stephen Huenneke, Girish Lingappa for their contributions to Dataflow sample workflows and to Andrea Hairston for the Dataflow logo design.

Next Episode

Hopefully you won’t need to wait another year to read about other features of Dataflow. Here are a few topics that we could write about next. Please have a look at the subjects below and, if you feel strongly about any of them, let us know in the comments section:

  • Branch driven deployment — to explain how Dataflow lets anyone customize their CI/CD jobs based on the git branch for easy testing in isolated environments.
  • Local SparkSQL unit testing— to clarify how Dataflow helps in making robust unit tests for Spark SQL transform code, with ease.
  • Data migrations made easy — to show how Dataflow can be used to plan a table migration, support the communication with downstream users and help in monitoring it to completion.

Ready-to-go sample data pipelines with Dataflow was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data pipeline asset management with Dataflow

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/data-pipeline-asset-management-with-dataflow-86525b3e21ca

by Sam Setegne, Jai Balani, Olek Gorajek


  • asset — any business logic code in a raw (e.g. SQL) or compiled (e.g. JAR) form to be executed as part of the user defined data pipeline.
  • data pipeline — a set of tasks (or jobs) to be executed in a predefined order (a.k.a. DAG) for the purpose of transforming data using some business logic.
  • Dataflow — Netflix homegrown CLI tool for data pipeline management.
  • job — a.k.a task, an atomic unit of data transformation logic, a non-separable execution block in the workflow chain.
  • namespace — unique label, usually representing a business subject area, assigned to a workflow asset to identify it across all other assets managed by Dataflow (e.g. security).
  • workflow — see “data pipeline”


The problem of managing scheduled workflows and their assets is as old as the use of cron daemon in early Unix operating systems. The design of a cron job is simple, you take some system command, you pick the schedule to run it on and you are done. Example:

0 0 * * MON /home/alice/backup.sh

In the above example the system would wake up every Monday morning and execute the backup.sh script. Simple right? But what if the script does not exist in the given path, or what if it existed initially but then Alice let Bob access her home directory and he accidentally deleted it? Or what if Alice wanted to add new backup functionality and she accidentally broke existing code while updating it?

The answers to these questions is something we would like to address in this article and propose a clean solution to this problem.

Let’s define some requirements that we are interested in delivering to the Netflix data engineers or anyone who would like to schedule a workflow with some external assets in it. By external assets we simply mean some executable carrying the actual business logic of the job. It could be a JAR compiled from Scala, a Python script or module, or a simple SQL file. The important thing is that this business logic can be built in a separate repository and maintained independently from the workflow definition. Keeping all that in mind we would like to achieve the following properties for the whole workflow deployment:

  1. Versioning: we want both the workflow definition and its assets to be versioned and we want the versions to be tied together in a clear way.
  2. Transparency: we want to know which version of an asset is running along with every workflow instance, so if there are any issues we can easily identify which version caused the problem and to which one we could revert, if necessary.
  3. ACID deployment: for every scheduler workflow definition change, we would like to have all the workflow assets bundled in an atomic, durable, isolated and consistent manner. This way, if necessary, all we need to know is which version of the workflow to roll back to, and the rest would be taken care of for us.

While all the above goals are our North Star, we also don’t want to negatively affect fast deployment, high availability and arbitrary life span of any deployed asset.

Previous solutions

The basic approach to pulling down arbitrary workflow resources during workflow execution has been known to mankind since the invention of cron, and with the advent of “infinite” cloud storage systems like S3, this approach has served us for many years. Its apparent flexibility and convenience can often fool us into thinking that by simply replacing the asset in the S3 location we can, without any hassle, introduce changes to our business logic. This method often proves very troublesome especially if there is more than one engineer working on the same pipeline and they are not all aware of the other folks’ “deployment process”.

The slightly improved approach is shown on the diagram below.

Figure 1. Manually constructed continuous delivery system.

In Figure 1, you can see an illustration of a typical deployment pipeline manually constructed by a user for an individual project. The continuous deployment tool submits a workflow definition with pointers to assets in fixed S3 locations. These assets are then separately deployed to these fixed locations. At runtime, the assets are retrieved from the defined locations in S3 and executed in the runtime container. Despite requiring users to construct the deployment pipeline manually, often by writing their own scripts from scratch, this design works and has been successfully used by many teams for years. That being said, it does have some drawbacks that are revealed as you try to add any amount of complexity to your deployment logic. Let’s discuss a few of them.

Does not consider branch/PR deployments

In any production pipeline, you want the flexibility of having a “safe” alternative deployment logic. For example, you may want to build your Scala code and deploy it to an alternative location in S3 while pushing a sandbox version of your workflow that points to this alternative location. Something this simple gets very complicated very quickly and requires the user to consider a number of things. Where should this alternative location be in S3? Is a single location enough? How do you set up your deployment logic to know when to deploy the workflow to a test or dev environment? Answers to these questions often end up being more custom logic inside of the user’s deployment scripts.

Cannot rollback to previous workflow versions

When you deploy a workflow, you really want it to encapsulate an atomic and idempotent unit of work. Part of the reason for that is the desire for the ability to rollback to a previous workflow version and knowing that it will always behave as it did in previous runs. There can be many reasons to rollback but the typical one is when you’ve recognized a regression in a recent deployment that was not caught during testing. In the current design, reverting to a previous workflow definition in your scheduling system is not enough! You have to rebuild your assets from source and move them to your fixed S3 location that your workflow points to. To enable atomic rollbacks, you can add more custom logic to your deployment scripts to always deploy your assets to a new location and generate new pointers for your workflows to use, but that comes with higher complexity that often just doesn’t feel worth it. More commonly, teams will opt to do more testing to try and catch regressions before deploying to production and will accept the extra burden of rebuilding all of their workflow dependencies in the event of a regression.

Runtime dependency on user-managed cloud storage locations

At runtime, the container must reach out to a user-defined storage location to retrieve the assets required. This causes the user-managed storage system to be a critical runtime dependency. If we zoom out to look at an entire workflow management system, the runtime dependencies can become unwieldy if it relies on various storage systems that are arbitrarily defined by the workflow developers!

Dataflow deployment with asset management

In the attempt to deliver a simple and robust solution to the managed workflow deployments we created a command line utility called Dataflow. It is a Python based CLI + library that can be installed anywhere inside the Netflix environment. This utility can build and configure workflow definitions and their assets during testing and deployment. See below diagram:

Figure 2. Dataflow asset management system.

In Figure 2, we show a variation of the typical manually constructed deployment pipeline. Every asset deployment is released to some newly calculated UUID. The workflow definition can then identify a specific asset by its UUID. Deploying the workflow to the scheduling system produces a “Deployment Bundle”. The bundle includes all of the assets that have been referenced by the workflow definition and the entire bundle is deployed to the scheduling system. At every scheduled runtime, the scheduling system can create an instance of your workflow without having to gather runtime dependencies from external systems.

The asset management system that we’ve created for Dataflow provides a strong abstraction over this deployment design. Deploying the asset, generating the UUID, and building the deployment bundle is all handled automatically by the Dataflow build logic. The user does not need to be aware of anything that’s happening on S3, nor that S3 is being used at all! Instead, the user is given a flexible UUID referencing system that’s layered on top of our scheduling system’s workflow DSL. Later in the article we’ll cover this referencing system in some detail. But first, let’s look at an example of deploying an asset and a workflow.

