All posts by Kenny Johnson

Introducing advanced session audit capabilities in Cloudflare One

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

The basis of Zero Trust is defining granular controls and authorization policies per application, user, and device. Having a system with a sufficient level of granularity to do this is crucial to meet both regulatory and security requirements. But there is a potential downside to so many controls: in order to troubleshoot user issues, an administrator has to consider a complex combination of variables across applications, user identity, and device information, which may require painstakingly sifting through logs.

We think there’s a better way — which is why, starting today, administrators can easily audit all active user sessions and associated data used by their Cloudflare One policies. This enables the best of both worlds: extremely granular controls, while maintaining an improved ability to troubleshoot and diagnose Zero Trust deployments in a single, simple control panel. Information that previously lived in a user’s browser or changed dynamically is now available to administrators without the need to bother an end user or dig into logs.

A quick primer on application authentication and authorization

Authentication and Authorization are the two components that a Zero Trust policy evaluates before allowing a user access to a resource.

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or system. Common methods of authentication include entering usernames and passwords, presenting a digital certificate, or even biometrics like a fingerprint or face scan. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) requires two or more separate methods of authentication for enhanced security, like a hardware key in combination with a password.

Authorization is the process of granting or denying access to specific resources or permissions once an entity has been successfully authenticated. It defines what the authenticated entity can and cannot do within the system.

Application authentication/authorization mechanisms

Web applications, which we’ll focus on, generally use HTTP cookies to handle both authentication and authorization.


  1. Login: When a user logs into a web application by entering their username and password, the application verifies these credentials against its database or in an Identity Provider (IdP). Additional forms of authentication may also be applied to achieve multiple factors of authentication. If they match, the server or external security service (e.g., Cloudflare Access) considers the user authenticated.
  2. Cookie/Token Creation: The server then creates a session for the user in the form of a cookie or JSON Web Token. The cookie is valid for a period of time until the user has to reauthenticate.
  3. Sending and Storing Cookies: The server sends a response back to the user’s browser which includes the session ID and other identifying information about the user in the cookie. The browser then stores this cookie. This cookie is used to recognize the user in their subsequent requests.


  1. Subsequent Requests: For all subsequent requests to the web application, the user’s browser automatically includes the cookie (with the session ID and other identifying information) in the request.
  2. Server-side Verification: The server gets the user data from the cookie and checks if the session is valid. If it’s valid, the server also retrieves the user’s details and their access permissions associated with that session ID.
  3. Authorization Decision: Based on the user’s access permissions, the server decides whether the user is authorized to perform the requested operation or access the requested resource.

This way, the user stays authenticated (and their authorization can be checked) for all subsequent requests after logging in, until the session expires, or they log out.

In modern web applications, this session state is most commonly stored in the form of a JSON Web Token (JWT).

Debugging JWT based authentication

JWTs are used in many modern web applications, and Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solutions like Cloudflare Access, for authentication and authorization. A JWT includes a payload that encodes information about the user and possibly other data, and it’s signed by the server to prevent tampering. JWTs are often used in a stateless manner, meaning the server doesn’t keep a copy of each JWT—it simply verifies and decodes them as they come in with requests. The stateless nature of JWTs means that you do not have to rely on a central system to handle user session management which avoids creating scalability issues as the number of users accessing a system increases.

However, this stateless nature of JWTs makes debugging JWT-based authentication tricky without getting the specific JWT from a user. Here’s why:

1. Token Specificity: Each JWT is specific to a user and a session. It contains information (claims) about the user, the issuing authority, the token’s issuing time, expiration time, and possibly other data. Therefore, to debug a problem, you often need the exact JWT that’s causing the issue.

2. No Server-side Records: Since JWTs are stateless, the server does not store sessions by default. It can’t look up past tokens or their associated state, unless it’s been specifically designed to log them, which is usually not the case due to privacy and data minimization considerations.

3. Transient Issues: Problems with JWTs can be transient—they might relate to the specific moment the token was used. For instance, if a token was expired when a user tried to use it, you’d need that specific token to debug the issue.

4. Privacy and Security: JWTs can contain sensitive information, so they should be handled with care. Getting a JWT from a user might expose their personal information or security credentials to whoever is debugging the issue. In addition, if a user sends their JWT through an insecure channel to a developer or an IT help desk, it could be intercepted (Cloudflare recently released a free HAR Sanitizer to help mitigate this concern).

These factors make it difficult to troubleshoot issues with JWT based authentication without having the specific token in question.

A better way to debug identity issues

We set out to build a better way to debug issues related to a user’s identity in Cloudflare Zero Trust without sharing JWTs or HAR files back and forth. Administrators can now view a user’s Registry Identity (used for Gateway policies) and all active Access sessions.

This session information includes the full identity evaluated by Zero Trust including IdP claims, device posture information, network context and more. We were able to build this feature without any additional load on Access’ authentication logic by leveraging Cloudflare Workers KV. At the time a user authenticates with Access, their associated identity is immediately saved into a Key/Value pair in Workers KV. This all occurs within the context of the user’s authentication event which means there is minimal latency impact or reliance on an external service.

This feature is available to all customers across all Zero Trust plans. If you would like to get started with Cloudflare Zero Trust, sign up for a free account for up to 50 users, today! Or, collaborate with Cloudflare experts to discuss SSE or SASE for your organization and tackle your Zero Trust use cases one step at a time.

Introducing HAR Sanitizer: secure HAR sharing

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Introducing HAR Sanitizer: secure HAR sharing

On Wednesday 18th, 2023, Cloudflare’s Security Incident Response Team (SIRT) discovered an attack on our systems that originated from an authentication token stolen from one of Okta’s support systems. No Cloudflare customer information or systems were impacted by the incident, thanks to the real-time detection and rapid action of our Security Incident Response Team (SIRT) in tandem with our Zero Trust security posture and use of hardware keys. With that said, we’d rather not repeat the experience — and so we have built a new security tool that can help organizations render this type of attack obsolete for good.

The bad actor in the Okta breach compromised user sessions by capturing session tokens from administrators at Cloudflare and other impacted organizations. They did this by infiltrating Okta’s customer support system and stealing one of the most common mechanisms for troubleshooting — an HTTP Response Archive (HAR) file.

HAR files contain a record of a user’s browser session, a kind of step-by-step audit, that a user can share with someone like a help desk agent to diagnose an issue. However, the file can also contain sensitive information that can be used to launch an attack.

As a follow-up to the Okta breach, we are making a HAR file sanitizer available to everyone, not just Cloudflare customers, at no cost. We are publishing this tool under an open source license and are making it available to any support, engineering or security team. At Cloudflare, we are committed to making the Internet a better place and using HAR files without the threat of stolen sessions should be part of the future of the Internet.

HAR Files – a look back in time

Imagine being able to rewind time and revisit every single step a user took during a web session, scrutinizing each request and the responses the browser received.

HAR (HTTP Archive) files are a JSON formatted archive file of a web browser’s interaction with a web application. HAR files provide a detailed snapshot of every request, including headers, cookies, and other types of data sent to a web server by the browser. This makes them an invaluable resource to troubleshoot web application issues especially for complex, layered web applications.

The snapshot that a HAR file captures can contain the following information:

Complete Request and Response Headers: Every piece of data sent and received, including method types (GET, POST, etc.), status codes, URLs, cookies, and more.

Payload Content: Details of what was actually exchanged between the client and server, which can be essential for diagnosing issues related to data submission or retrieval.

Timing Information: Precise timing breakdowns of each phase – from DNS lookup, connection time, SSL handshake, to content download – giving insight into performance bottlenecks.

This information can be difficult to gather from an application’s logs due to the diverse nature of devices, browsers and networks used to access an application. A user would need to take dozens of manual steps. A HAR file gives them a one-click option to share diagnostic information with another party. The file is also standard, providing the developers, support teams, and administrators on the other side of the exchange with a consistent input to their own tooling. This minimizes the frustrating back-and-forth where teams try to recreate a user-reported problem, ensuring that everyone is, quite literally, on the same page.

HAR files as an attack vector

HAR files, while powerful, come with a cautionary note. Within the set of information they contain, session cookies make them a target for malicious actors.

The Role of Session Cookies

Before diving into the risks, it’s crucial to understand the role of session cookies. A session cookie is sent from a server and stored on a user’s browser to maintain stateful information across web sessions for that user. In simpler terms, it’s how the browser keeps you logged into an application for a period of time even if you close the page. Generally, these cookies live in local memory on a user’s browser and are not often shared. However, a HAR file is one of the most common ways that a session cookie could be inadvertently shared.

If a HAR file with a valid session cookie is shared, then there are a number of potential security threats that user, and company, may be exposed to:

Unauthorized Access: The biggest risk is unauthorized access. If a HAR file with a session cookie lands in the wrong hands, it grants entry to the user’s account for that application. For platforms that store personal data or financial details, the consequences of such a breach can be catastrophic. Especially if the session cookie of a user with administrative or elevated permissions is stolen.

Session Hijacking: Armed with a session cookie, attackers can impersonate legitimate users, a tactic known as session hijacking. This can lead to a range of malicious activities, from spreading misinformation to siphoning off funds.

Persistent Exposure: Unlike other forms of data, a session cookie’s exposure risk doesn’t necessarily end when a user session does. Depending on the cookie’s lifespan, malicious actors could gain prolonged access, repeatedly compromising a user’s digital interactions.

Gateway to Further Attacks: With access to a user’s session, especially an administrator’s, attackers can probe for other vulnerabilities, exploit platform weaknesses, or jump to other applications.

Mitigating the impact of a stolen HAR file

Thankfully, there are ways to render a HAR file inert even if stolen by an attacker. One of the most effective methods is to “sanitize” a HAR file of any session related information before sharing it for debugging purposes.

The HAR sanitizer we are introducing today allows a user to upload any HAR file, and the tool will strip out any session related cookies or JSON Web Tokens (JWT). The tool is built entirely on Cloudflare Workers, and all sanitization is done client-side which means Cloudflare never sees the full contents of the session token.

Just enough sanitization

By default, the sanitizer will remove all session-related cookies and tokens — but there are some cases where these are essential for troubleshooting. For these scenarios, we are implementing a way to conditionally strip “just enough” data from the HAR file to render them safe, while still giving support teams the information they need.

The first product we’ve optimized the HAR sanitizer for is Cloudflare Access. Access relies on a user’s JWT — a compact token often used for secure authentication — to verify that a user should have access to the requested resource. This means a JWT plays a crucial role in troubleshooting issues with Cloudflare Access. We have tuned the HAR sanitizer to strip the cryptographic signature out of the Access JWT, rendering it inert, while still providing useful information for internal admins and Cloudflare support to debug issues.

Because HAR files can include a diverse array of data types, selectively sanitizing them is not a case of ‘one size fits all’. We will continue to expand support for other popular authentication tools to ensure we strip out “just enough” information.

What’s next

Over the coming months, we will launch additional security controls in Cloudflare Zero Trust to further mitigate attacks stemming from session tokens stolen from HAR files. This will include:

  • Enhanced Data Loss Prevention (DLP) file type scanning to include HAR file and session token detections, to ensure users in your organization can not share unsanitized files.
  • Expanded API CASB scanning to detect HAR files with session tokens in collaboration tools like Zendesk, Jira, Drive and O365.
  • Automated HAR sanitization of data in popular collaboration tools.

As always, we continue to expand our Cloudflare One Zero Trust suite to protect organizations of all sizes against an ever-evolving array of threats. Ready to get started? Sign up here to begin using Cloudflare One at no cost for teams of up to 50 users.

Wildcard and multi-hostname support in Cloudflare Access

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Wildcard and multi-hostname support in Cloudflare Access

Wildcard and multi-hostname support in Cloudflare Access

We are thrilled to announce the full support of wildcard and multi-hostname application definitions in Cloudflare Access. Until now, Access had limitations that restricted it to a single hostname or a limited set of wildcards. Before diving into these new features let’s review Cloudflare Access and its previous limitations around application definition.

