Tag Archives: Technical Writing

Iteration isn’t just for code: here are our latest API docs

Post Syndicated from Claire Waters original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-a-better-developer-experience-through-api-documentation/

Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs

Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs

We’re excited to share that the next iteration of Cloudflare’s API reference documentation is now available. The new docs standardize our API content and improve the overall developer experience for interacting with Cloudflare’s API.

Why does API documentation matter?

Everyone talks about how important APIs are, but not everyone acknowledges the critical role that API documentation plays in an API’s usability. Throwing docs together is easy. Getting them right is harder.

At Cloudflare, we try to meet our users where they are. For the majority of customers, that means providing clear, easy-to-use products in our dashboard. But developers don’t always want what our dashboard provides. Some developers prefer to use a CLI or Wrangler to have a higher level of control over what’s happening with their Cloudflare products. Others want more customization and deeper ties into their company’s internal applications. Some want all the above.

Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs

A developer’s job is to create, debug, and optimize code – whether that’s an application, interface, database, etc. – as efficiently as possible and ensure that code runs as efficiently as possible. APIs enable that efficiency through automation. Let’s say a developer wants to run a cache purge every time content is updated on their website. They could use Cloudflare’s dashboard to enable cache purge, but they might want it to happen automatically instead. Enter Cloudflare’s API.

In the same way that the Cloudflare dashboard is an interface for humans, an API is an interface for computers. For a computer to execute on instructions, there is no room for interpretation. The instructions, formatted as requests, have to follow a specific set of rules and include certain requirements. API documentation details what those rules and requirements are.

It’s a frustrating experience for developers when you’re in the details of a complex project and can’t troubleshoot an error because the docs aren’t comprehensive or don’t load. Unfortunately, that’s been the reality for developers using Cloudflare’s API. Figuring out how to use Cloudflare’s API was a “choose your own adventure” story for the Cloudflare users who made 126 million visits monthly to our API documentation. If the APIs you needed were fully documented, you encountered long page load times and a site that couldn’t render on mobile.

From a technical standpoint, we were using api.cloudflare.com for both the API documentation site and the Cloudflare API access point, which is awkward. We needed a more sustainable way for internal teams to create and document their APIs according to an accepted standard.

Building a better developer experience for our APIs

Like with all of our documentation projects at Cloudflare, we started by thinking about the user’s workflow – in this case, a developer’s workflow as they’re getting started with the Cloudflare API.

Providing docs on mobile
We know developers research products before diving into projects, usually exploring API documentation before writing any code. That means making docs available on mobile for working on the go. Check.

Improving the navigation
As a developer, at the point you’re looking at API docs, you generally have an idea of what you want to use the API for. Our goal with the new API docs is to make it as easy as possible for you to find the information you need. We recognize that endpoints are organized a bit haphazardly in the current API docs. To address that clunkiness, we’ve grouped endpoints by product or setting and alphabetized that list on the new site, making it easier to navigate and find what you’re looking for. And while this may seem like a small thing, you now can use a keyboard shortcut to search the page.

Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs

Clarifying authentication
Once developers start writing code, you first have to handle authentication to start using the API. Authentication information is now readily available for every endpoint, and we link to the full developer docs about authentication from the API overview page.

Adding examples
Good API docs have clear descriptions, but the best API docs share templates and examples to minimize a developer’s friction to deploying code. Every endpoint now includes an example and clearly indicates which parameters are required, removing yet another decision developers have to make when working with our API.

Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs

Gathering feedback and iterating
As we implemented all of these improvements, we kept some of our biggest users – our internal developers – informed along the way. We shared the test site early and often to get internal feedback, which caught bugs and helped us refine the site’s usability. The Discord and Community MVPs also volunteered to test the site, giving us valuable outside perspective on what we built. We incorporated all of that feedback to provide a vetted, deliberate UX at launch.

How we built this

Since this week is all about what you can build on our developer platform, we wanted to share the details about how this all works under the hood (hint: it’s mostly Workers).

We used a combination of open-source tools and Cloudflare products to revamp the API doc site. Previously the content on api.cloudflare.com was sourced from the JSON hyper-schema files that described our APIs, but over the years we repeatedly heard that published schemas would help you better integrate with Cloudflare. Several Cloudflare engineering teams started adopting the OpenAPI specification, and with a little research, planning, and testing, we pivoted from those JSON hyper-schemas to the OpenAPI framework. Check out the blog post about our Transition to OpenAPI for more details.

Because the OpenAPI specification defines how to describe APIs, our schema files now have consistency – not just among the various products, but also with an industry-accepted standard. Hundreds of documentation and code generation tools exist to pull from that standard, which means we have options that weren’t available for our homegrown JSON hyper-schemas.

Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs

We chose Stoplight Elements, an open-source React framework, for our site design because it has a clean layout and is easily customizable. While there are a number of both dynamic and static tools for parsing OpenAPI schemas and rendering documentation sites, we chose React because of its ubiquity, performance, and because it plays well with Cloudflare Pages, our deployment tool of choice. Within Stoplight you can generate code samples for a variety of  programming languages, like JavaScript, Java, and Python, as well as for tools like cURL, HTTPie, and wget.

We build and deploy the React application with Cloudflare Pages, and using Pages functions, we optimize the OpenAPI schema file for Stoplight’s UI and cache it on Cloudflare’s network, reducing the latency needed to request the schema. Whenever teams add new API endpoints or definitions to the schema, we just update the schema file in GitHub. Because our API documentation loads the schema dynamically, this means we don’t have to wait for Cloudflare Pages to deploy a new version of the documentation site. The automation helps us ensure that everything we expose in the API is documented without manual interaction. Deploying with Pages gives us yet another opportunity to test our own products out on ourselves, helping us find areas for improvement that we turn around and pass along to you.

Looking ahead

Moving our schemas to the OpenAPI specification allows us to use ready-to-go tools like Stoplight, but we’re just getting started. Soon we’ll be adding search functionality, letting you access all relevant information across developer, API, and support docs. The mobile experience will evolve, providing an even cleaner way to read API content when you’re on your phone. We’ll also add a “try it out” functionality to test out your requests right in the browser before writing your own code.