Deployment of an asset

Let’s walk through an example of a workflow asset build and deployment. Let’s assume we have a repository called stranger-data with the following structure:

├── dataflow.yaml
├── pyspark-workflow
│ ├── main.sch.yaml
│ └── hello_world
│ ├── ...
│ └── setup.py
└── scala-workflow
├── build.gradle
├── main.sch.yaml
└── src
├── main
│ └── ...
└── test
└── ...

Let’s now use Dataflow command to see what project components are visible:

stranger-data$ dataflow project list
Python Assets:
-> ./pyspark-workflow/hello_world/setup.py
Summary: 1 found.
Gradle Assets:
-> ./scala-workflow/build.gradle
Summary: 1 found.
Scheduler Workflows:
-> ./scala-workflow/main.sch.yaml
-> ./pyspark-workflow/main.sch.yaml
Summary: 2found.

Before deploying the assets, and especially if we made any changes to them, we can run unit tests to make sure that we didn’t break anything. In a typical Dataflow configuration this manual testing is optional because Dataflow continuous integration tests will do that for us on any pull-request.

stranger-data$ dataflow project test
Testing Python Assets:
-> ./pyspark-workflow/hello_world/setup.py... PASSED
Summary: 1 successful, 0 failed.
Testing Gradle Assets:
-> ./scala-workflow/build.gradle... PASSED
Summary: 1 successful, 0 failed.
Building Scheduler Workflows:
-> ./scala-workflow/main.sch.yaml... CREATED ./.workflows/scala-workflow.main.sch.rendered.yaml
-> ./pyspark-workflow/main.sch.yaml... CREATED ./.workflows/pyspark-workflow.main.sch.rendered.yaml
Summary: 2 successful, 0 failed.
Testing Scheduler Workflows:
-> ./scala-workflow/main.sch.yaml... PASSED
-> ./pyspark-workflow/main.sch.yaml... PASSED
Summary: 2 successful, 0 failed.

Notice that the test command we use above not only executes unit test suites defined in our Scala and Python sub-projects, but it also renders and statically validates all the workflow definitions in our repo, but more on that later…

Assuming all tests passed, let’s now use the Dataflow command to build and deploy a new version of the Scala and Python assets into the Dataflow asset registry.

stranger-data$ dataflow project deploy
Building Python Assets:
-> ./pyspark-workflow/hello_world/setup.py... CREATED ./pyspark-workflow/hello_world/dist/hello_world-0.0.1-py3.7.egg
Summary: 1 successful, 0 failed.
Deploying Python Assets:
-> ./pyspark-workflow/hello_world/setup.py... DEPLOYED AS dataflow.egg.hello_world.user.stranger-data.master.39206ee8.3
Summary: 1 successful, 0 failed.
Building Gradle Assets:
-> ./scala-workflow/build.gradle... CREATED ./scala-workflow/build/libs/scala-workflow-all.jar
Summary: 1 successful, 0 failed.
Deploying Gradle Assets:
-> ./scala-workflow/build.gradle... DEPLOYED AS dataflow.jar.scala-workflow.user.stranger-data.master.39206ee8.11
Summary: 1 successful, 0 failed.

Notice that the above command:

  • created a new version of the workflow assets
  • assigned the asset a “UUID” (consisting of the “dataflow” string, asset type, asset namespace, git repo owner, git repo name, git branch name, commit hash and consecutive build number)
  • and deployed them to a Dataflow managed S3 location.

We can check the existing assets of any given type deployed to any given namespace using the following Dataflow command:

stranger-data$ dataflow project list eggs --namespace hello_world --deployed
Project namespaces with deployed EGGS:
-> dataflow.egg.hello_world.user.stranger-data.master.39206ee8.3
-> dataflow.egg.hello_world.user.stranger-data.master.39206ee8.2
-> dataflow.egg.hello_world.user.stranger-data.master.39206ee8.1

The above list could come in handy, for example if we needed to find and access an older version of an asset deployed from a given branch and commit hash.

Deployment of a workflow

Now let’s have a look at the build and deployment of the workflow definition which references the above assets as part of its pipeline DAG.

Let’s list the workflow definitions in our repo again:

stranger-data$ dataflow project list workflows
Scheduler Workflows:
-> ./scala-workflow/main.sch.yaml
-> ./pyspark-workflow/main.sch.yaml
Summary: 2 found.

And let’s look at part of the content of one of these workflows:

stranger-data$ cat ./scala-workflow/main.sch.yaml
- ddl -> write
- write -> audit
- audit -> publish
- ddl: ...
- write:
script: ${dataflow.jar.scala-workflow}
class: com.netflix.spark.ExampleApp
conf: ...
params: ...
- audit: ...
- publish: ...

You can see from the above snippet that the write job wants to access some version of the JAR from the scala-workflow namespace. A typical workflow definition, written in YAML, does not need any compilation before it is shipped to the Scheduler API, but Dataflow designates a special step called “rendering” to substitute all of the Dataflow variables and build the final version.

The above expression ${dataflow.jar.scala-workflow} means that the workflow will be rendered and deployed with the latest version of the scala-workflow JAR available at the time of the workflow deployment. It is possible that the JAR is built as part of the same repository in which case the new build of the JAR and a new version of the workflow may be coming from the same deployment. But the JAR may be built as part of a completely different project and in that case the testing and deployment of the new workflow version can be completely decoupled.

We showed above how one would request the latest asset version available during deployment, but with Dataflow asset management we can distinguish two more asset access patterns. An obvious next one is to specify it by all its attributes: asset type, asset namespace, git repo owner, git repo name, git branch name, commit hash and consecutive build number. There is one more extra method for a middle ground solution to pick a specific build for a given namespace and git branch, which can help during testing and development. All of this is part of the user-interface for determining how the deployment bundle will be created. See below diagram for a visual illustration.

Figure 3. A closer at the Deployment Bundle

In short, using the above variables gives the user full flexibility and allows them to pick any version of any asset in any workflow.

An example of the workflow deployment with the rendering step is shown below:

stranger-data$ dataflow project deploy
Building Scheduler Workflows:
-> ./scala-workflow/main.sch.yaml... CREATED ./.workflows/scala-workflow.main.sch.rendered.yaml
-> ./pyspark-workflow/main.sch.yaml... CREATED ./.workflows/pyspark-workflow.main.sch.rendered.yaml
Summary: 2 successful, 0 failed.
Deploying Scheduler Workflows:
-> ./scala-workflow/main.sch.yaml… DEPLOYED AS https://hawkins.com/scheduler/sandbox:user.stranger-data.scala-workflow
-> ./pyspark-workflow/main.sch.yaml… DEPLOYED AS https://hawkins.com/scheduler/sandbox:user.stranger-data.pyspark-workflow
Summary: 2 successful, 0 failed.

And here you can see what the workflow definition looks like before it is sent to the Scheduler API and registered as the latest version. Notice the value of the script variable of the write job. In the original code says ${dataflow.jar.scala-workflow} and in the rendered version it is translated to a specific file pointer:

stranger-data$ cat ./scala-workflow/main.sch.yaml
- ddl -> write
- write -> audit
- audit -> publish
- ddl: ...
- write:
script: s3://dataflow/jars/scala-workflow/user/stranger-data/master/39206ee8/1.jar
class: com.netflix.spark.ExampleApp
conf: ...
params: ...
- audit: ...
- publish: ...