Access and hostnames

Cloudflare Access is the gateway to applications, enforcing security policies based on identity, location, network, and device health. Previously, Access applications were defined as a single hostname. A hostname is a unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the internet, commonly used to identify a website, application, or server. For instance, “” is a hostname.

Upon successful completion of the security checks, a user is granted access to the protected hostname via a cookie in their browser, in the form of a JSON Web Token (JWT). This cookie’s session lasts for a specific period of time defined by the administrators and any request made to the hostname must have this cookie present.

However, a single hostname application definition was not sufficient in certain situations, particularly for organizations with Single Page Applications and/or hundreds of identical hostnames.

Many Single Page Applications have two separate hostnames – one for the front-end user experience and the other for receiving API requests (e.g., and This created a problem for Access customers because the front-end service could no longer communicate with the API as they did not share a session, leading to Access blocking the requests. Developers had to use different custom approaches to issue or share the Access JWT between different hostnames.

In many instances, organizations also deploy applications using a consistent naming convention, such as, especially for automatically provisioned applications. These applications often have the same set of security requirements. Previously, an Access administrator had to create a unique Access application per unique hostname, even if the services were functionally identical. This resulted in hundreds or thousands of Access applications needing to be created.

We aimed to make things easier for security teams as easier configuration means a more coherent security architecture and ultimately more secure applications.

We introduced two significant changes to Cloudflare Access: Multi-Hostname Applications and Wildcard Support.

Multi-Hostname Applications

Multi-Hostname Applications allow teams to protect multiple subdomains with a single Access app, simplifying the process and reducing the need for multiple apps.

Wildcard and multi-hostname support in Cloudflare Access

Access also takes care of JWT cookie issuance across all hostnames associated with a given application. This means that a front-end and API service on two different hostnames can communicate securely without any additional software changes.


A wildcard is a special character, in this case *, defines a specific application pattern to match instead of explicitly having to define each unique application. Access applications can now be defined using a wildcard anywhere in the subdomain or path of a hostname. This allows an administrator to protect hundreds of applications with a single application policy.

Wildcard and multi-hostname support in Cloudflare Access

In a scenario where an application requires additional security controls, Access is configured such that the most specific hostname definition wins (e.g., will take precedence over *

Give it a try!

Wildcard Applications are now available in open beta on the Cloudflare One Dashboard. Multi Hostname support will enter an open beta in the coming weeks. For more information, please see our product documentation about Multi-hostname applications and wildcards.

Introducing custom pages for Cloudflare Access

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Introducing custom pages for Cloudflare Access

Introducing custom pages for Cloudflare Access

Over 10,000 organizations rely on Cloudflare Access to connect their employees, partners, and contractors to the applications they need. From small teams on our free plan to some of the world’s largest enterprises, Cloudflare Access is the Zero Trust front door to how they work together. As more users start their day with Cloudflare Access, we’re excited to announce new options to customize how those users experience our industry-leading Zero Trust solution. We’re excited to announce customizable Cloudflare Access pages including login, blocks and the application launcher.

Where does Cloudflare Access fit in a user’s workflow today?

Most teams we work with start their Zero Trust journey by replacing their existing virtual private network (VPN) with Cloudflare Access. The reasons vary. For some teams, their existing VPN allows too much trust by default and Access allows them to quickly build segmentation based on identity, device posture, and other factors. Other organizations deploy Cloudflare Access because they are exhausted from trying to maintain their VPN and dealing with end user complaints.

When those administrators begin setting up Cloudflare Access, they connect the resources they need to protect to Cloudflare’s network. They can deploy a Cloudflare Tunnel to create a secure, outbound-only, connection to Cloudflare, rely on our existing DNS infrastructure, or even force SaaS application logins through our network. Administrators can then layer on granular Zero Trust rules to determine who can reach a given resource.

To the end user, Cloudflare Access is just a security guard checking for identity, device posture, or other signals at every door. In most cases they should never need to think about us. Instead, they just enjoy a much faster experience with less hassle. When they attempt to reach an application or service, we check each and every request and connection for proof that they should be allowed.

When they do notice Cloudflare Access, they interact with screens that help them make a decision about what they need. In these cases we don’t just want to be a silent security guard – we want to be a helpful tour guide.

Introducing custom pages for Cloudflare Access

Cloudflare Access supports the ability for administrators to configure multiple identity providers simultaneously. Customers love this capability when they work with contractors or acquired teams. We can also configure this only for certain applications. When users arrive, though, we need to know which direction to send them for their initial authentication. We present this selection screen, along with guiding text provided by the administrator, to the user.

Introducing custom pages for Cloudflare Access

When teams move their applications behind Cloudflare Access, we become the front door to how they work. We use that position to present the user with all of the applications they can reach in a portal that allows them to click on any tile to launch the application.

Introducing custom pages for Cloudflare Access

In some cases, the user lacks sufficient permissions to reach the destination. Even though they are being blocked we still want to reduce confusion. Instead of just presenting a generic browser error or dropping a connection, we display a block page.

Why do these need to change?

More and more large enterprises are starting to adopt a Zero Trust VPN replacement and they’re selecting Cloudflare to do so. Unlike small teams that can send a short Slack message about an upcoming change to their employee workflow, some of the CIOs and CSOs that deploy Access need to anticipate questions and curiosity from tens of thousands of employees and contractors.

Those users do not know what Cloudflare is and we don’t need them to. Instead, we just want to securely connect them to the tools they need. To solve that, we need to give IT administrators more space to communicate and we need to get our branding out of the way.

What will I be able to customize?

Following the release of Access page customization, administrators will be able to customize: the login screen, access denied errors and the Access Application Launcher.

What’s next?

We are building page customization in Cloudflare Access following the existing template our reverse proxy customers can use to modify pages presented to end users. We’re excited to bring that standard experience to these workflows as well.

Even though we’re building on that pattern, we still want your feedback. Ahead of a closed beta we are looking for customers who want to provide input as we fine tune this new configuration option. Interested in helping shape this work? Let us know here.

Cloudflare Incident on January 24th, 2023

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Cloudflare Incident on January 24th, 2023

Cloudflare Incident on January 24th, 2023

Several Cloudflare services became unavailable for 121 minutes on January 24th, 2023 due to an error releasing code that manages service tokens. The incident degraded a wide range of Cloudflare products including aspects of our Workers platform, our Zero Trust solution, and control plane functions in our content delivery network (CDN).

Cloudflare provides a service token functionality to allow automated services to authenticate to other services. Customers can use service tokens to secure the interaction between an application running in a data center and a resource in a public cloud provider, for example. As part of the release, we intended to introduce a feature that showed administrators the time that a token was last used, giving users the ability to safely clean up unused tokens. The change inadvertently overwrote other metadata about the service tokens and rendered the tokens of impacted accounts invalid for the duration of the incident.

The reason a single release caused so much damage is because Cloudflare runs on Cloudflare. Service tokens impact the ability for accounts to authenticate, and two of the impacted accounts power multiple Cloudflare services. When these accounts’ service tokens were overwritten, the services that run on these accounts began to experience failed requests and other unexpected errors.

We know this impacted several customers and we know the impact was painful. We’re documenting what went wrong so that you can understand why this happened and the steps we are taking to prevent this from occurring again.

What is a service token?

When users log into an application or identity provider, they typically input a username and a password. The password allows that user to demonstrate that they are in control of the username and that the service should allow them to proceed. Layers of additional authentication can be added, like hard keys or device posture, but the workflow consists of a human proving they are who they say they are to a service.

However, humans are not the only users that need to authenticate to a service. Applications frequently need to talk to other applications. For example, imagine you build an application that shows a user information about their upcoming travel plans.

The airline holds details about the flight and its duration in their own system. They do not want to make the details of every individual trip public on the Internet and they do not want to invite your application into their private network. Likewise, the hotel wants to make sure that they only send details of a room booking to a valid, approved third party service.

Your application needs a trusted way to authenticate with those external systems. Service tokens solve this problem by functioning as a kind of username and password for your service. Like usernames and passwords, service tokens come in two parts: a Client ID and a Client Secret. Both the ID and Secret must be sent with a request for authentication. Tokens are also assigned a duration, after which they become invalid and must be rotated. You can grant your application a service token and, if the upstream systems you need validate it, your service can grab airline and hotel information and present it to the end user in a joint report.

When administrators create Cloudflare service tokens, we generate the Client ID and the Client Secret pair. Customers can then configure their requesting services to send both values as HTTP headers when they need to reach a protected resource. The requesting service can run in any environment, including inside of Cloudflare’s network in the form of a Worker or in a separate location like a public cloud provider. Customers need to deploy the corresponding protected resource behind Cloudflare’s reverse proxy. Our network checks every request bound for a configured service for the HTTP headers. If present, Cloudflare validates their authenticity and either blocks the request or allows it to proceed. We also log the authentication event.

Incident Timeline

All Timestamps are UTC

At 2023-01-24 16:55 UTC the Access engineering team initiated the release that inadvertently began to overwrite service token metadata, causing the incident.

At 2023-01-24 17:05 UTC a member of the Access engineering team noticed an unrelated issue and rolled back the release which stopped any further overwrites of service token metadata.

Service token values are not updated across Cloudflare’s network until the service token itself is updated (more details below). This caused a staggered impact of the service token’s that had their metadata overwritten.

2023-01-24 17:50 UTC: The first invalid service token for Cloudflare WARP was synced to the edge. Impact began for WARP and Zero Trust users.

Cloudflare Incident on January 24th, 2023
WARP device posture uploads dropped to zero which raised an internal alert

At 2023-01-24 18:12 an incident was declared due to the large drop in successful WARP device posture uploads.

2023-01-24 18:19 UTC: The first invalid service token for the Cloudflare API was synced to the edge. Impact began for Cache Purge, Cache Reserve, Images and R2. Alerts were triggered for these products which identified a larger scope of the incident.

Cloudflare Incident on January 24th, 2023

At 2023-01-24 18:21 the overwritten services tokens were discovered during the initial investigation.

At 2023-01-24 18:28 the incident was elevated to include all impacted products.

At 2023-01-24 18:51 An initial solution was identified and implemented to revert the service token to its original value for the Cloudflare WARP account, impacting WARP and Zero Trust. Impact ended for WARP and Zero Trust.

At 2023-01-24 18:56 The same solution was implemented on the Cloudflare API account, impacting Cache Purge, Cache Reserve, Images and R2. Impact ended for Cache Purge, Cache Reserve, Images and R2.

At 2023-01-24 19:00 An update was made to the Cloudflare API account which incorrectly overwrote the Cloudflare API account. Impact restarted for Cache Purge, Cache Reserve, Images and R2. All internal Cloudflare account changes were then locked until incident resolution.

At 2023-01-24 19:07 the Cloudflare API was updated to include the correct service token value. Impact ended for Cache Purge, Cache Reserve, Images and R2.

At 2023-01-24 19:51 all affected accounts had their service tokens restored from a database backup. Incident Ends.

What was released and how did it break?

The Access team was rolling out a new change to service tokens that added a “Last seen at” field. This was a popular feature request to help identify which service tokens were actively in use.

What went wrong?

The “last seen at” value was derived by scanning all new login events in an account’s login event Kafka queue. If a login event using a service token was detected, an update to the corresponding service token’s last seen value was initiated.

In order to update the service token’s “last seen at” value a read write transaction is made to collect the information about the corresponding service token. Service token read requests redact the “client secret” value by default for security reasons. The “last seen at” update to the service token then used that information from the read did not include the “client secret” and updated the service token with an empty “client secret” on the write.

