Tag Archives: Device Security

Verify Apple devices with no installed software

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original https://blog.cloudflare.com/private-attestation-token-device-posture/

Verify Apple devices with no installed software

Verify Apple devices with no installed software

One of the foundations of Zero Trust is determining if a user’s device is “healthy” — that it has its operating system up-to-date with the latest security patches, that it’s not jailbroken, that it doesn’t have malware installed, and so on. Traditionally, determining this has required installing software directly onto a user’s device.

Earlier this month, Cloudflare participated in the announcement of an open source standard called a Private Attestation Token. Device manufacturers who support the standard can now supply a Private Attestation Token with any request made by one of their devices. On the IT Administration side, Private Attestation Tokens means that security teams can verify a user’s device before they access a sensitive application — without the need to install any software or collect a user’s device data.

At WWDC 2022, Apple announced Private Attestation Tokens. Today, we’re announcing that Cloudflare Access will support verifying a Private Attestation token. This means that security teams that rely on Cloudflare Access can verify a user’s Apple device before they access a sensitive application — no additional software required.

Determining a “healthy” device

There are many solutions on the market that help security teams determine if a device is “healthy” and corporately managed. What the majority of these solutions have in common is that they require software to be installed directly on the user’s machine. This comes with challenges associated with client software including compatibility issues, version management, and end user support. Many companies have dedicated Mobile Device Management (MDM) tools to manage the software installed on employee machines.

MDM is a proven model, but it is also a challenge to manage — taking a dedicated team in many cases. What’s more, installing client or MDM software is not always possible for contractors, vendors or employees using personal machines. Security teams have to resort to VDI or VPN solutions for external users to securely access corporate applications.

How Private Attestation Tokens verify a device

Private Attestation Tokens leverage the Privacy Pass Protocol, which Cloudflare authored with major device manufacturers, to attest to a device’s health and integrity.

In order for Private Attestation Tokens to work, four parties agree to work in concert with a common framework to generate and exchange anonymous, unforgeable tokens. Without all four parties in the process, PATs won’t work.

  1. An Origin. A website, application, or API that receives requests from a client. When a website receives a request to their origin, the origin must know to look for and request a token from the client making the request. For Cloudflare customers, Cloudflare acts as the origin (on behalf of customers) and handles the requesting and processing of tokens.
  2. A Client. Whatever tool the visitor is using to attempt to access the Origin. This will usually be a web browser or mobile application. In our example, let’s say the client is a mobile Safari Browser.
  3. An Attester. The Attester is who the client asks to prove something (i.e that a mobile device has a valid IMEI) before a token can be issued. In our example below, the Attester is Apple, the device vendor.
  4. An Issuer. The issuer is the only one in the process that actually generates, or issues, a token. The Attester makes an API call to whatever Issuer the Origin has chosen to trust,  instructing the Issuer to produce a token. In our case, Cloudflare will also be the Issuer.
Verify Apple devices with no installed software

We are then able to rely on the attestation from the device manufacturer as a form of validation that a device is in a “healthy” enough state to be allowed access to a sensitive application.

Checking device health without client software

Private Attestation Tokens do not require any additional software to be installed on the user’s device. This is because the “attestation” of device health and validity is attested directly by the device operating system’s manufacturer — in this case, Apple.

This means that a security team can use Cloudflare Access and Private Attestation Tokens to verify if a user is accessing from a “healthy” Apple device before allowing access to a sensitive corporate application. Some checks as part of the attestation include:

  • Is the device on the latest OS version?
  • Is the device jailbroken?
  • Is the window attempting to log in, in focus?
  • And much more.

Over time, we are working with other device manufacturers to expand device support and what is verified as part of the device attestation process. The attributes that are attested will also continue to expand over time, which means the device verification in Access will only strengthen.

In the next few months, we will move Private Attestation Support in Cloudflare Access to a closed beta. The first version will work for iOS devices and support will expand from there. The only change required will be an updated Access policy, no software will need to be installed. If you would like to be part of the beta program, sign up here today!

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

Post Syndicated from Alice Bracchi original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-tunnel-for-content-teams/

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

A big part of the job of a technical writer is getting feedback on the content you produce. Writing and maintaining product documentation is a deeply collaborative and cyclical effort — through constant conversation with product managers and engineers, technical writers ensure the content is clear and serves the user in the most effective way. Collaboration with other technical writers is also important to keep the documentation consistent with Cloudflare’s content strategy.