User perspective

The Infrastructure DSE team at Netflix is responsible for providing insights into data that can help the Netflix platform and service scale in a secure and effective way. Our team members partner with business units like Platform, OpenConnect, InfoSec and engage in enterprise level initiatives on a regular basis.

One side effect of such wide engagement is that over the years our repository evolved into a mono-repo with each module requiring a customized build, testing and deployment strategy packaged into a single Jenkins job. This setup required constant upkeep and also meant every time we had a build failure multiple people needed to spend a lot of time in communication to ensure they did not step on each other.

Last quarter we decided to split the mono-repo into separate modules and adopt Dataflow as our asset orchestration tool. Post deployment, the team relies on Dataflow for automated execution of unit tests, management and deployment of workflow related assets.

By the end of the migration process our Jenkins configuration went from:

Figure 4. Real example of a deployment script.


cd /dataflow_workspace
dataflow project deploy

The simplicity of deployment enabled the team to focus on the problems they set out to solve while the branch based customization gave us the flexibility to be our most effective at solving them.


This new method available for Netflix data engineers makes workflow management easier, more transparent and more reliable. And while it remains fairly easy and safe to build your business logic code (in Scala, Python, etc) in the same repository as the workflow definition that invokes it, the new Dataflow versioned asset registry makes it easier yet to build that code completely independently and then reference it safely inside data pipelines in any other Netflix repository, thus enabling easy code sharing and reuse.

One more aspect of data workflow development that gets enabled by this functionality is what we call branch-driven deployment. This approach enables multiple versions of your business logic and workflows to be running at the same time in the scheduler ecosystem, and makes it easy, not only for individual users to run isolated versions of the code during development, but also to define isolated staging environments through which the code can pass before it reaches the production stage. Obviously, in order for the workflows to be safely used in that configuration they must comply with a few simple rules with regards to the parametrization of their inputs and outputs, but let’s leave this subject for another blog post.


Special thanks to Peter Volpe, Harrington Joseph and Daniel Watson for the initial design review.

Data pipeline asset management with Dataflow was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Pallavi Phadnis

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/data-engineers-of-netflix-interview-with-pallavi-phadnis-a1fcc5f64906

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Pallavi Phadnis

This post is part of our “Data Engineers of Netflix” series, where our very own data engineers talk about their journeys to Data Engineering @ Netflix.

Pallavi Phadnis is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix.

Pallavi Phadnis is a Senior Software Engineer on the Product Data Science and Engineering team. In this post, Pallavi talks about her journey to Netflix and the challenges that keep the work interesting.

Pallavi received her master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon. Before joining Netflix, she worked in the advertising and e-commerce industries as a backend software engineer. In her free time, she enjoys watching Netflix and traveling.

Her favorite shows: Stranger Things, Gilmore Girls, and Breaking Bad.

Pallavi, what’s your journey to data engineering at Netflix?

Netflix’s unique work culture and petabyte-scale data problems are what drew me to Netflix.

During earlier years of my career, I primarily worked as a backend software engineer, designing and building the backend systems that enable big data analytics. I developed many batch and real-time data pipelines using open source technologies for AOL Advertising and eBay. I also built online serving systems and microservices powering Walmart’s e-commerce.

Those years of experience solving technical problems for various businesses have taught me that data has the power to maximize the potential of any product.

Before I joined Netflix, I was always fascinated by my experience as a Netflix member which left a great impression of Netflix engineering teams on me. When I read Netflix’s culture memo for the first time, I was impressed by how candid, direct and transparent the work culture sounded. These cultural points resonated with me most: freedom and responsibility, high bar for performance, and no hiring of brilliant jerks.

Over the years, I followed the big data open-source community and Netflix tech blogs closely, and learned a lot about Netflix’s innovative engineering solutions and active contributions to the open-source ecosystem. In 2017, I attended the Women in Big Data conference at Netflix and met with several amazing women in data engineering, including our VP. At this conference, I also got to know my current team: Consolidated Logging (CL).

CL provides an end-to-end solution for logging, processing, and analyzing user interactions on Netflix apps from all devices. It is critical for fast-paced product innovation at Netflix since CL provides foundational data for personalization, A/B experimentation, and performance analytics. Moreover, its petabyte scale also brings unique engineering challenges. The scope of work, business impact, and engineering challenges of CL were very exciting to me. Plus, the roles on the CL team require a blend of data engineering, software engineering, and distributed systems skills, which align really well with my interests and expertise.

What is your favorite project?

The project I am most proud of is building the Consolidated Logging V2 platform which processes and enriches data at a massive scale (5 million+ events per sec at peak) in real-time. I re-architected our legacy data pipelines and built a new platform on top of Apache Flink and Iceberg. The scale brought some interesting learnings and involved working closely with the Apache Flink and Kafka community to fix core issues. Thanks to the migration to V2, we were able to improve data availability and usability for our consumers significantly. The efficiency achieved in processing and storage layers brought us big savings on computing and storage costs. You can learn more about it from my talk at the Flink forward conference. Over the last couple of years, we have been continuously enhancing the V2 platform to support more logging use cases beyond Netflix streaming apps and provide further analytics capabilities. For instance, I am recently working on a project to build a common analytics solution for 100s of Netflix studio and internal apps.

How’s data engineering similar and different from software engineering?

The data engineering role at Netflix is similar to the software engineering role in many aspects. Both roles involve designing and developing large-scale solutions using various open-source technologies. In addition to the business logic, they need a good understanding of the framework internals and infrastructure in order to ensure production stability, for example, maintaining SLA to minimize the impact on the upstream and downstream applications. At Netflix, it is fairly common for data engineers and software engineers to collaborate on the same projects.

In addition, data engineers are responsible for designing data logging specifications and optimized data models to ensure that the desired business questions can be answered. Therefore, they have to understand both the product and the business use cases of the data in depth.

In other words, data engineers bridge the gap between data producers (such as client UI teams) and data consumers (such as data analysts and data scientists.)

Learning more

Interested in learning more about data roles at Netflix? You’re in the right place! Keep an eye out for our open roles in Data Science and Engineering by visiting our jobs site here. Our culture is key to our impact and growth: read about it here. To learn more about our Data Engineers, check out our chats with Dhevi Rajendran, Samuel Setegne, and Kevin Wylie.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Pallavi Phadnis was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Kevin Wylie

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/data-engineers-of-netflix-interview-with-kevin-wylie-7fb9113a01ea

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Kevin Wylie

This post is part of our “Data Engineers of Netflix” series, where our very own data engineers talk about their journeys to Data Engineering @ Netflix.

Kevin Wylie is a Data Engineer on the Content Data Science and Engineering team. In this post, Kevin talks about his extensive experience in content analytics at Netflix since joining more than 10 years ago.

Kevin grew up in the Washington, DC area, and received his undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Virginia Tech. Before joining Netflix, he worked at MySpace, helping implement page categorization, pathing analysis, sessionization, and more. In his free time he enjoys gardening and playing sports with his 4 kids.

His favorite TV shows: Ozark, Breaking Bad, Black Mirror, Barry, and Chernobyl

Since I joined Netflix back in 2011, my favorite project has been designing and building the first version of our entertainment knowledge graph. The knowledge graph enabled us to better understand the trends of movies, TV shows, talent, and books. Building the knowledge graph offered many interesting technical challenges such as entity resolution (e.g., are these two movie names in different languages really the same?), and distributed graph algorithms in Spark. After we launched the product, analysts and scientists began surfacing new insights that were previously hidden behind difficult-to-use data. The combination of overcoming technical hurdles and creating new opportunities for analysis was rewarding.