An example of the correct and incorrect service token values shown below:

Example Access Service Token values

  "1a4ddc9e-a1234-4acc-a623-7e775e579c87": {
    "client_id": "6b12308372690a99277e970a3039343c.access",
    "client_secret": "<hashed-value>", <-- what you would expect
    "expires_at": 1698331351
  "23ade6c6-a123-4747-818a-cd7c20c83d15": {
    "client_id": "1ab44976dbbbdadc6d3e16453c096b00.access",
    "client_secret": "", <--- this is the problem
    "expires_at": 1670621577

The service token “client secret” database did have a “not null” check however in this situation an empty text string did not trigger as a null value.

As a result of the bug, any Cloudflare account that used a service token to authenticate during the 10 minutes “last seen at” release was out would have its “client secret” value set to an empty string. The service token then needed to be modified in order for the empty “client secret” to be used for authentication. There were a total of 4 accounts in this state, all of which are internal to Cloudflare.

How did we fix the issue?

As a temporary solution, we were able to manually restore the correct service token values for the accounts with overwritten service tokens. This stopped the immediate impact across the affected Cloudflare services.

The database team was then able to implement a solution to restore the service tokens of all impacted accounts from an older database copy. This concluded any impact from this incident.

Why did this impact other Cloudflare services?

Service tokens impact the ability for accounts to authenticate. Two of the impacted accounts power multiple Cloudflare services. When these accounts’ services tokens were overwritten, the services that run on these accounts began to experience failed requests and other unexpected errors.

Cloudflare WARP Enrollment

Cloudflare provides a mobile and desktop forward proxy, Cloudflare WARP (our “” app), that any user can install on a device to improve the privacy of their Internet traffic. Any individual can install this service without the need for a Cloudflare account and we do not retain logs that map activity to a user.

When a user connects using WARP, Cloudflare validates the enrollment of a device by relying on a service that receives and validates the keys on the device. In turn, that service communicates with another system that tells our network to provide the newly enrolled device with access to our network

During the incident, the enrollment service could no longer communicate with systems in our network that would validate the device. As a result, users could no longer register new devices and/or install the app on a new device, and may have experienced issues upgrading to a new version of the app (which also triggers re-registration).

Cloudflare Zero Trust Device Posture and Re-Auth Policies

Cloudflare provides a comprehensive Zero Trust solution that customers can deploy with or without an agent living on the device. Some use cases are only available when using the Cloudflare agent on the device. The agent is an enterprise version of the same Cloudflare WARP solution and experienced similar degradation anytime the agent needed to send or receive device state. This impacted three use cases in Cloudflare Zero Trust.

First, similar to the consumer product, new devices could not be enrolled and existing devices could not be revoked. Administrators were also unable to modify settings of enrolled devices.. In all cases errors would have been presented to the user.

Second, many customers who replace their existing private network with Cloudflare’s Zero Trust solution may add rules that continually validate a user’s identity through the use of session duration policies. The goal of these rules is to enforce users to reauthenticate in order to prevent stale sessions from having ongoing access to internal systems. The agent on the device prompts the user to reauthenticate based on signals from Cloudflare’s control plane. During the incident, the signals were not sent and users could not successfully reauthenticate.

Finally, customers who rely on device posture rules also experienced impact. Device posture rules allow customers who use Access or Gateway policies to rely on the WARP agent to continually enforce that a device meets corporate compliance rules.

The agent communicates these signals to a Cloudflare service responsible for maintaining the state of the device. Cloudflare’s Zero Trust access control product uses a service token to receive this signal and evaluate it along with other rules to determine if a user can access a given resource. During this incident those rules defaulted to a block action, meaning that traffic modified by these policies would appear broken to the user. In some cases this meant that all internet bound traffic from a device was completely blocked leaving users unable to access anything.

Cloudflare Gateway caches the device posture state for users every 5 minutes to apply Gateway policies. The device posture state is cached so Gateway can apply policies without having to verify device state on every request. Depending on which Gateway policy type was matched, the user would experience two different outcomes. If they matched a network policy the user would experience a dropped connection and for an HTTP policy they would see a 5XX error page. We peaked at over 50,000 5XX errors/minute over baseline and had over 10.5 million posture read errors until the incident was resolved.

Gateway 5XX errors per minute

Cloudflare Incident on January 24th, 2023

Total count of Gateway Device posture errors

Cloudflare Incident on January 24th, 2023

Cloudflare R2 Storage and Cache Reserve

Cloudflare R2 Storage allows developers to store large amounts of unstructured data without the costly egress bandwidth fees associated with typical cloud storage services.

During the incident, the R2 service was unable to make outbound API requests to other parts of the Cloudflare infrastructure. As a result, R2 users saw elevated request failure rates when making requests to R2.  

Many Cloudflare products also depend on R2 for data storage and were also affected. For example, Cache Reserve users were impacted during this window and saw increased origin load for any items not in the primary cache. The majority of read and write operations to the Cache Reserve service were impacted during this incident causing entries into and out of Cache Reserve to fail. However, when Cache Reserve sees an R2 error, it falls back to the customer origin, so user traffic was still serviced during this period.

Cloudflare Cache Purge

Cloudflare’s content delivery network (CDN) caches the content of Internet properties on our network in our data centers around the world to reduce the distance that a user’s request needs to travel for a response. In some cases, customers want to purge what we cache and replace it with different data.

The Cloudflare control plane, the place where an administrator interacts with our network, uses a service token to authenticate and reach the cache purge service. During the incident, many purge requests failed while the service token was invalid. We saw an average impact of 20 purge requests/second failing and a maximum of 70 requests/second.

What are we doing to prevent this from happening again?

We take incidents like this seriously and recognize the impact it had. We have identified several steps we can take to address the risk of a similar problem occurring in the future. We are implementing the following remediation plan as a result of this incident:

Test: The Access engineering team will add unit tests that would automatically catch any similar issues with service token overwrites before any new features are launched.

Alert: The Access team will implement an automatic alert for any dramatic increase in failed service token authentication requests to catch issues before they are fully launched.

Process: The Access team has identified process improvements to allow for faster rollbacks for specific database tables.

Implementation: All relevant database fields will be updated to include checks for empty strings on top of existing “not null checks”

We are sorry for the disruption this caused for our customers across a number of Cloudflare services. We are actively making these improvements to ensure improved stability moving forward and that this problem will not happen again.

Announcing SCIM support for Cloudflare Access & Gateway

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Announcing SCIM support for Cloudflare Access & Gateway

Announcing SCIM support for Cloudflare Access & Gateway

Today, we’re excited to announce that Cloudflare Access and Gateway now support the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol. Before we dive into what this means, let’s take a step back and review what SCIM, Access, and Gateway are.

SCIM is a protocol that enables organizations to manage user identities and access to resources across multiple systems and domains. It is often used to automate the process of creating, updating, and deleting user accounts and permissions, and to keep these accounts and permissions in sync across different systems.

Announcing SCIM support for Cloudflare Access & Gateway

For example, most organizations have an identity provider, such as Okta or Azure Active Directory, that stores information about its employees, such as names, addresses, and job titles. The organization also likely uses cloud-based applications for collaboration. In order to access the cloud-based application, employees need to create an account and log in with a username and password. Instead of manually creating and managing these accounts, the organization can use SCIM to automate the process. Both the on-premise system and the cloud-based application are configured to support SCIM.

When a new employee is added to, or removed from, the identity provider, SCIM automatically creates an account for that employee in the cloud-based application, using the information from the on-premises system. If an employee’s information is updated in the identity provider, such as a change in job title, SCIM automatically updates the corresponding information in the cloud-based application. If an employee leaves the organization, their account can be deleted from both systems using SCIM.

SCIM helps organizations efficiently manage user identities and access across multiple systems, reducing the need for manual intervention and ensuring that user information is accurate and up to date.

Cloudflare Access provides secure access to your internal applications and resources. It integrates with your existing identity provider to enforce strong authentication for users and ensure that only authorized users have access to your organization’s resources. After a user successfully authenticates via the identity provider, Access initiates a session for that user. Once the session has expired, Access will redirect the user back to the identity provider.

Similarly, Cloudflare Gateway is a comprehensive secure web gateway (SWG) which leverages the same identity provider configurations as Access to allow administrators to build DNS, Network, and HTTP inspection policies based on identity. Once a user logs in using WARP client via the identity provider, their identity is logged and evaluated against any policies created by their organization’s administrator.

Challenges before SCIM

Before SCIM, if a user needed to be deprovisioned (e.g. leaving the business, a security breach or other factors) an administrator needed to remove access for the user in both the identity provider and Access. This was because a user’s Cloudflare Zero Trust session would stay active until they attempted to log in via the identity provider again. This was time-consuming and error-prone, and it leaves room for security vulnerabilities if a user’s access is not removed in a timely manner.

Announcing SCIM support for Cloudflare Access & Gateway

Another challenge with Cloudflare Access and Gateway was that identity provider groups had to be manually entered. This meant that if an identity provider group changed, an administrator had to manually update the value within the Cloudflare Zero trust dashboard to reflect those changes. This was tedious and time-consuming, and led to inconsistencies if the updates were not made promptly. Additionally, it required additional resources and expertise to manage this process effectively.

Announcing SCIM support for Cloudflare Access & Gateway

SCIM for Access & Gateway

Now, with the integration of SCIM, Access and Gateway can automatically deprovision users after they are deactivated in an identity provider and synchronize identity provider groups. This ensures that only active users, in the right group, have access to your organization’s resources, improving the security of your network.

User deprovisioning via SCIM listens for any user deactivation events in the identity provider and then revokes all active sessions for that user. This immediately cuts off their access to any application protected by Access and their session via WARP for Gateway.

Announcing SCIM support for Cloudflare Access & Gateway

Additionally, the integration of SCIM allows for the synchronization of identity provider group information in Access and Gateway policies. This means that all identity provider groups will automatically be available in both the Access and Gateway policy builders. There is also an option to automatically force a user to reauthenticate if their group membership changes.

For example, if you wanted to create an Access policy that only applied to users with emails associated with and apart from the risky user group, you would be able to build a policy as show below by simply selecting the risky user group from a drop-down:

Announcing SCIM support for Cloudflare Access & Gateway

Similarly, if you wanted to create a Gateway policy to block and all of its subdomains for these same users you could create the policy below:

Announcing SCIM support for Cloudflare Access & Gateway

What’s next

Today, SCIM support is available for Azure Active Directory and Okta for Self-Hosted Access applications. In the future, we plan to extend support for more Identity Providers and to Access for SaaS.

Try it now

SCIM is available for all Zero Trust customers today and can be used to improve operations and overall security. Try out SCIM for Access and Gateway yourself today.

New ways to troubleshoot Cloudflare Access ‘blocked’ messages

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

New ways to troubleshoot Cloudflare Access 'blocked' messages

New ways to troubleshoot Cloudflare Access 'blocked' messages

Cloudflare Access is the industry’s easiest Zero Trust access control solution to deploy and maintain. Users can connect via Access to reach the resources and applications that power your team, all while Cloudflare’s network enforces least privilege rules and accelerates their connectivity.

Enforcing least privilege rules can lead to accidental blocks for legitimate users. Over the past year, we have focused on adding tools to make it easier for security administrators to troubleshoot why legitimate users are denied access. These block reasons were initially limited to users denied access due to information about their identity (e.g. wrong identity provider group, email address not in the Access policy, etc.)

Zero Trust access control extends beyond identity and device. Cloudflare Access allows for rules that enforce how a user connects. These rules can include their location, IP address, the presence of our Secure Web Gateway and other controls.

Starting today, you can investigate those allow or block decisions based on how a connection was made with the same level of ease that you can troubleshoot user identity. We’re excited to help more teams make the migration to a Zero Trust model as easy as possible and ensure the ongoing maintenance is a significant reduction compared to their previous private network.

Why was I blocked?

All Zero Trust deployments start and end with identity. In a Zero Trust model, you want your resources (and the network protecting them) to have zero trust by default of any incoming connection or request. Instead, every attempt should have to prove to the network that they should be allowed to connect.