So whether we’re documenting a new feature or overhauling a big portion of existing documentation, sharing our writing with stakeholders before it’s published is quite literally half the work.

In my experience as a technical writer, the feedback I’ve received has been exponentially more impactful when stakeholders could see my changes in context. This is especially true for bigger and more strategic changes. Imagine I’m changing the structure of an entire section of a product’s documentation, or shuffling the order of pages in the navigation bar. It’s hard to guess the impact of those changes just by looking at the markdown files.

We writers check those changes in context by building a development server on our local machines. But sharing what we see locally with our stakeholders has always been a pain point for us. We’ve sent screenshots (hardly a good idea). We’ve recorded our screens. We’ve asked stakeholders to check out our branches locally and build a development server on their own. Lately, we’ve added a GitHub action to our open-source cloudflare-docs repo that allows us to generate a preview link for all pull requests with a certain label. However, that requires us to open a pull request with our changes, and that is not ideal if we’re documenting a feature that’s yet to be announced, or if our work is still in its early stages.

So the question has always been: could there be a way for someone else to see what we see, as easily as we see it?

Enter Cloudflare Tunnel

I was working on a complete refresh of Cloudflare Tunnel’s documentation when I realized the product could very well answer that question for us as a technical writing team.

If you’re not familiar with the product, Cloudflare Tunnel provides a secure way to connect your local resources to the Cloudflare network without poking holes in your firewall. By running cloudflared in your environment, you can create outbound-only connections to Cloudflare’s edge, and ensure all traffic to your origins goes through Cloudflare and is protected from outside interference.

For our team, Cloudflare Tunnel could offer a way for our stakeholders to interact with what’s on our local environments in real-time, just like a customer would if the changes were published. To do that, we could expose our local environment to the edge through a tunnel, assign a DNS record to that tunnel, and then share that URL with our stakeholders.

So if each member in the technical writing team had their own tunnel that they could spin up every time they needed to get feedback, that would pretty much solve our long-standing problem.

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

Setting up the tunnel

To test out that this would work, I went ahead and tried it for myself.

First, I made sure to create a local branch of the cloudflare-docs repo, make local changes, and run a development server locally on port 8000.

Since I already had cloudflared installed on my machine, the next thing I needed to do was log into my team’s Cloudflare account, pick the zone I wanted to create tunnels for (I picked developers.cloudflare.com), and authorize Cloudflare Tunnel for that zone.

$ cloudflared login

Next, it was time to create the Named Tunnel.

$ cloudflared tunnel create alice
Tunnel credentials written to /Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4.json. cloudflared chose this file based on where your origin certificate was found. Keep this file secret. To revoke these credentials, delete the tunnel.

Created tunnel alice with id 0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4

Alright, tunnel created. Next, I needed to assign a DNS record to it. I wanted it to be something readable and easily shareable with stakeholders (like abracchi.developers.cloudflare.com), so I ran the following command and specified the tunnel name first and then the desired subdomain:

$ cloudflared tunnel route dns alice abracchi

Next, I needed a way to tell the tunnel to serve traffic to my localhost:8000 port. For that, I created a configuration file in my default cloudflared directory and specified the following fields:

url: https://localhost:8000
tunnel: 0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4
credentials-file: /Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4

Time to run the tunnel. The following command established connections between my origin and the Cloudflare edge, telling the tunnel to serve traffic to my origin according to the parameters I’d specified in the config file:

$ cloudflared tunnel --config /Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/config.yml run alice
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Starting tunnel tunnelID=0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Version 2021.9.2
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF GOOS: darwin, GOVersion: go1.16.5, GoArch: amd64
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Settings: map[cred-file:/Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4.json credentials-file:/Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4.json url:http://localhost:8000]
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Generated Connector ID: 90a7e3a9-9d59-4d26-9b87-4b94ebf4d2a0
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF cloudflared will not automatically update when run from the shell. To enable auto-updates, run cloudflared as a service: https://developers.cloudflare.com/argo-tunnel/reference/service/
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Initial protocol http2
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Starting metrics server on
2021-10-18T09:39:55Z INF Connection 13bf4c0c-b35b-4f9a-b6fa-f0a3dd001951 registered connIndex=0 location=MAD
2021-10-18T09:39:56Z INF Connection 38510c22-5256-45f2-abf8-72f1207ca242 registered connIndex=1 location=LIS
2021-10-18T09:39:57Z INF Connection 9ab0ea06-b1cf-483c-bd48-64a067a87c39 registered connIndex=2 location=MAD
2021-10-18T09:39:58Z INF Connection df079efe-8246-4e93-85f5-10caf8b7c354 registered connIndex=3 location=LIS

And sure enough, at abracchi.developers.cloudflare.com, my teammates could see what I was seeing on localhost:8000.

Securing the tunnel

After creating the tunnel, I needed to make sure only people within Cloudflare could access that tunnel. As it was, anyone with access to abracchi.developers.cloudflare.com could see what was in my local environment. To fix this, I set up an Access self-hosted application by navigating to Access > Applications on the Teams Dashboard. For this application, I then created a policy that restricts access to the tunnel to a user group that includes only Cloudflare employees and requires authentication via Google or One-time PIN (OTP).

This makes applications like my tunnel easily shareable between colleagues, but also safe from potential vulnerabilities.

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

Et voilà!

Back to the Tunnels page, this is what the content team’s Cloudflare Tunnel setup looks like after each writer completed the process I’ve outlined above. Every writer has their personal tunnel set up and their local environment exposed to the Cloudflare Edge:

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

What’s next

The team is now seamlessly sharing visual content with their stakeholders, but there’s still room for improvement. Cloudflare Tunnel is just the first step towards making the feedback loop easier for everyone involved. We’re currently exploring ways we can capture integrated feedback directly at the URL that’s shared with the stakeholders, to avoid back-and-forth on separate channels.

We’re also looking into bringing in Cloudflare Pages to make the entire deployment process faster. Stay tuned for future updates, and in the meantime, check out our developer docs.

Multi-User IP Address Detection

Post Syndicated from Alex Chen original https://blog.cloudflare.com/multi-user-ip-address-detection/

Multi-User IP Address Detection

Multi-User IP Address Detection

Cloudflare provides our customers with security tools that help them protect their Internet applications against malicious or undesired traffic. Malicious traffic can include scraping content from a website, spamming form submissions, and a variety of other cyberattacks. To protect themselves from these types of threats while minimizing the blocking of legitimate site visitors, Cloudflare’s customers need to be able to identify traffic that might be malicious.

We know some of our customers rely on IP addresses to distinguish between traffic from legitimate users and potentially malicious users. However, in many cases the IP address of a request does not correspond to a particular user or even device. Furthermore, Cloudflare believes that in the long term, the IP address will be an even more unreliable signal for identifying the origin of a request. We envision a day where IP will be completely unassociated with identity. With that vision in mind, multi-user IP address detection represents our first step: pointing out situations where the IP address of a request cannot be assumed to be a single user. This gives our customers the ability to make more judicious decisions when responding to traffic from an IP address, instead of indiscriminately treating that traffic as though it was coming from a single user.

Historically, companies commonly treated IP addresses like mobile phone numbers: each phone number in theory corresponds to a single person. If you get several spam calls within an hour from the same phone number, you might safely assume that phone number represents a single person and ignore future calls or even block that number. Similarly, many Internet security detection engines rely on IP addresses to discern which requests are legitimate and which are malicious.

However, this analogy is flawed and can present a problem for security. In practice, IP addresses are more like postal addresses because they can be shared by more than one person at a time (and because of NAT and CG-NAT the number of people sharing an IP can be very large!). Many existing Internet security tools accept IP addresses as a reliable way to distinguish between site visitors. However, if multiple visitors share the same IP address, security products cannot rely on the IP address as a unique identifying signal. Thousands of requests from thousands of different users need to be treated differently from thousands of requests from the same user. The former is likely normal traffic, while the latter is almost certainly automated, malicious traffic.