Over time, we want an even tighter integration between the API reference documentation, our how-to content in developer docs, and the Cloudflare dashboard. The standardized structure we get with the OpenAPI spec sets us up to reuse the schema files across our client libraries, Terraform, API gateway, and Trakal. The consistency across API descriptions makes it easier for us to do things like localize API content, customize out-of-the-box documentation generation tools, and continue innovating like we always do.

Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs

We want to hear from you!

As you’re using the new API doc site, send us your feedback and let us know if there are any feature improvements you’d like to see in the future. We want the site to be as useful as possible for your day-to-day interactions with Cloudflare’s API. We hope the improvements to our API doc experience will help you seamlessly use our API and efficiently deploy and maintain your Cloudflare products.

Thanks for your patience and perspective as we iterate on the API docs!

Introducing new Cloudflare for SaaS documentation

Post Syndicated from Mia Malden original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-new-cloudflare-for-saas-documentation/

Introducing new Cloudflare for SaaS documentation

Introducing new Cloudflare for SaaS documentation

As a SaaS provider, you’re juggling many challenges while building your application, whether it’s custom domain support, protection from attacks, or maintaining an origin server. In 2021, we were proud to announce Cloudflare for SaaS for Everyone, which allows anyone to use Cloudflare to cover those challenges, so they can focus on other aspects of their business. This product has a variety of potential implementations; now, we are excited to announce a new section in our Developer Docs specifically devoted to Cloudflare for SaaS documentation to allow you take full advantage of its product suite.

Cloudflare for SaaS solution

You may remember, from our October 2021 blog post, all the ways that Cloudflare provides solutions for SaaS providers:

  • Set up an origin server
  • Encrypt your customers’ traffic
  • Keep your customers online
  • Boost the performance of global customers
  • Support custom domains
  • Protect against attacks and bots
  • Scale for growth
  • Provide insights and analytics
Introducing new Cloudflare for SaaS documentation

However, we received feedback from customers indicating confusion around actually using the capabilities of Cloudflare for SaaS because there are so many features! With the existing documentation, it wasn’t 100% clear how to enhance security and performance, or how to support custom domains. Now, we want to show customers how to use Cloudflare for SaaS to its full potential by including more product integrations in the docs, as opposed to only focusing on the SSL/TLS piece.

Bridging the gap

Cloudflare for SaaS can be overwhelming with so many possible add-ons and configurations. That’s why the new docs are organized into six main categories, housing a number of new, detailed guides (for example, WAF for SaaS and Regional Services for SaaS):

Introducing new Cloudflare for SaaS documentation

Once you get your SaaS application up and running with the Get Started page, you can find which configurations are best suited to your needs based on your priorities as a provider. Even if you aren’t sure what your goals are, this setup outlines the possibilities much more clearly through a number of new documents and product guides such as:

Instead of pondering over vague subsection titles, you can peruse with purpose in mind. The advantages and possibilities of Cloudflare for SaaS are highlighted instead of hidden.

Possible configurations

This setup facilitates configurations much more easily to meet your goals as a SaaS provider.

For example, consider performance. Previously, there was no documentation surrounding reduced latency for SaaS providers. Now, the Performance section explains the automatic benefits to your performance by onboarding with Cloudflare for SaaS. Additionally, it offers three options of how to reduce latency even further through brand-new docs:

Similarly, the new organization offers WAF for SaaS as a previously hidden security solution, extending providers the ability to enable automatic protection from vulnerabilities and the flexibility to create custom rules. This is conveniently accompanied by a step-by-step tutorial using Cloudflare Managed Rulesets.

What’s next

While this transition represents an improvement in the Cloudflare for SaaS docs, we’re going to expand its accessibility even more. Some tutorials, such as our Managed Ruleset Tutorial, are already live within the tile. However, more step-by-step guides for Cloudflare for SaaS products and add-ons will further enable our customers to take full advantage of the available product suite. In particular, keep an eye out for expanding documentation around using Workers for Platforms.

Check it out

Visit the new Cloudflare for SaaS tile to see the updates. If you are a SaaS provider interested in extending Cloudflare benefits to your customers through Cloudflare for SaaS, visit our Cloudflare for SaaS overview and our Plans page.

Working in public — our docs-as-code approach

Post Syndicated from Pedro Sousa original https://blog.cloudflare.com/our-docs-as-code-approach/

Working in public — our docs-as-code approach

Working in public — our docs-as-code approach

Docs-as-code is an approach to writing and publishing documentation with the same tools and processes developers use to create code. This philosophy has become more popular in recent years, especially in tech companies. Automatic link checking is part of this process, which ensures that writer’s changes are sound and safe to deploy. By setting the stage with a docs-as-code approach, technical writers can focus on what they do best: ensure that our readers get useful and accurate information that is easy to find, and our documentation speaks a single language.

Besides following a docs-as-code approach, at Cloudflare we handle our documentation changes in public, in our cloudflare-docs GitHub repository. Having our documentation open to external contributions has helped us improve our documentation over time — our community is great at finding issues! While we need to review these contributions and ensure that they fit our style guide and content strategy, the contributions provided by the Cloudflare community have been instrumental in making our documentation better every day. While Cloudflare helps build a better Internet, our community helps build better documentation.

Docs-as-code at Cloudflare

At Cloudflare, we follow a docs-as-code approach to create and publish product documentation in Developer Docs.

Such an approach involves different components. We use Git with a public GitHub repository to keep track of changes and to handle branching and merging. We rely on GitHub Actions and Cloudflare Pages for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). Our continuous integration pipeline checks if the documentation builds successfully and if there are any broken links. Users, both internal and external, can preview the changes in each pull request, which means that collaborators don’t have to set up local environments to preview the changes they’re proposing. However, if they wish to do so, users can set up a local environment using open-source tools and create local builds of the documentation.