Kevin, what drew you to data engineering?

I stumbled into data engineering rather than making an intentional career move into the field. I started my career as an application developer with basic familiarity with SQL. I was later hired into my first purely data gig where I was able to deepen my knowledge of big data. After that, I joined MySpace back at its peak as a data engineer and got my first taste of data warehousing at internet-scale.

What keeps me engaged and enjoying data engineering is giving super-suits and adrenaline shots to analytics engineers and data scientists.

When I make something complex seem simple, or create a clean environment for my stakeholders to explore, research and test, I empower them to do more impactful business-facing work. I like that data engineering isn’t in the limelight, but instead can help create economies of scale for downstream analytics professionals.

What drew you to Netflix?

My wife came across the Netflix job posting in her effort to keep us in Los Angeles near her twin sister’s family. As a big data engineer, I found that there was an enormous amount of opportunity in the Bay Area, but opportunities were more limited in LA where we were based at the time. So the chance to work at Netflix was exciting because it allowed me to live closer to family, but also provided the kind of data scale that was most common for Bay Area companies.

The company was intriguing to begin with, but I knew nothing of the talent, culture, or leadership’s vision. I had been a happy subscriber of Netflix’s DVD-rental program (no late fees!) for years.

After interviewing, it became clear to me that this company culture was different than any I had experienced.

I was especially intrigued by the trust they put in each employee. Speaking with fellow employees allowed me to get a sense for the kinds of people Netflix hires. The interview panel’s humility, curiosity and business acumen was quite impressive and inspired me to join them.

I was also excited by the prospect of doing analytics on movies and TV shows, which was something I enjoyed exploring outside of work. It seemed fortuitous that the area of analytics that I’d be working in would align so well with my hobbies and interests!

Kevin, you’ve been at Netflix for over 10 years now, which is pretty incredible. Over the course of your time here, how has your role evolved?

When I joined Netflix back in 2011, our content analytics team was just 3 people. We had a small office in Los Angeles focused on content, and significantly more employees at the headquarters in Los Gatos. The company was primarily thought of as a tech company.

At the time, the data engineering team mainly used a data warehouse ETL tool called Ab Initio, and an MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) database for warehousing. Both were appliances located in our own data center. Hadoop was being lightly tested, but only in a few high-scale areas.

Fast forward 10 years, and Netflix is now the leading streaming entertainment service — serving members in over 190 countries. In the data engineering space, very little of the same technology remains. Our data centers are retired, Hadoop has been replaced by Spark, Ab Initio and our MPP database no longer fits our big data ecosystem.

In addition to the company and tech shifting, my role has evolved quite a bit as our company has grown. When we were a smaller company, the ability to span multiple functions was valued for agility and speed of delivery. The sooner we could ingest new data and create dashboards and reports for non-technical users to explore and analyze, the sooner we could deliver results. But now, we have a much more mature business, and many more analytics stakeholders that we serve.

For a few years, I was in a management role, leading a great team of people with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. However, I missed creating data products with my own hands so I wanted to step back into a hands-on engineering role. My boss was gracious enough to let me make this change and focus on impacting the business as an individual contributor.

As I think about my future at Netflix, what motivates me is largely the same as what I’ve always been passionate about. I want to make the lives of data consumers easier and to enable them to be more impactful. As the company scales and as we continue to invest in storytelling, the opportunity grows for me to influence these decisions through better access to information and insights. The biggest impact I can make as a data engineer is creating economies of scale by producing data products that will serve a diverse set of use cases and stakeholders.

If I can build beautifully simple data products for analytics engineers, data scientists, and analysts, we can all get better at Netflix’s goal: entertaining the world.

Learning more

Interested in learning more about data roles at Netflix? You’re in the right place! Keep an eye out for our open roles in Data Science and Engineering by visiting our jobs site here. Our culture is key to our impact and growth: read about it here. To learn more about our Data Engineers, check out our chats with Dhevi Rajendran and Samuel Setegne.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Kevin Wylie was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Dhevi Rajendran

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/data-engineers-of-netflix-interview-with-dhevi-rajendran-a9ab7c7b36e5

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Dhevi Rajendran

Dhevi Rajendran

This post is part of our “Data Engineers of Netflix” interview series, where our very own data engineers talk about their journeys to Data Engineering @ Netflix.

Dhevi Rajendran is a Data Engineer on the Growth Data Science and Engineering team. Dhevi joined Netflix in July 2020 and is one of many Data Engineers who have onboarded remotely during the pandemic. In this post, Dhevi talks about her passion for data engineering and taking on a new role during the pandemic.

Before Netflix, Dhevi was a software engineer at Two Sigma, where she was most recently on a data engineering team responsible for bringing in datasets from a variety of different sources for research and trading purposes. In her free time, she enjoys drawing, doing puzzles, reading, writing, traveling, cooking, and learning new things.

Her favorite TV shows: Atlanta, Barry, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, Dark, Fargo, Succession, The Killing

Her favorite movies: Das Leben der Anderen, Good Will Hunting, Intouchables, Mother, Spirited Away, The Dark Knight, The Truman Show, Up

Dhevi, so what got you into data engineering?

While my background has mostly been in backend software engineering, I was most recently doing backend work in the data space prior to Netflix. One great thing about working with data is the impact you can create as an engineer.

At Netflix, the work that data engineers do to produce data in a robust, scalable way is incredibly important to provide the best experience to our members as they interact with our service.

Beyond the really interesting technical challenges that come with working with big data, there are lots of opportunities to think about higher-level domain challenges as a data engineer. In college, I had done human-computer interaction research on subtitles for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing as well as computational genomics research on Alzheimer’s disease. I’ve always enjoyed learning about new areas and combining this knowledge with my technical skills to solve real-world problems.

What drew you to Netflix?

Netflix’s mission and its culture primarily drew me to Netflix. I liked the idea of being a part of a company that brings joy to so many members around the world with an incredibly powerful platform for their stories to be heard. The blend of creativity and a strong engineering culture at Netflix really appealed to me.

The culture was also something that piqued my interest. I was pretty skeptical of Netflix’s culture memo at first. Many companies have lofty ideals that don’t necessarily translate into the reality of the company culture, so I was surprised to see how consistently the culture memo aligns with the actual culture at the company. I’ve found the culture of freedom and responsibility empowering.

Rather than the typical top-down approach many companies use, Netflix trusts each person to make the right decisions for the company by using their deep knowledge of the problems they’re solving along with the context they gather from their leaders and stakeholders.

This means a lot less red tape, a lot less friction, and a lot more freedom for everyone at the company to do what’s best for the business. I also really appreciate the amount of visibility and input we get into broader strategic decisions that the company makes.

Finally, I was also really excited about joining the Growth Data Engineering team! My team is responsible for building data products relating to how we connect with our new members around the world, which is high-impact and has far-reaching global significance. I love that I get to help Netflix connect with new members around the world and help shape the first impression we make on them.

What is your favorite project or a project that you’re particularly proud of?

I have been primarily involved in the payments space. Not a project per se, but one of the things I’ve enjoyed being involved in is the cross-functional meetings with peers and stakeholders who are working in the payments space. These meetings include product managers, designers, consumer insights researchers, software engineers, data scientists, and people in a wide variety of other roles.