Organizations provide users with a mechanism of proof by integrating their identity provider (IdP) like Azure Active Directory or Okta. With Cloudflare, teams can integrate multiple providers simultaneously to help users connect during activities like mergers or to allow contractors to reach specific resources. Users authenticate with their provider and Cloudflare Access uses that to determine if we should trust a given request or connection.

After integrating identity, most teams start to layer on new controls like device posture. In some cases, or in every case, the resources are so sensitive that you want to ensure only approved users connecting from managed, healthy devices are allowed to connect.

While that model significantly improves security, it can also create strain for IT teams managing remote or hybrid workforces. Troubleshooting “why” a user cannot reach a resource becomes a guessing game over chat. Earlier this year, we launched a new tool to tell you exactly why a user’s identity or device posture did not meet the rules that your administrators created.

New ways to troubleshoot Cloudflare Access 'blocked' messages

What about how they connected?

As organizations advance in their Zero Trust journey, they add rules that go beyond the identity of the user or the posture of the device. For example, some teams might have regulatory restrictions that prevent users from accessing sensitive data from certain countries. Other enterprises need to understand the network context before granting access.

These adaptive controls enforce decisions around how a user connects. The user (and their device) might otherwise be allowed, but their current context like location or network prohibits them from doing so. These checks can extend to automated services, too, like a trusted chatbot that uses a service token to connect to your internal ticketing system.

While user and device posture checks require at least one step of authentication, these contextual rules can consist of policies that make it simple for a bad actor to retry over and over again like an IP address check. While the user will still be denied, that kind of information can overwhelm and flood your logs while you attempt to investigate what should be a valid login attempt.

With today’s release, your team can now have the best of both worlds.

However, other checks are not based on a user’s identity, these include looking at a device’s properties, network context, location, presence of a certificate and more. Requests that fail these “non-identity” checks are immediately blocked. These requests are immediately blocked in order to prevent a malicious user from seeing which identity providers are used by a business.

New ways to troubleshoot Cloudflare Access 'blocked' messages

Additionally, these blocks were not logged in order to avoid overloading the Access request logs of an individual account. A malicious user attempting hundreds of requests or a misconfigured API making thousands of requests should not cloud a security admin’s ability to analyze legitimate user Access requests.

These logs would immediately become overloaded if every blocked request were logged. However, we heard from users that in some situations, especially during initial setup, it is helpful to see individual block requests even for non-identity checks.

We have released a GraphQL API that allows Access administrators to look up a specific blocked request by RayID, User or Application. The API response will return a full output of the properties of the associated request which makes it much easier to diagnose why a specific request was blocked.

New ways to troubleshoot Cloudflare Access 'blocked' messages

In addition to the GraphQL API, we also improved the user facing block page to include additional detail about a user’s session. This will make it faster for end users and administrators to diagnose why a legitimate user was not allowed access.

New ways to troubleshoot Cloudflare Access 'blocked' messages

How does it work?

Collecting blocked request logs for thousands of Access customers presented an interesting scale challenge. A single application in a single customer account could have millions of blocked requests in a day, multiple that out across all protected applications across all Access customers and the number of logs start to get large quickly.

We were able to leverage our existing analytics pipeline that was built to handle the scale of our global network which is far beyond the scale of Access. The analytics pipeline is configured to intelligently begin sampling data if an individual account begins generating too many requests. The majority of customers will have all non-identity block logs captured while accounts generating large traffic volumes will retain a significant portion to diagnose issues.

How can I get started?

We have built an example guide to use the GraphQL API to diagnose Access block reasons. These logs can be manually checked using an GraphQL API client or periodically ingested into a log storage database.

We know that achieving a Zero Trust Architecture is a journey and a significant part of that is troubleshooting and initial configuration. We are committed to making Cloudflare Zero Trust the easiest Zero Trust solution to troubleshoot and configure at scale. Keep an eye out for additional announcements in the coming months that make Cloudflare Zero Trust even easier to troubleshoot.

If you don’t already have Cloudflare Zero Trust set up, getting started is easy – see the platform yourself with 50 free seats by signing up here.

Or if you would like to talk with a Cloudflare representative about your overall Zero Trust strategy, reach out to us here for a consultation.

For those who already know and love Cloudflare Zero Trust, this feature is enabled for all accounts across all pricing tiers.

Verify Apple devices with no installed software

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Verify Apple devices with no installed software

Verify Apple devices with no installed software

One of the foundations of Zero Trust is determining if a user’s device is “healthy” — that it has its operating system up-to-date with the latest security patches, that it’s not jailbroken, that it doesn’t have malware installed, and so on. Traditionally, determining this has required installing software directly onto a user’s device.

Earlier this month, Cloudflare participated in the announcement of an open source standard called a Private Attestation Token. Device manufacturers who support the standard can now supply a Private Attestation Token with any request made by one of their devices. On the IT Administration side, Private Attestation Tokens means that security teams can verify a user’s device before they access a sensitive application — without the need to install any software or collect a user’s device data.

At WWDC 2022, Apple announced Private Attestation Tokens. Today, we’re announcing that Cloudflare Access will support verifying a Private Attestation token. This means that security teams that rely on Cloudflare Access can verify a user’s Apple device before they access a sensitive application — no additional software required.

Determining a “healthy” device

There are many solutions on the market that help security teams determine if a device is “healthy” and corporately managed. What the majority of these solutions have in common is that they require software to be installed directly on the user’s machine. This comes with challenges associated with client software including compatibility issues, version management, and end user support. Many companies have dedicated Mobile Device Management (MDM) tools to manage the software installed on employee machines.

MDM is a proven model, but it is also a challenge to manage — taking a dedicated team in many cases. What’s more, installing client or MDM software is not always possible for contractors, vendors or employees using personal machines. Security teams have to resort to VDI or VPN solutions for external users to securely access corporate applications.

How Private Attestation Tokens verify a device

Private Attestation Tokens leverage the Privacy Pass Protocol, which Cloudflare authored with major device manufacturers, to attest to a device’s health and integrity.

In order for Private Attestation Tokens to work, four parties agree to work in concert with a common framework to generate and exchange anonymous, unforgeable tokens. Without all four parties in the process, PATs won’t work.

  1. An Origin. A website, application, or API that receives requests from a client. When a website receives a request to their origin, the origin must know to look for and request a token from the client making the request. For Cloudflare customers, Cloudflare acts as the origin (on behalf of customers) and handles the requesting and processing of tokens.
  2. A Client. Whatever tool the visitor is using to attempt to access the Origin. This will usually be a web browser or mobile application. In our example, let’s say the client is a mobile Safari Browser.
  3. An Attester. The Attester is who the client asks to prove something (i.e that a mobile device has a valid IMEI) before a token can be issued. In our example below, the Attester is Apple, the device vendor.
  4. An Issuer. The issuer is the only one in the process that actually generates, or issues, a token. The Attester makes an API call to whatever Issuer the Origin has chosen to trust,  instructing the Issuer to produce a token. In our case, Cloudflare will also be the Issuer.
Verify Apple devices with no installed software

We are then able to rely on the attestation from the device manufacturer as a form of validation that a device is in a “healthy” enough state to be allowed access to a sensitive application.

Checking device health without client software

Private Attestation Tokens do not require any additional software to be installed on the user’s device. This is because the “attestation” of device health and validity is attested directly by the device operating system’s manufacturer — in this case, Apple.

This means that a security team can use Cloudflare Access and Private Attestation Tokens to verify if a user is accessing from a “healthy” Apple device before allowing access to a sensitive corporate application. Some checks as part of the attestation include:

  • Is the device on the latest OS version?
  • Is the device jailbroken?
  • Is the window attempting to log in, in focus?
  • And much more.

Over time, we are working with other device manufacturers to expand device support and what is verified as part of the device attestation process. The attributes that are attested will also continue to expand over time, which means the device verification in Access will only strengthen.

In the next few months, we will move Private Attestation Support in Cloudflare Access to a closed beta. The first version will work for iOS devices and support will expand from there. The only change required will be an updated Access policy, no software will need to be installed. If you would like to be part of the beta program, sign up here today!

Infinitely extensible Access policies

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Infinitely extensible Access policies

Infinitely extensible Access policies

Zero Trust application security means that every request to an application is denied unless it passes a specific set of defined security policies. Most Zero Trust solutions allow the use of a user’s identity, device, and location as variables to define these security policies.

We heard from customers that they wanted more control and more customizability in defining their Zero Trust policies.

Starting today, we’re excited that Access policies can consider anything before allowing a user access to an application. And by anything, we really do mean absolutely anything. You can now build infinitely customizable policies through the External Evaluation rule option, which allows you to call any API during the evaluation of an Access policy.

Why we built external evaluation rules

Over the past few years we added the ability to check location and device posture information in Access. However, there are always additional signals that can be considered depending on the application and specific requirements of an organization. We set out to give customers the ability to check whatever signal they require without any direct support in Access policies.

The Cloudflare security team, as an example, needed the ability to verify a user’s mTLS certificate against a registry to ensure applications can only be accessed by the right user from a corporate device. Originally, they considered using a Worker to check the user’s certificate after Access evaluated the request. However, this was going to take custom software development and maintenance over time. With External Evaluation rules, an API call can be made to verify whether a user is presenting the correct certificate for their device. The API call is made to a Worker that stores the mapping of mTLS certificates and user devices. The Worker executes the custom logic and then returns a true or false to Access.

How it works

Cloudflare Access is a reverse proxy in front of any web application. If a user has not yet authenticated, they will be presented with a login screen to authenticate. The user must meet the criteria defined in your Access policy. A typical policy would look something like:

  • The user’s email ends in
  • The user authenticated with a hardware based token
  • The user logged in from the United States

If the user passes the policy, they are granted a cookie that will give them access to the application until their session expires.

To evaluate the user on other custom criteria, you can add an external evaluation rule to the Access policy. The external evaluation rule requires two values: an API endpoint to call and a key to verify that any request response is coming from a trusted source.

Infinitely extensible Access policies

After the user authenticates with your identity provider, all information about the user, device and location is passed to your external API. The API returns a pass or fail response to Access which will then either allow or deny access to the user.

Example logic for the API would look like this:

 * Where your business logic should go
 * @param {*} claims
 * @returns boolean
async function externalEvaluation(claims) {
  return === '[email protected]'

Where the claims object contains all the information about the user, device and network making the request. This externalEvaluation function can be extended to perform any desired business logic. We have made an open-source repository available with example code for consuming the Access claims and verifying the signing keys from Access.

This is really powerful! Any Access policy can now be infinitely extended to consider any information before allowing a user access. Potential examples include:

  • Integrating with endpoint protection tools we don’t yet integrate with by building a middleware that checks the endpoint protection tool’s API.
  • Checking IP addresses against external threat feeds
  • Calling industry-specific user registries
  • And much more!

We’re just getting started with extending Access policies. In the future we’ll make it easier to programmatically decide how a user should be treated before accessing an application, not just allow or deny access.

This feature is available in the Cloudflare Zero Trust dashboard today. Follow this guide to get started!

Welcome to Cloudflare One Week

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Welcome to Cloudflare One Week

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Welcome to Cloudflare One Week

If we’d told you three years ago that a majority of your employees would no longer be in the office, you simply would not have believed it. We would not have believed it, either. The office has been a cornerstone of work in the modern era — almost an unshakeable assumption.

That assumption carried over into the way we built out IT systems, too. They were almost all predicated on us working from a consistent place.

And yet, here we are. Trends that had started out as a trickle — employees out of the office, remote work, BYOD — were transformed into a tsunami, almost overnight. Employees are anywhere, using any mobile or desktop device available to work, including personal devices. Applications exist across data centers, public clouds and SaaS hosting providers. Tasks increasingly are completed in a browser. All of this increases load on corporate networks.