Following this docs-as-code strategy has a few advantages. We use well-known workflows that technical folks use on a daily basis. This makes it easier to get feedback from engineers, while still being simple enough to get contributions from less tech-inclined people in the company and from the general Cloudflare community. After reviewing and approving a contribution to the documentation, we can deploy those changes to the live documentation site with the click of a button. Thanks to recent changes in our documentation engine, both deployments and local builds are fast, which helps increase our team’s velocity. Additionally, it’s safe to restructure parts of the documentation without being afraid of breaking stuff — our CI/CD pipeline ensures we don’t have broken links.

Our open source approach

It’s possible to use a docs-as-code approach internally, using private repositories. However, we would not be extending some benefits of this approach to contributions provided by the larger Cloudflare community.

As a technical writer at Cloudflare, the great part about documentation-related work is that it’s done in our public GitHub repository. I can push changes to the cloudflare-docs GitHub repository with new or updated documentation that is then reviewed by my Cloudflare stakeholders, such as product managers and engineers.

Besides this work done together with other Cloudflare employees, I can also address issues and review pull requests from external stakeholders, since our documentation is open source. For example, pull request #4601 from an external contributor fixed an expression that was incorrect in the documentation:

Working in public — our docs-as-code approach

Thanks to these contributions, we have been able to identify many issues, not just in the documentation but also in our products!

We handle these contributions as part of maintaining our own documentation product, with its own bugs and feature requests. Issues and pull requests get assigned, prioritized, handled, and reviewed just like internal tickets – even though they’re not all in the same backlog.

Our work is similar both for internal and external contributions. We review the proposed changes, making sure that the new or updated content follows our style guide and our content strategy. When required, we ask for technical validation of the content. Finally, we merge the changes when they’re approved.

For issues that are not related to the documentation, we have a feedback mechanism in every documentation page that allows readers to provide feedback about the product itself. This information is then reviewed internally and addressed by the correct team.

For more information on how you can contribute to the documentation by creating an issue or a pull request, refer to the Contributing to Cloudflare’s Documentation page in our public GitHub repository.

Keeping some secrets

For content that we cannot disclose just yet, we currently have several approaches, depending on the exact technical writer and on the involved stakeholders.

In some situations, we work on a shared document where we receive and address direct feedback. Close to the feature release date, we create the corresponding Markdown version that we push to the public GitHub repository at the right time.

In other cases, we work in a private Git repository, getting early feedback using the same processes we have in place for our public repository. This method of handling non-public content is easy to implement because we’re already following a docs-as-code approach. In this case, pushing the content to GitHub is a straightforward operation when the time comes — it’s just a matter of pushing the branch to a different remote and creating a public pull request.

What’s next

Much of our work is already done in public, but we can still improve. While we do provide issue creation templates and pull request guidelines, we’ll eventually make our style guide and content strategy public. This will allow users to know in advance what we will check for (and enforce) for every contribution to the public documentation, making our review process more transparent.

Identifying content gaps in our documentation

Post Syndicated from Cloudflare original https://blog.cloudflare.com/identifying-content-gaps/

Identifying content gaps in our documentation

Identifying content gaps in our documentation

If you’ve tuned into this blog for long enough, you’ll notice that we’re pretty big on using and stress-testing our own products (“dogfooding”) at Cloudflare.

That applies to our security team, product teams, and – as my colleague Kristian just blogged about – even our documentation team. We’re incredibly excited to be on the Pages platform, both because of the performance and workflow improvements and the opportunity to help the platform develop.

What you probably haven’t heard about is how our docs team uses dogfooding – and data – to improve our documentation.

Dogfooding for docs

As a technical writer, it’s pretty common to do the thing you’re documenting. After all, it’s really hard to write step-by-step instructions if you haven’t been through those steps. It’s also a great opportunity to provide feedback to our product teams.

What’s not as common for a writer, however, is actually using the thing you’re documenting. And it’s totally understandable why. You’re already accountable to your deadlines and product managers, so you might not have the time. You might not have the technical background. And then there’s the whole problem of a real-world use case. If you’re really dedicated, you can set up a personal project… but it’s hard to replicate real-world situations and even harder to simulate real-world motivation.

And that brings me to one of the coolest parts of our docs team. We actually manage the Cloudflare settings for our docs website, developers.cloudflare.com. There’s technical oversight from other teams as needed, but that means we’ve directly been involved in:

When we use our own products, it makes us part of the user journey. We know quite viscerally what it’s like when you accidentally break an internal tool with Bot management… because we’ve done it (and profusely apologized!). We know what it’s like to spend a few hours crafting a Transform Rule and realize that – for a specific use case involving search engine crawlers – we needed a Forwarding Page Rule instead.

Identifying content gaps in our documentation

Using our own products gives us a chance to dogfood our docs as well. We realized that we needed to add a page to the docs because several of us set it up on our home devices and didn’t know whether it was working or not. Same thing with the Cloudflare Tunnel docs. When we use the thing, it’s easier for us to help others use it too.

Data for docs

Beyond our own experience – and even beyond the feedback we get through our open-source content strategy – we also look at quantitative data to identify gaps and potential improvements in our docs.

One of the easiest ways to identify gaps is to look at internal search data. When folks are searching from within our docs, are they leaving to view pages within other Cloudflare content sources (Community, Learning Center, etc.)? And does that page conceptually belong in our docs? We’ve used those two questions to identify and correct several gaps in our documentation, such as new pages on creating subdomain records, Cloudflare Ray IDs, and more.

External search data also informs our content strategy. When folks are coming into Cloudflare content domains, where are they going? And what keywords are they using? Using that data, we noticed some confusion between our newer Bulk Redirects feature and Forwarding Page Rules. Even though both features let you forward URLs – and Bulk Redirects is easier and more flexible – very few searches using “url forwarding” reached the Bulk Redirects page. To address that, we tweaked our keywords and added a section to our Forwarding Page Rules article breaking down the differences between the features.