I love that I get to work cross-functionally with such a diverse group of people looking at the same set of problems from a variety of unique perspectives.

In addition to my day-to-day technical work, these meetings have provided me with the opportunity to be involved in the high-level product, design, and strategic discussions, which I value. Through these cross-functional efforts, I’ve also really gotten to learn and appreciate the nuances of payments. From using credit cards (which are fairly common in the US but not as widely adopted outside the US) to physically paying in person, members in different countries prefer to pay for our subscription in a wide variety of ways. It’s incredible to see the thoughtful and deeply member-driven approach we use to think about something as seemingly routine, straightforward, and often taken for granted as payments.

What was it like taking on a new role during the pandemic?

First off, I feel very lucky to have found a new role in this very difficult period. With the amount of change and uncertainty, the past year brought, it somehow felt both fitting and imprudent to voluntarily add a career change to the mix. The prospect was daunting at first. I knew there would be a bunch for me to learn coming into Netflix, considering that I hadn’t worked with the technologies my team uses (primarily Scala and Spark). Looking back now, I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity and glad that I took it. I’ve already learned so much in the past six months and am excited about how much more I can learn and the impact I can make going forward.

Onboarding remotely has been a unique experience as well. Building relationships and gathering broader context are more difficult right now. I’ve found that I’ve learned to be more proactive and actively seek out opportunities to get to know people and the business, whether through setting up coffee chats, reading memos, or attending meetings covering topics I want to learn more about. I still haven’t met anyone I work with in person, but my teammates, my manager, and people across the company have been really helpful throughout the onboarding process.

It’s been incredible to see how gracious people are with their time and knowledge. The amount of empathy and understanding people have shown to each other, including to those who are new to the company, has made taking the leap and joining Netflix a positive experience.

Learning more

Interested in learning more about data roles at Netflix? You’re in the right place! Keep an eye out for our open roles in Data Science and Engineering here. Our culture is key to our impact and growth: read about it here.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Dhevi Rajendran was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Samuel Setegne

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/data-engineers-of-netflix-interview-with-samuel-setegne-f3027f58c2e2

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Samuel Setegne

Samuel Setegne

This post is part of our “Data Engineers of Netflix” interview series, where our very own data engineers talk about their journeys to Data Engineering @ Netflix.

Samuel Setegne is a Senior Software Engineer on the Core Data Science and Engineering team. Samuel and his team build tools and frameworks that support data engineering teams across Netflix. In this post, Samuel talks about his journey from being a clinical researcher to supporting data engineering teams.

Samuel comes from West Philadelphia, and he received his Master’s in Biotechnology from Temple University. Before Netflix, Samuel worked at Travelers Insurance in the Data Science & Engineering space, implementing real-time machine learning models to predict severity and complexity at the onset of property claims.

His favorite TV shows: Bojack Horseman, Marco Polo, and The Witcher

His favorite movies: Scarface, I Am Legend and The Old Guard

Sam, what drew you to data engineering?

Early in my career, I was headed full speed towards life as a clinical researcher. Many healthcare practitioners had strong hunches and wild theories that were exciting to test against an empirical study. I personally loved looking at raw data and using it to understand patterns in the world through technology. However, most challenges that came with my role were domain-related but not as technically demanding. For example — clinical data was often small enough to fit into memory on an average computer and only in rare cases would its computation require any technical ingenuity or massive computing power. There was not enough scope to explore the distributed and large-scale computing challenges that usually come with big data processing. Furthermore, engineering velocity was often sacrificed owing to rigid processes.

Moving into pure Data engineering not only offered me the technical challenges I’ve always craved for but also the opportunity to connect the dots through data which was the best of both worlds.

What is your favorite project or a project you’re particularly proud of?

The very first project I had the opportunity to work on as a Netflix contractor was migrating all of Data Science and Engineering’s Python 2 code to Python 3. This was without a doubt, my favorite project that also opened the door for me to join the organization as a full-time employee. It was thrilling to analyze code from various cross-functional teams and learn different coding patterns and styles.

This kind of exposure opened up opportunities for me to engage with various data engineering teams and advocate for python best practices that helped me drive greater impact at Netflix.

What drew you to Netflix?

What initially caught my attention about a chance to work at Netflix was the variety and quality of content. My family and friends were always ecstatic about having lively and raucous conversations about Netflix shows or movies they recently watched like Marco Polo and Tiger King.

Although other great companies play a role in our daily lives, many of them serve as a kind of utility, whereas Netflix is meant to make us live, laugh, and love by enabling us to experience new voices, cultures, and perspectives.

After I read Netflix’s culture memo, I was completely sold. It precisely described what I always knew was missing in places I’ve worked before. I found the mantra of “people over process” extremely refreshing and eventually learned that it unlocked a bold and creative part of me in my technical designs. For instance, if I feel that a design of an application or a pipeline would benefit from new technology or architecture, I have the freedom to explore and innovate without excessive red tape. Typically in large corporations, you’re tied to strict and redundant processes, causing a lot of fatigue for engineers. When I landed at Netflix, it was a breath of fresh air to learn that we lean into freedom and responsibility and allow engineers to push the boundaries.

Sam, how do you approach building tools/frameworks that can be used across data engineering teams?

My team provides generalized solutions for common and repetitive data engineering tasks. This helps provide “paved path” solutions for data engineering teams and reduces the burden of re-inventing the wheel. When you have many specialized teams composed of highly skilled engineers, the last thing you want for a data engineer is to spend too much time solving small problems that are usually buried inside of the big, broad, and impactful problems. When we extrapolate that to every engineer on every Data Science & Engineering team, it easily adds up and is something worth optimizing.

Any time you have a data engineer spending cycles working on tasks where the data engineering part of their brain is turned off, that’s an opportunity where better tooling can help.

For example, many data engineering teams have to orchestrate notification campaigns when they make changes to critical tables that have downstream dependencies. This is achievable by a Data Engineer but it can be very time-consuming, especially having to track the migration of these downstream users over to your new table or table schema to ensure it’s safe to finalize your changes. This problem was tackled by one of my highly skilled team members who built a centralized migration service that lets Data Engineers easily start “migration campaigns” that can automatically identify downstream users and provide notification and status-tracking capabilities by leveraging Jira. The aim is to enable Data Engineers to quickly fire up one of these campaigns and keep an eye out for its completion while using that extra time to focus on other tasks.

By investing in the right tooling to streamline redundant (yet necessary) tasks, we can drive higher data engineering productivity and efficiency, while accelerating innovation for Netflix.

Learning more

Interested in learning more about data roles at Netflix? You’re in the right place! Keep an eye out for our open roles in Data Science and Engineering by visiting our jobs site here. Our culture is key to our impact and growth: read about it here. Check out our chat with Dhevi Rajendran to know more about starting a new role as a Data Engineer during the pandemic here.

Data Engineers of Netflix — Interview with Samuel Setegne was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Mythbusting the Analytics Journey

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/mythbusting-the-analytics-journey-58d692ea707e

Part of our series on who works in Analytics at Netflix — and what the role entails

by Alex Diamond

This Q&A aims to mythbust some common misconceptions about succeeding in analytics at a big tech company.