Multi-User IP Address Detection

For example, if several people in the same apartment building accessed the same site, it’s possible all of their requests would be routed through a middlebox operated by their Internet service provider that has only one IP address. But this sudden series of requests from the same IP address could closely resemble the behavior of a bot. In this case, IP addresses can’t be used by our customers to distinguish this activity from a real threat, leading them to mistakenly block or challenge their legitimate site visitors.

By adding multi-user IP address detection to Cloudflare products, we’re improving the quality of our detection techniques and reducing false positives for our customers.

Examples of Multi-User IP Addresses

Multi-user IP addresses take on many forms. When your company uses an enterprise VPN, for example, employees may share the same IP address when accessing external websites. Other types of VPNs and proxies also place multiple users behind a single IP address.

Another type of multi-user IP address originated from the core communications protocol of the Internet. IPv4 was developed in the 1980s. The protocol uses a 32-bit address space, allowing for over four billion unique addresses. Today, however, there are many times more devices than IPv4 addresses, meaning that not every device can have a unique IP address. Though IPv6 (IPv4’s successor protocol) solves the problem with 128-bit addresses (supporting 2128 unique addresses), IPv4 still routes the majority of Internet traffic (76% of human-only traffic is IPv4, as shown on Cloudflare Radar).

Multi-User IP Address Detection

To solve this issue, many devices in the same Local Area Network (LAN) can share a single Internet-addressable IP address to communicate with the public Internet, while using private Internet addresses to communicate within the LAN. Since private addresses are to be used only within a LAN, different LANs can number their hosts using the same private IP address space. The Internet gateway of the LAN does the Network Address Translation (NAT), namely takes messages which arrive on that single public IP and forwards them to the private IP of the appropriate device on their local network. In effect it’s similar to how everyone in an office building shares the same street address, and the front desk worker is responsible for sorting out what mail was meant for which person.

While NAT allows multiple devices behind the same Internet gateway to share the same public IP address, the explosive growth of the Internet population necessitated further reuse of the limited IPv4 address space. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) required users in different LANs to share the same IP address for their service to scale. Carrier-Grade Network Address Translation (CG-NAT) emerged as another solution for address space reuse. Network operators can use CG-NAT middleboxes to translate hundreds or thousands of private IPv4 addresses into a single (or pool of) public IPv4 address. However, this sharing is not without side-effects. CG-NAT results in IP addresses that cannot be tied to single devices, users, or broadband subscriptions, creating issues for security products that rely on the IP address as a way to distinguish between requests from different users.

What We Built

We built a tool to help our customers detect when a /24 IP prefix (set of IP addresses that have the same first 24 bits) is likely to contain multi-user IP addresses, so they can more finely tune the security rules that protect their websites. In order to identify multi-user IP prefixes, we leverage both internal data and public data sources. Within this data, we look at a few key parameters.

Multi-User IP Address Detection
Each TCP connection between a source (client) and a destination (server) is identified by 4 identifiers (source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port)

When an Internet user visits a website, the underlying TCP stack opens a number of connections in order to send and receive data from remote servers. Each connection is identified by a 4-tuple (source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port). Repeating requests from the same web client will likely be mapped to the same source port, so the number of distinct source ports can serve as a good indication of the number of distinct client applications. By counting the number of open source ports for a given IP address, you can estimate whether this address is shared by multiple users.

User agents provide device-reported information about themselves such as browser and operating system versions. For multi-user IP detection, you can count the number of distinct user agents in requests from a given IP. To avoid overcounting web clients per device, you can exclude requests that are identified as triggered by bots and we only count requests from user agents that are used by web browsers. There are some tradeoffs to this approach: some users may use multiple web browsers and some other users may have exactly the same user agent. Nevertheless, past research has shown that the number of unique web browser user agents is the best tradeoff to most accurately determine CG-NAT usage.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:92.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/92.0

For our inferences, we group IP addresses to their corresponding /24 IP prefix. The figure below shows the distribution of browser User Agents per /24 IP prefix, based on data accumulated over the period of a day. About 35% of the prefixes have more than 100 different browser clients behind them.

Multi-User IP Address Detection

Our service also uses other publicly available data sources to further refine the accuracy of our identification and to classify the type of multi-user IP address. For example, we collect data from PeeringDB, which is a database where network operators self-identify their network type, traffic levels, interconnection points, and peering policy. This data only covers a fraction of the Internet’s autonomous systems (ASes). To overcome this limitation, we use this data and our own data (number of requests per AS, number of websites in each AS) to infer AS type. We also use external data sources such as IRR to identify requests from VPNs and proxy servers.