Though internal and external searches tend to provide the most actionable data, we also look at broader trends in other metrics (pageviews, documentation maintenance cost, support tickets, and more). We can’t use these metrics to exactly “measure success”, because it’s hard to attribute any changes to the quality of our docs. For example, if there’s suddenly a spike in traffic to our DNS docs, does that mean that our docs are doing well? Or maybe we just blogged about a new feature? Or more customers might be onboarding their domains within a specific timeframe?

We can, however, use these metrics to broadly look at our relative effort across different products and adjust priorities accordingly. To use DNS as an example, it’s towards the top in terms of support tickets, but we actually have a comparatively small percentage of our content dedicated towards it. That means that, if we see more opportunities to improve those docs, those opportunities will likely get a higher priority.

Identifying content gaps in our documentation


When we take all these inputs together – the qualitative experience of dogfooding our documentation and our products, the broad outlines of our user-focused content journey, the community feedback from our open-source ecosystem, and the quantitative data points from our analytics – they help us treat our content as a product.

It’s part of what makes this team so fun to be a part of! Speaking of, we’re hiring!

“Much more than just writing.” How I got started as a content designer

Post Syndicated from Alice Bracchi original https://blog.cloudflare.com/content-design-at-cloudflare/

“Much more than just writing.” How I got started as a content designer

“Much more than just writing.” How I got started as a content designer

Content design is a relatively new discipline, but one that deeply affects how users perceive, choose, and use products. People who work in content design can take many names (content designers, UX writers, product writers, just to name a few) but in a nutshell, our job is to help users accomplish goals on an interface by providing them with the right guidance at the right time. Unlike visual designers, content designers are not responsible for the graphic layout or the look and feel of a given interface — instead, we own what we call the conversation between product and user along each journey to ensure that the user has all the information they need to reach their goal.

The interesting thing is — when interfaces are concerned, the more effective the text, the less noticeable it will be to users. Great content on an interface “just works”; it disappears into a delightful user experience while leading happy users to success, whatever it is they’re trying to get done with a given product. Content designers achieve that by making sure they know user needs inside out and which problems the product is trying to solve. Next, in partnership with visual designers, they sketch out user flows and wireframes.

Only as a last step do they sit down and write.

My background

My journey at Cloudflare started in July 2020, when I was hired as the technical writer for the Zero Trust products. I spent my day-to-day life setting up and testing features on our interface. In a sense, my job was to observe user experiences and write about them. Over time, I started noticing there was room for us to make those experiences truly exceptional. Could we take a holistic view of them and spend some time consolidating the way we talked to users throughout the interface?

Good documentation fills the gap between user needs and product features. But imagine a product users could just use, without necessarily needing to pull up instructions. Imagine a product that consistently “talks” with users, providing them with the necessary information at each step, signaling a clear path forward with predictable outcomes for each action, and reassuring them when an error occurs.

After all, Cloudflare’s vision is to make our products ridiculously easy to use, and content design could play a huge role in that. I started a conversation with my manager about it, and asked if I could volunteer to own UI content, too. I was eager to take up the challenge.

“Much more than just writing.” How I got started as a content designer

I’m now almost two years into my journey at Cloudflare, and looking back, there’s definitely a few things that helped me take my first steps as a one-woman content design team.

1. Build your own toolkit

There’s more to content design than just putting pen to paper and writing. One of the things that makes UI content successful is consistency, because consistency drives familiarity. And as users, we love experiences and products we recognize. In those early days, I had one question in mind: How do I write consistently for this interface?

  • Product voice and tone. The first thing I needed to define was our product’s identity. Are we a cheeky young product that sprinkles exclamation marks and interjections across the interface? Are we an authoritative, established product that gives concise, reassuring guidance? Read more on how I defined our product voice in this other blog post.
  • Guidelines. Next, I needed to get real about tying it to actually writing for the dashboard. It is one thing to say that the product sounds “friendly”, but what does that mean in practice? Because all UI content exists within a design environment, I structured these guidelines based on our design system for the Zero Trust dashboard. This came in handy when I (or anyone else, really) needed to write for a specific component. These guidelines answered exciting questions like, “Do we ever use em dashes?”, or “Do I add ‘please’ when asking for user input?”
  • Heuristics. I knew the content in certain areas of the dashboard was not optimal, but it was often hard for me to communicate to stakeholders what I meant exactly. Coming up with an objective set of parameters and even a scoring system can really help quantify how much work those areas need and what type of work. These parameters evaluate things like a feature’s purpose, clarity, accessibility, and compliance to voice and tone.
“Much more than just writing.” How I got started as a content designer

2. Get involved

In my first days wearing my content designer hat, I remember being pulled in last-second to work on error messages right before a feature went live. I had to unpack who would see that message, at what point in their experience they would see it, and what information they needed in order to get past it — only then could I start writing, and even then, even with my toolkit at hand, we would end up with suboptimal copy. Feedback from users came loud and clear:

“Much more than just writing.” How I got started as a content designer

I needed to find a way to be more involved in product design and development processes. In a word — I needed to start thinking about user experience.

My first move was to join our front-end team stand-ups. Being part of feature development since kickoff made a world of difference — I was in the room when PMs explained the problem(s) a certain feature needed to solve, when functional specs were presented to the group, and when developers approached issues or improvements. All of this gave me immense context on how our interface works.

I also focused on building deeper relationships with our product designers. We shared much the same challenges, and if we partnered together, we could tell a much better story around our products and how they work. When I set out to define the product principles for our dashboard, designers were a source of enthusiastic and priceless help, and when new features came about, we joined forces from the very beginning of the design process.

In time, everybody learned to row in the same direction. We became the UI team. One of the features we shipped during that time was a new home for the Zero Trust dashboard. Next, we tackled empty states, making sure they were consistent and informative across the interface. We overhauled all of our error messages, and we redesigned the onboarding experience. All with the user in mind, and a clear vision to ship products that are truly easy to use.