This isn’t your typical recruiting story. I wasn’t actively looking for a new job and Netflix was the only place I applied. I didn’t know anyone who worked there and just submitted my resume through the Jobs page 🤷🏼‍♀️ . I wasn’t even entirely sure what the right role fit would be and originally applied for a different position, before being redirected to the Analytics Engineer role. So if you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t be discouraged!

How did you come to Netflix?

Movies and TV have always been one of my primary sources of joy. I distinctly remember being a teenager, perching my laptop on the edge of the kitchen table to “borrow” my neighbor’s WiFi (back in the days before passwords 👵🏻), and streaming my favorite Netflix show. I felt a little bit of ✨magic✨ come through the screen each time, and that always stuck with me. So when I saw the opportunity to actually contribute in some way to making the content I loved, I jumped at it. Working in Studio Data Science & Engineering (“Studio DSE”) was basically a dream come true.

Not only did I find the subject matter interesting, but the Netflix culture seemed to align with how I do my best work. I liked the idea of Freedom and Responsibility, especially if it meant having autonomy to execute projects all the way from inception through completion. Another major point of interest for me was working with “stunning colleagues”, from whom I could continue to learn and grow.

What was your path to working with data?

My road-to-data was more of a stumbling-into-data. I went to an alternative high school for at-risk students and had major gaps in my formal education — not exactly a head start. I then enrolled at a local public college at 16. When it was time to pick a major, I was struggling in every subject except one: Math. I completed a combined math bachelors + masters program, but without any professional guidance, networking, or internships, I was entirely lost. I had the piece of paper, but what next? I held plenty of jobs as a student, but now I needed a career.

A visual representation of all the jobs I had in high school and college: From pizza, to gourmet rice krispie treats, to clothing retail, to doors and locks

After receiving a grand total of *zero* interviews from sending out my resume, the natural next step was…more school. I entered a PhD program in Computer Science and shortly thereafter discovered I really liked the coding aspects more than the theory. So I earned the honor of being a PhD dropout.

A visual representation of all the hats I’ve worn

And here’s where things started to click! I used my newfound Python and SQL skills to land an entry-level Business Intelligence Analyst position at a company called Big Ass Fans. They make — you guessed it — very large industrial ventilation fans. I was given the opportunity to branch out and learn new skills to tackle any problem in front of me, aka my “becoming useful” phase. Within a few months I’d picked up BI tools, predictive modeling, and data ingestion/ETL. After a few years of wearing many different proverbial hats, I put them all to use in the Analytics Engineer role here. And ever since, Netflix has been a place where I can do my best work, put to use the skills I’ve gathered over the years, and grow in new ways.

What does an ordinary day look like?

As part of the Studio DSE team, our work is focused on aiding the movie-making process for our Netflix Originals, leading all the way up to a title’s launch on the service. Despite the affinity for TV and movies that brought me here, I didn’t actually know very much about how they got made. But over time, and by asking lots of questions, I’ve picked up the industry lingo! (Can you guess what “DOOD” stands for?)

My main stakeholders are members of our Studio team. They’re experts on the production process and an invaluable resource for me, sharing their expertise and providing context when I don’t know what something means. True to the “people over process” philosophy, we adapt alongside our stakeholders’ needs throughout the production process. That means the work products don’t always fit what you might imagine a traditional Analytics Engineer builds — if such a thing even exists!

A typical production lifecycle

On an ordinary day, my time is generally split evenly across:

  • 🤝📢 Speaking with stakeholders to understand their primary needs
  • 🐱💻 Writing code (SQL, Python)
  • 📊📈 Building visual outputs (Tableau, memos, scrappy web apps)
  • 🤯✍️ Brainstorming and vision planning for future work

Some days have more of one than the others, but variety is the spice of life! The one constant is that my day always starts with a ridiculous amount of coffee. And that it later continues with even more coffee. ☕☕☕

My road-to-data was more of a stumbling-into-data.

What advice would you give to someone just starting their career in data?

🐾 Dip your toes in things. As you try new things, your interests will evolve and you’ll pick up skills across a broad span of subject areas. The first time I tried building the front-end for a small web app, it wasn’t very pretty. But it piqued my interest and after a few times it started to become second nature.

💪 Find your strengths and weaknesses. You don’t have to be an expert in everything. Just knowing when to reach out for guidance on something allows you to uplevel your skills in that area over time. My weakness is statistics: I can use it when needed but it’s just not a subject that comes naturally to me. I own that about myself and lean on my stats-loving peers when needed.

🌸 Look for roles that allow you to grow. As you grow in your career, you’ll provide impact to the business in ways you didn’t even expect. As a business intelligence analyst, I gained data science skills. And in my current Analytics Engineer role, I’ve picked up a lot of product management and strategic thinking experience.

This is what I look like.

☝️ One Last Thing

I started off my career with the vague notion of, “I guess I want to be a data scientist?” But what that’s meant in practice has really varied depending on the needs of each job and project. It’s ok if you don’t have it all figured out. Be excited to try new things, lean into strengths, and don’t be afraid of your weaknesses — own them.

If this post resonates with you and you’d like to explore opportunities with Netflix, check out our analytics site, search open roles, and learn about our culture. You can also find more stories like this here.

Mythbusting the Analytics Journey was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

A Day in the Life of a Content Analytics Engineer

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-content-analytics-engineer-eb0250b993be

Part of our series on who works in Analytics at Netflix — and what the role entails

by Rocio Ruelas

Back when we were all working in offices, my favorite days were Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Those were the days with the best hot breakfast, and I’ve always been a sucker for free food. I started the day by arriving at the LA office right before 8am and finding a parking spot close to the entrance. I would greet the familiar faces at the reception desk and take a moment to check out which Netflix Original was currently being projected across the lobby. Take the elevator uninterrupted up to the top floor. Grab myself a plate of scrambled eggs, salsa, and bacon. Pour myself some coffee. Then sit at a small table next to the floor-to-ceiling windows with a clear view of the Hollywood sign.

My morning journey from lobby to elevators to breakfast (Photo Credit: Netflix)

During the day, the LA office buzzes with excitement and conversation. My time in the morning is like the calm before the storm — a chance to reflect before my head is full of numbers and figures. I often think about all the things that led me to becoming a Netflix employee. From my family immigrating to the United States from Mexico when I was very young to the teachers and professors that encouraged a low income student like me to dream big. It has been a journey and I’m grateful to be at a place that values the voice I bring to the table.

At the time of posting we’re working from home due to the pandemic, so my days look a bit different: The hot breakfasts are not as consistent and conversations are mainly with my dog. We still find ways to keep connected, but I for one am looking forward to when the office is fully open and I can look out to the Hollywood sign again.

Ok. But what do I actually do? (Besides eating breakfast)

What do I do at Netflix?

I’m a Senior Analytics Engineer on the Content and Marketing Analytics Research team. My team focuses on innovating and maintaining the metrics Netflix uses to understand performance of our shows and films on the service. We partner closely with the business strategy team to provide as much information as we can to our content executives, so that — combined with their industry experience — they can make the best decisions for Netflix.

Being an Analytics Engineer is like being a hybrid of a librarian 📚 and a Swiss army knife 🛠️: Two good things to have on hand when you’re not quite sure what you will need. Like a librarian, I have access to an encyclopedia of knowledge about our content data and have become the resident expert in one of our most important internal metrics. And like a Swiss army knife, I possess a multitude of tools to get the job done — be it SQL, Jupyter Notebooks, Tableau, or Google Sheets.