These details (especially AS type) can provide more information on the type of multi-user IP address. For instance, CG-NAT systems are almost exclusively deployed by broadband providers, so by inferring the AS type (ISP, CDN, Enterprise, etc.), we can more confidently infer the type of each multi-user IP address. A scheduled job periodically executes code to pull data from these sources, process it, and write the list of multi-user IP addresses to a database. That IP info data is then ingested by another system that deploys it to Cloudflare’s edge, enabling our security products to detect potential threats with minimal latency.

To validate our inferences for which IP addresses are multi-user, we created a dataset relying on separate data and measurements which we believe are more reliable indicators. One method we used was running traceroute queries through RIPE Atlas, from each RIPE Atlas probe to the probe’s public IP address. By examining the traceroute hops, we can determine if an IP is behind a CG-NAT or another middlebox. For example, if an IP is not behind a CG-NAT, the traceroute should terminate immediately or just have one hop (likely a home NAT). On the other hand, if a traceroute path includes addresses within the RFC 6598 CGNAT prefix or other hops in the private or shared address space, it is likely the corresponding probe is behind CG-NAT.

To further improve our validation datasets, we’re also reaching out to our ISP partners to confirm the known IP addresses of CG-NATs. As we refine our validation data, we can more accurately tune our multi-user IP address inference parameters and provide a better experience to ISP customers on sites protected by Cloudflare security products.

The multi-user IP detection service currently recognizes approximately 500,000 unique multi-user IP addresses and is being tuned to further improve detection accuracy. Be on the lookout for an upcoming technical blog post, where we will take a deeper look at the system we built and the metrics collected after running this service for a longer period of time.

How Will This Impact Bot Management and Rate Limiting Customers?

Our initial launch will integrate multi-user IP address detection into our Bot Management and Rate Limiting products.

Multi-User IP Address Detection
The three modules that comprise the bot detection system. 

The Cloudflare Bot Management product has five detection mechanisms. The integration will improve three of the five: the machine learning (ML) detection mechanism, the heuristics engine, and the behavioral analysis models. Multi-user IP addresses and their types will serve as additional features to train our ML model. Furthermore, logic will be added to ensure multi-user IP addresses are treated differently in our other detection mechanisms. For instance, our behavioral analysis detection mechanism shouldn’t treat a series of requests from a multi-user IP the same as a series of requests from a single-user IP. There won’t be any new ways to see or interact with this feature, but you should expect to see a decrease in false positive bot detections involving multi-user IP addresses.

The integration with Rate Limiting will allow us to increase the set rate limiting threshold when receiving requests coming from multi-user IP addresses. The factor by which we increase the threshold will be conservative so as not to completely bypass the rate limit. However, the increased threshold should greatly reduce cases where legitimate users behind multi-user IP addresses are blocked or challenged.

Looking Forward

We plan to further integrate across all of Cloudflare’s products that rely upon IP addresses as a measure of uniqueness, including but not limited to DDoS Protection, Cloudflare One Intel, and Web Application Firewall.

We will also continue to make improvements to our multi-user IP address detection system to incorporate additional data sources and improve accuracy. One data source would allow us to get a fraction for the estimated number of subscribers over the total number of IPs advertised (owned) by an AS. ASes that have more estimated subscribers than available IPs would have to rely on CG-NAT to provide service to all subscribers.

As mentioned above, with the help of our ISP partners we hope to improve the validation datasets we use to test and refine the accuracy of our inferences. Additionally, our integration with Bot Management will also unlock an opportunity to create a feedback loop that further validates our datasets. The challenge solve rate (CSR) is a metric generated by Bot Management that indicates the proportion of requests that were challenged and solved (and thus assumed to be human). Examining requests with both high and low CSRs will allow us to check if the multi-user IP addresses we have initially identified indeed represent mostly legitimate human traffic that our customers should not block.