How it’s going

Over the past few months I had long conversations with my manager in the Product Content Experience team. As much as the Zero Trust dashboard was coming together in terms of UX content, it was a lot of work. As a content designer, I weighed in on every design decision, partnered across simultaneous projects, iterated on our content strategy and (at the time) wrote documentation for all the new features. We agreed that there was value in the space we’d carved out for content design, but we needed a plan to scale a strong content design habit across the org, and ensure all products had the same coverage when it came to content design.

“Much more than just writing.” How I got started as a content designer

Today, I’m happy to share that we’re building a whole content design team. There’s lots of hard work ahead of us, but it’s hard work I’m looking forward to, because the story of content design at Cloudflare is only just beginning. Starting. We’ve just begun. Stay tuned, the best is yet to come! No, that’s cheesy. I liked the first version better. How about “we’re just getting started”.

You get the gist.

(Yes, we’re hiring in Lisbon and in the US! Come join the team.)

We rebuilt Cloudflare’s developer documentation – here’s what we learned

Post Syndicated from Kristian Freeman original https://blog.cloudflare.com/new-dev-docs/

We rebuilt Cloudflare's developer documentation - here's what we learned

We rebuilt Cloudflare's developer documentation - here's what we learned

We recently updated developers.cloudflare.com, the Cloudflare Developers documentation website, to a new version of our custom documentation engine. This change consisted of a significant migration from Gatsby to Hugo and converged a collection of Workers Sites into a single Cloudflare Pages instance. Together, these updates brought developer experience, performance, and quality of life improvements for our engineers, technical writers, and product managers.

In this blog post, we’ll cover the history of Cloudflare’s developer docs, why we made this recent transition, and why we continue to dogfood Cloudflare’s products as we develop applications internally.

What are Cloudflare’s Developer Docs?

Cloudflare’s Developer Docs, which are open source on GitHub, comprise documentation for all of Cloudflare’s products. The documentation is written by technical writers, product managers, and engineers at Cloudflare. Like many open source projects, contributions to the docs happen via Pull Requests (PRs). At time of writing, we have 1,600 documentation pages and have accepted almost 4,000 PRs, both from Cloudflare employees and external contributors in our community.

The underlying documentation engine we’ve used to build these docs has changed multiple times over the years. Documentation sites are often built with static site generators and, at Cloudflare, we’ve used tools like Hugo and Gatsby to convert thousands of Markdown pages into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

When we released the first version of our Docs Engine in mid-2020, we were excited about the facelift to our Developer Documentation site and the inclusion of dev-friendly features like dark mode and proper code syntax highlighting.

We rebuilt Cloudflare's developer documentation - here's what we learned

Most importantly, we also used this engine to transition all of Cloudflare’s products with documentation onto a single engine. This allowed all Cloudflare product documentation to be developed, built, and deployed using the same core foundation. But over the next eighteen months and thousands of PRs, we realized that many of the architecture decisions we had made were not scaling.

While the user interface that we had made for navigating the documentation continued to receive great feedback from our users and product teams, decisions like using client-side rendering for docs had performance implications, especially on resource-constrained devices.

At the time, our decision to dogfood Workers Sites — which served as a precursor to Cloudflare Pages — meant that we could rapidly deploy our documentation across all of Cloudflare’s network in a matter of minutes. We implemented this by creating a separate Cloudflare Workers deployment for each product’s staging and production instances. Effectively, this meant that more than a hundred Workers were regularly updated, which caused significant headaches when trying to understand the causes and downstream effects of any failed deployments.

Finally, we struggled with our choice of underlying static site generator, Gatsby. We still think Gatsby is a great tool of choice for certain websites and applications, but we quickly found it to be the wrong match for our content-heavy documentation experience. Gatsby inherits many dependency chains to provide its featureset, but running the dependency-heavy toolchain locally on contributors’ machines proved to be an incredibly difficult and slow task for many of our documentation contributors.

When we did get to the point of deploying new docs changes, we began to be at the mercy of Gatsby’s long build times – in the worst case, almost an entire hour – just to compile Markdown and images into HTML. This negatively impacted our team’s ability to work quickly and efficiently as they improved our documentation. Ultimately, we were unable to find solutions to many of these issues, as they were core assumptions and characteristics of the underlying tools that we had chosen to build on — it was time for something new.

Built using Go, Hugo is incredibly fast at building large sites, has an active community, and is easily installable on a variety of operating systems. In our early discovery work, we found that Hugo would build our docs content in mere seconds. Since performance was a core motive for pursuing a rewrite, this was a significant factor in our decision.

How we migrated

When comparing frameworks, the most significant difference between Hugo and Gatsby – from a user’s standpoint – is the allowable contents of the Markdown files themselves. For example, Gatsby makes heavy use of MDX, allowing developers to author and import React components within their content pages. While this can be effective, MDX unfortunately is not CommonMark-compliant and, in turn, this means that its flavor of Markdown is required to be very flexible and permissive. This posed a problem when migrating to any other non-MDX-based solution, including Hugo, as these frameworks don’t grant the same flexibilities with Markdown syntax. Because of this, the largest technical challenge was converting the existing 1,600 markdown pages from MDX to a stricter, more standard Markdown variant that Hugo (or almost any framework) can interpret.

Not only did we have to convert 1,600 Markdown pages so that they’re rendered correctly by the new framework, we had to make these changes in a way that minimized the number of merge conflicts for when the migration itself was ready for deployment. There was a lot of work to be done as part of this migration – and work takes time! We could not stall or block the update cycles of the Developer Documentation repository, so we had to find a way to rename or modify every single file in the repository without gridlocking deployments for weeks.

The only way to solve this was through automation. We created a migration script that would apply all the necessary changes on the morning of the migration release day. Of course, this meant that we had to identify and apply the changes manually and then record that in JavaScript or Bash commands to make sweeping changes for the entire project.