One of my favorite things about being an Analytics Engineer is the variety. I have some days where I am brainstorming and collaborating with amazing colleagues and other days where I can put my headphones on to work out a tough problem or build a dashboard.

One of my current projects involves understanding how viewing habits have evolved over the past several years. We started out with a small working group where we brainstormed the key questions to address, what data we could use to answer said questions, and came up with a work plan for how the analysis might take shape. Then I put on my headphones and got to work, writing SQL and using Tableau to present the data in a useful way. We met frequently to discuss our findings and iterate on the analysis. The great thing about these working groups is that we each contribute different skills and ideas. We benefit from both our individual strengths and our willingness to collaborate — Our values of Selflessness and Inclusion, in action.

How did I become interested in Analytics?

I did not set out from the start to be an Analyst. I never had a 5 year plan and my path has been a winding one.

Yours truly, featuring part of my extensive Netflix apparel collection
Yours truly, featuring part of my extensive Netflix apparel collection

In college, I majored in Physics because it was “the science that explains all the other sciences”. But what I ended up liking most about it was the math. Between that and the fact that there aren’t many entry-level physics jobs, I pursued a PhD in Applied Mathematics. This turned out to be a wise choice as I avoided entering the workforce right before the 2008 recession.

I loved grad school. The lectures, the research, and most of all the lifelong friendships. But as much as I enjoyed being a student, the academic track wasn’t for me. So without much of a plan I headed back home to California after graduation.

Looking around to see what I could do with my Applied Math background, I quickly settled on Data Science. I wasn’t well versed in it but I knew it was in demand. I started my new data science career as an analyst at a small marketing company. I had an incredible boss who encouraged me to learn new skills on the job. I honed my SQL and Python skills and implemented a clustering model. I also got my first introduction to working for an actual business.

Later on I went to Hulu to grow in the core skills of a data scientist. But while the predictive modeling I was doing was interesting and challenging, I missed being close to the business. As an analyst, I got to attend more meetings with the decision makers and be part of the conversation.

So by the time the opportunity arose to interview for a position at Netflix, I had figured out that Analytics was the best area for me.

It has been a journey and I’m grateful to be at a place that values the voice I bring to the table.

Why Netflix?

Growing up I watched a lot of TV. I mean a lot of TV. But I never thought I could actually work in the TV and Film business. I feel incredibly fortunate to be working at a job I am passionate about and to be at a company that brings joy to people around the world.

Even though I’d been a loyal Netflix customer since the DVD days, I had not heard about their unique culture until I started interviewing. When I did read the culture doc (which I recently learned is also published in Spanish and 12 other languages!), it sounded pretty intimidating. Phrases like “high performance” and “dream team” made me imagine an almost gladiator-style workplace. But I quickly learned this wasn’t the case. Through a combination of my existing network, the interview process, and other online resources about the company, I found that folks are actually very friendly and helpful! Everyone just wants to do their best work and help you do your best work too. Think more The Great British Baking Show and less Hell’s Kitchen. Selflessness really is embraced as an important Netflix value.

Having been here for 3 years now, I can say that working at Netflix is really special. The company is always evolving, big decisions are made in a transparent way, and I’m encouraged to voice my thoughts. But the single most important factor is the people. My Content Analytics teammates continuously impress me not only with their quality of work, but also with their kindness and mutual trust. This foundation makes innovating more fun, lets us be open about our passions outside of work, and means we genuinely enjoy each other’s company. That balance is crucial for me and is why this truly is the place where I can do my best work.

If this post resonates with you and you’d like to explore opportunities with Netflix, check out our analytics site, search open roles, and learn about our culture. You can also find more stories like this here.

A Day in the Life of a Content Analytics Engineer was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Our Paths Brought Us to Data and Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/how-our-paths-brought-us-to-data-and-netflix-4eced44a6872

Part of our series on who works in Analytics at Netflix — and what the role entails

by Julie Beckley & Chris Pham

This Q&A provides insights into the diverse set of skills, projects, and culture within Data Science and Engineering (DSE) at Netflix through the eyes of two team members: Chris Pham and Julie Beckley.

Photo from a team curling offsite — There’s us to the right!

[Chris] Julie and I joined the Streaming DSE team at Netflix a few years ago and have been close colleagues and friends since then. At work, we regularly lean on each other for help based on our respective areas of expertise — I bring my breadth of big data tools and technologies while Julie has been building statistical models for the past decade. Outside of work, we share a love of good food and coffee, exchanging tips on making espresso.

1. What was your path to working in data?

[Julie] I took a traditional path to data science. Since mathematics was my favorite subject in school, I decided to pursue it for my bachelors degree at McGill University (while indulging in French culture in the beautiful city of Montreal). Over the course of the four years it became clear that I enjoyed combining analytical skills with solving real world problems, so a PhD in Statistics was a natural next step. After completing my education, I was still not certain whether I wanted a job in academia or industry. I took a role as a Research Staff Member at IBM Research, which served as a middle ground with a joint focus on real world applications, academic research, and even allowed me to teach a graduate Machine Learning course! I then transitioned to a full industry role at Netflix.

[Chris] I initially wanted to build a career in consulting after receiving my graduate degree in Economics because I had a passion for analytical problem solving and statistical modeling. A role in data science eventually seemed like a natural transition, but it wasn’t without its hurdles: With my consulting background, I had to go through a few other roles first while learning how to code on the side. A lot of my learning and training was self-guided until 2016, when a manager at my last company took a chance on me and helped me make the rare transfer from a role in HR to Data Science.

2. Tell me about some of the exciting projects you’re a part of.

[Julie] Chris and I have the same primary stakeholders (or engineering team that we support): Encoding Technologies. They are continuously innovating compression algorithms to efficiently send high quality audio and video files to our customers over the internet. I focus on improving experimentation methodology to test how well the newest files are working: do they need less bits to stream while providing a higher video quality? Do they cause less errors? My work is typically developed in R or Python. I love the cross-functional nature of my work, as it allows me to learn from others and creatively explore new statistical methodologies to improve the Netflix service.

[Chris] When I first started working with Encoding Technologies, there was so much data waiting to be translated into actionable insights. It was fun starting from almost nothing and transforming all of that data into self-serve tools and dashboards for the team to understand their contribution to the Netflix streaming experience. These projects have involved using Spark, Python, SQL, Tableau, and Jupyter notebooks. Over the last year, I’ve spent a lot of time analyzing data to inform how we roll out new encoding innovations to the diverse ecosystem of devices that stream Netflix.

3. How do your projects impact the business at Netflix?

[Julie] Encoding experimentation (and more broadly, streaming experimentation) is critical for ensuring our customers have a good Quality of Experience when watching Netflix. In other words, the content you’re about to watch needs to load quickly with high video quality. When we test new encodes, we need effective data science methods to quickly and accurately understand whether customers are having a better experience. With these insights, the engineering teams can quickly understand what’s working well and what needs to be improved. It’s super exciting to see the impact of my work when I hear from friends and family that Netflix is streaming well for them!

[Chris] There’s a lot of things to consider when we roll out a new compression algorithm. Which devices get this treatment? What is the benefit to the streaming experience? Is the benefit uniform, or do certain cohorts of members — such as those who stream over a cellular connection — benefit more? How does a decision of this scale affect the efficiency of our globally distributed content delivery network, Open Connect? It’s one big optimization problem that requires balancing several different factors. Streaming DSE is at the center of it all, bringing together different teams at Netflix and using data to drive decisions that impact our members around the world.