While how we work has changed, the corporate networks and security models to enable this work have struggled to keep pace. They still often rely on a corporate perimeter that allows lateral network movement once a user or device is present on the network. VPNs remain a choke point in this model, tunneling their user traffic back into corporate perimeter where people rarely work; and MPLS lines and other private networking tools are still being used to extend an organization’s perimeter to… other offices, where people also rarely work.

And it’s not just that all these are expensive to set up: VPNs, MPLS lines and other perimeter solutions come with performance loss, create maintenance burden, and lack modern security tooling. Attackers know how to exploit their weaknesses. Many well known attacks over the last few years can be traced to unauthorized network access and subsequent lateral movement.

These problems are well known. Surprisingly, the answer to those challenges is also widely agreed upon at this point: shift to a Zero Trust Architecture. So what’s stopping people? As we’ve spoken to folks, it’s one thing, more than anything else: how? How do we do this? Underlying this is worry — that yes, while there are plenty of the risks and problems associated with the old world, they’d rather tackle the devil they know than the one that they don’t — the worry and change and cost associated with the lifting and shifting to Zero Trust.

This, more than anything else, is what we want to change with Cloudflare One Week.

Zero Trust doesn’t need to be hard. It can be stage-gated. You prove the benefits of the new model to your organization, while allowing it to transition at a pace it can handle. In short: Zero Trust can let your organization do more, let your organization do it better, and all this can come with cost savings.

Welcome to Cloudflare One Week.

The shifting goalposts of Zero Trust, SASE, SSE

While there is broad recognition of the limits of the perimeter model, one thing that keeps coming up in customer conversations about Zero Trust is: how do all these replacement concepts relate to one another? Which one should I be pursuing?

Welcome to Cloudflare One Week

A big part of our efforts this week is to make the goal of a Zero Trust architecture approachable and understandable. All these terms get thrown around, sometimes interchangeably. We’ve spent the time understanding and building out the products to get a comprehensive Zero Trust solution.

But we don’t want you to just trust us.

We believe in Zero Trust Architecture so strongly that we worked with security experts to build a vendor-agnostic guide to implementing Zero Trust. Even if a business does not use Cloudflare, we believe that Zero Trust and SASE are the future for all businesses, regardless of which vendor they use. Here is a complete guide to navigating the world of Zero Trust.

Separately, we’ve also mapped all our products in this space to the concepts above — making it easy to follow along during the week to see how all the pieces fit together.

No one else delivers comprehensive security

Cloudflare was not the first in the application services space. We weren’t the first in the content delivery space; nor were we first in the web security space. But there’s a reason that analyst after analyst now recognize us as leaders there.

It is because our rate of innovation is simply unmatched.

We were not first to the Zero Trust space, either. But in the span of a few short years, in Cloudflare One, we have now built the most feature complete SASE offering on the market.

Cloudflare One’s Zero Trust offering includes Zero Trust Network Access, Secure Web Gateway, CASB, Data Loss Prevention, Remote Browser Isolation, Firewall as a Service, and Email Security. Every security control is configured through a single dashboard and can be deployed as code using our API or Terraform.

No one else does all of this. And over the course of this week, we’ll prove it to you.

And no one else can do it without slowing you down

Cloudflare One was built on top of Cloudflare’s existing global network. We spent over a decade building this network to support our global CDN and application security business. The network spans 270+ cities, 100 countries and is within 50ms of 95% of the Internet connected global population. From day one, we built our network to deploy additional technology on the same network, including Cloudflare One. This allows us to provide one of the most performant, reliable and interconnected Service Edges in the market.

Welcome to Cloudflare One Week

The scale and scope of our network has other advantages when it comes to deploying a SASE solution, too. We make it easy to connect to Cloudflare Service Edge through a comprehensive set of on-ramps. These on-ramps allow users, devices, data centers, offices to connect to Cloudflare anywhere in the world. The on-ramps range from full scale SD-WAN to a lightweight client on user devices.

We plan on proving that we are the most performant Zero Trust provider over the course of this week, too.

Welcome to Cloudflare One Week – we’re just getting started

If you’ve been thinking about Zero Trust or SASE, Cloudflare One Week will demonstrate why Cloudflare One is one of the most complete SASE offerings in the market, with some of the best performance, and why it will only continue to improve. Over the week we will announce new features, show comparisons of competitors, and show you how easy it is to get started.

Zero Trust client sessions

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Zero Trust client sessions

Zero Trust client sessions

Starting today, you can build Zero Trust rules that require periodic authentication to control network access. We’ve made this feature available for years for web-based applications, but we’re excited to bring this level of granular enforcement to TCP connections and UDP flows.

We’re excited to announce that Zero Trust client-based sessions are now generally available. During CIO Week in 2021, we announced the beta program for this feature. We incorporated feedback from early users into the generally available version. In this post, I will revisit why Zero Trust client-based sessions are important, how the feature works and what we learned during the beta.

Securing traffic with Sessions

We built Zero Trust client-based sessions to enhance the security of Cloudflare’s Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA). The Zero Trust client is software that runs on a user machine and forwards all traffic from the machine to Cloudflare before it is sent over the Internet. This includes traffic bound for internal IPs and hostnames that typically house sensitive business applications. These sensitive applications were traditionally accessed using a VPN. Unlike VPNs, Cloudflare’s ZTNA allows administrators to set granular policies about who can access a specific resource. The only piece missing was that once a user enrolled their machine with the Zero Trust client, they had a forever persistent session. This makes lost/stolen laptops, shared workstations and personal devices more of a risk than they should be. We built Zero Trust client-based sessions to solve this.

Zero Trust client-based sessions require a user to reauthenticate with their identity provider before accessing specific resources. The authentication pop-up is triggered only when a user attempts to access a protected resource. This prevents unnecessary pop-ups to users where a session may never be necessary. Administrators can specify how often they would like their users to reauthenticate, depending on the resource. This is possible because the user’s last successful authentication is saved and evaluated against any ZTNA policy with a session configured.

Zero Trust client sessions

What we learned during the beta period

During the beta period of Zero Trust client-based sessions, we worked closely with our customers and Cloudflare’s own security team to identify areas for immediate improvement. We identified two major areas of improvements before releasing to General Availability: pop-ups, which can be intrusive, and browser-based authentication, which is not always possible. We identified new strategies for properly serving an authentication pop up to a user without being overly intrusive. In the future, users will have control over when they receive notifications to authenticate. The other area for improvement was that on certain machines and operating systems, browser-based authentication is not always possible. We are planning to add an option to authenticate directly from the Zero Trust client itself.

What’s next

This is only the beginning for Zero Trust client-based authentication. In the future, we plan to add options for step-up multifactor authentication and automated enrollment options via certificates and Service Tokens. Getting started is easy! Follow this guide for setting up Zero Trust client-based sessions in your Cloudflare Zero Trust dashboard.

Shadow IT: make it easy for users to follow the rules

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Shadow IT: make it easy for users to follow the rules

Shadow IT: make it easy for users to follow the rules

SaaS application usage has exploded over the last decade. According to Gartner, global spending on SaaS in 2021 was $145bn and is forecasted to reach $171bn in 2022. A key benefit of SaaS applications is that they are easy to get started with and either free or low cost. This is great for both users and leaders — it’s easy to try out new tools with no commitment or procurement process. But this convenience also presents a challenge to CIOs and security teams. Many SaaS applications are great for a specific task, but lack required security controls or visibility. It can be easy for employees to start using SaaS applications for their everyday job without IT teams noticing — these “unapproved” applications are popularly referred to as Shadow IT.

CIOs often have no visibility over what applications their SaaS employees are using. Even when they do, they may not have an easy way to block users from using unapproved applications, or on the contrary, to provide easy access to approved ones.

Visibility into application usage

In an office, it was easier for CIOs and their teams to monitor application usage in their organization. Mechanisms existed to inspect outbound DNS and HTTP traffic over office Wi-Fi equipment and detect unapproved applications. In an office setting, IT teams could also notice colleagues using new SaaS applications or maybe hear them mention these new applications. When users moved to remote work due to COVID-19 and other factors, this was no longer possible, and network-driven logging became ineffective. With no central network, the focus of application monitoring needed to shift to user’s devices.

We’re excited to announce updates to Cloudflare for Teams that address Shadow IT challenges. Our Zero Trust platform provides a framework to identify new applications, block applications and provide a single location for approved applications. Cloudflare Gateway allows admins to monitor user traffic and detect new application usage. Our Shadow IT report then presents a list of new applications and allows for approval or rejection of each application.

Shadow IT: make it easy for users to follow the rules
Shadow IT: make it easy for users to follow the rules

This gives CIOs in-depth understanding of what applications are being used across their business, and enables them to come up with a plan to allow and block applications based on their approval status in the organization.

Blocking the right applications

Once the list of “shadow” applications is known, the next step is to block these applications with a meaningful error message to steer the user toward an approved application. The point should not be to make the user feel like they have done something wrong, but to encourage and provide them with the right application to leverage.

Shadow IT: make it easy for users to follow the rules

Cloudflare Gateway allows teams to configure policies to block unapproved applications and provide clear instructions to a user about what their alternatives are to that application. In Gateway, administrators can configure application-specific policies like “block all file sharing applications except Google Drive.” Tenant control can be utilized to restrict access to specific instances of a given application to prevent personal account usage of these tools.

Protect your approved applications

The next step is to protect the application you do want your users to use. In order to fully protect your SaaS applications, it is important to secure the initial authorization and maintain a clear audit trail of user activity. Cloudflare Access for SaaS allows administrators to protect the front door of their SaaS applications and verify user identity, multi-factor authentication, device posture and location before allowing access. Gateway then provides a clear audit trail of all user activity within the application to provide a clear picture in the case of a breach or other security events.

This allows CIOs and their teams to define which users may or may not access specific applications. Instead of creating broad access lists, they can define exactly which users need a specific tool to complete their job. This is beneficial for both security and licensing costs.

Show your users the applications they need

The final challenge is making it clear to users which applications they do and do not have access to. New employees often spend their first few weeks discovering new applications that would have helped them get up to speed more quickly.

We wanted to make it easy to provide a single place for users to access all of their approved applications. We added bookmarks and application visibility control to the Access application launcher to make this even easier.

Shadow IT: make it easy for users to follow the rules

Once all your applications are available through the application launcher, we log all user activity across these applications. And even better, many of these applications are hosted on Cloudflare which leads to performance improvements overall.

Getting started with the Access application launcher is easy and free for the first 50 users! Get started today from the Cloudflare for Teams dashboard.

Zero Trust Private Networking Rules

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Zero Trust Private Networking Rules

Zero Trust Private Networking Rules

Earlier this year, we announced the ability to build a private network on Cloudflare’s network with identity-driven access controls. We’re excited to share that you will soon be able to extend that control to sessions and login intervals as well.

Private networks failed to adapt

Private networks were the backbone for corporate applications for years. Security teams used them to build a strict security perimeter around applications. In order to access sensitive data, a user had to physically be on the network. This meant they had to be in an office, connecting from a corporately managed device. This was not perfect — network access could be breached over physical connection or Wi-Fi, but tools like certificates and physical firewalls existed to prevent these threats.

These boundaries were challenged as work became increasingly more remote. Branch offices, data centers and remote employees all required access to applications, so organizations started relying on Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to put remote users onto the same network as their applications.

In parallel to the problem of connecting users from everywhere, the security model of a private network became an even more dangerous problem. Once inside a private network, users could access any resource on the network by default unless explicitly prohibited. Identity-based controls and logs were difficult to impossible to implement.

Additionally, private networks come with operational overhead. Private networks are routed following RFC 1918 reserved IP space, which is limited and can lead to overlapping IP addresses and collisions. Administrators also need to consider the total load their private network can withstand, a load that can be further exacerbated by employees on the VPN doing video calls or even watching videos on their off time.