For example, when migrating Markdown content, the migrator needs to take the file contents and parse them into an abstract syntax tree (AST) so that other functions can access, traverse, and modify a collection of standardized objects representing the content instead of resorting to a sequence string manipulations… which is scary and error-prone.

Since the project started with MDX, we needed a MDX-compatible parser which, in turn, produces its own AST with its own object standardizations. From there, one can “walk” – aka traverse – through the AST and add, remove, and/or edit objects and object properties. With the updated AST and a final traversal, a “stringifier” function can convert each object representation back to its string representation, producing updated file contents that differ from the original.

Below is an example snippet that utilizes mdast-util-from-markdown and mdast-util-to-markdown to create and stringify, respectively, the MDX AST and astray to traverse the AST with our custom modifications. For this example, we’re looking for heading and anchor nodes – both names are provided by the mdast-* utilities – so that we can read the primary header (<h1>) text and ensure that all internal Developer Documentation links are consistent:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as astray from 'astray';
import { toMarkdown } from 'mdast-util-to-markdown';
import { fromMarkdown } from 'mdast-util-from-markdown';

 * @param {string} file The "*.md" file path.
export async function modify(file) {
  let content = await fs.promises.read(file, 'utf8');
  let AST = fromMarkdown(content);
  let title = '';

  astray.walk(AST, {
     * Read the page's <h1> to determine page's title.
    heading(node) {
      // ignore if not <h1> header
      if (node.depth !== 1) return;

      astray.walk(node, {
        text(t: MDAST.Text) {
          // Grab the text value of the H1
          title += t.value;

      return astray.SKIP;
     * Update all anchor links (<a>) for consistent internal linking.
    link(node) {
      let value = node.url;
      // Ignore section header links (same page)
      if (value.startsWith('#')) return;

      if (/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(value)) {
        let tmp = new URL(value);
        // Rewrite our own "https://developers.cloudflare.com" links
        // so that they are absolute, path-based links instead.
        if (tmp.origin === 'https://developers.cloudflare.com') {
          value = tmp.pathname + tmp.search + tmp.hash;
      // ... other normalization logic ...
      // Update the link's `href` value
      node.url = value;
  // Now the AST has been modified in place.
  // AKA, the same `AST` variable is (or may be) different than before.
  // Convert the AST back to a final string.
  let updated = toMarkdown(AST);
  // Write the updated markdown file
  await fs.promises.writeFile(file, updated);


The above is an abbreviated snippet of the modifications we needed to make during our migration. You may find all the AST traversals and manipulations we created as part of our migration on GitHub.

We also took this opportunity to analyze the thousands and thousands of code snippets we have throughout the codebase. These serve an important role as they are crucial aides in reference documentation or are presented alongside tutorials as recipes or examples. So we added a code formatter script that utilizes Prettier to apply a consistent code style across all code snippets. As a bonus side effect, Prettier would throw errors if any snippets had invalid syntax for their given language. Any of these were fixed manually and the `format` script has been added as part of our own CI process to ensure that all JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust, JSON, and/or C++ code we publish is syntactically valid!

Finally, we created a Makefile that coordinated the series of Node scripts and git commands we needed to make. This orchestrated the entire migration, boiling down all our work into a single make run command.

In effect, the majority of the migration Pull Request was the result of automated commits – over one million changes were applied across nearly 5,000 files in less than two minutes. With the help of product owners, we reviewed the newly generated documentation site and applied any fine-tuning adjustments where necessary.

Previously, with the Gatsby-based Workers Sites architecture, each Cloudflare product needed to be built and deployed as its own individual documentation site. These sites would then be managed and proxied by an umbrella Worker, listening on developers.cloudflare.com, which ensured that all requests were handled by the appropriate product-specific Worker Site. This worked well for our production needs, but made it complicated for contributors to replicate a similar setup during local development. With the move to Hugo, we were able to merge everything into a single project – in other words, 48 moving pieces became 1 single piece! This made it extremely easy to build and develop the entire Developer Docs locally, which is a big confidence booster when working.

A unified Hugo project also means that there’s only one build command and one deployable unit… This allowed us to move the Developer Docs to Cloudflare Pages! With Pages attached and configured for the GitHub repository, we immediately began making use of preview deployments as part of our PR review process and our production branch commits automatically queued new production deployments to the live site.

Why we’re excited

After all the changes were in place, we ended up with a near-identical replica of the Developer Documentation site. However, upon closer inspection, a number of major improvements had been made:

  1. Our application now has fewer moving pieces for development and deployment, which makes it significantly easier to understand and onboard other contributors and team members.
  2. Our development flow is a lot snappier and fully replicated the production behavior. This hugely increased our iteration speed and confidence.
  3. Our application was now built as an HTML-first static site. Even though it was always a content site, we are now shipping 90% less JavaScript bytes, which means that our visitors’ browsers are doing less work to view the same content.

The last point speaks to our web pages’ performance, which has real-world implications. These days, websites with faster page-load times are preferred over competitor sites with slower response times. This is true for human and bot users alike! In fact, this is so true that Google now takes page speed into consideration when ranking search results and offers tools like WebMasters and Lighthouse to help site owners track and improve their scores. Below, you can see the before-after comparison of our previous JS-first site to our HTML-first replacement:

We rebuilt Cloudflare's developer documentation - here's what we learned
We rebuilt Cloudflare's developer documentation - here's what we learned

Here you can see that our Performance grade has significantly improved! It’s this figure, which is a weighted score of the Metrics like First Contentful Paint, that is tied to Page Speed. While this does have SEO impact, the SEO score in a Lighthouse report has to do with Google Crawler’s ability to parse and understand the page’s metadata. This remains unchanged because the content (and its metadata) were not changed as part of the migration.


Developer documentation is incredibly important to the success of any product. At Cloudflare, we believe that technical docs are a product – one that we can continue to iterate on, improve, and make more useful for our customers.