The continued adoption of IPv6 might someday make CG-NATs and other IPv4 sharing technologies irrelevant, as the address space will no longer be limited. This could reduce the prevalence of multi-user IP addresses. However, with the development of new networking technologies that obfuscate IP addresses for user privacy (for example, IPv6 randomized address assignment), it seems unlikely it will become any easier to tie an IP address to a single user. Cloudflare firmly believes that eventually, IP will be completely unassociated with identity.

Yet in the short term, we recognize that IP addresses still play a pivotal role for the security of our customers. By integrating this multi-user IP address detection capability into our products, we aim to deliver a more free and fluid experience for everyone using the Internet.

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

Post Syndicated from Patrick R. Donahue original https://blog.cloudflare.com/attacks-on-voip-providers/

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

Over the past month, multiple Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers have been targeted by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks from entities claiming to be REvil. The multi-vector attacks combined both L7 attacks targeting critical HTTP websites and API endpoints, as well as L3/4 attacks targeting VoIP server infrastructure. In some cases, these attacks resulted in significant impact to the targets’ VoIP services and website/API availability.

Cloudflare’s network is able to effectively protect and accelerate voice and video infrastructure because of our global reach, sophisticated traffic filtering suite, and unique perspective on attack patterns and threat intelligence.

If you or your organization have been targeted by DDoS attacks, ransom attacks and/or extortion attempts, seek immediate help to protect your Internet properties. We recommend not paying the ransom, and to report it to your local law enforcement agencies.

Voice (and video, emojis, conferences, cat memes and remote classrooms) over IP

Voice over IP (VoIP) is a term that’s used to describe a group of technologies that allow for communication of multimedia over the Internet. This technology enables your FaceTime call with your friends, your virtual classroom lessons over Zoom and even some “normal” calls you make from your cell phone.

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

The principles behind VoIP are similar to traditional digital calls over circuit-switched networks. The main difference is that the encoded media, e.g., voice or video, is partitioned into small units of bits that are transferred over the Internet as the payloads of IP packets according to specially defined media protocols.

This “packet switching” of voice data, as compared to traditional “circuit switching”, results in much more efficient use of network resources. As a result, calling over VoIP can be much more cost-effective than calls made over the POTS (“plain old telephone service”). Switching to VoIP can cut down telecom costs for businesses by more than 50%, so it’s no surprise that one in every three businesses has already adopted VoIP technologies. VoIP is flexible, scalable, and has been especially useful in bringing people together remotely during the pandemic.

A key protocol behind most VoIP calls is the heavily adopted Signal Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP was originally defined in RFC-2543 (1999) and designed to serve as a flexible and modular protocol for initiating calls (“sessions”), whether voice or video, or two-party or multiparty.

Speed is key for VoIP

Real-time communication between people needs to feel natural, immediate and responsive. Therefore, one of the most important features of a good VoIP service is speed. The user experiences this as natural sounding audio and high definition video, without lag or stutter. Users’ perceptions of call quality are typically closely measured and tracked using metrics like Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality and Mean Opinion Scores. While SIP and other VoIP protocols can be implemented using TCP or UDP as the underlying protocols, UDP is typically chosen because it’s faster for routers and servers to process them.

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

UDP is a protocol that is unreliable, stateless and comes with no Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. What this means is that the routers and servers typically use less memory and computational power to process UDP packets and therefore can process more packets per second. Processing packets faster results in quicker assembly of the packets’ payloads (the encoded media), and therefore a better call quality.

Under the guidelines of faster is better, VoIP servers will attempt to process the packets as fast as possible on a first-come-first-served basis. Because UDP is stateless, it doesn’t know which packets belong to existing calls and which attempt to initiate a new call. Those details are in the SIP headers in the form of requests and responses which are not processed until further up the network stack.

When the rate of packets per second increases beyond the router’s or server’s capacity, the faster is better guideline actually turns into a disadvantage. While a traditional circuit-switched system will refuse new connections when its capacity is reached and attempt to maintain the existing connections without impairment, a VoIP server, in its race to process as many packets as possible, will not be able to handle all packets or all calls when its capacity is exceeded. This results in latency and disruptions for ongoing calls, and failed attempts of making or receiving new calls.

Without proper protection in place, the race for a superb call experience comes at a security cost which attackers learned to take advantage of.