Modern alternatives did not solve all use cases

SaaS applications and Zero Trust Networking solutions like Cloudflare Access have made it easier to provide a secure experience without a VPN. Administrators are able to configure controls like multi-factor authentication and logging alerts for anomalous logins for each application. Security controls for public-facing applications have far outpaced applications on private networks.

However, some applications still require a more traditional private network. Use cases that involve thick clients outside the browser or arbitrary TCP or UDP protocols are still better suited to a connectivity model that lives outside the browser.

We heard from customers who were excited to adopt a Zero Trust model, but still needed to support more classic private network use cases. To solve that, we announced the ability to build a private network on our global network. Administrators could build Zero Trust rules around who could reach certain IPs and destinations. End users connected from the same Cloudflare agent that powered their on-ramp to the rest of the Internet. However, one rule was missing.

Bringing session control to Cloudflare’s private network

Cloudflare’s global network makes this possible and lighting fast. The first step is securely connecting any private networks to Cloudflare. This can be done by establishing secure outbound-only tunnels using Cloudflare Tunnel, or by adopting a more traditional connection approach like a GRE or IPSec tunnels.

Once the tunnel connection is established, specific private IP ranges can be advertised on an instance of Cloudflare. This is done with a set of commands to map a tunnel to a CIDR block of IP addresses. In the screenshot below, CIDR ranges are mapped to unique Cloudflare Tunnels — each with their own unique identifier and assigned name.

Zero Trust Private Networking Rules

Once the applications are addressable over Cloudflare’s network, users need a way to access these private IP ranges. This is where a VPN would traditionally be used to place a user onto the same network as the application. Instead, Cloudflare’s WARP client is used to connect a user’s Internet traffic to Cloudflare’s network.

Administrators then have control over the traffic from a user’s device client. They can create granular, identity based policies to control which users can access specific applications on certain IP private addresses or, soon, hostnames.

Zero Trust Private Networking Rules

This was a huge step forward for IT and Security teams, as it eliminates painful latency, management and backhauling issues caused by a VPN. However, when a user authenticated once, they could keep connecting indefinitely unless fully revoked. We know some customers need to force a login every 24 hours, for example, or to set a timeout after one week. We’re excited to give customers the ability to do that.

Launching into beta, administrators can add session rules to the resources made available in this private network model. Administrators will be able to configure specific session durations for their policies and require a user re-authenticates with multi-factor authentication.

What’s next?

This announcement is just one component of making Cloudflare’s Zero Trust private network more powerful for your organization. Also being announced this week is UDP support in this model. Teams will be able to use their existing private DNS nameservers to map their application hostnames on local domains. This prevents issues with clashing or ephemeral private IP addresses for applications.

We’re excited to offer a beta for both of these features. If you would like to try these out before the new year, please use this sign-up link to be alerted when the beta is available.

If you would like to get started with Zero Trust controls for your private network, Cloudflare’s solution is free for the first 50 users. Navigate to to get started!

Announcing Access Temporary Authentication

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Announcing Access Temporary Authentication

Zero Trust rules by default block attempts to reach a resource. To obtain access, users need to prove they should be allowed to connect using signals like their identity, their device health, and other factors.

However, some workflows need a second opinion. Starting today, you can add new policies in Cloudflare Access that grant temporary access to specific users based on approvals for a set of predefined administrators. You can decide that some applications need second-party approval in addition to other Zero Trust signals. We’re excited to give your team another layer of Zero Trust control for any application — whether it’s a popular SaaS tool or you host it yourself.

Why temporary authentication?

Configuring appropriate user access is a challenge. Most companies start granting employee-specific application access based on username or email. This requires manual provisioning and deprovisioning when an employee joins or leaves.

When this becomes unwieldy, security teams generally use identity provider groups to set access levels by employee role. Which allows better provisioning and deprovisioning, but again starts to get clunky when application access requirements do not conform around roles. If a specific support rep needs access, then they need to be added to an existing group (for example, engineering) or a new group needs to be created (for example, specfic_support_reps). Even if that new team member only needed temporary access, it is unlikely they were ever removed from the identity group they were added to. This leads to overprovisioned and unnecessary groups in your identity provider.

In most cases, there are two sets of application users — those that access every day to do their jobs and those that need specific access periodically. We wanted to make it possible to give these periodic users temporary access to applications. Additionally, some services are so sensitive that every user should only have temporary access, for example in the case of production database access.

Starting with Purpose Justification

Cloudflare Access starts solving this problem by allowing security administrators to collect a business reason for accessing a specific application. This provides an audit trail and a prompt to remind users that they should only connect to the resource with a good reason. However, the feature does actively stop a user from accessing something.

Announcing Access Temporary Authentication

Added control with Temporary Authentication

As part of this release, we have extended Purpose Justification with Temporary Access to introduce scoped permissions and second approval requirements. Now a user’s Purpose Justification, along with location and IP address, will be sent to a preconfigured list of approvers who can then either approve or deny a user’s access request, or grant access for a set amount of time.

This allows security teams to avoid over-provisioning sensitive applications without also creating bottlenecks on a few key individuals in their organization with access to sensitive tools. Better yet, all of these requests and approvals are logged for regulatory and investigative purposes.

Announcing Access Temporary Authentication

When the user’s session expires, they need to repeat the process if they need access again. If you have a group of users who should always be allowed to reach a resource, without second approval, you can define groups that are allowed to skip this step.

Purpose Justification and Temporary Access were both built using Cloudflare Workers. This means both user access requests and administrator access reviews are rendered from the closest data center to the user. You could request access to an application from an approver across the world with virtually no latency.

Workers also allowed us to be very flexible when Temporary Authentication is required. As an example, the same user who normally has persistent access to an application can be required to request access when connecting from a personal device or when visiting a high-risk country.

How to get started

To get started with Temporary Authentication in Cloudflare Access, go to the Teams Dashboard and create an Access application. Within the Application’s Zero Trust policy, you can configure when you want to allow for temporary authentication with human approval. For more detailed information, you can refer to our developer docs.

The Zero Trust platform built for speed

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

The Zero Trust platform built for speed

The Zero Trust platform built for speed

Cloudflare for Teams secures your company’s users, devices, and data — without slowing you down. Your team should not need to sacrifice performance in order to be secure. Unlike other vendors in the market, Cloudflare’s products not only avoid back hauling traffic and adding latency — they make your team faster.

We’ve accomplished this by building Cloudflare for Teams on Cloudflare. All the products in the Zero Trust platform build on the improvements and features we’re highlighting as part of Speed Week:

  1. Cloudflare for Teams replaces legacy private networks with Cloudflare’s network, a faster way to connect users to applications.
  2. Cloudflare’s Zero Trust decisions are enforced in Cloudflare Workers, the performant serverless platform that runs in every Cloudflare data center.
  3. The DNS filtering features in Cloudflare Gateway run on the same technology that powers, the world’s fastest recursive DNS resolver.
  4. Cloudflare’s Secure Web Gateway accelerates connections to the applications your team uses.
  5. The technology that powers Cloudflare Browser Isolation is fundamentally different compared to other approaches and the speed advantages demonstrate that.

We’re excited to share how each of these components work together to deliver a comprehensive Zero Trust platform that makes your team faster. All the tools we talk about below are available today, they’re easy to use (and get started with) — and they’re free for your first 50 users. If you want to sign up now, head over to the Teams Dashboard!

Shifting From an Old Model to a New, Much Faster One

Legacy access control slowed down teams

Most of our customers start their Zero Trust journey by replacing their legacy private network. Private networks, by default, trust users inside those networks. If a user is on the network, they are considered trusted and can reach other services unless explicitly blocked. Security teams hate that model. It creates a broad attack surface for internal and external bad actors. All they need to do is get network access.

Zero Trust solutions provide a more secure alternative where every request or connection is considered untrusted. Instead, users need to prove they should be able to reach the specific applications or services based on signals like identity, device posture, location and even multifactor method.

Cloudflare Access gives your team the ability to apply these rules, while also logging every event, as a full VPN replacement. Now instead of sneaking onto the network, a malicious user would need valid user credentials, a hard-key and company laptop to even get started.

It also makes your applications much, much faster by avoiding the legacy VPN backhaul requirement.

Private networks attempt to mirror a physical location. Deployments start inside the walls of an office building, for example. If a user was in the building, they could connect. When they left the building, they needed a Virtual Private Network (VPN) client. The VPN client punched a hole back into the private network and allowed the user to reach the same set of resources. If those resources also sat outside the office, the VPN became a slow backhaul requirement.

Some businesses address this by creating different VPN instances for their major hubs across the country or globe. However, they still need to ensure a fast and secure connection between major hubs and applications. This is typically done with dedicated MPLS connections to improve application performance. MPLS lines are both expensive and take IT resources to maintain.

When teams replace their VPN with a Zero Trust solution, they can and often do reduce the latency added by backhauling traffic through a VPN appliance. However, we think that “slightly faster” is not good enough. Cloudflare Access delivers your applications and services to end users on Cloudflare’s network while verifying every request to ensure the user is properly authenticated.

Cloudflare’s Zero Trust approach speeds teams up

Organizations start by connecting their resources to Cloudflare’s network using Cloudflare Tunnel, a service that runs in your environment and creates outbound-only connections to Cloudflare’s edge. That service is powered by our Argo Smart Routing technology, which improves performance of web assets by 30% on average (Argo Smart Routing became even faster earlier this week).

The Zero Trust platform built for speed

On the other side, users connect to Cloudflare’s network by reaching a data center near them in over 250 cities around the world. 95% of the entire Internet-connected world is now within 50 ms of a Cloudflare presence, and 80% of the entire Internet-connected world is within 20ms (for reference, it takes 300-400 ms for a human to blink).

The Zero Trust platform built for speed

Finally, Cloudflare’s network finds the best route to get your users to your applications — regardless of where they are located, using Cloudflare’s global backbone. Our backbone consists of dedicated fiber optic lines and reserved portions of wavelength that connect Cloudflare data centers together. This is split approximately 55/45 between “metro” capacity, which redundantly connects data centers in which we have a presence, and “long-haul” capacity, which connects Cloudflare data centers in different cities. There are no individual VPN instances or MPLS lines, all a user needs to do is access their desired application and Cloudflare handles the logic to efficiently route their request.

The Zero Trust platform built for speed

When teams replace their private networks with Cloudflare, they accelerate the performance of the applications their employees need. However, the Zero Trust model also includes new security layers. Those safeguards should not slow you down, either — and on Cloudflare, they won’t.

Instant Zero Trust decisions built on the Internet’s most performant serverless platform, Workers

Cloudflare Access checks every request and connection against the rules that your administrators configure on a resource-by-resource basis. If users have not proved they should be able to reach a given resource, we begin evaluating their signals by taking steps like prompting them to authenticate with their identity/Sign-Sign On provider or checking their device for posture. If users meet all the criteria, we allow them to proceed.

Despite evaluating dozens of signals, we think this step should be near instantaneous to the user. To solve that problem, we built Cloudflare Access’ authentication layer entirely on Cloudflare Workers. Every application’s Access policies are stored and evaluated at every one of Cloudflare’s 250+ data centers. Instead of a user’s traffic having to be backhauled to an office and then to the application, traffic is routed from the closest data center to the user directly to their desired application.

As Rita Kozlov wrote earlier this week, Cloudflare Workers is the Internet’s fast serverless platform. Workers runs in every data center in Cloudflare’s network — meaning the authentication decision does not add more backhaul or get in the way of the network acceleration discussed above. In comparison to other serverless platforms, Cloudflare Workers is “210% faster than Lambda@Edge and 298% faster than Lambda.”

By building on Cloudflare Workers, we can authenticate user sessions to a given resource in less than three milliseconds on average. This also makes Access resilient — unlike a VPN that can go down and block user access, even if any Cloudflare data center goes offline, user requests are redirected to a nearby data center.