One of the most effective ways to improve documentation is to make it easier for our writers to contribute to them. With our new Documentation Engine, we’re giving our product content team the ability to validate content faster with instantaneous local builds. Preview links via Cloudflare Pages allows stakeholders like product managers and engineering teams the ability to quickly review what the docs will actually look like in production.

As we invest more into our build and deployment pipeline, we expect to further develop our ability to validate both the content and technical implementation of docs as part of review – tools like automatic spell checking, link validation, and visual diffs are all things we’d like to explore in the future.

Importantly, our documentation continues to be 100% open source. If you read Cloudflare’s developer documentation, and have feedback, feel free to check out the project on GitHub and submit suggestions!

How we treat content as a product

Post Syndicated from Kim Jeske original https://blog.cloudflare.com/content-as-a-product/

How we treat content as a product

How we treat content as a product

At Cloudflare, we talk a lot about how to help build a better Internet. On the Product Content Experience (PCX) team, we treat content like a product that represents and fulfills this mission. Our vision is to create world-class content that anticipates user needs and helps build accessible Cloudflare products. We believe we can impact the Cloudflare product experience and make it as wonderful as possible by intentionally designing, packaging, and testing the content.

What is “content like a product”?

I like taking on projects. A singular goal is met, and I clearly know I’m successful because the meaning of “done” is normally very clear. For example, I volunteer some of my time editing academic papers about technology. My role as an editor is temporary and there is a defined beginning and end to the work. I send my feedback and my task is largely complete.

“Content like a product” is when you shift your mindset from completing projects to maintaining a product, taking into consideration the user and their feedback. Product content at Cloudflare is an iterative, living, breathing thing. Inspired by the success of teams that adopt an agile mindset, along with some strategic functions you might find in a product management organization, treating content like a product means we treat content much like how a software project is created and maintained. This strategy allows for content development behaviors that closely align with the release of actual products, while also allowing technical writers and content designers to be laser-focused on doing what’s best for the user.

Adopting a product development mindset

When the content team was new, we initially adopted many traditional agile methodologies. Why agile? Before I joined Cloudflare I was a product owner and was a huge advocate for sprint planning, retrospectives, and daily stand-ups. I liked Agile — I could easily keep up with a technical team, focus on priorities, and get things done quickly and efficiently. However, the rigidity of agile was just a bit too much for a content team. Over time, we modified and chose our favorite parts of the methodology while letting the rest go.

Shifting to a product development process created a lot of flexibility, but we didn’t want to abandon all process. Situationally, we take a process-focused mindset. For writing tasks that need to be predictable and consistent, like choosing inclusive terminology throughout our documentation, we have automated and manual processes to ensure we’re following our best practices.

Aligning content to the product development process means that when a new product is shipping, we have developer documentation ready to publish. Whenever the UI of the product changes, screenshots in the docs are updated accordingly. When new features are launched, we provide how-to guides and configuration content. Better alignment with the product team not only means the content team maintains accuracy of staying on top of all changes, it allows us to be user-focused. Above all, writers are aligned to the most important priority — shipping fast and often.

How we treat content as a product

Shipping content — fast!

As you know, Cloudflare ships fast. You can see just a small sample of what I mean by fast here, here, and here. That speed was driven home within my first few weeks. I started just before Birthday Week 2020, and was super excited because I just wanted to jump in and create a lot of great content. But wow. What an intense start time. After Birthday Week, my main concerns were how to balance quality while meeting demand. I also wanted to create a quality environment for a team.

In retrospect, Birthday Week was a great time to start because it highlighted that keeping pace with products was going to be a big priority. Here’s how the content team met the demand.

First, the writers and I established that our focus was creating the most important content for the user, which allowed us to establish a product development mindset. We were now aligned with the product team.

Second, we moved content to an open source platform. This helped writers ship content fast because our authoring tools were consolidated to fewer platforms, and we were now in the same environment as our users.

We actually started publishing content as fast as products shipped within a few months! The content team began chipping away at the backlog once we understood the product team’s release cadence, and within less than six months we were ahead of the backlog and focusing on bigger initiatives including how to make content accessible, more consistent, and approachable to a wider group of users. It happened fast and was thrilling as a content creator.

The open source authoring tools on developers.cloudflare.com have evolved since 2020, continuing to help writers and contributors publish content faster by improving the review and build processes. We moved the docs platform to Cloudflare Pages earlier this year, allowing the writers to help build a more robust open source docs community while also providing valuable feedback to the Cloudflare Pages team.


Adopting a “content as a product” strategy requires buy-in from product managers and engineers, but it scales really well once established because everyone is focused on supporting the user versus the specifics of a content strategy itself. We go through the same planning, research, and analytics tasks you might find for a product to identify if we are creating the right content for folks who read the docs or use Cloudflare products. While everything we do with content is done so that we can create better content for our users, we also intentionally communicate that the content strategy is just a tool that enables a great user experience.

Over the next few weeks expect to see more about how Cloudflare writers have embraced the “content as a product” methodology as part of their own specific roles. In addition to learning more about how the developers.cloudflare.com site was moved to Cloudflare Pages, writers will share how they leaned into content creation for an open source community, their journey from technical writer to UX writing and content design, and share more specifics about our content strategy including the customer journey and success metrics.

I’ll admit. I’m fortunate to work for a company with overwhelming support regarding content. Great documentation is important to so many folks, and we’ve created the type of writing environment I always wanted to be a part of. It’s an exciting time to be helping build a better Internet through excellent product content.

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

Post Syndicated from Alice Bracchi original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-tunnel-for-content-teams/

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

A big part of the job of a technical writer is getting feedback on the content you produce. Writing and maintaining product documentation is a deeply collaborative and cyclical effort — through constant conversation with product managers and engineers, technical writers ensure the content is clear and serves the user in the most effective way. Collaboration with other technical writers is also important to keep the documentation consistent with Cloudflare’s content strategy.

So whether we’re documenting a new feature or overhauling a big portion of existing documentation, sharing our writing with stakeholders before it’s published is quite literally half the work.