4. What does it take to succeed at Netflix in a data role?

[Julie] One of the special things about working at Netflix is that a diverse set of skills and backgrounds is truly appreciated, since there are many ways to add value to the company. From my experience, being proactive in pushing forward on your ideas is key. The values in the Netflix culture document allow for a framework where everyone is a leader to work well — this is because we expect initiative, direct and candid feedback, and transparency in everything we do. This leads to a great environment where I am constantly challenged, learning, and receiving constructive feedback on how I can do better!

[Chris] I think a big part of our jobs is continuously thinking about how data can benefit our stakeholders. Julie and I will never know as much about video and audio compression algorithms as our talented Encoding Technologies team, but we should be the ones most familiar with the data: How to access, analyze, and visualize it; how to transform it into metrics that act as strong and accurate proxies for a member’s experience; and how to guide others to draw the right conclusions from data so they can act on it. Writing memos is a big part of Netflix culture, which I’ve found has been helpful for sharing ideas, soliciting feedback, and documenting project details. So writing well, especially the ability to translate technical concepts for a non-technical audience, is also very useful.

5. What piece of advice would you pass along to those just starting out their career in data?

[Julie] One piece of advice I would pass along (and wish I could give to my younger self) is not to stress and try to plan every step of your data science career. Your career is long (and unpredictable!), so as long as you work hard and stay motivated, it will move in an exciting direction.

[Chris] Everyone wants to build fancy models or tools, but fewer are willing to do the foundational things like cleaning the data and writing the documentation. I’ve found that volunteering and being proactive (no matter the task) has been an effective way of building trust with others, and it opened my career up to many more opportunities early on.

If this post resonates with you and you’d like to explore opportunities with Netflix, check out our analytics site, search open roles, and learn about our culture. You can also find more stories like this here.

How Our Paths Brought Us to Data and Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Analytics at Netflix: Who we are and what we do

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/analytics-at-netflix-who-we-are-and-what-we-do-7d9c08fe6965

Analytics at Netflix: Who We Are and What We Do

An Introduction to Analytics and Visualization Engineering at Netflix

by Molly Jackman & Meghana Reddy

Explained: Season 1 (Photo Credit: Netflix)

Across nearly every industry, there is recognition that data analytics is key to driving informed business decision-making. But there is far less agreement on what that term “data analytics” actually means — or what to call the people responsible for the work.

Even within Netflix, we have many groups that do some form of data analysis, including business strategy and consumer insights. But here we are talking about Netflix’s Data Science and Engineering group, which specializes in analytics at scale. The group has technical, engineering-oriented roles that fall under two broad category titles: “Analytics Engineers” and “Visualization Engineers.” In this post, we refer to these two titles collectively as the “analytics role.” These professionals come from a wide range of backgrounds and bring different skills to their work, while sharing a common drive to generate and scale business impact through data.

Individuals in these roles possess deep business context and are thought leaders alongside their business counterparts. This enables them to fully understand where their partners are coming from.

What’s the purpose of the analytics role at Netflix?

When you think about data at Netflix, what comes to mind? Oftentimes it is our content recommendation algorithm or the online delivery of video to your device at home. Both are integral parts of the business, but far from the whole picture. Data is used to inform a wide range of questions — ‘How can we make the product experience even better?’, ‘Which shows and films bring the most joy to our members?’, ‘Who can we partner with to expand access to our service in new markets?’. Our Analytics and Visualization Engineers are taking on these and other big questions for the company, informing decision-making across every corner of the business.

We align our analytic teams with business area verticals
We align our analytic teams with business area verticals

Since the problem space is so varied, we align our analytics professionals with the listed business area verticals rather than organizing them within a single functional horizontal. The expectation is that individuals in these roles possess deep business context and are thought leaders alongside their business counterparts. This enables them to fully understand where their partners are coming from. It also means Analytics and Visualization Engineers are a specialized resource and a rare commodity. There are many more questions and stakeholders than analytics team members, and the job is not to take on every request. Instead, these individual contributors are given freedom to choose their projects and are responsible for prioritizing the ones that will have the most business impact (and deprioritizing the rest). This requires a lot of judgment and embodies our “context not control” culture.

“OK, but what do they actually do…?”

What does the job entail?

You’ve probably caught on to some common themes: People in the analytics role are highly connected to the business, solve end-to-end problems, and are directly responsible for improving business outcomes. But what makes this group really shine are their differences. They come from lots of backgrounds, which yields different perspectives on how to approach problems. We use the catch-all titles of Analytics and Visualization Engineers so as to not get too hung up on specific credentials. Instead, people are empowered to leverage their unique skills to make Netflix better.

A couple other defining characteristics of the role are full ownership of the problem (in Netflix lingo, you are the “informed captain” of your space) and creating trustworthy outputs. These are only possible through the one-two punch of deep business context 👊 and technical excellence 👊. Full ownership often means building new data pipelines, navigating complex schemas and large data sets, developing or improving metrics for business performance, and creating intuitive visualizations and dashboards — always with an eye towards actionable insights.

We use the catch-all titles of Analytics and Visualization Engineers so as to not get too hung up on specific credentials. Instead, people are empowered to leverage their unique skills to make Netflix better.

Because these professionals vary in their expertise, so too does their day-to-day. Below are three broadly defined personas to help illustrate some of the different backgrounds, motivations, and activities of individuals in the analytics role at Netflix. Many of our colleagues have come in with expertise that spans multiple personas. Others have grown into new areas as part of their professional development at Netflix. Ultimately, these skills are all on a continuum, some broad and some deep, and these are just a few examples of such expertise. So if you find yourself connecting with any part of these descriptions, the analytics role could be for you.

  • The Analyst is motivated by delivering metrics, findings, or dashboards that drive analytical insights and business decisions. They love to communicate their discoveries to nontechnical audiences, explain caveats, and debate analytic choices and strategic implications with peers and stakeholders. Their expertise is descriptive analytic methodology, but they have the necessary tools to be scrappy (e.g. coding, math, stats), and do what’s required to answer the highest priority business questions.
  • The Engineer enjoys making data available by piping it in from new sources in optimal ways, building robust data models, prototyping systems, and doing project-specific engineering. They’re still analysts at heart but, similar to data engineers, they have a deep understanding of data warehouse capabilities and are pros at data processing optimization and performance tuning. Being at this intersection of disciplines allows them to produce full-stack outputs, layering visualizations and analytics on their projects.
  • The Visualizer is passionate about the scalability, beauty, and functionality of dashboards and their capability for telling a visual story. They also have an eye for principled engineering, i.e. managing the data under the surface. They want to pick the perfect chart type for the narrative while also focusing on delivering key analytic insights. They may use industry tools (e.g. Tableau, Looker, Power BI) to their fullest extent, developing a deeper understanding of analytics by examining these tools under the hood. Or they may create sophisticated visuals from scratch and build the type of custom UI that enterprise tools don’t offer (e.g. JavaScript web apps).

Introducing Analytics at Netflix

Whether you’re a data professional, student, or Netflix enthusiast, we invite you to meet our stunning colleagues and hear their stories. If this series resonates with you and you’d like to explore opportunities with us, check out our analytics site, search open roles, and learn about our culture.

Welcome to Analytics at Netflix!

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Analytics at Netflix: Who we are and what we do was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.