Filtering built on the same platform as the world’s fastest public DNS resolver

After securing internal resources, the next phase in a Zero Trust journey for many customers is to secure their users, devices, and data from external threats. Cloudflare Gateway helps organizations start by filtering DNS queries leaving devices and office networks.

When users navigate to a website or connect to a service, their device begins by making a DNS query to their DNS resolver. Most DNS resolvers respond with the IP of the hostname being requested. If the DNS resolver is aware of what hostnames on the Internet are dangerous, the resolver can instead keep the user safe by blocking the query.

Historically, organizations deployed DNS filtering solutions using appliances that sat inside their physical office. Similar to the private network challenges, users outside the office had to use a VPN to backhaul their traffic to the appliances in the office that provided DNS filtering and other security solutions.

That model has shifted to cloud-based solutions. However, those solutions are only as good as the speed of their DNS resolution and distribution of the data centers. Again, this is better for performance — but not yet good enough.

We wanted to bring DNS filtering closer to each user. When DNS queries are made from a device running Cloudflare Gateway, all requests are initially sent to a nearby Cloudflare data center. These DNS queries are then checked against a comprehensive list of known threats.

We’re able to do this faster than a traditional DNS filter because Cloudflare operates the world’s fastest public DNS resolver, Cloudflare processes hundreds of billions of DNS queries per day and the users who choose enjoy the fastest DNS resolution on the Internet and audited privacy guarantees.

Customers who secure their teams with Cloudflare Gateway benefit from the same improvements and optimizations that have kept the fastest resolver on the Internet. When organizations begin filtering DNS with Cloudflare Gateway, they immediately improve the Internet experience for their employees compared to any other DNS resolver.

A Secure Web Gateway without performance penalties

In the kick-off post for Speed Week, we described how delivering a waitless Internet isn’t just about having ample bandwidth. The speed of light and round trips incurred by DNS, TLS and HTTP protocols can easily manifest into a degraded browsing experience.

To protect their teams from threats and data loss on the Internet, security teams inspect and filter traffic on a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Secure Web Gateway (SWG). On an unfiltered Internet connection, your DNS, TLS and HTTP requests take a short trip from your browser to your local ISP which then sends the request to the target destination. With a filtered Internet connection, this traffic is instead sent from your local ISP to a centralized SWG hosted either on-premise or in a zero trust network — before eventually being dispatched to the end destination.

This centralization of Internet traffic introduces the tromboning effect, artificially degrading performance by forcing traffic to take longer paths to destinations even when the end destination is closer than the filtering service. This effect can be eliminated by performing filtering on a network that is interconnected directly with your ISP.

To quantify this point we again leveraged Catchpoint to measure zero trust network round trip time from a range of international cities. Based on public documentation we also measured publicly available endpoints for Cisco Umbrella, ZScaler, McAfee and Menlo Security.

The Zero Trust platform built for speed

There is a wide variance in results. Cloudflare, on average, responds in 10.63ms, followed by Cisco Umbrella (26.39ms), ZScaler (35.60ms), Menlo Security (37.64ms) and McAfee (59.72ms).

Cloudflare for Teams is built on the same network that powers the world’s fastest DNS resolver and WARP to deliver consumer-grade privacy and performance. Since our network is highly interconnected and located in over 250 cities around the world our network, we’re able to eliminate the tromboning effect by inspecting and filtering traffic in the same Internet exchange points that your Internet Service Provider uses to connect you to the Internet.

These tests are simple network latency tests and do not encapsulate latency’s impact end-to-end on DNS, TLS and HTTPS connections or the benefits of our global content delivery network serving cached content for the millions of websites accelerated by our network. Unlike content delivery networks which are publicly measured, zero trust networks are hidden behind enterprise contracts which hinder industry-wide transparency.

Latency sensitivity and Browser Isolation

The web browser has evolved into workplace’s most ubiquitous application, and with it created one of the most common attack vectors for phishing, malware and data loss. This risk has led many security teams to incorporate a remote browser isolation solution into their security stack.

Users browsing remotely are especially sensitive to latency. Remote web pages will typically load fast due to the remote browser’s low latency, high bandwidth connection to the website, but user interactions such as scrolling, typing and mouse input stutter and buffer leading to significant user frustration. A high latency connection on a local browser is the opposite with latency manifesting as slow page load times.

Segmenting these results per continent, we can see highly inconsistent latency on centralized zero trust networks and far more consistent results for Cloudflare’s decentralized zero trust network.

The Zero Trust platform built for speed
The Zero Trust platform built for speed
The Zero Trust platform built for speed

The thin green line shows Cloudflare consistently responding in under 11ms globally, with other vendors delivering unstable and inconsistent results. If you’ve had a bad experience with other Remote Browser Isolation tools in the past, it was likely because it wasn’t built on a network designed to support it.

Give it a try!

We believe that security shouldn’t result in sacrificing performance — and we’ve architected our Zero Trust platform to make it so. We also believe that Zero Trust security shouldn’t just be the domain of the big players with lots of resources — it should be available to everyone as part of our mission to help make the Internet a better place. We’ve made all the tools covered above free for your first 50 users. Get started today in the Teams Dashboard!

Zero Trust controls for your SaaS applications

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Zero Trust controls for your SaaS applications

Zero Trust controls for your SaaS applications

Most teams start that journey by moving the applications that lived on their private networks into this Zero Trust model. Instead of a private network where any user on the network is assumed to be trusted, the applications that use Cloudflare Access now check every attempt against the rules you create. For your end users, this makes these applications just feel like regular SaaS apps, while your security teams have full control and logs.

However, we kept hearing from teams that wanted to use their Access control plane to apply consistent security controls to their SaaS apps, and consolidate logs from self-hosted and SaaS in one place.

We’re excited to give your team the tools to solve that challenge. With Access in front of your SaaS applications, you can build Zero Trust rules that determine who can reach your SaaS applications in the same place where your rules for self-hosted applications and network access live. To make that easier, we are launching guided integrations with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) management console, Zendesk, and Salesforce. In just a few minutes, your team can apply a Zero Trust layer over every resource you use and ensure your logs never miss a request.

How it works

Cloudflare Access secures applications that you host by becoming the authoritative DNS for the application itself. All DNS queries, and subsequent HTTP requests, hit Cloudflare’s network first. Once there, Cloudflare can apply the types of identity-aware and context-driven rules that make it possible to move to a Zero Trust model. Enforcing these rules in our network means your application doesn’t need to change. You can secure it on Cloudflare, integrate your single sign-on (SSO) provider and other systems like Crowdstrike and Tanium, and begin building rules.

Zero Trust controls for your SaaS applications

SaaS applications pose a different type of challenge. You do not control where your SaaS applications are hosted — and that’s a big part of the value. You don’t need to worry about maintaining the hardware or software of the application.

However, that also means that your team cannot control how users reach those resources. In most cases, any user on the Internet can attempt to log in. Even if you incorporate SSO authentication or IP-based allowlisting, you might not have the ability to add location or device rules. You also have no way to centrally capture logs of user behavior on a per-request basis. Logging and permissions vary across SaaS applications — some are quite granular while others have non-existent controls and logging.

Cloudflare Access for SaaS solves that problem by injecting Zero Trust checks into the SSO flow for any application that supports SAML authentication. When users visit your SaaS application and attempt to log in, they are redirected through Cloudflare and then to your identity provider. They authenticate with your identity provider and are sent back to Cloudflare, where we layer on additional rules like device posture, multi factor method, and country of login. If the user meets all the requirements, Cloudflare converts the user’s authentication with your identity provider into a SAML assertion that we send to the SaaS application.

Zero Trust controls for your SaaS applications

We built support for SaaS applications by using Workers to take the JWT and convert its content into SAML assertions that are sent to the SaaS application. The application thinks that Cloudflare Access is the identity provider, even though we’re just aggregating identity signals from your SSO provider and other sources into the JWT, and sending that summary to the app via SAML. All of this leverages Cloudflare’s global network and ensures users do not see a performance penalty.

Enforcing managed devices and Gateway for SaaS applications

COVID-19 made it commonplace for employees to work from anywhere and, more concerning, from any device. Many SaaS applications contain sensitive data that should only be accessed with a corporately managed device. A benefit of SaaS tools is that they’re readily available from any device, it’s up to security administrators to enforce which devices can be used to log in.

Once Access for SaaS has been configured as the SSO provider for SaaS applications, policies that verify a device can be configured. You can then lock a tool like Salesforce down to only users with a device that has a known serial number, hard auth key plugged in, an up to date operating system and much more.

Zero Trust controls for your SaaS applications

Cloudflare Gateway keeps your users and data safe from threats on the Internet by filtering Internet-bound connections that leave laptops and offices. Gateway gives administrators the ability to block, allow, or log every connection and request to SaaS applications.

However, users are connecting from personal devices and home WiFi networks, potentially bypassing Internet security filtering available on corporate networks. If users have their password and MFA token, they can bypass security requirements and reach into SaaS applications from their own, unprotected devices at home.

Zero Trust controls for your SaaS applications

To ensure traffic to your SaaS apps only connects over Gateway-protected devices, Cloudflare Access will add a new rule type that requires Gateway when users login to your SaaS applications. Once enabled, users will only be able to connect to your SaaS applications when they use Cloudflare Gateway. Gateway will log those connections and provide visibility into every action within SaaS apps and the Internet.

Getting started and what’s next

It’s easy to get started with setting up Access for SaaS application. Visit the Cloudflare for Teams Dashboard and follow one of our published guides.

We will make it easier to protect SaaS applications and will soon be supporting configuration via metadata files. We will also continue to publish SaaS app specific integration guides. Are there specific applications you’ve been trying to integrate? Let us know in the community!

Browser VNC with Zero Trust Rules

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Browser VNC with Zero Trust Rules

Browser VNC with Zero Trust Rules

Starting today, we’re excited to share that you can now shift another traditional client-driven use case to a browser. Teams can now provide their users with a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) client fully rendered in the browser with built-in Zero Trust controls.

Like the SSH flow, this allows users to connect from any browser on any device, with no client software needed. The feature runs in every one of our data centers in over 200 cities around the world, bringing the experience closer to your end users. We also built the experience using Cloudflare Workers, to offer nearly instant start times. In the future we will support full auditability of user actions in their VNC and SSH sessions.

A quick refresher on VNC

VNC is a desktop sharing platform built on top of the Remote Frame Buffer protocol that allows for a GUI on any server. It is built to be platform-independent and provides an easy way for administrators to make interfaces available to users that are less comfortable with a command-line to work with a remote machine. Or to complete work better suited for a visual interface.

In my case, the most frequent reason I use VNC is to play games that have compatibility issues. Using a virtual machine to run a Windows Server was much cheaper than buying a new laptop.

In most business use cases, VNC isn’t used to play games, it’s driven by security or IT management requirements. VNC can be beneficial to create a “clean room” style environment for users to interact with secure information that cannot be moved to their personal machine.

How VNC is traditionally deployed

Typically, VNC deployments require software to be installed onto a user’s machine. This software allows a user to establish a VNC connection and render the VNC server’s GUI. This comes with challenges of operating system compatibility (remember how VNC was supposed to be platform independent?), security, and management overhead.

Managing software like a VNC viewer typically requires Mobile Device Management (MDM) software or users making individual changes to their machines. This is further complicated by contractors and external users requiring access via VNC.

Challenges with VNC deployments

VNC is often used to create an environment for a user to interact with sensitive data. However, it can be very difficult to monitor when a user makes a connection to a VNC server and then what they do during their session, without significant network configuration.

On top of the security concerns, software installed on a user’s machine, like a VNC viewer, is generally difficult to manage — think compatibility issues with operating systems, security updates, and many other problems.

Unlike SSH, where the majority of servers and clients predominantly use OpenSSH, there are numerous commercial and free VNC servers / clients in various states of quality and cost.

We wanted to fix this!