DDoSing VoIP servers

Attackers can take advantage of UDP and the SIP protocol to overwhelm unprotected VoIP servers with floods of specially-crafted UDP packets. One way attackers overwhelm VoIP servers is by pretending to initiate calls. Each time a malicious call initiation request is sent to the victim, their server uses computational power and memory to authenticate the request. If the attacker can generate enough call initiations, they can overwhelm the victim’s server and prevent it from processing legitimate calls. This is a classic DDoS technique applied to SIP.

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

A variation on this technique is a SIP reflection attack. As with the previous technique, malicious call initiation requests are used. However, in this variation, the attacker doesn’t send the malicious traffic to the victim directly. Instead, the attacker sends them to many thousands of random unwitting SIP servers all across the Internet, and they spoof the source of the malicious traffic to be the source of the intended victim. That causes thousands of SIP servers to start sending unsolicited replies to the victim, who must then use computational resources to discern whether they are legitimate. This too can starve the victim server of resources needed to process legitimate calls, resulting in a widespread denial of service event for users. Without the proper protection in place, VoIP services can be extremely susceptible to DDoS attacks. Once against a classic DDoS attack type being used against SIP.

The graph below shows a recent multi-vector UDP DDoS attack that targeted VoIP infrastructure protected by Cloudflare’s Magic Transit service. The attack peaked just above 70 Gbps and 16M packets per second. While it’s not the largest attack we’ve ever seen, attacks of this size can have large impact on unprotected infrastructure. This specific attack lasted a bit over 10 hours and was automatically detected and mitigated.

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

[Alt text: Graph of a 70 Gbps DDoS attack against a VoIP provider]

Below are two additional graphs of similar attacks seen last week against SIP infrastructure. In the first chart we see multiple protocols being used to launch the attack, with the bulk of traffic coming from (spoofed) DNS reflection and other common amplification and reflection vectors. These attacks peaked at over 130 Gbps and 17.4M pps.

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

[Alt text: Graph of a 130 Gbps DDoS attack against a different VoIP provider]

Protecting VoIP services without sacrificing performance

One of the most important factors for delivering a quality VoIP service is speed. The lower the latency, the better. Cloudflare’s Magic Transit service can help protect critical VoIP infrastructure without impacting latency and call quality.

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

[alt text: Diagram of Cloudflare Magic Transit routing]

Cloudflare’s Anycast architecture, coupled with the size and scale of our network, minimizes and can even improve latency for traffic routed through Cloudflare versus the public Internet. Check out our recent post from Cloudflare’s Speed Week for more details on how this works, including test results demonstrating a performance improvement of 36% on average across the globe for a real customer network using Magic Transit.

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

[alt text: World map of Cloudflare locations

Furthermore, every packet that is ingested in a Cloudflare data center is analyzed for DDoS attacks using multiple layers of out-of-path detection to avoid latency. Once an attack is detected, the edge generates a real-time fingerprint that matches the characteristics of the attack packets. The fingerprint is then matched in the Linux kernel eXpress Data Path (XDP) to quickly drop attack packets at wirespeed without inflicting collateral damage on legitimate packets. We have also recently deployed additional specific mitigation rules to inspect UDP traffic to determine whether it is valid SIP traffic.

May I ask who’s calling, please? A recent rise in VoIP DDoS attacks

The detection and mitigation is done autonomously within every single Cloudflare edge server — there is no “scrubbing center” with limited capacity and limited deployment scope in the equation. Additionally, threat intelligence is automatically shared across our network in real-time to ‘teach’ other edge servers about the attack.

Edge detections are also completely configurable. Cloudflare Magic Transit customers can use the L3/4 DDoS Managed Ruleset to tune and optimize their DDoS protection settings, and also craft custom packet-level (including deep packet inspection) firewall rules using the Magic Firewall to enforce a positive security model.

Bringing people together, remotely

Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better Internet. A big part of that mission is making sure that people around the world can communicate with their friends, family and colleagues uninterrupted — especially during these times of COVID. Our network is uniquely positioned to help keep the world connected, whether that is by helping developers build real-time communications systems or by keeping VoIP providers online.

Our network’s speed and our always-on, autonomous DDoS protection technology helps VoIP providers to continue serving their customers without sacrificing performance or having to give in to ransom DDoS extortionists.

Talk to a Cloudflare specialist to learn more.

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