In my experience as a technical writer, the feedback I’ve received has been exponentially more impactful when stakeholders could see my changes in context. This is especially true for bigger and more strategic changes. Imagine I’m changing the structure of an entire section of a product’s documentation, or shuffling the order of pages in the navigation bar. It’s hard to guess the impact of those changes just by looking at the markdown files.

We writers check those changes in context by building a development server on our local machines. But sharing what we see locally with our stakeholders has always been a pain point for us. We’ve sent screenshots (hardly a good idea). We’ve recorded our screens. We’ve asked stakeholders to check out our branches locally and build a development server on their own. Lately, we’ve added a GitHub action to our open-source cloudflare-docs repo that allows us to generate a preview link for all pull requests with a certain label. However, that requires us to open a pull request with our changes, and that is not ideal if we’re documenting a feature that’s yet to be announced, or if our work is still in its early stages.

So the question has always been: could there be a way for someone else to see what we see, as easily as we see it?

Enter Cloudflare Tunnel

I was working on a complete refresh of Cloudflare Tunnel’s documentation when I realized the product could very well answer that question for us as a technical writing team.

If you’re not familiar with the product, Cloudflare Tunnel provides a secure way to connect your local resources to the Cloudflare network without poking holes in your firewall. By running cloudflared in your environment, you can create outbound-only connections to Cloudflare’s edge, and ensure all traffic to your origins goes through Cloudflare and is protected from outside interference.

For our team, Cloudflare Tunnel could offer a way for our stakeholders to interact with what’s on our local environments in real-time, just like a customer would if the changes were published. To do that, we could expose our local environment to the edge through a tunnel, assign a DNS record to that tunnel, and then share that URL with our stakeholders.

So if each member in the technical writing team had their own tunnel that they could spin up every time they needed to get feedback, that would pretty much solve our long-standing problem.

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

Setting up the tunnel

To test out that this would work, I went ahead and tried it for myself.

First, I made sure to create a local branch of the cloudflare-docs repo, make local changes, and run a development server locally on port 8000.

Since I already had cloudflared installed on my machine, the next thing I needed to do was log into my team’s Cloudflare account, pick the zone I wanted to create tunnels for (I picked developers.cloudflare.com), and authorize Cloudflare Tunnel for that zone.

$ cloudflared login

Next, it was time to create the Named Tunnel.

$ cloudflared tunnel create alice
Tunnel credentials written to /Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4.json. cloudflared chose this file based on where your origin certificate was found. Keep this file secret. To revoke these credentials, delete the tunnel.

Created tunnel alice with id 0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4

Alright, tunnel created. Next, I needed to assign a DNS record to it. I wanted it to be something readable and easily shareable with stakeholders (like abracchi.developers.cloudflare.com), so I ran the following command and specified the tunnel name first and then the desired subdomain:

$ cloudflared tunnel route dns alice abracchi

Next, I needed a way to tell the tunnel to serve traffic to my localhost:8000 port. For that, I created a configuration file in my default cloudflared directory and specified the following fields:

url: https://localhost:8000
tunnel: 0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4
credentials-file: /Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4

Time to run the tunnel. The following command established connections between my origin and the Cloudflare edge, telling the tunnel to serve traffic to my origin according to the parameters I’d specified in the config file:

$ cloudflared tunnel --config /Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/config.yml run alice
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Starting tunnel tunnelID=0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Version 2021.9.2
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF GOOS: darwin, GOVersion: go1.16.5, GoArch: amd64
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Settings: map[cred-file:/Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4.json credentials-file:/Users/alicebracchi/.cloudflared/0e025819-6f12-4f49-8183-c678273feef4.json url:http://localhost:8000]
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Generated Connector ID: 90a7e3a9-9d59-4d26-9b87-4b94ebf4d2a0
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF cloudflared will not automatically update when run from the shell. To enable auto-updates, run cloudflared as a service: https://developers.cloudflare.com/argo-tunnel/reference/service/
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Initial protocol http2
2021-10-18T09:39:54Z INF Starting metrics server on
2021-10-18T09:39:55Z INF Connection 13bf4c0c-b35b-4f9a-b6fa-f0a3dd001951 registered connIndex=0 location=MAD
2021-10-18T09:39:56Z INF Connection 38510c22-5256-45f2-abf8-72f1207ca242 registered connIndex=1 location=LIS
2021-10-18T09:39:57Z INF Connection 9ab0ea06-b1cf-483c-bd48-64a067a87c39 registered connIndex=2 location=MAD
2021-10-18T09:39:58Z INF Connection df079efe-8246-4e93-85f5-10caf8b7c354 registered connIndex=3 location=LIS

And sure enough, at abracchi.developers.cloudflare.com, my teammates could see what I was seeing on localhost:8000.

Securing the tunnel

After creating the tunnel, I needed to make sure only people within Cloudflare could access that tunnel. As it was, anyone with access to abracchi.developers.cloudflare.com could see what was in my local environment. To fix this, I set up an Access self-hosted application by navigating to Access > Applications on the Teams Dashboard. For this application, I then created a policy that restricts access to the tunnel to a user group that includes only Cloudflare employees and requires authentication via Google or One-time PIN (OTP).

This makes applications like my tunnel easily shareable between colleagues, but also safe from potential vulnerabilities.

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

Et voilà!

Back to the Tunnels page, this is what the content team’s Cloudflare Tunnel setup looks like after each writer completed the process I’ve outlined above. Every writer has their personal tunnel set up and their local environment exposed to the Cloudflare Edge:

Cloudflare Tunnel for Content Teams

What’s next

The team is now seamlessly sharing visual content with their stakeholders, but there’s still room for improvement. Cloudflare Tunnel is just the first step towards making the feedback loop easier for everyone involved. We’re currently exploring ways we can capture integrated feedback directly at the URL that’s shared with the stakeholders, to avoid back-and-forth on separate channels.

We’re also looking into bringing in Cloudflare Pages to make the entire deployment process faster. Stay tuned for future updates, and in the meantime, check out our developer docs.