It was time for Browser VNC

One major challenge of rendering a GUI is latency — if a user’s mouse or keystrokes are slow, the experience is almost unusable. Using Cloudflare Tunnel, we can deliver the VNC connection at our edge, meaning we’re less than <50 ms away from 99% of Internet users.

To do this we built a full VNC viewer implementation that runs in a web browser. Something like this would normally require running a server-side TCP → WebSocket proxy (eg. websockify since TCP connections are not natively supported in browsers today). Since we already have exactly this with cloudflared + Cloudflare Tunnel, we can connect to existing TCP tunnels and provide an entirely in-browser VNC experience. Because the server-side proxy happens at the TCP level, the VNC session is end-to-end encrypted between the web client and the VNC server within your network.

Browser VNC with Zero Trust Rules

Once we establish a connection, we use noVNC to render any VNC server natively in the browser.

All of this is delivered using Cloudflare Workers. We were able to build this entire experience on our serverless platform to render the VNC experience at our edge.

The final step is to authenticate the traffic going to the Tunnel established with your VNC server. For this, we can use Cloudflare Access, as it allows us to verify a user’s identity and enforce additional security checks. Once a user is properly authenticated, they are presented with a cookie that is then checked on every request made to the VNC server.

Browser VNC with Zero Trust Rules

And then a user can use their VNC terminal!

Browser VNC with Zero Trust Rules

Why Browser Based is the future

First and foremost, a browser-based experience is straightforward for users. All they need is an Internet connection and URL to access their SSH and VNC instances. Previously they needed software like a puTTY client and RealVNC.

Legacy applications, including VNC servers, serve as another attack vector for malicious users because they are difficult to monitor and keep patched with security updates. VNC based in the browser means that we can push security updates instantly. As well as taking advantage of built-in security features of modern browsers (e.g. chromium sandboxing).

Visibility is another major improvement. In future releases, we will support screen recording and network request logging to provide detailed information on exactly what was completed during a VNC session. We already provide clear logs on any time a user accesses their VNC or SSH server via the browser.

Browser VNC with Zero Trust Rules

We’re just getting started!

Browser VNC is available now in every Cloudflare for Teams plan. You can get started for up to 50 users at no cost here.

Soon we’ll be announcing our plans to support additional protocols only available in on-prem deployments. Let us know in the Community if there are particular protocols you would like us to consider!

If you have questions about getting started, feel free to post in the community. If you would like to get started today, follow our step-by-step tutorial.

Introducing Zero Trust Private Networking

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Introducing Zero Trust Private Networking

Starting today, you can build identity-aware, Zero Trust network policies using Cloudflare for Teams. You can apply these rules to connections bound for the public Internet or for traffic inside a private network running on Cloudflare. These rules are enforced in Cloudflare’s network of data centers in over 200 cities around the world, giving your team comprehensive network filtering and logging, wherever your users work, without slowing them down.

Last week, my teammate Pete’s blog post described the release of network-based policies in Cloudflare for Teams. Your team can now keep users safe from threats by limiting the ports and IPs that devices in your fleet can reach. With that release, security teams can now replace even more security appliances with Cloudflare’s network.

We’re excited to help your team replace that hardware, but we also know that those legacy network firewalls were used to keep private data and applications safe in a castle-and-moat model. You can now use Cloudflare for Teams to upgrade to a Zero Trust networking model instead, with a private network running on Cloudflare and rules based on identity, not IP address.

To learn how, keep reading or watch the demo below.

Deprecating the castle-and-moat model

Private networks provided security by assuming that the network should trust you by virtue of you being in a place where you could physically connect. If you could enter an office and connect to the network, the network assumed that you should be trusted and allowed to reach any other destination on that network. When work happened inside the closed walls of offices, with security based on the physical door to the building, that model at least offered some basic protections.

That model fell apart when users left the offices. Even before the pandemic sent employees home, roaming users or branch offices relied on virtual private networks (VPNs) to punch holes back into the private network. Users had to authenticate to the VPN but, once connected, still had the freedom to reach almost any resource. With more holes in the firewall, and full lateral movement, this model became a risk to any security organization.

However, the alternative was painful or unavailable to most teams. Building network segmentation rules required complex configuration and still relied on source IPs instead of identity. Even with that level of investment in network segmentation, organizations still had to trust the IP of the user rather than the user’s identity.

These types of IP-based rules served as band-aids while the rest of the use cases in an organization moved into the future. Resources like web applications migrated to models that used identity, multi-factor authentication, and continuous enforcement while networking security went unchanged.

But private networks can be great!

There are still great reasons to use private networks for applications and resources. It can be easier and faster to create and share something on a private network instead of waiting to create a public DNS and IP record.

Also, IPs are more easily discarded and reused across internal networks. You do not need to give every team member permission to edit public DNS records. And in some cases, regulatory and security requirements flat out prohibit tools being exposed publicly on the Internet.

Private networks should not disappear, but the usability and security compromises they require should stay in the past. Two months ago, we announced the ability to build a private network on Cloudflare. This feature allows your team to replace VPN appliances and clients with a network that has a point of presence in over 200 cities around the world.

Introducing Zero Trust Private Networking
Zero Trust rules are enforced on the Cloudflare edge

While that release helped us address the usability compromises of a traditional VPN, today’s announcement handles the security compromises. You can now build identity-based, Zero Trust policies inside that private network. This means that you can lock down specific CIDR ranges or IP addresses based on a user’s identity, group, device or network. You can also control and log every connection without additional hardware or services.

How it works

Cloudflare’s daemon, cloudflared, is used to create a secure TCP tunnel from your network to Cloudflare’s edge. This tunnel is private and can only be accessed by connections that you authorize. On their side, users can deploy Cloudflare WARP on their machines to forward their network traffic to Cloudflare’s edge — this allows them to hit specific private IP addresses. Since Cloudflare has 200+ data centers across the globe, all of this occurs without any traffic backhauls or performance penalties.

With today’s release, we now enforce in-line network firewall policies as well. All traffic arriving to Cloudflare’s edge will be evaluated by the Layer 4 firewall. So while you can choose to enable or disable the Layer 7 firewall or bypass HTTP inspection for a given domain, all TCP traffic arriving to Cloudflare will traverse the Layer 4 firewall. Network-level policies will allow you to match traffic that arrives from (or is destined to) data centers, branch offices, and remote users based on the following traffic criteria:

  • Source IP address or CIDR in the header
  • Destination IP address or CIDR in the header
  • Source port or port range in the header
  • Destination port or port range in the header

With these criteria in place, you can enforce identity-aware policies down to a specific port across your entire network plane.

Get started with Zero Trust networking

There are a few things you’ll want to have configured before building your Zero Trust private network policies (we cover these in detail in our previous private networking post):

  • Install cloudflared on your private network
  • Route your private IP addresses to Cloudflare’s edge
  • Deploy the WARP client to your users’ machines

Once the initial setup is complete, this is how you can configure your Zero Trust network policies on the Teams Dashboard:

1. Create a new network policy in Gateway.

Introducing Zero Trust Private Networking

2. Specify the IP and Port combination you want to allow access to. In this example, we are exposing an RDP port on a specific private IP address.

Introducing Zero Trust Private Networking

3. Add any desired identity policies to your network policy. In this example, we have limited access to users in a “Developers” group specified in the identity provider.

Introducing Zero Trust Private Networking

Once this policy is configured, only users in the specific identity group running the WARP client will be able to access applications on the specified IP and port combination.

And that’s it. Without any additional software or configuration, we have created an identity-aware network policy for all of my users that will work on any machine or network across the world while maintaining Zero Trust. Existing infrastructure can be securely exposed in minutes not hours or days.

What’s Next

We want to make this even easier to use and more secure. In the coming months, we are planning to add support for Private DNS resolution, Private IP conflict management and granular session control for private network policies. Additionally, for now this flow only works for client-to-server (WARP to cloudflared) connections. Coming soon, we’ll introduce support for east-west connections that will allow teams to connect cloudflared and other parts of Cloudflare One routing.

Getting started is easy — open your Teams Dashboard and follow our documentation.

Integrating Cloudflare Gateway and Access

Post Syndicated from Kenny Johnson original

Integrating Cloudflare Gateway and Access

We’re excited to announce that you can now set up your Access policies to require that all user traffic to your application is filtered by Cloudflare Gateway. This ensures that all of the traffic to your self-hosted and SaaS applications is secured and centrally logged. You can also use this integration to build rules that determine which users can connect to certain parts of your SaaS applications, even if the application does not support those rules on its own.

Stop threats from returning to your applications and data

We built Cloudflare Access as an internal project to replace our own VPN. Unlike a traditional private network, Access follows a Zero Trust model. Cloudflare’s edge checks every request to protected resources for identity and other signals like device posture (i.e., information about a user’s machine, like Operating system version, if antivirus is running, etc.).

By deploying Cloudflare Access, our security and IT teams could build granular rules for each application and log every request and event. Cloudflare’s network accelerated how users connected. We launched Access as a product for our customers in 2018 to share those improvements with teams of any size.

Integrating Cloudflare Gateway and Access

Over the last two years, we added new types of rules that check for hardware security keys, location, and other signals. However, we were still left with some challenges:

  • What happened to devices before they connected to applications behind Access? Were they bringing something malicious with them?
  • Could we make sure these devices were not leaking data elsewhere when they reached data behind Access?
  • Had the credentials used for a Cloudflare Access login been phished elsewhere?
Integrating Cloudflare Gateway and Access

We built Cloudflare Gateway to solve those problems. Cloudflare Gateway sends all traffic from a device to Cloudflare’s network, where it can be filtered for threats, file upload/download, and content categories.

Administrators deploy a lightweight agent on user devices that proxies all Internet-bound traffic through Cloudflare’s network. As that traffic arrives in one of our data centers in 200 cities around the world, Cloudflare’s edge inspects the traffic. Gateway can then take actions like prevent users from connecting to destinations that contain malware or block the upload of files to unapproved locations.

With today’s launch, you can now build Access rules that restrict connections to devices that are running Cloudflare Gateway. You can configure Cloudflare Gateway to run in always-on mode and ensure that the devices connecting to your applications are secured as they navigate the rest of the Internet.

Log every connection to every application

In addition to filtering, Cloudflare Gateway also logs every request and connection made from a device. With Gateway running, your organization can audit how employees use SaaS applications like Salesforce, Office 365, and Workday.

Integrating Cloudflare Gateway and Access

However, we’ve talked to several customers who share a concern over log integrity — “what stops a user from bypassing Gateway’s logging by connecting to a SaaS application from a different device?” Users could type in their password and use their second factor authentication token on a different device — that way, the organization would lose visibility into that corporate traffic.

Today’s release gives your team the ability to ensure every connection to your SaaS applications uses Cloudflare Gateway. Your team can integrate Cloudflare Access, and its ruleset, into the login flow of your SaaS applications. Cloudflare Access checks for additional factors when your users log in with your SSO provider. By adding a rule to require Cloudflare Gateway be used, you can prevent users from ever logging into a SaaS application without connecting through Gateway.

Build data control rules in SaaS applications

One other challenge we had internally at Cloudflare is that we lacked the ability to add user-based controls in some of the SaaS applications we use. For example, a team member connecting to a data visualization application had access to dashboards created by other teams, that they shouldn’t have access to.

We can use Cloudflare Gateway to solve that problem. Gateway provides the ability to restrict certain URLs to groups of users; this allows us  to add rules that only let specific team members reach records that live at known URLs.

Integrating Cloudflare Gateway and Access

However, if someone is not using Gateway, we lose that level of policy control. The integration with Cloudflare Access ensures that those rules are always enforced. If users are not running Gateway, they cannot login to the application.

What’s next?

You can begin using this feature in your Cloudflare for Teams account today with the Teams Standard or Teams enterprise plan. Documentation is available here to help you get started.

Want to try out Cloudflare for Teams? You can sign up for Teams today on our free plan and test Gateway’s DNS filtering and Access for up to 50 users at no cost.